#one night stand prompts
dumplingsjinson · 2 years
The morning after a one night stand ??
List of “the morning after a one night stand” prompts 
“I’m confused— what happened last night? And also, are you naked? Why are you naked?”
“I need a rewind of last night, from start to finish. Physically.” 
“I mean… I love when accidents happen?”
“That was a one night stand and you damn well know it.” “Yeah, but it didn’t feel like one.”
Character A waking up to an empty bed and a splitting headache. 
“…This is going to become more than just a one night stand if you keep staring at me like that.” “You were awake this whole time?!” 
“There were feelings — feelings I’m not so sure I liked feeling.” 
“Stay for some breakfast?”
“Okay, I know we agreed for this to be a one night stand but… I kinda wanna break that agreement.” 
Character A waking up to Character B snuggled up to them, their limbs entangled and their naked bodies pressing against each other’s. 
“We were both drunk.” “We were far from drunk.” 
“Everything aches.”
Character A, pinned under Character B, whose eyes are roaming their whole body, before they flicker back up to their eyes; dragging back down to their lips. “Since you can’t remember the details, then let me do the honour of triggering your memory from last night, yeah?”
“Last night was good practice.” “Bitch, what? Excuse me?”
“I still can’t get over how you knew just how I liked it without me needing to tell you.”
“So. Let’s talk about the ‘I love you’ you let slip?” “…Um, an even better idea. How about we don’t?”
“I wanna do that again.” “The point of a one night stand—” “It doesn’t have to be a one night stand.”
“You look good in my shirt.” 
Character B pulling Character A back into bed with them, preventing them from leaving.
“I’m up for some morning sex if you are.” 
“…That was a momentary lapse of judgement on my part.” 
“Kinda don’t wanna get outta bed.” 
“Dude, you fucked the living daylights out of me last night and you expect me to be able to walk properly?” 
“I’m never drinking again.” 
“We really shouldn’t have done that…”
“Do you regret it?” “I don’t… I don’t know.”
“Problem is, I don’t want this to be a one night stand.” 
“You think I can’t make you sound like that again?”
Character A and Character B agreeing to not talk about this ever again.
“…I think feelings were involved in that.” 
“We can always do that again if you’re down for it.” 
“This.” Character A sighs. “It’s— it’s going to turn into a reoccurring thing…” they say, trailing off into a soft whimper as Character B thrusts their fingers into them again.
“Mistakes were made!” “That wasn’t a mistake.” 
“Oh no.”
“…I’d give my soul to have you like that again.” 
“You up for some brunch?” “Hell fucking yeah.” 
“Because God forbid we fall in love after that.”
Character A waking up to Character B’s face smushed against the pillow and giggling a little. “Wake up, sleepy head,” they murmur, prodding their nose lightly. “Go away,” Character B grumbles, swatting their hand away. Something in Character A thuds against their chest. (Oh. It’s their heart. And there it goes, again, doing its daily fucking gymnastic routine whenever they’re near Character A.) 
“Hit me up again so we can just hang.” “Just hang?” “…Yeah, you heard me. Just hang.” 
“I can’t stop thinking about last night.”
“…We made bad decisions last night.” “I think we made great decisions.”
“You couldn’t have left evidence on more visible spots, could you?”
“…What’s this?” “My number. In case you want to call me… Or something.” 
“Surely I’m not the only who doesn’t want this to end like this,” Character A murmurs into Character B’s neck. 
“Want me to hit the right spots again?” Character B says softly, sending shivers running down Character A’s spine; hand splayed on their bare stomach. “Y-yes, please,” Character A answers, arms tightening around their neck. “Need you like I needed you last night.” 
“You know what, as much as I like one night stands, I don’t like the idea of it when it comes to you.”
“I don’t want to sever this connection that we seem to have.” 
“Funny thing is, I don’t regret what happened. And I want it to happen again. That’s far from regret.”
“Currently thinking of abolishing this one-time rule we made.”
“This is to be kept between you and me, got it?” “Wouldn’t dream of letting someone else know I had you moaning my name all night long, would I now?” 
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"Let's play a game of 'How well do you know your kids?'" The being shouted, eyebrow still twitching from Robins latest remark.
"I know all my children perfectly." Batman growled at the entity. He held his ground as the spirits (demons?) smile sharpened, "Than you won't mind!"
A puff of purple glowy smoke engulfs then entire area and the next thing anyone knows is that all of Bruces children, even the ones who weren't with them previously, are locked inside magical cages while Batman is trapped in a invisible mime box with a podium and a microphone in what is quite possibly the most garish game show set up ever.
Why was everything neon green and purple? Why was the guy neon green and purple? Who were these other kids-gdi Bruce! You have more kids?
