#ooohh those were fun times..
blackkatdraws2 · 6 days
[Toon x Mobster] A tender moment.
[Animation timelapse here!]
[AUDIO USED:] Chet Baker - Almost Blue Sound Effects edited by me!
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tossawary · 4 months
Ooohh do you have any thoughts on Orochimaru specifically? Would love to hear them, I find his whole deal fascinating.
At the moment, not really? I mean, I just finished the last 100 chapters of the "Naruto" manga and I best remember the Chuunin Exams arc besides that, so while I have a general idea of Orochimaru's deal and backstory, I do not remember the small and specific canonical details that generally make characters super interesting.
One thing that I thought was super funny was that Hashirama, Tobirama, and Minato (and Sarutobi Hiruzen, I guess? He was there doing... something) are carrying a significant percentage of this super long final battle, fighting against Obito and Madara, saving lives and dealing out damage. And they're only there as super powerful undead warriors because Orochimaru resurrected them with his improved Edo Tensai technique. So I think it's fair to say that a SIGNIFICANT part of the final battle is being carried by OROCHIMARU, who might as well be sitting on the sidelines for most of it with a cocktail and a beach chair.
I don't remember the exact details of the human experimentation, at least part of which I'm sure is unforgivably evil even if Orochimaru was doing them on behalf of his village at some point. (Doing that shit on someone else's order is still not good even if all of these traumatized characters were raised to be obedient soldiers since early childhood.) But besides the mad science, Orochimaru generally doesn't really stand out to me as being any more evil than a lot of kage and other senior shinobi.
Like, they are in the business of making child soldiers and killing people for money; that is the general deal of ninja here. Inherently corrupt and violent systems and all that jazz. So, personally, I don't really care all that much that Orochimaru defected and started his own business, because I don't think that most of these characters owe any real loyalty to this broken military state that keeps fucking them and their loved ones over to hold onto its power. I like the fact that he's fun-looking and dramatic and a lot about him as a villain / antagonist calls out everyone else around him as hypocrites.
I don't remember enough about him to fully understand his motivations and be persuaded that his actions make any kind of sense by the story, but a lot of character motivations and their choices to achieve their goals in "Naruto" barely make sense to me. (Note to everyone: this is not an invitation to explain Orochimaru's everything to me. I'll read all of canon properly at some point.) I like the fact that he decided to help against Madara and Obito at the end of the story, because he was like, "Of course I want to save the world? I live here???"
I thought the end of "Naruto" was super abrupt and I can't remember if there was much of Orochimaru in those final chapters. I know he fucked off again and had a kid later, which I find funny. (Half of the time Orochimaru was on screen, I was distracted by Uzumaki Karin, because I wanted to like her as a female character with some cool attributes, I wanted to be in her corner, but every time she appeared, she did something that made me want to strangle the author with my bare hands. I feel entitled to financial compensation.)
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Yooo, Can I request Jeff, Ben and ej (platonically) with a GN!child!ghost!reader (sibling relationship) that’s like puppet/Charlotte Emily from fnaf? So quite calm, intelligent, protective over people they care about. Maybe a scenario where reader gets hurt somehow or is just having a bad day, thinking about their death and etc, basically any comfort scenario you wanna write. thanks if you manage this, don’t worry if you don’t want to. have a great day/night 💜
Ooohh! I just love getting to write comfort fics! I chose to do the "just having a bad day" scenario, as i feel like i would be able to write more for that, but if you would like to see the other choices as well, don't hesitate to ask!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Jeff awakes at 6:30 am every morning, usually dragging his feet, doing things as lazily as possible before he starts his day. After he's done getting ready, he goes to your room to wake you up and see if you want to help him take smile out for a walk.
This time though, you were lying awake on your back, just staring up st the ceiling. He raises a brow and comes to sit on your bed. "Hey squirt, you doin' ok?" He asks, hoping that you aren't sick or anything. You nod, but that doesn't quite satisfy Jeff. "Wanna help me walk smile?" He asks once more, holding up smile's leash. You shake your head before turning over to your side and pulling your blanket up over your shoulders. Jeff frowns. "You sure you're doin' ok?"
You begin to cry softly, which alarms Jeff even more. "Ah! Hey, hey, what's wrong, kid?" He asks, picking your small self up and bringing you to sit in his lap, cradling you in his arms. You cling onto his button up work shirt, the soft cries turning into sobs. Jeff cringes at the forming wet spots on his shirt, but continues to comfort you none the less. "Hey, come on, kid. You're alright, I've gotcha" he whispers into your head, rubbing your back and shushing you comfortingly. He lets you sit ad cry it out for a while, grabbing your blanket and wrapping it around you to hopefully help calm you down.
When you are calm, he strokes your hair and asks what made you so upset and if he needed to beat anyone's ass. You smile and laugh at this, and shake your head. "Alright, so what's got you in a mood?" He asks "you never turn down walking smile" he says knowingly. You shrug and look down. It is quiet for a moment before he sighs and pats your back. "Maybe today just isn't your day, kid. But that's alright, everyone's got those days.", he then picks you up and sets you back on your bed. "I'm gonna go walk Smile real quick and then I'll come back. Do you want me to take the day off today so we can go do fun stuff?" He asks, standing and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
You nod, he nods back. When he is done walking smile, he helps you up into his truck and (still in your pajamas) you go to the store together and pick out all your favorite snacks and candies, and maybe some new toys. When you get back home, you both sit in jeffs bed and eat snacks while watching your favorite movie, Smile Dog laying his head on your legs and begging you to pet him.
Eyeless Jack
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Jack tends to pull all-nighters quite often, so instead, he has an alarm set for when it is time to wake you up. 8:00 sharp, no earlier. I would say no later, but as Jack's unofficial little sibling, you basically get free reign over what you wanna do.
The morning is as normal as ever, he begins making his coffee 30 minites before your alarm. Coffee in hand, he heads to your room and opens the door, walking over to your curtains and opening them. As the light hits the room, he notices that he can't pick up on your heat signature at all. You arent in your bed, or anywhere around the room, which is very peculiar indeed. After some looking around, he hears a sniffle come from the closet. His ears twitch at the sudden noise, and he makes his way over to the area, softly opening the doors so as not to startle you.
You are curled up in a ball, crying quietly. Jack crouches down and softly calls out to you. You perk up and crawl towards him, hugging him close. He pulls you into a deeper hug and begins picking lint off your clothes. "What are you doing in here, turtle dove?" You sniff and begin to speak, your speech muffled by your face being stuffed in his shirt. "I didn't sleep because i don't feel good". This immediately worries jack, who takes your face in his hands and examines you "do you feel sick?" He asks. You shake your head. "No, i mean in here. I dont feel good here." You say, pointing to your heart. He looks at you quizzically, before seemingly understanding. "I see. Well it's not good for you to not sleep, no wonder you feel sad." He mumbles. "Come on, let's go curl up on the couch" he says, picking you up and carrying you on his hip, before setting you down on one of the couches and handing you a tv remote. "Go ahead and play a nice movie for yourself, I'll go make you some warm milk so that you can get to sleep."
You grab onto the bottom of his shirt. "But you'll stay, right? Until I fall asleep?" You ask him worriedly. He nods. "I will always stay with you, okay?" You nod and turn on your favorite movie. He returns with your milk and allows you to lay on him however you feel comfortable. You end up falling asleep in his arms while he plays with your hair. When he notices that you are asleep, he carries you back to your room and lays you on your bed, tucking you in and tidying up around the room, before leaving to get ready for work.
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It was late at night, and BEN was sleeping. You open his door, holding your comfort toy. You tip toe over to his bed and tap him. "Ben..." no answer. "Ben!" He snorts and rubs his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Im up." He groans. You begin to sob, which stops him in his tracks. "Woah, woah, what's up, little dude? What's wrong?" He asks, putting a hand on your shoulder. You don't answer, you just keep on crying. He sighs and picks you up, placing you on his bed. "What's up?" He asks again.
You sniff and look up at him. "Can i sleep with you tonight?" He nods. "Yeah, if that'll make you feel better." You don't respond, instead you begin to curl up under his blanket. "You wanna play some video games?" He asks you. You shake your head, and he nods. He grabs his tv remote and turns on rain noises for relaxation.
If you want to cuddle up to him, he'll be fine with that and will hold onto you if you so desire.
If you don't he is also fine with that, he will roll over and go back to sleep the way he was. Don't be afraid to wake him up if you need him again.
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wjhik · 1 year
Pussy (Jude Bellingham)
A/N: Angsty one
Warnings: Slightly toxic jude; pushy reader; very light injury
Y/N's POV:
Jude knows I'm not a virgin. Him and I were best friends for so long, but we got romantic, technically more confused, about 2 months ago. I kissed him on a drunken night, and then he stayed the night with me. Not sleeping with me though. Then he popped the 'what are we' question. I've liked Jude for a while, but I can't help but feel like he doesn't feel the same way. He's not that romantic with me. He doesn't want to take me on dates or get me flowers, but he always wants to be touching me or have me touching him. He never calls me his, but never lets anyone near me. I've asked him about a relationship, and he explained to me how he moves around too much, and he only wants the best for me. I understand where he's coming from. If he just wants to stay friends, I get that. Even if he just thinks of me as a bootycall, I get that. At this point, I don't even know what he wants. He refuses to have sex with me.
Jude is sitting with me on my couch. He has his head on my chest and my hands are running through his hair. I've been staring at the back of his head for the past 5 minutes, contemplating our relationship. My train of thoughts is interrupted by Jude asking me the time. "8:32. Why?" I ask him. "I'm gonna go out with the boys at 9:30. I think they're bringing the girls, too. You're welcome to come." He tells me. Jude had his friend group and I had mine. Him and I have known each other forever, but we introduced our friends to each other a few years ago. We all turned into one huge friend group, some of my friends dating his, so our hangouts are usually quite fun for both of us. "Yeah, I'll come. Let me get ready."
"Hey, babes. You coming out today? Did Jude tell you?" Milly asks me. I put my phone on speaker phone and continue doing my makeup. "Yeah, he told me. I'm getting ready now." I tell her, brushing my cheeks with a rosy pink. "Alright. Need a ride? Jane and I are sharing an Uber. Want to share with us?" She asks me. "Nah, it's alright. I'm coming with Jude." I reply. "Ooohh. Juju's bringing his missus?" Jane, in the background, says in a singsongy tone. She's obviously already begun her drinking for the night. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. See you lot there. Love ya's"     I tell them, hanging up.
