#okay so i had time to clean my wips so ill try to do the whole benji week (and yasammy) even tho is really late 😅
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iffasart · 6 months ago
Benji week day 2!! [Growth spurt]
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Their height difference is EVERYTHING
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ohnoanotherficblog · 2 years ago
Chapter One: Fuck that Evil Fairy Godmother
dumb fic i had a idea for while playing pokemon sheild. hope you enjoy
CWs: Gambling, Alchol (in good fun but still) also im on mobile so long post
While the Galaran Gym Challenge tournament is indeed the greatest gaming event in the Galar region, there is one little known event known to precious few amoung the high elite of Galar that also does hold the same amount of joy, nay, jubilance: Gym Leader Poker night.
Held usually in the castle of Hammerlocke, the game was full of shouting, cursing, Piers's karaoke machine, and usually, a little too much booze.
Unfortunately for today, Raihan had business to attend to, and no one else wanted to do it. So the others all drew lots, and naturally, Piers had to pick the smallest.
Better of this way. Raihan usually wipped the floor with everyone but Opal, Alister, and Piers anyway. Really, the game was mostly for a game of competitive fun, and so Melony and Nessa could have their own little side mission of passive aggressively seeing whos cocktail recipies were more well liked.
At any rate, game night was on in Spikemuth. And it had been a LONG time since Piers had visitors.
Everyone seemed a little uneasy coming in. Milo offered to help clean the place up, which Piers said was a very sweet offer, but him and his flowers would grow better anywhere else. Melony and Nessa did not comment, but Nessa's stupid, snotty little face said everything. Kabu started a lecture, which in turn almost started a fight, until Melony came with more booze. Opal took every penny that night, and at the end, Piers could not be more glad to be rid of everyone.
He journeyed back to his home and kicked off his shoes, and snorted. Ugh... everyone was so overbearing. And Opal looked so intense all night, no wonder she took home everything. Like a terrifying fairy godmother, that woman.
Piers snorted to himself as he undressed down to an undertank and boxers. How many years of being co-workers, and the old hagbag hadnt so much as visted? what a joke. She could get lost for all he cared. He didn't need to give her the satisfaction of being terrifying, even in his head. The witch was probably more scared o 'im!
Thats when he heard a knock on the door.
"Look, whatever you're selling, I dont want it," he called back through the doors, turning on his TV. The doorbell rang, and he rolled his eyes, than froze.
He didnt have a doorbell...
"Okay. Who is it."
"Its me," came Opal's voice. "I have something for you."
"Whatever it is, I dont want it. Scram."
"Dont make me break down this door."
"Don't make me call in my crew."
Suddenly, her tone shifted dramatically, from fairy godmother to angered unseelie.
"Listen, punk, if you dont open this door, I will insure everything you know and love is pink and glittery in a way that hurts your eyes for the next several months."
Piers side, internally unnerved. His eyesight was badly adjusted as it was...
"Fine." Piers opened the door. The wench was standing on his porch in her elegant poker attire, staring at him intently. In her hand she held a throughly too decorated envelope.
"For you. Tonights poker winnings. Use it to better your city, or else I'll make things needlessly complicated for you. Paperworks. Audits. The whole shebang."
Piers looked at the envelope, seething with rage.
"Ill kill you for this. I need you to know how dead you are."
Harmless fairy godmother again.
"You wouldn't hurt a sweet old woman whos just trying to help, would you?"
"You're a menace."
"And you're a punk who needs to clean up his city."
Piers really didnt know what to do, so he growled. She chuckled, and left.
Stupid, Civic serving, kindly old witch.
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ambi-apocalypse · 4 years ago
WIP Challenge! Fantasy Mystrade AU
@dawningday84 Thank you for the tag! I have never written a fanfiction before, however I do have some old RP with some friends back from 2013! The most intense one was like a fantasy Mystrade where Mycroft is going off to be wed to Moriarty so the kingdoms don’t go to war and the handsome Knight Captain Gregory has to escort him there. My friend and I went back and forth on calling Mycroft a princess and his majesty, so hopefully that’s okay. (Also Mycroft is a powerful mage) 
Ill post it down here in the read more, and if enough people like it ill post more. We Canadian so you will see fun names in the story cause its like the great north, eh!
Finally able to focus, Greg chased after Mycroft, the hand not holding his sword being held by the graceful digits of the Princess. They were ducking and swerving through the chaos of the flames, dragons breath exploding into fire and downing trees in their path. When he spotted the gap in the flames his heart leapt, they might actually be able to get away but it was short lived when another tree fell in the way, branches flaming. "We'll never make it," he shouted as Mycroft continued to pull him along. The man was leading them to their deaths, they would never make it through the flames alive. Raising a hand to shield his face in the last moments of life, Greg allowed himself to be pulled through the flames. There was a tickling sensation running through his skin and Greg thought himself on fire, he opened his eyes fearing the worst but found that as they jumped over the fallen tree the flames did little more than lick at his boots. It must have been Princess, protecting them with what magic he had left. He was so astonished that once out of the way of the flames Greg had to look back over his shoulder and let out a laugh of triumph. Immediately his lungs filled with smoke from the surrounding area. Apparently the princess had pushed the smoke out of the area surrounding the carriage and it now hovered in the direction they were heading. They were running blind into the forest, with no sense of direction and even less protection. Greg would surely have missed the sound of the river had it not been for the yell he heard only milliseconds before. He swung his sword down, burying the tip into the earth and holding on to the hilt for dear life as his legs dangled over the edge of the rapids. His body slammed against the cliff side, blurring his vision and making him dumb for an instant. As he came too all he could see was the roaring of waves, in the distance a figure in white being dragged along. For the second time that evening his heart stopped. The princess was being swept under and away down the river. Without a thought to his own safety, Greg released his sword and plunged into the frozen waves below.
The carriage jerked forward in a quick motion, it held the future of the Aurora Borealis kingdom. A marriage of the young Princess Mycroft who was to be wed to the opposing kingdoms Prince Moriarty, it was the one and only thing stopping a full out war of magic and bloodshed. Mycroft sat in the carriage, clothed in beautiful white silk robes, showing that the princess held the strongest magic of that kingdom. He opened the window with a flick on his finger, looking out to see his protector walking alongside the carriage. A Silver Knight, powerful and loyal, strong and handsome. "Dear knight," Mycroft called out from the window, "What is your name?" he asked, resting his chin on his hand, giving the knight a charming smile.
Greg was a knight, ever since he could remember he had wanted to be one, following in the footsteps of his father in the defense of the Aurora Borealis Kingdom. So that was mainly what his life had consisted of all these years. Training and going to war, defending against the opposing kingdom Niagara ruled by the merciless Moriarty's. There was no one that he hated worse, having watched his late father killed before his eyes on his first mission by the Prince himself. There was a vengeance he had for the man, one that seeped into his very bones and when he had been named a Silver Knight, he vowed he would personally make sure of the man's death. But Aurora Borealis had fallen on hard times, most of the magic users being killed off in the last battle. They had nearly lost everything against the cruelty of the Moriarty's, all but their Princess, and now he was being asked to deliver the man to the gateway of hell and see him married off to the very man he detested the most. He was stationed to walk beside the carriage the entire way, beside the door of it's cabin while the rest of the knights fanned out around it making sure that no harm could come of their beloved Princess. He was shaken from his thoughts as the window came down and the Princess stuck his head out asking for his name. He'd never spoken to the man before but something inside him fluttered at the privilege of being addressed. "Gregory Lestrade Sir. Son of the late Benjamin Lestrade."
Ah, a Lestrade, Mycroft knew full well that this young man's father was killed by Moriarty's hand. Truly a terrible loss for the kingdom, this man's father was their strongest knight, hopefully this new silver knight could prove just as worthy. "Sir Gregory, a pleasure to meet you. I knew your father, he was very kind. You bare a strong resemblance to him, but you have your own unique features as well. Like your lovely dark brown eyes." Mycroft chuckled softly, trying his best to hide his sadness and fear. To marry Moriarty, was close to marrying the devil himself, nothing good could come out of being with that man. Except the promised peace of the Aurora Borealis Kingdom, but Mycroft knew deep down that he was going to be killed as soon as he wed Moriarty. Killing off the last of the magic wielders of the Aurora Borealis Kingdom, that's all Moriarty wanted.
Greg could feel the blush covering his cheeks and he turned away. To be complemented by someone as radiant as the princess was something rare. "Yes sir, my mother's eyes. Or so I'm told, I never knew her. Died while giving birth to me." Though he was small at the time of all this the first few years of his life had been spent with a nursemaid, his father refusing to see him because of the death of his wife. He blamed Gregory for her death and only after he became an apprentice knight did his father start to appreciate him. It had been very difficult but the relationship they formed afterwards was as strong as if they had been friendly to one another the entire time. "If you'll excuse me for being blunt Sir, I don't think any good will come of this union. The kingdom might be safe but at what cost? You're the last person alive gifted with the use of magic, clearly Moriarty is just planning on using you to his advantage." It was more blunt than he had expected to be, usually a knight was expected to hold their tongue in the presence of royalty. Their decisions were law and even if you didn't believe in what they had decided being a knight meant holding your tongue and doing what was asked of you.
Good gracious, that was blunt. Perhaps the compliment gave the knight courage to say that, Mycroft thought as he raised an eyebrow to the remarks said by Gregory. He shook his head, smiling, eyes now looking at the beautiful night sky that held the Aurora Borealis. Mycroft just for a split second showed in a saddened expression  that he was going to miss this lovely sky, his life. It was all going to be taken away from him, but he had to stay strong for the kingdom and it's people.... People like Gregory Lestrade. He sighed, taking in the scent of the night air, "The good of the Kingdom will come at the cost of my life. There is no other solution. To go to war now, would mean certain defeat." he paused, looking down at the knight, admiring him with icy blue eyes. "Sir Gregory, trust me. This is the only way." Mycroft smiled sincerely.
He wouldn't allow himself to smile back, Greg didn't believe that this was the only way. Sure the times were hard for the kingdom but selling off the one thing that every citizen held dear? Was that really the right way to go about things? And to hear the words come from the Princesses mouth, to hear that the only way the kingdom would survive was to walk him to the guillotine and happily watch the man they hated kill the princess. It was unfathomable that things had come to this. Greg wasn't exempt from the feelings most citizen's had for their princess. He was gorgeous, pale skinned and flaming hair, face dusted with freckles. Such a rarity in the kingdom that almost any man would lay down their life for the man. Greg Lestrade was no exception, he had in fact asked for the post when he found out that the Princess was to be sent away to marry the devil. "It is the only way," he sighed, eyes looking around in the dark tree's for his men. "But is it the right way? When the cost is your life."
Mycroft chuckled, reaching out of the carriage window and tapping the knights nose lightly, "You are a silly man. Life will move on, my death will keep the peace. It's perfectly fine." he smiled sweetly, but it soon fell. The creatures of the night had fallen silent, movement seemed to stop all together. There was no breeze, a sudden smell of burning flesh hit Mycroft's nose. The knights that surrounded the outskirts of the carriage were now a blaze. They were screaming as they burned to death, through the darkness of the forest. Dragons. One landed directly on top of the carriage, it's mouth opened revealing a green gas that was soon to be lit. A small click sound was all it needed and the carriage was now enveloped in the blaze.The whole forest was soon in flames, smoke filling the once clean air, loud screeches of the dragons could be heard from the destruction.
Greg was so distracted by the Princess touching his nose that he hadn't even noticed the calmness that suddenly surrounded them. Everything fell quiet and the world seemed to slow as a piercing scream struck through the night air. Then one after another the men he had been trying to find in the darkness erupted into flames, their skin igniting like torches as they ran about desperate to put the flames out. Greg spun around, eyes following the path of fire that seemed to be encircling the carriage, his hand on the hilt of his sword. Gaze flashing about, he tried to locate the culprit of the attack. "To me!" he shouted, hoping anyone who might have survive the blaze would make it back to him to form a barrier of protection. However, his hope was cut short when the carriage shook behind him. Lifting his sight to the top he found his eyes met with the sight of a creature he had only ever met twice in his lifetime; the scaly figure deemed a sign of death to all who came past it. A dragon. Not just one but several. "Your highness!" he cried, wrenching the door from the carriage open and grabbing hold of the man. Without any other thought, he pulled Mycroft from the cabin just seconds before the gas was lit and the carriage enveloped in flame. The two were sent soaring through the air and to the hard ground meters from the devastation, hair singed from the close call. Greg coughed as he pulled himself into a crouching position, lungs filling with smoke and eyes watering he frantically looked about him for any sign of the man he was supposed to protect.
Mycroft landed hard on his right shoulder and arm, he groaned trying to get up. He erupted in a fit of coughs, the smoke falling heavily on him. This was impossible, dragons never attacked at this time of the year, they rarely initiated an attack. Yet, there were so many circling them, and it seemed that all those knights were dead. Mycroft coughed and wheezed, the smoke was getting thicker, he needed to get rid of it immediately. He stood shakily, raising his left hand high, summoning a white wind to surround his hand. With a flick of Mycroft's wrist the white wind exploded into a magnificent and powerful blast, pushing all smoke away. Now with the smoke cleared, the princess snapped his fingers creating a small spell circle around him. Water danced around Mycroft, he guided strands of the water onto all nearby fire. The large mythical creature was persistent in killing the both of them, and from the size, it was the leader. Landing only a few meters away from the pair, it opened its mouth for another fire blast. Mycroft spun and whipped the rest of the wet element towards the beast, trapping and holding its head in a bubble of water. He looked over to Gregory, "Quickly, kill it!" Mycroft ordered in a rushed tone, he flinched as he felt the dragon tug and pull from his hold.
On his feet before Mycroft had even asked, Greg was drawing his sword and holding it out in front of him. He could hear the uproar of the wind and wings, both seeming to struggle in the black air that surrounded him. He couldn't get a focus on anything, the fires from what remained of his men giving little light to the area. He heard movement just to his left and turned, swinging the sword as he went but it connected with nothing. Damn it, he needed to see his target to be able to land any blow. What he found when he turned however was the Princess, surrounded by a ball of water which seemed to float around him, never touching the white robe. Greg had never seen someone perform magic this close up before. Sure he'd been in battles with mages but he'd never actually been watching them perform the magic since he was too busy with his own battles to take time to look. Looking usually meant death so he had avoided any glances. But this, this was a thing of beauty and for a moment he felt his breath leave him. The water danced around the man, then in front of him, small streams swirling through the air from the bubble to put out the fires. He was brought out of his daze as the wind around them seemed to grow warm once again with the heat of fire, the ground shaking as a large dragon settled on the ground before them. He could see it's chest puff out, building the flame within its throat, small amounts of green gas leaking from between its teeth as the beast sneered above them. This was it, they were going to be burnt alive, he had failed. But as he was thinking that Mycroft had outstretched his hand and the ball of water was suddenly surrounding the monster's head, holding it still. There was no time to think, Greg took off at a run towards the creature. Sword raised above his head he brought the steel down just where the water met scale, slicing through the dragon's neck in a fluid motion. Green blood sprayed out at him as he stood still, sword touching the ground while the body of the creature fell to the ground. Breath coming in gasps from the sudden exertion of strength, killing a dragon was no easy task and he had used most of his strength to see to it's immediate death.
Dragons were impervious to magic, for a mage to conjure up so much mana just to hold the creature was something short of a miracle. Mycroft staggered forward, gasping for air as sweat dripped off his brow. That small display against a dragon drained him completely, against a normal enemy, Mycroft could summon demons and blast elements for hours. Days even, but a Dragon was a mages downfall and there were six more swarming them over head. This was no time for a break, he had to push himself to move on at all costs. Mycroft regained his composure quickly, standing straight up and already looking for a way out. There was a gap in the flames that seemed to swallow the forest whole, the trees would provide them with cover. Mycroft's gaze fell back over to the silver knight, he raced over to him, lungs filling with smoke. "This way!" he said breathlessly, taking hold of the knights free hand, lifting him up from his kneeling state. Mycroft ran to the gap in the flames, saying a small spell that made the pair weightless and able to jump and pass through the flames unharmed. The smoke was caught in the princesses throat as he continued to run blindly, coughing and gasping for air. With most of his senses silenced, Mycroft didn't hear the roar of the waterfall. "Ahh!" he yelled, tripping and falling into a river, the rapids pulling him under.
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yikesharringrove · 5 years ago
Hello! I absolutely love you’re writing, it’s always so creative and fun to read! If it’s not too much trouble could you please do 1 and 7 from the fluff prompt?
Thank you so much! 🥺 getting nice comments about my writing seriously makes my heart so happy.
1: “how much did you drink?”
7: “wait, no, don’t take kissing away from me.”
Prompt List! Request Stuff! Please!
Read on ao3.
So this is actually something from a longer fic I am going to start. I have so many WIPs right now it’s a mess.Modern College au where everyone is queer and everyone is happy. This was super fun to write! The gang plays Never Have I Ever.
Billy knocked on the apartment door.
He had gotten out of work later than he had hoped, shitty customers demanding service a minute before closing, pushing back his closing and cleaning duties almost an hour. It’s fine. He’s fine.
So, he’s the last to arrive at the party.
Jonathan opens the door for him, obviously high as a kite, with a Billy! Hey man! Billy claps him on the shoulder, shuffling past him in the little entryway.
He can hear footsteps running from deeper in the apartment, Steve appearing at the end of the hallway, muttering billybillybillybillybillybillybilly with every step. He jumped into Billy’s arms wrapping his legs around his waist.
“Hi.” His eyes were glazed, and he had a big dopey grin on his face. “I missed you.”
“Yeah, Baby? I missed you too. How much did you drink?”
“Robin’s been making me drinks!” Robin made the best drinks out of the gang, but they were deadly. She could hide copious amounts of the cheapest alcohol ina pretty good cocktail. It helped too that Steve loved the sugary stuff. Billy once made him a daiquiri and he about lost his damn mind. “I’m a drunky little skunky.”
Jonathan was laughing behind them as Billy carried Steve into the kitchen, fixing himself a drink before heading into the living room with the rest of the gang.
