#one piece chapter 583
algumaideia · 4 months
Hi Sabo!!!
Luffy and Ace early relationship was very rocky
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beaulesbian · 10 months
some slight dressrosa middle-of-the-arc spoilers
i couldn't help but notice how the way luffy first started noticing that dressrosa wasn't all nice and pretty when he was down in the cells with the gladiators in the arena, (chapter 726)
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and hearing how they described the place reminded him of the grey terminal (near his windmill village), where he, ace and sabo met and grew up.
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the way the gladiators and people who doflamingo doesn't like, and the toys are treated and discarded in dressrosa, is very similar like luffy remembers what was happening outside the walls of the kingdom of goa,
(chapters 583, 585)
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and then few chapters later in dressrosa,
sabo (at this point he wasn't introduced as sabo, only someone who took luffy lucy's place in the arena fighting for the flame flame fruit) was thinking something very similar about the place he grew up in - the goa kingdom, except he's talking about putting on appearances because he didn't want to be part of the aristocratic class seeing what they did to the other people outside the walls. but it was still the place where he met ace, and later luffy.
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(also i really love sabo re-introduced this way seeing he had that pipeline as his weapon - where in the post marineford luffy's flashbacks, as a kid it was all of theirs fighting sticks, ace and sabo's especially - chapter 583, and even when he was leaving - ch 588) and he still has it on himself now! it's just a nice touch to realize in the manga that it wasn't luffy anymore, but someone else.
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and now he's back to get that last piece that they have of Ace, his flame flame fruit ;-; (ch 744) (and being all proud of his little kid brother luffy who's gonna be the pirate king! ;-;)
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the way both luffy and sabo got to the arena to get the ace's fruit power, and keep thinking of their childhood, of ace, of something that remind them of their home in the childhood, and for luffy to see sabo meant that he still had one of his brothers!
(and small zolu sidenote, bc it was nice that zoro was the one running beside luffy seeing him crying about sabo and worrying. im not sure luffy explained who he was, yet, at this scene, but zoro definitely understood that someone important showed up back in luffy's life!)
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rootsofdread · 6 months
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i will currently only be taking two slots. no it's not a lot, but this is my very first time taking commissions, and i'll be taking these on top of art commissions so i don't want to overwhelm myself. i hope you understand!! 🫶
read below if you're interested in buying from me! thank you in advance if you are. i really appreciate it.
so these will be writing commissions, of course, as this is my main writing blog. the price is $1.00 for every hundred words. so 100 words is $1.00, 200 is $2.00, so on and so forth...i will round the word count up or down depending on the tens place. so, for example, if the work is 583 words, i would round it up to 600, or if it was 729 words, i would round it down to 700. anything under 5 goes down, 5 and above goes up.
i currently only take c$shapp and v3nmo (i've heard that tumblr doesn't like those words, so they're censored), i apologize if that's an inconvenience.
it would not be possible to estimate word count prior to writing, so the price will be calculated after i write it, but i can try to make it on the shorter or longer side if you would prefer that.
if you would like more than one piece done, like say multiple parts or chapters, those will have to be made as separate commissions, as i am a slow writer and it would be easier for everyone involved if i did one thing for one person at a time.
i am willing to do pretty much everything i allow for requests, so please go over my request rules [found on my carrd!] before contacting me. there is also a little more info regarding these commissions there on a new tab i added, so i would recommend reading it (but it's not required if you read this whole post)! anything not found listed under will do/won't do is up for discussion.
you can also commission me for non-DBD things if you would like to! i am familiar with a variety of things, and even if i'm not familiar, i enjoy getting to know new characters. i will write for self inserts, OCs, canon characters, as well as ships involving all of those (even canon x canon or OC x OC!) from any type of media and genre as well.
examples of my imagines can be found on my masterlist, [found here], and i currently have one full fanfic posted to [my AO3].
contact me through DMs here, @rootsofdread, on my main, @jawsplitter, or on discord @jawsplitter if you are interested. even if you can't currently buy from me, i am happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have, even if you think it might be silly. thank you for taking the time to read this and i look forward to working with you!
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asameera · 1 year
Oddworld: Code 583 - Chapter 17: Remember
What was happening? Lure didn't understand, it had to be a mistake. It could only be a mistake. His mind couldn't admit it. He'd come all this way for her. They'd sent him here, after all this time. This was supposed to be the right time. He was supposed to get her out.
Lure had to force himself to take several deep breaths. Nothing was right, but he had to do something. There had to be something he could do. But first, he had to get a grip on his thoughts again.
He opened his mouth to speak, to say anything. He absolutely had to snap out of his state of shock, find the trigger that would get him going again.
But someone else spoke first.
The Mudokon Queen turned her attention to the distorted, robotic female voice, and Lure watched in horror as one of the many resting Shrinks began to move. The mechanical monstrosity was detaching itself from the wall where it had been wisely tucked away until now, and floating dangerously towards Sam... and towards him.
In a flash, Lure retreated towards the door and plunged headfirst into a fortunately empty garbage container. Heart pounding, he strained his ears, praying that the Shrink hadn't spotted him in time.
“Honey, what's wrong?”
It was almost dark in there, and Lure could only rely on his keen hearing. With his hand over his stump, ready to activate the last ring of invisibility just in case, he forced himself to stop breathing.
“Oh, hello” Sam's soft, almost faded voice said. “Did I wake you? I'm so sorry.”
“No need to apologize, I'm here now, everything's fine Sam. Everything's fine, everything's fine.”
“Yes, yes. Everything's fine.”
Sam had just repeated the Shrink's words in exactly the same way, with the same intonations and the same rhythm, as if tuning into a frequency, the one and only one that had to be followed.
“Everything's fine” the Queen repeated again. “I just saw him again. One more time.”
“Who, Sam?”
“My long lost friend.”
Lure's heart sank. Was she really going to turn him in? No. Sam would never do such a thing. The Sam he knew wouldn't do that.
There was a condescending robotic sigh with a hint of annoyance.
“Sam, darling, we've talked about it lots and lots of times.”
“I know, I'm sorry.”
“You have to stop living in a dream. Illusions are not good for your health, and by extention for your eggs'.”
“My eggs. Yes. Yes.”
“You've got to accept reality, sweetheart.”
“You... you're right.”
“What's the reality, Sam?”
Sam murmured his answer in a broken voice, but Lure heard it. And he felt as if something inside him was breaking into a thousand pieces.
“Lure... oh, Lure...”
The Shrink's voice had become much firmer, full of admonishment. The ravaged Slig thought he heard his friend groan and sniffle. “Lure... is dead. Years ago.”
He wanted to scream.
“That's good, Sam. That's very good. And it doesn't matter. You know why, of course.”
“Yes.” “Why, Sam?”
“Because... today you're here. You'll always be with me. You'll watch over me. You'll never leave me.”
Lure wanted to burst out of his hiding place, to show her that he was really there, alive and for her. He wanted to empty his entire magazine on that damn machine that was messing with Sam and playing with her with its fake programmed sympathy.
He wanted to hold her as tightly as he could. So he wrapped his arms around himself, helpless and all alone in this stinking box, to stop himself and drown his sorrow and rage.
“Yes, exactly Sam. I'll be watching over you forever. Because I'm real. I'm your friend. I'll protect you from your illusions. You'll never want for anything. You'll always be safe with me. Here. Everything's fine.”
Shut up.
“Everything's fine” the Mudokon Queen repeated.
“Excellent. Now, since it's still early, I'll go and plug myself back in. But don't worry, you've got everything you need. Which program would you like today?”
“No matter. Number 5.”
“Excellent choice!” the programmed voice cheered, clapping its six mechanical arms. “It'll relax and re-energize you. You need it. Might as well skip the painkillers this time, right? Good. Have fun, sweetheart! See you later!”
Barely had it finished talking, the parasitized Mudokon face disappeared hastily from the Shrink's screen, replaced by a particularly loud and lively program jingle. Still connected to the wall cavities, all the other Guardian Angels suddenly seemed to wake up, and the room glowed with light and color in a matter of seconds as the screens lit up simultaneously. Lure, who had just gently lifted the lid of his hiding place, swallowed loudly. The vision of Sam's almost dead eyes captivated by the content of the program that surrounded her on all sides, drowned in this stream of sounds as exaggerated as they were moronic, frightened him almost as much as the possibility of being dismembered. Although brainwashed like so many others under the domination of the Magog Cartel, the Slig had never grasped the direct consequences. It was an abstract notion for him, even after becoming aware of it. But right now, he understood all too well.
Sam wasn't just a prisoner of these walls. She had become a prisoner of her own mind. She, who had once been so free despite being a captive of Gottlieb Industriz, who made her own decisions with a clear gaze, who maintained a link with everything she had ever known through meditation, who never hesitated to stand up for what she held dear... this being was gone for good, replaced by an empty shell, like all the others. Just good for laying eggs. Without even realizing it, Lure had emerged from his hiding place and advanced towards her. He paid no attention to the Shrinks who, in turn, failed to notice him, tuned in to their program.
There was no reaction.
“Sam!” He saw a nervous twitch flit across her face before relaxing again. She could hear him, but was choosing to ignore him.
The Queen's tired eyes slowly closed and she let out a heavy sigh.
“Please stop” she said in a small hollow voice. “Stop haunting me. Leave me in peace.” Lure waved his arms in front of her, trying to redirect her attention away from the program that was sucking away and annihilating what little consciousness she had left.
“Sam, it's me! It's really me! I've come to save you! To set you free! I promised you, remember?”
Sam's face tensed, as if she was struggling to chase away a memory that was trying to return.
“No. I don't remember.”
It was as if Lure had been shot in the stomach.
“Of course you remember!” he yelled. “You can't have forgotten! I'm Lure! You gave me my name!”
She shook her head.
He dropped the SnUzi at his feet and grabbed Sam's skinny arm.
“We were friends!”
She jerked away and pushed him back, almost knocking him over. Tears streamed down her blue cheeks and her mouth twisted painfully.
“Leave me alone! Stop it! Stop it! Let me forget! Leave me in peace! Stop torturing me!”
Wheezing, Sam turned up the volume. The whole room was invaded by fake, pre-recorded laughter.
“You're not there! You're dead! And I'm sick! Sick of remembering!”
Lure didn't know what to do. She wouldn't listen to him, wouldn't look at him. She refused to believe it, even though she'd felt his touch on her wrist. Could she still feel anything?
“You... gave up” he bitterly observed in desperation.
For a moment, he thought she wouldn't answer him at all. But then she said, more to herself:
“What was I supposed to do?”
He wished he'd had an answer. He remained silent in his turn, unable to react. Why was he here? The wild Mudokons had told him it was the right time. They had made him sleep until now, until years later, to arrive at this moment. So surely there was something he could say or do to make things right. Yes, all he had to do was find that solution and they'd go away together, and everything would end well. And then he could finally tell her.
Tell her that...
Suddenly, Sam's face twitched again, this time in pain. She gasped, seeking comfort in the sterile air as her whole body trembled beneath the huge tarpaulin.
She didn't answer, didn't pay him the slightest attention. Even if she'd wanted to, she couldn't have. She convulsed with a spasm and, for a fraction of a second, her head turned away from the screen and rested on him. Her expression pierced Lure's heart. He could clearly read her. She still thought he was a hallucination, but desperately needed his presence. He saw the conflict raging inside her, her mind wavering.
Another wave of pain swept through her, and suddenly the scales tipped to one side. She reached out for him as if he were a lifeline. He didn't keep her waiting and took her hand, squeezing hard. She squeezed back, lost and shaking with sobs.
“I-I wish you w-w-were here so much!”
“I'm here, Sam.”
He gently stroked her hand with his thumb, as she had once done with him, knowing fully it wouldn't be enough to convince her. But what else could he do?
Lure was startled by Sam's sudden cry as she threw her head back. She moaned and grunted for a moment more before panting hard several times and doing it again. All the while, under the mocking empty laughter of the show, she didn't let go of Lure, and he didn't let go of her.
Finally, after countless minutes, something rolled out from under the tarpaulin and landed softly on a nest-like cushion near Sam's side. The Mudokon Queen gasped loudly but, for the first time, the shadow of a smile brightened her features. Lure watched her for a long time, his heart pounding, before turning his attention to the thing that had just appeared, that had somehow restored a fragment of his dear friend's former self. He then realized it was an egg.
A blue egg.
Lure's gaze went from Sam to the egg, from the egg to Sam, again and again. At last, he could see a spark. There was something left of her after all.
But suddenly there was the sound of a shell breaking. Lure quickly turned his attention to the noise, while Sam let out a frightened cry. They didn't know how, but the egg had slipped out of its nest and cracked on the ground.
“No!” Sam screamed. “Noooooo!”
She stretched out her hands towards the container of her very own flesh, panicked and unable even to turn around. Lure rushed to the scene of the accident and placed his hand carefully on the shell. He didn't know if it was his fault, but the egg cracked and fell to pieces before his very eyes. And suddenly, right in front of him, there he was.
A Mudokon baby. A tiny being, curled up, fragile and all blue too. Just like his mother. Sam's baby.
“Abraham!” the Queen shouted behind him. “Oh sweet Odds! Abe!”
The Slig, driven by the distress in her voice, took the little Mudokon in his arms, suppressing a grimace, and headed back towards Sam.
