#oops! all blood
esteemed-excellency · 7 months
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1alchemistart · 5 months
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doing my duty of drawing skeleton falin
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bigfatbreak · 9 months
Birds of a Feather previous / next (tw: blood)
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hinamie · 4 months
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yeah sorry theyre tragic in this au too
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
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The bloodied moon cried for you, but you only heard the stars The weeping moon then bled for you, but you only saw her scars
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tanukiimo · 3 months
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sulemio week day 1- ghosts/horror
this is for a werewolf miorine au i made! i spent a lot of time brainrotting over it so i’ll probably make a post with more details in the future!
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zekkopunks · 3 months
yikes bro
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shittyjakeenglish · 6 months
Jake! There are 2 dirks! Quick you have to shoot the clone! But which is it
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Day 188
Aha, got them both! What do i win?
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livwritesstuff · 10 months
tw: references to blood
When Steve and Eddie’s children are old enough to start elementary school and they begin to meet their classmates’ parents, Steve finds himself quickly approaching a new revelation:
Men…kind of suck.
Steve knows that’s a blanket statement, and a bold one at that given how it’s directed towards a camp both he and his husband are a part of, but some of the stories the moms of his daughters’ classmates tell in the school pick-up line are…something else.
One of them once said she didn't trust her husband to be alone with their children for more than an hour. One mom referred to her husband’s time with the kids as babysitting. Another said she couldn’t get her own husband to take on basic household chores.
Truthfully, it takes everything in Steve to not point out how messed up it all is. The foundation of his and Eddie’s entire life together – their marriage, their family, everything – is the partnership they’ve built over the years. At no point during their seventeen years together and their near-decade navigating parenthood has Steve ever felt like he and Ed were anything other than equals in how they tackled all the facets of the small corner of the world they were responsible for.
There is still the (very infrequent) occasion in which Steve catches himself wondering if someone might have swapped out his husband for a fourth kid.
For example:
It’s a Saturday afternoon and it’s raining, so the whole family is stuck inside. In his desperate search for something fun to do, Eddie is trying to invent a new form of bowling, and hacking off the tops off of milk cartons with an old box cutter in his endeavor.
Steve had warned him that this was a bad idea.
“The blade on that thing is ancient, my love,” he’d said, but Eddie had just waved him off, and, of course, less than two minutes after Steve walked away to tackle the pile of dishes in the sink, he hears a pained hiss and the clatter of something hard and metal hitting the floor. Then comes the shrieks of three panicked little girls.
“Papa!” Robbie yells, “Daddy cut himself and there’s blood everywhere!”
“Jesus Christ,” Steve mutters, taking his time dropping the plastic Disney princess cup he’d been holding back into the sink, wiping his hands dry, and heading back into the family room. Eddie is still sitting on the couch, the box cutter at his feet, surrounded by their daughters as he holds his wrist in his other hand so Steve can see a gash on his finger bleeding more than he would have guessed, “Alright everybody outta the way.”
The first thing Steve does is swipe the box cutter off the ground and stuff it in his pocket. There’s droplets of blood on the floor, he notices, and Robbie helpfully says, “Papa, the blood squirted!”
He glances at Moe, the most squeamish out of their three daughters by a mile, to see that she’s white as a sheet and getting greener by the second.
“Enough, Robbie. Moe – walk away, please.”
He tugs Eddie off the couch and pulls him towards the bathroom.
“Girls, don’t touch the blood on the floor, okay?”
“How come?” Robbie asks.
“Because it can have germs in it…and we’ve got white carpets.”
Once they're in the bathroom, Eddie sits on the counter and holds out his hand so Steve can wrap a wad of gauze around the cut and gently press some weight onto it.
“You okay?” he asks him.
“All good. You gonna say I told you so?”
“Nah. Feel like this is sufficient.”
Eddie rolls his eyes.
There’s the scuffling sound in the hallway of the girls convening outside the bathroom door. Steve can vaguely hear Robbie saying, “...and if the blood doesn’t stop, he’ll pass out and then the ambulance will come and he’ll go to the E.R. and –”
Steve opens the door a crack.
“Amelia Robin,” he warns, “Beat it. Nobody’s going to the E.R…unless any of you want an extra flu shot. I can make that happen.”
The girls all shriek again and run in the opposite direction.
Eddie is snickering as Steve shuts the bathroom door again and rifles through a cluttered drawer.
“Pick your poison,” he says, holding up three boxes of branded Band-Aids (Mickey Mouse, Star Wars, and Pokemon).
“Give me the mouse,” Eddie replies, sounding resigned.
Steve obliges, wrapping a Mickey Mouse band-aid around his finger. He plants a soft kiss on the spot where the cut is (because it can’t hurt), and then, because it’s the first time they’ve been alone together all day, he plants another on his lips.
"All better," he says when he pulls away.
“What would I ever do without you?” Eddie grins.
“You’d’ve died in the Upside Down twenty five years ago," Steve replies drily.
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snoelledarts · 6 months
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Watching the PJO TV show made me rethink a lot of the scenes in the books…
Mostly just how young all the demigods really were. Seeing the actors really put things into perspective, and then I started thinking about the second series and how Nico, younger than all of them, has seen TWO wars by 14 years old.
