#one woman show: solo para
ultravioletqueen · 4 months
Some time ago my sister introduced me to the world of the video game Hades and its sequel, all the lore and references to Greek mythology fascinate me (I'm a Greek mythology nerd, it's my weakness), I didn't think there would be anything that would bother me about the game Well, except one thing, ODYSSEUS.
Odysseus is by far one of my favorite heroes in Greek mythology, not only for his cunning, gray morals and determination, but also for his immense love for his wife and son, that made him different from the rest of the Greek heroes for me. ,that he was a genuinely loving father and a truly devoted husband even with the situations with circe and calypso, which to clarify, NEITHER OF THE TWO WAS CONSENSUAL, it was extortion and sexual abuse, Odysseus did not want to be with either of them.
For this reason it made me sad to see that Supergiant showed Odysseus as an unfaithful man (when in the Odyssey this man is the personification of simping) who is separated from his wife.
Even if I find the idea interesting that he is lying and Penelope is and working from the shadows like the partner in crime that they are, I have another idea:
After what happened with Circe and Calypso, he thinks that he no longer deserves Penelope, who according to his words "was waiting for years for an unfaithful man" and that is why he separated from her and calls himself "unfaithful" even though both situations were far from his control.
He loves penelope,he loves telemachus,he waited for years to meet them again,but the calypso and circe incident make him feel DIRTY(wich is common in victims of sexual abuse) and not deserving of the love of penelope and penelope in general.
using the lies about being unfaithfull could be a form of trauma block to avoid thinking about the incident,but at the same time it makes him feel WORSE because he thinks he betrayed the WOMAN HE LOVES,HIS SOULMATE AND LITERALLY HIS OTHER HALF.
Im not okay guys...i just want them to be happy again.
Hace tiempo mi hermana me introdujo en el mundo del videojuego hades y su secuela,todo el lore y referencias a la mitología griega me fascinan(soy una nerd de mitología griega,es mi debilidad),no pensé que habría algo que me molestaría del juego,bueno,excepto una cosa,ODISEO.
Odiseo es de por lejos uno de mis héroes favoritos de la mitología griega,no solo por su astucia,moral gris y determinacion,sino tambien por el amor inmenso hacia su esposa e hijo,eso hizo que para mi fuera diferente al resto de heroes griegos,que fuera un padre genuinamente amoroso y un esposo realmente devoto aun con las situaciones con circe y calypso que para aclarar NO FUERON CONSENSUADAS NIGUNA DE LAS DOS,fue extorsion y abuso sexual,odiseo no quiso estar con ninguna de las dos.
por esta razon me puso triste el ver que supergiant mostro a odiseo como un hombre infiel (cuando en la odisea este hombre es la personificación del simping) que esta separado de su esposa.
incluso si me parece interesante la idea de que esta mintiendo y penelope trabajando desde las sombras como los partner in crime que son yo tengo otra idea:
que después de lo ocurrido con circe y calypso piensa que ya no se merece a penelope que segun sus palabras "estuvo esperando por años por un hombre infiel" y por eso se separo de ella y se denomina a si mismo como "infiel" aun cuando ambas situaciones estaban lejos de su control.
El ama a penelope,el ama a telemaco,el espejo por años para volver a verlos,pero los incidentes con circe y calypso lo hicieron sentir SUCIO(que es común en víctimas de abuso sexual) y no merecedor del amor de penelope y de penelope en general.
Usar las mentiras sobre ser infiel podría ser una forma de bloqueo traumático para evitar pensar en el incidente, pero al mismo tiempo lo hace sentir PEOR porque cree que traicionó a la MUJER QUE AMA, SU ALMA GAMELA Y LITERALMENTE SU OTRA MITAD.
no estoy bien gente...solo quiero que sean felices otra vez.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 years
HEY BESTIE!! just found your blog and I'm about to read your work. But I was wondering if you can write me a request? Please. One where Pedri (my love) is dating a female f1 redbull driver and how their relationship would be giving the schedule and stuff or if you don't know about f1 (idk) you can do like an actress!reader and pedri having a crush on her and pining over her? If you don't wanna do these, I completely understand! But be safe and have an amazing day/night.
Hi darling! Yes I can! Pedri is life, isn't he? Freaking precious (Even tho my weakness is Gavi😅). Tysm, I really hope you like my writing, please let me know!
I do know my bits of F1, not a really hardcore fan of it so I'm gonna take the Actress!Reader since I don't really know everything from it.
I did this while waiting for my class at Uni, so I hope you like it. And be safe too! Have a great day/night
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Hard Crushing - Pedri González x Actress!Reader
"Oh my god, Pedri. You're really watching again The Queen's Gambit?" Fernando, Pedri's brother, asked him after sitting on the couch next to him
"Yes I am, what about it?" Pedri said not taking his eyes off of the TV
"You're obsessed with her, aren't you?"
"I'm not, she's just a good actress!" Fernando gave him a look raising his eyebrows "Ok, maybe I do am a bit obsessed with her. But she's Beautiful, have you given her a good look? Fucking gorgeous" Pedri shook his head "And don't even get me started on her look in Last Night in Soho... AND! During Black Widow? My goodness" Pedri groaned already picturing you in said movies "Also, there were a few rumors saying she's going soon to be appearing in CM, it'll be awesome to see her as a doctora"
"Chicago MED" Pedri replied almost instantly looking at his brother crazily for not recognizing the TV show "Si aparece ahí, me encantaría tener las mil y un enfermedades solo para que me cure" (If she's appearing there, I'd love to have a thousand sickness just so she could cure me)
"Tú estas loco" (You're crazy)
"Thank god, she talks Spanish too" Pedri says out of nowhere ", that way I wouldn't embarrass myself more than I would probably do if I ever get to meet her"
... ...
"What do you mean Y/N Y/L/N will be here?" Pedri asked in disbelief stopping his training to hear the gossip from Balde, Araujo and Ansu
"Yes, she's coming to Barcelona apparently she'll be filming a movie here so she's gonna stay for a while" Araujo explained
"And she's fan of the Barça so" Balde ended
"I know she's fan of Barça, you don't have to tell me things I clearly know" Pedri stated making Gavi laugh "Tell me more about this visit, that I didn't knew about"
"¡CHICOS!" They were interrupted by Xavi "It's not time to gossip, we've a Clásico to win!"
Pedri watched Ansu, Araujo and Balde run off not without telling them a quick "We'll talk later"
... ...
"What do you mean I'll be cooking in front and for Y/N Y/L/N?" Gavi, Ansu, Alejandro, Ferran, Araujo, Lewandoski and Ter Stegen laughed out loud after hearing the news and watching their friend's reaction
"Yes, she's coming to Camp Nou for a whole day, she'll see you training, we'll be giving her a tour and after that we'll be doing a video with her and you were the chosen one. That will make you both good" One of the staff said "Or if you don't want to do it, we can have Gavi or Lewandowski, they were also very asked for"
"¡NO, YO LO HAGO!" (NO, I'LL DO IT!) Pedri yelled surprising the poor woman, the guys laughing once more before he composed himself and added a quiet "I mean... I don't have any problem to do it. I'd love to"
"Okay, it's settled then. Next Tuesday, Pedri"
Gavi speaks up after the woman left "This is your big chance, bro. Meeting Y/N Y/L/N, the girl you've been practically in love with ever since 2019"
"What if I mess up? Say something weird? What if she thinks I'm crazy?"
"I don't think you can mess it up that much, Pedri" Ansu said shaking his head "She's a normal girl, you can do this, I mean... What's the worst thing you can do or say to her?"
"Be confident" Araujo said showing him a thumbs up
... ...
Next Tuesday
Practice had already ended, you had already met briefly the players and they were practicing while you were given the little tour around Camp Nou.
Also, while you were getting makeup done, Pedri was showering and getting himself dressed.
"How will I be able to not embarrass myself in front of her, if just by hearing her name I go like if I have a worm inside me?"
"That's a bit gross, dude"
"¡Joder!" Pedri turned around quickly nearly giving himself a whiplash and soon wished he hadn't.
You were standing there right besides him.
"Hijo de...- Ya la cagué" (Son of a... I fucked it up already) Pedri mumbled to himself but you laughed completely hearing him
"También hablo en Español, cariño" (I also speak Spanish, darling) You said giggling finding really cute his awkwardness.
Truth is that you absolutely loved Pedri and were also a bit nervous, he was your favourite player currently at Barça. And meeting him was like a dream come true.
"Don't worry about it" You said "You're my favourite player and I'm sweating my ass off too" He laughed out loud turning around to see you wearing a smile on your face.
"I'm sorry, you're just... Incredible" You blushed "Like, I've seen all of your movies and series"
"You're incredible too" you said "Like... I always see your matches and you never fail to amaze me" Pedri smiled feeling himself blushing at your words.
"Thank you, it means a lot"
"What are you cooking today?"
"Honestly, I don't know" You both laugh lightly "I just hope that whatever I'm making won't give you a stomach ache"
"You can't be that bad"
"The only thing I do great is serve a glass of water and burned rice" You laughed
"I trust you" You said smiling lightly "You'll do great" You showed your fist up, waiting for him to bump his with yours, when you were called to start recording
"God, she's so beautiful" Pedri mumbled but you still heard it
"Thanks. You're pretty handsome too" He groaned making you laugh. You were teasing him but at the same time you were waiting for him to lose his nerves and you, lose yours.
... ...
Pedri thought this was the worst and best day of his life, you were chatting with him while he was cooking.
Don't get him wrong, you're beautiful and chatting with you was easy, his nerves turned into excitement while talking. But also, the talking with you made it for him a bit impossible to fully concentrate in the cooking.
He just hoped everything tasted good. Or eatable.
"This is really spicy" You said taking a bite from the chicken and coughing up a bit "Like really, really spicy" The whole crew laughed and Pedri covered his hands
"I'm sorry" He said
"No. I like it, I just wasn't expecting that much" You pronounced That heavier making them laugh once more "But still this is delicious" you gave another bite to the chicken showing a thumbs up
"Rate 0/10?"
"9" You said inmediately "For those who say Pedri can't cook"
"Yo tambien lo digo" (I also say it) Pedri, himself said it in disbelief, you liked his food.
"Probablemente me de un dolor de estómago mas tarde, pero, por ahora está buenísimo" (It'll probably give me a stomach ache later, but, for now this is good)
"Esto ha sido Cocina en el Nou, si te ha gustado deja un like y sigue al Barça en todas las redes sociales" (This has been Kitchen in the Nou, if you liked this video leave a like y follow Barça in all social medias) Pedri said as you both waved at the camera
You stood besides him giving him a hug and soon the cameras stopped rolling only for the staff to bring you a Barça shirt.
