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dieletztepanzerhexe · 1 year ago
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"we have the right to love" love for the fatherland and for other men <3
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gaydelgard · 2 years ago
I'm not human enough to love you right now
Your heart's the only sound
I'm not human enough to cry or cry for
Night by night, I die a bit more
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chocobosdungeon2 · 2 years ago
Special interest: the Clannad AMV that plays in my head when listening to this.
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aceofvase · 3 months ago
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dddemigirl · 4 months ago
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mister-spookas17 · 7 months ago
Ben ml
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garyh2628 · 8 months ago
Unlocking the Private Sector's full potential in the new Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Markets.
Welcome to the global Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health and Consumer Product neighbourhood www.theglobalstructurenetwork.com has Design.
The Global Structure Network Limited will be the first ever Life Science, Finance, Insurance, and Academia led Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health enterprise. 
We are a Globally Commercially Driven Enterprise. 
We are the world’s most Valuable Consumer Healthcare Asset and Mega force 
Investors, Stakeholders and Brands can directly contact us here: 
Modern Selfcare Economies (Consumer Health and Development, Nutrition, Agriculture, Complementary and Integrative Health, Value-Based-and-Integrated Care, Food is Medicine, Medically Tailored Meal Programmes, Modern Selfcare Over the Counter, Wellness, Wellness Infrastructure and Human Services upstream and downstream interventions just to name a few)
For the latest Sector News, click here: https://www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk/news
We are the unmatched Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health leader for Stakeholders and Corporations with Consumer Health Assets and Modern Selfcare Investment ambitions.
  First, I want to congratulate James Dooley and Adrian Liston and the scientists at University of Cambridge on the great discoveries they have made about the "Immune System." These results hold tremendous transformative power for Health, Development and Triumphant Living as Culture. I'm super excited! New Lens for the Immune System!  Again, Congratulations! https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(24)00277-2?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS1074761324002772%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
Secondly, we want to join our Customers, Stakeholders, Investors, Policymakers, and colleagues in the USA in recognising Juneteenth and everything it represents. 
We are the indispensable Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health, and Consumer Goods Asset, the Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health disruptor, the Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health Culture, the Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health, and Consumer Goods Brand, and Mega Force, shaping, supporting, driving and defending Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health policies, the rebuilding of the Consumer and Household Infrastructure, and the scaling of the Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health economy as a whole.  https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/f/the-launch-engine-to-fuel-sustainable-revenue-and-margin-growth
I hope all of you had a wonderful Father’s Day and Men’s Health Week. The Global Structure Network Limited, The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy https://www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk/, powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, Efficacy, our Modern Selfcare Framework and Value Proposition, have the power to revolutionise industries, boost efficiency, and drive economic growth.
Stakeholders and Consumers see Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health as the key to delivering differentiated Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as Culture Outcomes. To Consumers, Stakeholders, and Investors, The Global Structure Network Limited, The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy https://www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk/ are now regarded as the leaders in the global Modern Selfcare field.
Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health were scoffed at for decades. Today, Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health are no longer depreciated across the Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture continuum, thanks to The Global Structure Network Limited, The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy https://www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk/ backed by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, Efficacy, as well as our Modern Selfcare Framework and Value Position. We are dispelling outdated notions about Consumer Health and Modern Selfcare all throughout the world.
In order to help Consumers push themselves further and also to reorient the Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health economy for a changing world in a way that upholds high levels of inclusion, upholds social equity values, and maintains the competitiveness of our Modern Selfcare economies, our Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Framework has produced a plan for Research and Investment in new frontier areas;
New Frontiers:
Neurological Wellbeing
Metabolic Wellbeing
The Immune system Wellbeing
Healthy Ageing
Human Services
Our Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Framework, Research and Investment Frontiers and Value Proposition powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience and Efficacy, creates an unmatched Competitive Advantage for our Investors, Stakeholders, and Consumers.
The Global Structure Network Limited, The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy (Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health) are investment-grade asset classes with very attractive returns and favourable Policy treatment
The risk of losing money from investing in our Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Branded Products, Services, and Capital agenda is very low because of the way we are Structured and also because of the way the Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health economies are Structured. It is a great opportunity for Value Investors and for Brand owners to form a lasting connection with us.
