#on any of their official channels/accounts; if anyone wants to share it they have to link to a fan-made video
nicojoe · 2 years
#(this post partially inspired by that article in TheMarySue that talked about our 'relatively small but fiercely dedicated fandom' #as well as TOG's upcoming sequel… it was a great article and well researched but we really should be a larger fandom sigh)
What article is this??
This one.
Here are some relevant excerpts:
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yanxidarlings · 4 months
I'm honestly really proud of the q community people have come together and are working on alternatives, so for those of you who are wondering in general what's going on, here's a little rundown of discord servers quotevians have created, what happened, and what's next.
What Happened?
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the Q mods are going to change their decision to remove the group, feed and message functions. These changes will come into effect July 1st, so there is time to archive and save what you need to.
There is a lot of discourse and theories going around as to what caused this, a common one is that a user threatened to attack the white house, and caused the feed to go down, but Q mods have confirmed that the changes have been in the works for months.
Why are these changes being made? No one really knows why the Q mods are making this decision, from the official news statement on Quotev, it said the group, feed and message features are being removed due to no one using them, but I'm calling bullshit because the vast majority of it's active userbase was either on there to socialise and roleplay.
According to the Q update announcement, there will soon be the option to download groups and messages, however the mods have not given us an exact date as to when this feature will be available, so if you have stuff to save, start doing so now.
What's Next
For the time being, many Q users are beginning to save and archive roleplays, messages, plots, ect. There are a few sites they're doing this on.
Discord has many features that make it convenient to save work, however on discord only text can be saved. If you are going to use discord to save, I would suggest creating your own personal server, and sorting stuff into different categories, and then placing things relavent to each category in channels.
Tumblr users are allowed to have various blogs which makes it a good option for anyone looking to preserve things like roleplay groups. However to my understanding there are daily post and blog limits, which might drastically slow down the archiving process. If you are going with tumblr as your option, then you are permitted up to 10 secondary blogs per day, and 250 posts per day per blog. Creating a blog is as simple as going to accounts and clicking the new blog option.
Google Docs
For those of us who roleplay on Q, this update is going to hit particularly hard. There hasn't been any official confirmation of journals being removed, however I and many other Quotevians are not trusting the mods, and are backing up journals. Google Docs is the best place to do this if you want to maintain any aesthetic layouts. Whilst it won't accommodate every layout, it does provide an easy and quick space to save journals. If you have a google account then docs should be available to you.
Archiving aside, there are talented Q users looking into creating a website similar to Q, which may be where Q survivors will migrate to. I don't know when the site will be up as of now, but I will post updates when they are available.
Discord Servers
If you were on when the first plane hit then you would have seen the link I posted to the initial survivours group. Since then various servers have been created, so here's a rundown of them and the links to join.
This is where the Q user who is looking into creating an alternative site is taking suggestions. I believe it's the largest server so far. On it there will be updates and there are many Q survivours congregating together. https://discord.gg/U6spt44E
Quotev Hub
This is the server that Q users on discord are using as a makeshift Quotev. It's basically the Discord Quotev server. It's the largest Q server I've found. https://discord.gg/ZJFDNE67
Quotev Survivors
This is the original server I shared. It's gained quite a few members and is being set up as another Discord Quotev. https://discord.gg/5qK7REz2
This is one of the smaller servers, but I'm including it incase you want to make sure you're in every server like I am. https://discord.gg/SbYkaD4D
Quotev Roleplayers
This is where roleplayers are gathering. If you want to advertise roleplays or discuss them, I would go here since it's aimed for that purpose in particular. https://discord.gg/jNp9D9Ma
That's all the updates I have for now. I know alot of us are freaking out and panicking, but just know you're not alone, and us Quotevians are going to get through this together.
Rest in Piss, Quotev (2010 - 2024)
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matan4il · 11 months
Hello, am I crazy or do the majority of news sites report mostly on what the Hammas claims, what Egypt claims, what Lebanon claims, what Iran claims and Israeli voices don't get shared nearly as much? Am I just biased or does it feel to anyone else like even the 'reputable' sources from countries that are officially 'pro-Israel' share mostly one-sided stories? I feel very disillusioned and shocked at the reactions of people on the internet. People who call themselves tolerant, liberal, human rights activists... I've lost respect for many. I truly wonder how many of them even knew anything about Israel before Hammas attacked. Sorry for pushing my feelings onto you. I hope you are as well as you can be.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask.
You're not crazy. It's partly because Hamas, as a terrorist organization, is not accountable to anyone, it doesn't have to tell the truth. Neither do Egypt, Lebanon or Iran. They can say whatever they want to, they can make any claim, and if it turns out to be untrue, no one will hold that over their heads.
And these leaders KNOW that the first report people will hear is the one that's most likely to be set in their minds.
If there's a correction a few hours later, people might hear it, or they might not. Either way, the dramatic impression and emotional impact of the initial report are likely to last if I they do hear the correction.
Take the claim about the hospital explosion, for example. Hamas right away said it was Israel's fault. (BTW, Hamas also immediately said Gaza had 500 dead. From experience on Oct 7, it took HOURS to confirm 100 dead. There's no way that within a few minutes, Hamas could accurately report 500 dead. The number could be very high, even hundreds of people, even 500 or more! I'm just saying there's no way Hamas could reliably know that within the period of time it published that number) Hamas knows it would take Israel hours to check this. In the meantime, for several hours, this false, demonizing report circulates online, on every news channel and so on. Even if a few hours later, Israel has proof that it's Palestinian terrorists killing their own, will anyone hold Hamas accountable? Is anyone going to punish it in any way? If they say it's Israel immediately, without even checking, they only stand to gain condemnation and hostility towards Israel, even if it's a total lie.
Why do news channels collaborate with that? Because they're running a business. And if there's an emotionally loaded headline that will get them rating, they will run it. And if there's a headline like that which their competitors will run right away, then instead of waiting for confirmation from a more reliable source, they will run it in order to not get left behind. When it turns out to be false, at the end of the day, they can just run a correction, and that's enough. That's considered doing their journalistic duties. Who cares that the damage to Israel has already been done?
So yeah, it's a good idea to be careful, and wait for confirmation when the only source for a certain anti-Israel story is an antisemitic terrorism organization, or an anti-Israeli regime.
And in conclusion, I think this is a really good point to tell apart people who are actually pro-Palestinian from those who are just anti-Israel. The pro-Palestinians will call PIJ out for killing its own people.
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Thank you again for the kind words, Nonnie! I'm as safe as anyone in Israel can be right now. I hope you and yours are good! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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anisethefiaadmin · 5 months
THE DRACO/GINNY FIC FEST 4.0 - SUMMER 2024! Now taking prompts!
To get to the prompt submission form, scroll to the end. :)
WHAT: The 2024 Draco/Ginny Summer Fic Fest 4.0 is the Nth annual writing fest devoted solely to the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley! Look, TBH, I don’t even know how many there have been. But it’s a big number, Our fandom ship has been sailing for a long time, so let’s keep it afloat and bring on more passengers!
WHO: Anyone can join! Current, former, and brand new writers are welcome as long as you have an AO3 account! Don’t have an AO3 account? Contact mod Anise, idreamofdraco, or Chromeknickers to receive an invitation to join. Don’t want to write but still want to participate? We seriously need prompters and readers/reviewers too!
WHEN: The fest dates are as follows: Submit prompts May 1st—May 16th Prompt claiming and writing May 17th—July 17th Submissions due July 23rd Posting and reading start July 29th Voting starts August 4th and goes through August 11th, maybe later Awards/Reveals: TBD, likely mid to end of August
WHERE: The ⁠2024-draco-ginny-fic-fest channel on the Draco x Ginny discord will serve as the hub for fest rules and announcements. Stories will be posted on AO3.
All stories must feature Draco/Ginny as a romantic pairing.
An AO3 account is required to participate in this fest. If you do not have an AO3 account, please let mod Anise know before claiming a prompt.
This fest is anonymous, so do not discuss your prompt or story with anyone other than a mod or a beta, and do not post your story anywhere else except AO3, until the fest is complete and the master list has been posted.
Stories must be at least 1,000 words in length. No maximum word length.
If you need to drop out of the fest or need an extension to the submission deadline, please email the mods at [email protected] as soon as possible.
PROMPTING: Submit prompts through the prompting form. Prompts can be as short as a few words or as long as a paragraph. You can submit as many as you’d like during the prompting period as long as they are submitted one at a time. Submitting a prompt does NOT obligate you to write a story. Anyone can submit prompts whether they plan to participate as a writer or not! Prompts can be submitted using your name, username, or anonymously. You can view last year’s prompts for ideas through a link in the comments.
PROMPT CLAIMING: When prompt claiming begins, a link to the list of final prompts will be posted in the ⁠2024-draco-ginny-fic-fest channel. More than one writer can claim a prompt. A mod will send you a confirmation email with your assigned prompt. Once you receive your confirmation, you can begin writing! Remember that stories will be posted anonymously so only share details of your fic with a beta reader or a fest mod. If you finish writing for your first prompt before the submission deadline, you can submit your story to the AO3 collection early and then claim a second prompt. Prompt claiming will close one week before the submission deadline.
More information about how to claim a prompt will be posted on the official first day of prompt claiming: May 17th.
