#only 2 people are allowed to tickle his balls
chaodic9 · 1 year
Can someone please tickle his balls
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boundinparchment · 9 months
Dream a Little Dream of Me - LV
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Celestia had a cruel sense of humor. He knew this, even before his days as a student. But to be given a soulmate? Now, when he openly blasphemed against the cursed island in the sky? He would outlive you and the dreadful fated bond that haunted your shared dreams. There was little point in this. He could at least put a Vision to good use. People were nothing but disappointments. He had no use for you. Until you pulled the bow across your instrument and awoke a part of him long buried by self-hatred and arrogance. Soulmate AU; Il Dottore/Female reader w/ established personality and backstory. Slow burn. Lore and world speculation and interpretation within; follows canon story where possible. Fic is rated explicit; MDNI. Mind the tags. Chapter on AO3 here. MC's dress || Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich, performed by The Dixie String Quartet is on the Spotify playlist.
You nestled the last pin in your hair and admired your handiwork in the vanity for a moment. Perfect. Nothing would interfere with your mask nor felt uncomfortable.
In the mirror, your eyes flickered to the doorway to your dressing room, where Zandik leaned against the doorframe halfway dressed. He’d been there ever since you began working on your hair, suspenders dangling, only moving his head to momentarily look at something else. Some might have found such moments unnerving, this habit of his to watch and look and listen; for you, his presence was akin to a hug or a kiss on the forehead. Just another demonstration of his affection.
Tonight, you would go without the extra headpieces to conceal yourself. Hiding your hair would only draw more attention, after all, and you were already at the mercy of entering the ball alongside Zandik.
To do anything else, such as enter apart but spend the rest of the evening with him, would only bring more questions.
Hiding you, shielding you and keeping you to himself made sense, once upon a time. Deep down, you were certain Zandik still wanted to. There was a flatness in his bottom lip about the topic and he often held you tighter when you were alone, savoring the private intimacy.
But he, of all people, knew the importance of freedom, of recognizing one’s true nature.
Make-up and hair finished, you rose from the vanity and made your way to the door. You pressed a hand against his chest, his once-soft dark navy shirt stiff under your touch from being starched and ironed. As you cupped his cheek, absently noticing his lack of earring, Zandik turned his head and took your hand in his, reverently pressing a kiss to your palm before his lips hovered over your pulse.
“Go finish getting ready, mon rêve.”
Zandik pursed his lips slightly, lowering his head before he pointedly kissed your wrist again and closed his eyes.
He didn’t want to go. It didn’t take being his soulmate to figure that out. Anyone of his caliber would prefer to be working and making progress over social formalities. As often as he carved out time for you, be it dinner or a training session or simply a quiet evening reading while you played, he sent letters explaining a delay or a missed meal.
“Am I not allowed to savor you?” he asked, his breath tickling your skin. “Before the trappings of formalities take us both?”
You certainly couldn’t argue with that.
He lingered only a second longer before a knock at the door broke the moment like a hammer to a mirror. Zandik gritted his pointed teeth, baring them for a second in a frustrated snarl, as he turned his attention to the sound.
“About time...took long enough...”
You parted, grazing your fingertips across his cheek in apology, and he left to address the interruption.
Left to your own devices, you closed your dressing room door and finished getting ready.
At first, you hadn’t been certain about the lace you picked out on a whim. Columbina sweetly terrorized the shopkeeper so you could browse in peace. Most colors would potentially show through the gown, leaving you with only a few options. The handwoven material was soft against your thighs and waist, the garter belt straps far easier to use than the ones you recalled from home (although perhaps that was simply the benefit of handmade anything).
It felt strange to be without a corset but the dress draped over you and took care of the structure and shape, as discussed with the seamstress. The neckline was twisted and asymmetrical, a swath of fabric covering your left shoulder while your right was bare, save a single strap as delicate as spider’s silk. Your back was bare down to the dip of your waist where a short train fell and pooled behind you.
The dress shimmered and sparkled with the faintest blush. It passed for a soft white, the slightest contrast to Zandik’s crisp and cool preferences.
Your satin heels were simple, as were your earrings. By other standards, including the Tsaritsa’s, you appeared quite plain. But anything beyond the mask in your hand felt excessive, given its prominence.
When you emerged, Zandik was in the sitting room, dressed and idly twirling something between his fingers. He wore mostly white, with the exception of a light blue satin waistcoat, cinched, and a blue and white feather pinned at his lapel. The usual gem worn in his harness was pinned to the center of his white cravat. His inanimate mechanical bird rested over his shoulders, shrouding him in a mantle of feathers. You caught a flash of light blue in the tails of his coat as they curved and fell past his knees.
His lips moved but you didn’t quite catch the sounds he made, the words foreign and low as his ears burned pink. For effect, you gave a small twirl, and it was impossible to miss the sensation of his eyes skimming across your bare back.
“I take it you like it, then?” you said, smiling softly.
Zandik closed the distance between you with slow steps and stopped only when he was just in front of you.
“You look like crystal stardust,” he replied after a beat, lips grazing your forehead. “Similar to when you activate your Vision in a fight. Quite striking.”
He took your hands in his and you felt warm metal slide over your ring finger. When he pulled away, you looked down and found a rectangular aquamarine roughly the size of your last knuckle.
“Zandik, what…”
“I did say it was not the Tsaritsa’s place to determine what jewelry you wore. A ring seemed...efficient. Wouldn’t get in the way of you playing but be enough of a conventional statement to keep others at bay.”
He took your hand in his and ran his gloved thumb over the edge of the stone. It glowed softly, similar to his absent earring and the various ornaments he wore almost daily.
“Whenever I think of you, it glows. It should also be able to carry short messages but that hasn’t been thoroughly tested.”
The glow faded slowly, reluctantly. Zandik let go of your hand and reached into his inner jacket pocket, seeking something.
“I modified the communications technology I used elsewhere. Gemstones prove more...difficult than liquids such as primordial seawater or Irminsul sap, naturally.”
“Presumably, it has a partner?” you asked, eyes flicking from his hand to his face.
You were rewarded with a raised eyebrow. “I can never surprise you anymore, can I?”
His mouth softened into a smile as he found what he was looking for. Zandik extended his hand and you reached out to pick up the cylindrical topaz earring, clear and without inclusions, the perfect shade of golden yellow.
Your power, you, in place of...
Zandik angled his head and you fed the wire through the piercing, securing it when it was seated properly. The curling tendril of his bangs wrapped around it. It didn’t look as out of place as expected, given the golden accents of his suit, but it would be striking for those who knew his usual appearance.
Last night’s dance swam in your head, overriding any remaining anxiety as the topaz in turn began to light up from within.
“Can’t surprise me? Absolutely not true and you know it,” you whispered.
Please with himself, he threw you a playful grin before he slid his mask into place. You did the same, fussing with the straps in hopes your hair wouldn’t be ruined.
Hand in the crook of his arm, the two of you made your way downstairs, ready to get this over with.
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Formality dictated that, given you were not publicly known nor the spouse of the Second Harbinger, you were to enter the ball unescorted as any other guest. But Zandik was not one for convention and his enjoyment at the expressions on his colleagues faces was palpable as you descended the stairs together and joined the awaiting Arlecchino, Columbina, and another man with white hair and a single visible eye.
“You’re on time, Doctor. It’s a comfort to know someone can tear you away from that workshop of yours,” the white-haired stranger said.
He approached, his figure as imposing as the Captain’s from what you recalled. Even Zandik had to adjust his neck to look at the other man.
The introduced himself as Pierro and you curtsied, the gesture ingrained in your muscles; in turn, you received warm lips on your knuckles.
“I have not yet had the time to watch you play, as most of my subordinates and Her Majesty have. But hardly a day goes by without your music gracing the halls and I look forward to hearing what you’ve composed.”
“Thank you, Lord Harbinger,” you replied, reminding yourself to soften your smile.
“You’re familiar with the room’s layout, where the orchestra is set up, your cue?”
“Yes, I am, sir.”
He nodded, offered a kind smile, and then said something to Zandik in a tongue you’d never heard before. Your partner clicked his tongue, ears pink, and you caught something pass over Pierro’s expression when he thumped Zandik on the back twice.
“He was the stranger in the desert,” Zandik supplied quietly as Pierro walked away. “One of the few who can say they’ve seen my...evolution, so to speak.”
The rest of the gathering was a blur. Columbina hovered behind you, head on your shoulder as she asked Alecchino if the fabric of your dress was something she should consider next. You suppressed a shudder as you recalled the Third’s kaleidoscope eyes and tried to pair them with a fabric that looked like liquid stardust.
“You certainly would be able to hide not wearing shoes, my dove,” Arlecchino conceded.
To Zandik, the Knave said, “Interesting change, Doctor. I never thought gold was your color.”
“Of course it is, Arl,” Columbina chimed in. “It’s not like Regrator has a monopoly on a color. Besides, our Doctor looks quite healthy now, wouldn’t you say? A little less sallow? Happy, even?”
Zandik let a breath out of his nose. “Is that so?”
You stifled a laugh and were thankful that, not long after, you followed the expected protocol and found yourself in the center of the ball room. You weren’t the only guest (Capitano, Pantalone, and even Sandrone were not unaccompanied), which you were thankful for, but their faces were exposed, known.
Zandik flexed and you squeezed his arm in return as you settled into position awaiting the Tsaritsa. The Archon was escorted by Pierro, her dress as light as air despite the volume of the layers. The fabric whispered against the floor in the hushed silence.
She addressed the guests with a quiet but warm authority, not unlike how she first greeted you. Compared to the performances from Focalors in the Opera Epiclese, the Tsaritsa’s praise of Her Harbingers was grounded, full of pride and yet never reaching the fantastical exaggerations the Hydro Archon was prone to. The Tsaritsa’s eyes sparkled as much as the shining star on the sash, pinned over her heart as always, but there was a falsehood to it; a layer of ice that would never truly thaw.
You hoped your composition captured her oxymoronic nature.
Following your verbal cue, you stepped away from Zandik and passed through the crowd on the edge of the ballroom, escorted by one of your usual companions. Columbina floated ahead of you, her soft slippers gliding over the polished floor. A sea of familiar faces awaited you as you took your position and picked up the baton waiting for you.
You couldn’t use the one Zandik made for you, not without the risk of summoning your claymore over the heads of your musicians.
Percussion and strings came first to create a subtle yet solid foundation of the rhythm. A single woodwind picked up their cue, joined after a bar by the rest of their section for a warm, if melancholic beginning. Flutes picked up and carried the tune not unlike the birds that always welcomed the sun whenever it broke through the icy clouds every morning.
You wove the string section in, rounding out the composition. Grandiose in the middle, you gestured for a little more volume, listening carefully for any off rhythm or out of tune. Columbina’s harmonic vibrato rang through, an eerie chill dancing along the melody.
Everyone hit their climactic cue as practiced, as perfected, and relief flooded you. Halfway done.
Without an idea of what was happening behind you, you could only move forward and continue to pull everything together, beat by beat. Natural instinct took over, nerves steeled, and you let the notes envelope you as you moved everyone into the next section.
Your arms ached not due to exhaustion from conducting but longing. The last time you’d performed for an audience properly was lackluster, a shadow of your skills and heart, the strings on your cello more akin to sand between your fingers. A distant memory that felt so far away now. You felt full, proud, in the same way you did when you slashed your claymore through a mech and allowed your Vision’s energy to pass through you.
In this moment, every note, every gesture, was tangible, real. Coaxed and carried into the air, nurtured by the musician and by you, given a purpose and a place to exist.
You guided everyone into the final bar and closed the song with a flourish, the last of the brass section echoing off the walls of the ballroom. Applause exploded as everyone returned to rest position and you smiled, ushering everyone to stand and bow. Your success was theirs as well and when you turned to gaze out at the crowd, you caught a glassiness to the Tsaritsa’s expression that hadn’t been there before.
You turned and arranged the sheet music for the other conductor as you thanked everyone; there was little time for much else when you’d invigorated the crowd.
Expectations were shattered.
And now the evening was yours to enjoy.
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Even when you were apart from Zandik, however temporary, the air felt charged. You half expected lightning to strike at any moment as eyes lingered on you. The Second was immediately swept up into conversations that were directly related to ongoing events. He was spared a single moment to congratulate you before his attention was divided, the vein in his neck prominent from annoyance.
Columbina pulled you along, Arlecchino never far behind, wine glass in one hand as the Third prattled away. The Dove kept most at bay, deterring only the brave or the foolish who wanted to ask about your education, your connection to the Doctor; what kind of person were you to write a musical composition and yet accompany a man so logical and cold that he often spent such events looking for a victim to toy with all evening?
Sandrone approached you only once, not deigning to look at your companions, and congratulated you in a tone you recognized as polite disdain. It was the same kind of placating that you received in Fontaine, a falsehood that exposed itself as the words were spoken. She, too, was among those who did not understand why, precisely, the Doctor would have brought you back with him. A musician with a talent for composition, who wielded a weapon on occasion, was nothing special.
There were others better suited to his interests, his passions, she said in closing; you smiled enigmatically into your glass and wished her a good evening.
The cognitive dissonance would disappear eventually once your soulmate finished his social rounds.
“Is she always like that?” you asked the two Harbingers.
“Weirdly possessive and thinking highly of herself? Yes,” Arlecchino replied. “Her mechanical knowledge is rivaled only by Dottore’s but she can never quite position herself to climb higher. I suppose that’s what happens when you shed your humanity and limit yourself to being a puppeteer of other marionettes though.”
Soon enough, however, the Third and Fourth had their own duties to tend to. Across the room, you watched Zandik’s earring glow faintly, and he turned to look at you for a moment. He nodded in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. You would be reunited soon enough.
You looked around and made your way to the perimeter of the ballroom, where tables and chairs were set up to allow guests to rest. Not far from you, you caught sight of a large figure overlooking the room, his black uniform cutting a striking contrast against the white and gilded décor of the wall behind him.
Greeting him with a curtsy, the Captain nodded to you in silence and then returned his gaze to the rest of the room.
“You are the talk of the evening, Maestra. I hope you do not allow common gossip to concern you tonight.”
The Captain was a man of little words and yet when he spoke, he always managed to make the most poignant remarks.
“I cannot recall the last time nasha Tsaritsa and her Jester smiled as they danced,” the Harbinger continued. “She lost her true ability to love when Celestia took her beloved Sovereign from her and froze him under the sea. The Doctor is not the only one affected by your presence and skill.”
His head turned and you saw nothing but an inky abyss through the opening of his helmet.
“You would do well to remember that, Maestra.”
“Thank you, Captain.”
He straightened and didn’t speak again, instead continuing through the perimeter, ever vigilant.
Your ring glowed and cast the slightest tint of blue against the glass of sparkling wine as you raised it to your lips. You looked around and nearly jumped when you found Zandik behind you. The Third and Fourth excused themselves with a biting comment about lovebirds and slipped into the crowd.
“I trust you were in good company in my absence?” he asked.
“I was,” you replied, an errant hand reaching out to straight the feather on his lapel. “Finished for the evening?”
“My obligations have been met and I have every intention of spending the rest of the evening uninterrupted.”
Zandik held out a hand in silent request. You abandoned your glass on the nearest table before placing your hand in his and breaking through the throng of people to the dance floor. A jolt jumped through his fingertips to yours and ran up your arm, your heart expanding of its own accord.
Just like the previous night, you fell into rhythm quickly, Zandik precise and in-step as he led. The sensation of eyes crawling up your back, skimming your joined hands and how closely you danced, was offset by the way his scent lingered and how perfect you felt against him. The closest feeling to this was stepping into a warm room on a rainy day or entering your favorite cafe. Being pressed to him, in his arms, was like being home.
Around you, the air felt charged again, only this time you were certain that if it struck, you would die fulfilled.
“You were right,” you murmured as he spun both of you around.
“Of course I was. But what about?”
“I missed it. All of it.”
The hand on your waist moved to your back, fingers pressing into the exposed skin at the small of your back. Words failed to truly encompass what you meant and the thumb stroking your spine reminded you that they weren’t necessary for the man dancing with you.
“You’re talented, rooh 'albi. You don’t need me to tell you that. There is a beauty, a strength, that only comes with wielding that knowledge and hard work. If the cursed principles were so dead-set on pairing me, I’m glad it is to you.”
You settled your head onto his shoulder as best you could, even if it wasn’t befitting of the dance, the bird feathers tickling your nose. His scent was intoxicating, sandalwood and mint and musk, and for the last movements of the song, you pushed out all other noise and sensations except for Zandik.
“Can we go get some air after this?” you asked. “I’m tired of being surrounded.”
Zandik pressed his lips to your ear, his breath hot.
“You read my mind. I’ve just about his my threshold for nonsense for the evening.”
The song ended, and you resisted the urge to kiss him as you pulled away, your faces a hair width apart despite your masks. Not here, you reminded yourself, even though every part of you burned with something beyond pure need.
Your soul longed to feel his, connect and tangle and weave itself. It was more overpowering than any sensation you’d felt before.
And cut short too soon when a familiar voice sent needles up your spine and broke your reverie.
“Would you do me the honor of a dance, Maestra?”
In a stupor, you turned your head towards Pantalone, a congenial smile on his lips and his eyes closed; he wore the face of a host pleased with his guests’ experiences.
You hadn’t seen the banker all evening, actually, now that you considered it, o ther than the line-up at the beginning. It was only polite that you danced with Zandik’s closest colleague, regardless of your own sentiments. Your partner had yet to let you go and if you truly had a choice, you would have preferred to decline and stay in Zandik’s arms.
But there were eyes on you and gossip spread quicker than wildfire.
“My pleasure, Lord Harbinger. But only the one.”
Zandik relented and you took your position with Pantalone as the next song began. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched blue hair and bird feathers as the other Harbinger moved about the room.
Did he suspect his colleague, you wondered. You’d told Zandik of your experiences, how cautious you preferred to be around the banker as of late, and he was no stranger to Pantalone’s machinations, either.
The banker led you in the dance in a familiar tug that made your stomach drop to your feet. He was on beat, smooth in his steps, but he expected you to follow him. You stiffened considerably, grateful that his gloved hands never seemed to touch your bare skin other than your hand.
“A wonderful performance, as expected,” Pantalone said. “You managed to pull a smile from Her Majesty, one that hasn’t been seen in years. A testament to your skill.”
“Thank you, my lord. It wouldn’t have been possible without the musicians I worked with, however. A conductor, let alone the composition itself, is only as good as those playing the music.”
“Ever humble, Maestra. For every commonality, there is a corresponding difference between you and the Doctor. The further you ingratiate yourself, the harder this will be, you know, when those differences truly take root."
You followed his cue to spin you out and when you returned, you narrowly avoided stepping on his toe as a response.
“He forgets himself with you around. I remember what it was to be enamored, attached, bonded. They succumbed to illness long before their time. So long in fact that I cannot remember their face clearly. But I recall their touch, their presence, and you would do well to remember that your Zandik has centuries on you. He will outlast you, surpass you, because that is who he is.”
What was Pantalone getting at?
He dipped you backwards, so low you swore you intended to drop you. For a man with a lithe figure, he had more strength and reflexes than he led on. When you were upright again, you spat the first words that came to mind.
"I don't intend to go anywhere. Face the truth and set aside whatever bias you hold, Lord Harbinger."
"And watch my closest colleague suffer when he experiences the inevitability of the lies you've created? Watch my nation wonder about the mysterious woman who is not a Harbinger but managed to seat herself so closely to the Doctor that she has to be some fearsome entity, bewitching even the Tsaritsa herself? I think not."
The music swelled to a close and Pantalone stepped away almost immediately. He bowed only low enough to be polite, gold eyes glittering through his lashes with malice.
“Enjoy your evening, Maestra.”
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You were shaking by the time you wove your way through the crowd, grabbed Zandik’s hand, and found the nearest exit from the ballroom. Both of you found a courtyard, dusted with frost, and stepped outside. The cold air was crisp against your hot skin and grounded you almost instantly despite the goosebumps breaking out across your arms.
“What did he say to you?” Zandik asked firmly as he cast off the feathery mantle and draped the bird over your shoulders.
“That you forget yourself with me present. That you’ll outlive me, that I’m lying to you, worming my way into the Tsaritsa’s favor.” You paused, rounding your shoulders to press your face against the metal bird. “None of it is true. How can he come to such conclusions, Zandik?”
“Whatever nonsense Pantalone said is unique to his situation, one I’ve studied extensively. He’s given me a mouthful of drivel on more than one occasion, rooh 'albi. One’s experiences always color their perspective and they always think they’re right; they cannot see beyond themselves.”
You turned and faced Zandik entirely when his hand reached for you. Instinctively, you cradled his face in both of your hands, feeling the slightest hint of stubble already beginning to grow despite his shave this morning.
“It would be more painful to be apart,” you whispered. “Than to not know what this feels like.”
“A conclusion that doesn’t have enough evidence to support. But it is the driving hypothesis behind why we agreed to explore this, isn’t it?”
“Will you outlive me? Am I condemning you to an existence of absence, mon rêve?”
“I’m hardly immortal. I’ve extended my life and with a handful of exceptions, I’m human. I’ll die one day, same as you.”
Your breaths came out in smokey puffs, the chill burning your nostrils and yet you didn’t want to go back inside. Trembling, you angled your head and captured Zandik’s lips with yours, finding nothing but steady warmth, certainty.
When you opened your mouth, his tongue found yours with reflexive ease, tasting you. You craved more, one hand slipping from his cheek to cradle the back of his head and give yourself a bit of purchase. Hunger, need, far deeper than mere carnality, swirled in your chest.
Zandik broke the kiss first, dragging his teeth along your bottom lip with a satisfying pop.
“Uncertainty and fear do not become you. Forget the rest. What do you want?”
He breathed the words against the skin of your neck and the courtyard spun around you as his teeth grazed your flesh.
“You. Us. Whatever we carve out of this world for ourselves.”
Zandik peppered kisses along your jaw.
“Then you shall have me, musiqaa ruhi. All of me. Even long after every last star in the sky is gone and we are free of the shackles of fate that tie us together.”
The words carried both of you out of the courtyard and deep into the night, never out of reach of one another.
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shysuccubusstuff · 5 months
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obsessed! childe pt. 1
Content: Female anatomy, obssession, dubcon (the reader does love Childe, and Childe loves reader, I just love writing yandere males).
