#oldest hero danny au
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glucosegaurdian · 2 years ago
Danny was tired. Tired of life. Tired of Death. Tired of Amity and how there was nothing to do. 
Don’t get him wrong! The peace pact was the best thing to happen to this town, to this dimension, to him! No more random ghost fights for no good reason, no more protecting ghosts from scared and angry townspeople. It was, well, peaceful! 
And he liked that, he really did! But after a couple hundred years of nothing to do but kingly duties, paperwork (courtesy of the stupid eyeballs) and the occasional friendly spar, he was tired of it all. He needed something different for a little bit. A couple years of excitement, a vacation from his boredom.
 And he truly did need it. Being forever young and mildly ADHD was doing him no favors either in the boredom department.
He sighed. 
He needed to expand his horizons… but… he had never really left America in all his years, had he? Sure there were a couple flyby’s but he had never set foot out of America… (the moon and other planets didn’t count he nodded to himself, floating at the idea of going on vacation)
He smiled to himself as he picked up his phone and called his sister/cousin/daughter. I wonder where in the multiverse she is…. 
Well, Danny reasoned with himself, it wouldn’t be a road-trip without my favorite little traveler. I wonder what Japan is like this time of year.. It’s been a while since I’ve talked to Toshinori…
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wwcross · 2 years ago
Hdjcjdjs I LOVE YOU oldest hero Danny au!!! Would it be okay if I wrote about it?? A fic or just on tumblr?? If not that’s understandable but this au has given me the brain worms and I want to put it in my mouth and chew!
I did a sort of prompt on it but I really want to do moooorrrreee!!
Thank you so much for loving my au <3
And of course you can write about it! I read your prompt and it was very interesting! I hope I can see more of it!!
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mkarchin713 · 1 year ago
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The older heroes (Diana, Doctor Fate, anyone from the Justice Society) recognize Danny but keep their mouths shut for the lolz, chaos or fear of retaliatory pranks.
DP x DC prompt #108
When a new hero team calling themselves the "Justice League"(Dumb name, sounds like a baseball league) shows up, Danny decides to go undercover as a mechanic to observe his juniors to see how they perform.
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flamingpudding · 10 months ago
I had a crack idea that I was thinking of so you know in Dan is Klarion au I was imagining a au based off of that one where all of Danny's children are Klarion is like the robin thing for Batman it started off with Danielle when nabu insulted Danny as the Ghost King and Balance
Ever since Ellie decided that she needed to get back in blood so she made the chaotic antihero Klarion and and her suppose it familiar 'cat' Teekl the way to help out her mother and mess with Dr Fate/Nabu Teekl is actually a bear with an illusion on that makes him look like a cat in the human's eyes
Whatever since the anti-hero Klarion in The Phantom family has been passed down each of them giving their own flair to the persona of Klarion with a different animal every time that they had pretending to be a cat
Tell her to finally passed on to Dan it is an honorary sibling thing each of them has their own antihero name once they passed down the title of Klarion
Diana's query and takes after his father's style of dressing and his tickle is a phoenix
First of Thanks for the Ask! Inspirational as always! Helps with my writers block [insert awkward laugh]
Either way because this is split in two asks... you get two version! One focused on how it started and the other on the reveal! Though the might be some little Shorts... Also there is something really funny to me about a giant bear letting Illusionen into a cat... So Enjoy!
(BTW still thinking over the other ask... and working on it don't worry!)
Ellie huffed as Danny reprimanded her for her actions. She just huffed crossing her arms. She was just helping Danny. Her mom got a lot on his shoulders and she as the sort of oldest saw that the best. Sure technically Dan was older then her but, he shrunk down to kid level again and now she was the oldest.
Well if she ignored her other brothers but they were only saved recently and still in treatment with Frostbite. So she was the oldest. End of story.
"Ellie you can't just go off like that you know that messing with an Ancient is not-"
"Mom, That Nabu-Guy was being a pain in the a- " - "Ellie!" - "A PAIN, babbling on to much about Order here Order there. How keeping Balance means keeping Order and bla bla bla!" She cut in stopping her mom before he could go on another rant about the Ancients, she needed to treat with respect.
"He doesn't respect you, the Ancient of Balance! You are the literal Symbol of Balance between Life and Death! Aside from being the Ghost King. So of course I had to mess with the one HE mentors!" Ellie added huffing as she crossed her arms.
Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ellie, you created an entire alternate persona!"
"Yea so?"
"You used an illusion spell on Fluffels!"
"And? Any good Anit-Hero needs a Mascot." Ellie shrugged once more looking up at her mom before looking over to Fluffels, her pet ghost grizzly that was pretty much double maybe even tripple her size and the fluffiest ghost grizzly you could find in the entire Ghost Zone, and the cutest.
Danny on the other hand groaned, wondering if he had done anything wrong while raising Danielle. Sure he had been a teen himself but good damit why the hell did Ellie decided messing with the Ancient of Order or rather his mentee was a good idea. "I am calling Jazz! You can explain to her what you were thinking!"
He was definitely to overworked and stressed to deal with Ellies mischievousness right now. Well she did call her alternate persona Klarion, Lord of Chaos. Nope! He was not dealing with this right now, so Danny did the sanest thing he could think of. Turning on his heel and walking away. Where to? Who cares maybe he would check in with his old man Clockwork and see what Ellie had actually been up to, instead of just reading through Nabu's complains.
Ellie on the other hand blinked watching her mom leave before calling after him. "Does that mean I have to stop, being Klarion?"
"Well hello my lovely Amadillos! Long time not seen!"
Ellie shouted cheerfully as she twirled into appearing hair styled into a horn like form, black suit and she might have over done it a little with the black eyeliner but hey it was an iconic look wasn't it. She smirked as Fluffles growled which translated into a meow for the mortals before her thank to the illusion spell.
