#only to get his hand slapped by law or kid
fuupan · 2 months
eyeliner things
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viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
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How they confess their love for you !! PT. 3
Includes: Nami , Law , Kid , Caesar , Ace , Sabo , Doflamingo , Rosinante.
Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 , Pt. 3 (here)
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Cat Burglar: Nami
She could tell , but she was good at hiding it. She felt like she didn't deserve you , so she never tried to make a move.
Until her feelings continuously grew and grew. She couldn't stand it.
Why did you make her feel like this ? You were so kind to her , but so was the rest of the crew. Why were you different ?
To her , you were special. She'd find herself looking at things in stores that she thinks you'd like.
One day , she brought one of those things to the Sunny after a big battle.
She was worried about losing you , but she knew you could handle yourself. But you got injured. Very , very injured. She was extremely worried because you've been out for days.
She came to your bedside and placed a jewel on the bedside. She sat on the bed next to your sleeping form and started talking to you as if you could hear.
Little did she know , her presence awoke you.
She told you how she felt and called you stupid for getting so hurt. While she was crying , you placed your bruised hand on her arm and told her you felt the same.
She was so surprised that she slapped you and started shaking you violently for worrying her.
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Surgeon of Death: Trafalgar D. Water Law
At first , he thought something was wrong with him. He stayed up for nights on end trying tor research what could be wrong with him.
He looked up his symptoms in any book he could find. He knew a lot of illnesses because he was a doctor , but this was foreign to him. It worried him. Was it something like White Lead ?
He continues searching. Heated body (similar to a fever) , heart skipping beats irregularly , clammy hands , etc.
The only conclusion he could draw was the love sickness that any former Empress from Amazon Lily had.
But he wasn't an empress. Then , it clicked. He was in love. He wasn't sick , he was just LOVE sick. For you , no less.
He talked to Ikaku about how he felt and she squealed happily at his confession.
She bombarded him with advice , flowers , snacks , etc. She told him to just tell you.
When he gathered the courage , he did just that. He brought those flowers to your desk and waited for you. When you came in , the anxiety set in.
He cleared his throat and nervously confessed his feelings for you.
You laughed and told him you felt the same. He felt like a weight was lifted from his chest.
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Eustass "Captain" Kid
Similarly to Law , he thought he was sick. He stayed in his office for DAYS , mostly to avoid you.
He thought you were sick too. How else did he feel sick around you ? You were contagious.
He told Killer about his sickness and he laughed his ass off at him.
Kid yelled at him and told him to stop , but he didn't.
When Killer calmed himself , he told Kid that he was a dumbass. That he wasn't sick , but in love.
Why would he be in LOVE ? THE Captain Kid !
He denied it and shooed Killer out.
But Killer pushed him to tell you. Every. Day.
Eventually , he caved.
When you brought him dinner , his mouth spewed out all he felt. He turned extremely red and angirly grumbled.
That was until you kissed his chin and told him you felt the same.
He turned even redder and shooed you out of his office.
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Caesar Clown
He didn't actually understand why he fell in love with you. Was it your power ? Your looks ? Your influence ? He wasn't sure.
Everyone noticed. He would literally stumble around and make mistakes whenever you come around.
Monet teased him about it often. He shut down everything she said and would yell at her for even suggesting that he liked you.
He's had hookups and such before , but he's never fallen in love with any of his flings. He was a master scientist , why would he need love ?
But he fell for you.
Hard , actually.
He tried his best to avoid you but it never worked. You were stronger than him , so you had to protect him. That was your job.
While working in another part of his lab , Monet just straight up told you that he's in love with you.
You laughed and told her that you knew. You followed her to his current location , and you both told him what you conversed about.
He was embarrassed as hell and yelled at both of you.
He shooed Monet out and talked to you in private.
He , nervously , told you that it was true.
You told him you felt the same way and shocked the hell outta him.
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Firefist: Portgas D. Ace
It was SO obvious to the entire crew.
He would become nervous and a blushing mess around you.
Even Whitebeard noticed.
Ace didn't , however.
He was never actually in love. He has had hookups , yes , but never a significant other. He didnt feel as if he deserved love.
But you made him feel like he did.
You were so sweet to him and would love him like he was your lover.
Marco , Thatch , and Izo would tease him about his little crush on you. Anytime they did , he denied it.
But Izo told you one day while you two were hanging out.
You told him that you felt the same way.
Izo and Thatch pushed you two together and got you both to confess in the kitchen
When you both confirmed that you were dating , the entire crew threw a party.
They just wanted an excuse to party. Sigh.
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Flame Emperor: Sabo
Koala noticed before he did , but he noticed a bit after.
He chose not to act on it , however. He was too busy with the Revolutionary Army for a relationship.
But Koala was OBSESSED with the idea of you and him dating. She would continuously tell anyone who would listen about how much she shipped you and him.
She even told Dragon.
Dragon supports.
One day , Koala sets you two up in the kitchen of the current Revolutionary base.
She locks you both in there and leaves , waiting for you both to confess.
You confessed first because he wouldn't budge.
He told you he felt the same.
Hours after being locked in there , you both had fallen asleep together in the corner when Koala came to get you both.
She took pictures and showed them to Dragon.
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Heavenly Demon: Donquixote Doflamingo
He knew he was obsessed with you. He always wanted you close , would kill anyone that was brave enough to confess to you , etc.
He's had many flings (men and women) , but he threw them away like they were toys.
But you were different to him.
You were headstrong , brave , and quite strong. It intrigued him.
How you held onto your dreams like they were part of the last meal you'd ever eat.
How you were so kind , even if he degraded you and hurt you.
You always came back.
One day , he called you to his throne room. While you sat in front of him , he offered you a place in the family as his Queen / King / Royal.
You weren't allowed to deny. If you said no , he would cut your head off. But you didn't even think of that.
You were in love with him too and told him so.
Now , you're the Queen / King / Royal of Dressrosa alongside your king , Doflamingo.
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Corazon: Donquixote Rosinante
When you joined the Donquixote Family , he knew he had to get you out of there. Just like the children.
He normally wouldn't care about the others in the family because it wasn't his mission. However , your heart wasn't in the same place as theirs.
It intrigued him.
You were kind , smart , caring , and you took care of Baby 5 , Buffalo , and Law as if they were your own.
He immediately fell in love with you.
When taking Law away from Dressrosa , he took you with him and explained everything.
While Law slept on an island one day , he confessed his feelings to you by the fire he started.
He was red in the face and extremely nervous. He even lit himself on fire.
After dousing him in water , you told him you felt the same.
But smacked him and told him to be careful because he hurt himself.
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livwritesstuff · 1 month
Steve wants it on record that there isn’t much he wouldn’t do if it meant spending time with his kids.
The one exception to this is shopping. Generally speaking, Steve can’t really handle shopping anymore (migraines – or, rather, the way shopping is a pretty consistent trigger for migraines).
Eddie handles most of the shopping – he does the groceries every week, he runs most of the errands the pop up, he gets dragged to the mall with their daughters on the weekends.
 There’s one exception to that exception though, and it’s back-to-school shopping.
Steve makes an exception for back-to-school shopping for a couple reasons.
For one – memories. The passing of time is a cruel thing, as Eddie loves to remind him, and they only get so many years to set their kids loose in Walmart, to watch them pick out a new lunchbox and water bottle, to see which novelty folders Robbie and Moe will fight over this year, and what color notebooks they’ll claim. This year in particular, Moe is starting fifth grade, her last year before she heads off to middle school, and Hazel is starting kindergarten. Obviously, Steve will risk a migraine if it means getting to watch his daughters back-to-school shop for the one year ever all three of them will be at the same school together. 
The second reason Steve makes an exception for back-to-school shopping – Eddie. Steve loves Eddie. So much. That being said, his judgment can be a little questionable, which is fine most of the time because Steve is used to it. His kids’ teachers though…not so much, and they’ve also got sixteen to twenty other hellions to manage, so for their sake someone’s gotta be there on these shopping trips to lay down the law when Walmart decides slap-bracelet rulers are a totally fine thing to equip elementary-schoolers with.
“No,” Steve told Robbie simply, his arms crossed as he leaned against a shelf filled with notebooks.
“Why?” she countered, still holding up the purple “ruler”.
Moe helpfully decided to smack Robbie’s bare arm with her own pink bracelet-ruler. Robbie yelped as Moe gave a maniacal laugh and yanked the ruler back.
“That’s why,” Steve replied, “Neither of you need rulers this year, and even if you did, I’m not doing that to your teachers. Let’s move on please.”
Obviously, neither Moe nor Robbie gave any indication that they’d be moving on, which is fine. He’d rather they get over the novelty of the damn things here, so he turns his attention to where Eddie was sitting cross-legged on the linoleum floor trying to convince Hazel, their rising kindergartener, that she doesn’t need a locker shelf.
“There’s no lockers in kindergarten, my girl,” he was telling her, “No lockers at all until middle school.”
“But what if I just get it and then we see if maybe there’s lockers?” Hazel asked, her lower lip starting to tremble.
“I promise we’ll get you a locker shelf when you start middle school,” Eddie replied, easing the pink metal locker shelf out of her hands, “But that’s six years away. Think of all the ways locker technology will improve in six years.”
Hazel nodded.
“We could be looking at a whole new world, Hazy-Jay.”
Again, Hazel nods, though she does give the shelf one last mournful look as Eddie gets to his feet and leads her over to the wall of Crayola paraphernalia.
Steve turns back to the older two in time to hear Moe say, “Do you think it’d wrap around your head if I hit you hard enough?”
“Okay, that’s a no.”
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hurlingdown · 3 months
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synopsis. law can't figure out why you're ignoring him. yeah, he's aware that the both of you are in the middle of a party, in public, but he's drunk n' horny as fuck and he wants you so bad. it'll just be cruel not to give in to his demands! wc. 2.1k
tags. sub! ftm! law, service! top! reader. reader secretly fingers his pussy in public, exhibitionism, nothing too hardcore, established relationship, modern!au, some dirty talk, begging, dry humping, fingering law’s pussy: the fic
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Parties could be tolerable, Law reluctantly admitted, if your boyfriend wasn’t currently ignoring you. 
The bar was filled with rowdy chatter, shitty college kids without any regard for their organs drinking themselves silly (cough cough, a certain red-haired money-loving witch and a one-eyed swordsman), dancing to some lacklustre pop song that had made a hit back in the late 2000s and never since. Law couldn’t even recall its name—it was a testament to how wasted he was. 
Anyhow, a party wasn't his usual definition of entertainment, but it was good enough of a distraction. Tolerable, per se. 
What the un-fun part of parties was, aside from his poor tolerance of alcohol, was that they distracted something else. You.
You had been intentionally ignoring him for the past twenty minutes, too absorbed with talking with your friends and having fun without him. And the worst part was, you were the one who invited him to this in the first place. Frankly, he wouldn’t care to be here if it wasn’t for you, and yet you weren’t even talking to him.
“Prude. Jerk. Bastard,” he cursed under his breath, downing his seventh cup of watered-down beer and crunching up the plastic before stalking over to where you were sitting. 
“Hey sweetheart.” You raised your head, greeting him with a smile, but that was all the acknowledgement he got before you turned back to your friends and started laughing about something Law was sure wasn’t more important than he was. 
Law was fucking pissed, drink and temper-wise. You were going to pay for your ignorance. 
Then again, climbing into your lap and whining into your ear wasn’t exactly the best way to get your attention nor execute his petty revenge, but Law was drunk and horny and anything but rational right now. 
He slung his arms around you, starting to kiss your neck wetly. “Y/n-ya,” he whined. He made sure to be quiet, loud enough for you to hear him over the music, but not enough that anyone else around you would. He smirked as he saw the tips of your ears redden, but that was all the response he got. 
Not giving up just yet, he moved to kiss and lick at the sensitive spot behind your ear, deliberately moaning softly as he did so, and that succeeded in making your breath stutter. 
Much to his displeasure, however, you placed one hand on his hip, squeezing lightly as though to express your disapproval. He frowned, wriggling to get closer to you on your lap. 
“Are you ignoring me?” he griped, slapping his hands on the sides of your face and forcing you to look at him. “Why are you ignoring me?” 
“Law,” you murmured, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. “Not now.” 
He shook his head stubbornly, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as he started to grind down on you. “But I’m horny now,” he cried out. “Want you now.” 
“Later,” you whispered to Law, trying to keep him still, but he only bucked his hips against you harder. 
You blushed furiously, shooting your friends a pleading glance for them to leave. Thankfully, they got the memo, but they didn’t leave without making kissy faces and wolf whistles, to which you scowled at. 
Law, however, was too out of it to even register their departure. 
“Pleasee, y/n-ya.” He sucked a hickey onto your neck, trying his best to press every inch of himself against you. You seized in a breath, still pretending to be disinterested, but it was clear that your dick wanted something else with the way it strained painfully against your trousers. “Please, okay?” 
You were about to refuse again, but then his hand tightened around your wrist, guiding it to his crotch. You gave him a questioning look, but then he pushed your palm against his clothed cunt, rubbing it over the damp fabric, whining softly to let you know just how much he wanted this, needed this. 
You cursed under your breath, dizzy from the amount of blood rushing to your face. “Law… we can’t. Not here.” 
“Just a little bit,” he bargained, “I’ll be so good, y/n-ya.”  
You wanted so badly to just bend him over the counter and have your way with him, but you had the decency to remind yourself that you were currently in public. There were people all around you. Sure, most of them were too drunk out of their minds to notice or care, the music was blaring and it was dark enough to hide whatever would happen between the two of you, but that didn’t make this okay. 
You froze when you felt him slowly roll his hips, letting out little whimpers as he started to ride your hand.
“Mmpfh, ah, y/n-ya… y/n-ya,” he chanted your name between moans, one hand gripping your shoulder for leverage while the other crammed your hand against his pussy, using it like a sex toy. Law was looking at you with an obscene expression, eyes glazed over with pleasure and want and he looked so fucking good. 
Just a little, you found yourself thinking. Just a little would be okay, right? Right? 
“Pleasee,” Law whined, tears forming in his eyes, “I need it so so bad.” 
It wasn’t fair. No, it wasn’t fair at all. How could you ever say no to him when he was begging you like this? 
You were almost embarrassed by the way you felt your resolve crumble completely in a matter of seconds. “Okay, okay, fine. But you have to promise to behave. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it my way, yes?” 
He nodded dumbly, now moaning and whining quietly into your ear, mimicking the noises he would make in bed while you fucked him into the mattress. His hips shifted forward until he planted himself right on top of your hard-on, continuing to grab your hand and rub your thumb against his clit. “I want you inside me,” he gasped. “Wanna feel your hard cock inside—”  
You clamped your free hand over his mouth, heart going overdrive, and it was a miracle at this point but no one had overheard. That, or they were pretending not to have.