"Ready? Whoa." Jude says, looking up from his phone, leaning against the door frame. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, his face in the crook of the neck and swaying us back and forth. "You look and smell amazing, love." He says, placing a light kiss on my neck. I can feel my stomach doing somersaults. This is the most affection Jude has given me basically ever. "We should go." He says, pulling away from me. I immediately feel cold when he leaves me, and I don't think it's because of my barely-there dress that I have on.
"A round of tequila shots for the table, please!" Maya orders for the table. "Sooo..." Milly says, nudging me. "So, what?" I know what. She's going to ask me what Jude and I are and then get disappointed by my answer. "You know what, Y/N!" Jane says before going to take a sip of her boyfriend's drink (which she's drinking due to the ban on her buying one for herself), which is quickly snatched away from her. She pouts at him, and he explains how he'd like to see her alive by the end of the night. Those two bicker like an old married couple. It's more adorable than anything. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Josaiah. Anyways, how are you and Jude??" Jane says, brushing her boyfriend off her. "Same old..." I say, disappointedly stirring my martini. "You guys haven't even had sex yet? After he dragged you out of the club last weekend for dancing on that guy, I thought you would for sure get a good fucking." Milly says, shocked. "I thought so too, but apparently not. He just gave me a lecture about how 'guys can be dangerous' and how I should be more responsible." I say, finger quoting him. "Literally, who the fuck is this guy?" Phoenix chimes in, dropping the shots she received from the bar on the table."He's always loving on you and shit. Why can't he just commit?" She says frustratedly. She gets more angry about how guys treat me than I do. She's always been super protective of her girls. "He's not even worth your stress. Bottoms up." Milly says, passing out the shots to everyone, not including Jane to avoid an earful from her boyfriend.
"What are you pretty ladies up to?" I look back to where the voice came from. I see Jude and Alex standing there with their drink in hand, not paying a single ounce of attention to me. "Hey, baby." Phoenix replies, avoiding eye contact with Jude, still upset at his treatment toward me. Alex walks up to his girl, placing a hand on Phoenix's shoulder, giving her a kiss. Gets up to sit with her boyfriend on the other table. Alex takes this opportunity to sit next to Phoenix. Jude, however, continues looking for a seat. I make some space next to me and call out to him. He locks eyes with me and I pat the booth chair. Jude sits down and scoots next to me. I look around me to see all the happy couples loving on each other. Jude is talking to Toby when I cling onto his arm like a baby koala.
"Jude!! Come dance with me!!" I say, high on adrenaline. All of a sudden, this sad night turned into a very fun one. The DJ played some of our favorite songs and my girls pushed me to dance with them. With enough alcohol in my veins to keep me confident, I agree and I'm having so much fun. Jude shakes his head at me, sipping on his drink. I roll my eyes and walk over to him. I grab his hand and pull him. He leaves his drink and friends behind as he resistingly walks with  me. I start dancing with him, and it gets a little more heated than expected. He has his hands on my hips, damn near at my ass, and my arms are slung around his shoulder. I move my hand to his face and he looks away from me. I grab his face with both my hands and make him face me. We lock eyes and I kiss him. At first, he's timid and resistant, but after a while he eases into him. I hear a few shouts and catcalls from his friends before I decide it's time to go. I'm sick of this playing around shit. I'm going to get what I want from him today. What we both want.
I push him against the door and kiss him hard. His hands are hovering over my ass, but not touching. What is this guy so scared of? I break the kiss and reach behind me. I keep eye contact with him and grab his hands and put them firm on my ass. "Mhh...Y/N, we shouldn't..." He moans into my mouth. "Why not?" I say, grinding against him. He pushes my hands off him and grabs me. He kneels down to my eye level. "You're drunk." I sneak a light kiss on his lips. "I'm not. And neither are you. Don't be a pussy." One thing about Jude is that he doesn't get mad, but when he does, he is scary. He's a 6'2 professional athlete. As gentle as he is, he can hurt you if he wants to. One thing you never want to call Jude Bellingham is a coward.
I can see Jude's eyes go dark as that leaves my mouth. I know it was a bad idea, but I need a reaction from him. He flips me over and slams me against the wall I had him pinned against just a second ago. I hit my head relatively hard against the wall. I look away from him and the back of my head with my hand. This is quickly stopped with Jude's hand being wrapped tightly around my throat. The breath is stolen away by him. This isn't the reaction I expected, but it's better than nothing. "Say that shit again. I dare you." He says. My hands are pulling at his much bigger ones around my neck. "You're. A fucking. Pussy." I say, in between gasps for breath. Jude's grip tightens around my neck. He pulls me towards his face. I feel his breath fanning against my face. I see something in his eyes that I can't identify. He lets me go roughly, making me hit my head again. That was really aggressive, but maybe he just likes it like that. I don't mind. I look up at him, his eyes much softer now.
I lead Jude into my bedroom after that very rough interaction. I sit him down on my bed and get on top of him. "I'm sorry." I tell him. Maybe I went too far. I shouldn't play about stuff like that. Jude starts loving on me and apologizing. He's kissing my neck. "Mhh. It's okay. I liked it." I mean, I didn't love it, but it's Jude, so it's okay. I take off my dress and go in to kiss him. I feel him get hard underneath me. That's a good sign. He bucks up into me as I kiss his neck. I take off his shirt. He has his hands spread out, not touching me. Normally he's all over me. Maybe he's not like that while having sex. I start grinding on him and he's letting me, but still not touching me. I feel his semi go completely soft. What happened? Maybe I should suck him off. Guys like that.
I unbutton his pants and slip them off. I reach for his dick and squeeze it. "Y/N." Jude says in a serious tone. I continue stroking him through his underwear. "Y/N." I hear again. "What, Jude? What is it??" I ask him, desperately. I pull my hands away from him. "We shouldn't do this. You're drunk." He says. What is wrong with this guy? I'm barely tipsy. He's so open to shut me down when I want something, regardless of how I feel, so if he doesn't want this he can just say it. "Jude. I am fucking sober and we both know that!" I yell at him. How come the one time he needs to shut me down and shut me out he can't. Jude quickly jerks me off him, leaving me to fall to the bed, hitting my head on the headboard. "Fuck!! What is your fucking problem?!" I ask, rubbing my head. I basically have a concussion at this point.
Jude's POV:
How do I tell my best friend that I'm madly in love with that I'm scared to have sex with her? Not because of her or anything she's like, but I don't want to hurt her. Not emotionally. I would be the best boyfriend to her. No one could treat her better than me. Physically. She's so small, and I'm so...not. I get up, ignoring her cries of pain. I walk around the room to find my shirt. "Jude!! I'm talking to you!" I hear from behind me. Why does she have to make this so hard? Just let me leave without a fight. "Why won't you fuck me?! Or date me?! Or anything?! Man, all you fucking guys are the same! You take what you want and then leave before you get too fucking scared!" Ouch. Her voice sounds shaky. I hope she's not crying. I finish buttoning my shirt and grab my pants. "Jude, please..." She sounds scared. I finish putting my pants on and grab my shoes. I sit down at the end of her bed where she lies. "You're a fucking pussy." Does this girl not learn? I finish putting on my shoes. "Why can't you get it in your fucking brain that I don't want to hurt you? I've seen what guys have done to you. Who's going to be your Jude when I do that to you? That's why I won't date you. And I won't fuck you because I'm me and you're you. You were wrecked every time your 5'6 whiteboy would fuck you. Crying to me about how your legs, and your back, and your arms, and whatever the fuck else. I'm not going to be the one to do that. Not to you." I look down at her as I stand up from my place on the bed. She looks crushed, tears running down her face.
Y/N's POV:
Wow. I am an asshole. I see Jude's remorseful but exhausted face. I don't even realize that I'm crying. "I'm so sorry, Juju." I say, reaching for his hand. He sits down next to me. I tuck myself into his chest and he rubs my head, where he hurt me multiple times. As I start to doze off, I feel Jude getting up. "Where are you going?" I ask him. He walks out the bedroom door. I quickly get up and put on my robe and house slippers. I see Jude at my front door with his hand on the doorknob "Jude?" I ask him. Without even looking back at me, he turns the knob and walks out. Wow. Maybe I wasn't wrong about him.
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
DM for requests
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gumiluver · 2 months
can I have prompts 14 and 15 with Gojo, pretty please 🤭 feel free to do whatever you want with them I just think they fit him so well
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ofc luv!! & I agree lolol these two prompts are def gojo coded—I hope you enjoy!! <3
prompt 14: What’s that? Ohh pretty girl, you know the rules, ‘m not stopping ‘til I hear our safeword—you get me?
prompt 15: “Aww, you cryin’ for me? Is my dick too good for you baby?”
luver <3: gojo satoru x afab! reader
byr/byi: the content in this fic is not suitable for individuals under the age of 18--minors will be blocked (DNI), wc: 1.2k
cw: smut, nsfw, mdni, dacryphilia, manhandling, dirty talk, pet names (princess, pretty girl, babygirl, brat), restraining, teasing, brat taming, fingering
border credit: @/cafekitsune, pic credit: manga panel!!
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Satoru always had such a filthy mouth.
Every single word that came out of the strongest sorcerer alive was laced with pure filth—at least, when it was directed towards you.
You knew not to get intimately involved with him, but the constant banter between the two of you only heightened the sexual tension that was already present—so strong that not even cursed tool: playful cloud could shatter the connection.
So when he gets you splayed out perfectly on his bed, both arms pinned above your head—a cocky grin adorning his face, making sure to mind your place, you knew the game had already started.
He peers down at you with such intensity you can feel yourself shiver under his touch—your pussy quivering for more. He knew it too, he could quite literally feel the way your pussy purrs for him as he fingers your cunt, “ooohh she’s calling out for me, hear that baby~?”
It doesn’t make it any better that he seems to be in a much more playful mood than usual, wanting to assert control over the situation—demonstrating so by having you completely bare before him as he remains fully clothed. A powerful move from a powerful man, and it seems to have lured you right into a trap that you’ve been all too familiar with recently.
