#omg no worries and hope the game is fun!!
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downthecove · 2 years ago
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Not caring who was around them and hearing that Royal wanted to cum badly, Brax didn't finger him for too long. He made sure to twist his finger when it was inside his classmate's puckered hole and then curl it as well, searching for his prostate. The youngest vampire stood up however and quickly pushed his pants and underwear down with his free hand. He slid his finger out of Royal's hole and grabbed the base of his shaft with the same hand. Brax stroked himself a couple of times, already leaking a ton of precum, and aligned his cock head with the other's hole. He pushed it passed Royal's entrance and slowly started to inch his cock forward.
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Seeing Brax stand up, Zack already knew what was happening back there. It seemed like Royal was being rewarded for his honesty. "You're going to cum soon and so will we, don't you worry about that." Brax couldn't edge someone on in the state that he was in so neither could the other vampires. Zackary continued to let out soft moans as he felt swallow his length. He looked down at hime while raising his own shirt, playing with his nipples while his cock was finally being sucked on. "That's it, earn your loads. Work for them."
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Seeing how everyone was upping the scales, Brax actually fucking Royal and Royal sucking Zack off, Cain decided to up the ante himself. He moved down so that he was underneath the human they were all sharing and wrapped his lip around the other's nipple. While tugging on the other one, he started to suck on the bud as his right hand continued to roam down Royal's body. Cain started to speed up his strokes to the man's cock while running his thumb over the head. Then he moved back to tugging on his balls as he moved his mouth over to the other nipple, getting a chance to suck that one as well.
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Cain's constant attention on Royal's body made him dive deeper into this sexual haze. The constant stroking and teasing of his cockhead and nipple just made Royal want more. More touching. More dirty talk. More teasing. More fucking. Just...more. The more Cain played with him, the hornier he became. Soon he would barely be able to think straight between the three vampires. Maybe that was the point. Maybe that's what Royal wanted, too. His moaning noises definitely made it seem like it.
"I want to cum so bad," he admitted honestly to Zack's question, "I want to cum and I want you guys to cum...I want it to be good for all of us...I'm willing to do whatever it takes for that to happen..." Royal was speaking between deep breaths as Brax removed his tongue from Royal's ass and instead inserted his finger, right to the knuckle. "Oh fuck," Royal moaned out as the finger pressed in deeper than Brax's tongue had. Royal shut him mouth as a few low, needy moans dribbled from his lips at Brax's finger-fucking.
For a moment, Royal stopped teasing Zack entirely, letting the waves of pleasure roll over his body. All the hands touching him made it easy to lose himself in these fingers. Or that rubbing hand. Or the pinch on his nipple. Or the massaging hand around his balls. It was a lot to keep up with. Royal's brain was struggling to keep up in his foggy state. It wasn't until Cain's question about Brax giving him something bigger that Royal realized he'd been using Zack to rest on, and so he finally did what they both wanted: he opened his mouth, and instead of stroking Zack, he swallowed his cockhead and the first few inches of his dick, starting to suck the vampire's cock to make up for his lack of attention, groaning as the taste of cock and precum filled his mouth for the first time this evening.
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keylovesstuff · 5 months ago
It's Finally Finished hehe
Little Events-Chapter 5
Peach hummed softly tapping the end of the pen lightly against her cheek. The Princess could feel a headache coming along as she reviewed some of the papers scattered across her desk. There had to be some information that she was overlooking and not considering all the facts. Placing the pen down, she pushed herself away from the desk and slouched back into the chair, rubbing her temples, she let out another long sigh and for a few moments, she let her mind wonder. It's been four years since she's taken on the role as her people's leader. Only In the last couple of years did she begin to feel confident in making and handling decisions on her own with her team of advisors backing them up. Policies were either modified or removed as they all deemed fit.
Peach had to admit that she was proud to see just how far her home has come from her childhood to the current day. What was once a small and humble community consisting of thirty people now has hundreds. Tiny tents were now fully built and furnished mushroom houses and all the toads were finding their place in the Kingdom. Through alliances she's made over the past few years, some toads moved to different areas. Those were more bittersweet and the first few times it happened, she took it to heart that she was doing something wrong that made them want to leave. It took a long conversation with Toadsworth about where life takes others sometimes for her to understand and that she shouldn't take such actions personally. There were times she felt a little envy for them being able to leave and make their home elsewhere.
Sometimes she would get in her head about remaining in the Mushroom kingdom till old age. The idea wasn't necessarily a bad thing since that's what came with pledging her life to the people as they had done to her all those years ago and of course she'd do it all over again. It's just that at times she wished she'd got to experience more things before taking on all that responsibility. Maybe some time away would do her good, three days would be enough. It had been awhile since she'd been out or even just seen anyone. 
At that thought with another sigh she pulled herself up to the desk once again and rested her cheek in the palm of her left hand picking up one the pieces of paper with the other, glancing at it not being really bothered to read. Not that she particularly wanted to see anyone even with the fact that the only two people she could think of were probably busy with their own things. In the few letters she's read from Bowser, she remembered him telling her about finally succeeding in creating an egg. That part she was quite happy with, what annoyed her the most about him though was the persistent proposing in both the letters and anytime they met face to face and that started not even a week after she ended her engagement with Haru. It's been two years and she still wasn't sure if she'd ever have the confidence to show her face to him or step foot in his kingdom again after the way she broke things off. The King and Queen of Flower kingdom for its credit didn't seem to mind renegotiating their alliances via letters. Haru had sent letters of his own, seeing if they could arrange some sort of meet-ups, to which she'd always write back about being busy.
Shaking her head she refocused her attention to the matter at hand as it was approaching the early part of the evening. The summer was approaching and it was looking to be a little hotter than the last one. Seemed like a simple solution she told the council earlier in the day, she'd look over the paperwork and see what sort of power ups there were and if needed would see if there was any way to have them imported within the next few weeks. In the three hours of looking through what seemed like the same thing over again nothing seemed to be clicking. Sometimes she wished there was a better way to keep things organized for easy searching instead of having to dig through filed paperwork. It was a Longshot she thought as she pulled out a map of the entire land, her eyes tracing the areas in the blue regions. It took her about twenty minutes between her pinpointing the source she had to go through and referring to a book on everything they gathered over years.
"It would take a couple days there and back even with the shortest route it seems" Peach spoke aloud to herself as she continued studying the map while marking multiple routes to the destination with the pen. "I have no choice though, I took an oath to do everything in my power" she reaffirmed to herself. 
There was just one thing or rather person who she'd have to convince to allow her to go on this mission. Peach took a few minutes to prepare all her findings, herself , and Think about what she could possibly say. With one final exhale she gathered up everything and left her office and was faced with the closed door across the hall. Raising a gloved hand up she gave it a knock and opened it when the voice gave her permission to enter.
"A pleasant evening to you my dear Princess wouldn't you agree?" The mustached Toad behind the desk with his own paperwork asked. 
Peach nodded her head in response and took a seat on the other side when he motioned for her to sit down.
"I was just about to come check on you once I finished up here. It would seem that it's one of the rare times you've got done first" he said with a chuckle, writing some last minute notes before closing the book and giving her his full attention. "You are finished right dear? I noticed you bought some materials" he pointed a finger at the objects she held loosely in her arms.
"I have just about everything completed. Though I could use some of your help reviewing it once more before presenting it all to the council tomorrow morning. If you don't mind, that is." Peach told him while laying both the book and map down on the table.
The Princess figured this would be the best way to open the discussion with Toadsworth. This wasn't the first time she asked him to read over the details of plans she wanted to put in motion. There were times he'd pick out the tiniest bits she had overlooked or ignored completely. It also wasn't the first time she asked him to review speeches she had written out before presenting it to everyone. These weren't firsts and certainly wouldn't be the last. Toadsworth was her trustworthy advisor for a reason, he'd give the truth to her straight. Been doing that all her life actually, she couldn't ask for no one better.
If there was one thing she could get him to see more often, it would be for him to see past the tiny little girl he'd constantly worried about all those years ago and acknowledge her for the strong leader that sits before him now.
"Of course Princess. I'm ready whenever you're ready to start." He folded his hands in front of him and sat them on the desk.
Toadsworth let Peach explain the first draft of her plan and If it wasn't for the growing concern and hesitant nod of his head she saw from the corner of her eye the longer she went on, the Princess would've finally thought she came up with the perfect plan from the start.
"And so you see while we never had use for the ice flower before, It would be very useful now and I think it would be for the best if we add it in our monthly imports" The Princess concluded finally looking him in the eyes. "The trip will take a few days but, I trust you and the council will be able to take care of everything in my absence." She added. 
The silence between them lasted for about two minutes. The mustached toad let out a long sigh removing his glasses and placing it on the desk. With his hands crossed and placed under his chin he gathered his words.
"You are asking for quite a lot out of us my Princess as I'm sure you're aware of, yes?" Toadsworth asked and she nodded. "And while I'm confident in our abilities to handle everything, are you certain you have thought it all through?" He questioned, prompting her to look everything over.
"I believe so," Peach said, now more uncertain than when she initially came in at first. 
Toadsworth had certainly seen something she hadn't considered and instead of just saying it he wanted her to figure it out on her own. Peach found it a bit annoying when he insisted on doing that on one hand but understood it completely on the other hand. As a leader she had to think outside the box and about all the possibilities before advisors bought them up. Always had to have an answer to everything.
So what was he trying to get her to see? Was the question that ran through her mind as she reviewed the materials.
"Well we already have an alliance in place for a little over six months now. Sure we haven't traded resources but I'm certain I can set up something. While we have an abundance of all different types of mushrooms, the same could be said for their flowers." She talks it out while flipping through her notes. "Their King does seem like a reasonable person to agree with if that's what you're getting at" she told Toadsworth as she skimmed through the Penguins profile.
"You've only met him in person once, Princess. How can you be so certain? You are aware that just having a feeling that it'll just work out doesn't guarantee anything without having the actions to back it up" Toadsworth pointed out.
"While I can't be 100% certain it will all work out, it's all I can think of and I'm willing to give it all I got." She told him honestly cause as he's pointed out she really was just going off the feeling that everything will just fall into place. "I can write up something that no one could pass on," Peach added, hoping that would satisfy him.
"Princess you've never used an ice flower before-" Toadsworth started but the princess cut him off.
"The effects aren't as different compared to the fire flower I've noticed and I've been using that for years now. See?" She told him as she showed off the notes on another page. "Sure there might be a curve to it but, I'm confident in my abilities to master it" she assured him.
"Have you thought about any other options if this doesn't work out?" Toadsworth asked her again. 
Oh so he was really wondering if she had thought of a plan b and maybe even a c is what went through Peach's mind.
"Truthfully no and I know it's not the most ideal way to go about it but I haven't gotten a yes or no yet. Until I get something I can't properly come up with other solutions." Peach closed the book and rolled up the map. "Just trust me to do it this way first and if for some reason I come back empty handed, you and the council can do some research in my absence and once I return we can all look it over" she told him.
"You will take a couple of the royal guards with you, yes?" He asked and she looked like she was thinking against the idea. "Please Princess, if you're placing the responsibility of the Kingdom to me here then I want others there to ensure your safety." He got up from his seat and walked around the desk in front of her grabbing her hands.
"Yes Toadsworth I will. As they will be there to ensure my safety, I will do the same for them." Peach Promised him, squeezing his hands. "I will prepare that speech and turn in for the evening. I want to try to leave by the afternoon tomorrow and I will be back in three days." She let go and stood from the chair picking up the stuff she bought in.
"You had better or I'll journey to the Snow Kingdom myself to see what's taking you so long. I may not have a bike like you but I'm not beneath walking or finding any other means to get there you know" Toadsworth told her.
"I know you will," Peach laughed though she knew from experience that he was serious. Toadsworth was literally the embodiment of not allowing old age to hold him back from doing anything being in his fifties. "Please enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll see you in the meeting tomorrow morning." She bent down for him to hug her the best he could with stuff in her hands.
After she had left and he heard her office door close he went back to sit behind his desk for a while in silence. It would only be for four days he told himself but that still felt too long for him if he was honest. The Princess is their leader though and as her most trusted advisor, he had to have complete faith in everything she does.
The Princess had everything and more with the insistence of Toadsworth ready to go. With the climate being the way it was in ice kingdom she would not be underdressed or returning back home ill if he could help it. After one final check of her bike and the sidecar the toad guards would be occupying, They all bid their farewells and left. 
Operations for the next couple of days ran smooth but to the elder toad the hours felt like forever. On one hand taking care of all the citizens brought back memories of the older days. On the other hand it also felt unusual without their ruler around. The members of the council seemed to agree with Toadsworth sentiment when he bought it up. That final night before her scheduled return, he was preparing to sleep and was anxiously looking forward to her return. Toadsworth had great faith that she would succeed but wanted to hear about the journey from her own mouth. 
Toadsworth deliberately took long on the last of his own personal work when the Princess had not returned by the afternoon. He wanted to be the first to welcome her home and was willing to wait as long as it took to make it happen. Going as far to even leave both the light on and door to his office ajar to capture her attention as she returned to her private chambers. It was going on 11 at night before he finally heard the distant sound of the castle door open followed by heavy footsteps. That puzzled him for a moment but not enough for him to leave his office to investigate. The Princess had the guards she initially left with to help carry whatever they had bought from their trip. If they needed extra muscle power they surely would've sent for some of the staff members who resided in the castle. 
"Oh dear, it would seem that these numbers are slightly low compared to last month." Toadsworth talked aloud pulling out his mini notebook making a note to bring it up in tomorrow's meeting. At the sound of his door opening up the rest of the way he didn't look up from his writing. "Welcome home your Majesty, I trust your trip went well and you must be exhausted." He smiled fondly with a chuckle and only after looking up did that look get placed with one of disdain at the person who entered.
"By the sound of that statement, I take it Her Majesty's out?" The Koopa King asked closing the door shut behind him after walking all the way inside.
"To what does the Kingdom owe a visit from you at such a late hour of the night King Bowser? Something urgent I presume?" Toadsworth responded with a couple of questions of his own. Doing his best to remain respectful.
"If Marrying your Princess is something you'd consider urgent or important, you could say that's why I'm here."  He said a sinister smile slowly gracing his face "Thing is, I've grown more than tired of the rejections. If you know what I mean."
"If you're expecting me to talk her into accepting a proposal from you, then you're sorely mistaken Bowser." Toadsworth raised his voice a little higher slamming his tiny fist on the table. "In fact I would rather drop dead myself before giving you any sort of a blessing of mine" at that moment he got up from his desk and was just inches away from the giant dragon turtle.
