#omgggg they never leave my brain
actually kills me every time i start losing my mind over a ship only to find out they have no fans and i can’t binge read incredible fan fictions or metas on them for days on end.
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eco-lite · 7 months
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Finally got to read Volume 6! I didn’t think anything could top Volume 4, but this one is a very close contender for my favorite. Here are my unedited thoughts:
“Sinhalite Beckons, Part 1”
* An extra case first??? Okay then.
* Who is this female version of Seigi? This is hilarious, they’re way too similar!
* Very curious where in the timeline this story takes place…
“The Wandering Conch Pearl”
* WAIT WTF?? That was Seigi’s dream? Did he dream of himself as a woman interacting with Richard in Sri Lanka??????
* Not the milkman omgggg.
* Oooh Richard’s assistant in Hong Kong. That’s probably the sleezy guy he was talking about in the last story. Can Seigi see into other peoples’ pasts now? Didn’t know there was going to be a supernatural element lol.
* “I couldn’t decide if I should serve tea or not, so my brain cells had a meeting and came to the unanimous conclusion not to” (34). I love Seigi so much. 😂
* “I couldn’t stop smiling. Richard thanked me. He said he thought I was dependable. His smile was beautiful enough to start, but boy, a direct hit from his charm sure packed a punch. I was glad he’s withdrawn to the back room, because I was pretty sure my face wasn’t going to go back to normal for a while” (42). Oh, honey… 😌
* Wow, I did not think I would be learning so much about post-WWII politics between Japan and the Dominican Republic from this series, but here we are.
* This conversation between Richard and Seigi from page 62-67 is all over the place. Richard shutting Seigi down when he invites Richard over, but obviously still wanting to let Seigi in. And he ends up asking Seigi to dinner even though he just made the argument that Seigi should go home and go to bed early. And then he gets frustrated that Seigi is being so amenable to going out to dinner with him?? Bro, get your emotions together! You of all people should know that Seigi is not a mind reader. Let him know how you feel, for fuck’s sake!
* “To me, Richard’s beauty was like Mount Fuji at sunrise or the windswept sand dunes in a desert. Anyone else’s beauty was…very human. When I looked at Richard, I felt a mysterious calm, like if I were looking at a lake or the sky or the sea. Normal human features weren’t even in the same category. But if I said any of that out loud, I was pretty sure I’d offend literally everyone” (67). Yes, would would offend literally everyone. You’re learning, Seigi!
* “To have someone look upon the grain of truth hidden within the most tender part of yourself, and tell you their unvarnished opinion of it—I thought that would, without question, be cause for joy” (69). Okay well then you better tell Richard how you feel about having to leave Étranger in the next story, Seigi! Expose that grain of truth!!
“Resplendent Spinel”
* Seigi is really too nice. Filling in for someone in a club where you don’t know any of the other members? Could never be me.
* Ayame describing the “insincere drivel” her boyfriend spouts at her and Seigi’s reaction is “I felt like I was about to go into cardiac arrest” (93). 😅 Is he finally gaining some self-awareness about how ostentatious his compliments of Richard are?
* Ayame: “‘And if you think that a compliment can’t cut as deeply as an insult, you’re terribly naive’” (93). Seigi: “I felt like I’d been sent flying by a body blow” (94). Seigi is really going through it…
* “‘But you are different. Your words are different. When your words brush my face, it’s like a playful wind. With your absurd vocabulary, you are expressly telling me that my appearance brings you joy. It does feel a bit peculiar at times, but perhaps I find that peculiarity oddly endearing, Seigi.’ And then he smiled. I was struck dumb for a while” (96). Holy shit… 😳
* “‘I have a hard time understanding the nature of your love for me. It’s be a great help if you could give me a rundown, as if you were briefing me for a job’” (101). I wish Richard would ask Seigi to do this. But I think Seigi needs to complete his “self assessment” first. He doesn’t even understand the nature of his own love for Richard.
* Wow, Itagaki is actually pretty mature. Good for him.
* “‘Well, I just want you to know there has been a lot of diversity in body type in the industry lately, and I would love you even if you put on a hundred kilos, so don’t overdo it’” (110). It’s really nice to see a male character so adamant that his girlfriend shouldn’t have to worry about losing weight, especially since she’s in the entertainment industry. I hope we see even more diverse body types in Japanese entertainment in the future.
* I hope we get to see this “long talk” they’re going to have in the next story.
“Paraíba Tourmaline Romance”
* Omg Tanimoto is back! And she’s finally meeting Richard!! The two of them ganging up on Seigi is so funny.
* “Once again, it was Seigi Nakata versus the allied forces of Richard and Tanimoto. Honestly, I was probably the happiest if ever been in my life, but I was also just as embarrassed” (135). This is so cute.
* “‘I agree that romance might just be a stone I don’t know yet, but it feels so removed from me—like that planet made from diamonds orbiting a distant star. Maybe I just don’t have the courage for interstellar travel’” (153). This is so ace. I’m so so glad Tanimoto decided to be true to herself and not force herself into a romantic relationship she didn’t actually want. Sometimes you don’t need to experiment. You just know yourself. I’m so proud of her!
* Wow, I really teared up seeing Richard talk about queerness and fluctuations in identity so directly. I’m so happy Tsujimura had the courage to include frank conversations about queer issues. Richard’s perspective here truly is “like a spring breeze rushing through a window that no one remembered opening” (153).
* “‘What really matters is that you never forget that while you possess the potential to change, your present self continues to become your future self… I know it’s hard to decide what choice will be best for you, if I were in your position, I would not think forcing myself into a romantic relationship would be that choice… While dying on your feet is all well and good, one wrong step might make it nothing g more than foolhardy and reckless. And perhaps in the same way, a strategic retreat isn’t running away so much as it is a change of course’” (157). Ace ally Richard is so important to me. This is why he’s my comfort character.
* “‘When Seigi told me about this place, I thought it was a shop run by a foreign man who would show his customers wonderful gemstones. I see it’s actually a shop that provides kindness and comfort to those who see themselves as Étranger’” (158). fUCK.
* I’m so glad Seigi apologized for what he said to Tanimoto at the museum. I know it’s hard for him to let go of the fact that Tanimoto doesn’t feel romantic love since he has a crush on her, but I think he’s more understanding of her feelings now, thanks to the conversation with Richard.
* Omg Seigi and Tanimoto having a mature conversation about why they wouldn’t work out romantically. So nice to see. I think Tanimoto still kind of misunderstood why Seigi wanted to ask her out before, but that’s very on brand for her lol.
* “‘I feel like having you around has made me a better person than I was before’” (173). Richard!!! 💘💘💘
* Tanimoto defending Seigi and telling Richard to never hurt him again! I love her so much!
* I love this story so much! It was great to learn more about Tanimoto’s past and see her finally interact with Richard, who was just so thoughtful here. I can’t believe he felt bad for telling her not to worry about romantic love because he thought it might hurt Seigi. That’s sweet, but I’m glad he was true to himself and what Tanimoto needed to hear in that moment. And Seigi got just a bit more mature, too. I have such intense affection for everyone in this situation. But not Seigi’s father coming to ruin the vibes at the end. 🤬🤬🤬
“The Tanzanite of Rebirth”
* Seigi’s father is such a disgusting manipulator. I always say I want to learn more about Seigi, but learning how awful this man was to him and Hiromi, and how dark Seigi’s thoughts were at that time… How dark they are now… It’s really distressing.
