#on the hypersexualisation of girls
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pearlofthewoods · 2 months ago
The purplish, blueish, lilac colour that lights Buffy the Vampire Slayer throughout the whole series might explain why BTVS felt so Bi as a show to me in a way that I could never quite explain.
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This colour. If you know you know. It’s like everything was lit by weak moonlight, or the slayer and vampires existed in the perpetual twilight.
For real what is it with vampire media, and light purple/bluish tints? Between this and the twilight saga… I dunno maybe it’s just me, or maybe vampire media is just inherently queer.
Obvs bisexuals don’t own the colour purple, but as the intersecting/between shade in the bi flag and how this lighting signals twilight (the time/world between day and night) I think it’s a pretty rad parallel.
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Had a big glow-up recently over the last two months since my roadtrip. I switched to working outdoors so now have a golden glowing tan all over, my hair is grown out now and is lighter from the sun, my skin has cleared up, I wear girlier clothes and omg the difference pretty privilege makes
Suddenly I’m getting catcalled in the street again, everyone is staring at me in the malls when I wear a dress/heels, I’m getting heaps of attention at work/popularity (I got a promotion and get a ridiculous amount of tips from customers now), girls think I’m a threat if they have a boyfriend etc etc
Like honestly I’m feeling this gif viscerally and although am actually loving the attention for once, I miss being perceived as a non-threatening goofball tomboy sometimes
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vettelcore · 1 year ago
how it feels like listening to olivia rodrigo in your mid 20s
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years ago
rlly appreciate that the casting for OUAT is like. normal people! with wrinkles and freckles and moles and crow's feet
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robotpussy · 2 years ago
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"I wonder why it only took a few months of weirdos before you guys made an article but TO THIS VERY DAY actresses are still sexualized non stop, even sometimes underage actresses. People post about them wanting them to be 18 and the day after their birthday they'll get a weird nsfw Reddit dedicated to creeping on them. But yeah, sure, this is the REAL problem."
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#its still gross to sexualize celebs #but tbh we need to address the sexualization of feminine bodies #in like every piece of media we have #and stop oggling celebs like they arent real people #im just annoyed that when it happebs to women it seems like it doesnt even matter #like no one even cares #both are fucked up but on has been around suvstancially longer than the other #and i feel like its being allowed?? #like no this should not be allowed
like they said this in their response but when I go to look up Sydney sweeny the FIRST article that comes up is one discussing how sam Levinson disgustingly sexualises and harms the actresses in his work and I know this isn't the best example to use AT ALL but I wonder why they came out and proclaimed nobody is talking about how the same thing and even worse happens to actresses and famous women and girls when for years I have been reading articles about this kind of thing.
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(written 3 days ago)
and the initial article isnt the best, by claiming to end misogyny is for women to do to men what they do to women but they didn't even bring that up, just "how come this article exists?" as if people are not currently talking abt this happening to women right now. a circulating tumblr post is not the entire landscape of the internet! and all I said in my response was 'this article existing isn't really taking away from anything.... like at the end of the day sexual harassment is wrong regardless of who it is happening to
(og post)
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yellowistheraddest · 1 year ago
the world is a wonderful place: you think there can't be more genshin impact rip-offs and yet they appear everyday
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sickly-sapphic · 2 years ago
"heartstopper doesnt need to have sex bc theres sex in every show!!!" Name five shows/movies where queer teens have a safe and enjoyable sex life where theres no cheating, dying, rape, etc. and they actually talk to each other.
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travellingwiththedead · 8 months ago
The reason why it squicks me out so much when people hypersexualise canon ace characters is that it's exactly what happens to real life ace people.
Yasmin Benoit leads London pride as an ace woman and all I see is people going "I think you're sexy so you can't be ace" because she didn't dress like a nun. It just pisses me off so much. If men say "oh, girl, I think you're hot, you can't be a lesbian" people would be shouting them down but it's apparently ok to do the same to ace people -.-
Anyway, rock on Yasmin Benoit, you're fabulous. Keep making people mad.
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everythingwasnormalhere · 11 months ago
Listen up, what if...