The mortal teen looked up at her surprised as she floated down her hand glowing with red ectoplasm (a color change from her usual green ectoplasm that had taken a while to learn from Pandora). Young Justice was currently transporting something of interest to her. Well of Interest for the Justice League, really but Doctor Fate was involved which meant Nabu was involved, which naturally meant she would get involved. It didn't hurt that she would also get to try to try some new tricks.
"You got something interesting there... and I want that." She grinned. Ellie didn't give them long before she acted using the new tricks she had learned.
"Woah! Hey there, watch the pointy and sharp thowies!" She laughed making a quick shield as she blocked some batarangs and arrows before blinking.
"Hey they look different. Robin, did you change equipment? Did you get a new haircut too?" She asked curious but didn't really receive an answer as they ignored her questions and shouted something about distracting her while the others continue the transportation. Still she bend down to pick one of them up twirling it between her fingers. "What gives didn't they have a different design before?"
In hindsight it was probably not a good idea to just abandon her original goal but Robin was making her curious. And she could always find a different way to mess with Nabu. Her mom had given her an indirect okay years ago anyway.
"Teekl!" She called out and only her eyes could see how Fluffles jumped at the call growling in response as he swatted away some of the more annoying Young Justice kids. To the mortals it probably looked like Teekl was using ectoplasm, or well magic, in their eyes.
She used that change to go up into Robins face smirking widely as she looked at the other more closely, trying to get a read on him. "You are different! You aren't the same Robin I meet before!"
She ducked in time avoid Superboy as she hopped back excited with a new idea for her family.
But first she would have to deal with the little chaos and mischief she was creating.
".....and that is how I learned that the Robin title is getting passed down. So I was thinking of doing the same!" Ellie broadly stated looking at all her younger siblings before her. "We all get pretty annoyed with the way Nabu treats Mom so there always has to be a Lord of Chaos to 'balance' Nabu out!"
She grinned at her siblings expecting the same kind of excitement she had and they didn't disappoint. Danny had been there for all of them, even going so far as in to find a way with Clockwork to save some of their lives. So of course they all would jump at the change to mess with the one Ancient that was badmouthing their Mother just because Balance didn't entitle Order the way they wanted.
After all Chaos was needed to Balance Order out.
This was going to be fun...
[Follow up part Linked here]
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biteytiefling · 6 months ago
dc x dp prompt so I’ve seen some cat thief, Danny au’s and some neko au’s and ghost adoption au’s but I haven’t seen any where Selena Kyle is ghost adopted as well
So Selena stole a magic artifact dedicated to a cat god ( this particular cat god was also a god of thieves, outcasts, and mischief )but there was an accident and unbeknownst to Selena she became a halfa and was immediately adopted by the cat god that unfortunately couldn’t communicate with her without her getting in touch with her powers that had yet to show up. That same cat god later found the Dannys and adopted them as well this does affect their appearance they turn into neko’s. Jazz gets adopted later to and gets turned into a warlock of the cat god and gets turned into a neko as a result of the adoption/pact ( they can hide the cat features but they come out when they use there powers )
Anyway a couple years later after a disagreement with Bruce she finds a bunch of nekos in her living room claiming to be her younger siblings and they want to learn everything about being the worlds greatest thief and they want to teach her about her abilities? And some mess with the government and ………oh they are on the run from the government because they aren’t classified as people and the justice league has ignored them and an entire town……. oh it’s time for some serious pettiness
Danny, elly, Dan and jazz are all sent to Gotham to meet their adopted oldest sister and learn to cause trouble and mischief all thoroughly done with the us government they are going to be terrorizing until the justice league gets their stuff together and fixes the anti-ecto acts 
So amity park can freely come and go from the realms but they choose to stay and just visit and cause chaos in there old home world and are more than willing to help mess with the justice league for fun just so long as nobody gets too hurt and the amity parker’s will actually help the heroes if it entertains them/ if needed 
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leafyeyes417 · 9 months ago
I decided to create a masterpost or two with all the reblogs that I like in hopes that when someone sends out the “help me find that post” I can find it faster. It will be added to slowly because I do not have the patience to do it all at once. Also in no particular order of preference.
Keep in mind none of these posts are my works and I do not claim them as such.
If you see *** they are really good prompts with lots of reblogs.