SUBMITTING: All stories need to be completed and posted to the collection DG_Fic_Fest_2024 on AO3 by the deadline, July 23rd All stories in the collection will be hidden and made anonymous until a mod reveals it, so make sure no identifying information is included in any notes in the story. Submissions must also include the assigned prompt in an author’s note.
POSTING: Stories will be revealed on AO3 anonymously, all on the same day. Links to each story will also be posted in the Draco x Ginny discord.
AWARDS/REVEALS: More information later! And finally, here it is: Click on The official link to the 2024 DG Fic Fest Prompt Submission Form!
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AgneKari Week 2024 Official Prompts and Rules
Hello friends! Thank you to everyone who showed interest in AgneKari Week 2024! We are excited to announce the prompts and rules for AgneKari Week 2024!
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Join us from August 11-17!
We are so pleased to announce the first annual AgneKari Week, a full seven days dedicated to the adorableness that is Agnea Bristarni/Hikari Ku from Octopath Traveler II. All are welcomed to participate in this event with fanart, fanfiction, poetry, musical compositions, crafts, and any other creative outlet of your choice.
Please see below for full event information!
How to participate:
During the week of August 11-17, share your creative works related to Agnea/Hikari! You can participate as little or as much as you would like – no need to come up with something for every day. Check out the prompt list below to inspire you, and help us spread the word by liking, resharing, giving kudos, and commenting on other participants’ work.
When uploading works to Archive of our Own (AO3), please drop them in the “AgneKariWeek2024” collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AgneKariWeek2024 
When posting works to social media, please use the #AgneKariWeek2024 tag so that others can easily reshare!
For each day, we are providing two prompts to choose from. You can pick your favorite or try to combine them. Don’t be afraid to get creative – all potential interpretations of the prompts are welcomed! And if the prompts aren’t speaking to you, no worries. Thursday is a free day, when you can write, draw, or produce anything you’d like, as long as it relates to Agnea/Hikari.
Full prompt list:
Sunday, August 11: Home | Path
Monday, August 12: Music | Hot
Tuesday, August 13: Travel | Rest
Wednesday, August 14: First | Fall
Thursday, August 15: Bewildering Grace (Free Day)
Friday, August 16: Joy | Sorrow
Saturday, August 17: Shadow | Dawn
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Where to go for more information:
Follow the official AgneKari Week twitter/X account @AgneKariWeek
Join the official AgneKari discord: discord.gg/ppQFjwnX
Or email any questions to [email protected]
Who’s steering this ship?
We have two moderators, myself and Ivy!
You can find Ivy on Twitter (@Ivy_WritesYall), Discord (@pomegranate_leaves) and AO3 (@azuki_porridge).
You can find me on Tumblr (@hylaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa), Discord (@hygirl), and AO3 (@hiya_girlie).
Other questions and answers:
I want to participate, but I don’t want to write or draw. Is there anything I can do?
There are plenty of ways you can participate! Tell an artist or writer what you like about their work, repost some of your favorites, or get creative – compile a playlist, make a mood board, or bake themed cupcakes! All ideas are welcome.
Can I share information about AgneKari Week on my social media channels?
Absolutely – in fact, we would love it if you did! Feel free to direct folks to the official channels for more information.
Can I include background ships?
Sure! Just make sure they are tagged appropriately.
Can I write/draw explicit content?
We ask that all previews be non-explicit so that we can share freely, but as long as your work is tagged appropriately, there are no rating limits!
I like Agnea and Hikari but want to depict them as friends. Is that okay?
We agree that friendship is a great ship! Feel free to depict them as friends – we just ask that you don’t pair them romantically with anyone else if you tag your work as part of AgneKari week. And please bear in mind that folks may still interpret it as romantic.
Why is the free day called Bewildering Grace?
Because we’re wondering what will happen!
I have a prompt idea for AgneKari week. Where can I submit it?
Please send any ideas to the email address listed above! The prompts for this year are finalized, but we would love to hear your thoughts on prompts for future weeks.
I have a question that’s not listed here. What should I do?Reach out to the mods on any of the channels listed above, and we’ll do our best to get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
Thanks for joining us for our inaugural AgneKari week, and we hope you have a wonderful time!
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-Mod Hy♥️
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fans4wga · 1 year
Hi, I'm interested in organizing my fandom. Can you throw me some templates?
Absolutely yes! Some things have changed in recent weeks, so the top advice we can give you is to be flexible and adapt as you can. The needs of the picketers might change, so keep an eye on the news and the official WGA and SAG-AFTRA channels. Twitter is a good place to follow the union members on strike.
Also, don't feel the need to rush: there is plenty of time to build up a good foundation by talking to people in your fandom and testing the waters to see what people are prepared to do. Some fandoms just have more financial capability than others for whatever demographic reasons, or have more pro-union sentiment in the community. While you can't push anyone to do anything they're unwilling to do, you can find out what's possible and encourage interested people to get involved.
The next best advice we can give you is that this will require logistical skills; therefore, if possible, collect a small moderator team of trusted, responsible fandom friends with organization skills so it's not just you going at it alone. 3 people is probably adequate to start with, more if your organization expands.
I do recommend fandom organizers be at least somewhat active on both Twitter and Tumblr. That way, you can size up the big fandom accounts and figure out the best way to get the word out to your fandom on both sites. (If you have a mod team, you could even just have one person be your official Twitter liaison.)
Here are 3 methods to organize your fandom, and this applies to any fandom, so feel free to share this to whatever fandom group you want to get organized. Pick whichever method seems most feasible for your fandom, and go for it!
Method 1: Mod team assigns volunteers to shifts
Pros: very grassroots and non-hierarchical, can lead to the most consistent fandom support across time
Con: hardest to wrangle, and potentially more difficult for the shift-by-shift volunteers especially if individuals are difficult to reach online
Examples: The Star Trek Snack Squad, the OFMD Snackery
Claire Willett @/clairewillett on Twitter started the Star Trek Snack Squad back in the early days of the strike to get Star Trek fans organized. That's still a solid template to use, but will definitely require modifications. Link here (please make a copy to your own Google account/a throwaway if you'll be making it public and want to protect your identity)
How it works:
-You, the moderator, pick a specific picket location (all locations listed here) to target for delivery. (Since Stranger Things is a Netflix show, targeting Netflix makes sense; however, Netflix is already a very popular target location so maybe the other locations could use some love? I'll leave that to your discretion!)
-Moderators put out a call for volunteers. Make graphics, create a hashtag or catchy name, and get it boosted across the fandom as much as possible. Volunteers will then sign up (via an ask or a Google form, up to you—just make sure you keep track of who's volunteered and their Tumblr or Twitter username that must be open to DMs so people can talk to other people in their group.)
-Moderators organize 3-5 volunteers to a shift (morning or afternoon) on a specific date. It is then up to these volunteers to get talking and for one member to place a DoorDash/UberEats snacks/drinks order for delivery to the picket lines by pooling whatever money they can via Venmo or Paypal (the only international option). From $5 to $50, anything helps: it could be a case of Lacroix, it could be a whole meal for picketers. More instructions and ideas in the template.
-The template can be updated with new shifts until you run out of volunteers.
-If this method is a little overwhelming, fear not, there are other options!
Method 2: Single fundraiser on GoFundMe or PayPal Pools
Pros: Single place for money to go, very easy to set up and organize
Cons: Runs out of steam the fastest as a large monetary goal can seem daunting; money all goes to one place so there has to be a lot of transparency from the fundraiser.
Examples: Julie and the Phantoms hot dogs fundraiser, Lord of the Rings second breakfast (from SAG-AFTRA member Chelsea Schwartz's Ko-Fi); Our Flag Means Strike Paypal pool.
This is your basic fundraiser, which means the mods will have to decide how exactly the money will be used and how to have as much transparency as possible. Sometimes you're fundraising for a specific goal (taco truck at Amazon Studios, for instance). Sometimes you're pooling money to give to the Entertainment Community Fund. If you're looking for food truck options and don't know where to start, you can always reach out to people who have done the OFMD pooling here! From what I've seen, a food truck will generally cost around $3000 for a day, so plan accordingly.
[One possible fundraiser I haven't seen but would love to see is fandoms giving support to the Green Envelope Grocery Fund, which gives out $100 to people affected by the strikes specifically for groceries! So that's definitely an option as well.]
Method 3: Fandom auction for donations
If you're in a fandom that has any big-name writers/artists willing to chip in, you could organize an auction for commissions, with the proceeds going to the Entertainment Community Fund, the Green Envelope Grocery Fund or another WGA/SAG-AFTRA-related fund. As with the above, you'd need to be transparent as to where the money is going.
A final note: Organizing any kind of action from scratch is hard, but thankfully people have walked this road before. You can always contact us, or the people at any of the above linked groups, with questions or advice.
It may also be helpful to remember that lots of people have done this before successfully. During the 2007-08 writers strike, the Battlestar Galactica and Whedonverse fandoms were instrumental in showing fan support for the WGA strike. (More on that here!)
Best of luck and feel free to shoot us any more organizing questions! Solidarity always.
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catinheadlights · 2 months
Do you potentially have the Official Player Warning PMs in full? I know the important part was the AI admittance but I'd like to analyse it in full. I for some reason never got it.
- @sylestia-archive
Yes! I screenshotted the entirety of the PMs on the day I received them. I believe they were sent out on December 12th, 2022 based on when they were saved.
