#op 1065
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wurm-food · 1 year ago
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One Piece - #1065 | Six Vegapunks
Ahhhhhh the colorspread I’ve been waiting for 🥰 featuring none other than the princess of song herself! (Ok back to me posting less of this read along so I can catch up)
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khepiari · 2 years ago
One Piece Episode 1065!
Sigh, I love Trafalgar Law, okay! I love him! He is such a no nonsense person! I know lot people said Big Mom was done dirty after the manga chapter of her defeat came out.
Woman, you don’t leave a battle after injuring your enemies. You ain’t winning until and unless you have crushed your enemies and bereft them of any resources to fight back or left them for dead. You of all the people should know it!
Anyway! Meme for you all!
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 1 year ago
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all of the vegapunks speak quite distinctly, and from what i’ve seen, they all use different personal pronouns with different levels of formality! going in order from what we’ve seen so far:
1: shaka speaks quite formally (for a man, which i’m loosely assuming he is)- he uses watashi as his personal pronoun, which places him in a neutral/formal spot, and uses kimi to address the strawhats (which is somewhat diminuitive/maybe a little condescending) but omae to address dragon (conclusion: ???).
2: lilith speaks like a stereotypical old man- she uses washi as her personal pronoun and the masculine omae as her ‘you’ pronoun, and tends to use ja as her sentence-ending copula instead of da.
3: edison speaks kansai-ben (though i don’t know enough to say if it’s a specific subdialect)- he self-references with wai, which is a dialectal variant of the washi pronoun that lilith uses, and ends his sentences with ya in place of the regular da.
4: pythagoras is, from what we’ve seen so far, the most polite of the satellites- he’s the only one to consistently use polite verb forms.
5: atlas speaks probably the most aggressively, which suits her general demeanor but is very incongruous with her actual appearance- she uses the masculine ore for her first-person pronoun and omae for ‘you.’
6: haven’t really seen york speak yet besides, like, noises.
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zorobae · 1 year ago
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elasgottoomuchfreetime · 2 years ago
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The Vegapunks [Ch. 1062 & 1065] - coloured by me
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pricklepines · 2 years ago
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posed like he's stuck in a glue trap
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rzdhc · 2 years ago
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Hip, Reck, Mosh, and Boogie!!!!!!!
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actuelekamers · 1 year ago
  Prijs: 1065 per maand om... #Friesland #Leeuwarden https://actuelekamers.nl/woonhuis-in-leeuwarden-1065-eur/?feed_id=99344&_unique_id=656f0b2023896
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thedarkdevas · 2 years ago
One Piece Episode 1065
This post contains spoilers! All screencap credit goes to hellominju.com
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Chopper is back to normal! Andddd we got an eyecatcher of my favorite little guy. It’s a great day to be a Chopper fan.
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This looked infinitely cooler in the manga. I felt like it kinda dragged on a bit too. I mean when we first read it it was this menacing single panel and none of us knew wtf was going on. I guess it might just be high expectations but Mr. Grim Reaper doesn’t look all the scary in the anime.
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I couldn’t find a picture of the Izo moment that really hurt my heart, but it was where he was leaving just a trail of blood on the wall. That HURT.
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Also happy to see the boys fucking shit up. Law continues to prove to us that even severely battered he is the most attractive man in the OP universe. Also that picture of Kid is so meme worthy. Someone with less blurry pictures pls make a low quality screencap with that I beg.
This episode gets a 9/10, started a bit slow but I mean cmon both Chopper AND Law got screen time so I can’t ask for more.
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steddieficfind · 9 months ago
Anonymous asked:
Hi! I’m op for the request 1065! They found it on Twitter!! It is “Anything for you” by ApomaroMellow
On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50513620/chapters/127613146
Remember to comment, bookmark, and leave kudos!
Hello I was looking for a fic where Steve’s parents raised him literally just to sacrifice him to Eddie for power with other members of their circle, but Eddie doesn’t like them and gives Steve the option on what to do and he says he just want to be free so Eddie gets him out of there (I’m pretty sure he lights someone on fire too) and helps him try different careers. Eddie is not supposed to stay with a human but they fall in love and the solution Steve founds is have Eddie grant his wish but it’s him having two different jobs (a PE teacher for the party and a office job with Robin i think) so he has to use Eddie’s magic to be on both places at once and that way be with Eddie too
Request 1065! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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joy-girl · 2 years ago
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 1 year ago
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franky calls shaka vega-chan when trying to suck up to him LMAO- it mirrors sanji calling lilith lilith-chan in the exact same format earlier in the chapter
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flanrioon · 2 years ago
likә ҩɾ rә⃨blog ?!
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bayleafpaprika · 2 years ago
welp. if we don't get a crocodile seraphim as a girl, crocomom might just be dead
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megashadowdragon · 2 years ago
sanji is the/will get the unquenchable  flames vegapunk wishes for  one piece 1065 adds to black flame sanji theory
Hells memories started off with sanji getting really angry ( and we just thought it was a gag to display his emotions ) then we got it in a real fight
Black flame Sanji started off with sanji getting pissed about luffy being friends with hancock ) a gag  but it will become real
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Means: inextinguishable
eternal flame
lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
"AMATERASU" Goddess of the sun.
Vegapunk wants to make the SUN with the goddess of the sun The "AMATERASU"/"unquenchable Flame"
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oda and kishimoto ( the writer of naruto ) are close friends and have made references to each others work in their series. kishimoto named the uchiha clans black flame technique amaterasu which couldnt be quenched burned any material  until only ash remains
Amaterasu cannot be extinguished through most conventional means and will continue burning until their target is completely incinerated which fits their description of never disappearing and immortal
and dont forget that vegapunk worked with judge  sanjis bio dad on mads
and that judge used that tech to modify his children.
and that in wano we already had one of the mads team show an interest in sanji due to that connection.  basically we saw sanji get a fight with queen due to the connection between queen and judge and during the fight sanji had a conflict due to the bio enhancements that sanji went through so I think egghead island arc will have some focus on sanji due to the connection between him and vegapunk
@pernanegra​  @monkeydluffy19920​
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homemadebabka · 2 years ago
ok beeeep beeeeep 1065 spoilers
this actually makes.. a lot of sense considering that there have always been elements of one piece that have seemed out of place to me (ie: incredibly advanced robot/cyborgs but lack of cars/still relying on ships) that are now answered by revealing that the world was actually set Back by the events of the void century. I am So Excited to see where this goes
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