#olivia x lukas
murkystarlight · 11 hours
There's a lot of dynamics. So I have dynamics, headcanons whatever really for the new order as couples or... something close(not doing any with Jesse though... Too many different ones that I got to write if I do Jesse. Srry)(or poly. Again, too many variables to write) and most of these are rare pairs ig
It's just me talking random stuff :]
Don't take them seriously
Uh... who do I start with-
Okay. Olivia and Petra (olivtra?)
I'll start with that.
Yeah, so... it's cute. I like this one quite a bit actually. I can imagine something like.. Olivia needing rescoreses on a project and Petra, without a single thought, runs out and comes back in a few hours(sometimes a day or two) with what she needs. And Petra handing them to Olivia with a proud smile on her face while Olivia also looks at her with a warm smile. But also a bit concerned cause she might be hurt. And if Petra IS hurt, Olivia would probably start tending her wounds while muttering stuff like "you idiot. I could have just gotten them from a store" and Petra just laughs it off.
They would cuddle a lot(+forehead kisses from Petra)(then Olivia chuckles and kisses her back)(oh god- what am I doing). And Petra loves playing with Olivia's hair 😌
They're very open about the relationship from the beginning. Probably starts flirting in the middle of a conversation with a whole crowd watching-
Next combo, Axel and Petra (...wait. hold on-- nvm. I can't find a ship name for this)
They're both a bit chaotic. Right? So they would do each other's interest often. Like Petra going to see Axel in Boomtown and having fun with him off on the side somewhere, or sneaking out together to go on a quick adventure or just talk. Sneaking around the griefers can get a bit difficult, but sometimes they make an appearance and just fight with/against the other griefers too. It's all in good fun.
I personally think Petra is good at cooking(and pretty much every other skill to a... an amount) but she isn't great at baking. And Axel on the other hand, great at baking. But cooking.. not as much(still good at it. Just not as good when it's compared to his baking skills). But he also likes to set the kitchen on fire sometimes so he needs someone watching over him. But Petra isn't great at watching over people(and would probably help him burn the place) so they just live off of raw meat and berries. Take out orders daily👏👏
They have a more... playful and friend-like relationship with each other rather than flirty or lovey-dovey shit. That doesn't mean they aren't lovey-dovey though. These cuties would have so much fluff when put in the right situations. I also think that Axel would hold Petra up in his arms a lot, and she really likes that since- he would probably be the only person that could do it(since she is taller than most people). Sometimes she literally crawls onto his shoulders and sticks there for hours if she doesn't have anything better to do.
Probably plays a lot of pranks together on others
Next ship! Olivia and Lukas (if you were expecting Petra again, you're WRONG.😈 This is completely random. I just picked the names randomly lol)(anyways- ship name- uh... darn it-)
They give each other book recommendations. I just think they would. Plus, Lukas sometimes helps Olivia with her redstone engineering, and since Lukas isn't as great as Olivia, she sometimes gives him small lessons about it. I gotta admit they would be so cute together 😫
Olivia also gives Lukas feedback on his writing, and Lukas insisted Olivia to try writing too. (I think Olivia would have a diary)
Lukas likes making Olivia small treats to eat while she's working. (And bring her back to reality when she gets into the zone too much)
Either they are trying to keep each other on a healthy schedule, or they both are too immersed in their work and both of them stay up to work for days without food or rest. There's no middle! But after a long time of no-rest working they would cuddle up on the couch and sleep under a comfortable blanket together 🥰🥰
Their relationship would mostly be fluff
This... fourth? one is Axel and Lukas (lukxel)
They would definitely do a lot of baking together! They would share recipes, make new ones and taste each others baked goods. Axel is more into baking pastries or cake(like.. bread-ish?), while Lukas is more into cookies or muffins/cupcakes. Goes on picnics a lot with everything they made 🌸
They have this... uh... 'tradition' where they prank each other. Sometimes things get too heated and they fight. But they make up pretty easily and apologizes.
Lukas isn't a big fan of Boomtown. So Axel sneaks out a lot to see him. But Lukas still tries to go meet Axel himself, instead of relying on Axel to always come out to meet him.
Really tight hugs. (They are both very touchy and affectionate people)
They still kind of hold a grudge on each other for the past, but it's mostly solved. (They made it a joke to tease each other about it)
Okay- last two.
