#olivia childs : bio
criminvls · 3 months
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Name: Liv Bastias Aliases: Olivia Childs    (Everyone will know her as Olivia Childs, only those who knew her before she faked her death will know her original name, this is currently just Zane) Gender/Pronouns: She/Her Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual Age: 38 Birthdate: November 2, 1985 Occupation: Commercial cleaner at The Royal Opera House Height: 5 ` 7 “ Hair: Dark brown, corkscrew curls, often worn naturally. Eyes: Brown Identifying Marks: Tattoo on right wrist that has been laser removed Positive traits: Adaptable, focused, and calm under pressure Negative traits: Selfish, secretive, and impulsive. Group/Organizational Affiliations: Non-currently / civilian. Family: Former Husband - Zane Bastias Best Friends: (OPEN) Relationship Status: Single / Technically still married to Zane under her previous identity. Other Relationships: (OPEN)
No one in Olivia Childs' life knows who she really is. Before becoming Olivia Childs, she was known as Liv Bastias. She was a thief who had a talent for pulling off heists with precision and care with her husband and partner in crime, Zane Bastias. For Liv, the thrill of the heist, the rush of adrenaline, and the risk of getting caught is what kept her going but despite this they eventually decided to leave their criminal life behind to pursue something more normal, discussing the possibility of one day starting a family. 
However, as time passed Liv began to feel restless and missed the excitement and intensity of her old life. To Liv, normal wasn't all she had thought it would be. She had kept her feelings to herself, not wanting to disrupt the life that she and Zane had chosen. But then, Liv received a threat that would change everything.
Someone had reached out to Liv with the threat of exposing her. The last heist was perfectly planned and executed but somehow something went wrong. Something was missed. They had incriminating evidence but it was only Liv, not Zane. Although she tried to stamp it out, the threats kept coming and they were not just threats against herself anymore. Living under this constant fear was suffocating her and feeling like she had no other choice she constructed a plan to disappear and start over, leaving Zane to live his life.
Paying off the coroner was only the beginning of Liv’s complex escape plan. In order to disappear she had to make it convincing. Liv enlisted the help of a friend who she knew she could trust, slipping them a little money helped too of course. In order to disappear convincingly she had to make everything appear legitimate and Liv had to die, so that Olivia could be born.
The violent fire that destroyed everything was no accident, and changing her identity proved to be a difficult task. But Liv had to keep moving, never looking back, and never leaving a trace of her past life behind. It's a sad thought that Liv had to die so that Olivia could live, but it's a testament to the lengths that Liv was willing to go to keep herself and Zane safe.
Fast forward years later and Olivia can be found working as a commercial cleaner at the Royal Opera House. It's not the most appealing job and the pay is terrible, but a job is a job. She has been there for a couple of months and can already feel the boredom of such a monotonous, mind-numbing job settling in but this is just one of many stepping stones she has to hop across. Whilst barely making ends meet the small thefts she now does solo alone aren't nearly enough to make up for what's missing in her life. Currently looking for more exciting work and that thrill she craves so much, who knows where she might end up.
3 fun facts about your character: 
- Olivia is still seeking that thrill and she misses it dearly, dare she say more than she misses her husband?
- Olivia isn't involved with any organisation currently, and whilst she's been working solo, she wants to feel like she is part of something bigger again.
- Olivia still wears her wedding ring and though she has been close to pawning it a few times it's the one thing she still has from her old life that she doesn't really want to let go of.
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f1rodrigo · 7 months
sweet relief | l. norris | part four
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ it's so reckless of me...
summary: in which you fall for your best friend’s teammate and keeping it a secret proves to be harder than you intended. or when all you need is sweet relief the rest of the world fades away. pairing: social media au || lando norris x piastri bsf!reader fc: olivia rodrigo <3 warnings: language
inspired by the song ‘sweet relief’ by madison beer
a/n: hi i'm veryyyyy sorry for how long it took me to get this one up but it has a bit more than the other parts did & its currently finals week so the end of the semester is always very busy so i didn't have much time to work on this. hope you enjoy xx
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landonorris added to their story
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📍 Tokyo, Japan
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, and 2,032,987 others
yourusername i don't dream of anyone else...
view all 3,098 comments
user2 miss girl...this caption...the rumors...is it lyrics...what does it all mean%^&(@&@(!
user3 this caption after all the rumors ohhh my girl dont give a fuckkkk
user4 can't tell if this is her confirming or denying
⤷ user5 ...or living her life and not paying it any mind
⤷ user7 wait omfg it is.... idk why i didnt realize it sooner ⤷ user8 pls they do not gafffff anymore basically telling us they're together ⤷ user9 omg what deleted story???? ⤷ user10 go to @/norrisupdates on twitter i think they posted it before he deleted
user11 max fewtrell in the likes oh i am Thinking
lilymhe prettiest girl <3
⤷ yourusername i love u so dearly ms lily ⤷ user12 this is wag confirmation idc
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by lnfour, yourusername, and 643,811 others
landonorris DOUBLE PODIUM!!!!!!!!!! Congrats mate! Thanks @/mclaren 🧡
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mclaren Very good, very nice. 🏆🏆👏
oscarpiastri Well done mate 👊
riabish 🙌
user14 who would've thought... wow i am so proud
user15 mclaren double podium i used to pray for times like these
yourusername conhrsts 😭🧡
⤷ landonorris hmm sorry what was that ⤷ yourusername oh my god i couldn't see through my tears YOU KNEW WHAT I MEANT ⤷ user16 COULDNT SEE THROUGH HER TEARS PLSSS SHES JUST LIKE US ⤷ user17 mom and dad are fighting i dont like this
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, and 643,811 others
oscarpiastri One for the mantelpiece 🏆 and driver of the day too!! you guys 🧡
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landonorris Congrats mate!!
