#on another episode of lets see how many followers i can lose oop
lilfellasblog · 4 years
I'm gonna address that anon there. Romantic Roman and Remus shouldn't exist. But it does. Brotherly or platonic is good. For me that's the creativity twins but I will not judge people. If you ship romantic okay but I will not support the content. They are twins. They decided to be twins. Thomas made them brothers and twins. Yes they were the same side. But people get older. Meaning their creativity will split. If that makes sense?
Fictional content doesn’t bring harm to people, and I have dual degrees (psychology and social work) in this. Therefore, I will vehemently disagree with the “should” and “shouldn’t” aspect of it, as the only thing that leads to is attempted censorship. Moxiety, a father and son dynamic, never got this much hate, it’s only because some people had a knee jerk reaction and didn’t think things through. People used to be able to say “I don’t like moxiety because they father/son thing makes me uncomfy, but the content itself is harmless!”. For some reason, remrom gets a very different, very exclusionary treatment. People can block the tag for moxiety and move on, but not so for remrom.
I don’t know what your own reasons are for saying that an entire section of fiction “shouldn’t” exist are, but I’ll tackle a few of the common ones since I’m answering asks and other folks might see it. If they don’t apply to you, my apologies! Fiction doesn’t cause crime, even if the person who committed the crime swore up and down it did. Another common argument as for why remrom “shouldn’t” exist is because it means that the authors support incest in real life. Writing about something in fiction doesn’t mean someone condones it in real life, and I can’t believe that that’s still something that is heard frequently as an argument. “Fiction” is, by definition, a divorce from reality. And that last point is actually the most harmful one for me, as an incest and trafficking victim/survivor, to hear. I haven’t ever written remrom, but if I did, it wouldn’t make me one iota like my abusers.  One of the key definers of human beings is that we’re equipped with critical thinking skills, and yes even the more impressionable people or whatever the new buzzword is nowadays. And I was a brainwashed kid who had been trafficked their entire life, yet I was still able to think critically.
There is no moral imperative to fiction, and therefore no “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”. Any reasons beyond not liking the content is a personal preference and a tag that can be easily filtered. There is literally no reason why any genre of fiction “should” or “shouldn’t” exist, because fiction is not reality. Censorship occurs when a person or a group of people have decided that they are the knowers of truth and they specifically know what is and is not “acceptable” or what “should” or “shouldn’t” exist. Applying your own preferences about what content you want to see and stating their worthiness of existence based off of that is the thing that shouldn’t be happening here.
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percydarling · 4 years
I'll be honest,if the weasley kids had a tv show I would have percy as my favourite. Bill aand charlie arent in it so I wouldnt have an opinion (they're obviously hinted at but never there) Arthur's gonna annoy me kinda, molly is really nice but she always compares her kids. Ron (as lovely as he is) can be really mean to percy and just sucky to him. I love Ginny but everyone knows jk made her because "girl power= not feminine traits!1!1!1!" I love her,I love her love for quidditch but I feel like I still clearly see what she represents and that's jks sentiments (like cho for example, as an asian it's never gonna leave my mind). The twins would be great in theory but 2 twins insulting their older brother, burning a hole through their brothers tongue? Pranking everybody ALL THE TIME? I say I love them but seriously if I studied at hogwarts I would loathe them because hey, were in class- prank somebody in a more boring one or after. Also they're way too mean to percy.
Percy is the kinda dude I'd identify with, I hate how his family shames him alot. Sure hes ambitious but at the same time I hate when they bully him for his pride in his prefect badge and his head boy badge, like CMON! Gryffindor traits??? PRIDEFUL like yeah hes gonna be happy because he feels accomplished. I remember getting into model un and I talked about it at dinner time,my siblings got kinda annoyed but did they insult me abt it? No! They understood that this was a big part of my pride. They teased me a little "Haha model un-er" or "your rooms the country your representing right? Oops I dont have my passport" regular happy sibling stuff. You dont insult your brothers pride and joy, it's obvious hes so happy about it.
If there's gonna be a show on the Weasley family, the only interestee Weasley I would be watching is for Percy. Now let's go through every Weasley.
Arthur- at work, never home, if at home in shed exploring muggle things instead of probably bonding with his children.
Molly-would do chores, help children and maybe chat with next door neigbour. A slight chance of bonding with kids. Not very entertaining really.
Bill and Charlie- I mean depends whether they're even there or gone. If they're there they'd probably argue with each other. Maybe we'll get the Bill earring story and Charlie dragon obsession. Other than that maybe sibling bonding which is always good.
Twins- I cannot emphasize enough as to why I wouldn't watch the twins, if there was such a tv show. Each episode they'll probably prank someone most probably Ron and Percy. And then these pranks would get violent and physical and they would still be the saints and Percy the villain.
I mean the twins cause Ron's phobia, almost make him take the Unbreakable Vow (Ron was 5!) and then beat his Puffskein to death.
And that's only Ron. If I start on Percy the jokes are endless but let's just end with the twins tried to locked Percy in a pyramid( God knows how old!). Enough said.
Ron- We already have Ron content in the book. Do we really need more? Yes we do but not if it's Ron insulting Percy. And if this show was before Harry and Hogwarts then Ron would be a young child like 9-10 years old and I personally wouldn't be interested. I love Ron but he loses absolutely no moment to insult or bitch about his brother. Plus Ron is whiny. Sometimes.
Ginny- They'll probably make her a Mary Sue who can do no wrong. They would seriously do that and make her a female version of the twins. Sorry not interested in watching her.
When we come to Percy there are so many things we can do. We can see bonding with Bill or Charlie. Percy being a good older brother and helping with nightmares. Percy being his mother's support system. Percy helping Arthur with his work. Percy teaching Ron chess. Percy planning a prank with twins. Percy playing dolls with Ginny.
With Percy you can relate him to everyone in some way or another. We know Molly loves Percy and probably considers him her favorite. Probably. Arthur with the Ministry so Percy and Ministry. Percy going to Bill with help for studies. Percy helping Charlie research about dragons.(Percy telling Charlie his dormmate is crazy about quidditch and asking if Charlie could give him tips and an autograph)
Percy playing chess with Ron. We know Percy is protective over Ron and Ginny. So we can assume that Percy teaches Ron chess and helps him read. Percy reading to Ginny about Harry Potter.(Really though who else would have? Molly would be busy and Bill and Charlie wouldn't)
Or we can have Percy writing stuff. Short stories and articles. Percy being a writer. Percy singing , dancing or drawing. Percy sneaking to Muggle town and talking to them.
Percy finding Scabbers.
Percy going to the Lovegood residence and talking with Luna's mother because she is such an amazing person.
(And taking her death the hardest)
Also Percy bonding with Luna.
Percy bonding with Uncle Billius or Great Aunt Muriel. Also reminsing time with Uncle Gideon and Fabian.
Percy having babysitter called Lily Potter who looked just like him but with bright green eyes. She reads to him about adventure stories and tells him she loves him very much and once brought her husband with her(who's an animagus!)
(While his brothers rejoiced the fall of You Know Who, Percy cried because Miss Lily and Mr James were dead. That was the time Percy realised that bad things happen to good people)
Well to put it in short there are so many angles with Percy which makes him interesting in my opinion.
If they do make let's hope they don't screw Percy over like they did with him in that damn game.
Also for that Percy interacting with Muggles there's an interesting fanfic called Percy's Diary.
Percy is the only Weasley who I can relate to which makes me love him more. I am an elder sibling, have been constantly insulted by family and friends for following rules and very rarely been put down for being excited for something.
And the whole making fun of Percy is bullying when they're laughing at him and not with him.
These 2 prepositions make all the difference when it comes to teasing and bullying.
And the twins are bullies. They are.
"Oh, are you a prefect, Percy? You should've said something, we had no idea."
This is one of the lines they say.
How much do you want to bet that the twins didn't say something like this to Bill when he became prefect and HeadBoy?
Percy was a constant butt of their jokes and pranks, including bewitching his prefect and Head Boy badges to read Pinhead and Bighead Boy respectively, and sending dragon dung to his office at the Ministry.
This is from the official wikia. People can try to make the twins saint and say it was all good natured and everything. But I will always see the twins as bullies.
And the thing is the twins and Ron never bothered to praise Percy and that just feels wrong. Everytime they talk about Percy it's qn insult. When I talk about my brother to an acquaintance I don't insult him unlike Ron.
I feel that as Percy fans we love him because he is complicated. He isn't like the rest of the Weasleys. He isn't charming or funny. He's just a normal guy trying to do better and Percy fans get it because it's relatable. We can relate to being ordinary. He doesn't have earrings or pranks or a saviour best friend. He's just a guy who follows rules and wants to be successful. Who wouldn't relate with that?
And maybe some of us have been ridiculed just like Percy so we understand. We also understand that this is Harry's biased view and all he has been told about Percy is usually by Ron or the twins who insult him on a regular basis. And Harry is no better! He uses words like pompously like he understands how a person talks pompously?
So I love Percy a lot because I relate to him and I would never in my life apologise for loving such a complicated character.
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swamplatibule · 3 years
starwritten society “season one” summary in bullet points
The Starwritten Society is a secret organization dedicated to rescuing children with paranormal abilities from those who would manipulate or weaponize those abilities. They also specialize in training those children to control their powers, if need be.
But forget about that let’s get to the cool stuff
fox exists
everyone is either kinda in love with him or fucking hates him
or both *coughwilsoncough*
also he’s a bastard
and he looks like pedro pascal but that’s whatever just focus
he gets back from a mission
and is immediately called into Iara’s office
they’re the head of the Society btw
he thinks he’s in trouble but NOPE
turns out he’s a mentor now! yayyy!
wait no he doesn’t want to be a mentor oops
especially not to this... sassy child
who by the way seems WAY too young to be an agent
and he knows that you need a recommendation from a higher ranking agent to be a mentor and so he asks who recommended him
turns out it was wilson
who’s the head of the high risk rescue division
and also the character that almost the entire made-up fandom ships with fox but they don’t expect it to actually happen because the amount of queerbaiting in tv is RIDICULOUS
but jokes on them everyone in this goddamn show is gay as fuck lol
anyway he confronts wilson bc he doesn’t want a trainee wtf dude
and wilson goes
”I thought having another life to worry about might make you a little less reckless.”
yeah they have a very passive-aggressive rivalry as of yet
and so fox is stuck with a trainee
her name is hollister btw, aidan hollister, she’s the paraself
anywho hollister n fox do NOT get along at first
fox makes it very clear that he doesn’t think hollister is cut out for this kinda shit
like even though she was able to hack into the society's security systems which is basically impossible
she doesn’t know how to hold a gun or fight a bitch
AND she’s like 14, most agents don’t start training until they’re like 17
so shes too young for this shit
and hollister is pissed because she earned her right to be here and this motherfucker is just fuckn UGH
also she has a hidden complex about not being good enough or “worthy” but shhhh that’s a secret
but they‘re stuck with each other though so
then we meet Kennedy, she runs the tech devision and was very impressed Hollister managed to hack the system (that she made! Kennedy made the system! She’s by far the most vital person in the Society and don’t you ever forget it)
Kennedy and Fox are also really good friends they’ve known each other since they were trainees
kennedy immediately takes a liking to hollister
she slowly grows on Fox too but he won’t show it
well he has to adopt train this kid so there’s like a solid three episodes that’s just them going missions and him teaching her how to do agenty stuff
then we meet The Bad Guy
Her name is Eleanor Sylvidas
which is the same name as the first bad guy Fox ever faced bc she‘s that lady’s daughter and has the same name
turns out her mom raised her to continue the family business
if you know what I mean
so Eleanor is giving the Society a lot of shit to deal with
fox and hollister’s mission is to get any sort of information on her, try to find her location but DO NOT GET INTO A FIGHT WITH HER bc they won’t let hollister get into fights yet
anyway turns out eleanor is in the building at the same time as them
they get split up
hollister gets into a fight with her
of course
because shes Like That
hollister loses but fox saves her and they get the hell out of there
the bad news is that Eleanor is now targeting these two specifically
she recognized fox as the guy who got her mom arrested and since hollister’s his trainee she’s roped into the mess too
so a few episode pass that i haven’t fully daydreamed yet
just a few training things and dangerous shit and fox teaching Hollister how to steal a car
and we have a backstory episode duh
every good show has some backstory exposition
long story short fox‘s parents died in a murder-su•c•de and also his sister got kidnapped and he spent a year in foster care before running away and joining the circus and eventually the Society
hollister never met her parents and has spent her entire life in the foster care system
and tragic villain backstory! That’s the heroes don’t know!
Eleanor’s mom basically made her feel worthless or like she wouldn't be good for anything if she couldn’t carry on with the plan thing.
And she doesn’t actually want to be doing any of this! She just acts like she does and wears this sadistic twisted mask to hide any doubt
but enough sad shit get ready for...
there’s one in each season, where the characters have to sneak into a very rich-people black-tie event
and also sneak in as many weapons as they can fit on their person
so they go to this party
and they split up in order to find eleanor
and fox SPECIFICALLY tells Hollister “if you see her don’t engage, just let me take care of it”
hollister sees Eleanor and tries to get Fox’s attention but eleanor is going somewhere and she doesn’t have time and-
so she just follows Eleanor without Fox’s help
and then they get into another fight
and it’s a pretty even fight bc hollister’s a quick learner and stuff
and so she’s gotten pretty good at fighting
but then fox finds them and hollister’s distracted and eleanor gets away
and so they’re back where they started
there‘s a long scene of him arguing with her because she put herself in danger and could‘ve gotten herself killed
and her arguing that she had it, she could’ve just ended the whole thing right there and they wouldn’t have to deal with this lady anymore
but NO because fox had to interrupt
it ends with hollister storming out of the room and Fox just sighing and leaning against the wall
and then realizing suddenly that
well shit
maybe he does care about this kid
thats not good
but of course he’s not gonna say it out loud bc he doesn‘t want to admit that attachment
in the end it’s after a long talk with Kennedy that he admits it
partially because she locks him in her office because she KNOWS something‘s wrong and she also knows that he’ll bottle it up land deal with it silently unless someone makes him talk about it
Kennedy is absolutely not gonna have that shit because that’s not ✨healthy✨
she’s a good friend like that and also just a badass in general
anyway so fox admits that mayyybe yeah he cares about the kid and possibly hypothetically sees her as a daughter and such
Kennedy seems satisfied so she tells him to go find Hollister
wherever she went
And it turns out!!!
she just straight up left the building and went for a walk to clear her head
which is dangerous, dumbass, what are you thinking someone’s trying to kill you
Hollister is a reflection of myself so it makes sense that she’s an idiot tbh
but anyway a few people who work for Eleanor attacked her and captured her and such
fox doesnt know that yet so he’s walking around looking for her
and after a while he starts getting worried
because where the hell is she? where the fuck is his kid dammit
and then
he gets a text
from hollister's phone
with a series of coordinates
and so being the impulsive dumbass he is he just goes to those coordinates as fast as he can without any sort of backup
and it turns out!
