#one of the many verses that acknowledge the existence of many gods
oldgoddetective · 5 months
”There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭86‬:‭8‬ ‭NRSV‬‬
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beholdthemem · 1 year
I live within bus distance of the Universal picket line for the writer’s strike, so I like to go down there when I can to march with em in solidarity. They are all extremely cool people, and since many of them are older than me, I have been treated to a lot of free advice on Adult Life from more experienced adults. 10/10.
It’s also extremely funny to hear them talk shit about studios/executives that they’ve had to put up with, because they’re no longer required to pretend Oh, They’re All Such Lovely People, We’re So Lucky To Work For Them.
- “Dick Wolf insists on having an a personal office at every studio where his shows are worked on. He never goes to half of them, and when he does, he’s not usually there long. It’s just supposed to be left empty for him in case he MIGHT show up.”
“I took a bunch of coffee creamers from there just before we called the strike.”
“Honestly, that sounds fair?”
“I like to think of it as payment for all the extra work I had to do for free.”
- “Never work for Netflix if you can avoid it.”
“Oh my God, RIGHT? It’s a nightmare!”
“That is the most exploited I’ve ever been, and I’ve been doing this for a while so that says a LOT.”
- “Do they ever acknowledge how many laws the cops break during a single episode of any of those SVU spinoffs?”
“We’re not even allowed to use the phrase ‘Bad apples’ because it makes them uncomfortable.”
- “Humor does not exist in the Dick Wolf-verse, so we’re only allowed to include one joke per episode. Sometimes I like to play a little game where I see if I can get away with sneaking in a second.”
“Has that ever worked?”
“I think once we got in a subtle pun.”
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hermajestyimher · 2 months
Manifestation as a Christian: A Comprehensive Biblical Guide
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Manifestation, the practice of bringing one's desires into reality through positive thinking, visualization, and affirmations, has gained significant attention in contemporary culture. For Christians, understanding and utilizing manifestation within a biblical framework can provide a powerful and faith-anchored approach to achieving goals and experiencing blessings. This guide explores the biblical basis for manifestation, aligns it with scriptural teachings, and offers practical steps for Christians to use manifestation while remaining rooted in their faith.
Biblical Basis for Manifestation
Faith and Belief
The Bible emphasizes the power of faith and belief, which are core components of manifestation:
Hebrews 11:1 - "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Mark 11:24 - "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
The tenent highlighted in these verses shows us the importance of believing in what you ask for, reflecting the foundational principle of manifestation which many may refer to as "Law of Assumption" that faith and belief are crucial to bring things forward into reality.
Positive Confession
The Bible also teaches the power of words and the importance of speaking positively, as our words have immense power to bring forward good but also evil into our lives:
Proverbs 18:21 - "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits."
Romans 4:17 - "As it is written, ‘I have made you the father of many nations’—in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist."
Our words shape our reality, it's crucial that we become aware of this, so as to not allow corrupt talk to come out of our lips.
God’s Will and Alignment
Understanding and aligning with God’s will is essential in the manifestation process:
1 John 5:14-15 - "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him."
Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
These verses stress the importance of aligning our desires with God's will, ensuring that our manifestations are in harmony with His divine plan, which as we will see further below, are plans to prosper us and give us a future to look forward to.
Understanding Manifestation Biblically
God as the Source
In biblical teaching, God is the ultimate source of all provision and blessing. While contemporary manifestation often emphasizes the individual's power to attract or create their reality, the Bible underscores that all good things come from God:
James 1:17 - "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
Prayer and Supplication
Believers are encouraged to bring their desires and needs to God through prayer and supplication, acknowledging their dependence on Him:
Philippians 4:6-7 - "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Gratitude and Thanksgiving
Gratitude is a key element in both biblical teaching and modern manifestation practices. Giving thanks, even before receiving what has been asked for, reflects faith and trust in God’s provision:
1 Thessalonians 5:18 - "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Action and Faith
Manifestation involves not just belief but also taking actionable steps towards one’s goals. The Bible supports the idea that faith should be accompanied by corresponding actions:
James 2:26 - "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead."
Ensuring Good Things by Being Anchored to God
Confidence in Prayer
1 John 5:14-15 can be connected with Jeremiah 29:11 to emphasize the assurance of God’s good intentions for us. Jeremiah 29:11 states:
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
God's will is to prosper us and give us hope and a future. Therefore, when we pray in alignment with these good plans, we can be assured that God hears and answers our prayers. And when we pray with the assurance of knowing that these things we ask will come to pass, we exercise extreme faith, which is pleasing before God.
Assurance of God’s Good Plans
Knowing that God's plans are to prosper us and not to harm us provides reassurance that He will only allow what is ultimately for our benefit. Even when we face challenges or things don't go as we planned, we can trust that God’s ultimate purpose is for our good and better things are on their way:
Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Sometimes what we desire may not come to pass immediately or in the way we expect. Trusting in God’s wisdom and timing is crucial.
Manifestation as a God-Given Tool
Gift of Manifestation
Manifestation can be seen as a God-given tool that allows us to participate in bringing forth blessings and positive outcomes in our lives:
Genesis 1:27 - "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
Being made in God's image implies that we have creative power and the ability to influence our reality. There is no greater creator than God, all creation comes from Him, and by being made in his own image, we carry the power to create with us as well.
Anchored in God
When we anchor our manifestation practices in God, we align our desires and actions with His will:
Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
Seeking God’s guidance and wisdom helps us discern what is truly beneficial for us:
James 1:5 - "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."
Protection from Harm
When we manifest with God, we trust Him to protect us from things that might seem good but could ultimately harm us, because ultimately we are bringing forward His will for us, which as we've seen, can only be for our benefit:
Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Manifestation, when viewed as a tool given by God, becomes a powerful practice that brings blessings and positive outcomes into our lives. By anchoring ourselves in God and surrendering our desires to Him, we ensure that only good things come our way. This approach integrates the power of positive thinking and faith with a deep trust in God's perfect will and timing. By understanding and believing that God's will is inherently good and designed for our benefit, we can approach Him with confidence, knowing that He will fulfill His promises to prosper us and give us hope and a future.
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blissfulip · 6 months
On AO3
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Priest!Viktor x F!demon!reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Priest Kink, Blasphemy, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Flagellation, Demon Sex, Demon Summoning, Demon/Human Relationships, demon reader, AU - Canon Divergence, Post medieval era, Dubious Science, Church Sex, Roman Catholicism, Catholic Guilt, Improper Use of Catholic Rituals, Shameless Smut, Masturbation, No use of Y/N, third person.
Cw: Handjob
Words: 2k
[A/N: Happy Easter Sunday lmao, also whoever picks up all of the 'easter eggs' (get it wink wink) gets a kith and hug from me (let me know if you want to be tagged or removed in future fic updates!)]
Tags: @ihopeinevergetsoberr @chemical-killjoy @jinxed-jk @bobobomao @queen-of-elves @thedustybunny @syren201 @thayfass @thehistoriangirl @hypocritic-trash-baby @zaunitearchives
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Viktor stood frozen, the voice that whispered those words echoing against the walls of his head as he gazed upon the creature before him, a figure blindingly bright yet of simultaneously all-consuming darkness. The sight obscured his thoughts and left him adrift in a sea of terror. How could he have been so blind as to believe that he could command such power without consequence? Or rather, was it the naivete of believing nothing would come of it that turned against him? 
The very essence of his faith fractured—that earth-shattering feeling that had become all too common for him that day—threatened by this insidious presence. What had he unleashed upon the world? What horrors awaited him in the wake of his hubris? Viktor trembled, and his soul lay bare before the abyss, but something sinister took him out of this blossoming meltdown; she, the creature, looked familiar.
And achingly so, yet her form eluded him like a half-remembered dream. Faces swirled in the depths of his memory, merging and shifting like shadows cast by a flickering flame, but he was unable to put a finger on them.
"Do you not recognize me, Viktor?" Her voice cut through the air, eerily sweet.
Viktor recoiled in horror at the sound of his own name coming out of her mouth, the weight of her words crashing down upon him. 
“I manifest to you as a reflection of your own desires, an amalgamation of every soul you have ever yearned for, sweet human.” She hissed as she offered Viktor a hand to help him stand, her touch oddly warm as they both sat on the bed. “Do you not see it? That young woman from the bakery, or the one you always look at for a tad too long while you buy turnips? You don’t even like turnips,” she smiled slightly. “What about that woman who comes to confess every week? The one with the slightly hoarse voice that you love, even that tan young man with the green eyes,. Yes, yes, I know about him too; I am him too.”
“Who…what are you?” He asked amidst a short-lived surge of bravery.
“My name is Legion,” she said with an off-putting tone of irony, “for we are many... or however that verse goes. Mawkishly sentimental if you ask me.” She chuckled and seemed to deflate in disappointment at her attempt at humor not being acknowledged. She sighed in oddly human-like resignation, “I don’t have a name, Viktor, but I know yours , and you know what I am.”
"I seek nothing from the likes of you, Demon, you don’t know me." he declared, though doubt gnawed at him.
"You do, and it is the truth that I know you; your biggest fear is to remain ignorant and blind to the truths that lie beyond the veil of your mortal existence; I can feel it. " She whispered against his ear. 
"You are but a trick of the darkness; I will not succumb to your temptations."
"Oh, but Viktor, you already have ," she purred. "You summoned me here, drawn by your own curiosity. Your anger simmers beneath that stoic surface, against the silence of the heavens and the absence of answers to your prayers. But I answered, so why direct your anger at me ?"
“I have faith in Him; God will intercede in my favor.” He said, covering his face ith both hands, afraid his expression would betray something that confirmed her accusations.
“Yet you question his wisdom and his justice. You resent his silence, you doubt .”
“I love Him, and I will repent; I will.”
“Why? Faith without cynicism is a hollow shell. Will you let yourself be domesticated like a beast? A man of science like yourself?”
The spark of courage grew into embers inside Viktor’s chest at the mention of his work. Although he remained silent, not wanting to concede, she saw it in him, just like she experienced every emotion that grew within the transparent exterior that contained his soul.
“Embrace this fire, and you will obtain what you seek.” She said, gently laying a hand over Viktor’s. 
His shoulders slumped in resignation, but even as he acquiesced to her demands, a seed of guilt still remained. What would God think of him now for consorting with a creature of darkness? Would he be cast aside and condemned for eternity for his folly?
"What do you fear, judgement?” Viktor nodded.
“Your god is nothing but an egregore," she declared, her voice a whisper. "A figment of mortal imagination, born from the collective beliefs of humanity, he only has power over you if you allow it."
“God is my shepherd, He…” He started to recite, but his voice betrayed him.
“Yahweh, Tetragrammaton, Adonai, El, Elohim, Shaddai, Tzevaot… it does not matter who you so fervently pray to! Ancient egregores hold no power over the ancient gods.” She started saying in a firm tone, her volume high in affront. “And you, my sweet, are so unfortunately Christ hunted…a lot of work to be done.” She continued, her voice tuning back down to her previously silky tone.
Viktor's breath caught in his throat, but simultaneously, the weight of her words lifted a heavy chain that had previously hung around his neck. Although this—his God’s identity and how much power He held—seemed to be a point of contention between him and his conscience, every word she uttered seemed to confirm things he had been long thinking about. But the smell of culpability Viktor emanated was pungent, and what she saw in his heart was a whirlwind.
She was proud that he had let himself be guided by his urges, that he had, even if only for a small moment, felt true freedom in pleasure. She felt his fear when he remembered he would need to face father Isidore and then she felt his rage. He felt so strongly against him that for a second she imagined he would be nothing short of a monster, his robust yet sweet face was an interesting sight to find framed in Viktor’s memory. 
She felt sympathy and sadness and confusion, she felt worried for the young girl with the twin braids just like Viktor had, and felt intrigued as to how she had come in possession of her coin, but what mattered most to her in that moment was one problematic sensation; despondency. Viktor was close to giving up, he had nearly decided rage was useless and so was science.
“Let’s begin by working on the heavy guilt you carry.” She said, after a long silence. Viktor noticed an unsettling tenderness in her eyes when he, for the first time, looked directly into them. 
“I made a vow.” He answered, his voice breaking as it turned into a whisper.
"Do not let the chains of guilt bind you, Viktor," she murmured. "The church may preach of purity and righteousness, but it is built upon a foundation of hypocrisy, and you don’t need me to tell you as much.”
“I know of the behavior of some members of the clergy, but why should...”
“I don’t speak of individual transgressions; the church as an institution seeks to negate eroticism and sexuality, yet it embraces them in its most sacred rites.”
The deeply puzzled expression in Viktor’s face prompted her to elaborate.
“Think about the things you do during sacrament; think of the smell of incense, the touching of beads, the kissing of sacred objects, the rubbing of oils... Think about consuming the physical body of the idol you adore, and think about what it makes you feel—enlightenment, apotheosis. Remember the deep pleasure you extracted from the pain of self-penitence? It’s nearly devine, is it not? That necessity to envelop all senses?” 
Viktor nodded.
“And that feeling you get of being close to god in a way that nothing else will get you to—that sensation of being outside the perception of time and space—have you experienced it?”
“I have, in prayer.”
“Can I show you what true ecstasy feels like? One that starts and culminates in yourself without any divine intervention? 
And once again, Viktor simply nodded. The air crackled with a tension thick enough to suffocate him, his breath shallow and rapid. A rush of anticipation surged through him, mingling with a primal curiosity that threatened to consume him whole as she slithered behind him. The shift of weight on the mattress gave him a strange awareness of the materiality of what was taking place, and the hot breath on the left side of his neck caused the last string of sanity holding him together to loosen. 
