#old testatement
dmckinney79 · 6 months
“And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place.” -Judges 7:7
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youryurigoddess · 4 months
Aziraphale’s secret investigation and overlooked Clues
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Remember this frame from Good Omens S02E06? Apparently Aziraphale had been using the empty carton box brought by Jim to store things in. It became a new home to at least two out of three “Lost Quartos” — the supposedly lost Shakespeare plays briefly but hilariously mentioned in the Good Omens book — as well as a very mysterious legal document.
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Thought probably half of the Good Omens analysts here, including the ever so wonderful @fuckyeahgoodomens, who managed to find some information about the deceased John Gibson from New Cumnock (1855 - 1905).
Unfortunately the most interesting thing about this early 20th century provincial postmaster was his youngest child James (1894 - 1973), a quite famous stage (West End!) and film actor immortalized on screen in The Master of Ballantrae (1962), Witch Wood (1964) and Kidnapped (1963).
After that particular discovery the fandom-wide search seemingly led nowhere and the topic died a premature death.
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And I almost figured it out seven months ago.
“But Yuri, you’re so clever. How can somebody as clever as you be so stupid?”, you probably want to shout across a busy London street at this point. Well, let me tell you. Much like Aziraphale, I'm blindingly intelligent for about thirty seconds a day. I do not get to choose which seconds and they are not consecutive.
Only tonight the stars have aligned in an ineffable way.
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For those of you who don’t follow this account, some time ago I’ve realized that John Gibson isn’t the only testator whose estate was being investigated by Aziraphale right before The Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association monthly meeting.
If you watch S2 finale closely enough, you should notice that Crowley not only stress cleans Aziraphale’s bookshop — he also goes through the books and papers on his desk between the last three angels leaving the bookshop and Maggie and Nina’s intervention. A seemingly permanent arrangement of the props post-shooting, visible in detail both on Radio Times tour and SFX magazine photo shoot, sheds even more light on this detail.
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The close-ups published after S2 release are legible enough to refer us to a much more prominent historical figure, Josiah Wedgwood (1730 – 1795) — an English potter, entrepreneur and abolitionist. Founding the Wedgwood company in 1759, he developed improved pottery bodies by systematic experimentation, and was the leader in the industrialisation of the manufacture of European pottery.
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Long story short, I transcribed the handwritten pages abandoned on Aziraphale’s desk, found out the source and the full text of what could be identified as Wedgwood’s last will and testament, took a walk to visit his Soho workshop, and proceeded to write a lengthy meta analysis about it.
I was today’s years old when I realized that there’s something else connecting those two dead British men.
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The Scottish Post Office Directory of 1903 recorded John Gibson from New Cumnock as a “stationer and china dealer” (above) operating from the shop located in the town’s post office building.
Indeed, a close look at his post office shop window in the Henderson Building (below, bottom left) reveals an artful display of fine china and pottery next to postcards printed by Gibson.
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There are multiple ways to connect this surprising link with possible S3 plot points, obviously, but it’s getting late, so let’s just name the two most important ones.
You’ve probably heard of the Holy Grail, maybe from Monty Python or Good Omens S01E03 1941 flashback. Depending on the version of the story, if can be a cup, a chalice, a bowl, or a saucer — but almost always a dish or a vessel connected personally, physically and metaphysically to Jesus (unless you’re partial to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s idea that the Grail was a stone, the sanctuary of the neutral angels who took neither side during Lucifer's rebellion).
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A slightly more obscure dish related to the Son of God appears in the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation as a vital part of His Second Coming. The Seven Bowls (or cups, or vials) of God’s Wrath are supposed to be poured out on the wicked and the followers of the Antichrist by seven angels:
Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.” So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse, and every living thing died that was in the sea.
The third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, and they became blood. And I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, “Just are you, O Holy One, who is and who was, for you brought these judgments. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. It is what they deserve!” And I heard the altar saying, “Yes, Lord God the Almighty, true and just are your judgments!”
The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.
The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores. They did not repent of their deeds.
The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east. And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.  (“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”) And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be found. And great hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, fell from heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague was so severe.
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ancicntforged · 7 months
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"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me."
General Info:
Name: Ignis Title: Spear of Valor Nickname: Blazing Knight Occupation: Knight of Favonius Affiliation: Mondstadt Age: 24+ Race: Human Gender: Female Height: 178 cm Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Gold-Blone Vision: Pyro Weapon: Polearm Misc: Is stupid acrobatic.
Ignis, known throughout some of Teyvat as the Spear of Valor, is someone of immense courage and an unyielding sense of justice. Her personality, much like the element she wields, is one of of fierce determination and unexpected warmth. To those who face her in battle, Ignis presents an indomitable spirit, her presence as commanding as the flames at her command. Yet, this strength is tempered by a depth of compassion and empathy, qualities that have been forged in the solitude of her many trials and the battles she has endured alone. Her journey has imbued her with a profound understanding of loyalty, the cost of trust, and the deep scars left by loss, shaping her into someone who fiercely protects those under her wing.
Despite her formidable exterior, Ignis possesses a warmth that endears her to those few who manage to see beyond her armor. She is fiercely loyal, her commitments are unbreakable, offering her trust sparingly but with unwavering sincerity. Ignis is a woman of few words, choosing instead to listen and offer counsel that reflects the wisdom gleaned from her experiences. In rare moments of vulnerability, she shares reflections on her past and her aspirations, revealing a quest not just for victory in battle but for a sense of peace that has long eluded her.
The misfortunes Ignis has faced so far haven't embittered her; instead they honed her empathy, driving her to fight not for personal glory, but for a vision of peace. Her laughter, though rarely heard, is a reminder of the joy that persists in the world, a testatement to the resilience of the indomitable human spirit amidst the abyss.
Yet beneath her valor and victories lies a restlessness. A yearning for a respite that remains just beyond reach. This inner conflict keeps propelling Ignis into the fray, her every victory a step towards the peace she seeks for herself and the people she defends. It's this blend of indomitable will, warmth and introspective pursuit of peac ethat makes Ignis a fantastic warrior.
The story of Ignis begins in the vast expanse of Mondstad, where the wind sings of freedom and adventure. She was born to a family of renowned artisans known for their exquisite metalwork and intricate designed inspired by the seven elements. Her childhood was steeped in the tales of heroes and the legends of old, her imagination kindled by the stories of those who wielded Visions with grace and power.
Growing up in the bustling heart of Mondstadt, Ignis' life can be described well with all the simply joys and the unbreakable bonds of community. Her days were filled with laughter, the clanging of her parents' force, and the soft whispers of the wind, carrying tales of distant lands and ancient battles. From a young age, Ignis was fascinated by the Knights of Favonius, their noble deeds and the valor they embodied. Yet her aspiration to join their ranks wasn't born of tragedy or loss, but from a pure, unadulaterated esire to stand among those who protected the city she loved with her every heartbeat.
Her journey wasn't marked by the pursuit of redemption, nor the burden of a tragic past, but by a relentless quest for excellence and the determination to forge her own path. Her parents were supportive of her dreams and encouraged Ignis to explore the depths of her passion in the flickering flames of her family's forge. It is here that Ignis discovered her affinity for fire, a connection that felt as natural as breathing. The fire spoke to her in a language of strength and resilience, moments later she was granted a Pyro Vision.
Her dedication to mastering the Pyro Element was matched only by her commitment to physical training, understanding early on that the path to becoming a Knight of Favonius was paved with not just elemental prowess, but the strength of body and spirit. Mondstad, with the ethos of freedom and valor, provided the perfect backdrop for her to test her limits, her eevery achievement celebrated by her family that had nurtured her.
When the time came for Igis to join the Knights of Favonius, her application and test was passed with flying colors. During the trials she showcased not only her courage of fire, but the depth of her courage and breadth of her ambition. To the knights, she seemed like a prodigy, her spirit as vibrant as the flames she wielded, earning herself the nickname of Blazing Knight, from her passion and warmth she brought to every endeavor.
Presently, Ignis finds herself amidst a long-overdue vacation, a rare respite from her tireless dedication to duty. Jean, the Acting Grand Master, insisting on upon this overdue break, with Ignis reluctantly agreeing to it due to the irony and realizing she has indulged in a handful of days off during holidays over the past decade. This particular situation finds her torn between her enduring commitment to knightly responsibilities and the growing desire to unwind and rejuvenate, to enjoy her freedom. Thus, Ignis embarks on a journey beyond the confines of Mondstadt, deciding to go adventure in distant lands.
Abilities & Weapons:
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Pyre's Reach is a masterfully crafted polearm, its design as striking as the flames it channels. The shaft is made from rare, ember-toned wood, coated in a shimmering resin, while the spearhead is forged from a fiery alloy that seems to glow with an inner light. Engraved with ancient runes of power and protection, the weapon resonates with Ignis's Pyro vision, its edges igniting with every swing, mirroring her fiery resolve. In battle, it is not just a weapon but an extension of Ignis's fiery will.
