#om’ beelzebub
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amor-immortalem · 2 years ago
Of Horrible Parenting and Stubborn Teenagers
A/N: So this has been kinda just rotting in my drafts for the better part of a year and I don’t have anything better to post so why not. Also this was written before I got the idea for Max’s traitor arc.
Word count: 6.8k
Warning: bad parenting, self-harm, intrusive thoughts, Cerberus attacks, serious injury
“The answer is no.” Azalea huffs as she goes back to her texting conversation.
“C’mon, ‘Zay, ya know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t have any other options available.” Mammon would do almost anything to get his daughter to agree to this right now.
“Okay??? And?? You asked ‘n I said no. You don’t pester and hound Cyrus or Aurelius if they tell you no.”
“Because they’re willing to help us out when we need it, unlike you.”
“I’m not the one who wanted him to exist! I made it clear the day you ‘n Mum brought that brat home from the hospital that I didn’t want no part in helpin’ with him. I tolerate him just so it makes everythin’ at home easier for y’all. Don’t mistake that for me actually giving a damn about him, old man.” She stands, heading for her room.
“I don’t get what the big deal is Azalea. I’m just asking for you to watch Mahlon for three hours on Saturday afternoon while your Ma ‘n I are in the meeting with your uncles and Lord Diavolo.”
“And I said no. I got plans that day and I ain’t cancellin’ for some snot-nosed brat that I don’t even like.”
“Ya don’t anymore. You’re grounded and you’re babysitting. End of story.” Mammon says as he lets out a huff.
“Grounded?!” The freckled half-demon squawks in disbelief, “I didn’t even do anything wrong this time, why am I grounded?”
“Because you’re being a brat and I’m your father and I can ground ya for any reason I see fit. You need ta start helpin’ out with your brother more whether that’s willingly or unwillingly, I don’t care.”
“That’s fuckin’ ridiculous and way beyond unfair.” Azalea has to bite her cheek to keep from screaming at her father and making things worse. “You know, those three hours are going to cost me big time.”
“Oh please,” The demon rolls his eyes, “Ya spend all day with yer head buried in those damn textbooks, and your grades are already at a perfect 100 percent. I get that advanced courses are a lot of work but three hours not spent studyin’ ain’t gonna hurt ya none.”
“I’m not-! Yeah, sure whatever. I’ll watch the li’l shit since I don’t have anything else ta do now. I’m goin’ back ta the dorm. I hate you.” Azalea turns away and starts to make her way back to the House of Lamentation.
“Yeah, well I aint your biggest fan right now either,” Mammon calls after her, unaware of what he’d just cost his second eldest.
“You know this is going to cost you your spot on the team, right?” Azalea’s track coach asks her as she gives her a disbelieving look. “You promised to be there to run the high jump and the 3,000-meter sprint. Without you there, the team will have to forfeit those events.”
“Yeah, Coach...” The white-and-black-haired half-demon frowns. “I’m well aware but something came up that I can’t get out of. I’ll turn my uniform in tomorrow.”
“Alright,” The older demoness frowns, “I’m sorry to lose you though. Even after you lost your eye, your speed alone makes you one of my best runners- not to mention all of that work you did to make up for your lack of depth perception so that you could get back to running the high jump… oh well. Maybe next year you’ll be able to join us again.”
Wouldn’t bet on it, Azalea thinks to herself. If things go my way, I won’t even be in the Devildom after tomorrow night.
“Thank you for the opportunity to run with you guys though,” Azalea smiles as she gives a bow before turning to leave.
“Maaaaaaxxxxx,” Azalea calls in a sing-song voice as her girlfriend picks up the phone later that day.
“Good morning to you too, Sunshine.” The human chuckles softly at the greeting, “What can I do for you at four in the morning?”
“Four in the- ah shit sorry. Forgot about the time difference. Anyway, will ya summon me up to the human world with ya? Pretty please. I miss you.” Azalea has other motives for wanting to go up to the human world.
“You can’t just wait for me to come home back to the Devildom this weekend?” Max feels like something isn’t quite right here.
“Nooooo. I miss ya ‘n I wanna see ya now.”
“You can be patient besides I’m pretty sure if you just up and disappeared again all of the adults in your family would up and have a heart attack and I’d rather not be responsible for the deaths of Lord Diavolo’s entire cabinet.
“Awwww,” the half-demon pouts, “Yer so mean.”
“Babe, if you miss me that much, why don’t we video chat for a little bit? You don’t seem like you’re not in a good place right now.”
“Me? Nah, I’m fine, but I won’t turn down a video chat.”
“Alright, give me five minutes to wash my face and I’ll call you,” the human sighed rubbing a hand over her icy-blue eyes. “Slept in my makeup last night because I was so exhausted from training for my trials to gain my sorcerer’s license so I’m sure I look like a hot mess.”
“Alright, I’m setting a timer. If ya don’t call back in five minutes exactly, I’m calling you whether yer ready or not.” Azalea hangs up quickly and Max can only stare at her phone.
“That has to be a sign that something is wrong,” she mumbles under her breath while rolling out of bed, “she’s never that demanding of my attention…”
The video chat was going great but Max can see there was something wrong with her girlfriend. She was just a bit too hyper, too loud, too… much...
“So how has staying on track with your meds been going?” it’s an innocuous question- one Max asks frequently since Azalea has a habit of not medicating regularly after concluding that she was feeling better so she didn’t need them anymore.
“It's been good- sometimes I forget them in the mornings though but I only when I wake up late ‘n gotta run out the house super quick.”
“That’s good. You haven’t been missing any lately right? Like within the past couple of days?”
“No. My parents have really been on my case about it- apparently, Aurelius ratted me out for not takin’ ‘em the last time I forgot. Oh! Oh! Also, I have to cancel our date for the Saturday you come back… I’m kind of grounded at the moment.”
“What? Why? Your parents know there’s a huge meet that day and if you don’t show up you’ll lose your spot on the team for the year, right?”
“It was a whole thing I got into with Dad- ‘pparently I’m s’possed to help out with Mahlon even though I’ve made it clear I ain’t want a damn thing ta do with him… anyway the old man said that I was babysitting whether I wanted to or not and then promptly grounded me…”
“You never told him did you?”
