#ollie cross stitches
treefish · 1 year
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between guitar, painting, cross-stitching, playing video games and writing... Ollie has a lot of hobbies.
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stoportotouch · 1 year
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crossed stitch
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allllamasarenerds · 1 year
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Ya boi made their first cross stitch pattern
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Horrortober Day 8- Bite(Yandere Rise Raph x Reader)
A/N, not important: Only 8 in and I already hate this💀. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Bite wound, hinted infantilism, yandere themes, dark themes, mention of stitches, disinfecting a wound, mention of infection
Words: 915
Summary: You have to clean the bite wound Raph gave you.
You hiss in pain as the peroxide hits your skin, the tingling burn making your eyes water. Your shoulder was sore, the teeth marks raw and bloody still, the skin around the indents bruising and swelling. You grimace, not wanting to look at them any longer, but knowing you had to clean them now lest they get infected.
“Does it hurt?” Raph asks softly, his large hands holding the rest of the supplies. He furrows his brow as he watches you clean the wounds, unable to take his eyes off the bites he caused. “Maybe I should go have Leo take a look at them.”
You sigh heavily, partly wanting to agree, but also feeling very against the idea. The bites weren’t small, and encased almost your entire shoulder. Having Raph be here was embarrassing enough, you didn’t want or need Leo to be poking around when you were fine on your own. Hopefully.
“It’s fine, they don’t hurt.” You barely recognize your voice as you lie, the strained tone and heavy rasp unfamiliar to you. You wet your lips with your tongue on instinct, feeling your cracked lips break more as they get touched. Raph continues to shift next to you, clearly wanting to help more but unsure what to do. You were surprised he felt bad at all. He had done it out of anger last night, his temper growing as you fought until he pulled you close and bit down on your shoulder. Your scream was loud and long, but he didn’t stop, his teeth buried in your skin for what felt like hours. Each individual mark had to be thoroughly cleaned as you desperately tried to keep your face schooled into nothing more than a weak grimace lest he decide to take over. You being allowed to clean your own wounds was a privilege, a small apology from the snapper when he woke up with your blood in his mouth. You didn’t want to let any of the others touch you. You weren’t willing to lose this small freedom just yet.
Another dollop of blood rolls down your arm when the cotton ball catches on the forming scabs, ripping open the wound once more. Raph frowns, reaching over and attempting to wipe it away with his thumb, but only manages to smear it across your skin. He sighs, wetting one of the cotton balls and takes your arm, stopping you from continuing the cleaning. He wipes at the blood until your skin is clear once more, his hands itching for more to do. He was itching to take over, your eyes staring down at his twitching hands. It was impressive he held back for so long already.
“I should get Leo.” He grumbles again, his eyes fixated on the indents. You look up at him, face blank and carefully neutral. If you started to whine or plead, he’d be convinced you couldn’t do it on your own, and that was the last thing you needed.
“I’m almost done.” You argue, focused on your arm. You pull it back, holding back a small cry from the pain that shoots through our shoulder at the movement. Raph scowls and crosses his arms, losing his patience quickly.
“You’ll need stitches. Leo can do them fast and better than you can on yourself.”
“I can handle it. And I don’t need stitches, as long as I make sure to keep the wound clean.”
Raph taps his foot against the ground, considering this. His eyes were glued to the wound, as if his sight alone would heal it faster. He exhales sharply through his nose when you wince as the peroxide bubbles upon contact with the last two teeth marks.
“It’s infected.”
“It’s a bite.” You say calmly, trying to appease his worry. Your own stomach churned at the sight, barely able to focus on the bubbles spilling from your arm. Having this get infected would be awful. Antibiotics were a harder thing to get than basic over the counter medicines. If it got worse, you’d lose your arm, or possibly your life. It wasn’t bad now, only slight swelling around the mark, but you’d have to keep an eye on it. “It’ll get better if I just keep cleaning it and redressing it. I’ll just have to keep an eye on it.”
Raph scowls, kicking the floor slightly. “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t insist on fighting me.”
You hold your tongue as your lips purse, trying to swallow back words that were determined to spill out of your mouth. It was his decision to bite you, not yours. The argument you couldn’t even fully remember was not worth this. Biting you was not a fair reaction to what you had done in your opinion.