“I thought you were going to behave,” you hissed. “Just my fingers, and then I’ll give you anything you want when we get back home. Can you behave for me now?” 
Law whined a yes, pulling back to lick and suck at your fingers lewdly while you pulled down his zipper. His panties were drenched with slick—a clear sign of his arousal, and you stroked his entrance through the cloth, lightly dipping a finger inside.
“You’re so wet,” you breathed. “Does this turn you on? Doing it in public?” 
“No, no… ‘s all for you,” he moaned around your digits, “y/n-ya. S’wet only for you.” 
You exhaled shakily at his words, having not expected that. Drunk Law was dangerous, you realised. 
“Keep saying shit like that, and you’re going to get us caught,” you muttered, pushing his panties aside to reveal his soaked cunt. Fuck, he was so pretty, above and underneath. 
You rubbed your thumb in slow but meaningful circles on his clit as he whimpered and shuddered. “Don’t tease, hnn, just put it in already…” 
“Be patient.” You pushed a digit past his folds, the glide smooth and easy with slick coating his walls. You crooked your finger to loosen him up, sliding another one inside to feel out the filthy stretch. 
“More,” he demanded, rocking his hips to try in a futile attempt to take your fingers deeper. 
You pulled out the fingers he was sucking on with a wet ‘pop’ while continuing to scissor him lazily with your other hand. You reached under his shirt to fondle his chest, rolling his nipple between your spit-soaked fingers before giving it a sharp pinch.
“Y/n-ya…!” He jolted in your lap with a startled whine, head falling to rest on your shoulder. “Hngh, not so sudden…” 
You ignored his protests, murmuring into his ear, “Lower your voice or you won’t be getting any more than this. That is, unless you want them to hear.” 
Law shook his head, eyes blown wide with lust, and he stuffed the front of his shirt into his mouth to muffle his moans. He could be good for you when he needed to be.
Pleased by his reaction, you started to pump your fingers in and out of him. You set a slow yet consistent pace, and he tightened his hold on your shoulders every time you curled them. His thighs were trembling with the effort of holding himself back, trying his hardest not to grind back against you—it was almost cute how the threat of taking away what he wanted gave you so much power over him. 
“So good, baby,” you praised. “I think you deserve a reward for that. Do you?” 
“Yes,” he whined through the makeshift gag. “Please.” 
You grinned. He was being so obedient today, you couldn’t help but spoil him a little. Hand trailing down to grip his waist and hold him in place, you suddenly flicked your wrist upwards with your other hand, crushing the pads of your fingers directly against his sweet spot. 
Law jerked violently in your lap, sobbing out a profanity. His shirt had slipped from his lips, but you continued to rub incessantly at the same area, hearing him let out broken whine after whine through clenched teeth, legs shaking from the overstimulation. “S’good,” he slurred, “don’t stop, please, please—”
He wasn’t exactly being quiet and good like he promised, but seeing Law lose all semblance of control from being pleasured just by your fingers was such a turn-on that you couldn’t bring yourself to stop—the prospect of being seen only added to the excitement.
You started to pump your fingers faster, your other hand reaching down to play with his clit, pinching and massaging the nub as he wailed out. 
You were about to warn him about his volume, but then a sharp pain on your shoulder made you seize up—you realised he had bit you to smother his desperate noises. His walls were spasming around your fingers with every thrust, and even if you couldn’t see his face, you knew exactly how much of a fucked-out mess he looked like right now, had seen him lost in pleasure way too many times to count that the sight had engraved itself into your mind. 
Fuck. This was so hot.
“Are you close?” you asked, and he whined a yes, biting you harder in response. “Good. You’re so good. Kiss me, baby.” 
He complied, reeling back to clumsily press his lips against you, letting you kiss him wet and rough and hungry, swallowing his needy moans. “Close, close,” he panted, and you fucked your fingers into him harder, tongue slipping into his mouth as he responded to the kiss sloppily, drool trickling down his chin and neck. “I’m gonna cum, y/n-ya, please—” 
“Cum for me, Law.” 
Law shivered at the authoritative tone at the same time as you rammed your fingers into his sweet spot, hard. With a muffled cry, he clamped up tight, cumming all over your fingers. Warm milky liquid gushed out from his abused hole in a flood as his nails dug into your shoulders so hard you were sure they were going to leave crescent-shaped scars, and you groaned out as well.
You continued to rub his clit roughly, milking him throughout his orgasm while he twitched and spasmed, letting out a sobbing keen of your name as his pussy gave another weak spurt of cum. 
Exhausted, he slumped down into your arms, stretched cunt clenching around nothing. “Y/n-ya…” he panted.  
“Was that okay?” you murmured, worry creeping into your chest. It wasn’t your first time fingering him to completion and your sex life wasn’t particularly vanilla, but doing it in a public setting was still new to you and adventurous for your standards. 
Law gave you a tired look of disbelief. “I can’t feel my legs. Was that okay?” 
You laughed at his snarky tone, kissing his cheek as you zipped him back up. “I’ll carry you home and then I’ll make it up to you, yeah?” 
“Mm… you better.”  masterlist! # the gif (because fingers, get it? ok i’ll stop) anyhow this is my third time blue-balling reader hahahehah
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
Tommy Shelby- I’m Not Doing That Again
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“Every woman has one” Polly argues while flitting around YN and Tommys shared bedroom getting everything ready for when YN go into labour
“I had one with Charlie, I’m not doing that again. If I shit then so be it” YN cross her arms stubbornly over her large stomach “tell her Ada”
“I’m not involved in this conversation” Ada holds her hands up shaking her head. YN looks over to Esme who’s smiling
“Polly I don’t want an enema”
“Love it stops infection”
“It’s embarrassing that’s what it is, having your husbands aunt shave you then stick a tube in your arse to make you shit. I’d rather just shit the bed while pushing. Ada didn’t have one with Karl”
“He didn’t leave us with much choice” Polly mutters “right I’ll be back later with supper. Please try and relax”
“See you later” Ada gives her sister in law a weak smile before leaving. Esme walks over to her with a mischievous look
“Where has she put the enema kit?”
“Over there” YN frowns pointing towards the box on top of the dresser “why?”
“Well it would be a shame if it went missing wouldn’t it?”
“She will know it was one of us. Thanks though”
“Not if the kids run wild in the house” Esme winks at YN and then takes the enema kit with her.
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“I’M GONNA CHOP HIS DICK OFF AFTER THIS!” Tommy hears his wife scream while she’s upstairs in their room giving birth
“Thats what you said last time now where’s the enema kit? I put it up here” Polly stands with her hands on her hips looking at the dresser. She then turns to YN lying on the bed with Esme holding her hand “YN where have you hidden it?”
“I haven’t” not a lie, but YN knows where Esme has hidden the tube
“Well I suppose we will have to do this the old fashioned way, we just need to find….”
“No please Polly, i don’t want one, please I’m begging you”
“Pol look she’s gonna want to start pushing soon, let’s just leave it”
“Fine” YN finally relaxes looking over at Esme.
Downstairs Tommy paces the living room with a whiskey in hand. Arthur, John, Finn and Micheal all sit with their own drinks on the large sofa. All that can be heard is the shouting of profanities and cursing Tommys name
“Bloody hell, she’s a true Shelby’s ain’t she Tom” Arthur chuckles
“Where’s Charlie?” Finn asks
“YN’s mums” Tommy replies still pacing around, then stops when he hears feet running down the stairs. Ada runs past her brothers and cousin and goes straight into the kitchen to get some more warm water
“Are they here yet?” Micheal asks
“D’you think I’d been here running around if they were”
“THOMAS FUCKING SHELBY YOU BETTER RUN ONCE THIS CHILDS OUT OF ME” YN Shelby, the only person Tommy is afraid off. This makes the Shelby’s all chuckle, but Tommys pacing continues
“Will you sit the fuck down? You know YN will kill ya if you wear out her carpet” John says before drinking the rest of his drink. Tommy finally sits down on the sofa as Ada makes her way back upstairs with the water.
After hours of pacing and drinking, the screams go quiet, that is until the cries of a baby can be heard. Tommy lifts his head up as John slaps him on the shoulder
“Congratulations brother”
“Tommy” Polly says walking down the stairs “come meet your daughter” in an instant Tommy is up and making his was to his and YN’s bedroom.
Walking in he sees Esme and Ada tidying up and putting some sheets in a bucket. His wife sat up in bed with a baby in her arms suckling on her breast
“No more Tommy. I’m not doing that again”
“Whatever you want, as long as you and our kids are happy I don’t care if we don’t have anymore” Tommy walks over and places a kiss on his wife’s head.
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pinejayy · 6 months
➤ being needy and horny || one piece men
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- Riding his thigh and mumbling how much you need him inside of you “Please…sweetheart I need you. Please do something.” And as you’re riding his thigh you moan softly as you feel your clit rub against his pants, he smirks at your reaction, your sweet whimpers and moans are music. “Come you can beg better than that. Come on dear ~ Tell me what you need.” He whispered against your ear, dragging his lips across your neck and nibbling onto the soft skin. And if you finish on his leg he’ll shake his head “Look at the mess you made, naughty pet.” And slowly he would insert one finger into your needy hole, moving slow. “Beg…for it.”
dracule mihawk, shanks, portgas d. ace, trafalgar law.
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- “Haha…look at the needy horny bitch?” He mumbled as he sat on the edge of his bed, with you between his legs on your knees. He smirks as he grabs his cock and slaps you slightly with it. “Let’s see how much you want it.” Grabbing your hair and forcing you to take in his full length down your throat, and letting out a deep chuckle as he heard you gag around his length. As your bobbing your head up and down, you were getting wetter by the lewd sounds that was coming out from his mouth and slowly your hand started to trail down to dripping core and before you could do anything he yanked you away and smirks. “Touching yourself without permission? Looks like someone needs to be punished.”
eustass kid, sir crocodile, rob lucci, arlong.
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- Walking behind him as he was sitting down minding his own business, wrapping your arms around his neck leaning in and placing kisses along his neck. “Please I’m so horny-” You didn’t have a chance to finish your sentence before he quickly turned around and threw you on his shoulder and took you straight to the bedroom before stripping you from your clothes. And before you could react he’s already between your legs eating like there’s no tomorrow. Licking your wet folds, and dragging his tongue across your clit making you arch your back. Moaning his name as you tug onto his hair. “So fucking good, so needy…taste so fucking good.” And he’s going to eat you for hours until a whimpering mess.
vinsmoke sanji, roronoa zoro, sabo.
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- His soft grunts and moans filled the room, as your head bobs up and down on his hard member. “Fuck….your mouth feels good…so good dear.” He couldn’t help but tug onto your hair. Moaning around his member you couldn’t help but rub your needy clit. “And touching yourself too.” He grunts, biting his lip holding back his moan. It was a beautiful sight. His cock wrapped around your pretty little lips while you’re teasing yourself. He couldn’t but moan your name under his breath. And after awhile he came undone, cumming down your throat. Swallowing everything and pulling away and opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out making him blush. “Can I return the favor?” He asked shyly, he was red as a tomato but you couldn’t help but blush and slowly nod your nod.
franky, usopp, donquixote rosinante (corazon), buggy the clown, charlotte katakuri.
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- This crusty dirty pink rat is only going to think about himself and himself only. Oh you’re horny? Well that’s too bad you better get on your knees and take his cock like a good girl. He doesn’t care if you’re crying and begging for some kind of pleasure and honestly he’s gonna laugh at your face if you’re crying. “I can’t believe you’re that horny that you’re crying.” He mocked you. But if he’s feeling nice or you’ve been a really good girl he’ll gladly take his time with you in the bedroom for the night. He’ll make you cum with his tongue and by god this evil man knows how to use his fingers. He’ll make sure you’re screaming his name. He doesn’t care if anyone hears your moans.
donquixote doflamingo.
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- Please give this adorable innocent man a hug and a kiss on the check. And he loves cuddles and cute dates!! He actually loves showing you off to his friends and a certain cook gets jealous. But yes please show this man love and affection. Lots of sweet words and he’ll gladly share his food with you because you’re so special!! And please buy him a lot of meat. He’ll love you to the the very end!! uwu
monkey d. luffy.
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kaciebello · 7 months
Strawberries with too many seeds
Masterlist Luke Castellan x Hades! reader (implied, fem) Percy Jackson x Hades! reader (platonic) Chris Rodriguez x Hades! reader (platonic) Summary: Percy might feel like he is messing up the whole demigod thing, but he sure feels like he has friends here. Warning: Insults( nothing mean, just banter), no use of y/n author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I wrote this while eating blue candy, had to get into the character somehow. Yes I know Chris is unclaimed, Luke calls him brother in a bromance way. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) word count: 1,2k
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Percy couldn't help it. He was still feeling down about the amount of times he messed up. He, Luke, and Chris were sitting down at the Hermes table. Chris babbling something about the goddess of failure. Percy wasn't paying attention. 
“Don't worry, we’ll find something you're good at.” Turns to him Luke with a tight lip smile. Then it spreads into a grin as his eyes shift to look behind Percy. He feels a person sitting down next to him with their food. He looks up and sees the Hades girl he met the other day.
“Hello, my little gremlins!” She says with a smile. Percy doesn't have time to react, well not before Chris does.
“Gremlins is crazy.” He says pointing his fork at her. She just chuckles and picks up her fork.
The older boys continue to eat. Percy looks at her a bit confused. From what he learned, claimed kids are supposed to eat at their parents' table. He found the system kinda of dumb, if he wanted to eat with Athena’s kids, he should be able to. Not that he had anyone particular in mind.
“Aren't you supposed to sit at your table?” He asks her confused. She stops in the middle of her bite. She looks at him for a second before returning to her food.
“No cabin, no table.” She says. Percy now remembers that she mentioned that her father does not have a throne on Olympus and, therefore no cabin. It makes sense not to have a table either. He thought he could hear Chris whisper ‘No face, no case’ before Luke slapped his brother on the back of his head. The girl just gives them a side eye and turns to Percy again.
“What are you drinking?” She motions to his drink.
“Cherry cola.” He says
“Why is it blue?”
“ Daamn girl, you can't judge a soda by its color!” Chris says, making a fake gasp and clutching his heart. She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Chris receives a slap on his shoulder from Luke.
“Ignore him, Percy.  Chris is just a moron.” She says with a smile.
“I am your brother-in-law to-be!” Defens Chris, leaning over the table to jab his finger in her shoulder. Percy notices a blush on Luke's face before he clears his throat and looks away for a second. The girl just shakes her head and pushes the boy away. An argument breaks out between those two. Percy could swear that he heard a few very creative insults. He looks at Luke who just shakes his head and continues to eat. Percy follows his lead. 
