#one time back in Lucis i turned the game on and found him casually sitting in the air in the middle of a shop
lunarlegend · 6 months
i open up my main PC save, and
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yeah that's fine, guess we're doing this now
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hrefna-the-raven · 5 months
Heart for hire
Fallout masterlist - main masterlist
Summary: It has been some time ago since MacCready and you found each other when you first stepped into the Third Rail. On the same day, after a year, you met again, same spot, same time to cherish in the memory of your first encounter.
Warnings: none I think...
Notes: slightly off canon and I haven't played MacCready's affinity arc yet and no review, this was typed and posted^^ living on the edge despite constant anxiety *whoop whoop* xD
Part 1
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Robert spotted you as soon as you walked down the stairs, wearing the exact same blue vault suit you had donned a year prior when you first stumbled into Goodneighbor. A genuine grin unfurled on his face as you casually ambled towards him. The notion that, after all that happened with Lucy, he was fortunate enough to discover love again, still seemed surreal to him. But he knew better than to turn away from the blessing that slept 210 years in a vault only to find him shortly after waking up. Your steps halted in front of the table he was sitting at, humming innocently to yourself as your gaze trailed over his figure. From his seat, MacCready lifted his gaze, his eyes squinting marginally as he mustered all his fortitude to maintain a neutral expression.
"If you're preaching about the Atom, or looking for a friend, you've got the wrong guy. If you need a hired gun… then maybe we can talk."
A soft chuckle echoed within you as he reiterated the same statement he had flung at you one year ago.
"What makes you think I'd be an Atomite? And who knows? Maybe you'd want me to be your friend?"
He snorted softly, the corners of his lips curling into a familiar amused smile from back then. His little vault dweller sauntering through the Third Rail, tossing back her audacious retort with the same bravado.
"I don't make friends", he threw back at you playfully, followed by a flirtatious wink, "I fear we'd get too close and our lips might accidentally touch."
Innocently, you shrugged, drawing a chair beside him and settling down. You evaded his look as if it were a blazing inferno, fearful of being consumed by its flames, incapable of continuing the little teasing game the two of you were playing.
"Oh you know, I was told that accidents tend to happen quite a lot in the Commonwealth."
Grinning devilishly, you reached for his beer, took a hearty gulp before putting it back on the table, finally holding his gaze. His face contorted into a mock surprise, melodramatically placing a hand over his heart.
"The nerve of you!"
You signaled to Whitechapel Charlie for another round and shifted closer to MacCready, inhaling deeply to steady your nerves as you savoured the unique blend of Gwinnett pils and gunpowder that marked his scent.
"You seem a little young to be a hired gun. Tell me your story and the next few drinks are on me."
Charlie's interrupted you, the robot hummed cheerfully as he placed the beverages on the table and disappeared again. Robert exhaled sharply, consuming half of his beer in a single gulp to steady his nerves.
"First you're drinking my beer, and now you want to hear my life story… What's next? My social security number?", he quipped.
You chuckled at his comment, your heart almost melting at the fact that he would remember the little things you told him about the life you lead before the war.
"I'm simply intrigued by this handsome man sitting all alone in a place like this, plus I have no other engagements for tonight, so if you'd be so kind and satisfy a lady's curiosity", you whispered enticingly, your fingers playing around the bottle's neck, moving up and down before taking a drink.
The more your fingers played with the bottle, the more MacCready found himself fixated on them, suppressing an urgent groan that welled up in his throat.
"Handsome man, huh? Well, there's not much to tell… stuck in Little Lamplight, never knew my parents."
He finished off his drink, releasing a contented sigh as the mild buzz from the alcohol gradually spread through his body. A calm evening, no impending disaster in sight, there was no other place in the whole Wastelands he'd prefer over this very spot.
"My, my, what a tragic story", you gently stroked his shoulder, your fingers leisurely tracing a path down his torso, "but the poor handsome merc hasn't told me his name yet. Or is that as mysterious as his past?"
Your hand settled flat against his chest, sensing his heart rate quickening beneath your touch. His lips quivered subtly under your gaze, struggling mightily to suppress the temptation to kiss you.
"That's a mystery for you to figure out", he leaned closer to you and whispered, "but I have that very close friend who calls me Mac."
A soft laugh escaped your lips as you recalled the moment you had chosen that nickname for him when he first revealed his name. It took him some time to get used it, persistently expressing his displeasure at the moniker you had chosen until the day his heart succumbed to your affection. Since then, the once hated nickname became the song your heart sang to his each day, a tender tune he would never tire of. MacCready felt the threat of drowning within the craving sea of his desire for you, the screaming of his longing for you grew deafening, making it impossible for him to continue denying your lips. His arms wrapped around your waist, drawing you from your seat to his welcoming lap, as his lips passionately locked with yours. Only when breath became a necessity did you part, gasping and laughing softly as you affectionately rubbed your nose against his.
"Having met you, having you this close to me has made me happier than I've ever been before", he murmured, his face nestled in the curve of your neck.
A year ago, he lingered alone in the Third Rail, drinking to numb his mind, a desperate attempt to escape the sad truth of a dead wife and a son in the merciless grip of an unknown plague, well aware that the gunners might show up and finally put a bullet through his head to end his despair-ridden existence. But instead a different kind of trouble found him that night, the kind of trouble that would plant its roots in his heart, flourishing and growing into the most beautiful thing he could have never dreamt of. It took him quite some time to finally see the true blessing of you choosing to annoy him that night, stubbornly clinging to his side and dragging him along while fighting for the freedom of the people in the Commonwealth and to free your son from the clutches of the Institute. You were the silver lining on his horizon, the sunshine he had eagerly waited for after enduring numerous calamities in his existence. His thoughts fleetingly flitted back to the silver ring he had spotted in Fallon's basement shop back in Diamond City. Maybe he'd quickly drop by tomorrow, praying that it had not yet been purchased by someone else in the meantime. He had not yet planned on how exactly he'd ask you How he would propose was yet to be determined, but his conviction was unwavering - he desired, no he needed, you to be his wife, being bound together in love. Eventually, he dreamt of a time when your sons both would reunite with you and in good health, finally enabling you both to enjoy the serene family life that both of you longed for.
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Feel free to reblog if you enjoyed the story :)
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Fic prompt; first I love you but one of them says it really casually/don’t realise they’ve said it and the other one is like freaking out/giggling inside about it
Ahhhh this one turned from soft to angsty to fluff real quick.
Fic prompt; first I love you but one of them says it really casually/don’t realize they’ve said it and the other one is like freaking out/giggling inside about it
Love you to the moon and to Saturn.
4 times Tim + Lucy almost say I love you + 1 time they do.
Lucy thinks that she and Tim are in a secret competition to see who can say I love you first. It’s been at the tip of her tongue for weeks now but she can’t seem to get it out. She thinks he loves her because he shows her everyday in one way or another that he does. And she tries to show him too. It just never seems to be the right time, and Lucy doesn’t want to just blurt it out.
That is until she almost does.
They are at game night with Angela, Wesley, Nyla and James. And they are playing charades which Tim seems to be very good at. And of course she’s on his team so every time he gets an answer right she gets more and more excited. Finally with the two other couples grumbling about Tim and Lucy winning, Lucy basically crawls onto Tim’s lap and presses herself against him, almost forgetting where they were.
“Oh my god I lo-” She stops herself mid sentence when she looks at Tim’s face. His eyebrows are raised and he’s holding onto her back so she doesn’t tip over.
“You what?” He asks and he raises his eyebrows even more so they are now in his hairline.
“I’m so happy we won!” She says lamely. Tim tilts his head at her, frowning slightly and she slides off his lap and doesn’t look at him for the rest of the night.
Later when they are going home, Tim reaches over to place his hand on her thigh and he squeezes it gently forcing her to look at him.
“Lucy-” he begins but she shakes her head firmly at him. She really didn’t want to discuss this right now even if she really did love him. It just wasn’t the time, soon she thinks. Soon they would say it.
Tim has a feeling that Lucy was going to say the three little words to him at game night. He could read her better than anyone and the way she acted after was a dead giveaway. The thing is Tim wants to say those words too. But he can never find the perfect opportunity to do it. He could do it when they are laying in bed satisfied and relaxed. He could do it on the way to work, they usually ride in together now. But none of those feel right, and he wants it to be special because Lucy deserves it.
He thinks he found the perfect opportunity and it was all going right until it wasn’t.
It was date night, something they tried to have at least once a week. It didn’t always work with their busy schedules but they always tried to find time for each other. They were at a nice restaurant and Tim pulls out Lucy’s chair for her. She gives him a grateful look and then he goes to take his own seat. He sits across from Lucy who is reading the menu and biting her lip intently as if she’s really studying the menu. She looks beautiful like she always does, but there’s something about tonight that take Tim’s breath away. Her curly chestnut flowing down her back, her brown eyes sparkling. She has on a green dress that was cut low in the front. The necklace he got her laid in the middle. She looks at him and smiles softly at him. The smile that she reserves just for him.
“What?” She asks him. He shrugs his shoulders but he still is smiling at her.
“You look beautiful.” Is all he says and Lucy beams at him.
“You don’t look too shabby yourself Bradford.” She says and she slides her hand across the table to grasp his.
He grins at her, and squeezes her hand before pulling back. The waitress comes and takes their orders and then their evening is pleasant. They eat and talk, but Tim can’t help and just stare at Lucy. The three little words on the tip of his tongue.
“Luce.” He says quietly and she looks up and tilts her head.
“I just wanted to say that..” He trails off remembering the time when he said this to her after their kiss in her apartment. “I lov…” He stops. “I appreciate you.”
Lucy face falls a little bit. Tim grimaces to himself cursing himself for not following through.
“I appreciate you too.” Says Lucy quietly and she reaches out to squeeze his hands.
He nods and sighs.
Coward he thinks. Just tell her you love her.
I appreciate you. Lucy hears Tim’s words rolling around in her head. I appreciate you too and then her own stupid words.
They were so close to saying it and yet…
Lucy sighs softly as she turns her head to look at Tim, who is still sleeping soundly. His large hand on her thigh.
She closes her eyes and turns her head away from Tim. She feels him shift and pull her closer.
“You’re thinking too loud.” He grumbles. “What’s on your mind?”
She turns so she’s fully facing him, her chest against his. “Do you really appreciate me or was that just-” She trails off unsure how to continue.
Tim’s blue eyes widen and he looks a little apprehensive. “No-no I meant that.” He says. “I did I just um-”
Lucy nods in understanding even if she really doesn’t understand. “Yeah okay.” She says quickly wishing she has never brought it up.
“Lucy listen-” Tim begins. “Don’t ever think that I don’t-”
“You don’t what Tim?” She asks. “That you don’t lo-” She stops just like she did last time but this time she doesn’t look at him.
She feels tears prickling her eyes and she is appalled that she’s about to start crying. There’s an awkward silence and then Lucy moves away from him swinging her legs out of the bed.
“Where are you going?” He asks her and this time she does look at him.
“I just am going to get some air.” She replies. “I’ll be right back.”
He nods but his eyes stay on the entire time, she’s pulling one of his T-Shirts over her head.
Lucy leaves the room, and heads to the kitchen. She wants to say I love you to Tim so bad. But some how she keeps chickening out and apparently so does he. She sighs and fills up a glass of water and takes a sip, glancing at the open bedroom door where the man she loves lays.
One of these days she’s going to tell him and it’s going to be so freeing.
Tim walks into the station and he knows he looks grumpy and probably a little scary to the new rookies who are just staring at him as he stomps around but he could really care less. He goes over what happened this morning in bed when Lucy once again almost said I love you. And then somehow once again chickened out. It’s not her fault, he did tell her he appreciated her like she was just some coworker again. And not the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He sighs and he’s about to make it into his office when Angela steps in front of him with her arms folded crossed her chest.
“Timothy.” She says sternly. “What is going on with you?” Tim tries to push past her but she stops him.
“You have been stomping around here all day, with a grumpy look on your face. Did something happen with Lucy?”
Tim sighs and runs his hands down his face. “No we are fine. I just- she- we..” he trials off and Angela raises her eyebrows. “You just what?” She asks.
“I love her.” He says and he wishes it was this easy with Lucy. “I love her but I can’t get it out and she can’t get it out. So we are throwing other words around like I appreciate you.”
He sighs as he continues to talk. “I don’t know why..”
“Tim.” Angela placed her hand on his arm. “You will find the right time and you will be able to say it okay? Don’t put all this pressure on yourself, you will know when the time is right okay?”
Tim nods and runs his fingers through his hair. “I just want to tell her how much I love her. I think she knows but..”
“It will come to you Tim. I promise.” Angela says sympathetically.
Later Tim decides to show Lucy how much he loves her. And kisses her all over and she’s giggling and surging up to kiss him. And god she’s beautiful, he stares down at her and she traces her finger across his face.
“What’s on your mind?” She asks. He doesn’t answer just stares down at her.
“How about I show you instead?” He says smirking at her. She rolls her eyes but he can only hope she caught the meaning behind his words.
Tim stands behind Lucy as she grips the steering wheel on the arcade car game.
“Go right!” Tim mutters as she barely avoids the guardrail. Lucy turns to glare at him and he reaches forward to get her back on the road.
“Focus Luce.” He says sternly in his best TO voice. “You can’t be running into cones.”
Lucy turns the steering wheel to the left sharply and hits a cartoon pedestrian.
“Whoops.” She says and Tim looks at her in amusement.
“Oops? You just hit a person and you say whoops.” He says and she turns sharply again finally getting back on the road.
“What?” She asks and she is actually focusing now which Tim finds adorable. He sits on the edge of the seat and scoots Lucy over a bit.
“Let me help.” He says and Lucy glares at him again. He knows what she’s about to say so he leans over to kiss her without taking his eyes off the screen. “Just so you don’t get last place.”
She sighs and let’s up on the wheel a little. “You are infuriating.” She grumbles.
“You love me.” He quips back, his eyes never leaving the screen. He’s up to 6th place now.
“I do love you but you are still annoying.” She says. Tim swivels his head to look at her. His heart pounding in his chest. He hears an explosion on the game but he doesn’t take his eyes off of Lucy.
She loves him! She loves him!
“Did you just say—?” He asks her tentatively. She looks up at him with wide brown eyes, she opens and closes her mouth realizing what she had just said.
“I.. god yes Tim. I love you. I love you so much I haven’t been able to say it. I chicken out-”
He cuts her off with a kiss and pulls her into his lap. She’s so close he can feel her heart beating against his.
“I love you too baby. I have been scared too but I love you so much. I am so sorry that I said I appreciate you, which I do but I fucking love you too.”
Lucy sighs happily and wiggles herself more onto his lap. They are on a seat made for one and it’s squished but neither of them seem to care.
“Why was that so hard?” Lucy asks and she’s peppering kisses all over his face. “It’s been on the tip of my tongue for months.. and I-”
Tim shrugs his shoulders because he doesn’t know why it was so hard. But now that he’s said it he knows he’s never going to stop.
“I love you.” He mutters as he kisses her again. She says it back softly and he sighs happily.
“Excuse me?” Tim looks away from Lucy to see one of the arcade employees standing there staring at them.
“This is a family arcade. And there are kids who want to play this game. So if you don’t mind…” He says awkwardly. “Uh but I am happy you guys love each other.”
Lucy huffs out a laugh and slides off the seat. Tim follows her and grabs her hand once they are side by side again.
Tim leads her out of the arcade and to his truck where he backs her into it.
“I love you.” He says quietly.
Lucy looks at him and smiles before tugging him down to kiss her again.
“Please never stop saying that to me.” She says as she looks up at him. “Please always tell me you love me.”
Tim just kisses her gently. “I don’t think I will ever be able to stop Luce.”
And she giggles happily. “Me neither.”
Tim grins at her and he reaches over to open the passenger door.
“Let me take you home to show you how much I love you.”
He steps back so she can climb into the truck, but not before she pulls him to her.
“I’m counting on it.”
And yea Tim does break a few speeding laws that night getting the woman he loves and who loves him back home.
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zeroth-writes · 3 years
She’s The One -Noctis Lucis Caelum-
masterlist | request
Prompt: In the noctis there is an urgent need for a male inheritance to protect the security of his empire.He organizes a bridal show and discovers a girl he absolutely wants. But she wants to work there and not marry him, but he insists.
Pairings: Noctis Lucis Caelum x Female!Reader
Word Count: 854
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From the first time the bridal show idea was first mentioned, Noctis never liked it. Not when he was told about it, not when Ignis tried to convince him of the importance of it, and not when he stood before off the women attempting to ‘win him over.’
Looking at the women before him, none of them were right. Noctis never thought of himself as a picky guy. Whenever he thought about his dream girl, there was never this long list of must-haves. He really just wanted someone who will accept his royal life and see him for the video game playing, vegetable hating prince he really is.
After the first day of introduction Noctis didn’t feel any different. He had hoped that one would catch his eye, make his heart skip a beat like he’s always heard about. Yet as he read over the written profile they all seemed the same to him. The same personality but with different hair colors.
He looked up from the papers and saw in the distance a small group forming. He handed the profiles back to Ignis, his advisor who was sitting next to him, and watched what was going on.
From his position he could make out the forms of the ‘brides’ as they listened to the main producer speak. Around her was some of the other producers and crew. He knew most of them from the first meeting, However in the back stood an unfamiliar face who was looking down at a clipboard in her hands.
He couldn’t place in finger on it but there was something special about her. The entirety of this day he wanted nothing more than to cannonball into the nearest bed and sleep until tomorrow, But now he wanted to go over and talk to you, get the know you and hear you talk.
Slowly the crown prince realized, this was the beat skipping he heard about.
For the remainder of the day you were on the crowned prince’s mind. Whenever you were in view he was casually glance over and watch you as you work. Finally someone took notice of his distracted mind.
“So, Is that her?” Snapping out of his smitten gaze, Noctis looked up and was met with green eyes staring back at him. Noctis only nodded before looking back at you. “I don’t know how to explain it but all day she’s been the only thing on my mind.” Nodding slowly at the new information, Ignis took a couple seconds to think. “And the other girls? Still nothing?” He asked, though he already knew the answer. Not waiting for a response, Ignis spoke again. “Are you sure about this?” Ignis whispered in his ear. Without look Noctis nodded, keeping his gaze directly on you. 
Ignis followed the prince’s gaze and watched at you gazed downward as you continue going over the ‘must haves’. Every so often a piece of hair falls in your face, which you easily tuck behind your ear with the other shorter strands.
The act upon itself wasn’t anything special, yet Noctis found himself wanting to see you do it over and over again.
“Well, are you going to go talk to her?” The gruffled voice of his shield spoke up from behind him. Looking back, the prince tilts his head up to look at the taller man before shrugging his shoulders. “I might later.”
The prince turns back around just in time to see you start jogging off to catch up with your fellow producers. “Well you may want to do it soon, Ya know not leading the others on and stuff” The blonde gunslinger spoke from beside him.
It wasn’t until the sun began to set that Noctis was able to get alone time with you. He found you on one knee packing up the remaining supplies. Distracted by your work, you were unaware of  his presents until he gently tapped your shoulder. Jumping up at the sudden contact, your eyes widen once you realized who was behind you.
You stamped out an apology but was quickly silenced by his hand rising. “I know you’re aware of what’s going on. To make this short, You’re the one I want to marry.” You’re eyes widen again at the surprising confession. “I’m flattered really, and please don’t take this the wrong way, But I came here to work - not be a mandated bride.”
“How about after then? Once this is all said and done we go out to dinner or something?” Noctis brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck as he watched you think it over, and so did he.
The entire point of this event was to find him a bride. Everyone told him how important it was to continue the Caelum bloodline, How the world needed to see a strong king with a stronger woman by his side.
The muffled sound of your voice brought him out of his own head. “Huh?” He asked. “I said I’ll think about it.” Nodding at your words, A small smile graced his face at the hope that still stood.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hello! Can I request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an Mc that just plucks out their eyes when they see something cursed or messed up? Normally humans don’t just do that but MC’s like “Welp, I don’t need my eyes anymore 😀” and just Yeet their eyes out like it’s a typical Saturday 💀
I blame magic for this - sometimes I wish I could do this just for the comedic effect, maybe I won't need glasses anymore if I give them a good polish
Did take some creative liberties but hope it's still fun for you!
"so....this is a demon kids cartoon???"
"yeah! Satan was obessed with this show."
"silence, it was mindless watching whilst I developed." He looked embarassed, keeping his hand to his chest.
Mammon was watching the show with a grin but nervously shifted in his seat, moving an inch closer to you. The other brother's were all sitting with you, levithan was sitting between your legs on the floor gaming, belphegor was laughing at the show meanwhile his brother only half paid attention. Asmo was hugging mammons legs as he complained how overly messy and disgusting it was. Lucifer was sitting on the other side of you, going through his phone.