“He's okay” he stated to reassure her.
He handed her the newborn, almost in a hurry to get rid of it.
“So, Abraham then?” he asked the baby, trying to recover from those emotions. “You're lucky kid, at least you already have a name at birth! Ahahah!”
He couldn't help but draw a parallel with Skillya as he watched Sam devour her baby with her eyes with such poignant love. It was true, her eggs weren't supposed to hatch immediately after the laying, and they were being taken from her as he'd seen. Was this the first time she could actually admire the face of one of her children? A multitude of emotions overwhelmed him then. Envy. Relief. Anger. Tenderness. Sadness. Sadness. Sadness.
The sadness he suddenly also saw in the newly-opened eyes of little Abe. In his glistening yellow globes, yes, it was as if all the sadness in the world resided there. As if the baby Mudokon felt it.
And, as if to confirm it, Abe suddenly opened his mouth and began to cry at the top of his lungs. His wails pierced the space. Sam tried in vain to calm him down, and Lure regretted not having his other hand to cover his ears effectively.
To Lure's utter horror, the Shrink's program had just finished, and the Mudokon's semi-conscious parasitized head was back on the screen. The Slig wanted to run without knowing where, but strangely enough the Shrink didn't consider him. The bulbs at the top of the screen had just lit up in a dangerous red and the program seemed to be focused on Abe, in absolute priority mode, neglecting everything else.
“This is no good at all, Sam” the machine declared coldly, showering Abe with its menacing light. “Give it to me.”
The mobile metal arm brought the Shrink closer to Sam, who was still trying to calm her child. To no avail.
“Come on Sam, give it to me.”
The Shrink stretched out all its mechanical limbs towards the two Mudokons, but the Queen closed her protective grip around Abe, who continued to scream.
“What are you going to do to him?” Sam asked apprehensively.
“You don't need to know.”
The words 'Non Conforme' were displayed transparently on the screen. Sam gasped in horror and Lure's eyes widened.
“N-no!” the Queen begged. “Please! Don't take him away from me!”
“I have to, Sam. It's for the common good, the smooth running, you know that. Nothing must disrupt it.”
“No! I'll shut him up! You don't need to do that!”
“Come on Sam, it's no use.”
The mother waited no longer and pulled a needle from her hair, undoing one of the leather straps that held some of her feathers in a bun. She quickly tied them together and plunged the tip over her son's lip.
“Forgive me...”
She sewed and sewed as thin streams of bright red blood ran down Abe's lips and chin, contrasting cruelly with his blue skin. Soon the screams turned to moans, then to long, muffled sounds.
“Hush, little one... it's all right... it's all right now.”
Lure didn't know if everything would be all right, or if Abe understood what she was saying. One thing was certain: the Shrink didn't get it.
“Give. It. To. Me.”
The words 'Non Compliant' remained printed on his screen, which grew redder and redder.
One of the Shrink's arms had just equipped itself with a full syringe.
“Don't make me put you to sleep, Sam.”
The Shrink's arms grabbed the baby Mudokon and began to pull. Sam, terrified, pulled back with the force of desperation.
“No! Stop! He's not crying anymore! Stop it! Stop it!”
The Guardian Angel's halo also turned bright red.
“I warned you, Sam.”
It plunged the needle into the Queen's neck, but before it could press the plunger, the Shrink was forced to step back. Lure had moved to his SnUzi and had just emptied a load of ammunition straight at the machine. Unfortunately, the syringes shattered harmlessly on the robot's black carapace. With its program suddenly changing priority, the Shrink turned its attention to the Slig and lunged at him at full speed, its arms turning into saws and blades. Lure barely dodged, his hand clutching his weapon, while Sam watched the unequal battle in dismay.
“W-what the...” she stammered.
The Shrink leapt at Lure again, who narrowly dodged the blades once more, but the angle of the screen collided with his ribs. The Slig yelped and rolled to the ground, his pale skin turning black from the impact. Furious, the Shrink let out a distorted cry of frustration and was streaked with saturated static.
“You can see him?!” Sam exclaimed, her eyes widening.
The Shrink didn't answer, but rose high into the air, coming closer to the Queen. She paid no attention to it and stared in amazement at the Slig in front of her. At last.
Just then, the Shrink's syringe stung Sam again, and this time the arm pressed down on the plunger. The sleeping drug entered her system. The female hiccupped and pulled the needle out, but it was too late.
“Everything's fine Sam” the Shrink's cold voice rang out. “You're just having a bad dream.”
Then the machine raced ahead towards the Slig, all saws out. Lure, enraged by what he'd just seen, came to meet it, uttering a huge curse in his own language. He leapt forward, straight at the screen, barely grazing the blades that lacerated his back, thrown too far. Summoning all the strength in his one arm, Lure thrust the enormous SnUzi needle into the center of the screen, which shattered and cracked on all sides. Distorted mechanical screams rang out as the Slig emptied the rest of the bullets into the machine's circuitry. The corrosive, poisonous liquid fried cables and chips, and a foul-smelling smoke began to gush from the cracks. An ominous electrical noise ran through the entire robot, amplifying rapidly, and Lure threw himself to the side just in time. With a final distorted scream, the Shrink exploded, throwing debris everywhere. The other screens on the wall went dark, as if they all depended on the one now spread across the room.
“Lure!” Sam shouted as she saw the Slig on the ground.
The said Slig got to his feet, shaken, but quickly rushed towards his friend, forgetting his victory over his opponent.
“Sam! You okay?”
He stared at the spot where the needle had done its work. It wouldn't be long before the product took effect and put her to sleep.
“Oh by the Moon!” Sam whispered. “Lure!”
She was seeing him. She was finally seeing him. And he, too, was finally seeing her again. There was still a chance then!
“Hurry, Sam! We gotta get outta here! Your power! Use your power with the chicks and let's get out of here!”
Eyes glistening, Sam reached out a hand and placed it on his masked face.
“It's really you... oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Lure...”
She closed her eyes and two tears rolled down her cheeks.
“It's okay, we'll talk about it later Sam! Come on, let's go!”
“I can't.”
Lure's excitement died down.
“Whaddya mean?”
“I cannot you my powers anymore, Lure. I've passed everything on to my children. To those who are born and to those who will be. But I... I have nothing left.”
The Slig stepped back.
“But, no, it can't be!”
Sam was about to answer the the alarm suddenly rang. Behind Lure, the armored doors closed automatically. Soon the Intern security would arrived here.
Sam's hand grasped her friend's shoulder.
“Lure, there's nothing we can do, I'm sorry. I just can't leave. But you still have a chance. You must go! Save yourself!”
Lure shook his head.
“No! I came here to save you! I was sent right here right now! I must save you!”
While he was trying to convince himself, the Queen shook her head as if to stay awake.
“We have no time, I'm sorry... Lure...”
Before he could say anything, Sam suddenly handed him her son.
“Lure... they wil kill him. The non compliance is punished by death, you know it...”
Yes, he was well placed to know. But why was she telling her that?
“Lure... take him with you. Please...”
The Slig didn't immediately understand what she was saying. He kept his eyes on the little blue Mudokon. The alarm continued to roar and suddenly, it hit him. Another signal only Lure could hear struck him, like an evidence. A terrible evidence.
“No. No!”
He dropped the SnUzi again and grabbed and grabbed the Queen's wrist.
“I came for you! For you! You must come with me! Sam!”
Sam's eyelids grew visibly heavier.
“I beg you... take him... with you. Please...”
Lure wished he could refuse and find another way. Now, just right now. He gritted his teeth as Sam's eyes kept begging him again and again to allow Abe to live.
He couldn't refuse.
The Slig then took out the strand of feathers still resting at the bottom of his metal pocket. He looked at it intently for a few seconds before tying it around Sam's wrist.
“I was here.”
The Slig tightened his fingers around her wrist.
“I was there. It wasn't a dream Sam!”
The Mudokon Queen smiled. It was a true smile this time, a tearful, painful but alive smile. Lure counted three seconds in his head as he always did and savored this sweet, cruel moment, his hand still resting on his friend's slender wrist. Then his fingers reluctantly slipped away to finally grasp the newborn. If he waited any longer, he'd never leave and he'd never be able to honor his vow.
“I'll be back to save you, Big Girl. I promise!”
The effects of the serum injected into her bloodstream were taking their toll. Asameera's eyes clouded over as her heavy eyelids struggled to stay open.
“You... already... did, Lure. Thank you...”
He could see that staying awake was almost impossible for her now.
“Quick... run away!”
He couldn't tell whether it was her intonation or the door suddenly swinging open behind them, but Lure reacted instantly. Quickly positioning the baby Mudokon in the crook of his arm, he activated his latest invisibility ring and draped himself in his makeshift cloak to cover Abe for the Technicians. He took advantage of the noisy rush of the army of Interns into the huge room to run for the exit. The rough hum of his legs alerted several guards, who opened fire where they saw fit to shoot blindly, but only succeeded in wounding each other. The Slig tightened his grip on the baby and rushed down the corridor without looking back.
Left behind, the Mudokon Queen slumped forward with all her weight, her last words coming in one breath as she sank into total unconsciousness.
“I ...ve you.”
“Fuck! Fuck!”
No words could describe the overwhelming anger that seized Lure as he raced through the Vykkers' headquarters. They had dared. All this time, they'd known he wouldn't succeed. That he wouldn't save Sam. They'd only sent him here to retrieve an insignificant newborn blue baby he had nothing to do with. Without telling him.
Until the end, they had manipulated him. All of them. Vykkers, Glukkons, even those filthy, hypocritical Mudokons.
For the first time since he didn't even know when, the Slig felt this terrible urge to kill. Anything, anyone. For a split second, he even considered strangling Abe, snapping his neck, just out of spite, to show those bastards that they'd been wrong to mess with his head, that things wouldn't turn out the way they wanted. To destroy everything they had planned. Out of pure, simple revenge for having been used once again. Oh yes, he was dying for it!
All he needed was one hand.
But it was impossible. It was impossible for him to betray Sam's last wish.
“Why me, dammit? Why me?!”
He had returned to the freight elevators and slid onto the platform between two containers as the Interns pulled the levers to raise them to the surface. When he was sure he was high enough not to be heard, he lifted the baby just in front of his masked face to look him straight in the eye, although Abe for his part couldn't see him.
“Tell me why!” cria Lure. “Why is this happening! Why you and not her?! What's so special about you, you little shit?!”
He couldn't help shaking him, though of course he got no answer. Abe couldn't speak, couldn't even make a sound. But Lure didn't care. He just had enough.
“I don't give a fuck about you!”
Tears of fright and incomprehension flowed profusely down the baby Mudokon's bluish cheeks, his big yellow eyes gleaming with innocence, searching in the void for whatever was tossing him about. Terribly familiar eyes. Lure felt his strength leave him and fell to his knees, as his own tears stung his tiny retinas.
“I... I know, okay? I know, it's not yer fault!”
He tightened his grip around him and pressed him against his ribs.
“This is unfair!” he bawled. “I didn't sign up for... for this! For you!”
Now even his voice was losing its energy. Anger was disappearing as quickly as it had exploded inside him, leaving only a vast dejection.
“I just wanted to be with her. End my fucking life with her. What little was left of it. But even that was too much to ask?”
Of course, the only answer was silence. Lure remained motionless and silent throughout the ascent, drained of all substance, not knowing what to do or think. Only the small jolt that shook the elevator and the metallic sound of the doors opening jolted him out of his daze. He straightened up, readjusted his cape and moved cautiously towards the exit.
What now?
The Slig took a quick look at his invisibility ring and cursed vehemently. The ring had almost finished burning out. He had only two minutes left at the most, and still had a huge portion of the complex to cross to the surface before he could hope to get out of here. The area was swarming with guards authorized to shoot on sight, and Lure was unarmed. And his pants were still too noisy to hope to go unnoticed for long once he was visible again.
He couldn't come back the same way.
“Okay. Plan B.”
Lure rushed forward, running as fast as he could. They still had a chance of getting out. All he had to do was reach the docks and jump on a train. The nearest ones were only a few hundred meters away, where they loaded the eggs to send them off to hatch at the conditioning center. He could do it! He could almost see the pistons of the first train clinging to the overhead tracks. All he had to do was turn a corner and...
Something slammed into him as he turned the corner. The impact propelled him to the ground, as it had done for the Intern he'd just collided with. The latter wriggled frantically on the ground for a moment, uttering long, high-pitched, gagged cries before standing up again on his twisted legs. Sweating, Lure didn't dare make the slightest movement, fighting against his instinct to get up. The slightest noise would betray him and be fatal. The Intern had a SnUzi and was ready to use it. The Slig could only hope that his foe would get away quickly, to look elsewhere or raise the alarm, whatever! But he had to go. How much time did he have? A minute? A few seconds? Lure felt as if time itself had frozen.
But then the Intern suddenly turned his attention to a small blue being gesticulating on the tile floor, and Lure felt his blood run cold. Abe. He'd dropped Abe when he'd fallen earlier! The Technician was stunned for a few moments, and the baby Mudokon froze when he spotted him, as if he'd instinctively understood that this mute creature represented a serious danger. And he was right, for the tip of the SnUzi immediately held him in its sights.
“Oh no you don't!”
