#the keep reading bar kept moving while i was editing this
catinheadlights · 2 months
Do you potentially have the Official Player Warning PMs in full? I know the important part was the AI admittance but I'd like to analyse it in full. I for some reason never got it.
- @sylestia-archive
Yes! I screenshotted the entirety of the PMs on the day I received them. I believe they were sent out on December 12th, 2022 based on when they were saved.
Under the cut because it's A Lot.
Not directed at you specifically, but to clarify for others who may be reading these without context: some of it is highly exaggerated and shaky at best, and some of it is stupid to complain about on its face. My memory is bad and I did not witness every conversation everyone has had about this stuff, so I can't speak on how true every single claim is. I have seen people say things that I felt were overly rude and mean-spirited in private towards a third party, though that isn't harassment. Do not harass or assume ill of anyone named in the PM. Despite the wording, there was not a Horrible Evil SJW Cult on the site that got busted, Krin just decided everyone he sent it to was basically a monolith for some reason. Not everyone who received the PM participated in any of it at all. The reason I got it was because: 1) I assumed the AI art wasn't AI and said in a private discord server that it was a waste to unnecessarily commission new, heavily detailed item icons. 2) I also said that some of the avatar items and a theme name were Bad, Actually (will stick avatar item images in after the PMs).
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In regular text (copied and pasted, typos included):
This is PM 1 of 2 on this topic.
This PM is being sent to a group of individuals who are part of ongoing investigations into the source of targeted harassment, toxic behavior, and borderline illegal activity. If you are receiving this message, we have determined with certainty that you have been involved in these activities, supported these activities, promoted these activities, or schemed about these activities.
The players, Tisquares and Limor, have been permanently banned for the following reasons.
Tisquares: Sought out sensitive, personal information regarding site administrators and shared said personal information both in a shared Discord group channel and through private DMs. This is extremely beyond any semblance of acceptable behavior and we, as a private business, do not wish to serve any individual who takes such actions; let alone any individual who would even contemplate such actions. This is such a gross violation of our privacy. I also want everyone to be aware that doxxing is against the law. We will absolutely not hesitate to take legal action if this happens.
Limor: Created a social media account impersonating an official Sylestia Twitter account and then used said fake account to post negative and potentially damaging slander towards both Sylestia and its administrators. This is extremely inappropriate behavior where the individual intentionally was attempting to cause harm to Sylestia and/or its administrators. There is zero tolerance for such behavior and we do not wish to serve any individual who seeks to intentionally damage our site or its staff/players.
Other gross invasions of our privacy that we have received include being harassed on our own private, personal social media accounts, being stalked on our own private, personal social media accounts, and receiving harassment to our own private, personal email accounts. This type of behavior is extremely inappropriate and borderline illegal. If you think that these types of actions are not a big deal, then I highly advise you to read up on cyberbullying and cyberstalking laws. For a group of players that champions themselves on being a voice for minorities, these types of actions are beyond hypocritical. If you want to continue with these types of actions, we will not hesitate to issue more permanent bans; let alone to seek legal actions against the individuals involved.
Throughout our investigation into these matters, we have seen a plethora of misinformation, misunderstood motives, and just flat out made-up information that we have absolutely no idea who sourced it. I would like to take some time to address some of the misinformation that we saw. Clearly, there is some immense amount of misinterpretation going on here.
Faiona's Role with Sylestia: Reading through countless ridiculous claims, slander, and disrespectful messages about Faiona was extremely disheartening. Sylestia would literally not exist without her work. Since it seems to be a very hot topic amongst this group, I would like to address some things - even though it really is not anyone's business how work is distributed amongst staff.
Firstly, no, Faiona is not a coder. Blaming her for anything coding related is absolutely ridiculous. There literally is zero overlap.
Secondly, no, Faiona is not an artist. Mocking her for the site's original artwork is also equally as ridiculous. The original artwork was created by a contracted artist, just like all of the site's art. The few exceptions are items and site assets created by me. These would include things like the original Experience Orb, random check marks, plus signs, etc.
Thirdly, yes, Faiona is still heavily involved in the development of Sylestia. While I maintain mostly a front-end position and write all of the code, she works almost exclusively on content-creation. She works daily with our artists working on new artwork. She spends dozens of hours every Festival on picking out Themed Pets and she spends a dozen hours every Festival on Forum Games. In addition to those main roles, her and I consult each other on virtually any minor or major Sylestia-based decision. It also should go without saying, but her and I's work relationship is absolutely nobody's business but our own. We maintain a great working relationship. Some people are mature enough to be able to separate their personal life form their work life. Sylestia would absolutely be worse off without her hard work and input. If you think otherwise, you quite literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Other ridiculous claims that I recall seeing...
Majority of Admin Themed Pets?
I mostly create them or heavily edit them. Also, in general, the official Admin Themed Pets do very well. Not all of them, of course. But easily 2/3 or 3/4 are successful and generate a lot of sales related activity.
Forum Games posted early?
I specifically request it so that players have something to do until the actual Festival begins.
The naming of Admin Themed Pets, Pet Traits, or Avatar Items? 95%+ are named by me, not Faiona.
Banning of players?
I am literally the only person to have ever banned an account in any capacity. 
Logging into my account? 
Seriously? No. 
2021 Summer Festival - Mermaid Caller Puffadore Raffle: I am not sure exactly what happened, but it seems clear that we missed the Puffadore Raffle on this one. My best guess is that I thought Faiona was going to do it and she thought I was going to do it and, in the end, neither of us did it. Yes, Unstaeble contacted me on December 17th of 2021 regarding this issue. I legitimately thought that we had already parsed it and told Unstaeble as such. When Unstaeble questioned my response, I responded by saying that I would investigate further when I had a chance. Unfortunately, I never got around to it, forgot about it, and that was the last that I heard about it - until this investigation. For some reason, this was considered to be gaslighting on my part? I am not sure how that was the conclusion reached. The middle of December is an extremely busy time for me. At that time, I was currently out of town on vacation to visit family. While on my holiday vacations, I am stuck on a laptop coding for hours, putting in artwork for a dozen+ hours, trying to handle a massive influx of support issues because it's always the busiest time of the year, and also trying to enjoy my actual vacation and visit with family. I am sorry. By the time I returned home, I had forgotten to check up on it. It was absolutely nothing more than a small honest mistake. I am sorry that this was somehow determined to be gaslighting and something malicious. It was nothing more than simple human error. Anyone could have easily just sent me another reminder PM and I would have happily parsed it properly. As such, now that we are aware of it, we will go ahead and parse it now.
Shamrock Warden Luffox/Lagoon Mermaid Zolnixi/Admin Themed Pets in General: Both of these noted Themed Pets and their Restricted Trait Sets were highly popular and profitable. It may come as a surprise, but there are thousands of players who make up the entire player base and not all of them will share the same design opinions as all of you. You don't have to like every single design that we release. It is absolutely in our best interest to release popular designs. Believe me, that is always our goal. It is kind of how the business makes its money.
2022 Summer Festival Sudoku: I cannot believe this generated so much malcontent. Up through the 2022 Summer Festival, we have always used an online tool to generate our sudoku puzzles. No, we don't create them by hand. No, neither of us are sudoku masters. This was just an honest mistake. And yes, a lot of the sudoku puzzles that we have released over the years end up with multiple viable solutions. It is very easy to figure this out when we grade them - we will receive a proper solution from a player that does not match our answer key. Sometimes, a puzzle has even had two or three different solutions. Clearly, the one from the 2022 Summer Festival was really bad. When this was brought to our attention, we went and purchased a large book of official sudoku puzzles that we will be using from now on. The drama related to WickedPixie has already been discussed (and shared amongst you all already, it seems), but it was extremely unwarranted and inappropriate over something completely innocent and minor.
WickedPixie's Ban: No, the ban is not being lifted nor shortened. We absolutely have enforced retroactive bans before on players for offenses reviewed well after the time of the initial infraction. No, WickedPixie's apology was not sincere and they do not still seem to regret the action itself, but only instead that they are now being reprimanded for it. I quote, "I just need help bullsh*tting an apology."
Glaselk Conspiracies: No, nobody has any relationship with Glaselk. No, they are not treated any differently than others are. No, I personally do not think that they are trolling. Show some empathy towards others who may not be able to communicate as well as yourself. I would expect a group that champions on the cause of social injustices to have more empathy towards others.
Experience Orb and Magical Pie Art: No, no artist time was spent nor wasted on these assets. No, we did not divert any site resources to the specific creation of these assets. We were learning and testing with artwork created by Al and these were our initial test projects. The end results actually ended up being pretty decent, so we decided to use them. No, we are not going to replace any artists with Al artwork. However, we most definitely are looking to supplement where we can so that our artists can continue working full time on more important projects. I think that we are aware of how to properly budget our time and resources. We have been doing this for a decade now. And yes, our artists are aware that we are using Al artwork.
Continued in PM 2 of 2. 
This is PM 2 of 2 on this topic.
Pow Wow Costume Avatar Items: We have already renamed these to Deerskin so any further argument about this is moot. We meant absolutely no offense nor any type of cultural appropriation with the creation of these items. Personally, I love learning about Native American culture and heritage (and all cultures in general). I have visited a handful of Native American reserves throughout my life and have really enjoyed each experience. I believe that culture is meant to be cherished and shared and judging by my personal experiences, this is shared amongst the Native Americans that I have personally met. Creating items for the game that I own and operate is the easiest way for me to do that. We do not really profit from the vast majority of our avatar items. The vast majority are just a business expense to give our players a better experience by allowing them to make their experience on Sylestia feel more real. A lot of players enjoy customizing their avatar to be a representation of themselves. The Pow Wow items were created exactly for that reason. The one thing that I would agree with is that using the word "costume" was a poor choice and was the driving factor for us changing the names. 
Wendigo Morkko: We are well aware of your input regarding this Themed Pet. It has been noted. Wendigos are used throughout popculture and ficiontal works. You can find a show, movie, game, or book about wendigos virtually for every year going back decades. Major shows, games, and movies have referenced these mythological creatures. This Themed Pet was also submitted by a player; it was not named by us. Wendigo is on the same line as any of the plethora of other mythological creatures that we have referenced throughout the site. Three people complaining about this issue, who are conspiring off- site to continue pressing this issue, does not equate to us being racist. That is such a gross and extreme conclusion to draw. Not everyone has to agree with your viewpoints all of the time. You have stated your opinion. You have made it known. Continuing to intentionally spam about this issue will just result in Forum Strikes or other appropriate responses. Sylestia is a browser game. We are not a political action committee. We are not attempting to take any political stances. Play the game and have fun. If you don't like something, don't collect it.
Condoning Hate Speech: There seems to be a massive misunderstanding of our stance on this issue. No, hate speech of any kind is not accepted on Sylestia. It never has been, it never will be, and players who do it will be disciplined appropriately. However, just because you know or suspect another individual has a different world view than your own does not give you the right to harass said individiual. Stalking people's twitter accounts, facebook accounts, deviant art accounts, or anything of that sort is beyond inappropriate and stops now. If we see this type of behavior continuing towards any of our players or staff, we are just going to permanently ban those involved - period. If you don't like someone or don't agree with them and don't want to associate with them, then block and ignore them. You absolutely do not resort to bullying, harassing, or stalking them. If someone is saying or doing something inappropriate on Sylestia, report it to me. We are aware of more than a handful of players who have literally quit Sylestia entirely or have ceased participating in its community specifically due to the harassment and bullying done by or witnessed by this group. And no, I am not talking about so called 'racists', 'sexists', or 'pedophiles'. I am talking about legitimate, upstanding members of the community. I think everyone here needs to look in a mirror and ask yourself if this type of behavior is having a positive effect on the community. Because the answer is that it is not. Treat others with the same respect that you want to be treated with. And if you think maintaining and using a 'public' blacklist is appropriate, it is not. You are doing nothing but feeding more hate.
As a final summation, everyone can consider this a one-time warning. If there is any continuation or escalation of these core issues towards myself, Faiona, our artists, or our players, you will just simply be met with a permanent ban. If anyone continues down the road of doxxing myself or Faiona, we will not hesitate to take legal action.
I implore all of you to carefully think upon all of the people that you have mocked, harassed, bullied, and stalked and really ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone was doing this to me?" I have heard, so many times, from many of you about your concern for Sylestia's future. Do you really think this type of behavior is going to result in a better Sylestia? You are directly working to damage the very thing that you claim to so deeply care about. Both Faiona and I were extremely disappointed to see many of the individuals involved in these acts. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. If you are unsatisfied with Sylestia as a game or community, then just simply spend your time elsewhere. Nobody is forcing you to be on Sylestia.
I hope this will serve as a learning experience for everyone involved. There are appropriate and inappropriate methods of getting your points across and handling disagreements of opinion. I really hope that it is glaringly obvious why all of the actions taken here are grossly inappropriate and there absolutely are consequences to such inappropriate actions. If you do truly care about Sylestia's future, then be the solution and not the problem.
[End of Sylestia warning PM transcription]
There's... a lot to unpack and a lot of context, both stuff that I know and stuff that I don't. I don't really have the energy to dissect it line by line or anything, but that's what he sent in its entirety.
There's also More Stuff related to that PM that might interest you:
Here are the avatar items he was getting defensive about (shown in the default colors, they're recolorable):
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They were announced in this thread along with pilgrim avatar items. The images are broken now, but if you use inspect element, you can find their names in the image links. The outfit is epic rarity, and the headbands are rare.
His claim that taking "pow wow" out of the item names and renaming the outfit item to "deerskin outfit" makes it 100% fine comes from this forum post. Chicken Smoothie had a similar issue and renamed their own outfit item to "deerskin outfit", while also allowing players to exchange the item for a different one that was released during the same event as it. It was not possible to obtain new copies of the CS deerskin outfit after the event. In Sylestia, the name was changed and nothing else. It can still drop from retired avatar item chests.
You might also be interested in this old thread about racial representation and the Lost Grove plotline. I also messaged Krin about the WW mork thread which you posted about and the other one that was closed with it:
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That's all I can think of at the moment, good luck in getting all the info you can. I might remember more stuff later, idk.
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little-diable · 8 months
Afraid - Dean Winchester (smut)
Y'all asked for some jealous!posessive!Dean, so who am I to deny that wish? I came across a Dean edit paired with the song "Afraid" by The Neighbourhood, I guess that set the mood. Honestly, it's just pwp, but I ain't sorry. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Dean is tired of watching men trying to chat (y/n) up wherever the brothers take her. Dean is tired of faking his disinterest in the reader. Dean is tired of holding back.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, choking, oral (m), car sex, but some fluff and a love confession
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader (2.2k words)
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The sound of her boots meeting the ground was drowned out by the music echoing through the bar and the chatter filling the air. She was working on the adrenaline still thumping through her veins, riled up by the hunt Dean and her had just finished, wiping their weapons clean before they found their way to this very bar, ready for some distraction before they left this town in the morning. 
With a bright – yet awfully fake – smile glued to her lips, (y/n) made her way to the bartender, studying the man who was focused on the drinks he kept preparing. She was too concentrated on the game she was about to play with the guy, all too used to these moments, to notice the eyes of some other men on her frame, intently studying the woman’s body.
“Hi.” Her soft voice forced the bartender’s grey eyes to find hers, grinning at the smiling woman. He was handsome, with his bright, stormy eyes and the black hair he had gelled back, yet he was nowhere near as handsome as the green-eyed hunter she had been friends with for years by now. Dean fucking Winchester, the man who had an awfully confusing grasp on her body and soul, holding her heart in his hands, crushing it whenever he turned from her to find shelter in another woman’s bed. 
“Hi, darlin’. What can I get for you?” Before (y/n) could speak her and Dean’s order, an unfamiliar voice spoke up from behind her. 
“Give the lovely woman a few shots it’s on me.” Slowly (y/n) turned towards the man, eyes finding his greedy ones, trying to keep her disgust from finding its way to her features. A soft chuckle left her, hoping to distract the man for a few seconds, while she figured out a way out of this situation. 
“Mhm, thank you, that’s very sweet.” (Y/n) tried to turn away from him, though without any luck, stopped by the hand finding its way to her waist. 
“Not so fast, pretty. At least tell me your name.” A groan threatened to claw through (y/n), eyes fluttering in annoyance the man clearly mistook for shy flattery, making the smirk he wore on his thin lips grow. 
“It’s Mandy. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my friend is waiting for me.” The man’s hand didn’t move, tightening its grip on her waist. With her lips forming a snarl, (y/n) was hellbent on fighting her way out of this, it wasn’t the first time a man tried to chat her up against her will, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, all too used to these uncomfortable situations. Though while her mind raced to find a snarky reply, she was gently though determinedly pulled away from the man.
“Hey, I was talking to her!” Her mind didn’t get the chance to concentrate on the man’s loud voice, distracted by the all-too-familiar scent forcing its way up her nose. For a second (y/n) allowed her eyes to flutter close, relaxing in Dean’s possessive grasp, concentrating on his scent, of the feeling of his muscles pressing against her frame, wordlessly telling her that he wouldn’t let her go. 
“Well, now she’s done talking to you. Let’s go, baby, I want to get out of here.” The man got no chance to protest, forced to watch Dean guide (y/n) through the crowd and out into the cold evening. She inhaled a few breaths, wrapping her arms around herself the second Dean let go of her, searching the distance between them.
“Not that I don’t appreciate your help, but I would have managed just fine on my own, Dean.” He was walking a few steps ahead of her, coming to an abrupt stop the second she spoke the words. Dean turned towards her with dark eyes, features pulled into a hard frown, looking at (y/n) as if she was a supernatural being he was about to kill.
“I’m so fucking sick and tired of watching these men get their hands on you. Do you even know what seeing that does to me?” Dean’s voice carried an unfamiliar kind of anger, dripping with possessiveness, with jealousy. Her heart started racing in her chest, forcing heat to rise to her face, wondering where this was coming from. (Y/n) kept her gaze focused on Dean, eyebrows furrowed together as the seconds kept ticking by, trying to figure out what was going on inside his mind. “You know what, forget it.”
“Absolutely not. Talk to me, Dean, where is this coming from?” She reached for his hand before he could try to start walking once again, eyes drawn to hers like a moth drawn to any source of light. (Y/n) could tell that he was fighting an inner battle, tongue kissing his teeth, fingers forcing themselves closer to hers, interlacing them with his. 
“I,” a deep, almost defeated exhale left Dean, wondering how to put his thoughts into words. But the second the sound of somebody stepping out of the bar found its way to the two, it was as if he was lured out of his trance, letting go of (y/n). “I can’t do this, not here.”
Dean started walking towards Baby without looking back, growling something under his breath (y/n) couldn’t pick up. With determination guiding her, she jogged towards him, forcing him to a halt in front of Baby once again, murmuring his name. The last thing she heard before Dean turned towards her, reaching for (y/n) to press her against Baby, was an angry “Fuck it” leaving the tall man.
Her gasp was swallowed by his lips finding hers, kissing her hungrily as if they had been parted from one another for years, dreaming of their shared kisses, clinging to bits and pieces of their memories. Both moaned in unison, allowing their tongues to meet, turning the kiss even more heated. 
Slowly he parted from her, allowing the both of them to catch their breaths. His cold hands found their way to her warm cheeks, thumb stroking along her swollen lips as he pondered over his words. (Y/n) struggled to concentrate on anything but his touch, taken up by the feeling she had been desperate to feel for years, wondering if and how Dean would touch her. 
“You’re mine, you always have been, and you always will be. I won’t share you, just the thought of it makes me sick.” Dean’s growled words shot heat to her core, walls clenching around nothing. Wordlessly she pulled him down for another kiss, needing to feel him close once again, not fully trusting that this wasn’t just a trick of her imagination. Dean pressed her even further against Baby, keeping her trapped to make her feel every inch of his body, groaning the second his growing bulge came in contact with her desperate heat. “Do you feel what you do to me? I should fuck you right here, for them to see that you’re mine, mine only.”
A whimper left (y/n) at his words, drawing a dangerous chuckle from Dean as he let go of her, giving her just enough space to find her way to the passenger seat. Her eyes didn’t dare part from his features, trying to soak up every second. She couldn’t stop her grin from widening as her hands began to move, finding his thigh before Dean could catch up on what she was trying to do. He shot her a warning look, teeth nibbling on his lower lip, but her hands kept moving, finding their way to his crotch, feeling his hardening cock strain against the fabric of his washed-out jeans. 
“Sweetheart,” Dean choked on the word, struggling to keep his eyes focused on the road. (Y/n) didn’t speak up, she began to shift in her seat, leaning towards him to free his growing cock from the confines of his clothes. The groan that left Dean filled her with giddiness, spitting into her palms before she touched him for the first time, slowly stroking him. “Fuck, feels so good, been dreaming of this.”
