#on both writing and txt
koqabear · 1 year
i hope no one takes this the wrong way bc its got no ill intent but- ive never viewed writers as writing machines (nobody should!!) and more often than not i expect them to get stuck sometimes , not because im undermining them or anything, but idk a lot of writers (at least ones i interact with) are uni students like me so i feel like its just the norm to get writers block and/or periods of procrastination, in fact, i hope any writers going thru that rn don't pressure themselves too hard to write ☹️ you on the other hand... 😭 i definitely do not view u as a machine or writing generator do not get me wrong,, but u definitely are SO big brained and creative the way you post formatted fics at such a consistent rate and they're all so well thought of,, none of them are what i would consider basic in terms of trope n plot. swear it feels like mini novel after mini novel lol
this is meant to be a compliment of how on top of the game u are ,, not trying to put you on a pedestal and put the pressure on & overwhelm u!!
this differntiates u from other writers in the best way possible. not sure if u are familiar with nctblr writers but on the top god tier untouchable level of tumblr writers lies you n neopuppy ☺️ i mentally have an organization system i associate writers with, and although its not necessarily a ranking or hierarchy, that tier is the only "tier" there is that i consider above everyone else whom i don't "rank" in anyway, but rather group and categorize based on writing styles n content! yall just stand out that much :')
idk if this made any sense im sick n i just took a nyquil thats starting to kick in T_T apologies this ask is kinda messy n ugly
-dvp anon🫡
i feel like the reason i’ve been posting so much is bc i’ve been on break and i’ve been trying to take advantage of this free time i have! once classes start i’m scared that i won’t have as much time/opportunities to write, so that’s kinda why i’ve been jumping on like. every idea i get ever. (but then again, i realize now that throughout this year i was able to handle both my assignments and fics. i’m a little weird sorry.)
but omg. you can’t say stuff like that to me like ofc i’m familiar with nctblr writers 😭😭😭 you thinking that i belong anywhere near the tier neopuppy is at is a little insane to me my jaw dropped when i read that alsndks
i hope you rest and get better soon!!! thank you for unleashing such an insane compliment on me omgldjsk
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tetraduels · 7 days
idk man its just. theres something about this last hurrah of splatoon 3 thats really getting to me.
seeing people posting photos of their inklings and octolings watching idols perform, mess around with teammates in matches, making jokes about the side characters that are there, taking cinematic photos of the venue, just. the players are really what makes the world of splatoon alive, what makes players characters feel REAL.
its probably corny but i keep going back to look at peoples posted photos, their characters in the plaza, and imagining those inklings/octolings as real, conscious people in the splatoon world, who are given life by the fans love for the series.
and isn't that kind of beautiful? for a game with a story about sea creatures that evolved and grew and made the world their own because they inhabited the wishes and feelings of the human race, isnt that so fucking beautiful?
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sakitenmaenjoyer · 6 months
how ppl think ruikasa act:
tsukasa: rui, don't tease me >_< it's embarrassing....!
rui: ahh, but you're so fun to tease~ your blush is so cute
tsukasa: hhh...well i'm gonna get back at you one day! you'll see! then-then you'll be the cute one!
rui: hmm...i'm looking forward to it~
how ruikasa actually acts:
rui: ...to solve your problem, exposure to productions with insects might do well to lessen your phobia of them. we haven't had many results with the physical fake ones, so ones behind a screen could be more effective :] we could slowly chip away at your fear, one step at a time
tsukasa: or it could make it worse....
rui: well how about it?
tsukasa: hrhg....that sounds awful...but i don't want a repeat of what happened on the movie set, and it's not like there are going to be real insects....mumumumum [shudders] fine! i'll take you up on your challenge!
rui: perfect. now, here's a list of movies, i want you to look up behind the scenes for them. in a week from now, we can watch all of these to see if the exposure works
tsukasa: alright... wh- WHY ARE ALL OF THESE HORROR MOVIES
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dont get me wrong while uli learning disco dancing and other horrifically outdated ways to pick up dates with harry is absolutely fucking hilarious i feel as if he would naturally gravitate towards kim more. not just because of the nilsen parallel but because he wants to be taken Seriously. and here is this very Serious (lonely) man who is Serious (repressed) about the way he loves and he drives a car despite being legally blind (stubborn) and has beaten the odds of survival time and time again (at the expense of others; which he feels as if he does not deserve). ulixes will learn Something from kim but it certainly won't be related to how to get steban to like him.
