#only 90s kids and 80s kids and anyone who lived at any point in time will get this
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sooo, because I don't have the Unicorn Overlord art book, I've been searching around to see if anyone's posted scans, or copied over character bio stuff, and found this list of ages, which is...hm! interesting. Mildly unsettling. Josef definitely has the "stress makes you go grey and then white real fast" gene or something, bc like, he's one of the oldest-looking characters (aside from Mordan who is? younger than Josef? what?) and yet he's only 52, which isn't as old as I was expecting him to be based on his design. Anywho, I arranged the characters into groups by age from youngest to oldest below, for viewing ease, so you can contemplate the ages too!
15: Yunifi
16: Chloe, Ridiel
17: Alain, Scarlett, Lex
18: Liza, Celeste
19: Travis, Auch, Nina (Millé is Nina's twin if I recall, so we can assume she's 19 as well), Melisandre, Umerus
20: Kitra, Tatiana, Leah, Gilbert, Govil
21: Sharon, Fran, Virginia
22: Ochlys, Primm, Dinah
23: Selvie, Miriam, Berengaria
24: Hilda, Gammel, Amalia
25: Monica, Aramis, Mandrin, Sanatio
26: Berenice, Adel, Gloucester, Raenys
27: Clive, Aubin, Rolf, Magellan
28: Bruno
29: Nigel
32: Fodoquia
33: Jeremy
34: Ramona
35: Morard
38: Bryce, Ilenia
40: Renault
41: Hodrick
42: Rosalinde, Eltolinde
43: Jerome
45: Colm
46: Bertrand, Gailey
47: Mordon
48: Ithilion
52: Josef
63: Railanor
82: Lhinalagos
85: Galadmir
88: Yahna
154: Alcina
Some interesting things here, it seems? that elves age at about 2.5x that of humans (if you divide any of the elves' ages by 2.5, and round to the nearest whole number, the "adjusted" age seems to match most of the characters as compared to the human characters of the same age, i.e. Rosalinde and Eltolinde would be 16.8 or roughly 17 in human years old which matches with Alain's age group fairly well).
But bestrals, despite the lore implying that owl bestrals live a long time and their shared ancestry with elves, don't...really seem to have spectacular age differences from humans, so perhaps something about the bestral anatomy puts them on an aging scale closer to that of humans.
Angels, unsurprisingly, seem to age at the same rate as humans, which makes sense given that they're just. Humans with wings. That most of them were childhood friends with Scarlett is wild though, there's an 8 year age difference between Scarlett and Sanatio and yet she was outrunning him on that bridge like it was no one's business (and yet Raenys was only a year older and serving as Scarlett's lady-in-waiting, I have so many questions about Albion).
Also I'm losing it at the implications that Ilenia had Alain when she was 19, girl what? Like okay, yeah sure, fantasy vaguely medieval setting, people had kids young, but 19? still seems so young...
Alcina though? Like, she looked that young in the prologue, before she teams up w/ local necromancer Baltro, so like? Did she cast an anti-aging spell on herself at some point? We know Yahna un-ages herself, and that this results in her looking young for the rest of her life, but did Alcina do the same spell? If so how did she manage to survive for...so long? Did Alcina somehow lengthen her own life with magic? From the rapports between Yahna and Rosalinde, we can assume that it's rare for even the most powerful of magic-users to live past a typical human lifespan (if Yahna's anything to go by, a healthy human in Fevrith can live well into their 80s, if not 90s, so we can guess healthy elves live about 200-225 years at their oldest). Alcina is an outlier, and her unhealthy obsession with Gerard does not explain anything about her weirdass aging, except maybe that she preserved herself as best she could so she could meet him again as he would remember her.
Anyhow local army is mostly not made of child soldiers which is, uh, nice compared to other srpgs, but the canon ages are...wild. Can't wait to get my hands on the heights and birthdates.
#unicorn overlord#unicorn overlord spoilers#(well sort of for characters)#the ages for the older characters are so wild to me what do you mean Jerome who looks to be in his mid-30s is in his 40s?#really wanna find the heights next bc nothing gives me psychic damage worse than ages like canon heights#might not be able to make a visual height chart right away due to I Need Nice Artwors/Sprites Of The Characters to do that#but yeah! found this info today but had to do lots of responsible adult stuff so I made some poor sleep decisions instead to arrange info#oracle of lore#lore's lore analyses and headcanons
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lion king franchise media only works if the lions are sexy. the cg realism takes were always destined to be dogshit bc they don’t seem to understand this core principle. Allow me to illustrate my point:
now the first movie is obviously very good, the lions are very sexy. so many characters who inspired a sexual or romantic awakening for their hordes of devoted fans. phenomenal movie, not exactly a hot take i know.
now the second movie tho, many ppl really like it even tho it is pretty bland and forgettable on its own, and very bad in its function as a sequel. that doesn’t matter tho because everyone wants to fuck Kovu. Everyone loves this awful movie bc they’re so got dam horny for the edgy hot topic emo lion. I would even argue that horny kovu fans are this movie’s most notable long-term impact on pop culture. So while it’s not a particularly outstanding film, it’s reasonably popular in its own right, fondly remembered by many, and did manage to have at least some kind of lasting cultural impact. all thanks to the sexy lion.
There isn’t really much to say about the third movie. it’s not even 80 minutes long, most people probably don’t even know it exists. I would say that it’s stupid and unnecessary and that no one asked for a Timon and Pumbaa backstory, but the scenes about them parenting Simba are actually really cute and funny and heartwarming and i’m glad that we have those. Once again, the sexy lion (im talking about adult simba here!!!) saves the otherwise pretty unremarkable movie from irrelevance and disdain. We’re starting to see a pattern emerge here.
Ok what else is there. There’s the Timon and Pumbaa TV show from the 90s. I gotta admit i didn’t really watch much of that, but i’ve been told that it’s funny. I also know they have Simba show up sometimes. Put a pin in that.
Ofc i can’t not mention the absolutely phenomenal live action version that offers a refreshing new take on a beloved classic: the stage musical. absolutely phenomenal both as a piece of theatre and as an adaption no notes. Ofc the lion characters in this one are also very sexy. With these last two examples tho it’s starting to look like the sexy lions are not necessarily the sole reason for lion king media to be good, but there’s definitely a connection here.
I didn’t watch Lion Guard because it’s a show for babies, but i know several kids who really like the show and it seems to be successful enough. Here again we have Simba being present as a character, and while I don’t have any hard evidence on this one I’m willing to bet that there’s a substantial amount of kids who have/had a crush on Kion. So I’ll say this one also fits into my theory here.
The stupid fucking 2019 CG remake exists purely as an afterthought to the original 1994 movie and has zero redeeming qualities. All the characters including the lions look absolutely awful. They don’t even look that realistic, like have you ever seen a real lion? they look a million times cooler than those awful soulless beasts. Understandably enough I have not seen anyone being even remotely horny for those vile creatures. And that’s quite a remarkable feat considering they got fuckin Beyoncé and Donald Glover as Nala and Simba. I think if they’d just used footage of real lions and let them do a voiceover over that, there would have been some freaks who get off on that. Maybe there’s someone out there who wants to fuck CG Simba, but as someone who seeks out a lot of lion king content and spent way too much time hatereading reactions to the 2019 movie, i have thankfully never encountered them. This awful awful movie may have brought in a lot of money to its greedy corporate overlords, but it has had zero cultural impact. Sure when it was announced and eventually released everyone had a lot to say about it (mostly about how much it fucking sucked) but as soon as the novelty wore off everyone just forgot about it. I have watched this movie and there’s not a single scene from it that i can even remotely clearly recall. There were some memes about how awful it all looked when it was new but those all quickly went away again. I don’t think there’s anyone who enjoys this movie without at least some kind of connection to the original. Yea it made a lot of money and stirred up some controversy but now 5 years later no one gives a shit about it anymore. and there’s no sexy lions anywhere to be found.
#how to explain to my therapist or anyone really that writing this is the most productive thing ive done all week#the lion king#anyway if any hardcore tlk fans see this pls dont come at me. its joak#unless youre a fan of the 2019 one#in that case it was absolutely my intention to offend you and im willing to fight anyone anywhere on this to the death
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In a way, as a gay (maybe bi?) trans guy, I think my sexuality kind of obscured my gender in my mind for a long time. From very early on, I knew that I liked boys and I also knew like I liked boys the way that boys like boys. I wished that I was a boy so I could be gay. Where I was at, that was a shameful thing in the first place, and I didn't really understand what it meant for me. I didn't know what trans meant. I had never even heard of a trans person. I was always uncomfortable with presenting female and being called a girl, I always wanted to be a boy, but I pushed all those feelings aside thinking there was just something wrong with me, something shameful about me, and I needed to hide it. And it wasn't so hard. After all, I liked boys.
Growing up in the 80s and 90s in conservative rural southern America definitely did not help me to understand things any better. I was kind of led to believe that a girl's "purpose" was to get married and make babies and, well, I liked boys, so that wasn't an issue. My own feelings and understanding of myself were never worth considering, because I knew what my "purpose" was and I was equipped to handle it. So that's what I did.
I got married and had babies. I did the girly girl things. I went to church and wore the head covering. I gardened and canned. I lived in this weird place between happy and utterly dissatisfied, loving my partner and my children, enjoying the hobbies that I hyperfixated on, and always searching for something to fill that gap, to fix that something shameful that lived inside me.
Thankfully, I married a lovely person who has been really accepting and encouraging as I've come into myself, though it's happened so much later for me than for most people. He's been there as I've done the research and the (ongoing) therapy and figured out all of this stuff that, if I'd been in a different place or a different time, I'd have known ages ago. And he hasn't been scared away from any of it. He sees my value even when I'm not what he expected. So, it's a work in progress.
I think that if I hadn't been gay, if I had liked girls, it might have been different for me. I might have known sooner. Because I'd have known that I couldn't fulfill my "purpose" as a girl and I might have felt a little more free to explore the rest of me too. I might not have been so quick to fall in line with expectations. I might not have accepted the things that were given to me if it had been more evident that they didn't fit.
Or maybe it wouldn't have made a difference at all. I'm a people pleaser. That's part of what's made all of this so difficult. From the very beginning, from my earliest memories, it was reinforced to me that I only had value if I was doing what was expected, if I was making other people happy, even if it meant carving away parts of myself. So I've had a lot to relearn. And I still have a lot to relearn. So I can't guarantee that my sexuality is what muddied things for me, but I think perhaps it didn't help.
And honestly, that's okay. I say that for me, as a reminder, and for anyone who happens to stumble across it. It's okay to not know, it's okay to figure things out later. Nothing is set in stone and there is no time limit on the truths you can uncover.
I like boys. And I don't want to write that off as something that hurt me, because it's a part of me as much as my gender is. And there is nothing wrong with me, there is nothing shameful there.
The expectations are what hurt me. The things that I was taught as a child hurt me. There are a lot of parts of my upbringing that hurt me, but they don't need to define me forever. Looked at from a different perspective, my sexuality is what allowed me to survive all of that. Because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to fulfill my "purpose" and knowing the kid that I was, I legitimately don't think I would have lived through that. Not back then.
Being gay allowed me to get to this point. Being gay allowed me to survive. I'm a boy who likes boys. The two are separate, but not really, because they're twined together within me, two parts of a whole person.
#how does your sexuality relate to your gender?#transgender#trans man#lgbtq#prompt 13#kind of#he likes boys#born this way#journal
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The Last of Us Headcannons
Summary: Headcannons about TLOU2 characters
A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a bit, I’ve ben stressed so I thought I’d write for my comfort characters lmao
Warnings: Slight NSFW mentions, TLOU2 spoilers
Word count: 2.4K
-This girl is the best girlfriend i swear
-She will always tell you she loves you when she leaves or even if she goes into the other room
-She’s lost a lot of people so she’s always telling you how much she loves you just in case
-Helping her when she has nightmares, especially after joel's death
-”Please don’t leave me.”
-“Ellie, I’m not going anywhere.”
-She’s definitely a lover of old music
-80s and early 90s was definitely her favorite eras music and movies wise
-Gifting her records you found in abandoned buildings
-She draws you a lot, especially when you aren’t paying attention
-One time she couldn’t sleep so she drew you, she thought you looked peaceful asleep. That drawing is probably her favorite she’s ever done.
-You basically live with her in the garage she lives in
-Winters are always cold in the garage so y’all are basically attached to each other
-You both are cuddled up watching movies with tons of blankets on
-This girl is horny all the time, like if yall are alone she’s on top of you
-Dancing together at the dances
-This girl is so clingy omfg
-Ellie worries about the looks and comment yall get when showing affection in public so she tends to tone down her clinginess
-Joel loves you, point blank period
-When ellie tells you what joel did for her, you didn’t know if you should be happy or sad
-They were gonna take ellie away from you, you probably would've done the same
-”My life would have mattered.”
-”Your life matters to me.”
-You tried to make her feel better about it though, telling her that there would still be bad people and infected in the world
-Neck kisses from the back, my heart is melting holy shit
-She asks maria to put you on routes with her cause mama you are not going without her
-Puns, just puns all the time and you love it
-Definitely calls you babe and baby, you always make fun of her for it but she knows you loves it
-Yall make fun of each other but it’s all in good fun she will never take it too far
-You’re this mans baby idc
-No one hurts you or they will get tracked down and their knee caps will be gone
-Joel knows full well you can take care of yourself but he just gets so mad
-This man is so soft for you
-He tries to spoil you the best way he can, going out of his way to get you presents from abandon stores
-Teaches you how to play guitar
-He will have you sit in his lap and play the chords
-”Is it sounding better?”
-He just nods and kisses along your back
-He will sing you to sleep if you ask him
-This man has shown you some good ass music, yall sometimes just lay in bed and listen to old records
-He loves the way you look in his shirts, this man melts or bends you over the kitchen table
-He doesn’t cry often but this man is hurt
-The first time you saw him cry was when he broke down to you about ellie and the fireflies and what he did
-It hurt him a lot to admit it but he was so relieved that he could let go and someone be on his side for once
-Tells you all about sarah and how she would like you
-”She would’ve loved you.”
-”Yeah, casue i’m the coolest.”
-”You're a nerd.” He chuckled out
-He would happily tell you about life before the infection, what it was like to not have to look over your shoulder all the time
-He would never tell you about his time in boston
-He didn’t want to scare you, so you never asked but you had a good idea of what happened because of tommy
-Slow dancing in the kitchen while dinner is on the stove
-Forehead kisses in the morning when he has to leave for rounds and your dead to the world
-Calls you Babygirl and princess, IDK HE JUST SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE OKAY
-His voice in the morning>>>>>>
-Will watch you dance from a far while at dances
-Takes you out on little dates, he doesn’t even care about the stares yall (The age gap)
-He is prepared for anything to happen so he loves you like it’s his last day
-Talks about having kids with you but is okay if you don’t want them, i mean he’s not sure if he wants another one but hell, He said he wasn’t going to date anymore but here we are
-If you want kids he doesn't care hold old he is, he will try and try and try to give you a child
-”Damn it i got my period.”
-”Well then I reckon we gotta try again, huh baby girl.” He says with a smirk
-This man has a daddy kink and that’s all i gotta say about that umm anyways
-He is madly in love with you and he shows it, he has lost too many people and he has the mindset of “Good things don’t last forever”
-I love this man with all my heart, he’s my baby
-He’s very caring and will hold you anytime you need to be held
-He just wants to help people and make the world a little easier for them so he overworks himself to the max trying to keep everything in jackson in order
-”Tommy, it’s 3 am and you got rounds in the morning. Come to bed.”