It was your size with Pedri's name and his number 8.
"Thank you!" You said smiling. Both of you posed for a picture as Pedri quickly signed the shirt for you "It was a pleasure meeting you" You said hugging him once more.
It was almost time for you to go
"CanIhaveyournumber?" He asked quickly as you blinked a few times to recover from his quickness
"Can I have your number? It was really nice meeting you too and I would love to chat with you more, without cameras if you'd like" Pedri said.
You smiled
"Only if you take me out on a date"
"Only one?"
"You need to win me over, González. If you keep this moves up, you'll do it in a snap of fingers tho"
You didn't need to say it twice.
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
Mírame antes: Awww, que dulce canción de fan.
Mirame ahora que Vivzie la hizo canon: ¡Ay, mi corazón!
¡Resumidamente si! Aunque Stolas es un personaje que sinceramente veo como moralmente MUY gris en la actualidad, dedicado Paranoid DJ se LUCIO con Look My Way, el cantante que suena muy similar al de Stolas, las ilustraciones, los cambios sutiles en la música. Cómo una estudiante de artística que apestaba en edición y Audiovisuales, ese hombre es una inspiración.
Aparte, lo que más me gusta de la versión original es que justamente muestra esa dualidad del personaje, si, habla sobre Octavia y trata de acercarse a Blitz, pero aún así le habla por debajo refiriendose a él como un JUGUETE(algo que realmente hizo en varias ocasiones del Show). Es una canción de Fan que aparte es CONGRUENTE con el personaje.
Y tengo sentimientos mixtos con la Versión de Vivziepop.
Dejando de lado el tema con los créditos(esta mujer tiene un problema), es un vídeo HERMOSO VISUALMENTE, como toda la serie. La animación está genial, como usan la estética de Stolas para hacer el Vídeo, la alegoría de La Luna y la Tierra, es muy bonito.
Pero se siente fuera de lugar porque ponen a Stolas como la VICTIMA. Cuando es EL quien debe disculparse con Blitz.
¡No solo por lo de Ozzie's! Sino también por haberlo visto bajo una luz de plebeyo durante toda la serie hasta que se sintió lo suficientemente solo como para ir tras Blitz completamente. Pedirle perdón por haberlo arrastrado a un ARREGLO SEXUAL DE DUDOSA PROCEDENCIA y en general ser un gran IMBECIL.
Y ya se! Ya se que Stolas también la tuvo difícil (tengo la edad de este hombre cuando tuvo a su hija☠️), probablemente gran parte de sus actitudes nocivas fueron aprendidas de Paimon (como vimos en Circus), junto con tener que lidiar con un ambiente extremadamente tóxico, PERO ESO ES UNA EXPLICACIÓN, NO UNA JUSTIFICACION.
Ahhhh perdón perdón perdón, me fui por las ramas, de seguro solo querías un comentario pequeño de la canción, es que estoy con demaciado sueño y energía al mismo tiempo. Gracias por la pregunta❣️
Look my Way before: Awww, what a sweet fan song.
Look mt Way now that Vivzie made her canon: Oh my heart!
In short yes! Although Stolas is a character that I honestly see as morally VERY gray nowadays, dedicated Paranoid DJ STUNned with Look My Way, the singer who sounds very similar to Stolas, the illustrations, the subtle changes in the music. As an art student who sucked at editing and Audiovisuals, that man is an inspiration.
Besides, what I like most about the original version is that it precisely shows that duality of the character, yes, he talks about Octavia and tries to get closer to Blitz, but he still talks down to him, referring to him as a TOY (something he really did on several occasions during the Show). It is a Fan song that is CONGRUENT with the character.
And I have mixed feelings about the Vivziepop Version.
Leaving aside the issue with the credits (this woman has a problem), it is a VISUALLY BEAUTIFUL video, like the entire series. The animation is great, how they use Stolas' aesthetics to make the Video, the allegory of The Moon and the Earth romance, is very beautiful.
But it feels out of place because they put Stolas as the VICTIM. When HE is the one who must apologize to Blitz.
Not just because of Ozzie's! But also for seeing him in a commoner light throughout the series until he felt alone enough to go after Blitz completely. Ask him for forgiveness for dragging him into a SEXUAL ARRANGEMENT OF DUDOBIOUS ORIGIN and in general for being a big JERK.
And I know! I know Stolas had it tough too (I'm the same age as this man when he had his daughter☠️), probably a lot of his harmful attitudes were learned from Paimon (as we saw in Circus), along with having to deal with an extremely toxic environment, BUT THAT IS AN EXPLANATION, NOT A JUSTIFICATION.
Ahhhh sorry sorry sorry, I went off on a limb, I'm sure you just wanted a small comment on the song, it's just that I'm too sleepy and energetic at the same time. Thanks for the question❣️
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andietries · 4 months
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the words in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word).
Thank you so much for the tag @lidensword I loved your short story! Really good way to use the words.
I was given mysterious, stone, sea, glad, I'm going to put the original thing as I have written and then an aproximated translation. My wips are a mess too lol (The first two are from the same wip curiously, lmao but it doesn’t have a title yet, the third is from a sci-fi and the fourth one I have mentioned it some time, is from “When the cat’s gone”)
The words I'm given are: forest, light, miscellanious and crime
Mysterious= Misterioso
"La primera estatua apareció en el parque de los patos. Una figura marmórea de una mujer sentada en la hierba, llevándose la mano a la frente como si estuviera evitando que el sol de la tarde le diera en los ojos. Entusiastas del arte se reunieron para ir a verla, compartiendo teorías sobre quién podría ser el misterioso artista de una obra tan elaborada. La segunda y tercera estatua se descubrieron al día siguiente"
"The first statue appeared near the Duck Pond Park, A marble figure of a woman sitting on the grass, she had her hand by her forehead, as if attempting to avoid the afternoon sun getting in her eyes. Art enthusiasts got together to admire her, sharing theories about who the mysterious artists might have created such an elaborate piece. The second and third statue were discovered the next day"
-Corte el rollo, Mallard-interrumpió la detective- ¿Por qué está volviendo a convertir a la gente en piedra?
_¿Moi?_ sonrió el mafioso, enseñando sus afilados dientes_ ¿Qué le hace pensar que he sido yo?
_¿Acaso cree que alguien ha olvidado las semanas que tuvo al Cuentacuentos convertido en roca en medio de su estanque Koi?
_¡Ah! ¿Eso? Uno roquifica a su peor enemigo hace siete años y ya la fama perdura pero, no me negará que era una estatua preciosa, esos suaves rasgos faciales, la figura esbelta, el...
_Por favor, solo responda a la pregunta
"Cut the crap, Mallard" The detective interrumpted, "Why are you turning people into stone again?
"Moi?" the kingpin smiled showing his sharp teeth "What makes you think it was me?"
"Do you truly believe someone has forgotten those weeks you had the Storyteller as your Koi Pond centre piece?
"Ah! That? One rockifies his worst enemy once in 7 years and the fame lasts. But you won't deny me he was a handsome statue, those chiseled features, his slender frame...
"Please, just answer the question"
Sea= Mar
El 27 de febrero del año 2150 partiría del Puerto Selenita Alef la fragata universal SS Mariposa con misión de observar e informar una región casi inexplorada del espacio liminal entre el sistema Centauri y Oort, también conocido como Mar de Éter.
Year 2150, February 27, the Space Frigate known as SS Butterfly would part from Aleph Moonbase in a mission to observe and inform about an uncharted region of the liminal space between the Oort Cloud and the Centauri System, also known as the Ether Sea.
Glad= agradecido
_¡Cuando te enterarás que te está tratando como un títere! _escupió su superiora a la cara sanguinolenta de Wilbur _ ¡No eres más que un simple peón en su juego por derrotarnos!¡Date cuenta, estúpido traidor! ¡No va a venir a salvarte!
A duras penas, levantó la cabeza para poderla mirarla a través de los cristales destrozados de sus gafas y dijo en tono frío como el hielo
_Soy perfectamente consciente que su afecto hacia mí solo era una mentira, nunca que le he caído bien a nadie. Pero estoy agradecido que al menos trato de utilizarme usando amabilidad, que es mucho más de lo que jamás recibiré de vosotros.
When are you going to understand that he's using you like a puppet! "The commander spitted to Wilbur's bleeding face" You are just a pawn in his game to defeat us! Open you eyes, stupid traitor! He's not coming to save you!
Somehow, he managed to lift his head enough to make eye contact through his shattered glasses and said with tone as cold as ice:
"I´m already aware that his affections were a lie, nobody ever has truly liked me. But I am glad that he tried to win me over with kindness , and that's more that I am ever going to get from you.
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neozhelps · 1 year
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vi que mandaram uma ask para a rinn sobre um rp de idols, e como eu sinto falta de criar meus grupinhos (sim, eu já fiz parte do lado do wattpad que faz grupos de idols e etc), decidi compartilhar com vocês as ideias que eu tive a algum tempo. se tiver interessade em usá-los em um rp, só peço que me dê os créditos direitinho.
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inspirações: 2ne1, brown eyed girls e t-ara.
WICKED (hangul: 위크드, rr: wikeudeu) é um girl group sul-coreano composto por quatro integrantes. O grupo debutou em 23 de junho de 2010 sob a empresa X Media. Em 18 de setembro de 2016 foi anunciado o disband do grupo e um processo contra a empresa, porém as integrantes voltaram a se reunir em 2019 sob uma nova empresa, Y Entertainment.
Elas ficaram conhecidas pelo conceito mais maduro, além de um pouco misterioso. Atualmente todas as integrantes tem carreiras solo e se reúnem ocasionalmente para lançar novas músicas. Elas tem entre 26 - 30 anos.
ideias de músicas:
midnight circus, sunny hill.
touch, miss a.
fire, 2ne1.
wonder woman, beg.
day by day, t-ara.
lonely, sistar.
hate you, ladies code.
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inspirações: red velvet, le sserafim, itzy e (g)i-dle.
Destiny! (hangul: 대스티느, rr: daeseutineu) é um girl group sul-coreano composto por cinco integrantes. O grupo começou seu projeto de debut em dezembro de 2020 através do reality show Our Destiny Starts Here!, com uma apresentação especial de seu single pré-debut no Mnet Asian Music Awards. O debut oficial aconteceu em 5 de maio de 2021 pela empresa Y Entertainment.
Atualmente as integrantes do Destiny! são conhecidas por seus vários talentos e a discografia impecável, sendo consideradas as novas princesinhas da indústria. Elas tem entre 18 - 24 anos.
ideias de músicas:
not shy, itzy.
psycho, red velvet.
antifragile, le sserafim.
nxde, (g)i-dle.
love dive, ive.
spicy, aespa.
no, clc.
