#on this webbed site how dare they say we piss on the poor
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frankenshane · 2 years ago
the barbiecourse from people who haven't even seen the movie is simultaneously fascinating and the most annoying thing in the world (both sides version)
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utilitycaster · 2 years ago
Honestly my greatest fear for this campaign is if it ends immediately after the solstice and we never get to see the other characters explore their backstories and relationships, Ashton especially because most of their backstory doesn’t tie into the main plot at all
Why are you sending me, a person who is openly and loudly frustrated about the "waaaaaaa why is the story a story and not a constant spotlight on MY BLORBO" tendencies of the fandom, this.
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sweet-caress-of-twilight · 7 months ago
Disney Animated Canon Dashboard Simulator
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🦁 a-mighty-king Follow
How do I look?
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🦌 a-life-in-the-woods Follow
🦁 a-mighty-king Follow
That's why your mom is dead
🦌 a-life-in-the-woods Follow
ik you're not talking when your uncle killed your dad 💀be so fr rn
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🦁 a-mighty-king Follow
moots you have 24 hours to unfollow a-l*fe-in-t*e-w**ds
🧞‍♂️ phenomenal-cosmic-power Follow
geez, wanna buy some vowels?
🦁 a-mighty-king Follow
how dare you say we piss on the poor
#classism tw
🧞‍♂️ phenomenal-cosmic-power Follow
I'm not classist, my best pal is a street rat
🐭 rescue-aid-society-official Follow
Actually, we prefer the term "mouse" - Bernard
🧞‍♂️ phenomenal-cosmic-power Follow
I don't believe it, another "piss on the poor" moment? I'm not even talking about you dawg 💀
⚡️ b01t Follow
🥖 one-jump-ahead Follow
actually I wouldn't mind being pissed on
🌺 jasmine-like-the-flower Follow
📖 milo-thatch Follow
#aladdin horny heritage posts
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💛 more-than-this-provincial-life Follow
💪 roughly-the-size-of-a-barge Follow
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💪 roughly-the-size-of-a-barge Follow
🕯 b3-0ur-gu3st Follow
💪 roughly-the-size-of-a-barge Follow
shut your goofy ass up before I melt you
😜 yaa-hoo-hoo-hooey Follow
Gawrsh, did someone mention me?
🐤 d0n4ld-duck Follow
hes not talking about you you big palooka
😜 yaa-hoo-hoo-hooey Follow
Actually, you're supposed to put an apostrophe in the word "he's"
🐤 d0n4ld-duck Follow
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💚 theboywhowouldntgrowup Follow
adults are so annoying like go pay your taxes grandpa 🙄
🏴‍☠️ theworldsmostfamouscrook Follow
You are a minor who knows nothing about the world. You are the ugly one here. I can make YOU shut up but I suggest you one thing. You don't want to deal with a devil like me.
🐊 tiktokcrok Follow
🏴‍☠️ theworldsmostfamouscrook Follow
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🏴‍☠️ theworldsmostfamouscrook Follow
moots please tw crocodiles
💎 m4d4m-m3dus4 Follow
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🏴‍☠️ theworldsmostfamouscrook Follow
🐚 p00r-unf0rtun4t3-s0u1s Follow
And this, my darlings, is why we don't put our triggers out in public
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💜 m3g4r4 Follow
Hercules save me
💜 m3g4r4 Follow
💜 m3g4r4 Follow
save me Hercules
💪 zer02hero Follow
Never fear, I'm on my way!
💪 roughly-the-size-of-a-barge Follow
Nice pfp bro
💪 zer02hero Follow
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🛐 a-righteous-man Follow
uhm,,,,this entire dashboard is rife with sin and degeneracy. Do you all have no shame?
🐐 esme-and-djali Follow
🐐 esme-and-djali Follow
Sorry that was Djali typing anyway OP literally tried to burn me at the stake for being Romani????
🛐 a-righteous-man Follow
And I would do it again to cleanse the world of your wickedness! You flaunt your heresy and expect us to applaud?
🐐 esme-and-djali Follow
how about you keep that energy when you look in the mirror? cause last i checked, your obsession with me wasn’t exactly “holy”
🛐 a-righteous-man Follow
You dare speak to me of obsession? I shall have you blocked and reported from this webbed site!
🐐 esme-and-djali Follow
lol ok
🛐 a-righteous-man Follow
🐐 esme-and-djali Follow
frollo got termed lmao sucks to suck
🔥 officialhades Follow
that sucks, i was gonna invite him to my place for a BBQ
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🔮 th3-gre4t-and-powerful Follow Why do I always wake up to the chaos of this dashboard? I need coffee and Kuzco's head on a platter.
🦙 realemperorkuzco Follow
tf is u doing ur really killing my groove here :(
🔮 th3-gre4t-and-powerful Follow
Get off of my dash.
🦙 realemperorkuzco Follow
u havent blocked me tho
🎢 pull-teh-lever Follow Uh, Yzma, are we still making spinach puffs for dinner? Asking for a friend.
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🩶 bear-nessities Follow
Hi guys, this is my first post here! Good vibes only!
📖 milo-thatch Follow
Unfortunately, there appears to be a spelling error in your username. It is supposed to be "necessities."
🩶 bear-nessities Follow
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🏄🏾‍♀️ 0hana-means-family Follow
Guys, I have a theory: I think Baloo and Little John are the same person. I mean, have we ever seen them online at the same time?
🦊 stealfr0mtehrich Follow
You know, Little John did get termed recently....
�� g00dby3-may-seem-4ever Follow
Nice pfp
🦊 stealfr0mtehrich Follow
Thanks, I stole it from you
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😴 br1arr0se Follow
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🦁 a-mighty-king Follow
Um this is extremely offensive to people who have been put under sleeping spells??????
🍎 myprincecame Follow
Excuse me, Simba, but Aurora has been putting under a sleeping spell, as have I. Please don't spread negativity here :(
🍎 myprincecame Follow
plsushthepostistreu - Sleepy
🦁 a-mighty-king Follow
you know that by being sleepy, you're appropriating the culture of those who have been put under sleeping spells?????
🥖 one-jump-ahead Follow
so...just fuck being tired, I guess?
🍎 myprincecame Follow
Please no profanity on my posts, Aladdin :(
🎩 un81rthd4y Follow
anyone in this thread smoke weed
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gloriousfckingpurpose · 1 year ago
every day i go on this webbed site and understand the “how dare you say we piss on the poor” post better
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finnified · 1 year ago
Regarding the topic of the cat poll
deadass have never heard of nefarious angler fish cat before the poll, so to the ppl saying "It was a prominent meme!" um... fucking where?
!!Jellie sweep!!
nefarious anglerfish has been pretty big on this webbed site, but thats not even the point at this point. the point is that the cat is dead and people are being an asshole about her just becos scar is a mcyter which is like… a prime example of this website’s implicit bias. how dare you suggest we piss on the poor, yknow? tumblr does NOT get better over time LOL
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sassypotatoe1 · 7 months ago
Because I know this is the how dare you say we piss on the poor webbed site (side note I never saw the origin of piss on the poor I thought for the longest time it was a criticism of how people who are poor can enforce classism and absolve themselves of it because they're also poor) friendly reminder for literally everyone that there is no such thing as narcissistic abuse, there is emotional, financial, psychological, sexual and physical abuse, any "narcissistic abuse" trait someone can give you will fall into one of those categories. Abuse does not occur as a result of someone's personality disorder. You don't call it ocd abuse, or bipolar abuse, or any of the other personality disorders.
Abuse is a result of someone's world view and moral convictions, not the chemistry of their brain. Can narcissistic people be abusive? Yes! So can literally everyone else in the world. Literally. You too, you might think you're a perfectly good and normal person but I can guarantee that the longer you have been alive the more likely it is that you have perpetuated abuse against someone. People with personality disorders, ESPECIALLY cluster b disorders (antisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic) are far more likely to face abuse than perpetuate it because their disorders affect how they express themselves and interact with the world, and we all know the general population treats those who think, look and act different like shit.
On top of that, cluster b disorders are caused by a combination of genetics, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS, CHILDHOOD TRAUMA and brain structure. So the person you're demonizing by calling emotional abuse narcissistic abuse was once a kid who got dealt a bad brain development card and a fuck ton of trauma, and it affected how they form connections with others. Congrats you're abusing the abuse victim and calling it activism.
A lack of empathy is not equivalent to a lack of self control, compassion or morals. It's just not. Empathy is entirely encompassed by the definition "the ability to put yourself in other people's shoes". It does not mean "the ability to understand other people's suffering" or "the ability to sympathize with other people" or "the ability to value others as people with their own feelings and experiences". It solely and completely means "the ability to also feel what the other person is feeling".