Normal Attack: Ember Strike
Normal Attack: Ignis performs up to a 5-hit combo with her polearm, each strike igniting the air with a trail of sparks.
Charged Attack: Ignis consumes a portion of stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to all enemies in her path.
Plunging Attack: From mid-air, Ignis dives to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE damage upon impact.
Elemental Skill: Flamecaller's Dance
Ignis sweeps her polearm in a wide arc, summoning a ring of fire that deals Pyro damage to all nearby enemies. If the skill button is held, she channels the flame into "Pyre's Reach", empowering her next five normal attacks with additional Pyro damage.
Elemental Burst: Phoenix's Descent
Ignis calls upon the might of the legendary firebird, unleashing a powerful surge of Pyro energy that cascades forward in a magnificent wave. Enemies hit by the wave are dealt significant Pyro damage and are marked with "Ashen Brand," which increases the damage they take from Ignis's attacks for a short duration.
Passive Talents:
Inferno's Momentum: After using Flamecaller's Dance, Ignis gains a 20% Pyro damage bonus for her normal and charged attacks for 7 seconds.
Ember's Guard: When Ignis's HP falls below 30%, she gains a Pyro shield that absorbs damage up to 15% of her max HP. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds.
Trailblazer's Flame: Ignis's charged attacks do not consume stamina for 5 seconds after using Phoenix's Descent.
Other Skills:
Ignis has honed her body to the peak of human capability, making her exceptionally adept at jumping and climbing. Her natural athleticism allows her to reach higher ground with ease, and she can scale cliffs and walls faster than her peers. This ability is particularly useful for navigating the vertical landscapes of Teyvat.
In combat, Ignis's movements are a fluid blend of attack and evasion, allowing her to gracefully dodge enemy blows. Her acrobatic skills enable her to perform a series of quick dodges and rolls that make her a difficult target while setting her up for counterattacks.
Ignis's agility is not just physical but also tactical. She has a unique ability to read the battlefield and react instantaneously, granting her a split-second advantage to reposition or strike precisely where it counts.
Years of rigorous training have given Ignis an extraordinary level of endurance. She can sprint for longer durations without tiring, maintaining her speed and agility even after others have been forced to slow down.
Ignis has developed keen senses, particularly her sight and hearing, which allow her to detect the presence of enemies even beyond normal visual and auditory ranges.
-Ignis possesses an intuitive understanding of fire and its properties, allowing her to manipulate flames outside of combat situations. With a simple touch or focused concentration, she can ignite small fires for cooking, warmth, or illumination, even under adverse conditions. This ability also grants her the skill to control the intensity and direction of flames, making her invaluable in survival situations or when faced with environmental challenges.
-Ignis holds herself to incredibly high standards and can be overly critical of her own performance. She strives for perfection in everything she does, whether it's in combat, crafting, or leadership. While this drive for excellence pushes her to continually improve and excel, it can also lead to feelings of frustration and self-doubt when she falls short of her own expectations, causing her undue stress and anxiety.
-Despite her strategic mind and tactical acumen, Ignis can sometimes act on impulse, especially in the heat of battle or when faced with situations that trigger strong emotions. Her passion and fiery nature can cloud her judgment, causing her to rush into situations without fully considering the consequences. While this impulsiveness can fuel her bravery and determination, it can also lead to reckless behavior and put herself and others in danger.
-Ignis's unwavering determination and strong sense of conviction can sometimes manifest as stubbornness. Once she has made up her mind about something, she can be resistant to changing course, even when presented with evidence or advice that suggests an alternative approach. This stubborn streak can lead to conflicts with others and occasionally result in her making decisions that may not be in her best interest.
-Beneath her confident exterior lies a deep-seated fear of failure. Ignis feels a tremendous pressure to live up to the expectations placed upon her as a Knight of Favonius and as a protector of Mondstadt. The thought of letting down her comrades or being unable to fulfill her duties weighs heavily on her mind, driving her to push herself to the limit and sometimes neglecting her own well-being in the process.
-Ignis's relentless drive and high expectations for herself can leave her susceptible to burnout. She may push herself too hard, neglecting her own physical and emotional needs in pursuit of her goals. This can lead to exhaustion, diminished performance, and a sense of disillusionment with her own abilities.
-Underneath her confident exterior, Ignis may struggle to express vulnerability or ask for help when she needs it. She may fear that showing weakness will make her appear incompetent or undermine herself. This reluctance to open up to others can strain her relationships and prevent her from receiving the support she needs during challenging times.
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graeclings · 4 months
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𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         sam reid,  40,  cis man,  he/him.    announcing  the  arrival  of  TYWELL of  house  LANNISTER,  the  RULING LORD of  CASTERLY ROCK.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  SHREWD  and  ACERBIC  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  equestrianism.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  high cliffs overlooking harsh waves that break upon the rocks below, golden hair pressed to the brow by a crown, scarlet letters tucked beneath silk sleeves.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  THE  LANNISTERS.   
⸻          statistics    .
full    name    :    tywell lannister   . also    known    as    :    ty  . title(s)    :    ruling  lord of  casterly  rock  and  the  westerlands  . age    :  forty  . date    of    birth    :    june 3rd  . gender    and    pronouns    :    cis  male he/him . orientation    :    bisexual   .
⸻          roots    .
parents    :    d. jason lannister + d. mama; dowager lady marya   . siblings    :  tbd twin,  lady lucretia, lord lyonel  . children    :    tbd  . status    :   married to ruling lady gwynesse lannister 
⸻          personality    .
inspired    by    :    moriarty (sherlock homes) ; thee tywin lannister,  logan roy (succession ... sorry) , phyllis dietrichson (double indemnity), small touch of testat (iwav) . moral    alignment    :    lawful evil (pending tbh)  . star    alignment    :    gemini <3 
⸻          headcanons    .
so alike his much fabled kin, tywell operates with a slight and careful hand -- he is not interested in being the face of power, rather he wishes to be the long arm which pulls the strings. eloquent, flattering, smiling and charming, tywell will flatter any man or woman to their face; he will break bread with his enemies, and betray no hint of his true aims. a golden first born son, tywell has never considered himself anything less than the summation of the greatest parts of a lannister legacy --- he's blonde he's rich, he's bound to be slightly narcissistic !  tywell seeks power, but he does not wish to repeat the mistakes of past lannisters ; his proximity to the throne and the control he wields must be subtle, and he must not declare loyalties too loudly, too fiercly. the survival of their family will depend on their riches, their cunning, and the ability to distance oneself, should the tides turn.  his loyalty remains with his kin, first and foremost -- family is everything, and he would see a city awash in blood, to aid his golden brood. but sweet sentiments and bonds cannot sever tywell's schemes; tywell will expect his family to accept his orders with a smile -- tywelll harbours great plans for his siblings, and heirs 
⸻       wanted connections   .
1. allies, allies ; perhaps forged through marriage, or through lannister coin to fund expeditions or small conflicts, those tywell works hard to maintain positive contacts with. these are known allies, and tywell is ready to appear their dearest and nearest friend. likely, they don't fully trust him -- and tywell trusts no one. they do however enjoy an amicable relationship; he's a lively dinner guest and loves to gossip 
2. a secret alliance -- tywell is not one to limit his scope of influence, or the information he can recieve from the most unlikely of sources; i'd LOVE for him to have secret alliances --- maybe they exchange information on mutual enemies, he secretly supports their acts, money, etc etc! on the surface, an unlikely pair to have common goals.
3. enemies, of course -- the lannisters are proud, and tywells' smugness, combined with his false flattery, certainly makes him a polarizing figure; i'm down for petty disagreements, old feuds, personal vendettas. tywell probably isn't happy unless he's actively working to take down somebody 
4. personal affairs -- tywell may be a lot, but he isn't above friendship, perhaps past entanglements (pre-marriage!!!!), friends he's lost, enemies that were once friends, anything !!! 