“What’s it matter anyway?” Azalea scoffs, “If I ain’t in any danger, my business is my own. My old man’s not entitled to know what’s going on in my life anymore. He’s shown me enough times he clearly favors his sons and doesn’t even care enough to find out what I’m up to nowadays anyway. Besides… he can’t disappoint me by not showin’ up ta things if he don’t know about it… It’s not like it really matters all that much anyway…”
“Is that really what you want though, Hon?” Max frowns. “Being on the track team is everything to you and I’m sure if at least your mother knew, she’d overrule his decision and unground you so you could go.”
“Oh please,” the white-and-black-haired girl laughs, “neither of my mothers have ever once gone against Dad when it comes to parenting issues. Both Mum and Mama Thirteen won’t go against him this time either… I’ll just have ta eat the loss. In fact, if any member of my family’s parental unit found out I was still runnin’ track, they’d probably tell me ta cut it out. That it’s too dangerous for me or some shit like that. All three of ‘em would probably be happier if I just lived in a bubble for the rest of my life and never did anything ever like a little pet canary in a cage.”
“I’m sure that’s not true, babe. Your parents love you and I’m sure they wouldn’t do that to you when they know you love it so much.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say,” the half-demon sighs, “it’s getting late here, I’m gonna go to bed now ‘n sleep off this bad mood. I’ll see ya Friday. Love ya.”
“Love you too, Sunshine,” Max smiles as she blows a kiss at the phone, “See you Friday.”
And with that, the girls end their video chat.
“So when we get to the House of Lamentation,” Mammon begins as he makes the final turn towards the house, “please- for the love of all things unholy- be on your best behavior. Your sister already ain’t happy about havin’ ta watch ya so don’t give her a reason to take anything out on you.”
“Okay,” Mahlon chirps from his car seat in the back. “How long do I have to stay with her for?”
“Just for three hours. If Mama or I run any later than that, one of your brothers will come to get you since they’ll both be off from their jobs by then, ‘kay?”
“Okay.” The black-haired half-demon nods as he pulls out a folded-up paper from his backpack. “Do you think she’ll like the picture I made her?”
“I hope so, Kiddo.” Mammon smiles as the car comes to a stop, “I sure hope so.”
Azalea is in the shower, relaxing under the hot water, enjoying the last little bit of her free time before she had to play babysitter. It hasn’t been a good day. Logging into Devilgram triggered it- the empty feeling she had now that she wasn’t on the track team anymore from looking at her teammates' stories and then it spiraled into intrusive thoughts.
What if you got rid of the problem altogether? a voice whispered in the back of her mind. Your parents already hate you so why not just nail your own coffin closed and get rid of the brat? He’s powerless or at the very least a late bloomer- you could easily dispose of him. The only one who’d know what you did would be Max. You could let Cerberus eat the body to get rid of the evidence.
“Hey, Azalea, your dad just pulled up.” Max is there to interrupt the train of thoughts, “You want me to get the door, or are you almost done?”
“Can you get the door, please? I’m... gonna be a minute.” Azalea says as she leans her head back against the cool tiles of the wall behind her hoping to lock away the intrusive thoughts deep in her mind.
“Alright,” Max says, “I’ll come check on you in a few more minutes- are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’M FINE,” the half-demon yells. “JUST-” She stops, taking a deep breath, “Just go downstairs and get the door.”
“Oh... okay,” Max hurries and closes the door before going downstairs just as Mammon and Mahlon are walking into the entrance hall.
“Where’s ‘Zay?” The demon asks as he notices his daughter is nowhere to be seen.
“She’s finishing up in the shower,” The human sighs, “it’s not a good day, Sir.”
“What do you mean by that? She in a mood or somethin’?” Mammon frowns as Max nods quickly.
“It’s... It’s a bad one.”
“What set it off?”
And now Max has a choice to make. She can tell Mammon the truth about the track meet and how Azalea lost her spot on the team or she can lie and say she doesn’t know and then deal with trying to keep things peaceful for the day as much as she can. Against her better judgment, the human chooses the latter as she shrugs.
“If it gets any worse, text me or Arella and one of us will leave to come get Mahlon then.” Mammon looks up toward the top of the stairs. “I have to go, though,” He turns to his son. “Alright kiddo, make sure you’re super good for your sister when she gets out of the shower and-”
He stops as the scent of blood crosses his nose. His blue-to-gold eyes look up to the top of the stairs.
“I’m gonna check on Azalea before I go.” And with that, he’s up the stairs.
Shit, shit, shit! I cut too deep! Azalea scrambles around the bathroom for the first aid kit as she holds the towel over her side where she had dug into it with a razor blade. Damnit all, me ‘n my shitty timing. What an amateur move! Dad’s gonna smell the blood and think I hurt myself and then he’s not gonna leave me alone for the rest of the damn day!
Just as she finds the kit and starts placing gauze over the cuts, Mammon knocks on the door. Good thing she’d locked the door before she started cutting just to avoid Max walking in on her.
“Go away! I’m fine!” She shouts before her father can get a word out. “I was shaving my legs and accidentally cut myself! It’s no big deal.” She takes the razor blade and makes a deep gash in her leg before hiding the blade so her lie is convincing- it actually feels good.
“That smells like a lot of blood though. Do you need stitches?”
“Fuck,” She mouths to herself before answering, “Nope I’m good. It’ll heal on its own as long as I bandage it up really good.”
“Okay,” the demon sighs in relief- the cut, while deep, sounded like it would heal on its own. “You worry me sometimes, kid. Anyway, I’ll get going now. Be nice to your brother. If Mom and I run late, one of your brothers will come get him so you’re not watchin’ him longer than I’m asking of ya. After that, you can do whatever you want.”
“Sure fine.”
“Alright, everything is fine.” The demon announced as he came down the stairs. “I’ll get going now,”
“Okay,” Max and Mahlon nod before they head off to the common room.
“And at school, we had to make a report about someone in our family that we’re super proud of and make a picture book to go with it,” Mahlon starts to search his backpack for the various things he’d been talking about. “I wanna show it to Azalea once she gets out of the shower, but do you wanna see it now?”
“I’d love to!” Max nods, “I bet you did a good job. Who did you choose? Was it one of your parents or your brothers?”
“No, it was Azalea- that's why I wanna show it to her. The teacher said I did a really good job at it so I thought she might like to see it.”