Under the cut because it's A Lot.
Not directed at you specifically, but to clarify for others who may be reading these without context: some of it is highly exaggerated and shaky at best, and some of it is stupid to complain about on its face. My memory is bad and I did not witness every conversation everyone has had about this stuff, so I can't speak on how true every single claim is. I have seen people say things that I felt were overly rude and mean-spirited in private towards a third party, though that isn't harassment. Do not harass or assume ill of anyone named in the PM. Despite the wording, there was not a Horrible Evil SJW Cult on the site that got busted, Krin just decided everyone he sent it to was basically a monolith for some reason. Not everyone who received the PM participated in any of it at all. The reason I got it was because: 1) I assumed the AI art wasn't AI and said in a private discord server that it was a waste to unnecessarily commission new, heavily detailed item icons. 2) I also said that some of the avatar items and a theme name were Bad, Actually (will stick avatar item images in after the PMs).
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In regular text (copied and pasted, typos included):
This is PM 1 of 2 on this topic.
This PM is being sent to a group of individuals who are part of ongoing investigations into the source of targeted harassment, toxic behavior, and borderline illegal activity. If you are receiving this message, we have determined with certainty that you have been involved in these activities, supported these activities, promoted these activities, or schemed about these activities.
The players, Tisquares and Limor, have been permanently banned for the following reasons.
Tisquares: Sought out sensitive, personal information regarding site administrators and shared said personal information both in a shared Discord group channel and through private DMs. This is extremely beyond any semblance of acceptable behavior and we, as a private business, do not wish to serve any individual who takes such actions; let alone any individual who would even contemplate such actions. This is such a gross violation of our privacy. I also want everyone to be aware that doxxing is against the law. We will absolutely not hesitate to take legal action if this happens.
Limor: Created a social media account impersonating an official Sylestia Twitter account and then used said fake account to post negative and potentially damaging slander towards both Sylestia and its administrators. This is extremely inappropriate behavior where the individual intentionally was attempting to cause harm to Sylestia and/or its administrators. There is zero tolerance for such behavior and we do not wish to serve any individual who seeks to intentionally damage our site or its staff/players.
Other gross invasions of our privacy that we have received include being harassed on our own private, personal social media accounts, being stalked on our own private, personal social media accounts, and receiving harassment to our own private, personal email accounts. This type of behavior is extremely inappropriate and borderline illegal. If you think that these types of actions are not a big deal, then I highly advise you to read up on cyberbullying and cyberstalking laws. For a group of players that champions themselves on being a voice for minorities, these types of actions are beyond hypocritical. If you want to continue with these types of actions, we will not hesitate to issue more permanent bans; let alone to seek legal actions against the individuals involved.
Throughout our investigation into these matters, we have seen a plethora of misinformation, misunderstood motives, and just flat out made-up information that we have absolutely no idea who sourced it. I would like to take some time to address some of the misinformation that we saw. Clearly, there is some immense amount of misinterpretation going on here.
Faiona's Role with Sylestia: Reading through countless ridiculous claims, slander, and disrespectful messages about Faiona was extremely disheartening. Sylestia would literally not exist without her work. Since it seems to be a very hot topic amongst this group, I would like to address some things - even though it really is not anyone's business how work is distributed amongst staff.
Firstly, no, Faiona is not a coder. Blaming her for anything coding related is absolutely ridiculous. There literally is zero overlap.
Secondly, no, Faiona is not an artist. Mocking her for the site's original artwork is also equally as ridiculous. The original artwork was created by a contracted artist, just like all of the site's art. The few exceptions are items and site assets created by me. These would include things like the original Experience Orb, random check marks, plus signs, etc.
Thirdly, yes, Faiona is still heavily involved in the development of Sylestia. While I maintain mostly a front-end position and write all of the code, she works almost exclusively on content-creation. She works daily with our artists working on new artwork. She spends dozens of hours every Festival on picking out Themed Pets and she spends a dozen hours every Festival on Forum Games. In addition to those main roles, her and I consult each other on virtually any minor or major Sylestia-based decision. It also should go without saying, but her and I's work relationship is absolutely nobody's business but our own. We maintain a great working relationship. Some people are mature enough to be able to separate their personal life form their work life. Sylestia would absolutely be worse off without her hard work and input. If you think otherwise, you quite literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Other ridiculous claims that I recall seeing...
Majority of Admin Themed Pets?
I mostly create them or heavily edit them. Also, in general, the official Admin Themed Pets do very well. Not all of them, of course. But easily 2/3 or 3/4 are successful and generate a lot of sales related activity.
Forum Games posted early?
I specifically request it so that players have something to do until the actual Festival begins.
The naming of Admin Themed Pets, Pet Traits, or Avatar Items? 95%+ are named by me, not Faiona.
Banning of players?
I am literally the only person to have ever banned an account in any capacity. 
Logging into my account? 
Seriously? No. 
2021 Summer Festival - Mermaid Caller Puffadore Raffle: I am not sure exactly what happened, but it seems clear that we missed the Puffadore Raffle on this one. My best guess is that I thought Faiona was going to do it and she thought I was going to do it and, in the end, neither of us did it. Yes, Unstaeble contacted me on December 17th of 2021 regarding this issue. I legitimately thought that we had already parsed it and told Unstaeble as such. When Unstaeble questioned my response, I responded by saying that I would investigate further when I had a chance. Unfortunately, I never got around to it, forgot about it, and that was the last that I heard about it - until this investigation. For some reason, this was considered to be gaslighting on my part? I am not sure how that was the conclusion reached. The middle of December is an extremely busy time for me. At that time, I was currently out of town on vacation to visit family. While on my holiday vacations, I am stuck on a laptop coding for hours, putting in artwork for a dozen+ hours, trying to handle a massive influx of support issues because it's always the busiest time of the year, and also trying to enjoy my actual vacation and visit with family. I am sorry. By the time I returned home, I had forgotten to check up on it. It was absolutely nothing more than a small honest mistake. I am sorry that this was somehow determined to be gaslighting and something malicious. It was nothing more than simple human error. Anyone could have easily just sent me another reminder PM and I would have happily parsed it properly. As such, now that we are aware of it, we will go ahead and parse it now.
Shamrock Warden Luffox/Lagoon Mermaid Zolnixi/Admin Themed Pets in General: Both of these noted Themed Pets and their Restricted Trait Sets were highly popular and profitable. It may come as a surprise, but there are thousands of players who make up the entire player base and not all of them will share the same design opinions as all of you. You don't have to like every single design that we release. It is absolutely in our best interest to release popular designs. Believe me, that is always our goal. It is kind of how the business makes its money.
2022 Summer Festival Sudoku: I cannot believe this generated so much malcontent. Up through the 2022 Summer Festival, we have always used an online tool to generate our sudoku puzzles. No, we don't create them by hand. No, neither of us are sudoku masters. This was just an honest mistake. And yes, a lot of the sudoku puzzles that we have released over the years end up with multiple viable solutions. It is very easy to figure this out when we grade them - we will receive a proper solution from a player that does not match our answer key. Sometimes, a puzzle has even had two or three different solutions. Clearly, the one from the 2022 Summer Festival was really bad. When this was brought to our attention, we went and purchased a large book of official sudoku puzzles that we will be using from now on. The drama related to WickedPixie has already been discussed (and shared amongst you all already, it seems), but it was extremely unwarranted and inappropriate over something completely innocent and minor.
WickedPixie's Ban: No, the ban is not being lifted nor shortened. We absolutely have enforced retroactive bans before on players for offenses reviewed well after the time of the initial infraction. No, WickedPixie's apology was not sincere and they do not still seem to regret the action itself, but only instead that they are now being reprimanded for it. I quote, "I just need help bullsh*tting an apology."
Glaselk Conspiracies: No, nobody has any relationship with Glaselk. No, they are not treated any differently than others are. No, I personally do not think that they are trolling. Show some empathy towards others who may not be able to communicate as well as yourself. I would expect a group that champions on the cause of social injustices to have more empathy towards others.
Experience Orb and Magical Pie Art: No, no artist time was spent nor wasted on these assets. No, we did not divert any site resources to the specific creation of these assets. We were learning and testing with artwork created by Al and these were our initial test projects. The end results actually ended up being pretty decent, so we decided to use them. No, we are not going to replace any artists with Al artwork. However, we most definitely are looking to supplement where we can so that our artists can continue working full time on more important projects. I think that we are aware of how to properly budget our time and resources. We have been doing this for a decade now. And yes, our artists are aware that we are using Al artwork.
Continued in PM 2 of 2. 
This is PM 2 of 2 on this topic.
Pow Wow Costume Avatar Items: We have already renamed these to Deerskin so any further argument about this is moot. We meant absolutely no offense nor any type of cultural appropriation with the creation of these items. Personally, I love learning about Native American culture and heritage (and all cultures in general). I have visited a handful of Native American reserves throughout my life and have really enjoyed each experience. I believe that culture is meant to be cherished and shared and judging by my personal experiences, this is shared amongst the Native Americans that I have personally met. Creating items for the game that I own and operate is the easiest way for me to do that. We do not really profit from the vast majority of our avatar items. The vast majority are just a business expense to give our players a better experience by allowing them to make their experience on Sylestia feel more real. A lot of players enjoy customizing their avatar to be a representation of themselves. The Pow Wow items were created exactly for that reason. The one thing that I would agree with is that using the word "costume" was a poor choice and was the driving factor for us changing the names. 