If I had to give an example, let's say on the most basic level two toddlers ran around, one fell and skimmed his knee and started crying because ow. The other toddler, who has never skimmed his knee before, does not have a frame of reference for what that feels like. All he knows is his friend is upset and it looks like it's because of the red stuff on his knee. Can that toddler empathize with the skimmed knee? No. Can he empathize with his friend crying, because he's cried before? Absolutely. Does this allow him to understand that his friend is upset but not that his friend is in pain? Correctamundo! His inability to understand what a skimmed knee feels like does not eliminate his ability to recognize his friend is upset and want to make it right.
A lack of empathy is not equivalent to a lack of compassion.
People with cluster b personality disorders are not inherently unsympathetic inhuman monsters. They just did not develop certain ways of thinking or feeling the same way you did. When you attach moral value to the singular experience of empathy, and assign a lack of moral value to a lack of empathy, you're refusing to acknowledge every other possible way that people can connect with, understand and support each other.
There's no such thing as narcissistic abuse because the abuse is not exclusive to people with npd, and it's also not a result of their npd. If someone is abusive it's because they think they're allowed to and should be, not because of their brain structure and chemical makeup. Call it what it is, stop demonizing cluster b disorders.
accidentally stumbled down the "dark empath" side of tumblr. id typically feel bad for putting people's struggles publically on blast just because they handled them a little cringe, but holy shit. oh my god. you people have to see this
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avatar-aaang · 4 years ago
do you ever just..... see someone go "this couldn't be a canon romantic relationship, they act like siblings!!!!" And its like........... have you ever met siblings. Like I know we ask that a lot here but uhh do... do siblings act like that or,??
like sure lots of romantic couples have moments that might come off as siblingesque but like overall no???? like are we reading the same thing or.............
as just bc someone has a sibling like relationship with someone doesn't make them siblings. doesn't make them romantically inclined towards one another either.
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shinraelectricpowercom · 3 years ago
happy approximately one year anniversary to my joke post where i said i didnt wanna culturally appropriate eurovision and got no fewer than three (3) concerned responses informing me that Watching Eurovision As An American Is Fine, Actually
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just-binch-thoughts · 3 years ago
The reading comprehension on this webbed site really is zero huh 😕 “how dare you say we piss on the poor” type beat
I think it's just because terfs have no ground to stand on so they pretend they do in hope that they'll fool us.
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zadzunny · 8 years ago
What i don't get is Harries saying “treat kindness with kindness” like Zayn said anything bad about harry like he didn't? “The reading comprehension on this web site is piss poor “how dare you say we piss on the poor” teas
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onlinemarketingcourses · 6 years ago
Left is Right & Up is Down
Probably the single best video to watch to understand the power of Google & Facebook (or even most of the major problems across society) is this following video about pleasure versus happiness.
In constantly seeking pleasure we forego happiness.
The “feed” based central aggregation networks are just like slot machines in your pocket: variable reward circuitry which self-optimizes around exploiting your flaws to eat as much attention as possible.
The above is not an accident. It is, rather, as intended:
“That means that we needed to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever … It’s a social validation feedback loop … You’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology … [The inventors] understood this, consciously, and we did it anyway.”
Happy? Good! Share posed photos to make your friends feel their lives are worse than your life is.
Outraged? Good! Click an ad.
Hopeless? Good. There is a product which can deliver you pleasure…if only you can…click an ad.
Using machine learning to drive rankings is ultimately an exercise in confirmation bias:
For “Should abortion be legal?” Google cited a South African news site saying, “It is not the place of government to legislate against woman’s choices.”
When asked, “Should abortion be illegal?” it promoted an answer from obscure clickbait site listland.com stating, “Abortion is murder.”
Excellent work Google in using your featured snippets to help make the world more absolutist, polarized & toxic.
The central network operators not only attempt to manipulate people at the emotional level, but the layout of the interface also sets default user patterns.
Most users tend to focus their attention on the left side of the page: “if we were to slice a maximized page down the middle, 80% of the fixations fell on the left half of the screen (even more than our previous finding of 69%). The remaining 20% of fixations were on the right half of the screen.”
This behavior is even more prevalent on search results pages: “On SERPs, almost all fixations (94%) fell on the left side of the page, and 60% those fixations can be isolated to the leftmost 400px.”
On mobile, obviously, the attention is focused on what is above the fold. That which is below the fold sort of doesn’t even exist for a large subset of the population.
Outside of a few central monopoly attention merchant players, the ad-based web is dying.
Mashable has raised about $46 million in VC funding over the past 4 years. And they just sold for about $50 million.
Breaking even is about as good as it gets in a web controlled by the Google / Facebook duopoly. 😀
Other hopeful unicorn media startups appear to have peaked as well. That BuzzFeed IPO is on hold: “Some BuzzFeed investors have become worried about the company’s performance and rising costs for expansions in areas like news and entertainment. Those frustrations were aired at a board meeting in recent weeks, in which directors took management to task, the people familiar with the situation said.”
Google’s Chrome web browser will soon have an ad blocker baked into it. Of course the central networks opt out of applying this feature to themselves. Facebook makes serious coin by blocking ad blockers. Google pays Adblock Plus to unblock ads on Google.com & boy are there a lot of ads there.
Format your pages like Google does their search results and they will tell you it is a piss poor user experience & a form of spam – whacking you with a penalty for it.
Of course Google isn’t the only search engine doing this. Mix in ads with a double listing and sometimes there will only be 1 website listed above the fold.
I’ve even seen some Bing search results where organic results have a “Web” label on them – which is conveniently larger than the ad label that is on ads. That is in addition to other tricks like…
lots of ad extensions that push organics below the fold on anything with the slightest commercial intent
bolding throughout ads (title, description, URL) with much lighter bolding of organics
only showing 6 organic results on commercial searches that are likely to generate ad clicks
As bad as either of the above looks in terms of ad load or result diversity on the desktop, it is only worse on mobile.
On mobile devices organic search results can be so hard to find that people ask questions like “Are there any search engines where you don’t have to literally scroll to see a result that isn’t an advertisement?”
The answer is yes.
But other than that, it is slim pickings.
In an online ecosystem where virtually every innovation is copied or deemed spam, sustainable publishing only works if your business model is different than the central network operators.
Not only is there the aggressive horizontal ad layer for anything with a hint of commercial intent, but now the scrape layer which was first applied to travel is being spread across other categories like ecommerce.
Ecommerce retailers beware. There is now a GIANT knowledge panel result on mobile that takes up the entire top half of the SERP -> Google updates mobile product knowledge panels to show even more info in one spot: https://t.co/3JMsMHuQmJ pic.twitter.com/5uD8zZiSrK— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
Here are 2 examples. And alarms are going off at Amazon now. Yes, Prime is killer, but organic search traffic is going to tank. Go ahead & scroll down to the organic listings (if you dare).And if anyone clicks the module, they are taken away from the SERPs into G-Land. Wow. 🙂 pic.twitter.com/SswOPj4iGd— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
The more of your content Google can scrape-n-displace in the search results the less reason there is to visit your website & the more ad-heavy Google can make their interface because they shagged the content from your site.
Simply look at the market caps of the big tech monopolies vs companies in adjacent markets. The aggregate trend is expressed in the stock price. And it is further expressed in the inability for the unicorn media companies to go public.
As big as Snapchat & Twitter are, nobody who invested in either IPO is sitting on a winner today.
Google is outraged anyone might question the numbers & if the current set up is reasonable:
Mr Harris described as “factually incorrect” suggestions that Google was “stealing” ad revenue from publishers, saying that two thirds of the revenues generated by online content went to its originators.
“I’ve heard lots of people say that Google and Facebook are “ruthlessly stealing” all the advertising revenue that publishers hoped to acquire through online editions,” he told the gathering.
“There is no advertising on Google News. Zero. Indeed you will rarely see advertising around news cycles in Google Search either.
Sure it is not the ad revenues they are stealing.
Rather it is the content.
Either by scraping, or by ranking proprietary formats (AMP) above other higher quality content which is not published using the proprietary format & then later attaching crappier & crappier deals to the (faux) “open source” proprietary content format.
As Google grabs the content & cuts the content creator off from the audience while attaching conditions, Google’s PR hacks will tell you they want you to click through to the source:
Google spokeswoman Susan Cadrecha said the company’s goal isn’t to do the thinking for users but “to help you find relevant information quickly and easily.” She added, “We encourage users to understand the full context by clicking through to the source.”
except they are the ones adding extra duplicative layers which make it harder to do.
Google keeps extracting content from publishers & eating the value chain. Some publishers have tried to offset this by putting more ads on their own site while also getting further distribution by adopting the proprietary AMP format. Those who realized AMP was garbage in terms of monetization viewed it as a way to offer teasers to drive users to their websites.