“Aww, isn’t that sweet of you,” The black-haired human smiles softly.
“Ain’t what sweet?” Azalea interrupts as joins the pair.
“Sis!” Mahlon hops off the couch and runs over to give her a hug.
Azalea side-steps the four-year-old. “Don’t touch me, pipsqueak, now what were the two of ya talkin’ about?”
“Azalea,” Max warned.
“What? I jus’ don’t wanna be touched right now, that okay?”
“It’s okay! That’s okay! Here,” The black-haired boy runs back over to his backpack and finally grabs out the little booklet he’d made. “I made this at school. It’s about you.”
“About me?” For a moment there’s a look of surprise and confusion before it’s replaced with the usual scowl she keeps on her face as she takes the booklet and flips through it.
It was generally well made for something a four-year-old could make but there was one problem with it. It was filled with things that had previously been kept within the family- things kept behind closed doors to make things appear not as bad as what they really were.
“Mahlon, do Mum and Dad know what’s in here? Did they say you could put all this stuff in this booklet?”
“N-no… did I do something bad?” The freckled boy asks, his expression shifting into one of worry. “Do you not like it? Are you mad at me?”
“Huh? No, I ain’t mad it’s just- some of this stuff is private information that shouldn’t be public knowledge because it's family stuff. Actually, I like it a lot ‘n yer teach was right when they said ya did a really good job with it.”
At his sister’s words, Mahlon’s eyes widened. “Really?!” A wide smile finds its way onto his face, so excited that his big sister gave him a compliment that he didn’t hear the first part of what she said.
“I… yeah? Wouldn’ta said it if I didn’t mean it… well, whatever let’s just find ya somethin’ ta do. I assume Dad already had ya eat lunch- ya don’t still take naps at this age do ya?”
“I had one earlier, can we play a video game together?”
“I mean we can but ya gotta be more specific than just a video game,” Azalea hums, “what kinda genre do you wanna play? Action/adventure, RPG, fighting?”
Mahlon thinks for a moment before answering, “A fighting game!” He takes a hold of Azalea’s hand and starts to pull her toward her room.
“What are you doin’? Game systems here in the common room.”
“I wanna play in your room.”
“Nope, Max ‘n I moved all that stuff out here for the day cuz I don’t want ya in there. I got too much stuff you could mess up.” The older half-demon grabs the remote and flips on the tv before popping a fighting game into the game console and grabbing the two wireless controllers. She takes a seat on the couch next to her girlfriend who was just surfing Devilgram for the time being.
“What’s the word, Babe? Anything new?”
“Not really, Zulima’s live from the second layer right now and Aurelius just posted a selfie from the set of his latest shoot but other than that, it’s quiet.” The human looks over at her and smiles before leaning her head against Azalea’s shoulder.
“When isn’t she live streaming? Anyway, Mahlon, come on. Ya gonna come join or do I gotta play a two-player game alone?”
“No, I wanna play too!” The four-year-old hops up on the couch seated right next to his sister and she hands him a controller.
It didn’t take Mammon long to get up to R.A.D. however, finding a parking spot proved to be arduously time-consuming.
“Why in the world is the lot so packed?” The demon grumbles to himself as he heads inside. “‘S almost like there’s some kinda school function or somethin’…”
As he makes his way up to the Student Council room where they had arranged to have the meeting, he spots Arella having a conversation with Beelzebub.
“Hey guys,” Mammon says as he wraps his arms around his wife’s shoulders. “How was the human world, Babe?
“Not much different than it’s always been,” Arella hums as she leans back against his chest. “How’re the kids? Is everything alright? Where’s Mahlon? I know the boys are busy today and Azalea had a track meet today so even if she was feeling charitable, she wouldn’t have been able to watch him.”
“She… she had a track meet today?” Mammon pales, “I…um… I didn’t know that…”
“So that’s why she quit the team,” Beel says, “so she could babysit. That’s not something I expected from her.”
“She quit the team?” Both Mammon and Arella are surprised at the Avatar of Gluttony’s revelation.
“Well, more like she was kicked off the team for not being able to come to the meet today but still… same difference. It just sounds better to say one quit than it is to say they got kicked off it.”
“That’s a bit extreme,” Arella says, “Is that normal, Beel?”
The ginger-haired demon nods, “Attending meets is a requirement no matter who you are if you want to stay on the team. The coach was upset but she said she couldn’t give Azalea any special treatment or else the whole team might start blowing off the meets. It applies to every sports team at R.A.D. That’s the reason why Lucifer always tried to have Lord Diavolo schedule our Student Council meetings outside of my games so I wouldn’t lose my place on the team.”
“And Azalea did this of her own volition?” Arella can hardly believe it as Beel nods and out of the corner of her eye, Arella catches Mammon shifting nervously. Suddenly, she’s not so sure Azalea ever agreed to babysit in the first place.
“I see… well I guess there’s always next season then. We’ll just have to make sure it never happens again.” The human looks up and her husband with a smile, “Right, Love?”
“Yeah, totally,” the white-haired demon lets out a nervous laugh- one he lets out when he knows he’s done something wrong- almost like he was subconsciously confirming her theory, “Well, I’m gonna go take my seat now,”
“Oh no you don’t,” she says as she holds onto his jacket sleeve, “you’re going to stay right here and we’re going to have a little chat about this. Beel, could you give us a moment, please? Let Lucifer know we’ll be in shortly. I know we’re still waiting on Belphegor before we can actually start but still, just let him know we’re here.
“Sure thing,” the sixth-born smiles before turning to his older brother, “rest in peace, Mammon, I’ll have Satan write your eulogy.”
Once Beelzebub has gone, Arella turns to Mammon with an unamused look.
“You forced Azalea to watch Mahlon today, didn’t you?”
“So, in my defense, I didn’t know there was a track meet today,” the Avatar of Greed starts.
“And yet you knew our sons’ schedules well enough to know that they were unavailable to watch their brother today? Don’t you think that’s a little unfair? And what do you mean you didn’t know? It’s been on the family calendar in my home office for months now. I even sent you a list via text so you could put it in your phone’s calendar at the start of the season- You went to the last one with me! Track is the most important thing to our daughter right now, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know but… c’mon ‘Rella, constantly asking the boys to change their schedules for us is unfair to them too.”
