#oligarch racism
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elbiotipo · 6 months
It's also funny that in Victoria 2, if you play as a developing nation outside of the great powers (say, Argentina) and if you implement liberal laissez faire economics, your economy goes to absolute shit. The only good way to play Victoria 2 is with state capitalism or a command economy, because otherwise the invisible hand of the market screws you.
If the Liberals get in charge of Argentina, it ruins the country for generations. 10/10 excellent realism.
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It was killing them that a black woman was president. Elise Stefanik took credit publicly but Ted Cruz was working this behind the scenes.
The oligarchs have bought up so much social and traditional media and have radicalized the base so much that whenever they throw money at a culture war target they get what they want.
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awesomecooperlove · 9 months
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menandwomanofhistory · 4 months
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Adolf Hitler
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aurianneor · 6 months
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A slice of the cake
It’s not going well. Purchasing power is melting away, the standard of living is falling, and doctors are less and less available, drugs less and less reimbursed, and so on.
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There is clearly competition for resources. If grain runs out, prices will go up. There could be power cuts. Families are fighting over water, which farmers want to use in mega-basins. There are too many workers for the job market. There are too many sick people for the healthcare system. The state coffers are empty. Tension is created by the fact that there are too many of us on a small slice of the cake. Lack doesn’t make you good, it only makes you more selfish. It’s me first! Everyone defends their own little piece of the cake. For example, there are often deaths during food distributions.
Bousculade au Maroc lors d’une distribution d’aide: au moins 15 morts – Le Point: https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/bousculade-au-maroc-lors-d-une-distribution-d-aide-au-moins-15-morts-19-11-2017-2173561_24.php#11
Nigeria : 4 morts dans une bousculade lors d’une distribution d’aide par un groupe d’aide local – AA: https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/nigeria-4-morts-dans-une-bousculade-lors-dune-distribution-daide-par-un-groupe-daide-local/3173778
Over the past fifty years, we’ve become accustomed to a neoliberal narrative that has hardened since the 2000s: those with the most right to the cake are the early risers, the front runners. The far right, on the other hand, asserts that those most deserving of a slice of the cake are the racially pure. They promise the forgotten of the Republic that they will come first. They appeal to people’s selfishness. They win elections in Europe and support Putin, who finances them. This weakens the West. Instead of making people envious, they make them horrified: they accept discrimination and slavery. In Russia, rich white people live well because they exploit minorities in their own interests. The oligarchs fatten up and enjoy the biggest slice of the cake. The crumbs are left for others to fight over. The share given to the oligarchs only gets bigger, and people become increasingly racist. 1% of the population owns half the world’s wealth. The every man for himself mentality is detrimental to the whole. Solidarity is what pays off.
1 % de la population possède près de la moitié de la fortune mondiale – Observatoire des inégalités: https://inegalites.fr/La-repartition-du-patrimoine-dans-le-monde
Depuis 2020, les 1 % les plus riches ont capté près de deux fois plus de richesses que le reste de l’humanité – Oxfam International: https://www.oxfam.org/fr/communiques-presse/depuis-2020-les-1-les-plus-riches-ont-capte-pres-de-deux-fois-plus-de-richesses
It’s the law of the richest: they reduce the slice of the cake shared by middle-income earners, and take the whole cake.
If wealth were distributed fairly, everyone could be richer. There would be more public services: trains, hospitals, schools, etc.
In the 90s in the West, there was more cake for everyone and people were more united. The far right was less strong.
People behave differently depending on the size of their fortune. The richest can speculate. For example, they block wheat to drive up prices.
La loi du plus riche – Oxfam: https://www.oxfam.org/en/research/la-loi-du-plusriche
We need to tax the richest to fight inequality.
