#only my third attempt so uh it’s alright
gaydexvocaloid · 11 months
【Tsurumaki Maki Lite】 Honey I’m Home 【SynthV Basic】
happy halloween 🕷️!!!
credits in tags :3
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Just a little turned around.
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Honestly, it wasn’t as if Y/N was defenceless.
It just so happened that on this one damn day, some asshole had managed to pickpocket her pouch. Not her wallet (that was back at the hotel), not her phone, just her money pouch, which contained the currency of the foreign country she was in. Being prepared and somewhat responsible, Y/N had only put in a day's worth of money into that pouch. In fact, it amazed her how he hadn't gone for her passport or even her phone. No, just the thing that would be most inconvenient for her.
Staring a hole into the ground, she pressed her fingertips to her forehead in an attempt to calm herself down and gather her thoughts. She had chased this slippery bastard all the way to this street where he turned the corner and into a dead end. Then he-, wait.
Y/N straightened up and her eyes darted around frantically. Where was she?
Nothing was familiar. A cafe on the cobbled stone street, a flower shop and a bakery. None of which she had seen before.
Wonderful, now, as well as having no money in a foreign country, she was bloody lost.
“Fuck me dead and sideways till Monday morning.” She huffed, while once again rubbing her forehead with her hand. Honestly, at this point, nothing could particularly get worse.
“That coul’ be arranged!” An accented voice called out from behind her. Scottish perhaps?
“Has a mouth on her.” Another replied in amusement while another voice just grunted in acknowledgement.
Y/N turned around to spit back a witty retort that quickly died on her lips.
“Uh..” She stuttered out intelligently.
Three men, each a prepossessing sight. One was wearing a cap, a blue denim jacket and some black jeans. He was brown eyed and dark skinned, nothing short of a model. His friend was leaning on him, crossed arms, a short mohawk, blue eyes, scruffy looking beard and a cheeky looking smirk. He donned a biker jacket with the small Scottish flag where his breast pocket would be and seemed to be wearing dog tags over his grey t-shirt. The last of them was a hulking man dressed fully in black, his face was obscured with a face mask akin to those of celebrities, however his presence was less of a star and more intimidating. Almost menacing. Maybe he was their bodyguard?
Y/N shook her head and replied,
“Yeah no thanks mate, I’ve got a bit on my plate at the moment, maybe in another life?” She nodded at the three before turning back around and walking towards the coffee shop.
“Oi, Bonnie, we can help ya if ya need. Besides, yer lookin' a bit peely wally.” The man with the mohawk called out.
“What the bloody hell are you on about mate.” Y/N asked, bewildered clearly not understanding the Scottish man's accent.
“ He thinks you look pale.” The large figure behind him rumbled helpfully.
Y/N blinked,
“Is he saying I look sickly?” She turned around and glowered at the man.
“No love, what we mean to say is, you look like you need some help?” The man with the baseball cap stepped forward carefully, as if not to spook her.
“Well, unless you’ve got a tracker dog, a body bag and a large metal pipe, I don't think you’re going to be much help to me.” She crossed her arms defiantly.
“Tha’ can be arranged bonnie.” The mischievous looking man grinned, stepping up while the man behind him followed while giving a non committal grunt.
“I’m Kyle, the annoying one is Johnny and that’s-”
“Simon.” The masked man grumbled while the other two threw a quick look at the third man.
She wrinkled her nose.
“Y/N, pleasure to meet you.” She nodded at the men before sighing, “Alright, I’m here for a holiday, trying to feel out if I wanna move out here for work. I was just takin’ a look around when some asshat came up and fell on me and grabbed my money pouch.” She spoke quickly, somewhat embarrassed that she was admitting to three strangers that she had been duped so easily.
“Ah lovie, unless you remember what he looks like or what he was wearin’ s’ gonna be hard for you to get it back. Do you remember how much you had in there?”
She shrugged, “It was meant to get me lunch and dinner before I checked out of my current hotel to find another one. The rest of the cash is in my hotel room.” She hung her head and sighed.
“Honestly I just need to find my way back and then I can sleep over things. I can skip a meal or two.”
“Gonny no dae that!” Johnny exclaimed, “Yer look like yer already skippin’ meals lass. We’ll take you to lunch and dinner! We got nothin’ ta do anyways!”
The one dressed in all black, Simon was it? Grunted out an agreement.
“You ain't gonna find much around here. You’re not far away from the military base.”
“Whaddya you say love? Let us show you around?” Kyle hummed, cocking his head akin to a begging puppy.
Y/N quirked her lips in thought. Would it be a smart move to let these strangers escort her around? Was she hungry enough to make a questionable decision?
“We’re not strange men, we promise miss.” The taller Brit offered.
“That's exactly what a strange man would say LT.”Johnny quipped, earning a light bonk on the head from the taller man.
Y/N shoulders relaxed when they saw the playful display of banter between the men. Surely this meant they were safe. Right?
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Eddie shoved Steve into the nearest tree, cornering him there. "Say that again," he threatened, his arm already pinning Steve's chest down. "I fucking dare you."
Steve furrowed his brows and swallowed slowly. "All I said was that I liked you. Please, can we talk about this? If I got the wrong signals-"
"Wrongs signals?" Eddie laughed. He released Steve. "This is a joke, right? An attempt at friendship?"
Steve shook his head. "No. I like you, Eddie," he said quietly. "Ever since you put that bottle to my throat, something in me flared up."
Eddie scoffed. "Being turned on isn't liking someone. You are King Steve. Clearly you know love." He started walking away, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and keeping his head low.
Steve felt helpless. "It's not just...me being turned on," he said, following Eddie. The older man didn't say anything, so Steve grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to turn around. "It's about the way you treat the kids, and talk to Nance and Robin. It's how you express yourself without giving a damn about what others think. I admire that about you."
Eddie raised an eyebrow, expecting more, but when none came, he shrugged Steve off him and kept walking. "We don't even get along."
Steve didn't try to follow this time. If Eddie didn't want him then he shouldn't force something onto him.
"Harrington," Eddie said, whipping around, walking backwards, "your attempts are nice, you have a fine ass, your face is cute, and I really love how Dustin looks up to you, but I don't want you to be disappointed in this," he motioned to himself and stopped walking.
"Why would I be disappointed?"
"Uh, first, I'm not a chick," Eddie said, making his way back to Steve. "Second, I'm not into cutesy stuff. Third, the world isn't made for people like us- it'd only put you in harm. You still have a life ahead of you. You don't need to ruin it with some scrappy drug dealing freak."
Steve reached out and took his hand. "You are not a freak." Eddie glanced up and they made eye contact. "And if I want to ruin my life, then alright, at least I'll be doing it with someone I like."
Eddie used his free hand to fidget with a pin on his jacket. He suddenly felt very warm. "Oh," was all he let out, but his mind was racing.
Steve raised his other hand up to Eddie's collar. "I still have your vest, you know. It helps me get through nightmares."
Steve nodded before letting go of Eddie's hand. "I like you, Eddie. And it's not just me being turned on when you hold glass to my neck- it's also about the emotions you make me feel when I see you helping people and enjoying your hobbies and expressing yourself."
Eddie couldn't hide it anymore. "The emotions you make me feel also make me know that I like you," he said quietly. "I tried to stop the feeling, shove them down, but it didn't work. I really don't want to drag you down with me, Steve," he pleaded.
Steve crossed his arms. "You're not dragging me down. I'm already down. I just want someone to help me up again." He offered his hand out to Eddie. "Will you help me get there again?"
Eddie nodded without thinking. "Only if you help me," and he took his hand, shaking it. "We'll help each other get back up again, okay?"
"Of course," Steve agreed.
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tickly-tufts · 7 months
aka 2 times angel didn't tickle husk + 1 time he did (with implied timeskips to different stages of closeness)
“Did you just… giggle?”
Husk flushed at the question, ears folding back as soon as Angel released them. Angel had only wanted to see how they felt. Husk himself had allowed it… until he realized…
His ears were ticklish. Especially the insides, where Angel’s attention inevitably wandered. Husk had kept it together for an entire 5 seconds before Angel’s thumbs were sweeping over the hearts.
“Don’t even think about it,” he warned after, scowling to cover up his embarrassment. He braced for a taunt, or a real attempt at tickling… only for Angel to back off entirely.
“Sorry, sorry, didn’t meant anything by it!” Angel soothed with the offending hands raised. “Thanks for lettin’ me touch ‘em, though. They’re really soft!”
Husk blinked, bewildered.
“Uh… sure… but don’t expect this again. It was one-time deal.”
“Yeah, I figured.”
With the subject settled far more easily than expected, Husk returned to his work… oddly unsatisfied.
“Ears and wings?” Angel marveled, remarkably unfazed about being on the floor. Mere moments ago, he’d been on top of Husk, enjoying the purrs rumbling through his chest.
Once again, it had been an accident. Angel had meant to grab the blanket. At some point, though, Husk had spread his wings, and thus Angel’s fingers burrowed right into feathers.
Husk squealed, which was adorable, even after he flung Angel off the bed. His face betrayed both shock and confusion, which soon made way for mortification. “I didn’t- Are you-” He was clearly flustered, and Angel considered teasing him about it… but he’d promised to stop pushing Husk’s boundaries, and he didn’t want to risk whatever it was they had.
“All good here!” Angel assured, crossing his legs as he sat up. “If I swear to keep my hands off the wings, will ya let me back up there?“ He already missed the warmth.
At his question, though, Husk’s expression took a turn. Angel froze when he thought he spotted… disappointment?
Then it was gone, replaced by a frown.
“Yeah, yeah, just… no more surprises.”
“Pfft, I sure do, but let’s save that for later~” It was a corny comeback even for Angel, but his captive audience couldn’t help but laugh. “Are the paws actually worse than the wings?“ He scratched the yellow center of one heart-shaped pad. Husk immediately screeched, leg nearly jerking free. “Damn! I’ll take that as a yes!”
Three times, Angel had tickled Husk. Three times, he’d stumbled on a weak-spot by accident. Two times, he’d chosen to play it safe… but by the third time, he knew what had to be done. Holding Husk’s ankles with his lower set of hands, Angel wiggled the fingers of his upper set for show. “I promised ya the full massage treatment, though, and I’d just hate to break a promise!”
“You’re the worst, you know that?!” Husk covered his face, refusing to look Angel in the eye. It didn’t escape Angel’s notice, however, that he wasn’t fighting the grip on his legs.
“Aww, don’t act like y’don’t love me,” Angel countered because he could. “And obviously I love you, so try not to kick me in the face, alright?”
Husk nearly did when Angel’s fingers made contact, squeezing and rubbing at both of his paws. The tops and sides weren’t so bad on their own, but those damned yellow hearts were unbearable. He could only cackle as Angel’s thumbs pressed in, massaging the pads in the most ticklish way possible. Hoping to both hide and muffle himself, Husk grabbed the nearest pillow and shoved it over his face.
“C’mon, Husky, no need to be shy,” Angel cooed reassuringly. When Husk simply pretended not to hear him, Angel made a decision, crawling up the bed. Husk’s furry body tensed beneath him, but only enough to indicate he’d been noticed. Once Angel was close enough, he readied his arms, waiting just a beat before he struck.
Husk jumped when he felt a hand on each wing, jolting when they started to card through his feathers. In the same moment, Angel grabbed the pillow, flinging it away before pinning Husk’s wrists.
“Wha- Shit! NohoHOHO!” Husk’s wings flapped uselessly against the bed. Angel had started tickling them in earnest, scribbling right through the layer of patterned plumage.
“Ya look so cute!” Angel gushed, admiring Husk’s helpless grin up-close. When Husk turned his head, bashful at the attention, Angel didn’t hesitate to pepper his cheek with kisses. Husk’s fur concealed the resulting blush, but the movement of his ears still gave him away. Not only that, but it reminded Angel that he still hadn’t revisited his very first discovery.
Finally extending his third pair of arms, Angel passed Husk’s wrists down as he himself climbed up. His second pair landed on either side of Husk’s head, supporting his weight and leaving his first pair free. Husk’s eyes widened at the new arrangement, gaze shooting upwards in search of Angel’s. Husk found his line of sight blocked, however, by none other than the spider’s iconic chest fluff.
Soon enough, though, he felt it. Two fingers per ear, scritching lightly and playfully over red and white fuzz. His ears twitched madly beneath Angel’s ministrations as the rest of him was seized by a fit of giggles.
“Now ya sound cute, too!” Angel teased, though it was also a statement of fact. Husk’s uncharacteristic giggling was addictively adorable. “Wonder what’ll happen if I just-“
Angel had been leaning down as he spoke, mouth drawing closer to Husk’s left ear. He’d moved his hand to cup said ear from the back, and then… he’d started nibbling.
It tickled. It really tickled. It was unfair how much it tickled. Husk thought he’d combust when Angel switched ears, giving his right the exact same treatment. The spider's pointed teeth were evil, prickling gently around the edges.
“OKAY! OHOKAHAHAY!” he ultimately cried out. “S-STOHOHOP!”
And Angel did.
“Alright there, Whiskers?” he checked to be safe, releasing Husk's arms to cradle his face. It would've been easy for Husk to throw him off, but instead, Husk did the opposite. Angel oomfed when he was pulled down, falling into their usual snuggling position.
"...Thanks," Husk mumbled into Angel's hair, sensing the giddy smile he couldn't see from that angle.
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aquaquadrant · 11 months
I’m in LOVE with your Hels to pay au!! Thank you so much for writing it!!
Has anyone ever asked Tango about his cuffs? Has anyone offered/tried to help him get them off? I imagine it would either be a funny montage of increasingly wild attempts OR just absolutely heartbreaking.
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(sooo funny story, i saved the first ask in january bc i wanted to write smth for it… but then the second one came in before i got around to it… then the third… so uh. yeah. here ya go.)
“i like your cuffs, by the way.”
tango freezes, and even though xisuma has only just met the guy, he can immediately tell something’s off.
hermitcraft’s newest member is far from ordinary; a blaze hybrid with sharp teeth and blackened claws, red eyes that dart around nervously and squint at the sun, like it’s too bright. he didn’t even seem to know what a golden carrot was, when xisuma gave one to him.
the shackles around his wrists are just the frosting on the cake. xisuma had assumed it was part of his, er… unconventional style. but tango’s reaction- and the small links of broken chain still dangling from the cuffs- make xisuma wonder.
“what… uh, what do you mean?” tango asks, his tone forcibly light. oh, he’s anxious- ears flat, shoulders hunched likes he’s expecting an attack.
xisuma shrugs. “your cuffs, they’re just really metal,” he says casually. “it’s a cool look, is all.”
“oh.” tango blinks. the relief is evident in his expression, but he only relaxes slightly. “oh, right! thanks.”
while xisuma hasn’t been the admin of hermitcraft for very long, he’s been around long enough to tell when a player is running from something. but that’s none of his business. that’s why they come here, isn’t it?
“anyway,” xisuma says, “that’s about the end of the tour.” he lifts a hand to put on tango’s shoulder, then thinks better of it, folding his arms instead. “you just lemme know if you need anythin’, alright? anythin’ at all.”
“right, yeah.” tango smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “thanks, i’ll- i’ll keep that in mind, yeah.”
“jeeze, you ever take those cuffs off?”
tango freezes, and even though impulse is still relatively new here on hermitcraft, he can immediately tell he’s crossed a line.
it’s only been a couple weeks since a random portal abruptly appeared in front of impulse, taking him to a world called hermitcraft. according to his fellow hermits, that amounted to an invitation from the universe- which is how they all join.
he’s spent most of his time working on a quadruple witch hut farm with some of the other redstoners, and tango’s been a bit of a puzzle. he’ll be standoffish or even outright defensive at times, but then seem inexplicably drawn towards impulse, asking strange and not-so-subtle probing questions. of course, whenever impulse tries to address this, tango brushes him off.
“oh, these old things?” tango says after a moment, his brief panic quickly swept under the rug as he flaunts his cuffs. “why, do you- am i not pulling them off? too much?”
“no, no, they’re cool!” impulse assures him. “it’s just, don’t they get in the way when you’re doing delicate redstone work? seems like a bother, that’s all.”
tango huffs a laugh, but he’s also eyeing the nearest exit. “nah, man, th- it’s part of my look! my uh, my brand, as some might say. can’t go without ‘em, you know how it is…”
that’s not the reason. impulse can tell. but whatever the real reason is, it’s not his place to push tango to talk about it. they’re still getting to know each other, so if it’s anything more than a simple fashion choice, impulse is sure he’ll find out sooner or later.
“ooh, okay, gotcha.” impulse nods sagely. “branding, very important. well, if you ever change your mind, i’d be happy to take them off your hands- uh, literally and figuratively, i guess,” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “cuffs are pretty ‘in’ for demons, you know.”
tango laughs too, though he’s already turning away, back to his work. “right, yeah, i- i’ll keep that in mind.”
“can you actually not take these cuffs off?”
tango freezes, and even without the spike of panic through their soulbond, jimmy can immediately tell he’s said something wrong.
it’s been about a month since the double lifers voted to end the death game. one month since jimmy and tango made their relationship official. and as amazing and wonderful as it’s been living on the ranch, jimmy’s starting to get the sense there are a few things he doesn’t know about tango.
he hadn’t meant anything by the question- just genuine curiosity. they were kissing, tango’s hands cupping jimmy’s face, and when he’d reached up to cover tango’s hands with his own he’d felt the cool metal of the cuffs, and the question just blurted out from his mind. gosh, he really does ruin everything.
tango recovers quickly. “whaaat, you don’t like ‘em?” he grins, casually stretching his arms above his head so the cuffs jangle around his wrists.
jimmy hesitates. the panic he felt through their bond has faded, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still there “well, sure, it’s just- y’know, i realized i’ve never seen you take ‘em off.”
tango blinks. “you- what, don’t you think if i wanted to take them off, i would’ve?” he laughs, putting his hands on his hips. “i mean, it’s not- we have metal-cutting technology, you know.”
oh, duh. jimmy feels silly. tango is far from helpless- if those cuffs hadn’t been a conscious decision, he surely would’ve figured out how to take them off by now. or, jeeze, he could’ve asked anyone on his server full of technical geniuses to help out.
“right, right, of course,” he says sheepishly. “sorry, i wasn’t- i do like how they look, i- i was just wonderin’. but uh, you know, if you ever did wanna take ‘em off… i mean, i’d still like you plenty without them,” he jokes.