“Sweets, do you want my starberries?” Ask Luke, making the two stop fighting. They both turn to him. 
“Oh yes my darling, thank you.” Answers him Chris and reaches for the few strawberries Luke has set aside while eating. Luke just frowns at him slapping his hand away, pushing his plate to the girl. Chris whines and holds his hand in a very fake hurt-like state. The girl just shakes her head and pushes Luke's plate back. He just gives her a face with a giant question mark on it. She just looks at him dead in the eye.
“I don't think taking a fruit with many seeds from a man is something I should do.” She says and Luke's eyes widen. He gives the thought a second before rolling his eyes.
“I do not want to kidnap you into my secret hideout,” He says not looking into her eyes. 
“Aw, what a shame.” She says teasingly and Luke's head snaps to her. Chris and Percy just laugh.
“Shouldn’t Persephone’s kids worry about that more?” Asks Percy genuinely curious about what other superstitions should he be worried about. He knows that Annabeth does not like spiders because Athena cursed Arachne. Now this. 
“Great question! Let us ask my stepsiblings!” She says and jumps up. She looked around before sitting down.
“That's right, Persephone does not have mortal children.” She explains to Percy. He just lets out a little ah and goes back to eating. Well, more like pushing the food around his plate since he felt embarrassed.
“It's fine Percy, nobody expects you to know who has children and who does not. And it gets tricky when even the maiden goddesses have mortal children, Athena for example.” She says with a kind tone.
“You’ll get the hang of it.” Tells him, Luke, trying to cheer up the younger boy. Percy just nods at his older friends. He hopes to be as skilled as those two one day. The two look at each other with a warm smile. Percy could see the love in their eyes. His mom had the same look when she talked about his dad. He just hopes these two have a happier ending than them. A gaging sound can be heard from one of the chairs. All of them turn to look at Chris, who is pretending to vomit violently.
“ Nurse, please I am feeling a bit sick, all this sweetness makes me wanna puke,” Chris says, clutching to his stomach pretending to be sick.
“I will stuff gauze down your throat if you don't stop” She threatens, going back to their banter. Luke just shakes his head at them and turns to Percy.
“Come on, we need to throw the rest into the bonfire.” Says Luke and the other two get up without another word. Percy wants to ask why, but it is like he could read his face.
“Offering to the gods, they like the smell.” He manages to finish. Percy gives him another confused look so Chris clarifies.
“They like the smell of begging.” He stops and looks at the girl. “ Just as much as she likes the sound it.” He finishes, very proud of his jab. The girl just narrows her eyes and goes to stand in the line. Percy swears he could hear ‘I will bite your head off’ but it was mostly covered by the amused sound Crish made after.
“ Excuse them, Percy, they grew up together, got here together. They have always been like that. You should have seen them when they shared a cabin. It was a nightmare.” Lukes says and follows the two, Percy close behind him.
“Okay little praying mantis, Luke you must be careful. You never know, you might lose your head.” Turns to them Chris and throws the rest of the food to the fire.
“ Have you hurt your head?” She asks before shaking her head.” Why am I even asking, I heard you slam your head on the upper bunk bed the other night.” Chris stops in his tracks and narrows his eyes at her.
“ Why were you in the Hermes cabin?” He asks and she just shrugs and looks away. Percy could see that Luke had gone red once again.
“ I was with Luke, why else Einstein.” She says walking away from all of them. Chris is hot on her toes.  Luke just looks at his feet before placing his hand on Percy's shoulder making him follow those two.
“YOU HAVE A WHOLE ROOM!” Yells Chris making big hand gestures to the girl who looks bored with whatever he is saying. Luke patted his back.
“Welcome to the family kid.” He says before lightly jogging to the older campers and delivering a slap on the back of the head to his brother.
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hotchfiles · 5 months
↪ day twelve. dinner party stories — #marchhotchness
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [family line] ❞
pairing: hotchner x fem!reader. summary: he snickers when he secretly whispers you that and you’re sure this is the family you were born to be after all, it just took you a little while to find it. or: aaron shows what the unconditional love of a family should be like. content warnings: not proofread, a lot of family issues brought up, weight gain mention (negatively once, then positively), reader's parents being annoying and kind of mean. word count: 2.4K
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      Aaron sees it in your eyes, in your breathing, in the way you move. He sees it in the way you’ve been playing more with your necklace and by how you can’t seem to stop spinning your engagement ring around your finger. He hasn’t seen you this anxious in months, and back then you were working on finishing your dissertation and it collided with the company you worked at losing clients, it was chaos. He knew right now there was no chaos in sight, so it could only mean one thing. 
      “Honey, did you speak to your parents recently?” His voice is always as soft as a feather when talking to you, even in the rare instances you argue. 
      You turn from the scrabble pieces and set your wine glass down, not minding the interruption to the cozy game when his voice sounded like that and his eyes looked at you like you were something so precious you could break. 
      “No, babe, why d’you ask?” 
      “You’re fidgeting like an hyperactive kid who hasn’t been put on Ritalin yet lately.” His explanation catches you off guard in a way that you almost reprehend him saying his name in a high pitched voice and slapping his arm in between laughter. His smirk shows you just how accomplished he feels that he made you laugh like that. 
      Aaron takes both of your hands in his, kissing your knuckles and urging you to talk with him just by the way he looked into your eyes, eagerly waiting for you to vent about what was making you so restless. 
      “I haven’t told them about the engagement yet. I want to have them over for dinner, to share the news but they are so…” You sigh profoundly, looking up to the ceiling trying to finish that though in a way that made sense. “Difficult.” 
      Aaron knows what difficult really means. It means patronizing. It means unsupportive. Unwilling. Unhelpful. It doesn’t mean unloving, but it means old fashioned in a way that it feels unloving. “We could have dinner in a nice restaurant instead, to ease up some of that pressure.” He suggests, always the problem solver. 
      “It would be perfect, handsome, but we did that last time…” Your voice trails off, laying your head on his lap, urging him to gently pass his fingers through your hair by that act alone, cozying up to him in an attempt to ignore the problem at hand. 
      Hotch follows your lead, not forgetting to place a kiss on your forehead, but also, not letting the problem go. “And my dear future mother in law will start dropping hints again that we don’t want them here.” You nod quietly. “Alright. Don’t call. Text her inviting them over with the details. Less talking.” 
      You groan, “She will complain about that too…”
      “Once they’re here.” He kisses your forehead, “So it’s only one,” and your nose, “Night,” your right cheek, “Of,” your left cheek, and you’re already grinning like an idiot, holding in your laughter at his boyishness, “Complaining.” Aaron finishes, brushing his lips against yours. you nod and pull your head up slightly, finally connecting you two in a sweet slow kiss.
      You get your big girl pants on after a delicious making out session with your fiancé, the scrabble pieces long forgotten as you gulp down your whole glass of wine and pick up your phone. His hair is messy, his cheeks are flushed and he grins at you with reassurance pouring from his sweet eyes as you send your mother the text, throwing your phone back to the table before seeing a response and going back straight to his arms.
      He made it easier, always. Helped you sort your feelings out, helped you find out the less stressing way to solve your problems. It was a joy to have him, to watch how he talked to Jack and see how it should be.
      More often than you would like to admit, you caught yourself thinking wow my parents would not let that slide, and then you would be faced with the reality that they were in the wrong, not Aaron.
      You talked to him about it once, asked how could he be so sweet and so effortlessly so to Jack, his answer came quickly, no hesitation: Jack had lost enough, losing his trust on his dad was not something Aaron would let happen, he didn’t want Jack to go through what he had as a child.
      Then it clicked to you once more, how you would never want to treat your hypothetical children like you had been treated too. 
      You try not to think too much about these things too often nowadays, but even as you laid on Aaron’s chest and felt his fingers lightly, softly, trace designs on your skin, now all you could think about was the damned dinner.
      Your mom wasn’t too judgy when it came to what you cooked, your dad was and annoyingly so, always had some remark about what would have made the food better, just like he did to your mother back home. 
      So first thing you did the next morning was think through all dinners and remarks and find something you could do following his tips to lessen the complaining, Aaron’s idea, of course. 
      “He always says my lasagna is delicious but too dry,” You mumble to yourself, but not really, you have your earphones on and Aaron on call, in the office doing reports he was able to entertain you as you picked up ingredients for extra sauce.
      You can hear him smiling, the sound of his aggressive pen on paper stopping for a second, “Even Rossi loves your lasagna, it is delicious. Just give your father a bowl full of sauce, he will be happier.” You snort and he goes back to his papers, satisfied to have made you laugh through the stress.
      Gathering the rest of the ingredients is easy enough, you’re already used to the grocery store’s layout and setup, you keep him on the line either way, a tradition you both kept whenever you were doing monotonous tasks, even when he didn’t speak, listening to his breathing, the shuffling of papers and his pen quickly making work through all his reports made you smile, calmed you down.
      Hotch thought it was silly at first, but quickly warmed up to it when he heard you softly,  secretive so, humming songs to yourself as you worked on your own reports, or went shopping, not to mention how adorable he found you to be when you forgot he was on the line and jumped scared as he spoke something.
      Most of all, he loved being immersed in a paper trail and being surprised by a hey I love you right in his ear as if you were there.
      It pained him to know how much of yourself you tried to mute down to please your parents when he loved every single tiny piece of what made you… You.  
      Hotch excused himself from the call to talk to Rossi just as you were about to go back home, satisfied you convinced him to get Rossi’s sauce recipe. 
      “Hers is great, why does she need mine?” Rossi sound almost exasperated, as if Hotch himself had said something about your cooking. He is quick to reassure that’s not the case and explain how you’re trying to please your father, Dave doesn’t seem that much happier about it, always pleased with the dishes you made for dinner parties at his mansion, but he still takes his phone and sends you a voice note explaining each step of his homemade tomato sauce. “Anything else?”
      “I need a favor as well. I’m gonna need the next weekend off for this.” Hotch begins, he knows Rossi would never mind that, no one would, in fact most people from the Bureau agreed he needed time off. “I know myself enough, I need to be completely off, no calls, no briefings.” He’s learnt his lesson from too many past mistakes, if he knows the case, if he knows the team needs him, he will be putting his job above anything else, Aaron can’t afford to do that anymore, so he prevents it. 
      His left thumb rubs the side of his index finger, his way to calm his racing thoughts, just the possibility of ruining this dinner has him anxious, this little habit of his was something he hadn’t even noticed he did before he met you. It was one of his tells and he never realized before you took his hand in yours and looked sweetly into his eyes saying you’re stimming, what’s wrong? In the softest tone he had ever heard anyone speak to him. 
      You were always quick to notice if anyone around you didn’t feel well, always a caretaker, it was a sight to take in and a pain to prove you so, being seen as selfish your whole life at home. 
      That day he got home late, Jack was doing his homework with your help while you worked on a few things on your laptop—a presentation you needed to finish soon as possible to get the next Friday off. 
      His office had become a shared office with your help, a U shaped desk where both of you could work being one of the first changes you made to it as soon as you moved in, it was perfect and it gave Jack space to sit close to either of you when he needed help.
      The sides faced the walls while and front faced the window where you and Jack sat, focused, it gave Hotch time to lean in the door frame and watch you both.
      “I’m not sure about that one, Jack-Jack…” You stop typing to read the question in his book again, impressed with how little you remember of school math. “If I Google this up, promise not to tell your teacher?” Aaron clears his throat at the question, catching your attention and making you laugh: Caught in the act. 
      “No Google, buddy, sorry.” Jack scrunches his nose at his father’s ruling out, a loud groan coming from his pre teen little voice. 
      “Told ya we should have started this earlierrrr—” You tease the boy, insinuating you two would have been able to find the answer online without his dad knowing then, you ruffle his short hair softly, loving the endearing smile he always gives you when you do that.
      His smile quickly turns into a yawn, the weight of the time stamped on Aaron’s watch getting to Jack’s eyes, “I’m sleepy.” 
      “You can finish tomorrow, let’s get you two to bed, buddy.” 
      Hotch picks Jack up and the young Hotchner is nothing but a ball of giggles, always saying he’s too big for that now, but obviously still loving the attention. 
      “Enjoy while you can, Jack-Jack, your old man is not getting any younger.” 
      “Yeah? I’m carrying your ass to bed soon too, my back can handle you both for years still.” You and Jack both laugh at him. It’s always almost as if a harsh mask melted when he got home, in its place would remain his soft features and the bickering you loved so dearly. 
      It was warm. And kind. Even when he came back home stressed, you never had to worry about accidentally setting him off or saying the wrong thing. It was a completely different dynamic than what you were used to. 
      It takes a few minutes for Hotch to come back, but he comes ready to make true of his promise, hands straight to your waist to carry you, tickling his way into your defenses, he laughs at your laughter and at how easy you melt to his touch. “I’m just finishing this up, babyy—” Your voice is purposefully whiny, pouting at him and getting a kiss in return, “Go eat your dinner while I do it, I heated it up when I got your text!”
      He stops trying to pull you up his shoulder or around his waist then, the look he gives you then reminds you of why you fell for him: Sweet like caramel, always betraying his known frown. 
      Aaron looks at you like every act of kindness you do makes him fall in love again, and it does. He traces your features with his thumb in silence, the mix of his calloused fingers and the softness of his actions makes you sigh, leaning into it.
      “I love you. I love our little family.” He kisses your forehead and leaves you to your presentation before you can even reply, before you can even tell him the two Hotchner boys are the first healthy family you’ve ever been in.
      You don’t even mind your dad complaining about your lasagna having way too much sauce the week after. Aaron eats for the both of them, compliments every single decision you made while cooking.
      The second your mother tells you you’ve been gaining weight, Aaron replies with a simple “If anything, we’re both getting bigger and happier.” A squeeze tight to your knee, stopping you from tearing up at how that was the only thing your mother did notice.
      They seemed happy about the engagement, but not too sure you’ll be able to care for him and his child as they needed to be cared for. You’re forgetful. You’re not maternal. You worry about work too much.
      You’re not even sure how good news could lead to such rambling about your flaws but again, before you can either cry or lose control and yell—Aaron comes in, his soft smile being completely betrayed by his furrowed brows and stern tone. He’s trying to be polite. “We take care of each other well, and together we care for Jack. It works. We work.”
      It’s simple but effective, what he wants is to shield you, to tell them how lucky they are you grew up as kind and hardworking when all they did was bring you down and doubt your feelings and your dreams.
      He wants to show them drawings Jack made of you and essays he wrote about his family. 
