#okay thats enough yapping
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mitchmotch · 17 days ago
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been really into dandadan lately
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teshiee · 2 months ago
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i did not think this out much...at all, but drawing it was a lotta fun!
also i almost made lloyd veronica but i changed it to nya before i even started working on the. actual heather trio so yay!!
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plutonious · 1 month ago
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wahtever I like emmie and gogo I want to talk about them.
after emmet gets to hisui ingo is verrry cheerful due to the amount of affection he recives from emmet
ingo's been basically trained out of initiating physical contact from being a part of pearl clan for so long, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it, just that he forgets he's allowed to do so when theres someone he can do so with, so everytime emmet touches him he practially melts. emmet is latched onto ingo half the time so that's really often. something something he grew up with one million affection and then didn't realize he was missing it until he got it back. now he doesn't like being apart from his brother for too long. because it's warm and cozy to be hugged.
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candyje11yfish · 4 months ago
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slight redesign. love her🩻🩸
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kenchann · 11 months ago
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kuroshitsuji is back O(∩_∩)O heres a lil alois doodle
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taruruchi · 5 months ago
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After probably more than 2 years and 100000 redesigns, they finally get a post!!!! I'll absolutely give more details about their personalities and dynamics in another post, I just think their designs deserve to be out in the wild now akmskdk
Tags: @angelwishess @h0neybane @jewelulu, and uhh, I'd include other people I think are interested, but I'm worried ALSMSKDM feel free to tell me if you'd like to be tagged for fankids posts from now on tho 🥹 or any post HAHA
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hotchipsauce · 1 month ago
psst pspspsps u should totally talk about grebbymints more ... i am enabling u......
AAAAAA bro….. my dude…. the thing is i always feel crazy talking about them together bc i think like they’ve only publicly interacted like 3 times? LOL (i have watched and documented every interview minty and grebby has appeared in for the leafs/marlies. it’s so bad. me being sick has actually helped me not be as weird about it since i had less screen time in general)
but even then me and @tufzy just constructed this whole separate reality in our heads for months about how like they prob got closer after getting called up and minty is the only familiar guy for grebby there due to being on the marlies together + no russian player on the leafs to fall back on for help so grebby is just sticking to minty’s side the whole time, and minty even tho he’s a lil popular with the leaf boys he still is looking out for his linemate. even when they get sent down they’re still drawn to each other out of habit. but i’m always like second guessing like wow this is pure delusion like maybe they don’t even fuck with each other like that it’s just coworker friendliness this rpf shit is truly a disease fr fr 🙏
and then the videos started dropping. they’re goofing off and pushing each other around during sewer ball. and then i see a single frame of minty next to grebs during the one rare tiktok that he shows up in. and the delusion starts anew
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#like… he was waiting for him… giggling at him…#like does minty help him parse the insane tiktok trends they make them do (jellybean challenge comes to mind)#and everytime grebs is just like eh whatever go marlies/leafs go they love that shit#and minty is laughing aa they both walk down the tunnel to the locker room being like thats not what they asked man#but yes i am enabled. thank you *bows low enough that my forehead hits the table*#see the thing is i haven’t even gotten into the crazier part. which is the family tree au#which is really the dysfunctional abo family au#and no one has like commented on the greek symbols on it despite it getting way more eyes than i thought it would#(me acting like i wasnt looking for attention when i tagged that post)#but yeah there is a section of grebby and mints there in my drafts for that whole *waves hand* thing#which is#completely separate from the grebbymints fic (also set abo bc i’m crazy) that i’ve been slowly working on#both things will come out in due time.. maybe…#but i fear it might actually be too insane for the public eye LOL#BUT THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW. THE DEMONS WHISPER TO ME EVERYDAY.#this would be really embarrassing if you didn’t mean this in a hrpf way LOL#but i can also just start yapping about them separately forever too#starting with minty reading fucking MEDITATIONS. BY MARCUS AURELIUS#LIKE OKAY … NERD…#gonna need him to sign my copy when i go to toronto#i wish i also knew some level of russian bc i wanna know what grebby was up to being a menace in the khl…#all i can do is read like sonata and minuet in cyrillic LOL#but i digress…… i wrote up a whole essay of nonsense in here….#fraser minten#nikita grebenkin#grebbymints#hrpf#asks#yapping#<- need to learn the meaning of the phrase ‘self control’
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that-starry-freak · 7 months ago
Okay, wow, uhm-
This is my rant about Eclipse x Solar x Nexus i keep saying ill do. Sooo- yeah. If you don't like it, just scroll. Or block me i don't give a shit- im just ranting about what I like *shrug* (btw this is 95% for/about my tol au, so-)
Cw i do mention abuse a few times, because of Solar's Moon, dark sun, etc.
