#older promptis
deepwithintheabyss · 5 months
hahahaaha okay
Titans Tower
Okay so this idea is older, I brainstormed this with someone (I seriously need tow rite that down) in dms and one day I'll fully transfer it
The Red Hood breaks into the Titans Tower to beat Robin up and Tim realizes he's very much into that
and then prompty feels horrible for MANY many reasons
a) that is the Red Hood the person who is using the Jokers old alias 1) and everything that comes with that baggage
b) Tim is getting off to a random dude beating him up like will this now always happen???? couldn't he have had this realization when Spoiler hit him with a brick????
Uhm no clue how Jason reacts yet like, he'd probaly be horrified and disgusted (at himself and Tim) and just be like "dude why" but I want fun sexy times and Hood laughing all mean at him and digging his foot into his crotch
Thank you for playing! Two ideas to work on now that's good
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blossom-sims · 10 months
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Dimitri quickly grew close to a girl in his class named Keely. Dimitris heart swelled at someone's direct attention, and they even made it official at the prom!
Unforuntately, Keely seemed to be a bit older than Dimitri and then prompty aged up, leaving Dimitri single again 😂
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promptisgiftexchange · 4 months
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Here is the wrap-up of our sixth week of posting for the Promptis Gift Exchange. Individual works are listed below. 
The entire collection can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Promptis_Gift_Exchange_2024/works
 Please be sure to give our creators some love on Ao3!
Weekly Wrap-up #6
Title: A New Dawn -(Art)
Gift For: libbysketch
Rated: General Audiences (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Decided to combine 2 of your prompts to gift you a cozy little scene of older Noctis and Prompto, working and their own cat cafe, A New Dawn :D
Title: Scents And Sensibility -(Fic)
Gift For: DestinyIslandWanderer
Rated: Mature (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: They say a beta is an alpha’s best friend. So Prompto is more than happy to be the supportive beta best friend of Crown Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum. Except as they grapple with all the embarrassments of puberty, Prompto may not actually be the beta he always thought he was.
AKA It’s no big deal that Noctis is an alpha and Prompto just presented as omega. Nothing could change their friendship (it’s going to change their friendship).
Title: All My Stars Lead To You -(Fic)
Gift For: KatrinaEagle
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Prompto is finally going to meet Noctis in person when their online D&D group plays a Live Show at Kweh Con.
Title: Welcome to our Town!-(Fic)
Gift For: Blivvi
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Prince Prompto Aldercapt has a Great Idea! During the signing of the Peace Treaty between Lucis and Niflheim, he will show Prince Noctis around his home! Surely this will be fantastic! ...Probably. ..... Maybe.
Noct on the other hand has a few thoughts and feelings about the peace treaty, and also about Prince Prompto himself.
Title: Dreaming like the Dead -(Fic)
Gift For: SalamanderSocks
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Noctis didn’t know his father would die, when he left Insomnia. He barely remembers his mother, so he doesn’t know if he knew back then. But he knew how his maid would die, before she did. It was an accident. As a child he only had a vague concept of what it meant to inherit the powers that came with the name Lucis Caelum, until something surged in him one day and he touched his maid’s wrist with an intend he didn’t understand and then he saw it.
Soulmate AU, where you dream of your soulmate's death, unless you're a Lucis Caelum.
Title: Rotenburo -(Fic) Mod Note: The author has locked this piece to the Archive. You must be logged into Ao3 to view it.
Gift For: Amarilly
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Turns out Noctis has never been to a hotspring and Prompto is dying to give him an experience he'll never forget.
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frogandbird · 6 months
turbol writing prompties???
-fears 😟😖😣 -turrl tots 🐢🐢🐢🐢 -birthdayys!!!!! 🎂🎁🥳🎉🎈 -practice ⚔️🤺🥷 -rat dad 🐀🧀
have fun!!!!! (≧▽≦)
ok hi! you are one of my favorite people now please know this! i am working on doing all five of these, but i can only answer this once so your getting the one im already done. ill link things as they finish + a03 posts.
Tumbler: [Fears], [Turtle Tots], [Birthdays!], [You are here!], [Rat Dad]
A03: [Fears], [Turtle Tots], [Birthdays!], [Practice], [Rat Dad]
Practice - Rise/2018 - 1K
Leo sat entirely amused by his older brother's antics. The stepping turtle was walking around the dojo, switching weapons from normal racks to the other brothers' spots.
Raph roamed around as Leo spoke “Is this another one of your training ideas?” He asked
Raph snorted, “It’s not dumb.”
