#one person to drive the chariot and the other person to throw things from it
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baejax-the-great · 1 year ago
One of the reasons the ancient Greeks relied on chariots for warfare is that saddles and especially stirrups had not been invented yet and sitting bareback (and bare-assed lbr) on a horse while trying to throw a spear at someone would have been exceedingly difficult.
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stellocchia · 23 days ago
Assigning Major Arcana tarot cards to the extended Chromatic Crew because I'm a nerd and I can:
Killer: The Devil
Upright, The Devil represents the darker parts of oneself. It represents everything holding you back from being the best version of yourself. It could be addictions, negative behaviors or thought patterns, dependent relationships and so on. All of which apply to Killer.
The Devil is a sign of someone thinking in the short-term ignoring the long-term negative effects it'll have on them. I would say that Killer doesn't truly have a choice in the matter, however he kind of did eventually choose to leave. It was not an easy choice nor one he was aware of from the start, however it was there.
However, The Devil when reversed indicates a breakthrough. A point of change and of reaching for a better healthier future. It indicates the ability to let go of one's unhealthy attachments and habits.
It calls for you to confront your demons and free yourself from the chains keeping you bound. Needless to say, it is perfect for my boy. The Devil is a good representation of his life especially because it has such a strong emphasis on personal agency, which I think is rather important when talking about him.
Color: The Star
Upright, The Star is an incredibly hopeful card. It represents the reprieve after immense difficulty (due to the fact that it comes after The Tower in the deck). It indicates a state of internal peace, stability, and in-depth understanding of yourself and those around you. Which seems accurate for our local therapist friend.
The Star inspires you to rediscover a sense of meaning, inspiration, and purpose in life. Exploring new hobbies, meeting new people, helping others. It's the phase of Color's life after the Void. The phase that is filled with so many new and wonderful things!
Of course, as all cards, The Star also has a reversed side. A side that shows a loss of hope. A sense of being overwhelmed by the challenges, big and small, that life throws at you (something like getting stuck in the Void and suddenly possessing 6 extra souls. Just throwing that out there).
The reversed Star indicates a challenge that could make or break a person. You will either crumble under its pressure like The Tower or rise above it and rediscover your passion for life and learn to trust both yourself as well as the universe around you.
Delta: The Chariot
Upright, The Chariot symbolizes strength, willpower, and determination. The Chariot is a fighter that knows how to stand up for its values. It indicated a person with set objectives and a strong drive to achieve them. Definitely the most fitting for our local vigilante lmao.
This is a card of action. Less introspective than the other two I talked about thus far, but no less valuable. It's a card that invites you to be brave and bold with your decisions, so I'm sure that Beta would approve of it as well.
However, reversed The Chariot also warns against impulsivity and arrogance. It warns against proceeding out of pure stubbornness when it would be best to take a moment to think and consider all the possible outcomes of a situation.
It is an invitation to focus on your own inner workings from time to time, figure out what you're truly fighting for, and try to keep your goals clear in your mind even when your passion obfuscates them a bit. I don't think this kind of flaw is exclusive to Delta, I honestly think most bravery souls would probably fit this card. But that's why it's so perfect in my mind!
Epic: Strength
Upright Strength is somewhat similar in meaning to The Chariot. However, where The Chariot indicates other strength and will, the Strength speaks to your inner strength, your sense of self-confidence and your ability to persevere through the obstacles life puts in your path. It's a persistence balanced with patience. It shows commitment to your objective and acceptance of what is to come. I was thinking specifically of Epic's death comic when I picked this card for him.
To me, Epic, as silly of a character as he is sometimes, does read like someone who is extremely determined. He's less of a fighter like Delta and more someone who has reached a point in life where he has accepted his situation and who he is and is willing to persevere despite the fact that he really doesn't fucking want to.
Which brings us to the reversed meaning of the Strength card. To the inevitable loss of self-confidence that comes with such prolonged hardship. The loss of inner strength, energy, and resilience that defines Epic in a sense.
It doesn't have to define him, of course. I like to think that, in an ending where he's surrounded by the rest of the extended Chromatic Crew, he'd heed the invitation of the reversed card to take some time for himself, to recuperate and refurbish his energy. That he'd find a way to rest, truly, and that he'd recover. I know it's not really his canon ending, but, tbh, I don't care. I'm sure some version of him out there in the vast vast Multiverse got a happy ending.
Cross: The Fool
Upright, The Fool is a card all about new beginnings, opportunity, and potential. It's the beginning of a journey, the feeling of taking your first step into the unknown. In Cross' case, that came in the form of his universe being gone and him having to figure out wtf to do from then on out.
The Fool is a reminder that the time for this new beginning is NOW, even if you do not feel 100% ready for it, and even if you have no clue of where this story will take you. Just keep an open mind and an excited predisposition while you go.
Reversed, The Fool points to quite a few things. Fear of the unknown, self-doubt on whether you can even make it, a need for control, as well as a level of recklessness and hotheaded behavior that is ultimately gonna be detrimental to you. With the latter definitely being a flaw Cross struggles with a lot. My boy, he's so reckless sometimes...
Just because The Fool invites you to take a leap of fate, it doesn't mean that it tells you to disregard any consequences that may follow. However, some of those who fit The Fool tend to take that exact interpretation on board, I'm afraid...
Horror: Death
Upright, Death symbolizes the end of a major phase or aspect of your life. This can be a negative thing, but it can also open you up for new possibilities and show you what's more valuable and essential to you. I would say that's pretty fitting for when Sans became Horror...
This card encourages you to leave your past behind, no matter how hard it may be. Resisting change may cause pain, be it emotional or physical (or both looking at Horror. That guy ain't doing good. Stubborn bastard). Embracing chance is the only way to build more constructive thought patterns. And sometimes it's needed to work on yourself, change the old and bring in something new and fresh. Give yourself a chance to improve.
As you guys may have figured out by now, the reverse indicates someone who is stubbornly clinging onto the past. Someone unwilling to change even at their own detriment. Someone who'd rather stagnate and be stuck in a limbo than do any work on themselves. Boy does Horror fit this one to a Tee...
This card invites you to do some inner searching, truly get to the bottom of what works and what doesn't. And, a bit like The Fool, it encourages you to keep an open mind and proceed with caution but steadily. And maybe with some therapy Horror too can get there.
Dust: The Hermit
Upright, The Hermit shows that you're looking inward for answers as the outside world is nothing but a distraction. This deep sense of seclusion and introspection can be a good thing. It can lead to some self-discovery. It can bring you to consider deeply what your motivations, personal values, and principles are and get closer to your most authentic self. Of course, when the more you look inward, the more trauma you uncover, like in Dust's case, this can also have some not-so-desirable outcomes.
This card invites you to take life one step at a time. Don't do anything drastic. It usually indicates that you're at a pivotal moment in your life and you're considering an entirely new direction. Again, that can be good, unless what prompted this change is remembering the shitload of genocides you and all of your loved ones have been subjected to...
Reversed, The Hermit can indicate that either you aren't taking enough time for personal reflection, or you're taking too much. It can mean that you're so focused on your objectives that you've let yourself come undone and need to take time to rebuild your sense of self up. Or it can mean that you're nitpicking at your flaws so much, that you ended up isolating yourself entirely, taking it too far. You've become so absorbed in your personal struggles that you've shut down your friends and family and stopped taking into account their needs. In Dust's case, I'll be honest, I think it's a bit of both.
The reversed Hermit invites you to reconnect and open up to those around you. Seek help in others if need be. And Dust certainly does need it.
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dangermousie · 2 years ago
Does your first interaction involve battle, ambush and mass drowning? If not, is it even love?
If, like me, you find a period hero’s most attractive feature is his personal army, meet Chu Beijie, one of four rival kingdoms’ god of war.
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 This is the rival kingdom’s general He Xia, who CHJ has come to defeat. He Xia’s psycho ruler expects HX to hold the town against 100K army with 8K men and no reinforcements because he is the first but not the last ruler we will come across in this story who is a bonkers waste of oxygen. Side note - one of the things I love about this drama is that all the male characters in this are men and not boys. Like finally some adults have entered the chat. And they also look like they can actually lift a spear or drive a chariot because yes, in the first 10 min of ep 1, we get a chariot battle.
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And this is Ping Ting, our FL, He Xia’s strategist. I forgot her backstory tbh but I know she feels gratitude to HX and his family for raising her. For the bulk of the story, they are vvv brother-sister until the drama oddly and last minute tries to throw in that he likes her but I think it is clear that is 10% driven by his nostalgia for a simpler time before he fell from grace and 90% by his obsession/rivalry with CBJ where he must win over him in any way he can, including getting the woman CBJ wants.
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She has a plan which seems to be based on her somehow being a meteorologist who knows exactly where rain will hit and wash everything out (so they can lure CBJ and his dudes there.) Yeah whatever, who cares, roll with it. Short version is SHE SMART.
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I love the intercut of CBJ grabbing his weapon and readying for battle as Ping Ting grabs hers and readies for hers (hers is a guqin with messages for He Xia in the music. Once again, roll with it, this is all shorthand for SHE SMART; you want realism watch a documentary on alfalfa farming.)
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God, he is a sexy beast in his mask. Sorry not sorry Wallace makes me hormonal.
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Love her not pausing the beat as an arrow hits right next to her. Lady is cool under pressure and I love it. Once again, sidenote and yet not - everyone in this drama, men and women, are adult adult adult and not giggly ingenues/boyish boyos, and it is so refreshing.
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Two hot men undressing each other as they whip out their enormous hard weapons. Ahem. Joking aside, I appreciate them actually bothering to have a reason why helmet or mask come off. (Also appreciate CBJ having his helmet stay on.) Helmet lack is my pet peeve in battle scenes.
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Yeah, she drowns his giant army.
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If you like your women hot, and big into music, meteorology and mass murder, you should def swipe right on Ping Ting. I mean CBJ will shortly swipe right so hard he’s gonna start a whole new dynasty!
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walkingshcdow · 1 year ago
This has been sitting in my Google Drive for a while and I feel like sharing.
It’s the difficult name, the family name that he will carry all his life. Whatever else he becomes, what other names he takes on, he cannot be rid of this one so easily. It comes with expectations. Everyone looks to the Brightstars to guide them. They are the constellations by which the Guild charts their course and are expected to be great. He will take this name seriously, even when it seems he does not.
It’s an easy name. It’s a breezy name. By nature, it’s a musical name. It sounds springy – bouncy and verdant alike – which suits both his quick steps and his emerald eyes. It’s what everyone’s called him since they had to call him something. It implies money – all the purses he’s nicked weighing him down so he doesn’t quite float away. It also sounds old money – most people will assume it’s short for Percival because no one just names their child “Percy”, not even an elf. It lets him blend in wherever he goes and even after his brother and other playmates have shed their childhood names, his is the one he gives most often. Names have power and “Percy” has the power to open doors.
This is a name of heroes who slay great monsters and rescue damsels in distress in hopes that their mother will be proud. He wears this name while he still cares for approval and accolades and while he still thinks he is the hero of the story. It doesn’t last long – a summer, maybe two. He begins to wonder who decides who is a hero and who is a villain and that scares him enough to make this name private, a quiet thing that he rolls around in his mind like a smooth marble, too precious to be played with. He is not a hero and if he is, the quick will decide once he’s dead.
It’s the name of a conqueror in the old books and that conqueror’s empire. It’s the name of an old god who could turn into a hawk and who rode in a dragon-pulled chariot. It is a name meant for terror. It’s also one letter short of another word: Persist. It’s what he does. He doesn’t back down, doesn’t give up, knows “retreat” but never “quit.” People will follow him if he is Persis. People do. He is determined that they will all persist and the name works for a while. A long while. It’s strong and even after he’s gone too far past it, he thinks of it as his.
If flamboyance had a name, this is it. It means to be devastatingly witty and, this is his name when he wants to dizzy with his intellect. Persiflage oozes charisma and cleverness and doesn’t need to worry about silly things like money or where his next meal is coming from. It’s all taken care of by virtue of that mind and tongue and those fingers of his. He knows how to talk his way into and out of everything; he knows how to dazzle even you with a word or ten. Persiflage goes to parties and throws them too, but he never keeps anyone around long enough to be seen in proper light. It rhymes with “camouflage” for a reason.
The Scarlet Scourge.
Terror of the Sword Coast, he sounds more like a Plague than a person. He leads his people and robs those travelers who can afford to lose something or maybe gain some humility. He revels in being frightening but he always hopes he can be something more.
Sir Percy Brightstar
He earned this name. He didn’t give it to himself, the world gave it to him when he did enough deeds worthy of note, rubbed enough elbows with the rich and famous, and when he found the home for his people that even Persis could not. It feels hollow somehow, like he has lost more than he gained. The night sky no longer spans over head and he is the brightest star every single night because the light pollution dims the real ones. He feels like a fake, a fraud, and h so often says, “Please, call my Percy” because if he has to hear one more sycophant call him “Sir Brightstar” he’ll forget who he is. He asks the gods if it was worth losing himself to become this thing and then he sees his little daughter and he knows he had no choice and wouldn’t have made a different one, anyway.
People always try this one. They are always wrong.
This is his truest name and only one little girl can call him that. It’s a name that transcends space and culture and makes him feel loved even when he doesn’t deserve to feel lovable. Tonight, he wonders if he deserves it. He will work all of his life to make sure Daphne never finds another name for him.
The Duke of Daggerford.
This one. The lie. He falls in and out of identities so easily that it doesn’t bother him to be called one more thing he is not. He smiles and smiles and wonders if the next two hundred years will give him so many names or if he will know what to call himself.
He is the only star in Barovia tonight. Fog and mist obscure the sky too much otherwise. He must chart his own course and guide his people. He must blend in and be heroic and lead and charm and hide and lie and hope to the gods that Daphne will forgive him for whatever he becomes in this place.
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panthera-tigris-venenata · 3 years ago
Audrey babysitting CJ! (They are bonding!)
Canon ages are a suggestion!
And yeah, it’s a bit wonky, but I don’t have energy, to, like, edit. Or finish this, probably.
Honestly, Audrey didn’t know why she agreed to this. Sure, there were reasons, well, at least one: Anthony Tremaine, who has become something like her friend in the months after the fall of the Barrier, wanted to take his girlfriend on a date to some fancy restaurant, and she absolutely refused to go until her little sister got appropriate supervision.
That much on how Audrey Rose, the princess of Auroria and Ulstred and the former Queen of Mean, ended up babysitting the menace that is CJ Hook.
The things she does for her friends, the sacrifices…
She takes a deep breath and rings the bell on Anthony’s apartment. (Harriet stays on her ship, and CJ stays wherever she wants. As Audrey said, she is a menace.)
The door opens, and the delightful sound of Hook sisters arguing with each other floods her ears; she does her uttermost best to keep her face expressionless.
„Sorry about that,“ says Anthony instead of a greeting, „Harriet says you have her permission to spell the little scallywag unconscious if she causes too many problems. Oh, and you can come in for now, this is probably gonna take a while.“
„But I NEED those, Harriet! What if someone attacks us?!“
„You don’t NEED a collection of throwing knives, a garotte, forty metres of rope AND a gas mask!“
„I’m not giving up my garotte!“
„…You hid another one in your ponytail, didn’t you.“
Gods, he has it hard.
Audrey enters the apartment and sits down on the sofa with Anthony.
„Excited for your date?“ she asks, not thinking about how she will survive his date and with no fear for her life whatsoever.
„Very,“ smiles Anthony softy, making heart eyes towards the general area of the continuous screams.
Good for him.
She leaves the flat a few minutes later with a bar of dark chocolate (for her nerves), phone with Harriet, the police, and the firefighters on speed dial, and one annoyed little pirate in tow. (She was forced to abandon the collection of throwing knives and the gas mask. And the second garotte.)
„Uh. Don’t you mean don’t steal from anybody?“
„Do you remember the ground rules?“ she asks. Anthony assured her that he and Harriet covered them several times and CJ looked like she was paying attention.
„Of course!“ she answers, rolling back her eyes, „Do not kill anybody, murder, accident, or othervise. No arson, no hostage taking, no running away. Cross the street on green light, say please and thank you. Do not steal from you.“
„No,“ CJ grins and holds up a bracelet she didn’t have a moment ago, her eyes full of mischievous victory. This is gonna be a LONG evening.
Absolutely not.
…Also, are they gonna return the bracelet? Somehow?
Yeah, no, probably no. That doesn’t sound like a one-evening babysitter problem.
She just has to put up some movies, get dinner, and make sure her charge doesn’t bolt and/or murder anyone.
You know, no pressure.
„Okay,“ Audrey takes a deep breath, „That works. Now go along, we’re going to my place. It‘s not far.“
„Wait,“ protests CJ, „We’re, like, actually going? Like, walking? You don’t have a fancy pink limousine driving you everywhere? With a personal driver and lots of sweets or a smoothie bar or something? Or a personal helicopter? A chariot, at the very least?“
„Helicopters are bad for the environment and walking is the best cardio.“
„Ugh. I hate Auradon. You guys have cars and fuel and like actual roads and you don‘t even use them!“
Audrey decides to not point out that there is, in fact, a good number of vehicles driving around, and instead chooses to remind CJ to not run into the traffic. Just to be sure.
Which, surprisingly, causes CJ to pout and stay silent for the rest of the way. Audrey is sure that must be a new record for her.
Unfortunately, the blissful silence breaks as soon as they get to Audrey‘s.
Good things never last.
At least for Audrey.
