#ooc: I hope this is okay..been a while since I wrote on here and trying get back into character but hope you enjoy this <3
oathofpromises · 2 months
“Let me stay. I can make you breakfast in the morning.” (Rhea to Koko!)
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Koko sighed as she dragged her tired body into the dining room. It had been yet another long day of her running around, tending to the sick and injured. It wasn't like she hated taking care of people; after all, it was her job as the healer to keep them safe. But lately, the thing that had been weighing on her the most was the fact that it seemed like some of the female soldiers had taken it upon themselves to taunt the Au Ra. 
It wasn't a surprise that Koko was one of the few Au Ra in this area; the majority of the soldiers were Hyur. It hadn't bothered the mage at first, but it was beginning to wear thin on her patience. Several of them had even begun to tease the woman about how close she and Rhea had been since the red mage arrived here.
'You know Rhea is way too good for someone like you. He deserves a woman who is far superior.'
Koko merely laughs at their statement, it was as if they were trying so hard to get under her skin by poking at the one person she truly did care about in this godforsaken place. The White Mage knew it was better to ignore their antics and continue on her way, but they had different plans. As the Au Ra was leaving the dining hall, one of the women decided to toss their glass of water at her, drenching the woman from head to toe. Normally, this wouldn't phase Koko, but given how cold the weather was around here, it would be unwise to remain in these same clothes. Sighing, she turned and left without another word. Starting a fight would get Koko nowhere and it would merely dely her. Rhea was expecting her hours ago, it was their usual time of checking up on his leg and everything, yet she was getting held up by a bunch of immature soldiers.
Shivering as she enters her cabin and quickly tosses off her drenched outfit. It shouldn't take her more than a few minutes to hop in the shower and change into something else, but she knew keeping Rhea waiting would only worry the Miqo'te. A small cough escapes the woman's lips as she finishes showering and was just about to put on her other coat when the door to her cabin opens.
Koko barely put her glasses back on, though not really needing them at that moment, since she already knowing who was at her doorway. It was Rhea, he seemed deep in thought about something before walking towards the living room. Without saying a word, he sat down and glanced up at Koko.
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"Rhea...I told you that you needed rest...though I have a feeling I know why you are here,. I was late to check up on how your leg has been doing..for that I am sorry. I got a little tied up in the dining hall..."
A part of her knew that he probably was well aware the reason why she was late. After all, she had seen him eating his dinner shortly before she had left herself. It was their usual routine to eat together and leave separately if one needed to run a few errands before they met back at his place. It was very unlike her to not show up, let alone not at least contact Rhea and let him know why she was behind schedule.
The truth was, the Au Ra felt embarrassed to admit that she was being a little bullied by some of the soldiers. It wasn’t like her to let things get under her skin, but when it came to Rhea, she felt protective of him. Quickly, she made both of them some tea before sitting down next to the Miqo’te.
It was clear that Koko hadn’t slept much in days, and the fatigue was beginning to show. There were slight bags under her eyes, and her face seemed a little paler than normal. It could be just the cold weather they were forced to endure here, but as a healer, she already knew that she was beginning to catch a cold.
Taking a second, the white mage patted at her skirt before taking a few moments to examine Rhea leg. The Red Mage had endured so much, and there were days, even weeks, when he would suffer from phantom limb pain. Of course, there was only so much Koko magic could do to relieve such pain, but it did seem to help soothe it a lot more than any normal medicine could.
Her hands slowly traced over his leg, making sure to note any infections if she noticed anywhere his real leg ended and the prosthetic one began. Most mages around here didn’t pay that close attention to such things, but then again, none of them had Koko healing experience or medical knowledge.
“It looks like your leg has healed okay, and there is no infection that I notice. Have you been feeling any of the same pain again?”
‘Let me stay… I can make you breakfast in the morning.’
Rhea's voice was gentle, almost like he had already put everything together. He was smart and always caught on to pretty much everything. At least when it came to others, as far as his own personal life is concerned..there were a lot of unsaid things between him and his brother. Maybe it wasn’t her business to dwell on such things, but it was clear as day, no matter how angry Rhea was at his brother. Deep down, there was still that sibling love he held for his brother.
“Rhea, you know that we could get in trouble…especially if the captain finds out you aren’t back in your own cabin by roll call..”
A faint flush spread across Koko face, it wasn’t like them spending the night in each other's cabin was new. The two knew when exactly they had to be back in their own cabins, so it wasn't a huge risk at all. It was the fact that he wanted to make her breakfast himself. It wasn’t something he did for anyone else, and thinking that sent the white mage's heart fluttering.
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ariicandy · 3 months
Take Us to The Stars Tonight
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Summary — He loves recalling the memory of when he confessed his love to you, a special place, a special moment, a special memory he will never forget.
Notes — been a while since I have wrote! It’s been 2 and a half months.. Hopes it’s decent enough to be enjoyable, haven’t wrote for aventurine properly before! Wanted to add boothill originally but I needed to get this fic out so will do another version w/ boothill!!
Warning(s) — might be ooc aventurine as stated above, haven’t really done penacony story so he probably doesn’t go to these areas
Word count — 1,140 words
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It was a strange thing that Aventurine has been having feelings whenever he encounters you. He feels the need to shower you with exquisite treasures even more if this weird tingly that he is feeling is trying to tell him. It is really strange. He’s been feeling this weird aching feeling within him he cannot describe or even seem to understand what it is for a while now. It started after a while of meeting you, first seeing you while he was roaming in golden hour. Where it only seemed to be a brief conversation, now turned to an everyday routine to see each other and talk about your day with each other. It’s weird how Aventurine was yearning for you more and more now without even realizing himself. He would send more messages to you, trying to engage with you more on whatever there is to talk about or even encouraging you to continue your talk of your day.
So to suddenly realize this tingly feeling that’s always making him feel weird is because he is in love with you. It makes him stop in his tracks on whatever he might be doing to suddenly realize that his feelings towards you are of love, not just the feeling of pampering you much more. But, how can he tell you that he loves you? Do you share the same mutual feelings? Is he overthinking this and this feeling is only just to pamper you more? It’s stressing him out and knowing there is only one way to find out..
To say Aventurine was nervous was an understatement. He was overthinking everything you guys had, fidgeting with his left hand a lot more while waiting for you to come and meet with him at Aideen Park. Maybe he should have picked a better location where it’s mainly just the two of you alone without being heard. It’s not like he can just change location last minute when you are on your way from the message you sent him a few minutes ago. Now he is fiddling with the tiny shopping bag he bought a bracelet with your name on it for you. Maybe he should have gotten something more that could make up this nervous situation, Aventurine only shakes him head and sighs ready to gamble with fate of his feelings for you.
“Ah I found you Aventurine!” The sound of your voice made aventurine turn to you with his usual smirk. “Ah, look who finally made it. I got this gift for you while I was on my way over here to the park.” Which wasn’t a completely lie, to say. Aventurine did look a various luxury jewelry stores that he will think deserve to feel your touch and be the symbol of him being yours, if you do accept it of course. A small gasp was lead out by you seeing him hold the small bag knowing it was worth a lot, he always bought you luxury goods when you try your best to tell him he doesn’t need to shower you with such expensive things. He always say its okay with whatever he buys you that you know is draining his wallet without him giving it a single thought, it worries you why he likes to pamper you with such lavish gift. “But, before I give you this gift, I must tell you something first.” Aventurine words made you curious and all ears to hear, and he could see that as he continued turning his head to the left of him to gaze the sky.
“To be quite honest with you, [Name], i actually never thought this day would come to talk you fully about me. I’ve been thinking that something weird happened to me while I wasn’t aware of in my chest.” Puzzled by Aventurine’s words you asked, “What do you mean?” You showing aventurine he has your full attention solely on him he continued, “I’m not sure when it started or what specifically made me have this weird feeling in my chest. But I do know an idea of who might have caused it. Would you like to take a guess?” Aventurine now fully turns to you seeing your shock expression on wanting you to guess, did he really need to do his little tricks at this moment? While you were hesitating to answer, aventurine was also scared of hearing what you might say. He just wants to see what you might assume the reason of his weird feeling from knowing his fellow co-workers at the IPC, the deals or gambles he makes with people. “Hmm, I’m not entirely sure I can guess why. It confuses me, who did you think might be the cause?” Hearing your response, aventurine forms a tiny smile. “You, [Name].” His response shocks you, how could you be the cause that aventurine has been having a weird feeling? It is a bad thing or good thing? It’s unknownly stressing you to find out. “Huh?! Me? What do you mean??” “You, [Name], have gave me his weird feeling in chest that has been guessing for what felt like ages. Not knowing why I always had this weird happy sense with you that I could not figure out what it actually was. That was until about 2 months ago during my break when I was messaging you, the reason why.” Aventurine then started to reach for the small shopping bag that he was carrying, bringing out a small box that looked delicate. He carefully lifted the lid up and revealed a lavish bracelet that had your name written in cursive. Shocked and surprised by the gift aventurine was going to give you this beautiful bracelet out of nowhere. Whatever money aventurine spent to buy and make this bracelet for you, oh you will repay him for this how could not? “The reason is, that i actually love you, [Name]. I never realized why i always wanted to get you more things for you to have no matter what you say or try to repay me. It can never replace you actually seeing me as someone, a person, and not just doing business with me. I own you my heart, for being the person i truly do love and enjoy being with.” He grabbed your hand and started to place the bracelet on your wrist, clipping it to secure it stays on your wrist. “Knowing you, you will try to repay me or makeup for this to be even. But I only have one thing to make it even to you.” You were still mesmerized by the bracelet and hearing him know what you would have said, you looked at him, “and what would that be?” A small genuine smile appeared on aventurine’s face. “All I ask of you is, will be my love?”
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busycloudy · 11 months
hii if that's okay can I take a coffee mixed with tea with a muffin and a dragon? Thank you so much in advance!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
A Comforting Dragon
Coffee + Tea(Comfort) Muffin(They walk in to see you crying) Dragon Lollipop(Malleus Draconia)
A/N: Hello Lilian! Sorry if this is ooc, I haven't really wrote for Malleus yet! I do hope you still enjoy this!
You slammed your room door in Ramshackle shut. The dorm shook. You hopped onto your bed and laid there, just staring at the ceiling.
Today was a frustrating day. You were on your last straw, but even that had been taken from you.
You had the worst headache ever after taking care of the first years and making sure Grim didn't burn anything. Grim had nearly burned your whole dorm down a few minutes ago actually. Then Crowley had sent you to do some things, and now you have to study and do some homework.
You did not have the energy to do that right now. All you wanted to do was relax for once. But then again, everything was due tomorrow. "Better do it now then...." You mumbled, grabbing the papers.
You took a seat back in your bed, looking at a sheet of paper. Your frowned. You read it again. "What?" You read it another time. This made no sense. No matter how many times you read it, it didn't make any sense. "Ugh, I'll just move on to the next paper" You muttered.
You moved on to the next paper. Still, it made absolutely no sense. You moved on to the next one, and next thing you know you're back at the first paper after looking through all of the papers. Nothing made sense right now.
All you wanted to do was cry with how frustrated you were now. Nothing made sense, but they were due tomorrow. What the hell were you supposed to do? All this frustration was starting to get to you.
You started to think about everything that has happened to you every since you came here. One thought only lead more. You couldn't stop thinking.
A salty tear rolled down your cheek. One tear turned into more. Your thoughts started consuming your head.
Time started passing. Maybe minutes later you heard your door open. You looked up, wiping your tears. "Oh.. hey Tsunotarou..." You sniffles. Malleus then had a bit of a frown, and you could hear lighting strike.
Malleus then walked over to you, sitting beside you on your bed. "My love, what happened?" He said, a worried look on his face.
You just sniffled. "Nothing... " You muttered. "Do know you can speak freely with me" Malleus reassured you. " You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but now I'll always comfort you and be by your side" He sympathetically smiled.
You gave in. Telling him your frustration about all the work, and how thoughts started going through your mind. How ever since you had arrived here it had felt like hell. Sure, there were good moments! But those bad moments made everything shit.
Malleus comforted you while you said this. Staying quiet, and letting you talk. He rubbed your back to try and calm you.
You finished talking, then looking at him. "I.. I'm sorry. I'm probably just overreacting..." You wiped your tears. "Dearest, your not overreacting. I'm glad you decided to tell me this. I'll help you if needed" Malleus answered. You shook your head "Please do" You sniffled. "Anything for you, my treasure"
Malleus would help you live in this world. He'd help you every step of the way. No matter the cost. As long as you're happy.
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helpfandom · 1 year
ELLO ITS ME @yandere-plague
OK so like I've had this idea for a story for so long and-
Okay so handsome dad is your dad and Nisha is your mom.
BUT Nisha, realising she's pregnant she ditches you somewhere on Pandora.
Another BUT some people from Lynchwood take you in.
So you grow up in Lynchwood and for plot reasons Nisha recognises you. She doesn't kill you but you know she hates you (you have no idea who your parents are)
Randomly you wake up on Helios. Then the fucking hyperion ceo walks in with some doctor and there're like. "Yup they are your kid"
You and Jack just stare at eachother in shock (and horror)
You are obviously scared shitless because you know he will throw you out of an airlock if you do so much as breathe wrong.
But then surprisingly he acts like such a nice dad to you even though you are literally having a panic attack just seeing him in person.
Idk if you want to write for this or something but 🤷‍♀️
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I'm so happy I spent like 3 minutes stimming and jumping because it's you! I love your writing, and to have one of my favourite people ask me, ME? for something?
Fun Fact! My longest post in Borderlands is Zane Flynt. Something I wrote as a tribute. To YOU [with 1,049 words] Anyway-
Ask, and ye shall receive.
TW: for Handsome Jack shenanigans, mentions of S3X, Handsome Jack, Perhaps a OOC Nisha, because I didn't play Nisha in Presequel, nor did I know she was in BL2. Allusions to abortion or miscarriage.
It had been a great night between the two that, to be quite honest, they both enjoyed, but unfortunately, Jack happened to have gotten her pregnant.
She was quite disappointed, especially since she got herself roped into giving birth to you rather than trying other methods. So, she gave birth, and then promptly left you in the middle of the road, hoping perhaps a skag wouldn't go hungry that night, or maybe someone who could actually care for you would show up before the animals arrived.
And with that out of the way, onto the real headcanons.
There had been some rumblings of a bandit finding something of importance, something that could help, something they could train. Perhaps it was a new animal for Nisha to hunt, or maybe- She pauses, looking at you, you who had tears in your eyes, clearly scared out of your mind, and yet she still couldn't muster up enough sympathy to care for you. Not when she tried to get rid of you.
So you spend most of your life being trained by psychos and bandits and always wondering why Nisha hated you, why she would glare at you every time you dared to be around her, even with all that you put into being the best there is, the best in Lynchwood, maybe even the best shooter that you could possibly be, and yet the only reaction she will ever have to you is just anger, and disdain.
As you get older, you begin to notice that the worst tasks, the deadliest tasks are sent to you first. Is this because she wants to test you, or because she wants to kill you? You can see in her face the hatred she has at you coming back that it clearly wasn't to test you.
At some point in your teenager years, you begin to stop caring about what she wants from you, what you think she desires from you in order to be seen as something more.
And eventually, she just sells you off to Handsome Jack in order to have him postpone his attack on Lynchwood ever so slightly by giving up the best bandit they have.