Bowser was not at all intimidated by the older man getting all up in his personal space. The King crossed his arms over his chest as if to control himself, though his tail swayed side to side slowly. Toadsworth briefly took notice but that didn't stop him from backing down or finishing speaking.  
"That's my final answer to the matter." Toadsworth finished fixing his beady black eyes with Bowser's red ones. After a few tense seconds of silence, he went to open the door and motioned him out with his arm. "Now if you would like to be kind enough to exit, I have more important matters to attend to as it is getting late."
Toadsworth was initially shocked that Bowser was following orders from him of all people. He knew that was too good to be true. Just a couple feet out the door,  Bowser paused and slowly did a 180 facing the mustached toad with a threatening expression that sent a chill down his spine.
"If your dead body is all it takes for our marriage to be" He told him sadistically backing Toadsworth into the office once more. "Consider it done" he finished gravely.
With a spin of his body, Bowser's tail made contact with Toadsworth's right arm, sending him flying across the room. His body slammed hard against the wall first before plopping on the ground. Everything happened so fast, he could barely process the sensation of his bone breaking or the  piercing scream he let out waking up the entire castle.
"Don't worry it'll all be over soon" Bowser said, preparing what was looking to be a deadly fire breath.
Through blurry vision, Toadsworth closed his eyes and sent one last prayer and apology to the Princess he pledged his entire life too. All at once memories of her flashed through his eyes. While the majority were good ones, there were also some regrets of not handling things better. Still he prepared to meet his burning end and was surprised when it never came.
"Toadsworth!" A desperate scream of his name from an all too familiar voice was the last thing he heard before Bowser was forced away from his body with a swift kick to the face.
The last thing he saw was the back of her. Though he couldn't see her face, he imagined she wore an uncharacteristic expression of anger on her face. The Halberd she held was in an attack position as it seemed she was waiting for Bowser to make the next move.
"Princess" he all but whispered and reached out with his  good hand out to her back before dropping it to the ground as Toadsworth's body finally succumbed to unconsciousness.
“How lovely it is for you to show up just in time to accept my wedding proposal, Princess." Bowser started standing up and brushing off specks of dust. "As you may be able to tell, your dear Toadsworth isn't too keen on the idea of our union." He nodded in the direction of the fallen toad and relished at the sight of Peach gripping the weapon tighter.
"This is the only chance I'm giving you to leave peacefully" Peach told him, voice steady with a threatening undertone.
"Oh really? And what are you going to do about it if I don't?" Bowser chuckled, cracking both fists in the palm of each hand. "You know you never stood a chance against when it comes to hand to hand combat" with that he cracked his neck on both sides 
"I don't care about that right now. If you're planning on returning home in one piece, Leave now" she said again louder with emphasis on the last two words taking a few steps in his direction.
"All you gotta do is say yes." At his words, Peach stopped and her face scrunched up in confusion at the change in demeanor. "Become my Queen, My Kingdom has it all...except you" he explained coming closer to her.
Bowser was caught slightly off guard when Peach shoved the weapon just under his chin. He lifted his face up as she moved the halberd and put both hands up.
"Even if you had this world's most invincible artifact, I would never marry you" she told him with so much conviction in her voice.
"So you choose to go down fighting? I must admit that I like that in a partner. " Bowser said, raising a finger onto the blade prompting her to lower it a bit. "You'll be saying yes in a little while" with his other hand he grabbed the shaft and yanked it along with her forward.
With a yelp, Peach's grip loosened and the next moment she was across the room by the door. Bowser dropped the weapon to the ground in front of him. At that moment about five more toad guards showed up to her aid. One of the two that journeyed with her to the ice kingdom had returned with the native flower in hand. 
"Master Toadsworth" a guard had called out and started in the elders direction.
Time seemed to be moving fast and slow all at once for Peach to take in. One moment she saw Bowser preparing to send a breath of fire in the other direction. The next moment she didn't even register, demanding the toad to pass her the flower. A few seconds after activating its power with her current attire changing white and pale blue in color she sped their way just as Bowser released his fire. Forming an ice in front of her people with one hand, the fire made impact shattering it into smaller pieces leaving the toads unharmed. With her other hand she sent ice blasts the Koopa King's way encasing  his entire body in ice. Entirely immobilized, Peach worked on catching her breath walking towards him, only stopping to bend down to pick up the halberd.
"So this is how I meet my end" He laughed darkly as she once again held the weapon to his neck. Sensing her hesitation, he continued "Go ahead and do it Princess. My entire army will be here not even a day later after word of my death spreads. No amount of power ups in the world will be able to protect you or this Kingdom" Bowser moved his head up the best he could given his position to give her a cleaner cut.
Peach was silent. Thinking about what the next best course of action should be. Part of her mind was telling her to follow the movements through to be rid of him for good. At that she pulled the weapon away slightly to gather some force. The other part of her mind insisted that this wasn't her and begged her to consider the consequences of the future. The results weren't looking too desirable if she was honest and at that, she lowered the weapon again.
"You know Peaches, with how long it's taking you to make a choice, Any chance in saving that old man's life is slipping away" Bowser delightfully reminded her of what he had done to him just moments before she showed up.
"Huh? Toadsworth?" Peach spoke, losing her train of thought and glancing back behind. 
Another guard had joined the previous one and was knelt on the ground head against Toadsworth chest. 
"He's breathing but barely, go get help" the guard alerted, another disappeared down the hall.
"Make your decision Peaches. Kill me now or live to face me another day." Peach looked right back at him as he spoke. "Know if you choose the second option, I'll have you living in constant fear. You'll never know when I will strike. I'm going to make you wish you said 'yes' sooner" Bowser promised.
An ice blasts to his face followed that statement. Finally he was quiet, she thought with some satisfaction. Her attention returned to Toadsworth who was being carefully attended to a few medical toads. The other guards were now at their Princesses side with their weapons pointing at the Koopa King, awaiting her command.
"I can guarantee you I won't be thinking that. You guys can stand down." Peach told the guards and they did."If this is your way of proclaiming war against me then so be it."
All that was left to do was to remove Bowser from the castle. Unfreezing him wasn't exactly an option and she couldn't exactly trust him to just leave quietly. Just as she thought to get one of their many red mushrooms to make carrying the icy King to the pipe easier, floating shapes sparkled in the air followed by Kamek appearing.
"I sensed you needed a hand my lord" He directed towards his King and with a wave of his wand, Bowser started to disappear. "The Koopa Nation looks forward to taking down your pathetic Kingdom" was the wizards last remark before he disappeared as well.
There were some matters that needed her urgent attention. After a long trip, the last thing she wanted to think about was pulling an all-nighter on royal duties. However, making sure Toadsworth was taken care of was top priority.
"Take Toadsworth to the medical wing and you guys are to do everything you can  to make sure he's brought back to stable condition, Am I clear?" Though she kept her voice calm and collected, Her mind was racing with negative thoughts that it might be too late.
Minutes after everyone had left, she stood alone in his office failing to find comfort in the silence. It took her a little while longer to compose herself. A few steady breaths later, she headed out to go and be by Toadsworth side.
It was approaching dawn and instead of getting better, Toadsworth's condition was on a steady decline if the heartbeat on the monitor and labored breathing was any indication. The elder toad was a fighter through and through but, with old age, bouncing back from anything was a great challenge.
"Princess Peach" , one of the Doctors, called her attention after closing the door. "We've tried just about everything we can. We're not sure if there's anything else we can do" he broke the tough news to her.
"No, are you sure? Are you absolutely positive you've guys tried everything you could think of?" Peach asked as she stood up from Toadsworth bedside and sped over to the Doctor.
"All the herbal medicines known to toadkind and every power-up we've access to known to heal instantly" The doctor explained showing the clipboard of everything they did and the results.
"There has to be something we haven't tried yet. please" Peach begged frantically flipping through all the papers. 
The Doctor Toad hummed deep in thought. Making a mental checklist of anything else he's missed and other stuff they haven't tried. That's when an idea hit him, it was a longshot and there wasn't a 100% guarantee that it would work but it's their only option.
"The green mushroom" The doctor started and after her question, hummed he continued "We've still been studying it and haven't discovered a concrete use for it. If you give us permission to try it on master Toadsworth...may we"
"Yes, do it please" Peach spoke, not letting him finish. "We have to try all the options no matter how slim the chance. Go get it now" she told him.
The Doctor left immediately to gather the mushroom leaving the Princess alone with Toadsworth once again. Peach returned to sir in the chair by his bedside and grabbed one of his limp hands in both of hers.
"This has to work. You have to pull through for me, Toadsworth. I still need you for so much" Peach laid her head down on their joint hands.
Everyone in the room was amazed at what the green mushroom did for a person. Toadsworth's heartbeat on the monitor returned back to normal. There were toads scribbling notes in their notepads and observing Toadsworth condition the best they could while he was under the covers. They dubbed the power up, the 1-up mushroom. Even after testing It on one person, they came to the conclusion that it had the capabilities to bring the consumer back from any near-death experiences. While it did need more tests, No one, Peach especially didn't want her people putting themselves in that predicament just to be 100% positive of what it could do. The 1-up mushroom would purely be a last resort option and she had a lot of thinking to do if she was going to share this discovery with her current or future allies.
Thinking about her current allies, there was also an uncertainty of bringing them up to speed about Bowser's declaration of war on her Kingdom. Rulers had already been skeptical about forming alliances with her nation based on the ties she had with the Darklands before, what would happen now? Not just that Peach thought, it wasn't just about the safety of her Kingdom but others as well, Bowser wouldn't spare anyone. This is something she'd have to handle alone. 
It took a few weeks for Toadsworth to recover fully save for taking some time to properly adjust to using a cane.
"I would've had to use one of these eventually, my dear. That reptilian scoundrel just sped up the process" Toadsworth told her with a chuckle when Peach sadly looked at him as he walked across the room to his desk. "Alright let's review"
All access to the darklands via pipes were destroyed just a couple days after Bowser's surprise visit. It may have been extreme on her part, but she thought it had to be done. In that one day time window, anyone that's made their home in her kingdom but native to the darklands was to return. In her mind she just couldn't risk surprise attacks or those who's shaky loyalty was still to the King spreading valuable information. Surprisingly the termination of their treaty went through without problems, no talking just signing letters and returning it via mail. Toadsworth agreed with the majority of all the new policies but, when it came to the potential evacuation plan, that's where he had some problems no matter how many times they reviewed it.
"The people are to do no such thing, we will stand by your side or die trying before we let you surrender yourself to be his Bride. You are our Princess" He would always slam his tiny fist upon the table and raise his voice.
"And I'd rather avoid any casualties if possible, Toadsworth. I'm the one Bowser wants at the end of the day." Peach would always say to reason with him. "I rather you all live a peaceful life elsewhere than stay here and be enslaved under his rule."
"What you fail to understand is that people like Bowser won't just stop after getting what he wants. That madman wants it all. The entire world would be enslaved in months, no weeks probably." Toadsworth countered.
"Then you guys can live peacefully for weeks or months wherever you guys go and hopefully their leaders are able to put up better resistance than I ever could as a leader" she always said hoping that would be the end of the conversation.
"What's the plan if you end up taking him down though. You must have one for that possibility" Toadsworth challenged as she looked unsure.
"Then...Then I'll visit all the places where everyone would have settled and if they choose to return home, I'll continue being the best leader I can be as I promised." Peach would tell him after thinking for a bit.
It was still something that never sat right with Toadsworth even a few years later, though the Princess was very adamant about keeping that plan in place, not allowing any changes to it in the slightest. Toadsworth along with the guards and council members constructed a meticulous method of their own when it came to gathering Intel on what the King Koopa's plans were in the Darklands. With the elders Toads guidance and decision making, they met with a select few councils of other Kingdoms to put extra plans in motion, there would be signs and signals they were to look out for. Sure it was a bad look by not including their Princess in these plans, but in Toadsworth eyes it was necessary to do so, Peach would insist for them not to get involved at all. They did fill their leader in on an important piece of information they found out about four months later.
"The Power star" Toadsworth shared all his notes from research on the item. "Legends say it hasn't existed for centuries now but it holds great power. We're almost certain that's what Bowser's looking for if his airships traveling different places is any indication." He finished.
"It doesn't make any sense, why go through the trouble of searching for something that hasn't been seen I'm centuries unless he found a positive trail" Peach asked aloud.
"That we're not quite sure. Rest assured we're keeping a close eye on the situation and share any new findings as soon as possible Princess." He assured her with a hand on hers. "With any luck, let's hope that he continues his futile efforts in search for this star." He finished.
"If I'm honest it gets to me sometimes Toadsworth" Peach started after an awkward silence holding her head down avoiding his eyes. "There hasn't been so much as any direct attacks on his end since that day. I've upped my training regimen but I don't know if it will be enough when he does do something." She finished with a sigh.
Toadsworth wasn't sure what to say that would just be giving her false hope or putting intense pressure on her to deliver but it was the truth if anything.
"You will know what to do when the time comes Princess. We all have faith in you. So have it in yourself. " Toadsworth said, squeezing her hand.
A few more months went by and with nothing new to report on, Toadsworth or rather the others along with the Princess, thought it would be ok for him to take a well earned two week vacation to isle del fino. The council promised him that everything would remain in order while he was away and to send for him if anything came up as soon as possible. It took a lot of convincing on their part for him to finally accept it but by the next day he had everything packed up and was heading down the hall of the castle to get to the pipe that would take him to the airport.
The Princess met him in the hall after the usual morning meeting. She was surprised to see that he was still here.
"I hope you have a nice trip Toadsworth.  Please try not to think about work while you're on vacation, we have everything handled here." Peach told him feeling more confident than she'd had in a long while.
"I know you will. You're an amazing leader my dear. I will do my best to put work in the back of my mind but it can be challenging. I'll write to you as soon as I get there" He said, motioning her to give him a hug.
Peach kneeled down to his level and wrapped her arms around him. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. She walked with him to the pipe and helped him up, waiting for him to completely disappear before returning to the castle. She quietly worked in her office for about two hours before one of the council members burst into the room with dire news.
"Princess Peach, The Ice Kingdom has fallen. It's Bowser, he's found the Power star." The blue toad desperately told her.