⤷ oscarpiastri You too mate! (and i'm not talking about the podium 😉) ⤷ landonorris ...I take it back ⤷ user19 oscar piastri what the FUCK is that supposed to mean
⤷ user15 yn & lando parents to oscar has now been confirmed
yourusername so beyond proud of you oscar 🥹
⤷ oscarpiastri 🧡🧡 ⤷ user20 cannot imagine how she feels watching him all her life through karting till now and getting to witness his first podium oh my gosh im crying again ⤷ user21 STFU NOW IM CRYING
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liked by oscarpiastri, dan_nigro, and 3,981,061 others
yourusername my new single, 'sweet relief' will be all yours in one week. presave at the link in my bio<3
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user31 love song about lando calling it now
user32 sobbing my eyes out new yn music
landonorris 🔥
⤷ user34 real
logansargeant lets goooo
user35 cannot wait oh my fucking god
alex_albon lily and i will be streaming❗️❗️
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@allywthsr , @2bormaybenot , @vellicora
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afterthegreatunknown · 2 months
A Headcanon Regarding the Violet’s Father Debate
Beatrice Baudelaire. A talented actress and performer whose charming ways wins anyone over, who has a high-standing rank due to being a Baudelaire, one of two oldest VFD Families. And with a great dislike for it, this defaults Beatrice getting more respect and recognition.
Such respect and recognition surely mean Violet Baudelaire’s father is also of equal standing.
And Bertrand B. is one of equal standing. While new to the organization, he became The Golden Boy™ of his generation. He is the volunteer who all the older volunteers of the previous generation think can do no wrong. He is the volunteer in Bertrand’s generation who is well-respected and generally like.
But Lemony Snicket is also of equal standing, and it’s not just because he’s born into an old VFD Family. A trouble-making volunteer, he can show how driven he is when it comes to goals, which is admirable to those of his generation. And his devotion to those he cares for makes him well-liked and generally respected.
Clearly, Beatrice having two lovers that are evenly match means almost everyone should spend time debating the biological identity of Violet Baudelaire’s father. They wouldn’t be doing so if Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony told everyone themselves to avoid the debate.
The thing is, the three don’t care. Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony, after a very discreet meeting, agree that biological shouldn’t matter to the identity of Violet’s father. They all agree that Bertrand is Violet’s father. Bertrand is the one who was there when Violet was born. Bertrand is the one who [will] raise Violet alongside Beatrice. Bertrand is the one who Beatrice pick to start a family with. And Lemony holds no ill-will towards Bertrand for being the one Beatrice picked, as well as holding no ill-ill towards Beatrice for picking the one who can be there to support her and her child.
With Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony having pick their positions, it’s time to know the others.
Team ‘Lemony is Violet’s Bio-Dad’:
Esme (Believes Lemony and Beatrice forgot to use protection. She also thinks it’s amusing and pathetic that Bertrand is raising someone else’s child.)
Kit (More often than not, Kit thinks Violet is Lemony’s child, because she wants Lemony to be around in the most unlikely ways. This led to fights with Jacques.)
Frank (Based off the timing of the breakup and when Beatrice and Bertrand went to the Island. He is convinced they know the truth and lying.)
Ernest (Follows Frank’s logic. However, he thinks Beatrice and Bertrand went to the Island without knowing, so they’re convince Violet isn’t Lemony’s daughter.)
R (Follows Frank’s logic. R also asked Lemony upright, being one the few he kept contact during this time period but got no answer.)
Gustav (Because of all the constant drama, he just picks a side on the fly in case they have to state their opinion on the matter.)
Olivia (Flat out asked Beatrice and Bertrand if Violet is Lemony’s kid, leading to the couple to say no. Olivia is convinced they’re lying to her.)
Ellington (She found copies of ASOUE at a few bookstores, and she draws her own conclusions without any influences what-so-ever.)
Team ‘Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad’: 
Olaf (By ASOUE, he’s running under the logic ‘the couple that slayed together, have kids together.’ Before, Olaf was convinced Lemony is a prude who used protection)
Jacques (As much as he wants Violet to be Lemony’s child, Jacques can never find traces of Lemony in Violet’s face, which lead to many fights with Kit.)
Josephine (Is convinced Violet is a premature child. Due to eventually losing contact with Beatrice and Bertrand, she never got her answer for sure.)
Ike (Due to an ill-spoken rumor that relates to Gregor being Fiona’s biological father, Ike chooses to believe Bertrand isn’t raising someone else’s child.)
Widdershins (Believes the timing works better with Betrand as Violet’s father than Lemony. Might factor with Widdershins believing the false reports of Lemony.)
Miranda (She was after all, on the Island with Beatrice and Bertrand. She knows of Beatrice’s past with Lemony, but Miranda is certain Violet is Bertrand’s child.)
Ishmael (Arrived on the Island when Beatrice was in her Third Trimester, and therefore assumed Betrand is the father. He did briefly consider Lemony is Violet’s biological father after reading the in-universe ASOUE book, but reject it.)
Moxie (Random Headcanon Time! I think there’s several Editors: Awful Editor, Dreadful Editor, and Kind Editor. Moxie is the Kind Editor, after she and Lemony semi-got back in contact. After hearing everything of the topic from the horse’s mouth that is Lemony, Moxie is all, “Yeah, Bertrand is Violet’s father.”)
Team: ‘Wait, are you serious? This is an actual topic of debate?’ Also Known as: Team ‘Haven’t decided yet’: 
Fernald (He knew the topic exist because he once saw Kit and Jacques getting into an argument about it, but it’s TEE when Fernald realize it’s a serious topic because Olaf and Esme ask about his stance and panic answers, “Unsure.”).
The rest of the Acting Troupe (Olaf and Esme started to argue about it again post TVV but pre-THH. They asked Fernald if they should get involve. Fernald tells them not to worry over it for now and they roll with it.)
Hugo, Colette, Kevin (Olaf and Esme got into another argument in TPP but because they’re the only remaining ‘Troupe’ left they can’t ask anyone what the hell they’re talking about so they’re just confused.)
The rest of the Associates (Whenever Ellington shows up to visit Moxie, the two sometimes get into arguments about it. Everyone is quiet when it happens. While they know Moxie is in contact of sorts with Lemony, they have no idea how serious of a topic it is between the two women until they see the arguments themselves.)