“You two make me ill,” Robin deadpanned as Billy sat down in Steve’s empty spot, Steve settling into his lap.
“Rob, if you could quit being home of phobic, that’d be great.” Billy grinned at Robin. Steve was giggling, resting his head on Billy’s shoulder, shoving one of his hands up Billy’s shirt, resting it against his tummy.
“I think they’re sweet together!” Nancy cooed.
“That’s because you dumped Steve in high school and still feel bad about it,” Barb interjected, everyone howling with laughter as Nancy’s face went red.
“Okay, okay. We had a pretty good game of Never Have I Ever going on, we need to get Billy caught up.” Jonathan winked at Billy from across the cozy living room.
“Oh, that’ll be easier. There isn't a lot I haven’t done. Is that why Stevie is so sloshed though?”
“Yeah, Robin may have been targetting him a little.”
“That’s his own fault for telling me SO many DETAILS about all the sex you two have. We also made him take a shot every time he called you ‘Daddy”.” Billy threw his head back and laughed, Steve making a disgruntled sound at Robin.
“Okay, well I’ll join in. Whose turn is it?”
“Mine.” Barb squinted at him. “Well, never have I ever been born in California.” Bily raised his glass at her, tipping it back and taking a drink. It was her girlfriend’s turn next. Alicia didn’t know Billy all that well, so she was silent for a minute, trying to rack her brain until Barb grinned and leaned over to her and whispered something into her ear.
“Never have I ever had a mullet?” She said it as though she was hoping it wasn’t true. Everyone roared with laughter.
“It was only a mullet for like, two months. It was growing out weird!” Billy still took a good-sized gulp. Steve ran his fingers through Billy’s long hair.
“I like the end result just fine, but those two months were, not awesome, Bill.” Billy tried to look as offended as possible. He knew the mullet was a poor moment for him.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on my side!” Steve laughed, putting his hand back in Billy’s shirt. “That’s okay, I forgive you.” They kissed lazily and sloppily.
“Can you two not suck face for like, five seconds?” Robin yelled over them.
“I have an idea!” Jonathan was practically vibrating in his seat. “If they can go one hour without kissing, we all take a shot, if they kiss, they both have to take,” he counted everyone quickly “three shots each.”
“Wait, no! Don’t take kissing away from me!” Steve shrieked indignantly.
“That many shots are gonna fuckin’ kill Steve at this point, I think,” Billy said.
“Then split it up differently, but either way, six shots must be taken.” Jonathan leaned back in his chair and smirked at Billy. “Should we vote on it?”
Robin raised her hand, grabbing Heather’s arm and shooting it into the air as well. Barb laughed and raised hers, Alicia following suit. Jonathan counted hands, Nancy laughing with hers in the air.
“You all are bullies. Mean, homophobic, bullies.” Steve was pouting in Billy’s lap. He was clingy, totally physically affectionate. If taking three shots didn’t kill him, going one hour without kissing Billy certainly would.
“So it’s a deal. Let’s keep playing then! And you two, now kissing.” Robin winked at them, taking her turn. “Speaking of which, never have I ever kissed a boy.”
Everyone except Barb drank, her and Robin high-fiving.
“Fine, fuck you, Buckley. Never Have I ever kissed a girl.” Billy raised an eyebrow. Everyone drank.
It was Steve’s turn. This should be a mess.
“Billy, what’s something I haven’t done?” He loudly whispered. Billy smirked wickedly, leaning forward to whisper into Steve’s ear, throwing a wink to Nancy.
“Never have I ever had a pregnancy scare.” Jonathon and Nancy when matching shades of deep red while everyone laughed.
“I forgot about that! God, you two are straight.” Robing hooted through laughter.
“That was cold, Billy.” They had both joined in on the laughter, Nancy’s breakdown about a missed period well in the past. “I can get you right back though. Never have I ever, had a chlamydia scare.”
“Well played, Byers! I didn’t know I told you about that!” Billy threw back his drink, shifting Steve off his lap to get a refill. Steve whined and clung to Billy tighter. Steve was a fucking barnacle when he was sloshed. Billy sighed and picked him back up, just taking Steve with him into the kitchen.
“When the fuck did that go down?” Heather yelled into the kitchen.
“Before I knew you all. Some guy I had been fucking around with in California told me he had the clap and I had to get tested, but I was fine,” Billy shouted back.
“Whore!” Robin called as he waddled back into the living room. He couldn’t flip robin off, holding two cups in one hand, the other support Steve’s ass. They flopped back onto the couch with very little grace.
“Never have I ever,” Nancy was thinking, biting the inside of her cheek, deciding who she wanted to fuck over. “Um, never have I ever dated someone with blue eyes.” Steve reached for Billy’s fresh drink, but he lifted it out of reach and pressed the water he had brought for Steve into his hand instead.
“Oh, thank you, Bill.”
“Just ‘cause I don’t wanna deal with you yaaking all night.” Steve huffed. “I’m just kidding. I don’t want you to get sick, though.” Steve drank about half the cup, leaned in and kissed Billy.
“YES!” Everyone was cheering.
“We fuckin’ got ‘em!” Jonathan and Nancy high fived.
“They couldn’t even go twenty fucking minutes!” Robin was shrieking.
“I forgot! I forgot!” Steve was red, Billy was just laughing his ass off.
Barb began lining up shot glasses on the table, taking the bottle of shitty vodka Alicia handed her.
“Okay, you can switch it up any way you want, but six must be taken. That was the deal.” She grinned at Billy, he just rolled his eyes.
Billy ended up doing all six shots.
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smolpunkblog · 4 years ago
I was planning on going my second date with C, instead of dreading the experience, I was shaking with excitement. 
I’ve never felt so excited to see somebody before, and I didn't feel a shred of doubt or anxiety. He was coming around 3, because he had prior commitments. I spent the morning doing my regular chores, before dollin up myself. 
when 3 rolled around, I told him to park into my houses driveway, because my folks weren't home. Currently I want to keep me seeing him a secret- I dont want my parents being unreasonably strict about me being over at a boys house. He came into my house, and funny enough, he spent the next 5 minutes wooing over my dog.
After that, he went to the washroom before finally greeting me with a big grin and bear hug. We both left shortly after, heading to a nearby harbour, we both never have heard or been to it before. We talked a lot or just listened to his Spotify playlist on shuffle. Once we’ve arrived, a lot of the establishment was being forced under construction. 
It wasn't too cold today, but it was windy. Thankfully this time I remembered to bring a pair of gloves. We walked around the deserted harbour and condos in circles while holding hands. Our plan was to go through some trails, but we couldn't find them in sight. We eventually decided to give up and use my phone for clues, while I had my phone pulled out and I leaned to look, he leaned against me, letting our foreheads kiss. 
We eventually found the trail hidden near the entrance, we spent the next couple of hours walking along the trails. Looking back at it, a lot of our conversations dragged along, or we sat in moments of silence. I didn't hate any of it, it just felt like lovely moments enjoying the brisk trail. We eventually realized we were practically lost, the signs never ended up linking to each other, so we eventually cheated out of the forest, running down the hill onto the street. Once we got back into his car, we were starving.
We headed to his favourite burger place, which was ironic considering last date we had burgers too. There I froze with anxiety at ordering, and decided to copy him, he paid. As we ate, it was some awkward silence, sometimes moments like this make me want to beat myself up. I hate it when I cant think of anything. After we ate we sat in his car.
He looked at me with panic, and confessed that he just received a message from a friend that their roommate came positive. And the he was in recent contact with them (not the positive roommate). I could tell he was panicking, but in all honesty, I didn't feel a shred of fear. He described to me how he wasn't in contact with their roommate, and his friends haven't been in contact either. I asked him what he wanted to do, did he want me to go home better, which he replied to no, he wanted me to come over to his. We ended up having a long, reassuring hug. (im sorry if you read this and get upset, you are valid in your anger. It was a selfish decision)
We ended up at his house, I wasn't sure what I was expecting it to be, but the reality settled that im at his house. It also feels weird going into someones house for the first time. He looked at me, and told me that if we go to the front ill be forced to confront his parents- I said that was okay. Usually im not up for meeting new people, but I really wanted to push myself. I went to the front and surely enough his mom was right there. She was pretty. I immediately say hello, and thank her for having me over, he is quick to introduce me. His dad comes in the room shortly, scurring down to the basement (C room) to grab laundry. The family cat follows behind, enticing both me and C into awes. 
After the awkward hellos, I head down into the basement with C. I end up sitting with C at the dining table in the corner of the room. There he leans on me as I look through his Pokemon card collection he laid out for me. He slowly wrapped both of his arms around my arm, it didn't feel too comfortable. I slowly nudged his arm, and guided it to my hips, 
he softly whispers ‘oooh? is this allowed’
I nodded in embarrassment, and then his grasp became more firm.
After looking through his card collection, we both end up behind his couch looking at his bookshelf. He was retelling the books that he's read, while wrapping both arms around me. We ended up shuffling to see his movie collections, this time one of my arms wrapped around his neck. 
After the long time of his rambling (good rambling, im just too nervous to talk). We end up sitting on his bed, the room was open concept so everything was near each other. There he had a pile of clean laundry, we end up folding it together (sock duty). After that, we slowly end up cuddling on his bed, ive never cuddled with someone before. It was very comforting, sweet, and made me incredibly sleepy. A bit awkward because I didn't know what to do with my hands.
After I shifted over to him, because I knew id pass out
he softly wooed ‘ooooh you're turning to me huh?’
I nodded, and we ended up hugging, before he whispered 
‘can I finally kiss you?’
I said yes, and we kiss. I thought it'd be a lot more soft, but he was more passionate than that. Ive never kissed someone seriously before, it was always half asses or just uncomfortable, so these types of kisses were new to me. It felt wet, deep, and fast. I tried my best keeping up with his motions. At one point his hand touches my ass before he asks 
‘am I allowed to touch your butt?’
I said yes, and he eventually continued to fondle my butt lightly. We break from kissing to staring into eachothers eyes, I cant keep the eye contact for long before breaking in embarrassment. I laugh and he hugs my closely, kissing my cheek lightly. 
I keep shuffling around, readjusting my body, in the process his hand sneaks its way under my shirt. 
He quickly yanked his hand away after touching the skin of my back, ‘am I allowed to touch you under your shirt?’
‘No, that's too far’ I said quietly, he nodded and apologized. I wasn't upset with him, because the moment I felt his hand on my skin, I wanted to do more than innocently kissing. 
And that's a bit too intense for a virgin on her second ever date. 
I lean down to him and we get back to kissing, in the moment while trying to grab my waist his hand lands on my boob, 
he yanked it away before apologizing and asking if it was okay (I know he's sly and sneaky)
I said it was okay, after all it was over my bra and shirt. 
He eventually is ontop of me, our legs are intertwined, he has one of his hands glued to my ass. The other is groping my boob while he kisses and stares at me. During this I feel my legs twitching in excitement, and my hips shaking in desperation. He even giggled, and I probed him on it in the moment
he confessed with a bit of a sharp breath, ‘your tits looked amazing on our last date’ 
I was getting pretty turned on. and realizing this, I told him to stop touching my boob. He looked pretty concerned, before I admitted
‘when you touch my boob like that, its really turning me on’ 
He ended up having a shit eating grin, before kissing my cheek all over. I ended up ontop now, leaning down and kissing him lightly before whispering, ‘lets go watch anime now’.
When I got up, I went to the washroom. Lets just say- when I wipped, the toilet paper came out drenched. 
We soon after sat and cuddled while we watched an anime episode, he did end up reciting the turned on thing. I nudged him for that.
I had to head home soon after, because going back at 10 was a bit too much for my mom, even if I did tell her it was my friends. On the drive back it was quiet but peaceful.
He parked a bit away from my house, and we hugged a lot. We planned on meeting each other again after he gets his test results back. 
We then kisses a couple times more before I headed back home. 
I then spent the rest of the night fan grilling to my friends. 
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epicstuckyficrecs · 5 years ago
2019 New Writers Fic Rec
After seeing some Discourse on Twitter, I decided to make a fic rec with some of my favorite new writers! All of these writers only started posting Stucky fanfic in 2018 or 2019. So here are some “new” writers and some of my favorite fics from them! (in no particular order)
PS: sorry for not putting the trope, word count and rating as I usually do, I wanted to try and make this fic rec quickly! 
PS2: also sorry if I chopped all your summaries, but some of them are hella long and this post is already... pretty long.
PS3: this went way past “favorite new writers” and just became “great new writers” because I wanted to prove a point, oops. 
You be yours and I'll be mine : “Oh, god. We got married, didn’t we?” 
14-Inch Cock and a Few Hundred Bimbos : There are some things in life, Steve muses as he stares down at his crotch, that nothing can prepare you for. His dick suddenly growing six inches in length and another two in girth, just because he opened a box in a Hydra dug out that maybe he should have read the instructions on before he did? How was he to know it was literally magic that would make his cock grow huge?
Collar Full of Chemistry : AKA a fantasy BDSM romance featuring heavy mutual pining, feelings denial, and enough kink to blackout a bingo card. 
Like Real People Do : AKA the "Lumberjack Steve/Twink Bucky" fic of our hearts.
100,000 Miles And Feeling Very Still : Steve Rogers took a job at NASA and his life is pretty okay. Maybe not great but he has some good friends and things seem to be mostly stable. Except one day their new astronaut recruit walks in and everything in Steve's life goes upside down.
Latte Art and Slow Dancing in the Dark (WIP): Bucky is a somewhat well-adjusted former army sniper that got his shoulder blown out. He took his discharge and went home to finish school and is working on his international relations masters. His best friends and roommates (Nat & Clint) are CIA agents and tip him off that their local Sbux is hiring. He gets a job there and meets none other than the hottest guy on earth.
(series) couldn't get the boy to kill me (ongoing): Captain America and the Winter Soldier are a terrifying duo on the field, working together with a well-oiled precision that tears through their enemies. Captain Rogers and Agent Barnes are distant coworkers, all polite nods and mission briefings. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are fire and gasoline; the sparks between them have no choice but to roar into raging infernos.
happily ever after has bite marks in it : In which Bucky is aggressively okay with his self-imposed exile from society, and Steve is a werewolf who’s nothing like the Brooklyn boy Bucky still dreams of.
darling heart, i loved you from the start (but that's no excuse for the state i'm in) : Or, the one where Steve saves the mind stone for last and decides to fuck the timeline beyond all recognition, which regrettably involves crawling delicately up Hydra's asshole and less regrettably involves showering a very confused Bucky Barnes with affection.
(series): i'm guilty of treason (i've abandoned control) : S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Bucky Barnes is captured on a mission and meets Commander Steve Rogers, the erstwhile Captain America.It escalates quickly.
four dreams in a row where you were burned : When Steve uses the last of his Pym Particles to travel to 1944 and save his best friend, he doesn’t have a plan beyond leaving behind the battlefield and living his life alongside the people he loves. But the life that finds him is not the one he expects.
much tattoo about nothing : Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
(series) tits out, lads : On the walk back from Azzano, Bucky keeps touching Steve's chest. Then he touches it some more. And more.
Let Them Eat Cake : Bucky wanted to know why their new pastry chef had gun calluses on his right hand.
deep dive : In which single dad Bucky Barnes has a crush on his daughter's dive team coach and thirsts awkwardly. 
thot through the heart (and you're to blame) : In which Bucky is a baby vampire, a disaster, out to have a good time, and hopelessly in love with his roomate; and in which Steve has a few secrets of his own.
Political Animals (WIP) : or—Steve’s best friend is the U.S. Constitution and he can’t seem to stop fucking a hot Republican. They shouldn’t fall in love, but somehow they do.
time on my hands (could be time spent with you) : "You doing okay, kid?” Steve releases a breath, deciding how honest he wants to be. No point in lying. No point in telling the truth, either. "Glad to see you.""That’s not what I asked, but same to you, punk."
honey don't feed it, it will come back : He’s stroking the cat’s fur, which is soft and fine now that it’s clean. He looks so open and inviting. Steve doesn’t close his eyes, watching Bucky’s gentle fingers and trying to come up with a plausible excuse to go touch him.
Ill With Want : Bucky pretends to be asleep when Steve crawls into bed, too tired to feel guilty over the quivery pleasure that settles in his belly when Steve’s arm brushes his. He drifts to sleep in a comfortable haze and tries not to wonder where this feeling was two hours ago when he had Marie in his lap.
Controlled Release : Bucky's just having a little trouble...finishing. Completing the mission. He can squeeze the trigger but he can't make the shot is what he's saying. Which is why he's here, loitering outside a nice brownstone in Park Slope, trying to find the courage to knock on Captain Come Control dot com's door for his three o'clock appointment.
it takes a lot to know a man : Bucky flips to the next page, and the world around him grinds to a halt as his brain struggles to process what he's seeing. The noise of the train fades and static fills the inside of his head as he looks down at the sketches of the metal-armed guy without the mask. It's—that's him. It's Bucky's own goddamn face staring back at him from this stranger's sketchbook.
Quench : Or the one where archeology intern Bucky Barnes meets actual archeologist Steve Rogers and reaches levels of thirst scientists once believed to be theoretically impossible.
Carnal Synchronicity : AKA A Tale of Two Stevies
Fraternizing With the Enemy : Steve and Bucky are both the presidents of their respective fraternities. Steve thinks Bucky's frat is filled with selfish party animals who care about little else. Bucky thinks Steve is a giant pretentious douchebag who owns too many Lacoste polos. They hate each other. Passionately.
I just need you to show me : A quick google search tells him that the app he needs to get for something quick and easy, with no strings attached is Grindr. He downloads the app while he watches a bit of a Simpsons episode. It doesn’t take long, and when the app is downloaded, he looks at black icon with the yellow mask.
Pride : So here he was, at Pride despite the fact that he’d rather be at home. It’s hot, boiling and his feet hurt a bit from standing all day. Converse might be nice shoes, but Jesus they were terrible for his knees.
it never hurt nobody : “I thought we agreed that that was creepy.” “No,” Bucky says slowly. “I asked you what you thought about people calling their boyfriends daddy, and you said you thought it was creepy, and then I asked you what the hell you’d done with my grey sweater after you did laundry, and we never talked about it again.”
