#only on tumblr does this shit happen omg
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 1 year ago
What time are you going to be livestreaming yourself watching season one?
Okay so 9 am PST, Saturday 6 jan/tomorrow. I have no idea how discord works, but it's @thescholarlystrumpet's server and I'm sure she'll be happy to assist with details.
For anyone who wants to watch the stream, I'll post a guest link closer to the time, probably under this... thread? I don't know what it's called but a reblog of this post.
Reblog this so people can find it :]
[context for unsuspecting humans stumbling on this, I have never watched good omens and I made a trilogy of posts summarising the show based on what I learned from tumblr. the fandom then adopted me, and now I am going to watch season one's first three episodes so yall can see my reactions]
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itsrlymine · 26 days ago
There is No "In Spite Of". It’s Because Of. 
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“I get what I want no matter what the 3d shows me.” “I have my man in spite of what I’m seeing. Omg, did he just lick her ti-” “I don’t care what my bank account says, I have 3 trillion in it anyways.” .......
Do you realize that instead of looking at the 3d and rationalizing what you are seeing, you can just decide it instead?? When I started this page, I didn’t say “oh well even though I have 5 followers, I actually have 1200.” NO! I said b*tch I have damn near 5k kiss my ass Tumblr notifications and look at that, I do. The 3d shows you what you say she does. Stop trying to be friends and put that b*tch her in the place tf!!!! If everything is what you say it is, then say what you need to say and know it’s true now. Stop being an attention seeking wh*re and continually asking the 3d to change bc she won’t listen to you! She’s gonna hear your miserable tears and give you more shit to cry about unless you decide you are crying about how you just got the most fire pipe/pus in the world! I’m so serious. Turn that inner frown upside down so you can turn your outer world around.  This is simple and if you want to argue it’s not, you can’t be shocked you experience that. Notice how you don’t need evidence of negative things to occur before you decide on whether or not they will happen. So why is it now the opposite for what you do want? You are the one providing evidence to yourself about whether or not something will occur, not the other way around. Who you say you are dictates what is around you. At this very moment,  you can say “I’m living my best life with my partner and I’m rich asf and I have a fatass house….” And the only thing that would make that not true is whether or not you choose to argue that. Yup. It’s that simple. Decide what you are seeing. Decide what the 3d is showing you because the 3d is you. Decide. Decide. Decide.  I’m not saying to ignore your feelings or emotions, though they don’t control the outcome. I’m saying that even if you are physically feeling something, change the meaning internally. It works every time.
You can literally sit and not drive a car for an entire month and a half and decide one day you are going to start driving again. Before you get in, are you questioning yourself on whether or not you can still do it??? If before the break you knew yourself to be an excellent driver, why would one month of not doing so shake your foundation? Some people never forget how to do things because they decide they can never forget. Everything is you. If everything is now, then you’ve already done it. You’re never “out of practice,” never “starting over,” because nothing was ever lost in the first place.  There is no time working against you. It’s just you vs. you. Your perception of everything and relation to it. If you’re thinking something outside of you is outside of you, how can you be shocked you can’t reach it? When you truly know something is done, you don’t stress about it or have to take deep breaths to “regulate” your nervous system. You just know. So before you opened your window to see the sun in the morning, even as you saw sun rays or the light from the sun but not the sun itself, did you have to meditate on the fact that “omg yes, let me breathe and just remind myself that I will see the sun bc it has to show up and I am gonna see it and it’s gonna be—“ NO YOU DIDN’T. YOU JUST KNEW AND OPENED THE DAMN WINDOW. JUST KNOW AND OPEN YOUR MIND’S EYE TO THAT WHICH YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE DAMN. How is anybody still asking if things are possible when that’s the reason way they exist? Possibilities exist because you do. You give everything life. Feeding old stories about why this and why that happened just resurrects zombies of your “past” that you don’t want to deal with so stop doing that. Stop trying to justify the 3d or accept crumbs when you should just accept yourself and the story you are telling because that is the ultimate truth. What you see, say or think inwardly IS what projects outwardly so what the fuck is going on within you? 
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a-cat-in-toffee · 4 months ago
I don't know why I did this.
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🍒 ch3rich3rry Follow
omggg I need to stop hyperfixating on red/blue ship UGH
🍒 ch3rich3rry Follow
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🍒 ch3rich3rry Follow
Anonymous asked: omg wait is DC and wisperers ship name actually wispstyle? that's so cute
YEAH!!! they're super cute dude I love them so much
🍒 ch3rich3rry
ohmygod this post has nothing to do with you you have your own corner of the fandom!!!! I thought we were done having ship discourse
🐀 rattusrattus Follow
what if you two kissed
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🎲 glaring-gambler Follow
didn't expect to see PD ship discourse on the dash today but
#oh hey rattusrattus we thought you were dead
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🎸 trapped-in-hell Follow
🐀 rattusrattus Follow
alive and well 👍
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🐀 rattusrattus Follow
I much prefer Tumblr to Twitter, I saw someone get publicly executed for shipping the Prime Defenders together the other day.
🍝 tide-apologist Follow
🐀 rattusrattus
Yeah, that's what happen when you get canceled. They cancel you.
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🧭 insert-username Follow
does anybody remember pdspotter. what happened to them
🍕 pdspotter Follow
i do :(
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🍕 pdspotter Follow
when will my husband (the prime defenders) return from war (dropping off the face of prime)
🍕 pdspotter
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🍕 pdspotter Follow
Prime Defenders spotted in the downtown New Haven area working with a freelance hero!
Days since last spotting: I've lost count!
#pd spotted! #hero spotted! #guest appearance! #HOLY SHIT ???? GUYS IS MY HUSBAND (the group of heros I'm attatched to) BACK FROM WAR???
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🪲 getmeoutofthewater Follow
I don't mean this as like. discourse. but what is the appeal of hero shipping
🪲 getmeoutofthewater
not ypu tidalwave fandom I love you guys this is about prime defenders
🎲 glaring-gambler Follow
[A blurry photo of DC and the Wisperer standing next to eachother after the flesh battle, covered in blood.]
🪲 getmeoutofthewater
of all the responses I've gotten I think this is the only one which has swayed me
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🎱 imgoingtoeatachaosdemon Follow
wispstyle this virisp that WHAY ABOUT SOLSTYLE.....
#idk virion and wisperes ship name sorry moots that like them
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🎲 glaring-gambler Follow
Anonymous asked: who???? is rattusrattus???????
blog that shitposts abt pd a lot lmao theyre sort of a cryptid. they recently came back
🐀 rattusrattus Follow
Fianlly out of the building.
🍒 ch3rich3rry Follow
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🥰 aestheticsandassthetics Follow
why are we shipping child soldiers
🥰 aestheticsandassthetics
walks out of the notes covered in blood. nevermind.
#delteing this post omg
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🍕 pdspotter Follow
Prime Defnders spotted? Winnebago seen driving through New Haven!
🐸 whereislefrog Follow
oh yeah sorry that's my blorbo
🍕 pdspotter
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🐸 whereislefrog Follow
Le Frog is in New Haven :)
#frogger #hopping around #hiii pd spotter
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epickiya722 · 1 month ago
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When I tell you I'm so sick of this.
Yes, yes, Bakugou used to be his bully and all that yadda yadda. Oh my gosh, wow, a bully in the story! How dare such a thing exists!
