#one piece osome
rainboweemart · 17 days
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The gent Love cook! 💖💖💖
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mintypsii · 4 months
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author x barista cafe au (sanji is competing against himself)
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fallensnowfan · 9 days
Scattered thoughts about OP 1126 and a bit of 1125.
-Osome is working in Kuri now? This is her second appearance during this cover arc. Cool, I like seeing her again. More people having gone missing is starting to become a bigger pattern, hmm. No strong clues as to the mystery kidnapper's identity just yet.
-Sweet conclusion for Kuma's and Bonney's story, them watching the horizon hit a lot harder for me than them seeing gear 5 honestly. ❤️
-The crew being separated reminds me of the time the same happened at the beginning of Punk Hazard. They inhaled gas back then, they got drunk on the strong stuff here. Love this development.
-Curious who is calling out to Nami here.
If Oda wanted, he could have had them just get to Elbaf this chapter, but he swerved and is doing this mystery Lego land plot where the crew are separated now.
I wonder if Nami is going to have some protagonism for a while, and I love this development in general. The crew partied so hard they don't even know what it going on. Her being in the Lego room reminds me of that episode of Pokemon where Sabrina turns Ash and co into her dolls.
-It was interesting seeing Pudding again. Now BB has two captives. Garp and Pudding, and he lost two captives, Koby and Moria were both rescued. And Barto was awesome in this chapter.
-The crew separating from Stussy a few chapters ago, and Nami's group having been separated from those they helped/worked with during Egghead this chapter, Kuma, Bonney, Lilith, and the Giants, all feels very intentional and connected.
Saturn being killed in 1125 also ties in here too. The Elders as a group are no longer the same. Saturn was replaced by Moon-hair man Garling.
And Osome seems to be working at the teahouse full time.
Will a character who has moon symbolism, fill the space left by all of those the Straw Hats/Nami's group parted with recently? Will it be Sailor Moon? Could the Dark Kingdom arc be next?
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misslovasstuff · 5 months
made a post on tiktok which Sanji ship they preferred the most and half of the replies were “Sanji x me”
Now, let’s see how you guys here think:
(these are just ships him x the ladies, I know there are other quite popular Sanji ships as well. Im doing a favor to Sanji cause this is what he probably would have wanted to see as well lol)
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starlightbelle · 9 days
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OSOME!!!!!! ✨
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bottlepiecemuses · 1 year
Again Queen Can Be Such An Incel
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I don’t use the word easily but guy can be such an incel when it comes to women he wants and can’t win over. Seriously, it really sounds like the words lke a genuine incel would say. He even has that nice guy mentality line which he’s anything but. Again this episode did good to illustrate trying to make himself out to be the victim. 
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melonteee · 2 months
that one ask where "sanji getting bitches" was mentioned got me thinking is he really canonically the only one who HAS gotten bitches??? And by this mean multiple women have been into him, like Viola, Pudding and Osome (tho Toei might've amped that one up lmao)
I know women have crushed on Luffy and Zoro has had like one woman (Hiyori) who's been interested in him, but it's funny to think that Sanji is actually the one in canon who pulls asdhggjj (not surprising tbh)
Sanji truly IS the little boytoy of One Piece because women are snatching him left and right to do whatever they want with him that's my gooooaaat 😔✊
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onepiecesmosthated · 3 years
Queen You Bastard (Part Four)
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Queen, I don’t say this to everyone but you are a total incel. 
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
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Chuji the mouse
Just wanted to add to the conversation about the mouse from chapter 1034 with this tweet from sandman on Twitter. Go give them some love if you’re on Twitter.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1034 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are in deep with the fights now
In and out the manga because I'm in a fight with time to try and enjoy my day off and the world is saying 'Nope', I had intended to do this much earlier but online transaction problems (which involved me waiting 10,000 years behind elderly people at the bank just for a yes/no answer) has put me on the backlog
anyway, One Piece! Last we saw Zoro found the answers he needs, and Volume 101 released some SBS goodness confirming that the dude was indeed Ushimaru (but not Zoro's father) among others - I like the Yamato Takeru reference, given how that's what started my theory that Yamato pre-reveal was an okama.