For a second, he wondered if she was nothing but a very sly yet human woman that had somehow found a way into his room, but that idea was quickly quenched as both of her hands slowly glided along the sides of his still-clothed thighs, emanating that unnatural white glow that was clearly not of mortal nature. 
Her touch was delicate and warm, her nails slowly creeping up to the hem of his cassock as she pulled it up to reveal the trousers underneath. If Viktor had any idea of what she planned on doing, he would have been of more help, adjusting to make his clothing easier to remove, but unaware of what awaited him, he sat there immobile. 
After some mild struggle, she managed to get to the stubborn clasp, and the slight accidental touches ignited a fire within Viktor's veins, sending tendrils of heat coursing through his body. Soon enough, there was nothing in between them, and the cold air that came into contact with the streak of viscosity that had dampened his underpants sent goosebumps across his arms. 
She hadn’t even made her way to his cock yet, but with each gentle caress around his stomach and thighs, Viktor's senses were heightened to a fever pitch, his body aflame with a hunger that burned brighter than any candle. With the first feather touch along his shaft, he felt as if he were teetering on the edge of a precipice, poised on the brink of a pleasure so exquisite it bordered on agony. 
And then, with a slow and deliberate motion, her hand closed around him, sending shockwaves of ecstasy racing through every fiber of his being. A guttural moan escaped his lips as she began to move, her rhythm mechanic and intoxicating. With every teasing stroke, Viktor's breath hitched, his body responding eagerly to her touch. 
"Ah…God!" he gasped, his voice a hoarse whisper of longing. 
She froze on her tracks, drawing out a protesting whine from Viktor. “Do not call upon his name now; at this moment, you belong to me .” She spoke, her voice still sweet but laced with a tinge of resentment.
Viktor's mind swam in a haze, his thoughts fragmented and disjointed as he desperately nodded in agreement, before she resumed the pace of her moment. And then Viktor felt himself hurtling his head back onto her shoulder, his world reduced to nothing. She gently removed the sweat-drenched pieces of hair from his forehead and whispered words in a language he could not understand while her hand continued its path down to his neck and back. 
 For a second, he felt a reminder of the stinging pain on his shoulder blades, and then it faded. As he reached the climax of his arousal, he cried out desperate pleas, only this time to her and himself, finally surrendering to this intoxicating embrace. After letting him breathe for a while, she took one of his hands in hers and placed the copper coin on it. Viktor knew he was bound to her now.
And in that moment, there was no room for guilt or shame, only the unquenchable thirst for more.
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white-wolf-buckaroo · 7 months
Chapter 1: Percy becomes supreme lord of the Bathroom
First official chapter for 'In his own twisted way', my daughter of ares fic! <3
Word count: 8800 ish words
Warnings: none I can think of (english is not my first language, though, don't kill me if there are any mistakes please)
Updates will be tuesdays! <3
Fic masterlist here!
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Olympians. The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece, powerful, strong, eternal, immortals, seen as myths and stories told throughout the centuries. However, they are no myths, but real, and they still exist to the date. Omnipotent. Immortal. Unreachable.
Or, maybe not so out of reach: they’ve watched generations of mortals roaming the earth, and they often walk among them, disguised as one of them. But still, gods and goddesses, strong and powerful, and a different race from the common humans. They have lived thousands of lives, interfering at will in mortal affairs, seeing the world as their battlefield, and the people living there as their pawns. Because the gods can’t break the holy rules, but mortals… that’s a loophole many, if not all of the gods and goddesses have used in their favour throughout history. And because they needed powerful weapons as their pawns to execute their demands, they created half-bloods. Demigods. Mortal descendants born out of their union with a mortal companion, capable of fighting in the divine realm of existence, while living in the mortal world.
And so, over the years, decades, and centuries, demigods were born into the mortal world, some even reaching Olympus, the glory, kleos, and becoming part of the mystery that surrounds the story of the gods.
Myths aside, half-bloods still exist. Half mortal, half god, all real. And even if it sounds like a privilege to be a part of the gods bloodline… well, not many demigods will agree with that. Not only because they are in constant danger, it’s scary, and most of the times it only got them killed in very nasty ways, but also because they didn’t really fit into the human world, and they had to live up to their parents expectations, all the time. To make them proud, to honour them, and to show off their power.
And all of that is pretty difficult to do when the gods turn out to be shitty parents who don’t really deserve all that self-sacrifice.
Emily wasn’t indifferent to all of that.
As one of camps’ longest all year-rounders, she was well versed in the art of being the child of an absent godly parent. She trained, she learned, and she fought for glory, yes, but most importantly, to be worthy of her father’s attention and love. At twelve years old, she was one of the best fighters of her cabin: the children of Ares. Only her older sister, Clarisse, reached her level of skill; they fought on many occasions, both in the arena and outside of it, always to prove that they were better than the other one.
But Emily didn’t really care about being better than Clarisse, not really. She only trained, and fought and worked so hard to be the top warrior of her cabin, if not camp, to make her father proud. And she hoped that, if she would actually make him proud, she would finally see him again.
Not that she hadn’t seen him since he had left her at camp half-blood, no. Every winter, during the winter solstice ceremony, she encountered him. But he kept to himself, every single time for the last years. He didn’t acknowledge her or any of her siblings, and when the presentations were over, he always ran out of the room before she or her brothers or sisters could try to talk to him.
That’s why she had hope that if she stood out, maybe he would love her again like he did in the past.
“Are you listening to me, or are you daydreaming again?”
Emily turned her gaze to her left, where Annabeth was looking over at her questioningly. They were laying on the grass in a clearing of the forest, the afternoon light giving a golden glow to the top of the trees surrounding them. They were done with training for that day, having had a friendly competition about who of them both would hit more bullseyes at archery practice; Emily won, like she usually did, although Annabeth was also very skilled – Ares’ kids usually had a better aim for throwing weapons, or something like that. It’s what Annabeth always said when Emily ended up with a higher score than her.
“I am listening to you” Emily shifted her gaze back up to the sky, watching a round and fluffy cloud fly by “But I was also thinking about dinner. I can do both”
“Sure. So what was I talking about?”
“Something boring about an architect you read a book about”
“That was five minutes ago!” Annabeth laughed, shaking her head “And it’s not boring”
“Why do you think I started daydreaming? To not fall asleep!”
“You’re incorrigible” she huffed, although she was also smiling slightly.
“But I’m still your best friend, so I must be doing something right”
“I guess” Annabeth shrugged, sticking her tongue out to Emily. They both giggled “I was talking about capture the flag”
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous” Emily scoffed, looking at her “You’ve won three times in a row. You’ll manage a fourth”
“No one has won four consecutive rounds in a very long time. Everyone is waiting to watch me fail”
“That’s not true. I want to see you succeed”
“Shouldn’t you be on your teams side?” she raised one of her eyebrows, sarcastically. Annabeth fought with the rest of the Athena cabin, and Emily with the Ares cabin. The other cabins allied to one or another of them, but the main rivals in battle where always Ares and Athena – seemed logic, considering they were both deities of war “Don’t tell me you’ll just give me your flag. I don’t want an easy win”
“Of course I won’t do that. I will fight, tooth and claw, to get my victory. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be happy if you win. You deserve it”
“Thanks, Emi”
“You welcome, Annie”
“Now… as I was saying a few minutes ago-“ she started talking about the architect again, and Emily groaned, sitting up “Hey, I’m trying to educate you. Better listen”
She wasn’t going to do that, not today. Fortunately, she found her escape: Luke was approaching the clearing where they lay, and he waved at her when he spotted Emily watching him.
He had arrived at camp with Annabeth five years ago, when Emily was seven. He was older than the girls, and he was like an older brother for the both of them; sure, they had their respective siblings at each of their cabins (Ares’, Athena’s and Hermes’), but the bond these three shared was genuine, and went beyond their heritage.
“It’s almost time for dinner!” he called out, a few steps away “Come on!”
They rose up, and met Luke halfway there. All three of them wore camps’ official orange t-shirt, like everyone else, and their summer camp necklace’s rested above the fabric, with the beads they earned at the end of each summer adding various pops of colour. However, they didn’t have identical pendants: Luke had five beads, like Annabeth, but she also had added her father’s college ring to the necklace after he sent it to her. Emily’s had not five, but six beads, and also a silver ring.
Ares had given it to her… a long time ago. When things had still been better between them.
“How’s my favourite duo doing?” although the three of them usually hang out together, there was always a duo in a trio “Heard you had fun at archery”
“I did. Annabeth not so much” Emily grinned at her friend, who rolled her eyes “Hey, let me have my win. If I competed against anyone from cabin seven I wouldn’t stand a chance”
They greeted some satyrs on their way to the dining area, and then separated to their respective tables: there were strict rules against sitting at another god’s table, so they were forced to eat with their siblings. Emily had a good relationship with most of her brothers and sisters, at least a cordial one; none of them were as close to her as Annabeth or Luke were, but they got along nicely. Then there were others, those of her siblings who stood more to Clarisse, her rival, who weren’t as nice to Emily. She wasn’t naturally prone to being mean to anyone, even if they weren’t friendly towards her, but after years of constant disrespect, Emily had had enough, and they knew that she could set her foot down if they caused her too much trouble.
Dinner went as usual, with camp being full of demigods, so the pavilion was bustling with voices and conversations, even if there were tables unoccupied, like the one’s for the children of the big three (who weren’t allowed to have children anymore, as they were too powerful), or the one dedicated to Artemis (which was only used by the goddess’ hunters if they ever visited camp… which usually never happened).
Chiron was also back at camp after being absent for some weeks at the end of the school year; Annabeth and Emily had been theorizing about the reasons for his departure, as he had never left camp for so long in the years they had been there.
“Do you think some demigod got into trouble on a quest and he has went out to help?”
“Well, maybe… but it has to be something important if Chiron himself had to go. He never leaves camp; he’s almost like… part of the décor or something”
“What if he left because… the quest he’s promising me is arriving?”
“You mean the one he’s been promising you for years? The one fated to a new demigod we haven’t even met yet?” Emily knew of her best friend’s aspirations, of her dreams. Annabeth was one of the strongest warriors at camp half-blood, head counselor at her cabin, and one of the smartest persons she knew. The only way left to prove herself, was to go on a quest, but Chiron had never allowed her to. She would only be able to when, according to the centaur, a demigod arrived who was fated to go on a quest not even Chiron could prevent – Annabeth had received that information under strict confidentiality, so of course only she and her best friends knew of it.
“Well, it could be. It’s been five years. How much longer can it take?”
“Keep studying the newbies, then. Maybe one of them will be the one”
But none of the new half-bloods at camp that summer seemed to be… something special – not that being literally children of Greek gods didn’t make them special. They just weren’t what Annabeth was waiting for.
That is, until one day, or specifically, one night, a new demigod made it to Long Island.
When Emily went to bed that evening, she didn’t expect to be woken up by a commotion before sunrise; it had been raining during the night, although it didn’t rain directly at camp because of the special weather conditions they had there, with the faint sound of water droplets echoed inside the cabins, almost soothing, until another sound joined its melody: frantic screaming, that came from someone running down the hill that led to Thalia’s tree.
Emily and her siblings made their way out of their cabin, like everyone else did, curious to know what had happened, and they saw Grover, dressed in a human attire, completely drenched from head to hooves. He ran to the big house, screaming and limping a bit, and soon after he got there, he walked out alongside Chiron, who dismissed everyone back to their beds, except the head counselors from each cabin.
At the Ares cabin, Clarisse was the head counselor. It wasn’t a title Emily really craved, but the power it held gave her sister some advantages, like right at that moment, being able to go alongside Chiron up the hill to see what had happened, while Emily had to stay behind. Annabeth was head counselor of her cabin, just as Luke was of his, so they both left as well, leaving her alone with a pout.
When Annabeth came back, though, she went straight to Emily, who was already waiting for her sitting in front of Athena’s cabin; there was no way in hell she would ask Clarisse about what had happened if she could just ask her best friend.
“He’s the one. He has to be”
Apparently, they had found an unconscious boy who looked around their age up at the hill. According to Grover, they were trying to make it to camp, when the Minotaur showed up, and attacked them; the boy, whose name was Percy, fought the monster, and he won.
Emily couldn’t deny that that was impressive. She had never fought monsters besides the ones she found at camp’s forests’ or the ones they sometimes brought in for training, but she knew it wasn’t an easy task, let alone if you didn’t have any experience.
“Grover said Percy’s mom was also with them” Annabeth grimaced “Grover believes that… the Minotaur killed her”
“Oh” Emily had lost her own mother when she was little, and she still remembered the pain of losing her and not having her there; she still felt it from time to time. Her thoughts went to Percy, as she knew it would be hard for him “Wait… he only believes the monster killed her? What do you mean?”
“They searched for her, but they didn’t find anything anywhere down the hill. Grover said that… he saw her vanish, like the monsters do when you kill them, just as when the Minotaur was trying to squish her”
“That’s not how humans die”
“I know” Annabeth bit her lip, deep in thought “So many questions and so little answers… But I have a strong feeling about this, Emi. He could be the demigod I was waiting for”
Said demigod spent the rest of the day, and the following night, sleeping in the infirmary. Annabeth, embracing her rebellious side, wanted to go see him herself that evening, and Emily tagged along, full of curiosity for the new boy.
“That’s him?”
“Is there anyone else unconscious here that I’m not seeing?” it was thundering above camp, the sounds of the storm muffling their voices.
“Hush, you” Emily frowned, watching the boy “Is he…?”