God i love these three so much. There's just so much potential, both angst and fluff (and a bit of smut but that stays in my head that is NOT going on my blog)
Like Solar and Nexus are both such needs and idiots. They both stay up late working, and insist the other one goes to bed (Eclipse ends up having to drag them both to bed).
They love working on projects together. People arnt usually allowed int he workshop when their working together, because if they have each other they don't need anyone else to help or anything- but they let Eclipse in once, and he got to see how they danced around each other and worked together perfectly.
They're all nerds who love science and mechanics tbh, but they all like it in different ways. Solar likes the hard work, the mindlessly fixing things. He liked the manual labour, the more mechanics of it. Nexus loved the science. He loves asking questions and learning knew things. He loves questioning things and people. He likes building and creating and testing out code. Eclipse likes the results. He doesn't particularly enjoy coding and building, it makes him frustrated, but he loves the results. He likes having a job well done. And getting to enjoy whatever the product is, whether its a computer or a basic machine.
Eclipse and Nexus can also understand each other. They can understand the expectation of who you're supposed to be. To be a remake of someone dead, but not really being them. Yet everyone expects you too. They've spent long nights sharing a smoke and ranting about how unfair it is. About how they weren't v1 Eclipse, or Moon. That they were themselves, and it wasn't fair people pressured them into being their predecessors.
Solar and Eclipse can understand what its like to be an eclipse. To come into this world with Moons hating you. To be called vile, to have a Moon laugh in your face. They may not have always liked each other, but they understand each other, its one of the reasons they became close.
Nexus can also help them both heal from their trauma of Moons. Plus, he isn't really Moon. Sure, he is a moon, coming from he dame basic code. But he isn't an old Moon. He's kinder, he doesn't blow up as easily. Its reassuring to them both, being treated so kindly to someone who pretty much abused them both (Eclipse didn't deserve how Old moon treated him when he came into this world.)
Eclipse and Nexus also know what its like to be left behind. Eclispe knows what its like to be left behind by Moon, to be a piece of code that he doesn't care about. Nexus knows what its like to hurt people and lose them. Yes, its different, but that doesn't mean they can't empathize with each others pain, because it is similar in a way.
solar and Nexus can understand each other's pain of losing someone you care about deeply. Of blaming yourself for their death. Of course. They dealt with it much differently, but still-
Eclipse and Solar both knowing what its like to die, comforting each other, reassuring them that they're still here. That they're alive. That they're them.
Enough about what they have in common tho-
like oh my goddd. I have so many thoughts bro-
Eclipse smells like cigarettes and leather and faintly of the vanilla candles Puppet lights in their apartment. Solar smells like grease and oil and sometimes chemicals when he cleans himself off (and then is forced to take an actual shower by Eclipse because cleaning yourself with harsh chemicals every time cant be good for your casing). Nexus smells like lavender (because thats the scent of the detegerant Sun always washes their clothes with) and faintly of bleach (consequences of living in the same house as Sun) and grease a lot after he's been working. The other twos smells are comforting to all three of them, reminding them that they're safe and content. Nexus eccpecially loves wearing Solar's clothes, and loves being in his arms, reminding him that he's alive. Thats he's right here. That everything is going to be okay.
And oh my god don't get me started on the forbidden love. The fact that Eclipse and Solar can't be in the same dimension till Eclispe gets a new dimensional signal. Solar and Nexus both crushing on Eclipse, but Nexus is the only one that can actually see them both, having to pass messages between the two. Of course they do eventually get to see each other again, but for so long they won't be able to. Its just.. sad
And AUGH im always going to be insane over rmy true loves kiss idea. The idea of Solar kissing Nexus out of desperation, because nothing he says can get through to him and ohmygod he's panicking- and somehow the virus he has just disappearing. The kiss curing Nexus, and bringing him back to his senses. And oh my god, the chaos and angst that follows. Nexus sobbing becuase of what he's done, feeling so guilty. The family not wanting to accept him back, Moon being the worst one-
Solar and Eclipse being the first ones to accept him. Later being Sun, Earth, and then Lunar. Maybe one day Moon, but thats a day far in the future.
