#Dadan wanted to make Luffy Cinderella but hardcore
Reading One Piece pt 335: Somebody Call Child Services
Chapter 583
- Ew, these two guys from Thriller Bark I kinda wish ended up deceased are on the cover. Forgot their names, glad at the fact
- “I hate bandits” um, Luffy, maybe don’t say it in the middle of a bandit lair
- Dadan yells a lot, huh
- “”Starting tomorrow, I’m gonna work your butt off! Cleaning, washing, shoe polishing, weapon polishing! Stealing, plundering, fraud, murder! You got that!?” Baaaack up, some things are not like the others here
- (damn, it really is a boot camp for orphans/orphan-alikes. Garp must be rich, only a rich person would think of it)
- “You only get this much food! Fend for yourself!” hmmmmmm
- “Okay” “What? Isn’t this where you’re supposed to cry?”
- “One time Grandpa left me alone in the jungle” I knew about it but. Garp’s A+ Parenting strikes again
- no, seriously, all this sequence makes me go
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- yes, Ace and Luffy bonding time!
- what the… that’s a whole *** tree
- JESUS I KNOW YOU’RE AN ANGSTY KID BUT THERE ARE LIMITS and the limits is throwing your brother off the bridge into an abyss
- gee, such caring individuals, these bandits. Shouldn’t they care more about brats, for their own self-interest? I assume it’ll get better but it doesn’t look good right now
- “One night a week later…” …I just can’t believe it. A WHOLE WEEK!?
- Luffy’s back by the way
- AND HE STILL WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH ACE. I know how Luffy is as an adult but to see this child so desparate for companionship he’ll live through This to befriend someone… I kinda want to strangle Garp now
- …
- Three months. I’m at my limit
- hey look, a junkyard. Of course we’re letting a child in there
- “All thing unwanted end up here. Things… and even people.” Oda doesn’t play around
- Sabo? We’re meeting Sabo!
- Great hat, Sabo! Why are you here, child!
- aww, they’re saving money to become pirates
- “You guys wanna be pirates? Me too!” lol, Luffy’s here
- they went and tied him up
- “Are you Ace’s friend? Be my friend too!” this poor child
- “If we let him go, he’ll tell the whole world.” Oh, like he has anyone to talk to
- “We gotta kill him” “Yeah” WHAT
- “Kill him!” “I don’t know how!” “Me neither!” damn it children WHY
- Pirates Who Ace Stole Money From Alert everyone hide
- oh Luffy
- “Help me, Ace!” …it lowkey hurts my heart, that thing here
- wow, you’re a terrible liar, Luffy
And that’s the story of how Luffy got kidnapped, soon to be tortured. Stay tuned  
rOP 334  rOP 336
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