Team ‘Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad’…but only because they have no idea of the theory Lemony is Violet’s Bio-Dad:
All of the Unfortunate Generation (Why should they know?)
Dewey (He was hiding away from the world before Fiona was born. Him meeting Violet when Beatrice and Bertrand visiting him was a nice, sweet surprise, and the couple didn’t want to ask if he heard of the theory from his brothers to ruin said meeting. Ernest and Frank —and later on Kit and others who do visit Dewey— never told Dewey their opinion because they want Dewey to be happy for his friends getting together and having a daughter/eventual family.)
Monty (He was traveling when the Violet’s Father Debate was at its highest, and came back after Beatrice and Bertrand’s return, when Violet was almost one year old. No one told Monty their opinions/informed him of the theory Lemony is Violet’s Bio-Dad because they want Monty to be happy his friends got together and had a daughter/eventual family while away.)
Charles (Think Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad because Kit told him via letter when she was [back to] thinking Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad.)
Hector (Isolated at the Village of Fowl Devotee after Fiona was born, but before Violet was born. Thinks Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad due to Ike and Josephine.)
Georgina (Began her isolation in Paltryville before Violet was born, so the last things she heard is “Lemony is dead” and “Beatrice and Bertrand went to the Island.” Upon hearing word Beatrice and Bertrand came back from the Island and they now have a baby, Georgina is convinced Bertrand took advantage of Beatrice’s grief)
Phil + Hal (Naturally assumes the Baudelaires share the same father; in Phil’s case being on the Crew of Two on the Queequeg has Widdershins never telling him about this debate, and in Hal’s case Kit didn’t think about telling him about the debate)
Theodora + Jerome (Also naturally assumes that the Baudelaires share the same father. Both knew Beatrice and Lemony were a thing. Jerome figured Beatrice only decided to raise a family after becoming serious with Bertrand. In Theodora’s case, she believed Beatrice got pregnant on the Island, and it went from there.)
Half of the Original Schism Generation (Ex: Monty’s Sister, Adeline. Follows Theodora’s logical because it makes the most sense.)
Team ‘Can You All Shut the Ever-Loving F*CK UP’: 
Sally (Hearing the debate so much got to where Sally wanted to hear nothing about Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony for weeks. It got so bad, she once stopped talking to Gustav and other associates’ mid-way in conversations whenever it’s brought up.)
Larry + Haruki (Would have picked a side if people kept it as a minor thing but it got too large of a matter at hand, and two collectively went, “Fuck you we pick none!”)
Raymond ‘Q’ Quagmire + Joan Quagmire + Joan’s Triplet Sisters’ Alex and Lindsey (Raymond and Joan made cards that says if anyone brings up the topic in any of their presence, they have to pay a $1000 dollar fine. Alex and Lindsey made it a permanent ban topic by threatening everyone to change the fine to $10, 000 dollars)
Thursday (Miranda never told him the theory about Lemony being Violet’s Bio-Dad. He only knows about because Kit unnecessary told him the theory without him having a choice on the matter on day over a cup of Turkish coffee. Whenever Kit tries to bring it up again Thursday excuses himself from the table and hides out in the restroom/makes an excuse to cut their meeting short.)
TMWBBNH and TWWHBNB (Think the Baudelaires are small potatoes in the grand schemes of things. It’s not their concern and they are able to get Olaf and Esme to shut up about it before they even argue about it whenever around.)
Team Dead and Therefore Excluded:
Pretty much any dead character by the ASOUE Period, canonically or assumed otherwise (Ex: Gregor, the other half of the Original Schism Generation like Dashiell, N Caliban because I headcanon N is dead, and others not mentioned here.)
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annie-one · 1 month
★ Get to Know Me ★ **long read ★ What do I call you - Annie ★ Personality Type - INTP ★ Age - I was a part of the Colosseum's construction crew ★ Pastime hobbies other than picking my life apart - writing/ reading poetry, books, random research ★ Aesthetic - Dark Academia, Light Academia, Cluttercore ★ What you can expect from my blog - moodboards, poetry, literature related stuff and mental damage ★ comfort show - House MD ( do not judge me ) ★ comfort movies - Dead Poets Society, Awakenings, 10 things I hate about you ★ music preferences - Taylor swift, Conan Gray, Eminem ( Lana or Olivia sometimes ) ★ fav poets - Poe, Tennyson, Whitman, William Ernest Henley ★ fav poem - Invictus ★ fav classic - Frankenstein ★ Interests - World history, Politics, Law, Literature, Chem & Bio ★ Questionable fact - despite acing English, I picked science ★ your experiences dealing with me might range from empathetic godsent child to absolute wreck of an existence ★ my username isn't quite my name, family nicknamed me Ani and I just modified it to Annie ♡ I do have regrets, today isn't one of them ♡
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sephirthoughts · 1 month
Could you do 5 and 10 for Valenwind in the new ask game?
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5. I personally HC Sephiroth as Vincent’s bio son (i don’t care about canon support i just like this as a story element), accomplished by some highly unethical in-vitro fertilization Lucrecia did with his genetic material (not because they had sex poor vinnie absolutely died a virgin) so he wasn’t aware sephiroth was technically his till much later.
Based on both their characters, I think Vincent and Cid would want to have a child together, and Shera would be a fuckin BRO and surrogate for them.
So, thus far they’ve got two kids; one baby girl named Olivia (ollie) with Vincent’s features, and one semi-psychotic thirty-something superhuman who keeps showing up at their house because he found out he has a baby sister and they literally can’t keep him away.
I think maybe one more, eventually, using Cid’s genetic material because poor Cid. he deserves to pass on those sexy rocket scientist pilot genes! though i do think it’s a hilarious idea that Cid has actually slept with women and doesn’t have a single bio kid, whereas Vincent, who has never touched a woman in his life, has TWO bio children. 💀💀💀
i guess that means three kids in total. if you don't count yuffie. which i do not.
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10. The thing about them both being old men is that they have aged past the point where they have any shame whatsoever, so they don't really hide anything they watch from the other. that said, there are things they share and things they don't.