(series) the serum amplifies : Little PWPs about Steve and Bucky’s sex life and the serums effect on it.
don't know where i'm going (but i'll get back to you and me) : AU where Bucky is an assassin who just can’t seem to kill Steve
The Right Partner : Steve meets a beautiful man with a bright laugh on a sunny day in Italy. Captain America meets the elusive Winter Soldier moments later.
The Best Way to Wake : James Buchanan Barnes lay in a glass pod in the middle of the table, frozen since he fell. Steve’s hands were on the glass before he realized he’d moved. “Get him out,” Steve whispered, his hands searching for a clasp, a keypad, something.
Taking This One Step At A Time : In the weeks that follow, Bucky's omega urges start going haywire, and he realizes that night with Steve may have left him with more than just a fond memory.
Realignment : After assembling their own Infinity Gauntlet, the Avengers defeated Thanos and brought back everyone who disappeared. But their victory came at a great cost: in order to take the Soul Stone, Steve had to sacrifice the Captain America mantle and all the super-soldier strength that came with it.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You : This is what happens when you buy a house to flip having only seen the online images: you get more than you bargained for. Bucky Barnes brings all the tools to handle a dilapidated home, but he's hardly prepared for a smart-mouthed child (with poor aim), a crying baby, and the hottest dad he's ever seen in his life living right next door.
The Sweetest Spark : Steve Rogers runs a successful business. He has great friends and a great life. It seems like he has it all. So why is he sitting in a diner on a Friday night alone? Maybe he's just a little lonely. Maybe Bucky Barnes can help with that.
Maybe This Christmas : Bucky’s not going home for Christmas. But it’s fine. He’s spending Christmas alone in his apartment, but it’s cool. He’s not feeling up to seeing his family after his accident anyway, plus he has to work. He’s totally fine with it. But then he runs into Steve, literally, and suddenly his Christmas isn’t looking so empty after all.
Reconcilable Differences : AKA, "What To Do When Your Zany Fake-Relationship Scheme Actually Works."
If Only In My Dreams : Bucky is a highly successful cooking and lifestyle blogger. He writes all about life in his Connecticut home with his D.H. (darling husband). Only problem? It’s all complete fiction.
So I Took a Faithful Leap : Bucky doesn’t fall and Steve doesn’t crash. The Howling Commados take out the remaining Hydra bases…and then they go home, just like all the other allied soldiers. Steve buys a farm in Washington state, and tries to relearn how to be at peace.
Art Thief, Heart Thief : Agent Steve Rogers is facing a series of art thefts that has him stumped, and looking for a break in the case. Convicted art thief and general high end criminal Bucky Barnes wants to make parole and happens to know all of the right people who could make Steve's job easier.
Under the Hawthorn Tree : A young man wanders into the woods one night, and wanders until he isn't a young man anymore—but something else. Seventy years later, another man follows him. Inside of a magic ring, they meet.
don't threaten me with a good time : Steve's taken him on vacation to a cabin in Canada in the middle of winter, so it's obviously the perfect time for his body to go haywire. Bucky is determined to stick it out, though, partly because he's a stubborn bastard, but mostly because he feels some kinda way about Steve.
Heckin' Chunker for Love : On the inside of the big floor to ceiling window of the office across the street, someone has used Post-it Notes to spell out a message: W H A T I S Y O U R C A T ’ S N A M E ?
(TBR) All of Your Love is Sunlight : Sometimes the path to happiness involves bad timing turned good, a butt plant, and a little everyday magic. For Steve and Bucky, it's all that and more.
(TBR) STAR PLAN : He’s the most gorgeous thing Bucky’s ever laid eyes on.He’s his new tentative boss. Maybe. If this interview goes well enough, anyway. “So, Mr. Barnes?” Steve asks, blinking at him from across a particle board table. “You ever work security before?”
stay : The platform buzzes, and suddenly goes quiet. The cycle has finished. Bucky doesn’t bother to look. There’s no way Steve’s coming back when he has the chance to stay. He moves to walk away, to move on with his life, somehow. “Buck -- ?”
(TBR) The Conservation of a 17th Century Painting : Steve can’t even remember the last time he’s spoken to someone actually interested in art, who coincidentally is also someone he’d like to bang. Actually, no. He’s never had that happen.
Searching Every Lonely Place : After the Battle of New York in 2012, Steve searches for Bucky with the help of the Avengers as he bumbles through a series of comedic misunderstandings with undercover HYDRA agents.
Reclamation : The Winter Soldier’s mask never falls off when he fights Captain America on the overpass and the helicarrier. That doesn’t stop the Soldier from recognizing Captain America and wondering why the man’s face is haunting his scattered memories.
Nothing Good Ever Happens On A Tuesday : Recently discharged soldier James Barnes is back in Brooklyn, down an arm and missing five years of memories, but he’s got his PTSD mostly under control, a fancy metal prosthetic, and what’s starting to feel like it could be a half-decent life. What he doesn’t have is any memory of the kid looking at James and asking him, “Are you my daddy?” -- or the gorgeous blond guy standing next to her.
A Ghost Before You Were a Ghost Story : “I’m sorry to wake you, Sir, but there appears to be an intruder on the roof. ”Tony finds the camera showing a figure standing alone on the roof, black tactical gear blending into the black night sky. Barely a shadow among shadows, save for the glint of silver along the figure’s left side. The Winter Soldier.
Extant : After a sudden and violent storm forces the crew of Insight III to perform an emergency evacuation, astronaut James Barnes was believed to have died and was left behind on Mars. Two years later, Commander Steve Rogers still refuses to let go. Fortunately, so does Bucky.
Through The Woods : There’s a legend in Mansewood, nearly as old as the town itself, about a pack of werewolves that once lived in the forest. They say only one survives; a monstrous and snarling beast with fur like a blizzard and fangs the size of daggers. Steve doesn’t care about any of that. He only wants to know if it prefers T-Bone or ribeye, and would it please stop tracking dirt through his house? He just mopped the floor.
(series) You Are Responsible For What You Tame : After the events in DC and on the helicarriers, and the realization that his friend Bucky Barnes is still alive, Captain Steve Rogers swears that he will do anything he can to find him. It is easier said than done, as Steve searches desperately for any hint or clue that will lead him to his friend. Steve searches, but Bucky does not want to be found. And so begins their game of cat and mouse, as Steve does everything in his power to convince Bucky to come home.
A Midsummer Knight's Dream : Sir Steven, knight, alpha, and baron of a small countryside estate, receives an invitation to a Royal Tournament: It’s a winner-take-all competition, and the prize? The hand of Prince James, the kingdom’s most eligible omega, in marriage.
Feast On This : Steve, Sarah, and Bucky are headed down to Florida to visit the Barnes family for Thanksgiving. Bucky's tired of the interrogation about his love life from his Ma, and Sarah suggests the simplest solution would be for he and Steve to fake it for a few days. How hard can it be, right? After all, they've shared a bed before. After all, it's only pretend... Right?
Luck of the Irish Stroll : Every year Steve and Sam go on the Irish Stroll Bar Crawl, and ever since their first time on the Stroll four years ago, Steve and Sam cross paths with Bucky and Natasha. Every year Steve’s world is rocked by the gorgeous, blue-eyed man that has captivated him since they first locked eyes fighting over a couple of pints of Guinness from the bartender. But Steve's starting to want and need more of Bucky... will this be the year he can make it last for more than one night?
(TBR) (series) The Hundred Year Playlist : Steve and Bucky, start to finish. "Come on, pal, it's me. Take another hundred years if you want, I'll still be here."
sidereal : Captain Rogers never did a self-portrait; we can only speculate who his soulmate — or soulmates — might have been.
Holding On : “Your poll numbers are way down, and we need to get them back up.”
Salt & Sugar (collab with GoldBlooded) : Steve Rogers is a bigshot celebrity chef in New York City, and Bucky Barnes is a classically trained pastry chef in Moscow. When billionaire and mutual friend Natasha Romanoff calls on them to collaborate for her Memorial Day Benefit Gala, they both brace themselves to spend the week working with some jerk they're bound to hate. 
Honestly, Fuck Brooklyn : Or, the one where it takes yet another apocalypse for the somewhat oblivious Bucky Barnes to figure out that his dorky artist boyfriend Steve is actually Captain Goddamned America.
How to Woo the Winter Soldier : Or: Steve courts the Winter Soldier.
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snizabelle · 5 years ago
Okay. So. 
I’ve been working on this fic about how Garrus’ parents first met and I’ve been poking away at it F O R E V E R and I’m REALLY trying to finally pull the trigger and finish it to the point where i can actually post it so I’m like....actively forcing myself to post a WIP. it’s still in super early stages so just...tell me what you think or don’t like oh my god just take it i don’t care anymore holy shit.
He pointed his gun at the figure crouched by the ledge in the ruins, overlooking the sandy valley below. It was a usual sight, the ancient ruins were large, old, and crawling with bounty hunters, vagrants, and thieves.
The suspect remained still, as they hadn't been moving in the first place.
I told an unmoving person to 'freeze', he thought. Spirits, I am a fool.
He tried again. "Stay where you are!"
That's even worse. I wish I was dead.
It wasn't even his first day on the job. He had already spent 6 months on this crappy planet and dealt with his fair share of riffraff. Nolvion may have been a dwarf planet in the back end of the terminus systems but you wouldn't think it with the amount of scum it collected. The small security outpost he was a part of was the only thing driving it back, though the real objective was considered classified.
He tried to keep his hands from shaking as his thoughts continued to scream through his head. "Look just get up-no stay where you, uh, raise your- (aaaAAAAUUUGH!!)
After what seemed like an eternity the suspect stirred. They were wearing thick, but shoddy, ill-fitting armor, head obscured by a large standard-issue helmet.  Without turning, they raised a single finger, indicating whatever Castis was spouting could wait.
"I - excuse me!! I am an OFFICER of Fort Audax! I DEMAND you turn around slowly with your hands in the air!!" he sputtered.
There was a brief pause. The suspect then stood a little straighter and sighed as if this whole thing was leaving them incredibly put out. Then they turned and-
There was a deafening sound and the floor flew up to meet Castis' head. He felt his jaw crack on the ground and tasted blood in his mouth. He could feel a bruise forming where the kick had landed on his mandible.
He scrambled to his feet, head pounding. The culprit stood there, seemingly baffled.
"Did you just ...!" Castis felt only anger now. "...assault me?!”
He heard a noise that sounded like an 'uh oh' noise muffled in the helmet.
Castis barred his teeth. You're goddamn right 'uh oh'. He may have been a terrible negotiator but he was pretty damn good at hand-to hand-combat.
Before the offender had a chance to do anything else, Castis had lunged forward and grabbed their wrist, twisting it, forcing their knees to buckle. Before they could react, he headbutted them on the bridge of their helmet, causing the cheap material to crack. As the assailant fell backward, Cas swept their right leg, hearing a distinct crack as they fell backwards, helmeted head thudding on the ground.
Panting, Castis steadied himself and surveyed the assailant. There was no movement. He walked carefully around the body and pushed their discarded rifle away with his foot.
"Vakarian! Come in Vakarian!"
A voice crackled onto the communicator on his omni-tool.
Cas answered the comm, still trying to catch his breath. "This is Vakarian."
"Status report."
"Sir,” he panted "Suspect attacked me, but I have rendered them unconscious. Sustained minor injuries. Suspect is unarmed and incapacitated."
There was a pause. The voice cracked again "Just shoot them."
Cas clenched his jaw. "I repeat: the suspect is unarmed and incapaci-"
"I heard what you said." There was a shuffling sound as though the person speaking was shifting, agitated. "Do it."
Cas swallowed hard, fingers clenching and unclenching. He chose his next words carefully. "Sir....It would be more...prudent... to bring in the suspect for questioning and proces-”
He hung up without thinking. Damn. Gonna pay for that later.
He glanced over at the motionless figure.
Just shoot them.
Well, that didn't go well.
Marcella was in incredible pain. Hopefully, her leg wasn't broken but it certainly felt like it was. 
Damn it all. Usually, one kick to the face made rent-a-cops drop like drunk elcor. Should've sized this one up better. You're getting real sloppy.
The crackle of the cop’s comm echoed over to her.
"Just shoot them."
Spirits..... If I had known it was my last day alive I would've....would've...
She struggled to think of something meaningful one could do in their last hours while the comm screeched. There was abrupt silence and she heard the scraping of boots as the officer turned around.
Shit. Shit! Not like this!
More silence. From inside the helmet, she peeked open her eyes for a second to see what he was doing. He was leaning in close. Inspecting her? There was a hunting knife on her hip. Maybe if he leaned in close enough she could get him in the neck. It was her only shot. She felt her helmet jostle and snapped her eyes shut again. Hot air rushed her face as her helmet was removed.
Just play dead. Don't move...!
She heard a thunk as her helmet was tossed aside. Her hand was laying under her back by her left side. She could feel the shape of the knife pressing against the back of her thigh. He had straightened up again. Her fingers inched toward the knife, touching the hilt.
I could just go for it... maybe he'll be so surprised he won't react? Or I'll just get shot in the face. Well, I'm dead either way.
There was another loud crackle as his comm buzzed. and almost made her jerk.
"Female. No markings." She heard the cop say. "Taking into custody. Will report in 0500."
She relaxed her fingers, retreating from the hilt.
Faldos can flay me for all I care.
Castis holstered his gun and submitted his report verbally in his comm. "Female. No Markings-"
Do things right or not at all.
He walked over to his bag, still laying where he set it by an old pillar. He shuffled through it for a bit, though as usual, it was perfectly organized. He retrieved his handcuffs and turned.
The suspect already had one leg up on the ledge and was in the process of climbing over.
"Hey-! You- F-FREEZE!!" He drooped the cuffs, awkwardly grabbed for his holstered gun and pointed it at her back.
She froze accordingly. "Uggggh come ON!"
Slowly, she turned, hands begrudgingly in the air. Her eyes were a piercing blue. She had no clan markings but had a slight scarring on her left mandible. She blinked at him, seizing him up. He felt a strange pulling in his chest.
“Well?” she said expectantly. She sounded slightly amused.
"S...state your name!" He could feel his face grow hot in embarrassment.
She smirked and said nothing.
Castis blinked nervously but didn't relent. 'You are trespassing. You are not authorized to be here. Show me identification now or I will take you into custody."
She shrugged her shoulders, the universal sign of indifference.
'Are you aware you attacked an officer of Fort Audax?
"Well yeah,' She shrugged again. 'I figured the uniform wasn't for show.”
Castis felt himself burn, "Excuse me?!"
She smirked again, seemingly excited she was able to get under his skin.
He exploded, "GET ON THE GROUND NOW!!"
Her smile faded. 'Well,... I'll try." She visibly struggled to kneel on her left leg, glaring at him all the while.
Castis felt a brief bout of shame wash over him.
"Hey, uh...I'm sorry if I was too rough. it's okay I have medi-gel if you need it.”
She continued to glare "I’m fine."
She tried to lean on one leg and winced.
"No, you're not. You're hurt."
Castis stepped forward.
'Really? You kick my ass then offer to clean me up?" The suspect's eyes flashed. "Go ahead and give me two pops in the back of my head when i kneel down, make it quick okay?"
Castis slowly lowered his gun to the ground. He took a few more steps forward and raised his hands. "I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."
The perp raised her eyebrow plates but said nothing.
"Do you...would you mind if I...?" Cas took a few more cautious steps forward.
She paused for a second then extended her leg almost dramatically.
'By all means, admire your handiwork."
He shuffled close to her and knelt by her outstretched leg. Dispensing some medi-gel, he began to apply a numbing agent to her upper thigh. He was uncomfortably close.
Look forward, look forward look forward, don't be weird don't be weird -
"Enjoying yourself?"
His head snapped up to meet her gaze.
She was smirking again.
His face burned as he hastily rubbed the rest of the medi-gel on her thigh as quickly as possible. He staggered to his feet rubbing the excess off his hands.
"Alright, how does it feel now?"
The suspect leaned on her leg gently, then gave a few light stomps.
"Hrm, not bad." She took a few light steps toward him.
"Do you make a habit of sensually patching up every girl you brutalize?"
Castis felt his face burn even hotter. "Y-you..attacked me first!"
She shrugged, "Eh details...'
"Either way, since you refuse to provide any form of identification - and you ATTACKED me,” Castis glared, “ - I'm going to have to take you in."
There was a long pause.
She sighed then extended her wrists.
Castis blinked. "Really?"
"It's only fair, you patched me up." She looked off in the distance as though not wishing to engage in the situation.
"Well....good!” Cas huffed a small sigh of relief, finally things are gonna stop being needlessly difficult.  He approached her warily.
"Now please extend your-"
She's already doing that you WORTHLESS-
"YEP just like that, uh, lemmie just-"
He lifted his notably empty hands.
"Just.....one...second." Cas mumbled awkwardly
The suspect blinked lazily at him, seemingly bored.
Castic did an awkward run by the pillar where the cuffs lay absentmindedly. He grabbed them and whirled around.
"Okay! Now let me just-"
She was gone.
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wakandan-flowerz · 5 years ago
What Would You Have Me Do Finale
A/N: This is my entry to the WIP Festival! Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: Angst, smut, mentions of death, dark thoughts. Italics are flashbacks
M’Baku looked through your doorway. It was gloomy outside, bringing a dim light into your room. You laid pregnant and in a sweat. You winced as you turned over. You placed at hand on your protruding stomach, trying to find some comfort in your sleep. M’Baku shuddered he couldn’t watch you like this. Was this how it was before? You fighting the pain, trying to give birth to Shola. How could he have ignored you then? Why wasn’t he there? He knows the answer to that but, he had to question himself.
M’Baku thrusted, kissing her neck and licking along her lips. Ayomide moaned and kept her hips bowled for him. “Faster.” She harped.