Wendigo Morkko: We are well aware of your input regarding this Themed Pet. It has been noted. Wendigos are used throughout popculture and ficiontal works. You can find a show, movie, game, or book about wendigos virtually for every year going back decades. Major shows, games, and movies have referenced these mythological creatures. This Themed Pet was also submitted by a player; it was not named by us. Wendigo is on the same line as any of the plethora of other mythological creatures that we have referenced throughout the site. Three people complaining about this issue, who are conspiring off- site to continue pressing this issue, does not equate to us being racist. That is such a gross and extreme conclusion to draw. Not everyone has to agree with your viewpoints all of the time. You have stated your opinion. You have made it known. Continuing to intentionally spam about this issue will just result in Forum Strikes or other appropriate responses. Sylestia is a browser game. We are not a political action committee. We are not attempting to take any political stances. Play the game and have fun. If you don't like something, don't collect it.
Condoning Hate Speech: There seems to be a massive misunderstanding of our stance on this issue. No, hate speech of any kind is not accepted on Sylestia. It never has been, it never will be, and players who do it will be disciplined appropriately. However, just because you know or suspect another individual has a different world view than your own does not give you the right to harass said individiual. Stalking people's twitter accounts, facebook accounts, deviant art accounts, or anything of that sort is beyond inappropriate and stops now. If we see this type of behavior continuing towards any of our players or staff, we are just going to permanently ban those involved - period. If you don't like someone or don't agree with them and don't want to associate with them, then block and ignore them. You absolutely do not resort to bullying, harassing, or stalking them. If someone is saying or doing something inappropriate on Sylestia, report it to me. We are aware of more than a handful of players who have literally quit Sylestia entirely or have ceased participating in its community specifically due to the harassment and bullying done by or witnessed by this group. And no, I am not talking about so called 'racists', 'sexists', or 'pedophiles'. I am talking about legitimate, upstanding members of the community. I think everyone here needs to look in a mirror and ask yourself if this type of behavior is having a positive effect on the community. Because the answer is that it is not. Treat others with the same respect that you want to be treated with. And if you think maintaining and using a 'public' blacklist is appropriate, it is not. You are doing nothing but feeding more hate.
As a final summation, everyone can consider this a one-time warning. If there is any continuation or escalation of these core issues towards myself, Faiona, our artists, or our players, you will just simply be met with a permanent ban. If anyone continues down the road of doxxing myself or Faiona, we will not hesitate to take legal action.
I implore all of you to carefully think upon all of the people that you have mocked, harassed, bullied, and stalked and really ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone was doing this to me?" I have heard, so many times, from many of you about your concern for Sylestia's future. Do you really think this type of behavior is going to result in a better Sylestia? You are directly working to damage the very thing that you claim to so deeply care about. Both Faiona and I were extremely disappointed to see many of the individuals involved in these acts. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. If you are unsatisfied with Sylestia as a game or community, then just simply spend your time elsewhere. Nobody is forcing you to be on Sylestia.
I hope this will serve as a learning experience for everyone involved. There are appropriate and inappropriate methods of getting your points across and handling disagreements of opinion. I really hope that it is glaringly obvious why all of the actions taken here are grossly inappropriate and there absolutely are consequences to such inappropriate actions. If you do truly care about Sylestia's future, then be the solution and not the problem.
[End of Sylestia warning PM transcription]
There's... a lot to unpack and a lot of context, both stuff that I know and stuff that I don't. I don't really have the energy to dissect it line by line or anything, but that's what he sent in its entirety.
There's also More Stuff related to that PM that might interest you:
Here are the avatar items he was getting defensive about (shown in the default colors, they're recolorable):
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They were announced in this thread along with pilgrim avatar items. The images are broken now, but if you use inspect element, you can find their names in the image links. The outfit is epic rarity, and the headbands are rare.
His claim that taking "pow wow" out of the item names and renaming the outfit item to "deerskin outfit" makes it 100% fine comes from this forum post. Chicken Smoothie had a similar issue and renamed their own outfit item to "deerskin outfit", while also allowing players to exchange the item for a different one that was released during the same event as it. It was not possible to obtain new copies of the CS deerskin outfit after the event. In Sylestia, the name was changed and nothing else. It can still drop from retired avatar item chests.
You might also be interested in this old thread about racial representation and the Lost Grove plotline. I also messaged Krin about the WW mork thread which you posted about and the other one that was closed with it:
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That's all I can think of at the moment, good luck in getting all the info you can. I might remember more stuff later, idk.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
neil clarified that it's not the fans he's upset with and that all he asks for is for people to either stop showing the leak or to at least mark it and the conversation around it as spoilers, which is more than reasonable. i still can't believe that what is possibly the biggest moment for the fandom has gotten out like this and that people are so insensitive when it comes to not putting up any warnings. i was hit by the image on twitter this morning and i'm still unhappy, hours later, about something that usually would've brought me immense joy, because the show means so much to me and i wanted to experience the season in the way it was intended. maybe just don't say that you're not going reveal the spoiler only to then talk about it in a way that leaves no questions. you can tag for potential spoilers on tumblr and there is also a read more option, so you're able to put things under a cut. it takes so little effort to be more considerate.
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(Grouping all of the Anons that I got in response to my post together. Not included in this array is another Anon that I am not posting by request, but the tone is very similar to Anon #1, so that should give you an idea of things.)
Okay, so...wow. Obviously there are a lot of feelings around what happened, which is understandable. But what I'm a bit taken aback by is the seeming lack of personal accountability in a few of these responses. At no point was anyone obligated to continue reading my post if they thought a spoiler was about to be shared, and I find it peculiar that some folks are getting angry at me because they decided to employ critical thinking skills while reading my post (and also, why would you keep reading if you didn't want to see a spoiler but thought one might be forthcoming?).
There's also the notion that The Thing by its very nature is a strange thing to categorize as a spoiler because it shouldn't be surprising or a "twist" for these characters to be in a confirmed relationship...unless Neil was hoping to score brownie points with it after all of the "queer-baiting" accusations from last season. But blaming me for somehow adding to the sturm und drang around the spoiler news is not on, because while I realize I am an easy target (certainly easier than Amazon, at any rate), all of the above is also failing to take into account that I did not actually share the spoiler in my post.
That being said, I am certainly glad that Neil did indeed clarify (on Tumblr and Twitter) that he is not upset with the fans. The problem is, by the time he did so it was already too late, as the post he reblogged had received much more traction than the follow-up(s) and fans were already taking his word as chapter and verse and turning on other fans. This was also another point of concern, seeing how intense the parasocial relationship between some of the fans and Neil seems to be. As I've said previously, it is absolutely understandable for Neil to be upset/angry about what happened and we can, as fans, say that his wishes as the creator should be respected.
But where I saw things go way over the top was what you mentioned, Anon #3. People seemingly breaking down and falling over themselves to apologize to Neil, as if we are his friends whom he would have come over with a cup of tea or a bottle of wine to cheer him up after a bad breakup. So it was that particular response that I felt was really disproportionate to the events that occurred.
Anon #2, the link you shared does work, and I had to laugh at the highlighted comment, as well as Neil's original one, which now seems to have aged like milk left out in the hot sub-Saharan sun for an entire week. In a way, we can definitely say that Neil did warn us, and what he said came true--that if one hung around the official channels, little bits and things would be released into the wild. Amazon very much did fuck up, but it's hard not to find the hilarity (and irony) of them fucking up in the most Good Omens-y, "incompetent angel and demon losing the Antichrist" way possible.
To your point, Anon #3, the leak happened because a 2-frame clip was included in a compilation video that Amazon posted that included clips from multiple shows. But it's for this very reason that most fans didn't think or realize that it was a leak in the first place. So I think you could classify it as a poorly done promo, because whether it was intentional or not (and goodness knows I've seen plenty of theories floating around as to which is the case), it still generated buzz and discussion around the show, which is what promotion of any kind is meant to do.
As you said, however...in the end, is this truly going to make anyone not watch the show? I was away/nonstop busy last week and weekend, so I haven't really had time to process everything, but now that it's sinking in, I am SO incredibly excited. While, yes, it would've been lovely to learn this information in the context of the show and I do understand people who feel disappointed due to this, I genuinely cannot imagine how this news could make the experience of GO 2 less joyful, or why any GO fan would not watch the show because of it. I also have posts from as far back as a year and a half ago alluding to these developments only as a possibility, and I'd very much like to reblog some of those just because of how amazingly/hilariously well they have aged.
With all of that in mind, as I stated previously, any posts I do make from here on out that allude to the spoiler even slightly will be tagged as such (with the tag #go2 spoilers), and will be placed under a "Keep Reading" cut. Because I know there are folks who are dying to talk about all this, whose excitement may have been tempered somewhat in the wake of the fallout but who I am sure are feeling elated and full of anticipation now more than ever.
So those are my thoughts on the follow-up to last week's fandom implosion. Hopefully I've addressed some of the concerns people have, and while I know I likely won't change anyone's mind, I have plenty of other feelings and thoughts to share that I hope folks will stay tuned for...
