#oktoberfest was a good weekend
pastelgeneticist · 12 hours
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Mae, Clem and I had a great Oktoberfest this weekend! Had our fill of good food and drink, some of us more than others, behehe~
Just make sure you can handle the waddle back! Clem got so tired she actually started decompressing, and i can't roll Mae all on my own...
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iboatedhere · 1 year
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(T) (Word Count: 780) Future Fic, Flirting
Alex isn't really sure how or why they've found themselves in Munich during the first week of October, smack dab in the middle of Oktoberfest.
He thinks Henry is here for some royal obligation that Philip didn't deem worthy of his presence.
Whatever the reason, the Crown loves a good photo op, Alex loves a weekend with Henry, and when you add food, music, and beer to the mix… it's just like heaven.
Alex isn't here in any official capacity. His mother isn't working on a trade deal with the German Chancellor, and he won't be causing an international incident involving German royalty and a tower of bratwurst and sauerkraut.
Alex is here strictly as the loving and supportive partner to His Royal Highness Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, a role he was born to play.
This means he gets to relax. He gets to have fun. He gets to stay two steps to the left of all the cameras, have a drink, and admire the way his boyfriend's ass looks in the perfectly tailored suit he's wearing.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
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And uuuhhhhhhhh. Yeah so. Mountain Boy is my boyfriend now 😅. But we are both insanely busy this month so our ‘official’ first date is gonna be mid October (*cries*). But is okay cause we’ve been trying to do a bunch of little things inbetween
He bought me ice cream last week, and then this week we went and watched airplanes land at night after work. Idk what we are gonna do this week, but I wont see him until after the weekend anyways cause hes out camping with his dad and I’m going to oktoberfest with some friends from the thrift store (its nice knowing they haven’t forgotten about me since I got a new job lol).
But it honestly doesnt feel like much has changed between me and MB? Maybe just cause we haven’t gotten to go on a date date yet? Or maybe cause we’ve kinda been dating without dating for years anyways? Idk. But like. Its not stressful and Im happy when Im with him soo (usually anyways lol - he did royally piss me off way earlier this summer but we’re good now). And yeah apparently all it took to actually date him was to first date a different guy who was also an asshole and then MB just got jealous. And also drunk mario party helped but that was back in June and apparently has stuck in his head since
Okay Im done rambling lmao. HOW ARE YOU????
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jenniferrails · 11 months
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💃🎃 Bellydance Practice and Halloween Ideas 🎃💃
Hello everybody! Still kinda debating what I’m gonna dress up for Halloween, but at the moment I’m leaning towards a desert gypsy or fortune teller with a tip jar, lol! Or, should I think outside the box? Any thoughts? 🎭
Today was a hot one, 100F, and it’s gonna be that way through the weekend. Kinda late in the season for this, but it looks like by Monday temps will be in the high 80s and lows in the 60s.
So, this just occurred to me…Oktoberfest has since passed, but is there an equivalent festival for wine lovers? If there is, let me know, would love to hear about it. 🍷🍇
Today I had a solid day of bellydance practice, and it felt really good! My goal for next year is to enter a competition, so I need all the practice I can get. Really focused on the basics, because they are the fundamentals to the art of the dance.
Anyway hope you all are having a wonderful evening, love and peace to all! 💜
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stewyonmolly · 1 year
did a little weekend essentials haul (bulk package of dry yeast, 6 pack of sam adams oktoberfest, two spearmint vapes, pack of american spirits, package of dried figs) and my iranian bodega owner friend was so happy to see me i wished him a good “day, and weekend, and everything” because he’s just so sweet standing there behind the counter eating snacks… this is NOT a thursday girl thursday for once
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jennamaxon · 1 year
Frankfurt Morning
Thursday 28th
Late September in Frankfurt and it is still warm and sunny.  It’s cooler now than it has been over the summer: things got very hot this year in late July and early August but it’s still t-shirt, shorts and sandals weather and will be for a while (even for Him Indoors).  Germany has trouble letting the summer go.  Still, our favourite Italian eis café will close for the winter in a couple of weeks and then we’ll be headed into the winter season and Christmas.  The street fairs have already started with the approach of Oktoberfest and will go on every now and again till the Christmas markets begin in mid-December.  I think sometimes outsiders imagine the Christmas markets are an isolated thing, just for Christmas and typical of German towns but in reality they act as a sort of culmination of a season of street fairs in the autumn starting with Oktoberfest.  The Germans like their street markets.  You always have to plan to have your lunch or evening meal when you go: you’ve never seen so much food and it’s all pretty good.  I love the roasted almonds in particular.  We’re thinking of going to Weisbaden this year: all the markets are different and we have been told it’s good and fun to try out different towns.  Weisbaden is the capital of Hessen and at the other end of the S-Bahn line from home.
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I came into Frankfurt today, getting off the S-Bahn at Konstablerwache (in the centre of the city) and setting off down towards the river through some of the back streets off the Ziel.  I visited my favourite city centre café on Hasengasse.  Casa Nostra is an Italian café that does arancini and canoli as well as delicious coffee and all these little pastries with crème anglais and fruit.  At the weekends they do lasagne which Him Indoors loves.  I’m tempted by the truffle arancini (truffles are also in season) but I’m going to have lunch later so settle with my creamy cappuccino as the bells of St Bartholomaus start ringing for a morning service.  I can see the tower from where I’m sitting under the trees outside the café.  It’s a very European sound.
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I set off again and go through the Kleinmarkt.  Today is Thursday and so market day in Frankfurt.  Konstablerwache was filled with stalls but they don’t quite match the exoticism of the Kleinmarkt which is a permanent indoor market and is open all days in the week.   It’s a glory hole (e.g. the Persian ingredients stall) and I spend a happy 15 minutes looking at all the strange ingredients (I come here if I want to make something unusual) and consider the array of mushrooms available including, once more, a variety I’ve never seen for sale before.  A frilly thing: large but mostly made of air as far I can see.  I don’t even know what it is.  Like most things in the Kleinmarkt, it’s a bit pricey but I’m tempted just for the fun of using an ingredient I’ve never used before.  With the autumn comes soup-making season and I’ve made some of the best mushroom soups I’ve ever made since I came here. 