“you’re good, you’re good,” tango hums, draping his arms around jimmy’s shoulders. “i’ll keep that in mind.”
tango sits alone in his room, claws curled around the cuff of his other hand.
it’s just simple iron. it wouldn’t be hard. all he has to do is reach for his inner fire, concentrate, and let the metal soften in his grasp. even if he heats it too much- so that molten iron drips over his skin like water- he’s a bit more fire resistant than the average player, he’d be fine. it’d only take a couple seconds for each one, and then he’d be free of them. forever.
it’s been nearly ten years, for hel’s sake. he’s lost count of how many times he’s been in this exact situation before, wanting and willing so much but being unable to bring the flames to his fingertips. if he even thinks about it, it’s suddenly like he’s back in the farm, icy wither rose numbing his veins, a haunting voice ringing in his ears.
‘just the cuffs on his wrists there, and he stays put like the good creature he is.’
tango wants to be good. he’s been trying so hard to be good. but what if he can’t trust himself? what if the only thing stopping him from reverting back to his old ways is the illusion of control maintained by these shackles?
who is he without them? would he be someone that his friends still cared about? would jimmy?
he’s too afraid to find out.
tango lets go of the cuff, the familiar weight of metal dropping back onto his wrist. he can try again another time. so long as he has his fire, he still has the option. he’ll do it someday.
so for now, the thought retreats to its little shadowed corner in the back of his mind, safe for another day.
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hrh-prince-butt · 1 year
alex and henry plan to dress up as barbie and ken for an upcoming costume party, but they can't seem to agree on who should be barbie and who should be ken...
(hello this is possibly the dumbest thing i've ever written, and i have no regrets, it was so much fun to write)
“You can’t deny the Kenergy, babe.” 
“You’re right,” Henry shoots back. “I can’t. And if anyone has it, it’s you.” 
Alex crosses his arms and glares stubbornly at Henry. Henry glares right back, just as goddamn stubborn. Looks like they’re in a stalemate. 
There was no argument that they absolutely had to dress up as Barbie and Ken for their couples costume this year. It had practically been telepathically agreed upon before they even left the cinema. Apparently, the hard part is agreeing on who should dress up as who.
Alex had thought it was obvious that he should be Barbie. But when he brought up speculations about his costume - should he copy an outfit from the movie or figure out something of his own? - Henry had frowned and said he thought he was supposed to be Barbie. 
“Just face it, sweetheart,” Alex says, patting Henry on the shoulder. “You are clearly the Ken to my Barbie.” 
Henry huffs. “How am I the Ken to your Barbie?”
“Well.” Alex leans back on the couch and gestures to himself. “I’m the successful career person, and you are my hot blond accessory. Obviously.” 
“Unbelievable,” Henry says. He sounds genuinely offended. “David, are you hearing this?” David the Beagle lifts his head lazily at the sound of his name, but finding no imminent threat and no promise of treats, he goes back to napping on the couch. 
“All this time,” Henry goes on, and Alex can tell he’s really amping up the theatrics now, probably working up to a dramatic monologue of some kind. “I thought you liked me because of my intelligence, my wit. I thought I was more than just a pretty face, but no. Apparently I’m just some attractive himbo boytoy to you. Utterly unbelievable.” 
He punctuates this absolute scene with a very undramatic bite of chocolate chip cookie. This batch is his third attempt, and Alex has to admit they aren’t terrible. They are overbaked and therefore rock hard - Henry’s annoyed chewing can probably be heard halfway down the street - but they’re already miles better than the last batch. Alex thinks it best not to speak of the last batch.  
“I can’t believe you just called yourself a ‘himbo boytoy’.” Alex is wheezing with laughter, and Henry’s stubborn chewing, his failing attempt to look dramatically offended while crunching on a cookie the texture of a brick, only makes it harder to stop laughing. “Those are your words, not mine.” 
He deigns not to mention that while he has been busy with important law shit all week, Henry has been busy baking cookies. And being really bad at it. That’s definitely Kenergy. 
Henry sighs and washes down the remains of the tragic cookie with tea. “You’re not seeing my vision, love. You would really make an excellent Ken. And I would make an excellent Barbie.” 
“Damn,” Alex says. “We must already be in Barbie’s Dreamhouse because… uh. Keep dreaming.” 
“That… was a truly terrible comeback.” 
Alex sighs. “Yeah. They can’t all be winners.” 
Henry nods gravely. “I’d say this proves my point. You’re Ken, and I’m Barbie.”
It most definitely does not prove anything. “If you’re Barbie,” Alex says, “then you’re definitely Depression Barbie watching the Pride & Prejudice movie like a million times.” 
Henry apparently doesn’t have a response to that except indignant spluttering. Alex laughs so hard he wakes up David. He almost falls off the couch laughing when Henry responds with: “How dare you, I am clearly Irrepressible Thoughts of Death Barbie!” 
Then they’re both laughing, while David watches them in utter confusion. 
“Alright,” Alex says once he has calmed down. “Fair enough. But we can’t both be Barbie!”
“Why not, though?” Henry counters. 
“It’s a couples costume!”
“Well,” Henry says. “Two Barbies can love each other! It’s the 21st century!” 
Alex tries to sigh but it comes out as more laughter. “Yeah, yeah,” he says. “Gay rights for Barbie or whatever. But two Barbies won’t be as recognizable as a couples costume. People will just think we’re two people who independently decided to dress up as Barbie!” 
“Alright.” Henry picks up his phone. “I’m settling this once and for all.” 
“What? Who are you calling?”
That question is quickly answered. The dial tone only rings twice before the call goes through, and Pez’s voice fills the living room. “Well, if it isn’t my second favourite disgraced royal. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Henry wastes no time on niceties. “Pez. Out of Alex and me, who is Barbie and who’s Ken?”
Pez doesn’t even take a moment to consider it. He just says, “Darling, you’re definitely Ken.” 
Ha! Told you, Alex mouths, his face lighting up in a vindictive grin. 
“That is the wrong answer,” Henry tells Pez, whose laughter comes out a little tinny through the phone speakers. 
“Oh come on, you know I’m right,” Pez says. “Or perhaps I just really want to see your boyfriend's magnificent arse in that Barbie-pink pantsuit. You know, the one Margot Robbie wears in the film?” 
More indignant spluttering from Henry. “Pez, you’re on speaker.”
“Oh good, I hoped I was,” Pez replies. “Hello, Alex! I look forward to seeing your Barbie costume. Do come to me if you need help putting it together. Toodles!"
And then he hangs up. Henry glares at the screen like he can magically will Pez to come back and take his side this time. 
“Well, you heard him,” Alex says, not even trying to hide his laughter. 
Henry huffs and shoves the phone back in his pocket. “Well, who made him the expert, anyway?”
“Pretty sure you did, when you called to get his opinion. To, you know-” Alex clears his throat and puts on his best Henry impression- “settle this, once and for all.” 
Presumably at a loss for words, Henry picks up another cookie and, with considerable effort, bites into it. There’s nothing more to say, anyway. They both know Alex has won. 
“Besides,” Alex says, holding up his phone to show Henry the transaction on the screen. “I already ordered the “I am Kenough” hoodie in your size, sweetheart.”
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bella-rose29 · 9 months
Deck the Halls (and not your partner) - part 4
Christmas Eve, and the day of the party.
once again I maintain the idea that lockwood has his tea as a Cameron special (for absolutely no reason, they've just merged into one being in my mind)
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: swearing, family members being mean, lockwood never put his pyjamas back on, I should mention now that they're 18 for plot and ethical reasons, mentions of body image issues, innuendos?
series master list
(image credit to @sxnflowersa_tv on pinterest)
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When Y/n woke up the next morning, her first thought was that she was cold.
Her second was that she was in a double bed and not her usual tiny single in Portland Row, and the third was panic at seeing her boss shirtless.
Lockwood's blanket had slipped at some point in the night, and so when she sat up and stretched she was met with the sight of him sleeping soundly in the armchair, his pyjamas folded neatly on the small table next to him. How he wasn't freezing to death she wasn't sure, but then Lockwood had never made sense to her. One minute he was all smiles and charm and then the next he was saying something completely opposite into her ear, and she was left to figure out which version was the real Lockwood.
Today would be difficult, and they had to come to some sort of understanding if they were going to survive the hell that they would soon be entering.
Lockwood didn't look comfortable at all, with his neck at an odd angle and his legs curled up underneath him (he was bound to get pins and needles when he woke up), and Y/n felt the smallest pang of pity before a knock sounded on the bedroom door.
"Are you two awake?" Her mother questioned, likely wanting to know if they wanted tea. Y/n clambered out of bed and leaned against the door.
"Uh, I am," she whispered. "Lock- Anthony's still asleep."
"Right, well do you think he'll want a cup of tea? I'm heading down to make a pot now."
"Oh, yeah. He has it weird though, with sugar and honey."
"I'll pop those on the tray, then, and he can put in what he wants."
"Thanks Mum." She heard her mother shuffle and head down the stairs, knees clicking as she went, and turned back to look at her fake boyfriend. "Fuck," she said, a horrible realisation dawning on her. Lockwood couldn't be in the armchair when her mother brought in the tea, or she'd wonder if they'd had an argument. Walking over, she gave his arm a quick prod.
No response.
She tried again, harder this time, and when he stirred a little she cheered internally. "Lockwood?" she whisper-shouted, giving him a proper shove.
"What? What is it?" He was bolt upright almost immediately, scanning for any signs of danger and reaching for Y/n. "Is everything alright?"
"Uh... yes," she said slowly. "Mum's making tea, and when she brings it in you can't be in the chair or she'll have questions." She stared down at his hand where it was grabbing her pyjama top (an old oversized t-shirt), his knuckles white. "You... you can let go of me now, Lockwood."
"Oh. Right." He retracted his hand, but not before letting it hover in the space between them for a few seconds. He stood up, the blanket falling, and Y/n immediately turned around.
"Why are you naked?!"
"I am not! I got hot in the night so I took my pyjamas off! I still have my pants on, thank you very much!"
"Well put your pyjamas back on!" she shrieked, pressing her hands over her face (despite still having her back to him) and desperately hoping she could delete the image from her brain. She had thought he'd only taken his top off, but since he wore matching pyjamas the pile of clothes on the table had looked like one thing, not two. She could hear him hopping around while he attempted to quickly pull his trousers on, and after a minute or so he cleared his throat.
"Alright, I'm dressed." Y/n turned around slowly, scared that he was joking, and sighed in relief when she realised that he wasn't. "Such a drama queen," he muttered under his breath, clearly not wanting her to hear as he looked to his left with a red face.
"I am not a drama queen, Lockwood. If anybody is the drama queen it's you. Now get in the bed." She pointed at it, glare on her face.
"If you wanted me to sleep with you you could have let me do that last night," he smirked, and she threw a decorative pillow at him.
"Just get in the bed, Lockwood." She went to grab a second pillow when he wriggled his eyebrows at her, and he quickly stopped and pulled back the covers. When he was finally settled she climbed in next to him.
"You should probably come a bit closer." He wasn't wrong, since they were as far away from each other as they could get, but she stubbornly refused to cosy up to him when she didn't need to just yet.
"Hang on." She'd spotted the blanket still crumpled on the floor, and hurried to pick it up just as she heard her mother coming up the stairs. Chucking it over the armchair she rushed back to the bed, pulling the duvet over her just as the door opened.
"Fuck's sake, come here," Lockwood whispered, harshly tugging on her arm and then wrapping his arm around her waist. "Ah, good morning, Emma!"
"Morning! Just got some tea for you here," she put the tray down on Y/n's bedside table and paused for a moment as she took in the two of them in the bed. "How did you sleep? Hopefully you feel rested enough for today?"
"Oh I slept beautifully, thank you." Lockwood beamed up at Emma, and Y/n wondered if she knew that his fingers were stroking the skin of her stomach under her top where it had ridden up.
"I'm glad to hear it! Well, I'll leave you to it!" They both smiled until Y/n's mother was out of the room, but as soon as the door clicked shut behind her they shot away from each other.
"I hope we never have to do that again."
"We'll have to do it tomorrow morning, darling."
"Nobody else is here, you don't need to keep calling me that."
"Ah, yes. Sorry, Schmoopie."
"I hate you. I'm going to poison your tea." She was getting the mugs ready now, adding extra honey to one and pouring in the water over the tea bags.
"And I will happily drink it."
A few minutes later (she'd had to let the tea stew for a bit) she poured in the milk and handed over his mug.
"Did you add in the sugar?"
"And the honey?"
"You watched me do it, Lockwood."
"Right, yes. I did." He was quiet for a moment, staring into the contents of his mug. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," she replied, mild shock running through her at the sincerity of his gratitude.
They drank their tea in silence.
"So, just to recap, there are around fifty people coming over today?"
"Yep," Y/n said through a mouthful of cereal. "All extended family members and close family friends and their families. I've been thinking about it, and as much as it pains me to say it I think... ugh," she scowled into her bowl. "I think you're right abo-"
"Ha! Finally! I got you to say it! About what?"
"If you'd let me finish, you would know, idiot."
"Oh, yes. Sorry."
"I think you're right about needing to do a big speech to everyone all in one go about..." she gestured between the two of them vaguely, "us."
"Ah. Yes, it would save a lot of time, wouldn't it?"
"Hm, it would. And then we only have to remember things once really."
"Remind me again what the story was?" They were sat in the kitchen, the only ones up other than Y/n's mother (who was upstairs getting things ready).
"What was 8 months ago?"
"Why 8 months?" Lockwood frowned over his second mug of tea that morning.
"Because that's what I told Steph last night."
"Oh. Uh, April I think? There was that one job we went on in March, just the two of us. We could stick pretty close to the truth then if we used that as a death scare that made you realise that you couldn't possibly live without me."
"Wasn't the story that you realised you were hopelessly in love with me one day and asked me out, but I refused multiple times until eventually I gave in to get you to shut up?"
"Well, yes. But I just think that- morning, Stephanie." His smile was clearly forced, and Y/n realised with a start that she was beginning to be able to tell which of his smiles were real.
"Morning you two. Hopefully you didn't get too frisky last night after that adorable kiss under the mistletoe!"
"No, we-"
"Well, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, Stephanie," Lockwood smirked, and Y/n rolled her eyes at his interruption. Her cousin was lapping it up, and after a few minutes the kitchen was filled with various members of Y/n's family as they all filed in, bleary eyed and reaching for tea and coffee. They would have to figure out their story while they got ready for the party, since they definitely couldn't get details straight with so many people in the room.
"Morning, Squeak," her brother Will murmured as he sat on a stool next to her at the counter. Y/n scoffed at the nickname, but there was nothing resentful behind it. "Sleep alright?"
"Yeah, did you?" He nodded in response as he started shovelling mouthfuls of cereal in, the bowl nearly spilling over with the amount of food in it.
"Lover boy didn't give you too much grief last night, did he?"
"No, he was alright."
"Hey, if you need a break at any point today come and find me, yeah? I'll fend off any inquisitive relatives."
"Thanks, Will." He was only a couple of years older than her, being the third youngest of her brothers, but Will liked to act as though he was the oldest of all of the L/n siblings. In fairness Tom was eleven and Sam and John who were thirty and twenty-eight respectively were rarely home or in contact with her, and she didn't have as much of a bond with them. Olivia was a year younger than Y/n, but since they had shared a room growing up they had fought consistently over the years about completely irrelevant things and barely talked outside of gatherings.
"Anytime. I think me and the boys were gonna take your lover boy away at some point to give him the proper talk, so if you can't find any of us later that'll be why."
"Please stop calling him 'lover boy', Will," she grimaced, not noticing Lockwood come up behind her.
"But I am your lover boy, darling." She whipped her head around to see Lockwood leaning against the counter next to her with a soft smile.
Weird. She'd thought he would be smirking instead.
Will snorted, then tipped his bowl up to drink the last of the milk. "You two," he said after he'd finished, "are quite possibly the most sickening thing I have ever seen."
"Is a suit too much, do you think?"
"Maybe leave the tie," Y/n called out from the bathroom where she was getting changed. She had long since pulled on the burgundy dress, but not knowing when Lockwood would be in a state where she could walk out meant that she had spent the last five minutes staring at her reflection in the mirror. She was absolutely certain that multiple people would make comments about her figure, or compare her to Stephanie, or both, and she was dreading leaving the bathroom. Then there would be the comments about her job, and how being an agent was a terrible choice and she should have gone into full-time education instead.
"Y/n? You can come out when you're ready."
She sighed shakily, taking one last look at herself in the mirror above the sink before unlocking the door and stepping out.
Lockwood was in one of his usual suits, pink socks poking out from under his trousers, and he was just sorting out his cuffs when he looked up and froze. When he still didn't say anything Y/n's mind started racing ahead to all the different possibilities.
"I look awful, don't I? I'll get my jeans and jumper and get changed, give me a minute."
"No!" Lockwood shouted, his arms outstretched. He hesitated, then spoke again, and his voice was back to how it sounded when he was being an arse. "No, don't do that, just... you look fine like that and we'll be late if you get changed now."
"Oh. Alright." She frowned, wrapping her arms around her midriff as she inspected Lockwood's outfit. "Wait, don't move," she called out when he went to move. Y/n walked over to him, then reached up to straighten out his collar. It had been sticking up, so she smoothed her hands over it to right it, letting them linger on his chest afterwards. He wasn't moving, and she was quite sure that he wasn't breathing either, and when she looked up at him she realised that she was holding her breath too.
They hadn't been this close since they kissed the night before, and then they'd had an audience.
Now it was just the two of them, alone in the room.
"Y/n?" Lockwood asked, his voice slightly hoarse.
"Yeah?" Had his face moved closer? Suddenly she could make out the individual colours in his eyes and was able to count the freckles on his cheeks. He licked his lips, tilting his head slightly to brush his nose against hers, and she felt her eyes fluttering closed.
"Are you two nearly ready? Emma needs help getting food and things ready for the guests!" A loud knock accompanied the shrill voice of Y/n's Aunt Linda, and the pair of them sprang apart, clearing their throats and avoiding eye contact. Y/n marched over to the door and wrenched it open, plastering a smile on her warm face.
"We're ready! Anthony? You coming?"
"Yeah, just... I'll be down in a minute, darling. I just need to use the loo." He flashed the two women a smile, then disappeared into the en-suite. Y/n could have killed him for leaving her alone, but maybe that was for the best given what had just happened.
