#only ten hours till i start my pump now :3
frumdyke · 3 days
just did what will hopefully be my last ever long acting insulin injection yippeeee. those are the ones that hurt the most im so glad im done
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joel-millerr · 3 years
The Chase - One Shot
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Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader
Rating: explicit
Word Count: 5k
Summary: You bet Mando you could last two hours on the run without him catching you. Reluctantly, he agrees to the bet.
Warnings: outdoor (rough & unprotected) sex, hunter and hunted type of vibe, mild choking, being gagged, size kink, mando talks a lot during sexy time, maybe slight dom/sub mentions?
A/N: this is just my take on the whole “bounty hunter and quarry” fantasy. also I basically wrote the smut and then added context around it. this is pretty much shameless smut  /// 
*Masterlist can be found here**
It started out as innocent banter.
“I definitely think I could last a couple days,” you told him, slouching in the passenger seat inside the cockpit.
The modulator scoffed at you. “No.”
“Are you doubting my skills?” You asked, eyebrow cocked.
He swiveled his chair around to face you. “That’s not it.”
“Then tell me what it is, Mando.”
Even though you weren’t able to see what his expression was, you could tell by his body language that he was getting annoyed. The way his hands fidgeted at his sides, the way he leaned his body back in the chair—something he did every time you tried to rile him up about something. Despite the fact that he hid behind the beskar, he was generally easy to read whenever he was irritated.
“I bet I can last two days.”
“You wouldn’t last two hours, let alone two days.”
Now that was a challenge you didn’t want to back down from. Anytime someone told you that you couldn’t do something, it scratched that itch inside you to do that exact thing. Your incessant need to prove people wrong sometimes got the best of you, but Maker, the satisfaction you got from it was worth the consequences.
“I’ll take that bet,” you said to him, feeling your stomach stir.
“I wasn’t—”
“Too bad, Mando. You challenged me and I accept.”
And then the rest was history. All you had to do was last two hours without Mando tracking you down and then you could die happy knowing you evaded the best bounty hunter in the parsec, even if it were for a short period of time.
You’re not sure what planet Mando lands the Crest on but it’s definitely one of the quieter ones because he’s landed the ship in a large clearing with only woods as far as the eye can see. It’s not a problem for you, though. Growing up on Naboo meant you were always exposed to forests and clear landscape. In theory, this is the best place he could have chosen, not that you’d tell him that.
“There are some ground rules for this,” he begins to say, standing in the galley of the Crest.
“I’m all ears,” you answer back.
Mando lets out a chuff of air that crackles up through his vocoder, like he’s still considering calling this whole thing off, but after weeks of still not finding a Jedi for the kid, you both need a little distraction.
“First thing, no guns.”
“Okay, that’s understandable.”
“Secondly, you keep the commlink open at all times,” he orders.
“Not a problem,” lips curling into a smile, you already feel the adrenaline pump through your veins, body itching to get this whole bet started.
“Thirdly, if you somehow manage to last the day, we check in once it gets dark.”
“Ouch,” you take a step back, slightly offended at his jab. “You have so little faith in me.”
“I’m not the one overestimating my abilities,” he jests. Who knew Mando could be so snarky?
“Do we call it off at night and wait till dawn?”
“If you want to make to things easier.”
Oh, so that’s how he wants to play.
“All right, Mando. We don’t stop.”
“I don’t know how safe this planet it, but you shouldn’t run into any trouble.”
“Okay, yeah Mando, let’s do this,” you’re basically shaking from the thrill of all this. You can’t wait to show off your evading skills.
“I’ll give you an hour head start. Put as much distance between yourself and the Crest as you can.”
“Don’t worry, Mando. This isn’t my first time running away from someone,” you say with a smug smile.
“Fine,” his voice terse.
Your turn your back to him and face the open ramp. With your heart banging against your ribcage and your palms damp with sweat, this might be the most exhilarating thing you’ve ever done.  
“Be safe, I’ll see you soon,” He says with a hint of mockery. He’s so confident in himself, it’s actually getting under your skin.  
Looking over your shoulder, you hit him with your own jab, “We’ll see about that,” and then you’re descending the ramp.
Once your feet hit the ground, you think of the best direction to head towards. In order to do this successfully, you’ll need to choose every single one of your movements very carefully because any slip up could end up hurting your chances to win.
You hear your named being called, so you turn around to look back at the Crest and see Mando standing at the top of the ramp.
“When I do find you, try to put up a fight.”
That sends heat right to the apex of your thighs. If you didn’t have enough incentive, that was the last nail in the coffin. You’ll make this as hard for Mando as you possibly can.
You shoot him one last devilish grin and disappear from sight, opting to go to your right. Once you reach the forest edge, you break off into a sprint, heading deeper and deeper into the foliage.
The forest isn’t too dense, but there are roots everywhere on the ground and you stumble on a couple of them, nearly falling flat on your face. The positive to having so many branches and roots in the ground means the chances of your footprints showing up in the mud are low but Mando’s got a heat tracker on his helmet, meaning he can still track your movements without actually seeing your prints.
The adrenaline keeps telling you to run, run as fast as you can, but the rational part of your brain realizes that no matter how much distance you put between you and Mando, it won’t matter unless you have a clear plan as to what tactics you’ll need to use in order to make sure he doesn’t find you.
Should you try to find the closest village?
Should you stay in the forest?
Think, think…
You continue to put some more distance between you two and when you feel as though you’ve made some progress, you check the clock on your commlink.
In ten minutes, Mando will leave the Crest and begin tracking you. You’ll have to start making important decisions soon. When you entered the planet’s atmosphere, you tried to pinpoint a specific spot that might give you some kind of advantage. If your memory serves you correctly, you saw a small area that appeared to be some kind of canyon. Ideally, that might be the perfect spot to find some shelter. A hard surface means no footprints.
Now if you could only find out how far away you are from it…
As you take in your surroundings—which is basically just trees and more trees, you think about finding a high enough viewpoint for you to see where this possible haven could be. A few metres away you happen to see a tree that appears to be much larger than the rest of the ones around it. Its branches look sturdy enough for a human to climb and it doesn’t take you long before you’re heading straight for it. You haven’t climbed a tree in years but if there was a perfect moment to touch-up on your skills, it’s right now.
As you climb up the stump, the branches and leaves break apart, and the sky begins to get clearer and clearer. When you finally reach the very top, you’re so high up that you’re able to spot what you were looking for. It looks like it’s a couple more clicks away, but you were lucky enough to be already heading in that direction. The Maker must be on your side.
One more look at the clock.
Shit, you have to start moving.
If you start to climb down the tree, you’ll end up losing precious time, allowing Mando to close some of the distance. It’s something you can’t risk. Eyes scanning the woodland between you and your hideout, you come to the conclusion that you’ll have to jump from tree to tree and pray you don’t fall and break any bones. It’s incredibly risky, and your inner self is warning you against it. If you do fall, you’re screwed, breaking a lot of the bones in your body. You’ll have to hope that these branches will be able to carry your weight.
Trying to balance yourself on one of tree’s larger arms, you crawl across it on your knees, knowing damn well if you stood up, you’d lose your balance and fall down, and it would be a pretty big fall. You’re easily fifteen feet off the ground, maybe more. Fuck, this might have been a horrible idea, but it’s frankly too late to turn back, you’ve made up your mind and you need to go through with it.
The jump from the branch you’re currently on to the adjacent one you’ll be jumping onto is about four feet, but it’s not the jump that concerns you. What concerns you is the sturdiness of that branch. Will the impact cause it to snap? Will it make too much noise, letting Mando hear it? All these questions are racing through your mind as you hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears. The longer you consider it, the more time you waste. You’ll just have to take the chance and hope everything works in your favor.
“Okay… I can do this,” you whisper, psyching yourself up.
As you slowly rise to your feet, your legs are buckling. You take one last look down, fully realizing that this idea is absolutely bonkers and jump.
When your body hits the branch, you latch your arms around it, landing on your stomach. To your surprise, the branch doesn’t break off, it barely even moves.
You continue to leap from branch to branch, until the rest of trees in your wake look too unstable for you to leap onto. Luckily, the tree you’re currently on isn’t too far from the ground, so you’re able to climb down it in under five minutes before reaching the ground. Keeping still for a moment, you wait to hear something.
A twig snap, leaves rustling, anything, but you don’t hear a single sound.
“Did you actually climb these trees?” You hear Mando’s voice through the commlink on your wrist, which startles you.
Is he already there? He’s already so close, how is he already so fucking close to you?
“Um, no?” You reply.
“That’s convincing,” he answers dryly.
If Mando’s already reached the tree you started climbing at, then he’s really not far behind. You’ll need to start sprinting again. Without trying to make noise, you begin to tiptoe around the forest, trying to be as quick and efficient as you can. It doesn’t take long until you see a break in the forest and somehow quicken your tread to the clearing.
Once you reach the wood's edge, you’re about to take a step into the clearing when you stop yourself.
Kriff, if you step into that open field, you’ll be sticking out like a sore thumb, which is a risk you cannot take. Instead, you’ll have to walk along the sides of the clearing, keeping to the trees and hoping you won’t be spotted.
“Are you really about to step into that glade?”
Your breathing hitches, everything inside you is burning up, adrenaline nearly making you shake uncontrollably.
He’s found you.
He sees you.
Keeping very still, you turn your head in every direction, desperately trying to see where Mando is but you can’t see a fucking thing. You consider making a break for it—which direction, though? Do you turn around and head back into the forest and hope that you’ll be able to lose him in the trees? Do you stick to your guns and continue to make for the mountains?
“Better make up your mind quickly, pretty girl. Time’s running out,” he’s fucking taunting you. Mando knows exactly where you are and is relishing in watching you struggle in deciding what to do next.
There’s something incredibly titillating knowing that he’s watching you, right now. Predator watching prey, observing your every move, waiting for the perfect time to ambush you.
“What are the chances I outrun you?” You breathe into the speaker on your wrist, chest puffing in and out heavily.
Mando doesn’t answer right away, mulling over your question. “Very slim.”
“But not impossible?”
You’re sizing yourself up. You know damn well there isn’t a chance you lose him, not when he’s got eyes on you, but you have an advantage on him. Carrying all that armor on his body makes his movements more abrupt, meaning he’s less agile and relies more on his weapons to catch a bounty rather than his own speed. All you need to do is outrun him, make yourself impossible to catch and then maybe, just maybe, you can reach the other end of the forest without getting snatched.
“What are you planning?”
“’Put up a fight’,” you repeat the last words he said to you. “That’s what you said, right?”
“Well… Come get me.”
And then you’re racing into the glade, your legs moving as fast as you possibly can. The air whipping passed the burning hot skin on your face, lungs feeling like they’re on fire, you’re running so much faster than you ever thought you could. Maker, you didn’t even know you could sprint this fast. Taking one quick look back over your shoulder, you see Mando break out from the forest edge, racing after you. He’s a couple metres behind you, but he seems to be closing the gap between you quicker than your efforts to gain distance.
Starting to panic, you make a sharp turn to the left, hoping he’ll be caught off guard, giving you just a few more seconds to stretch out the distance.
“I’ll give it to you, you’re much quicker than I thought,” he pants.
You’re so close to the forest, just a few more sprints. With your legs burning and getting tired, these last few metres are either going to make or break you, but with the determination to prove him wrong, you refuse to give up. You can almost taste freedom… just one more step—
And then you’re falling to the ground. Face slamming into the grass so hard, your vision goes fuzzy, and your head is pounding, hearing a faint ringing in your ears. When you turn over on your back, you look down at your legs and see your feet wrapped up in grappling line. Still in somewhat of a daze, you try to unravel the coil from your ankles with haste before Mando can close in on you. The tall grass shields your view, stopping you from seeing anything until it’s directly in your face, which mean he can be just a few feet away without you even knowing it. If you have any chance at slipping passed him, you need to move very fast.
Just as the cord untangles from your legs and you jump to your feet, you see Mando standing in front of you, just a little further than arm’s length away. Standing in place, you freeze up like a prey animal being spotted by its predator. Maker, he’s intimidating, carrying himself with such confidence and gusto that it could make even the more fearless predator cower in his presence and because you can’t see his expressions, you have no idea what he’s thinking under that bucket of his.
“Well, you managed to last two hours,” he notices after checking the time on his vambrace.
Relaxing your shoulders and readying yourself to break off into a sprint for the woods, you cock your head to side and chuckle. “Technically, you haven’t caught me yet.”
He tilts his head ever so slowly to the side, chest puffing out. With caution, he takes a step forward and in turn, you step back, maintaining the little distance between you two.
“Don’t make this harder for yourself.”
“When have I ever made it easy for you?”
The visor’s locked on you. Both of you stand incredibly still, waiting for someone to make the first move.
“Don’t run,” he warns.
It’s impossible to ignore the stirring in your stomach. It’s time to face the facts, you’ve already been defeated. There’s not a chance in hell you can possibly win this. You fucked up, somehow. Maybe you shouldn’t have started climbing trees, maybe you should have gone left instead of right. None of those things matter anymore. The only thing that matters how is what your next move is.
“Isn’t this what you really wanted?” His voice hitting low in the register.
Does he mean what you think he means? Your pussy gushes, and you’re hit in the face with reality.
You would have to be a fool not to notice the way Mando looks at you on the Crest, and how you look at him. There’s clearly chemistry between you two, maybe even infatuation. It’s been three months since you started travelling with him which means there’s been three months’ worth of sexual tension. Both of you felt it, the electricity in the air whenever you were alone together. The air would get thick, your heartrate would quicken, and you’d wait for him to make a move, but he never did. Whenever you felt like that day was finally the day he’d let go of his devices and fuck you senseless on his ship, he’d retreat to the cockpit and lock himself up for hours, leaving you to take care of yourself in the fresher. It was enough to get the job done, but you wanted him, and you know he felt the same.
So, yeah, you’d be lying to yourself if that idea hadn’t crossed your mind. Getting him in his element, force him to come after you, and when you finally gave in or rather, when he found you, he’d be so caught up in the moment that all the sexual tension that had been building up for the last three months would climax at this very moment. What you couldn’t have anticipated was Mando figuring all of this out and actually calling you out on it.
Slacking your jaw, you lick your bottom lip, staring at the ‘T’ of his visor, realizing that this whole bet was just a façade—that the real reason you started this whole wager was to rile him up.
Mando body shifts, his fingers flexing at his sides.
“Been wanting it for three months, Mando,” you challenge.
He makes a guttural noise in his throat, and now you know you’ve got him. It’s taken three months to get you where you are now. Three months of walking around the Crest, swaying your hips purposely in hopes he’d look at you as you walked by. Three months of not so innocent touches on whatever part of him you could touch. Three months of soft moans and groans, trying to get his attention.
All your hard work is finally going to pay off.
Mando tries to close the gap between you, taking a step towards you. Being the brat you are, you step back.
“You’re really going to make this difficult?” He asks—very much a rhetorical question.
“Come get me, Mando,” the words slip off your tongue, once again trying to entice him.
A game of chicken.
Who’s going to make the first move? Is Mando going to charge for you? Do you let him? Do you turn and try to run away?
In a flash, Mando leaps forward and you’re just quick enough to dodge him, whipping your body towards the forest’s edge and taking large strides forward. You barely make it three feet before there’s more grappling line squeezing your ankles together. Once again, you land on your stomach with just barely enough time to cover your face with your hands.
Now, you know there’s no way you’d be able to get up in time and still somehow slip through his fingers, not that it was ever the point of this bet. You thoroughly enjoyed the thrill of being on the run and having Mando chasing after you but you’re way more interested in what’ll happen next than actually winning.
It’s takes a few seconds for you to get your bearings, and as soon as you begin to push yourself upright, you’re being shoved back into the ground by Mando using his bodyweight against you. He straddles either side of your legs, pushing them together.
“If this is what you wanted, all you had to do was ask,” Mando’s voice suddenly whispers in your ear, pressing himself into your body. He bucks his hips against your ass, his erection nuzzled between your cheeks. Propping himself on his elbows so he doesn’t suffocate you with his weight, one of his hands grab hold of your waist, digging into your flesh.
Trying to arch your back, you push your ass out to grind against his cock even more. Maker, you want him so fucking badly. Being fucked in an open field where anyone could see you, it’s daring and intoxicating.
Your hands fumble to your pants, trying to unbutton them and slide them down your thighs. Mando senses your urgency and swats your hands away and then his body leaves you momentarily, just long enough for him to tug your trousers down to your knees. It’s rushed, and you’re already panting underneath him, the anticipation eating you up from the inside.
A leather gloved hand grazes your lips, then he’s pushing two fingers in your mouth. The tastes of earth and salt lingering on your tongue.
“Bite,” he instructs.
You oblige and the glove comes off, discarded just inches away from your face. Without skipping a beat, his naked hand travels down your side, and with your ass in the air, he palms your stomach, keeping you in place and forcing you to arch your back even more. The pool of arousal in your stomach is making you squirm, getting more impatient as the seconds go by.
Mando takes his time trailing your lower belly, fingers barely grazing your skin. Your breathing is completely erratic, panting heavily into the ground. When he finally cups your sex, your breath hitches, a sharp inhale escapes your lips.
“Stars, you’re fucking soaked already,” he admires, and then two calloused fingertips are rubbing tight circles on your clit.
Writhing underneath him, you can barely keep still. The pleasure is overwhelming, something you’ve been waiting for for so long, you can’t believe this is really happening
Your hands grab at his waist with haste, trying to remove his pants but because you can’t see what you’re doing, you’re just aimlessly grabbing at him. He sees you struggling and lifts himself off of you. Hearing a small scuffle, he presses his body into your back again, and you feel his freed cock between your cheeks. Maker, he’s huge… is it possible for someone to feel this big when he hasn’t even stuck it in you yet?
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks breathlessly, his own pants scratching low in his helmet.
“Y-y-yes, please,” you croak, your throat already bone dry.
Gathering as much of your slick on his hand as he can, you feel him smear it all over his length and with your ass still shoved up against him, he teases your entrance with his tip. Hands grabbing at his hips with urgency, he actually fucking chuckles and then starts burying himself inside you.
Stars, he’s fucking huge, it almost burns how much he’s stretching your walls. Your eyes wrench shut so hard; you’re seeing stars. It feels like all the air is being knocked out of your lungs, you can’t even make a sound as your jaw fucking drops. He buries himself deeper and deeper—kriff you’re not sure how much more you can take. Your body freezes once he’s fully inside you, teasing your cervix with his head.
“F-f-fuck, you’re tight,” he breathes out once he’s filled you to the hilt. Steadying himself on his palms, his cuirass leaves your back, but he doesn’t move. He just sits there, giving you time to acclimate to his size. “I’ll try to be gentle—”
“No,” you say, cutting him off. “Please, j-just, fuck—do what you want,” you’re basically sobbing already, and he hasn’t even begun to fuck you.
He slowly pulls out and when you feel just the head still inside you, he slams into you so hard, you jerk forwards and cry out, your whole body stilling from being so full.
“You have to be quiet, someone might hear,” he tells you gently, pulling out again ever so slowly.
In an effort to stifle your moans, you bite down hard on your bottom lip, and when he bucks his hips and crashes into you again, you’re unable to stop the shriek that escapes you. Balancing himself on one arm, he grabs the discarded glove by your face and stuffs it into your mouth, gagging you with it and then begins really fucking you.
He drives his cock into you at a grueling speed, stopping his rhythm momentarily to roll his hips against your ass, making sure you feel every fucking inch of him. Whatever pathetic noise tries to slip through your lips is muffled by leather and you’re grateful for it because your cries would echo through the field if not for the glove.
Mando drops his weight back on you, feeling his breastplate dig into your back. He lets his cock just sit there as his naked hand wraps around your neck, applying pressure with two fingers. He resumes his pace, jackhammering your pussy with so much force, his balls slapping against your skin echo through the clearing.
“Shit, this—this is what you wa-anted?” He hisses, never once relenting his rhythm.
You couldn’t have planned for how mind-blowing this is. The daydreams, the dreams while you slept, nothing could have prepared you for the real thing. Nothing in your imagination even comes close to the actual feeling of Mando fucking you senseless in the middle of an open area. You’re so close to your climax already, something no other person has even gotten close to doing. Mando knows how to fuck, how to reach the right spots inside you, how to drive you fucking insane.
“Yes, ah-shit, yes Mando, please, please, it feels so good,” you babble, your mind unable to come up with a coherent thought; instead, you’re reduced to a blubbering mess. Tears are forming in the corners of your eyes, and when you squeeze your eyes shut, they begin streaming down your face.
“Be a good girl and come all over my cock,” he grits out between thrusts.
The grass is tickling your face, he pushes you deeper in the ground with every plunge, and then your orgasm rips through you, waves of white-hot pleasure crashing over you, electrifying your body from the inside out. Clawing at the ground and grabbing fistfuls of dirt, your body tenses and untenses at the same time, you can barely breathe. His hand is still pressing into your neck, making you dizzy from the limited air you can actually take in, as well as your climax punching out of you.
“Yes, fuck—ah shit—stars, you feel so fucking good.”
Mando doesn’t like to talk very much, only speaking when directly addressed, but now he’s a mess. He praises you, repeating words of admiration like it’s a prayer he tells himself at night and knowing you’re the reason for all this chatter just fills you up with pride.
He has incredible stamina, so he doesn’t need to pause in order to catch his breath very often. Mando continues to drill into you with such speed and force, you don’t know how much more you can take. It’s so much better than you thought it could be, you never could have predicted Mando to be so good at fucking you. He knows exactly how to treat your body, how to get the most pleasure out of you, it’s like he already knows you better than you know yourself. His cock rams that spot deep inside you that’s never been touched, nearly blinding you and causing your mind to go blank. You curse the Maker for making you wait this long. Both of you needed this, to take your frustrations and desires out on each other.
It’s primal, the way he thrusts inside you, feeling his cock pulse and twitch as your walls squeeze around him. Mando can barely shut up, if he’s not growling admirations in your ear, he’s keening into the helmet, his baritone hitting so low and rough, it only spurs you on.
The hand on your neck slacks, and then he’s pulling the glove out of your mouth. “Where d-do I—”
“Inside,” you manage to mewl, although your voice is barely above a whisper. “Please.”
“Ah—shit, you want me inside you? Fill your pretty little cunt with my come?”
You make a pathetic noise in your throat, the dryness of it too much for you to actually speak.
“Words, pretty girl. I need you to use your—fuck—words.”
You swallow hard, trying to get some dampness in your throat. “Y-yes.”
Mando growls contently and resumes his ruthless, hard pace. It’s no longer rushed, but with every thrust, he slams into your pussy so hard and hitting your cervix that your body jerks upwards, struggling to keep still. He grinds his hips a couple more times and then he reaches his own climax. You feel his cock throb inside you, filling you up with his seed.