She kind of hopes Anthony’s date is going alright: He has been speaking of it for quite some time. He might or might not have asked her for help with the planning and choosing the perfect spot. They spent one afternoon with a language of flowers dictionary, laughing over insult-bouquets and drinking wine. (She totally sent one of those to Mal.)
„So! What are we doing today?“ asks CJ, „Plotting a hostile takeover? A revolution? Revolutions are cool! Oh! We could go to the Zoo and kidnap some animals, like crocodiles, crocodiles are awesome for getting rid of dead bodies! And you do get those with a revolution!“
Audrey stares at her in shock.
„No, no. You are right. Crocodiles aren’t really your thing, are they? How about something more elegant? A pride of lionesses? A pack of wolves? Wolves are, like, totally an Ulstred thing, right?“
„…I’m fairly sure the national animal of Ulstred is a bear.“
…Why did Audrey agree to this again?
„Cool!“ CJ’s eyes are starting to shine with unearthly light.
„I want a bear! We’re gonna kidnap a bear!“
„Yeah, maybe another time. I was thinking we could just watch some movies today.“
And she needs to ask Harriet to broaden CJ’s ground rules a good deal.
„Sure,“ she says and collapses down on the couch next to her, putting up the selection of movies, „No horror ones though.“
CJ deflates at that and Audrey definitely doesn’t feel even the tiniest pang of regret at ruing the Isle girl‘s fun as she nudges her along inside and reminds her to take off her boots. She then places them into a neat row with the other ones.
She follows into the living room and finds CJ already sitting cross legged on the couch.
„Can I pick the movie then?“
„Please,“ Audrey chuckles, „You are talking with the Queen of Mean: I wreaked havoc on all of Auradon, making their darkest nightmares come true. I could take a simple horror movie any time. I just don’t want to give you any more ideas.“
CJ reaches out for the remote control.
„Are you scared, princess?“
A fair choice, all in all.
CJ stares at her slack-jawed.
„You are just like my sister,“ she declares, a slight echo of awe in her voice, and then proceeds to put on Grease.
„Do you want to keep watching, or do you want to do something else?“ Audrey asks.
The opening song passes in peace, which is… Suspicious.
She glances over at CJ and finds her drawing with a pen on her tight. She’s not sure where she got the pen. And the fact that CJ can draw an anatomically accurate human skull is a tiny bit concerning. Only a tiny bit, though.
CJ waves her hand dismissively, stating that the movie is fine, they can keep watching, and continues sketching on her skin.
„You know, I could give you a paper if you want to draw.“
„No, no! I’m tattooing myself! With a temporary tattoo, because Harriet said I can’t have a real one until I’m at least twenty.“
„She does have a point.“
„Which is totally unfair, because she AND Harry totally both have tattoos, and Harry absolutely isn’t twenty yet!“
„Well, he IS a first mate of his own crew. That is bound to come with some privileges, right?“
CJ pouts at her, which Audrey interprets to mean „You are right, but I don’t wanna say it,“ and Audrey briefly thinks that Harry Hook would do absolutely anything if Uma asked, tattoo being the smallest thing. She’d love to know where the pirate Captains keep finding boys like this.
She turns her attention back to the musical.
It takes about five minutes before she feels CJ’s intense stare at her.
„What do you want, little bird?“ she asks.
„I’m done with my tattoo!“
Audrey isn’t sure she likes the direction this conversation is going.
The pen passing over her skin tickles, and when she tries to take a look at the emerging picture, CJ hisses at her. No need to fuss, really.
„Can I do yours next?” CJ makes a tiny pause and glances up above her shoulder briefly, before brightening up, „Please?“
Audrey can’t really refuse her puppy eyes, and besides, she did say please. With a sight, she extends her wrist and resigns herself to a freakishly accurate skeleton tattoo. Too bad she can’t reach the chocolate like that.
Audrey would appreciate a drink right now.
But watching musicals and pointedly not looking at her forearm it is.
The little but strong hand holding her wrist in place disappears and CJ brightly announces that she is done: Swallowing any nervosity, Audrey looks at her new tattoo.
Minutes pass, stuff on screen happens, and Audrey's mind wanders. After she finds herself going into a tangent about Auradon's entertainment industry and censorship, she forces her mind blank. Auradon's problems aren't synonymous with her problems anymore, and maybe never were.
Contrary to what her grandmother may believe.
It's… surprisingly pretty. A compass rose, surrounded by something Audrey can't identify yet. Intricate, delicate but sharp and strong. And it contains no bones or skeletons whatsoever. Audrey likes it.
„That's roses,“ states CJ.
She listens as CJ explains what she drew:
„A compass is something every sailor must have: it shows us where our purpose is, it shows us a way. Where does your compass point, princess?“
Audrey looks away from CJ's eyes that really have no business being as bright as they are and asks what about the stuff around it?
Because she does have a purpose, of course she has-
She always had one, hadn't she?
„…It's just the stems and the thorns, isn't it?“
Oh. Roses. Pretty. A nice flower for an Auradonian princess. No skull or staff for Queen of Mean. Not that Audrey misses her Queen of Mean phrase. Any part of it, absolutely not.
Except Audrey sees no blooms…?
„Why, but of course!“ exclaims the pirate, standing up to her feet. Still on the sofa. Sure.
„Beauty ain't everything, my Queen of Mean, and you deserve to celebrate your prickly side!“
She makes a dramatic bow and the end of what must be the garotte swings in front of her face.
Prickly side, of course.
Then again, what does Audrey care for Auradon's society?
A small smile tugs at Audrey's lips before she vipes it aways.
Auradon doesn't care for prickly and sharp, much less for evil queens and princesses that make their own ways.
„Do you like it?“ CJ bounces up and down.
Maybe she should get this tattoo for real. It's not like anyone could stop her, and she'd love to see everyone's shocked faces.
She could ask Anthony if he has any contacts.
„Do not jump on my sofa,“ replies Audrey automatically, „And it's… It's certainly passable, I suppose.“
…And CJ starts jumping on the couch again. Great. At least she didn't climb on the chandelier yet.
The pirate falls down with a huff and makes eyes at her. Audrey just wanted to nag her a little, but she cracks:
„Just kidding. I think it's pretty wicked.“
„Sit down, Calista.“
„Or what?“ asks CJ, still standing and genuinely curious.
„Or you won't get any dinner AND I'll tell Harriet you tried to run away.“
Not the most imaginative threat Audrey could come up with, but effective nonetheless. She knows that her older sister is the only authority CJ somehow respects, at least when she feels like it. Besides, she is scary. Probably scarier that anything Audrey could say.
CJ falls down.
„What's for dinner?“ she asks.
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mask131 · 2 years ago
Deadly fall: The Ankou
Category: Breton folklore
The Bretagne region of France is quite unique in many ways: most notably it is the French region where Celtic culture and Celtic heritage is the strongest. This results in numerous beliefs and legends in a variety of supernatural beings, a strong and complex regional folklore, and one of the most famous entities said to exist in Bretagne is “L’Ankou”, The Ankou, a death entity whose name comes from the old Welsh “Anheu/Anghau” and the Cornish “Ankow”.
The Ankou is not death itself – this is a point the legends around him are very clear about. The Ankou is rather the “servant of death”. His job is the one of a psychopomp : he appears to take the souls of the deceased in the afterlife. The Ankou travels and takes the souls away in a creaking cart known as “karr an Ankou/karrig an Ankou” in the Breton language (the Ankou’s chariot). When someone hears the squeaking wheels of the Ankou’s wagon, it means they (or a member of their family) will soon die. In a similar way, if someone sees the Ankou it means they will die in the year. In the sea-side regions, the Ankou doesn’t take the inland roads : instead of a cart, he drives a small boat called the “Bag Noz” (The Night Boat), taking the dead by sea.
The Ankou’s physical appearance is the one of a very tall and very gaunt man, with long white hair, and its face half-hidden by a large-brimmed hat. While sometimes he just appears like a very skinny old man, all dressed in black (black hat or black cloak), other times it is said his face is hideous and reminds people of a skull, with no nose, a wide mouth going from ear to ear, and black holes instead of eyes, with inside them two little lights like candle flames. In several local variations, the Ankou is in fact confused with the “Grim Reaper” figure and is depicted as a skeleton wrapped in a funeral shroud. But no matter how he is depicted, the Ankou is always wielding his great and terrible scythe. The fascinating thing with the Ankou is that his scythe is not a regular scythe, unlike for example the one wielded by a typical Grim Reaper : the Ankou’s scythe has its blade reversed, so that the cutting edge is on the outside, not on the inside. It is because when the Ankou “reaps” the dead, he doesn’t make a movement that bring the blade towards him – rather he throws the blade in front of him to “cut” the dead faster and more efficiently. (Though the legend explicitly describe this reverse-scythe, many old statues have him with just a regular scythe).
The Ankou is also sometimes said to be the “watcher” and “guardian” of grave-yards, making sure its souls do not escape and that no living comes to trouble the graves – though sometimes this role is rather attributed to one or a couple of ghosts, usually the last deceased of the year. While as I said the Ankou is not death but merely its servant and “henchman”, charged with collecting the souls of the dead, some Breton proverbs give a bit more of power and independency to the Ankou – for example when there is more death than usual in a year, Breton people used to say “War ma fé, heman zo eun Anko drouk” (On my faith, this one is a nasty Ankou). [The explanation of which comes below].
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While the Ankou appears as this iconic, ominous, supernatural figure, the Breton legends don’t actually suggest that he is one full entity (despite his appearance, methods and name never changing). Rather, many tales claim that the “Ankou” is just a title, a role taken on by various souls. For example one legend claims that the last male dead of the year, at the end of December, is to become the Ankou for the next year, while the first male dead of the year is to become the “komis an Ankou” (the Ankou’s clerk/employee), the personal servant and assistant of the Ankou. The “Bagel Noz” variation also has stories of this kind: in one, the driver of the “Night Boat” is supposed to be the last men to have drowned in the year, while another variation claims that the leader of the Bagel Noz is rather the first male dead of the year.
Another creepy trivia about the Ankou: one legend claims that he can fully rotate his head on his neck, so that he can look everywhere when he travels and so that no dead or living can sneak behind his back. There are much more bizarre and morbid trivia about the Ankou or his servants, in fact there are entire books written about the "Legends of Death" and the death folklore of Bretagne (books that I own ) but given the Deadly Fall are just presentations and introductions, I'll stick with these primary facts - though as usual, if you are interest, I can be here to deepen the information and extend the knowledge.
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iwadori · 4 years ago
Can you write a pure angst, using 10 and 35 please ( Idc about the characters ) :)
Getting hurt with the haikyu boys part 3 (Iwaizumi)
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Part one Part Two Part three
Word count: 2.8K
Genre: pure angst
Authors Note: I am sorry for just how shit it is lol. I had an idea and it kind of got worse as it went along but I hope you like it anyways.
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You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant before you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
Iwaizumi first approached you at your job, some shitty dinner that only paid you enough so you can make ends meet. You could tell he had money, the way he dressed, his demeanor even the way he talked. ‘What was a man like this doing here?’ you thought.  
Apparently, he’s seen you around for a while, your city was small you’d only really leave this place if you had a fair god mother or died and of course you are clearly alive and don’t have a fairy god mother...until you met him.
He ordered a coffee, didn’t drink it though (probably knowing that your boss spat it in whenever he was in a bad mood or because he just needed an excuse to be around) just waiting for you to finish your break. You sat in a corner booth for ‘privacy,’ not that anybody was even in the place.  
“My names Iwaizumi Hajime” he said keeping a blank facial expression  
“What do you wan-”
“Miss L/N, I think I’ll do the talking here. Okay?” he said with a smirk appearing on his face after seeing your slightly shocked face when he revealed knowing your last name.
“I’ve seen you around for a while now, you’re beautiful you know that right?” he said making your cheeks heat up a bit. “Anyways, I think you’re gorgeous and a man like me needs a pretty girl like you on his arms. By the lack of response to my name, I assume you don’t know who I am...but I guess that works in my favour”
Your face is getting bored by the second not really listening as he rambles on about himself, “I need you to be on my arm every night that I go out to one of my boring business meetings.”  
“Business meetings?” you ask  
“You know, a bunch of ‘business’ people go out and talk ‘business’ together.” he said sarcastically as if you were stupid.
“I know that, I just thought you’d elaborate about it.” You sighed “What do I get out of this?”
“Finally, you’ve gotten to the interesting part, you my dear get money and lots of It” he says finally catching your attention “I’ll pay you 1 million Yen per night, and all your dresses, outfits and expenses will be paid for so you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about finances again” he ‘smiled’ at you.
“What's the catch?” squinting your eyes  
“The catch is just that you have to accompany me to all my events.... and you have to stay in my condo.”
“Don’t worry dear, it’s a nice place” interrupting you “probably better than any shithole you live in”
“Fine, fine” his words were convincing you “Is there a contract you have for me to sign?” you ask wanting to at least be somewhat ‘protected.’
“No contract, just this verbal agreement. Between me and you right here right now.” he winked “so you’re in agreement of our arrangement?”
That was your first mistake believing Iwaizumi Hajime.
Sure you could defend yourself now and say ‘I was poor and in need of help’ but you’d know it would just be you in denial talking.  
The first time you attended a meeting with Iwaizumi, you came home from quitting your job since Iwaizumi said ‘you’re on my payroll now.’ You found a beautiful red dress laying on your bed accompanied with shoes and accessories and note saying, ‘I trust you to be able to do your own hair and make up my dear – I.H’
You didn’t have any family, or any friends. Most people that have had even a single encounter with you have deemed you to be ‘Not Likeable’ saying you’re not a people person or just lack any sociability. You were stuck in this town because of the debt your father has left you in before he supposedly ‘passed’ away. Leaving you drowning in all his financial woes, meaning you couldn’t go to university or become a professional *insert dream job here* like you wanted to be.
When you exited your building, you saw Iwaizumi leaning against a flashy car parked outside. “You chariot awaits m’lady” he says with a cheeky grin on his face making you roll your eyes. You got in the car and he started driving, humming along to a random song slightly agitating you.
“So, when are you moving to my place? It’s a part of the agreement.” he said in a sing song voice in the tune of what he was humming.  
Iwaizumi reminded you of JD from heathers, he was nice when he wanted but he did have a screw loose that was triggered when things didn’t go his way. Like a small child who didn’t get the toy he wanted when he had a million other toys.  
Him being the child. You being the toy.
“Our agreement is bullshit, just verbal.” you say mockingly “remember?”
“don’t start with me Y/N I'm not in a pleasant mood today” he says gritting his teeth “and I don’t need you fucking with me tonight.”
He puts his hand on your thigh, a little too harshly making you internally wince. “Okay here’s the rules for the night. You stay on my side for the night, only speak when spoken too, don’t drink too much since no one likes an alcoholic of course.”
“Oh, so all I need to do is sit pretty like a good little girl.” you say sarcastically
“Precisely” he lessens the grip on your thigh making you breathe in relief.  
The event was boring to say the least, you did as Iwaizumi said stood next to him with a fake smile plastered on your face all through the night. You’re sure that people did ask you questions, but you were in your own little world only stepping out of it when Iwaizumi either pinched your arm or gripped your thigh.
The end of the night was ‘eventful’ to say the least, before you entered the car a hand wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a back alley. “We couldn’t end the night so boring, could we?” it was Iwaizumi, of course it was.
He started peppering your neck with kisses and roaming his hands all over your body. He eventually trailed the kisses from your neck to your lips, leading you both into a full blown make out session. It was fast and you couldn’t really think straight. Iwaizumi was getting a bit too forceful, gripping and kissing harder than he needed to, leaving marks as if to say ‘you’re mine now.’
That was your second mistake. Getting sexual with Iwaizumi Hajime.
He said you had to go back to his house which was basically now yours. You complied, obviously had no other choice since he didn’t offer or ask. He told you too.
Waking up in the Iwaizumi residence was an ‘experience.’ Iwaizumi wanted you awake when he was awake and asleep when he was, never giving you a moment too yourself. You swiftly came to the learn of the reason why he wanted you in his ‘care’ (as he called it anyways) he wanted his eyes on you all the time.
You carried on attending the events bored out of your mind and the nights went the same way. Fancy dress, long car ride, not paying attention, getting fucked in the back alley then sleep in Iwaizumi’s expensive silk sheets.
You didn’t know much about Iwaizumi besides what you could find. In the day time, Iwaizumi spends it cooped up in his office whilst giving you the ‘permission’ to roam around the house. Iwaizumi kept all his important stuff in a small box under a creepy floorboard in his basement original idea I know. All the information in there was just stuff about generic stuff about his childhood. Him being brought up into wealth, how much he weighed as a baby and all the allergies and boring shit that he had.
Iwaizumi Hajime was an enigma.
You and Iwaizumi did get along. Sometimes. You did do things that weren’t strictly fucking and going to business meetings. He took you on what you could only be able to describe as dates, and outings showing you off to all his actual friends. That’s when you learnt the difference of the ‘two’ men, Iwaizumi and Hajime.
Although they were the same person by name, Iwaizumi was rough around the edges and cold at heart not caring about you at all. Hajime, whilst still being rough around the edges, basically made you out to be his girlfriend giving you the love and care you needed. You really liked the times when you were with Hajime.
That was your third mistake, falling in love with Iwaizumi Hajime.
As things progressed, your quality of life seemed to dwindle (not that it was great in the first place.) Iwaizumi was barely in the house, claiming that for these particular ‘business meetings’ he didn’t need you.
On one night, a simple phone call definitely changed your whole dynamic.
“Yes babe, I’m coming over tomorrow I can’t wait to see you and the girls again.” he said to the other person on the phone.