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itwasnotahamster · 1 year
- An Issue -
I wanted to share some thoughts about people who consider Varg Vikernes to be a reliable source when discussing topics like Euro or Pelle (mostly Euronymous), or just about anyone else. It's important to approach his statements with caution. Varg has been called out numerous times for being incorrect, spreading rumours, and generally being a questionable figure. Many researchers of Mayhem, for instance, consider him an unreliable source. I don't mean to diminish any remarks that Euro has made about him, but it's always wise to take his words with a pinch of salt.
Varg can be quite entertaining to watch, and at times, it can be interesting to hear his perspective. However, it's important to approach his statements with some caution and not take everything he says as absolute truth.
Varg used to have a Twitter account, but it's hard to say for sure if he still has one since I couldn't find any recent information. His YouTube channel, on the other hand, has been banned. However, I recently discovered that there is an official Burzum account on YouTube, so I'm not entirely certain. It doesn't have all of his videos where he would go on rants or talk about random things and share glimpses of his life, but there are still some archived videos available. You can also find plenty of screenshots from his Twitter account and the kind of posts he made if you're interested.
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chibi-sunrise · 2 years
What does Luminaria Twitter have?
More like what don’t they have? Well, it helps that Luminaria Twitter has the biggest JP fandom, so we get a lot of information close to the source material. Twitter feels like it has the biggest global Luminaria fandom too, but I don’t have any concrete numbers to say that definitively.
Let’s start off with a couple of tags before going into more specific and miscellaneous areas!
The ルミナリアユーザーアーカイブ tag is basically the JP twitter equivalent of the EN tumblr Luminaria archive tags. Luminaria fans, whether they’re on the EN or JP side, really think alike sometimes… Fans submit all kinds of screenshots and video clips from the game, so if you’re looking for some references, come take a look! And if you see anything that the tag’s missing, then please feel free to add some screenshots if you’ve got a twitter account!
Last time I checked, we didn’t have any screenshots of Leo’s glasses or sunglasses in the tag, and a couple of characters don’t have references of all their outfits. Hugo might have everything, though; his fans are as meticulous as he is. Lucien’s fans are pretty thorough too, so he might have everything. Edouard too – is this the power of ikemen??? すごいですね!I’m joking; I think Celia and Lydie’s fans might have everything in the tag too
*You don’t need to make a twitter account to browse the tag, but I would highly recommend making one just to block this user.
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They used to appear almost daily in various Luminaria-related tags to insult the game, anyone related to making the game, and the fans. They’ve also stolen other players’ screenshots and acted as if they played the game themselves. And while they appear to have to moved on by now, they haven’t deleted any of their spam during their aggressive anti-Luminaria phase. I’ll think you’ll have a better experience while browsing after blocking them, and please don’t bother giving them any sort of attention.
The lumiparty2022 tag was used by fans to talk about and share memories while celebrating the 21 days that led up to Tales of Luminaria’s 1st Anniversary. You’ll find lots of game discussion, fanart, fanfic, video uploads, assets ripped from the game, and really, just all kinds of stuff you might be looking for. This tag is just filled to the brim with love for the game and helped bring together many Luminaria fans, whether they’re on the EN side or the JP side.
Lumiparty’s got an account here on tumblr too! Go check them out!
For 色の日 (Color’s Day), the official Tales Channel twitter posted the title colors that are used for official merchandise. This collection of title colors also includes Tales of Luminaria’s official title color. This tweet extracted the hex codes for the title colors.
Here’s a collection of screenshots of the game’s Terminology section in JP. And here’s a collection of screenshots of the game’s Terminology section in EN.
A twitter thread with every character’s JP Chronology tab. The characters’ icons were edited onto them, so that you can easily see which Chronology belongs to who. And this twitter thread attempted to combine multiple characters’ EN Chronology tabs into one timeline, divided by group.
A twitter thread putting various Luminaria characters next to each other and comparing heights. Another tweet that made a height chart based on the 3D models. Another tweet that made a height chart based on the official information we got from the Memorial Archive that was published on December 26, 2022.
A tweet with links to imgur albums for various images you might want. Stuff like badges, character icons, stamps, etc.
A fan’s personal archive of screenshots for armor, accessories, recipes, etc. that they had.
A collection of shots of the Mystic Artes that come with a character’s armor at various levels, grouped together by weapon types (JP text)
This user takes a TON of screenshots, like just, PAGES AND PAGES of Look Mode screenshots. You can find a bunch of different angles for characters, different angles for monsters, shots of characters in the middle of their artes and mystic artes, like, please just take a look if you’re itching to draw something
A collection of shots that focus on scenery and material you find in the scenery. For example, say you see some characters playing cards in the background, then this collection will have screenshots that zoom in on the cards, the table, the chairs, what the soldiers are wearing, etc. If you’re looking for things you’d find in the background or ideas for a background, look at this one in particular!
Screenshots of different weapons a fan collected. A thread of different accessories a fan collected. A collection of shots of the ingredients (JP text) And here’s part 2 of the ingredient collection (JP text)
If you’re looking for screenshots of the stamps that were usable when purchasing a Noble Pass. More shots of the stamps that were usable when purchasing a Noble Pass
If you’re looking for a screenshot of Origin’s Primordial Fossil for reference. It’s also a pretty good screenshot for reference for the scenery in front of Origin too.
If you’re looking for a full-body shot of Origin’s Primordial Fossil for reference. Check out the thread itself for some interesting shots and images.
This is the same thread as before, by the way. If you were looking for a combined panning shot of Vicar Kanon for reference. If you scroll up, you’ll find more shots and a combined panning shot of Blaze from the OP. There’s also a couple more combined panning shots (the heavily edited group ones from the ED and then one of August with his family really far down) below the Vicar tweet.
Textures from the Primordial Beasts from the original environment assets. If you’re looking for screenshots of a PB fragment for reference. If you’re looking for screenshots of Gald for reference. Gald texture and UI icons for Gald, Noble Pass, PB stones, etc. Textures for Highgarden.
If you wanted a closer look at the Ecru plushies in Celia’s ep 2. If you’re looking for a screenshot of Aglaya’s lion-dog statue.
All Luminaria Characters’ Mic Test lines recorded (JP audio JP text) All Luminaria Characters’ treasure opening lines recorded (JP audio JP text) Thread of all Luminaria Characters’ Game Over (“And they were never heard from again”) lines recorded (JP audio and text)
Recording of Luminaria’s female cast saying “Happy Valentines!” when you unlock all the panels during the event (JP audio) Recording of Luminaria’s male cast saying “Happy White Day!” when you unlock all the panels during the event (JP audio)
A video of Luminaria’s specially animated ED for their final episode release.
Videos of various Primordial Beasts’ summoning animations. I believe these were all the ones that were in the game, but we never got summoning animations for some beasts, like Haleu or Origin? Watamusubi, Bozak, Lazui, Tarulhan, Gemslay, and Aglaya are here.
A tweet of what Accessories and some recipes that a fan was able to collect (JP text) A tweet of someone maxing out Elixir and Noble Mabo Curry (JP text) A video showing the message and visuals that happen when you max out a recipe (JP text)
A tweet that leads to different collections of screenshots/videos (JP audio JP text) The first is a presentation that was written to introduce the game to new players as well as the results of a fan survey on various aspects of the game. The second is a collection of character dialogue. The third is their first impressions while playing the game. The fourth is multiplayer battles. The fifth is a collection of miscellaneous videos.
A tweet with a chart for reading the written language of Luminaria’s world. This is the original tweet before they could decode the last couple of letters. It has some screenshots of examples on how to read the game’s language.
A tweet about how the stone monument at St. Aedis Academy has the lyrics of the school’s song on it.
A tweet that attempted to decode a report that an anime director said was decodable in the Luminaria anime. Another tweet that attempted to decode a report that an anime director said was decodable in the Luminaria anime.
A tweet that decoded the word on the back of Falk’s ep 2 jacket.
A tweet that collected different shop/business signs and decoded two of them.
A tweet of someone putting together all the Divine Accessories (JP text) The second pic is them having fun with ideas. A tweet of someone putting together all the equippable Accessories limited to each faction (JP text)
A tweet with all the 5 Star accessories in Luminaria. If you scroll down, you’ll find an interesting story on Luminaria’s early days and what other sources of monetization it had (EN text)
A tweet that will lead you to three different GDocs. All docs are a collection of dialogue, and each one is tied to a faction. I don’t believe it’s complete yet? (JP text)
A tweet that will lead you to a PDF of character dialogue (JP text) If you scroll down, you can find what specific dialogue they’re still looking for.
A tweet showing the liked and disliked recipes after everyone’s ep 1 was released (JP text) A tweet showing the rest of the liked and disliked recipes (JP text) If you scroll down, you’ll also find calculations for the total number of everyone’s liked and disliked recipes (JP text) A tweet showing liked, disliked recipes and how much they cost as well as calculating how many characters share a favored dish (JP text)
A tweet that will lead you to two different Gdocs. One is a dishes list that still needs screenshots of recipes with their descriptions. The other is a complete list of character preferences. If you can provide them with any screenshots they don’t have, it’d be a big help (EN text)
A tweet observing how one of the enemies is wearing a mask that resembles Aglaya. A tweet that spotted Grace at Lunne in the final episode. A tweet that observed how Gaspard’s boss has stitching similar to the designs worn by people who hail from Shayor.
