#om swamped
exaltior-a · 1 year
I've been wanting to write a dirkjake but it's Barbie island princess for so long but I feel like I'm the only one who's even remotely in the target demographic for that. Also I've got uhh *checks watch* like 4 other wips in my Google docs. So.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
We Gotta Talk About Barbatos (And Kinda Solomon But This Ain't About Him)
SPOILERS for up to Chapter 16 of NB
These recent chapters have been giving us breadcrumbs about the pasts of both Barbatos and Solomon, the two of which seem to be deeply entwined. I have yet to make a post about Solomon's past (which gets twistier and twistier by the minute btw), but right now I just want to touch on my questions about Barbatos and... well. The hell is he up to?? I have one question that has been eating away at me the longer NB goes on and I think its answer could solve everything:
Is there only one Barbatos?
What I mean by this question is something along the lines of my Timeless!Barbatos idea from a while ago. Is there only Barbatos, i.e. is Barbatos a being that exists outside of the constraints of time? Is he like the controller/arbiter of time, but not subject to things like continuity himself? When he exists in a certain timeline, is that mirrored through every other timeline (i.e. multiple Barbatos that are spread throughout multiple branches) or is there ever only ONE. Just him. And he selects which timeline to inhabit?
I have this question because there are things about the Barbatos we interact with and hints dropped by others that Barbatos is, potentially, far, far older and far more powerful than I think we can actually grasp.
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Thirteen's last point is the one that really makes me wonder, because if Barbatos really has such a broad ability to transcend time and space, then it would be a bit of a nightmare if there were a billion of him running around. Any random change makes a new timeline that makes a new Barbatos with those same godlike abilities until you're completely swamped in the man. Plus, Barbatos never gives us any indication that he speaks to or witnesses his past or future selves, even when he's manipulating things from sidelines...
If there is only one Barbatos, then 1. Little Dia managed to convince, like, the singularly most powerful being in the universe to play House with him, which is such a power move. And 2. That also means any interactions we have with Barbatos in this (or any) timeline cannot be replicated elsewhere. No matter how funky our time adventures get, that Barbatos remains a constant. Thus, NB Barbatos IS OM Barbatos. Probably just hijacked by Solomon to go to past. A past he was no longer present in, because he exists in a continuous state of "present" (his presence is instantly erased from past and he doesn't appear in the future).
And for a being THAT powerful, you really have to wonder...
How much has he changed...?
In Chapter 16, we learn why Beel went berserk and destroyed the Castle. He was triggered by Lucifer explaining a banshee's scream. In OM canon, two kinds of people can hear these screams: those who will die or have a loved one who will die soon and those who have heard it before.
Beel heard a banshee scream in the human world before the War and internalized it as the warning that Lilith was going to die. Naturally, he thinks that if he had told Lucifer then he may have changed his mind but Satan drops this bombshell on us.
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A baneshee's warning is supposed to predetermine time. According to Satan, Lilith was alway going to die. But we have a problem here...
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Lilith just. Is not dead. Like. Canonically in both the OG title and in NB, Lilith survives the War. So... what gives??
Beel can hear a banshee scream and nobody else can. There's no question that someone was supposed to die. Which only leaves three options:
1. Lilith is dead. Even as a human, she perished.
2. Lilith was never made human... Someone lied to Lucifer and she's actually dead.
3. Barbatos fucked with time to save Lilith.
Option 1 would be pretty lackluster, all things considered. Though it would be a little darkly humorous if Lilith fought and survived in a Celestial War, then got hit by a car one year later or something.
Option 2 would be... so fucked up. But could also shed some light onto Diavolo's guilt about taking in the brothers. Like, imagine if he knew that nothing could be done for Lilith and still tricked Lucifer into eternal service anyway knowing that he could never check his bluff. That would be downright diabolical... and out of character, so I don't think that's the case. (Though, I could see Barbatos lying about it if it gave Diavolo Lucifer's loyalty in the end.)
But Option 3... I think that's actually spine-chilling. Imagine if Diavolo ordered Barbatos to find some way to twist time to save Lilith. And not just spare her life, but to somehow turn her human. That means that we're already playing the events of an altered timeline.
Now combine this idea with our Singular Barbatos theory. If there is one Barbatos, then this is the only timeline where he currently resides. If Barbatos wasn't in THIS timeline, Lilith would be dead. In every other timeline, Lilith is dead. And if OM keeps the detail about MC's lineage, then MC NEVER GETS TO EXIST. They can only be alive in THIS BRANCH OF TIME. There are no other MCs. Just the one (and the corpse that got phased out of being, but we don't talk about them). And this could explain why MC's very existence would be so important to a time-travel being like Nightbringer. There's only one MC to use.
Now, since MC is so powerful (possibly as being that is an aberration in time) it makes me wonder a whole lot more about where someone as powerful Solomon actually came from... How much meddling as Barbatos really done here? If... it was even Barbatos at all. 👀 (Speculation for another day)
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
Heyy, so this is probably a really weird request but would you mind doing Obey me bro's + datables (if not that's okay <333)) with a gn type one diabetic MC? Just like.. everyone watching MC give themself shots and stuff or when their blood sugars are high they get really agitated to the point where they feel like crying cause they don't want to deal with diabetes anymore? I've been having a difficult time recently with my own diabetes ^^'. If you don't want to do this then please don't feel like you have to!!!! <3333
mc with type 1 diabetes
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includes: om! cast & gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .4 k | rated g | m.list
warnings: depictions of needles/injections, dicussions of uncurable conditions and the feelings that might arise from them, mentions of death
a/n: i do not have diabetes nor am i that knowledgeable about the condition but i did do research ofc. however, if i got anything wrong or just am misrepresenting the experience/condition please lmk as that is not my intention at all! i hope this helps & ty for requesting!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hello
please reblog :)
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“doesn’t it hurt?” mammon asks, watching with poorly concealed curiosity as you attach the needle to your pen. “giving yourself shots every day?”
“i mean, yeah,” you reply, “but over time you kind of get used to it so i don’t really mind it anymore.”
“why do you have to give yourself shots again?” luke leans forward, squinting at the needle. “don’t humans have pills or other forms of medicine?”
“yeah, but insulin, which is the medicine i take, breaks down in our stomachs so it has to be injected.” aware of everyone's eyes upon you, you ruck up your shirt slightly, pinching a spot on your abdomen. with practiced ease you give yourself the shot, a little amused that asmo, who’s a demon for crying out loud, is too squeamish to watch. once you’re done, you remove the needle from the pen.
“that was it?” satan breaks the silence.
“i told you guys, i’m pretty used to it. but not everything about diabetes is that easy.” with a sigh you remember all of the times your sugar levels had reached worrying highs and lows and the frustration you often feel for having to deal with such a condition. “there’s no cure, and if i’m not careful, one mistake can be really dangerous. it’s honestly tiring to live with.”
“it’s not fair,” leviathan says suddenly. “that you have to live with it.”
you give him a wry, tired smile. “living with chronic issues or autoimmune conditions often aren’t. believe me, i completely agree with you.”
“is there anything we can do to help?” diavolo asks, a genuine worry lining his face. you’re touched that they all care so much.
“i mean, i’m pretty used to managing it on my own,” you begin, but seeing how they deflate hurriedly continue, “but sometimes i need a workout buddy because i get tired or it can be helpful for reminders to watch my bloodsugar or what i eat. but not too many though,” you add, knowing otherwise you’d be swamped in overwhelming concern.
“you should shows us what to do if something bad were to happen,” lucifer says seriously. “that way we know how to help.”
“that’s a good idea,” you reply. “thank you all for your support and care. it really means a lot to me.”
“well, duh!” mammon crows. “we love ya, mc, and want to make sure you’re safe and healthy.”
“and happy,” belphie adds. “so if you’re upset of feeling down i’m always there to listen.”
“thanks guys,” you say warmly. how’d you get so lucky to have such great people around you?
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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whitewaterpaper · 1 year
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Denna månad läste jag ut en klassiker av böcker: Hajen, och detta firades med att sedan se om Steven Spielbergs klassiska adaption av romanen. När jag såg att det var PÅ MÅNADEN 10 år sedan jag såg den sist, då i samband med Hajfesten 🦈 på SFN, visste vore det kul att se om filmerna vi såg då?
100 Million BC (2008) [👍🔁]
Astérix & Obélix: I drakens rike / Astérix & Obélix: L'Empire du Milieu (2023) [👍]
Cape Town Affair, the (1967) [👎] En spionfilm där man får för sig att en film inte behöver något mer än en banal spionintrig för att bära sig och vara spännande.
Cruel Jaws (1995) [👎🔁🦈]
Hajen 2 / Jaws 2 (1978) [🔁🦈]
Hajen 3 / Jaws 3-D (1983) [👍🔁🦈] Antagligen den av uppföljarna jag tycker mest om.
Hajen 4 / Jaws: The Revenge (1987) [👎🔁🦈] En dikeskörning av episka mått...
Hajen / Jaws (1975) [👍🔁🦈]
Jack och Bönstjälken / Jack and the Beanstalk (1952) [👍] Tror det här var min första konakt med Abbot & Costello, över förväntan bra med en intressant take på den klassiska sagan.
Jättehajen: Vindsurfarnas Skräck / L'ultimo Squalo (1981) [🔁🦈]
Mortal Engines (2018) [👍🔁]
Ännu en omtitt för att jag läst boken. En del ändringar från boken, men ändå en rakt igenom bra film.