Raph continues to grumble and curse under his breath, crossing his arms sourly while he glares down at your shoulder. He grabs the bandage roll off the desk, walking towards you with determination in his eyes. You toss the last cotton ball you used into the trash, not meeting his eyes as he pulls out your arm and starts to strategically wrap the bandage around your shoulder. 
The silence between the two of you is loud, his breathing being the only thing heard in the room. He stepped back once the bandage was secure, nodding at his work. “It’ll hold. We’ll redress it in an hour and see if it needs stitching.”
He doesn’t let you argue this time.
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bun-z-bakery · 4 months
A/n: this took wayyy longer than expected! But we're so back! This ones a bit short but I still hope you enjoy. Thanks to everyone who's been reblogging and liking my stuff 🩵 also if you want to be tagged whenever I post the next chapter let me know!
Silent sun (8)
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You exclaim as you finish tying off the string. You scoot back to admire your work.
"Looks good! I'm honestly surprised!"
Poppy praises your stitch work. Even you admit it wasn't all that bad at all. 
You place a hand on DogDays leg closest to you.
"Can you feel my hand, sunshine?"
His ears perk up at the nickname and he sits up. He tries to move his legs to no avail.
"Give it a minute."
Poppy is hopeful. She knows more about these things, so you don't question her. 
He sighs in frustration.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll– WOAH!"
You're caught off guard as DogDay grabs you and sits you sideways on his lap, his legs now crossed as he hugs you.
"Now I can finally protect you properly, Angel!"
"Aw, I'm so glad you– your tail!"
His tail thumps loudly against the floor.
The three of you laugh, and you rise from his lap. 
DogDay attempts to stand, but he wobbles like a newborn puppy exploring the world for the first time. You were much smaller than he was, but you still held his giant hands to help stabilize him.
It took a while for him to get used to the feeling of his legs, but once he became comfortable, it was like he became a whole different person with his new range of movement.
Oh my god, he's massive! 
You mentally freak out at the behemoth mascot towering over you.
"Shall we dance?"
He jokingly offers his hand and you take it.
"Gladly good sir."
You play along and dance to your own rhythm, the sound of your combined laughter fills the room, but that doesn't last long.
Unfortunately for you, he's observant.
"You're bleeding?!"
He grabs your arm and inspects the rip in your jacket. You haven't been able to tend to your wounds, nor did you think it was a big deal, your companions thought otherwise.
"Who did this?! When did this happen?!"
"Please calm down!"
You shout as you cover your arm, the guilt now washing over you.
"I'm sorry... It's just this was supposed to be your moment..."
"Can we see?"
Poppy adds, and hesitantly you remove your jacket, revealing the slightly tattered and dirty shirt that your jacket was protecting.
You hold your jacket in your free hand and show off the blood-covered makeshift bandage. 
"That looks pretty bad Angel..."
"I'll be ok guys, plus it's not my first injury, no need to worry."
"Come here."
DogDay frantically rips a clean part of one of the blankets and pats the open spot next to him.
"You really don't have to..."
"I–we can't have you dying on us! Please"
Dogday pleads, making you sigh in defeat as you hold your arm out. He unwraps the bloody bandage and does his best to tend to your wounds.
"How did this happen?"
He panics as he pulls out a shard of glass that is still in your wound. The thought of it being trapped under your skin makes you shutter.
"It's... A long story..."
If you told him he'd probably panic even more, plus you just didn't want to relive everything this place put you through again. 
"If you need more rest, we could stay!"
Poppy offers, at this point you've made everyone worried. It wasn't your intention, but that seems to be common when it comes to you.
You shake your head in response. 
Once DogDay is done tying your new bandage, you stand and offer to help him up. 
"Alright, let's head out!"
You clap your hands and head towards the door, the others following right behind you.
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"It's clear, come on!"
You wave to others, you've never been so happy to see light, even if it's artificial. Before the four of you can go any further, a phone ringing catches your attention. 
"What's that noise?"
DogDay asks as he looks around. 
"Oh, it must be Ollie!"
They haven't met either? How odd. 
"Ollie is a friend of ours!"
Poppy explains while you answer the phone
“Hey, are you alright?! No ouchies or lost body parts?”
Ollie asks from the other side of the phone. You quickly glance at DogDay and continue the conversation. 
"Yep, I'm good! So is everyone else!"
"Everyone else? Who else is with you?"
He asks, confused, which in turn confuses you as well. 
Could he no longer see us?