So as you sit in a car, wondering where Nisha is sending you off when you arrive at a place with the name Hyperion? Does Nisha want you to take them down from the inside, perhaps?
And yet as you're escorted to a room with a doctor and someone- IS THAT THE REAL HANDSOME JACK? The doctor mumbles something to THE REAL HANDSOME JACK-HOLYSHITHOLYSHIT AM I GOING TO DIE HERE? He turns and faces you, looking at you head on, and then walking towards you with open arms, clearly he must mean to attack, right? He HUGS you?
All the while Nisha hates that she misses you, hates the fact that she kind of liked you? Even though you're a reminder of all that she hates in life, she likes the fact that you tried so hard.
Handsome Jack doesn't care about you at first, only thinking of how this could make him look better or how to use this against his Exes. He could gloat to Moxxi how he can take better care of his child[ren] or how much better it is with him to Nisha. All in all, he doesn't truly care about you till later.
As he notices that you flinch at every little thing, he finds it annoying, he wouldn't hit you unless you need it, and you're his kid, so why do you expect him to hurt you?
That's when he realizes that you don't know about Jack nor Nisha being your parent, so all that you've seen is the one person you look up to hate you, and his own reputation coming back to bite him in the ass.
So he drops the ball onto you.
Of course, this is such a surprising revelation that makes everything make sense, but you can't believe it, after all, would you really go as far as trying to kill your own child?
Yes. They both would.
Besides the fact, you then spend most of your days following the revelation staying alone, processing all that happened, becoming your own kind of therapist in a sense.
And because Jack wants to use you just as Nisha did, he drags you out, slowly becoming attached to you, because who wouldn't become attached to a hobby?
Needless to say, they both intend to use you for what they can, then drop you, but end up becoming attached to you.
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lunar-knight84 · 9 months
I wish you love
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Dr Strange (Stephen Strange) X Non binary Reader
Summary:  Dr Strange has been searching for you for 2 years about what happens when he finally finds you.
Warnings/Stuff inside: angst, OOC Dr Strange, Not spell checked or proof read, death is mentioned.
This story is inspired by the song I Wish You Love by Rio Romeo
A/N: Hey yall, I know its been a while. Some stuff has been happening and i haven't been motivated at all to write. I actually just put my playlist on shuffle and this song came up and i felt really connected to it and decided to write a story based on it. I hope yall like it and i hope yall had good holidays and everything. ill try to post more depending on how i feel. I hope yall enjoy and as always leave a comment and like it please! im new at this so please be kind.
“Itll be okay…” you said to Stephen as you caress his cheek for the final time. Your sweet lips curling into a soft smile as you say “it's gonna be okay Stephen…I..”. Stephen sits up from his bed gasping with tears rolling down his face. It's been 2 years since he lost you. 2 years since you lost your life while trying to save the world.  2 years before he could tell you he loves you. You didn't get to finish your final words with him before the portal took you away. Everyday since he's been scouring the multiverses hoping to find you and bring you back home to him. It's been haunting him more and more… The desire to bring you back the grief of losing you is too much to bear. Stephen gets out of bed and begins to open the eye of agamotto in order to start searching for you.  He searches day and night in different multiverses until finally he finds you… You're walking down the street wearing headphones and entering a house. He follows you as you enter and run up some stairs to a bedroom. Stephen follows you into the room, he can feel some tears gathering in  his eyes as he finally found you… he could finally tell you what he always wanted to tell you. Before he could get his body form into this multiverse, you turn around towards him and say “Stephen I know you're here… come out or at least let me see you…”. Stephen with a soft look of surprise on his face fully showed himself to you “how did you know i was here?..” He asks. “I had a feeling…. Now onto the bigger things… you're not my Stephen Strange, are you?” you say with a hint of curiosity. Stephen laughs “you've always been so intuitive”. You smile back “ you know it… now why are you here?...”. You ask gently as you sit on your bed. Stephen can't help but admire you… you've always been so beautiful and smart. “I-ive been looking for you Y/N…I want to take you back to my dimension…” He says getting close to you and kneeling before you. “You dont know how much ive missed you… how much i wanted you back in my life…I love you Y/N….” he says softly with teary eyes. Your face falls at his confession as you pull Stephen into a hug. “Please come with me to my dimension ...please we can be happy there…'' he says in a quiet desperate voice. “Stephen…” you say as you caress his cheek “i cant…” you whisper softly. Stephen stands up as he starts to feel confused “why not?....I would give you everything Y/N if you asked me… all i want is for us to be happy… and together…”. “Oh Stephen….i'm not your Y/N ... ..and we never figured out the whole romance part….” you say sadly as you sigh. “I have a whole life here Stephen…I can't give that up no matter how much I want to….” Stephen looks round the bedroom for the first time and realizes there are pictures of you with what seems to be your partner. He also notices a wedding ring nestled on your finger. You go to a nearby drawer and take out a neatly folded letter and hand it to him. “Here… In my universe you never made it home…so I wrote this letter to let out all my feelings about you…” you press it in his palms and smile sadly at him. A few tears start to show in your eyes as you caress his cheek “itll be okay…you know that right..”. He stares at you with a soft sad smile as he says “ you know..those first few words were the last few words you were telling me before i lost you…”. “I know…I said those same words as well as the words…” you pull him into a hug as you continue “I wish you love….” Stephen's eyes widen a bit as he laughs sadly while his tears spill out. You smile softly as you bid him goodbye for the final time. Who knows if you and Stephen Strange were ever supposed to be together but one thing is for sure…you both wish love and happiness for each other no matter the universe or multiverse.
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starriwonderland · 2 years
Hihi! I wanted to request a headcanon of Idia and Azul of how they would take a male s/o out on a date :D thanks!
Hi! I love this idea so much! I tried my best to make the reader male! I got stuck on what to write so I added crack because this is the twst-verse I hope that's okay!
Genre(s): Romance, Fluff, Crack if you squint.
Warning(s): mushrooms, slight ooc on Azul's part sorry I'm still learning about him, mentions of social anxiety on Idia's part.
Reader: Male
Character(s): Idia and Azul
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I'm joking💀
Azul will take you on a date AWAY from Mostro Lounge because he doesn't want the Tweels interfering
They still did anyway
Got the right from Headmaster to leave the campus don't ask how. All you need to know is Crowley is graciously giving his full permission.
A gentleman, he bought you flowers and wanted to take you to dinner!
Wanted everything to go perfectly but Tweels intervined :,)
Took you to a fancy restaurant and you guys sat down
You both ordered pasta as the waiter respectfully wrote down what you wanted.
A band was playing music to fit the romantic atmosphere
Everything was perfect...too perfect (Leech twins cue to come try to mess everything up for funsies)
His glasses went askewed when he finds out Jade is the 'new waiter' when there food is delivered.
"Unfortunately I will be serving you now as the last waiter has finished his shift" obviously it was a lie. Since when did jade work here?
Azul was kinda nervous about eating now as Jade expectantly waited for you both to try your food.
One bite and it was evident that the recipe had been modified with mushrooms
Jade looks every bit pleased by you guys reactions to the fungi and notes everything down.
Well if that wasn't embarrassing enough Floyd is now trying to take over the music band because "their taste in music was too sappy and boring" the guests are just bewildered at the scene.
"If you two are here, who's watch The dorm and Mostro Lounge?" He asked in a serious tone.
Azul looked very upset until he heard joyous giggles coming from you. He loved your laugh and now he's laughing too.
You were having a great time regardless of the twins shenanigans.
Of course he'd take you out again on a proper date though (or at least try to. </3)
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Idia loves you to bits he really does!
But he REALLY hates social interaction
Ortho has to drag him out of his room kicking and screaming just in order for him to go to class.
Usually your dates would be watching anime or gaming sessions or just chilling in his room
Honestly, you didn't really expect Idia to want to go on a date with you anywhere outside his room, because...well he's Idia.
Well time for the surprise of your life
This introverted otaku somehow gathered himself together to ask his boyfriend to go to a movie with him.
Idk what the Twst equivalent of a studio Ghibli movie is but that's where he wanted to go.
Got permission from Crowley a while back in a slightly more civil way than Azul, with the help of Ortho. (Ortho almost blew up the school again💀)
Actually Ortho had convinced Idia to ask you. "I want Nii-san to go make good memories with Y/n-san!"
Before he could have second thoughts and cancel, Ortho shoved him out of his room.
*Locks Idia out of his own room cutely* /hj
Oh well no turning back now.
"Y-y/n I heard that they were releasing this new anime movie that would be in theaters only and I r-really would love it if you go with me." He muttered almost inaudibly while averting his gaze.
Of course you said yes this was a rare opportunity!
He actually hadn't freaked out about social interaction for about a good thirty minutes but to be safe, you decided to do the talking at the ticket counter
Idia links his pinky with yours while you stood in line, since he was still a little shy when it came to PDA
On the other hand, literally clung to your arm like a life line when you were trying to pass people to get to your seats, he's internally screaming. Idia sweetie you'll make it harder to get to our seats in time—
Once you and the blue-haired male sat down he visibly relaxed.
He enjoyed it more than he thought he would, and knows ALL the lore on whichever movie was showing at the theater.
"This actually wasn't that bad..." Idia noted to himself while starting to blush
He was gonna ask to do it again until—
"OooOoo pwetty!" A little kid attempted to grab at his long flaming blue hair.
*screeches and uses you as a human body shield*
The whole thing was hilarious and you had to restrain your self from bursting out in laughter.
You calmed him down and returned back to the campus after getting something to eat.
Regardless of what happened earlier he would definitely want to go out with you again.
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wsknbfanaccnt · 2 years
Murasakibara nsfw where reader gets sick and tired of his lazy attitude in bed so she deliberately teases him and doesn’t let him touch till he snaps and fucks with a monstrous attitude to match his monstrous cock
Henlo Anon~ Getting at it with Murasakibara's insane cock I see??
Yes I agree that Mura actually has an insane cock like fucking 10 inches or smth
Well I hope this satisfies your desires! Im not too experienced in writing abt Mura but I hope he's not too OOC-
Edit: damn its been a while since i wrote like that- this kinda hardcore lmfao
Monstrous Attitude
"Atsushiiiii...!" you whine for the nth time, trying to spend some time with your 7-foot-tall boyfriend.
"I told you (Y/N)-chin... just ride me..." he groaned in his lazy voice, laying down completely naked and you just sitting on his pelvis.
"But I did that last time! And the time before that!" you complain, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him a bit, trying to get him to his senses. He didn't budge at all.
"But I don't want to do anything... you satisfy yourself with me okay? I'll just lay down here..." he muttered, then stifled a soft yawn. You groaned in annoyance, a tick mark growing on your forehead as you saw him yawn. You hoped that this would be different, putting on some cute lingerie and acting like you really needed him. Alas, nothing was deterring his laziness.
"Tsk..." you clicked your tongue, sighing since you had no choice. But you weren't going to give up on him, needing his attention more than ever.
To start you took a long lick of his shaft, earning a small twitch of his cock from the warmth of your tongue. You took his tip and slowly slid it into your wet mouth, very slowly pushing yourself up and down his tip. Twirling your tongue around his veins, you pulled away as a strand of your saliva connected your lips and his tip.
A bit frustrated, Murasakibara opened his eyes and peeked at you.
"Why did you stop?" he pouted. In that instant, you knew you had him in your grasp.
Teasing him more you dripped some of your saliva onto his dick and stroked it with two hands, too big for it to fit on only one hand. He leaned his head back again, his soft moans filling the room. But it ended as soon as you started, pulling away from him again. He peeked at you, the frustration clear on his face.
"(Y/N)-chin...!" he whined, clenching his fists in annoyance. But you smirked, a soft chuckle slipping your lips.
"Okay okay, fine...." you lied of course, but nevertheless got on top of him. You slowly lowered yourself on him, his cock spreading you more than you ever thought it could spread. It earned both of you a moan, trying to get as deep as you could. But really, it was only about halfway. Thinking that you were about to do the deed, Murasakibara just relaxed into you.
You kept up your facade, doing your best not to smirk as you again, pulled away completely. Faking a yawn, you lay down next to him on the bed and closed your eyes.
"I'm too lazy... let's do this another time.." you whispered. Murasakibara was just looking at you, his eyes a bit wide from surprise. But you quickly would learn that this side of Murasakibara perhaps is better than what he was about to do to you.
You felt some shuffling of the bed behind you, and the next thing you know he was on top of you, both your wrists in his massive hands, pinning them to the bed.
His look seemed not just of lust, but of anger as well. You've only ever seen this look of his once, and that was on the basketball court.
Good luck.
"W-Wait-! Atsushi-"
"You're kinda annoying sometimes (Y/N)-chin..." he hissed. But he suddenly shoved his entire dick inside you, balls deep. That earned a scream from you, feeling your organs move from the inside because of how insane his size was.
"But I'll give you what you want." he growled, suddenly thrusting into you as hard and fast as he could. You couldn't even speak, the pain and the pleasure overtaking your entire mind, leaving it blank. He looked deep into your eyes as a slight smirk curled his lips.
"You're really cute like this (Y/N)-chin...." he cooed, his pace never altering. You were in shambles, crying out in immense pleasure as you grabbed on the bedsheets for dear life. Sensitive from how deep he was you could already feel the knot in your stomach tightening, Murasakibara groaning softly from the feeling.
"Not yet," he muttered, lifting your leg onto his shoulder. He went even deeper, if it was possible, feeling his dick stake you from the inside. But you couldn't hold it anymore, ecstasy filling your entire body as you came, your juices spilling onto his cock.
Still, he wasn't done with you. He kept thrusting, groaning softly as he felt himself close as well. You tried to tell him to stop, but the pleasure was overpowering all functions of your brain. Satisfied with you, he shot his own liquids deep inside you, almost directly into your womb. Good thing you were taking pills.
Slowly he pulled out of you, adjusting your position on the bed to make sure you were comfortable. The same gentle man was completely obliterating you literally 10 seconds ago. You were completely exhausted, your limbs barely even moving. But he smiled softly, hugged you with both arms and legs, and snuggled his face in the crook of your neck.
"Goodnight (Y/N)-chin... you better prepare some snacks when we wake up."
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causenessus · 2 months
long time no speak! before i go on i just wanna let you know its perfectly fine if you dont see my asks/questions !! seriously ^^ i understand you're busy with writing or outside shtuff so dont add more stress to yourself hun <3
i do want to ask how you write dialog so smoothly? ive always struggled on writing conversations without it seeming awkward or really forced??
thank you again for helping me i really truely appreciate it more than i can express. you are a saint
-smau anon <33
SMAU ANON!!!!! HELLO HELLO <3 i hope you're doing well!! and i will always answer your questions even if it takes a little bit <3 thank you so much for being patient aa!! <3 and i was just thinking about you earlier this week i hope that your writing and planning has been going good!!!