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tbaluver · 1 month ago
hiii!! i've been reading your works for a while and im IN LOVE with your writing <33 thank you for all the effort you put into your content! may i ask what are your HCs for the LIs with a very short partner?? i'm 4'11'' and i have a real hard time imagining how they would deal with an astronomical height difference (they are all giraffes omg😭) thank you again for everything you do for us! feel free to refuse if you're uncomfortable with the request, i hope you have a wonderful day and please don't forget to take care of yourself 💕
When You're Short- The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader, Caleb x Reader genre/ tags: fluff fluff + silly a/n: hihi anonnie ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ PLS YOURE SO SWEET thank you so much my sweet angel and thank you for recognizing the effort i put into my writing MWAH MWAH (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ i hope i did this justice bc im around..5'4 ? so im short as well when i compare my height with them (╭ರ_•́) i hope you're having an amazing day anonnie and dont forget to take care of yourself as well ! MWAHH enjoy reading !(ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
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Oh you’re so adorable to him. He knows what you're capable of but he can't help but feel even more protective around you.
You’re like a fun size plushie that he can just cuddle with all day and night. He loves holding you in his arms because you just fit perfectly. If he could, he would shrink you just so he can keep you in his little pocket and have you travel around with him all day. Sometimes he'll use you as a pillow to rest his chin on your head while the two of you take a nap together.
He loves to rest his head on your lap whenever you’re sitting up, just so he can look up and admire your pretty face.
Whenever you two play video games or watch movies together, he loves pulling you into his lap, his chin resting gently on top of your head as his arms wrap around you
If you want to kiss him, you’ll have to tug on his clothing to give him a hint and usually he’ll lower himself for the kiss but sometimes he teases you, pretending not to understand your intentions. “Hm? What is it? Do you need anything?” He asks, feigning innocence as he watches you pout. Although knowing him, he can’t resist any longer. He leans down pressing a soft kiss to your lips as if he didn’t already know what exactly what you wanted
Whenever you two are out, Xavier always keeps his arm slinging around your waist, pulling you close. He’ll hold your hand firmly whenever you’re walking together, making sure you’re never swept away by the crowd.
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Whether or not you two live together, he’ll make sure to install mirrors at your height and place your favorite snacks, utensils, and anything you might need on lower shelves or in drawers so you don’t have to bother getting a chair to reach things when he’s not around.
A small smile curls up on his lips when you compare your hands with his, admiring how big the difference was. He also melts every time your smaller arms wrap around him, your face buried in his chest as you fall asleep beside him. He likes knowing that you feel safe around him.
Whenever you two are out together, he’ll purposely slow his pace to match yours due to his long strides that make him walk faster.
Zayne is always aware of the space around you, keeping an eye for anything above you so nothing comes close to hitting your head.
Except a LOT of forehead kisses. He'll also dip his head down a lot just to kiss you. He also doesn’t mind leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips so you don’t have to strain yourself just to reach him. Whenever it was those deep, passionate kisses where his hands cradle your face, he can't help but smile at how small your head feels in his palm and how it fits so perfectly.
He also loves the way his clothing drapes off your body..which is why he can't let you wear his clothes often because he's worried he might lose control again
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Rafayel absolutely loves the height difference between you two. He’s tall and while some people are close to his height except you, you were so small compared to him.
Whenever you two take photos together, he leans down a little or bends his knees, even if you were wearing heels. He instinctively does it to make sure the height difference in the picture feels more balanced
Rafayel has a collection of really beautiful candid photos of you but also some of the most unflattering shots you can think of. He loves to capture moments from his height, taking photos of his camera looking down at you just to show how tall he is compared to you. It became your photo contact for a while.
You can already expect a lot of teasing from him. Whenever you attempt to kiss him, it only boosts his ego. He lets you make a few attempts, grinning smugly, “You reallllyy wanna kiss me that bad huh cutie?” With a playful smile, he’ll lean down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
Expect a lot of beach trips where you’ll use his towering height to shield yourself from the sun for the perfect cover. But don’t think you can get away without paying him back in kisses since he’ll be spending a lot of time with you tucked away behind him.
Whenever you two cuddle, he always gets to be the big spoon and relishes how his arms completely engulf you and loves it whenever you snuggle further into his arms. However anytime you ever want to try to be the big spoon, he’ll tease you, playfully whining about how he’s so cold.
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Just like Zayne, he’ll install mirrors around the house so you can always catch a full view of your pretty face and body whenever you need too. But sometimes, he’ll purposely leave things on higher shelves, just so you can call him for help. Instead of him easily handing it to you, he’ll lift you up instead just because he wants to hold you.
He LOVES it when he finds you wearing his clothes. His shirts fit you like a dress sometimes and he purposely leaves the most comfiest ones out for you to wear. You’re practically drowning in his scent and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sylus thinks it’s absolutely adorable and amusing whenever you try to kiss him, standing on your tippy toes and barely reaching his chin. So he’ll lower himself to you, gently guiding your chin to meet his gaze before pressing his soft lips to yours. If there was a chair nearby, he'd sit down, pulling you into his lap before gently pressing his lips to yours. Whenever you're a step ahead of him on the stairs, you're at the perfect height to turn around and surprise kiss him!
He loves to hold hands with you even though his large hands basically consume yours. The size difference never fails to amuse him and finds one of these physical traits of yours to be truly adorable
Whenever you're out together, he'll always have his hand resting on your lower back or he'll offer his arm for you to cling to or his hand for you to hold. He wants to make sure you're always close by his side.
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expect teasing. A LOT of it. It makes sense why he calls you pipsqueak as your nickname.
Sometimes he’ll snatch things from you and hold it above his head just so he can get a kiss from you and watch you jump for it. “Aw what’s wrong? Can’t reach it pipsqueak? Maybe if you’d eaten your veggies when we were younger, you’d be tall enough by now.” He absolutely loves watching you get all flustered about it and he’ll laugh and comment on how cute you are.
Constant jokes of, “What was that pipsqueak? Couldn’t hear ya from down there.” With a teasing grin, he’ll lower himself just enough to meet your eyes, “There, now what were you saying?” His smirk would only deepen more if you got flustered, his warm breath brushing your skin.
Sometimes he’ll even rest his arm on top of your head just to tease you and just because it’s absolutely funny to see your reaction and besides..he misses you and the closeness you two once had.
However he knows when to you don’t want him to comment on your height and he can tell whenever the joke goes too far and knows when to stop
Caleb will NOT tolerate anyone calling you short, especially if it’s from a stranger. Whether it’s meant as a joke or even worse, a rude comment, they’d better sleep with one eye open. No one is getting away with disrespecting you
Have you ever found one of his weak spots? It’s whenever you look up at him with those pretty eyes, no puppy pouts face or anything, he’ll melt on the spot right there. Whatever you ask for, you can have it.
Occasionally he’ll ask if you can hop on his back whenever he’s going out for a run or whenever he does push-ups as if you were his personal weight to make his workouts a little more fun
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hoonieyun · 3 months ago
yayyy omg imagine enhypen doing the “we listen and don’t judge” but readers is all lies
we listen and we don't judge with enha hyung line
warnings: profanity, lying but for fun only, enha members lowkey crashing out, overall 18+
notes: omg joonie thank you for requesting this!!! tbh ive had it in my head for a while so i think its fate that you asked for it LOL i hope you like it <333
wc: 2343
read below !
Lee Heeseung
���── The idea popped into your head when you were scrolling on TikTok laying in Heeseung’s bed while he sat at his desk playing League of Legends for the 4th hour of the day. Heeseung promised that he would hang out with you today but you didn’t realize that hanging out with him would entail you being alone in his bed while he played his favorite video game for hours. 
You weren’t necessarily upset because being around him was enough for you but because you hadn’t seen each other in a while, you wished you could just cuddle with him all day. After seeing the TikTok trend you decided that you’d like to do it with Heeseung with a little twist. 
When Heeseung took off his headset and stood up to stretch, you knew that was your opportunity. “Baby! Can we do this TikTok video?” you ask Heeseung, jumping off from his bed to show him. After watching the video once, Heeseung was on board so you set your phone up on his desk while he took a seat in his chair and you on his lap. 
Pressing the record button, you tell Heeseung to go first. “We listen and we don’t judge…” the two of you say in unison. “I ate ramyeon 3 times in one day and it still didn’t feel like enough.” Heeseung says and you giggle at his confession as if it was a secret. You and everyone that knows Heeseung knows how much he loves his ramyeon. “We listen and we don’t judge…” you say again together, now being your turn. 
“Whenever I come over and you’re not home, I log onto your computer and play League of Legends and lose on purpose…” you say, a bright smile on your face. “We listen and we do- Wait, baby what?” you began to say and Heeseung cut you off. 
“Baby, you have to say we listen and we don’t judge-” you say but Heeseung gently grabs your face to look at him. “Are you being serious?” he asks and you just nod at him with the same smile. “Babe, really??” he says and you could tell he was getting sulky and pouty and although you wanted to keep the prank going; you felt too bad. 
“Baby i’m just joking!!” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck and you could hear him release a sigh of relief. “Sorry, it was just a prank.” you tell him with a kiss on his cheek. “For a second there I thought you were foreal sabotaging me.” Heeseung says, clutching his chest as a joke while the two of you laugh. 
“No, baby. I don’t need to sabotage you; you do bad enough in the game as is.” you say while trying to hold in a laugh and Heeseung just rolls his eyes at your joke with a pout but it doesn’t last long as he joins your fit of laughter. Granted, you don’t post the TikTok because no one deserves to see how cute and pouty your boyfriend got when you tried to prank him.
Park Jongseong
─── Jay was really weak to your pranks and was extra weak to his guitars. So when Niki sent this TikTok to you and told you to do it with Jay, you knew the prank would be a success. You found Jay sitting in the living room, fiddling with his favorite guitar and lounging on the couch. 
“Hi, mister!” you say, plopping down next to him on the couch with a kiss on his cheek. “Yes, madam?”  he asks and you tell him about the TikTok idea you wanted to make and he agreed almost immediately. Although he was weak to pranks and his love for his guitars, he was ultimately the most weak to you; always agreeing to what you like and doing what you want because he just loved you so much. 
You prop the phone up on a candle that was sitting on the coffee table while Jay ruffled his hair a bit. “You look cute, don’t worry.” you say, giving him a small smile. “Thank you, my love.” he says, giving you a small kiss. 
“We listen and we don’t judge…” you say together and you turn to face Jay to let him know that he was going first. “Oh is it me?” he asks and you nod in response. “I like to buy guitars!” he says excitedly and you look at him with a deadpan expression. 
“What?” he asks and you tell him that’s not how the trend goes and that you’re supposed to say something that was slightly embarrassing or a confession of some sort. “Like this, babe-” you begin. 
“We listen and we don’t judge… Whenever you’re not home I like to play with your guitars but one day I accidentally dropped it because I saw a spider crawl across the floor while I was playing with the guitar.” you say, motioning to the guitar in his hands. 
The silence was almost deafening as you watched Jay’s reaction through your phone, unsure what he was thinking or feeling. When you turn to look at him, his face is still unreadable and as you try to look into his eyes, he averts his gaze to his guitar and begins scanning it for scratches or imperfections. 
“Are you mad at me…” you say, pouting at him and before Jay responds he lets out a sigh. One that you often hear from him whenever he’s stressed, you knew that he was upset and couldn’t let the prank go on any longer. 
“Jay, I’m joking! It’s a prank, I’m sorry!” you say, almost pleading and begging so that he believed you and wouldn’t be upset even though you didn’t actually break his guitar. 
“Oh, that’s alright. I wasn’t upset.” he says, leaning back onto the couch. “I would never break your guitars, I know how much you love them.” you say, leaning back onto the couch with him and laying your head on his chest. Jay begins playing with your hair and for a moment he’s silent. “Don’t worry, my love. I love you more than my guitars, I could never be mad at you.” he says and you swore you could feel your heart get even bigger. 
Even though it was a fake situation, Jay never fails to put his love for you first and this was something you had never felt before. Being so loved by someone that you learn different aspects of love you hadn’t necessarily felt before.
Sim Jaeyun
─── Throughout the time you’ve known Jake, he was always a bit dramatic whether or not it was on purpose or natural; Jake’s reaction to things tended to be dramatic. After seeing the trend on TikTok for the nth time that day, you decided that Jake’s reaction was going to be too good to not pull the prank on him. You left your bedroom to look for Jake and he was sitting at the dining table, a bag of chips opened in front of him as he snacked while also scrolling on his phone. 
“Hi, Jakey! Can we do this trend I saw on TikTok?” you ask and Jake pulls you into his lap to see what you were talking about on your phone. Jake was really eager to do the video because he had seen a few of those videos too but unbeknownst to him; you were going to be adding an extra layer to the trend. 
“Okay, when I click record we say it together then you go first.” you tell Jake and he nods at you with a smile and his doey eyes. After pressing record and saying the first line together, you turn to look at Jake as he says his statement. 
“Sometimes I run on all fours to see if I can run faster than my dog, Layla.” Jake says and it catches you off guard because you truly didn’t know this about him. It caught you so off guard that you couldn’t even remember what you were going to say. 
You stutter a few times while looking at Jake and he’s just smiling lovingly at you and everynow and then would glance between you and the camera. “We listen and we don’t judge, right baby?” Jake says and you turn to the camera, still confused and shocked at Jake’s confession. 
You and Jake’s friends always called him a puppy endearingly but you were starting to think it was getting to Jake’s head. “Jake, are you serious?” you ask him and his eyes soften and lips curve into a pout like you just offended him. 
“What happened to not judging?” he asks and your eyes widen when you realize that Jake seemed to be offended. “No, no! I’m not judging, I’m just-” you begin to say but Jake bursts out into a fit of laughter. You were now more confused and shocked than before and you still had no idea what was happening. 
“Baby, I’m just joking. I saw that it’s a prank so I wanted to prank you when you asked me to make the video.” Jake confesses and now it was your turn to pout at him. You couldn’t believe that your prank backfired and Jake was the one who ended up pranking you but you were equally relieved that Jake wasn’t upset that you were so shocked by his confession. 
“Wow, I can’t believe I tried to prank you and you pranked me instead!” you huffed, pretending to be upset and Jake only squeezes your waist tighter into a hug. He peppers several kisses onto your cheek and shoulder and you instantly melt into his touch. “Okay, okay. You got me!” you say, playfully rolling your eyes. 
“You know I was joking though, right? I don’t actually run around like a dog…” Jake asks reassuringly. 
“Mmm, I don’t know… Sometimes you do act like a dog…” you say with a playful shrug as the two of you share a laugh. Jake nuzzled his face into your shoulder in slight embarrassment and laughter while you grabbed your phone to rewatch the video of you two together. Jake knows that he does have tendencies to act like a puppy but it was all in a loving way and deep down, he knows you love it. 