"Come on then," Linda said, and ushered her downstairs.
Everyone was busy doing something, and everything was in complete chaos.
"Oh, that can go over there. Tom, don't put that in your mouth, please. No, over there, Ben. Tom! Not in your mouth! You're eleven, this shouldn't be difficult! Boys, please stop mucking about and do something useful! Over there- oh for god's sake, give it here!" Y/n's mother snatched a plate of food away from her husband, rushing between the kitchen and the dining room that was through the open double doors off to the side. The whole area would be brimming with guests in less than thirty minutes, and things were still being put out. "Oh, you're here, that's perfect. Where's Anthony? Never mind, no time. Here, you can put this next to the thingy there!" Luckily Y/n had grown up with her mother's distracted way of talking and knew exactly what she meant, taking the opportunity to run away from Linda.
The next ten minutes followed the same pattern of being handed things and told to put them in various spots on the table, and Lockwood was nowhere to be seen for any of it. Y/n was starting to worry that he'd flushed his skinny beanpole of a frame down the toilet.
"Where's your boyfriend, Y/n?" Stephanie asked, sidling up in a stunning silver dress that looked as though it had been painted on her.
"In the toilet. Are you gonna help, Steph?"
"Oh, you're... wearing that again?" she asked, ignoring Y/n's tired request for help. "Didn't you wear that last year? You've put on a bit of weight since then, haven't you!" She let out a laugh, and Y/n brought her arms around her stomach self-consciously for the second time since putting on the dress. Maybe she should have ignored Lockwood and got changed anyway. At least then when people complained about her outfit she'd be more comfortable in her own body. "Well, personally I think you should get it let out a little, Y/n. You do look awfully-"
"Beautiful?" a voice questioned from Y/n's right, and after a second someone else's arms were around her waist, pulling her back against a warm chest. "She does look stunning, doesn't she?"
"Anthony," Y/n breathed when he spun her around to face him, his hands holding hers tightly. He was smiling one of those private smiles reserved for the people he cared about, small and gentle, and her heart jumped in her chest.
"I... I suppose," Stephanie said, sounding confused. It was so typical of her to not think of her cousin as anything other than a way to make herself look better. Y/n barely noticed when her cousin drifted off, or when her brother picked up his camera and took a photo of the two of them framed by the lights that had been draped over the doorframe, since all she could focus on was the feel of her hands being held by Lockwood and the way he was looking at her.
"Aww, aren't they just adorable!" Y/n's grandmother Jean said loudly, catching the attention of everybody nearby. Apparently half of the guests had arrived on time (of course the one time that happened was the time she had to pull off a huge fake dating stunt), because the kitchen and dining room were packed with people. Murmurs of assent travelled around, and Y/n could hear a few people questioning who the tall young man next to her was, and suddenly her heart was plummeting rather than jumping, and she felt sick.
"Hey," Lockwood whispered, still smiling at her. "We can do this, alright? It's only today and most of tomorrow, and then we're back in London. It's really not that long when you think about it."
He needed to stop being nice to her, because it was freaking her out.
One minute he was saying she looked fine and not seeming to care much about what she looked like, and the next he was declaring that she was beautiful and stunning with such sincerity that she couldn't help but think it was real.
"So this is the boyfriend Linda told us about, huh?" one guest asked.
"Um... yes," Y/n replied, moving closer to Lockwood and curling into his side, trying not to look too stiff and petrified when his arm came around her side. "This is Anthony." She gestured up at him, feeling increasingly uncomfortable about the fact that around thirty people all had their eyes on her, and any one of them could work out that this relationship was a farce and completely destroy any good reputation that she had amongst her family.
"How did it all start? Go on, give us the story!" somebody called out.
"Yeah, we all want to know!" exclaimed a different voice. "Y/n/n's never had a boyfriend before!"
Y/n shared a glance with Lockwood, and he opened his mouth to speak.
part 5
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Tag list (I think this is everyone): @ahead-fullofdreams, @aislinrayne, @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @aysha4life, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @edible-rat-vomit, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @fearlessmoony, @fudosl, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @locklyebrainrot, @locknco, @mentallyillsodapop, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @newbooksmell777, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @ran23sblog, @star-of-velaris, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
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Why you gotta tempt my trouble?
Of Oak and Ivy, Chapter 1
Series Masterlist           Next Chapter
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: In college, Matt Murdock had two best friends, Foggy Nelson and you. However, life had no intention of letting you graduate with him. When he reconnects with you in adulthood, he is troubled to see the hand God has dealt you and vows to use every tool at his disposal to save you from damnation.
warnings: swearing, sickly sweet fluff, get ready for some pining y'all.
a/n: Here's the first chapter of the college fic! The next one won't be posted until I've written a few more (which might be a while because I'm trying to make them longer and I'm only one chapter ahead at the moment.) Please let me know if you like it and want to see more or be added to the taglist!
w/c: 5.3k
Digging the heels of your hands into your eyes, you resisted the urge to bang your head on the counter you sat at in an attempt to reboot the organ. This passage made no damn sense and you had mere days to understand it and conform to its ideals in order to do well in the class that it was assigned to. Biting your lip, you flipped back a few pages to start the chapter over for the third time when the sound of someone clearing their throat nearly startled you out of your seat. 
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I didn’t see you!” Saving your place in the worn book, you looked up to find a young man standing before you. He was handsome, with fluffy, inky locks and a charming smile on his lips. 
“That’s alright, I, uh, can’t quite fault you there.” He smiled sideways at you, gesturing to the opaque rectangular frames on his nose. Your mouth formed an “O” shape before you tripped over your response. 
“I want to laugh but that feels wrong. Is it more rude to laugh or not laugh? Oh god, forget I said that, I—“ 
The boy in front of you chuckled. “It’s quite alright, and it was meant to be a joke.” 
“Right, well, sorry again. How can I help you?” You clasped your hands, tilting your head as you waited for his response. 
“I was wondering if you had braille copies of any of these textbooks?” As he posed the question, the handsome boy passed you a list of the textbooks he was looking for. 
Looking over the document, you pursed your lips. “That is a fantastic question that we will have to answer together. I wish I knew off the top of my head, but today's only my third day on the job.” You cringed, wishing your manager was here. 
“I imagine it’s not a common question, so I won’t hold it against you.” There was that charming smile again. Your insides felt like they were slowly melting under his grin. 
“That’s, um, very kind of you.” You stammered out, feeling heat flood your cheeks. 
“Matt.” He broke in. “Matt Murdock. And you are..?”
Offering your name, you dutifully turned back to the index, scanning the pages for any clue as to where braille copies would be stocked. 
“That’s a pretty name, it suits you.” Your fingers halted in their dance across the page, your eyes flitting back to the gorgeous customer. 
“As much as I appreciate that, turning up the charm won’t change the fact that it might take a minute for me to find these.” Your eyes narrowed as you became skeptical of his intentions. 
“Take your time. It’ll give me more time to get to know you.” The flirty grin never faltered on Matt’s face. 
“Oh you’re trouble.” You shook your head, thumbing through the pages of the file before you. “I’m starting to think I should search on my own.” 
Matt just laughed, leaning forward on his white cane and grinning at you. “Where should we start?”
“I have a couple ideas.” 
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You and Matt searched far and wide for accessible copies of the textbooks he needed. While they—thankfully—did exist, they were scattered throughout the store haphazardly, not in either location the index had suggested. The lack of care and attention the volumes had gotten was making you progressively more irritated. There was absolutely no reason these books should’ve been treated with such disrespect, even if they weren’t commonly asked for. 
After finding all but one book on his list, it was barely past store closing. Locking the door with a huff, you clocked out before joining Matt where he was seated on the ground by the first shelf. 
“I hate to say this, but I think we might need to order you a new copy.” You remarked with a frown, scuffing your shoe along the faded carpet on the bookstore’s floor. 
Matt, whose pleasant personality hadn’t dimmed despite the lackluster findings, simply chuckled, knocking his shoulder into yours. 
“Well, we gave it the old college try, so to speak.” He waggled his eyebrows at you above his dark glasses. 
You groaned, but couldn’t help the soft chuckle that escaped your throat. Despite your intense introversion and social awkwardness, Matt put you at ease. 
“Sorry, my roommate is rubbing off on me.” He gave an exaggerated grimace. 
“Is he a law student too?” 
“Yep. Foggy Nelson. The three of us might actually have some classes together.” Matt’s face lit up with the idea. You’d confessed during your hunt that you had already purchased your own copies of many of the books on his list. Given that you were both first year law students, it made sense that you’d be in classes with one another, but you felt a weight lift off your chest nonetheless.
“Honestly, that makes me feel so much better. I’m incredibly nervous.” You confessed, focusing on a fraying patch of carpet underneath your sneaker. 
“I’m sure you’ll do great.” Matt leaned against you, focusing on you in a way that made your chest flutter. 
“See you say that not knowing how long it’s taking me to get through the first reading assignment for Legal Methods.” You dropped your head into your hands, remembering the cursed passage from earlier. 
“Foggy mentioned something about that book. It’s…outdated?” 
“That’s an understatement. The first chapter is about a famous eugenics case, Buck v Bell, and I might be reading it wrong but it seems like the author is suggesting that we don’t have ableism that resembles that of the case in current day? I was getting so frustrated reading it that I honestly couldn’t tell if it was confusing or just a stupid argument.” You explained. 
“It’s in the McKinnon book, right? If you want, we could read it together and try to figure it out? Unless you have somewhere else to get to…” Matt Murdock, the charming, unswayable man you’d met a few hours ago blushed at the question, making you grin. 
“I would love to hear your opinion on the text, Mr. Murdock. We can start an unofficial study group.” 
“I like the sound of that. Let’s crack open this shit show.” Matt let you pull him off the ground and over to your work station where he opened his own copy of the text and began to read. 
A few hours and more than a few boxes of takeout later, you and Matt were still working your way through the chapter, though you’d both decided with certainty that the text was more angering than confusing. 
“If the professor is as ableist as this author, I’ll never be able to pass this class.” You grumbled, shoving the hellish book away from you. “There’s no way I can pretend that eugenic ideals have disappeared, even for a better grade.”
“Seriously. I’m hoping it’s supposed to make us mad so we can argue about it? Though I seriously doubt everyone will be on our side, unfortunately.” Matt scowled. 
“Well, at least we have each other, right?” The man in front of you perked up with that comment, but you hurriedly corrected yourself. “And your roommate, of course.” 
Deflating slightly, Matt scratched the back of his neck. “Speaking of, I should probably get back so he doesn’t send out a search party. I’ll see you in class?” 
“See you then, trouble maker.” You murmured, smiling softly at him. 
“Have a good night, sweetheart. Get home safe.” 
“You too.” 
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A few days later, your evening with the sweet law student had fallen to the back of your mind as nerves about your first semester of classes set in. Fidgeting with your outfit in the mirror, you inhaled a shaky breath. 
“Stop worrying, you’ll be fine!” The voice of your roommate, Jen, rang out across your shared loft making your brow furrow. 
“Easy for you to say! You’ve done this before.” You groused, still examining your reflection. Jen was an old friend of yours who had lived down the street from you growing up. The two of you had been practically inseparable since elementary school, despite the fact that she was two years older than you. 
“Jen’s right, you know.” Oscar, Jen’s long-term boyfriend and your unofficial second roommate, squeezed your shoulder on his way to the kitchen. “Everyone is going to be nervous, so they won’t have time to judge you.” 
“Yah, yah. I appreciate the votes of confidence but, unfortunately, my anxiety and I have to hit the road. I would rather not be late.” 
“Have fun!” Oscar called as you grabbed your bag.
“You’re gonna kill it!” Shouted Jen as you exited the apartment. 
You shook your head, hoping they were right, and set off for your first ever Columbia Law class. 
The trek across campus was pretty and the walk helped you calm your racing thoughts. The walkways were littered with other first year students who looked more clueless than you—including a blond boy with a kind face who was staring quizzically at a kiosk in front of him that was plastered with event flyers. 
He muttered to himself for a moment before reaching to the side of the kiosk obscured from your view and tugging on the arm of someone beside him. “Ok dude, according to this map we should be heading…” He paused, squinting at the paper he was reading before dramatically pointing left. “West!” 
“That’s East.” You chuckled, walking over to inspect the map for yourself. As you neared the misguided fellow, your eyes widened as you recognized his friend. “Matt?” 
Laughing brightly and greeting you, Matt tugged free of the other man’s grip and strode over to you. “Are you following me?” He narrowed his eyes at you but his tone remained playful. 
Shoving him, you scoffed. “You wish, Murdock. I was going to warn your friend here that the upperclassmen usually put up fake maps as a prank on the first day of classes.” 
“Thank god we have someone to warn us of their cruelty, or we’d be dead meat!” The blond spun around and bowed in front of you. “Franklin Nelson, at your service m’lady. You can call me Foggy” 
You giggled, introducing yourself. “It’s such a shitty prank. Thankfully, I have roommates who are in their third year and they showed me around weeks ago. Where are you headed?” 
“Greene Hall.” Matt informed you. 
“Oh, that’s where I’m headed too! Civil Procedure? With Professor McGuiness?”
“The very same! We’re damn lucky to have run into you.” Foggy sighed, shaking his head. 
“It’s this way, and we aren’t too far. We’ll probably get there early.” 
“That’s good because this one,” Foggy stuck a thumb at Matt, “Has this idea that we need to sit in the front if we don’t want to fail. I’d be perfectly fine sitting in the last row and never being called on once!” 
“Studies show that sitting in one of the first few rows increases retention!” Matt elbowed his roommate who just snorted. 
“Retention schmention. I say we sit by the cutest people in the class and have them tutor us when we inevitably fail.” Foggy winked at you and you laughed. 
Matt squeezed your arm, leaning closer to you. “I think that can be arranged regardless.” 
Heat rose in your cheeks as his flirtatious grin made a reappearance. “Oh shut up, trouble maker, or I’ll sit in the very last row just to spite you.” 
“We wouldn’t want that.” Matt held out an arm, “Mind walking me to class, sweetheart?”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to Foggy. “How do you put up with him? You’re a Saint, truly.” But you took Matt’s arm anyway, ensuring that you were keeping a steady pace and avoiding anything he might trip over. 
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The walk to your first law class was, eventful, to say the least. Matt and Foggy were clearly soulmates of a sort, with their nonstop bantering and the way they balanced each other out. Foggy was a ray of sunshine, while Matt was more comfortable in the shadows, so to speak. The blond was all loud declarations and bright smiles, while Matt was more low toned flirting and quiet observations. They were both incredibly intelligent, overly sarcastic, and had a flair for the dramatic. You were ecstatic to have stumbled into their lives. 
Matt had successfully cajoled the both of you into sitting with him in the second row, a compromise which Foggy considered a huge win. As students filed in, you subconsciously fiddled with your shirt, suddenly feeling incredibly insecure about your presence in this classroom. A gentle hand grabbed your wrist, making you jump. 
“Relax,” Matt whispered. “You look fine, trust me.” 
“How do you know?” You murmured nervously. 
“Those boys a few rows behind us are staring.” Matt’s smile remained, but his voice held a tension you couldn’t quite place. “And the TA is trying very hard not to.” 
“How on earth can you tell that?” You raised an eyebrow at him, incredulous. 
“Matt is seriously like some sort of super powered being. He has the greatest intuition of anyone I’ve ever met. Best to trust him about these things.” Foggy nodded solemnly, clearly trying not to burst out laughing. 
You simply rolled your eyes, pulling your notebook from your bag. Opening it to the correct page, you stifled a giggle as Foggy leaned over Matt’s lap to whisper-yell at you. 
“Why do you already have notes written? Matt, why does she already have notes written?” 
“I like to come prepared. I took notes on the first few chapters of the book.”
“But we didn’t even have an assignment for this class!”
“Yah, but I was bored at work and I thought I’d get a head start.” You just shrugged but Foggy glared at you, shaking a finger in your face. 
“You’re gonna make the rest of us look like slackers! You, missy, have some apologizing to do.” 
“For doing my due diligence?” You laughed. 
“Yes! For being too proactive. I think you owe us a tutoring session or two.” Foggy crossed his arms with a huff. 
“You have no idea if I even know what I’m doing, these notes could be gibberish!” You chuckled, shaking your head. 
“Nope, it’s good material. I can tell. You owe us. Doesn’t she, Matt?” Foggy elbowed his roommate who smirked. 
“I think he might be right, sweetheart. What would you say to being the leader of our study group.” Matt tilted his head, focusing on you. 
“Do I have a choice?” You sighed. 
“No!” Foggy exclaimed at the same time Matt responded, “Not really.”
“Then I accept, but I want my objection noted.” 
“It’s all in the record, don’t worry.” Foggy waved a hand, turning his attention back to the front of the room as the Professor walked to the front. 
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The rest of the week went similarly, as you had three of four classes at the same time as Matt and Foggy. They made great company, so you could hardly complain, but it was the first meeting of your “unofficial official study group” (as Foggy had dubbed it) and you were quite nervous. 
You were fairly confident that you knew what you were talking about, but the idea of being the backbone for two other grades besides your own was quite stressful. Not to mention the jittery feeling you got every time your brain reminded you that you’d been in Matt’s room with him for an extended period of time. You chided yourself, Matt—though he was incredibly flirty—was one of the best friends you’d ever had, and you’d be damned before you jeopardized that because you were touch-starved and more than a little thirsty. 
Taking a deep breath to keep your antsy libido in check, which was getting increasingly difficult given the fact that you were sitting atop Matt’s bed practically cuddled against him, you turned your focus to the space in front of you for a moment of redirection. 
The room was small, a standard dorm room with two long skinny bed frames that held stiff foam mattresses, two identical desks with chipped paint and lumpy rolling chairs, and a bolted-shut window. Although the room was dim and cramped, the view was gorgeous, overlooking a rectangular patch of grass framed with lush green trees and the distant Manhattan skyline, bright with yellow lights against the black of the atmosphere.  
Shifting your focus to the inside of the room, you smiled at the dichotomy on full display. While it was clear both boys had cleaned in preparation for your visit, Foggy’s side of the room was haphazardly straightened, with loose socks peeking out from underneath the bed and a handful of stray candy wrappers still visible atop his desk. Matt’s half of the space was meticulously organized, complete with braille labels. It was clear that everything had its place. 