(clipping this so it isn't super long, sorry i YAP)
honestly 😭 i feel like sometimes i struggled with this too but what i think is choppy no one else sees so first of all it's important to remember not to be too hard on yourself!! i'm not sure if you're talking about texts or actual written dialogue but in case it's both, let me start with text:
i often think in a mindset of how i text. and to be honest while i'm outlining i usually get tons of ideas for little texts/entire conversations anyway and so i'll write it all out (for example, my love notes outline was 116 pages long LMAO because the entire thing is just me writing out text like this-
"atsumu: OKAY WELL NOW YOU GUYS REALLY WENT ON A DATE oikawa: i hope you gave her a new years kiss osamu: i think you’re putting too much faith in him bokuto: I HOPE YOU GUYS HAD A GOOD TIME!! suna: bokuto and osamu are the only good people here osamu: if you had to elope with one of us who would u pick"
-yes i did copy that straight from my document. so FIRST since writing that all out + outlines works for me, my outline is basically my rough draft and i think it always helps just to have an idea of what you're thinking of writing before you start writing it! so i'm pretty sure that i changed up bokuto's text in that clip because when i was writing the actual chapter, i didn't think it flowed well or was very in character for him. which leads me into my second point which is for texts and written parts! i think it gets easier if you try to just think from the point of view/mindsets of characters. like suna is obviously a very much more relaxed laid back guy who doesn't talk with a lot of enthusiasm while atsumu is a little more dumb!! (we love him) and loud!!! if you struggle with trying to imagine how they would talk, i would recommend doing things like rewatching episodes/clips of them. before writing love notes, i rewatched the inarizaki match to get a better feel for him (even though they gave me so little of my husband 😔😔😔 i took what i could get). pinterest also has lots of funny or romantic silly little text clips if you just search them up which is what inspired lots of the love notes epilogue (such as the "i'm going to strangle you" "can you even reach my neck" texts, that was literally something i found on pinterest) that you can get inspiration from or even your own funny texts with friends!
for written dialogue, i tend to imagine the scene playing out and then i sort of write what i envisioned. like i imagined suna and y/n on the train, how they're looking at each other, and what they would talk about and then wrote that out! i italicize how they're looking at each other because it's always nice to add descriptions to your writings sometimes :) and when you imagine the scenes, it's sort of second nature! i'd say it once again just really goes back to having a good hold and understand of your characters and how they'll interact. and when you understand them, it also becomes easier to envision them. and also remember everyone writes and interprets things differently!!! you will write your own version of characters and it will be perfect. do not worry about being "ooc" or anything! finding how you relate to characters and giving them personal experiences (if that makes sense) can help you understand those characters more if you struggle with it. and again, rough drafts are super helpful! and they're called ROUGH for a reason. like if you're not feeling a scene, don't force yourself to write it, just be like "y/n and kenma do this." and then move on! when i'm just not too sure about ideas or i can't imagine anything at the moment, i will literally just be like "y/n and suna see each other at onigiri miya." and then tab it. i hope some of this is helpful!! 😭 i keep going on and on because i'm trying to make sure i'm actually explaining things well and in a way that makes sense. i didn't always used to imagine scenes as i wrote them but i would highly recommend it if you're brain works that way! it's like making/watching a movie in your head and thinking of it that way makes it a bit easier for dialogue to flow at least for me so that's my number one tip <3 i hope this helped a little bit!! and i can't wait to talk to u again lovely <3
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rapono-writes-stuff · 4 months
Stuff people might be wondering about unfinished and seemingly abandoned fics:
Q: Will you ever continue the "To find belonging where it shouldn't be" series?
A: Maybe, but not a hopeful maybe. I left the fandom in early 2022 (i think?) for multiple reasons, but some of the characters are still blorbos to me. There are 2 fics in the series (1 that was in progress) that I'd like to finish before officially marking the series as complete, but I don't know if I'll ever get around to them, especially since I've already got so much on my plate.
Q: Will you ever continue "In the Boogeyman's House"?
A: Probably not. I'm not as passionate about Myers as I used to be (and some of the new movies haven't helped, along with me not being into DBD anymore). I'm not very good at writing long fics without running into pacing issues. While I totally planned to have it so I could easily time skip over difficult parts so I wouldn't get stuck, I got too ambitious and forgot about that plan, and last got stuck trying to write a complicated scene that just wasn't working out the way I wanted (but was too stubborn to drop it so I could do the joke I'd been planning for it). Would rather keep my focus on my current long fics than add another one to juggle.
Q: Do you plan on finishing the final chapter rewrite (and bonus epilogue chapter) of "Pretend I'm Still Here"?
A: idk anymore. I did have a rewrite partially finished (managed to salvage it from my old phone), but it's been years since I've been active in the Overwatch fandom, and now I worry my depiction would be even more OOC than it was in the original final chapter attempt. I haven't even touched Overwatch 2. Still, I feel so guilty abandoning it, and hope maybe some day I can figure it all out and finish it, finally, after all these years.
Q: What happened to archiving the remaining untyped chapters of "Lost on a Requim"?
A: (muffled screaming) Okay so even tho what was going to be just an archive of an old FNAF fanfic of chapters I wrote on paper but never typed out, turned into me rewriting the chapters to better fit my current writing style, I ended up hitting the brakes hard while trying to type of chapter 6. I was so wrong about chapter 5 being the problem chapter, it was this one. Even if I typed it all up as it was with no changes (apart from spelling mistakes), this chapter was a fucking mess. Rewritten multiple times with several gaps and unfinished scenes, and messily attempted to stitch together like a choose your own adventure book (literally I have instructions to myself to go back/forward x amount of pages for next section). I have to rewrite some of this just so it's cohesive, but it's been a nightmare to do so. Been procrastinating (or just avoiding) working on it, but maybe someday I'll figure out how to make it at least somewhat cohesive.
Q: What incomplete fics are 100% discontinued?
A: Mostly just super old ones: Art of Corruption | Curing the Dead | Scorched Strife | Blood Pact | A Cup of Coffee & Piece of Heart Cake | Human Child | Bonded by Blood, unfortunately
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primalsouls · 2 years
bag of sweets
pairing: arataki itto x m!reader
theme(s): fluff
warning(s): none
notes: might be rush and ick lol it's been a while since i wrote something, especially when I've never wrote about itto before so he may be a bit ooc lol but i just really love him as much as i love albedo and xiao(˶′◡‵˶)im trying every day and every chance i get until his banner ends to get him ❤️ anyways, hope you all enjoy! thank you for reading! i appreciate every comment, reblog, and like, tysm! 💓
"C'mon, (sibling's name), you gotta step up your game, bro!" Itto shouted with a smug grin in his face as he posed victorious in front of the teen from the other side of the large crate. On the surface of the crate were two beetles facing one another. The bigger one was on its back while the small creature stood in its place in front of the triumphant Itto. The young teen rolled their eyes as they collected their beetle, letting out a huff at the loss they gained. "Aww, don't pout, (sibling's nickname), you'll get to win next time." taunted Itto as he picked up his own insect, setting him on his shoulder. 
"'m not pouting. You just won this round because my beetle wasn't in its best shape!" (sibling's name) said with a glare thrown at the oni, gritting their teeth as they put their beetle back into his cozy cage. "You just got lucky, old man." 
Itto gasped at the last words, hand on his chest. "Why you little—!" Letting out a scoff, the oni crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm not that old, kid! And it wasn't luck! The rounds are finally turning in my favors." Itto bragged, grinning when the teen let out another huff. They glanced down at the hand extended towards them, a brow raised in question. "Pay up, little one. I won fair and square." 
(Sibling's name) grumbled under their breath as they reached into the pocket of their shorts and pulled out a small bag of sweets from it. "Fair and square my ass." They muttered to themselves, placing the bag in Itto's hands. 
"Taking candy from a kid, again, Itto?" A voice cut through. Both heads turned to the owner of the voice. At the sight of them, Itto couldn't help the bright smile that crossed his face as he turned to face the other completely, forgetting about the bag of sweets he had won. (Sibling's name) hummed in greetings at their brother. "If you want sweets, you can come to me, you know." He said, arms crossed over his torso lazily.
"(Name)! You're here!" Itto said, running up to his boyfriend with a bounce in his steps. "What fun would that be! I mean, look! I finally beat your little sib!" The oni pointed at the teen while keeping his gaze on his boyfriend. "Which means I get their bag of sweets filled with your delicious treats!" He grinned, giving (Name) a firm nod at his logic. The teen shook their head as they placed their hand over their face at Itto's statements. "Like, c'mon, I won it fair and square, even though I could've gone to you… But still, I won." Itto shrugged, looking back over at his boyfriend who let out a soft laugh with a shake of his head.
"Wouldn't it be better to get a bag of sweets from me personally, though?" (Name) tilted his head as he asked Itto the question, watching him with an amusing smile.
Itto pouted, folding his arms once more. "I guess it would be better getting it from you…"
"They'll be fresh and ready, too. Tastier even." The young man said, walking over to Itto and took his face into his hands, cupping his cheeks. "So, no more betting (Sibling's name) on their own bags, okay. I know you want to win against them, but bet on something else… That doesn't involve taking any treats from any kids." He added, chuckling at the pout that continued to grow as Itto nodded along. 
Letting out a huff, Itto turned to the teen. "Well, kid, guess you can keep your bag. I'm gonna get mine hot and ready! Even more tastier than yours! Aha! Once again, Itto is winning." The tall oni bragged. He turned to his boyfriend and took his hand. "C'mon, baby, I really wanna get my hands on your treats! My mouth is watering at the thought of a dango!" He stated, already pulling (Name) back towards the house. 
(Sibling's name) watched their brother and the oni head inside the house from a distance, a deadpan look on their face. Rubbing the bridge of their nose, they turned back to the beetle in its cage, lifting it up to meet eye to eye. "Next time, just go straight to Itto and bite him on the nose… It's that too mean? No? Yeah, thought so..." With a shrug, the teen headed home as well. They closed the door once they were inside, hearing Itto continued to brag about his victory against them to (Name) in the kitchen. From their place in the entrance, they saw Itto place a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek, thanking him for going out of his way to make him his own bag of sweets. (Sibling's name) shook their head, a faint smile on their face as they walked to their bedroom, wanting to leave the lovebirds on their own.
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sse0jin · 3 years
genshin guys as people you'd meet out in the world but they're based off of dreams i had.
honestly i wrote these while i was sleep deprived and they were more for my friends bc i love them. also some or all of them might be ooc bc hey theyre based off of my dreams. enjoy
zhongli ; sophiscated looking guy you meet in the cafe. you try not to stare, you really tried not to but as soon as you looked away from him you slip and god you close your eyes and held out your hands in hopes that it'll lessen the impact. instead you feel an arm steadying you by wrapping itself arround your waist. you open your eyes as soon as you feel the arm, and the iced coffee going down your leg. hes apologizing but hey, even though your leg's sticky, smells like coffee, and it'll definitely stain your pants, he's adorable so you accept his apologies.
kaeya ; the flirty guy across the street. he's covered in layers protecting him from the harsh snow but he's definitely parading his face and as he should because GOD DAMN is he handsome. he sees you lurking about infront of your house waiting for something, who knows what? and waves at you and proceeds to shamelessly compliment your legs since you didnt bother to change your shorts out in the winter. you're embarrassed but now you know a cute neighbour thinks you have really hot legs.
thoma ; your rental boyfriend. nice and adorable and endearingly chivalrous, you've totally fallen in love with this gentleman ever since he followed you around everywhere, listened to you talk with great interest and talked with you like you've been together since ages ago but you know your love isnt meant to be considering he's only doing this for your money. you knew the illusion breaks at 12 am.
diluc ; your academic rival. he's cold and intimidating and unbelievably attractive. he scowls at you, face stuck in a bored expression otherwise. but deep inside he's lonely and grateful for your presence as he remembers you being nice to him even with his unapproachable nature, he hopes you're not being nice out of obligation. check your locker for a letter written in elegant writing tomorrow.
childe ; the handsome part timer at a grocery store. dude, you are so lost and it didn't even occur to you to look up and read grocery signs until you asked a man with red hair and contagious smile on where the tomatoes are. he happily leads you to them instead of pointing them out. hey, maybe they got a discount on cute boys today?
itto ; the guy in the club who saves you from a creep. okay it's been half an hour and you're really sure that someones been following you, you don't want to go home in risk of exposing yourself so you go to a crowded place that's up this late, a club. you walk in and spot a guy drinking by himself in the bar and approach him. you cling to him and whisper your situation and you're immediately held by him and accompanied until your stalker gave up. you paid for his next drink and kissed him goodbye.
xingqiu ; the cute guy in the library. okay, not to be a total loser but you've definitely been peeking at this guy looking through the library shelves for the past several minutes. he was dressed expensively and holy shit deserved cause he's really adorable. sometimes he'd pick a book and read the back of it before shaking his head and placing it back. you stop because it was getting a bit weird until moments later you feel a tap on your shoulder, you look up and it's the cute guy asking if he can borrow the book you're reading after youre done. shit, you really gonna make him wait? course not, you told him you were done and handed the book to him which earned you a thank you and a smile.
razor ; that guy that keeps visiting the animal shelter you work at to interact with the animals. you really don't know how long this dude has been doing this but you've only been here for 3 months and fuck it he's really cute. the animals looks excited everytime he comes over. you would be lying if you said you didn't find him adorable everytime he quietly coos at a dog. one day you approach him and asked if he wanted to help you feed them threats and you swear you've never seen someone light up so fast they start vibrating. you guys feed the animals and from then on he starts greeting you and looking forward for when he spends more time with you.
xiao ; the cold classmate who always sits near the windows. he's cute and cool and super smart but you're 99% sure this guy doesn't have friends. you take it upon yourself to try and talk to him but he ignores you anyway. one day you apologize for your behaviour and turn to leave but he stops you. his face was really red and you're REALLY certain you can see tears forming in his eyes, he asks you to stay and so you did.
venti ; the super popular idol you accidentally bump into. he's disguised and you apologize repeatedly for bumping into him but he lets out this?? angelic laugh and you SWEAR you know this voice but you can't quite remember. you give him your number and rushed away to your destination, leaving him dumbfounded as he gently puts away the paper in his pocket. next time you meet it's in a meet and greet because your friend dragged you with them. venti spots you and takes out his phone and the crowd goes silent as they're confused of what he's doing. in this quiet ass venue your ringing phone breaks the silence and you're really fucking embarrassed until venti shouts, "found you!"
bennett ; your super duper cute underclassman friend. you met him while his and your classes co-joined for a school activity and he accidentally tripped onto absolutely nothing and you rush in to save him. he exclaims loudly that that was the first time someone broke his fall and now he's super attached to you calling you his lucky charm. well he's cute so you let it slide.
albedo ; the professor everyone has a crush on. yeah, he's hot and way overqualified to be this school's science and art teacher. smart AND artistic? jesus take the wheel. he's easy to approach, albeit a little weird but everyone over looks it because he's geniunely a really good teacher and a good guy.
scara ; xbox kid who knew what slurs to call u cuz hes an empath
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ariicandy · 2 years
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Might be ooc and I don’t want to do too pacific on it too much hope you understand! So sorry this is short I was rushing to try to remember what I wrote and can’t remember much :(
┍━━━━━»•» 🥀«•«━┑
An x reader breakdown
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✧ ˚ · . An was surprised seeing you breakdown she rushed by your side to try to make her appearance noticeable and welcomed so if not, she’ll try not to touch just saying words/getting stuff to help calm you down.
✧ ˚ · . She’ll try to find soft and smooth stuff to help you if you need to squeeze your hands into something soft and nothing hard that can hurt you. She’ll also get you water, blankets, or any other supplies that you want after you calm down a bit from the breakdown you had.