      But for now he settles on being polite. There’s still the whole wedding preparation and the actual wedding to go through. He has time to do all that. Right now he just makes sure to show you and them how much he supports you and how nothing they can ever say will change how he sees you. 
      At least he’s glad his mother is dead, one less problematic in law to deal with.
      He snickers when he secretly whispers you that and you’re sure this is the family you were born to be after all, it just took you a little while to find it.
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
Daddy's Home
a/n: yes this is a repost!! it got com labelled straight at posting last time and didn't even crack a hundred notes! btw there is a continuation coming by request so get excited for baby daddy satoru :0
cw: breeding, unprotetected p in v, daddy kink, sorta rough maybe idk
wc: 2.1k
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“You really should know better angel.” He growls, his large hands gripping the backs of your thighs so hard they were starting to burn. You could only choke out a moan in response, your eyes stinging with tears as he fucked into you relentlessly. Your hips hurt from the wide-spread angle your eager husband loves to take you in, keeping your legs by your ears and fingers clawing at his biceps. The pleasure was so intense it colored your vision, circular orbs of bright greens and purples floated across your sight, and you knew you were losing composure. Your screams ramped up deliciously, making the strongest man in the world let his head fall back with closed eyes to memorize the sounds.
He couldn’t help it, really, and it was all your fault. He came home earlier than usual, meaning his sister-in-law’s toddler was still at the Gojo residence. He was two, and just a precious kid. He was usually well behaved and was a massive fan of his Ti-Ti and Uncle Sato. But when he entered his home to see you passed out on the couch, the little boy curled up on top of you, his heart skipped a beat. The boy shared a lot of your features since your sister was the mother, but it took him aback to see you look so peaceful. You had your arms wrapped tightly around him, even in sleep. Your breathing was light, mouth parted slightly. The little boy had his thumb in his mouth  and head buried in your chest. There were soft nursery tunes in the background, and he could smell dinner simmering on the stove. Everything was right in the world, it seemed. The boy must feel someone staring, for he picks his head up and sleepily looks at his uncle. The boy smiles softly at him before turning over on you and going right back to sleep. Gojo smiled at the sight, heart warming in his chest. He snapped a picture for you, but he couldn’t stop staring at himself. 
It stirred something inside him, something that yearned to see you cradle a child he gave you, one that looked just like you. He never pictured being a father. Not even when he took in Tsumiki and Megumi, he felt more like a cool older brother rather than their dad since he was still a teenager himself. But he also never imagined being a committed boyfriend turned completely whipped married man, but here he is. He couldn’t ever possibly imagine the joy and love he feels with the life you’ve built so far. He wouldn’t even know how to tell his past self about it, if he had to. It made him wonder if children were the same. He could only imagine a tiny little mixture of himself and the person he loves most, and he knows they can’t lose that genetic lottery. How could that not be the best thing in the world? Spoiling you for an extended period of time? He does that anyway. The thought of you growing his kid, watching you swell month by month, god it was so perfect to him.
So don’t blame him for this, you had to go and make him think about a family. So it’s only natural that he’s keeping you locked in this position, all his weight leveraging his slender hips into your body. He always abused this power, smirking at you as you twitched and jerked beneath him, getting more and more sensitive with each orgasm he brought you. You looked so good like this anyway, his sweet pillow princess just laying there taking him oh so well. Your hair somehow always fell so perfectly around your head like a halo, lips swollen and bruised from his assault on them and your face pulled together in a picturesque pout. Your gorgeous tits bounced rhythmically along with his feral thrusts, sweet hands pawing at him to ground yourself. Not to mention the view he has of your glistening cunt and cute ass, his balls slapping up against your warm flesh violently. He loved everything about it, watching your ever tight pussy swallow his long curved cock, coating him in your arousal and arrivals so beautifully it made him moan. His noises were always so breathy and dreamy, you felt blessed every time he made one. 
He was impossibly pretty, his hair messy from the paths of your fingers, the tendrils that hung in his face were starting to stick. His eyes always shined brighter, filled with focus and admiration for his wife. His mouth was also slightly open, soft pants leaving his similarly-swollen pink lips. You feel your core tighten again, pulling like a rubber band while your eyes rake over your husband’s body; pale skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat and several fleshy pink scars. His physique was ever perfect, tone chest and tight muscles through his abdomen, you loved trailing your fingers down them. You felt hyper-aware of everything, the sheets tickling your back and the noise from the fan overhead. The moon lit up the scene, giving Satoru an ethereal glow. 
“So pretty Sato..” You mumble mindlessly, smiling to yourself at your magnificent luck in attaining the world’s most beautiful man. 
“Thanks, pretty mama.” He says, managing to pull his lips together in a smirk. He was close, feeling your choking walls spasming around him made goosebumps spring up on his skin. 
You moan softly at the pet name and squeeze down on his muscular arms and his throbbing erection. He grins at your reaction, leaning over your upper half to whisper in your ear. The feeling of his breath fanning over your neck makes you squirm, making him chuckle airily. 
“You like being’ called mama? I’m tryin’ to make you one.” He grunts, kissing the shell of your ear. You can feel him twitching inside you, the slight squelch of your fluids was the only sound other than your soft moans punctuating every roll of his hips and the lewd words he whispered in your ear. 
“Oh yeah?” You muster the willpower to say, getting absolutely punished by his force. “My hubby wants to be a daddy?” You coo, holding the back of his neck. 
He shudders, and you can tell he definitely likes that. You giggle and watch his cheeks flush as that sends him over the edge, pumping his hot seed into you and moaning quietly through his high. He leaves himself there even once he’s come down, intent to keep any of his cum from leaking out. He does let your legs rest around his hips, knowing you must be incredibly sore. 
“You would want that, right?”
You look down at his member keeping you plugged up. “Looks like it’s too late for protests.” You joke, giving him a soft smile after. “Of course I want a family, I just never knew when you’d be ready. I’d love to see you be a father. No doubt you’d be great at it.” 
He smiles in that arrogant way of his. “Just like everything else huh?”
“I would say my favorite quality of yours is your humility.” You groan, rolling your eyes at your lover. 
Things would just spiral from there, his craving to breed you not fulfilled until you present him with the evidence. He would bring you vitamins and you would make sure to track your cycle and dress in a more accessible way at home. If possible, his need to fuck you has skyrocketed, forcing you to be impaled on his cock at any given spare moment of the day. You’re not surprised when your dress is slid above your hips shortly after hearing the front door open and clothes. 
“Hey there pretty mama.” His voice rumbles in your head, his warm bulge pressed against your bare ass. 
“Hey there baby daddy.” You giggle, bending over the counter a little more, wiggling your backside in his grip. His hands press into your hips for a moment, and then you hear the sound of his belt. You grin, spreading your legs wider. 
His expression is similar as he slides his arm around your hips so he could reach the front of your pretty pussy. As eager as he was to plant his kids in your womb he always took the time to get you ready for him. Your body instantly starts to tremble when he begins to rub methodic circles around your bundle, sending jolts of electricity through you. He chuckles at you, making sure his other hand was holding your hips upright. 
“That’s my girl, I know you love this shit angel.” He coos, sliding his hand down to slip a digit inside your waiting entrance. You moan lowly, clenching around the one finger. You’re a whimpering mess shortly after that, his second finger added to the mix doing enough to you fuck yourself back onto them. He always curled them perfectly, tickling your pleasure spot so perfectly you were coming around his fingers in record time. 
You turn your head to watch him pull his fingers out of your cunt, slipping them into his mouth happily. You moan at the sight, wishing nothing more than to have the evidence of his love growing in you. He cleans his digits, pulling off his underwear in a swift motion. His hard member slaps his white happy trail, and you’re wiggling in anticipation at the sight of his pretty length. His tip was leaking and pink, what you guessed must be at least an hour’s worth of need pent up causing that color. Even his veins were pretty, slender and purple perfectly decorating his long shaft. 
“Ooh, mama’s feeling impatient today?” He asks, quickly tugging his blindfold down to rest between his collarbones. He hums, eyeing your weeping cunt happily. “All this after just my fingers? You wanna be bred more than anything, isn’t that right?” 
He spits on his cockhead, stroking the lube around himself. You nod, his words and touch doing unspeakable things to you. It was true, you wanted him to knock you up just as badly as he wanted to do it to you. 
“Yes, I wanna make you a daddy so bad.” You whine, gripping the sides of the counter when you feel his tip spreading your lips. You gasp sharply when he shoves his way in, bottoming out with no resistance. 
He hisses at the tightness, always mystified by your pussy. “You’re gonna, I know you are. Not gonna give you the choice, princess.” He groans, grabbing hold of your hips and using the grip to slide you along his cock. It’s filthy, the sound of skin on skin and your helpless wailing. 
It only takes him a few minutes to have you sputtering brainlessly, grip loosening on the counter, your ability to support yourself long gone. You’re seeing stars and calling out for him in a mumbled pant, letting him know you were adequately satisfied based on your body language. 
“My pretty girl. She’s being so good for me, taking all this cum all the time. Makes me s’happy…can’t wait for my pretty girl to get pregnant..” He voices, only making your walls squeeze down on him sporadically. “I’m gonna give you my kids, mama, you be good and keep it.” He grunts, your ass rippling with his thrusts. He only needed a few more thrusts before his sperm was fertilizing your womb, making you feel impossibly good. 
Your soft pants are music to his ears. He grins as he slides out of you, easily sweeping you off your feet and into his arms bridal style. “Now go lay down and hold onto this round.” He winks, just intent on spoiling you even though you’ve explained that that doesn’t necessarily matter. He refutes you every time, simply refusing to accept that there was nothing extra he could do to help you conceive. 
Luckily you didn’t need any more help. Not two months later are you bringing him a handful of different at home pregnancy tests that prove that all the hard work has paid off. And naturally, you're swept into his arms like a baby yourself, getting peppered with kisses and sweet whispers of his excitement and his oaths to take good care of you, as his latest fantasy has come true. 
He stays true to his word, you don’t want for anything and he keeps you as happy as can be, though his insatiable craving for your body doesn’t lessen now that his mission was successful. Now that he gets to watch you swell with his child, your body changing to become even more heavenly if possible, he can only think of keeping you this way.
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steventhusiast · 7 months
STWG prompt 11/2/24
prompt: date night
pairing/character(s): steddie, hellfire club
it's valentine's week!! hopefully i can do all the prompts this week :)
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"And with that, the barkeep..."
Eddie pauses in his storytelling to glance away from the notes hidden by his DM screen and over to the clock. His eyes widen at the time. Is it really 7:53pm already? Shit.
"With that, this session is over. You'll find out what happens with the angry barkeep next week!"
Everyone in the room groans at that, a chorus of 'seriously's and 'what the hell, Eddie's starting up even as he hurries to put his notes back into his DnD folder, and dumps all his dice into his bag haphazardly.
No one seems to notice for a moment, too busy complaining about the cliffhanger, when Gareth suddenly pauses and examines Eddie with a curious look on his face.
"Hold on, you promised we'd finally find out more about the temple this session? Where was that?"
Eddie huffs in response, and doesn't even look up as he starts folding his DM screen.
"Yeah, that was before you guys decided to talk to every single person at the tavern for an hour and start a barfight."
"That's never stopped you from getting us to where you want us before!"
"Yeah!" "Exactly!" "Please, Eddie. What happens with the barkeep."
Eddie waves a hand at everyone, and looks up to see the younger kids complaining quietly to each other, and his closer friends still seeming to inspect him carefully. He supposes they're valid in that; he's not one to back down from his plans, and has never cut off a session like this before.
But. Today is special. Today he has...
"Oh my god, you have a date." Jeff suddenly says, his eyes a little wider than usual as he grabs at Freak's arm.
"What?! Who the fuck would he have a date with?" Freak scoffs.
Eddie ignores the blush fighting to appear on his cheeks and starts collecting all of his figurines scattered around the table.
"Eddie has a date?" Mike suddenly joins in from across the room.
And, great, now the baby sheep are involved too.
"It is none of you guys's business what plans I have after this session. But, really, I gotta go." Eddie tries, but now Dustin's attention is on him as well.
"That's so funny! Steve has a date tonight too- that's why we had to ask Nancy to pick us up tonight." He says with a laugh.
Eddie laughs along with him, a little strained now because Gareth, Jeff and Freak are now squinting at him.
"Yes.. What a coincidence." Gareth says slowly as Eddie continues to pointedly avoid eye contact.
"Anyway! Got a lot to, uh. Do. Running a bit behind schedule actually, so if you could.." Eddie says as he finally finishes shoving everything back into his backpack and throws it over his shoulder, gesturing toward the drama room's door.
The younger kids leave without much complaint, but Gareth, Jeff and Freak hang back and walk slowly alongside Eddie.
"So... Steve Harrington?" Jeff asks once the kids are out of earshot, his tone a little disbelieving.
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing!" Freak slaps him on the shoulder disapprovingly as he speaks.
"It's not a bad thing! Just.. unexpected!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Eddie tries.
"Sure, sure. Enjoy your totally not a date night that's totally not with Steve 'the hair' Harrington." As Gareth says that, they've finally reached the doors and Eddie can well and truly escape.
He's going to have to break a few road laws if he wants to get to Steve's on time. It's only their third date, so sue him if he wants to try to make a good impression.
Even if Steve's been his friend for a few months now, and already knows about his horrible time-keeping skills.... It's still worth a try. Anything to woo Steve Harrington.
part two
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Ghost finds out that you never learned how to ride a bike.
A/N: Thank you for suggesting this, anon. I hope your mother-in-law bought you a bomb-ass bike with a basket at the front and everything.
“No way.”
“Not even once?”
“What do you mean ‘not even once’?”
The conversation started when the lieutenant entered your shared office with two fingers bandaged together. Before you could ask what happened, his eyes caught yours, and he instinctively raised his hand, displaying the injury.
He explained that it happened while he and a group of soldiers were repairing one of the barracks. His pinky got caught in a plumping pipe, and because of the noise, they couldn’t hear him yelling at them to stop pushing. So the medic immobilised the fractured pinky by securing it to the ring finger to restrict its range of motion and let it heal.
He reassured you that the damage was minor and nothing to be concerned about, but he appeared defeated by having to bear this for the time being. You wished him a speedy recovery and then addressed the elephant in the room—how would he be able to carry the drill exercise scheduled for tomorrow?
He shrugged and admitted that the exercise had to be cancelled for now. Still, that wouldn’t pose a problem since military procedures are deeply ingrained and not easily forgotten.
“It’s like riding a bike.” He said.
And that’s what struck your current discussion—when you sneered at his analogy and admitted that you wouldn’t know since you never learned how to ride one.
He now stands there, speechless, and looks at you like you’re an alien that just landed on his back porch.
“Did you try and give up, or no one taught you how?”
