#omswd xreader
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animeniac-writings · 2 years ago
Remembering MC - Obey Me
What if while MC is in the past changing history and being a major part of their freshly-fallen lives, the present boys start to recall that?
Not everything, still mostly forgotten from happening so long ago, but while the boys are frantic trying to find any way to get you back or where you even went, worried and miserable, maybe they start thinking about all the good times they had with you.
From when they met you, to everything that has happened since. But something...there's something else they're almost remembering. Like an itch about you, then it's faded memories that don't seem right.
Too old, they can barely remember, in a time they all wished to forget. But suddenly, you were there. To help them, to comfort them,
Surely it's Mammon who gets this first. He hasn't stopped thinking about you for a second, crying on your bed and wishing you would hold him again.
He remembers you in the beginning.
He races to Lucifer, tear streaks still on his face and yelling that you were there, his words are jumbled but you weren't there, you couldn't be. But he swears you were.
He's brushed aside, everyone is trying their best and brokenhearted and now Mammon has started creating his own ridiculous memories to see you just a little more.
Then the others start having it. While they tried their hardest to forget the fall, the suffering when they reached the Devildom, memories that you created with them aren't like that.
They didn't spend thousands of years trying to ignore and forget that, and suddenly Mammon doesn't seem so crazy.
Lucifer tries to deny it at first, but he has the best memory and as thoughts of long past suffering fade and there's a clarity that now includes you-
Sure not even he can remember all that happened, that you've now changed. But he knows you; he aches to feel you activate his pact, for his soul to reach yours.
And he breaks down. Locked away at his desk with his head in his hands he cries.
He wants your back. They all do, losing you is something he doesn't believe they could all come back from. Eternal punishment would be losing their MC for good.
But somehow you're stuck in the past, and even after all you've already done for them, fixing their family and helping each and every brother, accepting their love and requests for more- and he laughs while tears drip down his face.
Because of course- of course when faced with them in the past, broken and lost and what they all would have considered their lowest points- you're doing your best to help them once again.
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prettyboy-basement · 1 year ago
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. . . searching . . . found !
he loved watching your videos.
whenever he was in a bad mood, you could cheer him up. when he was happy, you made him happier.
he couldn't help but be enamored with you. you were so attractive, so amazing at everything you did.
you were just a small-time streamer, getting a few donations each time you played a video game, you cracked a few jokes every so often and you were pretty good at what you played... but he noticed everything beneath that.
your plush lips, your beautiful eyes, your body, your hands as you flicked various controls.
gosh, he just wanted you so bad...
in his room, tied up, ready to play with him at any moment. his little spouse, ready to do anything he asked.
he would have you... just you wait.
sampo, ranpo, LEVI, dia, AIKU, NESS
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certified-boyliker · 1 year ago
See You Again
Actor: Leviathan
MPAA: General Audiences (T4T FTM!Levi x FTM!Reader, fluff, sweet)
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“No way! I can’t look! I don’t know how you can get through this! Man, normies are soo, so we- Aahhh, don’t show it up close!!”
You stared at the demon that was hiding away in his bathtub, pulling his blanket over his head, using his Ruri plushie “protect” him. What was making him so upset and scared, that he needed his precious Ruri to protect him?
You were injecting yourself with your weekly testosterone shot.
“You’re a demon.”
“And? Demons can be scared of thing- STOP HOLDING IT SO CLOSE TO ME!”
The “it” in question was the needle, full of your dose of testosterone and you occasionally brought it closer to his face when he let his guard slightly down, and then held his plush up as a shield whenever you did.
“Didn’t you have to take these?”
“No? Down here, magic is more widespread, and so I just got these patches. It’s way easier and doesn’t involve invasive things like needles! Those are the work of God, and God himself.”
“You know, where I’m from, that’s a good thing.” You chuckled and gently pricked your leg. You pushed down the plunger, hissing slightly. You slowly removed it and turned to set the needle somewhere. You had forgotten the point where you pricked was technically an open wound, but before you could panic, you felt a cotton ball press gently against the site. When you looked up, you saw Levi was pressing it down and holding a band-aid out to you.
“So that you don’t bleed.”
You smiled gently, and took the band-aid. His hand slipped from your leg, and you patched yourself up.
“Thanks, Levi.”
“Yeah, of co-“
You gently kissed his forehead, and he blushed brightly.
“Lol, maybe so. Now come on, let’s lie down. I wanna rest before Lucifer makes us go do something.”
You climbed alongside him into the bathtub, and he wrapped his arms around you, humming quietly.