* The fucking tonal shift from this melancholy last dinner together to Jeffrey showing up in the hotel room is so funny. For real though, what did Seigi think would happen when he followed Richard to his room?? 👀 But it’s really concerning that Seigi felt he had no choice but to follow Richard to his room. Obviously that’s Seigi’s extremely negative headspace talking, but please have some self-respect!
* “‘Maybe you’ve forgotten, but I spent a long time stalking you within the realm of what’s legal, of course. Obviously, I’ve repented of my actions—please, God, forgive me for my trespasses. And since I’ve repented, I hope you’ll forgive me for reoffending. It’s plain for anyone to see that something’s been eating at you’” (228). JEFFREY. It’s kind of sweet that Jeffrey has been keeping an eye on Seigi, but did he have to get this intense about it? This kidnapping situation is so chaotic lol. That is his style, though.
* “‘Why do you treat me like some rock on the side of the road? What do you think I am? A doll that’s not good for anything but being on display? I’ve been on this Earth longer than you have. I possess more knowledge than you, and I have enough free time to be able to afford to spend some on you. And yet you had the audacity to try to abandon me and walk off into the darkness. It’s beyond asinine and irrational’” (230). YOU TELL HIM, RICHARD! (Not to even mention Richard told Seigi he loves him just before this rant.) But I feel like Seigi could have said this exact speech when Richard ran away to England before. They both feel that the other should rely on them more, but wouldn’t want to be a burden. After the England debacle, Richard learned that it’s okay to rely on people who love you. Now Seigi has to learn that lesson too.
* “There was a large dam inside my heart, and what it was holding back wasn’t water but sludge. And I didn’t want any of that getting on Richard. It’s the sort of thing that you let out into a drainage ditch in secret” (232-233). Oh, honey, no. First of all, Richard is a human being who loves you and can withstand hearing bad things. You’re not tainting him. He’s asking you to trust him with this. Second of all, please go to therapy…
* It’s really concerning to see how Seigi thinks of himself as having the potential for violence against people he loves. It’s really common for witnesses of domestic abuse to think that way, but it’s so clear in Seigi’s actions that he could never do that. He has such a good heart. But he’s really clouded by dark thoughts from interacting with his father. It’s not like he was thinking this when he wanted to date Tanimoto. These thoughts resurfaced very recently. Thankfully Richard has done enough self-reflection to throw his own situation in Seigi’s face to show him how ridiculous he’s being.
* “‘You don’t think of me as normal or expected. You don’t think of me as tangible, something that is always by your side. That is why I remain someone distant and unreachable to you… You never attempt to close the distance between us. And you never allow me to pay your price, the affection, you are worth’” (243-244). Wow. This reflective Richard is extremely powerful…
* “The moment I realized that he had been watching over me and accepting me for who I was on a much deeper level than I could even have imagined, I felt like I’d been tossed into the middle of the ocean—it was salty, and I struggled to breathe. I was such a loser, such a thoughtless person, a timid child crying in the dark with his knees held tightly to his chest, and yet it felt like he took it all in and said that it was fine. But it wasn’t just a feeling, he believed in me, more than I could ever believe” (247-248). Yes, Seigi, that’s what you do when you love someone. You did the same for him.
* Omg punk Jeffrey?! I wish I could see all those photos Richard keeps as blackmail. 😂
* I’m glad Richard brought up “what floor?” Seriously, Seigi not feeling able to reject him was scary. For both of them, I think.
* Seigi’s stepdad is an absolute legend! King of positive masculinity! “‘I don’t think being strong or not has anything to do with whether you’re okay’” (272). Fuck yes. Hiromi did so well marrying this man.
* “‘I don’t want an apology, I want you to reflect on your behavior. I imagine you understand this by now, but your number-one assignment at the moment is learning to value yourself more’” (274). The fact Richard is able to say this to Seigi is a reflection of his own growth as well. I’m so glad they’re in each other’s lives. They make each other better. 🥹
* Seigi trying to tell Richard he wants to keep being around him even if he doesn’t work at Étranger anymore but it keeps coming out likes he’s proposing or asking him on a date. I think his first statement was the truest to how he feels: ‘“I want to be by your side from now on, if you’ll let me’” (280). I think Richard was ready to accept that as a proposal until Seigi made a bunch of qualifying statements lol.
* Wow, this story means so much to me. Everything that came out of Richard’s mouth was something both Seigi and I (and so many other people, I’m sure) needed to hear. Their relationship got so much deeper. And I can’t wait to see what shenanigans Seigi gets up to in this hotel lol. Especially if Richard is staying there as well. Very excited for the next volume. This one had better come out on time! 😤
“Sinhalite Beckons, Part 2”
* OKAY this is wild! I swear to god the person on the motorcycle in part 1 is Richard, but it seems to be Seigi now???? And he and Richard seem to live together in this nice house in Sri Lanka???????
* Omg she’s the sister of the airport lady from “Flourite By Your Side!” 😲 Glad she’s feeling better!
* Okay so it’s been three years? And there are pictures of the shop in Ginza and their families on the coffee table?? This is so fucking domestic. Is this their future???
* It’s refreshing to see someone call Seigi attractive for once! RIP Keiko’s love life though lol.
* “‘But you know, you really surprised me. You speak textbook-perfect English, but your Japanese sounds like someone from a local convenience store.’ I told him I thought is was a very interesting gap, and he smiled bashfully. ‘He always tells me that—“At this point, the language you might be the least eloquent in might be Japanese.” It is the one language he didn’t teach me, after all’” (301). This is so funny. And it’s making more sense why I thought Seigi was actually Richard in the first part. I can’t believe Seigi speaks English with a British accent! 😂
* Lol once again somebody’s first assumption is that Seigi and Richard are a couple, and it’s still not hard to see why. Love that Keiko immediately asked Seigi out after learning they’re not together, though. You go, girl! But Seigi’s heart belongs to someone else, huh? For real, please tell me he knows it’s Richard at this point!
* I find it so interesting that Tsujimura decided to show us this glimpse of Seigi and Richard’s future. What was the purpose?? It’s a fun and cute story, but not very satisfying if you’re routing for them to get together. And it weirdly feels like an ending even though I know there are at least two more volumes after this…
* This isn’t a story but I need to record my reaction to the sentence “the first part of the story has now come to a close with Volume 6—though there is still more to tell.” 😲😲😲 Okay, I didn’t realize this story was in parts! Maybe “Sinhalite Beckons” is a way to transition into this new future chapter of Seigi and Richard’s life. 🤔
* Tsujimura actually knows a jeweler who taught them how to make royal milk tea lol. That’s adorable. They do say to write why you know.
* “It would make me very happy if you would keep me company on their journey for a little while.” Tsujimura, I am with you for the long haul. 🫡 Let’s do this!
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skelletonscloset · 10 months
Ok- I have a request for a small RE fic. It’s been burning a hole in my brain: something where Leon comes back from a mission or something with some serious injuries and the reader (who maybe has some kind of medical background or smth??) has to like- convince him to let them take care of him.
Idk I’m honestly not super picky I just think it would such an interesting idea for like- angst but also comfort yk? Literally go wild
OMGGGG thank you soooo much for this Resident Evil request!! i lovedddd writing it!! i hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mild language and depiction of wounds.
