~The Ghost of Lily's Past~
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britts-galaxy-brain · 20 hours ago
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Posting outright loli on main now, are we?
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Some context for those characters;
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This is loli. Lily posted loli on main.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 20 hours ago
"Anon please
I think it's important to showcase what happens when a person dares to question something. Even if they're polite about it. This was under Salem's goth/masc women turned feminine trope post.
This is how they made their echo chamber fanbase. They chase off anybody normal the second they use their brain.
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It's a perfect example of just how toxic Salem and Wis are in even the stupidest of cases. Wis didn't even need to butt her ass in but of course she did. And THEN she totally fucking vague posted about them in this post about concern trolling nazis. When they're absolutely right! Salem has talked positively about force femming his sona and very negatively about masc trans guys, I'd be confused too if I didn't know about this blog. These 2 probably do this on a daily basis but this caught my eye with Wis' vague post.
I've been sitting on this for a bit cause it's not that horrendous compared to what Sawyer and others went through but I feel like the more proof of how unhinged they are IN PUBLIC (don't pull that stalker shit Wis) the better.
They're just 2 people full of hate hiding it behind progressive words and their minority statuses. They can do no wrong and if they do you need to stfu you nazi!"
are they genuinely, incapable of seeing their own behaviors? what is this, if not just bullying, and harassing a smaller user. it takes 2 seconds to ignore someone, rather than dog piling them.
i have noticed, it almost seems salem, is attempting to rile up his followers, to keep them sycophantic as possible. how many times now, have we seen him reply to someone, and there are at least 2 other random weirdos, being rude and snide alongside him?
he is only encouraging this behavior, from his followers. he wants dogpilers, and people who will harass others, on his behalf.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
Small nitpick as an aside, but guess who doesnt abide by her own "Minors DNI"? Yeah thats right its Patricia
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Its a minor nitpick, but I wanted to bring it up. If you have a DNI, you also have to not interact with that group. Its not "Rules for thee but not for me", curate your damn feeds and interactions as well goddamnit
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
Let's begin. Lily's anti-asian rhetoric is primarily centered around anime! Yes!
She's a cartoon reviewer, supposedly, but one could hardly really say that as after religiously digging through her backwash catalog there's not really much in the way of review or critique.
The more accurate name is Ranttuber. She rants. She will start at point A then rant about something D through G then comes back to A where she suddenly cuts to point Z and the video is over. Usually not even tangentially connected to what she's watching... let's be honest, it's about Steven Universe, Utena, Kingdon Hearts, Korra, or She-Ra. In every video there is a cut to one of these that just has nothing to do with what's either on screen or being talked about making her videos jarring and difficult to follow.
Unfortunately, when you do snort enough Adderall to keep up you start to notice patterns. And one of those patterns is her deep frothing hatred for anime and anyone who even shallowly enjoys it.
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Which when you really focus on leads down some pretty dark paths. Her complete disregard for Japanese language and culture that seeps deep into seeing the Japanese as nothing, but an island of rapist pedophiles with nothing to offer the world, but...
Kingdom Hearts?
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
the just fiction argument falls apart in regards to paraphilias because the arousal to the fictional thing is REAL. When I shoot someone in a game it’s not real nothing about it is real I don’t want to do it in real life because don’t want to hurt someone for real and I won’t level up or whatever. If you are jacking it to an image of a child or animal you are REALLY getting off on it that is a REAL thing happening.
Thought crime stops being thought crime when it's physically acted out.
I'm not sure how people miss that part.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
Japan isn't the only Asian country Lily has been racist towards.
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Another excellent example is her Utena video where she plays music from World of Warcraft: Pandaria because... it sounds vaguely asian? I suppose? She can't tell them apart.
Which I'm genuinely shocked she even heard because she has a Kingdom Hearts Audio Mod installed on WOW rendering the whole game a SFX nightmare ESPECIALLY in Raids, but oh her widdle eawers will neber recober from someone donating 180$ in subs to her in stream. She turned sub rewards for it.
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Journey to the West is just Dragon Ball in spite of Dragon Ball being a love letter to one of Asia's most impactful epics.
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Asian inspired outfits being nonsensical
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Recommending one of the most notoriously racist modern books to people in spite of someone heavily involved in the writing of it coming out with her own book to counter the bone deep damage it did. This one is Japanese, but I missed putting it in the other post because Tumblr is forcing me to break this up into parts.