"Well, I've got DogDay, Poppy, and Kissy with me!"
You exclaim, DogDay makes his way closer to you and places a hand on your shoulder hinting to you to 'hurry up'. 
"Angel who's–"
You shove the phone into his hand, he shakes his head, and you motion for him to speak. Reluctantly, he holds the phone up to speak to Ollie.
"Uh hello?"
"Who's this?"
"... "
You whisper to the giant dog, now frozen in place. 
DogDay really didn't know what to say, he was too preoccupied with deciphering if this friend might be a threat.
"Hiya DogDay! I've been helping our friends locate their way around Playcare! I hope you're treating them well!"
From where you're standing, Ollie sounds muffled, but Dogday's response helps you piece together the conversation. 
"Well, of course! Angel has been nothing but wonderful. I owe them my life..."
He shifts awkwardly in his stance.
"Uh, who's this "Angel" you're talking about?"
“OH! It's a nickname."
He chuckles awkwardly, you hold his hand and mouth 'You're ok'.
"Oh, I get it now! I’m really glad you’re both okay… I don’t wanna lose any more friends in this place. So where are you four now?"
DogDay playfully places an arm on your head, careful not to put too much weight on you, his giant hand covers your view. You could hear Poppy giggling behind you.
"We're back at playcare, and we're unsure where to go next..."
"Hmm well, we're really close to the end! You're going to head to the Counselor's Office instead. It's not ideal... but it should have enough juice. If you can get that generator going and plug it in... Reroute the red smoke and ba-bam! I think we'll be done! See ya!"
The line goes dead and DogDay puts the phone back.
"He's odd..."
"Pfft let's go!"
You lightly punch his arm as you continue making your way to the counselor's office. 
You know you can trust Ollie, he helped you get this far after all.
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"If we make it out alive... What's the plan?"
You ask, breaking the uncanny silence.
"Well... We'll be free!"
Poppy replies as if it wasn't obvious. 
"No, no, I mean... What if I found us someplace safe?"
"That would be nice Angel."
DogDay adds, his tail wagging in excitement at the thought. 
"Hey, I'm going to check in here! Wait out here! I'll be quick!"
You quickly make your way into one of the rooms, leaving the three to stay on guard as they wait for your return.
"So when's the wedding?"
DogDays was caught off guard by Poppy's question. He knew what she was referring to.
"Oh don't act dumb, we can tell!"
She teases and giggles at him. He was clearly flustered by her remarks.
He catches sight of his reflection in the dark window across from the room you're searching in. Seeing himself instantly shifts on his mood.
"What's wrong? I was just messing with you, I'm sorry!"
"Do you really think Angel would willingly love a monster?"
They were silent, Poppy was about to speak up before you came out of the room with your new finds in hand. 
"Guys, look!"
You hold up an axe and a toolbox
"I can repair my grab pack now! Oh! And here you might find this useful, it's so heavy!"
You hand DogDay the axe. It seems to have been made for someone of his size. It struck you as odd, but you learned not to question it if it wasn't important.
"Hey, did something happen?"
You look between the three, hoping there isn't any bad blood brewing behind your back.
"No we just... Do you know how to fix your grabpack?"
Poppy tried to change the subject, but you caught on. 
"I'm a mechanical engineer, I can fix almost anything with the right tools. So what really happened? Was there a fight?"
"No Angel, we're ok I promise! Wait, is that how you've been getting around without issues?"
You giggle at DogDays curiosity. 
"Bingo! Now let's go you three!"
You were about to take the lead but DogDay decided to beat you to it. 
"Angel, stay close to me and don't leave my sight, ok?"
You hum in response.
"Yeah Angel, stay close to your protector~"
Poppy laughs out, and DogDay stays quiet through her teasing. You could've sworn you heard him growling, you wrapped your arm around his.
"No worries sunshine, I don't mind you being my protector."
You smile at him, even if it's just for a little while longer. He hopes this will last even after you escape. 
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magicalrocketships · 3 months
I saw your F1 cross stitch for the 2023 season and it's so great! Are you doing/planning on doing another one for 2024? Can we see it if so?
I've been holding on to this ask because I wanted to be up to date and I wasn't until this lunchtime, but YES, I am doing another one for this year.
Here is last year's: 2023 F1 Cross stitch
And here are some in progress pictures from this year. I just finished Canada so I'm all ready to be immediately behind now that it's a triple header.