A shoulder nudged yours and you choked on a breath in your haste to turn towards the presence beside you. Matt smirked, but a small crease was present between his brows. “You ok? You stopped reading…”
“Yup!” You squeaked, clearing your throat and trying again. “Yes, sorry. Got distracted by your view.” Which was mostly true... 
“Is it nice? Foggy’s never told me.” Matt grins sideways at you, furrow on his smooth skin fading. 
“It’s…stunning. There’s a lot of green up front, with the lawn and plants and whatnot, but the red brick buildings contrast beautifully. And behind campus you can see the rest of the city, like we’re in an urban valley almost. It’s not like anything I’ve ever seen.” 
“It sounds pretty. You should describe more sights for me, sweetheart. You’re good at it.” 
Heat ran up your face at the compliment, pulsing in your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Turning from the window, you found your chest settling calmly as you studied Matt’s face. You’d never been this close to him and it was startling how easily his innocuous expression stirred up emotions in you. 
He had the slightest shadow of stubble gracing his sharp jawline. As you ran your eyes along his face, you found yourself lingering on the beautiful hazel eyes, nearly blocked by his dark glasses. The blank, honey-bronze orbs held more emotion than you’d ever seen in someone’s expression. In the small time you’d known Matt, you found yourself constantly moved by his passion—for his city, for justice, for Foggy, even for you. 
“So can we get back to the precedent of Buck v. Bell or are you just gonna stare lovingly at Matt all night?” Foggy smiled sweetly at you but the glint in his eyes made it clear he was annoyed. 
“I wasn’t—I mean I—“ You sputtered, scootching farther away from Matt in an effort to conceal your obvious crush. 
“Whatever. It’s late and I’d like to finish soon. Precedent?” Foggy prompted, pointing to his textbook. 
“Well, the main point is that disabled and institutionalized individuals were no longer considered to have the same rights as other people.” Matt huffed, thumbing through his textured pages. 
“Right. And the opinion implies that losing rights through due process opens you up to losing rights in the future without another trial.” You added, squinting at a particular paragraph for clarity. 
“Which sucks, but checks out for 1927.” Foggy frowned. 
“If I’m interpreting the important parts correctly, this case is meant to highlight an important consequence of precedent, which is that one decision can impact the judicial system for decades, even over important things like due process.” You explained, turning to Matt. “Is that what you got from this?”
“That’s about what I interpreted, yah.” Matt nodded, giving Foggy a sly grin. “That enough of an explanation for ya, Nelson? Or do we need to break it down point by point.” 
“Shut up, Murdock.” Foggy grumbled. “I’d be better with this if I wasn’t dog-tired.” 
“You’re doing great, Foggy. Don’t listen to him. All we have left to do this week is read for Torts and then we are home free.” You smiled sympathetically. 
“Ugh!” Foggy flopped down onto his pillows, covering his face with his hands. 
“Not to be a pain, but I don’t have this text…” Matt shifted uncomfortably, biting his lip. 
“That’s alright, I can read mine aloud. If that’s ok with you, Foggy?” You looked to the half-asleep law student for confirmation who nodded tiredly. 
“If it allows me to close my eyes, I’d be more than happy to listen.” 
Matt chuckled, before tilting his head towards you. “Can I come closer? To make sure I don’t miss anything?” You could’ve sworn you saw Foggy roll his eyes, but you blinked and he remained still as a corpse against his pillows. 
“Of course, Matt. Here.” Shuffling closer to him, you lay the textbook across both of your laps, trying incredibly hard to not focus on how warm he was. “This ok?” 
Matt nodded, mouth parted slightly and your eyes followed his tongue as it darted out to wet his lips. For a moment, all you heard was static and the soft puffs of Matt’s breath. Coming back into your body, you shook your head to clear out the lovestruck cobwebs. 
“Ok, um, Introduction to American Civil Law: Chapter 1, Liability and Negligence…”
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To tell the honest truth, Matt hadn’t taken in a word you’d spoken since you passed the introductory paragraph. Legal jargon washed over him like the water of a warm bath, spoken by a soothing dulcet voice and punctuated by the steady thump of your kind heart. Your thigh was resting against his and he could feel the tension in your neck as you desperately kept it mere inches from its desired landing place on his shoulder. Your soft t-shirt brushed over his arm with each expanse of your chest as you inhaled, rubbing more of your sweet lavender and vanilla scent over his skin. 
As you continued to be blissfully unaware of his lack of attention, or rather his abundance of attention, his body was fighting an internal battle to not sweep you into his arms and bury his face in your neck. 
Leaving St. Agnes had been a culture shock for the ages, but Matt was beginning to love it. The orphanage had been an overwhelmingly lonely place, which Matt attributed to his tendency to pick fights and his disability causing him to stand out. Meeting his new roommate had been nerve wracking, but Foggy was as easy to like as the first ray of sunshine in the spring, despite his grumpiness when he was exhausted. Sure he was messy and his snoring had kept Matt awake for hours, but he had a massive heart. Though he and Foggy had very different lifestyles, the other man fit perfectly into his life, as did you. Matt was more than aware of his tendency to form quick attachments, but his feelings toward you were an entirely different beast. 
The night he’d met you in the bookstore, an invitation to go on a date with him had been teetering on the edge of his tongue for hours. Flirting came naturally to him, one of the many reasons he didn’t get along with the other boys of Clinton Church, but given his less than standard childhood, he’d never had the opportunity to start a relationship. Every minute he spent with you made it more obvious that you deserved to be loved, not aimlessly thrown into a date or two, and Matt wasn’t sure he would be able to provide that. At least not now.
An ear-splitting snore sounded from the other side of the room, abruptly ending his daydream. Your arm left its place at his side as you stifled a laugh. “Guess I was more boring than I thought.” 
“Trust me, it’s not because of you. That man could fall asleep to the sound of a fire alarm if he tried hard enough.” Matt smirked, humor not quite reaching his eyes as his brain mourned the loss of your touch. Feeling you shift tensely next to him, he pondered for a moment. “If you’re worried about waking him, we could go somewhere else?”
“Where would we go at 2 in the morning on a Thursday?” You groaned, desperately aching to be done with school work for the week but simultaneously more than willing to spend all night with Matt. 
“I know a place. But we will probably want this blanket.” Matt grinned at you as your confusion peaked, but you threw the blanket over your shoulder and took his hand nonetheless. 
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How your friend had discovered that the roof of Butler Library remained accessible after hours via a secluded maintenance stairwell, you’d never know—but you couldn’t help but thank the heavens for granting you this slice of paradise. 
The cement that compromised the roof was cold, a symptom of being deprived of the sun for hours now, but you and Matt lay huddled together on his bedspread, lounging in a pocket of warmth your closeness had created. You were practically snuggling, which was not helping soothe the part of your brain that was rabidly attracted to him, sharing your highs and lows from the week. 
As the two of you giggled about an incident with a pigeon that had decided to attend Civil Procedure, you found your eyes tracing over the moonlit form of the beautiful man before you, who seemed to notice your staring as his lips quirked up. “So, tell me, sweetheart, how’s a girl like you end up in a place like this?” 
With an exaggerated groan, you shoved him playfully. “You and your damn lines, Murdock.” 
With a chuckle, Matt’s expression turned from something entirely playful into one of genuine interest.  “Seriously, what brought you to Columbia?” Feeling your heart pound under his blank gaze, you blew out a breath. 
“That is a long, sad story that I’m sure you don’t really—“
“If you don’t want to tell me, I totally get it. But I’d like to know more about you.” Matt’s answer was honest and lacking his perpetually flirty edge that kept you at a safe distance, which sent a burst of heat to your stomach that you weren’t expecting. 
“Oh, well...” Sighing deeply, you considered your options. You’d had a hard time making friends in the past, and had a tendency to over share (or so you’d been told), but Matt had asked for the real answer. That meant he really wanted it, right?
Steeling yourself for the impending rejection, you confessed. “I’m originally from Connecticut. Small little town called Bridgewater, about an hour from New Haven. It’s just me and my mom, really. My dad lives in godknowswhere, Virginia with my two siblings and his girlfriend. He’s…kinda the worst, so we don’t talk much. My mom though, she’s amazing. I owe everything to her.” 
Matt smiled at you, nodding encouragingly when you hesitated. 
“Um, yah, so long story short, she was diagnosed with cancer when I was a kid. My dad has sort of always been a jackass but her prognosis…I don’t know, it was the last straw for him. I don’t remember much but they started arguing about money and then, he took everything. I didn’t realize it at the time, my mom is the nicest person on the planet and she would never blame my dad for her misfortune, but we lost our house, she lost her job, her assets, two of her kids—though they didn’t fight to stay like I did. The longer I lived, the more curious I became about everything and when I did some digging in high school, I found out my dad had claimed everything in the divorce. He and his attorney had argued that my mom was abusive and financially exploiting him and the judge gave him anything he asked for. I decided I wanted to be a lawyer so I could stop others from going through what my mom and I have.” 
The story poured out of you, relieving a pressure you’d been carrying for as long as you remembered. Matt simply listened intently, emotions passing over his face in small flashes as you described your past. Realizing all of the bullshit you’d just dumped on him, you cringed. 
“I’m sorry, that was a lot, I just…” Matt’s brow furrowed and his hand shot out to cup your elbow. 
“No! No, I’m just so sorry that happened. Your dad sounds like a piece of work.” He gave a disgusted grimace and you giggled. 
“He is. My mom still loves him though, bless her heart. We spend Christmas with him every year like he didn’t ruin her life.” The laugh that you have held no humor. “Anyway, that’s my backstory. What about you, trouble maker?” You leaned into the loose hold Matt kept on your arm, eager to learn more about him. 
“Well, I’m from New York. Hell’s Kitchen, born and raised just like Foggy. I, uh, I never knew my mom. Was close with my dad, though. He was a boxer, taught me a lot about fighting, persistence.” Matt’s face fell slightly as he paused. Intertwining your fingers with his, your smile softened. 
“He sounds like a good man.” 
Matt nodded. “Yah, he uh, he was. He died when I was 9.”
Eyes widening, a hasty apology spilled out of you. “Oh Matt, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize—“ A squeeze of your hand stopped you in your tracks. 
“It’s ok. I do miss him, though. After he died, I was taken in by an orphanage, raised by nuns. This is, really the first time I’ve lived without feeling like I’m being watched.” Matt chuckled awkwardly, removing his fingers from yours to push up his glasses. “Law interested me for a reason similar to yours, I suppose. My dad, uh, he was murdered. Organized crime hit. I tried to get someone, anyone really, to bring the group to justice and I…failed. Made me realize the justice system needs more devoted participants, I guess.” Taking his hand back into yours, you ran a thumb over his knuckles, allowing him to collect his thoughts before continuing the conversation. 
“So you’re interested in criminal law then?” Your heart flipped happily as Matt’s starlit face lit up again. 
“Honestly, I’m interested in most of it. But the more I learn about the world, the more I realize how important criminal defense is. My dad’s murder inspired this journey, but what I do with the degree, it’ll be in his memory. I’m starting to think that defense would be the best way to honor him.” 
How on Earth did you manage to find the sweetest boy on campus? “That’s…beautiful Matt. Really. He must be so proud of you already.” 
Matt’s lips twitched but he seemed unsure. “Maybe he should wait to see if I actually get this degree. Torts is already shaking up to be a nightmare.” 
“Ugh, that’s for damn sure.” You laughed breathily, shivering as a breeze pierced your thin shirt. 
Face twisting with concern, Matt ran his hand over your arm. “Are you cold? Sorry, I didn’t think it would get this chilly out.” 
“Oh, it’s ok! I’m not that cold.” You assured him, relishing in the soft brushes of his calloused fingertips over your arm. 
Raising a brow at you, Matt pulled off the crew neck he was wearing, handing it to you. “Humor me.” 
Rolling your eyes at his demanding tone, you slipped the garment over your head. The worn gray sweatshirt was soft and comfortably warm with Matt’s body heat. It was such a pleasant relief from the frigid cement that you had to bite back a groan. Breathing in the earthy, clean scent that always followed Matt, you sighed in relief. 
“Thank you.”
“Anytime, sweetheart.” Matt grinned. 
The night didn’t go on for too much longer after you spilled your guts to your new friend. At his insistence, you called Oscar and Jen to come pick you up rather than walking home. 
You fell asleep easily that night and, while it would be easy to blame the late hour, the fabric of Matt’s sweatshirt wrapped around you may have had something to do with it. 
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kamiko1234 · 4 months
Alright just got to chapter ten of The Lightning Thief and I have more thoughts.
So, first off : I stay firmly rooted in my opinion that Luke is great. I love him, I bet his hugs are great. He and Percy have a cool brotherly sort of friendship going on. Ngl ? Percy and Luke found family sounds GREAT to me. God knows that poor boy (Percy) could use someone like him (Luke) to look after him. (Sadly with Percy going off with Annabeth and Grover now it seems we'll see less of him, which is a crime imo. Give me my wholesome older bro character. Hope dies last tho, so I'll just hope I can get more of him over the course of the book and the rest of the series !) But also, the hint with his quest ? Naw that backstory is going to be SAD, my poor baby. I will cry over him. I may have only known him for a few chapters but damn, he's my favorite. Offical favorite. Like he deserves for radiating the biggest Teedy bear, Big Bro, Green Flag vibes in the entier series besides our beloved MC Percy. Second off, uh- the gods are sort of dicks ? Like, you are telling me that Poseidon was just A-okay with abandoning Percy for all his life and ONLY claimed him bc he needed him ???? Not cool ! But also, the implications of this ???? And the fact that apparently Percy is being send out on a quest at- what ? 12 ? 13 ? That is NOT safe, and the gods are apparently fine with it too ?????? Not to MENTION what happened with that Thalia girl !? Honestly, the fact that Zeus broke that sacred oath first did not surprise me, but also Hades wtf ?????? That's an innocent kid ! She isn't at fault here you idiot. That entier sittuation is some A+ child neglect and endangerment aswell as what I gotta assume attempted murder, someone call CPS on those guys or I will do it myself. What a bunch of a-holes. On a third note, so the prophecy said that Percy would be betrayed by a friend. Which means I gotta scrap my previous suspicions of Clarisse or any Ares kid, they and Percy are NOT friends. My next best guess would be Annabeth. She's the next best friend of Percy, and she's on the quest with him which would give us good opportunities. She DID seem weirdly enthusiastic to go on a live threatening quest.
Not to mention that Annabeth is a child of Athena, and it was stated that she (Athena) has a rivalry with Poseidon going on. Maybe Athena's in on the plot to steal the Master Bolt and frame Poseidon due to a grudge from that, and Annabeth as her kid acts on her behalf.
But also, she's like- the only one I can reasonably imagine doing it. Besides here Percy has like, two other friends. Grover and Luke. Grover is the ultimate dork, but also has more than enough motives to specifically STAY loyal. Besides the obvious thing of getting his license, he's been Percy's oldest friend at that point. he cares for him. As for Luke, I just don't think he's the type to do that, yk ? As far as I've seen the guy is nothing but caring, he teached Percy and welcomed him ! Even going out of his way to train him when the other campers were avoiding him after he'd been claimed. Why would Luke do that if he'd just betray him at the end ? He's seemingly being written out of the book for now too, when should he get the chance to betray Percy ? (He did have that one weird line about looking evil that one time which confused me a bit ???? Ngl imma just assume he has a cool badass side, like the cool badass dude he is. Did I say that I really like Luke already ?) My fourth point : the line in the prophecy saying Percy'll fail to save what's most important will be him failing to save his Mom from the underworld. Hades' is built up to be the big bad, and he rules the underworld where Percy's mom is currently in. He cares a whole lot about her and Percy did think about saving her already. And last but not least, I think Annabeth betraying Percy will lead to him not being able to save his Mom. I'd imagine it'd go like this : Percy, Annabeth and Grover go to the underworld to get the Master Bolt from Hades (which I assume is the big bad) and to save Percy's mom. They manage to get the Master Bolt, and are about to save Percy's mom when Annabeth reveals herself and betrays them. Causing Percy and Grover to be unable to get Sally. And that was all ! PS: OMG OK I JUST STARTED WITH CHAPTER 10 AND I NEEDED TO GET THIS OUT WITHOUT WAITING FOR THE NEXT POST. I FUCKING LOVE LUKE, buddy sprinted up there so say goodbey AND he handed Percy those sneakers ?
Naw I'm convinced of my theory now. No WAY Luke could ever be a bad guy ! Why go through all that trouble just to betray Percy in the end ? But also, found family sense are going strong in me rn. Greenest Flag if I have ever seen one. BUT ALSO HE GIVES HEADPATS ? AKJFHQILUWEZBDIL I do still think he has some issues going on tho, poor lad. I hope he get's therapy and a good hug. he deserves it.
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glitteringcrab · 5 months
SCHEMATICS BOOGER-AIDS-V1 (aka: the first Omega Device)
Season 6, Episode 10 "Ricktional Mortpoons Rickmas Mortcation"
At the beginning of the episode, we see Rick C-137 attempting to track Rick Prime using a killbot (presumably stolen during S6E1):
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By the end of the same episode, the view pans out and we get a full view of Rick's sub-basement:
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Note the hologram of naked Rick Prime dancing in the centre.
Season 7, Episode 1 "How Poopy Got His Poop Back"
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Instead of the hologram of the naked dancing Prime, we have a computer monitor.
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When Morty asks him if he's made any progress, Rick sarcastically replies that he totally found the version of himself that killed his wife (heh) and they had a big fight offscreen and Morty just missed it!
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Season 7, Episode 5 "Unmortricken"
We see a view of Rick's sub-basement again, and guess what?
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There is a clone in there now...!
So, the first thought that pops in our minds is that between S7E1 and S7E5 Rick C-137 went out hunting, defeated and successfully captured one of Rick Prime's clones!
...But Rick's line in S7E1 suggests that the fight might have happened shortly before the beginning of S7E1, and the Prime Clone was being analyzed offscreen somewhere at the time.
Alright, let's head off to the next point.
Inside the Box, Rick Prime announces to the Ricks captured that Diane has been erased from every universe across infinity.
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To which Evil Morty responds:
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Even though Rick C-137 knows how the infinite murder took place:
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Evil Mortyyyyyyyyy... You had stolen Rick C-137's memories! Rick C-137 knows about this weapon, so you should know about it too! I mean, maybe Eyepatch Morty has passed by sentimental trivia of Rick's life when he watched the stolen memories, but this sort of weapon is definitely the sort of thing that would pique his interest (as we saw).