Note: The potion that Childe uses is more like a "tell the truth potion", meaning the person will act/say whatever they actually think abt the person, if they do not say it they will start to feel light/mild effects, these effects vary from each person.
Note 2: I was planning on doing a single part but the text was getting too long and I've been cooking this for way too much time cause i have no time to write...
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I don't think you are able to understand the surprise Childe felt when he arrived to Inazuma, all with the objective of analyzing a little the situation of Inazuma (while also keeping an eye on Scaramouche), just a small and fast trip, then he would be able to go back to Snezhnaya, rest a little while waiting for the next quest given by the Tsaritsa. While at his stay, he found the different posters that talked about the rock festival that was being planned, and despite this did not catch his interest at first, he received some letters from the Tsaritsa, explaining to him how this would be a good opportunity to check how the people of Inazuma actually felt after the whole "now-we-are-mostly-free" situation. So he agreed, waiting patiently until the even finally took place, he decided to take a walk around Inazuma, just checking the different restaurants and small stalls that were sitting around the streets. He was checking some of the newest items added to the menu when he saw something, well, more like someone. There you were, as pretty as he remembered, you hair shinning thanks to the sun rays that were falling on top of your head. You were smiling...maybe more like laughing, which made you even prettier to be honest. While he stood there, menu still in his hand, he noticed another person, a huge man with long white hair, marks all over his body, he seemed to be quite strong, but taking into account that there was a huge ball of some kind of dessert in front of his feet, he did not seem to be the most brilliant persons that you had been able to meet. While analyzing this man, you suddenly hit him on his shoulder, your body being unable to keep still due to the huge laugh that you were trying to contain (this was useless, as you can see). He threw out what was left of the dessert and started to tickle you, making your own dessert fall to the floor. Now, what the heck was up with that? You barely allowed him to touch you, always saying "Childe, I still don't trust you fully" but a completely new man was able to do so? Yeah, he may have tried to drown you (and the whole city of Liyue) but weren't you being unfair? He stated his reasons and tried to be as kind as possible, giving you as much money as you wanted and even talking to his family about you (the pretty traveller with a fierce heart and a great attitute) but while he was doing that you went around meeting new men?
He quickly left the menu somewhere around the stall, going to where you stanted in a fast pace, but just as he was about to snap at the random man he composed himself, his friendly (yet dangerous) smile was back in his lips, he suddenly put one of his hands on your shoulder, causing you to suddenly jump. The other man slowly stopped, his red eyes looking to his blue eyes, even the expression that was in his face made him look like a complete dork, you changed him for some dull white-haired man? He may not be the most sane person, and yes, he may have a little problem with fighting you, but didn't you two have something? God, he was starting to get furious once again, but he kept the act, face as cool as a cucumber and a relaxed body language. "Hey traveller, long time no see, how have you been?" He only kept his eyes fixated on you, ignoring the existance of Itto for a moment. "I've been missing you like crazy, Teucer has been asking me about you and he was so sad that we have not been able to meet for such a long time!" Your expression got a little ankward, you knew Childe was doing it on purpose, turning his back while not allowing him to enter the conversation. "Oh hey... I didn't know you were going to come here to Inazuma, I've been fine, I was able to make some good friends here in Inazuma, this is Itto, he is the best at onikabuto fights!" Itto seemed to pump his chest, probably full of proud as for that... achivement? Childe smiled, the vein at his neck still pumped, cause what did he expect when he left you alone? All those dirty men probably tried to get to your pretty head with their dumb tactics, yeah, this dude may seem more innocent, but of course he was just like all the others.
Once again, he tried to compose himself, carefully getting his hand around your waist, Itto's eyes did notice, and as he felt how the pressure was getting bigger, he suddenly shifted his eyes, looking at some vague point. "Oh uhm... I forgot I just have this meeting... yeah, the one with the gang you know? Oh shoot, how could I forget? I gotta get going, see ya around compadre!" Itto left like the wind, running as fast as possible to get further away from that strange man who kept looking at him like some kind of prey.
"Oh, lady, why did your friend leave? I was about to invite him to some of the most beautiful places I was able to find... But I would first invite you to the great cuisine at some of the restaurants from Inazuma!" Childe smiled brightly, his enemy was no longer at sight, so of course he should try to keep his act of the "good guy". So he did, he invited to Inazuma's cuisine, even being so good as to get up himself and bringing your food to the table, even adding a special potion created in Mondstadt and carefully mixing it between your food. As he did not enjoy some unfair sparring, he did mix that potion with his own food, after all, if it did have some kind of harmful effects he should also be the one facing them. "Sorry for taking so long, I found some issues with the plate, so I had to ask them to change it!" He carefully explained, leaving each of the plates in the sides, together with the rest of plates that had already been served, just when you finally took a bite of all the food was he finally happy, smile shining as bright as the sun. When the dinner finally ended, he carefully took your hand, leading to the residence that you had been staying at, it was quite old for his liking, but he did find it enchanting, it was the place where you slept after all.
It took him some time to get you to bed, as the potion only seemed to make you drunk in some way body hot and tembling hands. He carefully laid you in bed, tucking you in with a lot of care and leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. He was kind of dissapointed with the drink, but he supposed that this was better than having some bad reaction to it. Just as he was about to leave the bedroom and head to his hotel, he felt a soft pull, your hand was around his wrist, your eyes looked just like a puppy, begging for him to not leave. At first he was quite hesitant, you were not in your right mind, and despite how much he would love to give you the thing you begged so much, he did have some moral compass. But your pretty eyes were melting him, and the sweet things that were leaving your lips did not help him either, so he gave in.
His body starting to burn up, was it because of the potion? It seemed that the potion did have a slower effect in him, as he was ok just a few minutes ago. His mind was starting to get a little fuzzy, so he slowly laid on bed, allowing you to get on top of him. "Ojou-chan...never did I think I would be able to have such a beautiful woman on top of me, not only beautiful, but a woman strong enough to defeat me..." His cocky smile on his lip only caused you to feel even stronger the urge to shut him up with a kiss, so you did, lips on top of each other and hands all over his body, playful hands going under his shirt, body hot to the touch due to the hot temperature of Inazuma at that time. "Aren't you been a little too cocky, lady?" You smile, still being completely under the effects of the potion. You pull away from him, looking at his flusthered face and getting closer to him, bitting and kissing his neck and hearing him let some breathy moans out of his pretty lips. "I'm trying to go easy on you, lady... But you have seen to learn some pretty mischiveous tactics while we were far apart..." He still had that cocky expression, even despite the fact that he was in a much worse state than you. He once again smiled, carefully putting his hands around your hips and massaging that place. He slowly kissed your face, peppering soft lips all around your cheeks and nose. "You're so naughty today, traveller..." Despite his lustful eyes, he kept treating you soft, something completely opposite to how he usually acted, all high and confident, being unafraid of being too rough when you fought each other. Childe's hands slowly moved upwards, pulling out the soft clothes that were covering your body, your skin shinning thanks to the moonlight that entered through the window in the room. "You're so pretty... so so pretty... I wish I could just hide you in my pocket,,, I want my family to meet you as soon as possible..." He kept peppering kisses all over your body, from your shoulders to your tummy, what was up with him? "Ajax... what is going on?..." He simply looked at you like a small puppy, kissing your lips and giving no answer to your question. He slowly got rid of his own clothes, leaving both of you completely naked, slowly analyzing all and each of your gaps and pretty features.
"I'm sorry, lady... I am at my limit and I don't think I can keep much longer... didn't think that the stuff that that damn old man gave me would be so strong..." The creepy face of the other member of the Fatuis almost caused him to flinch, but he just chose to focus on the moment, lowkey thanking him for the chance of such a "dashing" encounter with his dear rival (lover as well).
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trashyswitch · 11 months
Day 30: Caught
SCP-049 and SCP-999 get to have yet another playdate together! They are watched by Dr. Itkin, and things go relatively smoothly compared to the last visit.
Part 3 of 049 and the 'Unkillable' Creature. Link to Part 2
049 and 999 are back together again! I hope you enjoy!
SCP-049 waited patiently for SCP-999 to arrive to his room. He had cleaned up his things to prevent 999 from getting at his tools. Their last visit was evidence enough that 999 was too young to handle such sharp tools. The last thing he would want, was for 999 to hurt someone during one of its curious states. SCP-049 brought out a couple toys he had collected for the last while. These toys included a ball, a kids’ keyboard, and a coloring book with crayons. Though he had played with the toys a little bit by himself, he had specifically collected them for SCP-999. “SCP-049?” Someone called. SCP-049 looked up. “999 is here?” 049 asked. 
“Yes, he is. Are those toys for 999?” Dr. Itkin asked. 
“Yes. SCP-999 is a dog-like creature that resembles the intelligence of a child at 3 years old. I have no doubt that 999 will enjoy these toys.” SCP-049 explained. 
“Very well. Sending in 999 now.” Dr. Itkin said as he clicked a button. The door slid open, to reveal 999 sliding through the door frame. “999!” SCP-049 reacted, opening its arms and kneeling down to its level. 999 slid itself past the toys, straight up to 049 to give him a big hug. 049 happily took the hug, and allowed 999 to knock him over onto his backside. “Oof…Hello, 999. It is a pleasure to see you again.” SCP-049 greeted. 
999 nuzzled the right side of its face and cheek against 049’s mask. “I missed you too, 999. I missed you a lot.” 049 admitted. 
999 opened its eyes and started planting kisses onto SCP-049’s mask. 
“Oh? I did not know you give people kisses.” 049 admitted. 
999 smiled and looked at 049 with starry eyes. It gurgled happily and wrapped its pseudopods around SCP-049 happily. 
“Oh my…” 049 chuckled and hugged 999 back. “I suppose some greeting hugs are required.” SCP-049. 
SCP-999 nuzzled its face further into 049’s mask, hoping to tickle the SCP’s neck a little bit. But 999 quickly noticed that the mask lacked the nerves to make him laugh. So, 999 brought out a 3rd pseudopod and moved it through the cloak’s hood. 
“What-” 049 widened his eyes under the mask as the pseudopod shoved itself down his hood. “W-Wait! Gahaha! NOHO! Nine-nine-nihihine!” 049 reacted. 
999 gurgled happily and closed its eyes, looking almost proud of itself for getting 049 to laugh. 
“Nohoho tihicklehehes! Yohohou knohohohow thihihis!” 049 reminded it. 
“I hope it helps to know that SCP-999’s favorite activity is tickle-wrestling.” Dr. Itkin told him. 
“Ihihi knohohow! Ihit’s kind of obviohohous.” 049 admitted. 
“Though, 999 has enjoyed playing with rubber balls.” Dr. Itkin added. 
Looking around, 049 reached out for the orange ball that was laying on the ground. He had to fight his inner instincts to try and get the ball, which proved to be somewhat difficult. 049 wasn’t used to being tickled anymore. 999 was the only friend he really had these days. 
Finally, 049 touched the ball and gripped the ball with his gloved hands. He waved the ball at 999, hoping to get its attention. “999, look!” 049 declared, shaking the hollow ball. 
999 looked at the ball with starry eyes, and let out something similar to an “Ooooh!” sound. 
“Doho you want to play with it?” He asked. 
SCP-999 clapped its pseudopods together as the third pseudopod removed itself from his hood. SCP-049 let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness…the tickles are over. 049 threw the ball to the other side of the room, and watched as 999 slid across the floor to the ball. The pseudopods caught the ball like a baseball glove, and carried the ball back to 049. Happy with itself, 999 gave it to 049 and did a little bouncy dance. 
049 stared at it, surprised to see it react like that. “Is…that your version of a happy dance?” 049 asked it. 
999 nodded its head and purred. 
SCP-049 chuckled and threw the ball again. “Go get it.” He told it. 
999 slid to the ball and caught it with its mouth this time! 999 carried the ball back to 049 like a puppy, and dropped it to the ground. 
“Let’s try something different.” 049 decided. “I throw it, and you throw it back to me.” 049 suggested. 
999 did a small happy dance as it moved back a little bit. 049 threw the ball to 999, and 999 caught it with its pseudopod again. But this time, 999 threw it overhand back to him. 049 was able to catch it with little issue, and threw it over to 999 again. 999 caught it, and threw it over to 049 once more. 
“Whoa!” 049 reacted, catching it in front of his face. “You nearly hit me.” SCP-049 reacted. “A little softer, okay?” 049 asked as he threw it. 
999 caught the ball with its body, and took it out using a new pseudopod. Then, 999 threw the ball to 049 slightly roughly. 
049 caught the ball again, and threw it slightly above 999, so he could see if 999 would catch it with the pseudopod. But to 049’s surprise, 999 rose itself up and caught it with its gelatin body! The ball floated in the body, looking almost invisible due to the similar color of 999 and the ball. 
Then, 999 lifted itself up, and took in a ‘breath’. Suddenly, the ball shot right out of 999, and went flying towards 049! 
049 quickly jumped out of the way to save himself from the fastball that had moved his way. He fell to the ground as the ball bounced off the wall, ricocheting, and hitting 999 right in the face! 049 looked up at 999 with shock, worried 999 got hurt. But 999 just sat there…staring off into space with the rubber ball in its cranium. “Oh dear-” 049 ran up and pulled the ball out of 999’s head. “Are you alright?” He asked. 
999 looked up at 049, with an innocent little smile on its face. It gurgled happily and stretched itself up, surpassing 049’s height by a long shot. 049 was dumbfounded. What…in the world was 999 doing?! 
The creature of jelly suddenly surrounded his body, and engulfed him within its orange body. The only thing that was not engulfed was his head. “Uuhhh…999?” He called. 
The creature looked down at 049, with an innocent, but secretly wicked smile on its face. And then…049 began to feel tickly sensations on his belly, neck, ribs, even his feet. 
999 just gurgled and cooed, jiggling its large body around playfully as it tickled him. 
049’s body flopped around, going from a standing position to a sitting position. His arms and legs were flopping around inside the gelatin-like substance that was SCP-999. “IHIHIT’S SOHOHO TICKLIHIHIHIHISH!” 049 yelled at them. 
“999, please don’t tickle him for long.” Dr. Itkin ordered. 
999 gave the camera something similar to a human’s thumbs up with its pseudopod, before looking at 049 again with that same ‘innocent’ smile. 
999 just shrugged its gelatin shoulders. 
“It looks to me that SCP-999 just wanted to play something else.” Dr. Itkin mentioned to him. “YEHEHEAH, IHIHI KNOHOHOW THAHAHAHAHAT!” 049 shouted back. 
“Now now, there is no need to be snippy with me.” Dr. Itkin told him. “Such behavior is not tolerated here, and there will be disciplinary actions against you if you act out too much.” Dr. Itkin reminded SCP-049. 
“Apology accepted. Have fun~” Dr. Itkin teased into the microphone, before a small bit of feedback rang through the room. 049 immediately sensed he knew what this feedback meant: He’s all alone now…being mercilessly tickled by 999. And while this would’ve annoyed him to no end…something in his mind was beginning to shift. 
It didn’t help that 999 was now starting to emit comforting smells of bread fresh out of the oven. It smelled heavenly and started to make him feel hungry…but the hunger for such a thing, couldn’t really be satisfied due to the time period he was in. It was…almost a heartbreaking reality for him. Though, he knew 999 didn’t mean to make him sad when he emitted those smells. And truthfully, he really couldn’t be sad right now with all the tickling he was experiencing. 
999 must’ve noticed something was off…because 999 stopped the tickles and looked at him with…a worried face? 
049 took in deep breaths to recuperate from the laughter fits he had experienced. He looked at 999 with relief, mixed with a little bit of confusion. “Hohow…how did you…” He started to ask. 
999 brought 049 up onto a standing position, and let 049 escape from its grasp. When 049 fell out of the orange body, he practically flopped onto the ground in pure exhaustion. It looked like 049 couldn’t keep himself on his feet for very long. 
Wanting to apologize to 049 for overdoing it, 999 slid up to him and wrapped its pseudopods around him before nuzzling its cheek into 049’s chest. 049 seemed to appreciate this action. “Th…thank you, 999. Thahanks.” He told the creature. 
999 gurgled happily in response and continued to cuddle its tall friend. 
“Thank you for your consideration, 999.” Dr. Itkin told the creature. “We will reward you with some candy as a midnight snack.” The doctor told 999. 
999 looked over at the snack box, and heard a package of skittles land in the snack box. 999 looked up at the camera, before hanging its ‘head’ for a bit. 
After a few minutes of thinking, 999 looked over at the snack box and took out the skittles and…handed 049 the bag…
Wait, what?! 
049 looked at 999. “You…want ME…to have the candies?” 049 asked. 
999 nodded its ‘head’ and gurgled happily in response. 
049 looked down at the skittles, before gently ripping the package open. He pulled a red one out and stared at it. “A…comfit?” 049 asked, mistaking it for a fruit, nut or seed covered in sugar. Curious of its taste, 049 put it under the mask, and chewed the candy. It was a little chewy, but super sweet! Holy- it was SO SWEET! It was like he had eaten 5 tablespoons of honey all at once! It felt like he may throw up from how deafeningly sweet this one tiny piece of candy was! 
“......May I try another?” 
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ikeromantic · 1 year
CinderAlice pt2
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The winner of the IkeRev 1K AU story poll was Cinderella! Featuring the Black Army guys and Alice as Cinderella. 2900 words Pt. 2/4
Part 1
Alice finally pulled herself out of bed some hours later. Her step-sisters and Lady Tremaine were already gone, off in a hired carriage to the palace. “At least I have the house to myself,” she muttered as she shuffled to the kitchen.
Technically, she wasn’t allowed to cook food for herself, but the lady never noticed as long as she didn’t use much and cleaned everything up after. Tonight, she promised herself something sweet.
She set her dress on a stool and began pulling out the cream and sugar, berries and flour. Outside, dusk was slipping into evening and she could see the faintest light from the first star of the evening. “I wish there was something better than this,” she sighed. “I just wanted . . . I don’t know. I guess it’s stupid. And here I am, talking to myself. Also silly.” Alice gave a dry laugh. 
As she turned back to the table, a strange blue glow caught her eye. Alice turned back toward the window. She expected to see someone passing by with a magic crystal lantern, but instead, there was a man. He stood just outside the window, staring in, and the glow was coming from him. “AHHHHHHH!” She screamed and threw the spoon in her hand at him. 
“Ah! Ouch! Hey!” The man caught the spoon just before it hit him. “That’s no way to greet a fairy godfather, now is it?” 
“A what?” Alice grabbed a nearby frying pan, ready to defend herself. 
“Fairy. Godfather. Didn’t you just make a wish, sweetie?” He smiled brightly. 
She had, of course, heard of such things. In stories. But she had to admit, if there was a fairy godfather, they would look just like this guy. Ethereally pretty, skin aglow with the touch of magic, a cheery look in his eye, and a sparkle in the air around him. “I did,” she said finally, lowering the pan. 
“Oh good. Because I had my heart set on a makeover today!” He came through the window and walked to the table. When he snapped his fingers, the entire kitchen turned into a fancy dressing room. The counters became vanities with hair and makeup tools, the pantry turned into a walk-in closet hung with gowns a queen could wear, and the dish rack became a shoe rack. 
Alice blinked and set the pan down, only realizing as she did that it was a hairbrush now. “I - I don’t understand.”
“Oh honey, we are going to that ball tonight. And we are going to be the prettiest people there.” He laughed at her expression of surprise. “You wanted a night like a dream, right? So . . . I’m here to make sure it happens. When I’m done, you’ll be too gorgeous to look away from. Although -” He looked her over with a grin, “you’re already irresistible.”
She felt her cheeks heat at the compliment and the glint in his eyes. “Ummm. Ok. I don’t really know what I should do. I don’t - I can’t pay you anything, Mister - ah, Godfather, sir.” 
“As if I’d accept a penny.” He crossed the space between them. “And please, don’t call me mister. It makes me feel old. Call me Seth.” 
Alice nodded mutely. She wasn’t sure what to say or do. This didn’t feel real, but it was too crazy to be anything else. “So how does this work?”
“Like so.” Seth guided her over to one of the vanities and sat her down. A comb and brush appeared in his hands and her hair fell out of its bun. He grinned at her surprised gasp. “Don’t look so surprised,” he laughed and bent close to add, “I’m just getting started.”
His breath tickled her cheek and his lips were so close to her ear that Alice could almost feel the satin brush of them as he spoke. Her eyes went wide and heat stained her face. 
Seth’s smile held a knowing look as he met her gaze in the mirror. “You know you don’t need to go to a royal ball to have a good time. We could throw our own little party here.” His voice was low and husky, different completely from the bright sing-song tone of his introduction. 
“I . . .” Alice swallowed, trying to think clearly. 
“Just kidding.” Seth straightened, his playful expression back in place. “Now let’s get this makeover going!”
It took him almost no time to style her hair and apply her makeup. He swapped out her dress with a gesture, going through a whole season’s worth of designs and colors. Some, Alice had to walk and turn in, giggling as he commented on the fit like she was in a fashion show. Every outfit was incredible, but none felt quite right. Until a familiar multi-colored silk settled over her skin. 
“Seth! This dress! It looks -” her voice trembled a little as she smoothed her hands over the embroidery of the bodice. “It looks just like the one I made. Only . . . are these real jewels? And this, it’s thread of gold!” The panels looked like painted silks instead of barely matched swatches, and the layers of the skirt fell lightly together like flower petals.
His smile was kind and a little wistful. “It’s the dress you would have made. Your vision, recaptured by magic.” 
She reached out and clasped his hands. “I want to wear this one. Please!”
“It looks perfect on you. All you need now are the accessories.” Seth stepped around her to place a choker on her neck, his fingertips caressing the nape of her neck for a breathless moment. 
Her heart sped up as he slipped a bracelet onto her wrist, but she got ahold of herself as his hands brushed her ears. “Wait! I have earrings.” She fumbled at the skirt, remembering they were in the inner pocket. Though her dress now should have no such feature, she found them anyhow as if under the layers of silk, she still wore her apron and rags. 
Seth laughed as he took them from her hand and put them in. “Lovely.” He took a step back and looked her over. “The only thing you need is a stylish pair of shoes. And I know just the ones.” He snapped his fingers and they appeared on her feet. Lady’s slippers cut from magic crystals. They held a soft glow that lit the silk of her dress from beneath, and made the entire outfit gleam. 
Alice laughed and spun, making the skirt flare and swing around her legs. “This is amazing! Thank you Seth! You are the best fairy godfather a girl could want!”