M’Baku loved when she begged. He loved her voice, hitting his ears and vibrating through him. Sweet, harmonic. M’Baku moved his hips at a quicker pace, driving into her. Giving her every rigid inch, making her cry and arch into him. Her nails sharply gliding across his back. He welcomed the sting as he pounded into her.
M’Baku would have Ayomide almost everyday and walk back to the palace a new man. This was routine. He’d sneak away to her house and come back, going unchecked. He would take a different entrance to avoid the gazes of guards and servants. You being pregnant there was more focus on you. However, he didn’t have the energy. M’Baku wanted a reprieve from his life, from you and his children. He just didn’t have room to care for much right now and Ayomide was the greatest stress reliever he could ask for.
M’Baku made it to side entrance of the palace, a door installed into the cave side. He turned down the hallway and stopped short when the doctor almost bumped into him.
“Lord M’Baku.” The doctor said. “I’ve been looking for you. We needed you earlier for Lady Y/N and the baby.”
“What about it?” M’Baku sighed.
“The Chieftess…isn’t doing well. The pregnancy is taking a toll on her body and we fear something may be wrong with the child.” He said.
“Okay.” M’Baku said, trying to piece things together.
“Sir…we can’t insure that the mother or baby will be of full health at the end of this pregnancy. We’re not sure if the child will make it to full term.” The doctor said.
M’Baku sighed. “So…what can be done?”
“We’ve placed doulas and guards with her. She’ll have to be monitored at all times. We were hoping you may talk her into bedrest.” The doctor said.
“I’ll speak with her.” M’Baku groaned. He continued down the hall. He found his way to your shared bedroom and saw you, sitting up in the bed and breathing along with a doula. “Y/N.” he said, walking in.
“M’Baku!” you said with a faint smile. “We’ve missed you the past few hours.”
“Hmm.” He responded. M’Baku sat at the end of the bed, leaning over to you. “I spoke with your doctor.”
“You’re worried?” you asked.
M’Baku opened his mouth to speak and sighed. “Let’s just follow the doctor’s advice. For your health and the baby’s.”
You hummed and settling back into your pillows. “I haven’t seen much of you lately. Can you have dinner with me tonight?”
“No.” M’Baku said.
Your head tilted at his tone. There was a sourness, like you had said something wrong. “Do you have something to do for the council?”
M’Baku frowned at you, pressing on. “Rest, Y/N. I’ll see to you later.” He got up and turned to the doula attending to you. “Watch over her.” He started walking towards the door, swiftly as if there was something driving him to leave.
“I love you.” You said.
M’Baku didn’t respond, turning out of your sight passed the door. You placed your hands on your stomach, sighing. You weren’t sure what to say or do. Baffled, you turned to your breathing exercises.
M’Baku fluffed another pillow and put it squarely with the other as you returned from the bathroom. You walked sluggishly and weighed down. With your swollen belly and your illness, you just didn’t have the energy anymore. M’Baku came to your side and walked patiently with you to the bed. You still didn’t like him touching you. However, you couldn’t deny help at this point.
“Your lunch will be arriving soon.” M’Baku said as he pulled the blanket up your legs. “The doctor wants to give you some type of tea. It might give you some of your strength back.”
You nodded as you rest back against the pillows. “The children?”
“They miss you. Mayowa is doing his best. Hopefully, we can have a family day. Whether it’s in here or maybe we take you outside for fresh air.” He said.
You looked around the room and thought about how just last month all of the kids were in the room, playing, drawing you pictures and showing what they learned in school. It seemed like so long ago. Happiness in general seemed so long ago.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” M’Baku said. “Anything at all, my love?”
You looked at him and wanted to growl. “Don’t call me that.” You said.
“Y/N, please.” M’Baku said beginning to reach for your hand.
“No.” you said snatching away. “You can’t try to be sweet with me after all this time! You don’t get to do that.” You started to cough as you got riled up.
M’Baku tried to hush you as you leaned up coughing. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You leaned back into the pillows and took a deep breath. “I’m going to send someone else in here to sit with you for lunch. Give you a break.”
M’Baku tried not to hang his head as he left the room, admitting another defeat. He found himself in his office, trying to distract himself with work until there was a knock on his door.
“Come in.” he said.
M’Baku’s advisor, Masego, walked in. A solemn look plastered his face. M’Baku sat back in his seat as clearly there was going to be more bad news.
“I spoke to the Chieftess’ physician. Her condition has proceeded to worsen.” He said.
“They are trying whatever they can. My wife is strong. She will be fine as will my child.” M’Baku said.
“I know, sir. But there is something we must think about. I know we didn’t do it on the Lady’s last pregnancy, we should think of the worst case.” Masego said.
“It won’t come to that.” M’Baku said sternly.
“The Chieftess has been bedridden since she almost lost the child. Are we even sure if the child still lives?” he asked.
“My child still lives and will live among us soon. My wife will rise from her bed like before and keep her health.” M’Baku said in a low growl. “You will do your best to watch your mouth and speak positively over my wife and my children.”
Masego bowed, but just as quickly raised his head. “I just aim to speak truth to you, sir. No matter how harsh that may be.”
M’Baku watched the advisor leave and shut the door. He sighed as he rested his head in his hands.
Having dinner with the children was awkward. M’Baku didn’t like staring down at the other end of the table and not seeing his wife there. He said a silent prayer to Hanuman that you would make a full and speedy recovery. That’s all his prayers were now. Only for you and the child’s wellbeing. Every utterance to Hanuman was to make up for the lack of prayers from years ago. He wanted to the husband you needed.
You laid in bed, a sweat building on your forehead. A rag washed over your face, wiping it clean. You groggily looked over and saw M’Baku at your bed side. From what you could tell, it was late. He looked tired, but here he was, up with you. “Where are the kids?” you said.
“Asleep.” M’Baku said. “They wanted you at dinner.”
You looked at him and turned away, opting to glare at the ceiling again. You shut your eyes and gritted your teeth. One of the worse things about being bedridden was not being able to enjoy your family. Being stuck like you were years ago made you yearn for them more. Even Phelisa. “I miss them.” You whispered.
“I’ll bring them tomorrow. We can all come and be a family. We need it.” M’Baku said.
“I want my children.” You said. “Not you.”
“Y/N, please.” He said.
“Stop begging me for something I no longer have for you.” You said. “You sit here at my bedside and beg my forgiveness and adoration when I have none.”
“Y/N, please. I want us to reconcile and be together again.” M’Baku said. “Hold my hand to the fire, but forgive me and take me back.”
You would have rather watched him burn. In your state, no amount of accountability would make you his wife again. You were too detached. Your body was draining itself to nourish a child and there was no room for seeking to have relationship with this man. “No.” you said. “Get out.”
“Y/N, I am to care for you for the night.” He said. “I’m not leaving you. I’m going to right my wrongs. I will care for you and your child. I will be the husband I should’ve been.”
You scoffed. Your anger bringing more heat to your face. You shuddered as she tried to sit up. Your body ached and a cramp came over you. You winced and clutched your swollen belly. “Please, lay back.”
“No.” you said. You swat his hands away as he tried to reach for you. “Get away.”
“You are in no condition to getting up, Y/N.” M’Baku said. You swatted at me as you tried pulling your legs over. M’Baku stood like a brick wall in front of you, trying block you from standing. You tried kicking him as M’Baku did his best to restrain you without hurting you. “Y/N, stop this!”
You let out a frustrated grunt as you forced yourself to stand. You felt this rush like a massive tide taking you. You stumbled back on the bed, clutching your stomach. You cried at the tinge of pain in your abdomen. M’Baku saw the look of pain and horror on your face. Something made him rush and go to the door. He yelled for the guards on standby to find a doctor and some help. He looked back to you as you continued to whimper on the edge of the bed.
“Hold on, Y/N.” he said as he crossed the room. M’Baku fitted his hands beneath you and pushed you further into the bed. When he pulled his hand away, there was blood. He looked to find your gown with a growing stain of crimson.
“Sir, you need to help us make a decision.” The physician said.
The grave tone of the doctor called for M’Baku’s attention. He looked up from his work and daydream of having his mistress wrapped around him. “About?”
“The Chieftess’ condition worsens. We suspect that labor will earlier than expected. We must know, sir. If the situation becomes dire, do we save her and the offspring?” he said.
M’Baku took a deep breath. “The child. Save my child.”
The doctor almost looked taken aback by the decision. The Jabari watched how loving and doting M’Baku had been in the past over his wife and her pregnancies. She would be the center of attention. Somedays, no business could be done until the Chieftess was attended to. Now, it seemed as if the Lord of the Jabari could care less.
“Very well.” The doctor said.
Later, M’Baku laid in the bed that belonged to his new fancy. He stared up at the ceiling and thought how good everything felt. How in this moment pleasure had taken over his body and mind. How there was need to care about a wife and children. A reprieve he wanted to last longer than him being aroused. To fill this bliss forever. Could he walk away from his wife and children for this? Trade in the life he had known for something fresher. Something more exciting. No more mundane. He would love it.
“Stay with me.” Ayomide said.
“I wish I could, my dear.” M’Baku said as he rose from the bed. “But, I must return.”
“Come back tonight. For dinner.” She said.
“Dessert as well?” he asked, leaning over to her.
Ayomide moaned and gave him a passionate kiss before answering. “Of course.” She said.
M’Baku promised her he would come back. He made his way back to the palace. As always taking a secret entrance and creeping back into the halls as if he never left. Everything was as usual. Until a guard rushed to him out of breath.
“Sir, we’ve been looking everywhere for you.” The guard said.
“What for? What has happened?” M’Baku asked.
The guard stood up straight. He took a deep breath and his face fell. “Lady Y/N went into labor.”
M’Baku sat on his knees in the shrine to Hanuman. The great wood statue stood towering over him. A chill ran over M’Baku. He sniffed as he wiped another tear from his eyes. “I come before you more humble than ever before. I know I have done wrong by my wife, my children and my people. I have fallen and while before I sought redemption, I now ask for you to save my wife. Save my wife and my child. I will hold myself accountable. My sins are mine and mine alone. Don’t let my penance be paid by loss. I will trade my life for theirs. Just don’t take them for me. Whether she lives the rest of her life with me or without me…just give her peace. Give her all. Bless my beloved wife. Bless my beautiful children. Smite me instead. Please, my life for hers.”
M’Baku gazed down upon Shola, small and precious in her blanket. He leaned in, kissing her forehead. His firstborn daughter, his little girl. He smiled. Another blessing. He looked over at you. Fresh sheets draped over you though you sweated through them. “How is she?”
“Lady Y/N is ill, very ill. It seems the complications from the pregnancy will continue. We have not seen patients like this before, but we are committed to doing our best. With praryer, medicine and rest, we hope she will make a full recovery.” The doctor said.
“And my daughter?” M’Baku said, using his finger to move the blanket from her face.
“Since she is early, we will monitor her. She appears to be healthy despite not being carried to term. But, things can take a turn.” The doctor said.
M’Baku watched you wince in your sleep. He pressed his lips together, a silent prayer to Hanuman for the both of you. He nodded and crossed over to your bedside. With sweat on your brow and your skin losing it’s vibrance, he was slightly frightened. You were rarely sick. To see you so weak did something to him and he didn’t like it. “Do your best.” M’Baku said.
The doctor bowed as M’Baku left the room. A chill remaining in the room as he retreated. M’Baku wiped tears from his eyes as he stalked down the hallway. He tried shaking the terrible thoughts from his mind. Though he found himself in Ayomide’s bed, he still had thoughts of you in his mind. In one hand, he prayed for you. In another, he was caught up burying himself in someone that wasn’t you.
“The infection is spreading. And she has been experiencing postpartum.” The doctor said.
“What?” M’Baku said.
“She isn’t healing. And she refuses to feed the child. She rambles as if she is close to death. Her mental and physical health are continuing to deteriorate. We aren’t sure what to do.” He said.
M’Baku had to see for himself. You were slumped in bed, a grayness to your skin, lips chapped. You looked weak, like you were already a corpse. “Y/N.” he called.
“I know now without a doubt…you have ended me.” You said.
“What?” M’Baku said.
“I lay here withering away because of you. You were my life and how fitting it would be for you to be my death.” You said.
“Y/N, my love.” He said.
“Love? What is love, but poison disguised as something sweet. A treat turned rotten. A cancer taking over a body in silence and in it’s last stages ripping through you so violently.” You said. The hysteria had set in. You weren’t here anymore. You had a blank look in your eye, your mind in a haze. “You’ve killed me. I gave you everything and you killed me.”
M’Baku listened to you, ramble. He was frightened. Was this a curse? Did Hanuman seek to take you from him in such fashion? To be tormented then fade away into insanity? M’Baku kneeled at her bed and reached to take her hand. “Please, Hanuman. Restore the health of my wife.”
“Now, you pray for me. Oh, joy. Maybe, I’m not so damned.” You said.
M’Baku rose and got into the bed, cupping your face. “Stop this.” M’Baku said. “You can’t talk like this. You are going to be fine.”
“Only when I’m rid of you.” You said.
M’Baku couldn’t bare it. He left in a huff. His chest began tight as he sob in his office. What did he have to give to have you again? What could he do?
You sat outside with your children, watching them play. Songezo laid in front of Phelisa encouraging her to crawl to him. Shola scrambled on paper as Uuka braided her hair. Mayowa sat next to you on the ground. “Mama, I’m glad you are feeling better.”
“As am I…” you said.
“Can I ask you something?” he said. You looked down at him, putting a hand on his head, caressing it. “Will you leave him now?”
“What?” you said.
“Mama, I heard you.” Mayowa said. “One night, you were arguing with him. You told him once you gave birth you would leave. Are you still going to? Will you take us with you?”
You sighed, looking at the other bunch of your children playing. “I’m not in the best state to make a decision like that. And your brother still needs much care before I can take him anywhere.”
“But when you are ready? Will you leave him…for all he has done?” Mayowa asked, looking up at you.
“Don’t worry about me and your father. You are 13. You have other things to think about. The only thing I need from you is to care for your siblings.” You said.
“But you know I can help, Mama. I’m old enough. If you need help moving or…” he said.
“Mayowa, my burden is not yours. Though you are more than capable and mature, I need you to remain a child in this situation. Stay out of it, my love.” You said.
Things became easier. You weren’t bedridden anymore. You just had to be escorted around with guards, nurses or Mayowa would tend to you. You held your newborn, Ajayi. He was growing and healthy. You thanked Hanuman for you to be so lucky. No doubt, this would be your last child. There was no need for your body to go through this strain again. Ajayi squirmed in your arms as he drifted off to sleep. You gently laid him in the crib in the center of your room. You smiled as he gave a soft moan.
You were about to walk away when you heard a light tap on your door. You looked to see M’Baku in the archway, looking timid and humble. “May I come in?” You nodded and waved him in. “How are you feeling today?”
“Fatigued.” You said. “But, I’m fine.”
“Thank you.” He said.
You looked up at him confused. “Thank me? For what?” You asked.
M’Baku stepped further into the room, almost dragging his feet. “Everything. I want you to know how much I really do appreciate you for everything you’ve given me.” M’Baku said. “I know now there is nothing I can do to make you love me. And I accept that. I have prayed to Hanuman for you and our children. To forsake me as long as He showed you favor.”
You saw the sincerity and sadness in his eyes. A softness that seemed to be all he wore now. His eyes were puffy as if he had been crying. His mouth drooped, causing wrinkles. He sighed as clasped his hands together.
“If you want this marriage dissolved, I am prepared to facilitate that. I see no point in forcing you to be with me in this union. It is clear I have nothing that you want nor do you have anything left to give me.” M’Baku said. “I can live with my guilt and shame. As long as you can find some happiness, be it with or without me, I will be content.”
You glared at M’Baku. Once a proud man who stood tall and was a beckon for you, now stood before you broken and defeated. You almost felt sorry for him. But alas, you were given your way out. What were you going to do with it?
“When I’m ready, we’ll talk.” You said.
M’Baku nodded then looked to the crib. “May I?” he asked.
You waved him forward. M’Baku walked over the crib and looked down at his son with a smile. “He looks like you.” M’Baku said. “Beautiful.”
You chuckled as M’Baku ran a finger along his cheek. “You can see him whenever you like.” You said. “Even after I leave. I’m not going to rob you of being a father.”
“How can you be so gracious? Even after all I have done to you.” He said.
“Well, what would you have me do?” you said. “I loved you. A part of me still might love you. I won’t deny you gave me the best years of my life. You’ve taught me a few things and made something I didn’t expect to be. For the best and worse. But despite everything, I do believe I can find it in my heart to forgive you. Maybe not now. Maybe not in a year. But I could. But, I also can’t do it still married to you. Not like this.”
M’Baku turned to you, nodding. A few tears rolled down his eyes. “If I could go back and change things I would.”
“But you can’t. We can’t do anything about it now.” You said. M’Baku sighed, fighting a sob. You wiped his tears and caress his cheek. He clutched your hand, keeping it to his face. The last time you put a hand to his face was for a slap. M’Baku missed your touch. He was savoring this, knowing he would never get it again. You neared him, closing the space between you. M’Baku looked at you, vulnerable. You searched his eyes. Before you would look at him and have a hate flow through you. Now, that hate was quiet. You only felt sorrow and pity.
M’Baku craned his head down into you. Your answer was to lean your head back, welcoming a kiss. The kiss was soft and gentle. Something neither of you felt in a long time. You knew what you were doing and you didn’t mind it. A last taste of each other.
M’Baku pulled away from you. He removed his hand from your wrists, trying to regain his composure. You watched him back away from you. “I’m sure the children told you they are excited to see you at dinner tonight. I hope you enjoy your time with them.”
Ajayi turned 1 before you and M’Baku finalized the divorce. It wasn’t messy or loud. Just a quiet departure. You kept your promise and let him have as much time with the children as you could. You co-parented in harmony. You still had an admiration for each other but, you were very clear that you could never love him again. He accepted that, gracefully. Your children understood in time. Phelisa only saw you as her mother and as you understood, she was your daughter. You remained close. As you forgave M’Baku, you thought Mayowa to do the same though it took him the longer than it did you. It became important to you to keep your family together. Something M’Baku was grateful for.