“I get that, Mammon, but that’s why you should have just brought Mahlon with you! Honey, we’ve done so much work with Azalea just to even get her to the point of being able to tolerate him over these last couple of years. Why in all the three realms would you throw that away by just forcing her to babysit when she doesn’t want to?”
“Because there’s no reason she can’t babysit every now and again- and it's not like I just dumped him on her for the whole day. It was just these three hours- less if Cyrus or Aurelius get done at work early. Don’t you think we should give her a little push now and again?”
“Yes, but not with this, Mammon. If we push too hard, she’s just going to resent him even more. Things like this are tricky. You remember what it felt like when Lucifer just forced looking after me onto you, don’t you? You hated it at the start- and I know you did because you made sure to tell me at every opportunity you got.”
“Yeah, I know, but like once I got over it, I didn’t hate it and that’s what I was goin’ for. Ya always say Azalea is the most like me so why not use a strategy that I know has worked in the past? Watch, by the time we get done here, she might’ve found that she enjoys babysittin’ and might want to do it again sometime.”
“I’ll give you points for logic, Love, but you better pray to the Demon King that this actually works out the way you want it to. If we get to the House of Lamentation and our youngest is completely traumatized by an older sister that didn’t want to babysit, you’re going to be in a hell of a lot more trouble with me than you already are.”
And with that Arella walks into the old Student Council room.
“God-fucking-Damnit, where did he go? It can’t be that hard to find a fucking powerless four-year-old brat.” Azalea curses as she checks under Zulima’s bed for the sixth time.
She, Max, and Mahlon were all playing a game of hide-and-seek and so far, Azalea was losing. How she could fail to find her youngest brother was beyond her. She’d searched everywhere for the kid but he wasn’t anywhere she could think of. The entire House was game except for the underground tomb where Cerberus still resided. “Motherfucker, he wouldn’t have-“
The sound of a frightened scream causes her to turn her head so fast that Azalea nearly gets whiplash. A second later, she’s bolting down toward the underground tomb- Max isn’t far behind her. When they get there, the behemoth of a dog is towering over Mahlon who is cowering in fear. Almost in slow motion, Azalea watches as the animal lowers its head, preparing to swallow her brother whole. She leaps down the stairs running full speed and she closes the distance just in time to get Mahlon out of the way but her leg is caught in the dog’s mouth and she’s lifted into the air.
“Cerberus!” Max yells as she grabs a hold of Mahlon and pushes him back toward the stairs, “Let Azalea go!”
To that, the monstrous canine only growls until Azalea rears back and kicks him in the muzzle with as much strength as she can muster. She goes crashing to the hard stone floor below landing on her back as Cerberus lets out a yelp.
“Yeah, that fuckin’ hurt dinnit!? Go lay down!” The freckled half-demon yells as she sits up and points over to the area near Lilith’s tomb. “Damn oversized mutt,” she grumbles as she stands and hobbles over to her girlfriend and brother, every pain receptor in her leg tingling like she was walking on pins and needles before she just loses feeling in it all together..
“Are you crazy!?” The blue-eyed human gives Azalea a horrified look, “Why’re you walking on that- your leg’s broken!”
“No, it ain’t. I’m fine, just a puncture wound from where his teeth got me.”
“The bone in your leg is sticking out…” Mahlon replied as his sister follows his gaze.
“Well shit, guess it is… I should probably do something about that, huh? Max can you-?”
“I’m not using healing magic to fix that- I’m not good with healing spells and I don’t want to mend your leg improperly. We’re going to the hospital and you can have it dealt with professionally.”
“God, you’re so dramatic.” Azalea sighs, “I’ll do it on myself then. Once I sit down, all you have to do is-“
“I’m not being dramatic, I-“
While Max and Azalea are fighting, Mahlon sneaks back up the stairs and gets a hold of his sister’s phone. Thankfully, it was unlocked. He scrolls through Azalea’s contacts and selects Mammon’s number out of the very small list.
It doesn’t take long for Mammon to answer seeing as they just happened to finish up the meeting.
“What’s up, ‘Zay? We just got done here so Mom and I’re gonna be on our way-“
“Mahlon? Bud, where’s your sister and why do you have her phone?”
“Th-there was an accident… she got bit by Cerberus and now she and Max are fighting cuz she doesn’t want to go to the hospital…”
“Alright, Mom and I are comin’ to get you guys. How badly did she get bit and where?” As the demon gets up, he attracts the attention of his brothers, his wife, and Lord Diavolo who were all giving him curious looks.
“Azalea got bit on the leg pretty badly by Cerberus..” the demon explains, “Okay, I’m gonna hang up now so I can focus on driving. Tell her we’re on our way and tell Max to make sure Azalea doesn’t walk on her leg.” After a brief exchange of goodbyes, the white-haired demon hangs up the phone before turning to face the rest of the group. “Luce, you’re probably gonna wanna go check on your dog, I don’t know what state he’s in right now.”
The Avatar of Pride only lets out a long, tired sigh as he stands and both Mammon and Arella take their leave.
“There’s never a dull moment in this family…”
“Did I or did I not tell ya you weren’t supposed to hide in the underground tomb?” Azalea asks pointedly as she half-heartedly glares at Mahlon.
“You did…” Mahlon says as he looks away, “I’m sorry… thank you for saving me…”
“I didn’t do it for you… Mum and Dad would kill me if I let that mutt eat you. I was just looking out for myself so don’t go gettin’ the wrong idea.”
“Azalea!” Max looks up from her spot on the floor where she was attempting to bandage up the open puncture wounds and the half-demon’s leg where the bone wasn’t protruding.
“What? It’s true! He’s gotta hear it sometime.”
The young boy only climbs up next to his sister.
“Did ya have fun at least?”
“I said did ya have fun? For the first little bit, that is…”
Mahlon nods carefully but otherwise doesn’t say anything so Azalea abruptly stands.
“Well I’m glad ya had fun, we won’t be doin’ this again,” she says as stumbles and Max pushes her back onto the couch.
“Azalea, do not move. I’m serious. You’re going to make things worse for yourself.” The human huffs, her hands on her hips as she looks at the half-demon expectantly.
“Babe, I’m fine. Sure, the bone’s stickin’ out but only a little. Just let me cast a healin’ spell on myself ‘n I’ll be good as new. I’m the master at bone mendin’ spells.”