Okay, stop clutching your pearls. Even Bakugou knew he was a total ass and it's not something he ever got away with like that, let alone he does grow up, so chill.
But if you're gonna go that route, throwing Todoroki in there to be like "it makes sense to pair them instead" is kind of strange because even though Todoroki didn't bully Midoriya, they did still immediately start on the wrong foot. I mean, Todoroki could have killed Midoriya in their match but I don't see people going "I don't understand how people can ship them, it doesn't make sense to me when Todoroki could have seriously killed Midoriya that one time".
I have seen people ship Midoriya with characters worse than Bakugou, but OMG, it's their ship that gets tackled on the most and at this point, I see it as a trend.
I see it as someone has to do because they're a follower.
Honestly, it's just getting ridiculous.
If the ship doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't make sense to you, who cares? But posting about it like this and then tagging it, doesn't do anything good.
No one who has caught up with the anime and manga would post about the ship in a rather negative way would be "it doesn't make sense to ship them".
"What if they aren't caught up?"
Even so, does it need to make sense? Is it an actual necessity for someone to have a ship to make sense if at the end of the day they're just entertained by the mere thought of it and not bothering you about it?
Take it from someone who ships Miruko and Burnin and is her favorite MHA ship at this time. We ain't see them have no onscreen interaction. That didn't stop me though and going "Hey, I think you two would look cute together".
There are ships in this fandom that have a way worse relationship in canon and still people ship them.
"I see art that depicts them being cute together." Okay, so and? Are you losing HP from it like some video game character that has yet to move out the lava? Do you grow a horn every time you see cute ship art of it? It's not the only ship drawn out there being cute together. It's not like there aren't cute moments in canon for them. Then stop looking at the art. Why are you looking at the art? If you keep seeing BakuDeku art, clearly... you're in the area. Probably on purpose.
I know if I keep seeing art of a ship I don't like it's a me problem because I have the choices to not follow certain people, block the tag, etc.
Maybe you shouldn't be in the MHA fandom at all given the amount of art for them anyways that's official.
Look, I'm not bothered by someone not liking Bakudeku. Could really give zero crap about it, honestly. I have ships I don't like either.
But what bothers me is posting about it, attacking the ship and tagging it.
We all have our opinions and I believe, good or bad, post about them.
However, people do shit like this and then mask it as "having an opinion" when really they probably want to start drama.
"But, Kiya, what if they're not trying to start drama? What if they don't know the proper way to tag?"
I call bullshit and I don't care. Oh, yes, I sound like a bitch, but let's be real here.
Stuff like this happens no matter where. It doesn't just happen on Tumblr. People have done this over and over and over to the point that it is hard to believe that person isn't trying to start anything.
New or not, people by now should know that if they're going to say something negative about a ship, don't draw in the shippers.
If this person didn't want to start drama then why bring TodoDeku into this? "Make it make sense." That right there is a sign of "I'm starting drama". Uh, people do happen to ship TodoDeku. I even ship it. It's not like people don't at all in the fandom ship them and only ship BakuDeku, so stop.
It's not like this person or anybody who does this is genuinely asking and do what to know because maybe they are genuinely curious and/or considering the ship but first wants to know more about it.
No, they're just being hostile. This is not an opinion. It's an attack disguised as one.
If you don't like the ship, okay. But if you're going to post about it, don't tag it.
This isn't even about BakuDeku only anymore. I see this with ships that don't even have anything wrong with them and in different fandoms. It's tiring, it's annoying and just takes the fun out of shipping.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months ago
Sorry, I know you don’t really like people bringing up Jason but I’m very curious. I read Straight on Till Morning several times before really joining Tumblr and I was surprised by how much you seem to dislike him compared to how nicely he was written in said fic. Is it cuz it’s a future fic so he can be more chilled out than in current comics or something?
Feel free to ignore me if you want. Curiosity does not owe me answers.
no worries, i don't mind polite questions! :P
so there's two things. a) sotm was written when the only real comics i'd read were sb94, yj98, tt03, batgirl (2000), and nightwing '96 (iirc - i might be forgetting one or two but the point is, when i was pretty new to comics). at this point wfa had tricked me into thinking jason actually had a consistent character arc that i simply hadn't read yet, and i assumed it would be weird to write a fic where dick, tim, and cass were all around as kon's friends + damian was there being jon's friend in the background, but jason didn't get mentioned, so i worked him in bc i thought that was like. gonna be weird if i didn't, even tho i didn't know what he was doing in postcrisis yet. i mostly just wanted to write about kon and did not yet have the strong "actually i do not care for 99% of post-rebirth comics" feelings i have today. if i were to do the sotm rewrite in my mind, jason would actually still be in his villain to antivillain era because that's my actual favorite era of him. i think it's fun when he's hanging around being like... a vengeful ghost who's just determined to make his problems Everyone's Problem. i'm not really interested in soft angsty daddy's boy jtodd or whatever sdkjfh and that seems to be the most popular version of him i see. it's either soft angsty daddy's boy jason or it's power fantasy cop-adjacent jason who has never done anything wrong in his life and is completely valid in every decision he's ever made. neither of these interests me.
which brings me to b) it's not so much that i dislike jason todd as a character so much as that his fans are so fucking annoying to me. that chapter of sotm? multiple people in the comments were there ONLY to talk about jason, even though the fic is literally about kon and not about jason and he just happens to appear for PART of one scene that chapter. it made me get sick of hearing about him. like theres soooo many jason todd fics out there can you go read those. i want to talk about kon! and i've had people bring him up on my completely unrelated fics too like he doesn't even get MENTIONED like one fic is about clark kon and tim, and someone was in the comments like "omg i bet clark was thinking about jason here" and i was so ... dude. read the room. or the fic even. it is not about him.
but even more than the way a lot of jason fans have this apparently compulsive need to make him the main character of the entire universe, i really can't stand how many of them i've seen spout literal straight up copaganda and/or defense of the death penalty. like they will bend over backwards so hard to defend why he was right to put 8 heads in a duffel bag or why it's morally correct to kill rapists that they start spewing right-wing talking points. and the constant need to make him the perfect imperfect victim ("he's angry and loud unlike GOOD victims--") and all of that just... it really turns me off of 99% of fan content about him that i've seen. it makes me genuinely kind of uncomfortable. like if you think there's a category of criminal that it's okay to execute (without a trial, even) i want nothing to do with you. can you guys just say it's sexy when a man is covered in blood after murdering a room full of people without having to be like "and he was right to do it too!!" because i promise he was not. and if you SAY any of this people will come up with a whole thing about how you must hate victims and/or poor people or some shit. its... really something.
all of that being said - i think there are interesting things you COULD do with his character. i think he can be a fascinating character! with stories worth telling! the family tragedy, the horror story, the vengeful ghost! but at this point with how rancid i find his fanbase i just really only want to see jason takes from people i know will not start spewing copaganda at me + people who i know appreciate tim kicking him in the balls (bc he kicked dick in the balls and tim is a bitch).
anyways. bring back tentatodd 2k25 who's with me
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riggedbones · 1 year ago
making a dashboard simulator post from my octopus world that is so inscrutable .
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🐕 themodernwisdom
stop fucking telling me it’s problematic to have “humans dni” on my carrd none of you understand how traumatizing a symbiosis breakup can be.