-”Yeah i'll be in there in a minute, i just gotta figure out the food supply situation.”
-Having to drag his ass to bed
-He loves cuddling, he loves feeling close to you
- Your the fighter of the relationship, tommy doesn’t like to fight if he doesn’t have too so he lets you deal with the violent stuff
-Although tommy loves his brother, he has a hard time forgiving him for the violence he exposed him too
-He feels very undeserving of you and everything good in his life., you have to constantly reassure him that he is a good person and is doing a great job
-He does have nightmares of being in Boston but you were always there for him, he was so thankful for you.
-He loves your cooking, like it can be the most simple thing ever and he’d be like
-”This is the best Cereal i have ever had, who taught you to cook like this?”
-He has mommy issues, like his mother wasn’t really around so he has a lot of issues with that ig
-He is the best kisser i said what i said
-He’s very passionate and possessive, it’s cute
-He gives you his jackets all the time, he thinks you look so cute in them
- This man is literally the softest i can’t
-He doesn’t cut his hair just because one time you told him you liked it long
-”Jeez honey, your hair is getting pretty long.”
-”Shoot, do I need to cut it again.”
-”No...I like it long, it flatters your face.”
-”I will literally never touch my hair again ever again now that you said that, Okay”
-You have expanded this mans music taste
-He only ever listened to country cause i mean he’s a simple man but then you came along
-You got him a walkman just so he can listen to the music you recommend him
-He tells ellie all about you and asks her for help because he doesn’t want to mess up anything
-He’s not good in relationships and he believes he’s not a very attractive man so he doesn’t really try but he sees himself marrying you
-Spoiler he asks you to marry him because he can’t see himself without you, he doesn’t want to imagine how the world would be so dark without you in it
-He’s not into cute nicknames so he’ll just call you honey
-After joel's death, he was broken and you didn’t think you can even put him back together, but your willing to try
-I think you would be dina’s first girlfriend but she would love you with all her heart
-She kissed you at the dance and everything kinda clicked from there
-She would sneak over to you house in the middle of the night
-”Jesus, i could've killed you.”
-”But you didn’t silly, come on i’m cold lemme in.”
-”You're gonna be the death of me dina.”
-Your rounds with her were never boring, it was always an adventure with her
-Making out behind building because she couldn’t wait till yall got home
-This girl will tease you until your bright read in the face
-She will definitely love kissing you, like she will just randomly kiss you
-She will try to smash you literally anywhere, when she’s wanting to do the nasty it doesn’t matter where you are she will pull you into a random room or bathroom
-She never bores you in bed too, she’s always up to do new things especially since your her first girlfriend
-When she found out she was pregnant she wanted to give this child the best life so yall decided to move out into a farmhouse
- Having a kid didn’t really change how she loves you
-She’s still crazy and wild but now she just has a kid on her hip
-You guys were co parents so you both would hunt and take care of JJ
-You guys would do almost anything to make that kid laugh even if that was dancing like lunatics for an hour straight
-You guys almost never get alone time so just laying in bed without the kid felt nice
-Yall are cottagecore lesbians idc, yall are the best parents and i said what i said
-From behind hugs and kisses, she will grab your hips and kiss your neck until you have no choice but to rip her clothes off
-Vintage records and slow dancing with JJ
-I feel like being in a relationship with dina feels like a vintage song about love
-There's lots of dancing in this relationship because dina loves dancing
-She’s always afraid that you will feel left out in the family though since your not JJs real parent but you always tell her you don’t mind and you love JJ just like how Jesse would
-She finds it so hot when your all protective parent when it comes to JJ, as soon as he falls asleep mama yall wont get any sleep
-Yall are the best parents, dina will fight anyone who hurts JJ and you make him feel loved
-When he gets older you guys try to tell him about Jesse without making you seem like the outsider of the family if that makes sense
-Taking care of the animals and plants as a family and reading books about how to while laying in bed
-Dina makes the best food and she tries to teach you but it just doesn’t add up to what she does
-Okay we don’t know much about her sister but by the picture we saw she looks hella cool and i think you would be like best friends with her
- yall sleep on this man i swear, so this one is to all my jesse stans are there
-He’s kinky, that’s all
-He knows he’s hot and he’s super cocky about it
-He’s not much of a cuddler ngl but he will fall asleep and wake up spooning you
-Your really close to his mom, like she loves you so much
-He’s very reckless and your kinda the opposite so you kinda tone him down abit so you think that’s why his mom likes you so much
-Jesse isn’t much of a dancer and he doesn’t really listen to music but he does like to play video games
-You always pick him up video games randomly and gets so excited
-You force him to dance with you at dances and he’s so awkward about it
-”I hate this.”
-”Awe you love it.”
-Always trying to grope you while dancing, like will have his hands on your ass and theres kids behind you like sir stoppp but like keep going
-”Hey! watch those hands.”
-”I have no idea what your talking about”
-You and dina are pretty good friends like even after their weird relationship, she’s happy for the both of you
-Okay so let's pretend jesse didn’t die and he is alive and well
-When he finds out dina is pregnant he freaks out, he’s still pretty young so he’s terrified he won’t be good enough
-When the baby comes though he’s so excited, when he’s in the infirmary with dina your happy for him but you can’t help but feel an outsider
-Dina is so sweet and tries to make you feel better
-”You're gonna be the coolest step parent ever. I’m glad my son gets such a badass step mom damn.”
-Dina does move out of jackson still though so yall only get JJ every other week, that was the agreement
-He cooks in the morning for you and JJ while yall are laying in bed
-I’m sorry but he’s literally the coolest dad, his entire life changes because of that kid
-When JJ leaves to go over to his moms house Jesse won’t let you get out of bed, this mf hasn’t got any in a week
-He gets a bunch of cook books so he can better his ability to cook for little JJ
-You guys decorate JJs room together and it’s the cutest thing ever
-He takes you to romantic places in the abandon city when yall are on rounds together
-Jesse has a lot of friends but he would much rather hang out with you
-Yall call each other stupid and dumb a lot but it’s never used as an insult its just for fun
-”Damn it, why do i always get the nasty ones.”
-”Because your stupid, dummy.”
-”That’s right, i forgot.”
-Your guys bed is never made, you guys don’t even bother at this point. Like either the kid messes it up or you guys mess it up so what's the point
-He picks you up when he hugs you, literally pick you up from the waist and lift you up
!Credits to gif owners!
#The last of us#the last of us fanfiction#the last of us x reader#ellie williams#tlou ellie#ellie williams x reader#joel miller#joel miller x reader#tlou joel#Tommy miller#tommy miller x reader#tlou tommy#dina x reader#tlou dina#Tlou dina x reader#tlou jesse
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Rate this (Trust is Hard to Come By)
Its six am here and I just got to work. And am now writing a drabble at my desk. Again tweaked prompt a bit. Oh and I just realized that based on this and my last few “drabble” that are long that some picture books… I don’t know what a drabble. Or least I know it doesn’t apply to what I usually write.
No one would who or what had caused the akuma this time. However, when a thirteen-year-old superfan of Ladybug got Akumatized, everyone knew it.
A loud voice boomed in the ears of all the citizens in Paris, “Beware Paris, I am the Gardener, protector of the Loveliness. Those who have failed our Queen Ladybug will be revealed. A number you shall be given on a scale to 100; the higher the number, the more trust the Queen has in you. Low numbers have failed our Queen, betrayed our queen, betrayed the loveliness, and will be punished!”
“Loveliness,” Adrien asked, already preparing to make a break for it to transform.
Unaware that Marinette decided to wait for a bit. Some lessons needed to be learned the hard way. All the kids were at lunch and seemed to be enjoying the day until the alert happened.
Max pushed his glasses up, “A group of ladybugs is called a ‘loveliness of ladybugs.’. Gardeners love Ladybugs because Ladybugs protect their gardens.”
“Cool!” Kim grinned. “We get to see how much Ladybug digs us.”
Alya preened, “I’m at least a 90.” She pulled out her phone. “I’m so going to live stream this.”
“I think I’m like an 80, dude,” Nino smirked.
All the kids gave their guess; most figuring they were at least in the 70s. It was Alya who joked, that Marinette probably had a ten.
The others agreed; thinking the girl had been such a bully lately, and so mean to Lila.
Marinette overheard them from where she, Chloe, Kagami and their new friends sat. A smirked spread across her face. This would be good.
A blindingly flash filled the cafeteria. When it was gone, all the kids had numbers above their heads.
One by one the excited grins on the students of Bustier’s class faded.
“A two,” Alya paled. “How can I be a two?” A dark ugly red 2 floated above her head. She touched the number and words appeared next to it: Warning: Disloyal. False friend. Bully. Anger control problems. Easily swayed. Bad journalist… etc.
Nino frowned, “I got a four.” How could he have a four? He was carapace. Ladybug had chosen him herself. Or at least she had. He hadn’t gone Super in over a year. Was that when Ladybug lost her trust in him?
He touched the number. His warning said: bad friend. Disloyal. Bully. He touched it again before he could read any more.
Kim had a five. Alix had a three. Mylene had a seven. Rose and Juleka had 10s. Ivan had an eight. Nathanial had an eleven. Max had a six. All were in the red. All had similar warning signs.
Adrien had frozen in his seat when he saw his number. A 14. How could he be a 14? Why did Ladybug barely trust him? They were partners, friends, maybe more one day. But how could they be any of that she didn’t trust him.
He touched his number. His warning sign read: Naïve, Spineless, pushy, Bad friend, and, in bold letter, COWARD.
“We should go,” Max whispered. “People are staring.”
And sure enough they were. Most of the student body had numbers in the 30s or 40s, it was respectable seeing as they barely dealt with the hero. However, this meant it was easy to find the kids who ranked so much lower.
Slowly suspicious eyes fell on Bustier’s class. What had they done, most wondered. Whatever, it was they knew it was bad. Somehow the students of Bustier’s class had hurt Ladybug. And as far as the rest of the school was concerned, and those watching from Alya’s livestream, if Ladybug couldn’t trust them, they couldn’t either.
Marinette watched with cold eyes as her classmates and ex-friends scrambled to rush out of the cafeteria. Still she kept a smile on her face as one by one student came up to thank her for whatever she had done for Ladybug; for being such a good friend to the hero.
A glowing, bright beautiful emerald green 92 floated above her. It was the highest number anyone had seen so far. Her words attached were less of a warning and more of brag: Loyal, Honest, Good. Trustworthy. Caring. A great friend. Hardworker. Heroic. Brave. Then her warning was: A bit too insecure but working on it.
Aurore beamed at her friend, livestreaming from her own phone to her new Bugout. She had a neon green 70 above her head. Her words: Honest, Hardworker, loyal, good friend, amazing journalist. “Everyone post a pic of themselves with the number above their heads; it’s blowing up Twitter.”
Chloe gave everyone smug grins, as she had the second 86 above hers. Her words: Brave, strong, loyal, good. A great hero. A great friend.
Kagami had a 72. Her words: loyal, confident, headstrong, good, good friend. Marc a 67. Ondine a 66. Claude a 71. They all had similar ones to Kagami.
“You’re in Bustier’s class, right, Marinette?” A girl who had come to thank Marinette had asked. Her question drew attention from everyone. “Are you going to be safe there? With them?”
Claude frowned, “Maybe you shouldn’t go back there.”
It took a lot of reassurance to get her friends and even quite a few of the other students who had been in the cafeteria to allow her to go back to her class. Even then, Marinette found Ms. Mendeleiev, who had a solid forest green 71 above her head and had a bit more pep in her step that usual, escorting her and Chloe to class.
Students in the hall moved out of Marinette way as soon as they saw her coming, a look of awe on their faces. The bluenette couldn’t find the pink blush that crept on to her face.
They knew they had gotten to Bustier’s class when they saw the red glow emerging from the room
Alya couldn’t believe it. How couldn’t Ladybug trust her? She was Rena Rouge. Or least she had been. There had been a new Fox running around with Ladybug, lately. Rena hadn’t been seen in over a year. Still, Alya ran the Ladyblog. Alya thought they were friends. But how could that be true with a 2 above her head. And she wasn’t a bully or disloyal.
The rest of the class had a similar mindset. Even Bustier, who had a three, had a sorrowful look on her face. She didn’t understand what she had done wrong.
When green glows entered the room, they all noticed. Mouths dropped.
Ms. Mendeleiev with a 71, they could understand. She was a great teacher, no one could deny it. The beautiful blond Chloe they could sort of understand. She had an 86; maybe she had done more good as Queen Bee than they knew about. Marinette though? Their minds just couldn’t compute.
How could Marinette have a 92?
They read the words attached to her and Chloe’s numbers with disbelief.
Said girl thanked Mendeleiev who had taken to blatantly staring at Bustier with distrust. It occurred to Mendeleiev, that the younger teacher did have an absurdly high number of Akuma transformation from her students. When Mendeleiev and told everyone what she had seen and realized; most of the other faculty would begin to keep a close eye on Bustier and her class. Something just wasn’t right with that lot.
Marinette and Chloe made their way to the seats in back. The green above their heads looked a halo.
Alya wanted to scream. “Why does Ladybug trust you?” She asked the girls.
“She’s Queen Bee,” Marinette pointed at Chloe. “A loyal ally of Ladybug.”
Chloe smirked, “Don’t you remember that it was Marinette who first got you that interview with Ladybug; the reason your blog became as popular as it did?” She asked reporter. “Marinette’s Ladybug’s friend.”
Any scathing thing the students had been thinking to sneer at the girls died on their lips. Marinette was Ladybug’s friend. They knew Marinette knew the hero but never thought about how close they were.
“Why do think Ladybug stopped giving you interviews?” Chloe leaned back in her seat. A euphoric feeling filling her. “She only started working with you in the first place because she knew you were Marinette’s bestie. Once that changed, well… Ladybug just didn’t want to work with you anymore. Something about Journalistic Professionalism. How is your website doing by the way? I haven’t checked in a while. I normally use Aurore’s Bugout blog. Ladybug endorses it, you know?”
Marinette could have kissed the blond. The devastation on Alya’s face was finally karma for all the nasty texts she had sent to Marinette before she change her number.
Nino pulled his girlfriend into a hug.
“She read those texts you sent me by the way.” Marinette sent them a cold smirk as horrified looks overcame their faces. “Every last one. She was so disappointed.”
“You showed her?” Rose whispered. “How could you show her?”
“Why not?” Marinette shrugged. Rose hadn’t sent as many mean texts as the others in class and weren’t all that mean; just accusatory and claiming that she refused to be friends with a Bully. “I trust her. She trusts me. I even sent her videos of what a day in our class has been like lately. Ladybug got to see and hear everything personally. She has so many concerns about the goings on in this. She’ll be going to the school board with the videos.”
Bustier paled. She knew the students had gotten a bit out of hand but surely they weren’t that bad. They were just kids after all. (The teacher would get her answer a week later, along with a pink slip.)
Alya sobbed as she remembered everything she sent Marinette. How could she know Ladybug would read them? No wonder Alya got a 2. Ladybug probably hated her. “I only sent that because you were being such a bully.”
“Yeah,” Alix hissed. “It’s not fair. You were being such a freak about Lila!” There were nods.