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inspirações: nct, stray kids, ateez e seventeen.
lucky7 (hangul: 러키새벤, rr: reoki saeben) é um boy group sul-coreano composto por sete integrantes. O grupo começou seu projeto de debut em outubro de 2022 através do reality show Lucky Road. O debut oficial aconteceu em 17 de janeiro de 2023 pela empresa Y Entertainment.
Seu estilo é experimental, podendo mudar em qualquer comeback, e os integrantes estão sempre participando da criação das músicas. Eles tem entre 19 - 24 anos.
ideias de músicas:
90's love, nct u.
s-class, stray kids.
deja vu, ateez.
hot, seventeen.
kick it, nct 127.
phantom, wayv.
now or never, sf9.
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inspirações: 2pm, b1a4, beast e winner.
Harmony (hangul: 하모니, rr: hamony) é um boy group sul-coreano composto por cinco integrantes. Sua estreia aconteceu em 15 de janeiro de 2012 pela empresa  Y Entertainment.
Eles ficaram conhecido por suas ballads emocionantes e os vocais que fazem jus ao nome do grupo. Tiveram um curto hiato desde 2019 por todos terem se alistado no exército juntos, mas seu comeback está previsto para 2022 em seu aniversário de dez anos. Eles tem entre 28 - 31 anos.
ideias de músicas:
adtoy, 2pm.
fiction, beast.
like a movie, b1a4.
for life, exo.
empty, winner.
i'm in trouble, nu'est.
haru haru, big bang.
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inspirações: xtraordinary heroes, txt, rolling quartz e day6.
SKULLZ (hangul: 스크즐스, rr: seukeujeulseu) é uma banda sul-coreana mista composta por cinco integrantes. A banda teve sua estreia em 31 de março de 2017 pela A Records, mas foram descobertos pelo público geral apenas após vencerem um concurso de bandas independentes em 2016. 
Suas músicas com grandes influências no rock dos anos 90 e o emo dos anos 2000 marcaram a empresa, e o SKULLZ começou a crescer cada vez mais entre o público internacional. Eles tem entre 23 - 27 anos.
ideias de músicas:
blaze, rolling quartz.
shoot me, day6.
happy death day, xtraordinary heroes.
anti-romantic, txt.
pray, ftisland.
deja vu, dreamcatcher.
ring ma bell, billlie.
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— WYF.
inspirações: wjsn, pristin, iz*one e fromis_9.
Wonder Youth Faith, também estilizado como WYF (hangul: 와이프, rr: waipeu) é um girl group sul-coreano composto por dez integrantes. O grupo foi formado pela Y Entertainment, e foi anunciado em 24 de maio de 2022 através de um concept trailer. Seu debut aconteceu no dia 12 de julho de 2022 com o single Fiesta.
Seu conceito é fantasioso e alegre, separando as integrantes em três units, sendo elas Wonder, Youth e Faith, com a center sendo a junção de todas. Elas tem entre 18 - 24 anos.
ideias de músicas:
panorama, iz*one.
we like, pristin.
love bomb, fromis_9.
save me save you, wjsn.
mago, gfriend.
feel special, twice.
where are you?, clc.
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inspirações: exo, everglow, enhypen, kard.
Polaris (hangul: 포라리스, rr: polariseu) é um grupo misto sul-coreano composto por seis integrantes. Foi formado pela Y Entertainment e anunciado através do reality show Opposites Atrack em julho de 2022, mostrando a dinâmica entre os integrantes enquanto se preparavam para o debut, que ocorreu no dia 25 de setembro de 2022.
Assim como o WYF, Polaris é dividido em duas units, mas o foco é como os seis integrantes de gênero oposto formam um grupo poderoso e inovador.  Eles tem entre 20 - 26 anos.
ideias de músicas:
first, everglow.
love-dazed, enhypen.
monster, exo.
gunshot, kard.
unforgiven, le sserafim.
ptt, loona.
because, dreamcatcher.
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lovefelp05 · 9 months
hey, first time showing my ocs around here :D /hey, primera vez enseñando mis ocs por aqui :D
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ENGLISH: (here come ma boys~) I have this whole story of anarchic Oc's, and gangsters, (✨with fantasy and magic✨)
One of the main factions is the house Stainland, run by this gargoyle woman named Gina, on the surface, a businesswoman, in control of the most popular clothing brand in the big city, and behind the scenes a group quite involved in tax evasion, monopoly, and extortion (this group does not like competition xd)
Gina Stainland: she is someone Sassy, ​​(she has bipolar problems, perceptible mood swings that she dont fully control, along with certain anger issues on the other side) she usually has a long tongue, and is not afraid to say what she thinks, which can cause her certain problems, but in front of the public, she likes to be friendly, and keep up appearances.
Helios Phire: He is Gina's faithful assistant, her fashion assistant, secretary, and from time to time, the one in charge of burning down the competition, Helios is basically a diva, somewhat eccentric and a show off, but that's only when he is being passionate about what he likes. he is a fan of fashion and elegance, but he also knows how to be a gentleman and a good boy with the guests ^^ (but also, he does'nt like rude idiots, he is good at recognizing problems, and he knows how to deal with them)
and Elwood: He is the butler and guardian of the Stainland house, and also Gina's grandfather by merit, he raised her, and was in charge of the house until Gina's brother took over, and a couple of years later, Gina took over as the new head of the family, Elwood is like the combination of a strict grandfather, but also a chill one, he has the character to tell everyone what to do, but once everyone is done, he lets everyone do whatever they want. with age his fatigue became evident, but he can still fight in his own way.
ESPAÑOL : (aqui vienen mis chicos jsjs) tengo toda esta historia de Oc´s anarquicos, y mafiosos, (✨con fantasia y magia✨)
una de las facciones principales es la casa Stainland, dirigido por esta mujer gargola llamada Gina, en la superficie, una mujer de negocios, en control de la marca de ropa mas popular de la gran ciudad, y tras de escena un grupo bastante metido en la evasion de impuesto, el monopolio, y en la extorcion (a este grupo no le gusta la competencia xd)
Gina Stainland: ella es alguien Sassy, (tiene problemas de bipolaridad, cambios emocionales que no controla del todo, junto a ciertos problemas de ira a parte) ella suele tener una lengua larga, y no teme decir lo que piensa, lo cual le puede causar ciertos problemas, pero delante del publico, le gusta ser amable, y mantener apariencias.
Helios Phire: es el fiel asistente de Gina, su asistente de moda, secretario, y de vez en cuando- el encargado de incinerar a la competencia, Helios es mas o menos una diva, Un wisp algo excentrico y presumido, pero eso solo es cuando esta siendo apasionado por su trabajo, él es un fan de la moda y la elegancia (un poco demasiado) pero tambien sabe como ser un caballero y un buen chico con los invitados ^^ (eso si, no le gustan los idiotas groseros, el es bueno reconociendo problemas y sabe cómo lidiar con ellos)
y Elwood: Es el mayordomo y guardian de la casa Stainland, y tambien el abuelo por merito de Gina, él la crio, y se hizo cargo de la casa hasta que el hermano de Gina tomara el cargo, y un par de años despues, Gina ocupo el cargo como nueva cabeza de la familia, Elwood es como la combinacion de un abuelo estricto, pero tambien chill, él tiene el caracter para decirle a todos que hacer, pero una vez todos han terminado, el deja que todos hagan lo que quieran, con la edad se le nota el cansancio, pero aun asi puede pelear a su modo.
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thecanvasofmadness · 2 years
¿Es ella o es él? Es imposible de decir, no hay definición que se le pueda dar... En momentos, sus manos parecieran entrelazarse para volverse un solo par. Su cuerpo se divide en una danza que se asemeja a un vendaval; aire, agua, polvo y vapor; unos labios que sonríen y otros que muerden con pudor; brazos que se agitan mostrando en el centro del pecho el corazón; piernas que se desdoblan para volcarse en un remolino de pasión. Arriba, abajo, fuera y dentro... Un cuerpo y otro, uniéndose en el firmamento, luego cayendo como torrencial lluvia hacia los suelos para transformarse en una pluma que descansa, ondulándose en el viento, hasta reposar sobre el suelo como una mujer siendo envuelta por el varón que la ha esbozado con su aliento.
Is it her or is it him? It is impossible to say, there is no definition that can be given…. In moments, their hands seem to intertwine to become a single pair. Her body is divided in a dance that resembles a gale; air, water, dust and steam; lips that smile and others that bite with modesty; arms that wave showing the heart in the center of the chest; legs that unfold to turn into a whirlpool of passion. Up, down, outside and inside... One body and another, joining in the firmament, then falling like torrential rain to the ground to become a feather that rests, undulating in the wind, until it falls on the ground like a woman being wrapped by the man who has sketched her with his breath.
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
-El Invernadero Carmesí/The Crimson Greenhouse-
-El Palacio Carmesí/The Crimson Palace-
-El Hogar de las Rosas/The Home of the Roses-
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-Se dice que en el Invernadero Carmesí, diseñado como un palacio para Rosas... Un Hogar, es un laberinto... Hay una puerta especial, hay muchas... Pero solo una te lleva a un lugar donde está un cielo Carmesí, hay oscuridad.../It is said that in the Crimson Greenhouse, designed as a palace for Roses... A Home, it is a labyrinth... There is a special door, there are many... But only one takes you to a place where there is a Crimson sky, there is darkness...
Este lugar solo permite el ingreso de Reinas y Reyes... Nadie sabe por qué, el lugar irradia un gran poder.../This place only allows Queens and Kings to enter... No one knows why, the place radiates great power...-
P.Arma: Una vez, salí con la abuela a un AU, era mi primera vez... Entonces, solo me separaba de ella cuando no miraba, quería investigar el AU... Llegué a un Invernadero, muy lindo... No debí haber entrado, cuando lo hice, las puertas se cerraron, no se podían abrir... Traté de encontrar otra Salida, todo era un Laberinto, mostrando diferentes cielos de diferentes colores y muchas rosas, cansada apenas llegué a cualquier puerta, recuerdo haberme asustado cuando se abrió sola... Mostrándome un lugar lleno de rosas, una más... Pero esta era diferente... El Cielo era Oscuro y Carmesí... Recuerdo que entré, me quedé allí por mucho tiempo... No sé, creo que en algún momento me quedé dormido por un momento, y luego aparecí afuera del Invernadero... Mi abuela me regañó cuando me encontró, aunque me preguntó dónde estaba... Al final se sorprendió cuando le conté mi historia, me contó algo interesante.../Once, I went out with Grandma to an AU, it was my first time... So, I only separated from her when she wasn't looking, I wanted to investigate the AU... I arrived at a Greenhouse, very nice... I shouldn't have gone in, when I did it, the doors closed, they couldn't be opened... I tried to find another Exit, everything was a Labyrinth, showing different skies of different colors and many roses, tired I just reached any door, I remember being scared when it opened by itself. .. Showing me a place full of roses, one more... But this one was different... The Sky was Dark and Crimson... I remember going in, I stayed there for a long time... I don't know, I think at some point I fell asleep for a moment, and then I appeared outside the Greenhouse... My Grandmother scolded me when she found me, although she asked me where I was... At the end she was surprised that I told her my story, she told me something interesting...