Once Upon a Crime / Akazukin, tabi no tochu de shitai to deau (2023) [👍] Japanskt sagoäventyr där Rödluvan träffar Askungen och dras in i ett mordmysterium. Kul koncept, har sina hål i storyn men bröderna Grimm filtrerat genom ett japanskt öga är sannerligen en intressant upplevelse.
Pirates of Capri, the / I Pirati di Capri (1949) [__]
Rid i natt! (1942) [__] Stolpig svensk film, lite småtrist berättad och en intrig vi känner igen från många andra filmer.
Träskmannen / Swamp Thing (1982) [__]
Up from the Depths (1979) [🔁🦈] aka "Jättegäddan Anfaller".
Herrej-vlar vad jag sett om filmer denna månad. Kul.
Den japanska "Once Upon A Crime" kanske kan vara lite extra sevärd denna månad, trots att den kanske inte är perfekt.
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Girl, you better place a deadline date for the submissions or your week long break won't be xD
Everyone's getting excited with the wide scope and I fear for your submission box
Yeah, you're right. My inbox is really swamped right now.
Fuck it, submissions close om Sunday February 25th, 10 am Central European Time. Anything submitted after that I'll ignore.
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ugh, I really need to get a fic done and posted so i can feel like i've actually accomplished something, but at this point so many of them are in a state where i feel like I'll never ever get them done. It's like im just trudging through and endless swamp and that even if i do reach the end they're so niche that they'll barely get any attention and like what's the point of putting so much effort into them then? like i used to draw but all my motivation vanished as i could rarely get it to be what i wanted. I've got some stuff im genuinely proud of, but at this point they feel like flukes and im never going to get something like that again no matter how hard i practice. I still get ideas for drawings but then i remember even my basic sketches make me cringe, theres no way i could draw what im wanting to and then im just goign to be even more upset.
but unlike with my drawing i AM writting but im writting and just going round in circles with the same wips, always addign but never getting anywhere close to done. But actually. some of them are near done, so done in fact that when i go to read them its like reading a completed story/ but there in lies the problem these cycles and bouning back and forth between fics means that when i ome back to these near completed ones im no longer in the writter mindset but the reader and the closer to complete i am the harder it is to get back to them somehow.
like my fics have genuinely turned my life for the better, without them i wouldn't have met or befriended so many wonderful people and i likely would've remained just an observer of the internet and in a much more lonely place. I can't even imagine what the last couple years would've been like my cuz of what my fics lead to, its kinda unreal.
where was i even going with this? I started writing in a miserable state but ive since calmed and now just feel dull so whatever my original point was has faded to. I guess my brain was just being over dramatic about "those good days of people being excited about things you make, ideas you have and so on are eventually going to end". It tends to do that. (I still struggle to fully enjoy a song cuz two of my best friends clowned on it all the time and its been literal years since i've talked to them, and my brain likes to tell me that saying something "wrong" in a conversation has sims mechanics and damages their opinion on me lol.)
Maybe i need update my pinned post to my fics ( i haven't done that since 2022...) That way new people can be aware of my fics. even if i think a majority of them aren't really that great and are full of errors.
Ugh. sorry for this rant whatever it is, this was just supposed to be a "i need to finish a fic" post but i got a lot of feelings and i just couldn't stop typing once i started
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doomedandstoned · 7 months
UK’s FROGLORD Delivers Visual Spectacle for Kaleidoscopic New EP
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Artwork by Shane Horror
All Hail the Mighty FROGLORD! We've covered previous releases by the band and featured them in our Doomed & Stoned in England Vol. II compilation. Suffice it to say, we're believers!
Now the mysterious UK project is back with a new EP, and today Doomed & Stoned is giving you a first look 'n' listen with the music video premiere. LBTF((((or))))DBTS (2024), e.g. Live By The Fuzz or Die By The Slime is a three-track work where ominous tones mesh with tongue-in-cheek humor.
So, the gods decree, spoken unto thee Play it low and slow don't rush, live by the fuzz!
Our trip to the swamp begins with psychedelic blues rising like vapors in the warming sunlight. Welcome to "Live By The Fuzz," where guitars pulse like ripples on the water and we hear the sound of the hurdy-gurdy with mysterious Near-Eastern groans. You might be reminded of OM or Zaum in the first two minutes (and that's a good thing), but no worries if you're seeking a headbaning moment because it's coming with the all crash of an alligator jumping out of the bog to snag a heedless crane (at 2:38). Later, a blast beat and ferocious throaty voices take us to the edge of sanity -- or, if you're ready for it, enlightenment.
Cleanse yourself from pain, numb away the fear Hiding from impermanent endings growing near
Middle track "((((or))))" ushers us into the haze of the sun as the day dawns, and this time we're in ancient desert places and there's the addition of enchanting female vocalizations, pedal effects, and what sounds like the didgeridoo. Acolytes of the Froglord recite their purpose in hushed, drugged tones. Then the power of this mysterious force bursts forth with wild drums and intimidating roars (at 10:35). The song at last returns to those chill opening moments, taking us all the way to sundown.
In the swamp where darkness dwells A figure emerges, casting spells Creature arise, a presence so grand Deity of doom of this cursed land
Closing doomer "Die By The Slime" begins by asking Why do the living disturb the sleep of the dead? Indeed, why would one awaken such a fearsome creature of Old? It's a slow 'n' low ride, with boisterous outbursts of percussion, guttural singing, stinging guitar licks, damning riffage, and a cultish chorus. Strange rituals are afoot, and one imagines this gathering turning into a very messy bacchanal before long.
Meanwhile, the visual accompaniment is at various junctures meditative and disturbing, with trippy mirror effects and a veritable collage of hypnotic imagery. Hints of frogs (or tadpoles) lie around every corner. Maybe don't watch it on LSD!.
Froglord's 'Live By The Fuzz or Die By The Slime' (2024) to release this weekend, March 9th, on CD and cassette (get it here), as well as digital format (here).
Give ear...
Since the dawn of time, mystics have long prophesied the coming of an ancient amphibian bestowed with death ray vision and ectoplasmic slime. Emerging from deep within The Mystic Swamp, Froglord arise bringing their unique blend of stoner groove and psychedelic doom. With face melting fuzz and foot stomping grooves, Froglord’s reign of amphibious terror shall begin.
Having released four full length albums in the last three years, Froglord returns once more. This time with a shorter three track EP, 'Live By The Fuzz or Die By The Slime.' Adopting a distinctly more blackened-psychedelic-doom sound for this release, Froglord once again showcase their ability to blend genres across their already vast discography.
Previously, Froglord records have been entirely recorded and produced as a one-person operation, however this EP sees collaboration with other artists, to bring in haunting cello and vocal acapella arrangements. 'Live By The Fuzz or Die By The Slime' is the perfect record for fans of Om, Conan, and Batushka.
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Formed during the pandemic as a one-man project, Froglord released their first EP in 2020, followed soon after by their debut album. To date Froglord has built up an extensive library of releases, including, 4 albums, 3 Eps, 1 split, 1 live album, and 2 singles. In 2021 just after the release of The Mystic Toad, Froglord developed into a 4-piece band as live venues began to reopen. Since then, Froglord has quickly gained a reputation for their commanding and theatrical stage performances.
Whilst Froglord's sound leans primarily toward stoner doom, they have been characterised for their genre-bending sound, with each album taking on its own distinct style, taking strong influences from psychedelia, prog, sludge, grunge, groove and blues; to deliver the tale of The Froglord through a concept-based discography.
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Currently, Froglord are set to release a single in the spring of 2024, written for the upcoming found footage horror film Frogman (dir. Anthony Cousins). As well as this original, the film also contains several older Froglord tracks.
Rooted also in environmentalism, Froglord has worked closely with Save The Frogs, the world’s largest amphibian-based conservation charity, raising over £2500 through "Save The Frogs" EP sales and campaigning, as well as £300 for the Human Dignity Trust.
Follow The Band
Get Their Music
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undead-merman · 2 years
Would love to see you do something with a Kelpie OM character of your choice (personally was thinking Satan bc they’re both horse yknow) Maybe Y/N managed to get a hold of his bridle?
This post was posted on Patreon as a Friday exclusive. If you'd like to read it or support me please join and get more perks than just on tumblr. Have a sneak peek.
You were there under the payment of the village leader who has offered you a hefty sum to deal with this problem. It turns out this problem had been around for a while and the last person taken was the town leader’s kid.
So you delve deep into the swamps with a plan in mind. You acted scared, confused with your eyes darting back and forth, but silent until you noticed a man by the edge of the water. With the characteristics you know to belong to a creature of myth, specifically that of a kelpie. You don’t even need to see his legs, which are under the water and waterweeds.
You act as if you're a lost maiden, even though you are most certainly not. And before he can lure you, you throw yourself at him. It staggers him and you can see his cold features suddenly alight and his face grows warm as you thank the stars you were able to find someone. You’re so scared. Begging him to protect you.
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attackfish · 2 years
More Swamp bender Korra I need that Korra-Toph interaction.
Continued from: [Link], [Link], and [Link].
The Witch of the Swamp
"Well well well, what do we have here?"
Korra skidded to a halt, slipping in the mud. The voice had been strange, like rustling leaves and creaking hinges. It was the voice of a stranger. "Huh?"