Lure's body reacted on its own. With his one arm, he leapt to his feet and swung his mechanical legs directly into the face of the Intern, who flew a little further into the air. Lure grabbed Abe in a hurry and set off again, while the enemy behind vociferated and emptied his ammo in all directions. Three syringes flew past Lure's back but he didn't stop, concentrating entirely on the trains. However, as he reached the first platforms, he realized to his horror that all eyes were on him, on his exact position.
He was visible again.
What followed was chaos. Gunfire erupted from all directions as all the Technicians rushed after him, covering the high-pitched, hysterical orders of the present Vykkers. Lure tried to outrun them, but the alarm sounded louder and indicated the directions he was taking, alerting the other guards posted further away. Lure tried his best and suddenly turned off towards the next dock, unaware of what lay ahead. He jumped between the shots into the first open carriage, unfortunately he'd been spotted once again. The Interns broke down the doors and rushed into the train, gunning down any potential hiding place before even checking. They searched for a long time for his body, to no avail.
“Where are they?!” a furious and overexcited Vykker bellowed. “Find them and bring me their corpses!”
The search went on for a very long time, and every inch of the train was examined with a fine-toothed comb. But they had to face the facts:
The Slig had vanished.
Already a few miles away, in another black train hurtling at full speed along the tracks to an unknown destination, Lure was trying to catch his breath. He had managed at the very last moment to dive into this second train, practically next door to the one those idiots were still probably searching on the platforms. The Slig would have gladly chuckled and celebrated his victory. He would have liked to afford this moment of mirth and then think about the next step, which involved coming back later and saving Sam for good this time, as he had promised.
Instead, he hurried over to an assortment of metal crates to place Abe inside, and bent double, hand over heart, assailed by excruciating pain. He didn't even have time to remove his mask before a violent flow of blood crossed his lips.
“Ah... ah... shit...”
He knew it, he'd felt it just as he was about to jump. A syringe had lodged itself in his right shoulder blade and had already done its work, mixing its fluorescent green poison with his blood.
Lure looked around in despair. If he could find a cure... after all, the Vykkers were engineers, scientists, doctors. Perhaps there was still a chance that the products aboard the train were for pharmaceutical use. Perhaps, perhaps...
But when he saw the emblems on the crates, the Slig immediately understood. His luck had run out. All he would find were pieces of engineering, of machinery. Meat saws. There could be no mistake.
“Rupturefarm...” he commented in a breath, running his trembling hand over the yellow and red symbol. “Great...”
He turned back to the baby Mudokon, who was watching him with his big, soft eyes. Slowly, he moved closer, fighting off dizziness and nausea.
“I... see... it's over.”
He had failed. There was nothing left for him. But maybe he could still make sure he saved Sam's son.
Taking deep breaths, he grabbed a sign hanging from a crate by a thin rope and a pen from the same container. As neatly as he could, he wrote down the message he wanted to convey, made a colossal effort to read it over, then finally placed it around the baby Mudokon's neck.
“Here... with this you might have... a chance kid...”
It seemed to him that Abe was reacting directly to his intonations, as he gave him a look charged with sadness and innocence.
“Ah...you're her son alright... You're already so... lucky, kid.”
He smiled bitterly under his mask.
“You got a mother who loves you... who gave you a name... while I...”
He clenched his fingers around the metal crate.
“I... I got nothing... just a code... then I met her. Ah, she... she... gave me a name. Lure. Yes, Lure. But now it doesn't... matter.”
Name or code, in the end, it was all the same. He was going to be forgotten. The only person who knew his name, who had given it to him, would forget him again. And that was the worst part for him. It broke him even more than knowing that in a very short time he would no longer be part of this world.
Maybe it was better that way. A little sad, of course, but for her it would be better if she didn't remember anything, because otherwise her pain of having lost him would be endless, unbearable. She was like that after all. They had broken her and made her bend, but they couldn't touch her heart. It had remained the same. In a way, she was still there. Forever.
He thought he was going to burst into tears. He didn't want to be excluded from her heart, not like this.
So, while being aware of his selfishness, he took the sign around the neck of the little blue being back and, with a trembling hand, wrote one last word. Then, having put it back in place again, he cupped the newborn's head in his palm. The big shining eyes looked at him, sparkling with innocence, like those of his mother. Exactly.
“You have to remember”
He felt the head tilting slightly in his hand at the sound of his nasal voice, just as his mother used to do long ago. It almost made him give up, but Lure forced himself to resolve. His rough thumb slid over the baby's warm blue cheeks - like his mother, his mother - and flew over the strips that sealed his lips. The simple touch rekindled the fear and pain in those big, familiar eyes while a pathetic whimper remained trapped in his mouth.
“You have to remember her.”
He increased the pressure sharply, pressed as hard as he could. Drops of blood beaded out of the holes left by the needle and began to trickle down his chin and down his throat. The little body shook in all directions, the innocent face flushed with fear, pain and incomprehension. The successive screams sounded less loud than a contrite whisper.
“You will remember!”
If he, Lure, previously code 583, previously too insignificant to be named, previously a small ball of food that had barely survived, if he had been able to remember his own mother and Queen, it was only because the pain he had felt that day, when Skillya had gobbled up his arm, had accompanied him all his life. Even without him realizing it. Then this little Abe too would remember this pain, remember her, Sam. And someday...
“You will remember... and someday, you will save her. You...”
He was starting to see blurred, he was running out of time.
“You... you will be able to... you will succeed! You will succeed where I have failed!”
Finally, he dropped his hand, stopping the torture. He had already run out of strength to hold him, and the baby gesticulated in all directions, trying to crawl away from him, his face devoured by tears and his eyes tightly shut.
“Ah... I... sorry, kid...”
Now Lure's voice terrified him. Good. It wouldn't encourage him to make friends with Sligs, so that was fine. Lure adjusted the sign around his neck one last time, ignoring the newborn's panic at his touch.
“But I don't want her to end up like that. And... I don't want her to forget me... so...”
He coughed violently and felt a huge viscous spit with a metallic taste pass his lips. He took a step back.
Then two.
Then three.
“Good luck, sucker.”
Then he turned around and went to open the compartment door. In the crate, the cowering little Abe opened one fearful eye and, seeing nothing above him, cautiously straightened. He couldn't get out of the metal box, but he could see a little of what was beyond. He saw a large opening through which a bright and warm landscape streaked with dusty winds was passing. And in front of this landscape stood the creature that had hurt him so much, that had reminded him of someone else, someone much more gentle and kind, someone he would have preferred to see and hoped to see again. The creature mounted on shiny black legs seemed to be watching the landscape go by, motionless, one hand resting on the door. For a long moment, Abe thought he was going to stay like that forever.
Then he heard a whisper that sounded like 'Sam...', a whisper that almost made him cry. Then the creature slowly dropped its arm along his body, tilted forward and disappeared into the void.
Abe waited, not moving, for a long, very long time for him to return, fearing and hoping for that moment. But only the door, pushed by the force of air friction on the train, closed with a small slam, plunging him into the dark. Then he knew he had just witnessed the end of something, and that now he was all alone.
He began to weep with silent tears.
First: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/asameera/691287639162290176?source=share
Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/asameera/722558988976308224/oddworld-code-583-chapter-16-one-morning-in?source=share
Epilogue: https://www.tumblr.com/asameera/729531695006613505/oddworld-code-583-epilogue?source=share
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[ID: A colourful collection of icons and images related to tumblr, each animated to switch between two angles, surrounding the words 'tumblr 2022 My Year In Review' in front of an orange grid background. End ID.]
I posted 649 times in 2022
That's 649 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (10%)
583 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 611 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#whump - 88 posts
#whump writing - 82 posts
#fantasy whump - 75 posts
#glass shards - 32 posts
#whump art - 30 posts
#writing things - 23 posts
#🤣🤣🤣 - 22 posts
#writing - 20 posts
#starlit plays tag games - 19 posts
#hidden depths - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i've adopted this story ✨️ as such my first speculative thought was whether cyra would go with adair when (emphasis) he eventually escapes
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hidden Depths: Masterlist
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Genre: Fantasy whump
This story is set in my fantasy world of Valysii. It follows an eighteen-year-old young man named Resh, who essentially sold himself into indentured servitude in return for assistance from the Crown to save his sick sister.
Unfortunately for him, he works for the crown prince, Marcus, who is a sadistic bastard. He finds this out soon enough, but not soon enough to matter, if you catch my drift :D
This story is told in dual POV.
See the full post
9 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Chapter 8 ~ No way out
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Hidden Depths
Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next
Genre: Fantasy whump
Written per Whumptober 2022 prompts
CW: flashback of attempted noncon, panic attack, mentioned death, mentioned murder, angst, failed escape, buried alive, magic whump, captivity
WC: 4499
See the full post
10 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Last Line Tag
Thanks for the tag nanashi23!
RULES ARE SIMPLE. Share the last lines of... (whatever last lines means to you) . What you've written, last thing you wrote, last line said by a character. Surprise me. : )
This snippet is from a new story featuring Nykim from my fantasy whump Hidden Depths :D
"Her," Nykim said shortly. The early morning light was nearly blocked out by the dense canopy of green from above, so he was forced to slow his pace or risk tripping over a root or fallen branch. That wouldn't do, not even in front of Brant.
Brant shook his head, the motion barely visible. "Her." Brant's tone was full of disbelief. "I still can't believe it."
"What, is it so hard to believe a female could be as vicious as she is?" Nykim asked softly, infusing his voice with a quiet sort of venom. He wouldn't tolerate any disrespect, even when she was gone.
"No, of course not," Brant was quick to say. "It's just, I fuckin trained him. I mean, her. Known her as long as you, and never would've guessed."
Nykim rolled his eyes, then came to a stop before the first wall. There were three of the fuckers, with only one gate, patrolled by the royal guard at all hours. Too tall, too smooth, to climb, but Nykim didn't have that problem.
*grumble fucking tags grumble* Tagging people makes me nervous 😅
Tagging: i-can-even-burn-salad - since I'm not responding to your tag lol verkja @littleperilstories (if you want to of course!) also, butyoumissedmyheart - if you'd like to (like really, feel free to ignore this tag lol), sometimes sharing small pieces is easier than posting a whole chapter :)
There, I did it. *phew*
15 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
I have 3 more chapters and 5 more days in October. I had given up on completing whumptober last week when I got stuck on my last posted chapter. I'm still slightly behind, but it's doable. It is doable. I'm over here cheering myself on. You can do it, anna! :D
25 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Whump Intro
Hi, hello! 
Um, I’ve been avoiding this intro bc I am a shy awkward hermit that usually just lurks and likes stuff, but that doesn’t really work on Tumblr so here I am! Plus I wanted to use Whumptober to force myself into sharing my writing and figured it might be useful to introduce myself first.
You can call me starlit, or anna, or hey you, I don’t really care lol. She/her pronouns. I love reading fantasy & fantasy romance, writing, and playing RPG video games when I have the time (usually fantasy based-are we sensing a theme here? 😂)
Before we get to more about me nonsense-
Shout out to i-can-even-burn-salad
For beta reading for me and then being brave enough to share her stories with me. And for sucking me into Tumbler lol. And for talking to me all the time and making me laugh. And for being such a great person. <3
I love her writing and stories so much. Please, please, check her writing out. It's worth it, I promise! Bring tissues though!!
Best internet friend ever trophy, where is it? I need to send it… oh, there it is. Here you go, Elli! 🏆🎉💜
I haven't had the opportunity to check out many other blogs yet, bc someone has such an extensive back catalog 👀 😂 but tagged below is the one I have read. I devoured Traces in one day because it was so good. Highly recommend!
Traces by whumping-in-the-wings - Thanks for writing such a great story! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
(Obligatory disclaimer: heed the warnings. They are well-tagged.)
I've got my eye on several other blogs once I have a little more time. Hope ya'll like spam likes/reblogs/comments, bc I'm a bit enthusiastic 😂
Ok, back to me, I suppose. Under the cut 🤣
I tend to use emojis excessively, but don’t expect me to know the meaning of them beyond face-value expressions. I shamelessly claim elder millennial status as an excuse (which means I’m 18+, obviously).
I’m audhd (combo autistic/adhd), but I didn’t find that out until earlier this year, so I’m still very used to tiptoeing around people and holding myself back out of self-preservation. Working on that though, bc I’m tired of that shit. 
Erm, also… fuck is my favorite word. If you don’t like foul language, I might not be a great fit for you. 
I joined Tumblr about a month ago, so I am still learning and ask for your patience. (I will probably be learning for quite some time, tbh) If I’m doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
Asks are welcome, although not sure what you would ask me lol. With asks, keep in mind that I’m literal as fuck and context is everything :D
As is fairly common from what I’ve seen in this community, I’ve daydreamed whump for as long as I can remember, and it’s nice to:
1. know what to call it 🥲
2. find someplace where I don’t feel weird about getting it out of my head and putting it on digital paper. Well, not quite as weird haha.
I’m super nervous to post on here, but that’s what I’m here for, so… deep breaths 😶
See the full post
91 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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12/28/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Revelation 1 - 5
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. Today's the 28th day of December, so good to be here with you, as we are walking and winding our way down this ever winding road towards the finish line, to complete the Bible together in a year in chronological order. and boy, windy is one way to describe the road this year. but we'll do this together because we are a community, a beautiful broad community of people, with differences and similarities all over the globe. and isn't it good to know that you're not alone in the Journey of life. whether the road is straight and whether the road is windy. we're beginning a brand new book today, the final book of the Bible reading Revelation chapters 1 through 5 today, and this week we're reading the Evangelical Heritage Version, Revelation chapter 1.