A tweet that provides shots of Joyce’s 3D model for reference. A tweet that provides shots of the Vicar’s 3D model for reference.
A thread with scans of the concept art for all Tales of Luminaria characters in the  “Tales of” Series 25th Anniversary Commemorative Book.
A tweet about the Tales of Luminaria First Guidance booklet, which was distributed during AGF 2021. It contained promotional images, a timeline, and a brief manga adaptation of Leo’s first character episode. A lot of fans, both on the EN and JP side, were unaware this piece of printed media existed. To begin with, the event was in Japan only, and even those who lived near the event couldn’t attend it even if they wanted to for various reasons.
Screenshot of the JP website before all the character PVs were added. Hugo and Amelie are transparent in this shot because their PVs weren’t added yet. Screenshot of the JP website before it shut down for comparison to the previous tweet.
Tweet recording a question from the audience concerning Tales of Luminaria’s continuation during Bandai Namco’s 2022 Shareholder’s Meeting. A tweet from the audience member who asked the question concerning Tales of Luminaria’s continuation during Bandai Namco’s 2022 Shareholder’s Meeting.
Tweet that recorded Tales of Luminaria’s Official Soundtrack becoming the number 1 quickest trending MP3 album on Amazon JP within 12 hours of its release.
Tweet that links to a poll conducted by NetLab. Translated results are here. So, this poll was limited to JP fans, and it was about “Original Tales of Series Works,” but I did see people vote for non-original Tales works using the “Other” option. Whether or not those votes were counted, however, I can’t say for certain.
Tweet that recorded Luminaria trending the day service ended. I believe it also trended the day before service ended in Japan (because JP fans remarked on this), but I wasn’t online that day and can’t confirm for sure without any recorded proof that I can find again. Tweet that recorded Luminaria trending on the day of its 1st Anniversary.
JP Viva-kun’s anniversary text from the Tales Channel Plus website on the day of Luminaria’s 1st Anniversary.
A thread on various Luminaria Uvs/textures. Gives you a pretty good look at Embleo markings! And if you scroll down some more, there’s an observation on how Lucien doesn’t have a visible Embleo, so it may actually be inside his body like how Celia’s Embleo is in her eye.
(A tweet extracting each character’s “Personal Color” based on the color of their ribbon in the official Tales Channel+ member exclusive smartphone wallpapers that were distributed in April. -You can sign up to be a member for free on the Global site! You’ll need to do some extra steps if you live outside of Japan and want to be a member of the JP site, though (it’ll still be free, but like, VPN, JP address, they might just still straight up block you from registering this way and redirect you to the Global site, etc.)
A tweet extracting each character’s “Personal Color” based on the color of the backgrounds in three sets of badges. Since there are no official hex codes published for these characters’ personal colors, please feel free to use whichever set you’d like! Or you can make your own!)*
*On December 26, 2022, Tales Channel Plus published Luminaria’s Memorial Archive, which includes each characters’ official hex code. i don’t like deleting history, though, so you can see how fans tried to figure things out before we got official information.
A tweet showing the minimum episodes to go through before doing the episode Final. Even after the game’s over, I would still consider it useful for those who want to watch the minimum episodes to understand the main parts of the game’s story
A twitter user made a fan survey about various aspects of the game, so if you’re curious about the thoughts of a small sample size of the JP fans… An account that made a second fan survey about various aspects of the game, if you wanna know more about the thoughts of a small sample size of the JP fans…
Music box arrangement of Frederic’s ANSWER, Luminaria’s inspire song. A collection of recipe icons.
A thread about the story behind the #ルミナリア料理部 (Luminaria Cooking Club). The user also comments on how the recipes in Luminaria had the touch of a professional, whether they were a chef, nutritionist, or a general researcher. Regardless, an amateur couldn’t come up with these recipes. It’s a fascinating read, and I highly recommend it!
A fan created menus and put together some visuals to create a stunning concept idea for what a console version of Luminaria might look like.
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hawkeyedubai · 7 months
In today's digital era, social media has made it possible for a business to interact with their followers & customers like never before! A potent tool to constantly update the followers about the latest news regarding your business, social media has made it possible to reach thousands of people easily using proper strategies.
Whether it's a new product launch, an exciting collaboration, or even a giveaway, it acts as an essential tool for building & nurturing brand-customer relationships and also marketing your goods & services to a targeted set of audience. Let's learn more about how to use social media in building and maintaining relationships with customers.
Role of Social Media in Building Customer Relationships
Social media has tremendously transformed the way businesses engage with their audience. Gone are the days when you had to wait for days for a reply from a brand. Nowadays, anyone can directly reach out to any brand and get their queries resolved instantly. Let's explore how brands are leveraging the power of social media to improve Customer Relationship Management aka CRM.
Continuous Communication: One of the key aspects of social media is the ability to interact with the audience on a more personal level and that too quickly. It has opened a direct channel of communication, making it easier to educate customers about their deals, services, and offers or even solve issues such as delayed shipment, product replacement, etc.
A lot of brands have also set up automated message bots so that no message in the DMs goes unanswered.
Suggestions Taken Seriously: Since anyone can reach out to the brand directly, it has become easier for any customer to give their feedback to a brand- whether it's regarding a product, service, or general feedback regarding something.
For example, a customer seeking to buy hair care products specifically for Alopecia, can reach out to their go-to hair care brand and suggest it directly. Not only that, consumers are becoming more aware of what they want (or don't want) in their products and are constantly reaching out to brands with their suggestions on how to improve their products or how to make them more inclusive!
Easy Sharing And Collaborating: Since social media has made it possible to share anything within seconds, it makes a consumer feel special when brands share/repost their posts and reels to their official social media accounts. After all, who doesn't want to grab the attention of a brand and potentially reach a wider set of audience?!
Another option is to do a collaborative post that appears on both the creators as well as the brand's page- benefiting both parties at once.
Easy Selling And Visibility: A lot of social media platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram have enabled the 'shop' option where the (potential) customer can easily shop for what they're looking for, without leaving the app to complete their purchases.
It has not only improved the shopping experience but has given a platform to an array of small businesses that might've been struggling to find the right set of audience.
As a result, more brands are gaining visibility and finding new customers.
Exclusive Offers: The idea of 'exclusivity' always seems alluring. Interactive ideas such as offering an exclusive discount to the 'first ten commentators' on a social blog post or offering an additional discount if you 'share the post of your story' etc. will encourage the followers to partake in your brand's activities and also improve the overall engagement.
Interact More: Whenever you're talking to a customer, be it privately or in the comment section, make sure to 'personalise' the message; use their name as it makes them feel special and doesn't feel like a robotic automated reply. Using relevant emojis also helps deliver the right tone of the message and keeps the conversation lighthearted.
Whether you're a brand or an established business, harness the power of social media to build a more personal relationship with your customers as it will help benefit your business in the long run.
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hawk-ecommerce · 7 months
Role of Social Media in Building Customer Relationships
In today's digital era, social media has made it possible for a business to interact with their followers & customers like never before! A potent tool to constantly update the followers about the latest news regarding your business, social media has made it possible to reach thousands of people easily using proper strategies. 
Whether it's a new product launch, an exciting collaboration, or even a giveaway, it acts as an essential tool for building & nurturing brand-customer relationships and also marketing your goods & services to a targeted set of audience. Let's learn more about how to use social media in building and maintaining relationships with customers.
Role of Social Media in Building Customer Relationships
Social media has tremendously transformed the way businesses engage with their audience. Gone are the days when you had to wait for days for a reply from a brand. Nowadays, anyone can directly reach out to any brand and get their queries resolved instantly. Let's explore how brands are leveraging the power of social media to improve Customer Relationship Management aka CRM.
Continuous Communication: One of the key aspects of social media is the ability to interact with the audience on a more personal level and that too quickly. It has opened a direct channel of communication, making it easier to educate customers about their deals, services, and offers or even solve issues such as delayed shipment, product replacement, etc.
A lot of brands have also set up automated message bots so that no message in the DMs goes unanswered.
Suggestions Taken Seriously: Since anyone can reach out to the brand directly, it has become easier for any customer to give their feedback to a brand- whether it's regarding a product, service, or general feedback regarding something. 
For example, a customer seeking to buy hair care products specifically for Alopecia, can reach out to their go-to hair care brand and suggest it directly. Not only that, consumers are becoming more aware of what they want (or don't want) in their products and are constantly reaching out to brands with their suggestions on how to improve their products or how to make them more inclusive!
Easy Sharing And Collaborating: Since social media has made it possible to share anything within seconds, it makes a consumer feel special when brands share/repost their posts and reels to their official social media accounts. After all, who doesn't want to grab the attention of a brand and potentially reach a wider set of audience?!
Another option is to do a collaborative post that appears on both the creators as well as the brand's page- benefiting both parties at once.
Easy Selling And Visibility: A lot of social media platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram have enabled the 'shop' option where the (potential) customer can easily shop for what they're looking for, without leaving the app to complete their purchases. 
It has not only improved the shopping experience but has given a platform to an array of small businesses that might've been struggling to find the right set of audience. 
As a result, more brands are gaining visibility and finding new customers.
Exclusive Offers: The idea of 'exclusivity' always seems alluring. Interactive ideas such as offering an exclusive discount to the 'first ten commentators' on a social blog post or offering an additional discount if you 'share the post of your story' etc. will encourage the followers to partake in your brand's activities and also improve the overall engagement.