✧ ˚ · . She’ll be by your side the whole day and go get you stuff even after you say your okay get it, she just wants you to be okay and rest to recover after what you went their :((
✧ ˚ · . She’ll say soft and sweet things to you like, “you’re doing great [name], keep trying to slowly breathe.””You’re okay, I’m here for you I won’t leave.” Things along those lines. She’ll check on you every few days even after it’s been a while since that day, she just wants to make sure your doing well and that your in much better condition :(
✧ ˚ · . Overall, An is very helpful tho can be startled at first when she sees you breakdown, she will help you any way possible to calm you down and to talk to her if you want, she’ll always lend a shoulder whenever you feel upset about something that happened to you.
┕━»•» 🌙«•«━━━━━┙
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writer-loogi2 · 3 years
♡︎𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜!𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚢!𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙.. ( 𝙶𝙽 )♡︎
A/N: Okay so.. Normally I don't write with characters that are from FNAF, but I've been having this self indulgent Sun/Moon brainrot-. Since I couldn't help myself I wrote this dumb post. This was supposed to be a drabble but it ended up much longer than anticipated ( I'm so sorry! )
♡︎𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: I'm really sorry if this is ooc! I've never really done written works with Sun/Moon, but I did try my best! I hope you enjoy!
( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
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♡︎Okay, so I've been thinking about this concept where Sun and Moon are separate animatronics instead of being one of the same 'being'. And that the reader is an animatronic as well!
♡︎So basically imagine the reader being this new animatronic brought into the daycare and introduced to Sun and Moon! They both accepted you into what they call their home ( although Moon was a bit hesitant, but warmed up to you eventually! ). Not only did they like you a lot, but the kids did too!
♡︎You were progammed to entertain kids sort of like the Glamrocks do, except you were directed towards a younger audience. So in a way you were like, another daycare attendant!
♡︎Sun immediately fell for you, and he fell HARD. Moon took his time, but he also felt the same way a Sun. Eventually they both agreed to share you! ( despite being programmed not to fall in love, they somehow concluded that sharing you was an okay thing to do- )
♡︎( before you arrived ) During the daytime, Sun would take care of the kids, while Moon stayed hidden away, ( 'asleep' ) resting until it was his turn to take over. During the night ( or in this case ) nap-time, Sun would hide away where Moon does and rest, while Moon makes sure the kids were asleep.
♡︎But things changed once you officially became a daycare attendant.
"Wow! Would'ya look at the time!" Sun exclaimed. "Alright kids! It's nap-time! Clean up, clean up everyone! Mr. Moon will be here any minute now!" Sun's loud voice echoed through the daycare, as the children scattered all over the area, tidying up as much as they could.
You were carefully picking up some toys that the kids had left on the play mats, and placing them back in their rightful spot.
"Come now children, it's nap-time, it's nap-time..~" you hummed. "Gather around, get nice and comfy, snuggle up with a furry friend, it's time for a nap..~ Time to go to dream land..~"
All the kids layed down and snuggled up with their blankets and pillows, while you and Sun picked up the rest of the remaining toys and tidied the area a bit more before the lights turned off.
"C'mon Sunshine, we have to go now, before Moony comes and gets mad at us!" Sun whispered, but was loud enough for you to hear.
"Alright! I'll be right there!" You said as you followed suit. Sun led you to his and Moon's room, it was divided into two parts for both of them to share. You have been here only a few times, but you don't exactly remember much since it was always for a quick moment.
Sun's part of the room had the walls painted yellow, hanging on said walls were some cute little star-shaped fairy lights. The walls had many drawings of him made by the kids and lots of stickers. There were pillows, blankets and many stuffed animals scattered on the floor. You could say Sunny's room is somewhat.. messy.
While as Moon's room had the walls painted a dark blue with stars on it. He had a couple of pillows and blankets as well, but of course he kept them organized. Moon's room was more simple, yet it lacked design. ( Nonetheless, it was their room, so they decorate it as they please. )
While you arrived to their room, Sun had been holding your hand the entire time. He didn't seem to notice it, not that you really mind. However when you went inside, Moon was just getting up from his rest. He turns around and softly glares at you both; it seems he did notice the two of you holding hands. ( yet he won't comment on it- )
"Hello Moony! Did'ya sleep well?" Sun asked, a smile evident on his face. You could tell, he was practically bouncing with excitement.
Moon could only groan in response as he stretched his limbs.
"..Not as well as I would've wanted but I can manage.." He said in a low tone.
Sun frowned at his response, yet he moved closer to hug Moon, still holding your hand.
"Aww Moony! I'm so sorry! I hope I wasn't being to loud again!" He whined.
"..Don't worry Sunny, it's not your fault.. Now you should get some rest while I deal with our little friends.. You should rest too Starlight.." He smiles softly.
"Okie dokie! I'll be right here if you need me, okay Moony? Now go have fun!"
"Yes, you have fun now Moon..~"
( if Moon was able to blush, you would've seen it by now.. How cute.. )
After Moon was gone, you were left alone with Sun in their room. He drags you over to his side of the room and shows it off.
"Ta-dah!!! This is my room! Do you like it?" He says while doing jazz hands.
"Of course Sunny, it's very nice" you chuckle.
"So what'dya wanna do now Sunshine? We can paint and color, or maybe.. play hide-and-seek! Though there's not much place for us to hide.." He continues to ramble on and on about activities you could do together, but it seems he had completely forgotten what Moon had just told him.
"Um.. Sunny?" You spoke, while waving your hand at his face trying to get his attention.
"Yes, Sunshine?" He looks at you, tilting his head to the side.
"Shouldn't you be resting? Like Moon said?"
"Oh right! I just can't.. I don't want to rest!"
"Why not?"
"I can't seem to fall asleep when you're around! I just get so happy when you're with me y'know!" He smiles, taking both of your hands in his. "When I'm you, I never want the fun to end! I wish I could spend all the time in the world with you!
"I know, I know! I should just listen to Moony.."
"Wait-.. Why don't we just stay up a little longer, hm? Will that make you feel better?"
"Yes! It will!" He exclaimed. "So what can we do then? I have lots of ideas but why don't we do somethin' you wanna do!"
You close your eyes for a moment and think. All of Sun's activities are quite fun, but right now it's time to rest! If only there was a way to keep him still.. Oh!
"Why don't we cuddle?" You suggested.
"Cuddling you say? Hmm.. That does sound fun! I've just never done it before!"
"Really now?" You tilt your head with curiousity.
He nods eargerly. "Nope! Moony and I, we just hug sometimes, and that's all!"
"Well that's a start Sunny! Here let me show you..~"
You sit him onto the pillows and blankets, he squirms a bit as he tries to get comfortable.
"Now.. Can you lay down for me, please?"
He nods and lays down. You lay down next to him, and slowly you wrap your arms around him. He sort of freezes, and doesn't really now what to do with his arms.
Gently, you take his arms and wrap them around your body.
"I-Is this okay? Am I d-doing okay?" He stutters.
"Mmhm.. You're good.." You hum.
"Oh goody!" He exclaims. "This really is fun!" He giggles.
Moon was surprised to see that the kids were actually behaving this time. Normally he'd deal with a trouble-maker or two during nap-time but tonight, everything seemed calm. Just as he was about to relax for a moment, he heard soft giggling.
Giggling? Where was it coming from?
None of the kids were doing it, they were all asleep! Then who..?
"Sundrop..!" Moon angrily whispered.
He made his way back to their room, the giggling only getting louder.
"..What is he doing! He should be resting!" He grumbled. "..Naughty, naughty.."
When he arrived he was met with you and Sun cuddling, the two of you were talking about stuff that happened in the daycare, making you giggle at Sun's remarks.
"..What on Earth are you two doing?!"
"Moony! Oh, you're back so soon? Is everything alright?" Sun smiled innocently.
"..Don't play coy with me.. Everything is not alright! You... You are supposed to be resting! Not doing this..!" He signals at the two of you cuddling.
"Oh! Well.. I just couldn't rest! I was just having a nice time here with our Starlight!
"Yes Moon.. We weren't doing anything wrong.. Besides Sun wanted to stay up a little longer..~"
"..Naughty, naughty... You shouldn't be up so late.."
"Why don't you join us then Moon? You seem jealous after all..~" you teased.
Your question had caught him completely off guard. Sun nodded in response.
"Yeah! What our Starlight said!" He huffed.
"..I-.. First of all.. I am not jealous..! And as much as I'd love to.. Stay with you two, I can't.. I must attend to the kids.."
"Aww c'mon Moony! Pleaseeeee! Just for a little bit? Pretty please?" Sun pleaded, looking at Moon with big puppy dog eyes.
Teasingly, you decided to join in. "Pretty please Moon..~"
"..Alright, alright fine! Just for a few minutes.." He grumbles.
"Yay!" Sun exclaims, lifting his hands in the air.
"..Oh hush up!"
Moon layed down beside you, wrapping his arms around your body, holding you tightly as if he doesn't want to let go.
"See? That wasn't so bad right Moony? Now we're all together! Isn't that fun?"
"..yeah.. I guess.."
"Good night you two!"
"Good night..~"
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A/N: Oml this is so badd- it's crappy- it was a lot cuter in my head. Oh well, enjoy this garbage I wrote- ( I promise you I won't write anything else like this for a while anyway sjsjjs )
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anemo-writes · 4 years
I heard that you write for scaramouche :0 so can i request a soft cuddling headcanon for scaramouche 👉👈 thanks OwO have a great day!
yes, that’s right!! i hope i captured his personality right though, this is the first time i’ve wrote for him,, i may have made it a little angsty in the beginning but i promise you it’s really fluffy in the end (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ i just really like writing angst hehe.. i know this might be a little ooc though, so beware and feel free to criticize me !! THIS GOT SO LONG—JUST SKIP TO THE BOTTOM TO READ THE ACTUAL CUDDLING HCS HAHA
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Scaramouche having a soft cuddling session with his S/O
Let me just say,, cuddling is extremely rare with him. He can’t help but view it as something that makes him feel vulnerable, which he hates. Although he doesn’t particularly dislike the way your arms wrap around him and the way that he finds it easier to sleep in that position, the two of you still don’t cuddle very often :( Other forms of physical affection are also rare with him, and it’s mostly you who showers him with affection—while he doesn’t mind it most days (he especially enjoys it if it happens in front of Childe, just so he can hear him whine about it), he finds it extremely annoying and overbearing him with you overstep your boundaries, especially if he’s stressed or busy.
peep the keep reading line— it got way too long because i couldn’t stop writing LOL
It really doesn’t help that you’re extremely touch-starved from the lack of attention and affection he’s shown you in the past few days (since he’s been involved in a lot more missions than usual ) when he snaps at you for visiting the workplace in an attempt to spend some time with him—you didn’t mean any harm. “Are you too blind to see that I’m busy, Y/N? Go find someone else to bother in the meantime, will you?” He says, turned away from you, failing to notice the way you feebly run out of building. He wouldn’t spare a second glance, assuming that it would all be fine when he met you back at your dwelling; after all, l you were used to his back-handed comments, right? Surely you would understand that he was under a bit more stress than usual—right?
Wrong. That night, you went home alone, touch-starved and a mess. Maybe it was the lack of affection making you this emotional, or maybe it was the fact that he had embarrassed you in front of so many subcoordinates, people you knew for Barbatos’ sake! He’s slightly surprised when you don’t answer the door later that night, despite the light in your bedroom still being on. He figures you’ve gone to sleep, so he leaves with a second thought. It’s only after two weeks of you ignoring him does he realize, “did I do something?”
He’s a human too, and humans can get touchstarved at some times—especially when you haven’t made an effort to show him any form of physical affection in the past two weeks! He’d rather pair up with Tartaglia to carry out the Tsarita’s orders than admit it to you, but he does miss you—somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, he knew when he accepted your confession that he would have to deal with things like this, but keep in mind that he’s probably never even thought about being in a relationship prior to you asking him out (especially with the way he treats other people; yes, he’s very well aware that he could be a lot nicer to his people, but does he care? no.) But I’d like to think that at least a little part of him is insecure about how his other harbingers view him, but we’ll save that for enough time—
But the thing that bugs him the most is that the people around him have noticed—it’s hard not to, really, when you turn a blind eye to whenever he tries to make conversation with you. Childe constantly bugs him about it too, which makes it even worse. “Trouble in paradise~?” The ginger would taunt, only smirking when Scaramouche huffs in response, too wrapped in his thoughts to come up with a witty remark back. He can’t help but feel frustrated; why were you getting mad over such a stupid little thing? This wasn’t the first time he’s said such a thing to you, so why? Why were you so upset at him that you couldn’t even spare a glance at him? As much as he hated to admit it, he had to do something before it got worse.
And so the brilliant plan of ambushing you in your home was created! Really, there’s no need to applaud; he already knows how great it is! However, under the layer of confidence that he displays, a little part nags at him; he knows that there’s always the possibility of you not forgiving him for whatever he did this time. He’d never say it but a little part of him is scared to lose you.
You let out a loud sigh as you entered your apartment, kicking off your shoes as you walked into the main room. It was another long day of ignoring your boyfriend. Could he even be called that anymore? You thought to yourself, before tensing up at the sound of approaching footsteps from your bedroom.
“Took you long enough,” An exasperated voice rang from within the shadows, the figure stepping into dim light of the moon to reveal your boyfriend. “I was beginning to think you got kidnapped on your way home or something.” He crossed his arms across his chest, staring you down with an unreadable gaze.
“What are you doing here, Scaramouche?” You asked, a bitter ring to your voice. “I thought you were busy. Surely someone as busy as you couldn’t spare time to drop by my house—so why are you here?” As much as you hated to sound so bitter, what else could you do? It took two weeks for him to realize that you were ignoring him, and suddenly he comes to your house and pretends everything is okay? How does that work?
“I’m here because...” Scaramouche said, walking towards you until your back hit the wall, your eyes wide as he extended his arm until his palm hit the wall. He was close enough for you to feel his steady breathing against your neck—you tried to push him away, but he kept you trapped within his arms. “I needed to say that I was sorry.”
You blinked momentarily at him, silent with shock.
“Geez, was it that weird for me to say that?” Scaramouche rolled his eyes, backing away from your shocked figure. “Stop staring at me as though I’ve grown a second head.”
“Sorry, it’s just—I’ve never heard you say that before!” You spluttered, looking at him with wide eyes. “You mean it though...right? You’re not just saying it, right?”
“Ugh—yes, I mean it. Now,” He said, taking off his hat to place it on top of your head in an attempt to hide the light dust of pink growing across his cheeks. “Can we just...you know—”
“Yes, that. Now get over here, you idiot.”
Again, cuddling is not Scaramouche’s thing, so expect it to be extremely awkward the first couple of times. He runs warm, so cuddling sessions don’t last very long when they do happen. He’s not too keen on physical touch, but he’d make an exception for you—in private, of course. He’d rather die than be caught cuddling with you in a public area, especially by the likes of someone like Childe; he’d never hear the end of it. Cuddling is reserved for only private, rare vulnerable moments—of course, it also applies to moments after arguments like the one shown above. Don’t call him out for it, because he will stop, but he’ll definitely play with your hair for a bit if you decide to lay down in his lap.