Her soft chuckles forced a grin to widen on Dean’s lips, freezing the second he felt her warm breath clashing against his soft skin. Without another warning, she parted her lips, spitting onto his tip before she took him in her mouth. The groan that left Dean echoed through Baby, a sound that forced (y/n) to hum around him, making the sound vibrate on his skin. 
Even though Dean tried to concentrate on the dark road ahead, he felt his concentration slipping, parking Baby on the side of the road before (y/n) realised what he was doing. With one hand getting tangled in her hair, Dean roughly pulled her off his cock and back in for a teeth-clashing kiss. 
“Get in the backseat, I need to fuck you now.” The rough tone of Dean’s voice left (y/n) moaning, struggling to make her way to the backseat with her thoughts focused on the things Dean would do to her. He didn’t waste any time the second she found him hovering over her, hands pulling on her trousers and panties to expose her dripping cunt, groaning at the sight. 
His calloused fingers touched her expertly, circling her pulsing bundle with just enough pressure to push her into another dimension. Within seconds Dean had turned her into a blabbering mess, choking on her words as he pushed two fingers into her tightness. He didn’t hold back, kept her pinned to the leather seat with his free hand finding her throat. 
“You’re mine, your body belongs to me from now on.” For years she had imagined moments like this, wondering if she’d ever be fortunate enough to feel him this close, wondering how it must feel to have his hands on her. She could stay buried beneath him till the end of their time, allowing Dean to touch her as he pleased. 
“Dean,” she whispered his name, unable to use any more strength with his hand choking her just the way she liked. “Fuck me, please.”
Dean stared down at her for a few seconds, nodding his head as he pulled away, reaching for his wallet to pull out a condom. Within moments he placed himself on top of (y/n), aligning his tip with her cunt. With their eyes holding contact, he pushed into her, groaning at the feeling of her walls fluttering around him. 
Her lips parted at the feeling of Dean slowly pushing into her, allowing (y/n) to adjust to the unfamiliar sensation. Dean stared down at her, eyes growing a few shades darker at the sight of her pleasure drunken features, finding excitement in her moans. Only as she nodded her head, teeth buried in her lower lip, did he start a faster rhythm, set on pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
“Fuck, Dean, feels so good.” One of his hands found its way back to her throat, holding onto her as he fucked her faster, deeper, set on making her remember this very night till their last moment together. The Impala moved with his every thrust, keeping them protected from any dangers waiting out in the dark, allowing the two lovers to give in to their every emotion. 
“Been imagining this for years, but you feel even better than I thought, fuck, it’s like you were made for me, sweetheart.” (Y/n) couldn’t reply, could only clench around him with her eyes squeezed shut and her fingernails leaving crescent shapes on his neck. She held onto him as if he was about to disappear, about to leave her behind – even though she very well knew that Dean would never let go of her, forever holding her close.
The second Dean tightened his grip on her throat, she found herself looking up at him, allowing heat to rise in her system as she picked up on the love swimming in his pupils. Dean tilted his head down to press a kiss to her lips, momentarily distracting her from the feeling of his cock nudging her swollen spot, leaving her body tingling.
“Touch yourself for me, baby.” The simple command rolled off Dean’s tongue, filling the Impala with another wave of heat to crawl up her body. With one arm slung around his neck, the other found its way down her frame, fingers rubbing her clit. Dean could swear that he was finally in heaven, that he had finally found his peace with her buried beneath him, finally his to love. 
(Y/n) could only whisper Dean’s name, eyes once again falling shut as she came. He fucked her through her high, staring down at her with his lips pulled into a smirk. It took Dean a few more moments before he gave in, letting a string of curses roll off his tongue. 
“I love you, sweetheart.” His words made tears well up in (y/n)’s eyes, pulling him down for one last kiss before she repeated the three loving words.
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paluding · 9 months
Owned Restaurant Profit Increase
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Two versions to download:
-Double profit: SFS / GD
-Triple profit: SFS / GD
Choose only one version!
We all know how hard it is to maintain a restaurant business in The Sims 2, right? You barely make any money and, if you have some employees to get paid hourly, there's a good chance you'll even end up losing money. Well, once again I've been digging through the files for a while until I've found something to fix this issue. I have to say, this is not the ideal solution at all, but it still makes the business actually profitable, so I thought it might be worth sharing anyways. This tiny mod edits just one single BCON value, and it's super easy to tune to your liking! A lot of technical details, a tutorial on how to tune it, and a big testing research under the cut (bear with me please, I promise it's worth reading).
So the way an unmodded game moves money in a restaurant business goes like this: the moment your waiter puts the dish on the customer table, you get a small percentage of the price of the food deducted. Then, once the customer finishes eating, they pay you the full price of that food (based on how expensive or cheap you set your business). Simple enough, right? Ideally, the best solution would be increasing the price of the food, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't find those values anywhere. So what's left on the equation? Yup, that small percentage you get deducted first. I was lucky enough to find that one, so changing it to a negative value means you actually get extra paid first. And that money comes from nowhere, the customer doesn't pay extra, they only pay the price of the actual food. That works for me!
As a quick example, in a new business with 0 stars, if you keep the default price on average, you always gain 28 simoleons for serving a bowl of Mac N Cheese. However, you also get deducted 4 simoleons first, so it's actually 24 simoleons per customer. That's just sad. The Double version of my mod makes it so you get 22 simoleons first, and then the customer pays those 28 simoleons. That's a total of 50 simoleons per customer. More than double the profit, not bad! The Triple version gives you a total of 71, pretty self explanatory. The numbers don’t match exactly with double or triple profits, but I didn’t want to spend that much time finding the exact value to make it exactly double or triple, you know, especially considering there might be other factors that affect your business income. I’m not that good at maths to be honest... orz
So how do you tune this? All you need is SimPe. Open the package, click on the BCON file and edit line number 14, on the Dec box. The default Maxis value was 20. I changed it to -100 to get roughly double the profit, and -200 to get triple profit. If you want to increase the profit even more, make sure you keep it negative when changing the value! Then just click Commit and Save. Done!
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One extra note before I continue. The extra money you get with the mod does count for the balance you see on the UI menu for the business on the top right. So if you like to keep track of your income, the mod will take effect on those bars. However, it won’t count for things like the First Simoleon prize thingy. So for now I’m not really sure if this extra money would count for other things such as Lifetime Wants related to gaining money. I haven’t tested it that much.
Okay, now you know almost everything you need to know about this mod. If you want to read some ramblings on how I tested this, keep reading. Otherwise, you’re good to go!
So, let’s talk testing, because that’s something I actually enjoy doing. I built a simple restaurant lot, with about 5 tables available. The conditions were:
-3 Sims from my household to work as host, waiter and chef. No external employees, so I don’t need to keep track of extra salaries to pay.
-Schedule is roughly 15:00 - 22:00.
-New business level 0. Prices were kept at the default average.
-I didn’t use the Basic Sell interaction. If the customer didn’t want to eat at my restaurant, then so be it.
-The chef had 10 points of cooking skill, so I could add any food to the menu. However, I only chose one food to cook to keep the profit numbers as consistent as possible.
For the first case, I chose cooking only Mac N Cheese, a very cheap food that makes almost no money at all. It doesn’t require any cooking skill points. Mac N Cheese gives you 28 simoleons when the Sim pays. -In an unmodded game, you also lose 4 simoleons, so it’s 24 simoleons per customer. After running the business for the set schedule, I got 240 simoleons of profit. Pretty disappointing! If I had employees to pay, I would only have a few simoleons to spare, if any at all. -With my Double version of the mod, you get an extra 22 simoleons, making a total of 50 simoleons per customer. After running the business with the mod in, I got 400 simoleons. Not much, but hey, it’s something.
For the second case, I chose Filet Mignon. This food is pretty fancy, and it requires max cooking skill. Filet Mignon gives you 83 simoleons when the Sim pays. I also noticed the customers take way less time to eat it compared to the Mac N Cheese, so that’s an extra bonus to make the business run faster. -In an unmodded game, you also lose 13, so it’s 70 simoleons per customer. After running the business, I got 630 simoleons of profit. Not bad, but considering you need to max out the cooking skill, it’s almost insulting spending so many hours just to get that… -With my Double version of the mod, you get an extra 65 simoleons, making a total of 148 (!) simoleons per customer. After running the business with the mod in, I got 1036 simoleons. Okay, nooow we’re talking! That's the fancy restaurant status I like to see.
You might be wondering why these numbers are so inconsistent. Well, sometimes my lovely waiter decided to drop the tray on the customers, poor guy. That added to the randomness of how customers decide to enter the restaurant or not, and if the game sits more than one customer on the table or just one of them, if someone gets stuck for a while losing time… all of that can end up making the results a bit inconsistent. That being said, I had better luck when I was running the business without the mod in, yet I still got quite a lot more money with the mod in. I didn’t keep track of the numbers for the Triple version, but as you can probably guess, that one would be even more profitable.
One last case I wanted to test and compare: a completely different type of business, a games and entertainment one using the Bandatron ticket machine. In that scenario, I got 21 simoleons per customer, each hour. So after that schedule of 15:00 - 22:00, I got a total of 789 simoleons! All my sim did during those hours was bartending. That shows how easy it is to run a business with a ticket machine, and the biggest advantage is that you don’t have to pay employees if you don’t need them, and you don’t need any skills at all. Just plop down that machine, put some objects, relax and let the money flow by itself.
So yeah, in conclusion, Eaxis really messed up programming the restaurant businesses, there’s no doubt about it. Hopefully my mod helps balance things out. And if you think it's still too low on the incomes department, you can always tune it to your liking! As far as I know, this should not conflict with anything, but if you run into any issues, let me know and I’ll try my best to fix it asap.
Special thanks to EddySims for their fantastic HQ Icon Pack I used to make the preview pic! <3
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maidragoste · 1 year
The Parent Trap: Chapter Two
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Aegon Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader x Aemond Targaryen
Summary: After the disastrous divorce between Aemond Targaryen and Y/n Velaryon the twins Baelon and Aemon were separated. Each was raised by one of their parents. Baelon was raised by his father while Aemon was raised by his mother. Years later they both meet at a summer camp and discover the existence of the other. The twins realize that there are many secrets in their family, eager to discover their past, they put together a plan to deceive their parents.
Thank you for your support, I was nervous that people wouldn't like it because the fic wasn't the same as the movie so I'm very happy to read all your comments. REBLOGS, comments and likes are always appreciated 🥰🥰💕💕💕
Btw, I made two playlists for this fic. One is from Aemond and the Reader and another is from Reader and Aegon. As I keep writing I'll probably add more songs or even delete some, who knows. If you have songs for me to add or are curious to know why, you are welcome to write to me in my inbox.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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Ten years earlier
Your leg kept moving up and down. Your eyes are constantly directed to the door, expecting that at any moment Aemond would return home. You tried to distract yourself by watching TV but you were too anxious. Your mind couldn't focus on the stupid movie because all you could think about was the positive sign on the pregnancy tests you had taken that afternoon with Rhaena and Jace by your side. You regretted telling them to leave. If they were with you they would be preventing you from locking yourself in your own mind. They would make you tell them your fears and they would try to calm you down. The three of them would be making plans. You might even be practicing with Jace how the hell tell Aemond they were going to be parents.
You and Aemond would be parents. You would be a mother. You always knew you would have children, you wanted the happily ever after with the wedding and children like they always showed in the movies, but now you are terrified. It wasn't supposed to be like this. You're barely twenty-three years old, you haven't even finished your second year of editorial editing. It was assumed that when you had children you would be at least over twenty-seven, your career—a career you were truly passionate about—would be finished, you would have a good job, and you would be married. You tried to console yourself by telling yourself that at least you're in a stable relationship. You and Aemond have been dating for three years. You two knew each other since you were little because your godmother is Aemond's older sister and then you ended up attending the same school so you spent a lot of time together. You still remember like it was yesterday how nervous you were when you first kissed Aemond during New Year's. You were afraid of ruining your friendship and that things would become awkward but he didn't pull away when you kissed him he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to him. That night they hid from everyone and spent the rest of the celebration kissing. The next day they started dating. From there everything was wonderful. Like any couple, you and Aemond have your run-ins—like when you argued because you didn't like the way he behaved with Jace, your best friend, or when Aemond got mad at you because you made the two of you leave the restaurant you were having a date at. to pick up a drunk Aegon in a bar again—but there was definitely more joy than displeasure in your relationship with Aemond. You saw yourself having a future with him, you could see yourself perfectly next to him in your white dress. You can imagine Aemond putting a baby to sleep while he lulls it to sleep in High Valyrian. Are you sure you want a future with Aemond. But you're terrified of his reaction to this unexpected news. What would you do if Aemond didn't want to keep the baby? You would have to break up with him. Even though you were scared, you knew you wanted to keep the baby. That was clear to you.
You heard the door open and it didn't take long for your boyfriend to enter. You got up from the couch and went to hug him. Whenever he returned home you welcomed him with a hug and kisses. This time you held on to him longer than usual, wanting to remember the feeling of Aemond's arms around you in case this was the last time.
You were about to kiss him but he turned your face away from him making your heart skip a beat. Before you could move away he gently grabbed your chin and studied you carefully. Of course, he had realized something was happening to you when you were clinging so fiercely to him.
“What's wrong?” he asked. Aemond first wanted to know what was happening to you before you kissed him.
Once again you regretted kicking Rhaena and Jace out. At least you should have taken advantage of this time alone to practice in front of the mirror how to tell your boyfriend that you are pregnant. Or you could have called your parents to help you. Although knowing them they would tell you to keep the secret so that the three of them could plan a big announcement together. But you couldn't wait, you need to know now what Aemond was thinking. You needed to know whether or not he would be with you on this trip.
“Y/n?” Your boyfriend called you, feeling his concern growing with every second that you remained silent.
“I think I'm pregnant” You closed your eyes feeling frustrated with yourself and hurried to correct yourself “I mean, I'm pregnant” You tried not to panic as you felt him move away from you “I haven't had any blood tests done yet but I'm One hundred percent sure I'm pregnant. I took five pregnancy tests and they all came back positive.”Your nerves were evident because you were talking faster than normal and you couldn't stop gesturing with your hands.
Aemond felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on him. This was not in his plans. Right now he was focused on opening his own publishing house, he needed to focus all of his attention on that, he didn't need a distraction and a baby would be that. Taking care of a child would take up too much time. But I couldn't tell you that. I'd be an idiot if I told you that. His mother didn't raise him to be an idiot.
“Marry me,” he said, knowing it was the right thing to do. Besides, ever since you two moved in together, he knew you were going to get married. He knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life waking up next to you, he wants your face to be the first and last thing he sees, he wants to come home and always be greeted with your kisses, he wants you to tell him about your day while the two of you have dinner, He wants to hear your theories about the TV shows you watch together. Aemond wants everything with you, even the most mundane things like going grocery shopping or walking the dogs. He loves you. The only reasons Aemond hadn't proposed to you already was because he wanted to wait until you finished college and he wanted his publishing company to be established. Planning a wedding was a big deal and you two didn't have time for that. But now it didn't matter anymore. “Marry me,” he said again with a smile as he saw how you opened your eyes and looked at him as if he were giving you the moon.
You couldn't help but laugh at yourself, feeling like an idiot for doubting Aemond. Maybe it wasn't the romantic proposal you had dreamed of but you didn't care. You were so relieved and so glad you didn't have to do this alone.
“Yes,” you responded with your heart racing and tears in your eyes. “Yes!” you repeated louder this time before throwing yourself into your fiancé's arms. You began to laugh as Aemond picked you up and spun you around. Your fears were forgotten. The only thing you felt at that moment was happiness.
Aemon found it strange that when he arrived at camp Rickon was not waiting for him at the entrance like the previous years. He assumed this time that the trip had tired him too much and he went to take a nap in his cabin. So he decided to go there first instead of searching for him throughout the rest of the camp. If Rickon wasn't there at least he would leave his suitcases so he could walk comfortably.
When he entered the cabin he expected to find it empty or his best friend sleeping. He never imagined that an almost exact copy of him would be found walking back and forth all over the place. Aemon is not proud but his first reaction is to scream and throw his suitcase at him with all his might.
“Dude, what the hell?!” his copy shouted, barely managing to cum in time to avoid being hit.
“What happened?!” Rickon asked, also screaming, running out of the bathroom. “Aemon you finally arrived!” He ran to hug him.
Aemon barely moved his arms to hug Rickon but his eyes did not leave the other boy who was too similar to him. The copy of him didn't stop looking at him either, the two of them were studying each other. The only difference is that the stranger had much shorter hair than Aemon and did not have tanned skin like him. But Aemon knew that if he hadn't been sailing in the sun with his grandparents just a few days ago then he would look just like the copy of him.
"Who is he?" Aemon asked breaking the hug, no longer able to stand his curiosity. If he had encountered the copy of him years ago he would have thought that it was some kind of prank by Rickon or that maybe it was an evil clone but now he knew that it didn't make sense. The only logical explanation he could think of was that he had a missing twin but that didn't make sense because his mom would never hide something as big as this from him.
“Aemon do you need glasses? It's obvious that he's a copy of you," said the dark-haired boy, earning an angry look from the other two boys. “Don't do that, it's weird,” he complained.
“I am not Aemon's copy. In any case, he is my copy,” declared the short-haired boy.
“I met Aemon before so you are a copy of him.”
“Wait, why does he know my name?” Aemon interrupted before the other two continued fighting over who the copy was. He needed to know what was going on before he gave him a headache. Although since he saw the stranger he began to feel bad. It was disconcerting to see someone just like himself. He made him feel uncomfortable. Not even Joffrey looked that much like him, and she was his brother.
Aemon wanted to know who this boy was, why he looked so much like him, and why this was the first time he had met him. But at the same time, he was afraid. He could already sense that his life would be different after this camp. He decided to sit on the nearest bed to avoid running out and ask one of the caregivers for his cell phone to call his parents to come back to look for him. Maybe he should have let Mom walk him to the cabin like she wanted.
“Your friend thought I was you, he came up shouting your name when I was with my uncle Daeron. My uncle said that he knew you and that I should stay with Rickon until you showed up. Now I see why he insisted so much."
Aemon was sure he had heard Daeron's name before but he was sure he had never met him. Without realizing it he began to move his leg up and down trying to remember that he knew about Daeron but nothing came to mind.
“I am Baelon Targaryen,” the boy introduced himself, looking at him with concern and Aemon squeezed his leg to prevent himself from moving it further. “I think I'm your twin.”
“No,” the long-haired boy denied instantly.
“Dude, we're literally copies of each other!” Baelon said, frustration evident in his voice, pointing at Aemon and then at himself.
Rickon gave Baelon a look telling him to shut up. In the few hours that he had known him, Baelon had never seen Rickon so serious, so he crossed his arms indignantly and watched silently and attentively as Stark sat next to his twin.
“I know it seems crazy, Aemon, but I really think Baelon is right,” said the dark-haired boy, looking at his friend with concern. Rickon wouldn't know how to react either if he suddenly found out that he had a twin. “The two are copies of each other. Besides, he grew up without knowing his mom and you grew up without knowing your dad. I don't think it's a coincidence. Just like I don't think it's a coincidence that Baelon's uncle knew you."
Aemon looked at his best friend before turning his attention to his possible new brother. “When were you born?”
"June 20th. I guess just like you," said Baelon, and was satisfied when he saw that his twin nodded. "I have a photo of Mom!" He suddenly remembered the photo that he had stolen from Dad a long time ago and that he had hidden in his luggage. “You can see her and confirm that she is our mom,” he said excitedly, thinking that this way Aemon could no longer deny his relationship. He couldn't help but be excited at the thought that he was no longer alone, he had a brother. He had always seen how close his uncle Daeron was to his dad and his other uncles and he remembered wanting to have the same.
Baelon ran to grab his suitcase and began to take out all of his clothes, not caring about the mess, until he found the latest Boku no Hero manga that he was reading and triumphantly pulled out one of the pages the photo of her mother with him in her arms while she kissed his cheek, her eyes were only on him, not caring to look at the camera.
“Look,” he said, handing the photo proudly to Aemon. The photo wasn't complete, it was obvious that someone had cut it in half but Baelon didn't care. That photo was one of his most prized possessions. He looked at her every day before going to sleep because he reminded him that his mom loves him.
“Oh, shit,” Aemon muttered before handing the photo back to him.
“It's her, right?” Baelon asked, watching with anticipation as it was now Aemon who was searching for something in his suitcase. Aemon, unlike him, was not throwing his clothes everywhere. He felt his heart race when he saw how his twin took out a notebook and took something out of it.