We started our final book of the Bible today, which is a highly controversial book, The Book of Revelation. The author is known to be John, and the Book of Revelation has a great amount of symbolism. It's apocalyptic reading but many people Translate and I think it can be fascinating sometimes, of the conclusions formed from such a piece of apocalyptic literature. I will be really honest I have a difficult relationship with the Book of Revelation, and so it leaves me in this place where I can't comment much on it, mainly because I don't understand much of the symbolism yet, and secondly maybe just because I see so many people translate it literally as a form of fear. and if perfect love casts out fear then I have a problem per se with people scaring people into a response maybe for personal gain. fear finds a way out, love doesn't need one. so my commentary on the Book of Revelation will be very minimal. I have vowed that I will not speak about that which I do not yet understand myself. I don't want to say words for the sake of saying words so with that being said chapters 2 and 3, that we just read, are letters to various churches. We will read Revelation out through the rest of the year and will do this journey together. We will finish what we started together individually collectively and as a community. 
So father, thank you for being here with us today. thank you that you are still in it, amidst the things we don't quite understand just yet. you are with us and our questions and our doubts, you are with us in our difficult relationships. with certain passages and your word I pray God, that we would never use it to weaponize another person, and so often we do I pray that we would not use your word as a form of manipulation to scare people into a response that benefits our ego, but I pray father that we would use your word as a mirror to look into the corners in the crevices of Our Lives. the places that we so often refuse to look at and that we refuse to shed any sort of light on, but you are the light and you said that we are the light of the world. so I pray that we would be worthy of your light, your word lighting up the darkness all around us, by sharing the love of Jesus, perfect love of Jesus, that casts out all fear. And I pray this now all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. 
Daily Audio Bible, That's home base. you can check it out if you have not. take a look around. that's the app, it's also the website. If you would like to partner with us here at Daily Audio Bible, thank you so much for your Partnership. if you're giving by mail DAB PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. or you can hit the give icon up at the top right hand corner of that mobile device. and lastly look for the give icon on the website. if you need prayer, if you'd like to pray for someone that's previously called in, several different ways for you to do so, 800-583 2164, or once again utilizing that mobile device, the red circle button. you have 2 minutes on the prayer line, hit submit at the end, and then turn the wheel over to chronological, and it will get to the right place. That's it for me today, we will turn the page together tomorrow, and I look forward to it. Until then, I'm Jill, Love One Another. 
Community Prayer Line
Blessing :-) Okay to call back tonight so this is for a couple of co-workers first two days ago my one co-worker told me that one of her nieces that lives here in town had a house fire and they lost everything well she was laying in bed with her two children the one girls three years old and the other Kyle is around the same age they're really young anyway they all sleep hot so they sleep in tank tops okay and the mom she was Jamie her is her name she was wearing shorts well I don't quite understand this but but Wendy my coworkers and Jamie's shorts were on fire and Ashley burnt her so I don't know how I don't think it was very serious but obviously went Fire Burns you it actually burnt them to herself right it sounds really bad but she didn't go by squatter or anything so I'm not sure what all that is I know the Red Cross is help you so just pray for that please and then today just a few hours ago at work my coworker Jeanette her mom has had dementia for years and and been nursing home well she's got a call from her aunt that her mom is in the coma and who knows how long she'll live so please please pray she's really broken up 
hello Community my name is Cassie I think I might be going by his dancing son from Nebraska it's been over 3 years since I've called in but God laid on my heart I needed to call in today I'm a few days behind listening to December 21st as it is Christmas Eve so Merry Christmas to everyone but I wanted to call in to pray for Heather from Santa Barbara I don't usually pray out loud so forgive me but sister I am praying for you I'm praying that God fulfills his promise for you that your doctor's appointment went well that you are freed from this dark dark place and that God brings you back into the light that you are able to find a new client or that he may renew the contract with your old client that he'll bring you out of this financial low and that he will fulfill all of his glorious problems will be such a glorious and bright year for you praying all of this in his Heavenly name amen Heather from Santa Barbara which is so funny because the city of Santa Barbara was on my mind Heather your call is heartbreaking you seem to have lost faith and you sound hopeless and you sound very much in a bad place and so I wanted to give you some encouragement I was in a similar place in my life last year around January and I called into the damn family and they begin praying for me my family began calling me everyday and telling me you know how much they love me and just listening to the things that were going on I gave my life to Christ I began reading my Bible going to church really kind of infusing myself into the word I can't say that the depression lifted immediately but it did lift Heather give just give God time just give him time just give him time let me pray for you before my time is up dear father in Heaven thank you Lord for the blessing of another day thank you for so many blessings thank you for Heather thank you for her life thank you first salvation Lord thank you for another day for her to get it together before I even ask about anything divorce sadness Rancho blessing career blessings spiritual blessing friend blessings all the things that you need are coming your way in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen 
0 notes
Reading One Piece pt 335: Somebody Call Child Services
Chapter 583
- Ew, these two guys from Thriller Bark I kinda wish ended up deceased are on the cover. Forgot their names, glad at the fact
- “I hate bandits” um, Luffy, maybe don’t say it in the middle of a bandit lair
- Dadan yells a lot, huh
- “”Starting tomorrow, I’m gonna work your butt off! Cleaning, washing, shoe polishing, weapon polishing! Stealing, plundering, fraud, murder! You got that!?” Baaaack up, some things are not like the others here
- (damn, it really is a boot camp for orphans/orphan-alikes. Garp must be rich, only a rich person would think of it)
- “You only get this much food! Fend for yourself!” hmmmmmm
- “Okay” “What? Isn’t this where you’re supposed to cry?”
- “One time Grandpa left me alone in the jungle” I knew about it but. Garp’s A+ Parenting strikes again
- no, seriously, all this sequence makes me go
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- yes, Ace and Luffy bonding time!
- what the… that’s a whole *** tree
- JESUS I KNOW YOU’RE AN ANGSTY KID BUT THERE ARE LIMITS and the limits is throwing your brother off the bridge into an abyss
- gee, such caring individuals, these bandits. Shouldn’t they care more about brats, for their own self-interest? I assume it’ll get better but it doesn’t look good right now
- “One night a week later…” …I just can’t believe it. A WHOLE WEEK!?
- Luffy’s back by the way
- AND HE STILL WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH ACE. I know how Luffy is as an adult but to see this child so desparate for companionship he’ll live through This to befriend someone… I kinda want to strangle Garp now
- …
- Three months. I’m at my limit
- hey look, a junkyard. Of course we’re letting a child in there
- “All thing unwanted end up here. Things… and even people.” Oda doesn’t play around
- Sabo? We’re meeting Sabo!
- Great hat, Sabo! Why are you here, child!
- aww, they’re saving money to become pirates
- “You guys wanna be pirates? Me too!” lol, Luffy’s here
- they went and tied him up
- “Are you Ace’s friend? Be my friend too!” this poor child
- “If we let him go, he’ll tell the whole world.” Oh, like he has anyone to talk to
- “We gotta kill him” “Yeah” WHAT
- “Kill him!” “I don’t know how!” “Me neither!” damn it children WHY
- Pirates Who Ace Stole Money From Alert everyone hide
- oh Luffy
- “Help me, Ace!” …it lowkey hurts my heart, that thing here
- wow, you’re a terrible liar, Luffy
And that’s the story of how Luffy got kidnapped, soon to be tortured. Stay tuned  
rOP 334  rOP 336
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animebw · 3 years
Reading One Piece: Chapters 583-584
-”Fend for yourself, brat!” “Okay.” “What?! Isn’t this where you’re supposed to cry?!” dskjshfkdhf Luffy shrugging off tropes without even realizing will never stop being funny.
-Aaaaaw, love seeing Baby Luffy taking Shanks’s advice to heard.
-ahahahaha WOW Ace was an asshole kid wasn’t he
-Ooh, we got some good old-fashioned gutter-slumming!
-”We gotta kill him.” “WHAT?!” dkfjhsdkfh PLEASE
-”I’ve never killed anyone before!” “Me neither! I don’t know how!” they’re such idiots oh my god
-Glad to see Luffy always had a knack for inopportune honestly, lol. You boys better save him quick!
-I will say, it’s a little weird we’re only getting significant Luffy/Ace backstory after Ace’s death. Normally, this is the kind of flashback arc you’d drop before or during a gigantic battle like Marineford to give it context as it’s unraveling. Waiting until after the dust has settles just feels... odd.
-Yeesh, something about this guy just wailing on Kid Luffy is unsettling. There’s no crazy powers here, just grungy, bare-knuckles brutality.
-”Once I face off against an enemy, I never run away!” Well, he certainly didn’t run away from Blackbeard. Something something fatal flaws something.
-”I don’t want to be alone! I hate it more than being hurt!” See, why couldn’t we have gotten this before Marineford? It would’ve made Luffy’s desperation even more powerful!
-”Do you... want me to be alive!” And this too! God, why save this stuff for after the action? It would’ve been so good for setting the stakes!
-”So what’s so great about these... Celestil Dragons?” OH SHIT HERE WE GO
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ivorytowerblr · 3 years
NaNoWriMo 2021: Nov 8th
Not quite as much as I would have hoped, but closer to being on track again. This is of course a good natural scene swap point.
Title: Warcraft: Invasion (Vol 1 of Reborn AU) Word Count: 12071 (of 50000) Includes: Violence, mature sexual content, strong language. Summary: It was a dark and stormy night when the rift opened. From it spilled warriors of an alien culture bent on finding and destroying the cause of a sickness that plagued their world, all unknowing that the true cause was right under their noses all along.
Five years after the birth of his son, Llane Wrynn, Crown Prince of Stormwind, would learn of a terrible threat to his people, his nation, and his very world. The only natural thing to do is send his son to the protective walls of Northshire Abbey and, all unknowing, to the protection of a great hero, the prodigy-knight Mara Fordragon.
When sickness ravages your very world, you have no choice but to do whatever it takes to cure it, even if it means traveling to another world by means of the foulest of dark sorceries. It means standing at the side of a butcher, a monster, an abuser, a warrior, a chieftain, a hero to your clan. It means putting aside what is right to do what you must.
All these threads and more weave together to bring about a war like any other; two worlds will never be the same again.
Previous: 1st . 2nd . 3rd . 4th . 5th . 6th . 7th . 
Chapter 2
“For those who understand the way teleportation works, my next explanation will both be completely comprehensible and utterly horrifying. For those who do not, it will simply seem as inscrutable as anything else mages do. Teleportation is based on honing in on the location one is going by using a series of waymarks. Opening the rift in reality was much the same, except on a cosmic scale.”
Excerpt from the Book of Medivh, 583 A.F.
Orgrim burst from between the trees and stumbled briefly as he landed on the road. He drew his axe as he regained his balance, and looked around. Before him was what seemed to be a wagon, though it looked very little like what ordinary people used: no clefthoof or talbuk drew it, instead it seemed to have nothing pulling it at all, and moreover, it was smoking in several places.
Similarly, he didn’t recognize the tall, muscular beings that were attacking it, but he did see the diminutive driver, with skin as green as his own, slightly longer pointed, tapered ears and dark brown hair tied up in a knot at the back of her head, holding a smoldering torch, and decided that it didn’t matter.
“For the Blackrock!” Orgrim bellowed. “For the Chieftain! Protect the caravan!”
His warriors, needing no prompting, followed him out and fell on the attackers. One wheeled, turning towards Orgrim, wielding a pair of wicked-looking axes. The creature was odd, as tall as an orc but thinner, though his arms were muscled. They had tusks just as an orc did, but they were differently shaped, jutting outwards, and they had a narrow chin. They had long, tapered ears that ended in a point and bright red hair that stuck up stiffly from his head.
The creature grinned at him, and lunged forward, slashing with one axe. Orgrim brought his own up to block, and kicked out at the creature’s unarmoured thigh. Bone snapped with a satisfying sound, and the creature staggered, though didn’t fall.
Interesting, the soft-skinned ones would usually fall over screaming, Orgrim thought. This one is tougher. I’ll need to be careful--
The creature took a hard swipe at Orgrim’s face and he drew back a step, wary now. His opponent pressed forward, limping a little but delivered several swings with surprising force behind them, forcing Orgrim to go on the defensive. The creature wore only a few pieces of armour, much of it lacquered wood rather than metal or leather.
Orgrim swung again, grunting, and his blow caught in the creature’s shoulder plate, leaving a faint cut; a far cry from splitting the wood to pieces. The creature grinned at him, showing off his long tusks. Orgrim lunged forward, crashing his fist into the side of the creature’s head. It cried out, cursing in a language Orgrim didn’t speak, and fell to the ground.
Orgrim stepped over it, and brandished his axe, growling. “Who’s next?”
There had been a dozen of the creatures attacking the wagon, and only a handful of them remained. Some had lost limbs -- a hand, or a leg at the knee -- while others merely groaned. Orgrim turned to look at the wagon’s sole occupant.