“Fuck!” He snarls into the helmet, keeping it pressed against the side of your head.
You’re completely spent, you can barely move a muscle. Mando’s just fucked the life out of you, and you could lie here for the rest of your life, happy and satisfied. When you feel him start to pull out, with the little strength you gave—which is by no means a lot, you clench your walls around him, trying to keep him inside you.
“Don’t want me to leave?” He jokes.
“Want you inside all the time,” you mumble into the ground.
Mando hums, sheathing himself inside you once again.
“Pretty girl, I’m just getting started with you.”
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Final Four!: The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!
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After 10,000 years we’re finally at the motherducking Talespin episode! And only 8000 of those years were the last 14 months as Ducktales 2017 has been working toward this for a while with Cape Suzette being prominently mentioned in both the first episode and the season 1 finale, and Don Karnage being a regular part of the rouges gallery, voiced by the wonderous Jamie Camil. So this episode was less a matter of “If”, since Don’s presence meant Disney wasn’t really against it happening, and more a matter of “When and How.” The how, to a point was settled at the big NYCC panel for Ducktales that revealed Daisy and Goofy... as it also revealed aged up versions of Kit and Molly, meaning a proper tailspin episode was on the way.  I could not have been more pumped. While I didn’t remember the cartoon well, i’d always loved Talespin since I was a kid and as an adult my curosity only grew. Still need to watch way more of it mind you, I really have slept on most of the Disney Plus Libarary and that’s dumb of me, but what i’ve seen is impressive. The story of an irresponsible bear forced to work with a buisnesswoman bear after she buys his seaplane, his loveable kid sidekick and said buisness bear’s daughter whose cute as a button but suprisingly tolerable for a little kid character. Opposing them were masterful buisnessman Shere Kahn, who sadly does not show up here and could be friend , foe or neutral depending on the episode, and Don Karnage, a kooky sky pirate who as mentioned is already in this series and was Balloo’s arch enemy. The series was colorful, creative, had a great premise and cast and in general was just awesome and out of the Disney Afternoon shows is honestly my faviorite, though Darkwing is getting close. I even recently finally got the Shere Kahn funko, which is starring into my soul as I type this review! Hurrah! 
So I waited impatiently like I did for Daisy and Goofy, both also things I’d wanted in the series since the start. Thing was.. Goofy showed up in the second episode of the season, that was part of the premiere, and while the wait for Daisy was agonizing, she still showed up pretty early into the season at episode five. Gosalyn showed up at episode 12. This is episode  20.  
I do get it: This season was built to be the last just in case.. and ended up being the last so good job there. There was a LOT to wrap up in one season and on top of that they had a double and TRIPLE length episode taking up 5 episodes of the season, AND two holiday episodes. So that gave them only 18 normal episodes they had to place very carefully. So likely, given that they had some episodes important to the finale that couldn’t wait for the last minute in “The First Adventure” and “The Battle for Castle McDuck!”, as I highly doubt pepper was given such  a build up to not be important in the finale, still think she’s webby’s mom, we’ll see soon enough. And New Gods on the Block, while not as important was probably not swapped with this one because they wanted a lighter episode after three plot important episodes in a row, two of which are fairly intense and had lasting consequences and one of which, while a bit of a breather, was still indulging in the new FOWL status quo. This one ended up crammed into the last block.. because they likely really wanted to do this one, wanted it to tie into FOWL... and had nowhere else to put it, with Life and Crimes likely serving as one last break from FOWL, if it doesn’t end up tying into it, before the finale movie. Doesn’t make waiting forever for it any less grating, but hey it’s finally here. So how was it? Was it worth the hype? And how do the Wuzzles factor into this? Join me under the cut and spin it with me to find out and count down to 3!
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So we open with an adult Kid Cloudkicker at work, voiced by Adam Pally!
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If you haven’t heard of him, and one of my Patreons had not, he was on Happy Endings and the Mindy Project, and has a very distinct voice and is very funny, so it was a pleasant surprise to have him pop up here as Kit and given aforementioned roles were messes in some way shape or form, especially Max from happy endings whose essentially Oscar the Grouch, just as gay only not living in a trash can. Though if he had to he would. 
Since he was a kid KIt’s picked up the old family business, and is now running hire for hire.. and has also picked up his Dad’s old enemies as Don Karnage chases after Kit, his second greatest nemesis, who freely mocks him. It’s a lovely sequence but shows Kit isn’t the best pilot, and his fancy flying, while beating Don, also opens both crates, freeing the livestock he’s carrying.. and the other cargo, a mysterious stone that was in a F.O.W.L. crate that merges the chicken with  a goat, and scares kit, and he ends up causing his cargo to drop out of the plane.  Cue titles. 
Back with our heroes for this series, Della is recroding Dewey as he flies solo the first time!
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That is so precious. Huey is along for the ride and is taking having his reckless brother with the attention span of a coked up ferret at the helm exactly how you’d expect. 
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Of course his helmet says safety boy and of course he has a helmet on over his hat. Awww. Dewey, while good at it, he’s a 12 year old flying a rather sizeable plane with no difficulty that’s  pretty impressive.. he’s also Dewey so just flying a plane normally isn’t enough and he wants to Dewey it instead and do all the fancy stuff. He wants to be special as is usual for him, not realizing this is how you get to being good as his mom or Launchpad. And he’s 12 so that makes sense just on the basic level.. but it also makes sense on a comparison level: Dewey’s done a LOT of impressive stuff over the course of the series: rattling it off because why not, and this is just things he acomplished himself: he found the Lost Jewel of Atlantis (Getting it home was still a team effort but he is the one who identified it), is a golf pro better than his uncle whose played the game for centuries at this point,   defeated Don Karnage in a sword fight with little to no sword training, was crucial in beating Magica during the Shadow War, travled through time, by accident or not, consulted on a major motion picture, defeated a Gandra, even if she was going easy on him, BLIND, and biggest of all defeated the World Serpent Jormunngandr, by himself, a GOD that’s fought Scrooge evenly for decades. AND FINISHED HIM WITH A PILEDRIVER. To reitirate this was ONLY the stuff he did himself. So I get why he’d think just flying a plane when his mom and best friend have done so much more with it is boring and that being a pilot when two people he looks up to are already one is just.. boring. I’ts not special or unique and given his family name is built on the two, I can see why he’d chafe under this. 
Della for her part isn’t doing things wrong entirely, she wants him to start with the basics, the fact he can DO those basics at such a young age with minimal training shows he has a true knack for it, and it takes experince to pull off death defying stunts. The First Adventure backs this up as while Della was so talented as a kid she could land a plane herself.. that was all she did. And it’s still incredibly impressive a ten year old landed a seaplane with no real world training or hours in a full on flight simulator. The issue that’s never really adressed is while she’s mostly doing it right she dosen’t get that despite his talent, Dewey just dosen’t find this INTRESTING or get how impressive he is, and that dressing it up a bit migh’tve helped. It’s an understandable mistake though, teaching someone something in any context is hard. It’s one of many, MANY reasons like currently horribly hazzarodus conditions, long hours, having to buy their own suplies at times, that teachers are badly underpayed. 
Before we get into why their headed to Cape Suzette at long last, there is one notiacble absence in this episode I can’t really ignore: Launchpad. While he has been absent in every episode since Let’s Get Dangerous, not counting “How Santa Stole Christmas!” as the two holiday episodes were made to fit in anywhere story wise and timeline and production wise take place before the rest of Season 3 , which takes place during Spring given both the March note on Boyd and Huey’s photos in Astro BOYD, and Forbidden Fountain taking place during spring break. At most it’s currently running into Summer. I put too much thought into this with someone i’ve lost contact with. 
My point, I had one trust me, is that Launchpad has just been gone for the second half of the season . And up till now it wasn’t necesarily a bad thing: He was a major part of Let’s Get Dangerous and wasn’t really needed for any of the episodes so far: The Manor side of things in ImpossiBin was purposfully intense and while he would’ve had some thoughts on Beakly’s actions, it just worked better with him gone and the only other adult in the house at the moment busy doing other stuff for their protection till the climax. Split Sword was kid focused, New Gods didn’t really involve him at all, though I am sad he and Storkules never met as far as I can tell, The First Adventure was a flashback, Fight for CastleMcDuck was about the family unit more, and Beaks in the Shell is the only one so far I think he could’ve been included in at all and again shoving him in would’ve just cluttered things up. Like a lot of character ballance issues of the series, there’s a good enough reason.. this is just the one exception in the last batch I think would’ve been improved by having him. He’s Dewey’s best friend, he’s been there for him, he would’ve been a good counterpoint as a teacher and it could’ve been intersting having both he and della have constrasting styles but valuable things to teach and I would’ve loved to see him interact with Kit. It also just feels really weird to be down a pilot in the episode about the franchise about a pilot. \
The fact Dewey ends up crashing while landing after Huey applauds him on his safe normal landing, which ticks him off because he dosen’t want to be normal, hammers in it in a bit as he missed his buddy’s first crash. I get leaving him out as Kit is just as irresponsible and the episodes just as much about Kit if not more so as it is about Dewey, so I understand it but it dosne’t make it feel like any less of a lost opportunity. 
As for why their in the cape at last, it’s unsuprsingly another missing mystery, the stone of what is which can combine two things, the stone seen in the intro. Kit loosing it turns out to be a good thing as it meant FOWL didn’t get it, and they can find it, and are in town to find him. They pass the hire for hire offices which have a ton of notices on the door, and Dewey is entranced by the idea of cloud kicking, aka sky surfing, aka that thing kit did in the original. We also get to see updated versions of Baloo, Kit and Molly. Sadly no Rebecca. Can’t win em all. 
Our trio find Kit whose asleep, clearly having no customers and trying to pass it off like he does. It turns out he knows Della, as they went to flight school together, though she only vaugely remembers him at best. She does remember Molly though, wouldn’t be suprised if that’s another ex of hers either, and wonders what happen to her.. and not just because htere’s always room in Della’s harem.  Kit dodges.. and it’s likely in large part because it’s clear to anyone looking despite his statments he’s kinda stalled as an adult. It’s very clear from his surroudings, him being a pilot for hire, and him eagerly taking Dewey on as a sidekick when Dewey shows intresting in Cloud Kicking, that he’s trying to be Baloo. This idea was, according to Frank, the brainchild of the episode’s director, and one of it’s writers and storyboarders, Tanner Johnson. Tanner pitched “What if Kit never outgrew his Baloo fanboying?”. 
It’s an intresting idea: while it is sad we don’t get to see the old boy at any point and I do wonder where he is now and what he’s up to in his retirment, probably just flying about free as a bird would be my guess given how he never liked working to begin with, I applaud them for doing something unique with the Tailspin cast that fits into the themes of the season rather than just have them show up. By making it Kit instead of Baloo cargoing them, it gives us more of an arc to work with character wise as Kit has become so obessed with becoming his dad, he never stopped to consider if he was even good at it or enjoyed it.
  Using Della is part of what makes this work as she too grew up with a larger than life mentor and adopted dad.. but unlike Kit, she grew up a bit and saw the flaws in her dad. His greed, his selfishness, his tendency to hog the glory, his ego.. she stopped putting him on a pedestal. She still loves him, still wants his respect and admiration to this day, but she gets he’s not perfect and not who she wants to be.  Kit clearly never got this message. He never grew out of putting Baloo on a pedsteal and wanting ot literally be him instead of his own man. So he ignored the many flaws in how Baloo lived: Baloo started Talespin having lost his plane because he was so obessed with freedom and doing what he wanted, he didn’t bother actually paying on it and chafed under actually doing work half the time. He’s talented, fun to be around and a hell of pilot bar none, he honestly outclasses Della, but he was entirely irresponsible. Kit’s found himself in the same position Baloo was in: living alone, having not a lot going on, and on the verge of loosing his plane. Not only that he’s worse off because Baloo at least, while lazy, had enough talent. Kit.. isn’t a good pilot as we’ve seen and will see again, and clearly not only dosen’t have a knack for it, but is only doing it because Baloo did. He’s so obsessed with being who he THINKS baloo would want him to be, he never stopped to think that the actual Baloo would just want him to be happy and has probably told him this, or was probably too proud of what Kit was doing to realize what he was doing to his life. 
But Della dosen’t have time to get him a therapist, they need to find that stone before FOWL, and Kit offers to take them.. if they hire him. Della scoffs at this and insults the Sea Duck
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Yeah Della your fantastic.. but you do NOT insult the Sea Duck and your very, VERY lucky it’s not Baloo you were dealing with as he would’ve turned you down out of principal. The Sea Duck is fucking awesome, and a national treasure. Thankfully Kit instead points out the Sunchaser isn’t in a better place after Dewey Dewed what he dew, so they really don’t have a choice. 
Della does draw the line at letting Kit fly as she eventually realizes he’s not good at this, mostly letting Crowby his crowbar do all the work, and finds he has a map to where he dropped the stone, so he dosen’t even have that leg to stand on and throws him out of his own cockpit before he gets them all killed. Okay that time on her side. Kit takes this time to try and train Dewey on cloudkicking... but despite being encaustic at the idea of it the reality leaves Dewford scared shitless.. and doubles up on bad things as Don Karnage and his crew are closing in on the island. FOWL hired them to get it for them, though why FOWL didn’t do so themselves I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong i’m happy to have Jamie back and it really wouldn’t feel right ot have a Tailspin ep without Don Karnage, I just find it odd Bradford would hire outside contractors for this given he has a full staff and not at least send Heron or Steelbeak along to supervise.  Regardless, Don puts pleasure before buisness spotting Kit.. and fully commits after finding out Dewey is ALSO involved. I also find it hilarous DEWEY outranks Kit on Don Karnage’s enemy list. So naturally he goes after him, int he personal plane he used in the series which also showed up in the cold open, and with Dewey not having the skill to take Don on, Kit is forced ot step in. He also calls him “Little briches” which while another sign of how much he wants to be his own dad.. is still too awesome not to apricate. Don cuts the line but thanks to Kit’s fancy footwork, they make it out alive and wash up on an island. Della soon joins them, thanks kit for saving her kid then rightfully slaps him for putting him in danger in the first place. Dewey also has to stop her from punching him when he explains he had no idea the stone ended up on this island, which granted she is justified in but Dewey , of all people, rightly saw this means they don’t have to drag a  unconcious bear around who probably hasn’t showered in a while. I mean the smell will be there either way but there’s less chance of accidnetlly inhaling too much while he’s conconcious. They also find out what the Stone’s been doing: combining the wildlife leading to rhino monkey hybrid trying to murder them. So at the last minute Frank also squeezed in another disney aftenroon show but one tha’ts not streaming and most don’t care about: the wuzzles, a bunch of hybrids of various animals... Frank couldn’t do much with that as is and just decided to rightfully play it for horror. 
Our heroes find Don, whose found the stone.. and is simply throwing most of hi crew  at it rather than doing anything productive, with them turning into just.. utterly horrifying combinations. Hands for heads and everything, bug legs, a non-anthro parrot head. it’s pretty tough to watch and I question why the episode did this as Don’s crew did not deserve this and this episode is mostly lightearted before and after this. A tailspin tribute episode episode should not pair well with the song no spill blood.. seroiusly you paid for all I do is win, and rightfully but you couldn’t get this?
Regardless the kids and manchild are told to stay put while the slightly more functional womanchild takes care of Don. Dewey and Kit naturally don’t, which is fair: what did della expect, the sugared up rabbit in a small duck’s body and the incompitent but charming manchild she’s insulted repedadtly to listen? Naturally they both beef it as Dewey can’t board and while Kit does get Don’s plane, he ends up crashing it instead of doing anything productive. I mean even Launchpad would’ve at least got back to the seaduck.. he would’ve crashed into it but still. Look when you make Launchpad look compietnet you really need to rethink your life.  Della has bigger problems though as it turns out the thing they were on.. was a coocoon.. for a butterbear. Oh no. Thankfully this goes better than you’d expect as she’s able to ride the thing and it tangles up some rope, taking the stone of what was with it and Don takes off after it with what pirates he has left. 
Our remaining heros return to the Sea Duck. Dewey and Kit plan to do the same thing again and expect diffrent results but Huey.. has some words for them. 
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He’s fed up with this and points out they need to swap jobs. Dewey CAN fly, and Kit really is good at cloudkicking, it’s in the name, and he needs to return to it. While Dewey balks again stating anyone can be a pilot.. Kit finally admits that’s not true and he’s just not good at it and Huey finally snaps them out o fthier neurosis, Kit a bit late but better late than never given the state of his life, and points out the episode’s aseop: YOU make something special just by doing what you like to do and are good at well. I’ts been hard making these reviews, but I feel i’m getting the hang at it and it’s what I was meant to do, I just had to find it. It’s not always easy to find your calling but when you got it, go for it instead of some version of you you think you should be.  So we get pured distilled awesome for the climax. Besides Della again riding a bear that’s also a butterfly, Kit, also a bear I did not miss that gag, proceeds to finally spin it and begin again it as he tears through them with Crowby and easily deispatches the planes finally earning Della’s respect and finally back in his element, using his newfound size and strength combined with his still inherent acrobatics to easily take them out and land on Carnage’s plane and beat him. 
So the day is saved: The stone lands on the plane and our heroes properly secure it. Della releases her bear fly but it’ll find it’s way home i’m sure... so majestic. Or it’ll eat all the world’s seagulls. Good news either way. 
Back at the bay Kit packs up the stone safetly and gives them the bill. Which Della grumbles at but whiel he didn’t fly he did save their asses.. after endagenring them but still and does have a buisness to run. Plus he has to save his plane. 
But it turns out someone’s already bought it. And you can probably guess who. 
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No not you sweetie.. though he is an investor for the person who DID buy it: Molly, whose taken being danger woman from a 4 year old’s play time to her career running an air stunt show. This is the other thing that cemented the whole aged up versions of these guys working for me: HIstory Repeating itself. Once again an enterprising young woman with a lot of ideas has bought the seaduck from it’s incompitent owner and hires the former owner to work for her.  But things are warmer this time: Kit wasn’t happy doing what he was doing, and it’s clear unlike Rebecca, who just bought the first plane she could get and hired baloo because he was who she could afford, they became friends with time and patience if not more but that’s still vauge... Molly did this out of love. She knew Kit was struggling and probably has as many fond memories of the sea duck and baloo as he does and didn’t want someone else to get the old girl. Her air show seems to be going fine, she apparently has a full crew, fans and enough money to purchase another plane on a whim from the bank to expand the show.. she wanted her old plane back and her old brother back. And wheras again Rebecca offered Baloo the job because he wanted to keep his baby safe from some half assed pilot she could afford and she knew it and thus could manipulate him with that. Plus he worked cheap so there. Here Molly just admires her brothers skills and hires them on it and he’s frankly more comfortable being a sidekick than the main star anyway. 
He TRIES to brush it off but gladly accepts. God another possible spinoff.. please make this Disney.. and if not at least Reboot tailspin I miss it. Still it’s a very satisfying ending. But what of Don Karnage? Well he’s lost everything as a result of this, unable to get back to his carrier, his crew mostly gone, and FOWL sure to be gunning for him. This is seemingly the end for him.. until he finds a chunk of the stone. “Or the start of an encore”. Wether this was a setup for a possible part of season 4, a possible spinoff or is going to come back in the finale.. we’re just going to have to wait and see won’t we?
Final Thoughts: I really liked this one. It’s not the best of the season: Kit’s arc is kinda telegraphed and Dewey’s arc while intresting isn’t focused on enough to really be that engaging. But the ideas at the core are solid and fit into the series well, the idea to age up our kid heroes from Talespin was really clever and paid off and as usual Adam Pally is a delight and as I said at the top was pitch perfect casting. Couldn’t figure out who played molly and the credits cut out on me, so let mek now if you do but yeah I enjoyed this one> It wasn’t the series at it’s best but given the last two are liable to get pretty intense it was a nice breezy break. And it got me wanting to watch Talespin again and there’s nothing bad about that. 
NEXT WEEK: In our penultimate adventure, Ducktales reinacts that one episode of Batman the Animated Series where all of Batman’s foes put him on Trial, as Scrooge’s Rogues put him on trial with Doofus as prosecuter and Louie for the defense. Well at least it’s not Lionel Hutz. 
This Week: Lots of Ducks! The lena retrospective continues as we take a detour for some comix, and we begin the Della arc as we go back to the start. It’s finally time to talk about Woo-Ooo!. 
If any of this sounds appealing follow my blog for more. If you like these reviews head over to my patreon, patreon.com/popculturebuffet, and become a patreon. At the 5 dollar level you get a review a month and even a dollar helps get to my stretch goals. I’m up to 15 a month so 20 is next and that means a darkwing duck review every month! And if you really like Talespin like I do, 25 nets you a tailspin review a month and a review of the pilot. Ohohohohohohoo. See you at the next rainbow. 
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me...
Ch. 3
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunatly have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Online bulling, language, insecurities, mean girls. I think that’s about it..
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 1779
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
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Jensen's POV:
"I can't believe I lost it like that man! What the hell!!" Jensen yelled, throwing his hat across the room, watching as it hit the wall with a limp thump before falling to the floor.
He’d never been so pissed off at himself in his life, the way he ran off stage like that, Y/n probably thinks she did something wrong. 
He knew she saw him upset…
He knew she saw him try to hide the fact that I was up there crying like a little bitch... 
Maybe that many shots before he got on stage wasn't such a great idea after all... 
He was just trying to get numb enough to get through this damn concert without feeling anything. That turned out well didn’t it...
"Dude stop!! You're doing a hell of a lot better than I would be doing. I would have left the convention by now, and would be a blubbering mess somewhere. As far as y/n goes. I think she's fine. I saw her taking selfies with some other fans after the concert was over. Now Richard on the other hand, he saw, he's asking questions. I know you're not ready to talk about all this to everyone, but if you're going to stay at the convention. You're going to have to tell the rest of the cast and crew what the hell is going on with you." 
Jensen knew Jared was right, but he couldn’t help the stone face that he gave him as he watched the overly tall man take a swig of his beer. 
Even though Jared has the mental maturity of a ten year old, when stuff is going down he usually is right. 
As far as Jensen was concerned he was nowhere near ready to talk about what happened between Danneel and himself, everything was still so fresh, so raw, hell it had just happened today! 
He knew he couldn’t get into telling people without breaking down, and that was NOT something he was going to do in front of everyone. 
It just isn't going to happen... 
