#ch 1065
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 1 year ago
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all of the vegapunks speak quite distinctly, and from what i’ve seen, they all use different personal pronouns with different levels of formality! going in order from what we’ve seen so far:
1: shaka speaks quite formally (for a man, which i’m loosely assuming he is)- he uses watashi as his personal pronoun, which places him in a neutral/formal spot, and uses kimi to address the strawhats (which is somewhat diminuitive/maybe a little condescending) but omae to address dragon (conclusion: ???).
2: lilith speaks like a stereotypical old man- she uses washi as her personal pronoun and the masculine omae as her ‘you’ pronoun, and tends to use ja as her sentence-ending copula instead of da.
3: edison speaks kansai-ben (though i don’t know enough to say if it’s a specific subdialect)- he self-references with wai, which is a dialectal variant of the washi pronoun that lilith uses, and ends his sentences with ya in place of the regular da.
4: pythagoras is, from what we’ve seen so far, the most polite of the satellites- he’s the only one to consistently use polite verb forms.
5: atlas speaks probably the most aggressively, which suits her general demeanor but is very incongruous with her actual appearance- she uses the masculine ore for her first-person pronoun and omae for ‘you.’
6: haven’t really seen york speak yet besides, like, noises.
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larkreadsop · 2 years ago
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And Sanji’s also just as quick to react to Usopp being in trouble as he had been for Nami
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akutagawa-daily · 8 months ago
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Akutagawa daily 1065/★
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beaulesbian · 1 year ago
some egghead zolu shenanigans, up to chapter 1080.
zoro staying on sunny, because he knows the others might be in need of some rescuing, and because he doesn't trust vegapunk lilith (ch. 1065)
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then caribou, who was travelling with them to get ouf of wano, appears and zoro thanks him for helping luffy before
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- it was a small but important moment in the manga, because it was definitely the time when caribou had food on him thanks to his powers, and gave it to luffy who got new strength before his final battle with kaido on onigashima. (ch. 1021)
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at that moment zoro was fighting his own stuff some place else, so it's interesting if luffy mentioned it/talked about this with his crew in between wano & egghead -and possibly they made a deal with caribou to get him out of wano in exchange for the food he gave luffy.
still it's something very cool how zoro keeps that in mind so much that he says it out loud here on egghead, the priorities of that's important to him - that someone helped luffy when he needed it. that the food possibly saved luffy in that moment.
and how zoro thinks about food in general, being so crucial for luffy to get his strength for battles and ofc just existing (luffy mentioning the first time they met at shells town where zoro was being held and starving, that he, luffy, wouldn't last even three days without food) , and zoro seems to keep that in mind, like giving him the meat when they saw each other again in wano (despite it being kinda poisoned) "no worries about food"
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something that i keep coming back to is this part in sabaody/beginning of fishman island arc, where zoro points out he needs to go fishing. yeah, he could have done anything else, but he was waiting for his crew and for luffy (and maybe he wanted to make sure that luffy wouldn't be hungry once he arrives. despite having sanji there, and despite not knowing luffy would have a full bag of food from boa. it still seems connected to luffy, because even when he gets out of that ship he accidentaly breaks that was on its way to fishman island, he says it again - that he wants to go fishing.)
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anyway. back to egghead
i loved this part where the crew basically makes sure zoro stays put so he doesn't get lost, and he's like "i can't think of a reason why they want me to stay here"
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while luffy up until then was running around that place searching for someone, when all he could do was check the vegapunk's snail cameras skdjskd. he's catching breath on the couch so much that zoro notices he's exhausted like that (i'm thinking what all could be some gear 5 side-effects and how long they would last, being so tired/drained of energy afterwards his nika shift.. even before these panels luffy points out he just wanted to relax on that island for a bit. hm.)
another small zolu moment - when luffy lost the contact of the vegapunks in his earpiece and feels something might be wrong. and zoro is concerned what's happening:
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then later, when they are up against the seraphim, these two want to team up and more hilarious stuff happens lol
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such a funny situation aksksdj
(these faces lol, reminds me of the oden and whitebeard ones in wano flashbacks)
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few chapters later, zoro rushing to protect their other crewmembers, and luffy yelling at kaku to go with him, but because he doesn't know his name he just calls him usopp, that made me laugh so much
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and then there was also this part, in ch. 1076:
luffy making sure if they team up with rob lucci and kaku, they wouldn't go after strawhats or vegapunks later - it feels like luffy is pointing out to rob lucci that he really doesn't want to mess with him like that.
zoro trying to be the voice of reason not to trust them.
but then rob lucci basically threatening luffy and his crew, that once the teaming up is done he wants to get rid of luffy.
