#only cool kids use blue stone
p1nkshield · 1 year
Part two of the prompt written by phantom-dc
I hope you enjoy!
Jason carefully picked up the core after Bruce left and looked over it, inspecting each and every inch.
“Thank you”
“So you can speak!” Jason said incredulously.
“Takes a lot” a small barely audible reply entered Jason’s mind. “But I will heal eventually.”
“Then rest up kid, only let me know if there’s something you need okay?”
Jason stayed in the manor carrying around this stone they got from patrol a few weeks ago. If he was not holding it was sitting on something soft within his reach and line of sight. His family grew more and more concerned as the weeks went by.
Tim began to preface the goals of the family meeting regarding Jason’s behavior.
“Okay it is clear to everyone here that ever since Jason got that weird rock on patrol he’s been acting different. I thought we could all corroborate our experiences”
Damian piped up “I saw him speaking to it as if it responded to him. He spoke to it and waited in turn” Damian then took some time to consider his words. “He then looked at me quizzically as if I were acting strange.”
Alfred then spoke as his brows knit together “I saw young master Jason with the old children’s book titled Mog’s birthday. I thought perhaps he was enjoying it for the sake of nostalgia as I used to read it to him when he was a child. I soon found myself mistaken. He was reading it aloud to this ‘core’”
“Has anyone noticed that when we discussed the organization behind this attack Jason just gets up and leaves?” Tim questioned
Dick nodded along with everyone “One more thing. He was singing to it. I haven’t heard him sing since…”
The rest went unsaid. Bruce needed to confront him. Perhaps this power source was more than he realized. If he had led his son to being mind controlled after everything that happened to him he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. He had to get to the bottom of this quickly.
Jason made his way to the dinner table chatting idly with the core in tow.
“Hey kid, one thing to know about Alfred is that he’s the coolest guy you’ll ever meet, he was the one who got me into some of my favorite hobbies.”
“And my old man, usually is such a pain in the… uhh yeah, he never really trusts me with important things off the battlefield until he trusted me with you.”
A light laugh floated up from the core “I’m important?”
“Of course you are, you’re a kid! I may be a scary gunslinger but I still want to protect the innocent”
The core spoke again, this time softer.
“Thank you”
“You’re welcome. You’ve been rather talkative today do you feel any better?”
“Yes! I might be able to”
“Jason, please sit down.” Bruce called out to him
Jason sat down a little annoyed since Bruce interrupted the child. looking at all the worried faces cooled his anger as Bruce began to speak.
“Jason have you noticed that your behavior has been significantly different as of late?”
“I mean yea but”
Before Jason could finish his sentence the core glowed with ice blue light and floated out of his reach.
His answer came in a white haired glowing little boy in a black and white hazmat suit falling towards the ground, whom Jason caught easily.
This family of crime fighting detectives had never looked so surprised. Dick dropped his forkful of spaghetti onto his lap as he stared.
“What? I thought you knew!”
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readychilledwine · 10 months
Bound by Fate
Azrielx Archeron Oc
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A/N- happy day 4 of my week celebrating over 100 new friends 💙 here is the winning poll piece with Azriel and our little Archeron OC, Kaylee. This mostly takes place pre-hybern and the Cauldron, but expect a turn at the end. This is a little bit of a Rollercoaster because I love the idea of Az and Kaylee going into her being made already kind of courting.
Summary - After her older sister returns home with 3 males in tow, Kaylee finds her life turn upside down by one of them. She is unknowingly drawn to the scarred male, and he to her.
Less fun Warnings - mentions of death and child loss (nothing graphic just in a healing house sense), mentions of SA, angst. Kidnapping
The fun warnings - smut, fingering, dirty talk, praise kink, dom/sub dynamics (because what kind of Az fic doesn't pay into bdsm?), innocent oc, one use of impact play
Word count - around 3866
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
The first time Azriel came, Feyre and Kaylee held eye contact, communicating silently. Her older sister had brought 3 men, males, she corrected herself, into their home, and now, she sat next to the one who had pretty blue gems. She supposed he was pretty, too.
If you liked your partner to quite possibly be able to kill you with their bare teeth.
And Kaylee supposed, again, that she maybe did. She looked at him before looking at Feyre and then went back to poking at her food.
When she went to bed that night, locked in her room alone by Nesta's orders, Kaylee could have sworn she saw a shadow move before something cool danced in hair and laced between her fingers.
On his second visit, Azriel found himself looking for Kaylee. He had bought something for her at a jewelry shop, without any inkling as to why. He held the small box containing the pretty raw sapphire necklace as he entered her room at the estate.
He froze at the sight of her. Her long sandy blonde hair was damp, she was wrapped in a soft fluffy robe. She was sitting at her vanity, frozen as she stared back at him. "Aren't you supposed to be dropping a letter off to Nesta?" Her voice reminded him of summer rain. It had played in his mind constantly the past couple weeks.
"I did. I was hoping to see you." He smiled as a flush instantly hit her face, gracing her cheekbones. "Only if that is okay, though. Nesta and Elain do not know I snunk up here." Kaylee nodded. She motioned for him to join her in the room, and he sat on her bed. The smell of jasmine and vanilla hit him instantly. Expensive, a shadow whispered. "How is the healing house?"
Kaylee smiled as she turned to him, running an oil through her long beautiful hair. Soft, another shadow whispered. "It's been okay. Lots of kids this week with colds and allergies. Poor little things."
"Do you want kids someday?" The question was out before Azriel could stop himself. "Sorry I-"
"With the right person, yes." Kaylee answered without hesitation. "But only if Feyre likes them. Which I guess gives me my short lifetime to find someone." Azriel felt his heart deflate at the reminder. Human, a shadow whispered. She is just human.
Azriel stood as she turned back to the mirror, keeping the box behind his back and he approached her. "Hold your hair up for me, Kaylee." She watched him from the mirror but did as he asked. "I bought this for you. I thought I couldn't help but to think of it with your eyes when I saw it." She allowed him access to her neck without fear as she watched him. His hands were shaking from his nerves as he placed the delicate necklace on her and closed the latch.
He couldn't help himself as he reached behind her, positioning the stone so it sat perfectly centered above her breasts. "Beautiful," he whispered to her softly. "Absolutely beautiful."
On his third visit, Azriel wasn't even supposed to technically be there. He had been trying to get into the Mortal Queen's Castle. During his flight, he was struck with an arrow. It wasn't ash, wasn't laced with faebane, but he took advantage of the injury nonetheless, using it as an excuse to see Kaylee. He was currently sat on her vanity stool, shirtless, as she cleaned the wound. "I don't know much about fae healing. It looks like it's already closing, though."
Azriel chuckled. "It probably is. I just wanted an excuse to see you." He laughed again as her face flushed and she smacked him on the shoulder. "Can you blame a male for wanting a pretty girl to tend to his injuries?"
Kaylee shook her head smiling before moving to clean the barely there cut on his face. "You are a shameless flirt, Azriel."
"Only when it comes to you, honeybee." He adjusted the sapphire necklace, smiling slightly. "How are you?"
Kaylee shrugged. "Nesta and Cassian got into it today when he stopped by. The energy of the house has been off since then. It's just a heavy feeling?" She looked at him, hoping he understood what she meant and he nodded. "How are you?"
"I was shot with an arrow today, Kaylee. I too have had better days." She couldn't help but to laugh at the statement, her head falling into his shoulder. He'd do anything to hear her laugh, to see her smile. "I did get to see you. So that does make up for it." She pulled back slightly, her face near his. The cut was long gone, the wound in his side had closed and all that was left was a faint pink mark.
Az, a familiar purr came into his mind. Where are you?
Almost to the wall. I'll be home soon. Azriel locked Rhysand out, his hand absent-mindedly moving to Kaylee's face.
Neither of them know if he moved in, or if she did, but one second there was a breath of air between them, the next, there was nothing but his lips on hers. Moving together as he pulled her closer between his legs and her hands came to rest on his chest.
It felt like, for once, something good was in his pathway. Something whole and pure. He pulled away from her, instantly missing the taste of honey and green tea that lingered on her, and rested his forehead against hers. "I have to go, Rhys is calling for me."
Kaylee just nodded. "Was that your way of saying goodbye?" Azriel nodded. "We should always say goodbye like that then."
Azriel's third visit was spent mapping out the house. He had not seen Kaylee since his last stop, but a small box sat heavy in his pocket waiting for the moment Nesta was done with him so he could see her.
"The last room is Kay's," the oldest sister glared at him. "She might be in there, so if she is, do not speak with her and leave her alone." Azriel nodded. "She's had a rough week."
Azriel opened the door, closing it behind him when he found the mortal who haunted his every waking moment curled in a ball on her bed. Crying. Lost someone. The shadow he had trailing her told him. Little one.
Azriel sat on her bed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Kaylee." She was instantly in his arms, crying harder as he held her against him. He adjusted slightly so she'd be in his lap, then pulled the box out and set it on her night stand. "It's okay, honeybee."
"It's not fair," and Azriel knew it wasn't. The shadow had finished filling him in. "He didn't even have a chance." He shushed her softly, pulling her in tighter. "It's just not fair."
"I know, Kaylee. I know. The loss of a babe is never fair, nor easy." They held each other in silence until her sobs became soft sniffles. Asleep. Likes to cuddle with the otter on the corner of the bed. We snuggle it every night. Azriel could have laughed at his shadows' confession. He laid Kaylee down, tucking her into the bed and handing her the otter. He watched as the shadow he had unknowingly lost to her weaved between her fingers and almost nestled into her. Ours, it whispered.
He kissed her lips gently and whispered a goodbye to her, leaving a quickly scribbled note with the box.
His fourth visit wasn't fun, nor did it allow him much time with her. He watched as Nesta fixed Kaylee's long soft waves, dissatisfied with the looks of her youngest sister.
They all had told the sisters how beautiful they looked, only for Nesta to back hand the compliment to Kaylee. "Had someone been home earlier, she'd look better."
There's nothing fucking wrong with her, Rhysand growled into the link he, Cassian, and Azriel were sharing. What is Nesta's fucking problem with her younger siblings?
From what my shadows caught, Kaylee did not get home until almost an hour ago. Something happened last night and she was pulled from bed.
That explains the medicine smell on her skin still. Cassian said softly. I think she looks fine. She looks extra glowy in that shade of blue, wouldn't you say, Azriel?
Ah yes, Rhysand said. With that clearly fae made jewelry. Admit you're courting her, Brother. We do not care..
Azriel slammed them out, moving to Kaylee as Nesta tried to force her younger sister to let her tie her hair up in braids. "Enough. She looks fine." He pulled Kaylee back to the wall by him and Cassian. They shared a silent look between them. He smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, exposing the sapphire earrings he had purchased her.
Kaylee whispered quietly, "They're late." Cassian shrugged, trying to hide his annoyance. Kaylee jumped as a male suddenly appeared before her, guards and the queens winnowing in. Her hand had grabbed Azriel's, and he had protectively pulled the youngest sister behind him, almost handing her to Cassian with a growl. They did not get to kiss goodbye on that visit. An action Azriel would fly back soon to fix.
He had flown back a week later, sneaking into her room using the balcony door, and waited for her on her bed. He had not noticed her bathroom light was on. he was just anxiously waiting, mind in his own world. "Oh Gods! Azriel! You have to stop sneaking up on me." His gaze shot up and instantly widened.
Kaylee was standing there in her towel. Her long legs exposed to him, her upper chest exposed to him. "I-" he shut his mouth as quickly as he opened it and looked away.
"Is everything okay?" Kaylee moved closer to him until she was right in front of him. "Are you okay?"
He swallowed thickly, eyes locked on her toned thighs. "You are naked."
"Do fae not bathe naked? You all just leave your clothing on? Are you all ever naked?" He smirked at the question and bit at the bait she had tossed out.
"I'm naked when I bathe, Kaylee. I spend a lot of time naked actually." She hummed softly, tucking the end of her towel into itself. "Everything is fine, by the way. I just had a night off and thought I'd spend it seeing you." Kaylee nodded and smiled. "I figured we could maybe talk, or-" he trailed off, eyes on her legs again.
"Ooooor?" He shook his head. "Or what, Azriel?"
He swallowed again. "I will be honest. I forgot every idea I had once I realized you were naked."
Kaylee was debating something. Finally making her choice she dropped the towel, crawling into his lap, bare to him. "Does my nakedness bother you?" Azriel groaned, instantly switching their positions so she was below him.
He growled at her slightly parted lips before diving into them and kissing her deeply. His hands began to roam, going up from her waist to her breasts and squeezing the tender flesh. He devoured her moans, groaning in response as her legs fell wider apart to allow him more space. He moved his lips from hers, kissing down her neck, then biting into the pulse point softly.
Kaylee was responsive to him, to his every touch, lick, and kiss. He felt as if he were a sex God at how the littlest things he did seemed to be magic to her. "You are so beautiful. You know that?" He whispered into her ear before lightly biting it. She doesn't, the shadow said. She doesn't believe you. Azriel lifted her from the bed, pulling them in front of her full length floor mirror and stationed himself behind her. He continued kissing her neck and shoulders, hands playing with her nipples as she turned to hide her face in his neck.
Her skin was on fire with every touch of his hands, only to be instantly cooled by his shadows. "So fucking beautiful," Azriel groaned into her neck. "Look at yourself in the mirror and say you're beautiful."
His hands roamed lower and lower, finger tips leaving goosebumps in their wake as he continued to kiss her neck. "Az-"
"I gave you an order, little one," he bit harshly at her pulse point, soaking in her gasp and moan. "I expect you to follow it."
Kaylee's eyes rolled back as she moaned again. "Look in the mirror and say you are beautiful." Kaylee pulled back from him slightly, holding eye contact with him before realizing he was serious. "Do it or I stop. I will leave you here wet and alone, Kaylee. I only play with good girls."
She whimpered softly. His hand came up to grip her jaw, turning her face to look into the mirror. He had her spread out to him, his other large hand splayed on her lower stomach and public mound. "How can you see this beautiful body, those eyes, those legs, every fucking day and not realize how beautiful you are? Say. It."
Kaylee swallowed thickly as he watched her. "I'm beautiful," Azriel's hand on her chin moved to her throat, gripping gently. His other hand moved lower again, cupping her sex as he groaned at the feeling of her dripping for him.
"Again." He commanded.
"I'm beautiful," a single finger moved through her folds, gathering wetness.
"Again, honeybee."
"I'm beautiful." Azriel pushed his finger into her tight entrance, rewarding her obedience. "Fuck, Az." He slowly pulled it out, pushing it back in again. Watching her watch him.
"Look at how pretty you look right now with your cunt swallowing my finger." She blushed instantly at his words, moaning as he curled the digit into a spot she had never found before. "Such a pretty cunt, Kaylee." He slipped a second finger in, the stretch almost burning as Kaylee moaned. "Has anyone else played with you, beautiful? Or is this tight little hole all mine?" He knew immediately based on the blush and smirked. "Say red if you want to stop at any point, baby."