Olivia and Axel (axilivia?)
Not gonna lie. I'm pretty sure I shipped this when I was younger(still kinda do?)
They're like a old bickering couple. They're just too comfortable with each other. They found a nice spot between Boomtown and Redstonia where they can meet up. Even built a small house there so they can chill together. I feel like they would've bonded by being
'no screentime buddies'
Last but not least- Lukas and Petra (luktra)
*sparkle sparkle*
Axel still tries to scare and play pranks on Olivia. But by now, Olivia's more successful at doing pranks on Axel than Axel is at her(she likes to prank his pranks(??))
I'll be honest, I ship them so fricking bad- 😭
They're like a... childhood friends to lovers to a married couple who got divorced five times or smth but somehow still in love and gets back together everytime leaving everyone around them confused
Okay. Thank you for listening (I am happy to yap more about any ships you want me to yap about👐)(and I mean anything)
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adventuringalchemy · 11 months
spent a couple hours working on a minecraft: story mode iceberg which includes theories i have found, personal theories, aus, plot points, ships, and some problematic bits
the deeper the level, the darker the topic or the less known a topic is
there are triggering topics on here, as most icebergs tend to have!! abuse/transphobia/cultural appropriation
i don't agree with all of these by any means
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also no one deserves to get talked about without getting mentioned:
@zhezhy @figinabagel @dragonbma -- your aus were added to this iceberg!
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themintman · 4 months
Finished Jack and made myself a chart of the main spirits to help keep track of everything 😋
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Also feel free to suggest what animals to make certain characters! I'm pretty clueless on some of these and it's fun to hear what other people think
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craycray-wolf · 14 days
Would like to make fanfiction of Minecraft Story Mode 😎
I plan on writing my own ideas as well as my version of events/own twist on the game's story itself! By this I mean the choices I like to make and adding some of my own events as well. I know these are common I just think I personally have something to offer! Plus the more preservation of the game's overall story we have the better ^_^ I love these games so much and I don't ever want them to die!
Then of course I have my own original stories for MCSM, it's just that my version of the games' stories provide context.
(Also it's probably going to be rated teen/PG13 and possibly even mature for some chapters, though for the latter I'm going to try to make them not necessary for the story when I can! I know the game itself is E10+ and meant for a general audience but I'm too much of a freak tbh. I like making intense content)
I plan on making 3 different universes:
Red Suspenders Jesse (and Jesskas) <= currently working on this one
Red hairclip Jesse (and Jesstra)
Red pants/peach sus Jesse (Jerkesse. No hate to any Jesse variants- I love them all!)
I also have a few short stories about red sus already written that I plan to integrate into the greater narrative once it's done. I have them already published on Wattpad and plan to publish them on AO3 and Fanfiction too.
Now this is gonna take a while to write so uh- feel free to ask any questions! I'm also going to share some tidbits about each universe real quick below.
You have been warned! I highly recommend experiencing the game for yourself if possible or watching a playthrough!
Okay let's experience a sampling of my chaotic brainrot!
Red sus: This Jesse is the most cinnamon roll of the 3 Jesses, but he's still savage as that is a classic Jesse trait. He's also the most honest of the 3, his mindset here is probably best encapsulated by the phrase "honesty is the best policy." He tends to relate more to Olivia than Axel, but he deeply loves them both. He takes Hadrian's deal without hesitation.
Jesse particularly likes the Ender Defender armor and uses it during S1. He also thought the best way to keep Magnus' armor would be to care for it and it not be damaged. He decides to branch out in S2 and wear the Shield of Infinity armor, then Please Don't Hit Me. He takes Romeo back with them home with no hesitation, even if he's p.o.'ed at the man. He told Petra he'd be right beside her as she found herself at the cabin, and follows through on his promise once Beacontown is rebuilt and stable enough (and he works on some personal business). He turns down Stella's offer as he thinks Lluna and her are meant to be.