And auggh, Solar and Moon's friendship. Moon hating his boyfriends but midly tolerating them for Solar's sake. Solar aclimating him to Eclipses, and he starts tolerating him a bit more. Hearing him say so many good things about Nexus makes him hate him more, though, insecure about Nexus being back in the family. Afraid of being replace.
Sleaking of being replaced, Nexus feeling like he's replaceable. That he's disposable. That one wrong move and he'll be thrown out again. Solar reassuring him that even if he is hell go with him. That he refuses to let Nexus be completley abandoned and manipulated again.
And god, all three of them have such communication, trust, and attachment issues-
Solar feels like he has to be useful to be loved. That he has to prove himself. That he could also be thrown out of the family because he's not from this dimension. He's afraid of being a burden. He's afraid that if he complains he'll be seen as a nuisance. That he doesn't deserve help or to get anything, that he barely deserves the celestial family as it is even if he does so much for them.
Nexus also feels like he has to be useful. That if he isn't, what is he for? What was his purpose if he can't help? He compares himself to Moon a lot, feeling like he has to match up to his standards, even if they're impossible. Moon has years and years of experience on him- he also struggles to talk about his own feelings. He bottled them up so much because he felt like they were stupid that he just doesn't know how to talk about them. The only time he can is in the middle of the night, and is usually with Eclipse. Solar will try to comfort him and almost baby him when he tries to rant to him, Eclipse will just complain and rant right back though, and he prefers it.
Eclipse didn't really ever have any healthy relationships. He's used to pushing people away and bottling all his feelings up. To lashing out at people. Yes, this version is much calmer, but he still has the memories of the ones before him. Hes still used to that being what Eclipses in this dimension did. He doesn't know how to talk to people. Earth helped him open up though, and Solar and Nexus helped him more. He's a lot calmer now, and it helps that they both enjoy listening to him rant. Solar will listen to him and gives advice, while Nexus will just complain with him in the middle of the night. He loves both, though it depends on the situation for what he wants to do.
Their relationship isn't perfect, though. Nexus will still sometimes yell and freak Solar out, and he has to frantically apologize while Eclipse calms him down. Eclispe sometimes will push them away, and will sometimes use their insecurities and trauma against them when hes frustrated eith them. Solar refuses to talk about his own issues, and it worried the other two to no end. Nexus sometimes will hit himself or bite himself to the point of denting his casing when he's frustrated or having a breakdown, not wanting to lash out at anyone, and this worries the other two so much but there's nothing they can really do to stop it, just comforting Nexus the best they can and restraining him when they see him doing it. Eclipse will be rude to Nexus, treating him like Moon, and they'll get into fights about it that they both always regret later.
The hallucinations Nexus suffers from also doesn't end. He still sees Solar telling him he isn't proud of him. He sometimes gets vivid hallucinations that Solar is still dead.
They also all suffer from horrific nightmares
Solar dreaming that he's still in his original dimension. That he's still being abused by his Moon. That he still has no one to love him. He has nightmares that he's still dead, that Nexus never got better. He has nightmares that he ends up like Eclipse, that he hurts people. He has nightmares that the family shuns him and kicks him out. He has nightmares that old moon shows up at his dimension again and he can't stop him this time, and he hurts him and everyone he loves.
Nexus dreaming of Solar still dead. Nexus having nightmares that he actually killed his family. He has nightmares that he's still under Dark Sun's control. He has nightmares that he never was saved from space. He has nightmares of Eclipse betraying and killing him, never having truly gone good. He has nightmares that the family kicks him out for not living up to their expectation, for not being good as moon.
Eclipse dreaming of Moon. Nightmares of Bloodmoon torturing him, of Moon hurting him, of Lunar killing him again. Nightmares of him betraying everyone, even though that's the last thing he wants to do. Nightmare of Earth hating him, of Solar an Nexus hating him.
They often have to comfort each other from these night terrors, holding them close as cooing to the and rocking them.