His fingers began moving inside of her as he continued to force her to watch. He was opening and closing them like scissors, curling them into that spot teasingly, pulling them out just to push them back in so slowly. "You smell so fucking divine, baby. I bet you taste like heaven." He growled in her ear as she tried to look at him. He ripped his fingers from her, smacking her soaked cunt lightly. He delighted in the squeal that left her throat followed by a whine. "Eyes stay on the mirror." He pushed his fingers back in, palm grazing the swollen bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. "Follow my rules and I will reward you, Kaylee. Break them and I will have to teach you some lessons. Am I understood?"
"Yes," she nodded as best she could with the hand still holding her throat.
"Yes sir," he corrected her.
"Yes sir." He nodded and began to pleasure her again, shadows moving in play with her peaked nipples. A heat Kaylee had rarely experienced in her self exploration began to build in her stomach. A coil was tightening and building quickly as she moaned more and more. Azriel was smirking watching her, feeling her walls fluttering around his fingers. "Az," she lost her thoughts as he put pressure on her clit again.
"I know, Kaylee. I can tell. Do you want to cum? Want to soak my hand like a good girl?" She began nodding eagerly. "Do you deserve to?"
"Yes sir." She answered instantly. A smile bloomed on his face. "Please?"
"Tell me why you deserve to cum."
"Because I was good, and I listened-" She moaned loudly as his fingers began constantly curling into that spot, his palm constantly running over her clit. "Sir. Please."
"Tell me one last time what I want to hear."
"I'm beautiful."
"Yes you are, baby. Cum for me." Kaylee finished stunningly. Her back arching slightly as her hips began to ride his hand. Her lips parted in a silent scream as that coil snapped. Azriel watched in bliss, eyes wide as hers squeezed shut and her cunt pulsed around his fingers, soaking them like he had predicted.
He slowed his movements, riding her high out gently as he whispered praise in her ear. He slowly removed his fingers from her but forced her to watch him in the mirror again. He put them in his mouth, the feral being inside of him growling at the taste of her pleasure and essence. He sucked and licked his fingers clean, maintaining eye contact with her. "Heaven." He confirmed before turning her in his arms. "You taste like heaven."
She fell asleep in his arms that night, his naked body pressed tight against hers. She had stopped before it went too far, wanting to wait to cross that line fully once they had looked into fae and human couplings more. Azriel had played with her hair before falling asleep as well.
He had relectantly drug himself out of her bed, only waking her to kiss her goodbye as the sun began to rise.
The next visit was silent and tense. "How long has she been missing?" Cassian asked softly. "When was she last seen?"
Elain shook her head. "She was at the healing house. They said a man came, asking for her specifically by name and claiming his son had fallen ill. Kaylee is known for her work with children. She hasn't been seen since."
Rhys rolled his eyes. "Right. We got that. How long ago was it?" Feyre was holding Azriel's hand tightly as the male tried to school his expression and breath.
"About two weeks ago." Nesta finally answered.
"Our sister has been gone for two weeks, and you haven't looked for her?"
"It wouldn't be the firs-" Cassian cut Nesta off with a single hand raised to her.
"I do not want to hear your excuses. Az?"
"I will find her." The shadow singer said softly. "She should have one shadow with her. If it hasn't come back to me-" His jaw tightened. The sentence didn't need to be finished as he and Rhys made eye contact and the high lord nodded. It was clear to all of the fae in the room. Kaylee was alive, but possibly in danger.
Somewhere in Hybern, Kaylee pulled her knees to her chest as she sat locked in a dark cell. Fae males were guarding her as she sniffled and cried for what felt like the 1000th time today.
She had been forced to bathe and dine with a king. One who whispered in her ear what he planned to do to her, to her sisters, before hurting her, using her, laughing while she cried and a human male watched.
Kaylee watched from the corner of her eye as the little shadow that followed her returned with more. One tried to approach the cell before falling still on the ground and regrouping to join the other ones.
She was losing hope. Hope that Rhys could hear her as she screamed for him mentally. Hope that Feyre would come save her. Losing hope that anyone could come save her. Kaylee fiddled with the chain of her necklace as she cried harder. Help me, she pleaded mentally to anyone listening. Someone please help me.
Kaylee didn't bother fighting the guards pulling her into the throne room. She knew the pathway well at this point. Nesta was struggling, Elain was crying. Kaylee just walked, numb to all of it. Nesta and Elain were stopped at a certain point while Kaylee was dragged to the King of Hybern and forced to sit at his feet.
Rhys growled loudly at the sight of her. "What did you do to her?! Kaylee! Honey, look at me!" She refused to look at Rhysand, wrapping her hand around the King's calf and playing the part of the good little toy he had forced her to become.
"You and Kaylee have something in common now dear Rhysand. You're both little pleasure whores." The king tilted her jaw, eyes sparkling with the lifelessness he found in Kaylee's. "The only difference is my toy had to be broken into submission while you handed yours away freely."
He dropped her jaw and Kaylee zoned out, waiting for what she knew was coming, almost begging for it. She blocked out Elain's screams. She blocked out the panic as Nesta stayed in too long. She blocked out the image of Cassian reaching for her older sister despite being nearly unconscious.
"Put my pet in. I want to see if she's worth breeding once she is fae." A soft growl snapped Kaylee back to reality. She knew it was Azriel. She knew he was dying. She almost fought as the Hybern guards gripped her arms, but it all went limp as one realized what she was about to do and back handed her. "Evidently there is some fight left in her. No matter, that can be fixed."
Kaylee allowed them to drag and lift her. She heard Feyre scream as Rhys held her back. But all Kaylee felt was water and cold and pain.
Azriel woke up in his own bed, squeezing his eyes shut before his hands shot to his chest. "You're fully healed," a tired voice came from the corner as Rhysand stood. "You've been asleep for 3 days."
"Cassian-" Azriel began coughing and Rhysand handed him water.
"Asleep in his room. He's been awake off and on. His wings will be fine. Just a slow healing process." Rhysand sat on the edge of Azriel's bed. "Feyre is in Spring acting as a spy. She is okay." Rhysand handed Azriel broth, hoping to help him build strength. "Nesta and Elain are awake. Traumatized, but awake and alive." He watched as Rhysand swallowed thickly. "Kaylee hasn't woken up yet. She shows no signs of waking up anytime soon. Madja and her team are monitoring her day and night. I am going into her mind every so often looking for changes."
"Take me to her." Rhysand sighed heavily at the request. "Rhys. Take me to Kaylee. Please."
The high lord nodded. "They all have powers now, Az. We can't tell what they all are, but be aware, Kaylee's body is strumming with her magic. I don't know why or what she is, but she's dangerous, Az."
Azriel nodded, moving to stand and walk with Rhys. "Did Cassian?"
"The bond snapped for him the second he saw her. We were correct. Just like I have a feeling we're about to be again." He opened the door to the room next to Azriel's.
The brothers entered the room quietly and Azriel released a soft sob. Kaylee was asleep, hair spread out on the pillow as she took deep breaths. Azriel knew what Rhysand meant immediately. Her power was intoxicating, all consuming. His eyes flicked to the birds and other animals watching from the ledge of her balcony. He shot Rhysand a questioning look, and the High Lord shrugged.
Azriel began to note the changes in her. Her ears had changed shape, her limbs slightly longer, cheekbones higher. He fixed her necklace, and removed her earrings gently. Azriel took her small hand in his, ignoring the strumming glittering bond that snapped the second he touched her.
Rhys paused as he studied the light of it. "Azriel, did you two?"
"Not to the full extent, no." His brother was stroking her head. "We played. That's it." Rhys nodded. Grabbing two chairs so they could sit with her.
He was in Kaylee's mind. She was dreaming about walking through the woods and countless animals and lesser fae. Her mind showed no signs of waking her anytime soon. "I have Amren looking into her dream symbolism and her sudden new furry and feathery friends, we have guesses, but-"
"All we can do is wait?" Azriel's voice was desperate as he kissed Kaylee's cold fingers.
"Correct. All we can do is wait."
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spahhzy · 3 months
When little Jaune Arc got to the playground, he honestly thought it would be the same old playing by yourself thing. Most of the other kids were in the process of being trained by their families in the way of being a huntsman.
Jaune sighed. He, too, wanted to be a huntsman... but for some reason, his family never wanted to train him. No matter how many times he asked or begged, it was still a resounding 'No' from both mom and dad.
Jaune feet kicked up some dirt as he made his way towards the swing set, but to his surprise, instead of it being empty, their was actually someone sitting in the swing next to him.
Timidly, Jaune got into the swing next to the stranger, feeling a bit uncomfortable as the stranger face was covered with a hood, but Jaune did his best not to pay attention to the stranger but them sitting and NOT doing anything wS beginning to scare him.
???: Don't be afraid friend.
Lil Jaune's blue eyes widened as he heard the stranger speak, how did he know!?
???: I promise you I mean you no harm, I'm just here to think is all.
Jaune: o-okay...
???: Why are you here all alone?
Jaune: ...uhm cause I-I don't have any friends.
???: Really, well, that makes two of us...I too don't have any friends....well, that would be a lie...I had one good friend but I haven't seen him in a long time.
Jaune: Wow... I'm sorry, I'm sure you guys were very good friends.
???: You betcha, you could say we were inseparable!
Jaune: Wow... I wish I had a friend like that... Everyone is just off being cool heroes and stuff...
???: You want to be a hero?
Jaune: Oh boy, do I, that's like my dream!
???: What does a hero usually do?
Jaune: Hero's....uh they help those I need, like in the stories and fairytales.
???: So you want to help people?
Jaune: Mmhm! I wanna help everyone!
???: Everyone, you say, hmm? You know what, you're going to be someone hero one day, I can already see it.
Jaune: Really, sir, you mean it?
???: Mmhm! And you know what, if I may, could you help me out? Think of it as part of your hero training.
Jaune: But I'm not a hero...
???: Not with that attitude you won't be. Think of this little request as the stepping stones of your training!
Little Jaune pondered for a moment but reluctantly nodded if he could begin to start being a hero in training then he would help the stranger.
The stranger reached into his cloak before pulling out...
Jaune looked on in awe...their in the strangers hands was a small blue sleeping... kitten?
???: Can you watch after this little fella here? They have been through a-lot...
Jaune paled...he couldn't bring home a cat, his mom and dad would be upset!
???: I know what you're thinking, and don't worry, only you and some other folks can see them.
Jaune: Really...
???: Oh, most definitely! Your mom, dad, and sisters will see nothing.
Now Jaune was beginning to have doubts...a invisible cat?
Jaune: Wait...who are the other people who can see them?
???: Bad bad people, they tried to hurt the poor fella. I don't have names, but I can tell you one will have a metal arm with red eyes, another will be snow witch with a scar on eye, another will have gold eyes and cat ears just like our friend here and another one will have silver eyes and a large scary stick...
Jaune just gulped. These people seemed like real villains. Why would they want to hurt this poor cat!
???: lastly, watch out for the silent double colored terror... she will be the most persistent.
Jaune just nodded as the stranger gently handed him the blue kitten.
???: You're gonna be a great hero, Jaune. I can already see it in you.
Jaune: Y-you think so?
???: Oh yes, I already see a little bit of my friend in you, and he was my greatest hero.
Jaune: Wow!
???: Yep, but it's time for me to go now, little hero. Remember, take very good care of our little friend here, and when the time is right, I will meet you again in a land where fantasy comes to life!
Jaune: O-okay, uhm...
???: J.C.
Jaune: J.C?
???: mmhm!
Mama Arc: Jaune, honey, come on its time to go!
Jaune: coming mom...uhm thanks J.C for...giving me a chance to become a hero.
Jaune then carried the kitten close to his chest as he turned his back to the stranger, who waved at him, Jaune turned and waved back before finally returning to his mom as they both left the park, and Jaune found it weird but he thought he saw bright blue eyes coming from the stranger...ah well must have been a trick of the light.
The stranger watched as Jaune and his mother left the park before looking at his hand that began to fade away.
???: Yes, you will become the hero, Jaune...my hero!
A gust of wind blew around him as his hood fell and revealed a mess of blonde hair and a slightly old face marred with a disturbing chesire grin and bright blue eyes.
CCJaune: My hero forever!
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nethhiri · 5 months
Marooned: Chapter 6
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Light Smut, NSFW, Minors DNI (as always)
Innopportune Timing
Out of the kindness of your heart, you let Kid and Killer sleep in your treehouse. First, you had wrapped up your more important items into a big leaf, mostly so that Kid wouldn't go through your shit, but if you were leaving this island soon, you would have to pack it up anyway. There were only a few items you wanted to take with you, one of which being your gun. It was fairly unique and you had made it yourself a long time ago, with some improvements since then. It was essentially a double-barreled revolver, set into an over-sized hunting knife. The blade was nestled right between the two barrels. Actually, you were fairly certain you had it with you when you encountered the newly-minted Kid Pirates. See, the cool thing about it was that you could hold the blade to someone's neck and have someone else at gunpoint at the same time. Which is exactly how you had gotten the best of your two friends at the time, Killer under your blade and Kid in your sights. You had sea prism stone built into it, otherwise Kid would have made quick work of you. Much like now, your observation haki sucked though and the next thing you remembered after that was waking up in a med bay with a head injury. It had probably been long enough that they'd forgotten about it. They'd probably been in much more memorable scuffles since then. Still, you didn't plan on showing it off any time soon. 
Killer was able to take the little tincture you had created for him and had quickly fallen asleep. With both of them in the treehouse, there was very little room to move. You had taken your things and put them on the roof, where you had slept. Occasionally you would sleep there of your own volition just to watch the stars. The leaves that made up the roof weren't that uncomfortable to be honest. You didn't hear Killer cough once during the night. That was good. You really didn't want to use your devil fruit. It took a lot of energy from you and you still hadn't completely figured it out yet. Especially with sharing your resources, you didn't have the energy to spare. Just because Killer was quiet, didn't mean you had slept well. Kid had an awful snoring problem. The Kid Pirates are having the best sleep of their lives right now. That's probably why they haven't tried to find their bastard of a captain yet.
The following day, you went about your normal routine and left them to themselves. The little dose of human interaction felt unfamiliar and combined with being cranky from lack of sleep, you wanted time alone. You walked along the beach, picking some non-poisonous fruits and snacking as you looked out at the horizon. Squinting, you tried to make out any sign of a ship. Nothing. Every now and then you could hear branches being snapped near the edge of the jungle. Seemed like Mini was hoping to scavenge your scraps. The beach had nothing to offer except for several semi-recognizable blue or white pieces. Killer's helmet. Finding more of them occupied the majority of your time until the sky started turning orange. If you found enough of them, you might be able to fix it. Technically, he owed you enough already at this point, but you genuinely did enjoy fiddling with and putting things together again. 