1.3k words
~ ☠️
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You were called into work on your day off. of course you were. USSTRATCOM wasn’t good at respecting time off or vacation, always pulling people into a big mess that takes weeks to clear up.
It was late, roughly one in the morning when you got the call from Hunnigan, her worried voice over the phone begging you—almost commanding you to come in. Her words were so panicked, so fast you barely had time to make out the words “Leon” and “injured” but that was enough for you to realize why you needed to come in.
The drive to HQ felt longer than usual, maybe it was the fact your sleep was interrupted, or maybe it was the context, the fear. The building was almost completely empty when you got there, save for a few people finishing up reports and agents being sent out on other missions.
“There you are! come on, he’s in the infirmary,” Hunnigan instructed.
You were one of the few medics that had the skill level to treat whatever injuries he had and one of the only ones who was easily available and not out on their own missions. Hunnigan nodded towards the closed door, saying a few final words about what to expect and then walking away.
With a deep sigh you readied yourself. It was never easy dealing with injuries, and the way Hunnigan made it sound these had to be some pretty serious ones.
The light in the room was bright and harsh with multiple cabinets and drawers filled with medical equipment. Leon was on the bed, a grimace on his face and his eyes squeezed shut.
His honey blonde hair was messy and beads of sweat still hadn’t dried on his face. As you approached him you analyzed the injuries you could see. Scratches and cuts littered his face, a gash in his right arm and thick red blood seeped through his shirt.
“Leon what the hell happened!?” You urged as you got closer to him.
“The hell do you think?” His voice was dry and strained, one of his blue eyes opening to peer at your worry stricken face. “It’s alright.”
Your jaw tightened as you reached over for some cleaning supplies, “I think you pushed yourself too hard and did something stupid. and now you’re suffering the consequences. So no, It’s not alright.”
“Yeah well what am I supposed to do? Civilians needed help. I couldn't just leave them there.”
You dabbed a cloth with ointment around the slash on his arm, he hissed in pain. Sometimes you hated how righteous he was, how unwilling to give up he was. But it was something you’d always admired of him anyway. “Listen to me, I know you like to help people, Leon but you need to be more careful. The spain incident and Los Illuminados should’ve been a wake up call that you aren’t invincible.” You hoped that despite your lecturing him, he could understand it was out of concern
He only scoffed, “I know that.” And then he went back to being silent.
You gave him a look before taking out a roll of bandages. “You’re lucky this wasn’t too deep. what caused this?”
“A knife,” he said, rolling his head over to study your movements, eyes fixated on the way your hands carefully wrapped up his bicep in medical gauze.
You shook your head and gently grabbed the hem of his shirt. “I need you to try and sit up, I need this off so I can check the wound.”
He muttered a few incoherent grumbles of disapproval but ultimately subjected to your care. He heaved a deep groan as he sat up with your help. You slowly peeled off the shirt from around his frame and grimaced at the sight of a deep wound, either a stab or bullet entry on the side of his torso. Based on the diameters it looked as though a knife was pushed in and twisted before ripping out.
“Goddammit leon..” you muttered, immediately grabbing another cloth to clean around the wound. “You'll need stitches and I don't have access to anesthesia or lidocaine. so it looks like you’ll be biting down on a belt or something.” It was your attempt at a joke to help ease the tension.
He rolled his eyes, lips pulled into a thin line. He looked so exhausted, dark bags under his eyes. “do what you need to do.”
You walked towards one of the cabinets and pulled out some gloves, thread, and needles. In the corner of the room there was a fridge and freezer used to cool down medicine or preserve it. You grabbed a piece of ice and walked back over to him. “Here bite this.” you handed him a large medical bite wafer. “I'll make this quick.”
You eased the pain in the wound by rubbing the ice carefully around the cleaned edges before slipping the needle into his skin. Your eyes shot up to monitor his reaction in case it became too much. His jaw was set and his eyes shut.
You continued to stitch him shut, a few groans of pain escaped past the wafer as you finished up. After cutting the string and bandaging him up you sighed “all done.” He spit out the wafer into the trash and rubbed his jaw.
He opened his eyes and gave you a weary look. more sweat accumulated on his face and his breathing was more rugged and uneven. His face was still littered in bruises and cuts.
You grabbed a third cloth and dampened it, “Last thing, let me just clean you up then i’ll get you painkillers and give you instructions for what i need you to do following this.” You gently cupped his cheek, turning his face towards you. Tired blue eyes gazed up at you, thick brows furrowed in discomfort.
You dabbed the cloth against some of the cuts and wiped away some of the dirt. Your voice was shaky no matter how much you tried to relax it. “What happens when you get hurt you don’t make it home Leon… what happens when you don’t even realize you got hurt til it kills you. What if-“
“It's not going to happen,” He grabbed your wrist and raised a brow. His voice wasn’t angry or tired. It was gentle and smooth. “I know what I'm doing out there, I promise.”
You closed your eyes and sighed again, “Okay.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“Of course I don't, but it doesn’t change anything.” You bit, pulling your hand from his hold and continuing to clean his face.
Once again his voice was soft and quiet, “Trust me, okay? Or maybe I just need to start having you assigned to my missions too.” Towards the end his tone was more snarky.
“Maybe. If it stops you from being so damn stubborn.” you scoffed out a laugh and set the cloth down.
You gave him a once over as you cleaned up your supplies and disposed of what wasn’t necessary. “Okay you need to be on bed rest for three weeks. And no you cannot get out of this sooner.”
Leon only rolled his eyes again but nodded, knowing all too well that arguing with you clearly wasn’t worth it. “alright alright..”
You patted down your clothes and brushed off your hands. “I'll send Hunnigan in with your medicine and I'll visit you tomorrow.” And with that you turned around.
You halted in surprise when you felt his grip around you wrist, “wait.”
You looked over your shoulder, “Yes, Leon?”
“Thank you. Seriously. Probably would’ve been worse off if it weren’t for the many times you’ve had to take care of me… so.. thanks for worrying. Even if it’s stupid.”
You almost argued back on that last point but held your tongue. “Of course leon. Any time.”
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istehlurvz · 2 months
Okay so, I've been a fan of FF8 since it was released but I have never considered Seiftis ship until literally yesterday. Curious, I went to see some more fanart of this ship and I found your illustration for a fic Fire and Ice and OH MY LORD IN WHATEVER PLACE YOU RESIDE, I LOVE THAT ART! That Seifer, just, I have no words. I didn't know I needed that and I'm never really even been a big fan of Seifer. So good, I'm so happy I found your art. I'm also going to read that fic the picture is based on and leave messages for the author. Thank you! I can't thank you enough! I've needed something to do and bring some brighter energy to my inspiration pool.
OMGGGG I'm so glad :')))) FF8 is so dear to me (and that fic too ahaha) I hope you enjoy! It's a BEAST of a fic (300k words of 'but what about what happens after the end of the game but make it drama.') and honestly unlocked some core thing in my brain when I was younger and I just love it so much ahsfklhasf
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stevie-petey · 2 months
hello m i hope you are well. i'm finally reading chap 6 and 7 so that i'm ready whenever you release the final chapter of season 3 and once again, so, so good! i didn't realise how much has happened in such a short time!! here are my thought of chapter 6 before i read chapter 7 so you can get the chapter by chapter update.