“Why do you question my love for you, of course I love you.” he said again
“I love you, the girls even the dumb dog that Haru forced me to get for her 8th birthday I love. You guys are my family. My lovely wife and out girls”
Your stomach churned, you backed out of the hallway that you were in. He had a family, of course he had a family. You went into the guest room, where you kept all your things, you couldn’t do this anymore. Although you pretty much lost all your morals when you formed this whole agreement but you refuse to sleep with a married man with kids. You couldn’t. Being the reason why a family might break up is something you wouldn’t ever do.
Iwaizumi heard all your commotion and entered the guess “Woah darling who’s moving out?” he asked jokingly  
“Hmm probably your wife and kids, after they realise their husband is a CHEATER!” you spat
“Woah, woah Y/N” he said getting closer to you “You don’t know what the fuck you’re on about”
“I think I know pretty well; you’ve always been a pompous ass Iwaizumi; it was my bad for thinking that you weren’t married throughout all of this.” You finished packing up as much close as you possible can and headed out the room.
“You need to watch your mouth Y/N” he says aggressively  
“Or what Iwaizumi, or should I say Hajime” you shout “Or is that only reserved for your WIFE!”
This seem to really tick him off, “You don’t know anything Y/N, you really think I could love a dirty slut like you? Huh? Well, I didn’t know that you were important enough to be able to know the details of my personal life.”
“I'm not a slut” you mumbled. Which was completely true, Iwaizumi didn’t notice that the first time you slept together was the first time that you slept with anyone.
“repeat that again for me y/n?” he said mockingly
“IM NOT A SLUT!” you shout in his face
“You are what I say you are darling”
“Fuck you.” You try and push past him hard, to get out the house but you’re no match against his anger and brute strength. So, when he slams you against the wall, he banging your head. Leaving you concussed and bleeding. Before you completely pass out all you hear is a repetition of Iwaizumi Hajime murmuring “I'm sorry, I’m sorry” whilst wrapping his arms around your comatose body.
You woke up, thinking that was all a dream but the ache in the back of your head proved otherwise.  
“Y/N, darling your awake!” he said making you flinch
You moved away from him when he sat on your bed looking at you with ‘love’ and ‘care’ in his eyes. He goes to stroke your cheek whispering “you’re so be-”
“Fuck off” you say. That bang to the head was a wakeup call literally reminding you of all the hot and cold moments you had with Iwaizumi that you submerged into your head for the sole reason of ‘wanting to be happy.’ But you weren’t happy. Deep down you knew that.
“But y/n, darling I love you.” he said and you closed your eyes shut wanting to tune him out “I love you Y/N.”
“You don’t" you replied back harshly with your eyes still shut tightly
“But I do Y/N, I love you” he repeated the ‘I love you’s’ over and over making you want to scream out in frustation.
“Shut up!” you yelled “You don’t love me, stop saying that” your head throbbing with every word “Just stop. Make it stop! Kill me if you have to! Just make it stop” you say thumping at Iwaizumi’s chest becoming a hysterical crying mess. You weren’t talking about the physical paint he caused you (even though that hurt ALOT) you were talking about the constant heartache it was just being around him.
He didn’t know what to do. So, he just put his arms round you again and you yelled your frustrations about him to him into his chest.
You woke up into a new place, not your old one or Iwaizumis just something brand new.  
With a note on your bed side table saying:
‘I love you and I’m sorry’
Making you tear it up and toss it out.
You had no further contact with Iwaizumi, you figured that the new house you lived in was already paid for, but you didn’t want Iwaizumi to show up one day saying that you owed him money so you decided to get a job. A small one, that didn’t require any strenuous Labour or heavy shift times.
It was a few weeks after Iwaizumi left you and you felt sick and heartbroken. After finishing your shift at your job you felt hot headed and extremely ill making you run to your toilet to spill out your guts.
Which lead you to your predicament now.
You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant befonhre you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
You didn’t know what to do. There was only thing you could do, but you certainly didn’t want that. ‘Call him’ the voice in your head urged. ‘That would be the best option right?’ you thought ‘I mean he did love you afterall...’
It took a whole day of pacing around and wondering on what you should do. But you knew that leaving the situation longer would only make it worse. So you kept his business card on you when he gave it to you since that was the only phone number you had. He was all you actually had.
You called and the phone rang 4 times, your heart beating faster and faster as it rang.
“Hello this is Sakura Iwaizumi speaking” a feminine voice said “Who is calling?” you hear someone say in the background. ‘Iwaizumi’ you thought, your face smiling. You realised you haven’t responded so you rushed out  
“I’m Y/N L/N, I need to speak with Iwaizumi.”
“Haji dear, there's a girl on the phone for you... someone of the name called Y/N L/N”
You heard muffles in the background and Iwaizumi saying “Just hang up the phone she’s not worth it.” Your heart stung ‘She’s not worth it.’ Did he really mean that? As much as you claim to hate him, you didn’t really. As you’ve said before you always liked his loving and caring side over his cold hearted one.
You put the phone down and just cried, wailing your heart out for him. Why? You don’t really know to be honest. This was all a dumb agreement, he used you because he was bored and he probably already knew you were pregnant from when he gave you that concussion. But ‘he doesn’t want you’ you reminded yourself because ‘I’m not worth it.’
AUTHORS NOTE: once again, i’m sorry lol. But im most likely going to do a part two of my ‘long shot’ series with Akaashi or a character of your choosing. 
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battlinghurricanes · 4 years ago
FUCKING! WAIT A SEC!. I was looking through the Iliad and read a scene where Hektor's charioteer dies. Diomedes throws a spear at him but misses and hits Eniopeus, killing him and knocking him from the chariot. And Hektor is horrified with grief for him but has to leave him to find another person to drive his chariot. (Book 8 between lines 105-137)
I'm just thinking of how much that would fuck you up??! This happens a lot in the Iliad, when some soldier tries to hit another and misses, but kills someone nearby. And for the foremost commanders, it must have happened most. They're both adept enough to stay alive as well as frequently favored by the gods who would protect them, as well as being prime targets for the other side. The allies nearest them would be in greater danger because of it. And the ones killed wouldn't always be random allies of theirs.
"blinding grief for his driver overpowered Hector, / stunned for his friend" Eniopeus was Hektor's friend. How easy would it have been for him to conclude that he died because he was fighting at his side? How easy would it have been to blame himself? Did he? And the man Hektor finds to drive his chariot after dies the same way just pages later!! Even more directly resulting from Hektor's presence because Apollo deliberately deflects the arrow fired at him that kills Archeptolemus instead. And he's also described as Hektor's friend! (Book 8 between lines 292-322)
Both their deaths and Hektor's reactions are written almost exactly the same. Like these things are horrible and they're happening over and over again. How could they bear it? I've noticed a lot of moments that describe Hektor being overcome with grief over a fallen ally and then keep fighting because what else can he do? The destruction of it all is so heartbreaking. Also how much it would tear apart the ones who endured it, so much more loss than anyone can process.
What could he do seeing his friend take a killing blow meant for him without a moment to stop and mourn in the first place? When it happens again and again? It must have eaten Hektor and so many of them alive.
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sluttbuttsstuff · 4 years ago
NAME: Formaggio
OCCUPATION: Celebrity chef, Restaurant owner (multiple)
ANNUAL INCOME AVERAGE: 30 million per year
BACKGROUND HISTORY: Formaggio came from a big catholic family that valued food, so he pursued a career as a chef right out of high school.  After several years of training and cooking, as well as help from a Manager who saw promise in him, Formaggio was able to open his first restaurant and make a name for himself. Formaggio quickly rose to fame in Italy for his good cooking and funny personality, not to mention quick learning and smart business sense.  His popularity only grew after guest starring on a cooking competition show with his knowledge on cuisine, and making even the harshest of judges laugh at his jokes.  From there, he was able to open 3 more restaurants in Italy (he’s working on his 5th, he wants to open a cat cafe after he went to one in japan) as well as one in France, Japan, and the US.  He’s also appeared several other times on popular cooking shows (just as a guest, he’s too busy to do it full time with his restaurants) and is working on publishing his first ever cooking book, which he’s currently promoting on tour.  When he isn’t working, he likes to spend his free time playing with his cats (he’s a well known advocate for animal shelter and has done lots of charity work promoting animal, specifically cat adoption) and building model kits and miniatures.  He’s also a huge fan of sports, specifically soccer, and loves throwing house parties.  In general, Formaggio is a fun loving guy who’s learned to work hard, but enjoys playing hard and relaxing too.
EXPECTATIONS:  Formaggio is looking for a darling willing to have fun and let loose with him, which on occasion means black tie events, and public outings. Darling doesn’t have to be outgoing or extraverted, but if they can’t stand crowds or parties, this relationship won’t work.  Formaggio does have a strong libido, which may need more than one person to fufill, so it’s important that darling is okay with sharing.  Formaggio is okay with darlings seeing other people, as long as they use protection, talk with him about it beforehand, and are discrete.  He doesn’t need a scandal about “cheating spouses” or whatever.  Also, no discussion of sugar daddy relationship to the press, and any rules he has for darling he also implements himself, fairs fair.  Other then that, Formaggio’s pretty chill.  You don’t have to be with him 24/7, although if you have a good vibe together he’d be more than happy to move you into his penthouse.  He’s also pretty generous with his money (it’s gotten him into trouble before, being careless with money) so whatever you want, however expensive or silly, will be bought for you no questions asked.  Just give him some sugar and keep him happy, and you’ll both be very happy.  Oh, and you can’t be allergic to cats, cause they’re not going anywhere.
LIKES: cats, soccer, house parties, his family, his kitchen, building miniatures, trying new things, gambling
DISLIKES: restrictions, possessiveness, sleeping alone, animal abuse, annoying children
IDEAL TYPE: Mostly physical, has a thing for large boobs/ass/thighs; he just wants someone to have fun with, and a sex drive that can keep up with him. He’d also like darling to be able to behave in front of his family, however, enough to not embarrass him.  If you love cats as much as him, that’s a huge plus, but if not, at least tolerate them.  He has quite a few.
IDEAL FIRST DATE:  Cook with darling together in his kitchen; a personal menu based on what darling likes/dislikes, followed by mixed drinks in his hot tub, watching his favorite soccer team play, and then having lots of sex to work off all the calories.
PAYMENT: All expenses covered by Formaggio, just send him an invoice and he’ll cover it.  He offers a monthly allowance if you ask, but you have to ask otherwise he’ll forget about it.
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/INFO:  Formaggio specifically told us to write this down...8 inches...that is all.
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onmywaytobe · 3 years ago
WHG 18 - Prompts
I'm combining all the prompts into one post, since I just wrote basic summaries for each. Hopefully this helps you get an idea of the kind of character Amethyst is and will help you include her in your scenes if you're so inclined! Tagging @whgmasterofceremonies, @ratracechronicler, @drabbleitout, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses (sorry if I missed anyone)
The Big Day
Amethyst spends the morning primping, putting on makeup and bickering with her sisters over who gets to wear the best dress. She insists that since she's the only one still eligible for the Reaping, she gets to be the prettiest, and they give in. She's looking forward to the chance to show off how good she looks to her classmates. There is an undercurrent of nerves, but the odds are in her favor, so she probably won't be chosen. She focuses on curling her hair instead.
The Reaping
When her name is called, Amethyst is offended at the silence that follows. She thought at least one person would volunteer for her. When she has no other choice, she heads to the stage, waving and smiling through the pain. It figures that she'd be chosen and have to go through this alone. This is just proof that she can't count on anyone but herself.
The Last Visit
The only people who come to visit out of love are Amethyst's sisters. Her parents, long since separated, come one at a time out of obligation. They hug her and cry crocodile tears. Amethyst knows that her parents won't miss her. The two friends she hasn't managed to drive away over the years also come by, but Amethyst treats them coldly. They didn't volunteer. They don't really care about her.
The Train Ride
On the train, Amethyst ignores her fellow tribute. She doesn't trust older men. She chats with the Capitol representative, complimenting her style, already trying to make allies. When the mentors insist that she eats to keep her strength up, she piles a plate with food that she barely touches, too busy talking, already formulating a plan to get sponsors. She monopolizes the mentors' time, keeping their attention on her as much as she can. She knows she'll need their help.
Dressed to the nines in her lumber-themed outfit, Amethyst is delighted to be getting the attention she deserves. She knows the crowd is cheering to watch her die, but they're cheering her nonetheless. She beams, soaking it in.
Finally, Amethyst gets to meet the other tributes. She spends her time sizing them up, talking to everyone she can to get in their good graces. She compliments size, strength, painting abilities, anything that anyone seems good at that might be an asset in the arena. Not to brag, but most of them like her already. She doesn't trust any of them, but she's sure they will help her. Noble people are so eager to do the right thing.
Her mentor suggests that she do some training herself, so she checks out a couple of stations. Fire, she can create with magic. Being from District 7, she can already use an axe. She runs through a few useful spells in her head and scans the poison station for any plants she might be able to use in potions, but that's it. She's already met people who could help her with just about anything, as long as she asks nicely.
For the judges, she throws a few axes. She doesn't get a bulls-eye, but there was a glare from the lights that distracted her. She also casts a spell to make weights lighter and tosses them around, but the judges notice and remind her that powers are not allowed in the arena. Amethyst scores a 4 and tells her mentors that the judging was rigged.
The Interview
Once again, Amethyst gets dolled up to look presentable for the Capitol. Her stylists picked something that emphasizes how small she is, making her look helpless enough that the audience will feel bad for her but not so helpless that she doesn't look like she stands a chance of winning. She tells a sob story about how her father abandoned her when she was young and how she's been on her own for the last few years, making sure to emphasize how resourceful and plucky she is, never giving up when the going gets tough. Caesar Flickerman is in sympathetic tears by the end of it. The crowd loves an underdog, and there's something about her that they want to believe in.
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scarletarosa · 4 years ago
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Greek god of madness, wine, vegetation, fruitfulness, virility, pleasure, festivity, frenzy, and theatre
Dionysus (also known as Bacchus and Liber) is the chaotic god who roams the wilds and indulges in the sensations which life has to offer. He is the inventor of wine and the one who inspires others to free themselves from their chains; leading them away into ecstatic freedom. Dionysus' sacred animals are the leopard, panther, bull, and serpent. Leopards/panthers were sacred to Dionysus due to their wild and often chaotic natures whereas bulls and serpents were sacred due to them representing male fertility. The god was said to ride on the back of a panther or drive a chariot drawn by a pair of them. His sacred plants are the grapevine, ivy, bindweed (prickly ivy) and pine tree. Devotees of the god wore wreaths of ivy and carried pine-cone tipped staffs.
Epithets: Ælefthæréfs (the liberator), Ærívromos (loud-roaring), Agnós (holy and pure), Ágrios (wild/savage), Ánax (lord; king), Aigovólos (goat-slayer), Anthéfs (blooming; crowned with flowers), Áreios (war-like), Chrysopes (golden faced), Corniger (the horned one), Dasýllios (wanderer of the woods), Dændrítis (lord of trees), Diphÿís (of dual nature), Ebon (youthful), Efkarpos (the fruitful), Efklayes (glorious), Elelikhthon (earth-shaking), Ephaptor (the caresser), Erivremetes (loud-thundering), Eucheus (pouring freely [of wine]), Evantís (decked with flowers), Evvouléfs (of good counsel), Hyes (lord of fertilizing moisture), Igiates (the healer), Kharidóhtis (joy-giver), Kissós (of ivy), Krýphios (the hidden one).
Dionysus was usually depicted as a handsome, long-haired young man who was usually clothed in a long robe (chiton) and cloak (himation) and crowned with a wreath of ivy-leaves. In some depictions, the god is shown with bull horns on his head. His attributes included the thyrsos (a pine-cone tipped staff), a drinking cup, and a crown of ivy. He was usually accompanied by a troop of Satyrs (goat-men of virility) and Maenades (wild female devotees). During his festivals, Dionysus was said to rush through the woods with the Maenads and tear apart wild animals with frenzic glee while also having drunken orgies with each other. He is also called both by Greeks and Romans as Bacchus (Bakchos), that is, the noisy or riotous god, which was originally a mere epithet of Dionysus. 
As far as the nature and origin of the god Dionysus is concerned, he appears in all traditions as the embodiment of chaotic power in nature, whereas Apollo is mainly a refined deity. Dionysus is the productive, overflowing, and intoxicating power of nature, which carries humans away from their usual quiet and sober mode of living. Wine is the most natural and appropriate symbol of that power, and it is therefore called "the fruit of Dionysus". Dionysus is, therefore, the god of wine; the inventor and teacher of its cultivation, the giver of joy, and the disperser of grief and sorrow. Though he also represents both effects of wine- the ecstatic blissful side, as well as the violent, maddening side. He is of the bright, joyous Sun as well as the maddening and unknowable Moon.  
Mythology: In myth, Dionysus was said to be the son of Zeus and the princess Semele of Thebes. During the course of her pregnancy, Zeus’ wife, Hera, tricked Semele into asking Zeus to appear before her in his full glory. Bound by oath, the god was forced to comply and she was consumed by the heat of his lightning-bolts. Zeus recovered their unborn child from her body, sewed him up in his own thigh, and carried him to term. After Dionysus’ birth from the thigh of Zeus, Dionysus was first entrusted to the care of Seilenos (Silenus) and the nymphs of Mount Nysa, and later to his aunt Ino, Semele's sister, and her husband Athamas. Some versions say Zeus instead entrusted him to Hermes, or to Persephone or Rhea. Hera was now urged on by her jealousy to throw Ino and Athamas into a state of madness, who then killed both of their children and themselves. Zeus, in order to save his child, changed him into a ram, and carried him to the nymphs of mount Nysa, who brought him up in a cave, and were afterwards rewarded for it by Zeus, by being placed as Hyades among the stars.  