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broomsticks · 2 years
today's hp fandom excavation fun: the hp_essays livejournal comm
1) When will the fandom end? posted by (ljuser)vegetasbubble on 07 December 2007
As much as we (any of us) hate to admit it, the Harry Potter fandom will one day (hopefully not one day soon) come to an end. Authors will write thier last ever fanfiction, draw thier last ever fanart, and put down the pencil and say "Thats it." Its a stage of life that no one, (I am one of those people), wants to see. The end of a generation, so to speak.
i was especially amused by this given the recent stats by destinationtoast that had HP as THE fastest growing fandom (and second largest to MCU overall) on AO3 in 2022.
anyway, virtually all the comments disagreed, pointing out the longevity of many many many other literary and movie/TV fandoms.
interestingly, though, i don't think i saw much note of how specifically groundbreaking HP was. aside from this:
Aside from the complete falsity of this claim, I'd rather pursue a new line of thought. In the past few years we seen the HP fanfiction exponentially grow being one of the hugest on general fanfiction websites, spawning huge websites in general for one specific IP and even within the fanfictiondom having different sub-sections, (such as slash, a particular ship or adult) of fanfiction having moderately large collections of works on their own. This is basically a testatment to HP being on of the biggest franchises of this generation to be able to generate such an incredible amount fandom, not to mention an almost serendipitously bring together the forces capitalism, luck, forture, marketing, publishing and talent to make it such a huge hit. The question I pose is to what degree will this fandom die down if at all? Obviously some people will hand up their brushes, mice and pens to abandon contributions to the monster than is HP fandom; but just as the longevity of slash Star Trek fics and LOTR fan art; to what extent will HP fandom survive? Does the content of being a youth fantasy or children's coming of age story have a bearing on how long it will last, when it will last and how slowly (or quickly) the fandom will die down?
this observation on the cyclical nature of fandom was fascinating too:
Hah. I used to ask myself the same question the first time that I was in a fandom. (Tolkien´s Silmarillion) People were writing everything off and exhausting all the good ideas by doing them over and over. Eventually, the people I knew grew tired, and I grew tired too, so most of us left. Years later, however, I suddenly had an impulse to go back and write some more… and guess what I found. New people had taken the place of the old, and the old fic ideas, the old controversies were coming up again as if they were new. Because for those people, they were new. They had not been there back when we wrote and discussed, and most of them had none or little knowledge of what had been done. Fandom repeats itself just like history, because new generations come, and they do not know what has been done before. And, as is the case with history, research about the past is a minoritary hobby. Do you read all the posts in a forum when you join? Or the mails in a mailing list that has been going for seven years? Well, it´s the same with the people who suddenly read Harry Potter and decide that they like it… they will start from zero, and probably read some classics that a friend reccomends to them, but they will not spend their first fannish months reading everything that has been already done, yelled, discussed, squeed and kept saved in Potter sites years before. They will spend them writing feverishly, noticing things, squeeing, yelling and discussing on their own- just as the others once did.
other Very Good essays:
2) Participatory Interpretation; Or, How Fanon Showed Me My Canon by gjules, posted 10 Sep 2004
Partly because of the size and complexity of its universe and partly because of its large and varied cast, the Harry Potter fandom has one of the widest spreads of potential interpretation… So how are we to take the author's intentions into this? As interesting as auctorial intent is in extra-textual interpretation, it still can be misleading. Authors are aware of their creation on many levels, and not all of those levels are consciously accessible. That's one of the strengths of the beta reader: they're not telling you what to do-- they're telling you what you've done.
For me, for example, rereading the books after finding HG/SS was an exercise in reinterpretation. Incorrect reinterpretation, reinterpretation informed and created by my hopeless enjoyment of Sevmione, I have no doubt, at least in light of the probability of that particular OTP occurring in future canon-- but still an interesting perspective on a given text which I might otherwise never have considered. Naturally, this leads to accusations of fanon muddying the waters of the original canon, making things confusing, blinding the fanfic reader and writer to what's really going on. I don't buy this. I would argue that instead, the reader who takes diverse perspectives from fanfic back to the original canon is instead more likely to see all of the possibilities, is less likely to be blinded by the initial assumptions anyone draws when encountering a text.
I've found that reading fanfiction often shows me the assumptions I've unconsciously held about canon. In my view of canon, Snape is more often the tormented hero, and Harry often closer to being in the wrong-- but the different views I have read of fanon Snape show me the other ways other readers see him.
This discussion eventually leads to a disturbing question, however: can all views of canon be considered equally privileged?
a response:
Short answer: no. Why? Because not all views of canon can be equally supported. If your view of canon can be demonstrably shown to contradict something like a significant point of the text, it is weakened. If you have an analysis of canon that fails to account for some major features of the text, or is contradicted by them, it is less priviledged than an analysis which is able to comphrend more things. The completeness criterion is one that I've found is applied across a lot of topics of analysis, from literature to hard-core music theory (yep, there is such a thing).
3) a lovely (if slightly ranty!) tonks character study meta:
The Deconstruction of a Miss Nymphadora Tonks by theregoesyamum on 09 Apr 2006:
1. She's direct. 2. She's intelligent. 3. She has a sense of humour. 4. She hasn't got a rotten bone in her body. 5. She's irreverent and unconventional. 6. She's a Black by blood, if not by name.
go read it in full! keeping in mind the fandom post-HBP was full of massive tonks-related wank (alluded to in the (mostly good! worth reading!) discussion here).
4) i'm sad this post (Fanfiction Writing Style and Stylistic Trends by ignipes, posted 04 September 2005) doesn't seem to exist on the internet anymore (yes, i did try wayback machine)
5) no shortage of peter pettigrew meta -- though a lot of these were written pre-DH, some even pre-OOTP and pre-HBP. interesting reads, but none i felt were especially notable.
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o-craven-canto · 2 years
Tree of Life 5: Unikonta (amoebae, fungi, and such)
Whew, this took a while! We continue our exploration of the diversity of life on Earth, branch by branch.
[Disclaimer: taxonomy is a complex, ever-changing field, and this overview is certainly not going to be exhaustive, especially concerning extinct groups]
←  Part 4 (Angiospermae: flower plants) Part 6 (Metazoa: animals) →
Unikonta “one flagellum” is a rather diverse clade of Eukaryotes that group together many species of amoebae, slime molds, fungi, and animals. They (which is to say us) don’t share so many obvious features, but:
they are primarily heterotrophs (i.e. they take their carbon from organic sources), except for some species that entered symbiosis with algae; and
their cells have at most one flagellum, if any at all -- in contrast with flagellate algae, Euglenids, or Heterokonts, which typically have two flagella per cell (see parts 2 and 3 for more detail on those).
The group is more-or-less synonymous with Amorphea “shapeless” and Podiata “footed”, in reference to the fact that amoebae and animals have no rigid cell walls and can extrude appendages from some cells -- which is not true for fungi, though!
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The different and wonderful life stages of amoebae -- I promise they will make sense soon. (Kin & Schaap 2021, “Evolution of Multicellular Complexity in The Dictyostelid Social Amoebas” (link))
1. Amoebozoa “changing animals”: The core clade of amoebas. (We have seen examples of amoebas, that is cells that can significantly alter their shape by extending and retracting cytoplasm-filled pseudopods, all over Eukarya -- see part 2.)
1a. Lobosa “lobed”: These amoebae have lost any trace of cilia or flagella, and move exclusively by pseudopods.
1a1. Tubulinea “tube-shaped”: Cells usually cylindrical in general shape, producing pseudopods that are themselves cylindrical and pushed by a central stream of granular cytoplasm. Amoeba dubia or Polychaos dubium is here, whose massively redundant genome is 200 times as large as ours (... maybe). Some Tubulinea, known as “testate amoebae” such as Arcella, are protected by a spherical shell of variable composition, with a single round opening from which pseudopos protrude.
1a2. Discosea “disk-shaped”: These amoebae are rounded and flattened; their pseudopods are small, thin, and contain only the transparent surface layer of cytoplasm. Here we found Acanthamoeba, which lives in soil and freshwater but can be an opportunistic parasite in humans.
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Amoeba proteus (Tubulinea), the most classical species of amoeba, extending its pseudopods. The whole thing is almost a millimeter across. (SmallRex, Wikimedia)
1b. Conosa “cone-shaped”: These ones may or may not have flagellate stages; if they do, the base of the flagellum has a cone-shaped microtubular basket aftre which the group is named.
1b1. Archaemoebae “ancient amoebae”: One of the old Archaezoa (see part 2), believed to be primitive Eukaryotes because they lack mitochondria. In fact, they just lost them as a consequence of living inside other organisms or such places where food is abundant and oxygen is not. Outside of hosts, they have to cease activity and withdraw into a cyst. They include Entamoeba histolitica, which causes amoebic dysentery in humans; the giant Pelomyxa palustris, which can measure several mm in length and carry thousands of nuclei; and the strange Mastigamoeba, which retains a flagellum even in its amoeboid stage.
1b2. Dictyostelida “net-like stalk”: One of the major groups of slime molds, very interesting organisms that alternate between unicellular and multicellular organization. Like the rather similar Acrasida, which are found very far away in the tree of life (see part 2), they are known as “cellular slime molds”. They grow as haploid unicellular amoebae, feeding by phagocytosis of bacteria and dead matter. However, when food becomes scarce, the separate cells emit a signal that causes them to join into a slug-like gelatinous body able to crawl around. This body eventually generates stalked fruiting bodies that scatter spores to the wind. The species Dictyostelium discoideum is a classical model in studies on cell communication and the evolution of multicellularity.
1b3. Myxogastria “slimy interior” or Myxomycota “slimy fungi”: The other major group of slime molds. In contrast with the “cellular” Dictyostelida, these ones are “plasmodial slime molds”: their cells don’t merely aggregate, but fuse together, forming a single mass of cytoplasm with thousands of unique nuclei, that is, a plasmodium. These can produce spores or flagellate “swarming” cells for dispersal, which, in turn, produce gametes for sexual reproduction. Fuligo septica (whose name means “infected soot”) and Physarum polycephalum are well known; the latter especially for its fantastic ability to self-organize its fluid body for efficient location and distribution of resources.