And as the old saying goes, speak of the devil, and the devil…
Lila had taken her sweet time getting to school that day. She had lied to her mother that it was closed for the morning because an Akuma. And it was just her luck that one would appear. She had stayed in bed all day, earphones blasting music in her ear, wondering just how she’ll amazing her classmates that day. It felt great to be adored.
When Lila got up to leave for school, she looked in the mirror and saw a dark, blood red glowing Negative 51 above her head. She shrugged and left her apartment. Earphones still in her ears. A happy smile on her face.
She didn’t notice the shocked and disgusted looks on people’s faces as she passed them. Or why a mother picked up her a child and ran in the other direction. Lila didn’t see the brave man who reached out, with shaky hands, and touched her number as she passed by. Nor she see the People taking pictures of her and her warning signs. The photos went viral almost instantly, everyone wanted to know just who was the girl with the only negative number in all of Paris… As far they knew.
When Gabriel Agreste saw Lila’s image on the web, he ordered Nathalie to sever all connections to the teen girl and release a statement making it clear the company had no idea just what Lila Rossi had been capable of. Afterwards, Gabriel wondered what Lila had done to earn such a dramatically low number.
Gabriel himself was at a respectable and average 30. While Nathalie was at solid 34. Decent not too green numbers. Though as Hawkmoth, they were both an Ugly negative -2. He knew he was a Supervillian; Ladybug regarded him as a bad guy. But she seemed to regard Lila Rossi as pure evil.
…Maybe Hawkmoth should sever his connection to the Italian girl as well.
Lila arrived at school, just at the end of lunch, students had just started to leave the cafeteria for lunch. She didn’t notice that students stopped in their tracks to stare at her. Or the teachers with horrifying and calculating looks on their faces. She didn’t seem Damocles’ pale and rush off to call her mother.
She didn’t notice anything. Lila just smiled pleasantly; having decided to go with a Prince Ali story that day. Maybe that he asked her to marry him. She’d be the envy of all the girls in class.
However, when Lila got to the class she did notice the shocked looks she got from her classmates. But not the cold smirk on Marinette’s face.
“What?” Lila asked looking around. “Did something happened? Oh, no is the Akuma still around? How awful!” She said fighting the smile off her face. Hopefully Ladybug was getting her ass kicked, she thought.
Alya dropped her phone. Negative? How could Lila be negative? How could she have such a low negative number at that?
Everyone in class read the giant warning label attached to Lila Rossi’s number: Liar, backstabber, nasty, bully, untrustworthy, manipulative, rotten, villain, horrible person; the list went on and on. However, it was that shook them to their cores: Evil. Not bad. Not awful. Evil.
Alya collapsed against her boyfriend, “No. No. I didn’t know. I swear.”
“Shh, it’s okay,” Nino comforted her. “None of us knew.” There were nods from the other students.
Marinette and Chloe looked at them with narrowed eyes because: What the hell.
“Except I told you she was a liar,” Marinette glared at them. “You didn’t listen. You turned against me… for her.”
“You turned against Marinette,” Chloe said slowly. “The girl who did everything for you. And for what? A few glittery stories and false promises?”
Adrien closed his eyes. Was this why Ladybug distrusted him? Because he didn’t side with Marinette like he knew he should’ve. Plagg had warned him he was wrong. But he just didn’t want to risk losing all his friends like Marinette seemed to be losing hers.
Marinette looked at Rose, “Now I want you think again about every text you all sent me because of Lila Rossi.” Once again the students turned pale. They had been so mean, so harsh, so unbelievable cruel to the girl that had been so dear to their hearts. “Now I want you to remember again that Ladybug saw them.”
Rose was the first to break out in tears. “I’m-I’m sorry!” She sobbed and struggled to find her words. She had disowned one of her closest friends for a villain. “I’m so sorry!”
Other students were in the same boat she was. The fiery Alix was had been contemplating going on another tirade against Marinette when Lila walked in, felt her anger be snuffed out a like a campfire in a thunderstorm. The pink haired girl remembered helping lead the charge in showing Marinette what it was like to be bullied; tripping her, ripping of her homework, shoving her. What she done? Kim had been crushing on Lila hard felt crushed. Marinette had been since friend since pre-k, and he just… left her.
Lila looked honestly confused. She had missed something, and it was big. “What’s going on?”
Nino glared at the girl; his eyes red, tear streaks his face. “Those numbers tell the world how much Ladybug trusts you. Or how much she doesn’t,” He said darkly, thinking about his own number and his actions against the girl he once called his best friend. “And why.”
“The lower the number,” Adrien added. “The less she trust you.”
Chloe leaned forward in her seat and sent vicious smirk to the Italian girl, “And guess who has the only negative number in Paris.” She teased. “Besides Hawkmoth, but at least he was smart enough to hide. You’re trending by the way.”
“No!” Lila said, looking around desperately, but all she saw was cold stares. “No!” She pulled out her phone, and sure enough the name Lila Rossi was trending. Her picture with the giant negative number above her head seem to be everywhere. “This can’t be happening! How can this be happening!”
Marinette stood up, “Because you’re a bad person. You’re mean and you’re cruel. And worst yet, you dragged everyone down with you.” She said. Her voice was righteous or angry. It was like she was stating a fact from a history book. Marinette looked over every single one of her ex-friends, “Ladybug will never trust you again.”
The bell rang.
“Time for class,” Chloe sang. “Maybe you guys will finally learn something.”
#ml salt#ml spite#ml fic#marinette dupen chang#Marinette deserves better#chloe bourgeois#chloe deserves better#adrien salt
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Illogicalities in Saint Seiya
Prepare for a longish post. n.n
But I guess I just need to get this out. Because some of these are just so god-awful frustrating.As much as I love Saint Seiya - some blaring logic mistakes just HURT. And it hurts because the original series could have been so much more if so incredibly much potential hadn’t been wasted. Not every bad writing or mistake is because it is a child of its time (80s anime and their damsels in distres *glances at Saori*).
So, as you’ll unsurprisingly notice, most points are from the original series. Because the spin-offs don’t suffer from the same amount of logic mistakes and do quite a lot things waaay better. And should I find even more things during a rewatch - prepare for part 2. n.n I hope to hear your opinion on what I wrote, and whether you agree or not.
- What is wrong with the people in Sanctuary? There are two instances I can remember right now: How totally racist they are in the classic saga, and how mean they were the Sisyphus in the gaiden, blaming him to only have received the Sagittarius Cloth because of his brother Ilias’s state as a hero. In the classic saga, I can kinda understand because Saga is at the helm. But in Lost Canvas, Sage is Pope. Why did any of the higher-ups allow such mean people enter the service and Sanctuary of Athena – goddess of wisdom and justice? WHY?! I mean, yeah, the soldiers and Saints are just humans, and humans make mistakes, but come on. They should be at least better than that. Else, I don’t think they deserve to even be in Sanctuary.
- So, the ages… Saint Seiya really got a problem with those. Firstly, 10-year old Shura doesn’t look like 10-year old Shura in that flashback of his fight against Aiolos. Next, I have checked Marin’s age; she’s supposed to be 16 at the beginnig of the series. And she trained Seiya for 6 years…? Dammit, she does look even close to 10 in that flashback when Seiya was brought to her! Besides, she never has the air of a 16-year old in the entire series. And who in their right mind would make a 10-year old teacher to anybody? Then, even though I don’t like it, I have to mention the Crystal Saint. So, Camus is 20 in the anime. Firstly, the Crystal Saint looks so old, that he probably had been older than Camus when he had been his student. Shame we don’t have confirmation of his age. Anyways, I guess Camus must have been thirteen to fifteen at least when teaching him. Geez… what the hell is it with young kids teaching even younger kids? No wonder Sanctuary was crumbling.
- Remember that episode in which the new gruesome training is shown, where people even die? It really questions the Gold Saints‘ intelligence, if they by then don’t wonder if something might be wrong in Sanctuary. And they don’t. It needs the real Athena and five Bronze Saints to open their eyes. -.- Who's high and mighty now, Shaka?
- I really can’t believe none of the Bronze Saints knew of the existence of the Gold Saints. After all, Hyoga (yes, I ignore anime-only Crystal Saint, who may be a chill guy but who only complicates matters and throws logic out the window) and Shiryu were trained by two of them. I can’t imagine their teachers not telling them. Plus, Seiya trained in Sanctuary itself. He’s bound to know, especially considering his friendship with Aiolia. And even worse, do you remember that one or two instances in the anime in which is hinted not even the Gold Saints themselves knew of each other’s existence? How fake Pope Saga acts all surprised and stating in an asking tone that Aiolia is a Gold Saint. And all while freaking Milo is kneeling in front of him in his Gold Cloth. And even Milo acts surprised after the rest of the Gold Cloths are revealed. HOW??? Yeah, thanks for nothing, anime. At least the manga and the new Episode Zero confirm that the twelve Gold Saints grew up together and that they all earned their Cloths prior to Aiolos‘ death.
- Seika and Marin. Seiya’s sister and mentor. There are some issues I have with how several people seemed to suspect Marin being really Seika. Firstly. When would Seika have had the time to become a fully-fledged Silver Saint? She wasn’t even training back in the Kido mansion. Plus, she was still at the Kido mansion the day Seiya was taken to Greece. Remember that scene where she runs after the car taking him away. Oh, not to forget that Seika apparently vanished ONE WHOLE YEAR after Seiya left for Greece. And Marin is already a Silver Saint by the time he arrives there. Seika would have needed to have been in two places at the same time. Also, if Seika was in Rodorio village the entire time: Shouldn’t Seiya have encountered her by chance in the course of several years? I can’t imagine she stayed inside all the time.
- Uhm, in the Asgard arc, Shiryu got buried by the same avalanche as Fenrir. So why did Fenrir die and Shiryu not? Shiryu even was beaten up by his fight with Fenrir, while Fenrir didn’t even have a scratch!
- Um… in Omega… why are there already children of five to seven years training WITH CLOTHS??? I don’t get it. I seriously don’t get it. Where did they get those Cloths from? I mean, I can understand Ryuho, having inherited it from his father Shiryu. But the others? That Lynx Saint friend of Ryuho’s? And weren’t there a little Yuna and a little Soma too – in their Cloths? WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GET THEM FROM??? I seriously cannot imagine any child already earning a Cloth! Seiya had to defeat ten opponents to get his (and was about thirteen at the time). Sisyphus had to land at least one blow against Lugonis wearing the Pisces Cloth, as was probably fifteen-ish to seventeen-ish at that time. So why are suddenly children running around in Cloths?! Isn’t it enough that it is already claimed that the Classic Gold Saints became Saints around the age of 7? Sheesh. I like the idea Teshirogi brought in Lost Canvas far more. Sisyphus was about fourteen or fifteen, maybe sixteen by the time he fought Lugonis for his Gold Cloth. And he was the first, meaning that Aspros and Hasgard were even a little older when they got their Cloths. I don’t get it… I simply don’t get it. Well, at least, in the flashback of his training with Aiolos, Aiolia didn’t seem to have earned the Leo Cloth, and he seems to be six to eight years old back then. Though, duh, it contradicts official statements.
- While writing a fanfic, a strange notion occured to me… Seiya and Cassios were both living with their masters, Marin and Shaina, right? And female Saints are required to never show their faces to any male, right? So… how the hell did they eat? I mean, didn’t they eat together? Because to eat, Marin and Shaina would have to put away their masks. Did they eat first or did they wait until their students had finished? But even so, the cabin’s are small… Seiya and Cassios would have had to look away the entire time their masters were having their meal. Gee… I don’t get it at all. What a shitty image that they shouldn’t eat together. I mean, they do have a bond as masters and students. And eating is part of the package, especially if said master and student live in the same cabin.
- So, in the manga all of the bronze boys are siblings, sons of Mitsumasa Kido. That would mean, Seika is his daughter too. And we know that Kido fathered all those children so that Athena would have Saints at her side. My question: Why did Seika never train? Her being a girl is no excuse to me, because, well, Shaina and Marin. Unless Mitsumasa couldn't bring himself to send girls too. Still… with one hundred children, there are bound to be girls too. And if only the boys were sent, then they used that number rather loosely. Because then there wouldn't have been 100 children attempting to earn Cloths, but perhaps like what, 90, 80, maybe even only 70 or 60? Unless he fathered waaaay more than 100 children and kept going until he had 100 boys. Which would be, frankly, disturbing.
- So, why did Aiolos have to fight any of the normal guards of Sanctuary in the first place? Gold Saints are said to move at the speed of light. And that speed should not be hindered by the barrier over Sanctuary, which only prevents teleportation. So, technically, shouldn't Aiolos have been even well out of Sanctuary before the other Gold Saints had even been alerted?
- So, how did Aphrodite and Shura in Episode Zero already know Aiolos was a traitor? None of the guards could have been able to reach Pisces or Capricorn before Aiolos. Deathmask I do understand – after all, Aiolos had to go through Aphrodite, Shura, and had to patch himself up in Sagittarius. But Aphrodite and Shura? It would make sense if Saga had sent a telepathic message, but: 1., wouldn't that have given his identity away? And 2.: We never see him doing it, only dispatch some guards. So to me, he never did it in the first place.
- We learn from several sources, the latest one being Episode Zero, that Saga was sent on a mission to keep an eye on Poseidon and his activities. That he kinda vanished while doing that. But then he turns up on Star Hill to kill Shion. I ask – how? How was he able to get into Sanctuary without anyone seeing or noticing him? ESPECIALLY if he needed to cross the Twelve Houses. Yes, according to Episode Zero, most of the Gold Saints were absent on their special training. But come on. At least Shura would have been suspicious. Plus, how the hell did nobody notice the explosion of Cosmos when he killed Shion? Unless it is canon that he killed Shion with a punch through the chest. If not, then I don't believe nobody noticed.
- How is it that after the Silver Saint arc, we see nobody train for any Cloth anymore? You should think that with so many Silvers gone, Athena would seek successors. I mean, the war against Hades was drawing close! How on earth did NOBODY think of stocking up their ranks? Not Athena, not the Gold Saints, not even freaking Dohko, who after Shion's passing should be the most experienced one of the bunch. Yes, yes, focus could have remained on the protagonists. But at least a little something? Like one of the Gold Saints traveling around, finding possible new recruits? Some of the Bronzes perhaps helping with training possible future Bronze Saints? Marin and Shaina spar with some Silver Saint trainees? Also, some unused constellations would have made for quite some interesting Cloths and abilities.
- That said – even after all the arcs, at least a couple of other Saints should be alive to fight against Hades and its forces. Right? So why are the only ones we see the ten Bronzes, the Gold Saints, Marin and Shaina? The only answer would implicate Shion has done a real bad job at maintaining Sanctuary, if after all the deaths in the Silver Saint arc, major part of its fighting force is gone.
- And… h-how the hell is Hyoga DRIVING A FREAKING CAR?! At his age?!
P.S.: I think the two most painful points for me are the one with Seika, how she absolutely cannot be Marin, but people still think she might be, and the one where the existence of the rest of the Gold Saints is revealed as this big secret, when it should be known by everyone. Those two blunders... they just hurt. They really do.