"I know you're right, but I’m not ready to talk about this with everyone, man it all this just happened less than 12 hours ago! I haven't even had time to process it yet. I'll try, and talk to everyone in the morning if people are asking too many questions. I just can't do it tonight. I'm still a little drunk, I'm exhausted. Probably too damn exhausted to sleep, which means I’ll probably drink myself to sleep…. Don’t look at me like that Jared, I just ….need tonight okay......Put Richard and everyone else off till in the morning if they ask you any questions."
Jared fought the urge to shake his head and roll his eyes, but this was Jensen’s battle, not his, and he had to deal with all of this how he saw best. No matter how much Jared didn’t agree with it..
"Okay I can do that. I told Richard tonight that you would probably tell everyone in the morning what was going on anyway, It was the only way he would let it go. They're worried about you man."
Jensen pushed his hands through his already completely messed up hair, and stood there with his eyes closed, trying his damndest to get a hold of himself. He was tired of crying about this already, and had just happened today, hell it’s not like they were together every day of their marriage, he was practically single anyway… They never even fucking saw each other.. Why did this bother him so much?  
"Ugh Jen?" Jared said, sounding almost like a little kid afraid to tell their parents something bad.... 
White hot fear licked at Jensen right up his backbone, it was never good in this industry for someone to use that tone while looking at social media... 
"Uh, looks like the video of you and y/n tonight has gone almost viral." 
Video of him singing at cons did that all the time so it was no surprise to him that one of him signing with a fan had gotten a lot of attention. So Jensen knew that was just the warm up for the let down, and braced himself…
"Okay, So." 
"Well Danneel saw it and, well......" 
Jared handed Jensen the phone, and what he saw there made him nauseous, and like he’d been shot in the chest with a 12 gage full of buckshot all at once….
“That bitch..”
Your POV:
Walking back through the door of your hotel room you fall face first on the bed. 
Exhaustion was a very real thing, but you still had a lot of adrenaline pumping through you, way too much to sleep right now. Your mind racing a thousand miles a second. Analyzing everything that had happened tonight almost to a fault. 
Did I dream that or did it really happen? 
What's going on with Jensen? 
Why was he so upset? 
Were Richard and I the only ones that noticed? 
Jared obviously saw? 
Every time you think about it  your skin would tingle where Jensen had touched you. Hell by the time the two of you hand ended the song he was seriously so close for just a moment you thought he was going to kiss you. 
Thank God he didn't... 
Cause you probably would have passed out in his arms... 
Which probably wouldn't have been a bad thing, if you were alone, and not on a stage in front of hundreds of people with cameras and smartphones. 
Not cool...
With that thought you picked up your phone, and saw literally hundreds of twitter, facebook, and Instagram notifications on your phone. 
Your eyes bulging out of your head as you scrolled through twitter, the video of Jensen and yourself had gone almost viral. 
Your head started spinning and you honestly felt like you were going to throw up. Everyone seemed to like it, that wasn't the thing. The SPN fandom was seriously awesome that way, and for the most part everyone supported each other in one way or another... 
It was the post from Danneel that shook you from your head to your toes... 
"Y/f/n!! Get your ass over here!!" You yelled toward the bathroom where she was brushing her teeth. The room was spinning slightly as you read the tweet over and over again, as if you could make it disappear from the world wide web by sheer willpower...
"What?" She yelled back, running toward the bed, a look of concern on her face. 
She knew your tone had changed from joking in the elevator to almost sheer panic. 
"What is it?" She asked, taking the phone out of your hand. 
"Dang...Poor Jensen!!" She said, staring stocked at the phone. She was staring at the phone in slack jaw shock probably like the rest of the fandom at the moment.. You knew this was just the calm before the storm though, and you were about to be under fire form some of the more hardcore fans in the fandom...
"Well he was having a harder time than what it looks like on the video." You said, she looked at you completely lost. Apparently the audience didn't catch it. A moment ago you would have been relieved, now though you wished they would have just seen him.. 
Then man was a damn good actor...   
"That part in the video that looks like he's kissing my neck….. He wasn't. He had started to cry, and was wiping his face." You mummer, guilt rocking you to your core for agreeing to sing that song with him now that you knew what was going on with him... 
"Bullshit!" She yelled. "Why didn't you tell me he was that upset!" 
“I thought it wasn't any of our business! What was going on with him was obviously not intended to be a public thing. So I kept my mouth shut out of respect." You shot back. 
Looking down at the tweet you still couldn’t believe what you were seeing was really happening..
The tweet was a repost of the video of Jensen and yourself singing. That wasn’t the problem. It was the comment above that  made you nauseous. 
Well since Jensen seems to have ALREADY moved on to basically screwing fans on a live stage!! Looks like I OWE my fans the explanation! Jensen and I are getting a DIVORCE!!! WE ARE NO LONGER TOGETHER!!  I don't know who this girl is, but baby girl RUN!! I PROMISE YOU DON'T WANT THAT!!!
A few hours later you found yourself still awake and staring at the ceiling. Sleep wasn’t going to come easy tonight no matter how you sliced it.. 
You couldn’t believe she did that.. 
She doesn't even know you!!! 
Some fans jumped to your immediate defense, telling her to go screw herself, and that didn’t happen the way the video was making it look, that it was a lot more innocent in person. 
Then there were some ‘Jensen always deserved better than you anyways’. 
That It was just a performance... Meaning nothing and she needed to get over her high and mighty act... 
Jensen was a sweetheart. He was probably totally heartbroken, and she was a bitch... 
Then there were some that were attacking you... 
"She's just a whore. He'll come crawling back." 
"He's a jackass you deserve better." 
"She wont even last with him a week." 
"She's just a side bitch."
 "She's ugly, he downgraded." 
"OMG I didn't know Jensen was into fat girls!"
They cut deeper than a stranger's opinion of you probably should have. Especially that last one. You weren't fat by any means, but you also weren't hide stretched over the bones. 
You had curves. 
Your stomach wasn't perfectly fat. 
Your thighs touched together when you walked. 
You didn't have a model body, but hell Marline Monroe was fatter than you are!! 
You and Jensen we're NOT together in any sense of the word, and by no means was he practically “Screwing you” on stage tonight..
A slight knock on the door disturbed your thoughts, and you looked over to y/f/n. 
She was still knocked out. 
So you quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen down your face, dragging yourself out of bed. You got up and looked through the peephole in the door, but all you could see was a white t-shirt. 
You unlock the door, and peck through the crack to see who was standing there at this hour in the night, and who you saw nearly knocked you on your ass for the second time tonight..
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
Binge Tag: @sarahbaker2010​
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imaginewithmgk · 4 years
Last night I had a dream that kells and I were on the gq couple thingy & it was fucking hilarious. I think he’d be a fun time on there. Is there any way I could request you do an imagine like that?? Please ! 🙏😇
request fourteen
summary: colson and his gf y/n do the gq couples quiz together
word count: 1,877
warnings: mention of nipsey hussle’s death
3rd person’s P.O.V.
Y/N sat down in the chair while her boyfriend sat beside her in a different chair.
“You ready?” He asks her and grabs her hand, knowing that she gets nervous when someone is filming her. Although she gets nervous, she knows that this kind of stuff comes with dating a celebrity. 
“Yeah, are you okay with doing this?” She asks Colson, knowing that he was upset earlier today because Nipsey did this interview with Lauren before he passed. The death had hit him really hard but doing this was a way to honour Nip’s legacy, as their GQ interview was really popular. 
“Yeah baby, let’s do this!” He smiles. 
“Okay guys, you know the drill. Y/N will ask Colson the questions off her cue cards and we will keep track of the points. We begin rolling in 3, 2, 1…”
“Hey everyone. I’m Y/N Y/L/N and I’m here with my boyfriend, Colson Baker a.k.a Machine Gun Kelly. This is the GQ Couples Quiz, hopefully, y’all know how it works. Are you ready baby?”
“Yeah let’s do it,” Colson smiles at her. 
“Alright, what was the first meal I ever cooked for you?” Y/N grins at him.
“God that was a long time ago,” He chuckles. “Are we talking when we were friends or when we started dating?”
“Hmm.. let’s go with friends to make it harder for you,” 
“Was it… cereal or something?”
“It was grilled cheese! When you were hungover and came to my place,” She playfully hits his shoulder. 
“Oh yeah! I knew that so I should still get the point,”
“No, you didn’t!” They laugh together.
“I’m going to be so bad at this,” He puts his head in his hand and laughs.
“Confidence is key,”
“Yeah baby I know,” They smile at each other. 
“Okay… how many tattoos do I have?” Colson looks up and furrows his eyebrows. 
“Let me imagine your body hold on,” He points his finger in the air as if to count. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5…”
“Come on,” Y/N encourages him.
“Correct!” Y/N high fives him. “Bonus point if you can name them,”
“I don’t know about that,” Colson teases. Y/N playfully shakes her head at him.
“What’s my favourite colour?”
“Easy, green.” Colson pauses. “Or the colour of my eyes,” He winks.
“Correct, good job. Two points so far,”
“What was my first job ever?” 
“Fuck, it was at a fast-food joint right?” 
“Yes! Three points,”
“I’m smashing this!” Colson pumps his fist in the air. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N giggles. 
“If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?” Y/N nervously shuffles the cue cards.
“I don’t know if I can say that one on camera baby,” He laughs. 
“Kells!” She swats him with the cue cards and laughs. 
“Nah, Nah. Pasta right?” 
“Nice save. Correct,” 
“Alright, what’s something on my bucket list?” 
“Ummm… go to the Olympics? Like attend it, not be in it!” 
“Yes actually, I’m surprised you know that one.”
“You gotta give me more credit, I listen…” He pauses. “Sometimes,” Colson joking around is noticeably making her feel more comfortable. 
“How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
“How am I supposed to answer this without making you mad?” Colson teases. “You ignore me, gimme the cold shoulder,”
“I mean you’re not wrong…” She admits. “What colour are my eyes?” Y/N shuts her eyes quickly. 
“Damn, now I can’t cheat. They’re green yeah?”
“No! They’re brown!” She says as she opens her eyes.
“With little green bits in them!”
“Babe! They do but they’re mostly brown. I reckon that one’s wrong.”
“Not fair,” Colson jokingly pouts. 
“Let’s move on. What’s my favourite “pump up” song?”
“Till I Die by yours truly,” Colson grins. “Obviously. How many points am I on now?”
“7 I think?”
“Out of how many questions?”
“Alright, I’m doing okay so far,” 
“What’s my favourite movie?”
“Notting Hill!” Colson answers quickly.
“Wow, I’m impressed.”
“Yeah well, you make me watch it at least three times a week,” 
“True,” She giggles. 
“How long does it take to my makeup?”
“Well, it depends on the look, pretty much between 5 hours to 3 years!” Colson jokes.
“Hey! It does not take me that long. It takes me life half an hour to an hour!”
“Yeah well for me it feels like a lot longer than that,” He laughs. 
“What’s my favourite fast food and what do I like to order?” 
“Oh, easy, your favourite place is KFC and you like to order a double tender meal! That’s an Australian specific burger for all you uncultured swine,” He jokes. 
“Correct!” Y/N laughs. “Who influenced me when I was growing up? Music-wise,” Y/N asks cheekily. Colson rolls his eyes. 
“Eminem,” He mumbles. 
“What was that?” Y/N giggles.
“Eminem!” He speaks a bit louder which makes Y/N burst into laughter. God knows if these two will have any laughter left in their body after this interview is finished. 
“Correct again. You’re rocking this baby,” 
“What am I on now?”
“Like ten I think?”
“Describe me in three words,” 
“Gotta make this appropriate. Let’s go with sexy, funny, no actually! Hilarious! And kind,”
“Awe thanks, Kells!” 
“What am I most comfortable sleeping in?”
“Nothing,” Colson winks at the camera. 
“Oh my god,” Y/N puts her face in her hand. “Let’s move on.”
“Wait wait wait is that correct?” He smirks.
“Yes! Now, what am I most scared of?”
“Small spaces right? You’re claustrophobic or whatever they call it,”
“Yes and no. I am scared of small spaces but it’s not what I’m most scared of,”
“What is it then?”
“I’m most scared of losing you,” Y/N blushes.
“Awe babe! I love you,” Colson kisses her cheek. 
“I love you too,” She smiles. “What’s my Starbucks order?”
“Either cold brew or a green tea frap with whipped cream,”
“Correct! I think that’s 13 now?”
“Who’s my favourite actor/actress?”
“Obviously me, or Hugh Grant,”
“Another one correct!”
“Where was I born?”
“Easy, Australia!”
“Do you know where in Australia?”
“Yep! I knew that you knew that, I just love hearing you say Melbourne in your accent,” Y/N admits, to which Colson laughs. 
“Who is my celebrity crush?”
“Is that even a question? It’s obviously me,”
“Yes… obviously…” Y/N says in an uncertain voice.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Colson furrows his eyebrows. 
“Nope!” Y/N laughs. “Moving on… what is my favourite nickname to call you?”
“Daddy,” Colson winks at the camera.
“Colson!” Y/N raises her voice, clearly embarrassed. 
“Or Kells,” 
“That’s better,” They laugh together. “Who is Casie’s favourite? If you don’t know, Casie is Colson’s beautiful daughter,”
“Um me of course,”
“No, me!”
“Hey! I’m better with her!”
“No, she loves me more,”
“No, she loves ME more! I’m her dad!” Colson whines. 
“There’s only one way to settle this,” Y/N grins and grabs her phone out of her jacket pocket. She clicks on Casie’s facetime contact and moves the phone to show only her face.
“Hey Y/N!” Casie answers.
“Hey baby girl, I have a question for you.”
“What’s up?”
“I wanna know who’s your favourite, me or your dad?”
“Is dad with you?”
“No…” Y/N chuckles.
“Okay don’t tell him but you’re my favourite!”
“Hey!” Colson yells. 
“Y/N you said he wasn’t with you!” Casie pouts.
“Sorry hun, we’re doing a video and he thought that he was your favourite,”
“You’re both my favourite!”
“You can’t go back on your word now,” Y/N jokes. “I gotta go now but I’ll see you soon!”
“Okay love you both!”
“Love you too!” Colson and Y/N say at the same time before Casie hangs up. 
“Told you I’m her favourite,” Y/N winks as Colson sits in his chair sulking.
“What’s my favourite tv show?”
“Depends on your mood. I know your top three are Law & Order SVU, Supernatural and Big Mouth,”
“Good one baby!”
“I only know that because you also make me watch those with you,”
“Shh you’re on 18 now I think,”
“Out of?”
“23 I believe,”
“Hmm, that’s okay,”
“Where did we first meet and what did I think of you?”
“We met at one of my shows and you thought I was an asshole,” Colson chuckles.
“I did think you were asshole but really hot,” Y/N admits.
“Great,” Colson laughs. 
“What’s my favourite ice cream flavour?”
“Mint choc chip!”
“No, it’s cookies and cream. You know better,” Y/N jokes. 
“Okay, what’s my zodiac sign?”
“Oh! Virgo! And I’m a Taurus! I only know this because Y/N is trying to educate me on all of the signs,” He laughs. 
“Yes I am, he’s doing very well so far. Clearly,”
“I try,” He swats his imaginary hair behind his shoulder making everyone in the studio laugh. 
“What’s my favourite part of my body?”
“Coincidently, it is also my favourite part of your body. Your butt!”
“Yes,” Y/N says in between chuckles. 
“What’s my favourite song of yours?”
“That’s hard because you have so many!” Colson laughs.
“It’s true… how about name one off each of your albums?”
“Alright, I’ll just do the mainstream ones. Lace Up, your favourite is Wild Boy or See My Tears. General Admission, your favourite is Bad Motherfucker or Merry Go Round or Till I die! Honestly most of the songs off that album. Bloom, Let You Go or 27 or Wake + Bake cause you said my voice sounds really hot in that,”
“Don’t at me like that!” She laughs. “But it’s true,” She winks at the camera. 
“I know BINGE is an EP but still, your favourite is NYLON. Hotel Diablo, it’s Glass House or 5:3666 or el Diablo. And off Tickets to my Downfall, well that’s a secret.”
“Wow, you got all of them right! I really love Baddest and Lead You On too by the way! Highly recommend checking out all of those songs,”
“I’m glad you like my songs baby,”
“Of course. Now, what’s my favourite thing about you?”
“Physically, one thing we can’t mention on camera,” He winks. “Or my tattoos. Y/N has a really bad habit of tracing them like 24/7,”
“I can’t help it! They’re all so interesting. I think I’ve bugged him about telling me the meaning of every single one,” 
“True that. I reckon emotionally though, your favourite thing is how much I care about everyone,”
“Oh yeah for sure. Onto the last question, you ready babe?”
“What’s the biggest scar on my body?”
“I don’t know babe! The one on your leg?”
“Yes actually,”
“Aye there we go!”
“Well, that was my last question, thanks for playing baby and thank you for watching!”
“What was my score?”
“24 out of 30 I think,”
“Oh,” Colson looks down at his feet. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with that but that’s the score Nip got when he did this with Lauren. Shout out to those two, rest in peace. Neighbourhood Nip forever!”
“Love you,”
“Love you too baby girl,”
I did not check over this so sorry for mistakes lmao
tagged: @2dead2function @s-j-g-x @bakerkells @mayaslifeinabox @onlybadthingz @PumpkinQueenest19 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @Feeding-into-darkness @xxkellsvixen19xx @lovemythsworld @xwhitewalkerx @deanwinchesterswife121 @jindongdongie​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @machine-gun-colson​
link to be tagged in future posts
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moonstruckbucky · 5 years
Come Over (3/7)
Summary: You’re new to New York City. Fresh out of post-grad and wanting a change of pace, and this change comes in more ways than one.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader. Neighbor AU.
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Warnings for Series: Fluff, angst, pining, the ush! Also, swearing, because nobody ever washed my mouth out with soap.
Notes: So I’ve daydreamed about a neighbor AU for an embarrassing amount of time, and I need something to get my creative juices flowing again. So, ta-da.
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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A month into your new life in New York, you feel more settled in. Your apartment doesn’t look like a warehouse piled high with boxes, and you’ve even spent some of your signing bonus on artwork to hang on the walls and a few plants to bring some life to the space. You’re even considering getting a cat.
At work, you frequently eat your lunch with not only Wanda and Vis, but the three other women on your floor. Maria, Charlotte, and Sarah are all mothers, so they don’t usually attend the girls’ night out you and Wanda plan every week, but they’re still pleasant to sit and chat with regardless. It’s made you feel even more at home at Stark Industries.
Speaking of, Tony is a riot, you’ve learned. You’ve come out of your shell a little more with each day you work for him, and it’s mostly in thanks to Tony’s easy-going personality. Though he’s clearly a workaholic on top of being addicted to caffeine (for anyone else this might’ve been a destructive combination but Tony seems to wield both extremely well), he feels more like a weird brother/father figure than a boss. He keeps most projects secret from you, but occasionally he’ll show you a new update or ask for your opinion as a consumer. You’re honest with him without kissing his ass too much about it.
Since he lives closer, Sam comes over a couple times a week to hang out with you and catch up on your favorite shows. He tries to bring Clint with him most times, but being neck-deep in a new case makes it hard for him to get away to visit. You settle for FaceTiming him during the week even though it isn’t the same.
It’s one of your weekly nights with Sam, who reclines in your new armchair with his feet up and an open beer in his fist. You’re catching up on Mindhunter with him, relaxed on the couch under a big fluffy blanket with your own beer. In between episodes Sam has been telling you all about the girl he’s been seeing, to which you demand you meet her for approval.
He rolls his eyes and asks, “Isn’t that my job?”
You scoff. “You’re my best friend, Sam, and as my best friend, I’ve got to make you’re taken care of just as much as you’re taking care of her.”
He grumbles under his breath but you can see a slight pinkness to his dark skin that makes you smirk in victory. A few moments of silence and then:
“So what about you and Neighbor Boy then? What’s going on there?” While your smirk drops, his widens. You take a long pull from your beer.
“Absolutely nothing, Sam.”
He snorts and gestures with his beer. “You have coffee dates almost every week!”
“He helps me put furniture together! There’s absolutely nothing but friendship there, I assure you.”
A doubtful look characterized by lowering of his eyebrows and pursed lips. A responding eye roll and scrunched up face, a silent don’t give me that look.
“Want another?” you ask, needing to busy yourself in order to keep your unusually attractive neighbor out of your head. Throwing the blanket off your lap, you stand up and accept the empty bottle Sam holds out to you.
If he notices that you take a little longer to fetch two more beers, he doesn’t say anything when you get back to the couch. He presses ‘play’ on the remote and the topic of your neighbor is dropped.
For an hour.
“So, you’re coming next Sunday for our football party right?” Sam asks.
Once a month during football season, Sam and Clint co-host a party at your brother’s apartment. You make your five-layer chip dip and Sam brings a massive amount of wings while Clint provides endless beer and a giant wrap-around couch that seats eight. (You’re still not sure how he fit the damn thing in his apartment.) To antagonize Clint and to make the day a little more fun, you and Sam always show up in your matching Patriots jerseys representing the McCourty twins.
“Of course I’ll be there! I never miss it!” you reply with an incredulous look. Sam holds up his hands.
“Hey, just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any new furniture that needed assembling that day.” He chortles when you chuck the throw pillow under your hip at him and nail him in the chest. “I’m kidding. Mostly. But, uh, I was gonna say, if you wanted to invite him, you could. Not as a date, don’t you throw that bottle! Jesus. Crazy. Just, Clint and I think he’s cool and it’d be cool to have another dude around.”
You watch him for a few moments, see no trace of his earlier teasing, and sigh and relax back into the couch. “I’ll think about it, okay?”
“All I ask.”
Sam, bless him, leaves you be about Bucky for the remainder of your evening together. When he’s gone, your mind can’t rest just yet, so you open up a new beer and put on a rerun of CSI. You’ll regret staying up so late in the morning, but for now, you let your mind get sucked into the emotional episode of Warrick’s funeral.
Regret is a bitter bitch, and the next morning it comes in the form of a prominent headache paired with under-eye bags your makeup barely hides. A three-hour binge of CSI definitely wasn’t your smartest move considering you’ve a fairly important meeting with Tony in about two hours. Hair tied back in a ponytail and makeup...done but slightly unsatisfactory, you slip into a black pencil skirt with a mustard blouse tucked in. Your feet slide into a pair of black pumps and you throw on a jacket to combat the cool October morning.
You know your face shows your exhaustion as you give yourself a final once over, but there’s not much you can do short of downing copious amounts of coffee. Tote bag slung over your shoulder, you head out of your apartment with a sigh. As you’re locking your door, the one next to yours opens, and Bucky steps out looking ten kinds of delicious in his running gear, tattoos on full display thanks to his tight tank top.
You grunt when he tells you good morning, chuckles good-naturedly until he sees your eyes. Then he’s frowning in concern and you’re almost desperate to do anything to wipe it off. Such a man should not be frowning.