The partial story approach is getting killed though. Either you give Google everything, or they want nothing.
That is, after all, how monopolies negotiate – ultimatums.
Those who don’t give Google their full content will soon receive manual action penalty notifications
Important: Starting 2/1/18, Google is requiring that AMP urls be comparable to the canonical page content. If not, Google will direct users to the non-AMP urls. And the urls won’t be in the Top Stories carousel. Site owners will receive a manual action: https://t.co/ROhbI6TMVz pic.twitter.com/hb9FTluV0S— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 16, 2017
The value of news content is not zero.
Being the go-to resource for those sorts of “no money here” news topics also enables Google to be the go-to resource for searches for [auto insurance quote] and other highly commercial search terms where Google might make $50 or $100 per click.
Every month Google announces new ad features.
Economics drive everything in publishing. But you have to see how one market position enables another. Google & Facebook are not strong in China, so Toutiao – the top news app in China – is valued at about $20 billion.
Now that Yahoo! has been acquired by Verizon, they’ve decided to shut down their news app. Unprofitable segments are worth more as a write off than as an ongoing concern. Look for Verizon to further take AIM at shutting down additional parts of AOL & Yahoo.
Firefox recently updated to make its underlying rendering engine faster & more stable. As part of the upgrade they killed off many third party extensions, including ours. We plan to update them soon (a few days perhaps), but those who need the extensions working today may want to install something like (Comodo Ice Dragon (or another browser based on the prior Firefox core) & install our extensions in that web browser.
As another part of the most recent Firefox update, Firefox dumped Yahoo! Search for Google search as their default search engine in a new multiyear deal where financial terms were not disclosed.
Yahoo! certainly deserved to lose that deal.
First, they signed a contract with Mozilla containing a change-of-ownership poison pill where Mozilla would still make $375 million a year from them even if they dump Yahoo!. Given what Yahoo! sold for this amounts to about 10% of the company price for the next couple years.
Second, Yahoo! overpaid for the Firefox distribution deal to where they had to make their user experience even more awful to try to get the numbers to back out.
Here is a navigational search result on Yahoo! where the requested site only appears in the right rail knowledge graph.
The “organic” result set has been removed. There’s a Yahoo! News insert, a Yahoo Local insert, an ad inviting you to download Firefox (bet that has since been removed!), other search suggestions, and then graphical ads to try to get you to find office furniture or other irrelevant stuff.
Here is how awful those sorts of search results are: Yahoo! was so embarrassed at the lack of quality of their result set that they put their logo at the upper right edge of the page.
So now they’ll be losing a million a day for a few years based on Marissa Mayer’s fantastic Firefox deal.
And search is just another vertical they made irrelevant.
When they outsourced many verticals & then finally shut down most of the remaining ones, they only left a few key ones:
On our recent earnings call, Yahoo outlined out a plan to simplify our business and focus our effort on our four most successful content areas  – News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle. To that end, today we will begin phasing out the following Digital Magazines:  Yahoo Food, Yahoo Health, Yahoo Parenting, Yahoo Makers, Yahoo Travel, Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Real Estate.
And for the key verticals they kept, they have pages like the following, which look like a diet version of eHow
Every day they send users away to other sites with deeper content. And eventually people find one they like (like TheAthletic or Dunc’d On) & then Yahoo! stops being a habit.
Meanwhile many people get their broader general news from Facebook, Google shifted their search app to include news, Apple offers a great news app, the default new tab on Microsoft Edge browser lists a localize news feed. Any of those is a superior user experience to Yahoo!.
It is hard to see what Yahoo!’s role is going forward.
Other than the user email accounts (& whatever legal liabilities are associated with the chronic user account hacking incidents), it is hard to see what Verizon bought in Yahoo!.
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ubizheroes · 7 years ago
Left is Right & Up is Down
Probably the single best video to watch to understand the power of Google & Facebook (or even most of the major problems across society) is this following video about pleasure versus happiness. In constantly seeking pleasure we forego happiness. The “feed” based central aggregation networks are just like slot machines in your pocket: variable reward circuitry which self-optimizes around exploiting your flaws to eat as much attention as possible. The above is not an accident. It is, rather, as intended: “That means that we needed to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever … It’s a social validation feedback loop … You’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology … [The inventors] understood this, consciously, and we did it anyway.” Happy? Good! Share posed photos to make your friends feel their lives are worse than your life is. Outraged? Good! Click an ad. Hopeless? Good. There is a product which can deliver you pleasure…if only you can…click an ad. The central network operators not only attempt to manipulate people at the emotional level, but the layout of the interface also sets default user patterns. Most users tend to focus their attention on the left side of the page: “if we were to slice a maximized page down the middle, 80% of the fixations fell on the left half of the screen (even more than our previous finding of 69%). The remaining 20% of fixations were on the right half of the screen.” This behavior is even more prevalent on search results pages: “On SERPs, almost all fixations (94%) fell on the left side of the page, and 60% those fixations can be isolated to the leftmost 400px.” On mobile, obviously, the attention is focused on what is above the fold. That which is below the fold sort of doesn’t even exist for a large subset of the population. Outside of a few central monopoly attention merchant players, the ad-based web is dying. Mashable has raised about $46 million in VC funding over the past 4 years. And they just sold for about $50 million. Breaking even is about as good as it gets in a web controlled by the Google / Facebook duopoly. Other hopeful unicorn media startups appear to have peaked as well. That BuzzFeed IPO is on hold: “Some BuzzFeed investors have become worried about the company’s performance and rising costs for expansions in areas like news and entertainment. Those frustrations were aired at a board meeting in recent weeks, in which directors took management to task, the people familiar with the situation said.” Google’s Chrome web browser will soon have an ad blocker baked into it. Of course the central networks opt out of applying this feature to themselves. Facebook makes serious coin by blocking ad blockers. Google pays Adblock Plus to unblock ads on Google.com & boy are there a lot of ads there. Format your pages like Google does their search results and they will tell you it is a piss poor user experience & a form of spam – whacking you with a penalty for it. Of course Google isn’t the only search engine doing this. Mix in ads with a double listing and sometimes there will only be 1 website listed above the fold. I’ve even seen some Bing search results where organic results have a “Web” label on them – which is conveniently larger than the ad label that is on ads. That is in addition to other tricks like… lots of ad extensions that push organics below the fold on anything with the slightest commercial intent bolding throughout ads (title, description, URL) with much lighter bolding of organics only showing 6 organic results on commercial searches that are likely to generate ad clicks As bad as either of the above looks in terms of ad load or result diversity on the desktop, it is only worse on mobile. On mobile devices organic search results can be so hard to find that people ask questions like “Are there any search engines where you don’t have to literally scroll to see a result that isn’t an advertisement?” The answer is yes. DuckDuckGo. But other than that, it is slim pickings. In an online ecosystem where virtually every innovation is copied or deemed spam, sustainable publishing only works if your business model is different than the central network operators. Not only is there the aggressive horizontal ad layer for anything with a hint of commercial intent, but now the scrape layer which was first applied to travel is being spread across other categories like ecommerce. Ecommerce retailers beware. There is now a GIANT knowledge panel result on mobile that takes up the entire top half of the SERP -> Google updates mobile product knowledge panels to show even more info in one spot: https://t.co/3JMsMHuQmJ pic.twitter.com/5uD8zZiSrK— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017 Here are 2 examples. And alarms are going off at Amazon now. Yes, Prime is killer, but organic search traffic is going to tank. Go ahead & scroll down to the organic listings (if you dare).And if anyone clicks the module, they are taken away from the SERPs into G-Land. Wow. pic.twitter.com/SswOPj4iGd— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017 The more of your content Google can scrape-n-displace in the search results the less reason there is to visit your website & the more ad-heavy Google can make their interface because they shagged the content from your site. Simply look at the market caps of the big tech monopolies vs companies in adjacent markets. The aggregate trend is expressed in the stock price. And it is further expressed in the inability for the unicorn media companies to go public. As big as Snapchat & Twitter are, nobody who invested in either IPO is sitting on a winner today. Google is outraged anyone might question the numbers & if the current set up is reasonable: Mr Harris described as “factually incorrect” suggestions that Google was “stealing” ad revenue from publishers, saying that two thirds of the revenues generated by online content went to its originators. “I’ve heard lots of people say that Google and Facebook are “ruthlessly stealing” all the advertising revenue that publishers hoped to acquire through online editions,” he told the gathering. “There is no advertising on Google News. Zero. Indeed you will rarely see advertising around news cycles in Google Search either. Sure it is not the ad revenues they are stealing. Rather it is the content. Either by scraping, or by ranking proprietary