P.Arma: Me habló de ese Invernadero y su Puerta Oculta Especial con otros, esa puerta solo está abierta para Reinas y Reyes... Suena tonto, bueno... Realmente suena tonto, no soy una Reina... Todos aquí me odia, y el único que será Rey es Azúarc... Supongo que mi abuela se equivocó.../He told me about that Greenhouse and its Special Hidden Door with others, that door is only open to Queens and Kings... It sounds silly, well... It really sounds silly, I'm not a Queen... Everyone here hates me , and the only one who will be King is Azúarc... I guess my grandmother was wrong...
Aunque hay algo que no le dije a mi Abuela, a través de las ventanas del Invernadero, en ese extraño lugar... Se formó una silueta, una forma... No sé, una Mujer, vestida de amarillo y blanco. ... Y una Corona Brillante flotaba sobre su cabeza, brillaba... Sus ojos me miraban, me sonreía burlonamente... Tenía miedo... Demasiado, se reía... Hmmm... Ella me dijo algo.../Although there is something that I did not tell my Grandmother, through the windows of the Greenhouse, in that strange place... A silhouette was formed, a shape... I don't know, a Woman, dressed in yellow and white... And a Brilliant Crown floated on her head, it shone... Her eyes looked at me, she smiled at me mockingly... I was scared... Too much, she laughed... Hmmm... She told me something...
"No tengas miedo de tu propio Reflejo..."/"Don't be afraid of your own Reflection..."
Pero, yo no soy ella... ¿Verdad?.../But, I'm not her... Right?...
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G: No sé por qué escribo tanto, no sé, simplemente me perdí escribiendo... Pero bueno, este lugar está dibujado, como una foto que encontré en Facebook de un invernadero abandonado... Me gustó y traté de dibujarlo, pero a veces me salía mal... Lol.../I don't know why I write so much, I don't know, I just got lost writing... But hey, this place is drawn, like a photo I found on Facebook of an abandoned greenhouse... I liked it and I tried to draw it, but sometimes I went wrong... Lol...
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yaretsblog · 3 months
Incluso cuando pensé que había terminado con el amor, tú llegaste a mi vida y me enseñaste a amar de nuevo. No solo me enseñaste, sino que también me lo demostraste con tu amor y cuidado incondicional por mí. Y también me amaste cuando no hay motivo para hacerlo. Gracias, querido, por no dejarme en mis ruinas. Te amo más allá de las palabras, cariño. Independientemente de todas mis imperfecciones de mis locuras y defectos,que soy una mujer caprichosa y berrechuda todavía me amas tal como soy. Ha sido mayormente benevolencia haberte encontrado y estar contigo. Porque es difícil encontrar a alguien tan especial, bello y cariñoso como tú. Debo ser una mujer muy afortunada por tenerte, mi amor Te amo, más de lo que sabes.
Hola hermosa princesa, aquí tienes un breve recordatorio de que pasaré toda mi vida adorándote y tratándote como la princesa que eres y una reina que estás haciendo. Siempre te apreciaré y te trataré bien, incluso hasta el fin de los tiempos. Siempre estaré ahí para ti donde y cuando me necesites. Te amo siempre, mi único.
Todo lo que tuve y tendré gira en torno a ti, mi amor. Por eso, comprometo mi vida a hacerte sentir siempre mejor, más fuerte y más feliz que nunca. Prometo la mujer , cariñosa, cariñosa y comprensiva que siempre has visto en mí y has querido que fuera. Te amo mucho más de lo que puedas imaginar. @hamdan-fazza @yaretsblog
Even when I thought I was done with love, you came into my life and taught me to love again. You not only taught me, but you also showed me with your unconditional love and care for me. And you also loved me when there is no reason to. Thank you, dear, for not leaving me in my ruins. I love you beyond words, darling. Regardless of all my imperfections, my follies and defects, I am a capricious and capricious woman, you still love me just the way I am. It has been mostly benevolence to have found you and to be with you. Because it is difficult to find someone as special, beautiful and loving as you. I must be a very lucky woman to have you, my love. I love you, more than you know.
Hello beautiful princess, here is a brief reminder that I will spend my entire life adoring you and treating you like the princess that you are and a queen that you are making. I will always appreciate you and treat you well, even until the end of time. I will always be there for you wherever and whenever you need me. I love you always, my only one.
Everything I had and will have revolves around you, my love. Therefore, I commit my life to always making you feel better, stronger and happier than ever. I promise to be the loving, loving and understanding woman that you have always seen in me and wanted me to be. I love you much more than you can imagine.
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ishikawayukis · 4 months
es que es imposible no cantarla, tanta verdad en una sola canción 🙏🏽 JAJAJAJAJA thanks Belle!! I’m hoping it does bc I’m seeing my siblings next week for vacation and I seriously want to get everything set so I can enjoy it without unnecessary stress 🫡
no bc this truly showed how much Sanji worries and loves his family aka the strawhats, o sea hasta se le iba decir “I don’t want to put everyo- I mean Nami in danger” YEAH RIGHT te voy a creer para que no te pongas a llorar Sanji, claro que no te preocupan todos😌
the thing is I’m convinced people don’t stop to think in moments like these: Luffy was completely set on STARVING to DEATH, his dream AND the whole series of over a thousand episodes is to become king of the pirates, yet for his crew in specific arcs like this one he was completely fine and willing to d*e for them and not have achieved that dream. And again we could say “well he trusted Sanji would come/Nami would have said the truth/Robin was going to ask for help” well that just adds another incredible element of how he has ABSOLUTE trust in them, even when they lie to him, Luffy sees through them and thinks: “you know what, if you’re not with me that dream is doomed, I’m staying here and not leaving you” y así va a hacer and when he brings the “say what you REALLY want!” card- EVERY TIME HE DOES THIS 👏🏽EVERY👏🏽SINGLE👏🏽TIME👏🏽 I just lose it y yo sé que me van a hacer llorar y termino llorando mares y océanos
okay vaya, no es por nada pero si tuviéramos que ponerle pareja a ley: Viola es mucho más bonita en mi opinión y con más salud mental bc Pudding girl, you clearly need a therapist JAJAJAJA todavía no sé si sigue actuando o tiene graves problemas de polaridad but that ain’t it guys, fuera de eso estoy bien con que me lo dejen soltero bc he also needs help and if anything: zosan or sanlu doesn’t sound too bad-
it’s so great that you can actually talk about it with others:’) I literally see random post or comments hating on any character that doesn’t deserve the hate and I’m like yeah bye 🤠👍🏽 and my best friend that does watch anime, has watched many others but op💀 no pero es que vaya, canon canon claro que no hay nada PERO FROBIN MIS ESTIMADOS COMPAÑEROS‼️ he even said to her “isn’t that attractive woman our archeologist Robin-chan??” when they saw each other at sabaody island, my honor they’re married in secret solo están esperando que Luffy se haga rey de los piratas para contarlo-
DUDEEEEE Jimbei and Brook are carrying the whole arc wtf these legends are literally doing everything and saving everyone, so much respect for both of them, de por si ya me caían super bien pero es que se lucieron en este arc🫡 the panties jokes are funny tbh to me Brook is like one of the funniest yet one of the most sincere/sentimental/grounded?? which is to be expected he has lived longer lol
ALSO OKAY- me vale un pepino saber el backstory de Big Mama BUT SHE ATE THE KIDS AT 6 YEARS OLD??!?!? a devil incarnated, los gigantes tenían razón la verdad JAJAJAJA
and I also can’t believe Germa 66 are basically the evil power rangers JAJAJAJAJ literal solo vi la transformación y mi cerebro intercambiando entre “go go Power Rangers!!” y “Power Rangers- NINJA STORM!!!” JAJAJAJA it’s so sad they’re assholes tho, would’ve loved them and hyped them if they weren’t the living trauma for Sanji, but alas😔✋🏽
you're going on vacation that's so fuuuun! hope you can get everything sorted out to fully enjoy them
sanji constantly slipping up by saying he cares about everyone we know what you areeeeeeeeeee and we love you so much LMAO
NO EXACTLYYYY like people truly don't fucking Get what luffy is all about, and that's freedom above everything, entonces si cacha q sus compañeros están en una situación en la q literal no quieren estar va a hacer TODOOOO para q ellos puedan ser libres también. like people don't fucking get how fucking smart luffy is emotionally, what he said to nami robin and sanji were all different thing that they all needed to hear
SANJI Y VIOLAAAAAA literal puro quería q terminaran juntos AJAJJA después de q salvan todo dressrosa viola está bailando flamenco y en la canción decían algo como "su novio es el patas negras" y racionalmente sé q lo están diciendo de la manera de q están engañando al novio, pero mi sanji lover brain estaba como "ESTÁN HABLANDO DE SANJIIIIIII VIOLA AMA TANTO A SANJIII" most delusional moment LMAO honeslty i'm a sanji with anyone (but pudding) enjoyer like, sanzo? amazing 10/10, lusan? also freaking great, sanuso? acesan? sanlaw? sanji with literally any man he ahs ever interacted with because somehow men fucking love him? all for it! LMAO
yeah it's honestly so great because i can be a fangirl but in a more lowkey way as well LMAO lo único q me han dicho es un conocido q cuando dije q sanji era mi favorito dijo "aah a mi nunca me ha gustado sanji" y yo apunto de decir ok y querí un premio un aplauso acaso AJAJJA pero me aguanté. no because when franky said that i was like ooooooooooh how is she not a goner for him like i would be 100%. IMAGINEEEE that would be so funny and honestly a very frobin thing to do
jinbe and brook are SO FUCKING GREAAAT, although i will not lie it does annoy me when the power scaling idiots say that now that jinbe is a part of the starwhats sanji is not a wing anymore like pleaseeeeeee tell me once again you don't get the dynamics at all. and yeah brook is just a silly goofy guy that's what 50 years by yourself does to a man he could be worse
no pero esa era yo viendo su backstory, entiendo pq es importante all that jazz pero al mismo tiempo me caes maaaaal no me importa AJAJJA pero cuando llegué a esa parte fue como 👁👄👁 los problemas serios venían de bien chiquita tal vez era necesario saberlo ajajaj
for me they were evil sailor moon LMAO especially with the way they showed how they transfromed i was like ooooooh oda i Know what you're trying to do this is hilarious
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zendvyaa · 1 year
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To All The Years I Had Before
A solo para written by Zendvyaa
27. That's where I am now. Not just 'what age' I am. But, where. I know that it might not make much sense, but, it's how I feel. You know what they say; "It's about the journey, not the destination." And that rings true for me. 27 years young today, and I feel like I've accomplished so much more than I could ever imagine.