#saint seiya#seiya#lost canvas#aiolos#aioros#shura#aiolia#aioria#saga#hyoga#shiryu#shun#marin#seika#shion#dohko#sagittarius#aries#taurus#gemini#cancer#leo#virgo#libra#scorpio#capricorn#aquarius#pisces#aphrodite#athena
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Are there any headcanons that you would like to share? About anything you want.
anon in the absence of specific guidelines I have managed to make this post pretty much entirely about Bakugou. I apologize if you really wanted to know all of my headcanons about Kouda or something lol. but all joking aside he really is the character I think about the most and so probably like 80% of my headcanons are about him, including close to 100% of the headcanons I actually have a solid enough grip on to put into words. anyway here goes.
he does not know how to tie a tie. he was a rowdy little free range knee-scraping grass-staining run-don’t-walk child whose parents only ever managed to wrestle him into formal attire a handful of times for special occasions when he was younger, and then he went to a middle school that used gakuran-style uniforms so he never learned then, either. his dad offered to teach him when U.A. rolled around, but he was all, “fuck off dad, I know how to tie a stupid tie,” because by that time he had grown into a cocky little brat confident in his own skill and naive as to the reality checks of the world, and he genuinely believed with the conviction that only a fifteen-year-old can muster that when the time came he would just magically know how to do it. on the first day of school he got as far as draping the loose tie over his neck and holding one end in each hand before staring at the mirror and abruptly realizing the hole he’d dug himself into. and so rather than admit defeat, he just straight up decided not to wear it. which became a permanent life choice once he got to school and saw how badly Deku’s tie was tied and realized there was no way he could ever risk that kind of humiliation.
in a similar vein, I know there’s a popular fanon that because of his parents’ influence Katsuki has a good sense of fashion, but my own personal headcanon is that this could not be further from the truth lol. it’s not that he has a terrible sense of style, mind you; it’s just that he doesn’t care about it at all. he’s a nerdy jock who spends all his free time studying and lifting weights. this kid literally only wears one color, and that color just so happens to be the easiest possible color to coordinate. he owns like three pairs of shoes max. he wears his pants three sizes up and they drag so much that the hems are all frayed from him constantly stepping on them (literally canon, and one of my favorite details from chapter 218). he just doesn’t give a fuck, so long as the clothes are comfortable and don’t look stupid. he has about a million things he’s more concerned about than what he or anyone else is wearing. in fact I’m 90% sure that his mom still buys most of his clothes, and about 70% convinced he does not even know what size he is.
he’s good at household chores (because he’s good at everything), but hates doing them. aside from cooking, which he enjoys, he will bitch and whine nonstop if forced to do tedious-yet-necessary things like washing dishes and folding laundry. that said, he is a perfectionist, and he also has a lot of experience because his mom made him do chores all the time during the seven trillion times he was grounded while growing up (that’s his estimate, btw, so it may be slightly exaggerated. he was not an easy kid to raise. when your kid’s fuse is about a millimeter long and he has a tendency to literally blow up whenever he throws a fit, you end up with a lot of objects in your house that have been replaced at some point), so if you do actually manage to get him to do the chore, rest assured that chore is getting fucking DONE.
when he was very little he watched an Avengers Endgame-style All Might film where a bunch of bad guys attacked earth and various assorted heroes tried and failed to stop them. then at the climax of the film, All Might showed up and said “I am here”, and everyone got super pumped up and excited because they knew the heroes were going to win with All Might on their side. this scene remains Katsuki’s favorite scene in anything. not the fight -- just the moment where All Might shows up and grins and the audience knows right there and then that he’s going to win. this is the feeling that inspired his dream. he wants to be the one who shows up and everyone is like, “we’re good now; Katsuki is here.”
when he was six or seven he got into a big fight with an older boy over that scene because he said it was fake and that there was no way All Might could have beaten those guys in real life. Katsuki insisted he definitely would have because All Might never loses. the other boy replied that everyone loses sometimes. Katsuki kicked his ass and got suspended for a week.
ten years later, Katsuki watched All Might battle All for One at Kamino and realized two things. one, that the other boy was right and that anyone can lose. and two, that he, the one who had so proudly defended All Might back then, was going to end up being the reason why he finally lost.
for a long time afterwards, he couldn’t bring himself to watch that movie again.
when he and Izuku were three years old their moms sent them out on a first errand (google Hajimete no Otsukai if you’re unfamiliar with this tradition, I promise you it is the cutest fucking thing you’ll ever see) to buy ingredients for katsudon. Izuku was full of bouncy childish enthusiasm and could rattle off the full shopping list of ingredients front to back, but when the moment finally came his confidence wilted as soon as their parents were out of sight. Katsuki also had a moment of panic when they first rounded the corner and he couldn’t see his house anymore, but rallied once Izuku burst into tears and he realized that he had to be the one to take charge. he proceeded to morph into an absurdly over-the-top caricature of his own mother for the duration of the errand, to the point where in addition to telling Izuku to stop crying he also ordered him to stand up straight and tuck in his shirt. the two of them went on to complete the errand flawlessly and their moms were PROUD AS FUCK and took a billion pictures. Izuku and Katsuki have only a few scattered memories of this milestone in the present day but it’s enough to send both of them absolutely reeling with embarrassment whenever they’re reminded of it.
he and his mom don’t often get along but sometimes they’ll bond over roasting a mutual target. they have watched many a trashy reality TV show together for this purpose. Masaru lives for these moments but never comments on them lest he spoil the rare moments of peace.
Katsuki is perfectly capable of using keigo (i.e. normal polite Japanese with no rude language/cursing), otherwise he would not be one of the top students in his ivy-league high school. code-switching is a thing guys! anyways his teachers are aware of this, because all of his essays and homework assignments are written normally. he merely chooses to go about his daily business acting like a wannabe yakuza stereotype because that’s just his personality, and he’s not about to start censoring himself and acting like some weird little goody two shoes robot person just to please people he mostly doesn’t give two shits about. but if you put a gun to his head and told him you’d pull the trigger if he said “fuck”, he would probably be all right; he’d just have to concentrate.
when he was little he went through a phase of collecting cicada shells and leaving them EVERYWHERE -- in the bathroom sink, on his mom’s pillow, you name it. Mitsuki often tells people this is when she started getting gray hairs. one time she opened a box of cereal and there was one in there and a little bit of her soul died that day.
he generally doesn’t care who calls him Kacchan. it doesn’t particularly bother him and it never occurred to him to pretend like it did just for appearance’s sake. also secretly for some reason the thought of Deku ever calling him anything else really bothers him. he’s not sure what it would mean if that ever happened, or what he would do.
all of his workouts are designed to strengthen his arms and back and shoulders because those are the parts of his body that take the most abuse from his quirk. other than that he avoids building up excess muscle anywhere else because the more weight he puts on the harder it is to fly around. for this reason he is never going to end up being a big bulky guy like All Might. one day Deku is going to surpass him in muscle, but he doesn’t care because he’ll still be a match for him in firepower and speed.
he’s one of those kids who will not so much as take a sip of alcohol until he’s twenty-five. partly because he’s experienced enough concussions that he doesn’t particularly want to give hangovers a try, and partly because he’s a control freak and honestly afraid of getting drunk and making an idiot of himself somehow. the rowdier members of class A try virtually every trick in their wheelhouse and then some to try and persuade him over the years, but not even the reverse psychology “aw, don’t worry, it’s okay if you’re... scared :)” thing works, because that’s only actually effective when he secretly wants to do the thing.
then one day he just wakes up and is all “you know what, I’m gonna try it”, and for the next few days his google history is basically just “how many drinks does it take to get drunk” and “how to avoid getting drunk” and “how to prevent hangovers.” somehow word gets out through the grapevine (he probably told Todoroki, who is the one person in class A you’d think wouldn’t be a big ol’ gossip but in fact IS) that Bakugou is finally going to get his drink on that weekend, and pretty much EVERYONE shows up at the izakaya that Friday night excited as FUCK.
Katsuki proceeds to drink a grand total of two beers over the span of several hours, and drinks like five glasses of water in between, and literally nothing happens to him at all except that Kaminari almost fights him out of frustration. the rest of class A never fully gets over their disappointment.
he actually knows like 90% of class 1-A’s names by this point. there are still a few people he doesn’t and will never know, though. twenty years from now Aoyama will still be “that weird fucking french kid” in his mind.
he had no idea who Eri was until the Christmas party. sometimes he’d hear the other kids talking about someone named Eri, and from context clues he somehow ended up thinking it was one of Aizawa’s cats. when Eri came to the party he had a brief moment of curiosity wondering if she was Sensei’s niece or something, and then he heard someone say her name and he was all “THAT’S ERI?!” and his entire worldview was briefly shaken up.
he pulled Kirishima aside to ask him and Kirishima basically gave him Eri’s whole entire life story which was way more than he actually wanted to know. he’s now kind of terrified of ever being in the same room as her for fear of having to interact with her because he’s pretty sure he’d do or say the wrong thing. most of the time being intimidating is something he strives for and puts a lot of effort into, including when he’s around kids (who are basically just smaller, sloppier adults in his mind), but he doesn’t want to be the guy who scared an abused kid, so he basically just hopes the others will have enough common sense not to ever go “oh hey you know who should totally interact with each other?? Eri and Bakugou!”
that being said, if circumstances ever arose which forced Katsuki to protect Eri, the two of them would totally bond and they would have a really sweet relationship in which Eri looked up to him just like she looks up to Deku and Mirio and the rest, and where Katsuki was constantly trying to be on his best behavior around her, like genuinely, sincerely trying, and kind of failing at it a lot but still being sweet in a gruff sort of restrained-disaster way.
...and after sitting there for a while trying to think of more I couldn’t come up with any so I guess that’s it! basically most of my headcanons are about how secretly boring Katsuki is. honestly if it weren’t for him having the vocabulary of a 52-year-old sailor whose foot was caught in a bear trap, he and Iida would probably be best friends.
#bnha#boku no hero academia#bakugou katsuki#bnha meta#bakugou meta#bnha headcanons#don't think there're any spoilers here except for the detail about his pants in 219 lol#sorry if I have spoiled anyone for that#makeste reads bnha#asks#anon asks#long post#oh whoops it was actually 218 my bad just edited#wait a second the christmas party is spoilers isn't it lol whoops#bnha spoilers#there we go
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Macy Macy Macy, it is I, the one and only Howl at your service to bring you your Howl’s Question Friday questions!! @howlinchickhowl Please don’t look behind the curtai— stop what are you doing!!! Ok it’s Stas don’t expose me!!! Go back to the other side of the curtain!!
Happy Spooky Season!! 🎃👻🍂🧛 Do you have a favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever done? Have you and your wife ever done a couples costume? Do you plan on dressing up as anything this year? (shut up this is totally one question idk what you’re talking about)
When you worked at Starbucks, were there any drinks people would order that you hated? In other words, what are your Starbucks pet peeves from the perspective of a barista? (i.e. “Hi can I please get a latte with no foam?”)
If you could choose one song to play for every person in the world simultaneously like you had the AUX cord for the globe, what song would you play for us? 🌍 (Let’s pretend people have the option to mute it if it’s lyrically or sonically upsetting to them, so don’t stress that part.)
oh hello howl!! (*quietly* hello stas!) 👋🏼
first off, i love that it's becoming a thing now to refer to me as "macy, macy, macy" because in my head i hear 50% scolding and 50% proud-friend, so it's quite the experience for me. y'know, emotionally speaking 😌
1. happy fucking spooky season oh my god!! i've been waiting for this since our first 90 degree day back in...april? i literally live in hell. to answer your question(s): yes, i do! a few years ago, after like 15+ years of talking about doing it but never following through, my family dressed up as the cast of Hocus Pocus. my two sisters and i were the Sanderson sisters (people have always likened us to them during this time of the year, especially me as Winifred lmao), my brother was Billy, my parents were Billy and Thackery's headstones (their costumes needed to be minimal so they could efficiently play host and hostess at our halloween party lmao) and i made a cardboard replica of Winifred's book and made my wife wear it (our reasoning being that Winifred's one true love is her spell book). i even did SFX makeup on their face to match the costume, which they weren't too pleased with. that was my favorite costume of my own and of us as a couple. this year we're dressing up as Michael and Janet from The Good Place because after 8 years of incessant pleading, i've finally broken them, and now they actually enjoy halloween.
2. oh my god okay i might be going back to starbucks soon, i'm just waiting on a phone call to confirm it. but regardless, i could talk about this for literal years. don't get me wrong i actually genuinely love working at starbucks, because people who work at starbucks are literally amazing (i met like 80% of my current friends there). but the customers....the customers!!! the worst in the fucking world, and i've worked in every type of service job imaginable.
here are the dumbest fucking things you could possibly order/do at starbucks:
no foam/light foam cappuccino. a cappuccino is BY DEFINITION primarily foam. a light foam cappuccino is a latte. a no foam cappuccino is a no foam latte you fucking imbeciles. if you don't know what it is don't fucking order it goddammit and don't try to fight me on it either
anyone who blends the dried fruit into their drinks - i hope you choke on a nickel 😌
"absolutely no foam like literally not a drop of foam, i want straight up hot milk over liquified beans because i've never been told no in my entire life" get fucked get fucked get fucked
[car full of teenagers/college kids pulls up to the DT window] "hi! *giggles* oh my god shut up guys i'm trying to order! [laughter] hi! uh, i was -- SHUT UP! -- i was wondering if i could get -- SHH! [laughter] -- if i could get uh, four venti caramel ribbon crunch frapuccinos with extra, extra caramel?" i will curse your fucking bloodline not only are you wasting my fucking time FOUR FRAPUCCINOS? AND THE MOST COMPLICATED ONES? AND EXTRA //EXTRA// CARAMEL? please do not reproduce 😌
extra caramel is fine. extra extra caramel, alright i like you a little bit less. "caramel walls" i will stab you 🔪
if you ask for a pour-over during rush, choke. if you ask for a pour-over during rush of a type of coffee we already have brewed in the urns and ready to go because you "like a stronger brew", die.
also please note: none of the pet peeves apply if you're nice. if you're really, really nice, if we like you, it doesn't matter. if you're needy and picky, acknowledge it. make fun of yourself for it. apologize every time. we may not love you, but if you're nice to us, we'll like you. and we don't fuck with people we like, so, it's in everyone's best interests lmao (except the last one - go straight to hell you sick fuck)
alright now on to the angelic, godlike behaviors:
if you order an iced chai tea latte at any point in time but especially during a rush, i will kiss you on the mouth. (with consent, of course, and proof of vaccination. this is a plague after all)
if you leave a tip, even if you just toss your change in the tip jar, i will hug the fuck out of you. tips aren't great at most stores, but sometimes the $27 i got in tips for the week was what fed me, so it makes a difference
black coffee drinkers 😍 or coffee drinkers who put their own cream & sugar in their coffee at the condiment bar 😍 but especially, especially coffee drinkers who put their own cream & sugar in their coffee at the condiment bar and clean up after themselves, oh my god. angels. heaven-sent. i worship you.
if you say something like "hi! how are you?" or "what's up?" or "good morning!" when you order instead of just walking up and being like "can i get _____" i will fall in love with you.
3. Cotton Eye Joe, because i'm a slut for chaos.
this was fun, and it’s very on brand of me to get angry & emotional and not know when to shut up, hmm? howl & stas my beloveds i hope you’re both having amazing days 🥺🥰💛
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For the 100 OC Questions:
Flynn: 91-100
Fannar: 81-90
Chris: 31-40
Hayle: 51-60
Hayden: 61-70
Vy: 71-80
Lucas: 21-30
River: 41-50
Brooke: 1-10
Meadow: 1-20
A few questions for almost everyone XD
This will be LONG, so under a line.. because LONG!!