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The colours look so different in every light so here are three different pictures taken in approximately the same metre within about a minute of each other. Jazz hands. We have 21 colours this year (so far) because there's a tiny rogue Ollie Bearman square just hiding in plain sight.
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drewzeitlin · 1 month
What is a Mimic Octopus? With Audio
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Just hit the play button above to find out what a Mimic Octopus is and what is his story in this cross-stitch design.
What is a Mimic Octopus? 
The Mimic Octopus is a remarkable and adaptive marine creature native to the shallow, sandy bottoms of Southeast Asia's tropical waters. First discovered in the late 1990s, this octopus has captivated scientists and ocean enthusiasts with its extraordinary ability to impersonate a variety of marine animals.
Unlike other octopuses that rely primarily on camouflage, the Mimic Octopus can transform its body shape, movements, and coloration to resemble up to 15 different species, including lionfish, flatfish, and sea snakes. This unique talent helps it deter predators and navigate the complex underwater world with a blend of deception and ingenuity.
The Mimic Octopus serves as an inspiring symbol of adaptability and resilience. Its ability to seamlessly shift identities underscores the importance of versatility in overcoming challenges and embracing change. Through its extraordinary mimicry, this octopus teaches us the value of thinking creatively and the power of transformation in both nature and life. Its story encourages us to explore new possibilities and adapt to our surroundings with confidence and grace.
What is his story? 
In the vibrant depths of the Coral Kingdom, Ollie the Mimic Octopus embarks on a daring quest for redemption after a series of mischievous pranks cost him his community's trust. Haunted by past mistakes, Ollie seeks the legendary Pearl of Unity, said to heal divisions and restore harmony. With guidance from wise sea creatures and the newfound friendship of Lira the bioluminescent fish, Ollie braves the perilous Coral Maze and the Abyssal Plains, confronting not only external threats but also his inner doubts.
When faced with the sinister Abyssal Wraith, Ollie’s courage and empathy triumph as he realizes that redemption lies in understanding and transformation, not just victory. With his former rival Rolan, Ollie defeats the wraith, proving that unity and forgiveness can overcome even the darkest challenges. Returning home, Ollie shares his journey’s lessons, becoming a beacon of hope and unity. His story inspires us to embrace change, seek understanding, and find redemption through courage and connection, transforming past mistakes into a future filled with possibility and harmony.
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for the match ups- this is such a lovely idea <3 thank you!
Oh man there are so many! but the main one I would say I keep going back to is Clean Slated State by The Altogether. The first verse always hits me because it is very theatrical in the references to the ghost light and how each actor will take a character differently. The real kicker of it though is the last verse where it flips to “I don’t have someone. But I want someone. I need someone, I need a new me ‘cause I’ve got two or three and they won’t let me fulfill my clean slated state.” Purely for the fact that sometimes it just feels like I am just acting my way through life- not really having one set “me” aCherrynd so I constantly am changing myself for others. It could also be seen as there are other people in life pushing their own agendas against me, never allowing me to be who I am, never allowing me that fresh start.
I do not 😬 
Okay so- I would play pretend on the playground in kindergarten with some friends that we were this pack of cheetahs? Leopards? I don’t remember, but they were big cats! So I had… An imaginary friend/pet Big Cat that would come along with me everywhere. 
Melatonin gummy and usually an episode of The Adventure Zone (Go to episodes are any in the Crystal Kingdom or The Eleventh Hour Episode 8) or VODs of various streamers or my little comfort collection of RedactedAudios 😌
If I had to change my name, I would probably go with the one I use as a shorthand online. I have gone by it for years and I honestly just… Like it a lot? It has no familial connections, simple, and just feels nice.
Anton’s first audio. The one where he is doing work on Asset. I put that on when I need to focus for a solid 30 minutes, need some simple background noise, need something to help ease me to sleep, or just calm down. It is a very nice little simple audio that scratches my brain just right between the soft grumbles and sound design of it all. 
Ollie. I enjoyed the silly little game rambles! But in my brain he is just There and that is all. (At least when I remember he is there) 
How to Train Your Dragon movie franchise. I used to watch the first one on my little iPod (5th Gen) and got to the point where I would put it on, close my eyes, and picture it in my head as it played. Still can to this day! I just love the silly dragons and relate maybe a little too much to Hiccup. The third movie came after I lost someone important to me and I sobbed like a baby on my couch.