“Yeah, he’s drooling” Percy kind of blinked his eyes open then, catching a glimpse of Annabeth standing at his bedside; he asked her where he was, and the only thing she came up with saying was ‘you drool when you sleep’. He looked baffled at her, mumbling a ‘huh?’, and then he fell back into dreamland.
“That was a perfect meet cute moment you two had there, Annie”
“Now you, hush”
The next morning, after breakfast, Luke took both Annabeth and Emily to the side, and told them that he had met Percy.
“He’s staying with us until he gets claimed” that was standard protocol for newcomers who didn’t know who their godly parents were, as Hermes was, amongst other things, the god of travellers “He seemed… pretty rough. No one can blame him though; fighting the minotaur, losing his mom, and what he thought was his life… all of that in one night. It is tough, but so seems he”
“Did he really have the minotaur’s horn? I heard Chris talking about it” Luke answered yes to Emily’s question, and she whistled “Not bad for an untrained demigod”
They didn’t see Percy for the rest of the day, though, not even during the meals; he ate at his cabin after Luke went back after lunch or dinner with something for him. Apparently not even Grover could get him to talk much.
Emily imagined that if she had arrived at camp under the same circumstances as him, she probably wouldn’t act all that different; her case was also one of the rarest ones of them all, as not many of the demigods had been personally escorted by their godly parent to camp. She felt empathy for Percy, wishing he would settle in quickly.
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow” she told Annabeth, before they went to bed “You should come too. Get to know him if you think he’s the one”
“I’ll stick to my observations for now. You can debrief me later about what you think of him after you guys talk”
“Sure thing, ma’am, yes, ma’am”
Percy walked out of the Hermes cabin alongside Luke, Chris Rodriguez and other Hermes’ children the next morning, wearing his orange camp half-blood shirt and his (for now) bare necklace. Emily watched him from the entrance to the Ares cabin, and she made her way towards them when she spotted Clarisse walking in the same direction; she was accompanied by her most loyal supporters, which were some of hers and Emily’s siblings, and she had that smile on her face that Emily knew all too well. She was about to do something bad.
Clarisse bumped her shoulder against Percy’s on purpose, and when he exclaimed ‘hey!’, she shoved him on the chest, and he ended up on the ground. Emily reached them when Chris helped Percy up, while Clarisse was asking her audience if that was really the kid who had killed the minotaur.
“Look, you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes” she pretended to shove Percy again, and he jumped back, defensive. Clarisse only laughed, until she saw Emily appearing behind the rookie.
“Back off, Clarisse”
“Or what? Are you gonna call daddy to lecture me?” she mocked her, laughing again, accompanied by their siblings’ mocking snickers. 
“I’ll just win again next time we fight at the arena” this time it was Emily smiling victoriously “And I’ll ask Luke to join me. It’ll be fun, don’t you think?”
Clarisse only huffed, and she walked away followed by her congregation. Luke high-fived Emily, while the rest of the Hermes’ kids dispersed as well.
“Well she seems nice” said Percy sarcastically pointing at Clarisse’s back.
“Ares kids” Luke rested his hands on his hips, also looking back at the girl who had just left “They come by it, honestly. Except Emily, of course… unless you steal her dessert” he smiled at his friend, and she took that as the clue to introduce herself.
“I’m Emily, by the way” she waved at Percy, now feeling slightly awkward “As Luke said, I’m in cabin five. Ares”
“So that girl is your sister?”
“Technically half-sister, but yeah. She can be… a bit difficult if she wants to. Sorry for that”
“That’s a way of putting it nicely” Percy had met many, many bullies in the last few years; he had been at plenty of schools, and some of them he couldn’t even really recall, but he remembered every single bully “Why doesn’t she mess with you two?”
“She knows better”
“Luke’s the strongest swordsman at camp” explained Chris, who had sticked around “And Emily has been her rival since the know each other. Always competing to be the best of their cabin, at everything”
“So… you mean that they leave you alone because of glory?” Luke had been explaining the concept of what glory (or kleos, in Greek), meant to the heroes, that is, the demigods; if you had kleos, you had fame, and the people knew that you had done something to be respected “So if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn’t mess with me either?” Luke said ‘exactly’, although Emily knew better than that; she knew her sister better than Luke did: Clarisse would still mess with Percy even if he gained kleos, but maybe she just wouldn’t do it everywhere, at any hour, and all alone against him “And my dad’s got no choice but to claim me!”
“That’s something you can’t control” Emily looked Percy in the eyes, shaking her head “You can’t just… force the gods to do anything. Trust me. It doesn’t work like that”
“Well, yeah, but… it would make it harder for him to pretend I don’t exist and not claim me, right?”
He seemed to have a point.
As Percy’s current cabin counselor, Luke took it upon himself to introduce the new boy to all the activities at camp half-blood – this is, with Emily’s help, of course.
“A good source of glory are feats of skill. We just got to find out what you’re good at”
They took Percy to archery practice, where Apollo’s children excelled. When he ended up shooting his arrow at the opposite side where he had to, almost hitting a bunch of demigods standing there (now, laying on the ground to avoid the flying arrow), they figured he didn’t belong in cabin seven.
“Skill comes natural, yes, but training is also important” Emily showed Percy how to properly use the bow (especially to know how to not accidentally almost kill everyone around him), hitting almost perfectly the bullseye “Even if you’re not initially good at something, if you work on it, you’ll improve”
“How long have you been training?” Percy thought she looked his age, maybe a bit younger, but she couldn’t be older than twelve.
“Since I was six. That’s when I first got to camp, and I always stay for the full term, so I’ve gotten many more practice hours than the average summer campers”
“You’ve been living here since you were six?” he couldn’t believe it “For real?”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go, and there are monsters outside of camp, so I need the training”
“So you’ve never been outside of here in like… five years?”
“Six years, and no. Chiron sometimes takes us out on… field trips, I guess. And then there’s the winter solstice ceremony, and other gatherings half-bloods can attend”
They went to the strawberry fields, but Percy’s gardening didn’t improve the growth of plants in any special way, so he definitely wasn’t a Dionysus kid (for which Percy seemed very relieved about).
“So… Percy?”
“No, I mean, your name” Emily talked to him while they walked back to the more secluded part of the camp, on their way to the forges, where Hephaestus kids worked “I’ve never met a Percy. I remember that… when I was really little, at my mom’s, she would show me these movies and… I think there was one where there was a dog named Percy”
“I… uh…cool. But my mom told me that she named me after Perseus. You know, the hero who killed Medusa. There is a statue of him in the Met museum”
“I know who he is, don’t worry. He’s technically my uncle. Well, mine, and from most people here. Maybe yours too!”
“It still feels kinda weird to me, all of this” he lowered his voice as they kept talking, seriousness invading his expression “I’ve only ever had my mom. Where was my dad when we needed him? The rest of the gods? All you people?”
“Those are the questions most demigods ask themselves once they get here” Luke piped up from a few feet away, looking sadly at him “Why didn’t they tell me sooner? Why wasn’t my dad with us? Why does it have to be me?” his words resonated with Percy’s feelings deeply “But now you’re not by yourself anymore. You have us. And who cares where our parents may be, as long as we have each other”
“Thanks… I guess”
They didn’t have much success at the forges. Percy started out well… until he accidentally threw a burning piece of metal over to a pile of fabric, that burst into flames. Luke sneakily got the three of them out of there before it got worse, and before anyone could notice they were gone, pretending that they didn’t have anything to do with that.
“So… not Hephaestus, apparently” Percy made a face, defeated. They were at the dining hall again, eating at their respective tables, so Emily was now at the Ares table, and him, Luke and Chris at Hermes’ “Is there a Greek god of disappointment? Maybe someone should ask him if he’s missing a kid”
“We’re gonna find the thing that you’re good at. I know it”
Percy heard some invisible bells chiming, and suddenly everyone from the Hermes tables was standing up, grabbing their plates.
“It’s our turn” said Luke “Burnt offerings. The gods like the smell, so it gets their attention before you say a prayer”
“They like the smell of burnt Mac and Cheese?”
“They like the smell of begging”
Luke explained to Percy that in order to get the deities’ attention, he had to burn what he would miss the most, because that way they would know that he meant what he was about to say, and they would listen.
Emily was still watching them from her own table, when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.
“Don’t turn around” a voice whispered. It was Annabeth. She was invisible using the magical Yankees hat her mother, Athena, had gifted her “What do you think of him?”
That’s how things were between Emily and Annabeth: together they shared brains and strength, and they relied on each other for everything. In cases like this, particularly, Annabeth studied from afar, contemplating the facts, while Emily ‘got her hands dirty’, studying up close.
“He isn’t sure where he fits into all of this” Emily mumbled, pretending she chewed on some bread. She wasn’t in the mood for someone questioning her for talking alone out loud “He doesn’t know if this is really his place”
“It is. He wouldn’t have been able to cross the barrier if it wasn’t”
“That’s not what I mean. He’s… insecure. And angry. At his dad, and everyone who never told him about any of this. And he’s also grieving his mom, which doesn’t make the rest any easier”
“I’ll keep an eye on him”
Emily had practice for capture the flag in the afternoon, so she didn’t see Percy anymore until dinner, where he didn’t look any better than during lunch. He disappeared early after the offerings, and she shared a look with Luke when he caught her watching their table.
The Ares cabin had two tables at the dining hall, and Emily never sat with Clarisse; they were like two different teams under the same roof. When they weren’t fighting, both sisters ignored each other, but that doesn’t mean that Emily wasn’t alert for any suspicious moves on her part, like that evening, when Clarisse and two of their siblings were also watching Percy with too much interest.
She knew that Annabeth was also keeping an eye on the boy, so she hoped that if Clarisse was pretending to do what she liked to call her “initiation ceremony” to Percy, Annabeth would be able to prevent her sister from dunking Percy’s head in a toilet before it was too late.
Emily would also try to avoid that, of course. She snuck out of her cabin, like she had done hundreds, if not thousands of times before, and she searched for Clarisse and her minions, who hadn’t even returned to their cabin after dinner even though it was pitch black outside. Percy was also nowhere in sight, and she started to become worried, making her way to the bathhouse, when a loud noise coming from said place alerted her senses.
Hiding behind a nearby tree, accompanied by the owls’ hooting and the faint sound of crickets chirping, Emily saw how her sister and two more of Ares’ children ran back outside, completely drenched in water, anger written all over their face. When they were far enough, Annabeth removed her baseball cap, standing outside of the bathhouse, and she looked around until she spotted Emily.
“How did you know I was here?” she asked her friend, making her way over to join her.
“You’re my best friend. I just did” that was fair enough.
They entered together the bathhouse, where the floor was now flooded, and some faucets were spilling even more water non-stop. A door to one of the toilets’ was completely destroyed, and the wood that was once said door floated now around in the water, in dozens of pieces. Percy stood in the middle of it all, not a single drop of water on him, looking completely clueless. He spotted the two girls at the door when he turned around, both with their arms crossed, mirroring each other perfectly.
“I can explain” he said, warily. Although, he really couldn’t.
“No you can’t”
“…okay. I can’t” he looked at Emily, who he knew, of course, and then at Annabeth. She looked familiar “Wait. I know you”
“No, you don’t”
“Yeah, I do. You were there… that night in the infirmary” Emily hid her smile, remembering how those two had had their meet cute moment “Weren’t you?”
“Yes” this time, she went with the truth “I’m Annabeth”
“Are you stalking me, Annabeth?”
“Okay… Wait, Emily, were you stalking me too?”
“Yes” she shrugged, smiling slightly. She had done it for Annabeth, though, and at that precise moment, because she knew her sister had been up to something, but she didn’t owe him any explanation.
“We were waiting to see if something like this would happen” Emily pointed at the chaos that was now the bathhouse, reassembling a pond.
“So I’d know if you could help me” followed Annabeth.
“With what?” Percy wasn’t understanding much.
“Win capture the flag”
The three of them made their way back to the cabins after that brief conversation, without giving Percy any more explanations, so that they wouldn’t get caught in the flooded bathroom and be blamed for it. Annabeth entered her cabin the first, at the side of the Goddesses cabins, while Percy and Emily made their way to the opposite array of buildings, of the male Gods.
“What did Annabeth mean with ‘Capture the flag’?”
“It’s a game. Ask Luke, he’ll explain everything” Emily only smiled at him, thinking his confused frown looked funny.
“Oh… okay” he remained silent for a few seconds “Look… I didn’t mean to attack your siblings. I’m sorry for that” Percy whispered his apology to her, so to not be heard by anyone; it was past curfew so they shouldn’t be roaming the woods at that hour “Although I’m not really sure I was the one who… actually did that. The water just… disappeared inside the pipeline, and then it shot back up hitting Clarisse and the others”
“The water protected you from them” she bit her lip, thoughtful “I’m sorry that they ambushed you”
“It’s okay… It seems like bullies tend to like me. I’m used to it”
“Well, I’m glad that this time they got what they deserved. I don’t like meanies either” she smiled at Percy, now standing in front of the entrance to her cabin “Goodnight, supreme lord of the bathroom”
Emily took a long time to get asleep that night, analysing what she had witnessed; Percy didn’t seem to fit any particular trait of any of the gods, he wasn’t skilled in any specific task, and he wasn’t as mischievous as most Hermes’ children were.
There was a possibility she didn’t dare to think of: the big three. It couldn’t even be possible… right? They had made a pact to not have any more children after the incident (which was, the second world war), because they were too powerful; that kind of demigods couldn’t be controlled. And there were many other gods, minor ones, who could have fathered Percy.
It was the facts though, like all the fuss they had made about Percy getting to camp, the trouble Grover and him had faced, his victory against the minotaur, and that strange yet very revealing experience in the bathhouse, that made Emily doubt if he could be a forbidden child.