Returning to your treehouse, you put the fragments with your other things and checked on Killer again. You saw where Kid had at some point collected things that looked edible. Appraising the pile, you tossed about three quarters of the stuff out the hatch of the treehouse. Well, if he ate any of that, he's probably busy shitting out in the woods. You shook your head. He doesn't learn. Sighing, you made sure Killer was fine for the time being, and made your way back out of the treehouse. 
For some reason you couldn't shake this 'off' feeling you had and your feet had taken you to the spring. It was your happy place, offering some calming, meditative setting. I guess I could go for a dip. You couldn't swim, courtesy of your devil fruit, but this wasn't salt water and the water was only chest deep. The sound of the small waterfall that fed into the pool was always nice to listen to and the coolness of the water felt refreshing on your skin after a long day in the hot sun. Wading into the water, the shirt-dress you wore was quickly tossed to the side. You dipped your head under the trickling water falling from the overhead rocks and attempted to detangle your hair with your fingers. After you were satisfied with your work, you rubbed the dirt from your skin until you felt as clean as you were going to get without a real shower. You floated on your back and watched the sky turn pink-purple for a while, while the dripping and gentle splashing soothed you. Wading to the edge, you rested your head in your arms crossed over the still-sun-warmed rocks bordering the water. At some point you were lulled into a light sleep.
Your eyes opened at the sound of violently rustling leaves. Soft moonlight soon illuminated the Red Menace bursting forth to ruin your peace. You didn't move from where you rested but let out a groan.
You lifted your head and gave him an annoyed look. Who are you? My dad? "You missed me that much? I'm flattered," you sarcastically replied. You went back to being unbothered, laying on crossed arms and letting your eyes close. You missed the light tint of pink that dusted Kid's features, not that you could have seen it anyway in the dark.
"NO. I thought ya were going to bring back food! I had to find myself a bunch of shitty berries!"
"Proud of you," you grumbled. You heard him growl in frustration, surely trying to think of something slick to jab at you. When you continued hearing silence, you thought maybe he stalked off. To your horror, you started hearing the muffled plop of fabric on dirt and the clinking of buckles being undone. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" The change in pitch towards the end of your question was the only thing that betrayed your slight alarm. You didn't look towards him, partially because you didn't want to give him the satisfaction and partially because you were afraid you might like what you saw. Goosebumps crawled down your skin as you tried not to imagine what he looked like. 
"Ya forget who yer talkin' to, girlie." There was a shift in the water as Kid stepped in. "I do whatever I want." And right now Kid wanted to cool off some of his frustration that he was still stuck here. As a bonus, Kid wanted to fluster you. It was amusing to him and he wanted a distraction from this predicament. Distraction, at the moment, came in the form of the bare skin of your lean-muscled back. How easy it was to imagine it pressed into the black, silky sheets of his bed...
Girlie. Heat rose to your face. Ew, why do I like that?  Splashes alerted you to Kid's presence at the opposite side of the pool. A relieved breath left your chest. You thought he would place himself uncomfortably close to you. Sinking lower in the water, you slowly turned to face him. An eyebrow quirked up as you took in the sight before you. His scarlet hair was plastered to his forehead and his eyes burned a dark orange. Pale, muscular arms, well an arm and one-fifth of an arm, were stretched on either side of him as he leaned against the edge. You accidentally caught his gaze and frowned when a smirk spread across his features. 
"Couldn't resist turning around I see." Kid wished you would sit up just a little more. The tops of your breasts were dangerously close to breaching the water's surface. 
"Oh fuck off. I can see you trying to manifest the power to see through water." Even with your scars, you had no lack of self-confidence. That being said, you hadn't gotten a look in a proper mirror, only reflections in the water, so you only had a vague idea of their extent. But, you were highly sought-after before this life, and the cockiness from that lingered. "Glad I can only see out of one eye. I don't have to expose both retinas to your ugly ass." It almost pained you to lie. Almost. The competitive side of you took over and you were determined to win this battle of wills.  
Kid snickered. "Killer's told me I've a fine ass actually." Amber eyes wandered over the parts of you that Kid could see. The moonlight reflected a soft silvery light where it touched your scars. It reminded Kid of the way moonlight reflects off ocean waves. Kid was no stranger to scars or disfigurement. It didn't bother him in the least. Especially since he could tell you wore it with purpose, the badge of a fighter. "I might be inclined to show ya if ya beg."
"Me? Begging?" You scoffed. "I didn't even beg for my life when this happened." You angrily gestured to the ruined side of your face. Fuck you revealed too much, you dumbass. You bit your cheek to cut yourself off from saying anything more. 
His eyes widened for a moment. Kid didn't expect that. He wondered how far he could pry. This started as a little fun game but he genuinely wanted to know your backstory. There were obviously a lot of pieces to it and you seemed to be hiding them purposefully. "What happened?" He asked bluntly. Kid wasn't one to beat around the bush. 
You let out an irked huff. "Don't." What business did he have trying to get to know you? At the most you would be a passenger for a week or two and then you would fuck right off to tie up some loose ends. Since you had been alone between when it happened and now, you didn't realize how poorly you would react at being asked about it. You mentally kicked yourself for opening up the door to this line of questioning.
"Ya don't have to be shy with m-," Kid started to tease.
"I said LEAVE IT." Your prior life as a captain led you back into the habit of issuing commands. As you said it, you had lunged forward and pushed a wall of water towards him. It was pretty childish to splash someone, but your temper was known to get the better of you. Great, now he's probably going to drown me. You retreated back a few steps.
Kid wiped the water out of his eyes, with a wicked smile. "Yer a rotten little brat, ain't ya?" Kid stalked forward. He took great pleasure watching you shrink backwards. 
Before you had the chance to do anything, his hand shot out towards you. Where you anticipated to be hit or grabbed, a cold sheet of water hit you. Holding your arms up defensively didn't do much to block the water from going up your nose. In a fit of coughing, you lashed out again but this time was weaker, since the coughing devolved into half-giggles. This was so stupid. I'm having a fucking splash fight with Eustass Kid. 
This went back and forth a few more times. You were... having fun? Simultaneously you were trying to get the water out of your good eye and blindly splashing towards where you thought he was. An iron grip closed around the wrist trying to get him wet. You had finally cleared your vision and your now-free hand attempted to pry his fingers from your wrist. "Fine! I'm rotten. Are you happy?" You were still half-heartedly laughing. Something burned in your lower abdomen. Oh. That was a feeling you had nearly forgotten. It only got worse when he turned you to face him. 
There was the wicked smile again. "No." Kid tugged you closer until he felt your free hand splayed out on his chest to keep some distance between the two of you. "As the winner, I believe I'm owed a prize." 
Yanking your hand back to no avail, you glared up at him. You wanted to take back your other hand too, but you didn't want him to pull you flush against him. Maybe I do. You cursed the basic human needs of your body for causing your will to falter. Sliding your hand further up his chest, you hooked it around his tree trunk of a neck, giving a little tug to make him lean down. You wouldn't give Kid the chance to make the first move. This was going to be on your terms and your terms only. Kid barely gave you resistance, and it was probably only because he was shocked you didn't fight him on it. 
The second your lips met, your wrist was released and you felt his palm press into the small of your back, forcing you to be pressed up against him. You growled out of annoyance, though it certainly sounded like something else to him. Fuck it. You nudged him towards the shallower area where he could sit and still be partly submerged, sliding your tongue into his mouth while you did it. Pushing him down, you were semi-straddled over him. The kiss was broken only when you both had to stop for air, panting. 
"One hand isn't enough," Kid mumbled into the skin of your neck. His hand alternated between grabbing your ass and titties, which were just as soft as he wanted them to be. 
You let out a low laugh. "That's funny... I was thinking the same thing." You could feel his cock against the inside of your thigh. It was befitting of the giant man under you. In other circumstances, this would be considered romantic, an island oasis under the moonlight. The burning feeling at your core was only getting more intense. Your fingers grasped at his red locks as you kissed him again, letting out a satisfied moan when he bit your lip and moved to do the same thing to your neck. 
Both of your heads snapped towards a chorus of whistles and cheers. "Alright, Captain!" "Any more where she came from?" "Hey, where's Killer?" 
Your eyes flicked to Kid. His face was as red as his hair. Not with embarrassment obviously. Just anger.
"OF ALL THE FUCKIN TIMES TO SHOW YER SORRY ASSES!" Kid smoothly bucked you off of him so that he could remove himself from the water. He snatched his clothes, tossing your shirt closer to you when he came across it. "ONE OF YA IS GONNA SUCK MY FUCKIN COCK TO MAKE UP FOR IT." He stormed over to the group and demanded to be taken to the ship. 
The group of mostly men weren't deterred by Kid's yelling. They were gathered around him asking if he was fine and about Killer. While they were focused on him, you lifted yourself out of the water and threw your clothes on. So much for ending your dry spell. 
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 9 months
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Trying my hand at some writing! This is a very new world I have, called the Heartlands, featuring a human kingdom of the same name in a world of monsters. (In Hiding actually takes place nowhere near the kingdom, but far up north.) This is a character prologue for someone you'll see more of later! Details and designs might change down the line. Enjoy :)
Asyr wishes on a comet to meet a human.
3k words, unwilling pred and unwilling prey, dragon vore, a lot of anxiety, angst, some good times that are quickly ruined, soft, safe, nonfatal vore only, blood mention
I wish to be a human.
Atop the cliffside overlooking the endless crater below lies a man. More accurately, a creature that looks like a man rests with fingers dug into the grass and soil below. A curious object stays cupped within his other hand, a light glow emanating from within his fingers. Stars glitter overhead, and what looks like a passing meteor shoots across the moonlit sky before burning, invariably, to dust.
No, no, that’s asking too much…I, uh���wish just to talk to a human. Face-to-face. Before mom gets them, at least. 
That happened all too often. A passing soul would venture into the cave systems below in search of glittering gems or relics of ancient civilizations, and they would never come out. If the traps didn’t get them, the dragons would.
My kin.
Asyr’s legs - currently dangling over the edge of the cliff - started swinging in place. It was the best way he could get that “tail waggle” energy out in this form without a tail. Pretending to be a human was just so fun! And dangerous. If Mom were to see-
His train of thought was interrupted as something felt very, very wrong. Anxious energy shot through his veins. What is it? Is something there? My hand- He opened his palm, perplexed, revealing the rock shard he had been holding. The glow had faded completely, leaving the stone with a dull blue hue. Wha…?
"Kid! Psst! Get away from the edge!"
Asyr scrambled. He nearly flung himself off the cliff, finding that these human fingernails were not nearly as good at hoisting himself up as his claws. But he managed to get himself away from the edge in a panic, his breathing erratic. A pale, human face watched him from behind a tree a good few yards away.
The human scrunched up his nose. “What are ya doing out here? If one of those creatures sees ya, you’ll…uh-” he stopped. He stepped out from the tree, revealing his full form: tall, medium build, with tangled brown hair and an unshaven face. He had a small pack on his back and a knife sheathed on his belt. In a swift motion, the man produced a crossbow from his pack and aimed it at Asyr.
“What…are ya?”
At this moment, Asyr was on his back, recovering from the scare. The human looked upside-down to him. He turned to be on his stomach, dirt mixing with his otherwise well-kept golden hair.
“Ah….Aghah…I’m…” The fledgling weighed his options. Dragons are methodical, nigh immortal creatures who can spend weeks, if not years pondering the best course of action for a certain event. Asyr didn’t have that kind of time, so he chose the option that he thought was less likely to get him killed. 
This choice would eventually be proven wrong.
“I’m…I’m a human,” he wheezed. “Same as you!”
“Mmm, ya don’t look like any human I’ve ever seen. Black eyes ‘n all. And are those horns?” The crossbow was still trained on his face.
“Native! I’m….native. One of the, er, descendants… of the humans who lived here. Doubt you’ve ever seen one of us; we live…underground…?” 
The human pondered. “So,” a gleam entered his eye, “yer saying ya know the area?” 
Asyr shuddered. He knew where this was going. He could say no. But this was a real human! When would he have this chance again? “Like the back of my talo…-hands.”
“Cool.” The human lowered the crossbow and retrieved a small object from his pocket. He walked over to Asyr, who was still lying in the dirt. The man grabbed him by the collar and yanked him to a standing position.
“I’m Jay,” he beamed. “And,” he placed a coin of solid gold into Asyr’s trembling hand, “how about ya lead me down there?”
His chest felt like bursting as they descended into the pit. Typically, Asyr would just fly down, but for obvious reasons, he had to take the perilous, spiraling ramp that ran around the edge of the hole. At many points, the pair came across entrances to tunnels unknown to the fledgling, which he would simply shoo off, saying their prize was further below. The journey was awkwardly silent - Asyr had spent years daydreaming about talking to a human, and now that the chance had come, no words came out. His throat felt remarkably dry.
Instead of talking, he looked at the items that had creased his hands from holding onto them so tightly: the gold coin from Jay, and the dull, sharp rock from earlier.
“Whas’ that.”
Once again, he almost jumped in his skin. “AAh, ah, it’s…a lucky charm, I guess? It’s a piece of a comet from long ago.” Maybe I can get some information from him. “What do you know about this area, Jay?”
“Mm. Full o’ treasure, it is. Now crawling with dragons. What happened before doesn’t interest me,” he chuckled.
A sad look overtook the fledgling’s face. “W-well, you might be interested in this: it’s said that a comet struck this land a long time ago, imbuing the area with magic. Even the humans who moved in here could wield it using tools and tomes.” His eyes sparkled. “They’re long gone now, but it’s said that if you can find one of the pieces of the comet and make a wish on it, it’ll come true.” He was too embarrassed to admit how many times he had sat atop that cliff, doing this very thing.
Jay looked at the shard in the boy’s hand. “So thas’ one of the magic comet pieces, is it?”
“Well…It’s useless to me now. I think the magic’s gone if there was any-”
“Yoink.” Jay snatched the piece too quickly for Asyr to react. “Magic rocks, eh? Thanks for the tip. Could make a fortune on suckers,” he snickered.
A sparkle grew in Asyr’s eyes, his imaginary tail threatening to wag. Maybe humans have hoards, just like me.
Finally, the pair reached a familiar tunnel to Asyr. Home. Charred remains of some former creature lie at the entrance. Mom’s warning to intruders. Oh Gods, MOM. The weight of exactly what he was doing hit him like a boulder, and Asyr struggled to breathe, his body rebelling against him.
“Are -  Are you quite sure this is a good idea?” Asyr wheezed. “I know the dragon who lives here. She - it’s dangerous. Like, really dangerous. ‘No-one-has-made-it-out-alive’ dangerous.”
Jay stiffened. “Kid, ya gotta learn a bit about treasure hunting. Dangerous izza whole point. ‘Nothing in the world is worth doing ‘less it means effort and pain and difficulty’, ‘kay? S’what we chase to feel alive.”
He steadied himself on Jay’s words. Humans believe they can do anything. He thought about the night after night that he trembled at the idea of hunting, hiding from his mother. If only I had that confidence.