Will be edited later, last updated: 1-28-25
Multi-story masterlists
Specific Story lists
Jason is Catnip to Danny
Hyena Danny
Finally Getting Help
Wrong Robin
Badger Day
Man has needs
Take out for Dummies
Danny is just some guy
Changling AU (part 5, other part links at bottom of post)
Fast Car Driver Danny
Haunted Car
Harmless Series
Don’t eat anything
Hero Tweets
Just a Bite
Batfam & Danny
Twitter AU
Coffee Heart
Single posts
Ellie realizes how dangerous Danny’s home is
Danny’s Rescues from the Infinite Realms
Green Lanturn & crew stuck in IR
Dead on Main
Jason courting Danny with a casserole
Overprotective Fenton parents shovel talk
Danny courts Jason by giving him wine cups made from the Joker’s kneecaps
Jason becomes a Ghost Summoner after giving Danny food***
Dream Lover***
Soulmate summoning ring gone wrong
Dead Tired
Coffeeshop accident
Dead Serious
Dead Silent
Danny kills the joker with his thighs
Danny on the run from the GIW
Superman startles Danny and gets a concussion***
Danny In Gotham
Sleepwalker Danny who escapes all traps
Unknowing Fae Danny works at coffee shop
Danny pretends to be a Vampire***
Feral McGee
Danny only gets a Vacation from work in Gotham
Danny seems like an Oracle of Delphi***
The GAV affected by Fear Toxin
Tucker streams while Danny does what Danny does in the background***
Danny is kidnapped(?) by Batman***
Danny gets hired for a money laundering front***
Portal is built in Gotham, not Amity
Naga Danny
Villain Danny
Danny’s obsession is twisted, forcing him to be a villain
Danny teaches heroes their mistakes by being the villain***
Adopted Danny (as in not Bio Fenton)
Danny is Hal Jordan’s son
Harley asks Batman to take away her son
Harvey Dent is Danny’s bio parent
Danny adopted by Bruce Wayne
Danny distribution system
Danny makes a sales pitch to join the Batfam
Reincarnated Danny
They wake up as Talons
Clockwork reincarnated as Alfred
Misunderstanding’s that end in chaos
High Danny mistakes Batman for Jack
Summoning Danny
Number is not in service
Danny: Please get that stalker (Ra’s) away from me
Demon Twin/Brothers
Damian is normal by Amity standards
Maybe(?) his lost twin
Nyssa steals Danny
Danny undercover in Amity
Jazz decided she wanted a brother
Tim Twins/Brothers
Danny and Tim are half-siblings
Danny sleep teleports to another dimension
Jason and Danny are brothers
Jason is a Baby ghost, adopts babier ghost Danny***
Ghost King Danny
Danny needs to take care of the Lazarus pits
Danny finds out there is a Ghost LOA
Danny possesses the president
Danny takes Jason’s online cooking class
Danny forgot what is regular human
Jack was a hitman named Phantom
Ghost Calls
Danny & Jason have the same scars
Superman was supposed to wait for the JLD
Water Core Tim
Fenton Driving curse still applies
Danny asks Wonder Woman to make him a grave on Themyscria***
Kryptonite is actually trapped souls
Danny and self-fulfilling prophecy
Danny pretends to be a demigod son of Hades
Danny gifts Red Robin a jar with Ra’s eyes
Vlad Cloning Danny was actually a much worse offense, breaks oldest ghost law
Amity got put back in the wrong place after the Pariah Dark fight.
Jason involuntarily taken to the ghost hospital
Phantom Letters
Danny learns Astral magic
Miscellaneous Angst
GIW succeeds in shooting the portal
Loki falls through to the IR and is adopted by Danny
Pure DP (not crossover)
Danny was Eldritch the whole time
Danny gets sprayed with a chemical where he hallucinates the person he hates
Demon!AU (with Art)
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First, a little bit about me!
I am a minor, so while I may sympathize with the situation in Gaza, I am broke, I don't have a job, I literally cannot send funds, please stop asking.
I work hard on my drawings, characters, and writings, go ahead and critique me, send me tips on how I could improve them, seriously
I'm a bilingual American, and am working on more languages to better communicate with people
Please don't try to talk politics with me, yes, they suck, no, I won't go into details
I love Transformers, Sanctuary, DC, Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, ancient myths, Danny Phantom, Percy Jackson, My Hero Academia, Pokémon, One Punch Man, books, and video games!
Anyone and everyone is welcome to Roleplay with me!
I am a HUGE nerd, and yes, I love certain characters and parts of franchises more than others, but am totally willing to hear out your headcanons!
When it's me, the mod, I'll talk like this or ((this)), depending on if we've rp'd together
Characters talk like:
*"" - different colors, boldness, font, or italicized for different characters
"Talking loudish, verge of yelling, character might not even realize that they're being loud"
"Yelling, and knows it. The character might be scared, mad, or happy. Whatever it is, it's an extreme emotion and you can pretty much assume that the character isn't thinking clearly"
This font is exclusively empurata characters, like S4v3, or my Empurata Perceptor and Prowl au
*Sometimes characters don't talk in quotation marks
"This is character whispering"
Ask me my headcanons/rp with me!!!
Any Transformers, of any continuity!
My OCs! The list currently is:
Julio, Glory's husband and a ghost. 60 years at time of death. Died in battle.
Glory, grandmother and matriarch of the Haddock family. 70 years at time of death and will kick your a$$. Alfred of the family. Is also dead, now a ghost.
The twins, Elio and Ignacia, oldest children and parents of the youngest gen of Haddock family (both widowed). 43 years old. Tim Drake and wet grumpy cat of the family.
Oreo Aetos, a stray Glory adopted. 39 years old. Batman of the family. Broke the matrix.
Perseus "Blueboy" Haddock, Elio's son. 17 years old. Nightwing/Percy Jackson of the family.
Anita "Pink Bubble Gum child" Haddock, Ignacia's daughter. 15 years old. Steph of the family.
S.S. J4ckH4mm3r Prime, really old seeker.
S4v3, relatively young Empurata!Minibot. Talks with recordings, can't speak with their own voice.
Redstreak, sister bot of Prowl, Smokescreen, and Bluestreak. Sassy, has lots of trauma. Avoids sparklings and human babies.
Terra Mater, a planetformer.
N1ghtw1ng, a seeker. Cojunx Endura to Fl4m3b1rd. Emotional support bird. No thoughts, head empty. Loves Fl4m3b1rd, flying, the night, and sparklings. In that order.
Fl4m3b1rd, a seeker. Cojunx Endura to N1ghtw1ng. Highly protective. Very smart, can end you with words like an Irish grandmother. Loves N1ghtw1ng, sparklings, flying, and fire. In that order.
S.S. J4ckH4mm3r Prime and Redstreak are Autobots, S4v3 is considering following suit, all other bots are Neutral.
Almost all lore can be found here
The family of the bots!
<--> means married
《》 means child
《|》 means adopted child
First name is parent, second is child
Fl4m3b1rd <--> N1ghtw1ng
Redstreak <--> S.S. J4ckH4mm3r Prime
Redstreak 《|》 Mercy (( @ask-mercy-tfone ))
S.S. J4ckH4mm3r Prime 《|》 Mercy ((same person))
Alt accounts!