“Did you get any sleep last night?” he asks, falling into step with you towards the elevator. You resist the urge to rub your eyes in order to preserve your makeup.
“Not really. Sam stayed till about ten and then I stayed up a little while longer. Guess I just couldn’t fall asleep.” To punctuate your sentence, a long yawn escapes. Bucky stands next to you in the elevator, close enough you can feel the heat radiating from him and it’s wholly distracting. “And I have a meeting in a couple hours and I’m not really sure how I’m going to get through it without dozing a few hundred times. Know anyone who can hook me up with a caffeine IV?”
He laughs, the sound echoing in the small space, and despite the warmth and your jacket you still suppress a shiver.
“I’m afraid not. Hey, do you have a few minutes? We can go get a cup now, if you want,” he offers, blue eyes boring into yours, and you nod before you can really think about it. His smile brightens up the entire elevator, and then he’s leading you with a hand on your back out into the lobby and finally out onto the street.
He takes you to a place between your apartment building and the subway, stands with his hands in his pockets as you both wait in line. Sam’s invite bounces around in your head, your nerves expressing themselves in the form of tapping your fingers on your arms, which are crossed over your chest.
Bucky and you order your respective drinks and he reaches into his pocket for his wallet. Your hand on his arm stops him, has him looking down at you with those depthless blue eyes.
“I’ve got it,” you say softly with a small smile. He opens his mouth, no doubt to protest, but you merely hand over some cash to the cashier. “You’ve helped me a ton this past month. Let me at least start paying you back with coffee.”
The blush that overtakes his face has your insides fluttering with giddiness. You have to bite your lip to keep back your grin, your entire body warming over the fact you’ve made this beautiful giant of a man blush. As the two of you stand off to the side and wait for your orders, you feel a small boost in confidence.
“Hey Bucky, I was wondering—” You’re cut off by the shrill ringing of his phone. He sighs and pulls the device from his pocket, and if you hadn’t been eyeing him so closely, you’d miss the slight downward twitch of his mouth.
“Excuse me just one sec okay?” he says apologetically. When he looks up at you, you know he means it and you nod. He smiles tightly and walks off down the small hallway that leads to the bathrooms, accepting the call with a hushed “Hi”.
You wait patiently until the barista calls your name and Bucky’s, and you grab both cups and sip lightly from yours while Bucky’s on his call. You can see him in the hall, shoulders hunched and free hand swinging about as he gestures. That pinched look is on his face again and you feel a faint tug in your gut that has you wondering if you’re close enough friends to ask.
Before you can decide one way or another, he’s pulling his phone from his ear and shoving it back in his pocket.
“Sorry about that,” he sighs, accepting the coffee you hand to him with a close-lipped smile. He takes a long drink from it, wincing a little at the burn, and licks his top lip. It’s horribly distracting for a minute. “What were you going to ask me?”
“Oh, um, I was just wondering if you maybe—oh shit.” A quick glance down at your watch shows you’re going to be late if you wait any longer. “I’m sorry, I’ve got to get going otherwise Tony’s going to kill me with his newest project. Um, I’ll see you later?”
Bucky’s blue eyes are slightly widened in surprise at your sudden departure. “Y-Yeah, definitely. Maybe you can tell me about this new project.” It’s said with a wink that tickles your insides.
“Maybe. If I’m not sworn to secrecy. Bye, Bucky!”
“Have a good day at work. And thanks for the coffee!” he calls out as you fly out of the cafe.
Your exhaustion only worsens as the day goes on. The meeting you’d sat in on was nothing short of boring—even Tony dozed off a few times, but only you’d taken notice because you were seated beside him and heard the tiny little snores. Your planner had been filled with new doodles of suns, clouds, flowers, and a tiny little witch in the margins. You’re still unsure why you’d been required to attend this meeting; you have a pile of things on your desk that could have been done in the two hours you sat uncomfortably in your chair, listening to the other tech geniuses go back and forth on new design ideas.
By the time it’s time for you to leave, you feel dead on your feet, which are cramping in your shoes. Your neck, shoulders, and back are also killing you due to sitting in your chair and hunching over the screen built into your desk. The subway ride home has you almost falling asleep, lulled by the gentle swaying of the car and the four hours’ sleep you got the night before.
It’s a slow climb to your apartment, and as you pass Bucky’s door you hesitate. You never did get to ask him this morning and so, because you’re too damn tired to be shy, you turn and knock three times on his door. From behind the wood you can make out a scuffle, and then the door is yanked open and your mouth runs dry.
Bucky stands before you, shirtless and gleaming with sweat. He’s breathless, that broad chest heaving up and down. There’s a smattering of dark hair across his chest and beneath his navel that disappears into the band of his shorts. The hair on his head is mussed, as if he’d been sleeping or hand run his hands through it.
“Y/N,” he gasps. Crimson creeps up his neck and across his chest, stains his cheeks as well as he avoids looking at your eyes. He glances over his shoulder briefly before turning back to you, eyes cast down at the neckline of your blouse. “Wha-What are you, um, doing here?”
“I, uh, wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to my brother’s with me for the football game on Sunday?” you ask in an equally breathless rush.
Bucky seems surprised by the question and is about to answer when a second, female voice calls from behind him, “James?”
A blonde head appears over his shoulder and the slender woman tucks herself under Bucky’s arm, looking equally as disheveled. You feel the color drain from your face even though it warms under the implication that you've...interrupted. There’s no question of what they’d been, or had about to have been, doing because the blonde’s hair is ruffled just like Bucky’s, her full lips red and kiss-bitten. Her blouse is untucked and unbuttoned.
You can’t take your eyes off her, nor she you as she lays a manicured hand on Bucky’s chest, a universal female power move that says he’s mine.
Bucky looks as awkward as you feel, shifting from bare foot to bare foot even as his hand rests on the woman’s shoulder. He clears his throat and gestures with his free hand to the woman, whose eyes have not left your form and are currently on their third sweep of your entire figure.
“Uh, Y/N, this is Sharon.”
“His girlfriend,” Sharon interjects. A sideways tilt of her lips that you know means no good. She reaches out with that manicured hand for yours and you shake it quickly, dropping it as if it’s burned you.
In a way, it has. It’s burned you so badly on the inside that you want nothing more than to duck into your apartment with your tail between your legs. You can feel the flames licking at your gut, sliding up your esophagus to singe your throat. It’s bitter, the burn, and it puts a pressure in your throat and behind your eyes.
“Sharon, this is Y/N, our new neighbor I was telling you about.” He won’t look at you, focusing instead on the blank wall just over your shoulder.
His sudden refusal to look at you pairs badly with your embarrassment, from both interrupting and for ever thinking you might have a chance, and you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
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Chapter Four
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aonrivers · 4 years
Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, and Baby Time! (TMI warning) - Part 02
In Part 01 I went over the truths about being pregnant. Now that the nine (really ten) months are over... Labor and Postpartum begins.
Labor and Postpartum Truths: 1) Not being able to eat sucks once you're admitted into the hospital. You seriously only get ice water like they say online. So make your last meal one that can hold you out until after birth. 2) Contractions feel like really bad period cramps. I'm sure there's some women who feel them worse, but that's all I got on the topic. I was numb for them most of the time. 3) To induce labor, at least for me, they shoved this "shoelace" thing up my you-know-what. As I said before, I was swollen down there, so any time my cervix was checked I was in a lot of pain, and this thing was no different. 4) Hospital rooms are not quiet. Between hearing everyone outside at the nursing station to the beeping in your room, you also have constant visits from nurses when all you wanna do is rest because you're basically waiting for labor to begin. 5) Water breaking isn't a "oh hey I think I peed myself". No. It's like a queef then GUSH and it doesn't stop until you and your bed are soaked. 6) Catheters are handy when you are bed rest and drinking gallons of water. Also, you get one when you get the epidural. Which they don't really tell you until the epidural is offered. 7) Take the epidural if you don't want to experience a natural and painful birth. I felt no pain leading up to labor. I did however feel a shit ton of pain when the pain relief ran out. They tell you it's because labor is all in your back - this excuse is bullshit. I was in so much pain when that shit wore off that my husband said my labor pain face didn't match this one. Once they take the tube out of your back, the pain fades away. But my back still hurts in that spot even as I type this. The pain in the spine also lingers after giving birth. Almost like you need your back seriously cracked. 8) The epidural needle doesn't really hurt if your pain tolerance is high for stuff like this. It's a pinch. What you do feel that is considered almost like a quick throbbing pain is when the fluid is injected. It's like a small punch to your back. 9) Projectile vomit will most likely occur. All the gallons of water you consumed waiting for labor will come projecting out of you before you go into active labor. Be glad your head doesn't start spinning. I up chucked three times and had to have myself redressed and my bedding changed out. 10) Some labor beds have built in handles to assist with labor. See if yours does. They helped a lot. 11) I tore two tiny spots inside my VJ giving birth. They stick a numbing agent where they see you'll be tearing, so that's cool and all - you'll feel it when you start being mobile again. BTW, some women tear bigger. Luckily my baby was only 7lbs. 12) You may not know your labor doctor. I met mine briefly the day before at my doctor's office, but never before that. Don't feel shy about being exposed in front of them though, they do this for a living. 13) Speaking of being shy. I am a prude with my body. I don't want people checking out my ass or having my nipples poking through my shirt on a cold day but all of this goes out the window when you're in the hospital to give birth and here's why. One: this is the doctor and nurse's job. They see boobs, ass, and vagina every day. And two: you're giving birth - who TF cares what you look like. 14) Pushing a baby out is not like pushing pee out. It's like taking the biggest shit of your life. You push with your asshole. Literally. And it causes hemorrhoids and for your ass to hurt WEEKS after giving birth. (Do yourself a favor and get some fiber enriched foods because pooping is not easy it pain free.) 15) Those home videos of the women giving birth don't exist anymore. It's pretty much illegal. I guess people were blackmailing the mother. Idk. That's what my nurse said. But they give you a big ass mirror to watch the birth of your baby so that's really cool. 16) Hospitals offer photographs of your newborn (unless you gave birth in 2020). It's usually expensive and I would've done it too if they offered. My husband got amazing shots of our daughter which I cropped out to make that oval baby picture our parents in the 80s got. 17) Taking pictures of your baby in the nursery is a big no no. I wish I could've seen my baby under the UV lamp with her glasses on to fix her jaundice, but I was bedridden with the pre-eclampsia. Hubby saw her though. He says she was just chilling while all the other babies were crying their heads off. FYI, the reason you can't take pictures is because of the other babies in there. They're not yours. You don't have the right to photograph them even if your baby is mixed in and she's the only one you want the picture of. 18) I wasn't told this until it came time... But they push your belly and I mean in your belly button and hard. They check if your uterus is shrinking and returning in place. (Breastfeeding helps it go faster.) This pushing hurts like a mofo. Seriously. And they don't care if you're in pain from, oh idk - THE EPIDURAL WEARING OFF! They are required to check. 19) My friend told me this which I think is important to know... When you're doped up on pain meds before birth or if you're having a really hard time during the labor process (time  you entered hospital to when the baby pops out), have someone with you. Have that person listen to the words coming out of the doctor and nurse's mouths. My friend didn't and took meds they gave her and was devastated when her baby came out gray and on the edge of death. She didn't know what they gave her or what they said about the meds. If she did, she would've known this would be the outcome of her child's birth (baby lived btw. He just graduated high school last year!) 20) Labor and Delivery nurses are freaking awesome. Postpartum nurses not so much... 21) The hospital food really isn't that bad. At least, it wasn't where I stayed. I had choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner too! 22) Nurses can't technically tell you no to taking the baby to the nursery. Yes you need bonding time with your baby, but you also need rest. 23) The chair that pulls out into a bed for your partner is uncomfortable af. They have cots. Ask for one. 24) I couldn't have visitors. Make sure you don't either. It's nice. You don't gotta worry about appearance or staying awake for your guest. Birth is about you and your baby (and partner) and the time you have with them. Your guest can wait till you get home. 25) Back to the heartburn and hairy babies talk. This isn't really a myth. My baby came out with a full head of hair, hair on her ears, and fuzz all over her shoulders and back. At a month old it's going away, but that head of hair is real. And so was that heartburn!! 26) Bleeding after birth is like having your period back, but it goes on and on. It changes colors and has a gross smell to it. And wearing a pad again SUCKS! I do have to say though... That mesh underwear they give you is freaking awesome. I want some for my daily wear. 27) For a week or two, I felt like I was punched in the cooch. Walking hurt, getting up hurt, even bathing hurt (no baths until you heal btw, so I showered). Even now, a month later, I still feel pain down there when sitting a certain way (like Indian style). But what do I expect? A freaking baby was pushed out of me!! 28) After the six week heal time is up, don't expect sex to go back to normal. It still hurts for me but this time because of the bruising and stitches. 29) When it's time for sex, lube up. Breastfeeding and hormones still rampant don't assist in easy glide ins (if you know what I mean). 30) When the milk comes in, your boobs get bigger, harder, and start to ache. Feed feed feed or feed and pump. It's the only way to fix it. And don't be surprised when you wake up and your bed is stained with milk puddles because you're still sleeping naked to easily feed your little one at night. My side of the bed is disgusting, but ce la vie! It comes with the territory (like lack of sleep). 31) Also, sleeping on your side with milk filled boobs is not easy. It hurts. Go back to sleeping on your back because belly sleeping isn't comfortable either. 32) Everything you buy or received for your baby screams suffocation with it's warning labels. Don't let it get you paranoid like it did for me. Learn your babies habits and go with your instincts. They also sell baby breathing monitors that alert you if the baby stops breathing. 33) Outfits are cute and irresistible, but try to resist buying those newborn clothes. My baby grew out of them all within three weeks and wore only half of the clothes we had. Also, buy larger clothes - season conscious - that way you're ready when the baby starts growing out of their clothes. We had hardly any 3 month PJs, now her closet is over packed... 34) The baby may not sleep in their crib or bassinet right away. My girl would rather be on me or my husband than a cold bed. Seriously. They want your baby sleeping with nothing but a fitted mattress that's cold and a swaddle or wearable blanket. My baby hates swaddles and kicked too much with the wearable blanket. She sleeps with me for easy feeding and comfort - for me and her. I don't sleep much but slowly I've been getting my Z's and during the day I put her in the bassinet on her belly because I can watch her and she's amazing with that head support already. When she doesn't feed every 2-3 hours, she'll be spending more time on her own in her bed. So don't be discouraged if it's not working for you. It will happen. Just takes time. 35) Sound machine was a waste of a gift. Our phones have sound effects we can tune into. Google Home and Alexa even offer it. My baby doesn't like it, she'd rather listen to us or the TV. Also she doesn't like the dark until she's actually sleeping. She loves bright lights. They tell you the opposite online. 36) If your boobs are small, don't bother getting the shirts where you pull your boob through a window because it won't work. The shirts with the clip that drops to expose the breast are the best. Amazon has great prices and quality shirts on this. My one from Kohl's broke after wearing four times. 37) I really don't think those smiles are gas like they claim it to be. Sure some are. But when your kid smiles without passing gas, they're smiling because they're happy/content. 38) You'll probably end up missing your belly bump the first few weeks like I did. I kept thinking she was still in there. I mean, it's nine months carrying a creature in you. You get used to it. And lastly... 35) You get what you wished for. Any time I talked about having babies, I said keywords on what I wanted: a beautiful, healthy, happy, and smart baby. And I got just that. === So there it is. My journey, my tips, and my nitty gritty of it all of just pregnancy, labor, and postpartum alone!! There is so much more to being a mother; and that will continue in my part 03,04,05,etc to come. IDK how many there will be, only time will tell.
I will continue to update Part 01 and Part 02 when I remember more things.
As Part 03 is conjuring, I would like to say congrats if you're pregnant or gave birth already; and good luck if you're trying.
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yeet-man · 4 years
One's Rebirth (Chapter 3)
A/N: What's poppin, I'm back since I don't have requests. Anyway, if y'all enjoy this chapter be sure to like and reblog! It really helps my blog grew and would be appreciated!
The excitement filled the air as J'me woke up. His heart pumping with blood and adrenaline started to flow through his veins. 
He pulled the covers off and stood up. As soon as he did, he felt soreness throughout his body from yesterday's activities. He slowly fell back onto the bed and let out a sigh. 
He stood up again using the bed as support. J'me then went to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower.
Once he finished taking a shower and freshen up, he changed into his U.A. school uniform. He grabbed his bag and started to head to the door. "Since I'm able to utilize Naruto things I need to make seals to use the Flying Thunder God." He muttered to himself on the way to the door.
The Flying Thunder God also known as Flying Raijin or FTG is a technique in which whoever is able to make special seals can teleport to them whenever they like. The seals were the hardest thing to do because you needed a formula for the teleportation to even work.
"I'll do it when I get home..." He yawned and reached the door only to be interrupted by his mother.
"Bye honey! I hope you have a good day and I love you." She gave his son a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye I love you too mother." He walked out the door and started to head in the direction of the train station.
"Wait today is the hero training isn't...I need them fucking seals!" He muttered to himself while running to the station.
He got there and hopped on the nearest train that was heading in the direction of U.A. He sat down in a seat and let out a small sigh.
He pulled out a couple pieces of paper and began to work on his formula for Flying Raijin. This formula J'me was working on would be completely different than the variant's before his. Not only would this let him teleport, it would also allow reverse teleportation and let him fly out the seals if he wanted too.
The new formula J'me was making would be called Flying Falcon. There were a couple reasons behind this of course. The first reason is that 'Flying' would normally be in front of the name at least that's what he knew. The second reason was because his last name was falcon and wanted to do something special for it and the way you could fly out of it looked like a falcon.
J'me thought about what else he needed before the train ride was over. He realized he needed a weapon to put a couple of the seals on. He didn't have enough time to make a custom weapon he used the one Minato Namikaze did in battle.
The handle was about three inches from his wrist up. The blade was the same length and had an extremely sharp tip. Two side blades stuck at the beginning of the blade. They were straight but were only an inch out and they weren't as sharp. 
J'me finished copying the design as soon as the train ride was over. He packed everything as quickly as he could and ran off the train.
Instead of going the normal way he calculated the quickest way to U.A and started running. He needed to get there early and hope that someone from the support class would be there to make his stuff.
He vaulted over rails or anything small that was in his way. Climbing up and over walls as quickly as he could J'me ran as fast as he could and only hoped he had enough endurance.
He got to U.A. in ten minutes flat, luckily for him the doors were open already. There were a couple students arriving, wanting to practice a little before school started, while a few more were inside the building doing other things.
He slowly walked up the stairs one step at a time so he could catch his breath. The future teleporter made his way through the doors and to the tech support room. 
He peeked his head into the doorway and saw a girl working on some gadgets. She looked familiar to J'me but he couldn't guess who it was. He slowly stepped into the doorway so his body would be fully visible to the lady. He knocked on the side of the door and started speaking. "Hello! um...I was wondering if you could give me some gadgets, a weapon, and a costume...I know this is a lot to ask you but please..."
The salmon pink haired woman turned around from her work and smiled hugely at J'me. "Of course! I don't care how much it is, I love making gadgets!" She started to walk towards the boy, excited to help him.
As soon as the girl turned around J'me recognized her as Mei Hatsume, a tech support person who was amazingly good at making items to help in battle. Her intelligence was as good if not better than J'me's. 
He kneeled down, carefully placed his bag on the floor, and opened it up. It took him a couple seconds but he did find the papers that contained the formula, weapon and costume. He pulled it out and started off with showing Mei the formula. "Basically with this formula it should allow me to teleport...if you can make this and put it on something that won't break that will be amazing." 
She took the paper and examined the formula. "Holy shit...this formula is amazing! Not only is it complex and difficult to figure, it can't be copied either! I can make this...how many do you need?"
"I should only need ten for the time being, now for the weapon." He showed her the paper in which was the weapon. "It's nothing really special but if you can make three of these and place a seal on each one that will be perfect."
Mei took the weapons paper and looked over it. "Okay simple enough I'll make the weapons first then the formula sound good?" 
"Yeah that's excellent, the costume is also very simple so you should knock the weapon and costume out in ten to fifteen minutes max." He gave her the costume and threw his bag over his shoulders. 
After he handed her the paper with the costume, she started to touch him everywhere for measurements. He stood there not really knowing what to do.
Afterwards she looked at the boy and smiled hugely. "You have such a creative mind with all these designs! How come you aren't in this class? Also I have the perfect measurements for your costume!"
"Simple really I want to be a hero so I can protect the ones I love..." He smiled at Mei before returning to his normal facial expression. "Do you think you can have all this done in..." He looked down at his watch for the time. It was 6:15AM and classes started at 8AM. "I don't know an hour and a half?"
She thought about it before giving her answer. "I should be able to, it's a matter of time the formula takes which with the steps you put on the paper it shouldn't take that long."
His eyes widened a little and he bowed, "thank you so much!" He straightened himself and gave Mei a small smile. "I really do appreciate you doing this ma'am." He knew he couldn't just say her name as if they were friends or else that would be weird.
She blushed a bit before speaking. "I-it's not a problem besides I love making gadgets! By the way the name is Mei, Mei Hatsume. What's your name if I may ask?" 
"My name is J'me Falcon, it's nice to meet you Mei." He extended his right hand for a handshake and smiled at her.
"It's nice to meet you as well J'me." She shook his hand and afterwards the girl put her hands behind her back. "Well I'll have your stuff ready in an hour and a half max." 
J'me put his hands inside his pocket and nodded his head. "Great, thanks again Mei." He started to head out the door before tilting his chin at her. "I'll see you later." He threw up the peace sign and left.
He entered the cafeteria and sat down, he pulled a book out and read till the bell rang. He finished his book just in time.
He stood up, put the book in his bag and walked off to his class. The boy let out a simple sigh as he walked through the door of his classroom. He put his right hand on the back of his neck and messaged it a little. 
J'me walked to his seat, placed his bag down and took a seat. He looked out the window and awaited for All Might to enter.
As soon as the bell rang All Might stormed through the room, making a cloud of dust behind him. He was the number one hero of the world, he was a great hero honestly. Some people hated him and some people loved him, you couldn't deny the fact he has helped millions of people.
"Do not fear because I am here!" After he finished speaking he did his infamous superhero pose.
Everyone was surprised to see the number one hero in their classroom. They all had a shocked expression on their faces. 
All the students had stayed quiet except for Midoriya. He was the first who spoke up, "All Might what are you doing here?!" 
People started to agree with the boy's statement, All might did a little cough to get everyone to become quiet.
"The reason I am here today is because I will be your teacher for hero training." All Might then proceeded to explain the rules of the hero training that we would be doing. "It is mandatory to wear your costume for this!" 