Let's see what comes next
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
A nice Usopp chapter cover, chilling like a badass for the Mink kids
Unsurprisingly, we are not continuing with Zoro/King, it now falls to Sanji/Queen again
Back with the courtesans and they're looking to escape the damage Sanji and Queen's fight is causing, they seem unaware that the island is in the air
Osome (I think she's the one Sanji was accused of hurting) is waiting for someone called Chuji though
As I noticed last chapter, Momo confirms that he has connected to Kaido's flames and intends to guide it away
It's a good thing for Momo, but it also comes with its limits that if Kaido is defeated the flames will disappear, but it extends the time
Hidden Pandaman between the fights of the Samurai and Beast Pirates on the live floor
Queen though starts demonstrating that he can do Sanji's brothers' attacks; Sparkling Queen, Henry Queen, Winch Queen...He's not too great at naming these moves
Turns out he wanted to show this when Sanji put on the Raid Suit, he really doesn't get that they both hate the same guy. Also he doesn't replicate Reiju's powers, Oda why are you neglecting Baeju?
Sanji though makes Queen officially join the missing arm club with Shanks, Kid and Hawkins by smashing it apart
Sanji does point out though that, unlike Zoro, he can see he's doing damage. Queen is weakening just as much, it's just that Sanji's stopped his upgrade
But Queen next demonstrates that he can copy the Stealth Black powers too, turning invisible
In response, Sanji uses his newfound speed to be undetected
Even when invisible, Queen pulls out the Enel face
Awwww Chuji is a lil mousey, reminds me of Kid Sanji feeding the rats
As Osome calls out to Chuji though, Queen reflects on how Osome - his 'new favourite since Komurasaki's death' - has been rejecting his advances by feigning a migraine
And there it is, Sanji didn't hurt Osome, Queen did while invisible, calling it 'Divine Punishment'
Sanji does run down that his enhanced durability, speed and strength opens the door for more skills, being able to handle more heat alongside his Haki for a new level
Ifrit Jambe! Nice reference there with the Islamic Fire Demon, almost parallel to the Hindu/Buddhist demon class Asura. I kinda hope when coloured it's blue, like a gas heater
Also enraged by realising that Queen hit the woman, Sanji just unloads on Queen
Osome seems to suddenly notice Queen appearing, but I dunno if it'll fully clear Sanji's name
Boeuf Burst sends Queen flying, as Sanji kicks him into *checks author note* the next 2 weeks...no chapter around my birthday it seems, is Oda planning a big Xmas chapter?
So with last week being all Zoro, this week was all Sanji. I did like how we cleared Sanji's name quickly, because none of us really bought it, and Sanji having to fight Queen with his brothers' powers is very symbolic, it's him fighting his Germa name.
It's also a natural progression of Sanji's powers increasing, while Zoro has to push himself to the edge to break his limits, Sanji has to swallow his pride and accept these adjustments and use them his way. Ifrit Jambe is a great improvement, and I can see the Jabra fight in this a little, furthering my belief that Zoro and Sanji will win on the same chapter.
I can hope that Sanji's fondness for little mouseys can clear his name, but at the same time I wonder if his simpness can handle the gratitude of a pleasure hall XD
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missmyloko · 6 years
Setsubun Hairstyles
Sure, the kimono and dances are lovely to watch, but nothing beats the elaborate hairstyles that we only see once a year! However, very little information is available, and even then it can be hard to tell these styles apart! So, we’re going to take a detailed look into each style and what makes that style well, that style!
