#one of them is pet peeves so you KNOW there's negativity
madam-o · 9 months
Back on my BS about this "Old Men" thing again
I'm about to repeat myself, and maybe I'm being too sensitive about this and should just let the tumblr community go on with its misconceptions about how aging works. However, this is a fandom pet peeve that won't leave me alone.
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There are several old characters in One Piece. Garp definitely is at 78, and Zeff has retired from pirating to his restaurant at 67, although Garp is still working at his naval career and kicking ass at it, I'll remind you. A lot of the toughest to beat characters in OP are oldies, in fact. Advanced age in One Piece tends to bring with it more power, more wisdom, or both. It's much harder to bring a tough old person down in that world than in this one. Several OP characters are even older than 100 and still perfectly healthy (granted, a lot of them are giants, who can live for centuries).
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So why are characters like Shanks, Buggy, Mihawk, Crocodile, etc. often described as "old men" in a humorously deprecating fashion by the fandom? Is it because they're sexy and over 35 and that's somehow hard to deal with?
Do you know how old Chris Evans is? 42. Chris Hemsworth? Henry Cavill? Both are 40. Even babyface Timothee Chalamet, who looks about 16, is a lot older than you'd think at 27.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but most of the hottest people on Earth are over 25, and a LOT of them are over 40. And that's OKAY. You're not a pervy weirdo for being attracted to them.
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So you can joke about Shanks and Buggy being old, but they're both still in their 30's and likely haven't even hit their peaks yet. Mihawk and Croc are in their mid-40's and two of the scariest mfers out there. Btw, Doflamingo's 41, just in case you didn't know.
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It especially irks me when writers have these characters ashamedly refer to themselves as old. I don't think being in your 30's-to-40's is considered a negative in the OP world for one thing, especially for fighters. You're coming into your prime around then, with a lot of room to keep growing.
If age gaps are a problem for you in fic writing, maybe you should try aging up your oc's. Or just accept that you're gonna hit 30 sooner than you think and then you'll finally realize how young that actually is. We're living in a youth-obsessed culture, but the One Piece world is a lot more sensible.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 11 months
The MHA Fandom and How Minoru is written in Fanfics:
So today I wanna talk about a somewhat controversial topic. Let me preface this by saying that I am no means a Minoru Stan. I’m pretty neutral about his character but I completely understand the hate he gets due to his actions.
However, a pet peeve of mine is how people write Minoru in such a negative light that it becomes OOC, especially when they write Katsuki in an extremely positive light when both of them have done extremely shitty things. Let me break down some stereotypes that fanfic writers fall into when writing Minoru:
Homophobic/Quirkist Minoru: Something that is constantly done in MHA to villainize a character they don’t like is to make them either homophobic or quirkist when they aren’t in canon. Focusing on the homophobia part, Minoru’s a victim with this alongside other characters such as Neito and Inko. A lot of authors will write Minoru as this homophobic asshole who sprays out slurs and will bully whichever character(s) has come out. With Minoru, the idea that he’s homophobic comes from him being a sex obsessed person who’s always lusting after women. The thing is, Minoru displays absolutely no homophobic tendencies whatsoever in canon. You know who does? Katsuki. In one of the light novels, he asks Ejiro if he’s ‘into that’ with a disgusted tone when it was revealed Ejiro wore a dress once. Minoru on the other hand has never said anything negative about the LGBTQ+ community. For fics to have Katsuki be the one to defend the LGBTQ+ community and have Minoru be disgusted by it screams “let me villainize Minoru so Katsuki can look good”. In regards to whether he’d be quirkist, that’s also a resounding no. In fact, he apologizes for calling Mezou an octopus after hearing how he’s been discriminated against and tells Izuku that it was his bravery that inspired him rather than his quirk. Minoru also canonically has self confidence issues with his own quirk not being as flashy as other people’s so he’d be more empathetic towards someone who doesn’t have a quirk. Katsuki meanwhile bullied and suicide baiting someone who didn’t have a quirk because he saw him as beneath him.
Coward Minoru: Now, in canon, Minoru is more fearful than his classmates. However, fanon would have you think that he’d abandon his classmates to save his own skin. Canon once again disproves this. During the USJ, he was panicking, for a good reason mind you, but inspired by Izuku taking action even when he was afraid for his own life, he ended up aiding Izuku and Tsuyu in stopping the villains. During the Final Exam, he did initially cower against Midnight. A few moments later, he gathered the courage to not only go against Midnight, but to save his partner Hanta from her clutches. This proves that despite his fear, he wouldn’t leave someone as a result of it. You know who would leave someone? Katsuki. In the Final Exams, Katsuki refused to work together with Izuku to the point of admitting that he’d rather fail. It took Izuku sucking up to him to actually convince him to work with him. When it came time to rescue Katsuki, Izuku knew that he hated him so much that he’d never accept his hand, so he had Ejiro reach out to him instead. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have Minoru as a teammate than Katsuki.
Now, does this mean I think fanfic writers HAVE to write Minoru in their fics? Absolutely not. Are fanfic writers not allowed to expel him? Again, no. Alongside Katsuki, Minoru’s the easiest character to expel. He’s constantly groping and harassing the female students. All an author needs to do is have one of the girls become so fed up with him that they report him to a teacher. Boom! Problem solved, and it didn’t even involve jumping through hoops to make a character look worse than they actually are. Another way you can remove him is have Shota expel him during the Q.A.T. Minoru, despite his fantastic score in the side step test, scored below the guy whose electricity based quirk can’t help him with any of the exams, the girl with an earphone jack quirk that faces a similar problem, and an invisible girl who struggled to do a pull-up. Shota could look at this, somehow notice him being creepy to one of the female students during the exam, and expel him for these reasons alone. If you wanna remove him from the story later, you can either have one of the girls get the teachers involved or you can say that Minoru decided to drop out of the hero course after experiencing the War Arc or something along those lines. Seriously, it’s not hard.
In conclusion, while I’m not a fan of Minoru, it bothers me how much people will butcher his character just to have a reason to shit on/expel him where there are perfectly reasonable ways of which they can shit on/expel a canon accurate Minoru. It also annoys me when people choose to make Minoru a worse person while simultaneously making Katsuki a better person despite both characters having done some shitty things. While it is Fanfiction and people can do whatever they want, it’s bad writing if you have to change someone’s personality to make them look bad to prop up another character, especially one that isn’t a good person. There are better ways of writing a Katsuki positive story that aren’t lazy and/or cliched.