“Is this your dad?” Aemon asked, giving him a photo. Baelon nodded several times, unable to say anything out of emotion. His dad wasn't looking at the camera but he wasn't looking at the baby he was holding either. He just looked to the side with a smile.
Baelon took both photos and placed them side by side on the bed. The photo was now complete. Dad was looking at Mom. If Baelon hadn't been so engrossed in looking at the photo then he would have noticed Aemon and Rickon exchanging glances.
“I told you we're twins!” Baelon said with a big smile once he snapped out of the shock of nudging Aemon.
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bonkwosher · 5 months
Our Little Secret
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A/N: The movie isn't out anywhere I can watch it over & over yet so I'm going off of memory from the one time I saw it in theatres. Maybe I'll come back & edit this, who knows?
Pairing(s): "Frank" (Former Detective Adam Barnett) x Reader (Nickname: Parker)
Mini Synopsis: The reader & Frank unknowingly get the same job after years of not seeing each other.
Contains: Mentions of character death, things get a little hot
Lambert had just finished explaining the situation to the seven of you, giving each of you a name, yours being Parker. No one knew each other, at least as far as you knew. You were in different cars initially & after the group got together in the getaway car, it was impossible to recognize the man with all your masks on. But once Joey took the girl off to another room & everyone had taken their masks off, you recognized him. As Frank looked around at the beautiful, old mansion, his eyes wandered. His eyes glanced over you for a moment then kept moving, but quickly snapped back to your form. His eyes had only slightly widened, he was doing well to mask his shock. He started walking towards you, briskly, reaching out to touch you as if to test if you were real.
Before he could make it to you, you felt an arm wrap around you shoulders. It was Sammy, "Hey, Parker. Let's get to the bar. Didn't you hear? Fully stocked!"
Sammy was someone you became acquainted with, getting Dean off her back while the three of you were in the getaway van. She dragged you off to the bar, getting between you & Frank. The rest of the group followed along with you. Frank felt he couldn't get close to you without risking his identity being revealed. He just stood in the corner keeping up conversation. After Joey finished reading everyone like a book, she ended up in front of you.
"Oh, no, no, no. I don't need you to tell me what I am," you spoke, waving your hands in front of you.
Frank's eyes narrowed as he stared at you.
"Oh, come on, Parker! Join the fun!" Peter teased, giving you a light shove.
"No, Joey has to go check on the girl anyway. Right?" You were quick to reply.
"Yeah, Joey. You should get up there," Frank chimed in, only letting his eyes leave you for a second to make eye contact with the person he was talking to.
Joey puts her hands up, backing away from you, "Alright, off I go."
Joey made her way out of the room & everyone went off to do their own thing. Sammy & Dean left the room separately. Peter found himself some more alcohol & a comfortable spot on the couch. Rickles headed up to his lookout spot. That left you, Dan, & an already very drunk Peter in the bar area. You decided to head to the kitchen, knowing it wasn't a good idea to drink on an empty stomach. You walked out into the main entrance, unaware of the quiet footsteps following you. You made your way down a long narrow hallway, your assailant only gaining on you. As you reached a t-junction, you paused to look to your left. At that moment, you felt a hand cover your mouth & an arm wrap around your waist. You were pulled forcefully down the hallway to your right & quickly shoved you into a hall closet. You were quickly spun around to face your captor but their hand was just as quick to find it's way back onto your mouth. You saw him.
"What're you doing here, Y/N?" He sounded almost mad, but mostly in shock.
You just looked up at him, scared. His hand still held a tight grip on your mouth despite him waiting for you to answer his question. It seems that he realized that, loosening the grip before releasing your face. Your hands moved to your jaw, feeling the pain of his hold finally going away.
Almost impatiently, Frank pushed, "I saw you die!"
You lifted your finger to your mouth, urging him to be quiet. As you straightened your posture & looked up at the man, a small smirk formed.
"You think I couldn't fake my own death? That's all I helped others do. I'm the intel person, it's my job, Adam."
At the thought of his true identity being revealed, his hands found themselves close to covering your mouth again. But his need for answers overpowered any fear he had.
"You were my partner! Why did you do all that without... telling me?"
You sighed, "Some cops were catching on to my side gig. Plus, helping people disappear was so much more lucrative. The only safe way out of the precinct was to disappear myself."
Frank gave you a look, you knew it well.
"Don't even attempt to judge me. We're both here now, which means you ended up a criminal too."
Frank's eyes softened, you were right after all. You were both detectives once yet you both stood in this house waiting to get paid for kidnapping a 12-year-old girl. Now that he had gotten the information he wanted he began to feel a little awkward. Past feelings flooded his mind. He remembered the night you died, or so he thought. You were chasing a suspect & the suspect managed to shoot you before continuing to run away. Frank had stopped to try to help you but you told him to go after the suspect. He wanted to hold you in that moment, be with you, but you made him go. He never got to share his feelings.
"Y/N," He spoke softly, "I have something to say... that I never thought I'd have the chance to."
"Go ahead, then get me out of this closet."
"I-" He tried to speak, but a long pause filled the air.
Without hesitation, he grabbed hold of the sides of your face & pulled you to him. His lips crashed into yours. It was unexpected, but you'd be lying if you said you hadn't been dreaming of this moment. You threw your arms around the tall man's shoulders & pulled him even closer to you. Frank backed you into the wall, towering over you as he moved to kiss down your neck. You stifle a moan as he tugs at your jacket, trying to get the buttons undone. You two are torn apart when the closet door opens, followed by laughter.
"Woah, didn't mean to interrupt, lovebirds," Dean continues to laugh.
Of course, it was Dean. You fix the buttons on your shirt as Frank steps out of the closet, shoving Dean.
"What are you doing you idiot? Jealous you couldn't get with Sammy so you're snooping around trying to ruin the rest of our nights?"
Once you fixed your jacket, you joined the two outside, "Just get out of here, Dean."
"Fine, fine, get an actual room this time," Dean ran off towards the kitchen, continuing to laugh his ass off.
You turned to Frank, tempted to continue the makeout session. But soon you heard Joey storm down the stairs, calling out for Frank. Frank sighed & headed off towards the main entrance once more. Before he could get far, you grabbed his jacket lapel, pulling him to look at you.
"No one can know that we know each other, Frank," you emphasized the name that Lambert gave him.
Frank gave you a sly smirk, "That'll be our little secret."
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joongernaut · 1 year
hands to yourself
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⇢ pairing(s): johnny suh x reader
⇢ genres: SMUT, established relationship, porn w/o plot basically
⇢ warnings: brief alcohol consumption (reader is not drunk though, everything in this is consensual!), d/s themes, public sex-ish (they don't get caught), vague humiliation kink, some crying, vague brat taming, light degradation, physical restraint, vaginal fingering, oral sex, mouth/throat fucking, dry humping, cumshot
⇢ word count: 3690
⇢ author's note: omg it's been a while since i've wrote for johnny, my beloved. i've actually been sitting on this until i had enough time to re-read and edit and finally wrote out the ending and i like how it came out!🫰🏾 (the way it was supposed to be less than 3k words but whatever moving on-) btw the title is based off the song "hands to yourself" by kyle dion!
The sight in front of you could be described in many ways. But your personal favorite collection of words (you thought it up as you watched your boyfriend get dressed) would have to be ‘temptation on legs’.
You were meeting up with a couple of friends at a casual bar and dance club for the evening and to say that Johnny looked as good as sin would be an absolute understatement.
He always looked good. Johnny was a very handsome man after all, and kept himself properly groomed. But seeing him right now, dressed down in a simple black t-shirt and dark blue jeans with his hair slicked back and his face bare of any makeup, you really couldn't help but marvel at how he could make such a simple style look so put-together and sexy.
Of course, your staring didn't go unnoticed.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Johnny questioned, peeking at you from the corner of his eye as he adjusted and tightened the belt around his waist.
He could feel the heat of your gaze on him as he moved around his bedroom to make sure he was ready for tonight. And when he turned his head towards you as you sat atop your shared bed, there you were with a smirk on your face as you blatantly checked him out.
“Like what?” You asked, one leg crossing over the other as you tilted your head to the side innocently. The movement was minuscule, your dress already being on the shorter side so it couldn't have gone up much more, but Johnny’s eyes flickered down at the exposed skin nonetheless before meeting your stare again.
The smirk on your face only widened.
“Like you’re plotting on me.” Johnny replied with a chuckle, turning his attention away from you (much to your dismay) so he could slip his shoes on.
You hummed in response, your lips forming a pout as you looked up towards the ceiling in thought. “And If I said I was…?” Your leg bounced a bit, your eyes looking back down to roam the expanse of Johnny’s broad back and shoulders as he knelt down to tie his shoe laces.
It’s a sight you're used to seeing in a far more intimate state and your thoughts began to wander a bit.
Only a few hours ago, you were clutching onto those same shoulders to keep yourself grounded as Johnny’s lips grazed the most sensitive parts of your body. Your nails dug into the skin of his back as he held you close to his bare chest, almost gently. It was a major contrast from the way his hips met your own, pistoning in and out of your clenching hole to get you to your peak as fast as he could.
Needless to say, it was probably one of your quickest ‘quickie-before-we-leave-the-house’ to date.
“C’mon, I already know what you’re thinking and no,” Johnny spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts and you finally noticed his presence standing by the bed now, “We gotta go. You can wait until we get back.” He added, cupping the side of your face as his thumb brushed along the apple of your cheek softly.
You narrowed your eyes at him with a pout, hating how he could tell exactly what you were thinking, and he scoffed at the expression before leaning down to kiss it off of your face. “Behave.”
You definitely did not heed Johnny’s warning (not that you took it seriously to begin with) but it was all a part of your plan.
It first started when you had both got into the car.
Johnny was more than okay with being the designated driver between you two for the night so he got into the driver’s seat and made his way to the location of the bar that Mark had sent through text. Only a 13 minute drive, less if there wasn't any traffic or road construction to prolong it.
The first couple of minutes of the car ride went by with the sound of music filling the space as Johnny gave you full reign of the aux cord. Usually you would take this privilege very seriously and curate a particular vibe with your song selections but, with something else in mind, you decided to go with the first random playlist you saw.
Johnny thought nothing of the groovy, sensual song playing at the moment as he hummed along to it. He didn't mind the way your hand had gingerly placed itself on his knee as he steered the wheel. He didn't even budge when you gave the area a small squeeze, an action he would do in your place as well with no sexual undertone to it.
Except your intentions rang clear once your hand slowly traveled upward from Johnny's knee to the inside of his thigh before settling between his legs.
Johnny shot you an almost incredulous look before averting his eyes back to the road quickly. “Didn't I tell you to behave?” He questioned as he adjusted his hold on the wheel. His grip seemed to tighten as he felt your fingertips lightly graze the crotch of his jeans, playing with the zipper idly.
“Yeah, you did but…” You trailed off as you attempted to tug the zipper down, feeling the slight strain of Johnny’s dick against the fabric of his jeans as he started to get a little hard. “Technically, I never agreed to anything.” You watched as his jaw slightly slackened then clenched a second later as you started to drag the zipper down.
You could tell from the action that he was conflicted, thinking about whether to let you continue or not and you almost thought you had won when Johnny allowed you to bring his zipper all the way down.
Before you could make it to the button of his jeans to undo it, however, you were stopped from going any further as he wrapped a hand around your wrist gently and placed it over your lap. “You’re insatiable,” Johnny huffed out with a shake of his head, fixing his pants with one hand before averting his attention back to the road, “Patience, Y/N. Or else.”
You let out a huff of your own before turning your attention back to your phone, swallowing down the taste of defeat yet again.
That had technically been your second warning.
You relented your advances in the car (not without a bratty remark here and there that only amused Johnny further) and made it to the bar without any other incident. You were ‘good’ for the remainder of the drive there.
Now inside of the club was a different story.
Finding Mark was rather easy despite his horrible directions and clear lack of knowledge of the layout of the club, quickly being spotted at the end of the bar on the other side of the room with the rest of the guys. Already having a few shots waiting for you two to arrive you decided to catch up with a couple of your own before attaching yourself to Johnny’s arm.
“I wanna dance.” You said into his ear over the booming music after 30 minutes or so of conversation. Some of the other guys had the same idea as they started to disperse into the crowd with plans of meeting back up within the hour.
“Lead the way, baby.” Johnny said as he looked down at you with a smile, allowing you to tug him by the bicep to the dance floor where the real fun would start.
As soon as you got within the mix of people crowding the dance floor, you turned until your back was pressed flush against Johnny’s chest as he placed his hands gingerly onto your hips.
Nothing out of the ordinary, plenty of the other club-goers were dancing in similar positions and moving along to the music all seemingly in their own little worlds.
It wasn't lost on Johnny that you would be more bold with your touchiness, taking into consideration the nature of your dancing. So, when your arms came up behind you so you could place your hands on the back of his neck as you pressed your ass against him firmly, he simply tightened his hold on your hips and began to sway with your movements.
You circled your hips, he followed. You bent over slightly with an arch in your back, he followed. You ground against him, he ground back. At this point, you were only riling yourself up more the longer you two danced and teased each other. But at least you weren't the only one affected by it.
“Keep it up, baby,” Johnny whispered, his voice going down an octave as he breathed into your ear huskily, “And I promise we won’t make it home.”
A shiver went down your spine at the implication of his words. And then you realized, with satisfaction, that you had him right where you wanted him.
You detached your hands from the back of Johnny’s neck before going to his hands that were still situated on your hips, grasping them as you guided his touch from your sides to the front of your skirt.
Almost in slow motion, you moved his hands down until they reached the bottom of the material where the skirt stopped and your supple thighs began. You crooked your neck back and to the side to get a good look at your boyfriend, meeting his intense stare as you shot him a lazy smirk. “Promise?” You purred, leading his hands between your legs while causing the skirt to inch higher up the closer he got to your center.
Johnny’s eyes flickered around the two of you. This section of the dance floor, much like the rest of the club, had been rather dark despite the dim strobe lights overhead. You were pretty much surrounded by people but they were still unaware of your existence or at least didn't care enough to pay attention to what you were doing.
Yet the mere thought of you so willing and ready to nearly expose yourself, the possibility of people nearby catching you just so Johnny would touch you and feel just how needy you were, made him seethe in anger while simultaneously stirring his cock awake.
It only took a matter of seconds for Johnny to free his hands from you, turning you around to face him with a familiar glint in his eye. “We’re leaving.” He said plainly, the underlying tone in his voice leaving no room for discussion or argument.
That didn't mean you wouldn't retort back, though.
“But we literally just got here,” You pointed out, trying to bite back a smile as Johnny’s eyes narrowed down at you dangerously. “Oh, what? You can't wait?” You taunted him further, knowingly provoking him to react the way you wanted him to.
“Do you really wanna do that? Because I can tell you right now that as soon as we step out of this club, you're gonna get it.” Johnny said, taking a step closer to stare down at you and the action made you a bit nervous as he now towered over you. It reminded you of how easy it was for him to slip into that intimidating role and you couldn't help but feel turned on by it.
“Then let's go.”
Safe to say, no more warnings were going to be given to you. Johnny made it clear that you were to behave yourself and you would get what you wanted, exactly how you wanted it when you got home at the end of the night.
But you didn't listen. And now you were being punished.
The muscles in your arms started to burn the longer Johnny held them above your head with one of his hands, a tight grip around both of your wrists pressing them into the brick wall of the alleyway outside of the club’s back exit. People rarely used it in favor of the front exit or the one at the side and, thankfully, no security was out and about since they were needed more at the entrance and inside of the actual club.
Johnny’s other hand had been between your legs, two fingers deep inside of your pussy at a complete standstill as his thumb idly played with your clit. Every pass over the sensitive bud made you clench around him and squirm, straining against the hold he had on you. It had been well over 20 minutes by now that he had you in this position and you didn't know what ached more, your arms or your core.
“John-Johnny, please–” You tried to speak, only to earn a harsh press against your clit as he cruelly curled his fingers. Johnny found your sweet spot with ease and you gasped at the amount of pressure he applied to it as his thumb began to move over your clit at a quick pace. “Johnny, please what?” He said mockingly, leaning into your face to brush his lips against yours but not enough to kiss you. You whined when he pulled away, chuckling darkly as his fingers started to pump into you unexpectedly fast.
You couldn't help the involuntary movement of your hips as you attempted to fuck yourself on his fingers despite feeling like you wanted to move away with how on edge and overstimulated you were. You could feel the coil in your stomach tightening fast from being edged so slowly up until this point. As your orgasm approached closer, you started to babble incoherently.
“You’re gonna make me cum, you’re gonna make me cum! Please, please– fuck!” You nearly screamed out loud when Johnny abruptly took his fingers out of you leaving you empty and your hole clenching around nothing. Your body shook at being edged so close to release once again, the feeling of your orgasm starting to fizzle out enough to make your eyes tear up.
“You didn't listen to me. Why should I listen to you?” Johnny questioned with a quirk of his eyebrow. Your chest heaved slightly as you attempted to slow your breathing, inhaling shakily as Johnny’s fingers slid through your soaked folds with a featherlight touch. It simply wasn't enough.
“M’sorry, okay? Sorry! P-please, I’ll do a-anything!” You pleaded, a few tears slipping from the corners of your eyes. Johnny cooed at this as he wiped away the thin, wet streaks off your cheeks with his thumbs before wiping the saltiness on his tongue. “Anything?” Johnny hummed, looking down at you in mild curiosity.
Without thinking, and much to Johnny’s surprise, you started to lower yourself as much as you could with his hold still locked around your wrists. Your back slid against layers of the brick wall until you were crouched down at an angle that would surely leave your knees feeling some type of way tomorrow.
“Y/N, you really don't have to–”
“I want to. I want it. Please.”
And despite his hesitance at first, paired with the reminder that you hadn't really drank enough to get drunk and were at most a little bit tipsy, Johnny was quick to cave in.
He went to let go of both of your wrists briefly so he could undo his pants until you reached out to stop him. “Can we… stay in the position we were in before?” You mumbled softly, face warming up as he stared down at you. “Ah,” Johnny mused out as he carefully looked over your face before a smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth, “You want me to use your mouth, baby? I can do that.”
You let out a small whimper at his words and he re-pinned your wrists with one hand this time as his other started to undo the button of his jeans and unzip them. Johnny pushed them down along with his boxers enough to free his dick from its confines, the articles of clothing bunching up around his taut upper thighs and cupping his balls.
Your thighs squeezed together as your eyes flickered from the sight in front of you up to Johnny as he used his free hand to stroke himself a few times. “Tap me if you need to breathe or need me to stop.” He grunted, bringing his leaking tip to your lips as he lightly smacked your bottom lip with it to get your mouth to open up.
Immediately, your jaw slackened as your tongue lolled out and Johnny wasted no time in sliding himself in. With the slight force of his thrust, the back of your head was now pressed against the brick wall rendering you nearly immobile as Johnny began to fuck your mouth earnestly. “You always get what you want in the end, huh? Little brat.” He laughed breathlessly then groaned out when you moaned around him, sending vibrations through his cock.
Every part of your body felt tense and like it was on fire. From your arms being held up for so long and the crouched position you were in to the stretch of your mouth from the girth of Johnny being stuffed inside of your mouth, your body felt as if it were being pushed to its limit (even though that wasn't entirely the case).
But it felt so good. The deeper he lodged himself, almost hitting the back of your throat and making you gag slightly, the fuzzier your head got. You tried to widen your mouth a bit to fit more of Johnny inside as you mindlessly started to lick the underside of his cock. The shaky breath he let out only fueled you further and you started to bob your head along with his thrusts despite the gagging.
“Fuck, that’s good. You’re doing so good for me.” Johnny praised earning another moan from you, muffled by his ministrations. You wanted to rub your thighs together to alleviate some of the aching between your legs but with the position you were in it was almost impossible to do it by yourself.
Johnny seemed to notice your predicament, feeling your whimpers around him as your thighs shifted to get any angle that would help. He moved his leg forward until it was lodged between your thighs, up under your slightly raised skirt, and pressed right up against your core making you jolt.
“I shouldn't even be doing this since this should be a punishment,” Johnny huffed, the feeling of your panties damp under your skirt against his leg and more than likely sticking to your lower lips making his cock twitch, “But if you’re gonna get off, this is the only way I’ll allow you to do it.”
A surge of heat ran throughout your entire body, a twinge of embarrassment at essentially being told to grind against the man’s leg like some kind of dog in heat. But more than anything, you felt increasingly turned on by the degrading treatment. It was something you would store in the back of your mind to talk to Johnny about later.