"this is type of stuff you'd seen in creepypasta videos - the hell is this?!"
You just stared at the screen dumbfounded and disgusted. It only got worse when a fish turned to the screen, beginning to speak but it had realistic human teeth.
"excuse me- y'all seeing this shit???? Lemme just-"
You bonked the back of your head, your eyeballs popping out. You easily caught them, doing a quick two breaths on them and gave them a good rub on your shirt. You shoved your eyes back in and rapidly blinked.
He didn't know how to react
Just stares at you
He's seen it all from all gags, to large to small
But this little human had weirdest one of them all
"Pardon me?"
"You're pardoned, what's with the staring, Luci-loo?"
Where's this gag going?
"Your eyes....I'm guessing that's a spell Solomon taught you."
"actually I found it out myself though it said it had side effects and I'm not sure what else it's done."
He sighed, pinching his nose
"Just be careful until it wears off, if I find your eyes out of your sockets again I'll be keeping them."
His fingers jabbed at your eyes, stopping inches away and clutched his other hand
You quickly nodded with a nervous laugh
you slap your hand over his mouth but he kept screaming
"why are you screaming?!"
He removed your hand, pointing to your eyes
"you removed your eyes!!"
"yeah....? I think that was an appropriate response to that-"
"that's not normal! You're human! humans can't do that?! Can they!?"
To be fair, it wasn't normal to do that at all
But magic was real and you sure as hell was going to use it at any given moment
"it's called physical comedy, my greedy friend."
He huffed
After awhile of sitting with each other he suddenly bonked you in the head
Only to end up screaming when your eyes bursted out again and rolled on the floor
"Ah-! There's dust in my eyes!"
Almost threw his phone at you
He watched it happen when his screen went dark as his game was loading
Immediately spun around
"YOUR EYES-! do it again!"
He fumbled to get up his camera and pointed it at you
You just sighed with a slight laugh
"Fine~ but I can't keep this doing this, it hurts my eyes."
You bonked your head and let your eyes pop out once again, giving them a good polish before putting them back in
"ROTFLMAO!!!! You're like a cartoon character!"
He filmed the others reactions to you casually do it once again
You leaned on his head when he turned back around
"better make me famous."
Almost caught your eyes for you
And then he processed what just happened
"That's not normal."
"of course it's not but it was a good joke, though demon cartoons ARE cursed."
You changed the channel and sat back
Satan gave your head a soft bump and watched your eyes shake
"This will come in handy..is this spell written down? I think you know exactly what I plan for this."
You both looked at each other, meeting eyes with belphegor before all three of you glanced at Lucifer
Satan nodded and you copied him
Lucifer just glared at the three of you
Sensing something was going to happen
"Can you do other things? Or is it just that?"
"I can spin my head 360, do dramatic poses mid air for awhile, my arms can stretch but it hurts and can take out my teeth like I got dentures."
"remarkable, perhaps you'll give me a presentation?"
You agreed and throughout the day you acted out different tricks to everyone's dismay
Except for Satan
As soon as your eyes are back he slaps your face out of pure fear instinct
Your head spins as if you were a cartoon character
Luckily you kept your hands over your eyes
Unsure if they would fly out or not
"Careful-! This magic is full of slapstick tricks!"
"Why would you do it in the first place??!! Have you been waiting to do this all day?!"
He looked at your head disgusted
poking your cheek with one finger to keep distance from you
"First of all, rude and second, yes - i need to be ready for anything at all times with you guys."
He hugged your waist, sinking into you
"why must you be this way, you're too cute to be having your eyes pop out!"
You patted his head
Letting him sulk as you rattled your head, fixing your eyes placement from the spinning
"There there, the magic will wear off....at some point."
You bursted out laughing
He just looked at your eyes up and down with a pointed glare
"no? No what? You're not seeing what I'm seeing?!"
"Don't do that again, you could lose one of them."
You grinned, ruffling his hair
"okay mom~ I won't pop my eyes out."
He just hummed, grasping your hand so it stayed on his hair
Soon enough the Chanel changed and Beel left to get food
You grew bored and went after him
But you both ended up colliding and your head smacked against his chest
"I told you."
You raised a brow before realizing that one of your eyes just bounced out of your sockets
You scrambled to the floor to find it worried it could get stepped on
Beel joined you in your search and soon found it, being extra careful with handling it
He gave it a small rinse and handed it back to you
"Are you okay? Want a snack to make you feel better?"
You nodded cradling your eye
He grinned watching you, shuffling to look at you properly
He absolutely loved that
"Cool! Wait - if your eyes can do that then can you replicate the cartoon's?"
"spells for slapsticks and cartoon logic only, not body horror."
He pouted
It wasn't long before he started padding at your face, trying to find out what else you could do
You rolled your eyes
"Learn body horror spells."
"why? That's stuff was hella cursed, I'm not here for your sadistic amusement."
You tried to force back your snort
Belphegor grinned
"Are you sure? I'm not the one using magic on myself to be a cartoon- entertain us."
You just shoved his head, forcing him into beels lap
"learn to be polite and then I'll do it."
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Stark’s Girl
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part 013/015 “i’m not going anywhere”
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word count 3.1k
The Avengers Compound has not changed one bit, albeit the lack of people roaming the halls was hard to ignore. Your first couple months with Nat had gone relatively smoothly and you didn’t have a single blackout episode yet, but you had been taking precautions. You didn’t tune into the news, opting instead for streamed episodes of that Office show tony demanded you finish. Natasha had introduced you to podcasts, but you were careful to avoid any of the ones about “Moving on After the Blip,” or “Remembering before the Blip,” because you were sure you’d lose it. Sometimes you chose to just listen to soft classical music, which was your choice for today. It was the weekend, things had been quiet on the communication end for Natasha, so she dismissed you for a couple days (not that she wouldn’t be able to call for you if she needed, but the idea of having free time was nice.)
Every week you set aside some time to come to the deserted half of the Residence hall.. The rooms that once were lived in by other Avengers were abandoned, and this was one of the most glaring reminders of what was lost four years ago. You had a pattern that you always stuck to, and you always started with Sam’s room, clearing off any dust that may have accumulated and repositioned the knick knacks that adorned the shelves that lined the walls. There were pictures of him with his flight partner wearing the wings that Sam had made his own. 
Vision’s room was a little more bare. And by a little more you mean it was basically two chairs and a painting. Nonetheless you made sure the painting always hung straight and no dust dared to stay on the famous Mulberry Tree. Sometimes you’d stop and wonder why Vision had chosen this painting out of everything, and almost always you opted for the answer that Vision admired Van Gogh’s acknowledgement of no matter his place in the world, all he could do was carry on and paint. Maybe that resonated with Vision, especially given his connection with Wanda.
Wanda’s room was more homey, you had always admired what she had done with the place. There had been a number of times she’d let you come in with a bowl of popcorn and you both would watch old timey sitcoms together. You took great care in making sure her room was exactly how she left it, and made sure to replace the vanilla sage wall scent just in case.
The last room that you often avoided was Steve’s. Nat said that he stopped by often for laundry purposes and to check in, but you had yet to see him since you moved back in. Was it an invasion of privacy or was it a nice gesture since you’d done everyone else’s? With a deep breath and steady hand, you pushed open Steve’s door and turned the light on and took in the sight.
It was almost exactly how you remembered it. The bed remained untouched all this time, still made perfectly just how Steve had done every morning. No one must’ve come in here in awhile, or maybe Steve did the last time he had come to see Nat, because there was a faint hint of his cologne in the air. You did notice that the small touches Steve did have in here were long gone, the only hint that anything had adorned the shelving in the room was the faint outlines that were slowly but surely being covered by dust. You hesitantly ran a dust rag over the shelving, going row by row before beeping interrupted your cleaning regime.
“Stupid earphones,” you grumbled and took them out your ear and shoved them into your pockets. You made a note to self to charge them when you went back to your room (and not run them through the washer like you did with tony’s pair that one time). You reached down for the windex to spray the mirror that hung on the wall when you gasped at the sight of someone standing behind you.
“What the hell, Steve,” you exclaimed. 
Steve stood in the doorway holding a basket with what looked like a heap of clothing in it. The small smile that graced his face let you know that he was amused, and not afraid to show it. “So we’re breaking and entering now?”
The callback to your first meeting post-Siberia fallout didn’t fall flat. You stood a little straighter and motioned towards the door. “I um.. I did the other’s and thought I should do yours too.”
“That’s a nice gesture,” Steve confirmed. He took small strides into the room, never giving off more than a casual vibe, and set his basket down on the bed. Steve proceeded to start folding the clothes he pulled out and you weren’t sure if you should leave or not, but the feeling was quickly squashed. “Don’t let me stop you from your routine.”
The term he used made you raise a brow, but you also didn’t question him on how he knew of your routine. Instead, you turned back to the mirror and sprayed it down, and wiped away the liquid with paper towels. The only sound in the room was the light squeaks made from your wipes, and the soft sound of his clothes falling into folded piles. When you finished you turned around and set the windex in the carrier you had with more cleaning supplies which caused him to look up from what he was doing. “Right I should.. Get out your way.”
You grabbed the carrier with no objection from Steve and made your way to the door. As much as it pained you to admit it, sometimes you missed his company. Steve had always been the one person you felt at home with, besides Tony and his family of course. But with Steve it was like.. Like how Pepper and Morgan were to Tony.. His family. Steve had begun to feel like yours, and maybe that’s why it was hard to not have that anymore. But his voice tore you from your thoughts, and froze you in your tracks. “Have you had dinner yet?”
“What?” You asked, unsure if he was even speaking to you. You turned around to him and he indeed was looking your way, folding a shirt in the process.
“Have you had dinner?” He asked again.
“Uh,” you checked your wrist and the watch you were wearing blinked back up at you that it was 6:45. “Actually no I haven’t.”
“Nat was planning on a late night to catch Rhodey on an update on a mission,” Steve started, placing the shirt he was folding down behind him and meeting your gaze again. “I was thinking Thai?”
You didn’t answer right away, averting your gaze to the floor in thought, which made Steve smile. “Oh come on.. I know it’s your favorite.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and raise a brow at him. “We’ve resorted to bribery?”
“If that’s what it takes,” Steve admitted. You found yourself biting your lip and finally gave him a nod.
“Alright, I’m game, but only if I get some of those little cheese rolls,” you countered. Steve nodded with a grin on his face.
“Deal. I have another load finishing but let’s meet in the kitchen in.. Thirty?” He asked.
You nodded in agreement and took a step back out the room, “Thiry.”
It was a nerve wrecking thirty minutes. Did you dress up? Why would you even dress up? Steve was just being.. Nice. That was all! And you weren’t so easily swayed with the offer of food, though the grumbling in your stomach said otherwise. When you had caught a glimpse of yourself you hurriedly changed out of the disheveled shirt you had been wearing and threw on some sweater you had found in your closet. It was warm and cozy, but also more put together. Did you want to look put together? God, why were you even stressing out like this? Steve and you were done, finished, over.. But you couldn’t help but think back to his smile. The damn smile was enough to make your head feel light. You tapped your phone against your thigh when a message came thru from Nat, and you scoffed at it.
Nat: Give me a heads up if things get steamy, I don’t want to hear make up sex tonight.
You weren’t going to reply, even when she double texted using that winky face emoji with its tongue out. You opened your bedside drawer and tossed your phone in there and decided you weren't going to stress about this anymore. You were going to go down to the kitchen and enjoy your favorite food from your favorite place (did Steve remember that too?) and.. See what happens. Go with the flow is what Tony always told you right? You didn’t want to stop and think if that applied to dealing with Steve again, and instead threw open your door and made your way to the kitchen.
The sweet and savory aroma that filled your nose as you came into sight was welcomed, and the sight of the familiar logo of the restaurant made you even more giddy. Steve did remember. He was pulling out take out boxes and the given chopsticks and dressings when he glanced up to see you approaching, and cracked a smile while he continued to lay everything out. “I think I remembered everything.. Shrimp pad thai, level three spice.. Let’s see..”
He drifted off as you watched him pull out another smaller box and give a little nod to himself. “Soft spring rolls with the peanut sauce,” he paused and pulled the small container of liquid out of the bag. “And as promised, an order of cheese rolls.”
He set everything aside and you chuckled, “Wow you really remembered everything down to the sauce.”
“What can I say, I’m a man of my word,” he motioned to the rest of the common space. “Maybe we can watch something while we eat?”
“Sounds good to me,” you agreed, and carefully with stacked takeout boxes, Steve and you made your way over to the common area, sitting on the same couch but with a comfortable space between you two. The night divulged into the two of you eating dinner, and Steve had picked one of the shows Wanda had introduced him to, called I Love Lucy. You weren't sure how long you both had stayed in the same spots, but the food was long gone, and it was pitch black outside. But you were.. Comfortable. You were enjoying his presence, though you both did still keep your distance. It was significantly colder now since there wasn’t much movement in the room, and you sat back with your legs under you and arms crossed over your body, your sweater no longer much help.
Steve took notice a while ago and had periodically checked his watch. The time neared closer to 11, and knowing you sooner or later you would fall out. The lights may have been dimmed but he could see the way your hands pulled your sweater cuffs to cover your fingers. But you didn’t make a move, which he didn’t know why. Well.. He kind of knew why because he had felt the same way. He was just as nervous as you were, but he didn’t want to see you suffer in silence. “It’s gotten a bit chilly, I’m gonna grab a blanket real quick.”
You had let out a small mhm, and Steve stood and walked over to the cabinets that surrounded the tv you both were watching, and grabbed one to use. He proceeded to sit back where he had been all night, and spread the blanket over his lap. As he fiddled with the fabric he glanced your way and saw you eyeing the soft cover, and he lifted the part closest to you. “There’s plenty to share if you want?”
You weren’t so hesitant this time. Steve only held the blanket open for you for a few seconds before you grabbed a hold of it and slid yourself closer to him so the blanket covered you fully. You glanced his way as you made yourself comfortable right by his side, and cleared your throat. “Thank you.”
You knew what he was doing, you weren’t completely blind to it, but you also were grateful that he wasn’t making it a big deal. Because it wasn’t right? It was just two adults watching tv, who had dinner together, and sharing a blanket. Totally, completely innocent. You were forced to refocus on the screen when Steve shifted next to you, and his arm draped on the couch behind you.
Innocent enough.. Right?
Steve was relaxing, he was getting comfortable. A few minutes passed before you decided to unwind a bit too. You relaxed deeper into the couch and pulled the blanket up a little higher, and let out a content sigh. In all honesty you couldn’t remember the last time you felt at peace like this. And it was thanks to Steve, which was a little infuriating to admit (because he knew what he was doing, you were sure of that). 
Steve was unsure what was running through your mind, but he knew it must’ve been working a hundred miles a minute. He tried his best to focus on the episodes that passed by, not even aware of how much time had passed when he felt you fall into his side. He glanced down and there you were, laying into his side with closed eyes, and it made him check his watch. Sure enough it was past midnight, which was right on time for you. He could hear the heavy exhales, and he moved very carefully.
The arm he had draped on the back of the couch (in all honesty, in preparation for this moment) he lowered down to hook around you, and used his hand to pull the blanket up higher. Steve kept his arm wrapped around you and relaxed back into the couch, then with his free hand he grabbed the remote and shut the tv off, the bright light fading from the room. The only cast of light came from further down the hall, and allowed him to fully gaze down at you.
Steve had forgotten how peaceful you looked while sleeping, even despite what he knew was running through your mind. So Steve did what he thought was best, he closed his eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep too.
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Nat was not prepared to walk into the kitchen early in the morning and catch Rogers and you cuddling on the common room couch. But boy was she living for it. During her morning routine she had a shit eating grin on her face, and prepared her coffee as silently as she could. The coffee pot warmed up with a soft hum, she had made sure to load it with coffee grounds quietly, and when it was ready to be poured she opened up the cabinet, grabbed a mug, and closed it as loud as she could.
The sudden noise was enough to startle you, causing your eyes to peel open and be met with the glaring sunlight that poured into..
Oh no. The common room. You were still in the common room.
Your eyes darted to where the sound had come from and there was Nat smiling into her coffee mug, and you slowly shifted your gaze up to Steve who was just waking up. You were now very aware that he was holding you which therefore meant you were cuddling with him. You had never gotten up so fast in your life, pulling the blanket up with you. Steve glanced Natasha’s way and then back at you, who was rolling the blanket up rapidly. “Oh-”
“I’m so sorry,” you offered, and even offered him the blanket back. Steve, with a raised brow, took the balled up blanket with one hand and you proceeded to shake his other. “Thank you for the dinner, Steve.”
And then you were gone in a flash. Steve sighed and set the balled up blanket down and rubbed his face with his hand when a chuckle from the kitchen. Natasha took a couple steps closer to him, and rested her shoulder against a wall. “You’re certainly playing with fire.”
“I wasn’t trying to,” Steve replied as he stood from the couch. Natasha shrugged and tapped her fingers against the mug in her hands. “We fell asleep.”
“All I’m saying is you told me you were going to just ask to have dinner and call it a night.. But here we are,” she couldn’t help but laugh at the end of that statement and Steve rolled his eyes. “Sorry, it’s just.. Well it’s kind of cute how much you’re trying to deny you didn’t plan this.”
Steve shook his head, and without another word to Natasha he headed to your room. It was a familiar route, right down the hall from his old room, and the door was closed when he finally got there. He lightly tapped his knuckles against the door and rested his shoulder against the frame. He could hear the creak from your bed and your feet hit the floor, and in a few seconds you pulled open the door and blinked up at him.
“Hi,” Steve offered.
“Hi,” you replied back. You didn’t move and neither did he and Steve sighed.
“I’m sorry if that was.. Too much. Just wanted some company last night and lost track of time-”
“I’m sorry for falling asleep on you,” you cut him off. Steve couldn’t help the lopsided smile that spread over his face.
“It’s not a problem at all,” he reassured you. For a second a smile formed over your lips, but then it faded, and your expression fell.
“Steve… What are we doing here?” You asked him point blank. Steve inhaled deeply before lightly shrugging his shoulders.
“I guess I’m just.. Trying to do the right thing,” Steve offered. You smiled sadly at him and he motioned his hand at you. “I missed you and just.. I wanted to do something nice.”
“It was nice, Steve,” you whispered to him before taking a deep breath. “But I’m.. Not ready-”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered to you. You met his gaze and he shook his head lightly at you, not breaking that eye contact. “As long as it takes.. I’ll wait.”
Steve meant what he said, and sure enough he started to come by more. He offered his companionship and in slow strides you accepted his invitations.. But one question looms.
Was Steve going to keep his word?
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lupin72 · 4 years
Leave Your Lover
Anon asked for a fic based on the song used in this fanvid (which is awesome btw): https://youtu.be/RCT3_rkHj8A
Lucy sat across from Tim, sipping a large glass of red wine. They were at their local bar, a place they now met fortnightly for ‘unofficial check ins’. Tim had told her to meet him here for the first time a week after she graduated. All he had said was that he wanted to check West wasn’t rubbing off on her. When she had arrived, she had expected a sort of Tim test, a reminder that he was always on her back, even now. Or perhaps a threat of sorts, or maybe a warning. Instead, she’d found him sipping a pint, with a glass of her favorite red waiting on her and she had known what it really was: an excuse. He missed her too.
And so, they met every other Friday as long as their shifts permitted it. He would have a few beers, she would have at least two large glasses and they would chat about the calls they had faced that week. Tim’s composure usually lasted for about the first hour. He would spend that time grilling her over each choice she had made, checking that her protocol was spot on. He even allowed her to criticize his own work, claiming that it was good practice to be aware of how other cops were working too.
Inevitably, however, the conversation would move on. One of them would bring up Kujo, or The Dodger’s game, or an episode of television they had been lucky enough to catch. And they wouldn’t be a newly graduated Rookie and ex-TO anymore. They would be friends. Just them.
Lucy looked over at Tim, slouched back in slacks and a light blue Henley, a smile dancing on his lips as he told her about the call he had faced earlier that day. They had almost run through all of them and Lucy was looking forward to the conversation slipping onto something else.
“The neighbors cat caught the guy can you believe it?”
Lucy knew she should have been listening, that it was important, but she was almost finished her glass and Tim was looking at her in a way that lit up his eyes, eyes that didn’t need a Henley to draw her attention to them.
She scolded herself, let the laughter slip from her lips and tried to cover up her daydream by sipping the wine again.
Lucy didn’t know what made her say it. The switch to casual was usually a lot smoother and carefully navigated. But the words left her before she could stop them. “So, how’s things with Rachel?”
Tim stiffened immediately. She hadn’t been expecting such a response at all. The glint in his eyes disappeared and it was his turn to hide his reaction by taking a long, slow drink. Interesting.