Transmasc Kenny, who is dysphoric about his voice so he makes it muffled on purpose
Transmasc Kenny, who wears his parka to make his body less curvy and femenine
Transmasc Kenny, who cut his own hair when he was 4 and (expectedly) made a huge mess, so he started wearing his hood up to avoid anyone seeing it
Transmasc Kenny, who's been going by his name since he was a little kid, mostly as a nickname until people wouldn't know his legal name
Transmasc Kenny, who purposefully picked home ec because he thought he'd be forced there like Wendy was (and also because he liked it and didn't wanna get killed at shop class but yk)
Transmasc Kenny, who the teachers didn't see as a girl at all to the point they didn't even look at his legal papers and directly put him in shop class
Transmasc Kenny, who was upset by this but also so reassured because it meant he passed so well
Transmasc Kenny, whose friends have no idea he's trans, not because he hides it but because they didn't ask
Transmasc Kenny, who still enjoys dressing as Princess Kenny just because it's fun
Transmasc Kenny, who does and says all that hypersexualised straight stuff because nobody would think a girl would say that
Transmasc Kenny, who uses Mysterion as an excuse to practice making his voice lower
Transmasc Kenny :)
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metamatar · 1 year ago
ngl whenever i look at one of the franka arms right next to a ur cobot it looks positively pornographic tbh. what are all those curves for even. nobody runs these arms in a setting where air resistance is significant. the robot on the left is like a hypersexualised anime girl to me.
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sadly-never-after · 6 months ago
I don’t have any real preferred endgame ships for Daring. I like Darabella more than the average tumblr EAH account and I love Dizzie but in a very different way than most shippers, I think.
Whenever I’m in my comfort place (my post canon extension based on Athena-xox’s amazing timeline (all time fave post. Truly an amazing accomplishment)) I like imagining that Daring will consciously decide to stay single and NOT mingle for a while, until he has come to terms with certain things. And I like imagining that Rosabella will be there for him, but rather as a friend with some unacted romantic chemistry. I want to believe that everything that happened since Legacy Day, culminating in his abrupt change of imagined destiny will trigger a more pensive side of him. And here’s when Lizzie comes. I want him to slowly become aware of how much he hurt her, even when it was never his intention.
I know this is a franchise made to sell dolls at tweens so it’s weird to get this dark about it, but let’s do this for the sake of my fantasies.
I feel like Daring has been hypersexualised and objectified through most of his life. His place as the most Charming of all the Charmings has turned him into a figure of lust and of status even before he was really aware of what those words meant.
The hypersexualisation can be seen through the recurrent jokes about girls fawning over him, following him, his dashing smile, and I honestly feel like Sparrow’s dare that lead to the entire thing with Lizzies was also based on that etc., etc., etc.,
When it comes to the objectification I think Duchess obsession with him is a good example. In NTV it becomes clear that she is not truly in love with him and when he scorns her she even daydreams about being the one able to reject him. Daring is not much of a real person to her. He is a symbol. He is the best of princes who saves his Princess and gets the two to live happily ever after. Everything that Duchess longs for and is denied.
To a lesser extent I also think that Ravens reaction to him (apparently) writing her a love poem could also be an example of this. Even if she has never been interested in Daring and has actually described her type as his opposite she still takes this as an accomplishment of some way.
Just to clarify: by no means do I blame neither Duchess nor Raven for this. They aren’t really at fault. This is more of a societal issue.
So, as he now realises all this things about his life, I want him to remember Lizzie. In my Sparchess heart the two are talking and Sparrow asks him about that one date Daring & Duchess had and after that a rush of unprocessed memories come at Daring and he can’t stop thinking about what he did to Lizzie for at least a week.
I want him to stay up away at night and cringe at himself wondering if an actual apology would be welcomed or not. It would make him feel better, sure, but is it Lizzie or his guilt conscience whom he wants to console? I want him to remember things about Lizzie that he otherwise didn’t think of very often. I want him to suddenly tell all of this to Rosabella only for her to feel disappointed and conflicted. I want Lizzie to catch him looking at her during lunch with a strangely contemplative expression and to turn away in apparent apathy only for her to be weirdly sad for the rest of the day and remember how isolated and betrayed she felt not only by Daring but also by Duchess.