Feeling tense and uneasy, she finally fell asleep, off to dreamland: she was laying under the stars on the grass, watching the archer, the ursa major, and other constellations she knew by heart. She wasn’t alone, though. She didn’t need to look to know who it was: his hand, big and calloused, was pointing up to the sky above them, and although he was explaining something to her, she was more concentrated in the movement of his hand and the flex of his fingers. On one of said fingers was the same ring she carried on her necklace, glistening under the moonlight.
She felt safe in that dream, and a warmth washing over her, soothing her like a balm. She wasn’t really understanding anything he was telling her, his voice muffled as if they were far away from one another, although she could feel him right by her side. Her uneasiness slightly vanished, even if it was just for a few seconds, and she felt reassured by him. When she turned to look at his face, the warmth disappeared, and she woke up.
Emily fought to not open her eyes, clinging to the dream; it was a memory of what seemed another lifetime she deeply missed. She didn’t have time to mourn the past, though: today was the day of capture the flag.
Joining her siblings for one last morning practice, Emily temporarily forgot about her doubts concerning Percy, and focused on training: the Ares cabin had teamed up with Demeter, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Dionysus for this game, while Athena, Apollo and Hermes formed the other team. Although Emily’s team had more cabins, the two bigger cabins were the seventh (this is, Apollo), and the eleventh (Luke’s cabin, Hermes).
There were only two children of Mr. D, and Demeter’s offsprings weren’t very into combat, although they liked to fight the Apollo children for using arrows, which were made out of wood (which came from trees, and they refused to participate in any activity that encouraged the senseless slaughter of their arboreal friends!).
Aphrodite’s children weren’t bad at fighting if they wanted to, but they lacked of… the bloodlust Ares’ children had. Emily was friends with their head counselor, Silena Beauregard, as they had spent much time together at the Pegasi stables, of which Silena was in charge of. The Hephaestus demigods were built big and strong, so they were useful for combat, but their best virtue was the weapons they crafted and provided for the game.
One of their strongest weapons wasn’t made by them, though: Clarisse, leader of their team, owned an electric spear, gifted to her by Ares himself. It was her most prized possession, and she liked to show if off every chance she got, using it with her characteristic brute force.
Emily had her own weapon gifted to her by their father, an enchanted throwing knife which disguised as a bracelet, but it wasn’t as flashy or grandiose as Clarisse’s spear. She hated that spear.
Capture the flag would begin after lunch, so after grabbing a quick bite, and burning some of the food, Emily still had some little time to spare. She looked for Grover, and found him in the forest near the lake.
“I need to talk to you”
“Oh, sure, hi” he looked around them, seeming nervous. Although Emily wasn’t as aggressive as most of her siblings, she could be intense, and rather direct. She had often given Grover many jump scares “What’s up?”
“It’s about Percy” his face went serious “Annabeth and I… we are suspecting something. About his parentage”
“I don’t think I can help you with that” he said, shaking his head fast “No, I don’t…”
“You’re also suspecting something, aren’t you?” Grover’s face turned red; she had caught him. Emily smiled, walking closer to him, while Grover walked backwards, distancing himself slowly “I’m not saying you know anything, but… you know him better than we do. You guys were best friends at his school, right? Did anything happen there? Something… suspicious, that could make you think of a specific god?”
“I really can’t talk to you about this” he thought that Emily had been influenced too much by Annabeth, as she had her same ways of relentlessly asking questions, which combined with her resilience, made her implacable. And he would get in trouble if he said anything. Fortunately, the sound of a conch shell in the distance saved him “Oh, look, the game is starting. I would have loved to keep talking to you, but I really need to go now”
“You’re not even competing” she frowned.
“Yeah, sure, but this place is about to become a warzone, and no satyr wants to be around when that happens”
Fair enough, she let him go; she couldn’t be late anyways, so she ran back to her cabin, and quickly put on her armour, before going to the weaponry to grab everything she needed. Her preferred weapons were her throwing knife and a dagger she had had since she was six, which she always carried with her. For capture the flag she stuck to the standard sword and shield, although she was always tempted by the spears. She liked them, it was part of the typical Greek arsenal for battle… but the spears were also Clarisse’s thing, and she didn’t want to be compared to her sister.
Chiron had started to gather both teams at a cliff where the river split the forest in two sides, and fell down the mountain in a waterfall. Most of Emily’s team members were already there, wearing red striped armours like hers, and at the other side of the river, she saw Luke standing alongside the rest of his siblings and teammates, and also Percy; the blue eyed boy wore a blue striped armour over his orange shirt, with a blue crested helmet on his head. His weapons were a shield, and something small he was holding in his hand Emily couldn’t really make out from that far away. On Emily’s side was the red flag they had to defend, and on Percy’s and Luke’s side, the blue flag her team had to snatch to win.
The captains arrived, Clarisse and Annabeth on their respective sides, and Chiron, wearing his favourite tweed jacket and a cream coloured cape over it, greeted everyone cheerfully.
“Welcome, demigods!” he seemed delighted, and he sounded excited “A new game of capture the flag is ahead! As always, the rules are simple: the first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor. As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected” those rules had to be installed after some unfortunate events Emily had been glad to not have experienced “Any magical items you may possess, are permitted as well. Every camper who is not injured has to play. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged” those had also been things Emily was glad she hadn’t experienced “Let the games begin!”
After the conch shell blew again, the red team erupted in angry battle cries, banging their shields and various weapons in chaotic rhythms. The blue team let out a collective shout, hitting their shield in unison. Both teams had twenty minutes before the conch sounded a final time, and then it would be game on.
Emily winked at Annabeth, who winked back at her playfully before completely assuming her role as captain once more. Let the best one win.
Clarisse designated different troops for the game, and sent them scattered throughout the forest to attack the blue team and defend their flag. Emily was running off with her squadron, when she caught out of the corner of her eye how Clarisse and two of their siblings separated from their group, heading to a completely different direction.
“Emily, c’mon!”
Sighing, she followed her troop, hoping for the best.
She had her hands full soon anyways. Clarisse didn’t want Emily protecting the teams flag because of her friendship with Annabeth, so she was assigned to holding back the opposite team so that they wouldn’t actually get to the flag; Clarisse wasn’t Emily’s greatest fan, but she knew to not underestimate her. So she was quickly busy fighting Annabeth’s teammates: Emily wasn’t alone of course, as she had four of her siblings and four other demigods to help out. They won the first round, but the next battalion was commanded by Luke himself, and that would be tougher. Much more.
Luke went straight to her; he knew she would be the most difficult one to disarm, so he took it upon himself to fight her. He circled Emily, sword raised defensively, and she mirrored his movements. Luke’s first strike was easy to stop, and with practiced skill she raised her own sword, metal clashing against metal. As Luke pressed forward, Emily countered swift strikes of her own, until one of Luke’s brothers, Chris, joined him and attacked Emily from the other side. She raised her shield defensively, and Luke took his chance to hit her sword again, this time making her lose her grip.
Emily shoved Chris with force, using her shield to add strength to the hit, and when he tripped, she disarmed him as well. Luke attacked again, but Emily jumped to the side in time to avoid the hit of his sword; her own sword was laying on the ground, and she quickly retrieved it using her shield once again to block Luke’s strikes.
“Do you give up?”
The two clashed relentlessly, swords meeting in a flurry of strikes and parries. Emily’s determination fueled her every move, strong and skilled, but Luke knew her weak spots like no one else, and so he used them against her. He sent Emily’s sword back clattering to the ground hitting her on the arm, and he dodged her dagger when she threw it at him furiously.
“You Ares kids have a temper!”
“Don’t provoke it then!”
Cornered against a tree, Emily charged against him, letting out an angry scream. Luke managed to get out of the way before she hit him, causing her to stumble forward. She recovered fast, doing a somersault, but when she faced Luke again, he had his sword raised just below her chin – He had the upper hand now.
“Are we done now?”
 “Nuhuh, but I don’t want to embarrass you in front of your friends. I know you need the validation” she let go of her shield, signalling her surrender. She would never admit a defeat out loud, though. Her genes, Ares’ genes, wouldn’t let her.
Luke helped her up, while the rest of her team also recovered. Chris told Luke something about having to move quickly to get the flag before Clarisse showed up, but Luke seemed chill about it.
“Are you so self-confident that you think she won’t manage to kick your ass if she gets her hands on you?” Emily raised her eyebrows at her friend, surprised. Luke only smirked, shaking his head no.
“I’m not that crazy, no. But we suspect that she’s got her own quest going on beside capturing the flag. I’ve spotted her going up the hill in the opposite direction around fifteen minutes ago”
“What quest are you talking about?” she didn’t need to think much to guess it herself “She’s going after Percy?”
“Annabeth’s got a plan, don’t worry. He’ll be fine”
“I hope you’re right”
When Luke and his troop left to go find the red flag, Emily decided she would also leave; they had already been defeated anyways, so she couldn’t prevent Luke from getting her team’s flag, and so she went after Clarisse. The bad feeling she’d had at the beginning of the game seemed to have been right.
Emily ran through the forest, up the hill like Luke had told her, and after some time moving in the opposite direction of where most of the action was happening, she began to hear faint sounds of metal clashing against metal, and the familiar sizzle sound of an electric spear she knew all too well.
To some extent, Emily could understand Clarisse, which was probably one of the main reasons they didn’t get along well. Both of them had been ignored by their father for years now, and not a single thing they did to make him proud seemed to catch his eye. Not a single one. They both lived at camp the whole year, and they trained nearly every single say, trying to always become stronger, faster, and greater. Their mutual competition also helped, she had to admit – they always pushed each other, and it improved their skills. They were their best opponent.
That’s why, when a twelve year old with absolute no preparation got to camp, defeating the Minotaur all by himself, Emily had also had her suspicions. He couldn’t have done it alone, right? Turns out he could, and he did. And instead of being impressed by him and wanting to get to know him more to discover the reason for his spectacular victory, like Emily did, Clarisse could only focus on the fact that some little dumb twelve year old, untrained and unclaimed, had raised more attention to himself in a few days, than she had managed to get in years of being at camp pushing herself to extreme limits to excel.
And it killed Clarisse. She fought so hard to get scraps of her father’s attention, and he never showed her any kind of affection. In her mind, she thought that it was her fault, though, and that if she worked harder for him, he would love her – Emily felt the same way; that’s what she understood so well about her sister. Clarisse’s hard work had barely granted her anything since getting to camp, and Percy was receiving all the glory she deserved and dreamed of, and that he didn’t even seem to want. It wasn’t fair.
That’s why she embraced her darker side, and sought the next best thing after glory: revenge.
Emily got to the top of the hill in time to see Percy running away from her sister and two of her siblings, who went right after him. They would corner Percy from different sides, like hunters with their prey.
She couldn’t just shout out for Percy, as it would reveal her position to her siblings, so Emily ran behind them (lamenting the fact that she had just made it up the hill, and that she now had to run all the way back down with sore legs), trying to figure out their moves: Clarisse was running down in a straight line, not really following Percy, but getting ahead of him, probably to corral him further down the mountain. Her siblings were the ones directly on his toes, and while one of them followed his same footsteps, the other calculated where he would end up passing through, and threw himself at him, sending the boy to the ground.
Percy rolled down to the shore line between bushes and trees, landing on the hard and sharp soil gravel by the lake. Emily’s siblings caught up to him, and Percy stood up quickly, almost tripping while walking backwards to put a distance between him and them, with his sword up; he didn’t go far, though, as Clarisse was waiting for him with her spear pointing at him, ready to fight.
Emily was about to intervene, when a hand on her shoulder stopped her – an invisible hand.
“Annabeth, we have to help him” Emily protested, watching Clarisse laugh at Percy before launching herself at him, almost impaling him like a human kebab “He’s got no chance against them”
“He defeated the minotaur, right?” Annabeth was still invisible, but she could feel, and hear her right beside her. She probably had been watching Percy this whole time, waiting for a fight like this to happen “And he did that thing in the bathhouse. Just… wait and see how it goes”
“Are you sure?”
“Crystal. Trust me on this”
I was hard to look at, though. Emily’s siblings wouldn’t give Percy any respite, however, he managed to grab the electric spear at one point, both him and Clarisse grabbing it now from opposite sites, and he used it to temporarily block her. He landed some good hits on the other two Ares’ demigods, but then Clarisse got Percy to let go of her weapon. Percy rolled on the ground and got his shield back, and after a few seconds where his three rivals reconsidered their options, they attacked him again.
Percy wasn’t trained, but he had a natural talent and he defended himself good, to the point where he blocked Clarisse’s strike, managing to grab the end of her spear again, this time with the same arm he held the shield. After hits, grunts and metal clashes, Percy took the others down, and with both of her siblings on the ground, Clarisse desperately tried to free her weapon from Percy’s grip rolling on the soil, making him trip and fall a few feet away. Alongside the sound of his fall, pants and groans, there was the sound of something hard and metallic breaking apart and a large amount of energy being released all at once
Emily held her breath, just as Annabeth. Percy was alright, and so was Clarisse, but her spear… the electric spear her father had gifted her, which was the only thing she had ever received from him, was now split in two, broken. Both girls held their breath while watching Clarisse assess the damage, seeing the lower half of her favourite weapon in her hands, severed from the half in Percy’s hands.
Clarisse's scream tore through the air like a raw, primal cry of anguish and fury. It echoed off the trees, resonating with the intensity of her emotions as she beheld the shattered remnants of her beloved weapon, devastation on her face.
She charged against Percy, seeing completely red, and Emily couldn’t take it anymore. She jumped forward, just in time to stop Clarisse from grabbing Percy by the straps of his breastplate, who stepped back in terror.