During their travels, Jesse realizes how much he missed animal companionship due to Lluna. He keeps an eye out for his new companion, and comes across a bat in a cherry grove. The Order had troubles with bats previously whereas now they're turning over a new leaf. This new friend symbolizes new beginnings. Because of this and the fact that she was found in a cherry blossom biome, Jesse names the bat "Bloom." I love Bloom so much y'all. I hope you will too 😊
Red hairclip: She's less optimistic than red sus Jesse, but still a fair amount so. This Jesse still appreciates truthfulness but it's not a core feature she has or one she seeks like red sus Jess. She's less trusting than red sus Jesse so she doesn't take Hadrian's deal (though she's willing to sacrifice herself for her loved ones no question).
She thinks the best way to keep the armor is to wear it, killing the Witherstorm in honor of Ellegaard. Briefly before their Portal adventures though she tries wearing the Dragonsbane armor and falls in love. In S2 she wears Star Shield and Golden Apple.
Since Jesse chose to leave Nurm behind she has a stronger bond with Lluna, and takes Stella up on her offer to keep the fashionable llama. She is torn between adventuring with Petra and staying to keep leading her beloved town. She ultimately stays in Beacontown, at least for quite a while. That is until Jesse realizes how much she loves Petra and goes out to search for her.
Red pants/peach sus: And then there's THIS asshole. Tbh he's not as developed as the other two yet, but he's not the funnest guy to be around. He still cares on some level for his friends, but he sees them more as a means to an end. He's incredibly selfish and egotistical, soaking up all the glory from his "heroism". All of his actions are motivated by things that'd benefit him. Therefore he sure as heck doesn't take Hadrian's deal.
Not sure whether he takes Magnus' or Ellegaard's armor. S2 he wears Tim's armor because you know. Fancy and diamonds and stuff. He gets no 2nd animal sidekick, he didn't treat the first one right!
Also here, a link to my fanart of the New Order (S1 style) thx: https://www.tumblr.com/craycray-wolf/736076088473731072/these-dorks-in-my-artstyle-i-love-them-too-much?source=share
Thanks for reading Fam! It's been lit.
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snowwtrapped34 · 3 days
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gaecactae · 2 years
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lots of love from your fellow cactus today!! ❤️❤️
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ofmossandmen · 1 month
Y'all I'm bored and I feel like I've been really inactive in the community so I'm opening my asks for mcsm x reader headcannons.
New Order
Old Order
Old Builders
Game competitors (Bassicly just...Em and Nell I guess?)
Bassicly anyone unless I say otherwise
Light Angst
Suggestive (no smut! But like...you're allowed to request make out stuff kinda I guess)
If you're uncertain about a request, just go ahead and ask and I'll tell you if I'm willing to write in or not.
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tadbitsketch · 1 month
Omg MC:SM x Gravity Falls sounds so fun- I know for a FACT Vos would be terrified of the Gobblewonker.
there's just so many fun interactions waiting to happen in an au like this
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tootyfruities · 4 months
alchemical equations (chapter 4)
     "Oh, it's...beautiful," They hummed wistfully, almost jealous of the building prowess clearly displayed here. This was met with a series of muttered agreements between Olivia, Lukas, and apparently the pig.
     "Soren really lived down here?" Lukas wondered aloud, glancing around to admire the ceiling. The group had slowed to a walk now, crossing a large bridge. For once [Y/N] didn't mind being apart of this group. "So far from... anyone." Then Lukas ruined the moment with that comment, making [Y/N] recall their own living situation. They allowed themself to fall a little behind the group.
     "Enchanting, isn't it?" Ellegaard's voice dripped with a sarcasm that the alchemist didn't enjoy, either. They did genuinely find this place enchanting.
     But then they watched as Petra stumbled forward, caught herself in a cough. All others looked at her with concern and she only continued on, pretending it hadn't happened at all. Now all that [Y/N] felt was a building tensity. They hugged around their own elbows as the lot continued up some stairs.
reblogs > likes
i need 2 stop writing daily and stick to a schedule except i really love this story and writing is bringing me life and happiness idk. in this chapter mc broods and ivor tests their loyalty. we out here writing entire canon scenes
+ also i JUST realized that i've been linking them all wrong so that the posts take you to the book itself rather than the relevant chapter. oops!
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mksbigg3stfan · 5 months
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MCSM Ship Dynamics
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(Just how I think different MCSM ships would work + my overall thoughts and opinons on them !!!