“C’mon kid, let’s get a move on - while the beastie still sleeps.” Jay pat Asyr on the back, and they headed in, the dark finally swallowing them whole.
These tunnels may have originally been built by humans, but the dragons expanded when they moved in. Now they were massive, easily 30 feet tall by 30 feet wide. The ambiance felt…lonely.
This should be easy. I know the way…don’t I? As the pair ventured further in, the fledgling couldn’t help but feel a rising panic setting in. These human eyes couldn’t see in the dark like he normally could, and Jake’s paltry torch only disoriented him further. The smells were all weird, and he felt so small. A few steps as a dragon could be a few dozen for a human. Rounding a corner, the two came across a corridor lined with stone tiles. Strange holes lie between many of the tiles. 
Panic set in for Asyr. “I…I have no idea where we are. I’ve n-never seen this before.”
Jay once again patted the boy on the back. “Not to worry; ya’ve done well to lead us down here. This is a basic spike trap!” he grinned. “See the tiles that look more worn than the others? That's the path we should follow. I’ll show you.” 
“Wha-wait!” Asyr whisper-yelled as the man skipped across the stones with ease. To his surprise, Jay wasn’t skewered.
“Yer turn, kid.”
I could turn into a dragon right now and fly across. Or I could leave and never look back. But…Asyr looked at Jay’s face, a smirk lining it. He believes in me. Just pretend I’m human. I’m human…And he leaped.
Asyr ran across the tiles with an unbalanced, awkward gait. Human bodies were quite hard to control, after all. Unfortunately, this started setting off spikes mere inches from his body, causing him to barely hold in a scream. In slow motion, Jay’s smile fully turned into a grimace, expecting his partner in crime to turn into a kebab. He was pleasantly surprised(and immediately annoyed) when Asyr bounded over the last tile and scampered straight into him, knocking the two of them over.
“GAH - KID,” the human exclaimed, ready to shove the anxious mess of a person off of him. He stopped when he felt tears plop onto his shirt. “...Ya okay, kid?”
“I-I’m alive,” the fledgling sniffled, a smile spread across his face. “Th-that was the scariest th-thing I’ve ever done. Second scariest,” he rasped. 
Jay patted his head. “Here, les’ get up.” Asyr removed himself from the human, and the both of them stood back up, dust clinging to their outfits. “Not bad for your…presumably…first trap ever. (How in the world are you still alive down here) Ya know, how about…when we get the treasure, I give ya a share…like 10% for your help. And ya know that gold coin I gave ya?” Asyr nodded.
“Les’ go out after this. Get a nice meal together. Ya can use that to pay.”
Tears welled in his eyes, and Asyr hugged the roguish human. It was the first hug that the fledgling had ever experienced. Warmth flooded through the cold-blooded creature, turning his cheeks a rosy pink. My first friend.
Jay groaned. “‘Kay, kid, c’mon. We got through one trap.”
Asyr tentatively let go, laughing. Joy couldn’t help but overflow from his face. “And we’ll get through a dozen more!” They started their path forward. Jay rolled his eyes as Asyr continued, “With you, I think we can beat any-”
The net underneath them, currently hidden between the tiles, sprung upwards. In a split second, Jay and Asyr were dangling 30 feet above the ground.
Jay’s demeanor began to change. “Ha, ah, um, didn’t see that one coming. L-luckily, I have a knife just for moments like this.” he unsheathed the knife from his waist and began to cut at the large net holding them in place.
Asyr felt panic rise in him for what felt like the hundredth time on this mission. But look, Jay knows what he’s doing. He’s a seasoned adventurer. It can’t get any worse.
And then, an alarm started blaring. A bell, ringing and ringing and ringing. The fledgling’s eyes went wide. He had only heard this bell a few times before when some poor soul had come for Mom’s hoard. She would always come back with blood around her mouth.
“J-JAY, can you get us o-ouT OF HERE-” Asyr said, terrified.
“It’s a huge fall! I-I’m not sure we’d even make it!” Jay stammered in response.
“PLEASE,” Asyr sobbed, reaching to wrestle the knife from his hands.
But it was too late for them to escape, even if they could survive the fall. A low growwwwllll echoed through the corridor, a huff of smoke accompanying it. Asyr tried to back up as far as he could, but the net made the situation impossible to get away from. He couldn’t even transform back into a dragon without potentially strangling himself in the net, or crushing Jay. He could only watch in terror as Ervyr, the Firebreather - his mother - leisurely crept into view.
Ervyr had a terrifying air about her. She’s one of the only Lung Dragons to still exist, and even rarer, one of the few of her kind to have been consumed by greed. She’s jet-black in appearance, with fangs larger than a human head. Her hoard is legendary and encompasses much of the Northern Crater. To try to pillage even a speck of gold from it is a monumentally foolish decision.
“Two humans,” she rumbled, “after my hoard.” She stepped on the spike trap, the spikes piercing upwards into her skin. It didn’t make a dent. “How would you like to die? Boiled? Charred?” Continuous smoke exited her nostrils. She reached out towards the net, easily slicing the top of it with a single claw, a paw underneath to catch her prey. Now, Jay and Asyr were “free”...in the hands of a dragon that wanted to kill them, of course.
“M-Mama,” Asyr croaked. There is no way to get out of this. There is no way to get out of this. We’re going to die.
“Oh look,” she puffed out a breath of smoke. “This one’s calling for their mama. Does the other one have anything to say?”
Jay was petrified. He looked like the wind had been completely knocked out of him. Still, he tried to respond. “‘S the kid. H-he brought me here; he knows about the hoard - G-gods above, kill ‘im, not m-me. I’ll tell me friends n-not to ever come ‘ere, ma’am.”
Ervyr grinned, picking up Asyr by the shirt and holding him above her mouth. Asyr squirmed, barely even registering Jay’s betrayal. “I loooooove humans. So deceptive. And so tasty, too. Looks like your time is up, kid~” she opened her jaws, her massive forked tongue lolling out. 
“Mama!! Mama!! MAMA!!!” Asyr wailed, snapping out of the shock of the situation. In an instant, he was back in his dragon form, resembling a much smaller and less fearsome Ervyr. He squirmed out of his mother’s grasp, floating in place.
She blinked with all three of her inner eyelids, Jay still cupped in her hand. Silence filled the corridor. Asyr dared not move, speak, or touch her. She had never caught him in any other form before, and a pit of dread lay in his throat thinking about what she thought of him gallivanting around as a lowly human. She had taught him to believe dragons were superior to all others. 
“Asyr.” she breathed, smoke exiting her nostrils. “What a great teachable moment you have thrust yourself into.” She uncupped Jay, who was currently stabbing at her paw with his knife. It did absolutely nothing. She grasped the knife between two claws before throwing it to the side. “You see, I will forget your little…transgression just now, under one condition.” Her claws sliced off Jay’s pack, and it unceremoniously fell on the floor.
“You eat this one.”
Asyr tensed, a shaky breath escaping him. “Mama, please-”
“YOU EAT THIS ONE,” she ROARED, the cavern walls shaking from the tremor. Smoke billowed from her mouth. The only other noise was Jay babbling to himself, praying to any god that might hear him. 
“Yes, Mama.”
“First lesson: humans carry weapons. I took care of it for you. How loving am I,” she spat, flinging the human at Asyr. The fledgling wasn’t nearly as big as her, so the human smacked him in the maw, pain shooting through his face. He managed to catch the human by the shoulders, holding on as Jay squirmed. 
“E-eat me and I’ll punch and kick and end ya, beastie,” Jay jabbered. 
“Now,” she sat back, still floating in the air. “Go ahead. Your first human. How exciting.”
Asyr trembled. He couldn’t. He simply couldn’t. This was the first human he had ever talked to, his wish upon a comet shard. No matter how Jay acted, Asyr could not find it in himself to hate him more than he hated himself. I will not kill him. I REFUSE. And yet, that refusal would mean Jay would get eaten by his mom. There is no way to get out of this. There is no way to get out of this.
And yet…
He looked down at the sniveling human, just big enough to fully fit into his maw. I could eat him in one go, and then release him outside as soon as I could. Trepidation filled his body once more. He had never done anything like this before - would he choke? He didn’t exactly have a choice. I will keep you safe.
He tentatively opened his mouth, gingerly pushing the human inside. Jay squirmed further, kicking and screaming until his arm caught on one of Asyr’s fangs, slicing into him. Jay gasped and held his arm to his chest. The dragon winced. No! Don’t squirm! He wished he could tell him as blood slid down his gullet. He shivered, hating every gulp as he forced the human further and further within him.
“Euuuaugh.” Asyr exhaled, his last gllp audible as the human slipped into him. It was awful. Whatever enjoyment could be had in this process was overshadowed by the massive stress of this entire ordeal. 
“Whole and alive?~” his mother laughed. “Perhaps you’ll be able to leave the nest earlier than I thought.” She turned away, looking back at the young dragon. “I’m off to find my dinner. You’ve given me quite the appetite.” With that, she turned a corner and disappeared.
Vomiting out Jay was as uncomfortable an experience as eating him in the first place, Asyr found. And yet, he persisted, spitting Jay out on the same hill in which they first met. Once he was fully out of him, Asyr transformed back into his human form, wiping the saliva and stomach juices from his lips. In the distance, the sun was beginning to rise.
“Jay!! JAY!! I didn’t hurt you, did I? Oh gods, please don’t tell me my stomach hurt you. I can’t,” he sniffed, “I can’t bear any more heartbreak.”
Jay scrambled backward, protecting his arm and rising groggily, falling back onto the ground. 
“Yer SICK. Yer a FREAK!” he yelled, furiously wiping slime off his face.
“I HAD to,” he quivered. “B..But look! We’re both safe now.” He reached into his pocket, producing the gold coin he was gifted before. “We can go…out…somewhere…” he trailed off as the human sprinted away from view. The fledgling’s lower lip quivered. Heat bloomed in his face.
No one likes a dragon.
No one likes….me.
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(Thanks for reading, errrrr it'll get better for Asyr soon enough...yeah...)
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firephoenix23 · 2 months
So I know a lot of the pilots of Disney shows have been going around but someone sent me the pilot of what slugterra was going to be and I thought I would talk about it because it is interesting. First off it’s really short only about 3 minutes but basically it’s Eli or Elias Stone chasing what looks to be Dr. Blakk with Pronto or Pinto as he is called in the short
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I want to apologize in advance some of these photos are not the best quality but I did what I had to. First off Slugterra was not originally called that it was called Subterrainea which thank god they changed it that is kind of a mouth full and it was a lot more western than sci-fi western we get later. Like even the blasters look like guns.
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But let’s address the elephant in the room, why does Eli looks so ugly in this show 😂😂 and so much younger too. I feel like in the current show they make Eli look younger by making everyone around him look jacked as fuck even though all the younger male models look buff as well. But in this show he literally looks like a middle schooler. And I guess Trixie is like his friend from school who is the only one who knows about his adventures to Subterrainea. We don’t know if she goes with him or not but she at least knows. But thank god they changed Eli’s color scheme to blue, orange, white, and black. He’s a little better to look at than green, red, and pale yellow. I do wonder why all the changes though. I’m going to be wondering that the whole time
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Which is the other thing I want to address is that Eli or well ELIAS and BEATRIX go to SCHOOL! We don’t know if Elias is like the protector or just goes down for the lols but we do know that he is trying to juggle this secret double life of going to school like a normal kid but also protecting the secret of Subterrainea like wow NEVER heard that premise for a kid show before 😒
That’s why I’m glad they cut out the surface all together but kept the secret part. I think it makes more of an impact in slugterra especially since it’s like who knows what. Also it just makes more sense. Like what kid would escape the world of slugterra travel 100 miles up just to go to middle school. Like nah fam couldn’t be me. Also I don’t actually know if they are in middle school but come on look at them.
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Pinto is literally just Pronto even down to the voice acting. I like that they had the comic relief character down first before the main character. Also funny note did you know that Pronto in canon has a twin brother named Pinto. In ROTE Will Shane says like oh I’ve met you before and Pronto says no you’ve met my identical twin brother Pinto. I just think it’s funny that it’s a little nod to his pilot name
Uh Dr. Blakk kinda looks the same except for the hat and the mecha beast. It didn’t look like he was using ghouls just regular slugs so I’m not sure what Elias is chasing him down for. Elias shows Beatrix that he got a slug from him and then she touches it and the school lights go out which brings in SOOO many questions. Like is the surface electricity powered by slug energy???
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I was gonna mention the slugs next but they are relatively the same except design wise. They look a lot more stylized and detailed than in the show which makes sense gotta save money where you can. Be honestly I’m glad they changed them some of them are kinda ugly like the joker looking one.
There are so many other things like why did they change Eli’s last name, why did they give him a white wolf mecha instead of the white horse (probably because it looks cooler not gonna lie), why is Elias Stone so ugly 😂😂 so many questions. But I think it’s just cool what slugterra could have been. It gives me such nostalgia for the late 2000s/early 2010s DisneyXD shows like Randy Cunningham, Kick Buttowski, Max Steel. Like all the EdGy boy cartoons that I somehow ended up watching as a little girl 😅
I mean I just looked and season wise and success wise Slugterra stomps them all. I mean which show has its own Roku channel the one and only Slugterra baby! 😂 But anyway I’m glad they made the changes that they did.
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valentinehorrors · 6 months
The Mask
"Does your dad know?" Casey Jones asked as he threw a rock at one of the five cans that sat a fair distance away from him and the turtle next to him, he missed. They were on the rooftop again, their rooftop, the same one.
"Yes... It's technically his fault." The turtle said, eyes never leaving the human, he had collected a few rocks as per Casey's request. The human had to find something to do, he couldn't sit still for long.
"It is? How? Did he like, say you were too freaky for the guys?" The human wondered aloud as he went over to Mikey to grab another rock.
"Do you think I'm freaky?" He almost cut Casey off with how quickly he asked, grabbing Casey's wrist to grab his attention.
It worked as Casey's eyes snapped up to Mikey's and that same shiver went through him, so cold. Casey opened his mouth to answer.
"You can't lie to me. I know lies, they're as familiar as breathing oxygen." Mikey's head tilted a bit as he carefully observed Casey's face, icy eyes memorizing every detail.
The human hesitated, that was something he hadn't felt in a bit, fight or flight. That's weird, it's just Mikey...
"Okay... Yeah, kinda, but!" Casey glanced at the grip that Mikey had on his wrist, he could feel the cold through his sleeve. "It's not a bad thing though, plenty of people say I'm freaky." He dismisses with a nervous smile.
Mikey's eyes scanned from his forehead to his chin one more time before he finally let go, allowing Casey to take a rock from the pile he held in his arms. Casey held the rock for a second, it was his turn to look at Mikey's face, trying to observe in much the same way. But it gave no results as Mikey's face was stone cold, conveying no emotion, as monotone as his voice. He was staring again, he turned back to the cans lined up on the wall, "So... that it?"