formats (AMP) above other higher quality content which is not published using the proprietary format & then later attaching crappier & crappier deals to the (faux) “open source” proprietary content format. Google keeps extracting content from publishers & eating the value chain. Some publishers have tried to offset this by putting more ads on their own site while also getting further distribution by adopting the proprietary AMP format. Those who realized AMP was garbage in terms of monetization viewed it as a way to offer teasers to drive users to their websites. The partial story approach is getting killed though. Either you give Google everything, or they want nothing. That is, after all, how monopolies negotiate – ultimatums. Those who don’t give Google their full content will soon receive manual action penalty notifications Important: Starting 2/1/18, Google is requiring that AMP urls be comparable to the canonical page content. If not, Google will direct users to the non-AMP urls. And the urls won’t be in the Top Stories carousel. Site owners will receive a manual action: https://t.co/ROhbI6TMVz pic.twitter.com/hb9FTluV0S— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 16, 2017 The value of news content is not zero. Being the go-to resource for those sorts of “no money here” news topics also enables Google to be the go-to resource for searches for [auto insurance quote] and other highly commercial search terms where Google might make $50 or $100 per click. Economics drive everything in publishing. But you have to see how one market position enables another. Google & Facebook are not strong in China, so Toutiao – the top news app in China – is valued at about $20 billion. Now that Yahoo! has been acquired by Verizon, they’ve decided to shut down their news app. Unprofitable segments are worth more as a write off than as an ongoing concern. Look for Verizon to further take AIM at shutting down additional parts of AOL & Yahoo. Firefox recently updated to make its underlying rendering engine faster & more stable. As part of the upgrade they killed off many third party extensions, including ours. We plan to update them soon (a few days perhaps), but those who need the extensions working today may want to install something like (a href=“https://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php”>Comodo Dragon (or another browser based on the prior Firefox core) & install our extensions in that web browser. As another part of the most recent Firefox update, Firefox dumped Yahoo! Search for Google search as their default search engine in a new multiyear deal where financial terms were not disclosed. Yahoo! certainly deserved to lose that deal. First, they signed a contract with Mozilla containing a change-of-ownership poison pill where Mozilla would still make $375 million a year from them even if they dump Yahoo!. Given what Yahoo! sold for this amounts to about 10% of the company price for the next couple years. Second, Yahoo! overpaid for the Firefox distribution deal to where they had to make their user experience even more awful to try to get the numbers to back out. Here is a navigational search result on Yahoo! where the requested site only appears in the right rail knowledge graph. The “organic” result set has been removed. There’s a Yahoo! News insert, a Yahoo Local insert, an ad inviting you to download Firefox (bet that has since been removed!), other search suggestions, and then graphical ads to try to get you to find office furniture or other irrelevant stuff. Here is how awful those sorts of search results are: Yahoo! was so embarrassed at the lack of quality of their result set that they put their logo at the upper right edge of the page. So now they’ll be losing a million a day for a few years based on Marissa Mayer’s fantastic deal with Firefox. And search is just another vertical they made irrelevant. When they outsourced many verticals & then finally shut down most of the remaining ones, they only left a few key ones: On our recent earnings call, Yahoo outlined out a plan to simplify our business and focus our effort on our four most successful content areas – News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle. To that end, today we will begin phasing out the following Digital Magazines: Yahoo Food, Yahoo Health, Yahoo Parenting, Yahoo Makers, Yahoo Travel, Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Real Estate. And for the key verticals they kept, they have pages like the following, which look like a diet version of eHow Every day they send users away to other sites with deeper content. And eventually people find one they like (like TheAthletic or Dunc’d On) & then Yahoo! stops being a habit. Meanwhile many people get their broader general news from Facebook, Google shifted their search app to include news, Apple offers a great news app, the default new tab on Microsoft Edge browser lists a localize news feed. Any of those is a superior user experience to Yahoo!. It is hard to see what Yahoo!’s role is going forward. Other than the user email accounts (& whatever legal liabilities are associated with the chronic user account hacking incidents), it is hard to see what Verizon bought in Yahoo!. Categories: yahoo from SEO Book http://www.seobook.com/left-right-down via IFTTT from Local SEO Guru http://localseoguru.tumblr.com/post/167569540723 via IFTTT from Tumblr http://tomeucapella.tumblr.com/post/167571026790/left-is-right-up-is-down via IFTTT
from Blogger http://imlocalseo.blogspot.com/2017/11/left-is-right-up-is-down_16.html via IFTTT
from IM Local SEO https://imlocalseo.wordpress.com/2017/11/17/left-is-right-up-is-down-2/ via IFTTT
from Gana Dinero Colaborando | Wecon Project https://weconprojectspain.wordpress.com/2017/11/17/left-is-right-up-is-down-2/ via IFTTT
from WordPress https://mrliberta.wordpress.com/2017/11/17/left-is-right-up-is-down-2/ via IFTTT
0 notes
emmagarciarest · 7 years ago
Left is Right & Up is Down
Probably the single best video to watch to understand the power of Google & Facebook (or even most of the major problems across society) is this following video about pleasure versus happiness. In constantly seeking pleasure we forego happiness. The “feed” based central aggregation networks are just like slot machines in your pocket: variable reward circuitry which self-optimizes around exploiting your flaws to eat as much attention as possible. The above is not an accident. It is, rather, as intended: “That means that we needed to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever … It’s a social validation feedback loop … You’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology … [The inventors] understood this, consciously, and we did it anyway.” Happy? Good! Share posed photos to make your friends feel their lives are worse than your life is. Outraged? Good! Click an ad. Hopeless? Good. There is a product which can deliver you pleasure…if only you can…click an ad. The central network operators not only attempt to manipulate people at the emotional level, but the layout of the interface also sets default user patterns. Most users tend to focus their attention on the left side of the page: “if we were to slice a maximized page down the middle, 80% of the fixations fell on the left half of the screen (even more than our previous finding of 69%). The remaining 20% of fixations were on the right half of the screen.” This behavior is even more prevalent on search results pages: “On SERPs, almost all fixations (94%) fell on the left side of the page, and 60% those fixations can be isolated to the leftmost 400px.” On mobile, obviously, the attention is focused on what is above the fold. That which is below the fold sort of doesn’t even exist for a large subset of the population. Outside of a few central monopoly attention merchant players, the ad-based web is dying. Mashable has raised about $46 million in VC funding over the past 4 years. And they just sold for about $50 million. Breaking even is about as good as it gets in a web controlled by the Google / Facebook duopoly. :D Other hopeful unicorn media startups appear to have peaked as well. That BuzzFeed IPO is on hold: “Some BuzzFeed investors have become worried about the company’s performance and rising costs for expansions in areas like news and entertainment. Those frustrations were aired at a board meeting in recent weeks, in which directors took management to task, the people familiar with the situation said.” Google’s Chrome web browser will soon have an ad blocker baked into it. Of course the central networks opt out of applying this feature to themselves. Facebook makes serious coin by blocking ad blockers. Google pays Adblock Plus to unblock ads on Google.com & boy are there a lot of ads there. Format your pages like Google does their search results and they will tell you it is a piss poor user experience & a form of spam - whacking you with a penalty for it. Of course Google isn’t the only search engine doing this. Mix in ads with a double listing and sometimes there will only be 1 website listed above the fold. I’ve even seen some Bing search results where organic results have a “Web” label on them - which is conveniently larger than the ad label that is on ads. That is in addition to other tricks like… lots of ad extensions that push organics below the fold on anything with the slightest commercial intent bolding throughout ads (title, description, URL) with much lighter bolding of organics only showing 6 organic results on commercial searches that are likely to generate ad clicks As bad as either of the above looks in terms of ad load or result diversity on the desktop, it is only worse on mobile. On mobile devices organic search results can be so hard to find that people ask questions like “Are there any search engines where you don’t have to literally scroll to see a result that isn’t an advertisement?” The answer is yes. DuckDuckGo. But other than that, it is slim pickings. In an online ecosystem where virtually every innovation is copied or deemed spam, sustainable publishing only works if your business model is different than the central network operators. Not only is there the aggressive horizontal ad layer for anything with a hint of commercial intent, but now the scrape layer which was first applied to travel is being spread across other categories like ecommerce. Ecommerce retailers beware. There is now a GIANT knowledge panel result on mobile that takes up the entire top half of the SERP -> Google updates mobile product knowledge panels to show even more info in one spot: https://t.co/3JMsMHuQmJ pic.twitter.com/5uD8zZiSrK— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017 Here are 2 examples. And alarms are going off at Amazon now. Yes, Prime is killer, but organic search traffic is going to tank. Go ahead & scroll down to the organic listings (if you dare).And if anyone clicks the module, they are taken away from the SERPs into G-Land. Wow. :) pic.twitter.com/SswOPj4iGd— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017 The more of your content Google can scrape-n-displace