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familyabolisher · 2 years
toiling away in the google docs mines trying to figure out how to get my reading of lolita as a horror text scaffolded by gothic/paranatural touchstones to merge with my reading of lolita and salò as works similarly concerned with the aestheticisation of sexual violence
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i cannot imagine how cathartic it was to make miss missing you like. this song that patrick started writing during the hiatus but stopped because it felt too much like a fall out boy song, this song that is very very easily interpretable about fob/pete and patrick’s dynamic, this song about missing the feeling of missing someone/something, missing the feeling of wanting them but now the sting has worn off and you miss when it stung. this song was then brought back on the table when pete and patrick started working together again and pete helped finish it off just like he would with patrick’s lyrics during tttyg and i just. i cant imagine the catharsis of writing a song about all of that with someone who you had began to miss missing. what a full circle song and moment for them to find each other again and heal such a fresh wound with music that is their love language
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sirrentxt · 2 months
finally posting another snippet of the conference fic :) this time it's carlos' feelings on god. for a change
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The elegant curve of his back as he sits there, the beauty in the delicate ladder of ribs, skin stretched over the ridges, kissed—not sun-kissed, no, untouched by the sun; kissed by men, ones like him and ones entirely different. He looks like a piece of art, gently backdropped by the moonlight, and still all Carlos can think of is that the windowsill must feel freezing cold on a bare ass.
“—God, Carlos.”
It takes him by surprise.
“What do you think about Him?”
He hesitates. Luis watches him from the corner of his eye, blowing rings of smoke through one another. Carlos studies the shape of his lips as he does.
He shrugs, at first, dismissive; snorts at the question as if it's a joke and Luis chuckles with him, but takes a longer drag with that soft smile of his—“I'm serious!”—and the moment feels heartfelt in its absurdity. Carlos shakes his head and goes quiet, focused on the subtle whistle of the cold draft coming from the window. He looks away. Luis, for a second, thinks that he won't reply.
And then he does.
“Not much,” he says, fidgeting with the corner of a pillow. “In my line of work, the irony of God becomes obvious pretty fast. Then you either believe, or you don't. Everybody makes that choice for themselves. I choose whatever lets me sleep at night.” His fingers trace the hem, absent-minded. “Neither option makes it much easier.”
(What he doesn't say is, I've said more goodbyes than prayers; I've killed more men than I can count. I've orphaned boys and widowed wives—I have no place in God's heart and he has no place in mine, for He was supposed to watch over our house but the roof came down anyway, and He let my brothers bleed out on the floor. I'm twenty-one and I can't trust God's love for His children because I've never seen it; I can't trust it because I've seen more dead boys than live ones.)
It catches Luis off guard.
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madrid, 1996: part 3, presumably // i had a question
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odysseys-blood · 4 months
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literally how i feel any time i read this line. absolutely NOT
i think he's a great mirror type character for the mc depending on how much you draw on the default ra-on and their characterization, but more specifically their feeling of inferiority to solomon (which i take for my mc loyal). both the mc and bael are stuck filling in for a role for a king that neither feels they're well equipped for or were even born to hold and the fact that bael's so used to taking the fall that he's automatically ready to do it for you too is just. man. orz
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zeeckz · 5 months
tell me more abt kazeva thoughts 👀
Oh, is my kazeva propaganda already working?