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Two types of slime molds. Left: Dictyostelium discoideum (Dictyostelida), growing fruiting bodies from the slime. (Usman Bashir, Wikimedia) Right: Physarum polycephalum (Myxogastria), growing in a network to search food in its Petri dish. (Tim Tim, Wikimedia)
2. Opisthokonta “posterior flagllum”: So-called because their flagellate cells tend to push themselves forward with a flagellum at the back end of the cell, whereas flagellates in most other clades draw themselves forward with a flagellum beating at the front. (Think of sperm cells here; however, most animal cells are not flagellate, and most species of fungi have no flagella whatsoever.)
2a. Holomycota “all fungi”: The general neighborhood of Fungi; this clade is defined as the broadest possible clade that contains molds and mushrooms but not animals.
2a1. Nucleariida: A very small group of heterotrophic protists. It includes the genera Nuclearia, an amoeba with thin, thread-like pseudopods, and Fonticula, a cellular slime mold very similar to Dictyostelium.
2a2. Fungi: The kingdom of mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. They are all heterotrophic (unless you count lichens), extracting organic material from other organisms, usually as decomposers (indeed, they do most of the decomposition in all ecosystems), or sometimes parasites. They are never motile, except for a brief flagellate stage in some groups. Cells form thin filaments called hyphae, growing only at their tip. Hyphae contain multiple nuclei, and are surrounded by a cell wall made of chitin (a nitrogen-rich sugar polymer that also goes into the cuticle of insects). Like plants, they rely on this wall and water-filled vacuoles to keep their shape. They are usually haplontic (remember? That means the cells of their multicellular life stage have only one copy of each chromosome, rather than two as in animals). The earliest aquatic fungi appeared possibly over a billion years ago, and they started spreading on land around the same time as plants, in the Ordovician and Silurian periods (460-420 million years ago).
? 2a2a. Microsporidia: It’s unclear whether they are actual Fungi that reverted to unicellularity or just close relatives. They are intracellular parasites, which made them smallest among Eukaryotes, down to a single micrometer in length. They lost mitochondria and several other structures, but developed a harpoon-like polar filament which they use to penetrate into cells. They can produce tumor-like growths, called xenomas, in the organs of fish and Arthropods they infect.
2a2b. Blastocladiomycota “branching sprout fungi”: These basal groups still retain zoospores, that is, a unicellular flagellate stage of their lifecycle that allows easy dispersion in water. Blastoclads are microscopic, with one or more specialized cells forming at the end of the hyphae to produce spores, and root-like structures to absorb nutrients. They can be decomposers or parasites -- such as Physoderma maydis, which cause “brown spot disease” on maize leaves. Allomyces, like land plants (see part 3), has a haplodiplontic cycle, alternating a haploid body that produces gametes and a diploid body that produces flagellate spores.
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Allomyces sp. (Blastocladiomycota), with sporangia growing at the end of its hyphae. (TelosCricket, Wikimedia)
2a2c. Chytridiomycota “little pot fungi”: In practice, very similar to Blastocladiomycetes. Chytrids were found in the 400 million-years-old (Early Devonian) site of Rhynie Chert, which means they were on land among the very first plants. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is infamous as a scourge of frogs, to whom it causes potentially fatal skin infections, having already driven to extinction up to several dozens of species. The following groups of fungi have completely lost their flagella, and thus are grouped as Amastigomycota (“thread-less fungi”).
2a2d. Mucoromycota “slimy fungi”: The core of the old phylum Zygomycota “joined fungi”, now believed to be polyphyletic. Their hyphae don’t have internal partitions, so cytoplasm can flow freely along their whole length.  The old name refers to the fact that they have upright, standing branches that can fuse their tip with their neighbors’ to form a diploid zygospore. This immediately undergoes meiosis to release haploid, non-flagellate spores. (Often this fusion can only occur between different mating types, which are not quite sexes because they are otherwise identical.) Mucoromycotans are known as “pin molds” because their erect hyphae topped with round sporangia make them look like pins stuck in their substrate. One such example is Mucor mucedo, which produces a white-grey fuzz on some cheeses; another is Rhizopus, which is used in Indonesia to ferment soy in making tempeh (R. oligosporus) and in Japan to make sake from rice (R. oryzae), and is commonly found on stale bread and old strawberries (R. stolonifer). Pilobolus crystallinus grows on dung piles, and has explosive vesicles that can shoot spores several meters away.
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Closeup of a pin mold, identified as “probably Rhizopus stolonifer” (Mucoromycota), growing on a tomato. Note the upright white hyphae, each holding up a rounded sporangium. Most “fuzz” on moldy fruit looks like this. (Calimo, Wikimedia)
2a2e. Glomeromycota “yarn-ball fungi”: These fungi are also found as fossils in Rhynie Chert, and in a very important form: that of arbuscular mycorrhizae, which are structures formed by symbiotic fungi penetrating into the roots of a plant. The mycorrhizae depend on the plant for photosynthesis-produced sugar, and in exchange they provide the plant phosphorus and minerals. This association, starting from the very first terrestrial plants, is extremely important, and now found in as much as 80% of modern vascular plants (in many cases, the fungus belongs to genus Glomus). One exception is Geosiphon, which does not form mycorrhizae, but in compensation hosts a symbiotic Nostoc, a cyanobacterium you might remember from part 1, within its cells.
2a2f. Dikarya “two nuclei”: Most Fungi that you may have actually seen -- say, mushrooms -- are in this group. The name refers to a unique aspect of their reproduction: when haploid hyphae from different individuals, grown from spores, meet and meld, they exchange nuclei, as they would in any case of sexual reproduction. However, the nuclei do not merge, and the offspring will contain two nuclei in each cell. The nuclei merge into a diploid zygote only immediately before the meiosis that will produce new haploid spores -- but this occurs only within specialized structures that reside in a fruiting body. What is commonly called “mushroom” is simply the spore-producing fruiting body of a fungus, built of tightly-packed hyphae.
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The generalized life cycles of Ascomycota (left) and Basidiomycota (right). Blue and red dots represent cell nuclei from different parents. “n”/”1n” and “2n” represent respectively haploid and diploid cells. “M!”, “P!”, and “K!” represent, respectively, meiosis (halving of genetic material), plasmogamy (fusion of the cytoplasm of two cells), and karyogamy (fusion of two nuclei). In plants and animals, plasmogamy and karyogamy occur almost at the same time during fertilization, but in Fungi they’re distinct events. (Silicon Prophet, Wikimedia)
2a2f1. Ascomycota: This large group (three quarters of all known species of Fungi) is named after its peculiar reproductive organ, the ascus (“sack”). This is a single rod-shaped cell, at the end of a hypha, in which the two parent nuclei merged and then underwent repeated meiosis to become (usually) eight unique haploid nuclei. When each nucleus has built a spore around itself, the ascus will break open or dissolve to release the spores.
2a2f1a. Taphrinomycotina: This early-diverging group does not show obvious similarities. Most examples are microscopic: Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a type of yeast, which is to say a fungus that has returned to a unicellular form and no longer grows into hyphae (though it still produces spores by turning into an ascus with four nuclei); found often in fruit and alcoholic drinks, it can also reproduce by binary cell division. Pneumocystis jirovecii is also unicellular, and a parasite in human lungs, where it causes pneumonia. The namesake genus Taphrina, which causes leaf curl disease in peach and almond trees, alternates a yeast-like form and hyphae, finally forming a layer of asci on infected leaves. One exception is genus Neolecta, which forms smooth, lobed fruiting bodies that are bright yellow and a few cm tall.
2a2f1b. Saccharomycotina “sugar fungi” are a group dominated by yeasts. They, too, become a four-spore ascus after meiosis; but before that, when they are still diploid thanks to the fusion of nuclei, they can reproduce by asymmetrical budding, which leaves a visible scar on the mother cell. Most important for us is the brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whose fermentation of sugar produces both ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, and is therefore used to brew beer and leaven bread. Another one is Candida albicans, which is commonly found in the human mouth and vagina but can become a pathogen when our immunitary system falters.
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A few cells of the baker’s or brewer’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Saccharomycotina), producing daughter cells by budding. Yeasts are unicellular descendants of multicellular ancestors. (Masur, Wikimedia)
2a2f1c. Pezizomycotina: The fruiting body (ascocarp) is composed of one or more bowl- or flask-shaped apothecia, each with asci coating its concave inner surface. This group counts fourteen classes, highly variable. A few examples:
Pezizomycetes contains most Ascomycotan mushrooms. “Cap fungi” like Aleuria and Sarcoscypha have flattened reddish ascocarps that look like discarded orange peels. The edible morels (Morchella) have a sponge-like cap, formed by many hollow apothecia clustered together. The highly-prized truffles (Tuber) grow underground as root symbionts of oaks and other trees.