in the search results the less reason there is to visit your website & the more ad-heavy Google can make their interface because they shagged the content from your site. Simply look at the market caps of the big tech monopolies vs companies in adjacent markets. The aggregate trend is expressed in the stock price. And it is further expressed in the inability for the unicorn media companies to go public. As big as Snapchat & Twitter are, nobody who invested in either IPO is sitting on a winner today. Google is outraged anyone might question the numbers & if the current set up is reasonable: Mr Harris described as “factually incorrect” suggestions that Google was “stealing” ad revenue from publishers, saying that two thirds of the revenues generated by online content went to its originators. “I’ve heard lots of people say that Google and Facebook are “ruthlessly stealing” all the advertising revenue that publishers hoped to acquire through online editions,” he told the gathering. “There is no advertising on Google News. Zero. Indeed you will rarely see advertising around news cycles in Google Search either. Sure it is not the ad revenues they are stealing. Rather it is the content. Either by scraping, or by ranking proprietary formats (AMP) above other higher quality content which is not published using the proprietary format & then later attaching crappier & crappier deals to the (faux) “open source” proprietary content format. Google keeps extracting content from publishers & eating the value chain. Some publishers have tried to offset this by putting more ads on their own site while also getting further distribution by adopting the proprietary AMP format. Those who realized AMP was garbage in terms of monetization viewed it as a way to offer teasers to drive users to their websites. The partial story approach is getting killed though. Either you give Google everything, or they want nothing. That is, after all, how monopolies negotiate - ultimatums. Those who don’t give Google their full content will soon receive manual action penalty notifications Important: Starting 2/1/18, Google is requiring that AMP urls be comparable to the canonical page content. If not, Google will direct users to the non-AMP urls. And the urls won’t be in the Top Stories carousel. Site owners will receive a manual action: https://t.co/ROhbI6TMVz pic.twitter.com/hb9FTluV0S— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 16, 2017 The value of news content is not zero. Being the go-to resource for those sorts of “no money here” news topics also enables Google to be the go-to resource for searches for [auto insurance quote] and other highly commercial search terms where Google might make $50 or $100 per click. Economics drive everything in publishing. But you have to see how one market position enables another. Google & Facebook are not strong in China, so Toutiao - the top news app in China - is valued at about $20 billion. Now that Yahoo! has been acquired by Verizon, they’ve decided to shut down their news app. Unprofitable segments are worth more as a write off than as an ongoing concern. Look for Verizon to further take AIM at shutting down additional parts of AOL & Yahoo. Firefox recently updated to make its underlying rendering engine faster & more stable. As part of the upgrade they killed off many third party extensions, including ours. We plan to update them soon (a few days perhaps), but those who need the extensions working today may want to install something like (a href=“https://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php”>Comodo Dragon (or another browser based on the prior Firefox core) & install our extensions in that web browser. As another part of the most recent Firefox update, Firefox dumped Yahoo! Search for Google search as their default search engine in a new multiyear deal where financial terms were not disclosed. Yahoo! certainly deserved to lose that deal. First, they signed a contract with Mozilla containing a change-of-ownership poison pill where Mozilla would still make $375 million a year from them even if they dump Yahoo!. Given what Yahoo! sold for this amounts to about 10% of the company price for the next couple years. Second, Yahoo! overpaid for the Firefox distribution deal to where they had to make their user experience even more awful to try to get the numbers to back out. Here is a navigational search result on Yahoo! where the requested site only appears in the right rail knowledge graph. The “organic” result set has been removed. There’s a Yahoo! News insert, a Yahoo Local insert, an ad inviting you to download Firefox (bet that has since been removed!), other search suggestions, and then graphical ads to try to get you to find office furniture or other irrelevant stuff. Here is how awful those sorts of search results are: Yahoo! was so embarrassed at the lack of quality of their result set that they put their logo at the upper right edge of the page. So now they’ll be losing a million a day for a few years based on Marissa Mayer’s fantastic deal with Firefox. And search is just another vertical they made irrelevant. When they outsourced many verticals & then finally shut down most of the remaining ones, they only left a few key ones: On our recent earnings call, Yahoo outlined out a plan to simplify our business and focus our effort on our four most successful content areas – News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle. To that end, today we will begin phasing out the following Digital Magazines: Yahoo Food, Yahoo Health, Yahoo Parenting, Yahoo Makers, Yahoo Travel, Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Real Estate. And for the key verticals they kept, they have pages like the following, which look like a diet version of eHow Every day they send users away to other sites with deeper content. And eventually people find one they like (like TheAthletic or Dunc’d On) & then Yahoo! stops being a habit. Meanwhile many people get their broader general news from Facebook, Google shifted their search app to include news, Apple offers a great news app, the default new tab on Microsoft Edge browser lists a localize news feed. Any of those is a superior user experience to Yahoo!. It is hard to see what Yahoo!’s role is going forward. Other than the user email accounts (& whatever legal liabilities are associated with the chronic user account hacking incidents), it is hard to see what Verizon bought in Yahoo!. Categories: yahoo from SEO Book http://www.seobook.com/left-right-down via IFTTT from Tumblr http://localseoguru.tumblr.com/post/167569540723/left-is-right-up-is-down via IFTTT from Local SEO Guru http://thelocalseoguru.blogspot.com/2017/11/left-is-right-up-is-down.html via IFTTT from Blogger http://buyvipbids.blogspot.com/2017/11/left-is-right-up-is-down.html via IFTTT
0 notes
alanajacksontx · 7 years ago
Left is Right & Up is Down
Probably the single best video to watch to understand the power of Google & Facebook (or even most of the major problems across society) is this following video about pleasure versus happiness.
In constantly seeking pleasure we forego happiness.
The “feed” based central aggregation networks are just like slot machines in your pocket: variable reward circuitry which self-optimizes around exploiting your flaws to eat as much attention as possible.
The above is not an accident. It is, rather, as intended:
“That means that we needed to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever … It’s a social validation feedback loop … You’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology … [The inventors] understood this, consciously, and we did it anyway.”
Happy? Good! Share posed photos to make your friends feel their lives are worse than your life is.
Outraged? Good! Click an ad.
Hopeless? Good. There is a product which can deliver you pleasure…if only you can…click an ad.
Using machine learning to drive rankings is ultimately an exercise in confirmation bias:
For “Should abortion be legal?” Google cited a South African news site saying, “It is not the place of government to legislate against woman’s choices.”
When asked, “Should abortion be illegal?” it promoted an answer from obscure clickbait site listland.com stating, “Abortion is murder.”
Excellent work Google in using your featured snippets to help make the world more absolutist, polarized & toxic.
The central network operators not only attempt to manipulate people at the emotional level, but the layout of the interface also sets default user patterns.
Most users tend to focus their attention on the left side of the page: “if we were to slice a maximized page down the middle, 80% of the fixations fell on the left half of the screen (even more than our previous finding of 69%). The remaining 20% of fixations were on the right half of the screen.”
This behavior is even more prevalent on search results pages: “On SERPs, almost all fixations (94%) fell on the left side of the page, and 60% those fixations can be isolated to the leftmost 400px.”
On mobile, obviously, the attention is focused on what is above the fold. That which is below the fold sort of doesn’t even exist for a large subset of the population.
Outside of a few central monopoly attention merchant players, the ad-based web is dying.
Mashable has raised about $46 million in VC funding over the past 4 years. And they just sold for about $50 million.
Breaking even is about as good as it gets in a web controlled by the Google / Facebook duopoly. :D
Other hopeful unicorn media startups appear to have peaked as well. That BuzzFeed IPO is on hold: “Some BuzzFeed investors have become worried about the company’s performance and rising costs for expansions in areas like news and entertainment. Those frustrations were aired at a board meeting in recent weeks, in which directors took management to task, the people familiar with the situation said.”
Google’s Chrome web browser will soon have an ad blocker baked into it. Of course the central networks opt out of applying this feature to themselves. Facebook makes serious coin by blocking ad blockers. Google pays Adblock Plus to unblock ads on Google.com & boy are there a lot of ads there.
Format your pages like Google does their search results and they will tell you it is a piss poor user experience & a form of spam - whacking you with a penalty for it.
Of course Google isn’t the only search engine doing this. Mix in ads with a double listing and sometimes there will only be 1 website listed above the fold.
I’ve even seen some Bing search results where organic results have a “Web” label on them - which is conveniently larger than the ad label that is on ads. That is in addition to other tricks like…
lots of ad extensions that push organics below the fold on anything with the slightest commercial intent bolding throughout ads (title, description, URL) with much lighter bolding of organics only showing 6 organic results on commercial searches that are likely to generate ad clicks
As bad as either of the above looks in terms of ad load or result diversity on the desktop, it is only worse on mobile.