Firstly, i wanted to compliment you on how scary you make the whole ordeal. obvs st is a sci fi horror show with elements of comedy, but i felt like s3's biggest flaws was not making the stakes feel as high as they were in certain moments. ofc you can't be held at an emotional tension all the time and there are down to be some low tension moments where it's appropriate to do some comedy, but overall, i felt like the scoop troop's dire situation was not always communicated well to the viewer outside of visual flare due to the actor's being instructed to keep things light and easy in their delivery. this was not the case with your chapter. i was very much feeling dread and horror at the thought of leaving steve and robin behind in the mega torture room together. you've always been quite good at making bug her own character and her own sort of adventure that doesn't depend entirely on steve, but do think that choosing to keep her separated from steve during the russian torture was a very mature writing choice.
immediately, right off the bat, this quote was so good at establishing the tone for this chapter, "it diminishes every sacrifice that has been made, it taunts the blood that has been spilled." reading bug be miserable over all the ways she hypothetically did or did not fail the group is so much more terrible when we keep in mind how much all of their efforts have been undermined, and it surprised me that the show itself was no interested in these fascinating questions. also this part, "All you ever do is try, you will die trying, you just can’t let it be in vain", omgggg bug is soooo "this is me trying" coded (affectionate).
ALSO OMG!!!! THE KISSS!!!!!!!! THIS IS BIG FOR BUG X STEVE TRUTHERS!!!! VAL MY SISTER IN ARMS WHERE ARE YOUUUUU!!!!! BUT OMG M THAT WAS SO GOOD!!!! I was soooo stressed out and everything was going a mile a minute and steve kissed her!!!! he finally did it!!!!! i absolutely love we-are-so-desparate-and-we-might-not-see-each-other-again-so-i-have-to-because-i-cant-die-knowing-i-never-did-it!!!!!! "It isn’t death that terrifies Steve, it’s the idea that he almost died without knowing how you tasted." SHUT UP!!!!!! IF HES NOT LIKE THIS, I DONT WANT HIM!!!!!! I was clutching my heart sweating like a victorian maiden feinting at hearing her lover dying on the sea!!!!! "Urgently, viciously, you scream the only thing you can think of that encompasses all the love and terror within you, “Come home to me!" TITLE DROP AFTER THE FIRST KISS!!!!! STUG ENDGAME !!!!!!! LUCAS SINCLAIR YOU *WISH* YOU HAD ACCESS TO THE FIREWORKS EXPLODING IN MY BRAIN RIGHT TF NOW!!!!!!! A smile spreads across your face when you think about him. The words spill from your mouth without any effort. “I do love Steve.” SHES SMILING WHEN SHE REALISES SHE LOVES STEVE AND DUSTIN KNOWS SHE LOVES STEVE AND SHES SMILING EEN THOUGH EVERYTHING SUCKS BECAUSE JUST THE THOUGHT OF THE OTHER IS ENOUGH TO BRING A SPARK OF JOY LIGHT AN EMBER OF HOPE IN THEIR CHESTS !!!!! YAYYYY!!!!! “Tried promising you I’d come home, angel.” Steve is sprawled on your lap. His eyes are cloudy, he isn’t quite here with you." COME HOME TITLE DROP PART 2!!!!!! WE KEEP WINNING STUG GANG!!!!! SEASON 4 GUILT TRIPS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TORMENT THAT LEAD TO ARGUMENTS IDC IDC IDK IDK THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!!!!
Now I would like to take a moment and discuss bug's excellent additions to the generation of action heroes. "And you’ve always evened out your debts to him." Killer line. Great end for a close up shot of her face while a light flickers in the back and the shot cuts to black before we reset in another scene. A tribute to all the action stars of the 80s, truly a brilliant work my you M.
final note, using the chemical SMART WORK!!! I remember thinking during the episode "wow what conveniently weapon-like substance is this that our heroes have stumbled upon and i know dustin and erica used them as well as dustin and erica and bug, i'll be real, i would started throwing them in the russian guards' faces idc idc!!!!
overall, excellent work as i'm sure you know and looking forward to reading chapter 7!!!!
Ps. "She lets out her own content sigh, and you play with her hair as well. They’re still with you. Still whole and alive." challengers core if u think about it. polycule anon kinda spit game on that one.
i really appreciate that u like how spooky i make the chapters. i never really understand the weight of the situations theyre in every season until i write them. season 3 especially has scenes they dumb down to make room for more comedy, and while its silly, sometimes i forget that a literal TEN YEAR OLD GIRL is trapped in a russian lair with very aggressive and armed men who want to kill her. like wtf stranger things ???
as for leaving steve, it simply had to happen. i wanted to do something different since most rewrites have them taken together (which is always juicy and i eat it up every time), i just couldnt do it for this rewrite. bug wouldnt leave dustin and erica behind like that. someone had to stay with the kids, protect them, and bug was perfect for that role !!! plus, it made for a GREAT first kiss scene so it was a win all around (your comments had me DYING LMAO). however, i dread the day i rewrite season 4 because i'll have to figure out how to separate steve, bug, dustin or if i even CAN because the teens and kids pair off differently. bug is the sister, the girlfriend, it will be a challenge :(
my sister and i always joke every time we rewatch the show that we would be so. done with living in hawkins. i think the show forgets its own time canon, because wdym every. single. year. thise kids are thrown inti danger ??? every time they think "hey, we won" MORE SHIT HAPPENS ??? i wanted to really emphasize that defeat, the feeling of doing everything right and it still not being enough. you always see exactly what i want the readers to see, its like you look into my mind <3333 you always know the themes im sprinkling in :')
AND YES !!! TITLE DROP !!! took us three seasons, but we made it!!! now, for the actual scene i have in the come home masterlist, that will be in season 4 when steve can finalllly promise bug he'll come home to her <333 and the ilu scene <333 bug loves steve so much and its so natural to her and i wanna cry thinking about them ugh.
THE DEBTS LINE ,,,, i felt so cool writing that thank u for feeding into my nerdiness and seeing the vision ,,, in my head i have a compilation of badass bug scenes that would routinely get edited and the scene with her preparing to save steve and robin is 100% in there. also for the chemicals sometimes the writers leave me no room to question how a plan gets made so im like ,,,, fine i will do it myself u cowards.
finally for the challengers bit i truly didnt intent for the fic to become so challengers coded but ,,,, whew. it is. and i love it dearly.
n i love u so dearly i saw ur reblog tags for chapter 7 and i am shivering waiting for the analysis i KNOW ur cookin up and u always pick apart my fic in ways i adore so so so much <333
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I'm not sure if you only do x readers but if you do ships could you please do headcanons for klance when keith is away at the blade of marmora?
feel free to ignore it if you don't like klance or don't do ships that's completely fine :)
I love your writing btw!
OMGGGG THANK U SM UR SO NICE 😘 AND YES KLANCE OWNS MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEART. I’ll do pretty much any ship as long as the characters aren’t far apart in age. Ah little space boyfriends 😩 ENJOY~
Klance- When Keith is way with the blade of marmora
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First of all, Lance is sooooo annoying when Keith is away. Bro will not shut up about his super hot grumpy emo boyfriend. Keith’s name leaves Lance’s mouth at least 199 times a day, if not more.
