#one of the few voices that i remember So Clearly even tho i haven’t heard it in years
xoshepard · 1 year
ohhhhh travis voices lon’qu from fe:a!! sometimes there’s a gravelly quality to his voice that sounds super familiar and i think that’s it
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gubler-me-up · 3 years
Eye of the Beholder
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Request: So u and Spence work together and u haven’t gotten together before. One day, the weekend after a tough case, he comes over to hang out only to find you all puffy and a mess. (Like 3 day old unwashed hair). He realizes why, emotions are revealed, and boom! s m u t
A/N: Thanks for the request, @bi-sub-spence! Not going to lie, this took me a minute to write because I wanted to fit every component in that you requested but had to modify some things to make it flow (had to dim the smut down a bit sorry it’s still a smut tho!!) I hope you enjoy it!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Plus!size fem reader
Category: Smut 
Content warning: Self-degradation, mention of a fire, mention of death, fingering, clit stimulation
Word count: 3.7k
You packed up your things to get ready to leave the bureau for the weekend. You felt as if the week had been longer than a normal week. It felt as if you had just lived through three weeks back to back with no breaks. On top of the case you and the team wrapped up, it felt as if the whole world was out of your hands.
A lot had been going through your head the week before the case. Usual feelings of doubting your impact on the world. The doubt of having a purpose. The case solidified your doubts of even being on the team anymore.
You froze when you heard Spencer call you. You felt your throat go dry and your eyes widened as you got lost in your mind. Everything seemed to play out right in front of you again.
“Y/N,” Spencer yelled.
He grabbed your arm to yank you away from the flames coming from inside the house. You tried to yank your arm away from his hand but he wasn’t letting you go. You needed to go back in there to save him. It was your fault he ended up trapped in there in the first place. You should’ve been in there with him.
You tried to yank away from his grasp again but he didn’t give you another chance of trying to get away from him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back. You were pretty sure he could feel you shaking to your core as manic tears started running down your face and the sound of despair left your mouth.
“Y/N, stop. We can’t do anything,” he said.
“Y/N,” Spencer called again.
You broke out of your train of thought as you turned your head to look behind you. He stood a few inches away from you and the concern plastered on his face wasn’t hard to miss. It was hard to think he would look that concerned if he didn’t already know what you were in deep thought about.
You grabbed your bag and placed it over your shoulder. You flashed a quick smile to show him you were fine. You didn’t fool either of you. You could see in his eyes he had this unwavering sympathy that you wanted to run away from. You didn’t want any more sympathy. You wanted to lay in your bed and forget about your life.
“Are we still on for this weekend?” He asked.
You raised a questionable eyebrow. “On for?”
“Remember? I was going to go over to your place, so we could watch some movies and order pizza,” he said.
“Oh, yeah, about that. I think we should postpone until next weekend,” you said.
You could see the instant disappointment and further concern all mix on his face. He reached out his hand to grab onto your upper arm. He gently rubbed it to send some reassurance your way. On any other day, you would have been giddy if he even reached out in an attempt to touch you but his touch only reminded you of him holding you back from the fire.
“Y/N, we can talk about what happened. You don’t have to go through this alone,” he said.
You flashed a smile. “Thanks but I just need some sleep. I’ll talk to you on Monday.”
Before he could get another word in, you yanked your arm away from his touch and walked past him. You rushed out of the bullpen before he could try to stop you because you knew he will. It’s not as if you blamed him for holding you back from saving a life. In fact, you blamed yourself a great deal for putting someone’s life in danger through your missteps. Going back in the fire was the least you could do to amend for what you did.
When you unlocked your apartment door, you didn’t feel your usual sense of relief of being home. After a long case away, you would have been giddy to be back in your bed. However, you still felt torn inside. You couldn’t get the fire away from your sight. The smell of smoke still filling your lungs. The last bit of chance saving Michael when you saw him close the door.
You walked in and closed the door behind you. You dropped your bag at the door as it was becoming too heavy. Not because it was packed heavily, you actually packed it quite light. You just couldn’t find the strength to hold anything anymore. You barely even had the strength to stand as you felt your knees shaking.
You could feel your whole body shake the more you walked towards your room. You wanted to crawl into your bed immediately and forget about your week. It would be even better if you could forget about your whole existence as well.
You opened your bedroom door to be greeted by the mess of your room. Clothes on the floor, cups half-filled covered your nightstand, your bed unmade. It would stay like that until you found the energy to sort it out. The way you felt like not moving for an eternity, you guessed it would have to wait that long to get done as well.
You passed by your huge standing mirror in your room. You stopped and looked at yourself. You scanned your body from head to toe and back up. You knew if you weren’t horridly overweight you could have ran faster to grab Michael in time.
You pinched the skin on your side. You kept pinching it harder and harder and harder until it became numb pain. You watched yourself in the mirror. You looked like an absolute wreck.
You stopped pinching your side and moved your hand’s attention to your face. You caressed over the scars of imperfections past covering your face. You tilted your face up to reveal even more of them covering your neck and chest.
You were disgusted by yourself. Of course Michael wouldn’t trust you. You looked like his enemy. You would run into a ticking time bomb as well.
You could hear your phone ringing from within your bag. You couldn’t find the strength to move away from the mirror to answer it. It felt as if your brain couldn’t think of anyone wanting to contact you after figuring out who you truly were: a monster. You let it ring.
And let it ring and ring again. You just let it ring as you stared at yourself until your eyes felt as if they were going black with only the imagery of flames being the constant flash of light in the darkness. You could feel the smoke in your lungs. You wanted to scream out for Michael but you couldn’t make a peep. You just stood there, useless.
Your phone was still ringing but there was a faint knocking coming from afar. You groaned as you opened your eyes. You didn’t even remember getting into bed but you were glad you were laying down. You couldn’t even fathom getting up. The noise around you, however, was making it difficult for you to fall back asleep.
You couldn’t think of what all the noise was for. You were starting to think it was all in your head. You couldn’t think of one person who would be calling you nonstop, let alone someone visiting you. You closed your eyes to try to shut out the noise and to go back to forgetting about your existence.
Your eyes shot open when you heard the faint sound of your voice being called. The voice sounded familiar but you decided to not decipher it. If you ignored them for long enough, they would probably go away. However, they kept calling and calling and calling your name. Your phone was also still ringing and if you could guess, whoever was calling your phone was also calling your name.
You slowly got up from your bed to go towards your front door. You had a feeling the voice behind the door was the only person you knew who would come to check on you.
You stood at your door and peeped through the peephole to see Spencer standing there, knocking and calling out your name. You couldn’t see his expression clearly but from the sound of his voice you could tell just how much concern he had for your wellbeing.
You would open the door to show him you were fine but he would see right through it. Your hair hadn’t been washed in a while, you were still in your work clothes and who knows what your face looked like with all the smudged makeup you had failed to take off. You would look like the monster you knew you were all along.
“Y/N, if you can hear me, can you please let me know you’re okay? I’ve tried to call you all weekend but you haven’t been answering. I just need to know you’re okay,” he said.
You sighed as you unlocked your front door but made sure the chain was still intact. You didn’t want him to see the whole of you. Just enough so he knew you were breathing.
As you opened the door, you saw his face immediately relax in relief as he saw half your face peeking at him. He looked at his phone and immediately hung up whoever he was calling. When he did, your phone stopped ringing as well, as you had expected.
“I’m okay,” you said.
“You haven’t responded to anyone’s calls or texts for almost three days. I-well, we were all worried,” he said.
“I’ve just been taking some time for myself. Nothing to worry about,” you said.
“If that’s the case, may I come in? I brought some movies and popcorn, so we can hang out and hopefully make you feel better about our last case,” he said.
As soon as he said that, you could feel your mouth go dry. The cloud of smoke came over your vision and the heaviness filled your lungs. It was almost too hard to stand. You could only shake your head as you tried to close the door. He stopped you by shoving his foot in-between the door, so you couldn’t lock him out.
You looked at his foot blocking your escape. You wanted to slam the door in his face and run back into your bed. You didn’t even know why you got out in the first place. Now he wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
“Y/N, can you please let me in?” He begged.
“Spence, I think it’s best I don’t,” you said.
“Why’s that?” He asked.
“Because…” you started as tears flowed down your face.
There was a moment of silence between you two as he waited for you to continue. You were having trouble piecing together why you didn’t want to let him in. You were a mess, you were worthless, you were hideous. You couldn’t let him come any closer to you.
Then you felt his hand cup your face as his thumb gently wiped away a tear. You didn’t want to look up at him to see any more of you. Not the tears, not the scars, not the smudged makeup. You didn’t want him to see you for who you really were.
“I’m not going to let someone I love suffer in silence like this,” he said.
You immediately looked up as soon as he said the word ‘love.’ You had to look at him to see if you had imagined those words leaving his mouth. As soon as your eyes met his, you knew he meant what he had said. His eyes were filled with concern and care you hadn’t seen anyone have for you in years.
You sighed as you unhooked the chain on your door to fully open it. He removed his hand from your face as he shuffled his way inside of your apartment. He didn’t take your eyes off of you the whole time as you closed the door. It made you self-conscious. He could see how awful you looked. The raw you. How you felt on the inside.
He looked at you with no distaste though. He gave you a gracious smile, almost sympathetic. You wanted to hide away from his gaze. Even though he was smiling at you, you felt as if he was judging every part of you.
He probably wondered why you were still in your work clothes from Friday or why your makeup was still on. Your hair was tangled and unwashed. You wondered if he could tell. You started to sweat from being nervous of him possibly thinking you smell since you hadn’t showered in almost three full days.
“It’s okay to ask for help sometimes,” he said as he dropped his bag.
“What?” You asked.
“Have you had a relaxing bath in a while? That's what I do when I’m feeling down,” he said.
“You said you couldn’t let someone you love suffer. I’m just happy you stopped by to say that. You don’t have to do anything else,” you insisted.
He shook his head. “I want to. I feel terrible for not going home with you on Friday to make sure you were okay. The look you had on Friday left me feeling…guilty.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Guilty?”
“I should have tried better to let you know that nothing was your fault about the case. I know how hard you take things and it hurts knowing you get down on yourself. I just want to hold you close to let you know everything’s okay,” he admitted.
You let out a long sigh after digesting everything he said. It  didn’t fully erase the pain or depression you were feeling towards yourself or the case but you loved the fact he was trying. You could hear how genuine he was about wanting to be there for you.
You formed a small smile. “This job is haunting. It doesn’t help that tough cases weigh heavy on me and I start questioning myself even more than I already do.”
“You shouldn’t do that. You’re a great profiler, a great person, and most importantly, you’re you. You should love everything about you as much as I do,” he said.
You paused before you said anything again. That was the second time he had said he loved you. At first you didn’t think much of it but now you were considering he was trying to tell you something. You stared at him intently to see if he looked as if he loved you. If you were as great of a profiler as he said, you could tell.
“How much do you love me?” You asked, softly.
“I love you enough to start a hot bath for you and we’ll go from there,” he suggested with a shrug.
“I’d like that a lot,” you sniffled.
Spencer had his back towards you as you took off your clothes to hop in the hot bubble bath he had prepared for you. Even having him so close to you made you nervous. What if he could somehow see your rolls or stretch marks on your thighs? Would he take back everything he said before if he saw how low your breasts sagged without a bra?
You could feel the cloud come back over you as you hopped into the tub. Even though his words made you feel alive inside, you couldn’t shake the awful thoughts about yourself fully. It was not knowing how he’d react to you once he saw your naked body. If he saw your naked body.
You looked at him to see his back still turned as he leaned against the doorframe. You splashed some water on your face to remove your makeup residue, so you were completely you. You could feel your hands shake.
“Are you in the tub?” He asked.
“Yup,” you said.
“Would you like anything? I can get you something to drink or even a snack,” he said.
“No thank you,” you said.
“Okay, I’ll leave you to relax. I’ll just be out in your living room,” he said.
“Wait,” you said.
You paused before you continued. You didn’t know if you wanted to say what you wanted to anymore. You sighed as you were about to tell him ‘nevermind.’
“Can you stay here with me? Like, sit next to me,” you asked.
He slowly turned around to look at you. Your heart stopped as he examined you with wide, curious eyes. He smiled as he walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet right next to the bathtub as you requested. He was blushing as he tried not to peek at the body parts not covered by the millions of bubbles.
You tried to cover yourself up with as many bubbles as possible. You couldn’t even imagine what he was thinking. He probably saw you for your real size and real scars and hated it. He was just too polite to say anything about it. You started to think it was a horrible idea inviting him to be with you while you bathed three days of filth away.
“You really love bubbles,” he commented.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
He looked at you concerned. “Is there something wrong? Is the water too hot? Do I make you uncomfortable? If I’m staring a lot, I don’t mean to it’s just that-”
“You think I’m hideous,” you said.
He violently shook his head as he looked repulsed by you even uttering those words. He gently grabbed your hand from the depths of the hot water to hold it in his. He squeezed it tight and held it close to him as he gave you that same genuine look from when you opened the door.
“Y/N, I know learning to love yourself takes time but I want you to know that I love everything about you. You’re the most gorgeous woman to me, inside and out. I’ll be here every step of the way to help you realize that,” he said.
You could feel the tears flow down his face as you listened to him. Some of the words he said were finally sticking to your brain as you started to accept his feelings. It meant the world to you he was there for you with such love and generosity in his heart.
“I love you, Spence,” you said.
He smiled. “I love you too. Is there anything else you need me to do for you?”
He used his free hand to wipe your tears as you thought about what you really wanted his hands to do. You wanted him to feel the real you. If he loved you for you, would he be willing to touch you in more ways than just your hands?
“It’s a weird request and don’t feel obligated to,” you said.
“I’d do anything for you. All you gotta do is ask,” he said.
“Can you make me feel…feel…” you said as you tried to put it into words.
He used his free hand to caress your neck up and down. You smiled at his gentle touch as he understood your drift without you needing to explain yourself further.
“Would you like me to go lower?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yes, please.”
He smiled as his face turned visibly red. He caressed his hand down your neck to your chest. You watched as his eyes focused on your breasts as he gently cupped one in your hand and gently massaged your nipple. You softly moaned.
“Am I doing good?” He asked.
“Very,” you moaned.
He smiled. “Would you like me to go lower?”
You nodded and he didn’t hesitate to obey. You watched as his hands caressed down your stomach. You held your breath as nerves took you over as he touched your stomach. You were sure he’d say something about your rolls but he seemed laser-focused on pleasuring you. Good thing his sleeves were already rolled up.
His hand reached your clit and you moaned as you felt him carefully rubbing it. You clenched your hand tighter in his as you tried to steady your breathing. You couldn’t imagine the last time you felt so excited inside. It was as if something inside of you was coming alive.
“Do you want me to go faster?” He asked.
“Yes,” you moaned.
He did just as you wanted. He circled your clit over and over again until you were practically moaning his name unprovoked. He yanked your hand towards him to move you closer to him. He embraced you in a kiss as soon as he snuck two fingers into you.
You aggressively moaned in his mouth as his fingers curled in you. He gently rubbed your g-spot as his thumb still worked vigorously on your clit. You could barely keep your composure as he made you feel things you couldn’t put into sensible words.
“Oh my God, Spence,” you moaned.
He kissed you again. “I just want you to feel good. Always.”
You grabbed onto his shirt to pull him close to you. He immediately went back to kissing you, not getting enough of you. He let go of your hand to grab the back of your neck to keep you in place. He engulfed every moan you let out as his fingers worked you.
They worked you so much, your legs were shaking in the water. You could make waves from how much they were trembling. This tingling came over your body and your breathing became unstable to the point you thought you weren’t even in the moment anymore. You were somewhere else completely experiencing heaven.
You broke away from his mouth as you let out a breathless moan. You felt the electrifying feeling of an orgasm go through your body. You hadn’t felt something so intense in years. Once it passed, you looked Spencer in his eyes. He stared at you with a joyous smile on his face as he pulled his fingers out of you.
“You look at peace,” he said.
“Because I kind of am. You’ve made me feel things I haven’t felt in awhile,” you said.
“I’m glad I could make you feel that way. I hope this is a start in making you feel happier and happier today,” he said.
“I think we’re off to a good start to making that happen. Maybe the next steps would be some needed help with cleaning my room," you said.
He smiled and nodded. “Anything for you.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection @slutforthegubes @pinkdiamond1016 @spencerreidsthings @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @slutforsr @bxtchboy69 @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @agentadhd @fanofalltheficsx @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @dinsprettygirl @multixfandomwriter @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @laneybobeczko-g @littlewierdalien @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @muffin-cup @jessalyn-jpeg @princesssmooshie @solitarypeachh @spensual​ @gubler-me-swallow-me @reidsbookclub @isabellasimps @doctorspenceryeet
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Hello my beloved! ( Can I call you that? And people it's platonic!) I have an idea and this is for pogtopia wilbur and ghostbur! Can you do a reader who loves painting and one morning they find a picture of them with a note about the reader confessing to then but they didn't do it in person because they were really nervous? Thank you!
And please take as much time as you want also could it be a long story? Thank you!
- Your beloved Moosh 🥺
Moosh, darling! Hello! Yes, you have my full permission to call me that, thank you for asking! This is the third time I've written this story because Tumblr just really enjoys screwing me over...
Also. You never clarified whether you wanted fluff or angst, but it's Pogtopia Wilby so I kinda just went with angst? If you want a happy end to this, I'll rewrite this no problem! But it won't be as long because... Well, you'll see. Also also, I didn't exactly know where to throw the Ghosty Bur in, so... Yeaaaah? He's at the end tho!
TW: (Sorry it didn't save the first time) C!Schlatt, bruising, threatened hanging, self doubt
Perfect Picture of Imperfection (Pogtopia!C!Wilbur x GN!Painter!Reader)
Maybe you painted Schlatt's horns the wrong colour? Or his jawline was off? He was furious when you finally showed him your art piece... It was the best you could do with the few hours you were given! Paint physically couldn’t dry as fast as Schlatt wanted it to you… He didn’t seem to care when he threw the wooden frame of the torn canvas at you, giving you a dark bruise right above your eye, or when he started yelling at you and threatening to burn your art studio down to the ground.
Or even when he grabbed you and suggested to Quackity to hang you at the gallows for insulting the emperor of Manberg.
The man you had once been friends with grinned widely and nodded happily, “Yes, sir! Yes, sir!” He said, without a single care that you were a living human being, only giving a cheer as he picked you up so your feet were dangling on the ground, leaving you silent in terror. Tubbo only averted his gaze.
“Aww… You’re like a little fawn, caught in the torchlight of a traveller.” The ram hybrid smiled in a sickly sweet manner, causing the colour to drain from your face, “Come now, darling, I’m not a monster… You’re the only one of Wilbur’s sweet little subjects that he hasn’t gotten back, and here I thought you were his favourite… Or maybe he left you here to act as a sacrifice so they could all be off doing their own thing... Guess he prefers Niki over you…” He whispered as he dropped you, chuckling softly as you scurried out of the building as you quite literally ran for your life.
You called Wilbur when you were safely hidden in your house, gasps and sobs leaving your mouth quicker than tears could pool out of your eyes…
“(Y/n)... You can’t be calling me when-”
“Wil…?” You whispered into the communicator, your voice shaking enough to shut him up immediately, “He… He’s going to…” Hiccuping meekly, you curled in tighter on yourself as you heard Schlatt’s loud and pompous voice come over the speaker system he had hung up all around the once beautiful country, “I think I’m going to die here…”
The dead silence that followed through the line was sickening…
“Is it true…?” You couldn’t help but find yourself wondering aloud, “Is that why I’m the only one left here? Am I a sacrifice so you can live happily elsewhere? ...Is that why you haven’t come to get me?”
“(Y/n), I want you to never utter those words again.” His voice was dark and steely as there was a bit of crashing around that came from the other side as well as faint mumbles which were clearly from Tommy judging by all the swearing, “You are not a sacrifice. Now... Get your Enderchest and Inventory packed up, I’m coming to get you tonight, and then I’ll explain in person…”
The line cut off and you slowly lowered the communicator down from beside your ear. Your heart was sinking one minute, but soaring the next… A terrible feeling really. You were saved! But… He could get caught trying to come to get you… You couldn’t let that happen for sure. With a heavy sigh, you rubbed your eyes free of tears before standing up and beginning to shove any necessary equipment into your Enderchest, including your finished painting of Wilbur that you were going to give to him when he won the election… And finally, confess your feelings…
When midnight hit and the lights of the city finally died down, you climbed up onto your roof and looked around for the president, fear and paranoia flooding through your veins as your mind went wild. What if he got caught? What if he was trying to give you false hope? What if. What if. What if. These sort of questions buzzed around in your mind for an hour as you waited for your saviour to arrive…
Finally, when enough became enough and you decided he wasn’t coming, you stopped pacing and slowly sat down on the roof as the tears began to start again. You could practically hear Schlatt chiding you in the back of your mind, telling you that you were a fool for holding out hope.
“(Y/n)!” A low hiss came from beside you and a hand touched your shoulder. You certainly would’ve screamed bloody murder if another hand hadn’t quickly wrapped around your mouth, “Sh, sh, sh, it’s me… It’s Wilbur.” The voice soothed softly as the hand left your mouth, quickly allowing you to turn your head.
It didn’t feel real… Seeing him after so long… And in an outfit other than his uniform. “Wil...bur?” You repeated, staring at him for a while before giving him a soft smile filled with relief, “You really came…”
“Of course I did!” He almost seemed offended for a moment before his eyes softened as he realized what Schlatt must’ve drilled into your head. Wilbur easily caught you as you flung your self at him, quickly wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your (h/l) (h/c) hair, “I missed my artiste…” He whispered, donning a temporary french accent for the word ‘artist’.
Holding back a sob, you quickly grabbed his extended hand and followed him as he jumped off your roof, safely landing in a bed of hay that you used to feed your old farm animals that Schlatt confiscated before following him out of this damned country.
After that, things seemed to change between you and Wilbur. He always seemed to be at your side, choosing to personally train you rather than letting Techno train you with everyone else, or even running over ideas on how to expand Pogtopia with you rather than with Tommy. His touches always lingered longer or he somehow wound up leaning closer to you than originally necessary, but you never caught yourself complaining. He would watch you paint beautiful designs along the armour he had gifted you, knowing full well it would chip off and was heavily unnecessary, but he only smiled and let you continue doing it as long as it didn’t interfere with enchantments.
Each day with Wilbur became better and better, but your heart physically couldn’t take it any longer, you had to tell him that you felt this way for him… The way that you had to fight back the reddening of your cheeks when his chest pressed against your back as he adjusted your stance in training, or the way you had to struggle to regulate your breathing every time he complimented you on how far you had come…
He was going to be the death of you…
Your already calloused hands were bruised and blistered, but somehow, you were still able to hold a quill, pinched in between the fingers of your dominant hand. Wilbur had come to your Pogtopia home this morning, but upon realizing that he had knocked you to the ground a little too hard yesterday as you were incredibly stiff and sore, he let you have the day off of training.
This was at least a little chance… You had torn a page from your notebook and sat down at your handmade desk with a bitter sigh. Trust me, you wanted to tell him in person, but you were just too scared… Plus, maybe you could play it off as someone pulling a prank on him if it went south.
Biting your lip, your fingers treated the quill as a brush, delicately running the ink dipped tip over the top of the paper, letting your heart control what words you wanted the ink to form.
You don't realize how much you mean to me. Although we've been friends for only a year, I feel as though I've known you my entire life. My connection to you is already so deep, and my love for you is already so strong that I can't remember what my life was like before we met. Even more, I can't imagine my life without you now. I can't imagine the future without you, either.
You have saved my life several times already. You have even saved me from myself several times, too! I am so thankful for your guidance and care. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I know that I can just give you a call. I know I can depend on you and, with your help, everything will turn out well.
I want you to know how I really feel. It's time for you to know that I'm ready to admit how much I care for you, how much you mean to me. I know, this isn’t the best timing in our lives, but I trust it will get better through your leadership. I love you, Wilbur.
Please, don't ever forget how much I love you.
Love, (Y/n) (L/n)
Sighing, you put the quill into the inkpot and put your head in your bandaged hands. ‘This is going to work. It will work. Go on. Have faith in yourself, as Wil said…’ You took a few deep breaths and stood up, picking up the letter once it was dry and reading it over as many times as you physically could before your mind couldn’t handle it any longer.
Walking to the door, you cracked it open to search for any sign of your president, sighing again as you realized he was likely out helping gather resources. “Is… This enough?” You mumbled sadly as you stared down at the simple letter before looking at your Enderchest in thought. Surely you could give him a few emeralds or some gold… Yeah! That’s what you’d do! Smiling in victory, you quickly wandered over to the chest and opened it, digging through it for a few moments.
It was sort of empty…
You groaned as you remembered that you haven’t really been one of the miners or forgers for Pogtopia. Instead, you were one of the warriors, focused on protecting others instead of gathering supplies.
Going to shut the chest, you suddenly paused as you saw something colourful resting at the bottom. Pushing aside your old L’Manberg uniform, you gasped as you found your old painting of Wilbur from a few months ago. It was old, yes, and a little dusty but you were still proud of it even now! Perfect.
Pulling out the painting, you began to lightly brush the dust off of the picture, smiling at the splashes of paint and colour forming a picture. It was your magnum opus.
It was a painting of Wilbur holding up a massive L’Manberg flag against the sunlight with a wide smile and hope in his eyes… This was the day that L’Manberg won independence from DreamSMP…
Standing up again, you quickly hurried out the door and walked to Wilbur’s room, silently creaking open the door and looking around, even though you were well aware that he was gone for the day. You walked over to his desk and gently setting the painting down on top of the countless sheets of work, making sure not to mix up any of the papers, then putting your letter on top where he could see it before hurrying out before you could change your mind.
Thankfully you got out when you did because, by the time you pulled an already baked potato out of the furnace, Wilbur came down the stone stairs, looking extremely exhausted, “(Y/n), my artiste…” He murmured with a smile, “I’m glad to see you’re still up and going… I was worried we would have to make you a healing pot.”
“It’s not too bad… It’s mostly just my hands that hurt.” You chuckled and held up your shaking bandaged hands, “You want me to cook you up some potatoes and carrots? Or I could maybe try and get some steak cooked up before you go to work?”
Wilbur tried to smile a bit, deciding not to question why your hands were shaking so badly, taking everything out of his inventory and placing them in their designated chests. “No, no… It’s alright. I’m going to go get ready for Tubbo’s report… I’ll see you later tonight, okay?”
You gave him a small wave before Wilbur disappeared into his office. Taking a sharp intake of breath, you quickly followed after him and peeked through the tiny crack in the door where he didn’t close it all the way. He stood in his room silently for a moment before throwing his hat off at a wall, screaming into hands, muffling it heavily to the point where you wouldn’t have heard it if you were still near the furnaces. Wilbur threw off his jacket before plopping himself into his chair with his head in his hands for a few moments, then lifting it to stare at the painting that you had placed.