Then I cross Liebfrauenberg Platz and trip through back streets and arcades, going west towards Hauptwache to find Hoogen Boogle (It’s actually Hoogendubel but I can never remember the name properly) to buy some cards so I can write some letters home and browse their extensive collection of books.  I settle in for a while in one of their substantial seating areas to people watch as eccentric little women in shabby but quirky clothes (pants that have shrunk up their legs and exposed their colourful knitted socks which have crumpled round their ankles for example) and untidy bookish old men fossick about the books and make their choices. 
The place where I planned on having my lunch is closed today so I decide to head back towards Konstablerwache but by a circuitous route heading south towards the river and past my second favourite café (Wackers).  The towers of Frankfurt’s financial district loom to the west.  It’s like a bit of Manhattan got broken off and just plunked there; they loom up out of nowhere.  Huge, and there are also many cranes about too hefting new walls and windows into the air as Frankfurt’s financial boom drives more development.  I think about heading into Wackers for a second cappuccino and something to eat but they really only do chocolate and kuchen and I want lunch not something sweet.  It’s a fascinating little place though and has been going for over a century.  The interior is packed with coffee- and tea-related comestibles and lots of chocolate in various forms all stacked on dark oak shelving and with attractive glittery displays that tempt you to buy.  There’s usually a queue out the door, there is today, but the service at the coffee counter is quick and efficient and you usually don’t wait too long. 
The Main is glittering in an alluring fashion at the bottom of the hill but I turn back towards Liebfrauenberg Platz.  I’d come through earlier but kept on going instead of visiting the Leibfrauen church or at least its precincts.  Leibfrauen Kirche is actually the church for a monastic community right here in the centre of Frankfurt.  They have a little courtyard behind the church between the monastic buildings which contain a seating area and a votive stand which anyone can visit for contemplation and, presumably, prayer.  It’s a surprisingly restful place in the midst of Frankfurt’s commercial bustle.  I sometimes come here on very busy days when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and sit for 10 minutes in the peace and quiet.  It can be incredibly refreshing.  People are naturally respectful and only talk in whispers if they talk at all.  They light candles and spend 10 minutes in the quiet and peace like me.  I leave a small donation as I usually do – I’m not particularly religious but I do think preserving places of solace like this is important.
I walk back along Töngesgasse which is filled with little and sometimes distinctly odd shops (there’s one dedicated to brushes – I kid you not).  There are a lot of eye-catching trinket and jewellery shops to look at because we’re not that far from the main tourist centre which is just down towards the river from here.  You overhear a lot of different languages.  There’s one shop that does carvings in malachite and other semi-precious stones.  The window display is a wondrous arrangement of swirling greens set in gold (or gold-looking) metal frames.  I pass the flower shop with the huge amaryllis bulbs ready for Christmas planting and look into a rug shop with some very luscious bright autumnal designs in wool pile: red, green, copper colours.  Very attractive.  Then past the kitchenware shop (good quality pans) and the BDSM shop (I told you there were some oddities) and to a quirky little café next to the speciality tea shop.  They do what they call health food though it actually sells burgers and chips (fries).  They call them high protein meals or some such.  To be fair they also sell avocado platters too.  Anyway, they have the distinction of serving fairly tasty food, veggie and vegan options, some nice fruit juice-based drinks and a lunchtime offer which is not expensive compared to much else of central Frankfurt.  I settle down for half an hour in the bright interior, painted a cheerful light sky blue and read.  Then I head off back to Konstablerwache to catch the S-Bahn home.  It only takes 20 minutes.
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beachboysnatural · 1 year
every week I go through this “I’m so lonely” “no I’m not I live in Austria this is amazing” and the pendulum has GOT to stop swinging!! but whatever I’m happy rn!! I have a studying cafe and I’ve made friends and I’ve started classes and my new cello teacher is so nice and she’s so GOOD too!!! and I’m probably going to an Oktoberfest celebration this weekend too I just need a dirndl
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verfound · 2 years
MINIFIC: October 2022: 10: Oktoberfest (MLB/Lukanette)
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“Oktoberfest?” she asked, wrinkling her nose.  Her Papa laughed as he rolled a chocolate bratwurst.  “Isn’t that normally in September?”
“The director of the Saengerbund was sick at the time, so they postponed it,” Tom said.  “They moved it to this weekend instead.”
“It’s so cool that they order from you,” Luka said, holding up his own chocolate brat for Tom’s approval.  At his nod, he started on the next one.  “I’ve always loved the festival.  They have some sick music, and the food is really good.  Wanna come with me when I make the delivery, Marinette?”
“It is the only one we have scheduled for that day, and your Maman and I can handle the shop.  Why don’t you kids go?  Have fun?” Tom suggested, grinning at them.  Marinette glanced at her own bratwurst, ignoring the knowing Look Tom was giving her.  The telling waggle of his bushy eyebrows.
“Sure.  Sounds like fun,” she said, reaching for more chocolate.  Luka smiled, putting his next finished brat with the rest.  “It’s a date.”
She smiled all the wider when he fell off his stool, knocking half the finished brats over in the process.
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ramblinggaijin · 2 years
The school photographer: Oh hey there, good to see ya! Btw was that you drinking with your friend at the local Oktoberfest this past weekend?
Me, the ALT who rarely drinks or talks about alcohol; but was indeed drinking at Oktoberfest:
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The entire staff room this was said in front of:
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No I wasn’t wasted or anywhere near that, literally just had one. But I rarely drink for personal reasons. So it is a very occurrence to see me with alcohol.
Note: I’m going to add that this was all said in good fun. There wasn’t any malicious intent or anything. The school photographer I’ve known for a few years now and we had a good laugh about Oktoberfest. Staff did too.
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buckaroobuck · 2 years
Ahhh tysm for all the suggestions! I'm currently saving up to hopefully go there. Ideally I'd like it to be for at least a month, and I know even that's hardly enough time to see everything. I want to see all the castles lol Did you travel much outside of Berlin when you lived there?