First of all, I will definitely end up rambling, so this will get long enough
I'm sure it's gonna turn out messy as well (sorry), but I'm gonna divide it into younger kazeva & then older kazeva (aka Master Miller & Big Mama)
Kazuhira Miller and EVA
Although I didn't really contextualize how they end up together and such, I think it might've been EVA visiting BB while they're in Costa Rica - Kaz happens to see her and, well, you know how he is; she caught his interest and now it's his mission to make out with her
100% sure he is absolutely devastatingly dying to fuck her, might even say more so than how badly he wants to fuck Cécile (EVA is more bold, so she presses buttons Cécile wouldn't or would take longer to do so; plus Cécile is sooo easy to tease/annoy, EVA not so much)
Whether they previously had Intel about each other (or just one of them, most likely EVA about Kaz, I think) or not is just as funny to me; even if either of them knows, they'll pretend they don't
If they know - they're not only trying to flirt, they're also trying to demonstrate which one of them is better at it; whoever falls for the other first, loses. There's A Lot of compromising situations. Also Kaz sure loves risking his life by chasing his boss' sexfriend, don't you think. If the sauna tape was bad enough, he gets caught doing this...
If they don't know - they're flirting with just a certain amount of caution, more secretly, in an more sutble manner, slowly learning more about each other as they take their chances with one vague suggestion or another "accidental" touching (Kaz is going crazy because she knows how to keep things slow and he wants it as quick as possible)
If EVA already knows about Kaz - she's just as bold as she needs to, enjoying every little moment of caution and doubt she can sense from Kaz after a suggestive pose or invitation and making sure to put him in more compromised situations as his patience runs out and his libido goes higher
If it's only Kaz who knows about her - again, he's basically chasing his boss' sexfriend, so he needs to be really careful with his actions; she's wondering why there's some blond guy who seems to have more than enough work to do (must've heard someone refer to his rank), just walking by her side, showing her all the "secret" corners of Mother Base; she'd eventually hear some gossip about his high libido and start teasing him for fun, she's interested to see how far he'll go given how straightforward he can be after certain actions
Regardless of this, she Will try to get him caught by Big Boss just to see what happens; thus, Kaz still needs to be particularly careful with what, how and where he does things, specially if he already knows who EVA is and what her past with his boss is
It might be obvious because we're talking about Kaz, but he definitely has dirty thoughts more often than not and they get dirtier, and harder to ignore, the closer they become
EVA seems to have a toned body and there's no denying she knows what to do to get what she wants; I think Kaz would praise her appearance more often than to other women because of it, as in, he admires not just her body but also her ability to carry other people's thoughts with it
They, as a couple, cuntify each other more (not trying to over-cuntify each other, they're only enhancing each other with their natural cuntiness)
I feel Kaz would be particularly more passionate with her in bed than he is with other women, the same way he would with Big Boss amongst other men
Kaz seems to be the type to make gifts to get a woman's attention, EVA would try to take advantage of that just to take some profit while they're at it, but Kaz is aware of this (you can only fool him to an extent, he notices more things that you'd consider)
Regarding that, it's only natural a man like him would pay attention to the smallest things; it's surprising for EVA (I mean... Big Boss is definitely the exact opposite of attentive in this kind of matter) and she's a bit wary, but can't deny she likes it
As infatuated as he might be with EVA, he'd still hook up with anyone during their, uh. Mating rituals
Likewise, she'd notice his special interest towards Big Boss pretty quick as she did with Ocelot back then, so she'd intentionally be really touchy and affectionate with him in front of Kaz
Also, you gave me the perfect occasion to highlight this beautiful tag
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I've been thinking about it since I got it, so I might as well have it on a better display
This is kazeva. This ship is about Kaz's horniness breaking its cage and him trying not to die in the process, either by causing himself a heart attack (either by himself or by fucking people / Eva further past exhaustion) or by being beaten up by his boss. Like, c'mon, he could barely keep his temper with Big Boss only wearing regular underwear, imagine what EVA's cold-calculated cuntiness would do to that man. If that alone isn't convincing enough, I don't know what is.
He's also constantly fantasizing about making out with both of them at the same time btw.
Master Miller and Big Mama
See, these two are The Bisexual Swingers Couple™©®. Just. Look at them. There's no way they don't give off that vibe.