It all started that the California Shakespeare Theater. If it wasn't for my Momma Bear, Claire taking the opportunity to become House Manager for Cal Shakes - that's what they call it -, then I might've just continued to be a quiet kid. I mean, I went from a shy kindergartener that had to repeat the grade due to just that, to a kid that found the spotlight, and never let it go. Thanks to my Mom being the trouper that she is, taking the job to support herself and my Dad as teachers themselves, I was able to pursue my theatre classes. If it hadn't have been for that, I don't think that I would be where I am. That's just one of the things that I'm so grateful for. I mean, I was even cast as Little Ti Moune in Berkley Playhouse's "Once on This Island" in 2009.
I did so much as a kid. From playing basketball at age six, to dancing in a hip hop dance group called Future Shock Oakland at the age of eight, and my theater classes that I took along the way at Cal Shakes. These things helped shape me into not only the kid that I would be come, but the woman that I would turn into. I can't have one without the other. Basketball, dancing, and acting is apart of me now. Even if no one sees me doing it as much.
'The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds' was not only a monologue I used to audition for the Oakland School of the Arts, but it was the same one I used when I auditioned for 'Shake It Up' on Disney Channel. Not only that, but dancing helped me land a Sears commercial at an early age with THEE Selena Gomez in 2009. It's crazy thinking about this now, because Selena and I are good friends now.
Things came full circle because a vast majority of the kids that were in that Sears commercial went on to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Ross Lynch included. And to top it off, my 2009 audition for Shake It Up was originally for Cece, but they called me back to audition for Rocky Blue. My first major network show. My first character I played on tv. I'm so grateful. I still find the working title of 'Dance, Dance, Chicago' is so hilarious. Thank GOD they chose 'Shake It Up' instead. I digress. I was talking about full circle moments, yes.
The biggest full circle was how I went from dancing in the Sears 'arrive lounge' commercial with Selena Gomez, to having Selena Gomez sing the theme song to the tv show that I later became a lead on within the same year. A show about teenagers wanting nothing more but to dance, and wind up dancing in a popular local Chicago show called 'Shake It Up, Chicago!' Not only that, but I was apart of Kidz Bop 15. Also in 2009. I was in the 'Hot In Cold' music video if you're wondering. I don't wanna talk about how they didn't really use my singing voice. Matter of fact, I don't wanna talk about it at all.
Proceeding SIU, I was overwhelmed as a kid. Being thrown into the spotlight like that, and the show doing well was both a blessing and a curse. I wasn't really ready for it. Not like I am now. I mean, I still get overwhelmed, but I think I'm better at tackling those feelings now than I was before. From being on other shows on Disney Channel like Good Luck Charlie, and A.N.T. Farm, to doing many music videos for SIU as well as my own when I started my short-lived music career. The 'Something To Dance For' and 'TTYLXOX' mashup video is still one of my favorites. Oh, and 'Contagious Love'.
My DFTS and ZSwag era…..that…I loved that era. Did I mention on top of being a dancer, actress, and basketball player, that I loved the arts too. I used to draw all the time. If you scroll down my Instagram feed far enough, you are sure to find my old drawings. Not only that, but I loved to sing, and modeling became yet another passion that I started to have. I really blossomed from this quirky, high energy kid to this woman that knows her angles, can flow effortlessly from one click of the camera, to the next. I mean, have you seen the behind the scenes shot of my Vogue Italia shoot in June 2022? Not to toot my own horn, but…going from fun poses as a kid to what I'm able to do now just blows my mind!!!
Anyway, I love fashion. Even when I was in my 'ZSwag' era. Where being a tomboy who could rock high heels was everything to me. I still love that photo I took of myself with a pair of Jordan's on and heels. I look back at it, and laugh. That part of me never left. One minute, you would see me playing basketball, or skateboarding, the next, I was making the most out of the clothes Law and I were given on the red carpet. Which, by the way, were slim to none. No one wanted to dress me. No one at all. Not even during the SIU era. We really struggled for a while. Something really shifted for Law and I between the end of SIU and K.C., because you could see it. I went from wearing clothes from Kmart, to high end couture before I knew it!!I mean. If younger me knew that I would go from being an 'easy, breezy, beautiful, Covergirl', to now being the face of Lancôme beauty, from being the face/ambassador of Valentino, to the House Ambassador of Louis Vuitton, from rocking Momma Claire's handmade jewelry - I still do!! -, to being the face of Bulgari jewelry? Like???? That's HUGE! And I'm now the face of Smart Water as well??? I think she would LOSE IT!!! Just….
And Law… I'm so grateful for his light. He has been through a lot. He got really sick one time, which I won't talk about, but, he made it through. We always talk about how I found him so fabulous when Law worked as a personal shopper in 2011 while I was on 'Shake It Up!'. Things really just fell into my lap. We had a mutual friend introduce us, and the rest was history. Law has been my Fairy God Motha since I was 14, and doing the met as Cinderella and The Fairy God Mother in 2019 was by far, my favorite moment. I got to share that with him. Like…. I wouldn't be such a sought after name in fashion has it not have been for Law. Let's keep it real. I may do my own makeup for events, but Law keeps me together with the looks. I'm so happy to have him as my Creative Director. I will always support him in his career. Whatever he decides to do. We are thee dynamic duo, after all. As much as I love fashion, and although I did style him for Canada's 'Fashion' magazine, I just don't think I could exist in fashion without him.
After Frenemies, Zapped, and the success of SIU, I started to make my exit as a Disney star. Disney Channel asked me to come back, and Ieveraged that in telling them that I would only come back to Disney if I would be made as executive producer in whatever tv show they wanted to do next. That tv show being 'Super Awesome Katy', being renamed to K.C. Undercover. There was no way I was going to be on tv being called 'Katy'. No. 'K.C.' was just fine.
Sometime after that, I was able to land the role of Michelle "M.J." Watson-Jones. Keeping the secret that I was about to become the new MJ of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was one that was very hard to keep. But unlike the guy who plays the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man (yes, that was intentional. Yes, I'm still brushing off the London that rubbed off on me. Hush.), I was able to keep a secret. That to me was such a massive role to land. Even though I might not be an important character to some people, I'm speaking about it, because although I left Disney Channel to technically still work for Disney through Marvel, Spider-Man: Homecoming helped lead me from K.C. Undercover to Euphoria. Which, is the show that I'm apart of now.
Anyone who knows me, knows how much of a Beyoncé fan I am. Being in the 'All Night' music video in 2016 is the biggest accomplishment for me. I met someone whom I've looked up to for years, I got to star in her music video!! And I know y'all have seen my Yoncé car dance video. I was acting up with Darnell when Renaissance dropped. There are several videos out there with me cutting up and having fun with Darnell, my personal assistant since K.C. Undercover, or by myself. Don't play with me!! The set of the 'All Night' music video was also where I met Amara and Chloe. Even then, I knew those two were destined for greatness. If I could have Beyoncé as my mentor? I'd be fainting every time we spoke. They're so blessed. I love those girls. They're really doing amazing things as a group, and as individuals.
Immediately after HOCO, I stayed in New York to Film The Greatest Showman, aka, TGSM with Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron. I had the time of my life. I mean…. the training I had to do to portray an aerodynamic Circus performer was intense. I hate exercising. Which, is something I remember mentioning in my 'Zendaya' app when that was a thing. When it comes to work though, I suck it up, and do the training. I like learning new things, pushing myself, and making each role believable. Anne Wheeler was pretty scary though. Performing trapeze isn't easy, but I just know she's working her butt off in the air to this day with Phillip Carlyle by her side. Aerodynamics is scary, though. I won't lie. And the music in that film? Ugh! Phenomenal. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul really deserved all the awards for what they created.
Voicing Lola Bunny in Space Jam: A New Legacy was very fun for me. I got to voice my favorite character, who wasn't sexualized. I love Lola, I really do. I love that that made her more about her passion, which is basketball, then to make her this weird sexualized cartoon. Thank God that at least in that film, she wasn't. Focusing on her craft and passion for basketball was far more important and meaningful to me seeing as I was a basketball player when I was younger. Yet another full circle moment.
I won't go through literally every tv show or movie I've been in. My point is, I'm grateful and blessed to have experienced all of them. I however, am vastly disappointed that the two films I was a lead in, Dune 2, and Challengers have been moved up to 2024. I obviously am in full support of the writers and actors strike of course.
Especially as an actress myself. I just wish that I could've gone to the Venice Film festival this year. I miss Venice. That's all. I do think it's rather ridiculous that writers and us actors have to beg Hollywood for fair pay. It's disgusting, but I will talk about that another day. 2024 is going to be here soon, and I hope everything gets resolved by then. I don't really know where Euphoria stands. I could go without the show coming back for a third season, really. I miss the cast and crew, of course, but with the writer and actor strike going on, and the fact that we won't have Angus Cloud there…. I just don't know what's going to happen there. I don't think it'll be the same. And that's okay.
Getting to be apart of Project Backboard a few days ago really hit home for me. I miss playing basketball for fun. I hope that the kids at Oakland Middle got something out of that more than just a 'wow factor' of having 'a celebrity (or two) at their school'. I just want to help nurture the children of our future to become the people they want to be. Following your dreams should be at the forefront of all that they do. I just hope that I was able to help give back in some way. Oakland will always be in my heart. I grew up there, so I will always go back, wanting to help, wanting to be a light in some way.
I still can't believe that I won my first Emmy at 24! I was blessed with the award for 'Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series' for Euphoria back in 2020. That was the craziest night of my life, knowing that I could win or lose, and the people who had the awards were standing outside of my house, waiting for the announcement. And two years later in 2022, I won the same award again for Euphoria season two. I'm so blessed to have just been in the same categories as the amazing women on both nights!
Right now, I'm just chilling. I still have my home in California. I do miss London, and I will miss the home I picked out with my ex, but I sold that months ago. I moved on, and it's time to keep pushing, keep working, keep grinding. There are always projects being worked on behind the scenes. Most of which are modeling jobs as an ambassador for the businesses I mentioned like Lancôme, Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, and Smart Water, they keep the lights on. Aha. Some things that I'm working on, I keep to myself. My fans know how private I am. They know what's up. If they need to know something, they will. Some things I can't share due to NDA's and things of that nature, but some things I like to keep to myself, because I love the element of surprise. You'll never know what to expect from me.