Danny could just transform and beat up the ghost. Its a pretty weak one after all. But this one doesn't seem to recognize him as a halfa and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do his homework without being attacked.
Jason stared at the kid next to him. What kinda life did this kid have to calmly get out his math homework and start solving problems while being held hostage by an unknown entity?! And with the bats no less?!
All the while Batman is getting peppered with questions about his kids and is realizing he doesn't recognize a few of the names.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 273
You know what? We need more Good parents Fentons. 
And you know what else? Technically, Jack helped Danny defeat Pariah via the use of the Ecto-Skeleton. And like, that’s his son, his baby boy. Sure Danny is and has always been a mommy’s boy, but it doesn’t change that fact. They’re both already feeling horrible about the fact they could have hurt him, they could have hurt their son- they have hurt their son, killed him with their inaction and never again. 
So when these oversized jello-eyeballs try to insist that their baby, their precious baby boy, take a crown? Become a king when he’s not even out of highschool, when he doesn’t want it? No. Hell no! That is his Danny-o, his baby boy who was terrified of his own parents! 
Which is how Jack, despite technically still being alive even if so-very ecto-contaminated, became the Ghost King. 
And for some reason there’s several ghosts rather happy about this- oh, these are his Danny-O’s ghost-parents? Not-ghost parents seeing as some of them have never been anything but a realm denizen? That’s really fascinating- y’know what, want some fudge and we can exchange childcare- Maddie dear come over and meet our co-parents apparently!  
Now it’s not all easy, but they’re trying their best, and that’s all that can be asked. 
Which is perhaps why it’s so exasperating- or as Maddie would put it, downright infuriating- that it is now, almost an entire year and a half later that the Heroes finally arrive to investigate. Well, at least he has plenty of fudge since it’s almost time for the council meeting. 
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hypewinter · 1 year
Selina Kyle's son was her best kept secret. No one knew of him. Including the big bat himself. The boy himself didn't even know that he was adopted. It was for the best really. He didn't deserve to be caught up in this mess she called a life. She had been so careful to keep him away. To keep him safe and hidden. So why, after 15 years, was he appearing in Gotham?
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i love it when bad is very specifically a good roleplayer by giving other people good prompts. like casually bringing up wilbur now to tallulah. or when he put missa in the petting zoo. or all those times he Tormented the Lesbians so they could protect each other from him. its just so !!!! I love watching roleplayers be considerate of other roleplayers and gleefully hand over something they Know the other person's character can react to. i've seen cellbit do it, too (that time he handed his knife to bbh. oh my god). it's not a rare thing, and it's possible to be a good roleplayer without keeping that sort of considerate back and forth in mind, but its one of my favourite things to notice. foolish does it too, sometimes- i haven't watched him much, but i did take note of when he Made Sure to bring jaiden along with him on a cucurucho quest. and basically every interaction he had with bad when the eggs were missing. its just so so good
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tracingpatternswrites · 3 months
Leather and Cinnamon | Wolfstar Bingo
It's that time of the year again! The @wolfstarbingo2024 is here.
I'm supposed to be working hard on my Big Bang fic so naturally I instead spent the whole day writing 13k words of... well, this.
I've had this idea for a long time and I think I started it over a year ago, but now I finally found the inspiration to finish it (while also crossing off one of my prompts). So here it is.
Title: Leather and Cinnamon Pairing: Wolfstar Rating: E WC: 13.2k Prompt: One night stand Summary: Remus hasn't got laid in a while, but that's okay. That's fine. He's been busy raising a son, thank you very much.
Now, however, Teddy is off to university and when Remus goes to Brighton to drop him off, they stumble over a coffee shop in the south lanes. It's a cosy little place with a barista who has silver eyes and pale skin and an arse to die for.
Remus hasn't got laid in a while, but that's okay. That's fine.
Read on AO3.
Snippet below the cut:
“I’ll order,” Teddy said as they entered the coffee shop, nodding towards a table by the window. “You can take a seat.”
“Oh really?” Remus asked, a little amused. “You’re paying too, then?”
“Obviously not,” Teddy remarked casually. “I’m a poor student, remember?”
“Sometimes I think you just spend time with me for my wallet.” Remus sighed wistfully but Teddy merely grinned at him, snapping his fingers.
“Money, please.”
“Maybe I want to order,” Remus said, but Teddy was already snatching the note from his fingers.
“Please,” Teddy scoffed. “Like I’d trust you with my order.”
Remus looked fondly as his son sauntered off towards the bar, unable not to smile to himself. He honestly couldn’t get his head around the fact that he had an 18-year-old son who was now heading off to university all on his own.