“Your smile makes it all worthwhile.” He set a hand on her shoulder. “Just remember, fairy magic isn’t permanent. The spell holding this outfit together expires at midnight, so don’t stay out too late.” 
“Midnight! Got it!” She hugged him. “You really are the best!” Then she pulled back, realization dawning on her. “But wait, I don’t really know where to go! And I can’t walk there . . . not dressed like this.”
Seth shook his head, laughing. “You don’t think I’d forget to provide you with a ride. And you already have the address.” He closed his hand and then opened it again, revealing a scrap of paper with an address scrawled on it. “This is where you go and -” he pointed toward the window, “there’s your ride.”
“This is the paper from that man I bumped into! Sirius! He works at the castle?”
“Sir Oswald is the prince’s senior advisor.” Seth raised an eyebrow, teasing. “You didn’t know?”
“Oh my god! I bumped into Sir OSWALD!” She felt mortified. Not only had she slammed into him but then she hadn’t recognized him either. “This is too embarrassing.”
Seth grinned and slipped a finger under her chin, tipping her face up. “Don’t worry. Tonight, you aren’t the serving girl from Central. You are a mysterious princess, exotic and lovely. Now go and have fun!”
And just like that, Alice found herself in a sparkling white coach pulled by a team of bay stallions. The coachman took the scrap of paper with a nod and they were off.  
As they drew closer to the palace, the evening filled with soft strains of music and the hum of distant conversation. Alice felt elated, excitement and nervousness coursed through her the louder the sounds became. When the coach rolled to a stop, and the carriage door swung open, she almost didn’t step out. But the coachmen smiled up at her kindly and held out his hand, so she took it. After, she was handed off to a palace guard who guided her up a wide gilded marble staircase to the ballroom door. He knocked once, and the door swung open to reveal a tall man with gorgeous mauve hair and eyes of rose-petal pink.
“Sir Godspeed,” Alice gasped. Everyone knew Fenrir Godspeed. He was a knight, a hero, and often spent time in town helping people. He was also supposed to be a bit wild and unpredictable, which she could believe, seeing him up close. There was something mischievous in his smile, something that made her heart pound.
“Just Fenrir. Nobody calls me Sir,” Fenrir laughed and held a hand out to her. “So who’re you?”
He pulled her close, leaning in to look at her expression. “Not sure, huh?” Fenrir chuckled and then reached up to ruffle her hair. “Don’t look so nervous, Alice. Royal balls are just like any other party.”
She nodded. “Ok. I - I’ve never been to one before. I don’t want to look silly.”
He ruffled her hair once more before taking her arm and turning her to face one side of the room.
“See that guy over there in the hat that looks like a giant mushroom?” 
“No one’s gonna notice as long as you don’t look sillier than that guy. Got it?” Fenrir nudged her. 
Alice couldn’t help but giggle. The man he’d mentioned did look pretty ridiculous. 
“You look even prettier when you smile like that.” Fenrir’s gaze was warm and friendly. “Guess what? I’ll do you a favor. I’ll keep an eye on you tonight and if you look bored or out of place, I’ll rescue you. Got it?”
“Got it.” She grinned at him. But there was still a tension to her shoulders that she couldn’t quite shake. Alice looked away, not wanting him to see that she wasn’t completely cheered. 
Fenrir’s thumb grazed her cheek. “Hey! That’s not the smile I wanted to see.”
“Heh. Yeah. Sorry. I just - are you sure it’s ok that I’m here? Even if I don’t make an idiot of myself, I’m just a servant. I cook and clean all day. Everyone else is noble and -”
He took her chin in his hand and gently turned her face back toward him. “Hey. Don’t let anybody tell you where you do and don’t belong. My buddy the Prince held this ball for all the people of Cradle and he’d want you to have fun.”
It looked like he wanted to say more, but he was being called over by a group of ladies. Sir Godspeed was very popular, and having met him, Alice could understand why. She patted his arm. “Thanks Fenrir. I’m going to go have a good time.”
“That’s the spirit.” His fingertips grazed her jawline, sending a little shiver through her as he let go. Then he gave her a thumbs up and then sauntered over to his fans to see what they wanted.
Feeling better, and a little more relaxed, Alice made her way into the ballroom. There were people dancing in the center with people standing at the edges and chatting in groups.She did not see her step-mother or step-sisters, though she knew they were here somewhere. Hopefully she could avoid them for the night. 
Her eyes lit on a table of sweet treats in one corner, and she decided to grab a snack. They looked delicious. Chocolates that looked like flowers and tiny cakes with pearls of icing and -
“Why hello there little lady! I was hoping I might see you here tonight.” 
Alice spun at the words and came nose to chest with the tall, amethyst-eyed man from town.  “You! You didn’t tell me you were Sir Oswald! I am so, so sorry I bumped into you!”
Sirius smiled and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It was my fault. And I hope you don’t hold it against me.” He chuckled, his smile kind. 
“I . . . thanks. I don’t.” Alice took a step back, hoping he wouldn’t notice the heat in her cheeks. There was something about being so close to a man like him that made her pulse race. Which was silly. He was just being nice, afterall. She returned his smile. 
“So it looks like you were about to sample one of the petit fours? The glace are the best. Here, try this one.” He picked up a small caramel tartlet and held it out for her to take a bite. 
Alice felt herself go even redder. She couldn’t remember anyone feeding her a bite of anything, ever. It felt like an intimate gesture, but she didn’t want to be rude. She leaned forward just enough to take a small bite, and felt his fingertip brush her lip as she came away. It was impossible to focus on the pastry. 
“Pretty good, isn’t it?” Sirius didn’t seem to notice how red she was getting, or if he did, he was kind enough to pretend. 
She had no idea how the tartlet tasted. Her lips still felt buzzy from that satin barely there touch but she wasn’t going to tell him that. “Yep. Delicious.”
He glanced away, a thoughtful look on his expressive face. “Would you like to dance with me?”
“Dance? I - I don’t really know how.” 
Sirius held out his hand to her. “Let me show you.”
Alice felt more than a little nervous about it, but the couples on the floor did look as if they were having fun. And what was the point of going to a royal ball if you didn’t dance? She set her hand in his, feeling the large, calloused palm enclose her fingers. 
He led her out onto the dance floor and then turned to face her. Sirius kept holding her right hand, but set her left hand on his shoulder and put his left on her upper back. “Alright. I’m going to go slow, little lady. Just follow my lead, ok?”
And then they began to move. Alice felt horribly awkward at first. Step forward, and to the side and feet together and - she just kept focusing on not stepping on him or tripping. But his smile and the confident look in his eyes made her begin to relax. 
“Now you look like you’re enjoying yourself.” Sirius smiled. “I’m glad.” His expression turned a little bashful. “You know, I was just thinking, I’ve met you twice now and I still don’t know your name.”
“It’s -”
“Hey old man! Stop hogging the prettiest girls to yourself.” Fenrir tapped Sirius on the shoulder, interrupting the conversation. 
“Hey! I’m not that much older than you.” He let his arm drop, but kept hold of Alice’s hand. 
Fenrir chuckled. “Yeah, says the senior advisor. Anyway, you had enough time with her. If she’s dancing, it’s my turn.” 
Sirius sighed. His violet eyes found Alice’s gaze, and she saw the flicker of something incredibly tender in their depths. “If it’s alright with you?” At her nod, he let go of her hand and took a step back. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Of course. Thank you for showing me how to dance.” She gave him the best curtsy she could do. 
“That guy was teaching you how to dance? You should have asked me. I can show you how to really move.” Fenrir grinned, his smile full of joy and a hint of pride. 
Alice couldn’t help but smile back. “Alright. But this is my first time to dance, so go easy on me?”
Fenrir laughed and took her hand. “The only thing you gotta remember is this.” He pulled her close until their noses were almost touching. “Trust your partner.” Then they were moving. He walked her through another set of steps, similar but with a very different feel to dancing with Sirius. Step and step and step and tap and - 
She squealed as he swung her out and then spun her back against him, surprised. But it was so much fun she was laughing too. 
“See? Now let’s go!” 
From there, his speed increased, and Alice found the best way to keep up was really just to follow his lead and trust him. He spun her in circles and tossed her in the air, slid her between his legs and out the other side to catch her again. They were both laughing and it was honestly the most fun she’d had in a long time. So different from the reassuring solidity of Sirius, though Alice supposed it wasn’t a good idea to compare the two. Like apples and oranges. 
When Fenrir paused to let Alice catch her breath, there was a literal line of ladies waiting to dance with him next. She even spied Druzilla waiting. “You should probably see to your fans,” she sighed. “I don’t mind. I think I need a break anyway.”
He ran a hand through his hair. “Alright. But don’t go far. I’d like to dance with you again. You’re a great partner. I can’t believe it’s your first time at a ball!”
Alice felt giddy from the the compliment. She hadn’t expected to have this much fun tonight, nor to get a dance with two of the most famous and beloved men of the royal court. It was everything she could have dreamed of.
Part 3
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shellsinadune · 1 year
ok so i'm back, i've slept on it, here are some things i loved about the darlinghurst great comet (in no particular order - spoilers if you want to be surprised by the creative decisions):
the drinks were great, i don't drink so i had the war and peach at the intermission and it had glitter in it!! btw just in general love when theatres change the name of a drink for the show ('anatole spritz' (aperol spritz) tickled me)
everyone was so kind, i got complimented on my outfit and the person (usher? idk the word) was really helpful
the building was accessible in a way i wasn't used to. the accessible bathroom had those buttons to open and lock the door, idk whether the changing place was adequate for adults but it was there. there was a lift between the upper and lower ground floor so i could actually go down those half floor stairs that i usually just have to sit at the top of
the use of the (massive) disco ball was beautiful, i started crying during no one else and the little specks of light spinning like snow were a contributing factor in that
the costumes!!!! they definitely did their own thing with them. natasha's opening dress with the sleeves and anatole's crop top were highlights but the whole thing was cool. most of the fem clothes had a sort of babydoll vibe to them?? idk how to describe it.
sonya alone was beautiful, many of the solos (notably also pierre and dust and ashes) were performed as if the character was writing/singing a song rather than the actor performing the characters' thoughts, if that makes sense?? but just the spotlight on her, her playing the piano and singing..... it wasn't what i was expecting, but it allowed a nice little rest between bigger numbers and let me focus on the singing
the whole cast was so talented though, i think every actor played an instrument at some point which is super impressive. some of them had cellos strapped to them half the time and were still dancing.
the theatre was so small that i'm pretty sure the cast could fully see me sobbing in the back row at the end. that is how great comet should be.
the jumping skills were impressive. not just during the abduction but also when people were getting off the stage.
i like how opb's movements were mostly controlled by other actors dragging his clothes around. my dad and i had a conversation about whether it's symbolic of his privilege (having a bunch of yes man servants) or of his declining mental state (being controlled by his dementia (?) instead of what he used to be)
danatole rights in the duel and preparations (they are so dysfunctional <3). anatole grabbing at dolokhov's chest and kissing his neck when 'a fact known only to his intimates' *chefs kiss*
marya's actor wasn't performing and the swing was playing helene so the production manager (?) was playing marya. given that she didn't know the role perfectly (she had the script in hand) she did really well!!!!
the 2 little balconies were great, they added a lot of dimension to the stage. (for those wondering, to my memory the songs performed in the balconies were: pierre, natasha and sonya in the opera, natasha & anatole, dust and ashes, pierre in letters, preparations, anatole in find anatole, and pierre & anatole)
GENDERQUEER ANATOLE!!!!! the way they would switch octaves mid line <3333
actually multiple of these actors are trans/gnc!!!!!!!
there was no/very little ensemble so you could hear every individual voice during the harmonies
the program is gorgeous, there are little glossy constellations all over it which makes a nice texture
the choreography in charming was so neat. love those little shoulder wiggles.
no strobing in the duel (but yes strobing in the opera when anatole comes in)
they did something with the lighting during the ball kiss that sort of made it look like a veil of light and a little strip of darkness spinning around them. if i'm going to analyse it conveys natasha's confusion while giving her privacy. or something i can't figure out the words to explain it.
not really intentional but right before the bit of the opera with the show, they stopped the performance for a bit. idk why. but it was charming and helpful for me because i had to ground a bit.
i cried 7 times. my head hurt by the end of it.
the use of silence was so good. like pauses between songs, in the middle of them, idk just. you know that post about how live theatre conveys loneliness better than anything else? yeah.
i know i already said this but i kept putting these as separate points so i'll just say all the actors' performances are SO GOOD. natasha and sonya were like..... scarily well cast btw
the 'no, i am enjoying myself at home this evening' line was performed so well
i didn't get an on stage seat but they were sitting at a long table type thing that was actually part of the stage and the cast were literally dancing directly in front of them
i like the fact they didn't try to find gender conforming audience members to bring up (in this performance, mary's suitor was fem presenting and opb's 'cheap french thing' was masc presenting). they didn't change pronouns to try and match the gender presentation of whoever they called up. same with the actors during the abduction (matryoshka etc).
finally managed to id the woodwind instrument in the 'he'll come home one day and take me away, i want nothing more' bit ('twas a clarinet). that was bugging me for years.
the comet was depicted by natasha's actor holding a big lit up ball and slowly walking through the mid-audience bit of the stage. when the song ends she gives it to pierre and he holds it until it's the only light in the room. something something hope.
they didn't directly copy the recording, there were variations in the tune that caught me off guard (in a good way) and they pronounced things the way that was most natural for an australian performance instead of trying to americanise.
overall, the only thing i would want for is to have a recording for sale, because my memory is so shit that i remember something that happened yesterday about as well as i can remember being 4 years old (not an exaggeration). i'm sort of sad that i can't see it again and again, which is just part of ~the magic of theatre~ but also a sign that it's really that good.
(anyway i highly recommend it if you're in sydney before the 20th of august)
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Genuinely think your one of the best peaky blinders writers out there. Do you think you could write something about little toddler Shelby and Tommy. Maybe little Shelby is out in the rain jumping in puddles? Love your work!!!
Thank you!! That’s so kind of you x
Polly shakes her head in something of dismay as she holds a cup of tea snugly in her hands, keeping them warm against the winter chill that whips in the open window in front of her. “Mind your sister, Finn!” She calls out it, waiting until she got a “Yes auntie Pol!” yelled back to her from the 11 year old who had become somewhat accustomed to keeping a watchful eye over his only younger sibling. His answer seemed satisfaction enough for his aunt to nod her head and pull that window closed to maintain some semblance of heat in the house, but not enough for her to move away from said window to keep her own eye on the youngest Shelby sibling.
She stands cautionary. She knows better than to trust that Finn will do much to prevent his very clumsy five year old little sister from wandering off and getting herself hurt. (y/n) is notoriously like Thomas is all sorts of ways. She’s always getting into things she shouldn’t, hearing things she shouldn’t, seeing things she shouldn’t. She seems to sit back and observe a lot of things. They’re trying to grow her out of it.
Polly attributes it to the majority of her life being spent in a country torn by war. She was only nearly two when her brothers left, so naturally she didn’t understand much of what was going on. Everything was up in the air and now the war was over, it seemed l to the youngster that a war’s not just over when the fighting ends. It has also become clear that Tommy is her favourite sibling, so her similarities to him can often be attributed to her spending the most time with that brother.
Alas, in all her likeness to Tommy, she is much softer in manner than he is himself. Little (y/n) is like Tommy was when he was her age, incredibly inquisitive. Except softer. She chatters away to herself as she does things and though it takes her time to warm up to people, once she starts talking it’s hard to get her to stop for anything. She’s so kind and so very loving too, she laughs just like Tommy once did and it makes Polly’s heart happy deep down when that little girl falls asleep each night with a sweet little smile.
“Alright Pol?” Tommy greets as he comes through the back of the house from the betting shop to see his aunt standing at the window still. Polly nods, “Just watching to see if that bloody brother of yours is watching your sister like i told him to not five minutes ago.” She sighs as she takes another sip of her tea. Sure enough, Finn had not noticed his younger sister wandering off up the street subtly without even noticing in herself that she was getting further and further from the relative safety in proximity of her home and the brother who was supposed to be watching her. It seemed as though the puddles that filled certain uneven surfaces of the Watery Lane streets were more interesting, and finding more deep ones had stolen her full attention away from her surroundings. Tommy stands next to his aunt, leaning over slightly to spot his youngest sister slowly going further and further away than she should.
“Bloody hell,” Polly curses, sitting her tea down on the table beside her and reaching her hand to the handle of the window, “Don’t bother Pol,” Tommy interrupts her from opening the window fully and yelling for Finn to run and bring you back. Polly looks at him like he’s grown a second head, wondering if he’s completely lost his mind. He would usually have been the one giving Finn a stern word about making sure his sister was safe at all times. He just offered her a smile and says “I’ll get her.” simply, brushing past and grabbing his coat on the way. Polly furrows her eyebrows and watches as Tommy does a slight jog up the street until he nears (y/n) and then stops by her.
Her heart is suddenly warmed when the pair don’t turn back around to head home, but Tommy extends his hand to the little girl and she takes it gleefully to lead him on to find as many more puddles as they could before it got too rainy, cold and dark. He’s been so busy lately it had been a while since she had seen Tommy just be the brother of the little girl he loved so much.
Tommy relishes the feeling of his sisters little hand in his as they walk towards their uncles scrap yard, jumping in puddles along the way. She soaks the bottom of his trousers in dirty puddle water, but his heart sings with her giggles. “Tommy look!” She squeals, jumping in excitement as she spots a huge one near the window of the Garrison. She’s off a few feet before he can do anything other than open his mouth to speak. “Come on Tom!” She calls to him, “you’re so slow!” The tease draws laughter from him that only she can cause. He stops only for a moment in some form of mock shock. “Me?” He gasps, “Slow? Alright then miss speedy pants, wait there and i’ll race you.”
(y/n) does just that, waiting excitedly bouncing on the balls of her feet for Tommy to reach her, both standing still a good few meters away from the puddle near the pub. The streets are pretty empty given the weather conditions and Tommy’s reputation had gone out the window of his thoughts long ago. “Okay then,” (y/n) breathes, “3...2...1!”
The pair take off at a run, the little girl stealing the lead immediately as Tommy runs slower than he probably ever has to allow the five year old to scuttle ahead faster than him. She giggles, elated as she knows she’s in front of her brother. “‘M gonna beat you Tom!” She puffs out, little boots splashing through the barren street as he laughs from behind her. “Not if i catch you first!” He calls back, speeding up his run as he heard the little girl screech in shock at the sound of him getting closer. He can see her putting her all into running from him, looking behind her over and over, laughing only when she realises he’s far enough behind her or screaming again if he’s getting close.
Inside the Garrison, Grace hears a child’s scream and what sounds very much like Tommy Shelby shouting that he’ll get her. It makes her immediately peer out the window just in time to see what most people in Small Health never expect from the gangster.
He runs up behind his little sister quickly, scooping her into his arms with complete ease as she squirms, squeals and giggles loudly. “Faster than me ey?” He snarls playfully, fingers digging softly into her sides to tickle hysterical laughter out of the girl. “No Tommy! Never!” She shrieks, knowing well enough agreeing with her brother was enough to stop his tickles and it clearly is as he places her gently back down on her feet, a sheepish grin overtaking her little features as she looks up at him in adoration. It was widely clear how much she loved her big brother.
Grace moves to the doorstep of the pub, arms crossed over her chest to keep her warm against the chill. “Having fun, Thomas?”
He whips around at the sound of her voice, subconsciously letting go of his sisters hand in surprise, almost as if he was always ready to put up a fight and defend her with everything he had within a moments notice just as reflex. She knows better than to assume he wouldn’t cut anyone who came near that little girl. “Suppose so,” he shrugs when he realises it’s just the bartender he had become rather intrigued by. “Thought i would-“
The sound of loud, proud giggling and the feeling of water hitting the backs of his trousers immediately makes him whip around again, spotting his small little sister grinning up at him like a cheshire cat and his very own devilish glint in her little blue eyes as she stands in the middle of the puddle after having splashed water up at him. “Oh you little buggar. I’ll get you for that.” He threatens, taking a moment to get over his shock as (y/n) laughs at him again but is joined this time by the light giggle of the Irish bartender. That little girl only widens her cheeky grin, her innocence still leaking through her cheeky nature as she looks behind her, knowing her brother would have to run through the huge puddle to get her.
“Only if you catch me first.”
And just like that, the hardened Birmingham gangster bids a quick goodbye to his bartender and is off running through puddles with a five year old little girl who very coincidentally melts his heart of stone down to a puddle each and every single day.
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saintorchid · 4 years
2:37 am
Lately, your dreams have been…interesting. Usually, they would be about getting a new promotion at your job or going on vacation with your lover, Nanami Kento. Right now, sleeping right next to Nanami, your current dream is getting hotter.  
A/N: It’s Nanami Kento brainrot time. As always...minors DNI!!! 
Warnings: sex 
Lately, your dreams have been…interesting. Usually, they would be about getting a new promotion at your job or going on vacation with your lover, Nanami Kento. Right now, sleeping right next to Nanami, your current dream is getting hotter.  
Nanami slides his hands under your shirt, softly caressing the flesh beneath him. In slow circles making sure to feel every inch of your skin. His hands travel to your budding breasts, pinching your nipples them making them even harder. You softly moan, feeling yourself getting even more aroused.
You feel Nanami nibbling your ear and whisper sweet nothings, which illicit quite a reaction from you.
"Do you like it when I touch your breasts?”
"You acting like this makes me want you even more.”
"Is my baby needy? Do you need to see stars, Don't worry, baby, I'll make you see stars.”
You feel his hands slowly making his way down to the place that has been aching for his touch. He cups your pussy slowly, using his fingers to rub up and down your folds. You feel him slowly dip his finger inside, hitting that spot that makes your toes curl, but it's not enough. 
In a desperate voice, you plead to him, "Nanami, please, I need you."
You rub your ass against his hardened member, trying to beg him to relieve some of the tension building up in your lower stomach. 
He groans in your ear, letting you know that he is also needy for you. The way you are squirming and writhing under his touch makes him feel like he is on top of the world. Only he can do this to you and only you. 
His touches, the way that he smells stills like his cologne, and his voice, oh god, his voice. 
His voice lights up your body in ways you never knew. He could tell you what happened in the news, and you'll find it to be the sexiest thing on the planet to the point where you could come to only listening to his voice.