Before Clarisse could lunge at her sister for getting in her way, the conch shell blew, and a second after, Luke and his soldiers ran to the shore holding victoriously the red team’s flag. Annabeth had won.
“The game is over, Clarisse” Emily looked at her sister warily. She was unpredictable when she got angry and hurt, which Emily knew “Leave him”
The older girl only huffed, and walked away with her two companions, holding the remnants of her spear in both hands.
Percy fell to the ground on his knees, panting heavily. The rush of adrenaline was wearing off, and his emotions started rise up him as he caught up with what had just happened – amongst other things, he had nearly died.
“Not bad, hero”
He turned to his right, where there was… nothing. At least, until Annabeth took her Yankees cap off; she walked over to him, and he looked baffled at her.
“Were you here the whole time?” she confirmed it “You were here the whole time and you didn’t help me?” he got the same answer “Why?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes, and extended her hand out for him to grab. She helped him up, and only then did he look at Emily.
“Thanks for… saving me” he panted, still breathing heavily. His heart was beating a hundred miles per hour, and his blood rang inside his ears “She was going to kill me”
“Listen, Percy…” Annabeth got him to look at her again. She looked him in the eyes, intense gaze studying his blue iris’s, which looked back at her holding onto every word she said “I’m sorry”
Annabeth shoved him in the chest, causing him to stumble and to fall into the lake.
“Annabeth!” Emily looked at her friend in alarm, completely taken aback for what she had just done.
“What is wrong with you?!” shouted Percy, now completely soaked. His cries and Emily’s got everyone’s attention, and the celebration of the blue team’s victory was cut short when every soldier turned to them, watching what was happening.
Percy stood up inside the water, but Annabeth didn’t answer him nor Emily. She only watched him, first with interest, and then with amazement. Emily followed her gaze, and she understood what she was looking at: Percy’s injuries, cuts and blood… were disappearing. He felt how his skin healed, and he watched every scrape vanish before his eyes.
What was happening? How was he healing?
“I don’t understand” he muttered.
The answer came in the shape of a trident.
“Your dad’s calling”
A blue trident floating over Percy’s head. He had been claimed.
Emily, Annabeth, Luke and every single other living being who was there looked at the boy in wonder, in utter silence, the greatness of this once in a lifetime moment embarking their souls. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing: a son of the big three. A forbidden child of the sea god. A demigod singular amongst heroes.
“Percy Jackson” Chiron’s voice resonated through the forest, carrying an intensity that was only possessed by those who had lived thousands of years “You have been claimed by Poseidon. Earthshaker. Stormbringer. Percy Jackson… Son of the Sea God”
Taglist of the fic: @strawberryys-stuff @ladysybilchronicles @kyuupidwrites @nhloversblog @beansficreblogs @priyajoyy @zeeader @lightsgore
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saintmachina · 6 months
One million dollar question: is it true that the Bible condems homosexuality? I had a discussion with two conservatives who sent me some verses that seem to confirm that but i don't know much about the context although i know this is important too
Let’s start here: why is this the million dollar question? Why does it matter what the Bible has to say about sex, or love, or human relationships? At the end of the day, it’s just a book, right?
Oceans of ink (and blood) have been spilled over not only what the Bible says, but what it does, how it functions. The course of empires, nations, and families have been shaped by the contents of this book, and from a historical and cultural perspective, it holds a lot of weight. But you didn’t ask about the sociological, you asked about the theological, so let’s explore. 
Different Christian traditions vary in their approach to scripture. For example: some Protestant denominations believe that the Bible is inspired, inerrant, and infallible. In this paradigm, God is the ultimate author of scripture working through human hands, and the resulting text is both without error and in no way deceptive or mistaken. Similarly, The Second Vatican Council decreed that “the books of Scripture must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation.” When a member of the clergy is ordained into the Episcopal Church they swear that they “do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation.”
Can you see how many of these points of doctrine overlap yet seek to distinguish themselves from one another? Theologians have spent lifetimes arguing over definitions, and even when they manage to settle on solid teachings, the way that the teaching is interpreted by the clergy and incorporated into the lives of the laity varies WIDELY. As much as systematic theology may try, humans aren’t systematic beings. We’re highly contextual: we only exist in relation to others, to history, to circumstance, and to the divine. We simply cannot call up God to confirm church teaching, and I think a lot of people cling excessively to the Bible as a result of the ache (dare I even say trauma) of being separated from God via space and time in the way we currently are.
God is here, but God is not here. God is within us, God is within the beloved, God is within the sea and sky and land, and yet we cannot grasp God to our bodies in the way we long to. In this earthly lifetime, we are forever enmeshed in God, yet forever distinct, and that is our great joy and our great tragedy.
So barring a direct spiritual experience or the actual second coming, we're left to sort through these things ourselves. And because humans are flawed, our interpretations will always be flawed. Even with the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives guiding us.
When engaging with any sort of Biblical debate, it is essential that you have a strong understanding of what the Bible means to you, an an embodied individual living a brief little awful and wonderful life on Earth. Otherwise it's easy to get pushed around by other people’s convincing-sounding arguments and sound bites.
Here’s where I show my hand. As a confirmed Episcopalian I believe that reason, tradition, and scripture form the “three-legged stool” upon which the church stands, interdependent and interrelational to each other, but I’ve also like, lived a life outside of books. I’ve met God in grimy alleyways and frigid ocean waters and in bed with my lovers. So my stool is actually four-legged, because I think it’s essential to incorporate one’s personal experience of God into the mix as well. (I did not invent this: it’s called the Wesleyan quadrilateral, but the official Wesleyan quadrilateral insists that scripture must trump all other legs of the table in the case of a conflict which...*cynical noises*)
Please do not interpret this answer as me doing a hand-wavey "it's all vibes, man, we're all equally right and equally wrong", but I do absolutely think we have a responsibility as creatures to weigh the suffering and/or flourishing of our fellow creatures against teachings handed down through oral tradition, schisms, imperial takeover of faith, and translation and mistranslation. Do I believe the Bible is sacred, supernatural even, and that it contains all things necessary to find one's way to God, if that is the way God chooses to manifest to an individual in a given lifetime? Absolutely. Do I believe it is a priceless work of art and human achievement that captures ancient truths and the hopes of a people (as well as a record of their atrocities) through symbols, stories, and signs? Unto my death, I do.
However, I am wary of making an object of human creation, God-breathed though it may be, into an idol, and trapping God in its pages like God is some sort of exotic bug we can pin down with a sewing needle.
Finally, we have reached the homosexuality debate. One of my favorite sayings of Jesus is Matthew 5: 15-17: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit." In other words: look at what religious teachings have wrought in the world. When I look at homophobic interpretations of the Bible, I see destruction, abuse, suffering, neglect, alienation, spiritual decay, and death. When I look at theology that affirms the holiness of LGBTQ+ relationships, I see joy, laughter, community building, thoughtful care, blooming families, creativity, resilience, and compassion. I see the love of Christ at work in the world. I see the hands of a God who chose under no duress to take up residence in a human body, to drink wine with tax collectors and break bread with sex workers and carry urchin children around on his shoulders. That's my limited little pet interpretation, but hey, that's all any of us really have, at the end of the day.
So, I am absolutely happy to do a play-by-play breakdown of why those passages you were given (we queer Christians often call them "clobber passages" or "texts of terror") don't hold water in a theological, historical, and cultural context. We can talk about Jesus blessing the eunuch and the institution of Greek pederasty and Levitical purity laws and Paul because I've done that reading. I've spent my nights crying in self-hatred and leafing through doctrine books and arguing with my pastors and writing long grad school essays on the subjects. Send me the verses, if you can remember them, and I'll take a look. But it's worth noting that out of the entire Bible, I believe there are only six that explicitly condemn homosexuality AND I'm being generous and including Sodom and Gommorah here, which is a willful and ignorant misreading if I've ever seen one.
In the meantime, I recommend books by people smarter than me! Try Outside The Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith by Mihee Kim-Kort, or Does Jesus Really Love Me by Jeff Chu, or Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke!
And take a breath, dear one. Breathe in God, in the droplets of water in the air and in the wind from the south. Breathe in the gift of life, and know that you are loved, now and unto the end of the age and even beyond then.
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kpopsexstories · 2 months
Hi again I actually have several ideas for x male reader and member x member idk if you have a limit so I'll put just 5 here
1 Nerd/unpopular bottom Kun x jock/popular top male were they secretly hook up behind the school during lunch(bottom kun top male)
2 johnny x mark were mark has a crush on johnny, and it's causing him issues so johnny offers a one time hook up so he can hopefully move on
3 top jaehyun x bottom Xiao jun were jaehyun has a guy crush and Xiao jun has a crush and on nct movie night sneak off together
4 bottom chenle x top male reader were chenle keeps being annoying to the new sm artist cause male reader doesn't seem to acknowledge his existence till male reader gets so irritated he decides to give chenle all his undivided attention
5 verse park jisung x verse male reader jisung is straight but he has a gay friend who helps him out since he can't Date
I hope this isn't too many I tried to make specific situation and give them different positions so the smut could hopefully be easier to write
Hi there! 👋😃 I've saved all of the above ideas and would guess that at least 2-3 of them will happen, in good time.
For now, however, I'm giving you #5: "verse park jisung x verse male reader jisung is straight but he has a gay friend who helps him out since he can't Date"
This will be the first story in my new Gay K-pop Smut series. It ended up being two parts, in which Jisung tops in part 1 and bottoms in part 2. Part 2 will be posted tomorrow (August 10). Please enjoy 😊
(Oh, and if you have more requests, sending them one by one makes it easier for me to respond to them as I can't respond to the same request twice – and no, there's no limit, keep 'em coming if you want to. Requests are highly motivating and inspiring! 😊)
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GAY #1: NCT Jisung Pt. 1 (of 2)
NCT Jisung can’t date. As his gay friend you help him out with his sexual needs (*Requested*)
Content Warning! This is a 100% gay story. Check out this post for my straight smut or this post for more gay smut.
Pairing: Vers NCT Jisung x verse male reader
Content: Foreplay, Jisung fucks you from behind, Jisung penetrated for the first time
Type of Sex: MEDIUM
Word Count: 2.9k
“This dating ban is killing me,” Jisung said and flung his arms in the air.
“I thought you didn't have a dating ban,” you said and sat down beside him on the bed.
“We don't and we do. We can't be seen with girls in public.”
You look at your friend curiously. “Well, what's bothering you? You're so busy with work you hardly have time for me. You don't have time for a girlfriend, so do you really want one?”
“Yeah,” Jisung said and threw himself backwards on the bed. He put his hands on his stomach on top of his over-sized hoodie and stared at the ceiling. ”I mean no. I don't need a girlfriend. But I have urges like anyone else, and if I can't date I'm not getting what I need.”
“Mm,” you said and nodded slowly, as if you could totally understand what the man was going through. ”We're not in public now though…”
Jisung raised his head and glared at you. “I love you man, but I'm not gay.”
“I know,” you said and smiled. You leaned on your elbow and moved closer to Jisung's out-stretched body.
Jisung relaxed and lay his head back down. He let out an audible sound.
“I just need physical contact,” he said with a slow frown, as if seriously contemplating his options. “I mean come on, it's human nature. I get the company's logic, but we're young men. We have needs.”
You put a hand on Jisung's arm. “Yeah, they didn't think this one through,” you said with compassion. Your hand moved down his arm and over his hand, closer to his crotch. Jisung didn't seem to notice.
You observed his face and continued: ”It should be in their interest to keep their artists happy.”
“Exactly!” Jisung exclaimed. Without looking at you, he put his hand on yours and squeezed it. “God, I'm so horny.”
A thrill rushed from your heart and through your body. “What, right now?” you asked and braided your fingers into his. Your tone of voice was a little too happy.
“No, but in general,” Jisung said and you felt disappointment. Without moving his head, he glanced sideways at you to try to read your thoughts. ”I need…”
“Maybe I can help,” you interrupted and pressed your hip against his.
He finally turned his head to face you. “How?” he asked, but you were sure that he knew the answer.
You let go of Jisung's hand and reached for his bulge, and felt a soft dick through the sweatpants he wore. Jisung's eyes stayed fixed on your face, but you could swear the frown was fading.
“Remember back in school?” you asked.
The frown turned into a smile. “Yeaah,” Jisung giggled and closed his eyes. You squeezed the dick lightly and felt a boner forming.
That was all the approval you needed. “Let me help you,” you repeated, but Jisung didn't reply.
He didn't need to. As his shaft grew, you pulled up his hoodie and let your fingers glide into his pants. You squeezed the dick through his underwear, then reached inside them to touch the skin of Jisung's rock hard shaft with your fingertips.
He might be straight, but he was horny and deprived, and it wouldn't be the first time you experimented sexually. Jisung knew that you could keep a secret, and you already knew that this encounter would go far beyond a simple hand job.
Jisung closed his eyes and moaned. His hands fell to his sides, and the hoodie was pushed higher up his flat tummy. Your hand in his pants took a firm grip around the shaft, and when you repositioned yourself and your arm was raised, his pants slid slightly down his hips.
You smiled and admired the clear view of his v-line as you began to jerk off your friend.
“Slowly,” Jisung moaned and opened his eyes wide. “I'm gonna come.”
“I thought that was the goal,” you said.
“Yeah, but if that was all it takes I could just continue to masturbate alone.”
“Right, I forgot,” you said and laughed. “You need a girlfriend.”
Jisung sneered at the joke. “Come here,” he said.
That's when you leaned in over him, kissed him on the lips, and foreplay began for real. Your best friend certainly didn't need to ask you twice.