Leo raised an eyeridge. “What the hell are we doing then?”
“Language. And we are swapping weapons today.” Raph pulled Donnies bō from the rack, putting his own tonfā in its place.
Leo leaned back on the beanbag, still watching.
“So a disaster, got it.”
“We gotta be ready in case something happens Leon.” Raph turned, face all serious. “Shredder is still out there-“
Leo waved one hand. “Not really bro, he's done and dealt with.”
Raph raised an eyeridge, but sighed. “If you think so. Still, it's better to be ready then not.”
Leo groaned, missing the grin that came over Raphs face.
“So ya don't want to see what happens when I give donnie two blunt weapons instead of one?”
Leo bolted up, his own grin spreading on his face. “Oh that I want to see.”
Raph laughed as Donnie and Mikey came into the dojo, both giving him confused looks.
Leo waved them off, pushing himself out of the beanbag. He grinned as he grabbed Mikey's kusari-fundo, spinning it around.
Mikey squacked, but Raph put an arm out before the box could lunge at him.
“We're doing a thing today big man.” Raph snorted as Mikey glared at him. “Will you cheer up if I give you something sharp?”
“Wait, that’s mine!” Leo yelped as Mikey scrambled over Raphs arm, grabbing Leo's sword off the wall.
"There mine now fucko!” Mikey grinned, leaning on the sword the same as Leo often did.
“Language.” Raph and Donnie spoke at the same time, though neither had any heat to it. Both Mikey and Leo rolled their eyes.
Donnie took the tonfā, then looked back at Raph. “You just switched our weapons.”
Raph shrugged. “yep.”
— — —
Leo stood opposite Mikey, kusari-fundo in hand. He grinned, moving to mimicking one of Mikey's lower stances. He held the longer part in one hand, chain wrapped around his other wrist.
Mikey stood, ohidi in hand. He had a wider stance, sword held up in the same pose Leo often took. Mikey was grinning, head tilted down, spots glowing slightly.
“Alright you two,” Raph called out, pausing to make sure he had their attention. “No nimpo, normal training rules apply. play nice now.”
Mikey giggled as Leo nodded. Leo was only slightly nervous about putting a blade in Mikey’s hands, but oh well. It was too late now.
Raph held up one hand. “Three.”
Raph folded down his thumb as the pair turned to face each other. “Two.”
Raph folded another finger down. “One.”
Raph dropped his hand. “Go!”
Leo jumped back as Mikey lunged forward, a mad cackle escaping them.
Leo laughed as he held up the chain to block the sword as it came down the first time. the little shit had gone straight for his head.
Leo de-tangled his hand, flinging it forward to wrap around his sword as Mikey tried to jump back.
Mikey, of course, got away faster than Leo could act. Mikey grinned, still giggling like the little demon he was.
Leo rolled his eyes, flinging the chain forward. It stopped short of mikey.
They both paused. Leo could feel one eye twitch. Mikey snorted after a moment.
“Dude, that was so bad.” Mikey looked ready to explode with laughter.
“Shut up.” Leo groaned, grabbing the chain and coiling it back up.
“Wanna try again?” Mikey teased, still giggling.
Leo rolled his eyes, attempting Mikey's move once again.
This time he caught the blade. He grinned. Mikey groaned.
Leo laughed as he yanked Mikey forward.
Mikey smiled, letting go of the blade.
Leo yelped. He dropped Mikey’s kusari-fundo as he jumped back, not wanting to get cut by his own blade <i>again</i>.
Raph just sighed as Donnie let out a small laugh.
Leo turned to raph. "Hey, I got Dee to laugh.” He grinned.
Raph had an amused look on his face, no matter the shake of the head and the flick of the tail Leo got.
“Yeah sure.” Raph waved them forward, not able to hide his laugh.
Leo and Mikey shared a grin, grabbing their respective weapons and running over to stand next to Donnie and Raph.
Raph gave Leo a pat on the shoulder as they traded spots, bō in his other hand. Donnie's wooden bō was in the lab, the snapper not daring to train with the metal one lest he face Donnies wrath.
Donnie and Raph stood opposite, both standing straight. Donnie moved to bow, Raph following suit not half a second later.
Leo rolled his eyes, raising one hand to mimic what Raph had done just a few minutes before.
The older pair didn’t seem to need it, Raph lunging forward with bō ready to strike.
Donnie brought his hands up after a second hesitation, absorbing what little of the blow they hadn't been able to avoid.