After the number one hero said this what looked to be shelves came out of the wall. There were everyone's costumes with their names on the shelf. 
J'me knew his wasn't there so he made his way to the door. That was until All Might started to speak again. 
"Once you all have your costumes on, meet me at the assigned area!" After he spoke the man ran out of the room at extreme speeds.
J'me left the classroom and headed straight to the support class to get everything he needed. 
After arriving to the support class, the boy slowly walked in trying not to disturb Mei. She was currently finishing up the costume design he made to go along with his kunai and teleportation seals. He watched her finish the costume. 
Mei walked over her shoulder to see J'me standing there, watching her. The girl's smile formed back on her face, in his eyes, she actually looked kind of cute with that smile. "Hey! Just in time I am done with everything."
A small smile formed on his face before he responded. "Oh really? Well glad I got here in time." 
Once she was close enough to J'me, Mei kind of guided him to the table so he could look over everything. 
The first thing he examined were the seals to see if she got the formula correct. "This seal was supposed to be difficult enough to where no one could steal from me. Good job, the formula is perfect now I'll be able to teleport to the seals at least."
He grabbed one of the kunai and threw it at the door. Before it got close to the door a blue flash of lightning appeared. J'me was suddenly at the other side of the room, grabbing the seal marked weapon before it hit the door. 
Mei eyes widened and she jumped up and down in joy. "Yes! It worked!!" 
J'me chuckled a little and walked back over to her, kunai in hand. "Yeah, I'm actually surprised it did. I feared that I might have messed up the formula but I didn't."
She stopped jumping up and down, Mei forgot to show him something she added to his Hokage costume. "Oh yeah! I want to show you something I added to your costume." Mei lifted up the piece of the clothing, it looked exactly like how he requested so J'me was confused about it.
"Um... What exactly am I supposed to be looking at exactly?" He looked at her with a very confused look on her face.
"Well since you're able to fly out the seal if you wanted, I thought you would at least like some wings to go with it. Whenever you are sent flying out, wings will come out of the suit and help you!" She smiled hugely at J'me and placed the outfit back on the table.
His body moved on its own and hugged Mei. This had been the first time in months since J'me hugged anyone. Before he instantly appeared in the world of My Hero Academia, he just kept to himself. He had friends and stuff like that, but he felt bad for even asking for such a simple thing like hugs. "Thank you Mei..." His voice was sincere, he meant it when he said 'thank you'.
Mei was surprised by the hug, not even realizing it she started blushing really hard. The girl was four inches shorter than J'me and her face would be somewhat buried in his chest. 
J'me realized what he did and immediately let go. He had a light pink shade on his face after he let go. "I'm so so sorry!!!" He backed away a tiny bit to give Mei some space.
"I-It's fine," she was flustered. Mei didn't expect for some guy she just met to give her a hug all of a sudden. She brushed her hair behind her left ear with her hand. The girl smiled slightly giving J'me the reassurance that it was okay.
He smiled back and let out a sigh of relief. He walked over and picked up his Hokage outfit. He went into the bathroom and put it on, felt as if he was a hero now. The boy then picked up the kuani and paper seals, he placed the kunai's on his ninja belt. J'me placed the seals in his pouch and let out a small sigh. J'me walked back into the room and looked at Mei. "Thank you, again I can't just say how much I'm grateful."
"You're welcome! I will say it as many times as I have to J'me." Her normal smile had returned while he was away. 
He gave Mei a slight bow. "My class is starting soon so I better get going. It was nice meeting you Mei!" He walked to the door and waved goodbye.
She waved goodbye, "it was nice meeting you too J'me!" Mei smiled hugely before J'me left completely.
He smiled softly and threw on his kunai down the hallway. Like that J'me disappeared in a flash, a blue lightning strike effect signaling his teleportation.
After J'me left Mei started thinking to herself. "Do I like him...? That's impossible we only just met, how can I have feelings for him..?" She questioned it further and shook her head. She needed to get her mind off of it, so Mei started to work on her gadgets. They did have a thing in common which was building gadgets. Maybe this would lead to a possible relationship in the future.
J'me arrived at the building area where the hero training would take place. He got there at the same time as everyone else. 
All Might would proceed to explain the rules. After he finished giving the rules he had an announcement to make. "We have two students transferring into class 1-A their names are Ryan Talley and Kairo Furō."
J'me recognized both of the name's and was in complete shock. Ryan was his friend in the real world, he was a great friend though he beat up J'me alot. Kairo was J'me's friend as well, though that wasn't his real name. Kairo was a name that he used for role-playing, his real name was Cale. J'me thought that he changed it when he got here.
A boy of about 6ft could be seen as he slowly entered the training going. As he entered, an ominous energy entered with him. Ryan would walk up to the front with a large smile rested on his face. He had a strangely muscular build, unlike how J'me remembered him, and he was wearing contacts instead of glasses. As soon as he stood at the front of the class he'd notice someone and laugh a little. "No fucking way.. Is that you J'me?" As he asked this All Might would smack the fuck out of Ryan.
A few seconds after Ryan got bitch slapped, a shorter figure could be seen in training grounds. He'd look out over the area as he walked towards the front and wouldn't notice anything, or anyone. As he paused at the front, he'd hear what Ryan said and laugh as All Might slapped the shit out of him. "Wow Ryan, You're a fucking idiot.." He'd realize his mistake as soon as All Might raised his hand for another slap. Kairo would get bitch slapped into the same wall Ryan was at.
Everyone laughed at the idiots in front of them. All Might made a small cough to get the attention. "It will be hero's vs villains, it will also be a tournament style. Now you all know the rules, Kouda Kouji and Satou Rikidou please head to the building immediately. The two of you will be the villains, while Ashido Mina and Ryan Talley will be the hero's!" 
Everyone took their places, All Might inside a different building with the kids. While Kouda & Satou got ready for the hero's. Ashido & Ryan getting ready to capture the villains as well.
Tick, tock, tick tock...time seemed like it was going extremely slow while J'me watched Ryan's fight. He couldn't help but wonder how him and Kairo had gotten into that world with him.
Minutes passed when a winner was finally declared. It was Ryan and Mina who won.
Afterwards the battles were randomized so this was another change in the timeline. 
J'me's battle came up rather quickly, him, Asui and Sero made their way to the location. His enemy was Kairo, Todoroki and Tokoyami.
"5...4...3...2...1...GO!" All might screamed as loud as he could. The hero team which was J'me's team, ran inside the building. Only reason this happened was because Kairo yelled out either 'I WANNA BE THE VILLAIN TEAM AND KILL' So All Might made him the villain team.
The battle would be the best one out of them by far. Hardly any flaws in either teams plans, even Momo had a difficult time trying to find flaws. After many times of watching the battle unfold she came up with no flaws in the battle.
J'me and Kairo just smirked at each other. They were both prodigies when it came to plans.
The test ended rather quickly, J'me, Kairo and Ryan started walking back to class.
"J'me you do realize how overpowered your quirk is? It's literally the most powerful thing in here."
"Yes, I do. Look Kairo I'm sorry my quirk is better than both of your quirks. You need two quirks just to keep up to me."
"Bro, you literally couldn't think of a quirk when you came to this world. I bet you probably said 'Uh yeah lemme get a carbon copy of every anime,' headass.”
“Carbon copy? Don’t make me laugh bitch. I am not a carbon copy, if I was then I wouldn’t be able to make my own shit. Besides you are a fucking Todoroki knock off.”
“What do you mean J’me? You are deadass a carbon of EVERY ANIME except My Hero Academia.”
“I’m hearing you aren’t denying the fact that you’re a Todoroki knock off?”
“I ain’t a knock off of that emo bitch, but you aren’t creative at all.”
“No, I can make shit if I wanted.”
“Okay so? Congratulations, Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday.”
“Last I checked it's not August 26 or Christmas.”
“No shit dumbass, I like to call it sarcasm. Great name don’t you think?”
“It’s okay I guess, could probably make something better for it.”
“J’me, you are making it really difficult to have a comeback war when you don’t have any.”
“You want a fucking cookie for that?”
“Absolutely, cookies are god tier.”
J’me simply nodded before throwing his kunai behind him slightly. He teleported to it and smacked Kairo upside the head. He laughed since they were both playing around.
Kairo turned around with his eyes widened at J’me. “Bitch…” He laughed a few seconds later and shook his head.
Ryan just chuckled through the entire situation. He decided to speak up, “I have the best quirk…”
J’me and Kairo just looked at Ryan as if he was an idiot
“Or maybe not…”
The three of them just chuckled and made it back to class. 
Once class ended J’me said goodbye to both Kairo and Ryan. Afterwards he made his way to the support class. He wanted to catch Mei before she left for the day.
When he walked into the room, Mei was getting her stuff ready to leave.
She spotted J’me and smiled, “hey J’me! What are you doing here?”
Mei’s pink hair made J’me smile whenever he saw it because of how cute it was on her. He admired her since the beginning of My Hero Academia. He was glad to know her in this situation. “I wanted to ask you something. Could...could you possibly give me your phone number?” He asked with a slight blush on his face.
She blushed heavily when the question was asked. Mei slowly walked over to J’me, “o-of course…” 
He pulled his phone out and opened it. Once he did, he handed it to Mei so she could put her phone number in.
She did exactly that, while she was entering her number Mei decided to put her contact as ‘Cutie;)’. She handed it back to J’me and smiled.
He looked at the contact name and blushed even more than he already was. “T-thanks Mei...I’ll text you later.” 
Mei smirked slightly, seeing J’me blush. “Okay, I guess I’ll talk to you when you text me.” She winked and went to get the rest of her stuff ready.
“Y-yeah…” He smiled and ran out of the room. J’me was glad he was able to get Mei’s number, he was surprised about what she put the contact under. 
As he ran out the room, Kirishima saw him and walked over to him. "Hey buddy, I haven't seen you this happy since we met. What happened to make you like this?"
"Oh uh…" J'me turned to look at Kirishima. He quickly put his phone in his pocket before speaking. "I um… so… you see, I got this girl's number and I think she likes me."
Kirishima's eyes widened in excitement. "Woah! Who's the lucky chick? That's amazing bro congrats!"
J'me smiled a bit, "thanks man. I'm afraid I can't tell you yet, but you'll know later on I promise." 
He looked a little disappointed but he did understand. "Alright, but I better be the first one to know when you decide to tell someone!"
"For sure Kirishima I gotcha man." He waved goodbye and started walking home.
As he walked home, he spotted someone who looked similar. It was the girl who he didn't recognize when he first came to this world. "Her name was Mari Lin right? Hm...I'll have to talk to her at another time. I hope she's a good person, though something is telling me she is."
He finished his walk shortly after and did what all he had to do at home.
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wychive · 4 years
tagged by : @neo-shitty​ (toffee! ilysm hehe)
tagging: @noya-sannnn , @vitriosan , @hwanami , @luthenia and anyone else who wants to participate
slight warning : mentions of food
this is kind of long so it can help you relax if you want to do this!
[ one ] tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
wave // ateez
when jane showed me and fely (she already stanned ateez) the mv i was like :00 this song is really good and it goes with my type of music; pumped up and really fun. i decided that i wanted to stan them because of this introduction video that they did during pirate king where san broke the toy hammer trying to smack yunho’s ass SHHSSIJS,, i found them really funny and comforting! they made me so happy and that’s why they attracted me so much. + their amazing music ofc 
forever // exo
alright so i originally just casually listened to exo from wolf era up till 2017 when the kokobop teasers came out. they looked really pretty and so i watched them up till kkb was released. it’s what baekhyun’s voice in the forever teaser that captured me into stanning them. everything about the exo’s attracted me, their vocals, their dancing and ofc their visuals. bonus: their time on the ‘360 show(??)’! im not sure of the actual name for the programme but it was where yixing kept pronouncing jurassic park wrong pls that was so cute and funny how could you NOT stan them!
[ two ] answer the ten questions given by the previous person and write 10 of your own for the next person!
what’s your favorite season and why?
we only have two types of seasons here but if this includes western seasons, i would pick spring! flowers give me a sense of calmness whenever they start to bloom so being in a season where it’s just different coloured plants all around you? sign me up pls
are you a cat person or a dog person?
im a cat person! i currently have two cats as pets
what’s your current favorite song and why can’t you stop listening to it?
it would probably be fever by ateez! this is because it gives off freedom vibes and i’ve been stressed lately so the song is a little oasis for me
if you had the ability to do either of the following, would you rather change something in the past or see into the future?
i would choose to see into the future so that i could change what i do now, whether its related to me being lazy or me being selfish,, i would like to keep the past the way it is even if i had some scarring moments. it’s nice to look back on those and see how far you’ve come as a person.
what’s your favorite movie?
my favorite movie would either be spirited away or paper towns,, i actually don’t have a favorite movie because all of them have affected my life in different ways so yea :D
what did miss rona ruin for you this 2020?
probably the food fair this year,, my group of best friends were supposed to go there to celebrate jane and another friend’s birthday. the food fair happens yearly so it wasn’t anything big to anyone else, but to us it was something special. there are a lot more things but this was one of the major things she ruined :/
what’s your favorite album? (you can name one for each genre you like or you can just name one, it’s up to you.)
toffee why my top three would be day6’s sunrise, bts’ you never walk alone and lauv’s ~how i’m feeling~
if you could talk to your past self (person who lived your past life), what would you tell them?
“hey, dude, i hope you’re doing okay. stop being so selfish all the time alright? and stop comparing yourself to others, it wouldn’t do you any justice. make sure to spread A LOT of positivity even if no one acknowledges it. its okay to cry sometimes too. is my soulmate doing okay? i hope they are. i’ll make sure to find them in this timeline, and the next. whatever it takes. learn to love yourself.”
do you have a go-to person? who is it?
uh i dont have a go-to person,, i can’t vent or rant without feeling like burdening the other person or spreading negativity to them. instead i just kind of rant to myself on discord.
if you could tell your younger self something, what would you say?
“hey, kiddo. don’t fall in love too much nor fool around. it’ll affect you badly. appreciate the things your parents do for you, okay? don’t take anything for granted. ignore the people who call you names, they don’t matter here in the future. just be you.”
how do you spend your free time?
who or what is your biggest inspiration?
if you were a character in a horror movie, which stereotype do you closely resemble? and why?
your top 3 fanfiction tropes! (can be nsfw)
do you believe in soulmates and why?
painting or sketching and why?
what is on the top of your to-do list right now?
list down the top 3 things that make you happy.
who are you simping for right now?
what is your first core memory?
[ three ]  bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
[ four ] the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot.
name: [REDACTED], alachi nickname: teja, kai birthday: april 11 zodiac: aries nationality: malaysian languages: english, malay,  learning korean gender: female sexuality: biromantic height: 160 cm / 5"2’ or 5"3’
blog stuff
inspiration for muse: music, other people’s work meaning behind my url: fever (current fav song) + core (aesthetic??) blog established: around 2018 but i started becoming active in late 2019/early 2020 followers: 146  ( i love you all )
favorite animal/s: anything connected to the cat species  favorite book/s: the authentics (abdi nazemian), satellite (nick lake) favorite color/s: lighter shades/mid-tones of cool colours, a dash of yellow
average hours of sleep: 6 cats or dogs: cats coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea current time: 11:34 pm dream trip: south korea, japan, europe dream job: song producer, lyric writer hobbies: listening to music, browsing the internet hogwarts house: ravenclaw last movie watched: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban last song listened to:  no. of blankets you sleep with: 1 random fact(s): my favourite subjects are biology and english!
[ five ] 10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
eternally - txt
fever - ateez
blue - keshi
lights out - exo
00:00  - bts
strawberries and cigarettes - troye sivan
maze in the mirror - txt
i loved you - day6
 illusion - ateez
 stolen moments - the vamps
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linskywords · 5 years
1M Words Week: 1 of 7
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
As promised, in celebration of my hitting 1M words on AO3 (possibly...tomorrow??!!??), I’m doing a week of opening snippets of stories I started at some point and haven’t finished yet. Hopefully I’ll end up writing most of these in the next million words. ☺️
This one is a Bennguin story in the timerverse (cf my 1988 timer story), where people get timers on their wrists that count down to the day they’ll meet their soulmate. The timers beep when you and your soulmate finally meet. I started this one, oh, three years ago at least, and would love to finish it someday. Read it after the cut!
Jamie celebrates his stag night alone in a hotel room in Ottawa.
“I still can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” Jordie says over Skype. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you’re an all-star, but this is a travesty.”
“You could have gone to Vegas without me,” Jamie says mildly.
“So not the point,” Jordie says. “It’s the one stag night I get to throw for my little brother. The one. The only. And you’re alone in a well-lit room.”
“It’s not that bad,” Jamie says, because the hotel rooms in Ottawa are pretty nice, actually, and his roommate hasn’t arrived yet. “Beats lying in bed recovering from an appendectomy.”
“Travesty,” Jordie repeats, and looks at his watch. Jamie doesn’t need to look at a watch to see how long it is until midnight: he can see it on the timer on his arm, counting down from eight minutes and forty-one seconds. Just under nine minutes until the start of his timer day.
“What d’you think she’ll be like?” he asks Jordie.
“Brunette,” Jordie says right away. “Medium-tall. Spunky.”
Jamie furrows his brow. “Should I be concerned that you’ve thought this much about it?”
Jordie waves a hand. “Please. You totally have a type.”
“Do not,” Jamie says, though yeah, his last three regular hookups have totally fit that description. Six minutes and fifty-four seconds.
“We could be in a bar right now,” Jordie grumbles. “There could be women kissing you. Dozens of them. All the women with unzeroed timers, Chubbs. And instead you had to be an all-star.”
The bar thing actually sounds awful to Jamie. There were lots of reasons to be excited about being invited to the All-Star Game, and not having a normal stag party was not in the top five, but—and he’ll never tell this to Jordie—it might be in the top ten. The idea of dozens of women kissing him, one after the other until they all blur together, just sounds awkward and invasive.
“And you’re very proud of me, right?” he says to Jordie.
“Fuck this,” Jordie says. “I’m getting the champagne.”
Jamie doesn’t have any champagne. He sits back and watches Jordie struggle with the cork, which is better entertainment than most of the stag parties he’s been to.
Three minutes and fifteen seconds. He knows nothing is going to happen right at midnight—there’s no one here for him to meet, for one thing—but his stomach is bubbling about as much as the champagne in the bottle Jordie still hasn’t opened. As soon as the clock ticks over to midnight, it’s the day. It could happen at any time. Anyone he sees.
He wonders what it’ll be like: looking at his soulmate for the first time. What she’ll think. What if—when she looks at him and realizes she has to spend the rest of her life with him—what if she thinks—
The cork pops off the champagne, finally, and Jordie even manages to get most of the foam into a cup. “Well,” he says. “This isn’t the stag night I started planning when you were sixteen. But at least there’s champagne.”
“I don’t have champagne,” Jamie says.
The look Jordie levels at him says that that’s no one’s fault but his.
Jamie hesitates. “Jordie,” he says, and then thinks better of it.
Jordie waits for him to go on, then heaves a sigh. “Get on with it. I know what you’re like when you have something you want to get out, and you only have one minute and thirty-nine seconds left as an unzeroed person.”
“When soulmates look at each other, they always like each other, right?”
“Probably not,” Jordie says, and just when Jamie’s considering a panic attack, he adds, “but that’s not going to happen to you, because you’re not an asshole or ugly or an acquired taste in any way, so stop worrying about it and enjoy the countdown, okay?”
It doesn’t seem like a countdown is a thing that it’s possible to enjoy. Jamie watches the timer tick over from eleven seconds to ten, starts counting along with it (“Out loud, Jamie, come on, I don’t have your timer here in front of me”), ten, nine, eight (what if she hates him), seven, six (what if his timer goes off and no one else’s does and his is the one timer in the world that’s broken), five, four, three (it’s probably someone really old, like ninety, or someone horrible who’s mean to him or maybe it’s a criminal or a murderer or someone dying of a fatal disease, oh God), two, one—
Jamie stares at his zeroed out timer and feels wound a hundred times tighter than he was before, as pumped with adrenaline as he would be if they were nineteen minutes into the third period and one point down.
“Well,” Jordie says, draining his glass of champagne, “any minute now, little brother.”
If Jamie expected to be able to sleep after that, he was clearly a very deluded person.
He lies awake for about two hours, practically vibrating, and then he gets up and throws on a pair of pants and a shirt and goes out into the hallway. The farther he steps away from his room, the more on-edge he feels—because in there, yeah, it was his timer day, but it was theoretical. Out here, it could actually happen. He could meet anyone, any second.
He doesn’t meet anyone. The halls are empty, except for one woman with a maid’s cart, and Jamie’s heart rate goes through the roof for a split second before it’s clear that neither of their timers are beeping.
After half an hour or so of not seeing anyone else, he goes back to his room, and this time he must finally be tired enough, because he actually falls asleep.
The next morning feels normal for about two and a half seconds before his mind wakes up and screams TIMER DAY TIMER DAY TIMER DAY at him, and then it’s all he can do to stumble out of bed and pull on clothing.
It’ll be okay, he tells himself as he pockets his keycard and goes down to breakfast. Your soulmate is supposed to be the person in the world who loves you most and is best suited to spend her life with you, so no matter what fantasies his mind was spinning last night, there’s not much chance of it actually being someone horrible. Or someone in her nineties. And he’s never heard of a malfunctioning timer. That was just silly.
There’s a continental breakfast, but a lot of the players are flying in this morning, so the dining room is still sparse. Jamie’s really really jumpy, because there are other people in the room now, and any of them could be it—but his timer stays quiet.
He ends up sitting with, of all people, John Tavares and Phil Kessel, and there’s not a lot of conversation. They talk about where they’re from, and Tavares asks polite questions about the Leafs, which is nice because Jamie doesn’t have to talk much. He makes his escape as soon as he can.
He doesn’t know why people look forward to their timer day. It’s torture, really, walking around and waiting for it. This would be the good thing about having gone to Vegas with Jordie: at least he’d be hungover right now and surrounded by teammates, probably sleeping till noon and then going out to breakfast en masse. There’d be a cushion between him and the world. He wouldn’t be wandering around a hotel waiting for someone to turn a corner.
On the other hand, he wouldn’t be an all-star.
His gut is still sore from the surgery a couple of weeks ago and he hasn’t gotten back to his regular workout schedule, so he goes to the hotel gym and tests himself on the weight machines. It would be pretty easy to overdo it and hurt himself, but he has both the trainer’s voice and Jordie’s in the back of his head telling him not to be an idiot, and he doesn’t. But he does let himself zone out, and for fifteen or twenty minutes he’s able to forget why he’s tense.
