#Eclipse x nexus
tsbs-shipfessions · 19 days
nexus x every Eclipse ever
Nexus x v4 Eclipse? Can be a cute story of healing between the two. Apologies from Nexus, and learning to trust one another.
Nexus x Solar? Best, nerdy ass bf. Just adorable. I have no many thoughts about them, and nexus x eclipse, but that could fill up a book so I won't
Nexus x Ruin? Ruin is a masochist/pretends to be a masochist. I think that's enough said with how Nexus treats Eclipse's
Nexus x Servant Eclipse? He could treat him like a dog. Servant eclipse would hate it, they'd banter, and then they'd kiss. Next question (or nexus would treat him like a king like he would Solar, and honestly I think S!Eclipse would LOVE that. Some respect finally after being denied it)
Nexus x Lord Eclipse? One of them need to knock the other down a peg and honestly I dont know who is who.
Nexus x Canon sb eclipse?? Eclipse would wrap him up in a blanket and coo to him and ask him whats wrong
Nexus x V2 Eclipse? They'd banter. Theyd kiss. Theyd hate each other but also love each other. Probaly more of Nexhs treating him like a dog (Nexus seriously what's with that). Im doing this assuming Eclipse turns good btw-
Nexus x v1 Eclipse? Nexus would help him. Hed help him unlike Moon, he'd give him a chance and a home. He wouldn't have done all that shit in the first place. He gave Ruin a chance, he'd absolutley have given v1 eclipse a chance
Don't even get me started on how dark sun is kind of an eclipse because of how he absorbed his Moon's intelligence- nsjsnsjs
Anyway Nexus should kiss Eclipses.
Guys, I think they might want Nexus to kiss an Eclipse.
Genuinely thought, all of these are lovely. We have a whole span here, from wholesome to toxic. Well done Anon, well done.
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that-starry-freak · 19 days
Okay, wow, uhm-
This is my rant about Eclipse x Solar x Nexus i keep saying ill do. Sooo- yeah. If you don't like it, just scroll. Or block me i don't give a shit- im just ranting about what I like *shrug* (btw this is 95% for/about my tol au, so-)
Cw i do mention abuse a few times, because of Solar's Moon, dark sun, etc.
God i love these three so much. There's just so much potential, both angst and fluff (and a bit of smut but that stays in my head that is NOT going on my blog)
Like Solar and Nexus are both such needs and idiots. They both stay up late working, and insist the other one goes to bed (Eclipse ends up having to drag them both to bed).
They love working on projects together. People arnt usually allowed int he workshop when their working together, because if they have each other they don't need anyone else to help or anything- but they let Eclipse in once, and he got to see how they danced around each other and worked together perfectly.
They're all nerds who love science and mechanics tbh, but they all like it in different ways. Solar likes the hard work, the mindlessly fixing things. He liked the manual labour, the more mechanics of it. Nexus loved the science. He loves asking questions and learning knew things. He loves questioning things and people. He likes building and creating and testing out code. Eclipse likes the results. He doesn't particularly enjoy coding and building, it makes him frustrated, but he loves the results. He likes having a job well done. And getting to enjoy whatever the product is, whether its a computer or a basic machine.
Eclipse and Nexus can also understand each other. They can understand the expectation of who you're supposed to be. To be a remake of someone dead, but not really being them. Yet everyone expects you too. They've spent long nights sharing a smoke and ranting about how unfair it is. About how they weren't v1 Eclipse, or Moon. That they were themselves, and it wasn't fair people pressured them into being their predecessors.
Solar and Eclipse can understand what its like to be an eclipse. To come into this world with Moons hating you. To be called vile, to have a Moon laugh in your face. They may not have always liked each other, but they understand each other, its one of the reasons they became close.
Nexus can also help them both heal from their trauma of Moons. Plus, he isn't really Moon. Sure, he is a moon, coming from he dame basic code. But he isn't an old Moon. He's kinder, he doesn't blow up as easily. Its reassuring to them both, being treated so kindly to someone who pretty much abused them both (Eclipse didn't deserve how Old moon treated him when he came into this world.)
Eclipse and Nexus also know what its like to be left behind. Eclispe knows what its like to be left behind by Moon, to be a piece of code that he doesn't care about. Nexus knows what its like to hurt people and lose them. Yes, its different, but that doesn't mean they can't empathize with each others pain, because it is similar in a way.
solar and Nexus can understand each other's pain of losing someone you care about deeply. Of blaming yourself for their death. Of course. They dealt with it much differently, but still-
Eclipse and Solar both knowing what its like to die, comforting each other, reassuring them that they're still here. That they're alive. That they're them.