Vincent: the vast quantity of available television is fascinating to Vincent, who grew up watching Dark Shadows, Get Smart, Hogan's Heroes and whatnot, in syndication. He'll watch almost anything once, from sheer eager curiosity, but he mostly dislikes everything. The exceptions are:
-C-dramas. He loves them. the more batshit and ridiculous and full of crying in the rain and giant battles and long-haired sword gays the better. Also it's a good way to expose Ollie to his other native language as much as possible. Cid will fall directly asleep when one of these is on, so it's good for putting the husband down for nappies when he's fussy. -any kind of cooking or baking competition. he has very strong opinions on mary berry and paul hollywood. also he loves mel and sue but thinks that tryhard noel can fuck off.
Cid: television is hit and miss with Cid, because of his ADHD so he either hyper-focuses on a show and binges the whole thing, or falls asleep/wanders off. the exception is anything that falls into the category of what he considers essential shows for ollie's enrichment, which he watches with her. these include but are not limited to: -spongebob squarepants -carl sagan's the cosmos -M*A*S*H -the simpsons (seasons 4 through 11) -airwolf -star trek (original series) -phineas and ferb -macgyver -the twilight zone
also a bunch of old western and war movies
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rustic-moon · 2 months
Extra Veronaville sims
As you can see I added several sims to Veronaville:
Hermia Capp - french bio of Cornwall Capp mentions Hermia as his daughter, original Hermia was renamed to Helena
Edmund & Edgar Capp - twin sons of Regan & Cornwall Capp
Benedick Capp - son of Kent Capp
Perdita Monty aka unborn baby Monty- Claudio & Olivia Monty were supposed to have third child called Viola, but as I always rename Monty twins from Beatrice & Benedick to Viola & Sebastian, @violetpixels who originally made this save also used this name
Beatrice Monty - daughter of Bianca Monty
Benvolio Monty - son of Antonio & Hero Monty
Kate Monty - fourth child of Patrizio & Isabella Monty, Bianca needed her sister
Lysander & Demetrius Monty - sons of Kate Monty, love interests for Helena & Hermia Capp
All Veronaville sims were replaced with their gallery versions (id: openlyweird). Summerdreams live in Fayebrook (Glimmerbrook)
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How did Francis and Arthur get their children? 🤔
The same way practically every bisexual millennial I know did. Accidentally knocking up a partner in their 20s and having a lot of court mandated therapy 😂.
Arthur was born in Liverpool and entered the foster system from around the age of ten with his mother's death. Grew up in the very dystopian Thatcher years until he taught himself posh English and got into the navy, then shady maritime shipping. He was about 28 when he was posted to Boston in 2004. He met Olivia Jones who's an RN with a background and specialty in social healthcare originally from Nantucket with a mixed European and Afro-indigenous (Mashpea, Aquinnah and Nantucket Wompanoag) heritage and she isn't much interested in sharing her baby boy with the random limey she had a one night stand with. She named him Alfred after her own grandfather and kind of a vague idea of Englishness because she always meant to contact Arthur eventually but never did. So she doesn't really tell him until Alfred is six and he's kind of a sickly kid with pretty severe asthma, ADHD and a brush with leukemia. She tracks Arthur down to get his medical history and see if he's a marrow match. He's been with Francis for about a year, is starting to consider Matt his own kiddo and now suddenly he's got two. And one's his. And this is an Arthur who grew up rough, working class and low-key has a massive mental breakdown because he had a kid he wasn't taking care of. He never met his own father. Liv really doesn't want much to do with him but they've got Alfred together and Arthur's making pretty good money so he's happy to do whatever he wants as long as he can see his kid and be a dad in literally any capacity she'll allow. She really doesn't trust him but they work it out eventually considering they're basically strangers. Eventually Francis and Arthur agreed to live around Boston for a few years because Olivia isn't keen to ship her only son to a foreign country until she really warms up to the whole situation.
Francis is doing a master's degree in art history part time while slowly taking over his ancestral bakery. His mother was a French literature teacher and his father was the baker. And he met Matt's bio mom, Theresa, in 2008 during the recession. She was a microbiology university drop out living on a trust fund and travelling wherever nature took her. François' was very into leftist, artistic scene at the time, a little Bohemian and they shacked up one summer having steamy tantric sex in a family cabin for months and accidentally having Matt who's about six weeks old when she takes off, suddenly realizing what parenthood means and François just keeps his kid and never contacts her family. He's slightly terrified that a court outside of Quebec will take his only child so he keeps Matt close and is determined to make a properly québécois lad out of him. Theresa died climbing K2 in 2012 and Francis is neurotic about Matt's love of nature for the rest of his life, always slightly terrified he'll do something and die like that. He met Arthur in 2010 when Matt was about two going on three and they married in 2012, Arthur formally adopting Matt and making everything legally sound.
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 months
who are cass' siblings? would love a Bucky meeting her parents and Cass meeting Bucky's sisters and mum
Cass comes from a big family. She is child 4/6 and is super close with her olding siblings in particular, her leaving for school and Europe getting in the way a little bit with her younger siblings. I know we got her and his family briefly in an interlude and met one of her brothers but promise more is coming! If you have anything specific you would like to see/discuss please let me know! Little Cooper sibling bios below:
Bobby: Stationed in North Africa, meets John when they land there. Very protective of his family and in line to take over the family business. Married to a Red Cross nurse with a baby boy.
Olivia: The most perfect daughter their mother could have asked for (which means Cass thinks she doesn't have to be). Married to a big time lawyer with three kids.
Kent: Enlists and serves in the Pacific. Is MIA at the end of the war.
Cass: our favorite :)
Jill/Everett (twins): Jill probably has the biggest heart in the entire family and spends her free time volunteering at animal clinics and food banks (also has a major crush on John). Everett wants to be a pilot from the day he learns what planes are so John becomes like a mentor figure to him.