“For my sanity,” Max starts with a sigh, “I’m going to ignore that you’re implying to me that you’ve broken your bones so many times that you’ve gotten that good at fixing them. Also, I love you, but you’re a horrible spell caster.”
“It’s just a simple spell. I’ve done it a million times already.”
Before Max could say anything else, the front door opened and Arella walked in. Azalea quickly threw a blanket over her lap and outstretched leg.
“You’re not being sneaky, Sweetheart,” Arella says as she approached the couch. “Let me see your leg, please. Mahlon go get the bag you brought with you and go wait with your father in the car.”
“It’s fine, Mum. I don’t need to go to the hospital.” The black-and-white-haired teenager grumbles. “All I need is for someone to push the bone back into place and I can mend it myself.”
“Why can’t you just go to the hospital?” Max asks, “Why’re you so afraid to ask for help?”
“I ain’t scared of askin’ for help! And I sure as hell don’t need it! Why can’t any of y’all fuckin’ see that!” Azalea stands but her mother stops her.
“You have a bone sticking out of your leg, Darling. You need medical attention and this isn’t something you can take care of yourself.” The green-eyed human’s voice is stern. “You’re going to hospital whether you like it or not. Now, you have two choices, you can let Max and me help you out to the car or I can teleport us there directly, which will it be?”
The tanned half-demon stubbornly doesn’t reply as she waits for her mother out.
“Don’t make me start counting, Azalea,” Arella says sternly while she crosses her arm. “3…. 2…. 1….” The human takes a hold of her child’s wrist and casts the teleportation spell as the two disappear in the blink of an eye, landing in front of the car.
Arella opens the door for her and Azalea puts up a struggle in getting in. After about five minutes of this, Mammon gets out from the driver's side and has to lift the half-demon to even get her into the backseat, sliding in behind her so she wouldn’t attempt to open the door and roll out of the car. Arella hops in behind the wheel and adjusts the seat before taking off for the hospital.
After a short but very hectic car ride where their daughter fought and struggled, Mammon was able to drag Azalea inside and she was taken back shortly after checking in. Unsure of how long the wait would be, Arella just took Mahlon home and would drive back down to get them once she got word that they were done. The examination and casting procedure was short and quick but Azalea turning combative meant she had to be strapped down for the process until she was calm enough to be released.
“This is stupid.” The seventeen-year-old growls. “They coulda at least let me go once they were done with me.”
“Well, ya know what they say: play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” Mammon says bluntly, not looking up from his phone. “Ain’t none of ‘em tryin’ to get punched or kicked in the face. Does your leg hurt?”
“No,” she told a half-truth- her leg didn’t hurt, but it also didn’t feel normal at the same time, “‘m fine.”
“Are ya lyin’ to me to appear tough?”
“No.” This time a blatant lie, “Everyone overreacted anyway. I coulda dealt with this myself.”
“No, you couldn’t have. Do you know how much bacteria is in that mutt’s mouth? The bite marks woulda got infected in no time.”
Azalea only rolled her eyes and scoffed, thinking about how much she liked it when it felt like he didn’t care, “Coulda dealt with that on my own too. I’da just gone to the doctor’s on my own if it got too bad. Why do you still treat me like I’m still some little kid? I don’t know what you ‘n Mum think but y’all ain’t gonna be around forever- you’ll kick the bucket at some point. I gotta learn ta take care of myself ‘n be self-sufficient.”
“‘Cuz you’re our daughter and despite how much you raise our blood pressure, we love you and don’t wanna see you hurt.”
Azalea is quiet. She doesn’t know what to say that won’t sound insensitive.
“Also, I owe you an apology for earlier this week. There’s no excuse for me not knowing that ya had a track meet this afternoon. Your Ma gave me an earful about it already..”
“I won’t forgive you. Not now, not ever… but for what it's worth, watchin’ the kid wasn’t that bad. He says he had fun. Don’t expect me ta do this again, I’m just sayin’ that it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was gonna be.”
Mammon’s eyes widened as he finally looked up from his phone, “Huh? Can you repeat that- I don’t think I heard ya right the first time?”
“Not on your life,” she huffs, “clean the wax outta your damn ears next time.”
Just as Mammon’s about to speak, there’s a knock on the door and a nurse appears.
“Miss Morningstar, have you calmed down enough for us to release you from the restraints?”
“I ain’t gonna punch or kick ya if that’s what ya mean…”
“Azalea be nice, she’s only asking you a question..”
“Oh, no, it’s okay sir, I’ve had far more combative and belligerent patients than your daughter.” The female demon reassures him that she’s taken no offense to the half-demon’s words. “We’ll go ahead and unrestrain you then,” the nurse makes quick work of the binding, and Azalea pops up like a daisy in the springtime.
“That’s better,” the teen sighs as she rubs her wrists. “Can I go now? I wanna go home and sleep this off.”
“That’s fine, there’s not much else we can do for you. We filled a prescription for you for pain management. We gave you some medicine earlier but it should be wearing off shortly.”
“Huh,” she says, “‘s that why my leg feels numb right now?” And then she realizes too late that she shouldn’t have said that.
Both Mammon and the nurse’s eyes widened at that little tidbit Azalea had just dropped on them.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a tic, your leg is numb?” The white-haired demon arches a brow. “Why the hell are ya just dropping this on us now?”
“Okay, maybe numb isn’t the right word,” she backpedaled, “more like it’s tingling like my leg’s fallen asleep and I’ve got that weird feeling of pins or needles. I’m sure it’ll wear off eventually. Let’s just go home. I’m tired.”
“Numbness or lack of feeling in the leg could be a result of nerve damage from the bite,” the nurse mutters to herself as she turns to Mammon. “She’ll have to see a neurologist about that, unfortunately. We have one that we work with that I can give you a referral to.”
“Hey! I’m talkin’ to you! I said I was fine. I don’t need no stupid neurologist, there’s no nerve damage in my leg, everything is fine.” When she doesn’t get a response from either adult, the teen slides her way off the table and tries to sneak her way out.
“‘Zalea, what do you think you’re doing?” Mammon just happens to catch her movements out of his peripheral vision. “Do not walk on your leg. How hard is that to understand?” He getting fed up with the way she’s been acting.
“Well, how else am I s’pposed to get out of here? I just wanna go home.”