91. Do other characters respect your OC, if so, is it out of fear? Or do they respect your OC because they like them?
Some respect him, most do and it's mostly from him being who he is. A friendly guy that's generally nice to everyone. Flynn is simply a very likable fellow.
92. If they were given minutes to live, what would they do? Who would they want to see and say?
The one person Flynn would go to see is his dad, and he'd probably tell him that he loves him and to not take blame for anything that has happened, and to care for the rest of his family. Then he would just hug him until his time was up. His dad is the most important person in the world for Flynn
93. How do they deal with stress?
He tends to go for a run, or talk to someone about what stresses him if he can. Most often this person is Brooke, or later Emil.
94. Do they have a more submissive or dominate personality type?
I think he is a bit of a mix, but like his mom, leaning on the submissive.
95. Do they have a pet?
Atm not really, he has Emil as a familiar, and the family has two pets in Lobo and Felix that he kinda considers his as well without either really being his.
96. Do they have a stash of weapons?
Nope, no stash!
97. Where do they live? Who do they live with?
They live in Brindleton bay with their entire family. It's a lot of people, but he likes that in a way. Even though sometimes some alone time is good too.
98. How do they calm themselves down?
Watching movies, working at the shelter, or just talking to their dad. His dad is his biggest source of calm.
99. Are they co-dependent?
In some ways yes, but also not. He is a very independent person, but he is also used to living very close to family and friends. So he would be a bit lost without them all I think. College should be interesting ;)
100. Are they a day, or night person?
Day person, definitely.
81. Do they have any tattoos? If so, are they significant?
Is it bad that I don't really remember? I don't think I gave them any, but I also have a bad memory.. so maybe, but they're not significant, just something they would have done for fun.
82. Are they good at mental math?
Very, they have that after their dad.
83. Do they get along with others?
Yep, he does, he also has a bit of a tendency to get fans along the way somehow. He doesn't exactly like that part as much though.
84. Are they lazy?
Generally no, but they also can be. They do like to not do anything but slack on occasion ;)
85. Are they self-motivated?
They tend to be more motivated by others, but when needed, they can motivate themselves, so I guess a bit of both?
86. How do they cope with anger?
He isn't a very angry type of person, but when he gets angry he copes fairly well with it. He has always been told being angry is okay, and a valid way to feel.
87. Have they ever been in a situation where they were helpless?
When they saw Emil attacking their mom, and then their twin stepping in and eventually making it his familiar. He felt awfully helpless then and it was not a feeling he liked.
88. Are they organized or messy?
Their fairly organized, better than most teens.
89. Can they remember a lot of information at once?
Yeah, they have a dragon's memory, and they are pretty good at remembering a lot of information at once.
90. What is their occupation?
Currently, they are to be College Student.
71. Who do they dislike?
Mages.. hunters.. yeah.. that's their main dislikes.. Death to an extent.. Jael mostly for breaking the Heartlight.
72. What is their motto?
I think to help, and just be helpful in general. Or learn, as much as he can.
73. Do they have any markings on their body?
They have quite a lot of scars, from being attacked by hunters. They also have a heart-shaped scar on their chest, from sharing their heart with their husband Hayden.
74. Have they ever been abused?
Sadly, yes, both by the first humans they encountered, hunters who wanted their heart, and also to an extent the mages at RoM who wanted to experiment on him.
75. What is their biggest fear?
To lose Hayden.
76. What are their goals?
Healing people, helping people. He would love to get his Heartlight back if it was possible so that Hayden would be well, or better. Learning as much as he can, and of course, acquire many shiny things and books!
77. How do they go about achieving their goals?
He works at a hospital, where he helps as many as he can. And the money he earns often go-to books and shiny trinkets as he knows he is well cared for at home money-wise.
78. Do they have a fight or flight response?
Depend's on son the situation. If Hayden or his family is close, he will fight with all his might. If he is alone, it would be flight, to come home and protect those he loves.
79. Is there someone in their life that they care about more than themselves?
Their kids and Hayden.
80. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Fairly well I think, they are a dragon after all ;)
61. Are they comfortable being in a crowded room?
Yeah, he doesn't really mind. He prefers quiet, but a crowded room doesn't bother him much.
62. How do they relax?
Lying in bed watching movies, preferably using Vy as a bed, as that is the best and most comfortable thing he knows. Oddly helping the kids with math is also relaxing to him.
63. Have they ever harmed anyone and regretted it? Verbally or physically?
The sharing of the Heartlight with Vy, hurts Vy when he feels bad. Or well it did when it was connected. He was never comfortable with that, and it always made him feel bad. Even if Vy told him it was fine.
64. Do they like to dance?
65. How do they get around their environment? Examples - horses, bike, vehicle
They have been carried a lot.. other than that, he mostly gets flown by a dragon or uses a portal.
66. What is their pet peeve(s)?
People who mistreat animals, he hates it, and he will call you out on it.
67. Do they have a disability?
Yes, they were born with one. They were born with two magic types that fight each other. Ice and Fire, where the fire side is slightly stronger and was damaging him. He quickly gets tired, and after the loss of his twin, and the breaking of the Heartlight, he has once again gotten worse.
68. How do they react to getting flowers?
He would be surprised, but thankful. He likes flowers but prefers them alive in the ground.
69. Would they ever wear a flower crown?
Yes, especially if made by the kids or given by Vy.
70. Do they like themselves?
Somedays yes, most days.. not really. He tends, still, to feel he is everyone's burden.
51. Do they like science?
Yep, he finds it fascinating!
52. Are they more emotional or logical?
They used to be more logical.. now they're more emotional, and perhaps a mix of both. The mix makes him a very good dad and grandad.
53. How do they deal with their emotions?
Depends on the emotion. Most he talks with Chris about.. Anger on the other hand still gets handled by hitting things, hard. Preferably a boxing bag.
54. How do they cope with sadness?
Often with anger.. by hitting things because being sad makes him angry. But also with talking to his husband, or his family. Sometimes though, destroying an old house into dust is needed.
55. What is something they care about?
His family.
56. Would they die for anyone/anything?
As above.
57. What do they do when they are happy?
Smile a lot, dance with their husband, laugh, and cook!
58. How would they come across to other characters? Examples- messy, lazy, childish, caring, etc.
Caring, very much like a dad friend, that type of person that feels like a dad when you talk with them.
59. Do they have a phrase they use over and over?
Hmh... not really no.
60. In a crowded room are they in the corners, sides, or in the middle?
All of the above depends on the crowd and why they are there.
41. How was their childhood?
Not the best, their dad only saw them as a mage and pushed for him to be the strongest, while his mom kinda tried to make him into his dad after his dad dies. He had an awful relationship with his mother by the time he was a teenager.
42. Are they close with anyone who is going to screw them over?
43. How do they adapt to different situations? Do they adapt at all?
It depends a lot on the situation. As a Sage, he adapts to whatever is needed of him. As a Vet, he adapts to what is needed of him there. And for his son, he tries to adapt to being the parents the kid needs.
44. How do they speak? Examples - Are they soft-spoken, hot heated, vulgar, etc.
They have a fairly soft way of speaking, a caring one. But it can also be brunt, harsh and aggravating to many.
45. Are they opposed to violence?
On a general basis.. yes, for occasions, they're fine with it.
46. When is their birthday?
I don't think it has ever been mentioned, I think Mahv will have to say, if not, I guess it is time I give him a date for it!
47. Are they quick to judge?
In general, yes, but he is trying to be better after he misjudged Rylan so badly when they met.
48. Do they have anything they are trying to hide from others?
Mostly how bad they still feel after the death of their husband. How guilty they still feel and so on.
49. Do they act differently around different people?
Yes. He can be loving and caring to some, while asshole to someone else.
50. Do they enjoy the arts?
Yes, especially music.
31. How do they overcome obstacles?
By thinking things true, finding the best way past it most of the time. On occasion, he pulls the reaper card though.
32. When faced with a difficult decision do they get stronger or break?
They get stronger. They have a breaking point, but it takes a lot for him to hit it. 15 years away from his family was close to his breaking point, and both Jael and Kieran knew it.
33. Do they have any special powers?
He is a reaper..he has quite a lot. For instance, he is one of very few reapers that can kill a god.
34. How do they change throughout the story?
Well, Chris was a bit of a loner.. so they changed to become someone's lover, a dad, a family man, and someone who often wishes he could be home a lot more than he can.
35. Do they have any friends? If so, are they close-knit?
He has one, Nat, with whom he is very close. Kieran is more the boss than his friend. There is also Mark, who's after him to finding love, they have slipped a bit apart, both having a life outside of work. His best friend is of course his husband.
36. How is their family life?
Busy, especially with his work being on top of it all. But he would not trade it for the world!
37. Are they likable?
Yes, it's a good trait to have when you ferry souls over to the next step.
38. Are they the hero, or anti-hero?
He wouldn't consider himself either, but to some, I guess he is the hero
39. Do they make questionable choices?
Not all too many most were perhaps made before he died 😎
40. How do they become who they are?
They did something questionable and stupid and died. Luckily for them, they also said yes to becoming a reaper and that's why this story even exists.
21. What are their hobbies?
Singing, which is also his job.. he is also a pretty decent kitty bed by now if that qualifies as a hobby.
22. What are their ticks?
Hmh... not sure he has any, probably just fiddling with his fingers when he is nervous if that counts?
23. Do they like children?
Yes, mostly, unless they cling to him and want a photo.. although that more teenage girls. 😂 But in general, yes he likes children, he grew up with quite a lot of them around.
24. How do they react to being around wild animals?
With fascination and awe.
25. If they were given the task to prank someone, who would it be, what would they do, and would the prank work?
It would likely be a bandmate, and it would probably be putting something they hate in their drink. As she isn't the type to prank someone, he would probably fail miserably.
26. Do they have any survival skills?
Yep, they can make fire with two twigs, and they can play music to make some busking money if needed.
27. Are they more book smart or street smart?
Street smart, he likes books, but he grew up in an orphanage, so he learned street smarts along the way.
28. How do they get out of a difficult situation?
Would depend on the situation, he can pay his way out of it, or he can try and run of course. He isn't a fighter so he would rather try and avoid stuff like that.
29. Do they use their body, mind, personality, or force to get what they want?
They don't really do that much.. but to work at the shelter, he used his personality and what he knew they would have to say yes to.
30. What music do they enjoy?
Absolutely everything! If it's music, he likes it. Although everything for its situation. Its not always that black metal fits what you're doing.
11. Do they have a romantic interest?
Yep, and you will soon see who that is.. soonish anyway.
12. How do they cope with struggles?
Fairly well really. They work their way through it, although often they can be a bit snarky when it happens. It's just their way of dealing with it.
13. Do they have anyone they can lean on?
Her half-brother River, his family, her dad, and her mom. Unlike River, she is quite close to her mom, and their relationship is much better.
14. How do they react to someone dying?
If it's someone she cares about, she would like most people be sad. If it's not, then it's more.. eh, shit happens!
15. Can you name 5 personality traits they have?
Friendly, Hardworking, Ambitious, Romantic, Proper
16. How did they become a character?
It was Mahv's idea to have River have a little sister, then she kinda became the kid's mom friend and person outside the family to talk to.
17. Do they get along with others?
Yes and no. She has a way of being that alienates some, but if you see through it, you find a sweet person who is easy to get along with really.
18. What flaws do they have?
They can be a bit hot-headed, snappy, and abrasive when put in a situation they don't expect. She also expects a lot of herself, like becoming the first sage potion maker!
19. How do they influence the story?
She becomes a bit of an icebreaker between River and his mom when they are re introduced. As well as becoming a very good friend to the current kids in the story, the one they go and talk to when things are meh, and parents aren't an option.
20. What do they look like?
Sneaky I know.
1. How do they present themselves to others?
Very straight forwards really, they are nicely dressed and well behaved in general.
2. Do they like animals?
Yes, they love them, specially horses. Sadly animals don't seem to love her back for unknown reason to her.
3. How do they dress?
Nice clean clothing? Nothing special, and never high fashion.
4. How many languages do they know?
Quite a few actually. She speaks Simlish (English), Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, German and Spanish.
5. How big is their family?
Not big at all, its basically only her and her parents.
6. What is their purpose in the story?
Now that is a secret still. But it will be shown eventually, and she does have a purpose yep! Her purpose has even changed several time over already.
7. Do they know how to fight?
Yes in her own way. (Cryptic, I know, but you will see one day)
8. What is their back story?
There isn't that much. She has grown up with her parents, they have always been strict but quite fair. As long as she follows their rules and guidance, she is fairly free to do what she wants. Their not overly happy with Flynn as her boyfriend, and think she could have done better, but they have accepted it.
9. Why is their name, their name?
Because random name generator made it so!
10. Do they have any nick names?
Not really, Brooke is short enough on its own. Closest is Flynn calling her his Brooke I think.
AAaaand that is that.. thank you for asking, I hope you enjoy!
#100 you say#yes#happy birthday again#figured today was the right day#dandylion240#my head is now tired#that was a lot of thinking#and pondering#and answering
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One of the things that frustrates me the most with Jurassic World and the overall direction of the franchise is how revolutionary Jurassic Park was. Jurassic Park triggered a cultural shift in how the general public views dinosaurs.
When they first see the dinosaurs, Grant says “This doesn’t live in a swamp!” In the 80s, the idea that sauropods were so big and plodding that they had to live in water to support their weight was still the general idea. Paleontologists were changing their views in the 80s, but the general public hadn’t caught on (I remember an educational ‘dinosaur adventure for kids’ cassette tape from the late 80s that reiterated this “fact” about sauropods). In the early stop-motion tests for the raptors in the kitchen scene, their tongues flick out like snakes because even the people working on the movie couldn’t shake the idea of them being big lizards.
Crichton’s book was one of the first mainstream depictions of dinosaurs as something that could be fast, dangerous, and intelligent. The movie revolutionized how the general public perceived dinosaurs. In the book, Hammond and Wu have a lengthy discussion about how Wu wanted to modify the DNA to make the dinosaurs easier to control, but Hammond wouldn’t let him and insisted on creating “real dinosaurs.”
And now, whenever anyone critiques the portrayal of dinosaurs in Jurassic World, either their wonky anatomy (did they even try to make a realistic baryonyx?) or especially their behaviour as monstrous killing machines, the response is always “oh well they aren’t really dinosaurs, they’re Theme Park Monsters.”
Yeah, they are now. The creators have made it very clear that they’re only interested in making Scary Dinosaur-Themed Monsters to chase Chris Pratt around. Grant didn’t make that statement until JPIII.
[And there’s a whole side conversation to be had about how earnest he was there. He said it to deflect from the possibility of ever going to Isla Sorna. Did he really think they’re just “theme park monsters”, or did he just want to shoot down any possibility of revisiting a traumatic experience? If he didn’t think the animals on Sorna had any relevance to actual dinosaurs, why did he assume using the raptor’s vocalizing chamber would work?]
Michael Crichton didn’t write a book about “theme park monsters” and Steven Spielberg didn’t make a movie about them, either. The original Jurassic Park was based on the latest findings and attempts were made to depict dinosaurs as they may have been in real life. The inaccurate size of the velociraptors is because at the time of writing, velociraptor was used as the name of the clade that contained deinonychus, and the raptors from the book and movie are very accurate to deinonychus.