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A group of common morels (Morchella esculenta, Pezizomycetes) in a forest in Illinois. Each “hole” in its cap is an apothecium internally coated with spore-bearing asci. (DrewHeath, Wikimedia)
Other classes are dominated by molds. Sordariomycetes is home to the bread mold Neurospora crassa, an important model organism in genetics; Fusarium venenatum, cultivated as meat substitute under the name of Quorn; the ergot Claviceps purpurea, which covers infected rye with black horn-like grotwhs, and does dreadful things to people who consume it. Eurotiomycetes has Penicillium, which is used in cheesemaking and from which the first antibiotic (penicillin) was extracted, and Aspergillus, a toxic black mold that can infest damp houses. These molds often have entirely asexual life cycles, and produce huge numbers of spores with no need of sexual recombination (the sheer amount of spores they release is, indeed, the reason they can be dangerous).
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The microscopic fronds of Penicillium rubens (Eurotiomycetes), to which we owe the discovery of antibiotics. Such molds grow as blue-greyish velvet on old fruit. (Houbraken & al. 2011, “Fleming’s penicillin producing strain is not Penicillium chrysogenum but P. rubens.”)
Lecanoromycetes contains the majority of lichens. These fungi have formed a symbiotic relationship with unicellular algae or cyanobacteria that live inside their tangle of hyphae, just close enough to the surface to receive light. The fungi produce rock-dissolving acids to extract minerals, passing them to the algae which provide their host with sugars; this combination allows lichens to survive even in the most barren environments. They range in shape from thin layers encrusting rocks, to bush-like structures such as the reindeer lichen (Cladonia rangiferina) or the Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica).
Finally, let me mention Arthrobotrys, from the Orbiliomycetes: this is a rare case of a carnivorous fungus, whose hyphae form microscopic loops to trap and digest Nematode worms.
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Top left: a foliose (leafy) lichen, Xanthoria parietina, growing on a branch; the little cups are the ascocarps. (Norbert Nagel, Wikimedia) Top right: a crustose (crusty) lichen, Caloplaca marina. (Roger Griffith, Wikimedia) Bottom left: a fruticose (bushy) lichen, Cladonia portentosa. (Hubertl, Wikimedia). Bottom right: the microscopic structure of a generic lichen. (Benjamin Cummings, Pearson Education; this is the closest link I could find)
2a2f2. Basidiomycota: Again, this group is named after its reproductive structure, the basidium (”little pedestal”). Again, the basidium is a single club-shaped cell in which the parent nuclei merge before undergoing meiosis. The resulting unique haploid nuclei emerge at the end of the basidium as (usually) four spores that are (usually) forcibly expelled upon maturity. These fungi have septa within their hyphae which keeps the nuclei separated from each other.
2a2f2a. Ustilaginomycotina: A clade of parasites of vascular plants, generally known as “smuts”. They start their life as haploid, saprophytic yeasts, which merge two by two in presence of host plants to form parasitic hyphae. These hyphae end in appressoria, specialized invasive structure that can pierce through any tissue thanks to hydraulic pressure. The best known species is the corn smut (Ustilago maydis), which forms (edible!) grey "mushrooms” on infected maize ears.
2a2f2b. Pucciniomycotina or Urediniomycotina: Most species of this clade are also plant parasites: they cause stunted growth and yellowing of leaves, as well as rough yellow-to-red growth which gave them the common name of “rusts”. Puccinia graminis is one of the most important pathogens of wheat and barley, while Helicobasidium longisporum attacks plants as diverse as apples, potatoes, and soy.
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Left: corn smut (Ustilago maydis, Ustilaginomycotina) causes infected kernels to swell into grey “fruits” filled with the fungus’ spores; under the name huitlacoche, they are eaten in Mexico. (Kai Hirdes, Wikimedia) Right: A pear leaf infested by the pear rust (Gymnosporangium sabinae, Pucciniomycotina); the black blisters release airborne spores. (Maurice Flesier, Wikimedia)
2a2f2c. Agaricomycotina: And here we find Basidiomycotan mushrooms. Their fruiting body (basidiocarp) often has the distinctive umbrella-like shape with cap and stalk, and has lamellae coated with the basidia.
Two of its subdivisions, Tremellomycetes and Dacrymycetes, comprise the so-called “jelly fungi”, whose fruiting body is indeed gelatinous or rubbery: from the first group, the witches’ butter (Tremella mesenterica), which grows as a parasite on the branches of broadleaf trees; from the second, the yellow stagshorn (Calocera viscosa), which forms antler-like growths on the ground. They are usually edible, but not very appreciated for taste.
Agaricomycetes contains a vast diversity of mushrooms, including many edible ones: the common champignon (Agaricus bisporus) and shiitake (Lentinula edodes), which have distinctive spore-bearing "gills” and are the most consumed mushrooms in the world; the trumpet-shaped golden chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius); the club-shaped puffball (Lycoperdon perlatus), which blows clouds of spores out of a hole at its top; the porcino (Boletus edulis), whose spores must instead escape through pores on the cap’s underside. Many others of course are toxic, or have hallucinogenic properties, such as the red-and-white Amanita muscaria or the many species of Psilocybe. The skinhorn (Phallus impudicus) is famous both for its unique phallic shape and for stinking of rotten meat -- as it should, since it relies on carrion flies to spread its spores. Polyporales, such as Ganoderma, include those flat, disk-shaped mushrooms that grow on the side of living or dead tree-trunks. A particular colony of Armillaria ostoyae in a forest in Oregon spans nine square km, which makes it one of the largest living organisms on Earth if it’s indeed a single mycelium.
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A selection of Agaricomycetes. Top left: the “earthstar” Geastrum triplex. (Josef F. Stuefer, Wikimedia) Top right: a bracket fungus (Ganoderma applanatum) growing on an old trunk. (Eric Steinert, Wikimedia). Bottom left: golden chanterelles (Cantharellus cibarius). (Andreas Kunze, Wikimedia) Bottom right: the psychedelic Psilocybe semilanceata. (Arp, Wikimedia)
2b. Holozoa “all animals”: The mirror image of Holomycota, defined as th broadest possible clade that includes animals but not Fungi.
2b1. Ichthyosporea “fish spores”: All unicellular, with a chitinous cell wall; some flagellate, other amoeboids. They are mostly parasites of animals, especially amphibians and fish (most importantly, Dermocystidium, which lives in the skin and gills of freshwater fishes).
2b2. Choanoflagellatea “funnel flagellates”: Now these are interesting. These tiny protists all have a flagellum, around which stands a ring of rigid microvilli (effectively immobile cilia) that form a sort of cone-shaped funnel, or collar. When swimming, the flagellum generates a current of water away from the cell, which pushes it forward, like sperm cells; but it also creates a current of water into the collar and out of its central opening, so that smaller cells and other particles of food are trapped between the microvilli and may be ingested. Often they are surrounded by a glycoprotein gelatin, that might attach the cell to the seafloor (as in Codonosiga), to each other (as in Salpingoeca), or both (as in Proterospongia). Molecular studies suggest that Choanoflagellates are the closest kin to Animals; as it happens, sponges have some very choanoflagellate-like cells (see part 6 on that).
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Salpingoeca (Choanoflagellatea) attached to a green alga, showing both the flagellum (Ci) and the sides of the collar (Kr). Water is drawn into the collar from the sides and expelled upward thanks to the motion of the flagellum, trapping food between the microvilli. (Ole Riemann, Mikro-Forum)
2b3. Metazoa or Animalia: heterotrophic and multicellular, with at at least two distinct layers of tissue: all animals from sponges to hummingbirds and from slugs to mosquitoes are here, including ourselves. See part 6, and all the following.
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Summary. Dates (mostly from Parfrey &al 2011 and Tedersoo &al 2018) are in millions of years ago.
Sources Adl & al (2019), “Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes” (link) Brown (2014), Principles of Microbial Diversity, APM Press Brusca (2016), Invertebrates (3rd edition), Sinauer Cavalier-Smith & al (2015), “Multigene phylogeny resolves deep branching of Amoebozoa” (link) Deacon (2005), Fungal Biology (4th edition), Blackwell Derelle & al (2015), “Bacterial proteins pinpoint a single eukaryotic root” (link) He & al (2014), “An Alternative Root for the Eukaryote Tree of Life” (link) Hickman & al (2008), Integrated Principles of Zoology (14th edition), McGraw-Hill Parfrey & al (2011), “Estimating the timing of early eukaryotic diversification with multigene molecular clocks“ (link) Schilde & Schaap (2013), “The Amoebozoa” (link) Tedersoo &al (2018), “High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses“ (link)
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slutforwings · 30 days
considering the amount of iwtv i get on my dash, its a testatement to the quality of the blogs i follow that today was the first time i encountered daniel fanart where it was clear the artist only had experience drawing twinks and didnt quite know what to do with this Old Man
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northvistanotaryy · 2 months
Understanding Statutory Declarations and Wills and State Law in Ontario
Navigating legal processes can be complex, particularly when dealing with matters such as statutory declarations, wills, and estate law. In Ontario, understanding these legal concepts and their applications can help ensure that personal affairs are handled appropriately and in accordance with the law.