👨‍💻 typical-hue-man follow
traumatizing for who 🤨 lmao you weren’t even the one dependent on them for survival
🐕 themodernwisdom
do you not know what dni means.
#blocked. #youd think after all these millennia they’d evolve some reading comprehension
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⚡️ psychiclesbian
like i don’t esp like how often were asked about our sex life but like yea i mean they’re right. tentacles 👍👍
#minors dni #like if they rly want to know just find an octopus whos dtf not that hard #i mean. okay maybe a bit hard. but idk they’re online sometimes?
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🎛 oldstructuremusings
just got the most insane piece of fanmail what the fuck. why is this child learning local human language from my radio show. in the middle of the fucking ocean. apparently they can’t pick anything else up that isn’t the occasional raven station but like i feel like i have some sort of responsibility to not teach this kid how to say fuck every five seconds.
#text #its probably too late tbh #if the kid is seeing this. get off of tumblr
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🦋 lonesomedreamer 🔁 why-no-pigeon-emoji follow
🐦 why-no-pigeon-emoji follow
does anyone know how human symbiosis works i saved this guys life right after his cat friend died and i think he is getting attached. or something.
🚧 mazemaster follow
ur not a dog or cat ur fine.
🦋 lonesomedreamer
it’s a common misconception, but humans can actually form symbiotic bonds with any sapient creature, actually! the relationship mostly helps with their social and mental requirements, and if there are enough humans in an area to form a community, they’re actually not at all reliant on forming interspecies symbiotic relationships! doesn’t really happen where i’m from though, i think last i heard there are maybe 6 humans in the area max 😅
🐦 why-no-pigeon-emoji follow
everyone stfu he made us matching outfits im gonna cry
#omg this is so cute 🥺 #i'm glad things worked out
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🌿 grasstoucher 🔁 toogenericusername follow
🐚 molluskfan12 follow
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currently keeping some smaller snails atm after you-know-what >_> their shells are a more fragile but the meat is better imo. hope it'll work out still!!
🪶 aviandinosaurs follow
cottagecore bloggers off the shits lmao what is this
🐚 molluskfan12 follow
what the fuck is a cottagecore
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⚡️ psychiclesbian 🔁 undereclipse follow
🗼 prehistoric-structures follow
i'm curious!!!
🌅 sundownscare follow
op i appreciate the button for humans in theory but are you under the impression that we don't show up in our own creation myths???
🕸️ veryseriousmonkey follow
maybe they just want to know about other species, like humans appearing in their own myths is p much a given lol
🗼 prehistoric-structures follow
oh yeah thats... totally why that's there
#they forgor 💀
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🌿 grasstoucher
do you think they had discourse like this pre climate disaster like it was just humans at that point how bad could it rly be
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reijamira · 2 months ago
THK EP 7: Uh-oh, trouble in paradise. (My reaction.) 
I tried to stay away from spoilers, but I’m weak. I sneaked a few glances at my Xitter timeline and one at my tumblr dash. What I learned beforehand was: 
It’s Bison’s birthday, and Fadel gifts him a cute cake despite him being angry (Why angry?) 
Keen is spying on FadelStyle in the restroom (it’s a trend, right? JoongDunk have a restroom scene in literally every one of their shows. What's more: Dunk said when they met for the very first time ever, they also went together to the restroom to have a little chat. 🤣 Coming back after I watched EP7 to add: Now Style's comment about making friends in restrooms is all the more funnier.)
Fadel’s arm is in the sling. 
Fadel uses chloroform on Style. (Why??? 😭)
They do paintball. 
Style gets jealous. 
There is a scene with a husband? 
Style drives while Fadel points a gun at his head. 
Style, with his arms tied behind his back, clad in only his boxers, sits on the side of an empty swimming pool. (Help! I’m so scared!)  
That’s it! How does this all add up? Joong said on his IG today that it’s not a sad episode. Let’s see if he’s right. 
Wow, 1:09 hours long! Make that at least two for me. (In the end it took me three. 🤣) I will have to pause and rewind a lot. Roll around on my bed, hitting my pillow, squeeing and screaming. Like always. 😂 
My hands are cold as ice. I’m already so emotional and I’m not even two minutes in. Uhh! 
Oh Jesus, Bison’s fake smiles and his overly cute expressions! 🤣😭 
Those little kisses and pecks Kant gives Bison are so adorable. Oh my, he is so whipped. 
Omg! That scene with Style on that garage trolley! HOT! Love how Fadel gets Style to consider with a challenging “are you scared?” It’s always the challenges between them. 
OMFG, the dad!!! Muhahahaha! Lol he didn’t buy Style’s explanation! 😂😂
Style’s dad is so wonderful! I like him a lot. Yes, give Fadel a hint that Style loves with his whole heart! 
The scene with Kant and Bison in bed: It’s so tragic. If you know where Kant is coming from, it’s all in his dialogue. He thinks about family and work. Yes. Ooooh, my poor guy.
“No matter what happens, I’ll keep all the good memories.” Please, no foreshadowing! 
WOW! Bison just said “I love you, Kant.” And Kant said it right back! My heart is aching! Will Style confess his feelings for Fadel in this episode as well? 
Man, I really feel for Kant here. His broken expression. What should he do in a situation like that? 
I LOVE Fadel wearing Style’s shirt and him loving Style’s scent! 😍
Both Kant and Style have noticed and commented upon the fact that their boyfriends act weirdly. Interesting. 
Soooooo adorable! Fadel smelling Style, loving how he smells. Omg! He is an addict. 🫠 He looks like a cute dog. 
Please, no sad Fadel face! I can’t bear seeing that man so miserable. 
The paintball game is so much fun. lol Style’s worried look when he sees Fadel firing his gun. 😂
Bisooon, come on “lovers in the trenches”, “like we are going to die together”. Enough with this nonsense. This is a rom com. No one of the couples dies! Kant’s “we’ll fight through it hand in hand” is killing me! 😭 
Bison: “You gotta protect me, then. Don’t let anyone harm me.” 
Please, why so much foreshadowing?? 💀
Fadel saying Kant “started all of this”. Uhhhhh lord, the heavy double meaning! Style did notice something. 
I can’t with the heavy double meaning in this scene. Style doesn’t know that Fadel knows. 😭
Style: “Professional BB gun shooter” 😂😂🤣😂🤣😂 Saved at the last second. 
Fadel: “Make sure no one shoots me in the back.” 
And then their talk about trust. Whew! Love the subtext! 
FUCK! I knew it! They did intend to shoot them for real! Shit! Kant!! 
Okay, apparently, Bison did intend to shoot Kant for real? 
Ah, no, so there IS still a plan? 😭 
Not Bison burning their trophy! 💀😭😱
Uh oh!!! So, that’s how Fadel learns how Style got involved! Jesus! Bison just told him straight up. Intense! No, Fadel, don’t hit him! 
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Gods, their shouting at each other was hard to watch. I know that Style and Fadel will also have a scene where they will be shouting at each other. I’m not ready for this. Not. One. Bit. 
No, Fadel, you weren’t happy before Style. You said so yourself. Stop lying to yourself! 😭🥺
My goodness, make them fall head over heels in love and then kill them. But they ARE already heads over heels in love! Just open your eyes and see!! 