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kitheking · 1 year
toxic traits i think redacted characters have/used to have
david - gaslighting. he’s better now, but he was a professional. he would pull every trick in the book to make somebody feel like they were at fault for everything. the type of person to upset you, say “you’re overreacting” then deny the whole thing happened. angel fixed him.
asher - conflict avoidance. he hates fighting (especially in a relationship) so when things upset him, he addresses them in the most indirect way possible and ends up being passive aggressive. he usually apologizes tho.
milo - his toxic trait is that he doesn’t have any. (i actually couldn’t think of one for milo lmk if you have one) UPDATE: the only negative trait i can think of him having is that he can hold a grudge for the rest of his life if you let him (ty @frenchiefitzhere for this one) other than that he’s weirdly perfect?
lasko - dishonesty + conflict avoidance. like asher, he’s not big on conflict, but he often lies so people won’t get upset with him. ends up biting him in the ass tho.
damien - PETTY. omfg he can be the most childish person on earth. if you piss him off he’ll act out all of your pet peeves in the span of 3 minutes, disorganize things in your home, point out your insecurities, and he can and will go weeks without speaking to you.
huxley - toxic positivity. he isn’t always like this, but occasionally he’s the type of person to say “well, look on the bright side!” when you go to him to vent. sometimes he just makes people feel like their feelings aren’t valid.
gavin - we all know he’s arrogant. sometimes it’s just too much.
vincent - he’s overly competitive. he likes to be “the best” at everything and he’s a sore loser
aaron - he used to be judgmental and insanely critical. if he lets somebody do something for him, it’s never good enough. also the type of person to be like “um actually🤓” when you say literally anything.
sam - used to be super close minded and blames all the wrong people for things out of their control. if you saw fred and brights storyline you’d know
don’t even get me started on the listeners holy shit
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fandsart · 1 year
To Be Friends
I’ve exaggerated some of Nancy’s negative character traits slightly in this story, but it’s also for the sake of her developing past them.
Robin usually sits alone, as sad as that is. It’s whatever; she’s comfortable with it. She can usually get some reading done without any interruptions. But it’s the first day back at school since they took down Vecna, and she’s pleasantly surprised when Nancy sits across from her. They smile at each other, a little stiff without a common goal they’re trying to work for.
“You packed a lunch today,” Nancy states awkwardly.
“Actually Steve made this for me. He always dotes more after, uh… notable events. Sometimes it’s just a particularly bad nightmare. One time Dustin popped a bike tire and Steve bought him a helmet after it was fixed. He gets spikes in paranoia when he’s reminded how easily things can go wrong.”
“That does sound like him. You should try dating him.”
Robin’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Is that a real suggestion?”
“Oh! No, I just mean that he doted on me all the time when he was dating me.”
“Yeah, he’s a real sap.”
There’s a lull in the conversation before Nancy speaks up again. “It is surprising you aren’t a couple. You’re both very attractive.”
“Uh… so? I mean, thank you? I mean… I’m not interested. He’s not my type.”
Nancy hums. “Don’t worry. I understand.”
“You… do?”
“I actually have dated Steve. It probably would have been smarter to be friends first. You’re smart that way.”
“... Thank you?”
“Yeah. I mean, I’m sure you’re well aware of the bullet you dodged.”
Robin chuckles uncomfortably. “Maybe? I guess that depends on what exactly you’re referring to.”
“You said yourself he tends to dote. It’s so much more extreme when he’s dating you. I don’t need to use his jacket for the one minute walk from the school to the car. I don’t need him opening doors for me. I can do that myself.”
“Uh-huh…” Robin says, trying to keep her eyes from squinting.
“And he gets so clingy. And emotional. I swear sometimes it was more like he wanted me to be his mom than his girlfriend, which is honestly so privileged. He cut off his friends for me, so it became my job to comfort him about it?”
“He was friends with them for a long time, and he didn’t have anyone else to talk to about it. He’d kind of just cut off all his other friends,” she tries to joke.
“They were assholes,” Nancy says, maintaining seriousness. “He shouldn’t have been so caught up on them.”
“If he didn’t realize just how shitty they were until you, then he must have had a lot of good experiences with them too. A lot to be conflicted about.” She knows this is the case, because Steve’s talked to her about it too.
“He shouldn’t have been friends with them in the first place.”
“So why did you date Steve for so long? Like a year, right? If he was such a shitty boyfriend? You shouldn’t have been dating in the first place?”
“That’s different.”
“Because Steve was popular. Everyone loves him, but the only other person I thought might want me was too preoccupied to look at me. I waited a month with nothing. Can you really blame me for wanting to feel wanted and liked after my best friend died?”
“No, but I can blame you for using that as your excuse while apparently hating anything he did because he wanted and liked you. You literally started your complaints about how doting he can be.”
“What, like you don’t think it’s annoying?” And Robin knows what she means by that, but ‘annoying’ would never be the word she would use to describe it. Just… overwhelming sometimes. But understandable. “Besides, that was more of a pet peeve. You were the one who brought that up. There’s a reason I moved my complaints to him crying over his positive choices.”
And that startles Robin a bit. “He actually cried over it?”
Nancy rolls her eyes. “It was a hyperbolic idiom. But my point remains. Everyone loves him, but he was just upset that those two assholes didn’t anymore.”
“If everyone loves him why did no one turn up?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You say everyone loves him like he could have anyone, but you were all he had after Tommy and Carol immediately turned on him for pushing back one time.”
“You know what, that’s another thing. Why even be upset that someone who was willing to turn on you that quickly, did?”
“Well under that logic Steve should hate you then, shouldn’t he?”
“Oh, is that what this is about? Fine, go shoot your shot. I’m sure he’d love to have you. But don’t come crawling to me when he becomes too much for you.” With that she gets up from the table and sits at a newly vacant table.
Robin’s never ditched school before, but now she wants nothing more than to bike over to family video and hug her favorite person.
She manages to talk herself out of skipping. She only had 2 and a half hours of school left after lunch, and none of the classes left were her best. Steve would take his break to pick her up anyway, so why put in the effort to bike all of the way there? Still, she has such a hard time concentrating on the last classes.
When she finally gets out, Steve is already parked in his usual spot, and she plops down into the seat.
“Bad day?” Steve asks.
“You know how you were hoping we could have some kind of outing with Nancy and Jonathan before the latter has to go back to California?”
“Scratch that. We’re not doing it.”
“What happened?”
She hesitates. She doesn’t want to be the one to tell him, but she also isn’t going to keep this from him. “Nancy told me that she didn’t like dating you, basically.”
“Oh, yeah, I know that.”
“And what, you're just ok with hanging out with her now?”
“I mean, it’s not her fault. She tried to like it. It’s not her fault she didn’t.”
“But it is her fault for not telling you how she felt about it. Let you think everything was fine. That’s leading you on.”
Steve shrugs. “It’s not like she was trying to do that. And it’s not like hanging out with her now would involve any kind of hope that we’d get back together. She didn’t like me as a boyfriend, but we can still be friends.”
“How do you know she likes you as a friend? If she lied to you about liking you as a boyfriend.”
“We should get to work before my break is up,” he says, putting the car into gear.
They don’t talk about it after that. They don’t talk much at all for the rest of the day.