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Jesse x Lukas
Jesse and Lukas are like the bread and butter of MCSM ships, very basic but beloved for their closeness and banter. Jesse, no matter which route you take or choices you make, is a more extroverted character that is a strong leader. Generally, Jesse cares very much about their friends and is a pretty friendly person. It's mostly up to how the person individually perceives Jesse, but the most common interpretation of Jesse I've seen in Jesskas is that Jesse learns to admire Lukas as they travel together. Lukas usually falls for them as well, but in the "He fell first they fell harder" kind of way, lukas being the former.
I've also seen some interpretations of Jesse having a little crush on Lukas at the beginning of MCSM because they think he's cool. Overall, I think Jesskas would be a pretty healthy ship.
The two of them admire each other, and they accentuate each other's strengths well! Jesse got Lukas out of his shell and pushed him to improve, and Lukas hyped Jesse up and helped them grow into the hero they were in season 2.
Lukas as a character in season 1 doesn't exactly have confidence. Though he does have faith in some of his own strengths, and is the most likely character out of Olivia, Axel, and Jesse to disagree with Jesse, he still is always trying to keep people happy and try to keep conflict to a minimum. Not being an aggressive character doesn't mean he won't stand up for himself when needed, though. Even though Lukas wasn't exactly the leader of the Ocelots, they still sort of listened to him and considered his opinions in a way, so Lukas could probably hold his own on Aiden in an argument. The reason Lukas didn't argue with them as much was most likely because he believed that the Ocelots could change, but when he was proven wrong the arguments became more frequent and he got kicked out.
Jesse and Lukas in season 2 are very clearly closer, and it seems like they'd been hanging out a lot more before everyone became too busy to see each other more often. Still, in season 2, Lukas is belittled by Romeo, who brings up his old insecurities. He sees through Romeo's disguise because he and Jesse always lift each other up and encourage the other to improve. Lukas also seems to be a character that would show affection through words - like cheering people on or subtle physical affection - like a high five and the ever so often hug. Jesse, Olivia, and Axel definitely have become his safe place after the Ocelots kicked him out.
The only real critisism I can think of for Jesskas is that there was a lot of mischaracterization of Lukas in the past, and still some in the present, along with it kind of overshadowing a lot of other characters and ships.
Jesskas is very overdone, but there's nothing wrong with that! It's cute, albeit very basic. I don't really ship it, but I see where people are coming from, and it has the potential to be very cute!
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Jesse x Petra
Again, Jesse and Petra are a pretty basic, bread and jam type of ship. It's a little more complex than Lukas and Jesse, but not by much honestly. Petra is also a bit of a cool girl archetype, someone who's generally closed off from other people and doesn't like showing weakness due to fear of being seen as just that - weak. Only her weaknesses. She has trouble staying in one place for long or getting attached to things, but when she does, Petra holds on tight. While Lukas is just about as extroverted as Jesse, Petra is more introverted and selfish. She looks out for herself.
It's difficult to pin a characer for Jesse since, honestly, the different routes and such make it seem like every person who plays MCSM will get their own individual Jesse character. Also, because of lacking writing, which makes Jesse kind of has the amount of character of a peanut shell most of the time ... but I guess that again, that makes Jesse's character mostly up to individual interpretation. With Jesstra, I've noticed people seem to pin Jessie as a person that likes physical affection, so them and Petra tend to bond over fighting and sparring.
Petra is probably mostly averse to physical affection and touch - she seems more like someone who would do acts of service, being a mercenary and all. Jesstra seems like a ship where they would be sparring and flirt with each other through complimenting each other's moves + lovingly beating the shit out of each other. In a healthy way, though! After sparring, I think they would take care of any bruises or harm that was caused together.
When Petra was super closed off and mysterious, Jesse was the one to get her to start talking to more people. They were one of Petra's first really close friends, and that meant a lot to her. They were also the one that forced Petra to realize she couldn't stay stagnant forever and expect things to never change. She had to grow up and move on.
I can see the appeal with their compiments and banter during fights and sparring, as well as Jesse leaving Beacontown at the end of season 2 to go travel the world with Petra. A very healthy ship as well!