As I said, it's about the journey, not the destination. Being so young, and accomplishing so much is just…sometimes, I can't believe it. It's crazy. I still have so many years to go, and I'm not stopping soon. 27 cycles around the Sun. Many more to go. So to all the years I've had before? You ain't seen nothing yet. Happy mother fucking birthday to me!!!
Xoxo, Zendaya/Daya
~ Archive Edition via twitter.
Alright. I know that this isn't your traditional 'para', nor, is it how one is "normally" written. I really tried my best to write a para almost story-like. But, it wound up being like a letter from Z to Z, from the older Zendaya, to the younger Zendaya. Or technically from me, about Zendaya and everything she's accomplished, really. However you wanna look at it. She has done so much since her career started, and I just wanted to showcase that she has come so far.
There's no secret how much I love Zendaya. If you read everything prior to this, you should know that she's my favorite (vegetarian) Virgo. As a Scorpio myself, I love me some Virgos!! I used to rp as Lauren Keyana "Keke" Palmer years ago, another Virgo, and I love Michael Jackson and Beyoncé as well.
A bit about me; I used to be a big Selena Gomez fan. But, I think it's crazy that Zendaya was someone I thought of as 'cute' while I was in high school during Shake It Up!, but I didn't realize until much later in life that she was one of the many kids chosen to be in the nationwide Sears commercial casting that happened. I remember hearing about that, wanting to go so badly, but I didn't have the money or transportation to make it to any auditions sadly. And looking back at the videos now, as I was pulling references left and right, it looks like they wanted actual kids, not teenagers. ;-; Anyway…
I do appreciate you all if you read this far. I really do. I may not talk much to anyone, but that's just because I'm so used to being a lone wolf and an outcast. That doesn't mean that I don't care for anyone of you that I follow. I hold a lot of you in my heart, and think about you often, I just, again, am so used to being alone/lonely/a loner….. bad habits die hard, for real. But I do make it my business to show love when I can. Because even though I may not talk much, all I wanna do, is show love, and give love in return, because it's what I desire to have the most. Love.
I have a few fanstagrams dedicated to Zendaya. I even attempted to make a separate fan account on twitter that was actually a fan account and nothing more, just so I would look 'normal' to the Zendaya fans that follow me, but I simply couldn't do it.
'Zendvyaa' is my home, you know? It's where I show my love that I have for Zendaya as a fan, and as a writer who just wants to write; I choose to rp as Zendaya too. If you don't like it, can't get behind it, or whatever. That's fine. But if you can't understand that I too, am a fan of Zendaya, that just shows it in a different way? Then my account really isn't for you. I don't mean to be rude.
Anyways, I do plan on writing an actual para soon. I have these feelings that I want to write as Zendaya/Daya, that I want to get out soon. I hope that when it does come out, you all show kindness, love, and understanding.
Happy 27th Birthday, Zendaya!!! <3 Thank you, Daya's writer. <3
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weonfunaki · 2 years
El feminismo posmoderno es fascista
(He publicado esto en otro sub y alguien allí me contó sobre este subreddit, así que pensé que podría compartir esto aquí) Solo quería comenzar diciendo algunas cosas sobre mí para que se comprenda mejor mi perspectiva. Soy una mujer feminista muy liberal, pero eso significa que estoy a favor de la igualdad para todos (esa es la definición que mantengo). Ayer comenté una publicación donde anunciaban el regreso de Rihanna cantando en el Superbowl, donde todos querían más de Rihanna y menospreciaban a los deportistas diciendo que "Nadie quiere ver esa mierda, que nuestra reina tenga más tiempo de presentación" o "Esto son solo niños adultos jugando con la pelota, ¿por qué alguien lo ve?". Sentí que ese tipo de conversación no era aceptable, ya que puedes apoyar mucho a Rihanna sin odiar a los hombres que han puesto sangre, sudor y lágrimas para llegar a donde están, en la mayoría de los casos han trabajado más duro de lo que Rihanna nunca podría, ya que también se han lesionado físicamente. Ahora aquí es donde vi cuánto odian los hombres al azar en la sociedad. Los comentarios que me respondieron fueron horribles, diciendo cosas como "Todos ustedes son raros por tomarlo tan en serio, es solo una broma" con una persona que llegó a llamarme payaso y troll espeluznante (no sabían que era una mujer porque mi perfil no muestra mi información personal), y fui respetuosa en esa publicación, simplemente no quería que la gente ensalzara a alguien menospreciando a otra persona. Incluso traté de ponerlo en perspectiva invirtiendo los géneros y diciendo "¿Qué pasaría si alguien dijera que dejen que Eminem actúe más en la WNBA? Estas chicas adultas solo están jugando con una pelota de todos modos" y todos ignoraron esa declaración y comenzaron a comentar. La cantidad de reacciones negativas que recibí solo por decir que no odien a los hombres que solo hacen su trabajo, me puso muy triste, ni siquiera sé qué decir. **************************************************************** (I have posted this in another sub and someone there told me about this subreddit, so I thought I could share this here)Just wanted to start off by stating a few things about myself so it gives a better understanding of my perspective. I'm very much a liberal feminist woman but that means that I'm for equality for everyone (that's the definition that I stand by).Yesterday I commented on a post where they announced the comeback of Rihanna performing at the superbowl, where everyone wanted more of Rihanna and were putting down the sportsmen saying that "No one wants to see that shit, let our queen get more performance time" or "This is just grown boys playing with ball, why does anyone even watch it?".I felt that kind of talk wasn't acceptable as you can very much support Rihanna without hating on the men who have put blood, sweat and tears to get where they are, in most cases they have worked harder than Rihanna ever could, as they have also physically injured themselves.Now this is where I saw just how much random men are hated in the society. The comments responding to me were horrible, saying things like "Y'all weird for taking it so seriously, it's just a joke" with one person going as far as calling me a clown and a creepy troll (they didn't know I was a woman because my profile doesn't show any of my personal information), and I was respectful in that post, I just didn't want people to put someone up by putting someone else down.I even tried putting it into perspective by reversing the genders and saying "What if someone were to say let Eminem perform more at the WNBA, these grown girls are just playing with a ball anyway" and everyone ignored that statement and got straight to commenting.The amount of backlash I got just for saying that don't hate on men who are just doing their jobs, it made me so very sad, I don't even know what to say. tomado de https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/1105y1q/finally_saw_casual_hatred_of_men/
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 2 years
Thor: Record of Ragnarok
Chapter 8
And now, very special words from two great heroes
-well, dear reader, you might be wondering : why haven't I seen her incredible cousin beat up some dumb god ?- a beautiful, big and green skinned woman spoke - oh common on honey, flattery isn't going to save you of this...but thank you, anyways !
-es una respuesta sencilla, pero pasa que escribir es difícil, y la vida es una pe - an incredibly amazing mercenary tried to say, but hey, we also need to put the story in a site that doesn't allow a lot of cursing- ay ya ! Dire lo que se me pegue la regalada gana !-
-Wade, why are you speaking Spanish ?- She-Hulk, aka Jennifer Walters, questioned, as it would be harder for most readers to understand this chapter - dear, I think they figured out who am I already - which was...true
—mis diálogos son más graciosos en español: que no viste todas las plantillas para momazos que tengo ?Hoy seré Piscina de la Muerte, no Deadpool- Wade answered, tho it could be better if he didn't use that word - ay ya cállate, sabes que el fandom latino tiene muchos chistes buenos como para hacerme decir cosas en inglés...además con mi sexy voz de Pepe Toño, necesitas que no tenga la voz del papasote de Ryan Reynolds - he said in a quite long sentence
—anyways !- the Green haired woman interrupted - it's ironic that you write like the Greeks, considering what you did to poor Apolo, but I'll let it pass: we need to give a special announcement - as if that wasn't specified already
-ya ya, deja que nos encarguemos : la bruja baratuja es la única que ha peleado en toda la p*t4 historia, quizá debamos decir por wue - just in case, the bad word was censored - hija de la Ching-
-stop it you two !- Jennifer angrily commented - a lot has happened since this story was last updated: for starters, my ugly show with PS2 wasn't out yet- because let's face it, She-Hulk wasn't a good show
-cuando se empezó esta historia, en primer lugar, Buda no le había soltado sus pootazos al Hajun - sorry, Wade, but it's for our own good - si si, como sea ! Bueno en que estaba ? Ah si, tampoco el sabroso del Pinchi Juan había aparecido para desafiar a Hades por el uso de su silla - a good fight, which Qin did deserve to win
-Hades should have won: while I know China had nothing to do on that decision - because being honest, it was less beneficial for the authors, as some of its target public really didn't like that - yes yes, I know, but I understand why you need to add that...anyways, the fight was unfair! -
-Gua gua gua, pues ya ni modo: seguro ahorita alguien viene a decirnos que fue guionazo- the based Merc with a Mouth replied - gracias, querida autora ! Donde estaba ? Ah si: y además, la historia estaba escribiéndose antes de que el Moscas y Tesla también empezarán a pelear, cosa que también ha afectado un poco a la hora de escribir esta madre -
-it's not fair to make us argue about that, you will just make one of us look good only because you were Team Qin- the also based She-Hulk made sure to remind - and as Wade said: two more fights have begun after the story was first published: that's complicated things a bit for sure - a bit was an understatement
-entonces, de momento, solo aguarden para el siguiente capítulo: por suerte, ver la pelea del guapote del pajas locas...digo Shiva, que es el husbando para la autora, aunque ella era team Raiden- I know I Wade, I freaking cried seeing the damn fight, more than when I read it - si, ya se ! Ay que muchachita tan llorona : esa pelea, y la de Jack Vs Heracles (que aunque Heracles parecía salido de los openings de CGI de Jojo's, estuvo bien GOD) hicieron que la autorcita querida quiera seguir el fic-
-in any case, she has the continuation for the chapter after my cousin fights - What Wade said could technically be filler, as not all readers will get it, so Jennifer is here to provide the important information. For my friends who don't know English tho, he also gives some important stuff - so just hang up for a bit more, and read this special chapter: we will discuss some points that the author felt the need to address -
-créanle a la Jen, la pelea de Hulk vs Se- no spoilers, Wade - Ching4 tu madre !- the Merc said angrily. While they spoke, the Canadian was looking for all weapons he could find in the house (which they are sharing for plot purposes ) while Jennifer was working out, looking hot as always
-you know, if you were a male author, this could be considered sexist -dead Jennifer kindly pointed out, I apologize - oh it's okay dear, Marvel has done worse. Anyways, our first point : which universe is this ?-
-el universo 13370, donde todo es igual, salvo que Iron Man es un escorpión de Durango - Wade could be right, except that Tony is still a human here - bueno, es casi lo mismo no ? Ni tú sabes de donde agarras las cosas, señorita "Odio Thor 3 pero aún así uso personajes de allí "-....