During Dionysus’ young adulthood, he traveled the lands- teaching people of wine and of his divinity. The Thrakian king Lykourgos attacked Dionysus and his companions as they were travelling through his land and drove them into the sea. As punishment, the god inflicted him with madness causing him to murder his wife and son and then mutilate himself with an axe. King Pentheus of Thebes refused to accept the god's divinity and tried to apprehend him. Dionysus retaliated by driving the king's daughters into a crazed frenzy and they tore him apart limb from limb. As Dionysus was travelling through the islands of the Aegean Sea, he was captured by a band of Tyrrhenian pirates who planned to sell him into slavery. The god, however, could not be shackled or tied down; the bindings slipped away from him each time as Dionysus simply smiled. He then changed the mast and oars into serpents, and himself into a panther; he filled the vessel with creeping vines of ivy and the sound of flutes, so that the pirates, who were seized with madness, leaped into the sea, where they were transformed into dolphins. 
Appearance: Dionysus is a tall, attractive man in his late 30’s with long, wavy brown hair, brown eyes, strong facial features, and fair skin. He typically wears a white Greek robe with sandals and adorns his hair with ivy. He tends to be rather alluring in his appearance and basically looks how an ancient Greek male model would appear.  
Personality: In my experiences with Dionysus, he is very outgoing, charming, creative, flirtatious, laid-back, and can be impulsive. He loves all forms of pleasure, especially wine and sex. Dionysus has stated that he usually likes to go around seducing women, but also likes to seduce effeminate men since he enjoys dominating them. In his good-natured mood, Dionysus is friendly, jovial, and charismatic; welcoming others to join him in the enjoyable experiences of life. He says that he does not require his followers to partake in drinking alcohol or having sex, but simply seeks those who wish to feel free and unhindered by the constraints of society. Thus is the reason for his worship often taking place out in the wilds. In Dionysus’ darker side however, he can be extremely destructive and terrifying.  
He typically hates overly serious people, being too organized, strictness, and those who harm innocent creatures for no reason. When a person harms an innocent, Dionysus’ mood takes a drastic change and his form changes into something horrifying. His eyes become blood-red and his mouth deforms into a large serpent-like mouth with enormous fangs, then he attacks the person in a wild frenzy. His terror can cause petrification and madness in those who see him and they rapidly get torn apart. When angered, Dionysus becomes the Devourer of Flesh and either consumes his enemies or causes disturbing hallucinations and intense horror. Yet with most people, Dionysus is very entertaining to be around and often likes to make sexual jokes or tease, but he can become a bit serious when the need arises. He is very up-lifting and likes to teach people how to have fun with their lives and become less emotionally burdened by the demands of society. He loves things such as racing (especially horse racing) gambling, orgies, forest groves, and just enjoying himself in general.  
Dionysus has explained himself to be an aspect (shard) of the elder deity of virility, Set, who had also produced other aspects of himself such as Cernunnos, Pan, and Bes. The aspects are all One deity in essence, but due to free-will, they are independent from one another which allows them to have separate (yet very similar) personalities and desires. 
Offerings: wine, sparkling wine, white wine with pine resin (retsina), figs, grapes, pomegranates, apricots, potatoes, cauliflowers, eggplants, broccoli, horseradish, beetroot, parsnips, spring onions, strawberries, watermelon, peaches, cheese, lamb, goat, veal, chicken, cheeseburgers, ravioli with minced beef, chicken korma, lamb’s tongue, cow liver, chicken hearts, ram brains, coconuts, coconut oil, kumquat, ivy, pinecones, pinecone cores, chestnuts, walnuts, raisins, ritual goblets, tambourines, honey-coloured beads, tigers eye, watermelon tourmaline, chrysoberyl, amethyst, bull’s eye stone, dildos, various sex toys, canes, cum, bull figurines, leopard or panther figurines, incense of poppy, opium, or pine resin
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specsforwoo · 4 years ago
Son of Notus | Demigod!Ten
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Parent Deity: Notus ( God of the Southern Winds)
Allegiance: Aether
asldkfjaslkj Airhead much
Okay he is actually really smart
But he hates showing it because he doesn’t want to be stuck up
Like top of his meteorology class
But also top of of his modern dance class
He really likes dancing
It makes him feel like he is flying
Which is the best feeling in the world if you ask him
Kinda found out he was a demigod on accident, but he doesn’t even know he is a demigod asldfkgj
So maybe he got a little too heated in an argument and a desk was flown into a wall
And he didn’t touch the desk
Notus is known for being the most temperamental of the Wind Gods
And it definitely passed on to his son
But he is also probably one of the most laid back of his friends beside Johnny
His personality really changes depending on who he is around
He likes to act silly around Taeyong and Yuta because seriously those two need to take a chill pill and down it with a Piña Colada
But when he is around his half-siblings and younger demigods he turns really protective really fast
And when he is around say Johnny or Chenle or Haechan he becomes the somber one because someone needs to stay calm when those three are together
So he actually got brought to camp rather forcefully
Because apparently when a monster is hot on your tail it tries to directs you to other demigods
Which is exactly what happened
Remember that desk that flew into a wall, well the person he was arguing with was actually a cyclops shrouded by the Veil
Good job, Ten
And the monster chased him all the way to the camp
But like he wasn’t claimed yet and had only known about his powers for a few mere hours, the poor boy
So he crossed the borders to camp and suddenly the cyclops stopped chasing after him? But he was open in the middle of the woods?
Until he turned around and he saw this huge green field with a pavilion and a lake and what looked like 50+ cabins in the distance and an amphitheater
And he was even more terrified because what in hell is this place and how could I not see it before
And suddenly this young girl who was probably around 5 years old with green skin came up and latched onto his leg
And now he’s even more scared bEcAUSEe GreEEN SkiN
But then a normal human walks up to him and sees the cyclops outside the border and kinda just goes oh, new demigod? Have you been claimed?
And honestly he is ready to pass out
Which he does
So apparently after he passed out (the little girl started crying because the cute man is hurt) that random demigod called for help and helped carry him to the pavilion before calling the Apollo/Achelios Camp Leader to check him out
After he woke up it took him a realllllly long time to process everything
And that night when he went to sleep in the Hermes cabin he was still super confused and kinda scared. Because did his mom know where he was? His cellphone dropped into a river while he was being chased. Did he even know where he was? Was he a freak? A million thoughts were running through his head at once
After barely sleeping a wink he woke up to an blow horn and 3 campers cackling around his bunk
Which got him mad and when he clenched his fist the blown horn popped
So basically he was in the Hermes cabin for around 3 months because no one had claimed him but he had also shown powers limited to demigods so he definitely wasn’t an outsider
And he actually got into the swing of things
Archery was cool, he was okay at it
He didn’t like swords that much but he could survive
But wow, flying on a pegasus? That was the best feeling in the world
He loved the go to the track and fly around after dinner until midnight
And suddenly one day while he was training with his pegasus, Tadd, he got bucked off the saddle while everyone was watching
It was at least 30 feet high
And he landed on his damn feet
And the next thing he knew he had a shining silver cloud erupting in flames over his head
And a voice in the back of his middle, deep, gruff and spiky was talking to him about how he was ready to face the challenges as the son of a god, a specific god: Notus
And Ten was really happy, so was everyone else because 1) they had never had a son of Notus here before and 2) Everyone could tell Ten couldn’t wait until the day he found out who his father was
So Ten has probably been at this camp the longest except for Jaemin but that’s a long story
And the one thing he does do during the summer is go out into society to look for other demigods
Which was how he met you. He had tracked you to a small town outside of Seoul and you were just like any other person
Music blasting in your ears as you walked down the street, humming along, eyes glued to your phone
And he almost thought that he had tracked the wrong person
Until he noticed your little obsession with gold.
Not like you were robbing banks and jewelry stores but as he got closer to you in order to bring you to the camp he realized you like to sew clothes with gold colored thread, Your jacket had gold embroidering. Your phone case was gold
When he brought it up you just laughed and said that your mom had told you all your life that gold was your dad’s favorite color and for a while you used to use it to give a connection to him but soon it became your favorite color as well.
And one day while he was meeting you up for coffee at a local donut shop, he noticed a shadow out of the corner of his eye but decided to ignore it
2 hours later he was gripping your hand running down an alleyway trying to pull drachma out of his pocket so he could hitch a ride back to camp and away from the Griffin currently chasing you down
Apparently waiters don’t like it when you try to send cold coffee back
He finally got you in a Hermes Cab and spent the entire time to the camp explaining what had happened
Let’s just say you took it a lot better than he did and didn’t have to be carried inside the camp borders
He was about to take you to the Hermes cabin when a Sun and Lyre appeared simultaneously above your head
You had been claimed by Apollo in the mere 5 hours you had been aware that you were a demigod
And Ten had to admit, he was jealous, why did he have to wait 3 months when you had to wait 5 hours
But he was also happy because he knows the feeling of finding a missing part about the puzzle that was a demigod’s life
So he goes and introduces you to your half-siblings and you immediately fit in
And he usually leaves new campers here, their cabins will take care of them now, but he doesn’t want to leave you
But has to because Johnny keeps Iris messaging him from the Aether Cabin about some party he needs help setting up
And to his dismay it seems like you don’t even notice him leaving
Or even his presence for the next 3 weeks because you have been getting along with your siblings really well
But one day Johnny is throwing another party and it spread across the entire camp, but he just wasn’t feeling it
He seemed even more bitter about the party than Taeyong
And you were there of course, talking with Sicheng (your Camp Leader) and Taeyong but kept noticing Ten just sitting in the corner reading a book? It was about modern dance okay
So you excuse yourself from Tae and Sicheng to go and plop down next to Ten
They were both totally giving you wiggly brows and side eyes
But he looked up from the book, startled to see you sitting across from him
You were the first one to speak
You're usually the life of the party, what’s going on?
Just not feeling it
It was easy to tell he didn’t want to talk about it, at least to you
So right as he went to pick up the book again you cut it
And you realized what you said right after you said it causing you to jump out of your seat, racing pasting a chuckling Sicheng and Haechan while blushing
Did I mention Ten is also Track Captain at camp because Wind Gods are super fast and that passes on to him and Johnny just hates running
So he caught up to you right in front of the lake holding your arm
I think you are cute too
And he leans down, kissing your cheek
And he walks you to the Apollo Cabin, kissing your cheek again before going back to his own cabin
It’s the first night since his first day at camp that he can’t sleep
But he doesn’t mind it this time
They think I’m cute too. *cue unmanly giggling at 4 am followed by a pillow thrown from Johnny’s side of the room*
And the next day it’s back to when you didn’t know you were a demigod
You and Ten are practically joined at the hip
While he helps you with agility and reflex you help him with archery
And you both are great flyers
And while he practices dance, you play the harp to create simple melody for him to follow
You guys really just compliment each other in every way
Making you the perfect team
Especially when chariot racing is on the table
You are a much better marksman than he is and he is a much better driver than you lol
So basically every time you 2 team up for racing
No one else wants to join because they know you will win
So the Camp Director forces you two to be on separate teams with in your own cabins
Which means you are paired with Sicheng, who is a great driver and an even better shot
And Ten is stuck with Johnny, dear god
Actually Johnny is really good with a Javelin and Sword so you know you are going to have to watch out for him
And you two get competitive
Remember how I said you make a perfect team?
You might make better enemies lmao
Ten tried to drive your chariot off the track so you Stuck a javelin in his back piston
Sicheng fired a flaming arrow into their hold so Johnny sawed through half of your reins
In the end you won
Shhhh, Ten wants a recount
Okay but he is really excited, jumping out of the chariot and racing over to you while Sicheng is trying to pull at your arm to go to the pavilion to be crowned with a golden laurel
And Johnny is silently sulking on the second place pedestal
But once you and Sicheng are hoisted onto the first place platform and you are crowned he is screaming and hollering and just overall being a really supportive boyfriend
But when you guys go onto the track competition he whoops your ass and doesn’t think twice about it
But you are there in the crowd screaming and hollering and being an overall supportive girlfriend
And later that night the camp decides to hold a sorta dance to commemorate the competitions and their winners
And everyone takes it seriously
Like after a straight week of pushing each other into mud and water and falling of pegasi in the sky and pushing your way through monster infested forests
Everyone wants to dress up and be slightly classy
So the Aphrodite and Eros houses have had boys and girls alike weaving in and out of their common areas because they offered to help everyone look their best for this event
And you and Ten agreed to not reveal your outfits to each other until you met up at the pavilion
And you were in a light blue dress that you got an Aphrodite kid to enchant so it would look like clouds moving around the ripples in the dress
And Ten was in a flowy gold top, half tucked into slacks and a couple buttons undone. An Eros kid temporarily threaded his hair with gold
So basically he forces you into the middle of the dance floor and does that cheesy slow dance in the middle of everyone else jumping around and headbanging
But DJ!Mark totally notices so he switches the song to a self composed one that has a nice melody to it and soft vocals so he can create the mood for you two
And you are both slightly swaying to the music, nothing too fancy, definitely not what everyone was expecting from Ten
But you have you head on his shoulder, his hand encaptured in yours with his other on your waist as you both whisper a small conversation
And he mentions he’s met Apollo once
Which totally shocks and scares you… because he’s met your dad? The god?
But he just chuckles under his breath, and whispers in your ear about how he made Ten promise to never hurt you or he would face the full wrath of a god
Which got you even more scared because Ten… pls dont get hurt
But he laughs under his breath again and lets go of your hand to pull something out of his back pocket
And it’s a charm bracelet with a lyre and a cloud on it with a cursive T too
And as he slips it onto your wrist
He whispers about how he told your dad that he would quicker marry you than hurt you
a n y w a y s
Ten is a really soft bf and demigod and person in general
Unless it comes to hurting someone he loves
Then he can and will seriously injure someone
But other than that
Everyone looks up to him
Not just because he has been there forever
But because he has shown he has what it takes to protect the camp and how much everyone in it means to him
Especially you
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lisinfleur · 4 years ago
Buble Gum, Time is fun!
The request:
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Author’s Notes | Two of my favorite things reunited: Sigurd and time travel plots! I love it! I decided to post it like this, because you said you liked it how it is, love. But I’ll probably use this request later for a bigger work! It really has potential! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Sigurd x Reader Info | Time Travel plot, Viking Age AU, Modern AU, prepared for the Patron’s Holiday Event Words | 3706 ⁑ Warnings: Cursing a lot.
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Damn foggy night.
Damn stupid idea of accepting your co-worker's invitation into his house for a Christmas celebration!
Of course, you should've noticed his intentions! Of course, he was luring you into a trap!
What were you thinking? Ivan had tried to lure you into going out with him through the whole year! How could you think he was serious about a party with his family?
In the end, it was just a lie to "finally get some time alone with you, pretty..." Oh, GOD! You hated so much his stupid way to make that word sound doughy in his voice!
And there you were, walking away from his house, all alone on Christmas' Eve - because OF COURSE, he refused to drive you home since you wouldn't give him a chance... Asshole.
The problem is: it was easy to reach his cottage exactly because he was driving the 4x4 through the woods to take you there. On foot, the trail would surely allow you to see Santa Claus' reindeer flying through the sky, going away and coming back home before you were able to finish that God damn way!
"Wonderful!" you cursed when your eyes found a bifurcation and the plaque that should indicate the way was broken, leaving you without a choice but betting which way would take you down, back to the town, which would take you deeper inside those woods into some wolf lair or something like this.
With your luck?
You would end up frozen in the middle of that stupid fog!
Walking into that fog, you caught yourself thinking. Sadness taking your heart... If you weren't all alone... If your family wasn't a bunch of assholes like Ivan... Perhaps you wouldn't have accepted his invitation. Maybe you would be celebrating with her instead of all alone, lost in those woods.
Where was the trail?
"Oh, crap!" you cursed, looking around, trying to find yourself again, anything but trees that could serve for you to locate yourself.
Your heart clenching inside your chest.
If you were to disappear that night... Who would miss you?
Damn Ivan! It would be perfect to know he would probably be arrested since you were last seen entering his car but you didn't want to disappear!
Even less into those woods!
"Shit... Shit shit shit!" You cursed.
Your feet, lost, stumbled on some roots and you fell straight to the ground, rolling down a small hill and hitting your head against a tree.
You weren't sure, but you saw a silhouette right before everything blanked out.
You remember you thought it was better to freeze in those woods than being found by Ivan in that place.
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You couldn't precise how long did you blank out. But it was warm when you woke up. There was some strange cloak over your body, with a marine perfume that resembled the sea right after the dawn, or the dew evaporating on the first hours of the mourning.
"You woke up," a strange voice, kinda hoarse, with a heavy accent spoke to you.
And you turned yourself to see a blonde man sitting near a fire, noticing you were somehow into a cabin. A pretty rustic one! He was shoving the pieces of wood into the fire, making it warmer. But his clothes were so strange!
You could bet they were handmade!
He was dressed beautifully, like those medieval peasants from old Scandinavia. His hair had braids with leather straps decorating it and beautiful curls you couldn't stop yourself from admiring.
You sat, observing the beautiful handmade embroidery of the cloak over your body. That man wasn't a peasant. Such beautiful work wouldn't be made for someone that wasn't noble.
But why the fuck was he dressed like that?
"My head is aching..." you mumbled.
"You must've hit it against the tree I found you near. Your clothes are strange... Too thin for the cold. What is your name?" he asked with that strange accent, coming closer to sit beside the fur you were laid upon.