As for right now, you adjusted yourself to get a good angle for your clit to get the right amount of friction before moving your hips forward at an unsteady yet decent pace. Johnny started to thrust into your mouth again at the same time as you began to hump his leg with more vigor.
“That’s it, baby, make yourself feel good.” Johnny moaned lowly, the sight below him only bringing him closer to his release as his thrusts became sloppier. Your jaw was a little more than aching now but you wanted to power through it, bobbing your head again while the movement of your hips grew faster.
“Almost there. God, fuck, your mouth… I’m close,” Johnny’s grip around your wrists tightened as a particularly hard thrust made you gag, constricting your throat around him briefly. It was enough to send him over the edge though as he pulled out of your mouth quickly before jerking himself off, only a few tugs of his cock being needed before white ropes covered the lower half of your face and chin.
You shuddered as your own orgasm ripped through you, thighs clamping around Johnny’s leg to ride the rest of your high out for a few seconds until you were sure you’d go into the painful side of overstimulation.
You would have slumped forward onto your knees from the overexertion of your muscles if it weren't for Johnny standing in front of you. He had let go of your wrists finally, rubbing them gently as he helped you up from your position against the wall on wobbly legs. “You alright?” He questioned as he watched you stretch your arms and legs, cracking a few bones, before nodding with a lop-sided smile.
Johnny smiled back lovingly, cupping your cheeks as he looked into your eyes and then scanned over your face taking in the mess he had made. His finger ran through and wiped the remnants of his cum off of your skin, collecting it all before pressing the digit to your lips. You opened your mouth to allow him to press it down onto your tongue before sucking it clean and as you were about to swallow, he pressed his lips against yours and snaked his tongue inside for a messy kiss.
“We’re still going home, right?” You asked with a wiggle of your eyebrow once he detached from your lips, earning a sigh from the man as he adjusted his pants and fixed himself. “Yes, we’re still going home, I’ll text Mark and let him know,” Johnny said as his arm wrapped around your waist, preparing mentally for the complaints that he’d get once the message would be sent. “I need to invest in some handcuffs for you, I swear. These hands get you in trouble more often than not.”
A wide grin spread across your face as you leaned into Johnny’s side, leading the two of you down and out of the alleyway. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
wasted + rooster please! congratulations 💝
golden hour
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pairing- rooster x afab reader
warnings- 18+, unprotected piv, slight dumbification/degradation, light d/s, dom bradley, mention of oral (f receiving), completely unedited
length- 1.2k
an- thank you so much love!!! for the prompt "i know baby, i know" & many apologies for the wait on these celly requests. this was written in like....20 minutes. i have no idea if it's good or not
edit- realizing the next morning whatever took over my brain to write this was clearly inspired by @gretagerwigsmuse and the bradley & smart aleck cinematic universe (pls go read that it’s way better than this)
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You don’t know how you ended up here. Mere hours ago, you were seconds away from killing Abby for making you go to the Hard Deck. Military bars all have the same kind of guy.
Now, your brain is melting out of your ears as you attempt to take in the gorgeous man above you, his sharp features glowing in the setting sun that filters through his salt-stained windows.
“Fuck,” Bradley groans from where he’s doing his best to bend you in half. “Feel so good, like you were made for me.”
That’s hot, your brain supplies as your eyes catch his biceps bulging where they bracket your head laid out on his pillow.
Shut up, you tell it, trying to keep some semblance of dignity in the face of having gone home with the exact kind of guy you swore you wouldn’t give the time of day.
You were excited when he first set down a fresh Jack and Coke for you at the bar, thinking this mustached man’s worn Hawaiian shirt equaled local instead of infantry. Unfortunately, his friends in khaki who kept trying to get Rooster’s attention quickly proved your instincts wrong.
It would’ve been easier not to end up in his bed if he didn’t look the way he does, brown puppy dog eyes so earnest and kind. If he hadn’t mentioned how much he loves to play Wordle, if his friends hadn't tried to coax him to the piano at least three times while you were there.
(If his arms weren’t threatening to break out of that old Hawaiian shirt.)
Your self-respect is getting shot to hell the longer you babble incoherent nonsense, breaking your gaze from his tan skin as your head lolls to the side, eyes going hazy and unfocused. He pulls all the way out to thrust back in again, slow and teasing, enough to bring you towards the edge again but not tip you over.
You know you’re whining, high-pitched and reedy, but you can’t find the wherewithal the stop any noises from tearing their way out of your throat.
It takes a Herculean effort to move your hands to his neck, tangling in those brown curls, wrapping your legs tight around his hips in an effort to ask for more, something your lips just can’t form right now.
Bradley grins, the edges a little sharp, a little mean as your pathetic whines must have gotten the message across. “Greedy little thing, aren’t you? Made you cum on my tongue and now you want more? Clench that tight cunt around my cock?”
Nodding desperately, you're feeling unhinged, your head bobbing up and down like a bobblehead. When you finally make yourself form actual words, your voice is wrecked. “Please – I need – ”
He catches your lips in a filthy kiss as those skillful fingers make their way down to your clit, stroking in strong, decisive circles. “I know baby, I know.”
Bradley speeds up and you get even louder, throat straining with the mewls leaving your lips.
“Cum for me,” he murmurs against your lips, cock hitting you just right on every thrust.
Your climax snaps through you almost immediately at his command, your back arching up into him and bringing him over the edge with you.
You leave the next morning before he wakes up. You can’t help it.
Sure, he’s hot, but you’re not actually going to date this guy. You just had a momentary lapse in judgment after seeing his deft fingers fly over piano keys, singing his heart out and so fully into the performance you thought the vein in his neck might burst. It was oddly endearing.
Every girl is a sucker for a guy who can sing. Serenades make logic and reasoning fly out the window. It’s totally not your fault.
So, it stands to reason that you nearly knock him down walking into the grocery store later that day. Because that’s the kind of fuck you the universe always has in mind for you.
“Hey,” Roos—no, Bradley, smiles, easy like you didn’t sneak out of his house without a second glance mere hours ago. He takes a look at the cold water bottle you have resting against your forehead, barely holding back his amusement. “Rough night?”
You want to glower at him but it’s hard to be mad at someone that looks like that under fluorescent lighting, turning away instead so you don’t have to stare at his unfairly beautiful face and remember what that ridiculous mustache feels like between your thighs. “Shut up.”
“I think you’re limping a little bit,” Bradley mock whispers as he follows you down the chips aisle.
He sounds way too proud of himself. You flip him off and he laughs, musical and happy despite the awkward circumstances. You can’t decide if you want to punch him or kiss him.
You and Bradley start talking at the same time, words rushed and overlapping.
“You snuck out before I got a chance to ask – ”
“Bradley, you seem like a nice guy, but I – ”
A tan arm reaches across you for a bag of salt and vinegar Lays and tossing them into his basket on the floor after you both fall silent. “You don’t like military guys.”
You freeze, mouth gaping open like a fish.
He shrugs. “It was pretty obvious last night.”
“I – yeah, I don’t – ” you stutter before pausing for a deep breath. “Not sure we’re a good fit, is all.”
Bradley nods. “I get it. I had fun with you though, and not just at my house. If you're willing to reconsider, I’d like to think I’m much more than my job.”
You purse your lips, wondering if your brain is actually broken as you consider taking him up his offer. He must catch on to your deliberation because he takes a step closer to you, big hand settling against your waist slow and gentle, giving you plenty of time to step away. Your feet are glued to the floor as you try not to sway into him and get lost in the spicy scent lingering on his tan skin.
“Breakfast,” he suggests when a few moments pass without you answering.
“It’s four p.m.,” you say warily.
He scrunches his nose like that’s inconsequential. “I’ll cook.”
“You know how to cook?”
He shoots you a withering glare and you smirk, pleased to have made him feel as wrong-footed as you’ve felt since he sat down across from you yesterday.
“Do you remember where my house is, or did you sprint out too quickly to notice?”
“I don’t remember saying yes.”
“You strike me as the kind of girl that isn’t afraid to tell me to fuck off.”
He gestures at the lack of space between you with his free hand, where your body has betrayed you by leaning into his warmth. “This doesn’t feel like you telling me to go to hell.”
“It’s not,” you sigh, mouth twitching up at the corners despite your best efforts as you shove your basket into his hands. “Put my groceries on Uncle Sam’s bill.”
Bradley practically beams at that. “Of course. But you’ll have to come over to my place to get them, can’t have you sneaking off before I get a chance to play some Righteous Brothers for you.”
The picture that paints for you makes you want to melt. You’re fucked.
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tokischaaaaa · 1 month
hamzah smut inspired by a tokischa song 🙈
WHEN I TELL YOU I GASPED! i love u so much anonymous 🫡🫡🫡, litterly ilysm 💋 this is like my 2 worlds colliding <33
delincuente 😈
!hamzah x !latina reader
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notes: translation will be in bold, not everything translated sry: also sry if i missed some words 🥲
warnings: SMUT, vulgar language too
word count: 2.4k
hamzah had just locked the door of his airbnb, he was currently in the dominican republic for a very much needed vacation… alone! normally he’d travel with martin and his family however, hamzah knew that with the stress of longer editing sessions and less sleep he needed a break.
as hamzah was walking outside he saw a girl riding the back of a motorcycle, she didn’t have a helmet on, but her expression was full of sin.
she licked her lips as she made eye contact with hamzah. as she climbed off of the motorcycle, keeping eye contact with hamzah, she signals him to follow her.
he nods following her into a building with a neon sign that read , ‘teteo vibras’. hamzah quickly looked up to look at the sign, took a deep breath then walked inside.
as he walked inside he was greeted by the strong smell of hookah smoke and rum and sweat. as he started his search for the woman on the motorcycle he looked for the bar, he needed something to help him calm this sudden change in cienary.
he looked at the bartender and pointed to the bacardi bottle laying on the top shelf, the bartender nodded and grabbed a glass for hamzah.
hamzah turned around to get a look into what he just got himself into, as he sees women grinding on men, lots of dancing, making out, he sees her.
the spotlight is flashing on her, she feels his eyes piercing through her. she has her arms draped around a guy, slowly moving her hips. she looks up to see hamzahs eyes, she smirks, knowing he’s fuming inside.
hamzah feels a tap on his shoulder, the bar tender hands him the rum. hamzah nods as takes it all in at once. he starts to approach her, not understanding why, but knowing that he has to.
as he gets closer to her there’s a change in the music, the dj yells into the mic,
“quien está listo para perreo! manas busca un hombre para celebrar! viva teteo! viva las putas!”
—>who’s ready for the grinding! ladies look for a guy to celebrate with! long live partying! long live the whores!
as he finishes talking the base of the following song is making the whole place vibrate, hamzah is taken aback, wondering what’s happening.
y/n finds him and puts her arms around his neck, “i was looking for you papi,” she says in her thick dominican accent.
hamzah looks at her, still overwhelmed. she sighs and places her lips onto his, biting his lip as she lets go.
she scoots slowly closer to his groin, and begins to move her hips to the pace of the fast reggaeton song playing.
hamzahs senses are back on, he looks down and catches a glimpse of y/n smirking at him.
the dj yells, “estás lista para perrera esta noche?”
—>are you ready to grind tonight?
y/n woos, and looks back at hamzah with a smirk. he’s dead silent, his eyes are dark.
he grips onto the back of y/n’s neck, a moan is eealesed from her mouth, loud enough for y/n and hamzah to hear.
she lowly bends down and begins to grind on hamzahs manhood, the only thing blocking hamzah from getting the full feel was his pants.
however, he’s absolutely taken aback from y/n’s movement and pace, he places his hands around her hips and she keeps swaying her hips on him.
she starts to increase his pace, she receives a smack to the ass.
“pórtate bien mami”
—> behave mami
hamzah says in a husky voice.
y/n felt a rush of a familiar wet feeling, she wanted his nasty his pent up anger. she kept going faster, hamzah turned her around and puts his arms around her waist and neck and kisses her deeply, while occasionally marking her neck.
she’s shocked but dives deeper into the kiss, her hands exploring his back and pulling him in closer as they kiss.
she’s shocked when she feels a so familiar feeling against her heat, she begins to move her hips against hamzahs leg, she wants to continue, wants to feel him all over her, but she knows he’s different they any other caballero en la bloque, she wants to treat him better.
as the song is finishing, y/n breaks the make out sesh and looks at him,
“ven comigo , quiero darte un regalo”
—> come with me, i want to give you a gift
she whispers in his ear.
at this point, he’s absolutely under her trance, he doesn’t understand exactly what she just said but he nods and replies in a raspy voice
‘si mami,’
she grabs his hand and leads him to the street outside the club, she leads him to behind the club, to a door, to a street, then to the opening of another door. before she can open that door she grabs hamzahs chin and tells him
‘estamos aquí amor,’
—> we’re here my love
‘vamos’ he winks
—> let’s go
‘espero, no hagamos mucha bulla que mi hermano no sospeche.’
wait, don’t make much noise so my brother doesn’t suspect us.
she says holding her finger to her mouth, so he gets the message without having to use google translate.
he nods quickly and lifts her so her legs are around his torso, as they enter the house she points quickly to her bedroom.
‘encima el gavetero te tengo un condón’
on top of the cabinet i have a condon
she says pointing to the top of her drawer, he nods.
he lays her on the bed, as he is about to take off his pants, she touches his chest and slows him down. she gently pulls down the zipper of his jeans and see’s his manhood already visible in his boxers.
hamzah’s heart pounded as she unzipped his jeans with deliberate slowness, her fingers brushing against him with a feather-light touch that sent jolts of electricity through his body. she paused for a moment, looking up at him with a knowing smile, her eyes dark and intense.
she slipped her hand inside his boxers, feeling the heat radiating from him. hamzah’s breath hitched as she touched him, her fingers exploring with a delicate yet confident touch. the air between them was thick with anticipation, the tension building with every second.
there was a strong attraction in the way they looked at each other, a quiet understanding that tonight was theirs to share. the world outside faded, leaving just the two of them in this perfect, fleeting moment.
as y/n reached out to let hamzah’s manhood out, her fingers brushed against hamzah’s chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her touch. he smiled, a quick, almost flirty smile that made her heart flutter. it wasn’t just the physical attraction that drew them together, but the way they knew they were both from 2 different worlds and became just one world once they were together. almost as if, they were always meant to find each other on this night.
y/n lowered her head towards hamzahs lower torso. as she looked up at him before comiéndolo, his eyes were full of urgency and need.
that was her green light, she began giving his tip little kisses, each kiss going deeper and deeper, and swallowing more into her mouth.
hamzah was trying to keep quiet but it was so hard, he reached down and started pushing y/n’s hair back.
that took her by surprise, since during times like these her partner wouldn’t accompany her or help her.
he continued to push her hair back and gently caress her head, bending his neck to give her gentle kisses while restrained moans escaped his lips.
y/n decided to take him all in, and started going at a faster pace without breaks.
“ahh fuck,” he hissed throwing his head back. he gripped onto the back of y/n’s neck and gripped tighter.
“estoy close” hamzah groaned.
y/n looked at him and her eyes closed but quickly opened as she heard a creak on the floor.
she quickly took him out of her mouth and grabbed his manhood to lead him to the closet,
“my brother, he out.” she whispered.
“métemelo hasta dentro del clóset” she added
hamzah groaned due to not understanding what was the last thing she said. but was quickly shut up by the feeling of his manhood being inserted into a warm embrace.
a loud gasp escaped hamzahs mouth, y/n pinched him.
“i says put it in my in the closet,” she reminds him.
“oh, i see.” hamzah hums, getting used to this feeling.
y/n tries to peak outside the closet but starts to hold tightly onto the door as hamzah starts to push into her.
before a moan can come out of y//n’a mouth, hamzahs hand is across her mouth.
“shhh,” he says into her ear.
right there she folded, she felt her self become wetter.
“sigue,” she cries as his manhood pushes deeper into her.
he smiles and starts moving back in forth inside of her, he places his hands around her hips, hugging her from the back. giving her kisses on her neck, y/n is now the one being teased.
she isn’t used to this, not use to this kind of equal pleasure, she knows he’s diffrent, he’s good, but he’s too good. she can’t help but get into her head when it comes to someone so kind.
“que pasó?” he says in an obvious canadian accent, he can pick up on that she’s not moaning anymore.
“tu, tu eres perfecto.” she whispers as a tear falls onto her cheek.
“and you too. what happened?” he says slowing down his pace.
“keep going.” she orders.
“it’s that your so sweet and amable pero soy delincuente.” she moans.
he’s puzzled but his questions are being blocked by his anticipation of releasing into y/n.
“como así?” he manages to say. trying to ignore the fact that he may come inside a complete stranger tonight, inside of a closet.
“soy mala, mala para ti, tú eres inocente.” she cries as hamzahs grip tightens on her waist as he’s close to his climax.
“come inside me, pones a hacer delincuente conmigo.” she moans biting her lip.
that’s what hamzah needed to hear before he came inside of her. soon, her legs became weak. she tapped the closet door and opened it.
hamzah grabbed her hand and slowly led her to the bed. she immediately crashed onto the bed, fighting sleep, she turned to hamzah and stroked his chin.
“you’re very sweet.” she grinned with her eyes closed.
“yeah and your very feisty.” he yawned.
she snickered, “de verdad, pero id stop for you. tu eres raro.” she admitted looking up at the ceiling.
“raro? means rare?” hamzah asked turning to see her yawn.
“no, means strange, but you’re a good strange. there’s a pull that brings me to you.” she admitted, using one of her hands to play with his curls.
“so i’m like an alien?” he chuckled.
“no like someone i like, but know that it’s estrange to want.” she said as she released a breath she didn’t know she was holding back.
“i see.” hamzah hummed.
“i glad you see, no blind.” she grinned, and scooted closer to him.
hamzah chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead and wrapped his toned arms around her.
for the first time in a very long time, y/n felt butterflies as he did that. it was the small gesture that this gringo did that none of the caballeros in dr did when they fucked her or after the fact.
she would never bring someone back to her house, especially a house that wasn’t even hers. she put herself in danger, and aswel as this stranger just for a fuck.
“como te llamas?” she whispered.
“hamzah, y tu?”
“bueno para conocerte.”
hamzah gave her a deep kiss on her lips in response, they soon dozed off, each others arms wrapped around the others body.
“hamzah levantaste! mi brother coming soon!” y/n said as she shook hamzah awake.
“why what happened?” he groaned.
“my brother no like me to bring people. especially hombres, you have to leave.” she said handing him his clothes.
he got up from her bed and started to put on his clothes but was stopped before she took one of his hands and kissed it and placed paper in his hand.
“some plata so you can get a cab back.” she smiled.
“muchas gracias y/n.” he said slipping his shoes on.
as she walked him towards the back door hamzah stopped before he exited her home.
“how will i talk to you again.” he asked looking at her.
her head fell down, not wanting him to see her red nose. “no puedo, soy delincuente, y de R.D. mi amor no soy bien para ti.” she said as her breath hitched.
“lo siento.” she said as hamzah stayed quiet.
“so that’s it? no contact, nada?” he asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.
“nada, its for your best mi amor.” she said as she went on her tip toes to kiss him.
her hand laid on his jawline, he grabbed her hand and held it close to his heart and kissed it.
“i’ll find you.” he said under his breath.
“adios entonces.” he said slowly letting go of her hand.
“adios ángel.” she smiled looking up at him , her tears were dried but left a mark on her cheeks.
hamzahs heart sunk, as he wanted to hold her close and tell her it would be better, even though he didn’t know if it was going to be better, she inched backwards.
“you need to go hamzah.” she ordered as her voice cracked.
he looked at her one more time and walked away.
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—- 2 weeks later —-
y/n and her friend were on the top of an abandoned building, sipping on rum to pass the time.
“porque estas tan triste niña?” y/n’s friend asked her.
why are you sad girl
“me extrañó un gringo.” y/n admitted.
i miss my american
“entonces, habla con el. tú sabes inglés.” her friend laughed.
then talk to him. you know english.
“si, pero soy mala, el erraba tan innocente y amable. yo soy maldita delincuente.” y/n said as her throat felt tight.
yea, but i’m bad, he was so innocent and loving. i am a motherfucking delinquent .
“eso es verdad, pero tú puedes cambiar tu futuro. y entonces hablar con el.” her friend said rubbing her back. both girls sat close together with a connected hand, they both had been raised in the streets, with the only work being dark and not the smartest.
but as time came, y/n’s friend knew y/n would grow out of this lifestyle and find something smarter and better to do than live then die in the streets.
that’s true, but you can change your future. and then talk with him.