"Not exactly... He was afraid."
"Really?" He missed again, cursing a bit under his breath as he got another rock from Mikey, he was starting to wonder if Mikey ever blinked. "Splinter don't come off as the, oh shit I'm scared of my kid type. He didn't like... treat you like shit behind your brothers' back did he?"
"No, he only expressed... concern. When we were very young, he simply expressed that perhaps it'd be better if I tried being a child. He thought I was acting a bit older than I was."
Casey had missed again, too focused on paying attention to Mikey. "Shit, sorry, I swear I'm usually better at this... But anyway." Those eyes, Leo had blue eyes too but they weren't anywhere near like Mikey's, and then it clicked. "Ooohhh... He said you should act like a kid."
"So I did." Mikey confirmed as this time he brought the rock to Casey. "Aside from my brothers, the only other media we had access to were comic books and cartoons. I built my mask with them as a guide. It stuck."
As Casey took the rock, Mikey quickly grabbed Casey's hand this time, the human's fight or flight almost kicked in again as he jumped. It's just Mikey, seriously Jones, keep your cool. Why did Mikey make him so jumpy?
"For the longest time that's all we had in terms of human exposure. Just shows and comics..." Mikey let the other rocks drop onto their nearby wall, using his other hand to take Casey's fingerless glove off.
Both confused and curious, Casey let him, something in the back of his mind telling him that he shouldn't be letting Mikey be so casual this close.
The turtle's fingers traced Casey's knuckles of each finger, "I knew you were warm, but it's different to actually feel it." He traced Casey's palm with his thumb, it caused the human to shiver again. "And all our differences..." His thumb went down to Casey's wrist, under his sleeve, right at his pulse. Mikey's eyes snapped back up to Casey's and the human almost forgot to breathe.
"Your heart..." Mikey stepped closer, they were inches apart, no doubt Mikey could feel Casey's breathing. Had it quickened? Did he actually forget to breathe?
"It's beating..."
What's happening?
"So fast..."
Was this...?
"I feel it..."
"In your blood..."
They were almost pressed against each other now with how close they were. Mikey's thumb was still on his pulse. Casey couldn't help as he gulped, looking into those cold eyes, so close now. Was he seeing things or were the blues in his eyes shifting a bit?
He doesn't know how much time passed, just them staring at each other. They were just staring at each other and Casey could feel the adrenaline start to flood his system, acting as though he was about to get in a fight. And then those eyes of ice were backing away as a rock was placed back into his now bare hand. Without a word, Mikey stepped back and went back to leaning against the wall.
Casey stared at Mikey for a few more seconds before looking down at the rock, turning it over in his palm a few times. He slowly exhaled, his breathing and heart calming down a bit before he looked back towards the cans and threw.
He smirked as he heard the satisfying clank of rock hitting metal, the can falling down into an alley below. The human looked back at the icy turtle.
Mikey had gotten into the habit of letting his mask hang around his neck to show Casey he had dropped his persona, as such, there it currently lay, rustling a bit as a light breeze brushed past.
Casey then smiled in satisfaction as the adrenaline calmed down "Ha!" He chuckled a bit as he pointed at Mikey who tilted his head much like a dog's when it's confused, ignoring the slight shaking of his ungloved hand, "You do blink!"
And for the first time since they started having their meetings, Casey saw one of Mikey's genuine true smiles. "Yes, I do."
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thequeenofthewinter · 4 months
9 Aesthetic Albums
I was tagged by @dirty-bosmer and @sheirukitriesfandom. Thanks guys!
Rules: Display my 9 favorite album covers for art reasons not content.
I am tagging @oblivions-dawn @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @vivifriend @bostoniangirl21 @umbracirrus.
I don't know if I can say these are my all time favorite, but they're the favorites of the ones I personally own.
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Hotel California -- The Eagles. This is such a classic in so many ways. I mean, look at it. Not only does it have the 70's hotel vibes but also this album is a banger. I grew up listening to this as a kid with my dad, and now that I collect vinyl, I have my own copy. (My dad unfortunately lost his.)
In Rainbows -- Radiohead. There is rainbow text and like space stuff. How could I not pick this? I know we aren't picking these for their content, but I also have to say, this is also an excellent album. I know OK Computer gets all the hype but this one is also muah.
Dance Fever -- Florence + the Machine. I mean, it's a Florence cover. (This is the alternate cover which I bought at Target. Love Target.) Anyway, red-haired antique-y pirate dress vibes. Yassss! Man, I am realizing this is also a list of recommendations. This album is also so good.
Kitsungi -- Death Cab for Cutie. Black and white minimal idk what is happening here vibes.
Everything in Transit -- Jack's Mannequin. Cartoon lazy California vibes. I have never even been to California. Guess I should go because there are two Californias here.
Escape -- Journey. It's a Journey album. It's 80s. The colors here and using 4 instead of "a". Journey was doing this decades before this was cool. Truly ahead of their time. Yes, "Don't Stop Believin"' is here. Also "Stone in Love" and "Open Arms". It's a good--no, great album. Listen, I know I am putting these here for aesthetics, but I also have to tell you my favorite Journey album is Frontiers. This one is probably my second though. My mother is a HUGE Journey fan, and I also grew up listening to all of these songs. She actually still has all her vinyl. (I also have my own copies.)
Here, Here, and Here -- Meg & Dia. Fall vibes and a random child laying back in the grass. You can't tell me this isn't a vibe.
Even if it Kills Me -- Motion City Soundtrack. Idk what's happening here. You don't know what's happening here. No one knows what's happening here except mid-00's emo, and if you notice most of the picks here are oldies/mid-00's emo, that's because that's what I listen to mainly. The pink and blue speak to me. Random people are so random. I want to know what he's whispering into her ear. If you made it this far into my ramble, tell me what you think it is. Wrong answers only.
Broken Social Scene -- Broken Social Scene. The fiery sunset is just too much for my braincells along with the black and white buildings. I look at this and think maybe I could have done it...but I didn't! Also a banger. Anything Broken Social Scene is a banger. You should go listen to them.
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acidic-eye · 7 months
1.the remembering of things from a supposed previous existence
Portals were strange things. 
Their magic seemed to ignore any possible wants or needs the group could possibly have, a full nights rest? Absolutely not, whatever magic transpired to drag them from era to era seemed to not care for their (lack) of a sleep schedule, dumping them more often then not in a location during the middle of the day rather then letting them get back to resting like they had been doing before.
Which is exactly what happened in this portal swap. 
The dark magic dropped them heavily along the cobbled pathing that ran around them, the group groaned in pain as limbs once comfortable now were thrown into the harsh stoning of the new era. Twilight grasped at the flooring, groggily blinking his eyes as he attempted to get used to the sudden light of the world around them. He pushed the blankets off his legs, sitting up with a yawn, glancing about at the new area. 
A tall castle towered in front of them, black and red mist heavily hanging over the castle, draping the usually gorgeous castle of the Hylian Royals in a horrid deadly atmosphere. The towers stood crumbled, lack of maintenance and care clear in the broken area. Dark shadows of monsters looming around the area casted over the dimly lit areas, never mind the sun, the sky held a red-ish look to it, dark magic protruding the atmosphere, casting fear in the hearts of the chain. 
Twilight felt a sinking feeling in his gut as he realized when they were, staring at the large machine that rested on the mountains behind the castle. The red lasers no longer pointed to the castle, machines no longer glowing with power and life, now only filled with the feeling of dread. His cub was joining them, his cub wasn’t done. 
Cub had told him how he planned on finally relaxing after he was done with his journey, how he was going to finally try and live a normal life. Sure he still wanted to adventure around, but he wanted to go through a normal life from then on, get a childhood he always had wished for. But of course…
Hylia is one sadistic fucker isn’t she. 
Twilight cast a glance to time, the elders face was contorted in confusion at the sight around him, he reached a hand to a small bit of malice, only to stop at Twilight's alarmed grunt. 
“Do you know where we are pup?” Time asked carefully, fixating his gaze on Twilight. Times hair fell loosely around his face, greasy and dirty from lack of care, and lack of his ability to wash off in the previous hyrules. A blood smear ran across his face, darker in color from the monsters that tormented the group on a daily basis. 
Twilight hesitated, “yes I do,” twilight cautiously glanced around at the group,  feeling his stomach drop as he remembered how large Cubs Hyrule was, how it would take ages to find him without the slate. 
“So this is… your era.” Warriors guessed, a disgusted look falling his face as he moved away from the malice next to him. “No offense, but this is gross. Not to mention spooky. This is where you live?” 
“No.” He says slowly, “thankfully mines not… like this. But I have been here. The link here is certainly… something. ” He could nearly hear the bombs exploding from the cubs wild style of fighting, the flashes of blue still ingrained in his mind from the horrors of trying to raise the kid. 
“Something in a… bad way?” hyrule asked, ears flicking nervously as he focused on Twilight, green eyes trained on Twilights own. He shook his head, folding his blanket and shoving it into his bag. 
He packed up his small pillow, the small earring that dangled from his ear made a light jangling noise as he moved, a reminder of how his cub had pierced his ear whilst in the desert to keep him cool. The magic of the earrings still confused him to this day, but despite that, he still always wore said earrings, adoring the safety they provided. 
“No, not really in a bad way per say, he just… has a weird fighting style, and personality. In a good way of course.” He coughed after he stopped talking, remembering how horrible his cub was with social interactions. Then again, it was Twilights fault, being a wolf, he was completely unable to teach him social skills beyond knowing body language to an inhuman degree. 
“Where would he be then?” Legend grumbled, face shoved into his pillow as he tried for five minutes more of rest, sky laying beside him in a similar position, although he most likely was sleeping. 
“Anywhere. This place is giant. At Least three times larger then all the hyrules we have visited.” Twilight sighed, “we got unlucky, this place is dangerous as all hell. Hopefully he’s somewhere around here, might even be able to grab ‘im and get out.” 
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mintaikcorpse · 1 year
Steven Stone headcanons because he's one of my favorite characters
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-He's really good at old timey electroswing dances, and shit at any other ones. Probably dances like this with Wallace
-If he and Wallace ever got married, he'd probably propose with a rose quartz ring because they symbolize love and compassion
-I like to believe that he's had his metagross ever since he was a kid. In the games, he also mentions how his favorite pokemon is beldum. It'd be cute to think of him getting his metagross as a beldum, as well as it being his first pokemon
-No, but the games go out of their way to talk about how attractive he is (especially team magma and team aqua). He's aware of all of it, but chooses to ignore it. Does get awkward or flustered anytime someone flirts with him
-He can and will go on four hour tangents talking about his favorite rocks (he literally talked to deoxys about a cool rock I can't with him-)
-Owns metagross shorts. In fact, change his summer outfit in masters to wear metagross shorts, and we're all good
-This isn't really a headcanon, but masters mentions how he likes Hoenn Rangers (pkmn version of power rangers) and I like the idea of him being a super hero comic nerd
-Considering the fact that he goes and hands out rocks to people, he is most likely the one that helped Wally find a dawn stone and a moon stone to evolve his gallade and delcatty
-Sits on his Metagross doing whatever (reading, messing with his rocks, sleeping) and Metagross just kinda lets it happen
-His favorite candy is rock candy
-When he found out what Terra stones where, he put Wallace in charge of being Champion for like 6 months as he raced his way to Area Zero
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-Has autism with stones being his special interest (idk if it's real, but I can't get over the line above)
-Ironically, he doesn't like rock music. He heard it once and never again
-Really enjoys art museums and all that kind of stuff, especially statues. Him and Cynthia go together anytime one of them visits
-Has lickded at least 5 rocks and has attempted to eat at least 1
-Both cares about neatness and doesn't care. When in caves, he won't care about getting his clothes dirty, but doesn't like getting messy outside of that
-Anime only: Has a soft spot for Maryn and Alain, and let's them get away with more than they should
-Enjoys boardgames a lot. In my champion roommate au, I can imagine Iris and Blue trying to teach Steven how to play Mario Kart or something, and he just sucks ass at it. But he's really good at Minecraft for some reason. Spends a lot of times in the game mining
-Really good friendswith Professor Sycamore and they talk about mega evolution and rocks together
-He sleeps in really soft pajamas and is sometimes a nerd about them. He has Skarmory, Cadilly, and Aggron onsies, and a pajama top with beldum patterns on it. Casual clothes would be T-shirts with words like, "Sinnoh Rocks!" and then having a lot of evolutionary stones for the print pattern or something like that
-Aggron's dex entry mentions how they plant trees and soil to keep their mountains looking nice. Steven saw his Aggron doing this, and started doing a bit of gardening himself
-Wallace does, in fact, use the nickname "Silver-haired dreamboat" for him and Steven looks like this anytime that happens
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(I wanna make a post just rambling about originshipping because I love it a lot)
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jell0buss-37 · 1 year
My Peter B headcannons!
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General HCs, however I will take requests for different HCs (only for Headcannons rn though 👀)
He's a reporter rather than a physicist in his universe.
He was probably more of a jock type, who knew more about sports. When he got bitten he got more active, but never played any team sports because he was still scared of his bullies.
He had asthma before he was bitten.
He loves the color blue, but specifically navy blue.
Loves classic rock, but like 70s sort of classic rock, so definitely more of a Kinks, Rolling Stones, Queen sorta fan.
In his Universe, Harry was his Green Goblin.
He's very emotional.
He is a HUGE horror movie buff.
Is actually a very big bookworm, especially mystery books. Growing up he was a big Sherlock Holmes fan.
His parents were actually alive, but they couldn't take care of him, and so they sent him to live with his Aunt and uncle when he was 5.
He's actually from Nebraska.
He's not a fan of his birthday, so he never makes a big deal about it.
Also gets butthurt when nobody makes a big deal about it.
His universes Gwen was actually a babysitter he had a fat crush on when he was 9. She was 8 years older than him.
He likes funny women, it makes his stomach flip whenever a spunky woman can joke with him.
More of a grease monkey than a lab rat, however he somehow is and actual whizz when it comes to many subjects. Except for Arts of any sort. He actually is not creative at all.
He has the most useless facts stored in his head, it can literally be the most out of pocket thing ever, and yet doesn't know basic things.
"Did you know that Pelicans can pull their spines through their unhinged jaws to cool off?" ".... Peter wha-"
"What do pelicans eat?" "Idk, broccoli?"
He can't sing or dance for the life of him.
But he can play the harmonica
And he likes colorful drinks. Alcoholic drinks or not.
That and Root Beer
An absolute Mug Root beer fiend
Also really good at video games, doesn't matter what game, he picks it up so fast
Looks like big dumb, but really that's just him not caring.
Has a fear of Michael Cera.
"Where are his eyebrows???"
Is literally just Nick Miller, actually.