Osome (お染)
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Image courtesy of Umeka and Fumiyuki. The most basic and easiest style of them all to spot. It’s worn by maiko in their second or third year who are not yet seniors as maiko in their first year do not wear any styles (or, if they do, it is extremely rare and it’s always this one). Its structure is similar to Wareshinobu, with these main differences: -The mage is split into three sections instead of two. -Negi shiraga tonbo or regular shiraga tonbo are added to the top of the mage to make it shine. -In lieu of a kanokodome, a hashi no ke (hair extension) is combed over the middle of the mage. A small flower or decoration is sometimes added, like the example above. -Miokuri and additional optional hashi no ke are added to the bottom of the mage.
Yuiwata (結綿)
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Image courtesy of Yoshifumi Okiya and Ochaya. A popular style among senior maiko for its simplicity and elegance, it’s the base of many other Setsubun hairstyles. Characteristics of Yuiwata include: -A crushed/flattened mage. -A kanoko tied around and then above the flattened part like a pretzel.
Kikugasane (菊重ね)
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Images courtesy of Yumiko Photography and Crazy Blue Panda. An elegant style that’s meant to mimic the look of a large chrysanthemum with a multitude of petals, it’s related to Yuiwata, but with a twist. Distinguishing features of Kikugasane are: -Crushed/flattened mage. -Hair from the crushed part of the mage tied together with a kanoko into the pretzel knot shape of Yuiwata.
Oshidori - Mesu (おしどり雌)
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Images courtesy of Haginon and Coto Cotton. One of the more rare styles as it’s very plain and simple overall. It’s meant to mimic the look of a male mandarin duck. Characteristics of Oshidori - Mesu include: -A flat, crushed mage. -A hashi no ke that extends over the mage and is flattened down and stiffened with hair paste. -Hane mottoi tying the mage and hashi no ke together and accented with a beaded pin kanzashi. -The addition of a nemaki or sometimes a kanoko underneath the mage.
Oshidori - Hina (おしどり雛)
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Image courtesy of Shigemori Okiya and Ochaya and Emi Blue who’s allowed me to use an exclusive image. An extremely iconic style that’s worn by maiko who are about to become senior or have become senior within the past year. It’s very popular as it’s quite flashy and has become synonymous with Setsubun, but only the Hina variant, which is mean to look like a female mandarin duck. It is one of the styles that uses Yuiwata as a base. Distinguishing features of Oshidori - Hina are: -A hashi no ke that rests on top of and over the mage and remains fluffy. -A kanoko that’s tied around the base of the mage that makes it look like a pretzel. -Negi shiraga tonbo or regular shiraga tonbo tied in with the kanoko to make it very shiny and grab the attention of onlookers. -A small decoration near the end of the hashi no ke called an ichidome that’s pinned into the hair to keep it from flapping around.
Oshun (お俊)
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Images courtesy of Taroeines and Toshiworth. This style is nearly identical to Oshidori - Hina above and can be hard to differentiate if you don’t know what to look for. The main characteristics that make Oshun different from Oshidori - Hina are: -The addition a kanoko tied through the upper mage section accented with negi shiraga tonbo. -A small bar ichidome kanzashi that’s added sometimes in lieu of a pin style one.
Fukiwa (吹輪)
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Image courtesy of Takutanimoto and Ayaberto. Also known as the “Princess Style” as there are quite a few princess characters in kabuki whose hair is styled like this. It is very closely related to the Katsuyama style, but contains a few additions like: -”Hime Locks,” hair extensions that are long and flow over the shoulder. -Miokuri added into the back of the mage.
Fukura Suzume (ふくら雀)
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Images courtesy of Lazy Dragon and Geishakai. This is an extremely rare hairstyle that I’ve only seen worn a few times prior, but seems to be gaining in popularity over the past few years. Fukura Suzume is very closely related to Kikugasane, but differs with: -The top part of the mage forming a small, triangular peak. -The addition of a bekkō kogai kanzashi into the peak that stands vertically. -A kanoko tied around the crushed part of the mage and over the high part of the mage.