Interact More: Whenever you're talking to a customer, be it privately or in the comment section, make sure to 'personalise' the message; use their name as it makes them feel special and doesn't feel like a robotic automated reply. Using relevant emojis also helps deliver the right tone of the message and keeps the conversation lighthearted.
Whether you're a brand or an established business, harness the power of social media to build a more personal relationship with your customers as it will help benefit your business in the long run.
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The Downfall of Mara Morales Part 2
Mara is sitting in her Studio at LAIX. She is scrolling through her DMs, she has been receiving endless hate messages. Marcos Golden walked in he was mad as she could tell by his facial expression.
Marcos: “Do you have an Explanation for This?” He held up his phone and showed what he’s been watching. “#CancelMara is Trending everywhere.” Mara smiled confidently. She tossed her hair and put his phone down. “Don’t worry about #CancelMara. I can assure you this won’t be like #FakeCarmin.” Marcos came closer to her he wasn’t in the moods for Jokes. “I hope you, because otherwise your Time in LAIX Is over.” Mara already had an Idea for how she could back at the FUNDOM. Everyone at FUNDOM has seen Mara’s latest Video.
Mara: “Hi my Cukis. I would like to discuss with you about the so called inclusivity of BeU, but I’m wondering are they actually as Inclusive as they say. Don’t get me wrong the people there are from different cultural backgrounds, but are any of them part of the LGQBT community?”
Bia thought about it and she already had an idea. She send a message to her friends. “Guys. I think each of us should post the Flag that represents the best. On our accounts.” Everyone loved the Idea and everyone from BeU posted the Flag that represented them.
Celeste posted the Lesbian flag. Daisy and Pixie posted the Bi flag. Bia posted the Pan flag to represent herself and Helena. Everyone revealed their Sexual Identity.
At LAIX, Mara was frustrated those losers from BeUseless had foiled her plan. She needed fresh air and went to the Park, she was sitting alone on a bench and didn’t even move when Carmín sat down next to her.
Carmín: “Marcos called me. He told me that your Sponsors want to end their partnerships with you and he asked me to come back to LAIX.”
Mara: “And what did you tell him?”
Carmín: “I said No, of course, but I think LAIX isn’t the right place for you either. Mara I’m truly sorry for what I did to you. I should have supported you instead of putting you down all the time.”
Mara: “You’re right. You really should have been supporting me, but I’ve been thinking and I realized that I’m actually a huge hypocrite.”
Carmín: “In what way?”
Mara: “I treat other people terribly. I fake cry in my Videos. I created a Fake Personality.”
Carmín: “You are just like how I used to be, but I know you can change.”
Mara looked Carmín deeply in the eyes. She couldn’t hold herself back. Mara kissed Carmín and it just felt great.
Mara: “Sorry. I didn’t know what came over me.”
Carmín: “I know what came over you, but I didn’t expected it.”
Mara: “I think. I always knew this Part of me existed, but I wasn’t ready to share it with anyone.”
Carmín: “it’s never to Late for to you to discover your True Self.”
Mara thought about everything that happened and she made her decision. She quit at LAIX and gave her Channel a revival, which meant she went back to her Roots. She also apologized to the people from BeU and officially came out of the Closet.
@weirdthoughtsandideas @assim-eu-sou @putonmyfavoriteshow
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thundervewor · 2 years
Pes 2017 online overpowered
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We will remove content which violates this rule. If you want to share a screenshot of messages, please blur out the other person's name.
No personal information and/or name shaming Please don't share personal information of (other) players (PSN, Steam ID etc).
Clicking the report button under the post is the fastest way to helps us catch anything.
If you see something that isn't right, report it.
Send a message to mod mail before posting if you have questions about what is and isn't allowed. We do this so that the sub isn't inundated with 70 separate threads commenting about the same thing. discussion threads for comments) please stick to commenting in that thread.
Events & Megathreads When the mods create a general thread (e.g.Buying, selling, trading, begging or wagering for PS, Xbox or Steam accounts, real money, or digital items is not allowed. We don't have to play it, we don't have to insult anyone who plays it. No brigading or trashing other subs or games FIFA exists.Illegal content & cheating Posts and threads about illegally downloading the game or cheating either offline or online will be removed and you will be banned.Stating your opinion on every second post or raining on another player's parade is not. If you're disappointed with the game, stating your opinion is fine. Spam & repeated posts The search bar is a wonderful tool, please make use of it before asking for the 40th time if Xbox has option files.It's perfectly fine to be a redditor with a YouTube channel, it's not okay to be a YouTube channel with a Reddit account. Self Promotion & original content Posts linking to external content will only be allowed for active and consistent members of our community - if you're only here to post your YouTube videos then they will be removed.Do not personally attack other users Discussion can be heated at times and that is perfectly acceptable.Posts that state known issues or ignore the points mentioned above and below might be deleted at any point. Not every voided match is the result of an obvious cheater. Remember that games can be interrupted due to a whole load of reasons like a spotty internet connection, background updates, and others. Please remember that a lot of the alleged scripting you may experience can be a result of things like lag and data synchronization issues.Ĭalling Out Alleged Cheating: If you experience dubious online play and assume that your opponent is lag cheating or voiding the match intentionally, please refrain from name-shaming your opponent(s) publicly in this sub and instead report your experiences directly to Konami. We receive a great number of posts with more or less the exact same content every day and are trying to keep the main page fresh with various discussions instead of a wall of scripting rage. Momentum/Scripting: For complaints about alleged Momentum/Scripting please use the sticky megathread at the top of the main page.
A full explanation of all rules can be found here. Users may be subject to temporary bans for breaking any of the main subreddit rules, at the sole discretion of the moderators.
Official Videogame(s) of CORINTHIANS All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license./r/WEPES is a community run subreddit for the Pro Evolution Soccer & Winning Eleven community.Īll Posts Tips Video Image Option File Patch Help Dear KONAMI, M圜lub Formation/Tactics Scouts Spins Milan Official product manufactured and distributed by KONAMI under licence granted by A.S. and Stichting CAO voor Contractspelers ™ © 2018 THE ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB PLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © S.L.B. © 2018, DFB Copyright FFF © Official Licensee of the FIGC The FIGC logo is a registered trade mark of the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio All Rights Reserved By JFA Producto Oficial Licenciado RFEF © 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel ® Officially Licensed by Eredivisie C.V.
The use of images and names of the football players in this game is under license from FIFPro Commercial Enterprises BV. *Please note that the movies and screenshots are from PS4™ system.Īdidas, the 3-Bars logo, the 3-Stripe trade mark and Climacool are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. Get the Veteran's Bonus in PES 2021 by playing PES 2019! "eFootball PES 2021 Season Update" website now open. We thank you for your continued support of PES 2019.Ĭategory Online Information Tags #Contanct(Online Information) NEW ENTRY *Only PlayStation®Plus members can play online matches in the full-version of PES 2019. Jump online now and enjoy the thrill of competing against other users! This change was implemented during maintenance on. We are excited to announce that non-PlayStation®Plus members are now able to play online matches in PES 2019 LITE (free-to-play edition).
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14daysdalovers · 3 years
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Hello All! It's officially the end of February (shocking, I know), and even though I have extended the deadline for the #14DALovers event to March 7th, I did promise to show you what you can expect next year for the event!
So without further ado....
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#14DALovers is getting its own website and community blog!
It will be a long time in the making, but I have big plans to make the website a more user friendly and central hub for anyone who wants to participate in the event. I've been wanting to branch out to a larger audience for a while, but it's impossible to run the event on multiple platforms like Twitter, Pillowfort and Instagram as not everyone uses Tumblr these days.
This will give me the opportunity to run the event in a more functional way that everyone from multiple platforms can go to in one central location. Also I won't need to censor every single NSFW piece, link to other sites, etc.
The website itself will be free to use and accessible year round for content sharing, discussions, etc, and once a year the #14DALovers event will open.
What can you expect to find on the website when it's up and running?
Personalized Member profile pages!
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Those who'd like to participate in the #14DALovers event will need to sign up and make a member profile to be able to view the event content and make posts on the forum or blog pages.
You will need to log in each time you visit the site. You will also need to be 18 years of age or older to become a member.
Members can follow other members and receive notifications for new posts or announcements. You will also be able to comment and like other members posts.
Members can earn badges for various tasks and activities while logged in and active on the site.
There's also a chat section for members should they wish to use it.
#14DALovers participants who make an account will be given access to the prompts list 2 weeks before the event begins so they can start planning sooner.
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A Forum and Blog page with multiple sections for open discussions and content sharing!
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There will be sections for the event itself, but also sections to discuss and share in various aspects of the DA world. There are channels for romanceable Canon characters, for specific DA games, novels, etc. And yes, there will be a gallery channel specifically for uncensored NSFW content.
Featured Artist & Author Showcases!
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Next year members of the #14DALovers community will be able to nominate (with the individuals permission) an Artist and Author in the DA fandom to be showcased for that years event. The winning Artist and Author will be chosen at random and have their chosen content showcased for the community to view and share.
Chosen Artists and Authors will be given a small questionnaire to fill out about themselves and what they love about the DA franchise, favorite characters, as well as other various interests.
● For those who wish to continue to post their #14DALovers content exclusively to Tumblr, you will have access to a free to use event specific banner. It will be revealed early next year.