He was still for a long time, then he slowly picked up the note, his eyes softened slightly before his face broke out into a wide and genuinely happy smile before his mouth twitched and the smile began to fall, tears bubbling into his chocolate coloured eyes. Wilbur held the note up to his chest and slouched back against his chair, sobbing into his hand, whispering ‘I’m so sorry’ repeatedly.
Frowning, you realized that he physically couldn’t return your love because of the stress of caring for Pogtopia and trying to win back L’Manberg. With a sad smile, you stood up and walked to your room, putting your head down as you saw water droplets hit the stone below you, “It wasn’t a no…” You tried to tell yourself, ignoring the tears running from your eyes as you shut the door, sliding down to your knees.
The next few weeks after that were hell, the complete opposite of the Utopia that you were blinded by for the past month. Wilbur asked Techno to pick up your training, and he never even spoke to you about it again… It was the Piglin hybrid that awkwardly told you. During dinner, Wilbur would practically eat as little as possible as he ignored you, trying to make any situation where he would be in the same room as you as short as possible.
“Wil-...” You reached out to the president but watched as he only gave you the saddest gaze before walking past you as if he never saw you. But he would have no problems talking to Niki, or anyone else! It wasn’t fair!
Time ticked by in a haze of fog and you quickly watched the man you had once fallen in love with becoming a complete shadow of his former self… It was sickening… He… Lost it… His mind was becoming twisted… And all you could do was watch in horror…
You knew something was wrong when he crept away from the festival and the celebration… But you just decided that he was going to take a break from the excitement. He was quite old after all…
Then the ground shook with booming roars as TNT blew craters into the earth, sending debris scattering and people screaming, scattering for their lives. Gasps of terror escaped your lips as you realized the cause of it all… You hopped over gunpowder scented broken stone and batted the smoke away as you saw the final picture to paint the last stroke of horror in your heart.
There was a blond man with massive avian wings holding a diamond sword glimmering with enchantments as the brunet clung to his clothing, slowly sinking to his knees. With a sob of despair, you watched the man you once loved so dearly, get stabbed through the chest by his own father.
“WILBUR!” You shrieked, your ears ringing from the blast as you sunk to your knees, sobs racking your frame violently. Wilbur’s head lazily rolled to look in your direction…
And in his last dying breath… He smiled…
“That painting…” A light airy whisper echoed through the darkened stone halls of your home, “It’s familiar… Yet so foreign...”
You gave a hum as you hung your netherite armour on your stand before turning to stare at the spectral figure floating in your doorway, “Which painting, Ghostbur? There’s many… You have to elaborate.”
“Right! Because you’re an artiste!” The transparent male chirped happily, not seeming to notice your flinch, “I mean the one hanging above the fireplace, of Alivebur.”
“Right…” You nodded, following behind the eager sweater-wearing ghost down the eerie hallways and into the office, "I'm going to take it down... I think it's doing more harm than good..."
Ghostbur didn't seem to understand your reasoning, but he didn't say much, knowing that Alivebur hurt many people... But he didn't think he hurt you, "It's pretty though... But your art style has changed, in a good way though!" He smiled softly as you opened the large dark oak double doors.
You walked past your grand dark oak desk to stare at your former magnum opus, dangling above the unlit fireplace. "Hey, Bur, if you have a flint and steel, could you light the fire please?" You glanced over and watched him nod as he dug through his pockets. In the meantime, you climbed up onto the mantle and began to struggle to pull the canvas off the wall. With a bit of hassle, you managed to pull it down and toss it onto the ground before climbing down, just in time for your ghost friend to light the fire.
"Don't damage it, (N/n)! It's still really good!" Ghostbur scolded you with a pout once you hopped down and picked the canvas up, "And you used to be proud of it!"
"I'm not, don't fret too m-" You paused mid-sentence as you saw a letter tucked into the bottom corner of the back of the painting. Frowning in confusion, you slowly picked it up and turned it over into your hand, only to discover that it was addressed to you in fancy cursive, sealed with a light red and white wax seal, "What's this?"
He looked over at you and tilted his head, seeming almost as genuinely confused as you were. Ghostbur shrugged as you propped the painting up against the wall before sitting at your desk, using your letter opener for its purpose, "Love letter, perhaps?"
"I doubt it..." You mumbled softly as you carefully unfolded the paper, recognizing that it was probably a few years old, "Let's see... Who wrote this..." You hummed before beginning to read.
My darling artiste... I'm sure by the time you read this, I'm either dead or... Well, most likely dead, if all goes to plan...
I am writing this letter to you to let you know that life without you is not the same. Life without you is very sad and lonely. I have realised that it was you who keep me alive and cheerful.
I thought I would get used to your absence from my life, but every day has been harder when I think of all the good times we spent together.
There are so many things which I want to confess. It's killing me because I don't want you to go another day without knowing how I feel about you.
And I'm not able to tell you I'm in love with you.
What an idiot I am.
And for the past few days, I've been trying to figure out, why there aren't some words to describe it. I want to tell you exactly how I feel but there isn't a single goddamned word in the entire dictionary that can describe my love for you.
But I need that word. I need it because I want you to hear me say “I love You". I want to make the sweetest gestures in front of you which make you feel even more loved.
Trust me... I know... I act like an absolute ass towards you. I'm so scared of your life being in more danger than it was... I really did love you, and still do, but I didn't want it to hurt you more when I blow up L'Manberg...
Darling, I could have simply called you on your communicator and took you out on a surprise date but I couldn't have expressed my feelings. You have become an integral part of me. I want to give you all my love throughout my life.
The painting you made me is beautiful and I will cherish it for as long as I'm alive... It's a perfect picture of imperfection...
I Love You, (Y/n), even if by now you'll never love me back.
- Wilbur Soot
"That... That idiot..." You whispered, holding your head in your hands in an attempt to hide the tears from Ghostbur, "He planned blowing up L'Manberg from the beginning... That's why he refused to acknowledge me after I... He wanted me to hate him..."
Ghostbur held a bit of blue in his hands tightly, avoiding your gaze as you murmured to yourself, "Yeah... Most of my happiest memories involve you... That's why I couldn't understand when you said Aliverbur hated you..." He glanced away again as he saw you look at him.
"(Y/n)... Are you ever going to move out of Pogtopia?"
"Probably not for a long time, Ghostbur."
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movedbl0g · 4 years
stray kids - reacting to you being an artist
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
🖤requested by @tayatubby
-> I hope you like it!!
(Gifs also belong to their original owners)
Bang Chan:
Chan finally got a day off, he was spending the last days in his studio, busy with working on new music. So when you finally could meet again, you decided to go on a picnic date, bringing cinnamonrolls and a lot of other stuff with you.
After you ate, Chan laud down, his head pointing up while resting on your thigh, slowly drifting to sleep. You softly stroked his hair, when u had an idea. You grabbed your sketchbook from the bag besides you and you started to draw the peacefully sleeping man in front of you.
You were almost finished, just a few little details missed, so you were looking at Chan, appreciating his features in order to draw them right. All of the sudden, a little “hey! You’re staring!”, brought you back to earth, as you were completely zoning out. “Oh- I I’m sorry I just-“ , you stumbled nervously, but after your eyes met Chans , you both laughed it off.
Then, Chans eyes fell into your sketchbook. “What are you drawing?”, he curiously asked trying to peak on the page. You tried the close the sketchbook as fast as possible, but Chans fast reflexes already kicked in and he grabbed the book before you could close it.
As he saw your drawing, he immediately blushed and let out a small chuckle. “I didn’t know that you can draw that well y/n! This looks really amazing!! Why am I only seeing this now?? Please,,can tou draw something for me??”
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Lee Know:
You were sitting on the couch in the large dance practice room,the room filled with the sound of music and Minho’s steps. He has been practicing for a while now, while you carefully watch every movement he makes.
After a while you decided to draw a little, you always had a sketchbook and a pencil with you (just in case), so you pulled it out of your beg and opened a free page.You started to sketch the different movements Minho did, analyzing his anatomy and emotions, trying to include them in your sketches.
Once you had the base of several movements and poses in the paper, you started working on the little details. You were so caught up in drawing, that you didn’t notice that the music suddenly stopped and that Minho walked up to you.
“I didn’t know that you could draw that well, y/n!”, he said and you clearly heard the amazement in his voice. “Thank you”, you said while your cheeks flushed red. “But no matter how good my drawing skills are”, you continued,” the drawings will never look as handsome as you do in real life”.
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Finals week were coming up soon, but you just couldn’t concentrate on the school stuff in front of you. You tried listening to calm music and asmr, but nothing seemed to help. Your mind just kept swaying to other things or well...Changbin.
You started to mindlessly scribble on your notes,but after a while you started to draw an actual portrait from Changbin on your notes, trying to bring in all the details, like the sparkle in his eyes and cute dimples.
“I thought you wanted to study”, a voice behind you said, causing you to jump. You blushed and tried to cover the drawing on your notes but Changbin already laud his eyes on it. “Is- is that me??”, he asked,you were not able to tell if he liked it or if he thought that it looked horrible.
You hid your face in your hands, trying to hide the embarrassed look an your face. “Yes...maybe....”, you said slowly, waiting for a clear reaction. Changbin started to giggle, blushing from your cuteness “it really looks amazing, you could definitely sell this!”
You both started to giggle. “Well, maybe you should draw another one tho, because these math equations kinda kill the vibe”, he added,giving you a small peck before walking into the bathroom.
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“You really think that you can draw better than me?”, Hyunjin asked teasingly. “I mean we could do a drawing contest and let the other members decide who won”, you answered confidently,raising an eyebrow at him.
What Hyunjin didn’t know,is that you always were good in arts and you even studied it for a while, before you decided to concentrate on other things. After you both agreed on a theme you both started drawing, a wall of arts supplies blocking you both from looking at the other’s artwork.
Time flew by quickly, you were both silent for the most time, concentrating on the drawing in front of you. “I’m finished!”, Hyunjin suddenly screamed, confidence written in his face and you can’t help but let out a small giggle.
Hyunjin eyed you offended “so you’re thinking your winning, huh”, he stated in a teasing voice, “then show me your drawing fir-“. He stopped in the middle of his sentence, as you turned around your artwork to him, causing him to gasp out loud. “Nooooo”, he whined dramatically,” how was I supposed to know that you’re THAT good at drawing....this is not fairrrrr”
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It was the first time that you two went to your apartment. You had been together for a few months now, but you always met at different places and mostly the dorm.
The two of you had bags filled with groceries in your hand,since you were planning on cooking together this evening.After a little bit of struggle you opened your apartment door and held the door open for Jisung, letting him walk in, while his eyes explored your apartment.
As you put down the groceries in your kitchen, Jisungs eyes fell on the colorful wall in your apartment, it was filled with little drawing, landscapes, forms and a lit of different things, but somehow it all harmonized to one big picture.
As you catched your boyfriend staring at the wall, you walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his chest while pulling him close “Do you like it?”, you asked. “Are you kidding me??”, he answered, his voice excited while his eyes were still lingering on the wall, “this is one of the most amazing and beautiful things I’ve ever seen...I can really be happy to have such an talented partner like you, y/n”
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“Do you want to help me decorate this cake??”, Felix yelled from the kitchen,while you were busy scrolling on your phone in the living room. “Sure,,I’m on my way!!”, you screamed back, putting your phone down and making your way into the kitchen.
“The cake smells totally amazing!!”, you complimented as you pulled Felix into a tight back hug. The boy giggled,putting both of his hands on yours.”what theme do we want to go for?”, he asked while turning around, so that he can face you. “what about if we try to recreate the latest album cover and draw a group photo on it?”, you suggested.
“But isn’t that kinda complicated?”, Felix asked worried, but you gave him a reassuring smile. “ I mean yeah, it’s not very easy, but if we mess up we just have to eat the cake as quick as possible, so no one sees it” you said jokingly, turning to the cake to star decorating it.
After some time you were finished with decorating, the kitchen was a really big mess, but the cake turned better out than you expected. “Woahhhhh”, Felix let out as he saw the cake. “You’re talent is crazy...like wowww look at that.....”, he immediately pulled out his phone to take a picture of the beautiful decorated cake. “Now i really don’t want to eat that cake, because this artwork of yours is more than amazing”
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You were sick today, so you stayed at home to rest and get healthy again as soon as possible.But as time went by,you started to get really bored, so you decided to look up pictures from your boyfriend and decided to draw him.
Your bed was quickly filled with art supplies, your sketchbook on your thighs as you started to draw. You started with a simple sketch, but it soon turned into a detailed fanart and you even incorporated colors (what you usually don’t do).
After the piece was finally finished, you had to go to the toilet, so you put down the drawing on your bed and rushed into the bathroom. While you were away, Seungmin returned home, bringing your favorite take out food with him.
As he entered your bedroom, he saw the drawing of him on your bed and looked at it for a while. “Why did you print out a picture from me?”, Seungmin asked as you came back. “Huh...what?” You asked confused, until he pointed out your drawing. Your cheeks turned red and you started to giggle. “Minnie, that’s a drawing...”
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You came home from work and found your boyfriend in the living room drawing while talking to his fans in vlive. You gave him a small smile as a greeting and he immediately smiled back at you.
“Do you wanna draw with me?”, he asked while holding up a blank paper. You hesitated at first, but after he gave you a pouting-puppy-stare you gave in and took the paper from his hand, sitting dien behind the camera, facing Jeongin.
He continued to talk with his fans, peeking over to your drawing a few times, but he couldn’t really see what you were doing. Your mind was totally focused on drawing, you haven’t done that in a while,but now that you are drawing again, you remembered how much you loved it and how stress relieving it was.
“I’m done!”,you shout out after a while, holding your paper up to Jeongin, so that he can finally see your drawing,while waiting for his reaction. His jaw dropped open as he looked at the drawing. “Omg look guys!”, he stated while taking the paper from your hands and showing it to the fans,”I didn’t know that you could draw that well!!”. His eyes lingered over the drawing, appreciating every single detail in your drawing,while you were blushing at the cute reaction of your boyfriend.
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
relight that spark
jatp au - chapter 1 - part 2/15? - 9,385 words
the prologue/part 1 (tumblr link) if you missed it!! (ao3 link) :D
so obviously this is pretty slowly updating already and it probably willll get worse 🤪 i might post the next part in like a week tho, it's not a full "episode" chapter and i already have it fully written and i'm pretty happy with it 😗✌️
this chapter is pretty long and i apologize for that bc i know i get annoyed when i have to stop in the middle of a long chapter and then my phone like loses my spot or whatever lakdshgjfs but idk how else to do it so .. just have my apology lol sorryyy <3 the next "episode" chapter is looking to be longer tho sdlkhglsj
chapter title and lyrics in this part from "wake up" from the julie and the phantoms soundtrack (whichhh if you haven't heard it... you should listen to it after reading maybe 👀)
plot and a lot of the dialogue from julie and the phantoms so like credit to all those creators and writers 🤪
warnings for this chapter: grief, mentioned character death (regarding kurt's mom)
read below the cut or here on ao3!! <3
There’s a deep-seated weight of dread in Kurt’s stomach that he’s unable to ignore for the entire morning.
His last chance at the music program -- he needs to play again today, for the first time in over a year, or he’s done.
It’s all he can think about all day. He makes it through his first few classes, somehow, walking through the halls almost mindlessly, thoughts far away and only worrying about what he’s going to do, barely paying attention to who he’s almost running into, because he doesn’t know what he’s going to do.
It almost feels like last year again, when school started and everyone knew and everyone was staring at him in the hallways, even though he knows that they’re not right now and he knows most of these people couldn’t care less about him not being able to play at this point, but in his head it feels like they all know, like they’re all waiting, waiting and watching for him to play again and sing again.
He has been, too, for over a year.
He stops at his locker to wait for Mercedes before going to class.
“We’re gonna get tattoos together,” comes her familiar voice out of nowhere.
Involuntarily, Kurt smiles a little, turning to Mercedes. “Umm…?”
She shrugs and smiles back at him. “You know, when we’re adults and out in New York together or something. Just -- you know, at some point.”
Kurt raises an eyebrow, silently saying, where the hell did this come from. Mercedes raises both of hers as if to say, answer the question. “Just curious,” she adds out loud. “Could start planning them now.”
He chuckles. “Of course. I’ll get all the matching tattoos with you.”
Grins and silent agreement pass between them and they both turn toward the lockers, a welcome break in the slowest part of the day, the voices and noises of other students filling the air.
“I know you don’t want me to ask, but…” Mercedes starts slowly after a moment, and Kurt nods his head in acknowledgement; he knows what she’s going to say. “Do you know what you’re going to do today?”
He puts some books in his backpack, mainly for something to do. “I’ll know in the moment,” he says, somewhat truthfully. He could just say what he thinks will happen, which is nothing. But Mercedes can see right through him anyway, so might as well stay somewhat positive until it happens. Or rather, doesn’t happen.
Mercedes sighs a little. “Mrs. Harrison said today is your last chance,” she tries, leaning on her side against the lockers.
“I know, I was there,” Kurt says lightly, letting his eyes scan the contents of his locker a tenth time. Mercedes reaches over and squeezes his hand lightly. Her eyes tell him that she’ll stop talking about it for now, and he squeezes back gratefully.
The conversation with Mercedes has really helped, though; it always does. If he’s going to spectacularly embarrass himself in front of his music class, and probably for the last time, at least he’ll have Mercedes there.
She sees it in his smile, and she sends it back. You always will, is her silent whisper.
A sharp, cheery voice pierces the air and makes them both turn their heads, and the uplifted mood from the conversation with Mercedes disappears when Kurt sees none other than Quinn Fabray, in her Cheerios! uniform, complete with a tight ponytail and perfect smile as she hands out what appears to be flyers to passing students, who are immediately won over by her status, closeness, sweetness. Finn Hudson lingers behind her with his guitar case and his own stack of flyers that he’s not handing out nearly as enthusiastically.
“Spirit rally Friday!” Quinn’s saying as she all but shoves another flyer into the face of a nervous freshman who takes it and scurries away, doing a double-take once they pass her. “Come see the Cheerios! do their new routine, and my group, the Unholy Trinity, perform our brand new original song!”
“What’s she handing out?” Kurt whispers to Mercedes. A corner of his lip quirks up despite the general unpleasantness of seeing Quinn.
“Desperation?” she answers with a small smirk. When Kurt turns back, Quinn is in front of him. He holds back a grimace at her fake smile and cheeriness.
“Hey, guys!” she chirps, as if they’re just any two other students at this school. “Here you go, my group’s performing at the spirit assembly on Friday!”
Kurt flinches back a little as a flyer appears much too close to his face and he takes it instinctively, holding it lightly in his fingertips. It truly looks like something Quinn designed -- perfectly professional, impressive, eye-catching -- and he can’t say it looks bad, as much as he might want to. He eyes Quinn over the top of the flyer.
“I’m sure you guys have nothing better to do,” Quinn continues, that smile still on her face, and there are the claws, Kurt thinks as he resists the urge to rip up the flyer right in front of her.
“Oh, my gosh, Quinn, thank you!” Mercedes says in an exaggeratedly sweet voice, clearly -- or at least clearly to Kurt, and likely Quinn as well -- imitating the specific tone of voice that Quinn takes, and Kurt stifles a laugh.
“Oh my gosh, Cedes, don’t bother coming!” Quinn says with a wide smile, turning away with a whip of her ponytail to continue pushing her flyers.
Kurt looks back at Mercedes, mumbling, “She did not just call you Cedes,” while Mercedes crumples up the flyer in her hands.
“Well, she did,” Mercedes says. Kurt can see the anger behind her eyes and he raises a concerned eyebrow. “I’m fine. She just… you know.” She dismisses his silent question.
“Yeah.” He loops his arm through Mercedes’ and they head down the hallway, almost running into Finn not three steps from Kurt’s locker.
“Oh, hey, sorry guys!” he says with a sheepish but genuine smile that contains all the warmth missing from Quinn’s. “Did you -- I guess Quinn already got -- ”
“Yep, she got to us,” Cedes says quickly, steering Kurt around Finn. “Thanks, Finn, bye!”
“Please tell me you are over him,” Mercedes says when they’re in a quieter area at the end of the row of lockers. Kurt realizes he’s staring and quickly looks away.
“Yeah, I am.” Mercedes looks at him skeptically and he insists, “I am, promise! You just… don’t find a nice jock like him around here that much.”
She nods, satisfied, and raises her eyebrows meaningfully. “You know they’re going to get married and have a bunch of demon babies.”
Kurt’s jaw drops open slightly and he laughs. “You can’t say Finn isn’t a sweetheart.”
“Only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby,” Mercedes says matter-of-factly.
“What… it’s a dominant gene?”
“Of course.” Mercedes turns back toward Quinn and raises her voice. “Demon!”
The two of them push against the wall, hiding behind the end of the lockers, when Quinn snaps her gaze back. Kurt can’t hold his laughs in this time, and he feels a little bad about it, but… considering what Quinn’s done to them, he can let himself and Cedes get away with it.
“There’s that smile,” Mercedes says gently as they gather themselves. “Now let’s go prove everybody wrong.” She pulls him toward the music room and slowly but surely, the sickening feeling in his stomach returns. He sits down next to Mercedes and just breathes. She squeezes his hand again.
Mrs. Harrison starts class soon after they arrive, getting into the last of the progress performances which are both a chance for the students to show off to their classmates, and also a checkpoint for participation in the music program, which is the part Kurt’s concerned about.
He barely hears as Finn finishes his drum solo and everyone claps and then Mrs. Harrison is calling his name and he’s standing and walking to the piano and oh god.
“Take your time,” Mrs. Harrison says gently.
That’s all he’s been doing for almost a year, just taking his time, but nothing has come of it. He sits down slowly, opening his music in front of him but it’s like his eyes don’t see the notes and just gloss over the page. He looks down at the keys, sets his fingers in place reluctantly.
It’s been so long that the keys almost feel foreign under his fingers when they once were the most familiar thing in the world. It’s been so long that he barely remembers how the song should go and why did he think he could just do this, it doesn’t matter how good at sightreading he’s always been. It’s been so long of him locking the memories in a chained and padlocked safe in the back of his mind and he’s terrified of playing again being what opens it because playing and singing and music has always always meant Mom, and she’s gone which he still sometimes forgets and it always hurts like hell to remember again, so letting himself remember so much more will only make reality that much worse. It’s been so long and what if he’s forgotten, what if he opens himself to the memories just to find that they don’t exist anymore?
It’s been so long; it’s been over a year, but doesn’t that mean he should be fine by now?
He knows avoiding the memories hasn’t been the best idea, but right now he can’t think of anything he could have done differently, can’t linger and regret his choices because he feels so vulnerable and exposed finally sitting at the piano in front of his whole class for the first time in a year, and the choice is right there and maybe he could do it but not in front of everyone his brain screams, and he can almost feel Quinn’s sharp, judging, so far from friendly gaze fixed on him and that is what breaks it, that is something he definitely can’t take and he pulls his hands back with a short inhale and the whirlwind in his mind stops and he can mostly breathe again.
It’s been so long.
Heart still pounding, he gets up and apologizes to Mrs. Harrison because she really has tried to help him and he appreciates it but he still can’t, and Quinn makes some comment and Mercedes fires something back but he doesn’t hear any of it, he just has to leave.
He knows Mercedes follows him out and she calls out his name when he’s halfway down the stairs. He’s started crying at some point and he doesn’t know when. All of it is just such a mess and so present in his mind; he was so close to music again, to Mom, but he’s not ready. He’s scared.
“Kurt,” Cedes calls again, quieter, her voice soft and choked, pleading. “Come on, please. Come back… and show them you can sing .”
He turns to look at her at the top of the stairs. “I can’t,” he says, voice rough with tears. “I’ve tried, for over a year I’ve tried…. I’ve tried for Dad, I’ve tried for Mrs. Harrison, fuck, I’ve even tried for Quinn.” He gives a short, bitter laugh as more tears spill down his cheeks.
“I’ve tried so hard for you.” He gestures up to her, voice breaking. “I’ve tried for Mom.” He closes his eyes for a moment, takes a breath. “And I’ve tried for myself.” Mercedes is also crying a little now.
“For over a year, I’ve tried,” Kurt continues weakly. “But I just -- I can’t. Not… not now.”
He runs down the rest of the stairs and out the door, and he knows he just got himself kicked out of music, knows he just ruined everything.
From mercedes 💖, 2:04 pm:
Are you leaving?
From mercedes 💖, 2:06
Tell me when you get home. I love you
To mercedes 💖, 2:08 pm:
i will, at the park for now
From mercedes 💖, 2:10 pm:
I’ll bring your stuff around later.
To mercedes 💖, 2:10 pm:
thank you
To mercedes 💖, 2:11 pm:
i love you. i’m sorry
From mercedes 💖, 2:12 pm:
Nothing to be sorry for, just take care of yourself okay?
From mercedes 💖, 2:13 pm:
Give yourself a hug from me until I get there to do it for you
“Hey, kiddo, how was your day?” Burt asks as he walks in, putting a hand on Kurt’s shoulder who’s doing homework at the kitchen table.
“It was okay,” Kurt responds with a small but hopefully convincing smile to hide the worry eating away at him inside, because if the school’s already contacted his dad about today, about Kurt ruining his last chance…
“I gotta go again in a bit,” Burt says, taking a drink of water. “Some guy really needs a car fix by tomorrow morning, but I’ll be done by dinner.” Kurt nods, some relief flooding his veins. He turns back to his homework.
“Oh, another thing,” Burt says and Kurt stiffens again. “I wanted to come and check in with you -- I talked to a real estate agent today, and they said if we’re serious about selling the house, we need to take some pictures and stuff, clean everything… and I was wondering if you’re up for cleaning Mom’s studio?”
Kurt’s immediate surprise and hesitance must show on his face even as he tries to keep his composure, because Burt quickly assures, “It’s okay if you’re not ready, I promise; we have time. You know I just -- I wouldn’t even know where to start in there.”
Kurt smiles a little. “No, it’s okay,” he says. “I can try tonight.”
“Awesome.” Burt ruffles Kurt’s hair, which from anyone else other than maybe Mercedes would not end particularly well, but Kurt just laughs and tries to brush the loose strands out of his eyes. “I’ll see you later, Kurt. Love you.”
“Love you, too, Dad.”
Kurt exhales slowly as his dad leaves again.
Cleaning out the studio means having to confront exactly what he’s tried to avoid for a year. The disaster that was music class today doesn’t make him feel better about it… but at least this time he’ll be alone -- none of the pressure of having to live up to the standards of well-meaning teachers or aggressive ex-best friends, none of the pressure of having to play at all, especially from the competitive nature at school. And… maybe he needs it.