“Do I look like I give up easily, Lt.?” You ask and shrug with your right shoulder. “No one taught me how to ride one.”
His eyes soften, and he looks out the window.
“Jesus Christ, kid.” He mutters, “Guess we found something else to do for tomorrow.”
“No way.” You state, shaking your head.
“Yes.” He replies and nods.
—————————— >> ———————————
Ghost left you a note on your desk this morning.
It said “warehouse, 10 a.m.” which was both weird and funny, considering how cryptic that message was for the purpose of the meeting.
You approach the warehouse and attempt to open the door, only to find that it’s locked. Suddenly, a sharp “pst!” grabs your attention from nearby, prompting you to follow the voice that’s guiding you behind the building.
There stands Ghost, with a worn-out bike next to him. He’s hugging a helmet with his injured hand and holding pairs of knee, elbow, and wrist pads with the other.
“Where did you find that?” You ask, pointing to the bike.
“In this warehouse; I found it a couple of years ago,” he replies. “I didn’t want to throw it away, so I fixed it and left it there.”
You raise an eyebrow. “You call this ‘fixed’?”
“It may not be a fucking Bianchi, kid, but it gets the job done,” he says and extends the gear towards you. “Put these on,” he orders, “I’ll help you with the knee pads.”
He kneels down, gently tapping your leg, indicating you to lift it.
“Isn’t that a little excessive?” You ask, “All that safety gear?”
He huffs and looks up at you. “Do you want to end up with a fractured pinky like me?”
“No, sir.”
“Lift your leg then.”
He adjusts your helmet and secures the knee pads, ensuring they’re correctly positioned. Then, he inspects the elbow and wrist pads to ensure they’re in the right place. Finally, he gives the saddle a firm slap, indicating you to hop on the bike.
You do as instructed, and he checks the bike, adjusting the seat height, handlebars, and brakes to fit your size. With you gripping the handlebars, he begins the lesson.
“Two things,” he says, raising the corresponding fingers on his uninjured hand. “Balance and coordination.”
“Balance and coordination.” You echo.
He nods, puts his hands behind his back, and paces around the bike.
“We’ll begin with the first one, which happens to be the most challenging, I must warn you,” he explains, “and then progress to the rest.”
“Balance is the hardest one.” You repeat.
“Yes, indeed. First, you’ll have to learn how to balance on that bike. Once you succeed, we’ll synchronise your turning, pedalling, and braking movements. Ready?”
“Not really.”
“Let’s get started then.”
—————————— >> ———————————
He’s right. Balancing that thing is difficult. At first, he instructs you to use your feet to push yourself forward while seated on the bike, gradually progressing to longer strides.
Then he commands you to pedal. He walks next to you, holding one of the handlebars with his uninjured hand and guiding the bike to help with balance. Occasionally, when he feels you have control, he lets go of the handlebar. But every now and then, you waver. And when that happens, he intervenes and puts his hand back on the handlebar.
And this continued until he felt confident that you were ready to give it your first try.
“What if I fall?”
“You will fall.”
“But I don’t want to.”
“You have to,” he insists, “that’s the only way you’ll learn.”
He stands behind you, holding the back of the saddle. He maintains his grip as you pedal, stabilising and guiding the bike. He jogs beside you, encouraging you.
And yes, there were countless falls. But each time, Ghost was there, lifting you up, brushing off the dirt, and urging you to give it another try.
The lesson began at 10 a.m. You have no idea what time it is now. Ghost has been so persistent that he must have also lost track of time.
“Lt,” you call out as you pedal for the hundredth time, “I think it’s time for a break; you must be tired as well.”
No response.
“Lt.?” You repeat.
You turn halfway to address him, but he’s nowhere to be found.
Panic sets in, throwing off your balance, and you tumble to the ground once again. This time, he’s no longer there to catch you.
You look back at your starting point—Ghost is standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You look at the bike and then back at him. Your eyes widen. You point your finger at the bike, then at yourself.
He nods and lifts his hand in the air, giving a thumbs up.
“I did it!” You shout and run towards him, guiding the bike next to you.
“I saw,” he replies, and his eyes crease in joy, “but why didn’t you ride it back?”
“I think I need more practice.” You explain.
“We can continue practising after our break,” he suggests. “Good job, kid; I’m proud of you.”
“It’s all because of you, Lieutenant,” you say, “thank you for everything.”
He chuckles and tilts his head.
“Look,” he says, lifting his injured pinky. “This one needs support from this one to heal,” he explains, pointing to his ring finger.
“So I’m the pinky,” you say, “because you, the ring finger, taught me how to ride a bike.”
He lets out a sigh, shifting his gaze to the ground.
“Depends on who you ask,” he murmurs, “maybe I’m the broken one, and you’re helping me heal.”
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
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𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜 𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔹𝕠𝕥𝕙
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Bad Summary: What would OP Men do when your kids walk in on yall having sex🧍🏾‍♀️
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Law, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Luffy
CW: TWT Links are mentioned, All OP men are daddies and married, kids walking in on yall being freaks, Luffy speaks spanish because i fucking said so, Just…sex
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Couldn’t be more embarrassed.
Since the day your little baby girl started walking Law tried his damn hardest NOT to have her walk in on you both even getting DRESSED
But he goofed up.
He swore up and down his daughter was sleep and since it’s been a while since you both had been intimate Law couldn’t take it anymore after seeing your supple thicker body prancing around the house in just his shirt all day
He had you on your back on the bed, his soft damped lips on your warm skin as he licked and suckled your breast like a starved man
His hand having a firm grip on your wide thigh, your moans were swallowed by his mouth.
It wasn’t long until he added onto the pleasure and was 2 knuckles deep in your pussy while still sucking your breast. “Mmm!” You whined, feeling a smirk against your skin.
Law was feeling so in his element finally being able to feel and touch you like this again.
That was until—
“Daddy! Mommy!” Your daughter comes in yawning, her pretty dark skin shinning, wearing a small silk bonnet holding a white teddy bear Law got her for her 1st birthday. She had her father’s sleepy eyes.
It was like time froze when your door creaked open and immediately Law panics and throws a cover over your entire naked body.
“WH-WHA UH! YES! Ahem…yes, Rosie?”
Law’s voice creaked. It was adorable hearing him stutter trying to find the words to excuse what your daughter could have possibly saw.
You get up, luckily his shirt was by the floor so you swiftly put it on to pick her up. “What’s wrong, girly? Another nightmare?”
She nods, you decided to go and take her back in her room, looking back at a now flustered captain, wide eye’d and surpirgly a tent under the covers
Till this day Law now keeps the doors LOCKED when you both are getting busy, and fears your 2 year old daughter will one day ask him why did mommy have bruises on her chest
Sanji(oh my fuck sanji looks so good here)
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A quickie.
A simple quickie was what Sanji needed to keep going.
You knew Sanji’s libido didn’t lower since you had your daughter and honestly you believe it got worse somehow?
But he was your husband and his big pleading eyes of him asking “Just 15 minutes!” made it difficult for you to say no.
So as your 5 year old was watching cartoons in the living room, you and him decided to sneak off
“Oh f-fuck…” His breathed into your neck prodding his lubed tip between your folds. Despite this being a “quickie” the way he laid you down on the bed, hooking your legs around his hips made you think this was ganna be longer than just a few minutes.
He didn’t waste any time fucking you deep and slow with your dress hiked up over your breast for him to nibble on
“S-sanji! Yo-you! Ah! Gatta stay quiet!”
It was like yours words went from one ear and out the other, He had a tight grip on your hips so you won’t buck into him, he was whinning and panting in your ear and your could feel the headboard slap against the wall
It felt amazing yes, but it was only amount of time until—
“Daddy m’hungry…” Your beautiful baby walking in with big dark brown curly hair covering one eye and a cute little curly brow like her father.
The shriek Sanji let out was almost as girly as his daughter’s when she gets frightened.
You slap your forehead, quickly pushing his still body off of you and tossing a cover over him praying to God she didn’t see anything she may be scared with.
“Daddy? Why were you on mommy while she was in pain like tha—-“
“I WAS HELPING HER!” He yelled, awkwardly laughing laughing off his pink face and patting your head, using the sheets to covers HIS chest like a teenage girl caught. “YES! I was helping mommy because she was just in SOOO much pain!”
“More like helping yourself.” You mumble putting on your robe, you snicker at his quick glare at you. Picking her up she explains how she wants to eat and watch a movie with you both.
As Sanji scrambles to put on some clothing you giggle away distracting little Sora so your husband can cook you all dinner and watch the Little Mermaid
He had a pink face all evening, don’t worry though. You made it up to him later that night.
With the door locked.
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Zoro said it would be a bad idea to do this because your son could be back from school at any moment, but you insisted you both had time
The moment you bent over on the couch for him exposing your wet cunt to his display was the same exact moment your husband forgot about any worries he had prior.
“You! Ah! Better …fucking cum !”
Your moans were broken into giggles the rapid snaps of his hips behind you, tugging your hair as you heard the panic in his voice made your jaw slack. Fuck, it felt so good to be fucked like this again.
You both still have sex on the regular, but it’s slower, and usually done in the shower. It’s been so long since Zoro was able to just bend you over and be as loud as he wants WHEREVER HE WANTS
You both were lost in the pleasure, if anybody were in your backyard they can see right where the glass doors were and watch the slutty view in front of them of Zoro pressing your hips down further.
You both were so close ! That was until the front door opened.
You fell straight on your stomach due to zoro’s suddenly weight on top of you. He started grumbling and mumbling in a panic.
Your 7 year old son, came in with a confused look, approaching you both closer your green haired idiot of a husband hollered waving.
Your son shrugs, not really caring enough to ask anymore questions so he goes up the stairs and leaves, you thank God in that moment he had his father’s attitude.
Zoro gets up from your back, still slowly pulling out making sure you’re not hurt to put on his sweats and tee shirt and throwing you your clothes.
“I told you this was a bad idea. Thats how your ass got pregnant last time.”
“Oh yeah?” You bark back, “You remember that night well huh. You must have had flashbacks the way you was moaning—“
You stick your tongue out at his angry flustered face seeing him go search for his wallet
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The twins were out with their uncle Luffy for the weekend.
Yes, you prayed heavily that they’ll be okay with him but Ace swore he’d be around his friends to to help
why not fuck around the while house like sluts?
And that you did.
After making a mess of the house you and Ace decided to just have a small smoking break before having to clean up and get ready for the babies to come back
But that of course led to shotgunning, which led to a heated makeout session, which then landed to Ace whispering you to ride him as he rutted beneath you.
Thats why you’re here, legs shaking and breast bouncing in front of your husbands face while he groans and whines to prettily about how good your tight cunt feels fluttering around his dick.
“S-so! Sensitive!”
“‘M ganna—!”
“ACE! Y/NNN!!!”
it was like time froze.
Luffy burst into your room holding your babies (in a very unsafe way on his shoulders) and started to laugh
“Ace I told you i was coming but—seems like Y/N was too!”
You swore if Luffy wasn’t holding your babies you would have threw a pillow at his head; instead you cover yourself in your blankets and let ace put on some shorts and take the kids while you get ready to take a shower
You grimace at the thought of your brother in law seeing your bare back, but thankfully your babies won’t remember since they’re only 1
…and hopefully Luffy doesn’t ever speak of this moment again
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Luffy doesn’t care.
He never had shame.
You had to teach him that when he got older and you both had your son.
He was a curious boy like his daddy, but the one thing he somehow managed to be at the sheer age of 7 was to somehow be more stealth
Y’all son, AJ was very very good at appearing out of no where and sneaking up on your both. Luffy swears he ate some kind of stealth DF.
You knew this would be an issue wanting to do quickies but Luffy didn’t care. He was hard and turned on after seeing you already starting to get thicker in the breast and thighs again after finding you you are in fact pregnant again with his baby.
So you do what any good girl of his does:
Suck his dick.
He swore it would be real quick, AJ was watching Pokemon and eating meat so they had about 11 minutes.
“Just lemme use your throat, mami—“
So there you were; on your knees, hands on Luffy’s thick thighs as he damn near test how good your no gag reflexes were.
You’d be a lie to say his groans and whimpers never failed to arouse you.
You were itching from some relief too so you reach down into your panties to play with your clit, as your husband was coming close to his own high, gasping a little at how wet you were until——
“What are you and mommy doing?”
In an instant you pushed Luffy back to sit on the bed and tried shielding him with your body
“Ah—uh—AJ! Go!—-go um—“
“Mami está ocupada haciendo que papá se sienta bien!!”
You didn’t know much Spanish but you knew it had to be inappropriate because Luffy only speaks that to him when he says something nasty, so you smack his head
“We’ll be right out, AJ just go—“
“Mommy are you okay? Daddy said you were making him fee—“
“Go ! AJ! Please, baby go back in the living room.”
He does as told, hesitantly, but you shut the door on him and your dim witted husband just sighs, “So…no more?”
You didn’t talk to him the whole day.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
stop, in the name of love |cop!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: based off my birth week writing challenge lol. I was just going to leave it for other authors, but I'm feeling self indulgent for now :)
requested: #20!!! With cop!eddie he’s trying to stop teens from hooking up but reader comes to the woods just for that reason!! please make him feel like a teen again 😭❤️❤️
thank you @ali-r3n for rbing my works so i could find this lol. you are an angel on this earth i love you <3
contains: 18+ MINORS DNI. cop!eddie, p in v sex, voyeurism, hopper catches them lol. fluff and good times with cop!eddie and his lil trouble maker.
Eddie huffed, arms crossed in the uncomfortable uniform, radar gun in his clenched fist. Hopper had stuck him out here- a punishment, no doubt, for the flop that was the D.A.R.E program he conducted at the middle school- leaving Eddie in the backwoods near Lover's Lake. After an influx of complaint calls about teenagers speeding through the area, and hooking up or drinking down by the waters or in the woods, Hopper decided to stick his best guy on the situation.
Eddie was furious.
Not only was it a slap in the face to be put on patrol of that area, usually only given to rookies, it was so fucking boring. He couldn't leave the area, contained to that spot for most of his shift, unless backup called. He couldn't drive around the city, taking all the nuisance calls, or even stopping by to see his friends and chat- stop by to see you. Oh no, here, he was quarantined to this small space.
The crunch of the gravel beside him had his ears perking, lifting the gun and sitting up in his seat, ready to bust a frisky teen. Instead, he saw the familiar, powder blue car pull up beside him- your car.
"Hi, there, Officer." You grinned, shutting the door to your car.
"Evenin' there, little lady." Eddie gave you a toothy grin, tone adapting to Wayne's southern-esqu drawl that always left you a little weak in the knees. He liked playing up the stereotypical cop, like Rosco in Dukes of Hazard, teasing and fun.