It had felt bittersweet, packing up Teddy’s boyhood room. He knew the day would come eventually, and even though he was excited for his son, he couldn’t help but feel a bit sad as well. They had driven down to Brighton together, their old little car stuffed full of (almost) everything that Teddy would need for the coming few months.
They had spent the day getting his room in order before Remus decided it was time for him to head back home. Teddy had agreed to a coffee before he left though, and Remus was set on making the most of the time he had left with his son while he still had the chance.
The café they had picked was in the south Lanes and had a bright red door with rainbow flags decorating the windows. It was the name that had drawn Remus in though, Baskerville’s Hound written in bold letters over the painting of a big, black dog.
The place itself was cosy enough, with paintings decorating the walls together with black and white photographs of Brighton and random people. The walls were painted in a dark blue colour and the furniture was all mismatched and clearly second hand, but still in good shape.
Teddy returned without drinks, pulling out the chair opposite Remus and slumping down on it, shrugging as Remus raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
“They’ll bring it out,” he said, slouching back on his chair.
“Any chance you got a change on that twenty?”
“Sorry.” Teddy grinned at him, pushing a hand through his longish hair, currently a bright orange. Remus had long since accepted that Teddy opted to change his hair colour as often as other people changed clothes, and he enjoyed seeing him explore. “Consider it a contribution towards your only child’s education.”
“Ah, yes, never mind the 9K tuition fee,” Remus deadpanned. “It’s the change on the coffee that’s going to make the real difference.”
“I’ll need pocket money.”
The corner of Remus’ mouth twitched. “You need money for beer, you mean.”
Teddy threw his arms out. “It’s uni life, Da.”
Remus snorted just as the barista approached the table, clearing his throat.
“A latte with a dash of cinnamon and…whatever this monstrosity is,” the barista said, and Remus tore his gaze away from his son to the man standing next to their table.
Remus found himself doing a double-take at the sight of him. He didn’t know why he’d expected a student, but this man looked to be roughly his age. He was tall, muscular, with tattooed arms and wearing a simple white tee-shirt underneath a light apron with a large black dog printed on the front of it.
There was the hint of a stubble over his very chiselled jaw, high cheekbones and long, black hair pulled back in a ponytail. It was his eyes, however, that caught Remus’ attention. They were a light sort of grey that reminded Remus of silver, seemingly drawing in the light around them. They were dancing with something that looked like amusement as Teddy sat up excitedly.
“That’s mine,” Teddy said eagerly, reaching for the tall glass topped with a hefty dollop of whipped cream. “Cheers, mate.”
“I take it you’re the sensible one then,” the man said, the corner of his mouth twitching as he turned his gaze on Remus, placing the mug in front of him with a little wink. “Enjoy.”
Remus couldn’t help staring as the man walked away, gaze taking in the dark jeans and heavy boots.
“Earth to Da!”
Teddy’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he flinched, accidentally burning his hand as his coffee sloshed over the rim of the mug.
“Fuck,” he hissed, grabbing a napkin to wipe up his spill and when he looked back up, Teddy was watching him with a mischievous sort of twinkle in his eyes.
“You alright?”
“Yeah,” Remus replied quickly, clearing his throat as his voice came out weirdly rough. “Fine.”
“I said, are you coming down with Ma next week?”
“Oh,” Remus said, taking a sip from his coffee to distract himself momentarily. “Dunno, mate. D’you want me to?”
“You don’t have to,” Teddy shrugged. “It’s just cause she couldn’t be here this weekend.”
“Right,” Remus nodded. “I’ll be there if you want me to.”
Teddy waved it off, pulling his phone out of his pocket as it made a chirping noise.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, eyes on the display as he quickly tapped out a message. “Aoife says there’s a group heading to the pub tonight.”
“That sounds like fun,” replied Remus as his gaze darted over to the bar, just briefly, catching on the man who was wiping down glasses and humming to himself, the muscles in his arms flexing. “You should go with them, make some friends.”
He only tore his gaze away from the man as he heard Teddy’s snort, and his son was watching him with an unimpressed sort of expression.
“Make some friends?” he echoed, pulling a face. “It’s not pre-school, Da. It’s uni.”
“What?” asked Remus, a little affronted. “You don’t make friends at university?”
“No,” Teddy said assuredly. “You just…get to know people. Hang out.”
“Right,” Remus said, giving a solemn nod. “My bad. You should go with them and hang out then.”
Teddy rolled his eyes and huffed out a breath before he turned his attention back to his phone, and Remus pressed his lips together so that he wouldn’t smile. His eyes darted briefly back towards the bar, where the man was now stacking mugs.