Why is Evil Morty not familiar with the Omega Device?
Well, the conclusion I get from the above is that Rick C-137 found out about the Omega Device after S5E10, after Evil Morty finished scanning his brain (and, uh, well, Evil Morty probably reached the same conclusion).
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Gee, which inferior would that be?
(and I'm wondering if some sort of unspoken communication is passing between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty at that moment, because the moment Rick C-137 mentions the name of the device Evil Morty glares at him, understanding that something occurred after he had scanned Rick C-137's brain. And Rick seems quick to deny any involvement: he only heard the name of the Device from some random, "inferior" Rick lol. This does not seem to placate Evil Morty.)
Back at the safety of Rick's sub-basement, Evil Morty chastises Rick C-137 for not learning to cut his losses and quit:
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And well, that line makes sense because Rick has ruined his life searching for Rick Prime, but it will make even more sense if my theory is correct :P
Rick, in turn, is already aware of the fact that Evil Morty is scared of the Omega Device.
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Which, well, makes sense, but I remember being surprised at that moment. The possibility of Rick Prime targeting Mortys out of spite had not crossed my head, although from what we now know of Rick Prime, it's actually to be expected.
Let's head to my third and final point:
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Rick, Rick, Riiiick... Why would you be bummed he built it again (after it was presumably destroyed somehow, by someone, in the past)? Of course Rick Prime built it again, why did you expect/hope it'd be otherwise?
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And why would Rick Prime building the machine again be "impressive"? Even from Season 1 Diane was never around, she's been dead for years, obviously from the Omega Device! That's plenty of time for someone to destroy the first Omega Device, and for Rick Prime to build it again.
Of course, it's possible Rick Prime made the first Omega Device a long time ago, killed Diane, then had a clone guard his superweapon for many years, and Rick C-137 found and destroyed the weapon only recently (so of course he'd be surprised and bummed that Rick Prime re-built the weapon so soon)...
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Interesting line, isn't it? And doesn't Rick appear to be seething in this scene?
Now, supposing Rick Prime has been messing with time... Isn't it possible that:
Shortly before S7E1 Rick C-137 managed to trace one of Rick Prime's clones/decoys, which eventually led him to the Omega Device v1 (pardon, Booger Aids v1)
And that Rick Prime's clone retroactively killed Diane across all infinities?
Wouldn't this theory make Rick's line in the above screenshot a lot more literal?
Wouldn't it make Evil Morty's glare in the box a lot more accusing?
Wouldn't it give more meaning to Evil Morty's remark about Rick C-137 "reaaally learning [his] lesson about chasing this guy"?
Wouldn't it make the threat of the Omega Device a lot more imminent, and a lot more personal, to Evil Morty? After all, if Diane is gone, killed a few months ago in retaliation not to a hundred different Ricks pissing off Rick Prime, but specifically to Rick C-137's failed quest for revenge, who is next when Rick C-137 next fails?
Wouldn't it make Rick Prime's line ("this guy does not know when to quit") a lot... heavier?
Honestly, for me, the cherry-on-top of this theory is the possibility of Rick Prime and Rick C-137 bickering: Rick Prime's clone proudly presenting the "Omega Device", Rick C-137 calling that name dumb, and then Rick Prime changing it to: "the weapon too cool for a name" lol
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pssy-wagn · 1 year
Day 13: Flirt
“Hey, how you doing?” Dean saddles up to the unoccupied stool near the gorgeous guy.
“Bad,” the stranger answers.
“Why bad?”
“Because people keep bugging me,” the man gives him an intense stare to back away.
Instead of backing away, Dean puts up two fingers to get the bartenders’ attention.
“So what’s your name?” Dean smirks.
“Castiel. Now leave me alone.”
As the bartender puts their drinks down in front of them, Dean raises his glass to Castiel, “To you.”
Exhaling an exhausted sigh, Castiel picks up his shot and downs it quickly without making a face unlike Dean.
“My name’s Dean Winchester.”
“So uh, you have the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen.”
“You are the third person to say that tonight.”
“But I bet I’m the only one to stay beside you when you treated them like shit.”
Castiel lets his shoulders fall as he looks at a smirking Dean, “If I’m treating you like shit, why don’t you leave?”
“Maybe because I know this isn’t who you really are. If a little flirting doesn’t give me any attention, annoyance will.”
Cas looks away to hide his smile.
“I saw that smile; don’t try to hide, Cas.”
“No one’s given you that nickname before? Dude, your name is a mouthful. Good thing I only have four letters in mine.”
As the bartender comes by, Cas lifts up two fingers, “Two shots please.”
Dean smiles wide at him, “I knew you were polite. When you wanna be. So what is a tax accountant doing in a fucked up dive bar like this? Broke up with someone? Got fired?”
“Just one of those days.”
“Yeah, I know how that is. Hey, you see that pool table over there?”
Cas looks at the direction where Dean is pointing, “of course.”
“I’ll make you a bet. If I could land six balls in one shot, I get your phone number.”
“And if you lose?”
“I’ll stop bothering you.”
As Cas grabs a pen from his trenchcoat pocket, he takes a napkin and writes down something. Folding it, he puts it in his pocket and extends his hand for Dean to shake, “Deal.”
Downing his drink, Dean slaps the counter as he basically jumps off the stool and jogs to the empty pool table.
“You’re in a happy mood when you’re going to lose.”
“Ooooh talkin’ shit, Cas? I kinda like that,” Dean says with a wink.
As Dean is setting up everything so carefully on the pool table, Cas orders a beer for each of them.
“Come on, Dean, you’re taking too long.”
“I’ve never heard that before,” Dean says showing a sliver of tongue between his teeth.
“You have a dirty mind.”
“Thank you.”
“Not a compliment.”
“Well..disagree. You get to know me better, you’ll know why it’s constantly dirty.”
Dean strokes his pool stick as he stares at Castiel with heat in his eyes. Cas blushes as he sips his beer.
“You’re so fuckin’ cute, Cas. Okay, I gotta chalk up my long stick, gimme a sec.”
As Dean bends down to set up his shot, Cas makes his way a little towards the back of Dean. When he stops moving, Dean wiggles his ass, “Get a good look yet?” he says as he looks behind himself.
“You’re a very attractive man, Dean.”
“Was that a flirt? Finally?”
“I suppose it was.”
“Dude, you gotta work on it more. I’ll help you if you want but only if you flirt with me.”
“I’ll think about it.”
As Dean positions himself again, he tells Cas, “Okay so I’m gonna make all these balls, without a scratch.”
“So everything is going to go in except the white ball?”
“Yeah in one go.”
“Go for it.”
“Are you rooting for or against me?”
“I’ll let you know once you attempt your trick shot.”
Taking a gulp of beer, Dean takes a huge breath as he re-positions himself for the shot again.
“Stop stalling, Dean. Do it.”
As Dean gets focused and serious, he finally hits the cue ball, knocking every single ball in the pockets, including the white ball. Standing up straight, he lets out a frustrated exhale. He slowly makes his way to Cas with a small pout on his face.
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“Alright, I guess I’ll leave you alone.”
As he walks by Cas, Cas grabs his wrist, bringing him to face him, “Dean.” Cas reaches into his pocket and gives him his napkin, “The white ball never went in.”
Dean smiles as he takes the napkin and opens it.
I knew you weren’t going to make it but I love seeing you try hard for this
“Wait. How did you know I wasn’t gonna make it?”
“Had a feeling”, Cas shrugs as he winks awkwardly at Dean, making Dean bust out laughing.
“Okay, next time, try winking with one eye open.”
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lum13 · 2 years
Romance 101.
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Part 3 of the mute series.
How to get your crush to like you back? It’s not hard– according to the sites you visited on google. Sure, she might have ignored you a few times, might dislike you a tiny bit. But it was alright, you could get her to like you. You think.
Wednesday Addams x fem! Reader
Taglist: @kaitlynroseb @idkjustliving2 @angel-luv-04 @left-and-right-up-and-down @reginassweetheart @thekid4466 @engenelxver @rainbow-love4ever @thenextdawn @sanguis-lupus95 @an-incompetent-writer @alexkolax @ognenniyvolk
How to get your crush to like you back? It’s not hard– according to the sites you visited on google. Sure, she might have ignored you a few times, might dislike you a tiny bit. But it was alright, you could get her to like you. You think.
Your eyes found the raven haired girl who was seated across the room. You could do this.
1.put yourself out there.
“Wednesday, I heard of a new movie coming out this month.”
Wednesday lifted her head, looking up from her book. She furrowed her eyebrows, as if she’s not getting what you’re trying to say. 
“Wanna watch it? together, I mean.” 
You watched as her features hardened at your words. Uh oh.
She grabbed her pen that was rolling around on the desk, before scribbling on her paper. Once she had finished, she held it up to your eyes, almost too close for you to read. 
You smiled through the pain. Well, it was worth a try.
2. find out what your crush is passionate about.
“The only thing she loves is her dead scorpion.”
You groaned, slapping your hand over your head. “There must be something she likes that I can talk about without being uncomfortable!”
Enid shrugged, scrolling through her phone. sprawled over her mattress, you peeked through your fingers, staring at the ceiling above.
“Well, she certainly likes writing violent novels and pla—” Your friend’s words were cut off from the swing of the door. The pair jumped from the bed, snapping their heads towards the sudden motion.
“Wednesday!” Enid chuckled, “We were just talking about you.” 
The girl gave her a look, making her smile awkwardly. You could tell what she was thinking by that glare– it was obvious she wasn’t expecting you here, and didn’t want you to be here. Through that hurt like needles onto your heart, you managed to keep your face calm.
“So um, wednesday, what do you like?” You asked, sitting upright with your legs crossed. The girl’s glare traveled from the blonde to you, and you gulped under the tense air.
She kept her eyes fixated on you for a moment– before rolling her eyes, pulling her note and her pen out of her pocket. You gulped as the silence continued.
My favorite hobby happens to use a knife and a shovel. 
You raised your eyebrows. Okay, she doesn’t want to talk to you at the moment. Got the message.
3. make eye contact.
Wednesday’s sharp and unnerving look flashed in your mind. You laughed anxiously just by the memory of it.
Nope, not happening. You think, as you scrolled through the lists on wikihow.
4. Talk to your friend about them.
This will help you get a third person’s point of your relationship with your crush. Who knows, they might like you back!
“Hey, do you think Wednesday likes me? She ignores me a little, turns down all my attempts to hang out with her, but she could be a hard to get kind of girl for all I know.” 
Your friend tore her eyes away from her screen, turning to face you. You looked at her full of hope, almost pleading.
“I—“ she started, but was stopped by a figure passing by. Your attention was immediately drawn from her as you gasped.
“Wednesday! How are you today?” You beamed, your voice ringing through the hallways. 
It was either that your voice couldn’t be heard by her from the sea of people that surrounded you— or she just didn’t feel like talking to you. But she brushed past, not even giving you a glance.
You pouted, watching as the raven haired girl made her way through. “She’s just shy.”
“You know what?” Your friend said, “I was going to say that you’re right, she could be one of those hard to get girls, but I’m sorry, I personally think she hates you.”
You whined.
5. Touch incidentally.
Your heart was beating so fast you could almost hear it pounding loudly in your ears. Slowly, you slid your fingertips towards Wednesday.
Your fingertips met hers with electricity all over your skin. You shivered slightly.
Peering over, you studied her expression. Nothing. It was neutral, not changing, just her usual poker face. 
You were wondering if she didn’t notice the touch until she pulled away, standing up from her chair, dusting her uniform before walking away. 
Did you get rejected? You think so.
6. Tell her how much you appreciate her.
Your words were stolen from you the second you locked eyes with her. Moonlight kissing her skin, her hair cupping her face so, so beautifully you forgot how to talk once again.
She was exquisite.
“Um,” you stuttered, “I just wanted to say that—“
You glanced at her dark lips. The butterflies went frenzy in your stomach.
She raised her brows, running out of patience. 
“Nothing.” You managed, “I forgot what I was gonna say.”
You kept your smile on as the girl walked away. 
You chickened out. What a shame.
7. Spend time with her.
“Wednesday, are you—“
Your hands still gripped on the door handle, you halted in surprise. No one was in the dorm? Why wasn’t Wednesday there? She should’ve been here, waiting for your presence. It was the last day for her to meet you— well, last day for the project, anyways. 
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, you scanned the room, looking for anything she could’ve left behind. Maybe she left for some water?
Cautiously, you stepped into the room before spotting a note on her desk. Ah ha, you cheered mentally. She did leave you something after all.
Excited, you made your way to the desk, picking the small paper up for you to see. 
Your grin faded away as soon as you read it.
I understand that you like me, but I do not take an interest in you. Please stop hoping, I am not your soulmate, and is not yours.
It was like being kicked in your guts. Yes, you realized, she’s not your soulmate. She was never your soulmate. She will not love you, and she doesn't feel the same way as you did.
Your little fantasy came crashing down, and it hurt. More than you’d like to admit.
You didn’t even notice your vision blurring up. The crack in your heart pained you so much, it distracted you from the teardrops falling down your cheeks.
She was never your soulmate. What were you thinking, hoping?
Soft whimpers leaving your lips, your mind chanting the same words over and over again. She was never yours. She was never yours.
She was never yours.
angst ;)
also hello, was that too rushed? I can’t tell :(
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kinghe · 4 months
for @akai-anna
1.7k | rated T
Akashi watched the ripples of the pond by his sandals, his arms tucked into the sleeves of his yukata in an attempt to avoid the inevitability of mosquitos. Tokyo's summer heat triumphed even well into the evening, keeping all but the blaring song of cicadas docile and languid.
"What are you doing over there, obocchan? Don't fall in."
"I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me that, Nijimura-san."
"Why not?" Nijimura came to stand by his side with a grin Akashi sensed through his words, spared from straining his neck to look. "It suits you."
Akashi blew out a soft sigh and sent an immediate warning glance before Nijimura's large hand could ruffle the top of his head. "Alright, alright," came Nijimura's amused mutter, stuffing his hand back into his pocket. "Want me to show you how?"
A smile graced Akashi's lips, slow and nearly imperceptible. He said, "if Nijimura-san is willing to indulge me, then of course, I must take him up on his offer."
"I'll teach you the proper way. Not like those idiots," Nijimura said, crouching down and rummaging through stones. The idiots he was referring to, Aomine and Kise (with Kuroko caught at the scene of the crime), were squabbling as much as they were competing earlier that day.
"You'll want to find one with a flat edge, see. Like this one. And you gotta get the right angle, so lean down a little. The technique is in the hand, so if you hold it like this... oi. You listening?"
Nijimura gestured him closer by crooking his finger, and Akashi bent at the knees, bracing his hands atop. Like this, they weren't so different in height. "You got it?"
Akashi's stone counted to a total of nine skips and skidding to a dribble at the end - to Nijimura's measly six.
Nijimura watched the affair with crossed arms, and spoke only a minute after Akashi's stone breached the surface and disappeared.
"Yep," he said, "that checks out."
Akashi allowed the harassment of his hair this time.
"Hey," Nijimura said when Akashi opened the door. "Thought you might be awake. Uh. My roommate brought a girl over and locked me out."
Akashi stared. "It's a long walk from your dormitory to mine. If you need a place to stay, there are surely better candidates on campus. Reo, for example."
"Actually," Nijimura scratched his cheek, the neutral scowl of his face enhanced with the situation, "I was going to ask you to help mediate stuff with the supervisor after I've put my foot through the door. Since I'll most likely break it."
Akashi blinked slowly.
"...since you're, you know, good with that kind of thing."
"I see." Akashi said. After a beat, he swung the door the rest of the way and stepped back, allowing Nijimura passage.
"Oh, it's fine. I didn't want to inconvenience you more than I already am."
"Come," Akashi said, neither a suggestion nor a demand, and rather a third, more absolute thing. The circumstance had tickled Akashi somehow, he could tell, despite the infallibility of mismatched eyes.
Nijimura paused, hand on the door frame as he frowned down at him.
Akashi smiled. "It would be my folly as captain to merely observe the overexertion of one of our star players." Nijimura had learned fast that if there was amusement, excitement - rather, any stimulation, it would show in the intensifying of Akashi's gaze rather than the cold curl of his lips. "There will be no need for violence tonight."
"Aye aye, captain." Nijimura muttered underneath his top lip, sliding past Akashi into a room that was double the size of his own, and with half a mind to flick his junior-in-middle-school-now-irritatingly-grown-up-and-in-high-school's forehead to prove him wrong. Just as soon as he stopped being ridiculously frightening.
"You used to be cute." Nijimura told him over lunch at a cafe Mibuchi insisted on to celebrate Sei-chan's graduation but deemed themselves too unwell to attend.
"Used to?" Akashi repeated, interested.
"Yeah, when you followed me around like a little duckling." Nijimura leaned back with an expression of mourning. "Now you're a menace."
Akashi raised an eyebrow.
"-Devil incarnate." Nijimura rectified.
Akashi placed the teacup between his lips and took a sip. Seemingly appeased.
"I can revert to that, if you like."
The smirk was concealed by the rim of Akashi's cup, but Nijimura caught it all the same. "No way."
"Why not? It seems to be what you prefer," Akashi quipped. Nijimura steeled himself in stone-faced despair, caught into a snare of his own making. Akashi's lips were pale pink and soft and tended to part and curl meticulously around words for clear and precise enunciation, "Senpai."
Nijimura angrily sipped his own tea like it would alleviate the heat rising in his ears.
"Ironically, you seem to become cuter as you age." Akashi said thoughtfully, "it is no easy feat to surpass me. I must commend you, Senpai."
"Oh, shut up."
a. (that one au)
"You're here again," Nijimura blurts out. Behind him somewhere, someone snickers (a mental note to have Tatsuya in a headlock as soon as the cafe closes and no one is there to report him to authorities).
"Your words imply that this is a bad thing." Redhead says lightly (mental note to somehow kick himself in the ass even later after Tatsuya has left). "I apologise if my presence is unsavory to you."
"It's not. Of course not." Nijimura says in a stilted voice. He places the menu on the table before the man, and averts his eyes when he realises he's been staring too long at the protrusion of collarbones and the shadows that dip below the fabric of a neckline. "Here."
A small smile forms on Redhead's lips. "In that case, I am flattered to have made some kind of impression on you."
"I think you'd have that effect on anyone you come across." It comes out before Nijimura's brain could activate and review, and immediately flushes. "You've got," he makes some helpless gesture, "bright red hair and - shit, I'm just gonna stop talking."