In the end, it was a shock to most when you opted to be buried next to M’Baku. You cared for him in life and up to his death. You saw him through everything, might as well keep doing it. After all between the both of you, there was still a dormant love.
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Sure! This is going to be long though, bc OCD isn't that well known, so I'll be over-explaining things.
Before I dig in, if you're going to portray OCD it's important to know that it works in a cycle, like most anxiety based disorders do. Anxiety causes an intrusive thought (or an "obsession"). The brain tries to deal with it by doing an action, either by going out of your way to do or avoid something associated, or perceived to be associated, with the thought (or a "compulsion"). But the catch is the compulsion only gives temporary relief from the intrusive thought, so round and round and round you go. A common example is having the fear of someone breaking into your house and killing you, so you make sure the doors are locked, over and over and over again.
Okay, now to Corvo.
Although psych illnesses usually show up in late adolescence, there are other cases where the show up early bc of genetics (like me) or later in life bc of trauma and OCD is no different. In Corvo's case, I'd say the latter.
Checking the locks when you're afraid of someone breaking in kinda makes sense, right? Well, not all compulsions do make sense, and the intrusive thought and compulsion aren't logically related. Those kinds are extremely hard to explain, like my dad had an aunt who would blow on her wrists to make sure she was still alive...So, I'm going to stick to ones base in some logic like the locking the doors one.
Considering the events that happened to Corvo, and things going on around him there are a few different OCD types that come to mind.
The Washer: This is the most stereotypical OCD, and what most people think of when they hear OCD. This type makes people wash themselves despite how raw their skin can get. I've actually been there in the past, around the time I was learning about germs for the first time in school. The best way I can explain it is that I could feel the germs on my skin. Bc of the Rat Plauge, this makes a lot of sense for Corvo.
The Cleaner: Very similar to The Washer, but these two don't always go hand-in-hand, although they often do. This OCD has people cleaning other things. Dusting, scrubbing floors, Windex and Pledge. I've been fortunate enough not to have this one, for it often has people up late at night cleaning. Again, with the Rat Plague, makes sense that his truama would manifest this way.
The Checker: Double checking, triple checking, and so on. This one is rather broad, bc what people with this kind check on and how many times vary. For Corvo, he can't lose another emperess. Checking perimeter, going on extra patrols on the night, and mirco-managing the palace gaurds would fall under this.
The Researcher: This one is rather new in the times. With access to limitless information in our pocket, obsessively researching something to get the full story or to make sure you don't have a medical problem is easy, although time consuming, sleepless nights under a computer screen are common, and something I can be prone to once in a blue moon. In Covo's situation and time period, keeping tabs on his & Emily’s allies, digging up dirt on them, and trying to either prove he can or can not trust them would count as that. And as Spymaster after Hirams fall, he certainly has the resources.
You mentioned Daud, so I'll add one that I think would apply to him, other than that I can see him as a Checker and Researcher too.
The Organizer: Everything has a place, and everything is in its place all the time, or they spend time straightening, evening things out, and adjusting. As someone who works as the mastermind behind a gang of heretic assassins, this is one I can see manifesting in Daud.
That is all for now, I think. More OCD Corvo will be seen soon in one of Dani's story wips, which should be coming out soon!
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xxx-cat-xxx · 6 years ago
*has three hours of undisturbed free time*
*sits down to work on 2.5 WIPs*
*writes a new thing instead*
...and it´s short and light and fluffy. The setting is partly stolen from this amazing fic by Ranni which all of you should read, but the story is different and her writing is anyways leagues above mine. Emeto and fever and a bit of delirium. Dedicated to the awesome @taylortut who helped me with the middle part.
“Got up on the wrong side of the bed today?” Clint teases when he takes in Tony´s slumped figure at the wooden stillage they euphemistically call “table”. The whole safehouse is a joke, a last-minute solution SHIELD has ordered them to stay at after a surprise attack during a team training in the woods.
“Didn´t actually get into bed at all,” Tony rebuts grumpily, turning over his spoon in the gunk that is supposed to be cornflakes. “No chance of sleeping with you snoring at 150 decibel.”
“Can´t have been me. I know from trustworthy sources that I sleep as soundless as an angel.”
“Trustworthy sources”, Tony snorts. “What, Natasha? Of course, our little assassin is the epitome of honesty and openness...”
It stings more than it was probably supposed to, and they spend the remainder of the breakfast in grumpy silence, that is, until Bruce comes in and frowns at them.
“What´s going on now?” he asks, only slightly resembling an exasperated parent scolding his kids.
Tony has apparently given up on trying to eat his cereal soup, resting his forehead on one palm instead and staring at the table. Clint huffs out a breath.
“He´s in a mooooood,” he pronounces.
“The only thing I am - “ Tony starts, then cuts himself off with an audible gulp.
“S´cuse me,” he manages through a shuddering inhale, bolting upright and taking off towards the toilet. A moment later, they can hear him vomiting noisily through the cardbox walls.
“The sound of barfing. Ruining your breakfast like nothing else does.” Clint comments, but there´s worry edged in the crease above his brow.
“I´ll go check on him,” Bruce says, setting down his untouched cup of tea on the counter.
“Tony? You still alive in there?” he asks after knocking on the locked bathroom door a couple of times.
“Barely,” comes the dramatic reply after a minute. He hears a flush, a shuffling on the floor, and then the door opens, revealing Tony´s pale and sweaty face.
“You alright?” Bruce asks, looking him up and down with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, my stomach doesn´t really like that poisonous stuff Clint insists on calling emergency supplies. Just need to, y´ know, get it up...”
“Uh-huh,” Bruce nods, then his hand goes up to cup Tony´s forehead with a speed that wouldn´t seem possible for him.
“Well, no, that´s not it,” he assesses. “You´re definitely running warm.”
“I´m hot, Brucie,” Tony grins at him, then his expression turns into a grimace when he swallows heavily and clasps a hand over his lips.
“Oh god,” Bruce hears him moan before he turns back to the toilet and continues retching miserably. “Trapped in a fucking shack in the middle of nowhere and now that.”
Bruce closes the door with a lopsided smile, knowing that the man is alright as long as he is still complaning.
Tony returns to the kitchen after a while on shaky legs and in a piss-poor mood, still cradling his stomach and adamently refusing the water and pills Bruce tries to make him swallow.
The ensuing discussion on whether or not he may join them in today´s patrol quickly turns to whether or not Bruce should stay with him in the hut, but Clint sides with Tony on the latter (”He´s a big boy, Bruce, and if I leave you alone with him being in this kind of mood, I risk coming back to the house broken into ruins.”)
When they leave, Tony is already curled up on the couch and doesn´t even come to see them off, proving to Bruce that he must be feeling much worse than he lets on. He shuts the door with a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach.
When Bruce and Clint return long after dark, Tony is stretched out on the couch, sleeping at last. He looks tense and ill, the distinct flush on his cheeks and the dark shadows under his eyes making him appear at least a decade older.
The medicines are still lying untouched on the table, but there´s a half-empty glass of water and a trash can on the ground next to the couch. It looks like it was cleaned rather hastily, the smell of sickness still hanging thickly in the air, causing Clint to ruffle his nose.
“Hey, sleeping beauty,” he calls out, while Bruce takes off his jacket and then accidently knocks over the unstable coat-tree near the door, which hits the ground with a loud bang.
“What - “Tony wakes with a start, flinching and getting up halfway before his eyes focus on his teammates. “Oh, it´s you.”
He slumps back down, grimacing and rubbing the back of his hand over his face exhaustedly.
“How are you feeling?” Bruce asks, making his way through the cramped room after setting the coat-tree back up.
“I´m better,” Tony says, sitting up, slowly this time, and blinking hard against the dim ceiling lights, headache written boldly all over his face.
“Well...” Bruce says, not quite buying it. “What´s your temperature?”
“I don´t know. This shithole of a safehouse doesn´t actually feature a thermometer.”
“How many times have you thrown up?”
“God, you ever heard of the right to privacy?” Tony scowls. “You´re gonna ask about my trips to the bathroom next?”
“I don´t remember. Enough that I don´t wanna eat anything in the next few centuries. Happy now?”
“Not exactly,” Bruce sighs. “You´ve gotten worse, haven´t you?”
“I am fine, mom.”
“Sure,” Clint comments from where he´s started to rattle with the pots in the kitchen. “You know that movie, 28 days later? You´d easily pass for one of the characters, and I´m not talking about the human ones."
Tony doesn´t give a comeback, just rests his head back against the worn-out couch and closes his eyes with a moan, and that´s when Bruce knows it´s serious.
They eat quietly. Tony has turned a telling shade of green at the mention of food and buried his head back into the couch cushions, so they let him be. After dinner, Bruce tries to read while Clint busies himself carving small figures out of pieces of wood he found in the forest. He coaxes Tony into finishing the glass of water before refilling it and heading off to bed.
He awakes to someone shaking him at the shoulder, talking in a hushed and slightly panicked voice.
“Hmm?” he mouthes eloquently.
“Bruce, we gotta go. Fast, be quiet.”
“What?” Bruce blinks the sleep away and sits up. Tony is supporting himself on the frame of the bed, swaying lightly. It looks almost comical, but the fear on the other man´s face is real. “Hey, Tony, what´s going on?”
“They are coming,” he says frantically. “We gotta leave, now. Wake Clint, then get going. I´ll cover you from the windows as long as I can.”
“Who´s coming, Tony?”
“I´ve seen them. I´ve seen them on the cameras. Jarvis said -”
“There are no cameras here, pal. And when do you think you talked to Jarvis?”
“I... Bruce, I´m serious, we need to leave,” the other man urges. He is panting as if he´s just finished a marathon, his shirt is drenched in sweat, and his eyes are darting frantically across the room, scanning for threats.
“Okay,” Bruce says in a soothing voice, pretending to play along. He gets up slowly and takes Tony´s wrist into his hand, confirming a racing pulse. “What about you wait in the living room while I get the others?”
“Hhm,” Tony nods in agreement and sways a little harder. Then his eyes widen. “Pepper, we need to get Pepper out of here - “
“Pepper´s safe, Tony. Everyone is.” He slings his arm around the engineer´s shoulder and supports him back to the living room couch, then sits him down, looking at him intensely. “Do you hear me? Everyone is safe, okay? But you´re sick.”
“I... I don´t know. Can´t trust...”
“You can trust me, alright?” Bruce chuckles, a bit of sadness swining along. “Never thought I´d say that to anyone again.”
He is not sure whether Tony is listening. The other man is focusing on something behind Bruce´s back now, eyes glazed over with fever.
“Stay put,” Bruce directs, hoping that the engineer will obey for once. “I´ll bring something to get you rehydrated and cool you down a bit.”
A glass of water that thankfully stays down and a couple of cold washclothes later, Tony seems to be coming back to himself a little bit more.
“You´re - you´re trying to put me on ice? Like g-god-damn Steve Rogers?” he presses out between shattering teeth.
“Hey, you´re back,” Bruce sighs with relief.
“Never l-left, as far as I know. Wish I had. Still in f-fucking Arkansas on a boy scouts outing, or whatever we´re playing here.” Tony shivers harder as Bruce presses the washcloth back against his forehead. “Hey, what d´you think you´re doing here?”
“You were out of it for a bit. Sleepwalking, delirious babbling, the full package.”
“Oh.” If Tony is even the slightest bit embarassed, he manages to hide it masterfully. “Did I at least write some obscenities on Barton´s face with a marker while I was at it?”
Bruce snorts. “You wouldn´t be alive if you had.”
“Speaking of living, I sort of wish I wasn´t.” He groans as another chill runs through his body. “This is awful.”
“No wonder with a fever like that,” Bruce replies.
“But we´re safe here, aren´t we?” Tony adds after a beat, a tick too inconspicuous for Bruce not to catch the shadow of fear that´s left lingering in his eyes.
“Yeah, we are,” he reassures. “As safe as we can ever be.”
He hesitates for a moment, trying to find the best strategy for getting Tony to agree to Bruce staying with him. The man looks dead exhausted, but Bruce has known him for too long to believe even for a second that he´d go to sleep voluntarily while knowing that someone is looking after him.
“Mind if I sit here for a moment and read?” he asks innocently. “Have a hard time going back to sleep in the middle of the night.”
“Sure, no problem,” Tony waves absent-mindedly. “Believe it or not, the couch is actually more comfy than it looks like."
He is still trembling lightly and spreading heat like a radiator when Bruce drapes a thin blanket over both of them. His head lands on Bruce´s shoulder and it´s only a couple of minutes until his breathes become deep and regular. Bruce turns over a page, trying not to jostle him, and vows silently to keep the bad dreams away for the rest of the night.
When Clint enters the living room in the morning, Tony´s head is resting on Bruce´s thighs, his legs are draped over the armrest and he looks almost, almost peaceful. Bruce´s head is tipped back against the couch, glasses askew, one arm with the book still caught between his fingers resting on Tony´s back. He is snoring ever so lightly. 
Clint tiptoes back into the bedroom to fetch his phone, then takes a photo with a widening grin on his face. He is about to send it to the Avengers´ group chat when he thinks better of it and saves it to his personal drive. As a reminder of happier times, he names it, knowing that he is going to need it one day.
Link to Chapter 2
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moeruhoshi · 6 years ago
Unfinished and unedited WIP i dont know what to fucking do with--its been so long and i still can’t come up with an endiiiiing
Her father had locked her away so many years ago, after the death of her mother, not wanting to bother himself with even so much a sight of his grieving daughter. She was sent off to a castle no longer in use, dreary and dread, archbishops and dukes residing here many years ago. A staff was employed to keep her healthy and alive; the only traits her father cared for until she was ready to send away, again, for marriage. Pleasantly enough, her mother’s things were also sent out of the castle along with her; books, clothing, bedsheets, crowns. Lucy had the spirit of her mother by her side, not that it helped much to dampen her feelings of loss and loneliness.
And as she grew older, the staff grew smaller and smaller, soon she was all who was left, goodbyes pardoned for the poor who received illness or were ordered to return to the capital. Lucy enjoyed taking care of herself, being able to do as she liked when she liked, although etiquette still burned true in her veins. Unlearning the proper ways to stand, eat, and walk were ones hard to reprogram. She wondered someday if her father would even send for her, or continue to keep her far beneath his reach in an old castle left to perish empty and alone. Someone back home was at least thinking of her, or else food deliveries were sure to stop.
“See you again, Princess!” Zoldeo waved as he drove away her cart, Lucy waving back, sighing to herself as she was once again left without company. The two always had somewhat pleasant conversations as they moved her grains, potatoes, and other perishables from the cart and into her kitchen, his tales usually of the constant buzzing lifestyle in the center of the kingdom. Lucy missed the busyness of the streets, horse hooves on cobblestones, children laughing and begging their parents for a treat. She missed the festivals and fireworks, or really any sound that wasn’t constant flourishing wind. She never braved leaving her home farther than the garden she created in fear of getting lost in the surrounding woods without a guide to help her find her way.
The princess turned on her heel as the servant was now out of sight, flinching as the leaves rustled behind her back. It was probably a bunny, she assured herself, hoping to be able to treat it with a carrot if it trusted her scent enough. A whimper revealed itself, whoever behind the leaves unable to breach them.
“H-Hello?” Lucy called as she edged closer to the boundary of the trees, peering ever so slightly into the shaded area. She gasped, eyes casting over an injured dragon nearly a foot or so taller than her, wings furled trying to hide the gash on his side that only continued to drip blood into the grass.
“Oh goodness, are you alright?!” She asked as she stepped over the shrubbery to observe him more closely. He growled as she tried to carelessly touch his scales, Lucy backing away with an apology.
“Let me help you, okay? I promise I’ll be gentle,” She smiled softly, holding out a hand for him to sniff in acquaintance. His snout pat her palm as he accepted her scent, gruffing in approval to allow her to continue. Lucy thanked him as he pulled away his wing, eyes wide as she took in the entirety of his injuries.
“Let me see your eyes,” She mumbled to his craning head, their deep yellow muddled and shaky. “Poisoned...”
“Well, you’re lucky to have made it so close to my home,” She scratched the underside of his chin lightly. “Do you think you can walk? I’d be able to help you much more if you come inside. I’ve studied my mother's medicine books, so I should be of some help,”
It was a rather grueling task, one Lucy would be grateful to never have to do again. She helped the dragon to his feet, wincing as he did, apologizing for stirring his pain. They hobbled around the side of her castle and aimed for the much grander front entrance through which he’d be able to fit. They plopped against the harder tile floor, Lucy groaning as she fell to her back by his side, wiping the sweat having trailed from her hairline.
“I have not carried so much as an apple basket compared to even the slightest bit of you, Sir Dragon,” She puffed, receiving only but a glance as he adjusted himself. The foyer was quite large, stairs coming from either the west and east wing to meet at the center of the palace, a large painting of the late queen hanging above them. She moved to close the large wooden doors, dragon curled in the middle of the room.
“Not as comfortable as it could be, I know,” She spoke more to herself than the dragon, if he could even understand what she was saying as she moved to ascend her staircase. “I’m much more comfortable having you move again once we close that awful wound. Let me gather some supplies and hurry before that gets anymore infected.”
There was only so much the princess could do in this empty home of hers, reading being the most common and effective escape. Books were able to take her to far away lands, lead her on adventures with the friends she made every page, find ways out of sticky situations and conquer villains thought to have been unbeatable. After reading all the fictional books she could get her hands on, there were those of a more boring genre but provided Lucy with valuable information. She enjoyed those on gardening and apothecary, taking into account which plants outside were safe for her to eat and those she could turn into salves or soaps, ointments to ale ailments she may mysteriously encounter. She collected jars of her creations, reusing ones from her jams and marmalades, Zoldeo often arriving with empty ones she had asked for. Bandages and thick thread as well, she had a knack for sewing dresses and attempted her hand at a pillow suture, just in case. The stories she read were wonderful at sending the message to be prepared. Of course Lucy just liked learning in general and was glad if any of her skills could come in handy; but having to care for a dragon may not have been one she anticipated.
