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sissyslave0622 · 3 months ago
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gallivich · 1 month ago
18 jan
2025 #5
Good day all!!!!! Today ive just been travelling aboutbthrplace im so fucking excited to sit in bed ALLL DAYYY tmrw like!!!! I went to a like all u can eat today my first ever it was intense but SO FIRE. Anyway im so sad tho if ucking hate lonely weekend nightz so much i just hate every moment im not busy acfuakly i hate geing ableto think I HATE IT I JSUT WANT CONSTANT DISTRACTION HELP!!!! Likemy loneliness and embarrassment is literally eating me alive. ANYWAY GOOD DAY THO
i bought a loada stuff like i got the cuttessttttt snoopy lamp thing omg i llve it so mcuh ITS SO CUTE i got it at urvan outfitters i love urban ourfitters SO MUCH but its so fucing pricey i also got a little miffy keychain for my school bag ahhh and then ermm wait
Oh ok sk then i got a rilakkuma notebook IDK WHAT TO PUT IN IT THO lowkey impulse buy. Then got a like 2025 planner of my neighbour totoro yes i realise its a little late 😭😭 loads of hand cream nail polish burts bees lipbalm stuff like that andd washi tape a little totoro figure thingy rilakkuma stickers miffy phone case AND OTHE STUFF TOO BUT WHATEVER NO ORN CARES.
Im just so fucking excited to go back to school yes intealise its just the weekendBUT I HATE THE WERKEND yes i realise im insane for hating the weekend i just dont like beign left w my own thoughts yakno Anyway i am now watching bobs burgers and hyppng myself upto go downstairs for water . Im so excited tonshower i feel freaking filthy imean im not but UGHH OK IM LITERALLY EXHAUSTED and i have homework fuckkkk thatttttttttt but i physically cannot not donmy homework indont have it in me busy day but was fun we only went out for siblings birthday and yet i bought more LOL im burning insence rn and it is actually gonna fuck up mu lungs my entire room is foggy BUT I LOVE VANILLAAAA I miss my crush had to create my own gif bcoz tumblr gifs are THE WORST
anywayyysss bye tumblr TALK LATER!!!! Sorry for the boring dya tmrs gonna be boring-er
cheeta - deux visages
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faded-fox420 · 4 months ago
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Blah blah blah
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vylalife · 6 months ago
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dailyblog0 · 1 year ago
day 3 + 4
day 3: I got my own Ao3 account, hurrah! I also posted my first story
day 4: I did not do much today but I did play get a snack at 4am to get a feel for the characters personality, maybe to write a fic. I’m also going to play gasa4 snackcore tomorrow
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laura-dns · 2 years ago
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Have a good night 🩷
Insta : @laura-dns
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justsoulexplorer · 2 years ago
The only one aspect of my life which doesn't belong in my present life anymore and which I absolutely miss is talking sarcastically and having someone to behold that sarcasm and respond likewise! Huh!
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blockster-12 · 2 years ago
My day was boring.
Sitting in three different chairs for 7 and a half hours.
Staring blankly at three different walls.
Pretending to laugh at things being said.
And engaging in one activity.
Then going outside.
Standing in the rain as the wind blew my hood off my head and almost took my umbrella.
Going to have a nice warm meal that made me think of my early childhood.
Going home to sit on the couch.
Playing Project Mirai on my Nintendo 3DS.
As soon as I know it the sun is down.
And here I am.
Laying in bed as I type while I listen to it pour down rain.
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January 22 2025
Keep accidentally writing 2024
I had an okay day. I only had one class today so I was lazy with my appearance cuz I wanted to be comfy. Just wore jeans and a tshirt and my converse. Put my hair in a claw clip. It’s giving y/n lol.
Idk why but I’ve been getting nauseous after dinner every day recently so I’ll definitely need to figure that out.
Tomorrow though since I have three classes and they are spread out so I’m in campus all day I’m definitely going to wear a nicer outfit and put on makeup.
That’s all for today ig. I been spending less time on other social media like Instagram and tiktok and mostly been on tumblr and watching YouTube. With all the time I have from not being on other social media I feel like I have more time to do other things.
But yeah
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gallivich · 2 months ago
16 jan
2025 #3
hai tumblr lucky number 3 (or maybe thats 7 BUT ILL GET BACK TO U ON DAY 7)!!! School decent now im out the shower with my fingernails about to fuckign fall off ok.