Of course, they both ride big motorbikes, wear leather jackets (probably a whole leather outfit tbh), heavy boots and matching helmets
I think they'd be on the move pretty often, and would stay in rather small, isolated places (like a little cabin on the woods, or a somewhat shady place, it's not like they, of all people, would be robbed anyway; probably already scared the shady people) instead of popular guesthouses/hotels and such; they like being alone together
Not strictly kazeva I guess, but I think they'd always send little gifts and pretty postcards (with a few words written in the back) to David and company, from all of the places they've been in
This one is entirely new, but I can imagine them passing by any animal shelter, stopping by to say hi to ALL of the animals there, and then anonymously leaving a quite surprisingly big donation before moving on
They are Definitely that couple that's been staring at you from across the bar, buy you a drink and later invite you to have a threesome
They get everyone's attention anywhere they go, not just because of their outfits, but also how really good-looking they are (again, they're cuntifying each other and I've seen more than enough drooled floors when it comes to Master Miller, it's about time people do the same with Big Mama and this is the perfect chance to do so)
They likely get everything they want - they're attractive, imposing, have more than enough experiences under their belts, and have the best of social skills. How can you deny them anything. How.
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^This was only meant for you to see my vision, but.
Have you seen her glasses? Close enough to Kaz's vibe. They're definitely matching outfits, whether that's only with accessories or the whole outfit depends on the day, but they WILL match one way or another
They definitely caress each other's hair. They pet it, they play with it, they tie it, they braid it. I bet their hair is the silkiest thing ever.
I can see them borrowing each other's clothes - again, she seems quite toned, with shoulders wide enough to look good wearing Kaz's clothing even if they don't perfectly fit her size (oversized fashion is pretty nice anyway); as for him, I think he'd be more limited due to size difference, but he'd manage to take the most out of his possibilities
C'mon just ship them already
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energysynergymatrix · 4 months
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Ok I bit the bullet and made an Ososan OC and his full name is Len Kanemaru.
He's the so-called perfect guy, pretty boy barista type turned up to 11, who might as well have manifested from thin air, who has genuine fanboys and fangirls, and most of the Matsunos want him fucking dead. He's oblivious to both of these aspects of the public opinion and seems kind of empty headed for the most part. He is also struggling just as badly as them but literally no one would believe him if he told them.
He also wants to kiss the oldest DESPITE the fact that his brothers are so jealous of him for being so perfect. Shenanigans ensue.
If you want a more detailed write up about him read the cut.
OK SO . Len is a guy trying his best to pretend to be an adult despite wanting to be anything but it. Unlike the Matsunos who dont pretend to be an adult and are anything but it, Len is trying to push through adult life while wanting to return to childhood when things were easier.
Sure he has a job as barista, but he's poor with money, spending it like he's still a teenager, struggles to maintain contact with people he’s befriended outside of work, DESPITE thinking people hating him is the end of the world, and surprisingly, still lives with his parents.
The thing is that he's REALLY good at pretending to have it all together. He has quite a few fanboys and fangirls and is often described as a prince. (It’s because of his charmingly good customer service skills that is his only real social experience post highschool.) But, despite being in his mid twenties, hes kind of poorly equipped socially and is unable to pick this up, despite it being clear to literally everyone.
(Like he thinks he’s being bad at pretending to be a well put together adult, and then turns around and can handle rush pretty well understaffed, not make any mistakes, and still keep a pleasant demeanor that his admirers swoon over. Anytime someone does act like a fan trying to get his love it’s met with confusion and just. “Huh.” more than anything. He doesn’t even reject them because he doesn’t realize so many people are in love with him)
This includes quite a few Matsunos who are jealous of him for being so popular (and admittedly kind of cool), find his princely yet oblivious attitude almost annoying, and somewhat creepy because of how much he knows about them from highschool. And those who aren't irritated by him are relatively apathetic towards him.
The only reason theyre so aware of him is the fact that he and Todomatsu worked at the same cafe before the latter quit. It was after he quit that Len properly met the sextuplets, having a chance encounter with the boys sometime after. Todomatsu was already irritated by him, by again, seeing above, but also because he already seemed intimately familiar with Totty during his highschool years.