To be honest, we really need more focus on the smaller sapphic and wlw ships in the MCSM fandom, in my opinion. This ship probably is the gateway a lot of people get into those through, so I thank it very much for that. Not only that, but it's a pretty cute ship! Again, I don't exactly ship it, I don't really ship anyone with Jesse because I don't find Jesse that interesting.
As for faults with this ship, from what I've seen, the characterization of Petra is pretty good, but because Jesse is a lot less complex in comparison to her, it feels kind of empty on one side.
Anyways, I can definitely see where you guys are coming from! I personally do love dynamics like this one, so I think it's pretty good!
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Jack x Nurm
Boy, oh boy, old man yaoi !! (just jokes, guys, please don't kill me). While Nurm speaks in villager, Jack is able to understand him completely fine. They both seem to have a very deep understanding of each other anyway. They give the vibes of adventurer husbands who traveled the world together in their youth. By now, they're pretty much done with adventuring and want to settle down together and live in peace. And they deserve it!
You can tell just by hearing them talk that they've spent many an adventure together, fighting alongside the other and tending to each other's wounds. If they have any child relatives, I'm sure they'll be the favorite relative just for the sheer amount of cool stories they can tell.
Jack has a lot of respect for Nurm as a cartographer, and Nurm respects Jack's physical strength. Nurm is probably more the brains of the two, more quick witted and smart. The only thing is, Jack is one of the only people who can really understand him. That probably got them to be much closer than any of their other party members, anyways.
Also, not to mention, they live together. They are married guys trust me. (You don't have to take that serious dw) The only thing I could possibly think of as critisism is that it's kind of weird that Nurm is a villagerx but he's proven that he's just as intelligent as any player, so it's fine. Besides, it seems like people have universally accepted that they are married or in love, at least, from what I've seen.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
((If you want me to talk about a specific ship, you can just ask !!! ( ´∀` )b))
Never feel scared to ask me anything !! I live when people send asks, or just interact with me in any way at all BSNANDND
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twistedgameswewrite · 5 months
Hiii i was wondering if you take a request Lukas x reader pretty please? Its hard to find anyone who even heard of the game anymore lol💀
Thanki (‘∀’●)♡
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Request? [ yes ] [no] Notes||𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚎𝚠𝚋𝚒𝚎! 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚞𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚕. 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗, 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐??(𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚜𝚜𝚜 :P) Synopsis|| 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 Warnings|| 𝚂𝙵𝚆-♡, 𝙵𝙻𝚄𝙵𝙵-❀, 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝚂-✰ Word Count|| 460
(You didn't specifically request reader to be their own seperate character so I will write these as if reader plays the same role a leader as Jesse without calling them Jesse if that makes sense :P)
-Season 1-
|Before reader and their friends became the new Order of the Stone they were just a group of builders who wanted to make their mark on the world
|And of course with competition there are rivals and thats how they met him
|Lukas and he gang of lackys, sure he didn't do anything to directly spite them but gods, when did he become friends with such pricks??
|And after the whole ideal with Ivor and the witherstorm you guys definitely became closer, it was literally you guys against oblivion
|He definitely had a small crush on you before the witherstorm but after relying on each other and being saved by you more than Axel could count, each day you guys were running from the witherstorm in order to find a way to defeat it you two had become inseparable
|Though there were times where he wanted to take control of orders and a few disagreements it all worked out for the better and the closer you two became
-Season 1.5-
After the whole witherstorm he would always ask for your advice on his book and your thoughts
During season 1.5 he thought he had his fill of adventure and usually decided to stay in town to finish his book but he overheard Axel and Olivia talking about you going back to a weird jungle temple in the woods he thought if wouldn't hurt if he'd tag along (news flash, it did. ALOT.)
After the whole murder mansion sky island and everything else in between what really was the final push was after he was chipped by PAMA
Where you were finally able to save him and he didn't wake up right away you were sobbing and racking over his body and where he finally did wake up, you tackled him and firmly pressed your lips firmly to his to the point he thought he was gonna passout again
It took over 1 1/2 seasons and 7 episodes but you two finally become an item
Ivor owed Petra 2 diamonds now
-Season 2-
coming soon....