Second of all, Keith is the complete opposite. He gets really really quiet, more quiet than he normally is. He doesn’t mention Lance at all but his name never leaves Keith’s mind. He only really gets talkative around Lance so without him, Keith doesn’t talk unless he has to.
THEY TOTALLY SWAP JACKETS BEFORE KEITH LEAVES EVERY TIME!!! Keith has literally turned around and come back to the castle just to get Lance’s comfy green jacket. Keith likes Lance’s jacket bc it smells good and actually keeps him really warm. Lance likes Keith’s jacket bc it’s small and scuffed up and worn but he prefers to hold Keith’s jacket close to him rather than actually wear it all the time. He’ll just walk around the castle with the red jacket thrown over his shoulder or clutched tightly in his arms.
When Keith is only gone for a couple days, Lance gets sooooo excited when he returns to the castle. He goes running through the halls with red cheeks and the biggest grin to meet Keith in the hangar when he arrives.
“KEEF!!!” “I told you to stop calling me that.” “I missed you! Did you miss me? Oh my quiznak, you totally missed it! Pidge caught a piece of equipment on fire yesterday. It was so crazy and-“ Cue Lance talking Keith’s ear off while he just smiles and nods along.
If Keith is gone for longer than like a week, bruh it’s so dramatic when they finally reunite. Just picture a teary-eyed Keith on his knees, still in his blade suit, clutching a happy crying lance in his arms. They just miss each other sooooooo much.
The whole team is like 🥹🥹🥹
Pidge specifically is like “I’m not crying, you are…”
Pretty much every time Keith is traveling back to the castle, he’s exhausted. There’s a lot of pressure on him, a lot of weight on his shoulders right now. He’s always on high alert, super tense and barely getting sleep. BUT when he finally sees Lance again and hears his voice and feels his embrace, he gets a sudden rush of energy. Now he wants to pull another all nighter just to catch up and spend time with his bf.
Oddly enough, Lance spends a lot of his time in the training room when Keith is gone. No one’s really sure why but Shiro thinks is bc Keith is always training and so being in that room makes Lance miss him less, ya know? Pidge is like 99% sure it’s bc he wants to actually practice so he can impress Keith with a super cool new move he learned when he gets back. Pidge is correct
If Keith has any down time while he’s away, he likes to just daydream. There’s not much else he can do so he stares off into the distance and gets lost in thoughts about his tall dreamy boyfriend and the last time they made out and how he can’t wait to feel his thin arms around him again and how he misses the smell of his nightly face masks and the sound of his voice and the texture of his hair and the freckles on his tan face. I could go on for days.
The second Keith leaves, Lance begins planning 😈 He racks his brain with cute date idea and nice things he can get/make for his bae. Every time Keith returns, after the initial hugging and kissing and excited smiles and small talk, Lance is giving Keith something nice or trying to take him out for a space picnic or some sappy shit like that.
Pretty much every time a date is planned, it never happens. Keith first complains that he’s too tired to go anywhere and then convinces Lance to makeout cuddle with him in bed instead.
But Keith does get really flattered and smiley and red when Lance gives him a pretty rock he found on a planet close by or a stuffed animal from the space mall or something like that. He just feels so special and he thinks Lance is just way too cute and pure for this world. He’s like ‘aww he was thinking about me’.
While Lance runs his mouth all day about missing Keith and anticipating his return, the night time is different. Lance cuddles Keith’s jacket or pillow in bed and lays awake for a while wondering exactly what he’s up to at this very moment. Is Keith thinking about him right now too? Is he safe? When will be be back? Poor baby boy is stressed about the love of his life.
Lance often has nightmares when Keith isn’t in bed beside him. It’s almost the same bad dream every time, just slightly different. It’s always Keith is on a mission with the blade and ends up hurt or lost or…worse. And Lance wakes up in a cold sweat every time. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if Keith never came back to him.
Keith will never mention it to anyone ever but he has bad dreams when he’s away from Lance too. He often dreams that he returns to the castle to find the whole team gone, Shiro Lance Pidge, everyone. It scares the hell out of him, he loses sleep over it a lot.
That’s why they’re so intense when they reunite after a long time away from each other. The longer they are apart, the more they both worry about the other and the more these terrifying dreams occur. So when they finally see each other again after like a two month mission, they’re so overwhelmed with happiness and relief that they are both brought to tears.
When they finally sleep beside each other again, OH MY GOD THEY BOTH SLEEP SO GOOD. They feel so comfy and content and safe.
Keith snores pretty much every night but when he comes back after a long mission and finally gets to fall asleep next to the love of his life, his snoring can be heard from Earth probably. He’s just finally relaxed enough to get some good sleep again, he can’t help it. Lance thinks it’s cute and he knows it’s bc his poor baby is sleep deprived.
Long story short, these two are so deeply and madly in love. I don’t think two people have ever been this in love before. Throughout this entire space war, the thought of each other is what really keeps them both going. They’re fighting for the safety of the universe…but they are each other’s universe 💙❤️💙❤️
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hyakkigura · 6 months
I really like your art. It reminds me of glistening treasures that are grounded in the deep dark sea of wonder.
Stormbringer and Soukoku are things that I've been clinging onto for a while, so let's be mutuals?
Omgggg that's a wonderful way of describing my art, it makes me really happy, I'm moved🥹 thank you so much <333
and of course let's be mutual !! soukoku never leave my brain so I'm happy to talk about them<3
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cherryslyce · 1 year
I’m gonna punch the SUN. I’m gonna chew on CONCRETE. I’m gonna howl at the MOON I am going FERAL over here Cherry!!!!
Every single word of this chapter had me vibrating in my seat I am going into hyperdrive over here!!!!!
My Reggie boy is so perfect and wonderful and the loml omgggg. Like we thought he was sweet as a portrait???? And now full body Reg is literally just a cat the way he practically drapes himself over the reader at any given moment. They’re in love your honour!!!
Leaving Asger and Anders was v bittersweet, I’m going to miss their dry humour and their reluctant fondness for the reader and Luna but I’m v v happy to know that they’re on their way to healing from the loss of their mother/wife. Again the parallels between Anders and the reader was great to see and I’ve always been a sucker for the grumpy old man/adopted child that they would die for lol
And at last!!!! The man, the myth, the legend Sirius Black is back everyone!!! And his single brain cell is working on OVERDRIVE atm I love him sm. The way he was so excited to see his pup that he didn’t even compute that his DECEASED BROTHER was stood next to him had me screaming like he’s trying his best just give him a minute shdjdjd
Honestly I couldn’t tell you how many times I screamed while reading this chapter, the way you smothered us with fluff while also keeping the stakes high is just amazing and now that the gang is all back together I’m so excited to see what’s to come. Thank you for blessing us with this masterpiece as always <3
My dear, custard (my very affectionate nickname for you)!!! I will not lie, I have been waiting with bated breath for your message because they always give me LIFE. Truly, you give me so much motivation and I always feel honored by the love you give me <333!! I will say that Reggie is only going to get cuter from here on out !!
Also, YES, Regulus is such a black cat omg <33. They are indeed in love! They're just dancing around the words now haha.
I honestly didn't expect myself to grow so attached to Anders & Asger / the whole Norway arc in general. It is definitely bittersweet, and the parallels kill me too !! They all really needed each other in the end, and even though they're separated now, they will hold each other dear in their hearts for the rest of their lives (canon, because I said so <3).