On mobile devices organic search results can be so hard to find that people ask questions like “Are there any search engines where you don’t have to literally scroll to see a result that isn’t an advertisement?”
The answer is yes.
But other than that, it is slim pickings.
In an online ecosystem where virtually every innovation is copied or deemed spam, sustainable publishing only works if your business model is different than the central network operators.
Not only is there the aggressive horizontal ad layer for anything with a hint of commercial intent, but now the scrape layer which was first applied to travel is being spread across other categories like ecommerce.
Ecommerce retailers beware. There is now a GIANT knowledge panel result on mobile that takes up the entire top half of the SERP -> Google updates mobile product knowledge panels to show even more info in one spot: https://t.co/3JMsMHuQmJ pic.twitter.com/5uD8zZiSrK— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
Here are 2 examples. And alarms are going off at Amazon now. Yes, Prime is killer, but organic search traffic is going to tank. Go ahead & scroll down to the organic listings (if you dare).And if anyone clicks the module, they are taken away from the SERPs into G-Land. Wow. :) pic.twitter.com/SswOPj4iGd— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
The more of your content Google can scrape-n-displace in the search results the less reason there is to visit your website & the more ad-heavy Google can make their interface because they shagged the content from your site.
Simply look at the market caps of the big tech monopolies vs companies in adjacent markets. The aggregate trend is expressed in the stock price. And it is further expressed in the inability for the unicorn media companies to go public.
As big as Snapchat & Twitter are, nobody who invested in either IPO is sitting on a winner today.
Google is outraged anyone might question the numbers & if the current set up is reasonable:
Mr Harris described as “factually incorrect” suggestions that Google was “stealing” ad revenue from publishers, saying that two thirds of the revenues generated by online content went to its originators.
“I’ve heard lots of people say that Google and Facebook are “ruthlessly stealing” all the advertising revenue that publishers hoped to acquire through online editions,” he told the gathering.
“There is no advertising on Google News. Zero. Indeed you will rarely see advertising around news cycles in Google Search either.
Sure it is not the ad revenues they are stealing.
Rather it is the content.
Either by scraping, or by ranking proprietary formats (AMP) above other higher quality content which is not published using the proprietary format & then later attaching crappier & crappier deals to the (faux) “open source” proprietary content format.
As Google grabs the content & cuts the content creator off from the audience while attaching conditions, Google’s PR hacks will tell you they want you to click through to the source:
Google spokeswoman Susan Cadrecha said the company’s goal isn’t to do the thinking for users but “to help you find relevant information quickly and easily.” She added, “We encourage users to understand the full context by clicking through to the source.”
except they are the ones adding extra duplicative layers which make it harder to do.
Google keeps extracting content from publishers & eating the value chain. Some publishers have tried to offset this by putting more ads on their own site while also getting further distribution by adopting the proprietary AMP format. Those who realized AMP was garbage in terms of monetization viewed it as a way to offer teasers to drive users to their websites.
The partial story approach is getting killed though. Either you give Google everything, or they want nothing.
That is, after all, how monopolies negotiate - ultimatums.
Those who don’t give Google their full content will soon receive manual action penalty notifications
Important: Starting 2/1/18, Google is requiring that AMP urls be comparable to the canonical page content. If not, Google will direct users to the non-AMP urls. And the urls won’t be in the Top Stories carousel. Site owners will receive a manual action: https://t.co/ROhbI6TMVz pic.twitter.com/hb9FTluV0S— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 16, 2017
The value of news content is not zero.
Being the go-to resource for those sorts of “no money here” news topics also enables Google to be the go-to resource for searches for [auto insurance quote] and other highly commercial search terms where Google might make $50 or $100 per click.
Every month Google announces new ad features.
Economics drive everything in publishing. But you have to see how one market position enables another. Google & Facebook are not strong in China, so Toutiao - the top news app in China - is valued at about $20 billion.
Now that Yahoo! has been acquired by Verizon, they’ve decided to shut down their news app. Unprofitable segments are worth more as a write off than as an ongoing concern. Look for Verizon to further take AIM at shutting down additional parts of AOL & Yahoo.
Firefox recently updated to make its underlying rendering engine faster & more stable. As part of the upgrade they killed off many third party extensions, including ours. We plan to update them soon (a few days perhaps), but those who need the extensions working today may want to install something like (Comodo Dragon (or another browser based on the prior Firefox core) & install our extensions in that web browser.
As another part of the most recent Firefox update, Firefox dumped Yahoo! Search for Google search as their default search engine in a new multiyear deal where financial terms were not disclosed.
Yahoo! certainly deserved to lose that deal.
First, they signed a contract with Mozilla containing a change-of-ownership poison pill where Mozilla would still make $375 million a year from them even if they dump Yahoo!. Given what Yahoo! sold for this amounts to about 10% of the company price for the next couple years.
Second, Yahoo! overpaid for the Firefox distribution deal to where they had to make their user experience even more awful to try to get the numbers to back out.
Here is a navigational search result on Yahoo! where the requested site only appears in the right rail knowledge graph.
The “organic” result set has been removed. There’s a Yahoo! News insert, a Yahoo Local insert, an ad inviting you to download Firefox (bet that has since been removed!), other search suggestions, and then graphical ads to try to get you to find office furniture or other irrelevant stuff.
Here is how awful those sorts of search results are: Yahoo! was so embarrassed at the lack of quality of their result set that they put their logo at the upper right edge of the page.
So now they’ll be losing a million a day for a few years based on Marissa Mayer’s fantastic Firefox deal.
And search is just another vertical they made irrelevant.
When they outsourced many verticals & then finally shut down most of the remaining ones, they only left a few key ones:
On our recent earnings call, Yahoo outlined out a plan to simplify our business and focus our effort on our four most successful content areas  – News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle. To that end, today we will begin phasing out the following Digital Magazines:  Yahoo Food, Yahoo Health, Yahoo Parenting, Yahoo Makers, Yahoo Travel, Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Real Estate.
And for the key verticals they kept, they have pages like the following, which look like a diet version of eHow
Every day they send users away to other sites with deeper content. And eventually people find one they like (like TheAthletic or Dunc’d On) & then Yahoo! stops being a habit.
Meanwhile many people get their broader general news from Facebook, Google shifted their search app to include news, Apple offers a great news app, the default new tab on Microsoft Edge browser lists a localize news feed. Any of those is a superior user experience to Yahoo!.
It is hard to see what Yahoo!’s role is going forward.
Other than the user email accounts (& whatever legal liabilities are associated with the chronic user account hacking incidents), it is hard to see what Verizon bought in Yahoo!.
from IM Tips And Tricks http://www.seobook.com/up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a from Rising Phoenix SEO https://risingphxseo.tumblr.com/post/167574408120
0 notes
kellykperez · 7 years ago
Left is Right & Up is Down
Probably the single best video to watch to understand the power of Google & Facebook (or even most of the major problems across society) is this following video about pleasure versus happiness.
In constantly seeking pleasure we forego happiness.
The "feed" based central aggregation networks are just like slot machines in your pocket: variable reward circuitry which self-optimizes around exploiting your flaws to eat as much attention as possible.
The above is not an accident. It is, rather, as intended:
"That means that we needed to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever ... It's a social validation feedback loop ... You're exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology ... [The inventors] understood this, consciously, and we did it anyway."
Happy? Good! Share posed photos to make your friends feel their lives are worse than your life is.
Outraged? Good! Click an ad.
Hopeless? Good. There is a product which can deliver you pleasure...if only you can...click an ad.
Using machine learning to drive rankings is ultimately an exercise in confirmation bias:
For “Should abortion be legal?” Google cited a South African news site saying, “It is not the place of government to legislate against woman’s choices.”
When asked, “Should abortion be illegal?” it promoted an answer from obscure clickbait site listland.com stating, “Abortion is murder.”
Excellent work Google in using your featured snippets to help make the world more absolutist, polarized & toxic.
The central network operators not only attempt to manipulate people at the emotional level, but the layout of the interface also sets default user patterns.
Most users tend to focus their attention on the left side of the page: "if we were to slice a maximized page down the middle, 80% of the fixations fell on the left half of the screen (even more than our previous finding of 69%). The remaining 20% of fixations were on the right half of the screen."
This behavior is even more prevalent on search results pages: "On SERPs, almost all fixations (94%) fell on the left side of the page, and 60% those fixations can be isolated to the leftmost 400px."
On mobile, obviously, the attention is focused on what is above the fold. That which is below the fold sort of doesn't even exist for a large subset of the population.