Rachel had seemed fine last Lucy had spoke to her but that had been a few weeks ago now. Time difference and shift work made things tricky.
Tim swallowed and lent forward slightly, tilting his head to the right in the way he did when he was about to challenge her, “Will you be telling Rach my answer?”
Lucy frowned. “No,” she replied immediately. “I won’t. You’re both my friends and I won’t take sides.”
Tim didn’t falter at her use of the word friends and she couldn’t help the little skip her heart did. No. Lucy told herself. He’s your ex-TO. He’s dating your friend. You’re in a relationship!
“Things are fine,” Tim replied. He sat back in his seat to regard Lucy. He thought back to the empty house he was returning to for the hundredth time that night. Sometimes his relationship with Rachel felt just as fractured as his one with Isabel. Sure, there were no drugs involved, he liked to think there weren’t many secrets either, but they also barely talked and she was never there. When she first left, they had video called almost every day, and texted frequently. Now? His phone weighed a tonne in his pocket as he thought about the last time he had actually heard her voice. It had almost been a week. Time difference and shift work had been punishing them of late, but he had been off tonight and so had she.
And yet he was here instead.
“What about you and Emmet?” he threw the question at Lucy, watching as she turned away from him.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you diverting the question,” Lucy replied and then she sighed. “Still taking things slow.”
“His choice or mutual?”
“Why wouldn’t it be mine?”
She looked hurt. But that didn’t make any sense, “Because you’re the one sitting here looking all down about it?”
Lucy sighed again, tracing the stem of her glass absentmindedly. “Its mutual. I don’t think Emmett is looking for anything serious right now and I-” She paused and looked up at him, “I don’t think I want anything more.”
Tim could tell what she wasn’t saying. She didn’t think she wanted anything more with him.
Looking for an excuse to break the awkward silence that had now befallen them, Tim rose to his feet. “Think we need another round.”
Lucy looked at her empty glass in surprise before she nodded and gave him a small smile in thanks.
Tim clenched his fists as he placed them on the bar. Lucy being unhappy in her relationship should not have been good news to him.
He turned to causally look back at her when he noticed that she was talking to someone. A small man, probably not much taller than Lucy, was leaning on the table chatting to her with a friendly smile. She laughed at him and shook her head. Tim tensed immediately. That laughter had been real. Lucy wasn’t uncomfortable. She wasn’t in any danger. She was fine. And yet he had the strongest urge to drag the man away from her.
“Stop it,” he didn’t realize he had said it out loud until the bar man cleared his throat.
“What was that, sir?”
Tim turned to look at him and hoped he wasn’t as red in the face as he felt. “Same again,” he replied, slamming his wallet onto the bar.
The barman started pouring and Tim forced himself not to look back at the table. She was your Rookie, you’re dating her best friend.
He grabbed the offered drinks and made his way back to the table telling himself he wasn’t relieved when he realized the man had left.
“Did you know him?” Tim asked sitting down in his seat again.
Lucy smiled and shook her head, “No, he was asking if I was alright, checking that my date was going well and that I didn’t need saving.”
Tim snorted, “Did you correct him?”
Lucy laughed, “I told him it wasn’t a date and then, just as I could tell he was getting excited, I revealed that, even if it wasn’t going well, I’m a cop and I could have handled it. He left pretty quickly after that.”
They shared a laugh.
Lucy watched Tim and wondered what made her the worse person: the fact that watching her ex-TO laugh made her want to ask him back to hers, or the fact that she felt that way about her best friend’s boyfriend, or that she was thinking that about a man that wasn’t the one she was currently dating.
You sure know how to pick ‘em, she told herself letting the laughter fade into the comfortable silence that they usually shared between them.
They could leave their lovers. In fact, the chances of that seemed inevitable.
But that didn’t mean they could be with each other.
 I am still open for Chenford fic prompts so feel free to send them my way!
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theheartsmistakes · 4 years
The Last Night Part XVI
(A/N at the end)
Parts I-XV:
Here is Part I
Here is Part II
Here is Part III
Here is Part IV
Here is Part V
Here is Part VI
Here is Part VII
Here is Part VIII
Here is Part IX
Here is Part X
Here is Part XI
Here is Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
When Cordelia was just a small girl, her father would play a game with her. Cordelia would run as fast as she could in the yellow shoes her mother just bought her, her arms stretched out from her sides flapping like a featherless bird, towards her father squatting on the ground a few feet away from her. When she’d be nearly to him, she’d leap from the ground with a faith only a child could muster into his waiting hands where he would toss her over his head in the air. There was this moment, when she would be suspended in the air just before momentum died and gravity’s pull dragged her back down, that everything went quiet around her. Everything went still. When all she could see was the horizon in front of her and her father’s embrace below. And she’d come falling back down to earth. A laughing star with a red tail and bright yellow shoes. 
The moment Cordelia’s eyes felled upon James, she felt the weightless suspense of being hugged by the wind just before it released her back to the ground, except no awaiting arms were there to catch her and she came hurtling to the ground.
He looked so handsome— when he ever didn’t, she wasn’t sure— with his dark curls pushed back away from his face and the lingering smile on his lips. He wore gear up to his neck, black except for the silver buckles of his vest strapped across his lower abdomen and the red scarf around his neck. The hilts of his throwing knives glistened in the warm light coming through the window and from the ball-shaped orbs that hung from chains above him, flickering with burning witchlights. The words she’d be rehearsing to herself since the moment she woke up seemed to evaporate like steam from tea out of her mind.
Thankfully, words were no longer necessary as Matthew crossed the threshold of the foray into the sitting room, past James whose his eyes never managed to leave hers, as he said, “You’re awake. Splendid. Things have been awfully dull without your joyful presence.” Matthew grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed a light kiss to both of her cheeks before reaching around her and patting Lucie on the head earning himself a shove into the couch. “Where have you been all morning?” Matthew directed at Lucie.
“That is my business,” said Lucie, smoothing her hair, “and mine alone. Where have you lot been?”
Matthew waved a hand down his body clad in black gear except his was stitched with gold thread that matched the color of his hair. He rested his knee high boots on the coffee table rattling the tray of tea and biscuits, bits of mud flecked off onto the glass. “We were out at the theater enjoying a matinee…”
While their banter continued on, James stumbled towards Cordelia. His foot catching the footstool; his eyes surprisingly never leaving hers. 
Cordelia stifled a laugh and stepped forwards away from the window to meet him in the center of the room. 
“You look,” he swallowed and his hand raised, paused, before he ran it through his own hair, “you look better.”
“Better?” Cordelia ran her hands over the fabric of her skirt. “Well, I should hope so. A few days in a magically induced coma does wonders for ones complexion.”
“I shall no longer be calling you Daisy then,” he said.
Her eyebrows jumped. “No?”
“No,” smiled James. “Perhaps I shall call you Sleeping Beauty.”
“Perhaps you should not,” said Cordelia appalled, having read the French classic in her youth and despising the damsel for being insolent enough to touch the spinning wheel and then not being able to manage herself out of the sleep she put herself in. “I am not a damsel to be woken with a kiss.” 
No, no, she was the prince riding on the mount and climbing the scaffold and fighting the evil that existed in the world. 
The corner of James’s mouth lifted in a sad smile. “No,” he said, leaning forward so only she could hear him. “You never did require anyone’s rescuing.”
The memory of ice cream dripping down her hand, the warmth of the sun on her cheeks, and the excitement of their joined rebellion only moments ago; along with the way that James was looking at her now, like she wasn’t quite real, sent a warmth through Cordelia. 
“Will you be staying in London?” he asked, folding his hands behind his back. “Or will you be leaving for Alicante soon?”
“Staying,” said Lucie from behind her, abandoning her raillery with Matthew to join in their conversation, much to James’s chagrin which he failed to hide from his face. “For sometime, at least until we can recover her memories from the shadow realm.”
“Recover her memories?” asked Matthew, a biscuit crumbling over the front of his gear. “Has she lost them?”
Cordelia slid a glare in Lucie’s direction. Lucie raised her shoulders innocently. “Was I not supposed to say anything? They would have found out eventually.”
“Charles is requesting that we remain in London until my memories of the events return in the case that it provides them with information about Belial,” she said to both boys. “Also, he wants us to remain close in case he attempts an attack on us again.”
“Interesting,” mused Matthew.
“Yes,” said James, his eyes wandered over Cordelia. “How did you lose your memories?”
“No, not that,” said Matthew as he stood and came to stand beside James. “My brother actually did the right thing for once. I find that interesting. Where is Christopher? It seems we may have jumped into another dimension without the help of the book.”
 Ignoring Matthew, James waited for Cordelia’s reply. “I’m not sure,” she said. “The last thing I remember is getting into the carriage with Alastair after I left… after talking with you.”
A muscle moved in James’s jaw and for the first time, he looked away from Cordelia and down at his boots. A fine, ebony curl fell in his face. 
“What book?” demanded Lucie. 
Matthew’s pale eyebrows jumped as he glanced at James. “It would appear as if my impeccable sense of humor has found me in trouble yet again.”
“I’d suggest keeping your mouth shut,” sighed James. “But I fear the words would be wasted and the attempt futile.”
“What book?” Both girls asked.
“Keep your voice down,” said Matthew, glancing over his shoulder, across the room where the door to the dining room led, and then suspiciously at Church curled up on the chair beside the fire. “There are ears everywhere.”
Lucie placed her hands on her hips. “What are you four up to? Tell me. Tell me now or I’ll tell Mam and Pa that you’re keeping secrets behind their back.”
James glared at his sister as he used to do when they were children and Lucie desperately wanted him to be the villain in her live production of her latest playwright or novella. He seemed to be contemplating if Lucie’s threat was legitimate or a bluff. Cordelia knew the truth, Lucie would never purposefully sabotage her brother, but rather learn of his secrets on her own if he wouldn’t reveal them freely. However, scaring the information out of him was a much easier and faster tactic. 
James exhaled and whipped his scarf off his shoulders, casually tossing it on the couch. “If you must know, we are in search of a book that will help us locate portals into other realms.” He glanced at Cordelia. “As well as something that may help us learn how to kill Belial.”
“Portals?” Lucie glanced between Matthew and James. “Like the one at the cemetery?”
“Yes,” said James while Matthew nodded enthusiastically.
“Why not just use the portal at the cemetery then?” asked Lucie.
“Because that would be far to easy and nothing in our lives are ever that simple,” said Matthew. 
“Portals can move or vanish,” explained James. “They don’t stay in one place for long and they’re incredibly difficult to track.”
“The closest one could be in the dreaded Americas,” said Matthew with a look of distaste. 
“We also don’t fully understand how they work just yet,” said James. “We don’t know what realm we would be stepping into, we don’t know what exists in those realms, and we don’t know how to return to this one.”
Cordelia, who remained quiet through their confession, asked, “Where is this book?”
James turned to her and she felt her bleeding heart quicken in response. “We’ve called upon Magnus Bane. We’re awaiting his response.”
“Called upon?” asked Lucie. “He’s one of Mam and Pa’s dearest friends. He spent the holidays with us when we were children. Why not just knock on his door if you needed help.”
“Matthew didn’t want to seem rude,” said James.
“The warlock has blue smoke coming out of his fingertips,” said Matthew in distress. “He is a legend. You simply do not waltz up to a legend’s front door and demand a look in his library. I’ve heard of him turning people into toads for much less.”
“Also,” said James, shaking his head at Matthew. “We need to come up with a version of the truth that won’t have him running to our parents about our plans.”
“You need a lie?” asked Cordelia.
“‘A version of the truth’ he said,” cried Matthew. “We cannot lie to a high warlock. He’ll see right through us like cheap cotton.”
“Use me,” said Cordelia. The three of them looked to her with drawn eyebrows and still looks. “I heard Charles talking to Jem about possible ways of retrieving my memories and Magnus’s name came up, briefly, before Charles denied the help of a warlock even on such pressing matters. We could go to his flat and ask for assistance searching through my mind. James can ask to go into the library while he waits and search for the book. Magnus won’t think anything of it since James loves books.”
The perturbed looks did not evaporate once she was finished. Lucie turned her back to Cordelia, her eyes locked on her feet.
“That’s not a bad idea,” said Matthew, the first to speak. “That’s not a bad idea at all. A much better idea than Christopher’s, who suggested one of us poison ourselves and seek an antidote from him.”
“That was your idea,” said James and stepped towards Cordelia. With the distance between them shortened, Cordelia could see the faint dusting of freckles across his cheekbones. The air carried the smell of him towards her: sandalwood, the leather of his gear, and old books. It was enough to make her sway. “Are you sure, Cordelia? You’ve not been awake for twenty four hours yet. Shouldn’t your mind have time to heal?”
 Jem had mentioned something to Charles about it being dangerous to reach into Cordelia’s mind while she healed and that she should have a few weeks to recover to see if the memories returned on their own without intervention. When Charles didn’t accept his warning, Jem offered the name Magnus Bane knowing that Charles would bristle. It worked. Charles agreed to wait until Cordelia’s mind had time to heal before the Silent Brothers would go prodding through her memories in search of something she, herself, could not see.
But she wanted to be of assistance to her friends now. And if she was being absolutely honest, she wanted vengeance. He’d nearly killed Alastair and herself. He did kill their carriage driver and a dear friend of the Herondale’s. Belial kidnapped her in order to gain access to James and she would not allow it to happen again.
“James is right,” said Lucie. “It’s not safe. You should rest and gain your strength. We’ll find another way to retrieve the book.”
“There’s no time,” she said. “Besides, who knows if waiting will draw the memories out or shut them in tighter. I think the earliest we gain access to them the better.”
Lucie offered her a tight smile and inhaled. “Excellent,” she said, but her tone suggested otherwise. “We’ll wait for Magnus to return with an invitation and then we’ll go.”
“Go?” The four of them turned to find Tessa standing in the foray with Will, Alastair, and Sona behind her. Her eyes danced between them. “Go where exactly?”
(A/N: Here it is guys! Thank you for waiting an extra couple of days. I had a birthday party for my nephew this weekend and it was just kind of a rough week in general, but Sunday I was able to mostly write. It’s a lot of dialogue, but it’s fun dialogue. I hope you guys enjoy it.)
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queercapwriting · 5 years
To be honest I have a headcanon where Lena is like the baby gay and is trying so hard to flirt with Kara aka the oblivious bi mess we all know and love. Then like Lucy and Vasquez in the background and ending up helping the lil' luthor because while it's entertaining it's also mortifying to watch; with a heavy dose of good natured teasing from them towards both Lena and Kara.
“This is getting excruciating,” Vasquez muttered to Lucy, because really, it was.
Lena had been vouched for by a very protective Kara and a very defensive Supergirl and had been screened by a protective (of Kara) J’onn and given the all clear - so she’d been in the DEO about as much as Maggie had been of late.
But at least the older Danvers girl had finally figured out that those butterfly feelings were because she wanted to date Maggie, and when Maggie kissed her back, at least she finally understood that Maggie wanted to date her.
And so, they were dating.
But Kara and Lena?
Good Lord.
Lena was trying her damnedest. Wearing her hair in a high ponytail that made Kara gulp and splutter and go to adjust her glasses even when she wasn’t wearing them as Supergirl.
Leaning over Kara in the lab, Lucy and Vasquez not needing superhearing to know exactly how hard Lena’s heart was pounding as she tried to inch closer to Kara, tried to radiate to Kara that it was okay if Kara leaned in, too, that it was more than okay if Kara leaned in, too.
She was radiating it to everyone. Poor J’onn constantly looked like he had a headache. 
Lena was radiating it to everyone, it seemed, but Kara.
Kara, who kept gaping when Lena walked by and then snapping her head into a sharp shake, clearly telling herself that Lena wasn’t into her, that Lena wasn’t even into women, and Kara should just stop being such a bad friend already.
“I dunno, Vasquez,” Lucy shrugged, leaning back and putting her feet up on Winn’s desk, utterly unconcerned that he was trying to use his computer. “It’s kind of… amusing? Does that make me a terrible person?”
“Your utter disregard for my very advanced technology is what makes you a terrible person, Lane,” Winn muttered. Lucy ruffled his hair and begrudgingly took her feet down from his desk. She put them on his lap instead.
“Now you can use your very advanced technology,” she grinned. Winn glared for a moment before shrugging and continuing to program some complicated tech detector that Lucy only vaguely understood but deeply appreciated.
“And it is, by the way,” Winn added, not even needing to look up from his work to hear Lena’s extra breathy laugh at something utterly less than funny Kara had said. “Both excruciating and hilarious. We should do something to help, though. Because poor Lena. I’ve been there. Kara’s not gonna get it until Lena tattoos it onto her forehead.” He furrowed his brow. “You know what. Maybe not even then.”
He turned and sighed, shaking his head affectionately at Kara. “Seriously. You guys need to save Lena from… this. And J’onn. The man looks like he is suffering.”
“I am suffering, Mr. Schott,” J’onn murmured as he walked by behind them. “Don’t you all have things you need to be doing?”
“Like curing your headache? Sir?” Vasquez asked. J’onn covered his face with his hand, knowing when his children had defeated him. 
“Sure, Agent Vasquez. By all means, assist Ms. Luthor. Just… just don’t think so loudly about it.”
Lucy kicked her feet off Winn’s lap and snapped to attention with a grin. “Thank you, sir.”
“Good God,” J’onn just muttered as he walked away.
“Anything I can do, Papa Bear?” Winn asked.
“You can never call me that again,” J’onn said, but the smile in his eyes was obvious, and Winn didn’t stop grinning for the rest of the day.
“Um, excuse me, Ms. Luthor. Ma’am. Can I borrow you?”
Lena turned away from Kara with raised eyebrows, raw and hopeless want still frozen in her eyes. “It’s Lena, really. Just Lena. I’d prefer it, truly.”
“Ms. Lena. Ma’am.”
Lena sighed and laughed, putting her hand on Kara’s arm. Lucy and Vasquez watched Kara’s heart beat out of her chest at the contact, and it was all either of them could do to not groan aloud.
“I’ll be back,” Lena told Kara, who looked like she was still trying to remember Earth languages. “Lead the way,” she told Vasquez gamely.
But she and Lucy didn’t lead Lena to the lab. They led her to the armory.
“Does J’onn think I need to learn how to defend myself better?” Lena asked, concern in her voice.
“No, actually, he knows exactly how well you can kick ass,” Lucy smirked, hopping up to sit casually on one of the old targets Winn was reprogramming to move in and out of the visible spectrum. 
Vasquez closed the door behind them. “We just needed someplace quiet to talk.’
Lena visibly stiffened. “Have I done something wrong?” Her voice lost all the softness it had been acquiring of late, leaning more toward the stern CEO her mother had trained her to be.
Defense after defense after defense.
Lucy softened and put her hands out to Lena. “No, God, sorry. Listen, I’m a military brat and Vasquez has been a secret agent since birth, I guess we don’t know how to do anything without being…”
“Extra terrifying?”
“I was going to say suspiciously secretive.”
Lena huffed, but her shoulders relaxed just slightly even as she hugged herself. “Well? What is it, then?”
Lucy Lane was straight - well, not straight, but it was just an expression, after all - out of the JAG Corps, so she didn’t really see much point in indirectness.
“You’re in love with Supergirl. Kara. Everyone knows she’s the same person, it’s not like the glasses exactly do much and it’s not like Alex doesn’t constantly call Supergirl her sister and it’s not like you’re exactly stupid.”
Lena was blinking like her contacts were acting up, and her shoulders were back to being tense.
“I… think she’s still hung up on that first part you said, Luce. The in love part.”
“Yes, I am,” Lena said, barely at a whisper. “I am… I’m not even ou… how did you -”
“Military training.”
“Spy stuff.”
“Also, we have eyes.”
“And ears.”
“And we’ve seen -”
“And heard -”
“You two interact once or twice.”
Lena blinked again. “Do you two ever -”
“Not finish each other’s sentences? Occasionally.” 
“Yeah, but you should see my friends Fitz-Simmons, we’re not nearly as bad as they are,” Vasquez shrugged. “But you’re changing the subject, Ms. Luthor. Ms. - Lena. Crap, okay. Lena. You’re changing the subject.”
“I… okay. Well.” Lena’s shoulders were tense again. Very much so. But there was also something that might have been hope with a dash of excitement in her eyes. Like she finally had people to talk to about… all this.
“Well, what if I were?” She lowered her voice. “In love with Kara?”
“Well then,” Lucy smiled from ear to ear, “we’re going to help you, because honey, Kara is not going to pick up on subtle cues.”
“The consummate disaster bisexual.”
“So she is into girls?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Most definitely.”
Lena visibly relaxed - this conversation really seemed to be wreaking havoc on her nervous system - and bit her lip. 
“Am I really being that pathetic?”
“Not at all,” Vasquez shook her head. “No, you’re just flirting your ass off. And it’s not bad - your flirting or your ass… um. Respectfully. Ma’am.”