Un siècle d’inégalités de revenus : les super-riches regagnent le terrain perdu: – Observatoire des inégalités: https://inegalites.fr/Un-siecle-d-inegalites-de-revenus-les-super-riches-regagnent-le-terrain-perdu
Il faut prendre l’argent où il se trouve : chez les plus riches – CGT: https://www.cgt.fr/actualites/france/fiscalite/il-faut-prendre-largent-ou-il-se-trouve-chez-les-plus-riches
Les riches gagnent quand les pauvres se battent entre eux– Le blog de Bernard Gensane: http://bernard-gensane.over-blog.com/2015/12/les-riches-gagnent-quand-les-pauvres-se-battent-entre-eux.html
La crise économique favorise le racisme, s’alarme le Conseil de l’Europe – Le point: https://www.lepoint.fr/societe/la-crise-economique-favorise-le-racisme-s-alarme-le-conseil-de-l-europe-03-05-2012-1457787_23.php
Economic scarcity alters the perception of race – PNAS: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1404448111
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Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
Humiliated by the Republic: https://www.aurianneor.org/humiliated-by-the-republic/
Restricting personal wealth: https://www.aurianneor.org/restricting-personal-wealth/
“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”.: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-world-has-enough-for-everyones-need-but-not/
Immigration: https://www.aurianneor.org/immigration-2/
What I am worth depends neither on market nor on race: https://www.aurianneor.org/what-i-am-worth-depends-neither-on-market-nor-on-race/
Rob the poor to feed the rich: https://www.aurianneor.org/rob-the-poor-to-feed-the-rich/
La part du gâteau: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-part-du-gateau/
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brehaaorgana · 1 month
A reasonable take: You should actually be independently verifying all charities and charity fundraisers before donating unless you know the recipient personally.
This means:
Every single fundraiser/charity requires research and your own individual verification for your financial safety. Always. Forever! In perpetuity!
VERIFY, then trust.
If you only realized you should be worried about possible scams because foreign brown people are involved then yeah you might have been influenced by racism! That might not have been intentional on your part, but racism influences us in all kinds of ways we might not realize or even actively agree with!
But being wary of scams and fraud as a matter of course is not, in and of itself, racist. Practicing financial safety habits consistently to protect yourself against scams and fraud is not racist on its own. That would be absurd.
If people are saying they're vetted or checked by someone else, you still have to do the research to find out what that person vetted, how they checked, and if they are trustworthy.
You don't need to harass people in order to do this research and verification for yourself. If you decide you're not sure you still don't need to harass people.
Successful fraudsters are successful when you don't take the time to personally verify them before you give money. They may seem just like a bot, OR they might be indistinguishable from an actual person in need. Or both! Fraudsters do all of these things because they only need one thing to work on you.
Yes, it is a known fact that fraudsters try to take advantage of disaster, conflict, and turmoil in order to scam people who want to do good and help others. It's called charity scamming.
"Never pay by cash, gift card, wire transfer, or cryptocurrency. Each of these forms of payment are difficult or impossible to track and reverse." - the FBI. But also me. Just as an fyi don't ever do that.
The United States has a lot of general resources on financial fraud and charity scams. Look at the FBI — IC3, the FTC ftc.gov/charity, the CFPB, FinCen (this page shows recent warnings in Suspicious Activity reports so you know what to look out for to avoid giving money to say Russian Oligarchs!) and the IRS websites.
Also international fraud awareness week. And Prevent Charity Fraud has resources aimed *at* charities, because nonprofits can be scammed too!
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misfitwashere · 2 months
Ukraine and Harris
And Ukrainian-Americans and the Ukrainian Future
Timothy Snyder
Jul 27, 2024
Ukrainians have been asking me what it means for their country that President Joe Biden has decided to withdraw his candidacy and that Vice-President Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party. 
I think that it only means good things. 
The Biden administration now has more time for Ukraine.  Until last Sunday, Joe Biden had two jobs: president and candidate for president.  Now he has only one job: to be president.  This means more time for policy, including foreign policy.  The people on his team who work on Ukraine will find it easier to get his attention.  Aside from that: President Biden will now be thinking about his legacy.  He knows that whatever policies he wants attached to his name must be formulated and implemented in the next six months.