Robin doesn’t eat lunch in the cafeteria after that, not wanting to deal with Nancy again. She doesn’t necessarily know that Nancy would try to start up that conversation again, but even just seeing her in the hall sours her mood a bit, so she doesn’t need to be dealing with that.
So she’s sitting in an empty classroom eating lunch when Nancy finds her.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
Robin glares. “Is this not mutually beneficial?”
Nancy sighs. “Look,” she starts as she sits in the seat beside Robin, “I’m not great at taking criticism. I’m a very defensive person. I’m not good at admitting when I’m wrong, but… I was, so…”
“So…” Robin prompts.
“So you were right. I just… needed to sit on all the points for a while before I could calm down enough to actually consider them.”
“Ok. But what are you going to do about it?”
“I’m… apologizing?”
“For what?”
Nancy rolls her eyes, but answers anyway. “For snapping at you, and not listening to what you were trying to tell me.”
“Ok. So what about Steve?”
“What about him?”
“Are you going to apologize to him too?”
“For fighting with you?” She lets out a confused breathy laugh. “I know you guys are close but is that necessary?”
“Are you serious right now?”
Nancy blinks a few times before jolting a little. “Oh! I was too focused on- yeah, I should. It’s just been so long I wasn’t even thinking about it.”
“Do you want to be friends with Steve?”
“What do you mean?”
“He still respects you, and wants to reconnect after… everything. I don’t want you to let him drag you to hang outs because it’s easier than denying a simple request, then blowing up at him about it later. Again. I don’t know if he’d come back from it a second time.”
“I honestly don’t know,” Nancy sighs. “If I want to be friends with him. I feel like… he carries an association… The whole year I was with him I was in mourning, and we only reconnected recently because of, as you worded it, ‘recent events.’ I just… every time I’ve been with him in one way or another… something bad was going on. I feel like being friends with him would just leave me on edge all the time.”
“Make sure he knows that then.” She picks up her now empty lunch tray and moves to leave the room.
“Wait, Robin!”
“Yeah?” she stops by the doorway.
“Can we still be friends?”
“I don’t know… But we can be more than not friends.”
“Yeah… I’d want to be more than ‘not friends’ with Steve too.”
“Make sure he knows.”
We never really see how Nancy responds to being wrong, because she’s never written to be. My headcanon for how she responds to it is that she gets really pissed, but after sitting on it for a long time she has a hard time denying when there’s an imbalance. She’s logical enough to know what’s right, but she’s stubborn, and bias towards her own perspective, so things like this do need to get pointed out to her and it takes her a while to come around.
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missninapea · 3 months
My pet peeves of being an average Hazbin Hotel fan:
•The hatedom: The hate and negativity towards the show and Viv honestly gets under my skin. Like it's totally fine if you simply dislike it and let people enjoy things that are not your cup of tea, but if you seriously HATE this show and the creators other work with a BURNING passion, I suggest that you don't interact with my blog or maybe even block the tags and stuff. Like, if you despise Viv, just ignore her stuff and move on with your day.
•Redesigns: Redesigning/reimagining characters can be a great thing for putting your own twist in them. Also for character design practice, expressing creativity, and for having fun. However, it can also be used out of pure hate, saying they "FIXED" them, or saying that their art is "BETTER" than Viv's which bothers me a little. Saying "OMG THIS LOOKS SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL" "I REALLY PREFER THIS DESIGN THAN VIV'S. SHE LITERALLY CAN'T DO CHARACTER DESIGN FOR SHIT!" "LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER OMGGG!"🙄Like, you can still critique the designs of the characters while being respectful and constructive, that's fine. I have a few critiques myself actually.
•Vivziepop: Vivzie is one of my favorite artists. Her art really inspired me so much ngl. But I'm very aware that she's flawed and not perfect. I hate when people dig up all of her controversies just to make her a villain and make her look bad. I really don't. She also responded to criticisms from antis on Twitter. In my opinion, I don't think she should've replied to them. It could be draining and also unhealthy for her mental health. I'm honestly worried for her. Maybe she should hire a social media manager or something idk. I very much care about her well-being. And some even don't support her because of her controversies.
I know you can like a show, but not the creator. I like Viv. I only support her dreams and achievements for making awesome cartoons, but maybe not her as a person. I hope she can improve and do better so she wouldn't receive any more hate.
•Guilt: Every time I see so much bashing and negativity towards Hazbin or Helluva, I would end up dwelling on it, feeling extremely guilty, ashamed, embarrassed for being a little fan. It can be very draining for me and a risk for my mental health if I constantly dwell and soak up their negative opinions. And I hate that feeling. It makes me question why I shouldn't enjoy the things I love. And it hurts.
So yeah..I don't normally post things like this, but I just needed to get that out of my system. Don't worry, I'm okay.❤️😊
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inversionimpulse · 2 months
not to make everything about a personal pet peeve, but I can't help but feel like a lot of the backlash against the full announcement of Emio: The Smiling Man is another example of people becoming overly attached to their favoured outcome to such a degree that the only metric they can use to judge the actual outcome is merely how similar it is to what they wanted.
Like, take a step back. What did the initial teaser promise?
Something creepy, atmospheric, and M-rated about a fucked-up dude in a paper bag mask. And no more.
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I, naturally, can't tell how you feel, but I think Nintendo delivered on this promise.
But some people concluded that the evidence pointed towards a survival horror game. Which was a fair interpretation at the time! But it was not the only one - as evidenced by the fact that there was at least one person who correctly called that it would be a new Famicom Detective Club - and, as it turned out, it was not the correct one.
"I was wrong" can be a mark against a thing. I fully believe that. All value judgements like that are based in large part on such irrational things as how the thing made you feel, and that's right and good and impossible to divorce from the human experience anyway. Being wrong can lead to a negative emotional reaction. While it may be more healthy to work on not having that reaction, it may also not be my place to judge. But it may not be the sort of mark you shout out to the world with your whole chest, you know?
I think you ought to learn to love the mystery itself. I think being contradicted is good for you, unpleasant as it is and as difficult as it is for me and my RSD. I think presuming an answer and getting so attached to it that the real answer makes you angry can be foolhardy.
(The other consideration is that the people who were in a position to be disappointed by it turning out to be a visual novel are generally the type of people who would not have looked twice at a visual novel no matter how it was revealed, and are thus essentially irrelevant. Emio could only have disappointed them, the only difference is that this way they were briefly "tricked" into caring... and a seemingly significant number of other people, who can care about VNs, had their interest piqued in a way it might not have otherwise)
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alkalische · 1 year
I saw your Bagpipe redesign posts. I love your breakdown of her design and how you fixed it. There are so many cool characters in Arknights that then get depicted as Generic Skinny Anime Girls and it drives me bonkers. You and other artists on here are doing fantastic work and feeding us starving fans.