“It’s Lena. And thank you.”
“Lena. You’re not being pathetic. It’s just that Kara…”
“Kara is one of the smartest women I’ve ever met,” Lucy said. “She’s also just as a big of a disaster as her sister.”
“Which means?”
“Which means you need our help.”
Lena sighed, her eyes nothing but vulnerable. “But do you think it even would be worth it? Do you think she even feels… anything for me?”
“Oh, she does,” Lucy nodded, her eyes glistening as plan after plan formed behind them. “She definitely does.”
Two hours later, Lucy leaned back onto the desk Kara was standing at, looking over some surveillance footage with Winn. 
Lucy had, over course, fully briefed Winn over comms.
Alex also knew. As did Maggie.
As did J’onn, though much to his dismay, no one had to tell him with their words.
“Hey Kara,” Lucy said, her voice so deliberately casual that Alex rolled her eyes from all the way across the room. 
“Oh Rao, what could you possibly want?” Kara asked, because she might be oblivious when people liked her, but she certainly wasn’t stupid.
“Want? Me? I don’t want anything. World peace, maybe. Or, galactic peace, that would be nice.”
“I’m busy. The whole Supergirl thing?”
“Right,” Lucy said, and Winn looked over his shoulder to exchange an exasperated glance with Alex, who was pretending very badly to be looking over a situation report. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. You’re so busy, all the time now, you know? Big promotion at CatCo, all the chaos here… Have you had any time, you know… for yourself?”
Kara frowned. “You know I do, Lucy. We have game nights once a week, and you know I have sisters’ nights with Alex -”
“I meant sex, Kara.”
“Oh my God.” Winn let his head bang down on his desk and Alex glared at Vasquez like this was all her fault. Lena, per their plan, was nowhere in ear shot.
“Are you making time for sex? Or, dating, if you don’t want to have sex, because that’s, you know, perfectly fine, if you’re not into that. Or either. That’s okay too, but I was just -”
“I am,” Kara grabbed at Lucy’s wrist and lowered it, like the gesture would also lower Lucy’s voice. “Into those things. Sometimes. With the right… person.”
“Okay, cool. And if I thought I found someone right for you… would you… be interested?”
“Are you setting me up, Lucy? Because for a military lawyer turned secret agent, you’re pretty un-subtle.”
Lucy waved her off. “I’m not going for subtly, Kara. You wouldn’t see subtly if it flirted with you right in the face. Which is exactly the problem.”
Kara went to adjust her glasses before realizing they weren’t on. “What are you talking about?”
“Lena,” Alex mouthed from across the room, and Vasquez hit her on the arm before springing to attention and mouthing an apology. Alex grinned, and Vasquez relaxed.
“It’s like when I liked you, Kara, remember?” Winn blurted. “It was years, you know, and you just really… couldn’t tell.”
“Oh, Winn, are you still - I’m so sorry, it -”
“No, no, James and I are doing great. I love you, Kara, but romantically you’re yesterday’s news -”
“And our incestuous dating pool keeps getting more and more mixed,” Lucy grinned, clapping Winn on the shoulder. “You have excellent taste, my friend.”
“As do you,” Winn gave a little bow from his seat.
“Where is this all going?” Kara asked, dropping her voice to Supergirl level, which was when Vasquez happened to be walking by.
“Supergirl. Ma’am. There’s a situation in the lab the requires your attention. Um. Urgently.”
“Smooth,” Alex whispered as Kara nodded efficiently and practically flew down to the lab.
“What’s the situation? Is everything - oh. Oh. This… doesn’t look like the lab.”
Because it really didn’t. Lucy and Vasquez - with more than a little help from Winn and Alex, while Maggie talked Lena through her excitement and terror in the adjacent room, and a bit of help from J’onn, who really just needed his children to stop thinking so loudly about all of this - had transformed the lab into a romantic dinner for two, complete with candles and a couple bottles of wine on ice (including a Kryptonian version for Kara) and a tablecloth Winn had handstitched for his first home date with James.
There were steaming potstickers and pancakes piled high on the table - because it was Kara Danvers, after all, and Lena had insisted on making sure she had her favorite things - and Lucy had insisted right back that Lena was one of them.
Lena had almost believed her when Alex vehemently agreed.
And then there was Lena. 
She wasn’t in a lab coat and - thank Rao - she wasn’t in any danger. Well, danger of passing out from excited nerves, maybe, but it wasn’t some type of emergency like Kara had thought.
“We had it redone. Just for the evening. Alex gave her consent, don’t worry.”
Kara didn’t look worried. No, that wasn’t the word.
Because Lena was in this red dress, subtle but tight and Rao, Kara had never… she wasn’t… words.
Words were failing her. Language was eluding her. Breath was completely escaping her.
“Lena, what…”
“I’ve been told that I’ve been too subtle in my attempts to flirt with you. So we decided - I decided - that it was time to just… tell you.” She straightened up, at once the woman her mother had trained her to be and every bit her own person. It was intoxicating. She was intoxicating.
“Tell me?”
“That I want you. Um. To date you. That you’re my best friend and you’re an enormous dork and your body is almost as beautiful as your heart and Maggie says we should kiss the girls we want to kiss and I -”
But Kara was already across the room, her hands were already on Lena’s waist, her forehead already pressed delicately against hers.
“You want me to kiss you?” Kara asked, in the most heady combination of her Supergirl and Kara voice she’d ever found.
“I do,” Lena whispered, so Kara… Kara did.
“Victory is mine!” Lucy made them both jump, until the combined force of Vasquez, Alex, and Winn dragged her away, leaving Kara and Lena to finally… admit some things to each other.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
after the storm (Ezra x Reader) [smut]
title: after the storm rating: explicit  length: 3,600 warnings: angst, smut (female receiving oral, fingering, handjob, unprotected sex) notes: set after Prospect, dedicated to the queen of Ezra (as I have decreed it) @rzrcrst​. gif stolen from @lucy-sky​
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Six years ago an arrangement was made. The casual sort of arrangement that comes about after a long night of drinking refined Jeev polish and falling into bed with the one constant in your life. 
You’ve known Ezra since the start of your prospecting career; when you were wide-eyed and green behind the ears and he was too damn cocky for his own good. You’d always had a little crush on him — how could you not? He’s handsome, rugged, charming, and his tongue can cut and soothe. 
You overlook the fact that he held a blaster to your temple on your first expedition. As it was, a few hours later Ezra learned that turnabout’s fair play when you pinned him down and stole his cache. That, you’re certain, was the moment he developed his own brand of infatuation with you. After that, there was always a heat in his eyes that scorched you. That made desire bloom within your soul. 
That look (and the Jeev polish) was what led you into his bed. You can’t forget the way his mouth feels against your skin, the texture of his hair between your fingers, the poetry he writes with his tongue between your thighs. You promise each other, then and there, in the hazy morning glow of twin suns, you’ll make time for this. To explore this connection further. 
But the nature of prospecting means you’re pulled to opposite sides of the galaxy frequently and without reason. It’s one of Keeva’s small miracles that you cross paths at all. You try to keep yourself clean; legitimate ventures on well-turned planets — while Ezra skirts around criminality in the furthest, vilest regions. 
Genuine connections are rare in your line of work. Everyone is out for themselves. In it to win it — with or without a little backstabbing along the way. Sometimes you question whether the connection you formed with Ezra was even genuine. It eats at you when you’re floating through the black; in the long expanses of loneliness between serendipitous moments with him. You forget the way flecks of light play in his dark eyes, the curl of his lips as he lazily smirks, the warmth of his voice when he’s murmuring to you. It feels like more than a passing arrangement. 
If only it were possible to pin him down. But he’s a bird you refuse to cage, so you let him go and hope he’ll come back to you when he’s ready. You cling to the fleeting moments; no more than a week strung together with the stolen nights dotted across five years. Like stars on a dark night — fleeting bright spots that were already fading the moment that they’re seen. 
You haven’t seen him in a year. You look for him at every bustling port, pore over ship-out lists on wayward adventures — hoping to see his name among them. You fear the worse as your hope wanes. He’s absent from his usual haunts, his name omitted from familiar voyages. No one has seen or heard of him in months. 
He’s dead. That’s the only event that would drive him out of the game. He’s dead or dying or simply gone. 
It burns you alive at night when your emotions get the best of you. Because you never told him how you felt. Never confessed that you lived for nights shared with him. That you looked for him wherever you went, that no one compared to him. That you had carried the burden of long-suffering affection despite fears that he would never feel the same way in return. 
He comes to you in dreams. Distant recollections like ghosts that cling to your skin in the morning. You miss the warmth of his body beside yours, a gift you only knew a half-dozen times. You wish you could pull on that feeling like an old well-loved shirt. But his memory is as fleeting as the moments you shared with him. Your recollection of him is slipping through your fingers. 
You’ll never see him again. You convince yourself that he is gone, his body reclaimed by the distant forests he traversed, reduced to merely nutrients that will feed new minerals to harvest. He’d laugh at that thought — you can almost imagine how he’d react to that. But you can’t remember the exact timber of his voice anymore and his response is silent as it slips past lips that fade from your mind’s eye.
There’s a hole-in-the-wall cantina on Vector 7B, it’s the birthplace of your arrangement with Ezra. There are strangers sitting in the round booth in the back of the crowded bar — strangers laughing and carousing in the booth where Ezra once sat. Can you still remember the weight of his hand as it rested on yours beneath the table? How did his lips feel when they first brushed against yours?
You tear your eyes away from the booth, lost in thought and comforted by phantoms of the past. As you turn back towards the bar, you doubt yourself. The phantom is there — sitting at the bar; made of blood and bone and the breath of life. He is travel-worn and weary, the weight of the galaxy rests on his shoulders. He hasn’t seen you yet, or if he has he pretends he hasn’t. 
His left hand curls around the copper cup of polish and your brows furrow. In all the moments you’ve played back in your mind, you’ve never once recalled him favoring his left hand. Faded memories return in flashes — his left hand had found your leg beneath the table while his right curled around his drink. 
It’s not him. 
The phantom turns, keenly aware of a stranger’s eyes on him. Only, neither of you are strangers. It is Ezra. Your eyes find that ridiculous patch of blonde among his tousled chestnut hair, before settling on his dark and stormy gaze. 
Your legs carry you towards him, fingers shaking as you rest them against the bar beside him. “Hey.” You offer casually, chest tight with anxiety. 
“I feared my prolonged absence would render our arrangement obsolete, little bird.” He murmured, reigniting something deep within your soul. His voice was warm, a balm that soothed worries, ushering them out the door. 
“Impossible.” You assured him, chewing on your bottom lip as you looked away from him in search of the bartender. “I’ll have what he’s having.” You remarked cooly, before leaning an elbow against the bar as you angled yourself towards Ezra. 
There’s always been an undercurrent of the morose about him. A looming darkness that settles just beneath the surface. But he masks it well with colorful prose, the charming curl of his lips, and the smooth comfort of his accent. It’s not until your eyes wander from his face that you realize why he’s holding his cup with his left hand. 
“Don’t.” He says with a short jerk of his head. “How have you been, little bird? It’s been nearly a lifetime since we crossed paths.” 
You pull your eyes away from his missing limb and stare at his face. “Not for a lack of trying. I looked for you.” You confessed, disregarding fears that you might sound needy. It’s always been casual, this thing between you. It only happens if you cross paths by happenstance, not if you force it into existence. 
He hums thoughtfully and the silence that settles leaves you feeling like your confession is tantamount to a sin. Had he intended to see this arrangement left to the past? A thought crosses your mind, leaving a bitter taste on your tongue. What if he hadn’t thought of you the way you longed for him? 
“I’m sorry.” You offer quietly, grabbing your drink off the bar as you start to slip away from him. Are you sorry you found him? Sorry you looked for him? Sorry that he’s not a phantom you can wistfully mourn over? 
You falter, half-tempted to keep your forward momentum. You glance back at him, brows furrowed. 
You return to the bar, perching on the stool beside him. Ezra is never as quiet as he is tonight. Even on the bleakest days, he finds reason to speak. Whether it’s technobabble about some new device he’s encountered or tall tales from past voyages. He finds a reason to fill the silence, not let it hang between you in frozen suspension. 
“Tread lightly,” Ezra starts abruptly, dragging his fingers through his hair as he settles you with a look. “Keeva has chosen to remind me that I am merely a mortal, subject to the same weary tolls as the lot of them.” He jerks his head towards the other bar patrons. “I loathe the thought of departing from here into another night of solace in the inky black.” 
Your heart stutters as you stare at him, pulse thrumming in your ears. His earnestness gives you pause. His arm is not the only loss he’s suffered. There’s something less about him, something you overlooked in your haste to remember him.
“Little bird, do not claim to have looked for me if you only intend to release me at dawn break.” Ezra’s shoulders sag as he sighs wearily, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Spare me the allusion of forthright promises.” 
“Ezra,” You start, reaching out to rest your hand on his forearm. Your touch is light, afraid to startle him out of your grasp. “Any promises I intend to make, I intend to keep.” You offer him a small smile as you study his pained expression. “I missed you.” 
“And I you.” He carefully moves his arm beneath your touch, until his hand wraps around your own. You had forgotten how perfectly they fit together, they tingle that plays through you as his fingers glide between yours. “The Green tried to claim me. But how could it, when I was already claimed by another?”
The noise of the cantina around you fades away, the edges of your vision blurring so that all you see is him. This specter that has haunted your every moment. You can feel his pulse beneath the tightening grip of your hand. “By who?” 
Ezra’s lips part with the faintest wry grin. “By you, little bird.” 
You nearly knock the barstool over in your pursuit to kiss him. Your feet barely hit the ground as you throw all sense of decorum to the wind. You cradle his jaw as you bridge the distance between you, making up for the lost months that kept you apart. The memories of before are slowly rebuilt in your mind with the familiar tilt of his head as his lips drag against yours. 
You lose track of time. The bar is abandoned in favor of the accommodations he’s paid for down the street — closer than your own room that’s across town. Neither of you want to waste any time reacquainting yourselves with each other. 
Layers are shedded in the haste of the moment — your layers. Ezra remains steadfastly clothed, resisting your attempts to strip away the barriers between you. The heavy fabric of his program-issued cargo pants drags against your bare thighs as he drapes himself over you, your fingers catch in the soft knit of his shirt, clinging to him as his mouth retraces familiar routes. 
Ezra maps out a galaxy of stars on your skin, featherlight kisses left on freckles and scars, blemishes that earn lavish attention from a mouth you’d nearly forgotten. You realize, as he presses open-mouthed kisses down your lower belly, that he hasn’t touched you yet. His fingers had curled around yours at the bar, but his hand has been suspiciously idle. Fingers peel away your clothes, but they never dare to brush your skin. 
That concern is fleeting, however. Your worry about the warmth of his hand is traded for overwhelming bliss of his mouth as his tongue sweeps between your slick folds. It’s been so long since you’ve been touched like this — your own fingers are pale imitations of what his mouth can do. He knows exactly how to feast upon you. His tongue is his most talented tool. His lips encircle that little bundle of nerves, sucking until you keen out his name. His focus shifts, thrusting his tongue into you, shallowly filling your hollow center. 
You bow up off the bed, hips grinding into his devious mouth. He already has you trembling, your cunt clenching around nothing, save for the quick press of his tongue into you. His hand finally makes contact, pressing firmly on your lower stomach to keep you pinned down to the bed. You want more.
“Ezra.” You pant out, digging your heels into the mattress as you let your legs spread wider for him. His tongue focuses on your clit with short, tight sweeps. Right as you reach the precipice of your release, he works two rough fingers into your soaking center — sliding in with familiar ease, giving you something to clench around as you come apart. 
He doesn’t relent. You expect him to, you even anticipate his movements back up the bed. Shadows of past encounters, patterns still burned into your muscles. Yet he remains between your thighs, the tip of his tongue manipulating your throbbing clit. His fingers work in and out of you, a languid pace that prolongs your orgasm. It’s too much and not enough all at once. 
His fingers stay buried within you, curved just right to make the edges of your vision fade to black. His mouth abandons your cunt, lips trailing along your inner thigh. He peppers your skin with tender kisses, before he drags his teeth over the soft flesh. He leaves tooth-shaped indents in your skin, his tongue lavishing over the marks left in his wake. 
You sink back into the mattress, chest heaving as you feel a second release building in the embers of the first that burned through you. Your body throbs in response to his every touch, to the dance of his breath over your skin, to the subtle way he flexes his fingers within you. He bites down on your inner thigh again, harder this time. He roughly strokes his thumb over your clit as he curls his fingers within you. It’s enough to set you off again. You are unashamed of the way you bend to his whims, the rush of moisture that coats his fingers. The things he can make your body do. 
You hardly recognize your voice as you croak out a broken sentence, stringing together words that beg him to give you more. You want his cock, want the weight of his body over yours, the crush of his hips grinding into yours. But he denies you of that pleasure. He kisses your cunt sweetly as he pulls his fingers out of you. “I am not worthy, little bird.” He whispers as he settles onto the mattress beside you.
Your head lolls to the side to look at him. His soft mustache, lips, and chin glisten with your arousal as he lays there — staring up at the ceiling. The two orgasms he’s pulled from you have rendered you boneless; your mind swimming with pleasure but you manage to hone in on what he’s said. Your eyes follow a path down his left arm, where his hand is wedged beneath the waist of his pants. His breath stutters, face etched with quiet focus. 
Despite how heavily you’re weighed down by satiation, you move closer to him. “Ezra, stop.” His pace falters as he turns to look at you. The storm in his eyes has returned, you swear you can see the lightning in his dark gaze. “Will you let me?”
His jaw sets hard and with a faint jerk of his head your request is acquiesced. 
You curled your legs beneath you, sitting up beside him as you reach out to open his pants. First you unfasten the belt, push the button through the hole, before dragging the zipper down. You push them open, reaching in to free his cock from his boxers. The storm is put to rest as his eyes flutter close, his head sinking back into the mattress behind him. 
He groans out something breathy that resembles your name, the only word that seems to slip from his tongue as you stroke his cock. You take your time, twisting your fingers around his shaft, your thumb dragging over the weeping head of him. You want to make him feel as good as he made you. 
You want to know why he doesn’t think he’s worthy of you. Why he lays fully dressed, while you sit bare before him. He’s hiding something from you. His arm isn’t the only loss he’s suffered. Perhaps, you realize, it’s the revelation itself. The Green tried to take his life and through that he realized that you had already laid claim to his soul. 
He comes apart in your palm, hips rocking upwards as he spills over your fingers. He’s far quieter than you’re used to. It’s been a year and a few odd months, but you still remember the litany of filthy things he’s whispered to you in the heat of the moment. Your stomach drops at the thought that he’s changed and perhaps you’ve lost that man for good. 
He seems content to fall asleep like that and it’s an exhausting uphill battle to convince him to divest himself of his clothes. You want him laid bare as you are. He complies, burrowing into the covers beside you. Still not touching you. 
Your imagined reunion stood in stark contrast with the reality. You had imagined laughter, Ezra’s arms wrapped around you, the warmth of his words soothing your longing. Instead you feel small beside him, like it’s wrong to care about him as strongly as you do. But you know the war within him is not solely bound to your existence. He is not yours to fix. 
The morning welcomes you with rain. You hear it dancing on the metal roof of the Inn, the slow drip of it from a faulty downspout outside the window. It’s comforting, strangely. All the thunder and the lightning has given way to a downpour and you’re content to get wet from it. Perhaps the rain is the reason why Ezra is still resting beside you, breathing even and expression softened by sleep. It’s his room, but you had worried that you’d wake up alone. The rain has trapped him in this room with you. 
In the bleak light of the window you can make out the ruined skin at the end of his right arm. It’s a neat enough amputation, but you know enough to know that no medical professional performed it. He lost it in the Green. He lost a lot in the Green.
“I can feel your casual attempt at scrutiny, little bird.” Ezra drawled out as his eyes slowly opened. “Forgive me if I have no desire of being cast for your pity.”
“I’m not pitying or scrutinizing you Ezra.” You hissed with more venom than you intended. “I am simply wondering what happened to you.” 
He sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose as he stares up at the ceiling. “I was struck down for being myself. Greed and treachery betrayed our cordial agreements.” He turns his head to look at you, brows furrowed. “Why is it that Keeva chose you? You tread a path towards righteous indignation and I wallow in the mire of deceit.”  
Ezra draws you towards him, wrapping his left arm around your waist as you lean against his chest. His breath is warm against the top of your head as he holds you. The silence is no longer oppressive — the steady beating of his heart and the pull of oxygen in and out of his chest is a comfort. 
“What happened last night?” You finally questioned, tilting your head so you could look at him.