Though it is impossible to be sure, I would guess that Ukraine will likely as central to a Harris presidency than it was to the Biden presidency.  On a number of foreign policy issues, including Ukraine, the Biden administration began from traditional assumptions that were outdated, and then worked quickly to catch up.  I do not think that this will be the case for Harris, in part because the Biden administration has caught up.  The vice-president’s foreign policy team might well be more decisive on Ukraine than the Biden team.  Vice-President Harris made a point of traveling to Geneva for Ukraine’s peace summit when it became clear that President Biden would not attend. In fairness, we should remember that President Biden visited Kyiv itself!
All of that, though, is far less important than the main issue, which is beating Donald Trump.
Harris has a better chance of doing so than did Joe Biden.  If you are on Ukrainian social media, you are dealing with Russian bots and trolls saying that Harris is unpopular in America and can’t win.  In the United States, the Russian bots and trolls are spreading racism and misogyny.  The Russian demobilization serves the same goal: to stifle any hope for something good in both countries. 
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Here are the basic facts.  Just a few days into her campaign, Harris polls even with Trump, whereas Biden was behind by several points.  Her campaign has been energetic and effective.  She has mobilized several constituencies who might otherwise have been indifferent.  Trump is obviously afraid of her (as are the Russian propagandists who support Trump).
Now, I understand that there are Republicans who maintain that Trump would have a good Ukraine policy, including people whose views on foreign policy I admire.  Respectfully, I believe this this is wishful thinking.  In some cases, Ukrainians also think wishfully, confusing a thoughtful proposal by a Republican with Trump’s own views or likely future actions.  So let me take a moment to explain why I believe that a second Trump administration would be disastrous for both countries. 
In Ukrainian terms, Trump is a Yanukovych figure, a wannabe oligarch backed by actual oligarchs and the Kremlin.  Unlike Yanukovych, he is personally charismatic and politically talented.  The essence of Trump’s agenda is the transformation of the American political order.  Whether or not this succeeds, the attempt at regime change will remove the United States from the international scene for an indefinite period.  Insofar as we have a foreign policy at all under a Trump administration, it will amount to allowing Russia and China to do what they want.
When thinking of how the United States matters to Ukraine, it is also worthwhile considering how Ukrainians (Ukrainian-Americans) will matter in this election. 
Given the strange American electoral system, certain states matter more than others.  Ukrainian-Americans are 1% of the population of Pennsylvania, and 0.5% of the population of Michigan.  If Trump wins those two states, he will win the general election.  If Harris wins those two states, then she will win the general election. 
In Michigan, the number of Ukrainian-Americans is greater than Trump’s margin of victory in the state in 2016.  In Pennsylvania, the number of Ukrainian-Americans is greater than Trump’s margin of victory in that state in 2016, and also greater than that of Biden’s margin of victory in 2020.   
In other words, the votes of Ukrainian-Americans might decide whether Ukraine continues to exist. 
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ralfmaximus · 2 months
The feigned ignorance of the press about Elon’s political leanings–despite undeniable evidence of his union bashing, abetting racism, rampant misogyny, massive tax avoidance, and hostility to trans people despite (or because of) being a father to one–has led us to a crisis.
Elon Musk is giving Donald Trump $35 million per month.
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scottguy · 1 month
Article: Hulk Hogan Faces Fresh Racism Allegations After Kamala Harris Jab
Hulk Hogan Faces Fresh Racism Allegations After Kamala Harris Jab
He said, "I'm going to get in trouble for saying this.." but then he said it anyway.) " I'm going to body-slam her."
Violence. That's the Republican way now.
That's what right-wingers resort to because they have no winning arguments and no actual helpful policies, just anger.
So it's just to liberals, "They're bad! Hate them! Hurt them!"
Odd, because the only thing liberals and Democrats want is a prosperous America for *everybody.*
Democrats are ON THE SIDE of working-class people! We want lower prices! We want affordable healthcare. We want affordable housing and education. We are not your enemies. The true enemies are the rich, the oligarchs manipulating with their money.
So... why would you want to hurt us, your neighbors who want you to thrive?