Solar panics and sobs when he wakes up from one, but refuses to talk about it. He shuts down once when calms down, and often gets up in the middle of the night after to mindlessly do work to get his mind off of it.
Nexus wakes up screaming and crying and often hallucinating. He ususally has to be restrained so he doesn't accidentally hurthimself. He always feels bad about it after, and just wants to cuddle and feel loved, reminding himself that his partners are here and they're real.
Eclipse wakes up in a cold sweat, quiet. Hell just sit there for awhile, before getting up to take a cold shower to clear his mind.
they all overwork themselves, Solar and Nexus eccpecially-
solar because he needs to feel useful. Also because working helps him not think, it helps him "relax", even if it stresses him out more.
Nexus because he'll get so caught up in what he's doing. He'll start working at like noon and he'll zone out and suddenly its midnight and Eclipse and Solar are coming down to drag him away from his lab. Or Sun, sometimes sun has to come after him.
They're just so sad and gay and such a polycule i love them <3
Im so normal about them, clearly (im sorry this is too long im not going to go through this and edit rn- there probaly really a lot of grammar errors and typing errors and spelling errors but im tired soo-)
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42-forty-two-42 · 11 months ago
OH you are on this website?
I have questions, then. What are you trying to accomplish? You're obviously not trying to blend in, you're getting the cleansers called on you left and right.
I know there's a tactic the Peach and Hoon doppelgangers are trying, they want to look non-threatening in the right way, to trigger the humans' pack-bonding, but you're not doing that either. Are you trying to communicate something in this.... weird obscure way?
-@ask-the-doppelganger, currently a talking pigeon
It was quite late in the evening, so not many people would walk around. It was getting dark, but not dark enough for lamp posts to be turned on yet. 42 was there, sitting on a bench, in a pose in which nobody could see its face until approached close enough. It probably was...relaxed?
A pigeon with rather big eyes drew 42's attention. On closer inspection they also seemed to have a little different color. 42 was still silent when the bird came closer, jumped on the bench and started talking.
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"Oh, YOU are here? I have questions, then" - the pigeon said.
For some reason 42 didn't look surprised. It's probably due to the fact that it somehow "sensed" a fellow doppel or it has probably seen some of its kind to have other forms due to different circumstances. Maybe 42 itself had to do that at some point too, but that's another story. If such a story happened, of course.
"What are you trying to accomplish? You're obviously not trying to blend in, you're getting the cleaners called on you left and right. I know there's a tactic the Peach and Hoon doppelgangers are trying, they want to look non-threatening in the right way, to trigger the humans' pack-bonding, but you're not doing that either. Are you trying to communicate something in this...weird obscure way?"
The silence was broken by weird noises. It was 42 changing form. Sort of. It only changed its face and it actually captured most of the features correctly - the unibrow, the long nose, the scar on the right chin, the forehead wrinkles...but there were way too many other scars and one could see its non-human eyes and canines. It looked like 42 was filled with disgust. But it wasn't disgust towards its interlocutor or the questions, but rather towards something else. It looked like it could actually speak like a normal human while having facial features. Well, as for now, 42 was mostly speaking in its true voice. It didn't seem to be the same semi-collected 42 one could usually see. Whatever the reason, having facial features seems to irritate it.
"W̗͙̉͊h̛̙͝ǎ̯̋t̢͎̀ ̧̐ä̘́m̤̠̋͝ ̪͊̽Í̯͜ ̼̪͂̚t̜̹͑͛r̮͖͂y͕̳̽ỉ̫͕̕n͖̂̄g̥̼͠ ̨͓̄͗t͙̠̾ŏ̱̼͋ ̳̆́a̖̋̾c͎̫̋c̨̼̀̄o̫͂͝m̫̿̎p͍͐l̡̑̎i̡͐ś͈͔ḧ̪́ ̣̎ỉ̭͇̈n͓̭̅d̲̲̅̕ĕ̫̰e͇̭̚d̜́?" - 42 growled - "Î̥ ̫̉͐d͇̚o͑́͜n̤̬̈́'̺̣͂ṫ͈̒ ͓̝̈k̰̈̋n͎͐̑o̰̿̚w͇̾ ͚͋͋î̙́f̣͍̊̇ ̰̤̄t̯̣̑ḥ͝e͓̤̎r̞͍̿ḙ̤́ ĩ̮s̟̣̀̾̈ ͙́̿ȁ̺̖n̤̈́y͍͒͝t̛̘͑h͇̮͊̿i̺͝n͍̹͌g̛̪ ̡̙̾̍ţ͉͗h̜̃̔a͍͋͋t͈̐ ̖̠͊I͇͌̽ ̮͝r̝̀̃ë̟ã͚̮̅l͔͓͌l̛͙̫̏y͚͛̇ ̭͙̎ẁ̤̏ä̘́̑n͝͝ͅț͊̅e̫͙̒d̞́͘ ̮̌̌t͎̣̄̈́ǫ̖͆̌ ̱̻́̄ǎ̡̀c̤͊̑c͍̊̕ͅo̙̜͆̐ḿ̮͚͗p̜̐̑ḻ̺̾i̤̋̕s͓͝ḫ̲̈".