Eleanor was trying to get both of them in the same place, yknow
two birds with one stone n shit
hollister is still alive don’t worry!
she gets plot armor because I like her
so there’s a fight, there’s blood and grit and also there’s...
✨eleanor having a mental breakdown✨
and so she’s talking about how she HAS to do this and she’s losing her composed cool persona and just going wild
and fox tries to calm her down but it doesn’t work, she just wants to kill them both right now and she’s not gonna stop until either they’re dead or she is
and so they fight, although the main two don’t really have a choice in it
Kennedy shows up with backup bc shes a bad bitch like that
and eventually, after a long fight, Hollister and Fox take down Eleanor
They don’t kill her, obviously, but they are Getting This Bitch Therapy
I think she might be important later in like
season 4 or something
that’s the one I just started daydreaming
but forget about that there’s sappy stuff happening! :D
they’re both on the floor, hollister’s kinda hugging herself and she looks like she‘s about to cry
”I thought you didn’t want me around. I thought I wasn’t good enough.”
and then fox just hugs her
and now they’re both crying
and the viewers are crying
and the sky is also crying
because it’s raining when they get outside
and they’ve become this lil family duo
and BOOM there you go season one in bullet points
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honyakuninakunaru · 4 years
Support Found Amidst The Sky // Murr SSR Card Story
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Akira: "...My, it's already this late. I still haven't adapted to the way things are here, have I? A day goes by in the blink of an eye! I faced a lot of things today too. It's kind of a fresh experience though. The wizards are all very unique, but I've come to love them because of that, and I want to become dear friends with all of them."
???: "Knock-knock!"
Akira: "Hm?"
Akira: ("Is that supposed to be...the sound of knocking? They're vocalizing it though...")
Akira: "Is someone there?"
Murr: "Good evening, Master Sage!"
Akira: "Murr? What's up?"
Murr: "With me? A lot! Something's always up with me!"
Akira: "That's not what I meant... Let me rephrase that. Did something troublesome happen to you?"
Murr: "Mhm! Just now, Shylock and I were playing tag!"
Akira: "Tag?"
Murr: "Yep! He might find me soon, so will ya let me hide here for a while? Or would you rather join us instead? Wanna run from Shylock together?"
Akira: ("Now's my chance to get closer with Murr... But it's so late...")
Akira: "...Yawn."
Murr: "Oh?"
Akira: ("Oops...")
Murr: "That was a bi~g yawn just now! Are ya feelin' sleepy?"
Akira: "S-sorry. I was actually about to go to bed..."
Murr: "You're gonna sleep even if the moon is so pretty tonight? What a waste~ If I were you I'd stay up until the sun rises, y'know?"
Akira: "Until sunrise...? You sure are passionate, Murr..."
Murr: "Ahaha! Your eyelids are looking kinda heavy. If today won't do, then we're gonna play next time, when your eyes are properly open!"
Shylock: "Just when I was wondering where you could've gone."
Akira: "Shylock?"
Murr: "Shoot! He found me!"
Shylock: "Pardon the interruption, Master Sage. I will be retrieving this straggling cat, so please rest assured."
Murr: "Bye-bye, Master Sage! See ya tomorrow!"
(The next day) (Courtyard)
Akira: ("...Morning already? It's always so bright in this room...")
Murr: "Morning, Master Sage!"
Rutile: "Good morning!"
Akira: “Whoa! 
Akira: ("W-why are these two the first thing I see...and so up close!? Moreover, where...")
Murr: "You finally woke up!"
Akira: "G-good morning. Um...Why am I in the courtyard...?"
Murr: "I told ya we were gonna play today, yeah? That's why I carried ya over while you were asleep!"
Akira: "Did Murr invite you too, Rutile...?"
Rutile: "Yes. This morning, Murr came up to me and asked me if I wanted to play with you two."
Murr: "He taught me a game from the Southern Country!"
Akira: "A game from the South?"
Murr: "Yup! I'm gathering games from different countries and studying their regional differences! The games from every country should differ at least a little, right? Just like the taste of fruits and songs alter depending on the area. Or they might be all the same!"
Akira: "I see...! What kind of games are common in the South, Rutile?"
Rutile: "Well, games for wizards tend to be a bit extreme in general."
Akira: ("Extreme!?")
Murr: "Ahaha! Master Sage, excitement is written all over your face! Will ya join us?"
Akira: "I'll try to keep up...!"
Akira: ("I'm getting the same feeling right before a ride on a roller coaster at an amusement park...")
Rutile: "There's this game from my childhood that I really liked... First, you draw several circles on the ground. Then, you jump through each one, and whoever runs through all of them and reaches the end, wins."
Murr: "And if ya lose?"
Rutile: "There's a punishment game!"
Akira: ("Huh, that sounds very similar to hopscotch.")
Akira: "There's a game just like this in my world, too."
Rutile: "Is that so? Then you should know how to play!"
Murr: "Hey, don'tcha think it will be more fun if we do it like this? <Eanul Lambru>!"
Akira: "Whoa...!"
Akira: ("The circles started floating...!")
Murr: "It's boring if you can only run on land!"
Akira: ("Mid-air hopscotch... Now that's pretty extreme!")
Rutile: "...All clear!"
Murr: "Ta-dah! I'm done, too!"
Akira: ("Wow, these two ran past me with such ease...")
Murr: "You're next, Master Sage!"
Akira: "A-alright!"
Akira: ("I've ridden on a broom before, but this is a bit too high... Just gotta make sure not to look down!")
Akira: "Here we go! ...Whoa!"
Akira: ("The difference in size and height of the circles makes it difficult to jump from one to another...!")
Akira: "And another one! ...A?"
Akira: ("Shit...! I'm falling!")
Murr: "<Eanul Lambru>!"
Rutile: "<Ortonik Setomaoje>! A-are you alright?"
Murr: "Your eyes are all wide!"
Akira: "...Pff...Ahaha!"
Rutile: "Master Sage?"
Akira: "I'm sorry. I ended up laughing at how scared I got just now."
Murr: "Did ya have fun?"
Akira: "Yeah, lots! Thank you for inviting me."
Murr: "There's another game in line, the fun's just starting!"
Rutile: "Another game?"
Murr: "Yep, yep! It’s the loser's punishment game!"
Akira: "...Is this really a punishment game?"
Murr: "It is! You gotta take a stroll around the sky on my broom!"
Rutile: "I'm very happy to fly side by side with you, Master Sage."
Akira: ("...I was prepared for something more intense, but this will do.")
Murr: "Look! Over there! A flock of migrating birds!"
Rutile: "Ah, you're right. I wonder where are they headed."
Murr: "We're gonna find out if we follow em! Let's go!"
Rutile: "While we're at it, how about we make it a race, Mister Murr? Let’s see who will catch up to the flock first."
Murr: "Sounds good! We're starting right now!"
Rutile: "Okay!"
Akira: "Wait─!"
Akira: ("T-the pace picked up all of a sudden!")
Rutile: "As expected of Mister Murr! But I won't lose─!"
Murr: "Ahaha! Faster, faster!"
Akira: ("Too fast, too fast...! How many kilometres per hour are we hitting?")
Murr: "Closing your eyes is a no-go, Master Sage! It's too early to be sleeping!"
Akira: ("Ah, he got me... No can do. I'll open them just a little...")
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Akira: ("Whoa! Such a beautiful sunset...!")
Rutile: "Pretty, isn't it. It's as if the sky was set ablaze."
Akira: "Yeah... The whole city is bathed in orange hues, and it feels like you can touch the sun!"
Akira: ("So that's what a sunset looks like from the sky...")
Murr: "This is miles different from when you first rode on my broom, right, Master Sage? This time, we're having fun!"
Akira: ("He's right... Everything was a bit scary at the beginning. But now, I have trust in Murr and everyone else, because we are friends.")
Murr: "Hey, Master Sage?"
Akira: "Yes?"
Murr: "...Are you glad that you became friends with us?"
Akira: "Murr..."
Akira: ("Did he invite me because he noticed I wanted to become closer with everyone...?")
Rutile: "Come and hop on my broom next time, Master Sage!"
Akira: "Yes, by all means!"
Murr: "Let's see, who can I get to teach me new games tomorrow?"
Rutile: "Oh, how about the Northern Wizards? You might discover some interesting ones if you do!"
Murr: "I will! Sounds like fun!"
Akira: ("G-games of the North... Now those might be extreme...")
Murr: "Were ya nervous, back then, Master Sage? Or were ya excited?"
Akira: "Umm... Both, maybe?"
Murr: "Ahaha! That's the bestest feeling in the world!"
Anticipation and uneasiness link hands and dance wildly in my chest. I have a feeling that my days will continue with this everlasting touch of excitement.
No, I'm sure there will be more unusual affairs and wonderful events in the future. This feeling firmly settled within me, as I basked in the setting sun.
Relevant Conditions // Card Episode Story
(Murr's Room)
Akira: "Murr, what would you say is the best way to get along with you?"
Murr: "Do ya wanna be buddies, Master Sage?"
Akira: "Mhm. That's why I'd like to know if there's anything I can do..."
Murr: "I see. Then, I'll tell you!"
Akira: "I’m all ears!"
Murr: "The first thing you can do to get along with me, is play games! Games with me will get you super-duper excited! The more excited you are, the more we'll get along!"
Akira: "I see... Anything else?"
Murr: "You gotta know interesting stuff that I don't know of! If you have any stories about foreign games or strange creatures, I'd love to listen! Your world sounds like it's lots of fun!"
Akira: "Does that make you 'super-duper excited' as well?"
Murr: "You got it! I love that feeling!"
Akira: "Thank you, Murr, I'll keep that in mind."
Murr: "Ah! I forgot a real important thing!"
Akira: "Important?"
Murr: "Don't go imitating others! The way you are right now is best! That's the best way to become my friend. Don't forget that, Master Sage."
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Sorting Daenerys Targaryen and Jorah Mormont with the sortinghatchats system (GoT verse)
I didn’t want to write this post before I finished my Killing Eve sortings (basically Carolyn and Konstantin), but I’m stuck with them, so I decided to revisit an old fandom instead with a new approach. My take here is possibly an outsider’s take, given that I haven’t interacted with this fandom for a while, save for a few close friends I made in it. Now, bear in mind this sorting system IS NOT the original HP system, it is simply based on it. It sorts you into two houses. Your primary is you WHY, your reason to be who you are, what you believe in. Your secondary is your HOW, the way you act and approach life. Below is a little tl;dr of what each of them are (I’m using the animal terminology that’s being used in many blogs, by the way. If you know the houses, you know what each animal is supposed to represent).
Lion primaries are intuitive and guided by their moral compass, which is very strong (doesn’t mean what they believe in is in fact good or correct) and Lion secondaries are the people who charge straight at something, regardless of whether they will come out of it unscathed or not.
Snake primaries value people. Not any person, their people. They will go to hell and earth for their people to be safe and happy, which can get kind of self destructive. Snake secondaries improvise much like Lion secondaries, but they tend to adapt to situation and shapeshift their way out of problems.
Bird primaries also value right and wrong like Lion primaries, but they build their systems with external information and observation, not from their gut feelings. That means Bird primaries change a lot with time, because their ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ change. Bird secondaries collect. Skills, tools, random knowledge, they delve deep and acquire as much of them as they can, not because things are useful, but because it’s fun.
Finally, Badger primaries are also people-persons, but their communities are much broader than a Snake primary’s. They value people, tradition, cultures and so (but not every Badger sees everyone as people, so there’s that). Badger secondaries are the hardworking types in the sense that they cultivate things, they invest in them and even become them.
You can develop models of each house according to what you find useful or what society has instilled in you, but when push come to shove, the models aren’t the real you. All of these houses can burn, meaning their essence is somehow scared away from them due to trauma, depression, societal pressures, etc. That means a Lion stops trusting their instincts, a Snake no longer feels like they’re able to protect their people or their people are better off without them, a Bird loses faith in their systems and a Badger closes themselves off from their communities and adopts a smaller circle of people. Burnt houses can look a lot like each other. For more info, check out the tags. 
Double Lion, no doubt (for most of the show). Dany knows what’s right, she feels it in her bones. She never tries to rationalise her decisions and she won’t usually budge, even if she is presented with a more rational plan. None of her advisors have really convinced her to do anything, they might have pushed her to do what they wanted, but if she had her way, Daenerys would only ever listen to her own heart. She needs people around her to help her not make impulsive, brash decisions(because of her Lion secondary that I will get into), but she definitely doesn’t need - and doesn’t want - a moral compass, hers works just fine. She was burned as hell in the first episodes of the first season, mostly because of Viserys’ horrible influence, because he had robbed her of a purpose, of her truth. Drogo also stifles her primary and secondary for a while, but he eventually gives her some space to be herself. When she unburns, she unburns fast. ‘Not a Queen, a Khaleesi’ is pretty much Day gong ‘yeah, I can do things my way, I can be my own person with my own values and my own self.’ I think from there on, her quest to liberate 1) take back the Iron Throne 2) liberate Slaver’s Bay and ‘Break the Wheel’ just show how much she is focused on a big quest that is not explained by reason, by her need to form a community or by the influence of someone in her life. She does it because that’s the Right Thing ™ to do, and that’s Lion primary in a nutshell. Another thing that points towards Lion primary to me is how she just won’t take criticism and specially betrayal well (not that anyone does, but Dany is particularly unforgiving most of the time). Lion primaries are particularly shaken when someone they admire doesn’t have the same moral standards as they do, because deep down they like to think they know what’s ‘good’ and ‘true’ (oops my Snake primary who doesn’t really get Lions is showing), so if you don’t follow them and their beliefs, you must be doing something wrong. This is why Dany is so fucking pissed at Jorah when she finds out he betrayed her. She is also devastated true, and she misses him, but her ideals and her ‘truth’ stop her from seeing things from his side ad from forgiving him until he has proven himself worthy. Her reaction to betrayals tie in to the fact that she is a MASSIVE Lion secondary. She headbutts her way into things and her liberal use of Dracarys is proof of that. That’s not to say she doesn’t think or plan or listen to her advisors, but when push comes to shove, homegirl ACTS. Fuck the consequences, I have three dragons, fucking try me. Don’t tell me that climbing on Drogon in the fighting pits and burning the Khals were calculated decisions. Burning the Lannister army wasn’t a calculated decision. She leaves the planning to the people around her. This is something I struggle with regarding Lions, but I have to admit they are much more prone to seizing opportunities that us Bird secondaries (because I do have a Snake model but it is utter shit). 