“Oh, little bird.” Ezra sighed heavily and shook his head. “I resolved to put distance between us, to keep myself away from you. Foolhardy at best as I still managed to drag these weary bones here — with the shallow hope that you’d find me.” His eyes flickered to yours. “My soul longs for yours, but I don’t wish to taint it. To darken the brightest star in my sky.” 
You silenced him with a kiss. 
At first Ezra doesn’t respond, he remains stone-still until you shift to straddle him. Your hair tumbles in waves around his face as you lean over him. He tangles his fingers in it, clutching at the back of your head as he surges up to meet your lips. This was what you’d longed for last night; you’d touched the flames, but you hadn’t felt the fire. 
He lets you take control at first. Helps as you shove the covers down so you can wrap your fingers around his cock. Ezra roughly grasps at your breast as you sink down onto him. You’re still so sensitive from last night, but your body greedily accepts cock.
Your pace is uneven, it’s not enough. 
Ezra seizes the opportunity, ever the greedy lover. He pushes you back onto the mattress, his cock never slipping from your cunt as he moves above you. You can still hear the rain over the slap of flesh against flesh. It’s heaven to be under him again, to be full of him. He might be afraid to darken your soul, but you’ve opened the window to let the storm in. 
“Are you going to come for me, birdie?” Ezra questioned, lips dragging over your collarbone. “I long to feel your tight little cunt clutch at my cock.” His voice is nearly as rough as the pace of his hips. Raw and thick with desire. 
Your nails bit into his shoulders, into his hips. You left crescent marks on his skin in an attempt to keep him. You can feel your orgasm rising through you, your entire core is tingling with the intensity of the pleasure. 
“Fuck.” Ezra hissed out as you clenched around him. “That’s it little birdie, come for me. Let me feel you.” He lowered his voice, lips brushing against your ear. “Want you to spill all over my cock, like you came for me last night. Such a filthy little thing.” 
The rough tone of his words did you in. Your legs tightened around his hips as you came apart, your inner walls clenching around his cock as it split you open and pulled you back together. “Please.” You whispered, rocking into his driving thrusts. 
Ezra’s hips roughly pressed into yours as he buried the length of his cock within you. You could feel the throb of him as he came apart, filling you with everything he had to give. You moaned, unabashedly, dragging him down so you could kiss him. 
As you came down from the high of the moment; settled under his weight as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck, you realized that the storm had passed. Maybe he wasn’t the man you first met six years ago, but he’s still the man you came to love. It’s unfair that he thinks he’s unworthy of you. So you silently vow to always remind him that the stars still shine after the storm clouds part the night sky. 
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erixyin · 4 years
Idk where i saw this but i need to write my own
MLQC Boys React - MC wearing their shirt/tshirt as a dress in public.
Note: have been dating for a while, like 6 months?
A little NSFW but not too bad x
You had stayed over at his for the weekend and now it was Sunday and you had run out of clean none-casual clothes. And you had forgotten to pack any with you or go shopping because you had been very distracted all weekend. By victor without a shirt on wahhhhhh
You rummaged through his closet quickly. Boi was already at work he had a 6am meeting. You dont know how he has the energy to do that. You would literally die if someone said you have to be out of bed before 6am
He looked at his long fancy shirts and you had an idea. You grabbed the one that felt the nicest and that was not the boring grey shirts he usually had. It was a purple silk shirt and it came down to about your knees. MC is so small.
Little did you know that that was literally one of the most expensive shirts he owned...
You sinched it in at the waist with a belt you had worn over the weekend and put on some gold earrings and necklace. You finished the look with black tights and your black doc martens, PRAYING that no one at work would mind that you looked more SMART CASUAL than SMART.
You thought u looked hella cute in the mirror so u went to work at 9am.
You had forgotten you had a meeting with Victor at 11am.
he did a double take when you walked into the room.
He squinted at your “dress” and you could tell he was going through his memory bank of where he had seen it before.
“Is that... new?” He asked eyeing you every so often before glancing back down to your weekly report
“Uh... yeah relatively. Do u like it?” You asked innocently batting your eyes.
“Where’s it from?” He passed you back your report, forgetting to give any negative comments unusually. He thought you looked hella cute but he totally wasn’t going to tell u that.
“I-I can’t remember.” You blushed hiding behind the report a little.
He stood up and leaned against the front of his desk, now towering above you casually. “I thought you had enough clothes, without needing to borrow mind”
Ok. Now you were bright red.
“D-d-do you not like it?” You stammered and then flashed him a cheeky smile, “i can take it off and give it you back”.
Victor’s hear stopped momentarily before going “Dummy” and patting you gently on the head.
You walked out of his office 2 hours later feeling on top of the world. that’s not the only thing you were on top of
Mr CEO was surprisingly in a good mood for the rest of the day and even gave Goldman a small smile. GOLDMAN IS FREAKING OUT.
It had been a last minute decision sleepover... totally innocent absolutely nothing happened what are you talking about.
Lucien had already left for a lecture he was giving at the university. You had promised to meet up with him once he had finished his schedule.
Now you totally COULD simply go back to your apartment and pick out something you’d worn a few times and Lucien had seen you in. OR you could actually conduct an experiment of your own and make Lucien hella blushy - even if boi went a little red it would be a triumph in himself. BOI HAS A BETTER POKER FACE THAN VICTOR HOW
Being a little bit devious you decided to raid Lucien’s closet. BOI LIKES TO BE STYLISH
He has everything coordinated by colour and by season/activity. Jumpers go in the bottom right next to the winter coats and shirts were hung up towards the left for those “casual days”.
Boi doesnt own a tshirt, he only knows smart casual and smart. Loungewear? Sweatpants?? Boi has never heard of em
Most of his clothes were black and white with a tad bit of grey and brown in there but you found at the very back of the wardrobe a white shirt with pink butterflies patterned over it. Masculinity is so fragile, let the man wear pink. He can OWN it.
You decided to go for it and match it with thigh high suede wedges to give yourself a little extra height. You sinched it in with a simple black studded belt and added nude tights. You put your hair up into a “cute messy” bun and popped a pencil in to keep it in place. You paired it with a little black satchel and “natural” makeup with maybe a red lip tint? Lucien likes a red lip and you can’t tell me otherwise
It was about 2pm and you decided to head over to the university. A little spring in your step.
You knew his schedule by now so you knew he’d be in his office round about now. You checked the times 2:30pm. Half an hour before his next and final lecture.
You entered his office, you didnt need to knock anymore. He knew it was you. Students would always giggle LOUDLY outside his office before knocking. Mainly female students and you PRETENDED not to notice.
He could totally tell you noticed and were trying to hide it
You saw him tapping away on his computer, eyes lost in data.
You plopped your bag over the sofa and walked over to his desk. Kinda annoyed he hadn’t noticed you but also kinda excited because of the build up?
He had a light smile on his face, “Hello MC, i was expecting you a little lat-“ he glanced at your outfit. Boi actually halted his sentence. You were delighted.
You saw the tips of his ears turn pink. successs
he gulped and brought a hand up to his face as his eyes looked at your outfit in detail before looking you directly in the eye, a michevious look on his face, “i haven’t seen that shirt in a very long time. Have to say, it looks better on you”. He watched as you leant over the desk resting on your elbows.
“I think the thigh highs are a nice bonus” he said making it very obvious at where he was looking.
“What time is your next lecture again Luci?” You asked sweetly, leaning over to boop his nose gently.
“Actually my last lecture had to cancel due to some strange unforeseen circumstances”, he said typing the email as he spoke.
“Isn’t that lucky?” He chuckled while glancing at the office door
You gave him a brief kiss on the cheek, “very lucky”
He didn’t make it to the 3pm lecture
He had left some of his clothes at yours before heading out on a mission. He’d been gone for a few days but he had called and said he would be home soon. Weekends were usually spent with you waiting for gavin. He had promised he would stop going on big missions now he had something to come home to.
You kinda got bored waiting for him, because he said he’d be home today. You had told Eli that if he came back with a new bandage you were going to kill him and make him sit in a salt bath. Eli knew you weren’t joking.
You decided to pull out one of the many tshirts he had left at yours. It was an old rock n roll band tshirt. You didn’t know them too well but Gavin had liked to listen to their music every now and then. He didn’t wear it that often anymore, it was a bit too tight on him since he had bought it in his college days.
You had washed it already because you sometimes slept in it. You had been binge watching DIY youtube videos all day when you had a great idea. You really liked the look of the cut out ladder look the girl had done in her youtube video so you decided to do the same. You grabbed a pair of scissors and got to work.
You also decided to give the thsirt a little bit of a v-neck but leaving a piece around the neck for that fake choker look. You looked at your handy work and decided you really quite liked it. The back wasn’t too exposed because of the laddered look but you could always wear something underneath like a mesh top.
It came down to just lower than your thigh. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Considering it was the only piece of clothing you had on right now besides your little running shorts, you thought you looked really cute.
You spun around happy when you saw gavin staring at you COMPLETELY RED outside the window.
“Gavin!” You squealed excitedly as you went to open the window and let him in.
The wind blew underneath your dress/tshirt a little to lift it. You quickly pulled it back down.
Bird cop has stopped working
“You look...” Gavin stood in front of you staring at you. You could see there was a new scar on his neck and arm but no bleeding on any of his clothes.
“I’m so glad you’re home!” You wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his scent
He hugged you bag but went even more red - is that even possible??? - when he felt that the back was laddered and an entrance to your bare back.
“Um you look... very cute” he was now imaging you wearing all of his clothes. Boi was beetroot red someone help him.
“I could pair this with some denim shorts and it would be a date night outfit yeah?” You said taking a step back and spinning round for him
MC why u wanna make this precious boi jealous?? XD
He pulled you in for a quick kiss, “no this is just for me. You’re mine. No one else can see you looking this...” he paused as his ears started to go red again, “good”
Safe to say you didnt kill him for discovering he had several bruises across his back. BUT MC U SAID NO BANDAGES OR BLEEDING SO TECHNICALLY ITS FINE
You had woken up super late - like 11am - after gaming and doing other stuff.... all night. Your body still kinda hurt and ached a little... clearly from doing all of that just dance marathon stuff. If you think kiro isn’t a just dance kinda man i will fight you
The bed was more spacious than normal and you didn’t have a cute blonde cuddling up next to you. Odd. You looked over towards the bathroom but the light was off.
God what day was it? You reached over sluggishly to the bedside table and looked at your phone. It was Wednesday but thankfully you were having a week off after finishing a big project with Kiro’s help.
You had worked the hardest with the late nights and the weekends you had sacrificed. Anna and Kiki thought it was best for you to have a little holiday.
You stretched and sat up. You looked around. Kiro’s jeans were gone and phone. Maybe he had gone to the shops?
You honestly couldnt remember if had anything in his schedule today. Even though he was taking a mini holiday himself - you both timed it perfectly - he still had to do interviews here and there to make Savin happy.
You rubbed your eyes. You didn’t remember where you’re clothes from last night were but they were in NO state to wear. Clearly because of all the sweat from just dance AND NOTHING ELSE ;)
You opened Kiro’s walk in wardrobe. You lazily looked for something to just wear so that you could walk round the house, comfortable but not just nude. Kiro’s house was big and Savin had a key
You picked up a signature yellow and white tshirt that Kiro often wore to events and fan signings. It matched his hoodie but it was perfect for the warmer weather.
Boi was only a few inches taller than you so it JUST came to below your butt. You’d have to bend from the knees and not the waist. Unless you want your butt to be on show.
You found some black unused underwear and popped them on. You debated onto weather you could be bothered putting socks on or not. Then you remembered that Kiro had central floor heating so nahhhhhh
You wandered round the house looking for Kiro. Your bare feet making a gentle thudding noise across the marble floor.
You gave up home when you couldnt find him in the games room or living room so you decided to go get yourself a snack.
You walked in and froze as you saw Kiro. In front of a camera. A LIVE camera. And Savin sat just out of frame.
You just remembered that wednesday afternoons were the weekly Kiro livestreams.
Boi instantly caught your eye and then looked at what you were wearing - barely anything
Whatever he was saying before he was silent. Boi was SHOOKETH. He COUGHED LOUDLY and went a bright scarlet red from his neck to his face.
The livestream chat was going mental as they couldnt see you from the camera angle positioned on Kiro’s face. They were wondering what he was getting so worked up about. It was a really good job that the camera could only see from the waist up
“H-hey guys, sorry I’m gonna have to cut the livestream short.” Savin had his head in his hands, “I’m just not..” he stole another glance at you while you were trying to reach the top of the shelf where the cookies were and his tshirt lifted up higher exposing more. “I’m just not feeling too good.” He chuckled bashfully as he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed.
The chat soon filled up with #get better soon kiro as well as #curiouskiro was trending. Some people speculated that Kiro might have a lover. The fan theories went mental.
“I’ll see you guys next week bye!” And the livestream ended. You blushed as you saw Kiro’s gaze and you crunched on your cookies while looking at the floor.
Savin got up to go and leave and sort things out for Kiro online, to make ensure his reputation wasn’t going to fall because of this unexpected situation.
“Thats my tshirt!” He said as he came over to you still red
“Yeah... and?” You mumbled a mouth full of cookies. Thats not the only thing your mouth’s gonna be full of in a minute miss chips - I’m sorry please forgive me i had to XD
“Miss chips is not allowed to look that good” he whined, “i was doing an interview, i was gonna be back in like half an hour and you looked so peaceful-“
You pressed a finger to his lips to shush him, “well we can still go back to bed now...”
Boi picked u up and carried you upstairs, bridal style.
A week later you made your relationship public. At first the fans were a little upset but then soon adored you when you revealed a little of why Kiro was so blushy the previous Wednesday. #blushyboikiro was trending for a MONTH
BONUS: Shaw:
He had to rush off to his exam in the morning after promising to meet up afterwards for breakfast/lunch
This was at 8am. [bitch you aint getting out of bed at 8am on a day off? Beauty sleep is very important]
His exam was three hours long [the pain of uni exams, i get you Shaw i get you] and you woke up at 11:39
You scrambled for your things but the night before outfit was not really brunch appropriate so you settled for something a lil more casual [and devious]
You grabbed one of his favourite tshirts which fell down to your mid thigh, and cut a slit at the bottom and safety pinned it together [ya know for that EDGY look] [i dont know what the kids are up to these days but i saw my friend do it and she’s cool so]
You grabbed ur cropped zip hoodie, put on some thigh high stockings, put on ur black boot heels from last night and you were ready to go. [you also sprayed some perfume on ur neck, wrist and garter while u were at it. LOOK SIS YOU DEVIOUS AND U KNOW THAT SHAW LIKES IT]
You rushed out the door and thankfully the subway wasnt busy and you got there just as the doors opened and the students came plodding out. You stood there with a coffee in your hand and the other one twiddling your hair in an OH so cute way. [you know how to look cute mmkay]
Several students walked out through the doors but you didnt end up seeing him. Darn you for being so short.
So you sat down on the low wall near the university’s fountain. Your little safety pin glistening in the sun and the tshirt putting your garter on show. [we like that casual but i secretly put in loads of effort kinda vibe]
You started scrolling through Moments incase he got out early but the shitty university wifi meant that it wasn’t refreshing. Furthermore the sun was shining in ur eyes so you couldnt really see much even when your phone was on full brightness
Then a tall shadow blocked the sun and you looked up and saw Shaw stood over you with a sleepy but piercing gaze.
“What are you doing wearing my Black Sabbath Tshirt?” He looked you up and down. Boi was clearly shook but he was damned if he was going to let you know this. Even though you already knew this.
“What you don’t like it? How did your exam go?” You said getting up to give him a quick hug. You knew Shaw had expressed he wasn’t a fan of physical affection but he secretly enjoyed the odd hug/hand holding or head scratch from you. Though he would never share this
“You really think you can distract me from your lazy sense of style?” He raised his eyebrows and looked you up and down again. You could see the twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
“Your rebelliousness has rubbed off onto me” [in more ways than one] you gave him a little spin raising your arms a little so that the top of the stockings and garter would come on show.
You could see that his nose went a little red along with the tips of cheeks. He coughed and placed both hands on ur arms firmly. “Let’s go get something to eat.” He swung you around so that you were now walking back to the subway, with his arm round you.
“But this is the way home...?” You started as you turned to look at his face, still walking
“Well we’re skipping straight to dessert” you could see the glint in his eyes and you allowed yourself to be lead.
Now that thsirt was his absolute favourite, especially whenever you decided to surprise him with it after an exam x
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ravensading · 4 years
New Chapter - It Was You - 5
<> It Was You
<> Jungkook x named reader
<> Kim Yuna was used to being overlooked in favour of her siblings, which is why she excelled at her job as a video game developer. When she meets Jeon Jungkook, it seems like they bond over the fact that they are living in their siblings shadows. But what can she do when he doesn’t recognize her from their one night stand? How can she let him know it was her?
<> in progress
Jungkook ran his hand through his hair for what seemed like the hundredth time that hour. Artists could be so indecisive, he thought to himself, as he tried to revise the floor plan yet again for one of the artists that they were going to showcase next month.
"You look so sexy when you're deep in thought." A voice came from the doorway.
He looked up and blinked, not expecting to be interrupted. His eyes grew wary. "Sora."
She straightened up from the doorway and came towards him. "I would have thought that you'd be happier to see me." She purred, going around the back of his chair. She ran a hand over his shoulder and came around and sat in the chair in front of him, crossing her legs.
"What do you want, Sora?" He sighed.
She pouted. "Is that how you greet an old friend?"
"Is that what we are?"
Sora's eyes sharpened for a moment before it was gone. "Of course." She said softly, coming back around. She gently nudged her chair and settled into his lap. He didn't push her away. "I had feelings for you." She let her voice hitch slightly. "I think that I might still." She dipped her head and nipped at his neck, finding a soft spot that she knew he liked sucked.
His hands remained on the arms of the chair he was in. He sighed and put his hands on her arms, firmly pushing her off his lap and guiding her towards the door. "I'm not interested anymore, Sora. I'm not going to fall for this again."
She got angry. "I know you still want me, Jungkook. We were great together. In bed, and out." She put her hands on his chest. "I realize that it wasn't Namjoon oppa that was the one for me. It was always you. I was just too dumb to realize it." She fisted her hands in his hair and crushed her mouth to his.
He put his hands in his pockets and fisted them.
"Ahem." Came from the doorway. Sora quickly let go and scooted behind Jungkook grabbing onto his arm. "I'm sorry to interrupt." Lucy said, not sounding very sorry at all. "But I have a few documents to go over with Mr. Jeon."
Sora turned to Jungkook, "I'll call you later, and we can continue our...talk." She said, picking up her purse.
Jungkook didn't move. "Don't call me anymore, Sora. We were done a long time ago and I'm not looking to pick things up again now."
Sora's demeanor changed right in front of him. "You're only rejecting me because your brothers have brought you into the fold, and now you think you're so great. They only want you because of your hyungs." She spat.
Jungkook looked at her sadly. "So did you."
Her eyes widened, and she stomped out of the room in her expensive heels.
Jungkook rubbed a hand over his face. He wasn't in love with her anymore, but the words still stung. He looked up at Lucy still at the door. "What do we need to go over?" He asked.
Lucy was watching the angry woman leave the building. "Nothing." She said with a smile. "I thought maybe you needed an excuse."
He chuckled. "Thank you, Lucy. I'm sorry that you have to run interference."
"Part of the job." She chuckled, and went back to her desk.
He sat down, unable to get Sora's words out of his head.
"You're a hit!" Jungkook yelled, so he could be heard over the din.
"Always a team effort." Yuna replied, as he swept her up in a big hug.
"I'm so pround of you." He said, putting his forehead against hers. She gazed at his lips, thinking that they looked like they wer moving closer.
"We did it!" Someone yelled nearby, and the two were crushed into a bearhug. The body quickly went away to give more hugs and Hobi came up to them. He tipped his glass.
"We're up next."
Yuna nodded. She didn't noticed that Jungkook had interlaced his fingers with hers until she needed to pull away. SHe squeezed his fingers and pulled her hand away. He pulled her back in and gave her a peck on the lips. "Good luck."
She looked taken aback, and just smiled. She went to follow Hobi to the side of the stage, and Jungkook went to watch with Tae and the others.
A body came out of nowhere and knocked into Yuna. She went crashing to the floor.
"Omg, are you okay?"
Yuna pulled herself up and took off her glasses. They were twisted beyond repair. "Well, these are done."
"Yuna, are you okay?" Hobi asked again, touching her elbow. She squinted at him. "Can you direct me to the washroom? I have to put my contacts in , or I won't be able to see anything."
They quickly went to the restrooms, and Yuna was relieved that she always carried backups with her."
"How do I look?" She asked, coming out.
"Great. Now let's go!"
They made it to the stage just as their names were called.
Yuna was a confident speaker. Years of travelling with her sisters and attending events, and later the success of her first game meant that she had lots of practice.