Seriously, we liberals, we're just openly kind people. Youve been told we're evil because our love does extend to groups of humans that are uncomfortable for you. But, those people are not monsters. They've always existed for thousands of years. We're just finally understanding that. Still THEY aren't the ones refusing you a living wage or raising your rent, or gouging you for groceries.
The true monsters want to cut your Social Security. They want to give Medicare to the "for profit" people. The monsters (the rich) want to repeal all the laws protecting your air, your food, your water because they're profit margins go up a teensy bit more... at the expense of your health.
Stop treating Democrats as the enemy. We are your neighbors and we just want what's best for you and for all Americans!
Liberals love our neighbors. Is that such a bsd thing?
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“At least 38 Democratic members of Congress signed a letter sent Monday to the president of the Heritage Foundation requesting he meet with lawmakers to discuss Project 2025 and release the undisclosed fourth pillar of the project called the “180-Day Playbook.”
"Our offices are increasingly hearing from constituents worried about the impact of Project 2025 on the future of our nation," read the letter obtained exclusively by ABC News.
"A growing number of Americans are concerned that Project 2025, which you describe as 'a second American revolution,' poses an unprecedented threat to our democracy, reproductive freedoms, public education, LGBTQIA+ rights, our economy, environment, public health and more."
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theculturedmarxist · 1 month
Immediately after Joe Biden announced that he would not seek re-election and instead endorsed Kamala Harris, she was anointed as the Democratic Party presidential nominee with little analysis of her record or her program. In fact, her website, KamalaHarris.com , makes no mention of a political program at all. While foolish debates about whether she should be considered Black garner media attention, questions about policy are largely ignored. Black Agenda Report has been writing about Harris for some time, and we share what we and others have noted about her record over the years.
Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, July 19, 2017 Kamala Harris and America’s Oligarchs Briahna Joy Gray, Current Affairs, September 3, 2017 How Identity Became a Weapon Against the Left Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, January 16, 2019 Kamala Harris Destroyed Black Lives Teodros Fikre, Ghion Journal, January 16, 2019 Evoking Muckrakers: Hannah Giorgis’s Devastating Critique of Senator Kamala Harris Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report, January 24, 2019 Bernie Sanders vs Kamala the Jailer and Her Corporate Backers Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report, January 30, 2019 The U.S. is a Political Prison, Kamala Harris is a Prison Guard Teodros Fikre, Black Agenda Report, January 30, 2019 When Politicians Use Marginalized People As Human Shields
Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, February 20, 2019 Kamala Harris: The Fix Is In Marjorie Cohn, Black Agenda Report, July 10, 2019 Kamala Harris Has a Distinguished Career of Serving Injustice Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2019 Kamala Harris Embodies the Most Dangerous Myth of American Exceptionalism Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, August 14, 2019 No Racism, Just Russians
Erica Caines, Hood Communist, August 13, 2020 Political Copaganda and the November Elections
Ahjamu Umi, Black Agenda Report, August 19, 2020 Kamala Harris: Class Struggle and the Illusion of Identity in Capitalism Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, August 19, 2020 “Feet to the Fire” and Other Lies Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Black Agenda Report, August 26, 2020 Obama, Harris and the Ruse of Racial Representation
Julie Kuttapan, Black Agenda Report, August 26, 2020 "Kamala Auntie": On the Vulgarity of Bourgeois Identity Politics in 2020
Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report, October 15, 2020 The Useful Tool: Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, November 11, 2020 The Real Resistance Begins Tye Salandy,Trinidad and Tobago News Blog, November 13, 2020 Biden-Harris and the Diverse Faces of U.S. Imperialism
Erica Caines, Hood Communist, February 21, 2021 The Caribbean Diaspora Has a SOUTHCOM Problem
Erica Caines, Hood Communist, June 10, 2021 Kamala Harris and the Americas Ready for Revolution, Hood Communist, January 27, 2022 Biden Harris and the Never Ending Commitment to War Gyasi Lake, Black Youth Project, August 8, 2022 There’s No Such Thing as a “Progressive Prosecutor” In a System Designed to Criminalize Blackness Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, April 7, 2023 Ajamu Baraka Discusses the Zone of Peace and Kamala Harris’ Trip to Africa | Black Agenda Report Salifu Mack, Hood Communist, July 6, 2023 More Than Meets the Silk Press: Kamala Harris and U.S. Imperialism Peoples Dispatch, March 25, 2024 Puerto Ricans Take to the Streets Against Kamala Harris Visit
Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2024 War, Genocides, and Coups: Biden/Harris and the Irreversible Crisis of Neo-Liberal Fake Democracy Jacqueline Luqman, Luqman Nation, The Coup for the Democratic Nomination, July 26, 2024 Darker Than Blue 7/26/24: The Coup For The Democratic Nomination
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Trump supporters are trying to blur Trump's racism by posting fake AI images of him being the object of adoration by African Americans.