Now, in seasons 7 and 8, she starts burning again. She gets to Westeros, where people aren’t flocking to her side like they did in Essos. Daenerys lets herself be swayed by Jon’s pretty little speeches that sound very Lion, sound very true to Daenerys, but guess what? She is fucking betrayed by everyone. The people she loved are killed, her children are killed (and the whole ‘I will take what is mine’ thing indicates that she might have a Snaky primary model, after all, she does some things because of what she claimed as hers, be it people or the Throne), she is left absolutely alone, so she burns, she loses faith in herself, starts doubting her actions and her instincts and no one is there to help her unburn safely, so the way she does it is destructive, as it often is with Lion primaries who don’t have guidance in order to regain their trust  their instincts and their selves. To me, the KL incidence is her primary going ‘You fucking left me behind, you fuckers, now you are going to see that I was right and fuck the consequences’. Her primary takes a turn for the worse with the help of an impulsive secondary and she ends doing anything to reach her end goal, similar to Albus Dumbledore and his disregard for human life as long as Voldemort being defeated is concerned. 
I have no doubts whatsoever that Jorah is a Snake primary. I know the fandom likes to sort him into Hufflepuff when using the traditional sorting system and while there’s no doubts he is a loyalist to the bone, Jorah’s loyalties are much narrower than a Badger primary’s would be. Before he meets Daenerys, he wants to go home and make up with his family, because they are the ones who matter. Not his reputation, not the North, not Bear Islad itself, the Mormont House. Before that still, he does literally anything to keep Lynesse happy, including doing things that are against the law. This utter devotion to certain people are what makes him a Snake primery to me, a paricularly self destructive one. He starts worrying about the fact that he berayed Daenerys when he ‘adopts’ her into his circles and more so when she goes from being in his outermost circles to being the one person his Snake primary is attached to. Daeerys is everything to Jorah. Does he persoally care about freeing slaves or generally following her morals? No, he does it because it is importat to her and he wants her to see he is worthy of her attention (I, another Snek, still don’t kow if I like Florence + The Machine so damn much because I liked a girl who was into FATM or if my Bird secondary saw her taste for FATM and went ‘OMG ME TOO LETS TALK ABOUT THAT’ and the primary just said ‘huh, that’s legit. We’ll worship her from now on’, so yeah, us Snakes do that. On a side note, I never worked up the courage to ask her out, though). That’s why he goes batshit when she banishes him. He doesn’t burn, which means his primary is so strong it wasn’t fazed by being ast out of her circles; no, he is hell bent on getting back into her good graces and if he has to sacrifice his life fr that, so be it. 
Now, when it comes to secondary, I’d say Jorah’s a Lion secondary too, even though he has a lot of models he picked up with time. Models are useful, models get you out of bad situations, but they’re not who you really are. Jorah wans to be a Bird secondary when he’s around Daenerys, he wants to be the careful planner who looks ahead and ensures she is successful and he also needs a Snake secondary model, because his life demands that he twists and turns himself to fit different situations, but deep inside he is a Lion. His most honest moments are the moments when he just does it, no thoughts head empty. Did he have a solid plans when he kidnapped Tyrion? Fuck no! Did he truly know what he was doing when he decided to fight in the pits? Fuck no! Did he think before he charged at the wights and saved Daenerys in Winterfell? Fuck no! His head was probably just going ‘my Daenerys is in danger let’s punch first and see what happens later’. He’s not like Littlefinger, who plans everything ad is so fast at analysing and changing plans he looks like a Snake. His models make him seem like the opposite of Dany, like a Bird to a Lion, brains while she is brawn, but when she is in danger, Jorah charges. 
What the Jorleesi shippers do is take Dany’s Lion primary that is so focused on a quest and show her that she can also include people in her big aspirations. The gut feeling that is so characteristic of Lions is already inside her, all she would need is to put it into words, which isn’t necessarily the strongest suits of many Lions (that’s a Bird thing). Since most of their dynamics inevitably lies on Jorah’s models regulating Dany’s secondary, there’s not much point in ‘taming her Lion’. Jorah stays the same. The fandom looooves his Snake/Lion, specially since us Snakes tend to be too hard on ourselves. A self-loathing Snake who is also a stupid brave Lion secondary? Yes. They are both stupid brave. Also just stupid. Just talk, you two, for fuck’s sake. Get over your Lion, Daenerys, and talk to him, his Snake won’t allow him to bother you too much. 
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lizacstuff · 4 years
Hi, I have just started watching SCK and I am already obsessed with it! I hope you don't mind me asking you a few questions. The episodes are 2 hours 20 mins approx compared to US and UK shows, how do they manage to do that every week, it must be insane hours for them. Is this normal running time for Turkish dramas? Any idea when the season will close, I saw it mentioned that Saturdays episode will be the last for a month, how many episodes are there in a season?
Sorry another query. The American shows normally run for approx 8 months (with small breaks in between) then are on hiatus for 4 months, is it the same with Turkish TV industry What was the relevance of Efe collapsing the roof on his friends house, was it to bring out the Eda story of her parents into the public, is this something that will be playing out later, when Grandma arrives. The arrival of the new woman is so cliche, Blindspot bombed when they did that, I guess it's the format!
Hello there. I also enjoy Blindspot! But I still haven’t watched the final season, I need to get on that, maybe over the holidays. 
Happy to answer your questions as best I can. This is my first Turkish dizi, so I’ve been learning along the way, all to say I’m by no means an expert. 
The episodes are 2 hours 20 mins approx compared to US and UK shows, how do they manage to do that every week,
They shoot at a breakneck pace. The cast and crew post a ton on social and if you follow any of that on instagram and twitter you’ll see that they’re constantly shooting until 2 or 3 in the morning.  Kerem and Hande recently answered an ask in an IGLive about how long it takes to film one episode. They said 4-6 days. Kerem was a bit tetchy about it towards TPTB, so they obviously feel the strain on how much they’re working and producing. In the US, a standard network hour-long drama takes 8+1 days to shoot (meaning 8 full days and 1 of second unit shooting usually done while they’re shooting another episode) and that’s for about 44 minutes of content. 
So how do they do it? Just from watching the show I’ve observed a few things. First, while the episodes are almost 3 times as long, the scenes are also much longer than you’d find in a US produced show.  So for instance a scene in a US show might take 2 minutes of screentime, in SCK that same scene might be 6-8 minutes. But it doesn’t take 3-4x longer to shoot to get those 6-8 minutes because it’s all one set up and all one scene.  
Additionally, from what I can tell, everything is shot on location, no sound stages, and they have a finite number of locations per episode. So they’ll go in and shoot all the scenes at ArtLife for that ep in one set up, all at Serkan’s house in one set up, all at Eda’s house in one set up, all at Aydan’s house in one set up, and then all at the speciality location(s) for that episode in one set up. So they’re not doing huge set ups to get one shot or one scene like you see on uber high-production value US shows. Also everything is mostly dialogue based, very little action, no effects, so it’s pretty straight forward. No time consuming stunts.
Also I don’t think the actors get near as many takes as they do on US-based shows. I think they get the scene and move on, no re-dos to improve one emotional reaction and the like. Thankfully the actors are great. Usually the production value is pretty decent despite this, there have been a few locations where I’ve noticed bad lighting or cramped camera angles, where they are obviously just making due, and that would not fly on a US network show.
 it must be insane hours for them. Is this normal running time for Turkish dramas?
 Yes, that seems to be the standard timing format for shows in Turkey. What’s crazy to me is that they are shooting episodes only like a week out from the air date.  That is next level pressure. 
Any idea when the season will close, I saw it mentioned that Saturdays episode will be the last for a month, how many episodes are there in a season?
I’d seen speculation about that, but then I heard they were only breaking for a week. I haven’t seen anything official. The latest news I’ve seen is that they are trying to shoot episode 24 before the break. In Turkey, the big holiday is New Years, so I think episode 24 may air on December 26, then no episode on Jan 2nd, then back on Jan 9th. As a note, I’d also heard there would be no ep on Dec 26th and then ep 24 airing on Jan 2nd, so we’ll see how it turns out. In this scenario the cast/crew will only get like 4 days off.That sucks for them, I was hoping they were actually going to get at least two weeks off before coming back. However, we’ll see, it all seems oddly speculative. 
Sorry another query. The American shows normally run for approx 8 months (with small breaks in between) then are on hiatus for 4 months, is it the same with Turkish TV industry 
It seems to vary.  I talked a little bit about it in this post. 
What was the relevance of Efe collapsing the roof on his friends house, was it to bring out the Eda story of her parents into the public, is this something that will be playing out later, when Grandma arrives. 
Efe did not mean to cause that level of destruction. He was so panicked after it happened, because that wasn’t his intention. As for his motives, remember earlier that episode he had told Serkan he wanted to review Serkan’s drawings of the house and Serkan was like, “HARD PASS.” Efe was pissed, so I think he was trying to teach Serkan a lesson, that he’s not infallible and that if he had consulted with his partner and let his partner see the drawings it probably wouldn’t have happened (you know second set of eyes.)  I think Efe hoped it would make Serkan lose confidence and as a by product Efe would gain trust and be let deeper into ArtLife and the holding to further Grandma’s plan. However, it blew up in Efe’s face because he ironically didn’t know what he was doing, made a change too extreme and the roof fully collapsed, instead of just causing a smaller issue. Eda’s unwavering belief in her man led her to uncovering that it wasn’t Serkan’s fault and Efe wound up losing his reputation all over Europe. Oops. 
The arrival of the new woman is so cliche, Blindspot bombed when they did that, I guess it's the format!
Some might describe most things about this show as cliche, it’s unapologetically about the tropes. I love that about it, it’s like a giant AU fanfic come to life. This woman is another device to push Serkan and Eda towards each other and to give us some fiery Eda jealousy. Serkan only has eyes for Eda, there is no “triangle” or third-party love interest.  Just a lady with some psychological issues zeroing in on our hero, she will be dealt with soon enough. 
I’m glad you’re enjoying the show!
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karihighman · 5 years
An Upstead timeline
Because I was thinking about how far Jay Halstead & Hailey Upton have come, and I just wanted to be nostalgic for a moment. Enjoy my ramblings! (:
The beginnings: season 4
Ah, yes. Hailey’s debut. I loved 4x21 “Fagin” for that reason. Also, Jay’s first impression of her seemed to be like “dang this girl is sassy...but I’m not complaining” haha.
Also we can’t forget the sass Hailey displayed in the survelliance van. 😂 Legendary. And Jay kept up w/it too. We love a sarcastic duo - even before they were partnered up!
Anyway, the next episode was when Hailey officially joined Intelligence. A moment of awkward silence for the two of them trying to shuffle around each other when Voight gave Hailey Jay’s desk because she was now partners w/Erin. Oops. Too funny.
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Then of course, the season 4 finale saw Hailey be invited out to Molly’s with Jay, Adam, Kevin, & Will. She had the memorable “I’m Greek, we see tragedy in everything” line, along with that first of many looks she’d give to Jay after a conversation - longing & wistful. 😔
The new divide: season 5
Season 5 saw Hailey and Jay become partners & already they were there for each other when Jay had a tough case. While we didn’t see it air in the actual episode, there was a deleted scene from 5x01 that showed Hailey telling Jay that she’s “got his back.”
As the season progressed, we saw them continue to be there for each other as a source of support. Remember in “Fallen” when Jay kept checking up on Hailey’s “relationship” with fellow officer Sean McGrady?
“Is this really about the case?”
“See ya tomorrow.”
“Ooookay.” — yeah okay Jay we see u.
The next few episodes were Jay’s big arc in s5 where he dealt with being undercover while dealing with PTSD. Hailey was “neutral” at first, because she didn’t know Jay well enough to know how this would affect him, though she’d see it soon enough when he pointed a gun in her face at the end of 5x07. Even after that incident, she still called him to check on him. Now that’s a quality partner.
Another telling moment for their partnership was when Hailey went to bat for Jay with Camila. She knew if she talked he’d be in big trouble, so she had to do something to help him. She still made sure to remind Camila that she would “bury her” if she didn’t keep her mouth shut about Jay. Damn, remind me not to get on Hailey’s bad side. 😯
She even convinced Jay to go to therapy — how amazing is that? She helped him get help.
There were a few lighter, fluffier moments for their partnership as the season progressed, which you can see below —
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And then came my favorite episode for them - Ghosts.
Hailey got tangled up with Booth who got her old partner killed. Jay, being her new partner, was concerned about how close Hailey was getting...not only to the case, but to Booth, as Booth was bordering on obsessed w/her.
He bailed her out, but then then two argued at Hailey’s UC apartment (hello, married couple moment haha) - But despite that, he still helped her go on w/the undercover plan.
Cue Jay going under as Ryan, a dealer that Hailey (as Kelly) knew. Things got even more awkward for the trio when Booth asked “Ryan” how many times he screwed “Kelly.” Yikesarama.
Towards the end of the episode, Booth got handsy with Hailey, which put Jay in an awkward position. He tried to keep his cool, but then the deal was blown. Hailey being the badass that she is fought off Booth, but it was Jay who brought her back down to reality to keep her from doing something stupid (even though let’s be honest, Booth deserved a few more kicks in the head).
The kicker of the episode came when Jay went to check on Hailey, and the two would start what would turn out to be “their thing” aka - drinks and long conversations about their cases & the feelings surrounding them. Hailey opened up about Booth and Garrett, and Jay listened. He was there for her, and that’s when they really started to form something special. Something that was more than just a typical partnership.
The rest of the season would only build on that momentum, bringing out little pieces of Jay and Hailey’s pasts, as well as how they dealt with things amongst the team. Jay lent Hailey a supportive hand (literally) when Al died in the season 5 finale, & in a deleted scene, the two offered comfort to each other at the vigil Intelligence held.
Care & being there: season 6
Jay and Hailey’s partnership grew even more so during s6. Their first major moments came in the crossover episode, when Jay was shot. Hailey was distraught, but it was more than that. She thought he was dead, & she thought she’d lost him forever. Her emotions were running high and she pushed down all those feelings that had come bubbling up to the surface. But they were there.