Man, you are all so wrong! They don’t think you are fools, you FOOLS! Seriously, if any of you would just open their eyes and interpret the evidence (couldn’t resist the Hannibal reference 😄). 
HELP!!! I did not expect to witness Bison’s murder fantasies in such explicit detail! 💀😱
Oh, my heart is melting! Fadel, you adorable man! The cake is so sweet! With the little house! 🥺 They want to be safe and normal. 
Style and Kant in the shower. I love how positive Style is. It’s so refreshing. He really brings a bit of light in the darkness of late. 
Well, was that the husband from my spoiler? The disgusting guy with the death glare at Fadel and Bison? Maybe he is the shooter, not Keen? 
It’s getting exciting now! 
Oh no, not me tearing up about Kant’s thoughtful gift to Bison. 😍🥺
Not Fadel and Style watching this cute, romantic scene play out right before their very eyes. Fadel’s expression is getting to me. He had a partner once, who apparently vanished. Now he has a new partner, but this one is seemingly fake. 😨
Fadel saying Style is unique. My god, just lay it all on the table. All the cards. Enough with these games! 
WHAT!!! Style?? A ring and ask Fadel to marry you!!! Jesus, this is foreshadowing I LOVE! 
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For a second, I was worried, Style’s intended way to go was by poison! Look y'all, how worried Fadel got in a blink of an eye! Wasn’t he supposed to murder him? Doesn’t look to me like he could, though. 🤣 
Did Style really just cough up a ring? The fuck? Muhahahaha, this is such a Style thing to do! I bet Fadel found it secretly endearing. Yeah, look, he calls himself a fool. Yes, a fool for love. Good thing, Style’s love for you is genuine! Open your eyes, Fadel! And please, do marry him! 
Uhh, Fadel? What did you just intend to put into Style and Kant’s beer? 
What’s Keen’s plan? Appreciating the antiques?
lol Style, you are so naughty. Wash your hands first, please, would you? 😂 I bet Keen is perking up his ears now. 
I think Keen will set his eyes on Style now, right? I believe he had something to do with Fadel's ex, too.
Oh gosh, it’s happening! So, Keen wanted to shoot, but it’s the disgusting husband from outside the bar! 
Hahaha, Style! lol way to show your jealousy! 😂😂😂
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Everything I thought was WRONG! Bison gets stabbed!!! Not shot! And Fadel gets shot protecting the woman! My goodness! What a mess! 
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Fucking hell! STYLE! Just like that, yes? Picking up a gun and training it at someone with a death threat on your lips. How freaking badass! 
What a captivating scene!! Jesus, lord! 
Huh, a broken arm? Thought he got shot? 
My boys, Fadel and Style! Just realize that there is genuine love between the two of you! 
No, no, no, don’t push Style away, Fadel! 😭😭😭
Kant breaks my heart. 🥺🥺🥺 No, man, I’m crying with Kant here. 😭
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Oh shit, Kant! Bison! Behave!!! 
Hehehe, Captain Christ cursing is hot! 
No, but Bison’s crazy psycho look at Kant in the trunk was scary. And sexy.  
Nooo, the chloroform scene! Why, Fadel??! 😭😭😭😭
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Nooo, I can’t watch this scene!!! Help! I was hoping it wasn’t Fadel who would do this to Style! 
Great cinematographic shot, btw. Style has a beautiful back. 
Good god, what is Fadel’s plan? (How did he even do all of that with a broken arm???)
Jesus, I can’t! Style said he loved Fadel! Man, this scene does my heart no good. It wants to beat out of my chest. 
No, what? Don’t hurt him! Whaaat??? You can’t end this scene on a gunshot and then nothing! What the hell?? 
Shit! Goosebumps! Oh my lord, that’s why Kant is afraid of the ocean! Jesus Christ! 
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Oh, he really did jumb. For Bison! 😭😭😭😭 
NO! Not another cut! 
lol Style! Flirting with your enraged hitman lover. You sure love the rough, romantic side! 😂😂
What’s with the appreciative glances at Fadel? 🤣 Style, you are beyond help. 
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Wellll, that was an emotional rollercoaster! I love this freaking show so much! Next week, we finally get the bathtub scene, y’all! 
What’s with the car bed scene? 
I think they will angrily shout at each other and the car bed scene comes right after that (Dunk said in a clip I watched on YT that both their voices were still raw from shouting at each other for a scene of THK.) 
Kant has to do penance with Bison. Poor man, but he did fall in love with the crazy one. 😂 
It looks like Fadel and Style get attacked? Is this the scene where Style gets his injury? 
Gosh, I can’t believe the seven days of waiting in doom and misery have begun anew. 😭
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Joong was right. This episode had its heartbreaking moments, but overall, it wasn't sad, rather dramatic and scary and thrilling. 
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ghoulette-knell · 6 months ago
Does anyone like Powerwolf???
So, last Wednesday, I drove down from Canada to Cleveland, Ohio so I could experience my favourite band with my two best friends.
I queued up at 10:30am because I’m delulu and in my mind I was like “maybe I’ll meet the members if I queue early?”
Girls, Guys, and Nonbinary Pals… guess what fuckin’ happened.
I met Falk and Roel 😭😭😭😭
(teeny face reveal because I’m too excited to worry about being anonymous anymore)
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SO LIKE HELLO?? My friends were back at our RV and didn’t get to meet the boys. Such bad luck!
Falk was like “OMG we have matching tattoos!” to me, and he was pointing to my Powerwolf tattoo I got back in June. He also has one on his inner arm 🥹
And Roel was like “I love the flowers you added to it!” BRB SOBBINGGGG!
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I felt like the main character!
Oh, and it gets better y’all.
So, Powerwolf’s opening band Unleash the Archers was filming a music video and I’m gonna be in that video cuz they filmed me a bit while waiting in line LOL.
Oh, and it STILL gets better.
I got interviewed by Powerwolf’s media manager and filmed a bit (he also took pics of my tattoo 😭😭) so I might be in their roundup video for Cleveland.
Oh babe, it still gets better.
So, my buddies and I had quick pass. We got front and centre in the pit. My buddy got Unleash the Archer’s drummer’s setlist, and I was absolutely enamoured with their singer and guitarist. Bisexual energy is so strong with that band holy shit.
So Powerwolf comes out (all my mentionable videos will be at the end of this post), and Attila was all over me and my buddy (why tf Tumblr only allowing one video per post :( )
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I ended up catching Charles’ pick too- like what the fuck. I feel like y/n in a Wattpad fanfic istg
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Would yall believe me if I said it’s STILL GETTING BETTER?
I was featured in the Cleveland photo…
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Seriously losing my mind. Ghost was by far my favourite concert… BUT POWERWOLF WAS MORE MEANINGFUL AND RAW!
I feel changed yall… Metal is Religion. Powerwolf is Religion.