“We’re gonna go home after we get the referral just sit here,” he sat her down in the chair he had just been occupying, “and hold your horses. We’ll get ya a wheelchair in a minute.”
The half-demon grumbles something unintelligible as the adults continue their conversation.
You had such a great opportunity, why did you waste it? The thoughts that don’t feel like her own are back, You could have let Cerberus eat him and then gone about your day. It wouldn’t have been your fault. You did tell him not to go down into the underground tomb and he went down there anyway. He didn’t listen to you. Your parents wouldn’t have faulted you.
Azalea’s brought back to the present by a couple taps on the shoulder.
“You alright? Yer spacin’ out…”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” she shrugs and Mammon gives her a disbelieving look, “Look, I told ya I was tired, so of course, Imma be spacin’ out. I just wanna go home, okay?”
“Alright, Alright. Yeesh,” Mammon pulls the wheelchair over to his daughter and offers her a hand but she knocks it away.
“I can do it myself- don’t baby me.”
“Fine, do it yourself,” the demon steps back as he lets out a sigh, and Azalea is able to situate herself in the wheelchair and rolls herself out toward the entrance with Mammon following close behind her. Arella was waiting for them.
“So good news” she starts as the pair arrive, “I did some rummaging around at home and I was able to find my adjustable crutches from that time I fell down the stairs at R.A.D. and broke my ankle. The bad news-if you can even call it that, is that I wasn’t sure which notch to set it up to but we can always play with the settings and see what works best for you. Now, do you want help getting into the car or would you like to attempt it yourself?”
“Finally, someone who’ll let me do something on my own,” Azalea lets out a sigh of relief. “Yes, I want to try on my own.”
“Alright,” the human nods as she stands aside as her daughter gets herself into the car without much difficulty. “Are you all buckled in, Dear? Can I shut the door?”
Azalea only gives her a thumbs up and Arella closes the door as she and Mammon get in and head home.
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r0t-t1ngxeyy · 8 months ago
You telling me this little shit right here has 13 boyfriends, 1 girlfriend and a son??
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xxgrimml0vrxx · 7 months ago
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tsukii0002 · 3 months ago
Mc: Hum... Where will Beel be? I should go look for him.
The game:
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I'm still laughing in the floor for this.
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temis-de-leon · 8 months ago
Who's their emergency contact
Lucifer: Mammon, his favourite brother and the one he turns to when things get serious. For the sake of his peace and sanity, there are things he'd rather keep secret from Diavolo and just for this reason he can't trust Barbatos either; telling something to the butler would only result in the prince knowing.
Mammon: you, whether you like it or not. Depending on the situation, Lucifer may leave him longer than necessary in the hospital (or wherever he's retained) and his younger brothers tend to make fun of him most of the time. If he has to face someone's wrath, please let it be yours.
Levi: Lucifer, the default option. As much as he loves and trusts you, he needs to be realistic: there are some things you cannot handle. Besides that, of course, his eldest brother is responsible when making decisions, especially if his family is involved.
Satan: Lucifer and he hates it. It used to be Asmo until he had an accident with a spell and ended up in serious trouble. When Asmo arrived he cried so hard out of worry that they had to call Lucifer, so he reluctantly changed it to save some time in the future.
Asmo: you. If something happens to him, the first person he wants to see when he wakes up is you and, if it were really serious anyway, you wouldn't go alone to get him. Plus, he'd also die of happiness under your care since he'd be receiving all your attention!
Beel: Lucifer, who he trusts the most in stressful situations. He loves Belphie with all his heart, yes, but he can't trust his twin to be awake at random times; emergencies can happen at any hour, after all.
Belphie: Beel. Does he have to explain? Besides you, there's no one in the family he trusts more than him, so it just makes sense.
You: Lucifer. Mammon tried to negotiate. He tried.
Main Masterlist
This is so damn stupid. I promise I'm writing my normal posts, but I was watching Grey's Anatomy and it just happened. If it looks wonky, it's because I'm sleepy
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion
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devildomangel · 11 months ago
MC who was sad that they didn't get to see the Solar Eclipse so Beel and Belphie decided to recreate it for them.
-MC, wearing sunglasses and sitting outside the HOL-
Lucifer: MC! What in the nine circles are you doing out here?
MC: I'm watching the eclipse.
Lucifer: We don't even have a sun in the devildom
MC: Shhh! It's starting!
Beel, Wearing a cardboard cut out of the sun: *Standing still*
Belphie: *Wearing a cardboard cut out of the moon, passes by Beel*
MC: Hell yeah
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devildom-doll · 2 months ago
Lucifer is fuckin done, he’s run out of ideas
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rae-writes · 4 months ago
om brothers; fluffy 'n a bit cracky, short 'n sweet
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So, like, I had this thought that sometimes the boys can feel you touching their pact. Not all the time, it only works if you’re intending for them to feel it— and then I had these along with it: 
Slowly tracing over Lucifer’s pact during a student council meeting and watching him stare you down while you try your best not to cackle (or when you know he’s with Diavolo, to which you’ll receive many stickers over text that express his [flustered] disgruntlement) 
Frantically rubbing Mammon’s pact because you guys went to a store and he wandered off and left you and you can’t find him and he’s not answering his phone and you are not happy and then watching him skid around the corner five seconds later like he’s on fire, yelling out an apology 
Tapping over Satan’s pact in Morse code, usually ‘I love you’, but sometimes about cats your passing by on the streets and receiving texts or calls so he can say it back (and or demand your location so he can pet that cat) 
Having an impulsive moment and deciding to chomp down on Levi’s pact, listening to/watching him shriek and nearly jump through the ceiling
Incessantly poking Asmo’s pact because he irritated you a little, grinning smugly because you can hear him grumbling as he does his makeup (only apologizes when he messes up because of it…he wasn’t being mean or anything! It was just a small inconvenience he didn’t think was important)
Having to smack Belphie’s pack- or get someone else to- because literally no other measures are working to wake him up. He falls off the bed and whines for a few hours, but he’s okay
Writing letters over Beel’s pact to talk to him when you aren’t near each other, asking if he wants to go get something to eat. He’s gotten really good at reading the phantom phrases and beams anytime he feels it
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featheredcrowbones · 3 months ago
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the cast of OM after my MC makes them gayer except for the kids whose only worries are crayons and cookie dough
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blacksheepoftheclass · 2 months ago
This is what I think will happen if you tell Beel to eat you out.