Despite how you used to experiment in school, you weren't sure how Jisung would react to any of this. He definitely wasn't gay, that much you knew. Now that you were both older, maybe he was done experimenting and didn't want this at all. Maybe you were even jeopardizing your friendship.
But Jisung immediately kissed you back. He raised his ass and moaned as the dick was pushed into your hand. Whatever his thoughts and feelings were, his needs were strong and in this moment he let them make his decisions for him.
You caressed his waist and stuck your free hand inside the hoodie. Jisung was warm to the touch, mushy yet solid as you traced your fingers over his ribcage and pecks.
You made out, just like you had back in school. When the hoodie slid higher and Jisung's nipple was revealed, you bent down and kissed it gently.
Jisung seemed happy. This kind of intimacy was exactly what his body had been longing for.
When a passionate thrill took hold of him, he suddenly pushed on your shoulder, prompting you to roll on your side. Jisung wrapped a leg around yours and kissed you deeply. Laying side by side in each other's arms, you began to grind against each other while exploring your bodies with your hands.
“Mm,” Jisung moaned.
“Ahh,” you sighed when he squeezed your waist and caressed your ass cheek.
When the hoodie was up to his neck, Jisung sat up straight and took it off. He came back down, leaned in over you and pulled your shirt. You raised your arms and upper back to help him slide it over your head.
Shirtless and horny, there was no stopping either of you now. The innocent make-out session was becoming increasingly erotic.
You reached back down into Jisung's pants. This prompted him to sit and lift his ass, and pull the pants and underwear down.
It was not the first time you saw your friend naked. It wasn't even the first time you had sex. But it had been a few years. Things felt different this time.
Jisung's exposed body beside you looked amazing. God, you wanted him so bad. You always did, but knew you could never have him. You had a mission to help him with his problem and were more than happy to do so, but truth be told it ached your heart, knowing that sex was all there could ever be between you. You could be a friend with benefits, but you could never be the girlfriend Jisung dreamed of.
Not that it really mattered. There was no way you'd back out of the chance of touching and kissing every bit of Jisung's sexy body, now that he was asking you to do so as a friend.
Jisung reached out to un-zip your pants. You relaxed and smiled up at him. He didn't even glance at you, fully focused on taking your clothes off.
When you were down to your underwear, you couldn't take it any longer. You suddenly jumped up at the man, hugged him tight and kissed his soft lips hard. Fuck, I'm so horny. This is so good!
Jisung rolled over and sat up on your lap. He placed a knee on either side of your thighs. You squeezed his naked body and wrapped an arm tight around his neck, to keep your upper body from falling back onto the mattress.
Seated in each other's arms, Jisung's hard dick got caught between your stomachs. Your chests rubbed together as you began to thrust your hip, poking your covered boner between his bare ass cheeks.
You made out with passion while your hand explored his back, waist and firm ass. Jisung rode you slowly over your underwear, sending immense pleasure to your cock each time he rubbed against it.
“Wanna fuck me?” Jisung asked. He wasn't oblivious to the fact that you had desired him through all these years.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
Jisung gave you a naughty smile. “Me first,” he said with a seductive smirk.
There's a little gay in all of us, you thought and smirked back.
“You sure?” you asked.
Jisung put a hand on your cheek and looked straight into your eyes. “Turn around and bend over.”
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Sex starts here…
Before you knew it you found yourself on all four. Jisung was on his knees behind you, pressing the tube you had given him into the palm of his hand. He smeared the gel over his dick and around your hole, then bent down and kissed your back.
He guided his cock with his hand. You spread your legs wider, and he pulled your ass closer with a hand firmly planted on your hip.
He seemed experienced and that surprised you. “Have you done this before?” you asked.
“Yes,” Jisung said. “Don't you remember?”
“Yeah,” you said and laughed. “But I didn't think you did.”
“I do. It felt great and I've dreamed of it happening again many times since then. We also used to watch gay porn together, remember? I still do sometimes. Maybe I picked up a thing or two.”
You didn't respond, as you felt the head of Jisung's hard cock play around your asshole. It found its target and gradually expanded it. You were used to it. It didn't even hurt.
Jisung, however, was not accustomed to the sensation. He grimaced, having all but forgotten how tight an asshole can be compared to a pussy. Even with the lube it hurt him, the way the head was pressed into a tight ball when it tried to squeeze inside.
The gel helped though, and your ass was stretchable. Gradually, the hole expanded and the head slid all the way in. From there, it only got easier.
Jisung was overcome by the immense pleasure your asshole gave him. He hadn't had sex in a long time, and the last time he was with a man was with you.
He was desperate for it. Be it with a man or a woman, he needed and wanted this badly. He could hardly contain his arousal and excitement, which became obvious to you when he squeezed your hips hard and began to thrust fast.
Last time you did this together you both lacked experience. Your sex had been soft and insecure. You had spooned the man and slid inside him with caution, and he had penetrated you while you lay motionless on your stomach.
This time, you had both changed. You knew what you wanted and dared to take it. There was no reason to hold back.
When you first felt Jisung's cock expanding your hole you closed your eyes and let the sensation take over your body. As the dick rubbed against your insides, you opened your mouth and moaned.
Jisung's rapid thrusts felt incredible. His hard shaft filled you up and slid in and out of you with ease. The head jammed repeatedly against your g-spot, bringing both of you ever closer to an orgasm.
“Mm, I forgot how good this feels,” Jisung grunted. You weren't sure if he meant gay sex or sex in general, or if it was more personal than that.
“Ahh, you're so eager,” you said. It was a positive remark, not a complaint, but it made Jisung slow down.
He leaned over you and kissed your back. You spread your legs wider and collapsed on the mattress. Jisung's heavy body weighted on yours. Your chest pressed into the mattress as you rocked your asses up and down.
The side of his face brushed against yours. You felt his warm breath on your skin. “Mm,” you whispered. Your bodies clasping together in harmony felt unusually nice and romantic.
“Is this what you needed?” you asked and twisted your neck to kiss Jisung's cheek.
He turned his head and kissed your lips. “Yeah,” he whispered.
“Can I… Can I fuck you?” you asked.
Jisung went silent for a moment. He had only ever had one cock inside his ass – yours – and that experience was brief and a long time ago. “Okay,” he finally said softly.
The response thrilled you. It wasn't unexpected as you recalled that Jisung had enjoyed it the first time, and he wasn't one to shy away from trying new things. But at the same time, something changed in your friend.
He stopped thrusting slowly into you, and just lay there on top of you, completely still. He stopped kissing you but made no effort to change positions. When the bumping mattress stopped moving, all you could feel was his weight on your back and his pulsing organ still deeply engaged inside you.
You lay like this for several minutes. It felt nice. But you realized that though Jisung seemed willing to try to take your cock, you were the one who needed to take the initiative. Maybe your friend needed a push.
You gave it to him by rolling on your side. Jisung's body slid off you, and when he hit the sheets he too rolled over and turned his back against yours. Your asses touched, until you did a one-eighty and faced his long, slim, sexy back.
You couldn't wait to feel Jisung in your arms again, to rub your dick against his cheeks, and to penetrate his cute, tight ass. You were about to get what you wanted.
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You put your arm around Jisung and spooned him. You felt his beating chest and flat stomach, which moved in and out with each deep breath. You caressed his skin, briefly grabbed his dick and stroke it, then reached in between his legs.
Jisung let you come inside. He raised a knee to spread his thighs for you. Your fingers found his hole and massaged the rim. You pleasured him softly, slowly loosening and expanding his ass.
You turned to reach for the tube Jisung had left on the bed. You squeezed the gel out, and rubbed it on your fingertrips and around Jisung's pink asshole.
He just lay there, motionless with his mouth half open, as your fingers slid inside him. First just one. Then two. Then three.
As Jisung gradually expanded and was slowly able to take more of your hand, you stuck your fingers deeper inside. Lubricated and gentle, you carefully massaged the walls inside his ass, and felt around with your tips to find your friend's pleasure points.
Through it all, you had your eyes closed and your face buried in Jisung's shoulder blades. Your nose brushed against his back, and the soft, warm skin felt great to touch. You occasionally kissed and licked him, and his hair tickled your forehead.
When you had three fingers deep inside your friend and attempted a fourth, Jisung grimaced and asked you to stop.
“Ouch,” he said. You had reached his limit. The question was, was it enough to attempt the next step. Would he be able to take your cock? You certainly hoped so, and in this moment, so did he.
You slowly pulled your fingers out. Your hand had started to cramp, plagued by the tight grip of Jisung's hole and the uncomfortable position as you had tried to reach as far inside the man as possible. It was a big relief to both of you when the fingers slid out.
“Can you take it?” you asked while playing with your dick between Jisung's legs.
“I can try,” Jisung said.
That's what you wanted to hear. You pushed yourself away from your friend and looked down. You had a hand on his shoulder while guiding your cock with the other.
The head found its place, taking the position your fingers had just been in. The gel had dried up, so you grabbed the tube and added some more, before attempting to push the head inside.
Jisung's body remained frozen. He tensed up as you penetrated him slowly. You let out a deep sigh, fully focused on the sensation of the tight asshole gripping your head and stopping the blood flow to it.
“Are you okay?” you asked when the head was half way in. You could imagine Jisung's strained expression.
“Yeah,” he said. You could tell that he was fighting hard to appear more comfortable than he was. Being penetrated from behind wasn't easy for someone who wasn't used to it.
Still, Jisung took it like a champ. The head eventually came all the way in, and just like when Jisung first fucked you, it all got easier from there.
When the shaft was part way inside, you pulled your hips back slowly. You withdrew to just before Jisung's tightest spot, then thrust back in to where his hole felt soft and spacious.
Jisung started to relax. Your fingers had already loosened him up, and the small, slow but repetitive motions of your head and shaft rubbing against his insides made the pain bearable.
Within minutes, it wasn't just bearable, but felt pretty good. Soon, the experience was as pleasurable for Jisung as it was for you. You could hardly wait to dig into his skin and fuck the man hard.
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Click here to continue reading part 2.
Click here to buy me a coffee.
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queerprayers · 6 months
hello! i had a quick question
so deuteronomy 18:14 mentions practicing magic and divination as not being allowed but, isnt prayer magical in itself? are we not practicing some form of divination when we celebrate our Lord (in our silly rituals and practices)? any thoughts on this?
thats all! have a blessed day!
Good question, beloved!
The differences between prayer and magic and worship and divination and ritual and practice are largely cultural and informed by our associations with a religion/culture/ethnicity. Ancient indigenous religions are often seen as primitive and naive for instance, more aligned with magic than "proper" religion, and newer religious practices are dismissed as "made-up." There's also inter-religious accusations that go on—think about how some Protestants describe Catholic rituals. And then there's people who are anti-religion in general, and see any spirituality as silly magical beliefs.
I would say we can make a distinction, however, between treating prayer as magic and treating prayer as worship and connection. If I believe saying this prayer ten times will heal my illness, this to me seems more of a magic spell than a prayer. Now anyone is welcome to believe in magic spells, but nonetheless I prefer prayer as a purposeful entering into God's presence, perhaps seeking specific blessings, but with no formula or assumption of a specific outcome.
If divination is gaining insight through religious practice, then definitely lots of Christians practice that. When people reduce practice to figuring out the future or interpreting signs or asking God for proof, I see a formulaic religion rather than a connecting one. I think we can definitely look at our practice and ask if we're treating it as a formula/spell. But my definitions of these words (and what I look for in religion) may differ from yours, and obviously a lot of this is cultural. I'm using "magic" to describe things I connect with less than "prayer," but this is arbitrary, and many people would consider my definition of prayer to be magical as well. 
All that said, I'm not sure any of this has much to do with Deuteronomy, so I'll also talk about the verse you brought up. Jewish law is always interesting to bring up in Christian circles, and we should acknowledge that we do not have the history of interpretation/relationship that Judaism has with it. We do have a relational history with it, but it's very different and doesn't align with the people who compiled these laws.  (Is this appropriation? Many would say yes, in the sense that Christianity inherently is. That's a whole nother conversation.) There are many Christian attitudes toward Jewish law—for me, it is a valuing of what I believe God gave to humans, with an acknowledgement that I am not the intended audience and am not called to follow it, but rather to honor it. The law's focus on justice and worship matters to me, albeit in a very different way than both its original audience and current Judaism.
Deuteronomy 18 bans occult practices by specifically referencing the nations/cultures around ancient Israel. It is comparing ancient Jewish practice to its contemporaries. Many biblical laws, in fact, exist as a way of differentiating Israel from other cultures, and many of the moral laws are in response to practices they would have seen around them. There's a huge focus on being set apart, on practicing a religion that doesn't look like anything else. That's not to say they're random—in fact, they're very specific.
I've said the difference between religion and magic is cultural, and Deuteronomy lays this out perfectly. From a modern lens, animal sacrifice to achieve forgiveness may seem primitive, like a magic spell. And yet, magic spells are prohibited. To them, it obviously wasn't sorcery—it was religious practice.
We do have specific practices that are condemned, like interpreting omens or consulting the dead, but there are plenty of those things (or at least things adjacent to those things) in the Bible. The implication is always don't do these things like those other people. You're an Israelite, not a Canaanite. You don't eat those things or dress that way or do those things in your temple because God wants you to commit yourself specifically to a new way of doing things. 
What does this mean to us, though? Canaanite paganism isn't practiced anymore, as far as I know. In our time and place, there's more of an awareness of respecting others' cultures and religions, even when we don't understand them. So what does it mean to honor a law that condemns magic in 2024?