He's a cat dad
His cat's name is Tyler
"I am sick of Tyler just jumping into the shower and getting freaked out and scratching me-" "Woah, WHAT?? Like your roommate!?" "No. My cat. Why would my roommate attack me-"
Uses punctuation when he texts so you can never tell what tone he's using when he texts
'omw now want me to get u smth from the store'
'No. Drive safe.' (so menacing???)
Has a Ned in his universe that is his office buddy at the Daily Bugle
Ned is an intern and he and Peter have horror movie marathons, and he is also an artist
Peter can't drive. Also he's literally Spiderman so that doesn't matter anyway. But if you ask him, he will not know how to drive. He fixes cars, doesn't drive them.
Never went to college, but got a degree in quantum physics online
That and a wedding licence as spiderman. He thought it'd be funny if Spider-Man could officiate weddings
Is actually scared of kids until Miles
After Miles, he is so good with kids
In his mind
Is writing his own book about a detective from New Orleans (iykyk)
Is Irish-Italian
Likes Baseball a lot because it reminds him of his Uncle Ben
His universe doesn't have reality TV
He's also a DM for Ned's DND group
Totally LARPs, but doesn't admit it
Doesn't like Apple sauce and hasn't eaten it since he was 8 because he ate too much of it and threw it up
Genuinely loves his friends interests, and will genuinely try them out or watch whatever it is they like so they can gush together or debate
Has a barber shop he goes to where he just talks with the old men there, he's been going since he was 12 because Uncle Ben took him
Can Bake really good and sew because of May
He actually asked her to teach him these skills
Has a dream to live in the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile one day
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masterqwertster · 6 months
Got to thinking about it in this AU too, so...
Bells Hells C2 Class Swap AU and Titan Shit
Sometimes AUs walk slightly to the left of canon's path, and sometimes they run off into the bushes for a little while...
Also this is long, so it’s beneath the cut.
So, I don’t think Bells Hells ever even learns about the Spark of Rau'shan in this AU since Keyleth (and Pike) tag Ashton as titan-blooded about one month before the Apogee Solstice begins.
Because while Kiki is busy as fuck prepping for the Solstice and putting out Ludinus's Distractions For People of Importance and Power fires, I'm pretty sure she could put aside thirty minutes to Scry on Evontra'vir, Transport Via Plants through to him, and ask him "What the fuck did you tell/give to Efterin of the Hishari?" and get her answer before teleporting back to business. Or she could send a lackey to interrogate the tree, or Pike could go if she feels like it (get back to some of her sailing roots travelling the Shattered Teeth). Because there's no way they're letting a titan-blooded kid run around getting tangled up in Big World-Ending Problems without knowing what that means, if there's more titan blood to be found, and if more can be made any time soon because the last thing they need is another titan blood except they're batting for the other side.
Happily for Keyleth, the answer from Evontra'vir was "fulfilling Destiny" ...by sending Efterin after an artifact he knew the cultist would misuse and accidentally (but in accordance with Destiny) implant in his kid. Yeah, Keyleth's not impressed. But it is nice to know what exactly she sensed in Ashton: a Shard of Ka'Mort, Empress of Earth.
Also, no mention is made of the Spark of Rau'shan, as Evontra'vir is Destined to guide Ashton to that, so he's not telling anyone else. Though Keyleth suspects that if a fragment of Ka'Mort survived, there's also a piece of Rau'shan out there. But best to let sleeping dogs lie if it's gone unclaimed this long and getting the Shard of Ka'Mort took a Destiny Tree's instructions to retrieve.
Which is fine. There's a reason canon!Bells Hells found crispy skeletons in the spelunking nightmare but didn't get crisped themselves: the Spark wasn't willing to be moved without the Shard nearby. As evidenced by the roiling lava calming at Ashton's approach vs the Doompa Loompa report of Big Boom when someone upset the Spark (likely trying to take it away).
Anyways! What this means is that once Bells Hells has retrieved Blue-Butt Flowers (sorry, Matt) to help Keyleth recover, part of their Questions on What To Do Next is "Can we get Ashton more Titan Powers for their power-up? The [Hybrid Form] is cool and all, but kind of lame for a Titan Shard when you can go Earth Elemental better than him."
And Keyleth has been thinking about this. What she sensed in Ashton is immensely powerful, and the boi only seems to ever use an itty bitty fraction of that might, instead relying more on the strange other power that he's now religiously(?) tied to as well.
Her answer on the Titan Power-up front is two-fold:
1) Bells Hells can go to Vasselheim to see if the Stone Titan's corpse nudges anything, and potentially, probably, meet with Grog, who's still got the Titanstone Knuckles.
Keyleth kind of doubts the Stone Titan Corpse will do anything, being long dead and divorced of its elemental might beyond the continued existence of the body (otherwise the Whispered One was wasting a free Super Earthquake Machine). But it did make the Titanstone Knuckles react (because they were forged from that particular titan's heartstone), so it's not a 0% chance. Probably.
But Kiki does think the Titanstone Knuckles might do something for Ashton, since they are, in a way, an inanimate version of him.
...If Grog is still in town. Kiki may have lost track of her friend in all the Solstice hubbub.
2) Keyleth can send Bells Hells to Terrah, village of the Earth Ashari. The abundant elemental earth energy there might jumpstart Ashton's earth titan shit. And if that's not enough, they could try taking a few steps through the Rift to the Elemental Plane of Earth and see if that intensity of earth energies does the trick.
The problems with these ideas are:
Vasselheim will likely react poorly if they find out Keyleth sent a baby titan their way to do some teething on the titan corpse stuck in the middle of their city.
Keyleth definitely needs to talk to Pa'tice about sending a baby earth titan to Terrah for teething, because who knows what that will do to the energies and Elementals in the area and the Rift.
Now Chetney, FCG, and Imogen are all interested in going to Vasselheim, for different reasons. Chetney wants to check Issylra off his List of Continents He's Been To. FCG would like to visit a big Changebringer Temple for advice/guidance (yes, they still picked up religion. It just doesn't fuel his powers this time). And Imogen wants to visit the Stormlord's big temple to further pursue the challenge of following him that she started during the Party Split.
Of course, Team Issylra is wary of going to Vasselheim considering they helped kill part of a missionary group from Vasselheim.
Fearne is neutral and goes where Orym goes.
Well, since it's going to take Keyleth a little while to talk with Pa'tice and get the okay for Bells Hells to visit, she was thinking Maeve could take them to Vasselheim for a day or two while she does that.
...With a quick, initial detour to get Dancer (and crew) on fixing the Quintessence Array. Just in case Bells Hells finds anything of interest to slurp up. (Also because I'd like FCG and Dancer to find their closure still. And don't want to have to worry about the logistics of failing to stop Ratanish's Joe-assisted sabotage before they start making skyships drop out of the sky...)
So, Vasselheim!
Yeah, they can see the titan corpse from where they arrive in the Abundant Terrance. Which is a completely different district than where its feet are planted.
First stop though, ends up being the Changebringer Temple (which I don't see an official location for on the wiki, but think makes sense to be placed in the Quadroads as a crossroads of sorts for the goddess of roads). Partially because it's on the way and partially because FCG is getting a lot of looks of dislike from the locals, so Temple approval for the robit should help. Hopefully.
Keyleth did not think through sending a soul in an arcane machine to a city that severely distrusts the arcane. Thankfully, he's got friends to phalanx around him and stare down the glares. ...And Laudna may have to go inside the phalanx too, as undead.
So! FCG gets to talk to more holy people who follow the same goddess as him. And maybe gets to meet a therapist-type, to replace the meeting with Jirana, so they get that realization too.
Next stop: the Braving Grounds. Which has all of the other attractions Bells Hells is interested in.
Ashton, Chetney, and Fearne (as she is a barbarian in this AU) are all super interested in The Crucible fighting pit when they come across it. So probably some matches to roll there. ...Though Fearne may be more interested in picking gambler pockets than fighting herself. Laudna is welcome to try too as a monk/frontliner. And so is Imogen, as an attempt to further impress the Stormlord into being the new juice behind her cleric abilities.
When they drop by the Trial Forge (Stormlord's Temple), after talking with Groon's apprentice(? whatever you want to call the person being trained to take over after him because monks age super well but don't live forever and Groon is old. Also, for extra trouble, they could be a really buff older woman, to mess with Imogen's taste in women) who's currently running the place since the Earthbreaker himself is at the Red Center Resistance camp, the Stormlord does present Imogen with a challenge. But not his usual "Where does your strength come from?" question. Because let's be real: Imogen would immediately and without hesitation answer "Laudna," which is generally the correct answer, even if it's not the whole "My friends are my strength" answer he's usually searching for. So I think the Stormlord should challenge Imogen to not use her mindreading on others (or at least the party) for a while, to make her actually communicate with the group instead of brain-checking when she gets impatient. Make her learn that while her mind powers are a strength, there's more to be found in trusting her friends, in having faith in them.
Then it's off to actually get a close up look at the titan corpse. Which, hot damn is it huge. Like, they knew that already since they could see it the whole time they've walked around the city, but it's even more mind-boggling up close.
And then they have a moment of realization that what's inside Ashton was probably bigger and even more badass. After all, no one remembers this one's name or any titles it might have held, but Ashton's got a piece of Ka'Mort, Empress of Earth.
Also, like, what the fuck has Vasselheim done with the titan corpse parked in the middle of their city? Is it now a giant condo complex (that slowly drives people cambial insane like the dwarves of Thomara)? Is it a shopping mall? Is it a new skyport? A challenging free-climbing "mountain"? Just a tourist attraction? Seriously, what did they do with this giant obstruction in the middle of their city over the past thirty years? Tell us, Matt!
Anyways, they sidle on up to one of the titan's feet so Ashton can touch it (He touched the butt foot). This may include sneaking past guards to keep people from doing exactly that.
It doesn't awaken any powers in Ashton, but they do get a use of Grim Psychometry on it. Which Ashton technically shouldn't really have yet, as Bells Hells probably needs to go through one more big fight before reaching Level 11 (canon level up was after getting on the ghost ship), allowing for 2 Cleric/9 Blood Hunter, but I'm giving it to him just this once anyways for Titan Shit.
Ashton gets to see flashes of the Stone Titan living its life in the primordial chaos of early, early Exandria, and the death of the Stone Titan (which made a mountain range with the impact of its body being thrust into the ground). Maybe a bit of its zombie march on Vasselheim via the Whispered One's power. He just gains a bit of understanding of what the titans were.
That's about all I have planned for Vasselheim. Of course, there's room to get in trouble, visit the Slayer's Take, talk with Maeve (try to get childhood blackmail on Orym), let paladin Chet visit the All-Hammer Temple, have Delilah stir to cause trouble at the site of her most recent defeat (or close enough to it), and do other stuff for the day or two they're there.
I should also mention that Bells Hells has been asking about Grog while they've been running around, but they don't get anything recent or distinct enough to follow to find him. Mostly because I'd love to know where Grog is in canon ...and also really kind of love the moon-greeter Grog that came up on 4-Sided Dive ep18.
Or Bells Hells does locate the Grand Poobah, and have to bail Grog out of jail. And deal with Ashton trying to steal or fleece Grog out of the Titanstone Knuckles. The Knuckles call to them and seem so... tasty.
Adventures in Vasselheim done (or they can be skipped in exchange for hanging out in Zephrah, but I do like the opportunities it provides for other party members to achieve stuff), it's back to Zephrah to see if Keyleth has gotten Bells Hells the okay to go to Terrah.
She has, so off they go through a tree! ...to an hour or two out of town so that Bells Hells has the (escorted) hike towards Terrah and its Rift to see how Ashton reacts to that energy and that energy reacts to him. With plenty of time to back out or be sent away.
Ashton is definitely feeling more energetic the closer they get to town and the Rift. And having to fight off the growing urge to take on their Hybrid Form. Meanwhile, the local earth elementals/eidolons are clearly taking notice of the baby titan coming into town. They are not being terribly subtle about following Ashton around and/or wanting a bit of attention from him while doing whatever he asks of them.
Once they get to Terrah proper, Bells Hells spends some time helping around under Pa'tice's supervision (the place was recently in trouble with a cult trying to destabilize the Rift, I'm sure there's some cleanup Bells Hell can creatively help with) and poking at Ashton to see if his powers have upgraded yet. And while I'd say that the earth energy there gives an extension to Ashton's time in their Hybrid Form, it's just not quite enough to really wake up the Shard.
Which mean field trip time!
Bells Hells take what is meant to be a trip to loiter around the Rift until something happens for Ashton, but ends up being more of an adventure because Reasons.
Reasons could be Cult of the Dark Heart people still hanging around on the Earth Plane side of the Rift that Bells Hells chases down for potential info or because they kidnap someone (from the party or an Earth Ashari guide/guard). Could be a bunch of Earth Elementals cart Ashton away to be worshipped as the Empress returned and now Bells Hells has to get them back. Or it could be that Bells Hells thought they spotted something interesting and ended up running after it like they do (see rabbit with a Feywild Shard back in the Heartmoore).
Any which way Bells Hells gets dragged into exploring the Plane a little bit, they do manage to awaken Ashton's Shard. Which shifts his Hybrid Form to something closer to the canon Demi-titan Form, the differences being that it's crystal clusters/spikes instead of rock, they keep the crystal claw/fingers, and the light from the cracked cat's-eyes is purple-silver where if you stare deep enough into them, you see the dunamancy galaxy swirl inside, sort of like a geode.
Ashton also gets a Second-phase Form in place of the canon Demi-titan one which comes with the super awesome bells and whistles plus penalty costs. Second-phase is taller (10' instead of 8') and bulkier. And maybe gets a second set of arms? The Stone Titan had four arms and all, and it would further differentiate a full-on Titan Mode from his Hybrid Form. Also more punching power and being able to pick up and carry the whole party under his arms if the short kings are doubled up with other people. Also, Second-phase can be used separate from Hybrid Form.
I also think it would be fun for Bells Hells to pick up some treasures to slurp up with the Quintessence Array, or just use as is, possibly by trading with a Dao (earth genie) or raiding one's treasury. Or like, offerings/congratulatory gifts for "newborn" baby titan from the locals.
After getting back to Terrah, goals achieved, Bells Hells is off to Whitestone to pick up the Quintessence Array, possibly use it, and get their next assignment/mission.
They get to meet Allura, receive a dunamancy identification from her, maybe show off Ashton's new Hybrid Form (but not Second-phase because penalties) just to say "Look what we got!", and attend the war meeting where they volunteer for Moon Scouting.
Also squeeze in that visit to Nana Morri for Fearne's heritage because going to a different Plane made Fearne miss home and they didn't get anything interesting for her from the Earth Plane but surely Nana has something cool and powerful and useful for her granddaughter.