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votive-candle · 7 months ago
So I've been considering a rebrand on this blog for a long time for "professional" reasons... like changing my username, making an official portfolio with my name to it elsewhere, etc.
This idea has been mostly motivated by this deep insecurity I have surrounding what I would say is either NSFW work, suggestive art, "fangirl" energy, all that. And it's... frustrating, to say the least. And difficult express in a way that's coherent. Because my personal feelings are that art, even art that within the sphere of industry that I want to approach (ie. game art & story design, character writing and so on), should not have to be confined within this box of "sensibilities" that I'm told it should be.
If I was doing fine art like painting, or making installations, or sculpture, I get a sense that this puritanical ideology of self-censorship would not be expected of me. I also get a sense that if I was born male and lived as a man, there would be different industry expectations of me also. If I was a cis dude I don't think a game director would mind if I had a portfolio full to the brim with borderline naked, hypersexualised women and girls with big swords and huge racks (no shade, big boobs and big swords are fun and cool). But -- and again I don't have evidence of this, it's just a hunch -- I somehow get this idea that the way I approach drawing masculine figures? The way I write and express myself through, and speak about characters? The sexually explicit artwork I've drawn over the years, which majoritively does not even show genitalia? I get this gut feeling that this would be much less... palatable (?) in the industry for commercial, media focused art.
I've been drawing sexual content since I was a teen fangirl and I think it's really strange that somehow, as I get older and more mature (and I'm serious here, like really, let that sink in? I was told directly "you're not a kid anymore, potential employers won't like this" in response to shipping art an old tutor saw me post online a few years back?), it's considered in many ways less appropriate for me to produce explicit or sexually themed artwork. Particularly when that art has that air of "fangirl" (or "fan-person" in regards to myself) around it. Because "fangirls" aren't professional, are they? They're vapid, of course. They don't consume art meaningfully, not like strong, stoic men do. No, they just want their shipping and their coffeeshop AU's and their moodboards, and there's nothing creative in that, is there? No "professional practice" there.
I just find that... baffling
I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who is borderline asexual on that spectrum, and always has been. Somehow, professionalism is partly hinged on making your art less exploratory of adult themes, once you become an adult, once you're old enough to understand and properly illustrate the importance of adult themes. Isn't that strange to anyone else? Because to me it feels wrong.
Like I said, I'm borderline asexual. I don't draw sexual content to get my rocks off. I draw it because I find physical intimacy to be one of the most multifascited expressions of humanity between people. Sex and sexuality are so dynamic in their capacity for storytelling. With it (and safely so through fiction, if you're careful about it), you can express and explore so much; passion obviously, love, but also sadness and grief and condolence, malice and rage, heartbreak, self-destruction, self-improvement, excitement, fun, even just friendship.
Sex is beautifully dynamic from a humanistic standpoint. It shouldn't need to be considered this looming force of demonitisation, or an industry blockade. And I understand I have drawings that are too graphic, too NSFW to put in a professional portfolio, to leave online for employers to see. But I'm not even talking about smut here.
Majoritively, I really don't want to distance myself from a lot of this work I've created. It means something to me dude, because these characters and stories mean something to me. Sometimes the drawing itself is just... a technically well executed drawing. I don't want to revoke that because there's an implication of "ooh, someone's touching ass, breast and dick in there!"
Yet by expressing my excitement over that, I do feel cornered. Like I'll never get hired anywhere. Which isn't easy given the struggles I already have with disability, mental health, etc. So I feel a need to sort of give in and retcon a lot of my posts.
I don't like that finding work in the fields I'm interested in kind of hinges on a lack of self-expression, I suppose. I find it bitterly ironic since I want to work in creative fields. It feels like a betrayal of the self and of the purpose of art and good media for grown individuals.
But hey, I guess that's capitalism, baby.
This blog might change a bit in the near or semi-near future. Maybe a new username or profile pic, I'm not sure yet. Maybe a second blog will pop up somewhere. I just wanted to vent a bit on my disdain in having to make these decisions. Beg your pardon.