One of the disseminators of such images is a white MAGA talk show host in Florida.
Unlike in 2016, when there was evidence of foreign influence campaigns, the AI-generated images found by the BBC appear to have been made and shared by US voters themselves. One of them was Mark Kaye and his team at a conservative radio show in Florida. They created an image of Mr Trump smiling with his arms around a group of black women at a party and shared it on Facebook, where Mr Kaye has more than one million followers. At first it looks real, but on closer inspection everyone's skin is a little too shiny and there are missing fingers on people's hands - some tell-tale signs of AI-created images. "I'm not a photojournalist," Mr Kaye tells me from his radio studio. "I'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. I'm a storyteller." He had posted an article about black voters supporting Mr Trump and attached this image to it, giving the impression that these people all support the former president's run for the White House. In the comments on Facebook, several users appeared to believe the AI image was real. "I'm not claiming it is accurate. I'm not saying, 'Hey, look, Donald Trump was at this party with all of these African American voters. Look how much they love him!'" he said. "If anybody's voting one way or another because of one photo they see on a Facebook page, that's a problem with that person, not with the post itself."
Basically, Mark Kaye is telling the BBC that he has the right to deceive people.
Another spreader of fake images is a Christian fundamentalist known as "Shaggy" in Michigan.
We tracked down the person behind the account called Shaggy, who is a committed Trump supporter living in Michigan.
"[My posts] have attracted thousands of wonderful kind-hearted Christian followers," he said in messages sent to the BBC on social media. When I tried to question him on the AI-generated image he blocked me. His post has had over 1.3 million views, according to the social media site X. Some users called it out, but others seemed to have believed the image was real.
FYI: This is "Shaggy". Is anybody shocked that the people spreading these fake images of blacks are old white MAGA zombies?
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Apparently there are still people using oligarch Elon Musk's Twitter X. Don't expect Odious Elon to do anything about obvious attempts to deceive users.
Cliff Albright, the co-founder of campaign group Black Voters Matter, said there appeared to be a resurgence of disinformation tactics targeting the black community, as in the 2020 election. "There have been documented attempts to target disinformation to black communities again, especially younger black voters," he said.
If Trump supporters think that they have the right to spread bogus images, we then have the right to have some fun with them. 😋
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Dems are not organized or financed by billions in dark money like RepubliKKKans are.
One must remember that since the 60’s RepubliKKKan billionaire oligarchs have been forming a vast network of political foundations, buying up southern and western state legislatures, operating in conjunction with the NRA and it’s network of foreign fascist bankers, paying thousands of lawyers to bring cases and establish right-wing legal precedents, selecting judges, founding and buying right-wing media outlets, promoting corporate friendly legislation, using racism and fundamentalist religious beliefs to shape public opinion, and heavily investing in Republikkkan politicians at both the state and federal level.
Democratic politicians are basically on their own trying to win local elections through their own charisma and fundraising. The Dems only have a loosely organized central leadership to shape a platform and no real ORGANIZED network of political benefactors, media outlets, or political foundations.
We’re at a severe disadvantage against an organized, well funded, long term movement hell bent on reshaping every aspect of American life.