Also LOL, Sirius and his tunnel vision for his pup <333. He really was just an anxious mess after reader never turned up after the wedding attack. But his poor heart, first reader swoops back into his life, and then his supposedly dead brother magically appears! Yeah, the man is going to have the time of his life next chapter.
The gang is reunited and better than ever <33! I am already elbow-deep into writing the next chapter which I hope to finish by tomorrow (can you tell I'm as excited as everyone else?)
Thank you endlessly for your kind messages, my love <3!! You are truly one of my favorite people on this site, and I always find myself wondering what you'll think about certain scenes amidst my writing process LOL. I hope you enjoy what's to come, dear <333!
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Holly!! Tell me about the books that changed your brain chemistry/life/etc. <3 (have I already asked this I have the memory of a grape)
omgggg hii u have NOT asked yet!!! im giving u my top 10 bc i'd never be able to narrow it down otherwise. in no particular order:
1.) the velveteen rabbit. literally cannot even think abt it without starting to tear up like one of thee books ever
2.) house of leaves by mark z. danielewski. GREAT horror novel i literally think about it all the time w the formatting..... sooo crazy
3.) moby dick by herman mellville. read this when i was very little and didnt understand much except that there is always a bigger thing and that i really liked the word cannibal
4.) on the road by jack kerouac. literally first time i was actually able to relate to a fictional characters life and it rewired my brain fr
5.) the animorphs series. absolutely terrifying for a small child to read but let me tell you thanks to those i have been anti war from a young age
6.) just kids by patti smith. got it for christmas and its fucking me up forreal ALSO another time where ive been able to relate to the happenings a little too much
7.) the house on mango street by sandra cisneros. read it when i was 11 and it was the first time a piece of media has ever made me cry
8.) idr what the title was but i had a collection of fairy tales from the middle east and the jackal character has haunted me for my entire life thanks to those
9.) the color purple by alice walker. i spent the entire last chapter just shaking like damn maybe there is good things everywhere
10.) the holy bible. which is only on here because it is in Every Single motel room and the first time i read it, i read it like a love story and that changed stuff for me fr
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shreddedleopard · 2 years
Hello there! This got me thinking, if Levi really is the dad, I wonder who made the first move?! I can't bring myself to think it was Levi, my impression of him is like a passive kinda guy when it comes to intimacy or something and how it all started?! How come nobody notice when they sneaked out?! But I like the idea that somehow Hange knows about it.. I'm sorry I'm getting hook up to this random thoughts 😅 Thanks for your time!
Hey Anon!
Please do not apologise 😌🤚🏻 my brain is constantly tingling with random rivahisu thoughts recently, so you’re in good company 😉
Omgggg I totally agree with this idea - I can’t see Levi being the one to make the first move. I like to think Levi wouldn’t be especially thrilled at the fact that she’s so much younger than him, and spent a lot of his time actually oblivious to how close they had gotten post-Shiganshina. Like he sees her as this kid he’s sort of fond of, until one day, it smacks him in the face that now she’s a woman.
I imagine them both sharing quite a deep bond through grieving over Ymir and Erwin, and over time, realising how much they have in common - more than other people would be able to understand. Until they’re naturally gravitating to one another. I’m talking real idiots to lovers type of stuff here. Except, Historia isn’t exactly as much of an idiot as Levi.
She’s 18, her hormones are all over the place. He’s handsome and she grows to see other sides of him; things he’s always kept well hidden. He listens to her like other people don’t; he tries really hard to let her have a voice and a sense of autonomy around him because of things that happened in their pasts he feels guilty about.
And he smiled at her once when she punched him - kind of a big deal, for Levi!
So I can imagine Historia being aware of this growing little something for him, while he’s been stubbornly oblivious the whole time. But what she lacks is experience - other than Ymir, she’s never had this sort of closeness with someone develop before. And unlike Levi, Ymir was the forward one. She made her feelings quite obvious, even if she’d try to play them down at points. So in that sense, I can’t see Historia being especially forward, either.
So it kind of leaves them both at a stalemate for a long time. Until Historia’s situation with being required to produce children to inherit titans becomes an increasingly likely future for her, and the pressure is on. And Levi doesn’t want that for her, even though she’s sort of attempting to take it in stride and do her duty.
Maybe she starts to wish she could just be selfish, like Ymir told her to be, just once. Just for once, take her life into her own hands and live for herself for a moment. Do something that she really wants to - regardless of tradition, duty; even breaking taboos, because she can.
The Railroad Banquet is held pretty close to the scouts leaving for Marley. None of them know what will happen across the sea. They could be discovered, imprisoned, or worse.
She might not see Levi ever again.
Maybe a little bit of alcohol and the excited buzz of celebration makes her brave. Maybe both of them are out in some gardens somewhere, talking. Maybe Levi even sneaks her out into the city of Trost for an hour or two, so she can escape her duty just for a little bit once more, with him at her back as her protection. Maybe he feels as guilty about his part in her taking the throne as she feels desperate to shed that responsibility for an evening.
Maybe the timing and outside pressures are just aligned enough to set them on a collision course, and she’s done something to make him smile at her again, and she looks so beautiful and his heart just aches for her and the next thing, somehow, they’re kissing. She’s just kissed him.
But I think immediately Levi would be like, shit. Can’t be doing this. But then cue Historia telling him that just this one time, she wants to be allowed to make her own choice about her life. She wants him to go back with her, to at least have her first experience be for nothing other than a selfish wish, before she lets herself be used for a grander plan - fulfilling a role, once again.
I think that would actually kind of resonate with Levi. And I think, despite his better judgement, he’d go back with her, and finally admit to himself that it’s as much for him as it is for her.
Thank you for coming to my Rivahisu Ted Talk, I’m sorry I’m utter trash 🙄
Feel free to scream at me about them - tell me I’ve got it all wrong, and actually it would go like this, or that. I could talk about these two forever!
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loisfreakinglane · 2 years
What are your oldest ships that are still active for you? Do you still read fic for them? And is your love them still as intense as it was before, or has it lessened over time?