It's like they had a whole classmate just manifest into being while skipping the "actually go to class together" part.
(They did actually go to school together but literally no one knew he existed during then. Not to their fault though, Len was basically that one vine that's like "I can't I have so much to do tomorrow" *fucks around on the keyboard. Because of that Len ended up being bad with people by the time he graduated and was ushered into the work force by his parents. As a result he can't really keep friends, often times contact dying off on accident. A lot of the time spent working is him TRYING his best to maintain relationships as an adult but it never really works out. Deep down Len wishes he could redo highschool, so he could not only get this skills but also find some memories that he so clearly missed out on. Because he willingly opted out of making those therefore other people don’t remember him. As far as he knows he hasn’t really had a friend since middle school.)
But like after the two and Totty's brothers encountered each other in public a whole bomb got dropped and nothing was the same.
Despite generally not liking him the Matsunos keep him around, mostly due to Totty's insistence saying they can use him (so they cant kill him yet!) but because Len is kind of bad with people in general outside of having a fandom (that, again, came with his customer service skills), and the Matsunos are the Matsunos, this never ever goes well.
Despite this and how much shenanigans the Matsunos end up dragging him into, he considers them friends since its the closest relationship he's maintained outside of his house. On top of that, he almost admires them for being NEETs. He's kind of ashamed of it, because he knows they have to be an adult, but because he's struggling so much as an adult, he wants nothing more than to be like them. He wants to stop being an adult and return to highschool.
It's why he takes to Osomatsu so much, since he seems most open about how shitty he is and how much he doesnt want to grow up. Like weirdly enough, his man-child behavior is what makes Len likes him so much. Sure he also has a big heart and loves his family, and Len can acknowledge Oso’s best aspects, but it’s the worst parts of him that loves.
And that admiration for having his character laid out flat and embracing his childishness despite his age and situation, how he practically will just grow up when he wants to rather than when he has to (unlike Len), makes the perfect man fall for the loser guy.
The more he hangs around the Matsunos the more they encourage him to tap into his evil side, and may end up making him worse, but for now he's Mr Perfect and most of them hate him for that. He doesn't get the message though so he's just kind of hanging around them for now.
Anyways he and Osomatsu are literally I'm Glad You're Evil Too to me . And also look at these sketches of him .
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#txt#ososan#osomatsu-san#osomatsu san oc#Len Kanemaru (OC)#my ocs#my art#lenoso#oc x canon#when i think more in depth into his individual relationships with the sextuplets i will probably do a better write up on that#i think the sextuplets are ultimately conflicted on him but because of that conflict#especially given their opinions before they learned more about him#it comes out in hostility and jealousy#mainly from Todomatsu#and maybe choromatsu i think#ichimatsu and len actually relate to each other a lot#especially since len is kind of struggling with what ichimatsu was going through in highschool (except as an adult)#but because they dont really communicate well either they cant really have their :handshake: moment until much later#i think osomatsu is the one who bridges their gaps though and helps clear the air on both sides mutual jealousy#with len and oso having a heart to heart over some drinks (that the former paid for by blowing an entire pay check)#(Len being horrible with money moment)#but again thats much later . and i think since ososan is a bit focused show anyways#the inherent bit of Len pining for Oso while he has better suitors trying to get his attention.#all while the brothers are wishing the worst upon him#is very funny#its like nyaachan and just dont except for the part where everyone liked nyaachan because none of them like him#(osomatsu might be a bit more conflicted on him though . something something oso might have actually remembered him then. again ill think)#but theyre all kind of oblivious to everyones exact feelings going on so they just kind of hang out and hope#len will hook them up with someone (he will not)#if u want to hear more about him or have questions send me asks... i would love to share and think more about him.