Moving from here will only help you move on. Kurt’s aunt’s words echo in his mind. A part of him recoils at the idea of leaving his childhood home -- leaving the spaces his mom used to inhabit and her light and energy used to fill to the brim -- and starting over, someplace where there are none of those memories… he can’t tell if that’s a good thing. It feels like more of the running away that he’s been doing for a year, and he wonders if it really will solve anything.
But maybe he does need it. If staying in this house for the last year hasn’t helped, a change would be good, right?
Turning back to his work, he takes a deep breath and starts planning dinner in his head. He’ll tackle the studio after dinner’s ready.
To Dad, 7:39 pm:
dinner’s done, i’ll be in the studio
Kurt takes a slow breath as he opens the doors to the garage.
It’s not that it’s his first time in the studio after his mom died -- someone had to water the plants -- but he kept any interaction with the rest of the room minimal, so it still feels different to take in the full space instead of just rushing to the plants in the back with his head down. It always came with some guilt; it felt like the least he could do to keep some life in the studio when he could barely even bring himself to enter, let alone fill it with music as it needs to be.
He walks in slowly, some apprehension tickling the back of his neck, trying to stay calm. The familiarity is almost overwhelming this time as he looks around, actually taking in the room. The guitars on the wall, the couch and table, all of his mom’s decorations and knick-knacks. The chairs on the ceiling, story told with a fond smile from his dad about his mom wanting to decorate in a fun special way even while 7 months pregnant. The plants in the back, flourishing in front of the wall of windows positioned to let in the sunrise beautifully, not that Kurt has seen it happen recently.
And the grand piano -- in the center of the room, covered with a sheet, neglected for over a year. Kurt pulls it off now absentmindedly, letting the fabric pool over his feet. He takes a deep breath even though he probably just filled the air with dust, and goes over to the bench. He doesn’t open the lid, not yet. Some sheet music is on the seat and he places it on the piano without looking, sits down and gently touches the fallboard, inhaling shakily, not opening it to reveal the keys but just… remembering what it used to be, what it used to -- still means….
“I’m so sorry, Mom,” he whispers, eyes fluttering shut, “that I haven’t been here.”
With his eyes closed against the dark emptiness of the room, he can almost forget. It’s too easy to think that when he opens his eyes, his mom will be there, and she’ll be writing a song with him, or she’ll be playing, or they’ll just be talking…
Before the idea can flood his mind and leave him reeling when he returns to reality, Kurt stands and looks around the room again. There really is a strangeness to the place now. What used to be so comfortable and an extension of home -- sometimes even more home than the main house -- was always warm and brimming with emotion and joy and music and life -- now cold and dark and hollow, quiet. The familiar bones have an unsettling foreign emptiness around them. It feels wrong.
It needs to be filled. But… Kurt can’t do that.
He misses his mom -- always, but it’s amplified in this space that was always hers. He misses the feeling that the studio used to bring, that spirit that is now dimmed and suppressed. Covered, but still there. He can feel it like a gentle heat behind his skin. Not bad, but overwhelming, and he just….
The loft, Kurt decides suddenly. He’ll start with the loft. There aren’t memories and emotions so confusing and thick there that he’s barely able to avoid it, to push his way through with no energy left to untangle and understand. The loft is just full of random old stuff that his mom wouldn’t throw out and his dad teased her about.
So the loft first. And then he can ease into the rest when he’s more ready. After all, his dad did say they have time.
It’s significantly dustier in the loft; old instruments and random bags full of clothes are scattered and piled across the floor, his own electric keyboard propped up against the wall. Kurt stands on the stepladder a few steps below the actual loft floor, looks around a little, his eyes landing on a CD case lying on the ground -- black with a simple stark white word design: Sunset Curve. He picks it up, eyeing it thoughtfully, brings it back down to the main floor and decides to put it into the old CD player.
He doesn’t really know why he has such an urge all of a sudden. He’s listened to some music, but not nearly as much as before, and has actually chosen to listen to music only a handful of times since his mom died.
But… the studio needs music. As an apology for a year of neglect, and as a goodbye, he can let this music redeem the studio’s spirit a little, fill what he’s left hollow.
And he doesn’t want to be alone in the silence with his memories while he’s going through everything, even just in the loft. As something completely unfamiliar and random, this can give him the distraction and none of the pain. At least, that’s the plan.
Stepping down from the loft stairs, he glances at the picture in the CD case as he opens it -- a band of four who all look like teenagers, staring seriously into the camera -- he doesn’t get a good look at them, just slides the disc into the CD player and takes a seat on the couch.
The opening song starts strong with a gritty guitar riff and a 1, 2, 3! counting the band in. Despite himself, Kurt starts nodding along to the beat. It really is a great song, unique and upbeat…
Then some kind of… panicked screaming makes itself heard, first quietly and he thinks it could be part of the song, but it crescendos and gets unbearably loud --
And then there are three strangers appearing out of thin air before his eyes, screaming as they fall to the ground heavily. Kurt would wince at the sound of the impact --
That part’s certainly unlike any CD he’s listened to before.
He’s frozen, heart hammering and eyes widening as he stares at the three strangers picking themselves up off the ground, taking in their surroundings a little…
“How’d we get back here?” the middle one -- a shorter guy with black hair -- says breathlessly.
Kurt screams.
It’s not his finest moment, but three complete strangers just appeared in his mom’s studio, seemingly just popping into the air, and he can’t say he’s never been superstitious in his entire life or that he isn’t drawing immediate conclusions -- supernatural conclusions, fucking ridiculous conclusions. He doesn’t love that he runs into his dad on his way back into the house which may have also involved a little yelling about seeing ghosts (ghosts who screamed back, for the record), but he makes it to the safety of his room and texts Mercedes frantically, who doesn’t respond.
“Come on, Cedes,” he hisses to himself, shooting off another text. “Answer me!”
A knock from his doorway startles him and he just barely manages to hold back a shout, turning to see his dad leaning into his room hesitantly.
“You okay?”
Kurt gives him what must be a hysterical-looking attempt at a reassuring smile, all wide eyes and clenched teeth. “Yeah, no, totally fine, sorry for -- scaring you,” he replies choppily, tone not even convincing to himself. “Just, um, practicing for a school play.”
Burt definitely doesn’t believe him, but nods slowly anyway. “Well, I’m gonna go clean up -- ” He gestures over his shoulder with a grease-covered hand. “Dinner in like, ten minutes?”
“Yeah. Sounds good,” Kurt says shortly, forcing another smile and a thumbs-up.
As soon as the door closes, Kurt turns back toward his window and tries to get a glance of the studio, but it’s blocked from this angle by the trees in their yard. Apprehensively, he heads back to the garage, thankfully not running into his dad this time, phone in hand and thumb hovering over Mercedes’ phone contact.
When he goes in, it’s empty; no sign of anything out of the ordinary happening.
He scans the space warily, feeling jumpy and nervous, but nothing happens and he mumbles, “I know I saw something, I’m not crazy.”
He hears a soft popping noise and then, “Well, we’re all a little crazy,” from behind him and he turns with a sharp gasp.
“Oh, my god, who are you?” Kurt yells, maybe a little too loud because the black-haired boy winces slightly and all three of them step back a little. “What the hell are you doing in my mom’s studio?”
“Your mom’s studio?” the black-haired guy scoffs. “This is our studio!”
The tall blonde guy bounces forward. “Yeah, like, the piano’s new, but -- ” He looks to the right and his face lights up. “My couch!” he calls, running over and jumping straight onto it.
The girl -- hair black and in braids -- rolls her eyes. “Not your couch, Sam.”
The blonde -- Sam? -- sits up indignantly, stabbing a finger in the cushions. “Hey, I spent more time on this couch than any of you. Pretty sure it’s mine at this point.”
Kurt just watches them with wide eyes, jaw hanging open, with absolutely no idea what to do.
“But these aren’t our instruments,” the black-haired guy says warily, looking around. At some point he and the girl have linked arms, Kurt notices. He watches as they all take in the studio, faces getting increasingly confused and worried. Kurt raises an eyebrow that apparently can go higher than it already is.
“Because… it’s my mom’s studio…” he manages to say again, mind still whirling at the hurricane of new and completely nonsensical information.
“Can you just -- give us a minute?” Sam says, jumping over the coffee table to join his friends. They turn away to talk in a huddle, and Kurt stands awkwardly as they talk in failed attempts at hushed tones.
Tina’s trying to ignore the pounding of her possibly-only-theoretical heart -- she’s dead, how can she even feel a heartbeat -- as she watches Blaine and Sam talk to the… living person in front of them. Sam makes his usual comment about “his couch” and Tina snarks back with her usual response and it gives her some comfort, some familiarity even in this studio which should feel like home, has for so long, and it still does to an extent, but everything here is suddenly different.
The comment does send the strange boy’s attention back to her, though, which she doesn’t really like. Blaine wraps an arm around hers and she squeezes his forearm in gratitude. He did that a lot when they were alive -- knew how and when to offer her his touch to reassure her a little.
At least there’s something that’s still the same.
At least her boys are still the same.
She tries to focus on Blaine’s arm in hers, on Sam’s dumb comments as he comes bounding back to them, hissing, “Guys, what is going on here?”
Tina shrugs. Blaine whispers, “Who is he?”
“He can hear you,” the person in question says pointedly from behind them, but Sam ignores him and says, “Maybe he’s a witch.” He looks up, pointing. “There are chairs on the ceiling.”
“There’s no such thing as witches,” Tina hisses.
“Are you sure?” Sam shoots back. “Because I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts!”
Tina swallows. “That’s fair.”
“So we’re going with witch?” Blaine asks.
“No!” Tina waves her hands at both of them. “No, come on. You guys are just -- he’s probably just overwhelmed, okay? Let someone with a softer touch handle this.”
Maybe “softer touch” wasn’t the right phrase to use in this instance, she thinks, but she really just wants answers and figures she might as well be straightforward. “Why are you in our studio?” she asks, maybe a little too aggressively, stepping up to the alive stranger.
He looks down with a shocked expression and Tina realizes she accidentally got close enough to touch him -- or… pass her hand through his, partially. They both watch as he brings his hand through hers again. It’s a weird feeling -- warm and kind of tingly, or like she’s putting her hand through water.
“Oh my god,” he says, eyes wide. “How did you do that?”
Tina raises their eyebrows a little. “Okay, clearly you don’t -- clearly, he doesn’t get it,” she says, addressing the guys behind her. She turns back to the stranger, gesturing to herself and the others as she explains, “We’re ghosts. We’re just three ghosts, and we’re really happy to be home, so… thank you for the flowers; they really brighten up the room.” She tries to smile at him.
“We’re actually in a band called Sunset Curve,” Blaine pipes up, stepping up to flank her on the left.
“Tell your friends!” chimes Sam on her right.
“Last night was a really big night for us,” Blaine says, a little sadly. “It was gonna change our lives.”
Tina whispers, “Uh, I’m pretty sure it did.” Blaine huffs and elbows her gently.
“This is freaking me out,” the stranger says, shaking his head as he takes something from his pocket.
“What is that; what are you doing?” Blaine asks.
Alive Stranger looks up, fingers still touching the face of the object. “It’s my phone -- nope, stop talking to them! There’s no such thing as cute ghosts,” he says, seemingly to himself.
Sam gasps. “Think we’re cute?” He raises an eyebrow, making one of his insufferable Sam faces; Tina almost laughs.
The boy looks up again with wide eyes, gaze flitting to each of them as if watching for a reaction, swallowing and going back to his phone.
“Who’re you calling?” Tina asks, trying to see the side facing him because that doesn’t look like any phone she’s ever seen.
“I’m googling Sunset Swerve.”
“Sunset Curve!” Blaine, Sam, and Tina correct him at the same time, Sam drawing a curve in the air with his finger.
The stranger laughs nervously, staring at them with wide eyes and then back at his phone. “Okay… so there is a Sunset Curve.” He swallows again. “You guys did die. But not last night.” Tina’s stomach drops a little; Blaine and Sam get closer.
“Twenty-five… years ago,” the boy finishes, a confused look in his eyes.
Tina barely has time to register this before Sam says, “That’s impossible. All we did after we floated out of the car was go to that weird dark room where Tina cried.”
Her mouth drops open. “I wasn’t -- I -- we -- ” she squeaks, voice jumping up an octave. “I think we were all pretty upset,” she says, but she supposes Sam is right.
He pats her back and doesn’t have a chance to respond again because Blaine steps in, “That was just for, like, an hour, though. We just showed up here.” Tina and Sam nod.
“Look,” the living one says, finally turning his “phone” toward them. They lean forward to see a screen with a photo of them -- and Artie, Tina thinks distantly; she feels his absence acutely and it spikes through her chest -- taken for their summer tour, and a bunch of small text around it that she can’t read, a bold headline at the top reading, Sunset Curve: A Hollywood Tragedy. “I’m just telling you what my phone says,” he explains. “You guys died in 1995. It’s now 2020.”
“So this is the future?” Sam asks incredulously as the boy pulls his phone back. Something else sticks out in Tina’s mind, though.
“So -- it has been twenty-five years,” she says, pausing to gather her thoughts. “I have been crying for twenty-five years -- how is that possible?!”
“You’re a very emotional person,” Sam reasons.
“I am not!” she insists, but the tears already pressing in the back of her throat want to prove otherwise. Distantly, she reminds herself that she’s with her friends who’ve seen it all and she doesn’t need to hold back, but the presence of this complete stranger also overrides the ease of her relationship with the guys. Sam rubs a comforting hand over her shoulder, and she swallows the tears down.
Alive Stranger shakes his head. “I gotta go… eat dinner,” he says slowly. He turns back around once he’s walked past the three of them and says, “Look, I’m really sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn’t your studio anymore. You have to leave.”
“But we -- ” Blaine starts, starting to go forward but a sharp glare stops him and he clears his throat. “We didn’t even get your name.”
“It’s Kurt,” the stranger snaps.
“Cool, I’m -- Blaine,” Blaine says hesitantly. “And this is…”
“Sam, hey.”
“Tina, how’s it going…”
“Ba-da,” Blaine sings weakly, gesturing his hands in front of them like he’s presenting them to Kurt.
They all watch for Kurt’s reaction, but he just sighs and leaves the studio. He leaves the doors open, probably to remind them that they technically just got kicked out of their studio -- or, Kurt’s mom’s studio -- someone’s studio, but really it’s been their home for so long…
“Kurt seems nice,” Sam says cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood.
Tina turns to him. “Did you miss the part where he kicked us out, or…” she says drily. Sam shrugs, a hint of a smirk on his face. “Okay,” Tina mutters, turning to wander around the studio some more. If they’re going to be kicked out, she wants to spend as much more time as she can here.
Kurt’s mind is a storm. He doesn’t know where to start with this new information -- with an evening that took such a sharp turn from reminiscing and sad and somewhat painful into just… something so completely different and unexpected.
Dinner Kurt can do. He can put the craziness of ghosts aside because dinner is easy, dinner is simple; dinner is important.
His dad has already set everything out so Kurt takes his seat across from him, sending a not-completely-true nvm everything’s fine, sorry for worrying you text to Mercedes, who finally got back to him at some point when he was distracted…
Distracted talking to ghosts.
“How’s it going?” Burt asks as he sits down and it takes Kurt a second to remember he must be talking about cleaning the studio, and not actually about ghost musicians.
Ghosts don’t exist. There are no ghosts in the garage. Don’t think about ghosts.
“It’s good,” Kurt says, poking at his food a little. “I’m starting with the loft.”
Burt smiles. “Those old instruments need a home.”
“Yeah,” Kurt says, returning the smile. “Mom would like that.”
The instruments probably belong to some ghosts, Kurt realizes, but… nothing he can really do about that. And that’s if the ghosts can even touch objects.
They eat in comfortable silence for a while and then Burt sets down his fork. Kurt looks up apprehensively.
“So I got an email from the school today,” he starts. Kurt fiddles with his fork and drops his gaze.
“Hey, it’s okay, Kurt, I’m not mad,” Burt promises.
You should be, Kurt thinks -- all that money spent for him to audition for and attend the music program, and for private lessons and sheet music and piano maintenance, just for him to throw it all away.
“I know those classes can be hard,” his dad says, and Kurt almost can’t take his gentle tone, feels guilty about it even though he appreciates it. “But… you still like music, don’t you?”
Kurt shrugs. “I don’t know, maybe?”
“I know the memories are hard, believe me, Kurt. But, every time I see you, I see Mom, you know? And I love that, I really do. Maybe, if you give yourself a chance, you can, too.” Kurt looks up hesitantly to see his dad’s gentle, loving expression and eyes slightly glassy with tears. Looking down again, he swallows, and nods.
“Yeah,” he says quietly. “I will. I’ll try.”
Because what he said to Mercedes earlier on the staircase is true, but… he’ll always try harder for his dad.
“It’s okay, Kurt,” Burt assures him. “We’ll figure it out, I promise.”
Kurt smiles and almost starts eating again, but music suddenly blares from outside, startling both of them, Kurt barely holding back a loud swear.
“What is that?” Burt says, getting up but Kurt rushes to reassure him, saying quickly, “I must have just left the CD player on in the garage! It’s fine, I’ll go get it!”
He runs back to the studio where the ghosts are still there apparently, and have somehow gotten instruments from the loft and set everything up to start playing, and play really loudly -- and it honestly sounds good but Kurt can’t focus on that because they’re going to disturb the entire neighborhood and get the cops called on them for a noise complaint and what is he supposed to say -- no officer, it was just the three ghosts in the garage being idiots, sorry?
Kurt yells for them to stop but it’s useless; he can barely even hear himself over how incredibly loudly they’re playing. Blaine, on an electric guitar that Kurt remembers seeing in the loft, turns and sees Kurt, walking towards him and finally playing one last chord when Kurt makes a horizontal cutting motion with his hand, and Sam, on the bass, follows, Tina playing one last short drum roll, looking up with a wide grin.
They all look… alive, Kurt thinks, despite literally being dead, so different from the confusion he left them with -- relaxed and loose and faces lit up, the energy flowing through them almost visible. If he didn’t know they were ghosts and made of air, he’d expect to be able to reach out and feel them, breaths hot and fast from the exertion and adrenaline, skin warm and slightly sweaty, hearts beating strong like the steady percussion of their band.
It reminds him of how music used to make him feel.
“Cut it out!” Kurt snaps, trying not to raise his voice too much. “The whole neighborhood could hear you! I thought I told you to leave!”
Blaine looks back at his bandmates, bewildered. “People -- people can hear us play?”
“Yes!” Kurt says exasperatedly. “My dad heard you from inside!”
“… What did he think?” Blaine asks after a moment. Kurt opens his mouth for an irritated response --
“Everything okay in here?”
Kurt whips around to see his dad in the doorway and smiles with wide eyes. “Yeah! I just -- had to turn off the CD player,” he lies.
People have told Kurt before that he’s a good liar; he really hopes that’s true after the evening he’s had -- he's having.
Burt’s attention is elsewhere, though, seemingly forgetting about the chaos from just a moment earlier. “Wait, is this the junk that was in the loft?” he says, excitedly eyeing the instruments and… the ghosts that he can’t see.
“Junk?” Blaine exclaims. Tina stands up, her eyes on Burt, drumsticks gripped tightly in one hand.
They all watch apprehensively as Burt weaves through the instruments, even going so far as to rattle Tina’s cymbals and tap the drums, much to her horror. She fixes Kurt with wide, urgent eyes, to which Kurt just shrugs and gives her a helpless look. Hey Dad, actually, the ghost drummer wants you to stop, so…
“Hey, this stuff’s in pretty good shape,” Burt says excitedly. “Maybe we can make a couple bucks, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Kurt agrees weakly, mostly just watching as Tina fails to push Burt away from the drums.
“I like the song you had on,” Burt says, finally stepping away from the instruments. Tina rubs down a cymbal with her sleeve.
“Sweet! We’re Sunset Curve,” Blaine pipes up.
“Tell your friends!” Sam says, to a fond eye-roll from Tina.
“It’s just an old CD I found,” Kurt says, ripping his attention from the ghosts.
“Well, it’s nice that you’re listening to music again,” Burt says sincerely. “Out here, you can play whatever you want, whenever you want.” He waves his hands out on either side for emphasis, going through Sam and Blaine’s bodies. Kurt chuckles weakly.
“Oh,” Sam says, looking down at where Burt’s hand was in his stomach just a moment before. “That’s nice.”
“Stay out of this,” Kurt hisses.
“Sorry, Kurt, I’m just trying to help -- ”
“Oh! No, not you, Dad,” Kurt says quickly. For fuck’s sake -- “Just -- just give me a minute -- ” He starts pulling his dad toward the door. Burt stops him and says, “Hey, we’re gonna figure out this music program thing, okay?”
“Thanks, Dad,” Kurt says with a smile, and gestures for him to leave.
Once Burt is out of sight, he turns back to the ghosts.
“Wait -- ” Tina waves her drumsticks around a little. “So -- only you can see us, but everyone can hear us?” Kurt nods in confirmation. “What kind of ghosts are we?” Tina says.
“Who cares, dude!” Sam says, stepping up to Tina’s drum kit with a grin. “People can hear us play!” The three exchange fist-bumps as Blaine says happily, “We might be dead, but our music isn’t.”
“And Kurt’s dad likes our music!” Sam cheers.
“He’s a dad, it doesn’t count,” Tina mumbles, smiling and pushing Sam playfully when he turns to her with an offended look.
Confusion and annoyance bubble up inside Kurt along with something like anger at, just, all of it and he groans and says loudly, “Why can’t you guys just be normal ghosts? You know, go hang out at an old mansion or something! I hear Pasadena’s nice!” and turns to leave, slamming the door on his way out.
He just… has had too much going on today. He needs to -- ignore his homework and the problem with school and maybe just sleep in for the next two days. That would be really nice.
He’s so caught up in his head and he jumps and yells when a ghost appears in front of him with no warning.
“Don’t do that!” Kurt exclaims.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Blaine says quickly. “ -- You do know how rad this is though, right? People -- people can hear us play!”
“Yeah, good for you,” Kurt replies, a little too harshly. “It’s just that I’ve had a really, really, awful day. I’ve gotta go.”
He walks past Blaine just to turn around again when he says, “I’m really sorry you had a bad day.” Kurt nods; he can tell Blaine wants to say more, so he waits.
Blaine continues slowly, “I just… three ghosts just found out they had a bad twenty-five years, and then they find out that the one thing they lived for in the first place, they can still do. So you can kick us out, but -- we’re not giving up music. We can play again; that’s a gift no musician would ever turn down,” he says earnestly, eyes wide and almost pleading.
That hurts in Kurt’s chest a little more than it should and he looks down again to avoid the passion and excitement shining clearly in Blaine’s eyes, in his voice, in his words. He swallows down the feeling that statement unearths inside of him, but suddenly his bad day is at the forefront of his mind again -- his bad year.
That’s a gift no musician would ever turn down … some musician he is, then. But he already knew that.
Blaine says softly, “You’ve gotta know that. Clearly your mom is into music.”
Kurt swallows. “Was,” he says, monotone and quiet. “She passed away.”
He hates that it’s become easier to say; he wants to either spit the words out or break down sobbing but he manages to keep his voice steady. (In the back of his mind, he wonders why he just told that to a random ghost he just met. Maybe he’s just going crazy. He’s literally talking to ghosts, after all.)
Blaine’s face falls. “I -- I’m so sorry,” he whispers.
“Yeah, we -- we didn’t know,” Sam says quietly. He and Tina have also left the studio, standing on the other side of the low wall separating the garage area from the pathway back to the house. They look up with sympathetic eyes and Kurt looks away from them too -- can’t meet any of their wide, well-meaning gazes right now.
“It’s fine,” he dismisses. “Sorry I got mad.” The ghosts are thankfully looking at each other now, seemingly silent conversation passing between their glances. “You guys are pretty good,” Kurt says, trying to change the subject and lighten the atmosphere.
Blaine raises an eyebrow, turning his gaze back to Kurt. “‘Pretty good’? You know that’s just, like, 25 years of rust being dusted off, right?”
“Do you play, too?” Tina asks.
“No, no, I don’t play.” It’s not exactly a lie anymore but it scrapes in Kurt’s throat with his haste to answer. “That’s all my mom’s stuff in there.”
“She’s an amazing songwriter,” Blaine says.
“Yeah, she was,” Kurt answers. “Wait… how do you know?”
Blaine opens his mouth, glancing at the others for a second. “We found a song on the piano,” he says. “If it’s hers… your mom was really talented.”
Kurt nods. She really, really was.
He feels like he doesn’t have the energy to say it again, so he just stays quiet. Somewhat awkwardly, he turns to leave, sensing the end of the conversation and part of him desperately wanting to just leave and not have to see these ghosts again….
So Kurt surprises even himself when he pauses and turns back to face them. “I guess,” he starts, and their gazes snap back up to him. “If you need a place to stay… you can stay in there.” He nods toward the studio and the ghosts’ faces light up. Kurt can’t help but smile back. “There’s a couch that turns into a bed, and in the back there’s a bathroom with a shower, if you still need any of that stuff.”
“Awesome!” Sam exclaims quietly, earning an elbow in the side and a questioning look from Tina. “What? Dude, I just really like showers,” he defends.
Tina rolls her eyes. Kurt takes a breath, raising his hands to gesture vaguely at the three of them. “This is just… too weird.” He nods to himself, finally leaving this time, leaving the ghosts to… do what they will.
The fact that there are ghosts in his mom’s studio…. Maybe there’s a chance that Mom knows them -- sent them, he thinks… but decides to not get his hopes up. She’s gone and he needs to just keep it at that.
What he really wants is to tell Mercedes, but he doesn’t know how.
What would you say if I told you there were three ghosts living in my mom’s studio? Kurt thinks on his way back to his room.
You’d say I’m crazy.
It’s some point in the night; they figured out that they don’t need to sleep -- can’t sleep, it seems like, which is honestly really annoying in Tina’s opinion because they’re ghosts with literally nothing to do for too many hours at a time -- so they’re just hanging out in the studio, with the lights outside giving them a little visibility through the garage windows, but it’s kind of nice to just sit in the dark.
Tina has been on the couch with Sam, lying on their backs, heads in opposite directions, legs pressed up against each other. Sam’s bass is unplugged, laid on his stomach and extending over Tina’s legs. He plucks out notes and Tina accompanies with a soft beat using just her hands and body parts as instruments. Sometimes it’s a familiar bassline -- a Sunset Curve song rehearsed or performed or recorded before -- and they also hum the harmonies that they know, and sometimes they improvise -- Tina storing the good bits in her mind for a future writing session.
Blaine is in the loft where they hoped a light could be on and maybe go unnoticed. Tina assumes that he’s writing; he always was when they were alive. And of course, now he has 25 years of dark room and relative nothingness to catch up on writing about.