Omg whats so fucking crazy is the dsmp drama atm wdym back in like 2020 i was watvhing them all be friends laughing together and now THIS is happebing. Likeee what. Im so fucking full up coz i ate a small meal like 5 hours but i ksut want mozzarella sticks SO BADwell. Technically called halloumi fries but taht just sounds gross af . Anyway. School. These fuckass boys keep saying i have a big nose LIKE I DONT ALREADY FUCJING KNOW but its so embarrasing coz theyll say it and no one even notices them like ur looking a little desperate. But like its kinda my first experience ever with first hand bullying and im js thinking like this is no fun at all tbh. I JUST FEEL SO LONELY ALL THE TIME IM ACTUALLY DONE lowkey consider offing myself often solely because of my lack of friends. Like thats js not thr wwy to live is it. But then it all goes away whn im back at school so im just waitng. OOHHHBFUCK NO ITS FRIDAY!!! i just like wednesdays and thursdays NO GEOGRAPHY!!!!! I fucking hate geographys nd im terrified of my fucking bitchass geography tracher god shes so fuckijg rude. Okmore about my day:::
In drama my ljke bff (in myclass afleast) didnt wanna talk to me or snyrhjng and i was just ljek. Oh. Even tho we're the closest to eachtoehr in the class and i jsut dont see why not so i ahd to pair with people who are like bffs w eschtojer and i jsut so wasnt feleing it. And then the meanest girl in my class was crying all day and im jsjt sorta like ca n someone get. Her emotional support like it ruins the vibe so bsd. Had a maths test and couldnt answer a single question and lunch was awkward af but i saw my crush alot so idm so mich AND LIKE NOW THAT I LOOK BACK ON THE DAY LJTERALLT NOTJING HAPPENED
Then i went to chemist and boight mabelline like magic stick or whatever tf they call it but it was lokwey in thr weong shade and makes me look like a ghost BUT I THINK I CAN MAKE IT WOrk. Im not wasting 10 fuckign quid no way like that shits expensive AND AFTER MONTHHSS OF WANTING I FOIND BURTS BEES POMEGRANATE LIPBALM. Lowkey shit doesnteven smell very good or tint lips and it made stupid alarm go off snd it scared me so bad what if they think i stole it and thry track me down. Abyway! Im just so out of it today bothing good happened nad im bored and im not excited tor tomorrow but im kinda excited actually because i can yap to friend in biologyfor 2 periods straight and theres a lockdown happening mid geography SO LIKE BASICALLY NO GEOGRAPHY IF U THINK HARD ENOUGH ABOUT IT. I fucking despise geography. YAAAYYY. I feel bad because its almost my dads birthday next friday AND I HAVE NO HFUFKING CLUE WHWY TO GET HIM and my mums lowkey acting psycho af like chronically ill i lowkey in my heart beloeve shes got bipolar like actually no joke i see it in her eyes (joke) but not a joke coz i think she does
The second hand embarrasment when i was scrolling on tiktok with ym friend ya and her "secret" account whereshe posts like intense vents on comes up on my fyp while shes watching LIKE THAS SO EMBARRASING FOR HER ABUT I SCROLELD PASTVSO IT WASNT LIKE A BIGDEAL idk ok i just booked to tommy innit he said give me a goddamn minute i saidbitch pass me the blubt icnalled for the dick not s hfkcjng man hunt!
Today im enjyong mozzarella sticks, glee, sinjin, spice and everything nice, FUCK IDK!!!!!!! Ok idk what to go watch i judt wnana sleep but i haent done ANYTHIGN today so i feelim wasting th eday away
Today im hating being full, my face, homework, smelling bad, anxiety snd everythingelse bad sorry for sad quinn gif theres no normal quinngifs and lwokey mood. Relishing in the fact ive only cried once thebwhole year. Man im winning(not oncluding lowkey tearing up sniffles DOESNT FUCKING COUNT)
lover, you shouldve come over - jeff buckley
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aloguelegy · 3 months ago
Kadang, gue merasa kesepian.
Ingin ngobrol banyal hal dari yang receh sampai yang detail tapi sepertinya gue kehilangan mereka. Orang-orang berharga yang pernah gue "miliki". Lalu, orang yang saat ini bersama gue bukan tipe seperti itu. Pasangan gue sering menyambut obrolan gue lewat telpon saat kita LDR ini dan mendengar cerita gue yang remeh. Cerita gue memang terkesan curcol sih. Mungkin di telinga dia malah çerita gue adalah sambat yang ga seharusnya diceritakan agar gak berkembang.
Sebenarnya gue cuma mau menumpahkan isi hati dan pikiran yang saat itu gue rasakan setelah melewati satu hari yang penuh drama. Mungkin juga bagi dia hal yang gue cerita itu gak penting dan belum termasuk kategori drama. Karena gue merasa pasangan gue tidak betah mendengarnya dan hanya mendengar saja (syukur ya masih mau mendengar). Tapi setelah gue jeda ambil nafas, kadang dia langsung beralih topik obrolan, alih-alih merespons atau bahkan hening yang lama.
Gue gak bisa memaksa dan mengontrol respons orang. Kadang, harapan yang berlebihan dari respons yang gue tunggu justru berakhir mengecewakan. Jadi, ya sudah.