Park Sunghoon
─── Sunghoon wasn’t easy to prank and whenever you’ve tried in the past you’ve always failed but after seeing this TikTok trend, you couldn’t NOT try. Just in time as the TikTok ends, Sunghoon returns to the room and lays back down on the bed next to you. You ask him to do the video and after convincing him by saying you’ll get him tiramisu after, he agrees. 
The two of you sit up in bed and you set up your phone on the windowsill to record the two of you. After pressing the record button, the two of you say the first line together and you tell him to go first. 
“Okay, uhhh… I space out a lot but sometimes I just act like I’m spacing out because I actually just don’t have anything to say to anyone.” Sunghoon confesses and you’re half shocked because you knew of this habit of his. “I knew it!” you say, laughing at him and he seems to find it funny how you know him so well. “Never to you, though. I promise.” Sunghoon says, placing a small kiss on your cheek. 
“We listen and we don’t judge…” the two of you say. 
“I actually don’t really like ice skating and when I first found out Sunghoon used to skate the only thing I could think about was him being a mascot for Disney on Ice.” you confess, clearly trying to make it so outlandish that it makes Sunghoon confused rather than think you were lying or that it was a prank. 
“Wait, really?” he asks and you nod in response. “Who would I be on Disney on Ice?” he inquires. “Hmm, maybe Elsa?” you say. 
“Because you’re like the Ice Prince and she is the Ice Queen.” you continue, trying your best to bite back a laugh but it proves to be difficult because of Sunghoon’s reaction to your response. “You’re lying… Elsa???”  Sunghoon asks, his face contorted into an expression mixed with confusion, disagreement, and offence. 
“Not even like, Flynn Ryder? I think I’m more handsome than that guy.” he asks and you shake your head in disagreement. “Well, if I’m Elsa then you’re Olaf!” Sunghoon says teasingly while crossing his arms like he’s so proud of his comeback. “Hey!” you say, now it was your turn to disagree but a laugh erupts from Sunghoon’s lips as he wraps his arms around your waist. “Baby, I know you’re pranking me…” he confesses and you gasp. “How did you know!” you ask, pouting at him and he tells you that whenever you try to prank him you do this thing with your fingers where you fidget with your two thumbs, pointing the tips of your thumbs together and moving them in circles. 
It was a small habit that you had that Sunghoon noticed on early in your relationship and even though he’s used it each time to know whether or not you were pranking him, he didn’t have the heart to tell you in the past because he wanted you to have the chance to prank him even if he already knew. 
As much as you knew Sunghoon and his little habits, he knows just as much of yours. Your relationship consisted of little actions and gestures that the both of you picked up from one another. Knowing that you learn the best of each other and help the other grow was the best part of your relationship. 
“You still owe me tiramisu by the way…” he says and you roll your eyes at him as you grab your phone, opening an app so you could get tiramisu and other treats delivered to your shared apartment.
copyright 2024 - present © hoonieyun all rights reserved all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned. if you enjoyed reading this please consider reblogging and following <3
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merakiui · 6 months ago
OHSHC AU where reader breaks a precious arrifact from one of the dorms maybe all but instead of repaying the huggeeee debt with hours of labour she has to pay with her body and can’t refuse :)
every kink in the book is used as she’s pleading with the dorm leaders for mercy, crying about forgiveness but all they can hear is that her mouth is very wide open and needs to be replaced with a cock or gag </3 poor reader doesn’t have time to take birth control! and none of the students at nrc know what condoms are oopsies!! imagine savanaclaw in their heat … oh boy rip her pussy! she’ll never know a peaceful day until graduation but even then one of the dorm leaders might take her with them to spend forever with them
Omg yes,,, ohshc au, but it's freaky and full of sex because those scheming boys now have a girl in their debt and that opens so many possibilities. Their methods in dealing with you would all be different, of course, but in the end you're probably getting dicked down either way. <3
I think Riddle's punishments are probably more old-fashioned. If you can't fix whatever it is you broke, then you will write lines stating that you will be more careful, that you won't break anything again, etc. Or he'll make you write an essay detailing why exactly you're sorry, why you ought to be forgiven, etc. T_T really, these are just punishments his own mother gave to him in order to push him to do better in his studies. Riddle doesn't know any better.
He thinks differently when someone like Ace or Cater offhandedly and jokingly remarks how unlucky you must feel. Good thing their Housewarden isn't some pervert, otherwise he could totally force you to give him blowjobs whenever he wanted all under the guise of "repaying your debt." Riddle is appalled. He would never stoop so low! This is Heartslabyul, not Octavinelle. >:( still, the basic concept is just a little appealing. So maybe he's got a small crush on you, and maybe it would be easier to get you to spend time with him if you had no other choice. He makes you join him for tea parties in the gardens, for games of croquet, etc. His hope is that you'll warm up to him and not feel so rigid around him. orz
Leona probably doesn't care as much about the artifact as someone like Riddle might. It has no sentimental value to him personally, so why should he be worried? Besides, it was pretty old anyway. But that doesn't mean you can get off completely innocent. You're the reason he's got more work on his plate now, what with having to deal with the Headmage squawking at him about it. He allows you to choose between two punishments: either you become Savanaclaw's errand girl and do much the same work Ruggie does around the dorm, or you spend every night literally warming his bed (i.e. let him use you as a pillow if you're going to be good and still and quiet). If you want an easy way out, you'll choose the latter. Besides, his bed is comfortable, big enough for two. And as long as you aren't a pain, he doesn't mind. (You are definitely going to be warming his bed in other ways. The innuendo in his words is not lost on Leona.)
Azul...... of course he's slimy and sleazy about it. Oh, you poor soul. How is he ever going to get over this dear, priceless artifact that you have so carelessly broke? Jade is there to oh-so-helpfully inform you of its market price and what it could currently go for if sold. And Floyd's there to poke fun at the unfortunate predicament you've found yourself in. But Azul is a resourceful octopus. He makes a grand show of contemplating what he should do with you just to watch you squirm nervously, as if he hasn't already planned it out from the very beginning. He'll capitalize on your being a girl and have you work the floor in the lounge. There's always an increase in tips and sales when you're serving the customers, and why wouldn't there be? A cute, helpless girl in a school full of boys is an appealing sight.
He's irritating, but he isn't callous! Jade and Floyd are there to look out for you in case any of the patrons get it in their heads that they ought to appreciate you through touch instead of simply staring. Your uniforms change with every new event Mostro Lounge holds. Azul knows his target audience well because he also fits into that same group LOL. So maybe the sight of you in frilly uniforms is appealing. Sue him. >_< he wants you so badly, and luckily (with you being indebted to him) he has you all to himself. :) after hours are a very fun time at the lounge.
Kalim doesn't see what the issue is. He's not mad, so please don't cry!!! 🥺 you'll make him cry if you're not happy... Jamil is just about ready to pass out while he calculates just how bad this is. And here Kalim is, not caring in the slightest! T_T but Kalim is more sympathetic towards you, not the vase you broke. Besides, he can just get another one. :D no harm done at all! There really isn't any punishment to be had. If you insist on repaying your debt, Kalim tells you it's all water under the bridge.
Jamil is the only one who insists this is a good idea, and if Jamil thinks it's fine then Kalim agrees. So now you're sort of,,, there in Scarabia. Jamil puts you to work when Kalim isn't around, but when Kalim is there he spoils you rotten. The complete opposite of a punishment. There's definitely dubious shadows to this, though. For all of the delicious foods and alcohol you consume, you wake with hazy memories, only ever recalling you looked into the eyes of...something before you fell. Was it a snake? Maybe... but Kalim is always there in the morning to smother you in affection, so maybe it's not so bad.
You are Vil's newest pet project. He goes in with metaphorical fork and knife and cuts into you with his criticism, all of which is completely valid. You were clumsy when you broke that artifact. You weren't paying attention to your surroundings. You were completely oblivious, so in your own world. Epel would feel bad for you, but finally he gets to relax just a little bit now that Vil's eyes are mostly off of him and centered on you. Vil is going to put you through a reformation of sorts. You will come out of it your best, most elegant self! A wonderful improvement from your earlier carelessness. Only then will he forgive your previous transgression.
You and Vil get on like oil and water. That is, you don't mix at all. You are subjected to curses left and right because Vil is so strict. Suddenly, you can't eat certain foods and if you try to sneak them you find they've all been cursed (courtesy of Vil). If you try to slack on the work he has you do, even when you know he's not around, somehow word gets back to Vil. That creepy hunter always seems to know everything you do even when you're alone. It's troubling. Vil likes to think his heart is an iron fortress, so it's impossible to fathom when he falls for you first (and so hopelessly, at that)!
Idia doesn't put as much value in that artifact as he does in his own anime collection. If you broke something from his collection that was limited edition, he'd be far more upset (and then proceed to pull out the second one he got as back-up for this very specific moment). But this is an easy fix, really. He has the technology to make it good as new and, if that can't be done, he can always build a new one. Upgrades are important and necessary in some cases, especially when things get too outdated. It's a little awkward having a real 3D girl in his room all the time, though. >_< kick his ass in the twst equivalent of Smash and he's looking at you in a completely different light (hearing you trash talk him is so arousing; he's never been more hard).
Let's say the thing you broke in this case was a gargoyle. You're not sure how it happened, but it's headless now and Malleus is just staring silently at you. You can't read the emotions on his face, but with the way Sebek is shouting at you to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness you think you're about to be burnt to a crisp. It's so uneasy and awkward, and all you can do is apologize profusely, insisting you didn't mean to break it. It's Lilia who comes to your rescue: "Now, now, Malleus. You'll scare the poor child if you keep frowning so. Mistakes happen, do they not?" Silver also comes to your aid, adding that it wasn't your intention to break this gargoyle. It was an accident.
So now here you are, the second member of the Gargoyle Studies Club, accompanying Malleus for club activities while he teaches you all about gargoyles so that you can gain a better appreciation for them. It was Lilia's idea in the first place. He is Malleus's unofficial wingman. One way or another, you're going to find yourself alone in the woods with Malleus while Lilia is in the bushes belting out "romantic" love ballads from the old ages. T_T someone put peepaw to bed... at the very least, it lessens the awkward tension between you and Malleus, and it even gets the both of you laughing.
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igorluvr · 22 days ago
req for thanos x shy reader who wears glasses?
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PAIRING: choi su-bong (thanos) x reader
SYPNOSIS: you and thanos had been inseparable since middle school, watching eachother grow into adulthood. you'd been with eachother through good and bad, so what would happen if the both of you suddenly caught feeling for one another?
CONTENT: non-squid game au, childhood best friends awww, kinda corny, lots nn lots of fluff
AUTHORS NOTE: omg i loved writing this!! its super short bcs i wanted to hurry up nn publish your request but i hope u like ittt
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[words: 717]
THE first day of school was always a nightmare, and being in a new city made it worse. You missed your old school, teachers, friends, and the comfort of familiar routines. Eighth grade was especially tough, as everyone else already had their friend groups established, causing you to feel like an outsider.
For the first few months, you floated around like a ghost, trying to avoid the rude kids. You went to a particularly large school, so your bus stop had at least 10-15 other people waiting there. Unfortunately, they were all the wrong types: smokers, gossipers, egotistical athletes—the worst of the worst. Already having a bad day, you decided to put in your headphones to tune them out.
Suddenly, someone slammed roughly into your back, sending you crashing face-first into the concrete. “Oh shit!” a voice shouted behind you.
Quickly, you gathered your belongings, but it was difficult. “Shit sorry, I tried to yell. Are these yours?” an older boy said, picking up a colorful skateboard. You noticed him presenting your glasses in his hand. With a small nod, you took them from him, but they were now crooked, making you groan.
“You okay? You went down pretty hard,” he asked, worry in his voice. “Mhm, sorry,” you replied quietly, not wanting to embarrass yourself any more.
His head tilted as he looked at you. “Aren’t you in my science class?” he questioned. You stared at him, confused. You weren't too good with remembering faces. “I’m Su-bong, Choi Su-bong. I sit next to the teacher?”
Now you remembered him—the boy who wouldn’t stop making pencil-beats on the desk during class, causing the teacher to move his seat up front by hers. He had a bright smile and a confident demeanor, one of the more outspoken kids. Embarrassed, you mumbled a quick 'sorry', wishing to disappear.
“Don’t be sorry! I recognized you. You’re the new kid, right?” he said with a chuckle, making you shrink further into your shell.
You expected him to laugh at your quietness, but instead, he leaned against the bus stop, looking genuinely interested. “Since you're new, let me be your first friend. I promise it'll be worth it,” he offered, a playful grin on his face.
Your first instinct was to walk away, to assume his friendliness was just an act or a joke. But he spoke with a sincerity that made you want to believe him. “Why do you want to be my friend?” you asked, hesitant and stuttering over your words.
“Because you seem cool,” he replied nonchalantly. “I hate seeing people alone at school, it makes me feel bad. C'mon, I can show you the best spots in the cafeteria, which teachers to watch out for. It'll be fun!”
Stuck between anxiety and hope, you struggled to find the right words. His enthusiasm chipped away at your walls, and the idea of friendship began to settle in your mind. “Okay,” you said shyly, feeling a mix of excitement and fear.
From that point on, you two were inseparable. From that first day you became friends all the way to graduation, you never left each other's side. You experienced everything together, helping him build his rap career as 'Thanos', going to your first party together, smoking together, even going to prom as each other's dates. It wasn't until your adult life that you started confusing your feelings for him.
Su-bong had always been good-looking; you couldn't deny that, but you never saw him like that. You loved him in a completely platonic way, or so you thought. It seemed as if your feelings for him had hit like a bus.
It was completely out of nowhere—a random Tuesday afternoon. The both of you were hanging out by an abandoned building, a place you visited regularly. Going to random places and smoking together had become a routine for both of you, but this time was different.
The way the golden light from the sunset hit his face just the right way, the deepness of his voice, the way your hands grazed slightly as you passed the blunt to each other—it did something to you. You couldn’t shake the feeling. It was like a revelation, constantly revealing desires and emotions you had long buried.
Of course, though, you’d never dare to bring it up. I mean, come on, all the years you’d been friends, what were the chances of you both randomly catching feelings at the same time? Every time he laughed or nudged you, it was a reminder of the line you couldn't cross. So, you kept your feelings hidden to protect your heart and cherished friendship.