A chuckle. "No, I assure you. Please, continue."
"I wont."
"A shame. You are also exceptionally memorable, though I am certain you know this already."
"Right, yeah. The tatts," Nijimura mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. He tries his best to hide them; the manager's complaints are a ceaseless cover up, you idiot, you're scaring all my customers away and do you ever stop glaring and what are you, a delinquent? Simply put, it's not good for business.
"Well, no." Redhead blinks. "It is because you are quite handsome."
Every customer service platitude dies on Nijimura's tongue. Any semblance of coherency escapes his brain. He is an unbreathing, immobile, useless mass and this man calmly scans through the menu and then slides it back into Nijimura's stiff grasp.
"Today's special looks delightfully appetizing. I'll have that." Redhead smiles, "and your number, if you please."
Nijimura's jaw goes slack, and he strangles out some sort of reply and manages some parody of a nod before he beelines to the kitchen.
Later, when he has cooled and checked to confirm that yes, he is no longer red everywhere, he brings the man's order to him. When expectant eyes follow, he exhales, digs into his pocket and offers the sticky note to the man.
The eye contact they share is too long for him to regain his bearings and he feels the blush crawling back with fervour, but forces himself not to look away. He waits in agony for the man to take his offering, but he does not, and is thus subject to further observation. Two striking red irises pierce into his gaze, dangerous and tender.
"I can't win, can I." He groans.
"I wasn't aware we were playing a game." Redhead finally takes the note and pockets it, radiating a satisfaction similar to that of a cat with a fat load of cream.
"...Yes, you were." Nijimura says dryly.
"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Nijimura-san." He grins instead, a sharp, elegant thing. "My name is Akashi Seijuro. May I ask if you are free this evening?"
b. (senpai sandwich sandwich but nijimura is the filling )
"I cannot concentrate with this abhorrent noise. If you are insistent on such juvenile hobbies, perhaps you may find the bedroom amenable."
"Hey." Mayuzumi clicked his fingers in the direction of Nijimura. "You can tell ojousama over there that the communal area is what...? Oh yeah. A communal area."
Nijimura sighed long and bone-deep, as the quarreling continued over his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Chihiro, really. Although your childishness knows no bounds, this is unbecoming of even you."
"Tell ojousama that if he has a problem then maybe for once in his life, he can move to the bedroom."
As soon as the fight escalated to Mayuzumi rising from the couch to hurl insults, his rhythm game seemingly forgotten, and Akashi responding with retorts to further incense than to pacify, glacial grin growing with each word, Nijimura grabbed the back of Mayuzumi's shirt and yanked him down, in the same fashion, whipped his head around to shoot Akashi a dark look.
They both froze.
"Do I need to spank you both?" Nijimura snapped. "Is that it? Because it sounds to me like two annoying little brats are begging for it. Or am I mistaken? Won't someone," The glare he leveled bore the legend of diminishing better men in multitudes, "kindly tell me."
There was silence. Peace, even. For a brief moment.
"Why am I not surprised you're into that?" Mayuzumi rearranged himself on the couch. "It's got your name written all over it."
"Nijimura-san," Akashi tapped the tip of his pen to his lips. "is an organic case. He has been this way since middle school."
"Gross." Mayuzumi remarked. "You were playing into each other's kinks since before puberty."
"That's enough. If Nijimura-san would like to try something, it is only fair that we afford him the same safe space we have generously provided for you and your range of deviancy."
"Well, let's hear it then." Mayuzumi nudged Nijimura with his foot, "don't be shy."
Nijimura found the bedroom was indeed amenable, especially when locked.
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Eddie Likes to Hurt Girls
You’re new to Hawkins High and you’ve struck up a relationship with Eddie Munson. His ex-hookup has plans of her own though, she weasels her way in befriending you. She’s bidding her time, planting little seeds of doubt, before really getting in your head. Warning you… Eddie likes to hurt girls.
Request fill for Anon... again this one got away from me, it is unnecessarily long. Anyway, hope you enjoy 😊 ...and that it’s at least kind of what you were after lol 
Minors DNI
Contains: Mostly Fluff and a bit of Angst... kind of, No Actual Smut in this one but delves into BDSM type stuff, Discussions of Dom!Eddie and Sub!Eddie, Mentions previous relationships of Eddie’s, Also Insecure!Eddie
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Eddie was loitering in the halls, prolonging the inevitable, when he saw you. Frantically searching through a stack of papers, looking around you hastily, he decides to step in. “Hey, there sweetheart you alright? You look a little lost.”
“Oh, I’m trying to find Ms.…” you glance down at the paper in your hands, “…O’Donnell’s class. Sorry, I’m new and I’m still not quite used to this place.”
“Don’t even worry about it I’m heading there right now, come on. Follow me.”
“I’m y/n by the way.”
“Eddie Munson. You can call me Eddie.”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. So, what’s O’Donnell like?”
“A hag. An absolute hag, but don’t worry I’ll protect you.” He says with such seriousness it makes you giggle.
“You’re funny, Eddie.”
“I try.” He smirks.
“Hey, do you think we could hang out at lunch today? I haven’t really settled in yet, found my group, you know.”
“Of course, you are very welcome to join us. My club…” he points to his shirt, “…we all usually sit together.”
“Oh, that’s cool. What’s… Hellfire Club?” You ask reading off his shirt.
“We’re a D&D group… do you… know D&D?”
“I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never played it, I mean it sounds interesting though.”
“Oh, it is… if you’re interested, you could come past one of our sessions.”
“I might just take you up on that offer.”
He gives you a grin, “Cool, anyway… here we are.”
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He stops in front of a door and opens it standing aside for you to pass through.
As you both enter the room the teacher stops abruptly to address you both, “Mr. Munson, late as usual. And who’s this?”
“Sorry miss, it’s my fault. I got a bit lost and Eddie had to help me out. I’m new here, my name is y/n y/l/n.”
“Ah, yes Miss y/l/n. It would behove you to not spend too much time with our Mr. Munson here. Wouldn’t want any of his influence rubbing off on you.”
“Oh, um ok. Can we just, uh take our seats?”
“Yes, please do, you’ve delayed this class long enough.”
You slink over to the only seats available in the room, right at the back, Eddie following along behind you.
When you get settled, pulling out a notebook and some pens, Eddie leans in to whisper, “Sorry about that, told you she’s a real piece of work.”
“Yeah, uh should she be talking about you like that? That’s really not professional for a teacher to say and you’ve been nothing but nice to me, why should I avoid you?” You respond in a hushed tone.
“Oh, well you see this is actually my third attempt at senior year so…” he trails off.
“If anything, that’s more reason she should be supporting you, helping you to graduate. Like isn’t that her job?”
He shrugs, “Well, it is what it is, and this… this is my year I can feel it. I am going to graduate this year.”
“I… I could help. If you want, that is. Not to like brag or anything but in my last school I was at least top five in all my subjects. I also did peer tutoring there too, admittedly it was teaching the freshman who were a little more… disadvantaged, was the word they used, how to read.”
“You’d do that?”
“Help you? Yeah, why not?”
“I dunno, ‘s just… I’m not used to people offering me help. Especially not someone so… pretty.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Yeah, of course I-”
He gets cut off by the teacher, “Mr. Munson do you not think you’ve disrupted this class enough. Quiet and if I have to warn you again it’ll be detention. You too Miss. y/l/n, I do not care if you’re new or not.”
You feel your cheeks heat with embarrassment, “Sorry miss, won’t happen again.”
“See to it that it doesn’t. Now, where were we?”
Eddie grabs one of your pens and scribbles on the corner of your notebook.
‘Sorry :( I keep getting you in trouble’
 You write back. ‘It’s ok really we can talk more at lunch next period  ?’
He glances over scribbling again, ‘Definitely ;)’
You grin to yourself and turn your attention to the lesson.
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“Oh, geez thank God that’s over. That was so embarrassing.” You sigh as you exit the classroom side by side with Eddie, then put on a voice jokingly, “Would you escort me to the cafeteria Mr. Munson?”
He gives a dramatic bow offering you his arm, matching your tone, “Oh, but of course Miss. y/l/n, it would be my honour.”
You giggle and take his arm, “I was serious you know, about helping, if you want it?”
“Yeah, absolutely yes. I’ll take all the help I can get.”
“How about we meet up at the library tomorrow after school and we can get a start? I can see where you’re at and what you need to work on most and then we can go from there.”
“It’s a date… I mean… not a date, date but-” He blurts out, stumbling over his words.
You cut him off, smirking as you tease, “Oh, no definitely not a ‘date, date’…”
He’s crushed, but he half expected it, interrupting you sighing heavily, “I know, that was dumb-”
But then you continue, “We could go on an actual date if you wanted though.”
He perks up instantly, “Are you shitting me of course I do.”
You giggle, “That’s good, but first lunch.”
“Yeah, and you can meet all the Hellfire guys.” He adds excitedly.
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When you get to the cafeteria, he introduces you to all of his friends and they greet you warmly. What none of you notice is Mandy, one of the cheerleaders, glaring daggers at you from across the room. And she had been since the second you’d walked in arm in arm with Eddie.
Lunch flies by in a heartbeat, as the bell rings you rummage through your bag, mumbling, “Hey, Eddie wait up a minute…”
He remains seated, he wasn’t in any rush to get to his next class anyway. Mandy also lingers in the cafeteria making a show of fixing her makeup, again unnoticed by you.
You pull out a pen and tear out a scrap of paper from a notebook. You scribble down your number and hand it to him, “You can call me whenever you want and I really am more than happy to help you out with studying.”
He stares down at the paper clutched in his hand, “Uh… yeah th-thanks, sweetheart.”
“What class have you got now?” You ask as you pack away your belongings and rise from your seat.
“I’ve got Math, you?” He stands moving beside you.
“English. Guess I’ll see you later then.” You sigh, continuing towards the doors and he follows along.
“I-I could walk you to your next class…” He suggests, a hand awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck.
“No, it’s ok. You shouldn’t be late to your next class. Especially not because of me again.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine… and I’m gonna make sure you graduate this year, so that means getting to class.”
“Yes, ma’am!” He mock salutes.
You giggle and he chuckles along with you, as you exit the cafeteria parting ways you give him a wave, “Seriously, call me, ok?”
“I will.” He calls back.
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Mandy gives it a moment before approaching you, all bright and bubbly.
“Hi! You’re new, aren’t you? I’m Amanda, but everyone calls me Mandy. What’s your name?”
“Oh, hi… I’m y/n. Nice to meet you… ahh sorry to bother you but do you think you could help me find my next class?”
“No problem at all, lemme see your timetable.”
You reach into the front pocket of your bag and hand it over.
“Oh, that’s not too far from my class, I’ll walk with you.”
You grin back at her, “Thanks that’d be a huge help.”
She sets off and you follow along, as she responds, “No problem. Hey, I’m having a bit of a party after the basketball game, Friday. Do you wanna come… maybe meet some more people? Make some new friends?”
“Really?” She nods, you answer, “Yeah I’d love to.”
“Great, let me just get your number and I’ll let you know all the details.”
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You have lunch with Eddie and the rest of Hellfire again the next day, the two of you arrange to meet by his van at the end of the day.
You keep running into Mandy today, she’s been helping you get to classes, sitting with you in those that you share, being very friendly overall. When the school day finally finishes, she asks if you need a lift home as you’re walking out the front doors.
“Oh, no that’s ok, thank you though. I’m going to the library with Eddie, we’re gonna study. Do you know Eddie?”
“Uhh… yeah, I guess. The library though… really?” She gives you an odd look.
“Yeah, why?”
“No, it’s nothing. Anyway, have fun I guess.” She waves leaving you standing there feeling unsure of yourself.
You snap out of it quickly, shaking your head before looking over to the parking lot. You see him leaning against a slightly beat-up looking van, cigarette in hand. You trot over and he drops the cigarette, stamping it out, “Was that Mandy Albright?”
“Uh, yeah. She’s been showing me around today, she’s really nice. We’re friends… I think?”
“Oh… uh, cool, cool… well, you wanna go?” He responds uneasily before pushing off the side of the van, opening the passenger side door and offering you a hand in.
You take his hand and mutter a quick thanks, grinning at him.
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When he turns the key in the ignition the radio comes to life suddenly, blaring his music, he scrambles for the volume control turning it down, “Sorry, sorry forgot it was on so loud… we, uhh… we can listen to something else if you want.”
“No, it’s fine leave it… I wanna know what type of stuff you’re into.”
“You sure?” He looks at you uncertainly.
“Absolutely, what’s this song?”
“It’s called ‘Innocent Exile’ it’s by Iron Maiden… they’re uh, one of my favourites.”
A few minutes into the drive it gets to a guitar riff that you find yourself enjoying, “I like this bit… with the guitar.”
He perks up instantly, blurting out overzealously “Really? I play guitar you know… I’m in a band.”
“That is very cool, maybe you could show me some time.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He grins.
“Did you bring everything you needed for studying?”
“Yeah, everything I could find at least… don’t like to hang on to old test papers… don’t really need the reminder of what a failure I am.”
You prod at his arm, “Hey, I will not tolerate that sort of negativity. You aren’t a failure, you’ve just struggled with a few tests, that’s fine. And if all your teachers are just giving up on you, I can see why.”
“You don’t have to try to make me feel better.” He sighs.
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It prompts you to launch into a story you didn’t think you’d be sharing with him, “You know I struggled academically at first too, I was eleven before I properly learned my times tables and how to tell time on an analogue clock. I was so embarrassed about it, everyone else in my class already knew it all way before me.”
He listens intently as you continue, “But then my teacher made this game up for me where I had to go through each of set of times tables one by one starting from the two’s to twelve’s and say them all in under two minutes. 
Like two times zero is zero, two times one is two, two times two is four… all the way to twelve. Then at the end he’d ask for questions at random from that set, if I got them all right, I could move on to the next set.”
“Sounds like a good teacher.” He muses.
“Yeah, he was and then that year I got a book award for ‘academic excellence’, it was really cool… shit, that was really nerdy of me to say, wasn’t it?”
“Nah, I think it’s cool what book did you get?”
“It was The Fellowship of the Ring. It’s actually really sweet ‘cause my teacher knew I liked to read so he was asking me all these questions. Like what sort of stuff, I was into and if I’d read Lord of the Rings. I didn’t even put it together until I got the award.” You giggle.
“Hold up, you’ve read Lord of the Rings?”
“Oh my god I love you.” He breaths out exaggeratedly.
“Stooop… come on, are we almost at the library?”
“Yep, just around this corner here.”
He pulls up in front of a large red brick building, cutting off the engine, as you take off your seatbelt he speaks up, “Just wait right there I’ll come around.”
He hops out of the van, trotting around the hood to your side and opens your door for you, extending a hand to help you out.
You accept with a small smile, “Thanks.”
He leads you into the library, greeting the librarian on the way in, ‘Marissa’ was the name you’d heard.
“Ok, let’s grab a table and get stuck into it then.” You suggest.
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About forty minutes pass and you think you’ve got a good gauge of where he’s at and what he needs to work on. You have a suspicion that at the core of it, it’s not that he doesn’t understand or that he can’t remember, but more that he struggles to focus on the work at hand. 
Right as this thought occurs to you, he’s blurting out a little too loudly for a library, his knee bouncing under the table more rapidly than it had been, “Hey, do you wanna come to Hellfire this week?”
You place a hand over his, he stares down at it, gently you remind him “Shhh it’s a library, don’t forget. And I’d love to come, when is it?”
He lowers his voice to a whisper, “Sorry, sometimes I forget how loud I am, get a bit carried away. It’s this Friday.”
You groan, “Oh shit, I can’t I’m sorry… I told Mandy I’d go to her party on Friday, she invited me to the game too. I’ll absolutely come to the next one I promise… if the offer still stands?”
His face drops, “Oh… um yeah… sure. I mean have fun at the party, I guess.”
“No, really, I’m sorry. I mean it, I want to come to one of your Hellfire Club meetings.”
“Yeah, next one. Offer is definitely still on the table.”
“Thank you.” In an attempt to brighten his mood hopefully you add, “Hey, we also haven’t talked about our date. When do you want to do that? We could do something Saturday if you’re free.”
A small grin peeks through on his face as he agrees, “Yeah Saturday is great for me. Do you wanna go to the cinema?”
You beam at him, “Sounds great! But for now, how about a five-minute break and then a little more studying?”
He pouts at you adorably, whining “More?”
“Ok fine no more, you wanna go pick out some books to read for fun? Then we can head home.”
“Uh sure why not?”
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As you’re packing up, you look over at him, “You know I think I may have a few ideas for how to help you out with studying. I think the problem is just that you need something to keep you engaged with the material. How about if we made it a game like my teacher did for me?”
He shrugs, “Yeah… I mean it couldn’t hurt, right?”
“Cool, I’ll work on it a bit for next time. Maybe we could study at your place then?”
“I guess, if you want… still can’t believe you’re willing to go to all this trouble for me.”
“Awww, Eddie you’re a great guy, why wouldn’t I want to help you out and spend time with you?”
“I mean you’d be the first… publicly at least.”
“Oh, no that’s horrible… you deserve so much better than that Eddie.”
He shrugs, “It is what it is, I’m used to it. I mean who would want to be seen with the ‘Town Freak’?”
“Well, me for one… and don’t call yourself that. All of that changes from now on, ok.”
He mumbles unintelligibly and avoids your gaze, fiddling with his belongings.
“Ok?” You persist.
“Yeah ok.” He concedes, “You wanted to look for a book?”
“Yes, oh and how about this… you pick out a book too and your math homework from today, every… ten questions you do and get right, you can read another chapter in between to break it up?” You propose as the two of you make your way down the rows of books.
“Yeah, I’ll try.”
“Cool, let me know how it goes.”
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The next day you only see Eddie in passing. Mandy invited you to sit at her table during lunch and you agreed giving Eddie a little wave as he passed by. She looks between the two of you, “So, how was… studying with Munson yesterday?”
You and her move to the queue to get your food, “Oh, it was good, I think we made some good progress.” You pause along the way, filling your tray.
“Uhh huh, so you and him what’s the deal there?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, like are you friends or…”
“Yeah, we’re friends… he’s umm also taking me out to the cinema this Saturday…”
“Oh… that should be… interesting. I hope you have a good time.” She says it in a tone that has you questioning her meaning, you agree uncertainly, “Yeah, I hope so too.”