Consumers and Stakeholders all over the world see us as their Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health extensions. We are recognized as the Root of Trust in Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health. Brands and Investors partnering with us on our Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Branded Products and Services will gain access to a very sophisticated market that will deliver enhanced Investment Returns while enabling differentiated Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture outcomes for Consumers.
The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk is the most powerful Driver of Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health (Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy) Consumption Growth.    
We are the indispensable Modern Selfcare, Consumer Healthcare, and Consumer Goods Asset, the Mega force, Brand, Disruptor and Culture, shaping, supporting, and defending Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health policies and we are also the Centre of Commercial Excellence for Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health Investment.  
It is our Differentiated Value that generates our Competitive Value, our Efficacy Profile that generates the global Megatrends, and our Value Creation Framework that enables us to mobilise them profitably and provide differentiated outcomes for Consumers and enhanced investment returns for Investors, collaborating with us on our Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health Products and Services agenda.    
"Consumer Value," "Resilient People," and "Consumer Economic and Social Empowerment" are three topics that The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk are deeply committed to. As a result, we are focused on delivering our Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health, Consumer Products and our franchise agenda driven by the Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health, and Consumer Products trends catalysed by our Value Proposition:
A fully functioning Modern Selfcare Platform
A Modern Selfcare Branded Products, Services, and Capital marketplace.
A fully functioning global Modern Selfcare campus where Consumers will have an opportunity to mingle with our Modern Selfcare policymakers, researchers, the Multinational Institution that we are an extension of, and our CEOs, The Founder’s Gallery, and a lot more for bringing the Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health trends to life.  
Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Trends:  
Resilience: A structural investment
Value-Based Care Practices and Actions
Complementary and Integrative Health
Integrated Care
Precision Nutrition
Food is Medicine
Medically Tailored Meal Programmes et al.
Consumer Products: the creation of entirely new product lines that offer unique value propositions.
Consumer Health: new products that meet evolving consumer demands and to capitalise on new and emerging trends.
Consumer Development: The Quantified Self
Human Services: People-Centred Practices
I extend an invitation to CEOs, brands, and investors to join me in this business venture. Together, we can seize the opportunities that our success has created and provide new and innovative Consumer Goods, Consumer Healthcare, and Modern Selfcare Products and Services with a unique and distinct value proposition. 
I am looking forward to directly hearing from Investors, Brands, and CEOs from all Sectors including Infotech. [email protected] or [email protected]
Human Services are at the heart of The Global Structure Network Limited, The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy (www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.u); Mission and Vision
The Global Structure Network Limited remains globally opportunistic. What this means is that we combine rigorous, proprietary global Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture research with our fundamental "Resilient People" views, Brand, and Culture Values. It produces a holistic, comprehensive approach that helps us identify and assess opportunities and risks. The process aims to capture differentiated sources of return.  
This new global Modern Selfcare transformation being undertaken by the private sector and government proves that The Global Structure Network Limited, powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, Efficacy, and our Value Proposition has made its mark. CEOs, Policymakers, Stakeholders, and Investors are betting on Modern Selfcare as the new landscape for opportunities and prosperity, which means they are betting on a fully functioning Global Structure Network Limited: 
A fully functioning Modern Selfcare Platform
A Modern Selfcare Branded Products, Services, and Capital marketplace.
A fully functioning global Modern Selfcare campus where Consumers will have an opportunity to mingle with our Modern Selfcare policymakers,      researchers, the Multinational Institution that we are an extension of, and our CEOs, The Founder’s Gallery, and a lot more for bringing the Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health trends to life.
We invite CEOs and Investors to capitalise on this global Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health ongoing success by investing in our Commercial and Developmental Agenda. We are the most powerful Driver of Consumption Growth. Investors, CEOs, Stakeholders and Brands can directly contact us here: [email protected] or [email protected] 
Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health will reduce costs and increase revenue. 