The venom spat by the dilophosaurus is not meant to be an example of “mixed up DNA from lots of species! genetically engineered! not a real dinosaur, theme park monster!” The point was that in bringing extinct creatures back to life, there are aspects of them we could never expect to prepare for because venom glands wouldn’t be fossilized. That dinosaurs might be stranger and more interesting than we could ever know. (And their inaccurately small size/the frill is purely Spielberg’s fault and done for visual interest in the film/to differentiate it from the raptors)
But instead of saying “This movie/book was created in the early 90s, and paleontology has progressed in the last 30 years and we know realize that what we thought was accurate then actually has errors,” the Jurassic World writers have gone with “actually it was never accurate, it was all just genetic engineering and you’re dumb if you ever thought of them as realistic dinosaurs.”
Jurassic World resurrecting the franchise after fifteen years could have been an opportunity to create another cultural shift in dinosaurs. I’m not pushing for feathers on the raptors/rex because I realize those are staples of the franchise and their Look is deeply ingrained in the image of the franchise, but why not any of the new dinosaurs? Why have two movies in a row focused on “one villainous dinosaur-themed genetically engineered monster” with actual dinosaurs in the background? Why present the dinosaurs as dumb monstrous animals that just want to kill humans even at the expense of fleeing from an erupting volcano?
The series will just do whatever it wants to make a Cool Monster and pay no attention to actual paleontology, or animal behaviour, or implementing any of the super cool discoveries made about dinosaurs in the last 15 years. “They’re not really dinosaurs, they’re genetically engineered them park monsters.” Yes, they are, but they weren’t always, and I’m bitter that that’s the direction the series has gone and even more bitter at both creators and other fans trying to convince us that that’s how it’s always been.
Obviously I’m still going to watch Dominion, because I am a simple man who takes great joy in monster movies, but Jurassic Park is my favourite movie because it’s not about monsters. And I’d watch The Mist before either Jurassic World movie, because if I’m going to watch a movie that’s about made-up scary monsters eating people, at least The Mist has cooler monster design and a more tense story.
#nightfoot makes his nth rant about Jurassic Park#I have A Lot of Thoughts about this series ok#and like at least 75% of them are about how disappointed I am with the World movies
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Lesbian Politicization
This was published 1990 in a book called Dykes-Loving-Dykes: Dyke Separatist Politics for Lesbians Only and illustrates exactly the long-standing issue with women appropriating lesbianism, using their political beliefs to try to define female homosexual existence in relation to opposing men. The agenda, of course, is to say fuck males and to fight the ever elusive and ever changing culture of patriarchy.
That’s 100% relevant and helpful for actual homosexual females....not.
I’ll make this short though, this is just to show how feminists been appropriating lesbians and applying their values to lesbian existence.
In the 1980’s, a decade of reactionary politics, femininity became an accepted value among many Lesbians. Even many politically radical Lesbians, who I would most expect to support Lesbian self-love and self-respect, who usually call male bullshit for what it is, began to openly admire feminine ways of dressing and acting. Femininity! A patriarchal hype if there ever was one.
Lesbians who didn’t look the way you personally think is more useful for your cause probably didn’t care to make a political statement out of their existence. The point of lesbians seeking lesbian communities is to find other lesbians - with the exception of those who WANTED to seek out political radical lesbian communities. That is not an inherent aspect of our existence, and to be honest, it’s not even a large part of it as women appropriating lesbians usually populated those communities. Here is a recap of the origins of radical “lesbian” separatism: *** [ In the late 70s a group of lesbians in Leeds, known as revolutionary feminists (RFs), made a controversial move that resonated loudly for me and many other women. They began calling for all feminists to embrace lesbianism. Appealing to their heterosexual sisters to get rid of men “from your beds and your heads”, they started a debate, which reached its height in 1981 with the publication of an infamous booklet, Love Your Enemy? The Debate Between Heterosexual Feminism and Political Lesbianism (LYE). In this, the RFs wrote that, “all feminists can and should be lesbians. Our definition of a political lesbian is a woman-identified woman who does not fuck men. It does not mean compulsory sexual activity with women. It’s no surprise that the booklet was so controversial. “We think serious feminists have no choice but to abandon heterosexuality,” it reads. “Only in the system of oppression that is male supremacy does the oppressor actually invade and colonise the interior of the body of the oppressed.” https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/jan/30/women-gayrights “Political lesbianism originated in the late 1960s among second wave radical feminists as a way to fight sexism and compulsory heterosexuality. Sheila Jeffreys helped to develop the concept when she co-wrote “Love Your Enemy? The Debate Between Heterosexual Feminism and Political Lesbianism”[3] with the Leeds Revolutionary Feminist Group. They argued that women should abandon support of heterosexuality and stop sleeping with men, while encouraging women to rid men “from your beds and your heads.”[4] Heterosexual behavior is seen as the basic unit of the patriarchy’s political structure, lesbians who reject heterosexual behavior therefore disrupt the established political system.[5]Ti-Grace Atkinson, a radical feminist who helped to found the group The Feminists, is attributed with the phrase that embodies the movement: ‘Feminism is the theory; lesbianism is the practice.’[6]” ] ***
Lesbians’ acceptance of anything “feminine” is part of the weakening of Lesbian politics—a Lesbian parallel to the right-wing trend of het politics.
LOL good. Being a lesbian does not mean representing anything political. Also what the fuck? This is where queer activists got their penchant for calling lesbians Nazis lol. Where’s that meme that’s like, anyone I don’t like is a Nazi? lol great homophobia, Queen/dumbass.
Those Lesbians who act out the feminine model and claim it’s a contribution to Lesbian culture, a flowering forth of their “real selves,” are of course Fems
So feminine lesbians’ real selves aren’t acceptable within your framework because they trigger your contempt of gender presentation that you yourself do not have to take part of? But your “real self” - a non-lesbian pretending to be a lesbian - is commendable because you want other lesbians to act and look exactly how you do which supposedly is off-putting to patriarchy AKA you use our sexual orientation to say fuck you to men? I think not.
The het media is full of stories about the het feminist who “realizes that she doesn’t have to give up being a woman to be a success in life,” who “regrets having tried to be like a man,” and is now “rediscovering the excitement of feminine seductiveness, the fun of dressing up in high heels, make-up and skirts, and her deep need for the joys of motherhood.”
“Realizes she doesn’t have to give up being a woman to be a success in life”; “and her deep need for the joys of motherhood.” So you understand femininity = heterosexuality. This is the 80s/90s, I wonder what her opinion is now that ‘femininity’ has changed: heterosexual women wear gym clothes, lift weights, have short hair, wear no make up or minimal make up etc., and men love it. And yet I see feminists also say that heterosexual women who are like this are still trying to please men and so are still feminine even though what they’re doing and how they’re looking is not “feminine” according to the original perception. So what’s the truth about ‘femininity?’ It’s equating it to anything that heterosexual men find appealing, which changes constantly. You really want lesbians to spend time to think about how to be as unappealing to males as possible when they’re not even relevant and so don’t dominate our every thought and action (unlike you maybe because you’re not homosexual and so have to try harder?)? Please, get real.
She’s a threat to the Big Lie of “feminine woman,” and so men and their women collaborators make up all kinds of ridiculous, hateful fictions to explain away her existence. The pressure is meant to humiliate and bully her into accepting femininity, and it must put her through soul-shaking self-doubt, even if she knows other Butches.
While I do know this happens, the reason behind that is homophobia 100%, being “masculine” appearing is a red marker of homosexuality. The threat is the big lie of heterosexuality. “Feminine” lesbians were assaulted when with their partners or if found out that they are indeed homosexual, they were just less of an obvious target than “masculine” women. It’s not Oppression Olympics, this should be used to understand hate crimes against homosexual women.
Meanwhile, girls who accept femininity—the vast majority, unfortunately—are accepted as “real girls” and encouraged to take pride in their feminine ways. There are degrees of femininity, of course. Some Fem girls accept the complete emaciated drag queen sex-object ideal while others take on just enough feminine identity to still be accepted as real girls.
“Real girls.” I was definitely acknowledged as a “real girl” when I was still more “unfeminine” in my appearance and not out than I am right now being out. What degree of ‘femininity’ am I considered to exhibit now according to feminist praxis, who knows. Either way, my relatives disagree that any amount of femininity would make me a ‘normal’ female. My mother was sad toward the end of her life because she felt conflicted that I wasn’t a ‘real’ female. You know what would’ve changed her perception? Being with a man and having kids.
It means spending time, energy and money on nail polish, perfume, hair-do’s, dresses, diets, body-shaping exercises, poses and games; fantasizing yourself as the center of sexual attention, making everything into a sexual game, getting yourself further and further away from female reality, from real female Lesbian power. It means identifying more and more with het values and choosing to see yourself through men’s eyes.
I thought femininity was clothes, makeup and seeking to attract men. Then it’s wanting a family and diet and exercise, which aren’t exclusive to heterosexual men and women. But because heterosexual males find that appealing in their lives it’s considered feminine? So, again, “femininity” is anything heterosexual males find appealing in females. Got it. And that answers my question about what her thoughts probably are on contemporary “femininity.”
Most importantly, choosing to be an obvious Lesbian is about living with integrity. A Butch’s choice to resist femininity is the choice of a female who’s being true to herself, choosing to be as alive to her female self as possible, regardless of the punishments inflicted on her as a result. I find in that resistance a key to Dyke power, Dyke beauty and Dyke love.
A lesbian being an actual lesbian - not pretending to be one or basing her existence on her capability to spite heterosexual males and females - and living her damn life is living in integrity period. Associating a lesbian’s life with political intent and political values has no integrity, is manipulative and is suspect as hell.
#Catch me NOT getting pigeonholed into any fakebian separatist activism#I'll keep doing me...you do you...but when you try that political B.S. I will say something#Do not project onto us and use political ethics to do it stop using lesbians as your coping mechanisms
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* HARD TIMES: charles’ teen verse notes (and an excuse for me to short of flesh out charles’ background against the context of his newfound timeline)
warnings: allusions to child abuse, homophobia and what not. if you know anything about charles, this should be to be expected.
he was born in december 1969, which would make him roughly 51 in the present time, and he’s played between the years of 1983 and 1986, which would be between ages 14 and 17.
he’s actually a small town midwestern kid, who would’ve thought? he’s from rockford, illinois. in 2021, that means the fourth largest city in the state, boasting about 170k citizens. in the 80s? it means something of a footnote. a town 90 mins away from chicago that got hit pretty fucking hard by the early 80s recession. unemployment through the roof and little to nothing interesting to do, that’s rockford alright.
his father, markus derane, is the police department’s chief of police, and as far as authority figures go, markus derane is pretty damn respected. hell, for a time, he might’ve been more respected than the mayor. he’s widely considered to be a very charismatic and sociable man (even if he can be a little intimidating), and his good reputation should, in theory, trickle down to his son.
in reality, things are little more complicated. charles’ father is actually a corrupt, mean piece of shit who hates his son’s guts, and who routinely physically, emotionally, and verbally abuses him. with his mother rather mysteriously out of the picture, he’s also got pretty much full control of charles’ life. acts like it, too.
the visual consequences of the abuse (i.e. the bruises he cannot hide), coupled with his own standoffish personality, the tendency to be a nuisance/absolute menace, and the rumors of his less than acceptable “inclinations”, make it so he’s perceived as more of a troubled child than not. markus derane’s embarrassing delinquent son. adults shun him, and kids tend to be sooner scared of him than not. the few peers that have tried to bully him have famously gotten their shit rocked, and as a result, classmates have resorted to leaving him alone.
charles loves to act like he likes that, and part of him actually does, but it does affect him a lot. he tried to run away from home when he was 12, and the consequences were disastrous. since then, markus keeps him on a tight leash. charles has to come up with increasingly complex ways to stay out of his (and pretty much all cops, since they know him by name) sights, since everything he does ends up finding its way back to markus.
still with all that he manages to do quite a lot -- as it turns out, he’s quite smart. he even makes it as far as chicago sometimes. it’s in that city where teen charles thrives, and where he has many of his most formative experiences -- like concluding the fact that he’s queer as fuck, and that small town life suits him as well as getting hit with a bag of bricks. it’s in chicago where he learns the most about himself.
his life during these years is defined with one word only: survival. to call him unhappy would be a hysterical understatement. also, due to a series of unpredictable events, things get increasingly more hostile charles and markus, to the point where charles is certain his life is at risk and being near his father is no longer sustainable.
and this is me just keeping things simple and vague, for the sake of not extending myself too much. it also follows charles’ canon history pretty accurately.
the differences start with the fact that, unlike in canon, charles does manage to develop important relationships in rockford. the bishop family moves next door from the derane household, and by a stroke of good luck, he meets christian, a boy his age, and noya, his older sister. (both played by @exmateria). they’re both lovely. christian is far too nice to charles, and charles cannot help but be nice in return, in his own stilted way. they become fast friends, and charles kind of takes him under his wing.
as for noya... things are funny between them. but, they get along very well. almost too well, at times. and that’s all i’ll say on the matter -- for now.
other interesting facts:
boy’s dressing like this. like this. his hair like looks like zack’s from saved by the bell, without the blond.
you’d think he’d like rock music but outside of punk music and queen he’s nowhere to be seen. no, he likes prince, actually. michael jackson. that’s where his interests lie. he’s also a big fan of the bestie boys and run dmc. markus can’t stand it; he’s not allowed to play any music in the house.
he’s got encyclopedic knowledge of every copper in rockford. their names, their lives, their schedules, their habits. this is very useful when he wants to go unnoticed. it’s also how his criminal dispositions initially come to light.
for that matter, he regularly shoplifts for clothes and things markus would never in a million years buy him. but since he can’t have markus learning about them, he learns of ways to hide it. eventually he starts to hide them in christian’s house. christian even gives him a drawer in his closet for his stash. that’s truly best friend material, right there.
there’s a pinterest board and it’s beautiful
the verse is not technically just teen charles, since i also intend to explore charles during the 90s, as that’s bound to be quite interesting as well. my focus for now is the timeline i laid out, though, and i’ll likely make a post for how things roll forward in other decades. i’m pretty excited to delve into actually period appropiate headcanon-ing and writings for charles, and anything i discover will likely impact his canon timeline too. hence, i’m open to discussing interactions with anyone in this verse.
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“Beauty and the Beast”: Belle’s beautiful discontentment (warning: long)

In my Feminist Defense of the Animated Belle, I addressed most of the issues I’ve heard people complain about regarding Belle’s character. But there was one I didn’t touch on, because it has very little to do with gender roles: the common complaint that Belle is a “snob.” I’d like to discuss that topic now. I’d also like to use it as a springboard to discuss a valuable aspect of Belle’s character that sets her apart both from certain Disney princesses who came before her and from depictions of Beauty in other Beauty and the Beast retellings: her willingness to own her discontentment.