Enough about what they have in common tho-
like oh my goddd. I have so many thoughts bro-
Eclipse smells like cigarettes and leather and faintly of the vanilla candles Puppet lights in their apartment. Solar smells like grease and oil and sometimes chemicals when he cleans himself off (and then is forced to take an actual shower by Eclipse because cleaning yourself with harsh chemicals every time cant be good for your casing). Nexus smells like lavender (because thats the scent of the detegerant Sun always washes their clothes with) and faintly of bleach (consequences of living in the same house as Sun) and grease a lot after he's been working. The other twos smells are comforting to all three of them, reminding them that they're safe and content. Nexus eccpecially loves wearing Solar's clothes, and loves being in his arms, reminding him that he's alive. Thats he's right here. That everything is going to be okay.
And oh my god don't get me started on the forbidden love. The fact that Eclipse and Solar can't be in the same dimension till Eclispe gets a new dimensional signal. Solar and Nexus both crushing on Eclipse, but Nexus is the only one that can actually see them both, having to pass messages between the two. Of course they do eventually get to see each other again, but for so long they won't be able to. Its just.. sad
And AUGH im always going to be insane over rmy true loves kiss idea. The idea of Solar kissing Nexus out of desperation, because nothing he says can get through to him and ohmygod he's panicking- and somehow the virus he has just disappearing. The kiss curing Nexus, and bringing him back to his senses. And oh my god, the chaos and angst that follows. Nexus sobbing becuase of what he's done, feeling so guilty. The family not wanting to accept him back, Moon being the worst one-
Solar and Eclipse being the first ones to accept him. Later being Sun, Earth, and then Lunar. Maybe one day Moon, but thats a day far in the future.
And auggh, Solar and Moon's friendship. Moon hating his boyfriends but midly tolerating them for Solar's sake. Solar aclimating him to Eclipses, and he starts tolerating him a bit more. Hearing him say so many good things about Nexus makes him hate him more, though, insecure about Nexus being back in the family. Afraid of being replace.
Sleaking of being replaced, Nexus feeling like he's replaceable. That he's disposable. That one wrong move and he'll be thrown out again. Solar reassuring him that even if he is hell go with him. That he refuses to let Nexus be completley abandoned and manipulated again.
And god, all three of them have such communication, trust, and attachment issues-
Solar feels like he has to be useful to be loved. That he has to prove himself. That he could also be thrown out of the family because he's not from this dimension. He's afraid of being a burden. He's afraid that if he complains he'll be seen as a nuisance. That he doesn't deserve help or to get anything, that he barely deserves the celestial family as it is even if he does so much for them.
Nexus also feels like he has to be useful. That if he isn't, what is he for? What was his purpose if he can't help? He compares himself to Moon a lot, feeling like he has to match up to his standards, even if they're impossible. Moon has years and years of experience on him- he also struggles to talk about his own feelings. He bottled them up so much because he felt like they were stupid that he just doesn't know how to talk about them. The only time he can is in the middle of the night, and is usually with Eclipse. Solar will try to comfort him and almost baby him when he tries to rant to him, Eclipse will just complain and rant right back though, and he prefers it.
Eclipse didn't really ever have any healthy relationships. He's used to pushing people away and bottling all his feelings up. To lashing out at people. Yes, this version is much calmer, but he still has the memories of the ones before him. Hes still used to that being what Eclipses in this dimension did. He doesn't know how to talk to people. Earth helped him open up though, and Solar and Nexus helped him more. He's a lot calmer now, and it helps that they both enjoy listening to him rant. Solar will listen to him and gives advice, while Nexus will just complain with him in the middle of the night. He loves both, though it depends on the situation for what he wants to do.
Their relationship isn't perfect, though. Nexus will still sometimes yell and freak Solar out, and he has to frantically apologize while Eclipse calms him down. Eclispe sometimes will push them away, and will sometimes use their insecurities and trauma against them when hes frustrated eith them. Solar refuses to talk about his own issues, and it worried the other two to no end. Nexus sometimes will hit himself or bite himself to the point of denting his casing when he's frustrated or having a breakdown, not wanting to lash out at anyone, and this worries the other two so much but there's nothing they can really do to stop it, just comforting Nexus the best they can and restraining him when they see him doing it. Eclipse will be rude to Nexus, treating him like Moon, and they'll get into fights about it that they both always regret later.
The hallucinations Nexus suffers from also doesn't end. He still sees Solar telling him he isn't proud of him. He sometimes gets vivid hallucinations that Solar is still dead.
They also all suffer from horrific nightmares
Solar dreaming that he's still in his original dimension. That he's still being abused by his Moon. That he still has no one to love him. He has nightmares that he's still dead, that Nexus never got better. He has nightmares that he ends up like Eclipse, that he hurts people. He has nightmares that the family shuns him and kicks him out. He has nightmares that old moon shows up at his dimension again and he can't stop him this time, and he hurts him and everyone he loves.