It would be in Brighton where a random barista looked like he’d stepped right out of one of Remus’ wet dreams. He looked exactly like the type Remus would have been madly in love with when he was younger, and, it turned out, his taste hadn’t changed that much since then.
Remus hadn’t dated much in the past few years as Teddy was growing up. It wasn’t that it had been impossible, Dora had managed to move on just fine after their amicable split, and her dating life had never affected Teddy badly, he just hadn’t prioritised it. Ever since Teddy had moved in with him full-time when he was fifteen, Remus put his own dating life on a shelf.
Dora had told him he was being ridiculous, that Teddy was more than capable of handling his dad dating, and Teddy had even told him so himself. He’d even encouraged Remus to get out there, claiming that it would do him good to get laid. It wasn’t a lie, Remus knew that, but he had simply prioritised raising his son over hookups.
He knew it would be different now though, with Teddy off to university and Remus alone in their house. They had been joking about it, and Remus was happy that Teddy was starting his own life as a young adult, but he couldn’t deny that it would be strange.
He and Dora had been so young when they became parents. She had still been at university, and he had only just completed his Bachelor's Degree. He’d been a parent for all of his 20s and almost all of his 30s, it felt wild thinking that he was approaching his 40s with more independence than he’d had in a long while.
“Right, I gotta go,” Teddy said suddenly, his voice yanking Remus out of his thoughts. “Sorry, Da.”
Remus shook his head, smiling a little as he stood. “Don’t worry about it. Time for me to head back home anyway.”
Teddy nodded, watching him for a moment, his blue eyes searching over Remus’ face and he looked so serious suddenly.
“Are you sure that you’ll be okay?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
Remus couldn’t help but smile a little at the troubled look on his son’s face, the half-grimace as he gave a brief shrug.
“I’ll be fine, Da.”
“So will I,” Remus replied, smiling a little as he pulled his son close for a hug. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Can’t help it,” Teddy muttered against the crook of his neck before Remus released him. “I worry about you all alone in that house.”
“I think I’ll manage,” Remus said as he clasped a hand on his son’s shoulder. “I used to have a life before you, y’know.”
“Barely,” Teddy replied with a snort, the corner of the boy’s mouth quirking upwards as Remus swatted lightly at him.
“Oi, don’t get cheeky.”
Teddy laughed, seemingly unfazed as he leaned a little closer, stage-whispering, “You could always stay and chat up the barista, eh? I can see you ogling him.”
Remus had a horrible feeling as he was blushing as Teddy threw a meaningful look towards the man behind the counter and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Continue on AO3.
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dailyloweffortpace · 30 days
Tumblr media
Day 20: aaauughfgsgxgvnnfgjnd
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not-eli · 10 months
Otp prompt
Person A and B hooked up (in a club, a bar, whatever comes in your mind) and had one of the classic one night stands: no feelings, no romantic intention whatsoever.
but uh, awkward, they meet each other again.
And again.
Ans again.
They continue to meet in places like a supermarket, down the street, any place, they just cannot escape these encounters and it's so frustrating: not really because they ran into the person that made them see the stars for a whole night, but because the phisical attraction is so strong and even if they swore that was just one night, they start to wish for another.
Bonus if they're complete strangers who know nothing about each other
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lurafita · 5 months
Canon divergence with different Malec meeting and accidental wedding.
Magnus is not the High Warlock of Brooklyn and not currently in New York. Alec is set up to marry a woman of his parent's choosing, to take over the institute. (dealer's choice about Clary's story in this). Jace and Izzy are determined to help Alec "let loose" before he has to wed someone he doesn't love for the good of the family. They take him to Vegas. For a mundane bachelor party. Lots of alcohol later, Alec wakes up the next morning in a hotel room, mundane married to the warlock sleeping next to him. (Magnus, of course. And he was just as intoxicated as Alec - special warlock brew or something, so neither has been taken advantage of by the other. Just two drunken idiots in super lust) At first, they don't worry about it. It was a mundane wedding. It doesn't matter.
Alec doesn't regret losing his virginity to the pretty warlock (he does regret not remembering the whole thing). (possibility for a second row while they are sober in the hotel room and have cleared away where they stand and all that as some kind of goodbye).
HOWEVER, fate or the angels or whatever powers that be, decide to take this drunken wedding seriously. Not only does Alec have the wedded union rune on his wrist (which he only realizes later on), but that same rune also appears on Magnus. And no one seems to be able to get it off.
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azu1as · 4 months
You are amazing! Amazing! And I'm a greedy person, so I propose: Older! Time traveler! Baek Cheon and Tang Bo compete for Cheong Myeong's affection. CM is oblivious and CMun is in hell reserved for protective older brothers. Those perverted bastards! How dare they lust after his precious, naive and innocent sajae?! He'll break their heads!