"Are you out here all alone tonight?" You asked tilting your head to the side. Eddie snorted, watching you push your upper body through his open window, upper half dangling inside the car. "No backup?"
"Not tonight." Eddie shook his head, giving you an exaggerated pout. "Just me out here by myself."
"Oh?" You quipped brow raising in surprise. "So no one out here to do this," You lunged at his utility belt, reaching for his baton, while Eddie's scrambled to halt your movements. Damn, you were quick.
"Easy, easy!" Eddie snapped, prying your hand off his baton. "What did I tell you about messing with my things, baby? Hopper's gonna kill me if he has to replace something else we've broken."
You giggled, folding your arms over the window. "'M just kidding." You hummed, batting your eyes up at him. "Just worried about you. Missed you."
"Missed you too, honey." Eddie's smile had you melting, an ooey-gooey feeling of warmth that was thick in your veins, leaving your head spinning. "I get off at eight."
"Yeah, but I got off at six." You pouted. "And that's so long to wait for you."
Eddie snorted, grinning and shaking his head. The curly tendrils, slipping out from his bun, sprung free, hitting his cheeks. Eddie reached for his aviators, revealing his brown eyes to you. "What're you up to, trouble?"
"Trouble?" You feigned hurt, an exaggerated gasp leaving your lungs. "I would never, Officer, I'm a well behaved, law abiding citizen."
Eddie laughed, loudly, making you smile. "Yeah, right." He scoffed at you. "What'd you come here for? To show your appreciation for all my hard work?"
Your lips twisted in thought. "Yeah, kinda." You nodded. "Came here to fuck you."
Eddie snorted, shaking his head at your bluntness. "I'm on the clock, baby."
"That's never stopped you, baby." You mocked him with a slight glare. "Please? You've been working the second shift all week. I barely get to see you."
Eddie pressed his lips together in thought, eyes flickering from the road back to you. You pressed your bottom lip out further. "Please? Just quick, I promise."
Eddie huffed, moving to pull the keys from the patrol car, that was the last thing he needed stolen. "Fine, but just really quick, alright." He pointed a finger at you. "I don't have long. Go around back."
You practically skipped to the back of the cop car, hidden behind the tall lights and the trees, nestled away from the road.
"Place your hands on the hood of the car." Eddie boomed, loud and authoritative, a tone he only used when arresting someone. You knew he was teasing, but fuck, did it make you throb.
You laid your hands flat over the trunk of the car, pressing your upper half forward. Eddie drooled, eyes trained on the little sundress you had on, catching in your cheeks as you moved. God, how he wanted to drop to his knees and devour you. He missed your taste so much, but not now wasn't the time. No, he'd contain himself for now and indulge later tonight.
Eddie bunched the material of your dress in his hands, shimmying it up your frame. He grinned wolfishly down at you, white knuckled grip on the material. "No panties?" He asked, tone lilting in teasing surprise.
"No, sir." You hummed, craning your neck so you could look over your shoulder at him. "I knew you'd want them off anyways." Your eyes batted at him.
"Bad girl." Eddie smirked, tongue rolling across his bottom lip. "Very, bad." He rasped to himself, eyes glued on your puffy lips, slick and peeking out from between your thighs.
Eddie gripped your cheeks, lifting them so he could reveal your pussy to him, the wet click! sound that your lips made when he pulled them apart made his abs clench, knees shaking.
"Spread 'em, baby." Eddie barked, a little raspier than he would someone he was really arresting, but he settled his black boots between your feet, pushing them so they slid open wider.
You whined, shuffling your feet apart with his, pressing yourself further into the hood of the car. Your ass was out, presented to him, drooling pussy and bare skin all for his taking. Eddie swallowed hard.
"You gotta be quiet, alright?" Eddie smirked, unzipping himself. He'd have to make this work, needed to be able to respond quickly if need be. "Can't get me caught when I'm supposed to be catching teenagers hooking up out here. How bad would that be?" Eddie chuckled, freeing his cock and pulling it through his zipper.
You giggled, airy and light, eyes already glossed with lust. Your hips wiggled in anticipation. "'M ready, Mr. Officer." You purred, feeling the tip of his fat head rub through your folds.
Eddie pushed into you, tight from the lack of foreplay. Normally, he'd work you open with his fingers, get you relaxed with a couple of orgasms before trying to fit himself in.
You groaned at the stretch, burning but your velvety walls clamped down on him, nonetheless. You groaned, low in your chest, vibrations rattling through you and onto the cop car. Eddie let out a straggled breath, hips flush to your ass, grinding into the fatty flesh there the way you liked.
Eddie pulled back, thrusting into you, deep and filling, leaving your eyes rolling back. "Oh!" You cried out, a straggled gasp leaving your lips.
Eddie started to move, long and slow thrusts that had you crying out. He pulled you up, hand cupping your jaw and moving you so your back was to his chest, his big hand covering your mouth. "Shh, baby, gotta-fuck- be quiet." Eddie hissed in your ear.
Your eyes rolled back, his head jabbing a spot deep inside of you at the new angle, a spot that was making you drench with every stroke, knees shaking. You moaned and whimpered against his hand, feeling his hot breath ghosting over your jaw and cheek, tiny grunts and huffs in your ear. You loved it when he'd moan so you could hear. You'd record it and play it on a loop if you could, hearing his tiny whines when he was close, breath hitching and catching, and his pitch rising.
"Fuck, baby, I-I'm close." Eddie grunted, jaw clenched as he tried to control himself. He was a little embarrassed to admit how easily he was coming undone, but fuck, it had been a while. And your pussy was enticing, felt like heaven with every clench of your wet walls strangling his cock.
You moaned against his hands, Eddie feeling you get a little heavier against him, slipping down him. He knew you were close. Using his free hand, Eddie slid his hand down your hip, snaking down between your legs, using two fingers to rub at your clit.
You cried out, still loud even with his hand muffling the sound, knees wobbling and locking a little, before you came, hard and unforgiving over Eddie's cock. You felt yourself fall against the truck of the car, the cool metal exterior pressing to your cheek, while Eddie jackhammered into you from behind chasing out his own high.
Eddie was so close, he could taste it. Abs clenched, toes curling, eyes rolling back, his cock punching your womb deeply, cock twitching deep inside you; so close.
The wail of a siren had him stopping, eyes snapping open and blurred vision clearing. He looked around seeing the familiar lights shine red and blue, jarring and unmistakable, while Hopper's car slowly crunched over the gravel.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit." Eddie was out of you in a second, scrambling to shove his cock back in his pants, turning away so he could try and pull himself together, with fumbling shaking hands.
You had pulled down your dress, hand smoothing over the mussed back of your head, while you stood rigidly to face Hopper.
"Well," Hopper sighed heavily, slamming the door to his car. "Guess I know why there's still a problem out here." He frowned at Eddie.
Eddie swallowed hard, brown eyes wide and alert, a deer caught in headlights. "Turns out my officer I sent to patrol is the horny bastard who keeps hooking up out here."
"Hop, I-"
"Save it, Munson." Hopper held up his hand, shaking his head. "I got a call about a disturbance down by Skull Rock, dispatch tried to get you and no response. Thought something had happened, so I came to check it out, and..." Hopper's eyes flashed from you to Eddie, before frowning deeply in disapproval. "I see now that you were busy."
You cringed, looking at Hopper with a round eyed, pleading look. "It really was my fault. I-I came here and-"
"I really don't need the details of that, thank you." Hopper said sarcastically, cutting you off with an eye roll.
"Munson, finish out your shift, then tomorrow, my office. First thing." Hopper barked, glaring at him.
"Alright, Hopper." Eddie grumbled, shoulders deflating at the threat.
Hopper scoffed, pulling his door open. "And you two stop fucking outdoors, alright? That's still against the law, and you should know better." He pointed at Eddie, thick brows furrowed and mean.
You watched Hopper drive away, nervously turning to Eddie. "Well, this is fucking great." Eddie scoffed. "I'm going to get written up and have to do fuckin' cross walk duty for a week, and I have blue balls still." He growled, hands motioning down towards his crotch.
You bit back a giggle, tucking your chin to hide your smile. Eddie's eyes flashed at your dangerously, dark and playful. "You think this is funny, huh? This is your fault, you little minx." He growled, teeth barring at you.
"I'm sorry, really." You smirked at him. "I was just trying to help you out."
"Yeah? Well, just you wait baby." Eddie pointed a finger at you, stepping closer to close in the space between the two of you. His eyes were dark, still lust blown from earlier, a little meaning when they peered at you down the slop of his nose. "You're in for it when I get home."
You giggled with excitement, his arms wrapping around you, teeth nipping at your bottom lip in a playful bite that had you squealing. A car whizzed by, blaring loud music and heading towards the lake. The teenagers from the complaint, no doubt.
Eddie sighed, resting his forehead against yours for a moment. "Duty calls, Officer." You grinned cheekily.
"Yeah, can't wait." Eddie huffed, heavy boots stomping towards the car. "See you when I get home?"
You nodded. "I'll be waiting on you." You batted your eyes up at him.
Eddie grinned. "Good. Get ready for me. Wear that little lacy thing I like, alright?" He winked at you, ducking back into the patrol car. "Stay outta trouble until then, you hear?" He threw out at you playfully.
You laughed, opening your own car door. "I'll try. No promises." You jested, shrugging with a wide grin.
Eddie smirked, flicking on his lights and peeling out towards the lake. You watched him drive away, legs still a little shaky from before, pressing together at the thought of what awaited when he got home.
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julesthequirky · 8 months
The Choice: Chapter Five
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: You find three of your favourite characters in your home. It shouldn’t be possible, but there they are. In the flesh. How the hell did they get there? And surely there’s a way to get them back? But as you get close to each one, the thought of sending them back proves difficult to comprehend.
Characters/Pairings: Fem!Reader, Dean, Beau and Ben (Soldier Boy)
Warnings: Language, typical Soldier Boy behaviour.
W/C: 1,776
The smell of coffee enticed you as you were nudged awake. Opening your eyes, you saw Dean standing over you, a steaming mug in hand, wearing a bemused expression. From where he stood, you had slid down the couch arm in the night, legs akimbo, sticking out over the other couch arm, the fluffy socks a reason for his bemusement.
You must’ve slept at a funny angle cause your neck felt stiff as Hell. You struggled to sit up but managed, shifting the blanket so Dean could sit if he wanted to. You swiped a hand down your face, knuckles rubbing the sleep out of your eyes until you saw stars.
“Captain America, boot you out or something?”
You shook your head and accepted the mug from him.
“Ben snores like a Mack truck.”
He sat beside you, wearing the clothes he came in, minus his jacket.
“Well, Beau’s in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Hope you don’t mind. I saw you had a coffee maker. Hell, I’m surprised you didn’t wake up after all the noise it made. I was convinced you would. Beau checked on you, too. Said you were still sound asleep.” He chuckled lightly and waited expectantly.
Figures. You could sleep through a noisy coffee machine, but not Ben’s snoring.
You stared at the mug in your hands. God, it smelled so good. He reminded you of a kid who just wanted to impress their parents. He held the same energy. A pent-up kind of excitement. You brought the mug to your lips and sipped.
Holy fuck.
That was the best coffee you’ve ever tasted. Not too sweet, not too bitter and heated to perfection. Your tastebuds rejoiced in the flavour.
“Oh, shit.” You whispered.
“Good, right?”
He looked so proud of himself, so happy. And he had a right to be. You savoured the taste, closing your eyes. You’d tried with that coffee maker, but whoever designed it had made it as complicated as possible. You’d given up, pushing it to the back of the cupboard, leaving it to gather dust. You’d forgotten about it, lying to your then mother-in-law, who had gifted it to you and your husband as a wedding gift.
“Well, I’ll let you—yep.”
He slapped his thighs, stood up and left you alone with your coffee.
The warmth from the mug seeped to your core. Your ankles ached from exposure to the cold, and your back twinged from sleeping on the couch, but the coffee made up for it.
You heard Dean and Beau’s deep tones and laughter from the kitchen. Whatever Beau was doing, it smelt good. And it seemed that Dean and Beau were getting along. You could only hope that Ben would join their camaraderie.
Heavy footsteps thudded downstairs, pulling you from your thoughts, stopping you from checking on the two men in the kitchen.
Ben emerged wearing only his boxers. How did he manage to still look so good? His hair wasn’t exactly flawless, but it looked better than yours. Yours resembled a bird’s nest, but his made him look even sexier. It wasn’t fair, and it had you thinking. What would he look like after sex?
“You look like shit, y’know that?”
He sauntered in and took the seat beside you. He noted the mug in your hands and brazenly took it, downing the contents as you stared at him in shock.
“Fuck. That’s some good coffee, sweetcheeks.”
The audacity of this man was something else. And it only got worse. He handed back the empty mug and stood. He scratched his balls right in your eyesight, stretched, then tapped your knee.
“C’mon, getchur ass in the kitchen, I’m starvin’.”
All you could do was sit and stare at him, mug almost hanging from your hand. You blinked.
“Doll, if you don’t close your mouth, I’ll put it to good use.”
You clamped your mouth shut. Your brows bunched together in irritation, and you stood.
“Don’t talk to me like that. And you owe me a coffee.”
You barged past him, purposefully bumping into his arm on your way to the kitchen.
“Hey!” He barked.
You opened the kitchen door. Beau was at the stove, and Dean sat at your table, mug in hand.
“Hey! Don’t walk away from me, lady!”
A hand gripped your arm, swinging you around to face Ben. A chair scraped behind you.
“Hey, why don’t you cool it and step away, Marlboro Man?”
 “Fuck you, lumberjack.”
“Hey, hey!”
Beau’s deep shout reverberated around the room. You turned to see Beau standing at the stove, apron on, and wielding a spatula.
“Enough of the language, it’s too damn early to be fighting and yelling. Now let go of our host’s arm and put some damn clothes on.”
That shut him up. And you. And Dean. Ben let go of your arm and stormed away, back down the short hallway leading to the stairs. He disappeared up them.
You rubbed your arm and sat down, placing the empty mug on the table. Dean huffed, and you heard him mumble, “Ain’t no lumberjack…”
He sat pouting like a little kid. It was kinda cute, and your heart twinged. How could a grown-ass man make you feel like this? You wanted to put your arms around him and comfort him.
Then, as you were sitting there, it occurred to you that you hadn’t had a chance to tell them your name due to last night’s craziness. The thought never even occurred.
“I should probably tell you my name, huh?”
Dean snorted, instantly perking up.
“That would be nice. Finally, put a name to a face since you know ours.”
Dean gave you one of his award-winning grins, along with a cheeky wink. Then he downed the rest of his coffee and placed the mug on the side.