Raph stepped back, raising the bō. He shook his head, dropping it back into a more neutral stance.
Donnie took this chance to lunge forward, fist raised to try and pounce Raph in the chest.
Raph stepped to the side, grabbing Donnies hand and pushing him aside.
Donnie spun as he landed, the other fist managing to make contact into Raph’s shoulder.
Raph grunted, bringing the bō down to bonk Donnie on the head.
Donnie stepped back, hissing.
Raph snorted, moving back to prepare for another strike.
Donnie leapt forward, managing to land another blow on raph.
Raph related by tripping the soft shell, bō coming down, stopping just at Donnie's throat.
Raph grinned, Donnie sighing.
Raph offered a hand, pulling Donnie up in one movement.
Mikey leaned over to Leo, mumbling. “Now I feel bad for messing around.”
Leo shrugged. “Yeah, but they train more.”
Mikey nodded as Raph congratulated donnie. “That’s true.”
Leo shrugged. “wanna go again?”
Mikey giggled. “Sure!”
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tactician · 9 months
OCS + Associations
thank you bree @sangre for the tag :3 hugging hugging hugging
im gonna do this for reides, my dnd oc!
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seahorses! symbolically, they are linked to balance and adaptability, which i see a lot with reides in regards to how he navigates both the lands and seas. they're also associated with freedom and creativity, which are major themes to reides' character as a whole. plus they're so cute and reides is cute, too. teehee.
blues, silvers, light purples! and, of course, green... his older brother calls him seaweed-head, so there's gotta be a green association in there... DFJKDJG
january! the first month of the year; cold, but in a renewing and refreshing sort of way. a new beginning!!! a new experience!!! and so many new possibilities existing in front of you!!! the level of expectations placed on january also aligns with the sort of burdens that reides had placed on him as well.
chasing kites - ​iamamiwhoami! over the ocean outcast, with nowhere to go / a brighter forecast, new winds will blow / the storm that's drawing near / it calms and the air is cleared. i have a huge playlist for reides which can be found here too.
16! he was born on firstlight 16 so that might be where i get that association from lmao.
lotus flowers! i think lotus flowers really suit reides. even the way that they grow - rising out of water to bloom; existing in that beautiful margin between the aquatic and the earthen - is so... him. they also symbolize rebirth, which i think is very much aligned with the sort of stuff that reides went through when he initially ventured to the surface world (and kind of ties into the stuff i talked about for the month portion of this too!)
i'm aware that it's a slight cop-out to say the ocean, but, like, heres the thing: the ocean! LMAO. that salty sort of kick is super reides; the scent of the sea at dawn, that crispness, not dainty or elegant but effortlessly evocative... yeah. that's reides. he usually smells like that naturally. like the sea, plain soap, and ink.
larimar, pietersite and pearls as well! also, i know they're not gems per se, but i also associate sea glass with reides a whole lot. they're gems to ME!!!
time of day
dawn! the very moment that the sun starts rising; when stars and maybe even the moon are still visible in the sky. as you can see, i really like associating reides with existing in between or on the border of various things fdkjdljg. i also think reides stays up really late typically so he's no stranger to being awake at this time LMAO
winter! ok im a little weird with this one so bear with me...... i really enjoy associating reides with coldness since he's such a sweet, passionate person and i like the idea of his optimism existing alongside the cold; i like the idea of the cold being a comfort instead of depressing or stoic or serious. bc for reides, the cold IS a comfort!!!! it gives him clarity and energizes him. it reminds him of his home seas and it empowers him.
on the beach, skipping alongside the waves; laughing, with a book clutched to his side; fingers stained with ink and hair windswept from the briny breeze!
oysters, mussels, all of that sort of thing - juicy seafood that tastes best when you eat it with your bare hands. salty, rich flavours!
a nice rum with lime mixed in... that's reides right there. blue daiquiris are these things and also, as the name suggests, blue - and that's fun and would delight reides, so i think if he was a cocktail he'd be that. as for his taste in drinks... reides loves sweet ones the very most - rip currant wine from his home seas is his fav - but he has a soft spot for firewhiskey, too!