-this isn't set in a clear universe: it takes elements of Earth-8096 (which is her favorite marvel earth, as it has some of her favorite cartoons ), mixed them with stuff from earth 616, our main universe- which is important to clear up -Earth-199999, aka the MCU, aka a source of conflict and mixed feelings for a lot of people, author included, also made its way here. Lastly, it has some personal head canons - Jennifer explained - and of course, it's also set on the events of Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, or as some call to, Record of Ragnarok - considering it's in the title, that's something that goes without saying
-en resumen, para los que quizá no sepan mucho de Marvel, o solo no hablen inglish: es una mezcla del Yostverse, del universo principal de cómics de marvel, y de las películas del CU...dijo, UCM- yes Wade, nice saving - , algunas alucinaciones de la autora, y pues claro, es un pequeño crossover con Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, o Récord of ragnarok pa los demás - he finished his summary
-now, the gods: it goes without saying that they are the source of conflict here - Jennifer went to look for an important book
-estoy dioses del SNV no han de haber tenido amantes mortales: digo, por que Zeus o Afrodita querrían destruir la especie que conforman el 90% de sus amantes ? - good question, provided by Wade Wilson
-manga wise, we know that demigods, as we understand them from Greek and Norse mythology, aren't exactly a thing- Jennifer opened what turned out to be a manga, specifically a SNV manga. The volume was just what was needed: Jack the Ripper Vs Heracles, or Hercules, as the Romans made us know - both Heracles and Achilles weren't said to be demigods. If you know your Greek myth basics, this is a huge thing: Heracles was the son of Zeus and Alcmene, while Achilles was born out of the marriage of Tetis and the mortal Peleus. If they aren't our regular demigods, there are good chances there are no other ones as well -plus, the Valkyries also don't seem to be that type of demigods-
-saben cuantas veces aparecía Zeus en el árbol genealógico de Heracles ? Muchas, muchísimas : Heracles era tataranieto, hijo, y yerno de Zeus - the merc did some gagging noises - pero aquí, es adoptado, como Loki- cruel Wade, Cruel
Jenn also tried not to show some disgust- speaking of Loki, and well, of Thor, here goes another thing that might need clear up; the pantheons - very important, true - Marvel has most of the same pantheons than SNV has showed, but the gods are vastly different : just check out this story's protagonist ! Snv Thor couldn't be more different than ours : quiet, friendless, neutral towards humans, and slightly more aggressive - things that could be shocking for a first time reader
-y gay, definitivamente gay: no viste como se puso con Lu Bu ? Aquí hay amooooor, aquí hay amoooor - Wade, I ship them too, but it's not the time - tiene más sentido que el Loki x Hermes que pusiste ! Me borraste la Otp, con un caraj0! Y ni siquiera pones el Rudra x Shiva, que son más canon que Mefisto en el ucm - I wanted to put them I swear, I just don't know where
-we can fight about ships later - She-Hulk interrupted as she returned the manga back to the shelf - Loki, as you can see, is also not the one from the show, as he has black hair...or raven hair, as the story likes to write : the gods in here, except for the entire Norse pantheon and some of the Egyptians, are the same ones of SNV. That means that, for example, the Heracles we lost wasn't the dear teammate than Wade and I have fought along with - and who totally hooked up with Jen, tho his MCU casting is questionable at best
-aun así, fue una gran pérdida: era un tremendo papucho, con un rostro tallado por Los Ángeles...- Wade commented while nearly crying, as he hugged a Heracles plushie...wait, where did it come from?- lo compre en el Valhalla, antes de que los dioses se lloraran e hicieran un altar con todos los que quedaban - ah, makes sense.
-Jack deserved to win anyways, stupid Tebans-Jen mumbled angrily, in the end that someone was of the popular agreement that they were pricks - back on topic: characters like Foresetti and the crows had to sadly be removed, as they didn't quite fit - yes, what a great lost
-JA, TÓMALA, CUATR OJOS TRAGA PIT*S- yes Wade, I also dislike that prick ! But don't celebrate too loud - como no? Si ese estaba a nada de ponerse de rodillas y chuparle el Mjolnir a Thor...bueno, yo igual lo haría - same Wade, same
-this is why the gods voted to exterminate us - Jennifer put a hand on her face, sighing after that, then pulled out a convenient marvel guide - up next: why are only the avengers going? And why THOSE avengers ?-she questioned, obviously not pleased
-si, autorcita: pudimos ver a la Jen pelear contra las tetotas , de Afrodita, desnudas las dos, con aceite...-...you know Wade, maybe you are right...but it's not THAT kind of story, plus it would be a bit unfair
She-Hulk slightly smacked Wade -being fair isn't a priority here, but let let's see some characters outside the Avengers team of this story that could have gone : first, Mr Immortal - straight of 3 AM thoughts I see
-una vez mate a ese tipo - Wade laughed- en la primera Civil War, cuanto pelee contra los Great Lake Avengers - and that's exactly why he isn't here
-Mr Immortal, while he is not able to permanently die, can be declared dead: it can't be done like with the Zeus vs Adam fight in which Zeus wasn't really dead - Jennifer began to explain
- GUIONAZO, GUIONAZO!- Wade interrumpted, as he used the favorite word of certain group of fans - tú que vas a saber? Te peleas contra los fans de Adán cuando dicen que no le gana a Shiva, ni quien te entienda - I know Wade, I know
-Anyways - said the green haired beauty, who looked like she was going to smack Wade, and no anyone else pleadedonthitme - you are making it hard... but it's simple: Mr Immortal does die. He simply comes back, no matter how painful it is. Add to that that he lacks any other ability, and we are in for a quick disaster - gods could be pissed if they didn't get a challenge, after all
-Pobre padre, dio todo por su familia - Wade was yet sad again, but it couldn't be blamed as Adam totally deserved that victory- quiero ir a vengarlo!- the Merc went for his katana
She-Hulk grabbed him, just in case -wow hold up body, we already have two other katana-wearing fighters - she reminded to the very pissed off mercenary- that also reminds me of why you aren't a fighter here - yes please, I also wanted to point that out
-es injusto verdad ?yo ya he matado dioses antes, en Deapools Kills the Marvel Universe, y en Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe again - he said the last part bitterly - desvivi al pobre hijastro paquidermo de la autora, y a muchos dioses. Quizá estoy muy roto - and that's why
-yes, exactly - Jen agreed - you CAN'T be killed, at all. That means you would need a more experimented writer. The most OP character in this story, marvel wise, is the scarlet witch, yet she is the nerfed MCU version. Characters like Sue Storm, several of the x-men, Sentry and the like, who don't have an adaptation, can be a hard challenged - she explained - I am not there for a simple reason; my cousin is there, and I also don't want to get there if I can't meet Raiden - oh Jen, you have good taste
-ese habría aguantado tus tremendos sentones sin duda - Wade wished good luck to the fighter and his beautiful girlfriend, wherever they were - no es justo autora, hubieras dejado que Loki dejara a Shiva como un pincho , como le hicieron a Narancia en los Jojos - auch Wade, auch
-see, that wouldn't work sadly: not only he is protected by the power of being the author's favorite, but he is important for the story...which brings us to another question: erasing Odin, as we know it, will also be hard to make up for - and as always, She-Hulk was right
-Uy si, ese viejo sabroso se trae algo entre manos sin dudas...f por la autora, compensar eso en la historia será difícil - agh...hey guys, I think we covered up all that I wanted to say: can you tell us your favorite fights ? And maybe fighters, from both the gods and from the humans
-sure ! We are doing it Manga wise, only tho, to be fair - Jennifer had a good idea, honestly - I have two favorite fights: Jack vs Heracles was amazing to watch. Jack surely tricked us all, even Loki and Hermes, two trickster gods. It's a shame we don't get to know if it worked with our Loki - it was too much work, too much freaking work - and, just like the author, I loved the Shiva vs Raiden fight: I do love me a good old strength fight - good choices, both
- oye, hablando de Shiva Vs Raiden: tu primo habría sido un buen sustituto para Raiden, no?- pregunto Wade
- Yes, but don't dare to mention the Old Man Logan storyline - cool, story, but creepy, Jen is right again - Hulk's regeneration factor would've been a huge counter to Shiva's Tandava Karma. While I'm not sure what is Kara going to give him as a Volund, the truth is that Prour would've done wonders if they worked together - and they were almost the same size, funny enough
And as you might have guessed, Jen's favorite fighter is...- Raiden, for sure !- She-Hulk chuckled - not only is he hot as heck, but did you see what a pure heart that guy has? And how he treated his beloved ? - agreed, a good choice for a fighter
- aunque era furro, pero uno de buen gusto - Wade estuvo de acuerdo - y cuál es tu Dios favorito ?-
- Hades, for sure - Jennifer said glaring at Wade, possibly only at him - let's not start to fight if Qin's victory was fair, it won't be pretty- alright, let's not touch that subject
And no, let's hear Wade !- saben? Mi pelea favorita también tiene a mi luchador humano favorito: Sasaki! - good choice too!-ya se verdad ? Uff, viejo sabroso...ademas nada le gana a unas buenas katanas . Su perseverancia fue hermosa de ver, incluso le perdono a los animadores por haberse gastado el presupuesto de las peleas en la suya-
- most of season one's budget went to two big things, and that wasn't one of them - She-Hulk could tell, everyone could tell, to where that budget went
- ah, que animadores tan flojos - even Wade knew that boobs weren't that vital to keep up the show -de los dioses...si bien Poseidón es un hermoso pedazo de sushi, debo de decir que prefiero a su hermano - Hades, obviously - Que? No!Zeus !- no one even bothered to recall Adamas, fair enough tho
- Makes sense, you two will screw anything with a hole - tho Wade, as Jenn knew, had more limits to that. He was pansexual after all, but not a pervert
-ese hijo de put4 es muy gracioso - again, he had to be censored - pero si a los diosesitos se les ocurre destruir a la humanidad...- the Merc was playing with his katana
- we won't let that happen: they are in our universe, we have how to defend ourselves - She-Hulk was right: unlike in record of ragnarok, marvel humans can kill a god without powers
-Faltan años para que este fic y el Manga termine , pero tengo una petición: envía a Sentry contra Ares, eso será divertido - and unfair as well, as Wade surely knew
It seemed as it was almost time to leave these two alone...