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hyunpic · 1 year
list of songs hyunjin has played on his lives/recommended:
note: im probably missing some & i couldn’t put links to all of them cause apparently tumblr has a link limit 🤨
lauv: julia, lonely eyes, invisible things, paris in the rain, never not, im so tired, the story never ends, i like me better
offonff: photograph, cigarette (ft. miso & tablo), dance, bath
beyoncé: crazy in love (remix)
billie eilish: i love you, &burn, idontwannabeyouanymore, ocean eyes, before i go, tv
honne: day1, la la la that’s how it goes
christina perri: a thousand years
shawn mendes: mercy, treat you better, in my blood
dvwn: phobia
dpr live: jam & butterfly
jehwi: dear moon
leehi: rose
bts: dna, waste it on me, make it right
colde: where love begins, string (ft. sunwoojunga), the museum, wa-r-r, your dog loves you (ft. crush), control me, a song nobody knows, im in love
got7: miracle, hard carry
justin bieber: lonely
josef salvat: call on me
taemin: criminal
night off: sleep
sam kim: make up (ft. crush), like a fool, sunny days summer nights
niki: lowkey
iu: the visitor, lullaby, knees, love poem, give you my heart, my sea
cha ni: starlight
sia: snowman
akmu: happening
sunwoojunga: run with me
the black skirts: everything
korea cracker: ocean (ft. hoyeon kim)
cosmic boy: can i love?
penomeco: no.5 (ft. crush)
yerin baek: blooming memories, limit
10cm: so…., however
day6: i’ll try, love me or leave me, when you love someone, you were beautiful, congratulations, zombie, days gone by, afraid
dean: d (half moon), instagram, what 2 do, bonnie & clyde
exo: first snow, the eve, love shot
sam fischer: this city
jukjae: do you want to walk with me?, lullaby
ph-1: nerdy love (ft. yerin baek), as i told you
baekhyun: love again, un village
amine: blackjack
young k: come as you are, guard you
flume: say it (ft. tove lo)
twice: dance the night away, fancy
ariana grande: thank u, next
hajin: we all lie
about: it has to be you
caroline says: winter is cold
h.e.r: u, wait for it
bol4: to my youth
monday kiz: winter is as i wished
paul kim: the road, additional
sweden laundry: the winter
jung seung hwan: in that winter
chungha: gotta go
zion.t: no make up, snow
airman: gloomy star, i’ll be your spring (ft. j_ust)
motte: dont run away
seventeen: a-teen, super
khalid: location
lukas graham: 7 years
imagine dragons: believer
bo kyung kim: dont think you are alone
jung ilhoon: spoiler (ft. babylon)
davichi: falling in love, 이 사랑
coldplay: everglow, viva la vida
lyn: my destiny
jus2: focus on me, long black, senses (jpn version)
crush: beautiful, you and i
ed sheeran: lego house, perfect, photograph, beautiful people
croosh: why
20 years of age: x
tori kelly: paper hearts
seulgi: always
luna: do you love me? (ft. george)
wisue: someone’s shining
epik high: eternal sunshine
jp saxe: if the world was ending
seori: fairy tale
bruno mars: marry you
the weeknd: earned it, die for you
jung seunghwan: its raining, an ordinary day, dear
sam tinnesz: play with fire
post malone: motley crew
jihyo: stardust love song
kim feel: your voice
sung sikyung: solar system, heejae
younha: stardust
wonpil: a journey
taeyeon: invu, some nights, toddler, drawing our moments
nct dream: boom
ha hyunsang: 3108
huhgak: memory of your scent
se so neon: nan chun, a long dream, midnight train, stranger
umi: remember me
tvxq!: mirotic
johnny balik: honey
red velvet: psycho
new jeans: hype boy
christian kuria: losing you
cigarettes after sex: k. , each time you fall in love, sunsetz, apocalypse
dpr ian: nerves, no blueberries, 1 shot
samm henshaw: broke
woodz: drowning
kelly clarkson: underneath the tree
kimmuseum: to you who cant sleep
taylor swift: betty
lana del rey: young and beautiful