gosh i'm trying to even think, what of my current otps are OOOOOOLD ASS OTPS. I'm only gonna say ones that I'm still hardcore for, and I am gonna exclusively point to OVER 20 YEARS OLD otps, to lol. keep this concise. THIS IS OFF THE CUFF ANYWAY I'M SO SORRY TO THE ONES THAT I'M SPACING ON
clark/lois, obvsly, since the 90s and lois&clark, superman, animated shows- i couldn't tell you which fried my clois4ever brain first, but one of my earliest memories is sitting on my dads lap while he tells me SUPERMANS ABOUT TO LOOK AT YOU!!! at the end of the first movie, so probably that one
gotta spare a moment for smallville's clark/lex, babys first slash otp. those first few seasons really weren't playing around! and much as i have an assortment of smallville otp's, clex is the one i will still occasionally check ao3 for- so many lies, so many secrets, so many potential SECRET AND FEELINGS REVEALS fic (tbh the fic that most lives in my brain is probs the rosetta au fic where clark finds himself incapable of speaking anything but kryptonian and is forced to play pictionary with lex in the caves)
max/liz, og roswell. this is one where i never really got into fic for it- my attempts over the years usually just turned up either a. michael/liz, which is not my thing but ya kno have fun friends, or b. LIZ IS A SECRET ALIEN TOO AND THEY WERE IN LOVE ON ANTAR which does not really do it for me personally. i will eternally tho cling to this one fic that still lives in my soul and i do revisit every so often, where liz fucked future max before he disappeared and wound up pregnant, leading to a lot of fun drama for all (i will say that i also am constantly badly ficcing at sara about a world where future liz used the granolith to time travel and fix everything but just got stuck in the past instead of disappearing like future max did- i'm not a writer but i AM a daydreamer)
BATCAT. animated series was my og love obvsly. the birds of prey show helped negl, even without seeing them onscreen together (and also gave me helena/jesse which i shipped like BURNING but i haven't revisited that show in many many years so i can't call that a current otp). gotham shockingly gave me a baby batcat i really appreciated. and then obviously the batman 2022 gave us theeeeeee greatest live action batcat I STAND BY THIS I'M SORRY
lmao can I say shawngela when my main emotion these days is rage and spite? WE DON'T ACKNOWLEDGE POST BMW CANON IN THESE HERE OTP PARTS
mai and i rewatch drive me crazy TOO OFTEN for me not to bring up chase/nicole, eternal otp from the most underrated teen romcom of all time. it also has at least one CRAZY GOOD postmovie fic on ao3 so like. that helps
(every iteration of cinderella and her prince...................)
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
So! I woke up at like 5:20am, already knowing the sites would be down.But I got on insta and got a little taste of ‘flat earth hottie’ then went back to bed. ENDED UP HAVING A DREAM WHERE YOONGI & I WENT DOWN ON EACHOTHER…thank you so much brain. I had my fingers in his hair and everything y’all i hope i never forget it. ANYWAYS, now i’m just ingesting whatever concert content is out there wondering how the hell I’m expected to carry on with my day….I’ve got it so bad…someone put me out of my misery.
MALLORY LMAO I'M SO JEALOUS 🫠 that flat earth shirt did you GOOOOOD huh !!!! even the hair too omgggg you dreamt THE DREAM jksdhgdfsg
i seriously don't know how i'm supposed to function today 😩 they all looked too damn good... the run bts choreo will never leave my thots
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Had an anxiety attack,
proceed to study Spanish,
Discovered/felt/used my abdominal muscles.
My thought process:
*casually studying Spanish like an second language for some fucking reason idfk? It’s about to be my third language after I finished learning it*
*signing to myself in ASL (english words) while reading Spanish*
*muscles twitches*
The fuck? I never felt it before? Where was it? What’s the exact position I did?
*get in the exact position*
There it is! Okay…. It’s not my… hips. It’s…. Wait. Is it? The fuck? It’s my abdomen?
*get myself in uh
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I drew it. That position*
I feel it
*proceeds to recklessly leave it all to my non-dominant left hand* *why? Well, to pet Autumn of course*
*twitches a bit tightly*
Wait. Why am I still up
*hand going numb*
My hand is dying
*angle is all wrong*
Make a fist
*all better*
I can chill here
The fuck
I never done that before
Impulsively did it today and now apparently expert?
*proceeds to do a plank*
Omg it’s easier than earlier
*twitches tightly*
That’s what it feel?
So yeah there’s that. I… I’m 22. Nobody taught me anything in my life besides education brain shit. I never learned deeply about gym. How to really think and use it. People always say you just use it. I can’t JUST use it. I can just use any other muscles besides THAT one. I need to reallly learn the muscle damnit.
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sumarmz · 4 months
I'm feeling emo so I'm gonna list things I rlly like so I remember life is very snazzy everyone pay attention bc I am always right so everything I like must be amazing
-Roses in bodies of water like omgggg especially like pink toned red roses with fairly lights in lakes aughhhh help
-Vanilla icecream when it has those little black bits omg
-my crush bc they're so cute and pretty and I want to hold her hand
-Those friendship bracelets that are the shade of each friends eyes like that's so cute stop I'm gonna combust
-Waterstones. Like I moved a while ago so I haven't been to waterstones yet but it's so ethereal it's literally got a cafe attached to it and it's so pretty
-my iMedia coursework, like slay me I ate on that did so good I got the best score in both the year 10 and year 11 classes 🙏🙏
-My epic freunds I've only known them for like 5 months but I'm the happiest I've ever been with them they're the only people who I'm 100% myself with it's so freeing
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-This specific lip gloss that i do not own but its like drop desd gorgeous and only about 6 quid on yesstyle (I will probably never buy it anyway)
- jet black hair/dark hair in general. Just propose to me atp
-Those jelly crystal things they look like they have the peeeerfect texture and one thing about me is I crave textures not taste and I've been craving that texture my whole life
-My new friend who texts like the Snapchat ai he's so goofy
-Lin Manuel Miranda
-specifically hamilton
-My zesty English teacher whose so millenial coded, wants pet snails, "has no shame" (he said that himself) and let's me and my mate harass him after class
-My iMedia, Business and tutor teacher whose literally my mom guys she breeds dogs and she has a pet dog called Gilly who looks like a human and her daughters a lesbian too and said daughter helped me with my iMedia work 💔💔💔
-My ugly ass birds
-Black cats
-Handmade gifts, I have a bunch (three) of crochet gifts that I do absolutely nothing with but I refuse to let anyone touch it because and keep them all pretty and neat bc someone made that for me
-pink again I live pink
-Marina as in Marina and the Diamonds
-People enjoying my baking
-People enjoying my art
-People who enjoy me
-My little cousins who I see as little brothers and mean the world to me like if I kms whose gonna be there for them 🤨🤨
-When my crush sends me audios/videos of them speaking or singing or whatever (I could listen to them for hours on end) I'm literally shaking as I write this guys oh my god I love her
-My history teacher whose always insulting me like omg leave me alone you little rat maybe she should be nicer to her best student 🙄
-Brain rot humour
-Pretty skies
-Buying new books
-Lesbians <3333
-My crush again
-the person who I think of every day (this is not an exaggeration)
-the person I have romantic attraction to
-the person who I'd throw away my whole life and family for
-the person whose the only person I've ever loved
-the person who wasn't my FIRST love (if you can class that as love lmao) but was my first LOVE
-the person who doesn't like physical touch but still hugs me even if rarely
-the person who I'm drifting apart from despite my feelings starting to consume every nerve every cell every part of my body
-the person who I planned a future with
-the person I've known for years but I only clocked my feelings in October 2022 (girl in red ref??)