Outside of a few central monopoly attention merchant players, the ad-based web is dying.
Mashable has raised about $46 million in VC funding over the past 4 years. And they just sold for about $50 million.
Breaking even is about as good as it gets in a web controlled by the Google / Facebook duopoly. :D
Other hopeful unicorn media startups appear to have peaked as well. That BuzzFeed IPO is on hold: "Some BuzzFeed investors have become worried about the company’s performance and rising costs for expansions in areas like news and entertainment. Those frustrations were aired at a board meeting in recent weeks, in which directors took management to task, the people familiar with the situation said."
Google's Chrome web browser will soon have an ad blocker baked into it. Of course the central networks opt out of applying this feature to themselves. Facebook makes serious coin by blocking ad blockers. Google pays Adblock Plus to unblock ads on Google.com & boy are there a lot of ads there.
Format your pages like Google does their search results and they will tell you it is a piss poor user experience & a form of spam - whacking you with a penalty for it.
Of course Google isn't the only search engine doing this. Mix in ads with a double listing and sometimes there will only be 1 website listed above the fold.
I've even seen some Bing search results where organic results have a "Web" label on them - which is conveniently larger than the ad label that is on ads. That is in addition to other tricks like...
lots of ad extensions that push organics below the fold on anything with the slightest commercial intent bolding throughout ads (title, description, URL) with much lighter bolding of organics only showing 6 organic results on commercial searches that are likely to generate ad clicks
As bad as either of the above looks in terms of ad load or result diversity on the desktop, it is only worse on mobile.
On mobile devices organic search results can be so hard to find that people ask questions like "Are there any search engines where you don't have to literally scroll to see a result that isn't an advertisement?"
The answer is yes.
But other than that, it is slim pickings.
In an online ecosystem where virtually every innovation is copied or deemed spam, sustainable publishing only works if your business model is different than the central network operators.
Not only is there the aggressive horizontal ad layer for anything with a hint of commercial intent, but now the scrape layer which was first applied to travel is being spread across other categories like ecommerce.
Ecommerce retailers beware. There is now a GIANT knowledge panel result on mobile that takes up the entire top half of the SERP -> Google updates mobile product knowledge panels to show even more info in one spot: https://t.co/3JMsMHuQmJ pic.twitter.com/5uD8zZiSrK— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
Here are 2 examples. And alarms are going off at Amazon now. Yes, Prime is killer, but organic search traffic is going to tank. Go ahead & scroll down to the organic listings (if you dare).And if anyone clicks the module, they are taken away from the SERPs into G-Land. Wow. :) pic.twitter.com/SswOPj4iGd— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
The more of your content Google can scrape-n-displace in the search results the less reason there is to visit your website & the more ad-heavy Google can make their interface because they shagged the content from your site.
Simply look at the market caps of the big tech monopolies vs companies in adjacent markets. The aggregate trend is expressed in the stock price. And it is further expressed in the inability for the unicorn media companies to go public.
As big as Snapchat & Twitter are, nobody who invested in either IPO is sitting on a winner today.
Google is outraged anyone might question the numbers & if the current set up is reasonable:
Mr Harris described as “factually incorrect” suggestions that Google was “stealing” ad revenue from publishers, saying that two thirds of the revenues generated by online content went to its originators.
“I’ve heard lots of people say that Google and Facebook are “ruthlessly stealing” all the advertising revenue that publishers hoped to acquire through online editions,” he told the gathering.
“There is no advertising on Google News. Zero. Indeed you will rarely see advertising around news cycles in Google Search either.
Sure it is not the ad revenues they are stealing.
Rather it is the content.
Either by scraping, or by ranking proprietary formats (AMP) above other higher quality content which is not published using the proprietary format & then later attaching crappier & crappier deals to the (faux) "open source" proprietary content format.
As Google grabs the content & cuts the content creator off from the audience while attaching conditions, Google's PR hacks will tell you they want you to click through to the source:
Google spokeswoman Susan Cadrecha said the company’s goal isn’t to do the thinking for users but “to help you find relevant information quickly and easily.” She added, “We encourage users to understand the full context by clicking through to the source.”
except they are the ones adding extra duplicative layers which make it harder to do.
Google keeps extracting content from publishers & eating the value chain. Some publishers have tried to offset this by putting more ads on their own site while also getting further distribution by adopting the proprietary AMP format. Those who realized AMP was garbage in terms of monetization viewed it as a way to offer teasers to drive users to their websites.
The partial story approach is getting killed though. Either you give Google everything, or they want nothing.
That is, after all, how monopolies negotiate - ultimatums.
Those who don't give Google their full content will soon receive manual action penalty notifications
Important: Starting 2/1/18, Google is requiring that AMP urls be comparable to the canonical page content. If not, Google will direct users to the non-AMP urls. And the urls won't be in the Top Stories carousel. Site owners will receive a manual action: https://t.co/ROhbI6TMVz pic.twitter.com/hb9FTluV0S— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 16, 2017
The value of news content is not zero.
Being the go-to resource for those sorts of "no money here" news topics also enables Google to be the go-to resource for searches for [auto insurance quote] and other highly commercial search terms where Google might make $50 or $100 per click.
Every month Google announces new ad features.
Economics drive everything in publishing. But you have to see how one market position enables another. Google & Facebook are not strong in China, so Toutiao - the top news app in China - is valued at about $20 billion.
Now that Yahoo! has been acquired by Verizon, they've decided to shut down their news app. Unprofitable segments are worth more as a write off than as an ongoing concern. Look for Verizon to further take AIM at shutting down additional parts of AOL & Yahoo.
Firefox recently updated to make its underlying rendering engine faster & more stable. As part of the upgrade they killed off many third party extensions, including ours. We plan to update them soon (a few days perhaps), but those who need the extensions working today may want to install something like (Comodo Dragon (or another browser based on the prior Firefox core) & install our extensions in that web browser.
As another part of the most recent Firefox update, Firefox dumped Yahoo! Search for Google search as their default search engine in a new multiyear deal where financial terms were not disclosed.
Yahoo! certainly deserved to lose that deal.
First, they signed a contract with Mozilla containing a change-of-ownership poison pill where Mozilla would still make $375 million a year from them even if they dump Yahoo!. Given what Yahoo! sold for this amounts to about 10% of the company price for the next couple years.
Second, Yahoo! overpaid for the Firefox distribution deal to where they had to make their user experience even more awful to try to get the numbers to back out.
Here is a navigational search result on Yahoo! where the requested site only appears in the right rail knowledge graph.
The "organic" result set has been removed. There's a Yahoo! News insert, a Yahoo Local insert, an ad inviting you to download Firefox (bet that has since been removed!), other search suggestions, and then graphical ads to try to get you to find office furniture or other irrelevant stuff.
Here is how awful those sorts of search results are: Yahoo! was so embarrassed at the lack of quality of their result set that they put their logo at the upper right edge of the page.
So now they'll be losing a million a day for a few years based on Marissa Mayer's fantastic Firefox deal.
And search is just another vertical they made irrelevant.
When they outsourced many verticals & then finally shut down most of the remaining ones, they only left a few key ones:
On our recent earnings call, Yahoo outlined out a plan to simplify our business and focus our effort on our four most successful content areas  – News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle. To that end, today we will begin phasing out the following Digital Magazines:  Yahoo Food, Yahoo Health, Yahoo Parenting, Yahoo Makers, Yahoo Travel, Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Real Estate.
And for the key verticals they kept, they have pages like the following, which look like a diet version of eHow
Every day they send users away to other sites with deeper content. And eventually people find one they like (like TheAthletic or Dunc'd On) & then Yahoo! stops being a habit.
Meanwhile many people get their broader general news from Facebook, Google shifted their search app to include news, Apple offers a great news app, the default new tab on Microsoft Edge browser lists a localize news feed. Any of those is a superior user experience to Yahoo!.
It is hard to see what Yahoo!'s role is going forward.
Other than the user email accounts (& whatever legal liabilities are associated with the chronic user account hacking incidents), it is hard to see what Verizon bought in Yahoo!.
source http://www.seobook.com/up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a from Rising Phoenix SEO http://risingphoenixseo.blogspot.com/2017/11/left-is-right-up-is-down.html
0 notes
andrew-forbes · 7 years ago
Left is Right & Up is Down
Probably the single best video to watch to understand the power of Google & Facebook (or even most of the major problems across society) is this following video about pleasure versus happiness.
In constantly seeking pleasure we forego happiness.
The "feed" based central aggregation networks are just like slot machines in your pocket: variable reward circuitry which self-optimizes around exploiting your flaws to eat as much attention as possible.