You mention Horn’s design throwing you out of immersion; big fucking same. I don’t know her backstory yet(not that far in the story) but she’s a soldier carrying around two giant shield/mortars/sword things(?). And they’re trying to tell us she’s not built like a brick shithouse??? I personally picture her sorta like @gothducky ‘s big buff butch depiction. And every time her character pops on screen I’m like “who are you???”. I didn’t even realize she didn’t have pants till seeing your redesign and it’s like WHY is she not wearing pants when fighting with fucking artillery shields….!!!!????
THANK YOU! It made me really happy to read that! I'm going to use your ask as an excuse to talk about character design issues i have in arknights so long post
(more under cut)
One of my only complaints about Arknights is how they'll introduce a character to be 'very big and strong and capable of pummeling your ass' and it is just noodlearms mcgee
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(image: Hoshiguma, Nearl)
like i think BOTH of these designs are absolutely fantastic and are able to convey the character's personality very well, but i do Not. believe.
and hell yeah i love it when artists draw the women of arknights with the muscles they RIGHTFULLY deserve to have (big fan of @/dlartistanon's depiction of saria and nearl)
have this cropped saria i drew a while ago because buff women supremacy
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Just a massive personal pet peeve is when, as i said in my bagpipe complaint post, the character is very 'tell, not show'. I think that no matter how interesting the character is in their files and in their story appearance, I'm still unable to connect with them if i'm unable to picture their design doing that.
It's especially egrigeous if the character is supposed to be wearing a uniform. I would actually have no problem with the 'thighs showing while fighting on a battlefield' IF. IF it's clear that that's supposed to be a casual outfit.
Like this is such an issue for me that i kind of zone out whenever a character comes up on the screen with a noticeably horny design (fuckin.. rockrock) because it's so distracting in a negative way
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(Image: Rockrock)
I do Not know what the hell i'm supposed to tell from this design. I just know that i Do Not. like it and it makes me have little desire to learn more about the operator
In my opinion the designs in Victoria are very divisive because the good ones are very good (Bena, Shalem, Reed) and the 'bad' (more boring honestly) ones are very bad (Rockrock, Nightmare, whatever's going on in Skyfire's beach skin)
Sorry for rambling on and on i'm just very passionate about storytelling in character designs lmao
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peddling-rp-memes · 11 months
Kirby's Character Development 101 Questionnaire
A while back, I mentioned on my rp blog that I have a sort of questionnaire for myself to fill out when adding a new muse to make sure they're really established in my head before actually starting to write them. A few mutuals were interested in seeing what that looks like, so I finally got around to posting a blank copy.
You can treat this as either an ask meme to reblog, or something to copy-paste for your own personal use in muse development. All I ask is you don't claim this as your own.
As always, remember to specify for multimuses!
001. Do they have any scars?
-- Appearance
002. Do they have any tattoos/piercings?
003. What is their natural eye color?
004. Do they wear contacts to change their eye color?
005. What is their natural hair color?
006. Do they dye their hair?
007. Do they keep their hair long, short, or in between?
008. What does their clothing style look like?
009. Do they dress in “the norm” for their gender presentation?
010. Do they wear any kind of make-up?
011. Are they invested in their physical appearance?
-- Identity
012. What is their gender identity and sexual orientation?
013. What is their relation to their gender identity and sexual orientation?
014. What is their relation to their ethnicity/heritage?
015. How do they feel about their nationality, current or of origin?
016. What family members had the most impact on them?
017. What is their relationship with their family?
018. Do they connect with their sense of self or reject it?
019. Is their sense of self tied to another person or thing?
020. What does their morality look like?
021. What other names are they known by? 
022. Do they know any languages besides their birth tongue?
023. What religion were they raised in, if any?
024. Are they religious at present?
025. Do they hold to any superstitions?
-- Health
026. Do they need glasses?
027. What mental conditions do they have?
028. What physical conditions do they have?
029. Do they have any allergies?
030. What notable injuries and/or illnesses have they had?
031. How diligent are they about their personal hygiene?
032. Do they keep up with their medication if they have any?
033. Are they particularly concerned with staying healthy/clean?
-- Symbolism
034. What colors are they related to?
035. What animals symbolize them?
036. What plants symbolize them?
037. What celestial bodies symbolize them?
038. What time of day are they most related to?
039. What is a number or numbers that relate to them?
040. What elements are they most connected to?
041. What type of weather are they?
042. What season of the year are they?
043. What kind of precious material are they?
044. What type of music fits them best?
045. What songs are closely tied to them?
-- Preferences
046. What is their favorite food and drink?
047. Do they like sports?
048. Do they like hot or cold weather?
049. How do they feel about animals?
050. How do they feel about nature?
051. Do they prefer science or the humanities?
052. Are they booksmart or streetsmart?
053. Are they more comfortable in large crowds, small groups, or totally alone?
054. Do they feel more in their element in urban or rural settings?
055. How do they feel about math and language?
056. Do they prefer to travel or stay in one place?
057. Are they good about getting out of their comfort zone?
058. What’s their sense of humor like?
059. Do they have any special interests?
060. What pieces of media are important to them?
061. What are their pet peeves?
-- Sociabilities
062. Are they more introverted or extroverted?
063. Are they paternal in nature?
064. Do they want kids?
065. What level of emotional intelligence do they have?
066. How do they communicate their thoughts and feelings (positive or negative) to others?
067. What are their love languages out of the classic 5?
068. What are their love languages not included in the classic 5?
069. How strong is their sense of empathy?
070. Do they allow themself to be vulnerable or keep all at a distance?
071. Do they struggle relating to others with foreign experiences?
072. How quickly are they to give their trust?
073. Are they more of an optimist or pessimist?
074. Are their emotions easily influenced by others’?
-- Romance & Sexuality
075. Do they fall on the aromantic/asexual spectrum?
076. Do they want to be married?
077. What type of features are they attracted to?
078. What type of personalities are they attracted to?
079. What type of personalities repulse them/are a turn off?
080. Would they be open to a threesome?
081. Would they be open to a foursome or more?
082. Would they be okay with an open relationship?
083. Are they polygamous?
084. Are they open about their sexuality (both orientation and general)?
085. Are they comfortable with casual sex?
086. How comfortable are they with discussing sexuality in general?
087. What are their kinks?
088. If they could choose, on average, would they prefer slow and sensual or fast and rough?
089. Does emotional intimacy play any part in their enjoyment of sex?
090. How tolerant are they of kinks they don’t have?
091. Are they more prone to the dominant or submissive role?
092. Do they prefer the penetrated (bottom) or penetrating (top) position?
093. Are they a sadist, masochist, or both?
094. Do they prefer to give or receive oral sex?
-- Misc.