Also, watch Attila being a little flirt in that video… bro is making me endlessly delulu (even tho I’m a Falk girlie)
EDIT: I’m in the Cleveland round up video too WHEEZE
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evony256 · 6 months ago
I just wanted to share my thoughts on the episode too since I've seen a lot of people do that
By the way I had to watch this like 7 hours after it was released and I have not scrolled through Tumblr yet so I might bring up stuff that have already been discussed. Also all of these notes were written down while I was watching the episode so yeah
-Levi just moved up so much on my kin list it's insane like omg…
- This was one bad day for Acevi fans, huh. I guess the Xanvid came at a price
-Whit I can now see why David told you to shut up I like you but that was bad 💀 (he was probably left affected by how David reacted in episode 12 and is either really uncomfortable or somewhat intimidated by David now)
-Nah nah nah that's definitely not Teruko's secret so I'm gonna start theorizing now. Teruko might have most of the secrets. It's not like they belong to her, but if you think back to episode 8 she said that she doesn't know which secret is hers because so many things have happened in her life. She probably said that she got the family secret because she thought that was the most likely one. Hu's secret might also be accurate to her considering the fact that, in episode 4, she told Arei that failed suicide attempts are painful, hinting at the fact that she might have tried to kill herself at some point (also backed up by the fact that, in episode 3, she says "why save my life if you're just going to ruin it afterwards?" when talking about her medical debt). The idea that she has most (if not all, but I doubt that) of the secrets might tie in with the killing game secret since it says "How could I even select what secret to be your motive?". The wording here is very ambiguous since it could be interpreted as "secrets about your life" or "secrets that are on the board", like the ones that the other cast members have, the latter being something that I bet that nobody in the fandom thought about until this episode. Anyway theory over back to saying stupid shit
-I MADE AN AUDIBLE GASP NOISE WHEN THAT CG WITH EDEN SHOWED UP HOLY SHIT!!!! I think she might have hurt or killed the girl she kissed? Unless she killed Arei, which is still a posibility, or Levi lied about his secret for Eden’s sake (idea which could contribute to the "Eden killer Levi accomplice" theory), though Charles would have also needed to lie for Eden since he had her secret. Also, if we're going with Eden remorseless murderer theory, in my opinion, it wouldn't make sense for Eden to be a remorseless killer after what Arei said about her making a mistake "that she couldn't take back" (showing that she probably felt remorse for what she did). Also also this is a good time for me to bring up the note with "Eden's motive" that Charles gave to Teruko. That note could be proof of whether or not Eden really does have the girl kisser secret and I want to mention that the note could be anything since we only have Charles' word to rely on. I really hope we get to see what it says because it's been making me more suspicious of Charles (I personally think that Charles is somewhat suspicious so I might make a post about it soon even though there isn't much proper evidence to say that he has something to do with the killing game, there's still a couple of questionable things about what he's done/said). Okay yap session number two over
-Arei moved up even more on my kin list how is that even possible…. I also love how her voice changed so much in this episode. Even in prior episodes, her voice seemed so cheerful and energetic, yet in this one, it's much calmer. Showing that she truly is feeling relieved that there are other bad people in the world like her and that she might have a chance to redeem herself if so. God damnit Mokaui (Arei's VA) did such a good job with all of her voice lines she needs to be credited more
-They're finally talking about the murder method this is a new evolution for humanity
-Monotv causally breaking the forth wall, now we can blame it on the cast that they were talking about the secrets for an entire year because they didn't watch the Chapter 2 recap
-Ooh so that's what the broken handles meant also that Veronika art is so pretty
-I wonder why they would want to break her neck though, it doesn't seem like it would help with the murder at all, but maybe the killer was trying to cause confusion
-This is proving a theory that I've had for a while. If Arei was hung from the ceiling of the playground, then that could be tied in with the broken lights and the movie screening room above the playground. How would they be able to get her into the playground from the movie screening room though…
-J 💀 (that's all I’ve got to say literally)
-That's a lot of very precise information Whit I can understand Veronika but why would you know all that. Care to share something with the class?
-The text animations in the debate are so unique like the question marks with Rose and the one that circles around the top of Levi’s head those look so cool. Also getting to hear a lot of characters talk in a row feels amazing. It gives them a lot of depth showing the contrast between those characters’ tones of voice.
-Also there goes my screening room theory damn
-Everyone just roasting Teruko again is the best thing out of this episode /j
-We got puppy Whit 10/10 episode
-Ooooo she's talking about Ace's attempted murder
-(Probably) Nico and Ace focused episode next week Nico and Ace fans are gonna be eating good
Overall, this might be my favourite episode so far. Not like I had a favourite episode before but still this was SO good
Also I just checked my Tumblr notifications why are there 50 like oh my lord 💀
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tommyssupercoolblog · 5 months ago
Hello, I'm the factive who asked your husband how he was able to find peace in being open as a factive in a relationship with you. His confidence and insight really helped me feel validated and less ashamed of my existence. I also wanted to ask your POV being out as factive? And does it bring you peace and comfort to be where you are with your husband now than before? You don't necessarily have to share everything, only bits you're comfortable to share are ok by me.
I think, after all this, I wanted to be close or connected to other factives wherever I could find one. Just like you and your husband, me and my in-sys husband wishes to be ourselves and gush about each other without feeling too scared to speak our names out loud. If you find this ask relevant, thank you so much for taking your time in answering.
AAAA HELLO!!! OMG I totally forgor about this lol okayokayokay
YES I AM VERY HAPPY AND SECURE AND STUFF I am feeling very pog!!! 👍🏻 I do not have anxiety or anything anymore I am feel peace. And I am SO GLAD we are out? Literally best decision of my life. We r seen and we can be ourselves and it's so much better than hiding FORREAL FORREAL
So about the fear thing, I'm a tommyinnit factive so like.... There was a lot of fear when I first started doing my thing. Because the interactions I'd had with the DSMP community previously were...uh....bad!!!
Very bad!!! Like, doxxing people over shipping c!Tubbo/c!ranboo in a romantic way even though they were literally married bad !!!!!! Suicide baiting and shit bad!!!! And they also seemed to think that things like special interests and introjects were things you can control (even though they aren't) and would harass neurodivergent people who had connections to problematic cc's in that way, so the ableism was also spooky.
So I got it in my head that if I came out, especially as an alter in a relationship with someone else, it would be a BIG problem even if I wasn't vocally pro-rpf and anti-censorship because like. They would see my existence as offensive to source and also as "shipping" and then I would literally be hunted for sport and die. Like that's not an exaggeration that's literally what I thought, I had nightmares about people showing up to our house with guns because they found my Tumblr blog?? Which is.....very overdramatic like that is NAWT going to happen. HELLO???? My Tumblr blog with like 300 followers??? As if someone's going to purchase and learn to use a gun, find our real world address, travel all the way to it, and somehow manage to get to our house with a gun in their hands without being stopped, and then manage to get INTO the house without being stopped or spotted or bitten by the dogs, and then find us, somehow know which one of the people living here is us, and successfully both shoot and kill us??? GIRL NO. GIRL THAT WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
But I was SCARED. So what I did, right, was that when I first made my blog and started posting? I took a page out of poppytwt's book and wrote everything with numbers and symbols and shit, (like this: "T0mm√1nn1+") And I didn't interact with any DSMP posts at all. I would see fanart and fun posts about my source or the characters and I wouldn't like or reblog because I was paranoid that OP would be mad at me, so I would scroll sadly by.
But I was still myself. I was still "Tommy" and I still explained that I was an introject, and in a relationship with Seán. And that was a big step!!! -even if I had to put a space between Tommy and Innit when talking about my source, and also spell it like I was a Homestuck character.