Too thin for the cold?? Those were your best warm trousers!
"I'm Y/N," you answered, confused. "Excuse me, but where am I?"
Everything around was so realistically rustic! You felt like waking up into a movie!
"This cabin is mine," he answered, "A small secret place I use as a refuge when I don't want my brothers to find me. I'm Sigurd, son of Ragnar Loðbrók. You must've known about my father." he sighed.
Sounding so genuíne for someone who was speaking, for sure, a scripted line for any stupid theatrical spectacle that was - for some reason - including your dizzy self. Right?
Cause there was no living way for you to be speaking to a son of THE Ragnar Loðbrók he was talking about. No-living-way!
You chuckled, looking at him.
"Fine... You're pretty good, for real. But I'm seriously lost here and... Can we leave the characters behind for a moment and give me some real information?" you said, looking at him "I'm lost for real, you know? I got lost in the woods while fleeing from a night into the house of the biggest asshole I've ever known in my whole life, so... Could you be gentle to me and tell me how I can reach the town so I can take a bus and go back home?"
The more you spoke, the stranger was the frown in that man's face.
"What is a bus?" he asked, looking at you as if that wasn't the most absurd nonsense someone could ask you at all!
"O-k... A persistent actor uh? So... Let us do it your way, ok? I need to go back to the town, uh? Where can I find a... a chariot?" you tried.
"You must've hit your head too hard... Come. I have a horse outside, I'll take you back to the village, but I suggest you visit a healer," he said.
Genuinely looking as confused as you were.
You got up, looking around. It was really a small cabin, seeming to be handmade as well, for a single person. Maybe you just invaded some kind of fantasy for him or anything, you thought. But the horse outside his door was pretty real.
"Fuck," you mumbled.
He really had a horse. And you would really go back home... In-a-freaking-horse. How the heck could that night become stranger?
Never doubt life.
It can ALWAYS overwhelm your expectations.
"What in the actual fuck?" your mouth mumbled when his horse reached the streets of what was an entire Scandinavian village. "Is this a joke? What kind of... Look, Sigurd uh?" you said, looking back at him from upon your shoulder as he guided the horse forward into that village.
A lot of other people like him were finishing putting things inside, the houses were decorated. It was Christmas night in that place as well... But how the heck?
"I need to go to the real town. Like, the real one! Not this scenographic thing for whatever you guys are filming ok? I need to go back to Kattegat!" you insisted.
Just to see his frown becoming even bigger.
"Woman, what is your problem? We ARE in Kattegat!" he said, convict.
"Then take me to the bay!" you demanded, almost as a touché.
They would never be able to reproduce the bay perfectly! It was a beautiful natural arch of mountains where the sea would make a pool, almost a beautiful natural circle of water you saw yourself stunned looking at a few moments after your ask.
"You see? We are in Kattegat, woman. I'm Sigurd, son of Ragnar, fourth among the princes of this place. And I demand you to visit a healer right now!" he said, full of himself.
But you'd barely heard his voice.
Your heart was pounding, your ears were throbbing along with your whole head. How the fuck was you standing in Kattegat's bay?
How in the actual fuck was that place a Scandinavian village again?
How hard did you hit your head?
"Be patient, son of Ragnar," a hoarse voice came out of nowhere and you turned yourself too quick, falling at the sand, afraid of that black-cloaked figure that looked at the two of you - and seemed not to scare Sigurd at all! "A strange thing happened and sometimes it happens, indeed..."
"Who are you? Where am I?" you asked, fully scared.
But that burned man looked at you calmly. You could feel he was looking at me although he had no eyes.
"The correct question would be when are you, Y/N, future’s child. You are where you think you are. You are in Kattegat such as he was. Time is not what you think it is."
Your heart started racing.
If what he was saying was real then you were far away from home now!
"But if you were to disappear tonight, who would miss you?"
That sentence in his hoarse voice seemed to shock both of you, you and Sigurd, cause you could see the same surprised expression in Sigurd's eyes as well.
"Time is a spiral... It swirls and swirls and sometimes its rounds touch each other. Two thought like one, two desired like one. One was heard by the night and its mysteries," that burnt man continued. "You shall be back to your time, back to your life, when the night is over and the magic with it. Unless your desire to come back is not strong enough to take you out of here," he said, starting to walk away.
Leaving you at that beach, sitting on the sand, almost panicking.
"So... You came because of my desire?" Sigurd mumbled, breaking the silence first.
And you looked at him.
"He said... Two thought like one. What were you thinking, Sigurd?" you asked, trying to rationalize.
To avoid freaking out.
"I didn't want to be home with Ivar being the usual spoiled brat he always is.  But I didn't want to be alone... After all, it's Yule."
After all, it was Christmas...
"It makes sense..." you mumbled. "I didn't want to be with Ivan... But did not want to be alone either."
Sigurd crossed his arms, sighing. And you looked at him with your heart clenching. Maybe he was as lonely as you were. And if it was strong enough to throw you into that situation then... Then why not?
It would be over in the morning.
"We could keep each other company..." You suggested.
"Then none of us would be alone." Sigurd completed. "Come. It's cold here... I have some food in my cabin we could share and you can tell me about this future you come from." he said, extending his hand for you to get up.
Sigurd didn't seem to be a bad guy at all. And what choice did you have, anyway?
He walked you back to that cabin, pulling the horse by its reins but walking beside you at a slow pace. It wasn't such a short path, so you had some time to know each other properly. The craziest it was sounding; Sigurd was indeed a Viking prince who definitely sounded like everything but a Viking. Whether your time's acknowledgment of his kind was awfully wrong or he was something different from the barbarian raiders his mutuals were described to be.
Instead, Sigurd was gentle, helping a total stranger he found wounded in the forest, taking you inside his cabin, ensuring you would be warm and cared for. He lighted a campfire in front of the cabin where he placed a piece of meat to roast intending to divide what was supposed to be enough for himself with you, and you noticed he just didn't ask for his cloak back - somehow he was really apprehensive about how cold it was for your "thin clothes".
Sigurd's presence was completely different from Ivan's and despite being a total stranger for you, soon it became more comfortable than having your co-worker you worked with for a whole year beside you.
To be honest? It was better. Way better.
Sigurd's curiosity about your shoes was funny, his surprise seeing your elastic hair tie was the most innocent and sweet thing you've ever seen and you could laugh for hours at his funny face when the thing escaped his hand being shot against his nose.
When you started talking about your time's music, he entered the cabin and brought back some kind of guitar he called an oud and played for you some amazing songs you wish you didn't have lost your cell phone so you could record to hear again later.
When he wouldn't be there to play...
For a moment, that sensation made you think about your loneliness and how it had just vanished with Sigurd's presence there. His gentleness was able to make you forget completely you weren't in your time and even more, that you were alone.
The two of you shared the food he made and when the night became colder he made the fire higher to warm the two of you as you sat at the door of his cabin, looking up to the sky.
So much more stars!
"The sky is not this beautiful where I come from," you said.
"Did the stars fall from the sky?" he asked, looking at you.
Making you smile with that sweet innocence he seemed to have.
"No. There are too many artificial lights. The night is not dark enough for us to see them all..." you explained.
"Your time seems to be amazing, but at the same time, it seems colder," Sigurd said, looking up once again.
Silence landing between the two of you like a solid wall his voice broke once again.
"I'll miss you, Y/N. When you go home, I'll miss having you here."
You thought about your lonely life. It would be so good to have the chance to stay... But at the same time, you were so far away from your time! And you couldn't just be impulsive and stay in a place and time you barely knew just out of your need for company... You would come back at the end of that night, you knew that. But your heart would be broken.
"I'll miss you too..." you mumbled.
Feeling when something touched your hand, looking to see Sigurd was messing with a leather strip around your wrist.
"What is this?" you asked when he finished, showing you the wooden beads with runes he had tied to your arm.
Lifting your eyes, you could see one of his braids was undone: he had turned the leather strip from his hair along with his beads into a bracelet for you.
"A gift, so you can remind me," he said, "A Yule gift."
You smiled with tenderness looking at that loving gift. Nothing was ever so sweet in your life.
You would miss him so hard...
You weren't as good as he was with the crafting, but you took off your necklace - a golden chain with a small butterfly pendant - And you placed it on his neck, watching as he touched the delicate piece.
"A Yule gift," you repeated, smiling at him.
Feeling his fingers touching and caressing your face.
Silence was made as you laid your head on his shoulder. There was nothing to be said anymore. You wanted his embrace around you. He wanted you to stay forever.
Both of you woke up alone the next morning...
The magic of that strange night was gone when you woke up sitting against the tree you had fallen near the previous night. You lifted your hand to touch your head searching for any kind of wound, thinking that the whole night could've been a dream.
But something was weighing on your hand and your eyes filled with tears when you saw the leather strap with his beads there. You touched your neck, your necklace was gone.
It was real.
He was real!
And now it was gone...
You found out you had fallen out of the way and into the woods some few meters before reaching the road. You went back home with that knot on your throat.
You searched for anything about his story just to find out Sigurd had died one thousand years ago, murdered by his own brother's ax.
The following days made no sense for you. Everything was missing color. You wanted to cry every time your eyes would look at the beads on your wrist. You never took that bracelet off.
When the third night came, you decided: You had to change that! You had to go back, to find a way to make his fate different.
To be with him once again.
But how?
The following days you passed searching for any information, finding anything that could help you, getting yourself more and more despaired with the hopelessness of that journey. When New Year's Eve came, you made your last try...
You came back to those woods, you went away from the trail, you tried to find the ruins of his cabin or that location. But all you could find were some stones placed in a specific way that could resemble that house.
You sat in the middle of it and you felt the tears pouring down your face. Your fingers caressing the leather strip on your wrist.
"You were such a gentle man... Such a sweet company. You killed my loneliness and... And you found such a terrible fate," you cried, thinking about him, the sweet smiles you exchanged, his laughs from that night.
"I wish so bad I could change it... I wish so bad I could come back one more time..." you closed your eyes, lowering your head.
"It's a one-way trip this time. And you know you can't change the cycle of life. He will die. You will die. Each must die someday," the hoarse voice of that burnt man you knew now was the Seer from his time invaded your ears, startling you up.
If he could be there, then...
You could come back.
"But I can make it different!" you said, looking up to see the black-cloaked figure standing where it was supposed to be the door of that cabin.
"What if you can't?" he asked, looking at you.
"I can!" you yelled, getting up.
"What if you can't, woman?" he repeated.
Remembering you maybe Sigurd's fate wasn't changeable...
Maybe you would go back just to lose him that awful way.
"Then I can make his life different," you mumbled, looking at the Seer. "Then I can send his loneliness away. And kill mine. And make it better as long as he lives."
"Cross the line... And find your fate. Time won't touch itself once again. Don't look back, future's child. Everything forward is lost for you now."
With his scepter, he traced a perfect line on the ground from one stone to another at the entrance of the cabin's ruins, turning his back to you and vanishing in the middle of the trees.
You swallowed dry.
You could just jump the stones and go back to your life.
But time wouldn't touch itself again, he said.
You could cross that line and everything you knew would be lost.
But who would miss you anyway?
You touched the leather bracelet on your arm and took a deep breath, walking forward and crossing the line without thinking any longer. And then... His voice filled your ears...
"... and I don't know where or when you are now. But I wish you were here. It would be good if time could swirl that strange way one more time."
Your eyes caught Sigurd's figure sitting beside a campfire. Almost the same scene from the Yule night you spent together. Except, you weren't there, and his hands were messing with the necklace you gave to him, tenderly caressing the pendant. He missed you. He wanted you back.
And it filled your heart with love to think someone would care.
He cared.
"Maybe two thought like one once again," you mumbled from the door, startling him, watching as he jumped up, standing to look at you, first scared, then, with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen on someone's face.
Sigurd came closer, without a warning pulling you into his embrace. Such a tight embrace, so full of that feeling only he was able to make you feel!
You embraced him back, maybe as tight as he was embracing you. And Sigurd cupped your face, touching your foreheads.
"You came back... I wanted so hard to see you again!"
You went on your tiptoes, following the will of your heart, and touched his lips with yours, surprising Sigurd with a gentle and loving kiss, full of that need you had inside your heart to change his life. To make his fate different.
"Y/N?" he mumbled your name when the kiss was over.
Looking at you full of doubt in his eyes.
But you caressed his face gently, smiling at him.
"I came back for you, Sigurd. For you..."
His tone changed as you felt his hands gently pulling you closer. His forehead touched yours and you saw as he sighed, almost in relief, nuzzling his nose to yours.
"You took my heart with you when you left..."
He felt the same. That need, that sensation you were everything he needed and he had lost it. Sigurd fell in love with you as well. And it was good for him to notice he wasn’t alone.
"Tell me you'll stay this time." He asked.
"I'll stay," you answered, nestling your face against his neck, hiding into his embrace. "I'll stay, my prince."
"That's good..." he mumbled, kissing your hair, embracing you tighter. "That's good, my love."
You knew everything you ever knew was lost for you now and you would've to learn everything about life in his way. You knew you could lose him not far from that day. But you would fight to change his fate and if you had to lose him then, at least, you could say you loved him till the end.
And Sigurd loved you back. Like anyone else before.
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shintorikhazumi · 4 years ago
A Warm Diana Chapter 7: A Scorching Heat
A/N: Sorry this took so long. Ahhh, I don’t know why I struggle with writing this story, haha. It’s like I just open the file, stare at it, and worry. I’ve opened this file every day for the past week and some days more without updating it. Damn.
Anyway, on an odd sidenote, someday I hope to be a good enough writer to get recommended to other people haha. I’m not quite there yet. But I might get there… probably. Probably? Probably. Let’s start with finishing this fic.
Right, reminder that this is still around after Ep 20 so please don’t be surprised if Akko still thinks of Chariot as Ursula. I’m going to be giving a heads-up though, that I might not be able to integrate canon events into this anymore and may just have to do the Chariot Croix reveal a different way. Or we’ll see. Anyway. Apologies in advance if the quality and plot is bad…
This is so long, I could not beta and spot the mistakes. If you did, please tell me ahaha, I’ll fix it, I guess. Sorry if there are a lotta typos.
~Shintori Khazumi
 A Warm Diana Chapter 7: A Scorching Heat
One kiss, two, then three.
Again, again, and again.
In their hidden corner of the library, behind the fountain, in front of their room door.
At morning, in the afternoon, and as the starry dark night blanketed the sky.
Warm, hot… hotter. Hot until their touches burned already heated skin.
And it would only get hotter still.
Ever since that day, the day they finally cracked, when they had finally overheated, it was as though the struggle to curb their emotional wants and affectionate gestures for one another only grew. It felt like shackles being removed, freeing them to do as they pleased.
Diana, in particular, wrestled with her will to keep her hands to herself every time Akko was near. She was just so lovely. Like a flower- well, a wildflower, but a flower nonetheless. What Diana would do to stroke her petals… Eyes, alluring and hypnotizing, seemed to always invite Diana in with their shyness, but at the same time heated passion.
Diana’s throat would run dry as a desert. She would sometimes wonder if she harbored her own personal sun within her. It rendered her with a dry throat, sweaty palms- and sometimes feet-, intense heat boiling up from the deepest part within her… Diana felt thirsty. So, so thirsty.
Oh wait. If she was searching for the sun, Akko was the sun. Her bright, shining, warm, marvelous sun that lightened up her darkest days and had given her hope. Akko drew her cold-blooded soul in like a moth to a flame, and sometimes she worried. She worried she’d be an Icarus, free from the imprisonment that was the expectations of being Diana Cavendish; she was afraid she was flying too close to this Sun. She’d burn her wings and fall… fall… fall.
But Akko would catch her.
She was sure she would.
Just like right now.
Locked in place between Diana and a desk in an abandoned classroom- how cliché- Akko’s breath heaved, cheeks tainted red. Diana loved that color on her. It suited her. The school was right to assign her to that specific-colored team. They chose well. It pleased Diana.
Akko pleased Diana.
So much so that Diana spent almost every moment she could basking under the sun’s glow that belonged to Kagari Atsuko. She would always steal her away any moment she could.
Her restraint was that slim.
But still…
Though it happened often, their moments of heat and warmth were always hidden, tucked away behind curtains and closed doors, and covered by the shield that was Diana’s reputation. The shield that might very well be a double-edged sword instead.
 It was a normal day, a normal class to attend.
Diana strode down the halls as she always did, normally. With her teammates by her side, as per usual. That was normal. And she was at her normal state as well: Elegant and perfect.
Though this time, she had… someone else trailing a little after her, not exactly the same picture of elegance, but… perfect, nonetheless. In Diana’s eyes, she was perfect.
It was a rule they decided to establish when in the public eye. As intimate and touchy as they were when in their own corner of the universe, PDA was something they both knew would greatly affect them both negatively while they were out and about in society. Especially for someone like Diana.
It pained her to think that this was something necessary as of the moment, seeing as how she had just found the opportunity, and had been given the chance to step forward as the next Cavendish heir- she needed the acknowledgement of the rest of her family, and she needed to prove her drive and sincerity to succeed the role she was to play in the household by being incredibly focused on- and dedicated to becoming a top-tier witch. She needed to prove to them that she was capable and driven, and wanted this position above all else.
But this wasn’t just about that. There were so many things that prevented them from making their relationship public. School duties and responsibilities, studies, the teachers’ mindsets when it came to such involvements, societies eyes. The connections they had to everyone. Not just to the elite, but to their friends and families as well.
Though maybe the ‘friends’ part wasn’t quite as difficult-
Scratch that. Despite being so supportive of them before they made things “official”, currently, Diana would catch Sucy and Lotte giving her warning looks every once in a while, to which she would return with a gaze that asked, ‘what?’.