I'm Canadian actually but I'm wondering if that would make much difference? Are you saying some nightclubs would actively turn away Americans? lol
Awesome! I traveled a couple places outside of Berlin when I was there. Potsdam is right next door and has Schloss Sansoucci if you’re into the castles— there’s also Schloss Charlottenburg in Berlin (those are the only two real palaces I’ve been to in Germany). Other places I went in the country are:
Nuremberg: Full of cool medieval buildings and has this beautiful fountain in the center market area (which also has one of the best Christmas markets). Albrecht Dürer's house is also here!
Leipzig: Has Bach’s grave, which is p cool! The zoo is also super fun, and there are a bunch of great museums.
Lutherstadt Wittenberg: The only reason I was here is it’s on the way to Leipzig from Berlin— I happened to be there at a fantastic time tho because they were celebrating an anniversary of the Protestant Reformation so there was a huge festival going on. Not sure what to do there at a normal time unless you’re super Lutheran (in which case lots of stuff about Martin Luther all over the place)
I was only in Munich very briefly for Oktoberfest but if you like beer, pretzels and meat, oh boy is this the place for you! Lots of places in southern Germany would be great to stay at for Oktoberfest tbh (which btw is usually mostly in September despite what the name implies)
The German part of my family lives in Osnabrück and Hanover, but I have 0 tourist recs for those places since I only visited them over long weekends and just kind of hung out— I think there’s a p good aquarium in Hanover? And the Osnabrück zoo is great!
My fam also spent Christmas in Rothenburg ob der Tauber one year, which is GORGEOUS around that time— lots of iconic-looking medieval buildings (including a full town wall that you can tour with a night watchman), awesome Christmas market, and a medieval crime and justice museum that is great if you like looking at weird and scary torture equipment lol
Also one more place that’s not in Germany— Prague was one of my favorite places I visited while living abroad, highly recommend!
As for club stuff, you need an ID to get in (if you look young at least, idk what the rules for carding actually are) so I had to use my American passport every time—since I speak German, most bouncers were whatever about it, but I know some clubs are picky about letting tourists (and foreign students) in because they have a reputation of being disrespectful and trashy (I think they generally like Canadians a lot more tho lol). Also some clubs are just super picky period— like Berghain for example, which is super famous and therefore vERY picky, you will for sure not get in
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pulsdmedia · 18 hours
The Week Ahead 9/23-9/29
What's that you say? It feels like fall? Don't break the sweaters out yet, because the last of summer is hanging on. This week, we're saying adieu to rooftop sunshine with the final weekend of the Simona rooftop series, breaking into the art game, and welcoming autumn with Oktoberfest feels. What's not to love about this city?
**THE LAST WEEKEND** $29 Summer Spritz Rooftop Series
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Here we go! It's the last weekend for the Simona Summer Spritz Series! We're talking a 3 Hour Spritz Open Bar, as well as 1 Fritto Misto, and 1 Dessert - hello, pistachio gelato! Atop the Vogue & New York Times-praised Royalton Park Avenue, succumb to the temptation of sensational sips, crunching into calamari while you soak in the final sunshine of summer...
New York Climate Week 2024 Kickoff Party
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Climate Week NYC, the biggest annual climate event of its kind, is back on September 22. Stop by the New York Climate Week 2024 Kickoff Party for cocktails, a climate tech showcase, DJs, and bars galore.
$59 Rooftop Oktoberfest: 3 Hour Open Bar + Delicious Buffet
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Dance, drink, and delight in the social buzz! It's not a dream - it's BLU33! Take in jaw-dropping views and revel at their Rooftop Oktoberfest Celebration. They're ready to kick off fall in epic Bavarian style, transforming the aerie into a autumnal German paradise to celebrate the annual festival. Think beer steins, brats, photo opps, and so much more, all in store for you and your crew. Chomp into a buffet overflowing with eats and savor an open bar. All that drinking will lead to dancing, of course, so do your best polka as the DJ plays a mix of tunes sure to make you boogie...
Book Signing With Uzo Aduba
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The award-winning actress launches her powerful and timely memoir—a unique coming-of-age story that chronicles her life from Nigeria to New York. The Road Is Good pieces together a life story imbued with guiding lessons that are both personal and profoundly universal. There will be a book signing at this event.
$12 For A GA Ticket For One To The Affordable Art Fair
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Discover the joy of collecting art at Affordable Art Fair NYC! We’ll be back at the Metropolitan Pavilion in September 2024 for another fabulous Fall edition exploring a diverse and carefully curated selection of artworks ranging between $100 and $12,000. This year promises to enchant you with an extraordinary array of art, set against the sprawling backdrop of the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea. Over 400 artists are on deck, ranging from established names to emerging superstars, with prices spanning from $100 to $12,000...
Join the Seaport for a Free Yoga Class
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Hot power vinyasa yoga. With the Brooklyn Bridge as your backdrop. Greet the weekend with the full Lyons Den experience on the Heineken Riverdeck on Saturday mornings this summer. Classes are free, but reservations are encouraged.