It feels like another quiet night from when they were alive, each of them with an excuse to escape their homes for the night, and they’d all crash here, filling the studio with soft music and noise. Blaine would stay up writing and sometimes singing while Sam and Tina (and Artie) would try to sleep, telling him to stop humming, or, since the main house inhabitants who would care about the noise were rarely there, they would sometimes join along with him and make it a Sunset Curve midnight rehearsal.
They’ve never had the best sleep schedules anyway.
Tina giggles quietly as she and Sam play into nothingness, both parts running uncontrolled and unable to get back on track. They both stop and Sam starts playing a familiar line -- parts they’d worked out before with bass, drums, and both guitars, but never actually put into a song. Tina waits for a moment to come in with her part.
She’s nearly startled off the couch when Blaine poofs down beside the couch with his guitar and starts his part. Tina starts laughing -- probably too loud but they’re pretty sure only their music can be heard anyway -- and slides off the couch to sit on the ground, picking the drumming back up on her legs.
“You guys wanna check out this teleportation thing?” Blaine asks, playing the challenging guitar riff meant for electric guitar messily on his acoustic without a pick.
Sam sits up and puts his bass to the side. “Absolutely,” he says. “Where’re we going?”
“I have an idea,” Blaine says, setting his guitar down. He pulls Tina up and extends a hand out for Sam. “I think I can take you guys with me.”
“What?” Tina squeaks, but a second later, she’s sitting far above the ground, outside, on top of the marquee of the Orpheum. “Oh my god,” she mutters, looking down dizzily at the people passing by on the sidewalk. Her body tingles with a weird uncomfortable energy for just a few seconds before it fades.
“Yes!” Blaine laughs, kicking his legs up excitedly. “I mean, I know being a ghost isn’t our first choice, but it sure is easy getting around!”
“Easy for you, maybe!” Sam cries on Blaine’s other side. “I lost my shirt on that one!”
Tina looks over and sure enough, Sam is shirtless. She stifles a laugh behind her hand. “Like that’s a concern,” she pipes up, but Sam’s shirt appears right as she says it. They all laugh and sit in silence for a moment.
“So why’d you bring us here?” Tina asks, looking out across Hollywood Boulevard, the new and old buildings and shops, the people and cars of the future. The light of the Orpheum’s neon sign shines in her periphery, same as it did on a night twenty-five years ago. “Just another reminder of where we never got to play,” she says wryly, turning to face Blaine on her left, patting his shoulder. “Thanks, Blaine.”
Blaine rolls his eyes. “I’m telling you guys, it’s not over yet!” Tina reappears on the sidewalk right below them, almost losing her balance and falling through a person walking past. She shoots a glare at Blaine for teleporting them with no warning again, but he just grins back and starts down the sidewalk, Sam following. “Let’s see how many places we can play tonight, yeah? Check out the music scene of the future? And no trouble getting into those clubs anymore!”
Tina laughs, falling into step with them. She watches Sam walk straight through someone going in the opposite direction and doesn’t realize someone is in her way, which shouldn't be a problem, until she bumps into them.
She feels them.
“Hey!” she says involuntarily, turning to see who it was -- another ghost? A tall man with a cape and top hat nods at her with an acknowledging and almost menacing gleam in his eye, then turns again and walks away.
He could see her, he could touch her -- he has to be another ghost, right?
“Tina, you coming?” Sam calls. She swallows and takes one last look, the other ghost having disappeared among the other people on the sidewalk, before turning and running to catch back up with the guys.
“I just ran into someone,” she says, a little breathless -- she doesn’t know if that’s from running, which she doesn’t think she can actually get breathless from, or the fact that she ran into someone.
“Another ghost?” Blaine says.
“I mean, it has to be, right? Uh, Kurt -- Kurt can see us but he can’t touch us…”
“And his dad couldn’t either,” Sam adds.
“It must have been another ghost. He looked like a… performer, or something.” Tina wrinkles their nose a little as she remembers his whole get-up, completely out of place among what she’s seen so far of 21st century street fashion. (But then again, so is she, and her friends.)
“… I guess we’re not alone, then,” Blaine says, breaking a short bewildered silence.
“We’re never alone!” Sam exclaims, walking between them to throw his arms around Blaine and Tina’s shoulders. Tina laughs and grabs his forearm, mystery ghost forgotten for the time being.
Blaine responds with a grin, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Kurt wakes up earlier than usual the next morning. He thinks he still has school -- he doesn’t know how being removed from the music program works, but no one told him not to come and besides, he does have non-music classes to keep up with, even if he doesn’t necessarily want to. He gets ready as usual, leaving breakfast out for his dad, and there’s still half an hour before Mercedes should be getting here.
Perfect. There’s something he needs to try by himself… for himself.
He heads out to the studio with his things, a fluttering feeling in his stomach, but it’s different from the feeling before he tried to play in class yesterday, like the butterflies had turned to stone and were rolling around inside him, weighing him down and making him nauseous. This time it’s promising, hopeful, familiar -- butterflies fluttering normally, peacefully.
The room is empty when Kurt pushes the doors open and drops his backpack by the entrance.
“Guys?” he calls hesitantly, to no response.
He wonders if he should be worried about where the ghosts might be, or relieved for if they really did leave after all, since that is what he wanted… but he realizes relief is not at all what he feels at that possibility.
But if the ghosts aren’t here, then all the better for what he wants to do, so he decides to ignore their absence for now.
Kurt walks up to the grand piano in the middle of the room, thinking. There’s something… something deep loosening in his chest -- something about Blaine and the others and their intense passion for music that is so different from the intense judgment and competition at school that made it so impossible for him to play yesterday.
The way Blaine had talked about music…
The one thing they lived for in the first place -- they can still do.
A gift.
Kurt spreads out the sheet music that he found yesterday, just placed on the piano lid without a glance and it’s still there, so Blaine and the others must have just taken a look at it. He recognizes his mother’s handwriting, achingly familiar and beautiful in a minimalistic way, the neat notes and lyrics, clean and legible even without the help of staff lines. His heart stutters and he gasps a little as he reads some of it -- he recognizes the song. Something his mom told him she was writing when she got sick.
Kurt used to be so involved in her songwriting, but as she got worse and Kurt grew away from the piano (and from his voice), he never asked about this song.
She’d finished it.
Here’s the one thing I want you to know, you got someplace to go…
And he needs to hear it.
His fingers tremble slightly as he places them gingerly on the keys over the starting notes of the song. It feels completely different than it did yesterday; he doesn’t know if it’s the lack of teacher and students watching, the insanity of yesterday evening in between, the song itself… but the stones turned back into butterflies and it almost feels like it did before….
He wants to play, to make music. For the first time in a year, he actually feels like he can. And he needs to.
And if -- when -- it unlocks the memories… he thinks he’s ready.
Kurt takes a deep breath and plays.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 3 years
Could you do an imagine with beomgyu. a cinema date? that's all!
-ˋˏ ༻ 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 ༺ ˎˊ-
Going to the cinema with Beomgyu sounds like a lot of fun, especially when something unexpected inevitably happens.
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-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
Pairing: Beomgyu x Reader (gender-neutral)
Genre: 4 cups of fluff and just a tiny tiny tiny sprinkle of angst <33
Warnings: None !
(i’m so sorry that it took this long to write 😭😭 hopefully you like it tho??? bc i just kept writing and this is unedited since i’m lazy and it’s almost 1am 🧍🧍. Yes but really, i’m so sorry that it took long :cc if you want, you can request again and i’ll be sure to write quickly since it’s finally spring break ! Enjoy~)
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
You were desperately dying to know if Beomgyu liked you back. Not as an acquaintance, not as a friend, or even as a best friend forever! Of course you’d be more than happy to receive a title like the last one, however just that? Really?
You wanted to be something more. Something more that would stay in his life for eternity. Someone he’d always remember. Someone he’d call his significant other when introducing himself to others.
You wanted it so, so bad. Not even the clothes you stalked online and waited for them to be announced on sale could compare to the amount of desire you had for the one and only Choi Beomgyu! All you wanted was to show love to him and see the way he’d react to know how someone cared about him more than the whole world burning up. It all meant nothing if you haven’t been reciprocated with the only love that would definitely power your heart to beat every day.
Actually, maybe you were a bit dense too when it came to these matters. The other day, Beomgyu came up to you with dusted pink cheeks and asked you so quietly to go to the cinema with him. Initially, you were stunned at first with wide eyes and a hanging jaw because why would he ask you?! Originally assuming that it was a joke, you made sure to laugh about it in your head and kind of get sad in the first place that he would never say these things to you because he probably only saw you as his good friend. But when you saw the sincerity and genuine curiosity in his eyes, you couldn’t help but obviously say yes. 
So that’s why you’re here. You made sure to come an extra fifteen minutes in order not to be late and because you were overflowing with excitement. When you woke up in the morning after waiting a few days for this one to come, you were shaking with so much anticipation you had to scream in your pillow several times and tell everyone you met about it. You were just that happy about a boy who made your entire world. And you’re not complaining, Beomgyu was more precious to you than anyone could ever come close to. 
To your surprise, the boy with sweet, sparkling eyes was there too. He was looking down at his phone, texting someone as his fingers toyed around more towards the bottom of the gadget, but you wouldn’t be surprised to find if he was playing a game either. You grinned graciously at how he dressed well too, with a fluffy brown sweater and a pair of light blue jeans that was a perfect combination for it. In short, he looked like an adorable bear- and boy, would you give anything to cuddle him. But no, let’s not say it out loud to embarrass yourself~
“Beomgyu!” You yelled out to him, hanging tighter onto your silver purse as you walked quickly to him. He looked up from his phone, searching to see the face who was right in front of his nose. The way his face lit up made your heart dance and it was contagious enough that you smiled back as well. Gosh, you were in love with those delicate, chocolate brown eyes.
“I’m right here, silly,” you teased, booping his nose as he chuckled at your playful words, “I’m just glad you came. Have you been waiting long?”
You waited for a few seconds for him to answer, but the only thing he was doing was gazing at you with a tiny, shy smile on his face. In your head, you were panicking and wondering if there was something that stood out in a bad way. Hopefully you weren’t looking too shabby, you put a lot in the outfit you chose to wear today just for him. Did he not like it after all the effort you noticeably showed? You stiffened immediately and that was when he finally responded.
“You look... so pretty,” he mumbled under his breath, his eyes glancing up to meet yours that naturally widened a little. It wasn’t what you were expecting for him to say and you silently looked away, avoiding his intent eye contact. Your lips quivered when you tried to purse them together, trying not to break out into a smile that the love of your life just called you “so pretty.” And wasn’t he embarrassed that you heard him? You definitely would be if he caught you saying something of the lines that he was irresistible!
He snickered at your reaction, gently ruffling your hair despite your small protests. Secretly- and you weren’t going to admit it- you loved whenever he made touch contact with you. But again, you’re not going to say anything like that to him.
Deciding to change the topic, Beomgyu placed his phone in his pocket before leaning towards you. You almost gasped at the close proximity, tempted to close your eyes until he smirked, taking your breath away with the shy attitude he had before. His duality was too much for you, but you simply couldn’t get enough with him. 
“How about we get the popcorn and snacks? Last one there has to pay for it!”
No doubt that he was a true gentleman. 
Without another word, he dashed with light feet and you were laughing along with him, wanting to catch up so you wouldn’t have to pay yourself.
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ
When the time hit 12:00pm, the film started and you were just as excited as he was. You didn’t want to be seen as greedy, much less a hungry mess in front of him, so your hand just rummaged through the popcorn you two were sharing only once or two times. Earlier when you were the one to lose to him since he started sprinting first, you had to pay for it. However, Beomgyu was the one who bought the treats for you with no complaints and easily handed them to you even if he was the one who really adored sweets. Every time you thought of that fact, a genuine smile would be brought to your face. He was so sweet.
As soon as you entered, you were stunned to see that nobody else was there. Maybe you had arrived early or something, but you checked the time and you were almost close to 12pm by a few minutes. There should’ve at least been someone there, right? You were so confused minutes later when the film was just about to start. Clearly this movie received good views, for it was something both you and Beomgyu agreed on before taking on the tickets.
This was a film containing princesses, so you were nonetheless curious as to why you couldn’t see any kid there. They liked things like this, didn’t they? Happy endings were wonderful and it was a great thing to show your child for a distraction on the weekend. You just couldn’t figure out in your hazy mind when the boy you loved right there why there wasn’t anybody else. 
Quietly you asked Beomgyu why nobody was there, hoping to keep your voice shushed when the intro of the movie loudly blasted, signaling that it was ultimately starting. Although you were the only two there, you wanted to be respectful enough so that only he could hear you.
Beomgyu just smiled at you, whispering back in your ear when he noted that you kept your voice down. 
“I forgot to tell you, didn’t I? I rented a movie for only both of us today so then no one would bother us.”
Your mouth dropped and you felt all the color in your face drain. Just how much was he waiting to save this up? As college students, he would’ve been saving up for it a little with a part time job on the side of studying. Beomgyu was definitely something, you realized. 
The gesture was sweet considering he did this for your date, but how could he turn away so easily with a smug expression on his face? Homeboy must’ve done this to impress you... or he was just rich.
“Is that okay with you? I don’t want to freak you out or anything,” he asked almost hurriedly, and you could hear the panic arise from his voice. You giggled at his anxiousness, leaning onto the ball of your hand on the armrest nearest to him.
“Of course it is, Gyu. I’m just amazed at how you did this for us when you knew you didn’t have to. Thank you so much, really.” 
That answer caused him to sigh in relief and he relaxed, gazing back at you with doe eyes- those doe eyes that practically had you melting in your seat. You would give your whole life just to look at them all day long... that’s how much you really liked him and was hoping he would accept your love.
“Why wouldn’t I? If it’s you, then I would do anything,” he said loudly enough so that you could hear it, obviously making the heat in your face as hot as an oven. You hid it by looking at the screen instead, but you could feel his eyes still linger on your burning face. 
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻✿༺
The point reached an hour to the film, and for some reason a frown was carved onto your face. From time to time, Beomgyu would look up to see if your expression changed but through it all- there was nothing that really changed.
In all honesty, it only made him more anxious. Beomgyu couldn’t figure it out and was worried you weren’t enjoying it while he definitely was. He found most of the characters adorable but you wouldn’t seem to smile at any point of it. Nothing would work- not even the times when something funny happened! Maybe you thought he was lame for recommending this movie and you would never ever, ever want to see a movie with him again! He pouted at the overthinking in his head, about to ask you if anything was wrong when you suddenly spoke on your own.
“Doesn’t this make you sad, Gyu? Just look at them dancing like that.”
You then pointed at the screen, making him look at the prince and princess waltzing together in a ball room. They were obviously in love, getting the happy ending that they rightfully deserved after a chaos of misfortunes in life that they didn’t even get to choose. 
“How come? This is a happy ending,” he softly murmured, close enough to your ear that it made you shudder.
That only made the frown on your face etch deeper as you faced towards him. As you could definitely see, his eyes were full of concern and you sighed at the fact he could never be yours. He was such a sweet, caring boy, but you weren’t sure if he’d ever like you back. Maybe you shouldn’t have expected anything out of this date when it felt like pure friendship to you.
“Because...” you trailed off, trying to connect the thoughts running in your head together. “It makes me sad because I don’t think this’ll ever happen to me. No one is going to be my prince charming, I just know it.”
The look on Beomgyu’s face was incredulous when you stole a glance at him, but the moment he realized you were staring silently, he swiftly replaced it with an unreadable one.
This time, he leaned towards you, making you stay in the exact same place. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you nervously gulped, hoping he wouldn’t notice how anticipated you were. He wasn’t going to... wait, scratch that thought- it wouldn’t happen for a million years!
He only smirked at this, tilting his head to the side. 
“And why is that?” Like pure velvet on a golden day, you could feel yourself becoming entranced in his voice, failing to notice that he was inching closer and closer to your face. 
You responded carefully, looking at the other side since the eye contact was becoming too much for you. His eyes were entrancing of course, but when he looked that much at you, you could feel your heart stop exactly in your chest. It was funny how much you were whipped for him, despondently wishing every night that he would see you in the same way as well. It heightened your sadness the more you thought about it, causing you to sink into your seat with surrender. 
“I’m not royalty; I just don’t see how anyone can fall in love with me,” you whispered sadly, shaking your head at the reality you came to perceive. As a child you believed that happy endings were real with true love but growing up, it was much different and changed quite a lot of your innocence. 
Suddenly, his hand cupped your cheek. It caught you by surprise and you were forced to look at him- now seeing every single endearing perfection on his face. From his fluttering eyelashes that were special in their own way, his adorable button nose that you wanted to shower with nothing but kisses, to his lips that you were pining for every single night... you could see it clearly now without having to do anything and for that fact, you were grateful more than anything. 
“Oh, but you’re wrong, Y/N. Because I’ve already fallen in love with you for who you are.” The boy then got even closer... letting you gasp when he connected his lips with yours. 
He laid a sweet kiss on your lips, pulling you closer to him by placing his hand on the back of your head if moving that close was possible. You were taken aback at first since you were getting what you wanted for so long before shutting your eyes shut in unadulterated euphoria. It was pure heaven and you melted in your spot, wanting more and more of him for every second you kissed him. 
A happy ending, huh? Something you were waiting for after a while of seeing everyone fall in love with one another. It was finally your turn and you could happily say with confidence-
that’s how you got your first kiss with your future husband during your date in the cinema. 
Posted: 4/3/21- 1:00am (thanks to my 12 hour sleep yesterday and an additional 3 hour nap today, i’m up and writing myself to death 🗿🗿)
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b1acksw4n · 3 years
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒔
Pairings: Taehyung x Jimin, Jungkook x Jimin
Warnings: Drinking/ Swearing (Taehyung is an asshole)
Summary: Jimin’s staring at the red solo cup, long and hard. He’s not even sure why he’s at this rowdy college party anyways. These kinds of things aren’t his scene. A certain blue haired man is looking his way but the lighting isn’t helping and Jimin is wondering if he’s imagining things. Jimin decides he really is imagining things because there’s no way in hell that’s Kim Taehyung.
Word count:
Some things were better left unsaid.
That's what Park Jimin tells himself as he leans against the wall with a glass half empty at one of the biggest parties he thinks his best friend Hoseok has ever hosted. Some things are better left unsaid. That's what Park Jimin tells himself when he sees a azure haired boy with a haughty attitude, who just so happens to be the man who broke his heart two years ago. Jimin can't help but stare at his exes slender hands grabbing for a unknown girl's waist as they danced to the loud blaring music. Jimin's sharp eyes dance around the blue haired man's features.
His gaze bitterly landed on a expensive watch adorned on his oblivious ex boyfriends wrist. That was the watch Jimin had bought him as a birthday present. His eyes narrowed as he took a small sip of the strong intoxicating drink.
"I haven't seen you all night! You can't just stand here like this. Jimin, go out there and dance!" Hoseok is clearly hammered by the way his words are slurring together and his cheeks are tinted a deep pink. Before the younger man could refuse his offer, he was yanked onto the dance floor.
He felt his face hit the back of a much taller man and it felt strangely familiar. As the man turned around, Jimin's eyes widened in horror. The man he clumsily bumped into was none other than Kim Taehyung. Hoseok's drunk ass was going to pay for this later. Taehyung's face contorted into a expression of shock and his eyes had a glint of slyness. Some things just never change. "I never expected to see you here." Taehyung's voice was just as deep as Jimin remembered, although it felt like he was hollering at him due to the loud music and the party being in full swing. Taehyung smiles sweetly but there’s something feign in his actions. It makes Jimin feel icky, like he needs to end the conversation right then and there and pour himself another glass.
“I’ve thought about you from time to time. Thought of how I could’ve been better.” Taehyung’s eyes darken and his thick brows furrow as if he didn’t even know where he was going with this statement. Jimin hates that about Taehyung. He says things with disregard of consequences, leaving people with fake realities. He makes them think they have a chance. “I don’t have any regrets. I just hope you move on like I did. You clearly didn’t.” Jimin’s voice is compelling enough to make Taehyung step backwards in utter astonishment. It’s enough to make Taehyung pause for a moment, contemplating on what to say next.
Jimin is prideful that he received that reaction because he knows how impulsive Taehyung is. He always does things without even thinking. Taehyung’s facial expression screams fascination and amusement. Jimin’s eyes crinkle in confusion, brows stitched together. Had he been reading his body language all wrong? Was he played for a fool? “You seriously thought I wasn’t over you?” Taehyung’s tone is spiteful and his vitriolic laugh has the other feeling like his world is shrinking. “I was with you out of pity. You were overly clingy, Jimin. You’re a stray.” Jimin feels like he’s a gladiator in an ancient arena with royals laughing at his every move. Like he was born to be humiliated his entire life. The height difference doesn’t aid his negative thoughts either, making him feel smaller than he already felt.
“Fuck you! I told you all my personal problems and now you’re using it against me. I’d rather be clingy than a cheater.” His voice is shaky and hot tears are streaming down his cheeks. He doesn’t know whether he’s crying out of frustration or humiliation at this point. He tightly closed his eyes not wanting to even look at Taehyung. With one swift motion and fiery anger being the main force behind it, Jimin splashed his alcohol all over the front of Taehyung’s shirt. “What the fuck?!” Taehyung’s yelling loudly but his voice is drowned out by the music. Jimin pivots on his heel, speed walking away and he has to navigate his way through all the dancing bodies and drunken students.
“I wonder where Jimin went. Didn’t he say he was coming?” Namjoon curiously looked around before talking another shot of soju. The atmosphere in the kitchen was a lot more serene than the other rooms of the house. Everyone was just talking amongst themselves and enjoying a couple drinks. “I saw Jimin with Taehyung but I didn’t want to interrupt. I have a bad feeling about this.” Seokjin sighed with a deep frown. “What? He was with Taehyung?” Jungkook pushed himself off the counter, his doe eyes blown wide. Jimin stumbled into the kitchen, teary eyed. Jungkook took careful long strides in the smaller boys direction. His intentions were pure and the pitiful and troubled glint in his eyes had Jimin sobbing even harder. “Everything’s going to be okay. Let’s get you out of here, Chim.” The brunette tenderly took Jimin’s hand in his. Jimin nodded compliantly as his friend led the way. Jungkook’s broad shoulders blocked his view and for the first time in a long time Jimin didn’t feel inferior about feeling small.
He desperately clutched onto Jungkook’s inked hand for comfort and trailed close behind him. Jimin tried his best to ignore all the couples making out and drunk students stumbling around and singing along to lyrics with slurred words. Jungkook pushed through the crowd, making sure Jimin was okay here and there with a few thoughtful backward glances. “What did he say to you?” His voice daunting.
“How did you..” Jimin’s response trails off into silence as he climbs into the passenger seat of Jungkooks car. “I heard that Taehyung was with you.” Jungkook sighs, disliking the way his name feels like bile on his tongue. Jimin hesitantly stared at Jungkooks calloused hands on the wheel and nervously shifted his attention to the single star in the night sky outside the window. He wonders if he’s similar to that small dot in the sky. Something destined to be lonely. Something destined to be so small and weak.
“Jimin. What did he say?” Jungkook pressed, inked knuckled turning white as he gripped onto the steering wheel. Jimin felt pressured, maybe even a little anxious. He didn’t exactly want Jungkook knowing about his deepest insecurities. “I can’t tell you.” Jimin’s breathing was labored and his shoulders visibly tensed. Jungkook’s features softened, but he didn’t verbally respond. The silence was enough of an answer. Jungkook’s stubbornness finally subsided for a moment.
Jimin knew Jungkook spoke with his fists and it wouldn’t do any good for his best friend to beat up a rich boy with a lawyer for a dad.
Jungkook led Jimin inside his house, smiling down at him. Jimin grew shy under his stare, looking up at him through wet eyelashes. “I wanted to thank you for being so thoughtful tonight.” Jimin’s hand grabbed the collar of Jungkook’s jean jacket and lightly tugged, yanking the taller boy down to his height. Jungkook quirked a brow, suddenly feeling overheated in his jacket. Jimin’s plump lips placed a gentle kiss on Jungkook’s cheek and he felt his face grow red.
Jimin didn’t need to worry about what once was anymore. He needed to live in the moment, so he did just that.
thank you for reading and give me feedback if you want^^ ITS PRETTY BAD THO- I tried.
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ourownsideimagines · 3 years
Hide My Wings Tonight: Not Another Gloomy Play (Chapter 5)
Surprise! Not dead! I suddenly got the oomph today to finish not one but TWO chapters. Chaoter Six will be posted later, but I figured after two years of waiting I would go ahead and put up Chapter 5 right now.
Read it here on AO3!
Or read it below the cut
Based on the one-shot request by @jinxthequeergirl
Aziraphale had not seen his sister filled with such joy in centuries as he did in the years following the beginning of her and Crowley’s arrangement. Not that he knew of said arrangement of course, but he didn’t question what his sister did as long as she was happy. He worried about her, that much was for sure, but after she’d blown off his question the first twenty times he’d stopped asking, and started to enjoy the smile she once again gave so freely.
And (name) enjoyed learning to dance. Her demonic partner was not the best at the task, but they were learning together by watching others, and interacting. No one would question their presence at parties and masquerades. And though (name) would never admit it, she enjoyed spending time with Crowley. There was something about him that drew her in. Perhaps that was just how demons were. Enticing to even the purest of minds. Or maybe just to her.
She didn’t like Crowley, Heaven’s no - how could she, he’s a demon - but his company was a nice change from her doting brother and the snobs up in Heaven.
And of course, with their first arrangement, came another one. One that would change the world forever
You see, arrangements can be a tricky thing. 
The one that (name) had with Crowley was simple enough - Crowley would help (name) learn any new dance she desired, as long as she was willing to help him with small things. She had been a bit reluctant to these terms at first, but found that there was some joy in her disobeying Heaven. It was like a huge fuck you to Gabriel behind his back.
Did his coat need mending? Simple enough - it might not look beautiful, but it was presentable. Did Crowley need a name? Most certainly, (name) could get that. Did he need help getting into somewhere he couldn’t get into otherwise? Not a problem, (name) was good at talking her way into places. Did he need Aziraphale distracted for a while while he did some misdeeds? (Name) could turn a blind eye and take her brother out to lunch. Whatever he asked for, (name) was willing to do it.
Aziraphale had caught onto them rather quickly, much to (name)’s dismay. He’d been upset. He didn’t know about the dancing, but he knew that she’d been sneaking off to see Crowley and to help him with his hellish intentions. It had taken hours for (name) to get him to calm down and listen.
And that was how the second arrangement began. This one was just a bit trickier to get away with. After all, hiding something from Aziraphale was one thing. But hiding something from heaven was another - they had eyes everywhere. Even if it didn’t seem like it, someone was bound to be watching. And if not now, then later.
Aziraphale had been against the idea for so many years, helping  Crowley, or God forbid, getting Crowley’s help. But with the way (name) and Crowley insisted it could do us some good, how was he to resist?