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i like how luffy doesn't say anything to that, but he looks really pissed off. he doesn't care if rob lucci goes after him, but he cares if he says /does anything bad to his crew and friends.
im only few chapters later after this so idk how that will progress, but im really curious about the final outcome between luffy and rob lucci. luffy doesnt forget important things, he even specified not to hurt any of his crew, and rob lucci still pointed it out they would be dead after he was out of the way. soo.. just really curious for the future chapters.
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elasgottoomuchfreetime · 2 years ago
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The Vegapunks [Ch. 1062 & 1065] - coloured by me
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year ago
I Just Want To Take Care Of You
Ship: Bill Sawyer & The Sawyer Brothers (Familial)
Word Count: 1065
Summary: Bill is struggling with his menstrual cycle and Bubba wants to help his cousin feel better in any way he knows how. CWs for period mentions throughout, arguing, empty threats, unsanitary mentions.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Bill felt as if he was about to collapse into a puddle of tired, frustrated tears. Dealing with his menstrual cycle was hard enough as a self-identified man, but add in the fact he lived in the arid climate of the Texas countryside, alongside his mostly uneducated cousins, and the monthlies could feel like life or death situations depending on his symptoms. The least he could say was Drayton knew enough to send him to the convenience store with the right amount of change to buy supplies, but even then his eldest cousin was always squeamish about “womanly things.”
It had been a long, hot day. Bill had only worked at his “antiques” store for half of it before giving up and heading back home, where Drayton put him on chore duty before heading out for the gas station. While he had been mucking out the chicken coop, the old rake snapped in half, and that was the last straw. Tossing the broken halves aside, Bill headed back inside and buried his face in his hands as he leaned against the kitchen counter, breathing heavily. When he heard the front door bang open, he had to suppress a sob of anger. He didn’t have a shred of patience to spare on Nubbins or Bubba, though he and Bubba usually melded together the best out of the possible relationship combinations.
“Hey Bill! Bill!” Nubbins called, rushing into the kitchen with an excited grin. Bill glowered at him through his fingers, barely glimpsing the red cardboard container he was swinging in one of his hands.
“What?” He asked in a quiet, dangerous tone.
“Br-brought-t ya a present-t!” The lanky, greasy man thrust the container forth proudly as Bill’s hands fell away from his hot, splotchy face. It was a four-pack of Coca-Cola in glass bottles. A small amount of frustration slipped away from Bill.
“Shit, how’d you get these? Thanks,” he eagerly took one of the bottles and popped off the cap. Cold to the touch.
“Nabbed ‘em off s-s-some folks up the- up the road. T-too far away right-t now to-to be of any int-t-terest, but-t-t if they keep comin’ thisaway they might-t-t just-t be t-t’nights dinner!” Nubbins opened a bottle as well, gulping down the sugary, bubbly content.
“Good eye, Nubs.” Bill hummed in relief as he took a swig, the coolness of the drink spreading over him like a much-needed mist.
“Man, you-you look beat-t. Were you r-r-rollin’ around in the ch-chick-ken coop??”
His frustration returned in a flash. “Why, am I fuckin’ covered in shit?? The damn rake broke, Drayton’s gonna have to buy a new one.”
Nubbins laughed. “Whoo, that-t sucks!”
“Yeah, and it’d suck too if I knocked your teeth in for laughing at my misfortune!”
Nubbins flinched. “He-hey man, I thought-t we were cool, I brought-t you co-coke, don’t-t ge-get pissy with me!”