It would be kind of funny if Grovelthrash, an Arms of the Betrayers, is sitting in Nana's storage and she gives it to Fearne. The spirit of the hammer does like when its wielder claims treasures (Fearne is a consummate knickknack thief) and Fearne is so go with the flow that she'd breeze right past it liking to cause pain, warhammers work for barbarian aesthetic, and it allows her to be a little bit twinnie with Ashton since this weapon grants some earth-based abilities. Also, bringing in some Betrayer God stuff for funsies (and adding even more trouble besides Grazzt'char, assuming that it wasn't traded in the Earth Plane. ...Yeah, I forgot they lost it on the ghost ship they did not ride in this AU until this point).
But really, any sufficiently powerful weapon or (custom) Feat for Fearne is good enough.
Chetney makes his deal, of course.
Orym... most probably not. Wizards take the "slow" way to power by learning, and learning a lot, that allows them to bend the world to their will. And like, he can probably squeeze in a quick lesson from Allura while Fearne is dealing with her family instead of bargaining with Morri.
...Though I think Laudna might try to make canon!Orym's deal instead. Monks are great, but they're also more "normal" like Fighters, and she wants to be able to protect Imogen, no matter the cost. And the others to a less intense degree. Also, it is a chance to get rid of the threat of Delilah too, who is less relied on in this AU since she's not a Warlock Patron for Laudna and Laudna does have other people who care about her now. It's time to let go of her murderer who has kind of Stockholm Syndromed her with her possession.
All that done, and they're off to the Red Center for Moon Scouting Mission.
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ofdarklands · 3 months
like @elizabethrobertajones said, everyone is tagged if they want to
Name: Mitr'a Alywd
Nicknames: none he allows
Age: 36-40 (ARR-EW)
Nameday: 31st sun of the 5th umbral moon
Guardian: Nymeia
Race: keeper of the moon
Gender: man
Sexuality: he would not understand the question. not lalafells, he guesses?
Profession: botany and crafting. also male keeper duties. he takes it very seriously
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: off white, fur-like
Eyes: one purple, one white
Skin: brown, freckled white
Tattoos/scars: many work scars in his hands and arms, some bigger ones from fights over the years on various parts of his body, some of them ifrit burns since there weren't any good healers immediately available after, but from hw on when he got the whm stone he hasn't really gotten any new ones. he tends to keep regen going; being a bard and dragoon is hard on the knees
Parents: a mother, as normal. as you might guess her name is Mitr
Siblings: one female twin (Varuna) with her 2 kids, and 3 quite a few years younger sisters he's not as close to. i have not picked their names
Grandparents: a grandmother :) she's the clan boss. very cool
In-laws and other: an aunt and her 2 daughters, general big extended family. he's not aware what an in-law is, but he considers the twins his children. as far as we know g'raha doesn't have any living family and feo ul is a fae so...
Pets: not really. his chocobo Robin is his partner, the palico seems to thinks it's his employee(?), the spirit eagle is a friend and most of the minions are not canon or just temporary charges for him. and midgardsormr is our dad
Abilities: general wol stuff like very good senses, obscene amounts of aether and control of it, body control and so on. only reason he has not levelled every class is personality reasons. good at languages, and prefers not to rely on the echo. excellent memory as long as he cares about the topic
Hobbies: high adrenaline: being the wol. low adrenaline: fishing, napping, composing music. all things botany related as well
Most positive trait: fearless, will not stop. loves to meddle even if he won't say it out loud. loving
Most negative trait: fearless, will not stop. also will appear and disappear on you with no warning and give you heart attacks. will not change on this point
Colors: blues, greens. generally anything not unnaturally bright
Smells: most natural smells even if they are pungent. reminds him of home. hates perfumes and incenses. can't things smell like what they are now?
Textures: enjoys them, generally. touch is one of his favourite senses
Drinks: usually just water, but has a bunch of different juices and tea recipes he goes through when he craves something specific. nothing very sweet though. i beileve the english word would be smoothies...?
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: unpleasantly smelly. no. the only thing he's smoking is his food for storage
Drinks: traditional keeper beer (hard to find, dense), mildly sweet or fresh drinks. won't drink anything handed to him though
Drugs: the list of plants with interesting effects he knows of could get him an archon mark if he cared about sharlayan's opinion. nothing he uses regularly, though he keeps a little satchel stocked for eventualities
Mount Issuance: what's that
Been Arrested: not that he has noticed
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nerdferatum · 1 month
Books recommendations
Thank you for the tag, @veeples ! I have a few books to add to my TBR now thanks to your post.
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @plasticdodecagon and @lookingforsomethingcuzimbored
1. The last book I read:
More days at the Morisaki Bookshop, by Satoshi Yagisawa. I really enjoyed the first book, but unfortunately this one didn't hit the same. I'm also blaming the translation, which was weird and definitely made some choices. Most people reviewing it seem to like it even more than the first one, though.
2. A book I recommend:
This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mohtar. It's such an emotional story. I really liked how the author uses common techniques and tropes in such a unique way that I finish the book knowing that no other book would feel the same. I often struggle to connect with the characters in epistolary literature, but this book is one of the few exceptions. And the world building is incredible.
3. A book that I couldn’t put down:
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I have to agree with Vee, Six of Crows (and the sequel, Crooked Kingdom) are such fun reads. You have fantasy, heists, humour, realistic romances... It was the first time reading a book about teenagers as an adult that I thought that only a bunch of problematic teens could pull this off.
4. A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Dracula, by Bram Stocker. If you are into fantasy and want to read a classic, you should read Dracula. As much as I also love Carmilla, knowing what we do about vampires, seeing how much of Dracula has impregnated our pop culture, this book is almost a comedy. Don't get me wrong, it is scary and there is more gore that I would have assumed for my first read, but it's almost better when you already know what's going on. And seeing the source of our current vampire knowledge (or most of it) is very interesting. Also there's a cowboy.
5. A book on my TBR:
Stone butch blues, by Leslie Feinberg. I've seen it recommended everywhere by older queer people, but it was never in stock. So when I saw it a couple moths ago, I had to buy it, and this time it's not only going into my collection, I plan to read it.
6. A book I’ve put down:
Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie. I don't like not finishing books. Even when I don't like them, I try to finish them so I can complain properly. I couldn't do that with this one and it pains me because I love Agatha Christie. I've read all the books available in my library. I tried to read it after the movie came out and was so disappointed. Maybe it was the digital format that took me out of the story, but it hasn't happened with any other Christie book. It was so slow and I couldn't get invested.
7. A book on my wishlist:
Señoras ilustres que se empotraron hace mucho tiempo, by Christina Domenech. The translation would be "Fancy ladies who banged a long time ago". It's an illustrated book about historical sapphic women throughout history. I have the two other books by this author, and her sense of humour mixed with the respect towards these women and the emotionality of finding yourself everywhere in history are such a good combination. I don't think they have been translated to English, but if anyone understands spanish, they should consider a read. The only reason why I don't own this one yet is because illustrated books are so expensive that I haven't come up with an excuse yet.
8. A favorite book from my childhood:
Kika Superwitch, by Knister. I can't choose one because all of them were so important to me as a kid. I wanted to be Kika so badly. She was incredibly cool and brave on top of being a modern witch. I also loved the little tricks at the end of the books when they taught you how to do "magic" with ordinary tools and ingredients. I still have all of them.
9. A book you would give to a friend:
The adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty. I don't have a particular reason aside from knowing that my friend will love this book because I loved this book. It isn't the type of fantasy we are used to see here, so I think she will appreciate the change.
10. A book of poetry or lyrics you own:
Rhymes and Legends by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. I have stupid beef with this man, but he has a unique way of create the atmosphere for his stories. He will transport you to that place.
11. A nonfiction book you own:
Señoras que se empotraron hace mucho by Christina Domenech. Sorry, I don't read too much non-fiction. These two books became my favourite when for one entry, the author introduced a writer by saying they didn't the world to intrude into their life, so she wouldn't tell us their story. The project started as curiosity from a literature student who never saw herself in the stories and people talked about in class, so she started her own research. Still, she decided to respect the privacy of this person because, even if they lived a long time ago, they still deserved our respect.
12. What are you currently reading:
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. It's actually a buddy read and I'm so curious about this re-read. It's been ten years since I read the series for the first time and it's been fun to see what 18-year-old me decided to underline or how I've changed my mind about certain things.
13. What are you planning on reading next:
Either the next Raven Cycle book or The Flood by Michael McDowell. I don't know if it's been just a local thing, but this series blew up a few weeks ago, everyone is so excited and I finally got the first one as a gift. So here we go.
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mxdreemurr · 1 year
Frisk and Chara Loop de Loop
Words: 4347
Summary: Frisk and Chara are in The Underground, still.
Includes: Meandering structure, interpretive character study, some melancholy, some grief, mention of continuous resets, allusion to no mercy, the difficulties of communicating with people you care about and asking for help, determination.
Chara and Frisk are explicitly part of the Dreemurr family in this, so don't read if you don't agree with that I guess.
You let out a small ‘oof’ as you hit the pile of leaves, landing on your back and staring up at the hole you fell through. The purple stone of The Ruins is all around you. After a moment of blinking slowly upwards, you extend your left arm and raise your hand palm-up in the air over your head. You’re thinking about how it looks like in anime openings or AMVs sometimes when characters do that, and that it’s cool. 
It does kind of look like that. And it is kind of cool.
“How many times has this been?” I think at you.
“Only three or four,” you think back.
I huff mentally. “No, Frisk. Not falling down these holes and landing on the leaves. The whole, everything. Not even just resets, but getting to see Asriel and everyone leaving The Underground and stuff.” I try to cover up my small outburst of emotion and hope you didn’t notice too much.
You lower your arm, resting your hands on your stomach. “I don’t know,” you think. “It’s like Flowey says, it’s—. It’s like waking up from a dream sometimes, you know? They kind of blur together a couple back…” You heave a big sigh and kick your feet. “What about you? Do you know how many times?”
“I…” I mentally furrow my brows. “I’m not great at keeping track of stuff like that. Math is for losers. Tch.” So what if I’m not as great at hiding my emotions as I’d like to be.
Silence stretches on with neither of us saying anything. You close your eyes fully. Eventually I speak up again in your head.
“Frisk… How many more times do you want to keep doing this…? It’s not like Asriel and I need our bodies back that much… Perhaps a change of priorities is in order, and it’s like Asriel said, our parents have moved on, them seeing us again—”
“Stop. Chara. You deserve a happier ending. Both of you do. And your mom and dad love you! They wouldn’t be anything but overjoyed to see you again, I know this. And me too… It’s not just for you, you know. Your family loves you.”
I mentally lean my head on my hand and roll my eyes at you, but I can’t help giving the energy of a small smile.
You smile as well, and lace your fingers together.
“Can we just lie here for a little while?”
“Yeah, of course, yeah.”
The various spikes and spears and flamethrowers and dogs are retracted back from whence they came.
After Papyrus confusedly makes his exit, you step off the rock-painted-like-a-bridge, feet crunching into the snow covering the ground. You turn and look over at Sans still planted in his spot to the side where he’s been watching the scene unfold. Sans shrugs at you and says, “i don’t know what my brother’s going to do now. if I were you, i would make sure i understand blue attacks.”
You give a polite nod at him and turn to continue on towards town, but he stops you. Seems like he has something more to say?
“hey, kid. you’ve got this look in your eye… you seem dead set about something. determined, you could say? i know you must want to befriend my brother real bad, but uh. no need to be a hero about it. take care of yourself.”
You set your mouth in a line and give another nod, then a hesitant little wave over your shoulder as you turn and head towards Snowdin.
“Frisk… I hate to say it, but do you think he may have a point?
You shake your head side to side. “No. Sans is funny, and likes to assume his assumptions about things are true… but it’s not like he really knows anything about us.”
I pause for a second
“…Assume his assumptions…?”
“Sumptions his wumptions?”
“Gumptions his dumptions???”
(… That little bit of impromptu nonsense wordplay got you smiling.)
“Chara.” The goofy smile falls from your mouth a little and turns into something more wistful (Uh oh). “I know you’re trying to look out for me. Thank you.”
“You’re… very welcome.”
“We don’t need to be turning to Sans for advice, though.”
“…I suppose we can agree on that at least. I don’t like when he threatens you. And his puns are B grade at best.”
“Okay no need to grumble, Chara,” you giggle. “And Sans isn’t that bad, in the end. The point is though, I want you to trust me. If there can be one human you can trust—”
“Frisk!!!” I laugh, “of course I trust you. We’re, like, family, you know? How many times has Toriel adopted you? I’ll always trust my family. And I’m sure you could even count as honorary monster at this point, if you wanted.”
“Hmm, I’ll have to think about it…” You do a dramatic little shrug. “But, good. I’m glad you trust me. We’re going to keep on going and I’m going to save you. Both of you.”
(Oh. Oh no. Oh geez, oh crud.)
“Um, Frisk, I don’t know if—”
“Ah ah ah!!! You don’t get to say you don’t deserve it! We talked about this, remember?”
“Yeah, I remember, but—”
“No-butts!!! Hey, how about we go get a cinnamon bunny? I bet that’ll cheer you up!”
“… That’s very thoughtful of you Frisk. Alright.”
“Yesss-!” You do a little victory pose and start skipping to get to the shop faster.
“Frisk, you remind me of myself sometimes.”
(…I don’t think you get it.)
Water falls all around us as a familiar tune begins to play. You kneel in front of the old statue, the red umbrella propped up in its arms. The ground is wet and dirty, but even still, you know I would be kneeling beside you if I could. You know I would bow my head if I could. I would put my face in my hands. I would embrace it in a hug and weep on its shoulder. Every time.
You pat your hand on the ground beside you, seeming to understand. I can feel the stone and grit.
“You’ll get your hands dirty. Not to mention your knees already. The water makes all the gravel and stuff stick to you.”
“I know.”
“Woshua wouldn’t be pleased.”
You chuckle lightly, and bow your head for a quiet moment.
After a long couple minutes of silence, you tentatively ask: “Do you remember the music box that’s in here?”
“Of course. It was a gift from our parents. Asgore had a friend who did craftwork like this. It’s beautiful… I, uh, I think this is a good home for it now. We really loved exploring Waterfall.”
You smile a little. “You know it’s not that long until we can see Asriel again, right?”
“I know that!!! Silly!” I respond, exasperated but a little amused. “It’s just that, well… Ugh. You know…” I trail off.
“I do know.”
“He deserved better, he does deserve better. He was so scared and alone as a flower, and then, and then there’s this, the journey and The Barrier, but then he’s just alone again? Even when we can get him to come with us, he still won’t tell mom and dad who he is… and he’s still stuck as a flower! How is that fair…”
“I feel the same way… but about you too. Stuck without a body, also not ready to tell our parents. And I bet that he would feel the same as well. Asriel would want us to be doing this.”
(Ugh. If only they knew.)
“Just let them go. 
Let Frisk be happy. 
Let Frisk live their life.”
(What have I been doing. Frisk… you… You have a life too…)
You only seem to be half expecting a response; you’re already hoisting yourself to your feet, and leaning over to give the statue a goodbye kiss on the top of the head. You have so many confident, bright feelings radiating off your soul. I take another look at the statue as you politely step back, before you turn to continue on. 