So that was how it had been, for many years. The angels helped the demon, and the demon helped the angels. Heaven hadn’t noticed, and as far as (name) knew Hell hadn’t either. That didn’t mean any less sneaking around - Aziraphale refused to meet with Crowley privately. It always had to be in a crowd, somewhere inconspicuous.
And the Globe Theater during the preview of Shakespeare's new play, Hamlet, was anything but.
Aziraphale had promised a crowd, but (name) could count no more than fifteen heads among the crowd - that included the Bard himself, and the woman carrying snacks, Juliet. As they waited for Crowley, Aziraphale purchased himself a bunch of grapes, miracaling a coin out of nowhere.
“If you were going to do that,” (Name) said as Juliet walked away. “You could have just miracled yourself some grapes.”
“Now where would be the fun in that.” Aziraphale said, smiling down at the fruit before popping one of them into his mouth. He glanced around quickly. “He’s late.”
“Really, I hadn’t noticed.” She teased. “Stop looking so nervous. You’re the one who wanted to meet with him here.”
“Yes, well, I assumed there would be a much bigger crowd.”
“There’s never a crowd for a show like this.” (Name) argued. “People are depressed enough as is, they don’t want to be going to a show that will just make them feel worse.”
“I don’t feel any worse.” Aziaraphale argued.
“Yeah, well, you’re also not like everybody else.” The two were silent for a moment. Then, almost as if she could sense him, (name) turned her head and watched as Crowley sauntered into the arena. He saw them, and took no time at coming to stand beside (name).
“I thought you said we’d be inconspicuous here. Blend in with the crowd.” (Name) wanted to smile at this. Aziraphale, on the other hand, huffed, and ate another grape before he spoke.
“That was the idea.” He grumbled, glancing over at the demon. Remembering his manners, he offered the fruits to him. Crowley, however, ignored them. 
“Ah, hang on.” The demon grimaced. “This isn’t one of Shakespeare’s gloomy ones, is it?” He scrunched up his nose. “No wonder nobody’s here.” (Name) smiled at this.
“Shh, it’s him.” Aziraphale grasped his sister's arm, catching her attention.
“Prithee, gentles, madam.” He said. “Might I request a small favor? Could you, in your role as the audience, give us more to work with?” (name) tried not to frown at this, but she had never been very good at controlling her mouth - both what came out of it, and what shapes it decided to make. Shakespeare didn’t seem much interested in her tho, his eyes focused more on Aziaphale who asked;
“You mean, like when the ghost of his father came on, and I shouted ‘He’s behind you!’?”
“Just so!” Shakespeare said. “That was jolly helpful. Made everyone on the stage feel appreciated. A bit more of that.” (name) wanted to argue. She wanted to say that it made no sense, but she didn’t have the chance. “Good Master Burbage, please! Speak the lines trippingly.” The actor on stage didn’t take the advice too well, and (name) was sure he was ready to explode on the bard at any moment.
“I am wasting my time up here.” He hissed.
“No, you’re very good!” Aziraphale insisted. “Isn’t that right, my dear sister?”
“I-” She bit her tongue. Aziraphale has a bad habit of putting her on the spot like this. That, plus a loose tongue, was never a good pairing. “Yes. I just love all the… talking.” She said.
“And what does your friend think?” The actor asked, clearly looking towards Crowley.
“He’s not our friend. We’ve never met before, we don’t know each other-”
“I think you should get on with the play.” Crowley interrupted Aziraphale, and (name) had to raise a hand to cover her mouth. If Aziraphale heard her laugh, he would surely lecture her later.
“Yes, Burbage. Please.” Shakespeare said. The actor continued.
“To be or not to be - that is the question-”
“To be!” Aziraphale exclaimed. “I mean, not to be! Come on, Hamlet. Buck up!” He turned to (name) with excitement, but it quickly died when he saw the bored look on not only her face, but on Crowley’s as well. Still, the actor gave him a grateful thumbs up and continued on. (name) had to keep from laughing when she noticed Shakespeare mouthing along to the soliloquy, looking very proud of himself.
“He’s very good, isn’t he?” Aziraphale gushed.
“Age does not wither nor custom stale his infinite variety.” Crowley dramatized. (name) watched as Shakespeare reached for his pocket, stating how he ‘liked that’ and wandered away while scratching it down on a scrap of paper.
They stood there a few moments longer, listening to the soliloquy.
“What do you want?” Aziraphale finally spoke, popping another grape into his mouth. (Name) took this opportunity to snag a few, cradling them in her hand as she trained her eyes on the man standing on stage.
“Why might you be insinuating that I might possibly want some?” He was behind them now, coming to stand on Aziraphale’s side.
“You’re up to no good.”
“And the two of you are up to good, I take it? Lots of good deeds?” (Name) spared him a glance. He wasn’t even trying to pretend that he was watching the play. Even behind his glasses she could see him glancing at her, then back to Aziraphale.
“Well there is no rest for the…” Aziraphale paused, causing (name) to snicker. The actor on stage threw her a look, which she chose to ignore. “Good.”
“We’re meant to be heading up to Edinburgh at the end of the week. Aziraphale has a couple of blessings to do and I have a minor miracle to perform.” (Name) popped a couple of the grapes into her mouth - they were the perfect mixture of sweet and sour, causing her to hum with joy.
“Oh? Is that right?” Crowley looked at her again and (Name) fought to keep a smile off her face. “Well, I’m meant to be heading to Edinburgh end of the week as well - tempting a clan leader to steal some caddle.”
“Doesn’t sound like hard work.” Aziraphale piped in, too focused on the play and his food to realize what was coming next.
“Well, that’s why I thought…” this caught Aziraphale’s attention, and he all but snapped his head in Crowley’s direction. “Well, it’s be a bit of a waste.” Crowley was starting to smile again. He knew exactly what he was doing. “All of us going all the way to Scotland.”
“You cannot possibly be insinuating,” Azirapahe was beginning to raise his voice, and (Name) hushed him before the actor could throw another tantrum. “What I infer you are implying.” He said in a hushed tone.
“It’s not like we haven’t done it before.” Crowley was turned to watch the play now, but (name) never looked away from him. “The arrangement-“
“Don’t say that.” Aziraphale demanded.
“Our respective head offices don’t actually care how things get done, they just want to know they can cross it off the list.
“Yes, but if hell found out they wouldn’t just be mad,” Aziraphale reminded him. “They would destroy you.” The joy of seeing the demon had finally worn off as (name) let Aziraphale’s words sink in.
They would destroy you.
“Nobody ever needs to know.” Crowley said, lifting a hand to show them a rusted coin. “I’ll toss you for Edinburgh.”
There was a pregnant pause. (Name) could feel the words forming on the tip of her tongue. We shouldn’t do this, she wanted to say. It’s way too dangerous. But she couldn’t. Because a life without seeing Crowley every now and again would be… well, she’s not sure it would be worth living.
“Fine,” Aziraphale sighed. “Heads.” Crowley smiled. Then, he held the coin out to her.
“Would you do us the honor?” He asked. As (name) took the coin, her fingers brushed gently against his own, and despite how well dressed he was and how warm it was, his fingers were cold. Aziraphale’s eyes were trained on the coin so he didn’t see when Crowley gave her a sly wink.
The other arrangement.
(Name) held onto a sigh as she flipped the coin, fingers snapping gently as she did. When the coin landed, she knew it would be tails, but she played her part and gave a small groan of annoyance.
“Well, brother of mine, it looks like we will be the ones going to Scotland.” She displayed the coin. “Guess I’m just a bit unlucky.” She lied.
Before either of them could speak, they heard the bard moaning from the other side of the pit.
“It’s been like this every performance Juliet, a complete dud. It would take a miracle to get anyone to come and see Hamlet.” (Name) didn’t miss the look Aziraphale gave Crowley. The same face he gave her when he wanted something sweet, or was begging her to help him get a new book.
Crowley scrunched up his nose, but let out a defeated sigh.
“Fine, I’ll do that one.” He said. “My treat.”
“Oh, really?” (Name) shuffled a bit, annoyed words threatening to spill from her lips. But Crowley spoke up quickly.
“I still prefer the funny ones.” He gave (name) one last glance before making his way toward the exit of the theater, probably on his way to start on his demonic miracle. It was at that moment that (name) realized she was still holding Crowley’s coin.
“Oh, bugger.” She muttered. “Could you hold on a moment, brother. I will return in just a moment.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Quite. Just need a breather, is all.” He didn’t seem to like that answer, but didn’t argue as (name) tore away from him and walked towards the theater exit. As she popped out onto the empty streets, she could feel eyes on her. To her left, Crowley was leaning up against a wall, waiting for her.
“Sneaky bastard.” She said, “You forgot something.” She said, holding out the coin to him. He stared at it for a moment, but didn’t hold out a hand to take it. So she pulled back, slipping the coin into a pocket she had secretly sewn into her dress. “Is everything okay, Crowley?”
“How are you?” (name) was taken aback by the question, but Crowley seemed genuine in his curiosity.
“I am… fine.”
“You seem happy.” He said. “Even if you weren’t enjoying the show, you just seem… happier.”
“Well,” (name) started. “I am. Times are changing. I haven’t had to visit upstairs in quite a while. And Aziaraphale is happy. So I am happy.”
“Good. That’s… good.” There was silence between them. “I still owe you from last time, too.” He said. (name) hummed in agreement - she hadn’t gotten her promised dance lesson for the last temptation she had assisted him with.
“I guess this next one will just have to be a bit longer, then, no?”
“It would seem.” Crowley was smiling. “Have fun in Edinburgh, Angel.”
“Have fun with Hamlet, Demon.” She shot back, trying not to laugh as he grimaced. Crowley pushed off the wall and began to saunter off, leaving (name) to return to her brother. When she reached into her pocket, she couldn’t help but laugh to herself.
The coin was gone.
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (ch 23)
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Chapter 23
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12, ch 13, ch 14, ch 15, ch 16, ch 17, ch 18, ch 19, ch 20, ch 21, ch 22, ch 23
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 3,393
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France, human trafficking
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​ @zobadak​ @fallenstar-7​​​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
The hallway was quiet outside Taehyung’s room, but she could hear voices downstairs. She couldn’t remember if she had her phone on her before she… well, before she died. But when she checked her pockets, it was right there, fully charged. She smiled.
               Her smile dropped when she tried to open her phone and it didn’t recognize her face, refusing to unlock without the number code.
               “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she mumbled. “I don’t look that different.”
               She had several missed calls and texts from her mom. It looked like her mom was keeping her eyes on the news and saw something about the raid at the abandoned hospital. She clearly panicked when she couldn’t get ahold of her. The last text told her to call when she woke up. She checked her calls. There was one outgoing call to her mom. One of the guys must have called her.
               She sat down against the wall in the hallway and tapped her mom’s contact. The phone didn’t even ring twice before she picked up.
               “Mi hija, is that you?” she answered, her voice frantic.
               “Yeah mom, it’s me,” said Catalina. “I’m okay, sorry I worried you.”
               “A young man named Hoseok called me and told me you were in the hospital?” Lucía asked. “I heard there was some sort of explosion downtown and you were nearby. I tried to fly over there but the city is in lockdown-“
               “Mom, slow down,” Catalina said with a laugh. “I promise I’m okay. I’m back home with the boys and honestly, I feel great.”
               “Were you unconscious all that time?” Lucía asked. “Did you have some kind of head injury? Those don’t just go away so easily.”
               “Yeah, I was asleep for a while, but my head is perfectly fine,” said Catalina. “I just got my phone charged up, that’s why I wasn’t able to call you until now.”
               She hated lying to her mom, but clearly the guys didn’t want her knowing the truth. Catalina knew that was for the best. They couldn’t just go around telling people about all this. She knew someday her mom would need to know, but now wasn’t the time.
               “Okay, I’m so happy you’re okay,” Lucía said. “Please call every day until your poor mom is satisfied.”
               Catalina laughed and said, “Sure mom. I can do that.”
               “The boys are taking care of you, right?” Lucía asked. “Is Jungkook there?”
               “Yeah, they’re taking good care of me,” said Catalina, her heart skipping a beat at the mention of her boyfriend. “Jungkook is here, he’s downstairs. I have to go now mom. I’ll call you again tomorrow.”
               “Okay, cariña,” said Lucía. “I’ll let you go. I love you so much.”
               “I love you too, mom,” said Catalina. She hung up and looked down at her phone. She wondered how she’d be able to tell her mom about everything that happened. About what she was now.
               She sent a text to Hoseok, telling him to meet her by Taehyung’s room. He sent her back a thumbs up emoji and was there within a minute. Catalina stood up and looked at him. He didn’t look all that different. She wondered how badly he was hurt. But first…
               She pulled him into a tight hug.
               “Thank you,” she said. “For saving me.”
               “I did it without your consent,” he mumbled into her shoulder. “I thought you would hate me.”
               “I don’t hate you,” she said, pulling away to wipe away his gathering tears. “I wasn’t ready to go. I’m glad you did what you did.”
               He hugged her again, then Catalina said, “I heard you were hurt at the fight.”
               “It wasn’t that bad,” said Hoseok. “Tae tae likes to exaggerate.”
               Catalina laughed.
               “I can’t wait to hear the whole story,” she said. “But first, I wanna see my boyfriend. I was told I needed a chaperone.”
               Hoseok smiled and said, “I’ll be your chaperone! You look okay right now, but seriously, be careful getting close to him.”
               “I feel fine,” said Catalina. “I think I should be okay.”
               “Trust me, you will not feel that way when you get close to him,” said Hoseok, his face getting serious. “I remember what it was like to be new. It’s like, you can’t always control yourself. If you get really close to him, he’s gonna smell irresistible. Literally. It’s going to be really hard not to just bite into his pulse-“
               “That sounds sexy,” said Catalina.
               “It’s not,” said Hoseok. “You won’t be able to stop. Not when you’re this new. You could literally kill him in less than a minute.”
               “Yeah, that’s not sexy,” said Catalina.
               “I would suggest being…chaste for a while,” said Hoseok. “At least until you’re well fed for a few weeks.”
               “Weeks? In Twilight, it takes years,” said Catalina.
               “This is not Twilight,” Hoseok said, laughing. “The only vampires that sparkle like that are the ones at San Francisco pride.”
               Catalina laughed loudly at that, following him towards the stairs.
               Jungkook leapt from the couch as soon as Catalina came into the room. Namjoon, who was sitting next to him, was faster in pulling him back.
               “Guk,” Catalina said, itching to finally hold him. He was staring at her with wide eyes, taking in her face and hair and body.
               “Cat,” he whispered, slowly approaching. Namjoon and Hoseok watched them carefully as they met in the middle, enveloping each other in a tight hug. Too tight, if the pop Catalina felt in his back and the groan he let out was anything to go by. She quickly loosened her grip, adjusting herself so her face was buried in his chest instead of his neck. Hoseok was right. He did smell irresistible. His heartbeat and pulse were loud in her ears and the smell coming off of him was making her thirsty again. Before she knew it, she was no longer focusing on him. It would be so easy to just lean up and take…it’s right there…
Her thirst came back full force and it took everything in her to push him away before she lost control.
               She ignored the hurt that flashed in his eyes as she turned her back to him, looking at Hoseok with desperation. He pulled something from his back pocket and handed it to her. It was another blood bag. Her hands shook as she drank it, unsettled by the thoughts running through her head. She hated thinking about Jungkook like that.
               Catalina felt tears well up in her eyes.
               “Sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry Kookie. You just…you smell really good.”
               “Thanks?” he said. She turned to look at him with a smile.
               “By that I mean, I couldn’t stop thinking about biting into your neck and taking from you,” she said, feeling guilty.
               “That sounds sexy,” he said with a smirk.
               “It’s not. I wouldn’t be able to stop,” said Catalina. Behind her, she heard Hoseok chuckle and say under his breath, “No wonder they get along so well.”
               “Well, maybe when you think you could stop, we can test it out,” said Jungkook.
               “We’re still here,” Namjoon said, clearing his throat.
               “No, let them keep going, this is fascinating,” Hoseok said.
               “Okay, I promise I won’t do anything crazy, I just really want to sit down and hold my boyfriend’s hand and listen to everyone’s war stories,” said Catalina. “And maybe drink some more.”
               “Taehyung was a beast,” Hoseok said.
               Jin and Jimmy K were given the notice that it was safe to come over, so they did right away. Once everyone was settled into the couch in the lounge, they were all eager to share their stories. Catalina and Jimin were both sipping their way through a pile of blood bags on the coffee table, listening intently with wide eyes. Jungkook sat beside Catalina, an arm around her waist, sparkling eyes never leaving her.
               “Yeah, Taehyung was legendary,” said Jimmy K.
               Taehyung, who was sitting beside Jimin, blushed and waved a hand.
               “I’d say Jimmy K was more legendary,” said Taehyung. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.”
               “Well, let’s start at the beginning,” said Catalina. “I don’t even know how they got Jimin!”
               “They kidnapped me again,” said Jimin. “The day before the battle.”
               “Jimin, I’m so sorry,” said Catalina. “If we had known…”
               “It’s okay,” he said. “Better me than Caleb. I’m glad Makai assumed we didn’t know him.”
               “It’s true,” said Namjoon. “If it were Caleb, we wouldn’t have been able to save him the way we did with you. Turning children is illegal.”
               “Illegal?” Jungkook asked. “Would you get arrested? By the police?”
               “That’s a question for another time,” Catalina said impatiently. “So, what happened? Tell us from the beginning, from when you all went in.”
               “Well, it was pretty boring when we first got in,” said Namjoon.
               “Let me tell it,” said Hoseok. “You guys are bad at telling stories. Okay, so we went in and our backup is all there, and right away, we’re demanding to speak with Makai. There’s this lady there, was her name Mohati?”
               Namjoon nodded.
               “Right. Mohati tells us that Makai isn’t there, but Yoongi knows she’s lying,” said Hoseok. “And he says so, and then one of our guys tries to attack her and that’s when the fight started. A bunch of guys came out of nowhere and attacked us and it was just madness. Yoongi had his sword-“
               “It was my original sword,” Yoongi said with a grin. “From when I was a prince. I haven’t touched it in a good three hundred years, but it cleaned up pretty well.”
               “And he was cutting peoples heads off,” said Hoseok. “Which was gross and terrible to watch, but it was so awesome. He was like a master fighter. I got separated from them for a while, because I found someone I knew in the crowd. It was Jamie, the woman who kidnapped me back in the nineties. She recognized me and started taunting me and I couldn’t even focus on anything else at that point. My anger totally took over, but she was pretty strong. I didn’t last long in that battle. She hurt me pretty bad, I couldn’t fight after that.”
               “She broke his leg,” said Yoongi.
               Hoseok’s face looked pale. “You don’t have to tell them. It’s really gross.”
               “His bone was sticking out,” Yoongi said, chuckling. “It was magnificent.”
               Hoseok put his face in his hands and groaned. “Don’t make me think about it again. It was so awful. I’m gonna throw up.”
               Yoongi laughed and patted his back. “I helped set it. He did throw up.”
               Hoseok punched him in the arm.
               “He got her back though,” said Yoongi. “Once you could stand up, you killed her, didn’t you?”
               “I’m gonna be sick,” Hoseok said, standing up. Yoongi pulled him back down and rubbed his back.
               “Namjoon, tell us what you were doing,” said Yoongi.
               “I tried to control the crowd, but eventually I had to fight,” said Namjoon. “I mean, I held my own, but nothing crazy happened.”
               “Didn’t you blow up the wall?” asked Yoongi.
               “No, I didn’t blow up the wall,” Namjoon laughed. “Beck, one of the guys from up north, brought explosives. He was setting them up all over the place. I think he just wanted to come to blow stuff up. But I heard Jimmy K was pretty badass during the battle.”
               Jimmy K chuckled and said, “I was just doing my job.”
               “I saw Jimmy K swing over the crowd on a chain, shooting a crossbow,” said Taehyung.
               “I saw Jimmy K with a machete, fighting back-to-back with Yoongi,” said Namjoon.
               “I saw Jimmy K karate chop someone in the neck and they passed out,” said Hoseok. “I didn’t even know that was possible.”
               “I saw Jimmy K run up a wall and do a backflip kick to one guy’s chest,” said Yoongi.
               “Was that before my shirt was ripped open, or after?” Jimmy K asked.
               “After,” said Yoongi. “You had a big gash across your chest.”
               “That was from someone’s nails,” said Jimmy K. “Can you believe that? They ruined my shirt. I might have a scar there!”
               “But what a great story it’ll come with!” said Jin.
               “That’s true,” said Jimmy K. “Women love scars. And they love the stories.”
               “What happened to you when you went missing?” Jungkook asked Catalina.
               “I was with Priya and we were going back in to evacuate more captives,” said Catalina. “Amanda came out of nowhere and Priya tried to defend me but she didn’t stand a chance. Amanda pounced on her and snapped her neck. I ran away, but I got lost. Amanda was following me, but I think she was just playing with me. She let me run until I couldn’t breathe anymore, and then she came out and grabbed me. She brought me to Makai’s office. Jimin was there. I don’t think Makai was expecting this attack.”
               “Really?” asked Namjoon. “Because there were way more enemies there than we expected.”
               “No, he told us that he knew we knew Jimin. He realized Jimin was part of our group when Yoongi went there to buy him, but he didn’t pay any mind to it,” said Catalina. “He basically said, he got paid either way. He didn’t think we’d do something like this.”
               “He said he wanted to try to make a deal with you,” Jimin said to Namjoon.
               “He tried to,” said Namjoon. “He wanted me to call this off and let him continue his business. He’d spare you if we did. I couldn’t let him continue his work, so I tried to reason with him to let you go, but then some idiot wanted to be a hero and tried to attack Makai. Obviously Mohati jumped in and killed him right away, but it was too late. Makai and Amanda panicked and took it as an attack.”
               “That’s when Taehyung went crazy,” said Hoseok. “He was legendary.
               “A beast,” said Jimmy K. “Absolutely fearsome.”
               “He was truly a formidable force,” said Namjoon.
               “Guys,” Taehyung whined, blushing and looking down.
               “His eyes were practically glowing when he attacked Makai,” said Jimmy K. “And Makai is a big man, way bigger than Taehyung, so I was sure he’d win. Not to mention, Amanda was also a part of his attack. But Taehyung let out a piercing battle cry and tackled Makai to the ground. He fought both of them like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He was like a wild animal.”
               “He was faster and stronger than I’ve ever seen him,” said Namjoon. “He killed Amanda right away and then tore Makai apart.”
               “Literally,” said Yoongi. “He literally tore the man limb from limb.”
               “Ew, please stop,” said Hoseok, looking pale again.
               “He didn’t waste any time biting you, Jimin,” said Jimmy K. Jimin looked at Taehyung, whose eyes were downcast. Jimin took his hand and rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. Catalina had to assume Jimin wasn’t too mad about being turned.
               “They formed a circle around us,” said Jungkook. He looked pale too as he told Catalina the next part. “Hoseok tried to hold your wound closed, but it wasn’t working. He said he was sorry before biting you.”
               “Once Makai was dead, most of his people started running away,” said Namjoon. “The battle ended quickly and then the police came down to sweep for any other survivors. We didn’t stay though. We had to get you two home.”
               Catalina stayed silent for a moment to take everything in. She couldn’t believe everything that happened, just within…
               “How long was I out?” she asked.
               “Just a day and a half,” said Namjoon.
               “Shit. No wonder my mom was panicking,” said Catalina.
               There was something else weighing on her mind. Something she wasn’t sure they’d have the answers for.
               “So, something strange has been happening with me, and I think I understand what it is, but I don’t know how it’s possible,” said Catalina. Everyone was listening intently. “About a week or so after I moved here, I started having these dreams. They would always start out chaotic, mostly me running from something. Then they would end in a library or den and Namjoon would be there, telling me about the book he read last.”
               Various faces of confusion stared back at her.
               “The weird part is, we hadn’t met any of you yet,” said Catalina. “I met Namjoon in my dreams before I met him in real life. But it didn’t stop there. The night after our bonfire at Jungkook’s house, I had a dream that I was being chased in a tunnel with a metal floor. And the person chasing me said something like, ‘Don’t you know girls like you get eaten…’, or, what was it? Like, ‘Here kitty kitty, don’t you know trespassers get eaten?’. And these dreams kept happening, the same one over and over again, me being chased in this tunnel and the person chasing me kept saying something similar to that, a little different each time. And then, the night before the battle, I had a dream that me and Jimin were being held captive and I woke up when our necks were slit.
               “When Amanda was chasing me the day of the battle, I was running through the same tunnel as the one in my dreams. But I didn’t think about it too much because she was following me and taunting me and she said those words. She said, ‘Here, kitty kitty. If you keep running, you’ll run into monsters down here. And pretty kitties like you will get eaten by the monsters’, something like that. And I realized that this was the moment I had been dreaming about all along. And I knew what happened next but I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
               Catalina felt a tear run down her face, which she wiped away quickly. She didn’t want to cry, she wanted to be mad. But there was no point in being mad at a dead woman. She supposed there was also no point in being mad at a situation that was meant to be anyway.
               “Fascinating,” Namjoon said after a long pause. “You’re a prophet.”
               “I thought you didn’t believe in stuff like that,” said Yoongi.
               “I don’t, I mean I didn’t,” he said. “But it doesn’t matter what I believe in. If she’s telling the truth, which she has no reason not to, then that’s proof. That implies that destiny is real, and we don’t truly have free will.”
               Namjoon rubbed his chin and looked off into space before continuing.
               “But not entirely,” said Namjoon. “If your dreams were a little bit different each time, that means that the future isn’t completely set in stone. It might still be possible to change it, especially if you know what to expect. It might be difficult though, since it sounded like all your dreams had about the same outcome.”
               “No, not all of them,” said Catalina. “Some of them ended with me finding you all and you protecting me from whatever was chasing me. One of them ended with Jungkook getting injured. He was unconscious and both of us were locked in one of those cells.”
               “So, it sounds like the future is changeable,” said Yoongi. “I bet your dreams were shifting every time someone made a decision.”
                “This isn’t unheard of, Catalina,” Namjoon said. “Lots of vampires have some sort of special ability. Usually it’s just things like hypnotism, or having an affinity for certain skills, but this could be very useful. And very interesting. The philosophical implications of this are well worth looking into.”
               “I don’t like it,” said Catalina.
               “You better get used to it,” said Yoongi. “There’s a lot of things about this life you won’t like.”
               “Well, vampires don’t need to sleep, right?” Jimin said. “If you don’t like it, just don’t sleep.”
               “Oh, that’s true,” said Hoseok.
               It was then that she remembered the last dream she had. The one on the beach. If that one came true, like the others did, then maybe this gift of hers wouldn’t be so bad.
               “What are you smiling about?” Jungkook asked.
               “The last dream I had, before I woke up today,” she said, her smile growing wider. “I hope it comes true.”