WATER, BABY!!!!!!! i dont think lightning technically counts as an element but that as well!
i think this ties into the time of day prompty really well so i'm pointing up there again hehe.
stormy weather! >:) he is the storm prince, after all... for all his kindness, he is tumultuous and brings change. there's a lot of power to be found in storms, and that power is something that reides is learning to embrace. when he hatched, it was during a crazy storm that really wracked his home seas - and, sometimes, the people there maintain a superstition that baby-reides actually absorbed that storm's power. it's simply wack poetry stuff (that, frankly, used to freak reides out as a kid lmao) but what if they're right. what then.
magical powers
reides is a wizard who specializes in evocation magic, so you know he loves to harness da power of da elements... he especially loves ice and lightning magic. again, if something sounds stormy, he is probably tapping into that power and trying his best to let it surge through him.
reides' weapon is... the power he extracts from the weave teehee. he has a purple conch shell from home that serves as his arcane focus for all that! but, his magic aside, reides also has a dagger that was fashioned from the pelagic ore of his home seas and a crossbow that he named 'harpoon.'
it's gotta be salt water taffy! reides' fav candy as well as the candy that embodies his nature the absolute best :3
methods of long-distance travel
reides loves boats so much. big ships fascinate him endlessly. he wants to go on them all the time. he fantasizes about being at sea with aske (his boyfriend who is also a sailor / fisherman) all the time.
to let down his people and be an outcast amongst them; to prove that all the people who pelted him with insults were right; to lose his home; to lose his freedom
mythological creature
merfolk is a laughably easy answer I KNOWWW so i will choose something else even if they're by far the first thing my mind leaps to for reidesy DFLDKGDKFH i think selkies are cool too given the nature of their shapechanging o: reides' identity both above and below the seas is something that is fun with me thematically and i think selkies kind of offer a physical representation of that
piece of stationary
a page of a sturdy tome that has notes written all over it!!! and doodles!!! and some of the ink on it has been smudged too!!! yay research!!!
three emojis
celestial body
reides is definitely a star! shining resolutely through the darkness of night... ✰ i also associate him with the star tarot, so that ties in nicely.
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Awwww! In high school I never had a crush on any classmates but there were a couple professors who I adored and I always thought I was a fruit loop for loathing the immaturity of those around me and looking up to the older professors who were teaching!!
I love that prompty from 🪐! Professor Tony requesting Peter stay behind after class because he looked esp tired that day and could catch up on some rest during the Proff’s free period. Or offering tutoring help after school even though they both know Peter doesn’t need it
- 🌙
ask in question
Hii darling!!💗💗💗🌙🌙🌙
I don’t really remember my teachers/professors from uni though🥴🥴 they weren’t that great… but!! My two fave teachers from high school will always be in my heart🥺🥺💗💗
And yess I love the idea of Tony looking out for Peter a bit. Asking him to stay behind or even sending Peter an email or message to ask him to come find him in his office. I have this mental image of Peter falling asleep on the little couch in Tony’s office after he’s had a very emotional and tough week. Tony sits quietly working by his desk and occasionally smiles softly while looking at Peter sleep🥺🥺
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
I CAN EXPLAIN so Legends Arceus comes out, it's fun, you get isekai'd into the past it's chill. Until we get to the point where we realize that we aren't the ONLY ones who got isekai'd. Ingo did too, but he also got the Big Amnesia. And because we on tumblr love putting our Blorbos in Situations it was prompty realized that this is EXCELLENT angst fuel. Thus a staggering amount of fanworks focusing on the twins and how this seperation affects them both. Plus there's a pokemon gatcha game keeping older characters relevant.
OHHHHHHHHH THAT MAKES SENSE. I haven't played Arceus myself yet so I honestly had no idea.
That's so freaking funny...why did they separate them??? 😭😂 Like out of all the characters you could have ripped from other games why specifically go for the one where having a TWIN is the whole bit!!
I can see why tumblr latched on to that immediately, holy shit
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arunneronthird · 2 years
hello hello! I have a few random questions (because I like random questions, if you hate them ignore me)
favorite ship/coup?
do you have a favorite character that most people kinda over look?
what you reading?
are there any comic characters you're like "oooh I want to know more!"
also my personal oddity, I adore little 1980s Jason with the two little curls, you know? and so I always feel... like 6 foot 2 sheet of BEEF! Red Hood Jason is a weird cognitive dissonance also he's only like 18 or 19 but is always drawn 10 years older, I'd love a skinny short twink Jason as Red Hood, or if Jason came back but like a year younger than Tim that would have been funny
luckily for u and unluckily for most people i love talking so lets go!