The voice laughed. Korra looked up, and saw a face poking out of the mouth of a root cave. The eyes were pale and blank, and the face itself was as rough and wrinkly as the roots around it, but the mouth was open in a wide grin, and the teeth in that grin were strong and even. Korra stood transfixed, unable to look away.
A strong arm wrapped around her and hoisted her into the air. "Mo-om!" Korra whined.
"Don't you mo-om me," her mom shot back. Korra wriggled in her mom's arms, the water and dirt in the mud wriggling with her. "Stop it, Korra, you don't get to run off like that."
"Stay back you two," her dad said, hand on his stone axe.
The axe flew out of his hand, to the hand of the person the face belonged to. "Nah, you don't have to be like that."
Her mother gasped and held her tighter, and her father tried to rush forward, but the mud climbed up around him, hardening around his chest.
Korra stared. "What are you?"
The rest of the arm, and then the entire body of a person attached to the face, emerged from the root cave mouth. "I'm not a what, I'm a who. My name's Toph."
Her dad, who had been struggling against the shell of hardened mud encasing him every bit as ineffectually as she had been struggling against her mom's grip, went still. Toph grinned at him.
"Now you, I know what you are. You're the Avatar." Toph turned to her, long gray hair hiding that face, except for the grin. "But I don't know who you are."
Korra finally squirmed her way free, and splashed over to Toph. "I'm Korra!"
"Hello, Korra." The grin fell away, replaced with an open, almost sweet smile. "I'm happy to meet you."
And Korra believed her.
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Chapter 44: Sand From The Moon
It's only been a week, maybe two, since Hat Girl had faced the Empress. Since the memories she had lost were brought back at full force. Since she realized there was someone who was suffering, if not gone, because of her. And there was nothing she could do about it now. A lot had gone through her mind in that time. Trying her best to accept that was just how things would be, now and forever. How to move on with the life she was currently living, with the knowledge of her past haunting her.
Maybe it was too soon for her to be out. Maybe she should give herself more time to rest. Maybe she was hurrying herself to get better. Maybe all that was true. But she tried to push those thoughts to the side. Because she was stuck with more worries. As she reflected on her current life compared to her old one, she found herself glancing beyond the parent. Beyond where even time pieces could access, the future. The future not just for her, but her family, her friends, and everyone that called this planet home.
She was tied to the Second Coming of the Moonjumper. She didn't know why, or how. It should just be a myth. A myth about a second version of a powerful being coming eventually. Those stories existed in myths and prophecies all the time, that it itself was nothing new. But the stone craving of her she found in those desert ruins, one that seemed to be tied, at least a little bit, to the Moonjumper legend. It frightened her. Even before her encounter with the Empress, that kept her up at night, not knowing her part in all this.
Today she was going to change that. It was another cool autumn morning, the sun was just barely starting to come up from the horizon. On most other days she wouldn't have been up so early, but she had a trip to make today. She needed to go back to the tower or the ruins and find anything else there. Anything that could help prepare her and the clan for what was going to happen. That was all she wanted, was that so wrong? If it turns out she needed to leave to keep them safe, that would be what she did.
But she couldn't know that until she got there. She adjusted her sleeves as she sat on the rock outside the orbital station, her phone screen making a small bit of light. Mr. Macbeth and her Papa will be there any minute so they could head out to the desert. The sooner the better. She glanced up at the sky for a moment, recalling that day in the tower. Recalling that figure that formed seemed to blend into the shadows. All she could really see was the cloak they had worn…
She heard footsteps as she turned around, seeing the two men approaching, talking with each other. "Perfect." She whispered as she garbed her phone. Part of her wished she could have Platinum tag along, but as much as she loved her brother, they didn't need to be getting into trouble today. Besides, he had made some plans with Van, and she wasn't going to prevent them from finally getting together. "Are you two alright?" She said as she hopping off the rock, glancing at the two of them.
"Did ya get anyt'in' to eat?" Right ask, crossing his arms as if he knew the answer. Hat Girl shook her head, she’d honestly forgotten too. "Figured." Right tossed an apple he had garbed to her.
"At least you two aren't goin' to have to deal with Snacther's voice on the way there." Macbeth sighed, adjusted the strap of the cooler bag he was bringing with them. He couldn't even focus on half of what Snather was saying even if he wanted to. He caught something about the swamp or, was it about some gem? He didn't know and frankly he wasn't sure he wanted to know. "The only good thing about it is it woke me up in time. I chose the wrong night to catch up on paperwork for the train."
"'ow do ya even 'ave paperwork for t'e train rig't now, t'e trains on our 'ome planet." Right asked, to which Macbeth just shrugged. Some of it was leftover from before he died and he just only now found it. He wouldn't be surprised if someone sneaked some fake files into his room to give him work, he knew a few people who would do that after all. Right just sighed. "W'otever, let's just get goin'. T'e sooner we get t'is done, t'e sooner we can all rest easy." He eyed his daughter.
"Wait!" A voice suddenly came through the area, the group pausing before looking over as Reginald ran up to the group. "I know the plan was just for you guys to go but, I can't help but worry about what might happen." Reginald said when he got there, looking at Hat Girl with some worry. Right took his hand and looked at him, and Reginald gave him a smile. "Don't worry," He started. "I bumped into Jaques and he said he could handle things for today. He was a leader before and he seemed to handle things well."
"Reg, t'e last time we went to the desert ya got over'eated quickly." Right said, eyeing his husband's outfits. The colors were more gray than black, but they were still dark. At least Right had an internal cooling system, Macbeth was a ghost, and Hat Girl was some heat resident alien. They were all fine with their darker tones, Reginald wouldn't be. Not that Right would be able to get Reginald to change now if he wanted too. "Are ya sure?"
"Like I said, I'll be fine- Wait, I didn't say that." Reginald said, earning a small chuckle from Hat Girl as she glanced in the direction they would need to take to get to the desert. Sure, she would rather be going now but they all just woke up, she could let their minds wake up more before they headed onto the road. Reginald got close to Right. "And besides, if the impossible happens and something bad happens." He leaned on him and held his hand. "You'll be there to save me." Right smiled at that.
"Why are married men like this." Macbeth whispered to himself, rolling his eyes as he adjusted his hat, looking up to make sure Alexsandera's faint glow was there. He found himself staring at his hand for a minute. He had gotten so used to the ghostly, dark purple that it was just normal for him now. And it was going to be until the day he moved on, if that day ever came. "Why am I having these thoughts?" He whispered to himself, Reginald and Right glancing over. "It doesn't make sense, I shouldn't be able to think this clearly at all and yet…"
"Ok, I hate to interrupt but, maybe we can banter a bit on the road." Hat Girl said after she caught herself letting out a quiet yawn. The others glanced at her, and Macbeth nodded, heading ahead of the group to be the lead, in case of the off chance they got jumped by something on the way. They had yet to see if any animals that would harm them lived in the desert after all. "You're going a little to far east there." Hat Girl chuckled as the ghost paused, looking over. "What?"
"I thought it would be the same way as the studio, both are in the desert." Macbeth said, following Reginald once he showed them the right direction. Snatcher's voice seemed to pick up in his head, seeming even more like a blur of random words and slowly getting louder. He wanted to toss a rock at the ghost but they didn't have too much time to spare. He glanced over at Hat Girl as they began to head through the woods. "Are you sure yo' ok with all this?"
"Even if we end up discovering something bad at the sight, it'll be better then if we find nothing at all." Hat Girl said as she glanced at him. Macbeth hated how he could see the logic in her statement. She was young, she shouldn't be thinking logically about things like this over a worry that it could affect the whole clan. She managed to keep a smile on her face as they kept going. "Say, you ever want to go see if we can find those Eversteads? That's what they're called right, what Jaques ran into?"
"Hattie, I'm pretty sure based on what we're told we wouldn't be able to just walk into that cave again." Reginald said, Macbeth letting out a small shiver as he thought of that night and the creatures in that cave. He was just barely able to handle the cruise, he wasn't sure if he could survive that cave, even without those creatures. Why did they exist anyway? "I still find it a little strange, that voice that Jaques mentioned. You think it could be tied with, you know what?" Reginald asked as he looked back at her, getting a nod. "Yea, me too."
Only time could really tell, they all supposed.
The heat wasn't as bad as the day they went there in the past, which considering the seasons, made sense, but it was still hot. Right Hand Man had an eye on his husband and rarely looked away as they walked through the sandy land. Reginald seemed to be doing a lot better this time, and he already had a water bottle out for when the heat would get worse, but that didn't stop the cyborg from worrying. Hat Girl hid her worry better, but she was still worried. Another reason they needed to get this mission done quickly.
There were more people here then there was the last time they came to the place. A few owls and penguins could be spotted even as the ruins just entered sight. Hat Girl thought she could even make out a Mafia in the distance as they walked up to the sight. Macbeth gave a curious hum as he scanned around, Alexsandera coming from his hat and resting on his shoulder. For the other three, it felt more empty then the last time they came here. Mainly due to the lack of the tower, now in a more ruined state.
The tower that held the stone piece that brought them back here. If anything was going to be tied to the stone, it would be in that tower.
"So, t'ere's no way t'ey're just gonna let anyone walk in and look t'rough t'e rumble." Right Hand Man said, using his robotic eye to get a better look at the ruins of the tower from the distance they were from it. He couldn't zoom in too much, but he was faintly able to make out fences blocking it off. Small metal fences that were easy to jump over, but fences nonetheless. "Could cause a distraction of sorts, but I 'ave a feelin' t'at wouldn't go well. We don't want people gettin' 'urt unnecessarily."