Untungnya, gue masih memiliki orang-orang rumah. Karena gue tumbuh dari kebiasaan di rumah akhirnya gue punya tempat untuk mencurahkan isi hati dengan respons yang layak. Gak semua orang loh bisa memiliki previllege itu. Ya, bagi gue itu previllege. Gue bersyukur masih punya Mama yang super nyambung dalam mengobrolkan keseharian gue termasuk segala sambat yang tumpah ruah. Tuhan terima kasih, Mama saya masih sehat sentosa, semoga selalu sehat. Bahkan, kadang lebih banyak cerita yang gue sampaikan ke Mama daripada pasangan gue. Gue merasa sangat nyambung. Sayangnya, gak semua hal bisa gue ceritakan ke Mama ((tentu saja)).
Kadang muncul pikiran, "kenapa bisa gue menikah dengan pasangan gue ini?" Kalo ternyata gue tidak bisa seasik itu dalam ngobrol dengan dia seperti teman-teman lelaki yang pernah dekat dengan gue. Maksudnya, gue pernah dekat dengan beberapa teman cowok dimana kedekatan itu terjadi karena kita super nyambung dalam diskusi dan sekarang obrolan itu gak akan pernah ada lagi karena masing-masing sudah punya kesibukannya dan tentu saja gak akan pernah dimulai walau hanya sekadar menyapa. Obrolan kita mulai dari hal paling remeh di sekitar, politik, sosial, agama dan sejarah. Bahkan hal-hal seperti film, buku, dan komunitas, ketiga hal yang menarik banget buat gue tapi gak pernah dan mungkin gak akan pernah gue obrolkan dengan pasangan karena dia gak suka baca dan memang gak suka mengobrolkan itu. Tentu saja, gue juga tidak bisa memaksakannya. Kita sering banget nonton film, setelahnya kadang gue bahas filmnya tapi responsnya pendek aja. Film berakhir ya sudah. Padahal, gue hobi banget nulis review film di blog pribadi. Sekarang sudah gak lagi dan gue secepat itu lupa sama film yang udah gue tonton. Selain itu, guyonan gue dan teman-teman itu masuk banget, candaan standup komedian anti mesum, anti body shaming, anti hinaan dan sejenisnya. Tipe guyonan yang bukan tipe pasangan gue. Makanya kok hidup gue kaku ya?
Kenapa gue berpikiran seperti itu? Sebenarnya pikiran itu muncul saat gue merasa sepi. Saat gue merasa ada tapi gak ada. Saat gue sering membaca dan melihat video pendek yang lewat di medsos tentang tips memilih pasangan hidup. Adanya peringatan untuk gak salah pilih pasangan hidup karena rupa bisa menua dan gak lagi menarik, cinta gak selamanya konstan, dan PERNIKAHAN ITU ISINYA 100% adalah NGOBROL alias KOMUNIKASI. Komunikasi tentang kehidupan pernikahan pun gue rasa belum seterbuka yang seharusnya. Masih ada yang ditahan. Mungkin karena menjaga perasaan?
Gue harus memahami. Perkara ini tentu saja tidak serta merta membuat segala ikrar putus dan niat ke arah sana. Tulisan ini bahkan untuk menumpahkan segala isi pikiran dan hati yang udah penuh tapi gak punya tempat. Tentu saja hal seperti ini gak akan mungkin gue cerita ke orang rumah. Miniblog ini bahkan jadi wadah untuk menggantikan peran "teman ngobrol" yang pernah gue miliki, di samping obrolan vertikal gue yang tak berbatas itu.
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laura-dns · 2 years ago
Having fun on a boring night with Snapchat 🙃
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bluforgetmenots · 6 months ago
★ Thursday, September 5th, 2024 [☁️]
I haven't much to report today. Nothing much really happened. I really need to sleep but I just can't seem to get comfortable.
The boiler broke, it's freezing.
I want to try sleep now
★ Maybe
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lilasuena18 · 8 months ago
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Boring day
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fox-mulder-gets-pegged · 2 years ago
I just wanna say bc I KNOW you're somewhere on tumblr, to the teenage girl who attended Take Your Kid To Work Day at an office building in Ontario, Canada circa 2013 and had a conversation with a middle aged woman in which you showed her your Black Veil Brides fanart and fanfics and ship content and told her about different fanfic tropes including a/b/o verse bc she happened to know who Panic! at The Disco and Fallout Boy were and thus you felt the need to show her your bandblr ship art, that was my fucking mother and I had to clarify all that to her including looking my mother in the eye and trying to explain a/b/o verse without sounding like a lunatic.
It's been 10 years and I still regularly sent evil energies in your direction. Since you'd be probably two years younger than me and thus legally an adult now, please know if this post reaches you it's on sight.
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i-feel-supernatural · 11 months ago
Today is going my so slow it's actually kinda painful. I wish something interesting/entertaining happens soon.
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