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nullcodes · 3 days
first day of my period and i had to go to the scary car wash AND kaufland because they have the Good Cereal on sale this week and i thought that would be the extent of my torment for today (and the Good Cereal would be my reward) but NO i didn't even MAKE it to kaufland because there were about a billion cars lined up at the main intersection before you get there so i figured oh it's oktoberfest weekend and some towns are so commited to waging psychological warfare against their inhabitants that they will have some knockoff event and apparently the town i live in is one of those but no problem! i will just take the Other Route to kaufland which is the one over the Bundesstraße so i turn my car around and drive to the Bundesstraßenauffahrt (which means i had to drive all the way back to the car wash and further) and well guess what i fucking see there. that's right a sign that says the Bundesstraßenauffahrt is blocked because they're doing road work there and for some reason they couldn't put the fucking sign up a bit further up the road no it's right where you would make a turn to drive on the fucking thing and they're like. well the road is blocked so follow Umleitung U1 to get around this. so i turn around because i have no other choice and at this point it's dawning on me that there's nothing going on in town at all and all those cars are just there because that's where the Umleitung is leading you so i literally have no way to get to kaufland unless i want to stand in that fucking traffic for god knows how long (becuase the green phase at the street light at that intersection is ridiculously short) so i say fuck it and just drive to aldi instead but at this point it's like 10am so of course the entire towns population aged 60 and up is already congregated there and engaging in their favorite hobby (blocking the aisles with their shopping carts) and also it turns out aldi has the Good Butter on sale this week which i didn't know because i didn't get the newsletter last week for some reason so for a very brief moment i think if i can't have the Good Cereal i will at least have the Good Butter and i feel a flicker of hope which is immediately extinguished because there are 5000 grandmas in the store so of course there is no fucking butter left. and also because there were so many people i had to park all the way at the back of the parking lot so no one even got to admire my shiny freshly washed car and get super jealous and stuff. and all this before 11am in the morning.
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whatsonmedia · 13 days
London’s Best Deals: Brunch, Oktoberfest, and more for Less
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Explore London’s top experiences without breaking the bank! From a vibrant brunch at The Skinny Kitchen to Oktoberfest fun in Camden, a Latin-inspired cocktail adventure at Gaucho, and discounted tickets to the five-star musical "Guys & Dolls," these exclusive offers promise to deliver unforgettable moments at incredible prices. Whether you’re in the mood for bottomless drinks, delicious food, or immersive entertainment, grab these deals before they're gone! Get the most amazing breakfast in London for just £20 at The Skinny Kitchen. Join The Skinny Kitchen for The Fabulous Brunch — a vibrant and immersive dining experience that promises not only delicious food but also live performances and a lively atmosphere. Every weekend, there's something new with three unique themes to choose from, including circus, amazonia, and disco! Get ready to enjoy good vibes, tasty meals, and exciting entertainment, all while indulging in bottomless drinks for 90 minutes. Highlights - Exclusive Offer: Three-hour brunch experience for ages 21 and over. - Bottomless Drinks: Enjoy 90 minutes of bottomless Prosecco, beer, wine, or cocktails. - Price Drop: Originally £65, now just £45! What’s on the Menu? For a look at the complete menu, click here. Need to Know - Voucher Validity: This voucher is valid for The Fabulous Brunch at The Skinny Kitchen until January 31, 2025. - Availability: Saturdays at 12 pm, 3:30 pm, or 7:30 pm. - Booking: Email your booking confirmation and preferred weekend date to [email protected]. Ensure your voucher and security code are clear. - Age Restriction: Guests must be 21 or over. - Minimum/Maximum Booking: Minimum booking of two people, maximum of six. - Cancellations: The restaurant must be informed of any changes or cancellations within 48 hours. Otherwise, the voucher will be considered redeemed. - Location: The Skinny Kitchen, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH. - Non-Cancellable: Vouchers cannot be canceled, amended, exchanged, refunded, or used in conjunction with any other offer. Enjoy a brunch packed with energy, entertainment, and great food, all while sipping on bottomless drinks! Get tickets to Oktoberfest 2024 at Camden's Electric Ballroom for just £10, and save 50% off. Get ready for Camden's biggest Oktoberfest celebration this autumn! Electric Ballroom will transform into a lively Bavarian beer hall, filled with long wooden tables, traditional bunting, and plenty of fun. Feast on authentic German cuisine like Bratwurst and Schnitzels while enjoying live music from Oompah bands and more. This epic party also includes games and prizes, creating the perfect Oktoberfest experience right in London. Highlights - Oktoberfest Fun: Every Saturday in October, plus a bonus date in September. - Authentic Food & Drink: Enjoy Bavarian Bratwurst, Schnitzels, and of course, beer. - Party Atmosphere: Games, live music, and prizes in a festive German beer hall setting. - Affordable Tickets: Entry for just £10! When and Where? - Dates: September 28th to October 26th, 2024 - Time: 2 pm - 9 pm (last entry at 5 pm) - Location: Electric Ballroom, 184 Camden High Street, London NW1 8QP Need to Know - Voucher Validity: Valid for a ticket to Camden Oktoberfest 2024 on your selected date. - Age Restriction: Must be 18 or over to attend. - Event Times: 2 pm to 9 pm, with last entry at 5 pm. - Booking: Present your booking confirmation at the box office upon arrival. - Non-Cancellable: Vouchers cannot be canceled, amended, exchanged, refunded, or used in conjunction with any other offer. Prepare for a lively Oktoberfest celebration, full of food, drinks, and entertainment at Camden's iconic Electric Ballroom! Special offer: £24.95 for three cocktails at Gaucho + a £20 dining credit Celebrate the vibrant spirit of Latin America at Gaucho by sampling their brand-new cocktail menu, "The Spirit of Argentina," which features 20 drinks inspired by Argentina’s food and drink culture. Using cutting-edge mixology techniques, the menu includes unique concoctions like the Miso Mango Sour, Kiwi Gimlet, Pineapple Vermouth, and the Wagyu Martini. Along with the cocktails, you'll enjoy £20 towards your meal, where you can indulge in dishes like grilled sea bass, fillet steaks, Wagyu burgers, and more. Highlights - Cocktail Adventure: Try three new cocktails from Gaucho's "The Spirit of Argentina" menu. - Dining Credit: Receive a £20 dining credit towards your meal (with a minimum spend of £45). - Multiple Locations: Available at 20 Gaucho restaurants across London, the north of England, and Scotland. - Celebrate Argentina: Enjoy Latin American flavors and Argentina-inspired cocktails, deemed the best restaurant cocktail list in the