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glucosegaurdian · 2 years ago
Danny was a vigilante. A criminal. Someone to be stopped and hunted. And he had been for well over 100 years. He is a ghost after all. And death is for eternity.
But… then something shifted… Something changed.
Not him of course, Ancients know you can’t teach an old ghost new tricks. No… Danny didn’t change, couldn’t change, but the world around him certainly did.
Amity stayed mostly the same over the centuries, with some exceptions. New generations came and went, and old residents died. Most of the dead came back as ghosts and roamed the town, helping relatives, giving closures, and enjoying their afterlives. Others died and didn’t come back, either accepting their fate and trying for some sort of alternate afterlife or deciding that they detested ghosts to the degree that they’d rather cease to exist than become one.
Some of the original residents who were exposed to the larger amounts of ectoplasm just… stopped aging all together after a certain point, usually in their mid thirties.
Not Danny though. He still looked the same as he did on his deathday. Still eternally 14. He was, and forever is, s͉̭ͮ͊͛ͅt̞̞̱̗̮̥͛ͫͯͭŭ̜͗̎̎c͙̯̓ͣ̿̂k̥̱̪̹̼͊̅ͧ̾.
And around Amity, the rest of the world kept moving, ever aging, ever changing throughout the centuries. There were wars, revolts, rise and falls of countries….
And then came the Age of Quirks.
oldest hero danny au by @wwcross
Aaahhhhhghggggh I love this au and I would love to keep writing about it??
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le-dragon · 1 year ago
he collecting children like one collects pokemon, you keep doing it until you got a full team or complete the Pokedex. And Danny is not one to stop halfway through
Danny never thought he'd be in this situation.
Fxck. He never thought he'll even raise a child! He sucked at that! He still remembered what happened at the Lancer's class 400 years ago! He only babysat he's nephews and nieces just time by time and it was only for some hours! ...also his great nephews and nieces. But that doesn't matter.
Danny looked at the boy he held in his arms. The tiny, skinny boy with red wing was holding on to his jumpsuit/hazmat suit tightly. Who would have thought having a visit to Japan would make him find abused child who needs help.
"Hey kid, it's okay. I promise. No one's gonna hurt you anymore. it's really okay."
Finally, finally the kid looked up at Danny. His yellow eyes looking straight at him.
And as Danny looked at the hope in the boy's eyes.. he knew he didn't have a choice.
Yep. He's a dad now.
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bet-on-me-13 · 2 years ago
Dp x Dc x Miraculous: Deified Siblings AU Pt. 1
Based on 2 Prompts.
One is the Deified Batman AU , which you can read here
The other is a Prompt where Danny, Damien, and Marinette are raised together in the League of Assassins. I can't find it at all, so I will go over the gist of it here. (Edit: Found it!, thank you to the person in Replies who linked me)
Danny is the oldest, about 3 or 4 years older than. The other 2. He is the favorite child.
Danny is 10, Damien and Marinette are 6
Damien is seen as the spare, Marinette is seen as the unfortunate addition.
As the Prompt goes, Danny wants to escape the League and takes his little siblings with him. Damien, fully brainwashed by the Leagues ideals, stabs Danny in the back and drops him off a cliff into a River below, thinking he killed him. He tries to take Marinette back, but she backs away and runs.
Damien returns, tells the League that Danny tried to run away and got himself and Marinette killed in the process. Damien only survived because he wasn't stupid enough to try and leave the League.
Damien stays in the League for a while, before he is eventually taken to his father, The Batman when he is 10
Danny survived his murder attempt, but he lost all of his memories and washed up on the shore of the river miles away. He was found by the Fentons, who were in Europe on a research trip, and was adopted. Canon goes the same for him.
Marinette ran away, using her skills to get all the way to Paris before managing to get adopted by a loving couple. She becomes Ladybug at 13, the same as in Canon.
This is where the Deification happens.
Lets go Oldest to youngest.
Danny became a God the moment he died. As a Demigod, he was already partially Divine. When he lost his Mortality, he became what was essentially a God with no Domain. So, he built one up.
He became known as a Protector Spirit, as a Winter Spirit, and after defeating Pariah, as a Death God.
By the time he was 16, he was a fully fledged God.
This did help his amnesia a little bit, and he did have a vague sense of what his life was like before he lost his memories, as well as some flashes. But he knew that he preferred his new life, so he never really looked into it.
Damien is the only one who would eventually ascend to God-Hood through Natural Growth.
Damien takes the Mantle of the Robin. And as such, he links himself directly to his father's source of Power, and creates his own Legend, his own Myths. He becomes his own God at around 14.
He is a Vengeful God, one who is Violent. But at the same time he is an Animal God, one who takes care of the abandoned Animals around him. Probably a carry over from his Dad's Protector God Domain.
Marinette became a God last. She had it easiest though.
Marinette was born as a Demigod, and later became Linked with Tikki, who is basically a Small Part of the Goddess of Creation tied to the Miraculous.
Her own fledging Divinity mixed with Tikki'a Divinity and helped her Acsend to God-Hood after about a Year as Hero when she is 14.
She would have done so anyways as a Hero, but without the Gotham Pantheon to attach herself to, it would have taken many more years for her to grow enough to Ascend.
She became a Minor Creation Goddess. She also became a Goddess of Creativity, and Protection as well.
If you are worried about the Balance between Creation and Destruction don't worry, Adrien also becomes a God soon afterwards. His Ascension is mostly because he is a being made of Magic (as a SentiMonster) who was linked with a God through his Miraculous.