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okay, real quick [not so quick as it turns out, you will notice these get longer as i go on for basically no reason; this is as succinct as i get i think]:
italy (1914–1925): oligarchic/corrupt liberal parliamentary system, relatively weak + poor among the great powers, frustrated territorial ambitions despite a handful of colonies. heterogeneous radical nationalist movement (stretching left to right on various issues) in wwi advocates participation in the war for various conflicting reasons, and then sticks around after the war ends—at the same time as the national humiliation of unsatisfied territorial demands, a brief economic recession, problems w veteran demobilization, proto-revolutionary labor unrest, and the general collapse of politics-as-usual. radical nationalists generally consolidate into two camps, 1) a more radical and popular one behind mussolini ("fascists"), built mostly on the use of armed force against rural socialists (and to seize control of local govt) but also including a pro-worker 'left' faction, 2) a more reactionary, pro-business, monarchist, etc clique (ani). mussolini is handed power after a show of force in rome in 1922 but presides over a seminormal conservative govt (what we might call 'illiberal democracy' today?) until the fascist murder of the socialist leader giacomo matteoti in 1924; the ensuing crisis eventually forces mussolini to stand before parliament in 1925 and declare an outright dictatorship, but the regime that emerges in the late 1920s represents a series of compromises and the input of multiple, fascist + nonfascist (esp. the ani), contending factions
germany (1918–1933): late to imperialism and industrialization but caught up fast, becomes the industrial heart of europe under an increasingly militaristic authoritarian monarchy. stripped of colonies and much of its european territory after wwi, briefly succumbs to a communist rev that's crushed by the new post-imperial liberal democracy. diverse and aggressive far right subculture variously focused on imperial restoration, territorial aggrandizement, antisemitism, etc. german workers' party, working-class offshoot of a racialist occult sect, is among these groups and is quickly commandeered by adolf hitler and the adjective 'national socialist' added. radical nationalist ecosystem feeds off of national humiliation of defeat, abdication, etc etc, economic crisis, veteran problem, and continued impositions by france. nazi attempt to exploit a serious crisis in 1923 and take power by force fails, party banned and hitler imprisoned, during which time he fleshes out a sophisticated ideology of, basically, revolutionary racism, entailing complete dictatorship, social levelling and worker mobilization, new imperial conquests to the east, and extermination of racial inferiors. hitler released from prison early and gets party unbanned, great depression in 1929 catapults the nsdap into national politics, claiming a third of the vote by 1932. to the nazis' 'right' arguably are the dnvp (authoritarian, monarchist, pro-business) and the vaguely authoritarian presidential clique clinging to power by emergency rule as of 1930. nazi militia attacks leftists in the streets but also tries to rally workers and supports the late 1932 berlin transport strike; despite apparent radicalism, hitler promises industrialists he's their best option and so they pressure the weak/collapsing presidential regime to bring the nazis into the fold. this occurs as a result of internal squabbles in the conservative camp when hitler is named chancellor in early 1933, and only a few months of 'illiberal democracy' ensue before the nazis install a single-party dictatorship and, more specifically, begin consolidating much more total party control over the state and traditional elites than the italian fascists ever managed
spain (1930–1937): neutral in wwi. declining imperial power; largely poor, weak, and agrarian, similar to italy; conservative dictatorship overthrown in 1930, king rules as interim dictator until new elections act as de facto referendum on the monarchy: republicans sweep the cities in a landslide, the king goes into self-exile, and a liberal democracy is proclaimed. radical nationalist subculture partially inspired by what's going on in italy seeks restored authoritarian catholic monarchy. a young intellectual called ramiro ledesma ramos, like the nazis and fascists, preaches something beyond that, a revolutionary totalitarian republic based on worker mobilization and sweeping expropriations + nationalizations. he joins w an extreme catholic in 1931 to form the jons, composed of radical university students. in 1933, the aristocratic lawyer and dictator's son, josé antonio primo de rivera, founds his own fascist-inspired 'falange', somewhat more catholic and moderate; the falange wins two seats in parliament w help from the mainstream right. the year later the falangists and 'jonsists' merge, though josé antonio soon consolidates autocratic control w/in the party and kicks out ledesma. although increasingly violent towards leftists, the falange remains a minuscule and mostly irrelevant force. the rise of the popular front in 1936 sees a state crackdown on the falange and josé antonio's arrest, after which he begins plotting for armed insurgency; however, the military takes the initiative and stages a coup which becomes a civil war. the falange balloons in membership and joins the rightist 'nationalist' camp. w most of its old leadership executed by republicans, the nationalist generalissimo francisco franco coopts the falange and converts it into his personal power base in 1937, gradually purging the falange of authentically fascist elements over the next several years.