UK by The Cocktail Lovers magazine. Need to Know - Voucher Includes: Three cocktails and £20 dining credit (with a £45 minimum spend on the a la carte menu). - Availability: Monday to Sunday at selected locations. - Age Restriction: This offer is restricted to those aged 18 and over. - Valid Until: October 14, 2024. - Booking Modifications: Changes or cancellations must be made at least 48 hours before your booking. - Service Charge: A discretionary service charge may be added to the bill. - Dietary Requirements: Contact Gaucho directly for dietary accommodations. Locations Participating Gaucho restaurants include Birmingham, Canary Wharf, Covent Garden, Edinburgh, Manchester, and more. Get 50% off standing tickets to the five-star production of "Guys & Dolls." Save more than £19 Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre has received rave reviews, including a perfect 5-star rating from Time Out. This "staggering achievement" brings the iconic musical to life with immersive staging that allows the audience to be part of the action. With stunning performances, lively dance numbers, and a beloved soundtrack, this production is a must-see for both long-time fans and newcomers. Grab your £19.50 standing tickets (reduced from £39.40) and step into the heart of the Hot Box for a night of musical magic. Highlights - Discounted Tickets: Save over £19 on standing tickets for the immersive production of Guys & Dolls. - Immersive Theatre: Experience the transformation of the Bridge Theatre into the bustling streets of Manhattan and Havana. - Limited Time Offer: Available for performances until October 10, 2024. When and Where? - Dates: August 29 - October 10, 2024 - Location: Bridge Theatre, Tower Bridge, 3 Potters Fields Park, London, SE1 2SG Show Duration - Running Time: 2 hours and 50 minutes, including a 15-minute interval Need to Know - Ticket Type: Valid for a standing ticket to Guys & Dolls. - Age Restriction: Suitable for ages 12 and over. All children must be accompanied by an adult. - Cloakroom: Coats and bags will need to be checked into the free cloakroom during the show. - E-Tickets: Tickets will be emailed directly from the Bridge Theatre box office at least 24 hours before the show. Time Out confirmations cannot be used to gain entry. - Doors Open: 90 minutes before each performance. Contact Information - Bridge Theatre Box Office: [email protected]  or 0333 320 0051 Tickets cannot be cancelled, amended, exchanged, or refunded, and this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other deal. Save Big on Flights and Hotels with Lastminute.com - Save up to £300: Take advantage of Lastminute.com’s January sale and enjoy incredible savings on flights and hotel bookings. - Wide Range of Destinations: Whether you’re dreaming of a beach escape or a city adventure, Lastminute.com offers a variety of destinations to choose from. - Flight and Hotel Bundles: Bundle your flight and hotel together to unlock even bigger discounts and get the best value for your money. - Flexible Payment Options: Book now and pay later with Lastminute.com’s flexible payment plans, making it easier to plan and budget for your trip. - Limited Time Offer: Hurry, this sale won’t last forever! Don’t miss out on the chance to save big on your next vacation. Visit Lastminute.com today and start planning your perfect getaway at unbeatable prices! For more exclusive offers on lifestyle visit WhatsOn Get the most amazing breakfast in London for just £20 at The Skinny Kitchen. Get tickets to Oktoberfest 2024 at Camden's Electric Ballroom for just £10, and save 50% off. Special offer: £24.95 for three cocktails at Gaucho + a £20 dining credit Get 50% off standing tickets to the five-star production of "Guys & Dolls." Save more than £19 Save Big on Flights and Hotels with Lastminute.com Read the full article
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anncorn8899 · 4 months
Annual Events You Can’t Miss in Rohnert Park California United States.
Annual Events You Can’t Miss in Rohnert Park, California, United States Rohnert Park, nestled in Sonoma County, California, is not only known for its beautiful landscapes and vibrant nightlife but also for its rich tapestry of annual events that attract visitors from near and far. From cultural festivals to community celebrations, there's always something exciting happening in Rohnert Park, California throughout the year. Let's explore some of the must-attend events that showcase the city's unique charm.
1. **Green Music Center Summer Concert Series**: Each summer, the Green Music Center at Sonoma State University hosts a series of outdoor concerts featuring world-class performers from various musical genres. Set against the backdrop of rolling hills and vineyards, these performances offer a truly unforgettable experience. From classical symphonies to contemporary jazz, there's something for every music lover to enjoy under the stars.
2. **Rohnert Park Farmers Market**: Held weekly, the Rohnert Park Farmers Market is a beloved community event that brings together local farmers, artisans, and food vendors. Visitors can browse an array of fresh produce, baked goods, handmade crafts, and more while enjoying live music and family-friendly activities. It's the perfect opportunity to support local businesses and connect with neighbors in a vibrant outdoor setting.
3. **Cotati Accordion Festival**: Just a short drive from Rohnert Park, the annual Cotati Accordion Festival is a celebration of all things accordion. This unique event attracts accordion enthusiasts from around the world who gather to enjoy live music, dancing, and delicious food. With performances ranging from traditional polkas to modern interpretations, the Cotati Accordion Festival offers a one-of-a-kind experience for music lovers of all ages.
4. **Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic**: Each summer, the skies above Rohnert Park come alive with color during the Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic. This spectacular event features hot air balloon launches, tethered rides, and even a balloon glow evening where balloons are illuminated against the night sky. Families can enjoy food vendors, live music, and children's activities, making it a fun-filled weekend for all.
5. **Rohnert Park Art on the Avenue**: Showcasing the vibrant arts community in Rohnert Park, Art on the Avenue is an annual street festival that features local artists, musicians, and performers. Visitors can stroll along the avenue, admiring a diverse array of artwork including paintings, sculptures, and crafts. Live demonstrations, interactive exhibits, and food vendors add to the festive atmosphere, making it a highlight of the city's cultural calendar.
6. **Oktoberfest at Bear Republic Brewing Co.**: Beer enthusiasts won't want to miss Oktoberfest at Bear Republic Brewing Co. Held annually in the fall, this traditional German celebration features hearty food, live music, and, of course, plenty of beer. Guests can raise a stein and join in the festivities as they partake in games, contests, and other Oktoberfest traditions.In conclusion, Rohnert Park's annual events offer a glimpse into the city's vibrant culture, community spirit, and love of music, art, and good food. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor passing through, these must-attend events provide unforgettable experiences and lasting memories in the heart of California's wine country.