You're so sweet to me 🥺🫶 thank you so much!!!!
also I ADORE TIME TRAVEL AUs sm you have no idea how giddy I got when I saw this ask WAHAHAHA
"Oh? He's pretty handsome..."
Tang Bo almost spills the alcohol he was pouring into his cup. His eyes immediately snap towards Chung Myung's face as he slowly lowers the bottle back on the table.
This guy slouched in front of him wasn't someone who gave compliments that easily. It took months of nudging and stubborn insistence for Chung Myung to finally admit that Tang Bo was 'passable-looking, sure, whatever'—a compliment that had to be drawn out tooth and nail but one that Tang Bo won through hard work and effort.
So, surely, he must have misheard Chung Myung's muttering.
"Did you say something, hyung-nim?" Tang Bo asks, smile twitching stiffly at the way Chung Myung's gaze remained locked on something—someone—behind Tang Bo as he took a long sip from his own cup.
"That man behind you," Chung Myung replies, pointing at the subject of their conversation with his mouth non-too-discretely. "He looks like a traveling prince or something."
Tang Bo doesn't know what minute expression passed through his face, but Chung Myung catches it well enough and raises a questioning eyebrow at him.
"I'm serious." Chung Myung insists, not realizing that Tang Bo is irritated for a completely different reason. "He really does look like some well-off to-do guy."
Tang Bo huffs and turns around without any subtlety whatsoever, determined to see what 'this prince guy' looked like to have managed to snag his hyung's attention so easily.
Tang Bo lets out an indignant noise. Okay, he'll admit it. The guy was abnormally handsome. He had well-defined androgynous facial features and an equally well-defined body, Tang Bo thinks, as his gaze locks onto the man's thick and muscled arms.
There might have been merit in Chung Myung's comment about this guy probably being a prince of sorts. If he was, Tang Bo would hedge a guess that he was a runaway one.
The man wore faded, plain white robes without any discernable insignia marking him from a sect or family. He had a similarly white headband strapped across his forehead with dark bangs framing an unblemished face.
If he was trying to disguise himself or hide his identity, he was doing a terrible job at it. Despite the simplicity of his outfit, his presence alone (and face) demanded attention.
"Told you." Chung Myung cheekily says, laughing at Tang Bo's disgruntled expression.
Even Tang Bo could admit that the man looks like he stepped out of one of the many heroic epics that common folk often passed around through books and verbal tales. How unfair.
Grumbling lightly, Tang Bo turns back to their table and throws back his cup of alcohol. "Bet he's just some rich runaway brat."
"Eh? Probably. But—ah, huh?"
A shadow falls over Tang Bo and he watches as Chung Myung's surprised face ends up trained above Tang Bo's head.
"Hello." The man greets them with his deep voice.
Ugh, Tang Bo grimaces as he pulls back his chair away from the man's shadow. Even his voice sounded handsome if that were even possible.
But Tang Bo was the gentleman between him and his hyung, so he replies, faking politeness, "Can we help you? My companion and I are in the middle of a meal together, you see."
Tang Bo tenses, immediately on guard when he sees the man's eyes sharpen as it turns towards him, clearly recognizing the dismissive tone Tang Bo used.
Other than an indecipherable flash in his eyes, the man's face (which felt more punch-able by the second, if you asked Tang Bo) remained unchanged.
The disruptor kept his gentle smile and Tang Bo was certain that he chose to stand where he did because of the way the lightbulb illuminated his face from above.
"It's alright, I can wait."
If Tang Bo had any less self-control, he would have already grabbed the man by the lapels of his faded robes and tossed him out of the establishment himself.
Who the hell was this man to have the audacity to look at his Chung Myung with such a warm gaze as he said that?
"Ha. Ha." Tang Bo grits out, a vein in his jaw ticking.
He doesn't care if this man looks like the textbook and fairytale version of a heroic warrior. His shamelessness should cancel out that stupid-looking face of his...!
Tang Bo feels a part of his soul leave at the unfairness of it all when Chung Myung shifts in his seat in involuntary self-consciousness.
Normal people wouldn't have noticed that—hell, not even Chung Myung himself probably realized!—but Tang Bo knew his hyung. They've spent too much time together to not not know each other's body language.
So why?
Why the hell did Tang Bo just spot a smirk on the man's face, huh?!?!
Chung Myung's eyes waver momentarily for reasons Tang Bo couldn't pick out, but Chung Myung hesitantly (why, hyung?!) opens his mouth and asks, "Have we...met before?"