He watched as she came back with an armful of jars and white rolls, setting them down in front of him before she made her way towards her kitchen, telling him she would be needing a water and rags as well.
“I’m glad it’s just us here, otherwise I’m sure someone would have a fit over the mess I’m about to make,” She laughed, setting down the sloshing bucket next to his side. The cut wasn’t long but it appeared deep, or along an artery that more speedily exposed him to the effects of the poison. She took a mortar and pestle, picking dried leaves out of several jars to crush them together in almost a near fine powder.
“I’m going to mix this into the water to help clean out anything that might be in your wound,” She explained, popping open another jar with sticky white paste. “Now, is it alright if I help you fall asleep?”
He gruffed and shook his head, almost glaring at the blonde for suggesting what could be an opportunity for her to easily betray him, relationship too new for his trust.
“That’s alright,” She chuckled, smearing the paste below his nostrils with her thumb. “This should help ease the sting of me clearing your injury, don’t lick it or you will fall asleep,”
“Now please, try not to hurt me while I do this,” She sighed with a nervous smile, petting the dragon from the base of a horn down his neck, satisfied as he released a small purr. She took one of the few clean rags she brought with her, dipping it into the water before ringing it out above the jagged cut. He howled, tail thwomping against the floor as she continued, gobs of clustered blood sticking to leaves and small twigs, some small pebbles and rocks flooding out.
“Shh, it’s okay,” She reassured him as she cleaned around the wound as well before preparing to stitch him up. The dragon whimpered as she pressed the edges together, dipping her needle into the remaining water before piercing through his scaled appearance. Luckily more was closer to the soft underbelly of his skin, making it a slightly faster process but still uncomfortable as he continued to cry out.
“Now this,” She gestured to another jar of thicker, gloopy looking ointment. “Will help heal you faster, I’ll apply it everyday until there’s nothing but a scar,”
Lucy smiled as he became dazed, head falling by her side as she washed away the remaining blood and brushed her fingers carefully over the stitching. She stood up after pasting his bandages on, sighing at the bloody slosh around them, pushing up her sleeves as she went to retrieve fresh water and a mop.
“Let’s make you something to eat, something to get rid of that poison, hmm? Not too much, I don’t want your stomach pressing on your wound.” She huffed and wiped the sweat from her brow, the dragon having laid still while she cleaned up the aftermath. He furled his wings as she walked away, returning some time later with a grunt or two, heaving a pot of stew in front of him.
“You sure are making the lady sweat, Sir Dragon. I hope it’s not too hot, but I’m sure you won’t mind it. You breathe fire, don’t you?” She smiled as he nodded, dipping into the pot with a sniff. “There are a lot of herbs, to help get rid of those nasty toxins. I’d hate to know whoever tried to hurt you. Not a hunter I hope?” He shook his head, mildly lapping at the soup to curb his hunger.
“Something else in the woods?” She gasped as he nodded, Lucy’s hand stroking softly against the scales of his neck as she watched him eat. “Goodness, I’ll do my best to be careful going outside, hopefully whatever it was has already gone away.”
“It has gotten quite late, I didn’t even notice the time,” She yawned gracefully behind her hand after returning from the kitchen again. The dragon had curled in on himself, eye glancing as she gave him one last scratch for the day.
“Will you be alright sleeping by yourself? Do you need a blanket?” His chest seemed to rise with a chuckle and another shake of his head, his eyes closing as they rested against his claws.
“I’ll be upstairs if you need anything...do you have a name? I think it’s a bit rude to simply call you ‘Dragon’. Although I doubt you can answer,” She giggled, kneeling to his side. “Shall I call you Gonzales?”
He seemed to turn sour at the name, disagreeing instantly as she pouted.
“No one likes that name, I personally think it’s cute,” She humphed. “How about... Kaen? It means flame,”
He shook his head again, gesturing to a tapestry hanging above her with a large sun needlepointed into it.
“The sun? Taiyo?”
He disagreed, continuing to nod towards the tapestry in suggestion.
“Summer, maybe? Natsu?” She laughed as he nodded, clapping her hands together. “Natsu it is! Well then, goodnight, Natsu.”
Lucy gave him a chaste kiss upon the tip of his snout before gracefully taking her leave to her room upstairs, happy to finally take off her dampened dress.
She yawned as the sun shone brightly on her edge of the woods, coaxing her to move out of bed and get ready for the day. The princess dressed in much lighter clothing this time, excited as she skipped down her stairs to the one she was taking care of.
“Good morning, Natsu!” She chirped as she opened the curtains, the dragon grunting as the sunlight flooded in. “Its a bit improper to be so loud, but I never get to greet anyone in the morning.” The princess sighed as he lifted himself for her to inspect his eyes.
“Oh good, they’re not so red anymore. I’ll make us some breakfast and then give you a bath, hmm? That should help make you feel better. Some more ointment and fresh bandages too.”
Natsu seemed too tired to care either way as she walked off to conduct their day. He lazily opened an eye as she came back with another soup again in its large pot, listing their ingredients and their benefits before going to fetch a bucket of water, bringing down a whole collection of jars again to mix bubbly water and began to scrub him with a content smile.
“Do you like that? What a good boy,” She giggled as he purred, Lucy brushing along his tail, the dragon wagging it and turning to nudge her with his snout. The bristles continued to stimulate his scales, Natsu almost ready to roll over at the tickling sensation. He licked her cheek lightly as she moved along his back and over the patterned spikes, Lucy laughing and caressing his head as it rested on her shoulder. He mumbled and pressed against her as she made her way up his horns, sighing delightfully.
“Now that we’re done,” The blonde hummed as she pasted on his clean bandages. “Would you like to hear a story?”
“This one is one of my favorites,” Lucy sighed as she set down a stack of books she was all too eager to bring down and share with the dragon. “Although I don’t think you’d be too happy that the prince tries to defeat the dragon, hmm?” She giggled as he shook his head.
“It’s a lovely story I always thought, my mother would read it to me whenever I was upset. I think it’s wonderful when he rescues his princess at the end,”
“Oh, goodness, I haven’t introduced myself, have I?” She smiled as she stood from her place at his side, taking the edges of her skirt to offer a deep curtesy.
“Princess Lucy Heartfilia of Fiore,” His eyes seemed to widen as she bowed to him. “My father sent me here after mother died, if you’re curious why I’m so far from home.” The conversation fell short as she sat back down, pulling a book from the stack as she turned to him with a smile.
“Now, this is a story about my best friends. My mother wrote it for me,”
And so, Lucy spent her days eager to finally wake up with someone by her side, not literally but caring for the dragon was enough to fill the loneliness she had been experiencing all these years. They would eat together and she would redress his wound, occasionally give him baths as well. The two spent most of their time curled with Lucy leaning against his neck, the princess going on to read him each of her favorite books, dramatizing the adventures and trying her best to make them come to life, thoroughly embarrassed when all the dragon would do was look at her. He always looked like he was on the verge of speaking, which made Lucy curious and a bit upset, she missed the ability to speak with another person, but Natsu responded well enough. There were nights she fell asleep in the middle of reading, curled against the dragon, his tail moving to act as a blanket. She’d wake up dreary and warm, quick to apologize for drooling on his scales. He’d greet her each morning with a lick to her cheek, Lucy giggling as she pushed his slobbering tongue away. It had been almost a month since their meeting, Natsu nearly healed, Lucy’s salve working wonders and herbs working quickly to flush the toxins out of his system.
“Good morning, Natsu,” Lucy yawned delicately behind her hand as she made her way down the stairs, stopping halfway as she saw him padding around more actively, looking antsy as he eyed the drawn curtains.
“Oh, would you like to go outside? I’m sure you’re tired of staying cooped up in here, and your wound has just about healed!” Lucy smiled as she walked towards the large door.
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endless-vall · 7 years ago
Happy (?) New Year - Estela x Mc fanfic
Summary: The gang had planned out New Year’s Eve perfectly, but an old wound of Mc’s threatens to ruin the night. Author’s note: Anon requested a fic where Mc falls ill due to a wound, but hides it from the gang, set in book 2. I decided to write that in the “New Year” chapter. This marks my last request (from the last batch) & also kindof my last WIP! Woohoo! I’m excited! I also touched on a issue here, when Aleister accused Mc of hiding important things from the gang, like she did in the past. This is an aspect we see in Mc in the books, so I think it’s realistic enough. Mc also cares about the gang deeply, and just wants them to be happy (along with other things like... safe.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this piece! Sorry for the long delay!
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Mc clenched to her side, entering her bedroom. Good, She thought. No one saw her struggling. The wound was getting worse lately, and she wondered if it was time to come clean. A while ago, in an encounter with the saber-tooth tiger, she got a strike of his claws, resulting in an ugly cut in her stomach. Michelle had treated to her wound, and they managed to befriend the watchers (and as a result of that, the saber-tooth tiger himself), and Mc didn’t want to cause any drama. At first, it almost healed properly, but lately… She was getting these strokes of dizziness and nausea hitting her out of nowhere, followed by a pulsing pain in the cut. She wanted to tell Michelle and ask her to take a lot at it, but everything was happening so fast. She didn’t even get a chance to tell Estela…
And suddenly, a group called The Arachnids were after them and they had to flee. Maybe it was the snow… The cold could’ve made her more susceptible to infections, and she could’ve caught something. They were just on their way to find a shelter. We’ll just reach there, and I’ll tell her. Mc promises herself. The problem is… They arrive, and decide to celebrate the New Year, along with everyone’s birthdays. She could wait another day… It won’t hurt her… Right? Just so she won’t buzzkill everyone. So she puts on a brave face, and decides to wait for until after tomorrow. She can do it. Everyone spend the next day preparing. They dressed up nicely, put on decorations all around the house, and cooked an entire set of meals, for everyone. Everyone talks to each other, Immersed in complete bliss, forgetting all of their problems, just for one night. Mc, though, is a lot worse. She tries to hide it, but the pain is barely tolerable, and her head is certainly somewhere else… But everyone’s having such a nice time… “Is everything okay?” It’s Estela’s voice, that bring her back to reality. Mc ‘wakes up’, shaking her head, and blinks at her beautiful girlfriend. “I’m sorry, what?” She finally questions, back. Estela’s reaction grows even more concerned, and she furrows her brows, as she repeats her question. “Are you okay?” She asks, this time her voice is soft, her tone worried. “I- I’m? Yes, of course… I’m great!” Mc exhales. “Have you seen this party? It’s going to be amazing!” She fakes her excitement. It’s not that she’s not excited, it’s just that it’s hard to focus on celebrating when she feels like throwing up and never leaving her bed again. Estela nods, slowly, but it still looks like she’s not buying it. “Yeah, sure… But are you sure? You seem… I don’t know. Different.” Estela voices her concerns. “It’s just the weight of everything that happened lately.” Mc makes excuses. That seems enough to convince Estela, and she cracks a weak smile. “Hey,” She puts a hand on Mc’s shoulder. It’s supposed to be reassuring Mc, but actually, it just makes her realize how heavy Estela’s hand feels on her shoulder, and she spends a few moments praying she won’t collapse right there, right then. “I know everything seems crazy. Hell, it’s been that way since the moment we arrived… But this is exactly why we’re having this party. To forget about all of this and have a normal evening for a chance. Try to focus on that and have a nice time tonight.” Estela tells her, finally taking her hand off her shoulder. “Right.” Mc looks relieved – but for the wrong reason. Still, she smiles at Estela, the latter smiling back at her. “I’ll try.” She promises, and Estela heads to help with the last preparation of the party. Just when Mc thinks she’s off the hook, Aleister approaches her. She’s really not in the mood, but she forces a smile, anyway. “Hey, Aleister. How’s it going?” She makes small talk. Aleister looks her face over, squinting his eyes at her. “Spill it.” He hisses. She blinks at him. He couldn’t have noticed… Could he? “I don’t know what you’re talking about—“ She plays innocent. “Mc. Save the act for someone who’ll actually believe it. I’ve been watching you for the past few days and I don’t know what’s going on, but I do know that there’s something. And even your precious girlfriend doesn’t seem to know it, so I’ll repeat it just once… SPILL IT.” He tells her again. Aleister’s intentions are pure, this time, but Mc’s not planning to ruin the night. And she’s certainly not planning on telling him about her injury before she tells Michelle or Estela. “Listen.” She raises her voice. “I don’t know why do you think you’re seeing here, but I’m sorry to tell you you’re eyes been fooling you. I also don’t know why do you think watching me is a good idea, it’s creepy.” She tells him. Their bickering seems to catch some attention, around them, but she doesn’t notice. Her friends are yet to gather around them, but some are raising their eyes and looking their way. Especially Zahra, who’s most attentive to them. “Mc, I’m not playing your games. Something is up and you’re going to tell me what it is. We deserve to know. You have a habit of keeping thing to yourself, thing everyone around me, should know.” His voice is stern, and he makes some good points. It’s easy to agree with him, meaning her friends are probably going to take his side. “Aleister, It’s not what you think it is…” She pleads, people are starting to form around them. “THEN TELL ME.” He simply replies. “Hey! Leave her alone.” Estela steps in, clearly upset with Aleister. This was supposed to be a night that’s all about happiness, and yet, Mc already feels like she succeeded in running it. “Guys, let’s clam down…” Quinn and Diego steps in too, making Estela back away too, still wary for Mc. “She’s hiding something!” Aleister tells them. Grace approaches them too. “Mc… Is it true?” She asks, voice worried, and eyebrows furrowed into a concerned expression. “I…-“ She starts saying, finally admitting defeat, when the pain in her stomach reaches a new peak, and she clenches to her side. “Aggh-“ She falls to the floor, blood running down her dress. “Mc!” She hears Estela’s voice, her eyes fluttering shut. “Someone get Michelle!” She hears again, before everything grows dark. She isn’t sure how much time had passed, when she wakes up. She just sees Estela sitting beside her, half asleep on a chair. However, when she notices her moving, Estela immediately blinks awake, and reaches for her hand. “How are you feeling? What were you thinking? Mc?” Her voice is both accusing and worrying. Mc can’t blame her, though. “I just wanted everyone have one drama-free night.” She admits, her voice low. The truth is she’s feeling much better. She doesn’t know what Michelle did but that girl is a magician. Rising to a sitting position, Estela rushes to her side. “Mc?” She asks. “I’m fine, really.” Mc assures her, taking her hand in hers. “I’m so sorry for making you worry.” She can’t help but letting her face fall. “Hey, none of that.” Estela takes her face in both of her arms and pulls it up, towards her. “I’m not mad at you… I’m just… I was so worried.” She tells her. “I lashed out at Aleister, accusing him of doing something to hurt you… But then Michelle took care of you and she told us everything… how your wound got bad again.” Estela briefly tells her. “I should apologize to him.” Estela concludes. “Me too.” Mc admits. Aleister didn’t mean to harm her. And honestly, she probably would’ve passed out anyway. Both share a quick chuckle. “Yeah…” Mc notices Estela’s still in her dress. “Is the party still going out there?” Mc asks, looking towards the door. “Yeah…” Estela shrugs. “You were out only for a couple of hours. Michelle found some antibiotics and immediately started treating you, but after that… They resumed it. They didn’t wanna party when you’re so bad, but… I told them you’d kill us if we didn’t.” Estela chuckles. “Good.” Mc tells her, making her smile. “We should join them.” Mc tells her, trying to get out of her bed. “Oh no way miss! You’re staying right here and getting some rest.” Estela scolded. Mc chuckled. “I promise to behave!! I’m better. See?” Mc put on her best puppy face, with a wishful smile. Estela folded her arms on top of her chest, but after a few seconds, her gaze softens. “Fine.” She finally tells, and helps her up. Mc changes into a different dress, and they both head out to the party. It’s just a few minutes before midnight. Phew. Mc thinks to herself. They didn’t miss the entire thing. “Mc! How are you?” Diego is the first to jump up to her, as soon as they immerge out of the room. “You shouldn’t be out of bed yet.” Michelle said in a instructive voice. “I’m fine, I’m better.” Mc tells her. “Thank you for everything,” She said in an apologetic look. She knows she should’ve told Michelle sooner. “I’m not persuaded yet.” Michelle told her, scolding at her. “Michelle, please.” She pleaded with her. “Just for a little while.” She eyed the clock standing in the corner of the room. Michelle looked briefly into that direction, realizing it’s almost midnight, and that Mc probably just wanted to spend the new-year with her friends. Everyone turned to look at Michelle too, anticipating her answer. ... “FINE.” She finally lets out, everyone around her sighing in relief. “Yay! Thank you!” Mc jumps and hugs her, excitedly. “... And thank you for everything, I mean it.” She says after she breaks apart from her. “Of course, just... Next time, will you promise to be more careful?” Michelle asks, still worried for her. “Don’t worry, Estela already made me promise that.” Mc chuckles, and Michelle sends a thankful smile to Estela. “But sure.” Mc agrees, nodding. After that, the party resumes. Music echoes through the corridors, everybody mingles. Her friends approach, one by one, and sounds their concerns for her, as well as their relief she’s okay. Even the toughest sells, like Zahra and Aleister, are glad she’s okay. “About that...” Mc tells Aleister, struggling to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry for what I’ve said.” She faces him anyway. “You were up to something and you were right, and I tried reverting the attention from it, making things only worse... Thank you for calling me out.” She apologizes, sincerely. Aleister nods, Grace at his side, hands around his arm. “I’m sorry too.” He says quietly. It’s a rare event for him to apologize, but maybe it’s something about the festive feeling of the new year’s. “I should’ve trusted you.” He continues, Grace wears a proud smile as she looks up at him. “No, you were right to call me out.” Mc insists, and Aleister nods. “But I probably should’ve done it another way.” He adds, finally. Estela apologizes for lashing out at him, to which he just smiles. “I’d do the same for Grace,” He notes, so he understands, and they go back to partying. They go out to the outside lounge, everybody getting ready for the big countdown. It started snowing around them, as if to match the perfect atmosphere. “Guys, it’s time!” Diego calls excitedly, and they start counting back. “10... 9... 8... 7...” Mc holds Estela’s hand in hers, squeezing it lightly. Estela offers a smile, which she returns. “6... 5... 4...” They turn towards each other, both blushing for some reason. There’s something about this moment that’s magical, and they both feel it. “3... 2... 1...” And they share a passionate kiss, holding each other’s faces in their arms. Mc pulls Estela closer, and Estela leans down, deepening the kiss. Their tongues dance around in their mouths, in perfect harmony, like they were made for each other. A long moment passes, until they break apart from each other, beaming at the other. They look around, a few other couples kissing, and then turn back to each other. There’s a brief second of consideration, before both pull again, in the same time, into another desirous kiss. “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
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kusunokihime-a · 8 years ago
OKAY rant part two time for @littlelilypetal – this time about the more general plot of Arc Three because...reasons.