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What is a Statutory Declaration?
A Statutory Declaration Ontario is a legal document affirming that certain facts are true to the best of the declarant's knowledge. It is a written statement that is signed before an authorized official, such as a notary public. In Ontario, statutory declarations are used for various purposes, including confirming identity, residency, or marital status. These declarations hold significant legal weight and are often required in legal, administrative, and commercial contexts.
The Importance of Statutory Declarations
Statutory declarations serve as vital tools for affirming facts when other forms of evidence are unavailable or unnecessary. They are used in situations where an affidavit may not be required but where a formal declaration is still necessary. In Ontario, statutory declarations are essential in processes such as property transactions, immigration applications, and certain legal proceedings.
Understanding Wills and Estate Law
Wills and estate law govern the management and distribution of a person's estate after their death. A will is a legal document that outlines how an individual's assets and belongings should be distributed among their heirs and beneficiaries. In Ontario, it is crucial to understand the legal requirements for creating a valid will to ensure that one's wishes are honored.
Creating a Valid Will
To create a valid will in Ontario, certain legal criteria must be met. The testator, or person creating the will, ought to be at least eighteen years old and in a good mental state. The will must be in writing, signed by the testator, and witnessed by two individuals who are not beneficiaries. Understanding these requirements is essential for ensuring that the will is legally binding and will be upheld in court.
The Role of an Executor
An executor is someone named in a will to handle the dead estate. The executor's responsibilities include gathering and managing the estate's assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries. In Ontario, it is important to choose a trustworthy and capable executor, as they play a crucial role in executing the testator's wishes.
Probate and Estate Administration
Probate is the legal process of validating a will and granting the executor the authority to administer the estate. In Ontario, the probate process involves submitting the will to the court, proving its validity, and obtaining a grant of probate. The executor then carries out their duties, ensuring that the estate is settled according to the will and the law.
Challenges in Estate Administration
Distributing an estate can be a difficult and time-consuming chore. Executors may face various challenges, such as locating and valuing assets, dealing with creditors, and resolving beneficiary disputes. Understanding the intricacies of wills and estate law in Ontario can help executors navigate these challenges effectively.
The Importance of Professional Guidance
Given the complexities involved in statutory declarations and wills and estate law, seeking professional guidance is highly advisable. In Ontario, legal professionals can provide invaluable assistance in drafting statutory declarations, creating valid wills, and administering estates. Their expertise ensures that legal requirements are met and that potential issues are addressed proactively.
Understanding statutory declarations, wills, and estate law is essential for managing personal affairs and ensuring that legal matters are handled correctly. In Ontario, these legal tools play a critical role in affirming facts and managing estates. Seeking professional guidance can provide peace of mind and ensure that one's wishes are respected. For more information, visit northvistanotary.com.
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princeofgod-2021 · 2 months
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John 1:4
Jer 3:16 Then when you have become numerous in that land, people will no longer talk about my Covenant Box. They will no longer think about it or remember it; they will not even need it, NOR WILL THEY MAKE ANOTHER ONE. GNB
So, we’ve seen that with Jesus’ death and precious Bloodshed, there is an abolishment of the Old Testament Order and establishment of the New, right?
Heb 9:16-17 FOR WHERE A TESTAMENT IS, THERE MUST ALSO OF NECESSITY BE THE DEATH OF THE TESTATOR. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. KJV
In the New Testament, everything we have in the earthly Tabernacle is clearly a “copy” of the things in the heavenly temple; Probably the exact replica.
As the blood of goats sanctified the things on earth, so the blood of Jesus sanctifies the things in Heaven.
Heb 9:23 The copies of the things in heaven had to be cleansed by these sacrifices. BUT THE HEAVENLY THINGS THEMSELVES HAD TO BE CLEANSED BY BETTER SACRIFICES. GW
So, the clear impression is that with the real High Priest in place, the “Headquarters” of “Church” has been moved to heaven, with Jesus doing what our Pastors do here on earth.
Heb 9:24 For Christ did not go into a holy place which had been made by men's hands as the copy of the true one; BUT HE WENT INTO HEAVEN ITSELF, AND NOW TAKES HIS PLACE BEFORE THE FACE OF GOD FOR US. BBE
This is where it really gets better beloved: both in heaven and on earth, all the implement of worship and paraphernalia will be abolished forever.
Well, firstly, the Ark of the Covenant will go, as our Main scripture (Jer 3:16) tells us. To understand why, we need to ask what the Ark stood for to all of us, from Moses’ days to Jesus’; Law to Grace.
Heb 9:4 It contained the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered entirely with gold. In this ark were the golden urn containing the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. NET
To grasp this further, we need to know the time being referred to here: by the time the Ark of the Covenant disappears and is forgotten, Jesus will be reigning as King in Jerusalem.
This is the Millennial Reign, and by that time, His saints will have been perfected.
Jer 3:17 At that time the city of Jerusalem will be called the 'LORD'S Throne.' All nations will come together in the city of Jerusalem to give honor to the name of the LORD. They will not follow their stubborn, evil hearts anymore. ERV
Manna will have to go because we won’t be hungry or thirsty anymore (Rev 7:13-17).
Rev 7:16-17 They will never hunger or thirst again, and they won't be troubled by the sun or any scorching heat. The Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead them to streams of life-giving water, and God will wipe all tears from their eyes." CEV
The “Priestly rod of Aaron” will go because there’s no more “recruitment”. All needed Priests and Kings are employed and perfected.
They will be reigning with Christ at Millennia.
Rev 20:6 Wonderfully blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection! The second death holds no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ. And they will reign as kings with him a thousand years! TPT
The Tablets of LAW, even though written by God��s very hand, will go because the Law will be engraved directly on our Hearts; we will have the memory of it by heart.
Jer 31:33-34 The new covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. None of them will have to teach a neighbor to know the LORD, because all will know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs. I, the LORD, have spoken." GNB
We just discussed the constituents of the Ark, right?
Well the overall Covenant is also replaced by a better one altogether. These are documented by 3 different prophets working at different times (Isaiah 61:8; Jeremiah 32:40; Ezekiel 37:26).
Eze 37:26 I will make a covenant of peace with them. It shall be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will set them in their land and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in their midst forevermore. ESV
We will discuss the [final] state and fate of the TEMPLE of worship itself next lesson.
May our lives be established on the everlasting Covenant of Christ, IN JESUS NAME.
See you on Wednesday, as we proceed with this Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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vaseeyatnama · 2 months
How to Avoid Common Mistakes When Drafting a Will in India
Drafting a will is a crucial step in ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your demise.
In India, the process can be straightforward, but it's essential to be aware of common pitfalls that can invalidate a will or cause disputes among beneficiaries.
By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure that your will is clear, legally binding, and reflective of your intentions. 
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In this article, we'll explore how to avoid common mistakes when drafting a will in India, and we'll touch upon key aspects such as will registration and the importance of choosing the best will drafting company in India.
1. Not Clearly Identifying Assets and Beneficiaries
One of the most common mistakes in will drafting is failing to clearly identify assets and beneficiaries. Vague descriptions can lead to confusion and disputes. Be specific about what each beneficiary is to receive. 
For instance, instead of saying "I leave my car to my son," specify the make, model, and registration number of the car. Similarly, clearly state the full names and relationships of beneficiaries to avoid any ambiguity.
Tip: Create a Comprehensive Inventory
Before drafting your will, create a detailed inventory of all your assets, including bank accounts, properties, investments, and personal belongings. This will help you ensure that nothing is overlooked and that each asset is allocated according to your wishes.
2. Not Updating the Will Regularly
Life circumstances change, and so should your will. Failing to update your will regularly can result in unintended consequences. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or the acquisition of significant assets necessitate an update to your will.
Tip: Review Your Will Annually
Make it a habit to review your will at least once a year or after any significant life event. This will ensure that your will remains up-to-date and accurately reflects your current wishes.
3. Not Meeting Legal Requirements
A will must meet certain legal requirements to be considered valid in India. If these requirements are not met, the will can be contested and potentially invalidated.
Key Legal Requirements:
Age and Mental Capacity: The testator must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind.
Witnesses: The will must be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses, who must also sign the will in the presence of the testator.
Signature: The will must be signed by the testator or by someone else in the testator's presence and under their direction.
Tip: Consult a Legal Expert
To ensure that your will meets all legal requirements, it's advisable to consult a legal expert or use a reputable will writing service. They can provide guidance and ensure that your will is drafted in compliance with Indian law.
4. Ignoring the Importance of Will Registration
While will registration is not mandatory in India, it can provide an additional layer of security. Registering your will with the Sub-Registrar can help prevent tampering and ensure that the will is easily accessible after your demise.
Tip: Consider Registering Your Will
Discuss the option of will registration with your legal advisor. While it involves a fee, the benefits of having a registered will can outweigh the costs, providing peace of mind that your will is securely stored and recognised by authorities.