(I don't like the stories where Adrien is mistreated for no reason, so here he at least gets to be Ladybugs Equal)
This is the basic premise of the Prompt. I am planning on writing out the potential Story in a Part 2, but until then what do you think?
(Honestly looking at this after finishing writing it, it feels absurd. 3 different Fandoms, plus 2 different Dp x Dc Prompts. You need to be DEEP in the Crossover Fandoms to really understand this. Imagine a casual fan finding this! It would look like Pure insanity!)
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aisy15-chan · 2 years ago
You challenged pokemon trainer Danny!!
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Alright guys I have a update for Poke AU but can't draw all of them so here they are!! Starting from Danny's main team :]!
Cosmic♂️ Zoroark (normal/Hisuian) Nature: Timid characteristic: Somewhat stubborn Item: Expert Belt Ability: Illusion Move:
-Bitter Malice -Brick Break -Night Daze -Hyper Voice
First met as a present on Danny's 10th birthday while still Zorua (level 5)
Spooky ♀️ Decidueye Nature: Relaxed characteristic: Often dozes off Item: Leftovers Ability: Overgrow Move:
-Leaf Blade -Feather Dance -Spirit Shackle -Tailwind
Meet the first time as a starter pokemon that was gifted with another Alola starter when he was still a rowlet (level 5)
Plasma Rotom Nuture: Naive characteristic: Impetuous and silly Item: Scope Lens Ability: Levitate Move:
-Discharge -Hex -Thunder Wave -Helping Hand
Meet the first time in the Fenton Works laboratory (level 15)
Marsal Marshadow Nature: Quirky characteristic: Highly curious Item: Black Belt Ability: Technician Move:
-Aura Sphere -Bulk Up -Counter -Phantom Force
First met while hiding in Danny's shadow (level 28)
[nameless :( ]♂️ Ceruledge Nature: Jolly characteristic: Very finicky Item: shell Bell Ability: Flash Fire Move:
-Bitter Blade -Dragon Claw -Swords Dance -Phantom Force
Met the first time at casper high school when he was still a Charcadet (level 1 & hatched egg found by Danny)
[nameless :( ]♂️ Aegislash Nature: Careful characteristic: Likes to relax Item: Bright Powder Ability: Stance Change Move:
-Flash Cannon -King's Shield -Shadow Ball -Psycho Cut
First met at ghost zone when he still a Honedge (level 40)
Danny has lot more pokemons!: Bisharp, Mimikyu, all Hisui starter, Gengar, Froslass, husuian Lilligant & more! If you great can you help me name for them ;w;???
Things to watch out for in Poke AU:
This AU is based on the timeline game play not anime. There's no Ash in this AU sorry guys
AU settings in Unova!
I decided that the pokemon owned here (unless they are from outside Unova or gifted/thrown away by their trainers sad i know) in AU are only pokemon in Unova's national pokedex (BW2)
no Danny can't go on Pokemon adventures officially yet because the protagonist Unova is technically the oldest of all the protagonists in all main timeline games (15-16 years old!) So Danny officially becomes a trainer when he's 15/16 years old :')
AU's main plot:
Very simple 11 12 with series but with pokemon! :]
Plot Hisui:
Let's just say Clockwork wanted Danny to take a vacation from his daily life as a super hero, so here Danny Hisui… Disguised as Danko joined the Galaxy Expedition Team, explored Hisui, researched Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark and met people and new pokemon!
Danny learned a lot about making pokeballs and other equipment. He was taught by Volo and Cyllene very often praised him & She also liked the performance as a member who was very active. He studied more closely about Zoroark & Zorua's abilities so that They could avoid conflicts between humans and Pokemon. in a few moments Danny & Volo were nicknamed "crime boy" by people because sometimes they made lot trouble, on how many occasions Danny found that Volo & Cyllene had a fight and stupidly thought they were kissing, for Danny Volo was a 'big brother' figure because of his nature who is confident and smart sometimes reminds him of Jazz sometimes but Volo is more of an asshole than Jazz and Volo gave him the Zoroark Mask on week 3 at Hisui as a reward for his promotion in Galaxy Expedition Team.
When Danny was going back to his timeline, he said goodbye to everyone and… Should he leave the pokemon he caught here? Clockwork says that he can keep and bring them to his timeline! What a relief! Danny comes back and he realizes he was only gone for 3 days… But he actually spent 3 months at hisui and realized he lost his Zoroark mask! Damn- he can't go back to Clockwork just to take that trivial thing… At the same time Volo who wants to return Danny's zoroark mask only finds snowy land with Danny's footprints.
Meeting Volo's (again):
Danny was exploring the ghost zone to make a map, he didn't invite Sam or Tucker because they were busy so well he was alone exploring the Ghost Zone until suddenly his ship's engine broke down and dropped him to the bottom of the Ghost Zone… When he realized Danny found himself in a place that had very different aura from Ghost zone… The place is full of mirrors and just then Danny is greeted by Giratina who seems quite impressed about Danny species, then Giratina and Danny actively talk a lot they have a lot in common! And Giratina took him somewhere and Danny saw someone familiar… Volo.
Danny & Volo were surprised to see each other… And at the end, after the preamble, Volo told him that he had wanted to destroy the world with Giratina but failed and he was cursed to spend his eternal cursed life, he angry with consuming hatred and obsession with Arcues to survive in the deepest part of the ghost zone… The distorted world, he only interacts with his Pokemon who are also eternally cursed and also Giratina… Sometimes Volo misses a lot of people from his past mass but he realizes he will never meet them again because they are most likely dead sometimes he laments the mask he made for Danny to relieve his boredom… Then he returns Danny's mask to Danny… "I thought I would never return this to you Danko but I'm lucky to be able to return it to you! I will never forget my pather in crime hahahaha!"