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kas-needs-mental-help · 11 months ago
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Im totally normal
Anyways Asmo's section in that has.... 598 pins? He has the most, second most is Levi ❤
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certified-boyliker · 2 years ago
taking your t-shot and then you seek out one of the brothers, and jump on them to drag them back to your room
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certified-boyliker · 2 years ago
t4t relationship with levi
he hates binders or transtape or anything
honestly, he probably has top surgery already, he got it as soon as he could
anything to have as much comfort as possible whenever he's lounging around, gaming
he just does not understand why you wear a binder, it must be so uncomfortable
he hates hia scars though, he hates how they look, he hates how they make him look, and he hates that he thinks that if you ever saw him that you'd find them weird and want to break up with him immediately
more than pleasantly surprised that you actually like them
whenever you two bathe together, it's not unusual that you like to trace the scars, slowly sliding over them and humming
he asks if you really think they're cool and you assure him thay you're never lying when it comes to that
if you need help with your binder he'll help, but he will be very blushy and doesn't look at you while he does (which results in him messing up)
he likes resting on your chest and always asks if he's hurting you or making you uncomfortable
just wants to make sure you're okay with everything
all in all, a very cute relationship
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certified-boyliker · 2 years ago
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The Bidding
Actor: Lucifer
MPA: PG-13 (Ftm!Reader)
notes: a lil suggestive, fancy reader
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Lucifer did not know what was taking you so long. You only said you would take a shower and go to his room for the night. He glanced at his clock and flipped through his records. He was going to check on you soon, but he'd let you show up first-
He perked up after hearing your voice and turned to smile at you. He then realized why you had taken so long and chuckled at your extravagant robe that trailed after you as you walked into his room. You closed the door on your way in and stretched your arms above your head.
"You took quite a while."
"It's an effort to look as pretty as I do, Luci." You flourished your arms, letting the fuzzy cuffs of your sheer robe hang from your wrists. He chuckled gently and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Oh, is it? You look effortlessly pretty to me, love."
"Please, you and your brothers are effortlessly pretty. I, on the other hand, need a routine in order to look as amazing as I always do."
He stepped back and looked at your outfit. You wore a sheer robe, fuzzy cuffs at your wrists, and as the back went down, there are layers of the fabric going down, with fuzzy ends.
Underneath the robe, you wore some boyshorts and a tanktop. He looked you up and down and smirked. You rolled your eyes and walked over his records. You picked up one of them and turned to him.
"I didn't know you had this one."
"How many human records do you own? When did you ever get this record of 'Welcome to the Black Parade'."
"Well..." He walked over to you. "After you were singing one of the songs... 'Dead!', I believe, I decided to go down to the human world, get a record, and brought it back to listen to it."
"Do you like it?"
"I do find it enjoyable." He leaned down kiss your cheek.
"Nice. It's a good album." You hummed and set the vinyl on the record player and turned it to "Teenagers".
"Why this song in particular?"
You looked up at him. "It's a good song to... kiss people do."
You led him to his bed before gently shoving him onto the bed. You climbed on tip of him. "Yeah. So... kiss me, yeah?"
"Of course."
He kissed you and pulled you down to him, kissing you deeply. You began to strip off your robe and tossed it to the ground and Lucifer tossed off his gloves.
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@bakerysnake @kage7ama
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certified-boyliker · 2 years ago
t4t relationship with satan!
personally doesn't care about having top surgery, could take it or leave it honestly
if he has it, then he likes his scars, he thinks it's impressive he was able to endure it and the ordeal afterwards
if he doesn't, then he uses transtape and likes it whenever you come into his room and might aid him in putting it on. might flirt with you while you are
takes t shots, usually at midnight whenever he realizes he didn't take it that day, making it some sort of twisted schedule
he has a multitude of books on transness and different gender identities and likes reading them at random
whenever you come to his room, he likes setting his book down and pulling you onto his chest. you either play with his tape or scars, and he'll chuckle, telling you about what he recently read
he'll pull at your binder, wondering why you wear such a stifling piece of material, and out of curiosity, asks if you can breath properly with it on
if you answer no, then he'll pick up one of his books and find a section on proper binding practices and immediately takes you to find a proper binder for you to wear
he really cares about you, not wanting you to be hurt or feel uncomfortable
if anyone purposefully misgenders you, they should pray for their life. it does not matter that they are a demon, they should pray to diavolo, cause satan will fuck them up
and i mean fuck them UP
afterwards, you're cleaning the blood off his knuckles and kissing him softly (if you aren't terrified that you prob just witnessed a murder)
he likes bathing with you whenever you two get together
he likes holding you in the bath and you two probably sing loudly together (to anger lucifer, of course)
he slides his hands over you, muttering everything he loves about
and then you guys towel off, throw on some ridiculously fancy pajamas and find some detective movie and then forget about it because you're making out with each other
you guys probably fall asleep kissing each other, holding onto each other
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