Eventually I dropped the censored letters because it was MAD annoying but I still used spaces liberally, and avoided referring to my source as anything other than "source" unless I like, HAD to. I also didn't make "Innit" jokes about myself, even tho I REALLY wanted to.
Then I started making the Innit jokes too, but only with spaces, and I started timidly reblogging fanart from people who seemed chill- I would read DNIs and intros first, but if I got the vibe they were chill with me, I would reblog. This was a BIG BIG step for me, and I remember at first obsessively checking for DNIs and if someone didn't have one at all, like my blog, I would either scroll through their blog to get a feel for their opinions or I would just leave- because I didn't want to risk interacting with someone who was weird about introjects or RPF or both.
And then people from the fandom...started talking to me. I made friends and acquaintances. And they all told me that basically, as long as I knew who to block, I was fine; and that the fandom overall had MASSIVELY calmed down since 2020 anyway, so the things I was worried about weren't even normal anymore here on Tumblr- only on twitter. And they sort of reassured me.
I stopped feeling the need to put spaces between "Tommy" and "Innit", and started using Tommyinnit casually, both in reference to myself and source. I went back to all our AO3 fanfics, which at the time had no character tags to avoid popping up in DSMP circles, and added the character tags.
Then I started actually making fanart just for source, not septicinnit, and even- gasp- TAGGING IT with tommyinnit. Same with liveblogging and posts about him.
And then I made even MORE friends as people realized my blog like. Existed?
It was a very gradual process for me, and if you need to go slow too, that's okay. But what I've found is that the things I was worried about weren't even really things I had to worry about at all. I didn't get much Anon hate, in fact over the last two years I think I've only gotten it three times.
once from someone who said I was faking DID because I had no friends and was mentally ill and depressed which. Hurt but also was kinda funny because they were being so ableist and mean to me? Girl you clearly don't care about systems.
once from a confused anti-endo who thought WE were endogenic because we have endo friends (and literally all they wrote was "traumas fuck endos suck" with nothing else??? LMAOOO?????? So thankfully that one didn't even hurt my feelings)
And once from a person who spammed a few poorly written asks because I was talking to my friend Kency and someone who didn't like Kency was going through their interactions and anon-hating people. They did have alt accounts that they came back with when I blocked the first ones but they only had like four so after I blocked the anons the fourth time, it stopped.
I was mostly able to laugh it off, and when I was sad, Seán and our friends/family were there to support me.
I ended up on r/system cringe, too, and I had a meltdown about that, but then quickly realized it didn't really matter? Again, no one was coming to my house. None of these people would actually hurt me, especially not when they do this all day and have no special malice for me specifically. If anyone showed up I'd just block them- and even weeks after the post, no one did.
Once someone posted a screenshot of one of our fics to twitter, and then people dogpiled us and we got some hate comments, but all it took was a friend pointing out that ao3 is a pro-rpf and proship/anti-censorship website for op to delete the screenshot, and everyone else stopped after that.
Like, what I've discovered is that as awful as cyberbullying is, it's only as bad as your fear lets it be. If you block them and if you remember to stay calm and that you're not in any physical danger, then it's not a big deal. It only hits hard when you panic, and even then you can find support from the people who love you.
Doxxing is of course another story but it's usually rare and also usually easily solved (delete the information) and also ... doesn't always lead to action. In order to have a hate mob swarm at your house your address can't just be posted, you also have to have a bunch of people decide, independently, to actually get off their ass and show up; and unless you're taylor swift that's probably not going to happen.
I can't keep a cool head under pressure, but Seàn can, and I've found that when we talk things out and work as a team, the threats usually aren't as bad as they look. And again, I've never been doxxed and my harassment has been very minor.
I'd recommend having one or more people in your life who are able to talk things through calmly with you and think clearly when things are a little hectic, to block anyone who bothers you or who looks like they might (because of their DNIs or past activity or whatever), and then to just...take the plunge. Because once you experience being out you're forced to realize that the negatives aren't nearly as harsh as they looked. The water looks colder than it is; you won't truly realize how warm and welcoming it can actually be until you're swimming :) I wouldn't trade this for the world 🌍💓 and that's FACTS, forreal forreal.
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aachria · 7 months ago
omg new chapter jst dropped im still reading i jst finishdd read coins letter and man i already love him sm
Like (spoiler alert ig if anyone's on tumblr before reaching the chapter???))
Hes so so so so funny and and :(( hes so dad figure coded
"Not even the great pirate era smh 😕" so real for that boo
ALSO ALSO ED AND COIN SPENDING THE TIMESKIP TOGETHER IS ALSO SOMETHING I PREDICTED Ed is gonna be such a badass. Also the line that goes "wherever you are, ill find you" makes me feel like you might legit make ed have both the coin training arc and be on the execution stand and i have never been more excited for something because i feel like if you do that we might get a luffy pov 🤭🤭🤭
Him going around calling ed his kid made me so happy. Guess ed wont have to worry abt getting too close to whitebeard now that they have their own found family dad "You’re probably something to brag about so I wanted a head start." Ed deserves to be bragged about 🗣‼️‼️‼️
him immediately saying that if rayleigh says his name is a dick joke hes lying is so sibling coded (and rlly zoro and ed coded i feel)
"And no matter what — what you’re fighting for right now, what your morals are, how shit you think your personality is, any of that bullshit — you couldn’t possibly disappoint me. " i cried, i sobbed, i shoved my head in my pillow and screamed.
And and "Just remember you’re everything, everything is going to be fine, and I’m gonna help you anyway I’m capable." :((( hes so cool i love him fr
"PLEASE do not prove me wrong on that one oml. I mean make your own choices slay queen pussy boss" hes the best. Friendship ended with Ed, Coin is my favorite self insert oc now.
"Pick you up later kiddo" FATHER??? bro is not only ed's dad hes my dad too now. Jst. *takes him and runs away*
I read the letter so many times i should probably get to the rest of the chapter this is gonna get long im srry in advance for yapping sm 😔
Glad we might have a reasonable explanation for teach knowing ed because that shit was worrying
The more i learn abt coin the more i want him as my father :/
The crew thinking ed might leave them makes me even more worried abt the timeskip. Eds so relatable hitting a lil too close to home w the attachment issues codependency line
ik i probs said this before but goddamn do i love the way you portray the strawhats and their dynamics
They're finally talking abt the convo ed and luffy had and the new world and im honestly hopeful abt this, without ace at the execution stand and, again im jst assuming atp, ed taking his place marineford might go way differently. Honestly them still being able to somewhat joke around makes me feel better. At least when they get separated it'll play into what they wanted to happen and what they were planning to do
Thank you once again for blessing us with this amazing chapter, i will be off to reread it a dozen times now.
Coin is my specialist of guys and so sweet and lovely I just ADORE that parental figure-shaped man.
The way writing a Luffy POV would kill me. My man has no internal dialogue what the hell would I write for his silly goofy ass???? (I say this but I absolutely will write Luffy POV at some point, oneshot or not.)
I wonder if Coin works like an anti-Whitebeard shield. Like does his cool dad/uncle energy cancel out the daddy issues aura????
Tfw your kid is SO MUCH to brag about you gotta start before they even exist just to even hope of reaching an adequate amount of bragging. My man has that unconditional love in him where the dog should be.