But she stumbled when she found Kook in the crowd. He was watching her with an unreadable expression. She pushed down her feelings of unease and continued. She'd have to decipher it later.
Hobi and Yuna were stopped multiple times before they could get back to their group. Jungkook was off to the side, flirting with a bombshell in a red dress. She went up to him. "Kook?"
He didn't turn.
"Kook?" She said again, louder.
"Can't you see he's talking to me?" The woman asked her.
"It's okay." He said lazily. He handed her a keycard. "I'll see you in a little bit?"
The woman smiled and sauntered away.
"What was that about?" Yuna asked. "I thought we were..." She couldn't get the words out.
"Have sex? F***? I changed my mind." He took a drink. "How did it feel to make a fool of me?"
"It was you. That night after Jin-hyung's engagement party." He casually reached out and took her wrist. He ran his finger lightly over the cuff and unbuckled it. Her tattoo came into view. A long sword with the initials DR, all within a circle of fire. Dragon Rider. In reference to her first professional success. "You have no idea how many times I dreamed of your eyes, with the blue contacts, and this tattoo." He put the cuff back in her hand and let go. "And all this time you must have been laughing at me."
"Are you saying you don't remember that night?"
"Of course I do." She said, frustrated. "When was I supposed to bring it up? When you showed up at work? Or at the tasting?"
He wasn't convinced.
"You knew I was looking for you!"
She felt defeated. "Did I? You only told me a short while ago. Besides, you didn't even recognize ME."
They both stood there, staring at each other.
Tae came up to them. "We're heading out."
"Me too." Jungkook said, his eyes still on Yuna. He nodded to Tae and headed to the elevator lobby, alone.
Yuna absently rubbed her wrist tattoo. It was close to midnight, and with everything handed over, she finally had some time to catch up on paperwork. Her eyes caught the Doraemon sitting on her shelf, not moving, since the sun wasn't out.
"Look what I got you!" Kook said excitedly. "It's a dancing Doraemon! He gets his power from the sun." He had put the little figuring on her desk, and sure enough, it started wiggly back and forth due to solar power. He giggled.
"I love it! But you didn't have to."
"I wanted to. You spend so much time in this cubicle, I thought that you could use a few knick knacks to make you smile during crunchtime...
She picked up a double-walled glass, the inside glass in the shape of a cat's paw, so it looked like a cat had stuck its paw into your drink.
"You love cats, and since Namjoon hyung was clumsy and broke one of your glasses at home, I got you a replacement."
Slowly, other memories started crowding in.
"Where do you want to eat tonight? I heard that there's a new mixology bar that's open, do you want to try it?" He asked.
"But you hate those kinds of places."
"Well," He rubbed the back of his neck. "I do. But if you like them, we can go."
She cocked her head. "I think you know me well enough by now to know if I like those kinds of places or not."
He smiled shyly. "Okay, it's that little food stand on the way back to your place for a movie it is."
Late night dinner and a movie.
He had fallen asleep on her couch again. She considered leaving him there, but he had complained about being achy the last time he slept on her couch.
"Come on, Kook. Let's get you into bed. Come on." She coaxed him, like she would an unsure puppy. He slowly made his way to her guest bedroom, and she was tucking him in when "You should stay with me."
She stilled at his words, but caught herself and continued to tuck him in. "I'll see you in the morning." She replied, brushing some hair out of his face. His hand caught her wrist, "Stay." He said, not opening his eyes.
"I'll just be down the hall."
"Too far."
"Good night, Kook."
Even events that they would attended together to beat boredom
"You don't have to come with me, it's just a small fundraiser that I started doing with Jin-hyung. There's going to be no media there." He said, tying his tie.
"All the more reason to keep you company." Yuna said, helping him straighten it."
And then this,
He sounded like a teenager who was told he could stay out all night for the first time. "We can...you know, hang out, after the release party. You know, just the two of us. I mean, if you want to. I got us a suite."
She laughed. "We hang out all the time."
"Yes, but I thought that we'd do something special. You know, since you're going to be a hit and we should celebrate that."
She thought that they were friends. She didn't dare hope that he had developed feelings for her, but when he mentioned getting them a suite to celebrate just the two of them after the release party, she couldn't suppress the giddiness. He was the first person in a long time where she could be herself, where she could let her guard down. She didn't have to pretend to be interesting, or beautiful, or worldly. She could just be her.
And now that was gone. Stupid, stupid for getting attached. It never ended well. She should have kept him at arms length from the beginning. She stared out the window at nothing. Part of her did feel slightly guilty that she had not mentioned it to him when he confessed to her that he was looking for her, and she kept turning over every encounter after that, thinking maybe that had been an opening where she could have told him, but nothing came to mind. They didn't have a chance to be alone since that day, and she didn't think it appropriate to let him know in front of others, even Tae.
She reached for her phone. Maybe there was one last thing she could do for him to ease her guilt, and then she could move on.
Jungkook stepped into the apartment at 3am. He was surprised to see Namjoon up. "Why are you still up?"
"I was waiting for you."
Jungkook studied his brother. "You didn't have to do that."
"No, but you've been out every night since the release party." Namjoon poured himself a glass of water and waited, leaning against the counter. "You never go out that much."
Jungkook sighed and braced himself against the counter. "That girl that I've been obsessing over...It's Yuna."
Namjoon just raised an eyebrow.
Jungkook proceeded to tell his hyung about his revelation from the release party, and the details of their exchange afterwards.
Joon just listened and considered.
"I mean, she could have told me, right? We were working closely together and spending so much time in each other's company. She was probably laughing at me the entire time."
Namjoon looked up at that. "Do you really think so?"
"Why else would she not say anything except to make me look like a fool or use me to get to you?"
Namjoon shook his head. He knew that Jungkook had had a rough time of it growing up, but didn't realize that his brother still held onto some of those feelings.
"Sora also stopped by to see me at the gallery the other day."
Now some pieces were beginning to fall into place. "You shouldn't listen to what she says."
"I didn't exactly go looking for her."
"No, but her words effected you. And made you doubt Yuna."
The small thread of hope that he had been holding onto to validate his feelings were slipping away. He knew he was being unfair. He knew that he had let Sora mess with his head.
"The truth is you didn't recognize her, Kook. Maybe it was a blow to her ego too. And you said that you didn't mention this mystery girl you were looking for until recently. How in the world was she supposed to fess up at this point, so far into your friendship?" He started walking to his room and stopped when he got next to Jungkook. "Get some rest. Clear your head. Then you can think about how to fix this, if that's what you want to do."
Jungkook stood there alone in the dim lighting of the kitchen. Somewhere along the way, even though he had been looking for his one night stand, he had been slowly developing feelings for Yuna. He had denied it to his hyungs, and thought that saying it out loud would keep the feelings at bay, but he finally realized that he was an idiot for denying something right in front of him, while he chased a memory.
He rubbed his hands over his face. Joon was right, he need to get some rest and think about this more when he wasn't exhausted.
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ronninoir · 4 years
Can I Steal You for a Second? CH19
Summary: Adrien is forced to participate in a new dating show, but becomes more excited when Ladybug says she’ll participate as her civilian self.
AKA: AU where Adrien doesn’t know Marinette, the superheroes are 22 and Gabriel is mean and ruthless but not Hawkmoth.
Read on AO3
Start from the beginning Chp 1 on AO3
Chapter 19
To say Lila was intolerable when she came back late that night was an understatement. She gushed about how amazing Adrien was and how gentlemanly he was and she even admitted that they got a “little carried away” in their make-out session and “accidentally” made it to second base. Marinette didn’t believe a word of it.
The next morning was a little awkward. Marinette had woken up to see Juliette and Hanna off and then went to eat breakfast. As she was eating, Lila came down the stairs into the kitchen.
“What are you doing here?” she sneered as she grabbed a piece of bread and began to nibble on it. Lila was clearly not expecting cameras this morning because her face was completely clean of make-up, and her brown hair hung limply around her head in an unflattering way.
“I’m not going on the date,” Marinette said, trying to keep any malice out of her voice.
“Why not? Decided to give up trying to fight me for Adrien?”
Marinette rolled her eyes and responded calmly, “No, I plan to fight for him tomorrow on my one-on-one.”
Lila dropped the bread she was holding.
She violently turned towards where Marinette was sitting and braced her hands on the counter in a way that she probably thought was menacing. “Your what?”
Marinette bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling. She had purposefully not told Lila that she had the one-on-one today and it seemed as though no one else thought to mention it as well. Either that, or Lila never asked. The sheer dumbfounded look on Lila’s face made it totally worth it.
“My one-on-one. I think it has something to do with water, based on the date card. Didn’t yours only involve a round of golf?”
Lila was positively fuming. Although she gushed about the nighttime portion of her date, she reluctantly said that she and Adrien had spent the whole day playing golf, which didn’t lead to a lot of touching or kissing and therefore didn’t make a good enough story to gush about.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure it’s just a pity date. He’ll probably send you home afterwards and the producers will have to come and pick up your bags.” Lila flicked her un-styled hair behind her, as if it made her look more glamorous. “After you’re gone, there will be no one to stop me from winning.”
The phrasing Lila used was infuriating. “Whatever you say,” was all Marinette could mumble before she ran upstairs to hang out in her room.
She didn’t run into Lila again for the rest of the day, even when she ventured downstairs to play video games by herself. The house felt completely empty and it made her skin crawl. Once everyone came home, Lucie in possession of the group date rose, Marinette allowed about half of the girls to drag Marinette to her room to help her pick out outfits for the next day. Once the perfect dress, swimsuit (one of the producers had let slip to Marinette that she would need to pack one) and daytime outfit was picked, everyone except Hanna and Juliette rushed off to bed, chatting excitedly.
“Are you nervous?” Juliette asked as she gathered up Marinette’s shoes. The two girls were helping her pack their bags, a tradition they had started the night before Hanna’s one-on-one all those weeks ago. It helped make the possibility of going home seem smaller with them there to help her pack.
“Not really. I’m honestly just so excited to have him all to myself.” Both girls nodded in agreement, a look of understanding on their faces that felt like a punch to the stomach. Sometimes it was so easy to forget that they were all dating the same guy. And other times, it was hard to ignore that they were all fighting for the same prize. 
Marinette barely slept that night, fretting over all of the possible things that could go wrong or how she was going to trip and embarrass herself in front of Adrien and the cameras. Morning came quicker than she expected and before she knew it, she was being poked awake by Tikki and was numbly dressing into the outfit that had been picked out for her by the girls the night before.
After dragging her suitcase downstairs and leaving it in the main hall, she gave Hanna and Juliette a quick hug before rushing out of the door, an apple for breakfast in hand.
Marinette was 15 minutes into the drive before she finally got up the nerve to say something.
“Where are we going?” Marinette asked the driver tentatively. She was fully prepared for him not to answer, but she was also aware of the fact that there was no way she was still in Paris.
“You’ve got a special treat today,” the driver answered with a smile. “The producers swung to get you and Adrien out of town for the day.” He gave Marinette a genuine smile, which she returned quickly, before sitting back in her seat. The black SUV with tinted windows was more comfortable than the vans they transported a group of girls in, but it was too quiet for Marinette’s preference. At least she was able to talk with Tikki quietly without any of the girls giving her odd looks.
“Tikki, if I’m leaving Paris...”
“You can’t be there in case an akuma attacks.” Tikki finished, knowing what Marinette was worrying about. 
“What should I do?” 
“Well it’s not good for both you and Adrien to be out of town. I’m not going to ask you to not go on the date, that would be too suspicious. Plagg may not think to do this, but the safest thing would be for me to go to Master Fu’s in case anything happened. If there’s an akuma, we can’t have Ladybug too far away. Too many people could get hurt.”
Marinette nodded, knowing Tikki was right, but the idea of letting Tikki leave her side still hurt. “Do you need the earrings?”
Marinette made to take them off, but Tikki stopped her. “Don’t worry. I can work without them.” Tikki took a risk and flew up to touch Marinette on the cheek. “Have fun, and I want to know everything that happens when you get back, okay?”
Marinette nodded, not risking speaking in case she started to cry. She hadn’t been this far apart from Tikki in almost 7 years, and the thought of her leaving was almost too much. She cupped Tikki to her cheek and watched her as she phased through the window and out of the car. 
For the first time in 7 years, Marinette was utterly and completely alone.
Marinette jerked awake when the car came to a stop. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but the last 20 minutes of the drive was quiet and the slow hum of the car lulled her to the sleep she couldn’t find last night.
When she looked out the window, she noticed that she was no longer in Paris. She passed a sign that said, “Jablines” but wasn’t sure where that was. There weren’t many buildings around and the road wasn’t as crowded as it normally was in Paris. Marinette had a feeling this was considered a small town and, from what she could see from the window, thought the place had some charm to it.
She still didn’t understand the purpose of this trip until the car stopped in front of what could only be described as a beach. Marinette climbed out of the car and felt her jaw drop. It was perfect. It was sunny, the sand looked inviting, and the water was the perfect shade of blue, not too clear but not as mucky as the Seine.
Marinette waited for instructions, but none came. As she squinted a little closer, she noticed that there was only one person on the beach, and she had a feeling that it was going to be a certain someone with messy blond hair and heart-stopping green eyes.
Marinette realized she was running only once her feet hit the sand and she had trouble keeping her balance. She had never truly been on a beach before, neither of her parents preferring it nor wanting to leave the bakery to go to one, and Marinette was overwhelmed by the feeling of sand between her toes and the call of the water coming constantly closer to the edge.
Once her eyes locked on the figure ahead, she forgot about the beauty of the beach. This was why she was here, this is what made dealing with Lila and putting up with all of the drama worth it. Adrien lit up when he made eye contact with her and she felt the smile she was wearing grow bigger. She ran towards him and launched herself into his arms, knowing without a doubt that he would catch her. As soon as they touched, they were kissing and Marinette was content at letting this moment last forever.
“Hi” Adrien said once they broke apart, his smile shining brighter than the sun. “I’m so excited to see you today.”
Marinette felt at home in Adrien’s arms. The way he casually held her right now just content looking at her made her melt and she was worried she would turn into a puddle and flow right into the ocean. When she was standing with her Chaton, even though he didn’t know it was her, it made her realize that she would never be alone, even if Tikki wasn’t there.
“I’m so happy to see you Adrien.” She said, her smile growing just a little bigger. He picked her up slightly, and she wrapped her legs around his hips to steady herself as his lips found hers once again. Barely a minute into their date and they already were having trouble staying focused. They were allowed to kiss for about a minute more before a producer cleared his throat and gave Adrien a pointed look.
“Anyway,” he started, a slight blush covering his cheeks. Marinette could feel hers burn as well and knew that they both must look ridiculous. “you’re probably wondering why I brought you all the way out here.” Marinette nodded, not wanting to break up his speech. “Well, I never get to go to the beach just for fun, there’s always some sort of photoshoot happening, and since you always offer to make my life a little more normal every time you’re around, I felt as though it would be appropriate to have a casual day at the beach with you.”
Marinette’s hand automatically covered her heart as she felt her heartbeat quicken. He was perfect. Absolutely perfect. He wanted to experience this with her, and make this the memory he thought of when he remembered his one casual day at the beach. Marinette felt herself blush once again as she spoke up, trying to be heard over the waves, “You know, I’ve never actually been to a beach before.” Adrien’s eyes widened in shock and Marinette felt as though she had to explain. “My parents don’t like to leave the bakery for too long, and so we’ve just never taken a trip. I don’t get out of Paris much...” she trailed off, her thoughts going to Tikki. A sudden sliver of fear ran through her heart. What if there was an akuma right now and both Ladybug and Chat Noir are having a casual day at the beach making out. She physically shook her head, trying to clear away the negative. Tikki’s got this covered and there is no reason to worry.
When Marinette snapped back to her senses, and the beautiful boy standing in front of her, she realized that he seemed to be beaming even more now than before.
“Well then, Marinette, let me help you become an expert beach-goer.”
And he did just that.
After a brief amount of time where Marinette was allowed to change into her swimsuit underneath her clothes, the duo did everything imaginable at the beach. It turns out that the crew rented out the whole beach for the day, so it was only going to be the two of them. They built sand castles and Marinette laughed as Adrien’s was swept away by the ocean before he finished, but Marinette’s remained untouched. They buried a producer in the sand and even were able to find some kites and fly those around. Eventually, Marinette worked up the nerve to push Adrien into the water. Everything changed after that. 
Their clothes were shed and only their swimsuits remained. They were running and splashing each other and Marinette was worried she wouldn’t have enough air in her lungs to breath with all the laughing she was doing.
Eventually they were pulled out of the water, dried off, and mic’d, and forced to sit down and chat about their relationship while eating, and yet trying not to eat a beachside picnic.
“Marinette, this has been the most fun I’ve had on a date so far,” Adrien said, gazing at Marinette in a way that made her blush. That was a pretty high compliment from someone who has been speed dating 30 girls in the past 5 weeks. 
“It has been really fun. But I think my favorite was kicking your butt at Ultimate Mecha Strike.” Adrien burst out laughing and Marinette couldn’t help but join.
“That was a lot of fun, but I still think I could beat you in a different setting.” Marinette snorted, and Adrien had the gall to look offended. “What? You don’t think I could take you on?”
“I think you could try really really hard,” Adrien was laughing again and slightly tackled Marinette, who was laughing again too. She was suddenly aware of the way it felt to have Adrien on top of her, the way his skin, not covered in a leather suit, felt touching hers, also not covered in leather. The way that he didn’t seem to bear any weight on her. Up close, his eyes were even prettier. Marinette knew that if she had the time, she could stare into those eyes and never get bored. And those eyes seemed to be staring back at her. He gently leaned down farther, until their lips were almost touching. They were sharing the breath, and Marinette could feel his lips on hers.
“You know I really really like you,” Adrien whispered. Marinette didn’t answer, as her body was screaming to kiss him again. “Marinette, I want to take you to the end. I really think you could be it for me.” Marinette’s breath caught and she looked deeper into those eyes searching for the hesitation he must have, not knowing that she was Ladybug.
“I think you could be it for me too, Adrien.” Marinette whispered back. Instead of responding, he closed the small gap between them and kissed her once more. This one got a little steamier, especially with them lying down on the beach, which had always seemed so romantic. The thing that broke the moment was a pain in her back as the pair shifted slightly, jamming Marinette’s mic pack into her spine. 
She broke them apart and smiled at him. They sat up remembering that there were not only people watching, but recording their every move and word. Adrien seemed to understand Marinette’s sudden discomfort and asked one of the producers to take their mics off so they could get back into the water.
They traveled far enough into the water that it went up to about Marinette’s waist, Adrien’s upper thighs. They could stand, but it was too far for the cameras to pick up any sound unless they shouted. It was as much privacy as they would get.
“Marinette, I have to tell you something,” Adrien said, pulling her close and turning her so that the cameras couldn’t see either of them very well. They were just far enough in the water that the waves didn’t jostle the couple too much, so it wasn’t difficult to stand in one place and fully focus on Adrien.
“Marinette, I—I—I love you.” She was almost too shocked to say anything back.
“You do?” was all she could say. He didn’t know that she was Ladybug, didn’t know that she knew exactly who he was. And yet.
“Yes, of course I love you. You are the only one that has even come close to capturing my heart on this whole journey and I knew that I needed to tell you today, in a way that not everyone could hear just yet. This was something I wanted to do privately first. 
Marinette was so stunned, she got knocked over by a wave.
In hindsight, she should have seen it coming. She was freaking Ladybug for goodness sakes and she could have held her ground or at least her balance. Instead, she was so busy staring at Adrien. This boy, who just confessed that he loved her, even though he only knew half of her. Even though he also wanted to pursue whoever Ladybug is. This boy, who unknowingly had the opportunity to get to know both sides of her and still choose Marinette over Ladybug. She was so overwhelmed with love and emotion that, yes, she got knocked over by a wave.
Adrien’s reflexes were quick though and he grabbed her and held her steady, waving off the crew that was rushing to come save her. After coughing a little bit, she stood up straight and faced the man she loved, and who loved her in return, with a hesitant smile.
 He matched her smile with one of his signature Chat Noir ones, and Marinette knew that a pun was coming. “Water you doing getting caught in that wave? Weren’t you paying atten-sea-on?” Adrien looked so proud of himself for those two lines, but Marinette, still slightly caught off guard by the love announcement and the wave-attack and therefore not thinking straight, groaned and rolled her eyes.
Adrien physically took a step back, letting his hands drop to his side. He looked hurt, and yet... pensive. “You don’t like my puns?”
Marinette just looked sheepishly at the ground.
Marinette watched as the gears seemed to turn in his head. She could only imagine what he was thinking, but after a minute, his face turned all serious and he looked her right in the eye as he asked her, more like told her, “You’re Ladybug, aren’t you?”