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bloomries · 10 months ago
yeah so my husband— my husband?!
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includes : lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, and belphegor.
summary : calling him your "husband" (even though you two aren't married yet) to see his reaction.
warnings : gn! reader. mention of marriage. suggestive (in asmodeus'). the word 'husband' will begin to look strange bc it's used so much, apologies.
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You just meant for it to be a harmless little prank, something to tease Lucifer with later when you two were alone, perhaps gauge his reaction to the idea, but after you said 'yeah, so my husband...' Diavolo's eyes grew as wide as the moon and you instantly regretted your prank idea.
Diavolo clasped a hand on Lucifer's shoulder, beaming. "You finally asked!" This statement went over your head as you tried to quickly take back your words, Lucifer's blanched face making it clear he'll definitely be scolding you later. "But it seems I missed the wedding? Oh well, I'll just host you another wedding so I can see it for myself!"
"Ah, L- Lord Diavolo..." Lucifer sends you a glare as you smile sheepishly. "We aren't- I haven't-"
"How do you both feel about a chocolate fountain?" Diavolo is already off in his own little world, imagining how he'll plan out your wedding. Lucifer decides he'll inform Barbatos of the prank, and have Barbatos deal with it- Lucifer already has his hands full with you. He pulls you aside as Diavolo talks to himself.
"Do you see what you've done?"
"Sorry..." You fake pout, batting your lashes up at him. "My darling husband will surely fix it though, right?" Oh, how can he stay mad when he truly likes the title so much. Perhaps this will make asking you to marry him easier? You surely seem to enjoy the title just as much.
Mammon is always trying to listen in on your phone calls, he's nosy and likes to know all the gossip. Today in particular though, he's trying extra hard to hear, clinging to you and making you unable to do other tasks whilst on your call.
Deciding to tease him a little, in hopes of getting him off of you, you sigh dramatically into the receiver. "I'm sorry, my husband needs my attention, one second."
And when you look down at him, his eyes are wide and shiny, a blush quickly forming on his cheeks. Him? Were you talking about him? He's your husband? A giant grin takes over his features and it seems your little prank has the opposite effect you wanted, as he takes the phone from you.
"Yeah, sorry, their husband- that's me!- needs 'em!" He boasts proudly before hanging up the call and clutching on to you tighter, burying his face into your side, his grin not changing in the slightest.
You sigh, running your fingers through his hair. "Rude, I was trying to talk to someone, you know." Mammon shrugs, not a care in the world.
"'m your husband, I take priority."
"You know you're not officially my husband yet, right?" Shit, you're right. Well, that'll change soon, don't you worry one bit! Mammon knows how to take a hint, and there'll be a ring on that finger soon enough!
You and Levi were playing an online game, chat on full blast, when you decide to tease him- because it's just so fun to see his flustered expression, and you have an inkling that this'll give him some motivation for the game. "Ah, hubby, can you help me with these guys!"
"H- Hubby!?" Leviathan's neck nearly breaks from how quickly he snaps to look over at you, you seem unphased though by the phrase- as if it came so naturally. His heart skips a beat, his grip on the controller tightening. "W- Where are you, I'll come help!"
His gaming friends are all blowing up the chat box, some getting on voice chat just to ask what that meant- 'was Levi actually married?,' 'He was a husband?,' 'Since when!?,' 'Congratulations!,' etc.
Levi would have gotten more flustered, had he been paying any attention to said friends, but he's much more focused on proving he'd make an excellent spouse by rushing to where you were in the map and one-shotting all the enemies that surrounded you.
The battle is quickly won thanks to Levi, who puffs out his chest with pride. You lean over from your gaming station adjacent of his, and press a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, hubby~" His cheeks grow a rosy pink, and he pulls his headphones off to give you a serious look.
"Let's get married."
"Oh husband~" You call, "Can you help me get this book? I can't reach!" Satan peaks his head from around the corner to give you a questioning look. Who were you calling husband? He watches you struggle, leaning his frame against the door with his arms crossed over his chest.
"I don't remember proposing." Satan watches as you deflates from his lack of reaction to your prank. He sighs, walking over to you and helping you reach the book, tapping it on your head lightly before handing it over to you.
"You're no fun, you know that?"
Satan has a feeling this was definitely set up by one of his brothers, and he'll definitely be getting his revenge on them for making you do this (and for making his heart hammer against his ribcage uncontrollably). Still, he hates to see you upset in the least, so he lifts your chin with his finger and thumb and sends you that smile that sends shivers down your spine.
"Don't be upset, you'll get to call me husband soon, okay?"
And he truly did mean that, he already had a ring, which sat heavy in his pocket. He just wanted to make sure you had the most perfect proposal, something straight out of a romance novel- because that's what you deserve. Soon, soon you'll be able to lovingly call him 'husband' whenever you wish.
Asmo is live-streaming again, doing a little grwm-type video, with you off to the side/in the background. As he begins to do his skin care, he asks for you to take over and chat for a little while for him, so you peak your head into view and wave at his viewers.
"Hello everyone!" You smile, glancing back at Asmo who's behind you in the bathroom, doing his skincare. "My lovely husband is doing his skincare right now, it usually takes him about ten to fifteen minutes to complete it." You say, however you can see his head pop-up from the sink and he whips around to look at you.
"Husband?" He calls, and when you nod, confirming your words, he grins. "Oh my, is this a proposal?" He asks with a teasing lilt, and you joking go along with his words, nodding before reenacting the famous getting-down-on-one-knee. You open your hands as if you had a ring box, presenting it to him. He holds his hand out to you, "I do~" You pretend to slip a ring on to his finger and he admires the imaginary ring before leaning down to kiss you.
"Now," He pulls away, wiggling his brows. "Shall we get started on the honeymoon part?"
"Asmo, that's typically after the weddi-" Asmo reaches for his phone, waving and saying a little 'byeeee' to his followers as he ends the livestream with a giggle, throwing you a lil' mischievous smile.
"No harm in starting earlier, right?" And despite only being halfway through his skincare, and this not being a real proposal, the honeymoon was very nice indeed- he can't wait for the real one though.