Tang Bo's eyes nearly bulge out of his skull at the flirtatious-sounding sentence.
He knows Chung Myung doesn't realize it, but his hyung was personally handing over a signed warrant to this man, allowing him permission to take as many shameless liberties as he wanted.
In times like this, Tang Bo wishes his hyung wasn't as socially oblivious as he was.
He knows it's a futile hope to wish that the man missed the opening. But he seemed to recognize that Chung Myung was asking the question with pure face value.
Nonetheless, Tang Bo wishes he hadn't suggested this very detour for some alcohol because then they wouldn't have encountered this tall man in front of them.
The stupid, headband-wearing man hums as he fiddles lightly with the pink tassel on the hilt of his sheathed sword.
His gaze goes a bit distant as if recalling a far-off memory, and when he blinks back to reality, he lets out a deep, vibrating chuckle and locks eyes with Chung Myung.
"You were unforgettable."
Tang Bo's lips tremble. Why did it sound as if this man was insinuating something? His words felt like a romantic confession as well as a pointed barb directed at Tang Bo.
Chung Myung coughs lightly at the odd compliment thrown at him and throws back in one go the remaining alcohol in their shared bottle. He chuckles awkwardly before motioning at the man to sit down on the other side of the table.
Tang Bo doesn't think Chung Myung realizes it, but a light pink flush is spread over his cheeks.
And Tang Bo, unconsciously crushing the cup of alcohol in his hand, knew that it wasn't because of the alcohol.
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autocrats-in-love · 11 months
Prompt (191)
The hero grumbled and rolled over in their bed. To their surprise, their hand made contact with something. Someone.
Upon opening their eyes, the hero saw they weren’t in their bed at all. And, asleep next to them, was the villain. The hero groaned as memories of last night started to fill their mind.
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weird-an · 1 year
Kissing Steve is an apocalypse. His lips are hot like fire, the flames turning all of Hawkins into ashes. The world is gone and nothing else matters, except how Steve's body pressed against him and how the teeth biting down on his lips make a shiver run down his spine.
Billy burns bright with wanting.
It's a one time thing, he tries to remind himself. Because an apocalypse can only happen once, because it's the end of all things that are. Nothing will follow after that.
Steve laughs against his skin, so happy and careless and Billy thinks that his voice is a rather fitting song for the end of the world. He gets lost in the blaze.
Steve touches him, presses them together and it ends too soon, too fast and not fast enough.
He sits up, already wondering if his dad will wait for him when he gets home, a beer in his hand, the belt tossed on the back of the couch ready to get used.
When the world is ending, you'll be judged and Billy's judge will forever be his father, executing his own verdicts with blood on his fists and venom on his tongue.
"Don't go," Steve mumbles, sleepy like his head is far up in the clouds already.
Billy can't. Billy wants. Billy wants too much and that's his downfall.
"Stay" Steve says and Billy has to leave, but the world has ended and he has nowhere to go.
He lies down next to Steve, pressing a kiss on his pink skin and closes his eyes. It's a one time thing, he thinks. But no one said it has to end now.
Judgement can wait for another day.
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theladycarpathia · 1 year
Too soft for all of it
Harringroveweek prompt:  apocalypse one night stand
“This is just a one off, do you hear me, Harrington?” Billy says, tugging off his shirt. Steve hungrily tracks every inch of bare skin with his eyes. End of the world hookups can be lethal, filthy and downright disgusting, depending on who you do it with. And Hargrove may be an ass but he’s got form. A really, really nice one.
“I hear you,” Steve says, not really listening. Because he knows something that Billy doesn’t and it’s this - that once they’ve given into this constant, burning heat between them, they won’t be able to stop it from happening again. 
And Steve sure as hell doesn’t want to stop it. He’s probably fucking up by breaking the number one rule of apocalypse hook ups (aside from always use condoms and don’t have sex outdoors) and he’s breaking it hard. Don’t fool around with someone who can break your heart.
“Yeah, you’ve got that ‘I’m really taking it all in’ look,” Billy snorts. He begins unbuttoning his jeans, watching Steve’s slack jaw with pleasure. “Does Princess Nancy know that’s the look you get when she starts talking?” 
Okay, Steve really doesn’t want any images of Nancy right now. He drags his eyes up to Billy’s, pretending that he can’t hear the teeth of a zipper being dragged down. 
“Well, her battle strategy meetings are long,” Steve says defensively. Billy shrugs and lets his hands fall away, leaving just a glimpse of his boxers from behind the denim. Steve scowls.
“You’re still dressed,” Billy points out cheekily, tugging at the fabric of Steve’s shirt. “Thought you might want to catch up.” Steve grabs the hem of his shirt and yanks it over his head. It’s worth it to see Billy’s eyes go dark.