I hope y’all like cliffhangers! 
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haloshornsinkstains · 4 years
Spirit Week - Friday: Beach Day
Featuring the return of Mammon's bitchy fan-club, one beach party, one giant sea monster and the revelation that Devildom alcohol is stronger than you'd think.
Guess what day I had real ideas for? Some artistic liberty was taken with Lotan and his ability to remember Levi, mostly because I love a good monster.
For the first time all week, Kore was up early and actually a little excited. Not so much for the beach theme, but for their plans after the day. Since Mammon had seemed so excited about the prospect of a trip to the beach when Spirit Week themes were first announced, she’d somehow managed to convince him to let her tag along. And, even better, she’d convinced Levi to come along with them. It had taken a lot of pleading, and several mentions that he’d be able to see his pet again if he did, but she’d got there in the end. It was partly selfish, she really did want to go to the beach, but she knew she’d feel much safer with someone there who probably had a better chance of making sure the sea monster didn’t eat her. Especially after the multiple horrified stickers that had been sent to the chat on first mention of the beach trip. She started into the mirror, tugging at the sheer kimono she wore over her bathing suit. It was one of the more modest pieces she’d found, black naturally, with mesh cutouts in the chest and sides. Actually, she quite liked it. “Yo Kore!” She whirled, flushing when she saw Mammon in her now open doorway, dressed in dark trunks and an open yellow shirt. “One day Mammon, I’ll teach you how to knock. I could have been changing.” “Like I’d care about a naked human.” He grumbled, but the blush on his cheeks gave him away. She laughed, turning to grab a pair of shorts and hide her own blush as she pulled them up to cover her thighs. When she turned back she caught Mammon staring at the space where a little if her tattoo had been visible. He coughed and looked away almost as soon as she caught him. “You know you don’t have to come get me every morning, I can just about find my way to breakfast without getting lost. I do manage it when I’m cooking.” “Maybe I just like to.” He coughed, flushing brightly when he realised what he’d said. “I have to guard you is all.” “Mhm, I’m an excuse to get out of cooking duty today aren’t I?” She laughed, pushing him out of the door as she followed. C’mon, I’ll help.”
Later that day, as they walked through the halls of RAD, Kore kept by Mammon’s side more closely than she had in a long time. Almost as if she were trying to hide herself behind him. He frowned, feeling her flinch slightly as they heard a noise of disgust from behind them. “Eurgh, I think that’s put me off my food.” Kore froze, Mammon stopping beside her and turning to find the source of the voice. “Sitri…” Kore blinked, looking up at him, Mammon’s voice was so much colder than she expected and his hand was clenched into a fist at his side. She shifted slightly, letting him shield her a little more. As much as she was more comfortable around demons now, spending so much time with the boys, Monday had been a frightening reminder that not everyone was as kind as Mammon and his brothers. And not everyone was happy with the exchange programme, she shouldn’t have forgotten that. Sitri stepped forwards, reaching out and running a hand down Mammon’s arm with a nigh-predatory smirk. “Mammon, darling , how about you leave that thing and come with us?” She purred. “You should come to The Fall tonight, they’re throwing a Spirit Week party. Beach themed, of course. And you know how wild those get.” He pushed her hand away, more roughly than was really necessary and glared at her from behind his glasses. “I’m busy.” “Don’t be like that.” She started to pout, but registering the glare and the way he stood protectively in front of the human her eyes narrowed, pretty face twisting in anger. “You can’t be serious! You’d rather spend time with that disgusting human than me?! After that bitch got me into trouble with Asmo over a stupid ugly dress!” Both of Mammon’s hands were balled into fists now and he looked about ready to throw a punch when a loud cough punctuated the tension. “I believe you have classes to get to, does there seem to be a problem?” All eyes turned to Lucifer as he strode down the corridor, Kore had never been so relieved to see him in her life. Even Mammon relaxed, shaking his head and throwing a casual arm around her shoulders. “No problem, we were just heading to class.” Sitri couldn’t help but throw out one last barb as they walked away. “Fine, be with that thing! Don’t come running back to me when you realise how ugly and useless she is though!” Kore didn’t look back, even when she heard the yelp and the low murmur of a very angry Lucifer. She hung her head, shrinking back inside herself in a way Mammon hadn’t seen before. He tightened his grip on her shoulder, just a little. “Y’know she’s wrong right?” Kore shook her head. “You don’t have to lie to cheer me up Mammon. It’s sweet you’re trying. But… she’s not really wrong is she?” “I ain’t lying!” He huffed, stopping and turning her to make her face him. “I think you’re pretty great… for a human.” She studied his face carefully, searching his eyes for the telltale signs he was lying to her but coming up blank. Eventually she offered him a small style. “‘Sides, we’ve got a beach party of our own. It’ll be way better than anything she’s going to.” “Thanks. You’re pretty great too… for a demon.” “Of course I’m great. I’m THE Great Mammon.” He grinned, cheeks flushed, and slung his arm back around her shoulders, directing her to class.
After classes they made their way to the beach, Mammon carrying a bag that he’d mysteriously acquired at some point during the day. Kore had text Levi before they left, and he promised to meet them there. “Is anyone else coming?” Mammon shrugged. “I asked Beel but he said he had practice, he might come later. Asmo’s going to The Fall.” “And you didn’t ask Satan or Lucifer I guess?” “Nah. Satan would just come to piss Luci off and then complain the whole time…” “... and Lucifer would stop us.” Kore laughed. “Ah well, the best people will be there.” “Well, of course the best person is there, I’m there!... but Levi?” “Yes Levi, don’t be jealous.” She elbowed him, laughing brightly as they reached the beach. “Oh my… it’s beautiful.” “It’s just a beach?” She turned, her grin brighter than the sun. “I haven’t been to a beach in… a really long time. This looks tropical, even without the sunshine, beaches at home are mostly pebbles and clouds. It’s so gorgeous.” “Uh, guys, why are you stood here? You normies are so weird.” They turned to see Levi standing there frowning at them. “You came!” Kore was still grinning, the weight of the day seeming to melt off her. “I said I would. There weren’t any raids or anything in my game so…” Laughing happily Kore headed down to the beach, leaving the two boys to follow behind her until she found a spot under a tree to sit. Mammon flopped down next to her, leaning back in the sand and closing his eyes. “This is great, peace and quiet.” Levi sat cross-legged, catching something on Mononoke Land as Kore stared out towards the sea. “Is the water warm?” Mammon shrugged. “Not really, maybe 30 degrees?” “Centigrade?!” He nodded. “Yeah, cold.” “That’s… that’s actually quite warm for humans.” She shook her head. “We should swim.” “Nah, m’happy here.” “Levi?” Levi grumbled but nodded. “I’m not coming for you, I just want to see Lotan” Quickly shimmying out of the shorts and kimono she’d covered up with all day Kore turned and sprinted towards the water, leaving Levi struggling out of his t shirt and running to catch up with her, panting all the way.
Once at the water Kore wasted no time diving in, she hadn’t swum in years and she was pretty sure she sucked at it, but it was so nice and warm and so freeing she didn’t really care. She could hear the splash behind her and Levi entered the water, swimming beneath the waves for much longer than she could have dreamed of managing. There was a very good reason he was Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy, he might not be able to run to save his life but he was a natural in the water. Probably explained the whole, sleeping in a bathtub thing. She found herself treading water watching him clearly enjoying his time in the open ocean. There was a splash and a horned head popped up in front of her, she hadn’t even realised he’d shifted to his demon form. “For someone who wanted to swim you’re doing a terrible job of it.” “I was just watching. You’re a really good swimmer.” “Uh… yeah? You normies are so weird.” She flicked water at his face for that. “Leviachan, how many times do I have to tell you I’m not a normie? Just ‘cause I don’t know stuff from Devildom.” “Trying to get me on your side by pretending to be an otaku is just sad.” She huffed, sending another wave of water at him in response. Blushing, but finally smiling, he flicked water back at her with his tail. “Oh, you’re on.” She laughed, starting to paddle backwards, splashing him the whole way. There was an almost predatory look in Levi’s eyes as he followed her, swiftly sinking below the surface. She shrieked as his tail wrapped around her waist, pulling her under just for a second before letting her resurface, laughing and spluttering. “That’s cheating!” She grinned. “You’re more confident in the water you know, it’s nice.” He blushed bright red, sinking a little and shaking his head. “You’re just weird.” She paused, eyes widening as she stared out at the sea behind them. “Um, Levi? I think I found Lotan.”
Levi turned, wrapping his tail around her waist again and pulling her slightly behind him as seven dragonesque heads raised from the ocean, regarding them hungrily. Kore stayed close to him, watching with wide eyes as she kicked softly under the water to help keep herself afloat. “Woah.” Levi turned his head slightly, to see her eyes sparkling with delight and a smile on her face. “So weird.” He muttered, though his lips curved up into a smile. “Lotan! Did you miss me?” He released Kore’s waist and swam forwards, leaving her to watch as the sea serpent dropped his head and let Leviathan pat his nose affectionately. After a few moments he turned back to her and beckoned for her to come forwards. Swimming slowly she approached the pair, staying just behind Levi just in case as he watched her. “Can I pet him?” Levi frowned. “Yes? If you were just going to look you could do it from back there.” Slowly she reached out a hand, letting it hang in the air for Lotan to smell like she would a dog. She wasn’t actually sure if the monster could smell anything, but when you’re faced with a giant beast that could probably swallow you whole you took things slowly. It was Lotan that closed the gap, bumping one of his seven noses against her palm, letting her gently stroke his face. “Wow, you’re amazing. It’s very nice to meet you Lotan.” She ignored the pointed stare Levi was giving her, muttering something about her being crazy under his breath as she talked to his pet. She smiled, finally pulling her hand away and swimming backwards a little. “I’ll leave you two to catch up, I’m getting tired.” Levi frowned. “You’re a terrible swimmer.” “I know.” She smiled, offering him a wave before making her way back to the beach.
Mammon frowned at her from his new position propped up against the tree when she came to set herself down on the sand beside him, making her grin and stick her tongue out at him. “Don’t be jealous.” “M’not jealous.” He grumbled, reaching into the bag and pulling out a bottle of something. “Oooh, share?” She reached for the bottle, but he moved his arm away, resulting in her nearly falling on top of him. She caught herself just in time, though not soon enough to stop a blush heating her cheeks. “Are you even old enough to drink?” “I’ve been drinking for years! I’m not a child!” He narrowed his eyes but handed her the bottle, watching as she took a sip, followed by a second longer drink. “Hey! Don’t drink it all! That’s strong, little humans like you can’t handle alcohol.” Kore huffed, but she handed the bottle back. “I’ll have you know I’m a great drinker.” “Mhm.” Mammon tipped the bottle back, swallowing a few times before letting her take it from him again. She hummed contentedly, shifting over a little to lean against him. “Hey, hey, you’re all wet, gerrof!” “Water will do that to a person.” She laughed, pointedly not shifting. He made no real moves to push her away, though he did grumble at her a little. Kore took it all with a smile, passing the bottle back and forth between them in a comfortable quiet while she watched the water and the two figures swimming around in it.
“You’re handsome when you smile like that.” Mammon spluttered on his mouthful of drink, turning his face away. “Of course I’m handsome. You’re lucky I aint charging you for this view.” “Hmm, such grump.” She reached for the bottle again but it held it out of the way. “You normies are weird.” “Leviachan!” She grinned, reaching out and tugging on his hand. The unexpected movement pulled him off balance and Leviathan found himself suddenly sprawled across the pair of them, face flushed bright red as he righted himself. “Aww, you’re cute when you blush.” She wrapped her arms around each of their shoulders. “You guys are my favourites, you’re the best!” “Mammon, how much alcohol did you give her?” Levi peered at her flushed cheeks and slightly unfocused eyes. “Like, three drinks? She said she was good at drinking!” “I am good at drinking! M’not drunk!” “Do you have any idea how much stronger alcohol is in the Devildom compared to the human world Mammon? No, wait, of course you don’t because you’re an idiot.” Levi grumbled, ignoring Kore’s protests about her sobriety. “You can explain to Lucifer.” “What?! No way!” “You got her drunk.” “Stop bickering.” Kore frowned, tightening her grip on their shoulders. “We’re going to sneak in and he won’t notice, kay?”
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madpanda75 · 5 years
“Escape Room Escapades” Part Two
Part Two of my story where Rafael and the reader are locked in an escape room, with the prompts: "That’s probably the fastest I’ve ever done that” and “Isn’t this considered public indecency? We could get arrested!” from this lovely smut-filled list. 
You can read Part One on my Masterlist. I was gonna make this the conclusion but who knows, there may be a third part...ya’ never know ❤️
Warning: NSFW (I also call Rafael a “butt nugget” because I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy 😂)
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A gust of wind rushed past your bare legs as you walked down the street. You clutched your skirt, making sure you didn’t flash any poor unsuspecting passerby. Having been too preoccupied with Rafael’s cases and your own, you had forgotten to do the laundry. The only pair of clean clothes you had was a brown suede skirt and a cream colored sweater. Going commando to a team building event was not ideal, but you could suffer through a couple of hours. You had been to an Escape Room before. The plan was to get the whole charade over with as quickly as possible and make it back home in time for some birthday champagne and a Netflix marathon on your couch.
You turned the corner and saw Rafael outside the building. He was dressed in a blue-grey cashmere sweater and jeans that did a stellar job accentuating his assets. Good Lord, the man looked amazing even in casual clothes. You walked up to where he was standing, silently cursing him for being so damn cute. “Rafael?”
Rafael turned towards you. Your heart skipped a beat. Up close you could see how the color of his sweater brought out the green in his eyes, some stubble on his face already beginning to grow after one day of not shaving. You shook off your impure thoughts and glanced down at your phone to check the time. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Patel couldn’t come. He had to take his dog to the vet and Walters is sick with dengue flu.” Rafael rolled his eyes at that last part. You would think a lawyer could come up with a better excuse.
“So it’s just us then,” you said.
“It would appear so.”
“Great,” you grumbled, reminding yourself to have a little chat with Patel and Walters on Monday morning. Let’s see them try and ask you for advice on litigation techniques now. “Come on. Let’s get this over with so we can go on with our lives.”
Once inside, a young employee whose name tag read “Lucy” signed you both in. Rafael stood next to you while you filled out the registration form, studying your profile—the gentle slope of your nose, your cherry red pout. He could feel your body radiating heat. You were exquisite. How was he supposed to concentrate with you in the room. His racing mind suddenly came to a screeching halt when you glanced up and caught him staring.
“What?” You asked, furrowing your brows at him.
“Nothing. I just...uh...noticed it was your birthday today.” Rafael pointed to the form.
“Yep and I’m stuck here with you,” you sighed. “Lucky me.”
Once you finished, Lucy led you down a hall with several doors, stopping at one called, The Hydeout Game. “Here’s the story,” she replied in a dramatic British accent. “The good Dr. Jekyll has been acting strangely for weeks and gone missing!” She gasped. “A crazy fellow has been causing chaos in town so you’ve been hired to investigate. Can you find out what happened to Dr. Jekyll before it’s too late.” She rubbed her hands together and manically began to laugh.
You and Rafael looked at each other and then at her, completely unfazed.
“Tough crowd,” Lucy mumbled, losing the British accent. “Ok, here’s the deal. You have 75 minutes to figure out how to get out of the room. There’s a walkie talkie in there in case you need help.”
“75 minutes. I thought this was only supposed to be an hour,” you said.
“Your boss specifically requested that we give each group an extra 15 minutes to ensure you have enough time to figure out how to escape,” Lucy replied.
Rafael scoffed. “Well it’s nice to know Jack McCoy has confidence in our ability.”
Lucy unlocked the door and made a sweeping grand gesture with her arm for you to enter the room. The room was set up to reflect Victorian times, elegant with luxe blood red wallpaper and plush furniture. A large fireplace was on your right and to the left was a sitting area with bookshelves and a secretary desk. In the middle of the room a table was set up to look like a laboratory with various beakers, pipettes, and paper strewn around.  “Good luck!” She waved and slammed the door shut.
It only took fifteen minutes of being locked in a room with Rafael for you both to begin bickering. You managed to find Dr. Jekyll’s journal, a large notebook with a cryptic message scrawled on the page. Obviously it was a code of some sort. The problem was you and Rafael couldn’t decide which code it was.
“It’s clearly morse code,” Rafael argued. “Look at the length of the message. It fits into the morse code alphabet.”
“That would be too easy, Barba,” you retorted. “It’s Alberti’s disk. The message is written out of order. You can encipher it one letter at a time.”
Rafael shook his head. “This isn’t rocket science. It’s a locked room in the middle of Manhattan where kids go to celebrate their birthdays. Trust me, it’s morse code.”
You stood there with your arms crossed, both of you going back and forth like a tennis match.
“No, it isn’t”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, you’re wrong.”
“No you’re wrong.”
“No, I’m the one who’s right! You’re just being...a...a...a butt nugget!” You exclaimed. There were several other choice words you had for Rafael yet butt nugget was the first thing that popped into your head.
“Wow. Butt nugget. Really?” Rafael laughed. “If this is how you argue in court, maybe you should have taken more plea deals with my cases.”
Red flashed before your eyes. You were seething. “That’s it! I’ve had it!” You boomed, stomping over to the door and pulling on the knob. When it didn’t budge you pounded on the frame, demanding to be let out.
Rafael’s eyes widened and went over to lead you away from the door. “What are you doing? Just calm down!”
“Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!” You screeched, practically in hysterics by that point. “I can’t calm down because I’m stuck in a room with YOU! What is wrong with you?! For months I’ve been bending over backwards, working like a dog to help you and for what?! So you can treat me like dirt and criticize every single thing I do.” You ranted and raved, moving closer and closer towards Rafael. “Whatever happened to a thank you! But no, nothing! Maybe if you removed that torts book you have wedged up your ass, you would realize that I was just trying to help you! And to think I was once attracted to you! Major mistake on my part.” You laughed like a mad woman before getting right in his face. “Now you listen to me. We’re going to figure out this puzzle, get out of this room and we’re going to do it MY way and if you don’t like it that’s too damn bad.” By this point you were practically nose to nose with him, jabbing him in the chest with your index finger, out of breath from your maniacal tirade. Of course it was hard to focus on staying angry when the smell of his cologne left you weak in the knees.
Rafael didn’t speak a word. He glared at you—his nostrils flaring, his jaw set. You felt a sudden shift in the room, your hateful stares transforming from fury to lust. The temperature began to rise and a flush crept up your face. It felt like you were about to combust. Beads of sweat dotted Rafael’s forehead, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. He let out a shaky breath, lowering his gaze to your mouth. Before you could even react, he grabbed you by the waist and kissed you hard. Your bodies sighed in relief, finally releasing months of pent up sexual frustration.
The kiss was everything you had fantasized it would be and more. So much more. It was explosive and all-consuming. Rafael tasted like coffee mixed with mint and a hint of spice. His strong lips moving fervently against yours, sending a tingle straight to your core.
He pushed you back against the old fashioned secretary desk, a drawer popping open to reveal another clue. You gasped in surprise, allowing him to slide his tongue into your mouth. One hand found its way to your hair, threading his fingers through your silken locks while the other cupped your face. Rafael was shaking slightly, trying to restrain himself and not paw at your flesh. You grabbed his hand and moved it to your breast, granting him permission to explore your body.
He groaned, gently squeezing your breast, feeling your nipple strain against your thin sweater. His lips must have been laced with an aphrodisiac. Everything around you become fuzzy except for Rafael. The tension in the room began to dissipate. The hunger you had for each other reached its peak. Both of you surrendered to the moment, giving into your deepest desires.
Your pussy throbbed with need, your arousal beginning to coat your inner thighs. In an answer to your prayers, Rafael wedged his leg between yours, spreading you open for him. His eyebrows raised in surprise when he reached down to lift your skirt only to discover that you weren’t wearing any panties. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” He purred against your mouth.
“Don’t ever underestimate me, Barba,” you giggled into a moan, rocking back and forth on his thick thigh, the rough denim providing the most delicious friction against your clit.
Rafael braced his leg against the desk and grabbed your hips, encouraging you to grind down harder against him. He could feel a wet spot beginning to form on his thigh. His kisses moved across your cheek, finding purchase on the sensitive spot below your ear. He inhaled deeply. You smelled like cinnamon and vanilla, alluring, warm, and good enough to eat. Your pulse quickened, he could feel your heartbeat beneath his lips as he painted your skin with his tongue.
You shuddered and reached for his belt buckle. “Fuck me,” you said in a breathless whisper.
The sound of clinking metal brought him back to reality. He stepped away from you, his chest heaving from exertion. “Wait. Isn’t this considered public indecency? We could get arrested.”