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home-decor-design · 8 months
Exploring Vibrant Cultural Festivals Around the Globe
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Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of traditions and celebrations with our definitive guide to Cultural Festivals Around the Globe! From the vibrant colors of Holi in India to the rhythmic beats of Rio Carnival, our article is your passport to a world of cultural richness. Uncover the significance behind each festivity, learn insider tips for an authentic experience, and discover the unique stories that make these festivals unforgettable. Elevate your cultural awareness and join the global celebration!
Cultural Festivals Around the Globe
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Rio de Janeiro Carnival, Brazil: A Samba Extravaganza The Rio de Janeiro Carnival, held annually before Lent, is one of the world's most iconic and lively cultural festivals. This dazzling celebration transforms the streets of Rio into a spectacle of vibrant colors, rhythmic samba beats, and elaborate costumes. From the glittering parades at the Sambadrome to the energetic street parties, the Rio Carnival is a testament to Brazil's exuberant spirit and cultural richness. Holi, India: The Festival of Colors Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, is a joyous celebration observed across India and in many other parts of the world. Participants engage in exuberant color-throwing festivities, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil and the arrival of spring. The vibrant hues and playful atmosphere make Holi a unique and visually stunning cultural festival that brings people of all backgrounds together in a spirit of unity and joy. Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Scotland: A Feast of Performing Arts The Edinburgh Festival Fringe, held annually in August, is the world's largest arts festival, transforming the Scottish capital into a stage for creativity and innovation. With thousands of performances ranging from theater and comedy to dance and spoken word, the festival attracts artists and audiences from around the globe. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is a celebration of artistic expression, offering a platform for both established and emerging talents. Diwali, Various Countries: The Festival of Lights Diwali, or Deepavali, is a significant Hindu festival celebrated across various countries, including India, Nepal, and communities around the world. Known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The festival is marked by the lighting of lamps, colorful rangoli decorations, and festive meals, creating a warm and joyous atmosphere that transcends cultural boundaries. Oktoberfest, Germany: A Bavarian Celebration of Beer and Tradition Oktoberfest, held annually in Munich, Germany, is the world's largest beer festival and a celebration of Bavarian culture. Running for 16 days from late September to the first weekend in October, Oktoberfest attracts millions of visitors. Beyond the beer tents, the festival features traditional Bavarian music, folk dances, and vibrant parades, offering a unique blend of cultural immersion and revelry. Cherry Blossom Festival, Japan: Hanami Amidst Nature's Splendor The Cherry Blossom Festival, or Hanami, in Japan is a cultural celebration of the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms. Held in spring, the festival draws locals and tourists alike to parks adorned with delicate pink blossoms. Traditional tea ceremonies, musical performances, and festive picnics under the blooming cherry trees make the Cherry Blossom Festival a serene and culturally significant event. Carnival of Venice, Italy: Masks, Elegance, and Historical Splendor The Carnival of Venice, dating back to the 12th century, is a captivating blend of historical elegance and modern revelry. Characterized by elaborate masks, costumes, and grand masquerade balls, the carnival creates a magical atmosphere in the picturesque canals of Venice. This celebration of art, history, and tradition attracts visitors from around the world to partake in the festivities. Cultural festivals around the globe are vibrant expressions of human creativity, traditions, and the shared joy of celebration. Whether it's the rhythmic beats of the Rio Carnival, the explosion of colors during Holi, or the historical splendor of the Carnival of Venice, these festivals offer a window into the rich diversity of global cultures. As we embrace the festivities, we also appreciate the universal human desire to come together, celebrate, and cherish the unique expressions of our shared heritage. So, pack your sense of wonder and immerse yourself in the kaleidoscope of cultural festivals that light up cities and communities worldwide.
International cultural festivals calendar
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The world is a stage, and each day brings forth a new performance on the global cultural calendar. In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey across continents, exploring the vibrant tapestry of international cultural festivals that grace the calendar throughout the year. From music and dance to art and culinary delights, these festivals showcase the richness of human expression and the diversity of global cultures. January - Jaipur Literature Festival, India: A Literary Extravaganza Kicking off the international cultural festivals calendar is the Jaipur Literature Festival in January. Held in the historic Pink City of Jaipur, India, this festival brings together renowned authors, thinkers, and literary enthusiasts from around the world. Discussions, readings, and cultural performances create a literary haven, making it a must-attend event for those passionate about the written word. February - Rio Carnival, Brazil: Samba and Spectacle February sees the streets of Rio de Janeiro come alive with the pulsating rhythms of the world-famous Rio Carnival. This extravagant celebration, held before Lent, is a riot of colors, samba beats, and elaborate costumes. The Sambadrome becomes a stage for samba schools to showcase their creativity, turning Rio into a global party destination. March - Holi, Various Countries: A Colorful Triumph of Spring March marks the arrival of spring and the vibrant festival of Holi, celebrated in various countries, including India and Nepal. Known as the Festival of Colors, Holi is a joyous occasion where people come together to play with colored powders, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. The festival's exuberant atmosphere and vivid hues make it a cultural spectacle to behold. April - Cherry Blossom Festival, Japan: Hanami Amidst Nature's Splendor April welcomes the Cherry Blossom Festival, or Hanami, in Japan. As cherry blossoms bloom across the country, parks become adorned with delicate pink flowers. The festival includes traditional tea ceremonies, musical performances, and picnics under the blossoming trees, creating a serene and culturally significant celebration of nature's beauty. May - Cannes Film Festival, France: A Showcase of Cinematic Excellence May brings cinephiles and filmmakers to the French Riviera for the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. Renowned for its red carpet glamour and premieres of critically acclaimed films, Cannes is a global stage for cinematic excellence. The festival attracts international stars, directors, and industry professionals, making it a pivotal event in the film industry calendar. June - Glastonbury Festival, United Kingdom: Music and Arts Extravaganza June sees the English countryside come alive with the Glastonbury Festival, one of the world's largest and most diverse music and arts festivals. From iconic headliners to emerging artists, Glastonbury offers a kaleidoscope of musical genres, theater performances, and interactive art installations, creating a vibrant celebration of creativity and culture. July - Inti Raymi, Peru: Inca Festival of the Sun In July, the ancient Inca capital of Cusco, Peru, hosts Inti Raymi, the Festival of the Sun. This traditional celebration honors the Inca god Inti with colorful processions, music, and dance. The festival, rooted in Inca history, showcases the rich cultural heritage of Peru and attracts visitors from around the world. August - Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Scotland: The World's Largest Arts Festival August is synonymous with the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the world's largest arts festival. Transforming the Scottish capital into a creative hub, the festival features thousands of performances across various genres, including theater, comedy, dance, and music. It is a celebration of artistic expression, attracting both established and emerging talents. September - Oktoberfest, Germany: Bavarian Beer Extravaganza As summer transitions to fall, Munich, Germany, hosts Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival. Running for 16 days, Oktoberfest welcomes millions of visitors to indulge in Bavarian traditions, including beer tasting, traditional music, and lively folk dances. The festival's cultural immersion and festive atmosphere make it a global attraction. October - Diwali, Various Countries: The Festival of Lights October brings Diwali, or Deepavali, celebrated by millions across India and in various countries with Indian communities. Known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. The festival includes the lighting of lamps, colorful decorations, and festive feasts, creating a warm and joyous atmosphere. November - Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos), Mexico: Honoring Ancestors November marks Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, in Mexico. This culturally rich celebration honors deceased loved ones with vibrant altars, traditional foods, and lively festivities. Parades, music, and the iconic sugar skull decorations contribute to the unique and heartfelt atmosphere of this Mexican tradition. December - Chichibu Night Festival, Japan: Illuminating Winter Skies Closing the international cultural festivals calendar is the Chichibu Night Festival in Japan. Held in December, this winter festival features illuminated floats, traditional performances, and a captivating fireworks display. The festival's enchanting atmosphere encapsulates the festive spirit of the holiday season. The international cultural festivals calendar is a testament to the diversity and richness of global cultures. From literary gatherings and film premieres to music extravaganzas and traditional celebrations, each festival offers a unique window into the artistic and cultural tapestry of the world. As you plan your travels, consider immersing yourself in the magic of these festivals, where the world comes together to celebrate the boundless possibilities of human creativity and cultural expression.
Traditional festivals worldwide
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Traditional festivals are the heartbeat of cultural heritage, weaving stories of tradition, community, and shared identity. In this blog post, we embark on a journey across continents, exploring the richness and diversity of traditional festivals that continue to thrive and evolve, connecting generations and celebrating the essence of each community's unique history. Chinese New Year: The Lunar Celebration of Renewal Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a vibrant and widely celebrated traditional festival marking the beginning of the lunar new year in China and other East Asian countries. Families come together for reunion dinners, streets are adorned with colorful decorations, and dragon and lion dances fill the air. The festival symbolizes renewal, luck, and the welcoming of prosperity in the coming year. Navratri, India: A Dance of Devotion Navratri, meaning "nine nights," is a traditional Hindu festival celebrated across India. Dedicated to the goddess Durga, Navratri involves colorful and energetic dance forms, such as Garba and Dandiya. The festival represents the triumph of good over evil and is a time for devotion, fasting, and vibrant cultural performances that bring communities together in joyous celebration. Carnival of Venice, Italy: A Masked Extravaganza The Carnival of Venice, dating back to the 12th century, is a mesmerizing celebration of art, history, and tradition. Masked revelers don elaborate costumes, and the city's picturesque canals become a stage for grand masquerade balls and parades. The festival's origins lie in the celebration of freedom and indulgence before the solemn period of Lent, making it a historical and visually stunning event. Songkran, Thailand: The Water Festival Songkran, the Thai New Year, is celebrated with great enthusiasm in mid-April. The festival is renowned for its water fights, symbolizing the cleansing of the past year's misfortunes and the welcoming of a fresh start. Traditional ceremonies, such as pouring scented water on Buddha statues and seeking blessings from elders, add a spiritual dimension to the exuberant water festivities. Semana Santa, Spain: Holy Week Processions Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is a deeply rooted and solemn tradition observed in many Spanish cities. During this week leading up to Easter, elaborate processions featuring religious statues, ornate floats, and hooded penitents wind through the streets. The processions depict the Passion of Christ and attract both devout worshippers and fascinated spectators, creating a unique blend of spirituality and cultural expression. Obon Festival, Japan: Honoring Ancestors with Dance Obon is a Japanese Buddhist festival dedicated to honoring ancestors. Families come together to clean and decorate graves, and communities participate in Bon Odori dances. The dances, accompanied by traditional music, celebrate the spirits of the departed and foster a sense of community connection. Lanterns are often lit and floated on rivers as a symbolic gesture to guide spirits back to the afterlife. Día de los Muertos, Mexico: Celebrating Life Beyond Death Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a colorful and vibrant Mexican tradition that honors deceased loved ones. Families create elaborate altars adorned with photographs, candles, marigolds, and the favorite foods of the departed. The festival is a joyful celebration of life, a time for storytelling, and a reflection on the interconnectedness of generations through cultural practices. Boryeong Mud Festival, South Korea: A Playful Tradition The Boryeong Mud Festival in South Korea is a modern celebration with traditional roots, centered around the therapeutic benefits of mud from the Boryeong mud flats. The festival attracts millions of visitors who engage in mud wrestling, mudslides, and various activities. The playful atmosphere and connection to nature make it a unique and lively celebration. Midsummer, Sweden: Dancing Around the Maypole Midsummer, celebrated in Sweden around the summer solstice, is a joyous festival that welcomes the longest day of the year. Communities gather to dance around the maypole, adorned with flowers and ribbons, symbolizing fertility and the bounty of nature. Midsummer celebrations often include feasting, traditional songs, and a strong sense of connection to the natural world. Ganesh Chaturthi, India: Honoring the Elephant-headed Deity Ganesh Chaturthi is an important Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Celebrated in India, especially in Maharashtra, the festival involves the creation of elaborate clay idols of Ganesha, which are then immersed in water. The vibrant processions, devotional songs, and communal celebrations highlight the cultural significance of this beloved deity. Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, USA: A Skyward Celebration While not a traditional festival in the conventional sense, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in the United States is a visually spectacular celebration that draws on the tradition of hot air ballooning. Hundreds of colorful balloons take to the skies, creating a mesmerizing display against the backdrop of the New Mexico landscape. The festival combines modern innovation with the joyous spirit of communal celebration. Traditional festivals worldwide are a testament to the enduring power of cultural heritage and the human need for connection, celebration, and ritual. From the lively streets of Rio de Janeiro during Carnival to the tranquil celebrations of Midsummer in Sweden, each festival tells a story of identity, history, and the collective spirit of communities around the globe. As we celebrate these traditions, we honor the diversity that makes our world a rich and culturally vibrant tapestry.