“Not bad, Harrington,” Billy says in a low voice and Steve reaches a hand around the back of his neck to pull him down. Billy’s bare flesh on his is like every dream come true and Steve slides his hand into the back of Billy’s jean pocket, desperate to pull Billy’s straining erection against his own. When their bodies align, Steve can’t help his moan into Billy’s mouth. If he’s not careful, he’ll come just like this.
“So, ‘fess up,” Billy says, pressing his mouth against Steve’s bare throat. “How long have you wanted this?”
“Who says I have?” Steve retorts, although any bravado is lost in a helpless pant as Billy drags his teeth along the delicate curve of Steve’s neck. 
“I think you have,” Billy purrs and Steve wonders if Billy can hear the furious pounding of Steve’s heart. Maybe he can feel it when they’re pressed so tightly together.
But Billy will have to earn any admission from Steve. He’s not that pathetic.
Oh, but he knows he is. He’s weak with love, has been ever since the day that Billy and his group of survivors arrived at their camp. Hopper had been a little less than thrilled initially with the van of assorted teens from California. He’d been a little more thrilled with Joyce Byers arriving with them though. 
Their camp is pretty small, walls surrounding what had been the small cul-de-sac built out of whatever they could find. Chicken wire, old bits of fencing, metal sheeting. They’d closed everything off and shut down the road. No one got in or out.
And for a while things had been rough. They didn’t quite know what they do now about infection, supplies, and how to travel safely. They lost a few along the way, but they learned. 
What they did learn was not to trust strangers. Strangers could be infected, they can lie, they can shoot you in the back over your supplies if they want to. Benny had learnt that one the hard way and he’d been a good man. They hadn’t even been able to bury him. 
So when a convoy was spotted a few streets over, tensions had been high. People don’t come into Hawkins, not when it’s too small to be of any use. The woods and farms surrounding the more urban areas are prime space for the undead. No one risks coming through that if they don’t have to.
But this group had. Joyce Byers had been born here, actually went to school with Hopper way back when. Hopper had nearly been ready to turn them all away until he’d seen her. Apparently she’d left her scumbag ex when her kids were young and never looked back. And while they were in California, they picked up a few extras. Alone with so many kids, Joyce had taken the risk to return to where she knew.
Billy had pulled himself out of the driving seat, cigarette tucked behind his ear, gun strapped against his leg and Steve had been ruined right then and there. 
And now finally, six months later, Billy had finally noticed. Or maybe he’d finally stopped pretending he hadn’t noticed.
“You’re a little obvious about it,” Billy says, sitting back on his haunches to work at Steve’s jeans, his long, clever fingers easily undoing the assorted buttons. Steve flushes. Fuck. Robin’s been telling him for weeks that he’s too open about how he stares at Billy. People occasionally make the odd comment about Murray and Alexei spending too much time together but this isn’t high school. The normal rules seem to go out of the window when every day is about just surviving.
Even so, Robin had warned him about people talking. It couldn’t lead to anything good, in a community this small. 
“It’s alright,” Billy says, and the press of his palm against Steve’s dick is enough to set his skin on fire. “I liked it.”
Steve jerks his head up, half expecting Billy to be giving him that annoying grin, the one that’s full of cockiness and teeth. But instead, Billy’s eyes are soft and a little hopeful. 
“In fact,” Billy continues, shifting so he can pull Steve’s jeans down his legs and tug them right off. Steve’s still in his boxers, but he’s never felt more vulnerable. There’s something about the warm tilt of Billy’s mouth, the way he’s looking at Steve from under his eyelashes. Billy had swaggered up this evening, like he owned the place, like all he had to do was snap his fingers and have Steve fall into his bed. Now Steve wonders how much of that was just for show, because this Billy is one he’s never seen.
Steve’s possibly not the only one who’s been looking. 
“I like it a lot,” Billy continues, shimmying out of his own jeans. He kicks them aside and crawls back up Steve’s body, curling his fingers into Steve’s hair like they belong there.
“Ass,” Steve mutters, even as he tries to roll his hips against Billy’s. Billy just grins. There’s an attractive flush to his skin, a haze over his eyes. Steve kind of wants to see that look on Billy’s face tomorrow morning too.
“It’s a great ass,” Billy says helpfully. “I don’t blame you for looking.”
“I wasn’t looking that much,” Steve grumbles, annoyed at being caught out. It’s a risk caring about someone but people seem to manage it. Steve thinks about how very human it is to find love in a world of blood and teeth and death. Hopper and Joyce. Murray and Alexei. Nancy and Jonathan. 