5. Choosing the Wrong Executor
The executor of your will is responsible for ensuring that your wishes are carried out. Choosing an unreliable or unsuitable executor can lead to complications and delays in the distribution of your assets.
Tip: Choose a Trustworthy and Competent Executor
Select an executor who is trustworthy, organised, and capable of handling the responsibilities. It's also a good idea to appoint an alternate executor in case the primary executor is unable or unwilling to fulfil their duties.
6. Overlooking Debts and Liabilities
Neglecting to account for debts and liabilities can create complications for your beneficiaries. Ensure that your will addresses how outstanding debts should be settled before the distribution of assets.
Tip: Include Provisions for Debts and Liabilities
Clearly outline how any outstanding debts or liabilities should be handled. This can include specifying which assets should be used to pay off debts or instructing the executor to settle debts from the estate before distributing the remaining assets.
7. Failing to Communicate with Beneficiaries
Surprising your beneficiaries with the contents of your will can lead to disputes and misunderstandings. It's important to communicate your intentions with your beneficiaries to manage expectations and reduce the potential for conflict.
Tip: Have an Open Discussion
Have a candid discussion with your beneficiaries about your plans. This can help prevent misunderstandings and provide an opportunity to address any concerns or questions they may have.
8. Not Using a Professional Will Writing Service
Drafting a will on your own might seem like a cost-saving measure, but it can lead to errors and legal complications. Professional will writing services have the expertise to ensure that your will is comprehensive and legally valid.
Tip: Hire the Best Will Drafting Company in India
To avoid common mistakes and ensure that your will is properly drafted, consider hiring the best will drafting company in India. Professional services can provide tailored advice, handle complex situations, and ensure that your will is clear and legally binding.
Avoiding common mistakes when drafting a will in India is essential to ensure that your final wishes are honoured. Remember, the best will drafting company in India can provide invaluable assistance in this process, ensuring that your will is free of errors and fully compliant with legal requirements.
Take the time to draft your will carefully and consult with experts to protect your legacy and provide peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones.
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turnmen · 4 months
The New Creation In Christ And Benefits
The new creation in Christ was necessary as a result of the fall of Adam. From The beginning, man was created as a perfect being because God created man for himself. The fall of Adam caused the separation between God and man. The love of God for man from the beginning initiated the salvation process which gave birth to the new creation in Christ. Man was eternally condemned to death after the fall but God sent his only begotten son on a rescue mission to die on the cross, shedding his blood in place of man. The only requirement for salvation is to repent of your sin and accept the one who died in your place as your lord and savior.
What Is The New Creation In Christ
The new creation in Christ is a man that have cued into the salvation process offered by God to restore the fallen man back to his place in God, The new creation in Christ is the man that has believed in the salvation process, has repented of his sins and has taken Jesus as his lord and savior. Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. The new creation in Christ is a man that is born again, the man that is born of the spirit. Note that the first birth was maternal birth which is of the flesh. The second birth is what produced the new creation in Christ. The second birth is the new birth which is of the spirit, it’s the rebirth of the spirit. It affects only the spirit, it’s the spirit that is born again, only the spirit is renewed. The new creation in Christ doesn’t renew the flesh. The new creation in Christ is being led by the spirit of God to live a godly life after salvation.
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The New Creation In Christ And Benefits Therefore the product of the second birth is a complete new man, total new creation, a fresh person that never existed before. Everything that was found in the old man has passed away behold all things has become new.
A Reconciliation
2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; The new creation in Christ is a Reconciliation between God and man. Jesus came to earth on a reconciliation mission, he died on the cross and she'd his blood as a testator. Therefore the blood of Jesus was used to reconcile man back to God. There can be no reconnection without reconciliation
A Reconnection
The new creation in Christ Is a reconnection of man to God. Man was completely disconnected from God after the fall of Adam because of sin. Once iniquity was found in man, God withdrew. The love of God connected us back in the new creation. That's why we must do everything to stop sin from disconnecting us again.
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The New Creation In Christ And Benefits The new creations are the children of God, heirs of God, the custodians of God's inheritance. God personally gave birth to the new creation. We are God's beloved, angels are jealous of our position. Note that the angels aren't God's children. Why did God chose us as his children and not the angels? Angels were rather created to serve us. The new creation in Christ is a people that God is building up to attain perfection as believers
Special People
The characteristics of the new creation in Christ is completely different from the characteristics of the old man or creation. The old man was build on iniquity, it had the nature of sin, the old nature after the fall of Adam.
Specifically for Relationship
Look at how God related with Abraham. The bible said Abraham was the friend of God. Think of it, God is a friend to man. Even when man is not perfect, God will opt to be his friend? What will happen when we are perfect because surely he is taking us to perfection. Angels are perfect but God did not choose them. Therefore the new creation in Christ has the potential to live like God.
The Old Creation
The old creation lived according to the dictates of the flesh. The flesh is anti God, therefore the old Creation was against the ordinance of God. Of course we know that the old creation came from the disobedience of Adam. Therefore it was founded on iniquity. Foundation of the new creation.
An Elevation
The new creation in Christ is an elevation to a position. The new man is raised with Christ to sit together with Christ at the right hand of God in heavenly places, far above all principalities and power. The new creation in Christ is elevated from the physical realm to the spiritual realm, hence the ability to control emotions effectively.
Benefits Of Being A New Creation In Christ
God Will Live In You
As a new creation, you will have the privilege of God living in you. The presence of God is domiciled in every new creation. This is because God lives in them. The new creation in Christ are carriers of the word of God, and the word of God carries the presence of God.
4. Dominion And Authority
Man lost his dominion and authority after the fall of Adam. The new creation is the return of dominion and authority to man.
Characteristics Of The New Creation In Christ
Characteristics of the new creation in christ include;  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
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The New Creation In Christ And Benefits 2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
10 Benefits of New Creation Experience
#1. You will have peace #2. You will be a child of God #3. You will live in dominion #4. You will live in authority #5. You will be able to relate with God #6. You will have access to the power of God #7. You have the potential to fulfill your destiny #8. God will be your father #9. GOD will protect you #10. You will be translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Characteristics Of The New Creation Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. St. Matthew 19:28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. St. Matthew 19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting li 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are made new. 2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
How Does One Become A New Creation?
You become a new creation by being born again, giving your life to Jesus. When you repent, turn from your old way of life and embrace the life of God. Born again is living the bible standard of life, living like God, according to the word of God.
Bible Verses About New Creation
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are made new. 2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. St. Matthew 19:28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. St. Matthew 19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life.
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micro961 · 4 months
Mazma Rill - L’album “Lost in Space”
Il nuovo album dell’alternative rock band è finalmente fuori sugli stores digitali e a breve anche in vinile in Limited Edition
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“Lost in Space” è il nuovo e attesissimo album dell’eclettica e poliedrica alternative rock band dei Mazma Rill, sui principali stores digitali e in vinile in Limited Edition. L’album è stato anticipato da ben tre singoli riportando plausi da pubblico e critica. Importanti i riconoscimenti ricevuti in questo ultimo anno di attesa e le molteplici pubblicazioni sulle maggiori testate nazionali di settore e non ne sono una piacevole conferma, come l’anteprima nazionale del videoclip di “Blow A Kiss” su Sky Tg24. A seguire il tormentone “No One” che mirava già ad una ricerca stilistica e a una rivoluzione sonora ben anticipata dalla struggente ballad, che contribuiva a far capire che le vecchie spoglie non erano state rinnegate, ma bensì evolute e lavorate con estrema cura e passione. Per poi concludere il lancio con l’omonimo singolo “Lost in Space” che sanciva il legame con una rivoluzione personale e musicale, solide basi per il proprio futuro artistico. Potente la magia di una band quando in pieno old style, crea con devozione e rispetto nelle centinaia di ore in sala prove e studi di registrazione a conferma di una ricercata e raggiunta professionalità. Gli arrangiamenti curati maniacalmente nel dettaglio, i mix di generi volti ad esplorare nuovi confini sonori e le tematiche nei testi, ancora più introspettivi ma contemporanei, premiano “Lost in Space” come il miglior lavoro discografico dei Mazma Rill che vantano oltre dieci anni di carriera, tra pubblicazioni e palchi in giro per l’Italia. Menzione d’onore anche per l’esperienza positiva nei riscontri, oltrepassando l’oceano per finire in magazine e radio americane che attendono ora questo nuovo album con estrema curiosità. L’album è stato registrato interamente presso lo storico Busker (Ligabue, Zucchero, Nomadi, Stadio, Nek, Ivano Fossati, Vinicio Capossela, Negrita, Modena City Ramblers e molti altri) sotto l’esperta direzione di Fabio Ferraboschi.