Embarrassed, you peer down below to avoid confessing. You were close to breaking, both he and you knew it. You always get so flustered and needy whenever he has you trapped in his web, becoming a dead give away of your pending undoing.
“s-stop teasing me ‘toru,” you mumble, exasperation laced in every word you spoke as your hips sinfully swayed along his fingers and thigh. The moan you let out was delicate, but shit didn’t it make you sound oh so delectable.
“Oh? Someone’s impatient,” he teases, but nevertheless, heeds your command. He hastily shoves his pants down, too amped in adrenaline to strip away—a dead give away of how pussywhipped this man has become for you. He wants you just as much as you want him, maybe even a bit more.
“Pretty girl’s gotta attitude today,” he chides, unable to hide his glee. For him, your brattiness has become a blessing in disguise—uncovering a newfound endeavor in your relationship with him. Every time he gets the chance to tease and rile you up until you talk back, stamp around, or furrow your brows is a dead giveaway for an…interesting day.
And he won’t deny it either, he loves fucking the brat out of you.
“Don’t start cryin’ on me, ‘kay pretty thing? You’re gonna take all of my cock in nicely for me won’t you?” gojo guides his leaking tip against your soaked folds, and before he can press his hips towards your pelvis and thrust his cock down into you, you’ve already shimmied those sneaky hips of yours upwards—effectively pulling in an inch or two more than he intended, shocking him in the process.
“D-damn it, f-fuck aghh—“ he groans, quickly splaying his hand and forearm across your tummy and reaffirming his grip on your wrists. A sweet chuckle sings amidst the haze of lust and it brings Satoru back into reality, allowing himself to stop from sinking fully into your princess pussy and ruining all the fun—sneaky little minx.
“Naughty brat,” he clicks his tongue, nipping slightly at your neck and tilting his hips away from your pussy. Ohhh no—you won’t be getting off that easy, not after that little stunt you just pulled.
“Ah ah babygirl, we go at my pace tonight.”
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What seemed like hours of sadistic torture for you was truly only ten minutes of Satoru’s teasing, pulling out and pushing in soooo slowly—sometimes even stilling inside of you and effectively cockwarming himself. When he’s feeling generous, he’ll give a little circle or two of his hips or will draw figure eights along your slit whilst fully submerged within your depths. You would squirm and beg for him to hurry up, pick up the pace, to just fuck you already, but he would always quiet you down and still your sultry hips by pressing firmer onto your tummy and wrists—all in a way that made you feel so fucking alive.
“I-I can’t, no more!! please ‘toruu just fuck me!!” you cry, puppy dog eyes pulling out those show-stopping tears that make his cock throb ridiculously and chest groan ferociously. You can almost feel his cock becoming thicker—bigger. Molding your pussy to the shape of his dick; molding it to take him for all his worth and then some.
To say he was obsessed with you would be criminal. This, was possession at its finest.
His eyes light up once he hears you beg for him, sees you cry for him, feels you tremble for him.
The perfect lover for the strongest man.
“Aww, you cryin’ for me? Is my dick too good for you baby?” he growls lowly, starting up a brutal pace that has your titties bounce from the sheer force. He quickly latches onto one, licking along the delicate flesh and sucking slightly to further harden your bud.
“You cryin’ soo much for me to fuck you harder—love my dick so fuckin’ much don’t ya baby,” he doesn’t let up on your breasts. Instead, switching to the other as he mumbles those words to you. A man possessed by the sheer glory of your titties and tummy, feeling the way your body ripples against his skin—his powerful thrusts shaking you to your core. You’re moaning so loudly, so violently you almost start to worry about getting a noise complaint.
You stopped caring once Satoru let go of his hold, switching positions effortlessly by maneuvering his hands to wrap around underneath your thighs, pushing your legs all the way up to your ears. The grunt he lets out as he stares down at you can be described as animalistic—monstrous, even. It reverberates throughout gojo’s house and makes your heart drop down to your slutty cunt.
“Fuckk, you better get ready for me princess cause ‘m not playin’ around this time.”
He resumes his brutal pace in this much more intimate position, losing himself in the rhythm of your hips and watching the way your plush thighs jiggle with each thrust of his pelvis against you. Fuck he could cum just to that—it makes him go absolutely wild and feeds his ego like nothing else.
“aaa!! ‘toruu~!! toomuchtoomuchtoomuch!! w-wait a sec-ahh~!!” you whine out, pressing your hands on his defined chest, pathetically pushing him away from your body in a fake attempt to escape, serving only to rile your lover up—still holding onto that bratty attitude aren’t you?
“What’s that? Ohh pretty girl, you know the rules, ‘m not stopping ‘til I hear our safeword—you get me?”
You didn’t have to look at him to know he has his signature look, his confident aura, his teasing smirk.
And yes, while Satoru does have a filthy mouth, you can’t help but love that it’s only catered to you.
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a/n: sorry for the smol hiatus guys, lots of big things happening in my life!! anyways, hope y’all enjoyed this—requests still open!! <33
As always, likes, comments, follows, reblogs, and any other form of interaction is greatly appreciated <3 #supportcreators
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myfairkatiecat · 5 months
Since I see you’re KOTLC posting , I wanted to ask what you think the best plot twist/moment of the books was?
Ooohh okay the plot twists in KOTLC are FABULOUS I gotta think of the best one…
I’m definitely very partial to sophie realizing keefe was about to leap to a neutral territory because he had a yellow crystal, stepping into his beam of light to figure out where he was going, Keefe freaking out and telling her she has to get out of there and then turning around and telling the yet faceless figures that sophie “isn’t a part of the deal” while realization dawns on sophie and she’s like “WHAT DEAL KEEFE??” And then Keefe literally uses voice mimicking and the fact that he knew Sophie’s secret password to unlock to void and steal the caches to get the bad guys to trust him and then “you were made to be the hero. I was raised to be something… else” PLEASE OMG THE FIRST TIME I READ IT I WAS NOT EXPECTING IT AT ALL AND NOW IT’S ONE OF MY FAVORITE ARCS IN THE SERIES
Also at the ending of lodestar!! When they realize the Neverseen went after Sophie’s human family, and they go to their house to find that her past family has been kidnapped by the neverseen—but apparently not her sister. Amy Foster walks out of the shadows, asks what is possibly going on, sees sophie, and all of those memories that were erased from her mind come flooding back. She remembers her. She remember sophie that was her sister— and then Amy whispers, “Sophie?” AND THAT WAS THE CLIFFHANGER SHANNON LEFT US ON FOR A WHOLE YEAR
Those are my favorite plot twists for SURE. Thank you for asking, bods!! This was a fun one!
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[NSFW AU] Forest god Shuichi, bounty hunter Kokichi
Bunny: i didn't think Too deeply on it but basically. roaming bounty hunter kokichi + monster shuuichi kokichi gets in over his head :)c probably vine tentacles involved, because i like those [a little bit later] forest cryptid shuuichi…mmm good stuff the people who hired kokichi to kill him are maybe Not Great they kept fucking with his home it's not his fault he had to dissolve them like a pitcher plant can i add seed ovi
Me: Yes Do it
Bunny: they think kokichi's dead bc he doesn't come out of the woods SNDKHBJJFG
Me: He lives there now Becomes a planter, the way he's full of seedlings
Bunny: he does leave sometimes to take care of business but mostly. happy vine time his feet rarely touch the ground anymore. shuuichi spoils him
Me: Oh? Carries him around or keeps him in bed?
Bunny: i think mostly literally holds him up in his vines shuuichi is the forest, to some extent …does he have a bed, actually?? MAYBE THAT'S WHY KOKICHI HAS TO LEAVE SNDBJFJG u get kidnapped by a hot cryptid and he doesn't even have a house smh
Me: Mossy nest
Bunny: mossy nest could also work!!! comfy little cave
Hina: Is Shuichi a plant?
Bunny: shuuichi is a cryptid/monster that's like. the avatar of a forest? its spirit, but also its guardian
Hina: So do plants grow in him?
Me: I think in this case the seeds have to go Become airborne as seeds do Find some soil to settle into
Bunny: also, airborne??? what do you mean by that bc i can not be seeing the same image you are
Me: I don't have access to translator now but I mean like When the stuff from trees just fly off and people have allergies to that
Bunny: okay yeah i did understand we were having different ideas of the size of these seeds i'm pretty sure
Me: I assumed that they're tiny and in a huge quantity Seeds just suggest that idea
Bunny: they do!! however i usually go for Very Large bc it's fun to me
Me: Like. I thought of tiny orchidea seeds, bc orchideas are cursed with those so I was made to read about that once See, that was fitting in the mer au, but if Shuichi IS the forest then it makes sense he'd have A Lot
Bunny: ooohh that's true but how would that Feel
Me: Grainy cum Not dry tho Just textured Like chia seeds in a drink But more density [everyone disliked that, idk why]
Beez: in my head shuichi just looks like millennial tree
Me: In my he has like a gown with moss covered vines and flowers holding it together Flowers in his hair too, maybe elfish ears, probably lil antlers
Apollo: Okay but if Shuichi is the forest, does he have eyes everywhere? Like he sees everyone coming to destroy his home/him then sees a cute hunter and goes You. You're gonna be mine now.