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(Unfortunately she compensated by sleeping with Ruzek, thus beginning Upzek. Ugh. Anyway).
Even though she started a fling-turned-semi-relationship with Adam, Hailey & Jay still leaned on each other.
When Hailey dealt with a tough case, Jay was there for her. He made sure she was okay. Heck, even Adam noticed & told her, they should talk you know, “partner to partner.”
The following episode saw Hailey help Jay when his judgement was colored by his war past. She then reminded him of the famous “thing that works between them” and offered to buy him a beer to chat. He accepted.
When Jay found out about said romance, he was taken aback and you could tell by the look on his face that he was hurt...but honestly, maybe a little jealous. I think this solidified his feelings for Hailey, even if she didn’t wanna admit her own to herself yet.
“We’re good. And we’re always gonna be good.” -Jay to Hailey
6x12 has them do another heart to heart conversation, only for it to be interrupted by Ruzek, who called Hailey. Jay told her she should go, and even though she said okay, you could tell she didn’t really mean it. Just like Jay didn’t really want her to go. But these two have gotten good at hiding their feelings by now.
*forgot to add 6x14 when Hailey was kidnapped (along w/Kim). You could see the look of complete distress on Jay’s face when he & Kevin raced out to the truck, just missing it. Then when Adam told him they “should’ve been all over them” Jay went on the defensive, telling Adam “he didn’t know what went down” because he wasn’t there. Ruzek, Ruzek, Ruzek...as if Halstead wasn’t beating himself up enough! Even though later in the ep, Adam and Antonio were the ones to find Hailey & Kim, you saw Jay later ask if she was okay; and you saw the camera pan to both of their expressions when Voight gave the “work things at work” talk. Jay felt bad knowing he didn’t do his job at protecting his partner; Hailey was starting to debate her relationship with Ruzek on the job.*
6x15 offered us the iconic scene of “if I was gonna follow someone blind, I’d follow you” which we now know is essentially Hailey-speak for “I love you.” Because she told Jay that she’s trusted him from the day she met him. How freaking adorable is that?
Fast forward to the s6 finale & you’ve got a whole lot more feels between these two. From Jay’s line of “I’m going where you go” meaning he to would follow Hailey; to his protecting her FIRST without regard for his own life (actually literally using himself as a human shield!); and then of course, their heartbreaking conversation in the break room.
“We’ve only been partners a couple years...you’ll forget about me just fine.”
“Hailey... [no].”
aka - Hailey was scared of losing him again & not knowing if they’d be partners again, so she bit down on her feelings and brushed it off. Jay did the same, although he looked as if he was going to spill any second of that scene. You know what I mean.
You could see the looks in their eyes — they were saying everything without actually saying a word.
This episode was when the both of them seemed to accept their feelings of each other to themselves — as in, they admitted it to themselves, even if they weren’t ready to share them with each other. 💙
Deeper feelings: season 7
And now we’re onto s7, where even in the premiere, you could see how in sync Jay and Hailey were. The two worked together to help their boss, and they relied on each other more than ever to get the job done. Hailey supported Jay, even if she didn’t always agree with him.
Later on in the season, we saw him do the same thing. Although, when Voight split them up in 7x03, they weren’t happy about it. Jay showed his emotions with a look, while Hailey vocalized hers to Voight. Hailey = 😠 there.
In the crossover, we saw a concerned Jay over Hailey being quarantined, but also a concerned Hailey when Jay was taken hostage by Seldon. She even went all Sniper to save him! Go Hailey go!
They continued to work alongside each other, mainly in surveillance (apparently those two have a thing for vans 😉) to help the unit solve cases.
Jay had another tough case in 7x06, and Hailey noticed how much it affected him, even if she didn’t say it right away. Jay would do the same for her in the next episode when her CI was shot, with looks and a concerned voice like she had done with him.
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And now we’re at 7x09, aka the fall finale from hell because Jay’s life is in the balance.
And Hailey Upton is livid over it. She was so desperate to get Jay back safely that she pushed the limits to find him. And just when she FINALLY did, he was ripped away from her yet again. Heartbreakingly tragic for these two...almost like a Romeo & Juliet vibe. 💔
Here’s hoping Jay will be okay in 7x10 when Chicago PD comes back in January, because Hailey really can’t lose the man she loves. I think this made her realize just how much she cares. And he cares so much for her.
Upstead ship captain Jesse Lee Soffer said it best: if you were to ask Jay or Hailey, “do you love him/her?” They’d say yes. As for what kind of love that is, they aren’t 100% sure yet...
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because they haven’t even admitted their feelings to each other yet. But anyone can see that they are there. Pure and genuine feelings. Love. Respect. Admiration. 🖤
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What are your top 10 Queliot moments?
Nonny, thank you so much for waiting patiently for this one! 
I was just going to write out a list (after I got done being EXTREMELY stumped because- you expect me to just pick 10??! Rude.) but then I realized that I just hit 600 followers (what?!), and I wanted to do something a bit more to say thank you to all of you for putting up with me while I’m on my bullshit. So I went back through my favorite episodes and made some gifs for you, too! 
Here you go. Hope you like it!!
Gigi’s Top 10 Queliot Moments (YMMV):
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10. This is from 1x03, Consequences of Advanced Spellcasting, and… it’s such a great breathing space. This whole episode, the Eliot + Quentin sideplot to retrieve the book was a delight, and it only happened because Eliot is so far gone on this boy. He could have taken literally any of the Physical Kids with him, but no, he’s got a crush on the super cute nerd that just moved in and so it HAS to be Q that comes with him. Eliot is highkey flirting with Quentin here, both as emotional support, and - I will maintain until my dying day - if Kady hadn’t blown the hinges off that door he was planning to make a move on Q that afternoon.
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9. I have so many feelings???? This is from 2x01, Knight of Crowns. Things are complex interpersonally between the whole gang right now, but out of everyone parting ways with Eliot, Q is who we get to see saying goodbye. Eliot is actually high king now, and he’s not any less depressed, or damaged emotionally or mentally. It didn’t immediately fix him like he wanted (much like how magic didn’t immediately fix Quentin, but that’s a meta for another time), and now he’s staring down being all that and an unknown future ruling this frankly odd kingdom (from books he apparently never bothered to read? El, baby. SMH.) potentially for the rest of his life without his friends. The two of them are so tender, Q initially leaning against Eliot to provide support, and then he doesn’t hesitate even a moment when Eliot asks for a hug. What at that point could be the very last hug he ever gets from Quentin in this lifetime. There is such a depth of feeling here between the two of them and I’m so glad the show gave us this (in S2! I’m!).
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8.  1x11, Remedial Battle Magic. Look at our babies and how happy they are?! I know they’re drunk on wine and emotions and about to seriously fuck their friendships up, but have they ever gotten a moment to breathe and be happy in each other’s presence since this? They haven’t. It’s been arguments and recriminations and quests and beasts and averting world-ending disasters since they woke up from this night. So I treasure this moment of soft smiles and touches (even Margo, I am not opposed to Marqueliot in this list at all). And of course, the threesome it is leading up to, and all of the implications and interpretations of that night that they take forward into the series with them.
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7. “I’m trying to tell you, you are not alone here.” From 1x02, The Source of Magic, this bonding scene has always felt very profound to me. These two boys have literally known each other, what, less than a week now? And here is Eliot “feelings are for other people” Waugh, opening up about his past traumas to try and connect with Quentin. The only other person we’ve ever seen him do this with is Mike - Eliot’s other love interest - and we know he told Margo during their Trials. This is Q confessing his biggest fear - that if he loses magic, he will lose his tenuous hold on his mental health - and Eliot reciprocating that confession: inducting Q into the very, very select circle of Eliot’s confidantes. This is each of them accepting some measure of comfort from the presence and understanding of the other, and a moment that underpins their entire relationship from this moment forward.
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6. I’m cheating with this one, but I wanted to show both sides of this dynamic, and Quentin and Eliot have not had a chance to fight for their relationship together in the main timeline yet, so these will have to work for now. The first gif is from 4x06, A Timeline and Place, and the second is from 3x13, Will You Play With Me? It’s so, so important to see these moments - even if our boys are dumb and they don’t start fighting until the very last second - when they are willing to lay down everything, and burn down the world for each other. Quentin will NOT let the Monster kill Eliot’s body, and Eliot will NOT let Quentin throw away his future to play jailer to a sociopathic child-god. When push comes to shove, they will choose each other every time. Now if we could only get them to do that when the stakes aren’t life and death, am I right?
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5. Another moment from 2x01, Knight of Crowns. This coronation scene is just… Remember that they are fractured leading up to this: we’re coming right off of the fall out from the threesome, and Eliot has been spiraling for episodes now. But then we get this super tender declaration from Quentin: “So, destiny is– it’s bullshit…. For what it’s worth, I think you’re going to be a really good king.” And Eliot’s eyes just, light up, his whole face lifts. Because here is someone who believes in him, wholly and truly. Even after everything they just fucked up together, and separately, Q (someonee good and true) has faith in Eliot, and it’s infectious. They’re both looking at each other here like no one else exists in the world, like nothing is important in this moment except each other. And thats?? Beautiful?!
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4. I fucking love this shot. Q kicking over those tiles and then saying “Oops.” is a whole-ass mood. Okay, so this is obviously from 3x05, A Life in the Day, and I could easily have made and entire top 10 list of JUST moments from this sequence because it’s all SO AMAZING. The beauty of all life, amiright? But this moment is so important to me. Making a conscious choice, every day to choose this quest and choose each other takes a toll. Ask anyone you know who’s been in a committed relationship for years. Sometimes it’s just fucking hard. They’ve been at this for so long that their clothes from Earth (which, I’ll remind you, they were still wearing at their 1 year anniversary) have worn thin, and they’re wearing traditional Fillorian garb. This was supposed to be over years ago, but they’re still going.  And Q is struggling. And Eliot is struggling. And they argue, but neither of them walks away. I always have to stop and pause at this part of the episode, because this is so domestic and realistic that it makes me cry. And if I start crying here, I’m useless for the rest of the sequence once we get to Arielle and Teddy.
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3. 1x01, Unauthorized Magic. So, so many people have talked about Q and El’s first meeting, how Eliot spread himself out on the Brakebills sign elegantly and Quentin’s one bisexual braincell shorted out to the point where, for a moment, he couldn’t even words. But I so rarely see people talk about this moment, when Quentin asks Eliot if he’s hallucinating. This look, right here, is so soft, and sweet. I’m sure Eliot gets hit on all the time, and he was 100% flirting with Quentin when he jumped off that sign and gave him an “I could eat you up” once over. But this is the moment Eliot decided that Margo needed to know about the cute new boy who thought Eliot was exactly the kind of person he would dream into existence, if he made those kinds of decisions. Right here. The beginning of it all.
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2. Back to 3x05, A Life in the Day, and if you’re surprised this is my #2 moment you must be new here. This is a kiss that has been brewing for a long time. One not rooted in emotion bottles, and not one that can be passed off as being too drunk to know what you’re doing. Quentin sets his cup down, and starts to say something, but ends up finishing his thought with this kiss. It’s short, but not tentative, and Eliot is… look at his face. He’s surprised, because he’s pretty sure they fucked up their chances at this a season and a half ago. But Q is there and he’s not apologizing and he’s not panicking, and that gives Eliot the courage to reach out and pull Q back in. And for a little while, it’s not about the quest, it’s not about defeating a monster, it’s not about fixing anything they’ve fucked up. This is just about them. 
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1. “Fifty years. Who gets that kind of proof of concept? Peaches and plums, motherfucker. I’m alive in here!” 4x05, Escape from the Happy Place.So, this scene is where I live now, my trashcan, if you will, with these dumb boys and their dumb faces. Eliot’s absolutely perfect timing, and his delight to see Quentin is just- Just beaming out of his face here. This is the first of many chances he’s going to have to set the record straight, and he does it with style. This was a declaration of love - peaches and plums - and one that only Eliot would be able to give, and only Quentin would be able to understand. Q has been so beat down and defeated this episode, like he’s walking through a world that has faded into black and white, but we can see the moment he understands and the light comes back into his eyes. “Eliot’s alive. He’s alive.”
Honorable mentions to: “I’m Team Eliot.”, “Could I maybe have Eliot back?”, “I find you, and I don’t say magic is real, but I do seduce you”, and the extended throne room scene from 3x05/4x05 - which only didn’t make the list because I couldn’t pick a single shot to slice up for a gif.
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Honorable mentions:
Idea: Arlo becomes a fake joker. Idk if he does it either to take down john or just try to use the authority to fix the school, but im entertained by the idea lmao
I miss Cecile but that’s just a given. I miss her even when she’s in the actual episode lol
Technically Arlo’s not the king anymore but everyone’s still terrified of him and I live for that
Arlo and Rei’s ‘I always have a reason’ parallels are great but that just be my love for parallels talking im not sure yet
Not gonna talk about Blyke again until we see him next because apparently you guys very much disagreed with what i said about what he was going to do in my last episode thing so- I want more information to do off of, but honestly, im still kind of sticking to what I originally thought. Blyke getting enhancement drugs, it makes sense you guys are just mean isudhgfusjhgf
Back on that ‘anyways is my favorite word’ agenda
Colors are nice
The last section isn’t very professional but thats just because i was freaking out about the last scene and it very much shows im just so excited guys
This episode, episode 164, marks the 50th episode since I started writing these, so that’s fun.
Also: this is over a week late, I know, but until i post this, know that i haven’t read any episodes after this episode (ep 164). A lot of times when I am late with these I either forget (it’s constant and often and becoming an issue) or im doing something else that’s creative related that i feel the same obligation to do as the obligation to do this (? Making sense? Not sure), and school.so that’s why this is late oops
Ignore that its not important im just sorry this is late
Anyway, here’s the analysis/commentary/review (? Still confused about this) for episode 164
Also half of this is not proofread because theres a chance if i do that ill get even more writers block even though that technically shouldn’t happen but it does and i just want this out so sorry if some sentences completely cut off or i just don’t talk about something because oops is it worth it at this point
Fake Jokers:
Starting with this because, hey, chronological order. In the beginning of this episode Arlo is approaching a group of students gathered around a piece of paper stuck onto the bulletin board saying that there are fake jokers running around. One of the bystanders is seen saying, “I wouldn’t mind being Joker for a day.” This isn’t very concerning by itself because we already know that people are already doing this, but I just want to point out that the reporter who tried to publish the story about the fake Jokers argued that they should because the students needed to be warned against the fake jokers. What the bystander in this episode tells us is that this reporter was wrong and Isen was in fact right (we been knew but).