You get to the end of the line and pay for your food. When you reach her table she introduces you to her friends, they all seem nice enough, Chrissy is most welcoming of all. She’s sat beside you and the two of you strike up a conversation.
You look forward to seeing her at Mandy’s party at least now you’ll know more than one person there.  
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Eddie calls you later that night, when you hear his voice, you can’t help but smile, “Hey, you called!”
“Well, you told me to and I said I would, didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did, sorry I didn’t sit with you guys today. Mandy wanted to introduce me to some of her other friends before her party. Oh, how’d your math go last night?”
“Better than usual… I actually did all of it for once. Got a few answers wrong, but I worked backwards from the answers in the back and figured out where I went wrong.”
“That is amazing honestly, I’m proud of you!”
“Uh… thanks. So, how’d it go with Mandy and her friends?”
“I’m not sure they’re exactly my ‘group’ but they were alright, Chrissy was pretty nice.”
“Well, they may not be your ‘group’ but you will always have a place at my table.”
“That’s sweet, thank you.”
“Anytime, sweetheart. Hey there’s actually someone else I could introduce you to, I think you’d get along with her. I know her from band, back in the day and sometimes we hang out and smoke. Her name’s Robin, she’s cool… works at the video store.”
“Yeah, that’d be nice. So, for Saturday what movie were you thinking?”
“Aliens looks good, you wanna watch that? Is that something you’d be into?”
“Yeah, I actually wanted to watch that, I loved the first one.”
“Great! That’s great… I’ll pick you up around six then?”
“Perfect, see you then. Goodnight Eddie, see you at school tomorrow?”
“Absolutely, goodnight sweetheart.”
You hang up grinning to yourself happily, picking up the book you’d borrowed from the library and resuming where you’d left off.
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At lunch the next day as soon as he sees you, Eddie comes bounding over to ask if you’d have lunch with him outside today. You agree and he leads you out to a picnic table behind the school.
You sit opposite him tucking into your lunch. He’s practically vibrating in his seat, you look at him curiously and he blurts out, “I got something to show you!”
He pulls a crumpled bit of paper out of his jacket showing it off proudly, you smile when you see the red C+ circled on the right-hand corner of the page, “We had a pop quiz today in Chemistry, I know it’s not much but it’s a lot better than what I expected.”
“No, this is a big improvement and so soon already! I’m proud of you.”
He smiles bashfully his cheeks reddening, “Thanks. Umm… you know the stuff you got me to go over that day in the library really helped, I feel like a lot of that came up.”
“That’s good, so when do you want to do another study date? Maybe we could make it like a weekly thing?”
“Yeah? I think that’d actually help.”
“Perfect, that’s settled then.”
“So, uhh you still going to Mandy’s party tomorrow?”
“Yep, it’ll be good to meet some more people I guess.” You shrug half-heartedly.
“Yeah. What… Umm what has she said about me?” He ventures tentatively.
“She hasn’t really said much about you, why do you ask?”
“It’s nothing… just you must’ve heard the kind of stuff people say about me. Well, I thought maybe you’d take it to heart coming from her… someone you’re… friends with.”
“Eddie, there’s nothing anyone could say to change what I think about you. I really want you to know that. You are an amazing guy, even if you don’t see it sometimes.”
“Stop, you are too nice to me. I can’t take it.” He blushes hiding his face behind his curls.
You could just eat him up he was so adorable, giggling you respond, “Never… I’m never gonna stop.”
“Ugh… come on we better head back in… as much as I’d love to suggest we just cut next period and stay out here, I think that’d be a little counterintuitive.”
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The Tigers end up winning their game the next day so everyone’s spirits are very high, especially at Mandy’s party. It’s a fun rowdy night, you meet a few new people, but ultimately end up practically glued to either Mandy or Chrissy the whole night. You wonder how Eddie’s night is going, if he’s having fun with his friends in Hellfire Club.
At the end of the night, you get a lift with Chrissy and her boyfriend Jason, it turns out she only lives a few houses down from you. Her boyfriend seemed a bit stand-offish, when you first met him, he had greeted you by saying, “Aren’t you that new girl… the one that hangs out with the freaks sometimes?”
Chrissy admonished him with a slap to the shoulder warning him to ‘be nice’.
You don’t really like him all that much you decide, wondering why someone as kind as her would be with someone like that, but to each their own.
It had been an exhausting night, being around so many exuberant, celebratory people. As soon as your head hit your pillow you were out like a light.
 When you wake the next morning, you remember your date with Eddie set for that night, it sets the mood for the rest of your day. Your mum asks what’s got you in such a good mood, as you make your way into the kitchen where she’s prepping breakfast. You grin and tell her, “I’ve got a date with a cute boy… he’s really nice too. We hang out sometimes and he’s always such a gentleman.” You sigh.
She chuckles at you kind-heartedly, “Are your dad and I going to get to meet this boy?”
“Umm he’s picking me up tonight, but I don’t know if he’d be ready to meet you just yet… I wouldn’t want to spring it on him. That wouldn’t be fair.”
“Ok, but soon, yes?” She insists.
“Yeah, I guess. Want any help with breakfast?” You offer.
“That’s ok, honey it’s nearly done. Just go set the table and call your dad.”
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Six o’clock can’t come quick enough, but sure enough it rolls around and there comes a knock at the door. Your parents try to intercept you as you answer the door, but you give them a pleading look and mumble, “Please leave it for next time, don’t need you two scaring him off.”
“Ok, just be responsible and come home at a reasonable hour.” Your mum speaks for the pair of them shushing your dad as he goes to protest.
“Thank you, I will.” You accept gratefully before moving to open the door.
You slip outside to see Eddie standing there shifting awkwardly from side to side, he was dressed a little different than usual foregoing his usual battle vest and leather jacket, donning a black button up, but keeping his distressed, dark denim jeans, chains and all. 
He’d also swapped his sneakers for a pair of boots, trademark rings still adorning his fingers, he’d made a bit of extra effort with his hair, you could tell… all up he painted quite the image. “Hi…” he mumbles shyly and rubs the back of his neck.
You grin at him giddy with excitement, “Hi.”
“You look very pretty… as always.” He compliments you.
“Awww thank you, you do too.”
He chuckles and teases, “Oh, I look pretty now do I?”
“The prettiest, I like what you did with your hair.”
His fingers come to twirl at his locks, hope tinges his voice as he asks, “Yeah?”
“Absolutely, like your whole outfit.”
“You should know, flattery works with me, so…”
“Oh well, then you’re never gonna hear the end of it pretty-boy.”
He blushes and repeats softly, so softly you barely hear it, “…pretty-boy.”
You snap him out of it with your words, “Alright let’s go then, don’t wanna be late for the movie.”
“Yeah, yeah… oh.” He starts towards his van, you following along beside him, he stops suddenly.
“What’s up?”
“I… I didn’t get you flowers. I was going to get you flowers but I forgot. I’m sorry, I should’ve-”
You cut him off with a hand on his arm, “Hey, don’t stress about it, besides flowers only end up dying like two days later… I’d much prefer a book over some flowers any day.”
“Then I’m going to buy you all the books in the world.”
“Eddie, you could give me some beat-up, second-hand, one dollar book from a bargain bin and I would be over the moon. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what you give me. I don’t need anything, just wanna spend time with you.”
“Shit, you keep going like that and I might actually fall in love with you.”
“Isn’t that the plan?” You tease.
“Sweetheart, stooop…” He whines, before glancing at his watch, “… ok we really should go now.”
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Tickets in hand Eddie leads you further in to the cinema, he turns and asks, “You want anything from the candy bar?”
“Oh no, I got my own stash here, gonna smuggle it in.” You hold up your little backpack as you reply.
“Look at you, you little rule-breaker.” He chuckles.
“Shove off, don’t tease me… I won’t share if you do.” You pout at him.
“Ok, sweetheart… you want some popcorn though?”
“Yes, please.”
The two of you enter the theatre, he guides you over to one of the love-seats and you settle in watching as some trailers begin to run.  He places the bucket of popcorn between the two of you and stuffs a handful in his mouth. 
You watch him as you nibble on a couple bits of popcorn yourself, “So, how was Hellfire yesterday?” You whisper as you begin pulling an assortment of sweets out of your bag.
He mumbles through a mouthful of popcorn, “Good, they’re really enjoying this latest campaign, you still good to come next week?”
“Yeah, can’t wait.” You grin back at him.
“How was-” He gets cut off by someone shushing, falling silent.
“We’ll talk later.” You assure him with a hand on his arm.
The trailers are wrapping up, opening credits begin rolling and you lean into him. You feel him stiffen a bit before draping an arm around you, “This, ok?” He whispers in your ear, you nod and he turns his attention back to the screen with a small grin.
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The end credits roll on the movie, lights coming up and you pull away from him reluctantly. He looks over at you, “So, did you enjoy the movie?”
“Yeah, it was great Eds. Thank you for taking me out.”
“Eds?” He gives you an odd look.
“Oh, sorry do you not like that? I can go back to ‘Eddie’.”
“Nah, Eds is ok… I like it.” He smiles back, blush colouring his cheeks.
“Cool, so… what now? Straight home or do you want to hang out for a bit?”
“What do you wanna do?”
“Umm, maybe we could just go for a bit of a walk… talk some more?”
“Yeah, sounds good.” He stands offering you his hand. He helps you up and you collect all your rubbish before leaving the theatre.
The two of you you walk down the main road hand in hand, Eddie speaks first, “So, what I was going to ask earlier is, how was the party last night? Did you have fun?”
“It was good, I met a few more people, but pretty much stuck to Mandy and Chrissy the whole night. I was so tired when I got home, I just crashed. I’m not really big on parties like that.”
“Oh, it’s good that you met some more people. When did you want me to introduce you to Robin? She’s asked about meeting you.”
“How about Monday at school? Maybe I could have lunch with her?” You suggest.
“Yeah, I’m sure that’ll be fine, I’ll let her know.”
“Great. So, tell me more about this… campaign, was it? The one for Hellfire, what should I know before the next meeting?”
His face lights up and he launches into an explanation of his most recent campaign.
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“… and then, well I guess you’ll see what happens next. Don’t wanna spoil it for you.”
“Wow, that is amazing… and you came up with all of that?”
“Yep!” He grins nodding, proudly.
“Honestly, that is amazing, you’re so creative.”
He preens under your praise, blushing and twirling his hair in front of his face.
“It’s getting a bit late maybe we should head home?” You hate to say it, you’d stay out with him ‘til the sun came up, but it had to be said.
He deflates a little and mumbles in agreement, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. You… wanna do this again some time?”
He looks at you hopefully, as if you’d ever say no, you bump your shoulder against him as you walk, heading back to his van. “I would love to, Eds. Anytime you want.”
He gives you a goofy grin and murmurs, “Cool…”
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You arrive back at your place much too soon for your liking, as he cuts off the engine he turns to you, “Lemme walk you to your door?”
You nod and he hops out, making his way over to your side and helping you out as usual.
You linger on the front porch, looking up at him, “Tonight was great Eds, really.”
“I had fun too, sweetheart.”
He pauses for a beat, shifting his weight from foot to foot nervously, his fingers tapping away at his leg unconsciously, “Umm… would it be alright if I kissed you?”
You grab his wrist and his fingers still their motions, you breathe out, “Absolutely, it would be more than alright.”
He ducks his head, leaning in eagerly, his nose bumps against yours and he kisses you chastely, both pairs of eyes fluttering shut. Your hand drops from his wrist, moving to tangle into his curls. 
One of his hands comes up to cup your cheek, stroking over it with a thumb. He groans when you tug gently on his hair, breaking away shortly after. He rests his forehead against yours, eyes opening to gaze into your own, “I guess this is goodnight then sweetheart.”
“Yeah, goodnight Eds… thanks again for tonight.” You sigh dreamily.
“No, thank you. Really, thank you for everything y/n.” He takes a step back, admiring you fully.
“Oh, stop it…” you slap his arm playfully, “… see you Monday?”
“Sure, will sweetheart. Sweet dreams.”
“You too, pretty-boy.” You giggle and wave as you turn to your front door.
Just before you slip inside you look back at him again and wave. He waves back, grinning broadly and you close the door.
He turns to return to his van, shoving his hands deep in his pockets, still grinning to himself and humming.
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Your parents are sitting together in the living room, your mum’s watching tv, your dad snoring away beside her. When she sees you, she calls out in a hushed voice, “How was it?”
You match her tone, “It was great mum, I had a really good time.”
“See and you were worried about moving here. What did I tell you?”
“Yeah, yeah… I’m gonna head up to bed, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, love you.”
“Love you too.”
“I love you more.”
You roll your eyes thinking, ‘every time’.
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When Monday rolls around Mandy stops you outside of O’Donnell’s class, you wave Eddie on and he goes ahead to the cafeteria without you. She tries to corral you into lunch with her and her friends, you apologise and explain you planned on having lunch with Eddie and another friend. 
She gives in and suggests a ‘girls night’ just you and her at her place after school today then. You accept and arrange to meet after your last period.
When you enter the cafeteria, you spot Eddie talking to a girl with a wavy bob, wearing a plaid button-down and tie beneath an oversized blazer. You give him a wave and he breaks conversation, waving you over.
“So, Robin… this is y/n, y/n this is Robin.” He gestures to each of you in turn.
You give her a nervous little wave, “Hi…”
She grins launching into an overzealous greeting, “Hi, oh my god finally… so you’re the girl Munson can’t ever shut up about, seriously he’s always like y/n this and y/n that-”
“Alright cool it Buckley.” Eddie cuts her off.
“Awww, you talk about me with your friends?” You pout over at him.
“He totally does, it is never-ending I swear, just yesterday we were…” she mimes smoking, “behind the Family Video… I work there, did he mention that… anyway, he was like ‘you won’t believe it, she called me-’”
She’s cut off by Eddie pressing a hand over her mouth, she licks it you assume judging by the way he reacts, retracting his arm, rubbing it off on his pants.
“That’s fucking disgusting.” He grimaces, “Stop embarrassing me.”
She pokes her tongue out at him, “If you don’t want to be embarrassed then just leave us alone dingus.”
“Ugh fine… just don’t say anything too bad.”
“Or what? You won’t do anything, I’m your best customer.”
“Yeah, whatever Buckley… see you around.” He turns to you, “Don’t listen to anything she says about me.”
You giggle at the exchange, “Don’t worry Eds I’m sure it’ll all be good things. If I don’t see you before then, you good for our study date tomorrow?”
“Yep, my place this time, you said?”
“Yeah, alright go back to your Hellfire buddies, let Robin and I get to know each other.”
“Ok see ya sweetheart.” He waves turning back to his usual table.
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“You wanna grab a table?” She suggests.
“How about we eat outside instead?” You offer.
“Sure, lead the way.”
You find a spot beneath a large tree and settle in, pulling out your lunch, she sits beside you doing the same.
“So, what did you mean by ‘best customer’?”
“Oh, shit you don’t know?”
“Uh, know what?”
“Ahhh… Eddie sells me weed, we smoke together sometimes… I dunno, it helps ‘mellow me out’ you may have noticed I can be a bit… much. Just sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain and it’s like I can’t get it to stop.”
“Hey, that is totally fine, it’s not a bad thing. Actually, I kinda like it, the way you just say whatever’s on your mind, it’d be great if more people were like that.”
“So, you really didn’t know about Eddie… dealing?”
“Well, I mean I’ve heard it around school, but he’s never talked to me about it. Didn’t know if it was true or not.” You shrug.
“But you’re cool with it right? I didn’t just like totally ruin everything for Munson?”
“No. No you didn’t… when it comes to that it’s not my thing but to each their own, I’m not about to judge anyone for it.”
She breathes out a sigh of relief, “Good. That’s good. So, you and Munson huh? Heard you two went on a date.” She teases.
“We did, went to the movies, watched Aliens, talked a little… it was fun.”
“That’s cute… but enough about him for now… tell me about you,” She begins firing off in quick succession, “…where’d you move here from, why, what’s your family like, are you liking Hawkins so far…?”
You giggle and she trails off, “Sorry, there I go again…”
“No, it’s ok… I think I got everything…”
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You answer all her questions, she poses a few more as you talk prompted by your responses.
“… so, yeah that’s everything I guess.” You finish with a hum.
The distant sound of the school bell rings out across to the pair of you, you stand, “Well, that was fun. See you around, Robin.”
She rises to her feet clumsily, “Yeah, definitely we should hang out more. Maybe you can come past Family Video, I’ll put aside some of those movies you mentioned.”
“That’d be cool, thanks Robin. Anyway, better head to class.”
“Right, yeah me too.”
The two of you part ways once you re-enter the school with a wave. After lunch the day always seems to pass by so quickly, you wait for Mandy by the front doors. She appears by your side, “Ready to go?”
You nod and follow her along to her car, “Yep, did you have anything in particular in mind for tonight?”
“Dunno, figured we could chat, maybe listen to some music, do some face masks or something.” She shrugs.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
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The two of you sit in her room chatting, everything had started of normal, you’d both painted your nails and applied face masks just settling in on her bed as music played from her radio. She brings up the topic of your date with Eddie, “So your date with Munson, how’d that go?”
“It was good, I really like him, you know…” She lets out an odd noise like a scoff.
“You should stay away from him.” She struggles to keep the bitterness out of her tone when she says it.
“Why does everyone keep saying that? I don’t get it!” You roll your eyes exasperatedly.
“Really you should end it with him. You know what they say about him, the things they call him. Freak. Cult leader. Dangerous. Devil worshipper. Drug dealer.”
“But he’s nice, always so sweet to me.”
“Yeah, for now.”
“What does that mean?”
“Look, I didn’t want to tell you this but girls’ gotta look out for each other, right?” She looks to you for response and you nod for her to continue.
“Well Munson and I had a… thing, I saw his band playing at The Hideout and well one thing led to another… Geez that boy is scary, real rough, it’s brutal. No wonder he’s never been able to keep a girl, all those chains and restraints and leather. Boy can’t keep it in his pants for two minutes, I’m surprised he hasn’t already tried it with you.”
“A-are you sure we’re talking about the same Eddie. I thought all that stuff was for show… just part of his style or whatever.”
“No, he gets off on legitimately hurting girls, it’s fucking sick. He really is a fucking freak. It’s a good thing I got out of there when I did.”
“O-oh… but why tell me this now? Why didn’t you say something when we first started hanging out.”