“Are you hurt?” he asked. They said something back, and Orgrim suddenly realized that this person would not speak his tongue, and he didn’t know if he could speak theirs. The Spook did bring back some soft-skins to interrogate, and she seems to understand the language just fine, though it feels mushy to me. He tried it anyway. “Hurt?”
The wagon’s occupant seemed to look him up and down and began to speak very rapidly, and he struggled to understand more than one word in five. "--hey there--. -- you -- drink of water? -- not hurt, -- you carry me --? -- need you -- fight -- for me, -- my heart --."
“You are... not hurt, but... thirsty?” Orgrim strained his knowledge of the soft-skin language. “I have water.” He hooked his axe into his belt, and reached for his waterskin. “Here, you may have--”
The wagon’s occupant raised their strange torch and aimed it over Orgrim’s shoulder. It let out a roar that nearly deafened him and Orgrim turned, head ringing, to see his opponent fall backwards with a hole the size of his fist in the creature that he’d left on the ground. The torch smoked briefly, and the wagon’s occupant spun it with a flourish, and placed it back in a large sheathe at their feet.
“...you didn’t need our help, did you?” Orgrim asked, embarrassment creeping along his cheeks. “That’s why you’re alone out here, because you can fight anyone who attacks you.”
The wagon’s occupant stood, and even within the wagon, she still had to reach to pat his cheek, which they did. Standing, Orgrim could see that their chest had curves, and hazarded that this was a woman. "-- feel -- bad. -- brave man -- jump i-- situation --t. You -- known -- been -- trolls since -- gob. They're -- tough -- a -- war party."
Orgrim focused hard, picking out new words. He pointed at the dead creature. “Troll?”
“Yes,” the woman said, nodding. “Big. Nasty. Dead.”
“Dead,” Orgrim agreed. He pointed at her. “Gob?”
“Goblin,” she corrected. She put her hand on her chest. “Jhenna.”
“Orc,” Orgrim said. “Orgrim.”
The woman -- Jhenna, a goblin -- looked him up and down, her gaze appraising like a trader at Oshu’gun. “Big boy.”
Orgrim flushed. “Warrior. Orcs are large. Bigger than you. Strong, tough.”
Jhenna laughed. "-- not -- size, Oggie --. It's -- what -- packing, -- you're -- packing heat."
Does she mean that it’s hot here? It definitely is. Orgrim nodded hesitantly. “Very hot here.”
Jhenna gave him another look, then nodded. “Kill trolls. Cut the head off.” She motioned with her hand, and Orgrim saw that her fingers were tipped with long, gold talons that sparkled in the sunlight. “We’ll talk.”
“Stay here,” Orgrim said, and turned, calling to the warriors. “They are called trolls! Cut their heads off!”
“Will they stay that way?” one of the warriors growled. “I cut the fingers off of one and they grew back! Like a lizard tail!”
“Jhenna seems to think it will work,” Orgrim said, walking between the bodies. He drew his axe and with a low growl, cut off the head of the nearest troll in one firm, hacking motion. Not quite satisfied, he kicked the head away, letting it roll towards the jungle, and moved on to the next.
“We have casualties,” Varok said. “Not bad ones, but they won’t be able to walk easily.”
“Jhenna wished to talk, perhaps we can ask her if she can fit them into her wagon,” Orgrim said, gesturing back towards her. “We did help, I think. Goblins seem very capable and friendly.”
“That’s what they’re called?” Varok peered over at the wagon, and Jhenna, sensing his attention, waved. “And the things we killed, trolls?”
“Yes,” Orgrim said. “If I understood her correctly. She speaks very fast.”
“Is that why you’re blushing like a newcomer to Oshu’gun?” Varok asked. “Because she’s friendly and she speaks fast?”
“It’s not...” Orgrim protested, and looked back at Jhenna. She offered him a wink and a pleased smile. “She’s tiny.”
“Well, you do like your women small and clever,” Varok said, slapping his shoulder. “Maybe this one is a true genius because she’s packed all of her thinking into a smaller body.”
Orgrim felt his entire face heat. “It’s not like that. Come, we need to gather our warriors and start moving. If the trolls come back with greater numbers, we could take more casualties. Then we’d be stuck in this spirits-forsaken jungle.”
Varok chuckled, and waved the warriors over. “Since she likes you so much, you might ask her some more questions about the people of this world. I’m sure Gul’dan and the Chieftain know, but they aren’t likely to share as much with us. It would be good to know things for ourselves.”
“That’s a good idea,” Orgrim thought, relieved. “I’ll have to ask her to speak more slowly, but I have plenty of questions about--”
“How exactly you’re going to fit?” Varok asked, raising an eyebrow. “I may not speak more than a few words of the soft-skin language, but you should see the gesture she’s making. Some things are universal in understanding, if not in--”
“Please, just... stop.” Orgrim covered his face with one hand. May the jungle just swallow me whole.
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sw33tcaram3l · 4 years
At chapter 583 of One piece manga, a fan ask Oda a question about Straw Hat Devil fruit user.
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So Lets look at the Japanese Characters of numbers 1 - 10
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Source: Link 
Now lets look at how to write the Japanese version of the Devil Fruits of Luffy, Robin, Chopper and Brook
1.  ゴムゴムの実 ( Gomu Gomu no Mi ) 
2.  ハナハナの実 (  Hana Hana no Mi ) 
3.  ヒトヒトの実 (  Hito Hito no Mi )
4.  ヨミヨミの実 (  Yomi Yomi no Mi )
Let us now analyze the idea of the reader.
 1.  Go =  ゴ in Sino Japanese reading it means ‘5′ | Mu =  ム in Native Japanese reading we see that it is part of number ‘6′.
2.  Ha =  ハ  in Sino Japanese reading is part of  ‘8′ | Na =  ナ  in Native Japanese reading we see that it is part of number ‘7′.
3.  Hi =  ヒ  in Native Japanese reading is part of  ‘1′ | To =  ト  in Native Japanese reading we see that it is part of number ‘10′.
4.  Yo =   ヨ in Sino/Native Japanese reading is part of  ‘4′ | Mi =  ミ in Native Japanese reading we see that it is part of number ‘3′.
So we got 1,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 10. And the Missing numbers is 2 and 9. Let us now take a look at  Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (  ニキュニキュの実) .
Ni =  ニ in Sino Japanese reading is part of  ‘2′ | Kyu =  キュ (can also be written as “ きゅ”) in Sino Japanese reading we see that it is part of number ‘9′.
So there you go, the ‘2′ and ‘9′. 
As we all know Kuma is now a robot and has an 80% that he will be gone. So the question is, who will gain the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. Some theory says it will be Vivi since she will have an 80% chance to be connected to Revolutionary Army and Dr. Vegapunk. 
In my opinion, it will be good since she will have a power to protect herself. She is also confirmed as a Straw Hat Pirate. Sad thing is, her hands will now have paws and she need to ware gloves forever. hahaha
Well let's wait and see.. Thank you for reading.
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onepiecepodcast · 5 years
Episode 583, "The Big Cannoli" (with @CDCubed)
Episode 583, “The Big Cannoli” (with @CDCubed)
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed & Steve on with special guests Stephen Paul, official translator for One Piece, and Caleb Cook, official translator for Dr. Stone and My Hero Academia as we discuss One Piece Chapter 952, “Hiyori and Kawamatsu” from Shonen Jump & Manga Plus! We also have a special recap of the Zoro One-Shot from the artist of Dr. Stone Boichi-
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A Rose In Harlem
OC x Erik Story
Based on Teyana Taylor’s VII & KTSE
Warnings: Language
Chapter IX: Rize
February 6, 2014
"Ladies, Gents! Find Seats! Sit in them!" All twenty-four models followed Yani's request. We just wrapped our rehearsal, everyone did phenomenal. I can only pray that we get it like this at 583 Park Ave. Yani and I have been thee dynamic duo for the past seventy-two hours. I've been steaming outfits, she's been bagging accessories. I've been designing roll-away walls, she's been contacting every contractor in her contacts to design the black and gold glitter floors.
Honestly, in the past month, Yani and I have been on our hustle. I finished my last shoot and have been on go since. Erik and I have basically been like two ships passing in the night. I usually would leave before him, and come home after he arrived. We never talked about my father's birthday, our kiss..well..kisses. None of it. I've been too busy. Yasin and I have been texting here and there, but I haven't seen him either. He's been understanding about it though. The only person I've been spending my time with is Yani.
We've collectively gotten maybe eight hours of sleep in three days. So now, we're just exhausted and over it. We're trying to get this rehearsal over and done with. The theater's silence is my queue to step on the stage, I do so, scanning my models faces. They're looking like kids on Christmas Eve. So excited for what the next day has to bring. Their faces make me grateful, my smile spreads and everyone breaks out in applause. I decipher a few, "Yeah Syd!" "You did it girl!" and "Woos" in the crowd, I yield my hands up and down, they lower their yells. "Hey everybody, We're down to the wire here. We're less than a day away. We've been working our asses off for a month and a half. I couldn't have ever gotten this done without any of you. I'm excited for everyone to see our hard work. I'm even more excited for you to see your hard work pay off."
I point to Iyo in the control center, He dims the lights and lower the projector screen. "I now present to you.. UPTXWN." Applause rings out as the projector displays a drone clip of High Bridge among the sunrise and Syd's voiceover, "Uptown, Home of the greats. From The Bronx, to Harlem. The place I know, the place I love." The six models she started with appear on the screen, daringly sitting on the railing, laughing with one another in their high end garments. "Our hustles.. It always had this special..thing about it. We always went a little harder. Thought a little smarter. Emerged to the top a bit faster." Photos of me and all of Uptown's finest begins scrolling through from right to left. From a photo of me and Dapper Dan when I was fresh out of college. Diddy and I when I was an intern at Chanel. With Kerry Washington a bit after Save the Last Dance came out when I was twelve. Sistah Souljah, Kid Capri, Bianca (aka Young B), Cam'ron, Juelz, and Jim Jones back when Rock-a-fella were still together, Kalis, and finally, A$AP Mob & me when they were fresh in the game back in 2011.
"And when we're on top, we set trends. We define eras. Their stamps will forever be evident in our culture. Here's mine. Here's UPTXWN." All of the photos scroll backwards and the screen goes black for a few seconds. Images of the Big L tribute wall outside of the Harlem Up Deli Market, in black and white appear, then the same original six models; Sam, Levi, Von, Jade, Deanna, and Cass kneeling at different levels, crowded around the wall. Making sure not to block his face or name. Then Pretty Flako instrumental bangs through the theater's speakers. The TV flake transition changes to the Bailey house shoot. The drone shot pans around the corner of the property, all twenty four models posing looking like royalty draped in over $80,000 worth of clothes collectively.  The visual pans over to a slowed down visual of Nina flashing her bottom grill, her thick frame vibing out to the up tempo beat. Then to Xierra kneeling beside her, giving face in her side profile. The screen shortly displays a wide pan of the property and models again, then switches to Levi. Iyo's suggested scene of displaying the details of his tattoos on his shirtless body-- while simultaneously showing the VVS necklace, the embroidery on the custom one of a kind jean jacket; came out perfectly.
The photos of each model in each of their looks scroll through at the right speed so each detail is fully displayed. Every model stands up, showing off as their photos went across the screen. As Gina's photoset emerges, I turn to the screen so I can roll my eyes. I instantly become reminded of how flirty she was with Erik before Yani had to snatch her up to take these.  Yani stands beside me, peeping the entire scene, "Girl, suck it up. She in it now. Let's get it over with." I shake it off, turning back to the models.  
The park Marcus Garvey Amphitheater scene pops up, it was a gloomy overcast. Which was perfect for the theme. As the looping instrumental repeats, each model was either sitting at the top of the folding seats, or crouched on the seat of the folding seats. The collective total of every look? $110,878. I'm lucky I got such great relationships with these clients and these models didn't fuck up any of they shit. The first visual was Von, on the center stage. His long hair hanging over his entire face. He rocked this black long open hooded jacket, shirtless. Displaying his massive musical themed chest piece. It gave me a grim reaper vibe that I was definitely looking for. The jacket was a piece I asked Chris Brown's people to create for their Black Pyramid line. They fucked with the vision and agreed to do it. Von flipped the bottom of the jacket back with force, the rest of the models appeared on stage, smoke filled the stage floor as the all black visual came to life. Gina and Cass rocked matching contrast dresses, Cass was the only model not in black that day. I put her in a white intricate lace Erdem Dress. Gina wore the matching Black dress.
Jade and Deanna were back to back. Jade was wearing a black deep v neck, with a leather ribbed comme des garcons jacket. With a cascading gold necklace reaching her stomach. Accompanied with black and gold aviator Louis Vuitton shades,  Black ripped Levis I thrifted on the East side, and Jefferey Campbell's Legion booties. Deanna was wearing my favorite outfit of that day. A black long sleeved Oscar De La Renta ruffled shirt with cut out shoulders, a Burberry black ruffled skirt, and black Averil Doc Martin boots. Her bamboos and three finger ring spelling out her name put a street edge on her look that was near and dear to my Harlem bred heart. GG beat every woman's face and gave them the same cohesive smokey eye with the black, In The Spirit MAC lipstick. The only difference makeup wise was Cass' white undereye liner.