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mcmmabear · 1 month
a.k.a ━━ ˟ ⊰ momma bear
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✕ ⸻ BASICS ⸻ FULL NAME: Aaliyah Kali Amana ⸻ NICKNAMES: Kali (middle name), Liyah (pronounced like leah), ⸻ BIRTHDAY: April 7th 2008 ⸻ ZODIAC: Aries Sun/Mercury/Venus, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Mars, Scorpio Rising ⸻ AGE: 35 years old ⸻ BIRTHPLACE: Miami, Florida ⸻ REDWOOD RESIDENCE: A 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home near the playground. Aaliyah in one room, the twins in one, & Aris in another. ⸻ EDUCATION: Wildlife Conservation & Animal & Poultry Sciences at Virginia Tech University ⸻ GENDER: cis female ⸻ PRONOUNS: she/her ⸻ SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: bisexual & biromantic ⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: scar on left upper arm, upper lip, sides/rib cage, shoulder, palm, & neck/collar bone area. (see pinterest.) ⸻ OCCUPATION: Vet, widow, mother of 3 ⸻ CHILDREN: Aris Angelos Amana (age: 15 years old) Kiyana Alheri Amana & Aurelia Kayla Amana (age: five months old) ⸻INSPO/SIMILARITIES: daryl dixon (the walking dead), maggie rhee (the walking dead), rosita espinosa (the walking dead), carol petlier (the walking dead), sansa stark (game of thrones), jennifer jareau (criminal minds), spencer reid (criminal minds), scarlet witch/wanda maximoff (marvel), olivia benson (law & order svu
✕ ⸻ BIO
tw // murder, abuse, child death, foster care,
It had always been Aaliyah & her twin brother Aiden. The two were inseparable & always understood one another. Call in twin intuition, but they knew when something was wrong with the other & almost exactly what the other could be thinking. They were each other's best friends. Always being there for each other because their parents fought a lot. Over money, affairs, things said at dinner, things said in public, what was done in public. Everything. Aaliyah & Aiden were a popular topic; their parents had different views on how to raise the twins. Their father was physical when it cames to punishments, which seemed to be over anything. It started when they were five. Shoves, twists of skin, slaps. Nothing that left too much of a mark for teachers & other caretakers to notice. Their mother took most of the beatings, but that didn't stop their father from taking his anger out on the children. 
One night, things turned for the worse. In a blind rage, their father murdered their mother. They were eight, hiding in their closet, hearing the whole thing. Their father, scared, took his children in the car & fled the state. The family was only able to hide for four months before they were spotted in a supermarket & stopped at their motel. Their father got 25 to life. After that, they were placed in foster care. The twins only had each other for so long before their relatives stepped in. Taken in by their aunt & uncle,  it seemed like life was going to be okay after that. 
It wasn't. They were ten when their aunt & uncle began arguing. The topic? Money & the twins. It was almost a repeat of life with their parents again. Their uncle was physical in punishments that seemed to be over nothing, but their aunt did nothing but watch. To try get away as the twins got older, they enrolled in activities. Aaliyah did cheerleading & track. But that didn't stop the abuse. Not until they were 18 & were able to go off to college. 
Aaliyah went to Virginia Tech University for Wildlife Conservation & Animal & Poultry Sciences. She loved it. Animals had been her calling. And in her mid 20s, she met her first husband & the father of her first child & son, Aris Angelos Amana. 
The night the virus reached Virginia & their family was Aaliyah's worst nightmare. Her husband was bitten & in attempt to get help, killed by a police officer. Aaliyah took her child & ran with fear as he chased after them but was eventually killed by zombies. She couldn't explain how she made it out of town alive with Aris but she did. She was lucky...grateful.
But they spent years far from civilization & anyone who wasn't going to eat them, turn them into monsters. They were lucky to find other groups, small ones mostly that got separated by groups or killed one way or another. Aaliyah & her son have many scars & memories to tell write an autobiography of everything they'd experienced. 
It'd been the last group she'd been with which resulted in her pregnancy of her twins, Kiyana Alheri Amana & Aurelia Kayla Amana. And it wasn't long, only five months, before she got separated from their father & only with her three children, that she ran into a Redwood survivor. She was lucky & grateful to be taken in. But Aaliyah has to adjust for the sake of her family, who seem to already feel safe in their new home. 
babysitters for the children
people from past groups
people from her past!
people with pets
father of her twins (has to be new to group like she is)
twin brother
Aris automatically liked the group. Aaliyah & him argue from time to time now about if everything will be safe, knowing that they could lose the group any minute. 
Aaliyah sings to the twins to help them sleep. 
She struggles to sleep herself
She's named after the singer Aaliyah
She doesn't know if the father of her twins is alive
She lost touch with her twin, Aiden, when the outbreak happened. She doesn't know where he is & has nightmares of his possible death every few nights she gets sleep 
wears a heart locket with pictures of her family in it
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complexicn · 2 months
my name is [ KITTY WILLIAMS ] … and i am from [ HELLTOWN, OHIO ] and i’m a [ CLEANER AT THE HELLTOWN MOTEL ]. i lived in helltown for [ 27 YEARS ] because [ I NEVER LEFT, AND MY DAD NEEDED HELP ]. i am [ 27 ] my pronouns are [ SHE / HER ] and i am [ SYMPATHETIC, LOYAL, CURIOUS ] though some may say i’m [ ALOOF, SHORTSIGHTED, FRAUDULENT ]. i also hear i look a lot like [ TAYLOR RUSSELL ] but, i don’t know if i see it. i’m here because [ I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BROTHER ] but, maybe there’s more to it than that. you never know with helltown.