The above is not an accident. It is, rather, as intended:
"That means that we needed to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever ... It's a social validation feedback loop ... You're exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology ... [The inventors] understood this, consciously, and we did it anyway."
Happy? Good! Share posed photos to make your friends feel their lives are worse than your life is.
Outraged? Good! Click an ad.
Hopeless? Good. There is a product which can deliver you pleasure...if only you can...click an ad.
The central network operators not only attempt to manipulate people at the emotional level, but the layout of the interface also sets default user patterns.
Most users tend to focus their attention on the left side of the page: "if we were to slice a maximized page down the middle, 80% of the fixations fell on the left half of the screen (even more than our previous finding of 69%). The remaining 20% of fixations were on the right half of the screen."
This behavior is even more prevalent on search results pages: "On SERPs, almost all fixations (94%) fell on the left side of the page, and 60% those fixations can be isolated to the leftmost 400px."
On mobile, obviously, the attention is focused on what is above the fold. That which is below the fold sort of doesn't even exist for a large subset of the population.
Outside of a few central monopoly attention merchant players, the ad-based web is dying.
Mashable has raised about $46 million in VC funding over the past 4 years. And they just sold for about $50 million.
Breaking even is about as good as it gets in a web controlled by the Google / Facebook duopoly. :D
Other hopeful unicorn media startups appear to have peaked as well. That BuzzFeed IPO is on hold: "Some BuzzFeed investors have become worried about the company’s performance and rising costs for expansions in areas like news and entertainment. Those frustrations were aired at a board meeting in recent weeks, in which directors took management to task, the people familiar with the situation said."
Google's Chrome web browser will soon have an ad blocker baked into it. Of course the central networks opt out of applying this feature to themselves. Facebook makes serious coin by blocking ad blockers. Google pays Adblock Plus to unblock ads on Google.com & boy are there a lot of ads there.
Format your pages like Google does their search results and they will tell you it is a piss poor user experience & a form of spam - whacking you with a penalty for it.
Of course Google isn't the only search engine doing this. Mix in ads with a double listing and sometimes there will only be 1 website listed above the fold.
I've even seen some Bing search results where organic results have a "Web" label on them - which is conveniently larger than the ad label that is on ads. That is in addition to other tricks like...
lots of ad extensions that push organics below the fold on anything with the slightest commercial intent bolding throughout ads (title, description, URL) with much lighter bolding of organics only showing 6 organic results on commercial searches that are likely to generate ad clicks
As bad as either of the above looks in terms of ad load or result diversity on the desktop, it is only worse on mobile.
On mobile devices organic search results can be so hard to find that people ask questions like "Are there any search engines where you don't have to literally scroll to see a result that isn't an advertisement?"
The answer is yes.
But other than that, it is slim pickings.
In an online ecosystem where virtually every innovation is copied or deemed spam, sustainable publishing only works if your business model is different than the central network operators.
Not only is there the aggressive horizontal ad layer for anything with a hint of commercial intent, but now the scrape layer which was first applied to travel is being spread across other categories like ecommerce.
Ecommerce retailers beware. There is now a GIANT knowledge panel result on mobile that takes up the entire top half of the SERP -> Google updates mobile product knowledge panels to show even more info in one spot: https://t.co/3JMsMHuQmJ http://pic.twitter.com/5uD8zZiSrK— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
Here are 2 examples. And alarms are going off at Amazon now. Yes, Prime is killer, but organic search traffic is going to tank. Go ahead & scroll down to the organic listings (if you dare).And if anyone clicks the module, they are taken away from the SERPs into G-Land. Wow. :) http://pic.twitter.com/SswOPj4iGd— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 14, 2017
The more of your content Google can scrape-n-displace in the search results the less reason there is to visit your website & the more ad-heavy Google can make their interface because they shagged the content from your site.
Simply look at the market caps of the big tech monopolies vs companies in adjacent markets. The aggregate trend is expressed in the stock price. And it is further expressed in the inability for the unicorn media companies to go public.
As big as Snapchat & Twitter are, nobody who invested in either IPO is sitting on a winner today.
Google is outraged anyone might question the numbers & if the current set up is reasonable:
Mr Harris described as “factually incorrect” suggestions that Google was “stealing” ad revenue from publishers, saying that two thirds of the revenues generated by online content went to its originators.
“I’ve heard lots of people say that Google and Facebook are “ruthlessly stealing” all the advertising revenue that publishers hoped to acquire through online editions,” he told the gathering.
“There is no advertising on Google News. Zero. Indeed you will rarely see advertising around news cycles in Google Search either.
Sure it is not the ad revenues they are stealing.
Rather it is the content.
Either by scraping, or by ranking proprietary formats (AMP) above other higher quality content which is not published using the proprietary format & then later attaching crappier & crappier deals to the (faux) "open source" proprietary content format.
Google keeps extracting content from publishers & eating the value chain. Some publishers have tried to offset this by putting more ads on their own site while also getting further distribution by adopting the proprietary AMP format. Those who realized AMP was garbage in terms of monetization viewed it as a way to offer teasers to drive users to their websites.
The partial story approach is getting killed though. Either you give Google everything, or they want nothing.
That is, after all, how monopolies negotiate - ultimatums.
Those who don't give Google their full content will soon receive manual action penalty notifications
Important: Starting 2/1/18, Google is requiring that AMP urls be comparable to the canonical page content. If not, Google will direct users to the non-AMP urls. And the urls won't be in the Top Stories carousel. Site owners will receive a manual action: https://t.co/ROhbI6TMVz http://pic.twitter.com/hb9FTluV0S— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) November 16, 2017
The value of news content is not zero.
Being the go-to resource for those sorts of "no money here" news topics also enables Google to be the go-to resource for searches for [auto insurance quote] and other highly commercial search terms where Google might make $50 or $100 per click.
Economics drive everything in publishing. But you have to see how one market position enables another. Google & Facebook are not strong in China, so Toutiao - the top news app in China - is valued at about $20 billion.
Now that Yahoo! has been acquired by Verizon, they've decided to shut down their news app. Unprofitable segments are worth more as a write off than as an ongoing concern. Look for Verizon to further take AIM at shutting down additional parts of AOL & Yahoo.
Firefox recently updated to make its underlying rendering engine faster & more stable. As part of the upgrade they killed off many third party extensions, including ours. We plan to update them soon (a few days perhaps), but those who need the extensions working today may want to install something like (Comodo Dragon (or another browser based on the prior Firefox core) & install our extensions in that web browser.
As another part of the most recent Firefox update, Firefox dumped Yahoo! Search for Google search as their default search engine in a new multiyear deal where financial terms were not disclosed.
Yahoo! certainly deserved to lose that deal.
First, they signed a contract with Mozilla containing a change-of-ownership poison pill where Mozilla would still make $375 million a year from them even if they dump Yahoo!. Given what Yahoo! sold for this amounts to about 10% of the company price for the next couple years.
Second, Yahoo! overpaid for the Firefox distribution deal to where they had to make their user experience even more awful to try to get the numbers to back out.
Here is a navigational search result on Yahoo! where the requested site only appears in the right rail knowledge graph.
The "organic" result set has been removed. There's a Yahoo! News insert, a Yahoo Local insert, an ad inviting you to download Firefox (bet that has since been removed!), other search suggestions, and then graphical ads to try to get you to find office furniture or other irrelevant stuff.
Here is how awful those sorts of search results are: Yahoo! was so embarrassed at the lack of quality of their result set that they put their logo at the upper right edge of the page.
So now they'll be losing a million a day for a few years based on Marissa Mayer's fantastic deal with Firefox.
And search is just another vertical they made irrelevant.
When they outsourced many verticals & then finally shut down most of the remaining ones, they only left a few key ones:
On our recent earnings call, Yahoo outlined out a plan to simplify our business and focus our effort on our four most successful content areas  – News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle. To that end, today we will begin phasing out the following Digital Magazines:  Yahoo Food, Yahoo Health, Yahoo Parenting, Yahoo Makers, Yahoo Travel, Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Real Estate.
And for the key verticals they kept, they have pages like the following, which look like a diet version of eHow
Every day they send users away to other sites with deeper content. And eventually people find one they like (like TheAthletic or Dunc'd On) & then Yahoo! stops being a habit.
Meanwhile many people get their broader general news from Facebook, Google shifted their search app to include news, Apple offers a great news app, the default new tab on Microsoft Edge browser lists a localize news feed. Any of those is a superior user experience to Yahoo!.
It is hard to see what Yahoo!'s role is going forward.
Other than the user email accounts (& whatever legal liabilities are associated with the chronic user account hacking incidents), it is hard to see what Verizon bought in Yahoo!.
from SEO book AnthyHayesYT http://ift.tt/2hyA65I via Going Here
0 notes