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arya-skywalker · 4 years
Starved for Attention Part 1 (Sanders Sides Fanfic)
Notes: So I started this thing months ago, before Janus even had a name. It’s based loosely on this gorgeous art (tw starvation and chains), by @altruistic-skittles
However it has grown dramatically, and will now likely be 2-4 parts. Thanks to the Joan Collective / TSS Content Creators Server for encouraging me and bouncing ideas around. Apply here to join
This is vaguely canonverse, after Virgil was accepted but before Deceit revealed himself to Thomas.
TW: starvation, malnourishment, imprisonment, chains, Janus does not like Patton
Ships: Roceit and Anxceit (not a love triangle tho, they’re just trying to help him, Anxceit here is more platonic anyway)
Part 2
Janus leaned against the wall of his cell, watching the chains sway in the chill breeze, listening to the discordant music as they clanged against each other. He rubbed his arms, trying to ignore how skeletal they were. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a full meal, the last time he had been allowed outside the cell.
Footsteps approached.
Janus quickly adjusted his position, crossing one leg over the other, lounging without a care in the world. Don’t show weakness. You are in control. He forced a smile, watching the figure come into view. “Ah, Your Highnesss. How kind of you to come vissit.”
Roman stopped in front of the barred door, fiddling with his sword. “I.... you look awful.”
Janus laughed. “Do I? I haven’t had the luxury of a mirror,” he said dryly.
“Oh. I didn’t mean.... uh... do you want one?” Roman fumbled at his belt, then held out a pocket mirror, slipping it through the bars.
Janus watched as the mirror rolled over to him and landed face-down. It would be so easy to ignore it, to pretend he was still his handsome self. It would be easy to break the mirror and use the shards as a weapon.
But he did neither. Janus picked up the mirror, surprised by how heavy such a small item could be. He took a deep breath and smoothed his expression before daring to look at his reflection.
He was even more gaunt than he feared. His bones were disturbingly clear through his thin flesh. His cheeks were sunken. Dark bags under his eyes marked his lack of sleep. His scales had lost their shine.
He wished he hadn’t looked.
Janus closed the pocket mirror with a click and set it down. “Why are you here, my prince?” He asked, realizing Roman was still standing there.
“I... umm... figured you might want some company?”
Janus arched an eyebrow. “You mean you want company that isn’t one of your goody-two-shoes friends up there.”
Roman scuffed the floor with his polished boots. “They don’t support me like they used to,” he muttered. “It just feels like... whenever I make progress something always sends us back to where we started!”
“Mmm.... they don’t listen to you,” Janus said. “Jussst as they refuse to listen to me and your dear brother.”
“Well... I.... that’s—“ Roman stammered.
Janus straightened, his snake eye gleaming. “It’s the same.”
“I’m... not sure if that’s....” Roman rubbed the back of his neck.
“Oh come now! You and I know I am not a monssster.” Janus tilted his head to the side. “Remind me again why I am locked away down here.”
“You know why.”
Janus clicked his tongue. “Humor me, my prince.”
Roman frowned. “Well.... you... you’re one of the Dark Sides.”
“A term you invented. Try again.”
“Uh.... because.... Thomas thinks that lying is wrong.”
“Mmm... getting closer. Now.... how did I end up stuck down here?” Janus inched closer to the bars. Roman blinked. Clearly that was too far of a jump. Janus sighed. “Thomas’s mind is.... unique, as I’m sure you know. I am in charge of hiding things that Thomas doesn’t want to know or they would hurt him if he did know. But who or what hides me?”
Roman’s brow furrowed. “You did this to yourself?”
Janus laughed harshly. “No, no. I am not nearly so self-sacrificing.” He coughed, taking a moment to get control over himself. “No. The mind palace itsself is doing this to me. Thomas’s sssubconsciouss if you prefer. Something deep within, sentient in a way, but not strong enough to be a side on its own.”
Janus leaned forward. “Let me go. I can help you, my prince, but not from this cell.”
Roman opened and closed his mouth, looking much like a confused fish washed ashore. “I... You....”
“Come now. The others are no help to you. We both need allies,” Janus said. If he wasn’t so weak, he would have waltzed up to the barred door and grabbed Roman’s collar, pulling him close for a kiss between the bars. But he could barely summon the strength to stand, let alone drag himself across the cell.
Roman lowered his gaze, then suddenly brightened. “Oh right. I brought food!” He shoved a crumpled paper bag between the bars and dropped it.
Janus lunged for the food instinctively, somehow managing to catch it before it hit the disgusting floor. His body screamed in protest— but it was worth it. He opened the bag to find an apple, a mystery sandwich, a water bottle, and a cookie. His mouth watered. “Thank you, my prince,” he said sincerely before digging into the meal.
“I told Pat I was going on an adventure and he insisted on packing something,” Roman said sheepishly. “And I know you don’t get fed enough so.... yeah. You’re welcome. I’ll... uh... let you eat in peace. Farewell!”
He sunk out before Janus could protest. But it was better this way. Janus didn’t want anyone to see him gorge on the blessed meal. Sure, sides technically didn’t need to eat. But he could pretend the food helped. And for a little while, maybe he could believe it.
Janus awoke to the distinct impression of someone watching him. He frowned and stirred, glancing at the barred door to see Virgil crouched in the shadows. “Here to gloat?” he drawled.
“Not today, no.” Virgil moved closer to the bars. He looked.... worried? Ridiculous. “What the hell happened?”
Janus shrugged. “Thomas said himself of lying— ‘That’s a side of myself I would prefer not to feed into’,” he said, mimicking Thomas’s voice. “For some reason, that was taken literally. So here I am, starving in the dark. Happy?”
“Fuck that.” Virgil pelted a granola bar at him. Then another. Then a bottled protein shake. “There. Eat up.”
Janus flinched and held his hands in front of his face, then blinked when he realized Virgil was throwing food at him. “You... you’re helping me?”
“This doesn’t mean I like you,” Virgil said quickly. “But you need to be strong enough to do your job in case Thomas does need you for whatever reason. So... yeah.” He stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket.
Janus picked up the granola bars and opened the shake, taking a few careful sips of the almost-too-sweet drink. “How long were you sitting there for?”
Virgil smiled sideways. “Do you really want to know?”
Janus glanced over and decided he didn’t. “What else do you want?”
Virgil shrugged. “I want you to swear on whatever means anything to you that you won’t hurt Thomas or any of the other Sides,” he said.
“I swear I won’t harm anyone intentionally,” Janus said, taking off a glove and holding his hand over his heart.
Virgil exhaled sharply and rubbed his face. “Why should I trust you? How do I know you aren’t just.... lying again?”
“Mmm. You can’t possibly know for sure,” Janus said, fixing his gloves. “But you know as well as I do that repression will only hurt Thomas in the end.”
Virgil was silent for a while, then shook himself and stood. “Just... be careful, alright? I’ll check in to make sure you don’t die or get sick or whatever.” He gestured vaguely as he sunk out.
Janus was alone again. He pulled his knees to his chest and closed his eyes.
Logan was the next visitor. “Deceit? I have been informed of your condition and thought it may be a good idea to investigate myself.”
Janus lifted his head to look over, then narrowed his eyes upon seeing the first aid kit. “You are not a doctor.”
“Perhaps not. But I have researched medicine extensively.”
Janus bared his fangs. “Don’t even think about coming at me with needles.”
Logan sighed. “I simply wish to monitor your condition to ensure you are not in severe danger.”
“Logic, I am starving. But we are imaginary. You know wounds and illnesses don’t have lasting effects. Besides, you are out there, and I am in here. How do you plan on getting inside the cell, hmm?”
“I have also researched how to pick a lock.” With that, Logan stepped forward and stuck something into the lock, fiddling with it until it popped open.
Janus froze, staring at him. The door was unlocked. The cell was open. He could.... he could....
Logan sat beside him on the cold floor. “Allow me to take your vitals.”
“Wait. Don’t touch me. Pleasse.” Janus recoiled, hating himself for it.
Logan blinked and adjusted his glasses. “Oh. My apologies. You must be touch starved. Unfortunately I am not very experienced with that sort of things. Patton is much—“
“No. I do not want to sssee Patton,” Janus hissed. Morality might not be directly responsible for his imprisonment, but if Thomas didn’t think lying was so bad, he wouldn’t be in this situation. Patton was part of the reason he was stuck down here.
Logan hesitated. “Perhaps Virgil?”
Janus rested his head on his knees. “Fine,” he mumbled.
Janus heard him leave— and lock the door. Of course they didn’t trust him enough to leave the cell open. Why would they? He was Deceit.
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httpsfelicity · 4 years
“In a black dress, she’s such an actress” - Harry Styles × Model Reader AU (Part 2/?)
Summary - Harry meets a model downtown and falls for her quickly, leading the public to think that it’s a pr stunt. Unsure of what to think, the reader plays along, not knowing that Harry is unaware of the rumours.
For @cruizmanadu, @stephaniemalvie!, @kissessfordraco Xx
A/N - Part two! Thank you sooo much for the feedback on part one, I never expected it! Glad you guys like it so far. If you haven’t read part one, click here x Once again, if you’d like a part 3 / have suggestions / ect, just send a DM or ask! Here you go babessss :) 
Harry Styles: Hi
Y/n <3: Hi
Harry Styles: Why are you awake, it’s 3am?
Y/n <3: I could ask you the same thing, you messaged me first!
Harry Styles: You’re right. What’s up?
Y/n <3: Watching TV, you?
Harry Styles: Not much. Listening to The Beatles, y’know, normal night things.
Y/n <3: Never really got around to listening to them personally
Harry Styles: Omg reported and BLOCKED.
Y/n <3: Omg noooooo come back 
Harry Styles: Kiddinggggggg, but I have to make you listen to one of their albums sometime
Harry Styles: Are you free tomorrow?
Y/n <3: I have a shoot all day. I’m free the next day tho
Harry Styles: We could maybe do something then? The park?
Harry Styles: Unless you have a better idea, of course
Y/n <3: No that sounds great! What time?
Harry Styles: 7?
Y/n <3: Sure! :)
Harry Styles: Now, GO TO SLEEP!
Y/n <3: Only if you do!
Harry Styles: Okayyyy, goodnight!
Y/n <3: Goodnight!
Seen: 3:14am
As you crawled into bed, a feeling of satisfaction spread through you. He wanted to spend more time with you - that ought to be a good sign, right? “Maybe this could work out, after all,” was the last thing you thought before you fell asleep.
The next day was the usual whirlwind of events that occurred every shoot day - wake up early, take a cab over to the location (That particular day’s mystery place happened to be an old art studio), take another cab with some assigned lady to get you ready, another cab back to the location, then a whole day of photos. It was all a blur to you, so when the head of the whole operation thanked you at the end of the day, you were glad it was all over. Of course you adored your job, but considering the amount of sleep you’d gotten last night (Which, by the way, you did not regret one bit) you were thankful that in 45 minutes you’d be fast asleep.
What you did not expect, however, was for that little power nap to turn into a full 14 hours. By the time you woke up the next day, it was the crack of 11am. You sat up frantically, taking in your surroundings. You were still wearing your street clothes - jeans and a blouse - and a quick glance in the mirror revealed you hadn’t taken off your extravagant makeup, either. Trust me, it was not a pretty sight. You scrambled for your phone, and aside from all of the usual twitter notifications, DM requests, and messages from Ella and Harry (Which you were over the moon about), you noticed that you had 4 missed calls. From, none other than Harry.
You quickly clicked on his contact and dialed up his number. After a few rings, he picked up.
“Hi!” He said cheerfully.
“Hey,” you laughed. “Why did you call me? Four times, to be exact?”
“Just wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight. But then I got worried when you didn’t answer, so I called again to make sure everything was alright.”
“And again, and again.”
“Correct,” he laughed.
“Rough photoshoot. I was exhausted, and it wasn’t all that exciting. By the time I got home, I was asleep. Literally. I slept for 14 hours straight.”
Harry laughed so hard on the other end that you had to move your phone away from your ear for a couple of seconds so he could calm down. “Oh, wow, I... well, I guess it’s not that funny. That’s awful. You should’ve gotten more sleep the night before!”
“I would’ve, but somebody just had to message me at 3am!”
Cue another round of laughter. “Oh my god... look, I’m sorry, I really am! I didn’t know you had to wake up so early. I won’t message you so late into the night anymore, I promise.”
“Don’t promise that! I quite liked it. Besides, all of those shoots are the same. Nothing worth remembering, if you ask me.”
“Alright, alright, fine. But are we still on for later? If you’re still tired, we can reschedule...”
“No! After twice the amount of sleep I usually get, I feel like I could run a marathon. Seven?”
“Okay. Gives me enough time to adjust myself to reality.”
This sent both of them into bouts of laughter.
“Alright, well, I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you then?”
“You’ve got it! Bye!”
“Bye! And for the love of god try not to fall asleep this time, yeah?” He cracked himself up.
“I’ll try!” You replied as you hung up. You sighed, smiled, and then leaned against your headboard, though not for long. You had things to do - number one, get a shower.
Flash forward a few hours, and you were all set. You were wearing a pair of jeans and a blouse, similar to yesterday’s outfits, just with less smeared makeup and bedhead. You had even managed to listen to a few albums while you were doing your hair. You quickly ate a salad for supper, confirmed the meeting spot with Harry, then headed out the door.
You arrived 10 minutes early, and to your surprise, Harry was already there again. 
“How did you get here before me?” You laughed as you walked up to him. “I left even earlier than last time, specifically to race you!”
“Oh, I have my ways,” he grinned. “So, would you like to know what I have planned?” 
“Enlighten me,” you prompted as you began walking past the bushes and flowerbeds with him, admiring his bold, light purple flared pants and white top.
“Well, first we walk through the park. Then, I have a reservation booked for La Sedbe Hyudge. If that sounds okay to you, that is.”
La Sedbe Hyudge was one of the most exclusive clubs in New York. Reservations were crazy expensive, and that’s not including the price of the food and drinks.
“Oh, Harry, you really didn’t ha-”
“No, no, don’t worry about it. The reservation’s already made; there’s no turning back now,” he laughed.
You laughed along with him. “Well, we can just split the final bill.”
“Don’t worry about it!” 
You sighed. “Okay,” you finally agreed. “Well, anyways, tonight sounds like it will be great fun. Thank you.”
Harry nodded, looking around. You had to admit it, the scenery of the park was very nice. The gardener(s) here must be paid awfully well.
“So, I listened to Fine Line.”
Harry perked up. “Oh?”
“It was - and I’m not just saying this because I li- we’re friends - but it was incredible. I’ve never heard anything like it.”
Harry was trying to hide his smile, but he was failing miserably. “Well, that’s good,” he concluded nonchalantly. 
“No, really! I have Golden stuck in my head. It’s beautiful. And don’t even get me started on Lights Up.”
“You didn’t see the music video, did you?”
“Oh, wow.”
“It was ARTSY!” You laughed, Harry clearly getting embarrassed. “No, in all honestly, it was great.”
“Well, I’m glad you think that,” he smiled. “I wish I could say the same to you, but you don’t sing, obviously.”
“Not my forte, honestly. I was in choir in elementary, but that’s pretty much it. Never really had any interest in the preforming arts. No offense.”
“None taken. I’ve always liked singing, but I didn’t think I’d pursue it as a career. I was very happy at my old job, thank you very much.”
“What was your old job?”
“I used to work in a bakery.”
“No way!” “That’s adorable,” you thought as the two of you rounded a corner of the path.
“Yes way! Not to brag, but I was very good at making cinnamon rolls.”
“Now, isn’t that something.”
“That’s not all - macaroons.”
“Oh my god, marry me.”
You continued goofing off for the rest of the walk. You talked about Netflix shows and whether Summer or Winter was the superior season in the taxi, and the best way to make Kraft dinner on the sidewalk. By the time you walked into the restaurant and sat down, you were discussing the importance of a good facemask.
“I don’t know. I just can’t believe you do them.”
“I can’t believe you don’t.”
“Why should I?”
“Do you want me to go over the health benefits again?”
You sighed. “No. I just do not have the patience.”
“For me to explain it again or facemasks in general?”
You smiled. “Both.”
Harry laughed rather loudly, gaining a few odd looks from some stuck-up diners. “You’re lucky you’re cute, y/n.”
Before you could respond, a waiter walked over to your table. “And what could I get for the couple this evening?” He asked.
You and Harry looked at eachother and tried to supress laughter.
“Well, I don’t know about my husband here,” you start, looking over at Harry with a grin. He’s staring back at you and you are positive that he’s gonna blow it at any second, but you decide to keep going, “But I’ll have a glass of red wine.”
“Whatever you want, dear, so I guess I’m driving,” Harry shrugged. “I will have water, please.”
The waiter nodded. “I’ll be right back.”
 As soon as he was out of earshot, the two of you burst out laughing.
“That.. was.... amazing!” Said Harry between laughs.
“I know right!” You agreed. “We have to keep it going all night.”
“YES,” he nodded as a group of teenage girls walked past the table, also laughing uncontrollably.
Then, the waiter returned. “For the lady,” he said as he placed down a glass of  wine. You immediately picked it up and took a sip. 
“For the main course, I’ll have the steak, please,” said Harry in his very-best fancy voice.
“I too,” you said, giggling and taking another sip.
The waiter nodded and headed back to the kitchen. The two of you laughed again. 
Just then, you felt your phone buzz in your purse. “It’s probably nothing,” you thought, choosing to ignore it. But then it went off again. And again. And again.
“You should probably get that,” said Harry, looking at your bag.
“Nah, it’s probably nothing.”
“Alright. I gotta run to he bathroom, and then I’m gonna order a drink for myself, okay?”
“Okay,” you said as you watched him get up. “Bring me back a glass too!”
You watched him walk over to the mens room. Your phone buzzed. He pushed open the door. Your phone buzzed. The door shut behind him. You reached down and pulled out your phone.
Ella: Oh my god
Ella: Y/n
Ella: Where are you right now
Ella: Are you with anybody?
Ella: ?????
Ella: Y/N
You quickly typed up a response, although you were confused as to why she was so worried all of a sudden.
Y/n: I’m at the Sedbe Hyudge with Harry, why?
Ella: *Sent a set of photos*
Ella: Check twitter for more.
You clicked on the photos. The first was a screenshot of an update account, saying that you and Harry were in the park. Then, another tweet from the same account, saying you were at this restaurant. Then, photos of you in the park. And then, photos of you at the restaurant. Under that were screenshots of twitter users.
@Cocopopstyles: I just want Harry to take me on a date like he does with y/n, is that TOO MUCH TO ASK. They’re TOO CUTE.
@HSDaily: Ew lmfao she’s so ugly PLS 
@Stylessssmaple: “I ain’t saying she’s a golddigger, but she ain’t messing with no broke....”
@LaylaHoran: I heard that they were talking to the waiter like they’re an actual couple. A few girls overheard it, idk their @’s tho.
@LarryStylinsonobvs replying to @LaylaHoran: Really?? Omg that’s pretty quick tbh. Weren’t they first seen together days ago?
@LaylaHoran replying to @LarryStylisonobvs: Yeah apparently. Idk what’s going on. Is she a PR stunt or not???
@LarryStylinsonobvs replying to @LaylaHoran: Not to be a bluegreener but she could be a beard... we’ve gotten so much content from them in the past 72 hours like.... are u gonna tell me there’s no contract in there at all?????
@Y/nsflowers: Y/n looks so good in the new pap photos pLEASE MARRY ME MA’AM.
@Y/L/Nsummertime: Y/n is over lmfao can she please cut the bullshit. Wbk she’s in it for the money. The job, the PR stunts, the boyfriend...
@TheDailyPoolsideNews: Model y/n and ex-boyband star spotted out in the town! Will this be the next Hollywood snoozefest?
There was more, but Harry was already back at the table, carrying two glasses and setting them down, smiling. All of a sudden, you had this really sick feeling. You couldn’t look him in the eyes. You took your drink as he sat down. Not wanting to say anything in case it ruined the night, you took a sip and put your phone back in your purse.
“Everything alright?”
You looked up. “Yeah.”
Harry stared at you. You stared back jokingly, trying to break the tension. Harry’s phone started ringing. “Oops,” he frowned, “thought I turned this off...”
“You can take it, it’s okay. I checked my phone before. Plus, I need to use the washroom.”
“Okay,” he smiled as you stood up, smiling back. As you were walking away, you heard him talking to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Hey, Nial- what? No, I am, why-”
You pushed into the womens room and locked yourself in a stall. “What the hell is going on?”
You sit there for a few minutes, trying to collect your thoughts and give Harry some time to finish his conversation. Someone had seen the two of you at the park and in the restaurant, so what? Some people liked you, and some people didn’t. Okay, that’s understandable. Some people hated you. That’s fine, you don’t care. But people still think you and Harry are a PR stunt. This is only your second date! And it’s not eve a date! It’s just a... you put your head in your hands, then sit up, not wanting to smudge your mascara. You reach for your phone, only to remember you left it in your purse, which was currently on the floor next to your chair next to Harry. God.
And, to make matters worse, he had gotten a phonecall and from what you had heard when you were walking away, he sounded worried. Perfect! That was probably his management. Or, better yet, one of his friends doing the same thing Ella had done to you. Suddenly, you jumped up and walked back out to the table. He was fiddling around with his napkin. When he saw you, his face lit up. You didn’t buy it.
“Hi, sorry, it was just one of my friends. He wanted to t-”
“Oh, it’s fine,” you said, politely cutting him off.
Harry was taken back by this, but not for long. He wasn’t fazed easily. “Oh, okay. That’s good. Sorry for taking so long. Oh, and I don’t want this anymore, so if you want it, you can fill yours up. Otherwise, I’m just gonna give it to the waiter when he comes back.”
You never drank too much. You knew three glasses would be awful for you. But you took his and filled yours up, because “I don’t want to waste anything. This place is so expensive.”
Soon after, the waiter dropped off your meals. Harry was speaking less, more unsure of himself than before, but you didn’t notice. You made polite small talk, but it wasn’t like your antics from before. Yet when you were leaving, you did not split the bill. Harry still paid.
When you walked outside, it was dark. You hadn’t expected it. You laughed. Harry laughed. “Let’s wait over here for a taxi, yeah?”
You nodded and followed him. You sat on a bench. Harry messaged somebody. You swung your feet a little. Harry took a call. You stayed seated, watching people walk by. Harry came back over and helped you walk to the taxi, arm around your back. You tried to tell him you didn’t need his help, but he didn’t listen. 
Harry gave the taxi driver his address. You gave him yours, but he didn’t listen. You spoke up again, but Harry told you not to worry; you could spend the night with him. You nodded.
Harry helped you out of the taxi. You didn’t fight back. You tried to pay for the taxi, but he wouldn’t take your money. You held his hand as you walked through the doors of his apartment building, got in the elevator, got to his apartment. He sat you down on the couch and went off to his room. He came back shortly after.
“I don’t have any pyjamas for you.”
“Why would I need pyjamas?” You laughed a little, and then a lot.
Harry smiled. He went back to his room and came back with a shirt still wrapped in plastic and a bag.
“Here. The bathroom is over there. There’s makeup wipes on the counter.” He helped you up and you walked over. 
“Why do you have makeup wipes? Do you wear makeup?”
“Yep!” Said Harry. “Just turn the lock to the left. It’s tricky sometimes, try it a few times if it doesn’t work, yeah?”
“That’s so cool, can you show me your makeup sometime?”
“Yep! Maybe after you get your pyjamas on.”
You shut the door and turned the lock, though you doubted you’d need it. You took off your fancy clothes and put on a pair of brand new too-big black sweatpants and a too-big pink t-shirt. Why did you need pyjamas again? Harry hadn’t answered. He wasn’t sending you home in pyjamas, was he? Uh oh.
You walked out. Harry was in the kitchen. “Do you need anything?”
“A drink.”
“Wine, dummy.” You cracked up at this.
“You’ve already had more than enough. C’mon, let’s go to the living room.” He grinned. 
Harry smiled patiently. “C’mon, y/n. We can watch a movie or something.”
“Okay. Wait - can I just have orange juice instead?”
“Of course.” He grabbed a can of juice and then walked into the living room. You followed. There were pillows and blankets on the couch, and Disney+ was set up.
“Ooou, fancy,” you laughed.
Harry crawled under the blankets. You did too. He laughed. So did you. Why were you even upset with him in the first place? You couldn’t remember. Harry grabbed the remote and turned on some show you’ve never heard of before. The Mandalorian, whatever that was. You leaned your head on Harry’s shoulder. It wasn’t even boring - why were you falling asleep? 
Harry closed his eyes - he was tired, too, but for different reasons. You listened to his breathing get slower. You held him tightly. You held him back. 
“Friends don’t hold friends that way,” you thought to yourself. “But who cares?”
You fell asleep. So did he.
You forgot about the stunt rumours. So did he.
He forgot about how his friend called him in a panic, not wanting this relationship to get ruined for him like the last one, and the one before that, and the one before that. About how he really, really liked you, but couldn’t act on it. He wanted to give you the world. Yes, he fell too quickly, too easily, but who could blame him?
And you forgot about Ella in the same panic. She didn’t want this to get ruined for you, of course, because this was your first shot, your first love (Although not that she’d know - you had to admit you had been a bit distant with her since you met Harry.) She didn’t want you to fall into the hands of the public eye. She wanted to make sure you were safe. She wasn’t sure if you should trust Harry, so of course she should be worried.
But you trusted him.
And he trusted you.
And everything is okay.
Until 3am.
A/N PT 2 - While you’re waiting for part 3 (which is definitely coming btw!) check out my other fics through this masterlist HERE!
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
The Less I Know the Better
Description: In which Grayson sees the love of his life move on, at least that’s what he thought. Based on the overplayed song by wanna be indie TikTok girls ‘The Less I Know The Better’ by Tame Impala.
Warnings: None really
Word Count: 2k+
Suggested Song: The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala
It hurt.
All Grayson was feeling was pain and guilt.
Pain because he loved her and had to see her walking around and be happy with another man that wasn’t him. And guilt. Well, he felt guilty because it’s his fault she’s no longer his. If only he could’ve kept his dick in his pants, he would be the one with her now, even if it wasn’t completely his fault.
Too deep in his thoughts he didn’t realize that she was walking over to him and that he was staring like a lost puppy.
“Hi Grayson,” her dreamy and angelic voice spoke, making Grayson regret coming to the mall.
“Hey Y/N,” he replied. His deep voice making her remember all the good times they spent together. All the time he made her feel good, and not just about herself. All the time he would vent to her and she would sit and listen.
“How are you doing? How’s Ethan doing?” She asked him, trying not to be as awkward as she could. She doesn’t know why she walked over to him, she doesn’t know why she needed to talk to him but here she was; Talking to her ex trying to pretend as if nothing happened.