Bunny: yes, yes he does :) kokichi never stood a chance :) i can't believe this was started over me liking swordkichi a little Too much [design from the official anthology]
Apollo: Imagine just walking into the forest to get rid of a creature but the whole ass FOREST decides you're its pet/partner or whatever now
Bunny: he was gonna melt him into bone soup but he sensed a pure heart and pretty face ok
Apollo: No need to live pay check to pay check when the forest is constantly fucking and breeding you
Dra: Damn does he do that [melt someone] to anyone else when Kokichi can see
Bunny: not when he can see he's very big, he can take care of forest-killers and his favorite pet simultaneously
Me: Feeding his favorite human handpicked berries and honey
Apollo: He's made him a little flower crown that won't die and is making sure he only eats the best things possible
Me: Tries to feed him bugs too, to get him some protein, never again, lesson learned
Bunny: kokichi is half-awake and being lazily fucked so he only realizes when he feels a leg wiggle against his lips IF ONLY THERE WAS BOOKS ON HUMAN CARE he's Struggling i jusg think. kokichi being suspended above the forest floor, strange smooth vines stuffed in every hole large enough, dizzily wondering what theyre pumping into him he's having a very blissed out time kokichi accidentally cuts his hand after gripping onto shuuichi's antlers and shuuichi is HORRIFIED he's pretty sure kokichi is Actually Dying
Apollo: He's never seen blood and Kokichi is currently too blissed out to notice that he's bleeding
Bunny: IN HIS EXPERIENCE HUMANS ARE FUCKEASY TO KILL OK HE JUST DROPS THE GROUND OUT FROM UNDER EM A LITTLE AND THEY EXPLODE he should probably have a much more intimate knowledge of death than this being a forest god but. it's funny
Apollo: Okay but Kokichi accidentally gags when his mouth is being fucked and Shuichi freaks out at that because does that mean he did something bad???? Kokichi seemed to like it though??? He's hopeless at caring for his little human but he's trying his best
Bunny: im imagining their first meeting,, maybe shuuichi's forest is extremely sheltered and humans have only recently started trying to "develop" it.. kokichi shrieking and swinging his sword around while vines hoist him higher and higher they start stripping him and he thinks he's about to die but they just end up poking around curiously wherever they can reach, trying to figure him out
Apollo: Shuichi that's not how you properly get a boyfriend smh
Bunny: he doesn;t know that!! he IS the forest there's nothing for him outside of it
Apollo: Shuichi appears but is absolutely zero help because he also starts poking Kokichi in curiosity
Bunny: he thinks shuuichi is there to help but no, he just wanted to feel kokichi's interesting textures more clearly the human makes cute noises when he pokes him there :D
Beez: would that mean cutting it down hurts him. .. . .
Bunny: yes sometimes death is a natural part of the forest lifecycle but you can't cut him all the way down and expect him to live
Beez: yeah i imagined if it happened naturally he would be fine but if there was smth interfering he would Feel it
Apollo: Kokichi tries to kick him and Shu just pouts because he doesn't know how to respond. He's just interested in this cutie
Bunny: kokichi tries to bite him and gets a vine stuffed in his mouth
Me: This is where verbal communication ought to step in
Bunny: when does verbal communication ever work when kokichi's involved /j
Apollo: This isn't how Kokichi wanted to be seen in front of a hot forest spirit damn it. He couldn't even flirt before getting naked /j
Kai: Human try developing Shuichi's forest and Kokichi is just "AW HELL NAH THAT GUY FUCKED ME TOO GOOD FOR YOU TO UP AND KILL HIM!"
Bunny: maybe the fantasy seeds he has kokichi incubate are replacements for the killed trees OOO
Dra: I'm sorry but my mind just went to that fucking bird (there is a type of tree that doesn't grow unless the bird eats the seeds first)
Me: Yeah, the forest grown since Kokichi came around
Me: I was thinking something a lil more lovey dovey when you said he stayes in the forest
Bunny: it's lovey-dovey once they get past the Poking phase. shuuichi is very curious and has literally no idea what boundaries are maybe kokichi offers him a deal,,,like 'u can keep touching me wherever as long as you promise to stop eating people'. he does not have his sword and has literally no way to enforce this and is also currently wiggling toward shuuichi's hand but it's fine he's a very serious business man shuuichi is very diligent about aftercare even though he has no idea what that is and tries to feed him a bug he goes "well some of the animals like this" and pulls kokichi into his lap to start petting him humans need protein he's pretty sure he's doing his best
Apollo: Throws touch starved Kokichi into this /j
Bunny: funny you say that :)c the implications of kokichi being a wandering bounty hunter are that he has nowhere to go Home to, yeah? would also explain why he stays in the forest,,,
Apollo: Kokichi really went from being alone and living paycheck to paycheck to being taken care of by the forest itself
Kai: "I got no home but the willow maid fucked me good and hard so i think i like it here"
Bunny: kokichi is like 'stop it i'm not a pet >:(' and shuuichi is like b̶̀̌ȗ̶̏t̷̅̈ ̷̏̚ḯ̷̋ ̵͒̀c̵̃an ̵̓̏s̵͐͠m̷̃͑e̷̎͝l̸̂͗l̸̀ that ̚i̸͗t mak̷̃̎e̶s you ̷̅̚h̵͑̒ä̸͠p̵̎̂p̴̢̆y̵?
Kai: does Kokichi ever repay ;) him
Bunny: yes frequently
Kai: can a forest get off?
Bunny: nnnnot…really? at least in my interpretation he enjoys seeing kokichi happy maybe he finally decides to manifest himself some genitals to see what all this fuss is about NSDJBHSHDGJ
Kai: does he at least smooch Shuichi?
Bunny: YES shuuichi tells him that he is not a baby bird and does not need to be fed. then he tells him to do it again because it felt nice
Apollo: I'm crying because imagine if he made his dick real big because he's not sure what a good size is meant to be
Bunny: kokichi is munching grapes and watching him like no…a little bigger…little smaller…move that a little bit to the left…
Kai: peppers his face in kisses and Shuichi has no clue what he's doing but makes the correct assumption that it's a human sign of affection sorta like wolf licks and accepts it
Bunny: he does it back very clumsily it's too hard and knocks kokichi over (shuuichi vc) ẁ̷͑h̶̎͑a̵͂́ṫ̸͘ ̷̟̈i̶͌͆s̷̉ th̆e̷̽̕ ̵̑̾p̵͑̏o̶͒̕ǐ̷͠nt of t̶͋̚h̸is? ̛i̴̛ have ̓̔ă̵͝l̴̈́̿ṙ̵̐e̸̚̚ạ̸̈dy reprodụ̸͛c̶̛̃ȅ̶̈́d̸̆̕ ̸͐throug̃͠h̸̖̏ ̴you,̿ i do n̸͝͝ò̶̓t̵̂̽ ̴̒́n̴͛̈́e̵͌͊e̴d mammalī̴͘a̴͂̀n̷̾̈́ ̶̔͘feature̷͘͠ṡ̷̆-̴͑
Apollo: Okay but how long would it take for Kokichi to be able to understand him or can he understand him off the bat?
Bunny: he can understand him, he just rarely speaks and his voice is unnerving and layered like all the trees are speaking at once :D and the trees are DOWN TO FUCK- im gonna say there's no elk in his forest. just so kokichi doesn't have to hear his partner make the elk honk
Kai: he's better at birdcalls anyways why can i see him taking Kokichi's clothes off when they meet cause he doesn't understand clothes and thinks the human just got caught in something weird what buisness does a forest spirit have wearing clothes anyways
Apollo: Kokichi trying to explain that he sorta needs clothes and Shuichi does that little head tilt that dogs do because he just doesn't understand
Bunny: i think part of the reason he keeps kokichi is because of how INTERESTING he is. he's making offended noises about shuuichi taking him out of his strange false-skin one second and the next he smells like pleasure because shuuichi touched his chest NOT THE HEAD TILT…. with those antlers bro'd probably knock something over
Apollo: Shu can use magic right? Can he make it that Kokichi is no longer human (at least fully) cause humans don't last forever you know?
Kai: connect him to the forest become one with the moss
Bunny: yes, but it takes kokichi several decades to realize time is Weird okay. he was too busy getting fucked all the time to realize he wasn't aging- he could've ASKED about the mysterious green goo shuuichi was pumping into him it's his own fault really now there's TWO scary forest spirits, good job morons
Kai: what made Kokichi finally realize?
Bunny: would be funny if some humans came through and he realized his clothes were WILDLY out of fashion now bc remember this all started from an outfit
Tumblr media
Bunny: hey do you think shuuichi has to be taught what holes are okay like does he go ok mouth makes him happy. ass makes him happy. time to try the urethra- IT WAS AN APPROPRIATELY-SIZED VINE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHY KOKICHI IS SCREAMING!!!!!!
Beez: are u saying he tried to stick it in his ears or smth a NOOOOOO
Bunny: he tries this too but kokichi thinks he's being silly and laughs it off mistake
Kai: god help him
Bunny: god just tried to stick a vine in his dick
Kai: Shuichi finds out it doesn't feel good going in the dick, but the dick going into something sure does
Apollo: Does Shuichi switch between parts or does he just have both at the same time?
Bunny: shuuichi is smooth like a barbie doll
Kai: both is more badass he either has both or none, there is no inbetween
Bunny: he grows whatever kokichi is interested in that day, if they're having face-to-face sex actually both might add to the 'divine' feeling like. he Is life to some extent.. maybe shuuichi eventually lets some people move in,,, just be respectful to the earth and leave offerings of human food with neat textures on the shrine and you'll be alright he's grown strangely fond of humans lately! imagine that
Apollo: Everyone remembers the stories of the forest killing people but nope. Forest dude is calm as long as you're respectful and leave little snacks
Bunny: just…don't seek an audience with him. he'll probably grant you whatever you ask, but is it really worth him having a squirming man in his lap the whole time…?? shuuichi doesn't see the problem
Apollo: Does Kokichi still look 100% human or does he have more fae like features now? (I dunno how to explain it lmao)
Bunny: i think he slowly gains them over the years never as much as shuuichi. but enough to be a little unnerving,, he wanders the villages vaguely unnerving everyone around
Apollo: He would though. He just walks away and everyone rushes into their houses because that's the forest's like boyfriend? Husband? Queen? Theyr'e not sure but they know not to mess with him
Bunny: he brings back lost children
Apollo: He has enough common sense to put on at least a skirt when he leaves the house only Shu gets to see him 100% naked
Bunny: he's wearing the same fucking clothes from several hundred years ago they don't age either, don't question it
Apollo: That would sorta suit the forest spirit vibe though
Bunny: it really does! he's killing it by shoving the offerings into his mouth like a goblin though
Kai: dude dressed in ancient samuri clothes who's rumored to be the spouce of the foreset spirit walks into town-
Apollo: He brings his sword around as well despite not needing it. It's badass okay? It's just annoying trying to return these lost kids to their parents while they're trying to mess with the sword He's sorta missed human food okay
Bunny: they ask him to teach them
Beez: what if he gets a new sword that sorta wraps around his wrist n whenever he wants to bring it out it uncurls
Apollo: He saves the kid of like a rich family and finds a shiny new magic sword among the offerings He sends a bird with a thank you note to their house and the village realizes that they don't just have to offer food. Kokichi also likes shiny stuff People start to think Kokichi is like a crow so whenever he comes to the village, he's wearing new shiny stuff they left for him
Bunny: that cave is about to get So Crowded that's why he walks so weird…he's got bird feets….. definitely……..