 He adds another finger hitting that spongy spot that makes your eyes water. You ride against his fingers, trying to reach nirvana. He continues, you start breathing heavily, "Nanami, I'm almost there, please." 
He takes out his fingers covered in your slick juices and uses them to turn your head towards his face. He commands you to lift your leg; you follow his order and lift your leg into the air. 
You soon felt his member slide on top of your leg, touching your desperate pussy. He slowly puts your other leg down on top of his hardened member. He was now sandwiched between your thighs. You enjoy the feeling of him between your thighs, but your thoughts are interrupted by his sudden powerful thrusts. Pre-cum starts leaking on your thigh then falling onto the bed. His hands squeeze your thighs, giving them a nice pleasurable pain. You start touching your clit, which immediately makes you squeeze your thighs even harder. Nanami thrusts faster, and you rub your clit with more pressure. Both of you were about to chase your high, but as soon as you were about to orgasm, something shook your body awake. 
You whine at the sudden loss of your dream. You blinked your tiredness away and asking yourself, "Huh wh-what time is it?" 
"It's 2:37 in the morning," said Nanami while tugging your body closer to his like two puzzle pieces that fit snugly together. 
Now wide awake, you immediately apologized to your boyfriend, who was also awake. Usually, he sleeps like a rock due to his job as a sorcerer, but something was up. 
"Honey, what were you dreaming about?" 
You answered timidly, "Oh, you know mundane things like doing groceries and folding laundry."
Lie. Nanami knew what you were dreaming about. How? Because you kept rubbing against his cock, moaning his name like a mantra, "Nanami, Nanami, Nanami," each one becoming more breathless than the other. 
How can he sleep when his baby has been denied pleasure for so long that you dream about him to compensate? He mentally scolds himself but immediately realizes that right now, he can make it up to you. 
You were about to apologize for waking him up so early in the morning, but before you could do that, he attacks your neck in sloppy kisses. 
You throw your head back, allowing him more access to your neck. He sucks your supple skin making sure to leave a hickey. You usually tell him to put it somewhere where people don't see, but this was your punishment for lying to him. He wants the world to know that you are his. 
"Na-Nanami, don't ah ahhh," you tried to stop him from leaving a mark on your neck, but it was too late. It may not show now but give it time, and a purple patch will appear on your skin. 
He continues to another spot on your neck, sucking harshly. He stops for a moment leaning his lips right next to your ear. In a hushed voice, he says, "I'll stop unless you tell me what your dream was about.”
You were so embarrassed, but you were extremely desperate for him. You needed him like the flowers needed water to bloom, and you were more than ready to bloom. You told him everything, not leaving any details. You told him how he pinched your nipples until they became hard and sensitive to his touch. You told him how he inserted his fingers, hitting that spot that made your toes curl. You told him how he was fucking your thighs till his pre-cum leaked onto you and the bed. 
He stops kissing your neck and whispers in a sultry voice, "I did all of that in your dream? Well, I better turn your dream into a reality then." He puts on a devilish smile and looks up at your body up and down. The moonlight shines through the window encasing you in a light so soft that it looks like you were sent from the heavens. He probably believes that you were sent from heaven. His life as a sorcerer isn't easy, but knowing that you will be here with him now and in the years to come makes him so happy words can't describe it. Instead, he shows you how much you mean to him. 
You turn your head to kiss him, and he kisses you hungrily. Both of you were moaning in each other's mouths. His hand gropes your breasts, flicking your nipple until it hardens under his touch. Everything feels so good. Nanami pulls away, seeing that there is a string of saliva connecting your mouths. 
You look into his eyes with a burning passion. "Nanami, I want you now.”
As soon as that last word left your mouth, he lifts your leg and places his member between your thighs. You were in total bliss feeling his hot breath tickle your neck. Knowing that you make him feel this way fills you with joy. 
"Baby, I'm gonna need you to touch your pretty little pussy. Can you do that for me?"
You whine out your answer, "Yes, yes, I'll do anything for you, Nanami.”
"Anything? You are so needy, aren't you? Good, because you belong to me. Now scream my name until our neighbors wake up.”
You mentally battled with yourself. There were two choices: wake up your 80-year-old neighbor and her husband or scream Nanami's name until your neighbor scolds you for having sex so early in the morning. Every thrust was making your mind go blank. And you decided to hell with it. You start rubbing your clit now, feeling that pressure builds in your lower stomach. You squeeze your thighs, making Nanami grunt into your ear. You screamed his name with every thrust.
Everything was becoming unbearable. The sounds of sex and moans filled the quiet bedroom. Your orgasm was almost here. "Nanami, I'm so close, so so close." You felt like you were going to explode. 
"Cum for me, baby, let me see you drown in pleasure.”
You rub your clit harder, and all of a sudden, your mind went blank. Riding out your orgasm, Nanami's thrusts become erratic. Everything that he feels becomes so overwhelming he indulges in the feeling. His balls tighten, and with one last thrust, he cums all over your thighs. 
He pulls out and lays right next to you. Both of you heavily breathing, feeling satisfied. He turns to you, planting a kiss on your forehead and lips. 
Both of you were quiet for a few moments until Nanami broke the silence. 
"Let me know when you have dreams like that. I would love to recreate them with you."
You let out a laugh while snuggling into his chest. Tiredness crept onto the both of you. You both whispered good night and exchanged 'I love you’s' to each other. Falling asleep in each other's arms for the rest of the night. 
It was now 3:24 am. 
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miraculousluvbug · 3 years
***WARNING: Season 4 Spoilers Ahead
***New to Wingless? Start at Chapter 1!
CH. SUMMARY: Of all the people Rena could let slip that she knows Ladybug's identity in front of . . . it had to be Chat Noir.
< < < THREE MONTHS AGO < < <
Ladybug swung from building to building, the exhilaration of a job well done fueling the fire in her veins. Traffic it would seem had resumed immediately, the sounds of wheels on pavement and cars obnoxiously honking ricocheting throughout the city’s architecture. This didn’t surprise Ladybug, seeing as the city had grown quite accustomed to akumas blocking the roads. Once the tips of her toes touched a rooftop, it wasn’t long before she was joined by another pair of boots.
“That went well,” commented Ladybug as she swiveled to face her teammate.
Rena Rouge folded her arms across her chest and popped a hip, lips puckered in a frown. “Are you kidding, girl?”
Ladybug’s face fell. No, she wasn’t kidding. She honestly had felt it went well. Was she missing something? Did a disaster strike while she was focused on her lucky charm? Had her Miraculous ladybugs not corrected all of the damage? Were there civilians hurt somewhere--
Abruptly, Rena clapped her hands on Ladybug’s shoulders and squealed, putting a halt to Ladybug’s internal meltdown. “That went amazing! We’re like a well-oiled machine, you and me. I still can’t believe I get to do superhero stuff!” At the sound of Alya’s impromptu shrieking, some pigeons nearby took flight, cooing what Ladybug imagined was a bird version of crotchety old people grumbling. Not even the least bit deterred, Rena leaned forward into Ladybug’s personal bubble, eyes wide with excitement. “But what I really can’t believe is that I’m doing it all with my best friend!”
Ladybug relaxed her posture and let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. But she quickly regretted it when she got a nice, big whiff of crepes, urine, and cigarette smoke. Ah, Paris. Home, sweet home. However, noticing her thoughts were veering dangerously offtrack, Ladybug shook herself mentally.
So nothing had gone wrong. Rena was just being Rena and drawing out the suspense. Ladybug patted her friend’s right hand--which was still firmly squeezing her shoulder--and smiled sweetly.
“It sure is convenient that I don’t have to hide from you anymore,” the spotted-heroine remarked. “I think half the time I took so long to get to a battle because I always had to come up with excuses.”
Rena grinned with a knowing glint in her eye. “I might be impressed if your excuses were actually good.”
Rolling her eyes, Ladybug turned away from Rena, causing Rena’s hands to fall to her sides. “Hey, you try having to come up with five hundred different reasons you have to flake on your friends and see if you fare any better.”
Rena was about to sass her best friend some more, but the words caught in her throat at the sight of Ladybug hugging herself. She recognized this stance. Ladybug’s head was in what Rena deemed the “Guilt Grotto.”
Rena stepped forward to wrap Ladybug in a warm, girl-you-better-get-your-head-out-of-the-guilt-grotto-or-I’ll-tickle-you embrace when there was movement across the rooftops in her periphery. She craned her head to the right to find the familiar silhouette of Chat Noir vaulting his way over, a goofy grin clearly plastered across his face the closer he got.
In a matter of seconds, he landed squarely beside Ladybug, startling her. Ladybug, the epitome of grace that she was, did a series of awkward hand gestures before falling back on her bum, shrieking.
Chat Noir didn’t even look a teeny bit remorseful.
“Looks like I got here just in time!” he quipped, bowing and sliding his baton back into place on his suit.
Rena held out a hand for her friend as Ladybug voiced her question: “In time for what?”
Chat bounced on the balls of his feet. “Well, for the akuma, of course! You guys were having a quick team meeting, right?”
Rena and Ladybug shared a look. So that’s what he was so happy about. Ladybug opened her mouth to reply, but Rena beat her to it.
“Actually, we already took care of the akuma.”
Chat Noir visibly deflated. His ears drooped and his belt tail started to swish back and forth. “Oh.” He turned to the edge of the rooftop and hunkered down, letting his legs kick to and fro in an attempt to get rid of some of the adrenaline.
Ladybug winced. Chat did not sound happy. Hesitantly, she sat next to him. Rena then took a seat beside her, making her the middle. “Sorry, Chat. I know you like battling akumas more than I do.”
Chat nodded before murmuring, “Thirteen.”
“Hm?” Ladybug scooted closer to him to hear him better, their legs nearly touching. She leaned to her right to get a better look at his face and tilted her head innocently. If she were Marinette then, she might have fallen off the rooftop altogether, but she was Ladybug, and Ladybug had way more poise.
Chat didn’t answer immediately. Whatever it was that he was about to say, Ladybug knew it must be something important if he, the guy who was always upfront about his feelings, found it difficult to say. The guy who told her . . .
It’s precisely when something is important that it’s important to say it.
No matter what.
Ladybug gingerly rested a hand on his arm, hoping he understood what the gesture meant. It’s okay. Take your time. I’m ready to listen.
After a few more moments of staring at his feet, Chat Noir lifted his head so his eyes bore into Ladybug’s. They creased with . . . Was that worry? Sadness? Fear?
“Thirteen,” he repeated, a bit louder. “That makes it thirteen times you and Rena have battled an akuma without me. Since Montparnasse Tower.”
Ladybug was speechless. As she stared ahead, eyes unfocused, she tried her hardest to recall all the akuma battles. It was challenging as her memory loved to fail her when she needed it most. Had he really not been in any of those battles? Had it really been thirteen times?
Had he . . . had he really been keeping count?
Ladybug didn’t know what to say, but she knew she had to say something, anything. But what could she say? Was she sorry?
No, she couldn’t be sorry that the akumas had been defeated, that the victims had been rescued, that she had been able to do so quickly because Alya had been spending a record amount of hours by her side.
She couldn’t be sorry about any of that. She was only sad that he felt sidelined.
That was not her intention.
But she knew what the solution to that was.
And she would rather die before she let Chat Blanc see the light of day.
Somehow, knowing her identity had led to him being akumatized. Somehow, whether it was in an alternate timeline or when their memories had been wiped by Oblivio, she knew that what he said at Montparnasse Tower--that to know him was to love him--was truth. And Chat Blanc had told her what their love did.
Their love destroyed the world.
Their love had killed her.
Their love broke the moon, for crying out loud.
But, most importantly, their love hurt him.
Chat Noir had told her he loved her, many times, and she had even been considering giving his pun-spurting, jokes-at-the-worst-times self a chance. But being forced into combat with her akumatized partner had violently squashed any hope she had for them, for LadyNoir as Alya coined it on her blog. Ladybug would be damned if she allowed that to happen again. And if that meant encouraging him to move on even though it broke her heart . . .
Well, it wasn’t supposed to be easy being a hero.
Ladybug had this entire conversation with herself in a matter of seconds. She was careful not to let her face expose any of her innermost feelings, instead sporting an expression of neutrality. What she ultimately decided to do was tell him the only truth she had to offer. He hated secrets and she hated lying. What a pair they made.
“I wish it could be different,” she whispered.
And oh, how she did. She desperately yearned to tell him who she was, to know who he was, to tell him about Alya and Nino and all the other people she had entrusted with a Miraculous.
She wanted him to know how she grew up, what kinds of things she did at school, how she was utterly ridiculous when it came to her rotten luck (and she tried very hard to push a certain blue-eyed blonde out of her head the moment that phrase came to mind). She was sure he would snicker at all the times she made a fool of herself in front of Adrien, of all the ways she made her own life a living hell with her clumsiness.
Or perhaps he wouldn’t laugh. Perhaps he would pat her shoulder and uplift her with words of encouragement. She didn’t know. After the stunt he pulled with the balcony of candle-lit roses, the boy was a wild card, an enigma. He was complex.
And it thrilled her.
But no matter how she felt about him, they couldn’t know each other that way.
Sighing quietly, Ladybug brought her knees up to her chest and turned away from Chat Noir. If she had been watching him when she responded, she might have seen him look longingly at her, but she didn’t.
Rena Rouge did, though.
Wanting to make her friends feel better, Rena added, “Don’t you worry your pretty kitty head about it. I’m sure all those battles would have taken way longer if we weren’t already together.”
Ladybug and Chat Noir both stiffened. Chat’s gaze flicked from Rena to his partner over and over before they finally rested on Ladybug. “Uh, what does she mean by that?”
Ladybug shot a glare in Rena’s direction, but her eyes softened when she saw that Rena genuinely appeared surprised.
He didn’t know? Rena’s eyes asked Ladybug.
He didn’t know, Ladybug’s affirmed.
One would think Rena was Lady Luck because her pendant had decided that that moment was the best time to beep, and she couldn’t agree more. Now she had an escape route from this conversation. “Welp,” she clapped her hands together, “I’m gonna go chill in that fine-lookin’ alley over there.”
Before Ladybug could agree, Rena sprang from her spot and promptly disappeared. She was a regular magician, and her latest trick was leaving Ladybug with a rabbit to put back in the hat.
Or, er--a cat back in the bag. Whatever.
“What she meant by that . . . ” Ladybug began slowly, like she was addressing a wounded animal. Which, maybe she was but just, you know, emotionally wounded.
“Yeah . . . ” prompted Chat, signalling that he was not going to drop this.
Ladybug quickly jumped to her feet and began her ritual of frantic pacing. “Look, I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while, but I didn’t know how to because I knew it would raise questions that I couldn’t answer--”
A blonde boy in white leather with somber blue eyes appeared in front of her and she dug her heels into the cement, skidding to a stop.
Chat Noir was behind Ladybug now, his voice soft and curious. “Bug?”
Ladybug was frozen in place for a few more seconds before she shook her head hard enough to give herself shaken-baby syndrome and nodded, satisfied that the aggressive head-shaking had rid her of he who shall not be named. She whipped around and started.
Chat Noir was incredibly close.
She didn’t know he had gotten this close.
Geez, his eyes were really cat-like.
He also had a really cute nose--
Ladybug, FOCUS!
Ladybug took a step back. She made it her mission to ogle his bell instead of looking into his dumb kitten eyes. “You--” she began, but Ladybug’s throat was suddenly dry. She gulped. “You know how much I hate secrets and lying. And I know how much you hate secrets and lying. So I’m not going to lie to you. But I may not be able to answer the questions I’m sure you’ll have, so please . . . ”
Ladybug grabbed one of his hands then and held it firmly between her own, pleading with every fiber of her being that this would communicate how much he meant to her even though she knew what she was about to tell him would make it seem like he didn’t mean anything.
Please forgive me, Ladybug’s heart supplied.
When he didn’t immediately take his hand back, she looked up at him. She looked into those dumb kitten eyes and knew without a shadow of a doubt--
She was a masochist.
This was going to hurt. He didn’t like when she was the only one to know Rena’s identity. He definitely wasn’t going to like that Rena knew hers. This would be so much easier if she wasn’t ogling those big, emerald green, beautiful, brazenly dumb kitten eyes.
But she was a masochist. And she needed to see them while they still held love for her.
“I told Rena Rouge who I am.”
There. She ripped off the band-aid. Straight to the point. Zero room for interpretation. After all, her worst arguments started because of her clumsy miscommunication.
Ladybug braced herself for an explosion. She had played this moment in her head a couple hundred times since exposing herself to Alya.
Yelling. There was always yelling.
Sometimes, he stomped away while doing that weird T pose where his fists didn’t connect to his hips . . . a pose she herself was guilty of, too.
Others, he chastised her about her thoughtlessness--to which she responded that she definitely thought about it long and hard that day.
Ladybug braced herself for an explosion because she was sure there was going to be one, especially after seeing him upset about her always running off to Master Fu. He hadn’t even known there was a Guardian for a while.
What she hadn’t braced herself for was the expression on his face.
Thump, thump. Thump, thump.
His head was bowed.
His eyes were closed.
A lone tear slid down his cheek.
Thump, thump. Thump, thump.
Her heart thudded against her ribcage, screaming at her to run because he wanted her Miracul--!
No! She refused to finish that thought.
Her head yelled back that he wasn’t akumatized right now, that she wasn’t back there, that she wasn’t with him. She desperately tried to shove the image from her mind. This was more than she could bear. She just--she couldn’t take it! She couldn’t take it because . . .
Because . . .
Thump, thump. Thump, thump.
Because he looked just like him.
Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
He looked like Chat Blanc.
Heya! Thanks for reading. ❤ Check out my Instagram for Wingless updates. I'm also posting pieces of a Wingless cover with each chapter update!
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hd-fan-fair · 4 years
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View the full list on [AO3] or under the cut below!
( Fanwork posted in chronological order by type )
1. How hard can it be? (Digital Comic, Mature) Summary: 
Harry and Draco have to stay over at their friends' places for a few weeks, since the renovation of the Grimmauld Place hadn't been completed by the time they were back from their honeymoon. That creates a slight issue with being intimate but the newlyweds are nothing if not creative...
2. Revelio! (Digital, Teen and Up) Summary:
It's that time of year again for Witch Weekly's annual charity event! By popular demand, this year they have prepared a calendar featuring the sexiest studs in the Wizarding World. Gracing the cover in style, the Hogwarts staff is represented by none other than DADA Professor Harry Potter and Potions Professor Draco Malfoy. Grab one before they're gone! Reserve your copy by owl today!
3. Handling Dragons (Digital, Teen and Up) Summary:
Harry brought over dragons to Hogwarts for a new Triwizard Tournament or for a class. Draco is hopelessly turned on by the resident Professor or Hogwarts Medic. Draco wants his dragon tickled by Harry. Unknown to him, Draco is the only dragon Harry wants to manhandle.
4. I plan on getting very wet. (Digital, Mature) Summary:
When they arrived at their private beach holiday, they didn't expect it to rain all the time. Oh well, boys can still find a way to have fun.
5. The Dragon's Boy (Digital Comic, Explicit) Summary:
Harry is chosen to be the next sacrifice to the dragon, but it turns out this dragon is interested in Harry for entirely different reasons.
6. The Art of Trust (Digital, Mature) Summary:
One piece of rope offers what Harry and Draco seek the most from each other.
7. (Intimidating) Brand New World (Digital Comic, Mature) Summary:
Draco's nervously perusing a sex shop for the first time when he sees a flash of dark hair across the store. He'd know it anywhere, but why is Potter here? And what on earth is in that box he's buying? Years of uptight parenting from his parents have left him woefully lacking in knowledge about his newfound interests. Potter's always been rather uncaring of public opinion, perhaps he could be the one to help Draco figure it all out...
8. as much a light as a flame (6303, Explicit) Summary:
His mother paints a wolf on his chest, its eyes bracketing his heart, and its muzzle pointed towards his groin. His aunt fills in the spaces around his waist and ribs with symbols he's lost the meaning of in the wash of whatever plant had been mixed in with the steam. They move after her brush leaves his skin, turning from incomprehensible marks to his name to wolf to home to hunt and then back to misunderstanding again.
His legs are painted in patterned bands, starting from his ankles and ending at his upper thighs. His groin is left unmarked, the pale and empty skin meant to leave no doubt of the Claim once he makes it.
9. Starkissed (32631, Explicit) Summary:
“Your tattoos!” The intruder says, boldly stepping over Ron’s chaise and crossing in front of Hermione to get to Harry, eyes wide and hungry. Harry immediately sits up, pulling the towel draped across the back of his chair down over his shoulders.   “No! Don’t cover them. They’re beautiful.” Harry hopes an indulgent trip abroad will help shake him out of the doldrums of his life. What he finds once he gets to Venice is more than he ever expected.
10. Infuse With Affection, Enchant With Love by bafflinghaze (1.5 Hours, Teen and Up) Summary:
It starts with Draco making protective pendants for himself, his parents, and his friends, after the war. Something that would watch their backs—and their fronts—as people spat on them in the streets and hexed them in the alleyways. Draco gets better at it, does a course on it, and takes enough commissions for charmed jewellery that he eventually opens his own shop.
But Harry doesn’t know any of this. So when he sees Malfoy in a shop of charmed necklaces, he immediately tries his best to uncover Malfoy’s machinations.
11. Things Worth Paying For (1.5 Hours, Explicit) Summary:
After leaving post-war Britain for Paris, Draco is finally happy, with friends and a job he loves, But then his newest client turns out to be Harry Potter, and everything changes.
12. Three Wishes (10161, Explicit) Summary:
Draco meets his fairy godmother and is granted three wishes. Unfortunately, they all keep coming back to the same thing.
********** Pop! 
"Oh, wow," Vince says, and is that sarcasm Draco hears? "I never saw that coming."
"What?" Draco opens his eyes. He's prepared for the theatrics of the puffs of smoke—Vince, despite the sudden career change, was never blessed with an overactive imagination—but what he was not prepared for was the sight of Harry Potter, bare-chested and dressed in arseless chaps, his hands bound and mouth wrapped around a ball gag while lying face down on Draco's sofa.
13. H.A.G.S. (Hogwarts Alliance for Gender and Sexuality) (9517, Explicit) Summary:
When Hermione decides Hogwarts needs a LGBTQIA+ club, of course Ron and Harry are roped into helping. After a rocky start, Harry begins seeing the club as an opportunity to educate students and celebrate diversity and sexuality at Hogwarts. He also starts seeing it as an opportunity to snog Draco Malfoy.