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incesthemes · 4 months
as i've rewatched seasons 1 and 2 of supernatural i've been pondering and hypothesizing reasons why john was so adamant on not letting sam know about his destiny. why he was so intent on keeping this secret, why he didn't want sam knowing about monsters, why his role in their hunts appeared to be research-oriented and thus away from the action. my perspective on ignorance and censorship is that it enables further harm, so if john were going to effectively protect sam, it would stand to reason that sam should have a comprehensive understanding of his destiny and what he's up against: give him the tools to fight.
this is obviously not the route john went, so then i have to question why that is—what about censorship was so appealing to him that he thought it not only the best way to keep sam safe, but perhaps even the only way to keep him safe, based on how he begged even dean to keep sam's fate a secret from him in his final words?
so i got to thinking. namely, about the fact that azazel wants sam to be hunting: he killed jessica with the intent to drag him back into the life, which implies that if sam is hunting, he is going down the path azazel wants him to go—he's following his destiny. this aligns with the everpresent theme throughout season 1 that hunting is a monstrous lifestyle, that hunting turns people into monsters. if sam is destined to become a monster, then hunting is the most sure-fire way to get him there.
if azazel wants sam to hunt, then john would need to take the logical opposition and keep sam out of hunting—so, he wouldn't tell sam about monsters until he has to, he'd give sam more passive roles once sam is participating in hunts, he'd train sam in self-defense but not explain why. and importantly, he wouldn't talk about mary, who is the root cause of this lifestyle, the impetus for their revenge quest, more than he has to. if the goal is to keep sam as far away from hunting as possible, and if john is someone who thinks ignorance keeps someone safe, then this more or less explains most of how sam was raised: on the fringes of the family, excluded and sheltered.
but weirdly enough, it wasn't until i was reading east of eden the other night that i finally understood the perspective being presented: late in the novel, the character lee says "when the first innocence is gone, you can't stop."
it made me remember that sam picks. he is a character who wants to understand the world around him and his place in it. if something is bothering him, he turns it over in his head until it consumes him. dean places doubt in sam's head in 2x10 and it obliterates him by 2x11. he's convinced he's going to become some horrible monster because he never stops thinking and trying to figure things out. when his memory is wiped in 4x17 and normal guy sam wesson finds out his coworker is the guy from his weird dreams, he pursues him relentlessly until they're back hunting. when he discovers the wall death put in his mind to keep his hell trauma out in season 6, he pushes and can't stop until it starts crumbling around him. he's intelligent and clever and he wants to know everything. and when he doesn't know, he picks.
and the only way to stop a person like that from picking is to not let them know that there's something to pick at in the first place. that's what the quote from east of eden means: once you catch wind of something, you want to pursue it until you're satisfied. curiosity kills the cat.
and what john is up against is fate itself. something that isn't supposed to be messed with, something that's supposed to be unavoidable. so trying to thwart it is tricky business. he has to be careful.
i think working under that logic his response makes sense, even if it wound up being a self-fulfilling prophecy anyway—sam was always going to find out, and sam was always going to pick. there was nothing john could do in the end to stop it, and trying to keep sam ignorant only made him that much more desperate to know. but that's the great tragedy of it all: john was given an impossible choice, and he's a deeply flawed character. he did what he thought was best, and it only made things worse.
i like this interpretation because it ties all of john's choices together really well; it explains a lot about his character and gives a nuanced and rather reasonable explanation for why he did what he did: a dad who wants the best for his kid does what he believes will set him up on the path to success. when the first innocence is gone, you can't stop—so john does his damnedest to keep sam innocent, even to his dying breath.
the problem comes down to that someone's damnedest isn't always good enough, and that sometimes someone's damnedest ends up benefiting the enemy instead.