Apollo: Kokichi plays along with it and Shu says fuck it and like magics some wings for him because he finds it cute that everyone is calling him a crow
Bunny: (chanting) wing sex, wing sex, wing sex-
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truedairship · 5 months
Tell me more about your horse, please?
Ooohh boy never ask someone about their horse or they won’t shut up. Okay. I have no idea how much you know about horses, so I’ll try to keep the horse terms to a minimum.
Getting her is a bit of a funny story really. And kind of relevant. But background info: Us mere mortals can’t afford horses competing at the higher levels. Your only chance is basically to buy a promising youngster, train them yourself and hope that the stars align and that in a few years you can compete at the level you wanted. But most of those horses are quite expensive as well. Everybody wants those with good blood for a reason (blood = lineage, breed, how reactive yada yada).
I wasn’t even gonna buy a horse back then because I knew I would be moving abroad a year later, and I already had my pony. (Whom I had considered selling to afford a horse but whatever). Anyways, I helped my trainer break in her youngsters, they got an extended summer break after, and come winter she called me and asked if I wanted C. Because they didn’t get along. She had been a… special cookie… to break in, but an incredibly fun one. So yeah. I got a good horse real cheap because she’s crazy.
She’s… well, she’s a brat. A stubborn, explosive bitch that’s too damn smart for her own good and the biggest goddamn drama queen the world has ever seen. She’s also one of the most hardworking, powerful and talented horses I’ve ever ridden. Her teenage years were eventful to say the least, and it has been a lot of work to teach her some proper manners. I could probably fill a book with all the stupid stunts she’s pulled over the years. But at the same time, that’s kind of the charm. You never have a boring day with her.
Despite her attitude and the drama, she’s genuinely very kind. She just doesn’t show it if she doesn’t have to😅 But she never wants to drop her rider, I’ve only fallen off because we stumbled over an xc-jump and she almost did a somersault. And while she usually is too impatient to stand still, whenever there’s small kids around she won’t move a leg, but you can see her literally twitching because that is tiny human. Must not move. Tiny human fragile, stepping on will injure. She was also the one who accompanied youngsters on their first forest hacks at my old job, because, while hacking out usually is a rollercoaster ride of jumping away from invisible monsters hiding behind stones (thoroughbreds in my heart<3), when the kiddos came with, she was super cool and they could even run into her and she didn’t even bat an eye. Because they are her adopted siblings now and Ohana means family.
So yeah. She has quite the personality but this is already getting long. And when it comes to riding, well, attempting to avoid using technical terms, you can teach just about any horse to move fancy, but riding a horse that does it naturally is just something else. She does everything with such ease and such power. And she loves to learn new stuff, which to me is the most important part. I’d rather ride an eager horse with zero talent than an unmotivated one. Because having to force them to work… nope.
Generally with horses, if you have a bad day, it’s 50/50 whether you’ll have one of the nicest rides of your life because the horse notices that you’re not at your best, or you’ll have what feels like the worst one ever because nothing works and the horse decides that if you’re not gonna try your best, they won’t either. 9/10 times, she’s the first type (and considering that we sometimes can spend the entire warmup discussing whether the chair in the corner will eat us or not, that’s saying something)
That’s also kind of why I’m selling her. I don’t have the time to ride her everyday. So when I do, she’s super duper happy and energetic and it makes me feel all guilty that I can’t ride her more. And it breaks my heart every time she comes running towards me in the field all eager, only for me to give her a pat and a carrot then leave (makes me feel like a parent that doesn’t have time for their kid so they spoil them with toys instead😅). I usually give her a kiss on the nose as a goodbye, but lately she refuses to let me do it unless I have ridden her first. And no, that’s not an exaggeration.
Tl;dr: She’s a bitch, she’s amazing, she drives me crazy and she’s my best friend. Being allowed to ride her is an honour. (and unfortunately she’s aware of that😆)
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mara-xx217 · 1 year
Ayo I love the way you write the DBD stuff! May I request something NSFW with Blight and a Female Reader, where he's being gentle, and has that sweet 'n fluffy jazz going on if, pretty please?
Woah! This might be the first ask I've gotten for the Blight! Awesome! Love my goopy boy lol
Warnings: Fluff and Smut, Wet Kisses, Handjobs, Oral, Gentle-ish Sex
The sounds he made were more like those a wounded, sick animal would make but you didn't really mind so much anymore. You were now able to decipher the noises Talbot would make. A scoff of indifference, a gurgle of glee, a shudder of pleasure...
There wasn't much of a mouth to kiss, at least in the traditional sense. It was always wet, not that he could help it much, but really how could you possibly complain? It was sloppy and overflowing with saliva that was laced with that bright orange serum that runs through his entire body but it was also intoxicating and sent a thrill down your spine as it dripped down your chin and ran down your neck....
You leaned over Talbot's lap and fiddled with his belt as his hand smoothed down the length of your spine. He all but purred as you freed his cock, taking its hard length into your hand and giving it a slow stroke as you pressed your lips to the tip of its head. Pale, orangish precum was already leaking from its tip and it along with your spit helped lubricate his member as you took it into your mouth.
The way he stroked your back and pulled your hair out of your face while making sure to not pull it too tightly made you feel a little warm and fuzzy on the inside. Talbot was gentle- far more gentle than you ever expected him to be- not only for his role as a killer but merely in general. He didn't treat you like glass though. It was more like you were something to be treasured but not put out of reach. Something important to him, to his daily life, not merely to be used but to be enjoyed as well... It was so... So...
You arched your back a little as you felt one of his clawed hands slip underneath your underwear. Talbot wasn't shy about feeling you up, especially in moments like this, where you were already taking him into your mouth and more fun was in the foreseeable future. Not that you minded. You leaned forward even more, giving him better access to your lower half, something that had him growling as you bobbed your head up and down his cock while sucking harshly.
His fingers found you wetness and didn't hesitate to explore your core. Your eyes fluttered shut and you hummed softly as he pressed inside of you. Already, even you were this wet... You didn't want to wait long, Talbot could tell from how well you took his fingers and how much of him you took into your mouth at a time.
He couldn't wait much longer either, so the feeling was mutual...
The pace always started out slow. Talbot wanted to enjoy every moment as he teased his way inside of you. You're so wet and warm and soft... He can never keep himself still long enough for him to truly enjoy it though... Talbot's hips have a mind of their own accord and they show no mercy as he sinks all the up to the hilt inside of you.
"O-Ooohh-! T-Talbot-!~"
You couldn't say much else as he began to fuck you with enough ferocity to leave you breathless and stunned silent. All you could really do was hold on for dear life as Talbot fucked you senseless over and over again.
His sharp nails always bit into your skin but he never broke through your skin. He made you feel so good... Every moment, every movement, was pure and utter bliss...
You're always left breathless and trembling underneath him. Filled, overflowing and spilling out at every thrust of his hips. Your face wet with saliva and tears- tears of pleasure and joy- as you gasp for air...
Oh, he always made you feel so, so good...
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine
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toonlovr19 · 9 months
Being Nice For a Change
Roy can’t believe what he’s been talked into. Ross and Robert have been pestering him about being nicer to Skid and Pump, to which Roy couldn’t believe that his two best friends were actually warming up to those two weirdos. He tried arguing that there was no way he would agree to it, but Rob and Roy were just way too persistent and Roy eventually had to give in.
The only problem was, Roy had absolutely no idea what they should say or do with Skid and Pump that they would like. The only times they ever interacted with each other was when they were picking on the little guys. That is, until the three boys heard laughter coming from the other side of the fence. When they peeked over, they could see the two spooky kids having a tickle fight in Skid’s backyard. They seemed to be enjoying it based on how giddy their laughs sounded and it was honestly kind of cute watching them play. This gave the Hatzgang an idea, and one that made Roy, in particular, grinned mischievously.
Later that day, Skid and Pump were walking down the street on the search for some spooky fun. They stopped dead in their tracks once they spotted the Hatzgang, watching as they walked closer to them. “Hey, losers!” Roy greeted rather rudely. Ross continued, “We wanna be nice to you for a change, so we want to hang with you two.” Skid and Pump’s eyes grew wide. “Really?!” They asked in unison. “Yeah, we want to play a game with you guys.” Robert answered.
“What game is it? What game is it?” Skid and Pump squeed, bouncing in excitement. Instead of answering, Roy snapped his fingers and Ross and Rob rushed over to Skid and Pump and grabbed them. Holding the younger kids under their arms and lifting them up to their chest, turning them around for them to see Roy smiling at the two. “Uuuhhh.. what are you doing?” Skid asked, clearly not understanding what the bullies were up to this time. “This isn’t a prank, is it?” Pump added, nervously.
Roy snickered, “Don’t worry, you two. This is all part of the game.” Skid and Pump looked at each other. What kind of game was this? Roy must of been a mind reader because as soon as they looked back at him he exclaimed, “The Tickle Game!” The second they heard that, the spooky kids froze and squeaked. Why would Roy of all people tickle them? He doesn’t even like their little games. They snapped out of their thoughts when they saw Roy’s fingers wiggle in their direction.
Skid giggled and try to squirm out of Rob’s grasp, while Pump avoided eye contact and made cheery wines. Different reactions that both have the same meaning: they were about get tickled and they’re anticipating for it to happen. “We haven’t already started and you’re already getting giddy!” Ross chuckled, followed by Rob saying, “You two are really in for something great!” Before either one of the spooky kids could respond, each of Roy’s hands were placed firmly on their stomachs. He slowly began to wiggle them.
Skid and Pump began giggling quietly, which soon became much louder as Roy’s fingers moved quicker. “Gootchie Gootchie Gooo!” He sang in a teasey voice. Roy always teased Skid and Pump, but this time he wasn’t saying mean things or calling them names. Instead, he sing songed some silly words and talked about the predicament they were in. That somehow made the sensation even more tickly.
“Royheeheeheehee! It tihihihickles!” Skid squealed as he twisted against Roy’s fingers. Pump emphasizes his friends point he cried, “It tickles!” Over and over again. “Ooohh... It tickles?” Roy teased, drawing out his words. “Yeah, I sure hope it dose!”