In short: Volo Danny escapes from the world of distortion → Volo applies for a job at Fenton Work → Volo becomes the best employee and gets Maddie & Jack's sympathy → VOLO IS ADOPT BY THE FENTON!!!
I forgot to mention that Volo grew Fenton Works business very fast and became the best employee ever!
What next for Poke AU?:
I want add Shauntal in this AU… She a Ghost type elite four… and a writer… fits this au perfectly— & you can ask more if you sent me ask to my ask box pls 👉👈
Oh yeah... Give me your pokemon x dp fanfic i want read it.
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 1 year ago
Fic Recs Masterlist
I make fic rec lists! You can find them in my Friday Fic Recs tag! Each list contains three different recs. Links to each rec list by fandom below!
Boku No Hero Academia:
Assorted Gen Less Than 5k Words
Quirkless Vigilante Midoriya Izuku & Aizawa Shouta
Shinsou Hitoshi/Midoriya Izuku
Crack Treated Seriously
DC Comics:
Dick Grayson & Tim Drake
Ongoing Batman/DC x DP Fics
Canon-Adjacent AU Long Fics
Tim Drake/Bernard Dowd
Bruce Wayne & His Oldest Sons
Tim Drake Rarepairs
Birthday Self-Recs
DC x DP:
Ongoing Batman/DC x DP Fics
Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas
Young Justice (1998):
Bart Allen
Core Four
Tim Drake Rarepairs
Arthur Knows/Finds Out
Star Wars:
Prequel Jedi 1-5k Words
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Others Less Than 1k Words
Star Wars 5-10k Words
Andor Series
Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ongoing Time Travel Fics
Mace Windu
Prequel Era Rarepairs
Ongoing Jedi and Mandalorian Fics
Records, Transcripts, and Social Media
Birthday Self-Recs
Tian Guan Ci Fu:
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bewitched-forest · 2 years ago
Heya Quinn!!! :3
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Oh boy let’s go. This will be hard. I am not doing these ranked at all, just doing them in order of oldest to newest.
First of is How to Fowl a Bat! It’s a Batman x Artemis Fowl crossover over where Artemis hacks into the Bat Computer to protect the People and then gets catapulted into the world of Vigilantes and Superheroes. (Not so unlike he got dragged into the world of the fae and dwarves.) It was my first ever fanfic period so it holds a special place in my heart.
Next is Formula for a Crime Scene! It’s a DPxDCxArtemis Fowl fic where Danny and Artemis get forced to go to Gotham, for entirely applicable reasons, and attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. The Superhero, Ex-Con, and Vigilante of course clash and it’s very fun. It’s also a crackship fic. It was thought up of at 3 am by Ham and I when I was discussing How to Fowl a Bat and is easily my most gremlin (hehe) fic.
Third is The Rebirth of Tim Drake. It’s a DPxDC, with a Halfa!Tim Drake twist. Basically plopping this boy in another state to confront his trauma, grow as a hero, and develop new relationships. It is, of course, a Dead Tired ship fic as well. This is just a fic I genuinely enjoy. I’m enjoying the way the plot is evolving so much.
My fourth is Under Guiding Star-Lit Sky, We Will Learn How to Say Goodbye. It’s a DPxDC Spiritfarer Danny AU Fic. Danny became a the next Spiritfarer after Stella by Clockwork’s fucking around is forced to learn how to properly grieve the two families he loved and loss in his (half) life. It was started during a Spiritfarer hyperfixation and honestly, I think it’s a fanfic a lot of DPxDC readers will appreciate in a “oh I’m heartbroken but also happy” kind of way.
My last one also hit me during a hyperfixation and it’s Now We’re Stuck Here to Decay. It’s a Batman x FNAF Security Breach fic. (With a dash of Superman in the form of Clark and Jon.) It’s great. Some of the Bat boys, Cass, and Jon go to the Mega Pizzaplex only for Tim to get kidnapped, Damian to get murdered, and everyone’s else to get traumatized. Not that Tim and Damian aren’t traumatized either of course. Anyways, it’s my only Dead Dove fic which is an interesting exploration into the world of those fics.
Now to figure out who else’s asks to invade. I probably won’t get up to five. XD
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omori-aus-archive · 1 year ago
Omori: Marvel Knights/Midnight Suns AU
Okay. So I'm in a Marvel kick atm, thus I decided to make this AU prompt. Also, this is an AU for my OC too, so Erika will have a major role.
So, this starts off similar to how I wrote Erika in her bio. However, after the accident, Erika desperately attempts to find ways to bring Mari back and repair her family.
She has been able to communicate with her, but chooses not to tell Sunny, due to concerns regarding on how he'll react. That said, he finds out anyway in secret.
Erika, Mari, and Sunny are completely unaware that demonic forces are watching them. A demon appears before Erika, promising to teach her a ritual to give her exactly what she wants, at the cost of her becoming a Spirit of Vengeance.
Erika chooses to take the risk, having reached several dead ends in a row.
Two years after the accident, Erika finally has a ritual to bring Mari home. She performs it, willingly becoming a Spirit of Vengeance to save Mari...and Mari returns to life as if she never died....
...Only for the reunion to be short-lived as Sunny's taken from the two sisters.
One month later, Erika teaches Mari the same ritual, only for it to fail, forcing Mari to share Erika's curse.
This ultimately leads into them becoming heavily depressed, which only fuels their anger and hatred towards Hell, sparking desires for revenge against it.
The oldest sibling of her, Mari, and Sunny. Takes Johnny Blaze's role. Became a Ghost Rider in an attempt to resurrect Mari. She succeeded, but at the cost of Sunny, which kickstarted her path of vengeance. Mari becoming a Ghost Rider only added fuel to the fire, as Mare now shares Erika's curse.
Erika solely blames herself for everything, thinking that she should've been home on the day of the accident, believing she could have prevented it entirely.