You had seen the trend, and wondered how Beelzebub would react. So, under the guise of trying some new food and giving it a review, you set up your camera and begin filming. "Hey everyone, me and my husband are going to be rating food from the new McDevil menu~"
Beel doesn't react at all, and you send him a quick glance before trying again- perhaps he didn't hear you? "I think the Sin-Fries are a solid 7/10, what about you, husband?" But again, he doesn't react to the word at all, instead giving his own rating for the new fries.
Is he really not realizing what you're saying? You decide to try one last time. "My husbands food always looks better than mine," You whine, peaking over at him to see his reaction, only to see him offering you a bite of his burger. You sigh, giving up and deciding to just enjoy your food. You take a bite of his burger, offering him some of yours. The review ends swiftly, and you turn off the camera.
As you two clean up from eating, you notice Beelzebub quieter than usual. You're about to ask him if everything is okay, his face becoming flushed, when he speaks up.
"Soon, okay?" You blink a few times, confused by his words. He bashfully looks up at you, and that's when you realize what he's talking about- marriage, he plans on proposing to you soon. Your own cheeks now grow unbearably warm. "I promise."
Your prank definitely backfired, as now you're the one trying to calm your racing heart (although Beelzebub is definitely just as flustered). Still, you're holding him accountable to his promise- soon.
You're not sure how this little prank managed to get turned against you, but Belphegor has made it so that you're now his personal pillow- again.
"I'm just saying, if I'm you're husband, then that means you should let me use you as a pillow whenever I want." You open your mouth to retaliate, but he beats you to it, batting his lashes up at you. "Don't you want your husband to be comfortable?"
"I..." You falter. You regret deciding to call him your 'husband~' to try and get him to help you with chores. You thought maybe it'd motivate him, or maybe you'd just get to see his cute blushing face, instead you're suffering.
"Come on now, don't be shy~" He wiggles about, trying to grab you to pull you towards him, but he doesn't really exert enough energy to be successful. "Ugh, why... do you... do this... to me- to your darling husband!"
"You're anything but darling." You say, crossing your arms over your chest. "Last time I call you 'husband' or any term of endearment, I swear..." You grumble, turning on your heels to leave, disappointed your prank didn't work.
Belphegor grins, snuggling up to his pillow as he watches you leave. "That's what you think," he mumbles to himself, yawning, "when I finally get that ring on your finger, I'll have ya calling me husband again, just you wait~" He snickers, and a cold chill runs down your spine. You glance back to see him asleep, although you feel as if he's planning something- and you weren't sticking around to find out what!
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savemebeel · 3 months ago
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Thank you for obeying us 🥹💕
(Art belongs to Solmare & has been edited by me)
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akuzondotcom · 4 months ago
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Obey Me! Brothers Eyes ft; My HCs. More info on My HCs listed below!!
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Lucifer I wanted to look the most Mature and Handsome. I gave him slit eye pupils and ocular scarring on one eye. I imagine he got his cross shaped scar in the war, it being a mark of a curse his Father laid upon him. Because of this curse, which I imagine to be mortality, I made him look slightly sickly, with translucent skin and pallor. I imagine he’s only got a few thousand more years left to live.
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Mammon I gave golden freckles and one golden eye. I imagine he got this eye colour from an attempted spell to try and make his eyes turn golden in hue. However because he failed his spell classes, I imagine this failed, giving him heterochromia and 50/50 heterochromia in one eye. Lucifer scolded him for his reckless behaviours. Also I HC him as Aboriginal Australian, has nothing to do with his eyes specifically but I wanted an excuse to say that lol.
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I Imagine Leviathan has the least humanoid Demon form (it being a massive aquatic reptile) as such he struggles to maintain a convincing human form. This shows through with his eyes, them being dark and unblinking. I imagine instead of traditional blinking he has a nicitating membrane that covers his eyes from dirt and debris. He does however require eye drops to moisten his eyes when he’s away from water. I also imagine some of his scale pattern is still visible in his human form, Showing mainly around his eyes, neck, back legs and arms.
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Satan is the most humanoid of the demon brothers. Having light freckles, regular rounded pupils, and a more youthful appearance then his other brothers. The only sign something is different is the sigil in his eye, a sign of a spell he performed to grant himself more power.
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(Note I HC Asmo uses any pronouns so I may use she or they when talking about him) Asmo was difficult as I picture her as a shapeshifter, them changing their body suit the trends. However I decided his most common form has rounded feminine features, long spiky lashes, and few demonic features that he deans cute (black sclera, slit pupils, pointed ears and sharp fangs etc). I imagine they wear light makeup, just enough to accentuate her features.
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Beel has mostly humanoid features, save for his eyes. Instead of having a pupil and iris, he has one large multi compound pupil. Meaning instead of seeing one large image he sees thousands of tiny images, like a fly. Because of this I imagine he’s short sighted, and colour blind. However he is amazing at noticing form movement. Again much like a fly. Also my friend HCs him as a light skin black man so I do as well :).
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Belphie I wanted to make slightly more intimidating. I wanted to make him look gaunt and sickly, experiencing pallor, and with his eyes more deep-set. I also imagine his eyes have a spiral in them, one that if you stare into to long you can’t help but sleep. Also again, same friend HCs him as black so I do as well lol. Shout out to my boy Kris.
The Rest of the Casts eyes are coming soon. But for now we have the brothers!! Lemme know your HCs and who knows maybe I might take them on board lol.
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allknowingaxolotl · 5 months ago
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*hits them with the warriorcatification beam*
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tsukii0002 · 4 months ago
Mc: *laying on the carpet* Do you sometimes wonder how your own flesh taste?
Beel: *laying down next to them* It's a taste too strong, you wouldn't like it.
Mc: *shrugging* How- *standing up and looking at him* how do you know?
Beel: …
Mc: … *slowly lying down again* Okay… How would the clouds taste?
Beel: Cold water.
Mc: Cool.
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catmadeofsalad · 1 year ago
Asmodeus: *playing with MC'S hair*
Beelzebub: *holding MC*
Belphie: *sleeping on top of MC's legs*
Mammon: *buying MC more blankets for their pile*
Leviathan: *putting in a funny movie for MC*
Lucifer: Why are you crowding MC so much?
Asmodeus: Their toxic ex tried to manipulate them into getting back together, and our dear human started to panic so we deemed this a necessary solution.
Lucifer: Then where is Satan?
Mammon: *grins* Hunting
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