I do understand the “snob” accusations. After all, Belle’s neighbors are poor peasants working hard to eke out a living. It’s only natural that they have little time for books or dreams of adventure and think Belle’s passion for those things is impractical. It’s reasonable to sympathize with their perspective more than the movie seems to want us to. It’s fair to argue that the movie has a (probably unintentional) classist undertone by portraying the villagers as small-minded and bigoted and by having Belle only find a kindred spirit in a prince, albeit an enchanted outcast prince, and find her ultimate happiness by leaving the town in favor of a royal castle. I’m grateful that other BatB retellings exist (e.g. Megan Kearney’s webcomic, or Robin McKinley’s Rose Daughter) that portray Beauty’s peasant world in a more positive light, depict the historic cruelty of royal court life in the Beast/Prince’s backstory, and have him leave the castle in the end to become a peasant rather than Beauty becoming a princess.
But none of the above is any reason to criticize Belle.
I don’t think she looks down on her neighbors. She most certainly doesn’t shun them, as some critics claim she does. Just look at her meeting with the baker during the opening song: she tries to have a friendly conversation with him and tell him about the wonderful story she’s read, only for him to rudely brush her aside with “That’s nice... Marie! The baguettes!” I don’t interpret her subsequent shrug and eye-roll as showing disdain for his “low-class” disinterest in books – just as “Oh well, as usual, no one shares my interest.”
Nor do I buy the claim that she shows disdain for the “I need six eggs!” woman (and by extension for all struggling mothers) when she rides past her. It’s true that she does seem to be smiling, which might imply amused contempt, but she might also just be enjoying her ride on the wagon while at the same time wistfully yearning for a new life, with her expression having nothing to do with the woman. I don’t know what the animators meant to convey. And even if that overwhelmed mother does represent the life Belle doesn’t want for herself, and if Belle sings “There must be more than this provincial life!” in response to seeing her, what’s wrong with that? I don’t think it’s an insult to women who choose to have big families. Even a woman who chooses to have five kids shouldn’t be expected to wrangle them all by herself while also doing her grocery shopping, with no help from her husband or from anyone else. That’s the kind of unpaid labor women have too often been forced into and it’s not “insulting other women” for Belle to yearn for something different.
Belle has the right to be bored by her small town life and want something more. She’s not some rich girl looking down on the poor peasants; she’s a poor peasant too. A person trapped in a dull, stifling lower-class existence has every right to long for a different life. Would we accuse Cinderella of being a “snob” and “ignoring the value of domestic work” because she dreams of escaping from her enslavement by her stepfamily? Of course Belle’s life in the village is more comfortable than that, but it’s still reasonable that she should want to break free from its limits.
“But Belle is clearly richer and more privileged than her neighbors!” some critics argue again and again. “Most peasants in those days were illiterate, so the fact that Belle can read shows she’s had a higher-class education, and in the stage musical, Maurice tells her she’s ‘class’ while their neighbors are ‘the common herd’!” I don’t buy that argument. I’ve never bought it. Not one bit. The movie’s setting isn’t the real late 18th/early 19th century France – it’s the Disney version of it. The village has a bookshop in the animated version and a church library and schoolhouse in the live-action remake. There’s no indication whatsoever that Belle's neighbors can’t read. (Gaston holding her book askance as he looks for pictures in it and Le Fou’s inability to spell Gaston’s name don’t count; the first is a “parental bonus” gag implying that Gaston is looking for a centerfold, while the second is a “Le Fou is stupid” gag. Gaston quotes Shakespeare in “The Mob Song,” so he’s clearly had some education.) Belle just stands out because she has a passion for books, instead of only reading now and then during breaks from “more important” things, and because she would rather read than engage in smalltalk about practical everyday matters. Belle is shown borrowing her books, not buying them, which I presume implies she can’t afford to buy them, and Maurice builds his invention out of ordinary household items (e.g. a wood stove, an axe, a teapot), so he presumably hasn’t spent much money on it either. Nor are they any better dressed than their neighbors, nor does their house look any fancier. They certainly don’t seem richer than Gaston, who apparently owns the village tavern and can afford to arrange a wedding party on short notice and bribe Monsieur d’Arque with a bag of gold to help him blackmail Belle. As for Maurice’s remarks in the stage version, they’re clearly about her personality, not about social class.
Belle also has the right to be an individualist and a misfit. That’s part of the whole point of her storyline. It seems to me that critics who complain that she “looks down on normalcy” are doing the same thing the villagers do, which is supposed to be wrong: saying “It’s a pity and a sin she doesn’t quite fit in.”
It’s no surprise that people should complain about Belle’s complaining, though. Traditional fairy-tale heroines aren’t supposed to complain. As much as we can joke about the cliché that the “I want more” heroine became during the Disney Renaissance, we shouldn’t forget how innovative that kind of heroine was in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Just think back to Snow White: at the beginning she’s dressed in rags and forced to work as a scullery maid by her stepmother, but we find her smiling and cheerfully humming as she scrubs the castle steps. Then there’s Cinderella: a bit more complex and openly discontented than Snow White, but in general she still goes cheerfully about her chores. The heroine who lives in unhappy circumstances but “bears it cheerfully and without complaint” is a mainstay of classic, old-fashioned fairy-tales (and other stories too). The early versions of Beauty and the Beast are no exception. After Beauty’s family falls into poverty, we’re told that her sisters constantly wail and cry over their lost wealth and status, but Beauty swallows her grief, resolves to be cheerful, patiently shoulders all the household chores, and devotes her days to consoling her father and siblings. For this she’s held up as a role model, in contrast to her complaining sisters, who despise her and insult her for it, but whom she always loves and forgives.
Of course there’s value in that kind of character. Resilience in the face of adversity and finding happiness where others find none is a strength in its own right. But it can be overdone. The more that women, poor people and outcasts are encouraged to be cheerful, patient and uncomplaining, the more they’re expected to “stay in their place.” Any righteous desire or demand for a better life or better treatment is labeled “rude,” whiny,” “petulant” and “selfish.” It doesn’t always cross that line, but it can.
Linda Woolverton, the head screenwriter of Disney’s BatB, knew that she wanted Belle to be different both from the traditional Beauty and from the likes of Snow White and Cinderella. So did lyricist Howard Ashman, whose experience as a gay man did much to influence the outcast heroes and heroines of the three Disney movies he wrote for. As noted in this Time Magazine article, they resolved to create a heroine for “the next century,” who wasn’t “based on being kind and taking the hits but smiling all the way through it.”
They definitely succeeded.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s wonderful that Belle owns her discontentment. It’s beautiful that she doesn’t try to fit in or put on a patient, cheerful mask, but unabashedly yearns to escape from her dull, small-minded village and find adventure in the great wide somewhere. It’s wonderful that she has no patience for Gaston’s rudeness and arrogance and that she loathes the thought of having to give up her reading and intellect in favor of a mundane marriage and raising a gaggle of children. It all leads beautifully into her friendship and romance arc with the Beast, where she refuses to tolerate his bullying, refuses to let him control her even though he’s the master of the castle, only forgives him when he earns her forgiveness, and inspires him to change for the better. The happy ending comes about precisely because Belle was willing to be discontented and shamelessly wanted more than she was given at first. This makes her almost the opposite of the original tale’s Beauty, whose story was written as an allegory for arranged marriage and whose purpose was in part to convince girls to submit to unwanted circumstances for their families’ sake. I love that instead, Belle refuses to submit to what she doesn’t want, and her refusal becomes the catalyst for all the positive growth and transformation in the story.
Let’s hear it for heroines who want more!
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Kdrama recs Part 1
Hullo and welcome to the kdrama life @camsthisky! The following list is not in any particular order, other than the fact that I start with a more rom/com vibe and head toward more romantic/action or action. All the following kdramas are set in the modern day, and part 2 of my recs for you will be either darker kdramas set in present day or historical dramas.
Let the list begin!
1. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon:
Do Bong Soon is a v smol woman who has super strength and who wants 1. To create her own video game 2. Get her police officer crush to return her affections. Which like, police officer is kinda cute but he ain’t that special. Bong Soon winds up becoming a bodyguard to Ahn Min Hyuk, the extremely rich, kinda spoiled, ridiculously extra CEO of a gaming company who does not like the police for secret reasons, and sadly does not have a good relationship with his family. (He a lonely boy underneath everything.) Min Hyuk finds out about Bong Soon’s powers, is in TOTAL awe of her, offers to train her in fighting, and literally falls head over heels for her.
The caveat with this show is there is a subplot or two that annoy me, BUT I just use the 10 second skip button and it is totally worth it because the romance is super cute—SUPER CUTE (also I have a list of favorite actors and Park Hyung Sik is def on it—one minute he is an adorkable, blushing bby the next he can be intense and sad)
He cute
2. Her Private Life:
Hello fake-dating!! Ryan Gold (an adoptee who didn’t live in Korea for a while) is a former artist who stopped painting because he couldn’t deal with his Stendhol (?) syndrome (among other traumas). Deok Mi is the classy art curator of a famous museum who definitely does not have any secrets she wants to keep from the world—well, other than the fact that she is the number one fangirl of kpop idol, Cha Shi-an (who also appreciates art) and has a major crush on him. Ryan becomes director of the art museum and there is a whole thing with getting Shi-an involved in an art show.
Following this and a series of unfortunate events a false rumor starts that Deok Mi and and Shi-an ARE dating. It’s a little complicated to summarize, but basically what you need to know is that Ryan and Deok Mi become a fake couple so there won’t be a scandal for Shi-an or violence done to Deok Mi by rabid fangirls. I enjoy the fake-dating trope a lot, and how it becomes real for both of them! The leads are played by Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young, who both have incredible range. Lots of soft moments in this one! Good kisses, a scene where the faves bake together, and also Ryan wears a lot of deep v-neck shirts and jackets which is an attack on me personally.
The show also contains a bit of angst, which I LOVE. Hand-holding becomes an important theme 😊
3. Crash Landing on You: Rich South Korean heiress/fashion designer Se-ri accidentally winds up in a North Korean village, and really REALLY wants to go home. Mostly because there are no scented candles or spa-like bathtubs in the vicinity, but also because she could easily disappear into a NK jail and never return. A North Korean captain named Ri Jeong Hyeok finds her and decides not to turn her because, one, he’s a good guy who doesn’t want to turn an innocent person over to what might be her death, and two, turning her over might get his four underlings in trouble for reasons. Said underlings are his family, basically, and they are a deLIGHT. One is an argumentative proud sort who likes to drink and to feel important and who tries to provoke (and gets provoked by) Se-ri at every opportunity, one is a lover of banned South Korean dramas, one is a 17 year old bby who misses his mom, and one is the silent but most loyal follower of the captain.
Besides all these people, there are two other characters (including a surprisingly wise conman) who become faves and major players in the plot.
There is a great mix of humor, romance, found family, and angst, and I love it very much. A few things don’t go the way I want them to near the end, but a bit of imagination and fanfic can fix anything
Show of hands, who thinks they will meet again
What do you do when your husband dies and your evil mega-rich father-in-law takes your son away from you and keeps you from seeing him ever? Well, if you are scientist with more genius than positive coping methods, you build yourself a robot son who looks exactly like your real son. Great solution, am I right?
Nam Shin III is the name of my favorite robot son, played by the inestimable Seo Kang Joon. He is the purest bby you will ever meet, being designed so that he never lies and so that he will immediately go to hug anyone who cries. He seems quite a contrast to the bitter human Nam Shin, who hates his gilded prison life, hates his Grandpa, and tries to sneak away from his right hand man, Secretary Ji Young Hoon, his only friend in the world. The girl in the show is Kang So Bong, an ex-UFC fighter who was so badly injured she had to quit. She is at first a bit jaded and mercenary because of her past, but she has a golden heart that just needs to be reminded of its existence.
Not going into details to avoid spoilers, but everything upends when the robot Nam Shin has to take the place of the human Nam Shin. The show is a soft, funny, angsty exploration of what it means to be human, with some good found family throughout. The character development is phenomenal, and the connection between So Bong and Nam Shin III is *chef’s kiss*. I just want to give a shout out to Seo Kang Joon who plays a duel role like you wouldn’t believe, to SKJ’s smile, to the soundtrack, and to the character of Young Hoon, a loyal, steady, and self-sacrificing secretary that we do not deserve (gosh tho he looks good in blue!)
Look at my robot son getting a long-looked for affirmation! (his lil smile!!!
5. W: Two Worlds:
This show unique because it meta as HELL! Oh Yeon Joo is a junior doctor and the daughter of a webtoon artist whose big hit, W, is coming to a close. Much to her surprise, she gets pulled into the world of the comic where she encounters and saves the main character, Kang Chul, a former Olympic shooting champion who was blamed for the murder of his entire family, and whose sole desire is to find the real killer. It’s a good romance between them, and I also love Kang Chul’s relationship with his hyung, which, tho it is not always a main focus, is present and wonderful. Kang Chul himself is both intelligent and adorably bratty, charismatic and angsty, soft and fierce, and he is one of my favorite kdrama characters for sure.
As for the meta, the show does a fantastic job exploring the rules of the comic world, of how one can enter and leave, the importance and power of main characters and supporting characters, and the purpose of an author. There is always another twist coming, and it is just so much fun!
6. Healer:
I watched half this show and never realized that the female lead is played by Park Min Young, same actress as in Her Private Life. Someone had to tell me lol! She’s just so good at playing different people. In this show, she is Chae Young Shin, a reporter for a celebrity tabloid who has big dreams of becoming a famous reporter who investigates stories that actually mean something. She is a bit quirky, very cute, very brave, and probably one of my favorite female leads. She lives with her dad above his coffee/teashop bakery and is friends with all the ex-cons he has defended while doing his other job of lawyering.
Anyway this show is more of a romantic/action drama. To get an idea of the titular Healer, picture what you would get if you took some of Batman and Nightwing’s aesthetics (wearing black, hanging out on rooftops, punching people, flipping around, etc) and put them into a night courier who likes to watch National Geographic and dream about one day going off to an island where he can live all by himself for the rest of his days because oh yeah he is a loner whose only friend is an older woman who sets up his jobs and whom he has never actually met.
There is also an older reporter that Young Shin looks up to, the fun tabloid office where she works, a heck lot of mystery surrounding some tragedy involving a group of reporter best friends/found family back in the 80’s/90’s, and of course both members of the OTP have childhood trauma that has made them who they are today. One of my favorite things that happens in the show is that Healer has to go undercover for a while, Clark Kenting it up in Young Shin’s tabloid office, which overnight becomes a real news agency for reasons.
The action is LOTS of fun, and the romance is really soft and cute, and better still, when there is a misunderstanding or something that gets in their way, they almost immediately talk about it and resolve issues. They TRUST each other and give the benefit of the doubt where many tv couples would break up or get in big fights. I find it (plus the character development) very refreshing.
I couldn’t find a gif of my favorite fight sadly. This will have to do
7. Lawless Lawyer: This has Lee Joon Gi. Watch it.
Just kidding, there are many other reasons to watch the show, but it is true that Lee Joon Gi is one of my favorite actors. The man has phoenix eyes, a jawline that could cut silk, diamonds, you name it, and such a deep well of emotional acting that it literally kills me when his characters rage/weep/love/etc.
Anyway, in this legal thriller/romance/action drama, LJG’s character Bong Sang Pil is a beautiful, very extra ex-gangster/now lawyer who opens his own office, ready to fight villainy and avenge his mom with the law or with his fists, whichever is more useful at the time. He has a right hand man named Manager Tae and recruits a bunch of thugs as his minions, and they all become a weird sort of family as the show goes on.
Ha Jae Yi is a quiet badass lawyer who has no time for sexist idiots and gets her license suspended for smacking one of said fools. She gets recruited to assist Sang Pil, and they find their goals align as both their mothers were destroyed by the villains.