095. Would they be considered “out of touch” with the present day?
096. What are their feelings about recycling?
097. Do they have any grasp of Internet culture?
098. What’s their average level of energy?
099. What are they proud of?
100. What do they regret?
101. Do they have any secrets?
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stealanity · 7 months
hey guys, let's go for a big announcement okay?
so, we're near my three-year anniversary on this blog. the 13th of march will mark the day i posted my first piece of writing on this platform (color palette will forever be my precious baby). and before i say anything about the negative aspects of this post, i would like to thank all the people who have supported me and my work for years / months now. every time i received a little interaction, a little message in my askbox, or feedback about one of my writings, my heart couldn't help but vibrate with happiness. so, i'd like to extend my warmest thanks to everyone who kindly took the time to express their opinions on what i've written over the past three years, these little words mean so much to me, in ways you can't imagine.
and, this is where i'm going to start talking about the negative things i have to say about this post : i'm wondering if i'm going to continue writing and posting here.
for months i've been thinking of closing this blog and stopping writing : as most of you know, tumblr writers complain a lot about the lack of feedback on what we produce. i don't mean to blame you all, but it's a real problem that never ceases to discourage every writer behind the computer. i understand that some of you are shy, and that's perfectly all right : but the askbox anonymity option doesn't exist for nothing. even if you only come to say "your last writing was great" and you think it's lame to leave a message just to say that, tell yourself that this simple little sentence can brighten a writer's day. i know you hear the same thing over and over again, but if a lot of people are talking about it, don't you think that proves that it's a real problem for us?
in other words, the lack of interaction from readers to writers is the biggest pet peeve of writers on this platform. just imagine : you walk into a store, and a writer is alone at his signing table, no one stopping to listen to him talk about the book he wrote with all his heart, sleepless nights spent writing, all so that no one would stop and take an interest in him. how would you feel about this person? you'd be sad and sorry for him, right? well then, tell yourself that, it's exactly like this writer, that we here, as tumblr writers, feel when no one gives us feedback. you feel ignored. we give our time to offer you something to read about your favs, completely free of charge. we give you the opportunity to imagine scenarios, and ask us to write down your ideas precisely, all so that, when your request is granted, we have no feedback on what you thought about it? this won't last much longer, believe me — because little by little, all the writers here are losing hope and patience, and deciding to stop doing what they love just because they're constantly ignored and not thanked for their work and efforts. yet, i know a lot of writers who deserve to be praised and complimented for their talent every second of their existence, and i feel so, so sorry for them that they have to endure such a thing. and, if you look closely, you'll see that it's only the writers themselves who leave feedback on other writers' work — because we know how important it is and how much we need it every day.
which is why i'm announcing today that i'm questioning the future of this blog. i haven't made a decision yet, maybe i'll do it tomorrow or in three months, whatever. but the problem is there, said and repeated, over and over again, and i'm more than discouraged.
nevertheless, thank you to all the writers on this platform for all you do. you sometimes make my heart skip a beat, my eyes water, laugh until i cry and smiling from ear to ear, because you're that good. you're so good at giving people chills and filling their heads with stories, with your perfectly chosen words and your marvelous ideas, each more incredible and interesting than the last. and i'll never stop complimenting the talent of the writers here, because you guys are truly amazing and tumblr wouldn't be the same without you. i know it's hard to evolve here, but know that among all those likes, there's this one reblog that makes all the difference.
you are so brave, and i thank you for always being here to share your talent.
anyway, let's end it here !
thank you for your attention, have a nice day, or night, or anything,
— xoxo, matty
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eternalwritess · 7 months
Hello! If you're still doing them, I would be interested in a romantic Hazbin Hotel match-up! If you're not currently doing them then please feel free to ignore this!
My pronouns are she/her. I'm AFAB.
I'm Demisexual. I don't have an interest in much physical intimacy other than hugging and kissing, and at times even that can be a little overwhelming.
I'm INFP. I prefer quiet and alone time, but love hanging out with my friends and family. I have a goofy side that comes out around people I'm comfortable with, and am a bit of a smartass. I also DO NOT tolerate bs and will gently call people out. I would consider myself a realistic optimist; I look on the bright side if things, but acknowledge the negative outcomes as well. I'm also an overthinker and give myself anxiety, lol. I feel that I should add this, but I can be prone to getting short or snappy whenever irritated or hurt.
My hobbies include learning about history and astronomy, listening to music, singing and dancing, shopping, and surfing the internet.
As for pet peeves... Mouth sounds (I definitely have misophonia) and whenever people have an already open thing of soda and grab a new one. Just finish the one already out or at LEAST dump it out, don't leave it out! It's so wasteful! I know I have a few more, but those are my bigger ones, lol.
Thank you if you get to my request! Take care and remember to hydrate!
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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You both met at the hazbin hotel as you were one of its first residents.
You were skeptical of whether or not the hotel would work at first but that soon simmered out as you just found yourself enjoying the company there
She really appreciated you helping call the others out on their bullshit (especially angel) and liked the fact that you were sorta keeping the others under control
One thing she GREATLY admired about you is that you once called out Alastor on his bullshit (and THAT is when she fell in love <3)
She's totally fine with you just being by yourself and having your own time as she likes to have hers too <3
She is not as much of an overthinker and will be there to comfort you and calm you down if you get too panicked or confused/scared
You also helps you with anxiety quite a bit and if you get snappy with her she's calm and will help you our but she knows when to back off
Vaggie also HATES mouth sounds and will constantly tell people to stop for you if you don't want to
She's more blunt when it comes to telling people off and kinda rude so you may wanna help her with that if you want-
She's not much for physical touch either and will also go for small kisses or some hugs here and there
She's more of a pessimist but I will like you would both round each other out since she's a realistic pessimist and you're an optimistic realist so that'd be fun
She's not much for the internet... but she does love singing and dancing with you, although she may be slightly reluctant at first once you drag her over she has a great time :)
Another thing is that she also wouldn't just waste a soda or some food. She'll most likely finish it all or at least dump it out <3
You also probably drag her out to go and shop quite a bit and might have some contrast in taste but that just makes it even more fun :)
You sometimes show her pictures of funny things you find on the internet and she finds it adorable :D
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daz4i · 1 year
thank you! and yes ofc, any input is welcome! okay, so i've seen some people talk about how many fics get chuuya and dazais dynamic wrong, but i've not actually seen any specific critiques, so i was wondering if you have any tips to avoid, for lack of better term, to write one of the "bad ones"?
also, i don't have money for the light novels, is it generally frowned upon to write skk without having knowledge of how they are in the light novels? i don't if they're that different, but i've seen comments like "if you just read stormbringer, you'd understand" so just wondering if i'm missing out on A Lot.
and for fic posting, this is not that important, but is there some popular fic boosting tags if i wanted to promote it on tumblr?
