#ooc: lololol :)
spottedgardeneelstan · 10 months
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romance route unlocked!
based on this post, which seemed like an interaction shen jiu would have
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yookoota · 5 months
I managed to leave for a while and now there's 7 Dazai and Chuuya? What?
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ask-omori-ageswap · 4 days
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hiiiiiii long time no see :3c
So! What happened here?
Towards the start of the hiatus - I'd sayyy around Sunny's Birthday Arc? - I was in a pretty iffy headspace, generally. I was getting burnt out with life in general TBH, which might've been pretty easy to see what with how updates slowed during that time, though I still tried to keep up and continue the story. (That was why I brought on Mod Sock, if I remember - she's such a sweetheart and offered to help <333 ily sock /p)
However! On March 28, 2023, my father died. It was sudden andddddd a LOT of my life was up-heaved due to this. He was me and my brothers' main guardian, so there was a lot going on what with who would be taking care of us, where we'd be living, etc etc. Plus, that was only, like, two months before I graduated high school? Lol. So there was also the stress of trying to do THAT as well.
That was the main cause for the hiatus. I honestly just couldn't really balance my mental state, my family situation, AND the responsibility of this comic on top of that - this is just supposed to be a fun thing for me, yknow?? So, I put it on hiatus. I... wasn't really expecting to ever take it off hiatus. I mean, after all those months? After I've gone and started college?? This blog started the summer before my junior year of high school. That's, like, a WHILE.
But then the first chapter of the official OMORI manga came out and it fucking sucked and pissed me off aghalkdhg;ksdhgalshk
That's happening now, I guess. After some light and affectionate prodding (encouragement) from friends I am... tentatively rolling back the hiatus. TENTATIVELY!!!
If it gets too stressful again I've got no problem dropping it again, but I think that now, with a bit more experience and maturity, I should be better at the whole time management and prioritization thing. We'll see how it goes, though. (BTW if there's a notable difference in how updates from here on out looks, it's because I don't use MediBang as a program anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry lol)
So... next up, I guess, is I'm gonna finish up this bit about BOSS, and then characters will be open to answer asks again!
Thank you guys for all your support, both old and continued <3 Let's see if I can't finish this story before I graduate college now LOL
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intcrastra · 2 months
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Welt (and Ratio’s) Disappointment Was Immeasurable And His Day Was Ruined
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beloved-blaiddyd · 3 months
Dear Brynlee, Oh, it is quite a pleasure to be writing letters again. It's been far too long for me. Anyway, surely you've heard of that one Intelligentsia Guild member--Dr. Ratio, I believe? A fine fellow indeed. A bit self-centered, but good intentions. What marvelous goal it is to rid the universe of stupidity. I can only imagine Dr. Ratio with an innocent, or rather idiotic, beloved. Or perhaps someone who charges at every enemy with no regrets. I can see him becoming obsessed with curing that problem of theirs, no matter what. Even if it means the poor thing is subject to more than a few acts which could only be described as sadistic. Alas, love is love, even if it's torturous, and who are we to judge? Anyone would go to impossible lengths for those they hold dear. Now I'm ranting on, so I'll cut myself short. I will look forward to our future interactions, Ms. Brynlee. Regards, The Gossipmonger
Dear "The Gossipmonger",
Intelligentsia Guild? I'm afraid I do not know much about them. Perhaps you have mistaken me for an "expy" as my otherworldly acquaintances would call it. I'm from Fodlan, born and raised in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
However, the name Ratio does seem familiar. I have a professor colleague with the same name, so I would propose a theory that you are referring to his alternate self. After all, the Veritas I know is a professor. Not a "doctor".
Still, the thought of seeing him as an obsessive man does spark a few giggles out of my lips. Here's a sketch. May you find the thought exercise as hilarious as I have. I'd appreciate if you do not tell him about this.
Be seeing you, Gossipmonger,
Beloved <3
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top-shelf-tender · 29 days
{{My sister, making me food: “It’s gonna be the sexiest thing you’ve ever damn seen.”
Me: “well, it’s no Husk from Hazbin Hotel.”
My sister: “oh yes, your husband…….your Huskband.”}}
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cryptidsncurios · 28 days
really nice messages that people have sent me lately that i want to save bc they make me feel the warm and fuzzies:
@k3ytoheart sent: 🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺 @cursedfortune sent: 🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺 @tailoringtay sent: wishing you all the best! @experimentalfma sent: Best of luck with everything! @calamitysshatteredson sent: ((Take your time and take care of yourself!)) @dragontamer05 sent: take care ^.^ do what ever is best - happy to see you around tho @lady-quen sent: Always happy when you are around, but remember that this is just for fun and should not be a source of anxiety! Irl comes first. Take care of yourself. None of us are gonna get angry or disappointed at you for not being here as much. (And if someone does they need to reevaluate their approach fr)
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just fyi i want y'all to know that appreciate every single one of you and all the messages i regularly receive---i'm just so sorry it takes forever to get to them (and like... every other message and draft and ask haafkjgsldf)---but just know that writing is 1000% one of my foremost passions, and i could never foresee myself disappearing forever so.. yknow..... y'all gonna have to continue putting up with me B)
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dutybcund · 23 days
i s2g kate's dresses this season all look like mother-of-the-bride dresses from like 2006
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francismosses · 3 months
Hey guys just letting yall know this acc contains oc x canon ok BYE
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that-one-paintbrush · 2 months
*throws inflateable swimming pool filled with water*
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..Why am I in a pool-?
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onebrighteyedbuilder · 4 months
hi, engie! Hope your day is going well! Do any of the other mercs have their own Q and A accounts, or is it just you and scout?
Howdy! Thank ya kindly, my day's plum alright. I hope yours is going that way too.
Humn, well they're a bit late to this whole blog thing.. but good idea. I'll have to propose that to em!
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4kts · 20 days
hi :)! its been awhile... idk who'll read this but im super sorry for disappearing and not posting that many bots these past few weeks 🥹, i dont have an excuse :'3 i just procrastinated and thats it >.<;; i missed quite a lot of milestone ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! for one, thank you so much for 240+ followers?!?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!??!!? 🥹❤️ im sorry, i cant think of any cool event to celebrate this amazing milestone qwq, im open for suggestions though so feel free to leave them! aside from that, thank you so much for many, and i mean MANY chats!! 150k chats?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!??!?! anywho! ive been thinking of making a masterlist of my bots as well! what do you think? should i do it? :3
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supremestrangeness · 3 months
ooc: imagining boops to/from The Guardian lolol
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meaercies · 2 months
i literally just now caught on that everyone is talking about taylor swift
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ofovertime · 6 months
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Well he got the watch one way or another ----
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orangeshinigami · 7 months
so i'm rewatching bleach and was laughing my ass off at that episode kon was in ichi's body for the first time and kissed tatsuki and orihime. poor ichigo was losing his damn mind over it lmao
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