If you’re sitting on his lap, he likes to rest his chin on your shoulders; it’s the perfect opportunity to lay a peck on your cheek when you’re least expecting it—your flustered reaction that follows after has him smug about it for at least the next hour. He has you pulled up against his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist and if he’s feeling especially touch-starved, he’ll nuzzle !! into !! your !! neck !! Though, you can feel that smug smile against your neck as you try to push him away, flustered, which only fuels him to do it more~
If the two of you are laying side by side, it could honestly go either way; if he’s extra clingy, he’ll be the big spoon and literally hold you against him in a d e a t h grip. But if he’s feeling a bit insecure or vulnerable, he’ll let you hold him—of course, this is very rare, but it still happens! As said before, it’s extremely comfortable for him in this position and he can fall asleep quietly easily, as much as he hates to admit it.
After an argument or bickering, expect the sessions to last a bit longer than usual; even though it’s uncomfortably warm, he can’t bring himself to let go of you that easily (not that you’re complaining!) Sometimes, he’ll murmur stuff into your ear such as, “I didn’t mean it, okay?” or “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” It could go either way, really—
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thatoneitaliangirl · 3 years
Oh my gosh could you write a childe x reader thing 🥺🥺 I wanna just have some sweet angst with a happy outcome somehow 😔
I may have gone a bit overboard- At this point, I feel I'm literally incapable of writing anything under 1,000 words. So sorry this took so long, I had to take a break from writing to work out some things with school. A bunch of nonsense and stuff lol. You didn't specify gender, so I wrote the reader as female, only cause that's what I'm used to working with. I apologize if that's not what you wanted. I can always whip up something for ya with your preferred pronouns! But I'm not sure if I'll make it this long . . . I honestly don't know how I even did this, like this is a feat I feel. Anyways, I hope Childe isn't too OOC in this. I'm not the best when it comes to writing angst, so I hope you like it! And just as a little explanation beforehand, I read up that Childe joined the Fatui when he was about 14, became a Harbinger at 18, and is considered a young adult. So in this fic, it's assumed that he and you are at least 20 years old just so the timeline adds up and stuff. Also, despite how long this is, Childe isn't in it as much as you probably wanted- I have a tendency to write more about the reader than the characters. It's something I'm trying to break, but I was just so proud of this. I hope you like it! Anyways, happy reading!!! ^^
Childe x Reader Angst
Plot- Reader and Childe have been together for years when Reader finds out that Childe killed her sister when she was young.
Word count- 8,864 (I'm so sorry)
Warnings- Mentions of death, sadness, bad writing, possible suicide at the end(But just mentioned as a fear), swearing, and cringe 'funny' moments cause why not.
The wind blows through your hair as you sit atop a ledge overlooking Liyue Harbor. Today is your younger sister's birthday, and for the past six years, it's been nothing but a reminder of your failure. You were supposed to take care of her. After your parents passed away, you were all she had left, and she, you. But you were just a kid yourself, hardly capable of raising a child.
You bite your lip and look over at all the families walking about, having fun. It brings a smile to your face knowing at least some people can be happy on this day. She wouldn't have wanted doom and gloom to be her only remembrance. The sun in the sky is warm, beaming down on your skin. You've fought many battles for the Adventurers Guild during your time living in town, and are proud to say you've survived. Even escaped a few sparring matches with Childe relatively unscathed.
You win every time, but it's no surprise given he lets you win. That's one of the many things you love about him. He tries to put you first in most situations as much as he can with his job. And it's the little things like letting you win a fake fight that makes you feel like you're floating.
Your relationship is practically plastered on every notice board in town with how affectionate you are to each other. Not a soul in Liyue can look at you and not know you are the Harbinger's lover. But you're okay with that.
Taking in a calm breath, you hop down and glide your way to the docks below.
"Good morning, _____! Nice weather, isn't it?" You smile at the young girl as she approaches you. You've known her for a while now, and have come to consider yourself friends. She seems a bit nervous though.
"It certainly is. Are you okay, Chen?" Her smile drops and she grips onto her arms.
"Can I ask a favor of you? It's rude of me, but I'm desperate!"
"It's fine, what's the matter?" The young girl sighs.
"My brother borrowed a loan from Northland Bank last month and the payments were due two days ago. He told me he was going to pay it back . . . He hasn't been home since. I just thought that . . ."
"You want me to ask Tar?" Her eyes snap up to yours.
"Will you? Please? I'm just so worried about him! I told him not to take that loan, but he never listens to me." You put your hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
"It's okay. It's no problem at all! I was just headed there anyway. I'll see about your brother for you." Young Chen sighs in relief and reaches in her pocket.
"Here, I want you to take this as payment." You shake your head and push her hand away.
"No, I could never!"
"I insist! My mother gave this to me when I was a kid," She opens your hand and places a small coin in before closing your hand around it.
"She told me travelers would give these coins to people who did favors for them and that they grant wishes! Though I'm sure that's just a children's story; I was never able to get it to work." You give the coin a look, hesitant, before slipping it into your pocket.
"Alright, I'll accept. Thank you!" You wave goodbye to Chen and head towards the bank. Childe spends most of his days there, what he does, you have no idea. It's a mystery. The most you get out of him is 'business' which, yeah, obviously you do business. But it's understandable. The Fatui are a questionable lot, and not many people in Liyue trust them.
The Qixing keep a close eye on them as well, though you're sure even they hardly know what goes down under the 'bank' façade. Sometimes Childe comes home with cuts and bruises, claiming they're from training with his comrades, and while you don't buy that one bit, you play along. No need to add to his stress. If he thought you needed to know, he would tell you. No doubt about it.
Walking up the many flights of stairs, you nod to Vlad who lets you in.
Lucky for you, the first face your eyes land on is the exact one you came looking for.
"Tar!" He immediately looks over in your direction, smiles, and dismisses the Fatui agent he was talking to.
"Well, if it isn't the most beautiful woman in all Teyvat. Come to steal my heart?" He pulls you into a hug and kisses your cheek.
"No need, I already have it," You pull away, giving him a smile.
"I actually came here to see you."
"I'd hope so! Who else would you want to see?" Rolling your eyes, you grab him by his hand and lead him to his office.
"I have a favor to ask of you," The joking atmosphere surrounding you turns heavy as you hold his hands in yours.
"As you know, today is . . . Very important to me. I was wondering if you could get off early tonight? If not, it's okay though. I don't want to trouble you or anything." Childe chuckles and pats your head.
"I know what today is. I already requested an early leave this morning, but they haven't gotten back to me yet. If we're that backed up, I'm not sure I'll be able to," Your face falls a bit, but you smile. He made the effort to try and get off early without you even asking.
He places his hand onto your face and rubs his thumb over your cheek.
"But I promise to make it up to you. If I don't get back too late, we can go up to Mt. Tianheng and watch the lights at night. I know you like to do that when you're upset." The kind smile on his face is only magnified by the gentle look in his eyes. He's always been soft with you, even before you got together.
It was always an odd sight for people to see the two of you interact before you were a couple. He always regards people with the same jokester attitude, especially those he has to keep an eye on. But when he's with you, he may joke around, but is always much more concerned for your wellbeing.
"Thank you, Tar. I really appreciate it." He smirks and laughs.
"You appreciate it, huh? How much?" You roll your eyes again and give him a kiss on the lips. Childe smiles into it and tries to make it deeper, but you pull away with his lips chasing after you.
"Easy there, tiger. Save it for later, huh?"
"So, there's a later?" You lightly smack his chest and pull away from him as he laughs.
"Get back to work, Tar." You turn to leave but stop in the doorway.
"Oh, before I forget, I ran into Chen earlier," The look in Childe's eyes shifts slightly, but you barely notice.
"She mentioned that her brother stopped by here about two days ago, and was wondering if you knew where he went after? He hasn't been home since and she's very worried."
He ponders for a moment before his eyes light up in realization.
"Now that you mention it, he did say he was headed towards Lingju Pass. Don't know what for though." He shrugs.
"Okay, thank you! I'll be sure to pass it on." You exchange words of love before you leave.
After speaking with Chen, you decided to head towards the countryside. Your conversation with her went about as well as you expected. She seemed distressed and unsure of the information you gave her, but any criticisms were held as she thanked you and left. You hope that she'll be okay and that her brother comes back. Archons know, you understand what it's like to lose a sibling.
You take in a deep breath.
The air in Liyue is unlike any other. Once you leave the city and all the warm bodies, it's nothing but gentle breezes and the smell of earth. And the occasional Hilichurl, but you can easily take out a few to preserve the peace.
Walking along a random path in the sand, you reflect.
When you and your sister were young, you would often take walks like these while your parents were arguing. Despite only being a few years older than her, you actively chose to take on a more nurturing role. But after your parents died, you realized just how hard it was to provide for the two of you.
You knew how to use a bow to hunt, but not well, and even though you had your mother's catalyst, you didn't have a vision. Sometimes just showing it off and pretending you had a vision was enough to scare off petty thieves and weak Hilichurls, but it was only a matter of time before that wouldn't be enough.
Unfortunately, that time came all too soon.
The two of you had found an abandoned campsite and you decided to rest for the night. Your sister and you were headed to Mondstadt in search of a distant relative who you believed could help you. But during the night, your sister got thirsty and you were all out of water in your canteen. So you heading out to find a lake close by to fetch some, only to return to see a dark figure escaping into the night and your sister, laying in the tent, unmoving.
You were only a few hours walk to the city.
Sometimes you wonder if you had kept going that night, maybe whoever it was would have never even crossed your path. Your cries for help were heard by knights close by and they gathered your sister. Everyone in the city was welcoming and understanding, and the church gave her a wonderful service.
But nothing could mend the hole in your heart. Thankfully, the family member was able to take you in and trained you to become a knight. But that's not what you wanted. You wanted to find the person who killed your sister. And after completing your training, you left for Liyue and gained your Cryo vision along the way.
You summon your catalyst and flip through the pages. It's strange how magic works and how everything interacts with your vision. Before you, this weapon served your pyro vision-wielding mother. After you gained your vision, all the spells changed to fit the cold rather than the heat. You sigh and close the book. Sifting through it is just going to make you more sentimental. The sky above begins to turn shades of orange and pink as the sun goes down, so you decide to head home.
"I know you did something!" A loud voice yells, not too far from you.
"Chen?" You whisper to yourself and make your way around to see her at the edge of town, yelling at a Fatui agent.
"Calm down, miss Chen. We don't know what you are referring to." She balls her hands into fists, her face twisted in anger.
"You know damn well what I'm talking about! Lingju Pass? He hasn't set foot there since our father died. How dare you make up such lies!" You decide to make your way over to try and calm her down. She's obviously upset, and you know that Fatui agents aren't well versed in the ways of 'feelings.' In fact, most of the ones you've met have all been quite stoic and unconcerned.
"Are you calling the Fatui liars, miss Chen?" You stop, Childe stepping out in front of the other agent.
What is Childe doing out here?
"You Fatui lie about everything! Everyone in Liyue despises your presence here, and this just proves to me how low you people actually are. What did you do to my brother?!" She reaches up to hit Childe, and you run up to her and grab her by her arms. You know she can't hurt him, but if she tries she could get into some serious trouble.
"Chen, listen to me, you have to calm down." She looks up at you with tears streaming down her face but shakes off your grip.
"No! I refuse! He knows something about my brother, I know he does!" She looks at you with pleading eyes.
"Please, _____, tell him. Tell him to tell me where my brother is!" Chen sobs. Tears start to form in your eyes.
"Chen, I'm sorry, but Tartaglia doesn't know," You look up at Childe and are taken aback by the look in his eyes. His eyes are dead, angry, violent as he stares at Chen. He waves his hand, and two Fatui agents come from behind and drag Chen away.
"Let go of me!" She struggles as they hold her arms and pull her through the dirt path. Chen glairs at Childe, digging her feet into the ground to slow them down.
"You're a monster, Harbinger! A monster!" You continue to stare after her as she's dragged away. What just happened? You've known Chen and her brother since you moved here. What could have happened to make this poor girl act like this? You jump when Childe places his hand on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry you had to see that." He wipes the tears from your cheeks and smiles his normal, dashing smile. Nothing like the look he was giving Chen just a moment ago.
"Sometimes those awful rumors spreading about the Fatui make people act irrationally." You look him in the eyes as he holds your face. His eyes are soft and caring now, just how he always looks at you.
"Do you know what happened to her brother?" You ask softly. His eyes darken a bit, but his smile never faults.
"_____, my love, are you questioning me now too? Come on, you know none of that stuff is true, right? I work at a bank, not much else to it." He answers, his voice joking, but there's this undertone you can't quite place and have never heard before. You force a smile and hug him close.
"Your right, I'm sorry for asking. I'm just so concerned for Chen and her brother. Do you know where they're taking her?" He hugs you back, tight, and kisses your forehead.
"I think you should just leave it be for now. Go home and get some rest. I should be getting off work soon, and we can do what I promised. How's that sound?"
"Good." You lean up and give him a kiss. His voice drops low as he whispers in your ear.
"I love you, _____. Don't ever forget that."
And he leaves before you can reply. A chill goes down your spine as you watch him leave, and it's not from your vision. You've never seen Childe like that before, even when he interacts with the Traveler. It made you freeze in place, made your blood run cold, and had your heart beating faster with fear all at the same time. That was Harbinger Childe, not your Tartaglia. You rub your hands along your upper arms to calm yourself. You never want to experience that again.
Taking a deep breath, you reach into your pocket to grab your handkerchief, but pull out the coin Chen had given you instead. All it does is remind you that once again you failed to protect someone you cared about. Poor Chen is scared and afraid, and you're positive that Childe's reaction did not help her any.
But as you hold up the coin, you notice a faint glow emanating from around the outer edge which turns the intricate patterns into Liyuian Characters.
'Let the truth be revealed.'
What does this mean? You remember Chen telling you the story of the coin, but it was just that. You've never heard of any coins gifted by travelers before, and it definitely wasn't a common folk tale.
You shove it back into your pocket and rush home.
The sun is almost fully down, and the stars begin to light your way as you walk hastily down the path. Once your house is in sight, you pick up the pace and run inside.
The glow from the coin is brighter now, illuminating your darkening house. How does one even make a wish on a coin?
"I want to see the truth, but I don't know how," The glow of the coin shifts and changes colors in your hands, giving off an almost mystical wave of magic you've never felt before. Whoever made this coin had to have been powerful. You take a deep breath and look at the coin with determination.
"Show me the truth!" The glow envelopes you and when you open your eyes, you're shocked at what lays before you. The dark figure that haunts your dreams at night looms over your dead sister, red-stained blade in hand and a mask over his face.
You step closer, the classic mask of the fatui on the hooded mans' face making his eyes glow white in the darkness. His stature is much smaller than yours, and his outline seems to be that of a boy. At the time it would have been easy for you to confuse him with a man, being he would have been taller than you. But now that you're an adult, you can clearly see his youth. He smirks and laughs down at your little sister's body while whipping the knife on his sleeve.
"You should never have crossed the Fatui." Your heart drops as the young boy removes his mask revealing ocean blue eyes. The eyes of your lover that you adore on the face of the person that you've despised for years. A woman appears next to him, the same woman you've seen him speak to on many occasions but have never spoken to yourself.