Although you could investigate how you treat prayer/ritual, the relevant question to me in light of Deuteronomy isn't really "Is prayer inherently magical?" but "Am I being purposeful rather than conforming to those around me? Am I honoring the specific ways Christianity exists? Is my practice relevant to my beliefs, or could it be anyone's? Is it obvious through my rituals that I am a follower of Jesus?" I don't mean you have to advertise (Jesus actually specifically taught against that), but why are you Christian and not anything else? Is Jesus at the center of your practice? 
These ideas are very relevant to me in the US, surrounded by conservatism/evangelicalism—I don't want my faith to look like theirs. Maybe both our practices look like magic to an outsider, but I know how mine is different. (I'm not trying to put myself on a pedestal here—it's all a journey, and I won't pretend I know the "right way" to do things, but I strive towards a practice that causes less harm than theirs.)
To conclude: whatever your prayers/rituals are like, honor God through them. Don't fall into formulas or assumptions, but allow space for God to change you until you are fundamentally at odds with those who use God for evil. In a world of empire and capitalism and conservatism and violence, find a new way of doing things. Look more like God than the world; set apart your life. Paul tells us (Romans 13:8) that love does no harm to a neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. I wouldn't worry about whether your prayer looks like magic, but about whether it looks like love.  
<3 Johanna
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mastermindmp3 · 5 months
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I feel its no secret that I try to analyze the songs within the context of the album and that alone. I think there's so much artistry that is often ignored when trying to focus so solely on passing paternity tests about parables told by the potential paramour's songs. ( ok, I really reached for that alliteration, sorry. )
But like, I've been a Swiftie since 06. I do know that these songs are about Taylor Swift's life, and frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Empathy and connection are what, I think, her music is about. How deeply personal is absolutely part of the appeal.
I feel like this acknowledgement will definitely be more prescient in analyses to come, but... god, god, this song is heartbreaking, and it feels so personal. Some songs are vertical slices of the author's life, and dear god, does this feel like one.
Suppose the only thing left to do is place the slide under the microscope, yeah?
There's so much to go into here. The song is so mired in death. There's loss and grief, but this one feels more potent. The speaker isn't trying to justify her grief to other people this time, isn't trying to preempt it (see: Down Bad, saying she was heaven struck, even if for such a short time.)
We open on the title, framed in the same interval as church bells ( and Big Ben ) and throughout the song, we realize that the bells are for a funeral. Cause of death: disaffection and depression.
Can I say? I really love the delivery on the very first verse. I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist. She delivers it so softly, so warmly, with the last bit of hope the song holds. Fairy lights could be so many things - it could be literal, the fairy lights on someone's porch. It can also be literal for the homophonic meaning: ferry lights, seeing the boat leave as she says goodbye to London. It could be the mythic suggestion of the will o' the wisp, which exist to mislead the traveler who sees them. Perhaps our speaker's later actions are all in vain, because she was following ghostlights.
She tells the audience all she did to try and save her love. Kept calm and carried the weight of the rift. Keep Calm and Carry On being, memeticly, a piece of propaganda distributed in Great Britain during the lead up to WWII. This tells us that perhaps she tried to ignore the ways her relationship was failing, and then, when that didn't work, pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
Then, she tells us how her clinging hurt her. To hold so tightly to someone causes muscles to ache, and even the speaker says, [Her] spine split from carrying [them] up the hill. The speaker is starting to lose hope, here, I think. As she sees how much she's putting in, and how little her lover is giving back.
I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the heath. / I stopped CPR / I was going down with [the ship.]
It is so clear, through vocal desperation and how deep Taylor's notes get, that the speaker gave everything she had to try and save this romance. But she was only given "quiet resentment" in return.
I try to only pull from TTPD for these posts, but the talk of going down with the ship, the imagery of rain ( wet through my clothes ) it all brings to mind just... One thing. Well, actually, two things:
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Rain as a symbol of depression is very classic shorthand. We call rainy days "gloomy." I feel like, very obviously, the Speaker's lover is depressed, but I think, less obviously: the speaker is too.
How much sad did you think I had in me?
For me, it calls to mind an old friend, who was going through a dark spot at the same time as me. They... refused to work on getting better, and I hate to say it, but yes, getting better is such nasty work. In a way, the Speaker is expressing that too. She was putting in the nasty work of keeping their relationship together, but also, of putting herself back together.
And her lover didn't. He swore he loved her, but the speaker died on the altar waiting for the proof. You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days. Refusing to care, allowing yourself to wallow in depression when someone else is doing the work for you, will be the final straw in many relationships.
I think, by tying the two together, over this running beat, the speaker is explaining why she has to go. Why, for her own mental health, the relationship must end, before she, too, is sacrificed.
I founded the club she's heard great things about.
The speaker put so much work into the relationship (and by proxy, her lover's mental health) that she feels she reinvented her lover. And as he finds new loves, ones who've heard 'great things' about him, she feels resentment... And yet, she also doesn't. After all, she still says that they:
Had a good run / a moment of warm sun / but I'm not the one
In the end, though worsening mental health played a role, the death knell was the all too real: changing hearts and minds. Life went on, and the speaker and her lover fell out of love with each other. The Speaker could no longer choose to stay, not when their love was so obviously corpse cold. I stopped CPR, after all, it's no use.
She knows she'll take blame (You say I abandoned the ship,) for being the one to officially pull the plug. In the context of this song, though, the blame lays with everyone and no one. Some romance can't be resuscitated, and to continue to try well beyond expiration only creates dull, dying pangs.
Taylor creates such a living picture, for such a dying love, and it's genuinely such good songwriting.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Magura (Monster)
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(Realistic Magmar by Namh on Deviantart)
(I mentioned these earlier in @thecreaturecodex's ask box before we started actually talking, and here they are, published to tumblr! Magura started as a servitor race for the Great Old One Cthugha, who is relevant to a character from my Strange Aeons game, and was inspired by the pokemon Magmar, even if it quickly spiraled in its own direction.)
CR9 NE Medium Aberration (Fire)
Magura are a race of intelligent, omnicidal beings who seek to cleanse the universe of life through the detonation of stars. They travel through space on massive fiery skiffs powered by solar sails on a search for stellar systems to annihilate. An average magura citizen is a scholar of these astral detonations and of alien technology, being well-versed in arcane secrets and occult philosophies about destruction, the planes, and fire. Despite this, many magura are spiritual, and the worship of fiends and outer gods (particularly daemons) is a common part of magura societies. 
Magura philosophy understands the material plane, if not creation itself, as a mistake on the part of the gods- a material existence can only lead to suffering, as interpersonal connections and material goods are lost, destroyed, or simply fade to the sands of time. Their answer to this philosophical quandary is to destroy the material plane by snuffing out stars one by one. True to their beliefs, magura do not collect material possessions for any purpose other than practical use, and even then, many destroy or dispose of tools even if there’s a potential future use, much like other mortals have the opposite affinity. 
Magura bodies subsist on solar energy in a process not unlike photosynthesis, though with different chemical pathways. Magura appreciate the irony that they rely on the stars they destroy to move and survive, and acknowledge that the completion of their goal will cause the extinction of their race- this is a sacrifice they are comfortable making, especially as it’s rather far into the future.
Magura leaders are called Magura Guides. Magura Guides can cast spells as an 8th level wizard, and often advance their levels in Wizard or Rogue.
This man-sized creature resembles an upright reptile, but its head has a pointed beak and is covered in large, bulbous growths. Misc- CR9 NE Medium Aberration (Fire) HD14 Init:+7 Senses: Perception:+15 Aura: Flamestoke 60ft Stats- Str:21(+5) Dex:17(+3) Con:17(+4) Int:22(+6) Wis:16(+3) Cha:18(+4) BAB:+10/+5 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:119(14d8+28) AC:22(+3 Dexterity, +13 Natural, +6 Deflection) Fort:+10 Ref:+7 Will:+12 CMD:28 Resist: Acid 5, Electricity 5 Immunity: Fire, Disease Weakness: Vulnerable to Cold Special Defenses: Heat Shimmer Offense- 2 Claw +16(1d6+5 plus Burn) CMB:+15 Speed:30ft Special Attacks: Burn (2d6, DC19) Feats- Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack (-3/+6), Combat Expertise (-3/+6), Improved Dirty Trick, Greater Dirty Trick, Improved Feint, Weapon Focus (Claw) Skills- Acrobatics +15, Bluff +12, Escape Artist +9. Fly +15, Heal +6. Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +14, Linguistics +10, Perception +15, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +15, Use Magic Device +13 Spell-like Abilities- (Caster Level 10, Concentration +14) Burning Gaze (DC15) /constant Fireball (DC17), Major Image 3/day Special Qualities- No breath Ecology- Environment- Space (Hot) Languages- Ignan Organization- Solitary, Wave (4-6 Magura, 1 Magura Guide) Treasure- None Special Abilities- Convection Flight (Ex)- In areas of intense heat, magura are particularly buoyant; they gain a fly speed of 40ft and a maneuverability of average. Flamestoke Aura (Su)- Mundane fires around a magura are empowered by a magura’s internal heat. The Reflex DC to avoid or put out a mundane fire within a flamestoke aura increases to 18, and the damage dealt increases to 2d6.  Heat Shimmer (Su)- A magura’s internal heat warps the air around it, causing a visual distortion. Magura have concealment (50% miss chance) against ranged attacks and a deflection bonus to AC equal to its intelligence modifier. Creatures with the fire subtype can see through this effect.
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ruibaozha · 1 year
so I've got a question for ya
more LMK specific but since you're well versed in knowledge about him, thought I'd ask
I'm curious on your opinion of the (LMK) Nezha "shipping"?
everyone's weird about it bc of most of his interpretations being eternally 12, and y'know, I've got a neutral opinion- I don't really care if people do because immortals have really fucking weird relationships/demonstrations of age due to being very much NOT mortal, and it's a completely different interpretation, and it also HEAVILY depends on the context, so I'm just kind of all "shrug. do what you wanna do"
but I'm simply curious about what you view from it. :D
So I’ve sat on this for a while because I didn’t know how to properly articulate what I wanted to say. I still don’t wholly know, but I will do my best.
I do not personally care if someone does or does not ship Nezha with others, it is common practice within Chinese social media circles to ship and make fanart of these deities together as it is mostly harmless fun.
Nezha is not an eternal child and has never once stated to be one within his original mythos, documentation of him in derivative works, or in the ways he is portrayed in statues. This is not to deny the existence of a child Nezha as he too has his purpose, but things like his associations with lotus motifs and a number of his weapons are specific to when Canonization of the Gods was widely circulated. This is a topic itself that I have been sitting on but want to properly debunk in the future.
I understand the misunderstandings though. A great deal of information about Nezha was never properly localized into English, and the English language media available of him largely presents him as a child. This is not an excuse for remaining ignorant and claiming to have done research you did not do, as I have seen many defensive and angry fans do.
Additionally, I don’t know where the 12 number comes from. I could not find an example predating 2015 that states this, the only example I could find being Overly Sarcastic Productions’ series covering Journey to the West which is littered with various errors and should not be heralded as 100% factual. If anyone is able to locate an example predating 2015 I will be happy to receive it. I have been trying to find the root of this specific misinformation for a while.
It would be disingenuous to pretend that Nezha/Nalakubara did not undergo some form of change in the centuries he has existed and been worshipped. However it must be acknowledged that both his child and adult self hold important functions in terms of deific worship.
At the time of this answer being written I am currently researching Nezha’s extensive military career as well as his birthday celebrations during the month of April.
To wrap this up I will attach various images of non-child Nezhas. I will not further elaborate on this until I am ready.
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generouspersonamano · 4 months
The Bible warns us about the presence of false religions and teachings that can lead people astray from the truth of God's Gospel. Here are a few scriptures that highlight the existence of false teachings and the need to discern the truth:
1 John 4:1-3: "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist."
Matthew 24:24: "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
2 Corinthians 11:13-15: "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."
Galatians 1:6-9: "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and is turning to a different gospel—which is no gospel at all. Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!"
These verses remind us to be discerning, to test teachings against the truth of God's Word, and to stay rooted in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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sansloii · 4 months
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because i draw a lot of my inspiration from media like bloodborne, legend of zelda, the nier series, octopath traveler, etc., I'm constantly sitting here stewing over muses' fantasy verses/aus + the world they come from and it's just like... i feel like a hamster spinning on its wheel
for example, in the group fanatasy au i'm building for all the muses, the continent they live on ( Elysia ) has its magic/driving bio energy... purely due to the fact that its landmass is 100% made up of the corpses of dead ancients and dragons and gods. there's a higher concentration of them in places like Exulan ( Roderick's kingdom ), hence why the capital city can exist, thrive underground, and is the way it is. even then, the existence of the remnants of these beings isn't always so obvious like that--but it's there!
in Meriburn (Dakota's kingdom), they have their "mysterious", god-given flowers and their inexplicable favor when it comes to the sea and its tides due to beings that sleep beneath their feet and in the waters they travel in--many dead and one not.