romania (1923–1941): not only victorious in wwi but, unlike italy, gets massive territorial concessions largely satisfying any lingering irredentism. no colonial history except that of its own colonization. deeply impoverished and agrarian society + oligarchic/corrupt liberal parliamentary system, w a looong history of antisemitism. jews are only granted civil rights in 1923; in the same year, professor and antisemitic politician a.c. cuza founds the lanc: aggressively anti-jewish on an almost single-issue basis. within the lanc is a faction of university students banking on the student protest movement of the early 1920s; their leader, corneliu codreanu, thinks cuza should go beyond electoral activity and build an armed mass movement capable of mobilizing a) students like himself, and b) the peasantry, or in other words the students' parents. this results in the codrenists splitting from the lanc in 1927 as the 'legion of the archangel michael' espousing a semiheretical and mystical school of orthodox christianity, genocidal antisemitism, and a sort of peasant socialism. over the 1930s the legionaries do in fact become an armed mass movement of the youth and peasants, and a persistent thorn in the side of the oligarchic establishment, at one point assassinating a prime minister. politics finally grinds to a halt in 1937, when the national christians (authoritarian, antisemitic, but not revolutionary; successor to the lanc, w a love-hate relationship to the legion) are hoisted into govt. the nc administration proves too friendly to the legionaries and instead, in 1938 king carol seizes power from above, creating a royal dictatorship w a vague/amorphous single party collecting members of the old oligarchy. codreanu is assassinated and the legion declares all-out revolutionary war on the state, but unsuccessfully. they remain a threat though; in 1940 carol changes tack and tries to coopt the legion, but his regime breaks down and he abdicates in favor of military dictator ion antonescu, who more fully absorbs the legion into govt in a franco-like arrangement. unlike franco who was able to slowly marginalize the falange, the legion's unruliness makes it an unsustainable partner: a 1941 legionary revolt turns into a horrific pogrom and antonescu purges it in the most brutal and decisive anti-legionary crackdown yet. this doesn't stop the more 'orderly' and pragmatic antonescu regime from participating enthusiastically in the holocaust.
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aurianneor · 6 months
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La part du gâteau
Ca ne va pas. Le pouvoir d’achat fond à vue d’oeil, le niveau de vie diminue et les médecins sont de moins en moins disponibles, les médicaments de moins en moins remboursés, etc.
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Il y a manifestement une compétition pour l’accès aux ressources. Si les céréales viennent à manquer, les prix vont monter. On risque d’avoir des coupures d’électricité. Les familles se disputent l’eau que les paysans veulent utiliser dans des méga bassines. On est trop de travailleurs pour le marché de l’emploi. On est trop de malades pour le système de santé. Les caisses de l’Etat sont vides. Une tension est crée par le fait qu’on est trop nombreux sur une petite part du gâteau. Le manque ne rend pas bon, il développe le chacun pour soi. C’est moi d’abord! Chacun défend sa petite part de gâteau. Par exemple, il y a souvent des morts pendant les distributions de nourriture.