harry styles: watermelon sugar, she
pink sweat$: honesty
masego: tadow
olivia rodrigo: vampire
troye sivan: youth, for him
kai: mmmh
2pm: my house
oasis: wonderwall, hey now
mac miller: that’s on me, everybody
nothing but thieves: amsterdam
bren joy: sweet
back number: i love you
mac ayres: next to you, roses
daniel caesar: blessed, ocho rios, get you (ft. kali uchis), take me away (ft. syd), do you like me?, disillusioned
green day: dilemma
puma blue: already falling
bruno major: nothing, easily, places we won’t walk, the most beautiful thing, old soul
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crippling-pages · 2 months
~mya's (new) intro post~
Hello there! My name is Mya! And this is my intro post! <3
Facts About Me:
Mya [] Girl [] She/her [] Minor [] 13-17 [] Aromantic Asexual (Aro/Ace) [] Arab [] Bookworm [] Writer [] Quotevain [] Swiftie [] OneRepublic Fan [] Pinterest Addict [] Tam Song Obsessed [] Tam Song x Biana Vacker is my life []
Keeper of the Lost Cities [] LEGO: Ninjago [] LEGO Friends [] Percy Jackson [] Hooky (Webtoon/Book) [] Lockwood & Co. [] Shatter Me [] The False Prince/The Ascendance Trilogy [] The Land of Stories [] A Tale of Magic [] A Good Girl's Guide To Murder [] Five Survive [] Trolls [] The Reappearance of Rachel Price [] The Inheritance Games [] Fairy Tale Reform School [] Royal Academy Rebels [] Miraculous Ladybug [] Malibu Rescue [] Erin & Aaron [] Sonic the Hedgehog [] Richie Rich (2015) [] Ducktales (2017) [] and more! <3
KOTLC: Tam and Biana {} Dex and Stina {} Sophie and Keefe {} Fitz and Dex {} Keefe and Fitz {} Linh and Marella {}
PJO/HoO: Percy and Annabeth {} Nico and Will {} Frank and Hazel {} Jason and Piper {} Leo and Calypso
Ninjago: Cole and Vania {} Nya and Jay {} Zane and Pixal {} Kai and Skylor {}
LEGO Friends: Mia and River {} Emma and Ethan {} Emma and Matthew {} Olivia and Jacob {} Mia and Martin {} Olly and Paisley {} Leo and Zac {} Zac and Sky {} Nova and Liann {}
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy and Lockwood {} George and Flo {}
Hooky: Dorian and Monica {} Dani and Nico {} Will and Damien {}
Miraculous Ladybug: Chat Noir and Marinette {} Ladybug and Chat Noir {} Marinette and Adrien {} Marinette and Luka {}
Sonic the Hedgehog: Silver and Blaze {} Sonic and Amy {} Amy and Shadow {} Knuckles and Rouge {}
FTRS/RAR: Gilly and Jax {} Heath and Devin {} Sasha and Logan {}
The Inheritance Games: Max and Xander {} Avery and Jameson {} Nash and Libby {}
Other: Pip and Ravi {} Bel and Ash {} Red and Arthur {} Conner and Bree {} Branch and Poppy {} Chote and Gina {} Tobias and Amarinda {}
-My Quotev Account
-My Ao3 Account
Some of My Fanfics:
"Hashtag Hilarious" - A KOTLC Human AU, with Tam and Keefe being besties and roommates; one day, Keefe convinces Tam to make a shared social media account together. Chaos follows.
"Lilies For Lilly" - A Ninjago fanfic in where it's the anniversary of Cole's mother's passing, and this time, he goes to drop off some Lillies.
"Don't Touch Me (Don't Talk To Me)" - A Trolls one-shot, in where Branch let's himself be rude to John Dory (A second part to this is called "Wet William" which is Bruce's turn).
"Random Hooky Stuff" - Just some Hooky content there's almost 0 out there. Drabbles, headcanons, incorrect quotes, ships, fluff, and angst. All of the above!
"Tiana One-Shots, Skits, Memes, And More!" - A Quotev book with a bunch of Tiana (Tam and Biana) related content is in, blessing the world with more Tiana.
"KOTLC Characters React And Have Fun!" - A Quotev fanfic in where the KOTLC crew react to human stuff and just have fun.
"5 Days {KOTLC Sleepover Fic}" - A KOTLC Sleepover Fic on Quotev, and this sleepover lasts all week. Drama appears, and fun memories are made.