favorite ship... its a hard question, i dont really ship things in dc, im really into the damijon dynamic but i dont necessarily shiiiip them like dami is so aro coded its painful and jon has to get his 7 lost years before he makes sense to me, ask me again after this superman comic, outside of dc though i like going back to read fics with promptis (ffxv) and reddie (it) nad some haikyuu pairs no one cares about
favorite overlooked character... i really like maya (from son of the bat), im a sucker for secondary characters! i like sho from mp100 and yamaguchi from haikyuu and jack in spn (whos jack u ask, exactly)
currently im in the middle of injustice year five! ive been making my way through injustice this past week to prepare for superman and im liking it way more than i thought i would
characters i wanna know more about! there sure are! if they dont give me more monkey prince i may stab someone! i mostly wanna know more things about characters i just havent gotten around to reading about so those dont count i think
ur so right about it like why do they draw him like hes 35, i dont mind his height though (but if u want twink jason titans is ur show i think) i like that he grew up to be big and tall but hes so young... hes just a guy, he would be in college, tiny jason makes my heart grow though so here, for u
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amidst-wonderland · 1 year
final fantasy vii (final fantasy in general) is the only fandom i'm in where none of my favourite ships are even remotely canon, or popular.
rambling below cut
for seven, my top ships barely interact for longer than a few minutes and because of the twenty-odd year shipping war, no other ships really get to breathe. especially involving any of the 'core' four (the chances of renoaer ever having more than a small cult-following was shot in field somewhere in '97)
cissreno, i mean they have one conversation together and happen to be in the same scene once (despite both being turks!) and that's all i've got to work with. i so desperately want a cissnei reunion in rebirth or it's sequel - give me one scene square!
i wonder if they'll mention emma now that elena has joined and square are using compilation material.
the level of angst in these two ships is genuinely too good to be ignored.
reti are fine, like i've got a few hang-ups the longer i think about the age-gap but in the grand scheme of things it's relatively harmless and the fanart circulating is gorgeous.
the only popular ship i love is aerti but even then it's still no cloti, zerith or clerith (all ships i don't dislike).
for final fantasy xv i mean, again it's all about the angst.
lunyx was always doomed to fail simply in the premise of xv and the film doesn't directly imply anything more than genuine friendship and nyx's need to play hero and projecting his vulnerability / optimism onto luna.
i also just would like to add that aesthetically older!noctis x kingsglaive!lunafreya - truly majestic. i don't buy game them, but i sure buy that.
i don't have much of a reason to ship luche x crowe other than the fact that i hate myself, him and what could've been had the film fleshed out their characters more because in every scene they share they're literally looking at each-other at some point.
also, whilst i'm on the subject of crowe and luna - crowuna, another great ship. i wouldn't trust square with it considering what they did to crowe but that has genuine potential.
side note, i love the headcanon that iris looks up to crowe as a role-model.
here's also some my quickfire rarepairs / crackships, that again will never see the light of day
highspecs - that's what it's called? anyways, yes. (i wouldn't say this is a rarepair, just not on the levels of ignoct, promptis or noctluna)
reno x jessie - this is chaos and i love it.
cleno - i don't even know if i really ship this but reno pissing off cloud adds ten-years to my life and i will relish in that wutai rescue mission.
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lunarlegend · 2 years
this song came out a couple years before FFXV was released, and like i know realistically these lyrics cannot actually be Promptis-related, but...
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...every time i hear it, i just hear Older Noctis singing to Older Prompto before the end... 😭
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idolpyre · 2 years
⠀ ⠀⋆ @jiwone continued from HERE !
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀his brain feels fuzzy all around the edges, hands finding purchase on jiwoon's back as he tries to push himself up. is there even a point to thrash around ? would he even be able to get anywhere if he'd wriggled off of jiwoon's shoulder anyway ? minjun knew better than anybody else, once jiwoon had his sights on something — it would be near impossible to shake him off course.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀he prompty decides he's all too exhausted, sagging limp over the killer's shoulder — he has half a mind to wonder when jiwoon grew strong enough to carry him as if he weighed nothing, and lands on the conclusion that it was probably something that happened after no spin's death. it's odd to think about, how time seemingly just marched on. minjun wonders how long they had been dead at this point — was the wound still fresh, or had no spin just been reduced to a tragedy of the past ? a memory long forgotten, replaced by something shiny and new.