"Good work, Tartaglia. You've proven yourself useful to the Tsaritsa after all. But your job here is not done," Childe looks up at the taller woman, his face determined.
"The other daughter has left to fetch water. Unfortunately, there are too many knights around on patrol to take her. Dispose of the body, and return at once." Childe bows to the woman and she smiles wickedly.
"Yes, Signora. Anything for the Tsaritsa." She leaves, and Childe begins to wrap up the young girl's body in a blanket. He stops suddenly, lifting his head up as young _____ approaches from over the hill. Childe smirks, fixing his mask and hood back on properly.
"Until next time, _____." He says and begins to run.
You gasp as the light invades your sight again and you're returned to the present. Your heart is beating a mile a minute and your breathing begins to pick up. The realization is overwhelming, and the shock is preventing you from crying.
Tartaglia was the one this whole time? It can't be, it just can't! You love him, and he loves you, he says so all the time. Has he lied to you this whole time? Has he just been keeping you close to screw with you before breaking your heart and killing you? That coin has to be lying. There's no way your Tar would ever do something like that, especially to you! He tells you everything. There are no secrets between the two of you.
The clock on the wall says that it's seven-o-clock, usually when Childe gets off of work. You don't want to be here; you can't be here. How can you face him after seeing that, even if it was a lie? You quickly run up to your shared bedroom and grab your adventuring bag, filling it with few essentials.
Where will you even go? There's nowhere in Liyue where Childe can't find you. Even across Teyvat, the Fatui have eyes and ears. You just need some time to reflect, get your barrings, and confront him. If you'll confront him. This has to be some kind of joke, or lie placed by some unknown power to question your love for him. There's no way he could have-
"What are you doing, _____?" You gasp, started by Childe suddenly behind you, blocking the exit to your room.
"Tar, you scared me!" You say shakily, holding your bag close to your chest. He smiles his usual caring smile at you, but all you can see is the smirk he held while staring down at your little sister.
"Sorry, my love. I got off of work early like I said I would. Is that why you have your bag?" His ocean blue eyes dart down to your bag and back up to you again. You subconsciously grip the bag tighter, Childe noticing.
"N-No. I accepted a commission last minute." The lie slips out like acid on your tongue.
You've never lied to him before, and it feels wrong. But you have to get out of here. Every alarm bell in your body is screaming at you to run as fast as you can away from the man you love.
His brow furrows a bit with concern and he takes a step closer to you, but you take one back.
"This isn't about what happened today, is it?" He sighs and shakes his head.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, it's just I don't like it when people falsely accuse me of things. I kinda slipped into Harbinger mode for a sec there." He laughs, again trying to come closer to you, you step back.
"Are they false though?" The question falls from your lips before you realize it, and Childe's eyes widen in surprise.
"_____, you can't be serious? You know I would never lie to you-"
"How do I know that, Childe?" You've never called him Childe, and it shows from the shock on his face when you do.
"What are you going on about? I could never-"
"Get away from me!" You yell at the Harbinger, tears finally falling from your eyes. There's no way you could be near him like this, knowing that he could have . . .
"Why? I love you, I won't hurt you." You try to steady your breathing as he slowly inches closer, treating you as of your a wild animal he wants to tame.
"You don't love me." You shake your head, gripping your backpack with white knuckles.
"What?" The question comes out as a whisper from the man's mouth in disbelief, hoping he didn't hear you properly.
"You don't love me!" You say one again, louder, confirming what he has hoped wasn't true.
"_____," Childe tries to come closer, but you shove past him and run to the front door. Before you can grab the handle, Childe grabs you by the shoulders and spins you around.
"Please, _____," His eyes are glassy with unshed tears as he gazes into your own.
"Tell me what I did to make you think this way?" You sob, hands pushing on his chest to break free but failing. You can barely breathe as the sobs rack through your body.
"You-" Trying to get the words out only makes you cry harder as the realization hits you. All the rumors are true. The Fatui are evil, conniving, and uncaring. They kill, pillage, experiment, torture, and don't care about who they have to step on to get their way. And your boyfriend, the love of your life, the man you wanted to marry and start a family of your own with, is one of them.
"You killed my little sister!" Your hands ball into fists and punch his chest as hard as you can, but in your state, you have barely any power.
"My baby sister is dead because of you! How could you?" You managed to get out through your tears, finally breaking down in the arms of the man you've despised for years.
Childe stares at you, unbelieving. He pulls you into a tight hug, crying on your shoulder, continuously apologizing. Never in your life have you seen Childe cry. Even when talking about how much he misses his family or his country, the farthest he gets is a sentimental smile and longing. Never have you thought you'd see him cry either. It's almost enough to make you forget that he's practically admitted to the murder.
He killed your only sister. How do you know he's sincere with his tears as he holds you close and begs you not to go? You've seen him lie before, never to you, but if he kept this secret for so long, what else has he been hiding? But none of that matters right now. The man you've been searching for years for, who you wanted to kill with your own bare hands, is the same person holding you so tenderly now.
How could you forget the countless nights you've woken up from nightmares of that boy coming to kill you and finish what he stared, only for Tartaglia to wake you up and hold you close, promising that he'd protect you? Every year when you mourn your sister and confide in him about how you were going to find that monster no matter what it took, did he fear you'd ever find out and kill him?
Is that why he kept you close for so long, to make sure you'd be too weak for him with love to ever even try? How can you love someone who killed your sister? It's easy to just assume you'd hate him, but for some odd reason, a little voice in the back of your mind is telling you to trust him and love him like you always had.
Another voice is telling you to end his life with no mercy and finally bring your sister to the peace she deserves.
Gathering up your strength, you manage to push him off of you.
"_____, no," He's in a state you've never seen before, face wet with tears, nose running, eyes puffy. But, he doesn't try to pull you back in.
You swiftly grab your bag and leave the house and Childe behind.
"_____," Your cousin John calls your name, pinching the bridge of his nose. He watches as you continuously use your vision to destroy training dummies.
"You continue this and the knights aren't going to have anything left to train with." You stop temporarily to glare at him.
"I'm training."
"So it seems." He watches as you continue your 'training.'
"You know, this doesn't seem healthy. I'm no doctor or anything, but, maybe you should, like, not?" You sigh irritated and cross your arms.
"Not what, John?" He gestures to the broken wood pieces scattered around the courtyard. You roll your eyes.
"I'm doing no worse than the average rookie knight!" John nods, leaning up against the wall.
"Yeah, yeah, except no. Why? Thank you for asking, cause your not a rookie and you're upset, at what? I don't know because you refuse to tell me. All I know is that my cousin is back after being gone for three years and the-," John looks around before stepping closer and lowering his voice.
"The Fatui in town have been eying us up everywhere we go. What the hell happened while you were in Liyue?" You bite your lip and message your wrists. The tips of your fingers have begun to turn purple from the cold, but you hardly seem affected. John pats you on the back and leads you inside the knight's headquarters.
"Look, I know we were never very close, and when you lived with us, we barely spoke, but I'm here now. We're not kids anymore, _____." The two of you sit down in the library. The three years you lived with your uncle and cousin were your worst. They treated you nice, but you were grieving and took it out on them and many training dummies. It seems you've done the same again.
"I'm sorry, it's just . . ." What happened with Childe months ago is still fresh on your mind. You haven't seen him since you left that night, and you aren't sure if you want to. You're conflicted. You thought coming back to Mondstadt would help you clear your mind and help you decide what to do, but you can't, and it's frustrating.
Despite how hard you've tried . . . You still love Tartaglia with all of your heart. But you can't forget what he did. You could never forgive him either. You've held hatred for this man for six years now, and every waking moment has been used to devise a plan to find him and kill him. But you can't kill him; not when you still hold these feelings.
If this was his goal, then he succeeded. You know he knows you're in Mondstadt. As John said, the Fatui have had their eyes on you since you showed up. You wouldn't be surprised if they all have you listed as a threat. After all, being one of their high-ranking officer's vengeful lover with intent and reason to kill would put anyone on a list.
But, with that said, he hasn't tried to contact you. No letters, no passing of words, hell, no carrier pigeons. He's extra enough to do that. And this has caused you to feel even more upset. Cause you still love the man, and there's some hope still there that he meant what he said and he does love you and the fact he hasn't done anything is killing you.
"_____, you good?" You snap out of your daze and nod.
"Yeah, I was just thinking."
"You seem to be doing a lot of that lately. Please, what's going on with you?" You decide it's best to tell your cousin the truth.
You explain to him the situation. How you fell in love, what life was like for you the three years you were gone, the coin, and finding out the killer's identity. John looks at you in shock.
"Wow, that's a lot. And this is why you came back?"
"Yeah, I know. I should have come back sooner to at least visit, but," John cuts you off and waves his hands.
"No, you're fine. I mean, it would have been nice to see you, but that's irrelevant right now. You found out your boyfriend, a Fatui Harbinger, was the one that killed your sister, and you're here? Doing what? Destroying Favonius property?" You agree hesitantly.
"I mean, when you put it like that, it sounds odd."
"No, _____, odd is an understatement. Why are you here? You should be getting answers, slapping people, storming Snezhnaya! Actually, don't do that last one, that could get us in a lot of trouble."
"True," You agree.
"Honestly, I don't know what to do. Do I confront him? I mean, if he did kill her, which I'm about 90% sure at this point that he did, do I get revenge? I've wanted to for years, but I know that I could never kill him." John takes your hand in his and speaks with sincerity.
"You love him, I get that, but you can't let that get in the way of things."
"No, I mean, I literally couldn't kill him. He's a beast in battle, and could probably end me without even blinking. I've seen him take on multiple ruin guards in seconds, like, he's on a whole nother level." You sigh and put your head in your hands.
"But even despite that, I do still love him. At this point, I feel the best thing to do is to just move on. Go my own way and let him go his."
"And what about your sister, huh? Just gonna forget about her?" You look at him questioningly.
"Look, you need to at least get closure. Obviously, he doesn't want you dead, because you would have been so by now. I can't even tell you how many times the Fatui could have nabbed you, gagged you, and sacked you since you've been back."
"Gee, thanks John, that really makes me feel better about the situation." He rolls his eyes.
"Talk to the man, _____. There will always be a home here waiting for you to come back to." Maybe your cousin is right? If Childe did want you dead, you know damn well he has the power to have made it happen. But how would you even react when you see him? The only way to find out is to get it over with.
With newfound enthusiasm, you jump up from your position and slam your hands on the table.
"Alright, I'm gonna go! I'm gonna talk with Tartaglia and I'm gonna punch him at least once!"
"That's the spirit!" A series of loud shooshes sound around the library and you slowly sit back down.
You and your cousin John devise a plan over the next few days. You're still unsure about this whole thing, but with encouragement from John, you gain the confidence you need to push through.
In the end, you decide the best thing to do is to sneak out of Mondstadt without any Fatui seeing you. It's still dangerous to speak with him, and the two of you decide the safest thing is to get him unprepared and off guard. If he's not expecting you, he has no time to plan. Not that he needs a plan to kill you, he could just do it. But still-
As the sun seeps down past the hills and flatlands of Mondstadt, John and you make your way out of headquarters and down to the main part of town.
"You know what sounds so amazing right now? A tall mug of cider from Angel's Share!" John exclaims and grabs your arm. The two of you practically run towards the tavern, gaining looks from the other citizens.
"Cool it, John," You whisper yell to him as you head inside.
"You wanna actually look suspicious?" He laughs, sitting down at a table in the back.
"Sorry if I'm not good at being convincing. Dad always said acting would be my downfall."
"When would you ever have to act to be a knight?" He shrugs his shoulders.
"Right now?" Okay, he has a point. Merely minutes after you sit down, two Fatui agents walk in after, taking a table far enough away, but close enough to keep you in their sights.
"Don't worry, _____," Your cousin says, noticing your worried expression.
We'll get you out of here."
John waves his hand and gains the attention of Master Diluc as he's walking around the tavern.
"We'd like two Valberry Whiskey's please!" Your cousin asks loudly and winks. Diluc rolls his eyes and heads towards the back of the tavern, getting the 'drinks.'
It was a miracle and a half that John was able to convince Master Diluc to help you. But John said he owed him a favor. For what, you have no idea. Not even a second later, a young bard runs over to your table and slams his hands down.
"What did you just order?"
"Uh," You look to your cousin for guidance. The drink was simply a code, not an actual order.
"Valberry Whiskey?" The young bard looks at you in amazement. He's clearly drunk, but the sheer excitement in his eyes seems to sober him up enough to eagerly rush to the bar counter.
"A new drink! And Diluc didn't tell me?!" His shouts of joy gain the attention of the entire bar.
"A new drink?!"
"One not on the menu?"
"Master Diluc!"
Your cousin and you share a look as the crowd goes wild, rushing towards the front bar and to the back looking for Diluc to inquire about this new drink. The few Fatui agents that had followed you in stand up from their seat to get a better view of you and John. John grabs your arm and pulls you into the crowd, the Fatui agents desperately searching for your whereabouts.
"This way, _____." He pulls you farther and farther away from the Fatui till you feel another hand grab you and pull you out of the back entrance to the tavern.
"Hey, watch your hands, buddy!"
"Would you rather still be in there then, _____?" You smile nervously up at Diluc, who's handing you a bag and cloak.
"Things didn't exactly go as planned, huh?" The redhead smirks and crosses his arms.
"I knew that bard would be in here tonight. Drunk off his ass, he wouldn't be able to resist the call of a new drink item." You laugh, pulling the hood over your head.
"Thank you, Diluc." He gives you a rare smile and nods. You begin to walk off but stop, looking back at the tavern owner.
"Hey Diluc, what was the favor for?" Diluc sighs and pinches between his eyes.
"I'd rather not talk about it."
The journey back to Liyue is a tiring one. It seems a lot closer than it actually is on the map, but heading to the main harbor is always a task. Thankfully, you're able to make your rations last the whole trip, and as you enter the harbor in the wee hours of the night, you smile at the familiar buildings. You may have only been gone for a few months, but this was your home for the last three years.
Your home with Tartaglia . . . You pull your hood farther down your head and try to remain in the shadows. Despite the time of night, the area is still bustling with people. Merchants making deals, ships delivering goods, the whole nine yards.
You flatten yourself against a wall as a few Fatui agents walk past. The place is absolutely crawling with Fatui, even more so than usual. Could it have something to do with you? You doubt it. Harbinger or not, Tartaglia could get in serious trouble for using Fatui resources in such a way.
You carefully slide through cracks and crevises, branches and bushes, trying to stay out of any Fatui sights. Eventually, you find yourself on the outskirts of the city, not far from your shared home. It surprisingly takes a lot from you to not run straight for it. You miss your house. You miss your bed. You miss Tartaglia.
But now is not the time to get sentimental!
You still need to confront him about what he did. And depending on his answer, one of you may not make it through the night. You keep yourself stealthy as you enter the house from the back. He's not home, which is good. But the place is in disarray. Furniture turned upside down, plates smashed against walls, everything caked in dust. It's hard to believe he's been living here if he even has been.
If that's the case, you may have to go looking for him. You look around the house at the disaster. He may have been trying to look for something; maybe a clue to what you had planned or something to use against you.
With that in mind, you run up the stairs to the master bedroom and open the closet. You fear the worst but are surprised to find your sister's belongings still in place.
Surely he would have found them in here.