"It's been months since we last were here. Surely they would have gotten anything of worth that survived the collapse out of the rumble by now." Reginald said, leaning against the stone entrance as he drank some of the water just to have it in his system. He scanned, glancing ahead and saw one of the Nomads by one of the old dried up wells. "Hattie, go ahead and ask them about that." he pointed her out. "Macbeth, follow just in case."
"Alright." Hat Girl took a breath as she began to walk over, putting her most natural smile on as she did. The whole world didn't know what she went through and they didn't need a hint that something was wrong. She watched the nomad adjust a sign next to the well before giving a quick "Excuse me?" making them look over. She glanced back at Macbeth who nodded before she continued. "Hi, I'm sorry to bug you, I was just wondering. The tower, did anything in it survive the fall? It seemed pretty bad."
"Oh, you have no idea." The nomad chuckled. Clearly not having worked the day it fell since she was inside it and it was bad. She let out a sigh not too long after. "Not everything, unfortunately. Although anything surviving at all was a miracle." Hat Girl gave a nod to that statement, that gave her some hints that there were things that made it. The nomad pointed to a building nearby. "We relocated anything that survived the tower's fall in there. Or well, most of what survived the tower."
"Most of it?" Macbeth asked, walking beside Hat Girl. "What happened to the rest? Is it bein' restored somewhere?"
"I wish I could say that. One night they were in their spots and by morning they were gone! No footprints or handprints, or anything giving a hint of what might have stolen them!" She paused before looking at them. "Sorry, it's just a bit upsetting, you know?" Hat Girl gave a nod as she looked at Macbeth. It was impossible for there to be no clues, they knew that better than most people. "It was the more interesting stuff as well, with some kind of story. All that was left in their place was some sand."
"I'm sorry to hear all of that. I hope it turns up soon." Hat Girl said, before turning around and heading back to her fathers, who had started to walk over. Both gave a sigh when they saw the lack of excitement in her eyes, that couldn't be good. She glanced behind her for a moment as the Nomad left to head to another part of the ruin town, before speaking. "Someone stole some of the surviving relics from the tower. Based on the way she described them, it's what we're after."
"There's no way it's convenient." Macbeth said. "It has to be tied to the Moonjumper myth."
"Was it one of those cat's like yer friend, or could it 'ave been Snatcher or somethin'?" Right asked, Hat Girl shaking her head. It would have left footprints on the ground if it was a Lazy Paw, that's how she learn to spot them. And while she could see Snatcher taking them for one reason or another, she couldn't see Snatcher not telling them or spilling the beans to Macbeth by mistake. "Well, I 'ave no idea then, t'ose were t'e only two t'at came to mind. Do you t'ink t'ey could 'ave gotten far?"
"If they made it out of this desert at any time with those things without getting spotted, then they are really good at this." Reginald said, wiping his brow. "Despite saying that, no. I don't know why but I got this, weird feeling they couldn't have gotten far with them, do you?" Macbeth gave a nod, and the other two shrugged. "I feel like to just steal those things, I don't think they stole them just to have them or sell them."
"They had to have left something behind, right? Unless whoever it was can teleport, there has to be a hint somewhere." Hat Girl said, scanning around the area. It might just not be something they could see. Maybe there was nothing at all. But she couldn't leave empty handed like this, she had to at least try and find any clue about all this. She let out a sigh as she turned to the others. "I think the best course of action is to look around, see if we can find anything off… and I'm not the one in charge here."
"Well, those were the words I was planning to say." Reginald said with a smile. Hat Girl returned it, before letting out a sigh as she got into the cold bag for a bottle of water, shivering a bit from the remaining pieces of ice that Macbeth had tossed in to make sure the water survived the heat. Reginald, meanwhile, made a mental note in his mind, recalling the few landmarks they saw their last trip here. "Let's try to be careful, we don't know if whoever it was is still here, and if they'll be mad."
"Probably would." Macbeth said, the dweller on his shoulder nodding.
"W'otever happens, t'ey'll 'ave to get t'rough me first." Right felt a hand on his shoulder. "Ya want me to tone it down, I guess?" Right asked as he turned to Reginald, getting a nod. Hat Girl let out a small chuckle as she glanced around. She needed to be alert at all cost, she couldn't let anything leave her sight. This was her one chance, she couldn't let it get pass her. "Hattie, try and stay wit' t'e group." Right called, making her paused. she didn't even notice she started walking.
"Sorry! It just happened." She chuckled as she went back to them. Reginald began to walk in the direction of where he recalled one building. It was bigger than the rest, maybe some town hall? Or a church? It was hard to tell exactly. He didn't know what the people who lived here did. Or how contented they were to subcon, if at all. Hat Girl glanced behind them at time, taking some breaths. "This is all going to be worth it guys, I promise." She held her own hand. "We're gonna find something, I'm sure of it."
Macbeth gave Hat Girl a worried glance. He didn't like how she was acting about all this. It was good they were looking for answers, but still.
"Kid," He said, drawing her attention to him. "We're all going to be fine, even if we don't find anything. You don't need to worry. If there's any group that has a chance of taking on some deity, it's the clan." Hat Girl didn't respond, just glanced ahead. Macbeth let out another sigh, he had to at least try.
In the hour that they searched and researched areas, they found nothing. Not a single clue to the location of the items, or even what those items were. It was frustrating, especially for Hat Girl. There couldn't be nothing here! Should she have come back here earlier? Would there be clues then? She didn't know and she would never know. She did her best to hide how she was feeling, but her footsteps got a bit more heavy against the ground. Her breath slowly became more shaking. Her eyes would dart to every light crack in every surface.
It became clear to the others, especially her dads, that this wasn't going well and if they let her keep stressing like this, something bad was going to happen. Reginald was able to convince her that a break was in order, even though Reginald intended to leave once she had cooled off. He could check the news to see if anything came up at the station. So they went to the oasis, the sight just as clear and perfect as the day they were last here. Before Hat Girl was even aware of the stone.
Back when the world made just a little more sense. Back when there were no memories. No Moonjumper myth to worry about.
"Righty, don't think of taking my gloves off this time, I have something ready for you if you do." Reginald said as he sat under one of the trees, giving Right a smug look. Right just gave a shrug in response. Hat Girl let out a small chuckle, although it had less energy than usual. It almost seemed like it was a fake one. Reginald glanced over at her. "Hattie, you can sit in the shade if you want. It's cooler under here." Reginald said, waving her over despite the fact her back was turned.
She shook her head, and Right walked up to her, making sure to give her a little space between them as he sat down. "Are ya feelin' well? Over'eated or 'ungery?" He asked her. He didn't want to start with 'are you ok', the answer people gave was usually yes. She shook her head, and let out a sigh as she reached into the water, allowing it to wash over her hands. "We'll find w'ot we're lookin' for." He said. "'and If we don't ‘ere, we'll find t'em somew'ere else."
"I…know I shouldn't be getting so upset and moody over the most realistic outcome." Hat Girl admitted with a sigh. She glanced at her reflection as she pulled her hand from the water. Even with the ripples she could see the faint red forming around her eyes. She didn't let it. She took a breath to try and calm down, but something about that made her even more annoyed. "I just- I don't know if I can explain it all. I just want to learn what's going to happen so I can make the right call."
"Well, how do you know that seeing what might happen and trying to prevent it won’t just lead to that happenin'?" Macbeth asked, getting a small and quick glare from Reginald and Right. Hat Girl turned to him, not out of anger, but in confusion. He walked over, keeping his gaze focus on Alexsandera as they floated over the water. He needed to be ready to act if something happened. "I'm not sayin' that to be mean. It's just somethin' that happens a lot in stories, who says it can't' happen in real life?"
"I ‘ate it w'en ya make good points." Right Hand Man sighed, looking down at the ground. "It feels like our life is one crazy novel now anyway."
"Well, you make good points sometimes too." Macbeth shrugged as Alexsandera floated back to him, resting around his arm as he turned to Right Hand Man. "Sometimes." Right gave him another glare, but it faded when he heard Hat Girl chuckle.
"Please never change guys." She said as she glanced over. Her smile faded again, never change… How simple the idea seemed, yet it felt impossible. "I don't want you all getting hurt." She spoke, more to herself than the others. She reached up to her hat and put it in her lap. "I just want us to get home and not have to worry about this. But it feels like no matter what I do I won't be able to escape whatever fate lays ahead. Or worst..keep you all safe from any harm my involvement might bring…"
The group was silent for a moment, allowing her to try and process her thoughts some more. Reginald got out from the shade, walking up to his daughter. "Hattie…" He said as he sat down beside her, the alien letting out a sigh as she met his eyes. "You worry about the clan because you care for them, like they care for you." she gave a nod, she knew that was true. "Worrying is a good trait to have, to an extent. And you're allowed to feel worried. So much is happening and who knows what will happen next."
"That doesn't mean you should let it take you over completely." Macbeth stated, pausing as he glanced around. He had no idea why, he just felt, strange all of the sudden. Not that it was time to worry about him. "I know it's hard not to let worry, guilt, anger, sadness, all that consume you. Trust me on that." Hat Girl have him an odd look at that as he tossed a stone across the oasis’ waters, just to not have to look them all in the eyes. "And I know, whatever happens, we will let it."