How to plan for cultural events
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Cultural events bring communities together, fostering a sense of unity and celebration. Whether you're organizing a festival, art exhibition, or cultural performance, meticulous planning is key to ensuring a seamless and memorable experience for participants and attendees. In this blog post, we'll delve into the essential steps on how to plan for cultural events, from conceptualization to execution. Define Your Objectives and Theme Every successful cultural event starts with a clear vision. Begin by defining the objectives of your event. What message do you want to convey, and what experience do you want attendees to have? Establish a theme that aligns with your objectives, providing a cohesive and engaging narrative for the event. Understand Your Audience Knowing your audience is crucial for tailoring the event to their interests and preferences. Conduct research to understand the demographics and cultural inclinations of your target audience. Consider their expectations, and use this information to shape the content, activities, and overall ambiance of the event. Create a Detailed Budget Financial planning is a cornerstone of successful event management. Create a detailed budget that encompasses all aspects of the event, including venue costs, permits, talent fees, marketing expenses, and logistical requirements. Allocate funds strategically, ensuring that each aspect of the event receives adequate resources. Select an Appropriate Venue The venue sets the stage for the cultural experience. Choose a location that aligns with your event's theme and can accommodate the anticipated number of attendees comfortably. Read the full article
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thehungrykat1 · 1 year
Citadines Bay City Manila Presents Exciting Oktoberfest Promo and Unveils Bay City Platters
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Citadines Bay City Manila is thrilled to announce its much-anticipated Oktoberfest Fever promo at the Bay City Café and the launch of the Bay City Platters. This October, indulge in a flavorful journey of delectable grilled dishes, refreshing brews, and a variety of sumptuous platters that will satisfy your cravings like never before. Citadines Bay City Manila turns into a sizzling affair every Friday and Saturday in October with its Grill and Beer Nights, running from 6PM to 10PM. Prepare your taste buds for a journey of bold flavors and mouthwatering aromas with its grilled menu items that pays homage to the rich culinary heritage of the Philippines. Delight in the succulence of Chicken Inasal Skewers, the savory perfection of Pinoy Sausage Skewers, the smoky tenderness of Pork Pinoy Barbecue, and the innovative twist of Beef Kare-Kare Satay. And that's not all – the menu boasts the beloved Classic Pork Sisig, tantalizing Cheesey Baked Sisig, and the unique fusion of flavors in Pinoy Pocket Pie (Calzone), Adobo Cheesesteak, Kaldereta, and Coconut Creamed Spinach. Prices range from P120 to P350 only.
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To make these culinary delights even more memorable, you can also enjoy Buy 1 Take 1 promo of local beers for only P150, ensuring that every bite is perfectly complemented by a refreshing sip. This promo runs every Thursday to Sunday from 5PM to 10PM. Invite your family and friends to catch this exciting Oktoberfest deals every weekend at Bay City Café.
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Elevate dining experience with Grazing Platter and Brews. For only P2,000, this exquisite offering features a delectable assortment of Hungarian sausage, grapes, pretzel, mortadella, gruyere, brie, mixed nuts, and grissini. To complete this delightful ensemble, four beers are also included, ensuring a perfect pairing with the savory and sweet elements of this platter.
Indulge in the flavors of the Philippines and beyond with Bay City Platters Family Set Menu, designed to cater to festive gatherings with your loved ones. Each platter serves 4-5 people, making them perfect for celebrating with family and friends. Dive into a surf and turf feast of lechon kawali with shrimp, ox tripe peanut sauce, vegetables, and bagoong rice with Pinoy Fave Set for only P2,300 or enjoy the Pinoy Boodle Set where you can savor boneless chicken inasal, lumpianada, crispy tawilis, ensaladang lato, mango atsara, and inasal rice at P2,000. Explore Texas Style Barbecue set that features 700g smoked pork ribs, buttered vegetables, barbecue sauce and cajun rice priced at P2,500 or choose Asian Food Set with Szechuan beef, garlic bokchoy, fried tofu and yang chow fried rice for only P2,300.
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In addition to enticing Bay City Platters, the restaurant is delighted to introduce an array of Food Trays that cater to various tastes and preferences. Whether you're a fan of rich, savory dishes or you prefer something on the spicier side, these selections have got you covered. Indulge in the flavors of classic Filipino dish, Beef Kaldereta, for only P1,400 or dive into a seafood lover’s paradise with Cajun Seafood Boil for P2,000 only. For those who are craving for a finger-licking goodness, you can choose the Chicken Wings priced at P1,200. You can also experience the fusion of crispy and savor with Lechon Kawali Pansit at P1,100 or the zesty flavors of Pork & Tofu Sisig for only P1,000. These mouthwatering set of Bay City Platters are also available for take-out.
Citadines Bay City Manila invites everyone to experience these culinary delights during the month of October. Whether you're a fan of grilled favorites, platters for sharing with family and friends, or comfort food to warm your heart, Bay City Café have something for you. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to celebrate Oktoberfest Fever and enjoy the diverse flavors of Bay City Platters. To order or book a table, send an email at [email protected] or call at +63 8866 8100 and +63 977 478 8563.
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