“I’m not bein’ pissy…” Bill slammed his bottle down on the counter. “Nubbins, it’s been a long goddamn day, I don’t need lip from you and as soon as Drayton gets home I’m going straight to bed. Shit, I think a headache’s starting…”
Nubbins gave him a sort of “cog-turning” look before speaking again. “Oh, that-t’s right-t, it-t’s that-t ti-time of the month again, ain’t it? Why’s that-t happen again??”
Bill groaned and took another deep swig of his coke. “I’m not explaining it to you again!”
“Aw, c’monn! You’re always t-t-talkin’ about edu’catin’ me and Bubba, how’m’I supposed to-to learn anythin’ if you’re not-t gonna drill it-t int-to my brain??”
Bill finished his Coke and briefly stepped into Bubba’s butchering room to retrieve a drill, swiftly returning to the kitchen. “Alright, I’ll drill somethin’ into your brain!”
Nubbins yelped and sped off, finally leaving his cousin be.
“Serves you right, I swear that boy is worse than a horsefly sometimes…” He muttered to himself as he put the tool back in its place. His anger was now ebbing away, replaced by sheer exhaustion, though his heart rate spiked again when he heard the back door open, turning to see Bubba’s large frame entering the kitchen.
“Why the chicken coop all tore up?” He grunted through his mask, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Bubba, the rake broke in the middle of my cleanin’ and I just couldn’t deal with it anymore so I came inside. I’ll help you finish cleaning after supper, how’s that?”
Bubba nodded, but still seemed concerned. He pointed at his cousin’s face. “Yer tired.”
Bill opened his mouth to sass, but all that came out was something like the weak deflation of a balloon. “Yes, Bubba, I’m tired.” His voice cracked as he spoke. Bubba walked to the opposite side of the kitchen, waving for Bill to follow him. He was confused but eventually began to trot behind his larger cousin, ascending the creaky stairs into the upper floor of the farmhouse. He followed him straight to his own bedroom.
“Oh, Bubba, I can’t take a nap, there’s still work to be done…”
“Can’t be doin’ any worksome if yer fallin’ ‘sleep standin’ up can ya?” Bubba kicked off his boots and laid down on the bed himself, patting what little space was left beside him. “Gonna help you now c’mon siddown.”
“I… Bubba, it’s so hot, darlin’...”
“Gonna help you cousin siddown. C’mon now yer tired.”
“Fine. But only ten minutes, then it’s up until eight for the both of us, y’hear?” Reluctantly, Bill joined his cousin on the bed, curling his body away from him and setting his glasses on the bedside table.
“There y’go.” Bubba muttered softly, reaching out to rub Bill’s back. His touch was firm but not painful, and Bill was content to let Bubba try and help him. After all, there was no harm in that. Despite the heat and the sweat and being used to sleeping alone, Bill eventually dozed off. Bubba remained awake, protectively watching over him, determined not to let anything- in particular, Drayton -disturb his slumber. Unfortunately, Nubbins soon appeared in the doorway.
“What are y’all…?”
“Shh! Bill sleepin’. Needs rest.”
“Now why d-does he get-t a week a month t-to bitch at-t us and sleep whenever the hell-hell he wants t-to??”
“Dunno but yer not ruinin’ it. Shoo.”
“Bubba did you just-t tell-tell me t-to ‘shoo??’”
“G’on get!”
Grumpily, Nubbins turned and went back downstairs, much to Bubba’s appreciation.
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vitesse22 · 2 years ago
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180 ch 4 cylindres en ligne 1368 cm³ 1065 kg 0 à 100 en 6,7 s 225 km/h
Prix : 32 000 €
Malus écolo : 4 543 €
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shysheeperz · 2 years ago
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curapicas · 2 years ago
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all this "trash" made Luffy so nostalgic he grabbed a metal rod again
but did anyone else get caught off-guard when Luffy laid sensible wisdow here?
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years ago
Chapter 1065 — The six faces of Vegapunk
First of, what an amazing chapter title! It tells you all and yet reveals nothing.