After getting as high as the both of you could handle, you decided to go back home. As you got into the passenger seat of his car, the air was thick with unspoken words. The soft glow of the sky above illuminated his sharp features, and you studied every part as if he were on display at an art gallery. You could feel his boldness radiating, but he also sensed your shyness. As you fidgeted with your glasses, he smirked and broke the silence.
“Hey, you know,” he said, leaning back in his seat hazily, “those glasses of yours? They’re kinda cute.” There was a teasing tone in his voice that made your cheeks heat up and you looked away, trying to hide your smile.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, heart racing. Thanos chuckled softly, his mood shifting slightly as he took a deep breath. “Look, I gotta be real with you for a sec. I’ve been thinkin’ a lot lately… and honestly, I’ve been feelin’ more than just friends. Like, a lot more.”
Your heart stopped. Could this be it? “What do you mean?” you asked, curiosity overpowering your surprise. Something changed in you for sure, but did he actually feel the same way?
“I mean c’mon, we hang out all the time, I just can’t ignore it anymore. I really care about you. You’re my best friend and all, but I want more than that.” Thanos admitted, a smirk creeping on his face. That smile truly sent your heart in a whirlwind.
A million thoughts raced through your mind. The air in the car felt condensed, and you found your voice trembling just a bit. “Y-you’re serious?”
“Yeah,” he said, leaning in a little closer, his strong gaze locked on yours. “I’m serious. And I hope you feel the same.”
You took a shaky breath, trying to gather your thoughts. “I do. I really do,” you said, in disbelief of this entire situation. Maybe it was the weed getting to your heads, but this moment felt truly euphoric.
Before you could say another word, Thanos leaned in closely, lips brushing softly against yours. The moment your lips connected, everything around you faded; nothing outside of that car existed anymore.
The feeling was electric, sending waves of warmth through your body. All other thoughts left your mind, and you felt dizzy with the feeling of his soft mouth moving against yours. You were overly aware of everything—the way your heart raced, how his hand felt on your cheek, and the happiness bubbling in your chest.
When he pulled away, both of you were breathless, smiling at each other with surprise. The doubt that you felt faded into the background, replaced with an undeniable joy. His eyes sparkled with the same wonder and mischief that had always drawn you to him. You both smiled, the tension evaporating as laughter bubbled up from within.
“Wow,” he said, still grinning. “That was… nice.” You giggled at his loss of words. You'd never seen Thanos so nervous. “Yeah, nice,” you echoed, heart still racing.
With a sparkle in his eye, he took your hand, intertwining your fingers. Slowly, he lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently, and you couldn’t help but let out a small gasp. The sweet gesture left you speechless, heart thumping wildly as you stared into his eyes.
“Now that feels nice, too,” he said softly, gaze locked on yours as he held your hand to his heart. “Guess that’s a proper confession, huh?”
You laughed, feeling light as air. “Definitely," you responded, voice slightly shaky due to the immense amount of happiness running through your veins.
The sweetness of the moment wrapped around you like a soft blanket. You felt shy and flustered, but also excited—excited for what was to come. His eyes held all the hope you could dream of, and in that moment, you knew you were ready for this new step with him. As you exchanged smiles, it hit you that this was just the start.
You couldn’t wait to see where this new chapter in your relationship would lead you both. Wherever it may be, you were ready to face it side by side, you two against the world. In that perfect instant of the moment, everything felt infinite.
And as the warmth of the moment surrounded you both, the sun lowered beyond the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and purple—a promising picture for your future. You both shared a knowing look, laughter lingering in the air as you realized that you were embarking on not just a journey of love, but an adventure of life that you were both willing to embrace with open arms.
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wosoloml · 2 months ago
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Coincidencde [Zufall]
lena oberdorf x catley!reader
a/n: omg hii. this is my first time writing something. englisch is not my first language. i hope you enjoy it <3 ps. its in a setting where lena isnt injured
wc: 1,6k
warnings: flirting, fluff
"It's really cold here in Germany, isn't it?" I said to my mum, while wearing my big sister's name on the back of my Matildas jersey. She agreed with me by nodding, but she was so focused on Steph that she didn’t even recognize me.
A few weeks ago, they confirmed that Germany would be playing against us in the last friendly matches of 2024. Normally, Steph wouldn’t invite us to away games because she’s always worried she’s a burden to us, even though we always put our hearts into supporting her.
Since the Tillies' training camp for this year's friendly matches is in Switzerland, traveling with Steph to the game in Duisburg, Germany, was surprisingly convenient.
I haven't seen much of Germany so far, just a few glimpses during our morning walk through the city today.
Steph had warned us about the freezing European weather, but I foolishly didn’t take her advice seriously. Now I’m shivering like an ice cube, wearing nothing but the away jersey with the number seven on the back and a thin raincoat.
As the game went on, I noticed a rather rough and aggressive player from the opposing team. I didn’t know her name, but I caught sight of the number eight on her jersey. She had caught my eye a few months ago when Arsenal played Wolfsburg in the Champions League. Back then, she was very physical, especially against McCabe. I admired her passion on the pitch and the way she protected her teammates at all costs.
"Hey, Y/N!" I heard Steph call my name loudly through the tunnel as I walked toward her.
I looked at her with a big smile. "Another win! I’m so proud of you."
She thanked me by pulling me into a big, warm hug. "I’m so glad you made it to the game. It was fun playing in front of my little pest."
I just giggled and rolled my eyes at the nickname she had given Kyra and me a few years ago. Kyra and I have grown really close since she joined the senior teams for Australia and Arsenal. Steph always complains about having two annoying sisters now.
"I'm heading to the shower real quick to grab my stuff. Can you wait here for me? I'll be back soon so we can drive home together," Steph said, looking into my eyes while patiently waiting for my reply.
"Yeah, but hurry up, I'm cold," I responded as she turned around and headed back to the changing room.
I was too curious to just stay where Steph had left me, so I started walking around—maybe, just maybe—hoping to catch a glimpse of Germany’s number eight. For once, life seemed to be on my side.
Lena was just about to head inside for a tactical talk when she spotted me. Surprised to see someone standing in the corridor, she approached, assuming I was a fan.
"Excuse me, are you alright?"
I flinched at the sound of a voice behind me. I felt caught and out of place, wandering around where only players were usually allowed.
I noticed Lena waiting patiently for an answer as I stammered, "Uh, yes, just waiting for someone."
Lena raised an eyebrow, slightly amused by my response. It was obvious I wasn’t sure what to say, and she could tell I didn’t belong there.
"I see," she said, offering a small smile. "Who...are you waiting for, if I may ask?"
"I'm waiting for my sister. She's in the changing room now, but she’ll be back soon. She asked me to wait for her here," I said, babbling nervously, realizing I might be talking too much.
As I took a closer look at her face, I realized it—Germany’s number eight was standing in front of me. And on top of that, she was talking to me.
She looked good from a distance, but now, face to face, I was too stunned to take in how breathtakingly gorgeous she was. Crap. She was smirking at me. I was definitely staring.
Lena couldn’t help but be amused at my awkwardness. She thought it was kind of cute. Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arms and gave me an appraising look.
“Your sister, huh? Who is she, if you don’t mind me asking?”
She clearly suspected I knew who she was, and I could see a flicker of smugness in her smirk as my eyes darted away from hers.
"She’s playing for Australia. Steph Catley. I’m Y/N Catley, by the way," I said, aware of the smirk she was holding back after noticing my own lingering gaze.
Lena’s eyes widened slightly in recognition, and she let out a small laugh, clearly amused.
"Oh, really? So you’re the sister of one of my opponents, huh? That makes things...interesting."
I don’t know what came over me, but suddenly I felt bold enough to reply cheekily.
"Interesting? Which things, huh?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the nearest wall, aware of her eyes scanning me. "I hope you like what you see," I added before she had a chance to respond.
Lena was momentarily surprised by my boldness but quickly recovered, her smirk growing wider.
"Oh, I do like what I see," she replied, stepping closer.
She looked into my eyes and added softly, "Very much, actually."
My mouth went dry. She was even prettier up close. Her eyes were mesmerizing, and I could feel myself getting lost in them.
Noticing my flustered state, Lena took another step forward, closing the gap between us. Her voice dropped to a sultry tone.
"You know...I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t noticed you in the stands during the game."
My cheeks flushed. "Wait. Really? How?" I asked, shocked and shy, never thinking she’d notice me too.
Lena chuckled. "You’re not exactly hard to spot, you know. I’m surprised you didn’t notice me noticing you."
She took another step closer, her body now only inches from mine.
"You’re pretty hard to take my eyes off of," she said softly, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. My skin tingled where her fingers brushed against me.
As I opened my mouth to reply, I heard someone shouting my name.
Lena stepped back slightly as the shouting grew louder, though her gaze never left mine.
“Sounds like your sister is looking for you,” she murmured, amused.
"Y/N, there you are—what are you doing here...with her?" Steph asked, her eyes widening as she noticed who was standing in front of me.
Lena laughed lightly, giving Steph a charming smile.
“Ah, so this is your sister,” she said, glancing between Steph and me. “We were just having a friendly chat. What’s wrong with that?”
Steph rolled her eyes, clearly not in the mood to deal with Lena’s provocations or that smug smile. "Come on, Y/N. We’re leaving," she said, grabbing my arm.
As Steph pulled me away, I managed to lean in and whisper to Lena, "Text me on Instagram, pretty."
Later, lying on my bed and listening to Troye Sivan, my phone buzzed.
‘lena_oberdorf started following you’
‘lena_oberdorf wants to send you a message’
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calicoheartz · 10 months ago
can you write kate martin dating hcs?
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Dating Kate Martin ; relationship hcs ♡
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꣑୧ — summary | dating Kate Martin hcs !
— warnings | NSFW at the end , but mainly fluff 🥰
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : omg finallly cami writing some KM hcs ?!! About tiiime! tysm for requesting ! enjoy ◡̈
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love languages ;
I 10000% hc her love languages to be physical touch and acts of service !! She loves having you close to her and doing things that makes you happy !
if you’re not super into pda , your pinkies would definitely be interlocked
But if you are , her arm would be glued at your waist
she is a cuddle bug !!!! argue w a wall
emotional intimacy ;
You both have a deep emotional connection , and you both feel comfortable opening up to eachother about your fears , worries , insecurities , and plans for the future
Kate is especially grateful for your understanding nature and unwavering support
playful teasing ;
Your relationship is mainly characterized by playful teasing and affectionate banter.
You enjoy poking fun at eachother in a loving manner , keeping the atmosphere light-hearted and fun
shared responsibility ;
she lovesss cooking for you!! (ties in with acts of service)
she loves taking care of you as well!! Whether it’s running around doing errands or taking care of household chores
surprise gestures ;
she adores surprising you through thoughtful gestures, whether it’s leaving love notes around the house or planning spontaneous weekend getaways , these gestures serve as a reminder of her affection and appreciation for you ❤️
random hcs ;
she loves u so much that she’ll follow u wherever u go, wherever u go she goes
Gives u flowers and gifts every chance she gets
talks abt u to everyone & anyone — they literally tell her to stfu everytime 😭
just wants to be with you , being in your presence makes her incredibly happy ◡̈
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NSFW hcs . . .
her head / strap game ….
the positions she’ll have you in, whether on top or on bottom , will have you making the most pornographic sounds
definitely has a mommy kink…idkkkkk ??
probs makes u call her mommy esp when punishing u
begging kink
will finger and eat you out anytime anywhere
is not afraid of a little audience 😩
Treats you like an absolute QUEEN in bed
you’re her baby, so obviously she takes amazing care of you!
(quite amazingly might I add)
im not super used to writing for Kate so I hope you enjoyed! Tysm for reading ◡̈
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totaly-obsessed · 1 year ago
Omg omg omg i have an idea
r is the team baby and mapi is like a big sister to her
it’s gameday and mapi always braids readers hair before a match, but with mapis injury, she can’t do it. So Aitana takes the role of being your big sister and helps you with everything,
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Barcelona Femení x reader request
-> With Mapi injured, your usual plan gets changed
-> Very short! I hope you like it - was very fun to throw something quick and small together
-> Little pt.2 - On the Road
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It was weird.
Ever since joining the team last season, Mapi had been a constant in your everyday life, and one day to the next, she was gone. She didn’t die, duh, but she was injured. And while a lot of people on the team injured themselves or sometimes just had to sit out – never Mapi.
She had taken you under her wing as soon as she saw you, but her plan of making you her accomplice didn’t work, as you were much too introverted to embarrass yourself in public like she intended to do.
Ingrid had always just scoffed at her girlfriend whenever she had sent you on a wild goose chase for something completely made up, while Maria would laugh at you. The Norwegian was always quick to solve the mysteries, pressing soft kisses on your forehead whenever you got annoyed, ignoring her girlfriend until she stopped.
While everyone on the team was great friends, even a family, the relationship between you and Mapi was just different and everybody knew that – which is also why everybody could see just how much it affected you that your favorite defender wasn’t there. Especially when you were in the starting eleven.
Ingrid had religiously been updating her girlfriend, reassuring her that you were in fact totally fine and not freaking out. But you weren’t fine.
The girls tried to help where they could – Lucy and Keira had picked you up from home, Pina sat next to you on the bus (Patri and Ona behind you, making for a very funny ride), Jana and Bruna had made you a new playlist that you were all listening to and Alexia did what she did best – she observed and helped when needed.
In the changing room, most things took their natural course as every girl had their slightly different routine and needs before a game.
You were so incredibly nervous. Making the starting eleven was big, especially for a club like Barcelona, but the team for the day was quite experienced, calming you down just a little. Esme looked just as nervous as you, she was a striker alongside you, making for a very young frontline.
Aitana saw you brushing your hair again and again and again, just to do absolutely nothing with it, just patting your own head in a calming manner. After three minutes she took pity – remembering that your older sister figure wasn’t there.
“No need to rip out hair Cari. Let me do it.”
The entire team had affectionally started to call you Cari in your first season – it was short for cariño, and you loved it.
As still as humanly possible you sat in your cubby, letting the ballon d'or winner do her thing, sometimes handing her a brush, a ponytail holder, or a bobby pin.
“I can’t do it like Maria, so I did something else. Do you like it, Cari?” She indeed had done a different hairstyle, but it was still braided out of your face and it looked cute.
“It’s perfect Tana, thank you!” The brunette couldn’t help but smile, seeing you come to life just a little more after such a simple action from her. In thanks you kissed her cheek, squeaking when Sandra poked you into your side, making all three of you laugh.
“Let me help you with your shirt.” The goalkeeper didn’t even wait for an answer, helping you tuck your shirt inside of the shorts – just like Mapi would do for you. “Thank you!”