“te amo adrianna,” y/n said to her friend.
i love you adrianna
“y yo te quiero también, ahora busca esa gringo.” adriana smiled.
and i love you too, now go find that american
hola amor
-incoming facetime from hamzahthefantastic-
accept or decline
accepted ✔️
tokischaaa speaks: i fucking love this request with all my heart omg 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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adventuresofmelody · 6 months
Ok. So I have decided to share with y’all, the first chapter of the novel I’m writing! I’ve been working on it for 5 years, and after an excessive editing process I’m fairly pleased with it. Let me know, if you happen to read it, what you think though please.
Without further ado, The Fallen’s Outcry, Chapter 1
One man that people should not test above most else is the devil. That’s something we’ve been taught for as long as the devil existed. However, there are a select few that could test the devil and live to tell the tale. One who held the man’s respect. One who held the man’s fear. Or one who held the man’s heart. Few held his respect. Fewer still held his fear. But there was only one, who held his heart. After multiple lifetimes without the love of his being, Lucifer was finally reunited with Morgana, the only woman who had ever wormed her way into his heart. He hadn’t admitted it in her absence, but he had missed her greatly, more so than he had originally thought. He missed her eyes, and they way they’d sparkle when she laughed. He missed her voice, the way it seemed to soothe every ache in his soul. He missed her touch, the way it seemed to immediately calm him and bring him joy. However, since her return from the realm of purgatory, that cold, dulled place where it felt worse than the fires of hell themselves in Lucifer’s humble opinion, she had changed. Gone was that sparkle in her eye, replaced with hard determination. Gone was the soothing cadence in her voice, replaced with an almost raw grit that panged him every time he heard it. And gone was her calming touch, replaced by an absence of which he was unfamiliar with. He called it an adjustment period. She just needed time. Time to get used to things like warmth, color, and actual food. She would return to him. She had to. She was home now.
Lucifer took pride in three things: One, his ability to remain calm. Two, his ability to keep a clean dwelling. And three, his ability to enjoy a good drink. After being awake for a total of one week, Morgana was testing his ability to do all three things. After a reunion that was worthy of being written in the stars, she delivered a swift kiss to his cheek and disappeared into his study, where she tore through his library with reckless abandon. She ripped books from shelves and tore pages out of tomes older than she was. She knocked down shelves, overturned tables. It was as though she was trying to find a sewing pin amongst the heaviest and thickest books in his collection. It took him three days to clean up that mess.
After that, she went into a rage, refusing to assist him in his work or even partake in pleasant conversation. She went on about the fact that her confinement wasn’t fair, that them being placed in hell wasn’t fair. Nothing was fair. She raged about how unjust the system was, and how rigged He had made things after the fall. How deities were given fates worse than death and how the demons in Lucifer’s realm were looked at as second class citizens, while angels could roam the cosmos, going wherever they pleased with nary a system for checking their whereabouts. Lucifer took it in stride, meeting all her complaints with a cool comment and a glass of wine. That is, until the day that she threw his favorite bottle of whiskey into the fireplace. That was the day he lost his cool.
“Alcohol does not grow on trees down here.” He seethed, glaring at the fireplace with an almost pouty scowl. Morgana immediately softened, recognizing that she had gone a step too far.
“I am just frustrated.” She answered, her voice softer than he had heard in a while. However, it still held that edge, that grit. And that kept his ire firmly in place.
“Yes.” He paced in front of the fire. “And your frustration is leaking over onto me.”
“My love, you cannot blame me.” She started, moving over to Lucifer’s expansive bar. He watched her as he paced and tried to calm himself. Deep breath in, deep breath out. She tinkered, pouring a bit of this and a bit of that into a glass, shaking it almost expertly before pouring it into a glass. Huh, a martini. He hadn’t had one of those in a while. He kept up his breathing, feeling a little more calm now. She brought it to him as he stopped pacing, his fingers brushing hers as he took the glass from her grasp. He smirked as a light blush covered her cheeks, pleased with himself that he could still cause a reaction from her other than anger after all this time. Morgana sighed, the sound seeming to deflate her frail body.
“There has to be something we can do.” She mused. He took a sip of the martini and fought not to make a face. It had been a long time since he had tasted a drink that was not in some form or fashion whiskey. But that jarring taste was enough for him to feel the remaining anger draining away from himself. Finally, he was calm again. He watched Morgana as her eyes darted sharply, as though she was hearing things he could not. Or listening to things he couldn’t hope to. Her eyes never lost that edge of determination though. He swore she slept with that look. He took another drink and gave her his best neutral expression, despite the sympathy he couldn’t help but let into his bright blue fire eyes.
“If there was anything that could be done, I would have already looked into it.” He answered her, watching her with that casual stare as she finally sat, folding herself gracefully onto a nearby chair. Lucifer didn’t move from his spot, just watched and waited.
“I heard a rumor while I was in purgatory.” She said carefully. He raised an eyebrow, but otherwise offered no reaction.
“I imagine you heard a great many of those. Especially given my feelings for you.”
“No, you don’t understand.” She took a breath. “I heard a rumor that, if proven true, could give us our lives back.” Now that was a dangerous line of thought. Lucifer wanted to immediately shut it down, to convince her to leave it lie. She didn’t understand, having been lost before the great battle. She didn’t know what His army had done, what the fallen angels had faced. The horrors that came about before the brief respite of peace that they now all seemed to live in. He wanted to tell her right then all the dangers, all the reasons why they could not think of these things. But he didn’t want to break her completely, and he thought being exposed to the horrors that He had unleashed in the name of peace would do just that. After a great pause, he continued their conversation, trying to shut her down gently.
“Morgana, we cannot think of these things.” Lucifer told her softly, a brief shake of his head.
“I heard Gabriel say He was no longer in power.” She argued. He raised his eyebrows. When had she spoken to his brother. She shrugged at the raise of his eyebrows. Ah. She wasn’t talking about it then. Lucifer gave one curt nod, deciding to ignore that aspect of the statement entirely.
“That’s true. But He won’t be out of power forever.” Morgana stood up, as though she had been filled with renewed vigor.
“Which is why we need to act.” Lucifer sat his glass to the side, panic beginning to set in. He tried his best not to show how nervous her statements made him, tried to deescalate the situation by checking her facts.
“What makes you think these rumors you heard are true, my dear?” he asked her. She grinned eagerly at him, thinking he was interested in her rumors, her theories, her plans.
“The man who told me of this, he mentioned the Olympians.” She said. Now Lucifer was intrigued. The Olympians believed themselves to be gods, and were even worshiped for a while as such. However, at the time of the fall, they too were cast out. Some were exterminated, of course. Made an example of. But no one remained in paradise with Him. No one was spared some form of punishment. At least, no one he knew of. But while they were cast out, they were not cast down to him. They must have been given their own punishment realms. Or perhaps…Perhaps they were in purgatory with Morgana. How cruel was that, to keep the people that could for sure set free the fallen so close, and yet none of the fallen truly knew. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, was it? One clearly did. One who was still in purgatory. One who told his Morgana about this in the first place. Feigning disinterest, Lucifer picked back up his glass, taking a drink of the martini. He almost choked, having forgot for a moment what he was drinking. He really did need more variety in his alcoholic beverages. Beside him, oblivious to his struggles, Morgana nodded.
“He mentioned one Olympian in particular. Which is why my attention was caught to begin with.” She said. Lucifer leaned forward.
“Which one?”
“Zeus.” She said his name with a tone that said she knew Lucifer’s attention would be caught with this knowledge. She wasn’t wrong. He was very much interested now. Lucifer knew the location of a couple of the banished ‘gods’. He knew the fate of a few others, ones that no longer existed after the fall. But the trio that he did not know were Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. And knowledge to the location of the three of them, well. It could be powerful. He set the drink aside again, no longer interested in it.
“Who gave you this information?”
“I told you that already. A man in purgatory.”
“His name?” Lucifer could find him from here if she had his name. Names were something he was familiar with.
“No. I….I never asked. His cell was down the hall from mine.” She shifted, looking more than a little embarrassed. She no doubt knew that Lucifer dabbled in names, and that he could have easily found the man’s file had she been smart enough to take his name. Lucifer watched her, saying nothing. He couldn’t be angry at her for not asking the man’s name. She wasn’t sure she was ever getting out after all. And if that man was on the same floor as her, well. It was no wonder he never saw him. While Lucifer was granted permission to visit a few souls in purgatory, Morgana’s entire floor was off limits to him. He didn’t learn that until he was on his way to getting her back however. He shook his head, tuning himself back into the conversation as Morgana continued,
“He claimed he had been given information about the location of Poseidon by Zeus himself. Even described him to the letter.” Lucifer was definitely interested in that. More interested than he cared to admit. But he didn’t want to get Morgana excited for nothing. He looked at her, trying to study her face. Despite how much he was trying not to excite her, he could read the eagerness in her eyes.
“Can you remember the cell number you were placed in?” he asked her. She shook her head.
“The cell I was in was on a separate level. Down below. It was dark. I wasn’t…I’m still not sure….” The harsh glint in Morgana’s eyes wasn’t reflecting determination anymore, it was reflecting fear. Almost panic. Lucifer immediately felt guilty.
“That’s alright.” He answered, his tone surprisingly soft for the king of hell. He took to pacing again, not able to face her while she was in such a state, thinking a moment. He knew the area that she was speaking of, having been to purgatory many times. He wasn’t allowed to go in to that floor. He knew the barrier keeping him out was due to Morgana being in. But now that she was out…perhaps he could enter. He stopped pacing, thinking again. When had he last gone to purgatory? Had he gone since her recovery? No he hadn’t. He knew he should though. He knew he needed to go and check, needed to see for himself the state in which his love was kept for so many lifetimes worth of years. He moved over and kissed Morgana’s forehead.
“Stay here, my dearest.” He told her, walking out. Morgana moved as though she would follow him, but changed her mind, folding herself into the chair by the fire to wait. Lucifer was pleased she didn’t follow. It showed him that she trusted him to investigate. Lucifer walked down the stairs, deeper into the bowels of his domain. The heat barely phased him anymore, but he knew it was there. He could faintly hear screams from further down. He tended to ignore those. Taking a left at the base of the stairs he headed into his armory, and unsurprisingly, found his second in command down there. Raphael.
Raphael was tall, even compared to Lucifer. He had jet black hair cut fairly short on the sides, but a little longer on top. Just enough to brush his eyebrows. His eyes were deep green and almost glowed with an ethereal light that indicated he was not, nor had he ever been, human. The man wore a chain mail tank top and dark pants, the ends of which disappeared into thick black boots. He had a sleeve of tribal tattoos on his right arm, a swirling dance of ink that seemed to tell a beautiful story, even if no one but Raphael understood it. Lucifer nodded to the man, who gave a brief nod back.
“Boss.” Raphael greeted him, his voice deep and raspy from lack of use. Lucifer gave him a soft grin.
“You know as well as I do, you do not have to call me that.” He chastised him gently in response. Raphael gave a brief look before relaxing his stance a little.
“Yes, well. Old habits and all that.”
“Just because you are my younger brother, does not make you any less my brother. I don’t make the others call me by a title like boss.”
“Not even Gabriel?” Raphael flashed a teasing grin at this jab, not meaning any harm. Lucifer grinned right back, not at all bothered by the brotherly teasing.
“Gabriel, I might ask to call me boss. If I could get the stubborn man to agree to do so.” Lucifer answered. Raphael laughed, relaxing fully. He nodded in agreement. Lucifer decided to move to the armory, pulling out some basic blades and sheathes, setting them all aside. Raphael raised his eyebrows.
“Rare you decide to spar with the army.” Raphael said, not hiding his curiosity. Lucifer nodded.
“Indeed. But I am not doing that today either.”
“Those are sparing blades.” Raphael answered, stepping forward now. Lucifer almost growled aloud at his mistake. Was his mind truly that distracted? He looked at Raphael, who immediately took that step back. Lucifer sighed.
“Forgive my attitude.” He said, gesturing towards the cabinet of blades. “If you please?” It was rare Lucifer asked for help. Raphael came over and carefully removed the blades that Lucifer had picked from the table, putting them back slowly. Almost as if he were afraid of retaliation. Lucifer merely watched him work, uninterested in being hateful. His mind was too full to bother. Raphael could not keep this information to himself.
“You’re distracted.” He murmured.
“You point out the obvious often?”
“Only when needed.” Lucifer bristled a little.
“What are you saying?” he asked. Raphael pulled out the proper blades, setting them down next to the sheathes, which Lucifer noticed he did not put back. Well. At least he got that right. Raphael looked at him with almost sympathy as Lucifer began taking off his expensive jacket, hanging it temporarily on the back of a chair near the weapons closet.
“I am saying that you are dressing for battle and your mind does not appear to be ready for it. You are not joining us for sparring, so it’s a legitimate fight, isn’t it? Should we be prepared for an invasion?” Now Lucifer felt bad. Raphael, besides being his little brother, was his second in command. His military leader. Of course he’d be concerned to see Lucifer gathering weapons with no explanation. Lucifer took a breath and shook his head, trying to clear it. No more distractions. And no more causing unnecessary distress. At least not today.
“No, no. No need to worry.” He said, sounding much more like himself than he had previously. Raphael seemed to notice that too, and snapped back into a more military stance. “I am merely going to do a bit of….recon, shall we say. And I’m not sure how dangerous the situation may be.”
“So you’re bringing weapons just in case?” Raphael asked. Lucifer nodded, removing his button down shirt now as well, to slide the sheathes on. One at his hip, two more at his wrists. He would put the fourth at his calf on his right leg.
“Exactly.” He answered, struggling a little to put the wrist sheathe on the left side. Curse of being left handed he supposed. He struggled with it for a few minutes before he looked over at Raphael, who had not relaxed his military stance, but could not hide the amusement that danced through his eyes.
“Do you mind?” he snapped. Raphael grinned a little briefly, before composing himself and asking.
“Do you want me to help or give you privacy to struggle on your own?” he asked. Lucifer all but rolled his eyes. Little brothers.
“Just tie the damned thing.” He answered. Raphael murmured a ‘yes, sir’ and came over, tying the sheathe firmly in place. Lucifer didn’t say anything else, but studied his brother’s movements. When the sheathe had been tied into place, he began putting the blades in, testing them in his hands before hiding them on his body.
“Will you need backup?” Raphael asked. Lucifer thought about it. He truthfully didn’t know. He wasn’t sure what awaited him in purgatory. For all he knew he couldn’t enter where Morgana used to be. For all he knew, once he tried, an alarm would sound. Or his twin would be informed, and then he would be confined only to hell. Or worse, one of the beasts that were released to help Him defeat the fallen would be waiting for him. He shook his head, cleared his throat, and then answered Raphael.
“I do not know. I hope I will not, because I don’t intend to take any.” Lucifer got dressed again in silence, not giving his brother a chance to respond. Raphael resumed his stance to the side of the door, standing guard once again as Lucifer recomposed himself, hiding the blades perfectly underneath an expensive shirt and suit jacket. Without another word to his younger brother, he left the armory, heading back up the stairs from which he came. Wordlessly, he focused his energy, thinking of purgatory. With a slightly uncomfortable pull behind his navel, he was off.
Ok that was it, that’s the thing. Does it suck as much as I think it does?
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efingart · 1 year
JWIN Deleted Scene 1
It's been a while, hasn't it? I was looking to write something Frank a week or two ago when a friend suggested writing a deleted scene from JWIN. To keep me on track. I've got some smart friends huh?
Anyway, here you go. You only have to have read up to Chapter 7 (either version). Not highly edited, kind of written on vibes.
The shell made a satisfying splintering sound before he crushed it between his fingers. He removed the peanuts, placing them in the palm of his other hand as he discarded the rest. Then, he popped the nuts into his mouth. The movements were done absently, as his eyes were glued to the television in front of him which was currently broadcasting the Phillies’ game. Before he even stopped chewing he plucked another peanut from the bowl and began the process again.
Truth be told, he wasn’t even that focused on the game. It was just something to look at, clear his mind of all the usual thoughts, stop it from wandering to darker things. He did like baseball, but his life was so busy, so unpredictable, it was hard to follow closely. He relished the moments he could catch a game and not have to read about it in the next day’s paper. But that’s when he was stateside. Good luck even trying to figure out the scores outside of the US. Even the year before, he hadn't known they'd won the Series until he got home a week later and saw the remains of dirty confetti that still littered the streets after the parade.
He dusted his hands off in his jeans and picked up his beer. The broadcast had gone to commercial, so he took the opportunity to scan the bar. Even though he wasn’t actively paying attention, he always had some kind of idea of who was coming in and out of the place. Constantly aware of who was around him. It was instinct, like knowing the distance between his spot at the bar and the nearest exits.
A couple walked up to the bar and stood close to him. Nothing remarkable about them. They ordered their drinks from the bartender and took them back to their booth. As they moved away, his eyes fell on a book on the floor. It was wedged between the stool and the front of the bar. He leaned over, long arms able to reach it without hopping off the stool. He again glanced around the bar to see if the owner would make themselves known.
But no one reacted. No one ran back in, breathless, realizing they had forgotten their book. Almost surprising anyone would notice it was gone, maybe relieved to not have to lug the heavy thing around. He moved to flag down the bartender. Maybe they had a lost-and-found they could keep it in. But the title caught his eye. The cover was a little different, but he recognized it.
In that moment he was transported back to a tiny apartment in East Berlin.
“You can borrow that if you like. It’s good.” “Not sure if I’d have the time to read it and get it back to you.”
He sucked in a breath. In the end, it was she who didn’t have the time.
He wondered if she got through the stack of books. Were they still waiting for her to finish them? Stacked neatly on that small table off her kitchenette? Or had some other officer taken over her apartment and tossed them? What happened to any of her stuff? She didn’t have any family. Were they donated? Probably trashed. Probably trashed all of it. The books, the clothes. That sweater that used to annoy her because it never stayed in place.
Wonder if Adler or Sims kept any of it. They’d have been the only ones who might want something of hers. Knowing them, though, probably not. You start collecting stuff you can’t bear to get rid of it. Then, your home becomes more of a memorial. A place to remember the dead instead of a space for the living.
And what if he had taken that book from her that day? Having a piece of a dead person like that. A physical reminder shoved in the bottom of his duffle. Forgotten about it until he had to do laundry when he made it home. He made it home.
How come he gets to live when everyone else around him keeps dying?
He set the book on the bar and flagged down the bartender. He ordered another beer, and when it came, he hopped off the stool. He tucked the book under his arm and took his beer to a booth. He sat down and placed the book in front of him.
For the space of a few sips of his beer, he sat there and stared at the cover. Then he opened the book, wincing as he accidentally cracked its spine, and began to read.
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folliesandfolderols · 6 months
Writing prompts day 92-94
From this prompt list. If you’ve read this far, I’m not sure you need any explanation, but the short version is I hadn’t written any fiction since 2019, I set a goal to write at least 150 words/day in 2024, and this list was my way to restart. Also I abruptly decided on day 2 I would write an entire Tim/Damian story connecting all the prompts, because I am Good at Judging My Limits. /sarcasm Anyway, I finished the rough draft a while ago and am now unlocking the old entries as I edit.
Read from the beginning here, or on ao3 here.
Days 89-91 here
2. “I’m not sharing you with anybody. You’re mine, and mine only, and I’m going to make you remember that.”
55. “Only I get to touch you like this, okay?”
123. “Are we— are we really going to do this here?”
131. Hands firm on their thighs, keeping them from snapping them shut.
They ambled outside with deliberate ease, made it three doors down, and only then did Tim allow the breath to leave his chest in a massive whoosh.
"Oh my God, that was rough." Stephanie gave him a sympathetic squeeze around the shoulders.
Tim shook his head, nauseated and disappointed with himself about it. He was too dizzy to keep walking. Leaning one hand on the brick wall nearest him, he dropped his head low and focused on breathing.
After a second, Steph's hand rested between his shoulder blades, patting in sympathy. "It's okay. You handled it so well. I don't think he had a clue how hard that was for you."
"I don't know what my problem is," he wheezed. "I've moved on. I'm fine. We're friendly. But seeing him is—" He swallowed down the sick saliva pooling beneath his tongue.
Stephanie sighed, but her voice was warm with sympathy. "Yeah, you're fine, all right." She rubbed his back a little harder. "You just haven't seen him much since everything blew up in your face. It was a surprise, that's all. I think it would throw anyone off to see their queer awakening walk up to them at lunch and announce he cooked the food. It doesn't mean you're wrong."