Once again the photos of every model starts cascading slideshow style. Johan was my second favorite look for that shoot, He rocked a black high low long sleeved Alexander Wang shirt, black distressed Givenchy jeans, and his personal black on black Ralph Lauren Hi Boots. I was going to put him in some other shoes, but I saw the ones he had on and they looked way better with the fit. We accompanied that look with a black Cuban link necklace, the matching bracelet, and Dolce & Gabana retro flip up  round glasses.
Everyone's rave reactions trigger my tears of joy, it's all of our first times seeing the visual's final product and I couldn't be any more proud. This has really been my baby. I've nurtured it, I've put in the work for it. This moment was like its graduation. Everyone looks at me, "Awwwwww!" Yani gives me a big hug, "I'm proud of you, kid." I squeeze her, "I'm proud of us, kid." I push out a laugh.
The final shoot displayed the brownstones on Mount Morris Park, the street right outside of Marcus Garvey Park. Where my parents' old brownstone was. I only needed my original six for this one, since all twenty-four wouldn't fit on the stoop. That day, it was sunny. Not one cloud in sight. Perfect lighting for the intimate shoot. The theme was spring, specifically, pastel colors.
I dressed Jade in a pastel yellow Ted Baker maxi dress, I accessorized her outfit with vintage canary yellow teardrop earrings with a matching tennis bracelet. She wore some nude Christian Louboutin spiked peep toed heels. She stands up when she finds her face and yells while twerking, "Long Hair! Red Bottoms! Long Hair! Red Bottoms!" Everyone, including me burst out in laughter. She kept saying it so much during the shoot, I let her keep them. Paid the $1,500 tab too. Deanna was draped in a Monroe and Main white two piece suit with black accents on the collar and cuffs. We accompanied that with my personal pearls I got from my mom before she passed, some white Manolo Blahnic pumps, and some VVS diamond earrings while her hair popped in the sunlight. She wore her low cut with a rose gold tint. I put Cass in a pair of nude Emilio Pucci wide legged trousers, a White Alexander McQueen peplum top, and a matching nude blazer was draping over her shoulders. Her accessories was a silver double C Chanel choker, charm rings from Tiffany Co., and a vintage Chanel crossbody, gifted from Karl Lagerfeld himself. He said I needed something old for my collection.
The guys were matching my girls' fly. Von parallels Deanna with a Tom Ford cotton two piece suit,  I laced him with some white Versace loafers with the gold Medusa emblem on the center, with the Cuban link chain Johan wore at the Marcus Garvey shoot, and golden Panthere De Cartier  rounded sunglasses. Levi's parallel was for Jade's look. He wore a pastel yellow Calvin Klein. Accompanied with a large size canary ring on his index finger, and the Burberry vintage loafers. Sam paralleled Cass, in a nude ASOS suit with the matching vest. I kept it simple and just accessorized it with my dad's gold pocket watch and black Stacy Adams dress shoes.
I thought the presentation was over, but then the screen transitioned to me working behind the scenes. Me pointing and directing at the Bailey house, with the wind blowing like crazy, me filming on Highbridge at the crack of dawn, Iyo even snuck some footage of the meeting we had in Morningside Park. It looks like Yani snuck some footage of me putting the image board for the fashion show stage together as well. I'm just admiring the scene of watching the hard nights and amazing days I shared with an incredible team. The last shot was me sitting on my old stoop. I was just reminiscing, thinking of how my mom, dad, and I would eat ice cream in the spring in the same spot. I looked up, as I normally do when thinking of them, put my hands together and mumbled, 'allah , shkraan lak.' The camera was too far to catch my phrase. Afterward I bowed between my legs so I could have my emotional moment to myself.
Everyone hops on the stage to crowd around me and initiated a group hug. Once everyone slightly disbursed, I see Gina still sitting in the audience with Erik, I guess he just got here. I hear the doors open again and see Yasin, smiling at me.
By half past 10, everyone had gone home except for Yani, Nina, Gina, Erik, and Yasin. Nina is waiting on Rashad to pick her up, and I guess Gina is looking to Erik to take her home. She's literally been all up under him since his arrival.
"Tomorrow's gonna go great, babe. You got a great team behind you, you've been super focused. It can't go any other way." Yasin lands a kiss on my temple as I blush at his encouragement. I blink in Erik's direction, he's giving the same look he gave us at Rashad's party. He then grips Gina, pulling her closer to him, "Yeah. You got it Syd. We gon head out. See ya later." with that, Erik and Gina strut to the exit. Nina's phone dings, "Oh, bae is here! See ya tomorrow Syd! We gon kill it, boo!" She hugs me and Yani then jogs out the double doors, "Nice seeing you again Yasin!" he nods, "You too!"
"So tell me something about you, Sin! I've only talked about me when I see you. What was lil Yasin like?" We are strolling down Saint Nick Avenue after getting grilled jerk chicken from King Barka. We decide to sit on a park bench right outside Saint Nick Park to chat since I wasn't quite ready to go home. "Well, I was born and raised in Brooklyn. Flatbush. My moms is from Brooklyn as well. My dad's side of the family is from Harlem, the eastside, but they love uptown just as much." I grin as he continues, "I was a bad ass kid growing up. Always fighting, getting into trouble at school, I even got expelled in middle school." "Well damn! How did you go from that to--" I wave my hands around his silhouette, "This?" He takes a bite out of his chicken and flashes a sexy smile, "My mom sent me to live with my Uncle. The one that retired and gave me the maintenance business."
"Ahhhh, I see. He whipped you into shape?" He snorts, "Oh, he whipped me alright. A lot. He taught me what it is to be a man." "Where was your father?" He continues eating, pausing his story for a spell, "Uh.. He was in prison. He pushed weight for about ten years, he got caught up. He didn't snitch, so he got twenty. He got out after eight years for good behavior." "How's your relationship with him now?" He shugs, "We're cool. We had a little spat when he first got out. I had to be the man of the house for a while for my moms and sisters. I resented him for it." I take a hold of his free hand, "We patched things up recently." "So him and your mom still married?" He nods, "Yeah. Moms held him down. That lady.. She deserves the world." He finishes his dish as he glows at the mention of his mother.
"She had to get two jobs before I turned sixteen and worked with my Uncle. She held down our household for three years, alone, before I was able to step in and help her. After that, she went back to school. She finished the year before my pops got out, now she's a nurse. Doing what she loves to do." "That's great. That's what life is about, doing what you love." "Definitely." He throws away our empty plates and we keep walking down the avenue, "So what do you love to do Yasin?" "I love music." I stop in my tracks.
"Let me guess, you rap?" he sucks his teeth, "Nah, girl. I play instruments. Three; Acoustic guitar, piano, and snare drum." "Ah, okay! When did you discover your talent?" "I was... ten, I think?" "You make songs?" He pulls a slick move behind me, grabbing me by my waist. I roll my eyes as we continue to walk, "I haven't made a song in five years." "Why not?" I feel him shrug behind me, "I've been busy." I turn around to grab his hands, "You're never too busy to do what you love." He smiles at me, I sense the same glow about him that he had when he spoke of his mom. "Especially when it makes you this happy...just talking about it." Yasin closes the gap between us, "Maybe, you're right. Look at you. Doing what you love. You're inspiring Syeda. Beautiful, too." He strokes my left cheek with his palm. I freeze, much like I did a couple weeks back in my apartment with Erik.
Speaking of Erik, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do about what happened since my dad's birthday. I guess Erik knows what he wants, and that's Gina. So why am I freezing? What's stopping me? All of a sudden my inner thoughts are silenced when Yasin seals our distance, gently kissing me. My knees buckle and he hoists me up by my butt, cuffing the bottom of my cheeks. That makes me even weaker, he breaks off from me, "Damn girl. You good?" My eyes flutter as I respond, "Yeah. Yeah. I'm good." I pull him by his shirt to kiss him again.
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sparda3g · 6 years
Kingdom Chapter 583 Review
It’s the thirteenth day. It could be the day that will lead to a game-changer. The last chapter had Shin and his Unit celebrating their awakened fighting spirit with good progress. Their morale is all-time high and Shin is gunning for Riboku’s head. Can they keep the momentum strong or will Riboku’s plan destroy it? This chapter resumed the calm before storm sensation with plenty of possible decided fates and concerns.
The last chapter focused on Qin and their last night of rations. This chapter’s beginning focuses on Zhao’s side on the twelfth night with Kaine delivering the message from Riboku. Unfortunately, she already delivered it, so the fans have no idea. It’s abundantly clear the plan is meant to be unspoken until action speaks for it. In other words, it’s the element of surprise and that’s bad news. We can hope the damage is minimum. Chougaryuu apparently has a similar idea, so this pleases him even more. He’s also confident that he and Zhao’s Left Wing will not fall. How nice of him to set up Riboku’s disappointment.
As the plan remains hidden for shock value, the real interesting piece is strangely enough, the exchange between Kaine and Gyou’un. It’s an odd matchup, but the context is even odder. He recalls his master, Rinshoujo, having bizarre dreams every now and then. After his passing, Gyou’un ends up receiving those dreams; rarely, but still happen. For whatever reason, Kaine was in his dream. I laughed how Bananji thought Gyou’un was having lewd dream about her. I wouldn’t blame him. But seriously, that would have been hysterical.
The actual content of Gyou’un’s dream reflects a person, who is very loyal to his/her beloved master. It sounds rather nice until he concludes it with a nightmare. The person will suffer the loss of the master, just like him and Chougaryuu. Translation: Riboku will die. Once she catches on the meaning, she flips out heavily, like she’s about to challenge them. She thought he said this to jinx them to defeat and she’s incredibly pissed about it. It’s not certain, but she won’t accept the possibility.
Whether she loves Riboku romantically or not, she is undoubtedly loyal to the heart. She proclaims that she will die for him and even if he somehow does die, she will follow him to the next life. Damn. Take it easy; it was only a story. I can understand more or less why she flipped out, but insulting the two was uncalled for. She practically told them, “Your master died and you couldn’t even follow him. Worthless.” It makes me wonder if Riboku will die here. I don’t know much of history, but I wonder if this is Hara’s hint for a drastic development for Kaine. If he does die, where will she go next? Hi Shin Unit sounds nice to me.
Gyou’un has been a pretty good enemy. Not only he’s pretty strong, but he’s also wise about life. He’s not arrogant or cocky about the situation, like some villains would portray. He understands his environment and a possibility of fate repeats itself through another. He even admits his mistake and should have kept his thoughts to himself. Even so, he is thankful to his master for many things, feeling enlightened. More importantly, he is thankful for Qin to be awakened for they see them as worthy foes and they will show them their prime strength. It’s the past era generals versus the uprising generals. That’s hype.
It’s the Thirteenth Day and the battle begins off-paneled. It instead focuses on Ousen Army, still in mint condition and waiting. It’s only the beginning, so no need to worry. Besides, the following scene offers a few important yet concerning notes. In case they thought the awakened Hi Shin Unit and Gyoku Hou Unit was a one-time moment, it is said that they are pulling off the same momentum as yesterday. For the record, there’s a back shot of Ousen’s helmet that I thought it’s a new character with a mask. It’s really Ousen, but damn, the detail is astonishing.
Speaking of new character, the third commander, Den Ri is introduced to channel the fans’ thoughts on Ousen’s plan, and by thoughts, I mean wondering if he really plan this ahead. Everything Den Ri mentioned is more or less similar to my thoughts, including if Ousen truly knew the two would go awakening mode. That itself was a gamble. Imagine if Shin and Ouhon did fail. I thought Den Ri will go fanboy, but instead, kept asking what’s certain or not. This must be Hara’s way to poke fun at us, knowing how confused we (or I am at least) are with Ousen. Seriously, what does he have in mind?
We have a new character that is confused as much as we are; then we have another new guy that has kintama to speak with Ousen. His name is Sou Ou, the fourth commander, and he has the same thought process as Den Ri. The only difference is he says it out loud, like he’s acting so surprise. What’s really surprising however is Ousen’s response. Sou Ou thought Hi Shin Unit pulling off awakening status was a surprise. To Ousen, he expected that to happen; it is Gyoku Hou Unit’s awakening that wasn’t in his expectations. Hate much?
Normally, the protagonist is the one to receive the underdog story, whereas the higher-ups don’t see anything special until a surprise happens. In this case, it’s Ouhon that gets this very treatment. That’s an interesting twist. This is why we had that backstory earlier. If there wasn’t any seed or ground of Ouhon’s character, this would have looked somewhat random. Instead, all I’m thinking about how badly Ousen hates his “son.” Why downplay him like he’s a rookie, practically calling him inferior? I guess Ousen saved himself by saying it’s not about whose better or worse, but it’s very coincidence coming from him.
It’s about time that we receive his thoughts on the matter with Qin’s Right Wing. It’s basically his critique and although he has expectations, not everything went properly according to him. He thought the Right Wing should have aimed for Chougaryuu, the brain of Zhao, after they lost Akou, dead or injured. If so, the challenge would have been lowered significantly. Well, all of that happened in one day, so it’s not like he can tell them to go for Chougaryuu instead. What’s done is done. I wonder if that’s one of the reason for his silent treatment. Either way, he moves up because he knows he can win. Confidence as always. I seriously hope to see him in action soon.