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀there is a pang of something that minjun can't quite place his finger on, when he hears jiwoon's humming fill the silence. the past is a fickle thing, and the leader tries not to linger with his thoughts. it's meant to be salt in the wound, an insult to injury. he is mocking him, minjun is sure.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀jiwoon looks older, though all the same as minjun remembers him. there is, however, something sinister that sits behind his eyes, and it reminds minjun of that same passion he saw in the younger idol when he had first joined their roster. he is older, but he is more dangerous than the leader could ever truly accept. ❝ well, yeah — i'd expect nothing LESS of you. i figured you were taking me to the basement, but maybe you just couldn't find it. ❞
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀minjun had spent so long being angry, riddled with GUILT that he didn't see the darkness brewing inside their maknae — had he been the one that got them killed ? had he been more perceptive, would they all still be alive ? things like this haunt his every waking moment in the fog — even in death, minjun is not allowed the peace he so diligently craves. didn't he deserve that, at the very least ?
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀❝ i will not be fooled so easily a second time by you. do you think i believe for even a second you are just going to let me leave ? ❞ it is not lost on minjun the way he is lowered to the ground instead of dropped carelessly, and he's thankful — but they are not words the leader will say out loud, simply unable to bring the gratitude past his lips. how can he be thankful towards jiwoon, after all that had been done ?
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀he doesn't move from his spot on the ground, doesn't even try to push himself up to his feet. he will not give jiwoon the satisfaction. with freedom so close but still so far away, he will not give the maknae the joy of ripping it directly from minjun's fingertips.
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corneroffandom · 2 years
Weekly Writing Update #22 (December 5, 2022)
Well. I didn't get where I was hoping with NaNoWriMo. I managed close to 34K words written. Honestly, it's not bad. it's not a win, obviously, but after the month I had, I decided it could've been much worse, and decided to be content with it. Next year, I'll do my best to figure out a schedule where I'm not running myself quite so ragged between all of my writing projects and everything else I'd like to do and life in general. Hopefully it'll go easier! But with NaNoWriMo behind us, now the holiday stories are all out in force. Haha. Which explains why the list below looks the way it does. I'm involved in two daily Christmas drabble challenges, and then I have four holiday story ideas I'd like to write before the 25th, and then my annual New Years fic. I also would like to get back to booking Team Work and uploading older fic to AO3. I just decided to take this weekend off to get my head back on straight following NaNoWriMo. Soooo we'll see how it all goes. Wish me luck, please. i'm gonna need it, haha.
Back to Basics: 530 World Wrestling Digidestined: 385 Encontrar una Manera: 1068 Back to Basics bonus story: 0 Original story: 0 raffle story 2: 0 raffle story #3: 0 Donno/Ren series: 472 25 Days of Fic: 1535 A very prompty Christmas: 1859 How [SPOILER] Learns Christmas: 0 Twenty Five-- Questions: 0 Traditions: 0 Our Future: 0 New Years drabbles: 0 Passenger (NaNoWriMo 1): 3632 Evidence (NaNoWriMo 2): 5890 In total: 15351 New fic plot notes: 0 Team Work chapters booked: 0 Old fics uploaded to AO3: 0
Find me on Ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/corneroffandom Any questions or comments, please let me know!
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mysteriousbean5 · 4 years
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My piece for the @beginning-of-forever Older Promptis zine! This was such a fun project, and filled with so many tender moments! And great news, the shop is still open! If you use the code HAIYOHEIKA you'll get 30% off! Get yourself some promptis love!
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sinnerbeam · 4 years
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My very late doodle for #olderpromptisweek 's prompt: scars. Really like them thinking about each other's scars, and how the scars represent all the things they missed or werent there for.
(Beginning of Forever is still on sale if you would like a copy!)
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pearlpugly · 4 years
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✨Royal Wedding in Altissia✨ My piece for the wonderful @beginning-of-forever zine; it was a joy to be part of that project, I had so much fun working on this, but also on the koala wallpapers and the naughty pic. 😏 The shop is still open by the way, if you missed out on this absolute gem!
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mathclasswarfare · 3 years
With a Taste of Your Lips I’m on a Ride
Noctis has something for Prompto. 
[My contribution to the @beginning-of-forever older Promptis zine!]
“Okay kids—say fuzzy pickles!”
Most of the students giggle, like Prompto hoped they would, and he takes a flurry of shots before the group starts to fall apart. One of the smallest turns to look at what her teacher is doing on the other side of the room. Two older kids shove at each other while a third scowls, arms crossed. Prompto zooms in on them, laughing to himself.
As he’s looking through all the photos, the teacher walks over to ask if he’s got what he needs, and Prompto responds with an emphatic nod. “Yeah! A couple of these will be great for the article. Thanks again—hope I didn’t get the kids too riled up.”
“It’s fine,” she sighs. “First day of school’s always been like that, hasn’t it?”
[continue reading on Ao3]
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