"We all 'ave issues Macbeth, ya don't need to be focusin' on yourself in this." Right stated, to which the ghost just shrugged. Fair point. Right paused as Hat Girl began to stand up, Reginald backing up to give her more space. She dusted some of the sand off her outfit as she took a look at the sky above. Right waited for a minute before walking just a little bit closer. "Look, no matter w'ot 'appens from all this, we 'ave yer back. Ya don't need focus on yer fears alone."
"Your words and ideas are helpful, they really are, and I appreciate them." Hat Girl said as she turned to face all three of them. "It's just.. I just wish I could have known more. Could have figured it all out that day in the tower. Or, who was even…" She paused, having turned to face one of the view buildings that were nearby. That hint of red, peeking from beyond the stone wall. "That's them." She whispered, just loud enough for the group to hear. "The figure in the tower when it collapsed."
"You think they could've…" Reginald asked as he walked up to her, trying his best not to look where she was looking, to make it less obvious. She gave a nod, looking at him and reaching for his hand. The fear of the moment came back to her for a bit. Right glanced ahead, locking onto the figure with his vision. Their facial details seemed blurred under the hood, but it didn't matter. "Righty, I know what you're thinking, but I don't think-" The cyborg raced ahead. "Why are you like this at times!" He said, taking a breath before going to race after him.
"Oi, ya 'ave a lot of exlapin' to do!" Right shouted, anger in his voice. The figures reaction was a little delay, maybe from the shock of being spotted, but they raced off. Unfortunately for them, their red cloak was easy to spot amongst the desert and it was easy for Right to keep his eyes on them, eventually turning on his flight mode just to catch up to them. "Don't try 'nd run from me!" He shouted as he managed to grab the cloak and dug his feet into the ground, expecting to take the figure down with him.
"Papa!" Hat Girl called when she saw him catch them… Only for the cloak to seemingly fold onto itself a bit. Hat Girl could tell that from where she was. There seemed to be some sand falling to the ground, but no sign of anyone inside. Right looked both shocked and angry when they came up to him, Hat Girl going up to the cloak and glancing at it for any patterns on it. "Wait a second… there's still sand inside." She noted as she glanced at the hood.
"Can you please let my cloak-"
The group let out a collective shout of surprise. The sand inside the cloak shot forward a bit, seemingly out of fright. Some magic aura covered Right's hand and forced it to let go, some of the falling sand rising into the cloak.
"Macbeth, are t'ey doin' illusion magic or somethin'?" Right said, the ghost giving him a confused look on how he should know. Right let out a huff as his arm changed into a blaster, aiming it at the figure as he walked over. "We need answers and know ya 'ave t'em." He reached with his human hand and tossed the hood of the cloak. "Ya.."
He didn't really know what he was expecting considering the little he and the other saw. Granted, he doubted any of them were ever expecting to come across someone like this. There was just sand. Sand floating around in the vague, faceless form of a human head. Hints of what seemed to be magic seemed to appear for a brief moment. At first, Right thought it might have been a spell to cover their features, but if he squinted he could faintly see through the sand of their head.
The figure backed up a bit, glancing around to see if anyone else had spotted them. That was when the group saw the figure didn't have legs. Some of the figures sand reached back for their hood, forming into hands as it covered their head. They glance at the group of toppats for a minute, silent. Like they had never been in this kind of situation before and didn't know what to say about themselves. Hat Girl stepped forward, and the figure glanced at her. Or at least move their head in her direction, they had no eyes so who knew how they were even seeing.
"You came back here…" They said. Their voice was a little odd. It had a faint echo effect to it. And there was something just…off with how it sounded. They were clearly speaking aloud but their voice almost felt like it was going through their heads more than the actual world. If Macbeth wasn't so used to someone's voice ringing just in his head, he would have assumed it was in there. "I don't understand. There was no reason for you to come back here. Not after what happened and with everything…"
"So you do know about my daughter's place in all this." Reginald asked, taking his hand and moving Right's blaster down. The figure of sand just looked at him, falling silent. Did they not talk to anyone? Reginald wouldn't have been surprised, if they had he would have thought he heard about this being sooner, but no one had mentioned it. No one beside Hat Girl may have even seen them. Speaking of which… "Who are you? Why didn't you help her when the tower was collapsing?!"
"I-I should have, I'm sorry I didn't! I just, didn't know what to do. I was so worried about being seen that thought didn't cross my mind." The figure spoke, looking back at Hat Girl. Despite not having features, Hat Girl could tell they meant it, and were sorry. There was just something about the way they spoke and moved, and the aura around them. Reginald gave a nod as he sighed, wiping his brow. "My name is Autiomaa. I… lived here for years. It's the only place I ever known."
"I guess you hide from the people who made this a tourist sight?" Hat Girl asked, getting a nod from Autiomaa. Hat Girl couldn't help but think of how lonely that must be. Were they scared the people would do something with them? She couldn't say. Although, considering when she last saw them, there were still questions going through her mind. She took a breath. "Do you know anything about the Moonjumper myth? The one about the second coming of the Moonjumper? Anything about it?"
"Don't try 'nd lie about any of t'is." Right spoke, keeping his gaze on the sand creature as their cloak lifted a bit. "She didn't come all t'is way for nothin' after all."
"I wish I could tell you your story, I really do. But just because I was technically the Moonjumper doesn't me I-" they paused, having seen the looks in the group's eyes. It was stunned but filled with surprise. Autiomaa sighed. "When the original Moonjumper died, his… 'being' was split into four, and spread across the world, forming their own beings. I am one of the four, mostly made of what remains of the Moonjumper's magic. However, I have very few memories from him. I…wish I had more I could say, believe me."
"So… That means the stories are true then." Macbeth said, Alexsandera looking up at him. He shouldn't say he was surprised, he had a feeling they were real with all the evidence that recently came up. But deep down he had hoped it was all just one big conscience, that there was no need to worry at all. Autiomaa's mere existence, if they were telling the truth, was the last nail in the coffin. "Do you know about the other pieces? Where we might be able to find them? Do they know more?"
Autiomaa didn't answer right away. Just glancing at the sand below them, as if conflicted in how to answer. Hat Girl decided to take a different approach. "You were the one to steal the relics from inside the tower, right?" She asked, to which Autiomaa gave a sheepish nod. Hat Girl walked up to them and placed a hand on their shoulder. The cloak denting from the faint and sudden pressure of her hand. "Those relief told parts of what's going to happen when the Second Coming arrives, right?"
"Maybe? I can't say for sure." Autiomaa said, letting out a sigh with a hint of frustration. The sand below them shook a bit, making her step back. Autiomaa floated back, a hand of sand forming and resting on their featureless face. "The Moonjumper, he saw his death before it happened. I know that. And he saw what was going to happen, he saw you." Hat Girl held in a gulp. "But it's all so blurry to me. And he never told anyone. Maybe he write it down, but he likely never gave all the details." They looked back up at her. "Those relics are all guess work. Everything with the future is."
"I suppose that's to be expected." Hat Girl sighed. She was upset inside, she just wanted to know what was going to happen. But was there any hope of that if a piece of Moonjumper himself couldn't remember what's going to happen. Who's to say any of the Moonjumper pieces knew that much anyway? Maybe they were all as clueless as Autiomaa and really, who could blame them? "Is it possible for us to at least see them?" She asked, drawing her hand away from them. "To get any clue we can?"
"I don't see why I couldn’t allow that." Autiomaa said, after a moment of hesitation. They could tell this had been bothering her, they really could. But they couldn't do much to help. Autiomaa glanced into the distance nearby, a ways away from the ruins. A single stone stood tall there, Autiomaa floating in the direction of that before turning around to face the group again. "There's a hidden tunnel over there. It was where I was born. It's where the relics are kept now."
"Well, let's get goin' then." Right said, walking ahead of the group. "If we're goin' to learn anythin' of use from t'is trip, t'e sooner t'e better."
"Of course sir." Autiomaa said, following behind him. Right paused and gestured for Autiomaa to go ahead, the sand figure shaking their head, but going anyway. Right still had a faint look of mistrust in his eyes, he still couldn't be sure that this being was being truthful about their origins. They seemed kind, but he knew how easy kindest could be an act. More than anyone. "So… How was the trip here?" Autiomaa asked as they glanced back. "I'm sorry, I normally just speak with myself."
"It's fine, no need to worry." Reginald said, offering a smile. There was some unease in him as well, but as long as Autiomaa didn't try anything, it would be fine. At least that's what he told himself. He glanced at Hat Girl as she took a drink of water, she seemed to be feeling a bit better. On the surface, at least. Reginald reached over and adjusted her hat a bit. "See, everything is going to be fine." He spoke to her. "I'm sure we won't have to worry about this much longer."
"I hope so." Hat Girl said with a smile. "I mean, if the second Moonjumper is like Autiomaa, we won't have to worry."
Reginald gave a nod. Macbeth was in the back of the group, mostly paying attention to Alexsandera. They did a small ring in the air, seemingly happy. Macbeth couldn't blame them, finding out your story's legend was real, and a piece of them was still alive? Who wouldn't be excited. Especially at their age?
"Yo' enjoyin' all this, aren't you?" He asked, getting a nod.
That was all fine and good but… there was a question going through his mind. Why is it he knew Autiomaa was a part of Moonjumper before they said anything. And… why did he feel this need to hear every word, and to bow?