Tim finally felt steady enough to walk to a nearby bench and sit down to lean his elbows on his knees. Steph wasn't wrong, but she didn't have the whole picture of exactly how shitty he'd been to his ex. Bernard's voice played on a loop in his mind, not relaxed and sociable like he'd been today, but furious, with an edge of tears lining the words: Of course I know! I kept waiting for you to trust me but you never will, will you?
To which Tim of course had replied, It's not about trust, it's about protecting you!
It's about prioritizing Batman and his mission above literally everything and everyone else. Keep telling yourself it’s to protect me, Tim, I'm sure the cause'll keep you warm once I'm gone. Fuck this.
That hadn't been the end. The end had been worse because Bernard had been so calm about it. Tim had been forced to be mature, and logical, and clear-thinking, all the things he was best at, in the most painful way.
Stephanie sat beside him, a hex wrench in her hand, and began working out the screws in the anti-homeless bar between them. He started laughing, glad for the distraction. "That's vandalism, ma'am. Pretty sure I should bust you for that."
She grinned, proud of herself. "Fuck anti-homeless architecture. You okay?"
He shrugged. "Sure. Like I said, I'm fine."
"Good, because Damian's texting me wondering what's wrong with you. I guess he's at the restaurant across the street and they seated him at the window because they're douchebags. I hope he doesn't go back."
Tim resisted the urge to look over and see if he could spot him. "Pon la Mesa always does that, so he only goes there when he wants people to see him. He's getting info for that human trafficking case that me and Jason have been working with him on."
"Well, he's worried about you." Stephanie gave him a searching look as he sat up straight. "When Cass sent me that pic of you two sleeping in the same bed, I thought it was just an accident because you had been keeping an eye on him after he got hurt, but he never used to worry about you. Wanna tell me something?"
Tim shot to his feet and strode away, determined to look one hundred percent okay to any watching eyes. "Nah, I'm good, thanks."
Stephanie hustled after him, dropping the divider bar into a nearby trash can as she went. "Oh, that is a fascinating reaction."
"Yeah, well, you can draw your own conclusions, Ms. Big-Time Field Agent," he shot back over his shoulder.
A plume of smoke flowed into the air precariously close to the garage where he'd parked, followed shortly after by a muffled boom and a blacker cloud following the first. A bright yellow figure leaped overhead toward the explosion as the shrieks and horn honking started.
"Shit." Tim drew to a halt and shaded his eyes, trying to pinpoint the source. "Think Duke's got this?"
Stephanie copied the action, bouncing on her heels. "I've got my communicator in. We'll know if he needs backup."
Tim fished around in his pocket for his own comm. Flashing her a grin as he put it into his ear, he said, "I'm gonna miss having you around, Batgirl the Purple."
She waggled her eyebrows. "Not as much as you would've if you didn't have a certain someone to keep you company, am I right?"
He was saved from replying by Duke's voice, clear in their ears, saying, "Oh my God, I think I see Tim's car in this parking garage. Dude, are you okay?"
"No names over comms!" at least four voices chorused, but since only one of them was Bruce all the rest were laughing about it.
"I'm fine, by the way," Tim added.
"Sorry, sorry." He didn't sound too sorry. "Can I get some backup? It's just, two of these bank robbers are metas but there are like ten regular humans in the gang too."
"On our way," Stephanie replied, and dragged Tim into a nearby alleyway so they could change.
Around 4 AM, when Damian texted him sleep well, Tim realized he'd been coming over every night. He hadn't noticed before because Damian’s presence hadn't felt like an impingement on his mental space the way other people’s did.
He got ready for bed but didn't lie down, wandering around his apartment and tidying up various flat surfaces, then moving on to the kitchen counters. When he caught himself considering descaling the coffee maker he finally admitted to himself that he was stalling. Frowning, he pulled his phone from his pocket and opened the message thread with Damian.
You've got me messed up.
A few seconds later, Damian called. “Why are you still awake?” he asked, sounding offensively alert himself.
Tim shrugged, remembered Damian couldn't see it, and said, “I dunno, it's weird, but I think I'm having a hard time because you're not here.”
A pause, then Damian said, “I can only see one solution then. I'll have to be sure to be with you whenever you're ready to sleep.”
Tim grinned. “Does that mean you'll hop on an elevator at WE and come hold my hand while I take a desk nap?”
Damian breathed out a laugh. “No, it means you can come to my office and use the couch there while I work.”
That actually sounded great. Damian’s glass walls could of course be turned opaque with the press of a button and no one bothered him unless it was absolutely necessary. It wouldn't help tonight, though. 
“If it weren't so late, I'd drive to you now.” Tim wandered into his bedroom and hopped onto the bed. “I think you've turned into my—” lovie, he almost said, but switched words at the last second, “—comfort object. I'm like a little kid who's lost his favorite stuffed animal. Which raises the interesting question of what type of stuffie you'd be."
"Tt. A dragon bat, obviously, like Goliath. No other creature would be worthy."
Damian spoke in lofty tones, but Tim had to restrain the urge to giggle. It wasn't often that Damian's playful side peeked out from under the reserve. And when had he started considering Damian's idiosyncrasies cute?
"Oh yeah, obviously, I don't know what I was thinking." Tim turned off the light, pulled the covers over his head and snuggled down.
"Neither do I. Clearly my absence has a deleterious effect on your brain."
He had to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud. Damian's idea of flirting made him sound like a Victorian professor, but Tim was into it. "Can't have that. You'd better come over tomorrow night or I won't be able to work my case load anymore."
"Gladly." That made Tim blush, but before he could reply, Damian continued, "For now, you should get some sleep."
"I'll do my best, but no promises. If I come see you tomorrow at work you'll know why."
"I hope you do." And that had no facetious edge whatsoever.
Tim let the following silence stretch out just a second too long before he experienced the horrified realization that he didn't want to hang up first. Sputtering out, "Okay see you later bye!" he hit the end call button and rolled onto his back, gusting out a sigh.
The bed felt too big.
Tim made it all the way to one o'clock before he gave in to the urge to go visit Damian's office. He did grab a condom and a couple of packets of lube from his spare utility belt that he kept in a locked drawer first, though, because it paid to be prepared. 
Damian’s administrative assistant waved him in with a smile. "He's in a lunch meeting now, but he'll be back in a few minutes. He said you might work here for a bit today," she said, hustling to hit the button to whiten the windows. "Let me know if you need anything, okay? I'll be at my desk."
"Thanks, Adriana," he said, perching on the edge of the couch like he wasn't going to pass out on it in five seconds flat as soon as she left. Once the door clicked shut behind her, he shoved off his shoes and stretched out on the leather cushions.
Just as he was about to drift off, his phone chimed with Stephanie's text tone. Grumbling under his breath, he picked it up to read: well, shit.
That never boded well. He opened the link she'd sent. It was an Pixtagraph post from appetite_gotham, a local foodie scene account, detailing the new menu at Chez Vous. There were ten pictures on the post, mostly of the revamped interior of the dining room, the lunch entrees, and the dishes they'd ordered, but the eighth one was what Stephanie had linked to.
Tim sat up, staring at the picture in growing dismay. It was of Bernard, Tim, and Stephanie, taken from behind Tim so only his blurry back showed as he hugged Bernard. The angle made his embrace look a lot more enthusiastically full-body than it had actually been. Bernard's smile also appeared to be brighter than it had in reality—he always did photograph well.
The relevant part of the caption read, 8. Chez Vous's new sous chef, Bernard Dowd, gives a warm welcome to Tim Drake, one of Bruce Wayne’s assortment of adoptees. At least three highly-liked comments below excitedly recalled seeing Tim and Bernard together in the past at a few Pride parades. Apparently Stephanie didn't warrant any identification.
He tapped back to messages and texted her, shiiiiiiit that looks rly bad steph
She replied, it does! and they've got like a million followers. someone else linked to their own creeper shot of the three of us hanging for that whole five minutes saying I'm your new beard which is hilarious for a bunch of reasons. idk you might wanna talk to bruce's pr team about this one even though I know you usually fly under the radar.
Tim scrolled through the comments in a state of mild horror, not least because less than half of them were about the actual restaurant that was supposed to be highlighted. Bernard was going to want to kill him. Ugh. He was supposed to be the least interesting Wayne kid. No one in the media ever recognized him or cared unless he was with Bruce or Damian.
Damian. Oh shit.
Tim hopped to his feet, ready to get his shoes on and run for it until he could figure out a plan of action, but before he could leave Damian stormed into the room, phone in hand, color high on his cheeks. He drew to a sudden halt at the sight of Tim, spun around, and softly closed the door behind him.
Tim bounced on the balls of his feet, identifying alternative exits although he kind of hated himself for the automatic impulse. "Before you say anything, I can explain," he blurted, waving the phone in his own hand as if that would tell the tale.
Damian paused, then flipped the lock in the door. "Explain, then," he said, without turning to look at Tim.
Who narrowed his eyes in sudden suspicion. "Hold on. What are you mad about?"
Damian faced him, jaw set in the way that meant he was truly furious. "I just had to give a mid-quarter report to some board members, one of whom is on Katarina's list of clientele. Looking into the face of that smug pervert and pretending I'm not going to punch his nose flat at the first opportunity has put me into a temper, I'll admit. So, say what you're going to say. It's already been a shit day."
Great. Excellent timing all around. Tim bit his lip and wordlessly held out his phone.
Damian took it and looked at the picture, first with a frown of confusion and then with no expression at all. The redness faded from his face, leaving him pale. He scrolled down a bit, then handed the phone back to Tim and stood straight, stance wide and gaze direct. "I take it this post is a surprise to you."
Tim nodded. "Yeah, I didn't realize anyone was taking pictures. He really was only with us for a few minutes, and we left right after."
"Yes." Damian's fingers gave a restless tap on the biceps they held. "I saw you on the street afterward, if you recall."
Where he'd spotted Tim having a mini-breakdown that he now knew was over his ex. Tim slid his phone back into his pocket and reached to touch Damian's elbow. "I was taken by surprise. I haven't seen him in over a year."
"And are you sorry about that fact?"
Tim wrinkled his forehead at the question. "I mean . . . I guess? Because that means I didn't do a very good job of staying friends with him."
Damian's whole body jolted as if the answer had hit him with an electric shock. He strode to his desk and rested his hands flat on the oak surface, pressing so hard Tim half-expected to see dents appear in the grain. "So I should expect more photos of you being friends with your first boyfriend in the near future. Understood. No further explanation is required, so you should go."
Tim ignored that last as inconsequential, suddenly struck by a conjecture that seemed too good to be true. His heartbeat sped up, until his voice felt thin in his throat. "Wait. Damian. Would you not like that? Like, would it bother you?"
Damian shifted to grip the edge of his desk so tightly his knuckles whitened. "Of course not. Why should I mind if someone I . . . someone I . . ." He growled in frustration. "Why should I mind if you meet with and touch the man who was your first male crush, your first male kiss, your first male everything, not to mention your first live-in relationship? It's meaningless as long as you say so, correct?"
Tim swallowed, mouth dry. He couldn't miss the implications. But at the same time, “I've had to watch a gorgeous blonde hang all over you for weeks now for the fucking job and you're telling me you're bothered by me hugging my ex after an accidental run-in? That's not really fair.”
“I'm not interested in being fair,” Damian gritted out. “And yes, for the fucking job. Did you expect me to do anything other than my best acting knowing the success of a case we’ve worked on for months depends on it? Believe me, I'm not getting nearly as much out of Katarina as you did from that asshole Bernard Dowd.”
Despite himself, Tim bristled a bit. “One, not an asshole, and two, I've seen your face when you look at Katarina. Don’t insult my intelligence by pretending you don’t like her.”
Damian waved that away, impatient. “Of course I care about her. Why shouldn’t I? She’s a sex trafficking victim showing extraordinary courage without any training. And he absolutely is an asshole. He knew your vigilante identity and familial obligations and instead of accepting your need for privacy for what it was—protection for him—not to mention your preexisting commitments, he chose to tax you with them as if they were a betrayal. When in reality, it was simply two teenagers having outgrown their relationship, as is perfectly normal.” He paused. “Or so I’ve been told. I myself am far more single-minded than a typical person. In any case, I despise false reasoning and blame shifting and he’s guilty of both. Therefore: asshole.”
Tim had to think for a moment, unaccustomed warmth at the sideways defense suffusing him. (Although how Damian knew all that would necessitate further thought.) “I . . . okay. I see your reasoning though I’m not sure I can agree with it. But, I promise I didn’t know he was there yesterday. Steph just really likes French food and neither of us had been keeping track of his movements. And I’m sorry that it bothers you. It's okay if you’re jealous."
"I don't need your permission for jealousy," Damian spat out, spinning to give him a baleful glance. He reached out one long arm and grabbed Tim by the wrist, yanking him close. 
Tim didn't bother trying to avoid his grip. “I know. But, like you said to me, it’s kind of flattering. For the record, I never felt jealous about him like I've been over you.” Mostly because he'd never wondered where he stood with Bernard until it was too late to fix said standing, but it was the truth.
Damian shook his head, eyes glittering with anger and something else Tim couldn’t put his finger on. "Very well then." He seized Tim's waist and sat him on the desk, then shoved his thighs apart with firm hands and stood between them when Tim would have snapped them shut. "Since you've so kindly given your approval, I'm going to make my opinion on the matter very clear. I’m not sharing you with anybody. You’re mine, and mine only, and I’m going to make you remember that."
He kissed Tim, hard enough to lean him back onto his elbows, teeth a mean edge against his lips as his tongue demanded entry. Tim unbuttoned Damian’s blazer and waistcoat, and slipped his hands inside to crumple the fine linen shirt in his fists, pulling him even closer. His legs were shaking, so he hooked his ankles around Damian's thighs to hide it.
“Yeah? Well, likewise, you cocky bastard,” he snapped out, fighting to keep his tone cutting when really all he wanted to do was lie down on the desk and give in. He slid his hands down to grip Damian’s ass. “Only I get to touch you like this, got it?”
Damian’s hands made quick work of Tim’s tie and shirt buttons, yanking his shirttail from his pants and flipping the button at the waist loose. “Got it.” He bent to suck a bruise into the delicate skin over Tim’s collarbone.
"Dami," he moaned, then flushed in embarrassment at the sound of his voice, already gone weak with pleading. "Are we—” He cut himself off with a muffled exclamation as Damian gripped his waist.“Are we really going to do this here?"
Damian looked at him as if he were insane. "Do you want to wait for the end of day?" He dropped a hand to Tim's crotch and palmed his rapidly hardening erection. "I don't think you do."
"No," Tim agreed. He pulled Damian's head down again by his tie. "I really, really don't," he whispered into his mouth, and kissed him again.
day 95 here
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mamamittens · 1 year
A Trembling Response (Pt. 6)
Finally an update for a bit of an older series, I've been looking forward to this chapter for a while, ngl
Warnings: Unseen creatures in the dark and a panic attack is featured heavily in this chapter.
Ft. Bandit(OC) all grown up!
Word Count: 3,361
Edit: Happened to look over it again and realized I accidentally copied part of chapter 5 as well as the prompt note for the chapter, I am so sorry for anyone that read it and was very confused. Word count will be updated to reflect actual length later.
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Crouched in the corner of the far doorway of the room, just behind whoever was guarding her on the other side. Eyes that shined in the dark but gave off no light. Before, when she’d only seen ‘misfortunes’, they’d looked flat. Like they were reflecting light weakly with no distinguishing direction. But the reality was far worse.
She couldn’t sleep well anymore. Even with Stefan laying practically on top of her, she could see them.
Those eyes were like cut outs in reality in the dark. Tiny pinholes for something much larger than their physical forms. Not blind or weak but merely stalking from the shadows. The sounds they could make seemed strangely distant. Echoing like it was from across a large, empty room. Making the impression that their true form was much further away even worse. Because the bigger they got, the louder they were.
This one, maybe even the same one from the laundry room, was now considerably taller than herself. It’s exact shape obscured by the shadows it clung to as it stared her down. The weak lantern kept alight by her own request and it scared her to consider that it wasn’t actually doing anything at all. That the thing too big to be a ‘misfortune’ was simply biding it’s time. Stefan had taken to pinning her against the wall, placing himself deliberately in the way as he watched. As a result, he didn’t want to play during the daytime, choosing to nap with Whitebeard in a move that people were starting to notice. Particularly that she was getting tired too, dark circles under her eyes intensifying with every passing night.
No one had asked yet, but soon they would.
And she didn’t know how she was going to explain that the sweet dog was trying to keep her safe. That she was terrified about something that she couldn’t even begin to understand, let alone explain. And that her biggest fear is that whatever it was, that couldn’t be seen or felt by anyone but her and a dog, was going to stop waiting one day.
Somehow, though, despite being watched unblinkingly from the dark, she managed to fall asleep.
It was gone when she woke up, dark smears melting under the now bright light in a trail that led across the room, through the bars, and feet away from where Stefan had been guarding her. Like it had simply walked right through. She felt like crying but the cheerful smile of Captain Hektor stopped her, happily picking her up to carry her to breakfast.
Touko handed her a plate with a slightly worried smile, noticing the obvious lack of sleep. She smiled back, happily accepting the plate of pancakes as Stefan slipped under the table and quickly took a nap.
She sat up, cutting up her pancakes with her fork after drowning them in syrup gleefully. The thick mass dripping as she took a bite.
Stefan whined under the table and for a moment her heart stuttered, a cold sweat breaking down her back.
Was there one under the table? If she looked down, would she see Stefan looking directly into to a pair of horrible white eyes?
Stefan licked her ankle and she sucked in a breath, giggling on the exhale nervously.
No. Of course not.
Stefan just wanted her bacon. Before anyone could stop her, she grabbed a thick slice and offered it under the table, Stefan politely pulling it from her fingertips with a small lick. Touko grinned knowingly and offered a slice of his own as Thatch looked with light disapproval. She pretended like she didn’t know full well that he added bits of bacon to Stefan bowl and gravy.
Touko leaned over.
“Commander Thatch is making cakes to set overnight for a party later. Some of the guys were assigned to clean up after it but were wondering if you’d like to take it instead? You get to eat the leftover batter.” Touko grinned at her excited look.
She’d never eaten the batter before that she could remember but the prospect of a forbidden treat was tempting.
Touko didn’t mention that this would be just after bedtime. Thankfully he stayed with her and Stefan to make sure they got back to bed afterwards, as well as helping carry heavy pans to the sink to wash.
“Commander Thatch doesn’t bake cakes often, don’t tell anyone but I think desserts scare him.” Touko winked, offering the batter bowl and a clean spoon. The batter had set a little but was no less delicious. All of them were delicious really, a startling amount of cakes were hiding somewhere in the kitchen fridges to cool.
The one they were working on ‘cleaning’ was a vanilla cake batter, the thick mixture tangy on her tongue as Stefan stood guard facing the door.
Touko looked between her and Stefan.
“Hey, kid… are you doing alright?” Touko asked, taking a thoroughly tasted batter bowl and rinsing it in the sink before dumping it in the ‘wash’ side.
She paused, spoon of batter still in her mouth. Slowly, she took it out and nodded.
“…yeah.” Touko narrowed his eyes in worry.
“Are you sure? You and Stefan have been really tired lately and I know you’re not staying up late cleaning or playing. I asked several of the ‘guards’ and they claim you don’t make a peep. What’s going on?” Touko kneeled down to be eye level with her. Dark brown eyes fixed gently on her.
How does she explain that neither Stefan nor herself could sleep because of the shadow monster staring her down from the darkness?
That there was now several looking at her from beyond the darkened doorway to the empty hall.
She shrugged, making useless gestures as she struggled to find the words to either lie convincingly or explain what was happening.
“Looks like I’m not the only one after a late night snack~” A soft, playful voice spoke, startling them both.
She looked to the doorway where a tall, fluffy racoon mink stood. They looked ruffled, light gray fur speckled with salt and pepper freckles, a mass of curly white hair tied back. Black and white stripped sweater hanging loose as their tail waved around behind them. She’d never seen them before but judging by Touko’s relaxed posture, they must be a crew member.
“Bandit! You scared the shi—hell out of us!” Touko scolded, the mink grinning with mischievous honey eyes. Their bushy tail twitched as they leaned against the doorframe. Several pairs of white eyes hovering behind them in the shadows. She noticed their fuzzy ears twitching madly, swiveling around like they could hear something.
“Does Thatch know that you’re having a kid wash dishes? A kid that’s supposed to be a guest?” Bandit asked in a low, smooth voice.
“I’m helping! Besides, they get to eat the batter, it’s not like she’s not getting anything out of it” Touko defended. Bandit perked up.
“Batter? Oh! I was here for bread, but if there’s batter, how could I resist!” Bandit skipped over, eagerly, tail swishing playfully across her face as they scooped up an untouched bowl. “Touko.” Bandit said, licking a whisk.