Also small disclaimer AGAIN for anyone else who pops in here, curious: this is from a fic written from a verse I wrote with two friends LONG before I joined Tumblr. It was written over literally hundreds of pages (I have the threads saved don’t try me boi, and the fic itself is 300,000 words and counting), and it’s very dear to me. It’s nothing that has to happen here, but it’s still a thing, and any whining about OC x Canon pairings will be met with fingers in my ears going lalala can’t hear you.
SO. Small disclaimer: this first part here is still a bit of a WIP, as my original draft had a plot hole in it. This is my attempt at fixing it xD
Arc three starts technically before the end of Shippuden, aka before Sasuke leaves. Ryū ends up going with him to raid Obito's old lab to make sure all the Uchiha bodies and parts are properly disposed of or buried. Among them is Itachi's body.
Now, Ryū at this point already has Itachi's permission to resurrect him (as noted in the other rant lol - he’s gotta come back and clean up his mess, and take care of his kids), she just doesn't have the means how, as she's lacking his body. And, of course, the body he had was ravaged by illness and worn out, let alone missing its eyes. So, while clearing the lab, she takes a DNA sample without Sasuke's knowledge, and then proceeds to help him clean up. She hasn't told Sasuke her plans yet, as she's still not 100% sure it will work.
As a test, she uses her soul retrieval technique on Neji, managing to retrieve his soul and replace it into his healed corpse. Knowing she can get it to work, she moves forward.
(Quick note about that technique: it's HELLA dangerous. Basically, a person uses a very thin connection to their body, and goes into the void to take ONE soul at a time. BUT, the longer a soul has been departed from the mortal plane, the further away it is – so she can't just take anyone who's died like a hundred years ago. Her limit is like...a few months, at best. But the void constantly eats at her chakra, and if she stays too long, she'll just...die. So it's a powerful technique, but EXTREMELY risky and limited. Hopefully it seems balanced that way ='D)
So, Sasuke then leaves a few months later, and she begins her work. At this point she’s still working in the hospital, focusing on surgeries to give her more time at home with the twins, who are about 8 months at this point. But, after her shifts, she sneaks to the basement of the hospital (aka the morgue), where there are cryogenic pods for storing bodies. They're almost always unused, and it's there she pours every spare ounce of chakra she has into regrowing an entirely new body for Itachi. It takes her months, and she nearly kills herself doing it, using up too much energy, but eventually she finishes it.
After her collapse, Tsunade confronts her, and she has no choice but to reveal her plans. Of course, Tsunade FLIPS her table, because one: that's hella dangerous, and two: how is this going to work? A few select people know the truth behind Itachi, but there's a few issues with him being revived. One is that he's still guilty in most eyes. And even if they break the truth behind the massacre, that's highly dangerous. The administration of Konoha – the Hokage and the elders – WIPED OUT an entire clan due to dissent. If the other clans learned of this, it would surely break the village apart.
Ryū announces she has a plan. Due to her connections with Sasuke as his guardian/sibling figure, she's also bumped into most of the Konoha Twelve during her years in Konoha. Most of which are heirs or at least high-ranking members of large clans. She plans to speak to them first, as they're likely the most receptive after everything they faced in the war, and knowing Sasuke's loss as his friends and comrades. By securing their agreement to help with the issue, she hopes to avoid a total meltdown.
She also has a few favors owed to her by the Hyūga, who are arguably the most powerful clan now that the Uchiha are “gone”. One for attempting to protect Hinata during Pain's invasion (I didn't elaborate on that in the other rant, but if I wrote the whole thing out we'd be here for DAYS lol), and then of course reviving Neji. She plans to rely heavily on them and her friendship with Hinata to help keep the other clans in line, by talking to her and Neji first. Hopefully, that way, the Hyūga - already knowing the plan - can lead by example by being calm, and hopefully help the other clans keep from flipping tables.
Unfortunately, Tsunade lets the plan slip to Sakura...who then tattles to Sasuke. She confronts Ryū about it, asking why she wouldn't tell him, and Ryū argues that she didn't want to get his hopes up if it failed. But, Sasuke shows up anyway, and agrees to stay and help with the plan to break the news about the coup and the massacre.
With Tsunade and Sakura's help, Ryū performs her technique, their Byakugō helping bolster her chakra alongside her sage state. Normally, Itachi would have been dead far too long. But thanks to Edo Tensei, the “distance” has sort have been...reset. It wipes her out, but she manages it, and returns the soul to his rebuilt body!
Of course, one thing they have to deal with is getting Itachi mobile. The body is basically the same as a newborn's – it has NO muscle strength, so he ends up needing months of physical therapy to get up and moving. And until he's fit (and able to defend himself, as there's fears he'll be attacked), they work with the young heirs of Sasuke's generation to move their plans forward. Ryū has a meeting with the Konoha Twelve and explains everything, and of course they all agree to help.
Once Itachi is ready, the elders are called into a meeting with Tsunade...only to find themselves surrounded by the leaders and heirs of all the major clans. They reveal that they know the truth, that Itachi has returned, and if they refuse to admit to it, they can Edo Tensei summon Hiruzen to confirm their story. Basically backed into a corner, the elders are forced to step down, where they can't bring about anything else like the massacre.
The last thing that remains is Itachi's official pardon. Tsunade decides to use Kakashi's coronation as a platform, as everyone will be gathered anyway. He explains the truth behind the massacre, and official pardons Itachi. But there are some in the crowds that look...less than happy about it.
So, from there, the general premise is how the Uchiha have to get back on their feet – forming an alliance with the Hyūga, and doing their best to settle into Konoha again.
But it doesn't end there :3c
One day, while Itachi is speaking to Kakashi about rejoining the shinobi force, Ryū senses an intruder in the compound, walking up the Naka river. She runs out to confront them...only to realize that it's SHISUI.
(which is actually the Shisui from my sideblog lolol)
BASICALLY...I think it's bull that Shisui leapt into a RIVER to dispose of his body...like...really? There's a HUGE chance it would have washed up on shore and been found by gods know who. SO, MY Shisui instead went into hiding – the only way he could know his body was safe was to keep it alive, but have everyone THINK it was dead. Even Itachi. Of course, he PLANNED to die later, but couldn't be 100% sure it would be safe. So instead (super short summary), he lived in a cave along the Naka for about ten years and learned echolocation via chakra from bats (think Toph from ATLA, only with chakra lol)
So...suddenly, Shisui is alive. Ryū is ecstatic, of course...but Itachi is PISSED. Because...had he known Shisui was still alive, he might have kept trying. He might not have had to kill the clan. A LOT could have been different. So...it takes time for him to come around, due to the guilt he feels about the massacre, and now knowing there was a chance it could have been avoided. But in reality...not really.
So now we suddenly have five blood Uchiha rather than three: Itachi, Shisui, Sasuke, and the twins. It's obviously nowhere near the clan it was before, but it's more than it was!
And this is where things start to go to shit, lol
So, remember those people, unhappy about Itachi's return? Well...there's a rather volatile group who feel the same way. See, some of the old Root members, led by Danzō, still harbor a LOT of resentment, and are still loyal to his memory. Among them is Okano Sumire, a woman obsessed with Danzō, who was a high ranking officer under his regime. She's been plotting revenge against Sasuke already for “killing” Danzō (though he technically committed suicide), and now she's got a whole lot more to be pissed about. With the massacre's truth revealed, Danzō's name is now just...dragged through the mud. And with the revelation of Itachi, she now also knows that the twins are blood Uchiha.
So, she regathers the scattered remnants of Root who are still loyal to Danzō, becomes their new leader, and basically begins plotting to wipe out the Uchiha for GOOD, as she feels they are all guilty for Danzō’s death and subsequent dishonor.
This causes the family problems all throughout Arc Three. It starts small – threats left on their doorstep, people jeering at them in public, etc. Though it's partially helped by the Hyūga, who – as the Uchiha's allies thanks to Ryū's work with them – do all they can to help bolster the tiny clan's reputation. But Sumire begins spreading dissent into the village with rumors and lies, and eventually things starting getting dangerous, including Ryū and the twins being attacked in broad daylight. She manages to hold them off with barriers, but she's obviously pretty freaked out after being attacked in the middle of the street with her KIDS with her.
So that's like...the main conflict, alongside the twins' conflict with each other. They end up on a team with Mirai, as I mentioned, with Shisui as their team leader. They later enter ANBU when able, and do their best to counteract Root. The rest of the story is basically them trying to wipe out Root before Root wipes THEM out. Of course they don’t face it alone, but it’s also pretty much THEIR problem.
And, uh...there's a rather volatile event just before the actual epilogue where it's Ryū who confronts Sumire...and someone gets killed.
But I won't spoil that :3c
ANYWAY. So yeah. That's the basic conflict (well, conflictS) of Arc Three. I had to kinda change things a wee bit after chapter 700 and Boruto became a thing, but...it's mostly unchanged. Just gotta account for other kiddos, like Sarada. Otherwise, I’m completely ignoring the PLOT of Boruto, and just sticking the pairings/kids in it to keep close-ish to canon.
But uh..yeah! Second rant, finished xD
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shadow-wasser · 8 years ago
WIP Fic Whenever - Atla Zombie AU
WIP Fic Friday is a place where I will put a ‘quick and dirty’ first draft of either a short story or a chapter from a longer story. This will hopefully encourage me to improve my writing output
Whelp. This is where it starts to get a bit gory.
Chapter 3: An Interruption
Spring, Ba Sing Se
A decent crowd had gathered to watch the two adolescents fight in the street. One wielded tiger hooks, the other twin broadswords, and they seemed evenly matched. It was good entertainment, for the lower ring.
From the crowd, Smellerbee watched her leader clash swords with the teashop boy, a pit of dread in her stomach. Li struck out with a swipe that would have slashed Jet’s throat if he hadn’t bent backward so quickly, and Smellerbee bit her lip, hard.
Longshot sent her a look, and she took a shaking breath. But Longshot’s steady presence wasn’t the only thing that kept her from dashing in to aid Jet. She wouldn’t have survived this long if she was the sort to throw her life away, and everything about this screamed unnecessary danger. Not here. Not now. Not in front of this crowd. In the city, you can’t traipse about doing whatever you want. You need to be clever about it. But rage seemed to have burnt all of Jet’s cleverness into soot.
Jet leaped backwards, and landed on the rim of a well. His balance, honed from years living on tree branches, was as keen as ever. “You see that?” he cried. “The Fire Nation is trying to silence me! It’ll never happen!”
Even now, his words could thrill. The crowd leaned in, backs to the warm evening, waiting to hear what would happen next.
Then, a scream sounded from somewhere in the back of the crowd.
“Aaaugh! Get off! Get off me!”
Zuko paused, distracted by the shouting, and his lip twitched as Jet’s blade nicked his arm.
“Ha!” crowed Jet. “What’s the matter? Losing your focus?”
Zuko locked blades with the other boy, and blocked out the rest of the world. “It won’t happen again.”
A ripple moved through the crowd, and Smellerbee frowned, turning. “What…”
The gathered people were beginning to run, and Smellerbee frowned as they pushed her aside. She wouldn’t leave Jet here. What were they running from? She put her hand on her knife.
Then the crowd cleared, and there, at the back, were two men, dirty and gaunt in the lantern-light. One was missing an arm, and they were both crouched over a woman, and- Spirits! They were ripping pieces off of her!
Smellerbee made a sound of disgust. “Spirits above, what is that?”
Longshot stared for a moment, then un-slung his bow from his shoulder.
The man with one arm turned and looked at Longshot and Smellerbee. His eyes were empty, and reflected the dim light like two pale mirrors. He started to take uneven, jerky steps towards Longshot, who raised his bow, a clear warning.
“Stay back!” called Smellerbee. The one-armed man ignored her, and Longshot fired an arrow, striking true. The one-armed man was hit in the shoulder, and he moaned deeply, a horrible, inhuman sound. But he didn’t stop coming. Longshot and Smellerbee could see his pale, discolored skin.
Longshot loosed another arrow, and this time hit the one-armed man straight in the eye. But he didn’t even slow down before lunging at the archer, arm outstretched.
Zuko charged Jet, ducked, slashed again. In turn, Jet looked for an opening, twisting, turning. They fought on, seemingly blind to the world around them. The old tea-maker stepped down from the doorway of the teashop.
“Nephew!” called the old man, as he saw the source of the crowd’s dispersal, and then, more harshly: “Li!”
Longshot shielded his face with his arms, but the man grabbed his right arm and bit it, sinking his teeth in and ripping.
Longshot cried out, and Smellerbee let out a war yell, stabbing Longshot’s assailant with her knife. It was a solid hit. The blade went straight between his ribs, and that should have been the end of it.
But the one-armed man didn’t so much as flinch. Instead, he swallowed the piece of Longshot he had in his mouth, and leaned in to bite again.
“No!” Smellerbee stabbed the attacker again, this time in the neck. It felt like a nightmare, the kind where you kick and punch at some horrid monster, but it’s like attacking a tree, or a mountain…
Then something grabbed Smellerbee’s shoulder and arm from behind. It was the other man, the one who had both its arms. Smellerbee shrieked, and hammered down with her fist, knifing him (he wasn’t human. How could he be human?) in the stomach, again and again. He sank its teeth into the side of her face.
Jet felt his arm abruptly twist, and his one remaining sword was ripped from his hand. He whirled, and saw the old man, holding his sword. He opened his mouth to object, but the old man spoke first.
“Enough! Are you so blinded by hate that you will stand by while your own friends are destroyed?”
Jet stared for a moment, not understanding, until he heard Smellerbee scream.
“Jet, HELP!”
That seemed to break the spell. Both boys looked up and saw the figures fighting with Smellerbee and Longshot. Longshot had fallen back, fumbling with his bow, trying to load it with one arm mangled. Smellerbee was struggling, trying desperately to tear away from the thing that seemed to be trying to gnaw through the back of her head.
Jet grabbed his sword back from Iroh and attacked immediately, slashing open the man chewing on Smellerbee with his hook. It let Smellerbee go, but instead of falling, it lunged forwards, towards Jet.
Not entirely sure what he was doing, Zuko joined the fight, slicing off the one-armed attacker’s head with almost-laughable ease. Its head thudded to the ground, but its body continued to stand, flailing jerkily. Longshot scooted backwards, and Zuko drew back in horror.
“Spirits! What are they, Uncle?” asked Zuko, looking towards Iroh for guidance.
“I do not know,” replied the old man. “Something unnatural.”
Then, the Dai Li emerged from the shadows, their presence marked by the dry rustle of cloth on stone.
From there, the fight was over quickly. Within seconds, both attackers had earth sealed over their mouths and limbs. One of the Dai Li agents walked up to them, levitated them by their rock binds, and threw them into the back of their wagon. He carefully picked up the fallen head, which was still snapping its teeth, and took the body of the woman from where it lay on the ground. The other agent came forward.
“Keep your distance,” he said. “Remain calm.”
“Calm!” objected Zuko. “That thing was walking around with its head off!”
Jet turned to his freedom fighters. “Smellerbee, Longshot, are you guys okay?”
Smellerbee was sitting upright, pressing the heel of her palm to her bleeding cheek. “I… I’m okay. Ooh, this’ll leave a scar, though. Longshot?”
The archer held up his arm, and Jet turned to the Dai Li.
“Get a healer!” he snapped. “They’re hurt!”
That seemed to get the Dai Li’s attention. One of the agents stepped forward. “Calm down, son. Were they bitten?”
“What’s going on?” demanded Jet. “What happened to those men?”
“There is no need to panic,” continued the Dai Li, his voice maddeningly calm. “It is an illness.”
“An illness that makes you eat people’s faces?” Jet’s eyes bulged.
The Dai Li ignored him, and turned to Smellerbee and Longshot. “Were you two bitten?”
Longshot looked at Smellerbee, then at the wagon, and carefully drew his arm close, partly covering it with his tunic.
“…No,” said Smellerbee, her hand still pressed to her bleeding face. “I ran into a post. Then I fainted and hit my head. Because I was scared.”
The Dai Li agent looked incredulous, so Smellerbee added: “I’m very clumsy.”
He then looked at Longshot. The archer merely shook his head.
“…Very well,” said the Dai Li slowly. “See that you get to a healer and clean that out, then.” He glanced at Zuko, then turned to address all of them. “Sightings of further diseased individuals should be reported to the nearest authority. We are doing our utmost to find a cure. Keep your distance from them and remain calm.”
The Dai Li nodded to his partner, and the both of them got into their wagon.
Jet blinked, and shook his head abruptly. “Wait!” The Dai Li’s earthbending-powered wagon was leaving. “Those guys are firebenders!”
But the Dai Li were already gone.
“Are you still going on about that?” snapped Zuko.
Smellerbee groaned, and held her hand out for bandages from Longshot. He quickly unwrapped his arm-binds, and gave them to her. “Jet,” she said. “Don’t. He’s not. Let it go.”
“I told you I wasn’t done!” continued Jet. “This place isn’t safe with those face-eating freaks, and now you have to come and endanger everyone, too!”
Smellerbee grunted as she wrapped the bandages around her face, and winced when she found a wound on the back of her head, too. “Damn… Longshot, I’ll need some more…”
“Young man,” said Iroh firmly. “We’re not the ones endangering people.”
“You’re the one who just attacked us!” agreed Zuko.