Now we go back to the battlefield and things are looking fine like yesterday. That is until the plan reveals itself. Kaine is still pissed off from last night. Scary. Futei asks her about the plan and she declines to tell him; but then she tells the plan anyway without realizing it. Well okay then. The plan itself isn’t much of a shocker as it basically says, “Aim for one of the two wheels (Shin and Ouhon) and make the cart (Qin) collapse.” It’s simple, though not said how to do so; that part remains a surprise. The real shocker is the target. It’s not Shin they will go after; it’s Ouhon.
Once again, I’m surprised how much Ouhon is being treated like the weaker of the two. It connects to Ousen’s words about gambling on him. There has to be something wrong with Ouhon for being treated like this. There must be a weakness that is easier to detect than Shin’s. Shin’s instinct notices a disturbance and it ends with the narrator leaving a haunting message that Ouhon would be defeated. It doesn’t say death, so I won’t count on that; but I fear that he will suffer a major loss. How severe? I don’t know, but the tension runs through him. It’s up to Shin to minimize the damage.
This was an interesting chapter. The thirteenth day is set to be a turning event, for better or worse. There were interesting possible foreshadows, including Riboku’s death is near. Ouhon is treated as a weakness, essentially portrayed as the underdog. The narrator did say the awakening was about to happen and it did. Now, we have this eerie message. If we take the narrator’s words seriously, we are about to witness the fall of Gyouku Hou Unit. Thirteenth Day, huh. What a cursed number…
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asameera · 2 years
Oddworld: Code 583 - Chapter 14: What was stolen
“This is simply outrageous!”
A bit of welcome calm. A smell of tobacco. A vision of Sam, alive and unharmed, perhaps even smiling above him. Maybe it was too much to ask for. Lure's consciousness waded painfully through thick layers of mist, while he still couldn't open his eyes. There was an unpleasant atmosphere of discord nearby, led by Gottlieb's thundering angry voice.
“You have no right!”
“As it happens I have, my dear friend. And to be perfectly accurate, it seems to me that you are reversing the roles here. You have committed an offence, you are illegal. And you're in trouble.”
This high pitched tone which gave him a headache. The Vykker. He was there too.
“I bought this female honestly!”
“Oh really? After you claimed that there was no Queen in your factory? Interesting.”
A Queen. To hell with the Queens! To hell with all these stories, let them deal with it! If they wanted a Queen, let them find another one! He didn't need a Queen. He just needed Sam.
“Because I knew that you would try to take her away from me by some trick! That's what you scientific butchers are like! As soon as a creature falls into your hands, you cut it to pieces! With me, she will be much more useful to our society!”
“How touching, you are going to make me weep.”
Sam. Where was Sam?
“It just takes a look at what you are doing right now!”
What was going on right now?
“What I do is necessary. Besides, I would appreciate being able to concentrate! In the meantime, I suggest you go get me the documents.”
“The... the documents?”
“The ones that certify that you have indeed purchased this rare specimen, of course. We can potentially clear up this misunderstanding if we have them in front of us. If not...”
“Now shut up and get out! This is a delicate operation for Odd's sake!”
Lure's features tightened as the sounds of Gottlieb's small footsteps hurried away, while the Glukkon ferociously belched at a Slig - hopefully it was that 988 scumbag - to go get those damn documents that probably didn't exist. At least not authentic ones. Anyway, the deception would soon be discovered, and Gottlieb would certainly have to pay a certain price, serves him right! As for Sam...
He wasn't sure he could have uttered a single sound, but he felt his lips move on their own to form her name. He also felt his eyelids flutter and was instantly tempted to close them tightly. There must have been an aggressive white light source not far from him, and its ephemeral power over his pupils was enough to give the Slig an awful headache. Yet he struggled to keep his eyes open, tried to clear his vision as best he could. He saw extremely blurred and instantly understood that his face was uncovered. When he took a deep breath, he was struck by the mixture of chemical, antiseptic and disinfectant smells, but also by a more ferrous scent that was particularly familiar. A scent that no doubt came from the imprecise dark red stain a little further away.
Above the red stain, something was moving, a purple thing whose high-pitched voice warned him.
“I said silence!”
Lure grunted and shook his head. As there was no other answer, he deduced that Gottlieb had indeed left, and that he had remained alone with the Vykker. But, while he beat more strongly of the eyelids, he perceived something else. As a feminine cry muffled by a gag.
“Hold her still!” the Vykker commanded.
At his words, several figures clustered further around the doctor, the red stain, and what appeared to be a prone body. Lure stared at the scene for a very long time, perfectly still and unable to breathe.  It wasn't true, right? They couldn't...
For a split second, two round yellow disks turned toward him, the same disks that had greeted him when he'd woken up from his stay in the labs. Her eyes. Her big yellow eyes that were turned towards him at this very moment.
Then the Vykker had to make a movement and the eyes disappeared, tightly closed, while a new muzzled scream filled the space.
“Yeah yeah well okay, hang in there” the doctor's insensitive voice mumbled with boredom. “Almost over.”
In a flash, Lure grasped the whole scene with a clarity that had nothing to do with his poor vision. Sam was lying a few steps away from him, held back on all sides by the troop of interns clustered around her. The smell of blood was coming directly from her stomach on which the Vykker was leaning, and this bastard was operating on her without anaesthetic! The Slig would have jumped to his feet if he could, but he had no pants either and was slammed against a cold surface.
“What are you doing?!”
He could still hear the fragments of her muffled cries.
“Can't you tell?” the irritated Vykker sighed. “I am proceeding to heal the internal damage! Now let me work, Slig!”
“Give her painkillers!”
“What for? I'm almost done. And besides, if you suffer it means you're not dead. Needle!”
“You bastard! I'll kill you, you'll...!”
He took a blow in the temple. The intern who was holding him had just slapped him across the face with a pair of monumental blows. It would probably leave big scratch marks.
“No need to get upset, code 583. I don't know what alienation you have gone through to nourish such unnatural devotion, but you will soon be free of it, don't worry. Still, how strange... perhaps there was a defect in the restriction phase of cerebral development? Highly improbable that said, we are always careful, but the probabilities are never null... or maybe a problem occurred in the conditioning? But then why an isolated case? Unless it is simply...”
The scientist continued to mutter to himself about incomprehensible hypotheses, but Lure wasn't listening to him anymore. He tried to call Sam, to tell her to hang in there and that everything would work out, that they would all pay for it in the end. But every time he opened his mouth, the long, bony fingers of the interns struck him, forcing him to swallow his words.
“Aaaaand done!” the scientist exclaimed triumphantly as he straightened up suddenly. “Now, now, now, stop your whining now, you're out of danger.”
In a complete lack of compassion, he turned away from the soon-to-be Mudokon Queen, muttering about the ingratitude and indignity of patients. Lure, obsessed with Asameera's condition, failed to notice the Vykker approaching him.
“Well!” the high-pitched voice exclaimed nearby, startling the Slig. “Now it's our turn! I hope you didn't hurt him too much, I still need him alive for now.”
The interns, with their vertical mouths sewn shut, could not speak of course, but the plaintive intonation they put into their muffled protests reflected their eagerness to reassure their superior not to suffer any unwanted repercussions. Some stepped aside to give space to the Vykker while others tightened their bony fingers around Lure. The Slig hated this feeling. He glared at the purple spot with his blind eyes.
“Still need me alive for what?”
There was no answer, only a small unpleasant sound that translated a contrite grimace from the Vykker, speaking volumes about his disgust.
“Urgh! I had forgotten how horrible a Slig's face could be!”
“Did you look at yourself, you chewing gum face?”
Although his vision was still blurred, Lure thought he actually saw a devilish grin take shape on the scientist's face. Then immediately afterwards, he felt the sharp claws pressing on a spot on his head, harder and harder. There was no pain, but Lure was suddenly overcome by a nameless terror out of nowhere. He began to scream helplessly, his heart pounding as the panic continued to eat away at him.
“Hmm... it's not like I can check all the areas right away, but it's a good start. The opposite would have been surprising, we don't release errors into the wild after all.”
The fingers left Lure's head and the Slig gasped loudly, still shaking with violent spasms despite the retreating fear.
“W-w-what was that?” he stammered. “What have you done to me?”
“A simple check” the Vykker replied with a shrug but some excitement in his voice. “You see, our conglomerate gives us permission and opportunity to study the brains of every creature in Oddworld, as well as their development. You can't imagine all the things we're able to do through research, it's so exciting!”
Around Lure, several interns exchanged exasperated looks and shook their heads, tired in advance of the presentation their superior was about to launch into, but the Slig paid no attention.
“Research!” the Vykker repeated with emphasis. “The identification of the different brain areas! The restriction of some of these zones! The amplification of others! Just like this one!” he added joyfully while pressing briefly on the same precise point of the tip of his claw, making Lure jump in fright. “The isolation and amplification of the fear center, inducing increased submission! Inhibition of free will! Restriction of the ability to make decisions! Inferiority complex induced at an early age! So many possibilities! And all this thanks to research and these inventions, these technological wonders, these helmets that we put on you from the moment you are born!”
“T-these.. these what?”
“The famous helmets that prevent your correct brain development, of course! Oh but you can't remember of course, how silly of me! Still, what a pity, it's your very first accessory after all, with your leg inhibitors! But not everyone can be as sentimental as me...”
“Wh... Wh... WHAT?!”
The feeling of panic returned, but this time Lure knew exactly why. Preventing brain development? Leg inhibitors? No, that didn't make sense, did it? Sligs were naturally born without legs, weren't they? That was the reason they were provided with prostheses, wasn't it? In order for them be able to... live in this world and contribute... to the smooth running... of the...
“...Magog Cartel...” the Slig finished aloud, unwittingly reciting one of the many phrases engraved in his mind.
Not far, the Vykker emitted a satisfied sound.
“That's good, you've learned your lesson well” he complimented ironically. “So your dysfunction isn't from conditioning either, apparently. Could it simply be a problem of proximity to another specimen?”
Another specimen... Asameera. What had Asameera said recently?
They dried up the lakes.
His heart began to beat faster and faster.
You had no choice.
Asphyxiation seizes him.
Mechanics, robotics, technology...... they made sure you needed it.
All that time. All those years spent wallowing in his dependence on robotics, all those moments celebrating this chance he had to stand on his own two feet, thanks to technology, thanks to the Cartel... Everything he thought he had... Everything he thought he knew...
He knew the Cartel leaders were not chivalrous, and Sam had opened his eyes wider. But even after all this, he had never questioned his pathetic form and his difficulty in thinking, nor even his terrible headaches when he'd tried to show Sam simple sympathy. Maybe he should have also questioned his near-zero vision, or even his stunted lungs? He thought it was all natural and there was nothing he could do about it. He never imagined that such manipulation was at work, that he and all the other Sligs were twisted, controlled, from the very beginning to the very end of their lives.
“Y-y-you...! Lies!”
Too much! It was too much! Technology had brought them nothing! On the contrary, it had stolen everything from them! His world was collapsing, shattering, reduced to dust by this sudden realization, this terrible truth.
The only person who had always been honest and kind to him, the only person he could still believe in, was Sam.
Lure suddenly pulled on his arms with a roar, managed to get out of the grip under the effect of surprise and his valid fist split the air randomly in front of him. He felt it hit its target as the Vykker recoiled with a cry of pain under the impact that sounded terribly satisfying. The Slig jumped to the cold ground, rolled and crawled as fast as he could towards the future Mudokon Queen.
“Sam! You hear me Sam?!”
His hand grabbed the sheet she was lying on, he saw her big yellow eyes turn towards him and even thought he heard the name she had given him.
“Sam! You have to escape you hear! You have to escape from here!”
He knew she couldn't move, he knew she had never intended to break her promise to Gottlieb. But she had to! Soon she would no longer belong to Gottlieb, soon all hope of escape would be gone!
The bony fingers of the Interns were already on him again.
“Sam! I will set you free Sam! Do you hear me?! Don't listen to their...”
He received a blow to the back of the head, so hard that his bony eyebrow collided with the ground with a thud. A rain of blows fell on him but Lure refused to scream. Then the Vykker's claws grabbed his skull again and he threw his head back as terror howled for him.
“Enough!” the furious scientist shouted. “Let's get it over with!”
The Interns straightened him up in front of the purple color that accentuated the pressure on the terrorized Slig's head.
“I'm done with you! You're going to tell me what I want to know and then I'll dismember you, dissect you, bone you, gut you and feed your foul-smelling remains to the lab Ratz!”
The tips of the claws pierced Lure's skin.
“How did you escape from Site S? Speak up! Obey!”
“G-g-go fuck yersAAAAAAAAH!”
“I can do this for a long time without getting tired, you know? I know the precise points to tickle! But you, how long do you think you can resist? Do us a favor and spit it out!”
Lure would have gladly spat directly in his face if he could. He forced himself not to say anything, not to betray Sam.
“P-p-please! Stop thAAAAAAAH! MOMMY!”
He could allow himself to beg, to give up his dignity and put on his eternal costume of pathetic creature. He could call out to his terrible genitress for help. But twisted or not, controlled or not, he would NOT betray Sam!
“Uh, am I interrupting something?”
The Vykker looked up at the voice without releasing the pressure.
“Uh... Sir, Mr. Gottlieb is waiting for you in his office with the documents!”
There was a moment of silence during which only Lure's whimpers could be heard. Then the scientist grunted and released his grip.