Huxley. I would love for him to be my best friend.
Usually it will be the thing I am currently fixated on. So lately it has been Dungeons & Daddies, Fantasy High, and Genshin Impact.
It was Kum & Go before I moved, but now it is Rhodes. Usually either a Cherry Dr. Pepper or Peach Peach Tea (snack is usually wildberry gummy lifesavers c: )
Not a playlist really, but a couple of albums! Fences by The Altogether and So Much (For) Stardust by Fall Out Boy. If I had to say a playlist though, I would have to say the little playlist I made while writing “journal entries” as my Monster of the Week character to give to another character. It is more on the sad side, but it is the first playlist I put thought into on the order of songs rather than just shuffling them.
Miraculous Ladybug. Sometimes you just need some weird and silly adventures of some kids that have magic powers and weird love squares to make your life whole.
I love theatre, cats, plants/gardening, cross stitching , cooking/baking! Chronic album/playlist shuffler. Love the winter. Mildly addicted to coffee.
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You overestimate my self-control if you think you can rave about the new Fall Out Boy Album and not have me to pair you with Asher.
jk there's copious reasons I think you and Asher make a fantastic pair; Fall Out boy being his canonical favorite band is just one of them. For one, Asher would be fuckin tickled by the knowledge that your childhood friend used to be a big cat. He'd be like "Oh, Bäbe, have I got someone for you to meet-"
I also think, in relation to the song lyrics you picked, that Asher would make a fantastic match, because he's so... accepting. Like in his Elevator audio, he would make you immediately comfortable, would never ask anything of you that you're not willing to do or be. Asher would be too enamored with the genuine you to entertain otherwise.
I ask if you play D&D/ And your face lights up like you've woken up/ From this endless fucking nightmare of pretending this is you/ This is us, this is me and this how we're meant to be/ But your smile tells me I'm safe/ And that voice unspoken's heard
I have been waiting for someone to give me an excuse to use this song, so thank the lord for you. This is one of my favorite songs by a gorgeous duo about finding connection when we’re honest about who we are and what we love, and it’s wonderful.
David is a compelling match for you on an Enneagram basis; a loving, sincere Two would be lovely with him. I love the idea of a soft hearted, open person drawing him out of his shell. Plus, the two of you can cry over HTTYD together. (I’ll join you to make three. The second one is one of my favorite movies ever. Gavin, I like for you because I can see him empathizing with your struggle asserting your identity and supporting you in that, knowing he’s gone through a similar crisis.
Note: heehee if you’re a MOTW fan, please keep an eye on my blog! I’m homebrewing the MOTW rule system to fit the Redacted world and magic system for a campaign I’ll be keeping and will post it up here when it’s done 💌
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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skyland2703 · 1 year
"Seeing you first thing in the morning after walking down the stairs from our shared bedroom--I think we can both agree on a two-story walk-up with a rug in bright blue water tones with salmon stitched to look like they're swimming up the stream--might be the high light of our future. My future, your future. You in a fluffy beige apron, my oversized t-shirt underneath, no shoes and no socks, light coming in from the window highlighting how your hair is in a floppy-sloppy bun. Seeing you chopping onions and cheese and garlic, humming out the latest pop song circulating on your music player while bopping around with a sharp knife like it's nothing... Would you let me hug you from behind? Would you accept kisses along your shoulders and the back of your neck? Would you kiss me back despite my morning breath, and my messy hair, and how awful my bed clothes look?" --Javi's nth love letter to Amelia.
Amelia held the letter in her hands, she was giggling at the cheesiness of her fiancé. There was something so pure about it, something almost ethereal, that he’d captured in the picture he’d created with words, painted for her to see, and enclosed it in a little baby pink envelope, with the words “loving you, forever and always, Javi” sealing it. Amelia looked at it, turned it around and over, again and again and again, then read it once more, before giggling and shoving it under her pillow, put her feet up in the air, and kicking nothing in particular, and squeaking like a little child, her face in her hands.
She didn’t know how many of these little love letters she’d found slid under her doorway, since she had gotten to know Javi, even before they had started dating, about three summers ago, but she knew this, there was something in them, that every single time she received one, she ended up giggling like a little girl, and reading it, she felt a blush move up, into her cheeks, and then amelia.exe stopped functioning.