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FULL NAME: kathryn "kitty" williams FACECLAIM: taylor russell (bones & all micro fringe) PLACE OF BIRTH: helltown, ohio DATE OF BIRTH: november 30th ZODIAC: sagittarius GENDER: cis woman SEXUALITY: bisexual OCCUPATION: cleaner at helltown motel FACECLAIM: taylor russell (bones & all micro fringe) HEIGHT: 5'5" EYE COLOUR: dark brown HAIR COLOUR: dark brown PIERCINGS: ear lobes, belly button (long gone) TATTOOS: n/a, but only because she's never been able to afford one MBTI: ISFJ ALIGNMENT: true neutral FATHER: joshua williams MOTHER: olivia williams (nee, tbd, could be relative of yours!, deceased) OLDER BROTHER: devin williams (worked at the bowling alley [redacted redacted], missing)
her father (a certain joshua williams of kingston, jamaica) had met her mother (olivia tbd, helltown resident and supposed fortune teller) and the rest had been history — though love rarely touched anyone in such a pure stroke of luck, joshua and olivia had bargained to start a life together. he had wished to return to his family, but she had presented an ultimatum to remain at helltown for some reason or another, her excuse flimsy at best but who was joshua to deny the yearn of his greatest love? moving their belongings into the small place they could afford during the upheaval of a sudden, wanted pregnancy. their son and kitty’s beloved big brother, devin, was born… but by his astrology chart his mother had become obsessed with the idea that he was doomed for an unruly fate. still, not even the shadow that loomed above their heads like an emerging thunderstorm could’ve prevented their second child, kitty herself, her own chart coloured with strong faith and sparks of anarchy. though they lived from paycheck to paycheck with the constant bouts of mental health, they had been happy for a time, though kitty had only ever been too young to really remember those years. olivia, if you were to ask her parents and friends, had always held a penchant for waiting for the future rather than enjoying the present; alongside such a view on the world, she had also been a sloppy driver as soon as she had received her licence — as such, joshua had always warned her to be careful, to take a second before making a brash decision. it was also one of the reasons why it was normally her dad who drove the family anywhere. alas, some things are meant to be, with their dad late to pick them up from a birthday party a few blocks over, their mom had taken over, on her way there by the happenstance of one mistake after another, olivia’s car had crashed horrendously into a large truck, killing her on impact. the loss of olivia had been far too grand for joshua to understand, and by the yearning of his broken heart he had aimed to take his children back to jamaica in order to escape the unlucky stance of helltown… and they had, for a while, with the sun and sea a tonic to the incoming bubble of depression that lingered after the death of olivia. devin had been four years old, kitty just two, for it was olivia’s parents who asked joshua to return to the town with the children in tow, if only to silence their own heartbreak. having always been a kind, sympathetic man, joshua gave in after little restraint, but to return to the place where he had been the most happy was almost too much, and by lack of effort and motivation, joshua lost his job and relied on the state and olivia’s family for hand-outs. slowly the williams had repaired themselves from the inside out, devin had grown up to become an astute academic with a part-time job at the bowling alley, with the aim to leave town in order to attend college out of state. kitty had remained somewhat fractured, having inherited her mother’s displaced melancholy and suspicion that refused to leave them in peace — joshua called it the helltown curse, much to the rolling of the eyes from his children. but they had seemed to fix the potholes that had presented themselves, as kitty began to work in all corners of the town to help with the bills, her loyalty to her father the only important thing that mattered — for she was happy to play the second fiddle to her older brother. devin had been working at the bowling alley when he had gone missing, little was formally shared of his disappearance other than it was assumed that there had been no foul play. kitty, naturally suspicious, doubted the word from the officials, and from that very day has been searching for evidence of what had happened — dealing with the fallout by putting her concentration on finding out every inch of the story that has been kept from their door. her father? the loss of his son had proven too much, and after a nasty accident he was left paralyzed from the waist down, and as such had grown increasingly dependent on his only child.
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mommabcar · 2 months
" & the flashbacks hurt."
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✕ ⸻ I see you've met AURORA ELENA MYRANDA huh? They have been around for… well, it will be FIVE YEARS, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of THE MEDICS (NURSE) they are. If you want to meet them, they live in HOUSE B1A WITH HER SON HASEN, I think. People say they are NURTURING + DIPLOMATIC, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also QUICK TEMPERED + PROTECTIVE, so be safe.
✕ ⸻ BASICS ⸻ FULL NAME: Aurora Elena Myranda ⸻ NICKNAMES: Rory, Elena (middle name), Lena, ⸻ BIRTHDAY: April 7th 2005 ⸻ ZODIAC: Aries sun/moon/mercury/venus, Scorpio rising, Aquarius mars ⸻ AGE: 33 years old ⸻ GENDER: cis female ⸻ PRONOUNS: she/her ⸻ SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: bisexual & biromantic ⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: scars above lip, right forearm, right eye. red floral tattoo on left side of body. black & white floral & skull tattoo on right side of body. (see pinterest for visuals) ⸻ PRE APOCALYPSE OCCUPATION: Nurse student, wife, mother of 3 ⸻ DORUM SPEI OCCUPATION: nurse, widow, mother of 1 ⸻ FAMILY: hasen k. myranda (alive, 12), Estella Aiyanna Myranda (daughter, deceased), Lola Nova Myranda (daughter, deceased), Koa Hasen Myranda (husband, zombie) mother (70+, presumed dead), father (70+ presumed dead), five brothers (21-40+, presumed dead, possible wc). ⸻ INSPO/SIMILARITIES: glenn rhee (the walking dead), maggie rhee (the walking dead), rosita espinosa ( the walking dead), eragon (eragon), helen parr (the incredibles), catelyn stark (game of thrones), ororo munroe/storm (x-men) scarlet witch/wanda maximoff (marvel), olivia benson (law & order svu), ⸻ JUNGIAN ARCHETYPES: Joker, Innocent Child, Hero, Magician.
✕ ⸻ BIO
tw: death, child death
click here
pinterest board | wanted connections | hasen
she wears a heart-shaped locket. it contains a picture of hasen and a pre-apocalypse family photo
She struggles with sleep due to nightmares/flashbacks.
she is partially deaf in her left ear due to an altercation with a survivor attacking her. The same attack that gave her the scar on her eye.
She doesn't talk much about her past unless she's comfortable with sharing. She'll share small stories here there, but she won't go in depth.