Sivatis (Andris' kingdom) literally has a god's descendant ruling them and his existence is the tie between the kingdom itself and the land it sits on. it's the reason why they have the seasons, why magic is so dense in certain parts of the kingdom that Andris likes instead of being so widespread
the same could be said for Arcadis (Penelope's territory, which i'm writing up today), especially because it is a coalition of old kingdoms--dead kingdoms--patchworked together following their contribution and involvement to... you know, the dead ancients that make up Elysia's landmass. And like Andris, magic and bioenergy is pulled to specific places because of Penelope.
this magical nature and energy is thinnest around Brecaea ( which Wynn's parent's rule) and that is also why they focus so much on technology and magic's uses for it instead of the other way around. though, in a way, Brecaea balances out the other kingdoms with what they "lack". because without Brecaea and their focus on using magic and bio energy to efficiently develop, it pushes the entire continent forward and to make proper use of that energy while it lasts.
i'd like to think that Elysia is a place full of wonder that travelers come to and are in awe of everything they see. but at the same time, i'm a healthy proponent of... the depth of the history that they have and trying to find some wrongness in it. nobody questions why exulan is so massive and is filled with ruins of castles on the eastern side or pays any mind to arcadis when they express displeasure over this. no one bats an eye at the fact that the meriet people worship a flower that very few have seen in person despite it being plastered all over the kingdom. everyone acknowledges the descendant of a god but no one can tell anyone a thing about why he is there or why he exists on the mortal plane and why sivatis.
and brecaea is brecaea... where the veil of magic is the thinnest but the borders that surround it are where magic is strongest. for a land that is "lacking" it it they have concentrations of energy that rivals exulan lining the kingdom
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aspd-culture · 11 months
aspd culture is : goes into the aspd tag. seems someone claiming house md, (guy whos dxd aspd in the show im pretty sure lol) is actually hyperempathic instead of lacking it and avoids patients due to too much empathy. like ok just avoid the whole boundary pushing / whatever else ok. alright thats enough of that *turns off internet* ive had enough of prosocials damn why do they think the only aspd symptom ever is lack of empathy. god
The amount of people who take *any* ASPD rep - including but not limited to House, this was also EXTREMELY common with Wednesday Addams, who is also diagnosed with ASPD in the show Wednesday - and call it "hyperempathetic autism" is... disgusting honestly. I'm autistic too and I get the desire to have representation from non-infantalized characters, I do, but the erasure of ASPD from the very few sources who intentionally make ASPD representation is not how we handle that.
And, as you mentioned, many people intentionally overlook, ignore, or try to explain away any "bad" behavior (see also: ASPD symptoms) because it pushes against their point.
People are just... so desperate to not admit that anyone they like had ASPD that they will directly ignore and speak over the media's direct acknowledgement of ASPD just so they can see us as monsters and still have permission to like that character.
PSA to prosocials, especially those with no other experience with cluster b treatment:
When the therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist says the character "has antisocial traits" or "is antisocial", that's not a descriptor, nor does it mean they don't like people/avoid interaction with people. That's a medical professional using a different model of discussing a diagnosis with the patient by rephrasing it without the disorder attached. This is super common with ASPD because many pwASPD who are forced into treatment - like House and Wednesday - are resistant to admitting something is "wrong with them", so the professional will use the inital descriptor instead of the entire disorder name. In this case it's "antisocial" with the words personality disorder removed. It's also common to see in media happening for people with BPD, with the character being referred to as "having borderline traits" or "being borderline".
If the professional was referring to them or their traits as "asocial", then it would mean what you guys think it does - they avoid interaction, have a general dislike of socializing/social situations, and generally self-isolate. Antisocial and asocial are not the same, and while you can argue that anyone else in a show calling someone antisocial won't know the difference, their mental health professionals do. Evidently, House and the rest of the cast are also very aware in-canon of mental health, going by the DID episode which was done amazingly well imo. If House knows about Dissociative Identity Disorder, I assure you ASPD is not off of his radar. ASPD is significantly more prevalent than DID, with up to 4% of the US population having ASPD compared to 1% of the population having DID. While there is issues with under-diagnosis, those issues are the case with both disorders, so it's likely that the difference made by that would at most only slightly close the gap between the two. House also researches things purely based on the existence of stigma and/or lack of public knowledge on the subject, and frequently attempts to find out why he thinks and acts the way he does behind the scenes. If you google his symptoms, ASPD would be at least one of the things that comes up. So again, he is not misusing antisocial.
In fact, no one on House, MD would say antisocial where they meant asocial, as they are versed in psychology as a part of dealing with complex cases that have failed repeatedly to be diagnosed. That is shown constantly throughout the show. If you chose 3 episodes at random, I'm willing to bet at least one would show their experience in psychology as one of the team pushes the "it's just mental illness" angle.
All of this is to say that fuck prosocials endless refusal to actually acknowledge ASPD, both in likeable and notably unlikable characters!! Many of them HATE House, yet still can't admit he has ASPD. It's giving ableist, because it is ableist.
Plain text below the cut:
The amount of people who take *any* ASPD rep - including but not limited to House, this was also EXTREMELY common with Wednesday Addams, who is also diagnosed with ASPD in the show Wednesday - and call it "hyperempathetic autism" is... disgusting honestly. I'm autistic too and I get the desire to have representation from non-infantalized characters, I do, but the erasure of ASPD from the very few sources who intentionally make ASPD representation is not how we handle that.
And, as you mentioned, many people intentionally overlook, ignore, or try to explain away any "bad" behavior (see also: ASPD symptoms) because it pushes against their point.
People are just... so desperate to not admit that anyone they like had ASPD that they will directly ignore and speak over the media's direct acknowledgement of ASPD just so they can see us as monsters and still have permission to like that character.
PSA to prosocials, especially those with no other experience with cluster b treatment:
When the therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist says the character "has antisocial traits" or "is antisocial", that's not a descriptor, nor does it mean they don't like people/avoid interaction with people. That's a medical professional using a different model of discussing a diagnosis with the patient by rephrasing it without the disorder attached. This is super common with ASPD because many pwASPD who are forced into treatment - like House and Wednesday - are resistant to admitting something is "wrong with them", so the professional will use the inital descriptor instead of the entire disorder name. In this case it's "antisocial" with the words personality disorder removed. It's also common to see in media happening for people with BPD, with the character being referred to as "having borderline traits" or "being borderline".
If the professional was referring to them or their traits as "asocial", then it would mean what you guys think it does - they avoid interaction, have a general dislike of socializing/social situations, and generally self-isolate. Antisocial and asocial are not the same, and while you can argue that anyone else in a show calling someone antisocial won't know the difference, their mental health professionals do. Evidently, House and the rest of the cast are also very aware in-canon of mental health, going by the DID episode which was done amazingly well imo. If House knows about Dissociative Identity Disorder, I assure you ASPD is not off of his radar. ASPD is significantly more prevalent than DID, with up to 4% of the US population having ASPD compared to 1% of the population having DID. While there is issues with under-diagnosis, those issues are the case with both disorders, so it's likely that the difference made by that would at most only slightly close the gap between the two. House also researches things purely based on the existence of stigma and/or lack of public knowledge on the subject, and frequently attempts to find out why he thinks and acts the way he does behind the scenes. If you google his symptoms, ASPD would be at least one of the things that comes up. So again, he is not misusing antisocial.
In fact, no one on House, MD would say antisocial where they meant asocial, as they are versed in psychology as a part of dealing with complex cases that have failed repeatedly to be diagnosed. That is shown constantly throughout the show. If you chose 3 episodes at random, I'm willing to bet at least one would show their experience in psychology as one of the team pushes the "it's just mental illness" angle.
All of this is to say that fuck prosocials endless refusal to actually acknowledge ASPD, both in likeable and notably unlikable characters!! Many of them HATE House, yet still can't admit he has ASPD. It's giving ableist, because it is ableist.
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lesbianatomy · 10 months
havent been on tumblr for a while but i have been rewatching yuri on ice recently (yes, its that time of the year) & ive been listening to stammi vicino almost non-stop (thank god spotify wrapped alr came out bcs im inclined to believe it wouldve been my top song for this year otherwise) so needless to say i have heard this exact song looped many times & tell me why i just realized that we hear two different versions of it in the anime !!!!!!
im sure many avid fans of the show have long known this already, which is truly embarrassing for myself, having grown up in a music school, but i digress. the first is the original stammi vicino, used in viktor's fs program (the one that yuri famously copies). the other is the duet version we hear during yuri and viktor's pair skate in the former's exhibition.
there are quite a lot of noticeable differences. firstly, the duet is cut in length; perhaps because they didnt require the full duration of the song for the part that it was included in or other reasons, but i think its notable to acknowledge the lyrics that were excluded:
With a sword I wish I could cut those throats singing about love I wish I could enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion
This story that has no meaning Will vanish tonight together with the stars If I could see you, eternity will be born from hope
this is taken straight from the yoi wiki page. essentially, in the original this can be interpreted as viktor mourning his loneliness and yearning for a great love. its highly sentimental but also bitter in a way, even. viktor's status as someone of incredible fame and talent has distanced him from life and love, which is ironic given that he is now skating to a love song. the music naturally reflects this: cmiiw but i think the ensemble fits the standard of an orchestra from the romantic period; you can tell from the dramatic use of percussion, wind instruments, and the grandiose crescendos and range of emotion in general. the way i see it, this very much encapsulates what viktor is actually skating about: it displays itself as a very bold declaration of love, in line with viktor's reputation as a legendary, almost mythic figure, but the reality is that no one is there to stay close to him. he is begging for a love that does not exist; an absence of it.
compared to the original, the duet is much more subdued, but no less sentimental. there is a sweeter, more assured quality to it that i feel is missing from the other version, which is clearly yuri's effect on viktor's life. i remember reading a fic recently about how the main instruments used in yuri on ice (the song) aka the piano and the violin actually represent yuri and viktor's respective roles in yuri's journey, though i believe they also took inspiration from someone else's idea. regardless, thank you to whoever it was that initially came up with that analysis!!!!! because of that i understand why the duet begins with piano instead of a wind instrument like in the original; another nod to yuri's presence. there's also a much clearer emphasis on the violin in the duet!
(also, idk about you but when i listen to the duet as it nears the end, even though they never show the full exhibition program, its so easy to imagine how they continue skating the rest of the routine. down to the ending pose & everything. just soooo visceral and excellent)
whew. long-winded rant about stammi vicino over. i love this song & i genuinely think that even if you have no interest in yoi you should still listen to the soundtrack (passacaille in barcelona & kamome are in my top 3). worth ittttt
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xekutozoren · 7 months
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My version of Aquaroth/Sephqua (explanation rant)
Felt like explaining how I got into it. It's interesting how Tumblr seems to support it quite a bit but Pinterest is like ??? to it.
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I guess I initially just wanted a character that wasn't really involved in the main KH story to appreciate Aqua for who she is and what she does. Aqua seems to give a lot to others to the point where she sacrifices her own ideals and herself. And the in-game characters don't do much for her imo.
I do still support Terraqua so it's Sephqua in a universe where Terra never ends up reciprocating her feelings. I can't deny how many times I got annoyed at Terra for not really showing he cares about Aqua like, at all.
And then KH3 happened and a lot of stuff in it made me annoyed too. Examples include no apologies happening between her and the Wayfinder trio, Ven not showing much appreciation for her, her getting tossed around after vamping her up and bringing her back, the game shifting the focus onto Riku when she was finally pouring out her feelings, Sora and Kairi not even remembering her etc. I get that a lot of these things could have happened offscreen/isn't really justified but it still made me feel the game just kind of abandoned her/treated her as a plot device.
After seeing some fanmade content about Sephqua I tried exploring it myself. I admit that I haven't actually played/watched FF7 so I really only know Sephiroth based off his wiki page and existing Sephqua content. My interpretation of him is also a bit loose and more working off his KH2 almost non-existent screen time as an excuse for doing what I want with his character. At this point he would be similar to his pre-Nibelheim self with a touch of snark. He sees visions sometimes of his canon-verse self but hasn't gone through all of that in this universe and is still capable of redemption. He's merely "the darkness of Cloud" as the KH verse called it, trying to find his purpose in my makeshift universe. His age would be more ambiguous to make the pairing work better (though Aqua being stuck down there for 12 years makes up for the difference anyway)
And one of the biggest things was ANGST COMFORT FOR AQUA'S PAIN.
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I like the idea of him meeting her in the Realm of Darkness, intrigued why she refuses to give up despite no one seeming to really care about her, etc. At first, he'd just treat her as something to pass the time and not really care about her well-being but that changes eventually. >w> He is also drawn to her strength both physically and mentally.
I imagine she would be guarded towards him at first but eventually let her walls down a tinsy bit. But then she'd be furious with herself for going against Master Eraqus' ideologies and being worried what he might think of her being acquainted with someone who's full of darkness. But she eventually learns to go after what she wants, not what someone else expects of her. I like that dynamic of Sephiroth teaching her to be more selfish and her helping him find his light again.
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In the AU, I'd like to see something play out that didn't in KH, which was Aqua being saved after the others. Though it wouldn't really make sense how they'd reach Ven first but it would be satisfying to see the other two do something for her for once. Sephiroth would be with her getting out of there and have to earn the trust of the keyblade gang/get over the fact that he's with warriors of light. His god complex eventually fades overtime as his feelings develop for her.
I like the idea of the two of them learning each other's vulnerabilities overtime as well as how to trust each other. It would be really interesting to see Aqua helping Sephiroth uncover the truth behind his biological parents too.
Sephiroth's need for comfort with the lack of a proper motherly figure and Aqua's need for someone to properly appreciate and acknowledge her. They love each other for who they are, not who they're expected to be.
Another big thing for me is how their interactions would go. I'm a simple woman and like banter in relationships. > w < Sephiroth would tease her a lot and Aqua would get embarrassed easily.
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That and I notice Aqua likes physical affection like hand holding and head patting in the games so it would be nice to have someone like Sephiroth who I imagine would be more hands on with her.
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Not sure if anything I wrote here made sense. I typed this up pretty late. Gonna leave it there with one more doodle.
Refs are from Positively Yours, hana and a username that I don't really want to type publicly ^^;
Thanks for reading my spam! ; A ;
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