She wasn’t doing anything wrong, was she?
Not when she would simply hold Akko’s hand under the table; not when she would sometimes caress the smooth skin of her thighs and make her struggle to not squirm in that adorable way of hers; not when Diana would pick Akko up from her dorm room every morning, and take her back a little later than usual- but never breaking any curfew rules! She swore!
She was glad her team seemed to have warmed up to Akko. Hannah and Akko would have the occasional cooking session, borrowing the academy’s kitchen from time to time; Hannah was surprised to learn that Akko sometimes contributed to the breakfast preparations when she had spare time, or in the event that she woke up too early.
Barbara had been close with Lotte as of late, and she wasn’t one to stay spiteful for long. She and Lotte had taken a shine to dressing Akko up in Nightfall-related clothing after the Japanese revealed some of her cosplaying habits back home.
Well, that was one way to bond, surely.
Diana loved watching them all interact.
(Though they all prevented her from watching whenever Akko was made to change into some of the aforementioned costumes. They even went so far as to kick her out of the room! Excuse them, but Diana was the one dating Atsuko, not them!)
She sighed.
Her roommates took a shine to Akko, but why did it feel like they took too much of a liking? They seemed more protective of Akko than of her. And the student body had supposedly labelled them as her lackeys back then!
And she hadn’t even gotten started on the green team.
If a bullet were shot at Akko and Diana each, at the same time, their friends would rather form a line in front of the former and leave Diana to get shot.
These people.
She swept a glance over their little group. Despite all that, she smiled rather fondly. It was nice to know they were all closer, perhaps happier? Diana certainly was. And it was all thanks to the wonderful person she knew as Kagari Atsuko. She was a light, a hope. She was brilliant.
And everything was normal.
And just a tad bit better than that.
Drawing near to their designated classroom’s door, Diana could hear the normal class chatter, though something felt slightly off as it seemed to be buzzing with more intensity than just the standard excited gossip, morning greeting, and casual conversation.
She shrugged it off as the tiniest change from the normal class dynamic, striding into the room with her typical air of confidence and authority. And then everything quiets.
Diana quirked a curious brow at this, feeling the weight of many gazes on her. Whispering ensued; some students not subtle enough as they throw glances at Diana far too frequently that she preferred they just stare blatantly instead.
Then Akko comes in right after her and the whispers increase their volume; not quite amplified enough to return to the earlier sounds of talks, but everyone was certainly louder in their murmuring
Not one to lose her composure in spite of the oddness of it all, as well as the pressure of all this attention, Diana takes a seat in the same normal way she does every school day. Once more, it quiets. This time she has to admit, she’s begun to feel it: unnerved.
They are heavy. The many stares.
Then their first professor of the day walks into the room, and Diana felt her lungs capable of respiration again. Yes, this day would continue on as it always does. She would pour her all into her studies, she would be called as an example to the class, she would perform flawlessly, answer questions knowledgably, and she would have lunch with Akko and all their friend. They would get back to studies, and after class-
The teacher scanned the room, a nervous glint in her eyes, as if in search of a threat or a criminal.
Her eyes fall on Diana’s, and they lock gazes. She found what she’d been looking for apparently, lighting up as she spots a certain brunette a few seats back. Diana knows that’s who the teacher is looking at. She just knows.
And there is a call for them.
More whispers.
Diana barely misses Hannah shooting a glare at everyone staring, and she catches out of the corner of her eye, Barbara biting down on her lip while looking around nervously, the red and blue teams clearly confused and uncomfortable with whatever was occurring at this moment.
She tears her eyes away from the teacher, and regards Akko with a nod instead, a silent beckon to go out together. Lotte had taken a hold of the cuff of her teammate’s sleeve, afraid to let Akko go, not knowing what this was all about. Or maybe they did. Maybe they all did.
Sucy is quiet. Not her normal Sucy quiet with underlying playful malice or sarcasm waiting to be released. Neither is it boredom or deliberate evil planning.
She was just so quiet. And still. Her eyes followed the brunette’s retreating back, a hand on Lotte’s shoulder, a way to keep the Finnish woman from following after her. She looked just about ready to run off with Akko somewhere where they wouldn’t be subjected to this painful awkwardness.
Louder. Everything just gets louder. And maybe Diana has just become more sensitive to everything as her senses are heightened by adrenaline and nervousness. They exit the door just as it closes with a click behind them. And the droning whispers still follow them as they leave the area, barely drowned out by the silence of the halls.
 “Miss Kagari.” This is normal. Akko argued with herself that hearing this particular name from the strict disciplinary professor was nothing out of the ordinary. A perfectly normal addressing of her name, she and Diana used to it as the heiress was usually in the area when she got scolded. “Miss… Diana Cavendish.”
Now those. Those were unfamiliar sounds, an unknown tone of voice directed at her partner. Odd on the palate of someone like Finneran, foreign. The way it was spoken, anxiety-inducing.
“Before I reveal anything, would you perhaps happen to know why you are here?”
Headmistress Holbrooke sat wordlessly in her seat. She did not look as though she was angered. There was something else in her eyes. It did not look to be something against her students, but rather, it was frustration towards the atmosphere surrounding all of them.
Akko had been genuinely confused since leaving their classroom, trying to list off all the things she could have done wrong; the rules she could have violated lately. Nothing came up, she only drew a blank in her head. After all, there was no reason for her to do anything unwise since most of her time had been spent with Diana- …something flashes in her eyes, a deep worry.
She hopes it isn’t what she thinks it is. Every time she’s made trouble before, the atmosphere was never this suffocating. Coupled with the fact that she was called together with Diana, it ruled out all possibility that this would just be Akko’s normal scolding for things she had ruined/destroyed on campus, be it tangible items, or things such as classes and her teachers’ temperaments for the day.
In contrast to her tense nature, Diana, calm as ever replied, “I’m afraid I have no clue.” The heiress was brilliant in everything, even acting. But Akko could see the tiniest tremor of her hand, and the fear in crystal blues. “I don’t believe we’ve done any wrong to warrant a call from you, ma’am.”
Diana may be an expert at meeting any problem as they came, but even she couldn’t keep her eyes from widening at the object their professor procured out of her coat pocket, hand holding it out in front of them pointedly.
“Well, then. I suppose you would have no problems explaining this photo?”
Them. It was a picture of them. A captured portrait of Akko and Diana in the library. This alone wouldn’t have been anything of concern, but it was the act that they had been engaging in at that moment that warranted the alarms in possibly everyone’s head.
They both knew when this was.
They could never forget it.
It was a memory that would play vividly in their minds in many moments. They saw it in their dreams, they dreamed it in their waking moments. It coursed through their minds, into their veins, a heart-pounding, magical sensation.
It was their first kiss.
“What…” Akko had no words to complete that. Her tense arms fell limply to the sides, legs trembling as if they would give out at any moment.
Diana was similarly speechless, staring at the photo blankly, mind running miles an hour.
“One would say that this was possibly photo-shopped to ruin your reputation, Miss Cavendish.” Finneran continued, and Diana had half a mind to nod, maybe realizing that she could go along with this possible lifeline of an excuse… before it was harshly cut. “But the source is far too reliable to be that.”
That seemed to have caught the heiress attention as she posed her inquiries. “What do you mean, professor?” Red eyes watched as fists clenched and loosened, the heiress’ voice barely staying level. “Who exactly produced this photo?”
Finneran paused, appearing as though she were weighing some options in her mind, before deciding with finality. “It’s something I cannot divulge to you. Not now, as you are. Maybe once you’ve reflected upon the wrong you’ve done.”
Akko’s head whipped up, that word she was so used to being associated with used again. But in this setting, in this context of her feelings for Diana…
What was?
Being in love with someone? Being in love with each other? Being in love with Diana?
What wr-
“And what wrong have we done?” Diana’s sharp tone cut through the fragile air. “Is what we have together so wrong? We haven’t broken any public rules, we did not bother anyone, nor did we force others to accept us right away, right in these very moments.” She fumed, at the edge of bursting from all her emotional tension. “What right do you all have, to tell us who we can and can’t love?!”
“Miss Cavendish.”
Akko flinched, noticing Diana did as well at the Headmistress’ tone of voice.
“We did not wish to jeopardize you, or undervalue your rights to freedom of choice, of expression, and of love. But there is one thing that is out of our control as of the moment and that is that these types of scandals are tied to a much larger picture. I’m sure someone like you can understand. The economy and society that used to be against us have only began to turn to support our school’s growth-“
“So, this is about money; I see now.” Diana butted in harshly, scoffing; anger, distress, and desperation blinding her usual rationality. She went on and on, words she would never mean or say. “You fear the support will pull out from you so you go against your values and standards in choosing witches, in raising witches and people, in guiding students, in encouraging their futures, and in teaching-“
“Diana.” It was cold. The usually warm, kindhearted woman was so cold. “You know that is not true. It’s not about that.” The voice demanded attention, and Diana relinquished hers. “The person who produced this photo is threatening to spread it to the outside world, jeopardizing- not only Luna Nova’s safety and reputation, as well as business opportunities- but the students’- your rights, future, privacy and safety as well. For all we know, it could have been published in newspapers, spread to inner circles of high society; and you know what that would mean for you.” Holbrooke’s voice dropped volumes lower. “You know what that would mean for your inheritance…”
Diana’s brows were still pulled together, but tears of helplessness and frustration had pooled in the corner of her eyes in addition to the frown still marring her beautiful face. Even in anger, Akko found her to be the most stunning. And yet she feared that she had tainted that power of Diana’s. The power to beguile and charm… simply because she was found greedily desiring the spot next to her. Like dirt on a gorgeous painting… Akko would destroy Diana’s shine in the eyes of many if that picture leaked out.
That could not be. Should not be.
The Japanese witch could only imagine how difficult this situation would be, how complicated, how humiliating it was for someone such as Diana.
The headmistress stood up, walking towards the blonde at the center of the room, head dropping low from its earlier defiant stature.
“We are trying to protect you.”
Diana’s back wasn’t large by any means, but Akko had always thought it to be wide and intimidating. At this very moment, however, it seemed so small. As her hands were held in the wise professor’s, Akko could faintly here the smallest hidden sniffle.
“Please, Diana.”
 “… Understood.”
 Tap. Tap. Tap.
At the mention of her name, wine-red eyes blink out of their stupor, turning to her motherly tutor as the pen in her hand freezes just before it can touch the desk of the woman’s personal office another time. “Yes?” She offers a cheery smile that does little to convince Ursula of her current state. And Akko knows that.
“Are you alright?”
Akko would have scoffed at that question. Clearly, everyone in the school knew of her issue already. She loved her teacher, but that question felt too unkind. ‘Are you alright?’, the woman had asked.
Was she?
“I… guess not…”
“Would you like to tell me about it? How you feel?” That was somewhat of a surprise. After having been told off for ‘how she felt’ so few hours ago, she wasn’t in the mood to discuss it, only to be told they weren’t right.
But this was Ursula-sensei. She might just be different.
Akko hoped she would be.
Or her heart would break from having the only adult supportive of her who was close by, betray her as well.
She had already tasted it many times now. First, with her good friend Andrew, the wound still unhealing… Andrew… had he been right all along? That she could not bear the weight of a love like this, with someone like Diana?
No… that was not it. It should not be it. Diana was… Diana is…
Andrew was…
Akko shook her head. There was nothing to compare. Diana was a star, and Andrew was simply a friend she once had that had tore her trust to pieces, and though she longed to mend their former relationship… was it possible to recover in the first place?
These feelings of battling possible prejudices did not stop with the boy. It continued with the teachers, and then the judgment of possibly the entire school. Who even knows if her friends weren’t just pretending at this point? Could they even stand to… stand by Akko? When everyone was leaving her bit by bit?
… just as her mother had, not even intending to.
Could she still open her heart to someone right now, without fear of it being trampled into the dust, the monsters of her mind daring her to try. Try and be cursed by the inevitable consequences of rejection and abandonment. Try to let people see… see her feelings. See the emotions that many had already labelled as filthy.
But she desperately needed to let it out. To let her pain and frustrations out, she needed someone to confide in. She needed… she needed… she needed someone there. Beside her. Someone not chained to society’s expectations like Diana, someone not at risk of being ostracized from the rest alongside her…
She wanted to try to tell her.
Try… Trying… might not hurt. Or maybe it would.
“…Maybe.” Ursula had her full attention to her beloved student at the first sounds that escaped her anxiously shivering frame, arms wrapped around her upper body in a protective stance, eyes unfocused and dimmed. Her heart broke at the raspy voice and the quietly posed question that came soon after. “Would you… hold it against me as well? These dirty feelings.”
The little witch’s eyes hurt. They were stinging with pinpricks here and there, allowing tears to well up, only held back by sheer will to not cry in front of someone who might just judge her like everyone else. She couldn’t take it. Not from one of the so few she trusted in, the few she believed in. One of the only people she could confide in.
Please, don’t let Professor Ursula be one of…them.
Her hold on herself tightened as she curled into a ball in her seat, every part of her just hurting and wanting to hurt even more. Her chest felt so tight, almost as if it denied any fresh air from clearing her lungs and her thoughts that were filled with all the restrained sentiments she had held back for god knows how long after she’d left the office. Her heart clenched and yet tore apart at the same time. She felt as though every part of her being was bleeding. Bleeding what? Blood, sweat and tears, maybe. Her throat itched, and she let out a few coughs.
Please… not you.
Ursula had been so quiet; the atmosphere was weighing heavily on Akko and she was quickly being crushed by her demons of anxiety. Her eyes had begun darting from place to place on the floor she was staring at, the signs of a panic attack and stress making the back of her neck up to her ears burn hot, her hands and feet freezing in stark contrast.
Her eyes squeezed shut as her head began to spin, all these negative thoughts swirling about in a whirlpool of sickening negativities and passions.
Please just-
Arms wrapped around her, squeezing so tight, Akko would have complained about the inability to breathe. But then the dam broke as Ursula kissed her temple, whispering words like magic. “It’s okay… I understand. I heard you. I heard your heart.”
“Please… stay by ME.” Akko felt helpless, like there was no one else. She just needed someone… Please someone. Anyone who would choose her. Who would believe in her.
Ursula continued to press gentle kisses to the crown of Akko’s head, rubbing her back soothingly as the girl hiccupped, writhed in pain, moaned out her frustrations and wants.
“Please.” Her voice cried, broken and tired. “I don’t have anyone else… Diana… my friends… I don’t want them to be…” A choked sob hid her words for a moment. “-just because of me…”
“No, No, Akko. Sweetheart, no. You are not to blame. I know. I also know you are in need. Of support, of someone.” Ursula took a breath to calm her own wild horses, wanting to be rational in this fragile balance of a situation, but also let Akko know she would help. “There… there may be many occasions where I won’t take your side, especially when it involves you getting hurt, or in trouble. But at this moment…
…I’m here beside you right now, and I believe in you. You and your feelings.”
A sniff.
Then whispered words.
“They… are they so wrong? To love someone so amazing and try to do your best beside them… is that so wrong?!, Voice in a crescendo, Akko questioned everything. All the conflict that came even before this point. “Is it so wrong to want to be someone better, but by their side instead of being alone?” The professor only hugged her tighter. “Are my feelings so wrong?!”
What could she even say besides her earlier words of standing by Akko? If encouraging these emotions meant more danger and future turmoil, should she shield the girl instead and save her from a crippled future? Or should she nurture them in some way, and choose the narrow path that could lead to everyone’s destruction? In her heart, Ursula knew she was also betraying her, but on something unrelated to the current turmoil the girl was going through. It was a secret she was willing to take to the grave, even, if it meant that her beloved student would only reap more pain. But she mustn’t think of that now. This was about Akko’s state of emotion, her love for Diana, right now.
This situation was just not something in their control. She had heard from the headmistress that Holbrooke herself hardly minded such relationships so long as they were properly monitored, and proper behavioral protocol was still observed within the school.
The problem lay in the person who was against all of this, against the two students, against Diana… and her inheritance.
It wasn’t something that they could easily intervene in. But the person seemed willing to pull all stops, even to the extremes to ensure that Diana never took something that was very rightfully hers. It was all they could do to be careful, and calmly try to protect the girls, even if it wasn’t as effective as they liked.
Really. If only they could do more.
“I’m sorry…”
 The “consequences” of the spreading scandal were laid out clearly for them to follow just before they left the room. They could still attend classes as the teachers had agreed that they didn’t want to jeopardize their future, or make the situation look worse than it really was. This was also to stop rumors from spreading, and/or being confirmed. However, despite this privilege, they were not to linger after classes: Akko would go straight to Ursula for tutor sessions, and Diana would either study on her own in her room, or go on patrols; and Diana and Akko were forbidden from meeting at any time in any place.
To ensure this condition was met without struggle, Akko was moved to a different class to be separated from Diana. But this would also mean that she was separated from the rest of her friends, and the sole people who could be her comfort and support. In the new class, she was truly alone.
She knew no one.
She only knew judgment.
And that knowledge stabbed at Diana’s heart each passing moment as she’d catch sight of their friends, the brunette’s teammates, or simply her now-empty seat. It hurt.
Distracting her from being consumed by that ache in her heart, however, was the heat of everyone’s gazes: overbearing, scorching Diana; her palms would sweat, ears turning red. Subjected to the discriminating scrutiny of people who knew no better than rumors, Diana acted with an air of defiance, trying to mask her frustrations with her situation with a cold pride.
Still, the comments…
“I didn’t think Miss Cavendish was like that.”