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kaiya-sims · 10 months
Things i want to do in Veronaville:
- Bring back Claudio and Olivia and make her pregnancy come to term (undecided on the name for the baby but I would assume it would be a boy)
- Contessa Capp is alive, she was meant to be playable originally which we can see from her bio
- I may bring Cordelia and Caliban back too just because IMO VV has too many unnecessarily dead sims. Sure I guess there is the fued but it makes VV seem very empty with all these random dead sims
- Hero Monty deserved better and honestly I might bring her back pregnant just because
- Bring Viola Monty back as a teenager
- Give Viola an identical male twin (Sebastian)
- Potentially keep Viola and Sebastian living in the shadows of Romeo and Mercutio to create some sibling rivalry? Maybe they’re forced to live in the family house with Claudio & Olivia while Romeo & Mercutio live with the grandparents as potential heirs?
- Somehow rename Benedick and Beatrice Monty without taking away from Viola who is already established as a VV character (I hate that they give these names to twins but I don’t like renaming B&B to Viola and Sebastian since the discovery of Viola Monty’s existence)… I was thinking of naming them after Shakespeare’s real life twin children Hamnet and Judith but I’m not sure. The other option is Robson & Crane from Comedy of Errors but I don’t think either of those names sound particularly feminine for Beatrice…
- Create Benvolio and Rosaline from R&J but give them their own separate families so that we don’t just have three families in VV (maybe one of them could be the child of Puck’s bio parents for a twist which would technically make them Puck’s bio sibling?)
- The usual Romeo & Juliet storyline will play out but with more characters alive for the feud i think it would add deeper dynamics (i.e. Cordelia was neutral from Contessa’s bio)
- Tybalt and Mercutio will eventually be a couple… their enemies to lovers storyline is just *chefs kiss*
- I would also like to recreate Puck’s biological parents and potentially Bottom’s too since we’ve had confirmation from the storytelling images and game files that these sims were most definitely deleted
- Hal Capp’s face must be fixed!!! I would also like Miranda to have more involvement - maybe she falls for Benvolio or Rosaline instead of typically getting involved with Mercutio?
- Kent Capp is 100% gay there is no doubt in my mind I’m sorry to those who ship him with Bianca they are just besties
I mayyyy look at the alt VV by dreadpirate and also the more historically accurate VV i’ve seen on MTS and take some inspiration from both of these too but these are the general ideas that I have for an almost ultimate good end VV??
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nightsidewrestling · 6 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Charles Nye (2021)
The Third Son of Pride Charles Nye
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Damian's grandson and Viola's youngest son, Charles is an intelligent kid who spends more time with his heads in books rather than watching his mother wrestle.
"Did you name me after Dickens, Chaplin or Addams."
Full Legal Name: Charles Lakshmi Nye
First Name: Charles
Meaning: French and English form of 'Carolus', the Latin form of the Germanic name 'Karl', which was derived from a word meaning 'man' (Proto-Germanis 'karlaz'). However an alternative theory states that it is derived from the common Germanic name element 'harjaz' meaning 'army'
Pronunciation: CHARLZ
Origin: English, French
Middle Name: Lakshmi
Meaning: Means 'sign, mark' in Sanskrit. This is the name of the Hindu goddess of prosperity, good luck, and beauty
Pronunciation: LUK-shmee
Origin: Hinduism, Indian, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Odia
Surname: Nye
Meaning: Originally indicated a person who lived near a river, from Middle English 'Atten eye’ meaning 'At the river’
Pronunciation: NIE
Origin: English
Alias: N/A
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Charley, Charlie, Charly, Chas, Chaz, Chip, Chuck, Chuckie, Chucky
Titles: Mr
Age: 10
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Mixed White-Asian (English & Indian)
Birth Date: January 15th 2011
Symbols: N/A
Sexuality: N/A
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English
Relationship Status: N/A
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Theme Song (Ringtone on Damian & Vi's Phones): Damian: 'The Middle' - Jimmy Eat World Vi: 'Without Me' - Eminem
Voice Actor: N/A
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Current Location: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Hometown: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Height: N/A (Hasn’t finished growing)
Weight: N/A (Hasn’t finished growing)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: N/A
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Glyn Pritchard, Bada Llewellyn, Jacob Rhydderch, Quintus Rhydderch, Comhghall Rhydderch, Dagda O'Hannigan, Quirinus Rhydderch, Talfryn Rhydderch, Hall McFarlane, Dalton McFarland, Quasimodo Rhydderch, Bairrfhionn Rhydderch, Wallace Rhydderch, Samuel McCormick, Vance Lum, Emil Winter
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Quentin Nye
Mentor: Quentin Nye
Significant Other: N/A
Previous Partners: N/A
Parents: Quentin Nye (43, Father), Viola Nye (42, Mother, Née Lum)
Parents-In-Law: N/A
Siblings: Adam Nye (22, Brother), Paulette Nye (19, Sister), Benjamin Nye (16, Brother), Olivia Nye (13, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: N/A
Children-In-Law: N/A
Grandkids: N/A
Great Grandkids: N/A
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Backstory: Charles is the fifth and final child of Quentin and Viola Nye, which makes him the grandson of Damian Lum. Charles currently attends primary school in Lancashire.
Trivia: Nothing of note so far
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flanaganhq · 6 months
I want to apply very badly but none of the characters are jumping out at me. Do you have any current WCs, maybe OCs or something building on/outside of the established canon? Thanks!!
Hi anon! First off, we have a few more skeleton bios we plan on releasing! We wanted to release them in waves, to give members and potential members options later down the line. We have skeletons planned for characters from each of our accepted shows, like Juno Usher, Ed Flynn, Leigh Crain, and Trish Park, to name but a few! If there's a minor canon character you might be interested in, let us know and we can chat about that. If you're more interested in OCs, I can certainly help there too. I'm not sure which show you'd prefer to have immediate connections with, so I'll just list all the possibilities I have in mind right now: MIDNIGHT MASS: I would love for older members of the congregation of St Patrick's — perhaps a character who's been on Crockett for decades, and is very suspicious of the new priest who looks familiar. Maybe they were a friend of Mildred Gunning's, back in the day. If you'd like to play a younger character, how about the child of a devout parishioner who wants to leave the island for bigger and better things? BLY MANOR: If you'd like to play a younger character with ties to Bly, I'm sure Tarin would love for a younger character to befriend Flora, perhaps someone she's met through her job as a waitress, someone new to the island? There's also scope for older OC members of staff who work at Bly Manor — it's a big place, likely with more staff than what we saw in the show. TFOTHOU: Or how about a staff member who works for Roderick and Madeline at their new home on Crockett? Maybe they even have their own deal with Verna, and they're spying on Roderick and Madeline for some reason. Maybe they're a local who got a job working with Victorine or Camille, and it's causing tension as the different personalities clash. HILL HOUSE: Similarly, maybe an local to Crockett has got a job helping to restore Hill House now the Crain family are back on the island again. Or perhaps a local reporter is looking to cover the story of their return after so long, and uncover the truth of what happened to Olivia Crain all those years ago. These are just the ideas I have off the top of my head! If members have anyone they would like to see, either canon or OC, chime off in the comments! Whoever you choose to apply for, we'd love to have you.