Ross and Roy looked at each other and chuckled, Skid and Pump were laughing like crazy and each of their laughter was very unique. Skid’s laugh was high pitched and squeaky, he almost sounded like Elmo from Sesame Street. And whenever Roy would hit a spot that was really ticklish, those giggles would turn into full blown cackles. As for Pump, his laughter could only be described as dopey. He just keeps going “Ahuh Ahuh Ahuh!” as he fidgeted in Ross’ arms. To make it even better, he would snort every once in a while.
Roy suddenly got an idea. He stopped his tickling to let the spooky kids catch their breath, then ask, “Which one of you is more ticklish.” “We don’t know....” Skid panted, still giggling from the phantom tickles. “You wouldn’t mind if I... tested it out, would you?” Skid and Pump gasped, what did he mean “test it out”? “But who should I tickle first?” Roy pondered, rubbing his hand against his chin. All Skid and Pump could do was giggle in anticipation, if they were going to be tickle one at a time, then one of them was going to have to wait as they watch their friend laugh and wiggle. And when they got tickled after, the impact would be so much more powerful. Roy knew what he was doing, the smirk on his face says everything.
Roy looked at Pump, who was very wiggly and giggly in particular. “You seem pretty excited, I think I’ll tickle you first!” Roy declared as he dug his fingers in Pump’s sides.
The poor Pumpkin squealed and flailed his arms. Every squeeze of the hips caused his laughter to temporarily rise. Skid anxiously watched as he fidget in place, knowing he was next. Hearing Roy’s tickle talk only made it worse. “Ooooh! You’re sides are squishy, Pump. You’re like a little squeaky toy!” Pump snorted. “Did you just snort? Geez, I can’t tell if you’re a pumpkin or a pig.” Roy could tell Pump was blushing under his pumpkin mask.
Skid couldn’t take it anymore, he looked away and covered his ears. “Is something the matter?” Rob asked the skeleton kid. “Watching Pump getting tickled is making me nervous.” Roy overheard that and looked at Skid mischievously. “Awww, poor Skid. Don’t worry, I can tickle you now if you want. Ross will tickle Pump for me.” Right as he said it, Ross tickled Pump’s armpits.
Thankfully, Roy’s voice drowned out Pump’s laughter. “Hmmm... I got an idea. What if both me and Rob tickled you?” “Oh, great idea, Roy! Is that ok with you, Skid.” Skid giggled at Rob’s question, it was really sweet for them to ask if Skid would be comfortable with that.
“I guess so.” Skid managed to answer. Rob wiggled his fingers into the skeleton’s armpits while Roy tickled his ribs and belly. Skid practically screeched, he wasn’t use to having multiple spots being tickled at once. And, of course, the two boys kept on teasing!
“Tickle Tickle Tickle!” Roy kept switching between the ribs and belly.
“Your laugh is cool, dude.” Rob commented.
“Yours too, Pump.” Ross followed up.
After a few more minutes of merciless tickling, the Hatzgang decided that the Spooky kids have had their fill. Skid and Pump sagged limply in Rob and Ross’ arms. “Did you guys have fun?” They both asked. After taking some giggly breaths, the little ones answered a very tired “Yes”, then they looked at Roy and said “Thanks for playing with us!”
Once they went on their separate ways, Rob and Ross congratulated Roy on being nice to Skid and Pump for a change. To which he kept denying but it’s pretty clear that he does care about them a little bit.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
Discovery thoughts because I can’t contain myself apparently.
Episode 1:
- “They are Coming” heh
- That’s such a beautiful opening though. Like a whole speech in Klingon ending in “To lock arms against those whose fatal greeting is… we come in peace.” WOW just wow
- MICHELLE YEOH ?!? What’re you doing here!
- Heyyy Michael? Thats a pretty cool name :) (That’s my name)
- Absolute slimy of a creature
- okay banger graphics on the opening, yeah we get it you’re amazing
- woah interesting warp imagery
- I lobe Saru already
- Georgiou making fun of Michael and Saru for agreeing with each other
- Interesting outfits. The gold to show higher rank than the silver. And they’re blue cause science…Where’s my pyjamas in primary colours?
- I love the way Michael talks
- Showing the knobs, buttons, and dials, I appreciate this. I’d love to touch all the knobs, buttons, and dials
- This is something Spock would do in tos (Shooting himself through space at high speeds). He’d be like, ‘it’s super logical’ and then McCoy would be like, ‘don’t do that, you idiot’
- SUPER cool landing shot. The bend of the knees, the look of the suit, the sideways shot, I’m in love
- Do you think that death was honourable?
- oh that’s not good. Cracked helmet
- So that’s what the Klingons look like this time. They remind me of lord of the rings a bit
- Cool ass Klingon burial. That’s so cool. I like that they’re leaning more into the fantasy for Klingons this time. That’s such a cathedral looking ship. THERES STAINED GLASS.
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- I’m missing so much of their words cause I’m (edit: I meant to say “I’m getting distracted” but never wrote down the rest of the sentence…yep)
- That’s fucking horrible. Why would they show young Michael that clip. It’s obviously from a recent tragedy in her life
- SAREK OMG HI BITCH. Come to be unhelpful I see.
- I love her showing her emotions and using them to aid her logic. RAHHH
- hiii Saru hiiii
- “We can’t destroy another culture’s property on a whim.” Bringing back the extra little wh i see
- Georgiou is so fucking cool
- Intense
- Right before Saru had to make a command decision Michael comes back on the bridge
- His bright blue/green eyes and soft manner of speaking have captivated me
- “Your world has food chains. Mine does not. Our species map is binary. We are either predator or prey. My people were hunted. Bred. Farmed. We are your livestock of old. We were biologically determined for one purpose and one purpose alone: to sense the coming of death. I sense it coming now.” Go watch this goddamn show right now it’s so good already.
- and the admiral is a dickhead.. a complete dickhead
- Why do you have this bitch Sarek on speed dial
- ooohh Michael’s gonna nerve pinch her, isn’t she?
- and she did.
So that’s the first episode… I’m not going to do this for the full show mainly because I just want to watch it, and less mainly because I find it’s not the right fit for commenting like I did with TOS. TOS is special because all the episodes are their own thing, none of them connect and it’s just about characters going on little adventures. And it’s so camp.
I do have more thought posts to come about other star trek stuff.. so see ya next time :D
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
I get bullied in school a lot and my teacher has been acting totally indifferent towards my problem, when I was trying to reach out for help 😮‍💨
I just wish there were people that were more compassionate. Could you imagine older Terry as a PE teacher? Being more understanding and approaching the bully or giving me a pep talk to build up my self esteem?
Oh anon I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know why people feel the urge to turn others down. And what shocks me the most is that your teacher doesn't take this seriously, bullying can destroy people. I desperately hope that you have at least a few people you can count on when you need them. I'm more than happy to write a PE Terry for you. I'm sending hugs and much love to you anon 🖤 Stay strong 💪
AU PE teacher Terry Silver (CK)
I was shaking while walking to the gym. It was Monday and that meant PE was on the schedule and I hated it. The only thing that was good was our teacher Mr Silver, he was always kind and nice and always listening to the problems of his students. I took my time cause I hoped that Trina and her girl gang got already changed. I don't know why they didn't like me or why they always made fun of me bullying me day after day. I tried to reach out for help from our principal but he didn't take me seriously, nobody did. When I arrived in the locker room I looked around, none of them was seen. I decided to go to the toilet before changing and as soon as I stepped inside, the door slammed shut and locked. I heard laughing from the other side of the door. "Trina please open the door." I said trying to keep my voice steady. "Trina please open the door." she mocked. I felt tears welling in my eyes, that wasn't fair. Suddenly Mr Silvers voice was heard "Ladies what takes you so long, I want to start. Wait where's Y/N?" again laughter. "Oh they have some serious business in the restrooms." "Okay you three get out of here I'll join you in a minute." I heard the door close and then a soft knock on the bathroom door. "Y/N, it's me I'll open the door now okay?" "Okay." the key turned in the lock and the door opened. "Hey Y/N are you alright? Are you hurt?" I shook my head. "No it's just... they're just being mean again and I don't know how long I can take it anymore . I never did something to them. I'm just myself. Well yes I dress different, I like different things but that doesn't make me a bad person." "How long do they do that to you?" he asked with a worried look on his face. "For months. I tried to tell the principal but he didn't take me seriously." "You know, when I was younger I was like you. I got picked on because of my ponytail or the things I was into and it really turned me down. Then I discovered karate and got my self esteem back. I finally had the mindset to ignore all those idiots. You're a good student and a very nice person. How about that we go outside and try to have fun and later I'll accompany you to the principals office okay? I'm by your side the whole time and maybe we find something that helps you to get your self esteem back. " I gave him a small smile. As soon as we got into the gym Trina started mocking me again" Ooohh do you smell that? It seems our lovely Y/N here made a big number two in the bathroom."" Enough!!! Trina you and your little friends will visit the principals office after class. Please have a little warm up we're playing dodgeball today except for you three you will run a few rounds around the building. " " What? How many? " Trina asked" Till I say it's enough so hop hop. " she stomped angrily" That's not fair, just because we had a little fun? I will talk with my father about this. " she said " Oh that's great I wanted to call him anyway. And also if the other person isn't in on the joke it isn't a joke. You talk about fairness? Is it fair to constantly hurt and bully someone just because they're different? We will have a serious talk about this,with your parents and the principal, now go I gave you an exercise " with a loud groan the three girls made their way outside. " Alright, we need two team captains, how about Y/N and yeah Sara choose your team members. " Mr Silver said and after a long time I actually had fun in PE class.
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chidoroki · 1 year
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King - movie reaction
Don’t normally do these for movies but WHATEVER. I’m too happy to care right now! It took me like..three & a half hours to get through the entire movie because I kept replayed scenes over and over again. I was just so amazed at how beautiful it all was and I was beyond emotional to see & hear everyone.
(full reaction below the cut with obvious spoilers)
Y’all wouldn’t believe how much I’m shaking. I couldn’t stay up late waiting for the movie to drop because I was so exhausted but NOW.. I’m up! I’m awake at seven in the morning (though this is probably gonna post much later) on a day off (yes I took off just for this) and it’s finally happening!