oh these are great questions!! lemme try to answer it in an organized way (edit from myself after typing the answer up: i am so sorry for this monster of a post askjdfgh hope it's not too overwhelming 😭🙏)
skk dynamic:
one thing i think is important to keep in mind is that it has layers, and that they're not quite honest in their interactions. a good example for what i mean is like when they're rescuing q and chuuya talks about how he can't stand dazai, but then later when dazai is attacked by lovecraft chuuya is immediately concerned and runs after him to make sure he's okay, being shocked and worried when he sees his arm missing, etc. (dazai is even worse in that regard lmao)
i can speak on my own personal pet peeve with skk fics is where their personalities are flattened, and thus their relationship is as a result as well (for example, reducing chuuya to a tsundere, or making him stupid, while making dazai some dark edgelord etc) this can lead to missing one key thing in their relationship: they're equals
soukoku even just as a fighting duo isn't just "dazai thinks up strategies and chuuya fights", the whole reason they're considered unbeatable to their enemies is because they're both strong - they can both fight, and they're both smart and good at thinking quickly on their feet. it's just that chuuya is better at fighting, and dazai's strategies are more airtight. this way they're enhancing each other's abilities. so, translating that into their general dynamic is also important
another way in which they're equal that i think shows this last part^ even better, and smth that i think ppl tend to miss, is that dazai never really manipulates chuuya or forces him into situations he doesn't want to take part in - he always asks for chuuya's final word on the matter. chuuya follows his plans because he too knows they're likely the best option. this is how they maintain their trust in each other
(honestly the only time i think you can argue dazai tries to manipulate chuuya is in their reunion in the dungeon, but really it's more for shits and giggles on his end, no real malice, and chuuya probably knows that too, i think)
light novels:
first off!! even if you can't afford them, bsd-bibliophile has them right here!!! i really recommend checking it out :)
i don't think you HAVE to read them but like. it's good to know what happens in them at least generally, and it can definitely help the nuance of their dynamic. the sb comment is kind of right bc it helps figuring out one of those layers i mentioned in the beginning
i actually haven't finished strombringer myself hehe but one thing i got from it so far and from reading analysis of it (which can also help if you don't mind getting spoiled!) that i think is important, esp if you're writing about their mafia days, is that chuuya does hate dazai in the early stages of their relationship, but like. because he sees himself in him. and he sees despair he doesn't want to give in to. at least back then, dazai kind of embodies his negative thoughts about himself, even if not literally and just in his mind.
also on a more basic level both of them (tho esp fifteen) offer some shenanigans of them being silly teenagers. also dazai cringe compilation. actually this is an important part of it i think dazai should always be at least a little bit pathetic when chuuya's around (but that might also be just my own personal take :P)
tldr for the light novels thing, i think it really depends on what sort of fic you're planning to write. canonverse, and esp mafia days, i'd say it's fairly important. aus, not so much, but it can help. relationship explorations, probably. silly fluff or pwp, not really. yknow :?
hmmmmm i don't know any particular tags (except like, basic stuff, fandom / ship / main characters / "fanfiction" / maybe key tropes you're using? tho it's def not a must) but some general tumblr hacks:
posting at the right hours and days helps; around the afternoon or early evening in american timezones, on the weekends, is probably the best time to gain most traffic
use ao3's automatic sharing or post the fic as the link post format, rather than a text post or picture with a link inserted into the text. idk if it still exists, but it used to be that posts with links in the text would be hidden from search results, especially if you're a new blog (i think it was mostly removed but the new blog thing might still be relevant)
don't use swears and esp not "fuck" and its variations in the tags. hides posts from search results (i think "shit" and such is okay?? but i'm not entirely sure so. to be on the safe side, better to avoid) also don't use "nsfw" or any other possibly nsfw tags even if it's needed
speaking of. while it's probably responsible to use community labels. i'm p sure tumblr hides mature posts from search results 😭 i saw artists complaining abt their posts getting flagged and even getting shadowbanned over it iirc so. unfortunately it's probably better to avoid 😔 save the warnings for the fic itself
this might be a bug only i have lol but after making a post with quite a few tags, wait a few seconds before refreshing the tab or moving to another page. i noticed that otherwise it can hide the post from everywhere except your own blog (it might also be only relevant to image posts? but again, to be on the safe side, it won't hurt to do it)
okay i think that's all. i will say that everything i said abt skk might be just my own personal interpretation hehe so don't take my word as gospel!!! i'm sure there are many other fans and writers who view them in an entirely different light, and at the end of the day, it's up to you to choose your own version to write
and with that, i'm also turning this post to my followers, if you want to add anything, or if you have links to good analysis posts that could answer one of these questions, please go ahead! :D
as for you anon, i wish you good luck with writing, and mostly i hope you have fun with it!!! :3 just bc you see some of us complaining abt fics sometimes doesn't mean you should walk into it scared, actually please don't!!! you can do whatever you want really, and i'm sure there will be an audience for your work no matter what you create! <3
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clericofgale · 9 months
Get to know your Tav
This is my most recent Galemancer Tav, I still haven't picked a canon Tav yet. We're still in Act 1!
Malisstra Silverhair (She/her)
Daughter of Elistraee, Servant of Mystra| Half-Elistraean Drow | 🌟Knowledge Cleric of Mystra🌟| "Gale, with you I forget my goddess"
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What is your Tav’s…
Name from: Her name means student/acolyte(isstra) of Mysteries(Mal) in Drow. Silverhair refers to her silver hair, obviously. If she lets you call her Mal: she'll probably die for you, too
favorite weapon: She started with a rapier, but the moment she found Phalar Aluve in the Underdark it became her favored melee weapon. The fact an Elistraeen weapon acknowledged her made her feel connected to her mother, despite ending up a Mystran cleric instead of Elistraean.
style of combat: She's a dex cleric so a mix of archery, spells and occasionally melee if it comes to that. She's happiest towards the back near Gale though. Hmmmm...🤔
most prized possession: Her earrings are from her mother when she started her adventure to be an itinerant cleric. She told Mal she only need to look to the stars to find both her mother and Mystra within. When she's feeling overwhelmed emotionally positive or negative Mal will fidget with them as a result.
deepest desire: To find love and friendship. Serving Mystra can be rather lonely if one delves too much into their academic obsessions at the cost of socialization. Mal, much like Gale or Lenore, has fallen victim to this pitfall.
guilty pleasure: Smut and comfort trash books with negative societal value. Drizzt fanfiction? oh yes! Manuals on sexual applications of spells that's filled with detailed pictures? It's um....academic I swear!
best-kept secret: Her faith to Mystra is strong, but she fears it's actually a love of books/knowledge/magic that tether her to Mystra. Not pure fervent devotion to her Lady. Sometimes she wonders if She should've followed her mother's footsteps after all. Her growing attachment to Gale and watching how he's treated by the Lady of Mysteries will test her faith indeed.
greatest strength: She's incredibly passionate and filled with big emotions. It drives her to do good and see the beauty in life. To ponder the mysteries of the realms.
fatal flaw: She's incredibly passionate and filled with big emotions. Sometimes they are too big. Sometimes she fails to contain them and makes rash decisions at the cost of herself.
favorite smell: The mixture of weave, ink, and old parchment.