“Um. Yeah, I guess you’re probably right, huh. He would want us to be doing this.”
You smile confidently and give a nod, marching onwards and outwards through the caverns of Waterfall, its denizens mostly watching on from out of the way. 
(Frisk… I remember when we first met, when you first fell into The Underground. You were so frightened, so afraid and beaten down. Every kindness was like a miracle to you. You were intimidated by the size of the pie, wouldn’t leave mom, and then kept getting captured by Papyrus because you wanted a place to stay. Look at you now, huh… I just hope you can stay this way, keep your determination and your hope, I don’t know if what you’re trying to do is even possible…)
The sweltering heat of Hotland is all-encompassing as you make your way along the stone path, the large pool of magma stretching out to your right with The CORE plunked right in the middle of it. Always a little uncomfortable coming through here with that sweater of yours. Not that I can critique your choices in clothing, though.
You stop midway along the path and turn and look at The CORE.
(I’ve been doing my narration schtick as usual, but I’ve been kind of tense since the statue in Waterfall… Maybe it’s time for a good-natured joke.)
“Hey, Frisk,” I nudge you mentally, “you ever think about jumping in there?” I ask, referring to the large pool of magma.
You roll your eyes at me. “Uh, yeah, obviously.” I raise a figurative eyebrow at you. “Not like I’m going to though. Too hot for a bath, don’t wanna become Frisk Soup today.”
I chuckle at that. “Also the magical platforms that save you if you fall.”
“Oh yeah, also that.” We’re both giggling a little now.
After a moment though you cross your arms and put your hand on your chin  thoughtfully as you survey the familiar scene before us. “Hey, Chara. You know Gaster?”
“Uh, yeah…?” I have no idea where you’re going to go with this question, but I hope nowhere too personal about my past.
“… What do you think was his creation that he fell into…? Was it The CORE?”
“The CORE?” I echoed, “hmmm. Lots of places to fall into in and around it I suppose. All the magma that feeds it, and then all the glow-y foggy stuff inside… It’s certainly magical as heck in order to generate magical power, obviously, but I’ve never heard of a reason for it to have the power to shatter someone across time and space…? Not like I know that much about it though… it’s not my specialty,” I sniff.
“And you’re not even a scientist. And you’re like thirteen.”
“I suppose,” I say, doing the mental equivalent of looking at my fingernails. “You’re like, twelve though? So don’t get on my case about it.”
“Hmm, I suppose,” you say in mockery. We manage to last two seconds before smiling at each other and giggling again.
(Perhaps it would be constructive to inform Frisk more about what I know of the machines in The True Lab… Well… Maybe one of these resets if it becomes relevant. We’ll see.)
Your quiet footfalls across the wooden floorboards make some of the only sound to be heard in the house right now. The white and grey colour scheme lends a feeling like an old photograph. It’s so quiet, no one happens to be visiting at this time, and Asgore spends so much time in the garden taking care of the flowers. I clench your fists unconsciously.
“Before we get the keys and your stuff, is there anything in particular you’d like to see this time, Chara?”
“… The teacups. In the cupboard in the kitchen.”
You nod, and smile, and take us over there.
You reach up on your tip-toes and open the cupboard doors. Inside are plates, bowls, and a collection of painted teacups, all sitting on a yellow checkered cloth. I mentally indicate which one I want and you pick it up for me and bring it down. It’s white porcelain with a soft green and yellow floral design on it. I can feel the weight and coolness in your hands.
I remember sitting at the big table, beside Asriel on the long side, mom and dad on both ends. Sometimes, an hour or so after dinner, the family would have tea together. And I was always invited (But it was okay if I didn’t go, and stayed in our room instead). My brother and I would have herbal teas, I liked the floral ones. I remember mostly listening, to the warm happy conversation of a family (My family, I’d only just barely been able to accept that). Listening to the low, comforting sounds of talking back and forth between our parents, my brother’s bright, excited additions to the conversation, it’s a memory that is unspeakably precious to me now. I would occasionally be asked to join in with my thoughts on something, or how I’ve been doing, but never pressured to talk more than I wanted. Everything was always gentle encouragement but never forcing me into anything I wasn’t comfortable with yet (The kindness was overwhelming, I’ll never be able to pay it back in full).
I remember Asriel nudging me under the table, passing me a folded-up note while our parents were talking. A promise in his handwriting to show me a new secret hide-away, along with a little doodle of us. 
We smiled at each other then, and I can feel myself smiling now, my emotions soaking over to Frisk’s body across the soul that we share.
“It must be a good memory,” Frisk thinks to me.
“Mhm, it is,” is all I respond.
I blink the tears out of Frisk’s eyes, coming back to the present. I look around the empty kitchen and feel us in an empty house. The reality is still there, my family is scattered; my brother and I died, and mom and dad at complete opposite ends of The Underground. And it’s my fault.
I look at the teacup in your hands and think about if we were to drop it how it would shatter. I think about how once we reset it would be back together, back on the shelf. I think about Flowey.
I don’t think about the warm mental waves of comfort that you’re sending me, or how you’ve lowered your trembling body to the ground in a crouch and are rocking us back and forth soothingly. I don’t think about how I failed to make my thoughts as private as I would have liked.
“Hey, Chara, it’s not your fault, okay? You’ll be okay, we’ll get your family together again properly, I promise. I’m not going to stop trying. It’ll be okay…” I listen to you go on with your reassurances. I’m appreciative for it. It takes a minute but I manage to even out our breathing which I hadn’t noticed had become slightly frantic. “…Your family loves you, they would never blame you for anything.”
I gaze out the kitchen doorway at the family dining table, focussing on the details of what I can see. I take the biggest inhale and let out the biggest sigh possible, and send you a mental thumbs-up. I take all my feelings of guilt and failure, and I take all my feelings of belonging and love from my memory, and I try to hold them between your hands in this teacup.
After insisting repeatedly that I’m okay enough for us to get up, you do get us up, and return the teacup back to the shelf we found it on.
“Alright Frisk, you lead the way. Let’s get to seeing Asgore soon though, I still feel like I’m suffocating a little bit from all of this memory and feelings and junk.” (And the empty house and the quiet and how I’m not going to cry more I just need to get moving). “It’ll be nice to see him again, even if he’s… going to try to kill us— oh geez we’re on a rollercoaster until the end huh.”
You grab the key from the kitchen and add it to your keychain, and then set off in a little jog out through the dining and living room to the hallway. “Not true! We’ll have a nice event with Alphys and Undyne set up! Courtesy of Papyrus and his Flowery Friend.” You do a little smile at me. I do a little mental eye-roll at you, but smile too.
“Thanks for your help Frisk, you’re a real life saver.”
“Hehe, shucks Chara, anytime.” You add the hallway key to your keychain as well. You linger outside the door to me and Asriel’s bedroom, as if asking if I’m ready. I signal an affirmative and you open the door.
Two neatly wrapped presents, as always. “Thank you Flowey,” I say in a slightly teasing but affectionate tone. You sit down cross-legged to open up the two gifts. My heart-shaped locket and rusty knife, best comfort items I could ask for.
Before you can get up off the floor, I speak up and think at you “You know Frisk. You’re putting a lot of burden on yourself for me. This… mission that you’ve taken upon yourself for me and my brother’s sake. I’m grateful, very much so. But I want to make sure you know you can rely on me too, you can ask for help, I’m here if you need to talk about anything… I feel like it’s been a few resets since we’ve visited the quiche room—” 
“Ha—! Chara, you’re hilarious. You know I’m always okay!”
“That’s… not true.” I’m a bit surprised at your sudden reaction.
Perhaps realizing that that sounded slightly forced you wiggle awkwardly in place and try again. “Well, I may have climbed a mountain that it’s said people disappear on, that’s true. But! I’ve made so many friends, and I have a new family now! It’s all so bright and colourful, and I’m so happy to have ended up here. This journey together through The Underground, meeting everyone… There were tough parts, but finding out how kind monsters can are…! And then the catharsis at the end, I couldn’t ask for more.”
“Okay, but… This has all happened, according to both of us and what we can remember, uncountable times since the first. How is it going enjoying being with your new family when we keep leaving everything and going back to the start?”
“I—,” You sound taken aback, “there was a time I stayed with them on the surface for a while!!!”
“And then you came to me begging for me to reset again, because you couldn’t bear not having gotten the perfectest, best, most happy ending! Because you need to be the best, most perfect kid possible, and you need to be everyone’s hero!!!” … I stop, realized that was maybe a bit harsh. And that I might have accidentally said all that out loud with your mouth.
I slump and let go of your body. “I’m sorry, Frisk. I’m going to say it outright, which is hard for me; but you really do remind me of myself, and not in a good way. I don’t want you destroying yourself over trying to save everyone. I can’t make you stop, and I’m not going to abandon you, we’re partners in this; but I just want you to know that it’s okay to ask for help. Will you remember that? Please?”
“…Yeah, I’ll do my best.”
Shoot. You sound kind of broken-hearted. 
“I’m really sorry Frisk. I’m just. Scared for you. But I shouldn’t say things like that. It’s not your fault. I love you, Frisk, you’re the best sibling I could ask for. Or, well, tied for first place. I hope you understand.”
You giggle a little bit. “You too Chara. I never thought I would have a family like you, and Asriel, and Toriel and Asgore… I love you too. And I guess you’re right. Maybe I do have problems.” You’ve leaned back from your cross-legged position and are now lying on the floor. “And you’re the last person I should be hiding from. We share a soul. So it’s kinda silly.”
“It’s not silly, but… I see what you mean.” We smile at each other again.
You tilt your head back, peering under my bed. “Hey Chara! You want anything from under here? Oh—, woah… I never realized how cluttered it is under here…”
“No, thank you, Frisk. I’m good,” I laugh. And I do feel good for now actually. “I can collect my things once I have my body back. And it’s cluttered because eventually I was no longer hiding under there all the time.” I chuckle a little and you beam an absolutely radiant and sappy smile at me.
Even if you’re hell-bent on repeating my past mistakes, I’ll be right there with you the whole way.
After your lovely commentary on how I keep my side of the room, we’re ready to get up and continue on our way. We a brief look around in Asgore’s room, head back out to the middle of the house, and then turn to make our way down the stairs. Just as you’re about to step down, we both notice something yellow out of the corner of your eye. You turn your head, and there’s Flowey, in the front doorway of the house. He looks at us, and we look at him, and then he burrows away into the ground.
Streaks and splashes of colour and light fill the world around you. Like a thousand prisms broke open and spilled their rainbows. Stars rain down like the sky was falling. The world is ending. Again.
We hug Asriel tightly.
“Frisk… Don’t you have anything better to do?”
Asriel twists around a little to look at you from where he’s kneeling in front of the golden flowers, having sat down when he thought you were leaving. His small look of surprise changes to a pinched brow as you sit down beside him. You cross your legs and start running your fingers over the flowers, both of you bathed in golden light from the late afternoon sun.
Asriel settles back into his previous position, resting his paws on the soil on either side of his knees, looking down at the flowers, up at the hole in the ceiling, and then sideways at you. He gives a little sigh.
“I guess you can stay here a little longer, just… not too long, okay?”
You nod a little at him. A minute or two passes.
“You know Frisk, I don’t know everything that’s going on with you… The Barrier has broken and monsters can go free, but it’s okay if you still have your own problems.” He shuffles nervously. “I hope you know it’s okay to ask for help out there; you have a new family who really loves you! Of course you could tell me about anything, but… it’s just that I’m going to be a flower again soon… But you should tell Toriel, Asgore, or even Papyrus if there’s something on your mind!”
“I will”, you sign, and smile.
When you get up to go, I manage to quietly mumble out “See you later, Asriel.”
“ …
I’m sorry.
You’ve probably heard this a hundred times already, haven’t you…?
Well, that’s all—”
“Wait? You want me to wait?”
“I have— I have heard it. A hundred times before.”
“Hah, and what, you want to gloat about it…?”
“No, you’re right. It’s been too many. I want to ask for help. I couldn’t ask for help when I was still alive, but I’m doing it now. And I know you want us to let Frisk go, but Frisk is too, we’re asking for help.”
“… You and me both,” Flowey smiles ruefully, “what do you want me to do about it though?”
“Nothing right now, I just. Thought you should know. Keep the family in the loop whenever we can and all. We’ll talk after the reset, okay? Try not to attack us right away.” I smile back.
“Haha, well, no promises. I don’t know what you two are up to yet, and I can’t say I’m pleased it’s taken this many resets, but. I guess I’ll look forward to being filled in, in the past.” He scoffs a little. “See you soon, Chara.”
I take a ghostly breath, clench my fists, and fall back.
You open your eyes and see the morning light filtering down from the hole above us, filling the cavern around us, and dancing on the golden flowers cradling your body. Motes of dust drift through the air.
You sit up and rub your eyes, looking around. Flowers, crumbling pillars, and an entranceway before us.
Just beyond that entranceway, Flowey is straining to hear what’s going on in the room he just ran away from when a human fell into it. Farther than that, a grey door stands stark against a rocky wall of Waterfall. A clam monster is waiting to gossip about her neighbour’s daughter. The Underground is still full of mysteries to discover, people to meet, and things to do. I know we’ll find a way forward, together.
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deedis · 2 months
you're like the only person I kept following after the collapse of dteamblr and I never regret it. you bring a specific chaos to my dash that keeps my days exciting. slay <3
Tumblr media
When I was young and stupid My love left to be a rock and roll star He told me, "Please don't worry" Wise little smile that spoke so safely
He booked a one-way ticket Out West, that's where they make it Six kids stuck in a bedsit To sun swept poolside riches
He met a girl who wore Versace Pink feather coats and jumbo jewellery Gonna be a hoop phenomenon He's gonna be Hakeem Olajuwan
He's got a gold Camaro He said over the payphone I try to keep my cool but My life turns in slow motion
Bye-bye, baby blue I wish you could see the wicked truth Caught up in a rush, it's killing you Screaming at the sun you blow into Curled up in a grip when we were us Fingers in a fist like you might run I settle for a ghost I never knew Super paradise I held on to But I settle for a ghost
Where I was from in NOLA No one left to be a rock and roll star He'd stay and treat his lady Give everything to his new baby
I miss him, don't you blame me That boy went stone cold crazy Caught up in camera lust, he's Chasing that pappy pipe dreams
I know you don't but I I know you don't, but I still try My thunder shook him down My thunder came and shook him down That girl is gone but I That girl is gone, but I still try I think it's over now The bullet hit but maybe not I feel so fucking numb It hits my head and I feel numb My body's looking wrong My body's looking wrong My body's looking wrong
Bye-bye, baby blue I wish you could see the wicked truth Caught up in a rush, it's killing you Screaming at the sun you blow into Curled up in a grip when we were us Fingers in a fist like you might run I settle for a ghost I never knew Super paradise I held on to But I settle for a ghost
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