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Zoro can think! He’s good at battle strategy and protection — his role in the crew
So they agreed to let Caribou hitch a ride, but locked him in a barrel for the duration thereof? Nice people, these pirates.
Brook and Zoro enjoying a cuppa <3
Brook’s shirt is lit
The ominous robot in the background does not bode well for the Sunny
I wonder what “Punk Records” painted in the ceiling stands for? A record of ancient history? The WG’s indie record label? Vegapunk’s scientific archive?
I hope we get to see what’s in the floating cube-things!
The jaw-like perspective of the panel, with the egg shards on either side, gives ~ominous vibes~
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First of, it’s so cute that Nami is as excited as Usopp by the cool techy stuff! Our science girl!
Second, nice little social commentary on our reliance on fossil fuels there, Oda. It’s like that “started as a fund pirate adventure, delves into the horrors of modern capitalism, globalism and slavery and I still enjoy the ride”-meme that makes rounds every now and then.
I do wonder about the eternal flame. Is it a dream or does it exist?
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This is the best panel of the whole damn chapter and I will die on this hill. Might update with “..of arch” once we’re done, we’ll see.
The properties of that material are really interesting. Vegapunk obviously controls it from somewhere, but does it have to do with the clothes they are all now wearing or the material itself?
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Nami is my fave. But I do agree with Usopp. And what kind of futuristic treasure do you see in antiques?
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I wonder if they made seraphim of Crocodile, Doflamingo, Law and Buggy as well. So far they’ve looked a lot like Oda’s SBS drawing of the shichibukai as children. I can’t wait for some of those..
I don’t think the other seraphim have been quite so blatantly.. made? Constructed? as this one, with the liquid part of his arm on show like that.
And I do hope this exhibition of Nami’s ‘I can’t fight children’ will turn into a similar thing as Sanji’s ‘won’t kick a woman’ because that’s just lazy writing.
However, you will pay for that since the my apparently come equipped with sensors for sensing-the-weakest-link:
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And that’s what I mean with the clothes.
Can he swim through the floor because Edison controls the materials in the room, or because Vegapunk has managed to synthesise Señor Pink’s swim-swim fruit, which would be a divergence from the ‘I can only make zoans’ that’s proven true so far? On the other hand, that would once again prove how much better of a scientist he is than, for a totally random example, Caesar.
But interesting info about the lineage factors storing information and even memories! How does that work with a seraphim who is used to fighting with a Devil Fruit, will they just be confused until they adapt?
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What did you figure out, Edison?
Also, great characterisation for three Vegapunks in one tiny panel. Well done, Oda.
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..sorry Franky, I don’t think logic-Vegapunk likes you very much..
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Will we get a glimpse of the Void Century?
Really enjoying this arc so far, although the fan service is a bit too much. But the story is shaping up to be very interesting! And it’s nice with a breath of fresh air and comedy after the pressure of Wano.
Great chapter! I give it hope for the future and a pair of magnets to stick on your boots.
(Oh no, I just got the best idea for some art. Help.)
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joy-girl · 2 years ago
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 1 year ago
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franky calls shaka vega-chan when trying to suck up to him LMAO- it mirrors sanji calling lilith lilith-chan in the exact same format earlier in the chapter
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larkreadsop · 2 years ago
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Sanji and Robin are the only ones to figure it out immediately and Sanji even notices the wings within about .02 seconds
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newbieineverything · 2 years ago
Are- are we finally getting information about the ancient kingdom!!
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And this ancient robot!? His helmet is like what the giants would wear!
Or Did Kaido's people build it so it has their horns!?
Or is it just because it's a cool fighting robot?
I don't know, you don't know, NO ONE KNOWS!!!
And the Vegapunks! They are not separate entities with parts of the og's personality NO they are somehow connected enough that York is literally only responsible for their bodily functions but Not enough that they still need earpieces to talk to each other!? HOW!?
Does this also mean that not only Shaka is working with the revolutionaries?
Let's not forget that Lilith said if there was only an eternal flame they would make their very own sun!?
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lovingalways37 · 2 years ago
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He's just. . . Don’t you dare touch his Nami-san 🥹🫶
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rrandomtthings · 2 years ago
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