The bedroom isn't as bad as the bottom floor, though still a mess. The bed is unmade, with a small pile of your clothes on your side of the bed, and his clothes on the floor. All of your things, besides the clothes, are still neatly in their places. Pictures of you and him together that were once on the walls are now on his nightstand, face up and smudged with fingerprints.
"What the hell happened here?" The sound of the front door opening startles you. Could that be Childe? There's no way he's living like this!
Footsteps move across the floor, into the kitchen, into the living room, and slowly up the stairs. Whoever it is, your about to face them.
The door opens slowly, almost torturously so. Soon, the sunken and sullen face of your lover is in your view, and even faster, your on the floor with a knife made of hydro to your throat. Your hood continues to obscure your identity as Childe pins you down.
"Bold of you to break into the home of a Fatui Harbinger! What did you expect?" With the pressure from the knife digging deeper and deeper into your skin, you freeze the hand wrapped around his holding the knife, and kick your leg out. Childe falls over, dropping his weapon which shatters on impact. Before you can get your bearings, he's lunging at you again. He grabs you from behind and holds you in a chokehold.
"Your fast, but you'll never be fast enough!" You gasp for air, holding onto his arm as it's wrapped around your neck. He's trying to kill you, you know he is. All the times you've sparred with him, you knew he was holding back, but he's definitely not this time. Even so, his hold on you is weak. Weak for him, at least.
You rear your elbow into his stomach as hard as you can knocking him back and you summon your catalyst. As he said, he's faster than you, but before he can get back, you place a wall of ice between him and yourself. It's not enough to hold him back for long, but enough to catch your breath. He laughs as he can hear you choking, attempting to regain your oxygen.
"You think this little wall will stop me?" He attacks the wall with his fist, making a section crumble. Your breathing is fast, but you can't seem to gain enough breath to speak. As he crumbles your wall piece by piece, you pull back your hood and lean on the bedroom wall behind you. Finally, he lands the finishing blow and the ice dissipates in a gust of cryo magic. The crazed look of bloodlust vanishes from his face the instant he sees you, hand on your throat, and your breath heavy.
"___-," He can hardly finish his whisper as he lets out a shaky breath. With the tense atmosphere suddenly calm, you're able to regain your breath and look up at the man. His skin a pale and his eyes are dull. He has large dark circles under his eyes and he looks a bit thinner than normal.
"_____," He manages to get out, still shocked you're actually here.
"Are you okay?" You shake your head.
"You haven't seen me in months and that's the first thing you say to me?" He rubs the back of his neck and looks down, ashamed.
"I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry if I hurt you." You can hardly believe what you're seeing. He seems broken, utterly defeated. If he hadn't fought you just now, you'd assume he'd fall over with the breeze.
Looking at him now, it's hard to believe he's the same man that killed your sister.
"We need to talk." He nods, refusing to meet your eyes.
"You need to tell me the truth, Tar," He takes in a shuddering breath at your words.
"All these years, I've been beside you. I've stood up for you, I've loved you. I told you all my darkest secrets and nightmares. Not once did I ever lie to you."
Tears come to his eyes just as they do yours. He bites his lip to prevent the tears from falling. You step closer to him, dropping your cloak, and put your hands up to his face. He flinches away from you but relaxes when your palms cup his cheeks and he finally looks you in the eyes.
"Over the past few months, I've thought long and hard about what I wanted to say to you. And no matter what scenario I came up with, I could never tell if I was doing the right thing. But, even though I carry some semblance of anger, I know that what I feel for you is real. And with that, I still hold hope that you feel the same and it wasn't all just a lie."
He grabs your hands, the tears now falling one by one down his pale cheeks.
"I swear to all the Archons that I love you! I never lied about that!" You hesitate for a moment, blinking away your own tears.
"And though I don't want to, I believe you," You rub your thumbs across his face, clearing some of the tears.
"But I need you to tell me everything." Tartaglia closes his eyes. He never dreamed in a million years he'd have to tell you this story. He'd hoped that you'd live in blissful ignorance for the rest of your life with him. But the gods had another plan for him and you, and he prays that at least one of them will let him keep you. Even if that's a selfish request.
"I joined the Fatui when I was young. I was constantly trying to prove myself to Signora and the Tsaritsa that I was willing to do anything they asked me. I still am," He looks at you with regretful and sorrowful eyes as he recalls the past.
"Your parents had fled Snezhnaya when you were born, because of a debt they racked up with the Fatui. When they were found in Fontaine, it was revealed that they were working for a group of rebels intent on infiltrating Snezhnaya. It was my job to take you and your sister to use as leverage on your parents. But, your sister fought back," You release his face and look away, finding it harder to keep eye contact with him.
"I wasn't as skilled as I am now, and I panicked. But La Signora said I did a good job. I didn't know that your parents had already been killed by the rebels, and neither did the Fatui. Not until after we had left you. At that point, there was no reason to continue after you. But you were never forgotten about. And when you came to Liyue, I was instructed to keep an eye on you," Childe lifts his arms up and places his hands on your shoulders.
"But I never expected to fall in love with you." You look into his ocean blue eyes and are overcome by the warmth they hold for you.
"The day I met you, I could feel it, and I tried so hard to forget about it, but you were just so . . . Amazing, and beautiful, and kind. I never expected that from you. You never once judged me or ridiculed me, even though you knew who I was. I thanked the Archons every day that you came into my life, and I prayed that you'd never find out what I'd done."
A sob breaks through as he wipes the tears running down his face. All the years you harbored hatred for this man, you never once thought about what he could have been going through. It's true that this doesn't excuse his actions, but to know that he truly regrets what he did brings you some kind of closure. In the end, revenge would have never made you feel better. Your sister wouldn't have wanted that.
You love Tartaglia with all your heart, and in this world, it's better to forgive than to let it eat away at you any longer.
"Tartaglia," His name comes out as a whisper with your breath, but he hears you loud and clear. The fear of rejection in his eyes tells you everything you need to know as you carefully speak to him.
"I forgive you." He cries, pulling you to his chest and you hug him back. Unfortunately for him, you weren't finished.
"But, I need some time to think about this. I love you; I never stopped loving you, and I always will," You pull back and smile at him before gently kissing his chapped lips.
"I'm going back to Mondstadt, but I'll be back. You just need to give me some time." He smiles as best he can and nods enthusiastically.
"I'd give you all the time in the world if I could." He moves to kiss you again, but you put a finger up to his lips to stop him.
"Save it for later, Tar." He laughs, looking back up at you with bright eyes.
"So, there's a later?"
(A little something extra. It doesn't quite fit to be an ending, but more like an epilogue just tying things together I guess lol.)
You sigh as you sling your bag over your shoulder. It's been a good few months back in Mondstadt after your reconciliation with Childe, and you've decided it's time to go home. You've kept in regular contact with him since you've been here, writing letters to each other like new lovers. You found the whole thing quite cute, despite the circumstances. He's been regarding you with caution, taking things one step at a time, and never pushing you past any limits you set. You're grateful for that.
"You sure you wanna go back? You can always stay a bit longer, just to give yourself a bit more time to think it over." John says, arms crossed and head down. You two have grown closer over your time spent here. It's a shame to think you were so caught up in your misery to be blind to the best friend you could have had. And it's tough to say goodbye, now that you've grown attached.
"I'm sure. You don't have to miss me too much, ya know? I'll be back to visit, and I'll write every week!" John huffs.
"You better, or I'm coming over there and kicking that Fatui's ass for keeping you away! I don't care how many ruin guards he can take on!" You laugh and pull him into a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you." He hugs you back, holding you tight.
"Yeah, I know." You roll your eyes and wave goodbye to the family you didn't realize you had.
Once back in Liyue, you get settled into your home with Childe. Thankfully, he cleaned up the mess he made while you were gone. He had said he was so distraught at the thought of you leaving him, he trashed the place in anger. Not anger from you, but anger at himself. He was afraid you'd think he was a monster, that he was heartless, and that you'd never want to see him again.
He was relieved when he heard you were in Mondstadt. There, he could keep an eye on you. One of the things he was afraid of was you doing something to yourself due to the pain of it all . . . If you did that, he wouldn't know how to cope. And when he received word that you had disappeared from Mond, well, he thought that fear had come true. But in the end, things worked out. You could never forget what he did, nor do you want to. It's something you have to live with, just like he does, and it's up to you to put it aside.
You know there are many things he's done that he's not proud of. Many things of which he promises to tell you when he's ready. And you'll be there to listen as he spills his heart out to you.
You take in a breath of air as you enter the harbor, smelling the salty water of the ocean and the wonderful herbs being brought in from traveling merchants. You'll never get over these smells.
"_____!" You look over your shoulder, surprised as Chen runs over to you. You haven't seen her since the incident outside of town.
"Chen! Are you okay?" She smiles and hugs you.
"I'm doing great! My brother and I have been selling a lot more of our goods since he's been back, and business has been booming!"
"Your brother?" You tilt your head.
"Yes!" She nods enthusiastically.
"He did go to Lingju Pass as Childe had said. It turns out, he had a buyer out there but didn't want to tell me in case the deal went south. I overreacted. . ." She puts her head down in shame.
"All the rumors about the Fatui got to my head, and I assumed the worst. But Childe went out and found my brother for me. Can you please tell him I said thank you? Also that I'm sorry. I really owe him one."
You pat her on the head, relieved.
"Of course, Chen." She reaches into her pocket and pulls something out.
"For payment-"
"No!" You shove her hand away.
"Gotta go! I'm late to see Tar!" You sprint off, leaving a confused Chen in your wake.
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12tardis · 4 years
Not That Dress (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: S M U T under the cut 
 Requested: yes @the-knights-of-saint-gay said ‘I want some dick (personally I think Newt is the pounding type and the reader is moan-in-his-mouth-while-doing-missionary type’  lmao this request still got me SENT- hope you like it love 💕 
 Summary: There’s a particular dress of yours that you know always drives your husband mad. You are having far too much fun teasing your husband but what will happen when you push him too far? Featuring shameless flirt!reader and very exasperated Newt on their honeymoon. 
 A/N: this is straight UP sin ppls I know I know I wrote a lot of fluff in the lead up to the thing - but is anyone surprised by this point? I tried really hard to not make Newt too OOC and I kinda vibe this for him ngl. I stand by my previous statements that Newt is a Hufflepuff through and through - even in the bedroom.  Seriously I feel like I need some holy water IM SORRY. 
 Words: 4611
 Taglist: @moonkissk7     @just-an-auror
 Newt knew he was in trouble the second you stepped out of the hotel room in that dress with a little sparkle in your eyes that told him you knew exactly what you were doing. 
 He should have known you were plotting something the moment you told him to wait out in the hall and that you would be ready in a moment. You’d never had an issue with getting dressed in front of him before though Newt would always face the other way to give you privacy like a true gentleman. 
 This was something you always teased him for, often draping yourself over his back and wrapping your arms around him from behind just to see him blush when he realised you were in nothing but your undergarments.
                                             -    -     -     -     -
 “Y/N, would you get dressed? We’re going to be late”, he croaked out in a strained voice, feeling the warm blush travelling down his cheeks as you skimmed your hands over his chest with a soft hum. 
 “Honey, we’re going to be wed in less than a month. I don’t think you have to look the other way when I’m getting changed anymore,” you chuckled as you pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, trailing your hand over his firm chest one last time before you stepped away from him. 
 “I know but I wasn’t raised to be a Peeping Tom, darling.”
 “Well you had no problems looking at me last night when w-“ 
 “Y/N!” Newt cried out loudly and you could see the blush now working its way up the back of his neck.
 “Oh please Newt how can you possibly be shy after all the things-“
 “I’m NOT LISTENING! You’re trying to get a rise out of me and I’m NOT listening!” Newt called, clapping his hands over his ears and making a scene of humming loudly over your teasing. 
 You smirked to yourself as you tugged on the one dress, the one article of clothing you knew he would protest you wearing, checking your reflection over with a proud smile before you twirled him around by his shoulders to face you. 
 Newt’s eyes widened comically as he took you in and you caught the way his eyes dropped briefly to the neckline of the dress before he looked back up at you with his jaw agape “no no no no no. Absolutely not, anything but that.” he rambled shaking his head quickly. 
 He paused when he saw you glaring at him with one hand cocked on your hip “excuse you Newton Scamander but since when did you start deciding what I can and can’t wear?” 
 Newt actually let out a quiet whine then, looking at you with a pleading expression as he took your hands “I don’t and I can’t- I would never ever I am just begging you- not that dress. Not when we’re going to visit my parents.” 
 You dropped your peeved facade immediately at his pleading, the smug smile returning to your lips “why not this dress? What’s so special about this dress?” You tried to play innocent and clueless but Newt was not having it as he gripped your hips in his hands with a little more vigor than he usually would.
 “You know exactly what you little minx,” he said lowly as he pulled you in against him without warning and began to pepper the column of your neck with kisses causing you to squeal.
 And you did know. You had knowingly Pavloved your sweet, oblivious boyfriend to react a certain way whenever he saw you in said dress. 
 It had been the dress you had been wearing the first time you went down on him and the dress you wore before you slept together for the first time. You’d worn it several times since, when you had initiated sexy time. 
 Newt had eventually come to recognise it as the dress that drives him mental. 
 You pushed him away, looking up at him with a shy smile then because you knew he was right and it really wouldn’t be appropriate to tease him in such a way for lunch with his parents. 
 “Okay okay” you said, holding your hands up in surrender as you reached back to unzip the dress, rolling your eyes when Newt turned away from you quickly. 
 Shaking your head with a fond smile you made quick work of getting changed before you stepped around to face him. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sigh of relief he let out when he saw you were decent because your fiancé may have very well been the most adorable and sweetest man on the planet. 
 You smiled as he took your hand in his own, fixing you with one last exasperated expression before he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand “one day, I might just snap. And then what will you do?”
 “Sit back and take it like a good girl.” you said casually with a sweet smile, giggling at the look of utter shock he now wore. He took a few minutes to gather himself and lift his jaw from the floor. 
                                             -       -     -     -     -
 And now a month later you were on your honeymoon with your husband and you were travelling around the world with him as he’d promised. Currently you were in New York because it was where you had promised to drop in first and catch up with Tina, Queenie and Jacob. 
 You’d immensely enjoyed catching up with the Goldstein’s and getting to see how Jacob’s bakery was thriving and now you were due at the younger sisters' flat for a small cocktail night that Queenie and Jacob were throwing.
 Now you were looking forward to the chance to dress up but Newt had needed some persuasion as usual from the moment that Queenie had mentioned the word ‘party.’ 
 He was sulking in the hotel corridor when you appeared in the dress and you didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up instantaneously before a dark expression quickly passed over his features. 
 “Y/N”, he murmured in a half scolding tone but you were quick to shrug your coat on and take his hand in your own, tugging him down the corridor after you. 
 “Not another complaint out of you, mister. We’re going to be late.” You tossed his own words in his face as you pulled him along. The coat covered you up for the most part and Newt was relieved but he knew that relief would be short lived. 
 When you arrived at Queenie and Jacob’s place Newt was completely distracted by greeting the Goldstein sisters and the sheer volume of people packed into the tiny flat that he missed you slipping off your coat behind him. 
 “Ah Mr. and Mrs. Scamander have arrived!” Jacob called loudly, clapping Newt on the shoulder and you couldn’t help the smile and small flutter in your chest at the use of your new title. 