“I’m good, and he’s alight, how bout’ you tho? You seem happy,” he asked and regretted it instantly as he watched her face drop the smile that was being displayed.
“Happy? No. Calm? You could say that,” she said with a chuckle at the end. He wanted to ask her what she meant. Ask her if she needed someone to talk to, but he didn’t want to push it.
“I don’t know what you mean but sure,” he replied causing her to let out a little giggle.
“You know what I mean Grayson,” she said, shaking her head. “I just don’t know how to tell him.” She said, the sad tone in her voice causing Grayson to frown.
“Oh god, I can’t talk to you about this, that's weird,” she slightly shouted, realizing what she was talking about and to whom she was talking to.
“It’s fine Y/N, you know I’ll always be there for you,” he replied in which she responded with a smile.
“Me too Gray, actually I got a new phone and number and my ICloud got locked out so you know I don’t have any contacts so slide me your number if you want.” She said with a smile making his heart perform a gymnastics freestyle performance.
“Yeah here,” he said, handing her his phone. She was about to grab it when a loud and angry voice spoke from beside them.
“Y/N what the fuck are you doing?” Her un-official boyfriend's loud voice spoke, making her face display pure fear.
“Nothing Geo, I’m just talking to an old friend,” she nervously spoke, knowing that if he knew she was talking to her ex-boyfriend it would not end pretty.
“I told you to stay over there, not to go hoeing around,” he shouted at her, not realizing that Graysons fists were clenched in anger. He was not only upset that he was talking to her in such ways, but upset because the fear in her eyes was pretty evident.
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Grayson said in a deep voice, grabbing her and placing her being her.
“And who are you?” Geo asked in a sarcastic tone.
“A guy who knows how to speak to a girl, which clearly is not a thing in your life,” he responded with a careless shrugged. He wasn't intimated one bit, he already knew the type of guy he was, an all talk, no action douche.
“Yeah right, Y/N let’s go,” he replied rolling his eyes.
“No. I’m not going anywhere with your ass, were not even officially dating,” she replied, walking in front of Grayson to show she wasn’t scared of him.
“Y/N, lets go. Don't make me move you the hard way,” he said and grabbed his arm, digging his finger into it, before a hard punch from Grayson made contact with his fist making him let go of her arm and stumble back.
“Again, don’t talk to her that way,” he said grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the store ignoring the looks the people were giving them.
“Are you ok?” She asked looking up at him with glossy eyes, the same look she gave him when he told her what he had done.
“Are you ok? He said putting emphasis on you. He knew she was the type to worry about others before herself, one of the things he loved about her the most.
“I’m ok, it’s probably just gonna bruise up,” she shrugged and wiped the few tears that streamed down her face with a deep breath. “Do you want to go eat something and talk? I know we have a lot to talk about,” she asked him and he nodded his head.
They ended up choosing a small little restaurant that was across the mall.
“I need to ask you something.” She said as the waiter left after leaving their drinks at the table.
“What is it?” He said putting his phone in his pocket since he wanted to give her his full and undivided attention.
“About what happened with that situation, I know that there’s something I’m not aware of. It doesn’t add up to me, because I know you’re not that type of guy,” she quietly said, Grayson knew she was going ask that at some point but it still made him feel worse.
“You might not believe me but someone slipped something in my water, you know I don’t drink, and I purposely wouldn’t get drunk, all I remember is taking multiple sips from my cup and waking up on the floor.” He replied while playing with his fingers, a thing that he did when he was nervous, the only one that knew he did that was her.
“I know you don’t drink which was why I was confused. I was too caught up in my emotions to even let you explain and now I feel horrible.” She pouted making him shake his head.
“Don’t feel horrible. I betrayed your trust even if it wasn’t purposely. And I would probably have reacted the same way,” he reassured her and grabbed her hand in attempts to make her feel better.
“I still feel bad. You were literally sexually assaulted and I was too petty to even realize it,” she said and intertwined her fingers with his, both of their hearts jumping up and down with excitement and the feeling of each other.
“Hey don’t worry about it, I’m ok. And again how were you supposed to know, you were feeling hurt and angry,” he said, she was so glad he was so understanding.
“Ok now that we’ve cleared the air, I heard E has a little boo thang,” she said causing him to chuckle.
“Yeah she’s pretty nice, you know her too,” he said causing her eyes to widen.
[Okay listen, I’m not gonna name any names because I don’t want to speculate things even tho it’s pretty obvious as to who took Mr.Grants heart from y’all and I’ve been shipping it ever since that video cuz fuck Ethma literally eww 🤮 but yeah]
“Ooooo, we’ll talk about that later,” she replied, taking a sip of her drink. “I dropped out of college,” she added as Grayson and her confused look.
“Why?” He asked.
“I don’t know, it just wasn’t for me. At least not that major. Well I didn’t drop out completely I’m just taking a long break. And between you and me, with this Instagram and TikTok money, I don’t even need to finish,” she replied causing him to laugh.
“That’s true tho, you don’t even need to get a ‘regular’ job” he replied putting air quotes on the regular.
“Yeah, I might drop out completely. I don’t even want to be a surgeon anymore” you shrugged.
“Honestly do what makes you happy, because I remember you got really stressed out while studying and that’s not good for you,” he replied.
“And you get stressed out while coming up with video ideas, but yeah” you said, causing him to shake his head.
“Gray, I’m so sorry but I need to go. I have a doctors appointment in an hour and I would cancel it if I could but that would make it my third time rescheduling it.” You said with a pout once you checked the time on your phone.
You didn’t want to stop talking to him at all. You missed him, his voice, his face, you missed everything about him. You hadn't seen him in 3 months and the last time you saw him wasn’t rainbows and sunshine. But if you cancelled your appointment you would have to get a new doctor and you weren’t in the mood for that, plus you’ve been feeling a bit sick for the last few weeks.
“Hey it’s ok, we can talk again later,” he shrugged with a smile making you feel less guilty.
“Ok, just text me later and we can link yeah?” You replied, getting up and leaving a five dollar bill on the table.
“I will,” he said, getting up too.
“Good, don’t leave me waiting,” you said and placed a quick kiss on his cheek and left the restaurant with a smile on your face and made your way to your car.
You went home first taking a quick shower because you didn’t want to go to the doctor’s office feeling dirty, got dressed and left, stopping at Starbucks to get a drink and drove all the way to the office.
You were feeling anxious but you didn’t know why. You weren’t the type to get nervous when going to doctors or dentists so you were confused as to why.
When they called your name you got up from your seat in the waiting room and made your way to the door where the lady who called your name was at.
“Ok Y/N, I’m going to ask you a few personal questions are you ok with that?” Your doctor asked once you got settled inside the room.
“No, I’m fine,” you nodded your head and she sent you a smile.
“Good. So you said you were feeling a bit weird these past few weeks?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“Yeah, I haven’t had my period in the last few months, but it’s always been irregular, but I’ve been feeling weird and lightheaded in the mornings.” You explained as she nodded her head and wrote things down on a piece of paper.
“Any Nausea?” She asked and you shook your head.
“When was the last time you were sexually active to had unprotected sex?” She asked.
“About three months ago,” you replied. You didn’t lie, Grayson was your last. You met Geo about a month ago and never did anything with him, and didn’t plan too either.
You don’t even know why you decided to give him a try. He was controlling, sexist, and a douche. The complete opposite of Grayson. Grayson was more caring and compassionate. Always wondering whether you were ok and if you needed something.
He was your first everything. First boyfriend, as in first male friend, your first kiss, your first boyfriend, the person that took your virginity and the only person you fell in love with. He was your first for over 14 years so when he told you that he fucked another girl, you couldn’t help but be driven by your emotions and not let him explain, which you regretted. You were crushed, for two months you only left your apartment to get food or to go on drives so when you met Geo at a grocery store and he seemed charming you decided that maybe you had to move on, but look at how that turned out.
“I’m going to have you pee in this container, just to make sure, ok?” She said, causing your anxiety levels to rise.
You nodded you and head and grabbed the cup, walking over to the bathroom while she waited outside for you. After you were done, you washed your hands and exited the bathroom, handing her the cup with shaky hands.
“It’s ok, relax,” she said, noticing your nervous star and walking outside the room leaving you alone with your thoughts.
The seven minutes she took to come back seemed like seven hours, and when she came in with a smile on her face you didn’t know what to think. Your mind was completely empty.
“Congratulations Y/N, you’re pregnant!”
This sucks ass I’m sorry
Tags: @angelgrayson @rhyrhy462 @blindedbythelightt @dolansficsandpics @godlydolans @persistence-ofmemories @episkygrant @aquadolan @wavydolans @evergreendolan @vinylhazza @b-r-i-l @mercurygrant @plantbasedgray @dolansontheblock
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Hi the Tyler Breeze anon I figured since he was in wwe once you might know him but that's ok can I get the request instead with Chuck Taylor
AN- Don't worry about it! Hope you like this one.
Summary- Your daughter Lexie is two months old, therefore will not remember anything for Halloween. Chuck is not hearing it.
"Babe! What about this one?" I looked up from my phone to see Chuck holding a princess kids costume. We had been at the store for a good hour at this point, and Lexie was sound asleep in her stroller. ""It says it's for a 3 year old Chuck, it's not going to fit her." I pointed out. He cursed under his breath before putting it back and continuing to look. I sighed turning my phone off and checking to make sure Lexie was still asleep before walking over to him. ""Chuck, she's only two months old. She won't remember any of this. Besides, your not going to find any costumes that fit her." I said wrapping my arms around him.
""It's her first Halloween. I want it to be perfect." He insisted as he looked through the costumes. ""What about this one?" He asked showing me a little poodle costume. It was meant for babys, and was well insulated to keep them warm. I shook my head knowing he wasn't going to let it go.
""Find, but you have to get her ready." I said giving in making him smile. While we were out I got some stuff for dinner and candy for tomorrow night before we left.
As we drove Lexie started crying in the back. ""Babe, can you pull over so I can try and calm her down? I'll just get in the back seat." I asked looking at Chuck. He nodded and pulled of to the side so I could get out and climb in the back.
""Baby girl, what's wrong?" I said in a baby voice looking over at her in her car seat. She reached up for me trying to grab at me a bit. ""It doesn't smell like you need a new dipper. Are you hungry? It's about that time." I said more to myself as I reached into the dipper bag for a pacifier. She took is for a few minutes before spitting it out and crying again.
As we pulled up to the house I saw an extra car in the driveway. ""Babe, was Orange having someone over?" I asked as we got out. I walked around the car and got the car seat out with a screaming Lexie in it.
""Not That I know of- You head inside. I can get the bags." He said opening the trunk. I walked towards the house and opened the door sighing as I kicked off my shoes. Lexie was till crying as I ground.
""Give me a sec baby girl." I sighed bending down to unbuckle her. I could tell it was time for her to eat because I was getting a bit full, and needed to breast feed. I bounced her a bit as I walked towards the living room. ""Orange! Is someone here?!" I called out. As I walked into the living room I saw Orange leaning against the wall, with both Cody and Brandi standing there.
""Oh! Um, hi." I said greeting them. Brandi immediately rushed over with her arms open. ""Can I hold her?" She asked speaking loudly to be heard over Lexie's cry's.
""Of course. She been a bit fussy today." I said passing her over. A lot of people would be hesitant to give their baby to someone, but I've known the Rhodes a long time. I had even been trained but Dusty and he had been like a dad to me.
""Oh that's fine!" She said cradling her close to her own body. I turned my attention to Cody smiling a bit.
""What are you guys doing here?" I asked giving him a hug.
""Well, the invitations to our yearly Halloween part got lost in the mail. We figured we would invite you personally instead of a text." He explained.
""As great as that is every year, Chuck is persistent that this Halloween will be the best for Lexie."
""And it will be!" I jumped lightly as Chuck came up behind me, and arm wrapping around me.
""Well we wanted to let you know. We weren't sure with the new baby." He said shrugging.
""No it was nice. Orange might go-" we all locked of at him who just shrugged "-but ya. We probably won't." Chuck said. ""Well, you guys are welcome to stay, but I do need to take Lexie and feed her." I said looking over at Brandi. She handed Lexie over and smiled at me.
""We'll get out of your hair now. If you end up dressing Lexie up send us a picture.” Brandi said smiling as she pulled Cody away. Both me and Chuck turned to look at Orange.
  “Why didn’t you tell us they were here?” Chuck asked frowning a bit. “A little warning would have been nice.”
  Orange shrugged making Chuck sigh but I was to worried think about Cody and Brandi. “I wasn’t rude was I? I fell like I made them think that had to leave right away.” I said frowning.
  “What? No, they understand.” Chuck said kissing my forehead. “Go feed her, I can make dinner tonight.”
  “Thank you.” I said a big smile on my face as I headed upstairs to Lexie’s nursery. She was still to little to sleep in there alone, but it was ready when she could. I got set up and let Lexie start nursing. I smiled looking over at a corner of the room where five handprints were. When we were painting the room Chuck had accidentally set his hand in the wall, and I thought it was cute so I put mine there as well. When Orange and Trent saw it the insisted they needed there’s on there as well. And when Lexie was born we added hers.
  As she ate I opened my phone to scroll though Instagram. I saw someone had reposted a picture of me, Chuck, Orange, and Trent at the Halloween party last year. Me and Chuck were dressed as Gomez and Morticia from the Adams family, while Trent was Pugsley and Orange had been Wednesday. The four of us were known in the wrestling community for our costumes, and people would send us ideas and such. I sighed putting my phone down and looking down at my baby girl, there would be no dress up like that this year.
  “Momma loves you so much baby, but I already miss Halloween. I’m sure you’ll love it as much as me and daddy when you get bigger, but for the first few years I’ll miss it.” I said, just barely above a whisper. “Your daddy’s so good at making an amazing Halloween, he want you to have the best even though you won’t remember.” She started to fuss again showing she was done. I quickly burped her and cleaned us both up before heading downstairs.
  “Trent!?” I yelled as I ran around downstairs. There were trick or treaters showing up and I couldn’t find the candy anywhere.
  “Where is the cans y we bought!?”
  “Um.... should be on the counter by the coffee pot.” He yelled back. He was upstairs getting Lexie ready. I found it and ripped the bag open dumping it into a bowl. I rushed to the front door and pulled it open. There was a little boy in a Superman costume.
  “Trick or treat!”
  “Hey buddy! Nice costume.” I said bending down and holding out the bowl. He grabbed one and ran off yelling out a thank you. I closed the door leaning against it a bit. My head felt like it was being hit with a hammer, it had since tho moment I got up today. Lexie hadn’t slept well and I had been up half the night.
  I started walking towards the stairs slowly but froze as the room began to spin. “He babe, do you- shit are you ok?” Trent asked rushing down the stairs to where I was standing a death grip on the railing.
  “The rooms spinning..” I whispered . He lead me over to the couch and sat me down, holding me tight to his chest.
  “What happened?”
  “Nothing really.” I said shrugging. “Lexie didn’t sleep well last night , and my head hurt all day.” I explained.
  “Why didn’t you say something? I could have help ya little more, Orange could have helped to.” He said making me sigh.
  “I don’t know. I thought it would go away, boy was I wrong.” I joked making him chuckle a bit.
  “Hey, I’m here for Or age and Lexi- is this a bad time?” We both looked up to see Trent standing in the door way.
  “No man, your fin-“
  “What do you mean here for orange and Lexie?” I asked confused.
  “Oh! Chuck hasn’t told you!” Trent said looking guilty. I looked back to Chuck with a frown.
  “Last night I ran upstairs to ask you something, and heard you talking to Lexie. You clearly want to have a fun Halloween, so I called Trent to make a plan. Him and Orange were going to babysit and I was going to take you to Cody’s party.” He explained making frown even more.
  “But you wanted to do something fun with Lex-“
   “I have plenty of more Halloween’s in the future, besides you were right, she won’t remember anything anyways.” He said. “All though I don’t think we should go I’d your not feeling great.”
  “I can still take the two of them. You guys can just chill here.” Trent offered, still standing in the entrance to the room.
  “Are you sure? Lexie can be a handful.” I said looking to him.
  “Don’t worry, I have Orange, I’m sure we can figure it out.” He said. Just then Orange came down the stairs with Lexie, her dipper bag, and a duffel.
  “Hey man.” He said when he saw Trent. He looked over at us, raising and eyebrow just barely. “We still doing the plan?”
  “Ya. All though me and Y/n are staying here. Just a night in together.” Chuck explained.
  “Be careful. A night in together is the reason you need us to babysit.” Trent said taking the duffle from Orange making me blush a bit.
  “Just get out of here.” Chuck said waving hand at them as though dismissing them. After they left I got a few blankets as well as the remote, while Chuck went to make popcorn. My phone was going of like crazy asking what we did for Halloween, and I decided to do a little video on Instagram.
  “Everyone’s asking what we did for Halloween this year.... no we didn’t dress Lexie up or ourselves. Lexie is with Orange and Trent for the night, and me and Chuck are having a night in. We need the rest as having a newborn is hard work. Hope y’all aren’t to disappointed.” I ended it and posted just as Chuck walked in with a plater in hand with two cups on in and popcorn.
  “You ready for a scary movie marathon?” He asked looking down at me as he handed me one of the cups. I could see this it had got chocolate in it.
  “Course I am. We haven’t done this on Halloween I years.” I said smiling.
  “Well, I don’t care if we’re at a party, watching movies, or trick or treating with Lexie, it will be perfect.”
  “It will.” I agreed.
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kieraswriting · 4 years
Coffin Chapter Twenty-Four
“You know who I bet has tons of practice with thralls?” Patton said, after coming out of the third one that day, and Virgil saying that he hadn’t figured out any better how to change it.
Virgil sighed. He’d gotten to where he could start the thrall with barely any blood, so he wasn’t worried about taking so much, but he hated biting them so many times in a day, even if they didn’t remember it. Maybe especially since they didn’t remember it. “Please don’t say Remus. I can’t handle another conversation with him about thralls.”
Patton’s nose wrinkled. “Oh. No, I wasn’t thinking of him. I was thinking Remy. We haven’t called Logan in a few days anyway.”
Thomas was just waking up again, exhausted. Trying to resist was hard.
“You know, I could maybe show you how it’s done,” Remus offered, still at a distance that Dee had insisted upon.
Dee bristled as Remus took a step forward. He stood up and between Remus and Thomas. “You touch him and I will rip your throat out. ”
“Still touchy about your human, huh? And here I thought we were getting to be friends.” Remus took another step forward, clearly teasing, but Thomas had no idea how far he would go and still be ‘just teasing’.
Dee hissed, crouching slightly, but this only seemed to encourage Remus, as he kept coming closer. “Stay away from him!”
Remus grinned. “Oh, I’ll leave your little human alone. But I’m getting really, really bored sitting around for you two to not figure things out.”
Remus was now only a couple feet away from Dee, and Thomas could feel the threat radiating off of both of them. He wanted to shout at them, to stop this before it became a fight, but it was as if every cell in his body was telling him that one movement or sound and he would end up dead.
“Don’t take another step,” Dee hissed.
“Didn’t you know, snakey?” Remus said, still walking forward. “Humans aren’t the only ones that can be thralled.”
“Of course I know,” Dee spat. “Doesn’t mean I want to try.”
“Not even if it means you figure it out?”
“What a shame, I guess I’ll have to try Tho-“
Dee let out a growl and Remus was cut off by a swift gut punch. But instead of pressing the advantage, Dee hesitated, probably hoping that it would be enough.
Remus also growled, though his was clearly far more playful, and he jumped at Dee. Dee was too fast to tackle, but the two of them were soon caught in a full-fledged fight.
The fight was over the moment Remus got his teeth into Dee.
Dee dropped almost immediately to his knees, inwardly snarling and fighting against the hold, but unable to move.
“Whoa there, snakey, calm down,” Remus said, much of the teasing gone already.
Dee found his mind calming despite himself. And when it was calm enough, he finally felt a slight curiousity.
“There you have it, made a breakthrough!” Remus said happily. “Wanna tell the class?”
Dee regained control of his head. He glared at Remus. “I hate you.”
“Aw, you don’t hate me, you’re just spitting mad. Wanna know why?”
Dee glared harder, but he actually was curious. Thomas, and the thralls Remus had taken at the prison, heck, even the other vampires back when they were all together, had all seemed to adore the person thralling them.
“Stay here, Dee Dee, I’ll be right back. I need to show you this one.”
Remus left, but not far, searching for something.
“Dee, are you alright?” Thomas asked.
Dee couldn’t turn to look at him, but he could hear the fear in his voice. “I’m fine. Stay away from Remus.”
Then Remus came back, carrying a brown lump. Dee really hoped that it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“Alright! Teaching materials have been acquired!” Remus said loudly, sitting on the ground beside Dee.
Dee found himself moving to a sitting position without wanting to.
“Okay, look here.” Remus had the lump, which now looked more like clay, thank goodness, and was molding it into a snake. He stuck a twig through the head and the end of the tail. “So, this twig is me,” he said, pointing to the one in the tail. “And the other one is you.”
Dee let go of his anger. Remus was an idiot, and infuriating, but it seemed he was genuinely trying to teach, in his own absurd way. “Ok.”
Remus smiled brightly. “And this is the link,” he said, pointing to the clay. “Now it can go two ways, up, or sideways.” He pinched the snake so it flattened out horizontally. “This is more what it looks like in my head right now. It’s sideways, so I can make your body do anything I want. A suuuper long time ago I had to say it all out loud, but I can just do it now.”
Dee found himself clapping.
“Now the other way is up. You can’t just twist it though, you have to pinch it all the way up.” Remus said, demonstrating with his snake. “And up is feelings and thoughts and junk. Mostly making you fall in love with me.”
Remus batted his eyelashes, and Dee rolled his eyes. “But I haven’t been able to make the link change either up or sideways.”
“Oh…” Remus said disappointedly. “Well, anyway, you have a nice round little snake when you start, so you’re controlling his body and his feelings. You just have to figure out how to run a steamroller over your snake.”
“Do you really think of it as a snake?” Dee asked. Snakes weren’t exactly moldable.
“Oh, no, mine’s a d*ck. I just figured a snake would make it easier for you.”
Dee cringed, and was suddenly able to, his body back under his control.
“And when you’re done you just lop it right off!” Remus said cheerfully.
“Please stop.”
“But I haven’t even talked about when you have more than one—“
“Stoooop…. please, Remus, I understand what you tried to say.”
“But then what does resisting do?” Thomas asked.
“Oh! That’s like when—“
Dee shoved a hand over Remus’s mouth. “I get it. I’ll explain to Thomas. Later.”
After Patton and Roman had talked to Logan for a while, Virgil was handed the phone.
“ Hey there, babycakes, heard you wanted to talk to me? ”
“Um… yeah, I guess.” Virgil stood up, pacing around the room.
“What, now you’re leaving the conversation on me?”
“No, no I didn’t mean to, I— well, we called because I’m trying to learn how to do a thrall.”
“A thrall,” Remy gave a low whistle. “That’s easy to try and hard to get good at.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m figuring out. They… adore me, and forget as soon as they wake up.”
“Yepper, that sounds like a baby vampire.”
“How do I stop it?”
“You could try not thralling your friends.”
Virgil heard a bit of a hushed conversation from the other end, mostly Emile fussing at Remy.
“Ok, fine, what does your link look like? Describe it to me.”
“It’s like a rubber band. One end is looped around me and the other one around the other person.”
“Remus told me how to start. He said I have to change its shape to control it.”
“Not necessarily. It’s typically better to work with what you know. Have you tried stretching it, like you would a normal rubber band?”
“I thought about it, but I can’t figure out how.”
“Try that. Or no. You’ve been trying to make it have less of an influence, right?”
“Try more influence first. Fold it in half, or loop it around a second time. Don’t worry so much about changing things the way you want, just change things and see what happens.”
“Ok. I guess I can try that.”
“There’s a kid. Don’t worry too much, nobody learned a thrall in a week.”
“Alright. Thanks, Remy.”
“ Eh, I owed Em a favo-oof. You’re welcome, kid. Call again if you have more issues.”
Virgil laughed slightly, and Remy hung up. He looked up and saw Patton watching him expectantly.
“What’d he say?”
Virgil handed Patton his phone back. “It’ll take a while. He gave me a few ideas, but mostly I have to just keep playing with it.”
“Well, we could practice now if you want,” Patton offered.
Virgil sat down on the couch. “Why do you care so much? You’re taking hours and hours that you can’t even remember and giving them to me.”
“Well, I have to admit, I have some selfish reasons,” Patton said, sitting across from him. “I do care about you, and want to help you, but a lot of my reason is just that I’m really, really bored. I don’t have anything to do, or anywhere to go, and this helps me be not bored! And also you get really cuddly afterwards, and I’m always down for cuddles!”
Virgil flushed. It felt strange, being so well-fed that he could blush when he was embarrassed.
“But I don’t want to push you,” Patton said. “Not for my own reasons, anyway. If you don’t want to do more today, we can try to watch another movie.”
“Maybe… a movie first, and then we can try again?”
“Sounds like a deal to me! I’ll go get Roman, I think I’d break the whole thing if I tried touching it.”
Liam sat up with a sigh of relief. That was much better. Even non lethal, a gunshot wound was wildly painful.
The vampire was trembling slightly, eyes going between Liam’s face and his gun. Not for the first time, Liam wished that they’d figured out how to make a thrall go the other way. He’d certainly appreciate a small army of obedient vampires.
He could, of course, bend nearly any vampire to his will, given enough time and a few supplies, but a thrall seemed much more efficient. And he needed that army soon.
Vampires had his son, and he was not going to let them stay hidden much longer.
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The Girl in The Blue Dress
Chapter 21: Planning the End
@megatraven and @aallotarenunelma and @catlovingwitch
I finally got this chapter done!! Even tho it took almost 3 months!! I like it and I hope y'all like it as well! And feedback is appreciated!
And while I did like this chapter, the next chapter will definitely be my favorite. It will have lore reveals, emotions, and some nice Olympus time. More information on the other Gods and it probably will mainly focus on Olympus. SOO!!! I'm excited for that one!! There's proofreading, but if something is wrong or sounds weird or text looks wrong or repeats itself, then my bad :(.
“Because she’s my sister,” Oizys whispered out, her voice slightly shaky.
That sentence made him pause and he shook his head in disbelief.
“That's not possible.”
“It’s the truth,” she fired back at him. She crossed her arms and leaned against the door behind her.
“It can’t be. She’s a human. You’re a goddess. If she was your sister she’d have to be a goddess or some kind of demigod.” He felt anger at Oizys because the implication that she could be a goddess was going to give him false hope. He was used to teasing and tricks, but this was too far. He wouldn’t fall for it.
“What if she isn’t human? Hm? Did you ever think of that?! Ever think of the mere possibility at all?” She narrowed her eyes and that anger was rising again.
He shook his head slightly and let out a deep breath. “She’s dying because she has a curse," he explained. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at the ground. He didn't know if he should believe her, but his mind began to wander.