14. You Don't Know Me (Like You Used To) (33106, Explicit) Summary:
"Buy me a drink as compensation for maiming me?" he asks.
"And why the hell would I do that?" It’s a perfectly valid question. A drink invitation from Harry Potter is about as likely of a scenario as me streaking down Piccadilly in broad daylight. Consider me completely thrown off.
Sometimes it only takes a week to change everything. The story of how twenty-five-year-old Draco Malfoy hit one Harry Potter with a door and knocked both of their lives into somewhere entirely new.
15. the best treasure is up Harry’s arse (2891, Explicit) Summary:
Harry and Draco probably had a tumultuous time getting together, filled with angst and denial and pining and brooding. However, this is not that story. Here, Draco makes Harry come (more than once).
16. Breakin' the Rules (3146, Teen and Up) Summary:
Harry and Draco are Auror partners. They're in a relationship that they've been forced to keep secret due to relationships between Aurors being forbidden. Harry is okay with this, as he hasn't come out to anyone other than Draco, but after a mission goes awry, their relationship is exposed.
17. The HogShagMan (31685, Mature) Summary:
Professor Potter is called upon to teach the first-ever official course on Magical Sexual Relations at Hogwarts and, in the process, must navigate the pitfalls of relationship-building, the nefarious schemings of those entrusted with school funding, and the uneven tempers of his boss and several co-workers. Clearly, only ‘the’ Harry Potter can pull it all off.
18. Let's not wait for France (17714, Teen and Up) Summary:
All Harry had wanted from his Eighth year at Hogwarts was a little peace and a little privacy but, from the moment that he stepped onto Platform 9 3/4, it was obvious that nothing was ever going to be that easy.
An accidental bond with Malfoy that resulted in them having to stay together at all times was the final straw.
Things couldn't be worse. So much to a quiet year in Hogwarts.
19. Take All That You See (19666, Teen and Up) Summary:
Draco Malfoy has only two goals for his eighth year are Hogwarts: 1) stay as invisible as possible, and 2) get enough NEWTs to be accepted at a university abroad and get the hell out of the UK. Everything is going according to plan until he is unceremoniously outed by the Daily Prophet and subsequently disowned.
Finding himself the unexpected focus of unwanted attention and harassment, he is suddenly dependent on the good will and protection of the last people he would have expected — Harry Potter and his gang of do-gooder Gryffindors (plus Luna Lovegood). With his world turned upside down, how will Draco make it through the rest of the year? And worse still, as he grows closer and closer to Harry, how will he get out with his heart intact?
20. True Children Still (34240, Explicit) Summary:
After years of dancing around each other, Draco and Harry have finally begun to date, though they're taking things slow. They've got enough to figure out as it is, and the last thing Harry needs is an unexpected introduction to desires he's not quite ready to face.
21. Asking For A Friend? (13734, Explicit) Summary:
Asking for a friend? Don't be shy! I'm Genna Russ with advice! Draco Malfoy, drag queen and agony aunt for the Daily Prophet, is very happy with his life. He loves his job. He loves his drag queen persona. And he loves the fact that the wider Wizarding world doesn't know who is offering them sassy advice with their morning news.
When he starts receiving letters from one Harry Potter – letters that are too racy to publish – he does the only thing he can do: he replies. His carefully constructed secret life is at risk of being blown wide open, but he just can't help himself. Draco never did have any self-control where the Prat Who Lived was concerned.
22. All I Have to Do (9575, Explicit) Summary:
The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised.
Or: Draco finally has some alone time; Harry just needs to nip in for a book.
23. Take My Wonder (3949, Explicit) Summary:
Harry Potter is the author of very well-written children's text books. Joshua Starkweather is the author of not-so-well-written erotic fiction. Only one person knows that they are one and the same.
24. (There Is Nothing) More Than This (5431, Explicit) Summary:
Harry Potter returns home past midnight, distressed and anxious about the multiple murder case that he is leading. His husband Draco looks after him, comforting Harry with his hands, his mouth and his unwavering love.
25. the space between (what you want and what you need) (13601, Mature) Summary:
As a specialist Healer in dark magic, Draco has had his fair share of difficult cases and awkward patients. Still, nothing has prepared him for a curse-paralysed Harry Potter.
26. Walk in the sun (18233, Explicit) Summary:
Harry is perfectly content with the life he built for himself; simple and private, it helps him heal the wounds from the war. He then accepts to go out with one of Neville’s acquaintances, never expecting that decision would bring him back to his obsession for Draco Malfoy.
“That was his cue. Had Harry stopped to think about his situation, he could have left. Malfoy was nibbling at his neck, he had his hand down his pants. All things considered, a disaster incoming. And yet, his feet still refused to move. After all, he was not the stop-to-think-of-consequences kind of guy.”
(Features drunken confessions, bathrooms, a lot of smut, sexy pictures, panties, cats and only one bed)
27. You Need to Just Do Whatever You Want (7998, General) Summary:
Draco's confused when he receives a manual explaining his magical inheritance. Being a veela would be good (at least he would be prettier), and a vampire would have been fine (another excuse to hide himself in the Manor). But a descendant of the God of Love, complete with arrows and a love quota? Now that's just bonkers.
A story in which Draco is Cupid (sort of).
28. Under my Skin (8258, Explicit) Summary:
One year after the war and after Hogwarts restorations, Harry is back at school to finally finish his education. He wasn't expecting McGonagall to assign him to protect Draco Malfoy, in case he was bullied during the classes. Although really just wants to relax on his last year in Hogwarts, he'd seen how Draco had changed at the trials. He knew being around him would be easy enough... Wouldn't it?
29. Glory, glory! (16898, Explicit) Summary:
It's 2005 and Harry has recently purchased a new mobile phone so he can easily keep in touch with his friends. Little did he know that the Muggle technology would lead him down a path of self discovery and safe exploration that would lead him into the soft recesses of the last person he ever expected. As it turns out, very good things can be found in the dark.
30. Husbandly Duties (2108, Explicit) Summary:
Draco and Harry leave their wedding after-party early for some quality one-on-one time.
31. Sex, Relationships & Love (3873, Mature) Summary:
Draco Malfoy runs an anonymous sex advice column in the Witch Weekly magazine and gets hundreds of letters asking him for advice on sex, love and relationships. How was he to know that the advice he had given in response to one of those letters would result in Harry Potter showing up at his flat at 6 in the morning?
32. Disparate (6022, Teen and Up) Summary:
Ever since he went to Hogwarts, Draco realized that he wasn't quite the same as the others.
Or: Draco Malfoy over the years as he tries to understand and accept his sexuality.
33. Silver Scales in Pools of Green (26603, Explicit) Summary:
Draco is one of the last sirens of the seas, who escaped to the human world looking for friendship and food, but captivity found him instead. For seven years, he's gotten used to his life as human entertainment, and prides himself in his ability to make humans fall in step to his song.
That is, until everything falls apart when he has an audience with green eyes...
34. It's So Hard (9170, Explicit) Summary:
Draco has posed for some interesting photos, and it is currently making things very... hard for Harry.
35. On Your Shore (35113, Mature) Summary:
Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too. But both the house and Draco Malfoy have secrets to uncover, and Harry might be in deeper water than he thought.
36. A Little Less Broken (6417, Mature) Summary:
After the war Draco thought he would never feel again. But a mix of revenge gone wrong and Harry Potter, might help him to feel just a little less broken.
37. Always (20147, Explicit) Summary:
In which Draco is the (in)famous erotica writer H.J. Belladonna, writing successful scandalous novel after successful scandalous novel and hiding his true identity, and Harry is questioning his sexuality after reading one of Belladonna’s books. Until ten years after the war their paths cross again, and Harry doesn’t only question his sexuality, but also the meaning of his obsession with Draco Malfoy.
“You look like something my cat dragged in,“ Blaise said from the sofa. Draco’s sofa, in Draco’s tiny flat. “You don’t have a cat, because you’re too vain, Blaise. A cat would get hair all over your expensive clothes,“ Draco replied and then ignored Blaise in favor of going into the kitchen to get some hot sweet tea into his system. Maybe that would make his day better, even if it had just started and the potential for disaster was high. Blaise followed him. “I’ll take one too.“ “You can’t use my home as your personal hotel, Blaise,“ Draco said, but he was already grabbing two cups out of the cupboard. He was too tired to use magic, after writing the whole night, he felt like all the magic had been absorbed by his parchment. Some of his sanity maybe too.
38. Absurd. (3773, Explicit) Summary:
When Draco discovers a kink that Harry's been hiding from him, he has no choice but to explore said kink, right? Right.
39. For Want Of Five Minutes (And a Locked Door) (4333, Mature) Summary:
It’s hard enough to get five minutes to yourself in a house of five kids, nevermind getting five minutes with your boyfriend for anything else.
40. Let Out the Beast (9649, Explicit) Summary:
In the wizarding world where alphas are looked down upon for their lack of control and unseemly aggression, it is generally accepted that they are not allowed to work in places like schools and hospitals where their nature could risk the people there. When Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up at Hogwarts smelling strongly like an alpha, Harry is beyond baffled. The fact that no one else seems to catch his scent only adds to his confusion. But, of course, the most puzzling part is how Harry’s body reacts to that scent.
41. Flowers, Dildos and Other Courtship Gifts (15853, Teen and Up) Summary:
Harry Potter is the Ministry's star auror trainee, and Draco Malfoy is the cute florist in Diagon Alley who Harry stares at through the window during lunch breaks and leaves. That's all they are and all they would ever be. (Really.) Until Harry accidentally mails Draco an autumn themed dildo (among others). Cue: bad planning, owl kidnapping, and flangst.
Or two emotional gay disasters fall in love in the middle of autumn.
42. he touched me, so I live to know (4729, Mature) Summary:
Five times Harry Potter is unsure about touching someone and one time he isn’t.
43. cut my name into your lip (6321, Explicit) Summary:
Harry can't take it anymore. Seriously. If Malfoy chews on the end of his quill/licks his spoon/sucks on the papercut on his finger one more time, Harry's going to put an end to it.
44. Realities, Unfurling (45487, Mature) Summary:
Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
45. The Delicate Balance of Light and Shade (13288, Explicit) Summary:
With the war finally over, Harry tries to find his own path in a world where he is free to make his own choice. On a holiday in France, he unexpectedly falls in love with art and painting. Returning to Hogwarts to help rebuild it, he is paired up with Draco Malfoy to restore the Room of Requirement - and unexpectedly falls in love with Draco. When the rebuilding efforts are done, Harry disappears.
Years later, Draco goes to Muggle London at Pansy's suggestion to visit an art gallery. The name of the Muggle artist is unknown to Draco, but the subject of the erotic paintings is shockingly familiar: it's Draco himself. It's time to confront the past and make some long-due confessions.
46. Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright) (9181, Explicit) Summary:
Sex is hard to come by when you're 40 and have kids.
Or: Five times Harry and Draco tried and failed to have sex and one time they were successful.
47. The Spoiling of Sex From Enthusiastic Ignorance (6079, Explicit) Summary:
Draco is going to lose his virginity, so help him god, and he's going to lose it to one Harry Potter. Why? Because of his big cock, his status as The Top Five Quidditch Players in England, and Witch Weekly's Most-Eligible Bachelor for eight years straight. At least that's what he tells himself. Too bad first times rarely go as one plans, and now Harry is looking miserable and Draco doesn’t understand why.
48. you killed me on the moon (4906, Explicit) Summary:
'You barely know me. We do not know each other.’
‘Beyond this overwhelming need to submit to you, completely and utterly?’ Potter raises his eyebrows, stretching his scar. ‘Beyond this bone-deep awareness that you are made for me, and I for you? That our destiny was written in the stars, in the very foundation of our known world?’
An A/B/O Royalty!AU wherein a desperate Slytherin prince faces a proposal from the conquering Gryffindor king.
49. i just want your extra time and your... (9058, Explicit) Summary:
Ron should know better than to speak Latin in a magical library. If he’d just left well enough alone, instead of trying to badger Malfoy for the details of his newest novel, Harry wouldn’t have to listen to all of this chatter about how bloody decent Malfoy is, and he wouldn’t be dealing with all of these...feelings. Really, it’s all Ron’s fault that Harry’s mind is stuck on Malfoy like this again.
50. The Kisses Don’t Count, If No One Else Knows (41492, Explicit) Summary:
Minister for Magic Harry Potter does not love his job. The one bright point in his life is his secret relationship with Quidditch Super Star Draco Malfoy. When they're 'outed' by a peeping tom with a camera, Harry has to decide what's really important.
51. You Do Your Body Work, I Feel My Pulse Working Overtime (1627, Explicit) Summary:
Harry did not have an addiction to watching Draco masturbate on camera. He could stop any time he wanted to. Really.
52. Right Romantic Setting (6266, Explicit) Summary:
On the twelfth day of their romantic relationship, Draco and Harry take Albus, Scorpius and Rose on a weekend trip to Muggle London that Ron and Hermione were supposed to lead. At the fully-booked hotel where they'll be staying for the night, they're surprised to discover that their rather plain room has only one bed. It's definitely not the right romantic setting for their first night together but, as Draco comes to realise, there's good in taking things slow.
53. Portrait of a Marriage (130627, Mature) Summary:
Harry didn't want to marry Malfoy, he really didn't, but he also does want this house and Malfoy looked so smug and well - now they are married, and the house still doesn't like him, and Malfoy only looks more smug.
Draco didn't want to marry Potter, he really didn't, but he also does want this house and he never seems to be capable of escaping Potter anyway, so if he is already doomed to being married off he might as well decide for himself what he is worth, sign the papers and ignore everything wrong with that plan until physically no longer possible.
54. Regardless of desire, life hands you who you are (29803, Explicit) Summary:
When Draco finds himself wrongly accused – of course it's Potter who swoops in to save the day. Isn't it always Potter?
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
What are your hcs if you had to write a cheesy Hallmark movie staring Levihan? If you don't know what it is, they are basically cookie cutter romance movies. Ex: 1. rich city girl goes back to her town to save the local business, and meets small town guy (sometimes enemies to lovers). 2. Girl falls for foreign prince, but is not accepted by his mom. She ends up saving the orphanage or something like that. Some angst during a ball, but it has a happy ending
omg, the first one is so, so good and ngl i low-key thought a lot about it
hange is a super busy, super important lawyer, who is forced to go on a vacation by her boss erwin
hange is enraged but erwin doesn't take no for an answer. hange was working herself to death, taking no day-offs and practically living in their office. so he rents her a cottage in a picturesque small town and makes hange promise to spend at least two weeks there
knowing that arguing with erwin is pretty pointless, hange sucks it up and gets ready for a trip
once she gets there, she's devastated to find out that the cottage has no wifi. she suspects it was a part of erwin's plan
she wants to yell at him so much, but her there is no mobile connection either, and hange is sure it was a part of erwin's plan
hange decides to use this time to rest, tries to take a nap but just stares at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. she starts reading a book but she can't concentrate on it, because she keeps thinking about all the work she left at home
bored out of her mind, she decides to go and explore the town
she stumbles upon small, but cozy teashop with an adorably brooding owner. his tea is delicious and the man, despite his scowling face, is kind of funny. even though, half of his words are insults
still, hange likes him and with nothing better to do, comes back to the shop the next day. she learns that the owner's name is levi and that he's not the only owner of the shop, technically his uncle owns it but he's always away, so levi takes care of it
hange also notices the pretty figurines that adorn every shelf in the shop. turns out, levi's talent don't end with his tea making abilities, he's also a carpenter
hange imagines him working with wood, and her face becomes very red. she can't quite get that image out of her mind. then she imagines levi cutting wood and, yeah, hange definitely has a thing for him
some time later, she finds out that levi's shop is on a brink of bankruptcy and, of course, hange wants to help him
she knows that offering levi money just won't do, he's too proud and independent, so she decides to take a different route
a fundraiser!
seeing levi's beautiful figurines, hange is sure they can sell some of them and get a lot of money
levi kinda agrees to her idea because 1) his uncle is returning home soon and he doesn't want to tell him that he failed at keeping the shop afloat and 2) it's really hard to resist hange's puppy eyes
because they decide to sell levi's figurines, hange decides it's only fair that she makes something too
she tries, she really tries, but carpentering is so much harder that she thought
she wants to keep it a secret from levi, but he notices the band-aids on her fingers and finds out the truth
he's secretly endeared by hange's attempts, no matter how clumsy they were
so he offers to help her cut out a figurine
hange agrees, and it's a torture for both of them
hange's clumsier than levi anticipated ("you, city people, can't do shit"), so he has to take her hands in his and show her how it's done
he stands so close to her, his breath tickles her ear as levi explains the process and hange really wants to listen to him, but she can't focus on anything but their proximity and how gentle levi's hands are
levi has troubles focusing as well and he stutters like an embarrassed school boy
they succeed at making a very misshaped and ugly figurine that looks slightly like levi and hange. it's one of the worst works levi made. he says that no one will buy it and makes hange do another one
he takes their failed figurine home and puts it on his bedside table. the sight of it warms his heart every time he sees it
the day of fundraiser comes and it's a surprisingly big event for a small town. lots of people come to support levi
his uncle kenny arrives to and he's proud to see that his nephew is so loved by the community. he's also very surprised to see a person standing next to levi. she's smiling brightly and introduces herself as levi's friend, but the way levi can't seem to tear his gaze away from her tells kenny there is something deeper than just friendship
erwin arrives too! he read about the fundraiser in the news and was very surprised to see that hange was the organizer of it. he comes to the town, sees hange laugh with a short, scowling man, who looks at her like she's the best thing in this world, and now he starts to understand
he buys the figurine that hange made, paying for it a lot more than it could possibly cost. levi tries to refuse, but erwin says it's his way of thanking levi for making hange so happy
the fundraiser is a huge success and it allows levi to pay all of his bills
hange is really happy for him, and levi wants to be happy too, because he saved his shop, a shop his late mother opened so many years ago, and now her legacy will be able to live on, but. he also doesn't want to say goodbye to hange
he comes to see hange before she leaves with erwin, and they both just awkwardly stare at each other, not knowing what to say, but desperately trying to prolong this moment
"you know..... erwin says it takes only three hours to get from the city to your town..... maybe, i can visit sometime"
levi blurts out "yes" before hange even finishes. he composes himself quickly and much more calmly he adds "only if you won't be too annoying and shower before coming here"
hange chuckles and gives him a hug, promising to return as soon as possible
when she drives away with erwin, levi whispers "can't wait to see you again, four-eyes"
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Her Game
(n) the color of the sky when the sun is setting; a certain afterglow.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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a/n: I’m so sorry this is late! I got really busy with school work and other stuff and Part 4 wasn’t ready to post on Sunday. Here it is though, I hope you enjoy. This is the second to last part of the series(I think). I hope you understand the connection to the series title now a little bit but it gets better😏 I don’t know if this counts as slow-burn but…yeah. Anyways, feel free to like, republish, and message me. Requests and taglists are open! This is a safe and loving place for everyone and any hate will be shut down. Enjoy reading<3
Part 4 summary: Ravenclaw and Slytherin verse in the second and last quidditch game of the season. New strategies, doubt, nervousness from what happened earlier is bundled up for (Y/N), and all she needs to focus on is winning this game. Will Slytherin take the win and bragging rights, or will Ravenclaw emerge victorious?
pairing: cedric x fem!reader(in ravenclaw)
genre: fluff
warnings: uh nothing
word count: 1.6k(how did this happen-)
“What’s got your mood down the drain?”
Kimball peers at (Y/N)’s woeful face, “Don’t tell me you’re nervous; this new plan has already got me shaky.”
She would’ve told Kimball what had happened last night if Roger wasn’t right next to her.
(Y/N) leans her head on the palm of her hand. “It’s nothing. Can we just continue planning, please?” Roger looks at her, a bit worried as well.
“Maybe..this plan should stay a draft. I’ll go tell the team.” Roger almost gets up but (Y/N) stops him. “No, wait. I’m ok; I promise. Let’s do this.”
Fred and George walk in and (Y/N) speaks, “Just gimme a sec.” and goes towards them.
“Hey hey! How’s my favorite Ravenclaw?” Fred ruffles her hair and she swats the hand away.
“She’s..ok I guess. Kimball and Roger came up with a plan yesterday and somehow the whole team liked it. We’re gonna test it out during the pre-game practice but I’m a little terrified.”
“You smarties always come up with something, huh? Don’t worry about it; you’ll be great. I even got my special edition Ravenclaw hat!” George playfully lifts a blue and bronze homemade hat made by Mrs. Weasley. (Y/N) has the same kind for Gryffindor, but she’s smart enough not to wear it in public.
“You don’t have to cheer me up; I’m fine. By the way, have you seen Ced? He hasn’t come down for breakfast yet.”
“Nope, we haven’t; he must be off on his ~prefect duties~.”
George scrunches up his face in disgust.
They say their goodbyes and head to the Gryffindor table. Just as (Y/N) is about to go looking for Cedric, he walks in with a painful expression.
“God, I should’ve listened to you, these hangovers are not worth it.”
Huh? How is that his first sentence? Doesn’t he rememb-
“You ok? You know you have nothing to be nervous about today, right? Ravenclaw will definitely win.”
“Oh yeah, yeah I’m fine. I just..do you remember last night at all?”
Cedric cocks his head to the side. “Uh.. a bit. I remember coming into the Ravenclaw common room, we played a drinking game..then it gets fuzzy. But I remember you walking me to my common room; thanks for that.”
Oh? He..doesn’t remember.
“Ah ok..that was most of the night so you didn’t miss too much. Go eat and drink water; you’ll feel better.”
The warmth in her ears and cheeks felt a bit too overwhelming once in the Ravenclaw locker room. Normally, a quidditch game wouldn’t have struck up such nervousness in (Y/N), or just the Ravenclaw team in general. They knew how to calm down in time for the game and bring all their assets to the table. Except now, there was only one match that determined everything.
Roger was almost roaring. “Alright guys! I know we’re all a little on edge right now, but let’s get to the point. We know Slytherin plays a dirty game but we’re staying fair. Don’t let rage take you over, think and focus, we got this. Let’s go out there and win this!”
He continued to give separate instructions to the beaters, the keeper, and the seeker. He turned to (Y/N) and Kimball, firing up to go.
“Before you say anything, Davies. We know what to do, we’ll try the plan out right now during the practice, ok? Now calm down.”