Edo Sakko (江戸先笄)
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Images courtesy of Dreamliner77 [1] [2]. To be honest, I thought that this was only worn by maiko in Pontocho before the switch to “proper” sakkō, but seeing it worn in 2019 is such a pleasant surprise for hair enthusiasts as even in Pontocho it is a rarity! Characteristics of the Edo Sakkō style include: -A crushed mage like many other styles. -Bekkō kogai bar kanzashi that is wrapped in a kanoko cloth, usually a bright and unusual color like green, that’s tied between the between the upper and lower mage sections. -Small pieces of hair that are wrapped around the kanoko section.
Suisha (水車)
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Images courtesy of Sakuchan and Kimono Enishi. A unique style that takes parts of Edo Sakkō and Osafune to create an elegant look for senior maiko. The characteristics of Suisha are: -A crushed, flat mage. -Bekko kogai kanzashi inserted into the middle of a kanoko that’s tied between the upper and crushed part of the mage. -A hashi no ke going over the kanoko and pinned at the end of the mage. -Completed with a string of tama kanzashi underneath the mage.
Osafune (長舟)
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Images courtesy of Crazy Blue Panda and Emi Blue as an exclusive again.
Easily the most elaborate style that’s worn only by the most senior maiko in each district, Osafune’s gravity defying shape is meant to mimic that of a boat with a prominent sail. The characteristics of Osafune are:
-An elongated, looped mage meant to look like a boat’s sail. -A kanoko with a bekkō kogai kanzashi through the middle of it covering the inner mage. -Hair extending over the kanoko to act as an “anchor”. -Thin nemaki that are tied where the looped mage meets with the inner mage.
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ssportlive4 · 3 years
Methi Matar Malai.
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Hey everyone, I hope you're having an incredible day today. Today, we're going to make a special dish, methi matar malai. It is one of my favorites. This time, I will make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Methi Matar Malai is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It is easy, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions every day. They're nice and they look fantastic. Methi Matar Malai is something that I have loved my whole life.
To get started with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can have methi matar malai using 13 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Methi Matar Malai:
{Make ready 250 g of Methi leaves.
{Get 200 g of matar.
{Get 8-10 pieces of garlic cloves.
{Make ready 2 inches of ginger.
{Get 2 of medium sliced onions.
{Prepare 2 of medium sliced tomatoes.
{Prepare 10-12 pieces of kaju.
{Prepare 1 teaspoon of haldi powder.
{Get 1 teaspoon of red chilli powder.
{Take 2 of bay leaves.
{Take 2 tablespoon of fresh homemade Cream.
{Make ready as per need of Musterd Oil for cooking.
{Prepare as required of Water.
Steps to make Methi Matar Malai:
First of all take methi leaves wash properly and chopped it.
Than heat oil in a kadahi and add chopped methi leaves.
Cook methi leaves until it get dry and change the colour than remove from kadahi and keep aside.
Now put some oil in kadahi add onion,tomato, garlic, ginger,kaju and mix well.
Cook it for 10 minutes until they get soft and change the colour than remove from the kadahi and let it cool.After cooling take a jar and put mixture in it.
Grind the mixture and make fine paste and keep aside.
Heat water in small pan and put matar in it and cook it until it get one boil after that remove from the gas and keep aside don't remove water form it.
Now heat oil in a kadahi add bay leaves cook for 30 seconds than remove water from matar and add in it mix well cook for five minutes.
Now add haldi powder,red chilli powder in it and mix well.
Cook for five minutes now add grind paste in it and mix well.
Cook for two minutes than add cooked methi leaves also add salt to taste and mix well cook for two minutes you can also add some water as your wish.
For making homemade fresh cream take malai in a jar and grind it and make smooth fresh cream.
Serve methi Matar in a bowl and garnish with fresh cream serve hot with roti, Paratha or Naan. It's taste is osom please try it..
So that is going to wrap it up with this special food methi matar malai recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I'm confident you can make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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fallensnowfan · 7 months
Dedicated post for the Wano cover arc. I will update this as new issues are released.
Character locations and status:
Kin'emon - Castle in the Flower Capital. Momo's surrogate father.
Momo - Castle in the Flower Capital. Shogun.