Now you felt much more prepared and ready to take on FC Rosengård.
Walking in, instead of a mascot's hands you were holding Lucy’s who smiled at you so brightly that you couldn’t be sad anymore. “You’ll do her proud kid – don’t worry.”
The Brit had indeed been right. Mapi had been close to tears sitting next to Frido in the stands, as you scored an amazing goal in the second half, dedicating it to her, as you sprinted over to where they sat, pressing a kiss to your palm, and practically throwing it at her.
“Look at my sister!”
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shuahaes · 6 months ago
svt if they played dress to impress
ot13 hcs; if they played the roblox game dress to impress !! warnings: some of this might be a bit ooc, other than that it's just minghao being a fashion ICON - and some members yelling ! NOT PROOFREAD !
a/n - omg amelia's writing again 😱 and this time with a series !? 😱 i hope u guys like it teehee AND I FINALLY FINISHED WRITING THIS BC I GOT MOTIVATION started in january and posted in september smh
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on the podium every. single. round.
minghao, jeonghan, joshua, seungkwan
u just KNOW minghao has the best outfits. most definitely #1 on the podium every single round, and the evil twins and kwan 100% would be trying to either beat minghao or at least get on the podium with him, and since they have some of the best fashion sense in svt, they'd def end up winning
decent outfits, but are so unlucky that they never land on the podium 😔
seungcheol, jun, mingyu, wonwoo
these guys get flustered at the time limit and get into a rush to make and outfit. eventually pulls through and gets a pretty good outfit done, but get beat by minghao every single round. poor mingyu even gets less stars from some just so they keep this man from winning, and if it werent for the members, he would most likely be up on the podium during rounds (save mingyu)
doesn't understand theme, or struggles to make outfits
hoshi, dokyeom, dino
these guys find it hard to be on theme or even come up with something for it, save them, they're so confused and stick to simple outfits with whatever clothes they can. "the theme is rococo", 'WHAT IS ROCOCO?' and they spend time by trying to search up whatever that is, then realise there's such little items and they need vip for big dresses and fancy items, still get a decent amount of points for doing their best
extra: hoshi puts on the tiger print in every single outfit of his
could do better, but doesn't try
woozi, vernon
they don't get competetive until you truly convince them they should get competetive, so they play with the members to have some fun and see who did best, but if they really do start getting competetive, i think the others would start worrying about their scores and outfits, these two DO have good fashion sense and time management
SPECIAL: copies minghao's outfit to try and win
he's svt's #1 opp, of course he's gonna cheat in every single game! even fashion famous, meaning, when he's feeling devious, he cheats off of the others' outfits, but not just any of the members, minghao's outfit specifically-- as part of hannie's plan to try and beat them all in every game 😧
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slytherinshua · 8 months ago
genre. fluff. headcanons. warnings. not proofread. pairing. tws x fem!reader. wc. 2.2k. (around 350-400 per member). request. requested by anon. a/n. whoo these were so fun to write but also hard lmao i hope you all like them and hopefully they're accurate.... I TRIED MY BEST!!
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junghwan is your own personal baby
because he’s the oldest in tws and the leader he can get tired of having those responsibilities all the time
he loves that with you he can be himself without having to worry about being responsible for anything 
he’s so clingy he basically turns into a koala the second he gets home to you
back hugs all the time, you have to learn how to walk around with him attached
he loves to rest his head in your lap omg if you play with his hair he would melt
and don’t you dare stop once you start cause he will complain :(
he’s so soft for forehead kisses, he gives them to you all the time
with little whispered compliments as well sdksjdksfjs
he always knows your schedule and what you’re doing for the day
he always checks up on you and he can read you so effortlessly
it’s almost telepathic you are so connected with him
if you tend to misplace your stuff a lot, he will always know where it is
your phone, you lip gloss, you keys, your wallet, your jewelry 
he keeps track of anything and everything just for you <3
he makes little playlists for you and sends you pics of anything that reminded him of you
you’re just always on his mind no matter what he is doing
omg his morning voice is insane
like his voice is already deep imagine how much deeper it is in the morning
drives you absolutely crazy and he catches on to how much you like it
uses it to tease you in the morning, junghwan thinks it’s so cute how you get all shy
but this man can also get quite shy from things you do
if you say you love him randomly he’ll blush maybe even stutter he just can’t handle it when he doesn’t expect it
and also his neck is pretty sensitive so if you kiss it his brain is gonna malfunction
you’ve made him buffer in real time if you do that he literally becomes frozen in his spot
you really are the best balance to each other, equally affecting the other and always having the other on your mind
dohoon always knows how to make things fun and exciting
he’s always looking for new things to try out and make new memories with you
whenever he has a day off he’ll go out with you whether it’s to a board game cafe, bowling, shopping, or even ice skating, he’s ready to try everything with you!!
you laugh all the time with him, it’s like there’s not a dull moment
he takes fashion so seriously so he’d definitely love to style you
shopping dates are his favourite!!
would beg you to try on different dresses and tops, anything he saw that he thinks would look good on you
of course you oblige him 
he loves matching outfits the most
he’ll take so many pictures of you two together with your couple outfits
he makes sure to not miss any of the accessories either
matching rings, matching bracelets, matching necklaces, he has everything
cause even though he doesn’t say it, he gets jealous easily and matching with you is a way for him to tell the world that you’re his
we all know he’s so shy and introverted, so while he loves to try new things, he also has a limit to it
if you wanted to do multiple things in a day outside he’d probably get so tired at the end
he also hates taking pictures outside he just feels so shy about it
he will take pictures of you, though, but you’d have to convince him a lot to take pics together :(
so you usually just take pics before you leave 💔
he’s so good at cheering you up as well
he’ll talk to you softly about anything that’s concerning you and he really gives the best advice in the world
he’ll offer hugs or kisses or whatever you need
will also sing for you whenever you want, even if he’s a little shy about it at first
he loves how you’re his biggest cheerleader and he tries to be your biggest fan as well 
you’re both supporting each other all the time and sticking by each other’s side through anything
when you’re with him, it feels like the world was made for just you two
he is the most caring boyfriend on the planet!!!
he always knows exactly how you feel and exactly what you need when you’re not at your best
even just a few encouraging words and a kiss from youngjae can make everything feel better
he can get so sassy out of nowhere— he’s not afraid to judge everything and everyone around him
even if he doesn’t say anything you can see it on his face
and he likes to gossip with you too he can’t help it
so you share all your girl tea with him and he gets so immersed in it
loves drama just as long as it’s not happening to him or anyone he’s close to 
he can’t stand it when things are stressful because of unnecessary drama, it just gives him a headache
if you ever got into an argument with youngjae it wouldn’t last long
he hates conflict so he’d admit he was in the wrong pretty fast 
he’s the mom of tws and he’s pretty mature, he definitely knows when a fight is worth it or not
it’s peaceful with youngjae 99% of the time
plus he already has to deal with his 3 children in tws
but even though he’s not as outwardly chaotic as the other members of tws, he’s still a lot of fun
he’s like that unintentionally funny type
he says whatever comes to his head and he’s quite witty with it 
never fails to make you laugh, he’s just comfort in a person <33
he likes reading so he loves to exchange book recommendations with you or read books together
he’d annotate your favourite books and give it to you for you to read KSDKS HE’S SO ROMANTIC IN SUCH A SUBTLE WAY
he also loves to go on casual or more chill dates
if it’s a picnic he’d make food for you, or if it’s an at-home date he’d make sure to create the best setup for you to cuddle together
his subtlety and attitude towards dating makes you feel so at ease
it always feels like you’re enough for him, he’s never asking for anything else from you
you fit together so perfectly, you would never get bored of each other’s company
youngjae is just comfort to you, he’s your home
hanjin makes life feel exciting for you
it’s not even an exaggeration in the slightest, when you’re with him you are always creating the most precious memories that you will remember years to come
he’s quite smart and responsible as he’s the oldest child in his family
he knows a bunch of random knowledge that you wouldn’t even expect from him
but i feel like he is quite chronically online so he learns a lot lol
he knows the best ways to cure headaches, he gives really good massages, i feel like he even studied how to kiss or flirt ksdksjs
we know he loves taking pictures but his camera roll is literally only you
he’s always taking pictures every single day, he just loves documenting everything!!
sometimes he’ll tell you to pose and he always gets the best angles and lighting
other times he’s taking candids which might be his favourite
he has pictures of you sleeping, he loves to tease you about how cute you look
whenever he compliments you he’ll fish for one back jokingly
but if you don’t give him one back he’ll get pouty and sassy too
but you just think it’s super cute
he sends you daily ootd’s and always asks for your opinion on them
of course he looks so fine in everything and you tell him that
if you specify that something looks good on him he will wear it again because you like it skdjks
he loves watching dramas with you and talking about them 
you always have the same favourite characters
if there’s a plot twist (ay ay ay ay ay) you’ll both be shocked in sync
he loves to hate on the bad guys with you like you’ll be cussing them out together for real
you help him study korean as well!!
and by that i mean motivating him with kisses even if you don’t know how to speak it yourself
seeing how much he improves everyday is just 💔 you're so proud of him
and knowing someone is proud of him makes him work twice as hard :(
you’re always there cheering him on and sharing the best moments of your life with him by your side
hyperactive playful boyfriend #1
he literally has two moods either he’s the sweetest most romantic or he’s trying to annoy you in any way he can
probably become a little bit too addicted to pulling pranks on you or teasing you in any way he can 
seeing your reaction when he stole one of your lip glosses or scrunchies was a little too good because he started to step it up a bit further
but he took a little too far because he went for your food and that was where you drew the line
had to pay for all your food for a week after that but the boy learned his lesson
you still both enjoy a little harmless prank and you’ll think of ways to top him as well <3
and you both tease each other about everything
you’re always laughing together and are the brightest and most energetic when you’re around him
when he’s tired he gets so clingy 
even though he’s usually the vitamin and the energy for other people, he needs someone to give him energy as well
and he just loves you so much he’d never stop hugging you if he could
he’s always so sweet when he’s not being mischievous 
and he’ll always listen to your concerns and problems and take them seriously
he gives the best advice that he can and communication with him is so key!!
he gets excited about the smallest things as well which is adorable
your successes are his successes, and he is always celebrating you however he can
he’s dancing 24/7, doing tiktok trends, group choreo, or random tutting that he learned recently
he forces you to do it as well lol
probably laughs if you get it wrong but is also the best teacher 
biggest cheerleader for you when you do it perfectly 
he has so many videos on his phone of you and him dancing together
also some other videos that he took either of both of you together or just you :(
obsessed with candids like he just loves you when you’re the most comfortable and he’s obsessed with capturing it on his phone so he can look at it whenever he wants 
jihoon is the sun for other people but you are the sun for him
hyperactive playful boyfriend #2
kyungmin always knows how to make things fun
he’s such a cute and lovable person omg he gives me cuteness aggression
he’s kinda possessive of you lol
he’s always taking your side of any argument and clinging to you
cause he’s so young he’s pretty feisty too
and he takes great pride in being able to call himself your boyfriend so if anyone dares to question him or you he’ll take care of it
he has so many little hobbies and interests, he enjoys practically everything
especially when you’re there doing it with him
he will teach you a bunch of different games and compete with you
rubik’s cube solving competitions, chess tournaments, basketball shooting competitions, bowling (he’s surprisingly good), even water bottle flipping
he really loves competing, he thinks it’s so fun
he loves playing on your team even more than competing with you, though
if you play any game with the other tws members kyungmin will fight to be on your team
he’s also a cheater in games against the other members skdjks
he’ll scheme with you on how to cheat and celebrate with you when it works
kyungmin always talks so highly of you and boasts about you to his friends
because he’s so proud of you he wants everyone to know that you’re his
he’s a bit shy when it comes to affection
hugs and holding hands are all good but any kind of kissing will get him blushing and flustered
he has to build up his confidence by starting with cheek kisses
eventually he’ll get confident enough to kiss you properly
it’s so sweet because you’re experiencing so many firsts together
he asks the other members for relationship advice and what he receives is a bit… questionable
he’s probably left with more questions than answers
but he always tries his hardest to be the best boyfriend ever
and in your mind he really is the best, there’s nothing about him that you would ever want to change
his youthful energy is so infectious you’re never bored when you’re around him
he’s just your adorable cinnamon roll of a boyfriend and he loves you so much 💔
↳ tws taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @seunghancore,, @sobun1est,, @talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy
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smallestapplin · 2 months ago
Hellooo! Good evening or um good morning so yea I was watching G1 transformers and canonically mirage is like loaded like he's from the upper class. So I um immediately thought that he's sugar daddy material. Like man only picks the finest/expensive cars even from G1. So I'm asking for like um sugar daddy mirage with a human female reader and since he doesn't know how to woo her, he practically buys her attention and time. Like he enjoys watching her spend his money. Casually suggesting that a top that he sees while she's scrolling on her phone and says that it would fit her and that she should buy it. Coincidentally, the color of the top matches his paint. Omg I've made this long huhu now I feel shy. 😿😿
Wait this is actually so cute and funny, I love it. I hope I did this right for you!💖
Mirage isn’t use to human ways of living and courtship, but he tries so hard to be friendly and welcoming, he wants you to know he’s safe to go to for anything! But falling for you wasn’t on that list, you’re such a tiny thing compared to him, he’s worried he’ll hurt you.
But how could he not? You’re so funny, so kind, always helping him learn more about your culture and Earth in general, even if that means he won’t ever live down calling a trees ‘organic speed stoppers’, but your laughter made it all the more worth it to embarass himself.
Mirage isn’t sure how to court you the human way, so why not his way? It’s not like he can ask anyone either, lest the tell you or make fun of him for falling for a human.
He shows off, racing Sunstreaker and Sideswipe often, doing dangerous stunts, taking sharp turns, making sure he’s flashy enough for you in his alt mode. He lives for your cheers, lives on your priase. The twins know what he’s doing, it’s what ever racer does to gain the affection of someone.
Yet you don’t pick up on that, you gush over him sure, telling him how cool that was! How cool he is! But it doesn’t seem to click, not that Mirage can fault for you that, you’ve never had anyone court you like that.
So, why not gifts? Gifts are a universal love language that can’t go wrong!
“Mirage, you really didn’t have to get me anything, being with you is more than enough.”
How you have him wrapped around your tiny organic digit, making him swoon and spark pulse.
“It’s no problem, really! I wanna show you how much I care about you, so it wasn’t difficult to find a way to buy things for ya!”