Bousculade au Maroc lors d’une distribution d’aide: au moins 15 morts – Le Point: https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/bousculade-au-maroc-lors-d-une-distribution-d-aide-au-moins-15-morts-19-11-2017-2173561_24.php#11
Nigeria : 4 morts dans une bousculade lors d’une distribution d’aide par un groupe d’aide local – AA: https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/nigeria-4-morts-dans-une-bousculade-lors-dune-distribution-daide-par-un-groupe-daide-local/3173778
Depuis cinquante ans, on a été habitué à un récit néolibéral qui s’est durcit depuis les années 2000: ceux qui ont le plus droit au gâteau, ce sont ceux qui se lèvent tôt, ce sont les premiers de cordée. L’extrême-droite affirme que ceux qui méritent le plus la part de gâteau ce sont les plus purs au niveau racial. Ils promettent aux oubliés de la République qu’ils passeront avant. Ils en appellent à l’égoïsme des gens. Ils gagnent les élections en Europe et soutiennent Poutine qui les finance. Cela affaiblit l’occident. Au lieu de faire envie, on fait horreur: ils acceptent les discriminations, l’esclavage. En Russie, les blancs riches vivent bien car ils exploitent les minorités dans leur intérêt. Les oligarches se gavent et profitent de la plus grosse part du gâteau. Les miettes sont laissées aux autres qui se les disputent. La part donnée aux oligarches ne fait que grossir et les gens deviennent de plus en plus racistes. 1% de la population possède la moitié de la richesse mondiale. Le chacun pour soi nuit à l’ensemble.
1 % de la population possède près de la moitié de la fortune mondiale – Observatoire des inégalités: https://inegalites.fr/La-repartition-du-patrimoine-dans-le-monde
Depuis 2020, les 1 % les plus riches ont capté près de deux fois plus de richesses que le reste de l’humanité – Oxfam International: https://www.oxfam.org/fr/communiques-presse/depuis-2020-les-1-les-plus-riches-ont-capte-pres-de-deux-fois-plus-de-richesses
C’est la loi des plus riches. Ils réduisent la part du gâteau que se partagent les gens aux revenus normaux et ramassent le reste du gâteau.
Si la richesse était répartie équitablement, chacun pourrait être plus riche. Il y aurait plus de services publics: trains, hôpitaux, école, etc.
Dans les années 90, il y avait plus de gâteau pour tout le monde et les gens étaient plus solidaires. L’extrême-droite était moins forte.
Les gens ne se comportent pas pareil en fonction de la taille de leur fortune. Les plus riches peuvent spéculer. Par exemple, ils bloquent le blé pour faire monter les prix.
La loi du plus riche – Oxfam: https://www.oxfam.org/en/research/la-loi-du-plusriche
Il faut taxer les plus riches pour lutter contre les inégalités.
Un siècle d’inégalités de revenus : les super-riches regagnent le terrain perdu: – Observatoire des inégalités: https://inegalites.fr/Un-siecle-d-inegalites-de-revenus-les-super-riches-regagnent-le-terrain-perdu
Il faut prendre l’argent où il se trouve : chez les plus riches – CGT: https://www.cgt.fr/actualites/france/fiscalite/il-faut-prendre-largent-ou-il-se-trouve-chez-les-plus-riches
Les riches gagnent quand les pauvres se battent entre eux– Le blog de Bernard Gensane: http://bernard-gensane.over-blog.com/2015/12/les-riches-gagnent-quand-les-pauvres-se-battent-entre-eux.html
La crise économique favorise le racisme, s’alarme le Conseil de l’Europe – Le point: https://www.lepoint.fr/societe/la-crise-economique-favorise-le-racisme-s-alarme-le-conseil-de-l-europe-03-05-2012-1457787_23.php
Economic scarcity alters the perception of race – PNAS: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1404448111
They really have us fighting each other over crumbs while they sneak off with the entire cake.
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Ma valeur n’est ni marchande ni raciale: https://www.aurianneor.org/ma-valeur-nest-ni-marchande-ni-raciale/
Rob the poor to feed the rich: https://www.aurianneor.org/rob-the-poor-to-feed-the-rich/
Immigration: https://www.aurianneor.org/immigration/
“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-world-has-enough-for-everyones-need-but-not/
Limiter la richesse individuelle: https://www.aurianneor.org/limiter-la-richesse-individuelle/
Les humiliés de la République: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-humilies-de-la-republique/
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