It took about ten minutes to get to the stone, enough time for the group to gather their thoughts, at least a bit. When they got there, Autiomaa had them take some steps back. A warm, orangey magic came from them, as the group near the stone seemed to part. A staircase came into view as sand fell below, showing the tunnel of stone. Two lights near the entrance lit up with a warm yellow glow, and Autiomaa had the group come in, before closing it again. The sand on the ground seemed to disappear.
The stone of the wall was old and dusted. The lights looked like torches, but instead of a flame at the end it was a magical gem that glowed. There were old, faint carvings on the walls. Hat Girl took glances at them as they walked through the place. They seemed to be mostly of the nomads or, at leasts what looked to be them. She shouldn't have been surprised, but still, something felt off.
"You said you were born here?" Macbeth asked Autiomaa, walking up closer to the sand spirit. They nodded as they paused, glancing into one of the nearby rooms. Macbeth glanced in, there was nothing special about the room. Just a few old vases and some sand on the floor. He gave a nod as Alexsanedra peaked in, him quietly calling them back to his hat as he turned to ask another question. "What was it like, if you don't mind me askin'. Just coming to life doesn't sound easy. I know a robot who had it rough when it happened to him."
"Robot?" Autiomaa asked as they glanced at him, tilting their head. Macbeth didn't know what to say right away, but Autiomaa sighed. "I remember being confused. All these senses I felt I had before but didn't come to me. This cloak was hanging up on the room. I used it to help me try and grab some sense of..identity I guess?" They glanced at the wall. "I can't really say much more, it was a very long time ago. I can't remember clearly." They stopped outside of another room. "The relics are in here." They said as the lights in the room glowed.
"Thank you." Hat Girl said as she walked into the room. There wasn't too much, some more stone tablets, some small statues, and a vase, but surely she could piece together the story from these. She began to look at them. She saw carvings of tophats. Of flowers and butterflies. And of moons. But nothing that was clear from the start. The statues were worn in age, and none seemed to show her. "Ok, surely I'm missing something." She whispered as she went through to look for anything she might have missed on her quick glance.
"Hattie." Reginald said with a small sigh, watching her do this. It was like she wouldn't have time to do this, or that if she didn't figure it out this second the world was going to explode. He walked over to one of the stone pieces, and waved her over. It showed a carving of what seemed to be her, and the moonjumper. The figures were just glancing at each other. "Alright, it looks like things are going well. Or, are going to go well, I suppose." Reginald said with a smile, looking at her.
"Well, at least from what we can see." Maceth said as he went to one of the statues. "The bottom of this one looks burnt."
"Fire was used to kill the Moonjumper, so that's likely a statue of the past and not of the possible future.." Autiomaa pulled their cloak closer to their being. "I don't like to think of the fire now." There was a shiver in their voice that earned a look of pity from Macbeth. He glanced back at the statue, and glanced at the one beside it, showing a shape rising. "I think that could be the Moonjumper, there's a piece of the head missing." They paused. "Are those… chains on his arms? I only just noticed…"
"I think? it's too rough to tell." Hat Girl said as she walked by Macbeth. There seemed to be what almost looked like a cuff, and a single piece of a chain still attached. But it was so stumbley, it could have just been how they stylized the outfit. Could have just been a connection point to a part of the statue that no longer exists. She gave the idea of him being captured a thought. "If the Second Moonjumper will get captured, then I suppose things would be quiet… but it doesn't explain me."
"Like I said, only Moonjumper knew what was going to happen." Autiomaa stated. "I can't find out… Unless.."
"Unless? Why are ya sayin' 'unless' now? Did the idea just come into your brian or somethin'?" Right asked, getting a sheepish nod from Autiomaa. Right let out a sigh as he looked at Hat Girl, who seemed interested. She was still looking over the relics, mumbling to herself, but she was glancing over. Right crossed his arms as he turned back to the sand creature. "Alright, w'ot do ya 'ave in mind t'en? Do ya know if it's even goin' to work wit'out harmin' someone, based on 'ow yer actin'?
"It's a spell that could show a more accurate version of the future." Autiomaa stated. "I saw it a few times in a spellbook I read but I never thought to try it. It requires someone with a personal attachment to the relic, however. You all just showed up, so none of you would have enough of a direct connection to make it work." Right went to speak but they rose a hand. "And before you say ‘why not me’, it's because it can't work on the main subject of the relics story, and since I'm techally 'Moonjumper', I count as the subject." They then mumbled “For some reason…I’d like to know more too, but nope.”
"Wait!" Hat Girl brought out her bag, taking out the stone tablet that brought her here and raced over. "I’ve had this for months now, I've been worrying over it. Is that enough of a connection?"
"It… should be.." Autiomaa gently took the stone, examining it for a moment, before handing it back to Hat Girl. They flew into the room across the hall and returned with a book floating in sand. "It shouldn't be harmful with my type of magic. The worst you might get is some dust in your eyes… But are you all sure this is a good idea?" Autiomaa glanced at them all. "It may be useless information to you. Or it could be something you cannot prevent, and therefore you will spend until that moment in dread."
"Well, if we would have said no to something like that we wouldn't have come all the way out here." Reginald sighed, looking at Hat Girl. She was holding onto the stone. She was desperate for any information that could put her mind at ease. What kind of father would he be if he didn’t allow her that. He glanced over at Right, who gave a hesitant nod, before Reginald walked up to the creature. "We'll allow it. Just, please try to be careful. We're all a family here, I don't want to lose someone."
"I doubt that's goin' to happen." Macbeth said, but looked to Autiomaa. "But please do try to be careful." Why did he feel so strangely confident in all this?
Autiomaa nodded as they began to head down the hall, the group following behind. "I'm… sorry if I'm getting you dragged into something bad." Hat Girl said as she glanced at the men with her. "I'm just… so desperate to know. I have been for awhile, I don't like hiding it. It doesn't rest easy with me… I just hope this will finally clear my mind and we can return to some form of normal. You know?" She asked as she glanced at her fathers. Reginald wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she held his hand.
"You'll be fine, we'll be fine." Right said as he glanced at her, offering her a small smile. She gave a small one in return, before glancing at the floor. Counting the footsteps in her mind. Her footsteps to her destiny, her fate. Or just her ease of mind. She didn't know. She just knew she was walking towards something. And she wasn't going to run back now. "I'm still ready to shoot the cloak if they try to backstab us." Right quickly whispered to Reginald, earning a small glare.
"I feel like they would have done that earlier if they were going too." Reginald said. "You could have a little more trust, you know that?"
Right just shook his head, before pausing as the hall got darker.
The hall eventually ended in a large room. It was empty, a fine layer of sand on the ground. Was this where it went every time the door to this place was opened? Autiomaa opened the spellbook and glanced at the page. Right peaked over the shoulder of their cloak, but he couldn't read whatever was on the page. It just looked like gibberish. It didn't seem too complicated, however, at least from what he could try and gather from it. That made him feel a bit more at ease. He backed up with a small sigh of relief.
Hat Girl glanced at the stone in her hand, and walked up to Autiomaa, holding it out to them. They glanced over at her as they allowed the book to fall onto the ground, gently taking it. She let out a small sigh, closing her eyes. Autiomaa moved some sand, carefully using it to move some hair out of her eyes. She looked up at them as they placed a sandy hand on her shoulder. Somehow, she knew they were offering her a smile. She took a step back, holding her hands to her chest as she took a breath.
The room fell quiet. Autiomaa glanced away, taking a breath.
"I… need to say this now in case I forgot to earlier." Autiomaa said as they turned to the group. "This spell, I can't promise it will show what you want. To be honest, I can't even promise it will show you what you need. This stone is filled not just with Hat Girl's fear, but of carvers who would never live to see these events, wanting to capture the signs of the Second Coming of Moonjumper, not one person in a hat." They took a breath. "There is no promise for anything of use, but I will do my best."
"That's all we can ask for." Hat Girl said, and Autiomaa nodded, their sand faintly glowing beneath the hood. They brought the stone up to their head, taking a breath. Macbeth stood in front of the group in case anything happened. Suddenly, the stone glowed and cracked, as Autiomaa forced their form through it, the sand on the floor suddenly rising and spinning. Hat Girl went to cover her eyes but found the sand was mostly behind the group. "Autiomaa!?" She called as she looked up. "Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"
"It's ok, I heard Snatcher talk about this before." Macbeth said. "Some spells require a person to lean more into their personal sense in body, mind, magic, all that. Because Autiomaa is made of sand, they-" Macbeth paused as he turned around to face the group, stopping mid way. He didn't even notice the vague shapes forming in the sand. He just barely caught the fading form of a man. A man toppats would be able to recognize, especially him…
"Mr. Macbeth?" Hat Girl asked, looking at him before he shook his head, trying to clear it.
He glanced up in time to see Autiomaa reforming back into their cloak, seeming to try and regather themselves. They reached part of their sand, forming into a hand, up high. The stone suddenly reformed itself, and everything stopped. The sand came crashing down onto the ground. The living members of the group letting out coughs as Autiomaa slowly floated down, glancing at the stone.
Hat Girl looked at them, and raced ahead, shaking off some sand from her clothing as she went. "Did it work?!" She asked them.
"I believe it did…" Autiomaa took a breath, as if trying to gather themselves mentally. They placed the stone in her hands, and she glanced at the picture.