“I should probably wait until Ben’s back down, right?”
“Why? You don’t know how long he’s gonna be. How do you like your eggs?” Beau inquired.
“Scrambled. Please.” You added the pleasantry, remembering that he was the guest. “You didn’t have to do this, y’know.”
“Oh, I know, darlin’. Force o’ habit, I suppose. And Dean here was figuring out the coffee machine.” Beau said over his shoulder as he cracked a few eggs and whisked them in a bowl.
“Thing had a ton of dust, like, covered.”
“I couldn’t figure it out.” You admitted.
“Well, I’ll show you sometime…uh.”
“Y/N.” You finished for him.
The soft timbre of his voice gave your belly flutters. Oh, you could definitely get used to hearing your name slip from his lips, addicted even.
After a short wait, Beau placed a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes in front of you, setting your cutlery beside the plate. Holy Hell. Everything looked perfect. Dean rubbed his hands together in glee when Beau placed his plate down. He didn’t take a second to dive in, and then make his approval known. His moan shot down to your core, and your eyes fluttered in shock. It was too damn early. He couldn’t be making you feel this way. Shouldn’t, even.
“Damn, this…. this is…. mmmm.” Dean took another bite, not bothering to finish his thoughts.
You took your cue. The first forkful blew away your mind and tastebuds. And the sound that came from your lips rivalled Dean’s. Both Dean and Beau stopped to stare at you.
“Sorry…but damn…Beau…it’s so good.”
His cheeks turned pink, and he turned around to hide. You heard the spatula scraping against the pan as two more plates were made.
Dean, Beau, and Ben congregated in the living room, with you standing before them. Dean wanted to get started on the frames box, deciphering whatever was inscribed. But you had to make a food run and get these boys some clothes besides what they already wore. And as much as you loved them, there was no way in Hell you were letting them stay whilst you went out.
“Okay, if anybody asks, you’re brothers. Triplets, even. Last name, Smith.”
Ben snorted. “Ain’t no one gonna believe that, dollface.”
“And why not?” You demanded, already done with Ben’s antics today. “It’s totally plausible. You three look more like triplets than the set down the road.”
You put your hand to your head. Frustration bunched your muscles and had your jaw tensing.
“Just…get in the damn car.”
You stomped off, snatching the keys off the hook on the wall. You toed your sneakers on and grabbed the bags from the porch. From inside, you heard Dean reprimanding Ben.
“Why you gotta purposely annoy Y/N for? She’s tired, and you irritating her ain’t helping.”
You yawned, stretching your aching shoulders and neck whilst the guys traipsed out. Yanking on the handle, you stepped into the drivers seat. Your car was nothing special, a standard SUV. It was a couple years old, and the odometer was getting upwards of fifty thousand miles.
You rested your forehead on the steering wheel. Dean’s coffee and Beau’s breakfast had sustained you, but it seemed not enough for the task ahead.
“I call shotgun,” Beau exclaimed as he exited your house.
“The fuck you do!” Ben barked out.
“Alright, there’s a simple solution to this. Rock, paper, scissors. Winner gets the seat.” Dean reasoned.
From your wing mirror, you saw Dean pull the door handle up, successfully locking the door. Then they stood in a circle, and Dean declared on three they reveal. You could only make out Dean’s back and Beau’s side profile. His hair ruffled in the breeze as they stood and played their game.
Ben shouted out, calling bullshit, and stormed off.
The car door opened a moment later, slamming shut as Ben sat in the back. His jaw ticked, obviously stewing from the loss. You couldn’t help but smile. A light chuckle escaping your lips.
“The fuck you laughing at?”
You shrugged.
“Why didn’t you just sit in the passenger seat? What they gonna do? Drag you out?”
Ben furrowed his brow. He snorted and shook his head.
“Never damn occurred to me.”
Now you snorted. Figures. But it was too late now. Your passenger side door opened, and Beau heaved himself in beside you. Dean sat beside Ben. 
“Nothing like a good game of rock, paper, scissors.” Beau grinned as he buckled himself in.
“That’s cause you won.” Ben sulked.
“Aw, come on now, don’t be a Debby downer, just cause you lost. Fair and square. You picked rock, and Dean and I chose paper. Them’s the rules.”
“Still bullshit.” Ben mumbled, sulking in his seat, as you started the engine.
@curlycarley, @angelbabyyy99, @sassy-pelican, @k-slla, @deans-spinster-witch
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
Lo’ak te Suli Tsyeyk’itan x Fem!Reader
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Summary: After you go into labor unexpectedly it’s up to, Jake, your father in law and Lo’ak, your husband, to get you through it. Meanwhile, Lo’ak recounts all of the first times in your relationship while you’re giving birth to your first child. Tags: pregnancy, established relationship, fluff, small smut scene, Lo’ak being a dummy (himself), sentimental moments, Jake stressing, and finally birth (blood, contractions, and pain). Word Count: 2466. Author’s Note: I am not sure how I feel about this but it’s been in my head for so longggg. Actually, it’s my first time doing flashback scenes so lmk any constructive criticism. (I’ve never given birth either so I’m going off the top of my head.)
A relationship was filled with many first times, first date, first kiss, and first intimate experience. After so many firsts you would assume you would be prepared for the next, but nothing prepared you for this. More specifically, nothing prepared your husband for what was about to happen.
It was midday when you noticed something was up, your baby kicked in your belly more and the cramps came more frequently. You brushed it aside, assuming it was a false alarm. The hunting trip planned with your father in-law and husband was meant to be short and you couldn’t miss another family outing due to cramps. Although, now that you’re miles deep into the forest, stuck with two idiots you love dearly, you realize that was a grave mistake.
“Lo’ak…” you groaned, bent over gripping onto the nearest tree you could find. Both of their heads whipped around, “Baby?” You mustered up the strength to mutter the next words, watching as their faces trailed down your legs. A look of disbelief and terror glazing your husband’s eyes, “My water broke.”
In less than seconds you were on the ground, your legs spread and hands squeezing Lo’ak’s arm hard enough it was turning white. “What do I do? What do I do?” He was frantic, watching you writhe in pain and struggle to push. “Is that blood?!” Lo’ak looked mortified, were you bleeding to death? Does this happen during every birth? “Ok��� ok, just push, baby girl.” His father sounded less than confident, sweat pooling at his forehead. Jake’s eyes purposefully avoided your lower regions, opting to stare with pained expression at your face. “Umm…”
“You’ve had three kids and you don’t know what you’re doing?!” The worry in his heart all but exploded at the realization, no one here knew how to deliver a baby. He felt his head become light as he stared at the blood, Lo’ak’s eyes began to droop and his body swayed back. A heavy slap sounded at the back of his head, drawing him back to the situation at hand. “Pull yourself together, boy! You’re a man! Act like it!”
You tried to block out their voices, think only about the precious life coming out of you. Whatever was going on in front of you was not your concern, though it was ceaselessly annoying. “Will you both shut up!” You screeched out and the forest around you went silent. A deep breath escaped your lungs, closing your eyes you began praying to Ewya for strength. All Lo’ak could was watch, his mind drifting back to where this all started.
-The First Meeting
Lo’ak was only six, rummaging around where he probably shouldn’t have been. He was somewhere in his grandmother’s hut, taking something he wasn’t supposed to. Lo’ak was tall for his age, yet somehow you managed to miss him completely and run directly into his back, knocking a pot of a mystery liquid all over the floor. He whipped around quickly, ears peeking up at the sound of glass shattering. “Owie,” you rubbed the spot on your head where he assumed you hit him.
“Watch where you’re going dummy!” He shouted, not thinking about how hurt you actually were. Your pained expression dropped, eyes narrowing at the sight of him. “Lo’ak Sully! You can not be in here!” At that instance he knew, you were a little shit. The one that always followed his grandmother around like a shadow, stealing all of Kiri’s attention away from everyone else. “Me? You’re in trouble for breaking that!”
You gasped at the glass, your eyes beginning to water. It must have been something special to get you to react like that. You stood up quickly, your tail lowered behind you and ears flattened against your skull. Lo’ak felt heartbroken for a moment, seeing you look so defeated. His dad always says to be nice to girls and already he was failing. He went to reach out, touch your arm in comfort or something. Then a deranged look appeared in your eyes,“Not if I tell on you first!”
“You little brat!” He couldn’t believe how easily you tricked him! You took off sprinting in the direction of the entrance, your tail whipping behind you frantically. He threw down whatever he originally planned on stealing and chased after you, no way was he taking the blame for this.
“Okay baby, just breathe in, 3…2…1” you took a deep breath, clenching his arm tightly with your first. “Now release and push,” he spoke lightly as to not piss you off any further. Jake was on the com with Neytiri, whose shouting voice could be heard from a mile away. Somewhere he found his sanity in reliving memories as he tried his best to coach you through it. You let out a strained cry and Lo’ak’s ears fell flat, “you’re doing great, tahni. A few more tries.”
-The First Date
Lo’ak had asked you out a hundred different times, each time had a different, more creative way of rejection. One more try, he promised himself as he made his way to your hut. This time he brought a bouquet of flowers he searched all over Pandora to find, did all girls like flowers? Kiri told him you liked variations of things, which was the opposite of specific. Lo’ak felt like an idiot waltzing around camp with a rainbow assortment held out in front of him, if you rejected him this time around he might just let a thanator eat him.
To his surprise, you said yes almost immediately and ushered him out of your hut with an unnerving haste. It was really awkward at first, the picnic he planned was too silent aside from the sounds of you chewing your food. He shuffled uncomfortably in his spot, clearing his throat to speak up. “I-“
“Lo’ak I like you, a lot,” you deadpanned, staring off into the distance. Lo’ak froze in place, his entire body language perking up at the thought. Then again, his ears could be betraying him. “It’s just… you know… My parents have already picked a match they’ll think will be suitable and I’ve never ever gone against them.” His joy melted away into a swirl of despair and disappointment. If he ever got shot, he could only assume it felt like this. “Who?”
His question was simple, what man did they think was so much better than him? “Atan, but I’ve never liked him and he has a weird face and-” Lo’ak couldn’t contain the chuckle that escaped him, were you really being serious? “Atan? Fucking Atan? The biggest idiot known to Na’vi kind?” A wave of superiority or maybe confidence knowing his competitor was a complete idiot enveloped him. His ears perked back up, a smile gracing his features. “Well yeah,” you looked at him incredulously, awaiting for his next words anxiously.
“Babe, I will literally sweep the floor with Atan.” He stood up from his position, determination all over his face. “Give me a month and your parents will regret ever considering him.” You were completely dumbfounded, mildly insulted on behalf of your potential mate. Lo’ak outstretched hand, signaling for you to take it. “Screw this, I’m meeting your parents tonight.”
“Neytiri is on her way with Kiri right now. Lo’ak get in position.” Jake spoke quickly as he took his seat on your other side, taking the place as your hand holder. Even while in the middle of birth both of the men took it as a very serious mission. “Yes sir, I can see the head.” The words fumbled out of his mouth before he realized what he was saying. “You’re doing great babygirl, just a few more pushes alright?” Lo’ak’s smile stretched from ear to ear, The head! He was looking at a baby’s fucking head!
-The First Kiss
The bioluminescent flowers perfectly illuminated your face, the freckles on your face decorating your every feature. Lo’ak couldn’t help but stare as you laid next to him so peacefully, basking in the light of Pandora’s moons. Your lips looked more tantalizing than usual, the plush softness all but invading his mind. You’d been going out for so long now surely it was past time to try or at least ask right?
“Tahni?” The words came out in a hushed whisper, stirring you awake. “What is it, Lo?” You glanced up at him, an expression you’ve never seen before gracing his features. There was a river of emotions flooding behind his eyes, making your breath hitch in your throat. “Can I kiss you?”
There was a beat of silence as you stared into his eyes. A moment where your heart swelled in your chest as the butterflies began to flutter in your stomach. And then your lips were pressed against his, fumbling against each other as you learned to move in sync. Your hands came up to his face, cupping his cheeks as you felt his rough ones against your waist, pulling you closer.
When you pulled apart, your faces were both purple from the lack of air. Lo'ak's mouth hung open as he tried to catch his breath, his thumb rubbing over your bottom lip. His eyes were blown out in lust, a silent plea to touch him again. You bit your lip, forcing back the giggle threatening to escape your throat. “Can we do it again, please?”
The baby was nearly out, you were almost free from the seemingly endless suffering. Your breaths were weighted, "One last push. You're doing great. Keep going!" Lo’ak did his best to encourage you, watching your face as you focused all your energy into pushing. “You did this- I-I’m gonna k-kill you!” This was his fault, you weren’t the one that had an appetite like a starved animal. Your hands tightened on Jake as you cursed out your husband. Lo'ak wasn’t offended, in fact the memory brought him nothing but joy.
-The first time
Your bodies intertwined perfectly, his movements slow, almost teasing, as he pushed himself inside of you. He wanted to feel every inch, every second, every movement. Lo’ak wanted you to feel him, to remember his shape, to know how well he fit inside you. He wanted this feeling to be ingrained into your memory so the next time you laid down, he was the only thing you could imagine.
From your connection, Tsaheylu, Lo’ak knew he was doing better than expected, that you loved him more than he believed. His love for you grew deeper, he felt your heartbeat, the rhythm of your breathing, the pulsing of the blood coursing through your veins. Your love was a beautiful melody he could listen to for the rest of his life.
His pace quickened, on your command, of course. He couldn't deny his queen a thing she wanted. He pushed himself in further, making sure to hit the spot that made your back arch, your toes curl, and your moans louder. He felt it, the tightening, the way your walls closed around him. Your fingers clawed into his back, pulling him closer, deeper, tighter, as if there was room for him to go. Lo'ak's breath was uneven as his climax neared, his lips pressing against your neck, his hands grabbing at whatever they could reach.
That feeling of bliss, the one he longed to reach. You were the only one who could take him there, the only one that made him feel anything, the only one he could let his guard down with. You were the only one he trusted, the only one he needed. Lo’ak movements became frantic, feeling you reach your own release, the sounds that slipped from your lips driving him mad. Your cries filled the forest, his name on your tongue, begging him not to stop.
He didn't want to finish, he wanted this to last, to feel this way forever, with you. It was too much, his body wasn't letting him hold on any longer, so he let go. Your name rolled off his tongue, over and over again, a prayer, a thanks, a confession. It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment that Lo'ak would never forget.
"I love you."
-The first child
You let out one final scream, using up all of your strength. You felt all the pressure within you snap, the constant ache disappearing into oblivion. For a moment, the forest was completely silent, only your ragged breaths filling the air. That was until the screams of a newborn child echoed in the trees.