● Possibility for an Ao3 community page.
● Bonus Prompts will be a new permanent feature of the event.
There will be much more added features, including prizes and giveaways, that are currently in the works so make sure to watch for updates and the join the website once it's open for members!
If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns please send me a DM, and I'd be happy to discuss them with you.
Thanks again to all those who participated in the event this year and for all your hard work into making the event what it is! I look forward to seeing you all next year 💕
~ SchaRoux
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samrriegel · 3 years
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As creators, it’s important that we strive to create a positive relationship between our content and community while still retaining our rights. With this in mind, we’d like to share our new content policy covering how you can use our IP.
(you can click the link embedded above or click the readmore. there is a lot of text!)
Everyone at Critical Role is extremely honored and humbled by the interest our incredible community has shown in the stories that we tell, the shows that we produce, and our company in general. We think it’s pretty amazing that our fans want to create artwork, websites, and other works (“Projects”) based on our intellectual property (“IP”). Our IP includes any unique material our team creates — things like the names of our campaigns (for example, Vox Machina and Mighty Nein), our characters (for example, Grog Strongjaw or Beauregard Lionett), story locations (like Whitestone or Nicodranas), company slogans (such as How Do You Want to Do This?), as well as written content and all related artwork, music, etc. We are generally cool with Projects that follow the rules outlined below, but we reserve the right to remove Projects that, in our view, misrepresent these rules or use our IP inappropriately. We want our fans to continue celebrating our world and sharing their talents with the community, but for Critical Role (“CR”) to exist as a company, our legal advisors have suggested we establish some ground rules for how our IP can be used!
1. What can I develop with Critical Role’s intellectual property (“IP”)?
Free stuff for the community to view, with some exceptions. Critical Role allows you to use, display and create derivative works based upon Critical Role’s IP, strictly for noncommercial (except as specifically provided below) community use. CR reserves the right to use our sole discretion to deny anyone the use of our IP at any time, for any reason or no reason. If we deny you the right to use our IP, you must stop developing, publishing, or distributing your Project immediately.
In all cases, the use of our IP with your Projects must be appropriate for our Critter Community. Projects cannot be defamatory, offensive (including but not limited to anything transphobic, sexist, homophobic, racist, ableist, ageist), or harmful to others (as determined solely by CR).
2. Can I create a project that is commercial in nature?
You may not create commercial Projects, including any Project that (without a written license agreement from us):
i) crowdsources any portion of its funding; ii) involves a business or legal entity; iii) gates the content with a paywall (e.g., Patreon, YouTube Premium, etc.), unless it is also legitimately available elsewhere for free; or iv) involves the sale of merchandise utilizing CR IP
We prohibit the use of our IP in interactive games, apps, and downloads. Please do not take any part of our IP (e.g., character appearance, character abilities, maps, icons, items, etc.) and use it in a game or app for other than your own private, noncommercial use. We do not allow any Projects utilizing our IP to appear in any app stores, including the Apple Store or Google Play, unless they have a written license agreement from us.
No monetized novels, theatricals or the like. You are not permitted to write, produce or create any novels, theatrical productions or other adaptations that include CR’s intellectual property without our express written permission.
Fan fiction is generally permitted (and enjoyed!) by CR, as long as the content is not monetized and otherwise follows the guidelines of this policy.
You are not permitted to manufacture, promote, or distribute (for free or otherwise) any merchandise (such as apparel, game pieces, accessories, etc.) that bear any CR IP without a separate, express written agreement between you and Critical Role.
Critical Role, on occasion, collaborates with and licenses third parties for the creation and distribution of Official CR Merchandise. These agreements are separate from this CR Fan Content Policy.
3. What about passive ad revenue?
This is one of those exceptions we mentioned earlier. We permit fans to promote their Projects on websites, streams, or videos and passively generate revenue through appropriate advertisements, including pre-roll ads, ad breaks, and sponsor ad overlays. No inappropriate direct ads or sponsorships—we alone decide what qualifies as inappropriate, but if you won’t see it on Critical Role, it is probably not appropriate.
We permit individual fans to solicit personal donations or offer subscription-based content while livestreaming, so long as non-subscribers can still watch the live stream concurrently. In other words, you may have your Project behind a paywall, so long as the Project is legitimately also available for free in some other way.
Your use of CR Content must be transformative in nature. You cannot simply re-upload our content. Examples of potential transformative works include:
Compilation videos
Remix edits
Added commentary
Music/ music videos
Cosplay content
Art / draw alongs
GIFs / memes
React videos
For longform CR content: Originally 2 hours or more in length (e.g., Critical Role, Exandria Unlimited, and One-Shots)
CR allows your passive monetization of under 10 minutes of content usage per episode
CR may claim monetization or execute an automatic takedown for over 10 minutes of content usage per episode
For medium-length CR content: Originally between 1-2 hours in length (e.g., Between the Sheets, Narrative Telephone)
CR allows your passive monetization for under 5 minutes of content usage per episode
CR may claim monetization or execute an automatic takedown for over 5 minutes of content usage per episode
For short CR content: Under 60 minutes (e.g., Handbooker Helper, All Work No Play)
CR may claim monetization or execute an automatic takedown, which includes any “clips” or “memes”
4. Can my Project make reference to Critical Role?
We’d love that! Just make sure that your Project follows the other guidelines in this policy and clearly let people know it is a fan Project and not an official CR Project. That is, you are not permitted to state or imply that your Projects are affiliated with, sponsored, or approved by Critical Role. You may not create a Project in a manner that could cause other Critters to believe that it is an official CR work. If you share your Project with others, please conspicuously include the following disclaimer (e.g., on your Project’s website):
Portions of the materials used may contain trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Critical Role. This material is not official, is provided for free, noncommercial entertainment purposes only, and is not endorsed by Critical Role.
5. Can I create CR-related video content before the content is available on Critical Role’s YouTube channel?
No. Please be considerate. So it’s clear, any posting or other unauthorized disclosure of CR-created content prior to its official release on YouTube (or an authorized media-sharing platform) is strictly prohibited. In regards to spoilers, even after an episode’s release, spoilers can ruin a fan’s experience and we always aim to avoid them. Please be respectful of others and do not deliberately push plot reveals on people who are actively avoiding learning about them. If you are releasing fan content after its official release on the CR YouTube channels, we ask that you please offer spoiler disclaimers (or appropriate hashtags) as a courtesy.
6. What about CR fan art that’s shared publicly during or after a livestreamed RPG broadcast and before the VOD is available on YouTube?
Boy, we love ourselves some amazing Critter fan art. We also want to ensure that artists are taking every precaution not to spoil an episode before its official release on the CR YouTube channel. Please ensure that your artwork is not audiovisual in nature and follows the guidelines set forth in this policy. Again as a general courtesy, please include spoiler disclaimers (or appropriate hashtags) whenever possible.
7. Is all content in a Critical Role video available for use?
No. Certain CR videos contain music or other content that Critical Role doesn’t own. Critical Role, at times, enters into licenses with 3rd party content providers to enhance CR videos for viewing. Since CR cannot grant you a license to use someone else’s content, you’ll need to get permission from the copyright owner(s) before using their content. If you include non-Critical Role music or other content in your video, do so at your own risk. Your video could be subject to filtering or takedown notices by the owner of the copyright in the original work.
8. Can I use Critical Role’s Logos or Trademarks?
Generally, no, and only in limited instances. Use of Critical Role’s brands, logos, character names, actor names, actor and character likenesses and other IP are only to be used in connection with the discussion of Critical Role works, Official Products and non-commercial Projects in compliance with this Policy. Critical Role expressly prohibits uses of its Trademarks to promote your business or merchandise. You may not register domain names, social media accounts, or similar stuff that uses any of our trademarks, trade names, character names, etc. without expressed written consent.
You definitely may not use any CR trademarks as keywords, titles, or search tags for products that are infringing or counterfeit.
9. Can Critical Role use my Project?
Yes. We want fans to create and share cool things with each other, and we want to remove barriers to sharing. Because you are using Critical Role IP, if we celebrate or spotlight a fan Project, or make something that somehow resembles a fan Project, by posting it publicly you give Critical Role permission to spotlight or share your Project with the world. By using Critical Role IP in the creation of your Project you give CR authorization to share your Project in any way at our sole discretion. Critical Role will always attempt to contact artists in these instances and/or provide proper artist credit whenever possible.
10. What if my Project is not covered here?
If your creative efforts are not covered by this Policy, you’ll need our prior, written approval before you put it out in the world. If you have any questions or creative content you want to make that isn’t covered by this Policy, contact us by sending us an email to [email protected]. Written approval is required for Projects that are outside of the scope of this policy.
If you don’t hear from us, it does not mean we approve of your requested use of our IP.
11. Anything else?
Yes. Critical Role reserves the right to change this Policy at any time with no notice whatsoever, but we’ll do our best to communicate any changes widely as soon as we can in the interest of remaining transparent with you.
Please note that we are constantly developing new content and creating new IP that will fall under these guidelines.
Thank you so much for your attention to this policy. Our main goal is to ensure that the Critical Role community remains creative and vibrant as it’s always been. Our content policy will protect what we own today for the long haul so that we can continue to create magic for all of you for many years to come. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to us at [email protected] or via critrole.com/contact.
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