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tiredsoundsofagnes · 1 month ago
really wanted to put this into more elegant and intellectual words but i believe that popular otaku culture and its insane amounts of misogyny are terrifying. why does so much merch and marketing rely on hypersexualisation of women? even "tasteful" anime like evangelion have their fair share of weird of objectifying merch (and those girls are supposed to be like, fourteen?) why do you need a figurine of a sexualised underage girl? and why do i rarely see anime fans criticize this?
this is one of the main things that have really kept me away from watching more anime aside from the bunch of classic pretentious shows. since they go so hard with the misogyny, it seeps into the shows and makes them really unwatchable.
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unmechanism · 2 months ago
actually "if you watch porn on popular platforms known for having uploaded recordings of rape, abuse and human trafficking – including videos of minors – you're a massive piece of shit" and "porn itself isn't necessarily bad and shouldn't be banned, there are ethical ways to engage with it" and "people need to learn to engage with other kinds of erotic stimulation such as erotic books, audio content etc." and "sex work should be legalized so sexworkers can get workers rights and protection" and "the online hypersexualisation of young girls is incredibly worrying" are all statements that can be true at the same time !!!
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rosesnink · 3 months ago
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crystal rosales, now known as CRYSTAL, drops a new album after her successful debut 'the oddysey' after two years of silence.
the star winner from 'one in a million' and involved in the 'knight's records' scandal took a year-gap that turned into a second album, 'STARSTRUCK' that has quickly become famous for collaborations with important artists and its brilliant lyrics, showing her talent as a lyricist and storytelling. many theories of what her songs are about have become viral on the internet
F-A-M-E: Is a song about her rise to fame from 'One In A Million' and how it affected her
False Knight ft. Ozone: Is rumoured to be about her experience in Knight Records and its head, which recurs on him being an hypocrite and fame-seeker
Amienemigas ft. Jaylen Riaz: The most viral song of the album, it clearly depicts pitting two women against each other inside the industry and the misogyny behind the practise. It's top #3 in the Billboard
Good Ol' Days: Sings about growing up in the 90s and the days before internet
Lights, Camera, Smile! ft. Raleigh Carrera: Sings about setting two famous people with each other for clout and mocks the practise
I Choose You ft Cai Kennedy: Made for Hunt's Reboot of The Last Duchess, it is the romantic song of the winter, its soft music and Crystal's soft, melodic voice woos anyone, and Kennedy's dulcet makes it a positively romantic duet of the year
STARSTRUCK ft. Avery Wilshere: Is the second most viral song, singing about their love story and how it has progressed ever since. It's on the #12 of the Billboard.
Oldie, Newbie ft. Alyssa Griffin: It's a catchy song that mocks Hollywood's ageism over women who start aging and seek a younger version of themselves, a project that helped Griffin's comeback as a singer
BLONDIE: Is a sensuous song that has a hidden message of the hypersexualisation of blonde women and the myths behind them, all hidden in the story of a blonde woman who encounters an older man in a bar
American Dream (Made Woman): Its most controversial song, with a rhythm that makes one dance, it distracts the listener of the impossible standards by American society onto women
Saints, Devils, Angels: The most expected collab of the decade, it is a song that depicts the harmful labels on women and its achetype, a critique of 'not being like most girls' and the madonna-whore complex
Old-fashioned Brat, ft Cai Kennedy & Jaylen Riaz: The debut song of the album, and number #1 on the Billboard, the song talks about being a rich woman from the old school, being privileged and getting away with it in a funny, sultry and teasing tone, this trio has brought America to its knees
idea by @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor
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can-of-w0rmz · 9 months ago
Have you tried watching Dracula adaptations which you actually enjoy? Majority of them are nothing like Coppola movie actually 🤷🏼‍♀️
Tbh I haven’t seen many that haven’t pulled the same “oooh vampire romance between Dracula and Mina/Lucy”/“let’s hypersexualise the entire female cast for NO reason!” cards as Coppola tbh, but if anyone knows any good ones I’d be happy to devour them
Someone has to have done my girls justice bc this is just horrendous fr
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