-the person who I'd rather never speak to again over hurting them by confessing
-the person I adore
-did I mention my crush
-guys im actually cooked
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heoneyology · 1 year
no prob!!! i asked and u delivered 🛐 and omgggg I GET ITTTT i kinda felt like that during my hi touch w ptg too bc there were just too many of them!! LMAO pretty boy overload but that was all entirely too cute, im so glad u had fun 🥹 i hope they come to brazil soon and do smth like that too! i love them sm, can't wait to meet them 🤧 they are indeed all very good boys (also the good eye contact............ [rest])
SO WHAT HAPPENED WAS the line n the guys were separated by a table but only 6/7 of them fit behind it, so ck, who was last in line, was kind of standing sideways since he was facing one of the table's shorter sides (omg i hope this is making sense). and i was going by them one by one, standing in front of each member individually, so by the time i got to him after jooheon, only his side profile was facing me bc he was basically facing the same fan as jooheon at the same time and i obviously had missed that LOL so i was just staring at his right cheek and i said "hey omg, i love you" or smth and stood there for a couple seconds waiting for his response but he never turned to me or said anything LMFAO girl i left there crying of anger 💀 but like now i get it that it was just mishap n shit happens lol
but yours omg nooooooo hahsjahsjsbjs im so sorry!! jsjsisjdksj also that was SUCH a ck reaction jesus christ god almighty in heaven. im glad the one w seongmin wasn't as bad though! jajsjskjsksjsj
HI I'M SO SORRY I'M ANSWERING THIS SO VERY VERY LATE 😭 but also I didn't want to leave it in my inbox and not reply at all aklsdjfk thank you again for reading the hi touch/fansign post, I know I said it once but 🥹 and omggggg you got to meet pentagon!!! I don't blame you for feeling the same way I would too but there really were just too many of them and it really was pretty boy overload. I think the masterpiece tour is wrapping up now and it makes me sad because I hope they do a part two or just another tour in general, I'm crossing my fingers for you that they go to brazil someday!!! 😭 (the eye contact is still killing me, months later... I have flashbacks to the event and melt)
OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what the heck who organized the event to make it like that klajsdfk so they were squished 😭😭😭😭 I'm sure he didn't ignore you on purpose hearing that but also it's kind of like... funny in a not funny way to be like "I got ignored by changkyun" but omg I'd be so mad too especially with how much we pay for these things like organizers please do better I want a full experience 😭
LOL it really was such a changkyun reaction I'm taking this one to the grave as one of my most embarrassing moments 💀 brains don't work well under pressure. seongmin's really wasn't as bad but I'm still very !!!! because oops why did I have to make that awkward eye contact
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Omg Cate, after seeing you writing Spencers morning routine… I think we deserve a morning sex smut fic LMAO
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i would marry him like this omgggg. i'd literally get on my knees for anyone with hair like this
R18 content below but it's pretty tame
You can never help yourself staring at Spencer in the mornings.
He's always been the most gorgeous person you've ever met but the natural beauty of the morning sunlight only aids in sharpening his cheekbones and lightening his hair.
"Y'doin' it again." He complains, scrunching his eyes closed as he wakes up.
"Can't help it." You reply, running your fingers through his hair and sweeping it out of his face. "Too pretty." You lean forward to place a kiss on his forehead.
His cheeks go redder in the warm morning light than usual, and he turns his face away from facing you which gives you the perfect chance to leave open-mouthed kisses down his neck.
"Sweetheart." He says, almost warningly. His morning voice, the thickness and deepness, spurs on your kisses down his neck. "Mm, we've got work." He shakes his head gently, but the way he's tilting his head suggests he wants you to continue.
"Fuck the BAU." You mumble against his skin, biting down into his skin and leaving a delicious mark.
Spencer giggles at that, the cute morning sound reserved for you. "No, you want me to fuck you."
"There's that genius brain at work." You joke, pulling back to look in his eyes properly for the first time that morning. They're a color engraved in your brain. "Knew I fell in love with you for a reason."
"Oh, I'll show you why you love me." He promises, turning back to face you before swinging his knee over you so he's positioned on top of you.
You grin up at him, looping your arms around his neck and pulling his face down so you can kiss him properly. Your fingers run through his hair, making it messier than the usual morning messiness. With one of his hands, he holds his weight up while the other pushes your shirt up, the coldness of his hand contrasting your warm skin. It doesn't make sense for his hand to be so cold when it's so warm under the comforter, but Spencer's just like that.
In your excitement to get things moving along, you slide your hand down his chest until you reach the waistband of his sweats. With two more kisses, he pulls away and leans back on his knees.
"You're so pretty." He tells you, cupping your jaw and leaning down to kiss you again. His other hand starts unbuttoning the buttons of your pajama shirt. "And so annoying with these damn buttons." He complains, tugging at each of them.
You scoff at him. "But these matching sets are so cute."
"Nothing." He pauses, unbuttoning the last button and opening your shirt, leaving your chest bare. "Beats nothing." He dips his head closer to your chest where he can kiss all over your tits, sucking at your nipples as they harden. It's always been his favorite part of you, although he'd say it's your brain or smile or something cheesy.
You can feel the strands of his hair on your skin and you arch your back like it'll get his mouth even closer to you while you palm his bulge.
"Spence, babe, get on with it," You instruct, having to tug on the ends of his curls to get him to lift his head. Of course, when he does, your skin is covered in pink marks.
"Wanna love my wonderful wife, though." He grumbles as his hands reach to tug down your shorts.
You lift your hips up to help his efforts and let him wiggle down your thighs. "Thought you were just complaining about me making you late."
"Going to be late, especially after a shower, but I." He pauses to start a trail of kisses down your stomach. "Don't." He stops with his mouth against you to finish his sentence. "Care."
"Don't talk a big game you're not going to be able to back up, Spencer Reid." You warn. Jokingly, because he's never left you unsatisfied.
He rolls his eyes and his fingers dance around your folds, nudging inside you with little resistance. "I'll back it up alright, Y/n Reid."
His teasing does get you wound up, but the little reminders about your last name do, too. "Fuck me, please." You beg, pulling down his sweats. He shuffles on top of you, ungracefully getting naked while you pull the covers off so you don't overheat.
"So perfect and desperate for me." He coos, leaning down to kiss you while you stroke him. He bites down on your lip, groaning a little when you swipe your thumb over the tip of his cock.
You wrap your legs around his hips, desperately trying to pull him closer. He leans over you again, one hand flat beside your head while he lines himself up and gently thrusts into you. The overwhelming desire to moan comes over you as it usually does and you can't help the volume. He always feels so amazing inside you, stretching you out perfectly.
"Fuck, Spence." You moan, scratching your nails down his back when he starts to move faster.
"You feel so fucking amazing." He groans, eyes still focused on you as he fucks in and out of you.
You lift your hips higher to meet his, tightening your legs around him. He keeps his face so close to you that you can see every pretty detail of it and the frown lines from his concentration. With each thrust, your moans and the sound of your skin against his gets louder and the air in the room gets heavier. His hair sticks closer to his forehead and you know you'll be the one having to wash it in the shower.
"Oh my god." You moan, throwing your head back into the pillow.
"Pretty much." He suggests, smugly. "Getting close?"
It's hard not to when he's pounding you into the mattress, filling you up perfectly with each push and hitting the spot inside you that makes you scream out his name.
You roll your hips even more against his, feeling the friction against your clit. When his nose nudges yours, you fall over the edge, cumming and clenching around his cock. Spencer's just a second behind you, finishing as soon as he's buried as deep as he can get inside you.
Even if he's all sweaty when he flops down on top of you, the post-coital bliss is the best feeling ever.
After a minute, he rolls over onto the bed beside you, nuzzling into your side like he's not 6 feet tall. You wrap your arms and hold him as tightly as he's holding you.
"I love you." He mumbles against your skin.
"I know, you just showed me." You reference his previous statement, feeling his grin against your skin. "And I love you, too."
After a minute of cuddles, you speak up again. "We do need to shower, though."
"And clean up," Spencer adds, touching his neck where a pretty prominent hickey is developing. "I'll never hear the end of it from Morgan if he sees this."
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