 “Sorry we’re late, the Niffler was being a nuisance,” you lied so easily that Newt quickly looked back at you where you were greeting Tina and Queenie.
 The retort died on his lips and he gulped audibly as his gaze roved over your form. He broke out of his ogling when Queenie’s surprised giggle met his ears and he glanced at the woman to see her covering her mouth as she looked back at Newt in amusement. 
 Odd. He could have sworn she couldn’t easily read his thoughts. 
 “When you’re thinkin’ em that loud honey I’m pretty sure even Jacob knows” Queenie teased as she hugged him tightly in greeting, squeezing his shoulder to reassure him. 
 “Relax sweet cheeks, you’re recently married to the girl of your dreams and your thoughts are loud with happiness. Ain’t no one here gonna judge you,” Queenie murmured for only Newt to hear and Newt smiled thankfully back at her though he couldn’t suppress the blush that filled his cheeks. 
 “Well I don’t suppose Y/N’s inner monologue is embarrassing like mine,” Newt murmured and Queenie smiled widely at him before she peeked back over her shoulder to where you were talking animatedly with Tina. 
 “She’s just thinking about you. And calling herself Mrs Scamander over and over again.” Queenie laughed and Newt looked back at you in adoration, shaking his head to himself as he made his way over to you with drinks for both of you.
 Not long later you were sitting pressed into his side at a small table listening to Tina ramble on about her most recent case at MACUSA. Newt was finding it increasingly more difficult to focus on Tina’s words as you lay your hand on his knee and slowly began to trail your hand up his leg. 
 Newt jolted a little when your hand drifted a little too close to the growing tent in his trousers and he quickly gripped your hand in his own, glancing down at you.
 But of course you just smiled innocently back up at him, tracing your other hand along the neckline of your dress and Newt had to dig deep to find the willpower to look away from you and focus back on Tina who was still talking about the pile of paperwork she’d had to sign that week. 
 Newt frowned when you worked your hand free from his and wandered away from him, his eyes following you as you made your way to the makeshift bar.
 You were in the middle of fixing you both another round of drinks when a gentleman sauntered over to you, grinning down at you widely “and who is this little heartbreaker we have here? What are you doing fixing your own drinks, angel face?” 
 You couldn’t help but twitch at the pet name because it sounded utterly wrong coming from someone other than Newt. The man in question was now leering down at you with the most obnoxious smirk on his face and your eyes quickly flicked to your husband. 
 Newt had noticed the man immediately as he’d been watching you from across the room and he felt a heat flaring up his neck at the way the other man was looking like he wanted to devour you. 
  He was just about to push himself to his feet and go and intervene as you were preparing to put the man in his place. But Queenie beat you both to it as she slipped between the pair of you, gripping the young man by his shoulders.
 “Patrick, Y/N is a married woman! And I suggest you remove yourself before Mr.Scamander unleashes one of his creatures on you.” 
 The man, Patrick, blinked quickly and glanced over at Newt before he looked back at you and then at Queenie “Scamander? Oh Mrs. Scamander m-my apologies! I’ll be right outta your hair!” He scurried away and you returned back to the table where Newt was sat with Tina with Queenie in tow. 
 You slid back into your seat beside Newt as he curled his arm around your waist protectively, lifting your hand to his mouth and pressing his lips to your soft skin. 
 He took particular care to brush his lips over your ring finger as he held your gaze, twirling the wedding band on your finger while you smiled back at him as if to say ‘yes I know. I’m yours.’ 
 The rest of the room and the people in it faded into the background as you gazed back at your husband, lifting your other hand to play with the hair at the nape of his neck, noticing his little shiver in response. 
 His hand fell to your knee this time and he thumbed at the fabric of your dress as he became vaguely aware of Tina still rambling on at him. Newt looked back at her, nodding along and plastering on a look of interest as he slowly pushed the fabric of your dress up along your thigh.
 He bit his lip when you scraped your nails along the nape of his neck and laid your head on his shoulder, smiling back at Tina nonchalantly as you slowly let your legs fall open under the table. Newt wondered how easy it would be to just slide his hand up between your legs and into your panties an-
 You both startled and sat up straight when Queenie began to choke on her drink violently, a pink blush colouring her cheeks as she looked back at the pair of you while Tina fetched her some water. 
 Newt flushed scarlet then as he realised what had happened. It was a mixture of the possessiveness he’d experienced just a moment before, the embarrassment he now felt along with the arousal that had been coursing through him all night because of you in that damn dress that had him getting to his feet quickly. 
 “I’m terribly sorry Tina, I’m really not feeling well I’m afraid we must go. We will have to resume this conversation another time.” Newt said in a rush as he pulled you to your feet, barely bidding his farewells to Queenie and Jacob before he was strolling out of the flat with his arm around your waist. 
 Jacob followed after you to fetch you your coat but he turned back to look at Queenie who had since recovered from her shock when he saw the two of you had already apparated away. 
 “Boy, Newt must really be feeling ill”, Jacob called out with a frown and Queenie laughed then, unable to stop herself as she took Jacob’s hand in her own. 
 “He’s not sick, sweetheart. More...excited,” she said slowly, laughing again as she watched the realisation dawn on Jacob’s face. 
 “Oh...OH! They grow so fast. It seems like only yesterday he was too shy to even kiss her!“
                                                    -     -     -      -     -
 You raised your eyebrows in surprise when Newt managed to apparate you both back into your own hotel room and you recognised the look of complete focus in his eyes before he was pinning you back against the wall and kissing you hotly. 
 You kissed him back with just as much vigor, trying to lean into him more and letting out a gasp of surprise when he pushed you back against the wall firmly, looking at you with dark and lustful eyes. 
 “Merlin, Newt, what were you thinking about back there?” you breathed out, letting out another gasp as he nipped at the soft skin of your throat at the same time he pushed his thigh between your knees. 
 “I was thinking about fingering you right there under that bloody table,” he murmured lowly into your ear and you thought you might faint then. 
 What had happened to your sweet and gentle husband? 
 “What you have nothing to say now, huh?” Newt murmured as he lifted you up by the backs of your thighs, carrying you to the bed where he lay you down and wasted no time in slotting himself between your legs. 
 “You’ve been teasing me all night- fuck it, all week really ever since the wedding. In this sinful little dress of yours”, he brushed his lips over yours teasingly before he worked his hand up under your skirt “and now you have nothing to say to me?” 
 Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, your eyes widening because he very rarely cursed and at his words you felt the heat and a deep ache building between your legs. 
 You moved to wrap your arms around his neck as you usually would, making a noise of surprise when he let out a growl and pinned your hands above your head firmly “no touching.” 
 You couldn’t deny the way you clenched in response to his rough handling but you were still surprised as you tried to wrap your legs around his waist, gasping in shock when he used his body to pin you to the mattress. 
 “I said no touching” 
 “Well then what do you suppose I do then, Mr. Scamander?” you said in a much brattier tone than you had intended, smirking up at him.
 Which you really shouldn’t have done because that only urged him to fix you with a smirk of his own “I don’t know...I suppose you could just- what was it? Oh yes,sit back and take it like a good girl,” he purred your own words back at you and it was your turn to stare back at him in utter shock and undeniable arousal. 
 He crushed his lips against yours again before you could come up with any more sarcastic retorts, his hand slipping under your dress and into your panties where he pushed two long fingers inside you without warning. 
 You cried out into his mouth as you rocked your hips up against his hand, clenching down on his digits hard in your shock. 
 Newt began to work his fingers deep inside you as he pulled back from the kiss, instead pressing hot opened mouth kisses down over your neck and between your cleavage before working his way back to your neck. 
 “So gorgeous for me my angel,” Newt breathed into your ear as he crooked his fingers deep inside of you, his cock straining and hard in his slacks. 
 “Newt please”, you whined desperately, clutching at his shoulder as you bucked your hips wildly in pleasure. 
 “Please what my darling? Tell me what you need.” he purred, freezing his actions completely in favour of sitting back and looking down at you. You just looked so pretty sprawled out for him, looking at him with such wanton beauty. 
 You whined in frustration when he stopped his ministrations and pulled his fingers free, trying to shift your hips and whimpering when he simply used his forearm to hold you still with that stupid sexy smirk on his face. 
 “I want you!” you whined again and Newt almost felt guilty for the briefest moment until he remembered how you’d been incessantly teasing him, driving him wild. 
 “You have me, baby. I’m all yo-“, 
 You groaned loudly in frustration, tipping your head back at his cruel teasing “oh my stars Newt! I want you. Inside me. Not your fingers.” You were practically pleading now but you were far too gone to care. Especially when he was rubbing teasing circles on your hip with his thumb and you could feel your own wetness on his digits. 
 Newt felt his cock give an interested jolt in the tight confines of his pants at your words and he relented his firm hold of you to reach for his pants instead. He made quick work of undoing his pants and shoving them down but you also used the window of opportunity to rise up onto your knees, pushing him onto his back before he could realise what was happening. 
 You wasted no time in straddling him, tugging your dress off over your head before you crashed your lips to his and reached down to grip his hard cock in your hand. You pumped the hard length in your hand a few times before you settled in his lap, rocking against him with a soft moan. 
 Newt groaned when you began to grind against him, grazing his teeth against your skin as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck “Y/N”, he groaned again when you gripped his throbbing cock again and rubbed the head of it against your glistening slit. 
 You rose up on your knees a little bit, gripping Newts shoulder hard in one hand and his throbbing length in the other and Newt held his breath and closed his eyes in anticipation.
 But he blinked his eyes open again after a few moments passed and you hadn’t moved an inch. He let out a growl when he spotted the teasing little smile you had on your lips and he pushed you back onto the bed in one fluid motion, spreading your legs with his calloused hands and then settling over the top of you. 
 “You just love it don’t you?” He looked down into your eyes as he positioned his cock at your entrance “you love driving me wild...teasing me so I’ll snap”, he murmured as he nipped at your earlobe, running one hand up your body and tweaking one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. 
 He relished the small mewl you let out in response as you wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to thrust your hips up towards him and whimpering when he held you down with his other hand. 
 “That boy is just lucky he had half a brain not to lay a hand on you”, Newt breathed against the skin of your neck, marking your sensitive skin. 
 “W-why’s that?” You managed to stutter out, your lips parting a moment later when his thumb rubbed over your clit. 
 “Because only I get to see you like this.” He thrust his length into you in one fluid thrust, letting out a low groan of pleasure and tipping his head back as you cried out from the sudden intrusion. 
 You were gripping his shaft with your walls in the most delicious way as you clenched your muscles tightly around him. “Oh Newt,” you sighed out, your voice high and breathy as you keened at the way he was stretching your walls. 
 It was a welcome contrast to his usual slow method of opening you up bit by bit with his mouth and fingers. Just the dark look of lust in his eyes and the unreserved pleasure on his face was enough to make you a trembling mess beneath him. 
 Newt pulled his hips back slowly until just the tip of his cock was inside you, slamming his hips forward in one motion with a deep groan before he set up a pace of thrusting into you continuously. 
 You couldn’t help your cries of pleasure as he had his way with you, completely captivated watching how unreserved and dominant your husband now was. He was pounding into you with abandon and you could do nothing more than lay there and take it, rolling your own hips up to meet his. 
 “You’re so incredible,” Newt panted, the sweat forming on his brow as he moved above you and inside you. His hips stuttered to a complete halt though just a moment later and you whined in response, trying to understand why on earth he had stopped but then you saw him scrambling for his wand and muttering about a protection spell. 
 “Leave it,” you breathed out without a second thought, taking his hand in your own and Newt whipped his head back to look at you in shock. “We don’t...I’m not worried. We’ve spoken about this already and- well I’m ready if you are,” you murmured as you squeezed his hand in yours, looking back at him with wide eyes.
 Newt stared back at you blankly for a moment and you were worried you’d upset him but then he was pinning both of your hands back above your head and crashing his lips to yours in a deep kiss as he began to thrust into you again. 
 This time he was really pounding into you with a whole new sense of purpose and you moaned into his mouth as you squeezed your legs around him, spurring him on to fuck into you harder. 
 He was handling you far more roughly than he ever had before and you were a trembling mess below him, shrieking into his mouth when one of his hands found its way between your legs again and he thumbed over your sensitive nub again. 
 Newt pulled back at your shriek but when he saw the look of utter euphoria on your face he tucked his own face into your neck, sucking at the marks he’d made earlier while he jackhammered into you “come on darling, let go for me. Come for me angel”, he murmured directly into your ear like he knew you loved, flicking over your clit even faster.
 Your entire body shuddered as the coil in your stomach finally snapped and you came, wrapping your arms around him tightly and crying out into his shoulder as you clenched around him rhythmically. 
 “Ohhh Merlin, Y/N, Y/N I’m gonna,” he trailed off with a groan when he felt the way you were clenching around him, as if your pussy was trying to milk his cock. 
 You were still in the midst of your orgasm when you heard him and felt the way his cock swelled inside you just barely and you nodded quickly “yes come for me, baby. Fill me up,” you murmured before capturing his lips again. 
 Newt rutted into you just a few more times before he finally shattered at the thought of spilling his seed inside you unprotected and the sensation of you still gripping his length. He pumped into you slowly as the warm cum spurted from his cock, filling you to the brim.
 You whined softly as the sensation and stroked at his messy hair  while Newt collapsed against you, panting heavily against your shoulder.
 When his breathing calmed after a minute or so he carefully pulled out from you and you closed your eyes, already missing the feeling of him. He flopped onto the bed beside you and you both lay there, catching your breath, you with a small blissful smile on your face. 
 “Y/N”, he said it so quietly with the most timid tone that you quickly looked over at him in confusion and when you saw the distressed look on his face you grabbed his hand in your own. 
 He opened his mouth to talk but you lifted your other hand to press a finger to his mouth, effectively shushing him “Newton, I swear to everything-you-hold-sacred that if you apologise for the best sex we’ve had yet I will hex your mouth shut.” 
 You looked back at his stunned expression and you moved your finger from his mouth and gently stroked his cheek “unless...unless you regret not using the protection charm. In that case we can reverse it, there’s nothing to worry about.”
  You sat up, reaching for your wand but Newt took your hand, shaking his head before he dropped a delicate kiss to the back of your hand “no it’s not that I promise...I was just worried, I got- I got carried away. You promise I didn’t hurt you?”, he murmured, flicking his eyes up to look at you in concern.
 “Sweetheart I promise. You didn’t hurt me. I would have told you if I wasn’t enjoying it. You have to trust that,” you soothed, gently caressing his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to his lips a moment later. You were constantly surprised by how gentle and caring he was but you were certainly happy to have seen this new side of your husband.
 Newt smiled again and nodded before he gently pulled you into his lap, hugging you close and tucking his face into your shoulder “I love you Mrs. Scamander,” he murmured, smiling at the way you preened at the name. 
 He lifted you into his arms and headed towards the bathroom, and you wasted no time to smile flirtatiously up at him “ohhhh did I hear you say ‘round two in the shower?’ ” You teased winking up at him. 
 Newt rolled his eyes fondly at you, shaking his head “shut it you, that’s enough of your teasing for one week,” he said, dropping a gentle kiss to your forehead and you laughed softly in response.
 “I love you too, Mr. Scamander.” 
-Other Works Here!-
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