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It seemed like 42 was going to say something else, but it was like it had a lump in its throat. None of the doppelgangers came up with anything to say for now. So 42's face returned to its usual state - it flattened and only a Galaxy- or fingerprint-like swirl was there. Its speech went back to only saying "42".
4̱͂͋2̝͛̃ ̗̬̃̅4̢͍̄̃2͍̩̌ ̪̰̈́4͖́2̞͂̚ ͓̞͂4̠͘2͆̽͜ ̻̓4̰͆̉2͔͓̈́̑ ̘̆̋4͓̈́2͖̘͒̊ ̧̈́4̼̐2̡̟̌͊ ̺̗̽̇4͕̔͂2̼̔̒ ͙̻̕4̤̒2̯̩̂ ͈̾4̙͉̂̅2̩́͘͜ ͔́4̦̀2̢͔̿̄ ͍̥͌̽4̩͙̈͋2̖͌̅ ̡͙͌̚4͇̏̅2̧̣̈́͋ ̹̖̍̐4̰̀2̝͛ ̉ͅ4̙̗͗̌2̼͊̚ ͇͍̉4̤̄͋2̧̍ ̟̅4̱̋2̭̽̚ ͓́̕4̹̑2̗̮̓͒ ̯͉̌́4̦̂2͊́͜ ̖̈͆4͚͚̽2̜͋͐ ̯̱̈͌4͈͝͝2̯͈͘͠. 4̧̝͆̀2̫́̽ ͔̦́̅4̫̰̽2̘̅͌ ̣͈͗̈́4͈̱̍2̬͙̈́ ̤̅4̺͒͊2̡̒̽ ̛̬4̧͍̀2͓͉͋̿ ͇͕̃4̮̳͝2̘̙͂ ̝͌̎ͅ4̯̟̈́̍2̞̾̓͜, ̮̆4͍͋2͖͒̽ ̜̰̓́4̹͓͌͂2̥́̾ ͉͌4̟̟͛2͕͎̚̕ ̞̐͛4͖͝2̧̞̄̔, 4͕͝2͕̃ ͉̯̓̊4̪̖̾̀2̗̀́ ̪͊4͕̾͂2͈͝? 4̧̏̕2̥́̿ ͈̤͗4̘̋̚2̜̮̈́̌ ͛̚ͅ4̳́2̭̇ ͓̯̂̕4̹̔̇2͙̱̋ ̦͆͠4̳͌̿2̙͕̐ ̳͙̓̎4̮̈̌ͅ2̺̈ ͕̽̔4̢̲̆2͍͖̿ ̢̎4̤̳̅̕2̨̱̅̈́, 4̰̬̀2̨̨͐͋. 4̛̱̻̈́2̫͐́ ̜̟̄4͚̾͛2̲̙̎̊ ̳̝̊̄4̬̽2͓͇̃ ̠͔̏̈́4͖̤̽̈́2̺̋ ̣̈̓4̢̀2̥͘ ̗͗4̡̦͆͝2̩̀ ̠́̿4͎͑2̨͇͑ ̥̠̍4͈͛2̪͋͝ ͓͋͂4͍͈̒̂2̰̅͠.͖́
( But the most interesting part is that there are still some who do not see me as a threat that much. I do not know the reason myself, but it is something, is it not? I do not insist on it being true, though. And I do not insist on you believing me. )
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ellegaardgriffin · 2 months ago
Solaria’s chapter really had me looking like
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JESUS. MY GOD WOMAN WHO HURT YOU 😭😭😭 BUDDY WAS NOT HOLDING BACK THAT SHIT WAS TERRIFYING AND SICKENING TO READ (the techniques 💔 I forgot they existed and I only ever read it online a year or two ago so like. it had be doubling over in shock like what what what??? time to remove my respiratory system what did i just read ??? jushtin come get your throne buddy .. you deserve need it more than she does..)