Nexus dreaming of Solar still dead. Nexus having nightmares that he actually killed his family. He has nightmares that he's still under Dark Sun's control. He has nightmares that he never was saved from space. He has nightmares of Eclipse betraying and killing him, never having truly gone good. He has nightmares that the family kicks him out for not living up to their expectation, for not being good as moon.
Eclipse dreaming of Moon. Nightmares of Bloodmoon torturing him, of Moon hurting him, of Lunar killing him again. Nightmares of him betraying everyone, even though that's the last thing he wants to do. Nightmare of Earth hating him, of Solar an Nexus hating him.
They often have to comfort each other from these night terrors, holding them close as cooing to the and rocking them.
Solar panics and sobs when he wakes up from one, but refuses to talk about it. He shuts down once when calms down, and often gets up in the middle of the night after to mindlessly do work to get his mind off of it.
Nexus wakes up screaming and crying and often hallucinating. He ususally has to be restrained so he doesn't accidentally hurthimself. He always feels bad about it after, and just wants to cuddle and feel loved, reminding himself that his partners are here and they're real.
Eclipse wakes up in a cold sweat, quiet. Hell just sit there for awhile, before getting up to take a cold shower to clear his mind.
they all overwork themselves, Solar and Nexus eccpecially-
solar because he needs to feel useful. Also because working helps him not think, it helps him "relax", even if it stresses him out more.
Nexus because he'll get so caught up in what he's doing. He'll start working at like noon and he'll zone out and suddenly its midnight and Eclipse and Solar are coming down to drag him away from his lab. Or Sun, sometimes sun has to come after him.
They're just so sad and gay and such a polycule i love them <3
Im so normal about them, clearly (im sorry this is too long im not going to go through this and edit rn- there probaly really a lot of grammar errors and typing errors and spelling errors but im tired soo-)
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alexandraisyes · 23 days
Solar x Nexus (or New Moon) x Eclipse
Canon as fuck. The poly we need in this household. Late nights, lazy mornings, fights that end in tears and kisses. They got it all. Cigarette smoke mixing with freshly fallen rain, permeating the air and clinging to a well-loved leather jacket. Clawed fingers tangling together. What's not to love?
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solar, nexus, and eclipse should smooch
and then they should all smooch *me*
Oh my god anon you get me yes
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wiltedp1nkrose · 2 days
Me when my obsession on nexus is starting to die out
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(I felt bad for Moon then I remember he abused Sun for years so if not anymore it still hurts tho) I’m clinging to my hopes and prayers that it’s just some stupid virus or someone’s controlling Nexus because this mentally ill asshole of a character has been the only this keeping me in the fandom and mentally sane(while also driving me insane when he somehow becomes worse) (I want them to get redeemed and live with Eclipse in the new dimension so that way Nexus and Eclipse and Moonshine(?)/EAPS Moon can be a trauma trio and bond over their shared trauma and Eclipse and Nexus should kiss WHAT WHO SAID THAT..?!(I have no regrets Solar and Nexus too>:P)
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polaris-stuff · 2 months
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they gaming 🌟❗
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introvertclover · 1 month
~´°.*+ "I'm here with you" +*.°`~
SolarMoon/SolarNexus Comic - Part 2 Eng translate by: Dey
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Finally i brought you some food guys ^^
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tsbs-shipfessions · 21 days
the moon x eclipse anon just reminded me
I LOVE nexus x v4 eclipse x solar
Im a huge fan of solarnexus, I love nerd/nerd and doesn't take care of self/equally takes care of self but harassed the other to.
I think eclipse² is neat because they understand each other better than most people can. The pain of being an Eclipse, their shared trauma with Moons. Augh <3<3
And nexuschips, oh my god- they can understand each other's pain of being a replacement. Excpecting to be someone else yet not being them!
And they're all bad at social interaction and all are sassy and sarcastic. They're just so much fun. And with eclipse bringing Solar back and Nexus's villain arc, it would be so sweet afterwards becuase Eclipse understands what its like to be seen as a villain. And Solar's belief in Nexus even when no one else does- sejusnssj i love them!!!
I agree, I think all the interpersonal relationships these three have, coupled with them all having feelings for each other, could create a very compelling and interesting polycule.
...Wonder if there's any of this pairing around anywhere on the internet. Wouldn't that be crazy? Hahahahhhhh...