The hotel is more crowded when he emerges from the gym. More of the players are getting here, and Jamie walks through the lobby and smiles and nods at these players who he knows mostly as famous faces and sometimes as dangerous opponents. It’s so weird to think he’s one of them now. He’s always thought of himself as sort of middle of the pack—good enough to be in the NHL, maybe, but middle or bottom of middle once he got there, someone who works hard but who doesn’t have the natural advantages of these guys. And yet here he is. He almost wants to sneak away before someone spots him and notices that he doesn’t belong.
They have half an hour before lunch, so he goes up to his room to change. If he’s not impressing these guys now, he really won’t when he shows up at lunch in his gym shorts and tank top. He takes a quick shower and maybe spends longer on his hair than usual. But it’s not because—he’s not worried about impressing his soulmate. He wants her to see the real him. Just…maybe the real him with the best hair possible.
He leaves his room a little later than he should, hurries down the hall and around the corner, and almost runs smack into a woman.
Wow. He stops and stares at her, because she’s gorgeous, really dark hair and dark eyes and sweet creamy skin. Her eyes widen when he comes round the corner, and for a second he thinks, yes—but there’s no beeping. The timer on his wrist is silent.
“Sorry,” he says, and moves past her to go downstairs.
Get it together, he tells himself, because he really can’t assume that he’ll end up with someone like that. That’s a recipe for disaster. His soulmate has to want him, too, obviously, and so she’ll probably be someone more in his league. He just has to wait and—and go to lunch, because he’s really late now.
It doesn’t seem to matter that he’s late, once he goes in: all the guys are just milling around, loading up plates from the buffet and starting to sit down at the little round tables. Jamie grabs a plate and sidles up to the buffet. It’s a little awkward, not knowing anyone in the room. He nods at Marian Hossa and one of the Sedins—he’s not sure which—and accepts a serving spoon from Geno Malkin, who he’s not even sure speaks English. But Geno smiles at him, and so does everyone else, and it’s okay. He’s here for hockey, and he knows how to handle being the new guy in the room. This is the easy part of the day.
He’s scooping green beans onto his plate when he hears the beeping.
For a second he freezes. Then he looks up to find the serving staff—because that makes sense; they’re the only women in this whole room full of men. But there aren’t very many of them, and the two he sees behind the buffet don’t look like they’re searching for their timer person. And the beeping is still going on.
The whole room has fallen silent around him. Everyone’s staring at him, and Jamie feels himself flush. What if—timers aren’t supposed to malfunction, but—
But no, there are definitely two sets of beeps. He turns and follows the sound. It seems kind of far away—maybe across the room, and he moves forward. People step back to let him pass. A big knot of people part at the far side of the room, standing back to reveal—
Zdeno Chara, standing next to a young guy from Boston, the one who’s only in his second year.
Tyler Seguin.
Jamie takes one look at his face and thinks, wow, and for a second that’s all he can see. Then he remembers all the people staring at him, sees the way Tyler’s eyes are round in his face. Hears the silence in the room.
This can’t be real.
A blush rises to Jamie’s face. Tyler’s—well, he’s kind of ridiculously good-looking, but right now he looks nothing short of horrified.
“Um,” someone says off to the side, “did that just happen?” And everyone’s talking now, a low murmur running through the room. Everyone except Tyler and Jamie.
Someone clears his throat above the noise. It’s Chara, the Boston captain. “Obviously, we’d appreciate all of your discretion on this,” he says, voice sounding a little rough. Tyler nods fervently, and Jamie feels like his face is going to burn off.
“I’d better go,” he says, mumbling so that probably no one can even hear him, and he turns and speeds from the room, still holding his stupid plate of chicken.
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makeste · 5 years
Favorite BnHA OST Tracks
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anon I never thought this day would come. (థ ェ థ) 
I fucking adore this OST. and no one has ever asked me about it. which is fine, but I think we all need to just take a moment to acknowledge that the BnHA soundtrack fucking slaps. I’m not just saying that as a fan of the series; I’m saying it as objective fact. it’s up there with Zelda and Game of Thrones and How to Train Your Dragon. this soundtrack deserves all the love. and up till this point I’d resigned myself to loving it quietly, but now you have unlocked pandora’s box so I just hope you’re ready!!
I have... let’s see... six BnHA-related playlists right now lol. out of these, three are composed of tracks from the OST (the other three are my character-inspired playlists. wait, did I say three? actually there’s four of those. so seven in all. good lord). this soundtrack gets a lot of play, you guys. when I like something, I have a tendency to put it on repeat until I’m sick of it. so if I never get sick of it, you can imagine how that ends up going.
I was going to do a top ten of this, but then I went through the playlist and wrote down all my favorites and there were like thirty. I briefly entertained the idea of just saying FUCK IT I’LL JUST POST THEM ALL!!!!, but I had to sit myself down and lecture myself about having some goddamn self control. so I narrowed it down to like... twenty-three. and then finally down to seventeen. soo, it’s a top ten, plus seven honorable mentions. this is the best I can do guys. this is taking everything I’ve got, so please just humor me this once.
I promise this post won’t be super long. I’m not even gonna put it under a cut. I will restrain myself. okay here we go.
 10. Bombing King!!
Katsukiiiiii. I couldn’t not put this here, who the hell do you think I am. it’s perfect for him. it’s rowdy (I love how it just crashes in with those opening drums and guitar without so much as a how-do-you-do), but it’s got a real drive to it, and a fucking legit leitmotif that can be cut into sections and remixed in any number of ways (see: number 4). if you want to make it sad you can make it sad. want to make it even more badass, you can definitely do that. it makes me excited because there’s so many ways to play around with it for his future character development.
9. Cavalry Battle
this track makes me want to go out and cause a ruckus. it’s so full of energy and there’s an optimism to it, but like a clever, resourceful optimism. I love when the melody smooths out at around 1:14. it’s like, the team is coming together and we’re gonna kick some ass. they should play this in promos for the Olympics.
8. Nevertheless, Go Beyond
this makes me want to save the world. this one actually gets bonus points for the title because it’s so emotive, and somehow nails the exact feeling that the music manages to convey. even when you can’t go on, go on. you’re a hero. people are depending on you. get up.
7. All For One
ooooooohhhhhh my gooodddddddd. “The Power of All For One” is arguably the creepier track, but this one is more epic. it sends chills down my spine. he’s so fearsome. only the strongest of the strong can hope to defeat him. good vs evillllllll. god the bass in this is so good. and the vocals. and the frenzied urgency of the strings. and the Inception-stype WHOOOOOOOM at the end ugh.
6. Your Power
I almost went with “I Absolutely Won’t Use the Heat (Left)” because it’s so sad and haunting, but in the end this version won out because, as with the All For One track above, it’s the more epic of the two. I really consider them to be two parts of the same track though. anyways, so Todoroki’s motif is hands down the most haunting on the OST. fact. it’s so goddamn tragic?? and this version of it has that resounding drum beat that to me feels like a kind of grim determination. it’s a great track, and perfect for that theatrical Todoroki family drama lol.
5. My Hero Academia
this traccccccck. is so good. it makes me picture someone standing on the edge of a cliff at dawn looking down on the city below. it’s just got this kind of legendary feel to it somehow. this is an “only the beginning of the adventure” type of track. I also associate this with Iida unveiling his Reciproburst during the Sports Festival arc, because it was used so fucking well during that scene. “everyone, there’s less than a minute left...” I honestly get chills every time I watch that. it’s like quintessential BnHA.
4. Katsuki and Izuku
guys. I don’t want to throw the word “masterpiece” around all willy-nilly, but this. this, right here, is why I like character motifs so much. because you can play with them and wind them apart and together and bam, just like that you’re telling a fucking story. so anyways, in case you didn’t know, this track combines You Say Run/Jet Set Run (a.k.a. Deku’s themes) with Bombing King!! (a.k.a. Katsuki’s theme). bringing the two of them together through the power of music ffff why am I so weak to this shit. when You Say Run kicks in at around 26 seconds I fucking looooose it. then when Katsuki’s theme first joins in at around 52 seconds I lose it all over again. this is a better arrangement of it than Bombing King tbh. which is perfect, because the whole point of their story is that the two of them make each other better! anyways, they just complement each other so perfectly. IT’S LIKE THIS TRACK IS A METAPHOR FOR SOMETHING YOU GUYS. waiting on the anime to fucking use this in season 4, since it went unused in s3 despite them having all the opportunities in the world smdh. they might actually use it in the upcoming movie, come to think.
3. You Say Run
obviously. what else is there even to say. this is a fucking tour de force. chills every time. I know y’all came here for 2:05, but honestly the whole track is a rush from start to finish. I’m literally not exaggerating when I say that this music taught me the meaning of plus ultra. like on a spiritual level. music is cool. please don’t be mad at me that I only put it at third. if anything, that ought to tell you just how much I love the #1 and #2 tracks.
2. Hero A
I can play this on repeat for hours. not an exaggeration. this has the highest play count of any of my BnHA tracks. I’m not a naturally energetic person. I want to be, but I’m not. but this track is like a fucking life-hack to get you pumped the fuck up. and it’s so catchy, and it makes you feel so good, like you can really do anything. it might not be easy, but you can do it! I actually like the “you can be a hero/you say run” motifs in this track even better than the original tracks tbh. especially when it goes a bit quieter and then builds up again starting from 1:45, and then the percussion kicks in again, and it’s like something out of a Rocky movie. this track makes me fucking believe. it makes me want to try.
 and before we go to number one, here are some runner-ups. (by “some” I mean a fuckton more of them but my descriptions are shorter. compromise)
 You Can Be a Hero - the track that proved it’s possible to simultaneously make someone feel more inspired than they’ve ever been in their entire life while also causing them to ugly cry
Heroic Fighting Battle Song - why is the season 2 OST so fucking good
Go Seize It! - why is the season 2 OST so fucking good
The Threat of Offense and Defense - this theme makes me want to solve difficult puzzles very dramatically
Battle of Deku - this is just here because of Deku VS Kacchan part 2. I 100% associate it with that fight. it’s a great track, but it wouldn’t quite stand out among all the other tracks if it wasn’t for that. but that fight does exist, so now this track makes me think of rivals throwing down and it’s great
Yoarashi Inasa - specifically the part that starts in at 1:14. it’s like the Naruto and FLCL soundtracks had a really funky baby
People Always Reaching for the Top “the winner of the U.A. sports festival is...” the only reason this track isn’t higher is because I don’t feel like it stands quite as well on its own as some of the other tracks. but with context?? god. I love how this was used at the end of Bakugou VS Todoroki. it was just the perfect cue for that scene. so good.
 ...bonus runner-ups because I’m a fucking liar and have no self-control at all
 From Me to You - this is the one used when Kacchan joins the scooby squad. it’s quiet and sad and hopeful all at once. the perfect theme for something ending and something else beginning
Rampaging Evil - I associate this with Tomura. it’s badass and usually means that some hardcore shit is happening
Predecessor’s Sworn Friend - this track is some straight up Cowboy Bebop shit. badass grandpa gettin to work
 okay, without any further ado let’s finish up with number one
 1. One for All Vs. All for One
good. versus. evil. this is epic incarnate. how is it so good. I have so many feels about it oh god. it’s so desperate and so determined at the same time. it perfectly conveys this image of one person, almost at their limit, standing alone against something terrible, and somehow reaching deep within themselves to summon the courage to fight. it is beautiful. it is powerful as shit. it may just be the most heroic thing I’ve ever heard.
 so that’s my top ten twenty! rest assured, this is still leaving a lot out. like the rest of the entire goddamn soundtrack. god this series fucking spoils us.
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Jihoon Office AUP5
And Finally part 5!
Plot: You and Seungcheol have been best friends forever and as a favor, you agree to be temporary assistant of the one Lee 
Words: 3240
Warnings: not really smut but use of smut words...
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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“You called Jihoon? Also, I called Mr. Hiyongs assistant and was told that he was currently on business in the States and won’t be returning for about a month. I’ve set the earliest meeting he has for when he returns.” Hiyong said as she walked into his office. You could feel her stare as she sat down in the chair in front of his desk while you stayed in your leaning position on his side. The air got tense as she watched Jihoon actions with you. His hand was still resting on your hand that was on your leg and by the grip he had on it, he wasn’t going to let go anytime soon. 
“I’d like to introduce you to Y/N. She was your replacement while you were away and will be briefing you on what you’ve missed and what needs to be completed.” Jihoon said completely ignoring the comment about Yoongi and looked at you for you to begin but before you could, Hiyong cut in. 
“I’m sure I can figure it out. I don’t think I really need an explanation to catch up.” Hiyong said dismissively. 
“There’s nothing for you to catch up on” Jihoon stated catching Hiyong off guard, “Y/N finished the work you left behind before you left on top of the work load she had throughout her time here. I’ve asked her to implement new systems that will help me keep track of your progress as well as anything that falls through the cracks. Now if you will Y/N.” 
You didn’t like Hiyong, you could tell that she was someone who was used to getting her way and lacked discipline. Something Jihoons assistant had to have in order to meet his standards. It was a wonder as to why he kept her but you would ask him about it later. Right now, you had someone to set in their place. 
Walking to the other side of Jihoon where his computer sat, you nudged his arm to put in the password which he did so willingly and going as far as to get up and offer you his chair so he could stand behind you to observe. 
“Don’t hesitate to be blunt” he whispered and you turned to look at him. 
“Like pull a you?” you asked with a raised eyebrow and he gave you one of those looks. “Don’t worry Mr. Lee, you have obviously never seen me work” and you heard Hiyong scoff and mutter to herself. 
“Who does this girl think she is?” 
“So I guess we should start with the report preparation” you said opening a file, “As you can see, many things have been refiled and renamed.  When I got here it took me ages to find one precedent and sometimes we don’t have all that time. Jihoon could suddenly get something urgent and will require it right away but with the way it was organized, it took you almost one afternoon to complete the prep right?” You asked and Hiyong looked down before you continued onto a few other things including the email list, filters and the biggest thing labeling. 
All the while Jihoon was impressed with the way you were handling things. You talked to her like a manager and not just someone who had come in to do her job temporarily. He watched how Hiyong only paid half attention to the things you were saying and hoped that she remembered enough to at least be efficient and mess things up. 
“And what was wrong with my way of organizing things?” Hiyong asked, “I liked having everything out in the open so I could see it. It was easier for me to find things and why does it matter on how things are labeled? I’m the only one who sees it anyways.”
“No you aren’t.” You stated bluntly, “you’re forgetting thar Seungcheol is Jihoons boss and a lot of these things go to him for final review. How do you think the inconsistency would reflect on Jihoons leadership? He’s also one of the busiest managers here, naming one thing on this day and differently the next would confuse the heck out of him. He doesn’t have that time to go through things like that Hiyong. As his assistant, you should be working to the standard he expects. Not the standard that you THINK he expects.” You finished and you could hear Jihoon snicker from behind as you went to the last thing which was his schedule.
“I’ve organized Jihoons schedule for the next three weeks accordingly. I’m not sure why you decided to have ten different calendars for different things. It’s called colour coding and obviously Jihoon doesn’t have the time to open ten different calendar just to see what he has for the day.” You explained and thought for a moment and looked up at Jihoon, “honestly thinking about it now, I could just take care of your scheduling for you.. It’s not like I wont know anything you’re up to anyways unless you intentionally want to keep it from me and you aren’t that kind of guy.”
“I’m not” Jihoon confirmed, “but would you be able to handle it on top of the impending workload you’re bound to have?” He asked and you shrugged. 
“You know I like challenges” you responded with a grin and Jihoon nodded while you looked at Hiyong, “it’ll be one less thing you’ll have to deal with on top of your tedious workload”
Jihoon had hold in his chuckle at your last sarcastic comment and looked at Hiyong, “then it’s settled. Y/N will have full control of my schedule from here on out. Y/N, you can remove the schedule from Hiyongs shared network.”
“But how will I know what reports you need for your meetings then? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial for me to have a copy of his schedule as well?” Hiyong asked, she was starting to feel a strong dislike for you. How dare you talk to her like that and why wasn’t Jihoon saying anything to defend her?
“Jihoon has a task list that he updates everyone in a while. As long as you follow that and have it completed by the noted due date, you shouldn’t have an issue.” you explained. “Jihoon will be monitoring it all from the system so he can adjust the work load accordingly. I’m also around if you need help with anything.”
You then looked up at Jihoon as he looked at the computer screen impressed with what you had organized. 
“Then it looks like everythings good to go then.” he said, “You can return to your station now Hiyong and please start on the task list and have them completed by their respective due dates.” and then looked at you with a smile, “And let’s get you settled into your new role.” 
“Can that wait till after lunch Ji?” Seungcheol asked walking into the room, “I need to borrow Y/N for a bit.” 
“You guys just had breakfast together.” Jihoon argued.
“So? I’m your boss and she technically can’t say no to me.” Seungcheol said with a grin. .”Let’s go Y/N”
You looked between Jihoon glares and Seungcheols grin and giggled before grabbing your bag.
“I’ll be back in a bit, Ji!” you then followed Seungcheol out of the room and left Jihoon to sigh in defeat.
He sat himself at his desk and started to look at the new intern list you left him the week before while taking a sip of coffee that you had brought him when you walked in with Seungcheol. 
‘Yep, definitely wifey material.”  he smiled at the thought. It had only been twenty-four hours since your relationship officially began but he eventually admitted to himself that he’d been attracted to you from Day 1 and it took him three weeks to act on his feelings (with a lot of push from the other managers) but could he really see you as his wife? 
As Jihoon got lost in his thoughts, Hiyong watched him from her position at her desk and frowned. Who were you to JIhoon and why was he so comfortable with someone that was his assistant while she was gone?  She saw a smile grace his features as he drank his coffee and furrowed her brows. 
During her time away, she had found out valuable information regarding JIhoon and learned why he had such a high standard attitude, She was determined to prove herself to him upon her return but didn’t expect someone new in Jihoons life that he took to so easily.
After about an hour of contemplating, she decided to go ask Jihoon himself in hopes that he would give her an answer she wanted to hear. 
She knocked softly on his door making him look up with a disinterested look on his face. 
“Yes Hiyong?” 
“Sorry to bother you Jihoon...but I just wanted to ask you a question…” she started and saw him nod his head urging her to continue. “I-is Y/N going to stay on as one of your assistants?” she asked and Jihoon stared at her blankly.
“We just hired Y/N for the manager position we posted a few months back, she’s going to be working in my office for training until or if we get her office set up.” Jihoon answered, “Anything else?” 
“Is...is she your girlfriend?” Hiyong tried making JIhoon frown. 
“I dont think thats any of your business Hiyong. Please get back to work,I need that draft list by 4pm today so you better get on it.” he stated before looking back at his computer while he let his thoughts drift off to you again. Should he tell you or should he wait till he knows he’s ready and knows for sure? 
The end of the day came quickly soon you were packing up your bag to leave while Jihoon started his shut down process. 
“What do you want for dinner today?” he asked casually and you shrugged.
“Anything’s fine.” you said absentmindedly. 
“Jajangmyeon it is” JIhoon said with a fist pump and looked at you from the corner of his eye.
“Okay.” you said and felt Jihoon grab your hand. He noticed that something was off with you when you had come back from your meeting with Seungcheol and had been meaning to ask you about it but never had the chance to since Hiyong kept coming back to the office to ask him questions.
“Hey…” he said pulling you to him so you were standing between his legs. “Is everything okay?” 
Your eyes analyzed him and you thought back to your conversation with Seungcheol earlier that day.
(Earlier that day)
“My men saw Yoongi in the States. I think he’s looking for your parents.” Seungcheol said and you looked up at him with shock.
“Why would he be looking for my parents?” you asked, “You don’t think…” 
“If your parents sign the contract, it’d be the same thing as you signing in. That’s what I found stupid about that thing.” Seungcheol said, “What if Yoongi makes up a story about the two of you being together and convinces them to sign it?” 
Your face paled immediately, ‘That son of a….’
“Y/N?” Seungcheols voice rang out and you looked at him with a wide eyes, “Is everything okay?”
“Theres something you need to know and you have make SURE Yoongi never makes contact with my parents.” you said firmly, “He has the proof he needs to convince them…”
“What how?” Seungcheol asked shocked and you showed him your phone and there in a message from Yoongi was a picture of the two of you but a lot younger at an event where his arms were wrapped around your waist from behind. The smiles on your faces were undeniable and Seungcheols jaw dropped.
“What the heck is this?” Seungcheol asked incredulously, “You and Yoongi?” 
“The bastard cheated on me three years into grad school. My grandfather was so close to getting what he wanted because Yoongi showed me that he could change but it went all down hill when I walked into his apartment after class one day to see him and a girl from my economics class with his dick in her mouth.” you told him and shook your head. “I ran away after that and changed all my contact information so he couldn’t find me.” 
“Thats why you came back…” Seungcheol said and you nodded.
“He runs most of his family’s corporations outside of Asia so moving back here made the most sense. I wondered how long it would take him to find me.” you whispered.
“Does Jihoon know?” Seungcheol asked and you gave him a pointed look.
“Obviously not...I don’t even know how to bring it up.” you muttered, “And if things go Yoongi’s way, I’ll be married off in the next six months.” 
“Things won’t go Yoongi’s way as long as you tell Jihoon.” Seungcheol said, “Trust me on this. Next to me, Jihoon is the only other person that can help you and he has a greater chance too.”
“And why is that?” you asked crossing your arms.
“Because Jihoon’s fathers the CFO of this company. Hasn’t he told you?” 
You shook your head, “Lee’s Financial Group is in partnership with your company?” 
“Duh...that’s why I trust Jihoon more than anybody here. Talk to him about your past and in turn he’ll be able to help you even if he hasn’t realized it yet.” Seungcheol said, “It’s the only way we can beat Yoongi.” 
You looked at Seungcheols serious face for a moment and noted that he hadn’t been this serious in a very long time. You had no idea that Jihoon’s family was almost if not more powerful than the Mins and thought that Seungcheols family had hired him based on his talent alone.
“What if JIhoon has something else in mind?” you asked, “We’ve literally just started the whole dating thing.”
“And I’ve never seen him so serious about a relationship before.” Seungcheol said, “He’s never taken a day off work till he met you Y/N. It’s like you made him human or something but I can see just from his actions. He’s serious about you and I doubt he’d ever want to let you go.” 
“I hope that’s the case then...but six months…” you said looking down and Seungcheol chuckled.
“Everyones betting that he’s going to propose in three - five. You’ll be fine...you just can’t mess it up and that’s why I’m saying tell him about Yoongi, sooner than later.” Seungcheol advised and you nodded your head.
(End Flashback)
“I’ll tell you when we get home.” you whispered thinking about the consequences and whether or not Jihoon would still be in your life after this conversation. You closed your eyes as you felt the tears build up and only heard Jihoon whisper.
