#omg red is my fave base colour in tumblr methinks
zeestie · 2 months
🍒 I dare u to do one scary thing in public and you will stop fearing people
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rn I am listening to calm sc subs in public cos I don't have my earphones, it was scary at first but literally... no one cares, no one asked, nothing happened, I even forgot I was listening to them (k as I was writing, my sister did ask what's this sound & she thought the rain sounds were mouth eating asmr lol)
also another 'scary' thing I did today was hot girl walking around the halls of my driving institute buildings cos my dad dropped me off there and I had nothing to do after class. did I look weird? maybe. did I get the occasional glance? ofc. but was that a better option than walking outside in heat? absolutely, so why would I make myself suffer just because of some irrational fear of being perceived??
anyway, a few months back, I added this item to my to-do list every single day: "do one thing that scares you to level up"
& guess what? I did level up. most of these situations that used to scare me were interpersonal or social but now I couldn't care less. I can't even relate to concepts such as beating around the bush or social anxiety anymore. I am more assertive, more free in the way I interact with ohters, and much more relaxed.
like I am sometimes confused when my friends are scared of asking a very normal question to my professors or wanna opt out of something just because they're scared, then I remember that used to be & I am sooo grateful.
I am so grateful I changed. I am so grateful I grew. I am so grateful I can be myself in public. I am so grateful I can live in my authenticity.
being authentically yourself is scary at first cos that means when you get rejected, it isn't a fake persona you put up that is being rejected, it is the real you. and that will hurt, a lot.
but how are u gonna find the people who actually love the real u if you've never shown it to anyone?
(+ you will get used to the pain of rejection & getting used to difficult emotions is actually a great way to heal and grow!)
so if you want actionable tips, here's a couple:
• do one thing that scares you every day
add this to your to do list like I did
& whenever you feel that pang to retreat remind yourself that this your chance to level up!
• think of more ways u could be unapologetically yourself
what are ways you could take up more space?
maybe dressing up however you please, dancing it out while going on walk because you're feeling the music, saying what you're truly thinking. the scarier the better!
wish u all the luck in becoming the best version of u ❤️
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