Lo’ak was the first to see her, to hold her, and to bask in her beauty. “It’s a girl,” he said softly, looking back at you, his smile so bright it could light up the entire moon. She was small, her skin a beautiful hue of blue, her head full of black hair. Jake’s arms snaked around you, pulling you into his lap, holding you as if you would break if he didn't. o'ak was mesmerized by the new life that he helped create.
“Give her to me, Lo.” you held out your arms, a warm smile on your face. Lo'ak couldn't deny his queen a single thing. As carefully as he could, he handed his daughter over to her mother, a sigh of relief when the baby immediately stilled in your grasp.
He was in complete awe. She was perfect, from her tiny toes, to her chubby little cheeks, she was the most beautiful thing Lo'ak had ever seen, besides her mother. Tears began to pool in his eyes, his chest swelling with pride. You and his daughter were everything to him. The love of his life, and his precious little princess. Lo'ak was never good with words, and right now was no different.
“I’m so proud of you both.” Jake spoke like a true father. The sounds of twigs cracking and feet scurrying across the floor caught Jake’s immediate attention. He could already hear the weighted breaths of Neytiri and Kiri as they neared you.“Ma Jake!” Neytiri ran towards you quickly, faltering in her steps as she looked at the scene before her.
Neytiri's hands moved over her heart as she watched, A tear began to streak down her face, a large closed mouth smile stretching from ear to ear. Kiri was already standing over you, no doubt asking too many questions about your health. Lo’ak had moved to where Jake once was, cradling you whilst rubbing soothing circles onto your hand. His tail swayed behind him, his head tilted downward, and his eyes fixed on the gift from Ewya in your arms.
“The first grandchild,” Neytiri murmured next to her mate, reminiscing on the birth of their first child. “Damn, we’re old,” Jake muttered, a soft chuckle escaping him.
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charlesf1leclerc · 1 year
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Warnings- poorly translated French, childbirth, not very well edited, cuteness, babies idk ahha I think that’s it
Summary-The little moments of welcoming Charles and y/n’s first child into the world
Finding out your pregnant 
You and Charles and been together for years. Dating two years before he proposed to you and you became Y/n leclerc. Charles always wanted to be a dad he loved growing up with his brothers and always dreamed of having a few little kids so they could replicate the relationship he and his brothers had. You and him had decide to spend the first year of your marriage together being in the ‘ honeymoon stage’ although you had gotten off any sort of birth control months ago because whatever will be will be that’s your motto.
Now at the age of 24 and 25 here you were about to be parents, well 9 months away from being parents. You leaned on the bathroom counter as Charles stood in front of you holding the stick that read two lines ‘Pregnant’. You and Charles were going to be parents. You were going to have a little cute tiny baby. Charles was going to be a dad and you knew he would be the best dad, everyone saw the way he acted with kids in the paddock it always made yo ur heart hurt and your ovaries explode but you knew one day it would happen for you and that day was today.
“ We’re gonna be parents Cherie! You’re gonna be a mummy” He had a glimmer in his eye or maybe it was a tear but either way he was over the moon. 
“ and your gonna be a daddy, the best daddy” 
He moved forward to put the test down on the counter and put his hands on your stomach
“ I can feel it, it’s in there, baby”
“ Charles that’s just my stomach rumbling, there is something in there but the baby is to small for that to be what your feeling” I laugh 
“ shh let me have my moment, I’m gonna be a daddy, our little boy”
“ so it’s a boy” I raised an eyebrow
“ well I have brothers so it’s understandable for it to be a boy the baby is my child”
“ ok whatever you say leclerc, now can we please eat dinner now or anything I’m starving”
“ 5 more minutes” he said still holding his hands on my stomach
Yeah he’s going to be the best dad
Telling friends and family
Charles could not wait to tell his friends and family about the baby, but of course you made him wait because you wanted to wait until you were at least 12 weeks to tell anyone like it was recommended. So as soon as you were 12 weeks charles was already organising how he was going to tell everyone.
First he told his mum and brothers. He had taken you all out for dinner all families.  You both sat at the table next to each other and when he squeezed your hand you knew what he was going to do. He coughed to get the attention back into him.
“ uh…. I have an announcement, me and Y/n have an announcement I mean” he spoke
“ omg a divorce, uh it was only o a matter of time, y/n just know that I am hear for you your going to be ok without him” Arthur spoke coming to rest a hand on my shoulder
“ what no no we are not getting a divorce sit back down” Charles looked irritated at the younger brother
“ don’t get to defensive y/n will come to her sense’s one day” Arthur spoke
“ shh thur, yes Charles we are listening” Pascale broke the brewing argument apart
“ well me and y/n are going to have a baby” Charles revealed
“ oh my Charles that’s amazing I couldn’t be more proud” Pascale jumped up to hug her son and daughter in law giving them multiple kisses
“ aww damn y/n now your really tied down to him no escaping now” Arthur still got up to hug you though but received a slap on the back of the head from Charles 
“ fermez-la” ( shut up ) Charles growled 
“ I’m so happy for you guys, uncle Enzo sounds pretty good to me” Lorenzo stood up hugging you and patting Charles on the back.
Having their good blessings meant the world to you and Charles it made very thing 100 times better.
As well as his family he also had his other family his off grid friends Joris, Riccardo  and Marta .you were currently all at Marta and Riccardos house in Monaco all sat springs the living room. And just like with the family Charles speaks up.
“alors nous avons une petite nouvelle à vous annoncer” (so we have abit of news to tell you).
“ pourquoi avez-vous toujours des nouvelles” ( why do you guys always have news )  Joris responds humorously 
“ Eh bien, je pense que tu vas aimer cette nouvelle”( Well I think your going to like this news ) Charles smiled 
You handed Charles the ultrasound picture and he took it from you before laying it out on the coffee table
“ Qu'est-ce que c'est ça “ ( what’s this ) Marta spoke as she leaned toward to pic up the image holding it in her hands
“est-ce que je pense que c'est? es-tu enceinte” ( is this what I think it is are you pregnant ) she questioned 
“ oui” ( yes ) I replied
“ eeeeee “ Marta jumped up to run and hug me and jump around
“ Bravo mec” ( congrats mate ) Riccardo and Joris got up to congratulate their friend
“Attends tu dois voir ces petits vêtements de bébé y/n chaira a grandi si vite j'ai des sacs et des sacs de vêtements à te donner” ( Wait you have to see these little baby clothes y/n chaira grew so fast so I have bags and bags of clothes to give you ) Marta was definite more excited then anyone else so far.
“ il y aura des meilleurs amis comme nous “ ( there going to be best friends just like us ) I smiled back at her
“ aww c'est le meilleur bews jamais “ ( aww this is the best news ever ) she squealed as I followed her up stairs
“ Préparez-vous mon ami pour les hormones, puis les pleurs sans fin et les changements de couches de ce bébé “ ( Prepare yourself my friend for hormones and then endless crying and diaper changes from that baby ) Riccardo patted Charles on the back 
“ Tout en vaudra la peine même si cela ne me dérange pas” ( It will all be worth it though I don’t mind ) Charles smiled to himself
But the hardest challenge was telling the other drivers so you left that up to Charles. This time it was very much informal. He simply told them when he saw them on that track not really wanting to make to big of a fuss in public places as you still had yet to announce your pregnancy. 
First was Max. 
To say he was excited was an understatement. He was over the moon for you and Charles already taking about how the baby and Penelope could be the best of friends and how he and Kelly would be able to babysit whenever they need. Being a kinda stepdad to Penelope meant max already has experience with kids so he was already giving tips and offering advice 
“ I’m sure Kelly has heaps of bags of P’s old clothes we could give you and y/n” max offered
“ That’s very nice I’m sure y/n would love to look through that with Kelly one day, but we may not need it as I’m sure it’s a boy, just a feeling” Charles replied
“ every man thinks he wants a son until he gets a daughter and then he realised he can never live anything more trust me” max leant out his hand to rest on Charles shoulder again giving him his congratulations.
Carlos and lando were well carlos and lando about the whole situation.
“ hey my man does have some skills in him, I’m proud of you my friend” carlos said about the whole announcement.
“ that baby is going to be so attractive like look at you and look at y/n”…. “ hey watch it norris trays my wife and baby your talking about” 
“ what I was only telling the truth” he replied like a child who had been scolded 
“ so do you know the gender? A little Leclerc or a little y/l/n?” Carlos inquired 
“ no we don’t yet and either way it’s going to be a little leclerc you dumbass” Charles laughed
“ yeah yeah you know what I meant” Carlos rolled his eyes. 
Telling pierre was probably the highlight to Charles his best friend for many years. He was so excited to break the news and see his reaction. 
“ Sweet man your gonna be a dilf” wa Shia first answer to the reaction
“ uh what’s that? “ Charles asked 
“ or maybe you’ll just be a weird old man who can’t keep up with the trends” Pierre patted his back sympathetically
“ wow thanks for the support my friend”
“ no really I’m happy for you guys, and for myself of course I’m going to be the cool uncle and now I get to hang with a baby but also be able to give it back and not have to worry about it myself” 
“ remind me to never let you be alone with my child” Charles looked judge meant all at pierre 
“ what are you saying I’m not the god father?” Pierre put his hand to his chest in fake offence
“ calm down I’m not saying anything yet drama queen”
“ yes that’s right I’m the queen of godfathers” Pierre shouted and Charles face palmed himself in the face. This was the guy who was his best friend…
Gender reveal 
Today was the day. The day that Charles was so much more excited for than anyone else in the whole wide world. Your gender reveal. You had decide to do an intimate reveal just the two of you. You were going to do the trend with the wine glasses and the cake where you put the glasses in the cake and pulled it out to reveal the coloured dye within the cake.
Currently you and Charles were sitting in your back garden in a picnic rug ready to reveal the gender of your little bean.
“Still think it’s a boy” I inquired
“ yes but I really don’t mind either way Cherie as long as I have you and this baby I’m happy” Charles leaned in to give you a kiss on the lips
“ now can we please get on with this I need to knowwwwww” you laughed at his excitement as he was practically going to burst with anticipation 
“ yes yes ok let’s look away and put our glasses in” you both turned away from the cake
“ you ready?” You asked
“ yes hurry up” 
You both put your glass into the cake 
“ 3,2,1” 
Pink the icing was pink you were going to have a little baby girl
“ a girl” Charles remarked
“ a girl” you replied with a big grin on your face
You both leaned in to hug one another charles planting a kiss on your forehead
“ your not upset it’s not a boy” you inquired still engulfed In his arms
“ a friend once told me a man always once a boy until he has a daughter and realised he can never love anything more, so no Cherie I’m not upset one bit”
Baby preparation 
The next few months we’re hectic with Charles attending races and you staying home to work on the nursery and get things done and ready for the baby, all with the help from yours and Charles family’s and Charles himself of course as he spent every minute he was home doing something baby related. 
The room was coming along nicely. It was very girly and it was just they way Charles wanted it. From the flower wallpaper and little pink blankets to the thousands of colourful outfits in the far to big closet for a baby. Charles instigated on buying anything he saw for the baby from toys to clothes and anything to make her room even more beautiful than it was. “ it needs to all be fit for a princess” he would say . And of course you let him do it thing because really how can you say no to him
“ we need a name” you spoke up one night when you and Charles were sitting on the couch after dinner. Your legs were drawn over his lap and he was rubbing circles on your thighs
“ I suppose we do, right now?” He replied
“ well not right now but we do need some ideas”
“ I think I want her middle name to be Jules if that’s ok with you” he looked over at you
“ of course that’s such a pretty name and a nice meaning for you and her too”
“ I’ve always kinda known I wanted to incorporate that into my child’s name if your sure your ok with that” he looked into your eyes
“ of course i am it’s beautiful” you replied moving to snuggle further into him as he smiled and kissed top of your head.
The arrival 
It was a warm night in Monaco. June 16th to be exact. You and Charles were well asleep until you were woken up to a sharp pain in your stomach. Your eyes shot open and you places your hand onto your swollen belly.
You leaned over to see the time read 1:45am. You didn’t want to wake Charles yet incase it was only Braxton  hicks you were feeling so you attempted to go back to sleep.
It was to much you couldn’t take it and that when you felt it. The cold drizzle of water down your leg and onto the bed sheets below you.
That’s it
“ Charles” you gently shock him
“Mmm” he hummed
“ Charles my water broke”
“ WHAT” he jumped up
“ my water broke she’s coming” 
“ ok ok calm down it’s alright you, you put some clothes on and I will get the bag then meet you in the car” he spoke frantically 
I got out of need to put some sweats and a jumper on I didn’t really care about my apparence at this point in time.
But Charles was still pacing around the house
“ Ok si seulement je peux me rappeler où j'ai mis ce foutu sac” ( ok if only i can remember where I put that bloody bag ) he mumbled to himself
“ it’s on the bench by the door over there” I spoke up from the bottom of the stairs and he jumped in fright
“ Cherie don’t sneak up on me like that, ok ok I got it let’s go let’s go move women” 
I smacked his head“ you will not rush me Charles Marc Herve Perceval leclerc”
“ ok sorry darling my bad” he spoke as he rubbed where I had slapped him.
“ Charles how could you do this to me” I yelled all sweaty as I pushed a live human beating from me.
“ I know I’m very sorry, if I could take this all away I would” he spoke as he was rubbing my hair and holding my hand at the same time. His poor hand was probably broken by now
“ well you can’t physically take the pain away cause your a boy so SHUT UP DONT MAKE PROMISES YOU CANT KEEP”
“ ok ok Cherie I’m sorry I’m sorry but she’s nearly here you’re doing amazing”
“ it hurts Charles it really hurts, I don’t think I can do it”
“ no none of that yes you can your the strongest women I know, she’s nearly here ok just think about how cute she will be and how excited you will be when she’s here” he softly stroked your head.
“ ok mrs Leclerc one more push ok you can do it hun” 
“ see one more push you got this you can do it” he whispered encouraging 
I pushed as hard as I could then I heard the little cries. I feel back into the bed tears flowing down my face. Happy tears.
“ you did it shes here omg she’s beautiful” 
“ here you go momma your beautiful baby girl” the nurse spoke as she placed your daughter on your chest
“ Charles look she has your nose” 
“ she’s… she’s”
You looked up at Charles and he was crying unable to get the words out
“ she’s you Charles she’s gorgeous” you cried as well
“ hi baby I’m your daddy” 
“ the best daddy” you smiled
“Cherie I now know what max was talking about” he smiled stroking your daughters head
“ welcome to the world Indy Jules leclerc” you whispered
And like that the Leclerc family had started to form
Tysm for reading I hope you enjoyed! Pls feel free to leave requests for this story in my inbox or any little messages you have you can leave in my request inbox as well xxx
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