Is a biker for BACA. Personality is similar to what I wrote for her in her bio, with some Johnny Blaze in there.
Died in an accident similar to canon. Believed in Erika's attempts to bring her home, only to be heartbroken at the loss of Sunny. After her resurrection, Mari begged Erika to teach her the ritual that made her a Ghost Rider in an attempt to save Sunny. Unlike Erika's attempt though, it failed, due to her having died once before.
Mari now shares Erika's curse. She solely blames herself for what's happened.
Biker-in-training. Personality is similar to her Ghost/Resurrected Mari and H/O AU counterparts I made.
Unlike Erika, Mari is far more noble. Erika is a pure antihero, though she is respectful sometimes.
She is kinda inspired by Danny Ketch’s role as the Ghost Rider, but not much, if at all. Admittedly, I feel hesitant about giving her his role, given how writers like to make Danny a temporary villain sometimes for no real reason.
The more demonic of the brothers and the most morally-grey member of the group. He is conflicted between what he SHOULD do and what he WANTS to do. He believes that Erika is to blame for Sunny's demise and Mari's curse, which Kel is understandably angry about, as is Mari.
As such, he will be in conflict with Erika if Kel and Mari are not around. Of course, he won't succeed in his efforts, due to Erika being far stronger than him.
The more vampiric of the brothers. He struggles with his vampire instincts during full moons, super moons, and blue moons, so he has to sneak into a blood bank in order to keep himself in check. The last thing he wants is to be something he's not. He supports Erika and Mari's quest, albeit indirectly.
He doesn't want to get involved in their chaos to the point where he'd only get in their way. Is frustrated by this and Hero's morally-grey path, which has sparked some bad blood between the brothers.
The Mutant of the group. She's a combination of Magik (yes, this is an actual X-Men character) and Wolverine. She has some knowledge and capabilities in sorcery, but prefers brute force and her claws. She is similar to canon, but has some Logan in her. She couldn't bring herself to resurrect Sunny, believing that she'd fail regardless.
She doesn't blame anyone but the unfairness of the universe in general. To her, life is unfair to everyone and if it weren't unfair, terrible things would never happen to anyone.
Basil serves as the Doctor Strange of this AU. He is more or less similar to most HIKKI/OMARI-type AU versions of him, but he is less resentful in general. He's just sad at how powerless he feels, which is why he picked up sorcery. He tried many times to bring back Sunny on his own...and failed every time.
Here, Basil blames no one but his own powerlessness.
About Sunny....
So, I honestly don't know what I wanna do for Sunny. I know I want him to have a major role, but I don't know what characters he'd fit with.
Currently, the idea is that he'll be brought back, but under the influence of someone else....
Whether that be Dracula bringing him back to become essentially Morbius, Khonshu bringing him back to become his Moon Knight, or Sunny being resurrected to become a Ghost Rider by the forces of Hell.
Still up in the air atm.
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cotton-eye-joes · 3 hours ago
Timeline? What Timeline? Part 1: Ages
The Cotton-Eyed Joes is a crack AU. A large part of the reason it's a crack AU is because a lot of these guys are dead. This means we're clearly working outside the pile of decomposing woodchips that passes for a continuity in the DC Universe.
This leaves us with several questions to resolve. The first one is what I wanna address here: just how old are the Joes? Well. That answer is currently subject to change, but their age order and age gaps remain fairly consistent. Here's the breakdown for how we got there.
Metric 1: Introduction
Who was introduced first? Since everyone was introduced before Flashpoint, there's only one universe reboot resetting their ages for us to worry about, so this is a fairly safe measuring system.
Bette is first, followed by Lilith, then Gnarrk. Crisis on Infinite Earths happens, and then we get Tara and Joey at about the same time, followed by Danny (don't quote me on that). Wendy is last.
Metric 2: Last Known Age
How old were they when they died or disappeared? General Spoiler Warning for this section, since we're discussing character death. This is mostly for the purpose of keeping the comic book aging time consistent, since comics characters obviously don't age as fast as the real world and frequently don't even age as fast as each other (looking at you Raven).
Bette's last appearances were some scattered guest star features in 2011. Since this is still New Earth Continuity, and she's around the founding Titan's age in New Earth, so I'm choosing to assume she was somewhere in her early to mid 20s here.
Lilith's last appearance pre-Flashpoint was when she got killed in 2003. She was still a main Titan at this time (same age as the fab 5), so also early to mid 20s. Lilith is also the only Joe who hasn't dropped off the face off the planet, and was last seen post-Flashpoint in Power Girl Volume 3, where I think she's the same age as PG, which would put her around 30
Gnarrk's last appearance I THINK was in 2019 in Heroes in Crisis where he got offed by Savitar, but he was part of the OG TT here, which would put him in his mid to late 20s.
Joey's last appearance pre-Flashpoint was in 2004 in Teen Titans where I think he was still alive after being dead for a bit? Anyway, here, he's in the second age bracket of Titans---Beast Boy, Raven, Terra, etc. I wanna say this makes him no older than 20 when he goes M.I.A. He more or less disappeared in Flashpoint, save for a cameo where he isn't a vigilante.
Tara's last appearance was the Judas contract where I think she was about 16 (goodness knows I'll get roasted if I'm wrong). A couple of other people going by Terra appeared after that, but they're not the same person.
Danny was about the same age as Jason Todd and got kicked from the team when Jason died, which would have made him 15. He later got killed/merged with the souls of Azarath into the entity Phantasm, and I'm going to assume through the power of Comic Book Time that he was still 15 here.
Wendy---bless your heart, you're easy---is in the same age bracket as the YJ98 crowd, and was last seen in Batgirl v3 in 2011, where she would have been somewhere from 17-19.