Kimball was surprisingly stable today and it was no doubt she was going to have a good match. Roger visibly deflated but kept a smug look in his face.
Hooch told them Ravenclaw was going first for practice so the team kicked off into the air.
(Y/N)’s hair was tied back and the breeze tickled her face. She missed this feeling; so freeing and beautiful.
Before long, Kimball nodded towards (Y/N) and took off. She stayed higher up and Roger acted as an opponent chaser. They released the Snitch, the Bludgers, and the Quaffle, and started a mock game. Roger zoomed past (Y/N) and she went behind him. Kimball followed (Y/N) but from above. (Y/N) stole the Quaffle and headed to the three goals, where their Keeper stayed, and scored.
(Y/N) kept the Quaffle and tried to score again, but Roger stole the ball and that’s when Kimball came into the playing area. She quickly picked the ball from Roger and scored while (Y/N) flew up. This was their plan; have one chaser on the pitch and the other two above, following the movements. As soon as the ball was stolen or the chaser runs out of stamina, another substitutes in. If all three chasers from the other team started tagging the one chaser, the other two will come down to help. Roger had checked with Hooch to see if the tactic broke any rules and she allowed the Ravenclaw team to use it.
The Slytherin team practiced regularly and it was a relief to not see any crazy strategies.
We can win this.
The houses filed in, chattering their heads off as the teams got ready to enter the field. The Ravenclaw team was introduced and they flew up, similar to the Slytherin team except for Lee’s backhanded comments.
“The game is the last one of the season! But don’t worry, I’m sure the Triwizard Tournament will be entertaining! Let’s get on now; today’s match is Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin. I hope you all cheer for the right team!”
He got a slight warning from Mcgonagall and that was it. Marcus Flint and the other players were all mounted on their fancy brooms; (Y/N) was a tad jealous, but her Comet 290 did the job. Hooch gave warnings and blew the whistle, and before (Y/N) knew it, the game began.
The strategy had worked so far except for a short period where Draco Malfoy was chasing the Snitch and almost crashed into (Y/N) and Kimball, who were waiting above and had to move away really quickly.
Roger was running out of breath and (Y/N) noticed, so she flew down after telling Kimball and took his spot. A red-haired Slytherin chaser had the Quaffle, so (Y/N) speeded towards them. One of the beaters hit a Bludger towards the chaser and (Y/N) swooped in to take the Quaffle when they were distracted.
“Nice hit, Jason!” She yelled as she went past him, dodging Marcus Flint.
“and…(Y/L/N) scores! The score is now 50-35 with Ravenclaw in the lead.”
Cheers grew even louder and (Y/N) swore she locked eyes with Cedric as she flew past the Hufflepuff tower.
Ravenclaw’s seeker, Cho Chang was a little quiet and the year below (Y/N), but she was amazing on the field. There was a point in time last year where Cedric took an interest to her, but it faded..(Y/N) hopes.
The game was similar to the last, taking a long time and the players started to lose energy. As the year had just started, it was fall and the sun set earlier. The breeze up above was chilly and the chasers of Ravenclaw went back to the regular strategy, even though the one they were using didn’t require a lot of stamina, they were getting tired of having to fly up and down. The score was 140-145 with Slytherin in the lead.
It was a little early for the sun to have set completely but the horizon line was blending. (Y/N) remembered a time where Cedric told her a word for this scenery...abendrot. The violent tango of the blue and orange hues made for a majestic view.
She was temporarily distracted since Roger had the Quaffle when she heard Lee’s voice booming, “Just as Davies scores..Chang is closing in on the snitch..SHE’S CAUGHT IT! RAVENCLAW WINS!”
The team quickly flew down and cheered for Cho, but it felt like a mutual celebration since everyone did so well. Kimball hugged (Y/N) tight and whispered about how her legs are going to be so sore.
They giggled amongst themselves until George’s voice ripped through the crowd and screamed (Y/N)’s name. The other houses were rushing up too, congratulating their friends and other players. (Y/N) was lifted and hugged by the twins and she spotted Cedric running up.
“Hell, if you think our game was good, this was amazing!” Fred laughed and set her down.
“I feel like most people weren’t watching towards the end since it was so long.”
Cedric finally caught up and spoke, “Nonsense, (Y/N). You did so well today, especially when you swooped in near the goal when Warrington had the Quaffle; you just stole it and dropped it in. He didn’t even realize.” A smile graced his face.
He noticed details..
“(Y/N)? You okay?”
“..Thanks! Yeah..um, sorry that was a really long game so I’m just tired.”
The twins and Cedric went back to their common room as Ravenclaw celebrated in a more calm way than Hufflepuff did.
A few students sat around the fireplace, but most of the players went to bed early.
“Did you see Malfoy’s face? He looked like he was about to kill someone with that grimace.” Inglebee chattered.
Kimball and (Y/N) went back to the dorms after signaling to their friends that they’re going because they couldn’t keep their eyes open.
(Y/N) thought back to how the sky looked when the sun kissed the mountains in the distance and fell asleep thinking about the fond memory of today and of when she learned from a certain someone about what that sunset is called. Abendrot.
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duskholland · 4 years
I'll Take Care of You | Peter Parker
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summary ↠ you’re a med student who falls into the habit of patching up Spider-Man
wc ↠ 4k
warnings ↠ some descriptions of injury (but nothing very graphic because I am a wimp), light swearing, fluff
a/n ↠ based off a request I had for a doctor/patient fic with Peter. I didn’t want to do that exact dynamic, so I put a spin on it and had some fun with it! I hope you enjoy, anon! any feedback would be gratefully received :’))
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It’s 11pm on a chilly October night, and you’re hunched over one of the high wooden benches in your university’s lab. The only light in the room comes from the lamp you’re settled beside, and you’re completely lost in thought as you practice your running stitches on a rather beaten and bruised banana. You can’t quite seem to get it right, and with each failed attempt at securing an even stitch, you find yourself growing more and more frustrated. You’re about to pack it in and call it a night when there’s a loud crash behind you, and you spin around to see the shady figure of someone attempting to break into the lab.
“Fucking hell,” you mutter. Your heart rate spikes and your mouth runs dry, fear replacing your irritation as you watch a dark stranger jimmy open the window at the other side of the lab. You freeze, eyes wide in fear, and cower back as the person topples through the window, cursing lowly. They scramble to their feet, brushing themselves down, and when they take a step towards the centre of the room, your eyes light up with terrified recognition. “Spider-Man?!” You exclaim.
It might be dark in the lab, but that doesn’t prevent you from making out the red and blue lines of the familiar spidersuit. You didn’t think it was possible to be even more shocked than you were, but then the figure stumbles towards you and crashes to the ground, and you realise the darker spots on the suit are patches of blood.
“Help me…” Comes a high, quivering voice.
Shaking like a leaf, you tentatively approach the figure. He’s curled up in a ball on the floor, and you grab a handy first-aid kit as you crouch beside him. The darkest patches seem to be around his torso, but you’re not sure how to access that without harming the suit. As if sensing your predicament, the man reaches up and presses a button on his neck. You gasp lightly as the entire torso section of his suit separates itself and dissolves into nothing, leaving you facing the exposed, clammy skin of New York’s favourite hero. Your eyes quickly identify his source of pain, and you find yourself wincing as you see the issue: there are several shards of glass impaled in his side, and they’re preventing his body from regenerating and healing. You know you’ll need to remove them.
“Okay, okay,” you mutter, steeling yourself. You quickly unzip the kit and pull out a pair of tweezers, some disinfectant, and a roll of bandages. You try to keep your voice as level as possible as you speak to the man. “You’ve got some glass stuck in your side,” you say calmly. “I’m going to pull them out and disinfect the wound. It, uh, it’s probably going to hurt, and I’m really sorry, but it could get infected if I leave them in.”
Spider-Man manages a breathless, “okay,” which you take to mean you can start working.
Trying to still your shaking hands, you press one palm to his chest as the fingers of your other hand wrap around the tweezers. You manage to get a grip on the larger shard of glass and slowly pull it from the wound. The hero tenses and curses, but he stays still, allowing you to quickly and safely remove the piece. Once the first one is out, you grow more confident and manage to clear the others within the minute. After inspecting the wound and deciding there’s nothing left in there, you drag a ball of cotton wool soaked in disinfectant over the gash. 
“That’s you,” you remark. Your forehead has a line of cool perspiration over it, and you feel a wave of intense relief pass through you as you finish bandaging his side. You sit back and lean against a wooden bench, a deep sigh passing through your lips. 
Spider-Man looks down at his side, the erratic movements of his chest slowly calming. It’s for the first time that you’re able to properly look at him, and you find your heart beating a little faster in your chest as your eyes make out the shadowed lines of his abs. 
“Thank you, uh…”
“Y/N,” you supply.
You can sense the smile beneath the mask. “Thanks, Y/N,” Spider-Man finishes. He scoots himself back so he’s also leaning against a wooden bench, his body facing you. “I usually have to do that myself.” 
A warmth tickles at your cheeks as you push your hair back and away from your face. “You don’t have, like, a team of people to do that for you?” 
Spider-Man laughs, his voice light and airy. “Not exactly,” he replies. “I mean, I probably could if I wanted to, but I work better alone.” 
Your lips curl into a frown. “Alone?” You echo. “Isn’t that kinda dangerous?” 
Spider-Man shrugs. “I guess,” he says, voice drawling. “I’ve made it this far, though, so I must be doing something right.” 
You laugh gently. “Yeah, right,” you tease. “If it wasn’t for me, you would’ve passed out and woken up with a nasty infection.” 
“Maybe, maybe not,” he says, raising his hands innocently. He tilts his head to the side. “What are you doing here, anyway? No classes run this late.” 
It’s your turn to feel a little embarrassed. “Oh, uh, I’m a first-year med student. Sometimes I stay back late to practice some of my sutures.” You point up to the desk and where a pile of your abused, half-stitched bananas sit. “It’s the only time I can get some peace and quiet.” 
He surprises you by nimbly climbing to his feet and walking over to your workstation. As he moves, he presses a button on his neck again, and his suit closes over his chest. You find yourself frowning as the suit hides the rippling muscles of his back, and you quickly clear your throat to suppress that particular thought. You get up and join him, lingering a little behind.
“Not bad,” he compliments. He turns to look at you, and you know from the way the suit’s mask twitches that he’s smiling. “Med student, you say?” 
You nod. “Yeah. So far I only know the basics, but it feels good to be able to give back to people.” 
Spider-Man nods. “I know what you mean.” 
A silence falls between you both, and you lean down to grab a scrap piece of paper. You quickly scribble down your number before passing it to him, the hero accepting it cautiously. 
“Take it,” you plead. “Just in case you ever need anything. I live just off campus, and I’m usually awake at night. If you ever decide you need a medical squad, I’m your guy, alright?” Your lips pull into a smile as he pockets the paper.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he says, voice softer. He takes a few tentative steps back, looking at the window he entered through. “I should go. City to save, and all that. But… I really do appreciate what you’ve done for me tonight. Thank you.” 
You manage a brave smile as you urge him towards the window, pretending it doesn’t shatter your dreams to bid farewell to the hero you know you’ll likely never see again. “See you around, Spider-Man. Stay safe!” 
And he raises a hand in a quick wave goodbye before hopping from the window and disappearing into the night sky, leaving you, a messy lab, and a thousand thoughts behind. 
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You don’t hear from him for three months. 
Over those long, twelve weeks, you start your first placement at the local hospital and soon become too busy to feel sad at his lack of contact. But still, occasionally, you’ll catch yourself with a dullness rounding out your heart as you think of the way he’d taken your number and since ignored you. A part of you is grateful he hasn’t needed you, but another is sad you only spent one night with him. Spider-Man has always been a bit of an idol to you, and the realisation that you’ll never see him again is a tough one to come to terms with.
It’s mid-January and 1.32am when your phone vibrates on your nightstand. You groan as you turn over, your body shifting beneath your rustling sheets as you blindly bat at the table before your fingers close around the device. You pull it in close, silently begging you’re not being called in to work a spontaneous night shift, and lazily force your eyes open as you read the texts. 
[Unknown] hey where do you live ???
[Unknown] it’s spider-man
[Unknown] I need you
[Unknown] help
Suddenly you’re wide awake, and with trembling fingers, you quickly attach your location and send it off. You jump from your bed and turn on your bedroom light as you pull a hoodie around your torso. Luckily you live alone and have your own comprehensive first aid kit, otherwise, you know you’d be fucked. 
You wait for about three minutes before there’s a sudden, loud knock on your bedroom window. Your heart catches in the back of your throat as you squeak loudly, spinning around to see a blurry figure behind the pane. You hurry over and quickly unlock the window, and jump out of the way just in time to avoid the very heavy, and very wet figure of Spider-Man as he rolls into your room, collapsing in a heap in the middle of your carpet. He’s groaning - loudly - and this time, he appears to have dislocated his shoulder. 
“Pop it back in,” he whines, voice pulled tight with stress. He manages to sit up, hunched over as his good hand clutches at his shoulder. “Oh my god, I’m gonna pass out.” 
“Calm down,” you manage, gulping. Luckily for him, you’ve just finished a rotation in orthopaedics, so you aren’t completely in the dark about how to help him. “Take a deep breath, Spidey.” You push his hand away from his shoulder and replace it with your own. “I’ll count you down. 3, 2, 1-” 
He curses, expletives rolling down his tongue as you carefully, but decisively, pop his shoulder back into the socket. A sickening crunch fills the air, but a moment later, his entire body seems to relax. He sighs and slumps back. 
“Thank you so much,” he manages, voice sounding a little weak. “I tried to do it myself but apparently that just made it worse.”
Your eyes widen. “Uh, yeah, that’s a terrible idea.” You pull yourself to your feet and quickly help him up, depositing the hero on your bed. “I’ll go get you some water, or something. You look terrible.” You don’t have to see his face to know that beneath the suit, the man is bruised and exhausted. His posture alone speaks volumes as he sits curled over on the edge of your bed, his head falling forward to rest in his hands.
When you return with a glass of water and a bar of chocolate, he lets you sit beside him as he gratefully devours them. To your surprise, the suit parts at his mouth and exposes the thin lines of his pink lips, letting you see his cheesy grin as he smiles at you.
“Always coming to my rescue, Y/N,” he says, voice a little stronger just after a square of chocolate. “Thanks.” 
“It’s alright,” you reply. Suddenly you become very aware of the large, sagging bags beneath your eyes and the way you’re sure your hair is sticking up all over the place. “Anything for New York’s best.”
He chuckles slightly. Once he’s done with the water and the chocolate, he places both the glass and the wrapper on your bedside table and collapses back on your bed with a soft thump. He stares up at the ceiling, his breathing gradually growing slower. “How’s college?” 
You shrug. “Busy,” you explain. “I’m in the hospital most days, learning how to do stuff. Never thought it would be so demanding, but it feels good to be able to make someone feel better.” 
“You should get extra credit for helping Spider-Man,” he ponders, voice quiet but sweet. 
You laugh. “It’s not exactly been difficult to help you, so far. I can handle a dislocated shoulder and a few bits of glass.”
“Oh, so you want me to be more injured next time I visit you?” You can practically feel the smirk in his voice as your face heats up.
“No! Absolutely not. I don’t mean that at all.” 
Spider-Man’s laugh warms your heart. “I know what you meant.” He sits up with a sigh. “Your bed is so comfy, Y/N.” 
“Help yourself,” you tease.
He laughs again as he carefully rises to his feet, rolling around his shoulder as if testing its capabilities. “Feels as good as new,” he says. “Thanks, Doc.” 
“Any time,” you reply. You stifle a yawn, and Spider-Man crosses his arms over his chest.
“Get some sleep,” he orders sternly. He hops over to your window and wrenches it open easily. “Thanks for the water, and the chocolate, and the life-saving,” he adds, already with a leg swung out of your window.
“Bye, Spiderman,” you say. The smile fades from your lips as he disappears once more, closing the window behind him with a quiet thud. But the grin quickly springs back as you realise he might contact you again, now he knows where you live, and you can’t help but find a little comfort in that thought. 
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Over the next few months, Spider-Man visits you semi-regularly. He has you text him your rotation schedule so to ensure he never bothers you when you’re busy at the hospital, and that alone causes your heart to warm to him even more. It’s always small things he visits for: bullet wounds, dislocated joints, grotty injuries. Things that would seriously harm any normal human, but since it’s Spider-Man, they only graze him. You fix him up and then send him on his way, and that’s it, simply. A fleeting encounter and then he’s off. 
And it goes on like this for a while, until a warm evening in May. You’re sat cross-legged on your bed as darkness falls across the city, curled up with a nice book as you enjoy your day off from college. You feel calm and collected, and you’re about to light a candle and crawl into bed when there’s a loud banging on your window and you startle. 
You stare outside, but there’s no one there. It’s dark, so you put your book down and tentatively creep over to the window, confused as to the source of the noise. Curiously, you pull up the window, and that’s when you hear Spider-Man’s familiar groans, and you look down to find him crumpled in a heap on your fire escape. Instantly you’re filled with dread. 
It’s very difficult to actually get the hero into your apartment, but you manage to haul through your window eventually. You set him on the floor where he lies motionless, his breaths shallow and pained, and your blood runs cold as you take in the state of him. You crouch down beside him, first aid kit in hand, and find yourself at a loss of where to start. His suit is covered in lacerations and dark, bloody marks, but you don’t have access to him at all.
Just as you’re beginning to despair, you remember the buttons on his neck and carefully reach up. You don’t know which ones to press, and you certainly don’t want to betray him by accidentally removing his face mask, but when he releases another pained groan, you just push at a few random buttons. The suit deflates and retracts from his chest and lower half, leaving him in his gloves, face mask and underwear, but luckily exposing all the areas you need access to.
You survey the damage and feel despondent. He’s been very badly injured, and you’re terrified you won’t be able to help him. But that fear is quickly replaced by a determination as your brain shifts into doctor mode, and your hands start working before your mind can even process what you’re doing. You start by applying pressure to some of the larger gashes on his chest, stemming the steady flow of deep crimson blood until it’s a weaker trickle, and you feel confident bandaging them in a tight white wrap. Then you clean out some of the smaller wounds and stick a few smaller plasters there. Once you’ve cleaned him up a bit, the damage doesn’t look so bad, and though his pale skin has the beginnings of some deep, yellowy-blue bruises forming, you don’t think he’s got any internal injuries.
“How are you doing, Spidey?” You manage, voice croaking hoarsely. 
Spider-Man groans softly. “I don’t feel like I’m dying anymore,” he quips, “But I still feel horrendous.” He pauses for a moment before grabbing at your hand. He’s still got gloves on, but you feel the tenderness in his touch as he squeezes your fingers gently. “Call me Peter,” he requests.
You nod as surprise settles across you. “You’ve lost a lot of blood but I think you’ll be okay, Peter. I don’t really understand how your body heals so quickly, but you’re looking stronger already. I think you just need to rest.” You glance out at the dark night sky. “You should stay here overnight.” 
To your surprise, he doesn’t disagree. “Okay,” he says instead. His grip on your hand tightens as he slowly tries to get up. You help him out as much as you can and quickly settle him on your bed. 
“I’ve got some clothes you can wear, wait.” You turn around and go to rummage through your dresser, pulling out a spare t-shirt. You toss it to the bed, and when you’re back by his side, he’s slid it over his chest. He looks very odd, sitting on your bed, your t-shirt on his upper half, his boxers on his lower, and a mask on his face, but at this point, you just accept it. “I’ll go crash on the couch. Yell if you need-”
“No, no. That’s not right,” Peter interrupts. You can tell he’s frowning. “You can, um, stay here, if you want. With me. In here.” 
Your face shifts into a surprised o. “Oh, no, really, I… You should have space to spread out,” you say. You can’t ignore the way your heart beats deeply against your ribcage at the idea of cosying up against the hero. 
“Please?” He asks, voice sweet. “What if I suddenly crash in the night? Or start bleeding out? How will I live if my doctor isn’t here to help me?”
You roll your eyes. “Dramatic, aren’t you?” But you walk over to him anyway and help him settle into your bed. You flick off your light and shut your window, and then you tentatively climb into the other side of your bed, slipping down until you’re beneath the covers, the warm figure of Spider-Man beside you. You’re tense, and for a moment you just lay there, breathing unevenly, staring at the ceiling and wondering how the fuck you ended up in this position.
“I’m, um… I’m gonna take off my mask,” comes Peter voice, quiet, but still loud enough for you to hear.
“What?!” You exclaim. You turn over on your side so you face him, your eyebrows pulling towards your forehead. “Why would you want to do that?” 
He shrugs, his slim fingers knocking up against his neck. “It’s dark,” he reasons. “I trust you. And honestly, I’m feeling kinda delirious and this thing can be a bit hard to breathe through.” 
You swallow deeply and watch carefully as Peter slowly pulls the mask up, up, up. It rolls up over his chin, his mouth, his nose, and his eyes, and with each feature it reveals, you find yourself holding your breath even more. Because it’s dark, in your room, but it’s not dark enough to hide his face, and you realise in a terrifying moment that he trusts you - Spider-Man trusts you - with his most hidden secret: his identity. And that makes you feel incredibly special.
“Peter…” You whisper, voice escaping into the air. Your eyes trace all over his face as he flings the mask aside. He’s got lovely dark, wispy hair, that stands up madly in all directions, and deep, caring brown eyes that watch your face intently. Your gaze shifts to his nose, and you smile as you notice it sits a little wonkily to the side, and then you find the air being pulled from your lungs as your eyes settle on his perfect, parted lips. 
He’s beautiful. Utterly, completely, beautiful, and you really wish he’d kept the mask on, because he’s made it very hard for you to lie there as your lips quirk into a smile and your heart races in your chest, and just do nothing.
But then he does something.
With a shaky hand, Peter reaches up to cup your cheek. He shuffles closer, his musky cedar-wood scent filling your nostrils as he places his head on your pillow. His long, roughened fingertips move over your cheekbones, scattering trails of warmth over your skin as he gently caresses your face, his eyes gentle and loving. “Thank you for always looking after me, Y/N.” His breath fans out across your features, drawing a warmth to your face. 
You swallow deeply, subconsciously nuzzling your cheek into his hand. You stretch out your legs and they tangle with his, and excitement rushes through your veins as his other hand finds your waist and he pulls you closer. Your foreheads are practically pressed together now, the warmth of his body heat surging through you as you gaze into his eyes. “I’ll always look after you, Peter,” you promise, voice soft and sweet. “I care about you.” 