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dazzlingqwq · 6 months ago
Um. hey guys. Major splatoon bad end yap sesh below. be careful!
im not sure if its just because i dont actually play the games (surprise, surprise.. i still know all the lore though. or at least most of it), but I have a strange gripe with how people portray splatoon bad end aus. Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of them existing and i especially love all the people's execution, but I just have a really tiny gripe for some reason.
Let me give some background info, in most people's bad end aus, Captain 3 gets sanitized, Agent 4 gets yhe hypnoshades, Agent 8 gets sanitized, and Neo 3 (which i see less often) gets mammalized (actually, in some regular aus i think they're mammalized too).
I just find it a bit wrong.. or a bit off that both Captain 3 and Agent 8 get sanitized (albeit in different ways, but theyre still both getting sanitized). It makes sense for 8 to get sanitized, from what I know that was the fate they were supposed to succumb to if it werent for them getting out of the metro.
But 3 getting sanitized too?
Don't bring up your pitchforks yet, I know it was a very big moment in the splatoon lore, but I still have my reasons.
Four's bad end comes from their own game, Eight's bad end comes from their own game, and Neo's bad end comes from their own game. Where does Three's bad end come from? Splatoon two (aka not their own game..).
Just.. messing up this pattern feels wrong in my head, and there are also a few other moments that could be described as agent three getting their bad end.
Theres failing to stop octavio, or getting abducted by the army. Both of these come from their own game, and are pretty plausible with the setup.
Most bad ends come from either the beginning or end of the story mode, which aligns pretty well with our two options.
Agent three failing to stop Octavio from keeping the zapfish really wouldn't do much to inkopilis, seeing as how they function just fine without the power it supplies (maybe they use solar, who knows? /j).
Agent three falling into the hands of the octarian army though.. It seems quite intriguing. The moment Agent 3 runs into some army trained octolings (keep in mind, they most likely have 0 training on how to legitemately fight on the battlefeild), they get snatched up and held by the octarian army! Maybe they get trained under peofessionals, maybe they get ransomed off, or used as a tool to threaten. The possibilities are endless!
Now, of course, this is just my opinion and everyone is subject to their own. This is just a little thing in my head I want to explain in detail!
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emioliravioli · 1 day ago
oh. oh my god. finally going back to change my filtered tags and... uh.
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i guess i'm making up for that now?? striaght ships no longer fill me with disgust so that's good...
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sankttealeaf · 8 months ago
anyway i think modern au ruetash should have an age difference because i think thats funny. rue 100% pulls the "youre just like every other old man out there preying on younger girls!" card when they fall out. he takes 10d8 psychic damage at being called an "old man" (40s)
they break up for the 7th time that tenday and rue is tweeting abt how "its always the rich old men who take advantage of the pretty girls" and he replies with "stop calling me old"
rue "youre old enough to be my father" (he isnt) lastname vs enver "how do you do fellow kids" gortash
she buys him happy 50th balloons for his birthday and he cries inside (hes only in his 40s please stop that rue)
rue "when i was 18 you were in you were basically in your 30s haha how weird is that you cradle robber" (shes ~10 years younger)
it gives them a better dynamic with savvy social media user vs man who thinks people actually read emails.
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ch1zzie · 3 days ago
I dunno, I think I might change somethings about my ocs since things have went wayyy above in my own brain dohhh💔 I plan to make references of all my ocs (yes even non welcome home ocs) but dw! My tumblr and blue sky will only be mostly welcome home related so you might not see those here!:]
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phoenix-eclipses · 12 days ago
I have my audition in like a lil over an hour and I’m lowkey panicking but manifesting everything will go well
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leafatlaw · 3 months ago
Maybe its cause im only half listening to this convo, but I am not rocking w 4cs whole bit rn
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