Something bigger that I want to bring up is that now because lots of students have been exposed to the idea of faking being Joker, more and more are obviously going to be doing it, which I kind of already just said, but the consequences of such a thing are what intrigue me. If the school is suddenly filled with fake jokers and students are already aware that the majority of the jokers are fake, the Joker mantle is going to lose its significance. No student would take any joker seriously, even if it happened to be the real one.
The thing about that is that the real Joker, John, won’t be able to use his authority as well anymore. If nobody recognizes Joker as the king anymore (what with so many low-tiers also wearing the mask), they’re not going to listen to him. It basically means that John wouldn’t be king anymore. And, though I’m still confused on if John even really wants to be king, if he wanted to be, if he wanted that authority, he would have to find a better way to present himself. It means that John would either have to figure out a way to separate himself from the other jokers (I don’t really know) or reveal his identity to the whole school. This would be something huge, especially because, to John’s knowledge, Sera doesn’t even know who he is yet. But who knows, by the time the decision rolls around or things escalate enough, he might have figured out what she knows.
Another interesting idea is that John would take advantage of this situation to let himself be lost among the fake jokers and disappear, leaving the school without a king anymore and also in chaos, because honestly who. Knows. What the fuck. He wants. Not me.
I do think, however, that John will stay as king. Because every once in a while he’ll make some comment suggesting that, and in one of the recent episodes, he got pissed that someone was impersonating him and if wants to blend in again and not be recognized for his power, I doubt he would act like that.
Isen/Arlo confrontation:
So, in this episode we get Isen yelling at Arlo, which you love to see, and I’m here to talk about it yay.
Isen, at the beginning of the scene, is very nervous and scared of what Arlo would do when he comes, which is very understandable. That dude is scary but anyways, once Arlo does show up and starts yelling, which was exactly what Isen was afraid of, instead of letting himself retreat into his fear, Isen argues back at Arlo, which to be fair probably wasn’t an active decision, supported by how he acts after he yells at Arlo. Isen just blurts out what’s in his head and it’s pretty eye-opening. Isen yells that he never wanted to be given any of the responsibilities given to him by Arlo. He specifically talks about his role as head of the newspaper, but he says later in a much more general way that Arlo forces people into responsibilities that they either don’t want or aren’t ready for. This makes me think back to the beginning of the comic when Arlo made Isen dig up information on John. Isen acted pretty scared and squirrelly once he found out something he knew Arlo wouldn’t want to hear, and that behavior is very much repeated in this episode. Anyway, back to what’s happening currently. Isen defends himself against Arlo saying that Arlo’s accusations weren’t even fair because Isen tried to do the best he could to stop the news of the fake jokers from getting out. Also, it really doesn’t make sense to be blaming Isen for someone else leaking the information (without him knowing) and posting it on a public board (not even affiliated with the school newspaper). What happened is not a result of Isen’s bad leadership, or at least that what Isen tries to argue. Arlo has some other ideas on that subject though. Arlo thinks that if Isen were a better leader, the other students would just listen to him and not go behind his back to publish the information, which I have some thoughts on.
First of all, the fact that Arlo thinks this is the bare minimum for leadership speaks a lot about him. Arlo was the last king of Wellston, which means he was a leader, and he doesn’t think he was a bad one. I think Arlo thought he was a really great leader, because he was to be honest. He fixed the mess that Rei made and kept the students under control. Anyway, Arlo thinking that people follow good leaders with this blind loyalty and trust means that that was the case under his leadership. I just want to say that this probably means that Arlo thinks John is a shit leader, but we been knew. But who knows, John might have that kind of leadership and it would be for the same reason that I think Arlo did: power. Arlo is obviously one of the most powerful people at Wellston. Even more so than his title of king, and probably even his leadership skills, there is no doubt that the reason so many people followed him was this, especially considering the type of society UnOrdinary was. John, as Joker, has lots of authority and power among the Wellston students, which we talked about in the first section, and no one can doubt that it’s because of one thing: his power. People follow powerful people, it’s the way of the world, it’s how hierarchy works. But what I want to point out in relation to this episode is that Arlo seems to pushing this expectation of “leadership” onto Isen. Arlo is undoubtedly a fantastic leader, but as I keep. Repeating. His power plays a huge part in the respect given to him. Isen, though definitely more powerful than some, doesn’t exactly have that power. Not to the extent that Arlo or John has at least. And because of this, obviously, doing what Arlo and John are doing won’t work in the same way for Isen because it’s not enough. He doesn’t have that power backing him up, which is why Arlo’s expectations are unreasonable for him, which is why Isen keeps saying that he can’t do it and it understanding this is why Arlo keeps saying that Isen can. The line, “we’re not all as capable as you are!” From Isen really emphasizes this, though it probably was misunderstood by Arlo as, ‘we’re not as good leaders are you are,’ which might also be true, but that’s not what Isen’s trying to communicate.
Now that I’ve talked about that, there’s something else in this scene that catches attention. After Isen’s outburst at him, Arlo thinks about what he said and firstly, agrees with Isen that he really does set high expectations for people, but secondly, he says that, “it’s never without a reason…” Now, this stood out over Isen’s argument when I first read the episode because of how blunt the statement is. It surprised me in a kind of way. Arlo telling himself that he always has a reason for setting high expectations of people. I was especially intrigued by the pairing of that statement with Arlo’s mental image of John. If Arlo truly feels that he had a reason for believing in John, what was it? I know that he wanted John to accept his responsibilities as a high-tier, but that’s not what Arlo is saying in this episode. He’s saying there’s a reason that he gives people responsibility. Does Arlo have some specific reason for wanting John to have authority? Does it go past that drive inside of Arlo that tells him that people need to be put into their places just because. I wouldn’t really be thinking much about this at all (especially considering that it it very in character for Arlo to make John resume his place purely to secure them hierarchy) if it wasn’t for the fact that only John’s face showed up in between the lines, “I do set high expectations for others,” and, “But it’s never without a reason…” the placement automatically makes me assume that it was chosen for a reason. But who knows, that might just have been a way to remind the reader that Arlo is constantly being reminded of what happened between him and John and how it affected everything.
Anyway, these lines also have me thinking about Arlo’s recent turmoil with himself about John and the part Arlo played in the whole Joker situation. We know that Arlo has been blaming himself for this for a while now because without his interference, John would never have decided to dethrone him and all of the other royals, or at least not to the extent that he did. But in this episode, seeing Arlo talk about how everything he does has a reason and especially those later panels after Arlo leaves the room showing him when he was younger, it’s starting to make me think that Arlo is changing his way of thinking.
“But it’s never without a reason” He swings wildly from agreeing with his past decisions and disagreeing with them, but maybe because this is the most recent, he’s finally realized that he hasn’t been the one in the wrong this whole time. I’m not exactly sure and I don’t want to assume based completely off of one scene, but I really am hoping for some development in this way for Arlo because a. I love him and b. More hatred centered around John, which would mean more drama and I love that. Not much more to say about this
The Talk (wink wink):
I hate what i called this section because i thought of it at like 4am but i dont know what else to call it so- anyways the biggest thing that happened this episode has to be when Arlo and Seraphina met up to talk because if you read my posts, you know that I’ve been begging for this for a while and can I say, im hyped.
First, I want to start with something small, but something that is bothering me. Seraphina seems so pissed at Arlo doing this whole scene, and for what? Honestly, I hope im not biased or anything because I absolutely love Arlo, but he really hasn’t done much wrong in this whole joker situation. The only rational reason I can think of for Sera being pissed at him is because of the whole Arlo fighting john in that clearing like a long fucking time ago. Which, you know, I understand, but at the same time, recently, Arlo has obviously been trying to only help you and tell you the truth, you were the one who was being difficult. I honestly think that she’s just in this state of pissed off because of John, but i don’t know. I hope I’m not forgetting any shit because if im being honest, i don’t pay as much attention to her storyline as I should, especially recently, because i do not care that much for her character, at least not as much as the others. So yeah. R.I.P. that. I don’t know. This isn’t important i think im just very Arlo biased sorry bout that.
OKAY FIRST OF ALL THEIR CONVERSATION STARTING WITH ARLO REMINISCING WITH SERAPHINA ABOUT WHEN THEY WERE THE KING AND QUEEN OF WELLSTON IS ACTUALLY BASICALLY EXACTRLY HOW IVE WRITTEN WHAT I WANT THEIR FRIENDSHIP TO BECOME AFTER THIS AND I WISH THEY TALKED MORE ABOUT THAT ASPECT BECAYSE i would actually die for Arlo and sera to realize that the only thing that kept them apart was not realizing how much they had in fucking common and in reality they were the two people who understood each other the most and i know i sound very confusing because i just talked about how i love Arlo and how i dont love sera all that much but that is beside. The. Point.
Anyway, Arlo talks about how successful their leadership was (back to that common motif of leadership that Arlo just seems to carry around) and how now that that’s changed, the school’s whole vibe has been horribly threw off and shit is happening and he has no clue how to fix it ( I am so sorry for my god awful gen z vocabulary I realize these posts become just completely cheapened because of that but i dont know how else to communicate sorry bout that). Anyway, this struck me as a weird way to start this conversation because Arlo hadn’t reached out to sera before this to talk about john (after she found out about him at least) and it seems to me that he would want to talk to her about that, but the disarming way that Arlo starts talking took me off guard. I’m not really sure about why yet or what I want to say about that,but that confused me.
Anyway, it doesn’t really matter because sera brings up john herself and directs that conversation where we knew it would go, but at the same time she starts talking about feelings too and this is just so weird because Arlo and sera both are characters who we’re not used to really seeing talk about their feelings and stuff. I think that this has changed though recently for both of them because of the stuff they’ve been through and im here for it, but anyways, i should really talk about the actual contents of their conversation hold up.
But the thing fucking is.
I have to wait for the next episode to fucking get the actual content of their conversation ikfuhefhbejkfhieuhfgieughfnierugniejnrgkjergnkejgnieknjgvkdlnv. *upset noises*
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knifelesbianjo · 5 years
found it! "Krista, Angela, Carla, and Darlene were all having dinner in my mom's house. And in the living room, Gideon, Lloyd, my dad, and Tyrell were all sitting around watching football. I was just standing in the middle of both rooms, not sure which one to be in." theres more but i cant fit it all in a single ask lol. for people with the book, its on page 82. the one with a drawing of elliot sleeping on it. the pages arent numbered for some reason so i had to count by hand lmao
found something else in the book!! "I don't know why Tyrell keeps popping up in my dreams, but he did it again. I guess it was all the talk about him last night. It's pretty obvious, actually, 'cause he and I were walking along the Great Wall of China. That was one of the sightings in the paper last night. The weird thing was that we walked for what felt like a really, really long time and then I lost him. I tried to catch up to him, but I couldn't. I couldn't walk fast enough." cont. 1/2
2/2 "Then, all of a sudden, W.R. walked up beside me. She was pissed that I made her wait... For what? I have no idea. It really made me feel kinda worried that she was so mad at me. I don't want to be on her bad side, and I know she's got dangerous ideas on payback. I went to apologize, but when I looked up, she was gone. It left me with a strange sensation when I woke up. Can't quite shake it." 4x04 clues??? maybe? idk!! really curious about whiterose bein there, being angry.
oh oops, forgot to say what page had the dream with tyrell and whiterose on it. it was page 112! i'm trying to remember if there were other parts of the book that mention tyrell/whiterose that stand out, but i can't think of any off the top of my head. so that's all i've got for now! i think i might spend the days leading up to the next ep reading the book again. so i guess if i find anything else that sticks out, i can send another ask! theorizing shit is so fun lol
ooohhh my gooood, thank you!! 
I hadn't read this and now i'm losing my mind, that dream about Tyrell seem so much like a clue for 4x04, and if i had to guess Whiterose being angry can be what we have seen at the Deus group meeting, but also whatever it is that's going to happen next. We know they're going to meet in the next episodes, and she's going to be angry, so let's see how that goes.
And that first dream about the separate rooms, god i love that image so much, it can mean so many things, and while i know they're probably not going to be acknowledged in the show, now i feel like there's so much about Elliot we can theorize. The first thing that came to my mind was gender identity (him not knowing where he belongs) or gender nonconforming, or gender roles, and maybe even sexuality. Or even nothing to do with that, but decisions about his life, two paths he can follow. Or maybe, he is outside both rooms, so it can be the recurring theme of the show of him feeling out, feeling like he doesn't fit in a normal world, like there's no place for him, like no one's gonna notice that he isn't there. I'm gonna shut up because i can keep on with this for hours, if someone wants to discuss this please i'm here, i need it.
Honey, if you find something else or just want to scream about anything please feel free to come to my inbox, i love your asks so much ❤❤
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afraschatz · 6 years
Leverage - The Studio Job
It feels like ages since I’ve done one of these, and I MISS MY SHOW, so I popped in a random DVD and whohoo it is “The Studio Job”. So here is a random amount of things that I love about this episode. I love...
... the sheer swagger of Hasselhoff err Schneider err Kirkwood. Not many people can pull off that leather jacket, dude
... the fact that Eliot is present during the initial client meeting. I’ve been wondering about this actually, I mean obviously it’s clear why Eliot is here because he clearly is the only one with a decent taste in music and whatnot (what violin? Hardison who?). But, like, does Nate have a diary on his desk where he pencils in potential clients and he hasn’t yet figured out that the team reads that thing and just “happens to show up” to meetings they think interesting? Is the entire team actually present for the inital “hello” and then just randomly decides “nah, not today, today’s client is harshing my vibe, I’d rather hang out with my horde”? How do these meetings come about? I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS
... hahahaha, that music video is just the BEST THING. I kinda need a video like that with Eliot staring in it.
... Hardison dumping info like a boss. I know it’s common knowledge that Aldis Hodge was (in part) hired because of exactly that skill but seriously, he is SO good at it.
... “I don’t know how to play the fiddle” (Hardison probably does) and Hardison’s and Eliot’s reactions hahaha
... Kirkwood being a creepy douche. “But the computer...” - “Say it again.” Such a dick (and such a great little bit of characterisation)
... we are not talking about Hardison’s HORRIBLE outfit. Okay, maybe we are. We all know that Hardison has the best style of all of them (don’t fight me on this), so clearly the only explanation for this terribly mustard/brown combo is that he went to a thrift store and deliberately bought the most ridiculously 70s retro country shit he could find. Why? Well, to piss of Eliot, of course
... Nate wearing the white hat. Who are you trying to fool, mate? Oh, right. The mark.