“Go get Thatch. I know he didn’t approve of the kiddo cleaning the kitchen.” Bandit ordered. Touko deflated a bit, giving her an apologetic look.
“It’s okay. I like cleaning things. Gives me something to do.” Bandit looked down at her before shooting Touko a look.
“Yeah? That why you’re so exhausted, kit?” Bandit asked slowly, eyes narrowing at Touko.
“No! That’s not why!” She defended quickly as Touko took off before Bandit could say anything more accusingly.
Bandit huffed, licking a spoonful of batter before setting it down.
They picked her up, settling her on their hip as they headed out to the hallway.
“Then what’s wrong, kit? I already know about the whole ship sinking thing, but that was a while ago. Is something else bothering you?” Bandit asked softly, tapping her nose with a clawed finger gently.
Bandit stopped just outside the kitchen door, the shadows pressing in all around them.
“… why are we leaving the kitchen? Doesn’t it still need to be cleaned?” She asked as a distraction.
“Well, I know Thatch pretty good by now. He’s probably going to hear from Touko what’s been going on and march right to the men he ordered to clean up and make them get out of bed himself.” Bandit declared. “You, however, need to clean up and go to bed. Marco’s been fretting to himself for days from what it sounds like.”
She glanced away from Bandit’s shadowed face and saw that they eyes were leaning in close. Something shifting in the darkness around them as Stefan gave a soft woof. Bandit turned away and looked around in confusion, ears twitching still.
“…I don’t like the dark.” She admitted, drawing their attention away from where a cluster of eyes watched. Bandit’s features softening as they smiled.
“Oh, kit, it’s alright. We can put in a nightlight or something. I don’t really need to worry about the dark cause I have night vision but this big old boat must be spooky for little kits like you.” Bandit teased, a rattling hiss echoing closer than ever before, her heart pounding in her chest as Stefan growled back.
“I’m not scared of the dark… I’m scared of what’s in it.” She whispered, looking directly at a massive pair of white eyes, horrified as what seemed to be teeth forming in the dark.
Bandit sniffed, going to say something before their fur bristled. Tail and ears twitching in agitation.
“There’s nothing in… the dark…?” Bandit said slowly, looking around as they held her closer, her hands gripping the soft sweater.
She thought she was scared before when she could see them watching her in the dark. When only Stefan seemed to notice their presence. When they started forming teeth—oh seas what if those are just sharp eyes?—but now she started to hyperventilate.
Bandit, somehow, could sense them.
And they knew it. Hissing louder as some dark, foul wind blew over her, instantly making Bandit’s fur bristle as they growled back to the unseen threat.
“Where the fuck are they?!” Bandit hissed, teeth bared as they looked around.
She couldn’t restrain the soft, desperate sob, tears obscuring her vision.
“We’re surrounded.”
Massive dark claws cut through the weak light from the kitchen and only just barely brushed across Bandit’s nose where the light hit directly.
The reaction was instant.
A wild yowl cut through like gunshot, arm pinning her to their chest as Bandit ran. Bolting through the dark as the sound of wet claws digging into the wood followed behind them that was too big to be Stefan’s smaller paws.
Stefan was also following, yelping in fright as he scrambled to stay with them.
Bandit seemed to lean down, nearly running on all fours as they jumped off of walls to gain speed down softly lit halls. Narrowly dodging Touko and Thatch, the former looking sheepish under the attention of the annoyed commander.
“The fuck?! Bandit?!”
The sound of their shadowed pursuers still following as they left the two behind.
She sobbed, crying into Bandit’s shoulder in terror as they slammed into a door, scrambling to open it before closing it behind with a loud bang. Startling several voices in the room as Bandit yowled, curling around her in agitation.
“Bandit?!” She could barely hear Whitebeard over her own sobs, wailing and hiccupping uncontrollably. Her lungs aching and throat burning as she finally let it out, wholly unable to stop now that she started. Shaking and trembling in the mink’s arms as they tried to sooth the both of them.
She sobbed, wailing harder as they were lifted up, words warbling in nonsensical sounds as she tried to speak. Bandit chittering into her ear as he stroked her back.
Whitebeard held his children in worry, looking at the three nurses that were changing an IV just before Bandit slammed into the room making sounds none of them knew they could even make.
The small marine child clutching Bandit as they both struggled to calm down. The little girl obviously failing as she cried so hard it shook the two of them.
The nurses finished their task and shuffled out, allowing the three privacy as Whitebeard scooped up his frightened children. Stefan bolting into the room the instant the door opened to leap onto the bed.
While not the bravest of his children, Bandit wasn’t easily frightened.
Whatever had just occurred shook them badly. Bandit curling into his hand in a way Whitebeard hadn’t seen in years, claws shaking as they tried to sooth the little marine. She only sobbed harder, face red from the sheer difficulty she had breathing through her upset.
It made his chest ache in sympathy and worry.
If this was from a prank, there was going to be severe consequences.
He didn’t really step into small matters between his children, preferring to allow them room to manage themselves. But this was unacceptable.
“Bandit, my child, what happened?” Whitebeard asked, stroking down their back softly. Bandit let slip a small yip, wide eyes looking up at him.
“I-I don’t know! It touched me! Something touched me!” Bandit howled, fur bristling with their ears pinned down into the curly silver hair. “I couldn’t see it, couldn’t hear it, but I felt it! Sensed it—something was there, ‘Yaji! It was right there and it touched me!”
All the while, the brave little marine sobbed violently in Bandit’s arms.
The door opened again, a worried Thatch and Touko peeking in. The little marine peeking up and wailing louder, Bandit hissing as the two hurriedly slipped into the room.
“Oyaji, Bandit! What the hell was that?!” Thatch asked, running up to his younger siblings. Bandit heaved an agitated chitter but refused to speak, their tail moving in angry motions.
Whitebeard needed to get to the bottom of this… whatever this was. And whatever made his children so fearful they ran to his room for protection was going to regret it.
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augment-techs · 1 year
Moving my ask. I think it was 26 or 15 and Lord Drakkon/Coinless Jason. It had to do with erotic branding or marking/claiming ownership. Just putting thus in the correct spot lol
There was a gallon sized pickle jar, in the fridge in Drakkon's old bedroom in the palace, full of blood kept fresh and clean to add to his food, a condiment for eggs and meats instead of barbecue or Tabasco.
There were flash-frozen packets in the freezer marked with words like 'liver' and 'thigh meat' and 'rump'--that last one having a disgustingly innocent little heart tacked on in the corner--without a trace of freezer burn, and another packet that looked like the liver that was half-eaten; a little note taped to the side that read 'use with dirty rice instead of chopped cauliflower; very rare'.
When Kimberly closed the door to the fridge, she really took the moment to read the little recipes posted on a notepad that was taped to the top of the fridge that only came up to her chest, wondering about the measurements, but also about the timetables attached that didn't seem to make a lot of sense...
She considered the words with the same levels of trepidation that she did with everything involving the fucker, who now sat in a room not terribly unlike the one he'd stored Jason in for years on end, (except his had one glass window and was all white; the very best kind of fuck you that had been inadvertent, but savored by literally everyone else). The feeling of something creeping up on her, like a little girl in a dark forest, a hard thing to shake off.
'Can't take too much blood; have to wait another week. Anemia causes loss of potency,' and, 'Maybe give J. some of the skin from the thighs at our next dinner,' and 'Infection. Need to wait until the whole course for treatment plays out. Might try another option, even if none of them taste right.'
And so the terrible handwriting continued on, not a lot of it making sense to Kimberly as she thumbed through; tips of her fingers feeling the indentations where Drakkon had pressed down too hard in something like anger and the pen spurted and blotched the ink.
Until she pulled all the paper up and found a collective of pictures there, in almost stylized black and white with a little pinch of other colors edited in, sort of like models used for headshots she remembered from when she was maybe ten and her mother thought she would do just as well in the pageant circuit as in gymnastics (before her parents realized that it would make their squabbling and inability to be in the same room as each other for a prolonged period of time especially apparent; gossip being poison for them before they moved to Angel Grove and made it a hobby).
The first one was Jason, haggard and maybe in his early twenties in the clothes he'd been placed in while in solitary confinement in the bowels of the castle prison where the softest thing he could touch was stone and his iron shackles, seated on the bed he'd been given, now in the highest room in the tower Drakkon built especially and just for him. He was so thin, his five o'clock shadow a mess, his hair greasy and washed out, and he looked downright pissed to be made to sit like a pet, but also like something was keeping him back from attacking the bastard. His eyes were fixed behind Drakkon with the camera, but Kim couldn't tell anything beyond that. There were no reflective surfaces in that cloistered set of rooms; Jason largely having to rely on Drakkon or what could have been called friends (something Kim still wasn't sure about; Jason had asked for them often enough when he'd been let out, but had also been cautious around them and..sort of sad) in Skull and Adam when it came to his appearance.
The second picture was dated a year later on the front in overly curled scrawl with a sloppy pen; Jason in the exact same spot, but with the light coming in from the window without bars, without glass, with only one way out. He looked almost like his old self, much stronger and clean and practically perfect but for the fake smile he was aiming at the camera in an attempt to play seductive and submissive; and of course Drakkon had made sure to take away all of his clothes for this shot, really get a look at the defined and healthy skin and muscle that he, doubtless, jacked off to more often than not.
The pictures after that was more posed, still on the bed and Jason still not wanting to do this in the eyes of anyone with a basic sense of decency, but Kimberly was brought to think very much of old ads made for Marilyn Monroe for movies where she was still dressed, but was little more than an empty headed bimbo that the executives of Hollywood loved thinking of her as. Though with Jason, Drakkon made sure that there was no clothing and he was displayed in every lewd way the tyrant could think of: propped up on his knees with his hands wrapped in striking red ribbons behind his back; curled around an oversized rabbit plushy as if half asleep and very sweaty from what the camera light gleaned off of him; standing with his arms holding onto a sheet hanging from the ceiling, his right hip on full display to show an ever present bite mark from Drakkon's own mouth that was constantly being reopened.
The last pictures at the bottom gave her pause, courage suddenly hesitant, and sent something curdled and heavy into the pit of her stomach.
More set up, more in order, less wild than Jason in his first picture, was Skull in his Red Sentry Captain's uniform, sans the helmet, standing straight and tall in what looked like a bathroom brought about in the palace; one of Drakkon's luxury suites for visiting warlords and despots and demons; one hand on his lance, and one perched on the shoulder of Adam Park. Adam seated on the rim of the expensive looking tub, in Black Sentry uniform, also sans helmet; legs crossed in an attempt to look proper, with his hands together in his lap. Both looking…resigned. Straight ahead like they were ordered to, and tired.
Bulk had shown Kim old history books with pictures as such; Russian Czars and empresses, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, those little princes locked in the Tower of London before vanishing in the night.
She couldn't stop her hands from shaking as she finally lifted them up to see the final photo, slightly bigger than the others, and more wrinkled and worn at the edges from continued adjustments.
...After Kim muscled her way into not vomiting down between her feet and onto the cold floor, she was left with a sort of memory of when her parents took her to a museum for a little bit of culture and could not help but draw comparisons between two works of art and the plight of the two who were, apparently, just as much captives of Drakkon as Jason ever was. Kim was left struck, insanely, by how much Eugene looked rather like John Sargent's masterpiece of Madame X; pale figure, smooth continence, extremely dark hair and altogether gorgeous under the sight of the artist themself. Except that woman in the portrait could not be further from undergoing the ministrations placed upon the spy. Drakkon had taken care to highlight and edit in just how RED Eugene's blood was against the marble white of the inside of the tub he'd been placed in, limbs limp and unmoving, and eyes glassy with what had to have been unending agony without the reprieve of medication or even basic drugs to numb him to the cutting. As for Adam (oh, and now she could understand why he seemed to stay so close to him even now, both sheepdogs with a bit of wolf blood or witch hares out in the open and watching out for weak sheep and rabbits against the snapping teeth of a dragon), Kim was still reminded of grand art in gilded frames. Something of a Titian portrait sprung to mind, a showcase of a Greek myth in which a very pompous satyr challenged the god Apollo to a music contest and lost, thereby losing his life by being flayed alive by the god and other satyrs as some mortal king looked on with interest.
Except there was no joy in what Adam was being made to do, hand much steadier than Kim's would have been as he stood on his knees over the tub, a pale imitation of the Dragon Dagger in hand as he sliced a mortician's incision in Eugene's skin, pulling back the edges like a pale wrap to see the pulsing insides.
There was a metal tray off to the side of the tub, stainless steel and with a China plate with stenciled golden flowers on it, holding pieces of extremely dark meat at the center, also edited to show the almost purple hue trailing blood drops that had landed on Eugene's cheek.
And apart from all of these grotesques, Kim's brown eyes had grown almost black with a little ring of dark Pink each as she zeroed in on the finger mark bruises ringed around both men's necks, a ring around Adam's that looked like black paint as his spare hand carefully pressed down just above Eugene's beating heart; and what looked to be dozens of bite marks all along Eugene that hadn't just settled against the skin like they had with Jason. Drakkon had bitten into Eugene and yanked. Her mind did her no favors, reminding her of the sound Drakkon sometimes made when he took a mouthful of rich meat and swallowed.
Putting the pictures back down with every part of her wanting to run away from the room as fast as she could, Kimberly could also not help but stand rooted to the spot, blankly staring at the fridge that had just moments earlier seemed to be entirely harmless, but as she took in frightened little rabbit breaths, seemed more like a collection of all the world's poison and disasters.
And then there was a memory…
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semi-imaginary-place · 4 months
ffxiv 5.1-2
you can see sqnx is rolling in shb money. honestly i was fine with arr's lack of animations, voiceacting, and cutscenes. im a ps2 player reading doesn't bother me. i wish xiv was like fe3h where if you cutoff a dialogue line the voice line keeps going until the next is started. dungeons are really getting harder... do i risk dps and dying or tank. remember the days when yashtola was a conjurer and both twins arcanist. soo french elves german voeburt? i need those clawed shoes for my bunny. you sure that's a nu mou? they have tentacle hands and a different face. ah a glamour. they sound like a ten year old boy. beq lugg's a soul mage.... ah voeburt...
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like a primal?
i don't remember what was the excuse they gave for why the pc can freely travel between worlds.
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i don't think the light visual effect was the right one to use here. hmm the seperation of mind and boy. tempering was described as a filter or barrier between the mind and reality or something. the stagnation was from light aether. i remember early in 5.0 the writers went for quite a while describing how light was stagnant and dark vivacious.
welp i'm locked out of editing my draft. damn you tumblr.
anyways hadn't kal-shir moved to the crystarium also why didn't you ask her what's wrong.
here's the thing they established that upon buying their way into free citizenship they gave up all worldly possession to eulmore/vauthy. so all their private businesses's ownership was transferred to the State. unless vauthy sold them they should still be owner by eulmore. idk if vauthy kept them running or now just owns the trademark and stuff. also why not just make this wrenden mayor. i don't think making the parlor the seat of governance is a good idea. just convert vauthy's room to office space
they really are turning it into las vegas. which i mean the strip is a tax haven but nevada is doing pretty well, implemented some good policies recently. if it's advertising, could do traveling shows and pop up bars. bro you're getting paid in company credits don't do it ask for gil.
it was a whole plot point with moenbryda that white auracite can't store aether it just dissipates it quickly
i don't remember what a soul crystal is. but uh hey anyone remember job stones those picked up bits of memory and personality,
so zenos can use aether now. dude you're a dragoon break a window
look i have dps brain. killing the boss is mitigation. i was i suppose the know the adds explode and wipe me. also where's my easy mode
an echo with out the hydaelyn. hmmm. zenos probably got the battle echo.
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im only half listening to voiced lines but he does mention aymeric by name here
wow they're really dangling the plot thread teasers
ffxiv 5.2
ew. the gaius redemption arc.
oh wouldn't that be fun in this game actually forced the player character to choose between the scions and the threat of the garleans. shame that's not going to happen.
oh yeah the ardbert look alike plot thread.
timeline lore! g'raha arrived after everyone hated the wols, after the flood? pr campaign go! this ties in pretty well with cyella's quest. i do think the player character could use their time better like hello the ultima weapons and garlemald and war and scions, but ffxiv in general has a priorities problem (i remember the arr titan questline), and there's no one the crystarium loves more than the wod and crystal exarch. disturbing really how much influence these two people have. i hope there's a scribe present recording everything the pc is saying. im a bit iffy on the ethics too that 2 people (as moral as they actually are as we know out of universe) should be able to dictate history and opinion. should we be able to do this just because we personally like ardbert and have a personal connection with him. the fact that we're doing this not for truth's sake but because woe ardbert doesn't deserve a bad reputation rubs me the wrong way
huh he's acting like 3.x ardbert. interesting. uh wasn't warrior of light like specifically for hydaelyn's chosen. wow the pc HATES new arbert. i wonder why they are so convinced he's not ardbert initially when there is 0 evidence. like new ardbert walk into the room and pc immediately starts death glaring at them. i actually think it'd be more interesting if the devs had left it ambiguous as to whether that was actually ardbert or not instead of immediately telling the audience he's fake. because a lot of players really liked ardbert and dearly wanted him to come back. and i mean the new writers did bring back gaius, dragoon boy estinien. and fake ardbert acts so much like 3.x ardbert the devs could have made it ambiguous whether he had memory loss or not. string the player on a little have a couple heart to hearts hahaha. uri always refers to the paragons by full title, he's so stuffy and proper in japanese (unlike eng uri who's a theatre kid). it's never Elidibus like in eng it's always Ascian Elidibus, never Lahabrea it's always Ascian Lahabrea.
wol and mean wod different things. warrior of light refers to hydaelyn's chosen, possibly tempered, with the blessing of light, and echo. warrior of darkness meanwhile refers to the person to returned night to novrant no metaphysical implications or affiliation with zodiark. so it's real weird to hear the scions equating the two.
back to the bunnies! that statue's totally going to come to life and attack us. yup
wow the pc hates new ardbert so much "extend a friendly fist". the new writers crying and shaking and sweating and tearing their hair out over how to retcon the old writers saying that elidibus sought to balance light and dark because let's be real the old writers said that and probably didn't have a plan.
the elidibus writers definitely changed. warring triad and 3.x vs 5.x you can tell the writers were writing him for different goals different types of characters.
my, aren't we quick to believe one side of the story. the writers clearly are framing a good guy bad guy situation but if this were real and you look objectively at the situation there's isn;t enough information to be making drastic decisions like attacking the benthos.
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that's a little infantizing. the fish people are allowed to make bad decisions.
yeah why didn't we try the boat to begin with
why do we need bismark again. oh it's also buried underwater. could have just sent wol and alisaie instead of destroying another ecosystem
anamnesis anyder. surprisingly intact for 10000 years under the sea or something. unless the ondo have been refurbishing it. like the lights are even on. see originally bosses disappeared into purple wisps because they were ascian aether summons or something but even after that stopped being a plot point they kept the bosses poofing mostly, like there should totally be a corpse there that was a normal person/ondo why'd she go poof into dark aether. huh so that's a a female ondo/sahagin look like (ignoring that they gave the fish tits)
praxis. you help people by helping people. if you leave who's going to help the people of the crystarium and lakeland. who's going to protect the roads and keep the city functioning. what was that you do more by plants native plants in you garden then you do chasing some grade world saving dream. are the devs retconning the echo and hydaelyn connection and separating the two. i like this actually framed as a misconception. what is eli up to. trying to awaken the echo in more people? why didn't any of the scions get the echo if so many in that crowd did. (real reason plot breaking need to keep the pc special). the custom animations for ardbert's face. how did the pc awaken the echo i don't remember. or did we start in the hydaelyn cutscene. hmm what about 1.0 player characters. those two would honestly probably do more good staying in the guard adventuring seems to be a mix of oddjobs and mercenary work you aren't going to be heroes saving people it's a job like what if a crime lord hires you as a bodyguard against assassins.
if zenos didn't implant an artificial echo, maybe he could have awakened it naturally, should have gone to more meteor showers smh. but doesnt he hear hydaelyn's voice? could he be one of the few echoes not tied to hydaelyn?
also yeah i got spoiled on cystal mommy. the internet is is the internet. also asahi is malding from beyond the grave.
0 notes
buckyodinson · 3 years
Helmut Zemo x F!Reader
Summary: you’re cold and Zemo offers you his coat
Word Count: 1k~
Warnings: minor tfatws spoilers ep3 (edit: now this is a series, I will add a warning for eventual smut)
A/N: look I’m confused too 😂 but I’ve found myself a tad obsessed with Zemo the last couple of weeks, and this just kinda happened. I don’t know if there’ll be a big audience for this, but if anyone has any Zemo requests, send them on in and I’d be excited to give them a go! Also, since Sokovian isn’t a real language, I went with a tiny bit of google translated Latvian as a substitute!