They were words she’d rather not hear.
“What about sir Andrew?”
“Was all of that just an act?”
“She acts like that to woo men in, only to actually lead them on, is that it? I’d never have thought.”
“So miss goody-two-shoes actually has a rotten personality? I kinda saw that coming.”
They made no dents on Diana’s pride, nor did they hurt her one bit. If it was about her liking women, they could come at her all they wanted. If all they engaged in were rumors of her and men- most specially that disgusting Andrew, she couldn’t care any less. Rumors were rumors. And people believe what they believe. She didn’t think anything she’d say would change their impressions anyway, and she would rather die than plead for the acceptance of such shallow characters.
It was just that the chatter was becoming rather annoying. No longer able to bear the irritating notions thrown about her classroom, and seeing as class had been dismissed, there was no reason for her to lurk about here for much longer.
Swiftly standing from her seat and drawing the attention of all those around her, it seemed, Diana left with a swish of her hair, shoes tapping off the floor. She knew the mumbles would start up again as soon as she left the room, but she could no longer be bothered as she traversed the halls, following her mind’s map to her room where she would spend her remaining hours before dinner.
Eyes followed her even in the halls, but that was to be expected. However, gazes once pointed at her due to admiration were replaced by wariness and possibly scorn. Though scorn may not be that new, after all. Diana was used to the burns of jealousy, but maybe not harmful judgment.
As she neared a corner, the average amount of students she encountered remained the same, but fewer and fewer were looking at her passing figure. Curious, she saw some holding a piece of paper, most of them identical from the last individual or group she saw. They all appeared to be quite shocked and interested in the photo. But Diana had no time for them. She only had time to figure out how to turn this problem in on its own head.
She was curious, nonetheless. More identical papers appeared in the hands of more students. And they all were simply captured by whatever was on it. Now it really got to Diana, and she was confused as to why.
Then her eyes caught sight of the bulletin board in the hall, and ‘why’ no longer existed. Diana stared at photo and article on the bulletin, disbelieving, ocean blues widening.
Now that she knew what was on it, Diana whipped her head about frantically, reconfirming the amount of people now in ownership of a copy of what was supposed to be one of the most magical moments of her life. Her first kiss with the one she loved more than anything in this world.
Like the sudden crash of lightning and thunder, noises filled her ears; she couldn’t hear anything else but their judgmental murmurs. Overwhelmed, heating up, and feeling like she’d soon go mad, Diana took a step forward towards the nearest group of girls, having plans of snatching each and every photo to burn the torturous material to the ground.
The noises only got louder as people began to notice her plans and actions. Murmurs, mumbles, whispers… the usage of her name, the dragging of Akko’s. She tried to reach for the girl’s hand, but her school mate had moved away, everyone taking notice of her.
This silent, desperate Diana look-alike.
Please stop.
She swiped at the paper, but again, it was held out of her reach. She tried to snatch it, tear it apart; she could probably take it away so easily had she been in the right state of mind, but after the stress her usual composure had been subjected to, no one could recognize the pathetically mute, and desperate person the top student had become. As she stepped forward to make another grab for the item from fast hands, she could just see the evil little smirks, and the taunts forming on cruel lips.
“Oh? What’s this? If it isn’t the high and mighty Diana Cavendish, here to erase the evidence of her dirty little secret.” Venomous and harsh, Diana loathed the tongue that spat out those words. “First, playing at friends, then now playing at lovers or something? Then being all ashamed of it?”
No. That’s not true.
I’m not-
“Well, I guess I’d be ashamed too if the other party just so happened to be someone as embarrassing as that idiot, Akko.”
Stop this,
I’m not like that.
I’m not ashamed of Akko!
Please, stop-!
“She’s such a-“
“What is this photo?!” A voice bellowed, righteous anger making its presence known. But though it was on Diana’s side, she still did not want to be called out. She did not want more people prying into her well-kept private life.
Don’t look at it.
Diana wanted to scream.
Don’t look at me!
“O-oh, It’s just the new story going aroun-“
“Oi.” Biting and cold, if this was how death sounded like, so many ladies were already at death’s door. “You all take that shit on the bulletin down, and stop yer annoying yapping. If you got nothing better to do than gossip, then fucking scram!”
Diana had lowered her head in her unusually timid state, so she could not see the expressions of the person? People? It seemed like they were accompanied, who had saved her. She felt arms wrapped around her shoulders, helping her fix her posture and begin walking again. Lifting up her eyes, she saw that at her side were her teammates glaring at anyone who dared take so much as a peek at her.
Sparing a glance around, she saw Lotte, Jasminka and Constanze taking copies away from students and walls where they could see the papers with the pictures. The voice Diana had heard was apparently Amanda, now cornering the group of girls who had kept Diana from taking their copy of the scandal away.
“Imma throw all this trash away,” The redhead snarled. “-or in your faces if you keep up this little attitude.” Amanda had suddenly appeared like the typhoon that she was, snatching the photo out of the girl’s hand, tearing the photo loudly and savagely in front of them as a warning. Diana wasn’t sure if she appreciated that, or if it made her want to cry. That moment… was not meant to be walked all over like this, trampled like the dirt. But it was her only salvation in this moment.
The rest of the girls were doing the same with the papers they had gathered, crumpling, tearing, Sucy burning a few. She had never quite seen Sucy and Jasminka angry, but by the looks on their faces, many students knew that they were dead serious with any threat they posed- or were about to pose.
Diana breathed deeply, eyes shutting as her inner working swam about, rendering her nauseous and barely conscious in the arms of her teammates. Upon opening them, her teammates helped her find her bearings, steadying her on her feet. They were about to walk back to the dorm before professor Croix came marching up to them and halted right in front of them, arms crossed intimidatingly at first, and Diana thought she’d have to fight another battle. But then she began scratching the back of her head awkwardly, before sighing.
“Cavendish. You have a call in the office.”
“What do… they want with me this time?” Diana breathed out.
“I don’t know. Something about a call from a manor is all I know. I think you better be quick. Holbrooke looks like she’s dealing with a lot to keep them entertained.” With that, she turned on her heel, leading the way for the trio to stagger on behind her.
Upon reaching the large doors of the office Diana had been in not too long ago, Hannah and Barbara were blocked by the teacher from entering with their leader. They would have voiced their opposition if not for Diana’s chilling lifeless eyes that ordered them to obey. She then shut the door behind her.
 “Who was it.” She murmured, stomping down the halls, Hannah and Barbara barely staying in stride beside her.
“Hello? Who might be calling?”
“Who was it.”
[“Young Lady… it’s Anna… I… I don’t know how to tell you this…”]
“Who was it.”
 [“There… have been rumors circulating… almost in all of… well England… and…”]
“Who was it.” The eyes… the gazes, they burned, they were scorching hot. The scrutiny like magnifying lens under the sun. But Diana could spare them no mind as she approached the library to blow off steam, maybe through studying, or borrowing a new book on spells to occupy her mind instead of her rampaging thoughts.
[“The people… who initially wanted to support and back you… for the succession… are pulling out one by one…”]
“Who was it.” She tapped her foot under the table, tapped it impatiently as she lined up at the counter to have her book checked out.
[“Young Miss… what must we do? How can we help you?”]
“Who was it.” Not touching her food in the dining hall, Diana was found harshly tapping her fork against her plate.
[“Is there… even something we can do? It’s become so wide-spread miss, I… I…”]
“Who was it, who was it… who was it.” She walks the dorm corridor to her assigned room. She entered, slamming the door shut. “Who was it?” She queries, hitting the wall with closed fists.
Hannah and Barbara looked up from their bed and study desk respectively, turning to one another before deciding to leave Diana for a bit. “We’ll be back, okay Diana?” To Give her the space she so clearly needs.
[“Miss, not to offend you, and I have nothing against it… I was simply surprised…”]
“Who was it, who was it, who was it?!”
[“…I didn’t know you… it… was like that.”]
“WHO DAMN WAS IT?!” She finally screamed out all the pent up frustrations, slamming her hands on her desk.
A Knock on the door. Soft, but continuous. This only furthers her irritation as she runs to the door in blind fury, abruptly pulling it open to curse at the guilty perpetrator daring to add on to her madness.
…And there stood Akko, eyes wide, curled back into herself in horror. Diana only registers this as the girl lets out a whimper, tears released by lovely rosy eyes that Diana loved so much, but had hurt just as much.
“I-it’s… it’s only me, Diana.” She croaked, backing up when Diana reached for her, making the heiress flinch. “I’m sorry, was I… was I bothering-“ No, Akko could not leave, not now. Not when Diana needed her- the only one capable of keeping her sanity in tact- the most!
The brunette yelped as she was pulled in, door shut behind her, before being engulfed in a tight hug, arms circling her waist and a face buried in her neck, a tall nose inhaling her scent, tickling the spot with gentle brushes.
“It’s just you… Akko…”
And the girl feels Diana’s labored breathing calm, her high body heat burning against her skin.
“Akko…” She murmurs in a defeated tone, broken. She the realizes what she had just done to Akko mere moments ago, dropping to her knees, the brunette going along with her. “I… I apologi-“
“Shh… It’s okay now.” Akko wraps her arms around Diana’s shoulders, turning to plant kisses on any part of her head and hair that she could reach. “It’s okay now. I’m here. It’s okay now. We’re here. Together.”
She felt the bundle of blonde sorrow nod against her, and she raised her up, assisting her towards Diana’s bed before sitting the tired heiress down. Diana refused to release Akko, and so the latter stood there between her legs, allowing Diana to draw her comfort from her. She’d do anything to help her calm.
“Let’s talk this through, and make it out together. We will get past this. I know.” She murmured, leaning down to plant a kiss against Diana’s throbbing temple. She was under so much stress. “Do you want to lay down and rest?”
A shake of the head.
“But you really need it.”
A sniff.
“What if… I rest with you, will you go to sleep?” Akko was hesitant to place down this offer, knowing that if she didn’t leave soon, who knows what would happen if she got spotted.
But she couldn’t leave. Not now, not even if she wanted to. And she didn’t want to.
At Diana’s nod, Akko guided them both to a better position atop Diana’s dorm mattress, the top student, though with a larger frame, snuggled closely into Akko, resting under her chin, allowing the brunette to shield her away from anything outside of their tiny bubble of tranquil.
And in so few minutes, to the sound of each other’s tired breathing and beating hearts, they both fell asleep.
 The sound of soft rain pattering against her glass windows woke the light sleeper in Diana up. At first, she had panicked at the feeling of being wrapped up in someone’s arms, under someone’s weight. But faint scents of strawberry and a pleasant type of fresh earthiness tickled her nose, and she knew just who that someone was. With a wistful smile, she looked to the person who held her heart, and remembered every bit of yesterday, said heart aching. Brushing her bangs to clear Akko’s face, Diana planted the faintest kiss on her chapped lips before sitting up, still in the other witch’s embrace.
Her eyes surveyed the quarters, finding the absence of her roommates, but by her bedside, a small note, telling her of their location. Barbara and Hannah had left to fetch them some food in the event that they’d wake up late and/or around a time when many students would be walking about and would have a high chance of catching Akko leaving the room. They had also tried their best to make sure that no one was lurking about their room by placing a barrier spell that would alert the people inside if there ever was anyone. It was their way of looking out for them, and Diana cried with gratefulness in her heart for their gracious actions.
Not too long after she had closed the note, the door came ajar, and in peeked a ginger hair, looking tense, but then relaxing as they met Diana’s eyes, realizing all was well.
Locking the door behind them as they entered, Hannah and Barbara placed the trays down on their little table in the middle of the room. Diana nodded gratefully as everyone seemed to have the same idea of allowing Akko more moments of rest after everything that had unfolded yesterday. They were all certainly drained.
Diana never knew of what other things the other seven had gone through while apart from them, but from the little she had witnessed, she knew she could trust them with her life. And really, she was already doing that.
Once Akko had woken up, the pair had their breakfast as the inhabitants of the room exchanged ideas on how to get Akko out to her own before anyone realized she was gone. It was already a surprise to see her here and without anyone barging in the previous night after rollcall. Hannah and Barbara assumed that Akko’s roommates must have done something similar to them, telling the monitor that Diana was sick and asleep- which was not totally untrue.
Not long after, they had received a small note through the window, delivered by one of Lotte’s little sprites, and it was urging them to return Akko. They knew she had to be in the blue team dorm, as that was the only place she’d logically be in after they had asked the green team and Professor Ursula and were given a negative that she had been with them the night prior. They had Alcor do a few rounds across the school grounds to confirm if Akko stayed in the ruins or tower, and with that turning up with a blank, the only remaining place she would be safe, was there.
Sucy had prepared some kind of dummy that was almost believable, and with Lotte’s sprites, they were able to create a believable, clone that did minimal shuffling movements under blankets, a waving of hand, and a weird groaning sound that was very convincing for the dorm monitor.
But that wouldn’t hold up in class.
They needed Akko back as soon as possible. So, they could only plan to sneak Akko out as discreetly as possible.
They began with the everyone taking their turns washing up and preparing for class. They somehow needed Akko to meet up with her own team on the grounds, far from the room. How they would accomplish that, they did not know. The most important part was that Akko and Diana were not to be seen together. They were under a probationary rule, and should they break terms regarding that, heavier consequences would definitely follow.
They wondered if they could have Akko transform herself into her mouse form and climb along the windows, but should anyone be outside and see that familiar brown creature, they might still be caught, especially if said animal was coming right from Diana’s window.
However, the idea of transformation magic wasn’t all bad. They decided to slip her into Hannah’s pocket, hoping that if suspicion were directed at Diana and she were checked, they could get away somewhat.
With that agreed upon, they put their action into motion, Akko climbing into Hannah’s uniform, and the blue team striding down the corridor, attempting to look as normal as possible.
Then Finneran barred their path, raised her wand, and for a moment, they thought it was an attack spell. A spell that would harm students, cast by a teacher.
But then-
“Metamorphie Faciesse!”
 And laying on the ground was Akko. Caught.
 “Not only did you break your agreement to stay apart, but what else could two people, essentially lovers, do when spending the night together?” The implications were strong, and they all knew it.
Very quickly, a crowd had begun to form around them.
“I never thought you’d dare engage in such… illicit activities, Miss Cavendish. This is beneath you!”
“Illi- No! There is nothing of the sort! Why would you-“
“Regardless of what you have done, the relationship in and of itself is immoral, and you two should not have been granted this much freedom.” Finneran stated, stepping forward to grab Akko, before Diana came between them. “Diana Cavendish. You do not seem to understand your situation. You do not seem to understand that I am protecting you. You do not seem to understand that there may be eyes and ears all around you who could so easily procure another proof OF YOUR RIDICULOUSNESS IN PURSUING WHATEVER IT IS WITH… WITH THIS CHILD!”
“It was all me.” Akko’s voice was barely raised, yet it tore through the tension, above all the screaming, clear and heard. “I’m the one who came to her room despite knowing the consequences.”
‘No... No!’ Diana’s eyes bolted to the girl behind her, disagreeing with her whole being, trying to reach for the girl, before her hand was slapped away and Barbara and Hannah held her back to prevent further damage from adding on to the situation. Akko was now their friend, yes, but her eyes had told them all they needed to know. That she was taking a bullet for Diana. And they were also reminded, that in the end, Diana was to be their priority. As her teammates, as her first friends.
This answer seemed to please the professor as she stepped back. “…Indeed. It was you. It would be hard to believe Miss Cavendish would initiate such… I believe even this whole charade of a relationship was of your doing? I don’t know how you managed to do it, but to bribe and convince someone with a social standing as high as a Cavendish, you have quite the nerve.” She scoffed. “Come to my office. We’ll discuss the details of what will now happen to you.”
Akko no longer responded verbally, nodding as she dusted herself off, trudging after the disciplinary teacher, not sparing Diana’s pained form any glance.
Akko had taken the brunt of blame.
She had taken it all.
If only to lessen the weight of the events and rumors about Diana. If the headlines would soon change to be, ‘An Untalented Witch Seduces An Innocent Rising Leader: Bewitching Is A Reality’- or something of that ridiculous sort, maybe things would work out. Anyone could conjure a tale that was almost believable. Maybe this would give Diana’s reputation some leeway to be worked out.
So why shouldn’t Akko be the first to create it?
As icy blues stared at the figure leaving her behind, slouched shoulders, and the gradually quieting echo of steps bouncing off the walls reaching silence, Diana’s sense of hearing was replaced by those horrid sounds that infiltrated the peace of her mind.
They were back, to make Diana’s ears bleed. To drive her insane.
The murmurs.
The rumors.
The whispers.
And hidden among those was a slivering hiss passing by, with eyes that would always say,
 A/N: I’m really sorry. I have a lot of disappointment for how I’m performing in this story. It’s just so hard because, as I may have mentioned before, my laptop broke last year and wiped all my data, and my flash drive was lost with the backup. I’ve lost hours-worth of stories and data, and I really did cry for it. So I have no clue as to the direction the original scenarios were supposed to go. I’m trying to build off the older chapters, coming up with the story now. Ahhhh. I sincerely wish I could deliver this story better as I’m attached to it.
AHHHH I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE. Somehow, I don’t like how I’ve written this out at all :’<
Lowkey, the office scene feels like I wrote it from experience…
Everyone’s attention in this chap on Diakko may seem a little dramatic (I’m sorry), but if you’re somewhat well-known in school, and in a place that’s either really strict or conservative, especially when it comes to morals, you’d know that people can be quite… scary. Maybe this Is just justification, I’m sorry.