The picture showed her and the Moonjumper. She was standing on the right side, what seemed to be a line cutting through the rest of the right. The Moonjumper was on the ground, on his 'knees', an aura around his hand. The lines in the back seemed to show subcon forest, but something felt..odd..
"It doesn't look like anything bad." Reginald said as he glanced over his daughter's shoulder. "It's like he's showing you something with a spell maybe?"
"Maybe he's… helping us get home?" Hat Girl said, looking at her fathers. "We are slowly getting closer to getting back. But I don't think you figured out how to launch that back into the atmosphere.."
"Well… No." Right said, as Hat Girl let out a giggle. One that seemed to lack the stress. The worry. It sounded almost just like how it should sound. Almost…
"Well," Hat Girl brought out her bag, placing it on the ground. She began to place the stone back inside, but paused. "There's something on the back. It only had one image before.."
The group fell silent, as she turned it around to show them. It showed the Moonjumper, floating in a state that almost seemed surprised. There was a figure on the other side of the image, but that part of the stone was more cracked, and it was just a little harder to make out any details. They could see the faint shape of a human figure bowing. Some cloak cover most of their features. Butterflies were dotted about. The faint shape of that station was in the background.
"W'ot does t'at mean?" Right asked, turning to Autiomaa.
"I… wish I knew. I could in theory try the spell again, but considering it already did what it was supposed to do, I don't expect you would get different results.." Autiomaa looked at Hat Girl. "Like I said, who knows how accurate these images will be to what happens. I wish I could give you more."
Hat Girl let out a small sigh. "No, thank you. If both images show nothing too worrying, then that's enough for me to rest easy.." She turned to her group. "I think we're good to head back now. I don't think there's any more reason to stick around."
"One second, Hattie. Autiomaa?" Reginald turned to the sand figure, making them glance up. "I understand this place is what you have learnt to be comfortable with, but I feel like it has to be lonely." Autiomaa glanced to the side, bringing their cloak in close. "We aren't going to be here forever, but you are welcomed to stay with the clan while we are. There's so much to this world that you haven't seen."
Autiomaa was silent, glancing at the ground. Should they tell the group? About Badge, and Hydartic? About anything else they knew?
Autiomaa eventually shook their head. "This place is all I've known. I… will have to travel out of here eventually. I need to see this story's end for myself. It'll be the only way for me to know peace…" Hat Girl gave them a sad look as they glanced at the walls. "But for now, I just want to stay here, at least a little longer… I will see you again, just not today."
The faint echo of the door opening in the distance rang through the hall, the light shining in at the end. Reginald gave a nod. "If that's what you want… Thank you for your help." He offered a smile, before turning down the hall.
Hat Girl gave a quick wave before she picked up her bag and followed him, Right waiting a moment before following as well. Macbeth was about to follow, but Alexsandera floated up to Autiomaa, wrapping around their 'neck' gently. "Alex!" He called, as the dweller looked over. "I'm so sorry-"
"No, it's ok." Autiomaa said after a moment, a little bit of hand forming to gently touch the mask of the spirit. Macbeth gently reached over and took Alexsandra off. He had them rest on his shoulders, and Autiomaa let out a hum. "I feel…those strange instants you felt earlier. I feel like I have the faintest idea why…"
"What do you mean?" Macbeth asked, his tone of pure curiosity. How could this be know about that? He didn't know what to expect from an answer. Autiomaa glanced to the side, before answering.
"You know, I think a cloak of your own will suit you well."
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schaeder · 6 days
Censur i Kalle Anka
Nyutgåvor med Disney-serier har ibland visat sig innehålla censur jämfört med den ursprungliga publiceringen. Och om det inte var censur i Kalle Anka, så förekom i vart fall bortredigeringar.
Nyutgåvor med Disney-serier har ibland visat sig innehålla censur jämfört med den ursprungliga publiceringen. Och om det inte var censur i Kalle Anka, så förekom i vart fall bortredigeringar. Ett urval källor Omslag till ’Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Mystery of the Swamp: The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library Vol. 3’ (2024). ©Fantagraphics Den nya volymen av Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Mystery of…
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bllsbailey · 2 months
JD Vance Energizes Rallygoers During Western Trail Swing to Glendale, Arizona
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This week, the media and commentators on the Left seemed determined to take a figurative buzzsaw to any perceived fault or misstep by Trump vice presidential candidate and  Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance. One progressive Dem governor, who's said to be on the Kamala Harris shortlist for vice president, even started the ball rolling on the "weird" cavalcade by dropping the label during interviews with legacy outlets like MSNBC and Politico, among others.
Read More:
Schumer Throws Out a Fantasy Scenario of Trump Wanting to Ditch JD Vance; Graham Wipes It Away Instantly
Tim Walz Makes Another Bizarre Attack on JD Vance. This One Involves Pheasant Hunting.
Vance, though, had places to go and people to see, while fulfilling his obligations as former President Donald Trump's running mate; he headed out on a western swing of the campaign trail.
During one of his stops in Nevada on Tuesday evening, he closed his remarks by asking the crowd "a simple question" about the presumed Democrat nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris:
President Trump is going to lead a Great American Restoration to save this country from Kamala Harris and her radical leftwing agenda. pic.twitter.com/42A4q4jrr2— JD Vance (@JDVance) July 30, 2024
Read related:
Embarrassing: MSNBC Contributor Faceplants After Trying to Hit JD Vance With a Wildly False Accusation
On Wednesday, he headed to Arizona, to speak to a rally at Arizona Christian University, a small, Christian college in the western suburbs of Phoenix, in Glendale.
As Vance heads to Arizona now, the line outside the Glendale rally venue is long and growing. It’s 106 degrees. No way all those folks are getting in. https://t.co/h9mxbqmTqC pic.twitter.com/SVLejBp6wC— Meryl Kornfield (@MerylKornfield) July 31, 2024
A shot of the packed crowd at ACU:
— Republican Party of Arizona (@AZGOP) July 31, 2024
Charlie Kirk of TPUSA introduced Vance:
— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 2024
In a lighthearted callback to a supporter-favorite, Donald Trump line, Vance mentioned the media set up at the back of the venue. He said they were the fake news, but that, "[s]ome of them are okay."
He spoke about the sudden, bizarre, fake Southern accent that Harris sported during the Atlanta event on Tuesday:
— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 2024
Vance talked about ripped-from-the-headlines news, like the Biden-Harris Justice Department (DOJ) "cut[ting] a deal" Wednesday with 9/11 terrorists, which my colleague Streiff wrote on (See: Biden's Pentagon Approve Plea Deal for 9/11 Conspirators but Won't Tell the Terms of the Agreement).
He then spoke about Harris' reaction to the results of Sunday's Venezuela presidential election, describing it as "coddling dictators." 
Vance reminded rallygoers about Harris' time as California's top prosecutor, and echoing TV ads playing across the Copper State, called her "dangerous" and a "San Francisco liberal."
He said the media's "gaslighting us about Harris' radical record":
— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 2024
"The same media that told us for three-and-a-half years,[that] Joe Biden, who couldn't finish a sentence, was Albert Einstein; now, they tell us Kamala Harris is Abraham Lincoln," Vance said.
"But anyone who is too blind to see Biden's incompetence or, more likely, too dishonest to admit it, is not fit to serve as president of the United States."
Read related: 
Kamala Harris Is Evading Press Conferences - Why?
 Kari Lake, who on Tuesday became the GOP's Arizona U.S. Senate nominee with her primary victory over Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb,  spoke earlier in the program, but Vance invited her to the stage to say a few words. She began by stating, "This momma bear is ready to get America back" after Trump-Vance returns to the White House in the November elections.
Then, when talking about the lobbyists in the Swamp, as she told a story about Sen. Vance warning her about them during a visit to his Capitol Hill office, the Republican senatorial nominee assured Arizonans, "I don't want to make any lobbyist friends. I have enough friends in Arizona!"
Read related:
 Kari Lake Wins GOP Senate Primary, Will Face Gallego in General Election
Vance returned to the microphone, sounding an alarm about the loss of manufacturing jobs to places like China. He also reminded the rallygoers just how close the general election is: "In 96 days!"
— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 202
Abraham Hamadeh Wins Republican Primary for Arizona's 8th Congressional District
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smouldring · 2 months
@of-forossa / rot spa
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"I know you hate it, but you need to hold still! I can't let you walk around like this!" Torrent tossed his head and obediently held his hoof up, until again deciding he'd had enough and setting it back down. Merri sat back, rag in hand, and again expelled a weak blast of fire to cleanse it. She was glad to have learnt at least one spell, though she detested most magic; it kept her from having to dispose of every rag or brush she used to clean the swamp water from Torrent's legs. Rolling her eyes to the sky, she traced a few shapes on the horizon, picking out a mounted silhouette and immediately whistling. "Ho! Brom! Down here! Bro-om!"
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maxhunt0616 · 4 months
Discover the Enchanting Mekong Delta in Vietnam
The Mekong Delta in Vietnam, often referred to as the "Rice Bowl of Vietnam," is a fascinating region known for its lush landscapes, vibrant culture, and unique river life. This area, located in the southern part of the country, offers travelers an immersive experience into the heart of rural Vietnam. With its intricate network of rivers, swamps, and islands, the Mekong Delta is a haven for those seeking adventure, relaxation, and cultural exploration.