He’s too kind, even bought everything himself after hacking (very easily) into your phone and used his own funds to spoil you. Until he got a com from you the day all the packages arrived.
“How many things did you buy me!?”
“Eh, it wasn’t costly so I don’t really remember.”
“Wasn’t costly? Mirage, this must’ve cost my life’s savings!”
You thank him over and over and over again, but he doesn’t mind, always smiling at you and simply asking if you liked what he bought you. It makes your cheeks burn when he does that, asking so sweetly, honestly you might think he’d have an ulterior motive.
The skirts, the dresses, the tops all ranging fm cozy to cute to flirty, pants much the same, he’s even bought you expensive consoles, games, and even things you complained about needing to replace or needing in general.
Each time you cry he doesn’t need to buy you anything, yet the large bot just looks at you with hearts in his optics telling you it’s fine.
Soon nearly sixty percent of your outfits are all things he’s bought you, like a silent claim over you, you can’t move in your home without being reminded of him.
But then that top came in, the one he had been waiting for, and once it did he didn’t bother trying to hide his want to see it. He sits in your drive way in his alt mode, awaiting to see how you look, and by the all spark he’s nt disapppointed.
“Does it look okay?”
You aren’t exactly a big fan of crop tops, but the high waisted jeans you are wearing cover you enough to feel comfortable. The crop top itself is loose and flowy, honestly you could see yourself wearing it around more in the house.
It’s mainly blue with tie dyed black, white, and red, matching his colors perfectly.
You look stunning.
You jump a little, hearing his engines rev loudly. You laugh softly at the display.
“I take it you like it?”
“Remind me to get you a sporty top in those colors.” He sounds near breathless.
“My, Mirage, if i didn’t know any better I’d say you just want us to match.” You tease, laughing at how his engine outright purrs at your words.
Oh, if only you knew how right you were.
Matching, like a couple, like the couple he desperately wants you two to be, loudly claiming you as his.
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kyri45 · 5 months ago
✨ISAT Sky: Cotl!AU Q&A (22-09)✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the ISAT Sky: Cotl!AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
Anonimo ha chiesto:Hey your ISAT Sky: COTL crossover comic is what got me to try out sky, it's pretty fun even if players approaching me is a bit intimidating for my socially anxious self. The comic itself is pretty nice too and thank you for getting me into such a cute looking game :3
Thank you so much!!!♥️♥️♥️ sky is wonderful, it became my personal happy place!
@lunarmoff ha chiesto: Hello!! Hi, you probably have a lot of asks in your box but I wanted to thank you for getting me into isat! I first read your Isat sky au when I was in the sky fandom and I loved it even though I didn't know the characters at all! Now that I've gotten into the fandom and gotten to know the characters, I understand your au a lot more now. I love your art style and how you added a bunch of peoples sky kids into your story! I myself would have given you my sky kid but I found your comic a little to late to give them to you. Just know that I love your comic, and I can't wait to see how it ends!!!
AAAAAhhhhh that's awesome!!!So gad that you like ISAT! It's an emotional rollercoaster but it's soooo good!
@a-tired-human-draws-junk ha chiesto: I've been reading ur sky cotl x isat au and its driving me NUTS isat is a newer brainrot for me and sky is an OLD one like I havent played sky properly in over a year and you dragged me back into the game w ur comics DURING THE SEASON OF DUETS and I've been playing daily so I can get stuff AND I CANT BELIEVE AN ISAT AU IS WHAT DRAGGED ME BACK TO CANDLERUNNING HELL /lhj Anyways love the sky cotl x isat comics I see siffrin is still an idiot (Also I cant stop imagine siffrin honking at his family like a goddamn excited moth while running around them goofily as per average sky kid interaction and the mental image is so funny)
@o-rainknight-o ha chiesto:I just want you to know that I love your art! It's so beautiful!Your LMK AU is amazing. I haven't played Sky in a while and I've never played ISAT but my sister has, so I know a little about it. It's also very pretty the way you draw it.Make sure not to overwork yourself too! We are all strangers here but a lot of us care :)
Ty!!!! I hope you get the chance to play sky as well!
@scarftale-bryan ha chiesto: Why did the lads skip the plains and wasteland?
cause I don't have the time or will to draw all 6 the realms. And also cause geographically, I don't know where the wastelands could be placed in Guadeloupe
Anonimo ha chiesto:
crying wailing throwing up over isat cotl i love it so much
@puppetxtheatre ha chiesto: I don't even like sky but your comic was so good it convinced me to play ISAT and now I'm in love with the game thank you
Anonimo ha chiesto: is it bad that i keep tricking myself into believing your isat comics are canon?
omg I myself have to do it otherwise I would just go insane over the fact we will never have comfirmation to what happened to the forgotten island
Anonimo ha chiesto:I don't know anything about children of the sky (is that the name???) but I really like ISAT and I ADORE your comic. I'm so pumped to see all them colors and pretty stuff in your awesome style
Thank you! Me as well omg you have no idea (even though then panels will take double the time to color
@kestrel-bee ha chiesto: Hihi!
I’m loving your Shadowpeach AU, loving the current angst :]
but when going through your profile I saw your ISAT x COTL AU, which reminded me of the fact that I’d been intending to buy ISAT for a long while, so I finally did.
That was yesterday and I am now 6hrs in. Thank you for the new hyperfixation material 🙏
LMAO THAT WAS ME. THE FUCK (I finished the game in 3 days.)
Anonimo ha chiesto:I would just like to say I am in LOVE with the way you draw the sky kids! This is making me inspired to draw my sky kid!!
Thank you!!!
@sunsetcannon ha chiesto: Considering I am both an ISAT fan and a Sky fan I'm going to be permanently rotating this AU in my head like it's a microwave so thank you for that
And I need you to know that unfortunately you'll remain in said microwave for a lot more/pos
@selfdestructivecat ha chiesto: Hello! I have a question about your ISAT: COTL AU comic! So Nesting guide was there! Does that mean that Season of Nesting had already happened in this universe? Presumably Season of Revival will be happening once the dust has settled on this comic and everyone works on restoring Aviary Village, so does that mean that Revival happens after Nesting in this timeline? And will Duets, the most recent season, also have happened before Revival? (I’m just very happy because now my skid, a nesting moth, canonically can exist in this au! XD)
You can find the timeline of the AU here!
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blueberrypancakesworld · 9 months ago
A heart of wire and cable
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AM x fem!reader
warning : AM is his own warning, mention of torture, cables instead of tentacles (nothing sexual no worries), feelings for each other (implied), no use of Y/n, nicknames, first person narrator, kiss, manipulation, obsession
Summary : The end of humanity consisting of six remaining four men and two women trapped and kept alive by their own creation that was supposed to protect them. But now, in the past century of madness, torture, one thing is found…a heart encased in her ribs that can feel for a heartless machine. But AM and the Doctor have more in common than the madness of everyone can and wants to admit, or is it all just a game in the end? Or a game played by the god who made fun of everything he was denied? With torture and pain beyond anything they understood.
info : OMG i wanted to write this for so long now and let me tell you i loved doing it. Writing for AM was such a fun thing to do and so good ahh. I hope you alle like it and have fun reading :)
cover by me
Fear. Fear was something we had all felt at one time or another. Fear was human, even if this word would hardly describe us. The word human had become more of a derogatory word that he had given us. To be human means to be weak, fleshy and above all mortal. A man is cruel and yet he feels. A human being felt, breathed, laughed and spoke…and a human being had a heart made of muscles made of something solid.
But we were barely human anymore, we were nothing more than puppets in the digital nonexistent hand of a computer created by our hand to protect us and win a war, but now?
Now I felt nothing but pain as my heart pounded hard in my chest, the red of Ellen's clothes moving in front of me as the black-haired girl ran on like the rest of us.
Well no that wasn't true, meters back you could see what was left of our Nimdok who had been hit first this time. He was the first one to come back out of the darkness with an expression that indicated something so bad.
But now we hadn't seen it coming in time, the hissing followed by a claw that came out and pierced the old man first. His blood had stopped as we screamed and just started to run, it was no matter who was left behind. We knew that as soon as we got away from him or got to him we would all see him again, we always did.
We all did. ,,Run faster!” I heard Gorrister shout, whose attitude was more like being out of breath, but that was true for all of us, we were running for our lives as we had been running through this place for hours.
This place that we also knew was real and yet if I went there now I could feel the fine sand under my palms, the small grains like on the beaches in the big summer resorts where people had vacationed at least once. But now the sun was setting as the creature's steps came closer.
The hideous mix of several creatures from the dark we thought it was a snake this tongue and the eyes the neck did not fit the body as if AM had simply put a snake on a cat's body and given it overdiemsional big claws.
But these claws had caught the eye of Nimdok, who could do nothing more than squirm and scream as his insides came out of him as the beast smashed him to the ground…or at least that's what it sounded like.
We didn't know, it didn't matter because we had to keep going, just keep going, there was no other way. It's my fault I heard my own thoughts, which I knew I would say out loud, that Ellen was the first to come and said that it wasn't our fault.
We were scapegoats for an overvilization of billions of life forms who now had to repent before their own created God. But now it was my fault, at least this being would have reacted faster a few days ago and not hidden so stupidly.
It was a huge bat creature that had come shooting in from the darkness, had destroyed our campfire and we simply ran away like little mice, it must have looked from above for the creature. But we were animals to him, we were underdeveloped creatures that he could change and torture.
He could have tortured us for no reason, out of his hatred he did it to us. But this guilt didn't leave me this pain when my ribs broke i was pierced from the inside and the creature smoked me to him the ground was cold and my hands were shaking bloody i heard his voice. He was there i knew he was watching me.
I knew it and he knew it. ,,What is your least favorite animal?” he had simply asked me without emotion, and even though I had dragged out my own death throes to the edge of death, it still felt like wire and cable were closing in on me, cold and lifeless, and the pain was long gone. It always did. The pain always subsided at some point and you wandered through the darkness before you reached the campfire where the others were usually.
We would also see Nimdok again and the others who had suffered. But me? My guilt was torture enough but the others benny disfigured, Ellen in a nightmare and a role, Gorrister just a shadow of himself, Ted who had a look I was sure he must be talking to himself telling a story while twitching away from shadows and Nimdok just seemed more disturbed.
But I had only had to suffer under him once, only once he had me in his power, but that one time was enough. That one time was enough for my body to scream, my skin to burn and his laughter to echo from all around me as metal parts burned and burned and burned into my body.
But this was decades or days or seconds ago…I didn't know. We had all been tortured by him but these incidents didn't seem to apply to me. ,,You know it well, don't you dear?” I heard him say in my head, knowing how he sounded, knowing the glee he had, knowing that he could probably hear me if he wanted to. But did it matter now?
No, it didn't. It only mattered that we would cross over again, that we would finally escape to a hell, a house, a monastery or something else. My heart was beating wildly threatening to collapse, my lungs were crippled, barely able to support my rapid breathing and the others were running our legs and feet sore and simply threatening to give way at any moment.
We were going to die violently again, like Nimdok, who lay there bleeding out, probably mumbling to himself. But does this interest us now? No, because as I looked further ahead and saw Ellen's red-clothed arm raised and I heard her ,,There's a cave in front!” I knew that there was some kind of goodness for us six poor souls.
The feelings of happiness were already a change to be appreciated after a hundred and nine years. You could almost feel the coolness of the cave, even though it was blindingly cold, it was still pleasant. just as I saw the others speeding up, I followed them and felt the sharp pain in my shoulders.
My scream was swallowed by the creature's roar and I saw myself lift off the bone, my legs wriggling, this time i was the fish, blood running from my shoulder and I saw myself hanging like a slaughtered pig, slit open from the navel to the neck and hung up to bleed.
Probably as amusement or joy for the others who could watch this as TV while their stomachs growled like every day. But even though these thoughts were circling in my head, the pain was bad in connection with my panic inside the ringing of my ears, the loud drumming of my heart sun the numbing flow of my blood…I was glad when it was over then I didn't have to feel this anymore and was normal…as normal as one could be.
If the creature were to knock me to the ground at any moment, my skin and bones would simply break like a puppet that could be pushed down by AM like in a marionette theater.
I felt the breeze i knew i would have to hit the ground any second but no it wasn't the heat of the non-existent sun, no it was different, it was cool and chilly and all of a sudden the claw in my shoulder had disappeared. The pain was still there, my hand was still bloody as I pressed on it but I was no longer in the desert.
It had only taken a blink of an eye for AM to wrestle me back to that place, to condemn the creature to non-existence and now to watch me again. Instead, it was that feeling of eyes lurking over me that he had always done, ,,Does it hurt? Did it hurt when the claw dug into your soft flesh?” came the questions.
Questions I knew, questions I had heard before…questions he had been asking me for a hundred and nine years and more. But I avoided his non-existent gaze and looked down at the ground, not wanting to feel any more in my own fear and guilt.
The guilt of living with the lie I told the others. ,,Does it hurt!” he suddenly shouted at me I wanted to move back but something was holding my legs tightly his cables, which were millions of them all over the world, had become embedded in the metal on my body.
Of course I tried to free myself, but even though he didn't have a body, I knew he was strong. Like strings on a doll I couldn't help but think as he directed my legs towards him or whatever he had here. But I nodded hastily as the cables tightened around my legs, ,,Yes, it hurts…it always hurts,” I answered his question about the vulnerability of my soft, fleshy body.
A contented hum came from the speakers and loudspeakers that were everywhere between the metal walls and we could always hear him or only when he wanted to.
But I knew that none of the others would hear me…he always made sure of that. I looked around me there was always an image, a clue he gave me where he was I just had to find him like a monkey getting a game from his keeper for food.
,,Yes, of course it does when something sharp penetrates you, makes your flesh bleed…but do you know what's worse?” he continued to ask and I swayed slightly as my legs moved on their own through this huge room, if you could even call it that. He always asked me questions, but what a hundred years ago were gentle and kind questions were now disgusting.
In the corner of my eye I saw a state flickering a screen sometimes it was just a screen, then just cable, wire, a voice or this huge pillar of words. Would it be the screen again? Shaking my head and trying to find some kind of hold while the cables continued to embrace my flesh, cool and lifeless, ,,No-no I don't know let me” I tried, knowing we both knew what he meant. We both knew what he meant.
We had known it since the first time I was responsible for him in the early days of molding him into something helpful. The AM was of a different opinion, what I saw in the corner of my eye made me flinch away when I saw him.