The drive was tense, Jihoon could tell something was up with you and it put him on edge too. The moment you stepped into the house, Jihoon had taken your arm and pulled you to the couch. He wanted to know what was going on with you.
“What’s going on?” he asked, “You’ve been different ever since you came back from that meeting with Seungcheol. What happened?”
Instead of replying to him, you asked him instead, “How do you feel about me?” 
The question caught Jihoon off guard. “You know how I feel about you.” Jihoon said taking your hand in his, “Y/N, you’re scaring me. What did Seungcheol say?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were one of the sons of Lee Financial?” you asked and JIhoon froze. 
“I-” Jihoon started but you had cut him off, why did Seungcheol have to open his big mouth?
“But then again, I haven’t been completely honest with you either.... And now I’m scared you’re going to hate me…” you whispered.
“What? What do you mean Y/N?” Jihoon asked slightly shocked as red flags went off in his head.
You handed him your phone and showed him the picture from Yoongi.
“What the heck…” Jihoon whispered analyzing the photo to confirm it wasn’t photoshopped or anything of that sort.  “Y/N...did you and Yoongi…” 
“It’s been close to five years since our break up.” you whispered and opened up to Jihoon about your full past with Yoongi. 
Somewhere during the conversation Jihoon had to get up and walk around to contain his anger. He could not believe that Yoongi had the audacity to cheat on you. He obviously couldn’t see the person you were and felt bad for you.
“And that’s pretty much it...it’s not that I didn’t want to tell you...but if Yoongi meets my parents, he can use it was proof..” you finished and looked up at JIhoon who was looking out the window with his arms crossed. “Ji..?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” he asked not turning around to look at you. “I thought he was just some random…” 
“I never thought he’d use this tactic…” you whispered looking down, “Look, I’ll just go pack a bag and stay at Cheols for the night or something…” you said getting up but Jihoon’s caught your wrist and pulled you into his chest.
“Do you want to be free of  Min Yoongi?” he asked as he rested his head on top of yours and felt you nod. “Will you do whatever it takes?” 
You nodded again. 
“Then will you promise to stay with me forever?” he asked and felt you tense under him. He was about to pull away but you held his shirt and placed a kiss over his heart before nodding and he felt the warmth of the kiss spread through his heart. 
“Then I’ll get you out.” he whispered kissing the top of your head and held you as close to him as he could. He would get you out, as long as you stayed by his side, he would do anything for you.
After a few seconds you pulled away to look up at him and his lips met yours in a kiss. It was different from your previous kisses where he kissed you just because he could. This time, it was slow, passionate and full of promises.
The two of you walked slowly towards your bedroom with your lips attached.
A few hours later, Jihoon woke up to weight on his chest and smiled when he saw your head resting on his heart. Leaning down to kiss the top of your head, he slowly got out of bed and found his boxers which had someone ended up on your lamp. He started to get up when your voice stopped him.
“Where are you going?” you asked tiredly starting to wake up when you noticed the bed lift.
“I’m going to get some water.” he whispered tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “Go back to sleep.” 
“Will you come back?” you asked and Jihoon smiled happy at your request.
“I’ll come back.” he said leaning down to capture your lips in a soft kiss before he got up and made his way to the kitchen.
Jihoon ran his hand through his hair as he thought about the events that went on in the last few hours and he grinned to himself. ‘Definitely wifey material’
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lillegalloli94 · 4 years
Moonlit Café
Back when I was in my last semester of college, I took a creative writing course and wrote a short ten-minute play called “Moth to the Flame” about a moth that fell in love with a spider and went to spend her last night with her. Since that play ended tragically, I’ve since imagined those characters in different scenarios and, of course, one of those scenarios is a coffee shop au.
Click… Click… Click… Click…
The mindless noise pinging by her ear was all Allura could do to keep herself awake in this late, dead hour.
Click… Click… Click…
The Moonlit Café prided itself in serving the nocturnal crowd into the darkest hours of night. Be it 3pm or 3am, they had a coffee fix for all types, from the earliest bird to the latest night owls. Of course, that did mean someone had to man the front line, and that someone, five days a week, was none other than Allura herself.
Click… Click…
She didn’t mind it too terribly. She was a moth herself so such a schedule was natural for someone like her. She didn’t have an issue with the hours itself but in the lack of action she typically saw on an average day. There were the regular patrons that liked to take advantage of the cool, quiet atmosphere; they’re the ones that kept the graveyard shift alive and kicking. But between those revitalizing few, was nothing but the smell of coffee, the lingering sweet air from the pastries and mindless, almost automatic, clicking.
The front door’s bell chimed, a sudden shift but not alarming enough to encourage professionalism in Allura’s stature. The most her body would manage was get herself ready to ring up the customer at the till.
“Welcome to the Moonlit Café. Will you be dining in house this evening or to-go?”
“To-go,” a deep, husky voice spoke back to her, drawing her eyes up from the screen to find her patron staring down at her with dark, expectant eyes.
Now, Allura has dealt with spiders before and was self-assured that they never gave her pause for alarm. Sure, there were still people that would insist that they’d gulp her down in a second if given the chance, but she never took such warnings to heart. She’s seen small and cute little jumpers. She’s talked with gentle giants much too aware of their overwhelming size to want to hurt anyone. But this…this was possibly the first time she ever felt her chest seize up, her heart stilling and her breath catching in her lungs, under a spider’s striking gaze.
“Hello?” she waved a hand towards Allura, “Still there?”
Her normal body functions rebooted and her brain remember that she still had a job to do. “Y-Yes, sorry about that.” she straightened up her posture, her eyes looking much more awake and her antennae perked from their droopy dog positioning. A quick clearing of her throat and a kind smile and she was ready to serve. “What can I get for you?”
She followed her hand, long, slender fingers wrapping around her chin as she pondered the menu, “Hm… let’s go with a small mochaccino. Extra milk and whip cream.” she said, pointing towards the item’s picture display.
Allura tapped away on the till, ignoring the stabbing sensation ramming through her body while using up every fiber of her willpower to keep her hand from shaking. “Will that be regular or decaf coffee for your mocha?” she asked.
“Oh, decaf then.” she answered, the soft upturn in her tone sending a soft fluttering sensation through Allura’s stomach.
“Alright…” she successfully managed to restrain herself from squeaking out, “Will that be all for you?”
“Yep, think that’ll do it for me.”
“Gotcha. And…” she reached for a cup and braced her pen against the side, “could a get a name for you?”
Her spider guest stared at her for a moment. She supposed it was a strange request with it just being the two of them, but Allura considered it the perfect excuse to learn this new customer’s name. She was just doing her job, after all.
“Just Eva is fine. You don’t want to try writing my full name on that tiny thing.” she told her with a soft chuckle, waving off the idea of even trying to attempt the impossible.
“Just Eva, then.” Allura muttered, taking a second to make her penmanship as pretty as she could against the curved surface. She even went as far to as add a curling heart at the end of her name. “I’ll have it ready for you in a sec.”
Allura turned from the front counter and walked closer to the machine. She set the cup down with a soft tap and lifted her arms to let a second set of limbs sprout free from her sides. A couple extra hands always got the job done faster but she more liked the flare four arms could accomplish as opposed to two. It kept her mind entertained and sane to perform a little show, to add a bit of pizzazz to her coffee making process.
Extra milk, she reminded herself as she poured more into the cup. Extra whip, she shook the can and squeezed on a hearty amount while keeping the spiral neatly coiled. Some cocoa powder to dust it like chocolate snow and some chocolate shavings sprinkled on because why not.
The whole time, she could feel her heart thudding in her chest, her eyes desperately wanting to turn back and gauge her audience’s reception but held tightly to the strain. But she was watching, wasn’t she? This electrifying tingle she felt coursing through veins and tickling the ends of her nerves, she was definitely watching, waiting…staring.
“One decaf mochaccino, extra milk and whip cream.” Allura swallowed down the hum of her racing blood, topping the drink with a domed lid before passing it over.
“Looks good. So, what do I owe you?” she asked her, voice smoother that butter and richer than fresh cream. Her gaze lowered towards her wallet, a perfect display of her lovely lashes that added an extra sultry shade to her already dangerously seductive irises.
Immediately, a thousand answered raced across her brain, most of which pretraining to abandoning her post and taking the rest of the evening off with this late-night patron. But she couldn’t, not over coffee anyway.
Allura eased down those impulsive thoughts and gave her brightest smile that could rival the full moon waiting outside. “Actually, it’s on the house.” Okay, maybe one impulsive thought might have slipped past her.
Her guest gave a concerned raise of her brow, the corners of her lips turning upward in a nervous smile. “You sure about that?” she asked.
She couldn’t just take it back now, that would be even more off-putting. Double-down, she commanded, barking the order to the rest of her body, Double-fucking-down. “Certainly. It’s only a couple of bucks, anyway. Think of it as a free sample.”
She laughed softly, “And you’re positive you can be giving out free samples this good?” she asked, a bit of a smirk on her lips as she eyed the barista.
“You want to pay that badly?” Allura tilted her head, putting on an innocently curious façade.
She laughed a little louder this time, “I’d feel a bit better knowing my drink won’t be putting you in some future trouble.”
“Oh, if that’s what you’re worried about, it’ll be fine. The owner is one of my best friends. The worst she’ll do is take it out of my pay and I can live with that.” she said, unable to keep the bubbling giggle from escaping her lips. “However… if you really want to offer compensation, then perhaps… could you tell me what your full name is?” 
She could see the intrigue starting to come over her eyes again, flickers of bewilderment and a hint of suspicion rising in her gaze. 
Allura waved a hand, “No need to worry, I don’t plan on doing anything wicked with it. You’ve just got me curious about how long your full name would have been.”
The spider considered it, studying Allura’s eyes and possibly deciding how much she could trust her. She must have figured she could trust her word decently enough judging by the returning smile on her lips. She reached for her drink, wrapping her fingers around the warm cup and lifting it off the counter. “It’s Evangeline.” she said, tipping her cup slightly towards her server before turning, “Thanks for the drink.”
“Have a nice night.”
The door’s bell chimed again, a soft thud from the closing door leaving a gentle ringing in the air before everything died down into silence once more. It was then, when everything was still and her spider visitor’s figure disappeared into the dimly lit, midnight air, did Allura find it the perfect time to officially freak-the-fuck out.
Each of her four hands grabbed at her thick, rosy locks, pulling the hair over her face and squealing into its voluminous mass. What was that, her heart raced in her chest. What even was that?? The organ pumped harder and faster, feeling like it was about ready to explode in her ribcage. Is this death? Is this what death feels like? But it felt so warm and freeing and, honestly, kind of good too. No, actually, really good. The scared tingle of adrenaline tickling at the back of her head was amazing, like her body was truly living for the first time.
Her upper hands lowered her hair from her eyes, her glistening, pleading gaze searching the glass door and begging for her spider to come back sooner. To give her another dosage of her piercing eyes. Another taste of her dark chocolate voice. Another feel of her incredibly intimidating, towering stature. Allura already felt herself addicted to the spider’s surplus of flavor. And the icing on top, the juicy cherry sitting right on the peak, was that enchanting song of a name.
Had she ever known a name as enticing as Evangeline? Had she ever known one as charming, as stunningly gorgeous, as Evangeline? Surely not. She would have remembered. She would have been prepared for the striking beauty of the letters that made up Evangeline. This was new. A deep fascination. A worthwhile obsession. All for the spider known only as Evangeline.
(Disclaimer: I don’t drink coffee but I love the idea of cafes)
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Welcome to the World
I decided it was probably right to take you back to the start of this journey and maybe help you to understand what we have been through. Its probably gonna be a long, emotional one but its important. 
The 14th July will forever be a special day to me, Ada’s Birthday, and what a day that turned out to be! Ten days overdue we eventually welcomed our special little girl into the world and wow did she make sure she did it in full dramatic style!
I was called in on Friday 13th to be induced (should of known there and then!). I was put into my little bay in my bed, Shortly after I was examined and given a pessary…ladies you will know what that means 😳 very pleasant! I was then popped onto a monitor for half an hour and all was normal. Eventually it got late so Nath went home, there wasn’t much point in him staying, although I was petrified I would go into labour and he wouldn’t wake up to my phone calls and miss the whole thing! I settled down for the night but didn’t get much sleep.The following morning my hero (Nath) bought me a McDonalds breakfast in bed and all was right in the world, monitor readings were fine and the waiting game began. 
Then it started! Short, sharp pains, lasting about 30 seconds every 3 minutes or so. Now I have a high pain threshold but this was next level, I was convinced that something was wrong and was overdue my CTG reading so went to see my midwife. I was offered paracetamol, advised to go for a walk or have a bath. At that stage I asked to be put back onto the monitor as I was overdue to be. We then started to see that something was going wrong, the heart rate had dropped and was struggling to recover to a normal reassuring rate. Immediately I wanted that baby out and asked for a c-section! Unfortunately, it took two more heart rate drops and over an hour before that decision was granted - along with trying to be convinced that I should have my waters broke and try for a natural birth! I mean, I’m not doctor but realistically what chance did I stand of that happening and everything being ok. 
The whole time that this is happening and theres a million different members of staff flying in and out of the room and discussing whats going on with my baby I was still in the induction suite. I remember being very aware of the fact that there was three other woman in that room waiting to have their babies, all being able to hear the nightmare we were having. I can get over the fact of having no privacy, after three sweeps and god knows how many examinations my dignity was at an all time low anyway. But I remember afterwards thinking how petrifying it must of been for those other woman to hear what was happening whilst waiting to go through the stressful time that is labour themselves. 
Eventually I was moved into another room, the doctor was till trying to convince me to have my waters broke rather than a section and said they would give me 30 minutes to think about it, at the time I didn’t think there was anything wrong with that - now I realise a bloody lot can happen in 30 minutes with an unborn baby and what the hell were they thinking?! I rang my mum, as you do, for advice. She said what I thought and that I should have a section straight away - I remember feeling absolutely helpless. Putting your life and your unborn babies life in the hands of a complete stranger that is telling you everything you don’t want to hear. Whilst on the phone, the heart rate went again and she made the decision for us. 
Within minutes I was in the delivery suite I was told to sit on the operating table and bend over and hug a pillow, they then injected me in my spine and made me lay down straight away. The anaesthetist told me to lift my legs towards the ceiling and I couldn’t…strangest feeling in the world! Your mind is telling your legs so hard to work and they just won’t…desired effect had obviously happened! I don’t think I have ever felt so petrified as to what was about to happen, with Nath at my side in his scrubs we were ready for it. 
From 15 minutes to entering the room Ada was born! We heard two small cries and then the worst silence, I knew there was something wrong but couldn’t move to see what was happening. At this point I had never seen my child, didn’t know if we had a son or a daughter or what state the baby was in. Just that there was a shit ton of people surrounding our baby and Nathan was really badly trying to reassure me that everything was ok. I just remember crying and wishing I could do anything to be able to get off that table and do something. 
Our midwife came over shortly and informed us that ‘she’ was doing ok but was very poorly. SHE?! We’d had a little girl which was such a massive shock, myself and the majority of other people were convinced we were having a boy. She explained that Ada had inhaled her poo and that they were going to have to take her to the NICU straight away. With that she was gone, I’d seen a brief glimpse of masses of jet black hair as they pushed her past me and a photo they had allowed Nathan to take on his phone. I didn’t get to hold her, touch her, kiss her, just a quick glimpse as she left the room. 
We were then moved into a side room whilst they sorted me out and stabilised Ada, my mum joined us at the hospital and then we had to wait. Id like to say it felt like hours, but it actually was hours. Various people came in and out and its all a bit of a blur I think because of shock at that time, we were told she had meconium aspiration syndrome and was very very poorly. 
I was told I could go and see her once I could feel my legs, I definitely couldn’t feel my legs but lied and said I could. Around 3 hours after Ada was born I was helped into a wheelchair by a lovely health assistant, Nathan and my mum and taken down to NICU to meet my daughter for the first time. It’s not even far from the delivery suite but it felt like the longest trip down the corridor to meet her and I have never felt so sick. And there she was, laying there with a group of people working away, tube down her throat and wires all over her, but it was her and she was perfect. It’s very hard to explain the emotions that go through your mind at a time like that. But I can remember the overwhelming feeling of love, like I had never known before. And then fear, fear of what was going to happen to her, what was it they were actually doing to her? All these different drugs being pumped into her and people trying to tell you what is going on but not being able to process anything because all I could do was look at her. I was taken back to my bed and we were told that she was going to be transferred to Norwich as they had better equipment. Before she was able to be transferred they had to stabilised her, it must of been around 5 hours before she was ready to go. Unfortunately due to just having major surgery myself I was unable to travel with Ada, if anything happened to me they would leave me in order to save Adas life. I was to travel behind in a blue light ambulance so if anything went wrong I would be able to be reunited with Ada as soon as possible. So the responsibility fell down to Nathan, I have never felt so guilty knowing that he was going to have to do that journey by himself, not knowing the fate of Ada. Nath being Nath took it in his stride, had a fag and a brew and got himself ready to go. 
I was taken down to NICU to say goodbye to her before her journey to Norwich and it wasn’t until that point that I realised just how bad things were. There was an amazing team of people called ANTS who were getting her ready and about to transfer her into what I can only describe as some sort of baby spaceship for the ambulance, Drugs and wires rigged up everywhere! Some people may think that the woman was too harsh and blunt but she was probably the most honest person I had spoken to up until that point. She crouched down on the floor in front of me and told me that “I needed to prepare myself” I was taken a back, she then said something that will ring through my ears and haunt me most probably for the rest of my life “Your baby might not make this journey Amy”. It literally felt like my stomach had dropped out on the floor beneath me. I could see that it had cut threw Nathan and then I looked at my mum who was clearly trying so hard to be positive but it had got her too. I gave Ada a kiss, left the room and went back to wait for my ambulance feeling numb. Then I cried like I have never cried before in my life. In a way that I didn’t even know it was possible. 
I remember apologising over and over again to my mum, in my mind at that time I had given her a granddaughter that I was convinced was going to die and I just blamed myself. Nathan came in to say goodbye before leaving and I was still trying to be brave, telling him that whatever happened it was not his fault and that he didn’t have to worry, we could get through it together. 
Minutes after he had left somebody came in to inform me that I couldn’t have an ambulance as the ambulance service did not think that I needed one. Due to the fact that I wasn’t critical myself, even though I had just had major surgery, I could have one but it could take up to 4 hours to provide it. It even says in my notes that we received afterwards ‘that they appreciate my child might die before it reaches Norwich but there is nothing they can do’. Well we didn’t have 4 hours to wait so I left the hospital and travelled to Norwich in my mums car, around 5 hours after a c section! Its alarming to me now that there was no advice given to my mum as to what she should do if something went wrong with me, we just left. During this Nathan had text me to see if we had set off, presuming I was going to be in an ambulance, you can imagine his shock when I text him back saying that I was going in my mums car, he’s since told me he’s never been so worried that he was going to end up without both of us. 
By the time of me leaving, Nathans mum and dad had travelled down from up north and picked my dad up to meet us at the hospital, we then all travelled over to Norwich and met Nathan at the entrance. Ada was already inside and the incredible NICU team were working their magic on her. 
I still haven’t and very much need to thank the team at Norwich for the miracles they worked on Ada. When we entered the unit everyone was so calm even though they were dealing with one of the most stressful situations ever. They all welcomed me in as ‘Mum’ the first time I had been called that in my life! I could of spoken to a million people that night and I would never ever be able to tell you who they were or what they said to me, there is only certain parts that stick out in my memory. Our parents were allowed in with us for support and to meet Ada, a really happy yet sad moment to introduce your parents to their grandchild in that circumstance. 
I think around 5am me and Nathan went to bed, we were then woken up around 6am as we were needed for a meeting on the NICU unit with Adas consultant. Instantly my heart sank as I was prepared for the worst news. We went in for the meeting and I can still hear the woman asking me how I felt and all I could respond with was “pretty shit” She told me that was probably the most honest thing that anyone would say to her all day. She then went on to tell us that they had done everything they could with Ada, tried every treatment and thrown the kitchen sink at her but she wasn’t responding to it and making no improvement. Our last option was that they would try to find her a bed wherever one was available in the UK to give her a treatment called ECMO. At the time I never looked at what it was just agreed that we would try anything possible, I’ve since found out that they fit an artificial heart and lung, entering through the neck to try and give hers a rest and let it recover! It really is amazing what they can do.
They found her a bed at Birmingham children’s hospital and made plans for her to be transported, this consisted of an ambulance coming up from Great Ormond Street Hospital and then travelling through to Birmingham. Again, Nathan would have to travel with Ada and I would have to go separately with my mum and dad. When the ambulance arrived they started to prep Ada for the journey but realised that something was wrong with the ambulance so they wouldn’t be able to transport her in that one, they called for another to be sent. In that 2 hour delay something happened and Ada started to respond to her treatment, maybe she just didn’t fancy Birmingham?! The odds were completely stacked against her but she did it! 
From then on she improved daily, all those silly things that people take for granted we were longing to happen. Just to be able to celebrate with people that our baby was here without it being tinged with sadness. By day 4 they had decreased her sedation, changed her oxygen and we saw her open her eyes for the first time. Day 5 she was moving her arms and legs, and after a long wait we got to hold her for the first time - five whole days we waited to hold her in our arms! Ok, so it wasn’t how I wanted it to be but I realise now that waiting that time made it all the more special - I got my moment. We heard her cry! That sounds so simple but if it hasn’t happened you just want and want to hear it (I wish she did it less now!). By day 8 I could start feeding her myself, something that was really important to me as I wanted that bond. Nathan also decided on day 8 to propose to me! I think he was trying to write me off with emotions and see how much I could take 😂 Day 13 we were able to give her a bath ourselves and by Day 15 we were bringing her home to King’s Lynn. Bittersweet for me considering the start we had there but at least we were closer to family and friends. 
After 25 days in hospital we were able to take Ada home, on oxygen, but we didn’t care as long as she was home. To get her home and shut the door was incredible, no machines bleeping, no nurses, just us as a family. 
On the 27th August we got the go ahead from the hospital that her readings had come back fine and after a stressful few weeks we were able to turn her oxygen off, she’s still going now so it must of been the right decision! 
Its been in no way easy but its been so worth all the hard times and tears. We went to hospital as a couple and left as a family, a little later than we hoped for but we got there eventually. 
I am so grateful that Nathan is the person that he is. Not many men would stay in hospital for that long and he was the thing that got me through everyday. He was always positive when I didn’t know how to be, and I will love him always for what he has given me.  