There are a trillion reasons—well, trillions of dollars https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/f/from-backwater-to-boomtown—why we are pushing and reaching out to Corporations, People, and Organisations all over the world who we believe share our Modern Selfcare Culture, Values and have the right Assets to enhance our Modern Selfcare Strategy, our Modern Selfcare Assets, and our Value Proposition. Finding the right Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture partner is about so much more than just financial investment or expertise; it’s about alignment, trust, and a long-term relationship. https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/f/the-launch-engine-to-fuel-sustainable-revenue-and-margin-growth  
There are a lot of Investment Opportunities here to unpack https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/f/modern-selfcare-is-soaring-what%E2%80%99s-driving-the-growth, I look forward to Investors, Stakeholders, and Corporations joining me in our Big Global Commercial Push. Let's work together as we unpack the Modern Selfcare Achievements and Initiatives in towns and cities all over the world https://www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk/you-have-been-strapped-into-this-roller-coaster-with-us. Investors, Stakeholders and Brands can directly contact us here: [email protected] or [email protected] 
Your Centre for Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Commercial Excellence and Your Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Root of Trust, 
Gary (The Founder's Gallery)
The Founder’s Gallery (Centre for Modern Selfcare including Human Services Commercial Excellence)– Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation, and Quality Enhancement - (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)   
Associated Sites:  
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konigs-left-pec · 1 year ago
I'm the lord of fallen stars
And you were made to break my heart
The road to stop that I can't stop
It's déjà vu, it's déjà vu
Not over you, not over you
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smalltofedsblog · 1 year ago
Doing Small Business With The Navy Shouldn’t Be ‘Artificially Hard,’ Research Chief Says “The Navy’s top research organization  is “dedicated” to making it easier for small businesses to get contracts, the chief of naval research said. And, he said, if the process is “artificially hard,” companies should call him out on it.”
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wardenred · 1 year ago
Me: On second thought, maybe I can avoid that "love triangle with the villain" plot thread after all.
Spotify: *casually throws this song at me*
Me: ...Second thought? What second thought? I have never had a second thought in my life.
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dropdeadkeanu · 2 years ago
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 1 year ago
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national radical camp xD
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argendriel · 2 years ago
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piesniarze · 2 years ago
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Jeszcze ręce rozrzucone drapią mokry bruk ulicy Jeszcze nogi z ciał wyrwane zataczają krąg w powietrzu Jeszcze głowy od kadłubów odrąbane ronią łzy Jeszcze oczy wyłupione przechowują krajobrazy Jeszcze uszy odmrożone łowią ciszę w taflach nieba Jeszcze palce bez paznokci połamane w glebie tkwią A już w najlepsze trwają porządki wrzący asfalt wypluwają rury topią się włosy pękają kości czernieje marszczy się skóra ogromne spychacze nagarniają prochy za chwilę będą je ugniatać lśniące walce już się zbliżają właśnie minęły linię horyzontu niebo jest czyste niczym łza Chłopcy, chłopcy oderwani od piersi, z karabinami na wątłych ramionach, Chłopcy próbujący koktajlu Mołotowa, Chłopcy granatowi, wybuchający, niesieni na chmurze pyłu, ze zdartymi piętami, Chłopcy wychudzeni, przyuczeni do śmierci, Chłopcy niepotrzebni, Chłopcy zapomniani, Chłopcy pominięci milczeniem, wciągnięci do rejestru, zamknięci w pancernej szafie, do której nie zagląda historia, Młodziankowie daremni, zbilansowani, roztrwonieni Czy mogliście przypuszczać: nim ziemia upora się z waszymi kośćmi, skończy się czas, przepali się glob, ustanie dziejów praca, wielki chór zgodnych głosów uderzy w pułap niebieski Żegnajcie, naiwni Żegnajcie, głupcy Zostawcie nas w spokoju #żołnierzewyklęci #przemysławdakowicz #polska #witoldpilecki #podziemieniepodległościowe #niepodległość #pis #konfederacja #onr #polska #pieśniarze #wiersze #poezja (w: Pieśniarze) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpO18Pcqlps/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pannotian · 1 month ago
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Did you forget something at home?
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verysadlesbian · 3 months ago
No, you don't understand, Viktor gave Jayce an out. He said "you should get out of here", he was finally himself again and ready to sacrifice it for everyone, for Jayce. But Jayce chose to stay. He chose to stay with Viktor until the end. They saved each other's lives repeatedly and they chose to die together.
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