You nodded your head, completely out of breath. “True. It is a Class B Misdemeanor, punishable by up to 3 years in jail or probation and a fine of up to $500. Not to mention having a permanent criminal record.” You glanced down to see Rafael’s erection straining against his jeans. A sinful smirk slowly spread across your face. Sitting down on the desk, you opened your legs even more, teasing him with your glistening swollen sex. “So do you think we should stop?”
Rafael licked his lips, his eyes darkened as he drank you in. “No fucking way,” he growled.
In one long stride, he was on you, planting a searing kiss to your lips while he dragged his fingers against your slit.
You reached down and whipped off his belt before unzipping his jeans. “I’m on the pill and I’m clean,” you mumbled between kisses.
“So am I,” he replied, pushing his pants and underwear down in one swift movement.
Grabbing his cock, he brought it up to your sheath only to stop for a moment. He locked eyes with you, searching your face for any sign of uncertainty. You smiled and nodded your head, wanting this just as much as he did.
Rafael slowly guided himself into your sheath. You mewled in response, grabbing a fistful of his sweater. “Fuck,” you whimpered. “I knew there had to be a reason why you were so cocky.”
Rafael let out a breathless laugh, stopping halfway to let you adjust to his size. As your body relaxed, he pushed himself further until he was buried deep inside your molten hot core. Inch by inch, he slowly pulled out, leaving the head of his cock inside you before pressing back in. Your head fell back, a loud drawn out moan leaving your lips.
Rafael shushed you and grabbed your chin to meet his gaze, dragging his thumb across your bottom lip. “We have to keep it down.”
You nodded and gently bit down on the pad of his thumb before taking it in your mouth, moaning around the digit as he began to move against you. Rafael found his rhythm, his ass cheeks clenching with every hard thrust. The wet sounds of your coupling spurred him on and he quickened his pace.
You released his thumb and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your head in the crook of his neck. “Barba,” you gasped.
“Call me, Rafael,” he replied in a strained voice.
You obliged, softly chanting his name. Your hot breath tickling his ear. “Oh, Rafael,” you softly moaned, biting down on his earlobe.
Rafael groaned. There were so many nights he would spend stroking himself, imagining you with your legs wrapped around him, whispering his name. Even now he wasn’t fully convinced that this wasn’t a dream and he would wake up alone in his bed, in need a cold shower.
He took hold of your leg and lifted it until your knee was pressed up against your chest, allowing him to penetrate you even deeper. You drew in a sharp intake of breath causing Rafael to freeze and instantly pull back. “Did I hurt you?”
“No. It feels so good,” you whined and wrapped your other leg around his waist, using it as leverage to arch your hips up. Letting go of his restraint, he pounded into you, grunting with his efforts, pushing you towards your release while trying to hold off his own. The desk banging into the wall with every movement.
You choked back a sob, the root of his cock rubbing against your clit. A warmth spread throughout your body, settling all the way down to your toes curling within your boots. One more thrust sent you over the edge. Rafael tugged you into a bruising kiss, silencing your cries as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through you. You trembled, your nails biting into Rafael’s neck as you clenched hard against him. He groaned into your mouth, impaling you one final time before his cock swelled inside your core, filling you with his release.
Aftershocks surged through your body, your walls still fluttering against Rafael’s cock. He shivered and gently lowered your leg. For a split second, you forgot where you were, losing yourself in his passionate embrace until Lucy’s voice came over the walkie talkie. “Hey guys!”
You pushed Rafael away and grabbed the walkie talkie. “We didn’t do anything!?!” You said in a panic.
“Well of course you didn’t, you’re still locked in the room. Consider this your 30 minute warning.”
“Thanks.” You hopped off the desk and adjusted your skirt. “How are we going to get out of here,” you mumbled to yourself while looking around for clues. Your mind switched gears from having impulsive angry hot sex with a man you were supposed to hate over trying to figure out how to win the game, which was no easy feat with Rafael’s cum leaking out of you.  
“This is ridiculous.” Rafael zipped up his pants and helped you search the room. He was sweating through his sweater from your coital workout. “We’re two of Manhattan’s top ADAs. It shouldn’t be this complicated.”
“Try to think outside the box and look in places you normally wouldn’t.” You bent down and inspected the faux fireplace.
Rafael stopped, noticing how your skirt rode up, following the line of your long legs all the way up to your ass. He tugged on his collar and cleared his throat, shifting his gaze over to the table and picking up a prop beaker. “So...ummm...do you always go commando.”
You turned towards him, blushing profusely. “Laundry day,” you explained, clenching your thighs together. Narrowing your eyes, you looked right past Rafael and noticed the open drawer on the secretary desk. The drawer you had bumped open while otherwise occupied. You brushed past him, making a beeline to the desk drawer and pulled out a decoder ring. Your eyes shifted to Jekyll’s journal on the side table that you and Rafael had been squabbling over earlier. “I’ve got it,” you announced.
It was all beginning to make sense. The numbers on the page spelled out another clue. Once you figured that out, it was all downhill from there. You glanced over at Rafael and smiled. “Alright counselor, are you ready to get out of here.”
You and Rafael put your minds together and were able to find the key and unlock the room with 10 minutes to spare. The minute the door opened, you both thanked Lucy and fled, terrified she would suspect something other than puzzle solving happened in that room.
It was dusk by the time you walked outside. The cool crisp air whipped at your face while leaves danced around your feet. A rich and earthy scent hung in the air, it was warm, smoky, and inviting. Even the city that never sleeps couldn’t escape the impending arrival of autumn.  
You stood on the sidewalk next to Rafael, rocking back on your heels, avoiding eye contact at all cost. Apart from the honking cars and chatter of people brushing past, there was nothing but awkward silence between you both. The reality of what just happened less than an hour ago began to sink in. Neither of you dared to make the first move, waiting to see if the other person would speak first.
In the end, it was you that eventually caved. “That’s probably the fastest I’ve ever done that,” you blurted out. “Unlocking the room, not the sex. Although I don’t normally rush into sex either and definitely not with a coworker. I mean not that the sex wasn’t good cause in the words of Tony the Tiger, it was grrrrrreat! I mean, I haven’t orgasmed that hard in years and— Oh my God, I can’t believe I just said that.” You turned beet red and covered your face with your hands. Rafael’s eyebrows shot up into his forehead, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile. While you were humiliated by your bout of verbal diarrhea, he thought it was absolutely adorable. “And on that note, I’m leaving. Have a good night and I’ll see you on Monday.” You gave him a half-ass wave and scurried away as fast as humanly possible.
It took Rafael a second to realize you were gone you had left so quickly. He was surprised that you hadn’t left a dust cloud in your wake like in the cartoons. “Y/N, wait up,” he called, practically jogging down the street to catch up with you. “Jesus, you’re fast,” he huffed.
You stopped in your tracks, shocked that Rafael was chasing you down and not laughing at your expense back where you had left him. “What is it, Rafael?”
“Well, I was wondering if you had any plans for your birthday?”
“Probably vegging out on my couch, binging “Murder She Wrote” while drinking champagne straight from the bottle,” you replied with a shrug.
Rafael nodded and scratched the bridge of his nose, his heart hammering in his chest at what he was about to say. “That’s too bad because I was wondering if you’d like to celebrate it with me.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Really!?”
Rafael chuckled. “Yeah, really. There’s a great French restaurant not too far from here. Unless you’d rather spend the evening with Angela Lansbury.”
“I think Angela can survive without me for one night.” You smiled and took a step closer to Rafael, reaching out for his hand.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, glancing down at your joined hands before looking up to meet your gaze. With his free hand, he reached up and gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before trailing down to your cheek, caressing the soft skin with his thumb. You closed your eyes and tilted your head, your mouth brushing up against his palm.
Rafael’s breath hitched, pulling you close enough towards him to press a soft kiss to your lips. This kiss was different than before. It was shy and hesitant, almost innocent. Almost. The kiss quickly began to unfurl into something more, something dark and desperate.
Somewhere off in the distance, you could’ve sworn you heard someone say, “Get a room.” As ironic as that was, you couldn’t care less and neither did Rafael. You melted under his touch, his tongue dueling with yours as your breaths mingled. You clutched fistfuls of Rafael’s sweater for fear your legs would give out.
Pulling back just a hair, you looked into Rafael’s big green eyes, now consumed by lust. “Why don’t we get the food to go?” You suggested with a devious smirk on your face.
You were awoken the next morning by an expletive followed by the sound of a pan clanging against your counter. The rich smell of chocolate filled your nostrils.
Untangling yourself from the bedsheets, you sat upright and stretched your arms over your head, naked as a jaybird, your bedhead wild and crazy. It had been months since you had slept so soundly. You felt rested and invigorated.
You let out a contented sigh and flopped back in bed, melting into the mattress. Your fingers skimmed across your body, trailing down to the dull ache between your legs. Rafael’s touch still lingered on your skin, the smell of sex mixed with his cologne covered you like a blanket.
Last night, it was more than just layers of clothing that were shed. Words were exchanged. Months worth of suppressed emotions bubbled to the surface. You were finally able to look past the insecurities, the animosity, and truly see the other person.
Turns out you and Rafael had more in common than you thought. It wasn’t easy for either of you to open up but laying in bed, sweaty and satiated, your limbs entwined, you both felt safe, finding comfort in each other’s arms.
More clattering coming from the kitchen made you curious to see exactly what Rafael was up to. The walls of your apartment were paper-thin. You could hear him cursing and rifling through your drawers. Getting up out of bed, you shivered and wrapped your arms around yourself before spying Rafael’s cashmere sweater on the floor. You tugged it on, the hem barely concealing your bottom and padded down the hall, following the path of clothes that littered the floor.
You walked into the kitchen and spied Rafael standing in front of the oven, wearing nothing but your apron. His back may have been to you but you knew the front of the apron read, “Hot and Spicy….and the food is pretty good too!” It was an appropriate choice of outfit for him in that moment.
Leaning against the doorframe, you took advantage of the view before you, drinking in his bare feet, his muscular calves, all the way up to his thick thighs and finally settling on his firm yet oh so pinchable ass. His ass was the reason why they invented the peach emoji in the first place. You could bounce a nickel off it.  
Sensing that he was being watched, Rafael turned around. “Good morning,” he said with a shy smile, his ungelled hair sticking out in every direction. He had a dark smear of something that appeared to be chocolate batter on his cheek. There was a boyish charm to him, a far contrast to the tailored suits and sharp-tongued snarky ADA you had grown accustomed to. It was a side of Rafael you had never seen before.
“Morning.” You took a step closer and grabbed a kitchen towel, cleaning the chocolate smudge off his face. “Be careful with the oven. That’s an unfortunate kitchen accident in the making,” you teased and playfully tugged his apron. “Oh...yeah.” Rafael blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, stepping aside to reveal an unfrosted chocolate cake sitting on a plate. “I was trying to find your coffee but I saw the cake mix and since we never got to dessert last night I thought I would bake you a breakfast birthday cake.” You gazed down at the dessert, feeling a lump form in your throat. Noone had ever made you a cake for your birthday before, not even your parents. In fact, you had forgotten you even had the cake mix in your cupboard. The simple gesture touched your heart. You turned around and smiled at him.  “I appreciate the sentiment, although  I think I got my dessert last night.” You pushed back a lock of hair that had flopped forward on his forehead, planting a kiss on the spot then moving lower to kiss the tip of his nose, and finally his lips. “Thank you,” you whispered. “You’re welcome.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you deeply, humming in appreciation as his hands moved lower towards your backside. “Can I help frost?” You purred against his lips.
“If you like.”
You grabbed the cake and placed it on the counter next to the open can of chocolate frosting that Rafael had set out earlier. Grabbing a knife from the drawer, you started to coat the cake in chocolate frosting. “I didn’t know you were such a baker.” Rafael stood behind you, inhaling the sweet warm scent of your shampoo. “I know my way around the kitchen, among other places.” He brushed your hair to the side and dropped open-mouth kisses to your neck and shoulders. “So I’ve noticed.” You dipped your finger in the chocolate frosting and brought it up to Rafael’s lips. He sucked greedily on your index finger, his eyes boring into yours.
Your breath hitched. You resumed frosting your cake which was becoming increasingly difficult to do with Rafael nuzzling your neck while he ran his hands up and down your arms. You bit back a whimper and grinded back against him, feeling his growing erection press against your ass. “Why do I feel like we’re about to reenact the pottery scene from Ghost.”
He chuckled and gently nibbled on your earlobe.The scruff on his cheeks tickled your skin. “Do you want me to hum Unchained Melody.”
You giggled and tried to wiggle away only to have him tighten his hold on your waist. “Actually I have a better idea. Why don’t we eat this cake in the bedroom.” You grabbed the cake and glanced back at Rafael, motioning to the fridge. “Don’t forget to bring the whipped cream too,” you said with a wink.
Traipsing back to the bedroom, with Rafael following, you made sure to put a little more swing in your hips, fully aware that if you turned around, you’d catch him staring at your ass. There were still a lot of unknowns for you and Rafael and while you weren’t sure what the future held, you did know one thing—this was definitely the best birthday ever!
@glimmerglittergirl​ @southern-magnolia​ @sweetcannolicarisi​ @delia26​ @obfuscateyummy​ @sass-and-suspenders​ @eclecticminded​ @thatesqcrush​ @katmstanton​ @amirightcounsellor​ @beltzboys2015-blog​ @letty-o​ @sonnysdoll​ @lyssa1385​ @sweetsummertime99​ @burningsorr0ws​ @gibbs274​ @izzythefanfreak​ @riodallas​ @babypink224221​ @livxrafa​ @esparza-army​ @obsessionprofessional​ @ottosuricato​ @melsquared79​ @dreila03​ @raulmonamour​ @tropes-and-tales​ @thecraziestcrayon​ @imjustreallynosy​
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zwiezraczek · 5 years
Hii!:) I’m the one that requested the Clementine blurb and omgg you always surprise me with the scenarios!! sooo, I’m here with another one jsjsjs, can I ask for #3 with Ben she/her, and if it is ok with you can you add “there’s something I need to get out of my chest”, “omg you’re in love with him/her”. It’s ok if u don’t tho:) 💕 - :D
I'm So Into You [Blurb]
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3. “Excuse-me, why are you blushing?” // “There's something I need to get out of my chest”, “Omg you're in love with her!”
Your first day at work. You feel stiff, your body tense and everything blurred all around you. You breathe in, then out before a man opens the door right in front of you. You politely smiled, before holding his hand and squeezing it as he invited you to follow him.
You never thought that you would go so far in this kind of job, mostly because of your posture and your angelic look. But this was the assumption commonly made about you: a fragile and weak young woman. But you had muscles, maybe more than some of all these men claiming to be stronger than you. And you were kind, a nice person to work with, so naturally, celebrities began to hire you as their bodyguard. First, you had to protect women, feeling more comfortable with a women around them than with a pack of men around them, you tried to be discreet but always there for them. And from mouth to ear, you became one of the most wanted bodyguard in the country. Nothing big. Really.
And right here, right now, you began to work for Ben Hardy, you know, the infamous Ben Hardy. One of the most talented actors of his generation and literally a beautiful man. Yes, nothing big at all, you thought as you walked in the large corridor of his agency towards an office where he sat, probably waiting for you for a long moment. You took in a deep breath, everything would be alright.
“Ben, here's your new bodyguard, y/n,” his agent presented you, and Ben turned around to see your face. And you saw his green pearly eyes looking at you, you felt your cheeks becoming really hot, instantly. Breathe, breathe.
“Excuse me, y/n, but why are you blushing,” he asked you, looking pretty much concerned at you as you tried to cool down, “are you feeling well? Maybe you need some water?”
“No, no, no,” you babbled quickly, already embarrassed. Damn, first day at work and you already were feeling like an idiot. Focus, for god's sake! “It happens to me sometimes, it's the change of temperature and all,” you lied before going to sit next to him. He rose from his chair, and offerd you his hand. You squeezed it too, in a little disbelief.
“I'm happy to work with you, I heard you do wonders,” he commented before sitting back.
“I hope I do,” you replied before sitting on the chair next to him, facing his agent who began to talk about your contract.
This would be the death of you.
You worked for Ben Hardy for about a month now, it had been a nice routine for you: he had many appointments to which you showed up with the group of other bodyguards, but often, you were sent ahead with Ben, wearing a casual outfit, being around him just to protect him, incognito. And mostly, this was how you spent your days protecting him from groupies, being polite but firm, smiling but able to become as fierce as needed to fulfill yourduty.
After one of his movies premiere, you and your whole bodyguards squad took him home. You began to small talk about things and others, all together because Ben was the kind of person to not treat you as his employees only, he wanted to create a communions between all of you. And it worked. You quickly clicked over action movies, talking about them whenever you had the occasion to while you were in the car sitting in front of him, talking about this movie you saw. And that night, was no exception. Except Ben wanted to show you his new discovery, a new series about martial arts which he found absolutely amazing. And he wanted you to watch it with him, which was very, very, very unprofessional of you. But you accepted.
This was on that night that you kissed. You had your blazer put on the armrest of his couch, wearing only your white collar shirt and black trousers, your legs on the couch as he came back with some snacks while you watched the series, commenting the action scenes. But you felt his gaze on your face, during a longer moment that you first thought. You looked at him, and both of you leaned closer, and closer until your mouths met. Both of you made the move, crossing the line. The kiss, this magical moment that both of you wouldn't forget, ever. His hand on your cheek, slowly rubbing it with his thumb as he kissed you, endlessly. And at that moment you knew: you fell deep.
Nobody could know about it, and nobody would. And like this, everything carried more fun, more excitement and danger: you loved it both. Stolen glances, hands brushing against each other or quick kisses before leaving his house became your favorite game, a scandal bringing game if ever lost. And whenever you could, you stood next to him trying to hide your fond smile, because you knew he was yours and you were his. The best moments were during interviews, when he had to answer numerous questions, trying to stay as calm as possible during minutes without looking at you, you standing in one corner, arms crossed on your chest, your head tilted delicately as you watched him. Sometimes, a colleague elbowed you, just to remind you why you were working here “not for the pretty eyes of his” one of them said. First, you weren't, but once something had happened between the two of you? Nothing could have stopped you from drowning in his beautiful eyes.
As often as he could, he tried to ask you to work during the parties he was invited to, just you, and only you. He was having fun, mostly with the people he knew – such as Joe, Joe was always there, or Gwilym but mostly Joe – and you stood, an earbud in your ear as you watched him from afar, regretting that you weren't able to enjoy this time with him, that all you had was unprofessional and should have been forbidden. But at the same time, you wouldn't change anything for the thrill of this relationship.
“Oh my God, you're so in love with her,” Joe almost shouted into Ben's ear, who just exchanged a subtle look with you, even a little smile. He was caught off guard, maybe a bit too off guard for Joe.
“What are you talking about, mate?” Ben's voice seemed shakier than usual, trying to hide the uncomfortable situation Joe was trying to put him in.
“I see it in your Ariana Grande eyes, Benny,” Joe affirmed before showing you with his chin. “Don't tell me your bodyguard is here 'accidentally', huh, Benny?” He air quoted, before giving Ben a knowing look. This man was even more amazing than you thought he was: you could read panic on Ben's face as he tried to brush off the subject – probably you, you thought.
“I don't know what you're talking about, she's just working...”
“And you're just trying to kiss her with your eyes, just my opinion,” he teased him with a smirk as Ben rolled his eyes.
Joe knew. He definitely did.
“Okay, Ben, now you crossed the line.”
He looked up, a bit confused, as his fingers were typing on the screen and Joe looked at him with angry eyes. They were watching a movie, true, but you were texting him and... Well, he missed you, okay?
“What, mate,” he mumbled, looking at him, still his phone in hand.
“Now, you're telling me with who the hell you're texting or I'll discover it myself by stealing your phone,” he threatened, after pausing the movie they were watching together.
He was caught in the crossfire. Joe was too insistent, Joe seemed to know everything, Joe wanted and needed to know everything. And he had his ways with Ben, no wonder why they were so close during the filming of Bohemian Rhapsody. And right there, Joe had a point and Ben in a dead end. He had to speak.
“Okay so... There's something I net to get out of my chest,” he began before Joe just waved his hand.
“You're in love with your bodyguard, y/n, right?” As Joe spoke, Ben's eyes became wider, and even more when Joe added your name.
“How do you,” he tried to ask and Joe put his hand on Ben's shoulder.
“You were making out,” Ben began to breathe intensely, “with your fucking eyes, do you imagine that? Even Lucy noticed it!”
“Who else do you think noticed,” Ben asked, curious and terrified.
“Whoever had eyes,” Joe replied. “But no worries, star crossed lovers, your secret is safe with me... Or it isn't?”
“Joe, for the love of god, do not try to...”
“Just joking Benny, just joking!”
Ben sighed and smiled: he had to call you and tell you how exposed you were.
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