~Shintori Khazumi
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grailfinders · 4 years ago
Fate and Phantasms #99: Queen Medb
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the queen of Connacht and queen bitch of Chaldea, Queen Medb! (Pronounced Mae-ve) Medb is plenty charming in her own right, but unlike other charm-heavy servants like Stheno and Mata Hari you’re skilled with a riding crop and come packing some goodies from your various lovers as well.
Check out Medb’s build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Up next: The big 100!
Race and Background
Some people think you’re the incarnation of a god, but we’re going to keep things simple and canon compliant and make you a Human instead for +1 to all ability scores. Like many other servants, you’re also a Noble, gaining proficiency in History and Persuasion. This also makes it a lot easier for you to hobnob with other nobles at social gatherings. There is no party like a Medb party, because a party without you in it isn’t really a party at all.
Ability Scores
Make your Charisma as high as possible- it’s your spellcasting modifier and also you’re just good at it anyway. Second is Constitution to help you keep up with Fergus. Dexterity comes after that, the closest thing to a riding crop in D&D is a whip, and that’s a finesse weapon. You’re a clever girl, so keep that Intelligence on the positive side. Your Strength isn’t that high, but you have other people to do that for you. Finally, dump Wisdom. You built your perfect husband, but forgot to include a sex drive. No, I will not let you live that down.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: Don’t worry, the obvious class is coming. This just gives you more health, and the starting proficiencies work for you anyway. Speaking of, starting as a fighter gives you proficiency in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as two fighter skills, like Acrobatics and Insight. You’re very flexible, and you can read the room. You don’t care about the room, but you can still read it. You also get the Dueling fighting style to make your whip a slightly less bad idea, and you can use your Second Wind as a bonus action to heal yourself once per short rest. You’ve got to be able to get your beauty sleep in, no matter what you’re doing at the time.
2. Bard 1: Despite the lack of a musical instrument, I don’t think this is coming too far out of left field. Multiclassing gives you and additional skill proficiency; grab Performance for roughly the same reasons as Fergus. You can also give Bardic Inspiration to your adoring braves as a bonus action, adding 1d6 to an attack roll, check, or save of their choice within the next 10 minutes. You’re a giver, what can we say? You have a number of them per long rest equal to your charisma modifier.
You can also cast Spells, using Charisma as your casting ability. Grab Friends and Vicious Mockery to have the full range of social encounters available as cantrips. You also get leveled spells though, we’ll have to go over those as well. Grab Heroism and Charm Person to empower your braves and add new ones to the fold. You also get Earth Tremor thanks to Fergus letting you borrow his sword for a bit and Cure Wounds to protect your Golden Rule.
3. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge, letting you add an extra action to your turn once per short rest. Your time is valuable, so treat it like it is.
4. Fighter 3: Third level fighters get a martial specialty, like the Echo Knight. This lets you Manifest Echo as a bonus action to create an Echo near you that you can switch places with as a bonus action, attack from their position whenever you would attack, or make attacks of opportunity from their position by spending your reaction as usual. The echos only have one HP, but you always have reserves. Yes, technically they’re all copies of you, not your braves, but I’m sure a bit of reflavoring is fine.
While your echo is out, you can also Unleash Incarnation when you make an attack action to make an additional attack from your echo. You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your constitution modifier.
5. Fighter 4: For your first Ability Score Improvement, pick up the Defensive Duelist feat to add your proficiency bonus to your AC as a reaction when attacked. Your armor may be light, but you’re really good with that riding crop.
6. Fighter 5: As a reward to making it to fighter level five, you can now make an Extra Attack each time you attack as an action. You can still only Unleash Incarnation once per action, but that still means you’re up to three attacks per turn until they run out.
7. Bard 2: Popping back over to bard for a bit makes you a Jack of All Trades, adding half your proficiency bonus to checks you aren’t proficient in. Rocking people aren’t bad at stuff, and you definitely rock, Queen Medb. You can also perform a Song of Rest over short rests, adding 1d6 to healing done during them. Your inspiration also becomes Magical Inspiration. Inspired creatures can now add their inspiration die to magical damage and healing, boosting a spell’s effect on a single creature.
Speaking of spells, you also pick up Identify as a gift from King Conchobar. I’m not entirely sure how one gives people their clairvoyance, but I guess he’s figured that out well enough.
8. Bard 3: Third level bards graduate from college, and like the charmers before you you’ll also graduate from the College of Glamour. This gives you a Mantle of Inspiration that you can make as a bonus action by spending a use of Bardic Inspiration. When you do so, a number of creatures up to your charisma modifier gain temporary HP and can react to move without causing attacks of opportunity. Some people are so pretty it hurts, but you’re so pretty it prevents damage. 
Your Expertise doubles your proficiency bonus for Performance and Persuasion checks, making you very persuasive, as well as very “persuasive”.
You can also make an Enthralling Performance, charming a number of creatures that fail a wisdom save after making a performance of at least 1 minute. This charms lasts up to an hour, and creatures that succeed on their saving throw can’t tell you tried to charm them. You can use this once per short rest.
Speaking of Enthralling, did you know Enthrall was a spell? It is! Any charmable creatures within hearing distance that you choose must make a wisdom save, and on a failure, they have disadvantage on perception checks to notice any creature other than you. The spell lasts up to a minute if you can keep talking for that long. You always thought you were the center of the universe, but now a lot of people will agree with you.
9. Bard 4: Use this ASI for the Slasher feat! Dealing slashing damage causes a target creature to lose 10′ of speed on their next turn, and critical slashes force the target to make their next turn’s attacks at a disadvantage. Like I said, you’re really good with that riding crop.
You also get the Dancing Lights cantrip for a bit of a lightshow, and the Shatter spell as another gift from Fergus.
10. Bard 5: Fifth level bards see their Bardic Inspiration increase to d8s, and they become a Font of Inspiration, meaning your inspiration replenishes on short rests rather than long ones. The amount of temporary HP given by your Mantle increases at this level too.
One last gift from King Conchobar nets you the Clairvoyance spell, letting you see or hear a location of your choosing that is either familiar to you or obvious (such as behind a door you can see). 
11. Fighter 6: I think you should be charming enough for a while. Back in fighter, you get another ASI, and it’s one we’ll finally use to improve the score of an ability. Bump up your Charisma for better spells, tougher saves, and more Inspiration.
12. Fighter 7: Seventh level Echo Knights can make an Echo Avatar, using your action to see and hear through your echo. You can do this for 10 minutes at a time, and while this is happening they can move up to 1,000 feet away from you. You’re typically a bit too in the limelight for spy shenanigans, but it never hurts to have some flexibility.
13. Fighter 8: Use this ASI to round up your Dexterity and Constitution for more health, more incarnation unleashing, a higher AC, and a stronger whip. A good level all around for you!
14. Fighter 9: You’re now Indomitable, meaning you can re-roll a failed saving throw once per long rest. Now your wisdom score is slightly less of an issue! ...Congrats?
15. Fighter 10: Thanks to Shadow Martyr your braves are now as expendable as they should be. When a creature you can see would be attacked, you can use your reaction to teleport your echo within 5′ of them and have them take the attack instead. You can use this feature once per short rest. Darn unions.
16. Bard 6: Our braves are nice, but I think we should take a couple “me” levels. Sixth level bards get Countercharm, eating your action to give nearby creatures advantage against being charmed or frightened. You also get a new mantle, the Mantle of Majesty. When activated and each turn afterwards as a bonus action you can cast Command without spending a spell slot. Creatures charmed by you automatically fail the save to be commanded. You can use this once per long rest, and you have to use your concentration to keep it up, but you can literally turn a gaggle of men into your slaves while this is active. Or women, we won’t judge here.
You also learn how to cast Leomund’s Tiny Hut for some “private time” with up to nine other medium or smaller creatures. It’s not quite your chariot, but it’ll do in a pinch.
17. Bard 7: At seventh level of bard you get fourth level spells, like Compulsion, which can force creatures you see in range of the spell to move to your tune if they fail a wisdom save. I’m pretty sure “towards me” can technically count as a direction for this spell. Check with your DM about that.
18. Bard 8: Use your last ASI to maximize your Charisma for the most inspiration and strongest charms. Speaking of, you also get Charm Monster this level. I know we just made a humanoid build for Cu Alter, but there’s a pretty good chance he’d be a monstrosity if he showed up as an NPC, so we should take that into account.
19. Bard 9: Ninth level bards have a stronger song of rest, as well as fifth level spells. Your Geas forces a creature to make a wisdom save, and on a fail they’re forced to obey a command for 30 days. Once per day, disobeying your geas deals 5d10 psychic damage for a bit of encouragement. Remember when I said you were so pretty you prevented damage? I lied. You’re definitely so pretty it hurts.
20. Bard 10: Your capstone level gives you an even stronger Inspiration, a round of Magical Secrets, and another round of Expertise. Double up on Insight and Acrobatics for a little more flexibility, both socially and physically.
You get two spells this level, from any spell list you want. (You also get another cantrip, grab Prestidigitation for the hell of it.) Dominate Person gives you a much more fine-tuned control over your braves than your other spells, and Conjure Woodland Beings grants you a way to summon even more braves to the battlefield, as long as you’re okay with your braves being fey creatures. 
You’re very charming, and I mean that in every sense of the word. A maxed out charisma stat, expertise in persuasion, and plenty of charming spells means that you stand a pretty good chance of defeating a lot of your problems without ever throwing a punch.
Unlike other charm-heavy builds, you’re also pretty good when the punches start flying! Echos are great at covering the battlefield, and when you add your whip’s range to that, plus your conjured braves, and it’s going to be really hard to avoid your influence in a fight. You can also affect the flow of battle, slowing down creatures with your whip and keeping them at arm’s length the entire fight.
Not only are you good at charming, but your spells specialize in affecting large groups. Enthrall and Compulsion don’t have an upper limit of creatures you can target, so you’ll be even stronger against larger armies. Just as long as a lone, dashing spearman doesn’t show up, your victory is assured.
Whips are good for covering ground, but not so much for dealing damage. Sorry, 1d4 just isn’t very powerful.
You have one use of Indomitable later into the build, but your low Wisdom means you’ll probably be using it to avoid someone else’s charms. Building your own army is fun, but turning it on the rest of the party after one bad roll is probably going to cause some problems.
Most of these builds end up with too much to do in their bonus action, but you have to deal with crowded reactions instead. You can make attacks of opportunity, defend yourself with your whip, or defend your allies with your braves. You’ll also always have to weigh the current situation to every later turn between now and your next turn. Nobody ever said it was easy being queen.
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years ago
Chapter 10
Pairing- Loki x Reader x Steve (one side)
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
Your Alter ego name- Red Wing
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Iron Man arrives at  Stark Tower where Selvig, activates the CMS device, holding the Tesseract.
“Sir, I took off the arc reactor. The device is already self-sustained.” Jarvis informed Tony.
“Shut it down, Dr. Selvig.” Tony ordered Erik.
“It's too late! It can't stop now. He wants to show us something! A new universe.” Erik explained.
“Okay.” Iron Man aims his hands toward the CMS and fires. The energy from his boosters shatters with a deafening crack! Erik falls backwards. Down below, the citizens of New York look up at Stark Tower. Iron Man stares in disbelief at the CMS ... unharmed.
“The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable. The Mark VII is not ready to be deployed.” Jarvis  explained.
“Skip the spinning rims. We're on the clock.” Tony lands his  suit and goes through the gauntlet and unsuits  him. Loki  looks up at him, smiling. They proceed to walk into  the penthouse.
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Loki walks in, holding the scepter. Tony casually walks down the  steps, towards the bar.
“Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity?” Loki wondered.
“Uh...actually, I'm planning to threaten you.” Tony stated.
“You should have left your armor on for that.” Loki remarked.
“Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?” Tony asked as he walks over to the bar.
“Stalling me won't change anything.” Loki made known.
“No, no, no! Threatening. No drink? You  sure? I'm having one.” Tony said pouring himself a drink.
“The Chitauri are coming, nothing will  change that. What have I to fear?” Loki asked.
The Avengers.” Tony stated as Loki looks at him, confused. “It's what we call ourselves, sort of  like a team. `Earths Mightiest Heroes' type of thing.”
“Yes, I've met them.” Loki grinned.
Tony looks at Loki smiling. “Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one.....But, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi-God; a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a woman who can control and move stuff with her mind, a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them.”
“That was the plan.” Loki disclosed.
“Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.” From underneath the bar table, Tony pulls on colantotte bracelets, a honing device.
“I have an army.” Loki announced.
“We have a Hulk.” Tony replied.
“I thought the beast had wandered off.” Loki claimed.
“You're missing the point. There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it.” Tony declared.
Loki slowly walks up to him; raising the scepter. “How will your friends have time for me,when they're so busy fighting you?” Loki taps Tony on the chest with his scepter. Ping! Nothing. Confused, Loki tires again. Ping! Nothing.
“It should work.”
“Well, performance issues. You know?” Tony said sarcastically.
In anger, Loki grads Tony by the throat and flings him across the room.
“Jarvis. Anytime now.” Tony mumbled.
Loki grabs Tony by the throat again. “You will all fall before me.”
Loki throws Tony out the window. Tony freefalls  down the tower. From behind Loki, an elevator opens and a red pod shoots out. The pod laser signals the colantotte bracelets on Tony. The pod begins to transform into the MARK VII suit. It latches onto Tony.
The suit flies up before he hits the ground or the gazing people. Loki looks up, angry. “And there's one other person you pissed off! His name was Phil.”
Loki raises the scepter. Iron Man fires at Loki, sending him on his ass.
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Selvig looks up at the sky. The Tesseract's energy beams  into the sky. The beam then forms a vortex, which then opens up another portal. Y/n flies towards Stark Tower and see Erik on the roof lands next to him.
”Erik...what is he done to you?” Y/n asked with concern in her voice.
“He showed me the world universes. Y/n he can show you to.” Erik grinned.
“I’ll see it on my own time..how do you stop this?” Y/n asked.
“You can’t it’s too late they’re coming.” Erik voiced.
A hole in space rips open, and from it, the Chitauri army spills  out in flying chariots, carrying energy rifles with a bayonet on the end. Y/n flies up near the the portal and holes out  her hands and direct most of her telekinesis  to try to close the portal. It doesn’t even seem like it’s trying to close.
“Right. Army.” Tony murmured.
Iron Man flies up towards the Y/n.
“Can you see if you can try to close it with your powers?”
“I already tried is did nothing.....you got anything lethal in there?”
From his shoulders, a miniature multiple rocket launcher, pops out and fires. Like the Jericho missile, several targets are taken down unlike no missile. It's useless. Thousands of Chitauri  fly out. Iron Man and Red Wing flies towards the city.
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The Chitauri unleash. New Yorkers fill the streets, staring at the fire fight in the distance. Boom!!! The Chitauri unleashes blasts as it goes, blowing up cars, setting storefronts aflame. Loki walks onto the balcony as the sounds of the Chitauri rings out. He admires his soon to be kingdom. Thor lands on the tower. Loki turns to his enemy.
“Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll  destroy it!” Thor demanded.
“You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!” Loki grinned.
“So be it.” Loki and Thor rush at each other. They and their weapons collide. The two battle -- Loki unleashing another pent-up rage and jealousy, Thor having no choice but to defend himself.
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Soldiers and cops have taken positions covering the streets. They see from the sky, Iron Man and Y/n leading a trail of Chitauri towards his tower.
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The Quinjet booms  into the city.
“Stark, we're heading north east.” Natasha informed.
“What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you.” Iron Man replied.
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Iron Man banks around his tower. Sees Thor and Loki still going at it. Iron Man swoops down the street, causing a Chitauri to crash. Flying up, Iron Man puts the following Chitauri in view of the Quinjet. Red Wing takes out five Chitauri fliers with a Single lightning bolt. Black Widow takes out machine gun and fires at the Chitauri.
“Sir, we have more incoming.” Jarvis announced.
“Fine. Let's keep them occupied.” Iron Man  heads back to the portal.
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Thor and Loki battle savagely. Loki fires energy from the,scepter, sending Thor sliding across the floor. Loki about to walk over to his brother to finish him  off but he feels someone behind him so he turns around.
“Y/n?” Loki voiced.
“You killed Coulson.” Y/n stated.
“You mean The Agent. Was he’s important to you?” Loki asked.
“The  ”the Agent” had a name and it was Phil.” Y/n said with fire.
When Loki looks down he realize Y/n  holding a sword.
“I will not fight you.” Loki declare.
“You took someone I cared about from me and in return I’m going to kick your ass.” Y/n proclaimed.
“Are you really.” Loki smirked.
“With out a shadow of doubt.” Y/n grinned.
Loki smirks. “I am very skilled swordsmen.”  
Y/n  begins walking forward towards Loki And he raises up he scepter. Robin fully unsheathed her Sword.
Just like Arata taught me
“When you are using the Japanese combat artist holds both arms straight out on your sides, Sword in one hand - Wood sheath in the other, like a bird.” Arata told Y/n.
Y/n  takes the stands knowing that she makes her phoenix proud of her. Loki and Y/n  circle each other. They Swing,Clash, Dance Separate...Circle...
Y/n leaps  in the air does a Somersault over the Loki's head, landing behind him.
She brings her Sword down in a Slashing Swing but Loki blocks it (barely). The Blades Clash and Lock. Loki and Y/n  faces come together as the Blades become entangled.
“Your footwork is exquisite.” Loki praised.”
“You keep talking like that you’re gonna make me blush.” Y/n confessed.
Y/n moves her arm in a counter-clockwise motion that loosens the grip enough to bring her sword handle hard into Loki's mouth Knocking him backwards.
Part 11
Kuddly Krab: @aesthethickks​
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