favorite spell or cantrip: Faerie Fire. Her mother taught her how to channel her innate faerzress to cast it, and Mal loves how beautiful it is.
pet peeve: When people can't tell her apart from a moon elf. Or worse, get all racist when they can. Even more petty, people whose eyes glaze over when she tries to explain something.
bad habit: Is the thing in anyway a book? it's going into the chest. She'll catalog and organize it! She hasn't in fact, cataloged any of it. It's all in a pile tall as an owlbear and with Gale/Mal making the mess worse, it'll take Deneir himself to sort it.
hidden talent: She's not half bad with a flute, and can keep up with Wyll in dance. If she wasn't such a NERD in another life she might've followed her mother's footsteps and trained to be a sword dancer.
leisure activity: Playing her flute or reading trash books(in secret of course!).
favorite drink: Wine! And she's embarrassed that she's a bit snobby about it.
comfort food: Whenever Gale makes something Waterdhavian. It reminds her of the time she spent in(ok well mostly under technically) Waterdeep when she was a child.
favorite person: Don't tell her mother but it's a tie between Gale and Mal's mother. And Gale's winning by proximity. Gale's from Waterdeep and they love to talk about the City of Splendors over a glass of wine. Not to mention wine, books and magic. Gale meanwhile is fascinated by Mal's Elistraean upbringing.
favored display of affection: Little acts of service. A patient ear. A light cantrip for reading. A shoulder to lean on. A warm drink on a cold night. Little displays of magic.
fondest childhood memory: Her mother teaching her faerie fire. It made her fall in love with magic.
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Thanks for the tag @hotnerdywizard. I'll not tag anyone, but feel free to do the questions if you wish.
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ratsoh-writes · 7 months
heyyy I saw the matchups (ALSO WHAT IS THAT PFP 😭😭😭✋/positive)
here’s a little Cali description (I’ll skip physical features for another, long long time) there’s will come in long dabbles. If you don’t like it, the entire paragraph should be summed up in the first sentence.
Personality: Cali is.. dull? Her personality consists of just.. one trait? She’s just kind, her overall goal in mind is to make someone smile, whomever she may be talking to. Doing this means she changes her personality a bit for each person y’know how it is. Especially if she likes the person generally. Only once you’re able to get her to feel comfortable she’ll be the very weird person she is. She sends memes to her friends, odd.. is a way to describe it. She works better underprepared and under pressure. It’s very complicated but if she knows nothing about what the task is, she does it better? Because if she doesn’t know how to do it correctly she’ll feel obligated to learn as quickly as possible and get it done? If Cali knows how to do something, it’s more of a chore than a challenge. Her biggest weakness is how kind she it, it’s hard for her to say no and she gets burnt out doing all these favors that she agreed to. She’s a people pleaser through and through.
pet peeves/deal breaker: a big one is interrupting her when she talks, it gets bad. Growing up she was always sorta interrupted so after a few times she gets emotionally upset! That being said she’s quick to tears, it just happens with all emotions for her. She resorts to sadness/discomfort it many situations. A dealbreaker is someone who finds that as weakness or a negative trait. She is learning to live with being able to sort through she emotions and knowing how she feels. So someone pushing down her feelings is a big no-no. People who are tall and are kind to her, as in. She feels pitied on.. or something. It genuinely makes me upset and mad when someone a full foot taller than me takes pity to me. it makes her mad too. She can handle herself, that’s her mindset. ALSO a bigger one is people who take her shopping, not just shopping but shopping without a list. Please don’t she’s begging you, the thought of walking around aimlessly makes her lose a bit of joy on the inside. It’s pointless and unnecessary, if you want something add it to the list and then buy it next time but please!! Have a plan!!
for traits she likes:
she’s very attracted to nonchalant or easy going souls, mostly because she grew up with four parents up her a** about grades, extra circulars and such. She grew up under constant pressure, so someone who can just let her be herself, lazy or not. It such a good trait for her.
She also tends to lean towards people who could say no for her, she has a problem with it, so anyone who could assist her with her issues of stating her boundaries would be deeply appreciated.
hobbies: She paints! It’s relaxing and fun to make. Easy gift making too. The girl also had a hobbies of gaming in her free time, what better way to de-stress then some Doom.. >:-). other than that, she’s a “pick up something master it, drop it” sorta girl.
favorite items:
Anything that’s red. She has a nack for collecting red colored stuff. It’s a bit concerning. Her entire bedroom looked like someone dropped a red bomb and now you see red. Everywhere. Don’t go into her room it’s a nightmare.
There we go! Holy moly. It’s a lot so I don’t blame you if you don’t want to go through all my dabbling.
nice pfp again!! That’s all for now 😈
Hush, I love my thong hamster!!
Alright she needs a partner who gives her both freedom but with a slight dose of protectiveness. Someone who lets her show her emotions without making a big deal of it. And someone who isn’t overly pushy, got it! I have a few that can work, and the best match from them is ….. MANGO! Birdswap sans!
Ok ok hear me out, the reason I chose mango is cause with people she likes, she’s a communication queen~ mango does not fear speaking her mind, so Cali won’t ever have to guess with her. And mango respects boundaries as well. She’s not the type to baby her SO at all. She and cali would handle each other pretty well when it comes to their values I believe
Mango is fiercely protective when she needs to be, but not in a way that belittles or baby’s her partner like some of the others do. She’s all about making sure her partner knows they have just as much power as she does to spook off the unwanted people lol. Basically when she’s protective, she acts like a guard dog and a hype man somehow
Mango is at the stage in her life where she’s no longer just working to survive. Now that she’s on her feet, she can start thinking about herself and what she wants to do with her time… but the problem is that she has no clue! Right now mango is trying out hobbies, so someone creative like cali would be great for her to be around
Be careful about getting mango hooked to online gaming. She will learn how to trash talk and will scream at kids on the internet lol.