- ah, nada de eso: mi amigo acá quiere reclamarle algunas cosas a la autora !- Wade said as he opened the door to reveal a handsome young man with white hair and red eyes...Wait a moment
-yeah, it's me ! The awesome Prussia ! But you can call me Gilbert, as that's my name in the other unfinished story that this lazy fraulein has pending !- the white haired country who shouldn't be in this said, as if he didn't knew that the author knows that it's not nice to call a girl like that - ah right, your friend told you-
- what is he doing here, Wade ? That guy is from Hetalia - Jennifer was puzzled too
- La autora tiene otra historia pendiente, el venía a reclamarle - the author had already tried to finish that story, be patient, man
-nein! The awesome me wants you to finish our story too! Mein little brother and little Peter deserve it - Gilbert had a point, unfortunately
- let's go prepare, just in case: there's three scenarios that can be possible here, and two require us to fight. For the god’s sake, they better no allow those two scenarios to happen,’or else - She-Hulk grabbed them both, maybe that guy could be useful...no, he was going back to his story for sure. - oh, and we aren’t going to use our manga knowledge for this: it’s kind of OP-
-vamos por chimichangas primero! Quizá la pelea del Doomtard supremo vs cierto lindo gatito salga antes de que Buda le parta la cara a Hajun- Don't spoil it for the anime onlys !- les dijiste que Shiva ganaba, no tienes derecho a reclamar ! Pero, que quiero invitar a Buda a comer chimichangas con nosotros. Tenemos la misma y sensual voz - in the Latin dub, which the author doesn't watch, while Jenn preferred the English dub
The two heroes (and Wade's unexpected guest ) left , in what is a surprisingly long chapter...
And before it officially ended, a very handsome Canadian mercenary appeared yet again - ahora que la autora se fue, les daré un pequeño spoiler: Thor va a pelear, eventualmente - he chuckled a bit - contra alguien que hará esa pelea muy difícil, de manera personal. Todo depende de que tanto la autora quiera tragarse su odio hacia las películas de Taika Waitti, o de que tan importante sea cierto tuerto para la historia original. Esto es para ustedes, amiguitos que hablan español! No traduzcan o tendré problemas...y por último, recuerden : Este Hogar apoya a Tesla en su pelea contra el Moscas, creemos en la ciencia !- and so he left, as he also had to help his newfound friend get back to his own story
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yaretsblog · 3 months
Incluso cuando pensé que nunca iba a tener el verdadero amor de mi vida , tú llegaste a mi vida y me enseñaste a amar a ti y No solo me enseñaste, sino que también me lo demostraste con tu amor y cuidado incondicional por mí. Y también me amaste cuando no hay motivo para hacerlo. Gracias, querido, por no dejarme en mis locuras Te amo más allá de las palabras, cariño. Independientemente de todas mis imperfecciones de mis locuras y defectos,que no puedo dejar pensar en cosas malas de los malos obstáculos todavía me amas tal como soy. Ha sido mayormente benevolencia haberte encontrado y estar contigo. Porque es difícil encontrar a alguien tan especial, bello y cariñoso como tú. Debo ser una mujer muy afortunada por tenerte, mi amor . Te amo más de lo que sabes.
Hola hermoso mi vida aquí tienes un breve recordatorio de que pasaré toda mi vida adorándote y tratándote como el amor de mi vida es que tú eres mi todo que estás haciendo. Siempre te apreciaré y te trataré bien, incluso hasta el fin de los tiempos. Siempre estaré ahí para ti donde y cuando me necesites. Te amo siempre, mi único.
Todo lo que tuve y tendré gira en torno a ti, mi amor. Por eso, comprometo mi vida a hacerte sentir siempre mejor, más fuerte y más feliz que nunca. Prometo ser la mujer, cariñosa, cariñosa y comprensiva que siempre has visto en mí y que siempre has querido que fuera. Te amo mucho más de lo que puedas imaginar. @hamdan-fazza @yaretsblog Even when I thought I would never have the true love of my life, you came into my life and taught me to love you and you not only taught me, but you also showed me with your unconditional love and care for me. And you also loved me when there is no reason to. Thank you, dear, for not leaving me in my madness. I love you beyond words, darling. Regardless of all my imperfections, my follies and flaws, I can't help but think of bad things and bad obstacles, you still love me just the way I am. It has been mostly benevolence to have found you and to be with you. Because it is difficult to find someone as special, beautiful and loving as you. I must be a very lucky woman to have you, my love. I love you more than you know.
Hello beautiful my life here is a brief reminder that I will spend my entire life adoring you and treating you like the love of my life is that you are my everything that you are doing. I will always appreciate you and treat you well, even until the end of time. I will always be there for you wherever and whenever you need me. I love you always, my only one.
Everything I had and will have revolves around you, my love. Therefore, I commit my life to always making you feel better, stronger and happier than ever. I promise to be the loving, loving and understanding woman that you have always seen in me and that you have always wanted me to be. I love you much more than you can imagine.
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welcxmetxtheshxw · 4 years
Solo Para: Daddy, Love You More
The thing about typically being found in a theatre thanks to severe agoraphobia is that you don’t always notice when the sky briefly goes dark.
What Victoria DOES notice is that suddenly, somehow, her arms are bound to the chair she’s in in the house, and her waist and legs.
And then a spotlight on the stage lights itself in the darkness and her head shoots up, seeing... her dad. “Daddy?”
“Tori--” he starts, but cries out when suddenly, from the darkness, someone punches him in the gut, bringing him to the ground.
The lights come up more and she sees her. Victoria struggles against the restraints. “No, no leave him alone!”
Tayen doesn’t seem to hear her. “Rumor has it, Liam Adlon, that you ran one of the biggest refugee operation in the Hollow. The Blackbird operation.”
No. No this can’t be happening. Her father shakes his head. “I-- I didn’t--”
Tayen kicks him. He cries out and sinks to the floor. She rolls him over with her foot. “I want to know everything. Where did you send my subjects, Liam?”
“No,” Victoria says weakly. Her voice shakes. “No, no, it wasn’t him--”
But Tayen ignores her entirely, like she can’t even hear her. She grabs Liam by his shirt, pulling him up into her face. “I can make this far, far worse. You’d be smart to tell me what I need to know.”
“He doesn’t know anything!” Victoria yells. “It was me!”
But Tayen clearly can’t hear her. Liam shakes his head and Tayen cocks her head. “Very well. I suppose we can bleed you for the answers. We can start with removing one of your fingers, I’m not particularly in the mood to wait patiently.”
And neither one acknowledges her as she continues to scream, plead and beg. She doesn’t understand. She just knows her dad is going to die up there.
Because he doesn’t know anything about what she did.
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ultravioletqueen · 2 years
Remake de umbra humana/human umbra remake
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Umbra como humana era conocida por el nombre de ester malfoy,una mujer sumamente devota a la religión católica,sin embargo era increíblemente clasista y racista,era hermosa y vanidosa a partes iguales y veía a sus esposos como medios para alianzas(y si no le daban un hijo se divorciada de ellos) además de que en su mente tenía una idea,una idea macabra,el deseo de poder probar la carne humana, pero debajo de eso había un miedo intenso al castigo,al castigo divino de dios,por lo tanto hizo todo lo posible para mantener sus pensamientos y deseos pecaminosos a raya, pero hubo un momento en el cual no podía aguantar más la tentación y cometió el atroz acto de canibalismo con uno de sus sirvientes,siendo el primero de muchos actos horribles en contra de las personas.
Hubo un momento en el que ester pensó que era intocable,por lo que empezó a ser más descuidada y arrogante, llegando a hacer pactos con demonios a cambio de magia,belleza,entre otras cosas,sin embargo la gente empezó a sospechar de ella por las desapariciónes de los sirvientes y de rivales políticos de la familia malfoy,además de que también se había esparcido el rumor de que ella practicaba magia negra,así que decidieron tenderle una trampa con lo que ella tenía tanta devoción:su religión,básicamente el ancestro de juliete(hudr) se hizo pasar por un sacerdote e hizo que ester escupiera la verdad,al tener ya la confesión hudr mostró quien era en realidad y la castigo convirtiendola en un monstruo,que no estaba ni vivo ni muerto,una existencia agonizante,y la encerró en las cuevas submarinas del lugar.
Debido a esto por años ella se alimento de los corazones de los fantasmas o de la gente que se atrevía a entrar en las cavernas,en algún momento logró ganar la fuerza suficiente para salir de su prisión y esparcir la discordia.
Los principales objetivos de miss umbra son juliete y lewis,juliete al ser la reencarnación de hudr busca cualquier forma de matarla y absorber su alma,ademas de haber atormentado a su familia durante generaciones y ser la causa de la muerte del grupo de frigg(the cipher gang),y lewis al ser un espectro poderoso umbra trata de ganarse su confianza al hacerle creer que le ayudará en su venganza contra arthur y alimenta su deseo de venganza y odio a su supuesto asesino, todo para poder ganarse su corazón(de forma metafórica y literal) y absorberlo.
Solo el tiempo dirá si logrará su objetivo o no...
Umbra as a human was known by the name of Ester Malfoy, a woman extremely devoted to the Catholic religion, however she was incredibly classist and racist, she was beautiful and vain in equal parts and saw her husbands as means of alliances (and if she didn't gave birth to a child divorced them) in addition to the fact that in his mind she had an idea, a macabre idea, the desire to be able to taste human flesh, but underneath that there was an intense fear of punishment, the divine punishment of God, so she did everything possible to keep his sinful thoughts and desires at bay, but there was a moment when she couldn't take the temptation anymore and she committed the heinous act of cannibalism with one of his servants, being the first of many horrible acts against the people.
There was a time when Ester thought she was untouchable, so she began to be more careless and arrogant, making pacts with demons in exchange for magic, beauty, among other things, however people began to suspect her for the disappearances of the servants and political rivals of the Malfoy family, in addition to the fact that the rumor had also spread that she practiced black magic, so they decided to set her up with what she had so much devotion to: her religion, basically the ancestor de juliete (hudr) pretended to be a priest and made esther spit out the truth, by having the confession hudr showed who she really was and punished her by turning her into a monster, who was neither alive nor dead, a anguish existence, and locked her in the underwater caves of the place.
Because of this, for years she fed on the hearts of ghosts or people who dared to enter the caves, at some point she managed to gain enough strength to break out of her prison and spread discord.
Miss Umbra's main targets are Juliet and Lewis, Juliet being the reincarnation of Hudr seeks any way to kill her and absorb her soul, in addition to having tormented her family for generations and being the cause of the death of the Frigg group (the cipher gang), and lewis, being a powerful specter, umbra tries to gain his trust by making him believe that she will help him in his revenge against arthur and feeds his desire for revenge and hatred of his supposed murderer, all in order to win his heart (in a way metaphorical and literal) and absorb it.
Only time will tell if he will achieve his goal or not...
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