The fear of abandonment came free with your SSSBMTY subscription.
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o-sunny-day · 12 days ago
we are so back
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@forgettable-au R E A D I T.
I did not get the notification for this…So i just innocently opened up Tumblr and saw forgettable pages that I did not recognize on my main feed….. and I had to pull one of these for a solid 20 seconds
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I LOVE(D) THIS SO GODAMN MUCH- I HAVE THEORIES, I HAVE QUESTIONS, I GOT ANSWERS?????? But first lemme get the visuals out of the way…
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me wen…me when san….sans….and…and papy- papyrus
We’ve seen it before, but im appreciating it now- I LOVE GETTING INTO THE MIND OF FLOWEY it seems like the surface segments are from the perspective of Flowey, and past ones are from Wingdings’? as in, theyre the only ones we get internal dialogue from?
I love hearing both of their thought processes either way.I love seeing their theory minds being put to work like- im going to sound like them when Deltarunes chapters come out- over analyzing everything and wondering how I can approach certain characters in different ways. Flowey is so me last page update when he learns about the River Person cause thats my live reaction if/when I find something new out about Undertale like WAIT WHAT????
I thought I knew everything-
But Floweys right- it doesnt seem too hard to get into Sans n Papyrus’ house/get them to invite you over. Their house seems like the type to just be “hang out headquarters” where Alphys or Undyne or anyone vaguely related to them would just waltz right in not even knocking and theyd go “sup” “HI!”
Flowey teasing Papyrus about battle body stuff is so stupid wholesome i could die and also hes so correct, it is cool when he does it. >:(
And Flowey you sneaky bitch- with that dark secret line, Im SCARED WHERE THIS IS GONNA HEAD but also omg so excited. So theyre gonna go down to the True Lab…I wonder if getting there will be the adventure, what happens while theyre there, or trying to get out
I also wonder how/if the chapters title has anything to do with Floweys contributions, cause I remember it being said that from now on itll switch back and forth from present to the past in the same chapters. The Scientific Method… Like trial and error, so ofc Wingdings trying to figure out what the hell is going on with the tapes from the future, but also Floweys trial and error in seeing what makes Papyrus tick? perhaps? Just a theory on that one…
I love the dialogue more each time idk how ya do it sunsestart, everything about it is so!!!!!!!! and so!!!!!!!!!!! I am absolutely jumping for joy at more updates, and despite art school making it slow down a tad, its ALWAYS worth the wait, and never worth risking physical or mental health!
speaking of art holy shit is it gorgeous- the backpack looks amazing in every shot how. how do draw backpack???
Theres so many THOUGHTS not as much on any specific bits, but just…RHEHDHEHFHFHF The Papyrus Is Gaster theory was something I didn’t care all too much for as it sounded interesting but not worth my time in investigating too much. THAT WAS UNTIL THIS COMIC, NOW I DECLARE IT CANON!!! SURPRISE!!!! IVE BEEN TOBY FOX ALL ALONG!!!!! YOU GUYS FIGURED IT OUT
I love the subtley new style. also. papyrus looks so darn silly- i mean he always did but even sillier now
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shakingparadigm · 11 months ago
What if Luka expects Hyuna to come like she did in his round with Mizi and he is plotting something.He has the trust of aliens,the love of the public and no one would suspect him to do something outside the box,far from the image he created of himself.Hyuna made her appearence in round 5 when we didn't expected it. If the round isn't entirely dedicated to Ivan and Till,this may be an option.He may confront Mizi and Hyuna,they may not be able to rescue Ivan and Till and not make it in time. Luka may not appear at all.
(Me overthinking things: OMG Akugetsu will cover Hyuna's song this must mean something | The other me: OMG I can't wait,this song literally suits him!)
(I like the style of your drawings,the way you use colors and the way you phrase things! When something about ALNST comes out I just wait for your updates! I can't imagine what will happen on tumblr when round 6 is out. And then all of us will wait for the next one over again XD)
Till the end.
TILL... the end...
Ok this is the worst joke I could ever make.
Oohh. Luka appearing in ROUND 6 would honestly be insane. I thought about him making an appearance in the short teaser scene before credits, but if he actually confronted anyone himself that would be so interesting. Imagine all 6 of them in the same episode... the same room... no way... the Alien Stage would be real...
Luka attempting to sabotage Mizi and Hyuna is such an intriguing concept. I do think he's figured out that Hyuna will be returning, he grew up with her, after all. He's most likely aware of her penchant for protecting people. He probably expects Mizi to come back for the only friends she has left, too. He couldn't do anything the first time he saw Hyuna after ROUND 5, but he might be more eager to get his hands on her now. If we get our first adult Hyuna and Luka interaction during ROUND 6 I'd actually go insane. as much as I hope for it though, I'm not sure whether or not it will actually happen. ROUND 6 already has a lot going for it. A final confession of love already makes for a heavy episode, but with Till's newly revealed backstory added to the mix? Mizi and Hyuna's attempt at a jailbreak? The whole video would probably need an entire week to be processed and even comprehended, especially if they want to go into extensive detail on each aspect. Still, though, if Luka interfered... if Mizi and Hyuna were unable to save anyone and had to defeatedly return to the rebellion base carrying the weight of their failure, well, I DON'T THINK I'D BE REACHABLE FOR AT LEAST 10 BUSINESS DAYS I'd have to go into hiding in order to cope with that. But who knows! The fun part about VIVINOS videos is that they're always gonna leave you fucked up in one way or another!
AKUGETSU COVERING ALL-IN. TILL COVERING HYUNA'S SONG. I've posted so many times about this day holy shit its finally real. It really does suit him! Do you think AKUGETSU is
1) hinting that Till is joining the rebellion
2) giving us the All-In cover as compensation for whatever bad thing is going to happen to Till
(or a secret third thing: he literally just did it for fun and we've just gone insane.)
Ahh thank you so much for enjoying my stuff! I'm so happy, everyone's been really nice to me as of late and I don't know what to doooo hahaha I'm just really glad to share everyone's excitement for ALIEN STAGE :)
You wait for my updates??!! oh no I'm so sorry 😭 I'm quite late at times because I've had some stuff going on (I've barely said anything about the April Fools actor au 😭) but hopefully I'll be free to go absolutely nuts after the release of ROUND 6 tomorrow!! If you're ever in need of someone to scream about ROUND 6 with my inbox is always open!! Thank you for your kind words!!
Can't wait till I get to hear from you again! :)
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sandorsubs · 1 month ago
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i didn't want to reblog this so just screenshots. i wrote about fabricated void success stories raining all over on tumblr but see what happens when you put other people on pedastal? this is not just idolizing bloggers but also lack of knowledge. let's leave fancy or ai generated posts aside and have a real talk.
you can't take someone to void, what do you think those bloggers gonna do? drag you to another reality? no one can do that. i'm gonna explain it in a very simple way.
creator: i'm gonna manifest for you tehee! (completely ignorant blogger)
you: thanks queen!
(creator doesn't know a shit about how manifesting works but still does and shifts into the reality where you get your desire. again, creator shifts not you)
you: creator will manifest for me! any minute now...