The scene where he sees Percy at Camp Jupiter, what do you think is running through Nico’s head? He’s barely a teenager, he has this huge crush on this incredibly scary and powerful demigod, and he knows he has to pretend he doesn’t know him because Nico isn’t supposed to be here at this camp…
What do you think was his first emotion? Scared for a war he knows is now coming? Elated that Percy is alive? Horrified that this guy, seemingly the center of everything that has gone wrong for him, is showing up in his life again? Do you think he stopped to consider how serious Percy looked? How different he seems not surrounded by his mother and Annabeth and all of his friends? Do you think he thought about spilling it all and telling Percy who he is? Because Nico is 14 and should not be responsible for a choice like that, and because there’s so little he wouldn’t do for Percy? Do you think it crossed his mind that this Percy, with no memories, might be a Percy he has a chance with? Do you think he beat himself up over that thought for weeks? Do you think he had a hard time looking Annabeth in the eyes when he saw her again, knowing how hopeful he was that Percy would never get his memories back? Even if it was for a second?
…Can you tell I’ve been turning this scene over in my head all day?
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medicalunprofessional · 9 months
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the obsession
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beneathsilverstars · 4 months
In Stars And Time Classpects
Siffrin - Thief of Time Mirabelle - Page of Space Isabeau - Heir of Blood Odile - Seer of Heart Bonnie - Sylph of Hope
Explanations under the cut!
Siffrin - Thief of Time Of course Siffrin literally manipulates time, but Time as an aspect is also associated with death, destruction, and inevitability, which are huge themes in their story. Nothing says "time player" more than marching onwards through a thousand deaths, fighting against a fate that seems impossible to avert. And as a Thief, Siffrin specifically steals time from others in order to have more for himself. Whoops! Time players are relentless, and thieves are active, self-centered. They won't sit still and accept the inevitable; they'll struggle towards their goal at any cost. It's incredibly fitting for a Thief of Time to hold their objective so tightly that the reason they wanted it disintegrates in their grasp, lost to entropy.
Mirabelle - Page of Space As the chosen one spearheading the mission to collect the orbs and save the country, she seems like the obvious choice for the other essential aspect and its quest, collecting frogs and ensuring the continuation of life. Luckily, the metaphorical side fits perfectly as well: Space is about creation, just like the Change religion! But as a Page, Mirabelle doesn't use her aspect herself; instead, she leads using it, and leads others to use it. She inspires others to change, learn, and improve. Pages reach their potential slowly – they may struggle for a while with feelings of inadequacy and stagnation. After a long hard journey with lots of reflection and personal growth, though, they can end up the strongest of all! And for Mirabelle, as a Page of Space, that means learning to let go of the urge to force personal change, inspiring external change on a greater scale instead.
Isabeau - Heir of Blood Blood means relationships, trust, and obligation. Heirs embody their aspect, and perhaps attract it, receive it, are controlled by it; the perfect class for someone who specifically crafted himself into the kind of person others would reach out to. Heir is one of the most active of all the passive classes, but it's still passive – Isabeau makes space for bonds, commits to bonds, but doesn't take the first step to create the bonds himself. His choice to follow Mirabelle was a natural continuation of his obligations as defender. He couldn't bring himself to confess to Siffrin, but that passive crush was a powerful narrative force. Isabeau didn't assemble the team, but he reinforces the bonds that allow it to function!
Odile - Seer of Heart Heart is the aspect of self and identity, which is the heart (heh) of Odile's quest. She wants to learn about herself, and her chosen method is learning about other people. Seers seek a comprehensive knowledge of their aspect and then use it to coordinate and advise others; Odile analyzing enemies and deciding team tactics is a perfect example of this! The Seer prevents their party from making mistakes related to their aspect, so a successful Seer of Heart would understand each teammate's personality well enough to guide them through their character arcs and prevent self-destructive behavior. Odile noticed Siffrin's increasingly out-of-character behavior, and had the ability to figure out why they had changed... except he kept thwarting her efforts by stealing her time. But in the end she managed to thwart them instead, forcing them to stay put and go through their character development already!
Bonnie - Sylph of Hope Hope is one of the most literal aspects; Hope players raise morale, stick to their convictions, and believe that a better world is possible. The Sylph of Hope would be someone who uses Hope to heal other people, or fixes and maintains Hope itself. Obviously, Bonnie literally brings hope and healing by passing out the potions, but they're also the snack leader! Nothing boosts morale like a nice meal. Hope is also the antithesis to Rage, which represents possibilities being cut off. Bonnie reacts poorly to situations that invoke the Rage aspect, like the adults discussing death (the ultimate end of possibilities), and Siffrin getting injured in their defense (which no amount of belief can heal); in fact, they react with anger and an urge to tear down any positive that's left! Since Hope is associated with black and white thinking, it's not surprising that when Bonnie loses hope, they lose it, leaning into their aspect's opposite. But that's not where they stay – when they protect Siffrin in their friendquest, they're able to not just heal their own hope, but give hope to Siffrin as well. Bonnie believes that they and their friends can all protect each other, and in the end, they do!
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w1lmuttart · 1 year
"Highlight what’s important!"
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catboyartist · 6 months
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death conquers all
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kkkkkkkitty · 1 year
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mossymandibles · 1 year
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Blacked out and finally made a short comic scene of Kraw and Sylvaine’s first ‘meeting’.
After Kraw escapes the Black Loch, he unwittingly ends up in Sylvaine’s care for quite some time. He’s in a sort of fugue state at first, unable to speak and behaving completely feral. After destroying some property upon his entry, he finally drags himself into the nearest dark corner to die. Before doing so, he is found by Ari and Sylvaine, who is determined to nurse him back to health by her own means. It seemed impossible to her that he was even still alive in the first place and she was instantly intrigued by his arrival.
I’d say this is about 15 or so years before he finds Gen and everything.
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