Is she saying the truth?
He ran his hand through his hair and began to think, but Oizys wouldn’t let him do anything. She walked towards him in quick steps and stopped in front of him.
“She is my sister. My other half. I’m the goddess of despair, so you should know what she is,” she whispered in an angry tone. “Why do you think she keeps coming back, huh? Don’t give me the ‘fate’ bullshit. She is cursed. She is cursed by being a goddess and always forced to come back.”
“No. Lumie cursed her in her first lifetime. She follows her everywhere! Including me,” he said as he looked up at her. Surprisingly, he saw a sad look on her face.
She nodded at him. “Yes, she did. But that curse was not to keep coming back. She knows what Rose is and she uses it to her advantage. She makes her come back over and over again and curses her to terrible fates.” She let out a shaky breath and continued. “And I’ve been searching for her, trying to protect her just like you have. But I can’t do it up close. My aura is just everywhere!” She stepped back and gestured to the area of the room, holding her arms out.
She dropped them and took a moment to put her words together. “People feel my presence and I can’t turn it off. I can’t stop these feelings from happening to her, I can’t help her from up close. I have to help her from afar, and that is a curse on its own.” She gets up in his face and points at him. “But you have been able to, and still haven’t figured out the obvious. Can’t you feel it? Or see it in any way?”
He then remembered about the woman he sees in his dreams and in the real world. “What did she look like when she was a goddess?” His voice was quiet as if asking a deep secret.
Oizys backed up and shrugged her shoulders as she thought. “I think she wore this like blue and white dress? And her hair wasn’t brown, it was actually black.” She ran her hand through her hair and sighed. “But what does her look have to do with anything?”
He opened his mouth to tell her, but he felt like he couldn't. He couldn't get the words out for some reason. Something was holding him back, and he didn't want to fight it. "It's nothing."
Oizys narrowed her eyes and he knew she didn't believe him, but she didn't care anymore. She already shared enough. "Fine. Just go to her." Her voice was full of venom and he didn't want to push her anymore. He opened the door to leave, but stopped when he collided with Rose.
"Oh! I'm sorry," she said as she backed up with a small smile on her face.
He laughed and closed the door behind him. "It's okay." He was about to ask her something, but he stopped when he saw her gaze looking at the door. She had a confused look and she looked like she was trying to remember something. "Are you okay?"
She looked back at his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just a little tired." She smiled and held out her hand. "Will you walk with me?"
He nodded and they held hands as they walked through the crowd of people. Apollo looked at many things in the palace as she led him through it, and looked even more in awe when he realized she was leading him to the garden. It was beautiful and Apollo couldn't stop looking at everything. Yes, he was from Olympus and there were more beautiful things there, but the fact that this was on Earth made it better for him.
"Wow. I didn't know you'd be in shock like this," she said with a laugh.
He looked at her and saw her smiling at him. Her eyes were so bright and seemed to glow in the shine of the night. Everything about her was beautiful, and he forgot everything that happened earlier. He just focused on her and the garden.
"I've just never really seen anything this beautiful." He kept looking at her, making sure she knew what he meant. And by the blush on her cheeks, she definitely did.
She let out a fond sigh and laid her cheek against his shoulder as they walked. They walked in peace and kept admiring the garden, but they stopped in front of a statue when they heard someone clear their throat behind them. They turned around and saw a woman who was clearly a queen. She had a golden crown on, a yellow dress on complete with multiple jewel accessories, and he felt Rose stiffen beside him.
"Queen Anastasia. What brings you here?" Her voice was clear and formal.
Queen Anastasia smiled at her and walked closer to them. "Sweetie, you don't need to use formalities with me." She laughed and held her arms out for Rose.
Rose smiled and gave her a tight hug that lasted for a few moments. They both pulled away and Anastasia looked at Apollo as Rose moved to be back by his side.
"Who is this?" She looked at him with suspicion and it would be terrifying if he was a normal commoner.
Rose looked up at him and squeezed his hand. "This is Andy. He's...". She struggled for a moment as she looked at him. She looked back over at Anastasia with a smile. "He's my very good friend."
Anastasia gave Rose a look that meant that she didn't believe her. But she smiled at him anyways. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Any friend of Rose is a friend of mine." She looked back at Rose and now her smile disappeared and she looked serious. "I wish I was here for nice reasons, but I am not. I need to speak with you privately."
Rose looked concerned and she nodded without hesitation. But then she remembered that Apollo was with her, and she looked at him with a sorry look. "I'm sorry, but I have to go with her alone. I'll be back soon, I promise!" She squeezed his hand and followed Anastasia to who knows where.
He felt a little confused as to why she needed to talk to her, but he knew it was probably mercenary business or perhaps it was personal reasons. He just decided to go back the palace and mingle with the people.
Anastasia led Rose to a private room in the palace. It was the room where important decisions were made. May it be plans for war, plans for a party, or daily talk with the council. They always happened here. And now Rose felt worried for being here.
She led her to the table in the middle of the room. They stood beside each other and Rose got to see a map of the area. There were circles surrounding Anastasia's palace and a circle around a border between her and someone else's kingdom. She didn't know the little details, but she did hear about conflict spreading in different kingdoms.
"I need your help once again, old friend." She placed her hand on Rose's shoulder and looked at her with genuine need.
Rose sighed and placed her hand on Anastasia's and gave it a slight squeeze. She kept staring at the map and asked what she always did. "What are you fighting for?"
"This kingdom," she pointed at the kingdom behind the little border, "has been attacking me and my people for some time. It never was too serious. But now they are sending death threats, assassinating some of my council members, and are trying to kill my husband. This is going too far."
"Do you know why they are attacking you?"
"They are attacking because of the last war. You were there, and you know why we fought. And I need to ask of your help once more."
Rose thought about it for a second, but she knew what she needed to do. It was what she promised to do. She looked over at Anastasia and gave a sad smile. "I have to talk with my crew before I make a decision."
Anastasia looked slightly irritated at not being given a clear answer, but she knew Rose and that this is what she always done. She always went to her crew before she did anything. She wasn't alone and working solo, she had a crew and did everything together. So, she nodded at that response and let Rose go back to Apollo.
When she did return, she told him that they needed to go back to the ship immediately. He noticed her worried and uncertain look and felt worried himself. When they did get back to the ship, she made everyone come together on the deck and people looked concerned.
"Alright. I've got some news and it's not really good," Rose said with a laugh.
Many members of the crew looked at each other with unease.
"Queen Anastasia came to the party as well and found me. She asked me for another favor. The kingdom is going through some troubles. A kingdom that is on the separate side of a border is attacking hers, and she asked for my aid. I'm considering helping her, but I need your opinions first." She looked at all of them with a serious look.
"Are you sure this is good? You still have your back wound that isn't completely healed," Melody said with motherly worry.
Rose looked to her side. "I know. But she doesn't seem to be actively going to the war. There is just planning so far. But if the time comes, I want to go and help her."
"Do you want some of us to go?" A crew member asked.
She looked back out at the crew and shrugged slightly. "It's up to you if you want to go, but I will not judge you for being afraid or not wanting to go. You have your own lives and only signed up for being a crew, not soldiers."
Some people looked relieved while others looked serious.
"I say you go if it is necessary. I'll go with you," a man said.
Many more voices followed saying that she should go if necessary, and the only person who didn't speak was Melody. She was beside Rose and she looked worried.
Rose looked at her and was waiting for her input. Melody was afraid, and everyone could tell, but her daughter had her own life. She shouldn't be afraid to live it because of her mother, so she nodded and squeezed her hand.
"I say you go if you need to." Melody smiled at her daughter and Apollo knew she was proud. She was worried, but proud and supportive.
Rose nodded and smiled. "Yes, I believe I have to go."
Next thing Apollo knew, he was training with Rose more than normal. She was training him while he was training her. It was practice every day and he noticed something different about Rose.
She seemed distracted. When she was free, she would look at her book, but never really read it. And she loved that book. She only kept focusing on doing work, spending some time with the kids, and practicing. She was running herself ragged and he felt worry for her. He needed to talk to her.
With a loose plan, he decided to offer her another stroll. He walked up to her bedroom door and knocked. After a few moments, she opened the door wearing her blue toga. Usually she looked happy, but now she looked a little exhausted.
"Rose. I wanted to know if you'd like to go on another walk."
She nodded immediately. "I definitely need to talk with you," she said with a tired tone.
They were now back on that shore where they first talked. The night was cool, the waves were calm, and everything felt good, even if it wasn't. They were both silent as they stood next to each other, but they knew they needed to actually speak.
"Andy, I have to tell you something."
He looked over at her and she was facing him with a worried look. "I'm open for anything, Rose," he said honestly. He smiled at her and she smiled back after a few moments. It was shaky but it was there.
"I think I like you," she said quickly. She was looking down at the ground and picking at her nails. Her voice was quiet with embarrassment.
He stared at her for a moment and was in shock. He never would've guessed she liked him back. She never truly showed it, or was he not paying attention? "You do?" He asked with a tiny bit of happiness.
She slowly looked up at him and nodded. He expected a smile on her face, but a frown was there. "But I don't know if that's good."
"What do you mean?"
She turned back towards the ocean and walked closer to it. She stopped when her feet were at the edge of the shore, the water always coming close to touching her. She stared at the horizon and he knew something was going on in her mind. Something she struggled with.
"I've never really liked someone before...I never let myself like someone. I thought it was useless and I thought it would only distract me," she said softly. She was embarrassed and scared. She never admitted this to anyone except her mother, so no one else knew what was going on in her head. They never understood why she only had one special night with a person and choose to never see them again.
She didn't want to get too close.
He walked to be beside her and looked out into the horizon as well. "What are you afraid of?" He directly asked. He knew she was hiding something and that she was afraid to tell him. Afraid to tell anyone.
She went silent for a moment and struggled for words. She was good with snark and arguing with people if need be, but talking about her personal feelings? It was too difficult and hard to deal with, but she needed to do it now. She needed to face her fear.
"I'm afraid of being left behind," she whispered out.
Apollo felt his heart drop at that. She was the one following others, leading them to a good fate, helping anyone who reached out, and helping the ones that she had to reach out to first. She helped everyone, and now he wonders if it was because she was scared of no one being with her.
"I want to help people, everyone knows that. It's because I do like helping people, and whenever I got that feeling that was deeper than just liking someone as a friend, I would cut them off. I was scared that eventually they would leave me because I'm doing a dangerous job, and if they didn't leave me, then I didn't want them to ever get hurt because of me. And I didn't want to lose friends because of my job that I love. I'm afraid of others leaving me, so I do everything for them," she said shakily. Her voice was tight and she was holding back words and feelings.
He reached out and grabbed her hand lightly. She looked down at their hands and went stiff for a moment, but eventually squeezed his hand gently. She looked back up at him and smiled. "But I guess that's a little stupid, huh? I tell people to hold each other close, yet I push people away."
"No, Rose. That's not stupid at all. It's okay to be afraid of something," he said in a gentle voice.
She kept looking at him and her thoughts were tangled together. Happiness went through her because she felt that it was okay to be afraid, but fear also went through her again. She was still scared of seeming weak because she was afraid of such a small thing.
She looked back down at the ground. "But...how is that okay? I'm a captain. I'm supposed to protect my crew at any cost and I work for the people. I don't listen to anyone. I listen to myself, and when I do that I feel fear."
He turned his body to face her and he made her face him. She had a pout on her face and looked truly scared. He moved his hand to cup her cheek and she leaned into it.
"My words will never be enough, but trust me when I say that it's normal to feel like that. Everyone feels like that at some point. Even I feel like that. I'm always scared of people leaving me, I'm scared of hurting people who I don't want to, and I'm afraid of myself."
He nodded and didn't explain. He didn't know how. He was a God and he couldn't tell her. He had all of this power at his fingertips and he kept it at bay, all for her and the people. But he scared himself because he worried one day it would slip out. One day his strength would be out of his control and he'd hurt someone.
"I'm scared all the time, Rose. But...when I see you, I feel okay," he said softly. Now it was his turn to be shy. He was glad it was night so she wouldn't be able to see his blush. He always was honest with her, but it always made him shy in each lifetime of hers, and each time he met her.
Her eyes widened slightly and a blush appeared on her cheeks as well. She'd been with a few people, but none of them made her feel like this. This feeling she didn't know how to describe. She'd read so much about love, adored it, but didn't even know she felt it.
She moved closer to him and pulled him into a hug. She rested her cheek against his chest and heard his heartbeat. It was calm and she wished hers was the same. He wrapped his arms around her and laid his cheek on the top of her head.
"I'm scared for the war. I still have wounds and I don't want to die. Not yet," she said. She was muffled but he heard her clearly. It made his heart drop once again, and he tightened his arms around her.
"I'll do my best to protect you, Rose. I'll follow you every step of the way, every day, and do what you demand."
"But you don't have to. You are your own man. What I want is for you to live as you want to and not follow my demand. Do what you think is right, Andy." Her voice was tight once again but it also was demanding. She meant business and it made him laugh on the inside.
"I know. I don't have to, but I believe what you do. I've followed you this long. I don't plan on quitting now, okay?" He looked down at her and hesitated for a moment before kissing the top of her head.
She was silent as she continued to think and listen to his heart. It was constant, calm, and it made her slowly calm down. It reminded her that she was still alive, he was still alive, they were still here, and everything wasn't over yet.
They still had time. And maybe with this time, she'll realize that she doesn't have to cut him off.
That time, however, wasn't spent fooling around. It was filled with everyone planning for the worst possibilities and the best ones. They had to be prepared just in case she did die. Everyone didn't want to think about it, but they had to. And one person who really didn't want to think about it, was dear Ellie.
She was afraid of the idea and she didn't want to lose her mother. Apollo didn't know her background, but if she was on a ship filled with mercenaries, then something must've gone wrong. She finally found a family and a mother, and doesn't want to lose it.
Rose spent as much time with her as possible. Her attention was split between multiple people. Apollo, her mother, Ellie, the people, and her crew. She managed to spend time with everyone, but it took a lot out of her and he felt sympathy for her. She had all of this on her plate and barely let anyone know. The only time she let anyone know was when she went to sleep with her mother or joined Apollo back at the shore.
He felt worry, but he knew she could handle this. She had her crew and she had him always backing her up. She practiced every day with him and always made sure the people who were joining the war were ready. The only time he got to see the other side of Rose was when she spent time with him on the shore. She looked tired, but happy to be with him and he felt that happiness too. She let her walls down and he was happy to see the real her.
But every night when he went to bed, his heart would hurt. He finally got to see her, but...she was going into another war. She was already in a war before he met her, and all those scars proved that war wasn't kind. It never is, and he knows what else isn't kind.
Her curse.
It never showed mercy, it always hurt her no matter what, and no one could stop it. And now he knew the ending once again. He knew what was going to happen, but he still kept hope. He still believed he could change it. No matter how many times he had to watch her die, he believed he'd find her again and he'd do his best to protect her and end this. He wasn't going to stop now.
Before they knew it, it was only a week before the war started. Rose's anxiety was rising and she felt scared. She agreed because she cared for Anastasia and wanted to help her and her people, but now her anxiety was getting the best of her. She didn't want to die, and she didn't want her friends to die, but she knew this had to happen. She knew Anastasia hated war just as much as she did, so she wouldn't propose the idea of war without reason.
But it still bugged her at night. The ship's rock would now make her feel sick and she felt like she couldn't breathe at some points during the night. She dealt with them alone and no one would get the chance to know.
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Apollo asked Rose.
She was getting dressed in the room they shared and he stood outside. The door was slightly cracked open so they could hear each other, and Apollo couldn't help but share his worries. They had just gotten out of another meeting with Anastasia and her council. They were still finishing the final touches of the battle and everything that still needed to happen.
She sighed as she pulled the nightgown over her head. "I'm not sure, Andy. But we don't have a choice. It's too dangerous to walk out this late at night. She held us longer than anticipated."
"She sure did," he whispered under his breath.
"You can come in!"
He entered the room and saw her sitting on her side of the bed, taking off jewelry. He smiled and laid on his side.
"You really love jewelry?" He asked with a smirk.
She huffed a laugh and shook her head slightly. "No, not exactly. I mean, if it's shiny, I like it. I'll wear it a few times and here and there, but I do not love it."
"So you're conflicted about it?"
She paused for a moment and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."
They both laughed at each other and they ignored the seriousness of the situation for a moment. It felt nice to both of them to just think things were okay. To imagine that they were spending a night with a friend and going to face a bright day.
Once she was done, she laid on her side, facing away from him. She wanted to face him, but she still felt anxious and confused. She read books about love, but experiencing it? It was different and difficult. She wanted to face him just in case it was the last time she saw him, but she couldn't.
"Andy," she started. "Do you think this is the right decision?"
Apollo was facing away from her, but could still hear the hesitation in her voice. This question caused him to remember her past lifetime, and how she asked him the same question at one point. He took his time in thinking for an answer, not wanting to let her down or worry her more.
"I do. Violence is terrible, I know that, but I think we both really know that sometimes it has to happen." He waited for her to reply and she eventually sighed.
"Yeah. I guess we do know." Her voice this time was quiet and he could tell she was lost in her own thoughts now, and he decided to let her be.
However, someone wouldn't let them sleep in peace. Apollo didn't know how it happened or what truly happened, but the next time he opened his eyes, he saw Rose standing against the wall beside the door, hand reaching into the dresser there and grabbing her dagger, and waiting. He wanted to get up and ask what was wrong, but he knew someone was coming, and if he gave her position up, then she'd be in trouble. More trouble than he would.
He kept his eyes barely open and waited with her. Within a few seconds, a figure was walking slowly into the room. Somehow, the person didn't notice Rose right there and was shocked when she shut the door quietly and letting the sound of it closing scare them.
The person turned around with fear and took out a dagger of their own, but Rose was ready for that. She pulled a smaller knife out of the drawer and threw it at the person. The person groaned in pain as the knife landed right in their thigh. Rose took the opportunity to rush over to them and grabbed both of their hands and held them in the air. She took her other hand and placed it around their throat. She looked truly menacing.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"
The person didn't hesitate on answering. "I was on orders to kill you," they chokingly said.
She tightened her hand around their throat. "And by who exactly?"
"Queen Anastasia's rival."
Rose cussed under her breath before throwing the person to the ground and knocking them out. She looked over at Apollo and gave a worried look before running over to wake him up.
She shook him gently. "Andy, we have to go check on the others."
He opened his eyes immediately, surprising her, and getting up in a rush. "Where are we going first?"
"Anastasia and her husband. They'd be their first target."
He nodded and grabbed the dagger the person dropped and went with Rose. They walked down the hallways, being as quiet as they possibly could, and made it to Anastasia's room. Rose threw open the door to find Anastasia and her husband fighting off attackers. There were three, one with Anastasia, and two with her husband.
"With him!" Rose told Apollo as she pointed at the king.
Apollo nodded and followed her demand as she went to Anastasia's side. She took the attacker by surprise and stabbed them on their arm. It shocked them enough to where she could snatch the sword out of their hand. She threw it on the ground and out of reach. Anastasia knocked the person out as soon as she could and they both looked over at the king and Apollo to see them doing the same as them.
Once they were sure they were unconscious, Anastasia ran over to her husband and held his cheeks in her hands. "Are you alright?" Her voice that was usually stable and strong, was now weak with fear. Fear because of love. The king reassured her and she gave him a tight hug.
Apollo walked over to Rose and placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her up and down. He didn't see any wounds, but she was good at hiding them. "Are you alright?" He said with the same amount of worry that Anastasia had. Maybe even more.
She gave him a tired smile and nodded. "Yes, I'm alright. The attackers didn't have a chance against us, huh?" She placed her hands on his and squeezed them gently.
He nodded and kept looking at her until Anastasia cleared her throat. Apollo moved to be beside Rose and they both saw Anastasia holding her husbands hand tightly. She had a look of anger on her face.
"I hate to do this, but we have to have this war tomorrow."
Rose gasped. "Tomorrow?" She said in disbelief. "We can't do this so soon!"
"We have to. They were under orders, were they not? That man is trying to get rid of us before the war even begins! We have to strike back," she said with authority.
Rose opened her mouth, ready to retort, but the king held up his hand motioning for her to be quiet. She closed her mouth and nodded as she looked down at the ground. Apollo looked over at her and saw her hands in fists. He moved his hand to hold hers, and after a few moments, she held his hand back. It was tight and comforting to both of them.
Now, she felt like everything was going wrong. Everything was going to end, and Apollo felt that too. He knew her end was coming, and he had to get ready to face it again.
SOOO!!! I kinda sped this one up. I mean, it took awhile to come out, but recently I worked on it and tried to speed it up in a way. I have the next chapter basically almost done!! I wrote ahead because I was so excited and I think it will be a great chapter!! I hope you three enjoyed this and I'd love to hear your thoughts♥♥!! Once again, there's some proofreading, but sorry if something is off.
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spectrearia-archive · 4 years
2, 11, & 15!
aaaaa how come I had a feeling you’d ask xD thank u my dudee
putting these responses under a cut if I can tho, because this ended up getting really long, haha
2. What is your favorite snippet of dialogue?
ah ok so this is a bit long for a “snippet,” but I figured it’s worth sharing. tho tbh it’s kinda tricky to explain because it’s part of an RP segment - specifically the first time that Sissel (from Ghost Trick) managed to save Jim from death. there’s a lot more to that whole scenario, but I have always liked this exchange between the two of them within the Ghost World (MAJOR GT spoilers btw):
Sissel didn't waste a single second to connect with the boy's Core once again. He had to make sure that Jim really was going to be okay, and since he was in no condition to talk out loud at that point, Sissel figured it was much easier to talk to him one-on-one in the spirit realm for the time being.
Jim's spirit had his eyes closed shut, taking in deep, deliberate breaths as he hugged himself tight. It seemed like he didn't quite take notice of the fact that he was in the Ghost World as of yet.
Sissel took a few steps closer.
"Hey, Jim...? Are you--?"
"It hurts," Jim softly cut in, his voice hardly above a whisper.
A beat of silence followed. The boy didn't even open his eyes to look at Sissel. He just floated there in that gentle, swirling void. Quiet. Distressed. Vulnerable.
Sissel held his breath for a moment, unsure of what to say in reply.
"Hey... You're gonna be okay," he finally said. He made sure to keep his tone calm and comforting. "Once Hazel heals you up, I promise it won't hurt anymore."
With a slight shake of the head, Jim tightened his grip, his fingernails digging deep into his arms.
"I don't want to remember. I don't."
A deep sigh left Sissel's tiny body as he hung his head. So it was the memories that were bothering the kid, was it? His gaze dropped, a grave expression written all over his whiskered face.
"I'm sorry." The weight of those words hung in the stillness around them. "There's nothing I can do about that."
Jim swallowed hard and turned his head away from Sissel, as if refusing to accept what he just heard. It was another few moments before Sissel decided to speak up again.
"You don't have to deal with this alone, you know."
That seemed to catch Jim's attention, if ever so slightly. The boy finally opened his eyes, his brows scrunching in deep thought. He chose to keep his head down, however - clearly avoiding eye contact. But he was listening. Sissel could tell.
"The Darkes are no strangers to trauma," the cat continued. "If anyone out there can help you through this, it's them. All of them, really. Not just Mel."
Jim's body shuddered with a quiet sniffle. Although he was still turned away from Sissel, it was easy to see that he had started crying again... even despite his best efforts to hide it.
Sissel tilted his head, his tail curling around his body in a relaxed manner.
"They really love you, Jim."
Those words seemed to be exactly what was needed to break down the barriers that Jim still held around his heart. Almost immediately, the teen let out a choked sob, pressing his palm against the side of his face to try and catch the tears that quickly spilled over. Whether he was crying out of relief or pain, it was hard to tell. But clearly, just being reminded of the fact that he was loved had a rather profound impact.
Sissel knew he needed to hear that. He knew Jim was aware of just how much that family grew to care about him, but hearing someone confirm it was important. So, so important.
With a sympathetic smile, Sissel took a few steps forward so he could rub up against the boy in an attempt to bring him some solace, and to remind him that he cared as well.
"It's gonna be okay, kiddo,” he purred. “They'll help you through this, I promise."
11. What’s a fanfic idea you haven’t done yet? 
honestly there’s too many ideas swirling around in my head that it’s hard to keep track, lol. tho what I would REALLY love is to write out most of the Minecraft AU that I’ve been working on. but.. that would probably end up being a multi-chapter fic, and I just don’t have the mental stamina to stick with that kind of massive project. :c
however, I imagine that the story would start around the time that Jimmy crashes onto the planet, and then it all comes to a close once Jim, Mel, and Khalan find a portal to Mel’s world and start a new life there. I have almost the whole timeline worked out in my mind, but writing it all out in chronological order would just be a bit too much haha
15. Give us a snippet of something from your WiPs!
speaking of the Minecraft story!! I DID attempt to write something based on when Khalan first found the crashed spaceship that Jim landed in, though 90% of it needs to be rewritten now that I’ve changed a lot of details. ><; however, it ended up being the first time in a long time that I’ve written in 1st person, so that was interesting. This part in particular is probably the only section that I’ll keep if I ever do get around to revising it:
Setting out beyond the village parameters was always a dangerous expedition. Fortunately, there wasn't much to defend myself from, as the terrible nocturnal monsters that roamed the dunes had either fled or burned to death by the morning sun - allowing me to focus my sight on the unnatural structure ahead.
An audible gasp slipped from my lips as I approached this strange object. To my shock, whatever it was happened to be much larger and more intimidating than I had originally anticipated.
Was it a temple? No, no - that was impossible. Although the burning structure appeared to be large enough to fit an entire house inside of it, there was no possible way for a temple of such magnitude to appear overnight. So then what was it? How did it get here?
My curiosity burned in tandem with the blazing flames that danced along its glistening exterior. The entire structure appeared to be shining with a luster so vibrant, it pierced my eyes much like the sun itself. Its shape was otherworldly, unlike any structure I had ever encountered along my countless travels.
And the smell! What a strange odor it gave off! The closest scent I could compare it to in the moment was the metallic stench of red-hot iron that had just been smelted. Perhaps it was coated in an unknown metal of sorts? It certainly appeared that way.
There was a point, however, where Samara and I could not approach it further. The heat was unbearable, and the risk of getting terribly burned only intensified the closer we got to it.
So instead of getting any closer, I stood there in silent awe, watching as this mysterious wonderment burned down before my very eyes. Within the depths of my soul, I knew that this moment would be forever etched into my memories for years to come.
What a fascinating discovery, one that had no explanation and no apparent source; a strange relic from the heavens itself that presented to me a brilliant and terrifying display of fire and ash.
And I was one of the only few in this world who was fortunate enough to witness it.
lol sorry this ended up getting so longgg ;A; I appreciate the asks tho!!! thank u, Pluto <33
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