“Sure, pervert,” Billy rumbles, mouth trailing against Steve’s bare skin. For someone who insisted that this was just fucking, just something to take the edge off, he’s being too soft. He’s treating Steve like glass and it’s something Steve could all too easily get addicted to.
“Just this once, huh?” Steve says, glad that he’s this close to Billy’s bright blue eyes. He can count every lash, see the pale scar across his right eyebrow. He’s still not sure how Billy got it - the story changes every time. Somehow, Steve doubts that Billy got it in a one-on-one tussle with a zombie.
There’s a flicker in Billy’s eyes, ever so briefly uncertain. Like he’s taking Steve’s words at face value. Steve slides his hands around the curve of Billy’s back, feeling along every nub of his spine. Waiting. Hoping.
“Yeah,” Billy breathes finally, sliding his fingers beneath Steve’s waistband. Steve decides then and there that he doesn’t mind this strange mutual lie they have going so long as Billy’s fingers are just rubbing against his hip bones like that. It feels like a long night of aching muscles and sweat along his spine and bruises sucked into his collarbone ahead of them. “Yeah, just this once.”
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dweetling · 1 month
Second Thoughts & Cold Feet
slightly suggestive but relatively tame prompts fitting for one night stands & unhealthy relationships - written by max
“Are you saying last night was a mistake?”
“Last night . . . was a mistake.”
“I’m not sure if I can go through with this.”
“It wasn’t meant to last, you and I.”
“As much as I’d love to do that again . . . I can’t.”
“As much as I loved every second of it . . . never again.”
“We really shouldn’t . . .”
“I can’t do it. I can’t quit you.”
“I’m not sure I can be with you . . . like this.”
“Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet . . .”
“What, you’re having second thoughts?”
“Does it scare you? The way I can make you feel?”
“If you want it so bad, why can’t you let yourself have it?”
“I’ve seen how this story ends. One of us gets left at an altar somewhere and the other is never the same again.”
“I want you. But I shouldn’t.”
“Damn it. I can’t do this anymore.”
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
Helloooo farmer friends!! So last night my friend @pavusprince mentioned how she doesn’t understand the toothpaste mint chocolate chip ice cream comparison and that got me thinking!! Let’s talk about food!!
Does your farmer like mint chocolate ice cream? Does it taste like toothpaste? Are they neutral, or do they hate it?
During the summer does your farmer visit Alex’s ice cream stand? What flavor/treat do they buy? What’s their least favorite flavor?
What is one treat your farmer will ALWAYS have in their home? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
If your farmer was a snack item what would they be? (It cannot be a food that could be eaten like a meal, but it may be a dessert) Here’s some examples: chips, cookies, M&ms, Twinkies, crackers, bubblegum, lollipops, etc
What’s your farmer’s comfort food, favorite meal, and least favorite meal?
What’s something they will NEVER eat?
What do they cook if they know they will have a guest over?
If the town’s potluck didn’t matter so much, what ingredient would they take? And what food would they put at an event table if you had to bring something?
Finally, if your farmer was real, what would YOU give them to eat.
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pan-flute-skeleton · 5 months
Skwiss and Vivi are in a committed relationship and very happy. So happy that they decide adding a third person for just one night won't change anything.
Ya know it would be so easy to have Caj be the third person, but I know Vivi and Skwisgaar would want her (and by extension Nita) for more than just one night. So let's try someone different. And I choose.....@mrfelixfischoeder's Olena
Skwisgaar sat at the edge of his bed with his legs spread and cock almost upright. He was ready for his private show. Olena adjusted her bow and violin in place and let the music flow out of her. But this performance was unlike anything she had ever encountered.
At her feet, Vivi sat looking up at her unclothed lower half. It started with light kisses upon her outer thighs and shortly moved inward. Olena focused on her playing, but it was hard to when her violin mixed with the sound of buzzing. The vibrating finger attachment was muffled once folded into her soft opening. Her trembling made the rain fall.
"Mmph, Skwisgaar," Olena moaned
"Skwisgaar isn't here right now," Vivi purred, "it's just you and me. I'll keep going if you do too."
Aahh! Her bow faltered and made the strings squeak. Vivi gripped Olena's leg and lifted herself closer. She yearned for a taste and knew Skwisgaar would be driven mad. Her confidence in her pleasuring skills grew from her first encounter and now she licked with reckless abandon.
"You ams trying all the flavors of Scandinavia, amns't you?" Skwisgaar watched and pumped his own cock.
"I'm getting there, right Olena?" The music stopped with a delightful shudder. A symphony the couple wanted so bad. And they wanted an encore.
Prompt #10 from here
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