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Another post I missed... Don't make me explain it. I will if I have to.
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Completely disregarding South East Asians in their battle against the specific racism they face because... she knows better? I guess?
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
If everyone you know ends up outed as a groomer/zoophile/predator, maybe it's time to rethink the company you keep and the shit you're willing to defend.
Every Trans woman i know has a story of some asshole dragging them online and being called out for being a groomer or a zoophile, this is not a coincidence, these people are normalizing and connecting zoophilia and pedophilia to Trans women like the disgusting transphobes they are.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
i love your icon
Thank you, it's that goofy Wish brand Absol figure.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
Serious question, I've never seen those candy people CD made Loli's out of? What is it called and is it an actual property or just something she made up herself?
They're from a game called Syrup And The Ultimate Sweet. It's an indie rpg with some dark themes, but the two characters in that image are purely platonic in game.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
you literally called out cd and her chat for being rude to a fan with autism. i see that was just you being fake again. you're just another internet bully who can't get over an old situationship
You're a busy bee today aren't you. I ask you once again, where was the mean in a direct response and a laugh?
Do you interact with people at all outside the internet?
Also calling 5 years of coercion, attempted grooming, lying, catfishing, and manipulation a "situationship" is fucking disgusting. Take your abuse apologetics somewhere else.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
Blocked an anon trying to downplay this and claim it isn't loli.
It's a character with the proportions, personality, and AGE of a naive little girl that Lily is blatantly sexualizing. It's loli.
Posting outright loli on main now, are we?
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Some context for those characters;
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This is loli. Lily posted loli on main.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
Had to go back to see what ask they’re talking about. That’s it?? That’s the ‘mean’ people are concerned over??
Pretty sure it's just one person. They've been blowing up Sheev's inbox too.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 days ago
no because you're an adult and that's a child that could have anything going on in their life and head and you and your friend would rather be mean than just ignore them like the adults you're supposed to be I don't fucking care how stupid their question was. I regret ever thinking you're a good person
??????? Where was the mean?
I said "yep still gay" and someone else repeated the question and laughed because it was a funny question to ask. Where the fuck was the "mean" in either of those responses???
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britts-galaxy-brain · 3 days ago
AHAHA anon fuck right off and go troll somewhere else.
You know what? Yeah, I did laugh at a minor. I'll laugh at them again too. Sorry, but it needs to be laughed at when you bold brass ask someone if they're still a lesbian. Same if you ask them if they're still trans, asking if they're still dealing with some disability publicly, or still whatever flavor of gay they have felt they are. You look like a jackass and in my opinion it's better to get laughed at, learn that's not a cool thing to do publicly, then everyone move on from it than it is to have a long drawn out discussion that makes it overly complicated to the point where "Don't ask people personal shit like that publicly" is completely lost because it's been overwhelmed with political theory and talking points that don't serve a purpose outside debate clubs.
Quick and simple social hand smack for shit behavior does more than enough and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't. I'm not their mom, I've told them to fuck out of this space and they're still here, I'm going to laugh at them for making an ass of themselves a bit for showing the immaturity I told kids they need to not be in this space over.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 3 days ago
Lol wait is someone really griping that you laughed at that ask??
It was funny.
You know what? Yeah, I did laugh at a minor. I'll laugh at them again too. Sorry, but it needs to be laughed at when you bold brass ask someone if they're still a lesbian. Same if you ask them if they're still trans, asking if they're still dealing with some disability publicly, or still whatever flavor of gay they have felt they are. You look like a jackass and in my opinion it's better to get laughed at, learn that's not a cool thing to do publicly, then everyone move on from it than it is to have a long drawn out discussion that makes it overly complicated to the point where "Don't ask people personal shit like that publicly" is completely lost because it's been overwhelmed with political theory and talking points that don't serve a purpose outside debate clubs.
Quick and simple social hand smack for shit behavior does more than enough and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't. I'm not their mom, I've told them to fuck out of this space and they're still here, I'm going to laugh at them for making an ass of themselves a bit for showing the immaturity I told kids they need to not be in this space over.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 3 days ago
are you still lesbian? or other sexuality?
? Yep still gay.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 3 days ago
Posting outright loli on main now, are we?
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Some context for those characters;
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This is loli. Lily posted loli on main.
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