“I dunno, I guess I thought you were hearing it enough from everyone else, why would you listen to me?”
“Hey, you’re my friend, of course I’d listen to what you have to say. I’ll just… talk things over with Eddie and then we’ll see where we stand. Um th-thank you for telling me, I know it must have been hard for you to talk about.”
“Hey, I’m just looking out for you. What are friends for?”
She pulls you in for a hug and you miss the devious smirk plastered across her face when she does so.
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You sit with Mandy at lunch the next day, trying to act like there wasn’t a raging turmoil currently going through your mind. You couldn’t wrap your head around it... Eddie likes to hurt girls... but that couldn’t be right, could it? But why would she lie about that?... Eddie gets off on hurting girls... scary... rough... brutal... 
And then you remember your plans for today, going to his place to study... what if he tries something... he wouldn’t, would he... he’d been so sweet and gentlemanly with you, but what if that was just a front.
You barely touch your food, pushing it around a bit before just dumping it all out and heading off to class early. You wonder whether you should try to cancel your study date... but how? No, no you should talk to him, get his side of the story first.
And at the end of the day, you find yourself waiting for him by his van, chewing on your thumbnail. Your hand drops as he approaches and you shy away from him.
“Hi, sweetheart, you ready to go?”
“Uhhh yeah...” You mumble uncertainly.
“Alright, hop in.” He opens your door holding out a hand to help you in, but you don’t take it. You miss the look of confusion that passes over his face, you avoid looking at him all together. The car ride is quiet and tense, he attempts conversation a few times only to be met with short, monosyllable answers.
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When you arrive at his trailer, he makes another attempt to offer you his hand and again you avoid it. He ushers you inside awkwardly and motions to the couch, “I-I th-thought we could... maybe study out h-here... you know, spread everything out over the coffee table... if that’s ok?” He stutters out.
“Sure.” You wait for him to sit first before joining him, perched on the very edge of your seat.
“Hey, uhh... did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?”
“What? No.”
“Then what’s wrong, you’ve been acting... off, since... well, lunch I guess?” His eyes get all squinty like they do when he’s getting serious.
“I... ummm...” You trail off.
“Talk to me tell me what I can do to help.” He implores.
“It’s just something Mandy said...”
“Shit... what... um what exactly did she say?” His voice wavers getting a little higher in pitch.
“She said you... you like to hurt girls... that you get off on hurting girls... physically... that you did it to her...”
He hangs his head pressing his palms into his face before suddenly throwing his head back arms raised, making you jump as he exclaims, “Fuck... why... Jesus why the fuck would she say it like that...?”
“Is it true? She said you use restraints... she mentioned chains and something about leather... and I thought that was just like your “style” or whatever... but she says you’re rough and brutal and... and... she said I should stay away from you, that she was lucky to get out when she did.”
“Oh, sweetheart no, no it’s not like that...” He goes to reach for you but stops halfway, thinking better of it.
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“So, it’s not true... why would she say all of that, I don’t get it... where would she even get the idea that you use restraints, that you hurt girls to get off?”
“Well, I mean I do like that kind of stuff, but I’d never force anyone into it. I don’t need to do that kind of stuff to get off… it just makes it better… fuck, I just hate that this is how you had to find out. That she got in your head and scared you. I’m glad you came to me first though and let me explain myself. You must have questions, I’ll answer anything you want, just please hear me out before you judge.”
“O-ok, alright… so you like to hurt girls…?”
“No! Well, it’s more complex than that. I don’t really want to hurt you, like I’d never beat you or anything. It’s more like… God how do I explain it… there is pain, but the level is entirely controlled by you and how much you want-”
“But why would anyone want pain? And if you don’t want to hurt a girl, why do you do it?”
“It’s… well, for me personally it adds to the sensation, the right mix of pleasure and pain is just… something else… and then on the other hand the rush you get from someone handing over their control putting you in a place of power…
“Wait, for you personally… does that mean you like to be hurt too.”
“Yeah, that’s actually how I started all this… when I first got into it, I was a sub… that’s what it’s called, short for submissive. And I had a domme… dominant and she showed me the ropes and everything.” He pauses for a breath. 
“Then one day I started showing an interest in switching up the dynamic and she helped me out with that too. I lean more dominant now and I’m still in touch with my old domme, we haven’t done anything like that together in years, but I can always go to her for advice and just check in with her.”
“That actually sounds cute… in a weird way. Ok I think I’m starting to get it… kind of… but what if that’s something I’m not into?”
“That is perfectly fine like I said I’d never force you to do anything you’re not one hundred percent comfortable with and it’s not something I need.”
“But you said it is better, if it’s better then why don’t you want it like all the time?”
“You can still have a fulfilling relationship and sex-life without this kinda stuff.”
“What if… what if we try some stuff but I don’t like it?”
“If we ever do anything you’re not into or we’re doing something you can’t handle you need to tell me immediately and I will stop, you understand that?”
“Yeah, I do and uh thank you I guess.”
“Oh, sweetheart you don’t need to thank me for basic human decency. There are systems we can use to communicate when either of us is not comfortable in a situation, the most important thing to me is that we are both safe and that we can both have fun in a fully consensual way.”
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It hits you like a tonne of bricks you’d just done the one thing you said you’d never do. You let the shit that people say about him get to you, you let someone change the way you saw him. You can’t believe yourself, hot, angry tears burst forth from you.
“Oh, no don’t cry… no, no, no. Hey, it’s ok. We’re ok, right?” Forgetting any previous hesitation he’s scopping you up into his arms and you blubber against his chest.
“Yeah… I-I’m so-sorry… sorry I let her get to me. I know I said I wo-would nev-ver let people change the way I see you b-but I did… I’m so s-sorry…”
He strokes the back of your head, slowly easing it back so you’d look at him, “Hey, I don’t blame you, if you’re not introduced to this sort of thing in the right way it could scare anyone off. But look, you came to me in the end, you listened to me and let me explain without judging me. I am very grateful for that and we are… good, right?”
“Ok, well we can talk about this some more another time, ok… for now what can I do to make you feel better? I hate to see you so distraught.”
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A few days had passed since the incident and Eddie was sitting with Robin behind the Family Video venting to her as they passed a joint between each other. It was the end of her shift and he’d needed to let loose and talk it out with someone.
“This fucking bitch right, as if she wasn’t totally into it when we were hooking up. I don’t get why she’d say that shit to her, try to scare her off like that.” He holds out the joint to Robin and she takes a drag before answering.
“Dude are you that fucking dumb? You can’t see why the girl you used to hook-up with would want to scare away your girlfriend?”
“No, what?” He accepts the joint from her outstretched hand.
“She still wants you Munson, how’s she gonna get pinned down by you if you’re going steady with someone else.”
“Ha, who woulda thought I’d be in such high demand.”
“Oh, don’t let it get to your head… it’s big enough already, especially with all that hair. Don’t forget you started this off mad at her and worried about y/n.”
“Yeah, what… what can I do, I don’t know what to do.”
“Don’t worry I’ll talk to y/n, we’ll sort this out.”
“Yeah, absolutely. Now give that here.”
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The Monday following their discussion Robin approaches you, grabbing your arm without hesitation dragging you off offering no explanation.
“Uhhh... Robin what’s going on?”
“You’ll see.” Is all she offers in response.
You’d managed to avoid Mandy after the blowout that had occurred but you realise that is exactly where she’s leading you, following her as she steps into the girls’ bathroom.
“You hurt my friend you little fucking bitch, now you apologise and stay far away from her and her boyfriend.” It’s a calm, quiet rage, unlike you’d ever seen her.
“Yeah, and why would I do that? I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” She bites back.
“You… you did though…” you mumble nervously.
Robin stops you with a hand over yours, “You did fucking lie and because if you don’t, I’ll make sure the whole fucking school knows what a dirty fucking slut you are, just how much you love to take-” Mandy’s smirk drops.
“Whoa, Robin stop, don’t…” You gasp.
“No, I won’t stop, because if she does anything to hurt you or Eddie again, the whole school will know about her dirty little secret, how she likes to sleep around with the ‘Town Freak’ as she so likes to call him in public.”
“You wouldn’t… that’d hurt him too…” She attempts weakly.
“It wouldn’t actually, definitely nowhere near as what it’d do to you and your reputation.”
“Fine I won’t go near them, either of them. Happy?”
“Not just yet…” Robin drops your hand, storming over to her and laying the sharpest, loudest slap across her face you’d ever seen, it reverberates off the tiled walls.
“Now, I’m happy. Come on y/n, let’s go.” She walks back to you, grabbing your arm and leading you away.
You notice how she shakes her hand as you exit the bathroom, “You ok Robin, you didn’t hurt yourself did you?”
She glances down at her hand, “Nah, nah it was nothing.”
“That was amazing by the way, thank you.”
“Hey, what are friends for, right?”
“She uhh… that’s what she said right after she told me all that stuff about Eddie.”
“Oh, no, no she was never really your friend. You still have so many better friends than that and we are all here for you. You know that right?”
“Yeah, yeah thanks.”
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trohpi · 4 months
pandorcas microfic [cross-posted on ao3]
@marauders-rarepair-fics • june 7: go • 851 words
“Mama, why is Mummy sick?” A small voice asks over the sound of retching. Dorcas, who had been putting all her attention on Pandora, whips around in surprise. Standing in the bathroom doorway is their daughter, Luna. She has the cutest little furrow in her brow as she watches the scene before her with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
Dorcas opens her mouth to answer right when Pandora lurches forward again, gagging into the toilet. She quickly focuses back on her wife, smoothing her hair away from her sweaty forehead.
“Not now, love,” Dorcas says distractedly. “Go and finish your breakfast.”
“Is she dying?” Luna asks innocently. Dorcas falters while Pandora, still hunched over the toilet, begins to shake with laughter.
Following the untimely demise of the pet puffskein Luna had received for her third birthday, they had tentatively attempted to explain the concept of death. Being only four, she still doesn’t quite understand it, but the conversation had sparked a natural curiosity that led to her favourite question to ask: Is so-and-so dying?
“No, Mummy is fine,” She says hesitantly after a moment. Pandora starts to laugh even harder, though that is quickly cut short by a groan as her face goes a sickly green.
“Alright, darling?” Dorcas murmurs, gently tucking a stray blonde curl behind her ear. The other woman hums and closes her eyes, leaning her head into her touch.
“Don’t know how you managed this shite for nine months,” Pandora says in a hush, mindful of the little ears in the room.
“Luckily, I had you to keep me sane.”
“Keep you sane for what?” Luna asks, and Dorcas shoots Pandora a conflicted look. They still haven’t told her of the pregnancy, mostly because they can never find the right time. But really, is there ever a right time to tell someone they’re about to get a little sibling? Dorcas isn’t sure.
Sensing her wife’s hesitance, Pandora hums. “Go on, Doe. You can tell her.”
“Tell me what?” Luna asks, her curiosity seemingly never-ending. Dorcas huffs out a fond laugh at the barrage of questions and relaxes.
“C’mere, love,” she says, beckoning her daughter. Luna obediently crawls into her lap, sitting so she is sandwiched between her mothers.
Dorcas smoothes a hand over Luna’s blonde braids, a colour she specifically requested to ‘match with Mummy.’ “You know how before you were born, you were in my tummy?”
“Uh-huh. And your tummy was big and round, like in the picture on the fireplace,” she nods solemnly and Dorcas chuckles.
“That’s right. Well, right now, Mummy has a baby growing in her tummy, just like when you were growing in mine.”
Luna giggles. “Stop lying, Mama. Her tummy isn’t big and round at all.”
“You’re right, you’re so smart,” Pandora says, turning to smack a tired kiss on the top of her head. “That’s because the baby is very small right now. It’s too small to see from the outside.”
Luna leans over to look at her mother’s flat stomach in suspicion.
“There’s really a baby in there?”
“Mhm, and you’re going to have a new little brother or sister.”
“Really? Like Harry and Neela?” she asks, thinking of her friend and his two year old sister.
“Exactly like Harry and Neela.”
She is quiet for a moment as she processes with a small frown. “…If you are sick, then is the baby sick too?
Dorcas hugs her just a bit tighter at that, her heart aching. Luna really is one of the most considerate and thoughtful children she’s ever met, no matter how biassed she may be.
“No, love, don’t worry. The baby isn’t sick and neither is Mummy, she’s just a bit poorly because of the baby.”
“The baby is making her throw up?” Luna frowns, shuffling on her lap. “That’s not very nice. I don’t like this baby.”
Dorcas hides a smile in her daughter’s hair while Pandora stifles a giggle.
“The baby isn’t doing it on purpose, Luna. It happens to everyone with a baby in their tummy.”
Luna seems to think about this for a second before her eyes widen in horror. She whips around to face Dorcas urgently. “Did I make you throw up when I was in your tummy, Mama?”
“Only just a bit,” she lies reassuringly. In truth, her morning sickness had been absolutely atrocious the entire pregnancy. She vividly remembers being unable to keep anything down except crackers and, oddly enough, Dirigible Plums. The toll it took on her is partly the reason that Pandora volunteered to carry their second child, and she couldn’t be more grateful for the wonder that is her wife.
Luna deflates in relief. “Good.”
“Go finish your breakfast, little miss,” she laughs softly. Pandora groans at the mention of food and Dorcas sends her an apologetic look.
“Okay,” Luna sighs, crawling out of her lap. She turns to them before she leaves and says earnestly, “I’m happy you’re not dying, Mummy.”
Pandora lets out a half-hysterical laugh and says, “I’m happy I’m not dying, either. Now, please go so Mummy can throw up in peace.”
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panjakes · 1 year
Could I request a Vernon or Dino imagine where you have a hard time keeping eye contact with them and they try to help you out of that habit. Have a wonderful day love your writing. ;)
Thank you❤️
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Dino watched you from your bed as you typed away at your laptop. He laughed at how serious and focused you were. You were currently writing a paper for one of your classes and Dino was keep you company.
“So what’re we gonna eat?” Dino asks making you look at him from your peripheral to think about it.
“Uh we can eat whatever. You know I’m not picky” you say still typing away
“Babe, give me some suggestions at least!” He says smiling
“Uh I’d really liked some fried dumplings” you say scratching at your fresh twist out
“Okay, I’ll go get that and I’ll be back” he says rushing to the door before you could even ask if you could go.
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About an hour later Dino came back with damn near 10 bags
“What’s this?” You ask looking at the bags then his chest
“I got your dumplings and some snacks you like” he says handing you the container that held the dumplings
“I didn’t ask for all this. You didn’t have to do this Dino” you say opening the box
“You didn’t have too because I know you like these things” he says grabbing your chin making you look at him
You both make eye contact for a minute before you look back down at the dumplings
“Look at me” he asks in a gentle voice
“You know I can’t” you mumbled putting a dumpling into your mouth
“You can’t or you just don’t want too?” He asks
“Both” you admit making him smile
“I don’t like that habit of yours” he says putting a curl behind your ear
“Well you have habits that I don’t like” you say very sassy
Dino puts a hand on his chest looking at you with a raised brow
“Please. My habits are lovely” he says making you giggle almost choking on the dumpling
“Yeah alright” you say turning back over to your laptop.
Dino chuckles placing a kiss on your forehead before going back over to your bed to eat the food he got for himself
He watched you silently as you ate and did your work
“Yn” he calls out to you only for you to hum and keep your eyes on the screen
“Nothing” he says noticing you didn’t make eye contact
He was determined to get you to look at him for more than 20 seconds
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Dinos first attempt was literally just grabbing you by the cheeks and make you look at him but you literally looked everywhere but his eyes
“Baby look at me, I want to see your pretty eyes. Please!” Dino asks puckering his lips out like he was asking for a kiss
You close your eyes and kiss his lips
“I wanted you to look at me. Not kiss me but that’ll work too” he says making you giggle
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His next attempt was sitting you in your spiny chair in front of the tv.
“And how is looking at anime character going to help me keep eye contact?” You asks
“If you can keep it with the characters you can keep it with me or anyone else” he says
“This isn’t going to work.” You say making him sigh
“If you doubt it of course it won’t!” He says pausing the tv on a character
“Now…look” he says pointing to the tv
You look at the shirt the character was wearing instead of it’s eyes
“That’s not his eyes Yn! The eyes sweetheart I want you to look at the eyes!” Dino says causing you too look at the eyes of the character for a few seconds before saying
“I-I can’t!” You say before getting up and going to the bathroom
Dino sighs turning the tv off
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His third and better attempt was just you two in FaceTime. With the terrible quality you felt like you could actually hold eye contact with him.
Dino was rambling about how S.coups had scolded him earlier about something he did and he noticed that you were actually looking at him.
He didn’t say anything. He kept his mouth closed about it with a smile on his face and continued to talk about getting scolded.
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His last and finally attempt wasn’t even an attempt at all. You had came over and started talking about how your professor absolutely loved your paper.
You were went on and on about how you and your professor had a long talk about how amazing it was and you even took it a step further and read your paper to him.
He smiled as you talked about your major and how passionate you were about it. He doesn’t think you even noticed but you managed to keep eye contact with him the whole entire time
“That’s awesome sweetheart I’m proud of you” he says leaning in to kiss your lips
“Thank you!” You say
He doesn’t say anything about you two keep eye contact the whole time being afraid that you’d revert to not looking at all.
As the weeks go on you(very much unaware) make a lot of eye contact with Dino and even the other members. Even they noticed. Usually when you spoke your head was down or your eyes were off to the side. But as of lately you’ve actually been making eye contact and even they were proud of you.
“Can we go get something to eat? I haven’t ate all day” you say turning to Dino looking him straight in the eye
He just looks at you with a goofy grin not saying anything. Still look at him you turn your head to the side confused
“Oh baby!” He jumps off the bed wrapping his arms around you
“Dino what are you doing?” You ask
“I just love seeing you pretty brown eyes! Babe you’ve gotten better!” He says
“Better? What are you talking about?” You asks
“Baby! You looked at me for a whole 3 minutes” dino says
“Really?” You ask
“Yes! Look at me!” He says grabbing your cheeks squishing the cubby brown flesh
You allow him too squish your cheeks and you look at him like he asks. For the first time(in a while) you didn’t have the urge to look away
“Baby your looking at me!” He says making you laugh
“Your acting like I’ve never looked at you before”you say
“Well excuse me if I just like staring into my girls friend’s beautiful eyes” he says kissing your nose
You giggle and shake your head. This man was something else
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