Hiyori - Castle in the Flower Capital. Toko's older sister.
Toko - Castle in the Flower Capital. Hiyori's little sister.
Otsuru - Flower Capital. Teahouse owner.
Urashima - Flower Capital
Neko - Flower Capital. Yakuza with Hyogoro.
Hyogoro - Flower Capital. Yakuza.
Denjiro & the Kibi kids - Kibi. Daimyo of Kibi.
Osome & Chuji - Kuri, working in Okobore Town, at the teahouse it seems.
Yamato - Kuri. Delivering Yasu's sword.
Inu - Kuri. Daimyo of Kuri.
Kawamatsu - ?
Raizo - ?
Okiku(best girl) - ?
Not on the covers, though listening to Vegapunk's broascast.
Shinobu - Flower Capital. Otama's teacher.
Tama - Flower Capital. Shinobu's student.
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Onigashima, how'd it get there I wonder?
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Momo just chilling. Seems a bit sad.
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Kin'emon being paternal, sending Yamato on an errand to learn about being responsible with money. aww
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The pilgrimage is routed out.
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Hiyori & Toko have new kimonos! And that bento box is wonderful.
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Hi Miss Tsuru! Good to see you again. Wonderful and kind as always. Like Hiyori & Toko, you're wearing a new kimono as well. Pretty!
And ayo?! Urashima appearance? I was wondering what happened to him. Loving seeing cameos of familiar faces, perhaps he's starting to change his ways, now that he's lost his status as the Yokozuna.
Okiku being absent here is quite curious.
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Awww! Big hug for the big kitty! Love how wholesome these covers have been. Fingers crossed a future one is Yamato meeting with Inu, Onimaru, and Komachiyo. The dogs putting the "Wan" in Wano.
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The journey begins! Cue the 2011 Hunter x Hunter opening. Will the plants from Ryo's attack in 1054 & 1055 still be growing I wonder?
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I think I'm beginning to see the direction of this cover arc. Kaido's absence, and how his legacy still effects Wano/how Wano will continue to move past from it.
Onigashima in the first entry is a remnant of Kaido's rule, much like the weapons factories here, and Yamato is dealing with being Kaido's kid. No one can escape their past, but those three Daimyo saw Yamato as more than just Kaido's kid.
There is likely a range of how much various people have begun recovering from Kaido's reign. The people in the Flower Capital have had at least a week to get to know Yamato, and gave a big happy send off for the pilgrimage to go well.
Though this cover seems to be the first time he's been around people from outside it, it makes sense for these kids to be sacred and react like this initially. Maybe now is a good time to share medicine and food?
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Denjiro has been given the title of Daimyo! Same Oden had in the past, since he never became Shogun. I'm so proud of Denjiro!
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Man I love Denjiro. Everyone eating together reminds me of when Izo and Kiku were first found by Oden. Extra kudos to Denjiro for not calling the kids brats.
It's cool seeing a building in Kibi, the one that Denjiro and co are in. Don't think we've seen one there before. I love that Denjiro just has ingredients for Oden on hand. Feels like he is returning the favor to Oden for sharing food with him in the past. Now he is bringing people together in the present.
Him during this cover arc also reminds me of how Oden reprimanded those guys who were going to execute Neko, Inu, and Kawamatsu. Man I love Denjiro.
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A mysterious abduction attempt! Who will the culprit be?
It's a nice detail to have a defunct weapons factory in the background here, making a quiet point that Wano is still recovering.
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Rebuilding Oden Castle now? When everyone who would live there is already set up else where? Odd choice though will see where it goes. Minatomo, where did you run off too? And it's Home, Ashura Doji's bull, helping to carry lumber! Happy to see the fella is going well.
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Hi again Some! Seems that you are working at the teahouse full time now? That's a nice development. Soba being served is a nice way of tying in Sanji's role during early Wano. Also want to note that the title of the chapter shares the kanji with those of the Payback War.
