strange-aeons · 1 year
Does anyone have that old clip of Onision saying something like "Honest people don't have to tell you that they're being honest" (you know, contrary to his later tirades about being THE MOST HONEST YOUTUBER)
I swear i remember it existing but i can't find it easily.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
Onision kept trying to get in my room but everywhere he went, he left beetles because he just always had beetles on him somehow so I didn’t let him in my room (obviously). He bullied me about it and tried gaslighting me to let him come into my room?? I was terrified of him and his beetles!! Don’t come in my room, freak!!
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cottagecor3whor3 · 2 years
no dont kys onision will outlive u its not worth it x
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a-ladyofwar · 1 year
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eclipsinggod · 1 year
I love how almost every influencer of the “Golden Age” from both Vine and Youtube alike have been exposed for being absolute worst people on the planet.
EDIT: I’m so glad that I never liked her lol Would’ve just been another disappointment.
EDIT 2: SHE LET A CHILD REACH INTO HER PANTS??????? Jesus christ- @ Colleen Ballinger
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junkartie · 8 months
What if i told u bro single handedly caused a butterfly affect that left me being groomed for 5 years along with a raging ED 😔
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Hey accounting anon here. I'm very versed in onision drama, so I'm throwing my two cents in from that last anon asking what will make you happy about what happens to Viv.
So, Onision is an abomination I warn everyone about looking into. If you haven't heard of him, consider yourself bless because you didn't have to watch him do the shit he did. Onision did a lot of crap, but since he's an idiot he well documented it on to YouTube and various social media platforms like Twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. There's so many sites that have archived and store the things he's done, I recommend the website life of onion if anyone is curious, but please be warned and proceed with caution.
I use to literally have panic attacks and cry. Why? Cause it'd horrify me the things he posted online and how he was getting away with it. He documented abusing an ex he groomed, he went as far as to upload a video on to YouTube ridiculing her instead of taking her to the hospital. THAT STUFF IS TRIGGERING, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL LOOKING INTO IT.
Onision moved from victim to victim with ease, he even had his current spouse start recruiting and luring victims to him. One thing was they made rating forums where girls as young as 12 were submitting pictures for Onision to rate. Onision featured on girl who was 13 and said some very heinous things about her, which affected her badly. So that victim's sister reached out to Onision asking for it to be removed and he refused then harassed her sister. He did get some backlash, but it took someone with a platform like Blaire White to get more powerful people to pay attention to him. Blaire confronted onision about that situation during a live stream debate in fact.
After Blaire, Chris Hansen got involved and that finally led to Onision's downfall. Onision lost his sponsorships, his patreon, his twitch paternerships, and had to sell his house. People have reported he delivered this ubereats and doordash meals afterwards. Right now Onision has two lawsuits currently ongoing.
I'm happy. I hope one day Shiloh, Sarah, and the rest of his victims can sleep ok and never have to worry about him again. Last I heard, Shiloh is recording and working on songs and Sarah is now enjoying her privacy. Onision is a monster and he deserves to rot in hell.
Thank you for the recap, Anon. If there's a hell, Onision deserves to burn in it.
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avaajj · 2 months
I wish youtube would just delete his channel, but at least onision gets an abysmal amount of views compared to his subscriber count lol
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carbonatedcacti · 1 month
Kill the onision in your head
Wear eyeliner without foundation
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desire-mona · 4 months
GUYS EVERYONE STOP EVERYTHING NOW. ONISION, GREGORY ONION, HAS UPLOADED A FUCKING SONG. LIKE WITHIN THE DAY. ALSO THE COVER IS 1000% AI GENERATED. also he changed his name in his bio thing to james jackson?? is this a new thing? i havent been keeping up with him. i genuinely cannot believe i found this
edit: PLEASE DONT WATCH IT! dont give onision money
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spiltsoup · 11 months
Nov. 11th
Happy birthday to me and happy birthday to the incredible and wonderful actress Calista Flockhart, and not to Onision because fuck that guy
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kiss-me-im-emo · 11 months
I can’t be the only one still waiting for onision to be throw in jail
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was in a boat with a bunch of people and also Onision and he blew up the boat and I almost drowned.
@strange-aeons saved me.
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philsmeatylegss · 1 year
Very specific uquiz for a very specific group of people
Assigning you an Onision controversy that permanently altered my brain
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phansweat · 9 months
amazingphil lost media?
ive been looking all night and i cant find the onision and amazingphil interactive dating video anywhere online. all i can find is like one screenshot, the rest are just people talking about the collab but not the collab itself.
i can describe the video pretty detailedly too.
it was 2012 and onision has multiple youtubers in this video like brittani louise taylor for example. phil played a creepy, awkward man attracted to his wooden guinea pig and was trying to "milk it"
i know onion man is a touchy subject because of his past as well as trying to out dnp for clout. i just cant get this video out of my head. i even tried the way back machine and nothing.
the reason im looking is this was my intro to phils channel and i was feeling nostalgic. i wonder if anyone else was introduced to dan and phil through onision this way. i cant get it out of my head and honestly it freaks me out how quickly i moved from shane and onision content to dan and phil and wondered if anyone else had the same onision to dnp pipeline through this collab.
if anyone remembers this or knows anything about this than plzz lmk so i dont feel like i am having a fever dream.
(also i understand it was probably deleted for a reason or that maybe no one talks about it for a reason and that maybe lost media should stay lost but its something i think about a lot nd i was just wondering)
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