Longshot reached forward to help his friend, but she shook her head. “I can get it. But here, Longshot, it got your shooting hand, lemme help…”
“I did it to protect other people,” replied Jet, and raised his chin. “But you wouldn’t understand, what with being from the Fire Nation and all.”
Jet turned back to his friends, and watched them patch each other up. “C’mon, guys,” he said, after a moment. “Let’s find a healer, or anyone who can help us.”
Longshot nodded and got to his feet, and Smellerbee grunted. “Yeah, okay, good.”
Zuko eyed Jet and his gang warily. “So, what now?” he asked his uncle. “We go back inside, pretend that nothing happened?”
Iroh put his arm around his nephew and turned back towards the teashop. “Well, not quite. We’ll have to get a new table. A pity, since that one was very nice.”
Zuko stared incredulously. “We just got attacked by Jet, and then people are eating each other, and you’re worried about the TABLE?”
Iroh sighed. “We live another day, nephew,” he replied. “I’m merely thinking about tomorrow, and what it may bring.”
The teashop door closed, and the Freedom Fighters turned away to face the night.
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Car Insurance question?
I am 17 years old, and I have a provisional license. I was wondering if it was legal to drive my parents car without me added to their policy. I live in New Jersey.""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
Infertility insurance?
Does any one know of a good provider or some one with an insurance rider for infertility? I have great health insurance, except it dosent cover that! I should say that I live in Kentucky. Thanks""
""What are insurance rates like in Thailand. Car, health and home.?
I have no idea what the charge for insurance and I hope to retire soon. I own houses in Thailand but they are not insured. And help would be appreciated.
How much does auto insurance cost for a 25 year old?
I had mi license for a year now, im driving a 1991 lexus""
Approximate monthly premium for State Unemployment insurance and the coverage?
1) My employer is in California and I have been working in Illinois for 8 years until last month for the client of my employer. My family is myself, spouse and two kids. The contract with the client is over and my employer might terminate me. In this case, should I file for unemployment insurance in California or in Illinois? 2)What is the approximate monthly premium to be paid for state unemployment insurance? 3)what things will be covered by this insurance? If various factors would affect the answers for the above questions, please try your best to give approximate estimation for the monthly premium and coverage details. Thanks.""
What is the best rated and least expensive car insurance for a female age 19 with a clean driving record ?t?
The car is an SUV 94 ford astro van in California.Know that only need collision coverage...Thanks for helping
Broad estimate how much do people think motorcycle insurance would be for a 16 year old?
I live in California
I am planning to buy medical insurance. Which insurance company provides affordable service with good service.
I am 25 working as a consultant but my company doesn't provide insurance. I am looking for a good insurance company to provide me with affordable service. Also what does term Plan type, Deductible, Coinsurance and Office visit mean in simple terms. I work in seattle.""
How often does Geico lower their insurance rates after you have been with them?
i have been with Geico for almost a year and right at the 6 months my insurance went down from $90 a month to $77 a month... I think they do what some other companies do and lower every 6 months for not getting involved in an accident but i want to know for sure. if someone has the information for me that would be great... thank you:)
Why should car insurance be cheaper for young people?
car insurance should not be cheaper for young people because they are not responsible
Auto insurance renewal?
Hello all, My current auto insurance is ending next month and the renewal form just came in. Coincidently, I was offered a better deal from another auto insurance that was less than half of what I currently am paying. I called and check and it was the same coverage. My question is that do I need to let them know that I will not renew my current auto insurance with them? This is my first time planning on switching and I would like to know if there is any penalties or anything in general I should worry about.""
Will my Auto Insurance Rates go up?
I just got my first speeding ticket and i was going 9 miles over the speed limit. it was 35 and i was going 44. will my auto insurance rate go up after im done paying the ticket off. i heard you can take a traffic school to get the points taken off your license. will it still make my insurance go up ?
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
I need help finding medical insurance?
I found out I am pregnant and I was denied medicaid due to income. I figured since I need it asap I would pick something with a higher monthly figure and a lower deductible I don't understand a lot of it though and not sure where to look .My old work health insurance was very expensive so I had cancelled it only to realize months later I should have kept it :/ any advice? Thanks
Cheapest auto insurance rate in NJ ??? I have a perfect driving record....?
I just moved from Boston and don't know what companies are the cheapest ??? Any suggestions ??
What are you paying for ur car insurance?
I just bought a brand new 2010 EXL V6 honda accord , i went to my current auto insurance for a quote and with my husband's ticket record and accident..our age..location ( Central cali), price of the car ($31,000)...its going to be 215 a month. What do you think of the preimums?""
How Much is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?
16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger I already asked this in the insurance section but I want more opinions/answers""
How much is the Tax penalty for not having insurance?
I lost my insurance because I didn't have enough hours. I missed open enrollment last fall and not eligible again until October 31. I heard Obama care is expensive. I also have two jobs and make around 30,000 gross pay with both jobs combined. Is the 100 a monthly penalty or a yearly penalty. Is their anyway to get around open enrollment. Maybe my Union can help?""
16 year old car insurance?
Im a 16 year old boy and am looking to buy my first car. How much more will insurance cost on average if i buy a 2 door car as opposed to a 4 door? I am thinking of buying a 1997 Toyota Celica or a 96-01 Acura integra either 2 door or 4. I am going to take drivers ed too because i know that lowers your rates. I also have 4 A's and 3 B's in school.
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Ridge Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20680
Ridge Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20680
""In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
Do I need to have insurance to take/have a drivers licence in North Carolina?
So I'm 18 and live in NC and I'm moving back to Europe next summer but before that I want to take my licence here because its way cheaper. Do I need to have insurance if I do NOT have a car I just want a licence for when I get back to Europe. Also, can I drive a car thats not mine if I dont have insurance.??""
Cheap UK car insurance for 22yr old?
Hi everyone, I'm looking for cheap UK car insurance for a 22 year old, who has had his license for 4 years, but with no NCB (been driving under company insurance). Any help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks, Matt""
""Looking in to new Auto Insurance, with country insurnace and financial services?""
My boyfriend and I live togeather and have three vehicles, a Mazda Car, Dodge Truck and Yahama Street Bike we both have insurance policys with State Farm and we both are very happy all our insurance policys are seperate The car in my name with my agent the truck in his name with his agent and the st. bike also in his name and then i have a renters insurance policy just in my name. when his work started a 401K with Country Insurance they met with us and went over alot of services they offer and they did up a quote for our auto insurances and renters insurance which put the Mazda and Dodge togeather and both our names on the street bike and renters insurance it was much cheaper then what we pay state farm and we were both very happy with the agent and felt we'd have a good relationship with her... I'm just curiose if anyone has had or has Country insurance for the auto insurance and if they are happy with them?""
Homeowners insurance and flood insurance?
i have a bank of america loan of 72,000 wondering how much should i be paying for insurance coverage. i pay both insurances separate 400 a year for homeowners coverage amount of 190,000 with my chosen insurance and bank of america is asking for coverage amount of 180,000 (1,900 a year) in flood insurance they placed. legally shouldn't i pay less than what my mortgage is worth. bank an gent said i have to talk to homeowners insurance to lower my coverage in order to lower there purchasing flood insurance.they said they re going by the homeowners insurance i have. So i will be visiting the agent insurance soon to make changes , so how much coverage should i be purchasing and exactly be paying yearly.""
I want to buy a car i am 15 and i want to know which car should i get and how much is the insurance gna b??
I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Where might i find proof of insurance in texas?
I need to find proof of insurance for my car in the year 2004 is there some where that it might be saved, my insurance company no longer has records, and I am in desperate need of that proof""
What happens to my insurance after i got a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for the first time ever. The cop put me down as 80+ mph, which i needed to go 70mph. When my insurance bill comes in, would my insurance be higher? Also my insurance is AAA. I still haven't gotten my actual ticket in the mail yet, and i was wondering if my insurance bill would be any higher until I'm proven guilty, because i know that if i can take traffic school, it won't get any higher & the point taken off. But i was wondering until then, would it still get higher?""
""If women get low car insurance rates, because they are rated as a group, shouldn't men have low medical rates?""
Women get low car rates b/c they, as a group, are less likely to have accidents. Feminists quote this fact all the time. Yet women live 8+ yrs. longer than men, and spend the last years of their lives using numerous and costly medical resources. Women use ~50% more medical resources than men. Why, then, aren't women required to pay higher medical premiums? Why aren't feminists marching on Washington demanding that women pay more? Oh, sorry ... I forgot. Feminists say they want equality, but their actions show different.""
I got a ticket for haveing a expired drivers licence how will this effect my insurance rates?
The only ticket given was for the expired drivers licence. does that effect the insurance? im not sure cuz it does not mean i am a bad driver. anything will help! need to know fast. and i am in wyoming if that makes any differance.
Motorcycle insurance help?
Hi, I am 16 years old with no road or driving experience ever, I want a transportation from my house to school, and an all around commuter, I wanted a car, but I know I cant afford one due to gas and insurance. Now I am thinking of getting a motorcycle, theres alot here for sale like a 2006 GSXR600 for only $5,500. Now I can afford the bike, I can pay the monthly payments if I get an after school job, but my problem is insurance, how much might be my insurance for maybe a 2006 GSXR600, I heard it is expensive because its riskier but motorcycle cause less damage, can anyone like guesstimate or estimate or just give a guess of how much will be the cheapest insurance for a 16 year old with no road experience at all here in California? thanks""
What is a good health insurance for an individual?
My dad lost his job 6 months ago, his new job doesn't have benefits. What is a good health insurance that will be cheap enough for a young college student that is affordable? (I ...show more""
Car insurance price? ?
I am nearly 16 and looking at cars. I was wondering what a ballpark cost would be for me to get a 2000 to 2002 mustang GT. I know the V8 will make it more. I will be 16, a boy, I have a 3.5 GPA.""
Trying to find cheap car insurance!! Help!!!?
Whats some cheap car insurance companies out there?? Not allstate, geico and etc..""
Do I really need Car Insurance?
I live in Kentucky. My car is not drivable at the moment and has not been for months. Since I can't even drive the piece of ****, do I even need Insurance? I'm paying to much for it anyway and I don't think I should be paying for something I'm not driving!""
Any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm?
any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm
Any advice to offer on car insurance?
Do you have any advice to offer on buying insurance on my very first car for a first-time driver? Any advice at all? Any recommendations, anything to avoid, etc.?""
Car Insurance...?
I was wondering which car insurance company has a reasonable price?
Best motorcycle insurance coverage and cheapest in PA?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance i can get in Philadelphia PA? I know i could get a quote but i dont want to get a bunch of junk mail and give my personal information away. Basically, which insurance provider is the best? For the price? And also, what do you think would be my quote and what provider? Im 18 years old, with my first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki gsxr 600 (dont whine, im not wasting money on a 250cc bike) i also took the MSF safety course. (gives me about a 10% discount) ill choose the best answer if i get a good one.""
Affordable cheap dental insurance?
I'm 21 and need dental insurance.. I need to be able to see a dentist if I need to and would like braces so that % off with the dental would be great . What are some affordable dental insurance plans for myself? thanks!
Insurance on this car?
Ok so I was looking on Craigs list, I'm thinking of buying my first car in a few months. I have a lot of money saved up. Theres a 1996 Taurus LX for sale for $1800. It has 119,000 miles on it, and it gets 25mpg. I'll only have this car until I go to college, because I can't take it up to Boulder with me. College is two years away. However, if I do go to Boulder, I'll only be two hours away from home, so when I come home I might want to have the car. What would you say the insurance would be on this car, so basically how much would I have to pay per year for insurance. We are not thinking about repairs or gas here, just insurance.""
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
California's low income auto insurance program?
Does anyone know what its called? Or the name of an insurance agency in the Los Angeles/ long beach area, where i can purchase this insurance from please? For some reason i haven't been able to get on the dmv.gov.ca web sight. Thank u""
Is there insurance you can get that will cover pregnancy?
I just found out that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance and I make to much for State covered insurance. Is there an insurance company out there that covers pregnancy now?
""How much are you paying for car insurance, mine is...?""
Right now, I pay $74 a month on a 97 4 runner. Is that too much or am I over reacting?""
Ridge Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20680
Ridge Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20680
Average monthly Life Insurance Bill?
doing a project in Personal finance...could someone help me out?
Im a 20 year old male and im thinking about getting my first motorcycle. I need suggestions.?
Like i said im a 20 year old student looking into getting a bike. Most of my friends have them and they tell me how much they enjoy riding so i'd like to take up the hobby and ...show more
Should i Pay my Car Insurance Monthly or Annually?
Is it best to pay for car insurance annually or monthly? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???""
How much Motorcycle Insurance 18 year old Texas?
How much is Motorcycle Insurance for an 18 or 19 year old in Texas? Preferably Allstate?
I am 59yo. Is it wise to carry a term life insurance for 100K? What are the advantage to this? I am divorced?
I am retired. My premium cost is $680 per year. It is a 20 year policy which I picked up when I was 59, now I am 74 yo. Give me your opinion.""
Replacement Cost Insurance vs Regular Insurance?
WHich is better I live in a area where home owner's insurance is increasing and I'm trying to get the lowest premium possible within reasonable coverage limits. I know replacement insurance is good but what is not so good about not having replacement costs.
Examples of car insurance for 17 year old male in florida?
I'm 17, turning 18 soon and was wondering what some typical examples of car insurance are for others in my place. I know there are many factors, but I just want an example. Also, what are some major factors that lower car insurance? How much will the insurance change from 17 to 18?""
Do i need to call my car insurance company?
I was in a car accident today and it was not a small accident. I hit a car on its side. there was an older woman so an ambulance came but she ended up not being hurt, just procautionary. the police were called and they took all my info and whatnot. It was wierd the police did not give me any papers or anything and told me i could leave. they just asked me if i wanted my car towed and i said no. the police officer also told me when i asked him that i dont need to call my insurance company unless i want to make a claim. is that true? i only have 1 way insurance so im probably going to scrap my car. I always thought u should call them no matter what, do you know if i am obligated to call them or will they contact me? location: Quebec, Canada thanks a bunch, Tyler""
19 Year Old Female & NO health insurance.. HELP!?
I am 19 years old, I am female, and I am BROKE. I live on my own. I live in Missouri. I work part time (or LESS) and only make minimum wage. I have no insurance and can't really afford any right now. I really need to visit the doctors. I've looked at a bunch of different insurance that the state offers, but unfortunately it doesn't really apply to me because i'm NOT pregnant and i DON'T have kids. What can I do? Is there anything I CAN do?""
""16 year old guys, how much do you pay in auto insurance every month?""
im tired of filling out online quote forms, just so it can tell me to call a customer service rep. i dont even have a car yet, but im planning on getting one, and im just wondering what the average for 16 year old guys is for auto insurance how much do you pay for insurance per month, how old are you, what do you drive? is it like $150, $200, $250, $300""
What is the auto insurance rate for a 16 year old in Florida?
I live in Florida, let's say a Toyota RAV4 2008 is what I'm driving, I plan to drive around locally, I think my family has all-state. (Excluding discounts). Also about discounts, does driver's ed act as a discount? If so, how much? I'm pretty sure I meet the GPA requirement, are there any other discounts a 16 year old could apply for?""
My car insurance premiums why are they so expensive?
low mileage driver 28 years old 5 years no claims 5 years held full license Car 1.2 Clio worth under 2K completed PASS plus after driving test I would think all the above would suggest low premium. But because my postcode is just inside Greater London, all my premium quotes seem to fall in 55-60 when in a previous town I was paying less than 40, This surely can't be fair or right can it? Can anybody suggest a good but cheap insurance company?""
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?
What insurance coves surrogacy?
My wife is becoming a surrogate. She has already found a match but we need to find an insurance that covers surrogacy.
Good/Cheap Turbo'd car? No hondas?
What's a good and cheap car around 15,000 used with around 20,000-40,000 miles on it, I was thinking of a SRT-4 or a cobalt SS but I want more ideas too, I'm 18 and I dont want my insurance to completly blow up, I did drive a 1999 merc cougar and I was paying more for a sports car in insurance til I blew a head gasket on that POS, so I am wondering if a 4cyl turbo'd car would be cheaper or not too bad in insurance,? I live in Florida, thanks to whoever""
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Is it true that 2-door-car more expensive to insure than 4-door-car?
For an example, civic coupe (2 doors) and civic sedan (4 doors). I heard that all 2-door-cars will be considered as a sport car. However, some people say that it is not always that way. I personally won't consider civic coupe as a sport car because I think it isn't. Can someone please clarify this matter to me? Also, which insurance company do you think is the best to insure your car? thank you!""
""Add a teen to auto insurance policy, please help.?""
My dad is getting ready to renew his car insurance, I got my learner's permit in December of last year, and I do drive the car a lot, (with him of course....or not) but if he include me on his policy his premium will be over $1000, move like $1400 - $2000. Just because he added me to his policy, and his insurance company told him he HAVE TO include me on his policy, but I heard some where if you have a learner's permit, you do not require to be on your parent insurance policy? Or something like that......Is this true? Normally his car insurance only cost like $480.00/per 6 months, I hate for him to make me go out to get a job just to pay the car insurance and to drive.""
What does auto insurance deductible mean?
I just bought a new car but the bank that financed the loan is asking for proof of auto insurance on the car with a comprehensive and collision deductible of $1000 maximum. I put AAA insurance on the vehicle and they gave me a $500 deductible on both comprehensive and collision. Do i need the $1000 deductible or am i good with the $500 deductible?
How can I get a fair replacement cost by the auto insurance company when my car is totoaled?
my car is being paid off by the other person's insurance company, not mine.""
Progressive vs Allstate Auto Insurance?
I am going to be saving $500 with either company. Just curious on anyone's opinions. Both are going to be saving me about $40 a month.
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
Domino's Pizza Delivery Driver- do you need commercial insurance?
I have an interview today for a job at Domino's Pizza to be a delivery driver. My only concern about it is right now I have personal insurance. If I were to get in an accident while delivering a pizza for domino's, would I still be covered? I'd like to hear from actual insurance reps or people who have had experience with this.""
Ridge Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20680
Ridge Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20680
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