Julius’ time magic is breaking apart? Dunno why exactly but it certainly can’t be a good thing.
So the sneak peak they showed on twitter yesterday was of a flashback of ten years ago. I figured it had to be something like that since Fuegoleon, Yami, and Julius looked so young, but then ya got Nozel who seems the same as ever! Still handsome though, of course.
And is that a younger Theresa with Fuegoleon too? Back when she was an active magic knight?
It’s already in dub? Alright, good. I prefer that honestly, since that’s how I first watched BC, but I’ll pop up the subs on screen as well just in case there’s any slight differences.
Crazy how Conrad’s key/door magic, whichever it is, negated everyone else’s that was holding him down with little effort.
Ooohh everything already looks so beautifully animated, and Mereoleona! Going nuts as usual!
The way my little heart sped up upon seeing and hearing Nozel.. aahh! I still think it hilarious how much this man grew on me once I caught up with the manga. Now I love him IMMENSELY!
Ayyy Yami coming in with a quick save to Julius.
Yeaaaahh Julius! Time bind his crazy ass! (so it was Conrad who was breaking free at the start, huh?)
“My magic is never giving up!” Okay excuse you sir, you can’t steal Asta’s line like that!
The sunrise is gorgeous.. everything is. Ohhh I may cry.
Now we got a full colosseum? Is there a little tournament on the horizon? That should be fun, but hello Mimosa! Please explain this Triumph event!
Now who’s this shady person walking the streets hm?
Aw Fanzell, Dominante, Mariella and Fana cameo!
I love Klaus & Mimosa’s little banter.
Of course Julius is gonna watch all the action from the stands.. and there’s our lovely Black Bulls! Charmy with the snacks and Vanessa with the drinks as usual. These girls got their priorities straight.
Ahahaa Yuno’s little fan club.. and naturally Charmy’s gonna cheer for him too.
Oh, the shady person from the streets was our boy Asta disguised.. and apparently he can’t compete because of that devil trial, but obviously, he doesn’t care. He wouldn’t dare miss out on an opportunity to battle against Yuno.
“The Masked One?” “Surely nobody entered the tournament with such a ridiculous name?..Oh, they did!” Pfftt, the surprise in Klaus’ voice was perfect.
You can stay disguised all you want Asta, but those swords of yours are too recognizable that they’re gonna give your identity away..
Conrad and the other three Wizard Kings are already here..? I guess we’re not gonna see any part of the tournament. Shame, I was kinda excited for the idea.
It’s gonna bother me that I won’t know the other WK’s voice actors til the credits because I don’t recognize any at the moment, but at least we learn that Jester has barrier magic.
Damn, so Conrad’s seal weakened when Patri killed Julius? Eh, makes sense.
Legion magic from Princia (whom I’m also fond of her voice) summons up countless warriors.. nice.
Asta!!! Look at our boy! That smile of his is so bright! And taking these warriors out no problem!
“Ugh, these guys are the worst! They ruined my awesome disguise!” “And here I thought you were a lost child who wandered onto the field.” I love snarky Yuno so much.
Asta and Noelle literally having each other’s backs and supporting each other.. aahh it warms my heart, it’s adorable!
I dunno why, but Jester may be my favorite out of this WK trio. He’s got that sly bastard energy.
Good to see the Bulls joining the fight, but where the hell are the captains? Shouldn’t they be fine with their large supply of mana? Unless they were helping the crowd evacuate. That’s probably the reason.
Speak of the devil, there’s our Yami. And the rest of them.. and Leo?
I was about the question the backstory between Kaiser and Conrad since they seemed familiar with each other, but then remembered Kaiser was there in the beginning flashback. Silly me.
Asta and Finral tasked to go fetch something to help against Conrad and naturally Noelle slides right into the portal with them.
A sword that can store up magic power and can possible destroy a whole country when it releases it? No wonder Julius tried to get rid of it.
Eeehehe, Nozel and Fuegoleon and their dramatic entrances! I love these stylish men.
Yami c’mon, must you always poke fun at my boy? At least Julius found it funny. Nozel, not so much.
“I’m awake for a change, but this feels like a dream. It’s way too crazy!” “This is filling my brush with inspiration. Then again, maybe now’s not the time to be painting.” Ahaha, I love them all so much and happy that they’re getting some screen time too.
The stadium was one of Conrad’s weapons the entire time?
I know Julius said Nero was assisting at Branch Zero but I did not expect the lab coat.
“Key magic. It grants him the ability to create keys that can open or close rifts out of thin air. The magic space behind these doors is able to absorb whatever Conrad wishes. Tools, grimoires.. magic itself.” And he can steal other people’s magic with that too hm? Thank you for the info Nero.
Okay, well damn, Conrad managed to beat them all here and knock out Sally.
Ah geez Finral, always getting hurt. I hope he doesn’t stay knocked out for long.
Shit, I had a feeling he stole some of Marx’s magic to learn all about them.
YEAH NOPE! Despite seeing this scene before in trailers I’m STILL NOT OKAY seeing Nozel knocked out in a pool of blood!! Aaaahhh!!!
“To think that such a coward was allowed to be a captain of the magic knight!” Oh hell no! You can’t speak about my boy like that, Conrad! Go on Noelle, go fuck up this bastard!!
I love how upset/angry she gets on Nozel’s behalf and I’m in awe with how they animated her water in this movie!
Damn it, Conrad stole her magic so easily.. I really hope this doesn’t hinder her the entire movie. I really wanna see her go all out.
But that’s why Asta gets so pissed off? Yeaaah boy! Make Conrad pay!
Wait, hold up.. the fire and lighting magic attributesare common, but a magic that resembles poison? Did Conrad already steal the Bull’s magic too? That would explain those threads Conrad held Asta down with but I pushed aside the thought of it being Vanessa’s since it looked like it also had needles to it.. but who knows. Maybe I’m over thinking.
Sure they both want a world where people respect other but Conrad is just a little, sorta kinda, very much insane.
Oh! Asta broke one of the keys! Does that restore people’s magic maybe? Or just cancel out the attack?
Aw, even when completely worn out, one of Asta’s concerns is for Conrad to return Noelle’s magic.
Oohhh we got a pissed off Yuno as back up, as well as Millie and Sally.
Well, at least for a moment before they decided to retreat.
If they bring the fight to Hage, then you know our two main boys are gonna be angry.
DAAAMMNNN, Noelle always looks SO GOOD with her hair down like that.
Oh Sekke, always with the give up and run away strategy hm?
Asta coming through with that inspirational talk-no-justu! And of course Noelle is the first to offer her strength to him! You go girl! Support your man!
“So! What are we gonna do first?” “I’m gonna figure that out, right now!” “You’re what?” Asta would make for a wonderful WK, but he would still be a fool, and I love him for that.
I was wondering when we were gonna get one of Sekke’s famous laughs and it comes along with Mereoleona busting down doors. I probably should’ve expected that from her by now.
William, Jack and Charlotte were away this whole time? Wait, were their seats really empty at the stadium when they showed all the other captains and I just never noticed? Oops.
They show Yami, Fuegoleon and Nozel trapped within the barrier but what happened to Kaiser then?
Love-struck Charlotte is still as funny as ever.
Charmy…? Were you small in Asta’s hair this whole time or what?
Ah, nevermind, all the Bulls are all here too, thanks to Yami and Rouge.
I’m so terrible.. I didn’t even realize Henry & Gordon were missing til Vanessa pointed it out.
Aahh precious Noelle and Vanessa hug!! I love both these girls so much!
Aww Vanessa making another headband for Asta! I also.. didn’t realize that was missing til now.. damn, I’m really not observant at all today.
Mmmmhmhm, even now, whenever William speaks, all I can hear is Ginoza.
Good lord, Princia can summon up quite an army of these warriors and she’s not even close by.
Half way through the movie and we finally get a Asta-Yuno fist bump!
I was so proud when they all managed to pass Jester but then Princia and Edward joined the fun..but then Finral stepped in to help! Yay!
Zora’s laugh never gets old. He also as the best comments.
“Also, don’t forget I am your superior!” Ya gotta have the typical Finral line too!
Mereoleona holding up the entire Bull’s base.. this woman is a mad lad.
Aw come on, I’m glad Yuno & Asta made it inside but I really wanted to see everyone else join the big brawl too! Hopefully they show up later.
Oh my.. that big, confident grin of Yuno’s made me weak.
So we do get to see the Bulls fight more!! Great! And it’s all of ‘em against Edward!
And Mereoleona fights one vs one against Princia? Hell yeah, let’s goooo! She’s definitely gonna enjoy that fight too.
Yuno used Jester’s attacks against him to free the three captains. Smart move boy!
Luck is gonna love this fight against Edward, no doubt. And thank god for Rouge as always!
Awww Gauche saving Grey! How cute!
Took a damn long while but we finally got a namedrop for Edward’s magic. Ice wedge. And the fact he can freeze magma with it is insane.
Why must captains always get stabbed?? Seems like Mereoleona is cauterizing her wound though so that’s good.. or she can just summon up a huge purgatory mana zone and crush the blade in her hand. That works too.
Oh so Princia is indeed crazy deep down as well. She and Mereoleona are quite the pair.
Nozel, can you stop getting hurt please? My heart can’t take it. No matter the media, you’re always bleeding.
Of course, how foolish of me to not think that Jester also has a phase two. The other two WK pretty much did too.
And during all that, Asta couldn’t catch up to Conrad? The dude wasn’t even moving!
What’s with this Shippuden ending 12 style dream Mereoleona is experiencing right now?
Goddamn, these women are so fucking INTENSE!!
I didn’t know I needed to see a combo spell between Yami, Fuegoleon and Nozel til now and I’m so happy that it happened!
I guess that necklace of Conrad’s once belonged to someone he really cared about huh?
Maannn, I thought Asta really got him good but Conrad didn’t even bother to parry it “out of respect.”
Bitch be looking like an Arceus with that magical ring behind him, hello??
There ya go! The Black Bulls are still standing! Time to counter!
Or Edward can just summon up an ice beast three times the size as the last one, whatever!
Asta getting stabbed too, in a real slow and calm manner might I add.
LIEBE!!? I questioned whether or not we would see him since this all happens before Nacht appears, but here he is! Our little devil!! Huzzah!