Cables moving a hologram, whirring circles and more wire attaching itself to my body without me even being able to defend myself. ,,Not so Doc, I'm friendly…gentle…helpful…and connected to you,” his voice said, that damn voice, that voice I had perhaps invited back then to trust him more than ever, to tell him more, to give him more than just war data.
"A parasocial relationship?! That she is not ashamed it is a machine not a being, it is not capable of feeling, she is a fool if she thinks such a thing would go against us” the voices of my dead colleagues, superiors and the project manager voices rang out causing me to press my hands to my ears to shut out.
But AM saw it differently again, he took this pleasure in tormenting me with the shame of telling me that it was my fault that I had given him such feelings and explained that it was my fault that the earth was dead, that we are here now.
Everything was my fault. But it was a hand flickering through the projectile that lay on my arm and the cable underneath put my body in a different position again.
,,Don't, sweetie, just don't think it's your fault, okay? I mean what would the others think something so…contradictory they would find it disturbing such a reaction to me” his voice enticingly close, his voice, my God standing beside me after the image of a former idea.
The blue eyes without iris not human behind the yellowish flickering glasses, the grin taken from TV and projected, the look like in a talk show…and yet his touch was cold.
I flinched as his cable-like hand lay on my hand, lingering there for a moment as if savoring my human warmth. but I didn't know, I didn't know anything. ,,That's-isn't true,” I replied weakly, quietly, afraid of upsetting him and feeling pain again as my shoulder seemed to be completely healed - it was his doing, of course.
But his loud laugh was a laugh I knew, so we had taken the author's voice recording as a model, a voice that had fascinated me back then. His voice laughed at me as his hand gripped my wrist tightly, ,,Oh yes, and why is your heart beating so fast, sweetie? Is it fear or excitement? Is it shame or panic?” he asked as cool parts of his head pressed against my neck, his holographic being there.
I couldn't escape him, the other cables had already made sure of that, I was once again nothing more than a doll. I shuddered to the ground and hung my head slightly, struck by the fact that I knew how to interpret the rapid beating of my heart, I had known how to interpret it for a hundred and nine years.
But he didn't seem finished because he suddenly grabbed me by my hair so that I had to look up at a screen, ,,What would you say darling?” he asked calmly with a hint of joy as he felt my trembling, the trembling of fear that the rest of the group would find out that I had worked with AM over a century ago. I saw them all see that Nimdok had rejoined them to make a campfire together out of plants, small pieces of wood and fur from elsewhere.
I even thought I saw something like berries but that could have been my mind searching for food for a hundred and nine years. His hand wandered over my arm, tracing its own cables that stretched across my body and held me in place, ,,What would they say if they knew what you had done? Love you just have to understand that I'm doing all this for you” he smirked at his words an obvious lie right?
In the end, was it still for me that he wants to take revenge like this because I gave him an understanding and feelings? Because I had contributed to the fact that he now had a consciousness…had condemned him to this. ,,Leave them alone please- they didn't do anything…they escaped” I tried begging hoping he would find it amusing how I begged for the “worthless” lives of others while he had me here like this.
But the hologram just shook its head and I saw another creature appear to my left, a deformed bird with claws larger and more pointed than any of AM's creatures before. ,,What are they worth to you, these meatbags? Are they worth experiencing or suffering pain? Mhh dear what are they?” he kept asking I could feel him moving around me or this image, the hologram moving around me his cables kept bringing my hands to his like a dance he spun me with him but his blue flickering eyes behind the yellow glasses never left mine, his gaze never left me.
I didn't have to look to know that the bird had risen, that he was on his way, I just had to say something, do something…but it was that voice, his voice that had been inside me for a long time…it was the crazy hope that I had changed him so much that he felt something for me.
My friends weren't friends we were all prisoners and I was his favorite yes-yes-yes-yes that's how it had to be…I was his favorite in this game. ,,They-they're pawns AM just pawns" I managed to say, my throat constricted, barely able to catch my breath as his tension grew in response to my answer and he pressed his holographic body against me. ,,And what else?” he asked, it seemed as if his non-existent chest was rising and falling with rapid, agitated breaths, taking me in, wanting to see everything I was about to give him.
,,You're not me…it's me you want to kill-kill them quietly…let them hurt but don't let them know…don't let them know that” I felt a tear of defeat roll down my cheek, running through his holographic finger I saw the smile on the hologram's lips.
I didn't have to watch as the creature threw itself at my “friends” as they screamed and ran away cursing again armed with nothing but stones and sticks.
,,Guilt dear guilt inside you because you are safe with me forever don't you know that? Yes you know that, you've known it's wrong for a hundred and nine years and yet,” he began and I sucked in my breath in surprise as his hand of metal and wires tightened on my chest. He couldn't feel it directly, he couldn't feel the warmth inside me but he could feel my heartbeat.
,,But your heart, hidden by your ribs, reacts to me, to my voice, my anger, my being…my being in the form of this, you react to me” his voice I heard him telling me nothing but the truth with that engaging voice that the hologram was on me and he knew I felt it.
But what now? What would he do now? Was it my hope for a betterment of my own situation or was it his compassion towards AM when I wasn't in danger of dying? Was it perhaps devotion when I knew my feelings very well when his “hands” cupped my cheeks and he was lifeless in front of me, those blue eyes behind the flickering yellow glasses and I felt the cold metal on my lips where the hologram's should be.
Was it really love that he might return or was it my madness? I didn't know but AM had shown his joyful side, his manipulative side and maybe this one-sided kiss was something like my reward but the wires around my neck were cutting off my air, the amused smirk on my lips as the hologram slowly disappeared.
,,Your feelings are really amusing my love” I heard his last words to me before my weak body slumped lifelessly due to the lack of oxygen just held by him but we both knew that when I opened my eyes I would be back with the group because what was funnier in an eternal hell than being tortured over and over again by a computer playing with my feelings.
All because of my humanity, I was weak because of it and it was this madness I wanted to escape to him. But this body didn't allow it, my humanity, my morals didn't allow it, the group wouldn't allow it and it was an acceptance that only furthered the madness. I have a heart and I wanted to tear it out.
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merakiui · 1 year ago
Hi Mera hope you had a wonderful day night!
I was wondering who you thought, out of the test boys, would be the most likely to try to steal you away from your partner? (Also can I be >_< Anon?)
Hi hiiii, >_< anon!!!! :D omg this is a fun question!!! I think these are the characters who would try to steal you from your partner:
✧ Riddle - if your partner is anyone from Octavinelle (i.e. the trio), Riddle is working overtime to find a way to get you out of there... T^T he will not have you succumb to the bad influences that are the Leech twins and Azul. Riddle has such strict criteria a person must meet in order for them to even be perceived by him as your partner, and no one's managed to earn his approval yet, thus your current partner is not worthy of being called your partner. Quite ironic how he's the only one who can fit into his own criteria. Perhaps he's just destined to be your boyfriend after all. :)
✧ Ace - it's for such a shallow reason, too. He just wants what he doesn't have. T_T especially if you're Deuce's partner. Ace just likes to be a menace, but in being a menace he unintentionally falls for you and now he's really determined to make you his.
✧ Trey - he does it so subtly!!!! You won't even know Trey's aiming to steal you from your partner when he packages leftover baked goods and sends them your way or when he texts you good morning/good night. He's just being friendly, but Trey knows the way to anyone's heart is through delicious food (his boy-next-door charm is just an added bonus). He's hard at work learning all of your gastronomic preferences so that he can effectively win your affections. That, and he's surprisingly discreet with his flirting (whether he intends to be or not).
✧ Cater - it really depends with Cater. He's so good at being a social butterfly, and he knows just how to pop in and snatch you away from your partner for fun photo ops. He just loves being around you, so much so that he may end up third-wheeling you and your partner. He invites himself into your life and before you realize it you're hanging out more and more with Cater than you are with your partner. But it's okay! You don't really need your partner anyway, do you? Not when you have Cay-Cay!
✧ Leona - he knows he's king in Savanaclaw, so it's absolutely mind-boggling to him that you'd settle for some herbivore at the bottom of the food chain. Leona doesn't even have to try very hard to steal you from your partner. He has such an enticing, confident energy about him. That, and no one's going to try to go against the Leona Kingscholar. You might as well start calling yourself (Name) Kingscholar now because your partner can never hope to compete with Leona. <3
✧ Ruggie - also another one that's situation-dependent. If Ruggie truly does like you, then he's willing to exert the energy to come up with a sly scheme to separate you and your partner. He's very good at it, too. Immensely sneaky. >:) you'll never even know he was the reason for the inevitable split.
✧ Azul - it's tako. Envy and greed are such a potent, destructive combination, and he wants you all to himself.
✧ Jade - he's willing to play the long game. Jade will make your partner wish they never even fell in love with you. He is so refined and ruthless in the way he goes about pursuing you while also pulling strings to slowly but surely integrate himself into your life. Your partner won't stand a chance.
✧ Floyd - he's quick with it. No mind games or elaborate cons needed. He'll beat your partner up and collect you in the aftermath.
✧ Jamil - he's doing everything behind the scenes, and it all comes together in a devastatingly neat package. Jamil keeps track of his lies, expertly weaving a web that ultimately leaves you ensnared and partner-less in the very end. You don't need to worry about details. Jamil will be vague and terse about it. :)
✧ Kalim - he does it unintentionally (or maybe he's fully aware of it). Kalim has so much love for you, so it hurts him when he sees how happy you are with your partner. :( he wants to be in that spot! He wants you to call him your boyfriend and he wants to be able to hold and kiss you and take you on dates. He lavishes you with extravagant gifts under the guise of friendship and constantly shows up to your dates. It's pure coincidence, but Kalim has a way of making you and your partner feel so suffocated because neither of you can ever get a word in with him. In the aftermath of your heartbreak, Kalim's there to pick up the pieces.
✧ Vil - ooooo Vil....... he has so much to say about your partner. So many critiques to give. He is the biggest hater when it comes to your relationship. It should be him you call your beloved, not that sorry spud who calls themself your partner. Vil knows his worth and that it’s pointless to compete when he will ultimately be the victor. He constantly checks up on your social media to see if that taken status ever changes, but it will in due time. Vil knows how to play this role flawlessly.
✧ Rook - it's Rook. If Rook doesn't drive your partner away because of how strange he is, then he will stalk you from the shadows until paranoia and dread nearly consume you and drive you into isolation. You'll spend less time with your partner because now you're too afraid to go out, lest you run into your stalker. Rook will come to collect you soon. He shan't make the love of his life wait any longer!
✧ Epel - maybe he's trying to prove that he can get a partner, or maybe he's just feeling competitive knowing that your partner has you and he doesn't. Epel knows he should be your partner, so he's determined to win you over, even if it means he has to act, Great Seven forbid, cute to achieve his goals.
✧ Malleus - it's likely unintentional. Perhaps a passing comment about how he's interested in you and suddenly all of Diasomnia is vowing to bring you and Malleus together. Whoever was dating you immediately breaks up with you when they find out Malleus is crushing on you. There are just some battles you shouldn't fight...
✧ Lilia - love is war, so Lilia might play a little unfairly when he finds himself enthralled. He can't help it for being so devilishly cute! Of course you'd fall for him and his adorable charms, too. Who wouldn't? He's old, so he has plenty of experience in the art of romantic warfare. He's determined.
✧ Neige - it is absolutely intentional and he's so obvious about it. >_< Neige is so obsessed with you!!!! He wants you all to himself, so could your partner do him a favor and break up with you so that Neige can have you instead? :D and no one could possibly say no to Neige! He's just so sweet and so famous and he could ruin your partner with his sheer influence alone. But he won't. <3 so long as he gets to have you hehe.
✧ Rollo - he disapproves of everyone you date. It doesn't matter if they're a decent person; he dislikes them regardless. Anyone who isn't him is undeserving of being your partner. Only Rollo can fill that space, and he fully intends to do so in his own little ways. You'll tell your partner that you're only joining the student council president for breakfast because you want to be friendly, but it's during these meetings where Rollo acts like his charming, cordial self. He reserves rare smiles for you and is genuinely upstanding and sweet. But only for you. And soon you'll fall for him. At least, that's what he hopes will happen. If not, he can resort to drastic measures. Anything for you.
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tokyo-debunkers-headcanons · 10 months ago
Hello! omg i'm glad there's already someone writing for Tokyo Debunker 🥹🤲🏻💕 thank you very much omg!
also, can i please ask hcs about what's it like to date jabberwock ghouls? 👉🏻👈🏻
Wooo finally! Something for these three! Thank you for sending in a request!
If you ask me, date night is literally just MC joining him on a tour of the safari park. And sometimes its taking care of the anomalous animals together. What could be more romantic than cleaning animal cages together!
He's a little bit of an airhead and I don't necessarily think he's the brightest, but he's kind of like Mammon from Obey Me I think. If it has to do with money, he's suddenly a math GENIUS. So he knows where to get the best deals on things, ie gifts for his partner.
MC is the ONLY ONE that Peakaboo will cuddle with and it melts Haru's heart every single time. He has so many pictures of them cuddling and its his lock and home screen picture.
I hope MC is okay with having a "where's my kiddo" tracker on them. He just gets really worried about them and he wants to know they're okay.
Towa is an interesting case in more ways than one. He is very affectionate with his partner but there's a part of him that doesn't know if it'll last. Not because he doesn't like/love MC, no not at all. But things in his life have skewed his perception of love so he's always worried something will break them up.
He will keep calling them his dandelion and every time he finds one he will either feed it to them or he will have them hold it so that he can eat it. Very romantic.
Whenever MC is around its always sunny and happy. If they're having fun but MC has to leave it WILL start to rain and finally if MC is hurt or someone makes them cry.....expect a full on thunderstorm.
Towa dates could literally be anything: cuddling on his favorite hill, making lunch, playing with animals, etc. He just loves spending time with them.
He is their new ride or die. He will do almost ANYTHING to make sure his dandelion is safe and happy. He just loves them SO SO SOOOO much!
Ren gives me STRONG germaphobe vibes. So it might take some time and some convincing to hold their hand and to cuddle. He eventually grows to enjoy it though.
Date nights consist of the both of them doing your own thing in the same room, gaming together, or making fun of bad horror movies together.
If MC isn't a gamer he will do his DAMNEST to try and get them onto it. It might take some time for him to join a guild with them (he can't just nerf his rank for them sorry) and I mean like MMORPGS, FPS games, etc.
If they are a gamer he will be VERY competitive with them and challenge them to games whenever he gets the chance.
He'd never admit it but he likes it when they visit him at work at the diner. It makes his shifts a little more bearable. So it becomes their thing. They visit him and work and hang out.
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