The tip of his nose brushes against yours softly. “I care about you too, Y/N. So much.” His eyes flicker shut, his long, feathery eyelashes falling to a soft rest at the top of his cheeks. You follow suit, and with your eyes closed, it’s as if everything else is amplified: his tender touch on your cheek, his warm hand wrapped around your waist, his legs tangled with yours. You find yourself straining closer, desperate for more. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, finally.
“Of course.”
And then his lips are on yours, moving softly against your mouth. It’s tender at first, barely even a touch, but as you push back against him, it grows stronger, like a small fire gradually building heat. You reach for his figure and gently wrap your hands around his waist as you kiss him deeply, clinging to him, longing for him, enjoying the feeling of coming home as your lips move together. It’s soft, and warm, and perfect, and it seems to span an infinity as you kiss him in the dark, bundled up beneath the blankets together. 
He pulls back after a few perfect minutes, his forehead pressed flush against yours as he pants for breath. “I love kissing you,” he murmurs. “I love being with you, Y/N.” 
You drag a hand up through his soft brown curls, a permanent smile hanging from your lips. “Feel free to kiss me as much as you’d like,” you mumble. 
He presses another sweet kiss to your lips and holds you close. “Oh, I fully intend to,” he promises. Then he drags his mouth to your forehead and leaves a scattering of light kisses to your hairline, and you relax back into his arms, a sense of fulfilment blossoming through your chest. He’s warm, and soft, and you know there’s nowhere you’d rather be than right here, bundled up in Spider-Man’s arms, drifting off into a gentle slumber. And as he presses a final kiss to the back of your head, you know he feels the same way, too. 
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any feedback? I would love to hear any thoughts you have on this!
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drwcn · 4 years
The Shadow Beneath the Light: Complete 
Concept: Sect Master Wen Qing & her harem of Jiang heirs demonic cultivators. CQL Verse. 
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Epilogue]
A few years later...
“A-Kuo, one last fish and we’ll go, okay? Gan’die says we’ll have to be back before dinner; if we’re  late again, yi’fu is going to make us copy Lan Precepts whilst doing handstands -”
“Yes! Gotcha, you son of a -”
Lan Jingyi laughed, reeling in the line to inspect his largest catch yet. The koi fish flopped and writhed as he pulled it out of the water, a triumphant grin on his seven year old face. 
“A-Yuan, look!” He turned to his adoptive brother, who sat on the shore with sleeves and pant-legs rolled up as he diligently cleaned the contents of the small basket filled with their afternoon’s effort. “And for the upmteenth time, call me Jingyi. I have a courtesy name now - you now - like a real cultivator.” 
Jingyi said ‘real cultivator’ like he meant ‘big boy’.   
“Right. Real cultivator.” Wen Yuan smiled. “Excellent, can the real cultivator among us bring over his large catch, so I can clean it? We can turn that one into a stew tonight, with chili peppers and pickled veggies - your favourite.” 
Spring was Wen Yuan’s favourite’s time of the year. Every spring since his adoptive fathers were officially married, they would leave behind their sects and their duties to bring him and his brother to live at their small cottage, situated in the serene forest east of Mt. Dafan.  
His family was the happiest, most relaxed when they were at the cottage. Their days were simple, filled with a quiet kind of a bliss and a soft, unassuming love. They dressed like all mountain households did, sturdy clothes of hemp and cotton dyed dark blues and browns; drank water from the well gan’die dug in the yard; and ate the food yi’fu managed to prepare. They rose with the sun, not at the strict hour of five (much to A-Kuo’s joy), and rested when their fathers said so. (Note: gan’die and yi’fu are both terms used for godfather or adoptive father) 
Boys your age need to grow, so you must get plenty of sleep. 
Wen Yuan knew they were getting spoiled as it were, and soon maybe their careless days would be coming to an end. He overheard yi’fu speaking with gan’die about sending him and A-Kuo to Cloud Recesses to study there permanently instead of just a few short summer months each year. Already, yi’fu had picked out a courtesy name for A-Kuo - Jingyi - which gan’die liked very much, but they had yet to come to an agreement for himself. 
Wen Yuan wondered what name he was to be given. He took the new catch from Jingyi, cut and cleaned it the way shushu taught him last autumn when they visited Lotus Pier for the first time. The rebuilding efforts had begun, just as Wen-gugu promised. Gan’die said soon they may even be able to get their own rooms installed. Wen-gugu had written several weeks ago stating she planned to move Nevenight’s court every autumn and winter to the Wen sect’s new secondary palace in Yiling, so that Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin may be close to Lotus Pier, their ancestral home. 
Gan’die had gotten rather emotional at that, and after he read Wen Qing’s letter, he had cuddled against yi’fu for a good hour decidedly not crying. 
“Wen Qing wants their next heir to be born in Yunmeng. It’s what she promised shijie and Jiang Cheng.” Gan’die had explained to yi’fu. Wen Yuan figured that meant he was getting another cousin soon. 
Little Wen Lian, the absolute pearl in her parents eyes - all three of them - was already turning two. 
“There, finished.” He plopped the fish into the basket and wiped his hands on a cloth. “Ready to go?” 
“Yep,” Jingyi stuffed his feet back into his shoes, smoothed down his robes and cringed. “I stink.” 
“Me too. We need to bath tonight or we’ll end up going to Jinlintai smelling like fish.” Wen Yuan looped his arm through the vine straps of the basket and hauled it onto his small back. For an eight year old, he was rather strong. 
“I don’t want to go to Jinlintai. It’s a wedding, so we’ll have to get all dressed up. I hope gan’die won’t make me wear the robes Jiang-shushu sent. They’re so...extra.” 
Wen Yuan laughed at Jingyi’s obvious ire. “No, yi’fu promised you can just wear your Lan robes. Only gan’die has to wear shushu’s designs. It’s a set for three anyway. Something about being the ‘better-dressed’ 3-zun...apparently there’s both pride and money on the line.” 
Jiang Cheng always insisted the Three Demonic Grandmasters could not allow the Venerated Triad to outdo them in the wardrobe department. Everyone knew Wen Qing indulged him, plying him with yards and yards of silk and satin and damask, but maybe she should stop, because it was getting ridiculous. 
A lot has happened in the last couple of years, many changes Wen Yuan and Lan Kuo didn’t see coming. One day Wen Yuan was a simple village boy up on the mountains of Dafan and the next he was being whisked away to Nevernight and placed in a position of importance and respect. He had lost his family during the war, and Wen Qing, his aunt of distant relations, was his guardian. She loved him and cared for him, but she had others to love as well. Ultimately it was not Wen Qing with whom A-Yuan had formed an attachment. When Wei Wuxian remarried, Qishan Wen and Gusu Lan formed an alliance and a child from each clan was adopted by Yiling Laozu and Hanguang-jun. Wen Yuan was the obvious choice, but Jingyi was the unexpected. 
A-Yuan looked to the other boy and smiled. He couldn’t have asked for a better brother. 
The sun was just starting to set by the time the two of them trekked their way back to their home - a little provincial cottage tucked away in the woods. Yi’fu and gan’die had build it just for the four of them. It was a quaint little place, surrounded by a bamboo fence with a stone well in the front, a little vegetable garden in the back and enough clearing space for them to practice their forms each morning. Under the arching willow tree by the south end, yi’fu had strung up a simple wood-plank swing, something that never failed to bring a smile to gan’die’s face. 
Wen Yuan and Lan Jingyi loved this cottage. As much as Cloud Recesses was ethereal, and as much as Nevernight was magnificent, it could not measure up to this home in the woods that was theirs. 
Wei Wuxian was collecting dried laundry from the clothing line and folding them into the woven basket when he saw them. Straightening up, he huffed and called out over his shoulder, “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, they’re back! No need to go look for them.”  
By the external hearth, Lan Wangji was chopping firewood into smaller pieces. “Good.” 
“Oi, you rascals, you were gone for so long we were starting to worry you’d fallen into the river and got washed away.” Wei Wuxian admonished them half-heartedly, already lifting their baskets to inspect their batch. “Not bad, not bad indeed. I taught you well! Your yi’fu will make a stew for dinner.” 
Lan Wangji thumped his axe onto the block, scooped up the firewood and nodded. “Mn.” 
Living away from Cloud Recesses for so many seasons, he had slowly learned to cook non-vegetarian dishes for his family, especially for Jingyi, who had quite a carnivorous appetite. They’re growing boys, so they should have plenty of fish and soy and lean meat. 
When Jiang Cheng was their age, Wei Wuxian had lamented to Lan Wangji one night, his eyes taking on a far away look, he could eat Madam Yu and Uncle Jiang out of their house and home. 
“I’ll make Jingyi’s favourite. They did very well today,” Lan Wangji gave them a little smile.  
The boys grinned, basking in their father’s approval. 
“With pickled vegetables and chili pepper?” Jingyi pleaded hopefully, glowing with anticipation. 
Wei Wuxian pinched his cheeks, “Yes, my little dirt ball. Now go wash up, you’re both filthy, dear immortals. There’s water in the basin. A-Yuan, do you know how to use the fire talisman to -”
“Yes, gan’die.” The boys dropped their baskets onto the ground and sprinted off with a little cheer. 
Wei Wuxian sighed in contentment. “Boys...hmm!” 
Lan Wangji drew him shamelessly into his arms and was pressing kisses against his neck. “Hahahahaha, Lan Zhan, that tickles! And the neighbours will talk!” 
“We don’t have neighbours.” Lan Wangji mumbled against his nape, hiding a small smirk. It was true. The nearest hut was at least a good half a mile walk from theirs. 
“But they’ll still talk! Auntie Chen gave me the smuggest grin last I was in town to pick up supplies!” Wei Wuxian protested, half indignant, half delighted.  
Well, the truth was the venerated Hanguang-jun was a shameless exhibitionist when he was in the mood. A couple weeks back, they had been high up in the mountains cultivating together through duelling. The fight lasted the better half of the day and when they were done, Lan Wangji had apparently worked up another kind of appetite and ambushed the unsuspecting Wei Wuxian, ravishing him right up against an old pine three. Not expecting anyone to catch them in the act, Wei Wuxian saw no reason to keep quiet, which was how the two of them ended up giving a group of herb-picking aunties an eyeful of their “rigorous exercise.” 
That, and Lan Wangij’s increasing habit of leaving marks high up on his neck, too high to be covered by the fold of his lapel. 
And then there were nights when they’ve sent the boys off to be looked after by one of the many people who would be more than happy to spoil them (Nie Mingjue was somehow the worst but given the way Nie Huaisang turned out, it really shouldn’t have been a surprise), Wei Wuxian would emerge from a quick bath to find Lan Wangji draped across their bed in not a stitch, beckoning him with a demure little lowering of his gaze. 
“How would the fearless Yiling Laozu like Wangji tonight.” 
Wei Wuxian nearly died on the spot that one time. 
Lan Zhan, you absolute shameless tart.
Sometimes he had to remind himself that this was the man who once walked away from Cloud Recesses to volunteer himself for Wen Qing’s harem. Wen Qing was a strong woman who worshipped Jiang Yanli and adored Jiang Wanyin, but hmm…sometimes Wei Wuxian believed that if Lan Wangji wanted to, eventually even Wen Qing would have caved. Ooh, and then they would have a real harem. 
Jiang Cheng would be so jealous. 
Wei Wuxian chuckled inwardly. He was glad though that it was just Lan Zhan, the boys and himself in this quiet little cottage. It was almost the end of spring now, which meant they’d have to return to Cloud Recesses soon for the summer. Wei Wuxian sighed, content in Lan Wangji’s arm. He leaned back into him and watched the sun fade beyond the trees. 
The whole world was golden. 
“Wei Ying.” 
“Are you happy?” 
“I am, Lan Zhan, I am.” 
Jiang Cheng opened an eye to the fading sun. He was lying on a luxurious wicker lounge chaise with silk pillows and fur paddings, taking a glorious nap under the tall blooming willow tree. 
The warm weight of a small body burrowed into his side like a puppy drew his attention away from the sky. Pressed against his chest was a round, rosy cheek, slightly wet from the drool that trickled down from a rose-petal like mouth, a sight which endeared Jiang Cheng to no end. 
Very carefully, he shifted his weight and curled his arm around the toddler. 
“Jiang-xiansheng.” A servant curtseyed and greeted him quietly. It seemed she had waited for him to come to for some time. 
He had returned at noon from a week-long night hunt excursion with a blend of Wen and Jiang disciples. Both Wen Qing and A-jie were busy tending to sect matters, so he bathed, consumed a light lunch and found rest under his favourite willow tree. He hadn’t thought he would have company, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. 
“Cui-momo,” Jiang Cheng greeted. 
The old nanny smiled and said, “Lian’er-guniang wanted to nap by her diedie.”
“Of course she did.” At three years old, his only daughter and child was absolutely a spoiled princess. “You’re free to go, Cui-momo. I’ll take her from here on.” 
The momo hesitated. “Ah -” 
“Something the matter?” 
“Ah no. Just, fu’ren sent word saying she and the sect master will be dining here tonight, and that afterwards the sect master would be staying, so perhaps it would be inconvenient for guniang to stay.” 
Even after all these years, Jiang Cheng still couldn’t manage to hide a blush. Wen Qing was never one for public displays of affections, but it was no secret how much she adored Jiang Wanyin. And Jiang Yanli too was incredibly secure in her position and belief of Wen Qing’s affection that she often created little occasions for Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng to have quality time together while she monopolized little Wen Lian.
A-Qing, don’t neglect my little brother, she’d admonish, as if Wen Qing would ever. 
You just want A-Lian to yourself. 
Yes, that is true, and I want more A-Lians, so you and A-Cheng should go make more. 
Wen Qing loved him and his sister beyond reason, equal but different. With Yanli, her feelings were almost akin to a reverent kind of worship, poignant and consuming in a way that her feelings for Jiang Cheng just wasn’t. A-jie once said that Wen Qing made her feel invincible, more than the demonic arts ever did, and Jiang Cheng wasn’t sure how they could love the same person and be so different in their love. 
With Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing was soft and gentle, their affection for each other easy and sustained, like a stream of clear water melting in the spring. His favourite moments are the mornings when Wen Qing would lean out the window by their bed, letting the sun catch the shine in her loose, spilling hair, in no rush to be anywhere or do anything except enjoy the moment with him at her side. 
Jiang Cheng sighed. After Lotus Pier’s massacre, he never thought he could be so happy again. 
“It’s quite alright, Cui-momo, I’m sure A-jie will want to take Lian’er for the night.” Jiang Cheng said to the old nanny. He picked up Wen Lian in his arms, rising from his lounge chair. The child slept on, none the wiser. 
“We’ll be heading down to Lanling in three days time. Have the packages been sent to Wei Wuxian?” 
“Yes, Hanguang-jun wrote back saying the robes are all in Wei-gongzi’s measurements.” 
As a rule, Jiang Cheng didn’t enjoy going to Lanling, mostly because he couldn’t stand to even think about Jin Guangshan’s face. But the old fucker has been dead for a couple of years now - an “unfortunate” encounter with a small bout of qi deviation and falling down stairs - and Lanling Jin has become greatly more tolerable under Jin Zixuan’s leadership. With any luck, his union with Luo Qingyang would rid their clan of the residual effect of Jin Guangshan’s bullshit all together. 
“It won’t do to let the ‘venerated triad’ win in the wardrobe department. Lan Xichen is getting far too comfortable thinking he’s the epitome of fashion. I think we ought to keep him on his toes, don’t you think so, Cui-momo?” 
“Indeed, Jiang-xiansheng, I do.” 
Jiang Cheng smirked to himself, bouncing his precious toddler softly as he made his way back inside, not a worry on his mind. 
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xpao-bearx · 4 years
《Original post here》
Part 2 HERE
SUMMARY: [Supernatural TWD AU] In which Negan is a kinky incubus, Rick Grimes is your secret guardian angel, and Daryl Dixon is a gruff monster/demon hunter. Three drastically different men who can only agree on one thing: making you theirs.
PAIRINGS: Reader x Negan, Reader x Rick Grimes, Reader x Daryl Dixon (Polyamorous Ships)
RATING: Mature/18+/Romance & Smut. Please be prepared and do NOT report.
NOTE: This is actually my first time ever writing an xReader story series as well as writing on Tumblr (I usually only write on Wattpad). As such, it probs won't be perfect though I would SERIOUSLY appreciate your *respectful* feedback and support!
I understand writing xReader content can get a lil tricky, so please just keep in mind that not everything Y/N says or does would be something that you'd do IRL or even approve of. Also, sometimes I may not help but put a teeny bit of myself in Y/N...
Lastly, I recently got back into the TWD fandom after a looong ass time and I'm taking a while re-watching the whole show. So I apologize in advance if my portrayal of any of the characters are rusty or I may not remember too much of the events from the show, but I promise to do my very best and hope y'all enjoy~!! \(^o^)/
DEDICATED TO: The wonderful @blccdyknuckles and @negans-attagirl 💖
"Heavenly Sins"
Part 1
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The sounds of laughter and easygoing chatter filled your ears as you walked closer to the church, a light breeze blowing through your F/C floral dress and the sun blinding your eyes. It was Sunday, most residents of the small town of Alexandria having gathered for mass.
It was a day like any other; peaceful and happy, children giggling and chasing each other around as their parents socialized outside before church could start.
Your heels clacking rhythmically on the pavement, you were just about to enter the building before a familiar voice called out.
Spinning, a huge smile instantly reached your ears as you saw none other than Carl Grimes waving enthusiastically at you as he jumped out of a car. From the driver's seat, his father soon followed as he stepped out.
Rick Grimes--dedicated sheriff of this fine town. His usual uniform forgone, instead replaced with a casual navy coloured suit. His baby blues met your E/C, flashing you a bright smile of his own that rivalled the sun itself.
Carl was running towards you now, and once in front he gave you a big hug.
"Settle down, cowboy! It's as if you haven't seen me in forever." You chuckled, ruffling Carl's hair affectionately.
"That's 'cause it did feel like forever." Carl pouted, eventually letting go as he looked up at you.
Before you can reply, Rick patted Carl's head and greeted you. "Hey, Y/N. How are things?" He asked in that endearing Southern accent of his.
"Just fine." You nodded, grinning before you couldn't help but let your gaze wander around a bit. "No Judith?"
It was then that Rick's smile faltered, but just barely. You nearly didn't catch it. "No. She's with her mom."
Rick was divorced from his ex-wife, Lori, after he discovered her cheating on him with his also now ex-bestfriend Shane Walsh. After the divorce, Shane and Lori quickly moved to the neighbouring community of Woodbury together and agreed on joint custody of the kids.
It really made your blood boil; you've interacted with Lori only a few times before so you didn't really have much of an opinion on her...that is, until, you learned what had happened between her and Rick. You knew it wasn't any of your business, but you cared about Rick a lot and he sure as hell didn't deserve to get cheated on.
"Oh." Was all you could say, quite stupidly. Your cheeks reddened, mentally slapping yourself before clearing your throat. "Will I see her in the daycare tomorrow, though?" You were a daycare teacher and even though you loved all of the kids, Judith was your favourite. She was simply such a sweetheart.
Rick nodded, his smile softening. "You got it."
You couldn't continue the conversation as the bells rang, making you jump out of your skin. Carl, noticing this, laughed which made you playfully roll your eyes before slinging an arm around him as all of you went inside.
You took your place near the back of the church with Carl and Rick. Once everyone was settled and done singing, the service began and Father Gabriel stood on top of the podium. A few minutes into his sermon, the interruption of a motorcycle revving loudly outside sliced through the air. Gabriel flinched in surprise, and it was obvious he was desperately trying to keep his cool. Finally, when it was silent again, you found yourself biting back a smile knowing all too well who had caused the ruckus.
It seems Rick knew, too, judging from how his jaw clenched and his hands turned into tight fists.
The doors were thrown open, making Gabriel flinch once more and some of the congregation turning in the pews to look. But poor Gabriel quickly fumbled with his Bible, raising his voice just a tad to regain their attention.
There was a low whistle accompanying the approaching footsteps, but the congregation did their damn hardest to ignore the latest visitor.
"Damn... I assumed the church would be a lot more welcoming than this." A husky voice whispered, and you at last couldn't hold back as a smile broke through.
"Negan." You whispered back, turning slightly in your seat to see he has taken the spot behind you. His leather clad arms lackadaisically resting on your chair, the musky scent of his cologne invading your senses oh so wonderfully. "Fancy seeing you here."
"What? Is it really that surprising, darlin'?" He grinned, presenting a row of perfectly straight white teeth. "I go to church."
"Not all the time." You pointed out.
"Ah..." He chuckled softly, hazel eyes twinkling. "That's 'cause Father Creepy McGee over there is just that. Creepy. As. Shit."
You bit the inside of your cheeks, suppressing your laughter. True, Gabriel did have his moments, but he wasn't that bad. That didn't change the fact that Negan knew exactly how to tickle your funny bone, though.
He was new to Alexandria. It was a lovely town, but since it was relatively small not a lot of people want to move here not unless it was families looking for their children to grow up in a safe environment. Which was why it was quite a shock to find out that a single man like Negan chose this destination, and even more so when he took everyone aback with his infamous pottymouth and rather inappropriate charisma.
He had moved just a couple of houses down from yours, and you made it your mission to befriend him. Right from the get-go, he had piqued your interest and curiousity. He was different from everyone else--even possessing an air of mystery about him--and that definitely intrigued you. And also, perhaps you were just too nice and didn't want him to feel outcasted. Although, that didn't seem like an issue to him at all.
"Want one?" You were brought back to reality when you saw Negan's hand outstretched with a pack of cigarettes.
"Dude, we're in church." You reprimanded, frowning.
Negan didn't say anything, only cocking a brow and still with that same shit-eating grin. You sighed, finally giving in as you swiftly grabbed one and stashed it away in your purse for later.
"Y/N." You turned to the left, Rick's icy gaze piercing you. "Pay attention."
"R-Right. Sorry..." You mumbled sheepishly.
Carl, who was sitting in the middle of you and Rick, had dozed off. Rick nudged him, but the brunette only groaned softly and snuggled into Rick's chest. Defeated, the sheriff sighed and was just about to listen again to Gabriel before Negan cut in.
"Rick!" Negan purposely raised his voice, knowing it would get a rise out of the other man. "Didn't even see ya there. Howdy, cowboy!"