Metric 3: Ages Relative to each other
Some of these people have actually coexisted and interacted, and even if they haven't, most of them have teammates in common.
Bette is the same age as Dick Grayson, which makes her one of the youngest of the OG Titans. Lilith and Gnarrk are closer in age to Arsenal, making them some of the oldest OG Titans. If I had to give it a number, I'd say Bette and Gnarrk have a 3 year age gap at the most.
Terra and Joey are around the same age, and were about 15 when Dick was 19ish, I think, putting a 4 year gap between them and Bette while Danny would have been 12 at the same time.
Wendy is the youngest by this metric, making her the same age as Danny or a year younger.
Metric 4: General Character Vibes
This metric could also be called: how old were they when they had all their important stories? By this measurement we get:
Lilith and Gnarrk: Mid to late 20s
Bette: Early 20s
Joey, Tara, and Wendy: Late Teens (16-19)
Danny: Early Teens (13-15)
Summary: Between all these metrics, a pattern emerges Lilith and Gnarrk being the oldest, followed by Bette. Joey and Tara are older than Danny but younger than Bette. You can either make Wendy somewhere around Joey and Tara's age, or you can make her around Danny's age. For the purposes of this AU, we like to use the first option.
Also. Bonus metric for the sillies:
Metric 5: What Decade are they from
If we ignore comic book aging time and just look at which decade they were introduced in, we have 3 60s kids (Lilith, Gnarrk, and Bette), 3 80s kids (Joey, Tara, Danny), and a 90s/early 2000s kid (Wendy). That leaves us with a 20 year age gap between "the adults" and "the kids" and Wendy the baby is 10 years younger than her siblings.
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rainybyday · 2 years ago
Master Post
Edited - 7/2024
Hi everyone! This pinned post is my Master Post!
Any ideas, prompts, aus, or lines of thoughts/mind rambles I make can be used by anyone and I give permission for anyone to take and write them and/or add. Please @ me if you do use any of my ideas pretty please. 
AO3 Account - Silver_Melody
Kofi Account - RainybyDay
Twitter/X - maybe
Current Fandoms I’m interested in:
- Naruto 
- Digimon Frontier 
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Demon Slayer 
Below is a Master Post of (mostly) every post idea I make so just a heads up! (Also side note, its from oldest to newest from top to bottom)
Danny Phantom x BatFam
Gotham Graveyard
Danny and Jason Ecto Connection 
Ghost King Danny Clean Up Headache
Why not Damian?
Sixth Sense Idea [Need to revisit]
Wayne Spirit AU (the dimension travel from dp universe to dc universe)
Wayne Spirit Add ons Pt1
Wayne Spirit Add ons Pt2
Wayne Spirit Add ons Pt3
Ectoplasm and Ecto-Energy
Death, Life, Time, Space, Fate and Universe
Twin AU - The protege and the failure
Twin AU - The protege and the failure add ons
Twin AU - Meeting Dani first
Twin Au - Met at the worst time [Come back to add more]
Twin AU - Danny knew who is father was
Twin AU - Danny trying avoid Damian
Twin AU - Damian hates Jason
Twin AU???? Maybe???
Not Twin AU - Danny is elder sibling [Come back to add more]
Elder Sibling - Danny felt Damian die
Tim and Danny internet friends 
Tim and Danny internet friends add on
A single father and a struggling boy (and they meet halfway) [Also known as “Family before heroes” au]
Family before heroes snip-it
Danny is Damian
It was only once!
Dick mistakes Danny for Damian
Vlad blabbed to the wrong person
It started with the blob ghost
Al Ghul’s aren’t all knowing
Talia sees Danny coming out of the Pit
Danny haunting/pranking Dick
Jason is Jazz’s decedent
Lazars Pits are gone
Bats will go along with it
Biological Kent
Traveling Space Auditorium
Amity Park is a Liminal Hot Spot
True Names
Serine Summoning
Amity and Gotham being compared
The Reality of being Dead
“How much you’ve lost?”
Vlad Masters
Alfred Mistaking Danny
Amity Park’s Descendants
Healing Gotham/Temporary Owner
Unsure Adoption 
Tim and Danny missing
Danny mistakes Bruce for Jack
Amity Parkers are taking over
Knowledge of Death tradition
Ecto Biology Ramble Thoughts
Near Death Ghost
Danny was Alfred AU
Flower Shop AU
Flower Shop AU Pt2
Flower Shop AU Pt 3
Flower Shop AU Pt4
Flower Shop AU Pt5
Flower Shop AU Pt6
Lycoris Radiata Chap 1
Lycoris Radiata Chap 2
Lycoris Radiata Chap 3
Jazz AU Pt 1
Jazz Au Pt 2
Danny Phantom
Ghost Speak (Mostly DP anyways)
Nervous body reaction
Sea and Night
Dying Stars
Liminal Jazz
Technical ghost age
Danny a meta before death?
Dimensions Bad Parents  
Deaths not so scary
Cold summoning
Rejects mentally 
Immortal Reincarnation
Star freckles
Why did you become a hero?
Tim and Damian's sibling angst
Time Travel Phase
Chaotic Time Travel 
Billy Batson and Batman/Batfam 
Magic Billy Adoption
Billy Adoption
Digimon Frontier
What if - Opposite spirits  
Wip Challenge - Aug 12th
Wip Explain - Hiding what magic we have
Ask - Wrong Name
Ask - Amity Descendants
Ask - Tim and his unhealthy way to stay awake
Ask - Flower shop au love
Ask - Flower shop au love 2
Ask - Flower shop au love 3
Ask - Flower shop au love 4
Ask - “I love you”
Ask - AO3 Account?
Ask - AO3 Account?
Ask - word correction 
Secret Santa - Dp x Dc
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