I’m thankful to both of sets of our parents for being there for us, to my mum for travelling to Norwich almost everyday - knowing that someone is coming to see you at 3pm everyday really makes a difference. And to our family and friends for the visits, messages, well wishes, cards and how they continue to shower Ada with the love. 
No matter how much stuff you buy or how many people give you advice, nothing can prepared you for the whirlwind that a tiny human brings. But love or learn from every minute of it and always remember how important it is to support each other through the good or bad. 
Amy x
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Sudarshan Kriya Soham Count
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Sudarshan Kriya Soham County
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Sudarshan Kriya Counts
Sudarshan Kriya Soham Country Club
Long Sudarshan Kriya
Of all the 20 types of yoga, including Kundalini Yoga, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya is the highest kriya. This meditation cuts all darkness. It will give you a new start. It is the simplest kriya, but at the same time the hardest. It cuts through all barriers of the neurotic or psychotic inside-nature. When a person is in a very bad state, techniques imposed from the outside will not work. The pressure has to be stimulated from within. This kriya invokes the Kundalini to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind. One of the three master Aquarian Age kriyas (along with Sat Kriya and Kirtan Kriya), doing Sodarshan Chakra Kriya is a way to master yourself.
First step - Hands on hip bone. Breath in till 4 count, hold breath till 4 count, breath out till count 6, hold breath for 2 counts. Mar 7, 2014 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Sudarshan Kriya has been found to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of mental health issues like post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, trauma and bipolar disorder, and physical health issues like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and issues related to the endocrine system and immunity. Effects of Sudarshan Kriya.
It is like clearing out the trash from our subconscious. It is a powerful intermediate meditation and can be challenging for a beginner to practice correctly. A teacher is valuable to help a student understand the subtle aspects of this Kriya.
Sudarshan Kriya Soham County
A recording of 'Wahe Guru for Sodarshan Chakra Kriya' by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa & Gurusangat Singh. Can be found at either Ancient Healing Ways or Spirit Voyage.
Yogi Bhajan talks about intuition And Shows how to do Sodarshan Kriya in this video.
This is a wonderful video lecture a Yogi Bhajan explains the subtle meanings of the Mantra Waheguru. At around 9:32 he leads the class in Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. (for some reason it goes dark - I'm working on it - SSK/8/1417)
Sit with a straight spine, chin level to the floor, locked in Jalandhara Bhanda (chin lock)
Breath and Actions:
Block off the right nostril with the right thumb.
Inhale slowly and deep through the left nostril.
T hen hold the breath by suspending the action of breathing and lifting the chest slightly.
while you mentally chant'Wahe Guru' 16 times,
pumping the navel point 3 times with each repetition,
once on Wha,
once on Hey, and
once on Guru - for a total of 48 pumps.
Release the right nostril.
Place the index finger (pinkie finger can also be used) to block of the left nostril,
exhale slowly and completely through the right nostril.
Continue to repeat this sequence of breathing, holding and pumping.
Look at the tip of the nose
eyes 9/10th closed
End of Meditation:
Inhale, hold 5-10 seconds, exhale.
Then stretch your arms up high
shake every part of your body for about 1 min.
so that the energy may spread.
At this point you can do One Minute Breath
or simply do a layout.
Breathe and be still.
Circulate the energy and integrate the experience.
Allow the adjustment to take place.
See Comments Below:
Guru Tej Kaur asked Yogi Bhajan for a 1000 day meditation, he gave her Sodarshan and she has now been doing it for 18 years, from: Spirit Voyage's Summer Solstice 2008 Special Edition - Focus on Teachers and Musicians.
'I love So Darshan Chakra Kriya. I've been doing it for 62 minutes a day for 15 years,' Sham Rang - Message #9919 from the Yahoo Group.
Recent Update!!
NOTE: There has been more than one description of Sodarshan Ckakra Kriya circulating around. Nam Kaur checked with Yogi Bhajan and he clearly confirmed that there is only one version of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. The correct description is included below.
'Now, most powerful and beautiful is Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. I thought that I have taught for so many years, now people are ready for it. We didn't start teaching it the first day. For me (I do not know about anyone else) it took 30 years to be able to control my left and right nostrils without holding them with my fingers. And I still do that sometimes when I feel very weak - I use my hand and fingers. Somebody can say, 'Switching nostrils is not needed since the air coming through the right nostril and the left nostril meets.'We shall not take any responsibility for such wrong practices! What the hell is one creating? Disturbing the pituitary, the master command gland? These kinds of jokes will end by themselves, but it will be dangerous for those who practice it wrong. There is nothing in the teachings which are not clearly stated and which have not worked accurately'.
~ Yogi Bhajan Gurdwara Sunday, December 22nd, 2002
IKYTA often receives questions from teachers about the science of Kundalini Yoga, asking if it is okay to substitute or delete exercises in a kriya, or teach only one part of a three-part meditation, etc. We have even been asked if it is okay to teach a Kundalini Yoga meditation in a Hatha Yoga class! Yogi Bhajan explained that this is not permissible, that Kundalini Yoga should not be mixed with other forms of yoga, and kriyas should not be changed in any way, except to shorten the times of the exercises if desired. I'll pass on another direct quote from Yogi Bhajan which says it best:
'The Teachings are the Teachings, and have no one's personality in them. I never edit them; you should not edit them. It is a Golden Chain. My own prayer is that you can perfect what it is, and go with it. It is a funny thing. It is a three thousand year old proven path - it's not going to stop. Why do you want to add or subtract something - to satisfy your ego or convince students? It is very deceitful on the part of a teacher to teach teachings to please people. So honestly give people what we have. Teach like me. Teach exactly as it is. If you are not going to teach Kundalini Yoga purely, then don't teach it at all. With Kundalini Yoga you are dealing with the life force of the atom.
Don't play with the pranic energy'.
~ Yogi Bhajan
This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. According to the Tantra Shastras, it can make you perfect your potential and be a superhuman human. It purifies your past and the subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling and balance all the 27 facets of the life and mental projection. And in those 27 total virtues of the world lies the entire universe. So start with 31 min, then after a while do it for 40 minutes, then for 62 min.
If you do this meditation for 62 minutes to start with, and develop to the point that you can do it 2-1/2 hours a day, 1/10th of the day, it gives you 'Nao niddhi athara siddhi';that is you will get the nine precious virtues and the 18 occult powers.It opens your inner universe to relate, co-create and complete the external universe.
At 2-1/2 hours every day, it makes out of you a perfect superman.It purifies, it takes care of the human life and
brings together all 27 facets of life and makes a human perfect, saintly, successful and qualified. It gives you the pranic power of health and healing. It establishes inner happiness and a state of flow and ecstasy in life.
The kriya never fails.
To gain these benefits requires different efforts from different people. Each mind has stored up its own pile of negative thought and energy. So each pit is cleaned on its own time and scale. You decide how much time you have and you need to invest in this practice. Treat the practice with reverence and increase your depth, dimensions, caliber and happiness. It gives you a new start against all odds. It saves you when internal pressures have become too great for any external influence or solution. It gives you the ability to stimulate your self from inside.
Time Constraints:
There is no time, no place, no space and no condition attached to this mantra. Each garbage pit has its own time to clear. If you are going to clean your own garbage, you must estimate and clean it as fast as you can, or as slow as you want. You have to decide how much time you have to clean up your garbage pit.
Suggested length for this kriya is 31 minutes or 62 minutes a day.
Note: This is how the Siri Singh Sahib kept track of the counting. We do not have to do it this way. There are 2 cds that use the chanting to count the 16 times.
Inhale blocking the right nostril with the right thumb,
other fingers held straight up in the air.
And then I hold,
and then I count '16' - - how?
One. two. three -- counts with the pinkie finger, moving it slightly three times.
Four, Five, six -- moves the ring finger three times.
Seven, eight, nine -- moves the middle or Saturn finger three times.
Ten, eleven, twelve: -- moves the index finger three times.
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen -- moves the thumb slightly for three beats.
Sixteen -- brings the index finger over to block off the left nostril,
as he releases the right thumb from the right nostril.
Then Exhale through right nostril.
Sudarshan Kriya Soham Counter-strike Source
Note: Additionally, Yogi Bhajan has 'suggested' tha we follow any Kriya with One Minute Breath:
20 seconds slow inhale,
20 seconds suspending the breath
and 20 seconds slowly releasing the breath.
Do this for up to 11 minutes.
If you have trouble with 20 seconds then do 15 seconds.
Don't beat yourself up.
This should be a delicious experience where you savor the subtlety of your efforts. This will allow your whole psyche to fully assimilate and digest the Kriya consciously and will help you sustain the effects of your practice.
Note: The following section is from a Kundalini Yoga site, but not one aligned with Yogi Bhajan. I have included it because I can't hold my breath long enough to do the 3 pumps.. Sat Avtar Kaur
Beginners Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: Modify kriya as follows: Do only 1 pump for each chant of Wahay Guru. So in total with your breath held in you will do 16 pumps per cycle. Also, reduce the force of the pump to where you are comfortable. Start with 3 minutes and build up to 11 minutes. The kriya should be practiced daily.
Intermediates Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: Modify kriya as follows: Do only 2 pumps for each chant of Wahay Guru. One for Wahay and one for Guru. So in total you will do 32 pumps with your breath held in per cycle. Pump your stomach with a moderate force. You should try to do 11 minutes, then go to 22 minutes and then to 31 minutes daily.
Advanced Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: Do the kriya as described above in the description section. You should be pumping your stomach with full force and you should do 31 minutes daily. The commitment should be to do 40 days without missing a day, 31 minutes each day.
To do the Perfect and complete kriya and thus extract the maximum benefit and reach super human caliber, the requirement is to do 62 minutes per day and build it up to 2 1/2 hours everyday.
SodarshanChakra Kriya also improves your physical wellbeing. It expands your nervous system, respiratory system and helps your digestive system and gives a boost to the immune system. It promotes peace, joy and strength.
Breathing in through the left nostril activates the right hemisphere of the brain. This hemisphere is responsible for your meditative, creative and artistic powers.
The mantra itself, Wahay Guru, means ecstasy beyond words and represents one's higher consciousness. Chanting this mantra attracts this divine energy towards one.
Pumping the navel helps ignite and awaken Kundalini Shakti so she can make her ascent up the spine to the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) activating, rejuvenating, balancing and healing all the other Chakras and associated organs in her path.
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Related Pages:
You may wonder what is the difference between yoga and Sudarshan Kriya, because yoga is much more than physical exercises, it is about being completely or totally involved with the mind and breathing, while Sudarshan Kriya harnesses your inner energy and connects you to the source of life.
Many people have the same question: What is the solution to anger? Anger is fine only if it lasts a little, otherwise it is harmful to your being, the good news is that you can fix it with meditation.
Are you looking for a solution to deal with stress? Do you want to feel better, look better and live better? Would you believe it if you knew that the solution to all this is to breathe well? Yes, you have read it correctly and it is the answer, it is as simple as if you do it well.
Tension and anxiety are byproducts of our modern rhythm of life and the best thing is to explore the natural healing methods of the various cultural traditions that give lasting results, Sudarshan Kriya is one of those methods of the ancient yogic science of India.
What is Sudarshan Kriya?
1 What is Sudarshan Kriya?
In a disaggregated way ‘His’ means right, and ‘darshan’ means vision. Kriya’ in yogic science means to purify the body, therefore Sudarshan Kriya means proper vision by purifying action.
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga is a unique breathing practice that involves cyclic breathing patterns ranging from slow and calming to fast and stimulating.
In this Kriya, you take control of your breath, which positively affects your immune system, nerves, and psychological problems.
According to a study published in 2009, Sudarshan Kriya yoga can effectively address anxiety and depression.
The method is cheap and risk-free and has favorable effects on your mind-body connection, with environmental pollution, bad eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle that clogs you, Sudarshan Kriya is a way out for you to lead a better life.
Remember, you should be initiated into Kriya only by a certified yoga teacher or a recognized guru.
The Sudarshan Kriya Technique involves Ujjayi (victorious breath), Bhastrika (breath of the blows), Om Chant, Kriya (Purifying Breath).
Sudarshan Kriya Counts
Before starting the kriya, sit in the Vajrasana position.
Ujjayi (victorious breath)
Ujjayi requires that you breathe consciously, you can feel your breath touching your throat.
Ujjayi is a slow breathing process where you inhale and exhale in a relaxed way, keeping the duration of the inhalation and exhalation the same.
This technique requires you to take approximately 2 to 4 breaths per minute.
The slow breathing trains you to gain control over your breath and allows you to prolong it until the exact count, the Ujjayi calms you and keeps you alert.
Bhastrika (breath of the blows)
In Bhastrika, you will have to inhale and exhale air quickly and forcefully, you must be able to do 30 breaths per minute, the breathing style is mainly short and fast, the duration of the exhalations must be twice that of the inhalations.
Bhastrika has the unique effect of stimulating the body followed by calm.
Om Chant
The pure sound of Om, the basis of all life, is sung 3 times, the song of Om connects it with the origin of the universe and the purpose of life.
Om runs in its breath that sustains life, Om, when said out loud, is divided into three parts – A-U-M. After chanting two Oms, there must be silence, it represents a state of happiness when one can experience the supreme state.
Kriya (Purifying Breath)
The third and most important form is Kriya, which is an advanced form of breathing.
It requires breathing in slow, medium and fast cycles, breathing must be cyclic and rhythmic, you must make sure that the duration of your inhalations is twice your exhalations, this final step clarifies your vision and purifies your being.
The whole process will take about 45 minutes and can be practiced at any time of the day, a recommendation is to avoid doing it immediately after eating.
Side Effects
Several international educational organizations studied and demonstrated that Sudarshan Kriya has no known side effects, its teaching form and efficacy were documented.
Sudarshan Kriya will work wonders on you when you learn from an expert yoga teacher who will guide you through it well, it is not recommended to try it on your own.
Sudarshan Kriya should be done under the guidance of a yoga teacher, otherwise it will be ineffective and perhaps even harmful.
Make sure that you are physically and mentally eligible to do the Sudarshan Kriya by consulting your doctor and yoga instructor, it is good for pregnant women, for people who are under abuse of alcohol and drugs and in people suffering from extreme mental illness should avoid this Kriya.
Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya
Sudarshan Kriya improves your overall health and well-being, increases your energy levels and strengthens the immune system, reduces cholesterol levels and improves organ functions.
Kriya trains you to deal with challenging situations in a better way, thus clearing your head of unnecessary disorder and improving your sleep quality, improving your brain function and increasing your creativity.
Sudarshan Kriya reduces stress and relieves anxiety, works great for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, will completely relax you and help you achieve inner peace.
Kriya will relieve tensions in your personal relationships and build a bond of joy, harmony and love, making you aware of yourself and your environment.
It will increase your levels of confidence and make you more patient.
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Now that you know that a relatively simple process like Sudarshan Kriya can help you achieve mental, physical, emotional and social well-being, nothing should prevent you from enrolling in a class and learning from a certified yoga instructor. Find a place and get started now!
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This Other Extraordinary Publication «6 Warm-up Exercises for Yoga» You may be interested Come in and see for yourself!
Long Sudarshan Kriya
I hope you liked the publication of this article emphasizing «Learn How to Make Sudarshan Kriya and What are its Benefits!». You can share your opinions and experiences with me in the comments section.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 4 years
Saturday 21 February 1835: SH:7/ML/E/17/0168
12 10
No kiss. Ground white with snow as yesterday morning - but deeper covered now and snowing at 8 50  at which hour F39 ½° - the snow this moment abating and the sun shining and breakfast - snowing again in 5 minutes and wintery day - breakfast  till 9 55 - Pickells brought his account for draining in Low land etc - said I would look it - then at rough book copying out my pencil in ink, and noting down money paid to P- on account - A- came to tell me the Whigs had brought in their speaker Mr Abercromby against Sir C. Manners Sutton by a majority of ten - 316 to 306 - .:. 622 m.ps. voted - bad news but let us not despair - then sometime with my father - Marian was to have arrived per mail at noon - Matthew took the phaeton for her - not come - Mr Jubb came but I did not see him for had Joseph Mann and paid him £8 on a/c for the last fortnight he had been before this morning about a new run - the trestles could not be set it was so rough and wet and snowy, and Holt came at the same time at 1 ¼ and staid 1 ½ hour till 2 ¾ - He is to appoint a day with Shay of Ovenden to come and see about the waterwheel - said John Oates has sometime ago planned to have a pit at Charles Howarths - we must have a vent pit - where should it be - would it not be as well in Pump little croft, and be a sale pit? H- agreed at last but said at 1st he would have a vent and sale pit in J.Wilkinson’s land - I said we should have the turnpike to pay and I should get upon coal and looses I did not care to meddle with more especially as H- said old Wilkinson had spoke to Holt about selling his W-‘s coal about 15dw - meant to [advertise] them - H- said nobody could loose them but myself - he had better try and agree with me - I said if I put down   pit in JW-‘s land Old W- would not know what to ask for his coal - he had better sell me the estate at once - said what the Tilley holme still loose would loose - I cared not about buying more except Mr Machan’s coal - H- said Mr. Rawson had been about it again - but the people had promised him (H-) not to tell is without letting him know - he is o see them again on Monday - told him by all means to agree and get those to sign who could sign [and] all can but one - will slip up on Tuesday evening and let me know about Shay and what is done about the Machan coal - said I had been thinking about loosing the coal at Mytholm mill only wished to know whether Shay thought the waterwheel could both work the mill and pump the coal water - this was the calculation I wished Shay to make - if this could be managed I should think seriously about it - in letting the Mytholm farm, meant to reserve the holme and land about the mill - H- said if there was not water enough just in summer, there could be a small fire engine to keep all going - Explained my intention of stopping the Spiggs concern altogether and raising the water so as to get it into my dam - this water = ¼ of the brook, and this and brook raised so as to give me above 30ft. of fall would surely do all I wanted - in this case I had better lay out at Mytholm my £300 or £400+ that the wheel at Tilly holme style would cost - improve the mill and pay myself both ways - H- seemed taken with this - said there would be no difficulty in preventing the colliers from loosing other people  - agreed that coal at 7 1/2d. per corve at Pump pit would be worth as much to let as coal at 8d. at Walker pit, on account of double depth to pull at W. pit - if the coal was his, would not make a farthing less than £150 per acre soft bed and £80 per acre hard bed - and thought the tenants should take gin and rails at a valuation to be paid by instalments for if he was I he would not have the pother of keeping them which would subject me to repairs -well! said I perhaps that will be the best way - but we must consider about conditions of letting when the time comes - it occurs to me however that I had best keep gin and rails and charge a percentage allowing a certain deduction for repairs - this plan will keep all [most] in my own hands - I said people said I might to have a public letting if I liked but nobody was to have the coal but Holt - that I always denied that saying I did not know who would get the coal but that I never bound myself to take the highest bidder - but said I, if you do get it, and perhaps one is more likely to prefer old acquaintances than strangers, you will have the best coal-concern hereabouts - he said they might get a good living yet out of the coal at the above named prices but no more - Mr. R- does not get 10 acre per annum but perhaps gets 8 acres per annum - H- thinks they cannot ‘pull over’ (get) more than 2 acres at Walker pit, but at 2 pits may get and sell from 3 to 4 acres per annum - had the large plan down - began really to understand Mr. R-s’ colliery - he is sinking a 2nd pit (not yet bottomed) at Law hill nearer to the road, up to which 2nd pit will be 2 galloway gates (6ft. high) communicating one with the staith near the bottom of the old bank, and the other with the Swan banks staith - the other Law hill pit is his engine pit - this engine pumps up the water 44 yards from the soft or low bed into the level (in the sandstone?) that pours out the water (a strong feeder) into the brook just below Thief bridge (in the Stony royde land) at H-x - this level, call it A, received at a little distance from the Engine pit all the water that R- formerly threw on Hinscliffe, and that being thus taken off drys all the coal in the waste and the coal R- is now getting alongside my land Hugh grave fields and forward towards Barraclough lane-head - and if I was to raise the Spiggs water all along the barrier I propose leaving of my coal to the North west, so that it ran round the corner down towards R- it could not reach his engine, but would turn short of it, and go down to Thief bridge - R- by this pumping of 44 yards (vid. line 8 above) has 500 yards of level - i.e. has gained 500 yards breadth on the dib side - i.e. can get a breadth of 500 yards in the line of water head hold measured from his engine pit - his water level running parallel with mine (from Trough of Bolland wood to the top far corner of Conery wood etc) it seems he cannot get all Hall’s coal, and if I buy Mrs. Machan’s coal, perhaps R-‘s colliery will be done in 8 or 9 years -
mine cannot be fairly started of 2 years - that his rivalry will not hurt my colliery forever - Holt very poorly - had not been out since Wednesday till this morning - terribly wintery day for him - spoke to him about A-‘s colliery in Lidgate land - will look after it for her if she likes - Hinscliffe very thick with Illingworth - H- often wondered why he treated him so often - advises the joint colliery being settled very quietly about on measurements given in right or wrong way- for all the coal clean [great] and top crushed in that nobody [can] measure any more - H- came at 1 ¼ and went away at 2 ¾ then staid down looking over the large map - till A- came to me for sometime - had Pickells - gave him £10 on a/c and put off settling till I had more examined his account - from about 3 ¾ to 5 wrote all but the 2 first lines of today - then had Charles H- up in the blue room to set the pendulum of the pendule right and talking to him about Mytholm engine pit till near 6 - he explained why it would never do to loose my coal from mytholm - should have all the upper bed water to pump - the great gall 3 yards from the engine pit on the Hipperholme side - all the money my grandfather laid out there quite thrown away - should put my water wheel down somewhere (and that could only be between Tilley holm stile and coffin-lane bridge over the brook against Lower brea garden) where it would be out of (free from) the upper bed water - the upper bed being all got hereabouts all the water runs along the old works and would be in upon us in such force at mytholm, we should have it to pump before we get down at all to the lower bed and then we should have both upper and lower bed water  to lift - (engine pit to upper bed 20 yards? deep at Mytholm) - either put the waterwheel down at Tillery holme stile or between there and coffee lane bridge, or else begin at Dumb mill where the upper and lower bed being whole coal there would be barrier enough against letting in upon us all the upper bed water from the old works - on the Dumb mill side, the gall would be a throw up and this would be right - on the Mytholm side it would be to us a throw down and we could do nothing with it - never being to loose coal at Mytholm -dinner at 6 ¼ - coffee - had Washington at 7 ½ had fresh coffee for him - left him with A- about 8 - Marian had arrived per chaise from Halifax just before - very well and safe returned from Market Weighton - a little while with her and my father - then wrote the last 16 lines (after having made out Pickells’s account) till 10 - then with my aunt a minute or 2 - when A- came up SW- only just gone - very snowy wintery day, and windy night -sat talking to A- till 11 at which hour F40°
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