Rick grimaced, and it looked like he was just going to ignore Negan though he knew that if he did that then Negan would just irritate him even further. "Good to see you, Negan." He forced himself to say.
"Only you can say that while giving me such a deadly side eye, Grimes." Negan snickered. "How have you been? How's the wife?"
Rick flushed, his fists in a tight ball again and it looked like his nails would be digging into his skin. You abruptly swung into action, placing a hand on Rick's own.
"Rick..." You said gently. "It's okay. Calm down."
Rick did, his shoulders drooping as if a heavy weight had been lifted. He can barely pay any attention to Gabriel now, then you suddenly stood up and grabbed Negan's arm.
"We need to talk. Now."
"What, we going for a quickie?" Negan smirked, but that soon faded when he saw your serious expression. He sighed dramatically, reaching his full height as he towered over you before following you out.
At this point, you didn't care if people saw what transpired or would even start gossiping. No one, not even Negan, was allowed to harass Rick. He has helped you through so much shit--more than you'd like to admit--and you at least owed him this much.
Once outside, next to where Negan parked his motorcycle, you exploded. "What the fuck is with you?! You leave Rick alone, or I swear to fucking Christ I will--"
"Woah, woah, woah! Hold your horses, missy!" Negan guffawed, his hands up in mock surrender. "I mean, I like 'em feisty, but goddamn! Watch your fucking language."
"Tch. You're one to talk."
"Did you just scoff at me?" He raised his brows, putting his hands in his pockets as he slowly drew closer to you. A devilish grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, tilting his head slightly. "No one's ever fucking scoffed at me and didn't regret it soon after."
You frowned, letting out a huff as you met his gaze challengingly. "As if you'd do anything to me."
He was silent for several moments before chuckling, leaning back against his motorcycle. "You're right. I have too much of a soft spot for ya." He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it then taking a drag. He drew his head upwards, puffing out the smoke. "Whaddya say we just forgive and forget? I truly am sorry. You can even tell Rick that I am metaphorically down on my goddamn knees begging for forgiveness~"
"I'm not forgiving or forgetting anything until you actually face Rick and apologize yourself." You muttered. And without another word, you spun on your heel and strutted back inside the church with your head held high.
Negan's intent stare lingered where your ass had just been, taking another long drag and letting out a small laugh to himself.
His eyes suddenly glowed a crimson red, a smirk playing on his lips.
Oh, he really did pick a GREAT one.
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hd-fan-fair · 4 years
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View the full list on [AO3] or under the cut below!
( Fanwork posted in chronological order by type )
1. herman_the_moth | Tumblr: caroll-in drew How hard can it be? (Digital Comic, Mature) Summary: 
Harry and Draco have to stay over at their friends' places for a few weeks, since the renovation of the Grimmauld Place hadn't been completed by the time they were back from their honeymoon. That creates a slight issue with being intimate but the newlyweds are nothing if not creative...
2. chachisoo | Tumblr: creeeee drew Revelio! (Digital, Teen and Up) Summary:
It's that time of year again for Witch Weekly's annual charity event! By popular demand, this year they have prepared a calendar featuring the sexiest studs in the Wizarding World. Gracing the cover in style, the Hogwarts staff is represented by none other than DADA Professor Harry Potter and Potions Professor Draco Malfoy. Grab one before they're gone! Reserve your copy by owl today!
3. Pinky_Wisteria | Tumblr: snarkyships-drarryside drew Handling Dragons (Digital, Teen and Up) Summary:
Harry brought over dragons to Hogwarts for a new Triwizard Tournament or for a class. Draco is hopelessly turned on by the resident Professor or Hogwarts Medic. Draco wants his dragon tickled by Harry. Unknown to him, Draco is the only dragon Harry wants to manhandle.
4. digthewriter drew I plan on getting very wet. (Digital, Mature) Summary:
When they arrived at their private beach holiday, they didn't expect it to rain all the time. Oh well, boys can still find a way to have fun.
5. Pinkelephant42 | Tumblr: Pinkelephant42 drew The Dragon's Boy (Digital Comic, Explicit) Summary:
Harry is chosen to be the next sacrifice to the dragon, but it turns out this dragon is interested in Harry for entirely different reasons.
6. sugareey drew The Art of Trust (Digital, Mature) Summary:
One piece of rope offers what Harry and Draco seek the most from each other.
7. Pinky_Wisteria | Tumblr: snarkyships-drarryside drew (Intimidating) Brand New World (Digital Comic, Mature) Summary:
Draco's nervously perusing a sex shop for the first time when he sees a flash of dark hair across the store. He'd know it anywhere, but why is Potter here? And what on earth is in that box he's buying? Years of uptight parenting from his parents have left him woefully lacking in knowledge about his newfound interests. Potter's always been rather uncaring of public opinion, perhaps he could be the one to help Draco figure it all out...
8. p1013 drew and wrote as much a light as a flame (6303, Explicit) Summary:
His mother paints a wolf on his chest, its eyes bracketing his heart, and its muzzle pointed towards his groin. His aunt fills in the spaces around his waist and ribs with symbols he's lost the meaning of in the wash of whatever plant had been mixed in with the steam. They move after her brush leaves his skin, turning from incomprehensible marks to his name to wolf to home to hunt and then back to misunderstanding again.
His legs are painted in patterned bands, starting from his ankles and ending at his upper thighs. His groin is left unmarked, the pale and empty skin meant to leave no doubt of the Claim once he makes it.
9. Zigster drew and wrote Starkissed (32631, Explicit) Summary:
“Your tattoos!” The intruder says, boldly stepping over Ron’s chaise and crossing in front of Hermione to get to Harry, eyes wide and hungry. Harry immediately sits up, pulling the towel draped across the back of his chair down over his shoulders.   “No! Don’t cover them. They’re beautiful.” Harry hopes an indulgent trip abroad will help shake him out of the doldrums of his life. What he finds once he gets to Venice is more than he ever expected.
10. Bluedreaming read Infuse With Affection, Enchant With Love by bafflinghaze (1.5 Hours, Teen and Up) Summary:
It starts with Draco making protective pendants for himself, his parents, and his friends, after the war. Something that would watch their backs—and their fronts—as people spat on them in the streets and hexed them in the alleyways. Draco gets better at it, does a course on it, and takes enough commissions for charmed jewellery that he eventually opens his own shop.
But Harry doesn’t know any of this. So when he sees Malfoy in a shop of charmed necklaces, he immediately tries his best to uncover Malfoy’s machinations.
11. smirkingcat read Things Worth Paying For (1.5 Hours, Explicit) Summary:
After leaving post-war Britain for Paris, Draco is finally happy, with friends and a job he loves, But then his newest client turns out to be Harry Potter, and everything changes.
12. palendrome (nerdherderette) wrote Three Wishes (10161, Explicit) Summary:
Draco meets his fairy godmother and is granted three wishes. Unfortunately, they all keep coming back to the same thing.
********** Pop! 
"Oh, wow," Vince says, and is that sarcasm Draco hears? "I never saw that coming."
"What?" Draco opens his eyes. He's prepared for the theatrics of the puffs of smoke—Vince, despite the sudden career change, was never blessed with an overactive imagination—but what he was not prepared for was the sight of Harry Potter, bare-chested and dressed in arseless chaps, his hands bound and mouth wrapped around a ball gag while lying face down on Draco's sofa.
13. Maraudersaffair wrote H.A.G.S. (Hogwarts Alliance for Gender and Sexuality) (9517, Explicit) Summary:
When Hermione decides Hogwarts needs a LGBTQIA+ club, of course Ron and Harry are roped into helping. After a rocky start, Harry begins seeing the club as an opportunity to educate students and celebrate diversity and sexuality at Hogwarts. He also starts seeing it as an opportunity to snog Draco Malfoy.
14. dracoismytrashson wrote You Don't Know Me (Like You Used To) (33106, Explicit) Summary:
"Buy me a drink as compensation for maiming me?" he asks.
"And why the hell would I do that?" It’s a perfectly valid question. A drink invitation from Harry Potter is about as likely of a scenario as me streaking down Piccadilly in broad daylight. Consider me completely thrown off.
Sometimes it only takes a week to change everything. The story of how twenty-five-year-old Draco Malfoy hit one Harry Potter with a door and knocked both of their lives into somewhere entirely new.
15. bafflinghaze wrote the best treasure is up Harry’s arse (2891, Explicit) Summary:
Harry and Draco probably had a tumultuous time getting together, filled with angst and denial and pining and brooding. However, this is not that story. Here, Draco makes Harry come (more than once).
16. Orpheous87 wrote Breakin' the Rules (3146, Teen and Up) Summary:
Harry and Draco are Auror partners. They're in a relationship that they've been forced to keep secret due to relationships between Aurors being forbidden. Harry is okay with this, as he hasn't come out to anyone other than Draco, but after a mission goes awry, their relationship is exposed.
17. tigersilver wrote The HogShagMan (31685, Mature) Summary:
Professor Potter is called upon to teach the first-ever official course on Magical Sexual Relations at Hogwarts and, in the process, must navigate the pitfalls of relationship-building, the nefarious schemings of those entrusted with school funding, and the uneven tempers of his boss and several co-workers. Clearly, only ‘the’ Harry Potter can pull it all off.
18. Gnarf wrote Let's not wait for France (17714, Teen and Up) Summary:
All Harry had wanted from his Eighth year at Hogwarts was a little peace and a little privacy but, from the moment that he stepped onto Platform 9 3/4, it was obvious that nothing was ever going to be that easy.
An accidental bond with Malfoy that resulted in them having to stay together at all times was the final straw.
Things couldn't be worse. So much to a quiet year in Hogwarts.
19. GallifreyisBurning wrote Take All That You See (19666, Teen and Up) Summary:
Draco Malfoy has only two goals for his eighth year are Hogwarts: 1) stay as invisible as possible, and 2) get enough NEWTs to be accepted at a university abroad and get the hell out of the UK. Everything is going according to plan until he is unceremoniously outed by the Daily Prophet and subsequently disowned.
Finding himself the unexpected focus of unwanted attention and harassment, he is suddenly dependent on the good will and protection of the last people he would have expected — Harry Potter and his gang of do-gooder Gryffindors (plus Luna Lovegood). With his world turned upside down, how will Draco make it through the rest of the year? And worse still, as he grows closer and closer to Harry, how will he get out with his heart intact?
20. gracerene wrote True Children Still (34240, Explicit) Summary:
After years of dancing around each other, Draco and Harry have finally begun to date, though they're taking things slow. They've got enough to figure out as it is, and the last thing Harry needs is an unexpected introduction to desires he's not quite ready to face.
21. RoonilWazlibMalfoy wrote Asking For A Friend? (13734, Explicit) Summary:
Asking for a friend? Don't be shy! I'm Genna Russ with advice! Draco Malfoy, drag queen and agony aunt for the Daily Prophet, is very happy with his life. He loves his job. He loves his drag queen persona. And he loves the fact that the wider Wizarding world doesn't know who is offering them sassy advice with their morning news.
When he starts receiving letters from one Harry Potter – letters that are too racy to publish – he does the only thing he can do: he replies. His carefully constructed secret life is at risk of being blown wide open, but he just can't help himself. Draco never did have any self-control where the Prat Who Lived was concerned.
22. fluxweed wrote All I Have to Do (9575, Explicit) Summary:
The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised.
Or: Draco finally has some alone time; Harry just needs to nip in for a book.
23. simeysgirl wrote Take My Wonder (3949, Explicit) Summary:
Harry Potter is the author of very well-written children's text books. Joshua Starkweather is the author of not-so-well-written erotic fiction. Only one person knows that they are one and the same.
24. Ladderofyears wrote (There Is Nothing) More Than This (5431, Explicit) Summary:
Harry Potter returns home past midnight, distressed and anxious about the multiple murder case that he is leading. His husband Draco looks after him, comforting Harry with his hands, his mouth and his unwavering love.
25. disapparater wrote the space between (what you want and what you need) (13601, Mature) Summary:
As a specialist Healer in dark magic, Draco has had his fair share of difficult cases and awkward patients. Still, nothing has prepared him for a curse-paralysed Harry Potter.
26. FreddieFoxBaxter wrote Walk in the sun (18233, Explicit) Summary:
Harry is perfectly content with the life he built for himself; simple and private, it helps him heal the wounds from the war. He then accepts to go out with one of Neville’s acquaintances, never expecting that decision would bring him back to his obsession for Draco Malfoy.
“That was his cue. Had Harry stopped to think about his situation, he could have left. Malfoy was nibbling at his neck, he had his hand down his pants. All things considered, a disaster incoming. And yet, his feet still refused to move. After all, he was not the stop-to-think-of-consequences kind of guy.”
(Features drunken confessions, bathrooms, a lot of smut, sexy pictures, panties, cats and only one bed)
27. Countingcr0ws wrote You Need to Just Do Whatever You Want (7998, General) Summary:
Draco's confused when he receives a manual explaining his magical inheritance. Being a veela would be good (at least he would be prettier), and a vampire would have been fine (another excuse to hide himself in the Manor). But a descendant of the God of Love, complete with arrows and a love quota? Now that's just bonkers.
A story in which Draco is Cupid (sort of).
28. PollyWeasley wrote Under my Skin (8258, Explicit) Summary:
One year after the war and after Hogwarts restorations, Harry is back at school to finally finish his education. He wasn't expecting McGonagall to assign him to protect Draco Malfoy, in case he was bullied during the classes. Although really just wants to relax on his last year in Hogwarts, he'd seen how Draco had changed at the trials. He knew being around him would be easy enough... Wouldn't it?
29. Drarryismymuse wrote Glory, glory! (16898, Explicit) Summary:
It's 2005 and Harry has recently purchased a new mobile phone so he can easily keep in touch with his friends. Little did he know that the Muggle technology would lead him down a path of self discovery and safe exploration that would lead him into the soft recesses of the last person he ever expected. As it turns out, very good things can be found in the dark.
30. Enchanted_Jae wrote Husbandly Duties (2108, Explicit) Summary:
Draco and Harry leave their wedding after-party early for some quality one-on-one time.
31. Yesimawriter wrote Sex, Relationships & Love (3873, Mature) Summary:
Draco Malfoy runs an anonymous sex advice column in the Witch Weekly magazine and gets hundreds of letters asking him for advice on sex, love and relationships. How was he to know that the advice he had given in response to one of those letters would result in Harry Potter showing up at his flat at 6 in the morning?
32. Poison_literature wrote Disparate (6022, Teen and Up) Summary:
Ever since he went to Hogwarts, Draco realized that he wasn't quite the same as the others.
Or: Draco Malfoy over the years as he tries to understand and accept his sexuality.
33. Archaic_Nepenthes wrote Silver Scales in Pools of Green (26603, Explicit) Summary:
Draco is one of the last sirens of the seas, who escaped to the human world looking for friendship and food, but captivity found him instead. For seven years, he's gotten used to his life as human entertainment, and prides himself in his ability to make humans fall in step to his song.
That is, until everything falls apart when he has an audience with green eyes...
34. unadulteratedstorycollector wrote It's So Hard (9170, Explicit) Summary:
Draco has posed for some interesting photos, and it is currently making things very... hard for Harry.
35. xanthippe74 wrote On Your Shore (35113, Mature) Summary:
Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too. But both the house and Draco Malfoy have secrets to uncover, and Harry might be in deeper water than he thought.
36. lyonessheart wrote A Little Less Broken (6417, Mature) Summary:
After the war Draco thought he would never feel again. But a mix of revenge gone wrong and Harry Potter, might help him to feel just a little less broken.
37. Ischa wrote Always (20147, Explicit) Summary:
In which Draco is the (in)famous erotica writer H.J. Belladonna, writing successful scandalous novel after successful scandalous novel and hiding his true identity, and Harry is questioning his sexuality after reading one of Belladonna’s books. Until ten years after the war their paths cross again, and Harry doesn’t only question his sexuality, but also the meaning of his obsession with Draco Malfoy.
“You look like something my cat dragged in,“ Blaise said from the sofa. Draco’s sofa, in Draco’s tiny flat. “You don’t have a cat, because you’re too vain, Blaise. A cat would get hair all over your expensive clothes,“ Draco replied and then ignored Blaise in favor of going into the kitchen to get some hot sweet tea into his system. Maybe that would make his day better, even if it had just started and the potential for disaster was high. Blaise followed him. “I’ll take one too.“ “You can’t use my home as your personal hotel, Blaise,“ Draco said, but he was already grabbing two cups out of the cupboard. He was too tired to use magic, after writing the whole night, he felt like all the magic had been absorbed by his parchment. Some of his sanity maybe too.
38. blowfish_diaries wrote Absurd. (3773, Explicit) Summary:
When Draco discovers a kink that Harry's been hiding from him, he has no choice but to explore said kink, right? Right.
39. Postjentacular wrote For Want Of Five Minutes (And a Locked Door) (4333, Mature) Summary:
It’s hard enough to get five minutes to yourself in a house of five kids, nevermind getting five minutes with your boyfriend for anything else.
40. acupforslytherin wrote Let Out the Beast (9649, Explicit) Summary:
In the wizarding world where alphas are looked down upon for their lack of control and unseemly aggression, it is generally accepted that they are not allowed to work in places like schools and hospitals where their nature could risk the people there. When Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up at Hogwarts smelling strongly like an alpha, Harry is beyond baffled. The fact that no one else seems to catch his scent only adds to his confusion. But, of course, the most puzzling part is how Harry’s body reacts to that scent.
41. Erebeus wrote Flowers, Dildos and Other Courtship Gifts (15853, Teen and Up) Summary:
Harry Potter is the Ministry's star auror trainee, and Draco Malfoy is the cute florist in Diagon Alley who Harry stares at through the window during lunch breaks and leaves. That's all they are and all they would ever be. (Really.) Until Harry accidentally mails Draco an autumn themed dildo (among others). Cue: bad planning, owl kidnapping, and flangst.
Or two emotional gay disasters fall in love in the middle of autumn.
42. glittering_git wrote he touched me, so I live to know (4729, Mature) Summary:
Five times Harry Potter is unsure about touching someone and one time he isn’t.
43. MistyDeath wrote cut my name into your lip (6321, Explicit) Summary:
Harry can't take it anymore. Seriously. If Malfoy chews on the end of his quill/licks his spoon/sucks on the papercut on his finger one more time, Harry's going to put an end to it.
44. ebbet wrote Realities, Unfurling (45487, Mature) Summary:
Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
45. Nympha_Alba wrote The Delicate Balance of Light and Shade (13288, Explicit) Summary:
With the war finally over, Harry tries to find his own path in a world where he is free to make his own choice. On a holiday in France, he unexpectedly falls in love with art and painting. Returning to Hogwarts to help rebuild it, he is paired up with Draco Malfoy to restore the Room of Requirement - and unexpectedly falls in love with Draco. When the rebuilding efforts are done, Harry disappears.
Years later, Draco goes to Muggle London at Pansy's suggestion to visit an art gallery. The name of the Muggle artist is unknown to Draco, but the subject of the erotic paintings is shockingly familiar: it's Draco himself. It's time to confront the past and make some long-due confessions.
46. Pineau_noir wrote Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright) (9181, Explicit) Summary:
Sex is hard to come by when you're 40 and have kids.
Or: Five times Harry and Draco tried and failed to have sex and one time they were successful.
47. Cibee (Cibeeeee) wrote The Spoiling of Sex From Enthusiastic Ignorance (6079, Explicit) Summary:
Draco is going to lose his virginity, so help him god, and he's going to lose it to one Harry Potter. Why? Because of his big cock, his status as The Top Five Quidditch Players in England, and Witch Weekly's Most-Eligible Bachelor for eight years straight. At least that's what he tells himself. Too bad first times rarely go as one plans, and now Harry is looking miserable and Draco doesn’t understand why.
48. epsilonargus wrote you killed me on the moon (4906, Explicit) Summary:
'You barely know me. We do not know each other.’
‘Beyond this overwhelming need to submit to you, completely and utterly?’ Potter raises his eyebrows, stretching his scar. ‘Beyond this bone-deep awareness that you are made for me, and I for you? That our destiny was written in the stars, in the very foundation of our known world?’
An A/B/O Royalty!AU wherein a desperate Slytherin prince faces a proposal from the conquering Gryffindor king.
49. M0stlyVoid wrote i just want your extra time and your... (9058, Explicit) Summary:
Ron should know better than to speak Latin in a magical library. If he’d just left well enough alone, instead of trying to badger Malfoy for the details of his newest novel, Harry wouldn’t have to listen to all of this chatter about how bloody decent Malfoy is, and he wouldn’t be dealing with all of these...feelings. Really, it’s all Ron’s fault that Harry’s mind is stuck on Malfoy like this again.
50. Oldenuf2nb wrote The Kisses Don’t Count, If No One Else Knows (41492, Explicit) Summary:
Minister for Magic Harry Potter does not love his job. The one bright point in his life is his secret relationship with Quidditch Super Star Draco Malfoy. When they're 'outed' by a peeping tom with a camera, Harry has to decide what's really important.
51. VeelaWings wrote You Do Your Body Work, I Feel My Pulse Working Overtime (1627, Explicit) Summary:
Harry did not have an addiction to watching Draco masturbate on camera. He could stop any time he wanted to. Really.
52. letsdothepanic wrote Right Romantic Setting (6266, Explicit) Summary:
On the twelfth day of their romantic relationship, Draco and Harry take Albus, Scorpius and Rose on a weekend trip to Muggle London that Ron and Hermione were supposed to lead. At the fully-booked hotel where they'll be staying for the night, they're surprised to discover that their rather plain room has only one bed. It's definitely not the right romantic setting for their first night together but, as Draco comes to realise, there's good in taking things slow.
53. pixiedustatsundown wrote Portrait of a Marriage (130627, Mature) Summary:
Harry didn't want to marry Malfoy, he really didn't, but he also does want this house and Malfoy looked so smug and well - now they are married, and the house still doesn't like him, and Malfoy only looks more smug.
Draco didn't want to marry Potter, he really didn't, but he also does want this house and he never seems to be capable of escaping Potter anyway, so if he is already doomed to being married off he might as well decide for himself what he is worth, sign the papers and ignore everything wrong with that plan until physically no longer possible.
54. sassy_cissa wrote Regardless of desire, life hands you who you are (29803, Explicit) Summary:
When Draco finds himself wrongly accused – of course it's Potter who swoops in to save the day. Isn't it always Potter?
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