“How lucky you are, you'll be able to think about this for a while. But you know what awaits you! You two, stay here and keep an eye on him! The rest of you, with me! And take her with us!”
Lure didn't even answer, too busy catching his breath. He was barely aware of the departure of the Vykker and most of his entourage, and of the blurred figure of Sam floating past him on a stretcher of some sort. He tried to say her name, to struggle against the only two remaining interns, but the shaking prevented him from doing so.
“My guys will take you to him, sir! As for me, I'll stay here for a bit.”
A Slig. It was a Slig's voice.
That was the last time Lure heard the Vykker before he left. Mechanical pants whirring echoed as the other Slig got closer, then there was the crashing sound of a heavy door locking.
“Well, now we can finally talk, you and me!”
The footsteps came closer again and a shadow stood before him. Lure raised his head and winced in a vain attempt to clear his vision. Of course he could not identify the newcomer, but he had a bad feeling, which was confirmed soon enough when he heard the sound of a rifle being cocked. On either side of him, the two interns uttered muffled reproaches.
“Relax guys, I'm not going to kill him.”
The Slig had barely finished sneering when a deafening bang sounded nearby, then another. Lure stood still, eyes wide, trying to figure out where he had been shot and why the pain wasn't coming. He simply felt his arms convulse. In a reflex, he looked in turn at the two interns who loosened their grip on him before collapsing inertly to the ground, each with a bullet in the head.
“What the...”
He didn't have time to dwell on his surprise because the Slig in front of him slammed something directly into his muzzle.
“Hurry up, put this on!” the Slig urged.
Lure complied automatically and finished putting the equipment over his face, quickly realizing that it was a breathing mask. Once the respirator was properly adjusted, he blinked again and stared into the face of his savior, his sight restored. The Slig's face was uncovered, as was his a moment earlier. The mask he was wearing now must be his. A quick glance informed him of the identity of his colleague and he spluttered.
The Slig did not answer. Baffled, Lure stared at him in confusion for endless seconds. The more he watched him, the more he understood that something was definitely wrong. He couldn't say how or why, but it was as if 988 wasn't really there.
“You're done?”
“Uh... Y-yeah?”
It was 988's voice and tone, but Lure didn't recognize his way of speaking either.
“Perfect. Now get his equipment.”
“His equipment?”
988 put the rifle down in front of him and began to remove his mechanical prostheses.
“I mean 'my' equipment. Come on, hurry! We don't have much time.”
As Lure passed 988's pants without feeling the euphoria of having legs again, he watched him from the corner of his eye.
“Who are you really?” he asked.
'988', now crawling on the ground in his natural state, looked up at him with a raised eyebrow arch.
“Sam?” Lure tried in a small voice.
“Er, no. But you've pretty much got the hang of it. We'll do the introductions later if you don't mind. I'm going to need to get in here, so you're going to have to unlock the door and then we gonna have to get the heck out of here. On my signal...”
Lure didn't even have time to retort when 988 almost shouted:
Then, with an unpleasant gurgle, 988's body convulsed as an invisible force threw him backwards, as if he had just been hit very hard, before collapsing unconscious. Lure cringed, unable to look away. What had just happened?
Bam bam bam!
The successive banging against the door startled him. The Slig automatically moved towards it with a tentative step.
“For Odd's sake, hurry up I said!” a voice resounded from the other side.
Lure pushed the lock and the door flew open. A figure entered briskly and closed the door right after.
“What took you so long?”
“I... I don't know...” Lure mumbled without really paying attention to what he was saying himself.
Before him stood a Mudokon. But not an ordinary Mudokon, he was definitely not a slave. He wore a stylized tribal mask, made of different woods, bones and teeth, and was clothed in skins. His bare chest was covered with tattoos and paintings, and a wild aura surrounded him.
“It doesn't matter” the Mudokon retorted. “We must leave at once!”
He clasped his hands together and began to recite an incantation, the same one Sam chanted to meditate or summon bird portals. The Slig's heart began to beat faster as the fluttering of wings filled the room.
“Let's go” the shaman said, pointing to the formed portal of light with an imperious gesture.
Lure took a step toward it before pulling back.
“What about Sam? Asameera?”
The shaman sighed heavily.
“No time. It's not the right moment.”
Lure took several steps back before straightening up and shaking his head.
“Look buddy, I appreciate you saving my ass, but I'm not going through that gate without her. If you're scared, then go ahead, and close the portal if you want. I'm going after her.”
He turned toward the door, but the shaman already stood in front of it, arms crossed over his chest. Lure felt his features contort under his mask and he raised 988's weapon to the Mudokon.
“I don't want to kill you buddy, but you're going to get your ass out of my way and I'm going to get her, now!”
The shaman sighed for the second time, shaking his head.
“No. Not now. You will fail.”
Lure pulled the trigger, not caring about the noise of the detonation. The bullet lodged in the wall behind the Mudokon, who didn't budge an inch.
“Out of my way!” Lure yelled, advancing on him.
The native raised a hand set with ancient rings towards him.
“I didn't want to do that, at least not right away.”
There was a crackle in the air and Lure, instinctively sensing the danger, made a move to dodge. He was not fast enough, however, and he was hit in the head by the electric charge that shot from the shaman's fingers. His body spasmed from the shock that continued to assault him, Lure dropped the gun and fell to his knees. Just before he slipped into unconsciousness once again, the Slig heard the shaman's last words.
“You will go get her, yes. When you wake up. At the right time.”
We’re approaching the end... two more chapters left if I did things right.
First: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/asameera/691287639162290176?source=share
Previous: https://at.tumblr.com/asameera/oddworld-code-583-chapter-13-with-me/91vaa55gfheu
Next: https://www.tumblr.com/asameera/716682193873829889/oddworld-code-583-chapter-15-rude-awakening?source=share
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We Promised Forever - Part 6 (Preview)
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Chapter Summary – Aiyana is over 2000 years old, so of course, she was well known, and everyone wants a piece of her, asking questions from what is her connection to the crescent wolves, why is she so interested in Davina and what is she going to do next?  
Story Summary & Preview ,  Part 1 ,  Part 2 Preview ,  Part 2 ,  part 3 Preview , Part 3 ,  Part 4 Preview ,  Part 4 ,  Part 5 Preview , Part 5
Klaus slowly woke from the first peaceful sleep he has had in the last 700 years, he reached for Aiyana in her space next to him only to find it empty. He shot up fast, looking around panicked.
“I’m here, my love,” Klaus let out a sigh of relief, when he heard her voice coming from the balcony, he gets out of the bed and walks out to her. He thought she looked like a vision of beauty standing there, in nothing a silk dressing gown, hair draped over one shoulder, with a mug of tea in hands. She was watching one of the street performers playing the violin.
He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and leans his head on her shoulder, Aiyana leans back into his chest, not taking her eye of the performer.
“It woke me, so beautiful, I can see why you love this town so much.”
Klaus kisses her shoulder “I love it more now you’re here.”
Aiyana let out a little laugh and turn around to face him. “Save that charm for the witch, we got a long day ahead of us.”
Klaus smiles at her and leans his forehead against hers “I know but let's enjoy this small moment of peace.”
Aiyana smiles and leans in to give him a quick kiss, but right on cue the next issue comes bursting into the room.
part 6 
Tag List - @zoesmama2024 , @omgopalsapphire , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @mypage-myfandoms , @goldenbambi16 , @abbigail-583 ,  @saystheatheist 
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11/30/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
1 Corinthians 5 - 8
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. today's the 30th day of November the last day of November here together the last day of the second month before the last month that makes it a year, which means we will be all the way through the Bible in chronological order after today and one month just a little Focus for you if you are struggling to stay here and struggling to stay focused you're almost there. you're almost there you can do it. We can do this together. We are continuing in the reading today in the Book of 1 Corinthians at picking right up where we left off yesterday and will be reading chapters 5 through 8 and this week we're reading The New International Version, 1 Corinthians chapter 5.
The letters from Paul to Corinth continue today, and we see harsh words from Paul on different topics of importance and we're going to encounter more of the same tomorrow so we'll just pause with Paul there for today and get all caught up tomorrow as we take on topics that can tend to be touchy and well tricky. If I'm being honest because we have to remember the context, the place and time in history that such things are being written in a specific time and place and culture and without that understanding you can either be really Pro Paul or you can be really anti-paul. So we always want to remember that the context of scripture is essential to what we're reading. 
Jesus thank you for this time together. We thank you for closing out this month as we head into the final month of the year. It's a big one, and so many things come for so many people during the holidays, maybe not as much joy as they wish, not as much peace as they wish and maybe some are entering a season of just really difficult pain. I remember them here today and remember how you said you would never leave us, you would never forsake us. and you even blessed those that are suffering you blessed so many that we would walk past that we would tend to overlook and so we know that you are for them your words your gospel your truths are for them as much as anybody else so if peace is just impossible to find if Joy just is not found anywhere. I pray that we would hold onto it, the truth that you will never leave us, never forsake us, you are with us. and no one knows suffering more than you while fully human and fully God, pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. 
Daily Audio Bible, That's home base check it out if you have not. That's the app. It's an exciting time here at Christmas at the Daily Audio Bible when there are very unique and very limited exclusive products created for your enjoyment through the Christmas holiday. You'll keep it as easy as accessible and as user-friendly for everyone that may or may not come across the Daily Audio Bible app. So how that works is any donation of $25 or more gets you at least one vinyl. There are five to purchase for 125 you could have the whole collection but it's not required one, two, three, four, or five and on vinyl. We have the Sleep album, The Heart album, Maxwell's Christmas time album, the family Christmas album, and the soundtrack to Promise Land. So all five of those are available for $25 a piece, all five for $125 and any number in between and of course you can still donate this year to the Daily Audio Bible. We thank you so much or your partnership could not do this without you. if you're giving my mail DAB PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. or utilizing that app you can hit the give icon up at the top right hand corner. and lastly look for the give icon on the website. if you need prayer, if you'd like to pray for someone that's previously called in 800-583-2164. and once again utilizing that app, hit the red circle button up at the top right hand corner. you have two minutes on the app, hit submit at the end from the wheels chronological and it will get to the right place. That's it for me today I'm Jill, we’ll turn the page together tomorrow and start a brand new month. with a reminder that as we end one well if we begin another you can simply begin again anytime you need to no matter who you are no matter where you are no matter what you've been through, the gospel is true for you there is no condemnation through Christ and you are welcome to come back home at any point if you lose your way. if that's not one of the greatest gifts that we can never deserve but given so freely and I for one who I'm incredibly eternally grateful for that truth and that promise. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow and I can't wait until then, love one another. 
Community Prayer line
Hey this is Kristen AKA Christ to me and I am calling in to pray for Simone from Texas Lord we just thank you that Simone's kidney numbers are doing better Lord we just praise you for that and Lord we would just pray that her blood pressure would would just become normal and she would not have to deal with any other kind of effects from her blood pressure Lord that she would just be healed in Jesus mighty name and Lord we do lift her up for this this the the thing that she has to go to get further testing on Lord we just pray that this would just be benign there would be nothing wrong Lord and we just pray that you would just give her peace and comfort her in this time while she waits for these for this testing to be done Lord we just ask that you would just wrap her in your wings and give her the piece that surpasses all understanding and she's just mighty name amen 
hi dabc it's Emmy from Illinois calling in with an update on my daughter she has an Atrium septal defect which is a flap of skin that's supposed to seal off at Birth and did not fully seal so there's some blood flow happening in their dilated the two sides of the that side of the heart are dilated so the doctor is going to have us talk with a Pediatric Cardiologist we are waiting to find out when we can get that scheduled and then depending on what he says it may be a monitor situation for a while or it could be that things have to be fixed by either open heart surgery or a more minor So that God would just miraculously heal the spot and it would no longer be there that it would close up on its own I would really appreciate it it's added some extra levels of stress as you can all imagine in addition to trying to figure out what I'm doing with my marriage if I should step away for a while or if I should stay I just don't know what I should do I was feeling pretty confident that I should say something after Thanksgiving and now I don't even know if I should say anything I just know I'm unwanted in this home right now and I don't know if I should pursue leaving or if I should stay in continue to pray that God makes me feel wanted allows me to be wanted and appreciated in my home so if you could pray for my daughter and myself thank you Fabulous pray but I come on behalf of the daughter of the silversmith regarding Kristen and Jake who have been separated and I need of your intervention God I don't know where they stand spiritually but if there is a break in their relationship with you we men that relationship first so that God they can get in right standing with one another and what we thank you that you are the mentor and the Healer of broken things and we trust God that you're at work because we know you hate divorce so God please touch Jake and Kristen's heart may they hear your voice speaking to them Discerning the issues in their lives and then father will you bring them to the table of reconciliation and restoration can we give you thanks in advance because we know you are at work we trust your will to be done for this couple in Jesus name and then finally lift up Joy from Mexico as she has been dealing with quite a bit thank you for this young ladies heart for Missions and just for wanting to advance your kingdom God will you strengthen her and Surround her on every side regarding all that she's got going on give her Comfort to know that you are there with her in the struggle and that you will see her through spiritually emotionally and physically and then finally to Emmy and Illinois I just wanted to challenge you to please make sure you get some spiritual counseling advice and wisdom before you make that decision 
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