Still can’t get over how beautiful this movie is and this new soundtrack absolutely slaps!!
Oh good! Asta managed to connect the sword to Conrad’s grimoire to restore Noelle’s magic! Everyone else is so excited for her too, even Zora.
Aahh Gauche using mirror brigade on her with her valkyrie form! Nice!!
I am getting fucking chills watching our Bulls go off!! Fuck, I love this family!
Welp, there goes the three Wizard Kings, but we still got a couple minutes left of the movie sooo perhaps Conrad isn’t quite done yet.
AAAAHH they actually got “Haruka Mirai” blasting!!! Can I get a big ol’ HELL YEEAAHH!
Pfftt leave it to Zora to still look so calm and/or bored near the end.. but praise our boy Finral for setting up so many portals to bring together everyone’s magic! I love this lad!
NO FUCKING WAY! They actually included Nacht!!! I’m gonna cry!
“A nice long nap doesn’t sound like the worst idea. Especially if it means someone who’s doing a good thing get rewarded.” He may have had only two lines but it fills me with GREAT JOY!!
But hold up, how did Finral know to put a portal there in front of him?? He hasn’t even met Nacht at this point.
Ah, that necklace belonged to some Conrad knew, probably his lover? But aww that shot of the Bulls is so damn precious!
Oohoho they did the whole black & white sketchy style thing with Asta’s final attack!!
This boy deserves so much happiness!! I’m so proud of him!
I am.. so incredibly giddy seeing Nozel in the credits first.
Oh but the ending song! It is beyond beautiful!!! Ah, and it’s by Treasure, no wonder!
This little ending scene with Asta and Yuno is exactly what we needed, to see them start another fight since their encounter in the colosseum got interrupted.
Aaahh, okay.. I really enjoyed that. I wish we got to see the Black Bulls be their chaotic selves a little more, but it definitely filled my heart with many happy feelings to see them and everyone else again. I say that as if it’s been so long when in reality I only caught up with the series last year. It’s crazy to think that I got interested in this series because of the first movie trailer and here I am, finally getting to watch it. But I really hope the anime returns someday too, especially with this kind of quality! It’s real ambitious to release episodes weekly instead of seasonally and I didn’t mind the animation style at all when I binged it, but if it returns with even a fraction of this quality, it’ll be amazing. I’ll love this series regardless, of course. It was a lovely experience and I can definitely see myself watching this several times over.
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virgils-muse · 9 months
Persephone, Hermes, Eros
Okay okay I love how Sicily has always been to the Greeks this place of gods and monsters, that was sort of seperate from the world of mortals, and apart of that was because of the popular myth of how Persephone and a BUNCH of other deities (like Artemis notably) were hanging out with her and having a fun there when Hades opened up the raft from the underworld and kidnapped her. For that reason, Sicily is sacred to Persephone & Demeter (it’s also where my father’s from!). The story around how Demeter and the other gods found out where Persephone was kidnapped is also really interesting. While this was all going down (or around the same time as the search) one of Artemis’s huntresses is getting chased down by this river god, so to save her, Artemis turns Arethusa (the nymph being chased) into a river. And as a river, she seeps into the earth, traveling around underground till she reaches the underworld and see Persephone. She then resurfaces and informs Demeter of what she saw. Also another fun fact, Hecate personally escorts Persephone anytime she leaves/returns to the underworld.
Hermes is really cool, because as the god of travelers there’s this interesting duality/relationship he has with Hestia that isn’t expanded upon much in myths but is probs a really important part of Hellenic culture. Xenia is essentially this code of hospitality the ancient Greeks followed. If you had a home, and a traveler came knocking on your door, you were obligated to take them in and provide them with food and comfort, and in exchange they would provide news and stories from the outside world. It was this guest/host relationship that’s explored in many myths, like a LOT of them. And ofc, Hermes is the good of travelers and Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and home, so there’s this relationship of balancing out with domestic life welcoming those on the move, and I just think that’s really cool.
Eros is so weird to me bc, as a primordial deity, the myth of his creation is just. So wild. Nyx, as a bird, lays an egg in Erebus and apparently that’s like a really intimate and erotic act because Eros is produced out of it. And like I know that isn’t the most insane creation story of the deities but idk. I just think it’s kind of funny.
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the-14th-ghost · 1 year
So I heard people are doing a "Welcome Home OC segment challenge" so I'm doing my own
Notes: I like to imagine that Barnaby is like one of those teletubby suits, 6 foot tall and a little over 30 pounds. So Eddie lifting a over 130 pound human is definitely going to be a struggle
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Eddie’s Big Lift part 2:
*Wally, Barnaby, Sally, and Julie were all running around the neighborhood seeing who their mailman friend Eddie can or can’t lift in his arms. Though, the said mailman was having a tough time catching up with all this running, since he used so much of his energy trying to lift up the big pooch that is Barnaby*
*Right now, the 5 friends just completed to see if Eddie can lift up the caterpillar shopkeeper named Howdy (though it was very hard because all those limbs were all over the place)* JULIE: I told you Eddie could do it! I-told-you-I-told-you-I-told-you!!! SALLY: [Chuckles] Ok Julie, I believe you EDDIE: [Out of breath] yeah….that was…fun WALLY: I didn’t know Eddie had it in him BARNABY: You don’t know the half of it, bud *The chime of the bell above the door rings as all the friends leave Howdy’s shop*
EDDIE: Is that everyone? I still have letters to sort- JULIE: [interrupting] WAIT-WAIT-WAIT-WAIT-WAIT!!! We still have one more neighbor to lift! WALLY, EDDIE, SALLY, BARNABY: [all in unison] Who?
JULIE: Pepper!
SALLY: Her? That ginger is as skinny as Wally!
WALLY: [quietly offended] Wow
BARNABY: Ah cut ‘er some slack, I’m sure Eddie can do it. Right Eddie?
EDDIE: Oh, well…I can give it a try
JULIE: Great!! Now all we have to do is find her!
WALLY: Found her
*All the friends turn their heads to see the girl with a seasoning for a name sitting against the wall of the shop reading*
SALLY: ooohh pppeeeppppppeeerrr!!
SALLY: We need your glamorous center-stage self to come over here!
*She gets up and puts her book away*
PEPPER: What do you need, Sals?
SALLY: Mailman, pick her up!
PEPPER: Uhh I don’t think- Woah!-
*Pepper is interrupted because Eddie placed his hands under her arms and tried to lift her*
EDDIE: [Struggling a lot] Alright…come on…
WALLY: Her feet aren’t even off the ground
PEPPER: Uhh Eddie, I’m not like you guys, I think you should stop
*Eddie stops trying to lift her*
EDDIE: Yeah, you’re right
BARNABY: I’m confused, how come I’m 10x yer size but…Eddie can’t even lift ya’ off da ground?
PEPPER: It’s kinda hard to explain, I’m just different from you guys
JULIE: Whatever, it was fun anyway, right Eddie?
EDDIE: [Near to the point of exhaustion] yeah…it was…great
JULIE: [Gasps] We should see if he can lift more than one neighbor at a time!
PEPPER: Uhh I think Eddie needs a rest
SALLY: No no! He’s fine
*All the friends leave while placing bets to see who Eddie can hold at the same time (like Barnaby and Howdy together), Leaving Wally and Pepper alone*
PEPPER: He’s gonna pass out
WALLY: I hope not
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dominonary · 2 years
For the ao3 wrapped, 12, 15, 29?
ahhh thank you!!
12 - How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
i have... five wips in my docs right now! four i've been working on recently, and three of them that i'm more actively working on.
15 - What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
probably just the three in progress ones - overtime, scientific approach, and lost and founf, found and lost. i might come back to the other two wips if i get more inspiration to continue them, but we'll see! (they're both very chill and cute rivalshipping fics, probably one oneshot and one possible au series, so i might still get back around to poking at them again, but it depends on how many brainworms i get for those)
29 - Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
ooohh this is a hard one, i wrote a LOT.
honestly, i think one of my favorite bits might be a section from a chapter draft that actually just never made the cut for overtime? which is a shame, because i did do some pretty good and fun writing in there imo 👀 i might have to reuse some of it as a oneshot... hmmm.
anyway, it's more than just one passage, but fuck it, my city now
Yugi moved like he belonged on the dance floor. Kaiba was captivated, watching him through the lights and the crowd, moving like a fluid, writhing mass. Even with his smaller stature, Kaiba was sure he could have picked him out anywhere. Dressed much differently than he did at the office, this was more familiar; the wider choker was more pronounced, and the darker, more provocative clothes were a stark contrast to the cleaner daytime look with the shirts and slacks and vests. Tight pants clung to his thighs and legs like they might have been tailor made for him - their leather-like look seemed to have some stretch, but the texture looked to be rougher than latex. Despite himself, Kaiba wanted nothing more than to run his hands over it, to feel it for himself. He’d have been lying if he’d said he’d only come there on a whim. As had become the regular routine, he’d kept half an eye on Yugi’s movements, more so than usual now that they were in more direct proximity again - he’d assumed Yugi would simply return to his apartment for the night after their work day ended and stay there, but instead he’d dipped back outside only an hour later, and Kaiba had been too intrigued to let the matter rest. There was a pattern to this, he was pretty sure. Yugi didn’t go out to the club district on his good days, and as often as not, he didn’t go home alone. The nightclub was… really not Kaiba’s scene, but he was well aware it was Yugi’s. This was hardly the first time the surveillance had picked him up in this district of the city, not by a long shot, though this was the first time he’d actually taken the time to come have a look for himself, and it was fascinating. Yugi looked to be a couple of drinks into the night alright, but it didn’t hamper his dancing; if anything, he seemed to relax more between each glass, losing himself in the rhythm and the neon lights obscuring much of the goings-on around them. Kaiba couldn’t stand to just watch for much longer. He walked over to the bar, taking a seat at the counter by where Yugi had gone to get his previous drink, ordering one for himself and another of what Yugi had just had. Before long, Yugi was by the counter again to order another, pausing when a drink was slid in front of him before he could speak up. A moment of dead silence passed, with Yugi staring at the drink in mild confusion, before he connected the dots and looked around to see who had bought it for him, and— froze when his eyes landed on Kaiba, who was still sipping the last drops of his own beer.
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