Ascolta l’album
“Lost in Space riflette l’incertezza che stiamo vivendo in questo periodo storico. L’avvicendarsi di pandemie, guerre e cambiamenti climatici ci ha reso vulnerabili e, metaforicamente parlando, ci fa sentire smarriti come persi nello spazio proiettandoci nell’incertezza del futuro, nella fragilità della propria condizione sociale e in uno stato di insicurezza esistenziale.” Mazma Rill
Track By Track
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mazmarill
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mazmarill/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@mazmarill
Web Site: https://www.mazmarill.it/
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mentorshq · 5 months
✧ — 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙙    
Congratulations to Zyair you have been accepted to Preston Military Academy! Please report for duty in 24 hours!
did you see [ zyair tate ]? i think they look just like [ trevante rhodes ]. i heard he is [ 34 ] years old and is known as [ the rule-follower ] around preston. rumor has it he is going to be mentoring [ anyone ]. he became a mentor at preston because [ he was a cadet himself after being court ordered, and is a testatement that the system works ]. - glitch, 23, he/him, est
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fosterslegal · 7 months
Everything You Need to Know About Drafting a Will
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A will is a formal legal document that states an individual's preferences for how their property will be divided upon their passing. Since it is renewable, it can be changed or withdrawn at any point prior to the person's death. Creating a will is a choice; it is not mandatory. It is by the will of the person drafting the will, as the name suggests.
There are plenty of reasons for us to leave a will behind, even though no one demands us to. The most important thing is to avoid unnecessary conflicts and potential disputes between relatives over your property. If every adult over the age of eighteen who owns even a single piece of property is aware of the significance of drafting a will, it would be completely worthwhile. In this blog, let us understand the intricacies of a will and the prerequisites of drafting a will.
Types of Will
In common culture, there are two types of will: Privileged and Unprivileged. Let us understand both the terminologies.
Privileged Will
A privileged will is drafted by military officers, airmen, marines, and soldiers serving on an expedition or in a war-like scenario. These types of wills can be spoken or written, and there are a few legal requirements that should be kept in mind when preparing one.
Unprivileged Will
All other kinds of wills are considered unprivileged wills, and their drafting involves a number of steps, from witness attestation to signature verification. This blog will primarily focus on unprivileged wills.
Things to Consider Before Drafting a Will
When writing a will, the person's name, age, place of residence, and other details must be taken into consideration.
The testator must testify to being of sound mind and not under any form of pressure when preparing the will.
Information about the recipient and details on the beneficiaries of this will, such as their name, age, place of residence, and relationship to the person, as well as how the assets will be distributed, should be mentioned in the will.
In order to make a will, the testator needs to be of legal age (18 years old) and mentally capable.
The testator must sign the will in writing in front of two witnesses.
In the testator's presence, the witnesses must also sign the will.
In order to distribute property in a will, the testator must be able to show that they are the rightful owner of that property.
It is important to record all of a testator's possessions and determine which ones are protected by the will. It is important to highlight property details when preparing a will.
Additionally, the testator needs to name an executor, who will be in charge of following the will's instructions after the testator's passage.
In Short
Even though these are just a few of the prerequisites to consider while drafting a will, it is quite a tedious process that needs to be guided by a professional. If you are looking for Wills Drafting Services in Peterborough, then look no further than Fosters Legal Solicitors. They are your solution for any legal involvement, right from finding an Immigration lawyer in Peterborough to employment and Family laws; they can transform your legal journey. So what are you waiting for? Contact them for a seamless will-drafting procedure.
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ffxiv-swarm · 1 year
prompt 15: portentous
Somewhere far to the southwest, Dalamud is falling. Tonight, thousands will die. The land will be irrevocably scarred by Bahamut’s rage. Lancifer Habelliard, on patrol in the western Twelveswood, will lose an eye to flying debris as the moon comes down.
In Gridania, his parents know nothing of this. At least, not yet. Their concern is for their daughter, Lancifer’s younger sister Rinette, who’s always been...strange. Gridania prizes stillness and tranquility, harmony above all, and surely that shouldn’t be difficult? But Rinette is troubled. Angry. Some of the things she says verges on blasphemous, and they all pray that Stillglade Fane never hears of her fascination with the Gelmorran ruins. As if that isn’t enough, she’s also terribly sickly, with frequent debilitating headaches only a dark room can cure. She sees things that aren’t there, speaks of ancient history as though it happened yesterday. Sometimes she blacks out or spends long minutes staring blankly at nothing.
She’d been listless and complaining of a headache all day, lingering over her chores in a manner that they’d first attributed to worry over Lancifer. They couldn’t blame her; they’re all worried about him. But she’d never before been so worried as to not eat—and then, as the sun set, she’d fainted. Fredirec had just barely gotten her to a flat surface and then to a proper bed in time. Now she’s tossing and turning, her long hair tangled around her own limbs, and though she’s not running a fever—thank the Matron—her mutterings resemble no language her parents have ever heard. They can’t call a conjurer. All the best ones are at the front, and the ones that are left...well. A family of Duskwights, of middling means, is unlikely to be so blessed by the spirits.
So they wait. And Rinette Habelliard dreams.
A dragon’s roar that coalesces into words, coalesces into agony. “I will burn thy bones to ash!”
Clicking. Beeping. Soft mechanical whirrs; gloved hands and masked faces lit by strange bright lights. “Second internment hulk is holding steady...steady...”
An old man, his face lines with the tracks of many years, addressing a small crowd with a kind voice. She’s seen this one, hasn’t she? At Apkallu Falls? But she’s never dared to step closer, not with how angry her parents get if she speaks to strangers. “To ignore the plight of those we might conceivably save is not wisdom. It is indolence.”
Thousands of voices praying, though the flesh is being stripped from their bones and their worlds have been reduced to blue glass and pain when once the entire sky was their dominion. “Bahamut, brood-brother, brood-father—save us! Save us!”
Silence. Bahamut does not hear.
A woman in white armor, the eyes behind the mask alight with a horrible fanaticism as she gazes upon the lowering crimson moon. This...this is her god, her true religion, and soon it will come to earth and smite the unworthy and leave all clean for the Empire. “Videte! Testate adventu Dalamud!”
Blind, unthinking, bone-shaking rage.
Light and fury and the slow, grinding tones of iron bells and a voice like a thousand crystal chimes in her head, in her bones, in her very soul—
Rinette stiffens, screams, and goes limp.
“Rinette!” Pierrine gasps, nearly sobbing with relief when she realizes that her daughter is still breathing, that she’s only fallen into a deeper unconsciousness.
Fredirec is pacing the floor, hands clasped together behind his back to hide their shaking. He can’t do anything about his ears, though. “Nophica,” he whispers, “spare her. Please. Please. She’s a good girl, truly, she doesn’t deserve this!”
Maybe the Matron hears them, because after three days—three days alternating between deep, nightmare-filled sleep and stirring only enough to accept water and thin porridge, her voice raspy from screaming as she tells them that her head hurts—Rinette wakes, and stretches, and says she’s hungry. While her mother hugs her tight enough to bruise, her father steps out of the room before anyone can see him cry.
But then Lancifer limps painfully into the house, and over time her parents forget about Rinette’s episode. She hasn’t suffered any lasting harm, after all, whereas the pride of their family—the child who will make them truly respectable, such that people will look past the gray in their skin and the odd vowels in their surname—has been maimed, and will need a great deal of time to recover. Who can blame them for focusing on him?
In hindsight, perhaps they should have noticed the books their daughter was reading. Perhaps they should have allowed her to explore their heritage, or encouraged her to follow her dreams. Perhaps they should have done a lot of things.
And yet, when Rinette disappears a few years later—under suspicion of murder! Two Wood Wailers in good standing are dead, and everyone is saying it’s their daughter who did it!—they are shocked. Appalled. Rinette couldn’t have done such a thing; she can only cast the simplest of spells, and she’s never been strong. But all evidence says she stabbed one and burnt both of them to death, and that takes a great and terrible strength. The only saving grace is that she’s nowhere to be found, and a lone girl in the Twelveswood couldn’t possibly get far. She’s probably dead, but at least they can mourn her in peace.
Then Lancifer comes home waving a broadsheet, swearing that the masked adventurer on the front page—Ritanelle Soleil, the one everyone calls the Warrior of Light—is their little girl.
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yuriswitch · 1 year
the Polish word for "inheritance" has this interesting quirk to it that really underlines what the whole concept is about, and the really interesting part of it is how it all comes from another meaning of the same word. So "spadek" can mean two things, the first being the aforementioned "inheritance" and another "fall" as in a verbal noun formed from the perfective verb translating to "to have fallen". At first getting money from your parent's death might only look tangentially related at most, but when you think about it the logic behind it is actually very solid. Inheritance is, after all, something that falls down from the testator, or inheritance giver ("spadkodawca") to the inheritor, or the inheritance recipient ("spadkobierca). While the english word isn't bad, derived from verb derived from Old French "to appoint as heir", it doesn't ring quite the same. The Polish word makes inheritance sound like a random lucky event, something you didn't work for since it fell down on you, and that's more in line with what inheritance actually is. It's also one of those words that you can get the logic behind very quickly, almost instantly in fact, which is really nice too. We really like a more wild and creative approach too, but there's something about intuitive words like these that just clicks with our brain for some reason
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