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lucy-ghoul · 5 months
why are you, as an adult in 2024, still hung up on reylo. why are you still mocking the shippers. why do you believe yourself to be superior only because you dislike a stupid ship from a fucking space fairytale. girl (gnc) get a grip
#it's ridiculous. this ship is... stupidly cliché. like if you know fandoms at all#you could easily guess why people would be into it. hello?? have you tried to watch tfa without your hate-on-kyle-ron goggles?#did you watch their scenes together? you don't have to like something to recognize the hints#hell. at the time i didn't really like jonerys but i realized they were going to be a thing when i read agot in 2011#like folks. it's been nearly TEN LONG YEARS. let it go. LET IT FUCKING GOOOO#and for the lucy/cooper shippers out there who think reylos are (again) delusional when they compare the two ships:#no. *you* are being delusional only because you think reylo is unsexy and uncool (which is your right to think btw. obv)#if you can't see why someone would like both of these pairings for similar reasons... idk what to say honestly#people compared it to hannigram... honestly. again i see why they would appeal to anyone who's into both ships#i really do. but... unpopular opinion (since i'm more of a clannibal fan than i could ever be of reylo):#they are more similar to reylo than will/hannibal. there i said it#i'm not talking about the writing (admittedly the quality of it was questionable). i'm talking about tropes#never mind that imo the ghoul is more akin to vader than kylo but whatever#hannibal is an unapologetic kind of villain. he's not gonna have a redemption arc and that's okay#cooper is an antivillain who used to be a good man and became a disfigured cruel bastard. a parody of himself#lucy is him. him before the bombs dropped before he discovered the person he trusted the most wanted to commit genocide#nice. moral. polite. infused with the Good Old American Values™. he's basically her dark side#all of this is very hannigram/clannibal. i'm not denying it at all#but what'll likely happen is that lucy's actions will have a positive influence on the ghoul and remind him of what it means to be a man#and that's way more reylo-like. sorry.#beauty&thebeast/villain with some hidden good in him+morally righteous heroine/enemies to lovers etc.#i mean. hello??..... having said that. i'm not so much of a reylo shipper anymore and tbh never was. i really liked it at the time#but i was never fond of the st era. my fav characters are vader and leia and revan from the old eu. just saying#*and* it's also not impossible lucy gets darker with the ghoul as her traveling companion. in fact i wouldn't dislike it at all#if done well i mean#but i would still like for people to be intellectually honest and less puerile. god knows i have my notps#but i really don't give a fuck about the shippers. good for them i guess? i have better taste lmao but that's heavily subjective#val rambles in the tags#val speaks#txt
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idolomantises · 2 years
Also don’t follow me if you expect more Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss art out of me. I did those redesigns for fun + I like drawing demons. I think both shows are pretty bad.
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lyriumsings · 9 months
baldurs gate is so funny it’s just
laezel &shadowheart: let’s break you outta this religious cult!
wyll & gale: let’s break you outta this unhealthy relationship!
astarion & karlach: let’s break the people who broke you!
that’s it that’s the game
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laseratingfist · 1 month
i have been trying to do this exercise in analysis for what feels like forever. what is the difference between sampo and luka's motivation? i feel like i keep missing the point no matter how i look at it. because it's protection, looking out for the people around them, right?
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for luka, it's obvious because he says it out loud a lot. for sampo it's harder to piece together.
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he sidesteps the idea, but it's still there! he's motivated by elation, yes, but that also means the well-being of people around him. the scams he does are mainly in the overworld, and also (besides the museum event?) so blindingly obvious (the interdimensional printer) that if you can't spot it, it's on you. right? in the underworld he's bringing natasha medical supplies or coming up with schemes that are mutually beneficial (think the miner who is renting out his equipment while he's resting)....
that is to say, the difference between luka and sampo's motivations has me frustrated because there is a difference, it's just so subtle i keep feeling like i miss it every time i look for it. but it's obvious in that they're different people, of course.
luka wants connection with people, to be a good role model, to be useful. he wants to be in the spotlight, even if he doesn't recognize it. sampo, on the other hand, wants to work behind the stage (obvious after the sparkle murder mystery) he doesn't want attention for his good deeds? and all his good deeds carry this air of moral greyness, too. his good deeds aren't just for other people, they're also for him — he's not self sacrificing like luka is.
i think what's also tripping me up is that we haven't seen them interact much at all in canon, so i don't actually know if the writers would call parallels between them like i see. i am so very impatient to see them on screen together :')
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iaus · 3 months
epilogue hit 100 kudos and 1000+ hits ✨
who wants a mini fic to celebrate
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