There was such a calm in her bedroom, everything felt so pastel, so mellow, like the future would be perfectly safe, perfectly beautiful.
Just like how Javi wrote about it, in his letters.
Amelia stared at the rain pouring outside, relentless in its approach, just as Javi was. It felt as musical as Javi’s voice, as Javi’s laugh.
She could hear some noise downstairs, someone shuffling about, moving furniture around— probably her parents, trying to make space for her baby sister to crawl, but Amelia really didn’t care. Her mind was filled with happy thoughts. She was thinking about how she should reply back to him.
This was their little ritual, once a month, sometimes twice, sometimes thrice, Amelia found a little note in her mailbox, under her bed, anywhere, really, delivered either by hand, or by the mailman, or by friends, from Javi, containing some… thoughts… Back when they had been friends, she’d been sitting at Buzzblast, watching one of the old documentaries, where love letters were carried by pigeons and doves in the medieval times, and the hopeless romantic in her had started daydreaming about letters— which was immediately shattered by the realist Ollie, who quickly chipped in with a “with modern technology today, who even writes letters?” It wasn’t ill-intended, Ollie didn’t even know Amelia had been thinking about this stuff, but somehow, somehow, Javi noticed her face fall, at the remark, and placed a palm on her hand, reassuringly, not even saying anything, but sure enough, a week later, there was a little letter sitting in her rusted mailbox, signed “Love, forever your bestie, Javi”
He’d been talking about the most random things in that, but eventually, with her replies, with their rhythm building, with everything going on, as it did, they had fallen in love. Maybe through the letters, maybe by living in the world they saw through each other’s eyes, hand written in those letters, maybe with the ink splotches and the cuts and crosses and misspelt words.
And once they’d started dating, the content changed. Javi talked about her, he talked about how their life could be, together, building up sandcastles which could easily be washed away, romantic poetry, drafts of his songs, and still, still, the same little things that they used to talk about, before they were romantically together.
The platonic letters turning into love letters was something Amelia had adored, because the shift hadn’t been sudden. It had been slow, as if diffusing slowly, beautifully, into each other. Just as their relationship had.
Amelia then sat down to write something for Javi— a response to his love letter, and basically make an alphabet soup of all the feelings bubbling up inside her.
“Do you ever think of how we met? How… by chance it was? To think if someone else had auditioned for that job at Buzzblast on that day— or you had been a day late, or *I* hadn’t been there for Zayto’s interview… none of this would’ve happened?
I’ve come to this point where I can’t imagine my life without you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I just wanna say… you’re mine. And you’ll always be mine”
Amelia scratched a few lines off the paper, knowing fully well she wasn’t as amazing with words and flowery language and at conveying the absolute beauty of their relationship, as Javi was, but she knew that whatever she’d write, Javi would only smile at it, giggle at it, hold it against his chest, and then stuff it into a drawer so he could read it fifty more times in a week.
“Do you really think I’d wake up before you? I think I’d wait for you to kiss me first thing in the morning when you wake up, even if I’m already awake. I’d just lie in bed waiting for you to wake.
Do you think yellow is a good color for the living room wallpaper? I saw this beautiful yellow design with a floral block print and a sunny feel to it and I think it’d look hella extremely pretty.
I keep thinking of the songs you wrote for me. And I can’t wait for you to come and hug me from behind when I’m stirring coffee, surprising me— though I don’t think I would be surprised, because you’d keep humming the tunes, and I’d know you’re coming. I want to go grocery shopping in our matching pyjamas— we both know we’re going to get them. Yours can be pink. You deal with pink even better than I do~
I want all of your flaws, honey, I’ve loved you for three summers, and I want them all. I want all your stupidities and I want all that is best in you. I want your everything, and I hope you’d want mine too. That you wouldn’t turn away, when we have fights, if I scream or shout at you. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.
This is the life I want, Javi. And I want it with you, and you only.
I love you, always and forever.
Yours truly
Sincerely yours
(I’m just going to copy yours)
Loving you,
Forever and always,
Sliding it into one of the many envelopes she’d bought in bulk from the dollar shop, doodling some hearts, some ghosts, and some things the internet called ‘kawaii’, Amelia didn’t want to wait for the downpour to stop, and she raced through the rain to post the letter, impatient as always, blowing a little kiss to it, before dropping it into the red mail-box.