... Parker’s dance theft. Hands down my favourite lift. Possibly ever. (Such a nice use of lazy sensual music there as well)
... Hardison’s clever strategy of responding to suspicion and anger by just mirroring that and instantly forming a bond of mutual pissed-off-ness
... Hardison’s condescension in reaction to the DJ’s super bad lie. Because lying is cool. But bad lying? That’s just offensive.
... Hot diggity dagum. Hahahaha, Hardison
... the notion that the entire time during that interlude Kirkwood is chewing Nate’s ear off
... Nate’s stutter - I love that he regularly uses these more obvious go-to-personas / tactics (like that stutter when he wants to come across as slightly gullible and not a threat) that aren’t that refined as those his team would chose. Why? Not because he can’t do any better. Just because he can’t be bothered. Ha, Nate, I love your casual arrogance
... sunglasses in that badly lit a club, Sophie? Really :)?
... Nate’s FACE the moment Kirkwood turns his back. You sexy, devious bastard. I love you.
... Parker and her refusal to buy into metaphors. Her sense of humour is just so - I mean OBVIOUSLY she gets it, like she gets every other metaphorical expression (“I didn’t even get to see the emerald!” anyone?). But yeah, I agree with you, it’s hilarious when the rest tries to be patient / loses their shit
... that shot with Eliot and the blue and yellow lights
... Eliot being offended all over the place. Parker startled him! Parker was a kid!catburglar? (Dude, this is, what, the third season? How can that surprise you?) Eliot CAN sing!
... that little bit of maybe-stage-fright. And the fact that Parker is up there with him and her overacted astonishment. Which is a. seriously funny, and b. such a neat reaction because of course it pisses Eliot off, and a pissed off Eliot is not a nervous Eliot. I love these weird bits of their friendship
... Hardison following suit. - Darth Vader Eliot and Smurf Eliot. Parker’s genuine laughter. Oh God, could I love the friendship these three have any more? I think not. (And what’s the greatest thing? This isn’t even talked about, this isn’t even supposed to be the POINT of the scene. Other shows create entire episode’s, entire fucking seasons around moments like this one. Leverage? Just casually dishing it out. Because this show is perfection.)
... Hardison first comparing Eliot to Britney Spears, then calling him “baby”
...NATE poking fun at him for it
... Hardison being startled, not because of the “baby” bit obviously, but oops, there he was flirting with his best girl and his best guy and he might’ve forgotten that the coms were live
... HOW OLD ARE YOU, Nate :D
... “This must be the Southern charm I heard so much about”. Sophie, being brilliant with the “fuck you, you sleazebag” without the sleazebag actually noticing. I seriously love her throughout this episode. She has very little to do, but everything she does just reeks of that special brand of low-key arrogant professionalism and pride in her grifter skills. So much love for her.
... Nate’s sexy white hat profile!
... Eliot letting himself be seduced. Not gonna lie, there are plenty of his dates that I like better than the one in this ep, but this still is a great little scene. I really dig Eliot’s way with people (and it’s not just women; it’s people). Because he LISTENS.
... Sophie being a food snob. Again.
... Sophie’s outfit. The hair? The frigging jacket? So rad.
... Sophie’s way with Kirkwood compared to Nate’s earlier. See, this is the expert at playing people, the Shakespeare of grifters
... Eliot’s fucking voice
... Hardison’s little panic attack
... Nate’s FOCUS when he looks at Eliot. That’s not just because the con works. That is his super sharp shark focus of pride (which is totally an expression).
... seriously, Eliot’s voice. I need to dig out my old Kane CDs
... Eliot’s little smile at the end
... reward sex. You earned that, man.
... why do you take out your com? Everyone knows what you’re doing anyway. And now Nate has to beat up goons on his own. Jeez.
... “You two work out together” - hahaha, oh Nate
... “Forever 21, don’t hit me” - another seriously nice bit of interlacing the imminent danger of Nate potentially getting killed with teenage groupies. Not only is that little tidbit funny in its own right, it also tells us, before we even see it, that Nate’s all right. Eliot already knows, obviously, he has the ear bud back in and he is taking his sweet time to give that autograph and whatnot while definitely listening to Nate dealing with that problem. That is my version of how it went down and I’m sticking with it
... “Oh, ELIOT’s the fiddle” hahaha
... Parker’s outfit. Hardison’s COAT (btw, the way Parker and Hardison interact here? This is probably pretty close to how they must seem to the unsuspecting casual observer ALWAYS, just minus the outfit).
... “We was cool, we was vibin’”
... Eliot being chased, and all of this having such a retro Beatles vibe to it
... “Contrary to what you all believe, I do not control everything that happens on the internet”... five seconds later “Boom, fansite nuked”
... “I’m pretty certain a fatwa was issued!” - “You’re so vain, man.” (Because yes, Hardison. Eliot brags by telling people how many governments want him dead. That is absolutely how Eliot rolls.)
... “seriously, for breakfast?!” - I love you, Sophie
... Sophie’s superfast reactions and the joy of getting to slap Nate
... Parker’s traipsing and Hardison’s gangsta walk
... you know what is better than Hardison half naked in a recording studio? Hardison, half naking in a recording studio, yanking Eliot’s chain.
... Parker’s scale of what is weird being VERY different than anyone else’s
... “This is not from an iceberg”
... Hardison moving with Eliot’s music, then interrupting him, THEN cutting off communications :)
... niiice little bit of storytelling-by-superzoom, and Parker solving the case while Hardison and Eliot are just mucking around
... Ribs, Ribs, More Ribs
... “The guy who’s buying our fiddle? He thinks he IS the fiddle.”
... Locked off comedy frame - my favourite ever, actually. SO many great OT3 scenes in this episode
... beating goons up with a mic stand AND drumsticks
... black-hat-Nate (now, doesn’t that look more right?) impersonating Hannibal Smith
... nice shot of the four of them in the hotel
... a conveniently parked random motorbike
... Eliot err Kenneth Crane t-shirts
... Kirkwood lip-syncing
... a groupie flashmob
... Parker on stage. Because this is important. For the con. For Eliot.
... Eliot once again proving that he is a great actor (second best on the team) in that staged conversation with Kirkwood
... a conveniently placed cow-hide
... Eliot and Nate doing the gloat together.
... Nate’s black hat, toothpick combo (he is really loving this week’s outfit theme, isn’t he?)
... Eliot’s little laugh at the proposal of being one half of the next Johnny and June. I love that because it’s both sweet and kinda flattered as well as absolutely-not- are-you-kidding-me- as-that-could-tempt-me-away- from-the-sweet-gig-I-already-got
... that little beat, again with just Nate and Eliot. God, I love their friendship sosososo much. I should write a 5k essay about it. And by essay I mean ode.
... that way that Nate is not looking people in the eye when he wants to give them a bit of privacy. Or when he wants some himself
... “Notes on my performance” - “How were you?” - “No complaints” - And Eliot’s and Sophie’s relationship? SO different. Equally awesome.
... I also what to know what time it is, Eliot.
 Perfect episode. Perfect show.
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peterstanslizzie · 5 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.27 (Gordo and the Dwarves)
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A zombified David Gordon appears. Someone needs an eye mask pronto
- Lizzie and her friends just back from watching a spy film and Gordo, with his inquisitive mind wonders why super-villains always want to rule the world since it’s a huge responsibility to have. Well, Miranda doesn’t care about all of that; She just wants to be a cruise ship singer. 
- Jo passes Lizzie her birthday gift given to her by the never-before-seen Gammy Mcguire even though it isn’t Lizzie’s birthday. This isn’t the first time her grandma had sent a gift over mistakenly; Remember in episode 1.21 when she gifted Matt a $50 gift certificate for his birthday when it actually wasn’t his birthday? It seems to be an ongoing trend.
- It turns out that Gammy gifted Lizzie a board-game titled, “Dwarflord: The Conquest”, which its premise is about an exiled dwarflord who wants to reclaim his kingdom from an evil wizard. 
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This definitely isn’t Lizzie’s cup of tea
- As Lizzie is about to throw her present into the bin, her mom quickly stops her and tells Lizzie to at least play it for a bit before donating it to charity if she still doesn’t like it in the end. Lizzie begrudgingly agrees and signals for Gordo and Miranda to join her.
- However, her friends aren’t feeling this board game either and give her weak but albeit funny excuses for needing to go home instead. But Lizzie does some quick thinking (and some blackmailing? lol) and manages to convince them to stay and play the game with her.  
The Dwarf Tribe
- As they are getting deeper into playing the game, the more confusing it gets as there are so many rules they need to follow. On the other hand, Gordo seems to be getting the hang of it, to the point where he’s winning. Well, this doesn’t matter because Lizzie and Miranda don’t even know he’s beating them. The game ends quickly afterwards and they decide to head out to the mall. 
- At school, Gordo tells his friends he can’t join them at the Digital Bean after school because he’s going to play Dwarflord with some other kids in school who are also into the game. They are a group that calls themselves a ‘Dwarf Tribe”. 
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- We also find out here that both Larry Tudgeman and Veruca Albano, whom we haven’t seen since episode 1.9 (Election) are also part of the Dwarf Tribe. Lizzie and Miranda aren’t too happy about Gordo ditching them for Dwarflord but they can’t do much about it anyways. 
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I thought Lizzie and Larry are in a good place since the events of the last episode, ‘Scarlett Larry’? I guess Lizzie will never get used to Larry’s quirks lol
- Later that evening, Lizzie and Miranda are on the phone talking about their struggles with their English homework. They decide to call Gordo but he’s busy playing Dwarflord with the others. He tells them he can’t help them with their homework because he’s obviously busy at the moment. We also get the most random/strange moment in the series so far:
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- Anyways, after Gordo hung up on them, they talk about how concerned they are about Gordo and how he is being too obsessed with the game. Miranda is hopeful that he will lose interest in it eventually but Lizzie will continue to keep a close watch on Gordo. 
Gordo is Totally Hooked 
- Gordo is starting to lose interest in everything besides Dwarflord and this is affecting his relationship with his best friends. He’s also losing sleep over being obsessed with the game.
-  Even worse, he’s spending all of his daily allowance on Dwarflord cards and he even lies to Lizzie and asks her if he could borrow some money for lunch when in fact, he’s using her money to buy more cards. And to top it all off, his grades are slipping and wound up failing an English test. 
- We then get the first intervention attempt for Gordo; Lizzie and Miranda asks Gordo if he could teach them how to play Dwarflord at Lizzie’s place but they only did this to plead with him to quit playing the board game. However, Gordo seems to be in denial as he feels like he can still control himself and stop playing whenever he wants. He then got angry at them and leaves.
- Matt was witnessing what just happened the entire time and talks to them about his experience (mostly Lanny’s) with the game and how it can suck the life and money out of you. 
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This is such a dramatic scene; I feel like I’m watching an action adventure movie. Anyways, Matt agrees to help Lizzie and Miranda get Gordo out of his obsession just because he helped Matt to get his head out from being stuck in a banister lol
- I mean, Gordo did help Matt on plenty of other occasions as well; Like the time he helped him with his Jet Li martial arts movie and even in the last episode, where he helped Matt and Sam to repair their old soapbox racer. 
Intervention Time
- At Hillridge Middle School, Lizzie, Miranda and Matt are planning to sneak their way into the game room to retrieve Gordo but there’s a guard (yes, a guard) standing by, in front of the door. 
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As you can see, Miranda is using her feminine charm to convince the guard to show her where the nearest fountain is so that Lizzie and Matt can ambush this poor kid. 
- Afterwards, they make their way to the door on the other side of the game room where they can see Veruca, I mean, Princess Candlewick preparing a dwarf brew (in reality, it’s iced tea) for Gordo and the others to drink. According to Matt, it quite likely that Gordo would need to use the bathroom afterwards. 
- As expected, Gordo comes out of the room and he gets ambushed by Lizzie and Miranda. They stuff him inside a huge trash can and starts rolling him to another room to begin his intervention. 
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Gordo is being subjected to ‘aversion therapy’ lmao and Matt explains it perfectly; It’s basically pairing any bad behaviour with unwanted pain. 
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Of course Miranda needs to try it too 
- This moment makes me think back to the episode, ‘Bad Girl Mcguire’ because Lizzie was also given an intervention after transforming herself into a bad girl. Anyways, they try to convince Gordo to change his behaviour by showing him examples of people whom their lives were ruined due to being obsessed with Dwarflord.
- They then play this video, which is a compilation of past moments of Gordo having fun and being a regular kid. Side note: It seems odd that they have footage of these moments but oh well, I’m going to let it slide; It’s a TV show after all.
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It looks like Matt’s therapy on Gordo worked....
B-Plot: Sam Mcguire and Eduardo Sanchez’s Hangout
- Matt tells his parents he wants to study wildlife but doesn’t know where to begin, especially when there is little to no animals in the backyard. Luckily, Sam points out that they do have a bird’s nest in an oak tree in their backyard that they can observe and study. 
- Next, we see them sitting on the oak tree with a makeshift bench (I think?), waiting patiently for something to happen. Matt is bored out of his mind and proceeds to quickly escape back into the house when Jo comes over to give them snacks. 
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When you have an opportunity to escape, you better take it lol
- We then see Eduardo Sanchez (Miranda’s dad) show up in their backyard to give back Sam a hedge trimmer he had borrowed. it sounds to me like Sam isn’t too keen on him being there based on the tone of his voice. Eduardo seems to be slightly curious as to why Sam is up in a tree and randomly decides to join him. 
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I need more of these two together 
- It seems like a few days had gone by with the both of them continuing to be intrigued by watching the bird’s nest. Even Mrs. Sanchez (Daniela) is feeling concerned because her husband has been doing this for hours upon hours every day. 
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Both Sam and Eduardo aren’t budging; They are going to stay up in that oak tree for as long as they want. 
- Oh well, that’s the best Jo and Daniela can do. They decide to head over to the spa with Eduardo’s credit card. Nice one! I would have done the same.
- Towards the end of the episode, Eduardo and Sam notice that the eggs are hatching and they call out for everybody to come out quickly to witness the moment. Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda lost interest after 10 seconds and they went straight to the mall. Wow, I thought they would be interested to see the eggs hatching at the very least. 
- Suddenly, the crow mother swoops in and attacks Sam and Eduardo and they both fall from the tree. Ouch! Oh well, that’s the end of that. 
Overall Thoughts
- I found this episode to be one of the weaker ones of the season, to be honest. I wasn’t as invested in the main plot compared to the ones in the more recent episodes, which were all really good. 