Edit: the response to this was pretty big (THANK YOU!), so I’ve turned this into a series! You can find the next part here!
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Sam and Bucky had asked you to keep an eye on Zemo while they went back inside to grab some weapons before you guys left for the docks. You were missing the warmth of the party now you were outside. The night air was biting at your skin as you stood outside Sharon’s place. The skimpy dress she’d told you to wear to fit in with the crowd was fine while you were inside, but now you were out in the night, it wasn’t so great.
You tried to muscle through it, but the occasional shiver wracked through your body, prompting you to quietly hiss at the cold.
Evidently, Zemo noticed.
“Would you like my coat?” He offered, starting to shrug the coat off his shoulders
“No, thank you, Zemo.” You shook your head and held a hand up before crossing it over your chest in an attempt to conserve some warmth.
“Please, call me Helmut.” He drawled, and you looked at him in disbelief for a split second before composing yourself.
“I think I’ll stick with Zemo.” You pursed your lips and looked away.
You were having some conflicted feelings about Zemo recently. As far as you were concerned, he was a bit of an asshole. After all, this was the same man who tore your friends apart only a few years back.
But here he was, flying you guys around in a private jet, acting like you’re all best friends. He’d taken a particular liking to you, which concerned but intrigued you at the same time.
You didn’t want to admit to yourself that you were falling for him. Jesus, the awful things he put your friends through should be enough to turn you off him completely. And yet...
For starters, he was an attractive guy. You couldn’t deny that. You’d caught yourself staring at his hair several times. You wanted to run your fingers through it, tug on it... something. And the little bit of scruff he had been sporting too? You’d thought about that a bit too much.
And his accent... it had an effect on you, for sure. He could read a phone directory to you and you’d probably hang onto every number. You especially liked when he spoke Sokovian. You had no idea what he ever said, but you had noticed he’d use the occasional word when talking to you, or referring to you to someone else. You’d have to ask him about those at some point.
And for a dangerous criminal, he sure danced like a dork at Sharon’s place. You watched him from the bar as he was seemingly in a world of his own on the dance floor. At one point he caught your attention and beckoned you to join him, but you simply raised your glass at him and stayed put, smirking as he carried on.
While you were lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice Zemo shuck off his coat, and the next thing you knew, you felt the soft fur of the collar around your neck. You desperately wanted to protest but the coat was so warm, both in itself and because Zemo had been wearing it just moments before. The smell of his cologne lingered in it too, and you tried your best to ignore it.
“...thank you.” You murmur as you slip your arms into the sleeves and wrap the coat around you properly.
“It is my pleasure, mīļā.” He flashes a smile at you and you turn away, hoping he doesn’t catch your shy smile and the blush creeping up your face.
When Sam and Bucky finally return, they both narrow their eyes at Zemo when they see you’re wearing his coat.
“The lady was cold, I did what any gentleman would do.” He smirked as you all started walking down the street.
“Gentleman... sure.” Sam didn’t look convinced, and you chuckled at the look he gave Zemo.
You walked down the street and Sharon pulled up in a car, gesturing for you all to get in. Sam was closest to the passenger door so he just got in the front of the car, leaving you to squeeze in the back with Bucky and Zemo.
You rolled your eyes at the way Zemo’s face brightened up at the prospect of being so close to you in the car, but you found yourself hiding a small smile too. You edged yourself a little closer to Bucky though, and once he realised how close you and Zemo were, he shuffled himself as close to his door as he could, giving you some room to move.
The journey to the docks took a fair while, but it dragged on tortuously with Zemo sat so close to you. You started to get hot in his coat quite quickly, but there was no room to move in the car for you to take it off, so you just had to stay in it. You weren’t complaining too much though, because you were still quite enjoying the comfort of the coat.
When you arrived at the docks, Zemo hopped out of the car quickly, turning around to offer you his hand, and as much as you didn’t want to accept it, you didn’t want to trip over in your heels so you took his hand and let him help you out of the car.
“Thank you, Helmut.” Your eyes widened as his first name escaped your mouth, and he smirked in response. You felt your cheeks heat up, and you were just glad the others seemingly didn’t notice your slip up.
“You’re more than welcome, mana mīlestība.” He shut the car door with one hand, but kept a hold of you with his other hand, and it took you a second to realise and let go.
A deep chuckle rose from his throat and he winked before walking to catch up with the others. You took a deep breath and followed everyone, cursing yourself for letting Hel- Zemo get under your skin.
What was wrong with you? Where did these feelings come from? What were you going to do about them?
You’d have to worry about that later though, because shit hit the fan at the docks very quickly...
mīļā - sweetheart
mana mīlestība - my love
If anybody has any Zemo fic ideas, I’m all ears!
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bucky-hues · 3 years
bucky barnes fic recs
here are some bucky fics i loved reading!
many of these are 18+ and there are some dark fics in here, so please read the warnings for each fic! if any of the writers i’ve included want anything removed/edited, please let me know!
one shots
jack pendleton | @roger-that-cap
author!bucky x reader
moving into an apartment to get away from your last relationship was fun all fun and games until you met your extremely attractive across-the-hall neighbor, who makes awesome cookies and even better novels.
grip | @pellucid-constellations
bucky x reader
You knew Bucky didn’t like his arm. You just didn’t know how much until he accidentally hurt you with it.
voicemails to an unmanned inbox | @pellucid-constellations
bucky x reader
When Bucky takes an argument a little too far, you take off. All he wants is for you to come back home.
can’t get the words out | @pellucid-constellations
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky’s been awfully distant lately. You don’t think your heart can take what you know he’s about to say.
his everything | @likeahorribledream
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky has trouble talking about his feelings and he ends up pushing away the one person he needs the most.
eavesdrop | @bestofbucky
bucky x avenger!reader
things spies don't notice | @starrysebastians
bucky x avenger!reader
don't you worry (your pretty little head) | @babyboibucky
guitarist!bucky x reader
You agree to spend twelve hours with Bucky whom you just met.
suburbia | @wkemeup
bucky x avenger!reader
Posing as husband and wife, you and Bucky infiltrate a quaint suburban neighborhood in search of a Hydra hacker. Perhaps if you weren’t so in love with him and he hadn’t broken your heart, the act of pretending wouldn’t hurt so much.
sparklin' eyes | @19ana45
roommate!bucky x reader
Prompt: Character A’s current boyfriend/girlfriend/partner mocks Character B for their crush on their best friend, [A]. [B], feeling humiliated, withdraws from the friendship with [A], who is completely oblivious [B] has feelings for them.
reoccurring face | @swtbbybarnes
bucky x reader
he’s been around a lot lately, sometimes multiple times a day, and you’re starting to wonder how much coffee one man can actually drink.
falling for you | @comfortbucky
moving on | @bucky-bucket-barnes
bucky x reader
After Bucky had been missing for a year, you had presumed him dead. Time passed, yet you seemed unable to move on from his death. That was until a familiar face came to your doorstep one winter night.
bucky bitchass barnes to the rescue | @bucky-bucket-barnes
bucky x avenger!reader
In an attempt to escape from hectic life as an Avenger, you decided to go out on a date. Unfortunately, you got stood up. While Bucky hates you, he hates seeing you embarrassed more and decides to fill in for your M.I.A. date.
pansies, pain, and other things about bucky | @bucky-bucket-barnes
bucky x avenger!reader
You and Bucky are begrudgingly paired on a mission together. This is less than ideal considering neither of you are too keen on the other tagging along. All goes as normal until a surprise attack severely hurts both of you. Feeling incredibly guilty, Bucky helps you tend to your wounds. He has trouble admitting it, but he wants to make sure you’re safe.
the lost converse | @firefly-in-darkness
bucky x reader
Last nights party was a bit of a mad one, what do you do when you wake up in someone else’s bed?
nervous | @dailyreverie
bucky x reader
A nervous Bucky introduces you to his fellow Avengers during game night
fever | @dailyreverie
bucky x reader
a little old fashioned | @gogolucky13
bucky x reader
Bucky is a bit subtle in telling you he likes you.
sweetart | @onlyjamesbarnes
soft!bucky x baker!reader
your best friend bucky tries to stay platonic with you, letting you live out your dreams, but his instincts soon get the better of him.
the things you've done | @divine-mistake
bucky x reader
what if the world ended tomorrow and all he did was spend his last day with you thinking about how you never hold his metal hand and you never walk on his left side and you constantly reach out for his right arm?
do you still love me? | @thatfangirl42
bucky x reader
2:00am | @thatfangirl42
bucky x avenger!reader
miscommunications | @empyreanwritings
bucky x avenger!reader
cookies, kisses, and such | @sweetbucky
pretending | @multifandomwriter
bucky x reader
Bucky notices you at a party and is instantly attracted to you. Steve instantly notices the lovestruck look in his eyes, but also his nerves that are stopping him from talking to you. So Steve plays on Bucky’s jealousy to get him to make a move.
good together | @irndad
bucky barnes x avenger!reader
bucky and his girlfriend are in secret, and they think they are absolutely perfect for each other. literally everyone else in the compound thinks bucky and nat are made for each other.
l-o-v-e | @irndad
college!bucky x reader
college!bucky meets reader in a library and it’s all downhill from there. He’s desperately in love and pining and it’s all ridiculous and he doesn’t think she could like him back.
tell me the truth | @bwhitewolfbarnes 
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky finds himself overhearing your conversation with his younger self, and he hates the way it makes him ache. He needs to know what is real.
the staring contest | @jobean12-blog
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky has a staring/glaring problem and you can’t figure out why!
lavender | @wkemeup
bucky x reader
Not every nightmare is the same and Bucky doesn’t always wake up as the man you know.
little lion man | @wkemeup
bucky x avenger!reader 
Sent on an assignment back to 1943, you encounter a drastically different version of the man you know
purgatory | @wkemeup
bucky x avenger!reader
While on a mission, Bucky becomes dissociated into the Winter Soldier. But instead of becoming a threat, his instinct is to protect.
i love you, you idiot | @chrisevansjellybeans 
bucky x reader
all the good things | @houseravenclaws 
bucky x avenger!reader
bucky’s been more than a little happy recently. sam thinks it has something to do with the pretty girl on the team.
tap | @houseravenclaws
bucky x avenger!reader
bucky never talked much. he fell in love anyway.
shaking | @clintbartonswife
bucky x avengers!reader
after you get injured on a mission, the usually stoic Bucky breaks, and you see a side to him that he’s kept hidden ever since his acceptance into the Avengers.
deserving | @hanoella 
bucky x healer!reader
When someone bad mouths Bucky in your presence, you set things straight.
keep me cool | @chouettedubois
bucky x avenger!reader
You and Bucky are on your third undercover mission acting as a couple. Things go awry when you fall ill. Cue caretaker!Bucky to the rescue.
on, off and repeat | @avasparks
neighbour!bucky x reader
i wished on the moon for you | @sunmoonandbucky 
bucky x reader
After losing Bucky, you were devastated. So when Howard Stark asks for volunteers for an experiment, you’re the first in line.
the hottest avenger | @watchmegetobsessed
bucky x avenger!reader
Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
hey daddy | @watchmegetobsessed
bucky x avenger!reader
You join Peter and his friends for a game of Truth Or Dare but you wish you stayed in your room when MJ challenges you to do a task that will definitely out your secret relationship with Bucky.
crash course | @watchmegetobsessed
bucky x reader
Bucky is a regular at the café where you work at and seeing him struggling with technology, you offer to help him, teaching him the basics while you are both thinking about taking it a little further than just a crash course.
little things | @watchmegetobsessed 
bucky x avenger!reader
missed chances | @soap-bubble-nebula 
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky is about to ask out the reader, but right before she could answer him her ex calls her up and she answers happily as she always wanted a second chance with said ex
truth or dare? | @soap-bubble-nebula 
bucky x avenger!reader
the experiment | @soap-bubble-nebula 
bucky x reader
make believe on christmas eve | @green-eyeddragonfanfiction 
bucky x reader
When your family insists you bring your [nonexistent] long-term boyfriend over for Christmas, you panic. You hadn’t expected to be put in this situation; you never thought you’d actually have to bring “him” over.
sick day | @nastybuckybarnes
bucky x avenger!reader
you tell a little white lie to escape Avenging for a day, and Bucky finds out. He’s hurt and upset, until he finds out your reason why.
spies and secrets | @barnesandco 
bucky x reader
Bucky buys a new jacket that is… uncharacteristically bright. Sam ribs him for it, and you- you don’t know what to do with yourself.
the bar rules | @buckyhoney (18+)
bartender!bucky x reader
the family lunch |  @buckyhoney​ (18+)
dad'sbestfriend!bucky x reader
forbidden fruit | @bucksfucks (18+)
dad'sbestfriend!bucky x reader
you attempt to set your ex’s things on fire. bucky has a better idea.
mr. brightside | @bucksfucks (18+)
ex'sdad!bucky x reader
the one where you fuck your ex's dad
left gasping for air | @bucksfucks (18+)
bucky x reader
doused with sex pollen, you & bucky are met with a difficult decision.
love me harder | @celestialbarnes (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
you and bucky have been flirting and screwing around for months now, after seeing him getting frisky with someone else, you decide to do the same and bucky’s just about had enough.
sweeter than sugar | @angrythingstarlight (18+)
chubbybaker!bucky x reader
look my way | @sableseb (18+)
neighbour!bucky x reader
boyfriend upgrade | @multifandomwriter (18+)
roommate!bucky x reader
You have always been close with your roommate, Bucky, but tensions start to rise when your boyfriend begins to stay over at your apartment. You feel like you’re drifting apart until Bucky accidentally sees you almost naked.
lure | @bccky (18+) dark
bucky x reader
it’s all about the perfect lure
plan | @sergeantxrogers (18+)
bucky x reader
“I was supposed to forget about you, and you were supposed to forget about me, but damn it if I could ever forget about you because since the day I saw you, you never left my mind and you were all I thought about,” he rambled, focusing on anything his eyes could land on that wasn’t you. “You’re… you’re still all I think about,” he whispered, voice tired and beaten, like the very sentence had been waiting in his throat for years just to get a chance to come out into the open.
play pretend | @wkemeup (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
When Bucky is injected with a substance that leaves him desperate for release, you offer your help.
you’re mine | @marveicinematics (18+)
bucky x reader
Having a secret relationship with a man as insecure and complex as James Buchanan Barnes may not have been the best idea you had, but one thing was certain: you knew how to make him feel better about the things that bothered him.
white lies and truth serum | @mariessecretfantasies (18+) dark
dark!bucky x avenger!reader
You and Bucky share a dance, a few too many drinks, and a night in bed together. Unfortunately, he neglects to tell you that he can’t get drunk.
bitter fruit | @divine-mistake (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
“The mission was already a success!” you say and you can feel tears burning the back of your eyes. You will yourself to blink them back. “You had the files, the base was set to detonate, I don’t understand why you didn’t just stay on the fucking jet.”
“Because you were going to die.”
always here | @simsadventures (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
You have an obvious crush on Bucky, and kind of hope he feels the same. But when you overhear agents talking about you, and then even Bucky, you realise there is no hope for you. At least you think there isn’t.
your captain | @onlyjamesbarnes (18+)
dark!bucky x reader, husband!steve x reader
a perfect anniversary night gets interrupted by his best friend, who happens to be your boss.
graveyard , sacrifice | @wkemeup
bucky x healer!reader
As the unofficial healer for the Avengers, you pride yourself on the ability to mend heroes with the touch of your hand. Only, your gift comes at a heavy price — one you keep secret from your friends —and when Bucky asks you to do the impossible, they’ll discover why your gift is called a sacrifice, too.
sunrise | @wkemeup​ (18+)
veteran!bucky x librarian!reader
After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is discharged from active duty and sent back to civilian life. Left with a storm of unchecked guilt, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you.
TiMER | @xbuchananbarnes (ongoing) (18+)
bartender!bucky x reader (soulmate au)
“If a clock could count down to the exact moment you’ll meet your soulmate, would you want to know?”
the match | @babyboibucky (ongoing) (18+)
ceo!bucky x reader
You come across your boss’ Tinder profile.
the holiday hack | @gogolucky13 
bucky x reader (modern au)
You ask Bucky to be your stand-in boyfriend for your family’s Christmas party.
sexual healing , medicine | @gogolucky13 (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
You ask a touch-starved Bucky if he wants to try something new in an attempt to take your minds off work.
vacant mirrors | @whirlybirbs (18+)
bucky x reader
shit's been rough. shit was rough even before the blip. dr. hart shares an office with dr. raynor, and you share with waiting room with bucky barnes. set before tfatws; a friends-to-lovers, slowburn, eventual smut.
salvatore | @nsfwsebbie (18+) dark
dark!bucky x reader
Bucky Barnes doesn’t believe in love anymore. Especially after the tragic, unknown death of his wife, Natasha. He thinks it’s stupid and a waste of time and- oh my. Hello there, you. There you were, with your notebooks and your novels, writing your heart away. He’s hellbent on saving you from this nasty world, his elusive neighbor that has him under the stupid spell of love. You soon find yourself trapped in a tragic love story with Bluebeard, not Prince Charming.
polyonymous | @bubblebuckys
bucky x reader (social media au)
You met James on Twitter three months ago, and you’ve talked everyday since. You really like him, and you don’t think you’ve met anyone like him. That is, until the fateful night that brings the Avengers to you. You meet Bucky Barnes, and then you’re stuck choosing between two guys so alike you find yourself asking why they couldn’t be the same person.
going live , offline | @ritesofreverie (18+)
camboy!bucky x reader
your new neighbour looks so familiar, where had you seen him before?
heavy metal lover | @mypoisonedvine (ongoing) (18+)
sub!bucky x dominatrix!reader
working as a dominatrix is never exactly easy, but a new client brings challenges you never expected.
fake boyfriend real orgasms | @bucksfucks (ongoing) (18+)
roommate!bucky x reader
when bucky needs a date to sam’s wedding, he makes a deal with you. when it starts to turn into something a little more real, you realize how deep you’re in.
almost had me believing it | @tuiccim (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
it's brooklyn, baby | @my-divine-death (ongoing) (18+)
college!bucky x reader
hush 1 2 | @starbuckie (ongoing)
bucky x reader
in quiet corners and selfish moments, y/n and bucky have kept their relationship a secret, one love that was pure and untouched by the darkness that surrounded them. but after bucky is able to walk the streets a free man once again, will their love be able to survive?
misconceptions | @firefly-in-darkness (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky Barnes overhears a conversation that he shouldn’t have…
what a night | @jurassicbarnes
bucky x reader
Bucky Barnes is out in the new world, navigating through everyday life and it’s trials and tribulations. His therapist insists he tries new things. He has collected a few new hobbies. But when it comes to making new acquaintances, what’s a better way to meet new people than a little dating site called Tinder.
hey, professor | @balenciagabucky (ongoing) (18+) dark
professor!bucky x reader
professor barnes always had his eye on you, you noticed it, your girlfriend noticed it, even his friends and after one raunchy photo sent to him, a joke, nothing more, in his world you become more than just a student
missing piece 1 2 3 4 | @likeahorribledream
bucky x avenger!reader
seeing red | @mypoisonedvine (18+)
bodyguard!bucky x actress!reader
bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.
flight risk , no control | @wkemeup
bucky barnes x avenger!reader
Bucky becomes a flight risk after a failed mission and is put in lockup under Steve’s orders. Even though Bucky won’t say a word of what happened, you camp outside the door to his cell so he knows he isn’t alone.
bad match | @justreadingfics (18+)
bucky x reader
Bucky and the Reader are set up on a date, but things don’t go as well as expected.  
unbroken | @constantwriter85 (18+)
bucky x hacker!reader
Bucky isn’t happy about being paired with a snarky, untested hacker on a stealth mission to infiltrate Hammer Industries. But when the mission spirals out of control and they’re both captured, he finds out just how much heart his hacker has–and how far she’s willing to go to protect the lives of others.
if i only had a heart 1 2 | @chouettedubois​ (18+)
bucky x reader
Team Cap is back at the compound after being pardoned. Bucky is suffering from the shoddy work HYDRA did with his prosthetic. Tony brings reader in to fix it—and maybe help him find his heart in the process.
text me | @soap-bubble-nebula​ 
bucky x reader
Tony and the other’s are off on a mission, and it’s up to you to help Bucky get comfortable and assimilate into normal life. He texts you because Tony told him he could.
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