Walking back home, hearing her mom yelling about how she shouldn’t go out into the rain just like this, Amelia grinned. What were these old people to know, of the magic of love letters. And how keeping it with yourself before posting only increased the anxiety with it.
Amelia really didn’t do anything else except reading Javi’s letters all evening.
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maddygoesthemiles · 2 years
Today felt like summer and it was beautiful. It was sunny and breezy and it was one of those weekend days that feel like they’ll never end. It was nice not to feel burdened by responsibilities or the anticipation of the coming work week. I was just happy to exist.
Things I did:
Got together with a friend to plan our upcoming backpacking trip. Sat in the grass in the sun with the map spread out between us. Pet her dogs.
Ate a sandwich in the sun at the park. Set up my camp chair under a tree to read. Mostly just enjoyed the breeze.
Took a nap. Turned the fan on my sun-warmed skin and crawled under the sheet. Snuggled Ollie in the middle of the day because I could.
Watched Palm Springs with a different friend. Worked on my cross stitch. Enjoyed a little bourbon and coke.
Watched Groundhog Day for the first time. Dined on pasta with olive oil and goat cheese. Got a start on my laundry.
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stoportotouch · 8 months
look in bag. "oh fuck, where is my wallet?" overturn rest of room. wallet discovered in sewing box for some reason?
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barkovsasha · 4 months
i have to give u an update on my crocheting I accidentally spilled cola on 2 of my squares so they r just. in the sink rn 😭😭 but I finished another square and now just working them by the sections :D
omg ollie 😭
flashbacks to when i spilled candle wax on a cross stitch project and wanted to scream x
i'm so excited to see the full thing!!!
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dolce-elegy · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Oh huh I haven’t been tagged for anything like this in ages! Thanks @morgan-stardusts-god ! Well, let’s do this!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, my grandma basically came up with my name. Mostly as a theme thing so that way my initials would literally be my name: K.I.M. Fun fact: I almost became Samantha Anne M*********** or S.A.M., Tamara Anne M********** aka T.A.M., or Cameron Anne M********** aka C.A.M. Also obviously if I was DMAB at birth I probably would’ve been Timothy Ian M********** aka T.I.M.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Probably a couple of weeks ago out of frustration and pain from when I was really suffering from covid. Almost came close a couple of times since I’m still suffering side effects, and I find it difficult to breathe sometimes, along with having to deal with my shitty job and nobody wanting to hire me so I can finally escape customer service… OTL
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Wouldn’t mind having some in the future though.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Use sarcasm?????????
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5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I guess their face? And the tone of their voice?
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark Brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
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8. Special talents?
I’m a semi-decent singer, and I’m good at working with chocolate and doing embroidery/cross stitch as well.
9. When were you born?
1993…I’m going to be 30 this year…OTL
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10. What are your hobbies?
Playing video games, attempting to sing, baking, cross stitch, sewing, drawing, reading, listening to music, and watching stupid youtube videos
11. Have you any pets?
Ollie! My sweet, chunky boy Oliver!!!!!!
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12. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to be heavily involved in karate since my uncle (and basically my mom) ran a karate school. I studied Nihon Koden Shindo Ryu from 6 to 16 and even became a black belt. I wasn’t perfect at it, but I did use to compete nationally every summer at the USANKF Nationals and I even competed internationally once at the US Open in Vegas ages ago. I tended to rank 4th in the country (and the world that one time) in my division which was advanced girls ages 12-14.
13. How tall are you?
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14. Favorite subject in school?
History. If I didn’t have to write so many papers/be more likely forced into becoming a teacher, I would have totally majored in history in college.
15. Dream job?
At this point, I just want a job that offers benefits, doesn’t make me exhausted and want to unalive myself, gives me enough free time to relax, paid sick leave, and doesn’t force me to use said sick leave so I can go to the bathroom when I’m not scheduled for a break…
I’m not really tagging anyone for this, but if you want to do this, please feel free to do so!
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angelsfalling16 · 4 years
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This is my gift for @srirachafilledbees​ for the @coexchange!! I never would have considered making a cross stitch for this until I saw your prompt. I decided to include Simon’s sword and Baz’s wand + some of my favorite quotes from each of them. I hope you like it, and happy holidays!! 😁💙💙😁
I've also included some progress shots and close ups beneath the cut
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drewzeitlin · 1 month
Cross Stitch Stories: Tides of Redemption: The Journey of Ollie the Mimic Octopus Part 5
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Part 5: Redemption's Tide
The air within the chamber felt electric as the shadowy figure emerged, coiling around the Pearl of Unity with dark intent. Its form was ever-shifting, an amalgamation of nightmares from the deepest reaches of the ocean—a creature known only in legends as the Abyssal Wraith.