- I think the story structure felt a little too similar to the ‘Bad Girl Mcguire’ episode, which is basically a main character gets introduced to something/someone negative and they change for the worse; Hence, it’s up to their friends to help them get out of the bad situation they’re in.
- In terms of the positives, this might surprise some of you because I’ve been tough on this character but I actually enjoyed Matt quite a bit here. He had some really funny scenes in this episode and it’s cool to see him work with Lizzie and Miranda. I actually low-key think that it’s also because Lanny isn’t in this episode. Oop....
- I also liked seeing Lizzie’s and Miranda’s parents interact with one another. It provided with some good comedic moments for me as well. Overall, this episode didn’t rank high on my list and it basically comes down to the weaknesses in its A plot. 
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lovecanbesostrange · 5 years
Here’s another post about Grey’s Anatomy, and yes of course I’m again talking about Jo Karev. Sorry followers who don’t watch this show, but my Jo feels run me over like a truck twice a year...
I’m kinda amazed that she’s been on the show for seven seasons now, with Alex for kinda six of those (they were broken up all of S13, so technically five) and there hasn’t been a pregnancy yet. So everytime anything happens to Jo/Alex now, my mind just goes there. We’ve had jokes and hints about this since S10, but it never happened. And I know one of the loudest pro-voices for this storyline is Camilla herself.
[wow this turned into something... have a cut for easier scrolling]
The good thing is, with the latest development regarding Jo’s mom I feel for the first time a Jolex baby can actually benefit Jo as a character. The baby not just being this sorta goal of the romantic realtionship and building a wholesome family, but exploring all of Jo’s messed up experiences with “family”. Even back in S10 Alex mentioned having kids one day and it was always sort of a given these two would one day have a family of their own. (Because Alex will be an amazing dad and he should be. Ha, imagine that, two people being on the same page of one-day-we-gonna-have-kids from the start, what an unusual idea.)
Still, I am afraid the writers will throw this at us for the finale. While Jo has to fight her way out of depression we will get one of those looking-at-the-stick scenes as an emotional cliffhanger. I really don’t want that right now. So much no to that. I want the depression arc to be as separate from relationship drama as possible. Please. Just this once.
And also, here is the thing I have been tag-vomitting for years. WHY ON EARTH DID ALEX AND JO NEVER EVEN TALK ABOUT FOSTER KIDS? Why did I have to watch Owen suddenly foster a baby, that came with a teenage mom, so Amelia had somebody to care for as well and for a time the four became this patchwork thing? (Don’t get me wrong, the Amelia part of that storyline actually held my interest!)
The show has advocated for adoption and I’m glad about it. But we have these two characters who both spent time in the foster system and agree that it sucked. (For Alex it was a short, but hard time and he ended up in juvie, but also never lost contact with his mom over it. And Jo said fuck that shit with 16 to rather live in a stolen car.) When Owen got Leo he was overwhelmed that he got a baby and not a somewhat older kid, but I think that was for the best. Owen dealing with a kid who already developed trust issues and acted out? Only on his very best days maybe...But that is exactly something I can see Alex and Jo relate to.
So, here is an easy way to milk Jo-and-Alex-becoming-parents for some extra drama for the next two seasons!
In S16 we get a patient, around 12/14 years old or something (child actors, huge problem for longer storylines)  I don’t have a preference towards a boy or a girl, so let me use Taylor as an unisex name here (which would fit with Alex and Jo anyway). There is no parent in the mix, just an overworked social worker (a good person, but stretched thin). The kid needs some big surgery. Alex as the peds surgeon is the lead of course, but throw in Avery and Maggie for consults, monitoring, possible complications.
Maybe this even is a pro-bono case or some charity stunt, we get a commentary about appaling healthcare out of this. Yes, good. Because who even thinks about foster kids? And Taylor is not nice to anybody. Because Taylor feels like this is a stunt and who cares about them and how many foster homes has it been since entering at the age of 6. (More social commentary? One parent is dead and the other in jail, Taylor doesn’t even know where, because the prison system is also terrible. Grey’s can check so many boxes at once.)
We have had rude/unruly kids as patients before and it was mostly solved by the end of an end with one stern talking or a good speech. But Taylor is not here for that. And damn, there are insults flying around. But the other doctors are annoyed outside and go all “oh, Taylor has it rough, we can’t be that mad; but I kinda want to slap that kid sometimes, though not really, just... you know”. Alex gets some as well, but he just insults Taylor back, because he’s Alex. Which is also why he sometimes has to hide his smile, because damn, the kid has some good burns.
The residents get ordered to do a test and they don’t want to go in, so two of them play rock-paper-scissors. Jo sees this and is “OMFG!”, dismissed them and does this herself. Taylor makes fun of her, because people in dark blue scrubs don’t do these kind of things, so she must have drawn the short straw or something. And she is just “actually other people did that, I’m here cause I want to”. (Please remember that Jo - when she was allowed to have medical storylines - did advocate for homeless people and even though she can be judgy herself, used to have this very soft side.)
The social worker stops by, it’s a huge concern of how Taylor will be able to follow up during the recovery time. Meds need to be taken for a while etc. Responsible foster parents are needed here. Taylor has missed school, changed schools, is suspected of starting a fire at one of the homes (wasn’t their fault though, but the new troubly kid gets kicked out first)... tough to fit. The doctors are sorry about this, but someone makes another careless comment like “if Taylor could try harder” (in the way Grey’s likes to use one person to say something dumb so others can put things into perspective, happens so often). Alex is the one to go off about it.
Jo and Alex are at home and they trade stories about foster homes. Real ones. And they just look at each other for a moment. Both have a copy of the requirements about fostering already, it’s totally crazy for sure, how could they, but also... well... (the worst part about this that the loft is probably a big obstacle, living with no walls? oh no, saying goodbye to one of the cutest sets for another generic house?!)
There’s already five episodes worth of development! And Taylor moving in with the Karevs isn’t all easy-peasy. Oh no, Taylor needs to test the limits. (Oh, I totally would want one of those cliche moments of vulnerable honesty in the hospital, where Jo is once again doing some minor test and talks to Taylor only to find out about a hobby or special interest. And the next scene she just slips in a book about it or something. No big words about it.)
And here is the best part, because S17 comes with new built-in drama. Because oops, now it does happen, Jo finds out she’s pregnant. They didn’t try, but Alex and Jo are happy. And Taylor is afraid that well, that’s it. Who keeps the foster kid around with a biological baby on the way? Alex and Jo are a bit dense about this, because to them that is not even a question, they finally live on the other side of this thing and would never view Taylor as the consolation prize that loses meaning. Some very heartfelt scenes and then a talk about adoption (that could involve finding the prison-parent who I guess would have to give up the rights in a legal way???? who knows, I don’t because I don’t plan on writing a fanfic that would require research into this..... I’m going by tv-drama 101 here)
And so Taylor becomes a Karev. Alex was born as Alex Evans, but Jimmy was a terrible father so he took his mother’s maiden name. Jo never had the name of someone who loves her until she could share it with Alex. So the tradition should keep going. Karev is a special name, okay?
(I could also write about how much I want for Vicki to return, but I guess there’s an actual chance for that. I had a scenario in my head that would involve Alexandra to seek out Jo, and I saw somebody on tumblr is writing that, but in a very different way. lol)
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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purralyth · 5 years
Pls feel free to infodump abt Chariot I'd love to Listen to All of It. go gO GO!!!
YES I LOVE YOU i’ve infodumped abt her once before which can be found RIGHT HERE and idk how much more i’ve got without spoiling her whole arc for potential party members that see my tumblr so i’ll recount some of her Memorable Moments from her campaign so far!!!! (under the cut bc i got carried away)
she tried to cheat the kobold dmpc in a game of go-fish (it was the only card game that pebblebelly knew) but ended up getting smoked. it was a little humiliating. pebble tried to swipe her cards, chariot saved high enough, and pebble gave her a silver buckle as an apology. turns out it was from a dragon’s hoard so chariot’s never letting go of That
on the first night after defeating some bandits with her new group of acquaintances, they heard a ruckus downstairs in the inn lobby and saw a group of fish people with small boys in nets. chariot cast ice knife at one of the two fish holding the net but unfortunately ice knife is a spell that explodes upon impact and the boy in the net rolled a big fat critical miss to dodge it. so chariot’s an [accidental] child murderer
party ended up following the fish tracks down a well just outside the inn. it wasn’t necessary but she made sure she stored her fancy cloak and fine clothing in a bush, because she absolutely was not going to get that wet 
after losing half her HP slipping down the pipe to get into the well she and her party found a pool of water in the caverns. three people went in. chariot sat down and filed her nails while one of the fighters started freaking out about how long they’d been down there. “oh good, they’re not dead” was her response when they finally surfaced about a minute and a half later
pebblebelly (kobold dmpc) got snatched up by something in the ceiling and rather than help, chariot used her mage hand to poke at as many of its eyes as she could. it worked, somehow
we found more boys and more fishpeople. heavy-hitters rushed to help. chariot stayed behind with one of the fighters and examined a pot of orange liquid in the middle of the room. the liquid evaporated a knife. the fighter dipped her knife in the liquid and poked her finger. she suddenly couldn’t breathe and chariot chastised her later for grabbing at her so tightly she bruised. empathy 0
Not As Funny but after the fighter pricked her finger she started to hear a voice in her head which then made itself known in everyone else’s head and it poked a whole lotta fun at chariot and the people she trusts..! paladin dmpc warned us not to talk to it but lo and behold later that night chariot had a conversation, called this voice in her head that claimed to be older than gods a coward, and demanded a physical sign if it wanted her respect
it told her to go upstream
chariot didn’t tell anyone what she was doing but she went upstream
i can’t say what happened exactly but she got real mad at that voice and called it a coward and a liar and threatened to dismiss its presence as nothing more than a hysterical side effect of a poorly ventilated cave if she didn’t get something better soon. she called its methods bullshit. she insulted it quite a bit actually
oops! that was a mistake
walk down the last tunnel and become confronted by more fish people and the innkeep but he was like really sick. the voice possessed him and told chariot that if she wanted to talk face to face this was as good as it got. she got some empathy and sense knocked into her and demanded that they find another way but then a wicked lobster thing from hell came bursting out of his skin. chariot dealt like 28 damage in one hit to it which felt REAL GOOD
haven’t heard from the voice since, after it told them that it would kill them all in due time like ants by the waves of life or something
time to go to waterdeep for a quest > leads to a Bonfire Episode!!!! our barbarian and one of our fighters took down a wild boar so we had pork and told stories by the fire. chariot told them she was turned to stone for three days because wizards are poor losers, party monk claimed gamblers were poor losers too (at which chariot laughed bc it’s true) and one of our fighters asked if she did anything like that when she lost. chariot asked if she was volunteering to find out, the fighter foolishly said yes, chariot reached out for a handshake and made her take 4 damage with shocking grasp and got her hand to go numb. we both got inspiration points for that
we found out the dmpc wizard fucked a dragon. this has nothing to do with chariot but it’s a detail worth mentioning
we reached waterdeep’s gates and saw everyone else handing the guards papers, which we didn’t have, so instead chariot held out her signet ring with her uncle’s business’ crest on it and they were Immediately allowed inside and even offered an escort to her estate (which is funney…. bc she’s never had an estate in waterdeep !)
party now knows How Rich She Is uh oh! they got her to say she might take them back to neverwinter to visit her estate sometime later but she is a little wary since Half The Party Is Criminals (or at least accused of being so)
unfortunately as soon as they got inside waterdeep everyone that caught sight of her scrambled out of her way looking terrified. she asked a man for an address and when she thanked him for information he Bolted. party monk made a joke about how High and Mighty she was, but chariot didn’t take it so well. it hurts a little bit when no one even knows who you are but they’re terrified of you. being a rich tiefling can be a daunting prospect for a couple different reasons but it’s worse here than most places and she doesn’t really know why
that’s all the Honourable Mentions so far but we play again on wednesday when we get to wander down into a basement full of things that keep attacking the real estate agent so we’ll see what happens next ! (there wouldve been more for me to say but character arc spoilers…!)
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BTS Members as the Sons of Feanor
so @thelonelybrilliance just showed up late to the Silmarillion and new to BTS and she decided to break my brain by tagging me and @abadpoetwithdreams asking us if we could match up the 7 members of BTS with the 7 sons of Feanor. May she never ask such a question again because I have spent about 6 hours total writing this rant essay that is somewhere of abouts 3500 words. I don’t have the self-control to stop myself from things like this, I love Tolkien and BTS too much
anyway here is a very long and rambling post that was partially composed in my head in the shower and is now just stream of consciousness
(Disclaimer: The members of BTS are beautiful souls and this post is in no way saying that they are as murderous as my problematic faves the sons of Feanor)
ok so the only thing I know for ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN is that Namjoon is Maedhros. if you know anything at all about BTS and the Feanorians, the reasons are obvious:
1. Namjoon is the tallest, and Maedhros is literally called Maedhros the Tall.
2. Maedhros has a lot of names but he was called Maitimo by his mom which means “beautiful” or “well-shaped one” and such an appellation is perfect for Namjoon (ok let’s be real the name could fit every single member of BTS but whatever)
3. (and most important!) never was there a more harried elf trying to keep his brothers in line and alive and not cut to pieces by some justifiably insulted cousin or Sindarin. Maedhros is the mom, the dad, the king, the leader, the eldest bro. “Guys, can we NOT be rude to the sons of Finarfin, can we NOT start a war among the Noldor when we still have Morgoth just across the way” I’m pretty sure he would also lose his passport multiple times if Middle-earth had such things, because his brothers are hard enough to keep track of. while Namjoon may not be the eldest in years, everything else matches up too perfectly. He is the leader of BTS, the spokesman, the one who encourages the other members to step up and speak, helps them with their English (even when he judges them for their dumb mistakes lol), is literally SO DONE with his bros all the time but loves them so freaking much. He is the planner, the peace-maker, yet also has fire in his veins and has seen a lot of darkness and suffering and survived to become even stronger. So too with Namjoon
(caveat: if BTS were Feanorians, and Namjoon captured by Morgoth himself, there is no freaking way they wouldn’t have done SOMETHING to rescue their fearless leader. Jin and Jungkook would storm Thangorodrim fists swinging, followed by Jimin and J-Hope, fierce like you’ve never seen them, and Taehyung would Luthien Tinuviel Morgoth centuries early, or Yoongi would simply glare at Morgoth till he shrank down into a puddle of trembling goo. Don’t laugh at me you know I’m right)
moving on
I have maybe two choices for Maglor? One is Jin, but that might partially be because everyone always talks about how Namjoon and Jin are the mom and dad or dad and mom of BTS. and Maglor is always paired in my head with Maedhros as the other parental figure of the Feanorian bros, though that might be because of how he and Maedhros look after Elrond and Elros. Of course, I love Jin’s singing and I will never ever ever be over “Epiphany”, so I am way cool with making Jin Maglor as far as the music thing goes
All this said, I am not sure if this is the best fit overall. Jin is the King of Chaos in BTS, and I wouldn’t name Maglor as such...also I think I might have another Feanorian for Jin, but I’ll get to that later (spoilers, it’s...Curufin??!) (oh no, I just realized I might have one other argument for Jin being Maglor: “I use other people to make myself happy. I make myself smile by making others smile.” Like, that could be a good quote for Maglor potentially, if you want to relate it to his music, or his care for Elrond and Elros……..but I’m still thinking Curufin for Jin. Stay tuned)
So anyway my other option for Maglor would be...oh heck no I have two other options. No wait THREE. What the HECK. ok let me figure this out. The options are J-Hope, Yoongi, and Jimin. I’m not even sure why yet so let’s find out. (sidenote: if Maedhros did not exist Namjoon the song-writer would be Maglor, as the greatest poet and bard)
1.  J-Hope as Maglor: I don’t know, I had reasons but they are escaping me. Maglor is said to have had a gentler temperament than his brothers and I would say J-Hope has a very soft sunshine heart. I guess one thing is that Maglor was left to hold everybody together when Maedhros was captured by Morgoth, and if Namjoon was ever hung on a cliff for an indeterminate amount of time or whatever equals that in our world, J-Hope would step up. I keep seeing things about how he supports the other members when they are having tough times, giving them encouragement and food and love. He leads them in practicing dance choreography all the time, and if I remember I am pretty sure Namjoon actually stated that Hoseok would make a good group leader. 