Speaking of the villains? EXCELLENT acting by them all, like they need to go down obviously, but you can’t help but be in awe of a few of them or even get attached to one or two in a weird way. Props to the show for having one of the best female villains I have ever seen
What an icon
Here you get two gifs of him
Sorry I needed to make it a magical three lol
Tune in next time for historical dramas and modern dramas that are a bit darker!
#kdrama recommendations#lawless lawyer#healer#w two worlds#are you human too#her private life#strong woman do bong soon#crash landing on you#kdrama recs for cam#my kdrama recs
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Raleigh Apartment Culture
So I'm of the mind that Raleigh is a great place to live. It has my favorite things, my favorite people, and I'm too broke to move anywhere else.
Raleigh works for me, but I recognize it doesn't work for everyone. Some people had less than ideal childhoods and wanna escape the state ASAP, some just want to live closer to their dream jobs or have new opportunities. That's all fine, but what if this describes where you are now?
What if, for the sake of argument, you're outside of NC and wanna move in? Moving is expensive, time-consuming, and risky at the best of times; so you wanna make sure that wherever you're landing is at least as good as where you started 90% of the time
"But RL," I hear you say, "you make Raleigh sound like an idyllic dreamscape populated with parks and a diverse kumbayah of peoples living in harmony"
I do talk about Raleigh in a positive light but, like a life saving medicine flavored like ass, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.
So before you spend thousands of dollars on moving vans, boxes, and grits; here's a crash course on what it's like living in a Raleigh apartment, coming from someone whose majority of Raleigh Living (heh) has been in apartments.

First off, location. Any realtor will tell you that location is 80% of the sale to sound profound, and as anyone who has lived in the middle of ass-backward nowhere can tell you: It sucks having to drive 30 minutes to go anywhere.
Good news: With the Raleigh Beltline and connecting roads, there are very few places in Raleigh where your trip will last longer than thirty minutes one-way. Bad News: where you set down still matters because cutting down on travel is important for car and mental health.
North Raleigh is different from south Raleigh is different from northwest Raleigh, and the locals aren't the only difference you'll find between locations. Each segment of Raleigh has something to offer, with easier access to some attractions than others and neighboring cities for when you need something outside the RDU area.

Using downtown as the center of our wheel, people generally divide Raleigh into North and South Raleigh (with distinction given for NW, SE, NE, etc when needed). N.Raleigh is considered generally more upscale, a slice of suburban living interspersed with plenty of shopping centers for families and the moderately wealthy; but it's boring as all hell.
Want some fun? Excitement in the evenings and a more traditional urban experience with bars, night clubs, strip clubs, and more? South Raleigh is your best bet, at the cost of being the "sketchy" side of Raleigh. That kind of place where you'll see a bunch of auto shops that look abandoned but haven't been closed in the past 5 years and there's at least one customer from time to time.
Of course, this is a lot of generalizing but you'll find that it's still mostly accurate. The main exception in this is Capital Blvd, a highway cutting across north and south Raleigh on the eastern half of the city; a high crime corridor that's undergoing some changes in the northern half that have (somewhat) reduced crime but most people will still associate that area with the majority of Raleigh's crime and debauchery.

More importantly, is the distinction Raleigh citizens put on inside the beltline versus outside the beltline. The I-440 and 540 highways that wrap around Downtown form the mythical beltline, and to a degree what you have access to. Inside the beltline is the majority of workplaces, stores, and shopping centers; while outside you'll still have these things just to a more... dispersed extent.
North Raleigh actually kinda exemplifies this perfectly. Living inside the beltline, you have access to places like North Hills, Crabtree Valley mall, and Triangle Town Center. Live outside the beltline, like I currently am, and you're looking at 10 to 15 minutes to the nearest sheetz for that late night double hot dog fix.
So for point one: How important is it that you're near things? The majority of apartments and rental properties are in or around the belt-line, but if you want to save some cash on rent checks the cheaper properties are gonna extend your trips a bit.

Next, what can you expect in terms of neighbors? Does Raleigh have a hip party scene full of teens renting cheap apartments and blasting trap music at 3AM?
Depends on where you live
I swear not every point is going to be this, but there's an important distinction this time that affects the type of people your complex will likely have surrounding you; are you in North or South Raleigh?
North Raleigh has a ton of pre-schools, k-12 public schools (Leesville, Hillburn, Lead Mine, just to name a few), and office complexes that make up the job market. As a result the majority of apartment renters in north Raleigh tend to be families with a few small kids or so.
As a result, living off of Glenwood North and Edwards Mill I never had any noise problems from neighbors, the worst being kids playing outside at 3PM sounding like they were being murdered (which apparently is a common thing and I apologize to any neighbors I frightened with ghastly shrieks).

What I did have a problem with, however, was the typical Karen's you hear people complain about online. Renting a property now, we have access to our neighborhood's NextDoor page and it's hilarious sometimes to go on and read the comments, but living at a certain property we had a sort of mini-Facebook for residents
That thing was always full of either people who were moving out looking to sell their furniture or people passive-aggressively challenging each other/the apartment managers with comments about things happening around the complex.
Once I logged in to see one man accuse another, without ever actually accusing someone specific ("I know who did it and they should be ashamed" type post) of putting glass beer bottles under the tires of his truck to try and puncture them. Everyone acts civil in public, but then online they'll stir the pot harder than a chef with a hand mixer.

South Raleigh, you have the schools like Shaw University, Meredith, and NCSU; so the people renting down there are typically college kids. You'll see more apartments that cater towards them like University Village or University Woods, but sometimes these places will cater to both college kids and working adults
Avoid these places like the plague, because despite sometimes having a lower cost to live there the neighbors and their shenanigans will drive you up the wall (unless you're the type to join in, then go wild).
I've had friends stay at places like University Village and The Proper (formerly The Vie, formerly Wolf Creek) who've shared horror stories. 3AM parties ending in property damage or vomit in inconvenient places, drug deals not even trying to be subtle, and maintenance workers doing nothing because regardless of the apartment conditions; no school's gonna pull their contract with them unless news articles start getting written.
Otherwise, south Raleigh apartments are largely like north Raleigh apartments; except the crime rate tends to be a little higher and you'll run into more singles and people working full time.

Otherwise, Raleigh apartment culture is like apartment culture anywhere else in the country. You have a mix of apartments catering to those just looking to live versus more ostentatious luxury apartments with fancy pools, exercise facilities, and tech packages to draw people in.
If you're renting in Raleigh, however, do try to get a roommate or two if you can manage. Even with a decent job paying 800+ on a one bedroom one bath apartment can be exhausting at best, but with even one other person that can functionally halve your expenses

So if you're a young professional, or a student, or even if you have a small family, I can safely recommend renting in Raleigh. There's plenty of places that'll accommodate you, and cater towards your needs.
But what about everyone else? Are there people who shouldn't rent in Raleigh?
But there are groups who I'd seriously ask to consider their other choices before picking Raleigh as a destination for their new home.

For instance, are you a member of the LGBT community? A trans or non-binary individual? Well then, first off, I want you to know that you're loved and valid. I'm accepting of who you are and appreciate everyone's right to identify how they choose, but I'm not everyone.
Raleigh's bluer than other parts of North Carolina, as I've stated in other blog write-ups, but it's still part of North Carolina unfortunately and as a result, you'll face some challenges.
I doubt anyone's gonna burn a cross in your yard or knock over your mailbox, but Raleigh doesn't offer LGBT protections for housing, jobs, or credit/lending discriminations according to the Movement Advancement Project's website.
We have support organizations for LGBT and NB individuals, plenty of high schools and colleges have Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, and there are numerous businesses downtown that cater specifically to those individuals... but we're also the state that got into a lot of hot water because of a stupid bathroom bill, and our politicians are trying to pass anti-trans sports legislation (because they now magically care about the integrity of womens sports).
By that measure, but to a lesser extent, if you fall outside the Liberal/Conservative political spectrum then be prepared to have no one to discuss your politics with outside of a few sparse networks like the DSA.

Additionally, if you don't have someone to room with or a significant other to split costs with; you may want to try searching somewhere a little cheaper.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Raleigh housing prices aren't terrible for a major metropolitan city, but we're not the best prices in the world.
You can get prices on apartments and rentals lower than say, California or New York. However, compared to other parts of NC like Greensboro or Garner; rentals are still a bit much.
On average, a Raleigh apartment can run you about $900 for a single bedroom and a single bathroom. You can find cheaper, but often times there's some risk associated (Crime levels, quality of the room, quality of the property manager, etc.) Looking for a two bedroom? Then your average price is gonna jump up to around $1,200, and this is all before utilities and cable come into play.
It's true a lot of companies around here will pay more than the $7.25 minimum wage, but most low-skilled jobs will pay around 10-11 an hour.
I guess though, that's kind of an obvious statement. "Don't live in Raleigh if you can't afford to live in Raleigh."
I might expand on these thoughts at a later time, but hopefully for now I've given you some food for thought; or at the very least an entertaining read for a few minutes.
I love my city, and I love the friends I've made in it, but the sad truth is that nowhere is perfect for everyone; leastways Raleigh. If Raleigh sounds like the kind of place you'd like to live in, at least take a day trip to come visit and see how things go that way. Visit some stores, meet some locals, and form an opinion off of more than travel blogs and youtube videos.
#raleigh#North Carolina#NC#north carolina#travel#photography#urban photography#city life#city#city of raleigh#advice
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Three awesome post-GoT series I would commission if I owned any of the Big three Streaming platforms.
Yo! Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+, you have a problem: there are nerds like me who want to give you even more of our time and money, but you’re not making the stuff you should be. Following the hugely disappointing end of “Game of Thrones” there are a huge number of sci-f and fantasy nerds who are currently not getting our fix of epic adventure, and rather than commission a whole bunch of cool series that are just begging to be made to cash in on this, you’re all just sort of doing your own things. And that’s Cool, I’m loving the Netflix Witcher series and Disney’s Loki, and looking forward to the Amazon Middle Earth series with a mix of hope and trepidation (please be good), there are, however, a whole mass of cool book series that are just begging for release in an episodic fashion, and what’s more, I can think of which series plays to which streaming platforms strengths. And unlike Game of Thrones, there are series where running out of source material to adapt shouldn’t be a problem.
So, three sci-fi or fantasy series that play to the strengths of the big three Streaming services, as suggested by me, a big ol’ nerd. One: Amazon Prime. Strengths: successfully adapting darker comic-book or Urban fantasy works Like Preacher, the Boys, Good Omens and American Gods and making a profit. Weakness: has never successfully pulled of a big Grimdark fantasy series, despite having all the talent to do so because they’re working on the Middle earth series, which doesn’t seem a good fit for their brand image as the place you come for for comically dark works, and all their adaptations are too much of a slow burn, which necessitates padding the source material (look at how little happens in any episode of Preacher or the Boy vs the insanely fast pace of the comics). Solution: Malazan, book of the fallen. A deep, insanely dark, insanely Epic story that would actually lend itself to a slow burn and the grim-dark over the top violence of other Amazon shows, and fill the “Tit’s and monsters” gap left by GoT in many of our hearts. And unlike Tolkien, I have faith that the studio that cast Sweary Karl Urban as Billy Butcher could actually pull this off with the correct tone and feel. This would have the Witcher fans from Netflix defecting in droves, and could also pull in some new viewers who might enjoy the anthropology and political intrigue of this complex, multifaceted world.
Two: Disney+. Strengths: near infinite money and ambition, the production team behind The Mandalorian and the MCU, great Hollywood clout to draw in big name stars, but willing to cast talented unknowns, the best mix of live action and CG in the business. Weaknesses: It’s Disney, so they can never go full grim-dark: they can imply or infer dark acts, but need to keep what’s shown on screen PG13 to fit their brand, which rules out a lot of modern fantasy. And they have no true fantasy serries in their stable.
Solution: Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, and other Cosmere works. A rare example of an excellent current fantasy and sci-fi writer who isn’t grimdark as heck, and manages to convey dark and adult themes by implication and hints rather than outright showing them, this is pretty much the only big fantasy series out there that is aimed at and enjoyed by adults but remains consistently PG13. It’s also so epic and super-hero-ish in this various magic systems, that I can’t see anyone other than the team behind the MCU pulling off a live-action version of this that doesn’t suck. In addition to this, the logical starting point for this, Mistborn, is by far the safest and most marketable, coming the closest of any of his works to a standard young-adult plot with Vin as an easily sell-able character to studio brass, being to all intents and purposes Katniss Everdeen with super-powers, which could get a big studio invested and convinced this is a good idea before we get to all the “lets kill and replace god” stuff. If Mistborn was successful, other Cosmere works could follow, and I could see something like the Stormlight Archives working really well with the MCU effects team behind it, so long as they don’t white-wash it: No one on Roshar is white other than in Shinovar, and half of the cultures are based on either Polynesian or far eastern traditions, so cast Hawaiian, Māori, native American and east-Asian actors, and it could be both a great series, and also the most diverse Disney has ever done. You want a new, easily marketable but epic scale franchise, Disney? It’s right here.
Also for the love of god, do Wax and Wayne. I just need this, okay?
Three: Netflix. Strengths: good at tapping into the prevailing nostalgia of Millennials and producing works that speak to them on a relatively small budget (see Stanger Things) and good at grabbing the rights to adapt good but slightly obscure works cheaply. Good working relationship with a ton of Japanese Anime rightsholders. Weaknesses: By far the smallest budget of any of the big three. Tends to produce awful live-action adaptations of beloved works (to the point that the Witcher was a pleasant surprise), but has good relationships with lots of animation studios.
Solution: Animorphs, but do what they always should have done and animate it. It boggles my mind that anyone would every try to pull this off in live action, as the transformations, which are the heart of the series, would be so hard to pull off well (look at the 90’s series). And yet, I’m aware they’re making a film, but dear god, why, when K A Applegate said form the get go that this series of books were written specifically as if they were a 90’s Saturday morning cartoon. This was always meant to be adapted as a series, not a long form film. So, don’t try to modernise it, or relate to “The kids” don’t whitewash the cast, don’t edit out the gore and body-horror, but lean into the 90’s and early 2000’s angst of it, and go balls to the walls insane with the concept. What music do you have playing for this scene? Is it Every day is exactly the same by Nine Inch Nails, and if not, why not? Do the transformation sequence genuinely scare you? No? Then you’re doing it wrong. Is that a happy ending? Get that the hell out of there. Go for the original time period and concept, and go hard, and if you do it now, you’ll just hit that sweet spot as the rolling 30 year nostalgia cycle moves out of the 80’s and into the 90’s. And as an apology to all the bad live-action Anime you produced, Netflix, get a Japanese studio to animate this: the Animorphs books were popular in Japan, with wonderful hand drawn illustrations throughout. Get Studio Orange on this: Beastars proved they can do flowing, fast-moving combat well, and make animal and other non-human characters look good, and what’s more they’d probably be up for it: Animorphs is basically a western Shōnen, so the market for an Anime of it would exist in Japan.
So there we go, the three series I would commission if I ruled the world of streaming sites. As ever, tell me why I’m wrong below, and have a great day!
#animorphs#brandon sanderson#mistborn#malazan#netflix#studio orange#disney plus#disney#MCU#cosmere#k a applegate#steven erikson#sci fi#fantisy#streaming sites#amazon plus
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