Some Fanfics in The Drafts (or in my head)
KOTLC Human Coffee Shop AU ("Keepers of the Coffee")
KOTLC Rewrite
KOTLC Human Musician Mash Up Tour AU
KOTLC Road Trip AU
Ninjago Movie Secret Identity AU ("Two Faces Of the Same Life")
Ninjago Regular/Human Tea Shop AU
Ninjago Normal Life ("Cuckoo Crazy")
Hooky High School/College AU
Percy Jackson x KOTLC Crossover
Ninjago x KOTLC Crossover
Hooky Coffee Shop AU
KOTLC Hogwarts AU
KOTLC Song Twins Circus AU
Some Quotes:
"Because when I annoy, I annoy hard." -Tam Song, Nightfall.
"Look, I know I don't talk about it, but it happened to me before. Losing someone dear to me. I can't let that happen again." -Lockwood, to Lucy.
"Better question; are you a narc?" -Tiny Diamond
"I am the M.C... the Mighty Cole!"  -Cole, Rebooted
"I guess I'll just send some happy shadow thoughts into your head." -Tam Song, Flashback 
"-And dying to see Tam. My sister's a fan of silver bangs." -Fitz Vacker, Unlocked.
"Quick, quick Tell me something awful Like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy" -I Hate It Here, Taylor Swift
"Kill him then claim my throne and my queen." -Dorian Wytte, to Monica. 
"I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can't take away 'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid" -You're on Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift
"Dude, save your daddy issues for another time." -Tam Song, Neverseen.
"Maybe not. But that doesn't mean you stop trying." - Tam Song, Legacy.
Side Blogs: @flasher-boi-endal @a-poet-yet-forced-finance-guy
DNI IF: Homophobic, racist, sexist, Trump fan, Israel supporter, etc etc. THIS IS A SFW BLOG! PLEASE RESPECT THAT!
That's about that! <3 Have a beautiful day or night! Mya out!
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starzyhoes · 11 months
Lukas x Reader (Gender-Neutral) Headcanons after Episode 6 (PAMA)
TW: Mention of Injuries, PTSD, and that type of stuff in general
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•After the events of Episode 6 Lukas has a slight fear of anything being involved with Redstone even by the mention of it
•If you got controlled by PAMA as well he would be terrified of what you were going through if he was the one that Jesse saved when the choice between him and Petra came along
•Hates seeing you controlled if he was saved, and his heart would shatter if he had to fight you
•If you weren’t controlled and if you came along with Jesse when he went to get the Heart, when Lukas was getting in and out of control of his own mind he would try to tell you to stay away
•After the events of PAMA you will both be asking each other the same question of “are you okay?” over and over again even when y’all are home
•Lukas most likely has a small bald patch on the back of his head from the chip being inserted so you try to help him cover it if he wants to
•Lukas would be more protective of you as well as you being more protective towards him after PAMA which includes more hand holding, always being next to you, looking at you from distances away if you went somewhere
•When y’all finally got home he would immediately take a break with you if you stayed with them after Petra leaves if Jesse went along with her (if that’s what you choose) (also this is non PAMA related I just thought it was cute lol)
•If you stayed behind when they first went to the temple then he would be so relieved but anxious what would have happened if you tagged along
•When/If Lukas vents to you about what happened, he would most likely have tears in his eyes and you would try to understand (you better 😊)
•Again if you got controlled by PAMA he would have most likely have a slight panic attack to himself if he couldn’t rescue you
•Lukas and you would apologize to each other frequently after the events of not being able to save each other if it happened.
•When y’all get home he would be very anxious towards Olivia and if you hang out with her •In total just be nice and don’t mention the events again after unless he does, and make sure to comfort him and stuff even if he seems fine (small hugs, kisses on the cheek/forehead, hand holding, etc)
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
I prefer jesse x olivia/axel over jesse x petra/lukas I'm sorry it just makes more sense in my head
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Lukas x Jessie or is it old man yaoi?
yep thats them! I saw rtgames playthrough of the witherstorm arc and i saw that Lukas was oddly nice to Jesse specifically instead of Jesse AND Olivia for some reason and despite only mean options being chosen it took quite a long time for Lukas to actually start being mean back to Jesse. so i think hes got a crush on jesse. bi king.
Also a big fan of the idea Soren and Ivor were exes
Oh and even tho they dont interact much, I feel like Petra and Olivia would be cute together
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