Ollie felt a chill run through him, his skin instinctively shifting to camouflage against the stone walls of the chamber. Lira hovered close by, her light flickering with uncertainty, and Rolan prepared himself for whatever confrontation lay ahead.
The Abyssal Wraith spoke, its voice echoing with ancient malevolence. “This Pearl shall be mine, its power twisted to serve my will. Who dares challenge the wraith’s dominion?”
Ollie stepped forward, heart steady despite the fear gnawing at his resolve. “I do. I seek the Pearl not for power, but for peace and unity among my kind.”
The wraith laughed, a sound that reverberated through the ruins like a storm. “Peace is an illusion. Power is all that matters in these depths.”
With a wave of its tendrils, the wraith lashed out, seeking to envelop Ollie in darkness. Ollie transformed into a lionfish, his venomous spines shimmering in defense, and darted through the water with newfound agility. Lira’s light flared bright, illuminating the chamber and casting shadows aside, while Rolan moved to flank the wraith, his powerful wings slicing through the currents.
Together, they engaged the wraith in a battle that tested the limits of their strength and unity. The wraith was relentless, its shape constantly shifting to evade their strikes and counter their movements. Yet Ollie had learned much on his journey, his mimicry now a tool of empathy rather than deceit.
“Lira, your light—focus it!” Ollie called, an idea forming in his mind.
Lira complied, concentrating her bioluminescence into a narrow beam that cut through the wraith’s darkness, revealing the heart of its form. Rolan swooped in, using his momentum to strike with precision.
The wraith recoiled, its form destabilizing under the combined assault. Sensing an opportunity, Ollie shifted into the form of the great squid he had encountered in the abyss, using his newfound strength to hold the wraith in place.
With the wraith momentarily subdued, Ollie reached deep within himself, understanding that the true power of the Pearl lay not in its possession but in its message. He projected his thoughts, seeking to connect with the wraith on a level beyond words.
“Change is possible,” Ollie communicated, his thoughts resonating with sincerity. “Even in darkness, there can be light. Even in fear, there can be hope.”
For a moment, the wraith hesitated, its tendrils flickering as if caught in an internal struggle. Then, slowly, it began to dissolve, the malevolence dissipating into the water like ink in the tide. The chamber was left silent, save for the gentle pulsing of the Pearl.
Ollie, Lira, and Rolan watched as the Pearl’s light grew, filling the room with warmth and understanding. Ollie reached out, not to take the Pearl, but to let its light pass through him. He understood now that redemption was not a prize to be won but a journey of self-discovery and growth.
As the light bathed him, Ollie felt a profound sense of peace and acceptance. His journey had changed him, teaching him the value of empathy, courage, and unity.
Returning to the Coral Kingdom, Ollie was greeted with a mix of awe and disbelief. The tale of his journey and the redemption he sought spread quickly, and the community that once shunned him now embraced him, recognizing the transformation he had undergone.
Ollie used the lessons he learned to foster understanding among the sea creatures, encouraging unity where there was division and empathy where there was fear. His mimicry became a symbol not of deception, but of the endless possibilities for change and connection in their vibrant world.
As the tides shifted and the Coral Kingdom flourished, Ollie realized that he had found his true place—not through mimicry alone, but through the harmony he had helped to create.
And so, the Mimic Octopus, once an outcast, became a beacon of hope and unity for all who called the ocean home.
The end.
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This story was brought to you by the Cross Stitch Pattern Animal Cephalopod Mimic Octopus With Story and Audio. Not only does this design look great, but it also tells a powerful story of redemption, with an audio recap included. The hero of our tale, Ollie highly recommends it. For more information, visit drewzeitlin.gumroad.com/l/octopus. You can see all our cross-stitch patterns at DrewZeitlin.gumroad.com This is not your great-grandmother’s cross-stitch—it’s a multi-sensory experience! And one more thing: you get to choose the price. What do you have to lose? But how much do you have to gain?
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morbius-sire · 5 years
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Little Christmas owl is complete.
Ollie Owl by Heritage Crafts
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