Also one time Namjoon was talking about Hobi (oh shoot, should J-Hope of the many names be Maedhros of the many names? Lol maybe in that one universe where Namjoon is Maglor, then Hobi could could be Maedhros) Namjoon says that J-Hope is like water (where did Maglor toss his Silmaril again hmm?) and puts people at ease. Well idk about other people but Maglor seems to have put Elrond and Elros at ease because even after that whole Kinslaying thing “love grew between them as little might be thought.” I too would probably come to love J-Hope no matter the past between us. He is just that sweet and soft-hearted
2.  Yoongi as Maglor: ok honestly I really really actually want Yoongi for Caranthir, more on that later. However I also like Yoongi as Maglor because it is unexpected, yet certain things just feel right. I keep thinking about Yoongi’s “First Love” where he raps about how his PIANO was his first love (GOSH ISN’T THAT THE SWEETEST THING EVER) also in Lee Sora’s “Song Request” he raps this: “I’m happiness to someone and the soul to another / A lullaby to someone and at times a noise / I’ll be with you at your birth and your end / Remember we’re always together anywhere / I’ll always console your life / So just lean on me and rest sometimes” and LOOK I JUST DIED TYPING THIS but what I am getting at is music is burnt into Yoongi’s soul as I think it is Maglor’s, and Yoongi really is very soft and loving and also one time Namjoon said that Yoongi “makes me ponder about what kind of person I am” and Maglor several times is a voice of reason and very much tries to dissuade Maedhros from going after the Silmarils one last time. Idk it could work (but also...CARANTHIR) (BUT ALSO OMG YOONGI’S VOICE MURDERS ME WHEN HE RAPS AND HIS PASSION WOW AND NOW I AM PICTURING MODERN DAY MAGLOR RAPPING  OBLIQUELY ABOUT HIS FAMILY AND PAST AND PAIN UGGGGGGGHHHH
3.  Who was my other choice? Right, Jimin. Why did I say Jimin?? ? i don’t remember, dang it
Ok I think it is definitely time to do Caranthir.
As previously stated, I love Yoongi as Caranthir. I have my reasons personally I think they are very good reasons :D Ok Caranthir is WOW ok I am OFFENDED because I just went to double-check something on wikipedia and I typed Caranthir into the Google search engine and the first three results were all about this Caranthir dude from the Witcher, and while that game seems very interesting I am UPSET for Yoongi’s I mean Caranthir the Dark’s sake.
Caranthir the Dark. What a name. I mean it might just be a reference to his father-name of Morifinwe and to his hair, but he is also described as being the harshest and quickest to anger. Yoongi, bless his soul and his actually very soft and squishy heart, is well known for: being unbothered by BTS general antics, for being the one to sit back and watch everyone else do dumb stuff (like when they were all dancing to MIC drop and he just walks away from them, or when they are all acting like kids jumping in the pool and he just watches with a smile on his face while drinking a glass of wine and look to me Caranthir is the one Feanorian who doesn’t pair up with anyone in particular, like we have Maedhros and Maglor, Celegorm and Curufin, Amrod and Amras, but Caranthir is the one who goes off and lives separate from them and
GOSH now I sound so dumb because I am NOT trying to say that Caranthir doesn’t love his bros or that Yoongi is a loner that is NOT what I am saying, agh I mean Caranthir is great (minus, you know, the kin-slayings the Feanorians sadly fall into) and even befriends Haleth’s people and protects them, t’s just this weird categorizing thing in my head, that Caranthir is the crusty brother, and while he loves his bros to DEATH and they him, the majority of his bros are sliiiiightly afraid of him, in a brotherly way, like how the members are with Yoongi! Like just recently oh what was it, they were on a BTS Run episode and someone had to splash or otherwise give Yoongi a penalty and right away everyone was like NAMJOON YOU DO IT. turning to the leader hyung because they don’t want Yoongi to be mad at them
Of course now I am remembering that one post of gifs demonstrating how Jungkook is the only one who can bother Yoongi without dying lol except NOW I am picturing Amrod the youngest Feanorian* being the only one who can bother Caranthir and then the ensuing PAIN because Amrod Umbarto (thanks for THAT name, Mom) perishes (in certain canon) in flames at the Burning of the Ships and wowwww no I do not need any of this pain
I’m pretty sure I have never rambled so much in my life and also pretty sure I have way too many parentheses and not all of them are closed oops
Anyway, imagine Caranthir as the brother you are afraid of but would die for and who would die for you if anyone looks at you wrong, the brother with the wry acerbic wit, but who LITERALLY LIGHTS UP THE UNIVERSE WITH HIS SMILE AND ALSO DOESN’T EXPRESS HIS LOVE ALOUD AS OFTEN AS SOME OF YOUR BROTHERS DO BUT
Also someone has to be the best cook of the Feanorians and it might as well be Caranthir
….apparently I’m not done with Caranthir, because “the Dark” also makes me think of a dark horse, or at least something happening that is unexpected, and that reminds me of that interview where dad/mom/interpreter Namjoon was like yeah none of the other members can speak English, and then Yoongi just out of NOWHERE speaks a line of great English and Namjoon was like ….guess I was wrong
I do not have very clear thoughts about who the rest of the members are so let’s just go with my brain and hope it makes some good connections
Let’s do Celegorm since I just mentioned him
Celegorm could be either Taehyung or….Jin? :? Merrr idk. Let’s examine
I think the main reason why I jump at the option of Tae for Celegorm is because of Tae’s love for his dog Yeontan, or Tan, and of course Celegorm is the master of Huan, and they had a very special relationship for ages until Celegorm f---ed up. Seriously, you want to see something cute? Look up Tae’s Vlive that is entirely focused on his lil pupper (what am I saying look up ANYTHING about Tae and you will find something cute)
On the other hand Jin could be Celegorm because Celegorm is known as the Fair and if you don’t know by now that Jin is World Wide Handsome I don’t know how I can help you
OMG WAIT I JUST THOUGHT OF OTHER REASONS WHY JIN COULD BE CELEGORM! So Celegorm’s father-name is Turcafinwë, which basically means “strong in body” and Jin has got those broad shoulders (gosh they are so broad). Also, Celegorm’s mother-name is Tyelkormo, or “hasty riser,” referring to his quick temper and habit of leaping when angered. And this doesn’t perfectly relate but the amount of times I have seen Jin yelling or just being wild in general or even just pretending to be mad makes me think of this. Also there was one time idk what was even going on but Jin was struggling to pronounce Bangtansonyeon-dan (SAME) and saying it was too long and difficult and J-Hope was teasing him and Namjoon told him not to get mad since he had been calling himself a fairy and shouldn’t be mad as such, and Jin was like hey I can be a mad fairy if I want lol
See now I am just confused because now I am looking back at Jin as Maglor and I might like that better? WHY IS THIS SO HARD
Speaking of Jin, and Celegorm, why on EARTH was I thinking of Jin for Curufin? Ugggh see my problem is I ran out of time last night and so I am finishing the essay some 20 hours later and I kNOW that when I was saying Jin should be Curufin I had a better reason then their names rhyme. Heck, I could make that same argument for Jimin as Curufin.
Except I also have a second and better argument for Jimin as Curufin, at least under the circumstance where Taehyung is Celegorm. Look, all the BTS members are really close with each other, and you can literally argue all day about who is closer to who (a really pointless waste of time in my opinion I mean why argue when you can just melt over them all being sweet and funny and kind and teasing with each other) but anyway all that aside one thing I love in particular is how sweet Jimin and Taehyung often are with each other, holding hands and comforting each other and being on teams in competitions *starts laughing at the memory of them being complete disasters that one cooking show* and anyway Celegorm and Curufin seem pretty inseparable, running around causing all kinds of trouble (guys sTOP). Jimin and Taehyung have called themselves soulmates, so it makes sense to have them be part of a duo
Not that Taehyung would engage in a kidnapping stunt like Celegorm did, but the point is, Jimin, the precious bby, has Tae’s back
Jimin: “Taehyung is the happiest when he is with me” aww
This has nothing to do with the point of this post but I just need to stop here and say that Jimin is so freaking talented I was just looking up some gifsets of him and obviously his singing is angelic but also OMGGG his dancing!!!
Ok, jumping back slightly, I guess one way Jin could be Curufin is if Jungkook is Celegorm, because I could see those beautiful dorks running around causing all kinds of trouble, except I really have no reason to have Jungkook be Celegorm, especially since he is very much Amras in my head for reasons
OOOH NO I also thought of a way in which Jungkook could be--wait for it--cURUFIN. WHY AM I LIKE THIS
You see, Curufin was his dad’s favorite son and thus Feanor gave his favorite son the exact same father-name Feanor had, Curufinwë, and Curufin is the only son who chose to use his father-name over his mother-name if I recall, and anyway all meaning he probably loved his dad a lot and was proud of his name, and this makes me think of how Namjoon gave Jungkook the title of the Golden Maknae and of how freaking much Jungkook looks up to and respects Namjoon (look while Namjoon is a hyung, he is also a dad figure, so he may as well be Feanor and Maedhros both)
I guess if Jungkook were Curufin, Jin could go back to being Celegorm
Aaaaggggh you do not know how much hair I have pulled out this is taking a lot of brainwork
We now present my exceedingly confused ramblings regarding the twins Amrod and Amras. Before we begin, let me SHAKE MY FIST AT TOLKIEN FOR MAKING THIS ESSAY EVEN MORE CONFUSING TO WRITE
See, I had Jungkook all set up in my head as Amras, the youngest son according to the Silmarillion. Jungkook is the maknae, the baby, and all the members DOTE on him and he loves them and respects them and pesters them and it’s great, so yeah Jungkook has to be Amras the baby of the Feanorians. I would then put Taehyung as Amrod, the just barely older bby who the other members also adore and protect. Jungkook and Taehyung are SO FREAKING CUTE whenever they are doing stuff together, whether it is singing or hugging or holding each other on their backs while they singing. When they goof off together or pester each other, they are the most precious, must dorkiest dorks to ever be my faves. Hence why I pair them together in my head as Amrod and Amras, at least the times when I am not pairing Tae with Jimin or Jungkook with Jin. Amrad and Amras seem as inseparable as Celegorm and Curufin, and they go off and live in some beautiful wild part of the land and basically stick to hunting and staying out of everyone’s business until they get reminded they took a stupid oath
EXCEPT then Tolkien has one alternate writing where the youngest is actually AMROD and Amrod dies at the burning of the ships because Feanor doesn’t know how to count his kids I guess (Namjoon you lost something again) (sorry that is a terrible joke) (but is it made slightly better by the fact that while Namjoon is apparently Feanor he is much more Maedhros, who was against the burning of the ships and did not participate?) so like this is where I started to get my third headache (exacerbated by the fact that I haven’t eaten dinner yet and it is 9 pm what is wrong with me) because then I have to make Jungkook Amrod and Taehyung Amras. It’s such a trial having to write both their names next to both Feanorians
On the other hand, an interesting thing to think about is that in this alternate writing, Amras was so aggrieved by his brother’s death that he called out Feanor--Feanor!--for being so dumb as to A. call or let his wife call their youngest by the name of Umbarto (the Fated) and then to B. accidentally let him perish in a fire that FEANOR started because he had a grudge (and I think Tolkien wrote that that Amrod was possibly sleeping on the ships because he was upset with Feanor for the terrible deeds he was committing, so like, double way to go Feanor)
I am really tired and hungry my head hurts
What am I missing?
I like Taehyung and Jungkook best for Amrod and Amras a lot BUT if I were doing one of the other options above, I could see having the follow lineup:
Jin=Celegorm, Jungkook= Curufin, Jimin=Amrod, Taehyung=Amras
In this instance, I could see Jimin and Tae as either Amrod or Amras no matter which one is older. Taehyung could definitely be the bby and do his own thing but could also be the brother who mourns his brother and calls out Feanor. Actually though Jimin while being young and precious gives me more of an older brother vibe than Taehyung does, so I guess I would have Jimin be the elder of the twins. Yes, that makes more sense
UGH but wait if I put Jimin and Tae as Curufin and Celegorm, I could put Jungkook back as youngest bby Amrod or Amras, but would Jin fit into the older twin role? Maaaaybe, if you just think about Jungkook and Jin heading off by themselves and goofing off...I don’t like it as much though
Possibilities So Far
Maedhros: Namjoon, maybe J-Hope?
Maglor: Jin, J-Hope, Yoongi, maybe Namjoon
Caranthir: Yoongi
Celegorm: Taehyung, Jin
Curufin: Jimin, Jungkook
Amrod: Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin
Amras: Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin
I have spent five minutes now trying to figure out possible final line-ups but it’s all a mess
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