(you are convinced they will make you shift. you indirectly manifest it for YOURSELF)
you: omg it happened creator helped me!! they must be a god or something.
that's how group shiftings work. everybody shifts for themselves. you are just indirectly manifesting it without even knowing it. you still have the power.
no one can drag you to another reality. if you are convinced they will, you'll make yourself shift. you still do the WORK.
stop asking this from others, you can't be selfish if you can only shift yourSELF.
"but i've been trying-" look how you treat yourself. what makes those people special? nothing, because they are not. look forward for once. you clearly don't use your full power if you are still asking it from others.
i know you are struggling but people can only help you by listening or giving motivation. feeling all the responsibility on your shoulders is another kick but that also means you have the control and you are not less than those creators. hold onto your own power.
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gallivich · 2 months ago
16 jan
2025 #3
hai tumblr lucky number 3 (or maybe thats 7 BUT ILL GET BACK TO U ON DAY 7)!!! School decent now im out the shower with my fingernails about to fuckign fall off ok.
Omg whats so fucking crazy is the dsmp drama atm wdym back in like 2020 i was watvhing them all be friends laughing together and now THIS is happebing. Likeee what. Im so fucking full up coz i ate a small meal like 5 hours but i ksut want mozzarella sticks SO BADwell. Technically called halloumi fries but taht just sounds gross af . Anyway. School. These fuckass boys keep saying i have a big nose LIKE I DONT ALREADY FUCJING KNOW but its so embarrasing coz theyll say it and no one even notices them like ur looking a little desperate. But like its kinda my first experience ever with first hand bullying and im js thinking like this is no fun at all tbh. I JUST FEEL SO LONELY ALL THE TIME IM ACTUALLY DONE lowkey consider offing myself often solely because of my lack of friends. Like thats js not thr wwy to live is it. But then it all goes away whn im back at school so im just waitng. OOHHHBFUCK NO ITS FRIDAY!!! i just like wednesdays and thursdays NO GEOGRAPHY!!!!! I fucking hate geographys nd im terrified of my fucking bitchass geography tracher god shes so fuckijg rude. Okmore about my day:::
In drama my ljke bff (in myclass afleast) didnt wanna talk to me or snyrhjng and i was just ljek. Oh. Even tho we're the closest to eachtoehr in the class and i jsut dont see why not so i ahd to pair with people who are like bffs w eschtojer and i jsut so wasnt feleing it. And then the meanest girl in my class was crying all day and im jsjt sorta like ca n someone get. Her emotional support like it ruins the vibe so bsd. Had a maths test and couldnt answer a single question and lunch was awkward af but i saw my crush alot so idm so mich AND LIKE NOW THAT I LOOK BACK ON THE DAY LJTERALLT NOTJING HAPPENED
Then i went to chemist and boight mabelline like magic stick or whatever tf they call it but it was lokwey in thr weong shade and makes me look like a ghost BUT I THINK I CAN MAKE IT WOrk. Im not wasting 10 fuckign quid no way like that shits expensive AND AFTER MONTHHSS OF WANTING I FOIND BURTS BEES POMEGRANATE LIPBALM. Lowkey shit doesnteven smell very good or tint lips and it made stupid alarm go off snd it scared me so bad what if they think i stole it and thry track me down. Abyway! Im just so out of it today bothing good happened nad im bored and im not excited tor tomorrow but im kinda excited actually because i can yap to friend in biologyfor 2 periods straight and theres a lockdown happening mid geography SO LIKE BASICALLY NO GEOGRAPHY IF U THINK HARD ENOUGH ABOUT IT. I fucking despise geography. YAAAYYY. I feel bad because its almost my dads birthday next friday AND I HAVE NO HFUFKING CLUE WHWY TO GET HIM and my mums lowkey acting psycho af like chronically ill i lowkey in my heart beloeve shes got bipolar like actually no joke i see it in her eyes (joke) but not a joke coz i think she does
The second hand embarrasment when i was scrolling on tiktok with ym friend ya and her "secret" account whereshe posts like intense vents on comes up on my fyp while shes watching LIKE THAS SO EMBARRASING FOR HER ABUT I SCROLELD PASTVSO IT WASNT LIKE A BIGDEAL idk ok i just booked to tommy innit he said give me a goddamn minute i saidbitch pass me the blubt icnalled for the dick not s hfkcjng man hunt!
Today im enjyong mozzarella sticks, glee, sinjin, spice and everything nice, FUCK IDK!!!!!!! Ok idk what to go watch i judt wnana sleep but i haent done ANYTHIGN today so i feelim wasting th eday away
Today im hating being full, my face, homework, smelling bad, anxiety snd everythingelse bad sorry for sad quinn gif theres no normal quinngifs and lwokey mood. Relishing in the fact ive only cried once thebwhole year. Man im winning(not oncluding lowkey tearing up sniffles DOESNT FUCKING COUNT)
lover, you shouldve come over - jeff buckley
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eager-wolfboy · 18 days ago
Seed ramblings here: pup had a great daydream about all of the recent airplanes flying low and heading a buzz of a new kind, climbing over his boards of trash to look out the window of his bedroom and see the affini arrive!! Brig so excited pup hops right back into nest and begins to zoom!! Texting friends, sharing in excitement, not wanting to get in the way of the affini doing their job and their welcome messages begin to take over all the screens in the city. Gentle celebration and advising to sign up on the overnet! People have already started joining.
Pup wants to join in too!! But all the excitement got a puppy sleepy so he naps. When he wakes up and tries to text on his phone.. no puppy answers. Rats, all his friends must’ve switched to the overnet already… no worries, he’ll just make an account! He opens the little seed app, watching as it slowly takes all his photos and notes and archives them, deleting away the less important stuff. Then:
Hi cutie! Please enter a username to get started. This can change at any time: ___________________________________
Pup freezes. He.. doesn’t know what to use. He can’t just choose the default option!! This a big moment, and sure it can be changed at any time, but it’s such a hassle to change…. It’s a new era so he should choose something new, right? But it’s so new pup doesn’t know what new handle would define him yet! And to use an old… geez, he has so many olds! Is this just one account? Can pup make more accounts? Does pup have the privacy of having a sexy puppy transmasc-non-binary-whateverthefuckheis tumblr blog anymore? Pup doesn’t let a majority of his friends know about his interests like that for a reason!!! Gahh, if only he had a friend to choose for him… or to even talk with him during the process.
Pup listens forlornly throughout his house. It sounds like all his roommates were out of the house when the invasion came.. no help there… and if construction is happening outside, pup doesn’t wanna go and get hurt. He can see buildings start to form out his window….
With a sad whine, puppy kinda… gives up? He just sulks in his room for a couple days, watching the buildings grow, eating whatever he had stored in his house. He got messages from really sweet people today (he can see the notif banner, but can’t answer without the username first):
[BloomNLoom]: good morning, petal!~ several sophonts have been asking abou…
>[Jamie_K.]: text me asap pls <3
>[Dogicilious]: u ded?
But unfortunately, the first message he sent got him too stumped to reply:
>[BloomNLoom]: Welcome to the Compact, little one! What’s your name?
The trend unfortunately doesn’t stop until his first wellness check, when the case worker asks what his name is.. and then checks his lack of an overnet record… and laughs when she realizes why.
“Would you like us to choose a name and username for you, dear?”
The way pup’s eyes sparkled as they darted around, and the weight that seemed to be plucked right off his shoulders, told the case worker this one wasn’t going to stay independent for much longer.
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