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The Mekong Delta covers a vast area of approximately 40,500 square kilometers and is home to over 17 million people. This region is characterized by its fertile soil, which supports a thriving agricultural industry, including rice paddies, fruit orchards, and coconut groves. The delta's unique geography creates a labyrinth of waterways, making boat travel the primary mode of transportation for locals and visitors alike.
Adventure Activities in the Mekong Delta
For those seeking Adventure Activities in Vietnam, the Mekong Delta does not disappoint. One of the most popular activities is taking a boat tour through the delta's maze of rivers and canals. These tours often include stops at local markets, where you can sample fresh produce and handmade goods.
River Rafting in Vietnam: The delta's waterways provide excellent opportunities for river rafting. While the currents are generally gentle, the experience of navigating through the lush, green landscape is both thrilling and serene.
Kayaking: For a more intimate exploration, kayaking allows you to paddle through narrow canals and get up close with the local flora and fauna. This is a perfect way to discover hidden corners of the delta that larger boats can't access.
Cycling and Trekking in Vietnam: Many tours offer cycling and trekking options, allowing you to explore the rural villages and rice paddies on land. This is a great way to interact with the local communities and learn about their way of life.
Cultural Experiences and Vietnam Travel Tips
Immersing yourself in the local culture is one of the highlights of visiting the Mekong Delta. Here are some tips to make the most of your trip:
Local Markets: Visit floating markets like Cai Rang or Phong Dien, where vendors sell everything from fruits and vegetables to handicrafts from their boats. It's an authentic and vibrant experience that shouldn't be missed.
Home Stays: Consider staying in a homestay to experience the local lifestyle firsthand. You'll have the opportunity to enjoy home-cooked meals, learn traditional crafts, and participate in daily activities.
Festivals in Vietnam: Time your visit to coincide with local festivals. The Tet Nguyen Dan (Vietnamese New Year) and the Ooc Om Bok Festival are particularly colorful and provide a deep insight into the local culture.
Beaches and Relaxation
While the Mekong Delta is primarily known for its riverine landscapes, it also offers beautiful beaches for those looking to relax.
Beaches in Vietnam: Head to the coastal areas of the delta, such as Vung Tau or the islands off the coast of Ca Mau, for pristine beaches and tranquil waters.
Best Time to Visit Vietnam: The best time to visit the Mekong Delta is during the dry season, from November to April, when the weather is cooler and the rivers are easier to navigate.
Nightlife and Dining
After a day of exploring, unwind with the delta's vibrant nightlife and dining options.
Vietnam Nightlife: While the delta is more laid-back compared to big cities like Ho Chi Minh City, you can still find lively night markets, local bars, and cultural performances.
Restaurants in Vietnam: Enjoy delicious Vietnamese food at local restaurants. The delta is famous for its fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and traditional dishes like bánh xèo (Vietnamese pancakes) and cá lóc nướng trui (grilled snakehead fish).
Adventure Beyond the Mekong Delta
If you're looking to extend your adventure in Vietnam, consider exploring other exciting activities and destinations.
Rock Climbing in Vietnam: Head to Cat Ba Island or the limestone cliffs of Ha Long Bay for some world-class rock climbing.
Sandboarding in Vietnam: The sand dunes of Mui Ne offer a thrilling experience for adventure seekers.
Honeymoon Destinations in Vietnam: For a romantic getaway, the coastal town of Hoi An and the scenic landscapes of Da Lat are perfect choices.
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The Mekong Delta is a destination that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and adventure. Whether you're navigating its intricate waterways, exploring its vibrant markets, or relaxing on its tranquil beaches, the delta promises an unforgettable experience. With our Vietnam tour packages, you can immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the
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doomedandstoned · 1 year
Dublin Bass & Drum Duo TRUE HOME Drop Meditative Doom Record ‘Black Lotus’
~Doomed and Stoned~
By Billy Goate
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There aren't a whole lot of bass and drum acts out there. Bell Witch, Big Business, Bardo, and Behoover come to mind (strangely, the majority of bass-led bands also choose names that begin with the letter "B"). What may not be as tough to pull off when tempos are swift, becomes a challenge when everything slows down to a doom's pace. And you want to strip the band of its (arguably) most popular instrument?
That's at least how the heavy underground felt until OM came along and blew our minds with the advent of Meditative Doom, sans guitar. Other bands have followed in those footsteps, including Zaum from New Brunswick and Breath from Oregon. Now from Dublin, Ireland comes bass & drum duo TRUE HOME with their own take on meditative doom in 'Black Lotus' (2023).
True Home's most accessible song is placed first on the album, "The Cry of the Mountain Hawk," featuring a slithering stoner-doom riff that sounds like a royalty fuzzified Tool. Vocals are droning and clean, not too distantly removed from Reverend Bizarre, and share a kinship with Sleep frontman Al Cisneros. This one's got a chorus that I'll probably find myself singing whilst making breakfast or taking out the trash. It's just something I do.
Beneath each song is the lulling sitaresque tone produced by programmed synth. It grounds us to the experience and becomes more and more comforting with eath encounter. "The Great Journey" takes a bluesy, jazzy, off-beat approach to Gregorian Chant, at least until things get electrified to work out all that nervous energy -- with irradiated noodling that rivals Swamp Ritual.
The intensity ramps up even more for "Sailing The Sand Dunes," in which the bass moves with big, sweeping gestures and stays busy as hell trying to keep the barge moving over barren Saharan hills and flats. This is the one, I'm sure, that'll get people headbanging at concerts.
The last two songs on the album usher us deeper into a realm of tranced-out introspection, with the mysterious, hazy, and hypnotic "Buddham Sagnahram Gachami" and the near 20-minute transcendental colossus, "Ascension Of The Astralnaut," featuring spoken word passages that serve perhaps to guide the listener into a state of general meditativeness.
The record is ideal for Cursed Monk Records, who specialize in dark musical esoterica. "The darker, weirder, and heavier the better," their motto goes. True Home's Black Lotus will be released on May 26th on compact disc and digital formats (pre-order here).
After suffering a dreadful bout with COVID (the Delta strain) in 2021, psychedelic, meditative doom was key to my mental, physical, and spiritual recovery. I'm pleased to have another band enter the fold. Stick True Home on a playlist with OM, Bong, Zaum, Breath, Saturnalia Temple, and Megalith Levitation.
Give ear...
Black Lotus by True Home
Photographs by Shane J. Horan
True Home is a Dublin Based Psychedelic Meditative Doom Metal two piece. Featuring Declan Beare on Bass/Vocals, and Charlie Appleby on Drums and percussion.
The Bass and Drum combo balance between transcendent meditations and earth shattering heavy riffs.
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For two people they move a serious amount of air at bone crushing volumes, helped by the droning modular synth providing a continuous atmosphere to get lost in.
Their 3rd studio album "Black Lotus" comes out on CD and Digital Download May 23rd via Cursed Monk Records.
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babyawacs · 2 years
@hrw .@hrw .@who .@amnesty @turtle .@slow @law .@law @harvard_l aw @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @who @snowden @haaretzc om .@sun @judge .@judges @scotusblog #other #name #without #face #porno #name #the #machine #how #robotic itis hard to explain: bu t germansalwaysshuffled atrick of the week or themonthyoucan and shouldmaptheseifitsnot this its thatififitsnot yourenot you its t ored syndrome or lavigne or hooker or momfool or prostitute or vi rgin or transvestite girlyness orracecar motorcrosseven cherrypicki ngoneand one only is revealingitisnot only whatthey imagined du ring teir crimesitis hwothem arbitrarily dowhatthy wantunpunished repeat until it becomes selffulfilling prophecy their realityi w rote 2003 the stages as1 could it be what could itbe2 no isit is it not3 not if but how much4 it isiwrote more adeuqate 5stages oft his but dontknow theother part ofthe sortingthisisfactstuffthis is how their swamp isthey damamge subdued my mouth and wavve hello fool and clumsy as zombi you smile and helloorrubbertitts or whatnot
@hrw .@hrw .@who .@amnesty @turtle .@slow @law .@law @harvard_l aw @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @who @snowden @haaretzc om .@sun @judge .@judges @scotusblog #other #name #without #face #porno #name #the #machine #how #robotic itis hard to explain: bu t germansalwaysshuffled atrick of the week or themonthyoucan and shouldmaptheseifitsnot this its thatififitsnot yourenot you its t ored syndrome or lavigne or hooker or momfool or prostitute or vi rgin or transvestite girlyness orracecar motorcrosseven cherrypicki ngoneand one only is revealingitisnot only whatthey imagined du ring teir crimesitis hwothem arbitrarily dowhatthy wantunpunished repeat until it becomes selffulfilling prophecy their realityi w rote 2003 the stages as1 could it be what could itbe2 no isit is it not3 not if but how much4 it isiwrote more adeuqate 5stages oft his but dontknow theother part ofthe sortingthisisfactstuffthis is how their swamp isthey damamge subdued my mouth and wavve hello fool and clumsy as zombi you smile and helloorrubbertitts or whatnot
@hrw .@hrw .@who .@amnesty @turtle .@slow @law .@law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @who @snowden @haaretzcom .@sun @judge .@judges @scotusblog #other #name #without #face #porno #name #the #machine #how #robotic itis hard to explain: but germansalwaysshuffled atrick of the week or themonthyoucan and shouldmaptheseifitsnot this its thatififitsnot yourenot you its tored…
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