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leorawright · 7 months
hiii can i get a romantic genshin matchup please ☺️💖
she/her, heterosexual, taurus, estj, neutral good.
i’m very outgoing and extremely extroverted like my friends say. i’m the type of person that is always talking 😭 if you put me in a room with a stranger, the chances are extremely high that i end up befriending them (unless i feel like they don’t want to talk). but i get bad days too like other people and sometimes i just shut down and won’t talk unless spoken to.
while i am friendly, i also keep my circle small. i don’t have the ability to maintain a thousand of friendships so i have only a handful of friends that i am reallllyyyy close to.
i am very emotional and have the worst case of fomo. when i see my friends hanging out without me, i immediately feel like it’s the end of the world which is stupid and currently trying to resolve that. the way i cope is usually joining whatever org i can which makes me an extremely busy person at times.
i don’t get mad at people very often (i am easily annoyed though) and when i’m mad, i easily forgive but i /never/ forget.
i love discovering new music but my current favorite artists are phoebe bridgers and haim. i have a short-ass attention span when it comes to series and it’s been forever since i finished one. i’m more of a casual viewer, so i like movies better (especially romcoms)
what i don’t like is people who are extremely judgy and only see people negatively. it’s a pet peeve of mine when people are so quick to judge. i also hateeeee liver (although my mom encourages me to eat it bc i have iron deficiency…) but i love eating a mix of vegetables.
i’m a hopeless romantic by the way! i genuinely think that i won’t ever settle for any other than the tender and sweet kind of love. my love language are acts of service and quality time. i also really appreciate if someone listens to my ramblings tirelessly.
one of the things that i look for a partner is that he’s an active member of the community like me; it helps me see if he’s truly responsible. i also want him to care about his studies as much as i do and he should have a set goal in life. i want someone to have a direction in life, and knows that we shouldn’t be each other’s ONLY priorities.
i love to read fantasy and historical books. i also write whenever i’m on the mood and have time. one of my current obsessions is lord of the rings (which is weird bc i alr went thru an lotr phase when i was like… 6) AND I HAVE A PUPPY 🥹 i love her sm she’s so cute!!! i adore her sm and we spend time together through sitting on the floor and her laying her head on me 😭🥹
thank you smmm have a great day and take care of yourself 💖
I had a lot of choices but I've decided on...
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He's definitely an active member in the community and gets along with about everybody
He's got a goal with wanting to become a Wushu dancer and he'd be delighted if you support his passion
He also supports your goals in life, and whatever you want to do, he'll help as best he can
His love language is acts of service so whatever you need help with, just tell him and he'll be at your side
He's not usually much of a reader, but if you have any suggestions, he'll happily read them and talk about them with you
Absolutely adores your dog as well and will sneak her treats all the time
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thejesterconcept · 8 months
Headcanons For! NIghtmare!Sans!!!
Unlike Dream, he doesn’t have an accent or rasp, due to being free and being able to spend those 500+ years without Dream as he wished
He also isn’t innocent
He heard people swear and stuff, and so after he had some free time, he went to go learn what those words were, and he knows now
He just doesn’t swear, it’s a pet peeve for him
He finds watching Dream not know, though, absolutely hilarious
They are always wanting to more, and so he reads a lot of history and nonfiction
Probably knows another language, like either latin or french, and will write stuff into one of those languages just for secrecy
Canonically uses he/they pronouns, maybe he/they/its
Either aroace, or just somewhere on the a-spec, like demiromantic/demis_e_xual
If not aromantic tho, likely gay. Just, full out gay
He does not discriminate, you fool
Queerphobia also confuses him
Not a headcanon, just a neat fact, his favorite flower is a rose
Nightmare also probably has either coffee or tea, leaning towards tea
Their preference for a|choh0l is w!ne. The good kind
Writes in cursive
Nightmare has days, where he’s just regular old sadistic goopy octopus, we know this, but also days where he’s just out of it, very sad and depressed
Has a soft spot for children, but he'll still traumatize them if they happen to be there. He just won’t hurt them
They survive Dream’s arrows only because they’re covered in pure negativity. It still really hurts though
He doesn’t know about Ink not having a soul, mainly due to Ink keeping up with the vials
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Was tempted to get Fresh to join him, but was mildly unsettled by him and changed his mind
Hates losing control of situations, I don’t need to explain myself on this
Knows there’s something up with Ink, doesn’t get how his brother gets along with Ink
Knows ASL from when he was younger and bored. He’s actually super good at it
If he ever met Shattered!Dream, those two wouldn’t get along. They’d be trying to undermine and manipulate each other, never work together
But he’d also be shook at the idea of Dream being corrupted
Guilt-trips Dream a lot
His eye can and will glow in the dark
He kinda gets along with Geno, initially visiting him, because of Geno eternally suffering, and then Geno tried interacting with him
Now, Nightmare goes, sometimes, to heal or gather energy if need be, to clear his head, advice (he knows Geno ain’t leaving, and only Reaper comes to bug him), and he often borrows books from Geno, and they talk about them
They’ve started bringing their own books to Geno, but it would never call him a friend
Might try to attack or scare off people like Swap, or just anyone in general if they remind him of his younger self[not saying Swap does, just saying he’s included]
Ink can be an annoyance to him, but also useful
He’s THAT uncle to any Error/Ink creations [Paperjam is a shipkid, but also not,  can explain]. He will offer them stuff if they do crime. Likely also spoils them, but also makes them cause more chaos
Can see Passive’s ghost, and communicate. Sometimes listens to him. He only turned Dream to stone instead of killing him because of Passive
Speaking of Passive, he follows Nightmare around, and sometimes forgets he’s a ghost, and can’t talk with others
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osaumu · 5 days
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. repost, do not reblog.
name. sage
pronouns. they/them
preference of communication. discord! always available for mutuals!
name of muse(s). most prominent at the moment are dazai + geto!
best experience. hmm, i've made a lot of friends through writing! starting off on twitter in like, 2012 i met my best friend of 8 years, moving onto this hellscape (affectionate) i've met similarly lifelong friends and my partner ♡ ! writing has always been something i enjoy and i majored (that's not really a thing in the uk but it was a focus of the degree i never finished lmao, but i did get a diploma!) in screenwriting, so the aspects of rp are similar to that in a way, i think of it less like writing a novel and more like writing a screenplay. in my writing i'm huuuge on scene-setting and meanings behind things and always have a huge focus on what characters are doing that i often forget they need to speak and not gaze at each other ...
rp community pet peeves/dealbreakers. someone said negative comparisons where duplicate muses are concerned and i agree, as someone who has always been duplicate friendly it's so sad when people pit themselves against others for the sake of a few harsh words. this has become slightly less common though! and as such i'm glad my little community that i've built here doesn't have anyone like that hanging around! i also don't like pressure, drama ... the usual stuff that tends to be annoying where any rpc community is concerned.
muse preferences. yikes uhhh ... the ones that are typically seen as one - sided? morally ambiguous or grey? typically seen to have that "all for one" attitude but really it's "one for all"? i tend to take on characters that represent melancholy more often than not and i'm not sure what that says about me as a person but ... mhhhm. biggest muse focuses for me are when i can really dig emotional wells within them and pick them and their stories apart. i like nuance, but i don't tend to write many villainous characters, at least not those that are evil to their cores. i commonly write those that have something to fight for i guess?
plots or prompts. both! i utilise prompts to turn them into threads unless i just want the opportunity to go offfff on some character introspection using the prompt as the basis.
long or short replies. i tend to match whatever anyone throws at me, but i also don't know when to stfu. sorry for who i am as a person.
best time to write. uhhhh ... all the time? that's maybe a lie considering i'm always posting about not writing but honestly whenever the inspiration hits BUUUUUTTT i'm always always always available to talk people's ears off.
are you like your muses? considering i pick the melancholy boy/girl failures, yeah?? but my moral compass points towards good so :p
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