Otoshi mae. 落とし前
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One of my hopes for this cover arc happened! Inu is at the beach in Kuri! Love the vibes here, two dog fellas chowing down on some onigiri. New Daimyo and deliverer of a former Daimyo's sword.
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osom-in-blog · 5 years
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kamishichiken · 8 years
Setsubun Maiko Hairstyles
Setsubun, held in early February, marks the start of the new year in the lunar calendar. Geiko and maiko celebrate the lunar new year by dancing for the Shinto gods and goddesses at shrines (Yasaka for Gion Kobu, Gion Higashi, Miyagawacho and Pontocho; Kamishichiken celebrates at Kitano Tenmangu) and dressing up and performing skits (obake). A special privilege for senior maiko–and junior maiko, if their okaasan allows it–is wearing hairstyles they normally can’t wear the rest of the year. The exception to the rule is Pontocho, whose maiko wear these hairstyles, excluding fukiwa and tayū styles, before their sakkou period. For this year’s Setsubun I decided to put together a list of these hairstyles.
Clicking on the name of the hairstyle will redirect you to the photo’s source. Much of the information on the styles comes from ShotaKotake’s nihongami tutorials on DeviantArt. I highly recommend checking them out; they have information on a range of traditional hairstyles for men and women.
Finally, a special thank-you to @missmyloko, who edited this post for me!
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This one is typically worn only by junior maiko, but occasionally senior maiko may wear it. It can be worn with or without miokuri (curled strips of ribbon) attached under the mage (”mass of hair”, what we might call the bun or topknot). Tayū may wear a larger version of this style. This style was mostly likely invented by a courtesan with the same name. 
Oshidori no Hina 
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Originally developed from the yuiwata style, this hairstyle is supposed to resemble the plumage of a young male Mandarin duck. It was popular for new wives in Kyoto and Osaka during the Meiji (1868-1912) and late Edo Period (1600-1868).
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A version of the shimada-mage, similar to the yuiwata hairstyle, created in the late Edo Period (1600-1868) to early Meiji Period (1868-1912). This woman runs a wonderful traditional hairstyle and clothing blog. Check it out to see more hairstyles!
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It can be worn with or without a piece of cloth wound through the mage.
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Some say this style was worn by princesses in the Edo Period (1600-1868), others say it was designed as part of a princess costume for the theater. It can be worn with or without miokuri.
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A version of the tsubushi-shimada, created in the Meiji Period (1868-1912). It can be worn with or without a piece of cloth wrapped around the mage. Supposedly this is one of the most difficult shimada styles to create. It closely resembles the Edo sakkou hairstyle.
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Another version of the tsubushi-shimada, popular with single women in the middle Edo Period (1600-1868).
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It’s a bit difficult to tell what exactly this hairstyle is, but it most closely resembles marumage, which was worn by women in their mid-20s. Marumage was the most popular version of the shimada hairstyle throughout the Edo (1600-1868) to Meiji (1868-1912) period. 
Tayū (courtesan) hairstyles
These are hairstyles or variations of hairstyles worn by tayū or courtesans. They are very ornate, elaborate, and in my opinion absolutely stunning.
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Developed in the mid-Edo Period (1600-1868) from the similar tate-hyogo style. Worn by high-ranking prostitutes–but not tayū–in the Yoshiwara and Shimabara red-light districts. Yoshiwara oiran (the highest rank of prostitute) wear a bigger version of of this style, the date-hyogo. (The original link to the image is missing.)
Tayū ofuku
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Tayū ofuku replaces the tegara in maiko ofuku with two different colored pieces of cloth. The mage is also much higher. This hairstyle can take up to 3 hours to create. When maiko wear this hairstyle for setsubun they don’t add the tasseled flower kanzashi seen here. 
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bottlepiecemuses · 1 year
Seriously, Queen Got What’s Coming To Him Due To How Brutally She Was Beaten Up
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Seriously, I remember they tone downed Cosette’s punishment but went full out on seeing Osome get totally brutalized. Seriously, this a case of fuck Queen and rooting for Sanji to get back at him for what he did to a lady. 
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