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cartmanswrld999 · 1 year
pinned thing
fandoms i write for (+ characters)
the owl house (luz, amity, boscha, eda, willow, gus, hunter, golden guard, viney, skara, boscha, mattholomule, king, hooty (platonic only for those two), steve, alador, the collector, eberwolf (also platonic only), adrian, edric, emira, kikimora, vee, masha, and lilith)
south park (damn near everyone but ike firkle and karen)
amphibia (anne, marcy, sasha, sprig, ivy, darcy (i guess), barrel, leif, andrias, olivia, yunan, dr jan, grime) 
big city greens (everyone but gramma has to be platonic)
gravity falls (everyone but grunkle stan)
hellaverse (everyone)
my name is kentrell
dumbest african american fanfic person on this website
i have adhd
he/him are my only pronouns
my messages are open so you can send me requests and im cool with you talking to me, asking for tags, sending me stuff, etc
my sign is aries
i like video games, watchin tv, and just doing random shit
outside of this i am a call of duty trickshotter so if u wanna stalk me here ya go
What I WILL write:
character x reader
poly relationships
pov of readers
incorrect quotes
angst (ill try)
lemons (with older characters but i can age up as well until i cause controversy)
what i DON'T write:
pedophilia (adult x child!character)
r4p3 stories
gory shit
anything else that is frowned upon in tumblr i dont really know
anything else
read my bio to see if requests are opened or closed
dont beg for requests, i have the power and rights to say no to your request, so dont try asking again.
enjoy yourself on my page even though i'm a small page
masterlist coming soon
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nathaniel-donovan · 9 months
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Filled the hole in my head with prescriptive medication, and I forgot how to cry, who am I, who am I to complain.
BACKGROUND SNIPPETS. (tw: emotional abuse, depression, substance abuse, death mentions)
Second child to Harold and Meredith Donovan; was always pushed to follow in his father's footsteps, with an idealization (on Harold's part) for him to inspire to gain a career within law enforcement.
If Nate could have chosen his own path in life, he would have succeeded the title of aerospace engineer, being that he always had a fascination of building/fixing things, combining that with his love for space his dream was to work for NASA. To be able to say I built that was always a teenage goal, one that was quickly stamped out by his emotionally abusive alcoholic father.
He dove into the educational path set out for him in fear of disappointing his father, becoming depressed during his late teens that carried on into his twenties, enrolling in the police academy and it was there he gained an injury that (fortunately on reflection) had him incapable of performing his daily tasks. Something that spiralled into an identity crisis, kick starting his drop out from the police force and awakening full vocal disapproval from Harold, he also became reliant on OxyContin at this time.
At 23 he joined the Sons of Silence as a prospect, with @colemonroe giving him the push he needed to do so, in turn he learned the true meaning of family. His loyalty to the Sons knew no bounds, even despite Nate constantly pushing through everyday on softer drugs.
Found himself diving deep into an intense toxic love with @gabyharrisonx when he was 22. They were equally as good for each other as they were bad. This relationship was pivotal to Nate in the sense of him choosing to remain on the single side of life once they broke up after years of dating.
A few years later he turned to harder drugs (with Gaby) and it wasn't until his sister, @logandonovan found him unresponsive that she called 911, kick starting Nate's journey to sobriety with Cole's forced help (a sobriety he became lenient with, in terms of limiting himself to 2 beers if he wanted so).
When he was 28 his mother died in a car accident, days before he had a disagreement with her and the last thing he ever said to his mom was "No", something he regrets and cannot move on from.
A few year after his mom died he grew closer to @oliviaxsinclair and while their flirty situationship didn't lead to much, it ended with Olivia becoming pregnant, information of who the father was, had been kept from Nate, up until Mia (his daughter) recently turned 8 that he found out the truth.
Four years ago Nate was named Vice President of SoS by Cole Monroe, that same year also taking over ownership of The Raven from an overly handsy male by brute force (2020).
In 2023 his sister, Cassie Donovan, died and Nate began to struggle with the mental toll of her loss, blaming himself with the burden of not doing enough to help her with her own substance abuse issues. He relapsed and started leaning onto the pills he was taking and finding comfort in the form of alcohol.
2024, Nate broke off his relationship with Alara before he hit rock bottom, since trying to pick himself back up from the ground his aim is to keep to his sobriety and have no leniencies. Nate is trying to focus on himself, find himself, and remain clear headed for not just his daughter and sisters, but his MC family too.
Has a one-eyed silver Maine Coon called Chip. Nate ensured the life of this cat was saved and has had and adored Chip for four years. He would literal die for this cat. His sister, Logan, got him an orange cat called Cheddar for Christmas '23.
Avid boxer, as well as gym-goer. These activities helps him not only to stay fit, but he finds they help him mentally.
His first celeb crush in his teens was Sharon Stone.
He was a massively into Pokémon when he was younger.
His mom used to called him Nathan, as well as her "little monkey", a nod to that is the cute monkey tattoo he has on his (right) inner wrist. Adding to this he has a full tattoo sleeve (right arm), as well as the Sons reaper on his back. Also has an Aquarius constellation tattoo on his (right) inner wrist as a nod to Gaby (his first personal tattoo).
His middle name is Joseph.
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