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that-starry-freak · 11 days
We've got five of these this time chat
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Okay wooo I actually am struggling with this one. Like the pairing sounds interesting immediately, but I'm at a loss. Uhh-
I mean obviously it'd be toxic. Its giving enemies with benefits tbh. Hate. Lots of pain and trauma. Eccpecially after old moon was the reason SSun died.
If they don't try to kill each other though they'd growl a lot and be assholes and that just sounds like a lot of fun (if they got along they'd be a fucking asshole power couple)
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ECLIPSE AGAIN?? holy shit okay uhm
I mean I rant about this all the time I dont think im gonna here the point of this is for crackships
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Okay I'm about to take all the eclipses off this wheel I've got an eclipse every single time so far-
Anyway, uh- I actually have an au thats servant sun x v4 eclipse so I'm trying to figure out how their dynamic would be if it was v2
servant sun would be really anxious around him. V2 ecliose would just make snarky comments to him about his kittishness and how he wasn't the same eclipse. SSun would slowly warm up to him. I remember v2 ecliose was a lot more sparky and manipulative than v4's more cynical nature so thatd be fun. I think they'd be interesting together. Skittish x sassy, both very traumatized
Yeah I like that- omg if this was in the same au as the bm x lord eclipse one there's an added thing of v2's trauma with bm and how they tortured him- nauanshs
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(My first spin was lord eclipse and I said no fuck you and respinned)
Ohhhh- okay, so technically its another ecliose, augh, but idc cause its not a very eclipsy eclipse its solar, so its okay
And oh my god?? Their friendship already bro. The sass. They joking fighting. The figuring out relationships together. The awkwardness???? The nerdiness??? Bro, its like solarnexus but moon is a bit of an asshole and more awkward so its less soft and just fun
Fuck yeah i love this ship
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... im not going to say anything, im just gonna
the wheel ships it (it was the first one without any sort of Eclipse too-)
Okay I think that's enough that's a lot god I'm addicted this is a lot of fun
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alexandraisyes · 23 days
holds up the common transfem nexus headcanon to you, but adds in multiple ship flavors to it this time
with solarnexus they'd be working on shit together in P&S and then nexus would blurt out "dude i think im a woman." and solar would fumble the reaction so hard. not in like a bad way, but in like a "woah good for you man. fuck, woman-". and then after a bit of nexus coming out to the rest of the family, solar would literally sew shit for her. or at least modify any feminine clothes she liked and then surprise her with it. he made her a skirt one time and she almost Cried
with eclipsexus i feel like they'd be stress smoking together or smtn on a rooftop at 2 in the morning, and nexus would be venting and trail off into coming out like "and so i did *all that*, and not to mention that im pretty sure im a fucking *girl* but why would that even matter right no-" "-youre a girl??" "...shit-" cue eclipse (respectfully) prodding for more information, and whenever nexus tells him her preferred pronouns n shit he just locks in so fast. "keep my wifes name OUT OF YOUR MOUTH." to anyone who even Tries to misgender/insult her. also would be down to help get nexus a new effeminate body so he can get a face-full when getting hugged i mean What
aaand last one that comes to mine, nexus and dark sun. instead of nexus telling D.S, D.S just figures it out when he sees her in her new body. he takes a moment, looks her up and down, says something like "she/her? she/they? any?" and after getting his answer, he leaves, going to change what was originally him buying him and nexus matching james from team rocket outfits, to instead buying matching jessie and james outfits kjdfshsdjf
He's boyfriend supreme. #1 boyfriend. He's her malewife. He cooks and cleans while she does her science stuff.
Eclipse would 😩. No one is disrespecting his wife on his watch. Also, the last part, I'm wheezing-
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notokbutthriving · 19 days
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real. God you're so real for that-
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polaris-stuff · 3 months
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I blinked and suddenly, I had a Valentine 💕
Inspired by one of the photos @/alexandraisyes and I took on VRchat <3
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introvertclover · 24 days
Elementals x SolarMoon/SolarNexus
i saw the movie and i imaged them like Wade and Ember <3
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i love them so much hehe
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tsbs-shipfessions · 1 month
Nexus and Eclipse is a neat ship.
Hell yeah it is.
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that-starry-freak · 16 days
Thinking about Nexus and Eclipse dates, and how they're both kind of edgy and stupid <3
Like them going to a club and drinking a lot and laughing and dancing nad being idiots, and then Nexus feels sick so Eclipse holds his hat back for it while he throws up. And they go home after and drunkenly get ready for bed and cuddle and pass out
Or them staying home and just sitting outside, sharing a smoke and leaning against each other and talking for hours. And they get to low battery and the atmosphere just had such a lulling, soothing affect, and they just can't stop talking, spiling so much. Nexus taking Eclipse's hand at some point and smoothing his thumbs over it, and Eclipse barely notices. Neither of them even know when he did it.
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